*u9Wt 3, 19j, I By MICHAEL ROUSE East Lansing residents across the city. State News SUM Writer The results were that 50 per cent of those With polled saw more advantages in having a new a swift, undramatic stroke, the East Lansing City Council Wednesday night xhibitsl mall - the main reason was preference for approved the rezoning of land for the Dayton Hudson mall. shopping in a J.L. Hudson's store 85 per cent - The vote was 3-2, with councilmembers Mary Sharp, John saw more disadvantages — the main one was traffic impacts — and the rest were Polomsky and John Czarnecki undecided. favoring the 80-acre commercial zone and Larry Owen and Mayor George Griffiths The anxious audience, which filled the council chambers and flowed out fJ into the hall, opposing. then watched as the council made its decision under the intense iam With this action, Dayton Hudson plans to submit site lights from television |ouncil votes plans for approval and begin building the $16,4 million two-level mall next spring. 3-2 With a quick glance to Polomsky, Sharp raised her hand and moved to adopt the 1 Of But mall opponents have not given up. ordinance numerou,,iL Ingham A lawsuit declaring that the council has no authority to act on the rezoning is still in the granting the rezoning. Polomsky supported her motion immediately. Sharp said later that "on balance the development is in the best interests of the city." Count;! hands of Ingham County Circuit Court Judge James Kallman. Polomsky said after the decision that he was "looking out for what is good for East A petition drive has also been started to call for a referendum on the c'n8 beginning „ I Before the vote, several persons made last-minute comments to the council. rezoning ordinance. Lansing" and arrived at his decision independently. 'free. There «Jj| Depnning at i I Wayne Longdorf, executive vice-president of J. W. Knapp's department store objected to the rezoning because of a "serious sales attrition" that Czarnecki let his expected decision be known. With his vote, the was in favor of the rezoning ordinance. majority of the council Hudson mall would occur at the Meridian Mall He admitted he had many reservations about his decision, and downtown Lansing saying the mall will harm Knapp's stores. J exhibition ov ,r "There will be no rate growth in the retail market as Dayton Hudson has said," Longdorf said, despite the corporation's attempts to "Californicate the community." downtown Lansing and Meridian Mall and have an "Downtown East Lansing is slowly impact on Jacobson's in East Lansing. shifting to restaurants and student interests," Czarnecki said. "There are few stores that cater to the general public." Polomsky asked Longdorf if he had any facts on which to base his predictions and Owen said in a long prepared statement that he was concerned about serious Longdorf said Knapp's lost 50 per cent of its sales in Flint when the Genesee Valley mall traffic opened. problems, that the tax and job benefits would not be as significant as they have been portrayed by Dayton Hudson and that the mall should be placed in another location. Longdorf had more comments but was cut off by the five-minute limit. In his opposing statement, Jim Anderson, Mayor Griffiths listed problems with traffic accessibility to representing the Citizens for a Livable Community, said the city council the mall, a poorly designed interchange of U.S. 127 with Lake Lansing Road and said the should feel embarrassed for accepting a "hasty and inadequate" environmental analysis. monetary benefits would not be outweighed by the social costs. Jim Anderson said the "I sense a devil-may-care attitude" toward the effects on other communities, he said. council and Dayton Hudson should welcome the Local political activist Mark Grebner submitted the results of a opportunity to find out community poll he conducted of 107 sentiment with a referendum, if 5,000 signatures can be collected in six months. xilifano stops funds ir elective abortion ifter court's ruling Stote News Maggie Walki SHINGTON (AP) — HEW Secretary Dooling declared it unconstitutional, saying Califano, by deciding that payments for A. Califano, Jr. ordered an end to 'it effectively took away a poor woman's such treatment could continue, was follow¬ Learning to use a crossbow is part of an outdoor form during a practice session. The Workshop in recreation class currently sponsored by MSU and Outdoor Recreation is a two-week intensive grad¬ funding for elective abortions right to an abortion. He said then that such ing a legal opinion given him July 27 by idit after a federal court cleared the a right had been guaranteed to all women the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. uate course which covers outdoor aquatics, Atty. Gen. Griffin B. Bell interpreting the camp- :ount Victoria Schott, a Mt. Clemens Recreation and and-trail and off-road recreation vehicles in addi¬ by the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark Hyde Amendment as permitting the treat¬ many i department will provide federal abortion decision in 1970. Youth Leadership major, concentrates on perfect tion to many forms of recreational shooting. ment to be financed by federal funds. oil participation in the cost of abor- About 300,000 of the 1.1 million abortions onlv where the attending physician... performed each year are paid for with HEW rtified that the abortion is necessary iunds at an estimated cost of $50 million a x the life of the mother would be year. PRESIDENT'S FORCES SUFFER MAJOR SETBACK ' gered if the fetus were carried to The U.S. Supreme Court had vacated the health, education and welfare Dooling's order and asked him to reconsider ION a prepared statement. his decision. I officials immediately began ar- Califano said federal funds will continue House rejects proposed gasoline tax 1.5 ttnents to inform state Medicaid agen¬ ts. public health service hospitals ute medical societies of the action, to be available for certain medical pro¬ cedures "necessary for the termination of an ectopic pregnancy or for the treatment leral funds for abortion have been of rape or incest victims" if that treatment WASHINGTON (API - The House voting on the provisions of the President's "It isn't going to make a single bit of Transportation Secretary Brock Adams Rexciusively available to poor women is provided before pregnancy is deter¬ overwhelmingly rejected a proposed five 580-page energy plan, Carter signed into difference," Rep. William A. Steiger. R- suggested that revenues from a gas tax is lor Medicaid, a health care program cent a gallon increase in federal gasoline law the Department of Energy, the Wis., said before the vote. 49 ■sterrd by the states but financed l» with federal dollars. mined. An ectopic pregnancy is a potentially taxes Thursday. The 339-82 vote marked the first setback for any major portion of cabinet agency designed to carry out his energy policies. Republicans also repeatedly noted that another tax portion of the might go for mass transit, but said he was speaking for himself, not the President. That Carter standby tax was soundly energy plan still is states may decide on their dangerous development of the fertilized egg President Jimmy Carter's comprehensive The gasoline tax would have hit motorists to be voted on will have the effect of raising defeated by the House Ways and Means whether to pay lor abortions when the in a fallopian tube or elsewhere outside the energy plan. in two stages: half in 1978 and half in 1979. gasoline taxes an estimated 7 cents per Committee, which approved most of the uterus. Such a pregnancy cannot continue A second proposal for a four-cent increase But Republicans and many Democrats (the mother is not endangered, gallon over the next three or four years. other tax portions of the energy plan. to term and results in a natural, spontane¬ also lost, 370 to 52. who are otherwise supporting the Presi¬ ditioner 'noacted after U.S. District Judge Under the second tax, most U.S.-pro¬ But the scaled down gas tax was revived J. Dooling r. uucu ous abortion often accompanied by hem- With Carter's support, House Democratic dent's energy package said there is no lifted ins his urumuiiiuu prohibition \ duced oil would gradually be taxed to raise in the energy committee, which approved a .body , .. . leaders had proposed a gas tax as a means ,t of the so-called Hyde orrha8lnK lf not Covered. of encouraging Americans to drive less. evidence that an increase in the present its price to the level of oil sold by other four cent increase. Early this week, Carter The customary treatment for women who four cent per gallon tax would reduce fuel producing nations. It is assumed that U.S. said he would support a five cent hike I law, which Congress voted last have been raped or are victims of incest An estimated $6 billion in new federal consumption by American motorists. oil companies would pass on about two- 1 proposed by Rep. James J. Howard, D-N.J., "Is HEW from revenues would have been divided between They said Americans have been driving thirds of the tax to consumers. with using federal prevents conception or destroys the fer¬ revenues divided evenly between mass transit programs and iney to pay for abortions that tilized egg, and some opponents of abortion helping states to more, not less, since the oil-producing But the so-called crude oil equalization highways and rehabilitation of noninter- tssary to save a woman's life, have contended that the treatment is in improve secondary highways and bridges. nations raised prices dramatically in 1973 tax also calls for the revenues to be rebated state highways. r the amendment was effect an abortion. While the House spent its third full day and gasoline prices nearly doubled. to taxpayers at an average of $44 to each enacted, head of household. .66 Nonetheless, House supporters said the additional nickel tax was also needed as an Ailliken rejects handicapper transit system additional impetus for reducing U.S. gaso¬ line consumption, which has been climbing by about 4 per cent per year. Free Press: 55* By STATE NEWS "J United Press International The legislature has prohibited public transit authorities from purchasing any and work out a decent piece of legislation." Judy Taylor, director of the Office of inefficient way of dealing with of transporting handicappers. the problem son Rep. Thomas Ashley, D-Ohio, chairper¬ of the House Energy Committee, said EPA might j'i- Witwnpromise l iam G. billMilliken Thursday new buses until the dispute over serving Programs for Handicappers at MSU, said Many handicappers are not able to get to the nickel tax hike would go far toward on transportation handicappers is resolved. the veto was a "positive act" which will give regular bus stops and could not use the meeting the administration's goal of re¬ •wrappers, claiming it could lead to wvelopment of two public transit Handicapper activists have insisted that the state simply require that all new buses handicapper activists an opportunity to get positive legislation passed. She said the accessible buses even if they were avail¬ able, they said. ducing gasoline consumption bv 10 per cent by 1985. outlaw PBB ® - one for the able bodied and one be specially equipped so that wheel chair veto, at the least, would continue the "The establishment of separate transpor¬ "We have to show all the stomach Mdieappers. board them. moratorium on purchasing inaccessible we can By STATE NEWS .88 users can 'P"«t is tation services, one for the physically in reaching this goal," Ashley said of the and United Press International inherently unequal, no Len Sawisch, chairperson of the Students buses. most politically unappetizing •WW the intentions of the impaired and one for the physically able, question The Environmental Protection Agency legislation for Total Integration through Greater "This should be a message to the transit would come before the House in its debate • Milliken said in authorities that total accessibility is going inevitably mean unequal levels of lEPA) may act to ban the manufacture of announcing the Mobility and Accessibility at MSU, said he service," Milliken said. Carter energy package. the toxic fire-retardant chemical, PBB, the * is elated over the governor's veto. He said it to happen," Taylor said. "The sooner they When Carter announced his energy plan measure would have allowed Detroit Free Press reported Thursday, public shows a real commitment by Milliken to accept that, the sooner the total public will "I believe we should establish standards last April 29, it included a standby gasoline t0 serve The EPA action would come in the wake handicappers "stick up with his early stance." get new buses to use." and criteria which promote the integration tax that would take effect only if consump- 0f findings by a team of medical experts l8 a" 98 nil.e»tablishing 'ypc system for new line-haul buses a separate "This shows the handicappers have a decent lobby," Sawisch said. "We now have Public transit officials had pushed for the compromise, claiming that making all new of demand response dial a-ride and fixed route service to all citizens equally," he ti°n kept rising. It could have gone up five cents a year to as high as 50 cents a gallon suggesting exposure to PBB may have significant adverse effects on human health handicappers. a chance to sit down with the transit people buses accessible would be an expensive and by 1985. as we]l as evidence gathered earlier this t-f year showing states other than Michigan have fallen victim to PBB contamination. The EPA is currently testing samples from and around areas near eight factories ive l.H Group drops a throughout the country which manufacturing. use PBB in Results of the first test were reported to House Commerce subcommittee Tuesday. ^Ixplrjj Dr. I. Eugene Wallen, EPA deputy n inside MSU sex suit director, told the subcommittee that high PBB levels were found in fish taken from the Ohio River near a Borg-Wamer plant in i.od "The score was 'Bedbugs' hit photo feature 6 to nothing and the 'Skeoters' were ahead, the a homerun..." on page 8. and for the semi-final action see the LANSING IUPI1 has dismissed a sex — The Michigan Civil Rights Commission discrimination complaint filed against Parkersburg, W. Va., which manufacturing. uses The levels found in frozen catfish PBB in ranged t«pi«3 Michigan State University by three Lansing women employed up to 20 parts per million — more than 20 as building service workers. times the maximum level that would be permitted if the Food and Drug Administra¬ REG { weather Genevieve Engler, Augusta Nixon and Dedlarer Stokes charged that men hired by the University as budding sanitation tion (FDA) adopts standards currently under consideration. workers received more pay than they did for similar work. Wallen also said EPA recently found Due to many weeks of meritorious service, a vacation has been traces of PBB in human hair, fish, plants, ordered for the faithful State News Weather Wabbit. REG 1 Therefore, the State News Weather Wombat says skies today Commission member Gilberts Ibarra ruled that the soil and water near the White Chemical Co. claimants, "whde receiving less pay, did not perform work in Bayonne, N.J. and the Hexcel Corp. in will be mostly cloudy, with a 60 per cent chance of rain. The high will be near 90, the low In the mld-60s. equal to that performed by males." Sayreville, N.J. He said the findings were the firat The wombat predicts sunny skies with a high near »U lor In addition, he said the three employes "were not denied the discovered outside Michigan, where the St. REG 1 Saturday and wishes everyone - even those sneezing their brains opportunity to transfer into the building sanitation worker Louis based Michigan Chemical Co. pro¬ out — a happy weekend of partying. classification because of sex." duced most of the chemical until 1974. (continued on page 3) State N Friday, August 5, |977 Ulichigon 2 Michigon Stole News. Eost lonsir.g. Michigon CIA to control all intelligence WASHINGTON (AP) - "National Intelligence Tasking executive order until Congress responsibility for the budgets (a President Jimmy Carter or¬ dered all of the nation's intelli¬ Center" to set specific tasks for all intelligence collection agen¬ passes the necessary tion. That legislation legisla¬ has not of all predominantly national intelligence activities, Turner will be responsible for the rfata view Committee win? the secretaries ^ingSehkoff ,0 Sciences Labors gence-gathering agencies cies, and a Policy Review yet been introduced. of Stat? actual intelligence material the placed under the control of CIA director Stansfield Turner on Committee within the National Security Council to set priori¬ The White House statement said the changes were designed AU^theTre4 At the heart of the ^exposed to F i, 'IfigK white, Thursday in an attempt to ties for intelligence require¬ "to provide strong direction by "Placing responsibility for an attempt to not centralize direction of the spy ments. the President and the National the most critical management agency i„ the let,, ? LikoffandBekesile Assad promises cooperation for peace network. Turner will be in charge of Security Council, and to cen¬ functions in one authority spy is effects on hi should result in more produc¬ • — of the Turner, a classmate of Carter both the tasking center and.the tralize the most critical national tive and cost effective foreign DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — President ments on the bank, which it captured in at the U.S. Naval Academy, review committee. intelligence management func¬ says that mm tions under the director of intelligence activities," the Hafez Assad of Syria was quoted 1967. The issue also touched off an will control the budgets and The changes were welcomed White House statement said. among the agencies 2 !bM