YORK 1AP) - * »««« Jua«* m Brooklyn Issued a ,-v order Thursday that allowa continued uae of federal abortions that are not medically Medicaid abortions necessary, and on June 29 it fid fundi for «le«lve »b«rtIoni at leant until next vacated Dooling's order and sent the case back to It told him to reconsider his order In him. light of the new ruling. On ■ October the lame Judge, Diatrlct Judge John F. Doollng, Thursday, Dooling said refusal to grant the temporary restraining L«ted an attempt by Congreu to cut off auch paymenU. order "would wreak fiscal harm and havoc — and not to sign it Ky's ruling came after the U.S. Supreme Court ordered him would create needless waste and damage. 'The question is, whether we are still i?hM Education and Welfare (HEW) Secretary Joieph A. dealing with a substantial case. And we still are," the ¥ jr judge said. "We have grave Issues, and temporarily allowed his Mid he la ready to enforce the congreMlonal effort they are so grave to cause human travail and suffering that may be r,the Hyde Amendment - and to cut off the fundi. needless until we can decide the issues." ■ the ruling hM the effect of leaving the federal fundi The plaintiffs - the ACLU, the Center for V t0 9tates that want them for at leant one more week. Constitutional Rights, aid Planned Parenthood Inc. - had argued that the Wednesday, Doollng will hear argumenti on an application Supreme Court's latest ruling was no definitive in this case. They hose who want the paymenta continued. They are leeklng a unwise actions and seek illegal abortions." said that when the. Supreme Court allowed except when the procedure was required to save the mother's life. states to refuM Binary injunction barring enforcement of the Hyde Amend- Nancy Stella, a spokesperson for the plaintiff American Civil Dooling soon issued an order barrlhg the Department of Health, payments for medically unnecessary abortions, it wm less Liberties Union (ACLU) said the restrictive than the Hyde Amendment, which bars group regarded Dooling's ruling Education and Welfare from enforcing it. He cited the paymenta g said the cue wu itlll "substantial" and the iuuea "u a very important development in its continuing effort to insure Court's landmark 1978 abortion Supreme except when a mother's life Is in danger. that the right of reproductive choice can be exercised ruling and said the Hyde Though the case that prompted the ruling began in New York by rich and Amendment would effectively deny poor women their right to an laid he signed the temporary restraining order Thursday poor women alike." abortion. State, Dooling's actions have kept Califano from enforcing the ke he (eared an Immediate half of the payments "could well Last year, Congreu attached the Hyde Amendment to an But on June 20, the Supreme Court ruled that states have no Hyde Amendment anywhere. The judge ruled on Thursday that Lr the lives of the young poor, who are most likely to take appropriations bill, barring use of Medicaid funds for abortions legal obligation to provide indigent women with assistance for abortion providers from states other than New York could (continued on page 10) f uclear talks ft for Oct. 3, [arter reports BH1NGTON (AP) - President Jim- exploding nuclear devices in the atmos¬ iter announced Thursday that the phere is the People's Republic of China. ■ States, Britain and the Soviet Union Li preliminary talks on Oct. 3 aimed ■pletely banning ail of their nuclear Lr also said In a nationally broadcast Treaties also have been reached between the U.S. and the Soviet Union liiqitlng the explosive tests and power of underground atomic banning underground tests except for peaceful purposes. However, the Senate Cyclotron grant awarded By ED LION to MSU ienferenre Thursday that he believes has not yet ratified these agreements and State News Staff Writer | move to legalize settlements on they are not officially in effect. MSU will receive a $1.2 million grant to There Is no ban or pending ban on build a new cyclotron, the first I Arab lands in the West Bank area stage of a Jt up "obstacles to peace." But he underground testing for peaceful purposes. proposed project to make MSU the leading Bhem "obstacles which I think we can Both the U.S. and USSR have exploded world center for nuclear ion physics, numerous underground bombs in recent President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. ersaid he hoped the nuclear talks, to years. announced Thursday. d in Geneva, could lead to other Questions about Middle East peace The University is also seeking an L also agreeing to ban ail nuclear prospects dominated the 85-mlnute news additional $12 million from the National conference. However, Carter had this to My Science Foundation to build a second I my hope." he said, "that sufficient on other topics: cyclotron. or agreement can be reached that all If the two are combined, MSU will nions of the world will join us in the e"Accurate criticisms" of his domestic become "the world's leader of heavy ion , prohibition against testing of policies by blacks and others are fine. nuclear physics, "Henry Blosser, director of |r devices." However, to the extent that director the MSU Cyclotron Lab said at a preN Vernon Jordan of the National Urban conference. je than 100 countries, including the The proposed facility would be the most ■Soviet Union and Britain, already League alleged in a weekend blut "that ■greed not to explode any nuclear neither I nor my administration nor the verMtlle cyclotron facility in the world, J■ above ground, underwater or in Congress was concerned about the poor, capable of hurling atomic particles at speeds up to 30,000 miles per second into space. The only nation currently (continued from page 8) targets to test their behavior. It would be ten times as powerful as MSU's present facility. Blosser said by testing the reactions of ew legal services atomic particles, scientists can get better insight Into the working olatoms, the basic building blocks of all matter. This research could lead potentially to anned for fall term uncovering new energy sources and the creation of new elements, Blosser Mid. "The system which we have laid out here lusing'the two proposed cyclotrons) should lead this lab to being the world center," By MICHAEL WINTER Blosser said. State News Staff Writer He predicted scientists from all over the (J students should be getting the long-awaited Legal Services program this fall world would flock to MSU to use the AP Wlrtphoto/Dals Afkfni dig Wednesday's unveiling of a proposed student attorney plan. Director of the MSU Cyclotron Laboratory, Henry front of the casing for a huge super-magnet which k 17 facility. Chances are good, he said, that the page document outlines the student attorney program, in the making for over National Science Foundation will appropri¬ Blosser, describes the University's new cyclotron could become thfe center of the world's most tears, which would provide free legal counsel to full-time fee-paying MSU students. made possible, in part, by a $1.2 million federal ate the additional funds for the second versatile cyclotron if additional funding is forth¬ |eneprogram provides for one full-time 120,000 per year senior staff attorney, one $15,000 assistant staff attorney, six paralegals, two co-directors, one secretary (continued on page 10) grant announced Thursday. Blosser is standing in coming. le assistant comptroller. ding for the proposed program would come from additional 50 cent tax levied 1st students at registration each term. I June 2,1977, an all-University referendum proposing the legal services program ■u approved by over 90 per cent of the students voting. Iralegals are lawyers' aMistants who do legal research and perform other duties of a Detroit, 10 years later: the scars remain M under the supervision of a lawyer. They are not licensed to practice law, and may By DAVID MI8IALOW8KI Street were spent now, the battle field "It looks," he observed bleakly, five legal advice. and REGINALD THOMAS "like adelphia...Virginia Park...Clairmount. le moodily silent. A fragile truce, borne Berlin did in 1945..." On the morning of July 23, 1967, police proposed co-directors would assist in internal affairs management, review all State News Staff Writers mostly of sheer exhaustion, had taken hold. It was not Berlin, of course. It raided an after-hours drinking establish¬ Jetary matters and attend all Student Council and MSU Board of Trustees meetings, fcimated cost of the program for the 1977-78 school year, based on enrollment figures Four days. Block after block was lain waste, hun¬ Detroit, 1967. was ment on Twelfth Street near Clairmount. A Four days of guns and bullets, bricks and dreds of stores and houses reduced to ""6, amount to And now, 10 years after the worst civil mob of jeering blacks congregated as $85,000, or about $16,250 per term, bombs, arson and agony. Four days of trial charred, skeletal ruins. Federal troops ries would account for $55,800 of the total under the proposal, disorder in America's history, the scars rumors of police brutality spread. Someone by fire. crouched behind their barricades, poised for hurled a brick. Someone else smashed a le proposed program, principally authored by ASMSU Legal Service directors Jim Four days in July. a renewed dams and Greg Hoyle, still must be onslaught of looting and sniping Drive down Twelfth Street sometime store window. The insurrection was on. approved by MSU vice-president for student On the morning of the fifth day, a brittle that would never come. Helicopters clat¬ When it petered to a halt four days later, i, Eldon R. Nonnamaker before it is implemented. (they call it Rosa Parks Blvd. now, but it is gray dawn broke over the stricken tered aloft to survey the blackened vistas. Twelfth Street just the same). Drive past ■order for the MSU business office to make proper arrangements for collection of the fully one sixth of Detroit had been affected. ghettoes. Sunlight filtered through the Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh , his eyes puffy block after block of vacant, weed-infested The statistics and still ■ional tax at fall term registration, the proposal must either be approved or were — are — steaming rubble and shone dazzlingly off from lack of sleep, his face deeply lined and lots where buildings once stood. Watch the staggering. Forty-three dead, six hundred lfactorally amended by Aug. 15, according to several University sources. the shards of glass that littered the suddenly very old, inspected the wreckage street names — so familiar a decade ago — deserted streets. The flashpoints of Twelfth of the nation's fifth largest city. fifty-seven injured. Over seven thousand (continued on page 10) fall by the wayside: Taylor...Pingree...Phil- (continued on page 5) Pattl Shayne, a senior majoring in Physical Education, challenges her Fetch! dog Alfle with a Frisbee in Abbott Park. Recent cooler weather makes this sport refreshing for both of them. Process director appointed A U.S. Army colonel who is an expert in computer technology and management information systems will become MSU's new director of data processing. Col. James J. Lennon, who is currently director of management information sys¬ tems at an Army command center in Virginia, will assume his new post at MSU Sept. 15, according to Roger Wilkinson, MSU vice president for business and finance. Lennon's appointment is subject to formal confirmation at the Sept. meeting of the MSU Board of Trustees. Wilkinson said a six-person rating com¬ mittee recommended Lennon for the job over 107 other applicants. 'The committee, and others of us who interviewed him, obviously were impressed by the depth of his experience in automatic data processing and his management re¬ sponsibilities in the Army," Wilkinson said. In addition to his duties u director of management information systems for the Army Training and Doctrine Command at Slate News/Kay McKeever (continued on page 10) 2 Michigon State News, Eost Lonaing, Michigan Friday, July 29,197, Carter welfare plan advances WASHINGTON (AP) - The effort to keep federal $5.5-billion public service jobs dropping to 5.8 per cent, which program-and the Work Incen¬ would eliminate the program President Jimmy Carter who outlays from rising as a result •"Increases in Sofi. tive program for current wel¬ anyway. ty contributions said Thursday he is trying to of the program which Carter hopes to make public by Aug. 4 fare recipients. At this point, the document increased UT' hold down the cost of his Califano to scour the Big city mayors have already notes that $3.1 billion more of earning,J jn } welfare reform plan is working has caused participants protested using the public ser¬ needs to be obtained to fund with a proposal that would use government for programs that component of the PJ can be eliminatd or reduced so vice jobs money, with which Califano's suggested system some revenues from Social • Decreases i„ ' their funds can be used to more than 700,000 persons can and outlines some options for ment Security tax and a tax on crude insurance out), oil to help finance a $28.9 billion finance the new welfare sys¬ be employed by state and local doing so. ing from reduced welfare system. government. The administra¬ "We believe that the follow¬ ment tem. . following imp), The Associated Press gained Advocates of these programs tion argues that this program is ing two additional offsets are of the jobs program access to the financing section have protested some of the in effect only when unemploy¬ appropriate and should be in¬ The first option i of the 60 page welfare reform initial proposals vehemently ment is over 6 per cent and its cluded in the sum of money be worth $300 available for welfare reform," milli, outline prepared by HEW Sec¬ particularly efforts to divert prediction show unemployment second $400 million, retary Joseph A. Califano Jr. money from. Housing programs. Some controversy was likely It has already been disclosed over his inclusion of $300 mil¬ that the new program will MORE CONSIDERATION SCHEDULED lion in Social Security money cover more persons than the and $1.3 billion from Carter's old one and that it will require to work