M. 44. C. Mbfirf tfih* l,*n» tn«, li-.h". h. SUPPORT De VRIES! Michigan dtate Hetus AS'f I,ANKIN'J, Ml* >>V.AN. KKIflAV. MAI!' If SIGN A PETITION! Snirdlcv I). I>niK t|* Truck turn hid The IV Vri«*M I !in> WllifihS|Nii \\ Iiinrr ..I a 4 * I minor I ollc Ki'tm Im iI . gi . 1 fin SlglMfl Am S|M*ilKIT Mi- hifjtn i ' ^fnlf< Mr»W* 'odftv ntmatiriroj Mm on OnTwufronl, - .»»i|np»: '■( the fK'iMi"n«* nAm |.»i.lfiijfp«i|f Hp#- MfWVIll '-f I'i Ii '«<<>tr »»»n 'hi t Dr«Vri"x fr'ifri hyWAAs.imry<>« €-uriiival Mi(»mc For I Vacr I'nrlrv IppiliiMiri |»«*Iim « ih • f .. .|f »"<• v of Hip I'niflh h rlepti 'n.< rti fully frphi - Our «♦ fihiflp "I in flu. niliffirinl ".! on Ifirmnl RtiHr|iif'l fn In 4Ui\ (loinprill ion Avvjiril V tfpi'f 'H Pf/fturiuH lnxfi»|li»ti#in I |,(.,.11 I 'Irw'til.|l|mn.lirln( lofiirr of ♦•»•<•««« f»" 1 jnoni /'I i ho top of phif '.: hfuirinyr •*Iffn»»' •»rf • w fliirr Ifofpr f nrr Tirk ex A/", (Vifr with Miinkirirl Himf*'" :i« MmIi'i! Mf»j#»r Urttfrnl A|»rM S'l. II' p f ntflrilnilKin Vfuiiy Imjirfr1. > H>. (he under-ipoed - fitA**' nf Mir hit*«»n Mint#* #•#»! me n fa n> 4l|»er,if m*»i nf Affair l»fVr.K f om f ti#* faculty ttf III!•: iitlleyo M r feel I hi*I h» tin• «litfili|f> |f» ilm )•! fhi« Hmr, when if • ilifii'iplt i«i keep |r••#»«# in>;lriff-l'm ■ Mix 'iii -i#« in i xpfmilfifv Wrifinir h»w Iprnimr ,i »» iif.|i«>fi here. mi) fh*..:# nf ft* w ho hrtve been in hi« -i *e« believe »hem '» Ire ultimo/ 'he mnvl fpnifituf»lr in fh® I Business Manager n i to-b-de|»t«rtm*nf " • l.f I till JiHjff Managing Editor \lusicam I'm^ram In Vrcscn! Symphonic* of lannahicli %f <» Intr I •*».«« Will I Home Kr t loh to JIKIjjc Ih'liiilix t.i\e S|v|c Shon V ••r«e*->f»rrtkintr i.hoir •• »ud«o w.;« ovd. If Fegliireil kv 1K\H •hrr were three. fOle The milimerv 'lass hair "Been V,a|- M« Monagle. along with! mg many tricky haU to go w.tr •' m the men's, debate .ujuad their 'nitfits made in other .a*.*ex and Til hr HrM \pril 13 «* nt 'h'../ • .• ;.r'wnt,rl '.v-r •')ged his flfteenth high Sf hnol raga 4 to M I. « • * they're «U going u, be c ' for this > ear Other drets- lected together so the public may T ■ < S W !. Installation Ban- WKAR Thursday afternoon at i 3ft Mr the d..iry department of M see them on Thursday. Apr.I r4urt '* scheduled fr>r <1 IS o'cock. '• f A. McMoriag.e of the speech and the girls wilj each r>e rr.od*!- Ap.-U iV the u^ond Thursday of d*uartment and <> r Fischer, also; rl Mr Ni« kte W • l£idgrng 'nans g.ip*"f- ' Itiese have been k » i tti-> indiistiy and the r-olie$r •og i-r ».g term at Sandy « ' the departmer.' At the banquet a rwnty-Av* The reader* included three v>- insing and h,. > Uniing ' Intemting itself in the indui- doiiar scholarship will be award- : «nbs„ FlizaU'th Lilley, Helen I eid at the Home Economics club ps arc the rule rather th. problems ,{• F'hy *ici Coikkjuim of •d to xn outstanding league mem- f>wdalee, and Leia.Coora, thr^ . 