cells than! Thursday as telling Secretory of State Israeli-American exchange last week. activities of all intelligence- by Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, central intelligence." The "tasking center" will be preserved, thus insure? Rekesi compared tr In addition to being given "Pie Cyrus R. Vance that Israeli behavior an President Jimmy Carter called Israel's gathering agencies, which pre¬ viously reported to depart¬ chairperson of the Senate Intel¬ ligence Committee, who said sources of informatt Hers to those of pat the West Bank of the Jordan River is not legitimization of the Settlements an ments ranging from Defense to placing all budgetary responsi¬ compatible with a serious interest in obstacle to peace, but said he did not Treasury. bility in the hands of a chief of WALKOUT 'ALMOST INEVITABLE' peace. discuss the legitimization with Israeli Adminstration officials de¬ intelligence is "a step in the Assad told Vance, however, that he Prime Minister Menahem Begin during nied that the reorganization right direction." will cooperate in removing "all obstacles Begins recent Washington visit. would make Turner an "intelli¬ Inouye, D-Hawaii, said, how¬ to peace" in the Middle East, said a Syrian spokesperson who gave an account of Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dyan gence czar" though he will have greater responsibilities. The reorganization plan also ever, it was important that the reorganization preserve the "independent analytic judg¬ Phone strike predictec it/ the meeting, defended the legitimization as "construc¬ Israel recently tive for peace." give the . National Security ment-making processes" of the legalized three settle- WASHINGTON (AP) A be pretty good for quite and So i Council, directed by Carter's various intelligence agencies. - a repair of existing while." national security Zbigniew Brzezinski, assistant, a leading Inouye's committee was set up last year to provide congres¬ phone company union leader said Thursday that a long The last nationwide strike ment. "The public will he 6 n S. African experts try to save miners role in overall direction of the sional oversight of the intelli¬ nationwide strike by 700,000 against the Bell System was in venienced and I think it intelligence community. gence-gathering functions fol¬ workers against the Bell Sys¬ 1971 and lasted two weeks. a very unnecessary p, , -MICHAEL ROUSI Staff Writ, Scattered agencies in the tem beginning at midnight Sat¬ While the phone system is lowing disclosures of wide¬ growing directly out", ^ "— MAPUTO, Mozambique (AP) — Twenty Mozambique's top mining official, Departments of Defense, State, spread abuses by the CIA and urday is "almost inevitable." highly automated, Watts said a company's attitude towM .i arising 1Lansing has tak has tak South African mine rescue experts were Santos Garcia, said Thursday the under¬ Treasury and Justice, as well as other agencies. But the company said it expects strike would disrupt operator- employes, he told on apartheid in I headed for northern Mozambique's Chi- the CIA itself, all have intelli¬ In a two-page statement list¬ to reach a settlement by then. assisted calls, new installations ference. but it was a wat ground blast Tuesday could have been Glenn E. Watts, president of version of the boyci panga coal mine Thursday to help in caused by sabotage or by an accidental gence-gathering duties. ing the reorganization details, The reorganization estab¬ the White House said the the Communications Workers corporations pro| efforts to save 150 black miners trapped explosion of coal dust or methane gas. of America ' (CWA) said nego¬ underground in an explosion. The Mozambique government said Garcia, acting director of geology and lishes what will be known as a changes would be made by tiations between his union and the company "are in very Carter announces South African Liber lee proposed that there was little hope any of the entombed mines, told the Mozombicon news serious trouble" boycott nine U.S. Israeli troops kill two, and "activity at the bargaining table has j that had interes miners would be found alive. The South Africons. four teams of five men each and all volunteers, flew from agency. "Security conditions in the mines are very bad and a human mistake could be the basis of this disaster. It is too early come to a complete standstill." However, a company spokes new aliens policy ,0 Africa. The bo; jhnebeenadenunci Johannesburg earlier Thursday. to make a conclusion." capture two in skirmish person took a much more optimistic view and predicted a WASHINGTON (AP) - President Jimmy Carter bile minority rule in strike could be avoided. Congress on Thursday to allow millions of illegal aliens to well-attended public I TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Military authorities withheld The company spokesperson, n the United States. But he proposed sealing the border i roncerning the action should take Amin to attend U.N. assembly Israel said its troops smashed an Arab infiltration attempt on information gathered from the interrogation of the surviving Charles disclose Dynes, declined to the company's next ; aliens and penalizing those who employ anyone country illegally. 130. the Jordan border Thursday, Arabs. It was not known what move, but it appeared the Bell Carter's proposals, if adopted by Congress, would allow the city council mee killing two guerillas, wounding sort of mission System was prepared to im¬ who could prove they arrived here before 1970 to stay I councilmen NAIROBI, Kenyo (AP) — Ugandan stopover at London's Heathrow Airport they planned or one and capturing two. what guerilla faction they rep¬ prove on its original offer, a United States and become legal residents. Eventually, they Ciarnecki's policy rei President Idi Amin will attend next on his way to New York. Foreign Ministry officials resented. move that could set the stage apply for citizenship. unanimously month's session of the U.N. General The British and other members of the said the Palestine Liberation for a last-minute agreement The five crossed a tangle of Initial congressional reaction varied. The chairpersons Assembly in New York, the official Commonwealth managed to keep the Organization (PLO) launched this weekend. .resolution is a staten swamps and rivulets at the committees on immigration in the House and Senate sail Uganda radio announced Thursday. unpredictable Ugandan leader out of the raid to disrupt Secretary of "I'm sure there is going to be would hold early hearings on the matter. But members it apartheid and An State Cyrus R. Vance's Mideast juncture of the Jordan and movement in the next few days vestments in South J Amin will address the General As¬ England during a Commonwealth summit there in June. They objected to his Yarmuk rivers and near the because we all know there is Hispanic caucus in the House criticized the proposal, say it have perpetuated sembly and point out the "weaknesses" peace mission, which is taking kibbutz (collective farm) of would lead to him to Cairo, Damascus, Am¬ not much time left," Dynes said job discrimination. minatory social struct of President Jimmy Carter and of the presence because of reports that Amin Ashdot Yaacov, the military The measure is aimed at the estimated millions of Mexican has ordered widespread massacres of man, Beirut and Jerusalem. in an interview. "I'm still con¬ i result of the action, American U.N. ambassador, Andrew said. The guerillas were spot¬ workers who cross the border to work in the United 8 Vance was in Damascus on fident we can come up with an jjieek suppliers of g Young, the radio said. It said he would fellow Ugandans. ted after the Israelis discovered Government officials say they have no solid figure how n Thursday seeking Syrian ap¬ agreement." irvices that do not h also condemn "British imperialism." This would be Amin's second visit to a breach in the barbed wire workers are in the country, nor what percentage c proval of a plan to renew Talks with the CWA have meats, licenses or op The broadcast, monitored here, the United States since he seized power border security fence. 1970. Mideast peace negotiations. been in recess since Tuesday the Republic of So quoted Amin as saying he would make a in a military coup in January 1971. To stop Palestinian participation in Their escape routes cut off by but have continued with two the continuing flow of aliens into the country. I then bids are ad' such negotiations is a major the marshy surroundings, the smaller unions. proposed increasing the strength of the border patrol issue of the mission. guerillas hid in an olive grove Though Dynes stressed he Mexico by 2,000 men. He also proposed civil fines of up to bids and invoices The Israeli command said less than a mile from the doesn't expect a strike, he said per alien for employers caught knowingly hiring illegal wu statement of the cii ther were no Israeli casualties Jordanian border. Farmers the company's nearly 200,000 and suggested criminal penalties for people who smuggle siped by the ma in the brief firefight three broke out weapons and began management and supervisory into the country or help them find work. id to them. miles south of the Sea of patrolling. Then the firefight personnel were prepared to Attorney General Griffin Bell said employers would have resolution will ex| Galilee. began. maintain service that "would each worker for a Social Security card. the city council deem and it will be up to to decide whether or " deny particular bi lember Mary Sh, inly one with ma to the resolution, iitrict construction^ think this document constitutional," Shi Computer exploitation probe underway WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon is day that Lindsay L. Baird Jr., who served investigating allegations that South as a provost marshal in Korea and on a Koreans stole up to $17 million a year in larceny squad which looked into theft food and other supplies from the U.S. and corruption in that country, gave Army by exploiting the government's detailed charges an extensive Korean computer system, a spokesperson said crime network to the staff of the Senate's Thursday. Committee on Governmental Opera¬ Defense spokesperson Thomas Ross tions. said an investigation has been under way for several weeks. Ross said the matter had "come to our The New York Times reported Thurs¬ attention through another source." FPC blames ConEd for blackout WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal gence," a term used by Mayor Abraham Power Commission (FPC) said Thursday Beame when the power failure plunged that Consolidated Edison was inade¬ an estimated 10 million residents of New quately prepared and failed to move York City and surrounding suburbs into quickly enough to prevent New York dorkness on the night of July 13. City's blackout on July 13-14. The blackout lasted 12 hours in most of FPC Chairperson Richard L. Dunham the city, 25 hours in some parts. It also led said "the present system is clearly to looting and thousands of arrests. inadequate" and that improving it will Dunham said the question of negli¬ probably cost millions of dollars and gence was something for a court to increase the electric bills of the com¬ decide. He also said that the FPC itself pany's customers. and the New York State Public Service Dunham carefully avoided characteriz¬ Commission must bear some responsibil¬ ing Con Ed's failures as "gross negli¬ ity. Coal strikers gather for march CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) - A wildcat Kentucky and Ohio. coal strike spread to than 70,000 more Cecil Roberts, vice president of District miners Thursday as dissident union 17, said more than 1,000 miners were members gothered for a march to the expected to leave late Thursday from White House today. They hope to three locations in southern West Virginia pressure the government and industry in buses and car caravans. into helping restore their health bene¬ fits. He said most of the miners would The entire United Mine Workers march today from a park near UMW District 31 in northern West Virginia was headquarters to the White House, with shut down for the first time since the smaller groups going to the Bituminous strike started six weeks ago. At that time Coal Operators Association it was concertrated (BCOA) mainly in Districts 17 headquarters and the offices of the and 29 in the southern part of the state. Health ond Retirement Fund, which is Additional miners were out in Virginia, codirected by the union and the industry. News, East lonsing, Michigan gust 5, 1977 Friday, August 5, 1977 3 nee pBB ban likely, Free Press reports MSU will complete of civilians (continued from page 1) "mel> The tmittee ;aries »P u.m oil „d Polic : ^ Irvine Stee Selikoff and George Bekesi, of the Environmental Tuesday most of the 45 firmer. who rejection of Such the same time were since the defense new organs. Laboratory at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York told at the drugs render patients easily susceptible to infection, while reducing adverse effects on the their ability to fight disease naturally — Selikoff body's immune system. Reizen said he had been aware of the team but had not received details. general findings of the handicapper access systems normally used by the body are the Treasurv Treasury !ji,Exposed to PBB showed a dramatic decrease in levels of suppressed. "Consequently, we have been laying the groundwork for a study of thelet pi, "I.Xng "f to lot the W ^ white blood ceUs. ff «nd Bekesi led a study early this year in Michigan of the .°I' « effects on human health. Wallen said such evidence direction of a ban," the Free Press reported. of this particular "certainly moves us (EPA) in the hope to begin in aproblem in our heavily exposed population and few weeks," Reizen said. plans next summer Ln of the Selikoff team told the Congressional Michigan Department of Public Health officials are planning a have • "" net Reizen said extensive blood tests Powerful from six persons who may M'® PBB-related illnesses currently are By KAT BROWN ...... significant number of 45 Michigan farmers from leal TantlflPV hflft fouide rlieoaaa fintiii... "The results of the being analyzed. "It's no longer a question of 1 th,t raititw <.1... examinations, expected in about two weeks, State News Staff Writer hlnod was taken last January had fewer disease-fighting that the general whether or not we (MSU) population be tested for possible PBB-induced may tell us something about this blood cell By next summer MSU will Mood cells than healthy persons. blood anomalies. problem," he said. have finished a self-evaluation should adhere to accessibility, i - compared the blood studies of the heavily-exposed Dr. Maurice S. Reizen, director of Medical histories taken from some 3,000 persons enrolled in the it's required," Gentile said. the state health department study and plan for making the 'ormati, to those of patients given drugs to knock out the body's said state's long-term PBB investigation "have not revealed the serious While handicappers will Thursday the department's long-range study of the health diseases that would be associated with University totally accessible for suppressive system after transplant surgery to prevent effects of PBB exposure thus far has not turned up evidence of severe immunological handicappers as mandated by greatly benefit from this long deficiencies," Reizen said. awaited legislation, Gentile said the federal government. Find¬ Congress was "quite tokenistic" ing the necessary funds for in passing the law without adjustments and rebuilding will providing funding and by man¬ be an obstacle, according to dating compliance within three ctec ity Council takes stand FUNDS WILL GO TO SALARIES, PROGRAM MSU administrators. Sec. 504 of the federal Re¬ habilitation Act took effect on June 3, requiring that "no years. Since 1972 MSU has been enhancing the campus environ¬ ■ of niuine South African issue African center receives grant otherwise qualified capped individual in the United handi ment, and while the University is ahead of most of the nation in this respect, there is still a States long ublic will be . . . shall, solely by way to go before it is entirely and I think it By MICHAEL WINTER and African language tutor around Michigan to speak about reason of his handicap, be accessible. City manager Jerry Coffman SUte News Staff Writer excluded from the participation innecessary lirectly attitude towj out" ti SSBSE- Lansing has taken a said bidding qualifications will not cause any undue hardships its liquor policies. Czarnecki said the move was to restrict an attempt A $105,000 grant has been awarded to the MSU African salaries. The remaining $35,000 will be funnelled to Outreach, a program designed "to defeat Africa at other universities, high schools and community in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination Gentile, who is nationally recognized as an advocate for handicappers and an expert in for the city's finances. strip development organizations. he told on apartheid in South along Lake Lansing Road near Studies Center (ASC) by the American stereotypes about The center received an addi¬ under any program or activity environmental design, said he but it was • watered- "The impact will be not U.S. Department of Health, the Dayton Hudson mall. Africa," Wiley said. tional $16,000 in July from the receiving federal financial as¬ and a 13-member advisory com¬ version of the boycott of nearly as great as they symbol¬ Education and Welfare (HEW), The Outreach funds will be Office of Education, Wiley said, sistance." mittee will formulate a "transi¬ ic impact," Coffman said. •Coffman told of the adjust¬ it (orporations proposed ments in the city's was announced Thursday. used to pay for lectures to hire a full-time African Eric Gentile, assistant direc¬ tion plan" to recommend what loir months ago. Sharp maintained, though, application The grant, part of an $8 brought to campus, buy lan¬ curriculum consultant. The con¬ tor of the Office of Programs steps need to be taken to meet for federal Economic nces ,South African Liberation ittt proposed that East that the policy could be con¬ sidered discriminatory by some ment Administration funds af¬ Develop¬ million allocation to support 80 international studies centers at guage tapes and other educa¬ tional materials and sultant would evaluate Ameri¬ for Handicappers, will co¬ ordinate the study under the the federal regulations in addi¬ tion to assessing what the ter the city was notified it had 45 colleges and universities, pay for a can college and high school to boycott nine U.S. cor- corporations and then ques¬ portion of some faculty travel texts on Africa for their accur¬ supervision of Ralph Bonner, University has already accom¬ tioned a point of grammar in received too much will be divided lions that had interests in money by up between expenses abroad. It will also assistant vice president and plished. and authenticity, evaluate olicy the wording of the resolution. mistake. The cost of the new acy 1 Africa. The boycott faculty salaries and the devel¬ cover expenditures for African director of the Department of Gentile said 26 per cent of all fire station was trimmed, the and produce audio-visual ma- | hive been a denunciation When roll was taken for the opment of Outreach, said David graduate students to travel Human Relations. (continued solid waste transfer icontinued on page 12) on page 14) minority rule in that vote and Sharp voted yes. system Wiley, associate director of nmy Carter thunderous applause and was scrapped but the city hall ASC and assistant professor of igal aliens jgoi aliens to n g the border,, .J well-attended public hear- ..corningtolrp "should take was held the action the a cheers broke out, to the that Mayor George Griffiths point renovations The East were retained. Lansing school sociology. Wiley said about $70,000 of r (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) fizapdj, a.