;arter urges liberalization [VOLUME 71 NUMBER 114 lows WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3,1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 )f dope laws NY Times: after the opium poppy from which IaSHINGTON IAP) - President Jim- heroin is Ki. asked Congress on Tuesday to derived as close to the source as possible is ■ "ill federal criminal penalties for , nn to an ounce of marijuana but the key to what we are Bourne said. trying to do," CIA tries Si crackdown on dope dealers to "I'm ordering the attorney general rU, certain and severe punish- concentrate on breaking the links between to organized crime and drug trafficking," C KLuse 1 ,.n . and in a should, continue to discour- of marijuana," Carter told message outUning a broad Carter told reporters. The President told Congress: "Drug traffickers must under¬ stand that they face swift, certain and 25-year jS„rb drug abuse. "But this can be severe punishment; and our law enforce¬ I «thout defining the smoker as a mi four decades of stringent laws ment and judicial systems must have resources to make this threat." the prospect a very real mind tests ■ot marijuana a failure because more Carter said drug abuse costs more than Kg million Americans have tried it and 516 billion a year. NEW YORK (AP) - A 25-year effort by Tilted 11 million are regular users, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) J^uked Congress to substitute civil He directed the National Institute on aimed at learning how to control the human ■Tfor criminal penalties. Drug Abuse to put a high priority on mind cost $25 million and involved several 1 .resent criminal penalty for first- treatment programs for all drug abusers, medical research institutions and govern¬ L.possession of any marijuana is a including alcoholics, and stressed the impor¬ fa fine and up to a year in prison. The tance of adequate rehabilitation and ment hospitals in the United States and job Canada, the New York Times said Tuesday. Lsentence is optional training. y Bensinger, administrator of the In drug research, he urged a sustained The Times said interviews and access to [Enforcement Administration (DEA), effort to find out why people turn to 2,000 CIA documents added to what was ■ Carter's proposal "is presidential drugs, already known about the agency's investi¬ Tmtion of what is really the present including alcohol and cigarettes, and to find out how to respond in better gations into behavior and mind control that u prosecutorial practice. There's not a ways to the ended in 1973. El prosecutor in the United States psychological needs they satisfy. The Times said the CIA channeled funds Lwho would prosecute a case of He directed the secretary of Health, through three private medical research Xiing in ounce or leM °' marijuana." Education and Welfare (HEW) to begin a foundations: the Geschikter Foundation for ■ pea spokesperson said federal drug study of barbiturates and other sedative- Medical Research of Washington, the Jna jo not actively pursue investigations hypnotic drugs and ordered a special audit Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation and the Esple possession of small amounts of of drug companies by the DEA to make now-defunct Society for the Investigation of certain Human Ecology Inc. MMn'we go in thinking there might be regulations. they comply with barbiturate Enorcocaine and find small amounts of The director of the $50 million Macy JLu, we normally refer that to the He said HEW will determine whether In the lobby of Provincial East, 94-year-old Hazel Slot* Newf/Loura Lynn Fiiller Foundation, Dr. John W. Bowers, denied Beorlocal authorities." the spokesperson abused sedative-hypnotic drugs should work, a practice encouraged by Lorann Siddall, any link to the CIA. remain on the market and directed the Munyon plays catch with other residents. Empha¬ R.N., who is in charge of the facility. sis is on keeping patients active despite increased Dr. Charles F. Geschikter, a „r'i proposal would substitute a civil attorney general, in cooperation with state pathologist [itch like a traffic ticket, for existing officials, to prosecute doctors who knowing¬ associated with Georgetown University, referred inquiries about the foundation jd unctions. ly overprescrlbe drugs Including barbitur¬ ipsu is presently considering one ates. NURSING CARE ABOVE AVERAGE registered in his name to a lawyer who represents the university. in that would attach a $100 fine to a jiion violation, said Dr. Peter G. Carter also directed U.S. intelligence The lawyer, Vincent Fuller, said there js, the President's ipecial assistant for agencies to emphasize international drug would be no comment until Georgetown (t issues. He said a second bill before !U -ne containi no fine. said the administration would not ■Congress a bill of its own, but from trafficking; the State Department to in¬ clude crop and income substitution in Its aid programs for countries where illicit drugs State homes rated high finished its investigation into any relation¬ ship it may have had with the CIA. are grown, and several agencies to deter¬ Among other things in its more than III message it was clear that the mine the legality of revoking passports of full-page article on the CIA, the Times said bent wants at least some amount of major traffickers and freezing assets gained By JOE PIZZO Medications used regularly are delivered A random chock of patient medication that: |rttiined. States are free to adopt in illegal drug traffic. State New. Staff Writer daily by a local pharmacy, which also orders lound this to be true. Some orders eThe Geschikter Foundation gave $3 er marijuana laws they want, The President, whose three sons have Nursing homes have somewhat less than provides a supply of medications to be used included a mild tranquilizer or low-dose million to the university for construction of ir's demand for a crackdown on experimented with marijuana, made a a sterling reputation - the subject of in emergency medical situations. sedative, but directions indicated they were a medical school |n and sellers was aimed particularly campaign promise to decriminalize mari¬ investigations from New York to Lansing — The staff at Provincial East must work at to be given only when needed. building. ge suppliers and smugglers. "Going juana. and the cause of raised eyebrows whenever salaries much lower than hospitals pay, Maple said the decision to give such eThe defunct foundation funded experi¬ it is mentioned that a friend or relative has Siddall said. medication is made by a registered nurse, ments on isolation and sensory deprivation been "put away" in such a facility. A registered nurse makes only about $5 and she would rather see a patient give a conducted by the late Dr. D. Ewen Late last month, a representative of the an hour, while a licensed practical nurse nursing staff a bit more trouble than be Cameron of the Allan Memorial Institute of food changes due cell Michigan Department of Social Services told a legislative committee investigating nursing home abuses that only about 10 makes about $4. Aides start at the minimum wage — $2.30 an hour — and salaries range up to $3.00 an sedated to the point of somnolence. Residents at Provincial East are divided into two categories for purposes of Med¬ Psychiatry at McGill University in Montre¬ al. per cent of the state's nursing homes are hour, according to Siddall. icaid and other third party health insurance •It also underwrote drug experiments on PBB,scientists say guilty of neglect and mistreatment of patients. At Provincial East, 2815 Northwind Dr., The high patient load makes it necessary to hire aides, who require no special reimbursement, according to Siddall. Basic care patients, she said, are those mental patients and staff members of the Butler Memorial Hospital in Providence, training. They assume many responsibili¬ R.I. one of two nursing homes in East Lansing, ties normally taken care of by nurses in with no major medical problems who do not BaSHINGTON lUPIl - Scientists told a Gov. Milliken tigni an important PBB bill there are no patients reduced to zombie-like require a great deal of "professional nursing •The same foundation, largely run by the Be Commerce subcommittee Tuesday Story on page 3 hospitals. assessment" care that must be provided states through routine use of powerful "We're training lay people to provide — CIA, nonetheless was given the appearance ■ people in Michigan experienced blood by registered nurses or licensed practical of tranquilizing drugs, and the accent is on patient care," Siddall said. "We keep our being associated with the Cornell changes lowering their power to fight performed Wisconsin dairy farm¬ nurses. University Medical Center. w liter were on patient care through participation, accord¬ staff very well informed." being exposed to PBB, a ers and New York residents who had not ing to Lorann Siddall, R.N., associate Siddall herself stops in for visits with It was set up under the direction of Dr. Pused toxic industrial chemical. Skilled-care patients do require this sort eaten PBB-contaminated food. administrator of the facility. residents regularly, and conducts surprise Harold Wolff, a psychiatrist and an authori¬ of treatment. Jk report came from two doctors from BHl Sinai The panel headed by Rep. Andrew She heads a staff of 10 nurses and about inspections as well. Provincial East is licensed by the state of ty on pain, who asked to collect information School of Medicine in New McGuire, D-N.J., also heard from a PBB 60 aides who care for about 110 Provincial about "brainwashing." "I peek in the closets, look under the Tl »ho said they could not project the Michigan as a skilled-care facility. victim, Ronald Creighton, 32, who was a East residents. drawers, go through the medication rooms Rates charged are very close to the '"i impact but called for broad •Dr. Carl Pfeiffer, a pharmacologist, farmer in Standwood, Mich., and now gets At first glance, Provincial East appears and check records," she said, adding that He research on effects of reimbursement schedules provided by the conducted LSD experiments for the CIA on PBB, or Social Security disability payments. to be an extension of a living room in a mated biphenyl, which have been responsible employes are informed if she state under the Medicaid program, Siddall prisoners at the federal penitentiary in uifire retardant and are a Creighton described various problems he private home. There is no "hospital smell" finds anything amiss. said, and patients or their families are given Atlanta and the Bordentown Reformatory suspected and his family suffered for years — of alcohol and Betadine, and the atmosphere Jean Maple, R.N., director of nursing,' assistance in applying for Medicaid benefits in New Jersey between 1955 and 1964. ■jeofdoctors. cancer in animals. including dizziness, fatigue, swelled joints is very relaxed. Residents and staff walk said very few patients are routinely given if they become eligible after entering the He is now associated with a private Irving Selikoff and George — and remedies doctors prescribed until freely through the corridors, and Siddall — tranquilizers or sedatives. Tjibased their findings on tests with 45 facility. treatment center in New Jersey. they discovered the cause of the trouble. along with her staff — knows each resident Jjfln ■"flood dairy farmers and their families The New York doctors also told Mc- by name. contaminated by PBB in 1973 Guire's subcommittee that earlier tests "It's not a concentration camp," she ■"thechemical compound accidentally with more than 1,000 people in Michigan ■teed into livestock feed and emphasized. "People aren't being 'put ■"ms the state. distribu- found about 30 per cent with "neurological away.'" CEDAR VILLAGE PRECINCT TURNS OUT ONLY 9 symptoms" related to PBB-poisoning and There is far more responsibility placed on ■®ases. they said, there was a "gross about 20 per cent suffering stiffness in the nurses and aides in a skilled-care facility JJteJty in the percentage and number limbs or liver problems. such as Provincial East than in a hospital, ■JWxytes TP? reduced in the blood - with a proportion of white blood Another witness, Prof. Mason Barr of the University of Michigan, said he had studied Siddall said. "This is putting nursing back where it Lack of voters, upsets, in both fwbat infections or disease and bout 345 children in Michigan for possible used to be — more independent (of ■J™* -"•'hat in "null" cells no longer able to PBB effects and it was his "tentative" physicians' orders!," she said. "It's nursing function. like we all knew when back in finding that there is "a reasonable basis to E. Lansing, Lansing primaries we were -I™ said none of the 45 examined school." P* characterized as A-OK" and that suspect that ingested PBBs do have acute adverse effects on the health of chil¬ Physicians routinely visit the facility M|chigan were "very differ- dren." every 30 days and more often if a resident's I those found when the same tests (continued on page 9) condition requires it. By MICHAEL KLOCKE Colizzi, a veteran of nine years of East 90. and MICHAEL ROUSE Lansing elections, said before the primary Only about 12 per cent of the fourth State News Staff Writers that this year's campaigning was so low-key ward's 16,000 registered voters showed up Both the Lansing and East she could not predict the turnout or which at the polls. Lansing primary elections Tuesday were marked candidates had the best chances. The fourth ward, which consists of the with low voter turnout and a lack of upsets. During the day, reports from election northwest part of Lansing was the only workers in the 37 precincts were that council race in which a primary was East Lansing voters chose Paula John- in, Alan Fox, Karen Barrett and Carolyn "nobody's voting." necessary. Officials believe this may have Precinct 17, in the Cedar Village Apart¬ contributed to the low voter turnout. Stell to run in November for two vacant city ments area, had only nine votes cast. Gunther has been fourth ward council- council seats. inside Joey Reagan and Peter Coughlan were Other student "ghetto" precincts member for eight years and is the current chairperson of the Committee on Personnel. trimmed out of the race. dropped significantly in votes over the last He resides at 211 Black Court. They come to MSU with questions, they primary. Shonkwiler, 3800 Colchester Road, is a A total of 4,346 people turned out at the leave with, well, probably more questions. The four top vote-getters will now be member of the Westside Neighborhood Who are they7 This riddle's answer is on polls, out of a possible 33,000 registered gearing up for the city election on Association and the founder of Lansing's voters. page 8. November 8. Reading is Fundamental Program. The 13 per cent turnout is typical for The candidates for the other open council In Lansing's fourth ward, it will be seats and mayor have summer primary elections, said City Clerk already been deter¬ Beverly Colizzl. Included in the tally were two-term incumbent Jack Gunther and mined. 1,077 absentee votes. Dotti Shonkwiler advancing to the Novem¬ Two-term incumbent Gerald Graves and weather Johnson received 2,152 votes; Fox, 1,824; ber 8 general election. third ward councilmember Terry McKane will run for mayor in November. Barrett, 1,798; and Stell. 1,498. They easily outdistanced the other two The candidates for the two open at-large Today will be cloudy with temperatures in candidates, Carolyn Owens and Eva Kip¬ seats are: James Blair, Lucile Belen, the low to mid-70s, with a 30 per cent chance "There may be two women on the council per, in a very low voter turnout. of rain. next year," said present councilmember Anthony Schano and Alfred Singletary HI, The final totals were; Gunther. 