VOLUME 7) NUMBER 111 WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1977 ii MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 U.S. court blasts Lansing for segregating its schools By RICK VAN SANT for desegregating the city's elementary "Since the 1950s when the racial composi¬ CINCINNATI IUPI) - The Lansing, schools until a final desegregation plan is minority to majority schools. tion of Lansing's west side began to change, •"The use of mobile units under circum¬ Mich., school board "has created and submitted for court approval. the board has followed maintained a racially segregated school policies the natural, stances which enhance the racial identi- Appellate Judges Anthony J. Celebrezze, probably and foreseeable result of which fiability of schools. system," a federal appeals court ruled John W. Peck and Pierce Lively sharply was to contain minority students in racially •"The one way busing of minority stu¬ Tuesday. criticized the school board for segregation identifiable schools." dents. In issuing the decision, the 6th U.S. practices and cited a long list of abuses. •"The discriminatory assignment of mi¬ Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously "Our review of the record convinces us The judges said "segregative intent or upheld a similar previous finding by U.S. that... the Lansing Board of Education has purpose" was "readily inferable" from: nority faculty and administrators. •"The decision of the cluster-school District Judge Noel P. Fox in Michigan. practiced de jure segregation in the ."The gerrymandering of attendance The Lansing school board is now under zone boundaries. desegregation plan. administration of public elementary •"The choice of location of the new Vivian orders from Fox to continue a "cluster plan" schools," declared the judges. ."The granting of special transfers from Riddle School coupled with the decision to operate it as a neighborhood school so that it is certain to open as a segregated facility. "While purporting in theory to follow a Sadat says Libyan fight racially neutral 'neighborhood schools' poli¬ cy." added the appellate judges, "the board in practice has adhered to a policy of 'neighborhood schools' where it justified racial segregation of students and deviated from the policy when necessary to prevent not for territorial gain meaningful integration of the elementary schools." The judges also complained that one plan ■Pal CAIRO (AP) — President Anwar Sadat proposed by the school board would even "resegregate" a school area which had been successfully integrated. cease-fire," he said. instigated the Libyan army against its declared Tuesday night that Egypt's battle- "School authorities, bound by constitu¬ Egyptian brothers," A1 Ahram said. with Libya was intended to punish Moam- An official at the tional mandate to desegregate, cannot be Egyptian Foreign Algerian President Houari Boumedienne mar Khadafy's Libyan regime for provoca¬ Ministry said the truce "will be in force as returned to Algiers Tuesday after a Sunday permitted to dismantle a unitary school tions and is now over. long as there are no Libyan military mediation mission to Cairo and the Libyan system and to reinstate a dual separate provocations." He denied that Egypt had black and white facilities school system," The Egyptian president told a nationwide capital of Tripoli. laid down other conditions for the cease¬ concluded the judges. television audience a week of border battles Palestinian mediators continued their fire. The school board had blamed racially efforts to resolve the conflict. The Palestine and air raids against Libya were not identifiable schools on "segregated resi¬ Liberation Organization (PLO) announced intended for territorial gain. One report said Egypt had demanded dential patterns, rather than practices and here Monday that PLO chief Yasir Arafat's "We do not have any territorial dispute dismantling or mothballing of electronic shuttle between Cairo and Tripoli had policies of the Board of Education." surveillance systems built for Libya by the The original case against the Lansing with Libya, nor do we want Libyan financial produced Soviet Union. a three-point cease-fire agree¬ school board was brought by the NAACP aid," Sadat said. "Proof of this is that when "That is not true," the Foreign Ministry ment. Details were not announced. and by parents of Lansing elementary our troops accomplished their mission we In Moscow, the Soviet Committee of school children. pulled them back immediately. We didn't spokesperson said. Solidarity with Countries of Asia and The appellate judges said they con¬ stay there." By Fgyptian account, the truce has held Africa appealed to Egypt "to halt immedi¬ AP sidered the school board's complaint that it Wir.photo/Dol. Atkins for two days. However, a Libyan diplomat t parachutist in Charlotte flies what may look like a parachute An Egyptian military spokesperson said ately its armed actions on the Egyptian- was denied a fair trial in the case and found the two Arab neighbors were observing a in Rome claimed there was fighting Monday Libyan border." it "totally without merit." I a lot of holes in it but is really a special design canopy. While most in two Libyan oases. "e nation was trying to tolerate the heat, this tellow enjoyed the 50- truce along their 700-mile desert frontier after Sadat declared a cease-fire Sunday. te temperatures found at 10,000 feet off the ground. Libya said Tuesday that captured Egyp¬ "Both sides are sincerely honoring the tian soldiers had carried Israeli arms. The Libyans said this showed that President Anwar Sadat was a tool for both the U.S. JORDAN SUPPORTS CRITICISM Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Zionists. The official Libyan newspaper A1 Jihad said, "Our forces seized Zionist arms from arter defends policies Egyptian prisoners of war, and these arms were used against Libya by Anwar Sadat, who is a tool of the CIA." "We recognize that the man fighting us HINGTON (AP) - President Jim- Atty. Gen. Griffin Bell later addressed and said the improvements he wanted to has already sold himself to the devil," the ter, who readily acknowledges the the convention, making him the fourth make in the lives of poor people would take newspaper said and predicted the Egyptian ■black voters played in electing him, Cabinet-level official to take the podium. more time. people will overthrow their president. Ing quickly in public and private to Marshall said Carter has made civil rights Then, privately, Carter took Jordan aside Egypt's semiofficial newspaper A! Ah- [criticism of his administration by a key area of his government reorganization and made clear his feeling that public criticism of the administration ram, on the other hand, said "the Libyan project in order to improve coordination was "damag¬ I after Vernon Jordan, executive people soon will pass sentence on Libyan among agencies responsible for enforcing ing to the hopes and aspirations of those leader Moammar Khadafy." V of the National Urban League, those laws. poor people." la stinging critique Sunday of the Jordan later said Carter may have bought "The punishment of the Libyan people I Administration's first six months, When Carter addressed the convention some time, but not much. He also felt his and the judgment of history will be very sident, members of his Cabinet and Monday, he called Jordan "my good friend," criticism was "a fair and just analysis." harsh against the bitter individual who es were responding with n defenses of the administration^ i bad told the Urban League « that "many black people feel tir hopes and their needs have been by what he said was the Coalition accuses area lenders 'ration's unresponsiveness to black | Urban League is a predominantly rganization interested in civil rights of redlining in neighborhoods w problems. home f'was I'level joined by two ranking black By MICHAEL KLOCKE laws, showed that more than two-thirds of improvement loans were issued to officials, U.N. "Ambassador State News Stall Writer the institutions' mortgage money was people living outside the central city. V loung and Patricia Roberta Har- Most area lending institutions refuse to invested outside the city of Lansing. Richard Baker, Lansing city councilmem- P« secretary of housing and urban invest their mortgage and home improve¬ Information released by the coalition also ber and co-chairperson of the coalition, said ■Pnwt, m defending the administra- showed most of the mortgage and home the figures did not simply indicate that a ment money in Lansing's older neighbor¬ re the convention. larger amount of applications were made by hoods, members of a Lansing community improvement loan money spent in the city rsjay, Labor Secretary Ray Mar- J" the convention that the adminis- organization charged at a press conference was used in the new neighborhoods and not the central urban census tracts. people outside the central city. "We've talked with people (in the older Monday. ["wdicated to strict enforcement of The Lansing Coalition on Redlining and Over 96 per cent of the total mortgage neighborhoods)," Baker said. "And they've told us they have been unable to get ■au? T1 right laws "lfter eight Reinvestment, using statements obtained money spent by the banks was outside the ■« not-so-benign neglect." from local banks with the help of federal central city. Also, over 85 per cent of the mortgages and home improvement loans. "This gets to be a problem when we don't have the private money going into the older neighborhoods," Baker said. "We then have to pour community development funds and tax money into these areas." Disinvestment, defined as taking re¬ sources from one neighborhood bank and investing them elsewhere instead of that neighborhood, is widespread in Lansing, State News/Maggie Walker inside coalition members said. A provision of the Home Mortgage Strains of old Simon and Garfunkel melodies competed with the hum of Disclosure Act of 1975 stipulates that loan traffic along Grand River, as about a dozen amateur musicians sang and information be released by census tracts strummed away on their dulcimers. Ever hear of right on? How about left on? and not zip codes, said the other coaltion The dulcimer is a little known but thoroughly American string instru¬ Turn to page 3 for left rights. co-chairperson, Kathleen Donnellan. ment most popular in some parts of the Appalachians and, apparently, in "It is a distinct disadvantage not to be the Lansing area, as witnessed by the recent formation of the MSU Dul¬ able to include Capitol Savings and Loan in cimer Club. weather the analysis," Donnellan said. "Their fiscal The club held its first workshop Monday evening behind the Union and ended later than the other lending year plans to meet every Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Union Sun Porch. It is not On the last day of the half-term, Ma institutions, so they could release their restricted to students. information by zip code. The information Nature blesses East Lansing with mostly cannot be broken down as well." The dulcimer itself is composed of three, four or six strings stretched sunny skies and temperatures in the low Capitol Savings and Loan had more across a flat sounding board, and is fretted and strummed much Uke a 80s. Is that, or is that not, a mortgage activity than any other bank in guitar. pair of things to be excited about?!? the area. Many dulcimers, including some of those owned by club members, Donnellan said the information shows were specially made by craftsmen in the mountains of North Carolina. (continued on page 10) 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonsing. Michigon Wednesday, j„|y 2, ISSUE FEDERAL FUNDING ON UNRESOLVED Abortion: conferees at impas WASHINGTON (AP) - able to instruct its conferees on the funding bill can be sent to dispute, both houses finally discretionary poW»» House and Senate conferees whether to stick by the lan¬ President Jimmy Carter. voted that federally funded deny Medicaid fundin. About 300,000 abortions abortions could be provided tions if they failed to agree Tuesday on guage originally adopted or to choose1 Israeli settlements draw U.S. complaints whether federal funds should go along with more lenient or were performed at federal ex¬ only when a woman's life was at stake. be used for abortions. They more restrictive language. pense last year, most of them Earlier this spri for poor women who received This provision led to a law¬ ate sent the question back to their After each chamber votes, suit that has not been reaolved adopted the pp!' TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — An Israeli Jewish nationalists established the respective chambers to be re the conferees will meet again to Medicaid services. would permit aboL solved. try to arrive at an approach to A similar impasse developed by the Supreme Court. In a of rape, i„ce»t "; move Tuesday to give full legal status to communities in the Palestinian Arab in 1976 when the conferees related case, the court, ruled The Senate offered House the abprtion question. Their necessity. But tl» three Jewish settlements On the occupied territory in defiance of Israel's previous conferees a provision that decision must be approved by could not agree on the abortion that states, which administer agreed toone ■ West Bank of the Jordan River drew an government. Tuesday's decision must be would have permitted abor the House and Senate before question. After a prolonged the Medicaid program, have tions under any ' immediate complaint from the U.S. endorsed by the full cabinet, which meets tions in cases of rape, incest and government. Wednesday. medical necessity. But by a 10 to In Washington, State Department spokesperson Hodding Carter III said the The cabinet also plans to discuss President Jimmy Carter's reported re¬ quest that Prime Minister Menahem 1 vote, the House conferees refused to go along with it. Senate conferees last week South Korea to remain guard administration was "deeply disappoint¬ Begin halt new settlement on the West rejected the more restrictive ed" by the decision of an Israeli language proposed by the U.S. defense secretary Bank until after a Geneva Mideast peace House that would have per government committee to recognize the settlements. conference, which may convene in October. mitted abortions when the woman's life would be jeopar says dized by a full-term pregnancy. TOKYO (AP) U.S. De¬ According to the sources, a Tuesday to brief Japanese offi¬ of the Korean This same language had been - War b fense Secretary Harold Brown senior official aboard Brown's cials on his two days of talks its effect on the adopted and written into law in over Albania asks China to withdraw experts 1976. pledged on Tuesday that the plane said Brown gave assur¬ with Korean leaders about the rent strength. "We are at an United States will continue to ances that two brigades, rough¬ U.S. withdrawal plans. Before impasse," said Brown said South cover South Korea with its ly comprised of 8,000 combat he left, he told k news confer¬ Rep. Daniel Flood, D-Pa„ chair¬ 600,000-man army " ence in Seoul that South Korea person of a House Appropria nuclear umbrella. Informed troops and several thousand for the two BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Albania Diplomats said there are between 700 tions subcommittee. "They are sources said a rear guard of up logistic support, would remain "is and will continue to be rear-guard and 2,000 Chinese technical and U.S. naval and has asked China to pull out its techni¬ experts in to 12,000 troops will remain to until the very end of the protected by the U.S. nuclear ii going to take back their lan¬ which are to remain cal experts in a move that could lead to a Albania. They came after Hoxha accused cover the withdrawal of 33,000 phase-out in 1982. umbrella." a guage and we are going to take will be able to break in the 16-year-old alliance be¬ the Soviet Union of "revisionism" and American Brown flew to Tokyo on But he added, "I think it is a cope back ours." ground forces. threat from broke all ties in December 1961. The senators refused to con mistake to depend on nuclear Communal tween a giant and a midget of the Korea. Communist world, diplomatic' sources Worsening of relations between China sider any provision that was weapons when in this case nonnuclear weapons will suf¬ Within a year oi», said Monday. The Albanian regime of Enver Hoxha and Albania became public the Albanian Communist July B when party paper Zeri more restrictive than the one that had been voted on by their Senate colleagues. Welfare reform act fice." In addition, the United the United States uj Korea would form ( made the request through the Chinese i Popullit — Voice of the People — States proposed a $1.9 billion military command ti attacked the Chinese. "As of now, we have to stick Embassy in Tirana sometime last week Though not men¬ following the withdrawal of some SO Albanian students from Chinese universi¬ tioned by nome, China was denounced for its rapprochement with the United with the Senate language," said Sen. Warren Magnuson, D- will meet oppostion military credit and gift package to augment South Korea's $6 Korea a greater say' operation of its amy, Wash., chairperson of a Senate billion military modernization was under the contrd ties, foreign diplomats in neighboring States and for failing to keep its appropriations subcommittee. WASHINGTON (API-- Housing and urban groups geared up program. American general since Yugoslavia said. Marxist-Leninist ideology pure. Brown said withdrawal was Tuesday to convince the Carter Administration