VOLUME 7) NUMBER 116 MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Irrors mar Jaska pipe, Ieport By H. JOSEF HEBEKT says ShinGTON (API - Investigator* say *1.5 billion was wasted in building the t, pipeline because of poor management, unsound business practices and maneuvers £< congressional approval. L investigation of cost overruns inconstructingthe 800-mile pipeline was ordered by a Pipeline Commission, a state regulatory agency. Its report was released JL limner, a special attorney for the state commission, said blame for the high cost State Xi billion pipeline should not be attributed to "isolated instances of theft or labor News/Loring Wirbel Observing Hiroshima Day, members of loons which contained postcard messages to ■bricking" but to "a pattern" of "inept management." PIRGIM and other antinuclear power groups Indent was not available immediately from Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., a dramatize the probable spread of nuclear fall- Irtium of eight oil companies that built the pipeline. gathered at the Fermi Nuclear Plant in Mon- out in the event of a power plant accident, roe on Lake Michigan It pipeline, which delivered its first oil from the North Slope to the Alaskan port of Saturday, releasing bal- V last week, has been the subject of a number of investigations amid charges of Jrement irregularities and excessive costs. K)dition to the Alaska state commission, the Interstate Commerce Commission was ig pipeline cost overruns. The state commission sets tariffs for oil going through HIROSHIMA DAY MARKED NATIONWIDE "'ie but remaining in Alaska, while the ICC sets them for oil going outside the ■er, formerly I culminated Ibtld and a member of the Watergate prosecution team, said the 690-page seven months of investigations "during which scores of interviews hundreds of thousands of documents were analyzed," sometimes despite Tin from the pipeline builders. Atomic protest staged at capitol icq the pipeline was propsed in 1969 the estimated cost was about tl billion, but by at construction began in 1974 it was 64 billion and current figures are twice that, jmer said his investigation concluded that a number of decisions made by the By ED LION State News Staff Writer The protesters in Lansing said that it was imperative for mankind to learn the lesson Jit owners were "politically motivated" and resulted in millions of dollars being About 30 persons gathered on the steps of the Lansing Capitol Friday, singing folk of Hiroshima before it was too late. 6 to the cost of the project. — songs and reading poems in opposition to nuclear proliferation to mark the eve of the Rentschler said the city, devestated by a blast estimated to have killed between Vteasive lossed were incurred, the report said, because the Alyeska consortium 32nd anniversary of the atomic blasting of Hiroshima. 150,000 to 300,000 people, was entirely rebuilt. But a park has been preserved to tell Jded"not to hire an experienced construction management firm until a few months I to construction in 1974." Around the world Saturday, including several locations in Michigan, other protesters future generations of what occured, he said. gathered to extort the world to learn the lessons of Hiroshima and halt nuclear power. In the center of the park right below where the bomb was detonated, a destroyed It report said the pipeline owners did not want to hire a management firm earlier st the owners did not want to appear committed to the project before receiving "We've unleashed the energy of the sun on our children," said Bob Rentschler, a building lies preserved. (continued on page 12) faculty member of the MSll Continuing Education Program who made a trip to "It once was an exposition hall," he said. "Now it's just the skeleton, a mass of Hiroshima last year. "We've unleased something we don't know how to control." twisted metal." Members of the Peace Education Center and the Lansing chapter of the Women's But Rentschler said he didn't believe the world has learned much from the lesson of International League for Peace and Freedom, sone holding the hands of young Hiroshima. children, passed petitions calling foi nuclear diso. ent and an end to war. There is ihe equivalent of hundreds of Hiroshima bombs deployed in Europe alone, flA drug tests "We have our priorities all turned around," said Jean Krieger, a spokesperson for the he said. Women's League. "Instead of building bombs we should be helping the poor." Elsewhere throughout the country — from Seabrook, New Hampshire to Monroe, And he added there is a law of "imperatives": if bombs are made they very well could Michigan — protesters used the anniversary of the bombing to put in a call to halt be used. nuclear power. The Lansing demonstrators also passed out folded papers formed into the shape of a Three hundred and fifty protesters at Monroe went to the construction site of the bird. ■KING iported in state tUPI) - Michigan mental York Times knows." Fermi nuclear plant there and released 1,000 balloons. On the balloon was the inscription: 'The winds which brought you this balloon could also bring you radioactive material from Fermi II." An earlier Fermi plant outside Detroit was closed down after a near nuclear accident They said the paper birds became a symbol against nuclear weapons after a young victim of the Hiroshima blast told hospital authorities if she could live long enough to fold 1,000 of them she would be cured of radiation-induced leukemia. But she died after folding 643. pofficials say they frankly don't know McCall said the current mental health to sexual psychopaths at Ionia State administration was not in power during the 111 were given LSD and marijuana reported experiments, and it was not |g ■ent the late JeNew York 1950s to unlock as part of Times reported Friday a CIA their most secret immediately known if the tests were conducted with the knowledge and approval of former mental health director Charles Wagg. Michigan funding for Medicaid abortions | the CIA's aim was "to exploit the Wagg, who is retired, could not imme¬ may discontinue in October, officials say potential that is represented by diately be reached for comment. nl sexual psychopaths." . . . "If this was a project created and tisthought these individuals have the . conducted with the Recorders Court and ■if motivation for withholding certain with the permission of judges, then it's " in that is comparable to opera- entirely possible that we wouldn't have any LANSING (UPI) - The state will That action left it up to each state to not, we will have to request a supplement banned the use of state funds for abortions, • interrogation situations in the field," records," McCall said. continue to decide whether to cover abortions under pick up the full tab for abortions from the legislature. If the legislature However, that measure never became law. [I document reviewed by the r "We don't know if the department was for Medicaid recipients, but funds for the Medicaid. refuses, the situation would look bleak." The state attorney general ruled that {raiexperiments d. involved or knew about it." operation rtay dry up when the new fiscal Ruff said there is enough money remain¬ Such a supplemental appropriations bill banning the use of the funds was legal, but r reportedly were .... McCall said no such experiments are year begins Oct. 1, the governor's office ing in this year's budget, which runs to Oct. would have a rough time in the legislature. sajd that the bill was unconstitutional on W teween 1957 and 1960 at the Ionia currently underway and he doubted that says. 1, to cover the full cost of Medicaid In 1975, lawmakers passed a bill that the technical grounds. Jt'tion, which housed ■it was phased insane criminals any would be conducted in the future Craig Ruff, special assistant to Gov. abortions. out about five years ago. because of strict new controls over drug William G. Milliken, announced the policy The state legislature has already ap¬ ■ «ity currently is in operation as a ^"prison. experimentation on state wards. Friday, less than 24 hours after the federal proved enough money to pay for what WELFARE OVERHAUL PROPOSED CIA documents reviewed by the Times government cut off payment to state would have been the state's half of the * subjects apparently were chosen showed that the experiments were osten- Medicaid programs for elective abortions. cost," he said. I of the Detroit Recorders I pitoric clinic. ft tat really have any reaction to the sibly funded by the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology Inc., a conduit for CIA money. Normally, the federal government pays half the cost of abortions and other medical procedures under the Medicaid, the federal- Ruff said fiscal analysts were the the looking at appropriations bills just approved by legislature to determine if there will be Plan goes to hearing £«tbia time," said Joseph McCall, a ""in for the state Within the CIA, the documents showed, state health program for the poor. enough money to cover Medicaid abortions. "Between now and Oct. 1, our fiscal WASHINGTON (API — Congress planned to begin scrutinizing President Jimmy Department of officials knew the drug tests were designed But this year, Congress prohibited the _ w- "to test the effectiveness of certain medi- use of federal funds for abortions, except to analysts will analyze the appropriations bill Carter's proposed welfare overhaul today with a hearing on how it might affect public I u 20 years ago. At this time, we cation in causing individuals to release save the life of the mother, or in cases of for the next year and see if there is enough housing programs. I •* as much about it The hearing is being conducted by the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs as the New guarded information under interrogation." rape or incest. money to pay for abortions," Ruff said. "If Committee. Detailed congressional examination of the bulk of Carter's plan won't begin until the House and Senate return next month. But Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) State tests PBB Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr. said Sunday he is confident "that this program is going to go through Congress," unlike the last attempt to overhaul the complex welfare system, which bogged down and died in the Senate in 1972. Califano, a chief architect of the latest proposal, said he had spoken to Rep. James C. to be expanded Corman, D-Calif., who will chair a specially augmented House Ways and Means subcommittee that will study the measure intensively beginning in September. Corman said he plans to send his panel's final product to the major House committees with inside GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) - Gov. William G. Milliken has told the jurisdiction over the multifaceted plan by Christmas, Califano said. The secretary added he also had discussed the proposal with Sen. Daniel Patrick head of the state Public Health Department to implement expanded Moynihan, D-N.Y., whose subcommittee will get first crack at the administration's testing of Michigan residents to learn if consumption of legislation on the Senate side in September. PBB-tainted food has caused any blood ailments. "So I think Congress is ready to move," Califano said. "This is the day in which we're Ever wish for an FU? That ia, a Free University? If so, you aren't the only one. In a related development, it has been revealed that the Food and finally going to reform the welfare system. From reactions we got yesterday, which were Drug Administration (FDA) ignored PBBrelated illnesses very good, this program is goL'g to go through Congress. Flip to page 3. uncovered just months after the contamination was spotted in "Obviously, there are men and women in the Congress who have particular ideas. Some 1974. would want more day care; some would want different kinds of work incentives. We'll have a lot of problems like that, but I don't think we're going to have Milliken, on a visit Saturday to several western Michigan cities, major objections in the Sparty makes a football comeback - In said his action was aimed at "giving absolute assurance that all overall structure of the program." decal form. See page 6. possible cautions are being taken" in the PBB mixup. Meanwhile. Hep. John B. Anderson, R-Ill., said he would favor radically restructuring He said Dr. Maurice Reizen, health department director, the system and like the broad goals Carter put forward. But the third-ranking member of already had arranged for the handling and financing of some the GOP hierarchy in the House said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that he would have to "general testing" and was awaiting receipt of material from Dr. study the details of Carter's plan before deciding whether to support it. Irving Selikoff of Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York. The goal of the administration's plan is to replace the existing welfare system with one Selikoff led a team of doctors from Mt. Sinai earlier this year in that will provide cash for those who can't or aren't expected to work and jobs for those the testing of families on farms where animal had been whom the government expects to work. weather contaminated by PBB in a livestock feed mixup. The new welfare and jobs system is projected to cost 634 billion, including alterations in The mixup occurred four years ago and resulted in the death and existing programs and expansion of the earned income tax credit to give limited tax relief The official St-ie News Weather Wabbit- destruction of thousands of farm animals. to more than half of all U.S. taxpayers. The total dollar figure for the Carter proposal is ized forecast today calls not just for wain, The FDA repeatedly has said there is no proof PBB is a health $6.1 billion higher than is now spent on Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food but for thunderboomersl hazard, and federal regulations still allow sale of food products stamps, Supplementary Security Income and various related programs that would be with slight amounts of PBB contamination. phased out as part of the overhaul. 2 Monday, Augus)( Michigon Stole News. Eos) loosing. Michigon 1977 WASHINGTON Female inmates given (AP) - Many female prisoners routine¬ proportion of inmates," the researchers said. ble for male prisoners. "Such widespread use of tions." They suggested that this medication upon physical and mental functioning of inmates useless drugs inmates tranquilizers, the re¬ port continued. They are the the Massachusetts Correctional Institution in Framingham, the ment Center for Washington. ui ® The San Francisco County tranquilizers and mood eleva¬ and the impact of psychological Nebraska State Reformatory North Carolina Correctional ly are given tranquilizers and Jail gave 98 per cent of its tors is probably related to the practice could lead to drug for Women, the Bedford Hills Center for Women, the Minne- None of the 15 inm., I other drugs that are not always dependence and hamper efforts dependence on such drugs Minnesota Property n! female inmates such drugs, the stresses of institutional life among inmates released from Correctional Facility in New Correctional Institution for medically necessary and could by the women to take control of sota Program were give., harm them, researchers sug¬ highest percentage found. though not clearly justified by their lives after being released institutions and expected to York, the Goree Unit in Texas, Women and the Purdy Treat- izers, the report said " Many other institutions fre¬ data on inmates' medical prob¬ responsible, self- gested in a report released from prison. assume a Sunday. quently doled out the drugs to lems," the report said. The report on a national directed role in society." Officials at women's prisons more than 50 per cent of the "It is more likely that tran¬ Officials said "55 per cent of study of the conditions women and jails that they in 14 states reported frequently gave "pain medications, tranquilizers and mood elevators ... to a large prisoners, the report said. The report was limited to women's prisons, and no com¬ parable information was availa¬ quilizers and mood elevators are widely used in some institu (ions as control of a means to facilitate large inmate popula- encounter at 16 prisons and 46 jails was conducted by the California Youth Authority in 1975 and 1976 with $293,025 from the Law Enforcement all female inmates were tranquilizers" at the Vienna given Correctional Center in Illinois, according to the report. Thirty to 39 per cent of the Cabinet reWs/onsI Assistance Administration inmates at the Colorado expected in Iran (LEAA). Women's Correctional Insti¬ There are about 6,000 women tute, the Indiana Women's in state prisons and more than Prison and the Georgia Re¬ 7,500 in local jails, LEAA habilitation Center for Women statistics show. received tranquilizers, the re¬ The report said the "medical port said. TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Jam- resignation Saturday. He said •Kazem Khosrowsi shid Amouzegar, an American- Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi businessman, who | staff of 31 institutions reported Tranquilizers were given to 20 to 25 per cent of the inmates educated engineer who as I- had asked him to take a new minister of trade. 1 frequent dispensing" of tran¬ quilizers such as Librium and at the Dwight Correctional ran's oil minister played a post, but observers say he fell ment has been criu™ Valium and mood elevators Center in Illinois, the Detroit major role in hiking world oil victim to public discontent over high commodity pricesj House of Corrections, the Flori prices sharply 3'/r years ago, bureaucratic red tape, taxes such as triavil, elavil, stelazine and the current five-hour daily ''"esulting black! and mellaril. Mood elevators da Correctional Institution and was named prime minister Sun¬ are used to counteract depres- the California Institution for day to replace Amir Abass power blackouts imposed all Amouzegar retains Hi Women. Hoveyda, a government over Iran. Ansary as finance q "One can only speculate on Seven institutions reported spokesperson announced. Amouzegar, 54, flew Sunday Under Ansary, governm the impact giving five to 13 Hoveyda, 57, announced his from this capital city to the revenue has tripled in of such long-term per cent of the shah's summer resort on the years. But, that perf6,_ Caspian Sea to present his list also annoyed the public,! of cabinet appointments, the complained of HOMELAND ISSUE UNRESOLVED spokesperson said. Official taxes | without receiving sources said Amouzegar would J ted services in return. 1 make at least 14 changes in the Amouzegar is dark, A Vance quests for peace 25-member cabinet of his prede- and was born to what a "lower middle class" htl (f Hoveyda will become minis¬ He studied law and en TAIF, Saudi Arabia (API - Vance was met at the airport ter of the Imperial Court, a key J by exerting pressure on Israel. ingin Iran. He took a Secretary of State Cyrus R. by Foreign Minister Saud al- Vance told Saud he had advisory position to the shah, engineering at Cornell || Vance carried his drive for Faisal, one of the principal the spokesperson said. Hovey¬ "caught a bit of the bug" three sity in Ithaca, N.Y., world Middle East peace talks to powers in the oil-rich kingdom, da was named prime minister in days ago but was now feeling way through, he said, bj Saudi Arabia Sunday still who has made that he better. Vance has been on a 1965 and reappointed in 1971 no secret ping restaurant floorsL "without any narrowing of the expects the United States to and 1975, serving in the post soup diet. washing dishes at night I differences" on the issue of a express its gratitude for Saudi U.S. friendship with Saudi 12'/i years, longer than any Palestinian homeland. moderation of price i Arabia has been on a steady man in modern Iranian history. At different times, he f as minister of health, lal rise despite a quintupling of oil He administered the shah's agriculture. Later, Amel prices over the last four years. "White Revolution," a compre¬ became finance ministd Canadian air travel AP Wirephoto The Carter Administration con¬ hensive program of economic Chicago fireboat and firetrucks douse a blaze at the silos of a grain company com¬ siders the kingdom a bulwark and that post, he gained expel military development in the international oil bul plex in Chicago Thursday evening after lightning struck the site. The lightning fueled mainly by oil revenues. against Soviet inroads in the a subject he said he! exploded two silos and set another six 150-foot silos on fire. Two workers were Middle East and Africa. Important new faces in the studied "as a hobby." killed, two criticallly injured, and two others were reported missing following the "ry. halted by walkout The Saudis are considered to be a powerful influence on Amouzegar cabinet will in¬ clude: He was a prime moi hind the decision by the II Syria, Egypt and the Pales¬ •Daryoush Homayoun, a for zation of Petroleum E>J OTTAWA, Canada (AP) — Air traffic controllers walked off the tinians. Current administration mer newspaper publisher, who Countries (0PECI toj job Sunday at most of Canada's airports, virtually halting domestic policy is to promote links becomes minister of informa¬ crude oil prices after th and international air travel to and