903; Incumbent William Brenke will run Mary Sharp as the results were coming in at East Lansing City Hall. Shonkwiler, 834; Owens, 274; and Kipper, unopposed in the second ward. 2 Michiqon Stole News, Eost Lonsirg Michigan Wednesday, August 3, , Campaign bill killed by WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen¬ The vote followed the Sen¬ manager of the measure. ty of 60. SenatfAi Sen. Howard W. Can„„„ I ate Democratic to break a leaders, unable Republican-led fili¬ ate's refusal for a third time to cut off the debate on the The debate began a week ago Monday and was in its seventh On Monday it was 47 to 46, or 13 short. Last Friday it was 49 Nev voted to ter after halt the voting auain.. J fflj buster, threw in the Tuesday and joined in voting to towel measure, part of a package election law changes urged of day when the Democratic lead¬ to 45, or 11 short. Most of the differences in the. debate cutoff two times. m„ve' 'j 111 by ers, anxious to act on other kill a bill to provide partial President Jimmy Carter. tallies involved changes in the legislation before Congress Immediately after the vj public financing for Senate Joining in the vote to kill the starts a summer recess, aban¬ number of senators who were the Senate began another,! election campaigns. bill were Majority Leader doned the present effort to pass absent. Only two senators on a motion by Sen. Jam J The proposal to allow Senate Robert C. Byrd of West Virgin¬ the bill. switched positions on the third Allen, D-Ala„ to strike candidates to use taxpayers' ia; Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif. The vote the third at¬ the public outj Ethiopia urges emergency OAU session funds to pay for part of their the deputy party leader, and on tempt to invoke the Senate's vote. Sen. John Sparkman, D-Ala., At a news financing provisil conferenen general election campaign ex¬ Sen. Howard W. Cannon, D- anti-filibuster rule was 52 for voted against cutting off debate week, Carter appealed penses was killed by a 58-39 Nev., chairperson of the Senate and 47 against, or eight short of after voting to do so the first ate passage of the tori NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The Ethiopian The call for a meeting of the OAU vote. Rules Committee and floor the required two-thirds majori¬ two times. On the otjier hand, public cing measure, which is nart| J government called Tuesday for an ministerial council that mediates dis¬ package of election law chad emergency session of the Organization putes between member states was made urged by him. * of Africon Unity (OAU) to discuss the the 12th day of fighting in the arid drive by Somali-backed guerillas to take on MEASURE PART OF CARTER ENERGY PROGRAM The bill would set a ceiliji Ogaden between Ethiopian forces and campaign expenditures by 1 over Ethiopia's southeastern Ogaden the rebels. didates accepting public fj region. Ethiopia says Somalia's tanks, war- Federal grants would Ethiopia also summoned American and British envoys to explain why their planes and regular troops are fighting with the guerillas of the Western Somali House OKs insulation proposals contributions of J100 or raised by candidates. nj | T In addition to these countries were willing to supply arms to liberation Front, who claim they have mattl neighboring Somalia, Ethiopia radio said occupied all the important Ogaden towns WASHINGTON* (AP) - In week, the House is to vote on troversial provision — a mech¬ designed to encourage less grants, a major party would be entitled to a candil in a broadcast from Addis Ababa, the but three and were reported fighting its first vote on President tax incentives also designed to anism for giving consumers a consumption by Americans and ieJT capital. Tuesday to capture the remaining towns. Jimmy Carter's energy plan, encourage insulation. list of qualified insulation con¬ less dependence on foreign grant equal to 25 per cent! campaign spending limit. 1 the House on Tuesday narrowly Earlier, the House approved tractors — was inserted by sources of energy. limit consists of approved proposals designed to and sent to the Senate a House Democrats and not in As the House voted on a 10 cents for each $250,0001 encourage insulation of millions compromise bill to create a the original proposal that Car¬ series of lesser amendments to pen voting age in the state. Chilean arrests dropping, reports say of American homes. Cabinet-level Department of ter sent to Capitol Hill last the energy plan, major sup¬ The limit would range J ■ The House voted 217 to 205 Energy. April 20. porters of the Carter energy $273,000 in Alaska to Jlrf to require utilities to offer The insulation vote, though The package includes a dis¬ program fell behind in their in California. A their customers insulation in¬ close, did not appear to be a major J parate collection of new taxes, initial schedule calling for two candidate could receive gL WASHINGTON (AP) — The State reflects divisions within the administra¬ stallation and help with financ¬ clear early test of the Carter conservation incentives and en¬ critical votes Tuesday on the Department said Tuesday there has been tion regarding Chile policy. ing the service. Later this energy package. Its most con¬ ergy pricing mechanisms, all issue of lifting federal controls 62.5 per cent of his limit from tax funds. speJ a sharp decrease this year in reports of According to officials, the number of on natural gas. formal arrests and of disappearances of formal interests has declined in Chile, but House Democrats believe political dissidents in Chile. The statement came just 24 hours after there have been a number of instances this year in which persons have been Nixon's chief aide denounces they can defeat moves for deregulation, but the second Vance report the State Department, commenting on detained for several hours and then and most crucial test appeared the reports of warming U.S. relations likely to be delayed until Wed¬ with Chile's military junta, said it released. nesday. plan to set remained "very concerned" about the human rights situation in that country. Estimates of the number of persons who have disappeared in Chile since the military coup of September 1973 have payoff report as 'totally false' "We're quite confident," that the deregulation amendments will be defeated, said House working groil Officials acknowledged it was difficult ranged from several hundred to as many SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. million. He invited the Justice Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill. to reconcile today's favorable assess¬ Hoffa from trying to return to 2,500, the ment with Monday's expression of con¬ as to various statement said. According reports, it said, about 100 IUPII - Richard Nixon's chief aide has denounced as "totally Department to question the former President if he is a union office and was considered Most Republicans and House members from oil and ALEXANDRIA, Egypt! The United States and El for use in paying "hush money" gas — cern. They said the difference probably persons disappeared in 1976. false" a Time Magazine report suspect. producing states want federal will attempt to establish to the Watergate burglars. that the Teamsters Union gave price controls on natural gas The money allegedly was a The "working group" of Midi the Nixon White House $1 news magazine said the lifted. payment to prohibit Jimmy foreign ministers to preparl money was not used for that The House narrowly defeat¬ a peace conference before! Koreans test new sea boundaries purpose, but what became of it ed deregulation of natural gas end of the year, remains a mystery and the last year. SecretarJ Cambodians kill Thais Justice Department is investi¬ State Cyrus R. Vance 1 SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — A South escorted by South Korean navol vessels, gating. Opponents of price controls Tuesday. I Korean ship carrying 465 passengers docked at the island of Paengyong-do say the best way to insure a He said setting up the wl In Washington, Teamsters supply of natural gas is to allow Tuesday reached a South Korean-held after an 11 -hour voyage from the port of ing group will require I .island off North Korea without inter¬ ference in the first test of the Communist Inchon near Seoul. The island is within 10 miles of North in major border clash President Frank Fitzsimmons also denied the Time report. Fitzsimmons challenged At¬ the price to rise naturally, unfettered by government reg¬ approval of Israel, Syria I Jordan. Vance will stop in tfl ulation. countries, and in Lebanonl North's new "military sea boundary," a Korea's west coast and apparently falls ARANYAPRATHET, Thailand (AP) Cambodian troops torney General Griffin Bell Carter has given his support Saudi Arabia, during his radio message said. inside the newly announced, unprece¬ - raided two Thai villages near here Tuesday, killing at least 28 Monday to "confront me with 11| The radio said the 450-ton the source of these allegations to a five-cent increase in the visit to the region. I Ongjin-ho, dented military zone. persons in the second major border incident in two weeks, the current four-cent per gallon Outlining the concept, U Thailand military command said. or any evidence in this regard." federal tax on gasoline, with said participation wouldr Twelve Thais, including three border policemen, were wounded "If the Justice Department is the proceeds to go to mass limited to the "confront! and the body of one Cambodian soldier was found. considering questioning former transit and construction of non- states" in the ArablsraeliJ Thailand's army chief of staff, Gen. Charoen Pongpanich, called President Nixon, tell them to interstate highways. diet. for talks with Cambodia on the intensifying border fighting, stop considering and just do it," Before voting on the insula¬ saying That would exclude the! if diplomatic steps are not taken, "both sides will suffer Col. Jack Brennan, Nixon's tion portion of the plan, the estine Liberation OrganuT casualties." chief aide, told UPI Monday. House gave overwhelming ap¬ Thailand and the Communists who seized Cambodia in 1975 held "The story that $1 million proval to a compromise version (PLO), whose role in any vened peace talks has 1 rj talks later that year on economic and political relations, but a 1975 was paid by the Teamsters to of the new Energy Department major sticking point i coup installed an army-backed, rightist government in Thailand someone in the White House which will administer the Pres¬ and ended prospects for cooperation. resumption of a full ci is totally false," he said. ident's program. in Geneva this fall. OPEN THURSOAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 ^Beaulijul TDedduup Welfare program attacks continue (bpuv at WASHINGTON (AP) - President Jim¬ revise a provision in the plan that would Oitplpy Adv«rti«ir ^faca(Larv\ my Carter's welfare program, under base income supplements to welfare attack before it is completed, encoun¬ Pho'ogroph'C Here is where the bride's dreams recipients on both the size of their tered a new hurdle Tuesday when a families ond their earned income. The key become a reality beginning with House chairperson said he and Carter congressman has favored basing the disagreed over "one or two fundamental supplements solely Tired of your her first visit with our Bridal on income. elements." White House Press Consultant. .then the selection own cooking? . Secretary Jody Rep.Al Ullman, D-Ore., chairperson of Powell said the welfare issue continued of her Bridal stationery, listing of the House Ways and Means said Carter was unlikely to Committee, to be "hotly debated" within the admini¬ Bell's has her preferences in our Gift ogree to stration. He said that before the final Ullman's request to delay sending the welfare package is presented the Presi¬ groat pizza A Registry, and choosing memor¬ proposal to Congress until the dif¬ dent wants to hear from Senate Finance grinders able gifts for the wedding party ferences could be worked out. Committee Chairman Russell Ullman said he wanted the President to long, D-La. 225 M.A.C. from our Fine Jewelry collection. long was to meet Carter on Wednesday. 332-5027 1135 E. Gd. River 332 - 0858 Energy plan includes transit trust fund Open from 11:00 a.m. WASHINGTON (AP) - An Free Deliveries From 4:30 p.m. JacobSon'S energy Money for the new fund would come proposal now before Congress would from increasing the current four cent DISCOUNT CALCULATORS establish for the first time a trust fund to per gallon federal tax on gasoline to nine "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES RICES IN TOWN" finance mass transit systems much like cents per gallon. Half of this new SPECIAL! the fund that provides billions for the money would go to mass transit and the other nation's coost-to-coast TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 4 highway system. half would go to highway projects. The proposal — which would increase TI-1600 or TI-1650 OLDBltop the money available for mass transit and The proposed gasoline tax, an amend¬ provide long-term funding for bus and ment to the energy package, is scheduled *2.00 off rail projects — has the endorsement WITH THIS AD of for action in the House today. An President Jimmy Carter and the House administration head count indicates the leadership. vote will be close, sources said. Hatch covers blamed for ship wreck FULL FUNCTION MEMORY the PEASANT. ER HOURS. The't 11-21 CLEVELAND (AP) — The wreck of the Reconstructing the lost ore carrier Edmund Fitzgerald with 29 moments board the 729-foot-long vessel, Coast a- SUPER SPECIAL! men lost, retold in a popular ballad, was Guard officers said that the "massive Nationu! Semiconductor 4615 caused by faulty hatch covers that failed flooding" of the cargo holds carried the FULLY PROGRAMMABLE SLIDE RULE CALCULATOR WITH TRIG, to keep Lake Superior's icy water out of Fitzgerald lower and lower in the heavy INVERSE TRIG, COMMON AND NATURAL LOGS AND ANTI-LOGS, cargo holds during a storm, a Coast seas until she ETC., WITH FULLY ADDRESSABLE, ACCUMULATING MEMORY, AND Guard board said plunged into one wave 100-STEP PROGRAMMING CAPABILITY. REGULAR PRICE '57.95 Tuesday. "and didn't come back up." True to a line in Gordon M0.00 OFF with this ad Light- ... a 12 inch sandwich foot's song "The Wreck of the Edmund The vessel, which had departed Su¬ Fitzgerald," that the lake "never gives up perior, Wis., the day before it sank and "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN" with the works! her dead," the bodies of the crewmen was bound for Detroit, dived "into a wall still lie in the oftersection of the vessel, of water and never recovered, with the which sank in 530 feet of water on 10, 1975. Nov breakup occurring as it plunged it struck bottom," the report said. or when 0^^SCOlEliETTicik]LCEHLJLTio*RS THE LITTLE SHOP Block 1 — MAC THAT LOWERED THE PRICES OF CALCULATORS EVERYWHERE I Wednesday, August 3, J 977 3 jlliken OKs iill lowering >BB levels A one-car Stole News/John Mortell collision on Aurelius Road Tuesday damaged a corner of the Eddie Chappel residence at 1936 Hoyt Ave. The injured driver was taken to Ingham nc|NG (UPI) - Gov- w'Uiam G. property and assist them in rounding up Medical Center for treatment. Tuesday signed legislation de- animals to be tested. ff soothe public fears over PBB The agriculture director must provide a ,n with a mechanism to inter- written statement giving the reasons for d milk before it reaches the inspection, the conditions under which the tests are to be given and the procedures £measure, originally sponsored by to be used. The results of the tests must be I Francis Spaniola, D-Corruna, and made public. »d into its present form by Sen. John "This n new law makes | D-Harper Woods, lowers allow- more workable the in meat from the federal authority of the Department of Agriculture to condemn and .of .3 parts per million (ppm) to .02 dispose of livestock exposed to toxic chemicals an the department has had since - authority 1974 but one ■alls lor extensive testing of milk and that has been difficult to administer since 1 wws ojlled from herds for meat state officials lacked the legal right to test ion for the presence of the chemical. animals suspected of carrying toxic sub ,|S containing more than .02 ppm stances." Milliken said. jbe destroyed, and their owners hursed by the state. "This law should eliminate the Department of the problems r v\ ten he Signed the state's long-awaited Agriculture has had in those cases when a Bcontrol bill into law, Milliken also put farmer, whose herd was Lslnre on a measure bolstering the quarantined on suspicion of contamination Eibility to deal with future agricultur- based on sample tests, would refuse to allow tests on the subsequently mnination incidents. remaining animals in the herd. LIt« law empowers inspectors from ate Agriculture Department to go Milliken also signed an historic measure I my farm where it is suspected that setting the state on the road to a radical L ire contaminated with toxic sub- new fiscal policy by creating a "rainy day" fund. Under the policy, the state will set aside Js receiving 24 hours notice, farmers tax dollars in good years to ease the impact fa. state inspectors to come on their of recessions. Wednesday, August 3, 1977 