emphasizing proposed well head tax in the Defense bid postpone] many sum of money available for private over public jobs and welfare reform. ' that the more a recipient works During the afternoon Carter the more money he could keep and several Cabinet members even while having his welfare WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen¬ stancy of U.S. foreign policy. Democratic Leader J™. worked on the draft proposal payments reduced. ate Democratic leader Robert but their decisions if any were Califano suggested last week C. Byrd announced Thursday Meanwhile the Senate For- "!nd Republic,, y that a family of four with no one not disclosed. In the morning required to work might get a that President Jimmy Carter eign Relations Committee also ' .:Baker"cgedj the President had told a nation¬ has agreed to temporarily with¬ prepared to vote on a resolution . ns and withdnJ federal payment of $3,800 a of disapproval. ally broadcast news conference draw his bid to sell a sophisti¬ gtve rrequest Congress "1 am trying to hold down the year plus extra money in those cated and controversial $1.5 Earlier Thursday Senate consider it. more tiZII cost of the over all program." states or cities which wish to billion radar air defense system He reminded his audience of supplement that. to Iran. "the careful wording of my In the outline that Califano Byrd told the Senate that goals. It said the initial cost gave Carter, the HEW secre¬ Letter opening Carter had agreed to repeated would not exceed present ex¬ tary estimated the new welfare bipartisan requests to give the penditure." system might cost $28.9 billion. The document said that $25.8 Congress 30 more dayS to The size of present expendi¬ consider the proposal tures on welfare depends on billion of this could be raised ' blasted by rep The President's action came which programs one defines as by eliminating these existing within hours of a 19 to 17 vote welfare. Califano's document programs: Aid to Families with by which the House Interna¬ essentially includes the cost of Dependent Children, Supple¬ tional Relations Committee many existing programs not mental Security Income for the adopted a resolution disapprov¬ WASHINGTON (AP) - De¬ Charles R. Braun. viewed as welfare by the gener¬ aged, blind and disabled, food ing the sale of seven Airborne al public, thus allowing a higher spite bitter criticism from law¬ Meanwhile, the Cu!t«,| stamps, unemployment com¬ Warning and Control System makers about illegal mail open¬ vice issued a series initial cost for the new pro¬ pensation after the 28th week, (AWACS) aircraft. olpn, the earned income tax credit, a ings, the Postal Service said new rules spelling out, gram. Byrd commended the Presi¬ Thursday it will continue to what circumstances dent for deferring the notice of itsu allow customs agents to open can open mail. sale and thanked him for "his letters from abroad. In the last fiscal yeu, Warring Africans cooperation gress." with the Con¬ "The President's action will gated mail "You have completely abro¬ your authority entrusted to over the you," an toms opened about 11 envelopes, 48,000 oi which tained prohibited or di enable us to further examine angry Rep. Theodore S. Weiss, items, according to f to get arms U.S. the issues that have been raised in connection with the proposed D-N.Y., told postal officials at a House Government Operations gathered by the subcom Customs began sale," Byrd said. subcommittee hearing. Other openin| The House committee entering the country ii WASHINGTON (AP) - Ideological and tribal rivalries have re¬ panel members echoed his sen¬ touched off a major political realignment in northeast Africa and jected a personal appeal from timents. Usually, mail is opened i AP Wirephoto intensified competition between the United States and the Soviets Secretary of State Cyrus Vance Postal officials acknowledged dog trained to sniff illegal A team of seven painters each attached to a safety line paints one of three radar in voting its disapproval of the has reacted to a letter. in that strategic region. that customs agents have vio¬ domes at the Royal Air Force Ffyingdales Ballistic Missile Early Warning The United States is moving toward innaugurating or expanding sale. lated laws and government But the subcommittee Station near Whitby, England. Given good weather, the painters could complete Vance had argued behind procedures that allow them to military supply relationships with Somalia, Sudan and Chad, all of told about several in the painting of the 51,000-square-foot domes in 20 days, officials said. The paint which feel threatened by Soviet arms buildups in rival countries. closed doors for more than open mail without a search which the Customs S is eggshell The administration also is consulting with Congress on a three hours in support of the blue. warrant only when they sus¬ flagrantly violated proposed $200 million package of "nonlethal" equipment for Egypt, proposed sale of the seven pect a letter contains illegal opening rules. which has cancelled a military assistance treaty with the Soviet AWACS aircraft and was in the drugs or other contraband. In one program, r Union. room when the committee But they said turning over according to the Postal Se voted. mail to tbe Customs Service customs officials in Net I At his news conference Thursday, President Jimmy Carter said ' He called it a great mistake would continue. "We have to for several years allowed i the prospective U.S. arms sales to the area are not incompatible which if ratified by the fuU expect the other agency to tary investigators to opts with his objectives of achieving a progressive, overall reduction in House and the Senate could U.S. arms transfers in the coming years. comply with the regulations," read letters without shake confidence in the con- said Assistant General Counsel required search warrants. of Michigan Slot* Umvortity «, it published in September. and business offices-o» 345 jQ AM 11 Ml V\ g lOIIVl Bomb injures 28 in Israel C" STEAKS \ TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) bombing in Israel within 24 wounded 28 persons Thursday — The third hours la cells operating inside Israel executed two successful operations in Jerusalem Display Advertising... 15C 'SANDWICHES at a and Beersheba" Wednesday and Thurs¬ market in the Negev Desert Photographic city of Beersheba. Palestinian guerillas claimed responsibility. day. Two persons were reported wounded when a car was bombed Wed¬ slightly HOT salad bar Beersheba was the fifth Israeli city in PIZZA which a bombing has occurred since nesday in Jerusalem. The PLO said Israeli DOGS /wipusY July authorities arrested more than 80 Arobs 6. The explosions coincided with re¬ in connection with the blasts In Jerusa¬ newed controversy over Israeli settle¬ lem and Beershebo, a city of 95,000 ments on In the West Bank of the Jordan. Washington, President Jimmy Carter persons lem. 50 miles southwest of Jerusa¬ 2-5 MM I Ml imiNMENI said Thursday that Israel's legalization of three such settlements posed obstacles to peace. The explosion crowded car bombing near a Tel Aviv came hours after coffee shop in a open-air market an vSAVINGS This week: NK.HIIY Palestine liberation Ocganization wounded 11 bystanders. Police said a OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 (PLO) headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, young Arab seen throwing a parcel near issued a statement saying "secret gueril¬ the coffee shop was arrested. A.P.F. TELEVISION FUN Technicians GAME restart Alaskan pipeline VALDEZ, Alaska (AP) — Technicians southern coast. restarted the pumps on the trans-Alaska The pipeline was shut down for about pipeline Thursday hoping the first oil in 12 hours while the the BOO mile pipeline would reach the repairs were made. It was the fifth terminal here without further delay in 38 days. The technicians started the again after completing government or¬ delay. pumps A spokesperson for Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. said the oil would begin leading edge of the 'Jnoobsoi is dered repairs on 14 welds in the oil gushing into storage For 1 or 2 players, all tanks about 12 hours after the terminal at this ice free port on Alaska's pumps ages and skills. Four WHITE SALE were started. games — football, Explosion rocks plane in Boston tennis, squash, or handball. Automatic digital scoring. Bat¬ tery operated. '29.95 NOW IN PROGRESS BOSTON (AP) A DC10 - jetliner chutes failed to open. Fill your linen shelves with headed for Los Angeles with 192 superb values passengers aborted take off "All of a sudden there was a Thursday that shook the whole 'boom' SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, BEDSPREADS when an explosion and fire erupted in its plane, "said Edward wootco WOOiCO tail engine as it gathered speed on the F. Johnson of Worcester, Moss. BLANKETS, TABLECLOTHS, CURTAINS and runway at Logan International Airport. The cause of the explosion was not MERIDIAN MALL WAVERLY PLAZA determined. TOWELS, all now at All passengers and a crew of 12 aboard 1910 Grand Rivat I00S. Waverly Rood saving pricesl the American Okamos, Michigan Lansing, Michigan Airlines craft escaped There without serious injury, an were conflicting reports on how PHONE: 349-2111 PHONE: 321-1014 airport spokes- orderly the evacuation cameoff. Johnson Jacob&onte . person said. But one passenger said one said, "Everyone started panicking. It was the airplane's inflatable OP€N DAILY 10-9:30 p.m. SUNDAY.11-6 p.m. escape all chaos." I. hi| an state N«w», Eoit Lontlng, Michigon Friday, July 29, 1977 3 inior citizens outraged Lansing officials Iver closing of center undecided I BtKATBBOWN the coming year. strators are looking at budgets the center. ■^NewSUHWritor Senior citizens at Center *2 rather than the dependence the Neil Rosier, a Lansing man LANSING (UPI) - Lansing school board officials say they lor citizens on the south say that their services and senior citizens have developed who has been going to the '[ Lansing became out- activities are much better, and in coming to the center. center since it opened, said he have not yet decided whether to I Monday when it was while they do not wish either "The thing that concerns me appeal to the U.S. Supreme has been contacting members of Iced that Lansing Senior center to be closed, they feel it is that the folks come here to the legislature for help and has Court an appeals court determi¬ would be best to close Center *1 nation that the f. Center #2 will be closed meet friends," she said. "Finally planned city's schools instead. a meeting with O'Con¬ racially segregated. September 30 for lack of they have found a place to come and were i Efforts to stop the O'Connor said that after DSS — that's the key." nor Lansing Mayor Gerald The Sixth District U.S. Cir¬ X heve proved futile, cut the funding for the centers, Graves next Wednesday. cuit Court in Cincinnati Tues¬ Comments such as "It'll be a "I'm going to see the gover¬ ■center, located at S17W. she recommended to the Lan-. disaster if they close this place day unanimously upheld Dis¬ nor," he said. "I don't know if he trict Court Judge Noel P. Fox's ■ia open five days a week sing Senior Citizens Inc. Board down" and a tearful "I don't will bother with a little Slides meals and recrea- of Directors that one of the know what I'll do" were heard in thing finding that the school board like this, do you?" ■ activities and sponsors centers be closed. "has created and maintained a T ,„a guest speakers on "Much to my surprise, they racially segregated school sys¬ tem." nt issues for senior clti- (the board) decided to keep Center 01 open on the west J center and its counter- ICenter #1 at 1122 W. side," she said. "The board's decision leaves, what I consider, Nuclear talks set Fox ordered the school board to continue a cluster plan for desegregating the city's ele¬ ■a, operate with matching a void on the south side." (continued from page 1) mentary schools until it sub¬ ■ from the Lansing Com- those statements were erroneous" and could rob the mits a final integration plan for Rev. J.E. Graves, president poor pf hope T Development Fund and. of the board, said he did not for "a better life." court approval. lham County Department want either center to close but eThe nation's projected annual trade deficit of 325 billion, a "I'm disappointed," said Jal Services (DSS) under the choice to close Center *2 was cause for concern in some quarters, is due wholly to oil imports school board President Ray¬ |[X of the Social Security a matter of "operations. and, in Carter's view, underscores the need for a national energy mond Hannula. "We thought conservation program. that we had a pretty good "Without Center #1 you can't Je its establishment three have Center #2," he said. "You •Having interviewed six candidates to succeed Clarence Kelley chance of winning in our appeal ■ago, Center #2 has been don't close up headquarters." as director of the FBI, the President said he feels no pressure to in Cincinnati, which is why we >ith a high priority. But act quickly and "we reserve the right to interview more in the went that route." ar DSS gave the center a The senior citizens at Center future if we like." The case against the Lansing jrity because of high #2 held a meeting with the board eCarter favors new congressional charters to School Board was brought by J costs, according to of directors Wednesday' mor¬ spell out the the NAACP and parents of responsibilities of the FBI and the CIA. ie O'Connor, director of ning, hoping to sway their Lansing elementary school chil¬ •During his first six months in office, he has "learned how to l-County Office on Aging, decision. However, Graves said work much more harmoniously with the Congress" and has gained dren. inor said DSS allocated they could not change the respect for the diligence and expertise of its members. AP Wirephoto "Our review of the record 0 for the operation of dosing of Center *2. An electric skateboard built •Carter acknowledged making "minor mistakes" by Dave Ridge, a 22-year-old motorcycle technician, convinces us that ... the nters for the past year, Karen Forton, Center #2 during the and a University of Toronto