MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 PLO role rejected by Israeli minister A-> By BARRY SCHWEID or charter, which leaves no room for Israel Dayan reiterated Israel's opposition to JERUSALEM (AP) — Foreign Minister to exist as a Jewish state. Moshe Dayan rejects any role for the any "foreign power" taking over the Resolution 242 recognizes Israel's right to territory on the West Bank of the Jordan Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) i exist in secure borders and calls for a River that the Israelis occupied in the 1967 Middle East peace talks if the negotiated Mideast settlement. Palestinians should accept United Nations Dayan said: "I don't think the acceptance, Asked if this position applied to Jordan, resolutions recognizing Israel's existence. if there will be an acceptance, without any the former general said: "Yes, it does." "The PLO's objective is to destroy us," he reservation by the PLO of 242 means However, he said, Israel is prepared to declared Tuesday. automatically abolition of the PLO's char¬ negotiate at Geneva without preconditions. Clashing with Carter Administration ter." He said Israel was prepared even to listen policy on several fronts, Dayan said in some The hero of the 1967 Middle East war to Arab claims to the Old City of Jerusalem, respects Israel does not see "eye to eye" said Israel is "ready to compromise on some the sector crammed with holy with Washington and is places of prepared "to take points" and "to find ways to live together Judaism. Islam and Christianity that the care of ourselves." with the Arabs in the West Bank and in the Jews have vowed to keep. Dayan addressed a news conference after Gaza Strip." Outlining Israel's overall policy, Dayan he and Prime Minister Menahem But he said only Israel and the Arabs i Begin held specified: their first talks with visiting Secretary of make peace, indicating Israel would not •A settlement that results in a compre¬ State Cyrus R. Vance. accept a solution dictated by the United hensive peace treaty with the Arab states, Israel's refusal to negotiate with the States or other outsiders. including diplomatic relations and free Palestinians or to accept a Palestinian state Dayan said the PLO is not eligible to trade. were among the key differences with U.S. participate in the Geneva conference be¬ •An early reconvening of the Geneva AP Wirephoto policy touched Jjiot snow but volcanic aih covers the landscape still belching black smoke and ashes into the air, Vance, in a on by Dayan. shift of U.S. position, said cause the conference is limited to countries and not "parties." He said Jordan already negotiations, possibly in October, involving Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon if ■ind the cars near Sapporo, Japan, Tuesday after forcing the evacuation of residents in surrounding earlier in the day at a news conference in ■ML Isu began erupting Sunday. The twin-peaked speaks for the Palestinians but Israel would it chooses. towns. Mt. Usu is in southern Saudi Arabia that PLO Hokkaido, Japan's acceptance of U.N. not object to including Palestinian Arabs in •Nonacceptance of "the idea of a Palestin¬ ■volcano, which is about 42 miles from Sapporo, is northernmost main island. Security Council Resolution 242 would, in the Jordan delegation, so long as they were ian state" in whatever form, his including judgment, "revoke" the PLO covenant not PLO members. "homeland" and "entity" — the terms There are increasing indications the Carter has used. Carter Administration is edging closer to GOVERNOR CRITICIZED FOR 'FOOTDRAGGING' the Arab position on several points. Vance in •Willingness to compromise on territory the Sinai peninsula and the Golan has had "indirect contact" through Arab Heights but with "no foreign power on the countries with the PLO, and he agreed with West Bank." the Arabs it would be good to resolve some .Nor,acceptance of the PLO aid as a "part- I.S. sought for testing substantive issues before a peace confer- ence. President Carter has said PLO accep- tance of Resolution 242 ner" or a participant in the peace talks, •Readiness to sign peace treaties indivi- dually with Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Leba- " might "open an non, leaving the Arab countries free to for Yasir Arafat's organization to consult among themselves regarding the By STATE NEWS Bureau of Disease Control and Laboratory when they got pressured" and demon¬ join the peace conference. terms. Ll'nited Press International Services for the state health department, lowering allowable levels of PBB to .02 All this has caused anxiety in this strated "a lack of character" and "some¬ lute health department has re- parts per million and requiring livestock to Arriving in Israel earlier in the day, said the blood testing required would be thing less than a dedication in resolving this country, but Dayan underscored Begin's be tested for PBB contamination before Vance said he had found a "genuine desire ll federal assistance in initiating a both sophisticated and expensive. (the PBB) question." determination to stand firm. li testing program to determine the He said the testing would be for the they can be sent to market. He said that at the moment he did not for peace" in the Arah countries he visited The house speaker said Milliken must Farmers who lost cattle, pigs, chicken before arriving in Israel. I of PBB on the body's dlsease- proportion of lymphocytes, a type of white take at least partial responsibility for and other animals when the toxic chemical detect "any tendency of the United States l system. blood cell he described as the "main "footdragging" on the part of his appoin¬ — which is industrially used as a fire that the PLO should take part in the "We bear very much in mind the lata letter to (Department of Health, instrument of (the body's) immune system," tees. Geneva peace conference." fundamental principle that any peace must retardant — was mistakenly mixed with ion and Welfare) Secretary (Joseph) and their reaction to stimuli. The governor responded to Crim's attack "I haven't heard of that," Dayan said. assure the security of Israel and the livestock feed in 1973 received no compen¬ » last night requesting federal Wilcox estimated the cost of each test "But should there be such a position we by charging the speaker with trying to sation from the state under the new law. strength and survival of the values for Dr. Maurice Reizen, Depart would be at least $100. shall oppose it." which Israel stands," he said. "politicize the very serious PBB problem." | of Public Health director, said Reizen said he did not care to react to Milliken was especially critical of a charges by House Speaker Bobby Crim, calendar of 18 PBB-related events distri¬ I request came