again that welfare The most difficult - The impasse did not prevent reform should not reduce payments to tenants of federally-subsi¬ designed to bring about "a talks concerned woru: the conferees from agreeing to more stable political situation." dized housing. precise agreement $61 billion appropriations bill But he implied that if the Poland releases workers, dissidents a for the departments of Labor During the day, HEW Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr. sent situation changes by the final eluded a list of m'"' President Jimmy Carter his 60-page final proposal for the ware for South K~ and Health, Education and Wei $25-billion overhaul of welfare the administration wants to unveil pullout date of 1982, the with¬ sides found this too - fare. drawal could be halted. Aug. 4. Sources said reducing payments for such tenants was and instead roughed member Committee for the Defense of The United States also WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Polish state- Flood said when the appro¬ among three options to help finance the package. general agreement with controlled newspapers told their readers Workers founded after the June 1976 Califano offered that option despite his assurance to a group of pledged in a communique that to be filled in later, priations bill is brought up for a it "would not enter any negotia¬ Tuesday that all workers (ailed in the riots at Radom and Ursus. vote in the House, he will mayors, governors and county officials and at a news conference said. tions on the future of Korea last Wednesday that the idea "will not be part of the welfare 1976 food price riots and the dissi¬ recommend acceptance of the with North Korea without the reform proposal." He said the concept would be discussed later for The senior official dents who assisted them were released Kuron, author Adam Michnik, nuclear language adopted in 1976 and possible inclusion in the fiscal 1979 budget. participation of the Republic of list of equipment ot under an amnesty decreed for Poland's physicist Miroslav Chojecki, historians rejected by the Senate confer- Korea." Putting this option into welfare reform would mean that behind was national day. Piotr Naimski and Antonl Macierewicz recipients living in subsidized housing would get smaller welfare The South Koreans were ing point," adding it - "This means that authorities took were among those released Saturday Once the appropriations bill payments than those in private housing. Critics fear this would known to be uneasy about the likely include some bit public opinion into consideration. They following their mid-May imprisonment comes before the House and result in thousands of units of subsidized housing being abandoned phase-out of ground forces who helicopters and ai on charges of were also surprised about the response "harming Poland's political Senate, each chamber will be as former inhabitants moved to slum dwellings. have been there since the end carriers, sources said. to our activities and arrests," said interests" and "spreading false informa¬ philosopher Jacek Kuron, one of the 25- tion about the country." Roberts Automotive Inc. HEW announces ban of diabetes drug WASHINGTON (AP) - HEW Secretary asked for a ban, claiming phenformin Joseph A. Califano Jr. announced Mon¬ kills more people than it saves. day he is banning phenformin, a drug Phenformin has long been associated used by an estimated 250,000 diabetics, ■ with a rare but deadly side effect known because the government has determined as loctic acidosis. The FDA increasingly it constitutes "an imminent hazard to the has restricted its use and labelling but up public health." until now has permitted its continued Califano, on the advice of Commis¬ sale. sioner Donald Kennedy of the Food and Drug Administration, invoked the "immi¬ Phenformin is sold under the trade nent hazard" provision for the first time names DBI and DBI-TD, manufactured by in department history to remove a drug Geigy Pharmaceuticals, and Meltrol, summarily from the market without manufactured by USV Pharmaceuticals. years of hearings, appeals and red tape. Both companies have repeatedly con¬ Califano's action came ten weeks after tended that the benefits of phenformin Ralph Nader's Health Research group outweigh its risks. § ALE Telephone workers approve strike WASHINGTON (AP) - Telephone and it's getting very late." workers gave union leaders overwhelm¬ He said the 6-1 margin by which a ing approval Monday to call a nationwide strike was authorized "mokes it clear strike against the Bell System next month if contract talks fall to that our members.. .are ready to walk out We are closing out produce an if that action becomes necessary." acceptable agreement. A formal strike date leaders to decide, but was left to union The CWA, which represents 500,000 certain categories in $2i« walkout could our Record come as early as midnight a Aug. 6, when Bell System employes, is the largest union involved in the negotiations and Depart¬ DISC BRAKE Most American Cars. current contracts expire. the pattern-setter. Also taking part are ment. Big Savings in "We want a settlement, not a strike," the International Brotherhood of Electri¬ SPECIAL said President Glenn E. Watts of the cal Workers, representing about 120,000 Jazz-Rock-Folk-Soul PRESTOLITE-CUSTOM TAILC. Communications Workers of America employes, and a group of smaller unions (includes turning rotors) [ONA). "But the situation is very serious HYPHALON RESISTOR TYPE with about 70,000 members. & Country. $39'5 IGNITION WIR< Johnstown flood poses health hazards List $6.98-$5.98 SETS now $3.98 FRONT END JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (AP) Flood-ravaged Most flooding," said state Council of Civil ALIGNMENT Johnstown turned from to lifesaving efforts rebuilding efforts Tuesday, but offi¬ cials fear the flood may have left health Defense spokesperson John Comey. But health officials say there are about a million List $7.98 now $4.99 8 CYLINDER CARS pounds of flood-spoiled food problems in its wake. Bulldozers pushed away the rubble and drugs heaped on sidewalks. $1()50 6 CYLINDER CARS caused by the flood that left at least 62 "We have reports of scavenging and dead in Johnstown and that's very surrounding dangerous because this con¬ Most American Cars communities. taminated material 4 CYLINDER CARS Were now can cause food poi¬ MUSIC CO. going full swing into soning." said U.S. Rep. John Murtha of rebuilding in the seven counties hit by Johnstown. 245 Am St MF10 ajL-t pj. Sat10a.m-5ii.iii Parts at a Price You can Drive Foe [chigon Stole' News. Eosl Lonsing, Michigor Wednesday, July 27, 1977 3 , r The By MICHAEL KLOCKE State News SUM Writer problems of overcrowding and limited space in the Michigan Historical Museum release the funds for the museum when the legislature reconvenes in September. Martha Bigelow of the Michigan Historical thousands of ing more visitors more knowledgeable tural development. annually becom¬ of Michigan's cul¬ artifacts now stored in warehouses because there is insufficient room in the museum," supported Graves said Tuesday. Commission is optimistic that the funds will "Something has to be ans may soon be solved. A new (15 million museum is currently being planned by the be released and said are already being made. plans for the museum In a news release, Graves said "sheer numbers alone dictate the need for a new done." Graves added that there is a possibility State Building Commission. museum." He said within 175 miles of that a Gerald Ford Museum would be "1 have very high hopes," Bigelow said. At the July 12 meeting of the commission, "Governor MilUken included a request for the Lansing there are 2 million school children. included in the new historical museum. The a resolution was There were also 47,000 visitors to the State unanimously passed in museum in his address to the legislature was considering an appropriation legislature. r new museum support of the museum. Also included within the museum building would be a new state We're optimistic and are already in the process of choosing an architect." Capitol Building in just in May. a three-week period Graves also said the present to Grand Rapids for a Gerald Ford Museum. The current Michigan Historical Museum library. Lansing Mayor Gerald Graves, museum is is located at 505 N. Washington in The Joint a member overcrowded, in the wrong location and far Lansing. Capital Outlay Committee of the of the commission who If funded, the new museum would be Michigan Legislature will decide whether to proposed the mu¬ from reaching its potential. seum, said the proper facility could result in "There are about 40,000 historical items or located in downtown Lansing covering sev¬ eral acres in the area of Ottawa, Ionia, Butler . and Sycamore Streets. _ CITY COUNCIL APPROVES YDC GRANT IF allowed to survive this grass will produce enough oxygen for two Lansing to fund info system By MICHAEL KLOCKE tions if inaccuracies exist. State News StaH Writer Officials for YDC have said mandatory. posal for a modern office-retail •The council approved a "We employees to breathe An application for a grant to be used for a juvenile informa¬ the information system will be transfer of (18,200 to purchase large sum are appropriating of money for the a buidling corner to be located at the of Ottawa and the used to help identify juvenile 289 bullet-proof vests to be vests," Baker said. "If they (the tion system by an area youth problems in Lansing, to aggre¬ Washington Square Mall. for one summer counseling group was approved gate data to study specific cases worn the by on-duty members of policemen) don't have to wear •Graves also announced he by Lansing City Council at their and to Lansing Police Depart¬ them, it's ludicrous." will set up a committee to plan see if YDC is ment. The vests spending were to be •Mayor Gerald Graves an¬ festivites in celebration of the Monday meeting. money efficiently. only The Youth Development Cor¬ In other action at the meet- worn voluntarily, but nounced Lansing will receive a 100th "birthday" of the State Baker said they should be $1.7 million construction pro¬ poration (YDC), 422 E. Michi¬ Capitol Building in 1979. gan Ave., "Lansing, had a simi¬ lar grant for a family AP Wirephoto/Oole Atkin counseling service approved at last week's LEFT-HANDERS LEAGUE PLANNED FOR FALL Lte officials have appealed to the self-interest of Michigan employes in urging council meeting. lem to keep off a grassy plot near the Capitol, but obviously some employes But the council withheld Lefties ap¬ want rights, Ure there will be enough proval of the information sys¬ is it lefts? oxygen to go around anyway. tem until YDC could insure that the information to be gathered would be strictly confidential. or The grants for the family By TERRY PRZYBYLSKI designed for left-handers, or else flat-topped desks, which can be indidate night planned counseling service and the in¬ formation system total $4,642. The grants come under the State News StaH Writer Members of many minority groups at MSU have formed organizations and gained representation in student government in used by left-handers or right handers with provided. "I also want to put out a equal ease, should be Federal Juvenile Justice and recent years, but one of the handicapper-style map of campus largest groups on campus — buildings,indicating which ones have desks that are 'accessible' to Delinquency Prevention Act left-handers — has done neither. left-handers," Carter said. and will be matched by In |r East Lansing city an effort to remedy this flaw, a left-handed MSU student Carter hopes to accomplish these goals through a Left-Handers voters funding. Councilmember Richard Baker, who initially voiced the plans to establish a Left-Handers Leauge this fall and organize a Left-Hander's Council under ASMSU. "The Left-Handers League will be a combination social club and Council, which he plans to organize under ASMSU this year. Carter maintains that left-handers, like members of other (continued on page 5) concern that the information special interest group," said Stuart Carter, 127 Whitehills Drive, J Lansing residents will dates" night at 7:30 in the names of seven candidates will system should be confidential, and ASMSU Inter-Cooperative Council representative. "It will I chance Thursday night cafeteria of MacDonald Middle appear, but only six are still said YDC and city council exist to serve the needs of the left-handed 1 over the field of candi- School. The school is on the community at MSU." running. James McQueary has agreed to four stipulations be¬ Carter said one function of the Left-Handers League would be to Bunning for the two open lincil seats. J League of Women corner of Hagadorn Road and Burcham Drive. declared himself a "non-candi¬ date" since he did not withdraw before the deadline for with¬ fore the grant application was approved. The stipulations were: form a left-handers buying co-op to buy left-handed tools, musical instruments, and other items normally made to be used with the right hand. Art Auction ■ of the Lansing Area is The primary election in the drawals. •The specific data items must Carter estimates that approximately 8,000 of MSU's 44,000 I "meet the candi¬ council race is August 2. The The six remaining con¬ be approved by the council students are left-handed, about 20 per cent of the total. He wants tenders who will appear at the before the system is imple¬ the administration to provide them with more facilities designed meeting Thursday are Karen mented. for left-handers, especially desks. bw prison to be dedicated Barrett, Peter Coughlan, Alan Fox, Paula Johnson, Joey Rea¬ •A security system to insure Carter said that 20 per cent of all classroom desks should be confidentiality of information gan and Carolyn Stell. will be established. IKSON (UPI) - A new, want tougher laws but do not Each candidate may make an •The records will be purged ed medium security pris- want prisons in their communi¬ opening and closing statement at specific intervals to make le north side of South- ties. and will have two minutes to sure there is no information on answer written questions sub- people who are no longer dedication Ei gan Prison was sched- Wednesday, "They are eager to demand . mitted by the audience. juveniles. eady the facility is that those who violate the law The moderator will be Wan¬ •There will be methods es¬ at the seams. be imprisoned for longer and da Haneline, a league member tablished which allow clients to 200 prisoner currently from East Lansing. look at data and make correc¬ longer sentenced and without in two classrooms parole time," he said. "They are 18.1 million prison, not, however, willing to pay for a newly remodeled the prison space that will be ady overcrowded is taRep.ging and disappoin- Russell Hellman needed to house these prison- 1 coupon per customer •expires Aug. 5* 1 i chided those who 2 for 1 on special 12 in. pizza I original works of graphic art—etchings, lithographs,— by leading 20th century artists: (at least 2 items) good any time except I Pablo Picasso Salvador Dali, Johnny Fricdlacndcr Alexander Calder Marc Chagall Joan Miro Friday and Saturday Lake Lansing I Georges Rouault Victor Vasarcly and others. I SPICIAL MIDSUMMIR SHOW! [UTTU PUBWAY _» STATION I 'HI I. Grand River I NtittaVeriltylnn j I ;i'u*S8§t. tt.n»«9 This Sat., July 30th at 8:30 P.M. Hospitality Inn - Ballroom Jolly Rd. Exit at I-496 Moderate Prices Bank Chg'i Accepted OPEN THURSCAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9.00 Sharp calculators with adaptor chargers included at no extra charge basic scientific calculator with percent key, floating decimal, square root, reciprocal, direct access memory, automatic mark-up/down calculation. Rechargeable capability. Two AA penlight batteries included. 