Lansing Board of Education has half-year and drew laughter by adding, "To be perfectly frank, I engineering student Wayne Chomik may be massed 1 the budget to $73,000 for coordinator, said the admini- don't personally care to point them out." marketed for 32,000 if the inventors receive financial practiced de jure segregation in backing. The vehicle is the administration of public •Despite planned fresh arms shipments to the Middle East, silent, clean, rechargeable and capable of speeds up to 25 miles per hour. Carter remains committed to elementary schools," the U.S. restraining arms sales and expects them to drop in the coming vear. appeals court said. r -police chief The first question put to Carter was whether he East peace prospects were hurt believed Middle by Israel's decision to legalize three settlements on Jordan River. occupied Arab lands on the west bank of the Dearborn mayor pulls out of race j-ought to "Yes," he said. "I think that any move toward making court permanent the settlements in the occupied territories, establishment of new settlements, difficulty in ultimate peace." obviously increases or the the DEARBORN (UPI) - Or- mayoral terms since 1942. Since drive was a joke or a serious run for mayor." ville Hubbard, mayor of this By DIANE COX bathroom and by this time he Carter said Israeli Prime Minister Menaham November, 1974, when he suf¬ re-election bid. Begin, during a Detroit suburb with the longest fered a stroke, he has run the Hubbard denied to reporters mer Police Chief Robert had his shirt off, so I took my visit here last week, gave no advance hint of the action. Carter said tenure of any mayor in the "He has submitted his let¬ that his filing attempt had been _:er of Leoni Township was blouse off," she said. "When he he informed Begin of "my strong hope that nothing would be done city with nods of his head or nation, dropped out of the ter," said William Karr, deputy nothing more than a publicity I over to the circuit court came out he said, 'What do you by the Israeli government in establishing new settlements that speaking brief, incomplete sen¬ municipal election race Thurs¬ tences. city clerk. "It is final. He can't stunt for his son. He indicated Xbon to be arraigned and want to do?' I said, 'Let's take it might exacerbate an already difficult position." day and threw his support to reneg any more. He's out of the he decided it would be better ■trisl for his alleged leader- slow,' " Stanton told the court. Deputy City Clerk said the his son. race. Frank has also withdrawn for the city and himself person¬ |of a local Dial-A-Date mayor's decision was final. Ear¬ According to Stanton it was Hubbard, 74, emotionally an¬ lier there had been confusion as his other petition for council ally to bow out and support his tution ring, Jackson after this that the arrest was nounced at city hall that he candidacy, so hell definitely son instead. to whether the mayor's petition j lliursday. Prosecutor Ed Grant lot said Baker, his girl- made. Outside the hearing room she told her attorney there were words in the police report that Monopoly tourney would withdraw nominating petitions that started circu¬ lating last week. His son, Stale News I Dsrlene Brooks, and his she did not say. Lansing police Frank, had earlier filed to Newsline A James Jenson stood ■ it their preliminary hear- |it Friday and were set free did not reveal what additional words their records contained. After the arrest was made in planned in Okemos succeed his wheelchair-user father. The mayor has served 10 353-3382 LEVI'S HO bond. They were the Holiday Inn one of the Monopoly players will have a In addition to first place, five .J with conspiring to officers called the Dial-A-Date chance to compete for the le state pandering laws and runner-up trophies ranging headquarters in Jackson, an Boardwalk trophy in the first from Pennsylvania Avenue to liring to accept the earn- apartment that Baker and annual Michigan Monopoly Mediterranean Avenue will be M a prostitute, a 20-year J. The original bond was 1110,000. Brooks shared, and said one of the women wasn't co-operating, Lansing Police Lieutenant Wil¬ Championship to be held at 11 a.m. this Saturday in the Meri¬ dian Mall in Okemos. awarded. Monopoly fans of all ages can Sizapdi are now available Marty's. Come in and at te ig ' women arrested for their alleged par- n in the in liam Cochran said. While Brooks was dn the Two games will be using official Parker Brothers played participate, but the number of players will be limited to the first 96 entries received. En¬ ^ndepqpound 224 Abbott 351-2285 choose from tion of Levi our selec¬ corduroy prostitution phone, Jackson police came in Monopoly short rules (90 min¬ pants and Levi Movin' aded guilty at pre-trial tries can be brought to the and arrested Brooks and Baker. utes of play). The 24 highest _gi this week to an added Meridian Mall office between 9 On jeans. Jenson was arrested the same scoring players of the first ■ of soliciting and accosting night. a.m. and 5 p.m. There is no fee. Tonight A Saturday game will compete in the sec¬ purpose of committing Lansing Police Sergeant Don ond game to determine the Official entry forms are avail¬ Jtution, ■ a misdemeanor maximum sentence of 90 Dufour said that the Lansing championship. able at the Meridian Mall. the Peeping Tom Band In jail and 1100. They still Police Department entered the featuring Connia Fairchild case after an informant called ■ sentencing. about a Dial-A-Date advertise¬ llaG. Stanton, 28; Priscel- JSouthweU, 37; and Karen ■bbell, 29 plea bargained ment placed in the State Journal and the State News. VAESITy INN Tonight's Dinnertime Special Filet of Sole & potato or vegetable Everything For tho Man Realizing that it was the same GOOD FOOD • PIZZA • DRINKS ay down from a conspira- case that Jackson police had and Salad Bar $3.75 rge. In return, they have HAPPY HOUR 2-5 .IBS been working on since late [dMt Bakerto testify in Jackson February, the police forces • Pitchers & drinks Vi off Bar Special: reduced prices on all drinks & bear and his two asso- coordinated the arrest, which every day from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. I their pre-trial hearing occurred three weeks later, • Drafts half price Restaurant Special: 40% oH the price of Martinis t Cochran said. lay, Southwell and Stanton Bloody Mary's B Manhattans. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. I uked by the Live entertainment 305 East Grand Rivar judge to East Lansing, Mi. I"* what happened the I of their arrest, July 15. Cool cocktails nitely at nine Sunday thru Thursday ^said that they and Karen 1227 E.Grand Rivar ell met four hm Jill Phillips Croup Art Auction men at the GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) Ph. 332-6517 Inn, 3121 Grand River Beat by the heat? How about - NOCOVIR SUNDAY-TUISDAYI an orange juice and baking soda ien asked why she went to ■w etel, Southwell replied, "I tomeetsnme cocktail for relief? Dr. Edward Donatelle offers TODAY meet some OAn+loeewee. gentlemen."»» ■ nid that they had this and a few other tips that A Foot Long Chili Dog planned might reduce the discomfort of Bug whatever the "gentle- hot weather. and 10 oz. draft ■ wanted to do, but said that 75'!« ■expected to end up having Depleted body salts can also MAZOO be replaced by mixing a half- U™ the men. teaspoon of baking soda with an Fording to Stanton, she 8- or 10-ounce glass of orange or with this coupon! Jjeofthe arresting officers, ■Mein, went ■weed for a while. " be into a bedroom went into the grapefruit juice, he says, "It's an excellent cocktail." 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Q *3 OFF The RETAIL ™ Hometown Sigourney-Jones difference - People Giving Hometown you'll sense it the moment you walk in the door: ★ Western style shirts Service/ a dedication to the mastery of the art & the science of contemporary hairstyling. Mr.B's is always 40-60% original works of graphic art—etchings, lithographs,— by leading 20th century artists; Pablo Picasso Johnny Friedlacndcr Marc Chagall below normal retail SIGOGRNEY- Salvador Dali, Alexander CaUlcr Joan Miro prices, so shop Mr. B s Georges Rouault Victor Vasarcly and others. JONES first, or you will pay Hairstyling for Men & Women the difference! SPECIAL MIDSUMMER SHOWI This Sat., July 30th at 8:30 P.M. tna KLDK1N Hospitality Inn • Ballroom 1712 E Michigan Ave 484 1491 Jolly Rd. Exit at 1-496 JAC TV Exhibition: 7:S0-S:M p.m. RENTALS 6810 $ Cedar Suite A,B 694-8101 Prusuntud Mod.rot. Print M7.|oio by Muridian GolUry Bank Chg'$ Accuptud . 7 AMP "WE PEOPLE MU^MUBBD AGAtttSr MOSES.* Carter press conference: pros and cons Jimmy Carter's latest press three settlements on the West undercuts Carter's proposed peace scandals that rocked his predeces¬ conference featured a potpourri of Bank of the Jordan River. plan which, distilled to its essence, sor's government, has adopted information, some of it good, some The "oversight" could more calls for Israel to surrender cap¬ such an uncompromising position. of it not so good. accurately be described as a monu¬ tured land in return for official If he would be willing to to a bit With regard to the Middle East, mental blunder. As Carter noted, Arab recognition and guarantees more than halfway in his dealings Carter's words were not encourag¬ Israel's bid to annex the West of security. with the Arabs, the long-sought ing. The president admitted to an Bank poses a grave obstacle to Until recently, the Arab world goal of Middle-East peace might at "oversight" in his meeting with peace in the Middle East. had steadfastly refused to meet last be realized. Israeli prime minister Menahem Begin Is a hard-liner who is this demand. Now it appears to be So much for the bad news. The Begin last week — namely, his committed to retaining most of the softening its stance. It is unfor¬ failure to discuss with Begin Arab territory occupied by Israel tunate that Begin, thrust into good news that came out of the conference is that Carter believes Israel's granting of legal status to in the 1967 war. This philosophy power mainly because of the a comprehensive nuclear weapons test ban agreement with the Soviet Union and Britain is within reach. It should be noted, how¬ ever, that grandiose news con¬ The State News ] ference rhetoric has a way of turning to fluff in the context of Friday, July 29, 1977 reality. We shall see if this is the case again. Editorials ore the opinions of the State News. and letters Viewpoints, columns Carter also said that he expects are personal opinions. to have a new welfare propo¬ Editorial Department sals ready next week. The presi¬ dent has already said that the cost Editor-in-chief . Michael Tanimura Photo Editor Richard Politowski Wire Editor . Joyce Laskowski of his welfare package will not Managing Editor Debbie Wolfe Layout Editor Fred van Hartesveldt Copy Chief Nancy Rogier exceed present welfare costs. This .. Opinion Editor. Dove Misialowski Sports Editor TomShonohon Staff representotivt JoePizzo News Editor Joe Scales Entertainment and Book Editor . Kathy Esselman policy is regrettable. A fundamen¬ tal and humane overhaul of the present welfare mess demands Advertising Department that state programs be federal¬ ized, at an initially higher cost to Advertising Manager. Sharon Seiler Assistant Advertising Manager taxpayers. To deny this fact is to deny reality. How they stand: council candidates on the issues Summon#, complied and written by Michael Rouse KAREN BARRETT PETER COUGHLAN ALAN FOX River Avenue is to enclose the north side of He is opposed to building another parking However, he said the campus bus jji the street into a mall, slow traffic to 10 ramp in the city. should eventually be taken o< CATA. m.p.h. and encourage through traffic to find "The community does not another route. need to respond 'The thing to do about transportstiotsJ To relieve the housing shortage, she to businesses in that way — like when they make it as difficult as possible to drive nil recommended improving the bus system so start yelling for more parking spaces we easy as possible to take the bus," FonJ students can live farther away from campus. should go out and build a parking ramp." He said he is sgainst widening toy is Barrett said though she is a former except for Lake Lansing Road. Coughlan said the city may be responsible landlord, she sides with co-op residents in for any lack of cooperation between MSU Fox said citizens should be alM| getting federal community development contribute to the decision-making pi and East Lansing. money for improvements to co-ops. earlier in the planning stages of proji "Frequently what citizens hivetoiil She said though the issues in the election Regarding the widening of Grand River Avenue proposed to disprove that something is good.'M are nonpartisan, "it is being turned into a by the state Highway and said. "With the Dayton Hudson prt partisan election." Transportation Department, Coughlan said, there was the presumption that h "There is a machine rolling by which an "What's wrong with leaving it the way It is?" they own the land and no one had anyclij ordinary citizen cannot win a city council "It's a pain in the neck now and it will be a idea of what to do with it they would ft Karen Barrett, 34, is an administrative seat unless they have the backing of a pain if it is widened," he said. "People look Alan Fox, 22, is a part-time MSU student develop it." assistant to the Executive Board of the political party." for government to solve the problems while majoring in history and is an aide to the His plan for development north olid Michigan Association of Community Health Peter Coughlan, 21, is an MSU senior they keep driving and consuming." Consumers Committee in the state House of Boards and is vice chairperson of the With few identifiable issues in this year's Lansing Road is to prohibit strip d«v majoring in criminal justice and has lived in Representatives. ment and save the land for parks, n race, Barrett said the candidates are "telling Ingham Coun'y Republican Party. She has East Lansing for three and a half years. Coughlan added that East Lansing should He is a member of various consumer tional use and