4 eptioii. with Muskegeji April meeting Betty Wilson ber i, be anm^unced later. The i»nor», Mr McMonagie. Mr Fistn- er term was heid in room ^xn, r. YnsUxk. Midland adding caraway *eed to i m- in charge of the irrangem* aU. •- pny*urs building at 5:0(1 and Grand Rapids on; burger cheeae. sciantlsU of the .with Miss Webb as faculty advise' charge for paid members will be ' and Glen Hamilton, and 'hreo spend more time on 'he sheet 'han 1 March 19 Prof. Snow uf ••dule. i dairy division of "the I'mversify of , Thi*"show will be he'd .in the L.tUe thirty cents, for unpaid members -i««s, Robert Fladmg, Dave To.i- has the any editor •<> date. Of course, ptv stcs department wars the we have not. reckoned with the ■nori' y ;* a bit slighted And speaker His topic was "The this fheese'a strongest Ji mtend to make it a bigger » and Circuit# of the better one, too. IV- T< MlfttKUN fclATK NKWfl !*(utlptil« fnrthumtln, ♦ !<«»»«■ *pp,ri>htly l« fflkhiqnn tftatc New*,i- «°**** j» Won "» ( BHCh fllMtttfaftlt! *>f struetnt' to the fullest, paper tally «t WH h hv pn «t itl- ! timei . lit The Hough . .H'lfh tlnrvpv ttnrrlnfflnn. jf CedinMc Cmnivnl ! *' r.i .^r«>V^T.tM»pir Otr » offlrtata ntr arrklttg hither On# JVwi iPhhonomtt i« ►to-honi> • IM1 | Siilr Trniu-o* t . it-. TOPCOATS T!»p|(it»8 ■ Si 55 srS £ » rlr fl , », , l 4 Pin Vrirolf I'rlilttt **»' r7rr$21.75 . o • m m • ll. .1 •!»;•! ,11 0AI , Rip , i . • |« I.,.' • • < v ,. c. „.•» rut., j |,.„r $21 75 IVfll l.ttmmn PPvIln ?o| ||ltlXT'>N < d(« nnp I1"' I VVH| £". "' • : ' ;',*21.75 Np'm- >*l A.J\ Xptvirp Inc HMIII Kmhi II- • ••• «hr btftK' M VI, I M si"T^ I I »###•• t.ntitfiMii II « . ihr I nilmiuntih" pin v tmai Mtttli I III >1 \N liiltJ::. I It* Hal M*»r« » t .i .M > Mutt "til wain MIi» 'IX a Wvtilnilnn \ - i it It the *>t«n t,, ,H\«> ofTiom H," uatv :M. Ifttlll, ' tons' exptattH i 7 1 Whyj iimtnietora hv mrHtn« h. ««H Proccxs-ARini- i i > 11 . I . i M\ t«tInitio support i . ihti.tl,> «t intent* of tht«* mrii hrs flic //'/-* " Iht'tikittt> fPol imj iii ohm oI flu i It. t:„ tilt \ of Petri fine t'ifte / obin < n . r thm t* ptitat K*« III) I1., i l I rotunttMt(h'«l to I imVh tied that It 'v no «|uoution hut what Irt: I IMffl ilftho ■ I 1 ,ih. r.il \ ft ^ *t Orient - mult* -t the rtitton of stn thru evalna r*'i *i»rt»»/ Xftrtttrtriftort ... Km thoHf . w ill ptTsont •oho.t hv othrt" slinlfMl t l»»lt Mini.« - CjltH Pl M- \V/»«I fl N I1«H>mo.MI Hanti in ulut a MTQe re* «|uirtng liun«lfo»|. «>| iiuiitng tiuiMirotis of ** 'ntrai.n it nukes ft telephone mil -anti gri- ibnn. Tlitx i ma.le po-fkihlc by m ecnlral casting Inn«an. hIuwh* .amazingly fa t aemce in |»a»ed tin h) -tmu.itii u-r uf the telephom*. Tliia orgaoua- tinli lit* a telephone -u 11'hU.an! where at nianv as 30.000 rail U*to truth. C'nloi tuo-t« . iHiiim; v Jivm mvulatiiig » Ih duo net Uii uluu u.« »'»iv asking that Mi. ptVrios be u> *n»wei hdu.^ViMk »»( pmwderu :he favnttx. * laid Usif to U. U«xun Rxau Fux. piv^dctn UeiiiainfaJ u.t the u: tuion ««» ildnv, Miirrh 1<». I!.!