„iA was held used his gavel to call order. district's projects were kept the award will go to increases the city council meeting In other action: •The planning director and but the prices were reduced. for faculty, clerical-technical i r«lndepgpQund i. would allow FREE! 1970 to stay (idly, councilmember city manager were instructed rentually, they Curnecki's policy resolu- unanimously ap- to prepare amendments to all residential zones. brought up problems concer¬ Czarnecki The bookstore with Women in mind Q i chairpersons di Senate tu members ireiolution is a statement it apartheid and Ameri- ning duplexes that have been built on small lots and whose Paatvrlnf t I CM III wint to i Buy'any Medium "O! ivestments in South Afri- owners have paved large por¬ _ tonight and Saturday u hive perpetuated the jninitory social structure, tions of the back yards to accomodate parked cars. one of the best books ever written. self-help i At the regular price Jill ions of Mexict i result of the action, the •The council supported the '1.95 ^ Get Identical PIZZA ♦he Phillips Group the United gure how rill seek suppliers of good writes that do not have Student in its Housing Corporation application for federal fr The Girl that i FREE cover .75 entage ca Bents, licenses or opera- funds. 7 Little Caesars Pizza I the country, . the Republic of South when bids are adver- •The contract for the super¬ Men, if He Manias '1.95 they hove the courage, ought to read this novel and meet i 12031. Od. River ■ Tonight's Dinnertime lorder patrol visory police officers was amen¬ fines of up to ing illegal s bids and invoices will statement of the city's ded to include a rank restruc¬ ture, various benefits and a five their match. i OO 337-1631 I Special Filet of Sole & potato or vegetable 220 MAC who smuggle o signed by the id to them. mayor per cent increase in spending for the officers in next year's upstairs in tha Univ. Mall j^^SN Coupon ouplroo On. coupon p., o.Oor and Salad Bar $3.75 •s would have resolution will expire city budget. The only contract the city council deems it not yet approved has been with Bar Special: reduced prices on all drinks ersnd it will be up to the the city firefighters. •The council approved a mo¬ I beer every day from 11 a.m.-B to decide whether to p.m. Hf 1 deny particular bids, tion introduced by Czarnecki Restaurant Special: 40% off the price of lmember Mary that would impose a one month Martinis & Bloody Mary's & Manhattans. Sharp GIANT GRABBERS Ike only one with major moratorium on granting liquor II a.m.-4 p.m. dons to the resolution, licenses while the city changes lastrict constructionist, I * think this document is t constitutional," Sharp IEBERMANN'S= remarks were followed and a honking kazoo the large number of f supporters in the audi- said foreign affairs * "ilTTil FMIWAY * MIVICI STATION { 13011. Grand River * NEW! PEWTER TANKARD "be left to the President. « Next to Vanity Inn { STP 15,000 mile oil ...specially priced TRUCK RENTING 8 & LEASING Modern DAILYWEEKLY-HOIITHIY Equipment ol Competitive Prices Furniture Podi, Appliance Dallies 89*0, CHECK OUR ROUND-TRIP RATES "FORE PAYING A HIGH ONE-WAY RATE Limit 6 per customer 1 CALL 371.33311 AA Westside Rentals MbO W. Safllnow, taming THIS WEEK'S SHOCK SHOCKER | Purolator VALUABLE COUPON WORTH 88*!! Road-Controller \zxztt>\ oil Filters 'ISO i IfurolatQy * ■ 37 oiSK Top quality thick-walled pewter from Eng¬ land with the traditional glass bottom. Lust¬ feeds2at rous satin finish. Full 20-oz. ^ capacity. i For most U.S. cars ©©ILMilM. (Regularly $17.50) NOW $12.95 I Sale prices limited to quantities1977. on hand. Sale ends Aug. 14, 321-7399 We'll engrave a 3-letter monogram for just $1.00 UDvru BUY ™° DELICIOUS I W TO SUBMARINE SANDWICHES^ 1 ONiy $150^4 Hours: wscoupo^SAVE 88t Mon.-Frl. 9-8 I Saturday 9-6 I I NZZAtSUINAIMB Grand river (just West of Gosvtvound Station) I Sunday 10-6 | "oduivmt I \ AUTO STORES m s ^ DOWNTOWN IIU M 332-8611 - 107 S. Washington |||^ upor dsn* In | V- GIANT SAVINGS AT GIANT DISCOUNT EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand River City Council: East Lansing race: a dismaying night apathy wins again The actions taken Wednesday night by the East Lansing City Council The turnout for Tuesday's primary election in East Lansbl can only be described as dismaying, but hardly unexpected. disgracefully low, but, like Wednesday night's city council d •? 1 Dayton Hudson, hardly unexpected. By a 3-2 vote, council mandated that a northwest section of East Out of 33,000 registered voters, only 4,346 cast ballots in an elm Lansing be rezoned to allow for commercial development. The vote designed to reduce the number of candidates vying for two vacantB insures that the Dayton Hudson mall will be built there, at a potentially council seats from six to four. ■ severe cost to the area's environmental and aesthetic qualities. To be sure, the process worked. As usual, apathy won by a la^ Inasmuch as apathy lacks the credentials necessary to sit on Councilmembers John Czarnecki, John Polomsky and Mary Sharp city co™ the four runners-up — Paula Johnson, Alan Fox, Karen voted in favor of rezoning. George Griffiths and Larry Owen opposed Barrett! the measure. The final tally was in accord with prior expectations. Carolyn Stell - will compete against one another in the Nov general election.. We agree with those who believe that the possible benefits of Dayton Hudson are outweighed by its potential for harm. It is unfortunate that Primary elections, even on the presidential level, are traditi™ ignored by a sizable chunk of voters. However, in the case oil city council found itself unable to embrace this philosophy, which Lansing, there is no merit in the argument that all the cani beautifully reflects the tenets of an increasingly energy and waste-conscious era. espoused identical positions and that the issues were uninspii Council's decision not to endorse a full boycott of U.S. corporations Hill The State News ] poorly defined. To the contrary, clear philosophical distinctions cc drawn among those running. with holdings in the white majority government of South Africa was Paula Johnson's primary concerns lie with the business Friday, August 5, 1977 interes disappointing, and the resolution it finally passed was an ineffective East Lansing. Alan Fox, on the other hand, is more attuned substitute. The measure stipulates that the city of East Lansing the opinions of the State News. ti editorials ar interests of students and environmental concerns. Viewpoints, columns patronize corporations without South Africa ties, but rejects any move and letters a e personal opinions. It is disappointing that Joey Reagan finished out of the r. to sever agreements already in existence. Editorial Department Editor-in-chief Reagan was an aggressive, door-to-door campaigner whose p. Michael Tanimura Layout Editor Fred Hartesveldt We hope this new policy will be forcefully implemented. However, van bid, though underfinanced, was both creative and enthusiastic. iL Managing Editor Debbie Wolfe Sports Editor Tom Shanahan those corporations with holdings in South Africa are not likely to Opinion Editor Dave Misialowski Entertainmer t and Book Editor . Kathy Esselman displayed a keen insight into the problems of East Lansing d surrender their influence without substantial prodding, and council's News Editor Joe Scales Wire Editor Joyce Laskowski commendable grasp of student concerns. He would have i Photo Editor Richard Politowski vote constitutes a tacit endorsement of the status quo. Copy Chief . . Noncy Rogier welcome addition to city council. Staff Representative Joe Pizzo It is particularly distressing that neighborhoods heavily popuL All in all, council's actions Wednesday night were discouraging. The Advertising Department students reported the lowest turnouts. If students hope to haveal fact that these actions were not unexpected indicates that a change in Advertising Manager affairs directly affecting them, they will have to shake out the council's philosophical make-up would be beneficial. Sharon Seiler Assistant Advertising Manager ol| apathetic stupor and take an interest in community affairs. VIEWPOINT: MID EAST Carter aides take responsibility Arab masses battle for in addition to U.S. jobs By THE ORGANIZATION OF they set up and protect in these countries, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat | ARAB STUDENTS while the majority of people there are to face the Egyptian people in tk The recent Egyptian invasion of the forced to live in subhuman conditions — WASHINGTON One of President Hamilton Jordan, the President's assis¬ and determined uprisings four timi — But the heavy cleaning will be done by national government of Libya did not Carter's main priorities is to cut the White tant. will also take on the duties of cutting members of the National Security spring socially, politically and economically. Any than six months with the most re Council. from a vacuum. It was part of a premedi¬ movement representing the aspiration and House staff by 28 per cent in order to save the lawn, seeing that the bushes around the measures. These measur tated action pursued by the $6 million. The President would like to Imperialist interests of the people is seen as a direct reduce the number of people White House are trimmed, and will watch Amy Carter will man the White House Situation Room when she finishes school camp in general and by the United States "threat" to the United States' interests and killing of thousands of students and workers in the Jan demon^ working in the the tourists as they move through the and its local reactionary puppets. White House from 485 to 351, and while all each day, from four until midnight. Then its reactionary agents. demonstrations in Cairo, Alexandi public rooms of the White House to make The invasion was part of the the details have not been worked out she'll be relieved by her Uncle Billy, who imperialist With the "threat" of the peoples' determi¬ Seiga, demonstrations which | many sure they don't take anything away as plot against the national governments and will also be in charge of the wine cellar nation for liberation, we can understand the souvenirs. toppled Sadat's fascist regime. which is located in the same area. progressive forces in the Third World. This American moves toward a so-called "stable" From the previous statements, I Bert Lance, the head of the Office of bloody campaign was carried out in Angola; settlement in the Middle East. "Israel" and see Sadat's role in the area is that of Joe Califano's cook at HEW will be in Zaire with the sending of Sudanese and Management and Budget, will double as the reactionary puppet regimes (Saudi to the Egyptian and Arab masi head cashier of the White House charge of preparing State dinners, at which Morroccan troops and Egyptian pilots; with Employes Mr. and Mrs. Califano will be expected to the support of the fascist Credit Union. Phalangists in serve when they are not invited there as Lebanon; with the Shah's troops in Oman, one can see Sadat's role in the area is Mr. Lance, who formerly headed a bank official guests. and was supported by United States .. that of enemy to tl in Atlanta, Ga„ will have the authority to imperialism and financed by the reactionary Egyptian and Arab masses. Thus Sadat accepted his assign make loans as high as $150 without taking it Andy Young will commute between the agents of Saudi Arabia and others. and carried it out against both the to the secretary of the United Nations in New York and Washing¬ The Middle East region is both oppressed Egyptian n treasury. strategic¬ and the nationalist government ton three times a week to act as the White ally and economically important to the of Libya." Walter Mondale will continue as Vice House doctor. In an emergency Amy President, when needed. But he will take on capitalist-imperialist world. Carter's nurse will handle minor surgery ART BUCHWALD the further responsibility of Strategically the Middle East is located running the and dental work. on the Mediteranean Sea, and includes the transportation pool and seeing that all the Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, oil Sadat accepted his assignment, a Suez Canal, the Indian Ocean and Bab cars at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue are The President also plans to replace the sheikdoms) support these pseudo-peaceful it out against both the oppressed H El-Mendab, which makes it important for solutions, and are being used as the tools of of the staff members will have to double gassed up and in working order. crew members of Air Force One with his trade routes between Eurooe and the Third U.S. imperialism. masses and the nationalist govero| up Joan Mondale will work as housekeeper sister, Ruth Stapleton, as soon as she can World countries. Also significant to this Libya. on jobs if Mr. Carter expects to meet his It is clear that there are two camps Sadat's fascist and inhuman attic at Blair House, get her pilot's license. area is the fact that the Middle East lies in quota. making sure it is always represented by the governments of the Libyan cities, villages and military pi ready for a visit from a head of state. the southern belt of While the plans aren't firm this is how These are only a few of the changes now tl)e Soviet Union. area, the supporters of the imperialist can also be seen as a desperate adve| the reorganization now looks on Assisting her in this task will be the Joint The vast resources —oil, minerals, and paper. on the drawing board. To set an example solution, and those that reject them. This divert the people's attention f and the huge open market of these Jody Powell, the press secretary, will the President also intends to double up on latter group is represented by the national worn-out economic, political r Chiefs of Staff, who will be ferried still continue briefing the media in the over his own duties. While no one will comment underdeveloped Middle East countries governments, such as Libya, Iraq, Algeria, situation that exists in his count from the Pentagon to sweep and make beds makes the area of extreme morning. But in the afternoon he will be put on what he will do in this area, a visitor to importance to South Yemen, and progressive forces and an attempt to legitimize his i| and prepare breakfast when an the Western industrial imperialists, in charge of the White House dog kennel. Important the White House told reporters he was in espec¬ liberation movements which are defending isolated and alienated regime. Mr. Carter believes that Mr. Powell's guest is staying there. ially the United States economy. The the peoples' rights and aspirations, and are the Oval Room recently when Carter was However, Egyptian and Arab n« experience with the press makes him the imperialists are profiting from the under¬ rejecting the imperialist's solutions to the obvious choice for feeding and watering the Rosalynn Carter will be in charge of the measuring Vice President Mondale for new pair of pants. a development of the area, therefore, it is problems of the Middle East. ultimately be successful in their for freedom and liberation a J upstairs at the White House, and Lillian animals. Carter will be in charge of the downstairs. important for them to keep it as stable as Due to deteriorating social, economic and Los Angeles Times imperialist, Zionist and n possible through the agent ruling classes moral conditions, the corrupted regime of agents like Sadat. You wake up to the incessant buzzing of a Sunbeam electric alarm clock and the droning hum of Grand River traffic — post-dawn onomatopoeia. The sun screams Wake up and, uh, pass the cornflakes "FREE1I Hey kids, get your t» miniature