3-3/16"W x 5-7/16"H x 1-3/16"D. S18 slim-lined calculator with wallet carrying case, total memory function, percentage key/automatic add-on and discount calculation, minus sign, error and battery indicators. Two penlight • batteries included. Handy pizza Gtt Identical PIZZA 3"W x 4-15/16"H x 1/2"D size. S15 ■ FREE I little Caesars Pizza I 120S I. W. liver 5 tUT'ldl Owcw*nW «*> I I JaedbSoiYs SPEAtflHG- OP SCHISMS.. East Lansing council race merits attention In case you didn't know it, Peter Coughlan, Alan Fox, Paula handicapper's rights, community day, the day before the election, there's a political race going on in Johnson, Joey Regan and Carolyn development, the overall relation¬ the State News will endorse those the East Lansing area of some Stell. ship between MSU and the city — two candidates we feel deserve the significance. The city of East Lansing has these things are of major impor¬ oportunity to serve residents of On Aug. 2, a primary election some hard choices to make in the tance, and must be dealt with by East Lansing on the city council. will be held. Voters will decide months and years ahead. Many of the city council and concerned from a field of six candidates which the issues are not glamorous or citizen's groups. We hope that East Lansing persons they would like to see headline-catching, but for resi¬ That is why it is imperative that citizens put aside a little time to represent them on the East dents of the area they are signifi¬ students and members of the read about and think about the Lansing City Council. The top four cant. The Dayton Hudson mall, community take an active interest candidates and their positions. It vote-getters will vie for the two rent control, tenant's rights, the and participation in this year's does no good to complain about vacant seats on the council in the proposed widening of Grand River council race. To further that end, political misrepresentation and in¬ November general election. The Avenue, integration of the CATA the State News on Friday will eptitude once the ballots have candidates are Karen Barret, bus system with that of MSU, publish a summation of each candi¬ been cast and the opportunity for date's position on the relevant self-expression abdicated. Voting issues, as gleaned from interviews is a privilege too often abused by with all those running. On Mon¬ lazy, apathetic minds. Expulsion deplored The decision by Blue Cross-Blue Shield to expell outspoken consumer advocate Charles Chomet from its board of directors is a callous affront Chicago's violence to the people of Michigan and a gross miscarriage of corporate The sick, vicious undercurrent black motorists instead. accountability. of racial hatred that flows through The incident underscores a Chomet was expelled from the board, on which he had sat for 15 society bubbled to the surface much larger problem than the months, by a vote of the "corporate membership" of Blue Cross-Blue again Saturday, this time in ignorant racism of several hun¬ Shield, a membership which consists of hospital representatives, dred twisted white Chicago. people. More doctors, osteopaths, union members and other bigwigs. The predominantly white neigh¬ importantly, it demonstrates the Chomet had been a persistent critic of the Blues, denouncing the borhoods of Chicago have long immense obstacles that still must nonprofit state-regulated insurer for failing to make its board meetings been noted for virulent racism and be overcome before racially segre¬ open and, most notably, for wasting $10 million in overpayments to narrow parochialism. On Satur¬ gated housing patterns can be nursing homes since 1974. day, a group of about 30 to 50 broken down. In addition, Chomet was the only board member to take Blues blacks had planned a march to Those who instigated the vio¬ president John McCabe to task for accepting a $15,000 pay raise. all-white Marquette Park to pro¬ Wednesday, July 27, 1977 lence reflect the mind-set of a Chomet's scrutiny and criticisms of Michigan's nursing homes has test the fact that black residents in much larger segment of society been most commendable. The facilities and health care found in many the area had been subjected to that renounces overt violence, but Editorials ore the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, column! and letters are personal opinions. nursing homes are notoriously inadequate, and financial scandals plague harrassment, beatings and bomb¬ nurtures racist sentiments just the nursing home industry. More watchdogs like Chomet are needed. the Editorial Department ings. The protesters were stopped same. State insurance commissioner Thomas C. Jones, who nominated by police before they entered the Editor-in-chief Michael Tanimuro Layout Editor Fred Chomet to the board, must now find a man of Chomet's caliber to take on Managing Editor Debbie Wolfe Sports Editor park. That was probably fortu¬ Marquette Park will probably Opinion Editor Dove Misiolowski Entertainment and Book Editor the Blues. He can even renominate nate, since a sullen, roiling mob of be quickly forgotten and stripped Chomet, precipitating a long fight. News Editor Joe Scales Wire Editor . Inasmuch as the Blues board of directors can reject 500 whites had gathered to repell of significance in the socially anes- Photo Editor Richard Polifowski Copy Chief any nominee, the Staff Representative prospects of consumer representation on the board are none too bright. the march. thaetized 1970s. And the long j©e Plzzo As Jones implied, perhaps the time has come for Deprived of legislation to insure an opportunity to struggle for civil rights will go on, Advertising Department that consumers and public interest vent their racial hatred on the closer to a final resolution than groups have a say in the direction of no Advertising Manogei Sharon Seiler Assistant Advertising Monager Blue Cross-Blue Shield. protesters, the whites assaulted in years past. ^■ involved with MSU and are willing to work hard, leave your name and phone number with Colleen Hennessy at 355-3354. The JACK ANDERSON AND LES WHITTEN 1977 Homecoming belongs to you. Without the help and support of the MSU communi¬ ty it will again die. Thank you for your interest. Yugoslavia detained citize _ ... Patti Jackson Mural Homecoming '77 Assistant Chairperson Homecoming '77 I have lately had occasion to view the An open letter to the students. mural painted on one of the interior walls of MSU was without a Homecoming celebra¬ Letter Policy WASHINGTON - The bizarre story can man, Laszlo Toth, on charges of espionage. bureaucracy, however, wouldn't badfl the Chemistry Bldg. by a student and find tion in the fall of 1975. Remembering this, a The Opinion Page welcomes all letleri and now be told of a subtle attempt by He was accused of securing pictures of a ambassador. To them, Yup my hopes for student art vigorously concerned group of students got together in viewpoints. Reader> should follow a few rules renewed. to insure that Yugoslavia to trade a jailed American for Yugoslav sugar refinery, a facility of friendly nation. the spring of '76 to start work on possible as many letters as possible information from the FBI. dubious military significance. In contrast to most of the student work I Homecoming activities for the following appear in print. All letters and viewpoints should be President Tito's secret police, known by It happened that Toth had been born and Toth continued to languish in hiil| have seen during the last 12 years, work Fall. The homecoming weekend of 76 was a typed on jail, therefore, for months. In Ik 65-space lines and triple-spaced. Letters and the dread initials UDB, had been anxious to raised in Yugoslavia. As a young man, he Silberman went out of channels that should be characterized as overly success and an enjoyable time for all those viewpoints must be signed and include local tol| exchange information with the FBI. What had worked at the sugar factory. He wanted the American businessman. He lei derivative, too inhibited, and boringly who participated. address, student, faculty or staff standing-,f the UDB really wanted, according to our the pictures strictly for nonpolitical rea- academic, the mural is imaginative, refresh¬ The Homecoming Committee (now a part any—and phone number. No letter or view¬ then-Treasury Secretary William Si sources, was access to the FBI's files on the ing, exactly suited to its location, and of the programming board as a part of point without these items will be considered tough operator, was preparing la anti-Tito emigres in the United States. Meanwhile, he had moved to the United Yugoslavia. obviously a work of considerable talent. special projects) is again in full swing. for publication But the FBI had no intention of sharing Letters should be 25 lines or less and States where he had become a citizen and Congratulations to the artist and my However, vacations, jobs and the may be this information with Tito's police. Then in had found employment with the Great President Tito was eager for lht! like have reduced the committee down to edited for State News style and conciseness to apologies for not having seen it sooner. August, 1975, an opportunity came to apply Western Sugar Company. His 1975 visit Simon, who held the keys to moretnr Peter Trumbull fit as many letters as possible on a page. only six people. some quiet pressure on Washington. was a sentimental journey to his homeland. more dollars. But at Silberman'! i Librarian Viewpoints may be no longer than 75 lines, and If you are interested in becoming may also be edited The UDB arrested an American business- Intelligence sources say that the UDB at tion, Simon threatened to cancel tbel| first offered to release Toth if he would long as Toth remained in prison. agree to spy against his adopted country. This produced a sudden "pardm He turned down the deal and was hit with a Toth from Tito himself. There « jolting, seven-year sentence. only the repercussions. The record! Nuclear breeder techology too risky This aroused then-Ambassador Laurence Silberman, a former Justice Department hotshot, who reviewed the case and that the State Department t accused Silberman of "being too * He struck back with a denunciatui! concluded that the Yugoslavs must have known Toth was innocent. Silberman department's obstructionists. TdlB By BRIAN McNULTY been "innocent as the driven ^ Even if the commercial breeder deduced, therefore, that they had some Silberman declared. Energy policy is one of the most program progressed as projected, other reason than suspected espionage for important environmental and natural breeders are not expected to be holding Toth. resource concerns There was an additional round®1 facing the world economically competitive with existing Silberman began badgering the Yugoslav today and in the future. recriminations, and the matter en energy sources in the United States foreign ministry with demands for Toth's Silberman's departure from BeW As natural gas and oil become more until after the turn of the century. release. When the diplomat gave him the economically scarce, this country is part of the post-election Republican! For this reason, critics argue that shifting its focus to much greater use of postponing the introduction 'of the Ayr# €70)1 coal and nuclear energy. breeder would impose no economic It is nuclear energy which I wish to 'Toth continued to languish in his Balkan address in this column. penalty and would focus attention on jail, therefore, for» In the end, Silberman went out nonfission energy alternatives. of channels to liberate the Aim 1 Our domestic supply of acceptable, These include, but are not limited to, businessman." high-grade uranium ore required by our current type of reactors has been estimated to last only about another 40 years. Mil ) solar, geothermal, wind, tidal, organic wastes and fusion development. Inevitably, whatever way we handle brush-off, he went It is for this reason the nuclear our nuclear development program may eared official in directly to the most The story was locked up, meanwhile* power have little to do with the nuclear Yugoslavia, Interior State Department's most secret !«*■ industry places critical emphasis on Slices . . . programs of the rest of the world. Minister Franjo Herljevic, who heads the government approval of breeder tech¬ Breeders already operate in England secret police. Footnote: We questioned SilberfflJ nology. general outline Fissionable uranium 235 is scarce. for at least 250,000 years, the length of plutonium recycle fuel in 1974, Senators and' France. And our share of the ,"er!fn'C "killed in With Balkan the devious arts. confirmed the time it remains lethal. Philip A. Hart and Walter F. Mondale nuclear technology market has dropped subtlety, he spoke to Silber¬ Herljevic episodes. Toth, aside M»| Only about 7 atoms per 1000 are in If breeder technology goes world¬ in the past three years to 42-per cent, man first about Yugoslav emigres in the he was grateful to both Silberman fissionable form. But practically all the expressed their concern to the AEC United States. Then wide, the possibility of a deadly error in that perpetual security over quantities from a previous high of 86 per cent. Herljevic glided United States, declined comment. I remaining 993 atoms are "fertile" transport, storage and operations in¬ of plutonium may not be I hope that the United States will be smoothly into the question of Yugoslavia's possible, WATCH ON WASTE - Last B volving "free" (isolated) plutonium in¬ pointing out that "the most effective an example for the world In judging long-standing desire for liaison with the A breeder reactor burns uranium 238 creases dramatically. breeder technology too risky. FBI. reported that the Capitol Hill with plutonium to create more safeguards would exact a tremendous to be exempt from President pluto¬ A breeder reactor would be loaded I hope that we change our Silberman began making a case for price in terms of civil liberties and attitudes Toth's nium, a fissionable fuel. with several tons of free plutonium. A immediate release. But Carter's crackdown on oversize It# privacy and require social and economic soon, that we stop considering the Herljevic dismissed Using breeders could extend our crude atomic bomb only requires about changes that are unacceptable to our nonfission energy sources as exotic and the formal arguments. Among friends, he Shortly thereafter, Speaker Thontnj nuclear fuel supply by thousands of ten to 20 pounds. said carefully, O'Neill gave up his comfortable society." impractical, and place that onus on anything could be worked years. Arguments against breeders center While present generation nuclear The AEC estimated commercial fission. out. The brilliant, if brash, a Mercury. More modest cars for Democratic leader James wert^ WW" reactor fuel cannot be used in an breeder research costs as $10 billion. While we are committed to expanded Silberman quickly on plutonium, the fuel of breeders. explosive device, plutonium breeder Cost overruns'and inflation are use of coal and conventional nuclear grasped the message between the words Republican leader John Rhodes. Arguments are medical, social, political fuel can be. making He suggested in dispatches to Senate side, eight new M»«F1 this figure a conservative estimate. reactors for the next 20 years, let us Washington and economic. A "plutonium fuel economy" would that Herljevic was ordered to replace four Cadillacs The most No alternate energy source comes chsnnel massive amounts of research offering a quid pro quo. um is its troubling aspect of plutoni¬ escalate the possibility of a plutonium close to the amount of public and development money into nonfission If the United States would agree to the Lincolns. House Sergeant-at Arms money potential to cause cancer and black market, nuclear theft and terror¬ tunneled into breeder research a alternatives. FBI-UpB exchange program, the Ambassa- Harding, while settling for * ,1 ordered one with a flashy moo"1«"1 — gene mutations if ingested, inhaled or ism. dor noted, Toth could be absorbed, technology already judged too risky by The energy race is, after all, far more quickly cut loose. even in very small amounts. It must be isolated from the When the Atomic Energy Commis¬ President Carter, but unfortunately not important to the world than the space But Silberman didn't like the deal, which extra cost to the taxpayers of biosphere sion (AEC) was considering he considered to be assured our reporter Vance approval of by Congress. . race ever could be in our lifetime. extortionary. He took his complaint straight to the Yugoslav buy my own gas and oil." foreign office. The State Department United features Syndicate n cmiB News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, July 27, 1977 \earborn mayor to run again Pollution-resistant plants M DEARBORN (DPI) - Orville speak more than a couple tested ; Hubbard made it official Mon¬ day by filing petitions to run again for mayor of this Detroit suburb. words, seriously affects the campaign of his son, Frank, who has been running on his father's reputation of good ser¬ by 'U' scientists By ED LION sensitive. Hubbard, who has been vice to the residents during his SUte News Staff Writer 'That doesn't mean all varieties of cucum¬ mayor since 1942 the longest - past 15 terms. A team of MSU researchers is trying to bers are more sensitive than pumpkins," he reign of any mayor in the nation Frank said he has taken out discover had 100 signatures on why some plants are more resistant said. petitions to run for City Council — peti¬ to pollution than others in the hopes of laying Bressan said the method tions, or 50 more than needed. and would file those the groundwork for the breeding of developed by the by Tues¬ pollution- team will be helpful to use in cataloging the "I think he's running for day's afternoon deadline. strong plants. resistance of many other plants. Then sure," said Maureen Keane, After that, he has until Ray Bressan, one of the team's plant farmers would be able to determine what city service director and the 74- Friday to withdraw from either physiologists, said the spread of industrial plant is best to grow from a pollution year-old Hubbard's constant the mayoral race or the council pollution makes breeding pollution-resistant standpoint. companion. race, depending upon what his plants more important. The researchers also have observed that She, along with numerous father does. Some research has been conducted in the the more sulfur dioxide a plant absorbed, the other city officials and well- "It seems to hinge on the field, he said, but as far as he knows no sicker it became. wishers witnessed the desires of my father," said filing commercial breeding has been done. "Now we have to discover why exactly ceremonies, which came well Frank. "Whatever his wishes The group of four scientists has exposed before the deadline some plants absorb more of the gas than Tuesday are, we'll go right along with ten different plants from three species to others. With that we may know the afternoon. him." key to different sulfur dioxide concentrations for pollution resistant plants," Bressan said. "All weekend I asked him Since his stroke, Hubbard various periods of time. Sulfur dioxide is a The scientists pump a mixture of sulfur what he was doing," said Ms. has acted in more than a titular common pollutant, given off by coal or fuel oil dioxide and air into a tank containing a plant Keane. "He just twinkled his capacity as mayor. power plants. sample for a specified period of time. eye and indicated 'just you The city was first run by then Of the species tested, Bressan said the The plant is then put in normal air for 24 watch.'" council President Tom Dolan, cucumber varieties seem most sensitive to hours, given water, and "scored" for injuries. The filing of the petitions and, since January, by present by the gas. Squash varieties were second most This is done either by visually determining Hubbard, who is unable to Council President Van Mericas. sensitive and the pumpkins seemed least (continued on page 101 Left-handers league planned Now in Stock - the new ^ SANYO AP Wirephoto Model FT 484 (continued from page 31 horn's 74-year-old Mayor Orville Hubbard (right) and his son Frank chat if- both of them filed to run for mayor. Frank said he would withdraw if his minority groups, suffer discrimination at the hands of the rest of society, though it is seldom noticed. | AM-FM Stereo in Dash Cassette i, is serious in his bid to run again. "There's just as much discrimination now as there was in the past," Carter said. "For instance, few teachers can teach left-handed children how to write properly, and some teachers still ONLY $12995 AT h/fo to keep selling orange juice try to switch them to the right hand." Carter attributed much discrimination against lefties to the HI-FI BUYS influence of religion. A number of passages in the Bible refer to the ■eland. Fla. (AP) - programs or of her leadership from the advertising left hand or the left side of an object as evil or unclean. 