ef/f/on/ng begun for accused murderer By KAT BROWN State New. Staff Writer Utewide petition drive requesting all Defense committee wants battered wife released according to Houk, while Hughes' appointed lawyer, Aryon Greydanus, argued unsuc¬ cessfully that the interpretation of the law Uigsinst accused murderer Francine is incorrect. a be dropped and that she be Ll from the Ingham County Jail has Petitions will be collected at the end of suffered injuries in a serious car accident, mittee spokesperson and a member of Houk also said he has battered women, the committee is puzzled no evidence of a ■hunched, the Francine Hughes De- August and sent to Ingham County Prose¬ allegedly set fire to their bed while he was Sisters for Human Equality. "Nonetheless, by his decision to presecute (Hughes) so history of assault complaints from Hughes 1 Committee announced at a press cutor Peter Houk and Circuit Court Judge sleeping March 9 after he reportedly beat it has been done and Michael Harrison. attorneys in Detroit severely," she said. "It appears as if Peter against her ex-husband, while Sandahl, who ice Tuesday. her and destroyed the schoolbooks she was confirmed it is often left to the said she has spoken with Hughes, said the judge's Houk does not recognize how this case using for classes at Lansing Business discretion." raises issues of special police must have records because they were ■petition states that the undersigned University. importance about The defense committee was formed in how unjustly the legal system treats called "by Francine, her four children and ■ their request "being fully aware of early May to provide support and raise Sandahl further stated that Houk battered women." the neighbors." s under which Francine ap¬ funds for Hughes, a 29-year-old Dansville Two of the committee's main pealed to people who were concerned about a arrested and charged with protests Houk said the The committee, which has raised over are that Hughes was denied bond and battered women during his charges that were filed woman charged with felony and first degree that campaign and 1300, has received support from several p and first degree murder, and murder of her ex-husband. Houk prosecuted her "to the extreme. they applauded him for working towards against Hughes were appropriate, adding set recognizing the failure of the the establishment of that, "If I didn't think they were ap¬ area groups and sponsored a fund-raising a shelter for battered It police and the governmental system "We propriate, they wouldn't be filed." program Tuesday evening. Elayne Rap¬ recognize that there is some legal si adequately with the plight of ping, a feminist organizer and lecturer from Hughes, who divorced James B. Hughes, dispute over bond being set in first degree Persons accused of first degree murder 31, in 1971 but later cared for him after he murder cases," said Carrie Sandahl, com¬ "In light of his expressed c Pittsburg, Pa., spoke about "Violence are excluded from bond by Michigan law Against Women: Causes and Cures." TONIGHT LAST CHANCE FOR CITIZEN INPUT Pandicapper center Council to vote mall Manned for Lansing The East Lansing City Council has asked that a discussion of problems with on rezoning approved by the council. The city manager will give a report on Inder $100,000 grant decided to vote on the rezoning of land for duplexes in the city and the paving of Charles Ipcar, coordinator of TRC, sug the status of the federal Economic the Dayton Hudson mall at their backyards to accommodate cars be placed Develop¬ regular gested to the council that the city contri ment Administration funding meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. All the legal on the agenda. application. bute to his new position as executive Some of the money the city expected to requirements for public hearings have been director so the center would be qualified to receive was taken back and redistributed to met. An agreement between the city and the receive federal assistance through the Meridian and Williamstown townships be¬ Tonight will be the last chance for citizen Tenants Resource Center ITRC) has been Comprehensive Employment and Training By MICHAEL KLOCKE The council cause of a mistake in the original distribu¬ . State News Staff Writer plans to work with the input regarding the rezoning. People who recommended by the city manager to be Act. tion. Tri-County Regional Planning Commis¬ wish to speak will be limited to five ruling-based Center for Handi- sion to make the center a regional -pi Affairs will be established minutes. program. Also on the agenda is further considers S 'j1* approval of a grant at tion of what action the city should take on a PROMISE BROKEN BY PRESIDENT U McKane said the unsing City Council meet- city's Human Re¬ sources and Finance Departments will proposed boycott of goods manufactured by nine companies that have substantial in PfWter, which will be ■™W«s Advocacy Alliance »«lunded under a run by the Inc., $100,000 state help the center with technical problems and bookkeeping. vestments in South Africa. The South African Liberation Committee Carter's support of Seafarer 'urn, the city will Councilmember Lucile Belen said the proposed the boycott to have East Lansing provide take a stand on the issue of apartheid in center will provide services for all South Africa. handicappers including the blind and IJmcmber Terrywould McKaneprovide criticism by Mich, The council will also consider resolution w the center said deaf. a causes rep ^ supporting the Student Housing Corpora In other action at the tion's application for federal funds. meeting: ^♦Preparat ion of a resource guide overlapping services and Mayor Gerald Graves vetoed the council's recent approval of extending a The uncertain status of co-ops in the eyes of the city as being rental units or WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. Philip E. H not expenditure next year for Project Seafarer. violated a campaign pledge to halt the provided in the contract with the owner-occupied housing has held up their Ruppe today accused President Jimmy The Houghton Republican said Carter's area. Community Design submarine communication system in Mich¬ Center. The council will try to override application. Carter of breaking a promise to the people letter to Rep. Elford A. Cederberg, R- igan if residents of the state object. independent living for the veto next week. Councilmember John Czarnecki has of Michigan by supporting a $20.1 million Mich., backing the Seafarer appropriation "The President promised on Oct. 25, 1976, very specifically that he would not The retirement age for city employes corps of 30 permit the building of Seafarer in Michigan handicappers to was reduced from 60 to 58. The number if the people objected," itipp,™610 one basis with other of years of service needed to qualify for Ruppe said. Hitchhiker beaten at gunpoint, "The people have objected in clear, benefits was also reduced from 10 to decisive terms in eight separate referen- KS'Ilter|alsd fd make a library of related to handi- eight. dums. "The fact that the President now A resolution was unanimously passed says he will make a personal decision on Seafarer is, to increase the communication with fke use of positive reBards to handi- neighborhood groups in regard to city planning policies. Councilmember two assailants remain at large in my view, a promise." betrayal of his earlier Robert Hull said the city will start with Ruppe, a persistent Seafarer opponent, [j it ' ^'"ed to this, there , the fourth ward and talk with citizen said Carter told Cederberg that none of the Niolsv?, ly new»'etter and before city policies are taken funds requested for the project will be P* i Paklshed. There will groups up. A 35-year-old man is being held for observation at Sparrow where one n n pulled a gun and asked how much money he had, spent for research or test site work in ■"W. « • h,lf'hou"' show on Angelos Vlahakis, owner of Jim's Hospital after being beaten at gunpoint Tuesday afternoon by two police said. Michigan. < °" Un,in« Public Tiffany Place at 116 East Michigan unidentified men in Tuomey Woodlot just south of the MSU But Ruppe said the President also told ^esalnV "'126' Ave., made his pitch to the council to campus, Department of Public Safety (DPS) officials said. Apparently the man had no money, and he told police he was then beaten about his arms and back with a tree limb and left in Cederberg that he will personally review ental expects oth" area approve a "New York style" sidewalk The victim, who is a hemophiliac, was bleeding internally, said any future expenditure of Seafarer funds in the woodlot. The two assailants then fled in their car. [Wrw£t0 Pr°Vide funding J* should hi cafe. Vlahakis would need half of the Sgt. Larry Lyons of DPS. A hemophiliac is a person whose blood Michigan. " year"H® 'aid the city-owned sidewalk in front of the does not clot properly. Police said the victim was taken to the hospital after he Gov. William G. Milliken exercised his proved®, [egl°nal P"**1 and restaurant for the year-round cafe. managed to flag down a passing motorist who took him to a phone veto over the project that was promised to F'*"1* could 1 °"W »i ,W '""ding so get started Several councilmembers seemed to According to the victim, the assailants attempted to rob him to call police. him by the Defense Department and the immediate- favor the idea, and it will be decided on Ford Administration. after they picked him up hitchhiking west near Kalamazoo Street within the next few weeks. But Seafarer planning has continued and U.S. 127. Lyons said descriptions of the assailants and car were being despite the governor's rejection of the He taken to the woodlot at Beaumont and Forrest Roads withMd until police could question the victim further. was project in Michigan. City council should reject Dayton Hudson , Adim^tfallst„he! door; passin8 Tonight, the East Lansing City commended for their resiliency in opportunity to significantly under¬ commercial sprawl and unwaver¬ J>d. brownwo, imiieh lhc emP y, Council will vote on whether to considering both sides of the issue. score this point by making an ing acqueiscence to the attraction ^'between the cof rezone a northwest section of the However, the talking stage is over example of Dayton Hudson. of the almighty dollar. It would 2 ln» bench, ovet city to allow for commercial and a decision must be made. We insure maintenance of a safe It is indeed possible that Dayton environment, a secure neighbor¬ development there. If the council urge city council to defy expec¬ Hudson, as some have contended, votes to rezone — an outcome tations and vote against the rezon- which seems virtually certain — ing proposal — thereby killing will sap business from other areas essentially sound and stable. hood and a business climate that is -iSSx: the Dayton Hudson mall, in the Dayton Hudson. of Lansing and East Lansing. The Realistically speaking, the planning stages for so long, will It is a tribute to the temper of proposed shopping mall may in¬ chances of become a reality. the times that Dayton Hudson has deed debilitate the surrounding down the city council turning rezoning proposal are The merits of Dayton Hudson been debated at all; conventional environment, while blighting an practically nil. Whatever the out¬ have been debated over and over wisdom has always held that essentially undeveloped residen¬ come, we are confident that tial neighborhood with gaudy again. The arguments have been commercial growth and develop- councilmembers will have voted in is In commercialism. Dayton Hudson complex, confusing, and in some ment naturally desirable, t. good faith, and will not have been cases self-contradictory. Council- recent years environmental and might well prove extravagantly railroaded into their decision by members, buffeted by waves of energy concerns have advanced to wasteful of energy and voracious high-pressure lobbying from spe¬ special interest pressures and the forefront, and both politicians in its consumption of costly social cial interest groups. » influence, while at the same time and citizens have come to realize services. All of these concerns are seeking to divine the opinions of that "more is not necessarily real, and must be carefully We are less impressed with the their constituents, are to be better." City council has the weighed. motives and ethics of Dayton Hudson's developers, who have In years past, advocates of the rather arrogantly treated the "bigger is better" ethos would outcome of the debate as academic Support the agency have carried the day by pointing out the obvious benefits a shop¬ to the mall's future. Their cam¬ paign to make the mall a reality ping mall would bring to a has been in high gear since last Jimmy Carter's drive to make the Ralph Nader-conceived Consumer community: expanded business Protection Agency a reality is being blunted by an obstinate congress October, and recently a full page outlets and jobs, an influx of and the high-stakes lobbying campaign of big business. newspaper ad appeared proclaim¬ money into the area, increased ing Dayton Hudson's inevitability. "...'have you e And Carter has not helped his case any by remaining strangely silent on the issue, while corporate and congressional vultures pick it apart. revenues from property taxes. It Ill The State News 'Of course,' she I should be noted that these positive Perhaps Dayton Hudson is fore¬ On Monday, Carter attempted to allay business concerns and win Wednesday, August 3, 1977 aspects are uniformly economic in ordained, but the official tally is congressional ial support with a promise to eliminate 26 other not yet in. City council might still consumer-oriented agencies and offices by incorporating their functions nature. Energy, environmental Editorials the opinions and aesthetic have been are of the State News. Viewpoints, columns into the new agency. The president contends that such a move would concerns pull a monumental surprise. and letters are personal opinions urn to order. He make fears of an unwieldy bureaucracy rising out of the proposed traditionally slighted. Editorial If the shopping mall does go Dopartmont ....