cluster housing d what we're going to do instead of also been involved in various community talking improve bus service "so people can move to interest groups, a member of the state about an issue." ments. activities. Coughlan said one ol his main qualifi¬ Lansing and get out of this city." cations is that he expresses his opinions central committee of the Michigan Demo¬ Fox said the city should sllow somll 'The biggest issue is really a nonissue," "I think it would be a good idea to elect cratic Party and has been an East Lansing density student rental housing in Barrett said. "It is the extreme lack of two people with totally openly. Coughlan promoted his plan for a opposite views resident for 18 years. areas, require that new developmenU* cooperation and copimunication between the because that may get the ball rolling," community services center, to be partially Fox said the city should start He said the city should work to build a looking for mass transportation link-ups, snd r two sides of Grand River Avenue." Barrett said. funded with federal Community Develop¬ sense of community and that MSU students the local impact of national issues such as loans and grants to landlords continr To improve citizen communication she ment money, that would put all the city's recommends more community associations, For assistance in handling complex should organize into an involved community social services under one roof. energy usage, resource allocation and land upon justification of rent increases, including one on campus. problems, she said the council should "draw group. The University should build bousingsM on the human resources in the community." He said the city should come down harder Fox said the MSU administration was of campus only If services such as store* 'The councilmembers should go to dif¬ He labelled the ferent groups and find out what their She also said there should be more city Department of on the landlords who have had the most justified in not contributing money to the nearby. Fox said. T concerns are." Building and Zoning "inefficient" and said flagrant violations of the housing code and CATA-MSU bus integration plan because "There is no political backing for thed| communication between landlords and ten¬ residents should work for that the city should own and rent out "the University should not be in the Her suggestion for improving Grand more localized job of to build housing with federal C ants to discuss problems. control of their own areas. apartments. providing city services." Development money." PAULA JOHNSON JOEY REAGAN CAROLYN STELL better parking facilities will attract more Reagan said his suggestions for changing On the issue of dty-MSU c residential customers. Grand River Avenue would be to reserve However, Johnson disapproves of the site Stell said the dty councilmembers one lane for buses and bikes or to add recommended by parking consultants for a speak to the members of the MSU BopJ turning lanes. Trustees on an individual basis inste«| new parking ramp - City Lot No. 1 behind A way to Improve the traffic picture would only at formal dinner meetings. Jacobson's Store for the Home. be to have a totally integrated bus system As for solutions.to the tight » A ramp will discourage people who park servicing the dty and campus, he said. market, Stell said the merger of the citjei for convenience shopping at the stores, she Housing will always be a problem as long campus bus systems and improvemei»J said. as East Lansing is a nice place to live, the Lansing-East Lansing bus routes Her suggested alternative is to build a Reagan said. His proposal for increasing the help. . ramp on the lot on Grove Street and housing supply is to eliminate the housing Stell said the dty should consider s9 license requirements for .Owner-occupied encourage students and store employes to more multiple family units to be buK-I rental housing. The work load of housing park there and leave Lot No. 1 for Regarding the use of the federd convenience shoppers. inspectors would also be lightened by this measure, he said. "It's time to get serious about mass In Reagan's view, some other problems been receiving the past three yes". , transit," she said. "We should spend money said, "Thereshould not be a one-to-oK"! facing the dty indude the consolidation of to see what percentage of the funding®! to promote mass transit and make it neat to rental property in the hands of fewer attributed to the presence of stu9 Sunday 10-6 fottams AUTO STORES m GIANT SAVINGS AT GIANT DISCOUNT £ Michigon Stole Newt, Eost Lansing, Michigan Fridoy, Julyjj ^ Restoration comedy, grand roj 'The Beaux Stratagem' endure James Taylor kills softly with his song ByDANHOBERT well heroes, they cavort ,„h and uncomfortable, and the State News Reviewer pleasant scenery by David Sill J?" Bjr BILL HOLDSHIP crying in their Cokes. Perhaps I seemed true. Vendors hawked standing ovation, I wondered if State News Reviewer feeling is you want to pat him on James Taylor was my origin- thought I'd "grown up" to more mature artists like Jackson Taylor programs for $2 apiece, and a cute little schoolgirl sat in it was an act. Before long, I was joining in on those standing the back and say, "It's alright." George Farqnhar's Restoration Comedy, Tie MtM. m"^t k al Existential singer-songwrit- Browne and Neil Young. They the row in front of me, asking ovations and the numerous The climax came with "Steam¬ Beeqx Strata**," at the Summer Cirde Free eorttamM lend the Festival, la a grand romp nearly aagood asthe complete innocence. entirfT wd * er here. During one particular at least offered some strength one question after another. Did applause following certain per¬ roller Blues" where the dichoto¬ classic of Its genre, William Wycherlys "The adolescent summer of heavy in self pity, and gave me the I want to buy some hash? Did I tinent lyrics. my reached a fever pitch — the emotions, the Sweet Baby opportunity to cry in my beer. have a spare joint? Would I Taylor is looking great introvert insecurely playing the Country WU." and is an excellent choice to wrap I"1™" wem to be « James album played an essen¬ Besides, the contradictions lend her my ticket stub for her compared to his former burnt- tough guy with both parts tial role in my life. I wore out were too great. I viewed the friend on the lawn? The only out self. He Is happy, but who shining through. It's an endear The play, as adapted and directed by Morgan more serious scenes they usuall, two copies of the LP that marriage to Carly Simon as time I paid much attention was wouldn't be with the success, ing image and demonstrates Rainwater, opens with a curious prologue, in TtodW summer, and I still can't think bourgeois rock artistocracy. It when she asked if I wanted the love, etc.? Taylor smiled a that Taylor is still singing about place of that written by Farquhar. that has the Hora •» very M1 of one without the other. After was hard to believe in a shy, perkadons. "What are lot during the accoustic and all. thafwiel"theb some us all, he was singing about me. And that's where Taylor's ap¬ sensitive introvert who telayed his woeful tales over AM radio they?" I asked. "I sell them for danced to the rock 'n' roll. He Musically, there's little to say. One would have to be a junctors lounging on stage singing an g with an ease peal could be found. He was and filled baseball stadiums for $2. They're made from roar¬ ers." "Oh." Cheea! Had it really shared a Strohs with an audi¬ ence member. His rapport with virtual hermit to be unfamiliar As the play begins, two travelers, Aimwell and are also fine.^Tbe only singing about me as well as personal appearances. And come to this? the crowd was great. "Is there with the Taylor sound. Every¬ Archer, (Philip Horn and Mark Voland) disguised Shanklin could possibly be imJ?S?! Several million other people then he got into happy solip¬ But then "old lovin' man J.T." thing from "Carolina In My as master and servant venture into an inn run by let alone her husbud. ^ anything I can do to make you who bought that now classic sism. I mean, whoever heard of took the stage, and I got lost in more comfortable? You're look¬ Mind" to 'The Handy Man" was Bonniface (Gary S. Martinet) and tended by his Martina. „„ • .. album, and the result was it a happy Existentialist? I never an illusion. I was cautious at ing good. You've grown a lot featured in a two-hour show saucy daughter Cherry (Judy Ulrich). The two . . « ° "j, '^e dual turned the quintessential anti- star into an "overnight" super¬ saw Taylor perform when he was my hero, and, for the ahove first, but as the night grew old, words like "sincere," "honest," since last year, you beautiful thing. I don't know how you that included four encores. Taylor introduced a new song, are reeking their fortunes by way of romance. Along the way they encounter a discontented tunitF ,to ft,*! ,the versatility 0f this J star. reasons, I wasn't especially and "humble" began appearing have the nerve to get up in front the opening lines of which wife, Mrs. Sullen (Kerry Shanklin) being com«"*n displayed in one pi,,, I lost interest in Taylor after excited about reviewing his in my notes more and more. of me like this. Well, nice demonstrate where he is right •comforted by her sister-in law, Dorifida (Sheery 8"ou^ m*Ba the release of Mud Slide SUm. concert at Pine Knob, July 26. When he first appeared in talking to you." Taylor is hap now; "If I started talking Tuckett) and continually plagued by her equally Ulrich, Hutson, and Beem all li« His music began to remind me However, one of the benefits of white T-shirt, brown courde- py, and I'm sincerely happy for again/I'd only be repeating discontented husband, Sullen (Bill Hutson) and standards of the Cat Stevens type of self reviewing is discovering how roys, bare feet, and short hair him. myself." And then came "Fire they have set for tL " his servant Scrub (Tom VanderWeele). pity appealing to romantic little fallible initial impressions can (!), modestly nodding "sit And still the basically shy And Rain." It wasn't the con¬ previous productions. schoolgirls who listened while be. down" to a girl in the front row introvert is there. At times, he cert's most poignant moment. It Farquhar, as a typical playwright of his period, The play sags toward the middle reading Psychology Today and At first, my worst fears who was trying to start a appears almost embarrassed was much more. It was sacred, uses names descriptive of character traits, such between the two women, and betrin jtTJ Archer and Aimwell as the rogueish heroes when avaricious plots are and you could sense the rev¬ hatched udtt! as erence throughout the crowd. taking aim at ladies of wealth, and Cherry as the again picks up, the play becomes 1jo,J lesa-than-innocent daughter. 1Survival' leaves bitter taste of almonds The play runs Friday and Satunii, For me, it was that masturbat- ingly schizoid summer all over During the course of this romp by our ne'er do p.m. in the Kresge Courtyard. again, and the feeling can only be compared to hearing McCart¬ By JOHN WALL When we try to write about recreate for ourselves and of our ideals. It is "what it's all ney sing "Yesterday" on last Bute News Reviewer experiences we have not had — or ones we do not yet under¬ others, the people and objects of world. In its about." It is "the name of the year's Wings tour. During the five minute standing ovation State News Last week I saw and re¬ our highest game." that followed, Taylor sat down viewed a new play by MSU stand — however vivid imaginations, we will still tell our expression, this is what theater can do. I cannot experience a For me, "survival" means to modestly tune his guitar, a Newsline Theatre graduate student Bill getting by, making it through Hutson - The Triangular Cell. an essentially dishonest story; play like Peter Shaffer's Equus life with as little pain and as little bit shy, but embarrased, a little bit 353-3382 and, however uneducated we without being forced to re¬ very, very beautiful. Though I wu dear *in my invent the word/idea "worship" few setbacks as possible. It presume our audience to be, support of the project, I hope I means existing. There is no wu equally clear that I did not they will know this. There are and Edward Albee's The Zoo room in "survival" for commu¬ no analogies for the intensity of Story has helped to change care for the play itself. In this nication, art, or love. Survival the human experience. Nothing forever my old ideas of "com¬ column I would like to explain is not enough. is "like" anything else. One of munication." further my negative reaction to this play. the pleasures of the drama is What I am getting at, in a When a playwright sets a We are closing out discovering that in the inten¬ roundabout way, is the word/ play in a prison (unless it is a One of my teachers passed sity of an emotional conflict — idea "survival." "Survival" is a specific prison at a specific along the wisdom that there is either on the stage or in life "off word that is on an awful lot of historical time, or is only meant certain categories ii no such thing u good or bad the stage" —one really doesn't to have meaning to the play¬ tongues these days, and I writing, only honest and dis¬ have, nor ever really had to suspect a short trip through the wright alone) we must take our Record Depart¬ honest writing. Honest writing describe that experience. Out that prison to be a metaphor for placement offices will further from the heart, from the comes of the chaos of pain, confusion, attest to its popularity. It is, the human experience — or at ment. Big Savings! pain of individual human exper¬ and helpleuneu, we, like the presumably, something we all (continued ience. There are always certain on page 8) playwright, must re-invent our rites of passage, bases we touch language so that it will never want. It has become the highest Jazz-Rock-Folk-Soul in common along the way; but again become the dead habit it we each discover these exper¬ so often is. To re-invent our & Country. iences ourselves, nuking them language (not coining words our own by bringing our own and phrases, but rediscovering sufferings and joys to bear on — or discovering for the first them. time — the old ones) is to ••••••••• ATTWTMN VmUM Ex cedent pay. Insurance, ond re¬ tirement benefits available — Michigon Air Notional Guard. Call 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M.. Tuesday through Friday. Coll Today! 