Trident nuclear (Uranium not included) sub" through your window and pierces your little replica Cruise missiles! Your's 1 peepers. Squinting, you stumble out of bed, box tops and $2.99 (shipping and hi Sitting « i the edge of your bed, you , On a simmering summer morning, a bowl pounce the clock, and grab the curtains, glance down at your bulging midriff and Staring listlessly into the milky sea of Offer void in Wisconsin, the Upper ■ of the wholesome, brawny grain that made yanking them shut. half-submerged flakes, you lift your gaze la and where prohibited by law. I "" pat it, hoping to quiet its noisy protesta¬ Middle America (and Battle Creek) famous, only to have it fall on the upright surreal, "Same ol' stuff," you think. I| It's another hot tions. summer is the perfect breakfast food to start morning staring er, cereal box. have one." you in your swollen face. Scratching your "Alright, alright, I'll feed you. Jeezuz. I another day as a hard working college Blinking twice, the front — dishevelled mop of hair, you yawn once and give you half of a Dominoe's pepperoni pizza student. "Net weight 18 you scan (510 grams) .. . Well, by now you've lost track of I stretch your torso like a last night and you're still not satisfied. oz. . . . and you're going to be late for Gumby doll. So you pour the golden flakes in the fortified to 25 per cent of daily needs...see You tell yourself you're awake. Your You're gonna cost me a fortune, fella." class. You look down into the r cereal bowl, splash on the milk and sprinkle rear panel for special offer Half awake, you lumber down the hall body flinches and quiescently agrees; your yellowish flakes that have i ... on the C12H22011 and slurp merrily Then the sides mind stutters and asks to have the towards the kitchen; one eye is still closed, away. ... question But what do you do to feed your brain so "A breakfast of corn flakes, milk, disintegrate and wrinkle your m repeated or the statement restated, what¬ filled with morning, and your nose is juice "Yech." early in the day? Most people need a hearty and toast provides an important nutritional ever it was you convinced yourself of. Ho plugged with the night before. Your helping of daily news, but... start to your day plus the hum. stomach becomes more impatient and The State News is sometimes too hard to need to get going . . energy that you It hasn't been a particularly I As you become more aware of insistent. MICHAEL WINTER digest in the morning; you don't always . they've got to be morning so far but then they usual the "Listen snook, if you don't shape up and kidding . . , ingredients: corn, sugar, salt, during the summer in East Lansing day it occurs to -you that it's been nearly 11 manage to get up early enough to get the calcium carbonate, sodium , . nourish me *"■ I'm &"•"& going to ««a«nc make juu just aa you juol a phosphate, an- found a new source for your duly; ■ nours since you last ate. You Free Press at Paramount; you've already natto color, pyridoxine hydrochloride feel a small sick and miserable as the time you ate until ment of information and resdul Opening the refrigerator, you spot a read Time; and last week's letter from your . . . hmmm, nothing artificial; all natural com¬ half-eaten piece of Laughing Cow cheese, a mother is old news. eventually progress to Kleenex,! hunk of week-old knockwurst that smells pounds .. . thiamine mononitrate, cyanoco- cracker and Shreaded Wheat boxe| As you become more aware "Something educational, that's what I of the new day it occurs to you like it's leftover from the days of the Kaiser that it's been nearly 11 hours since need to remain one of the well-informed you last ate. You feel a small and Bismarck, three cans of Stroh's beer, a elite the media claims college students to "The State News is sometimes too hard to knot tightening in your stomach. It gurgles a few times and rolls piece of cold pizza and a quart of milk. be," you think out loud. digest in ' over once, "Hmmm. Nothing there except ol' bossy." Quickly gazing around you spot nothing morning; you don't always manage to get up early enough to 4 letting you know it's annoyed that you've neglected to Going to the cupboards, you scan the the Free Press at Paramount; feed it, opting instead to sleep in an extra shelves for something a bit more edible. falling into that category. The swelling has you've already read Time;-and «| two hours." subsided in you glassies, one nostril is week's letter from your mother is old news." "Chunky soup, no; creamed corn, yech; unplugged and the alpha waves have knot tightening in your stomach. It gurgles pork and beans, maybe later; macaroni and reluctantly begun their tedious journey dusk and drank until dawn. Remember?" cheese, not bad, possibly; ah! good ol' corn across the temporal and occipital lobes. balamin and vitamin D2." _ HZ ,™eS TfX°r °.nce' let,ting r ctringing at the thought' y°u f°reS° going veterans say) and have become »P flakes. That'll do it." But still food for the ol' gray matter. "And all this time I thought 1 was no eating sect of early morning ritualists feed i ltZ i^ H /"?6 neglected t0 to the bathroom, deciding you'd rather have Heaving a sigh of relief, your stomach corn flakes." By now, your stomach has gotten it's fill the "Cereal Box Intellectuals, two „u"s Thurl r i>a"/Xtrf, „ w,u nmP J?key 8hort9 than last night's lets you know its satisfied with you wise of the golden morsels and again lets you Your eyes are transfixed on this store¬ There are better ways to occ njr Dommoes p,m a" the °ver iiving r°°m breakfast d-si°"' know it's satisfied. breakfast but at least it's honest rug. "Erp." house of information and you sluggishly J "Erp." spin the box around... Wouldya pass the Wheaties, pi I , stale News, East Lansirg, Michigan Mi'hi9al Friday, August 5. 1977 5 Heroes are hard to find Three Thanksgivings ago I joined four One of my friends, and friends in what was to be a at my prodding, The key to Uncle H in New York holiday vacation accompanied me to rouse 's apart¬ and left. City. They had made my aunt's sister ment," I said. housing and get the keys from her. No one answered arrangements for themselves and I alone the continued calls "What the hell are Bewildered, rejected, I spend one of the was to stay at my aunt and uncle's of the doorman, ringing you talking about?" loneliest up to annonce guests at five in she said. days of my life roaming the streets apartment, who were the morning. "You mean you don't know?" I of Manhattan. vacationing in the Amazingly enough, though, he allowed us said. My friends were staying in south. "Know what? What do I Brooklyn and had plans for most of the day, We nervously, upstairs. We knocked and know from anxiously, sleepily, excit¬ door until pounded on the keys?" she said. but assured me of a place to stay that night. edly greeted Manhattan with cries and finally, from behind the hugely "But they were In the meantime, I had little desire to bolted door came a supposed to leave the see songs as we watched the tall, tiny voice: anyone. glimmering "Who is it?" keys with you. I'm staying at their house," I lights emerge from a city only half awake. "It's me." I said. Five a.m., but city whose power can be My parents were shocked and horrified. a "Me?" "They gave you permission?" she said. What? Why? They phoned felt even as you cross the Hudson River, Florida, but "Ira. It's me, Ira." "Yes, of course. I found my aunt's "I didn't like his attitude" even before the didn't realize we'd be George Washington Bridge "Ira?" and the door opens, this late. Bv the empties into that most marvelous of cities. my aunt's sister way this is M an unsatisfactory explanation for her be¬ bathrobed behind it. "What's "Hello, M havior. Still, we were tired after a 15-hour car is it? Come wrong? What ."she said. "My God, drive and even in New York in, sit down. Talk to me." I had no idea you'd be in town. I there is hot thought much activity at dawn of Thanksgiving ^Well I came for the key," I said. something awful happened: I see you at the r. Day. So though I hated waking my aunt's ^The key?" she said. Yes. The door at this time. By the way, what time is sister at such key," I said. "I it? Never mind. So whose untimely an hour, my body apologize for — got the key?" and head ached for "Maybe D I said, sleep and the keys to the "The key? What her referring to apartment were with her. key i ; you talking daughter. about?" she said. "D 's asleep," she said. "She JACK ANDERSON AND LES WHITTEN doesn't know anything, or else why wouldn't she mention you were "I don't know," I said. coming?" "This is incredible," she said. Lincoln assassination Eventually my aunt's sister woke probed by FBI D had . She had the key. of course, but forgotten to tell her mother that I was expected, much less expected then and there. My friends drove me back smoked one of my uncle's uptown. I IRA ELLIOTT Camel cigarettes, IhSHINGTON - The FBI has quietly The pages give a fascinating account, "Mars," the god of war, could have been a sipped on a cognac and fell into a thought Eel the investigation of another presi- presumably written by Booth, of his code name for Stanton. Mooney of Alexandria, Va„ has sleep until ten that morning when — Our families haven't spoken since. I., assassination — this one the intrigues with Lincoln intimates shortly For years, the Booth turned up some missing Booth letters and Many terrifying and, I old shooting of Abraham Lincoln before the assassination. Some of the most diary, shorn of its other data. Mooney believes he has My aunt's sister was on the phone. "Your can now admit, mysterious pages, has been on Aunt R— humorous events passed that watched a performance at Ford's prominent politicians of the display at dence that Booth wants you to call her in day and night. period, includ- Ford's Theater museum. But the Interior escaped and that another Florida." At midnight I looked so forlorn and {n Washington. man's body was put in his place. Department, which the museum, has wrecked that the bartender at a corner bar respects, the 1865 murder of runs Another researcher. Prof. But before I had a chance to find near the now turned the Ray Neff of their Lexington Avenue subway gave mIi remains even more controversial over diary to the FBI. Its Florida number, the phone handwriting experts, Indiana State University, has also rang again. This me a free drink. with their ultraviolet (the 1963 killing of President John F. scanners, microscopes and other detection duced material which he believes pro¬ time it was Aunt R And picture a frightened, shows pitiful-looking . lv. Murky questions hang over both Booth escaped at Garrett's farm devices, are trying to determine whether where "Who's there?" she said. young college student schlepping a suit¬ the diary itself is genuine. most experts believed he had case on and off the subways of New York It belated FBI inquiry into Lincoln's They have made two important, tentative pursuing troops. been killed by "Me." "Who else?" City, at one in the morning. 111 may kelp to resolve such mysteries as However. discoveries. The diary contains no Was Lincoln the victim of a secret writing Still another ingredient has been in invisible ink, as some people have into the injected ran reaching into his own cabinet? mystery by Lynch. "I want you to have I refused to believe the He has something to eat. only possible K Frederick Douglass, the Martin Luth- suspected for more than a century. The text also hasn't been altered, as others have discovered what looks like the name of take a shower, pack your bags and leave," explanation. "Not my aunt," I said. "Not Biag. Jr., of the Lincoln era, also marked thought. But the big question, whether the Frederick Douglass, a black leader, in the she said. Aunt R . No way." My friends tried ■airier? Did the assassin, John Wilkes Booth diary. This raises the possibility that to tell me, even my parents tried. E actually escape and leave another diary is entirely in Booth's handwriting, Booth may have intended to kill "What? Why?" remains to be settled. Douglass, "Because that's the way we want it." But you must know how it is. You ■study in his place? The FBI's findings may establish whether too. grow it on these questions is contained "Why? Why? No one else is here. What's up admiring people for all your childhood the 18 newly discovered Meanwhile, Curator Harman, and adolescence. You think them 18 pages that mysteriously pages are authen¬ a top wrong?" infallible, tic. Lynch gained considerable government expert on the at least on serious matters. You „,.d from Booth's diary but may credibility assassination, is "Nothing. We'd just like you to leave, listen and by insisting that the missing taking an historian's cautious view about learn from them. You trust them. You |tue turned up. The diary reportedly lined. Most experts had thought the pages were the renewed that's all. It was a bad idea." "But where should I go? Where can I strive to be like them. B delivered intact to Lincoln's arrogant was unlined. But the diary can of worms," he controversy. "It's the original ■aary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, who Michael Harman, has now museum's curator didn't conduct a said. "The government stay?" And then one day. ■teen linked by rumors to the assassina- inspected the thorough investigation at "I don't know." No. I wasn't kicked out because diary the time. I don't know whether my four lplol. more scientifically and has confirmed we'll ever "Well why do you want me to leave?" friends were black women. Not that its pages, like those of Lynch's get all the answers." my aunt and Ben the diary was later introduced into "We'd just feel better if you did." uncle. I Andrew Johnson impeachment hear- Another discovery, are dimly lined. assassination "Fine," I said. I ate, showered, packed Elliot litvas missing some pages that had Along with the missing diary pages, 3 regular State N< s colun ■ neatly excised. Now an indefatigable conspiracy? Lynch also found hundreds of other Ticana expert, Joseph Lynch of Worth- ing Stanton, are implicated. intriguing items in the possession of the la, Mass., has found what appears to be Referring to a plot perhaps unrelated to Stanton heirs. One is a letter to ■lining pages. the murder, Booth allegedly writes that he newspaper, in which Booth reportedly |c«ade the discovery while appraising may be working for the Secretary of War outlined wh7 Wled Lincoln, ■historical artifacts belonging to Stan- himself. At another point, he declares: "I [heirs. The pages were locked in a box ic. The heirs had never opened the swear that I shall lay the body of this tyrant dead upon the altar of Mars." been A film company, tion for Sunn Classic, has also investigating the Lincoln a assassina- feature movie called "The Lincoln SUMMER WINE I in fact, they had no key. Apparently, Lincoln is the "tyrant," and Conspiracy." One of its researchers, Law- Fruit juices and burgundy over ice and with orange slices! Enjoy your breezy summer days strum¬ ming a guitar from Marshall's! Guitars for the beginner or pro: Acoustic Guitars $39°° ■ $77000 Electric Guitars Amplifiers from $89°° Planning Your Wedding Reception? It's easier than you think! Let the Union Catering Service put it all together for you... Whether you're planning a large or small reception, the Union has facilities to create the perfect atmosphere. We serve formal or informal dinners, buffets, rehearsal dinners and other special functions. vA • Learn fast with private lessons _ Our service provides all the planning for all those details you don't have time for. Complete stock of music and chord books Call the Union you Catering Service and let us help uncomplicate your Wedding reception. • Expert repair service OPIN 10-8 Mon.-Fri., 10-5 Sat. 245 ANN 351-7830 M.S.U. UNION CATERING SERVICE At the corner of Abbott and Grand River Ave. Call 355-3465 for more information. 5 Michigon Stole News. Eost lonsing. Michigon Taming of the Shrew' buoyant jo] nobleman who has been for the rest of the cast is unfor¬ leaves too many questions un¬ By JOHN WALL State Newa Reviewer some years lunatic. Shake¬ tunately not long for Shake¬ answered concerning her moti¬ must seem like the last But despite what J Despite some reservations, I speare did not seem to know speare. vation. Given her initial spunki- must insurmountable obstaZl s»!a quite what to do with this "in¬ Lisa Hodge was conscientious ness, what has she to gain by enjoyed the Players Gallery's energy and spirit of this tlH duction" and perhaps this pro¬ but inappropriate as the shrew¬ playing at being tamed? In this production of Shakespeare's somehow The Taming of the Shrew. This duction is better off without it. ish Kate. She was simply not instance, the attempt at up¬ keep the duction afloat. wh„,l is not one of the master's heavy¬ What the play has is plenty of strong enough to make us dating merely serves to confuse They rep J this campus, the weights, but it is great fun with bawdy humor, slapstick, prat¬ believe in her chances of besting the matter. on bestl much likable good humor which falls, and other assorted sight Petruchio, a possibility crucial to the mechanics of the Somehow, the incompetence makes it a superb choice for gags and schtick. Much of it play. I of most of the cast does not dim wish Kropp and the pfl summer production. works well but what works is can appreciate, in these liberat¬ — the play's lusty appeal. All in all, Gallery good fortune J| In the original, the story of mostly due to the cocky and ed times, that neither Hodge forward to Kate's taming was a play within energetically intelligent perfor¬ nor director Kropp wished to it makes for a buoyant evening more of theirf of Dean A. Gilbert as offend anyone with the blatant¬ — "tame," but entertaining. a play. Director David Kropp mance The Taming of the Sh has, perhaps wisely, cut the Petruchio. Joe Fetters is engag¬ ly chauvinistic resolution of the The PlayersGalleryobviously run through this w™ original prologue in which a ing as Hortensio and Reid play, but undercutting Kate's has limited support, and having Friday at 8:30 p.m.,andl| tinker falls asleep to be awak¬ Downey's Tranio, despite some capitulation speech with ironic to stage their productions in the day and Sunday at 2:3 ened to the illusion that he is line problems, was spirited. But facial expressions and gestures inadequate Union Ballroom the Union a Ballroom. Todd Rundgren's wizardry shorts oi in spite of his flame-throwing dragi By BILL HOLDSHIP his electronic wizardry and Rundgren intends to continue Professional laziness. about talent compensate State News Reviewer dedication to hard work. In no in the same direction. Utopia utilized a full-blown the commercial corrupt! With the exception of Kiss time he had gathered a fanati¬ Rundgren appears to be very stage production similar to the rock. L and several other representa¬ cal following who worshipped distant from his audience, play¬ one used during last spring's The main problem withl tives of the prostitution rock him as the new rock 'n roll ing the rock 'n roll star to the Lansing performance. At first, Rundgren today is that | syndrome, I generally try to savior. With each step of the hilt and giving as little of the visual effects added enter¬ are still searching for I adhere to the "golden rule" of success ladder, Rundgren's ego- himself as possible. He reached tainment to a certain extent, thing" from him while all I reviewing, that is, if you don't centricism grew, and the end his full potential only once as a even though Pine Knob is not to offer is "anything."