1101 E.GRAND RIVER campaign, 4810 W.SAGINAW Etc Citrus Commission of a successful campaign to and some called for a boycott of "A lot of times, especially in Catholic schools, the nuns would hit E.L. PH. 337-1767 Eroved a report saying defeat a homosexual rights Florida citrus products to force your left hand with a ruler if you tried to write with it," Carter LAN. PH. 321-2373 ■nam's crusade against ordinance in Dade County earli¬ the commission to fire her. said. M-F 12-9, S 9-5 uals has not hurt her er this year. M-F 12-9, S 9-5 End that she should be Her role in the Dade County FREE PARKING | the advertising repre- campaign was followed by de¬ ( for Florida orange mands from homosexual rights groups that she be removed survey which | that the Miami enter- j controversial stand I homosexual rights did jt her effectiveness as lertising symbol for the I PIASTIC & METAL ENGRAVING CB OR JWARE DANCE BADGES, JEWELRY, SILVER |DISHES, MUGS, PLAQUES AND TROPHIES Attention Golfers duality Golf - Balls- 3IK) Stags $1-20 a dozen! 6 Michigan Stole News, Eost Loosing, Michigan Wednesda■V- July 27 I Magic music for this dark a( Bv BILL HOLDSHIP saxophone, and "doo wop" harmonies. To make the ■ was recorded in the ladies' room at Crocodile will getcha' if ya' don't watch out: State News Reviewer the album San JONATHAN RICHMAN & THE MODERN LOVERS: Rock 'N' Studios, a technique producing a "wall of sound" moZ?*'1! Roll With The Modern Lovers (Beserkley BZ-0053) been heard in rock since Gary U.S. Bonds sennit "The magic's in the music and the music's in me/Do you believe "Quarter To Three" in 1961. ^ «1*1 The only way to describe Rock W Roll With is The Rescuers' swamp crocs and mousers in magic?" The LovIn' Spoonful sang these lyrics over everyone s archetypal jukebox in 1965, a period when many of us understood acoustic C-Am-F-G chord progression, and then fu» i Jon.ti.'l | what "the magic" was all about. spaniel voice: "Hi there, everybody! We're the and we're gonna sing about the Ice Cream Man for Mai"'* Is is too much to believe that in this age of disillusionment a Ice Cream Man/Upon my street/I heard your By BYRON BAKER subtly blended into their de¬ little rock 'n' roll romanticism might still exist? Ah c'mon, the truck llo State Newi Reviewer signs. cynics say, we were so much younger then, we're older than that really neat/Ice Cream Man/Upon my block/I i 71 lie Reacueri, the new fea¬ Interestingly, the studio here now. Yeah, right. But then there's Jonathan Richman b The chimes/They reel and they rockl" '""I Modern Lovers. Funl "In the park/Nearly dark/What do I ture-length cartoon from the has had good fortune in the now h * Walt Disney studios, is vividly animation of recognizably hu¬ When the band made their debut on last year's cult classic The Modem Lovers (Beserkley BZ-0050), one of the best albums of this Hark!/Is it really leprechauns?/And have they come 'n' roll?" It's more than funl This is exciting stuff. wfX designed, rapidly paced, and man figures. The little orphan TWfilJ often beautifully animated. The Penny is among the most decade, many critics assumed that the punk band they had been listened to the soon-to-be-classic "Dodge Vegematic" l"rn ® anticipating since The Velvet Underground's demise had finally at 7,sir/Don't be late/WeU stand and film's careful attention to back¬ lifelike of all the humans the watch/My car ground layout and detail, and studio has animated — far more arrived. The assumption had validity. The Lovers' music had an began kicking my arms and legs in the air until mv „ the exacting conceptual anima¬ eerie quality reminiscent of The Doors and The Velvets at their were forced to subdue me. And I don't even like successful as an animated crea to dan i ■ tion of both primary and secon¬ tion than Snow White, Alice or best, and the LP was produced by former Velvets' member John Cale. Even more dynamic than the music, though, were Richman's If you think you believe and understand "the is right up your alley. Excuse me...I think I magic"T J dary characters, recalls the Mowgli, of the studio's disas better Disney efforts of the trous adaptation of The Jungle lyrics, some of the best off-the-wall poetry in rock 'n' roll history. leprechauns rockin' 'n' rolling outside my window... 1960s, and even reflects faint Book. She affects as cartoon Richman is a brilliant innovator. Whereas most punk rockers glimmers of the studio's great character and small child simul¬ have been concerned with violence and decadent thrills, Richman's days of 8now White, Pinocehio vision is closer to a combination of Lou Reed at his most romantic taneously. and Fantasia in the late '30s and and Beaver Cleaver. A beautiful dreamer, Richman's quest is to ANNOUNCING early '40s. Mme. Medusa, as designed in escape life's loneliness and alienation, an escape found only The film's only real flaws are a garish, caricaturish style by through fantasy, the sincerity of romantic lover, and "the magic of The first Annual Maridlan Moll rooted in the thinness of the veteran Disney animator Milt rock 'n' roll." story line (surprisingly, as the Kahl, is a brilliantly grotesque On the debut LP, Richman portrayed an adolescent caught in a picture is based upon two fully plotted children's books by creation, reeking of evil. Huge, crazy (and gifted with the time warp between the old ("I still love the '50s") and the new ("Share the modem world with me"). With his second "happier MONOPOLY TOURNAMENll noted writer Margery Sharp), expertly grating and wheedling music" release, Richman began a gradual regression through time, and in an inclination toward the voice of Geraldine Page), Medu¬ a regression he completes on Rock 'N1 Roll With. The new album is Saturday, July 30th, beginning ot 11:00 slick cuteness and preciousness sa is the greatest cartoon the Lovers' tribute to the '50s and lost childhood simplicity. which so marred the studio's Intrepid mice from The Rescuers lace airborne Villainess since the stepmother- Lyrically, Richman has forsaken his previous themes in favor of Only 96 contestants allowed to ploy last animated feature, Robin disaster, mouse-eating crocodiles, and the dangers witch of Snow White. total escapism more primitive in its innocence than even Brian Entry forms available at Meridian Moll Heed. However, these faults of the deep, all to rescue a kidnaped orphan. Wilson's or John Sebastian's. The Rescuers may not rank are mostly irrelevant to the with the giants of the Disney Musically, The Lovers have forsaken amplification for a "new" actual business of an animated Miss Bianca must find and free minimalist direction. That is, the music is completely acoustic rock disappearance of a young or¬ canon — they were made years feature: that of expressive her while somehow managing 'n' roll — 12-string guitars, stand-up bass, hub-cap drums, phan named Penny. and years ago, and besides, movement, action and color. In They discover that Penny to elude Medusa's murderous this respect, The Rescuers is a they pay the animators now — has been kidnapped by the pet crocodiles, Brutus and but the film is made with modest, yet substantial gem. shrewish Mme. Medusa and her Nero. uncommon skill and imagina¬ The plot concerns the adven¬ enormously fat henchman, Mr. The characters are well- tion, and its production does tures of Bernard and Miss defined and individualistic. Ber¬ Snoops. Hiding out on a dilapi¬ much to preserve the state of Bianca, two intrepid mice dis¬ dated riverboat in the midst of nard and Miss Bianca are softly the art of animation. patched by a formal mouse Devil's Bayou, Medusa and mouse-like, with specific char¬ organization (a mice squad, if Snoops have devious plans for acteristics of voice contributors The Buena Vista release is at you will) to look into the the poor girl, and Bernard and Bob Newhart and Eva Gabor the Michigan Theatre. ry '"'tkftnlMMhx. SPECIALTODAY Revue 7 MUGGERS NITE VWy mangles migraines and mania j hAlf—puia ON MU(|Snt"| SOUP & By JANET HALFMANN Little opportunity presently exists for area playwrights to see their work produced, said Arthur N. Athanason, who will produce and direct an original revue scheduled as the the last production of lyricists and choreographers who live in, or are familiar with, mid-Michgan. Contributors will receive small .honorariums for original material used. Athanason, an MSU English professor, is an experienced j <>f btiii Lvs sa.l«xd the 1978 BoarsHead Theater winter season. |j^kj?j[ '>$1.75 director and actor and has directed locally at the Okemos Barn The revue will focus on life in mid-Michigan with special Theatre. IpSI-liltS AM I (lou/NSIAiltS emphasis on the identity crisis many people face today, but the Submissions for the revue should be three to five minutes in , "sky's the limit" as far as topics are concerned, Athanason said. length, typed double-spaced and identified with name, address and now playing Both verbal and nonverbal art forms are needed, the more telephone number. Deadline is Nov. 1,1977. 11:30-2:00 visually oriented the better, Athanason said. Blackout, patter All materials should be sent to: The BoarsHead Theater, Center SCOTCH songs, dance scenarios, pantomime sketches, ballads and musical for the Arts, 425 S. Grand, Lansing, Mich. 48933. Enclose a parodies are some possibilities, he suggested. self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of material. The revue cast will be composed of three men and three women. For further information, contact Athanason or call the theater Material may be submitted by any playwrights, composers. office at 627-7805. ladies fizapdj, you/t ®alA can be rn ^rxderapound 224 Abbott a a conditioned shampooed 351-2285 # cut, styled/redesigned a blown dry ana Yii ory and curi6d curled a ( 50 tha tonight thru Saturday aQQ jpii onftj I• i(all summer) • Peeping Tom Band featuring Connie Fairchild Velocipede Peddler Kitchen Cupboard Call 332-4314 for appt. Elderly Instruments Quick Silver Jewelry Pitcher Night Paramount News Jo-El Games C Gifts located in tha E. or just walk in. Lansing Stato Bank building. Suit# 201. Elevotor t stairwell near thaatra. There IS a difference!!! 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Sulta #205 Farmlngton Hills, Ml. 41011 If you've been looking for a I Level Control (ALC), unique two- Boom ""bmtTj SCIENTIFIC (COMPARABLE TO SR-50A OR SR—40) ■■■ Affiliated Canters in Major U. S. CitlasaaOMM^ ww [ sums, i Super 8 sound camera that has the quality you demand, look no position tone control and sound accessories, it's like having a HAS SIN. COS. TAN, ARC, INX, EX, lOG, further than the Canon 514XL-S. portable cine studio in a very It has the exclusive performance RAD-DEG. lOx, Nl. l/«, X2. SQUARE ROOT BRACKETS, REVERSE KEY. CHANGE OF SIGN EEX, MEMORY, Xy, SUMMATION KEY, Pi 7! 30 A. M. —How much time do features that make for profes- sional quality sound as well as small package. Any way you look at it, if you're serious about Super 0 sound, you should listen COMES WITH RECHARGER, CARRYING CASE images. With its exclusive Auto to Canon. HAS LARGE BLUE FLUORESCENT DISPLAY you have to spend on your hair today? • • Exclusive Auto Level Control I ALC) lor natural sound and sound tades Two-way Tone control for lull-range sound or low frequency filtering IT HIH3IGITS^ LUS, EXP O NENT. _ ^ Good condition can cut down the amount of time • • Fast, sharp Canon 1/14 zoom lens with 5:1 zoom ratio Macrophotography at either wide-angle or telephoto settings I ""COUPON- 1 you need each morning. A lot of good • Available Wide Angle converter • Exceptionally quiet operation, thanks to naw mechanism and lubrication $5.00 OFF shampoos and conditioners may not suit I KINGSPOINT SC-44F hair J your I DISCOUNT CALCULATORS I Communicate: Ask! $299 EXPIRES MONDAY, AUGUST 1,1977 I tell us what you're using now. We're not 'mRAIITE^^iiwEs7pRICEsTN"T0W,", AT shampoo salesmen but we will recommend a combination we think NORMAN S OF BATTLE CREEK is tional mail order pnoto a na¬ equipment spe- * cialist, with our ads appearing in Mod¬ WRITE FOR THE LITTLE SHOP is best for your hair \ ern and Populor Photography. We sell ot New York and Chicago prices, but FREE CATALOG THAT LOWERED THE PRICES OF CALCULATORS EVERYWHERE! THE HRIR LOFT LTD. deliver quicker because we're so close. A Bank card order, phoned in on Mon day. would possibly be delivered to JM 111 614-965-72«|| 10W. MICHIGAN*1 J10M.A.C. your front door on Thursday. We stock UNIV. MALI 220 MAC (UPSTAIRS), EAST LANSING everything we sell. co BATTLE CREEK, Ml" In the University Mall lor appointment ph. 517 332-8660 fc.hi^nn Stole News, Eost lonsing, Michiggn Wednesdoy, July 27, 1977 7 From Venetian blind windmill blades for power (topi to in¬ genious gears to drive his circus carousel and wheels which run an irregular on high track to propel the figures up and down (above) and bent wire and metal (below), Young uses simple mechanical principles to make his windmills and figures move. Handmade windmills put figures in motion He's 86 years old but has been handcrafting windmills for only the past four years, though his interest in woodworking goes back a long, long time. On a living room table, carefully protected under glass, is a clay sculpture of a boy driving oxen pulling logs through a woods. That was this man, John L. Young, nearly 70 years ago in Allegan County. Those logs were floated down the Kalamazoo River to a basket factory in Douglas. Between his teen years as a logger and now, creating windmills for pleasure at 342 M.A.C. Ave., Young attended the Detroit School of Fine Arts, worked with eight other men in Detroit manufacturing 16 Cadillacs a day, painted billboards and theater curtain backdrops in Grand Rapids and Chicago, and was an inspector for Oldsmobile in Lansing I: before retiring 21 years ago. I! Young, an accomplished sketch, watercolor and oil artist as well as clay sculptor, makes the minature windmills for his own enjoyment and only occasionally sells them. Most of his K creations drive mechanized figures in front of his painted backgrounds. The figures are made from Masonboard, hard woods and pine with hand tools and then oil-painted. The windmills vary from three to five feet in size. What got Young started making windmills? His brother built one a few years ago which Young believed he could improve upon. And he probably has. His yard is filled with figures in motion — a woman washing clothes, a man sawing wood, a circus carousel, acrobats and children on a teeter-totter. Photos by Kay McKeever Survey reveals Senate By BRYAN MtNULTY, press attitudes coverage of personalities. "Some of the more flamboyant members have a tendency PACLNOVOSELICK, J«d KATHY SZEJBACH Over half are angered by vindictive reporting to seek out the press," he said. Personalities often become an 1 5the membe™ •""'eyed in i to identify and easy way understandable to Senate feel the/have are more | l ^'.at Sta'e one timeor mother,of purpose of the survey was to explore the 'Even the bathroom was carpeted.' That "All editorial writers are idiots," claimed you never read?", said Mack. One Detroit senator said he considered a reader than an issue, Faust commented. attitudes senators have toward the news was put in big bold type over the story. Sen. John A. Welborn, R-Kalamazoo. TW^e news Story. But anger at the editorial writers generally well-informed, media. A number of the senators requested There isn't even a sink in the bathroom! If Assuming that reporters also write Despite the complaints, only two sena Un y not related 10 party anonymity. Sen. Joseph S. Mack, D-Ironwood, you were fat, you'd have trouble getting editorials, Sen. David A. Plawecki, D- "but controlled, too. Advertising pays the bills. They print what big business wants to tors said statehouse coverage had worsened over the past five years. Most senators, 83.9 said he into the room. And scraps were used." Dearborn Heights, said, "They try to be fc;!eVH've Er ' «, you ever been the lc'lve reporting in a