from Canadian between the prospective Pal¬ tion. Arab-Israeli war. points. A contract dispute involving wage demands was at issue. estinian "homeland" and Jor¬ •Aghi Tavakoli, former man¬ He was named n Canada's major airlines — government-owned Air Canada and dan rather than to favor state¬ aging director of the state- interior in 1974, but c< privately-owned CP Air — canceled most flights. A few were being hood for the Palestinians. owned copper industry, who as he has for « rerouted through U.S. points including Seattle; In this respect the United becomes minister of water and Minneapolis; implement the shah's oil I Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Bangor, Maine, and Burlington, States is looking to Saudi power. He will have to deal In December 1975. Ai Vt. Arabia for assistance. with the blackouts, which Iran At a news conference Satur gar and other OPEC oil! Other smaller and provincial airlines also reported their services blames on the failure of the ters were taken hostage! shut down. U.S. airlines operating in Canada were reported day night in Amman, Jordan, French firm Alsthom Atlan- organization's headquarf routing flights through American points, and in some cases busing Vance said he had made some tique International to produce Vienna. Amouzegar a air travelers to and from northern U.S. airports. progress on the kind of peace a 1,000 megawatts of power — Saudi Arabian Guerillas claim bombing responsibility The only pocket of resistance to the strike was in Quebec settlement might bring but not enough for a city of more than Ahmed Zaki | City Sheik where controllers remained on the job, but the airport was on the homeland question. 100,000 people — from a new were released after thei^ SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) - Black reported closed anyway. The Quebec controllers are members of a Speaking of his talks with hydroelectric dam in southern tries paid ransoms of mol TNT, the Johannesburg Sunday Express French-speaking aviation group which is at odds with the Canadian Vance, King Hussein told re¬ Iran. The government says nationalist guerillas were reported $12 million each. by a reported from Lusaka, capital of Rho¬ Air Traffic Control Association (CATCA) over the of French porters Sunday that "we are blackout-caused losses in indus¬ South African newspaper use Amouzegar sine Sunday to have desia's black-ruled neighbor Zambia. transmissions in Quebec air space. not going around in circles as trial production total in the known in Iran a claimed responsibility for a bombing that we did for many years." billions of dollars. million n gutted the second floor of a crowded A spokesperson for Air Canada said of Saturday's bombing was the worst approximately 500 daily Salisbury department store, killing 11 scheduled flight legs, or trips between urban terrorist act in the five-year landing points, 20 would people and injuring 76. operate Sunday. guerilla struggle through which radical A guerilla spokesperson said the black nationalists are trying to take In Washington, the Federal Aviation Administration said Zimbabwe African Notional People's control of Canada was allowing visual landings of some flights from the Rhodesia from the white Union (ZANU) — planted the75 pounds of Unjted States but that all U.S. carriers normally use instrument minority government. landings, which were banned by Canadian officials. Pope forbids vasectomy for birth control VATICAN CITY (AP) - Church sources is not the only purpose of marrioge. Even said Sunday that the Vatican forbids those men incapable of child-bearing vasectomies for the purpose of birth may be married as long as they are control despite its new decree allowing capable of intercourse, the decree says. men with vasectomies to get married. Some observers say that the latest However, the church sources said the decree of the Congregation for the decree published on Doctrine of the Faith Friday should imply — the judge of no change in the Catholic church's church orthodoxy — is the logical condemnation of any means of birth conclusion of the view taken by the control outside partial or total absti¬ Second Vatican Council that procreation nence. CHEF MATTEO CAPRARIO PRESENTS Jury to consider Mandel case 19 NORTHERN ITALIAN DINNERS BALTIMORE (AP) - Nearly two years dollars in gifts and money. SumIimISiih after Gov. Marvin Mandel was indicted Mandel and five others were indicted including: on mail fraud and racketeering charges, in November 1975 on 23 counts of mail Louis Edwards a U.S. District Court deliberate his innocence or jury is about to fraud and racketeering. Lost December, , •Chicken Cacciatora i55 . guilt. first attempt to try a mistrial when several them ended in o •VealScaloppiniMarsala 5.65 \ jurors learned of The jury will be asked to decide attempts to fix the jury in the defendants' •Lasagne 4.35 , whether Mandel used the influence of his favor. Two men were later convicted of •Mostaciolli & Sausage 2.95 I Haircutters •Perch Milanese Style 3.75 office on behalf of friends and associates obstructing justice. The defendants in the with race track interests because Mandel they case were not linked to the gave him hundreds of thousands of attempts. Prices include soup, salad, entree, vegetable & pasta Bell agreement still needs ratification TWO LOCATION! TO SMVI TOO! Open daily, including Sunday WASHINGTON (AP) for Luncheon & Dinner - A tentative persons predicted no problems in settlina labor agreement, reached just hours local issues or ratifying the notional pact 22151. Grand River (Next to Peoples Church) before a strike deadline (Groesbeck area) by 700,000 Bell a process expected to last a month ' ' System telephone workers, still must be PH. 337 1755 In addition m7bers' must be provide local issues The new31three-yec- -reement would MITVi I. a per cent increase in waqes Michigan Ave. oPe°ahnancom operating companies Be" SyS'em'S 23 °"d *i the bene,i'5' e™ Plesiden»Gle™ * Watts of ,ne 500,000-member . 3w,uuu-member C< _ Owners: (Lansing) However, . union . and company spokes- Communications Above Bancroft Flowers Workers of America said Carole and Don Satterfield W-6655 iegle calls Seafarer study gs inter (or ton. ,f ">e 15 A Wo inmatejj, Property oj werc Pven trip nadequate/ urges review STATE NEWS or any other state," he said. - ' report said. By adverse biologic effects After 18 months of is very small." long term program of monitoring should be United Press International ... j study, the panel of Citizens of three of the counties in W. Riegle Jr.. scientists found most coupled with basic research." complaints Vailed the recently-released gov Project Seafarer to be "invalid and againstunwar¬ Michigan's Upper Peninsula have voted 4-1 Of special concern, it said, are possible against permitting the project to be though unproved impacts on the navigation .ronort on Project Seafarer made- ranted," but recommended a delay in situated there. al patterns of birds and on the behavior of It asked the group that conducted building until design problems - including In addition, Sen. Robert Griffin and U.S. fish in the areas within the buried antenna. to hold a town meeting in the insuring against the possibility of electric Rep. Philip Ruppe, R-Houghton, have told The committee was formed - .. Peninsula to discuss their findings snock — are resolved. President Jimmy Carter the early last , ,idents Of the proposed site of the One involves the procedure for detecting not be built in project should Michigan because he year at the request asked for a study on of the Navy, which • ---r ^ ** lund communications system. breaks in underground cables, and the whether there would ..ittee of the National Academy of ""ational Research Council (NAS- second involves proposed ground terminals for feeding current directly into the earth promised during the presidential that Seafarer would not be built if the citizens were against it. campaign be a with biologic or ecologic effects associated the electric and magnetic fields of the 'at system. j.ased the results of an 18-month As presently designed both elements Most complaints directed to the In its research, the committee did not panel granting a qualified clean bill of could, under certain circumstances, produce electric shocks in animals involved the possibility of adverse effects address itself to the necessity of the project Seafarer. and humans on blood from exposure to the low- communications systems to the nation's not satisfied with the report on venturing in the immediate vicinity of the frequency radiation emitted by the Seafar¬ defense. Seafarer - it does not provide a broken cable or ground terminal," the er field. Lj|| „f health in terms of the committee said of the report. The committee rejected the The report said, "A number of c nental and health questions that One committee member, Donald Novotny findings of a 1971 study which indicated the radiation raised over the years that Seafarer's raised," Riegle said hours after of the University of Wisconsin, said it was might have such an effect and said studies extremely low frequency fields might „ was released on Friday, possible that a barefoot person, done on monkeys have not constitute standing in yielded similar a source of dangerous, even important to note that the Navy water and dragging a large metal object, results. catastrophic, environmental contamination | for this study, and that the panel such as a canoe across the ground beneath The committee added it was unable to have been examined and found invalid and ,sts never, at any time, actually which cables leaking current were buried "identify with any certainty any specific unwarranted," the report said. le site in the Upper Peninsula." he could receive a "lethal" shock. biologic effects that would definitely result "The committee's considered The scientists said opinion is questions involving from exposure to a proposed Seafarer that such fields will not cause a health questions have not been extreme low frequency radiation raised by field." significant and adverse biologic disturbance, eh to my satisfaction and I oppose eirlier studies are "invalid and unwar¬ If the system is to be built, the except in report the event of electric shock, which is of Seafarer being located in Michigan ranted," and "the likelihood of serious said, "an energetic and carefully designed serious concern," the report concluded. V\ AP Wirephoto Nineteen-year-old Graham Smith of Edmonton, Montreal, cheers after setting a world record in the 200-meter individual medley final at the Monday, August 8, 1977 Canadian swimming championships late last week with a time of 2:05.31. Campus-community Free University reorganized