3 sizes of buckets • • Coupon good • • for • • What God Does SOW • 0 0 f" A |umbo bucket 0 0 of bells OFFER EXPIRES • ft FREE BUS SERVICE Morning end Coll 482 ■ 0754 for information Evening VALUABLE COUPON WORTH UP TO *1.751 W0RTH^P?>7KI I Dr. Howord F. Sugden, Posior I \eeeeeee/ James E. Emery College Postor FREE! I I "vou'll never ,I Purchase one of the following delicious I leave hungry | Mr. Tony Sandwiches: GIANT HAM A Er>|oy Your Weekend at the Roinbo on Friday" I CHEESE. ROAST BEEF or CORNED BEEF I MARATHON ALL YOU CAN EAT... and 0 Large Drink...GET AN IDENTICAL I ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS ^1" I SANDWICH ond URGE DRINK FREEH I FRIDAY C SATURDAY Tosty oil white Cod Fil/.ti dipped in batter and deep fried to a criip golden brown. I Gpod for Pick up with this coupon IXPMAIWN 8/4/77 I Boer a.ttinq at Q Special til 8:00 :10 Both MitcS X Served with french fries, roll and butler, ) and your choice of soup or talad. or Dine-in only SUNDAY ROCK N ROU MtB BUST 2800 E.Grand River I The International I iHouse 07 Pancakes. 515 W.GRAND RIVER (just West of Greyhound Station) PICKUP UH OR UINt DINE IN ONLY UNLY Jj Lhigon Stole Newt, Eost ionsing. Mlchlgon Friday, July 29, 1977 F€CD fo ig Apple' bids for Olympics tremendous boost for the | yORK (UPI) - Mayor Big Apple in both psychological and visitors. D-Pa„ has indicated he will ceive in tourism and back-up Im Be»me says New economic terms," Beame said. "New York City has demon¬ submit a congressional bill to jobs related to the games will (it, will apply thi« week New York governor strated in the past that it has provide $150 million in federal make it a bargain," the gover- ■ the 1984 Summer Olym- Hugh the capacity to be the most funds for the American city ■mes with the "firm Carey said he supported the gracious host in the world," selected as the 1984 games city's bid and added: "It's well considered projected $225 - a—- .. ■ that » Beame said. host. the front-runner in the I «p between costs end within the capacity of the competi¬ Hosting the Summer Olym¬ tion to win the 1984 state's and city's resources to Olympics. Vs i" hosting the games handle this kind of pics, at various locations The remaining $75 million, Other potential sites are New L made up by federal, project." throughout the city, would cost Carey said, would be put up by A stqdy by former state Orleans, Chicago, and Boston. nd private financing. New York an estimated $450 the state "assuming we get the No foreign cities have yet Urban Development he said Tuesday he will Corp. million, but promotional, licen¬ $150 million federal grant." Chairman Richard Ravitch es¬ applied to host the quadrennial I the application Friday sing and vending revenues "The dividends we will re- event. timated the games would gene¬ , |j.S. Olympic Committee. would amount to about $225 c rate 35,000 Icing the Olympic flame temporary jobs million, Carey said. t York City would be a and attract up to 1.5 million He said Rep. Fred Rooney, Ready for a Study GOURMET FOOD FROM Break? ALL OF CHINA Ins cut Irookies This week featuring: Papertuck Thriller MiO are At Imperial Gardens only original Chinese dishes served. The experienced chefs prepare three O Sora is o brand new kind of detective styles of Chinese cuisine: the Cantonese style, fea¬ T a tough, intelligent, and im¬ Tl» — „IESTER (UPI) - mensely likeable heroine — and not turing lightly flavored dishes; the famous Peking » Lions placed rookies Ues and Mark Griffin on just one of those female snoopers. duck from the north; and the Szechuan style, which Half-term classes are over MSU ID and 50 cents and you and the Men's IM outdoor is the specialty of the house at Imperial Gardens. pool should come dressed to swim to I departure of the two can help students relax as it is the west gate. It opens at 7 p.m. "WQMAisrSTTrr ,TP I left the Lions with 66 This Szechuan style features spicy dishes such as E in training camp. The staying open weekend evenings Friday, 5:30 p.m. Saturday and bookstore: for the Nite Owl swim the rest 6:30 p.m. Sunday. |must be cut to 43 before of summer term. The outdoor chicken ir season opens Sept. pool is open for those with an with peanuts, governor's I shrimp or florthside shredded DRIVE-IN THEATRE srlo: SPEND beef. For those YOUR WEEKEND WITH US, who prefer I WITHOUT SPENDING MUCH. o lighter Our price includes a juicy steak with all flavor, the the trimmings juch as a baked potato, Canton- ______ warm roll and butter, plus all ese style offers the Family delight chicken shrimp, the fresh, crisp salad you can lobster, crab, chicken almondine, and Chinese eat from our vegetables. Of course Imperial Gardens always Salad Bar. mokes delicious chop suey, chow mein foo SEX -- ENJOY OUR yong. or egg SALAD BAR NACHiNE Another specialty of the house is the tasty tropi¬ cal fruit drinks: frozen daiquiries, punches, and ofher special concoctions. Draft beer and fine wines ore also served. Businessmen's lunches are offered during the week at special prices. A large variety of weekend specials are priced considerably lower than those in the menu. Group dinners for a number of people are also available. With specials and a wide price range, lunch or dinner at imperial Gardens is delicious and affordable. And if you're short of time, call first, and your din¬ ner can be ready to carry out. WCNSttft EY: 'HE Y.r OLD YW 0*•" GREAT Tues.-Sunday FOOD 627-2106 24 Sunday Buffet *4.25 Hours ( Day seiM bar. breed A buffer, dessert. 217 S. Bridge SL, Srand l.edg» Schensuls CAFETERIA Good Food and Drink LANSING AND MERIDIAN MALL MALL Downtown Laming 116 E. Mich. Ava. , 4:30-7:30 pa M s.w.,11 372-4300 j SHOWCASEJAZZ PRESENTS POLO BAR HAT Delicious Homecooked Happy Hour Weekdays Specials Under $2.00 2 -6 p.m. Modern Country Music Pitcher Special Thurs. • Sun. Mon. and Tues. f \> RESTAURANT 1 % mi. East of Maridian Mall FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD MHTHHXY 662 W. Grand River Okemos LUNCH i DINNER OAILV AT SENSIBLE PRICES 349 2240 136 W. Grond River PH. 337-1755 RAMON'S TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 - 8 & 10:30pm RESTAURANT ERICKSON KIVA, MSU Spsdsl Gustts W LOUNOI AND GINA RICHMAN/ Silttr DONNI RICHMAN/ Brothtr The Finest in Mexican Cuisine "Dine in candlelight and enjoy your favorite cocktail" TICKETS: 3.00 IN ADVANCE/ 3.50 AT THE DOOR AT: THE MSU UNION, WAZOO AND SCHOOLKIDS' RECORDS IN ANN ARBOR. A division of the ASMSU Programming Board. This concert made IMPERIAL GARDEN possible, in part, by a grant from the National Endowment for the the Arts, in Washington, 0,C„ a federal agency. ° grapevine Please, no smoking, food or drink In Erickson Kiva. Accessable. 349-2696 2758 East Grand River 337-1701 2080 W. Gr. Rv. Okomos 8 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Mere 'survival': subhuman goal (continued from page 6) about "survival." He is talking them in the theater, I listen for least that portion of it which about an aspiration that is as the wisdom and humanity of a the playwright is about to far above "survival" as Cha¬ voice behind that poverty cry¬ illuminate for us. teaubriand is above mud-pies. ing out for something more — What I must assume is one, that which, when attained, will or both, of two I don't have the answers. I, make the pain, risks, helpless¬ things: The too, aih groping tor my way In Triangular CeD is Hutson's ness, vulnerability, loneliness, the dark. But my way is not the and suffereing worthwhile. vision of his world, or it is the world he wishes for. In either way of "survival," because that is not good enough. What kind If you see your world as a case, it scarcely resembles my of survival is it when our moat "triangular cell," be warned world: but I do not claim that it that there is no easy way out. It cannot be someone else's. I powerful enemy is our own self- loathing? Why do we raise fears is hard work, and if the best simply don't buy it. I am forced out of dust to justify our that work wig buy is "survival," to ask the question "Who is the self-destruction? you might as weU submit to jailer of this prison?" In the world of The Triangular CeD, it self-contempt. For if you see "Survival" implies that there "survival" as the best that can is woman. The play excoriates is already something of great be hoped for in life, then that is women in a way that made me value for which we must sur¬ all you wUl get. feel as though I shouldn't be vive. This ennoblement of sur¬ watching. What is it that these vival suggests that it is a characters cannot achieve be¬ common good, and there is no cause they have been so abused price too dear to pay for its by women? There are no an¬ attainment. But given the swers, no clues. world of The Triangular CeD, I In the introduction to his play see no evidence of anything Lear, British playwright Ed¬ worth living - or dying - tor. ward Bond wrote: "We can express (man's) basic need in Loneliness and abject spiri¬ many ways: aesthetic, inteUec- tual poverty are not easy things tual, the need to love, the need to witness. But if I wish to to create, protect and enjoy. witness them, I simply go to These are not higher things class or the supermarket, or that can be added when more return to the prison where I basic needs are met. They are worked as a laborer for two basic. They must be the way in years. I do not look for these which we express our exis¬ things to stand on their own in tence..." Bond is not talking the plays 1 see. When I do see ^349 2700 MERIDIAN MALL , ■mukian wist acnoss from "nm DIANE KEA70N I it dikannie !■ hale —rfrMayrt,: 115115111155 I/ \l I |Q(pj j >1^0 Iwililt 545 ■ 515 a*Its'151 ■a.i ateoss mow wooico lAlongome lagoina ■galaxy jar i (jar away.. I Friday Mly: 12:15 190 245130 5:15 (90 745M01 ■ Unlit* 445 -5:15 adilts '150 THE INCREDIBLE SPECTACLE OF MEN AND WAR! MicliaclCainc LIIhmi (imikl I laixly Knigcr Ihtbcn KcdfiHtl Scant onncry ('•cm-1 lack man I mimicc Olivier Maximilian Sclidl ktscpli l.l.cvinc IA BRIDGE KX) FAR > Friday only; 2:15 5:45 115 Isilitr M5 M5 adits'ISI mosthuggabl! HERO HAS A For everybody.I BRAND NEW MOVIE! fridiy only: 12J0 230 430 (90 (30 T*gfe4jg-4* adilts'150 HE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 MHnycte pe Eiploynt | Apartmls )g | frrfwto ]gj | Ho.s.s ||jfi | For Silo ||5I osf If led Advertising Information HONDA CB-380 1975, excellent condition, 2500 miles, must sell, CHILD CARE-Housekeeping. 2 children, 5 and 7.11:30-5:30 p.m., IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of SAVE FOR summer, own room in IT IS the policy of the STATE ■BOOKS, MAGAZINES, comics $750. Cell Becky, 676-9200 be¬ 3 man furnished apartment. No NEWS that the last 4 weeks of and morel CURIOUS BOOK 347 Student Sarvices Bldg. Monday-Friday. Own transporta¬ term all Student Classified adver¬ lease. 349-1883 after 6 p.m. 8-8-12 term all Student Classified adver¬ tween 8-5 p.m. 3-8-1 (41 SHOP, 307 E. Grand River. 332- tion, references required. End of tising must be paid for in advance I4I tising must be paid for in advance HONDA 350 CB 73 Motorcycle. August-June. $75/week. 349-3827 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or beginning August 1,1977. Bring or 0J12_C-7-7-a(3l after 5 p.m. X-3-7-29 16) mail to 347 Student Services. WOODMERE APARTMENTS Just been tuned. Cell 332-2110. mail to 347 Student Services. NORFOLK PINE. Beautiful plant 4 Sp-12-8-12 18) needs 1 female for fall. Sp-12-8-12 (8) feet high. In redwood planter, $30. t Z-4-8-3 (3) day • 90C par Una PART-TIME restaurant position, Close, $83.50/month. Call 337- 349-1449. Z-E-995 (31 must be available some FEMALE GRAD student looking 3 dayi ■ IOC par lina lunches, 4. 5, 6, 7 BEDROOM houses, all 73 OSSA Mick Andrews Replica. HOBIES, downtown, 109 E. Alle¬ for roommate, 2-man apartment 1418jitter 5 p.m. S995 (31 very close. Good condition. 339 7 PIECE dinette set-$66.. maple 4 dayi • 7« par Una New top and bottom end, extras, gan. 1-7-29 13) just off campus (616) 781-7652. ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2961. 6-8-8 (3) dining table-2 chairs $50., Steel- amenra I dayi • 70C par Una only $400. 349-5618. S-5-8-1 (31 4-8-5 (3) luxury apartments, fully furnished, case steno chair $19., folding cot nimmnxi MODELS WANTED. $8/hour. We year-round pool, air conditioned, 3 BEDROOM, completely unfur¬ with mattress-$9., antique desk aenmrri □(rncDLZJ Una rata par Insertion I'AHSwia ll/l will train. 489-2278. Z-28 8-26 (3) GRAD STUDENT needed to share 3 bedroom apartment. $87 in¬ garbage disposal. Many extras. Phone 882-8556. 8-7-29 (5) nished duplex, 20 minutes MSU. Deposit, references, no pets. 646- chair $9., 3 shelve deluxe table-lexcellent for micro wave utility STORE DETECTIVE-CJ major. cludes heat and water. Call 349- 8907 after 5 p.m. 8-8-8 14) WE BUY junk cars and tracks. Top oven)-$35. Call 3490168. S-5-7-29 Call between 10am-3pm, Monday- 4913. 5-8-8 13) NEED FEMALE roommate. 2 bed¬ dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE I8I room semi-furnished, near MSU FIVE and six bedroom furnished :. 3 lines - '4.00 - 5 days. 80* per line over AUTO PARTS Et SALVAGE. 0-13- Friday. 641-6734. 8-8-12 13) 1 pool, bus line. 337-0169. Z-3-8- homes for fall, call 351-8135 or BEDROOM APARTMENT on bs. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. 7-29 (3) BABYSITTING AND light house¬ downtown, MSU near, furnished, 1(31 627-9773. 10-8-5 I3I _ 0f item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum keeping. August 10-Sept. 10, carpeted, all utilities paid, $145, FOR FAST RELIABLE SUBLEASE CAMPUS Hill Apart¬ EAST KALAMAZOO, campus 1 ; price of '50. sarvlca on your Monday-Friday, 7:30-5:30 p.m. deposit. Call 627-4318 after 3 p.m. mile, 4-5 bedrooms, furnished, Marshall supar load 100 No Saturday calls. 3-8-3 (5) ment. 4-man, $66 each. Call Personal ads • 3 lines - '2.25 - per insertion, ■moll cor 349-4398. 2-7-29 (3) Dawn, 332-0996. 3-7-29 (31 remodeled, dishwasher, cable, waft amp. and two bot¬ per line over 3 lines (prepayment). (Amorican or import) 15 TO 21 year olds to work at $360/month. August 1, 3494)672. toms $1,100. 