news is the subject of vindictive news "continuously." stories "Words hit people in different manners," said Senate Majority Leader William Faust, (well-informed, but the problem is they have too many things (to cover). They don't hear, not the views of Solidarity House (United Auto Workers union headquarters) per cent, said coverage had remained about the same or improved over the past five en Republican senators an- "But I tell them, 'Don't say anything good D-Westland. "One story speculating on who have the time to do in-depth research. The or the views of welfare mothers." years. the new majority leader would be described Asked whether their relationship with the Capitol press corps was generally The one Republican senator who claimed me as 'innocuous'. Everyone at home adversary or complementary, 14 senators coverage had worsened said, "There used to m... j --if vj i Hunan thought I was sick. I said (to the reporter) Sen. Jack Faxon, D-Detroit, be a lot of freedom around here. We'd have said "other." The same number described 'you'd better find another word.' " |^m An well-informed. I AU editorial writer, Faust is a former owner of weekly said, "When I had my office the relationship as complementary, while some beer and shoot the breeze. Since Watergate, it's changed. Being human, recarpeted, they wrote 'Even only three considered it generally adver¬ II Welborr ""^- wr*ters e!"orn, R-Kalamazoo. are idiots," claimed Sen. John A. newspapers in his district. Republicans gave higher marks for the the bathroom was carpeted.' sary. make friends. Too bad there's a we stilted "I pay no attention to them whatsoever," feeling since Watergate. Every reporter UPiJSU^ng reporters also write editorials, Sen. David A. professional ethics of statehouse reporters than their Democratic colleagues. A major That was put in big bold type said one Oakland County senator, "they wants a Pulitzer Prize." litseir^' ^-Dearborn Heights, said, "They try to be ity of Republican senators said the press over the story. There isn't even a sink in the bathroom! If you have their own job to do." I cower! but the problem is they have too many things (to has generally a high standard of ethics. A common attitude was expressed by lr '■ iwy don't have time to do in-depth research. The Most Democrats chose the middle ground, were fat, you'd have trouble Plawecki: "The press corps job is to take what 1 tell them and see if I'm feeding them 1 s ta^e one or two people as experts." saying that the Capitol reporters are a getting into the room. And mixed bag ethically. The only senator to characterize the scraps were used." a line or being accurate. I'm not sure if falls into either category." Meeting set statehouse press corps as having a gener ASMSU will hold its first summer »tr.tk L"nd a'x ln,wered "no." The 18 about me or my people will think that I've ally low standard of ethics, Joseph M. Most senators feel that personalities eclipse issues in coverage of the legislature. board meeting tonight at 7:00 in room 4 lt «ate SfenU8Plitevenly- joined you,' " Mack said. Snyder. D-St. Clair Shores, said, "They're reporters take one or two people as Many agreed with Faxon, who said, Student Services Bldg. locratj L^ n 18 composed of 24 A number of senators mentioned stories on the same basis as a senator: they're the experts." "Because reporters are looking for excite¬ One major topic to be discussed is the survey Pub''cans. concerning senate office remodeling costs first in line for a free lunch." status of the new legal services pro¬ Mack claimed he has often found that ment they build up personalities out of Pb> th^MsTf0, in'wview> con- as examples of vengeful or spiteful report- context of importance." gram tentatively scheduled to go into k Mav y Journalism students is ing. A majority of respondent:: do not editorial writers have not read the legisla Detroit senator noted that the effect fall term. by 3? Sr Sen. Jack Faxon, D-Detroit. said, "When consider newspaper editorial writers well- tion they are commenting about. One of theUne v 38 2l 1977 ~ WM informed. senators themselves often encourage the senators. The I had my office recarpeted, they wrote, "How can you write an editorial on a bill 0 Mlchigon Stote News, Eost Uniting, Michigon Ali being conned? I By STEVE WILSTEIN 1 Bird's' tendinitis UPI Sport* Writer NEW YORK (UPI) fight until he loses. - Muhammad Ali won't admit it, but he may More than anything else, Ali has always insisted he wants to become the first black heavy weight champion to retire with his in arm still hurts title intact. But greed has caught him and he will take any risk to DETROIT (UPI) - The bad don't think it's serious," Mana time, that was why. Then this reach his goal of $10 million in tax-free bonds before he dream ia happening all over ger Ralph Houk said. quits. So far, spring it went when I was just he says, he's "only got about $7 million." again for Mark Fidrych. "But if it hurts him to throw, running along because it was Ali has fights lined up with knockout specialist Earnie Shavers, First, it was a knee operation I don't think we should take a time for it to go." Sept. 29, Alfio Righetti in November and Ken Norton or Jimmy in the spring that delayed the chance. There's no way I'm Fidrych insisted that he Young next February. Monday he was talking past all of them and start of his season. Now, it is a going to take a chance with wasn't going to let the problem even suggested retired former champion Floyd Patterson come sore right arm, diagnosed as him. with his arm worry him. back for a fast few million. tendinitis, that has taken the "He hasn't thrown a ball "If I worried about it, it Ali's manager, Herbert Muhammad, says he wishes Ali would Tigers' star pitcher out of since the All-Star game, so might not get as well as fast," retire right now rather than risk everything with a loss. action. you're talking 11 days before he he said. "So I'm not going to Ali is quick to disagree that he'll lose even if he goes on He was placed on the 21-day really could pitch again any fighting worry." another two years. He says he's got the "power of Allah" behind him disabled list Monday, retroac¬ way." The disabling of Mark Fid¬ and can't lose. Maybe. But Ali also has 35 years behind him, 20 in the tive to July 20, and rookie Jack "Sure I wonder when I'm rych had caused Manager ring, and someday there may be punches he will be too old to stop. Morris was recalled from De¬ going to be ble to throw a ball Ralph Houk of the Detroit Ali insists he is not motivated by personal greed. He troit's Evansville farm club in again without feeling pain," says he Tigers to make a realignment of needs the money to "help the people of the world, black, white, the American Association to admitted Fidrych, whose rec¬ his pitching plans. yellow, whatever." He says he's the "evangelist of boxing" or the take "The Bird's" place on the ord was 6-4 before he got hurt. "I'll go with four starters up T> "ambassador to the world'.' "I know what it feels like to until Texas when Detroit re¬ Ali's large appraisal of himself, he says, is the very thing that "The hurt is still there, what throw and not feel a thing, and turns home Aug. 5," Houk said enables him to continue as champion. If his ego is, indeed, his I say," Fidrych said now I know how it feels when more can Monday. "We won't have any strength, perhaps he never will lose. after lobbing a half-dozen your arm hurts. And, let me problems until we get home." Maybe Ali was just trying to con Shavers. throws to test his ailing arm. clue you, I'm not throwing He said Fernando Arroyo, And Shavers could make a mistake if he does what he said he "Same pain, same location, again until it doesn't hurt. Dave Roberts, Dave Rozema might: same everything. "I'd only be hurting myself if (continued on page 91 Blind Melon, winner of the Port Huron to Mackinac Race, "I won't try to knock him out," Shavers said. "I'm "It hurt every time I threw," I did that, and I'd be hurting Monday. training for 15 rounds." he said. "And I was just tossing the team, too." But Shavers, no matter what he says, knows his the ball soft. If I had corked up, strength is in his Fidrych said he thought it knockout ability and come fight day a knockout is all he'll be it would have killed me. looking was just taking time for his for. "The next time I throw a ball "arm to go." The pity for Ali, however, is that he might just be conning himself will be in 20 or 15 days, when I "I was just out there, busting SPORTS down to the end. LETTIRINC get off the disabled list," Fid¬ my ass all the time, and one day rych said, toweling himself off it just happened," he said. SUMMER SPECIAL from a post-game shower. "The "Maybe I didn't get enough rest BUY 11 Shirts gett2th one free! Vikings sign Hannon Bird" will be eligible to pitch again Aug. 10. Fidrych originally felt the and maybe my arm was a little tired, but I don't think so. I just think my time had come. We Not including pottern charge!- guarantee our printing will not chip lode or peel ®0CH croc I The Minnesota Vikings, defending champions of the Central Division in the NFL and losers of the 1977 Super Bowl to the pain in his arm July 12 and took "It was the same thing with GROUP RATES AVAILABLE himself out of a game after only my knee," Fidrych said. "It was CAIL 339-9317 lor group rote Information Oakland Raiders, announced the signing of former MSU safety 15 pitches. Twice since he has just time for it to go. How come 230 M.A.C. Tom Hannon. tested the aching arm without 2nd floor Unlverolty Moll A third round draft choice, Hannon was an my knee never went in high all-Big Ten safety school when I was playing for the Spartans and strengthened an otherwise weak "Like the doctors say, we basketball? Because it wasn't defensive secondary. Hannon, 5-foot-llVi and 193-pounds, agreed to a series of three one-year contracts. Give Her A Name RIG The Union Cafeteria Her Necklace own name spelled out in m sAvmesI For a delicious TODAY! home style meal at Wednesday 5 pm to dest a down to earth price. |j ■ ■ Dinners 5:00 p.m. fo 7:00 Sundays 12:00 noor p.n 11:15 Lunches a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Closed Saturdays j| |l 49c to 2:00 p.m. WHOPPERS - 9:30-5:30 Mon-Fri Lower Level M.S.U. Union No coupons No limit | 9:30-1:00 p.m. Corner of Sat REMEMBER! Abbott and Grand River WE'RE OPEN ON FRIDAY t "An Ideal 319 E. Grand River Ave. Personalized Gift SATURDAY NICHT East Lansing, Mich. 4BS23 TILL 3:00 AM Offers Oood At Both JU eVs203 E. Grand River 1141 E. Grand River and 3021 E. So|in 20% OFF Hey, chicken lovers- come on over to ENTIRE STOCK The Other Fried! OF PAINTER PANTS Wednesday | IheDRfflKH Over pairs of Painter Pants Family Off White *10 Now T° Lite Blue reg reg *10 Now »800 Night EAST LANSING'S Kahki reg *11 Now ,8"0 Special BEST SELECTION OF 3 placas of chlckan, Hard Denim *12 Now »960 cola slaw, mashad LEVI'S Prewashed Denim reg reg *15 Now »12"° potatoes 0 gravy t hot biscuits. £ *1® ami Groat timo to diicovor tho taucha honoy <|il'er*"tV" JEANS & CORDS Famous Recipe, The Other Fried Chicken. Dv|ic^ dlpped in honey bolter, fried really cricp and oil •be*®' i « New Shipment of corduroy Painter Pants through. No wonder people who cross over to Tho OW Fried Chicken stay therel DwDIMIKH ! \ for Fall, Navy, Brown, Rust, Tan, * 220 M.A.C. UNIVERSITY MAIL Hunter green. PHONE 351-4620 1900 E. Kalamotoo 4500S. Codof Mon., Tues., Wed., Sol. 10-6 3007 N. Foil »• Use Hosier's free (5 ntin. fremMSU) Thurs., Frl. 10 - 9 lay away or your Bankcards. SI L. (U.S. 27 NortH State News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Wednesday, July 27, 1977 9 iartin holds job another day ■v yOBK IUPI) - The ■lazed with lightning. The be surprised at what some players think of the situation." Steinbrenner expressed faith but the next two weeks vital." are Ask the Detroit sota Tigers, Minne¬ Twins and Texas Ran¬ gonna play like we really mean it." he said. "We're gonna play A MIUJOHIWEEKLI MlCHlGftH SHOPPERS Ks opened and the rains in his team's ability to win a Steinbrenner hesitated mo¬ gers." hard baseball for Billy." ■And another day passed second mentarily, as if he didn't enjoy Rumors concerning Martin's ■illy Martin wasn't fired, straight American what he was about to say. Perhaps Paul Blair put it dismissal continue. Reports best. "If we win, he'll be here. ■day's scheduled game be- League pennant, but added it "We thought Martin's love wouldn't be easy. said that third base coach Dick That's all there is to it." ■ the Yankees and Kansas "It will be tough," he said. for the Yankees combined with Howser was offered the job ■oyals was postponed by a "Reggie Jackson and Mickey the fact that this is his fourth Saturday and that he refused. ■ downpour, a good time CAHT BE WRONj and possibly last chance at Rivers are the keys to the club. He may not want to coach third lankee principal owner managing a major league club base for the rest of his life but They vital. You can always Ve Steinbrenner to call a (conference. are depend on a Thurman Munson would cause all the pieces to come together. I don't think he knows a hot seat when he DM or a Chris Chambliss because ■ main gripe," said Stein- he's worked hard enough. If "I don't they are steady. But Jackson enjoy this at all," million Michigan ■r of Martin, is that he s you look at his record, you'll see Martin said. "We're having a shippers ehooto Krogor! Why.,. and Rivers I the players get away can make the team that he does well in his first tough enough race without the In response to student and Everything. Martin might really go. I think we can win year and worse in the second. faculty interest, the Men's IM players having to think about ...loooito Kroior moan better Moot. Krofir outdoor pool will be who their manager is going to open every livoi |oo i hotter moat valio. Toer Money Friday, Saturday and Sunday [igers place Fidrych on disabled list be." for the Nite Owl swim until hiyt More oitii| moot it Kroior... "The fans 2 are so great," he a.m. You should come to the said. "If I could get George ...looaito yonll find bother trait and west gate dressed to swim and firmed from page 8) The 21-year-old had a 6-7 uled when Sunday's game was (principle owner Steinbrenner) nietablot in the Kroior {ardent. Roe otter to be a fan I'd be present an MSU ID and 50 roe of tretknoM at doen-lo-oarth prion. Rob Sykes would be the record with 3.60 earned run rained out, when he suffered alright. I had a cents. L starters, with both Milt average for the Triplets. Mor the injury. difficult.night last night Krasor always often tho hoit nailnkle... . . . On Friday the pool will very tough. I fell asleep on open band rookie Jack Morris ris, a native of St. Paul, Minn., Had Milt Wilcox gotten his the for the evening swim at 7 is only in his second year of couch watching TV, woke p.m.; ...lactate yot'l tied everyday low prieoi up Jr shots as the need arises. ball. He had a 2-3 record for pro shutout last week, it would about five in the morning and Saturday at 5:30 p.m.; and tkroi|ho*t tho store, with low weekly specials J probably put Morris in have been his first in the major went to bed. I was pretty Sunday at 6:30 p.m. on itnno yon notd nnd buy ru|uiurly. With ■ somewhere," Houk said. Montgomery last season. leagues since May 7, 1972, uuudiurtiind specials that {iaa yna uaai- 1 Bengal Bits: Detroit had upset." the kid who looked so when he recorded a 3-0 win The IM Softball tour¬ The summer peeted savings. In spring training. He got planned to call up another over the Chicago White Sox for Yankee players, like nament gets underway tonight jd at Evansville but he's major league veteran, Roric the Cleveland Indians. sheepish puppy dogs after at the IM East fields. Managers (ritching well lately." Harrison, to take Mark Fid- The next seven games the breaking a valuable antique, can call the IM office at 355 rych's place on the roster, but felt they were ris is said to be the Detroit Tigers play will all be partly to blame. 5250 for playing times. The he pulled a groin muscle Lou Piniella admitted to pl thrower among the just televised on the club's TV play¬ tournament will conclude Aug. I top pitching prospects. minutes before the club could network. ing with renewed vigor. "We're ■ foot 3, 195-pound right- get word to him. Harrison was lr also has a good change- pitching in the first inning of a doubleheader, hastily resched¬ laircut Shoes'N'Stuff 217 i. Grand River f Styling Across from tho Union 7.00 le T-Shirt with Permanent I GARY'S 351-6511 lampus Beauty Salon 549 E Grand River MENS & WOMENS Daisies $10 00.$15 00 originally to '40.