By MICHAEL WINTER they can normally learn, but would have to interest, but the structure had many pitfalls ground, Coughlan said. * be pushed at the Free U, Coughlan said, documentary will be shown depicting State News Staff Writer pay for." and was eventually its downfall." I see a big need for the Free U, China's current political structure. Coughlan and "We only ask that people be consider- would you feel about taking free Some of those things, he suggested Free University, he emphasized, "is still flatly stated. "I think there has to be ate and participate when they come to "We've got a lot of work to do between il a free university here in East include bicycling, handicrafts, Bible study, up in the air: nothing definite has been something offering creative classes, giving class." now and September registration, Coughlan No tuition, no room and board, no established." Coughlan said he is trying to them (studentsl stuff they don't photography and winemaking. usually For those people interested. Free U will said, and any one who ha9 any ideas or ways develop organizational structure that would get." be holding an organizational meeting Tues- it should be run should bring them to the MSl! has not gone crazy, Coughlan said Free University is "a new, be "a free flow design, where people come No political or religious ideologies would old organization on campus." He is day at 8 p.m. in 335 Union. Coughlan said a Tuesday meeting." idea of a "free university" has trying to in and do their own thing and feel good round for some time and is currently rejuvinate the idea of a university-commun¬ about it." ity interaction aimed at free education Student revived by MSU student Peter recent candidate for the East j City Council. stole concept behind Free Universi- involving non-academic and academic cour¬ ses, provided there are people to teach them. prove Two things Coughlan suggested to im¬ the old structure are a more equitable division of labor among the participants and improved university rela¬ housing may increase ughlan said, is to "provide free Coughlan said there was a Free "U" tions, which he cited as problems in the for people in the area for things about three years ago which "had a lot of past. One of the major aims of the Free if co-ops obtain federal loan University program, he stated, was to get freshmen and sophomores out of the dormitories and involved in some kind of obbying for gifted By MICHAEL ROUSE campus, but none has been used, as of yet, for co-ops in East creative activity in or around MSU. State News Staff Writer Lansing." Coughland said he hoped the Free U would If all goes as planned, the Student Housing Corporation (SHCI Through a separate HUD application, SHC is applying for funds get students involved who he characterized will obtain a federal loan to increase the housing supply in East to install solar heating in some of the new housing. HUD also as "sitting around the dorm,smoking pot, Lansing. suggests that money be spent on energy conservation such as rged by educators getting high, doing nothing — indulging in all the deluding passions." "We hope to reach out and get people involved in free things that are beneficial to SHC, the holding company for the 12 student-owned coopera¬ tives in East Lansing is applying to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for between a (3 and $4 million loan. It would have to be paid back in 40 years at three per cent putting in insulation and requires that 40 per cent of any housing bought or constructed must be accessible to handicappers. The effects of the loan on the East Lansing housing supply will be determined by how much money HUD ends up loaning SHC. By JANET HALFMANN interest. 150 administrators and educators attending a conference on setting up everyone, things that add to life," Coughlan HUD will make its determination Sept. 30. said. The current value of the co-ops is about $1.1 million, said Joe "I don't know what HUD is going to do with our application," is for gifted and talented children were told Wednesday evening that Gov. G. Milliken had that afternoon vetoed any additional state The Free U organization would be, Murphy, president of SHC. Murphy said. "I don't think we'll get all that we ask for." funds for such At last week's East Lansing City Council meeting, the council according to Coughlan, a place where Some of the plans in the works are to include the Friends of the idingfor all but a few special interest groups in education will decline in the next students could come to learn as well as approved a resolution supporting the SHC in its quest for the Highway independent co-op into the SHC and acquire apartments teach. He said he is going to contact MSU federal funds. instead of houses with a central kitchen set-up that most co-ops |f«ars predicted Gerald Dunn, executive secretary for the Metropolitan dim for Improved School faculty members in hopes that they may The resolution pointed out that there is a predicament because now have. Legislation. offer to teach various courses. "low-cost student housing units are generally unavailable in East ry other special interest group in education tries to sell their product to the Murphy said between 100 and 120 more students will be able to ®o." he said. "And special categories would never get enough." No credit would be given for the courses. Lansing," but that "the cost of land is too high to accomodate find housing in East Lansing if SHC is able to build new housing Coughlan said he was not sure whether low-income housing." with the loan money. ■osaid this year's state school aid bill was a step in the right direction toward the Free "U" would be based on campus or One outcome of the student housing shortage has been that From occupancy figures log the revenue gap between school districts. supplied by the East Lansing Planning in East Lansing but added he would like about 2,700 students are living in predominately single-family Department, only half of the MSU students living off-campus can JrMommended that educators get support for their specific programs at the local to get a house somewhere north ot Grand homes causing "community tensions" between the student and find places to live within the city of East Lansing. The rest go to River Avenue where classes could be held non-student residents, the resolution states. Meridian Township. Lansing and Lansing Township for housing. F tome administrators plan to continue the fight for additional funding for because it would get students away from The application for the loan is due Aug. 15 and SHC members Murphy said the loan request in the millions of dollars P115 'or the gifted. Funding for special education was brought about through may seem like a lot of money, but with the high cost of housing the money campus and into the community. have been working in high gear since the first week in July getting ptpressure, said Audrey Perry, assistant principal at Monroe Junior High School. Free "U", he stressed, would be actively estimates on housing costs and processing the detailed applicatidn. does not go very far. Jtaost ■andthen start every school district is broke," she said. "You can't close schools and lay off involved with various East Lansing com¬ "The money can be used for building new housing, converting The current market value of the co-ops is about $6,000 per co-op a new program for a minority." buildings into housing and buying and renovating houses," resident. Murphy said. 'aid many school districts munity organizations, but it would not have started programs with local money or no money, detract from any group already in Murphy said. He also said banks have been reluctant to loan money for need state aid to continue. the area. "We don't want to walk on anyone's "It is the same money that was used to build the dorms on housing managed by students. KohI'm ^ve achievers the same opportunity as underachievers," she said. Imilahl! ! °1 fundin8 suggested that school districts look into other monies that meaJ. .st'te leve' because some gifted students may fit into those ARTS GET BOOST, POLICE FUNDING UNDECIDED tiofiBj M'chigan Council for the Arts and the federal government were also IRS ^"passible sources. «/foMh Ver-'oWas only one "P"4 of the three day conference for supervisors of nitv fChas ^ „i I, , fitted - a counterpart to one held for teachers in June at the gan in Ann Arbor. Milliken approves 77-78 state budget |ot live " a 'remen pun i the years 1964 and 1971. The publicized. identity, for the person behind tricks of his trade; the physical and Jocundry's Books. i should let him and dubious quid pro tended) the book's most fas on, anything goes. entries represent dated scrib- the facade he has assumed. It's financial, political, sex- The book is a labyrinth of and mental talents that can be rinating scene oecurs when the Feiffer's humor doesn't con¬ lings of one trying to organize - nd otherwise — some of heads of all the major inter vulse you with belly laughs, like ni wants tl mil implausible, some national oil conglomerates meet say, a Donald Westlake does I you say, 'You ■dible and perhaps over drinks with Saudi repre with his inane plots, incompe- uld be gotten. We better dam true. However, .intriguing without being a novel BOOKS WANTED iilly good. I——.CLIP AND SAVE"——-i We are interested in buying; reading ! i were book is not particularly • Science Fictinn • Old Books size, but it ritten. Erdman strives to Have your auto • Comic Bnoks Hitchcock as James • Polps prisoners more iy type character a — sans ! insurance rates • • ueaiie Items Nancy Drew • Magazines but it really • Big Little Books ! never - 11 was there!' increased? • Mysteries • Baseball Cards >r your ! Sentry has held the line! Curious Book 307 East Grand River Shop gof all the thing ISUBootery East I have heard what the talkers talking, the talk of the beg it | JEFF but those FINAL week Lansing ning and the end, (517)332-0112 Hours 11:30-6 p.m. ting we had be s'r retreat. ith no clouds Summer Shoe Sale of WILLIAMS But I do not talk of the beginning or the end. There was never any more y shells. I iooi MSU '68 inception than there is n l Nor any more youth or le acts ot frien age than there is now, (DELIVERY AVAILABLE) And will never be any more otsay and eve perfection than there is Nor any more heaven or hell than there ourselhad.I dmit mistakes 332-1838 is now. FREE! 401 W. Grand River Urge and urge and urge, Always the procreant urge of the world. i V. J,, East Lansing From the Song of Myself Walt Whitman Buy Medium greater inequi tional inequili any pj At the regular price \ llL<* seven we should not o address L..-—-.CUP AND SAVE.