■she is drunk and agency unfounded. In an era of dwindling resources, through, it is imperative that Editor-in-chief Michael Tanimura Layout Editor Fred von Horfes ask (or another it future proposals for commercial Managing Editor Debbie Wolfe Sports Editor which she point Perhaps there is merit in this move. However, the president should declining expectations and a Opinion Editor Dave Misiolowski Entertoinmer „r litress toward his not be so naive as to believe that his latest proposal will make any heightening awareness of the development be carefully weighed News Editor Joe Scales Wire Editor Joyce lo$k( hen he has almost com inroads with big business, whose well-organized lobbying tactics have necessity for conservation and against other, more relevant con¬ Photo Editor Richard Politowski Copy Chief adinner she turns to hii Staff Representative virtually scuttled the Nader plan. belt-tightening, the settled as¬ cerns. The tenets of unconstrained lighted cigarette and If Carter is truly concerned about instituting a Consumer Protection sumptions of the past are no longer growth are becoming increasingly Advertising Department t you were hungry, shack to drinking. Sh Agency, he should take his case over the heads of congress and appeal valid. Rejecting Dayton Hudson dubious in this energy-conscious Advertising Manager Sharon Seiler Assistant Advertising Manager Demse more until the directly to the public for support. would signal an end to mindless era. .. finished eating, lis his cigarette whose flame ■ebrows. Th site plan review ordinance will prohibit asks if she can buy new keep the revenue within East Lansing. strip development and a mall is supposedly zk. He declines bu Dayton Hudson: City Attorney Dennis McGinty, acting in more energy efficient than far flung, the city's interests, has been challenging inges. So he agrees, open-to-the-air stores. Anderson's lawsuit against the city's ap¬ he tells her politely The mall will generate thousands of proval of the mall. dollars in property taxes to lower every¬ They talk: her is] Dayton Hudson, with its rightful optimis¬ moment of truth name one's tax bill. But some say increased city tic hype, has been so cocky as to encourage i Columbia, a private services to the mall will eat up those East Lansing residents to order Hudson had never heard of "Script for the Mi igle. very happy, but ) financial benefits. credit cards and has claimed the mall to be 'Left' alone Impaired." ointment with her ( Well folks, it's about that time. On from Frandor, downtown Lansing and The Comprehensive Plan for the the next city's "in development" in promotional literature I morning and tonight's East Lansing City Council agenda, Meridian Mall; pushing them to the brink of In response to the article that appeared am not unique, and know I shar development through 1980 has a research- and trade magazines. •eight. One drink le; the first item of business is rather many other left-handers a childhoo insolvency, and will turn downtown East industrial park envisioned for the site, but But it really took balls to say in a full page in the State News last Wednesday, I would Mther. then another, was not characterized by abuse and deceiving. It says: "Further consideration Lansing into a neglected "student ghetto." economic changes have made research newspaper advertisement that "soon a new publicly like to state that I will be one of the ting man has nowhere of Ordinance #400." Simple enough. because I dared to write with my left But Dayton Hudson says there is an parks go the way of the hoola-hoop and the 8,000 left-handed students on this campus s the But what this item really represents is shopping center will rise from the land" fas In spite of the fact that I was subject! untapped market for its hundred stores plan is not legally binding anyway. if the clouds would open and angels would who will not support the activities of the rdired dinner and insist the steamroller-like rezoning request by arrayed in a bilevel mall and after a The arguments have filled three public Left-Handers League and/or Council that parochial education, I do not have herald the awesome event) a full week mares of nuns descending upon Dayton Hudson Properties of Minneapolis temporary decline in sales, all will soon be hearings and have been researched by before the city council vote. Stuart Carter proposes to establish this fall. rulers to correct my aberrant tei making money hand over fist again. dozens of city staff people, commission I hope the city council is not steamrolled Right-handed desks The mall will be sitting on and contami¬ may be an inconven¬ Such activities of fire-breathing members and special interest groups. also. Councilmembers Czarnecki, Sharp and ience, but do not make an education isted in the past, but few ci nating a major water recharge area. But the Comments at the hearings ranged from Polomsky seem to have made up their inaccessible to me as do stairs to someone study which promoted these findings has rabble rousing environmentalist Jim An¬ minds to support the mall long ago, which who is a real handicapper. I am capable of students today endured this t) "education". The a been "discredited," says an MSU geology derson's extrapolated statistics on how means all the citizen input, which has been using right-handed drinking fountains, In short, Mr. Carter, The fi student. much extra oil money will be going to OPEC about equally divided, has been for naught. doors, flush toilets, and scissors with a why The worthless muck and peat soil will if the mall is built, to elderly Whatever the outcome, I hope the five minimum of effort. I can tune my car with enlarge the scope of your activit couples who include something less trivial tl cause the mall to sink and will add to the eagerly await the prospect of shopping at a councilmembers can vote with clear con¬ my right-handed screwdriver, cultivate my notorious drainage problems in the north left-handers co-op and social club." big J.L. Hudson's in their neighborhood. sciences, with the belief that they are doing garden with my right-handed rake, play my em part of the city, it has been suggested. But the issue is far from new. There was what is good for the city and satisfies the ly, I would like to be left alone. But right-handed guitar, and knit a right- Dayton Hudson says it would not be one retired farmer who grinned from ear to majority of the citizens. handed sweater. I even learned to write Betty investing millions of dollars in a project ear at a public hearing as told of how he sold But somehow it all seems predestined. legibly through the efforts of teachers who doomed to fail and to bring blight to the the main parcel of the mall site 10 years ago city. for virtually a blank check from Dayton MICHAEL ROUSE The land should stay vacant forever. But Hudson. city planners say the cost to buy back the It's just that the Dayton Hudson steam¬ land would be prohibitive. roller started last year and it seems VIEWPOINT: DISARMAMENT that has conjured up a cloud of claims, The city should wait until studies more unstoppable. The firm had consultants counterclaims and studies: a cloud which are completed. But proponents say the mall accumulate volumes of research on impacts hangs over the city. should be approved in East Lansing now or of the mall before the slick unveiling Rally Friday against ' Is the Dayton Hudson mall going to be it will end up being built somewhere else, boml presentation in October. good or bad for East Lansing? Who can you like in South Lansing, as Mayor Gerald East Lansing's positon has been there¬ believe? Graves would have it. fore, to wade through the technical reports From listening to the arguments on both The mall will bring crime, stimulate and verify the information, with Dayton By JULIA W. BISHOP two or three tons of TNT for every sides I surely cannot tell. And so I have wasteful use of energy, shift the focus of the Hudson having the positive advantage. On August 6,1945, the United States person on earth. come to equivocate, which is why I pity the city away from MSU, increase traffic Since last summer, East Lansing has councilmembers who have elected dropped the first atomic bomb on the And in the United States, the to make through neighborhoods, be the center of a been for some reason actively seeking to their fateful — and possibly damnable — dense commercial district, and city of Hiroshima, Japan, thus unleash¬ accumulated radioactive wastes from put a large annex land in Lansing Township so the mall ing a new and uniquely horrible force the manufacture of nuclear weapons at decision tonight. The arguments go something like this: Opponents the mall will portion of the city's business in the hands of one absentee owner. But these are some of the tradeoffs of shopping convenience, the would be entirely within our boundary. It is easier for Dayton Hudson to deal with only for death and destructon. Thirty-two years hence, not only do present far exceed those from nuclear power plants - and they threaten Canon A say sap business ope municipality for services and it will we not appear to have learned to control the monster we created, we have thousands of future generations, wheth¬ er or not. the bombs go off! I Jo good, so instead pursued the nuclear path to its ultimate idiocy — and horror; we now On Friday, August 5th, at noon in front of the Capitol building, members pdtobelii plan for the neutron bomb which does of the Women's International League I JjW Canon Auto Z, ■ eatu'es thai not harm buildings, but merely kills for Peace and Freedom and the East have made I movie cameras- people! And we accept this as being Lansing peace Education Center will reasonable, and continue to justify it. join people throughout the nation and How could our pursuit of national the world in awareness of the memory I "J* Mean zoom from security, our values and priorities, have and the meaning of Hiroshima. become so distorted? Where will such I *®ngs. and brilliantly i They will hand out leaflets with well-meant, but warped thinking finally folded paper cranes attached, and a note lwkIV'e^'ntlerAr"lyo lead us, and how many more lives will explaining the significance of the 12|IlePLelec,ron|ce: I nmm® abll"v and built-ir be lost before we fully comprehend that there must be and end — an absolute One of the horrifying results of lllrvrt '""",uull"9 It's end — to the use of nuclear arms? exposure to radiation is leukemia. One destruction! We ask churches, orgail r0"1 and your movie What the world spends on arms in four days could feed the world's 200 child, Sadako Sasaki, a leukemia patient tions, all people who share r in the Hiroshima A-Bomb Hospital, concern, to give serious thoug million undernourished children for a created the idea that if each child could the 5th to the whole panorarr year! fold 1,000 paper cranes (origami) they nuclear proliferation. Five countries are known to have would not die. Sadako died before she There are facts available in • ***** nuclear weapons; 30 other nations may was able to fold 700 cranes. A statue of dance. Learn the facts, have works soon be able to join them, thanks to the Sadako is in Hiroshima Peace Park, and and study groups, and write I spread of technology. The military school children decorate the statue with legislators. And let the country J budgets of the United States and the chains made of folded paper cranes. dropped the bomb take the lee Soviet Union together exceed those of With the deep conviction that it must initiating a World Disarmament u all other countries combined, and yet never happen again, let us use the they continue to add to their stockpiles memory of Hiroshima, of Sadako, and of Once was too much! of bombs though the United States the thousands of others who were killed Bishop Is writing on beholl ol the * — now has the equivalent of 615,000 or mutilated by the bomb, to work International League tor Peace ond ' Hiroshima bombs, or enough to equal together for an end to stockpiling and and (he Eosl Lansing Peace Iducotion c Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan MicN^L Wednesday, August 3, 1977 5 IRA ELLIOTT Heart of a Saturday night eat something at which time young man who is again embar- the chest on and they are meal No he sav h ""n,' ra85ed and moves back into the pushed onto the sidewalk. The ™Hut nlea'. h ® "hlo wait Nona's return. young man suggests they have ,nBrUtv„ ; ,°rder ®omethjng She flops back into the car and a nightcap. But she cannot walk harpfv .wn f barely two bites later has ' Pyes h-; , u an the driver the name of a Mexican any further, is screaming "God, restaurant. There is give me a husband" too loudly, avs says. •Thanrv„rh!r,n'" Thank you, but I really t and hUggmg ofand mreWaitresses more waita« still and so he more can t I haven t any money and drinks. He has become bored (conclusionl besides - The woman stif- puts her in a cab with her with her fens, Besides nothing. And it's money and sloppy money and gives the driver her advances and now her talk of home address. my treat. No, it is my treat. It is God and the my pleasure. You are a dar- Virgin Mary. (The moral of the story "Have you ever been to a ling. Having had a good deal according to the friend ITcontinuous line °f impercep- drink he agrees, thinking it to disco?" he asks "Of course" Don't let lonely ladies buy Ijbie motion- will be good for a laugh. And she lies, so they leave. you drinks if you're not going to Dressed in bluejeans ■ And as if the stiHiess of 'he she is so lonely. Her they sleep with them. barely- are stopped at the door of the ■ the lvrical hues of black- touched meal is wrapped for disco. She pounds the doorman , Elliott is o regular State News ■ _ 'the still-action of her and she embarrasses the column,sf JTis moving and has always, young man by hugging the Clrallv, without my question¬ waiters on the way out. al moved me somehow back They take a cab downtown. "You must check your coat," ye friend: she says and gives him J30. L friend's story "We have to be proper about this." Inside she kisses the Re-evaluation of economic priorities needed I t heav v. middle-aged woman maitre d\ the bartender, more L alone drinking martinis in waiters. "We'll sit at EiItalian restaurant. A young Danny's ByTOMEDENS the only "acceptable" policy tools to deal with economic stabilization bar," Leona says. "Do you m is seated at the table really know him?" the young The media and the general public are most eager to point out Slices goals without exacerbating the energy problem. It appears that the jdeher. He turns to order a man asks. "Do I know conflicts of interest among legal and business professionals. And only way out of this quandary is to honestly reappraise the very ^ when the woman shakes Hey, Danny, do I know you?" him? rightly so. Yet, no greater conflict of interests exists than that basis of our capitalistic system — the way in which individual and ibvthf arm and says no, it currently being experienced by the mainstream economics Unfortunately, few recognize that the acceleration of flow collective wishes are transmitted to and satisilied by the profession. The influence of economists in public policy making is in the economy is tantamount to rates existing increasing the flow rates of energy economic system. We need first know what we can achieve much more subtle than that of their and materials professional counterparts in through the system. This oDviously conflicts with all materially before we make our demands on the system. other professions. So too, the confUct of- interest attempts to induce energy conservation in the face of rapidly We demand shopping malls farther and farther within the economics profession is well below'the surface. For the away from our conflict that declining resource stocks. The prognosis, from all directions, for places of residence with the tacit assumption that transportation to ...'have you ever been to a disco?" he asks. I am referring to is intellectual rather than legal. No penalties or the future of our energy intensive economy is indeed bleak. and from these centers will be miraculously provided for by state I 'Ofcourse,'she lies, so they leave." conventional sanctions — other than limited peer pressure — can be Domestically we have recognized that we are now entering a and local municipalities. To advocate a decline in the growth of invoked. transitional era from dependence on liquid material goods and services (as some brave souls have done) is petroleum to reliance on The economics profession — and the political proteges alternate (and lower quality) energy sources and are ill considered heresy. However, the failure to recognize the very real deal with either the prepared to (remember, economics used to be referred to as political economy! supply and demand inconsistencies or the social limits within which our systems of production must operate is they most directly influence — find themselves in a very real transitions which are inevitable. lunacy. It is not at all clear that a reassessment of our existing quandary. The nation is slowly emerging from a rather severe Unlike any period in Western industrial economic system will be any less traumatic and ■ turn to order. He laughs "Of course, dear. Your're one of history, we are faced socially disruptive recession and recovery appears to be in the with a supply rather than a demand than the consequences of pursuing ise she is drunk and hears the best. You can play on my offing. The conventional deficiency. And the assumption counterproductive economic response to sluggishness during the recovery phase is to stimulate of unlimited substitutability of secondary and alternative reserves policies. At any rate, such a reappraisal is inevitable, whether it be js ask (or another martini, team anytime. But, hey, baby, the economy through fiscal and/or in no way settles the question. In some respects, we are facing a induced by foresight or historical happenstance. It seems to me that which she points the let me fix these people a drink." monetary policies. In other words, to accelerate the flow of goods and services and (in the complex situation (to call it a problem implies a solution), which has the former is at least "marginally" preferential. ess toward his table. no solution. Even if we do all of the The middle-aged woman with opposite direction) money in the economy. These policies have right things now (which we are Jfkn he has almost completed dyed red hair is becoming evolved over the past thirty years under the rubric of Keynesian not), we are still facing a traumatic transitional period, the length Ldinner she turns to him with Economics. They were initially invoked in what was and intensity of which overly affectionate for the subsequently depends primarily on the success we realize (lighted cigarette and says, young man's tastes and re¬ recognized as a situation of demand deficiency. with fusion energy. There IS a difference!!! were hungry," and minds her of their agreement The old adage — still The intellectual conflict I refer to represented pictorially in nearly every occurs because we cannot use to drinking. She says when they left the Italian undergraduate textbook — is that goods and services flow in MCAT •LSAT 'DAT tore until the young opposite directions to money and that the realization of an „ restaurant, "A friendly u is finished eating, then eve¬ equilibrium between these two flow rates will result in a stable ******** **********# GMAT .VAT .ORE .OCAT .SAT s his cigarette with a ning." They take a cab back to economy — that is, an "acceptable" rate of growth, employment • NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS whose flame nearly er ■s his eyebrows. The wo- her apartment for more The doorman looks money. and inflation. Indeed the mandate to cons'antly strive to fulfill this * LIVF, THILnRFN'S * • ECFMG .FLEX at the fanciful state is mandated by the Flexible Programs and Hours |u asks if she can buy him a Unemployment Act of 1946. Ovti 38 rears ol eipenence and success. Small classes Voluminous He declines but she home stud) materials Couises that are constantly updated. Centers aillenges. So he agrees. "Just open dans and weekends all year. Complete tape lecilities (or review ol diss lessons and lor use ol supplementary matehils. Make-ups lor 1." he tells her politely. missed lessons at our centers. Lansing's Rock Flexible Progromi | They talk: her name is Leona, and Hours nColumbia. a private nurse, fniiftN Hills 31318514013 try happy, but has an iaifW. tiutttm TtsrmnuTiea *■ "*■ alJAM-JW ointment with her doctor vtciaiiiri unci use it morning and must Or write to: 29226 Orchard lake ltd. e weight. One drink leads to Suite#205 Formington Hills. Ml.41011 Atriliaied Centers in Major U. S. Cities |tsther, then another. The ,s nowhere to go. Listen-You'll Love It > woman hasn't ed dinner and insists she r The atmosphere brings you in. The food brings you back. Of all the restaurants in the Lan¬ sing Tiffany area, only one has "The Touch." It is unique in its warmth. mood and congenial¬ HAir-pRICt ON MUqsf SOUP& ity. The food is superb; the vice. excellent. ser¬ Of bEER t salad Reservations suggested. 