6-7-29 151 oe/Carage Sale ads • 4 lines • '2.50. CALL TOOAY Outdoor Recreation Maintenance CHALET APARTMENTS NEED 1 female, sublet winter. New Cedar Village apartment. per line over 4 lines - per insertion. and Development. Project lasts Next to campus, $90/month. 1-313-229-2729. Z-3-7- FRANDOR AREA, lease starting Town ads • 4 lines - '2.50 - per insertion, 8-9 weeks and pays $2.57/hour. spacious, air conditioned, furnished, 2 bed¬ 29(3) September, appliances, ample Apply in person, Okemos Board of 'per line over 4 lines. Education. E.O.E. 2-7-29 161 room, shag carpeting. parking, nice neighborhood, 4-5 founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines - *1.50 • Fall from $334/month. Year PERSON • BIG apartment. Own bedrooms, 694-6574, 323-4407, 484-3645. evenings. 3-91 15) insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. THE FOLLOWING positions are from $290/month. room/bath, air, pool. Okemos. Summer still available. $115/month plus electricity, depo¬ funded through the Comprehen¬ NORTHEAST LANSING. 2 bed¬ sit. Joy, 349-4413. 15-8-26 (4) sive Employment and Training Act room brick bungalow, unfur¬ DICKIR A DIAL Deadlines under Title II. In order to qualify 332-6197 ONE BEDROOM apartment, near nished, carpet, garage, $175, de¬ 1701 South Cedar applicants must be unemployed ' posit, references. Married couple 487-3885 m. ■ 1 class day before publication. and live in Ingham County but not campus. From $195. Heat and PENNY LANE Apartments and water included. 351-4091. 0-10-7- only, no children, pets. 663-4345; lotion/Change • 1 p.m. - 1 class day before in the City of Lansing. Applicants Townhouses. Conveniently lo¬ 29(3) 482-1727. 8-8-12 (6) must contact the Michigan Em¬ blication. 1204 Oakland cated 5 minutes from campus on MID-MICHIGAN'S largest dealer ployment Security Commission, Jolly and Dunckel Rds. Ask about d is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Call for Appt. 3215 S. DELUXE 2 BEDROOM - air, in quality used stereo equipment, til after 1st insertion. Pennsylvania, Lansing, on our special plan for students. carpeted, heat and water fur¬ Rooms TV's, CB's, camera's, vintage IV4-4411 weekdays, (or on Tuesdays or 394-1360. 6 7-29 (6) nished. $220. 332-8215. 0-10-7-29 electric and acoustic guitars and ■1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per Fridays, The Office of Manpower, amps. New Shure Vocalmaster PA IT IS the policy of the STATE itional change for maximum of 3 changes, THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE 113 South Cedar, Mason I before MALE TO share, 1 mile from NEWS that the last 4 weeks of systems, mikes, and accessories. ate News will only be responsible for the 1st applying with the Ingham County campus. $80/month, air, fur¬ s incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Personnel Office, 121 East Maple. Mason. Domestic Abuse Coordi¬ nished. On busline. 332-1185 mornings. 8-8-5 131 HOISOS llffi term all Student Classified Adver¬ tising must be paid for in advance New and used rifles and shotguns, tools, sporting goods, jewelry,- Kalamazoo Street since 1940. beginning August 1,1977. Bring or bicycles, typewriters. Also, 500 made within 10 days of expiration date, nator. Bachelors degree or equiva¬ HOUSE-4 bedrooms. Ideal for Complete auto painting and colli¬ mail to 347 Student used 9track tapes, $1.00 each. e due 7 days from ad expiration date, if not lent in Social Services. sion service. American and Science, Psycho¬ EFFICIENCY, ONE OR TWO BED¬ large family or 4 to 8 students. Over 1000 recycled stereo albums. foreign logy, Criminal Justice or related ROOM. East side and downtown Sp-12-8-12 18) id by due dote, a 50' late service charge will cars. 485-0256. C-13-7-29 (201 Fireplace, washer/dryer, fur¬ BUY, SELL, TRADE. WILCOX field. Will be responsible for Lansing. Call now for list of nished. 8 minutes campus. Nice due. LARGE. FURNISHED studio TRADING POST, 509 E. Michigan, JUNK CARS wanted? We "pay coordinating between various September openings. AIM, INC. 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. neighborhood, available August 1st. 482-9226. 5-8-1 (61 room, campus one block. Avail¬ Lansing^485-4391. C-13-7-29 more if they run. Also agencies within the community able Now, $80. 332-1946. 0-1-7-29 buy used which deal with domestic abuse 0-1-7-29 (6) cars and tracks. 321-3651. C-13-7- FOR SALE: Dresser. Good condi¬ cases. Must have at least 1 year of MSU NEAR, 2 roommates, fe¬ tion, $15. Call 676-4686. X-Z-5-9 291141 Hitwotiw [|<4] ELIMINATE TUNE-UPS. Replace relevant casework experience. Will conduct background interviews BRANDYWINE APARTMENT for rent. Female. Own bedroom/bath. male, own room, appliances, 154 baths, yard. $100 plus 1/3. 394- ROOM IN farmhouse. Available Sept. 1. $67.50/month. Call 676- 10(31 and counsel offenders in an Super nice. Call after 5 p.m., 4537. 4-8-5 (31 5429 after 10 p.m. 991 (3) SEWING MACHINE SALE-Guar- your conventional ignition with a attempt to eliminate, anti-social 351-1224. X-97-29 (41 anteed used machines. Com¬ MG MIDGET 1973. 47,000 miles. Piranha electronic ignition at policy of the STATE behaviors. Position located in LANSING-NEAR MSU. For fall pletely reconditioned. $39.96 and CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN the last 4 weeks of tt Classified Adver- Extra cover. $1800. 482-3862 after 1 p.m. 64-10 (3) CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ downtown sumer Lansing, $12,090. Con¬ Specialist. At least 2 years ONE FEMALE for 4 man fall. Excellent location, nice room¬ term, 2,3, and 4 bedroom homes in residential areas. Close to bus I FwSaH ||^i up. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. 1115 N. Washington. 489 zoo Street, one mile west of be paid for in advance mates, covered parking. 332-4649 route, will furnish. Call Chris, 6448. C-1-7-29 (23) MONTE CARL01972 350 automa¬ campus. 487-5055. C-13-7-29 (28) college training desirable. Will 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. ugust 1,1977. Bring or Ruth. Z-3-8-1 (4) 484-2164. 98-5 15) tic, air, power steering/brakes. develop and present various public Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. '7 Student Services. information and educational con¬ Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 TENT-LARGE family size. Sleeps Vinyl top. Must see to appreciate. 92000_349-°iS8. S-5-7-2? J4)_ _ I Eiploynl |fffl sumer programs. Handle media¬ tion of complaints between citi¬ APARTMENT, 3 minutes to cam¬ pus, clean, modern, includes WALK TO campus. Large 4 bedroom house. 2 baths, 229 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, six easily. Very good condition. $75. 337-2601. 3-91 (31 a hot onel SUMMER stove, refrigerator, garage and all MUSTANG II 1974, good condi¬ EMPLOYMENT for zens and businesses and assist in Collingwood. Reduced for sum¬ opposite City Market. C-13-7-29 Take over pay- MSU students. 15-20 hours/week. utilities. Perfect for single person. . tion, new radial tires. Automatic, the preparation and development mer to $250/month. Call EQUITY (24! STONEWARE-PFALTZGRAFF. 1.8-7-29 (31 $185/month. 482-9226. 3-8-1 I6I must sell. 349-5468 after 5 p.m. Automobile required. 339-9500. of cases which are prosecuted. VEST, 351-1600. 0-3-7-29 (61 Blue/grey. Service for 6, many 8-8-1 (31 C-13-7-29 (12) Position located in downtown extras. Reasonable. 337-2601. 99 5 BEDROOM, 2 baths, fireplace, 1 13) Lansing, $9795. 3-7-29J42) MUSTANG '68. Horn, blinkers FULL-PART time jobs. Excellent $450. Also 635 Mifflin, 5 bedroom, work just fine. Rest not so hot. CLERK-TYPIST position with $300. 4894917. 8-7-29 (3) JENSEN MODEL 4. 3 way stereo earnings. Call 374-6328, 4-6 p.m. KEEPSAKE DIAMOND ring set. Good car for playing mechanic. Meridian $89.95. 482-2660. 5-8-8 141 Weekdays only. 4-7-29 (3) Township. through Title VI of CETA. Must be Funded Waters Edge HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES! Like new, size 4, white gold. $150. Call 349-4667 after 6 p.m. 2-7-29 speakers. $125 pair. Like 394-3056. 6-7-29 (3) new. IT IS the policy of the STATE resident of Ingham County and Call now to see our list of east side 131 TRIUMPH TR-6 1973. AM/FM stereo, Michelins, excellent main¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified adver¬ meet Title VI criteria, including 15 weeks unemployment. Duties in¬ Rivers Edge homes which will be available for September leasing. AIM, INC., ALTEC 819 speakers, $259. Sansui IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of LT 1973, V-8, automa- all Student Classified Adver¬ tenance record. Must see. Call tising must be paid for in advance clude typing police reports, an¬ Now Leasing!! 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. 8080 stereo receiver, $347. Call term steering/brakes, 46,000 after 5 p.m. 487-0960. swering phones, some public con¬ tising must be paid for in advance " "1-1178 after 5 p.m. 3-8-1JW beginning August 1,1977. Bring or -1050 Woter's 0-1-7-29 (6) 332-2110. Z-4-8-3 131 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to 347, Student Services. tact activity. Must be able to Edge TRIUMPH 74, TR-6, for sale, handle confidential material, and NORTH LARCH MAPLE CAPTAINS chairs with mail to 347 Student Services. excellent condition, navy blue. Sp-12-8-12 181 (next to Cedar Village) $treet 1026, 3 type 50 wpm. Apply at Michigan bedroom house, basement, yard. padded seats, $15 each. Cash 'n' Sp-12-8-12 (8) 69,327 3-speed, rough, Must sell, for school. 351-7333. 3394.2-7-29 (3) 3-7-29 (31 PART TIME bartender, full time Employment Security Commis¬ 333-4431 Available August 1st. $160/month carry, first come, first choice. 76-well maintained, TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1974. 44,000 day cook. BACKSTAGE, Meridian Mall. 349-3220. 6-8-10 (3) sion. 3215 South ifrwng^3*305) Pennsylvania, LUXURY APARTMENT, pool, plus utilities. 669-5513.0-1-7-2912) QUALITY HOUSES and duplexes, MOON'S RESTAURANT, Albert/ MAC. 11 a.m.-until gone. E-97-8 (5) CmamK) :ream miles, 2 tops, new exhaust, sauna, 2 bedrooms. Fully fur¬ LOST: HAGADORN/Haslett area. exterior, COOK FULL time, COZY RES¬ fall, 97 bedrooms, campus near. io, tinted glass, defog- engine, transmission, body and TAURANT & LOUNGE. Call Jim, nished, king size beds. 1-2 people, Orange and white male kitten. 5 1 mile campus, bus route. $425/ From $350/month. Also 1-2 bed¬ B6 GIBSON guitar, hard case, 7 Call 1-548-1679. Z-BL- tires good. $2300.485-5259 after 9 487-2262- months old. Reward, 351-8572. Elementary. Bilingual 3-8-3J3)_ _ month. 373-6987, days. 98-3 (5) room apartments and rooms. 332- years old, $165. Mary - 321-3248 98-1 $m.rai5l (Spanish-English), Moth, AVON-TOO many bills? Pay them 1946._0-1-7-»(5l after 6 p.m. 3-8-3 131 J3)_ VEGA 1975, 15,500 miles. Auto¬ Science. Low-income Catholic LOST: LARGE silver grey male AN 1972. Windows, all and have money to spare with schools in Texas. '90/month, LARGE SPACIOUS two bedroom 3 BEDROOM, FURNISHED SUMMER: GUITAR, banjo, man¬ Yellow eyes, declewed, neu¬ Jst Sound stereo, radi- matic, great condition. $2000.353- AVON earnings. 482-6893. 1-7-29 cat. furnished housing, board, bene¬ townhouses, across from Berkey. house. $225/month. Deposit, no dolin, fiddle and auto-harp classes. tered. ieatures. $2100. 349 2970 before 5 p.m. 6-7-29 (31 (3) Friendly, will hiss, growl fits. Begin in August. 1 year lease, $295. 351-0359. 98-5 lease, ample parking. Call 882- Summer term runs August 1st when frightened. Will not bite. .131 7631. 98-10 (3) Volunteers for Educational RESIDENT MANAGER for small (3) through 31st. Reduced summer Answers to Rocky. Jolly-Dunckel VW BEETLE 1967. Rebuilt engine, and Social Services. apartment building in Haslett. rates. Register early at ELDERLY Reward. 393-0390. 2-7-2916) -_S ITEM, 1966 Cor- radio. $400. 355-2198; 351-8654. 3401 South Congress, Inquire at HAMCO MANAGE¬ ONE MALE student, sublease 2 BEDROOM, half house. Bur- INSTRUMENTS SCHOOL OF area. Great transportation, 67-2913) 2034.8-8-1 (3) Austin, Texas 71744 MENT. 332-3900, evenings. Phone Campus Hill Apartment. 77-78 cham/Hagadorn area. Fall, grad FOLK MUSIC. 541 E. Grand River. ifyou"have_sliding" doors VW 1971. Enging good, body 332-3202. 6-8-5 14) school year. 3 good roommates, student or couple preferred. Quiet, 332-4331. C-4-7-29 (331 ON YOUR MEDICINE CABINET, automatic, 6 cylin- needs work. New brakes/heater. SECRETARY OFFICE Manager for call Campus Hill 349-3530, Bob $185/month includes utilities. 351- slide one door open before sho¬ condition. $1196. geophysical firm, salary flexible. TYPIST-BOOKKEEPER, experi¬ (manager). Z-98-12 (5) 1850. 98-15 (51 BLACK DIRT, sod farm soil. wering. It will not steam over. If 1-7-29131 $_500._337-260L 991J3[ Contact Leeanrte Piper, 332-8661. enced, to work 9:30-1:30, Mon¬ Approximately 6 yards delivered you have still good, but no-longer- VOLKSWAGON SQUAREBACK 3-7-29 (4) day-Friday as office supervisor for EAST LANSING' duplex, 4 bed¬ used items around your home, LUXURY APARTMENT. Fur¬ locally. $39. Sand and landscape S 1970. New tires, brakes, shocks. consumer activist organization. rooms, 2 baths, rec room, 2 levels. rocks available. Call 641-6024.; exchange them for cash with a 1974, 40,000 miles, nished, 1 bedroom, dishwasher, $400. 374-6366. 0-97-29 (31 " it condition, 679 Radio, $700. 489-7964 weekdays. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTlON- Challenging work with interesting 484-3379. X-0-12-7-29 15) low-cost ad in Classified. 6-8-8(3) ISTS. 250 bed acute care hospital people. Call Denise, 487-6001. disposal, pool etc. Walk to MSU. 2-7-29 (6) for information call 332-6078. If no has immediate part-time and full- WAG0N 1968. New VOLKSWAGEN 1973 Super time openings for medical tran- answer, 351-7212, 1-6 p.m. 98-1 Wt Now Have ,or and -r-Tdable. $450. Call exhaust. Beetle. Automatic stick, orange in color, good condition, low mile¬ scriptionists in radiology and laboratory departments. Day I f»«m IH 15) Opetiegs le LIVE A LITTLE! 188-12(41 age, excellent on gas. Please Call shifts, must hsve knowledge qf TV AND stereo rentals. »25/term. .'200 197?,V speed, after 5 p.m. 3944)406. 