——J Get Identical PIZZA oaZZA and PITCHER SPECIAL NO COVER i USE YOUR WOODEN Ln'ckels tomorrow l\ night i 8 Michigan Stole News, Eos) Lansing, Michigan Is King's Tapestry' unravelling? By BILL HOLDSHIP |y criticize someone who has day's show, as she was having a varro, which proceeded to play the first encore w««, I Despite the uncomfortable the second best selling LP of all difficult time hitting the high 45 minutes of John Denver type "SoFarAw,,"!; humid sticky underwear type time? Well, as the person who accompanied me to the concert and low notes. In addition, King's image seems to be drivel with Carole accompany¬ ing on keyboards. It was a Earth Move." the scheme of So.ISf weather at Pine Knob Thurs¬ stupid way to do things. There King s thing, day evening, the crowd that remarked: "When a performer imageless. Her entire lyrical concert was vi^l polite applause, but this gathered to see Carole King isn't putting out, you gotta stance is optimism about optim¬ ism, which if fine except optim¬ was crowd was here to see Carole. 7 for "hat I once 2) J blast them." So here goes ... (presently on her first national tour in over three years) were Carole King may have been ism from someone who is As I overheard one person TheUyTynew*'l comment on his way to the the epitome of mellow. And involved in the vanguard of the always optimistic doesn't mean concessions: "I wanted to hear anything. It is a passive role how did King respond? Why, she was mellow enough to make your skin crawl. Navarro, singer-songwriter boom, but khe has never been a singer- song-writer in the same way and lacks emotionality. Still, her fans seem to view her as an Carole, not this a—I" After an intermission, King back with an outfit •Jsktiaaj Taylor do the ,ame weeks before, *i her current "side-by-side" band that Mitchell, Taylor, Brownei archetypal Earth Mother, of came but it I change from sundress to her the was mellow enough to put at etc. are singer-songwriters. sorts, which is also fine except intensity that (h ?1 King really seemed to lack trademark bluejeans. She went deserve. It was sort least three people to sleep. On Tapestry hit because jt was o, "VJ the other hand. King's mellow released at the right time, that sincerity in a concert situation. through "Jazzman," and then introduced the title cut and Got A Friend (. watt to get outta . .but 4 was the same type that led 13 is, the album perfectly captured Her rapport with the audience "Hard Rock Cafe" from her new of these warm here J] million people to buy her classic the mood of the country in 1971. was either downright corny or being too harsh? clothes'nf King's real claim to the rock as if she was reading lines from Simple Things LP. The latter Sorrv i\ Tapestry album, a record I still but I just didn't enjoy very much. But there's hall of fame always have been a cue card. Even worse, after scores of hits for others and one song with its Tex-Mex rhythm is her most accessible work believe\ Carole King sings with Navarro. the rub! How does one gracious- the prepubescent wet dream great album, King seems to since Tapestry (even if the title classics she and Gerry Goffin have run out of ideas. is a rip-off from The Doors), and wrote for everyone from Phil Spector to Eydie Gorme in the This was apparent from the the warm reception made King Ginger Rogers; | 'Washington Slept Here' '50s and early '60s. Surprising¬ way she began her show. Just even more cutesy-bubbly with snores ly, some of her fans aren't even aware of this side of her career. Carole and piano opening with "Beautiful" and "A Natural Fonzielike "Aaaays" Streisand/Midler type Jewish and movies no By JOHN WALL The rest of the cast showed up for the perfonnace (Timothy When she played "Locomo¬ Woman." "Hey! You people are really neat!" she said, (C'mon, humor. From there, it was an "old¬ MIAMI (API - ers, for years the Ginger J State News Reviewer Thatcher apparently had a pressing engagement and split before tion," some audience members Carole! Haven't you seen Annie ies" medley of "Will You Still sweetheart of gJ1 George Washington Slept Here is the kind of play that is capable the curtain call) and they go through the motions, perhaps under looked puzzled. "Isn't that a American,,, Hall?) "Well, moving right Love Me Tomorrow," "Up On of bringing forth all that is weak, shoddy, tedious, sloppy, duress. Grand Funk song?" (A trivia goers, says modern H note: Did ya know that Neil along through the Tapestry The Roof," "Locomotion," and pictures have too amateurish, and boring in community theater. Unfortunately, this nrntk The BoarsHead Players simply don't have enough talented Sedaka's 1959 hit "Oh! Carol" album ." And she went into "One Fine Day," all of which everything is just what the BoarsHead Players have allowed their production . . except enteit of this tired Kaufman and Hart warhorse to become. people to stage a show this size, especially in the summer when was written for her?) renditions of "It's Too Late" were fantastic but ended much ment. . I frankly find it difficult to believe that this skeleton of a comedy they are trying out their apprentice talent. (Isn't is great to shell King has never been a dy¬ and "So Far Away." King is no too quickly. And then five more "I really don't like J out your $3 or whatever, and see some rosy-cheeked junior college songs from the new LP, all movies," says the 66-yeail was ever effective theater, but director John Peakes' program namic performer. Her vocals dummy. She knows her claim to notes tell me that it ran on Broadway for two uproarious prewar hopefuls trying to make the cut in a small-time, small-town theater have always been adequate but fame, but I began to wonder quite mundane. It was the first dancer. "They seem to hail company? Don't these people know that the better cast you what she was going to do for an time in eons that I've been truly attitude of just years so someone must have liked it. In two-and a half hours it surround yourself with, the better you will look - assuming you lacking in style, the end result BORED at a concert. Shqended throwing J only managed about four or five funny lines (taking about 30 being monotonous. This was thing and the kitchen stiJ have any talent in the first place?) with "Smackwater Jack," and there. ■ seconds total, including laughter) and 149 minutes of dead space. especially apparent at Thurs¬ King then introduced Na¬ This play needs lots of stage business as filler or it will make the Ultimately, the fewer words I expend on this stinko show, the less enervated I will feel later. If you really want to see some sleeping pill obsolete. There are a couple of performances that show that somebody, at any rate, is struggling to get with it with comedy — not necessarily great comedy, but comedy — stay home and watch the television sitcoms. Lucy, Desi, Fred and Ethel some verve and energy. Carmen Decker has some funny, funny Mertz, and company at least knew what they were doing; and, no MSU Bootery moments as the beleaguered city wife who must abide her husband's infatuation with the pioneer life and spirit (yes, folks, it is a very thin joke). She gets some lively and good-hearted support doubt, the chairs in your living room are more comfortable than the seats at the theater. Ladies & Gentlemen FINAL week of Summer Shoe Salt I from Rob Lewis as a helpful, but barely mature, son-in-law. Jan Hazel salvages her summer with some hilarious business (and the For those who simply must, out of loyalty or desperation, see George Washington Slept Here, it will run Wednesday through your hair can be evening's biggest laugh) in a cameo as a pregnant teenage Sunday, Aug. 14. Curtain is 8:30 p.m. at the Ledges Playhouse, housemaid. Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge. • conditioned Wff RENT AT.V • shampooed $26.00 per term | TRUCK RENTING • cut, styled/redesigned I■ End Fr.,delivery Service $10.95 » n^ntft *7^LEAS,NG • blown dry and curled ■nejac TV rentals! all for only $750 (all summor) DAILY-WEEKLY MONTHLY Modern Equipment at Competitive Prices ABBOTT ROAD HAIRCUTTERS Furniture Pads, Appliance Dollies CHECK OUR ROUND-TRIP RATES Call 332-4314 for appt. BEFORE PAYING A HIGH ONE-WAY RATE or just walk in. | CALL 371-3331 | Located in the E. Lansing State Bank building, Suite 201. umi samca mm AA Westside Rentals 1410 W. | Elevator & stairwell near theatre. ^ 13011. Greed Rhw Saginaw. Lansing Next to Vanity Im SIGHTSEEING THIS SUMMER ■ Produce- -In Store Coupons- Thompson Seedless Green Gold Medal Flour — 6# bag Gropes 67' lb. 48* Save 214 WEEK Aui Yellow Onions 3# bag 69* Spartan Salt — 26 oz. box Free Running or Iodized Solar Soya Roasted Salted 88* 9* Save 10C On east side of MSU at 1109 Soyanut I# bog East Grand River. Choose fr Tide Laundry Detergent Pancakes, Giant Size 49 Open Mon.-Thur. 9 am-10 pm for thehio oz. box Fri. & Sat. 9 am-10 pm -General Merchandise - Reversible Scatter 98' Sove 57< (For Pre-School or Rugs -Meat- Spartan Shortening 3# canI Kindergarten Children) 1 — Super Combs — Unbreakable , _ - 99' Sove 50« Assorted Colors / I. Grade A Whole Fryers - Be sure to see everything you can. At Co-optical w RATES Action. 3^ tising must be paid for in advance DAYS 1 day • 90c per line TEACHER NEEDED. Child care 351 5509. 8 8-22 (3) QUALITY HOUSES and duplexes, beginning August 1,1977. Bring or ■nBC News 3 days-80C per line center in Lansing is seeking a fall, 3-7 bedrooms, campus near mail to 347 Student Services. i Mobile Homes J"As You like I* 6 days ■ 759 per line qualified teacher for kindergarten. FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM, '/, From $350/month. Also 1-2 bed¬ Sp-12-8-12 (81 eleven yearsYxneL (aBCNows 1 block from campus. room apartments and rooms. 332 ing theses, 8 days ■ 709 per line Must be well prepared academi¬ lock. 351-8241. 8-8-22 (3) Air, security 1946. C-12-8-26 15) NEW, USED and vintage guitars, IT IS the policy of the STATE manuscript"* nwoe",n cally, experienced and strong in Christian commitment. Excellent banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student 8^(3) 8s- 675-7544 ' 7:00 Classified Adver¬ EAST LANSING duplex, 4 bed¬ neon's Heroes Line rate per insertion opportunity for mother desiring part-time work. 20 hours/week. Waters Edge rooms, 2 baths, rec room, 2 levels. $400. 374-6366. 