! have something good to say result is fully demonstrated in rocking demon on "Death Of the right environment for laser not what its name con about someone, don't say any¬ Utopia's current show — Todd Rock 'N Roll." However, the beams and smoke screens. By it's a little bit sad. I Rundgren has become lazy. number ended up showing only the time the fire-breathing once had the potential 1 thing. This being the case, I've wracked my brain for some¬ Rundgren's newer compo¬ Rundgren's talent as a dancer dragon hit the stage, though, it coming a wizard and f thing good to say about Todd sitions lack his former melodic and hopper. After three min¬ was beginning to seem like a star. Now he is just J Rundgren and Utopia's perfor¬ flair. Most of his Utopia music utes into a five minute guitar little too much. It was remini¬ crowd pleaser, something mance at Pine Knob last Wed¬ is very spacey, blown away solo he suddenly realized that scent of Alice Cooper's newer itely not needed in today] nesday evening. After much type head music (if you get the his guitar wasn't plugged in! acts, and that alone says a lot 'n roll world. consideration, I've decided it's drift of my meaning), and it safe to say that there were does occasionally work in giv¬ several "ups" in Utopia's two ing one that ZOW! ZONK! hour show. Unfortunately, eve¬ feeling. However, since there is ry "up" was followed serious "down." by a very little variation from song to song, the whole listening The Sigourney-Jones difference - State News Kathy Kilbury It was easy to understand experience becomes very hum¬ Suitors in The Players' Gallery The Taming of the Shrew worry about the diffi¬ Rundgren's appeal during the drum. The numbers introduced you'll sense it the moment you walk in the door: cult hurdle, the shrewish Katherine, placed in the path of their courtship by early stages of his career. A from Utopia's forthcoming LP Bianca's father. borderline genius, Rundgren Ooopa! Wrong Planet (a title a dedication to the mastery of the art & the had an innate songwriting tal¬ perfectly describing the band's ent that synthesized well with musical stance) revealed that science of contemporary hairstyling. ABC dominates Emmys Tired LOS ANGELES (AP) — The announced Wednesday. NBC ABC television miniseries received 95 nominations and SIGOURNEY- ownc "Roots" has received 37 nom- CBS 71. The Public Broadcast- Bell's inations for the Emmy awards ing System received 40 nomina- JONES to be presented on Sept. 11. NBC's "Big Event" received the tions, and four went to syndi cated'programs. you'll never Hairstyling for Men & Women r*«tp Finder highest number of leave next m tions with 29. hungry H3 R1DKIN 225 M.A. M2-502 Friday" . on 1712 E. Michigan Ave. 484-1491 I 1135 E.Cd. 6810 S Cedar Suite A,B 694-8101 1 332 - 011 ALL YOU CAN EAT... Wa from 11:1 ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS $-|99 ************************* Tasty all white Cod Fillets dipped in batter and deep fried to a crisp golden brown. J "Home of the Silver Stars" \ Served with french fries, roll and butter, + 1977 "State Champion Dance Twirl" ) and your choice of soup or salad. | inFallBaton * Enrollment Twirling, 2800 E.Grand River £ Ballet, Jazz, Acrobats, The International £ Tap — Gymnastic )use of Pancakes. * Trampoline {PLATTE'S * DANCE & BATON 604 Creyts Rd. J Phone 321-6088 321-3162 ************************** South Baptist Church 1518 S.Washington lansing Qlaalit aa<3 ®a$sr Sunday 7t00 p.m. 9am A»iriM«i.' "Bern Again!" What is happening in our nation with celebrities, Saas^a® , Ku MlniNM Collect fellowship aid ClttSilthi ratreslmmts U0p.ii- FmiOtw \*> Sunday 11 a.m. Pendleton Shirts and Sweaters "God is a Builder" Levi Cords 1 FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Khaki Slacks Coll 482 - 0754 for information Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor Jomes E. Emery College Pastor 1305 E. Grand River Open Thuri. nlgh*M| "gust 5, 1977 c.ntP News, Eost lonsing, Michlgon Michi£E2. Friday, August 5, 1977 Don't Blow Your Horn Leo Sayer plays Pine Knob- By JOHN WALL the whole inventory: red ski blond wood bar (with lodge fireplace; State News Reviewer assorted "classy" liquor «. brothers-ages 33 and 21 these two impossible to sever their umbilical to their parents. One, the oldest, I decanters); plexiglass coffee table (complete with appropriately dated Playboy magazine); Japanese stereo; and a few plastic cheap makes you feel like dancing plants for his bachelor pad, entertaining young atmosphere." |0 "'.Hag hay while Dad's away, to mixa '~£The other, less aggressive, has only ,p» .he nest, snuck away from Daddy s „ a T°he'p "update" the play, director Guy Sanville has sort of audaciously added original music folksong written and performed by Rick - By MARC DIMERCURIO State News Reviewer Small in stature with the gles: "Long Tall Glasses," "Yoj Make Me FeelLike Dancing," and "When I Need You," his ballads. Flight" Songs off "Endless examples of this are weakness although they find n dare Now he too wants to live the good Hansel which presence of a giant appropri¬ - nicely helps the play to make most recent chart-stopper. their way on the top 40 charts like the |ut drinking, smoking, partying, sex - all the " that awkward ately describes Leo Sayer. The time-jump from its original 1961 With success like that anyone that don't have the type of te what must se,* uSl!et. 'It make life worth living. to, say 1965. "Life's too short to mess thousands who ignored the rain would 'feel like dancin' if you substantive audience appeal "table id spirit of obstaS ? nrfdj and Mommy are crafty, too. They around/Keep trouble out of the way/I believe in and saw his performance Tues¬ know what I mean. And dance you can afford to retire on. ""idlinx fingers in their kids bves peace of mind..." Irresistible, no? I would day night at Pine Knob would Leo did, after a restrained keep the whofc |tlieir "^wp the two sibs docile and describe the three chorda to which this opus is surely agree with this. opening number he broke into While the audience thorough¬ ly enjoyed Sayer host. They ref,, It their authority. The elder son get, sung, but I think you've heard them. The crowd was first treated "I Hear the Laughter" off his one was inclined to believe a partisan impus, the best , reformed "escort girl" to please the The cast does pretty well saying all the to an energetic performance by recent"Endless Flight" L.P. crowd was present to welcome lave yet found h, solving all his problems. The wonderfully funny lines with verve and lota of Melissa Manchester. Melissa He continued dancing several Detroit boys home who the Ar"e„7T;*'?thenhissheepishly >pp and the asks Pa if maybe he brothers soon-to-be-vacated tooth (there is enough ludicrous posturing and mugging to make the Three Stooges look like the strutted back and forth and through songs like "Hold On To play in the band. PP. m the PPi teeD k*P »' amiably talked to the crowd. My Love," 'Train," and the The only real disappointment Dtd> grudgingly; but My, Royal Shakespeare Company). Michael She expressed her awe for the crowd pleasers "Feel Like Dan¬ ' Hans, was the lack of an encore which enough to satisfy even the most however, as the older brother, is beautiful music theater, wished cing," "Long Tall Glasses," and manic, and I'm afraid Tami insufferably the lawn folk well, and lent' "I've Been resulted from the length of Spry is a bit of a Used." The only Manchester's performance and mingoltheShr, ugh this ^thts is yourtheideaCommunity of a funny play, then by all Circle Players' cipher as the platinum-haired kitten who the meets them sympathy for the rain that started halfway detractions from his fine per¬ the curfew at Pine Knob. Sayer «„ »e dashing playboy when she through formance were due to the songs rings the wrong doorbell while inadvertantly 8:30 p.m., and! will continue his world tour Lon of Neil Simon's adolescent farce Come looking for a her show. Songs from Better interspersed throughout the through the summer and fall; unday at 2:30 p Horn. friend. Isn't that just too-too Days and Happy Endings" show. Your funny? I thought I'd and though it him may cost i Ballroom. bust a gut. made up her show along with This the fault of Diiv is where it all started for Simon, 16 was not ., There is a stage tunes from all her previous some for shoes I'm sure money « L on Broadway. It was Mick, fluffy, adage that goes something like this: 85 per cent of a releases, she even pulled a song Sayer as much of the songs as to the nature he'll'keep on dancin' to the entertainment then, and it hasn t aged good production is — repetitious love enjoyment of all. getting the best possible script and the best off James Taylor's "Gorilla" TLlav it looks for sdl the world like a sign of possible cast to bring that script to life. I might record for her first of two „'it is a sad comment that this pathetic 01 '®t dream of a comedy is still being Jshed, let alone produced, add that, with rare exceptions, if you don't get the first, the second will not save your skin. This encores. Little did we know those encores would return to Dog Days may soon be over production is not exceptional. Come Blow Your haunt the Sayer performance. ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — If a bill requiring dog owners in then the lights went up. there it was - the Horn Sayer, in 1973 Thursday through Sunday, Aug. 4 to runs an obscure new "pooper scooper" law New York City and Buffalo to Jo, pad from a 1965 Hollywood bedroom 7, at the Okemos Barn Theater. Curtain is 8:00 singer/songwriter, was com¬ works, the sidewalks in New clean up after their pets. The It was all there, right from the check list, missioned to write every track York's two largest cities will be bill, which takes effect next Roger Daltrey's first solo age on cleaner starting a year from album, which won acclaim for Aug. 1, provides for policemen and sanitation officers to write fie Island of Dr. Moreau' emerges Leo Daltrey and valuable contacts forSayer. While this adventure Gov. Hugh Carey's office announced that he had signed a tickets for fines up to $100 for violators. snt compensate Sayer appeared at Pine Knob Tuesday. really started him rolling, his lercial corrupti career back to the 60s and goes BYRON BAKER the Virgin Islands — is routine, early 70's. During this time good doctor. His performance gait News Reviewer pallid stuff, containing little of doesn't evoke the audience's Sayer joined many semi-pro in problei today is that i * belt that can be said of the sense of mystery and empathy — which is unfortu¬ Alfred Lunt is dead at 84 bands and even did a stint with VARSITY INN Kt film version of H.G. wonder of the 1932 version, or nate since his character is soul bands touring U.S. searching for Army even the original Wells novel. g ilt Island of Dr. Moreno supposed to serve as a prism GENESEE DEPOT, Wis. bases. He claims this period GOOD FOOD O PIZZA O DRINKS m him while all in New York and it jt refreshes faded mem- through which the audience (AP) — Actor Alfred Lunt, who began a marked the low point of his "anything." Dt its name const; show viewings long i of lite Some of the picture's failings can be traced to the views Moreau's doings. held a commanding position on brilliant career together in the musical career. HAPPY HOUR 2-5 it 1932 movie inspired by miscasting early 1920s. Since those lows it has been elbit sad. Run of Burt Lancaster as Moreau. Worse yet, director Don Tay¬ the American stage for more They chose urbane, often • Pitchers & drinks '/i off the potential ume source called The Lancaster's overriding pres¬ lor seems to have no feel at all than 30 years, died Wednesday straight up for Sayer who has • Drafts ddLoetSouli. for the subject. His comic, material, worked intent- produced three number 1 sin- half price wizard and ence is simply too sane, too helming is at age 84. I continued on page 14) that picture, Charles r he is just m then in his prime reasonable to make Moreau's workmanlike but uninspired, Lunt died at Northwestern Live entertainment sometl aser, - flirtations with madness plau¬ creating neithersuspense nor General Hospital in Chicago, lijed the deranged Moreau teeded in today rid. ie hilt, expertly enacting sible. The actor doesn't seem to bring the proper intensity to audience involvement. He has brought no discernible style to where he underwent surgery for bladder cancer last month. nitely at nine nt of twisted genius who the 1227 E.Grand River the role — he manifests little project, and the theme and Lynne Fontanne, his wife and I relish utilizing compli- concrete evidence of his alleged story would seem to require a equally illustrious stage part¬ Ph. 332-6517 biochemical techniques to ! obsession with his bizarre proj¬ specific stylistic approach to be ner, was attheir wooded estate jt beasts into men and ects. most affecting. here, Ten Chimneys, when he I Wo animals. In terms of The American International died. VAT atmosphere and sheer the picture remains Michael York portrays a sea¬ release is at the Meridian 8 Lunt and Fontanne achieved { MBVICI STATION TODAY man who has the misfortune to theatres. stardom individually, then met J HOII. Grand «!»., NEJAC TV RENTALS A Foot one memory of a wash up on the shore of « No*I to Varsity Inn 337-1010 Long Chili Dog childhood. Moreau's isle; he is distant and ♦»»»»»»*»»**»♦»♦♦♦»♦♦■ and 10 oz. draft -a $6 million wooden — even while being shot on location in transformed into a beast by the There IS a difference!!! IS4 with this coupon! I Tired of year MCAT LSAT -DAT GMAT .VAT •GRE 'QCAT 2p.m. -5p.m. I own cooking? • NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS I Boll's hat • ECFMG .FLEX Flexible Programs and Hours lirMtpizxaA Over 31 years o! experience end success. Smell classes Voluminous home study materials. Courses thai ere constantly updated. Centers AUGUST SPECIAL! I Winders open days and weekends ell year. Complete tape facilities lor review of diss lessons end lor use of supplementary materials. Mihe-ups lor missed lessons at our centers. HSM.A.C. Flexible Programs and Hours . 332■5037 Check out these 100% | 1135E. Gd. River NillS: 21JB1431S 332 - 0151 IHMV: nylon, full fashioned Mfram 11:00 a.m Or writ* to: 29225 Orchard Laka Rd. l-Mlvsrlts From 4:30 p.m. Suite #205 Farmington Hills, Ml. 41010 panties by Lollipop. lAtriliaied Centers in Major U. S. Citi One size fits 4-7. | HAVEN'T YOU PUT OFF In beige, blue, white, OWNING \ black, pink, or yellow. Mcintosh Bikinis '.00 ea. LONG ENOUGH? Briefs *1.19 ea. HI-FI BUYS 1101 E.GRAND RIVER E. I. PH. 337-1757 4810 W. SAGINAW LAN. PH. 321-2373 "\Soo1co • ^Bottoms ^Up TOlUfll University Mall 2nd level Mon.-sot. io-5:30 22D MA C. East Lansing Thurs. 10-8 PITIR FRAMPTON "I'm In YOU" This Areas Only Mulli -Media Discotheque *4.9* 284.1 F Gd River E Ions 351-1201 ■pon'4- E>£ t)£fe4+*d Enjoy Your Weekend at the Rainbow Ranch MARATHON HOUSE PARTY FRIDAY C SATURDAY Beer Special til 8:00 Dancinq at 9:30 Both Nitcs FRIDAY SUPER TG • SUNDAY prices effective thru Aug. 7,1977 rock n rou. beer blast 3-6 M W-1V ^lc\3, 1 Half Price Beer, Martinis, Special Prices on J Pitchers & Mixed Drinks / Manhattcns 10< HOT DOGS W001C0 W00LC0 A Total Entertainment Concept Featuring A* *he Alle Wc MERIDIAN MALL WAVERLY PLAZA cks • IPSO Grand Rlvwc 100 S.Wavarly Road Specia1 Every Nite Give Away Fun Okamoi. Michigan tanning, Michlgon £ PHONE: 349.2111 PHONE: MI-MI* itinueus Dancing 7 Nite • ••»!