6-8-116) medical terminology, experience preferred, excellent starting rate. $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- 1010. C-13-7-29 (12) CAMPUS 1,2 & 3 bedroom VW SUPER BEETLE 1972. Auto¬ Contact Personnel, LANSING -^brakes. $600. matic, like new, 36,500 miles. $1160. Phone 625-4835. Z-1-7-29 GENERAL HOSPITAL, Devonshire. Phone 372-8220. 97- 2800 HILL unfurnished opts, some with study " RA !970-$350~or (3) 29 (141 loots, power stser- • automatic transmls- 7970. . 8nd *. Call 142 VOLVO air, excellent GRADUATE STUDENT to work *2Mms 676-9334. condition, will bargain, must sell, part time weekends in car rental call 356-7953. 356-8130. X-4-8-3 office. 489-1484.3-8-1 (31 •FnisMtys. from (3) ft* Rooaeuti Service ; WOO. 1969~Mer- * (include Gfli haat t wafer) m. Phon, 332- DishwastHrs Cedar Greens 'Dubai Air CoBditioaiig I MHwycto fljje) Apartments * SwiMiig Pool KNOB HILL • 2 door, good 360 HONDA 1973, 9000 miles, Have a place to head (he pool (his Summer! * or best offer. excellent condition, $425, must IMiiM Parkiig ...at 88-12(31 sell, call 356-7963. 4-8-3 (3) Now Leasing to.. Collingwoad Apartments I *PtMsaMl Lasiscaping APARTMENTS Office Open e Air conditioning • Shag carpeting *SpKial 12HMMth rates IE ★sir conditioned * dishwasher 10-5 Monday Saturday e Luxury furnishings • Private balconies Swimming pool e swimming pool A shag prh bus or by appointment e Dishwashers • eoir conditioning carpeting '.Mid-Michigan (Eost Lansing based) developer eWlth-ln walking A unlimited parking SIRVICI 01 lic:r o|n;n wirkdays 1 G. SdUnday 11 2 "9 Part-time senior or grad student to devel- („ r®por,s r,'°ted to supply and demand distance to campus * plush furniture A model open daily Modal Opan »•» 349-4700 731 Special rates •Dae. j and mu'"p'e housing, retail and of- •Me for moms Now Everyday LOCATED will h° mor,9age money. Successful candl- ■Ml tall leasing for 'A MILE NORTH .flnon, ln courses .related to econo- Fall OF JOLLY RD. «nce, real •,$„», 0nd LusHi far Fall marketing. Please send 1135 Michigan Ave. Call 351-3282 ON OKEMOS RD. APARTMENTS pA»T. BOX 1843 E. Lansing, 351-M31 (behind Old World Mall CALL 349-3330 please, no pets 731 Burcham Drive 351-7212 -^UANSING. MICH. 48823 (next to Brady) ontherlverl) ] Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fr|d«»V. July 29.,, hrcnil 117] IT IS tha policy of the STATE NEWS that tha last 4 weeks of GARAGE SUE MOVING SALE-dining room set, desk, tires, household goods. Sat¬ TENNIS-EXPERIENCED instruc¬ tor. Reasonable rates, all ages. Call Legal Services proposed for fall term! tami all Student Classified Adver¬ (continued from page J) matters the student attorney educating students to recognize of the Student Attorney office," bar assoclati,,. urday and Sunday, July 30, 31st, Barb. 332-4276. X 88-5 (31 . 9-5 p.m. 2628 Linden Or., East A would handle but does state legal concerns they might have. the proposal stated. port of the tising must be paid for in advance preliminary legal services According to the program, beginning August 1,1977. Bring or Lansing. Z-1-7-29 (5) program study was published he/she may not handle: It also stated that the stu- tate prompt ^!®1 mail to 347 Student Services. 1 Typhi iwtoMl by ASMSU before the referen¬ •litigations involving profit- about 50 per cent of the dent attorney would establish and maintain liaaon with local referrals for MOVING AGAIN GARAGE SALE. attorney's time would be de¬ under the Sp-12-8-12181 Twin beds, recllner, furniture, EXPERT TYPING-Term Papers, dum. It documented several making businesses; •serious criminal or civil voted to such "preventative propJJ,1*' bikes, bedspreads, household mis¬ existing legal services pro¬ law." Resumes, etc. 16 years experi¬ cases; cellaneous; excellent condition. ence. Call Marilyn, 337-2293.0-13- grams at other U.S. univer¬ "The sities and proposed programs •real estate matters; preventative law func¬ Feel healthier wanted fat and at you lose keep it off. u Friday 128 p.m., Saturday, 9-12 a.m. 1851 Bramble, (between Har¬ rison and Coolidge, East Lansing.l 7-29 141 COPYC. APH SERVICE complete which could be implemented at MSU. •drafting of wills; •cases involving action by tion is the most important single function of the Student 'IT cyclotron grant RM&I 5me 1-7-2918) dissertation and resume service. The proposal states that "the one student or student organ¬ Attorney office. It is for the Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. ization against another. purpose of developing an ex¬ 4»1Kito5pjL 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- Student Attorney will adhere tensive legal education pro¬ | R>ll Estiti Ifrtft] 1666_CJ3;7-» (161 scrupulously to the Canons of Professional Ethics." It does Oneofthemajor points of the proposed program involves the gram on this campus that will (continued from cyclotron. page 1) superconductive. r~ Aiieils WHITEHILLS-DISTINCTIVE living role of the student attorney in emerge as the primary function A powerful HVtf in this beautiful 4 bedroom Colo¬ UNIGRAPHICS plete OFFERS dissertation and resume com¬ not specifically spell out what Construction on the first new will then be rJflJ nial. Large master bedroom has service, IBM typing, editing, multi- cyclotron is underway adjacent the nuclei into profeul PUPPIES COLLIE mix, fawn/ dressing room and separate bath. lith oftuet printing, typesetting and to the site of MSU's already "ig circles. Whw, «l ,,,1 white/black. Free. 6 weeks, Linda, Attractively landscaped and war¬ binding. We encourage compara¬ Sherman tank existing cyclotron. It is ex¬ critical speed M3-ffli6jj88-5(3i ranty covered. For details please tive shopping. For estimate, stop pected to take two years to they into tubes at BABY BOA $25. Leaving MSU call David Miller, LANOBLE REAL¬ in at 2843 East Grand River or build, said Blosser. up to 13 August 5th, Call 351-4837. E-88-8 TY-REALTORS, 482-1637; eve¬ phone 332 8414._0-j3-7_29(32^ Announcements for It's What's Feminist speaker Elayne Rapping uproots trees The second cyclotron will per beams. second jfl 9 (31 nings 351 9033.1-7-29 (101 Happening must be received in the on "Violence Against Women," take four years,to complete ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ State News office, 343 Student Self-Defense Workshop, Theatre once the funds are disbursed. 4-5 BEDROOM OLDER home, ing theses, manuscripts, jerm DOBERMAN MALE, 9 months, friendly. Must sell. Best offer. 321-6149. E-5-7-29 I3I multiple zoning, near Lake Lan¬ sing, 5920 Potter St. $18,000. papers. Evenings, 675-7544. C-13- 7-291121 Services Bldg., by noon at least two class days before publication. No announcements will be ac¬ by Dichotomy at 7:30 p.m. Tues¬ day, 1118 S. Harrison. Francine Hughes Defense Committee. BELLEVILLE, Mich. (AP) - "Tanks, but not tanks" is what Wayne County Sheriffs Depu¬ Funds are currently pending before Congress. The twin-cyclotron facility, if owC-sat about one hundred 374-6266. 1-7-29 (31 cepted by phone. the nuclei win EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis ties would like to say to an constructed, would be able to ■ nar-^iN OKEMOS, 4 bedroom. French sedations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. 489-0358. C-13-7-29 1121 Episcopalians! Fr. Down cele¬ Professor Benningfield sings early Moravian songs with string Indiana truck driver whose Sherman tank has been re¬ test nuclei from the lightest targets. Metals anything else could Provincial, 2 V4 baths, 2500 square quartet and plays in Mozart quin¬ atom (hydrogen) to the heavi¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE feet. Large landscaped lot. Super brates Eucharist 5 p.m. Sunday, covered. targets, Blosser ui? NEWS that the last 4 weeks of tet at University Methodist Church est (uranium). Current facilities TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and Patriarche Park. Bring beverage, term all Student Classified Adver¬ family home. Paul Coady, 351- reasonable. 371-4635. C-13-7-29 10:30 a.m. Sunday. The tank — minus turret — only can test nuclei from the Sophisticated se 8068, MUSSELMAN REALTY, meat to grill, dish to pass. Rain or will monitor the, tising must be paid for in advance 16) shine. was parked on a flatbed trailer lightest atoms. 332-3582. C-2-7-29 16) tion beginning August 1,1977. Bring or Interested in gaining experience with Indiana and Ohio license Nuclei are the center of the shedding f in state government? Volunteers mysteries of the mail to 347 Student Services. ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Role-models needed to work plates in the parking lot of atom. Sp-12-8-12 18) | BecreatiOM TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, with individuals who have court- needed for 8 to 10 hours a week. Contact 26 Student Services Bldg. Rogelle's Lounge just off Inter¬ state 94. Blosser said only one other nuclei are 10,0001 than the smaller 2 BEDROOM mobile home, Village general printing. Serving MSU for related problems in the Webber- cyclotron program near the ADVENTURER NEEDED to join can be seen 27 years with complete theses ville area. Volunteer at 26 Student Somebody crawled inside, scope of the proposed MSU by m Square Mobile Home Park, Wil- group of explorers on camping trip 349-0850. C-13-7-29 119) devices will all !. Services Bldg. Open volleyball, sponsored by started it — there are instruc¬ facility is being funded. But the liamston. $170/month. 656-2252. to Canada, August 19th-Sept. 9th. the Recreational Volleyball Club, tions on the dashboard — and ized, Blosser sail 6-8813) Call Linda 332 3336. Z-1-7-29 16) Oak Ridge, Tenn. project will Have time to spare for social at 11 a.m. Sunday, upstairs court, drove it off the trailer. still fall short of MSU's pro¬ change? Pirgim needs volunteers Women's IM. The would-be Gen. Patton "The important tbL gram. Rummage Sale | Service \ NEED RIDER for round trip Cali¬ fornia vacation. Leaving 8/19. for their nuclear power end ton-Hudson projects, 329 Student Day¬ The Union Gallery needs stu¬ knocked over a few trees before One lab engineer said the ize, however, is is not thitii intended ti 1 IT IS the policy of the STATE Must be back 8/29. Share expen¬ Services Bldg. dents to exhibit art work and work abandoning the vehicle a mile facility "will be a mecca for A-Z CARPORT Sale, 1231 Downer away. mousetrap or to redueii NEWS that the last 4 weeks of ses. 332-2739 after 9 p.m. Z 3-7-29 study students to wetch gallery. heavy ion nuclear physics." bile exhaust Thursday, July 2831. Mens, wo- Exhibit of drawings Call Union Activities Board. Since they don't know how to Blosser, at a press conference emissim term all Student Classified Adver¬ 14) incorporating mens and childrens clothes, car¬ peting, wigs, plants, bedspread, tising must be paid for in advance sign language and finger spelling disable it, deputies have had to held in the midst of sophisti¬ develop a Wharton said. new enerpl beginning August 1,1977. Bring or by Jane Kronheim, East Lansing International folk dancing 8 to guard the tank. cated equipment in the cyclo¬ drapes and miscellaneous items. *7-29(61 mail to 347 Student Services. Sp-12-8-12 181 rang] Public Library Aug. 1 through Sept. 30. 10:30 p.m. Monday, Kedzie Court¬ yard. Everyone welcome, begin¬ "You tell going to do with it," me what one we're deputy tron work. lab, outlined how it will "What our sciei ners to advanced. Freel is true basic res MOVING SALE Okemos, 1621 BAGPIPER NEEDED, small wed¬ said. Browse through the Classified ads The nuclei will be isolated actual generation Forest Hills. Fridsy, July 29th, 87 ding August 6th. 337-2366 Video Workshop needs staff for daily for good buys.Jt's a money- from their electron rings and p.m. Saturdey, July 30th, 85 p.m. evenings. 6-7-29 (31 city council meeting Wednesday. "Sharing Global Resources" ledge and how Furniture, clothes, baby and saving habit to develop _ Topic is Dayton-Hudson decision. slide show and discussion on new placed in a huge hollowed-out Without such bssi household items. 2-7-29 (51 FREE.,.A Lesson in complexion Contact M. Adler, second floor, intemationel economic order 7:30 magnet'that costs (1 million to would be impossil WANTED TO Buy: Loft-single bed Union build. Electricity will be run Building, afternoons. Friday, Peace Center, 1118 S. BOOKS, SLED, wicker basket, blankets, boots, dutch oven, fan, care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan or 321-5543 Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. size. Call 3585959, before 10am or after 10 p.m. Z-3-81 (31 p.m. Harrison. Data director through the magnet's coiled wire that is cooled to 464 the applied resea enrich our lives, tools (wrenches, power tools). Sunday, July 31, 127 Whitehills. C-X-13-7-ffln8l MALE SEEKS comfortable living. t^ound Town Kathleen Donnellan will speak on "Redlining: Our Throwaway Cit¬ (continued from page 1) degrees fahrelnheit so it is more importantly continued survivs Z-2-7-29 (41 FOR QUALITY stereo service, Own room, close, smokers, co-ed ies" 7 p.m. Sunday, Abrahamic Fort Monroe, Va., Lennon also THE STEREO SHOPPE, 565 East preferred. Collect: 313-659-9475. Community, 320 M.A.C. Ave. supervises 18 data processing MOVING SALE - x - country skis, womans 10 speed, clothes, furni¬ ture, misc. Sat. and Sun. July 30, Grand River. C-13-7-29 112) LENS PRECISION ground in our S-88513) RESPONSIBLE Interested in learning disabilities? centers throughout the coun¬ try, which employ a total of 800 Medicaid abortions alloi NON-smoking Tutors needed to work with persons. and 31, 185 p.m. 416 Grove. lab. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 E. male student desires to share children for summer. Contact 1-7-29 (41 Wilkinson said he felt Lennon (continued from page 1) Michigan, Lansing, Mi. 372-7409. apertment with same for fall. Will Volunteers Programs, 26 Student C-3-7-29 (141 BINGO TUESDAY Night, 7:30 would be able to run the Data intervene and enter arguments on Wednesday. consider pleasant room with cook¬ Serivces Bldg. DON'T MISS this one, boys p.m. Doors ofien 6 p.m. Early Bird Processing Center efficiently The Hyde Amendment is in effect only for this year be ing privileges. Write Orr, 2519 starts at 7 p.m. Regular at 7:30 clothing size 812, toys, house¬ EQUITY LOAN-lf you are buying Frederick Avenue, Kalamazoo, Mi. Don't miss the last Instructional and also improve its somewhat attached to the appropriations bill. The House and Sei wares. Womens apparel size 18 your home on a mortgage or own p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY 49008 or call 1616) 381-8876. Development Luncheon, noon to¬ tarnished image. The center been unable to agree thus far on the terms of a similar it 16, coats, Barco uniforms, two your home free and clear, ask ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lan¬ Locally call Hart, 3588021. Z-2-7- day, rooms B and C, Crossroads had recently been accused of to next year's appropriations bill. stereos, Whirlpool portable dish¬ about our equity loan. Borrow 29 (9I sing. C-4-7-29 (51 Cafeteria, International Center. waste and mismanagement and Califano had said he was prepared to enforce Ikl washer $100. Water softener, against your equity to consolidate Audiovisual presentation by Milo 3806 rifle new with case $225, your bills, make major home COUNTRYSIDE NUHbtn was investigated by the Ernst Amendment by notifying state Medicaid officials m r Stahl. plus much more, items in good condition, no junk, Friday 29th, improvements, take that long awaited vacetion, or for any other nana School, 4650 Meridian Rd„ Wil- liamston. Now accepting applica¬ Audiovisual assistants, tour and Ernst spring. accounting firm last government would no longer pay for abortions unless s| certified it was necessary to save the woman's life. Saturday 30th. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. 5288 good purpose. CALL FIRST tions for 3, 4, 5's for fall session. Wilkinson noted that Len- Nearly all abortions financed by HEW are performed mi FEMALE AND feline need place to guides, typists, and science majors Blue Haven Dr., E. Lansing, block NATIONAL BANK OF EAST Session starts Sept. 12th. 348 non's military background was Medicaid program. About 300,000 of the 1.1 million ill needed for Hands on Science west of Park Lake Roed. 1-7-29 LANSING, 351-2660 and ask for live for coming school year. Call 5674 or evenings 3585928. 3-7-29 neither a plus nor a minus in 112) Mr. McDonald. 0-1-7-29 (121 351-6461. 3-8-3 (31 Museum. Volunteer Programs, 26 performed each year in the United States are paid for hj ^ (8) Student Services Bldg. the committee's considerations. cost estimated at more than $60 million. THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★Saw Tim -wSave Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eater to serve you ■w FURWTUC FOR SALE HEALTH FOOD CWURENS SHOES OPTOMETRIST ACMI URRIliR mweee* ■wwinw %Wi #A Mottressue t Box 10% DISCOUNT CO-OPTICAL Springs mad# Kara in Lansing to all MSU AIR • RAIL SERVICES TOURS • CRUISCS HOTKL RtSIRVATIONS TWIN '49" hand to*** on ifudenft purchases ©I $2 I last lambs''Only DOUBLE >59" of til kin ds.- or yogurts COLLEGE TRAVEL mora, and broudt uxdudod CmsscsdvtOytW) Dr. J. a, Ninon, Optometrist OFFICE Odd sixes to order kst Dannon Yogurt 31' ' Infants ahd Children's SHOES Ysar'round prices • ITES EXAMINED • 130 W. Grand River in Southern Mlchlgwi. Widths BE EE RANDALL HEALTH FOOO • CUSSES • East Lansing Acme Bedding Co. mmm • CONTACT LENS ' Orthopedic Shoes Tap and Ballet trookfield Plata • P.F. Flyers 351-4010 40$ Cherry 5 Kolamazoo 2412 South Cedar 13*1 i. Grand River 11211. Stead Hnr • Cowboy Boots Call 371-2244 I PROFESSIONALS" Phone 417-4995 Ws buy, trad* A sail. bent Hob Hon • House Slippers 332-5592 aunt am, AUTO SERVICE ARTS ft CRAFTS STEREO REPAIR BICYCLE SHOP SPARTAN BUD'S THE COMPLETE MUFFLER CENTER ^HUh WEDDING SERVICE r Golf Coarse 'MUXES AUTO PARTS, OLD TOWN ARTS 5 CRAFTS ■ 2397 S, Washington Rd. JEWELRY: Orenr Bloupm v •SHOCKS Antiques, gift* CoUFtmUm GREEN FEES Art Carved ' FMKT EM WORK KG. . Custom mode jewelry. ceramics and weaving PROFESSIONAL AUDIO 9 holes-'2.50 lea(Mfei, tabes, etc.) GIFTS 20% Craft Clotses Custom Picture Framing REPAIR II holes->4.00 Complain lino of macromn S RALEIGH-COLUMBIA STUDENT DISCOUNT LATE MODEL band luppllai • Thro* full - time professionally All Day >5.00 Motobecane - Puch trained technicians ON ALL WORK Always accepting original art "Quof/fy in speeds at MOTORS AND • Complete Te»t facilities Make reserved Tee Time reasonable prices" work on consignment. * 3 • month warranty on ell work WITH |.D. PARTS A SPECIALITY (oil assembled 4 checked out; mmM r SS4-21M 2415 N. Cedar, Holt * Loaner amplifiers available for Sat., Sun. t Holiday! 4972 Northwind Dr. mtcKTIS 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA HSIIWiv MtWMfl HOIt S Coll 694-0169 on Thurs¬ 594-3102 OponTn^.y^ — 555 K. GRAND RIVER Mason OA UCedsr JoXn DntoM (Own*, • Aitlil) (IrtUfkt-M-fHat-O-i-U.) num. Tow. -tot. 117 l„, mclnnQMon. 337 • 1300 days for reservations. tetnmeuusLwee 319 E. Grand Rivor An. Eait Lanilns, Mlcniptn TOBACCONIST w _ BARBERSHOP ~ SOW HE AS THIS FROM THE TOf HINCE >95 HC AT R® store wrm the red doori BIRTHDAY CAKIt THE RAT RW PR0B union ••I 'Cigarette by We haw la steed- ' Baking Is our Business I Hand decorated cokni building THE GRAPE VINE orchestra gab PREGN „ Shormaa■ DuMU• Sobralao ♦Pipe Tobaccos by; * All occasion cokas barber ) Offers you three of life'* pleasures - goad I 372-166024 Jom, Rock, Polka's, Waltiei. 1776 ■ Threo Star-aod 20 Rod Dear * Cooklat, donuts, ond othnr shop lead, goad ipirito, and good service. All , laUbds't latin. S, 4 or 7 MARIT- BoetoUoads goodiat found In a warm country fresh PR0BL" •Pipes by SsvituUi * Cokas dalivarad to your dorm RK Products atmospherel _ * Profestlenol sgynr|«is. warning aitdtee or apartment (payment due •Lsyer Cuts Lunch Mon.-Sot. 11:30-2:30 Professional sound. needto ***■«- 0««1 k" MmM iae ewe whon delivered) Dinner Mon.-Thurt. —a* k u , •Latest Styling 5:00-10:00 CAU. BAY KAY MR CATHv | "Women's Haircuts Frt.andSat. 5:00-11:00 SOCIAL TAMAWNTMN. CfSLin^elLa^S^fe® ShojD KWASTBAKIRIIS 4*4-1317 Mon.-Frt. 7:00-5:3. 8 - 5:30 Mon. • Fri. 3683368 | 1 Opei) Sunday The Grape Vine 1758 E. Grand Rivor e. Unfa,, 227-1701 Days: 373-5200,373-5725 After 5 S Weekends: 452-5513 / SERVICE 'Can Hi1" Cjllfl*: Is Your Business ■isted Here? - Call Carolyn on cinta New», Eo»t Loneing, Michigon Friday, July 29, 1977 11 DOONESBURY® ter"il (d]©oDy tw by Garry Trudeau Mjrs fuctscts mi, butmm umiLsmv. SPONSORED BY: ffarlaft IwJIMTV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)IQ(ElM-TV(Cobla) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) WUB I useo. iW'SW &&&? um$ Tie FARM? mas | FRIDAY (10) Gllligon', Island ' (23) Wqshlngton Week in "Gordon's War" TERNOON 5:00 'Review 10:00 12:00 (6) Gunsmoke 8:30 (23) Forsyte Saga (10) Emergency One I (10) Baseball 11:00 |t for »H* Stars (12) Emergency Onel (23) Wall Street Week (6-10-12) News La Line (23) Mister Rogers' 9:00 (23) Lowell Thomas Remem¬ 12:20 Neighborhood (6) Movie bers ° "The Cat O' Nine Tails" 11:30 12:30 FRIDAY (11) After Hours with Tom (6) Movie jh for Tomorrow EVENING Hocking "The Mephlsto Waltz" Land thoMon (23) Masterpiece Theater (10) Johnny Carson PEANUTS For all your high supplies. fr Hope 5:30 9:30 (12) Fernwood 2 Night Book Sale 25% OFF , 1:00 (11) 1977 MSU Karate Tour¬ (12) Movie (23) ABC News by Schulz sponsored by: L and Iho Ra«tla»» nament id lo.t , looting Jg Show (23) Electric Company jyChlldron MSU SHADOWS ® it's a s00d feelins especially when |t Along with Nancy 6:00 j this is twe fir5t (6-10-12) News by Gordon Carlelon sponsored by, * knowing there's a you know hes 1 needlepoint i've 1:30 watchp06 0ut5ipe r0u6h anp t0u6h... tklep luith pictures L World Tumi (23) Mountains of Green, PINBALL PETE'S of bunnies... Streets of Gold lolOurlivoi Present this really funny comic for 25" Pll \ Journol worth of free play! 2:00 6:30 J0 Pyramid (6) CBS News io Consortium (10) NBC News 2:30 (11)TheC.I.A. atMSU ig Light (12) ABC News (23) Antiques | lilo to llva 7:00 FRANKS ERNEST- sponsored by: Complete ring selection leiderbecke Mam- ar-sapphires. onyx - opals • jade, (6) Hogan's Heroes tiger-eye, many more [i Festival by Bob Thaves 10% MSU DISCOUNT 3:00 (10) To Tell The Truth | the Family (12) Partridge Family er World (23) Off the Record yOMPOI^g§ mm. Ling with Continen¬ 7:30 ts (6) Price Is Right wE'D Be absolutely Jieral Hospital (10) $100,000 Name That IMPARTIAL WE 3:30 Tune IhGame (12) $25,000 Pyramid DON'T KN/OIV Li, Yoga and You (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report ANYTHING about 4:00 Ivinkle 8:00 The gamE! I Show (6) World Famous Moscow za Circus io Street (10) Sanfordand San 4:30 (12) Movie ched "Time Travelers" THE DROPOUTS by Post No geliton, low-cal. completely natural V-l WgflWJVENB€f?I?CAU.y WELS WITH FARLEY® ■enda'e Little Freeway' Service Station VYCfcKEDADAyiNHiyUFE, sponsored by: iii Frank AlF-PUTtH NCTIA2Y -ITS FEAR. 7?EVOJ 60/NG) /m LETTER (S WILL BE ^ U1ITH ME FOREVER TO SHOW i 'r?60 FORTH TO ^ \1UE WRLP WHAT HAPPENS1 H5LP OTHERS /TO A PERSCW WHO'S ' APPICTEP TO UOHG AS A FOR/MER CREPIT CARPS- CREDIHOLIC: PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Open 7 days-8 o.m. fill lOp.rr 332-0300 by Bill Yates Free lettuce and tomato on sponsored by: £t6 sandwich of your choice. Good through August 2nd NOWOPIN! ABLEWEEDS ® s CAMPUS 1312 Mich. Ave. (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) (fJ THE lm k. Ryan S 337-1377 PA PEP— PIZZA ne free item with any size Pizza (one per Customer) (JEVEP Mlfjp i lotsa luck, now that youve opfnl^g it w0ut your horse IS a MARE, to the pogv ujsonna CALL her CECILIA sinsteap of cecil? FOOV (W? ! ]/\/\ A 7-U Taday't Spacial: Combination Plata SAM and SILO • by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker HdSEl 00CT SID R0SSWORD hqeh a@u ass I PUZZLE 24 Time period □asfo HRHia raasaaas msua 25. — Alamos □no anana 21 Venomous snake ana aara annia 31 Tapers wans ana Baa 35. Riyer boat mm® raan 36. Stir mm uraaa 37. Small shields 39 Ne* Zealand snaaaaa raaaa aborigine sraa ana aagn 40 Liturgy aan raaa anoh 42 Repeated knocking 44 Great Barrier 47 Heads: French 2 I island 45 Sidesteps DOWN J1 46 Inventory 1. Sc een V 7 " it rr r r it r ■ 1 2Mlchigon Stote News, Eost loosing, Michigon Fr,d°V' July 39, ,i Glassblower will never see unemployment linj "Jt takes sort of a touch like golf," he aald.' To become Behind every greet scientist stands an than one hundred master scientific glaaa¬ a glassbU,.. 1 "But you just can't do.it right off. Juat like out of high school expert glassblower, saya Keki Mlatry. blowers. There are fewer than 1000 and mr """"I In fact, without scientific glaaablowers scientific giassblowers altogether in the with golf you have to hit thousands of balls professional. Then it is eight hours a day for years to finally master work and tralhlng," he smd "jo?!' **| there virtually would be "no new research," nation. And a glassblower he'says. Most glassware used around the house is it. "A large part of the job is talking to the will'.,, 1 Miatry heads the three-man M8U Glass- designed by decorative giassblowers or blowing Lab. It provides custom-made made directly from molds, Miatry said. scientist in the first place," he said. "You can $20(000 a year range. "There's such a shortage p "w glassware for 72 academic departments and Sometimes industry also will rely on spend more time talking to him juat to make a« » ■ "glassworkers" who blow the glass Into pre¬ sure you know what he wants." in groat demand. You annually puts out 270,000 worth of intricate .from and you'll never be tubing and flasks. set molds. Mistry also makes hia instruments unemplo, J J?I But a scientific glassblower blows glass sketches by the orderer. Miatry, 44, is fiercely proud of his into apparatus that cannot be made by you may never be a RockeffT profession. "Some people don't consider it highly- machine, he said. And many researchers skilled," he said. just need one copy of one-of-a-kind things "But you just can't get a guy from the which would not be economical for industry street and ask him to blow glaaa into a fine to make. piece of scientific equipment. He'll have to These include special tubes and flasks put in five years working eight hours a day with intricate valves used for special before he does that." research. And that's exactly what Miatry did — and It takes dexterity, concentration, and above all patience to master glassblowing, He has been practicing the art of he said, as he nimbly prepared a demonstra¬ glassblowing for 25 years. tion. « <• <1 Mistry has reached the top of the glassblowing world by proceeding to move He places a glass tube over a Bunsen up the professional levels — apprentice, burner till it heats to 900 degrees centigrade journeyman, and master. and the glass sags and melts. And that by no means is common. Mistry He blows into the tube, gauging his breath said in the United States there are fewer to expand the tube to the desired width. SUMMER SALE ENDING last day July 30th Jackets *24" Master glaeeblower Mistry first heats the glass to and up 900°C (above) until it begins to soften (middle). Then 220 MAC using bis breath, he controls the diameter of the tubing (right). 2nd level Willi Photos by Maggie Walker There IS a difference!!! Story by Ed Lion •MCAT «LSAT -DAT OMAT .VAT I .0*1 .99*7 . . .8*7 NATIONAL MED. t DENT. BOARDS ~ a ::k: flex Is Programs and Houri Over 31 yiirs ol expsriencs and success Small classes VoMnl homa study materials. Courses that art constantly updated toil —- days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities lor retwfl Flexible Programs and Hours fntoftaillt HIBW13 Check Out The Summer Crop Of Hits At mm .mir' Or write to: 29224 Orchard lake Rd. Suit##205 Farmlngton Hills, Mi. 41011 theDISC shop A ttihated Camera in Major U. S. Cities NOW OMNI CAMPUS PIZZA EXPRESS East Lansing's oily ItallM Style Piza! 1312 Michigan Avo. (noxt to Sllvor Dollar Saloon) FRIK DILIVIRY ONLY can 337-1377 $4.69 Valuable coupon SO* off 75* Off • on ono par customer on 12" pizza 14" pizza EACH •1.00 Off on 16" pizza (•ni») Wrn. FEATURE < "Lace And Whiskey" ALICE COOPER THE WEEKII What Really* ONLY Happened to Aj Class of '45'fi *3.99 Now 30 ireely about doiimnwL themteM'J each other, rhen «" T Participating Mtmbor ot CILIA All on Warner, Elektra, Atlantic Records and Tapes Disc Shop 323 E.GRAND RlVER E.L. PH. 351-5380 M-TH 10-6, F 10-9,8 10-6