0-12-8-26 131 and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ sories, books, thousands of hard- tising must be paid for in advance beginning August 1,1977. Bring or typing, experienced F»1 reasonable. t0 Tell The Truth Weekly salary, $125. Resume re¬ to-find albums. (All at very low 371-4635. Cj2 .partridge Family EconoLines 3 lines ■ '4.00 • 5 days. 80' per line over ceived by August 10th to Box A-1, Rivers Edge HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES! prices) Private and group lessons on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all mail to 347 Sp-12-8-12 18) Student Services. ||i< Beiderbecke M ■ State_News._BL-V8-8_< 12) Now Leasing!! Call now to see our list of East side EXPERT TYPING-Term p. „ Festival 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. styles. Gift certificates. Expert COMFORTABLE MOBILE home DENTAL ASSISTANT Position homes which will be available for Resumes, etc. 16 years 7:30 repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY near MSU. 8 x 36 with attached Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum sale price of *50. available in modern preventive office. Experience preferred, ex¬ 1050 Wafer's (next to Cedar Village) Edge September leasing. AIM, INC., 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand River. 332-4331. C-10-8-26 (49) shed.' $1300. 351-3684 evenings ence,Ca" Marilyn, 337-22931 king Show cellent working conditions. Send and weekends. 10-8-26 (4) Hollywood Square! Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines • '2.25 ■ per insertion. 0-12-8-26_(6J_ (Hollywood Squoret resumes to Box D-4, State News. 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). 333*4432 ROOMMATES NEEDED, farm¬ TO CLEAN COFFEE STAINS from 2 BEDROOM mobile home. Village 6-8-19 (6) i china or plastic, rub stain with locNeil/lehrer Re Rummage/Garage Sale ods ■ 4 lines ■ '2.50. house. Own room. 3 miles from Square Mobile Home Park, Wil- SHARE DRIVING to MSU STORE DETECTIVE-CJ major. baking soda. To find a cash buyer J 8:00 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. SPARROW NEAR-East Side, campus. Pets, horses O.K. $80 liamston. $170/month. 655-2252. Durand daily. Time Call between 10am-3pm, Monday- $115, 10 minutes to campus. plus utilities. 337-7776, Z-4-8-12 (4) for that china closet you no longer 6-8-8 (3) leave 8:30 a.m. return neootj Herions Round Town ads 4 lines '2.50 per insertion. use. place a low-cost ad in 5 J • 63' per line over 4 lines. ■ ■ Friday. 641-6734J1-8-12_(3) 351-8816. 3 8-8 13) Classified. - : 288-4644. i-1-0-0 zoo-WHU. Z-1-8-8 Id) (31 ■tittle House on Proi TYPISTS NEEDED, fall term. SHARE HOUSE with student. 5 Real Estate The Borber ot Sevi Lost 8 Founds ads /Transportation ads ■ 3 lines ■ '1.50 per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. ■ MUST type 60wpm. Apply in MICHIGAN/PENNSYLVANIA- efficiencies, $110, $120. Adults, no minutes MSU. $100/month for 3 months starting Sept. 1. Option $•• first for any GOLF COURSE On-beautiful 4 HwTTHS ' 1151 (.boy?)" person today, Aug. 8th at 427 Vj children or pets. Call 484-4840; us of your co 77 after. 487 2238. 4-8-21 151 household needs. bedroom Colonial. 3200 square Albert St. (Towne Courier Bldg). GRADUATE COUPLE 332-1396 8 8 19 14) We stock feef, 2 '/> baths, leaded windows. Students only apply. S-1-8-5 (5) furniture, applian¬ rent and maintain house HASLETT, LAKESIDE Village, 2 ces, televisions and stereo Secluded estate surrounded by Deadlines FULL AND WALK TO campus. Large 4 bedrooms furnished. Call 339- mature shade trees. Located on Lansing. References. Call part-time summer equipment. We also carry all 8052 after 5 p.m. Ads 2 p.m. -1 bedroom house. 2 baths, 229 8006 Z-9 Z-3-8-12131 - class day before publication. employment for MSU students. 8-26J3) types of sporting goods, Lansing Country Club. $86,500 15-20 hours/week. Automobile re¬ Collingwood. Reduced for sum¬ Paul Coady, 351-8058; MUSSEL Cancellation/Change • 1 p.m. - 1 class day before mer to $250'month. Call EQUITY HOUSES FOR Rent. 2-5 bed¬ musicol equipment and quired. 339-9500; 339-3400. C-12- MAN REALTY, 332-3582. C-3-8-8 publication. VEST, 351-1500. 0-12 8-26 (5) rooms, well located, close to jewerly. 8-26 (17) Our (10) Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled campus. From $275/month. Call repair shop works on or changed EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. 0-11-8- oil brands of electronics. until after 1st insertion. ELECTRONIC REPAIRMAN ■Family Way" There is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per Wanted. Experience necessary in stereo and related repair. TV or CB CHALET APARTMENTS 26(6) Stop in and check out bargains. our [_ Service j(^ 9:30 additional change for maximum of 3 changes. Next to campus, spacious, air NEAR FRANDOR. 4 or 5 bed¬ The State News will only be experience helpfyl, good working conditioned, furnished. 2 bed¬ rooms. Deposit, 9-12 month lease. IT IS the policy of the STATE Ill's Fair responsible for the 1st NEWS that the last 4 weeks of »II News conditions plus benefits. See Greg room, shag carpeting. Mark, 372-9044 after 10 p.m. DICKKR A DIAL term all Student Classified Adver¬ BINGO TUESDAY Night, J day s incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must at WILCOX TRADING POST, 509 Fall from $334 month. Year 8-8-22 (3) p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early 1 10:00 1701 South Cedar tising must be paid for in advance be made within 10 days of expiration date. E. Michigan, Lansing. Please, no from $290 month. 487-3886 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or starts at 7 p.m. Regular al 1 10:00 Bills are due 7 days from ad phone calls. C-10-8-26 (10) p.m. Minimum age 18 SHAAw expiration date. If not Summer still available. 2 MALE roommates needed for mail to 347 Student Services. ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge East if y&CHer paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will RECEPTIONIST, FULL-time, for new 4-man house starting fall. Sp-12-8-12 (81 sing. C-12-8-26 (51 11:00 be due. 332*6197 Close, central air, all utilities paid. freshman yearbook portrait pro¬ 351-6858 or 332-3202. 10-8-26(51 GUITAR GOODIES. Used Gibson: FOR QUALITY stereo service 1*12) News gram, Sept. 26 to Nov. 23. Explorer, Les Pauls, SG's, ES $3.50/hour, 40 hrs./week. Good THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East 5 MINUTES from campus in 335's, ES 120 Et ES 125. Used Grand River. C-12-8-26 13) Automotive A Art Soma / typing skills on Selectric, ability to supervise students. Possibility of working January. Call 355-8263 Lansing. Responsible couple or singles. 4 large rooms and bath. [~ Rooms_ > Fender: Stratocaster, Telecaster, Et Fender basses. Also, Vintage Martins: 000-21 Herringbone, 000- FREE . A Lesson in complexion $140/month including all utilities. IT IS the care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan (Tues-Fri) to arrange interview. 669-5513. 0-2-8-10 151 policy of the STATE 18, D35. Gibson: Rosewood ROY 4-8-12(11) NEWS that the last 4 weeks of or 321-5543 Lansing Mall. MERLE IT IS the policy of the STATE SMECK-1936, J200. Gibson man¬ NORMAN COSMETIC STUOIOS. Aikido, martial art for si JUNK CARS wanted. We pay term all Student Classified Adver¬ dolins: A & F models. Excellent LANSING $140/month utilities fense and personal growth, m NEWS that the last 4 weeks of more if they run. Also buy used C-12-8-26 141 GENERAL OFFICE. Typing-book¬ paid. Living room, bedroom, bath, tising must be paid for in advance selection of used guitar amps & 5 to 7 tonight and Wednesday® term all Student Classified Adver¬ cars and trucks. 3321-3651. C-12- keeping background. Call Carol at kitchen, quiet. 487-5599, 5-9 p.m. beginning August 1.1977. Bring or PA systems by Ampeg, Fender, COMPLETE REPAIR service for 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Judo Ro tising must be paid for in advance 826 (14) DOOLEY'S 351-9001 between 9-2 mail to 347 Student Services. _ _ Z-3-8-12 131 Peavey, Traynor, Sunn. Plus new stereo's, TV's, tapes, guitars, ban¬ Men's IM. beginning August 1,1977. Bring or for interview. 2-8-8 (4) Sp-12-8-12 (8) Shure Vocalmaster PA systems, mail to 347 Student WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top jos, band instrument. MARSHALL LCC TM Club invites I) Services. DELUXE 2 BEDROOM-air, car¬ dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE microphones Et accessories. Com¬ MUSIC, 351-7830. C-1-8-1 (141 Sp-12 8-12 18) WANTED STEREO salesman with peted. heat and water furnished. MALE ROOMMATE needed, own students and employees to al AUTO PARTS b SALVAGE. 0-12- plete line of band instruments, all previous experience. Easy person¬ $220. 332-8215. 0-12-8-26 131 room, $90 month, includes utili¬ film, "TM Program and $| 8-26 (3) tested and guaranteed. BUY- ties, no lease, 5596 Okemos Rd. 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. Wedn AMC 1969. This is a hot one! ality and energy a must. Know¬ 332-8898 after 6 p.m. SELL-TRADE. WILCOX TRAD¬ L Instruction F Needs clutch. Take over pay¬ ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace ledge of photo equipment helpful. EAST LANSING close in, 3 rooms Z-5-8-WJ3I ING POST, 509 E. Michigan, 403 Arts and Sciences Bldg., l| ments 676-9334. 8-7-29 (3) Good pay plus many benefits. See and bath, unfurnished, $175/ FOREIGN STUDENTS-English your conventional ignition with a FALL SINGLES, nicely furnished, Lansing, 485-4391. C-12-8-26 1801 International Folk Dancing ml Piranha electronic ignition at Greg at WILCOX TRADING month. Married couple or single problems shouldn't keep you from 8 to 10:30 tonight, Kedzie shared kitchen, parking. Very DATSUN 1974 4-door station CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN POST, 509 E. Michigan, Lansing. woman only. Call 332-5988. 0-9-8 BOOKS, MAGAZINES, comics good grades. Editing, proof read¬ close. $90-4120. 332-1800; 372- yard. Everyone welcome, b wagon. 28,000 miles, steel belted CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ Please, no phone calls. C-10-26 26I5I and more! CURIOUS BOOK ing by PHD candidate. Eng./Lin¬ ners to advanced. Free! 1800. 0-4-8-10 14) radials. 355-7801. Z-6-8 15 (3) zoo Street, one mile west of (11) SHOP, 307 E. Grand River. 332- guistics. 7 years experience U.S. PENNSYLVANIA 0112. C-12-8-26 (31 and abroad. Private Come join us Mondays at campus. C-12-8-26 (7) AVENUE-fur- NEED 1 person for own room in tutoring avail¬ DODGE DART 1973 Sport. 71,000 nished studio. Utilities paid, $135/ able. 485-5065, leave message for The Jewish Women's Le miles, air, sunroof, power. $1000/ best offer. 393-7446; 393-5941. Employment j{ j For Rent jj "X month plus deposit. 489-5574 after 5 p.m. 0-2-8-10 141 house starting Aug. 15 on Michi¬ gan Ave. across from Brody. $68.75 plus utilities. 351-0053. BLACK DIRT sod farm soil. Ap¬ proximately 6 yards delivered lo¬ Miss Peterson, Call anytime. Z-B- 1-8-8 (8) Co-op meets at 7:30 p.m.B welcome to share and learn J 3-8-10 (4) TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, mod¬ Z-3-8-12 (41 cally. $39. Sand and landscape Free University will f $10.95'month, Call NEJAC 337- LOOKING FOR MSU CO-OP, The Nursery School roommate. Older rocks available. Call 641-6024; organizational meeting, FIAT 1971 850CC. Excellent gas ern facilities, experience, person in a country setting, with a 5 acre 1010. C-12-8-26 13) student preferred. Have a 2 bed¬ LAW STUDENT desires mature 484-3379. 