°' Shoes 'N' Sandals 1.98- You won't believe the this footwear, for these low quality of prices! Leather & Nylon lorm Kesel Florist |09 E. Grand River 337-1331 Athletic Footwear mens & womens STRAWBERRY 15 97 ■ R0 % originally to i !32.01 :EUER? ^Jogging, Warm-up, ^Tennis BOOTS *25." f o s49.95 originally to *71.00 Frye, Bort Carleton, Zodiac, MR. H0BIE HAS THE CURE! and Hiking Boots FRESH-JUICY mens & womens STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE AND WE USE REAL WHIPPED CREAM Hobie's MSU BOOTERY 225 E. Grand River Ml Tri»hild|t. East limine IN E. Allataa, Dnwatewn liaiiai across from The MSU Union 10 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Redlining in Lansing reported Iplants tested for pollution (continued from page It pattern," Baker said. "The co¬ Senate in the fall. population and owner-occupied (continued from page 5j doubling of coal use in the alition is working toward the Several examples housing is in this area. nation by the 1980's. only which lending institutions cited by what percentage of the plant is development of more sound Donnellan, which were also Census tract 17, a, newer dead or weighing the dead part Others on the team are Lloyd gave loans, not the terms of the reinvestment." depicted used during suburban district, received 7.3 Lecureux, team technician, loans or where loans were on maps in relation to the rest of the Album Rock— turned down. She maintains it A bill currently before the the press conference, showed per cent of the total Lansing plant. Lloyd Wilson, plant physiolo¬ 24Hour,| can not be determined whether Michigan legislature, HB 4227, the disinvestment patterns of mortgage money for the six For instance, the group found gist, and Philip Filner, a bio¬ months despite having only chemist. redlining — the arbitrary denial would provide for the dis- Lansing lending institutions. that a certain variety of cucum¬ of mortgages disclosure of loan denials by Census tract 1, and older four per cent of the Lansing ber — designated SC25 by Bressan said research into and loans based the effects of pollution on plants on geographic location and not census tract as well. The bill neighborhood in northern Lan¬ population and owner-occupied scientists - will lose 75 per the credit worthiness of the housing. cent of its leaves when exposed first began during the turn of was passed by over a two- sing, received no loans during the century but it was limited applicant — did exist. thirds majority of the House the six-month period though to three parts sulfur dioxide to "But what show is and will be taken up by the Individually, the lending in¬ one million parts air over a in scope, and with "pollution we can a two per cent of the Lansing stitutions differed consid levels rising" research seems to 15-hour period. erably. First State Savings and be on the upsurge now. "In the long run this can do a Loan and Union Savings and number of things," said Bres- Loan were least likely to write HIGH SCHOOLERS TO ARRIVE AUG. I loans in established areas of san. "It can help us breed Ix- cedent poy, insurance, and re¬ Lansing. East Lansing State pollution-resistant plants, de¬ tirement benefits available — Bank and Bank of Lansing velop methods to catolog the Michigan Air National Guard. School bands to invade MSU ranked as the best category. in this resistance of many plant varie¬ ties and give us further know¬ Call 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M., Tuesday through Friday. Call ledge of how plants work." Today! IT In home improvement loans, Bressan said the research is By MICHAEL KLOCKE paid and volunteer instructors. to judge the progress of the State News Staff Writer Thad Hegerberg, MSU as¬ bands and aid the school band First State Savings and Loan especially important in view of Music and marching will sistant director of bands, will directors in preparations for President Jimmy Carter's ener¬ again ranked lowest while Bank dominate MSU's East IM Fields he available as a consultant and the upcoming year. of Lansing had the best gy plan. That plan calls for a per¬ during the month of August. adviser. centage of loans in the older It will not be the MSU Pegg also said, though she established The band camp accepted no had no exact figures, that many neighborhoods. Marching Band who will be State News practicing, but there may be individual applications, so only people who have been in the The coalition will also full high school bands will be analyze some future M§y Marching Band partici¬ disclosure statements for the "Marching Spar¬ tans" participating in the 11th participating in the camp. pated in the band camp when first six months of 1977. Newsline they were in high school. annual MSU High School Band Camp. The culmination of each 353-3382 week's practice will be on TODAY 4 THURS. The camp, which will run from Aug. 1 through 27, will be Saturday mornings beginning OPEN 7:00 P.M. at 10 a.m. Each of the bands FEATURE 7:35-9:35 divided into four one-week ses- TODAY will put on a half-time show for instructors, parents, friends OPEN 1:45 WOODY DIANE TONY Band camp coordinator, Mar¬ and the public. The shows will ALLEY -SHOWS {(M MS.) garet Pegg, said there will be 30 be held on the soccer field just KEATON ROBERTS 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 high school bands from east of the Veterinary Clinic. _ r MMIMAII WW Agom mom "rail. Michigan participating. She Its the BIGGEST. Its the BEST Its BOND. said there will be seven, bands in each of the first two sessions and eight bands in each of the But the Saturday morning "recitals" will not be just for entertainment. Each band's 'ANNIE HALE' ROGER M00RE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER "BEST PICTURE' MIX KNOCKOUT WIIKI half-time show will be critiqued JAMES BONO 007T final two weeks. by Hegerberg. The bands will ROCKY "The bands will be pretty busy at the camp," Pegg kept be judged on both their march¬ Stain, Friday: "UMCIIWOCKy" ft THE SPY WHO LOVED ME ing and music. yOi'iTT'im'j ■ OPEN AT 1:00 said. "Practice will usually be held from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 WmfH FEATURE 1: The show will also be record¬ ed and the tapes will be sent to kLiMSIHS 3:30-5:30.7: the band directors of the high Pegg said the bands would schools. The tapes will be used practice both inside and out¬ side, rotating at two-hour inter¬ vals. The instruction will be done by members of the MSU March¬ ing Band. There will be both ]Qb» WX-Hw 4451M115 Tallin EW Kite'lJ INDS THURSDAY! I SoAfrVX Sldrriny ROY SCHEIDER I BRl'NO CREMER FRANCISCO RABAL AMIDCXJ- RAMON BIERI gj WN/nuaMCM Twlliti5JJ400adults'13 GARY COOPER DOROTHY ITIcGUIRE lAbngtime i AITTHOnY PERKIflS |ago ina I galaxy jar i Summer Circle Free Festival FRIENDLY I | jar away.. * Presents PERU The Beaux Stratagem by George Farquhar July 27-30 -8:30 p.m. MlhnlSUHMDUMW1! Kresge Court )Qb3 Twllitt UMA Kilts 'U Starring OUT OF THE SKY COMES Chris Birdwell, John Beem, Sherry Tuckett THE SCREEN'S MOST INCREDIBLE SPECTACLE OF MEN AND WAR! I Vlk'li,k'l( ,'iiuc Scant I I IImmKmmiM C.cikI lacknian I Hauls kingci latuvnccfMivici Jcssamyn West's beautiful story of a happy, warm-hearted Quaker family, committed by I RiRh'H I till foul Maximilian ScIk.II (<>M.'pli I.. I cvilie faith to non-violence, caught up in the back¬ lash of the Civil War and faced with a decision bctWccn their principles of pacifism and their bciicf in the need to preserve the Union. A BRIlXxi: TOO EM jQpg ■QllmMHI ~ A brand new movie starrfiiJ | America's most huggable H ■'J Jot, |4N Lhigon stof N«W». Eoit Lonilng, Mlchlgon Wednesday, July 27, 1977 1 1 -24 Hour,| THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRO FRI. 8:00-5:00 I Classified Advertising [jmrcycte JH rtopln^fjil [jpartMils ][V| [ Apartments Houses |(£; [" For Sale' ](§] Information HONDA CB-360 1975, excellent CHILD CARE-Housekeeping. 2 348 OAKHILL, summer 2 bed NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS- IT IS the policy of the STATE condition, 2500 miles, must sell, children, 5 and 7. 11:365:30 p.m., 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. rooms, 8156. 3-8192. Fall, 1 bed East Lansing. Now Leasing sum NEWS that the last 4 weeks of 8750. Call Becky, 676-9200 be¬ Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. IONE 355-S255 347 Student Services Bldg. Monday-Friday. Own transporta¬ room 8190. 2 8240. 332-2497. 8-7 mer leases. 3 to 12 month leases. term all Student Classified adver¬ Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 tween 65 p.m. 3-61 141 tion, references required. End of 27 13) 1250 Haslett Road at 69. Furnished tising must be paid for in advance and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING August-June. 875/week. 349-3827 and unfurnished, newly COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, HONDA 350 CB 73 Motorcycle. after 5 p.m. X-3-7-29 161 re¬ beginning August 1,1977. Bring or Just been tuned. Call 332-2110. 8RAN0YWINE APARTMENT for modeled, 1 and 2 bedroom. Also, mail to 347 Student Services. opposite City Market. C-13-7-29 1 rent Female Own bedroom/bath efficiencies, spacious rooms, fully day -»0« per line Z-4-8-3 (31 BABYSITTER NEEDED, 9:30 2:30 Sp-12 8-12 (8) (24) Super nice. Call after 5 p.m., carpeted, air conditioned, heat 'Ill 3 days • 80« per line p.m., Monday-Friday, own trans¬ 351-1224. X 6-7-29 141 and water furnished, large laundry ROOM FOR rent, modern duplex, 73 OSSA Mick Andrews Replica. iianJiinm 4 days • 759 per line New top and bottom end, extras, portation, close. 351-1309. 1-7-27 facilities, suburban living at its student preferred for 7/77-9/77. 351-6001. 3-7-27 (3) ■rmMJLJLiro 8 days • 70« per line only 8400. 349-5518. S 5-8-1 131 TEACHER NEEDS woman to Waters Edge finest. Swimming pool, beautiful grounds, charcoal grills, picnic KEEPSAKE DIAMOND ring set. Like new, size 4, white FEMALE GRAD to share co-ed ■pncElmutml tables. Starting at $150/month. IfnirnEIIDCg line rate per Insertion ;>»$«* i!> babysit in her home for infant and 3 year old. Sept. to June, 8-4 p.m. Rivers Edge For appointment call Leo or Virginia. 332 6354. 0-2-7-27 (17) farmhouse. Own large room. $80/ month plus utilities. Effective (3) gold. $150. Call 349-4667 after 6 p.m. 2-7-29 WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top 351-6052. 8-8-12 151 dollar. 489 4647. NORTHSIDE Now Leasing!! now fall 349 5590. 5-7-29 (4) SAVE FOR summer, own room in ALTEC 819 speakers, $259. Sansui .oLines • 3 lines • M.OO - 5 days. 80' per line over AUTO PARTS Et SALVAGE. 0-13- AVON-GET ready for college tui¬ 1050 Water's 3 man furnished apartment. No EAST LANSING duplex, 4 bed¬ 8080 stereo receiver, $347. Call Edge 13 lines. No adjustment in rote when cancelled. 7-29 (31 tion. Excellent earnings, flexible hours. 482-6893. C-3-7-27 (3) (next 1o Cedar Village) lease. 349-1883 after 6 p.m. 8-8-12 rooms, 2 baths, rec room, 2 levels. 332 2110. Z-4-8-3 (3) | Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum MASON BODY SHOP 812 East (4) $400. 374-6366. 0-6 7-29 (3) FOR SALE: Dresser. Good condi | sale price of *50. Kalamazoo Street since 1940. STORE DETECTIVE-CJ major. 331-4432 COUNTRY SETTING. 2 miles tion, $15. Call 676-4986. Z E 5 8-8 Inuts Personal ads • 3 lines - '2.25 ■ per insertion. Complete auto painting and colli¬ Call between 10am-3pm. Monday- WOODMERE needs 1 female APARTMENTS for from campus. New 4 bedroom, fall. 175' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). sion service. American and foreign Friday. 641-6734. 8 8-12 (3) LUXURY 2 APARTMENT, pool, Close, $83.50/month. Call 337- 2 V? baths, ample parking. Avail¬ Image/Garage Sale ads - 4 lines *2.50. - cars. 485-0256. C-13-7 29 1201 BABYSITTING AND light house¬ sauna, bedrooms. Fully fur¬ nished. king size beds. 1-2 people, 1418 after 5 p.m. S-5-8-5 (3) able Sept. 1. $380/month. Call 669 5513. 0-2-7-27 14) 163' per line over 4 lines • per insertion, JUNK CARS wanted. We pay keeping. August 10-Sept. 10, 1 mile campus, bus route. 8425/ und Town ads - 4 lines ■ '2.50 ■ per insertion. Monday-Friday, 7:365:30 p.m. month. 373-6987, days. 6-8-3 15) EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Qui¬ 4, 5. 6, 7 BEDROOM houses, all Marshall super more if they run. Also buy used et, woman, close to campus, lead 100 163' per line over 4 lines. cars and trucks. 321-3651. C-13-7- 349 4398. 2-7-29 (3) inconvenient parking. $90/month very close. Good condition. 339- watt amp. and two bot¬ lit Founds ads/Transportation ads ■ 3 lines - '1.50 ■ 29(14) 15 TO 21 year olds to work at LARGE SPACIOUS two bedroom includes utilities. Call 332-1279. 2961. 6-8-8 (3) toms $1,100. I per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. Outdoor Recreation Maintenance townhouses, across from Berkey 3-8-1 (5) 3 BEDROOM, completely unfur¬ ELIMINATE TUNE-UPS. Replace 1 year lease. 8295. 351-0359. 5-8 5 and Development. Project lasts nished duplex, 20 minutes MSU. your conventional ignition with a 131 NEED FEMALE roommate. 2 bed¬ Piranha electronic ignition at 8-9 weeks and pays 82.57/hour. Deposit, references, no pets. 646 room semi-furnished, near MSU Deadlines CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Apply in person. Okemos Board of ONE MALE student, sublease 8907 after 5 p.m. 8-8-8 (4) Education. E.O.E. 2-7-29 161 pool, on bus line. 337-0169. Z-3-8- CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama¬ Campus Hill Apartment. 77-78 1.2 p.m. -1 class day before publication. 1 (3) FIVE and six bedroom furnished zoo Street, one mile west of school year. 3 good roommates, Iicellation Change • 1 p.m. - I doss doy before campus. 487-5055. C 13-7-29 128) THE FOLLOWING positions are call Campus Hill 349-3530. Bob homes for fall, call 351-8135 or 1 publication. funded through the Comprehen¬ FALL, MSU one block, efficiency, 627-9773. 10-8-5 (3) sive Employment and Training Act (manager). Z-8-8-12 I5I 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. No ;e od is ordered it cannot be cancelled J until after 1 st insertion. or changed rhpio^mi under Title II. In order to qualify applicants must be unemployed NEED 2 temales for fall in Twyck- pets. 332-3746. 1-7-27 (3) EAST KALAMAZOO, campus 1 mile, 4-5 bedrooms, furnished, DICKER A DEAL 1701 South Cedar Ire is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for and live in Ingham County but not ingham Close, move in before furnished, can SUBLEASE CAMPUS Hill Apart¬ remodeled, dishwasher, cable, 487-3886 break Call 351- $360'month. August 1, 349-0672. 1 additional change for maximum of 3 MSU students. 15-20 hours/week. in the City of Lansing. Applicants ment. 4-man, $66 each. Call changes. Automobile required. 339-9500. must contact the 2145. 1 7 27 (4) Dawn, 332-0996. 3-7-29 13) 6-7-29 (5) ■ State News will only be Michigan Em¬ responsible for the 1st C-13-7-29 (12) IT IS the policy of the STATE I day's incorrecJ insertion. Adjustment claims must ployment Security Commission, ONE BEDROOM, furnished, 8185/ ROOMMATE WANTED to share FRANDOR AREA, lease starting 3215 S. Pennsylvania, Lansing, on NEWS that the last 4 weeks of I be made within 10 days of expiration date. FULL-PART time jobs. Excellent month includes utilities. Near luxury apartments, fully furnished, September, appliances, ample term all Student Classified Adver¬ weekdays, (or on Tuesdays or Ingham Medical. 699 2502 after 6 year-round pool, air conditioned, parking, nice neighborhood, 4-5 e due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not earnings. Call 374-6328, 4-6 p.m. Fridays, The Office of Manpower, tising must be paid for in advance p.m. 8-8-12 13) garbage disposal. Many extras. bedrooms. 694-6574, 323-4407, I paid by due date, a 50' late service Weekdays only. 4-7-29 13) 113 South Cedar, Masonl before beginning August 1,1977. Bring or charge will Phone 882-8556. 8-7-29 (5) 484-3645, evenings. 3-8-1 (5) mail to 347 Student Services. I be due. IT IS the applying with the Ingham County NEED 2 for 2 bedroom, sublease policy of the STATE Personnel Office, 121 East Maple, Sp-12-8-12 I8» NEWS that the last 4 weeks of August, fall option. Close to DELUXE 2 BEDROOM - air, NORTHEAST LANSING. 2 bed Mason. Domestic Abuse Coordi¬ campus. 8215/month. 351-7168 carpeted, heat and water fur¬ room brick bungalow, unfur¬ term all Student Classified adver¬ JENSEN MODEL 4, 3 way stereo nator. Bachelors degree or equiva¬ after 5:30 p.m. 3-7-27 (41 nished. $220 332-8215. 0-10-7-29 nished, carpet, garage, $175, de¬ tising must be paid for in advance lent in Social Science, Psycho¬ speakers. $125 pair. Like new. (3) posit, references. Married couple 394-3056. 6-7-29 13) beginning August 1,1977. Bring or Jf«j Automotive Jfe mail to 347 Student Services. logy, Criminal Justice or related field. Will be responsible for ONE FEMALE for 4 man fall. Excellent location, nice room- only, no children, pets. 663-4345; ]ijt, 482 1727. 8-8-12 (6) _ Sp-12-8-12 (8) coordinating between various mates, covered parking. 332 4649 Houses SUMMER: GUITAR, banjo, man¬ Ruth Z-3-8-1 (4) dolin. fiddle and auto-harp classes. agencies within the community ■the policy of the STATE MAVERICK 1970, 2 door, good TEACHERS Summer term runs August 1st ■ that the last 4 weeks of condition. 8550 or best offer. which deal with domestic abuse cases. Must have at least 1 year of APARTMENT, 3 minutes to cam¬ HOUSE-4 bedrooms. Ideal large family or 4 to 8 students. tor I JlffU through 31st. Reduced summer ■ Student Classified Adver- 332-6676. 8 8-12 131 Elementary, Bilingual rates. Register early at ELDERLY relevant casework experience. Will pus, clean, modern, includes Fireplace, washer dryer, fur¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE ■tust be paid for in advance (Spanish-English). Math. nished. 8 minutes campus. Nice INSTRUMENTS SCHOOL OF Science, low-income Catholic conduct background interviews stove, refrigerator, garage and all NEWS that the last 4 weeks of MONTE CARLO 1972 350 automa ■ng August 1,1977. Bring or schools in Texas. *80/month, and counsel offenders in an utilities. Perfect for single person. neighborhood, available August term all Student Classified Adver¬ rFOLKMUSIC. 541 E. Grand River. tic, air, power steering/brakes 332-4331 C-4-8 3 (33) p 347 Student Services. furnished housing, board, bene- attempt to eliminate anti-social 8185/month. 482-9226. 3-8-1 (61 1^482*226. 5-8-1(6) tising must be paid for in advance ■12 18) Vinyl top. Must see to appreciate fits. Begin in August. behaviors. Position located in beginning August 1,1977. Bring or 82000.349-0158. S 5-7-29 141 LANSING-EAST side. 3 bedroom, TENT-LARGE family size. Sleeps Volunteers for Educational downtown Lansing, 812,090. Con¬ mail to 347 Student Services. 