& • OPEN DAILY 10-9:30 p.m. SUNDAY 11-5 p.m 414 Elm wood taming 2125 Grand East Laming flivyr Friday, Augun 5, 1977 8 Michigon Stote News, Eojt Lansing, Michigan ABANDON SUBURB PLANS Five Seasons a treat for fans Red Wings sign' Detroit With By EDWARD L. BONDERS State New. Sports Writer litigation and seven figure salaries abounding in professional sports today, the American sports fan has an their beloved Tigers is related humorously by Angell ( attempts to schedule his surgical appointments in h0l 7""i whose operating rooms have adequate reception, the good doctor not to miss a pitch on the radio.) thus alliT^I understandable reason to divert his relaxation time to other The three fans relate their seemingly endless inform r I By RICHARD L. SHOOK tion next to Cobo Arena, rather down Woodward or Jefferson utive who also has vast real than spectator sports. With that sad, but true, fact evident among the sports fans, bank concerning baseball and the Tigers through artistic selection of prose. This chapter alone An!5?J UPI Sport* Writer than a projected place across Avenues, two of Detroit's main estate and insurance holdings. makes rM DETROIT (UPI) - The De- the road from the Pontiac thoroughfares, and not hurt many worthwhile tales, memories and human occurrences are Seasons a bargain for die-hard Bengal loyalists. "We always said we'd keep troit Red Wings, succumbing to Silverdome where the Detroit anylmdy any more," the beam¬ relegated to obscurity. Other choice passages in Five Seasons include a . all doors open," Norris said, ! intense wooing by Mayor Cole¬ Lions play football. ing Young said. playing down the bitter words However, Roger Angell has cast a light in the darkness of free agency and profit-seeking sports moguls with his artistic at spring training and an afternoon with Horace Stonehu! * ■ "I think you'd find yourself former owner of the San Fransisco Giants. man A. Young, abruptly aban- The Red Wings got what that flew when the Red Wings Angell's visit with a lawsuit on your hands if observation of major and minor league baseball in Five Seasons Stoneham elicits memories from past baseball ; doned the suburbs Wednesday they desired: control of the site announced their intention to exploits Am, ($9.95 Simon and Schuster). delivers the theme of those times in a fashion which n favor of a 30-year agreement of their games. As sweeteners you shot off so much as a BB flee to a new structure in makes tk ■ making them the prime and Young gave management of the gun," Young said with a grin. Pontiac, Mich., some 25 miles Angell displays the delicacy of a surgeon in restructuring the reader believe he's sitting there with Stoneham in ,iS controlling tenants in a down¬ new arena, Cobo Arena and a The 20,000-seat facility — from their current near-down¬ classic and not so classic events of the past five seasons. He Candlestick Park. ch|) takes the reader into many scenes which a less adroit scribe Perhaps the ultimate in description is Angell's treatm.m town riverfront arena. 2,000-car parking structure to plus 11,000-seat Cobo Arena — town playing site. "We've al¬ Young got what he wanted: the team which runs Olympia will be leased to the Olympia ways supported downtown De¬ would seem to gloss over. And, while the author's sheer love for the national pastime the nearly fabled 1975 World Series between Cincinatti. As he does throughout the work, Boston ^ the National Hockey League Stadium, the NHL team's cur¬ Stadium management team for troit." Angell incot 30 years, with options for cannot be mistaken throughout the theme of Five Seasons, ates the dynamics of a classic sporting event with (NHL) franchise playing its rent home. the "I don't think it can be said another 30 years included. "What is important here is Angell also takes a harsh look at the items which plague feeling of the average fan. games in the city's posh ice baseball. In return, the city the final bottom line," the The reader, however, should not expect the entire palace, already under construc¬ that you can shoot a cannon will get $450,000 annually in rent plus smiling Young purred. "Here Five Seasons to be flashbacks to glory. Angell takes'.,,, we are, sitting But, the bottom line of Five Seasons reflects the genuine an additional $2 million in together, saying swipe at the designated hitter rule in the American lei from the attached nice things about each other. boy's game played by grown men, despite theories to the visits with Steve Blass, who turned from World Series hi MSU's Rudolph 4th parking structure plus a 50-cent surcharge on each ticket for What more do you want?" contrary. Angell incorporates many factors in rekindling the memories scatter-armed pitcher with no medical explanation professional demise; and an extensive look at the It And where did this leave the of Five Seasons. Perhaps the one memory Detroit fans would . each arena event. business problems, i.e. television, which plague and at Detroit Pistons, who have ex¬ most closely associate with is Angell's visit with three Tiger MSU gymnast Jeff Rudolph was a member of the five man The city projects, conserva¬ threaten to ruin baseball. pressed their own intention to fans-supreme. Whether enjoyed on a balmy summer afternoon. United States team that recently participated in the Macebbiah tively it says, $3.5 million in move out of Cobo Arena in Games in Israel. Rudolph had a score of 49.55, or an average of 8.3, revenues each year for use in cold and dark of winter's hot stove league. Rover A favor of a more modern facility in the all-around. His best performance was a fourth place in the paying off the $2.2 million it will with more seats? pommel horse. need to retire bonds for the Rudolph, from Bronx, N.Y., will return to the MSU team as a arena and parking facility. senior and the captain of the team this winter. Rudolph has been "Basically, it was a solid MSU's top overall man the past two seasons in the all-around. business decision," said Red The U.S. men's gymnastics team placed second in the overall Wings' owner Bruce A. Norris, competition. a wealthy grain shipping < wil tiole News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Friday, August 5, 1977 Senior citizens protest By CHRIS KUCZYN8KI the .U ,,t 200 senior citizens gathered Wednesday night to protest Lansing Seni >r Citizens Board, it was headquarters for both centers. Ab°l7of Lansing Senior Citizens Center #2. "Without Center »1 thn C!«s announced July 25 that the center would have to be Lenter #2 has 225 you can't have Center #2," he said. members and between 60 and 90 senior ^Sept. 30 because of a reduced budget to run Centers #1 and citizens use its facilities every day. Center #1 has 253 members. "ne citizens voted in favor of a proposal by Lansing Mayor Fifty thousand dollars would be needed to maintain the IH Graves to appoint a committee of ten; all senior citizens, to unless another, more facility economical faciltiy could be found. It was »lve the problem of finding more funding or a more economical SllicunyUn^ faCiHiy 156 m°Ved 40 " C'ty 0Wn8d buUding11 "m'fenter located on 517 W. JoUy Road, is one of two senior ,iti«n facilities that provide meals, recreation and other activities MC,Hr„rJe".tly;LthelCentcr Methodist Church. If theis loc4ted the basement of the Christ facUtiy is moved to the building on Curry Lane, rent and utility costs will be City owned ,0'!h.e,^Centers which receive a total of $209,000 from the Thomas Gumings, a member reduced. infornuti. , Jh Community Development Fund and the Ingham County Board said he is satisfied of the Lansing Senior Citizens that there is through AnX Stment of Social Services (DSSKwill receive only $73,000 for the senior citizens and cooperation on the part of one make* Si Krning year. Center #1 is on 1122 West Ottawa, Lansing, Simon Nama, Lansing City government. ts. ^ ' Lugh senior citizens say the facilities at Center #2 are chairperson of the committee that will search for a le a relaxing u irior to the facilities at Center #1, Center #1 was chosen to Sil!f will be found i P5°blern' or said he has no ide» whether the money the center will be ce Stoneham, tl "main because according to Reverend J. E. Graven, president of solution will be found that will moved, but was optimistic that satisfy everyone concerned. a CB volunteers aid county police By ED LION niques. "I would say if it saves St,te News Staff Writer Local police believe the pro- one funds for such a program. life it's worth it," said gram is working. Dennis Because response by CBers the event of an emergen- Beckner, civilian head of the to aid law enforcement ientire Ingham, Clinton is so length i "We find them a big help," tri-county group. enthusiastic, the Tri-County ell takes time laton Counties said Lt. Roderick LaMore of the - He said Watch uses the telephone to American league 1(j on an auxiliary force of Michigan State Police. having a CB radio in iSeries hero to "It's his car saved his life when he notify its members of search trained volunteers - especially good for traffic and con¬ was stranded and in need of rescue efforts. ■lanation for aught together through that trol." medicine. "We'd be One of the victims of five-car accident Stole News/John Mortell at the legal _ rnomena of the road, the overrun if we put Lake Lansing Road a on M-78 and plied to her right leg by a rescue worker before she out fue and at time men's Band radio. He estimated each month "It saved my life and I can at a general broadcast. It Wednesday has an air-cast ap- is helped from her badly-damaged camper. CBers help get 35 to 40 least try and pay that would uncontrollable to co¬ drunk back," he Loral CBers found that in and potentially said. ordinate a search," said Lt. jition to using the radio to dangerous Abbott. drivers off the road. Beckner is l(|( "smokies" and the law, a major advocate of setting up a statewide CB So far, however, the , also could help the law. The local CB group group, called network with standardized has not been called on to aid in the Community Radio Watch, training lit vear. with the coopera- so police throughout any searches. has a monitoring CB station the state would have on of focal enforcement agen- which is manned most of the reliable DPS Seargent Groll said the including the MSU De- volunteers at their disposal. CB program has led to the rt'ment of Public Safety day in the Lansing Police Radio He hopes to get the ball reporting of a few on campus PSI, they organized into an Laboratory. CBers on the road accidents. call in reports there and the rolling for the plan and police Biliary force. base then contacts the officers seem to think it's a appro¬ priate police agency. good idea. He idea is successful and officials all seem enthu Police officials say it saves "Certainly if it can help us be : about the idea. About 25 more effective them manpower and we should look Krcounties in the state have helps into it," said Lt. Roderick. alir programs and CBers are them cover the area better. en mulling over the idea for a Roderick is looking into the "We just don't have the aide network. possibility of securing federal manpower to have someone I'll really helps us," said Sgt. monitor the CB channels full- time," said Lt. Richard Abbott, ■orge Groll, the DPS liaison commander of the |lhe CB group. "It gives us Lansing state police post. "And we can't more eyes and ears. And it afford to send a guy out for en civilian participation." false reports. This time when Idlers participating in the we get a call from these CBers pgram undergo a 15-hour we know it's a bona fide call." Ling program in how to Police and CBers alike say irt calls, spot approaching it's hard to determine how , and participate in many lives the program has and rescue efforts. In saved. But it has led to prompt ion, they are now required response to some serious acci B brush up on first aid tech dents. Cooking With | A Foreign Accent SunuTBook* Available at the CAMPUS BOOK STORE Across from Berkey Hall NpW AVE thru August 12th — 20% on any JUNSET BOOK IN STOCK. 1 Q Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing. Michigan PLAYER'S OALLIRY presents Shakespeare's County government board positions open The Taming of the Shrew Debbie Stabenow, chairper¬ who are interested to apply for county govern¬ terms. for the above positions should TONIGHT, FRIDAY AUG. 5 ot 815 B of the Ingham County an appointment to one of the ment. They include: •Board of Health: five- obtain an application form from SAT., AUG. 6 and SUN., AUG. 7 at j-J* son one Board of Commissioners, re¬ boards or commissions in •Capital Region Airport year term. the Board of Commissioners' cently appealed to Ingham Ingham County. The Board will Authority: one four-year term. •Historical Commission: two office at the Ingham County In the oir-conditioned Ballroom of the County residents to become select the new members from •Community Mental Health three-year terms. Courthouse in Mason, or at the Union I NEJAC TV RENTALS more active in county politics among the applicants in Sep¬ Board: one three-year term. •Ingham Medical Board of County Clerk's Lansing office in Tickets S2.00 adults, HOP children under 12, tember. 337-1010 availahig by applying to become part of •Coordinating Zoning Com¬ Control: one five-year term. Lansing City Hall. at o*k the county government. There are currently 22 open¬ mittee: one three-year term. The applications must be Stabenow asked all those ings on II different boards and ' •Fair Board: two four-year •Library Board: one five- submitted by Aug. 15, since the year term. appointments will be made at •Board of Social Services: the September board meeting. FOREIGN!!!) AWARD WINNING CLOWNS TO PERFORM one three-year term. •Veterans' Affairs Commit¬ tee (one each from Korea and Clown Day festivities planned Vietnam): terms. two three-year If it isn't too late to juggle this weekend's plans, you'll want to and Glorious Mid-Michigan Gal- will be part of the annual nation- SAT, AUGUST 20 -8PM of Clowns. wide celebration of Clown Week catch the fifth birthday celebra¬ tion of Clown Day this Sunday axy Sunday's clowning around by the Clowns of America, Inc. ME TllO STADIUM, LANSING from noon to 6 p.m. at the SPECIAL GUESTS Potter Park Zoo in Lansing. Tumbling, stumbling and MICHAEL STANLEY HAM) skateboarding for the crowd will be Lansing's own award GEflERflL RDmiSSIOn: 6.00 advance 7.00 winning Circles the Clown (Bill dag of show Lorkwood) and Lansing's dean TICKETS: Discount Records. Recordland in the of clowns, Whistles the Clown meridian (A1 Fast). & Lansing mails & in Jackson, metro Stadium Performing with Circles and Whistles will be the Lockwood family clowns, Tootles, Drip- Today opan7:IS Sat. (Sun. Feature at at 2:00 3:45 Drop and Yum-Yum, along with ■ the Fast family clowns, Cream 7:30 - 9:25 5:35 - 7:33-9:30 I Puff, Sweetie-Pie, Toots and Feathers. Redford, Nicholson, Streisand, De Niro All are members of the Grand together for the first time in the same ad !NS AT 7:30 SHOW STARTS AT DUSKl ICOMING MON. 8 TUES. 9 ONLY A SUPER LADIES SPECIAL I THE BIGGEST STAR OF X MOVIES m DESIRES WITHIN HIT 2 YOUNG GIRLS 1SSJSSSUR1IV, £3&T ADnilPTIMI k 3 UT-® ABDUCTION HIT XXX (HITS &0* loL Jffa J IPX OFFICI OPENS AT 7:10 SHOW STAHH AT DUSK INTIXTAINMjNU-^-^H 1 FI,c?ATS?N. iOHNN^WADD HSTJN TMFll . X 69 MINUTES HIT 2 PERFECT POSITKXI HIT 3 ONCE AND FOR ALL J AU FILMS FOR ADULTS ONLY RATIO XXX [ ABSOLUTELY NO ONI UNDER 18 ADMITTED Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 5, 1977 1 1 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 Class If M Advertising Art Swfajg) Employment jf L Honses j,j£; Rooms For Silo 1 f^| Information JUNK CARS wanted. We pay DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, mod¬ more if they run. Also LAKE LANSING buy used Rd. 1 and 2 EAST SIDE-nice 3 bedroom, 5 MALE ROOMMATE, own room in cars and trucks. ern facilities, experience, person FOR SALE: Dresser. Good condi¬ bedrooms, I PHONE 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg. 8-26 (14) 3321-3651. C-12- who can type and do insurance. $7S0/month. Box F-6, State Newa. near bus. $174.60. After 6 p.m. 374-0949. From minutes campus. $265 plus. Ideal students/family. 351-8816. 3-8-8 3 bedroom, 1% bath, 7th floor, Northwind Farms apartments. tion, $15 Call 676-4686. X-Z-5-8- 10 13) 8-8-22 131 4-8-12 (51 Pool, sauna, air conditioning, dish¬ FOR FAST RELIABLE washer. Must be grad student or IT IS the policy of the~STATE RATES service on your FEMALE TO share 2 budroom, 2 3-4-5 BEDROOMS, close to cam¬ 1 WANT TO work in Africa? Peace employed. Available now for NEWS that the last 4 weeks of DAM day ■ 90C par line email car bath. $110/month. Terri 393-1447 pus, furnished, carpeted. Year $116.66 per month plus deposit. term all Student Classified Adver¬ 3 days • SOC Corps has opportunities for all 351-5509. 8 8-22 <31 lease. 487-0114. Z 10-8-26 (3) par Una (American or import) Call 337-1123 for appointment. tising must be paid for in advance majors. For more information UJO 4 days • 75C CALL TODAY 3-8-8(10) par Una come to the AFRICAN STUDIES beginning August 1,1977. Bring or FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM, 'A FR~ANcis~LOVELY "panelled" 4- mail to 347 Student Services. 5 days ■ 70C par Una CENTER, Room 106, International block from campus. bedroom home. $280/month, Air, security 321- HJO Una rata par Insertion Center or phone 353-1700. 3-8-10 16) lock. 351-8241. 8-8-22 |3| 0031. 8-8-19 (31 □or Sate K; Sp-12-8-12 181 NEW, USED and vintage guitars, AVAILABLE FOR fall. Two 5 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers SUMMERTIME AND time hands? Use it to earn on your money Waters Edge bedroom houses. Within walking distance of Campus. Call 351- Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ sories, books, thousands of herd- selling AVON. Call 482-6893. C-3- and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING bonoLines • 3 lines • '4.00 - 5 doys. 80" per line over 8-10 (31 4107. 0-11-8-26 15) COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, to-find albums. (All at very low 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. prices}. Private and group iessons opposite City Market. C-12-8-26 Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum LIKE TO clean? Mother needs Now Leasii NEAR FRANDOR. 