0-11-8-26 I5I from all walks of life please atl mileage. Needs some work. Best who can type and do insurance. room apartment now. 332-8968 play area, has openings for 3 or 4 offer 351-4697. Z-5-8-12 (3) $750/month. Box F-6, State News. 6-8-19 (31 roommate, grad preferred, no year olds. Call 349-3518 or 337- 8 p.m. Tuesday in the l| MAVERICK 1970, 2 door, good 4-8-12 (5) L Apartments ilRj lease, deposit. 882-8321. 3-8-8 13) BASSETT rattan CRIB and mattress, dressing table with 4 draw¬ 9207. 6-8-15 (5) Building. Sulak • • • Sivaraksa, Thai s FEMALE NEEDEO own room, MALE ROOMMATE, own room in ers, $100. 321-6028. 3-8-8 (31 condition. $550 or best offer. WANT TO work in Africa? Peace IT IS the policy of the STATE and poet, speaks o 332 6676. 8-8-12 (3) Corps has opportunities for all majors. For more information NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified adver¬ towne house in Okemos. $71.00. 349-5880. 3-8-12 (31 3 bedroom, 1V4 bath, 7th floor, Northwind Farms apartments. CONN CORONET, used 3 months, new $175, sell $125. Mens 3 [Typing Service and Development: Is ful?" 3:30 p.m. Small Bel Wednesday,| (torn K. Ryan MG MIDGET 1973. 47,000 miles. Pool, sauna, air conditioning, dish¬ Union. come to the AFRICAN STUDIES tising must be paid for in advance washer. Must be grad student or diamond wedding band, appraised FOR A LONG-LASTING FIRE, Extra cover. $1800. 482-3852 after 1 p.m. 6-810 (3) CENTER, Room 106, International Center or phone 353-1700. 3-8-10 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. L Ho"" JSfe employed. Available $116.66 per month plus deposit now for $180, sell $115. Men's cross country ski package. Never used, choose hardwood logs that pro¬ duce a shorter flame and burn less Volunteer to work oi MONTE CARLO 1971. Automatic, (6) Sp-12-8-12 18) IT IS the policy of the STATE Call 337-1123 for appointment $135. 487-1911; 373-7192. 9-8-24 rapidly than soft woods. If aroma Player's Gallery's Summer Slj NEWS that the last 4 weeks of 3-8-8 (10) (71 is the most important considera¬ Call the Activity Director's ^ AM FM, radials, buckets, depen¬ CUSTODIAN-MARRIED couple SAVE FOR summer, own room in Union Activities Board. to serve as church term all Student Classified adver¬ tion, select wood from fruit trees dable, excellent condition, $1650 custodian, rent 3 man furnished apartment. No SEWING MACHINE SALE! Open or best off_er^485_-0938. 3-8-10 (4) MUSTANG '68. Horn, blinkers free occupancy of a furnished parish house apartment, partially lease. 349-1883 after 6 p.m. 8-8-12 (4) tising must be paid for in advance beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student I For SiiTT^ arm Dressmaster. Stretch by White. $119.50 while they last. zig-zag If you have fireplace logs for sale, find buyers the quick and easy way...with a low-cost ad in Classi¬ The Tri-County Organic 6i ing Club meets at 8 tc serving as part of renumeration. Services. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. work just fine. Rest not so hot. Sp-12 8-12 (8) 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. fied University Lutheran Church, l| Reply to State News, Box E-5. EFFICIENCY, ONE OR TWO BED¬ 1115 N. Washington. 489-6448 Road. Please come! Good car for playing mechanic. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. son 5-8J2 (7) ROOM. East side and downtown C 2-8-8 (231 $89 95. 482-2660. 5-8-8 (4) SPARROW NEXT door, students, Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 EXPERIENCED TYPIST fast and NEAT, MATURE person for at¬ Lansing. Call now for list of and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Outing Club meets at 7:301 September openings. AIM, INC., nurses, 5 bedrooms, decorated, accurate. Dissertations, theses, OPEL 1974, Manta Luxus, excel¬ tendant to attorney of slight build carpeted, consider capable resi¬ COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, and term papers. Call 339-3575. Tuesday, 204 Natural Scil in wheelchair. 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. lent condition, 30 mpg, Evenings and morn¬ 0-12-8-26 (6) dent manager. 351-8810 or after 5 opposite City Market. C-12-8-26 0-2 8-10 (3) Bldg. Rock climbing meets! corduroy ings, lifting involved. Attendant interior, stereo AM/FM, $2500. p.m. 351-0676. 3-8-8 (5) (6) p.m. Wednesday at the free 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Compensa¬ -ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Science Building. Owner leaving U.S. Must sell. ONE BEDROOM apartment, near BSR 310-X Turntable without 351 3418. Z-2-8-8 (5) tion includes full basement ments. References. 374-8652. 6-8- 17 (8) apart¬ campus. From $195. Heat and water included. 351-4091. 0-12-8- 3 BEDROOM, house. $225/month. Deposit, no FURNISHED cartridge, $30. Call 332-2159 or 355-8252, ask for Mike W. S-5-8- [Lost I Found )[C(; TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, general printing. Serving MSU for Introductory lecture oi PORSCHE 1972 914 red. Excellent 26 (3) lease, ample parking. Call 882- 1213) LOST: TIGER eye and gold neck¬ 27 years with complete theses program sponsored by the! condition, 55,000 miles. FM stereo 7631 6 8-10 13) lace, lost around area of Campus service. 349-0850. C-12-8-26 (51 dents International Medit! JANITOR-MORNINGS, and tape player, Michelin tires. afternoons. THE some AMERICA'S PINILAKI MAPLE CAPTAINS chairs with Corners, sentimental value, re¬ Society at 7:30 p.m. WedneJ $3500. Phone Jan 351-7480; 321- 4, 5, 6, 7 BEDROOM houses, all ward. 355-2917; 355-2915. Z-2-8-8 COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete TM Center. 119 E. Grand | CUP-ALLE-EY is seeking to hire very close. Good condition. 339- padded seats, $15 each. Cash 'n' Ave. 5524. 3-8-12 (5) (4) part time and full time janitors. APARTMENTS 2961 6 8 8 (3) carry, first come, first choice. dissertation and resume service. Apply in person, AMERICA'S 6080 Marsh Rd. MOON'S RESTAURANT, Albert/ Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. VOLKSWAGON FASTBACK LOST: LADIES gold dinner ring. MAC, 11 a.m.-until gone. E-5-7-8 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- 1968 Reliable $550 332-2739. Z-3-8-8 (3) transportation. CUP RESTAURANT, 220 MAC 6 8 15 (6) Meridian Mall Area S165 plus utilties EAST SIDE-nice 3 bedroom, 5 minutes campus. $265 plus. Ideal students/family. 351-8816. 3-8-8 (51 Large garnet set circled by small garnets, Owen Grad Hall or cam¬ 1666. C 12-8-26 (5) CAMPU$| SUMMERTIME AND time on your SAFETY, HARDEN and coated pus, reward, call 641-6721. Z-5-8 VW 1974 7 passenger bus. Very hands? Use it to earn money * one bedroom unfurnished lens. OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2517 15 (4) HILL clean, excellent mechanical condi¬ selling AVON. Call 482-6893. C-3- * G.E. E. Michigan, Lansing, Mich. 372- appliances 3-4-5 BEDROOMS, close to cam¬ tion, $3300. 339-2536. 10-8-26 (4) RJ0 (3) * 7409. RALPH THE ready-made dog lost * Fully carpeted Air, drapes pus, furnished, carpeted. Year C-3-8-12J13) July 30 at 711 Burcham. Shepard- VOLVO 1973 43.000 miles, FULL-PART time jobs. Excellent lease 487-0114. Z 10-8-26 131 BED, DESK, kitchen table and 4 St. Bernard mix wearing flea •2 Bedrooms good * odjocent to new county park condition. Best offer. 332-8376. earnings. Call 374-6328, 4-6 p.m. chairs, very nice. 337-0169. Z-2-8-8 • 5 8-12 (3) Weekdaysonly. Z-4-8-15 (3)_ FRANCIS-LOVELY panelled 4- collar. 351-8777. Z-3-8-8 (5) Faniished Apts. bedroom home. $280/month 321- Roommate Si _ KITCHEN HELP needed, applica •free 0031. 8 8-19 (3) r Lease •Dislmasliers J Kwlnrcycles Snj tions taken now for the fall and now. DOOLEYS, 351-1225. 2-8-10 339-8192 AVAILABLE FOR fall. Two 5 We Deliver Service! • Central fir Ci 76 KAWASAKI KZ900 with com¬ 13) 655-3805 bedroom houses. Within a plete Windjammer III. $2100 or TAKING APPLICATIONS full and distance of Campus. Call 351- walking Take your American Have a place to head •SwimmiogPool trade, 676-3716. 3-8-10 13) part time. Experience preferred, ONE MALE student, sublease 4107. 0-11 8-26 (5) compact or subcompact Velvo to.. Collingwood •U«|j»ited Parti'! Campus Hill Apartment. NEW LOW RATES Men's Formal Wear. Minimum school year. 3 good 77-78 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED with 119.92 Apartments I •Pleasant landscape! | on motorcycle wage. 351-6566. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. roommates, call Campus Hill 349-3530, Bob Special 12montlin • insurance. ALDER AGENCY, 351- 3-8-12 (5) carpeting. 402 N. Foster. $145. 8620. 0 2-8-10 13) I manager). 2-8-8-12 151 482-6906. 1-8-8 13) per month Anir conditioned PART-TIME, hostess and wait¬ 48 months open 1976 HONDA 400F, $900 or 550 miles, best offer. 339-3236. Call ress. dian Apply BACKSTAGE, Meri Mall, after 5 p.m. 349-3220 1 AND 2 unit. bedrooms in modern 8 Furnished and unfurnished EAST LANSING, fall, 4 bedroom duplex, appliances, washer/dryer. end lease * * dishwasher shag carpeting free bus! early or late. 3-8-10 13) 6-8-19(4) ' Call 372-0297. 8-8-17 (31 No pets. 332-3746. 1-8-8 13) ■rand New 1977 Volvo Mil * unlimited * plush furniture parking service r RESIDENT MANAGER couple for ROOMMATE NEEDED, large 1 5 BEDROOM FURNISHED. Gas *■*> Service [> small apartment building in Has- lett. Inquire at HAMCO MANAGE¬ bedroom apartment, close to cam¬ pus, call collect, 1-313-274-6021 fireplace and furnace. Large lot. Cook Herrlman xx A model open daily Modal Open Everyday I MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East MENT. 332-3900, evenings phone Z-3-8-12 (3) 5920 Potter St. Available Ifith. $276. 482-6906. 1-8 8 (51 Sept VW VOLVO MAZDA (® Now leasing for Kalamazoo Street since Complete auto 1940. 332-3202. 0-12-8-26 (4) LARGE SPACIOUS J'MW Saginaw 321*4900 Fall sion service. painting and colli¬ American and foreion two townhouses, across from Berkey. bedroom NEED 4 couples house. Partially for 4 budruum 9NUTTU Call 351 -8282 Leasing for Fall MODELS WANTED. $8/hour. We furnished, near BUS TO cars 485 0256 1 year (behind Old World Mall C 12-8 26 (141 will train. 489-2278. Z 28-8 lease, $295. 351-0359. Gables, parking, 349 3546. 