969 This is a hot one! basement, yard, garage. $195/ six easily. Very good condition. MUSTANG II 1974. good condi and Social Services. sumer Specialist. At least 2 years month, including all utilities. Call Sp-12-8-12 18) dutch. Take over $75. 337 2601. 3-8-1 (3) pay- Hon, new radial tires. Automatic 3001 South college training desirable. Will 669-5513. 0-2-7-27 (4) 676-9334. 8-7-29 131 Congress, must sell. 349 6468 after 5 p. Austin, Texas 7B704 develop and present various public PINILAKI ROOM IN farmhouse. Available information and educational STONEWARE-PFALTZGRAFF. 8-8-1 (31 con¬ LANSING-NEAR MSU. For fall Sept. 1 $67.50/month. Call 676- J HEALEY 64 Mark 113000 SECRETARY OFFICE sumer programs. Handle media¬ APARTMINTS 5429 after 10 p.m. 3 8-1 (3) Blue grey. Service for 6, many Manager for term, 2,3, and 4 bedroom homes in extras. Reasonable. 337-2601. 3-8- te spare parts. 82989. Call NOVA 1969 307 V-8. 3 speed geophysical firm, salary flexible. tion of complaints between citi¬ 6080 Marsh Rd. residential areas. Close to bus 0.2-4-8-3 (3) good condition, 8600, Phone 337 Contact Leeanne Piper, 332-8661. zens and businesses and assist in Meridian Moll Area route, will furnish. Call Chris, R01975, 350 V-8, automa- 0334. X-3-7-27 I3I 3-7-29 14) the preparation and development of cases which are prosecuted. '165 plus utiltiei 484-2164. 6-8-5 (5) For Sale ^ l/FM, 39,000 miles. 83000. 0.6-8-3131 TRIUMPH TR-6 1973. AM/FM stereo. Michelins, excellent main¬ MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION- ISTS. 250 bed acute care hospital Position located in downtown Lansing, 89,795. 3-7-29 1421 * * on* G.E. bedroom unfurnished WALK bedroom TO campus. Large 4 house. 2 baths, 229 BIG, COMFY, antique Cane chair, upholstered twin head board to loliigag tenance tecord. Must see. Call has immediate part-time and full- opplionces R0 LT 1973, V-8, automa¬ * Collingwood. Reduced for sum¬ match, $100. Modern big cush¬ after 5 Fully carpeted ta steering/brakes, 48,000 p.m._487-0960_3J1U4) time openings for medical tran- * Air, drapes mer to $250/month. Call EQUITY ioned love seat, $40. 349-3404 scriptionists in radiology and after 2 p.m. 8-8-12 (6) 12000.351 -1178 after 5 p.m. II TRIUMPH 74, TR-6. for sale, laboratory departments. Day * odjocent to new county pork VEST, 351-1500. 0-3-7-29 (51 CEDAR POINT excellent condition, navy blue. offers you shifts, must have knowledge of GRAOUATE STUDENT to work 5 BEDROOM, 2 baths, fireplace, the opportunity to Must sell, for school. 351-7333. spend the rest of your summer medical terminology, experience part rime weekends in car rental $450. Also 635 Mifflin, 5 bedroom, R0 69,327 3 speed, rough, 3-7-29 131 office. 489-1484. 3-8 1 13) Cedar Greens earning oft needed money, -589-9394 2-7-29 131 preferred, excellent starting rate. $300. 485-4917. 8-7-29 (3) Contact Personnel, LANSING 339-8192 working with thousands of TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1974. 44,000 Apartments Other college students, and o TTE 76 well maintained, interior, cream exterior, miles, 2 tops, new exhaust, engine, transmission, hody and GENERAL HOSPITAL. Devonshire. Phone 372-8220. 5-7- 2800 r^rwi 655-3805 practical field study in human relations, oil in the confines of 29 LI4) Now Leasing i\ ILLUSION ' radio, tinted glass, defog- tires good, 82300.485-5259 after 9 IV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. 995. Call 1-548-1679. Z-BL- NO LEASE. Own room, 1620 o summer resort park. Various p.m. 6-7-29 I5I 810.95/month. Call NEJAC 337 positions available. Infor¬ 15) VEGA 1974 Hatchback, radio, PART-TIME waitresses and bar¬ tenders Apply BACKSTAGE. 1010. C-13-7-29 1121 Greencrest. $100/month, nished. 351-7068. 6-7-27 (3) fur¬ /MutHrrs furnished apartments • 9 12 month leases mation ore ond applications are ' Meridian Mall, after 5 p.m. 3-7-27 available in the Placement VAN 1972. Windows, 14,000 miles, like new. 81750. 2 BEDROOM mobile home, Village available 1206 Oakland ces Office, or contact Per¬ ng. Jet Sound stereo, radi- 321 5745. 4-7 27 131 ONE BEDROOM apartment, near Square Mobile Home Park, sonnel Dept., ce features. 82100. 349- Williamston. 8170/month campus. From $195. Heat and Call for Appt. • air conditioning plus 18-8131 VEGA 1975, 15,500 miles. Auto¬ NEED SITTER FOR 2)4 year old. 8100 deposit. 655-2252. 6-7-27 131 water included. 351-4091. 0-10-7- IV4-4411 • with-in walking CEDAR POINT, INC. matic, great condition. 82000.353- Woman or couple, live in. Need 29(3) distance to campus ETTE 1961, mint 2970 before 5 p.m. 67-29131 Thurs. Mon., 3-12 p.m. Consider SANDUSKY. OHIO 44870 Jon, two tops, 4-speed. 1992 original VW BEETLE 1967. Rebuilt engine, other arrangements. 337-2391. 3- 7-27 (41 i *Mff««»s m LUXURY APARTMENT. Fur¬ Lansing s leading repair shop for import cars. A complete Spatial rotas flege Rd„ at Barnes, 628- IT IS the policy of the STATE nished, 1 bedroom, dishwasher, ports department ond certified available far twaiaar [37-27 |4| radio, 8400. 355-2199; 351-8654. disposal, pool etc. Walk to MSU, mechanics assure you of fast and fall 6-7-29(31 RESIDENT MANAGER, couple for NEWS that the last 4 weeks of Actors item. 1965 cor¬ East Lansing student apartments. term all Student Classified adver¬ for information call 332-6078. If answer, 351-7212, 1-6 p.m. 3-8-1 no reliable service Test drive the brand ps# Great transportation, VW 1971. Enging good, body 1135 Michigan Ave. Furnished apartment plus salary. tising must be paid for in advance (5) |B7-2034. 8-8-1_(3l needs work. New brakes/heater. $500,337-2601 Send resume to Box B-2 State beginning August 1,1977. Bring or E. Lansing, 351-8631 new Volkswagen. -- S 1974, excellent con- 3-8-1J32 News. 6-7-27 151 - mail to 347 Student Services NEED 1 female, sublet winter. (next to Brody) VOLKSWAGON SQUAREBACK Sp-12-8-12 181 New Cedar Village apartment. y.000 miles, air, vinyl top, 1970. New tires, brakes, shocks. PROJECTIONIST NEEDED for $90/month. 1-313-229-2729. Z-3-7- tires. 82850 firm. 486 August 17th, 18th, 22nd, 23fd, mr5 p m J-7-27J5) Radio, 8700. 489-7964 weekdays. 6-8-8 (3) 24th, 25, 1977. Need morning CHALET APARTMENTS 29(3) BANK «S S 1974, 40,000 and/or afternoons free. Possibility milet, Next to compus, spacious, air PERSON - BIG apartment. Own excellent condition, 676 »-»J3l VOLKSWAGEN 1973 Super Beetle. Automatic stick, orange in of employment for fall term as well. Contact Fred Moore, 353- conditioned, furnished. 2 bed¬ room. shag carpeting. room/bath, air, pool. Okemos. $115/month plus electricity, depo¬ LOAN OFFICER GO UN WAGON 1968. New color, good condition, low mile¬ 3283 or at Rm. 28 of INSTRUC¬ Fall from $334/month. Year sit. Joy. 349-4413. 15-8-26 (4) CAMPUS OD age, excellent on gas. Please Call TIONAL MEDIA CENTER by from $290'month. y'regulator and exhaust, after 5 p.m. 394 0408. 6-8 1 August 1st, 1977. 3-7-29 (11) We are a rapidly ex¬ '■dependable 8450. Call #6 8 812 141 ^5^ Summer still available. HILL panding small bank in 142 VOLVO 1970, air, excellent RESIDENT MANAGER for small 332-6197 West Central Michigan luN 1200 condition, will bargain, must sell, 1971.Y speed. call 3567953.4-63 (31 apartment building in Haslett. seeking an experienced «Mge, new brakes. 8800. Inquire at HAMCO MANAGE¬ '90 2-3-7 29 MENT. 332-3900, evenings. PENNY LANE Apartments and *2 Bedrooms installment loan officer. 131 • Phone Townhouses. Conveniently lo¬ * Furnished Apts. D* P0LARA 1970-8350 or nmrc* B 332-3202. 665 141 cated 5 minutes from campus on Jolly and Dunckel Rds. Ask about *Free Roommate Service Our growth necessitates the addition of an indivi¬ KB 4 Ubnrs, power steer NEW LOW rates on motorcycle TYPIST-BOOKKEEPER, experi¬ our special plan for students. * Dishwashers dual interested in busi¬ ■rTn aulomalin transmis- insurance. ALDER AGENCY, 351- enced, to work 9:361:30, Mon¬ 394 1350. 6-7-29 16) " ness development, in¬ KJ and air. Call 676-9334. 8620. 0-2-7-27 131 day-Friday as office supervisor for consumer activist organization. MALE TO share, 1 mile from * Central Air Conditioning stallment lending, com¬ Swimming Pool mercial lending and bank ^OOGEVan-8700.1969 Mar- 350 HONDA 1973, 9000 miles,' Challenging work with interesting campus. 880/month, air, fur¬ "? Comet $300. Phone 332- excellent condition, 8425, must people. Call Denise, 487-6001. nished. On busline. 332 1185 C'mon over •Unlimited Parking operations. CB 2913) sell, call 355-7953. 4-8-3131 2-7-29 (61 mornings. 8-8-5 (31 AND CHECK OUT •Pleasant Landscaping COIUNGWOODAPTSI * Special 12 month rates We offer an excellent REAL:IJfR'KET RESEAiSCH ★ sir conditioned Mupcfemgliam fringe benefit package ★ dishwasher and will pay lor reloca¬ FREE BUS E.P.A. rated at 2 ★ shag carpeting tion expense. 52 m.p.g. bedroom FURNISHED IUXURY APTS. Large Mid-Michigan (East Lansing based) developer ★ unlimited parking SERVICE is seeking part-time senior or grad student to devel¬ If at 'private balconies ★ plush furniture you enjoy making 'swimming pool op research reports related to supply and demand ★ model open daily Model decisions that make 'central air for single family and multiple housing, retail and of¬ Open 9-9 Cook Herriman A things happen. send 'dishwasher, disposal fice space and mortgage money. Successful candi¬ Now legging for Everydoy resume and salary re¬ VW VOLVO MAZDA ™ IE III *,ha9carpeting dates will have interest in courses related to econo¬ Fall quirements in strict confi¬ I 011 'eosos only — Special 12 month rates mics. finance, real estate and marketing. Please send Call 351 - 8282 Leasing for Fall dence fo box C3 Slate rail MUTTU BUS Tl Cull IS 1.7166 resume to: BOX 1843 (behind Old World Mall News. BUWHTOM ■ LAHSUW IN CALL 349-3330 m Hogodorn " ' .,Jri!T«ervl.. -eed EAST LANSING, MICH. 48823 on the river I) MSWUAIL 12 Michigon State News. la%} Loosing, Michigon Wednesday, Ju|y j, ( BOOKS, Fir Sale MAGAZINES, comics FREE . A Lesson in complexion Blue jean prices drop and morel CURIOUS BOOK care. Call 484 4519 East Michigan SHOP, 307 E. Grand River. 332 or 321 5543 Lansing Mall. MERLE MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) er Valu Stores, Inc., says the billion and profits up 62 per this year. Its NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. Announcements for It's VVnat's Adoption Identity Movement, a chain lowered prices in a "basic .... 0112, C-7-7-29 I3I Blue jeans, the work pants of cent to $105 million. It has "h. this year ^ - Happening must be received in the interested in changing - C X-13 7-29 (18) group fundamental marketing ap¬ diversified into a wide range of adoption laws for adult adoptees gold miners and eowboys that 7 per cent SPEAKERS, SIMILAR to I.M. State News office, 343 Student gainoverjL have become a worldwide fash¬ proach" to get a larger share of leisure apparel. But not all Mles of 140 Fried, model B. $250. Call 485- FOR QUALITY stereo service, Services Bldg.. by noon at least meets at 7:30 tonight, 238 W. ion. are coming down in price the leisure-wear market. He observers think the future is mjlZ 3872. 6-7-27 I3I THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. C-13-7-29 112) two class days before publication. No announcements will be ac¬ Saginaw, Apt. 105. this summer as stores across would not disclose sales figures. totally bright. 1978, sales „f 12 per cent. jea'"0' the nation mark them down to Neither Levi Strauss St Co., "Jeans-demand growth is BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. cepted by phone. But while the NO FRILLS student/teacher char¬ the manufacturer of Levi's, nor broken Approximately 6 yards delivered "Loving Someone Gay" by spur sales. slowing," says the Wall Street locally. $39. Sand and landscape ter flights. Europe, Israel, Asia. psychologist Don Clark will be It all started at County Seat, Wrangler, part of Blue Bell, brokerage house of Loeb, ers; H'lufacturersT) C'»l rocks available. Call 641-6024.; GLOBAL TRAVEL, 521 Fifth Ave¬ "Sharing Global Resources" reviewed and discussed at 6:30 a 175-store specialty chain Inc., has lowered wholesale Rhoades & Co., adding it ex¬ w,zards three-piece are £ 484 3379. X-0 nue, NY, NY. 10017. 212-379- slide show and discussion on new tonight, 334 Union. headquartered near Minneapo¬ prices. A pair of $12.50 Levi's pects Levi Strauss profit sui(s ™ 12-7-29J5I . 3532. B-1-7-27 (51 international economic order 7:30 the situation, lis. They started the price-cut¬ jeans sells at wholesale for the natj SEWING MACHINE SALE-Guar- growth to slow to 17 per cent fanciers , anteed used machines. Com¬ LENS PRECISION ground in our p.m. Friday, Peace Center. 1118 S. Harrison Rd. Concerts will be presented 8 to 9 ting trend last month by selling $8.25. are getting,*' lab. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 E. men's denim and corduroy And Levi's, whose sales this pletely reconditioned. $39.95 and p.m. July and August, Riverfront up. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. 1115 N. Washington, 489- Michigan, Lansing, Mi. 372-7409. C-3-7-29 (14) The Union Gallery needs stu¬ Park. Lansing Concert Band and Lansing Pops Orchestra perform levi's, the nation's top selling jeans, for $12.50 a pair marked year of an estimated 150 million pairs of jeans is an estimated 40 r 6448. C-1-7-27 1181 dents to exhibit art work and work ing. Free! down from about $15.50. per cent of the U.S. jeans Lansing's Rock MID-MICHIGAN'S largest dealei [_ instruction jf.* study students to watch gallery. Call Sherry Throop Other retailers, including The Gap, the country's leading market, says it isn't worried. "Retail prices are the prov- in quality used stereo equipment, TENNIS-EXPERIENCED instruc¬ Outing Club goes rappeling at tor. Reasonable rates, all ages. Call jeans seller. Macy's department vince of the retailer," said one 6:30 p.m. Thursday. Shaw Parking TV's, CB's, camera's, vintage Barb, 332-4276. X-6-8-5 131 Ramp. Rock climbing meets 8 a.m. store in New York and Rich's in spokesperson. Another said the electric and acoustic guitars and The MSU Sailing Club's Shore Sunday, Natural Science Building. Atlanta, followed. price cutting actually "has stim¬ amps. New Shure Vocalmaster PA systems, mikes, and accessories. GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum School will be heid at 7 tonight, Wrangler brand jeans, an¬ ulated our business rather sig¬ lessons. Private instruction avail¬ 208 Men's IM All sailors welcome. New and used rifles and shotguns, other big seller, also have been nificantly. Stores are ordering, able. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351- and they're ordering aggres¬ Listen - You'll Lowe It tools, sporting goods, jewelry, Introductory TM lecture tells why marked down in some stores to 7830. C-1-7-27 (121 the creative potential of man is bicycles, typewriters. Also, 500 meet the Levi's price. sively." used 8-track tapes, $1.00 each. infinite 7:30 tonight, TM Center, Levi Strauss ended last year WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years Jack Crocker, president of Over 1000 recycled stereo albums. 119 E. Grand River Ave. experience in professional editing, County Seat's parent firm. Sup with sales up 20 per cent to $1.2 BUY, SELL, TRADE. WILCOX TRADING POST, 509 E. Michigan, writing skill instruction. 337-1591. 0-2-7-27 131 Lansing, 485-4391. C-13-7-29 NORFOLK PINE. Beautiful plant 4 feet high. In redwood planter, $30. [Typing Service IS] 349-1449. Z-E-5-8-5 (3) EXPERT TYPING-Term Papers, Resumes, etc. 16 years experi¬ 7 PIECE dinette set-$65„ maple ence. Call Marilyn, 337-2293.0-13- dining table-2 chairs $50., Steel- 7-29 (4) case steno chair $19.. folding cot with mattress-$9.„ antique desk COPYC. APH SERVICE complete chair $9., 3 shelve deluxe utility dissertation and resume service. table-lexcellent for micro wave Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. oven)-$35. Call 349-0156. S-5-7-29 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- 181 1666. C-13-7-29 116) UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS com¬ 1 lost t found Ifq] plete ' ssertation and resume service 'BM typing, editing, multi- LOST: HAGADORN/Haslett area. lith off. at printing, typesetting and Orange and white male kitten. 5 months old. 5-8-1 (31 Reward, 351-8572. binding. We encourage compara¬ tive shopping. For estimate, stop in at 2843 East Grand River or 3301E. MICH. phone 332-8414. 0-13-7-29 1321 LOST: LARGE silver grey male cat. Yellow eyes, declawed, neu¬ ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ tered. Friendly, will hiss, growl ing theses, manuscripts, term when frightened. Will not bite. Answers to Rocky. Jolly-Dunckel papers. 7-29 (12) Evenings, 675-7544. C-13- - WILSONS C/EenFI EC 6EEF Reward. 393-0390.2-7-29 (6) 9 siztubs area. LOST: TIMEX SSQ digital wrist- EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ watch somewhere between Haga- sertations, I pica-elite) FAY ANN dorn and Abbott or on MSU 489-0358. C-13-7-29 (12) _ * campus on July 9. Call anytime 351-2708. Z-1-7-27 14) EXPERIENCED TYPIST - fast and accurate. Dissertations, thesis, and term papers. Call 339-3575. ROUNP STEALS I Personal lf/1 0-2-7-27 13) IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS thet the last 4 weeks of &.m! murw m jm M term all Student Classified Adver¬ FRflHG CHICKENS tising must be paid for in advance beginning August 1,1977. Bring or TERM PAPERS. 16 years with mail to 347 Student Services. MSU. Weekend service. Pickup- Sp-12-8-12 18) delivery. Sandy, 882-8787. 4-7-27 MMMMMAM ANN BROWN PRINTING AND OUT FROM PORK LOIN MKK A ■ HENRY HOUSE ^^ Feel healthier as you lose u TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, wanted fat and keep it off. 07ME25,1 ■ 5 ML NO-IK ihrS ml general printing. Serving MSU for 27 years with complete theses service. 