372-4300 UpsiAius VmI (lou/NSIAiltS I] S*1-75 Free evening parking Downtown, 1 block east of the Capitol l\ now Pure Jam playing 11=30-2:00 ■■■ ans"1® fcbbof MAILORDER Norman mv.. SPECIALISTS I Canon Auto Zoom 814 Electronic I So good, so feature-packed, if s I hard to believe it's Super 8! I ^®fea' Canon Auto Zoom 814 gives you the quality and II "res,tlal have made the Canon name famous in larger- cm 31 m°vie cameras- only now you gel them all in vement super-8 lor personal use at home You'll love the X«n seethe aperture zoomlr°m wide-angle to telephoto. the way you setting, end-of-film and exposure "gs. and brilliantly clear image right in the single lens Wiiwrr'"06' And you II find filmmaking incredibly easy hmim Melec'ronic ®*POsure control, built-in macro- noma3 and bui"'in facility for time-lapse, interval, and *wnnedandshooting it s (he better camera that you can canon your movies will show it HM *299. ELECTRONIC H '""d moil o h BA!UE CMEK ,s 0 no' WRITE FOR H Ii-'" with L" j"0,° eqvipmont spe ' oppeorin9 in Mod- FREE CATALOG julo.ou ° Pho,°9'ophy. We sell -l THE GRAPEVINE II JT qwke' b«a 9°. prke'- bul II >< cord II ' Would Do "» " «0 dose. "l ph°ned in on Moil- Ifmrm 616-965-7285 2758 East Grand River i ' ll iUJ Id W. MICHIGAN MAU low. MALI 337-1701 ll>S»eJ| Sd°y' We »'«k BATTLE CREEK, Ml 49014 6 Michigon Stote News. Eost Lonsing. Michigan >©fit TIGERS PLAY TWINS ON TV TONIGHT The IM summer Softball tournament is annrn.,1,1 stages before the semi-finals begin. Tonight. gwiesS "" at 5:00,6:18 and 7:30 p.m. on fields 10. 11 ^12 .^ ^ and 12 at the 1Mb] Morris takes advantage of first start Thursday two semi-final games will be 11 and 12. The championship game will be played field and time has not been set yet. played at 5 n Mondav eveni* ™ l . P-m. on fy en">g, buttfl I EVANSVILLE, Ind. (UPI) - A quirk of fate landed Jack Morris Harrison knows that but for a curious combination of in the major leagues with the Detroit Tigers. Of what he's shown Campbell was telling Evers to instruct Manager Les Moss of the circumstances, he could have had the opportunity Morris is Triplets to limit Harrison to three innings — so he would be able to in two games, ability is going to keep him there. currently taking advantage of. X'/H UJDKIW6 pitch immediately when he reported to the Tigers — when the Morris made the first start of his week-old major league career The Tigers were to add another player to their roster following pitcher hobbled into the clubhouse with the trainer. FofiUJARPTo Sunday night in Texas and was outstanding following a nervous first inning. the game and that player could very well be Harrison, who has The final quirk was that the game would never have been played FftlCW/ pitched for Baltimore, Atlanta and Cleveland since breaking into — only a night game was originally scheduled — had not the game He was not the pitcher of record in a 10-inning. 3-2 Texas win the majors in 1972. from the evening before been rained out. over Detroit but he struck out 11 batters and ended up walking The vacancy arose during the weekend when Detroit sold As it was, due to the injury to Harrison, Campbell and Evers five in nine inings after walking the first two men he faced. veteran left-hander Dave Roberts to the Chicago Cubs for cash and decided to take scout Jack Tighe's adivce to "call up Morris if you In all, Morris allowed only four hits in nine innings — none after the fifth. That showing came after an impressive debut against the a player to be named at the end of the season. Whether Harrison gets promoted this time — a week later than want to take a chance on a kid with a future." Morris, a second-year pro out of St. Paul, Minn., has an HSH \MS(j/ White Sox in relief last Tuesday, when the 21-year-old the Tigers originally intended to purchase his contract — depends outstanding fastball, change and slider. His problem has been right-hander went through the Chicago batting order before being touched for a pair of runs in a four-inning stint. on the condition of his pulled groin muscle. Harrison suffered the injury a week ago pitching in the first control but off his two showings to date, he has demonstrated enough stuff to pitch his way out of his own troubles. FRY every Friday Well-traveled veteran Roric Harrison probably looked some¬ inning of a twi-night double-header — pitching at exactly the same Detroit plays two 8:30 p.m. televised games against the what enviously at Morris Monday when Detroit played exhibition time Genral Manager Jim Campbell of the Tigers was on the phone Minnesota Twins tonight and Thursday before returning home game with its Evansville farm team to benefit the American Association team. with Hoot Evers, Detroit's director of farm development, discussing the impending promotion of the veteran right-hander. Friday for a 13-game home stand that begins with the Texas Rangers. *2.50 all you can eat 3121 East Grand River (across from Frandor) COUPMTW SOZMMlt 'THE" CASSETTE FROM DECKS] GIVEN ON MANUFACTURER COUPONS otxsDtjr ivclucx wsrotto/tfHf /r/McajfiOUS NAKAMICHI SEE THEM ONLY AT 3301 E.MlOH. HI-FI BUYS 4810 W. SAGINAW I presh! 1101 E. GRAND RIVER E. L. PH. 337-1767 IAN. PH. 321-2373 I &UV4-Sa7 E8# COUNTWCUT " WITH IN -STORE G0UpCN\ / FRYING 6AU.PAEFW8EEF MONEY SAVER (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) CHICKENS FRANKS A, I! FREE! ■ I /Sxry tfrjj Buy any Medium At the regular price *)• TREE Little Caesars \ 1£Z« Get W*"«lc»l PIZZA Pto| | ^ 12031. Gd. River SAVE 18/ Eberhatd I 337. ,631 TENPER KRUST Coupon expires 13-77 Ono coupon por.ordor BREAD ^80 "llO lu^ BtriSc^GhipWylb^ !GARLIC^, * cookies 2Cij breap!6Sr BUYS-SAVE 45^ W/O COUNTRY FRESH BUY 8 -SAVE 24^ W/C BUYS-SAVE w V COUNTRY FRESH ALL FLAVORS — MINLTTEMAlDvRPamJ/ W/G-Gourrtvq Fresh SKIMMED YOGURT PREMIUM MILK LEMONADE ICECREAM All except- ButterPecan | ICTO. ,9i: CAWS to V I Daisies BUV3-SAVE $2.10 WITH IN-STORE COUPON- BUY £-SAVE*r BUY 3-SAVE bONR0Hg stopped at the scene of the ■Thv bullets fired from the newspapers, first struck just where doctors are laboring to subsequent prompted authorities in West¬ fir pistol used by the over a year ago. save young Violante's eyesight. small park. shooting in a chester County. north of New 1,110 col's himself "Son of As the family arranged the funeral, Moskowitz' mother The victim has lost one eye and The father said, "When they York City, to schedule a meet¬ ing a. was still unaware that ap¬ doctors are uncertain whether decided to leave, he saw this on Thursday with New pealed to the Son of Sam York police to discuss ".Moskowitz was dead of any sight will be restored in the fellow in the park and he strategy aillita Niebigae 1 from the same pin. through reporters to end his remaining one. against the killer. akappara Ami* Kragar! Wky... noticed he was attacks. looking at him. Sheriff Thomas ktekowitz. like Violante 20 "Don't make any mothers "I just broke the news about He paid no more attention." he had assigned Delaney said t-old succumbed to mas- go his eyes yesterday," Violante's deputies to ...I*oaaii Kfigar mm kttttr mil. Kragar through the same pain I have Young Violante was quoted patrol Lhrain damage 38'/i hours father said. "He asks about as saying he had no idea areas of discotheques and lovers lanes, a common girta r*i * bittir mil vain. Taar assay £ Le ,nd Violante became gone through," she said, fight¬ Stacy constantly. I feel at this whether the man he saw was element in the attacks, which kays mra utiag mat it Kragar... Fl2th and 13th victims of ing tears. time the best thing to say was his attacker. have left six dead and seven I piurading gunman early Pasquale Violante, father the wounded youth, said his son of that she's stable. I'm going to The killer's weekend attack wounded in the past 12 months. ...laeaita yta'll Hit fraakar frail aa4 lav morning, be the one to tell him of her vagalaklat la tka Kragar giNaaa. Ira after in Brooklyn h, couple, on their first had not yet been told that death." came as a surprise There had been speculation raw al fraakMi* al Kaam-ta-aartk prion. to several hundred JTwu shot in their parked Moskowitz was dead or that the The elder Violante said his policemen that, because of varying de¬ Kragar ilwiyi affart tka katl availakla... assailant was the .44-caliber stalking the killer, many of scriptions, Son of Sam might K,,lovers Une in Brooklyn son had recounted that when he them off-duty volunteers. Sam have worn a Thorough the killer has killer. and wig during some of ...Itoaata ytaH fiat aiarytay It* prion Stacy were on their way to had struck previously only in his murderous forays. tkraigkiat Hit start, wttk Ita ataldy tpaoiali •a Ham yaa aaat aa4 kay rtgalarly. WHk Ujsts cite PBB effects anatftrtiasK apteiala tkat gift yaa aaai- 1 taalaga. hcootinued from page II air, water, fish and human hair l, House Commerce sub- in New York and New Jersey. entire collection on sale liner said over 13 million Noting that, McGuire said at j, 0f PBB has been pro¬ the start of the vince 1970, "almost all of now hearing that "it appears PBBs also threat¬ accounted for," and the Pablo en the health of thousands of ironmental Protection A Americans. , has found PBBs in the imUWAY? Jazz I SIR VICI STATION t J 1301 E. Grand giver « « Next to Vanity Inn J Album Rock-24 Hours! Create TONIGHT IS VODKA NITE Vi off any vodka drink m 4.09- Pass \ CHOOSE FROM SUCH ARTISTS AS: Ella Fitzgerald. Oscar Peterso ry Gillespie Free Ride Ella & Oscar Ray Pizzi • Conception Joe Turner, Roy Eldndge, M THURSDAY IS Oscar Peterson, Joe Pass, Ray Brown The Giants Ray Bryant Solo Flights I ITALIAN DINNER Jo Jones The Main Man Joe Turner Things That I Joe Turner Another Epoch Used To Do Stride Piano J.A.T.P. Stockholm '55 NIGHT Oscar Peterson & Roy Eldridge Oscar Peterson & Dizzy Gillespie Here's Ray Bryant Jon Fadds Youngblood Road includes V2 liter of wine...just '4.00 Oscar Peterson & Harry Edisoi Oscar Peterson & Clark Terry Roy Eldridge Whats It's All About Joe Pass Portraits of Duke Ellington Oscar Peterson & Jon Faddis Count Basie & His Orch I Told Spec Coll The Trumpet Kings Uvo folk music nituly * 'til 1 Zoot Sims & The Gershwinn You So Meet Joe Turner Brothers Benny Carter The King Count Basie Orch. Basie Jam Count Baste & Zoot Sims Mike Longo Talk VYith The Spec Coll Dizzy Gillespie's Big 4 1227 E. Gd. River Basie & Zoot Spirits Art Tatum Lionel Hampton. Oscar Peterson, Milt Jackson. J Zoot Sims Zoot Plays Soprano Buddy Rich The Tatum Group Ph. 332-6517 Pass, Toots, Thielemans, Niels Dizzy Gillespie, Machi Masterpieces Pederson, Louis Bellson The Cuban Jazz Moods Duke Ellington, Ray Brown This Oscar Peterson Big 6 at the Ella Fitgerald. Joe Pass Fitgerald One's for Blanton Montreux Jazz Festival 1975 & Pass Again Count Basie Encounters Oscar Zoot Sims, Clark Terry, Hoy Milt Jackson & Strings Feelings Peterson "Satch" & "Josh" Eldridge, Benny Carter, Joe Joe Turner In The Evening Art Tatum The Tatum Solo Pass, Tommy Flanagan, Keter Dom Urn Romao Hotmosphere Masterpieces, Vol. 1 Betts, Bobby Durham Jazz Eddie Lockjaw Davi Tommy The Tommy Flanagan Tokyo At The Philharmonic at the Recital Montreux Jazz Festival 1975 Art Tatum The Tatum Solo Th. Dmy Gillispie Big 7 al the Bel! Masterpieces Vol. 2 Montreux Jaw Festival 1975 Harry Ednon Edilon i Lights Art Tatum The Tatum Solo Count Baste Jam Session at the Benny Carter, Duty Gillespie Masterpieces Vol. 3 Montrtux Jaw Festival 9175 Carter. Gillespie. Inc Art Tatum, Lionel Hampton, Ella Fitzgerald at the Montreux The Al Gala Qunteto Lebton Harry Edison, Buddy Rich, Jill Festival 1975 Red Callender, Barney Kessel „ Joe Pass at the Montreux Jazz , ,, 2001 S,ms Hawthorne Nights . The Tatum Group Master¬ Festival 1975 G'"esPie Si* Dizzy's pieces Vol. 3 The Milt Jackson Big 4 at the Pa"V Art Tutum, Benny Carter, Louis rr\ vr Montreux Jazz Festival 1975 Pa"lmh° i Agora Bellson The Tatum Group The Trumpet Kings at the Mc Count Basie Basie Jam No. 2 Masterpieces Vol. 1 or Vol. 2 treux Jazz Festival 1975 Duke Ellington The Intimate Art Tatum, Roy Eldridge, John The Louis Bellson Explosion Ellington Simmons, Alvin Stoller ■ The Count Basie The Basie Big B i Oscar Peterson, Niels Pedersen. Tatum Group Masterpieces Vol. 4 j # Milt Jackson. Joe Pass, Ray Joe Pass The Trio Art Tatum. Rod Callender. Jo Jones The tatum Group Brown The Big 3 Ella Fitzgerald, Joe Pass Take The Love Easy Masterpieces Vol. 5 PLUS MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM! (All above listings are single LP's) •he big white barn Our entire collection of RfA-ftiblo Area's Only Multi-Media Discofheque 2843 E. Gd. River, E Lans. 351-1201 jazz artists is now on snip for 4.99 per LP. Tonite: Take advantage of these great savings and broaden your collection Boozers with some of the best names in jazz. Offer good Aug. 3-6, 1977 Banquet 35c 1\ Tburs. Special Suds n' Subs EAST LANSING MON-SAT 10-* 401 «• ORAND RIVER AVE. sun ia-a 351-0460 1 0 Michiqon State News. East Lansing, Michigot Wednesday, Au9ust3 0 Star warriors gird for future By DANA FELMLV planning to get one. State News Staff Writer "We know some technical people tpat like By now, Star Wars has captured the imagina¬ to make 'blinky' toys. They're really expensive Barroom tions of millions. Some, however, are more captured than others. adult toys," Carleton said. There are all kinds of models, Carleton Like Carol explained. There are types where the light Hydeman. She and friends Kim actually retracts. His wife's sword will have a Blekis and Gordon Carleton sat in their living fixed light. Boogwabazh room discussing the movie after returning from the Meridiau East twilite showing of Star Wars. "The guy (Tullio Proni) that's making that model makes science fiction props," Carleton Blekis has seen the movie nine times, Carleton said. eight times and Hydeman five times. "He also made Artoo Detoo out of garbage "We're not really doing it for any reason cans. He took it to the Chicago premiere and got By FRED vu HARTES VELDT his picture in the papers," he said. SUte News Reviewer except that we want to," Carleton said, explaining why he and his friends spend much of Mark HamilKLuke Skywalker) and Hamilton I regard the pub as a valuable institution. their time in Star War pursuits. Ford (Han Solo) were so impressed with Proni's — Sir Allen Patrick Herbert inventions that they each bought a "zap" gun Star Wars, Star Trek and 2001 posters were from him, Hydeman said. Pasquale's, a restaurant/bar at 916 W. Saginaw St., Lansing, tacked on the walls and the stereo played the She explained, however, that Proni's inven¬ looks from the outside like any Italian food place. On the inside, soundtrack from — you guessed it — Star Wars, tions were not for everyone. however, it is not so typical. It is substantially better. as they talked. Star Wars tapes can be bought More than anything else, Pasquale's is versatile. It can from a local merchant for about $6, Carleton said. "One thing you've got to remember is that this accommodate families as easily as freaks, single beer sippers as is fan-produced, not for the money," she said. well as groups of beer chuggers. Couples, too, would not feel out Blekis was wearing a T-shirt with a Star Wars Indeed, fans never have to worry about the of place. label plastered across the front. Hers was lack of information about their favorite science For the most part, Pasquale's versatility rises from its self-designed, she said, but other T-shirts (with fiction characters. Fanzines are fan magazines sectional nature - sectional in that a roomy, occasionally scenes from the movie on them) can be bought that are fan produced and contain stories about raucous rear, a sociable bar and a cozy dinner area are all pretty from Lansing area stores. most characters from Star Trek and Star Wars. much separated from one another. About the only things the When not busy collecting Star Wars materials different areas share are cool temperatures, red-orange decor, a Hydeman said, "Fanzines are amateur pro¬ lot of light (as far as bars go), and generally good service. course, beer. And of Hydeman and her friends are putting together costumes of Star Wars characters. Pointing to Blekis, Hydeman said, She's working on a female duced, amateur written, amateur typed "and amateur started as a .. ." printed," Carleton added. "It Trek frenzy." 