6-8 15 26 (3) 9-8-26 (31 \JHE SMALL CAR KOtLlJ on the river 1) CAU 34*3* Slate News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Monday, August 8, 1977 1 1 DOONESBURY- showcasejazz presents by Garry Trudeau SPONSORED BY: Pot Metheny Tuesday, Aug. 9 8:00 & 10:30 ERICKSON KIVA THE PRESIDENTS BECOMING VERY i (6)wjim-tv(cbs' (,0)WllX"TV(NBC) (")WElM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT.TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) ~ concerned abm his rela- tuedontwant uhy txxftue vminwpolh join them sure! see, \1 whs urn congress. thecre tcs as usual', of | an ex- urn Its in weir ecime really have beginning to wink of us on course, but die summer i branch isa houer- the hill as being totally need some twu6nts recess? reces5? than-wou intractable.. on a conciliatory monday (23) Inner Tennis gesture. \ ' 8:30 10:00 evening (6) Phyllis 5:30 11:30 (6) Kojak (6) Ko|ak (11) The Electric Way (10) Police Story ■cable II News (10) Johnny Carson (12) Laverne & Shirley (23) Trial of Henry Flipper |E|ectric 4:00 Company (12) Fernwood 2 Night 9:00 11:00 (23) ABC News (6)M*A*S*H (6-10-12) News J).|2)Newt (10) Police Woman (23) Realidades [Th. Bible»v,<»w (11) Cable 11 News 11:30 ■studio See " (12) Movie (6) Movie 6:30 TUESDAY "Sam Whiskey" "The Wings of Eagles" ■bs News EVENING (23) Opera Theater ■NBC News 5:30 9:30 (10) Johnny Carson (12) Fernwood 2 Night PEANUTS For all your high supplies. J"Ai You I'be " (11) Cable 11 News (4) One Day at a Time (23) ABC News by Schulz POWER HinERS - 50% OFF jC News (23) Electric Company 7:00 logon's Heroes (6-10-12) News 6:00 MSU SHADOWS ® Jjo Tell The Truth (11) "Customer t The Wait¬ by Gordon Corleton sponsokok, ■partridge Family er" and "Johnny Casino" ■|i> Beiderbecke Mem- ■ Jon Festival (23) Scene One, Take One PIN3ALL PETE'S 7:30 6:30 Present this really funny comic for 25' (6) CBS News worth of free og Show play! Hollywood Squares (10) NBC News (11) Woman Wise I M HSfit WITH THE Hollywood Squares PRfcSlDUOT Of GUMlTALt, lotNeil/lehrer Report (12) ABC News Motors, WHO IS ABOUT TO &lV£ OS A d«ama- 8:00 (23)M.D. T zATtcxo Of 6M's threat To Shot Oouoaj ons Je House on Prairie (6) Hogan's Heroes 7:00 rss" s^it?™ fill, Barber of Seville (10) To Tell The Truth Jifcisto boy?)"'77 (It) Newsmaker (12) Partridge Family ■tennis (23) Young Musical Artists 1 8:30 Lysinyk 7:30 Tall (4) Wild, Wild World of 9:00 Animals (10) Name That Tune (11)Talkin' Sports ■family Way" (12) let's Make a Deal 9:30 (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report Ill's Foir 8:00 |Cable 11 News (6) Jack Benny 10:00 (10) Baa Baa Black Sheep 10:00 (11) Colorized Kosmic Bean nyiCher (12) Happy Days 11:00 (23) In Performance at Wolf B-12) News Trap Low gas prices Plus Service! |AVELS WITH FARLEY SPONSORED BY: Benda's Little Freeway Service Station il Frank ybs Sir me car of rue ^ futor6 ■■ safer- ch&r& TO blv akid ovzme. gets umbeu&lb&le MILEAGE AMD 0056AJT \m-ure,/z^ o NOW OPEN! 1312 Mich. Ave. jJMBLEWEEDS iomK. Ryan CAMPUS (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) 337-1377 PIZZA one free item with any size Pizza JOSSWORD PUZZLE hhcia rara dijiesh aaari an anna aaan anGaraaa SPONSORED BY: Ohepard's ?5 76 Pull dflfr) RUHR add rarjianonaa affld campus I In Ragout 79 Fashion nasa an an ■ '"Wiled 31 Geological period na nil raaac 37 Swing 36 ana nnaBcifflaia Climb I hit arara aaoa aaa lr*h«c I 38 39 Appreciable Stoplight saanaau anna 333S? IW AO Enliven aaaa aa snaa A? Arrive OEiaa as aasn ■fall A3 Comrade •WrteAjei/e* Itr AA 45 Mayday 47 Type squares 2 Old womanish TtWs trouble k ■Nils Stratford- «6 town in AB Camera's eye DOWN 3 4 5 Cupolas Curlycue Sailor i can always Minnesota Uncivilized 6 Historical epochs BesuReTHeRg's 7 Andiron QOjNG To 3e 8 Sensitive plant 9 Young lish soMeoNerneRe 10 Lessee ••••Aie i# 16 Amid 18 Chop 71 Pig 24 Detection 25 Home ol 21 Down 26 Blanhelhhe shawl 27 Ihreeliild 128 Smoothly 30 light hearted 33 Coppice .34 fruit 35 Blisslul places 37 type square 38 Monad 41 En/yme 42 Presidential, nickname Monday, Augusts 12 Michigon State News, East Loosing, Michigan ],77 vocalized their approval or "Whooze next? Walk right banlon shirts and V-neck pull¬ fairgrounds clinging to displeasure with oooos and up! Ten cents to play, ten cents over sweaters were Inter¬ bleached blond root-bound "chicks" smiling blindly at fair aaahhs, boos and yeas. The to win! Lotsa fun." spersed throughout the motley contestants are here to win — Kids, pot-bellied men and fat crowd. And of course the barkers who were missing they came for the blue ribbon. ladies meandered and stumbled infamous greasers made the teeth and working crowded But these particular horses Step right up! down the flourescent midway scene with tight T-shirts com¬ booths. were not the mammoth Draft at the annual Ingham County plete with bulging muscles At the grandstand they horses pulling sparkling buck- Fair, sucking cokes, tearing at ripping out the seams and wheeled their teams of horses boards. They were not the kielbasa dogs, crunching pop¬ crushing the pack of Kools onto the track in front of the hastily rolled up in the left shirt cavernous bleachers which imposing Clydesdales made fa¬ corn, peanuts and candy apples in beer commercials. In¬ fun mous only sparsely filled. county fair along with getting cotton candy sleeve. were stead, they seemed to be some¬ stuck on their fingers and up Area gas stations were ru¬ Gripping the reigns tightly, their noses. mored to have a suspiciously the contestants clicked once, thing out of the land of Lilliput in Gulliver's Travels. They were all there. Stereo¬ short supply of axle grease — sending the teams into a fast The judge reached a decision. types of every imaginable limit culprits unknown but suspects walk. stalked the Ingham County were abundantly revealed One chewed nervously on his Holding up one finger, and by Fair. Clean cut corduroy pants, wet heads milling around the cigar, hiding behind sunglasses mouthing the word "one," he as thick, black rain clouds pointed to the burly man chew¬ swept slowly over the fair¬ ing his cigar. The still- sun- grounds. The wagons bucked glassed man grinded and pulled his team around to the judging along the dirt track, rattling as stand followed close by his they struck a rut. The contes¬ tants stared at one another; competition. tight lipped, carefully watching Vanquished, the loser fol¬ each other as the competition lowed his victor as he mumbled t a few words to his tiny team. The crowd had their favor¬ They walked off with still-sag¬ ites. They sat quietly until the ging heads. judge made his decision and The competition was over. Errors jack up pipeline cost (continued from page 1) collected a total of $35,000 for congressional authorization." nine weeks on the job," the stole N.wi/MomS At the top of his lungs, fair barker Joe Vondr, "Thus the owners were able report said. to threaten to abandon the promotes penny tossing. Successful tossers walk, The state of Alaska, which away with large stuffed animals; not so succsto project unless Congress ap¬ Lenzner said commissioned the ones were rewarded with small stuffed t proved authorization without investigation at a cost of 51 certain provisions proposed by million, is interested in cost environmental groups," the re¬ overruns because it could affect port said. Sftfe Distil® the tariffs the pipeline owners The report said that of the estimated $1.5 billion wasted, may command. about $1.2 billion could be Under regulator-law, Lenz- attributed to the pipeline and ner said, the Alaska commis¬ road portion of the project and sion may exclude unreasonably the rest to mismanagement in high construction coats from constructing pumping stations the computation of the tariffs, and terminal facilitites. forcing the pipeline owners to Open: Monday, Tues., Wed., State News Maggie Walker "At least one laborer was absorb the excessive cost of the Sat - 9-6 (Not snow but vo Fair-goers are whirled through the air on Super Swing, one of many rides on the midway at Ingham County Fair. paid for working 24 hours a day project instead of passing it ud the ctrs neai over 27 consecutive days and Thurs. & Fri. - 9-9 Sunday IM Mt. I'su began er volcano, which is state coupon There IS a difference!!!,7* WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II CIGARETTES r .MCAT -LSAT 'DAT 220 MAX., UNIVERSITY MAIL ABOVE ALIE'EY .6MAT .VAT .GRE «OCAT .SAT HRS.: M0N.-WED. (SAT. 104; TNURS. 0 FRI. 10-0 P.M. 39VPACK NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS PH. 332-3525 NOW OMNI •ECFMG .FLEX Flexible Programs and Hours JUL 11)0/ /NEC OUR DISCOUNT? CAMPUS Over 38 years of experience end success. Small classes Voluminous home study materials Courses that are constantly updated. Centers open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities for review ALL IS LP'S iw/o orr onkodakfw ON KODAK FILM ol class lessons and lor use of supplementary materials. Make-ups for -/ EVERYDAY PHOTO FINISHING PIZZA missed lessons at our centers. Flexible Programs and Hours ^ \ GRATEFUL DEAD TERRAPIN STATION ' '4.29 By STATE NE1 fnuKUnited Press Inte formerly Pino hprm "•9- $7.98 state coupon health depar fnHftn Hillt 1131151431; <3.00 OFF DISC WASHER NIT federal assistance East LansiRK's only Italian Style Pizza! imliW. HUC71141 JMlm-JW rest rnieaaariM anciatisrs since rise SUNGLASSES testing program to 1312 Michigan Ave. Or wrila to: 20224 Orchard lake Rd. Rag. $15.00 only *12.00 of PBB on the I (next to Silver Dollar Soloon) Sulfa#205 Farmlngton Hills, Ml. 4S01I EXPIRES 8-13-77 50% OFF RETAIL lyatem. a letter to (Depart! ^Mammae (filiated Centers in Major U. S. Citiea «and Welfarel Sec; FRIE DKLIVERY last night requ state coupon it," Dr. Maurice F can 337-1377 GEE YOUR HAIR SMELLS TERRIFIC Public Health LIVE IN CONCERT Uoi. SHAMPOO $. 4 Voluabla coupon • ona per customer Reg. 2.25 |, LIMIT I EXPIRES 1-14 FREE one item per PAT METHENY state coupon SUAVE SUPER ROLL ON pizza ANTIPERSPIRANT Expires Mon., Aug. 15 TUBS. AUGUST 9TH 3oz. 2.00 value , limit i 8 AND 10:30 P.M. AT ERICKSON KIVA GYM SHORTS T-SHIRTS AMD DON'T FORGET PAT'S TWO OUTSTANDING LPS. 7$5.00 The shoe ■ ecm-1-10s7 PAT METHENY that turned things WATERCOLORS state coupon BRECK CLEAN RINSE ■ PAT METHENY upside down eat 8 ox. Reg. 1.59 limit 1 expires ijl H state coupon KERI LOTION 4.5 oz. if' m ■ Reg. 2.98 limit 1 $H expirkjj ■f state coupon COTTON BALLS BRIGHT SIZE LIFE 240 ct. Reg.98C 5 limit 1 fxpieklj state coupon 1 CHLOR-TRMETON ONLY 4.60 EACH The one, the only, the original Bass 100's ... the comfortable durable casuals that have ALLERGY TABLETS made it with today's sole searchers. Now - Reg. 24's great new uppers, but still with the same Reg.1.59 distinctive sole of genuine limit 1 expiresiI cood/Feaw® rubber. Vou already know the track record Run, don't walk, to Bass. A L.P. SPECIAL MSIIBOOTERY Disc Shop 323E.GRAND RIVER FLEETWOOD MAC RUMOURS CROSBY, STILLS ft NASH Reg. 7.98 $3. 225 E. Grand River E.L. PH. 351-5380 acroti from MSU Union M-TH 10-6, F 10-9, S 10-6 CSN *3. opon Thurs. & Fri. til 9 expieesiJ