349-0850. C-13-7-29 1191 PORK STEAK 78 ISMOKEP PlCNICS 68 Qjnimnls Jfhj pFraspurtat^gi BUf 2SAVE 92/ W10 COUNTR/fBESH 99 NEED RIDER for round trip Cali¬ PUPPIES COLLIE mix, fawn) fornia vacation. Leaving 8/19. white/black. Free. 6 weeks, Linda, Must be back 8/29. Share expen¬ 353-8816. E-5-8-5 131 ses 332 2739 after 9 p.m. Z-3-7-29 14) 0UYS-SAVE3&/kV/C.-&.FBESH- FREE, CUTE calico or tiger kittens. COTTAGE CHEESE 49 4 weeks old. 645 Beech, East- NEED RIDERS to Oshkosh, Wis¬ Lansing. 351-8967. 1-7-27 131 consin for Experimental Aircraft Association convention. Have DOBERMAN MALE, 9 months, GOUHTCY FKESH- ALL FLAVORS n camper/campsite, leave 7/29. Call 49 friendly. Must sell. Best offer. 351-4187. 1 a.m.-noon. 1-7-27 151 321-6149. E-5-7-29 131 Nantnl SHEWBT^ [jolilojwosjfwj BOY Z -SMg b04 PlUSBUKY IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of BAGPIPER NEEDED, small wed¬ ding August 6th. evenings. 6-7-29 131 337-2366 ftwwe FLOUR Is. 99 term all Student Classified Adver¬ BUYZ-SWE W/COUPONI- 20L6BA& tising must be paid for in advance ~ 0^1 kHN&SFORP«SRZ&KEATIAKES beginning August 1,1977. Bring or WANTED TO Buy: Loft-single bed mail to Sp-12-8-12 18) 347 Student 2 BEDROOM mobile home. Village Services. size. Call 355-5959, before 10am or after 10 p.m. Z 3 8-113) 60 GHAeCOAL MALE SEEKS comfortable living. Square Mobile Home Park, Wil- Own room, close, smokers, co-ed liamston. $170/month. 655-2252. BUY 15-SAVE TD 75/ W/OPN. 6-8-8 13) preferred. Collect: 313-659-9475. * CREAM OF MUSWeoCM S-5-8-5 13) OWCKEN WOVUZ Rummage Sale RESPONSIBLE NON-smoking A-Z CARPORT Sale, 1231 Thursday, July 28-31. Mens, mens and Downer wo- childrens clothes, car¬ male student desires to share apartment with same for fall. Will consider pleasant room with cook¬ ing privileges. Write Orr, 2519 SOUP runr< i.A/ i,■<->/. iK' 5^1 Frederick Avenue, Kalamazoo, Mi. peting, wigs, plants, bedspread, drapes and miscellaneous items 2-7-29 (61 49008 or call (6161 381-8876. Locally call Hart, 355-8021. Z-2-7- 29 191 POTATO-, ft, MOVING SALE Okemos, 1621 Forest Hills. Friday, July 29th, 9-7 p.m. Saturday, July 30th, 8-5 p.m. Wantai CHIPS /J Furniture, clothes, baby and household items. 2-7-29151 PART TIME now, full time in fall, F2ESH HOVtE&KWN BOOKS, SLED, wicker basket, mature, two small boys, house¬ blankets, boots, dutch oven, fan, tools (wrenches, power tools). Sunday, July 31, 127 Whitehills. work, transportation, non smoker, 484 3063. 3-7-27 (4) SWEET CORN Z-2-7-29 I4I t^oiND Town OHTH6C06 [leal Estate 7 J 79$ P&ZEbl OKEMOS, 4 bedroom. French Provincial, 2 K baths. 2500 square feet. Large landscaped lot. family home. Paul Coady, 351- Super v* 8058, MUSSELMAN REALTY 332-3582. BINGO TUESDAY Night. 7:30 1 Service "|[A^j p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Bird starts at 7 p.m. Regular at 7:30 8UV 2-SAVg 40t W/STORE COUPON IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge. East Lan¬ MIC/H. H0MHGR0WN fltlA 9J term all Student Classified Adver¬ sing. C-4-7-29 15) tising mail must be to Sp-12-8-12 18) 347 paid for in advance beginning August 1,1977. Bring or Student Services COUNTRYSIDE School, 4650 Meridian Rd.. Wil NUKbtrw liamston. Now accepting applica¬ POTATOES «l„.eTOMATOES '»99< tions for 3 4, 5's for fall session. TENNIS-EXPERIENCED instruc¬ Session starts Sept. 12th. 349- tor Reasonable rates, all ages. Call 5674 or evenings 355-5928. 3-7-29 Raili. 332 4276. X-6-8-1 131 18) |.rl-:rn Mole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, July 27 1977 13 DOONESBURY- )pl (gj©0Dy |(4)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WllX-TV(NBC) (1 l)WELM-TV(Cable) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(p3s) by Garry Trudeau c'mon, IT'LL onlt not tare a couple realm, of hours! /heny its tour sponsored by: udi mention that there's also tuuh6 tou, ( tou even curious farm, nut A pax. room, finer hot to see urntr mine! looks lire? SAUNA, uhrl- interests)! . i pool- f I WEDNESDAY (23) Nova (11)Tee Vee Trivia EVENING 8:30 (23) Documentary Showcase (12) Portrldge Family 8:30 5:30 (6) Busting Loose (23) Once Upon A Classic (10) Baseball (10) Pilot |blellNewl 7:30 (12) What's Happening 11 (Clrlc Company (11) Ed-itorlal Weiss-Cracks (6) Wild Kingdom 6:00 9:00 9:00 (10) Michigame (6) Hawaii Five-0 |2) Newi (6) Movie "When the Legends Die" (11) "City Council Candi¬ (10) Movie IgerHiHon Dlplo- dates Night "Eight on the Lam" (11) Cable 11 News (12) Hollywood Squares (12) Baretto (12) Barney Miller ,alidades (23) MacNeil/lehrer Report 6:30 (23) Theater in America (23) Age of Uncertainty 8:00 9:30 |S News :C News 10:00 (12) Charlie's Angels (6) Waltons (12) Fish PEANUTS For all your high supplies. (10) Pilot POWER HITTERS ock Notes 11:00 (12) Welcome Back, Kotter 10:00 by Schulz - 50% OFF (6) Barnaby Jones JC News (6-10-12) News Ltino Consortium (23) Something Personal 7:00 THURSDAY MSU SHADOWS ® I SlfESS CHUCK TOLD WHAT'5 THE HOCKEY laan's Heroes EVENING tTell The Truth 5:30 by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: WU THAT AW DAD'5 5TICK FOR? YOU CAN'T OUT OF TOWN, AND 1 GUARD OUR HOUSE WITH his It On (11) Cable 11 News Lrtridge Family (23) Electric Company PXNBALL PETE'S HATE STAGING ALONE A HOCKEY STICK.. ghrod 6:00 Present this really funny comic for 25' 7:30 (6-10-12) News worth of free play! hOOO Pyramid (11)TfP 3 1'llywood Squares (23) Might Missouri 6:30 O.K., So 9cuR .WHAT'S H\S MAOoRT RooM-MTt's A oOookiE.^ |lce is Right (6) CBS News ) ' acNeil/Lehrer Report (10) NBC News 8:00 (11) Woman Wise id Times |,||| Maker Sports (12) ABC News 7:00 FRANK & ERNEST sponsored by: Complete ring selection star-sopphires. onyx • opals • jade, npressions (6) Hogan's Heroes by Bob Thaves 10% MSU DISCOUNT tiger-eye, many more anny I Marie (10) To Tell The Truth CONGRESSIONAL CAFETERIA I D®N'T WANT Tb ?E Am II alarmist, gUT X du5T FOUND fl pu5*'an letter in my alphabet Iprinit-ln-a-mlnit fOPYING/DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS *>UP Th'JS Cuint'r of MAC diul ANN ST ii«:H 30-6'OOM t 10:00 5 0OS.il 7/s7 THE DROPOUTS .©19") 7 Sc*CmSi'c^«.a.TorJ low gos prices by Post Plus Service! [AVELS WITH FARLEY Phil Frank Benda's Little Freeway Service Station Bagel-Fragel 1% PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Open 7 days — 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. 332 0300 by Bill Yates L/pM Free lettuce and tomato with purchase of any sandwich rw~ PMBLEWEEDS sponsored by: [Tom K. Ryan FIRST: CECIL- APPEARS TO HAVE CAPSIZEP... . SEC0NC:THlS IS CALISEP 0Y CECIL FAINTING-.... Dnuaaa aaaan PASSWORD PUZZLE aoHmiiH nwramBii aaoaa finii DBS QBE! aaaan sponsored by: OhepardV ■wmsHid mass 28 30 Infrequent Gemel aaaan aaa sanBrcn aaaama campus ■ ™'» 31 Of the eer nanraaa nnaaa ■ ™ 33. Rooting state nan aanaa ■rtslued 35. Went ahead U1E3H rasa aaa lt!l - ■ w'endant 36 Glacial pinnacle oaaaa acnanaa 38 ptedte Baaaa onsaaa 40 Plum guT i PRAW FOR A t - SP»n ot t.sh 62 Vein aaasia aiaHcaaa needle 46 Purveyor p7B 49. Christmas 54. Counterfeit 4 Integument ol a I Inside | Unctuous 50 Turkish chamber 51 Numbet 52 Secretive person 55. Wapitis down 1. Thunderpeal seed 5 Umpire 6. Comprehended lETrEK.1iNWMAiLBQK// 53 Redberry 2. Netlike fabric 7. Hesitates I Public vehicle evergreen 3. Task 8 lo and — ) Supposing ! Shoemaker's tool i Compete E=-=in gentleman ) Doubled ! Miner's plallorm I Continue I SI Johns-bread ). Cringe 1 Cheek 3 Pretty *oman 4. Drip 5 trees 6 Diffident 7 Humotous author 8 Shooter ^ 4 Michigon Slate News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 27 Bill introduced to stop megamonopolie By MARTIN MERZER energy kinds of expertise and management capabilities which are •Oil companies now supply about one-fifth of U.S. coal projects. crucial to the oil business can be used, effectively and efficiently, to One subsidiary of Exxon manufactures solar devi„. NEW YORK (AP) - As oil and gas reserves diminish, oil production. A crucial part of President Jimmy Carter's energy i companies are investing in alternate energy sources such as solar develop alternative sources." proposal calls for large-scale development of coal reserves and electricity in remote locations; another subsidiary ' J1* collectors for hot water and space heating power, coal and uranium. But the diversification is leading to Critics argue that large-scale entry by oil firms into alternate conversion of many oil- and gas-burning power plants to coal devices ^1 increasing talk in Congress and elsewhere of stopping "megamono- energy fields stifles competition by smaller firms and increases power. polies." what they call the monopolistic tendencies of oil companies. •Twenty of the almost 100 firms involved in the mining or Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., introduced a bill Tuesday "To say that you can do more with energy because you're exploration for uranium are oil companies. Uranium is the primary electricity, as is a company controlled by Shell When Exxon ran a series of ads earlier that would prevent major oil and gas companies from acquiring already a monopoly is saying there's justification to be fuel for nuclear reactors. this year megamonopoly," says consumer advocate Ralph Nader. •Some 86 commercially significant patents were issued from doubt about the future of solar power, Ren more coal or uranium properties. Within three years, those Rick j ' D-N.Y., and Sen. Gary Hart, D-Colo., companies would have to dispose of the coal and uranium interests they now hold. A partial listing of oil company holdings in alternate energy fields may serve as a primer on the subject of energy 1964 through 1975 for separating oil from rock. Sixty-nine of those "oil-shale" patents went to oil companies. charged misleading the public with "inaccurate statistics an! thauV.^I ■ Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearings on the proposal, called development: •Oil companies also are well represented in solar energy pi ejections." ^ "horizontal divestiture," will begin next week. A similar bill is pending in the House. "I think there's a general sense that we have detected, not just among consumer groups but among utilities, businessmen and people knowledgeable about the energy industry, that there's a problem here that the traditional economic analysis doesn't get a handle on," said Hank Banta, subcommittee assistant counsel. LEONARD'S AFTER-INVENTORY "There's a concern about the moral issues here," he also said. MIDSUMMER But that concern doesn't always translate into action. Recent congressional attempts failed to force "vertical divestiture," which would prohibit a corporation from carrying out more than one of the four traditional functions of the oil business — exploration and : production, refining, transportation and marketing. The major oil companies are fighting moves toward divestiture with all available weaponry — newspaper and television advertising, press releases, speeches by top executives, lobbying in Washington and requests that stockbrokers pressure their representatives. CLEARANCE They say they are the logical entities to be involved in developing alternate energy sources. "A company which is in the oil business is, by definition, in the energy business," Shell Oil said recently in a statement. "The same We've just completed our Summer Inventory, and we're overflowing with some of the best stereo values ever! Now, while supplies last, we've reduced prices on our entire stock, with some prices near wholesale cost. Quantities are limited and the prices are right, so hurry! Open: Monday, Tucs., Wed., Sat • 9-6 Thurs. & Fri. ■ 9-9 Sunday 12-5 Turntables Speakers 1(Speakers priced each) I B.I.C. Model 920 Technics LLC. Vsnturl Formula 2 I Single 'multi-play beltdrive masug LatSBO Model SA-S060 3-way speaker ma Sug Lai si 19.so I B.I.C. Modal 940 AM/FM stereo receiver B.I.C. Venturl Formula 5 cigarettes 2/89* I Single/multi-play beltdrive I B.I.C. Model 980 Mfr.Sug Let si 09 with over 12 watts' channel, provisions 10inchwoofer, T-slothom. ut'sSug LatS2i9 B.I.C. Venturl Formula 6 I Single'niulti-play beltdrive w'strobe. wtasug LaiS200 for 2 sets of speakers 12 inch woofer, 5 other drivers ma Sug List S29s COUPON EXPIRES 7-3177 I Technics Model SL-1500 , Mfr's Sug List $169 PIONEER' JBL Model L-100 Century I Direct drive with base and cover Vfri Sug ust sioo Model SX-850 3-way speaker MfrsSug LatS33l our Discount Prico I 10% - on KODAK film Technics Model SL-1400 I Direct drive with base and cover, uoa Sug Lai tw $ AM/FM stereo receiver has 65 watts per channel, dual tuning JBL Model LI BB Horizon 3-way ducted port speaker ma Sug Lai 3399 I Technics Model SL-1300 , meters, includes simulated walnut AMC Model 14XP Tower I Direct drive with base and cover, Mfr'a Sug List 1300. vinyl veneer cabinet, 2 tape mon¬ Column monitor system photo finishing I Technics Model SL-23 itors. Mfr's Sug. List $500. COUPON EXPIRES 7*31*77 , Infinity Model 1001A I Direct drive with base and cover, 1*309 Mfr's Sug LatStao Terminated line speaker Mfrssug Utisug I Pioneer Model PL-1120 DLK Model 1Vj ' aim ARR1D EXTRA DRY I Belt drive with base and cover Mfr s Sug Lai sioo. With double woofer system. Mfr« Sug oar I its I Pioneer Model PL-1150 THRU SUNDAY NITE! EPI Model 120 TOOTHPASTE ROLL ON I Belt drive with base and cover masug Latsi2S 2-waysystem Mfrssug. Laisu9 I Pioneer Model PL-117D 8.2 ox. REG. 1.59 I Belt drive with base and cover, ma Sug Lai si 73 $ NOW EPI Model 200 3-driver 2-way system ma Sug uu S22S REG. 1.71 99 1.5 ox. 1.12 I I Pioneer Model Pl-51 OA Direct drive with base and cover. ma Sug Lai 3200 $ THRU Apollo Model 12 Bookshelf speaker system, masug Laisioo I Pioneer Model PL-530 . SUNDAY J. Large Advent Speaker LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 7-31-77 tIMIT 1 EXPIRES 7-31-77 I Direct drive with base and cover, ma Sug Lai S250 NIGHT! 2-way system Mfrssug Laism 1 Garrard Model 770M Jensen Model 23 I With base, cover and cartridge, uirs Sug Lai j 129 agree listermint 1 10 inch woofer 2-way system Mfrs Sug Lais 129 I Dual Model 1226 Automatic turntable M/rsSug Lai si to TEAC Top Rated Model A-170 AR Model 10PI Creme Rinse & MOUTHWASH Here's the one that won all the raves. Whether 3-way speaker, Mfrs Sug usr 1395 you're Conditioner 1 Dual Model 1249 $ making tapes for home or car, the A-170 has al the ease AR Model 2AX I Beltdrive automatic masug LaiS27g of operation and performance you* m 0%, 0^ REG. 1.59 3-way speaker ma Sug Laistes I vleSCe REG. 2.25 12 oz 1.08 I Dual Model 502 , look for in a cassette deck. Mfr's Sug. Ust Price $250. I WW KLH Model 32 1.55 Beltdrive with base and cover Mfr 's Sug usisi92 12 ox 2-way bookshelf system masug LaiSTo LEONARD'S will ....... , not be undersold! BMrmca/-31-77 uwiii i EXPIRES 7-31-77 REVI.ON flex balsam If you find your Leonard's purchase advertised for less anywhere else in town, bring proof within 30 days, JJHAMPOO CON CENTRATE | .33 I and we'll pay you the difference because we want you back! LIMIT 1 COUPON EXPIRES 7-31-77 iTape Decks Receivers JER(SENS I JVC Model CD-1920 srs/v* I Frontload Dolby cassette deck, Pioneer Model SX-450 ma Sug Lai S2S0 itUtf 15 watts/channel ma Sug Lot S200 directalid lotion I PioneerCT-F2121 , , I Frontload Dobly cassette deck ma Sug Lai S200 Pioneer Model SX-550 REG. 1.85 129 20 watts/channel, ma Sug LatS25o I 10 oz LIMIT 1 1.27 COUPON EXPIRES 7-31-77 Pioneer Model CT-F6f 61 I Frontload Dolby cassette deck M/' s Sug L/st S300 . . 109 _ _ Pioneer Model SX-750 50 watts/channel, ma Sug Lai saoo I Pioneer Model CT-F9191 Pioneer Model SX-950 I Frontload Dolby cassette deck. Mrr's Sug lisi 3450. 299 zest JOHNSON t JOHNSON I Technics Model RS-415US 85 watts/channel. Mfrs Sug uaseoo 1 Pioneer Model SX-t 050 soap BABY POWDER newest front load Dolby cassette deck 195 120watts/channel, Mfr s Sug LaiSToo I Sankyo Model ST-1510D Sherwood Model S-721 OA REG. 43' I Deluxe top load Dolby cassette deck list $240 129 30 watts/channel, ma Sug Lai ssoo REG. 1.50 PHILIPS BATH SIZE 2/65' 9 ox. 1.12 |I Frontload Sanyo Model RD-5055 stereo cassette with Dolby NR sajtn 149 GA-212 Bait Drive Servo-controlled manual operation L-28 Decade Best-selling 2-way Sherwood Model S-8900A 60 watts/channel, uira Sug. ur 3450. I Tesc Model A-150 , . __ with photo-electric operation, base high efficiency I and dust cover Mtr's Sug. Ust $169 speaker. Sug $168 Sherwood Model $8910 UMITJEXPIRES7.3I.77 LIMIT I EXPIRES 7-31-77 Frontload Dolby cassette ma Sug Lai S200 - 179 60 watts/channel Mfri Sug L*r 3500 I NOW THRU n*109 $129 Teec Model A-420 , - Sherwood Model S-9910 I Frontload Dolby cassette deck, ma Sug Lai S35v 249 SUNDAY NIGHT! ^ (ea.) a.r.m. COPPERTONE 1 Teac model A-450 100watts/channel, MfrsSug LaiSToo SUNTAN I Topload professional Dolby cassette. M/rssug est 3<5o Technics Model SX-5460 Allergy Relief alS7 TENNA 65 watts/channel, ma Sug. lat saoo LOTION OR OIL I Teec Model A-B50 i AM/FM Indash Medicine REG. 2.39 I Deluxe Dolby cassette deck mis Sug Lai ssso .... 359 | Technics Model SA-5560 . Stereo Cassette 85 watts/channel. Mfr's Sug Lai 3500 4" REG. 1.75 1.77 I Car Stereo Model RR-201 3MPX With locking fast forward. \ Kenwood Model KR-3600 10's 88' |I SanyoUnderdash8-Track eject, local/distant tuning Save now! / 22 watts/channel. Mfr'iSug urijso Harman/Kardon Model 330C t'MITl EXPIRES 7 31-77 Model FT-819 with last forward 3 NOW THRU $ftf) 20 watts/channel, ma Sug Lai S220 LIMIT I EXPIRES 7-3I-77 Sanyo "AudioSpec" AMIFM Cassette L SUNDA Y NIGHT! *fllfl PLAYTEX DEODORANT | Indash Model FT-484 12 1 Js'Hmwi iH IIM II Triaxials Televisions 1*69 6 x 9-inch with 20oz. 30's tampons I Indash AM/FM Stereo Cassette alel