1Happendance' programl For some, beer at Pasquale's is the only word. The Han Solo. atmosphere is genial, and then some — been seen swinging tarzan-like from people have reportedly the lights. "I like Wookies better," Carelton commented. Carleton explained that stories where a scene or story line usually pick in the video up kinetic form of easy listeij "That's because you're going to become one," For those not so athletically oriented (or drunkenly production left off or where they do not make a disoriented), a gargantuan television screen provides a mental Hydeman said. point clear. Though most stories have to do with By CONSTANCE A. WARNER gymnasium, the standard food for thought. Carleton's outfit is in the making now. So far, a Star Trek, three stories about Star Wars will be Siate Newe Reviewer People who prefer a more palatable fare with their beer also partial Wookie body, face and Wookie feet are in in the next few issues of Warped Space, the East The free dance program presented by Happendance (Julj have friends at Pasquale's. The Italian dinners offered are not the making, plus a Wookie rifle very similar to Lansing-based fanzine edited by Chapek- Carle- was the kinetic equivalent of easy listening; entertainin only tasty but reasonably priced. Tables come equipped not with the movie one. general audience, but not especially deep. puddles of spilled beer but with wine lists, cheese shakers and With all the interest in Star Wars, will Star The performance marked the first anniversary of the J hot pepper. One table even has a chess board on its surface, Hydeman is also working on a Princess Leia Trek fans die out? Happendance, a locally based modern dance performing I which has been used by at least one couple to play checkers — costume. A few days earlier she bought $1.50 tion composed largely of veterans of the MSU dance progrl "It (Star Wars) is not going to replace what we with sunflower seeds as the checkers. It proves the point that at go-go boots from a thrift shop. "I'd never do company dances with a great deal of energy and enti think about Star Trek, Carleton said. Pasquale's, unconventionally is accepted. that if it wasn't for this costume," she said. especially in the lighter numbers which showed off the co "As long as it's around, we'll be interested in best advantage. If you are one who likes to be alone and likes a drink rather If the costumes are done in time, Hydeman, it," Hydeman added. In Volley-Tronica by Karen Sprecher, for exat than a meal with your drink, Pasquale's might serve you well, Blekis, Carleton and his wife, Lori Chapek-Carle- Hydeman confirmed that a Star Wars sequel dancers represented a lively volleyball game, with ai too. The bar is long and comfortable; there's a juke box ton, will wear them to the Star Trek America will be released in the summer of '79. Hydeman, ball and net. somewhere towards the front, spinning quiet rock 'n' roll. Bad Convention over Labor Day weekend in New Carleton and Blekis are concerned about how the Unfortunately, the boundless, almost childlike enthusiaJ and bawdy jokes, the tatoos of sailors' talk and dive bars York City. Hydeman speculates there will be a second film will turn out. dancers makes them look merely arch and coy in the tew "I everywhere, adorn neither Pasquale's nor their napkins. lot of Darth Vaders there. pieces they attempted. I "Star Wars does not have a deep plot. I'm The company's high spirits were an asset, howeverR A night may wear on at Pasquale's, but it will never wear out. Blekis has a Darth Vlader cape which she wore worried about production quality," Hydeman dances best described as part Alvin Ailey and part ni The clientele metamorphasizes from a larval family stage early to a Star Wars showing. "I walked by in a black said. Shakes by Carolyn Webb was a pleasant, Carribean- in the evening, through love-lost couples, to finally, late at night, cape and the usher dropped the tickets," Blekis number for three girls with marimbas. Locust by Leithl a full flown mess of partners. The rear section of the tavern said. "Its pace holds it together," Carleton said. "It contains them; the urinals (trough style in the men's room) help was rather obviously inspired by Gazelle, a work presentel has very little plot, is extremely well paced and is also. Eventually, Pasquale's closes, just like any other Italian Early shows on the weekdays usually offer the visually nearly perfect." Ailey company at MSU this winter. Instead of hunting I food place. best chance for admittance according to Carle¬ dressed as a gazelle, the Happendancers drove off if But by then, its mark on the night, and on its patrons, has been ton. "The secret is to call ahead and find out how "It's one of the few movies fathers and mothers disguised as a locust, or possibly, as a tribal dancer disguf made. Regardless of one's age or imbibing inclinations, that many tickets are left," Hydeman said. would like and kids would not be half way bored locust. Wearing a tight-fitting black hood (to match hi mark can easily be had. Pasquale's offers a time of the night for by it," Blekis said. tights) with tiny green antennae and a pair of green knit I all. One of the most interesting props in the movie the dancer suggested a cozy little cricket rather ■ is the light swords Obi-Wan Kenob and Darth "It's on the border line between science fiction crop-ravaging locust, but the "tribal" dances for the grc Vader use for fighting. Chapek-Carleton is and fiction," Hydeman said. nice, and were performed with a great deal of energy at ******************* f DUCIf Hud DIBAI f tizapdi SPORTS LETTERING ^ndepgpound SUMMER SPECIAL BUY It Shirts get 12th one tree' -'2.75each I tonight thru Saturday Jill Phillips Group cover 75* 1 coupon per customer Pitcher Night!! 2 for 1 'expires Aug. 5* special on 12 in. pizza Rtdwcd Prices in the bar (at least 2 items) 11 am>8 pm daily. good any time except Friday and Saturday a m m a w. LakeLansj All you can eat dinnertime special: ' Pfa*7 \ store o Texas Beef Ribs, Fries, Salad 351. •3.75 (pick up on Strong like Bull! BI6 Open Mon. thru Fri. MARVt HELEN REED Nites until i 1305 SO. CEDAR LANSING, Ml. 48910 SAVINGS S17 374-8634 517 374-6212 TODAY! Wednesday 5 pip to close CMd/ten's Stony Qook 49* > -also a special selection of bargains WHOPPERS Ne covpons ig Member of CELBA Ne limit PLASTIC & METAL ENGRAVING CB OR SQUARE DANCE BADGES, JEWELRY, SILVER DISHES, MUGS, PLAQUES AND TROPHIES TT220>-x •■dpaf "...from REMEMBER! WE'RE OPEN ON FRIDAY I Attention Golfers lheBRMKH SATURDAY NIGHT TILL 3:00 AM - Duality Golf Balls - Your friendly neighborhood all 533 store. Southland Center, Taylor Offers Good At Beth 44U M.A.U, bait Laming 1141 E. Grand River Shags $1.20 a dozen! Southgate Shopping Center Sear's Lincoln Park Shopping Center end 3021 E. Saginaw n cmie News. Sort Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 3, 1977 1 1 )bs offorGd to Michigon youths AMessagefrom .PLEASE NOTE. promote conservotion By ED LION 15 per cent of the efforts The prices of Diamonds and Gold have increased considerably during the last few weeks. Our appropriations must be used toward inventory of diamonds and wedding rings does | SUte News SUff Writer hiring, Ross not reflect these increases as I .mcnt of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering jobs to In we have not raised The /pace Aqe /Tory of a addition, the DNR directly hired 2500 our prices of merchandise in ►^throughout the sUte in sn effort to combat youth projects in state forests. youths for DNR contemplating stock. If you are a purchase, you might do well to Girl who played with 1' nt and the destruction of the environment. Ross said the major requirement for the jobs is age. Only those consider it now! You can use our Administered by a new Work Opportunity Resource between 15 and 21 are eligible. And he said interested youths and save! layaway plan a fTlaqic Wand D"^j deal with conservation efforts, said DNR should register with the MESC or another public employment agency to show their interest in .and had a Ball I working. ►'want to help youths find jobs ilnn" he said. and also foster more !'We J™11 f helP Wds find jobs," Ross said. "It does many ' tes there are still 500 openings throughout the state k' the teaches thera 'he work ethic and allows them to learn aboutAi. working world. It also helps conservation that vacancies may be created. He said interested youths otherwise might have been programs neglected." |J«* tad the Michigan Employment Security Commission Salary is $2.57 hour. an Kr iobs in their areas. The projects will be continuing through September 30 rim Township. Lansing Township and Lansing are offering Ross said the DNR hopes that it will become regular summer JUihrauirh the program. Most of these are filled, according to a f*X,but openings could crop up. offered"1 Th'S fi™t ye" 8UCh a staterun PropM" was * wal projects mainly deal with park maintenance, Money for the program was made available jn of recreation facilities, and upkeeping school fields, measure aimed at curbing youth by a legislative 170 job programs are being offered by local unemployment, traditionally her high. units through the WORC. The state is giving $3.2 A spokesperson for the MESC said in June the state Ljo loud units of government to fund the programs. All but unemployment rate hit 6.8 per cent. The 16-19 range for youth usually has an unemployment rate double to the one for the overall population. Diry product plan PLAYERS GALLERY presents Shakespeare's [is reps screaming The Taming of the Shrew Wed. Aug. 3 through Fri„ Aug. 5 at 8:15 p.m. real ice cream Sat., Aug. i and Sun., In the Aug. 7at 2:30 p.m. air-conditioned Ballroom of the Union Building. JtSHINGTON (API — "But ■will this do to spumoni?" time shortages. "The American public wants the real thing," he Tickets $2.00 adults, $1.00 children under 12, available at the said. door. ■ Hep. Leon Panetta. linking." Food and Drug Rep. Fred Richmond, D-N.Y., Lssioner Donald Kennedy said the E) Tuesday to a packed Ke hearing room. proposed new rules "represent a bold departure from the use of natural un¬ r1 I hearing, which melted wuato er at the California question, con- adulterated ingredients and represent another step towards chemicalized, artificial, high- i Hey, chicken lovers- come on over to Xtke serious subject of I manufacturers will be technology food." Kennedy insisted that "the i Tjloputinthe 800 million standard will produce ice The Other Fried! new Js of ice cream Hniually they pro- to the American cream that has the nutritional equivalent and the equivalent in taste and texture of what we i | food and Drug Admini- are used to." i i Wednesday ii IFDA) has proposed a He added that it also would n that would allow "permit a lower-priced ice I inducts such as non-fat cream for consumers." lilli to be replaced by derived ingredients, in- j a cheap imported sub- Becalled caseinate. i Family Is will guarantee product i Ay just as well as the old 1" Kennedy told skeptical uminawAY i Night ■WWC! STATION INI I. Grand River Next to Vanity Inn ---I************* i Special 3 pieces of chickon, fgg hot biicuits. Great time to discover the toucha honey difference in Famous Recipe, The Other Fried Chicken. Delicious dipped-in-honey batter, fried really crisp and all the way through. No wonder people who cross over to The Other Fried Chicken stay there! 7mwsftgcfie 4500 S. Cedar 3007 N. East St. (U.S. 27 North) 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 3 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 riploynient llffl f Jffl Ljo«« JS6 1 *»" ||5] |~~ Clasiiffied Advertising CLERK-TYPIST position MSU NEAR, 2 roommates, fe¬ GUITAR GOODIES. Used Gibson: IT IS the policy of the STATE with LUXURY APARTMENT, pool, NEWS that the last 4 weeks of Explorer, Les Pauls, SG's, ES Information Meridian Township. through Title VI of CETA. Must be Funded sauna, 2 bedrooms. Fully fur¬ nished, king size beds. 1-2 people, male, own room, appliances, 1 V5 baths, yard. $100 plus 1/3. 394- 335's, ES 120 Et ES 125. Used term all Student Classified Adver¬ duce a shorter flameanYx' resident of Ingham County and 1 mile campus, bus route. $425/ 4537. *8-5 (3) Fender: Stratocaster, Telecaster, tising must be paid for in advance rapidly than soft woods PHONE 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg. meet Title VI criteria, including 15 month. 373-6987, days. 6-8-3 (51 & Fender basses. Also, Vintage beginning August 1,1977. Bring or is the most important - weeks unemployment. Duties in¬ LANSING-NEAR MSU. For fall Martins: 000-21 Herringbone, 000- mail to 347 Student Services. ion, select wood f,om 2,3, and 4 bedroom homes in If you have f,u, clude typing police reports, an¬ 1 BEDROOM apartment for rent term, 18, D35. Gibson: Rosewood ROY Sp-12-8-12 (8) fireplace Ioqs RATES residential areas. Close to bus SMECK-1936, J200. Gibson man¬ find buyers the swering phones, some public con¬ off Mt. Hope near Cedar St. quick and route, will furnish. Call Chris, way...with 1 day ■ 90C per line tact activity. Must be able to $140/month. Small deposit, no dolins: A Et F models. Excellent eUARANTIID WBICHT a low-cost ad in PAYS 484-2164. 6-8-5 (5) tied handle confidential material, and pets, children. Available August selection of used guitar amps Et Lines 1 3 6 1 3 days ■ 80C per line MMHMMM type 50 wpm. Apply at Michigan 31st, 371-1879. 3-8-5 (5) PA systems by Ampeg, Fender, EAST SIDE-nice 3 bedroom, 5 Feel healthier as you lose un¬ 3 2.70 7.20 13.50 16.10 idays ■ 75C per line Employment Security Commis¬ minutes campus. $265 plus. Ideal Peavey, Traynor, Sunn. Plus new wanted fat and keep It oft. EXPERIENCED IBM 4 3.60 f.60 11.00 22.40 8 days - 70C per line sion. 3215 South Pennsylvania, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE-fur- Shure Vocalmaster PA systems, typi, students/family. 351-8816. 3-8-8 6764625,1-5 M- sertations, (pica-elite) fav 5 4.50 12.00 22.50 28.00 Lansing. 3-8-3 (15) nished studio. Utilities paid, $135/ microphones Et accessories. Com¬ 489-0358. C-12-8-26 13) 6 5.40 14.40 27.00 33.60 month plus deposit. 489-5574 after plete line of band instruments, all 4661602 aftir 5 ML Line rate per insertion RN-LPN wanted all shifts. Part- 7 6.30 16.10 31.50 39.20 5 p.m. 0-2-8-3 (4) tested and guaranteed. BUY- 3-4-6 BEDROOMS, close to cam¬ time and full-time positions avail¬ pus, furnished, carpeted. Year SELL-TRADE. WILCOX TRAD¬ EXPERT TYPING-Term ~ Resumes, Econolines - 3 lines - '4.00 • 5 days. 80' per line over able. Work every 3rd or 4th weekend. Apply in person PRO¬ VINCIAL HOSPITAL, 1226 East DELUXE 2 BEDROOM-air, car¬ peted, heat and water furnished. lease. 