4 or 5 bed¬ (6) on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all someone 4-5 hours a week rooms. Deposit, 9-12 month lease. styles. Gift certificates. Expert sale price of '50. for 1050 Water's Edge Mark, 372-9044 after 10 p.m. repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY cleaning. Call 351-1205 after 4 BSR 310-X Turntable without Peanuts Personal ads - 3 lines - '2.25 - per insertion. p.m. 1-8-5 14) (next to Cedar Village) 8-8-22 (31 cartridge, $30. Call 332-2159 or INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). 1206 Oakland River. 332-4331. C-10-8-26 1491 2 MALE roommates needed for 355-8252, ask for Mike W. S-5-8- Irmmage/Gorofle Sale ads ■ 4 lines • '2.50. Call for 333*4432 Appt, NEAT, MATURE person for at¬ new 4-man house 12 (3) TO CLEAN COFFEE STAINS from 53' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. IV4-4411 tendant to attorney of starting fall. slight build Close, central air, all utilities paid. china or plastic, rub stain with in wheelchair. MAPLE CAPTAINS chairs with 'Round Town ads • 4 iines • '2.50 • per insertion. THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE Evenings and morn¬ ings, lifting involved. Attendant SPARROW NEAR-East $115, 10 minutes to campus. Side, 351;6858 orJ3C-3202_ 10-8-26_I5) padded seats, $15 each. Cash 'n' baking soda. To find a cash buyer for that china closet 53'per line over 4 lines. free 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 351-8816. 3-8 8 131 HOUSES FOR Rent. 2-5 bed¬ carry, first come, first choice. you no longer Compensa¬ use, place a low-cost ad LostB Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines - '1.50 - tion includes full basement apart¬ rooms, well located, close to MOON'S RESTAURANT, Albert/ in Classified. per insertion. 50* per line over 3 lines. piployMMTIfjl IT IS the policy of the STATE ments. References. 374-8652. 6-8- 17(81 MICHIGAN/PENNSYLVANIA- efficiencies, $110, $120. Adults, no children or pets. Call 484-4840; campus. From $275/month. Call EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. 0-11-8 26161 MAC, 11 a.m.-until gone. E-5-7-8 (5) BASSETT CRIB and rattan dressing table with 4 mattress, JANITOR-MORNINGS. 332 1396.8 8 19 (41 draw¬ Deadlines NEWS that the last 4 weeks of afternoons. some See first for any ers, $100,321-6028. 3-8-8 (31 THE AMERICA'S ROOMMATES NEEDED, farm¬ us of your term all Student Classified adver¬ WALK TO campus. household needs. Ads • 2 p.m. • 1 class day before publication. CUP-ALLE-EY is seeking to hire Large 4 house. Own room. 3 miles from tising must be paid for in advance part time and full time janitors. bedroom house. 2 baths, 229 campus. Pets, horses O.K. $80 We stock furniture, applian¬ BLACK DIRT sod farm soil. Ap¬ Concellation/Change - 1 p.m. • 1 class day before beginning August 1,1977. Bring or televisions and stereo Apply in person, AMERICA'S Collingwood. Reduced for sum¬ plus utilities. 337-7776, Z-4-8-12 (41 ces, proximately 6 yards delivered lo¬ publication. mail to 347 Student Services. CUP RESTAURANT, 220 MAC. mer to $250/month. Call EQUITY equipment. We also carry all cally. $39. Sand and landscape Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Sp-12-8-12 181 6-8-15 16) VEST. 351-1500. 0-12-8-26(5) SHARE HOUSE with student. 5 types of sporting goods, rocks available. Call 641-6024; until after 1st insertion. minutes MSU. $100/month for 3 musical equipment and 484-3379. 0 11-8-26 15) STORE DETECTIVE-CJ major. |oworly. There is a *1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' months starting Sept. 1. Option additional change for maximum of 3 per Call between 10am-3pm, Monday- CHALET APARTMENTS after. 487-2238. 4-8 21 (51 Our rapair shop works on lost I Found i changes. Friday. 641-6734. 8-8-12 (31 all brands of electronics. The State News will only be responsible for the 1st TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. Next to compus. spacious, air NEED 4 couples for 4 bedroom Stop in and check out our TYPISTS NEEDED, fall term. conditioned, furnished, 2 bed¬ LOST: TIGER eye and gold neck¬ day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- house. Partially furnished, near bargains. be made within 10 days of expiration date. MUST type 60wpm. Apply in 1010. C-12-8-26 131 room, shog carpeting. Gables, parking, 349-3546. 6-8-15 lace, lost around area of Campus Foil from $334 month. Yeor person today. Aug. 5th at 427'A 13) Corners, sentimental value, re¬ tills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not Albert St, (Towne Courier Bldg). from $290 month. DICKMR A DIAL ward. 355-2917; 355-2915. Z-2-8-8 paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will be due. Students only apply. S-1-8-5 (51 f~ Aparftits l|yj Summer still available. MALE GRAD Seeks roommates for 3 bedroom furnished Lansing 1701 South Cudar (4) 487-3886 ELECTRONIC REPAIRMAN IT IS the policy of the STATE 332*6197 house, 1 mile from campus. Start LOST: LADIES gold dinner ring. Wanted. Experience necessary in fall. 482-9289 evenings. Z-3-8-8 (41 NEWS that the last 4 weeks of Large garnet set circled by small stereo and related repair. TV or CB term all Student Classified adver¬ TWO BEDROOM, South Lansing. garnets. Owen Grad Hell or cam¬ GUITAR GOODIES. Used Gibson: experience helpful, good working NORTHEAST LANSING. 2 bed pus. reward, call 641-6721. Z-5-8- tising must be paid for in advance Carpeting, some air, garbage dis¬ Explorer, Les Pauls, SG's, ES (■Mine [ Antemotive conditions plus benefits. See Greg at WILCOX TRADING POST, 509 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. posal, ceramic tile bath. $140 plus. 351-2166. 2-8-5 (4) room brick bungalow, unfur¬ nished, carpet, garage, $175, de¬ 335's, ES 120 & ES 125. Used Fender: Stratocaster, Telecaster. 15(41 E. Michigan, Lansing. Please, Sp-12-8-12 (8) posit, references. Married couple no & Fender basses. Also, Vintage FOUND 10-12 week old tiger the phone calls. C-10-8-26 1101 DELUXE 2 BEDROOM-air, car- only, no children, pets. 663-4345; policy of the STATE VW 1974 7 passenger bus. Very Martins: 000-21 Herringbone, 000- kitten, by MSU Vet Clinic. Call FEMALE GRAD student looking 482-1727. 8-8-12 (61 IS that the lest 4 weeks of clean, excellent mechanical condi¬ peted, heat and water furnished. 18. D35. Gibson: Rosewood ROY 353-5420 ext. 205. Z-2-8-5 (3) I hi Student Classified Advor- tion, $3300. 339-2536. 10-8-26 (4) RECEPTIONIST, FULL-time, for for roommate, 2-man apartment $220. 332-8215. 0 12-8-26 (3) QUALITY HOUSES and duplexes, SMECK-1936, J200. Gibson man¬ freshman yearbook portrait pro¬ just off campus (616) 781-7652. dolins: A & F models. Excellent jmust be paid for in advance fall, 3-7 bedrooms, campus near. RALPH THE ready-made Sept. 26 to Nov. 23. I BEDROOM apartment for rent dog lost hnj August t, 1977. Bring or gram, 4-8-5J3) From $350'month. Also 1-2 bed selection of used guitar amps & to 347 Student Services. Lease $3.50/hour, 40 hrs./week. Good MALE TO share, 1 mile from off Mt. Hope near Cedar St. room apartments and rooms. 332 PA systems by Ampeg, Fender, July 30 St. at 711 Burcham. Bernard mix Shepard- 141218) typing skills on Selectric, ability to $140/month. Small deposit, no Peavey, Traynor, Sunn. Plus new wearing flea campus. $80/month, 1946. C-12-8-26 (51 collar. 351-8777. Z-3-8-8 151 a supervise students. Possibility of air, fur¬ pets, children. Available August Shure Vocelmaster PA systems, nished. On busline. 332-1185 working January. Call 355-8263 31st, 371-1879. 3-8-5(51 microphones & accessories. Com¬ 1 1869 This is a hot onel mornings. 8-8-5 (3) EAST LANSING duplex, 4 bed¬ \ dutch. Take over pay- Volve ITues-Fri) to arrange interview. 4-8-12 (11) rooms, 2 baths, rec room, 2 levels. plete line of band instruments, all LOST: BLACK cat with black collar. Burcham and Abbott. Re¬ Is 676-9334.8-7-29 (31 LASS BROUGHAM 1977, ex¬ 119.92 GENERAL OFFICE. Typing-book- EFFICIENCY, ONE OR TWO BED¬ ROOM. East side and downtown □»louses $400. 374 6366. 0-12-8-26 131 tested and guaranteed. BUY- SELL-TRADE. WILCOX TRAD ING POST, 509 E. ward. 351-6461. Z-4-8-10 (31 Lansing. Call now for list of IT IS the policy of the STATE HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES! Michigan. p»r month keeping background. Call Carol Lansing, 485-4391. C-12-8-26 1801 it loaded. $6250. Phone 77.3-8-513I 48 months open DOOLEY'S 351-9001 between 9-2 for interview. 2-8-8 141 at September, openings. AIM, INC., 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified adver¬ Call now to see our list of East side homes which will be available lor BOOKS, L Personaljf/j 0-12-8-26 (6) September leasing. AIM, INC., MAGAZINES, comics tising must be paid for in advance [WSDN26,000 1974 4-door station end lease WANTED STEREO salesman with beginning August 1,1977. Bring or 374 2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332 6741. and SHOP. more! CURIOUS 307 E. Grand River. 332 BOOK IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of miles, steel belted 0-12 8-26 (61 Breed Mew Iff? FALL, MSU one block. One mail to 347 Student Services. |k 386-7801. Z-6-8 15 131 previous experience. Easy person¬ bedroom, furnished apartments. Sp-12-8-12 18) 0112. C-12-8-26 (31 term all Student Classified Adver¬ Volvo MSB ality and energy a must. Know¬ tising must be paid for in advance No pets. 332-3746. 1-8-5 (3) UN WAGON 68. New bat- Cook Nerrheee ledge of photo equipment helpful. SPARROW NEXT door, students, Rooms CONN CORONET, used 3 months, beginning August 1,1977. Bring or /gv Good pay plus many benefits. See new $176, sell $125. Mens 3 |kregulator and exhaust, VW VOLVO MAZDA ONE BEDROOM apartment, near nurses, 5 bedrooms, decorated, diamond wedding band, appraised mail to 347 Student Services. dependable, S400/best of- Greg at WILCOX TRADING IT IS the policy of the STATE Sp-12-8-12 (8) ul 641-6406. Z-1 -8-5 14) 1I1SW. S#§ Inaw 311.,H0 POST, 509 E. Michigan, Lansing. campus. From $195. Heat and carpeted, consider capable resi¬ $180, sell $115. Men's cross dent manager. 351-8810 or after 5 NEWS that the last 4 weeks ol Man. S Ihun. 'Ill* (cloiWSat.) water included. 351-4091. 0-12-8- country ski package. Never used, Please, no phone calls. C-10-26 p.m. 351-0676. 3-8-8 I5I term all Student Classified Adver¬ $135. 487-1911; 373-7192. 9-8-24 DART 1973 Sport. 71,000 26(3) Oil AR ANTIID WIIONT nns teems tot re 1111 tising must be paid for in advance Jet, sunroof, power. $1000/ (71 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or LOSSMOGtAM ■ •tier. 393-7446; 393-5941. SAVE FOR summer, own room in EAST LANSING residential living. RESIDENT MANAGER couple for mail to 347 Student Services. Feel healthier as you lose un¬ 3 man furnished apartment. No Responsible couple. 2 bedroom small apartment building in Has- Sp-12-8-12 (81 wanted fat and keep it off. lease 349-1883 after 6 p.m. 8-8-12 ranch duplex. Carpeted, appli¬ VOLVO 1973. 43,000 miles, good lett. Inquire at HAMCO MANAGE¬ S7S4G2S. I - 5 pjL 850CC. Excellent gas 141 ances, full basement, large yard. condition. Best offer. 332-8376. MENT. 332-3900, evenings phone MALE ROOMMATE needed, own PIP Needs some work. Best 5-8-12 (31 332-3202. 0-12-8-26 (41 $245/month plus utilities. Avail¬ room, $90/month, includes utili¬ NORFOLK PINE. Beautiful plant 4 W1Klft*5$.i. LARGE SPACIOUS two bedroom able Sept. 1st. 351-0657. 0-2-8-5 feet high. In redwood planter, $30. 1 351-4697. Z 5-8-12 (3) townhouses, across from Berkey. 18) ties, no lease. 5596 Okemos Rd. 349 1449. Z-E 5-8-5 131 CHILD CARE-Housekeeping. 2 1 year lease, $295,351-0359. 5-8-5 332-8898 after 6 p.m. Z-5-8-10 13) RICK 1970, 2 door, good children, 6 and 7.11:30-5:30 p.m., 13) 3 BEDROOM, FURNISHED Animals £[>• $550 or best offer. W. 88-12 (31 Monday-Friday. Own transporta¬ house. $225/month. Deposit, no ESPECIALLY NICE house in coun¬ JAWA-CZ 350 road bike, 1974. tion, references required. End of ONE MALE student, sublease lease, ample parking. Call 882- try needs one female. Animals PUPPIES COLLIE mix, fawn/ I3I Reliable, easy to work on, unique August-June. $75/week. 349-3827 ■ Campus Hill Apartment. 77-78 7631. 6-8-10 (3) welcome. 625-7780. Z-1-8-5 13) white/black. Free. 6 weeks, Linda, ■"MET 1973. 47,000 miles. looks. $575, but I'm willing to after 5 p.m. 3-8-5 (6) school year. 3 good roommates, SEWING MACHINE SALE! Open 353-8816. E-5-8-5 (3) T®B, S,0O° 482-3852 after dicker. 351-6022, Pete. Z-2-8-5 (4) call Campus Hill 349-3530, Bob FIVE and six bedroom furnished LAW STUDENT desires mature arm Dressmaster. Stretch zig-zag FULL AND part-time summer (managerl. Z-8-8-12 (51 homes for fell, call 351-8135 or by White. $119.50 while they last. BABY BOA $25. Leaving MSU roommate, grad preferred, no employment for MSU students. 627-9773. 10-8-5 (31 EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. 76 KAWASAKI KZ900 with com¬ lease, deposit. 882-8321. 3-8-8 (3) August 5th. Call 351-4837. E-5-8-8 15-20 hours/week. Automobile re¬ NEAR POTTER Park, 1 bedroom. Ej CARL01971. Automatic, 4™. radials, plete Windjammer III. $2100 or quired. 339-9500; 339-3400. C-12- Air. carpet, dining room, heat LANSING-NEAR MSU. For fall 1115 N. Washington. 489-6448. C-2-8-8 1231 buckets, depen- trade, 676-3716. 3-8-10 (31 FALL 8-26 1171 included, $175. Call 351-2166. term, 2,3, and 4 bedroom homes in SINGLES, nicely furnished, El e;Lcondi,ion' 61650 P»«er. 485-0938. 2-8-613) residential areas. Close to bus shared kitchen, parking. Very RABBIT, FEMALE, BFAUTIFUL 3-8-10 141 close. $90-$120. 1976 HONDA 400F, 550 milea, route, will furnish. Call Chris, 332-1800; 372- markings, lovable, hutch included. 1 ANO 2 bedrooms in modern 8 1800. 0-4-8-10 (4) Call after 3 p.m. 482-2100. Z-1-8-5 $900 or best offer. 339-3236. Call 484-2164. 6-8-5 (51 fiw'fiA H°m'not blinkers ft™ jne. Rest 50 hot early or late. 3-8-10 131 unit. Furnished and unfurnished. RN-LPN wanted all shifts. Part- Call 372-0297. 8-8-17 131 4. 5. 6, 7 BEDROOM houses, all Nfe98™chan,c' time and full-time positions avail¬ very close. Good condition. 339- We Now Have I Art Smvia \\/\ able. Work every 3rd or 4th weekend. Apply in person PRO¬ OKEMOS 3 bedroom huge. Guar¬ anteed quiet includes air, dish¬ 2961. 6-8-8 13) Openings In LIVE A LITTLE! ■iMa? L™T excel- MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East VINCIAL HOSPITAL, 1226 East washer, 2 baths, drapes and mora. Available Sept. No pets. 332-3202. Michigan, Monday-Friday, 9 "» Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Complete auto painting and colli¬ 5 p.m. 3-8-5 (7) a.m.- 10-8-22 151 CAMPUS U& 3 bedroom »• sion service. American and foreign unFurnished apts, cars. 485-0256. C-12-8-26 114) CUSTODIAN-MARRIED to serve as couple church custodian, rent HILL soma with study f^A 1972. 6 cyl- free occupancy of a partially I: Power flood milaano TJ7 ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace your conventional Ignition with Piranha electronic ignition at a furnished parish house apartment, serving as part of enumeration. ♦21 from >190 per mo. Reply to State News, Box E-5. * (includes Gas heat ft CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 5-8-12 (7) Finished Apts. water) A 9°od transpor- CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama¬ rofta *Fres Rooamiate Service fctLeM,s KNOB HILL zoo Street, one mile west of Wkreen 5-9 "ar,s- Call p.m, 2-8-5 'Dishwashers campus. C-12-8-26171 Cedar Greons ' Central Air Conditioeieg WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top Apartments 'Swioaiig Pool APARTMENTS ■f Reliable ^ASTBACk dollar. 489-4647. NORTHSIDE C'mon I&27* ,'(ansPOrtation. AUTO PARTS Et SALVAGE. 0-12- over 'Uelisitad Parting ...ai (he pool (his Summer! L"3 2"3-8-8 (3) Now Leasing 8-28131 AND CHECK OUT COLLINGWOOD ARTS I •Pleasant landscaping KNOB HILL G furnished apartments Air full and Part Tim* Want»d: 'Special 12-mnth rates • conditioning • Shag carpeting • 9 or 12 month leases avoilable * * sir conditioned dishwasher APARTMENTS • Luxury furnishings • Private balconies MAT, MMNDABLI G swimming pool A shag carpeting f RBI BUS Office Open • Dishwashers • Swimming pool Gair conditioning 1115 Monday Saturday ALL MAJOM, A unlimited parking *• Gwith-in walking SIRVICK or by appointment Ollm ri'kil.,yI ii S.,luicl.iy It 2 ■XPIRiiNCI NIIMD. distance to campus A plush furniture A model open daily in 5,ud"r"s,r,ic#' Bid«- S^MlalratM Model Open 9-9 349-4700 781 •Maters* Now Everyday leasing for LOCATED •■4 tell Fall I ^'NCUAVURISTAINIAMT 1135 Michigan Ave. Coll 351 -8212 losing far Fall V. MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. 1 opaning August 29th , E. Lansing, 351-8631 (behind Old World Moll ON OKEMOS RD. APARTMENTS Abbott Rd..E.LBn»letB on the river I) CALL 349-3330 please, 731 Burcham Drive (next lo Brody) no pets 351 7212 12 Michigan Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan MlChigqnStofi Smrtn ||-in Classified. P-m- Door,s °Pe" 3 P m- Early Bird starts at 7 p.m. and television shows like Dak- and as a laboratory for the study of the printing Hough said that additional funds Regular at 7:30 Anyone who is interested in CAL DISCOUNT, 2617 E. Michi- TYPING. EXPERIENCED. Fast and p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY assisting NORML lobby for Michi¬ tari, an African-based safari craft. the project as well as suggestions of gan, Lansing, Michigan. 372-7409. reasonable. 371-4635. C-12-8-26 ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lan- gan marijuana reform please call program broadcast several Photographs, films and videotapes explaining item9 to be included in it are both C-3-8-51121 13) sing. C-12-8-26151 NORML at 373-2577. help to solidify those welcome. years ago, newspaper production methods will also be part THE STATE HEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★Save line ★Save Money Dependable Finns and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve yon "W Furniture Golf Course ARTS A CRAFTS ACMIBWMIMCO. Mottroawt & Box Springs ^ Chiehelm Hills modo hor# in Lonsing Oolf Course AIR -FRAIL 2397 S. Washington Rd. TOURS • CRUISES TWIN »49" OLD TOWN ARTS a CRAFTS HOTEL RESERVATIONS Antiques, gifts GREEN FEES Custom rnqde jewelry. COLLESE TRAVEL DOUBLE '59" 9 holes ■ '2.50 18 hole.