/ MtcitHiAN rr.A'ir, Nrw.i f»ir» Thm f'iMl W«r < b«r1t»ff# f -|*c p"#fv ! American (.omeily• r 1'i'n hihI ■» m ° an* ft*vtrfv (frr«fft|l (lollcp' 'PnM,', lit Port Mortem , . F • .«tor r.f Vfrtrv F - ' am^rn rli»b rri^s »f 73b Ttif*» ^ m«vm^Hhh«Ih lake My Advice r.'i.nn Bn ^ Korfirit * lin ■ Ynimp. The time hn« prime to do*(-mot Mirrttrr Move Writ lilted l»> tfitli. •• Mm. ; Mnllnrd. Vir .!m Mi Mi i«h. th, Alphn fljjrJ | h«. Shi \ Irtnli >Iii|»iim nl •»( -f • I- in JOHNS ION'S l amous ( anflirs (Elu Hunt Jt.ub j$luTp Leslie Howard Ka«"»el 1'lny* \i IV lit Ihirtv says Luckies are "tops" with. his throat HEY FELLA S! M Year f r/ffo, as an am bt tut as young actor, I »i ri? irr»f>T' ssed haw well my throat liked l.m kies anil hou. a ell they suited my idea of ft fierfei t ciifaret.ti'. I hat impression still stands In my ret entUturo f' f famlet', with its many performanres each week find the attendant ta* on my throat, / hare been i.orti mi ed anew that this In(ht smoke is both tlehqht* ful to my;.taste arid the 'of*- • iqa* rette for an nitor s throat." An indeper.de t survey was made recently amnnt; professional men and women — lawyers. doctors, lecturers, -ajcntisfs, etc. I )f thc^c who said thev smoke cigarettes, more than 17' •. stated they personally prefer a light smoke. ilftlui I, am ma Rio Mr. Howard verifies the wisdom of this pref¬ erence, and m> do other leading artists of the radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices are their fortunes. ' That's whv so many of them y' rill IK (ialnnlim'A an smoke Luckies. You, too, can have the throat pro¬ JL fur N|»riii«:. IW" tection of Luckies - a light smoke, free of certain harsh irritants removed b\ the exclusive process THE HNEtfi" TOBACCOS— * ^ Anj(| •...»{(<• ) 9 4U 4 ' J| % "It's Toasted". Luckies are gentle on the throat. T HE CREAM Of THE CROP" aqf ft» .J|Bn uo V\MN A Light Smoke l^aiitcheh^ro*."Store lor .Men" aaivaaf) "It's Toasted"-Your Throat Protection IU North W^.Uijlor Avr. AGAINST 1RR1TATION—AGAINST COUGH Mtf wn*'i «rr' rr torero ■rMnv. Vtwrli t«*. f»^7 Stain IVnitiM i llnsn 1!iisii<'. •>. •- lln\ii»«/, Ik if, , .. ffcp wrltfitsf m I nrtf ft I hulthlu I'm M» » I MH' Mlfltim at < lift* t I'm Ml" A I'Viil lire ISCAffS W.,.1., I Mi ll mi 1*11111- M - in I'M-' (III IIIIM ii urn r% IPIOI I I VNN MiiiA i oinsr V GREEN LIGHT <\\*V «,MV S.* 'MorelhonaFiwreUiv $>"•. (w s\i\u;s 11 vn mi 66 RAFFLES INSIDE I Dislinmiislii'il HITfR C001 SMOKE Nrir HNK ',c» sc mi «J @ !£*; fiw Mil mz&°* REP CROSS ' FOUNTAIN : SHUTS SI It Ml I. HarhymaN Growing with Lansing Helping Lansing Grow "S Line Model COACHE8 EMPLOYES kI.'hI itii>*Ii I f >t turn • f pnii roii' l f.'fi»»w. '"!y !»' tin wm«l rikF ♦»'• • 193) 19 1913 40 \ Inn- ... ..nr of tin* llrwt row IK 1936 - 42 1936 82 Miles Operated Daily 1913 SSS8 #37.50 1935 • • 4347 #37.50 These has lint's air Mug ofn-tnlcil for YOl M convenience. anil in HK.V KRNI Hl.E TOPCOATS . »22 Vi |iiii|KiiOi>H to v«imi ate of them. they ran In- constantly improved BOX nn