487-0114. Z-10-8-26 131 ING POST, 509 E. Michigan, Lansing, 485-4391. C-12-8-26 (80) Q WlMlS Jfhj ence. 8-26 (31 Call etc. 16 years Marilyn, 337.— $220. 332-8216. 0-12-8-26 (3) FRANCIS-LOVELY panelled 4- 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. Michigan, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- bedroom home. $280/month, 321- BOOKS, MAGAZINES, comics PUPPIES COLLIE mix, fawn/ Price o( item(s) must be stated white/black. Free. 6 weeks, Linda, in ad. Maximum 5 p.m. 3-8-5 (7) 1 AND 2 bedrooms in modern 8 0031. 8-8-19 (3) and morel CURIOUS BOOK UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS 353-8816. E-5-8-5 (31 plete dissertation and sale price of '50. unit. Furnished and unfurnished. SHOP, 307 E. Grand River. 332- CUSTODIAN-MARRIED couple 0112. C-12-8-26 131 service, IBM typing, editing Peanuts Personal ads ■ 3 lines • '2.25 - per insertion. Call 372-0297. 8-8-17 131 AVAILABLE FOR fall. Two 5 lith offset to serve as church custodian, rent BABY BOA $25. Leaving MSU printing, typeses 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). free occupancy of a partially bedroom houses. Within walking ALTEC 819 speakers, $259. Sansui binding. We encourage c* Rummage/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines ■ *2.50. furnished parish house apartment, PINILAKI distance of Campus. Call 351- 8080 stereo receiver, $347. Call August 5th, Call 351-4837. E 5-8-8 tive shopping. For esti- 4107. 0-11-8-26151 in at 2843 East Grand River 63' per line over 4 lines ■ per insertion. serving as part of renumeration. 332-2110. Z-4-8-3 (31 Reply to State News, Box E-5. APARTMINTS 'Round Town ads ■ 4 lines • '2.50 ■ per insertion. 6080 Marsh Rd. NEED 4 332-8414.0-17-8-26191 couples for 4 bedroom Mobilejjoines ][w] 5-8-12 (7) 63' per line over 4 lines, Meridian Mall Araa house. Partially furnished, near EXPERIENCED TYPIST-f- lost 8 Founds ads /Transportation ads ■ 3 lines - '1.50 - JANITOR-MORNINGS, Gables, parking. 349-3546. 6-8-15 some 1165 plus utllties (3) accurate. Dissertations NORFOLK PINE. Beautiful plant 4 IT IS the policy of the STATE per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. afternoons. THE AMERICA'S term papers. Call 339-3575 CUP-ALLE-EY is seeking to hire feet high. In redwood planter, $30. NEWS that the last 4 weeks of (31 * on* bedroom unfurnished MALE GRAD Seeks roommates 349-1449. Z-E-5-8-5 13) term all Student Classified Adver¬ part time and full time janitors. * for 3 bedroom furnished Lansing G.E. appliances Apply in person, AMERICA'S tising must be paid for in advance REMOVE MINERAL L Deadlines * Fully carpeted house, 1 mile from campus. Start' SUMMER: GUITAR, banjo, man¬ CUP RESTAURANT, 220 MAC. fall. 482-9289 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or FROM YOUR TEAKET, Ads 2 p.m. -1 class * Air, drapes evenings. Z-3-8-8 (4) dolin, fiddle and auto-harp classes. mail 347 Student - day before publication. 6-8-15 (6) * adjacent to new county park Summer term runs August 1st to Services. pouring in half a cup 0! Cancellation/Change - 1 p.m. - 1 class day before NORTHEAST LANSING. 2 bed¬ Sp-12-8-12 (81 vinegar and one quart through 31st. Reduced summer water. Heat to publication. room brick bungalow, unfur¬ rolling boil Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled for Rent nished, carpet, garage, $175, de¬ rates. Register early at ELDERLY 2 BEDROOM mobile home, Village stand for one hour. P; or changed INSTRUMENTS SCHOOL OF posit, references. Married couple FOLK MUSIC. 541 E. Grand River. Square Mobile Home Park, Wil- solution, fill with water, S until after Ist insertion. TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. 339-8192 and discard. Add only, no children, pets. 663-4346; liamston. $170/month. 655-2252. buildup There is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- 332-4331. C-2-8-3 (331 482-1727. 8-8-12 (61 6-8-8 131 budget by selling no-lo- additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 1010. C-12-8-26 (31 655-3805 furniture and appliances B6 GIBSON guitar, hard case, 7 The State News will only be responsible for the 1st QUALITY HOUSES and duplexes, low-cost ad in Classified. day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must [~ Apartmeits SPARROW NEAR-East Side, fall, 3-7 bedrooms, campus near. years old, $165. Mary after 6 p.m. 3-8-3 (3) - 321-3248 Real Estate | dftj be made within 10 days of expiration date. $115, 10 minutes to campus. From $350/month. Also 1-2 bed¬ GOLF COURSE On-beautiful 4 ELEVEN YEARS experie" 351-8816. 3-8-8 (3) room apartments and rooms, 332- ing theses, manuscripts, IT IS the policy of the STATE IT IS the policy of the STATE Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration dote. If not 1946. C-12-8-26 15) bedroom Colonial, 3200 square papers. Evenings, 675-7' NEWS that the last 4 weeks of NEWS that the last 4 weeks of paid by due dote, a 50' late service charge will MICHIGAN/PENNSYLVANIA- feet, 25$ baths, leaded windows. 8-26 13) term all Student Classified adver¬ term all Student Classified Adver¬ efficiencies, $110, $120. Adults, no EAST LANSING duplex, 4 bed¬ Secluded estate surrounded by be due. tising must be paid for in advance tising must be paid for in advance children or pets. Call 484-4840; mature shade trees. Located on rooms, 2 baths, rec room, 2 levels. COPYGRAPH SERVICE c beginning August 1,1977. Bring or 332-1396. 8-8-19 (41 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or Lansing Country Club. $86,500. mail 347 Student Services. $400. 374-6366. 0-12-8-26 13) mail 347 dissertation and n to to Student Services. Paul Coady, 351-8058; MUSSEL- Sp-12-8-12 (8) Sp-12-8-12 (8) Corner M.A.C. and Gra- DOWNTOWN LANSING near. MAN REALTY, 332-3582. C-3-8-8 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSESI Automotive ]&! Motorcycles | FEMALE GRAD student looking for roommate, 2-man apartment Responsible couple or single. 4 large rooms and bath, $145/month Call now to see our list of East side homes which will be available for (10) 1666. C-12-8-26 (5) including all utilities. 669-5513. September leasing. AIM, IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks ot JAWA-CZ 350 road bike, 1974, Reliable, easy to work on, unique just off 4-8-5J3_l campus (6161 781-7652. 0-1-8-3 (61 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. 0-12-8-26 (61 INC., Marshall suptr lead 100 | Recreatloi [fail IF YOU HAVE SLIDING ON YOUR MEDICINE CA slide one door open befo- term all Student Classified MALE TO TWO BEDROOM, South Lansing. watt amp. and Adver¬ looks. $575, but I'm willing to share, 1 mile from two bot¬ LOOKING FOR girl to go - on ering. It will not steam 0 tising must be paid for in advance $80/month, Carpeting, seme air, garbage dis¬ beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to dicker. 351-6022, Pete. Z-2-8-5 (4) campus. nished. On busline. air, fur¬ 332-1185 posal, ceramic tile bath. $140 plus. 351-2166. 2-8-5 (4) I Rooms D*\ toms $1,100. vacation trip to Canada with international group. August 19th- have still good, but n used items around your 347 Student Services. mornings. 8-8-5 (3) Sept. 9th. Call Linda, 332-3336. Sp-12-8-12 181 I tot Santa \\/\ EFFICIENCY, ONE OR TWO BED¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of fwttart. Z-1-8-3 (41 exchange them for cash low-cost ad in Classified. AMC 1969. This is a hot one! MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East ROOM. East side and downtown Houses HE; term all Student Classified Adver¬ Pnndnr Needs clutch. Take over ments. 676-9334. 8-7-29 131 pay¬ Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Complete auto painting and colli¬ Lansing. Call now for list of September openings. AIM, INC., IT IS the policy of the STATE tising must be paid for in advance beginning August 1,1977. Bring or ben f ultars. •rt on our stereo shop, [ Service ~]|^| sion service, American and foreign NEWS that the last 4 weeks of IT IS the I3I 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. mail to 347 Student Services. policy of the STATE AUSTIN HEALEY 64 Mark II 3000 cars. 485-0256. C 12 8-26 (141 0-12-8-26 (6) term all Student Classified adver¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks of Sp-12-8-12 (81 ANN BROWN PRINTIN series, plus spare parts. $2989. Call tising must be paid for in advance DICKM A DIAL term all Student Classified Adver¬ ELIMINATE beginning August 1,1977. Bring or TYPING. Dissertations, r 332-2H0. Z-4-8-3 131 TUNE-ups. Replace NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS- MALE ROOMMATE needed, own 1701 South Codar tising must be paid for in advance your conventional ignition with a East Lansing. Now leasing sum¬ mail to 347 Student Services. room, $90/month, includes utili¬ general printing. Serving 487-3886 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or 27 years with complete CAMARO 1975, 350 V-8, automa¬ Piranha electronic ignition at mer leases. 3 to 12 month leases. Sp-12-8-12 (81 ties, no lease, 5596 Okemos Rd. mail to 347 Student Services. tic. AM/FM, 39,000 miles. $3000. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN service. 349-0850. C-12-8-" 1250 Haslett Road at 69. Furnished 332-8898 after 6 p.m. Z-5-8-10 (3) Sp-12-8-12 (81 3 BEDROOM, completely unfur¬ 646-6163. 6-8-3 (3) CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ and unfurnished, newly remod¬ nished duplex, 20 minutes MSU. FOR SALE: Dresser. Good condi¬ CAMARO LT 1973, V-8, automa¬ tic, power steering/brakes, 46,000 zoo campus. Street, one mile west of C-12-8-26 I7I eled, 1 and 2 bedroom. Also, efficiencies, spacious rooms, fully carpeted, air conditioned, heat Deposit, references, no pets. 646- 8907 after 5 p.m. 8-8-8 (41 GIRLS-NEED a room for 1 month? I have an extra available immedi¬ ately. 371-2473 after 5 p.m. 2-8-3 tion, $15. Call 676-4686. X-Z-5-8- 10(31 FOR QUALITY stereo service, THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East (jraisportatioi § miles, $2000.351-1178 after 5pm WE BUY Grand River. C-12-8-26 131 junk cars and trucks. Top and water furnished, large laundry SPARROW NEXT door, students, (4) WANTED: RIDE I 5-8-5 131 BLACK OIRT sod farm soil. Ap¬ dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE facilities, suburban living at its MSU. Live in Colonial nurses, 5 bedrooms, decorated, LAW STUDENT desires mature CUTLASS BROUGHAM 1977, ex¬ AUTO PARTS Et SALVAGE. 0-12- finest. Swimming pool, beautiful proximately 6 yards delivered lo¬ OVER 25 years experience. OPTI¬ Lansing. Ask for G carpeted, consider capable resi¬ 8-26 I3I grounds, charcoal grids, picnic dent manager. 351-8810 or after 5 roommate, grad preferred, no cally. $39. Sand and landscape CAL DISCOUNT, 2617 E. Michi¬ 355-8332 ext. 260. After tremely loaded, $6250. Phone lease, deposit. 882-8321. 3-8-8 (31 rocks available. Call 641-6024; 694-1727 3-8-5 (3) tables. Starting at $150/month. gan, Lansing, Michigan. 372-7409. call 393-7180. 2-8-5 (51 p.m. 351-0676. 3-8-8 (5) 484-3379. 0-11-8-26 (5) JUNK CARS wanted. We pay For appointment call Leo or C-3-8-5 (121 DATSUN 1974 4-door station more if they run. Also buy used Virginia, 332-6354. 2-8-3 1171 EAST LANSING residential NEEDED, 2 people, 3 bedroom living. wagon. 28,000 miles, steel belted radials. 355-7801. Z-6-8 15 (31 cars 8-26 1141 and trucks. 3321-3651. C-12- ONE BEDROOM apartment, near Responsible couple. 2 bedroom ranch duplex. Carpeted, appli¬ coed house. Frandor area, $66.67/ month. Working people or student BASSETT rattan CRIB and mattress, dressing table with 4 draw¬ NO FRILLS student/teacher char¬ ter flights. Europe, Israel, Asia. [ Waited j|g; campus. From $195. Heat and preferred. 485-5758 anytime. Z-2- ers, $100. 321-6028. 3-8-8 (31 ances, full basement, large yard. GLOBAL TRAVEL, 521 Fifth Ave¬ FEMALE AND feline need FIAT 1971 850CC. Excellent mileage. Needs some work. Best offer. 351-4697. Z 5-8 12 131 gas Employment ]ff| IJ water included. 26(3) 351-4091. 0-12-8- $245/month plus utilities. Avail¬ able Sept. 1st. 351-0657. 0-2-8-5 8-5J5) FALL SINGLES, ^ nicely furnished, WOMAN'S THREE speed bicycle. nue, NY, NY. 10017,212-379-3532. Z-B-1-8-3 (51 live for coming school 351-6461. 3-8-3 131 181 shared kitchen, Good condition, $25. Call 355-9501 IT IS the policy of the STATE parking. Very IMPALA 1970. Runs, needs some NEWS that the last 4 weeks of close. $90-$120. 332-1800; 372- evenings. E-5-8-12 13) work. $300 negotiable. After 5 term all Student Classified adver¬ CHALET APARTMENTS EAST LANSING, fall. 4 bedroom 1800. 0-4-8-10 (4) FREE ..A Lesson in complexion MALE SEEKS comfort: p.m., 351-7323. 2-8-3 I3I tising must be paid for in advance Next to campus, duplex, appliances. Washer/dryer. SEWING MACHINE SALE-Guar- care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan Own room, close, smek" spacious, air MALE ROOMMATE, own room in or 321-5543 Lansing Mall. MERLE preferred. Collect: 313 No pets. 332-3746. 1-8-3 13) anteed used machines. Complete¬ beginning August 1,1977. Bring or conditioned, furnished. 2 bed¬ NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. S-5-8-5 131 MAVERICK 1970, 2 door, good mail 347 3 bedroom, 154 bath, 7th floor, to Student Services. room. shag carpeting. ly reconditioned. $39.95 and up. C-12-8-26 (4) condition. $550 or best offer. 3 BEDROOM, FURNISHED Northwind Farms apartments. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. Sp-12-8-12 (81 Fall from $334/month. Year 332-6676. 8-8-12 (31 from $290' month. house. $225/month. Deposit, no lease, ample parking. Call 882- Pool, sauna, air conditioning, dish¬ washer. Must be grad student or 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. f^OUND To MG MIDGET 1973. 47,000 miles. Extra cover. $1800. 482-3852 after AVON-TOO many bills? Pay them all and have money to spare with Summer still available. 7631. 6-8-10 (3) employed. Available now for $116.66 per month plus deposit. C-1-8-3 118) [ Instruction 1 p.m. 6-8-10 131 AVON earnings. 482-6893. C-2-8-3 (31 332*6197 FIVE and six bedroom furnished homes for fall, call 351-8135 or Call 337-1123 for appointment. 3-8-8 110) (jLosUJoiiwI JfC^j | TENNIS-EXPERIENCED tor. instruc¬ Reasonable rates, all ages. Call MUSTANG COOK FULL time, COZY RES¬ SAVE FOR summer, own room in 627-9773. 10-8-5 I3I FOUND: ADULT male grey and '68. Horn, blinkers I Barb, 332-4276. X-6-8-5 (31 work just fine. Rest not so hot. Good car for playing mechanic. TAURANT Et LOUNGE. Call Jim, 487-2262 3-8-3 (31 3 man furnished apartment. No lease. 349-1883 after 6 p.m. 8-8-12 4, 5, 6, 7 BEDROOM houses, all very close. Good condition. 339- I For Sale "]|5l white Beagle mutt with choke collar, near WKAR TV. Mr. Best, WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years $89.95. 482-2660. 5-8-8 141 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. 355-2300; 351-4675. 2-8-5 15) BINGO TUESDAY Ni 2961.6-8-8 (31 experience in professional editing, STORE DETECTIVE-CJ major. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. p.m. Doors open 6 p.m PONTIAC VENTURA 1972. 6 cyl¬ writing skill instruction. 337-1591. Call between 10am-3pm, Monday- WOODMERE APARTMENTS Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 RALPH THE ready-made dog lost 0-2-8-3 14) starts at 7 p.m. Regu HOUSE-4 bedrooms. Ideal for inder, 4-door automatic, power needs 1 female for fall. Friday. 641-6734. 8-8-12(31 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING July 30 at 711 Burcham. Shepard- p.m. Minimum age 18. S steering. Gets good mileage. 337- Close, $83.50/month. Call 337- large family or 4 to 8 students. Fireplace, COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, St. Bernard mix wearing flea GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, E 7661 between 5-9 p.m. 2-8-5 141 1418 after 5 p.m. S-5-8-5 13) washer/dryer, fur¬ collar. 351-8777. Z-3-8-8 (5) TEACHER NEEDED. Child care nished. 8 minutes campus. Nice opposite City Market. C-12-8-26 lessons. Private instruction avail¬ sing. C-12-8-26 (51 center in Lansing is seeking a 161 able. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351- TORONAD01967, good transpor¬ PERSON - BIG apartment. Own neighborhood, available August qualified teacher for kindergarten. 1st. 482-9226. 5-8 12 16) FOUND 10-12 week old 7830. C-1-8-3 (121 tation, some extra parts. Call room/bath, air, pool. Okemos. BSR 310-X Turntable without tiger Must be well prepared academi¬ kitten, by MSU Vet Clinic. Call 337-7661 between 5-9 p.m 2-8-5 $115/month plus electricity, depo¬ cartridge, $30. Call 332-2159 or cally, experienced and strong in SERIOUS NON-smoking graduate 353-5420 ext. 205. Z-2-8-5 (3) MSU CO-OP, The Nursery School sit. Joy, 349-4413. 