-'4.00 Craft Clatiai OFFICE Odd (iiee to ordor Infants and Children's SHOES Complete line at macrome 4 • Widths B-KEE All Day - *6.00 130 W. Grand River • Orthopedic Shoes Always accepting original art Acme Bedding Make reserved Tee time East Leneing Co. • • Tap and Ballet P.K. Flyers for Sat., Sun. 8 Holidays work on consignment. 2415 N. Cedar, Holt 351-6010 405 Cherry 8 Kalamazoo • Cowboy Boots — Call 694-0169 on Thurs¬ FL PROFESSIONALS" Phone 407 ■ 4995 days for reservations. -pflftfiRa-n, Tees.-tet.U7 lew. U-KlosodMeti. AUTO SERVICE HEALTH FOOD BICYCLE SHOP OPTOMETRIST crosswof SPARTAN iHt'l THE COMPLETE PUZZLE 10% DISCOUNT ■fcycla Shop CO-OPTICAL MUFFLER CENTER WEDDING SERVICE to all MSU Bent Lane. JEWELRY: Orange Blossom 'NUKES AUTO PARTS, •tudantt SERVICES Gold Fasnm 'SHOCKS on purchase! of $2 OVER 400 QUALITY BIKES (Rest Leesfcf'i Oety Art Carted * FRONT END WORK INC. or more, yogurts and breads excluded •uy Now and otv oU Model. I Slis Ferts 4 Accessories (Mres, tubas, etc. Cocftfttive Optical) GIFTS ir. J. ft. Nixon. Optometrist CUnom Picture Framing 20% RALEIGH-COLUMBIA RK Producte Dannon Yogurt 31* STUDENT DISCOUNT LATE MODEL Motobecane • Puch # ETES EXAMINED -Layer Cuts ON ALL WORK MOTORS AND RANDALL HEALTH FOOD "Quality 10 spesdi of # GLASSES reasonab/e prices" . -Latest Styling PARTS A SPECIALITY fait assembled « checked out, # CONTACT LENS l-Women'a Halrcuti WITH I.D. Brookfleld Plaza 4972 Northwind Dr. 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA ••4-2154 Htlfway between Holt 4 1311 E. Grand Rivar (1st light eest of Hogadorn Rd.) 11$! I. Greed River ] 8 - 5:30 Mon. - Fri. I Open Thurldiy Evenings Mnofl on N. Cfdar iteekfMdHne 356-3359 487-9333 332-5192 East 3374061, S. Use.: 4S44062 $11 • »I0 TOBACCflWST BAKERY RESTAPRAHTS NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP HINCE AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOORI BIRTHDAY CAKI8 Baking Is our Business I THE GRAPE VINE *Cigaretts by: have to .toek • * Shames DuMU Sobraine - Hand decorated cakes - * All occasion cakes / Offeri you three oi lite'* pleaeuree - good play* •Pip« Tobacco< by: Jan, Rock, Polka'i, Waltzn, -.. J • Three Star and 20 Red Daer lTVe-Tl - PROFESSIONAL AUDIO * Cookies, donuts, and other food, good spirit*, and good eerviee. All { Balladt I Latin. 9, 6 Or 7 Heue bleeds REPAIR goodies found in a warm country fresh atmosphere! * Cakes delivered to your dorm ^ piece* 'Pipot by SavintUi Frot-i •I appearance, WARNING 532-4269 * Thro# full • time professionally or oportment (payment due Lunch Mon.-Sat. 11:30-2:30 Prefevilenal found. « <%anlU Mablaf I. tam, M when delivered) Dinner Mon.-Thura. 5:00-10:00 CAU RAY KAY POM Prl. and Sat. 5:00-11:00 Loanar amplifiers available KWAST RAKERIIS TAM AuemoN. Cmiti Open Sunday The Grape Vine Day.: 373-5200,373-5726 555 1!. (IRANI) RIVER 484-1317 2758 E.Graod River Mon.-Frl. 7:00-$:]. After 5 8 Weekend.: E. Lamina, 337-1701 412 ■5513 Is Your Business Listed Here? - Call Carolyn 355- 8255 n ijmte News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 5, 1977 13 DOONESBURY showcasejazz dlnly presents by Garry Trudeau (t)WJIM-TV(CBS) ('O)W'IX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Cable) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) foDhM (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) miles,till- us a utile err about ah! jtmems "j066ers hi6h' is a vert pleasant twice-like state a j0666r enters after the Pot Metheny Tuesday, Aug. 9 8:00 & 10:30 ERICKSON KIVA of course, you can overdo it! once i ran HAD m no, and until i blacked out-but FRIDAY (11) The C.I.A. at MSU Review (12) ABC News "The Legend of Hell House' AfTE50O°N (23) Antiques 8:30 (10) Chicoand the Man 10:00 ssdr! (10) Quincy 7:00 (23) Wall Street Week (6) Hogan's Heroes (23) Forsyte Saga 9:00 (10) To Tell The Truth 11:00 12) Em«'9*ncY (6) Movie (12) Partridge Family (6-10-12) News 2J) "'S*'1 (23) OH the Record "They Coll Me MISTER (23) Lowell Thomas Remanr niahborhood ^"9 Tibbsl" FRIDAY 7:30 bers (6) Price Is Right (10) Rockford Files EVENING 11:30 (11) Alter Hours with Tom (6) Movie 5:30 (10) $100,000 Name That Tune Hocking "Zabriskie Point" 1977 MSU Karate Tour- (23) Poldark (12) $25,000 Pyramid (10) Johnny Carson 9:30 (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report (12) Fernwood 2 Night 2J)1 Electric Company (12) Movie 6:00 6:00 (23) ABC News -10-13) Newt (&) Year at the Top iji' A Few Good Boys (10) Sanfard and Son MSU SHADOWS ® 6:30 (12) Movie "Lucan" by Gordon Corleton sponsmk. ■>, ) CBS News 01 NBC News (23) Washington Week in PINS ALL PETE'S DON'T THROW OUT Present this really funny comic for 25' worth of free those expensive play! athletic shoes! FuroruV TWW6 A6oOT sunvasj? scmcou,— it Have them resoled rU1^ .-l m. I ^H ^ /l , FRANK & ERNEST Complete ring selection CAMPUS COBBLER /caopRV rVASouT. by Bob Thaves •sapphires, onyx • opals • jade, tiger-eye, many more m Ltmtllm- 332 361! - fcW 1305; Sit $303 /You 10% MM DISCOUNT TtTiAies... the national guard bzojce up I MIRACLES OgR OFFICE PARTY ; Just rs it « 3.Jkj ornj Vi f DOh/TMAICE We Appreciate Your Business MfcSHlLE. flex'6 p/lav crrv m I GOT ALL THE FACTORIES ) AMD STORED. ALL THE 0USK, CAR$, TRUCK5 v ANP TQAIHS. Bagel-Fragel M PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Open 7 doy» — 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. by Bill Yates Cream cheese 332-0300 bagel on now only 49C. SPONSORED BY: (mfl. 69C) NOW OPKN9 IUMBLEWEEDS SPONSORED BY: CAMPUS 1312 Mich. Ave. (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) If Tom K. Ryan 337 1377 PIZZA one free item with any size Pizza (one per customer) THIS WON'T TAK£ LONG*.... I'M WORKING ON MY I7IARYOF OUR COURTSHIP ANP WOULP UK£ SOMETHING-TV PUT IN IT.... I CROSSWORD aranum naan PUZZLE aaanaaaaaaa Piarais anraa as see snraa nan SPONSORED BY: Ohepard's KtOSS 23 Recording SIS BESS HHSB campus Jl J'* 26 Sungod And: Ulin 2? Veib lorm mnaa usasci aaans onaa saa?E? 1 ™"Wl 29 Thai thing hiihb mnso us I S*'l 30 Tenure n™ fducaa aan an ranuis anaH K"" » Coach Since □fflHaanEHHaa ifc. Flightless bird establishes SBOH HIZISHS ...SSLF HeLPiS Stieah in eASY FOR mahogany Peace pipe Puce is one 96 Unique peison DOWN Aje 47 Shave 1 Hiding place Wai god 48 Subsequently 2 Liquid pari of lat Seive 49 Piesumptuous 3 Plague L Pointed tool FT Fo" !>. Stimulus S Expatriate 7 "The Jairite" 3 Reek 9 Means ot access 0 Be indignant 5 Amends B Chiistening 1 Medieval tale b lortily / Glacial ice 3 Elm truit 3 Bugle call I Mouselike animal ] Straightedge b Requirements 5 Envelop 7 Center ot emotion ? Be wont "A* 3 Diamond cutter's cup Friday, August 5 |9?? | 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Frisbee competition won If] by Labrador retriever _fCCDr0 A very unusual athlete won the state "He loves to jump." swimming, jogging and PEKING WSXMmr championship Frisbee contest in Marshall, Zeke, who also enjoys Michigan July 30. chasing rabbits and cats, faces further tests of his Zeke, a 2'/i-year old Labrador retriever talents Saturday at the Midwest regionals in depended on the tossing of his partner and owner, Lexington, Ky. Gary Eisenberg, 22, an MSU senior. All Zeke had to do was runout for passes, which he did with a style that impressed judges If he wins, he moves on to the Rose Bowl August 27 in Pasadena, Calif. Victory there in the world championships would win him $1000. and Lounge to give him 33 out of 35 possible points. Eisenberg, who is almost as much of a ham as About eight dogs and owners from across the Zeke, never sent him to obedience schools. state participated in the competition which was He keeps Zeke on a cod-liver oil supplement to sponsored by the International Frisbee Associa¬ low fat dry food diet which he said helps his golden tion, Whammo Frisbees and Kal-Kan Dog Food. coat. Zeke practices Frisbee 2 hours a day. Eisenberg has helped Zeke develop his style "It's really fun and keeps you busy for a behind the Administration Building and in fields summer," Eisenberg said. in East Lansing. Zeke seldomly misses. "And if Zeke could talk he'd tell me he wanted to a "Zeke's a real ham at heart," Eisenberg said. do it." Esteemed actor, Lent, is dead \ >> (continued from page 7) Unlike many theater mar¬ The Lunts' position in Ameri¬ ly for perfection, and became riages, there was never any can theater is captured well in a known for flawless results. scandal about theirs. stanza from a ballad by Ring Alexander Woollcott, the And over the years, as their Lardner published in 1929: critic and literary figure, once reputations grew, their estate here became something of a The Theater Guild take 1 Mother Slats Nswi'Rob Katloff said Lunt could be distin¬ guished from other actors be mecca for theater figures. Gooie. Feeding • baby oatrich is all In a day'a work for ex¬ cause "he's the one who works." Among the many who spent A poitcardfrom Anita Loot, tension specialist Cal Flegal in the Department of time at Ten Chimneys were Profenor Bore Patent Law, Together, Lunt and Fon- on Poultry Science which is helping the Detroit Zoo by tanne, who is now 90, had roles Woolicott, Helen Hayes, Sir An epigram by Harry Thaw, Laurence Olivier, Noel Coward, raising 11 African ostriches and six South American in 27 major Broadway plays, Or tome Hungarian goulaech, rheas. Flegal said the birds don't flourish in cap¬ from Sweet Nell of Old Drury Robert E. Sherwood, Carol Adapted by Joe Balderdaih, Channing and others. And hat a play you just can't tivity, but so far the MSU houseguests seem to be to The Visit, between 1923 and 1958. In 1970 they were given "People come here when pan, doing okay. The birds came to the department in the they're exhausted," Fontanne With Alfred form of eggs and once they are mature enough to special Tony awards in recog¬ Lunt and Lynn nition of their many triumphs. said in 1967. Fontanne. eat and drink on their own, it's back to the zoo. They met in New York in 1919 and were married in 1922. At the Peking Restaurant, 1515 Center Street in Lansing, dining is a family affair. The minute you enter the restaurant you're aware of the Birth control teaching may start friendly atmosphere. Mrs. Wang, as hostess, greets you with her wide, warm smile to seat you in a dining room complete with a fireplace and Handicapper By DEBORAH HEYWOOD D-Ann Arbor, one of the co-sponsors of the bill. "A more dramatic Chinese lamps. increase can be seen in the number of illegitimate births among Behind the scenes Mr. Wang prepares the special Mandarine Cuisine (continued from page 3) Michigan schools are in a curious dilemma. Currently, the public schools can offer classes in sex education but not birth control. women 15-19 years old." dishes. His father, also in the restaurant business, taught him the art of classrooms and laboratories on campus — not including non Louisiana is the only other state with a similar prohibition. Similar bills have beer, introduced by Michigan legislators for cooking. Mr. and Mrs. Wang's children are involved with the business as academic areas — are currently The 50-year old ban on teaching birth control in Michigan the past 10 years without success. In one instance, the bill did get Dora waitresses and son Charlie is the daytime bartender. Their menu of¬ inaccessible. schools, however, may end under a bill passed recently by the through the House and the Senate. That was in 1968, but Gov. fers family style dinners with a variety of tempting dishes to try. "The academic area looks House. George Romney vetoed it. good because that's where the The bill would allow discussion of birth control in health and sex Ivy Austin, legislative aide to Rep. Collins, says the measure has For dramatic dining try the deep fried rice dropped into soup which University put its money, while education classes, but would not mandate it. Students could be a "very good" chance this time. steams and sizzles as it's served at your table. Chinese pancakes, the the excused without penalty from classes in which birth control is "Chances are it will pass in the Senate. It always has," she said. employment area isn't as counterpart to tortillas, are rolled with slivered pork and sprouts. They discussed if they or their parents request it. "In the past 10 years, it's been the House that's held it up." good," he said. specialize in Polynesian drinks with Mai Tais, Scorpions and Singapore Academic areas will continue The proposal also specifically prohibits discussion of abortion as And the House already passed the measure last month. to be the highest priority, a birth control method and mandates the creation of local advisory The current bill has been designed very carefully in an effort to Slings some of the favorites. Gentile said, before such boards to review birth control education materials. appeal to a wider audience and to lessen possible objections. Introduced by Rep. Barbara-Rose Collins, D-Detroit, the bill will For example, Michigan Citizens for Life contends that family The Peking Restaurant offers banquet facilities that will seat up to 130 buildings as the Union, Abrams Planetarium or Spartan Sta¬ go to the Senate Committee on Education when the legislature planning information automatically includes abortion as one of the guests. Reservations ore accepted, and on weekends this might be a dium. reconvenes in September. methods listed and explained as a birth control measure. But the good idea. The restaurant is located on the corner of Center and North The University accepted the Meanwhile, a heated debate continues to rage over the current bill has prohibited discussing abortion as such a method. Street. It's easy to get there from MSU if you follow Grand River (Oak¬ choice of changing the environ¬ One of the groups most vehemently opposed to the The bill also tries to appease groups like HOW, who are fearful land) to Center Street. The hours are 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday thru Thurs¬ ment based on the less-ex- Happiness of Womahood (HOW). of losing parental authority, by excusing students without penalty day: 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday: and Noon to 9 p.m. on Sunday. pensive civil model rather than In an appeal to state legislators, President Patt Barbour argues from the classes if they or their parents request it. the medical model. that sex education and family planning programs constitute "a The main lobbying force behind the bill has been the "KAIN-PAI" (Chinese toast for "bottoms up"). "People think they can play usurpation of the rights of parents." She adds that "no moral Reproductive Health Rights Council, which took on the bill as its games through programmatic instruction can accompany birth control education in the public first project when it was formed last spring. The council is planning or turning the Univer¬ schools," composed of many different organizations, including the Michigan sity into a rehabilitation center HOW is convinced that teaching birth control methods will not Education Association, the American Civil Liberties Union or hospital," Gentile said. reduce the number of unwed teenage pregnancies. (ACLU) and the Michigan State Medical Society. "That's exactly what Sec. 504 is "Michigan and Louisiana are the only states that do not permit iWAMttP BY? not about." birth control Howard L. Simon, executive director of ACLU of Michigan and a teachings in the schools, and yet it is a national Instead, services for handi- member of the council, believes that the existing prohibition on problem," Barbour says". "This points out the fact that birth cappers will not continue to be control education in the public classrooms is not the answer." teaching birth control denies access of information to Michigan However, John W. Porter, administrative secretary for the schoolchildren. special or segregated, but will be integrated to create a "maxi¬ State Board of Education, feels differently. "It violates rights of free inquiry, does violence to academic mum of independence" for han¬ "The failure of past legislative efforts to repeal this ban can be freedom and, most importantly," he said, "has contributed dicapper students that can be contrasted with an increase in illegitimate births among women significantly to the rise in adolescent pregnancies and venereal used by all. under 15 years of age," he said in an appeal to Rep. Perry Bullard, Roberts Automotive 4980 PARK LAKE RD. EAST LANSING MON.-FRI. 8-6 SAT. 8-5 SUN. 12-4 Schensul's CAFETERIA LANSING MERIDIAN MALL MALL AIR FILTERS •1." MUFFLER BANDAGES *1.*' ALTERNATORS (exc.pt internal volt rag.) . 24." MUFFLER CEMENT .89 BATTERIES 48 month 24." OIL FILTERS - .. . 2." BATTERY TERMINALS .69 POLO BAR SCREWDRIVERS .69 Oelicious Homecooked Happy Hour Weekdays BOOSTER CABLES 6." Specials Under $2.00 2 -6 p.m. SPARK PLUG CABLE SET 50% off Modern Country Music Pitcher Special RESTAUR A?) BRAKE SHOES (exchange) 10." Thurs. • Sun. Mon. and Tues. STARTERS (.xc.pt Chryil.r) 1% ml. East of Meridian Mall FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD BRAKE PADS (Di.c) .... 24." LUNCH S DINNER DA/l V Af SENSIBLE PRICL 14." 662 W. Grand River Okemos 349 2240 136 W.Grand River PH.337J COILS(ignition) • in IV* •• WATER PUMPS 25% off ELECTRICAL TAPE WINDSHIELD WASHER SOLVENT RAMON'S .68 .99 RISTAURANT 9III At EXHAUST SYSTEMS 35% off WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADES AND 1." LOIINOI ' HOT LINE: 351-8062 711E. GRAND RIVER-LANSING The Finest In Mexican Cuisine "Dine In candlelight and enjoy your favorite cocktail ^ P, 0^ THE IMPERIAL GARDEN GRAPEVINE FRONTEND DISC BRAKE 349-2691 IXHAUST 2758 East Grand River 337-1701 20(0 W. Gr.Rv. Okemos ALIGNMENT SPECIAL PEKING RESTAURANT (includes turning rotors) Y0JJ£ I 35% OPP ADVERTISE RESTAURANT $10 so $3995 . LIFETIME MUFFLER WARRANTY HERE! saw Most American Cars Call American Cars COCktalla CARRY OUT ROODS American Cars 353-6400 LAwsiHo 489-2445