16-8-26 (4) 355-8252, ask for Mike W. S-5-8- Christian commitment. Excellent student seeks own room in house in a country setting, with a 5 acre 12 (31 VOLKSWAGON FASTBACK opportunity for mother desiring LARGE SPACIOUS two bedroom starting fall. 351-1483. Z-1-8-3 13) LOST: A set of keys between' play area, has openings for 3 or 4 1968. part-time work. 20 hrs/week. townhouses, across from Berkey. MAPLE CAPTAINS chairs with year olds. Call 349-3518 or 337- Reliable transportation. Chemistry and Library. Reward. Weekly salary, $125. Resume re¬ 1 year lease, $295. 351-0359. 5-8-5 HOUSES FOR Rent. 2-5 bed¬ 9207. 6-8-15 (51 $550. 332-2739. Z-3-8-8 (3) padded seats, $15 each. Cash 'n' Please call 371-4572. Z-2-8-3 (3) ceived by August 10th to Box A-1, I3I rooms, well located, close to State News. B-1-8-3 1121 carry, first come, first choice. VOLVO 1973. 43,000 miles, good campus. From $275/month Call MOON'S RESTAURANT, Albert/ THEY WENT condition. Best offer. 332-8376 ONE MALE student, sublease EQUITY VEST, 351 1500 0-11-8- MAC, 11 a.m.-until gone. E-5-7-8 Lease THAT-A-WAY... 5-8-12 I3I Campus Hill Apartment. 77-78 2616) 15) ' school year. 3 good roommates, a COLLINGWOOD 142 VOLVO 1970, air, excellent call Campus Hill 349-3530, Bob APTSI! condition, will bargain, must sell RESIDENT MANAGER couple for (manager). Z-8-8-12 (5) Velvo call 355-7953. 355-8130. X-4-8-3 small apartment building in Has- lett. Inquire at HAMCO MANAGE¬ MENT. 332-3900, evenings phone NEAR POTTER Park, 1 bedroom. Air, carpet, dining room, heat AVA1K9 VS 119.92 month * * air conditioned dlshwsehe" 332-3202. 0-12-8-26 14) included, $175. Call 351-2166. per * shsg carpeting I Noloreycles life] 2-8-5 (3) All Alloy Components Including Rims 48 months opon •unlimited park! CHILD CARE-Housekeeping. 2 Lansing's leading repair shop 350 HONDA 1973. 9000 miles, children, 5 and 7. 11:30-5:30 p.m., end lease •plush furniture excellent condition, $425 must Monday-Friday. Own transporta¬ WALK TO campus. Large 4 bedroom house. 2 baths, 229 while they W for import cars. A ports deportment end certified complete ■rand New 1077 * model open dail selUall 355-7953. 4-8-3 (3) tion, references required. End of last Collingwood. Reduced for sum¬ mechanics assure you of fast Valve M3S HONDA 350 CB 73 Motorcycle. August-June. $75/week. 349-3827 mer to $250/month. Call EQUITY reliable service after 5 p.m. 3-8-5 (61 Just been tuned. Call 332-2110 Z-4-8-3 13) FULL AND part-time summer VEST, 351-1500. 0-12-8-26 151 OKEMOS 3 bedroom huge. Guar¬ Velocipede Ceok Herrlmen VW VOLVO MAZDA zot Now leasing Summer and NEW LOW RATES on insurance. ALDER motorcycle AGENCY, 351- employment tor MSU students. 15-20 hours/week. Automobile re¬ anteed quiet includes air, dish¬ washer, 2 baths, drapes and more. Peddler 8620. 0-2 8-3 13) quired. 339-9500: 339 3400. C-12- Available Sept. No pets. 332-3202 541E. Grand River 351-7240 8-26 1171 10-8-22 (5) M|[higanStote News, Eos* Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, August 3, 1977 13 DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau sponsored by: ffarfaft okay, miles, you heap tor okay, mr. jogger, tmt ignore them! after your first after you am, a beach, \ can you expect your (i)WJlM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WILX-TV(NBC) (H)WELM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) buy good a country lane! 'it first vme out? well, mile, m'll probably want to concentrate on the pain in SUDDENLY running you're about to to begin with, you'll your legs! a ltttie YOU 8E6IN probably get cramps in further, no? to mm and you'llsweat profusely as your chestand sides.. your vision buks! do you stop' pay it no mind! 11:00 WEDNESDAY 9:00 EVENING (5-10-12) News 11:30 (23) Something Personal (6) Hawaii Five-0 5:30 (6) Kojak 11:30 (12) Barney Miller IllCableU N"w* (23) Age ol Uncertainty (10) Johnny Carson (6) Movie (12) Fernwood 2 Night ■fLctric 131 Company "Night of Terror" 9:30 (23) ABC News 5:00 (10) Johnny Carson (12) Fish LlO-12) Ne*" (12) Fernwood 2 Night 10:00 |l)PI,gimSh°w Tegeolldades (23) ABC News (6) Barnaby Jones (12) ABC News Closeup State News Classifieds ffs met) lit 5:30 (23) Foil of Eagle, THURSDAY SILL _|] CBSNews 11:00 ' |0) NBC News EVENING (6-10-12) News Call PEANUTS ll'Black Notes (23) Woman 355-8255 by Schulz |i| ABC News 5:30 (11) Cable 11 News TjP) latino Consortium 7:00 (23) Electric Company 5:00 MSU SHADOWS ® |)Hogon's Heroes SNOOPY UJI45 HOUR I() To Tell The Truth (6-10-12) News by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: RESPONSIBILITY.' If HE'5 ■DPossH ,11) Deek Dork (Gloria RUN OUT ON ME, YOU'RE T) Partridge Family Comedy Hour PXN3ALL PETE'S 60NNATAKE HIS PLACE! B) People (23) Memories lor a Cen¬ Present this really J" 7:30 tennial worth of free funny comic for 25' 1)525,000 1 Pyramid 6:30 play! Hollywood Squares (6) CBS News |l)Ttmpo K Price Is Wgnt (10) NBC News (12) ABC News ~XWTr|S A CjCcoKI£ Scc° HAVIAJ& ft) UJAIT iaj u/Ot ImacNeil/lehrer Report 7:00 1:00 (6) Hogon's Heroes ( ^ T° ckutj I) Good Times (10) To Tell The Truth Tjhrlll Maker Sports >, I) The Deek Dork Show FRANK & ERNEST . sponsored by: ■Impressions (12) Partridge Family by Bob Thaves [JDonnyi Marie (23) Once Upon a Classic 10% MSU DISCOUNT EjNovo 8:30 7:30 (6) Wild Kingdom sn England i Klusting Loose had (10) Michigame Filet of sole with tartar9 I ''...|r>W''i«. Ploseball (11) Tee Vee Trivia ..after all, WMary Sue Herdllska: (12) Hollywood Squares sauce, |n france x Ifolk Singer 8:00 had chicKen in wine there'* no 9:00 (6) Waltons place like ■Movie (10) Thrill Maker Sports 5auce, and in italy x Jo Deadly Trackers" (11) Woman Wise had a5paragu5 with home foR the ■{Cable II News (12) Welcome Back, Kotter l)loretto (23) Documentary Showcase cheese sauce. but i hollanda|5e'. I)Theater in America alway5 come gack home' x 10:00 8:30 I)Charlie's Angels (10) Baseball for eggs Benedict. Tha**»* 10:30 (11) Ed-ltorial Weiss-Cracks 225 Ann ■{Portrait of Jamie (12) What's Happening 11 351-6230 -©IT77 GoRtwO OMllSXbK) THE DROPOUTS Low gas prices by Post No gelitan. low-cal, completely natural Plus Service! RAVELS WITH FARLEY Benda's Little Freeway sponsored by: Service Station ■Phil Frank We Appreciate Your Business i, if we gbt the mil lengthen 7he rmmy id here i concorde to lbhq WHICH memsuie il HAVE id move |©mriy here in m priw m'll fill in the gopher IS, OREGON, mum some HOLES... AMP jugt in case thm PP«/VBIT5- HAI/E to land at NOW OPEN! lUMBLEWEEDS sponsored by: CAMPUS 1312 Mich. Ave. (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) |TomK. Ryan PIZZA one 337-1377 free item with any size Pizza (one per customer) flOSSiYORD RunaEis aaaran 1I >uzzie aaGsiQEQ aaaaa □HHQBS saaan HOa H0H sponsored by: Ohepord's ■'••wi Irtish 27 24. Bring 25 Spree Upsets ano ananaEaa aan aan aaag compus TP*" 28 Itilien com aunn aan ana » Money raaamamaa dbq factory 30 Thet mm aaa rasa LettTl.- |2. Rhodesten P.M. 0EBESH anaQHH Iiy"®"1" 33. Oevotees aanoa Eaanaa anraara aaaaaa * r,,d to n ?! sumptuously DOWN tarn.. 37 P"cocl1 5. Out el bed 1. Emerged (. Parts of eggs tifflt *1 Pitron saint ol 2. Villain 7. Culmination I'm it. ' f'hrs 3. frosted 8. — Cruces ""•wm 42 Anoint 4 One, in Bonn 9 Pronoun 11 Salary increase 12 Old thrusting snotd 16 Cuise 18 Bonnet brim 19 Pests 21. Obsidian's 22 Held 23 Second hand 24 Stun diver 's gear 25. Muse ol history 26 Climbing vine 27 Clothes moth genus 29 fiuit JO Rude hut 51 Travesty 33 Photogiaph 34 Doom 36 Split pulse 37 Crilicue 39 Mysell 40 College degree abbt 14 Michigon State News, Eost lonsit-g, Michigan Wednesday, August 3, I Rides, shows, exhibits! CB soap slippery deal a to) 10-j featured at Ingham fQ| for Christmas this year The fairgrounds in Mason will be the sight of exhibitions, and rides as the 123rd annual continues through Saturday evening. numer Ingham C Today's activities include harness horse racing beginni 1 bounty 9 I toun p.m. and running all afternoon. Admission is free. T' ■ be a horse pull at the grandstand tonight" berin^r.*?" By ROBERT KOZLOFF nowhere." Packard laughed as he said it Admission for this event is $2. g " hot water? State News Staff Writer Brrreaaaker one-nine! C'mon! you got some Who could foresee that soap-on-a-roap in because that is exactly how the Good Buddy Bar came about. "A bunch of us were sitting around talking about all the crazy novelty gifts on the At 6:30 p.m. there will be a sky-diving midway with eight divers involved. Then at 8 p.m. the 1977 Variety Showcase will On Friday at 8 p.m. the Hurricane Hell Drivers exhibition be k.ih ,r h the shape of a citizens band radio microphone market," Packard said. "It's great pasttime annual appearance and perform a driving exhibition will m.L I a 1 might be a way to strike it rich? Bill Packard, thinking of ways to make your first million." 23, a towering figure who might better fit on But this is his first attempt at following a basketball court than in a patent office, did through with one of his "hairbrained when he originated The Goody Buddy Bar. schemes," as he calls them. Every WED.lt He believes it could be this Christmas' "If I had been 29,1 probably wouldn't have . ; Uncle ■ Buttermilk biggest novelty gift, much like last year's Pet taken the chance," Packard said. "I've spent John's] jPancakel : Rock craze. $3,500. You have to take risks like that if you "It's a square piece of soap that you hang want to make money." around your neck by a rope while taking a No longer employed, Packard moved back bath or shower," Packard said. "It looks like a CB mike." home with his parents in Waterford bases his operations from there. and now 1 Special All You Can Eat Packard graduated from MSU in 1976 with Packard admits the Good Buddy Bar is a a degree in psychology and went to work for one shot deal. "After Christmas, when the a was foods product company at the same time he developing the idea. novelty dies down, the checks won't be as big, but now the door is open for other ideas." 7* The whole project was taking up so much "It was great when they (Katherine Gray of Packard's time that he quit his job as a Inc.) said they really wanted to distribute the sales representative and devoted all his efforts to the new idea. soap," Packard said. Packard has received the first check and a UNCLE "You don't sit around and think of ideas like this, they have to hit you out of five-year contract from his distributor. Now all he can do is wait and see what happens. JOHN'S FAMILY RESTAURANT ^2820 East Grand River / Lansing toppxiifiitos) Haircut & Styling CAMPUS WIDE BLOOD DRIVE !ali only Complete Enlightenment results Exhibit of drawings incorporating $7.00 directly from the regular practice of the TM technique. Free intro¬ ductory lecture at 3 and 7:30 tonight. C109 Wells. sign language and finger spelling by Jane Kronheim August 1 through September 30, East Lan¬ Free T-Shirt with Permanent Wilson Dorm Open: Monday, Tucs., Wed., Sat - 9-6 1 f C sing Public Library. GARY'S 351-6511 Thurs. & Balloon Day Rally Saturday in opposition to nuclear expansion. Concerts will be held in River¬ front Park 8 to 9 p.m. during July Campus Beauty Salon Friday, August 5, 1977 Fri. - 9-9 Sunday 11 ifte Call Pirgim now, 487-6001. We and August. Lansing Concert 549 E Grand River want your support. Band and Lansing Pops Orchestra performing. Free! 11 a.m. — 5 p.m. CIGARETTES Lansing Energy Affairs Network (LEAN) update and planning meeting for anyone serious about local energy communication 7:30 Remember Hiroshima and Naga¬ saki. Stop nuclear proliferation. Rally at noon Friday in front of call 353-0112 2/89* ISHINGT0N (API - A. falifano, Jr. ore p.m. Thursday, 331 Union. Capitol as a reminder of war's for more information. Stat* Coupon „ funding for elei inhumanity. Gay Liberation will diecuaa iday after a federal c< "Coming Out and Other Stories" 4Ce ACE OUR DISCOUNT r him 10 act. « urr PRICEONANY 6:30 tonight, 334 Union. 'The Summer department will till participation in tl KODAK COLOR FILM Lecture apy on by Mary Aphasia group ther¬ Ida Hunt from u L !Lp' 1/ ** c'r',on Cn,>' only where the attendi Kilied that the abort Western Michigan University at 7 State News \ you our buul.lv! COllKt Blood Donor is aoexpoiuM i.pif.iti i the life of the mi tonight, 109 Betsev Hall. Free! ql sjz zrz» ITATI COUPON rred if the fetus s Newsline ,'om * """• °' "vi"'"p' BARNES-HIND the health, educati Study group on New Internation¬ ▼ - a rare bird' al Economic Order (NIEO) 8 p.m. 353-3382 ^ WETTING SOLUTION _rv said in a prepare Thursday, Peace Center. 1118 S. BROWSE ROUND GIFT SHOP I officials immedia Harriaon Road. All invited 2oz.REG2.55 ...ntstn inform state discuss new world orderl to BRDOKFIELD PLAZA »m. GRAND RIVER, $32-st7f Limit 1 ixplroi 17-77 | j l'.S. public health s< 1 medical societies Stbto Coupon ...J funds for aborl t exclusively available HALO SHAMPOO lefor Medicaid, a heall 4t nitrred by the state ij with federal dollars states may MID-SUMMER Limit 1 Expires l> •hether to pay for abo State Coupon the mother is not em INSTANT CONDITIONER iftno acted after U.S. LIFE REG OR X-TRA BODY ui J. Dooling Jr. lifted enforcement of the ailment, 12 01. limit 1 REG. 2.98 1.88 „pl la*, which Congr forbids HEW froi Stoto aid money to pay for Coupon CLEARANCE W JOHNSON (JOHNSON necessary to save a • after the amendmei BABY OIL 10 1.66 Aillike oz. REG 2.25 Limit 1 State Coupon 100 CT. Turntables & Tape Decks Speakers (Speakers i ENVELOPES 55' '• •United William B.I.C. Model 920 Single'multi-play beltdrive Mir s Sug Lai seo LAST 5 DAYS Quantities Last B.I.C. Venturi Formula 5 REG 79- Ucumproir 10 inch woofer. T slot hom MirsSug c.sri2i9 Limit 1 Expires B.I.C. Model 940 andicapper: Single'multi-play beltdrive MirsSug usisi09 B.I.C. Venturi Formula 6 Stoto Coupon toelopmenl 12 inch woofer, 5 other drivers Mir s Sug Lai 12: B.I.C. Model 980 AD PIONEER1 SX-S50 JBL Model L-100 Century T-SHIRTS Single'multi-play beltdrive w Technics Model SL-1500 Direct drive with base and cover strobe Mirs Sug in AM/KM STKHEOKKCKIYKR 3-way speaker MirsSug usiS333 DLK Model 1 Vt REG 2.98 1.88 'SSug lis! S200 With double woofer system. Mirs Sug Lai i >69 Technics Model SL-1400 AM'FM stereo receiver has 65 Limit 6 Expire* Direct drive with base and cover watts per channel, dual tuning EPI Model 120 k meters, includes simulated walnut 2-way system. wfr's Sug Latsn9 Slot* Coupon Technics Model SL-23 Belt drtve with base and vinyl veneer cabinet, 2 tape mon¬ EPI Model 200 cover Mi: isi t ISO itors. Mfr's Sug. List $500. NOXZEMA 98 3-driver 2-way system. Mirs Sug List 1225 SHAVE CREME Pioneer Modal PL-117D Belt drive with base and cover Mir Large Advent Speaker 11 01. REG 1.59 2-way system. Mfr s Sug Latstn Pioneer Model PL-51 OA Direct drive with base and Pioneer Model CT-F6f 61 cover.» r's Sug Ust $200 *309 Receivers Frontioad Dolby cassette deck MirsSug bsrldoo Pioneer Model SX-450 Technics Model RS-615US newest front load D SANYO IN-DJ 15 watts'channel. Mirs Sug Lrsissoo Vaseline Intensive Dolby cassette deck... Pioneer Model SX-750 Tesc Model A-150 In dash 8 track tape 50 watts'channel Mirs Sug List noo Care Lotion 1 1 Frontioad Dolby cassette MfrsSug LrsiSloo cartridge player & Pioneer Model SX-950 G 1.75 I • I Teac Model A-420 AM'FM stereo radio. 85 watts/channel. Mir s Sug ust J600 Frontloari Dolby cassette deck Mir s Sug csr S3Sc JiSiSl Sherwood Model S4900A State Coupon Teac model A-450 60 watts/channel. Mirs Sug Lrstnso Topload professional Dolby cassette mi,-, Sug Lain List $140. $99 Sherwood Model S-9910 100watts'channel MirsSug LisiSioo Soft & Dry Roll-On Car Stereo FT-872 Technics Model,"r\ 0 65 watts'chann SOviug r.sii.oo Sanyo Underdaeh 8-Track Technics Model SA-5560 Model FT-819 with fast lorward 85 watts'channel. MirsSug Laissoo Stat* Leonard's Coupon Sanyo "Audio Spec" AM/FM Cassette Indaah Model FT-484 CB's & ACCESSORIES Neil Young REG I Indash AM'FM Stereo Cassette Panasonic 40 Channel C.B. American Start 'n Bari Model FT-416 with Auto Reverse LED Channel. Light VU Meter 9 *159 Tenna AM'FM Indash 8-Track Deluxe CB Package. Model RR-2015 with pushbutton preset tuning. 14 4 A I lsf 40 Channel CB. Lock Mount and Antenna ... List $180 *1091 Moody Biuos REG 1 ] WESTLAND SHOPPING CENTER! Tanna Deluxe CB Power Antenna. Tenna Surisce Mount Speakers (pair) Caught Live + 5 Model BS-612DW West Saginaw (at Waverly) I Disappears at the flick of a switch . List $70 *54 VISA Tenna Surface Mount Speakers Model BS-8854PF (pair) Prices good through B-7-77 "" NOTE: Some items new, some display models, some one of Stove Miller Band a kinds. No rainchecks or HOURS: MONDAY-SATURDAY: 10-9 SUNDAY: 12-5 layawaysi First come, first served. is subject to prior sale! Book of Dreams