following recom- D-Davison, that Reizen and Agriculture buted by Crim, purportedly demonstrating Negotiations end ns made by Dr. Irving J. Selikoff Commission Director B. Dale Ball were procrastination by Milliken and his aides on | |t Environmental Health Sciences ry at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New Selikoff led a team of medical slow in reacting to the PBB issue. In a news conference Monday, Crim charged Governor William G. Milliken and the PBB problem. "The speaker's version of the public record on PBB unfortunately omits many near rs conducting extensive tests on his department heads, including Reizen and significant events," Milliken said. id farmers. Ball, with ignoring scientists' recommenda¬ Crim maintained he was not trying to use Panama Canal pact , 8 said Monday a check of the tions that widespread human testing be |il population te the effects is needed to more fully of PBB on human taken to determine the effects of PBB on white blood cells. Crim claimed Milliken PBB as a political tool against Milliken. "I've tried not to make it issue," he said. "It's a a political public health issue." on reconsidered only when a House Commerce Crim said the legislature was not totally ■ earlier studies, reported to a House subcommittee became involved. blameless, just "much more successful" "era subcommittee last week, The subcommittee heard testimony from opened fire on the proposed pact. would not enable it to maintain the re- than the executive branch of state govern¬ ByKERNANTURNER It dramatic decrease in the disease- the medical research team led by Selikoff in PANAMA CITY (AP) Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., told a ment in responding to the problems posed — Panamanian and waterway. if white blood cells known as Washington, D.C. last week. U.S. negotiators worked Tuesday to put the luncheon in Columbia, S.C., on Monday: — by PBB contamination. "They want to make money out of it," he es- of 45 Michigan farmers who Crim said Reizen and Ball "acted only "The canal is ours, and we bought and we . Last week, Milliken signed legislation finishing touches on an agreement-in-princi- said. "They want to milk it and they won't ■heavily exposed to PBB. ple to give Panama control of the Panama >not confident." Selikoff said in a Canal. President Jimmy Carter meanwhile ^Rep^Darid^Bowe'n^D-lHss.!1 a member of eXp€ndit'UreS 10 I to Reizen, "that the Michigan urged congressmen to hold off criticism until the House subcommittee on the Panama mt of Public ts Health can mount the :h program with regard to certainly not in the CDC administrators they see the pact. U.S. negotiators Ellsworth Bunker and Sol Linowitz resumed talks in the afternoon Canal, said he did not know what was in the proposed pact, "but on the basis of what I have heard, I don't like the treaty." Negotiations for a new treaty begin shortly after student riots occurred in - January, 1964 which took the lives of 21 with their Panamanian counterparts in what Bowen said he had received Carter's Panamanians and three Americans. Panama to receive back pay; 'e don't have the dollars or observers described as an atmosphere of telegram and would give the President a broke diplomatic relations with the United and I agree with him," optimism and camaraderie. They were chance to defend his treaty. But he added States and ties were resumed in April 1964 Paid. that he was against giving the canal to reported in agreement on all major issues after both governments agreed to appoint bright," he added. "This kind and working out details. Panama because the country's economy negotiators. IS expensive and complex." Sources on both sides of the negotiating expressed his agreement with Wings that effects of PBB k health are now a national problem, old contract extended table have said the delegates may initial an agreement on principles Wednesday, the last day of Linowitz's term as special ad the tone of ambassador. The reports have not been Selikoff s letter _ _ »J supportive." By MICHAEL KLOCKE officially confirmed. I fowl. R. Wilcox, chief of the State New. Staff Writer Reliable sources said the talks are moving The future of the Community Design Center (CDC) could be very contract between CDC and Lansing is approved by Aug. 81. bleak unless a new along simultaneously on the conceptual agreement and on the draft treaty itself. Inside Lansing community development money supplies CDC with about one-quarter of its They said it was "possible, but not probable" fonder dog funds and the old contract expired June 30. Since that time the administrators at CDC have not been getting paid because all the money for administration comes out of community development. CDC, 935 N. Washington Ave., has classes set up for students who come from low that approval could be reached on the treaty in the current round of talks. The sources said negotiators want to have Lansing is getting a soup kitchen, 1930s style. See weather page 3. pke makes treaty ready for the U.S. Congress when it a economic backgrounds. The students take classes and they also get paid for the class hours returns from recess in September. on a basis similar to the work-study program. The anticipated pact has already come Today should see, along with you, mostly cloudy skies, rain and "Since the administrators are not getting paid, this could indirectly affect the students at under attack from some U.S. legislators, thundershowers, and a high temperature in the 80s. ke Bowl the center," said Jeniffer Ramsey, an official at CDC. "The administrators set up the programs so if they are gone, the students will be adversely effected in the The Lansing City Council came a step closer to solving the contract dispute long run." Monday and Carter's spokesperson Jody Powell reported that the President sent messages to all members of the House and Senate when they approved a temporary contract with CDC. The contract will be retroactive to telling them the negotiators "are moving "one MSU athlete has made it to July 1 and will pay the CDC administrators for that period. along and it looks like we're going to have a „ "*!• The contract will continue through Aug. 31 and will give the two sides a chance to iron pretty decent treaty if things keep going the h dnA 8 number one Frisbee out the problems. , . „ way they are." Carter asked the legislators "not to get Rtoh and lthe Fetch" tourneyregional Satur- City council originally approved a new contract with CDC July 25, but Lanstng Mayor Gerald Graves vetoed it. themselves committed on this thing until E J?"1011' Kentucky. "We need this contract extension because the people at CDC haven t been paid since you have a chance to talk to me," Powell Hfi L>brador retriever, owned, early July," Councilmember Richard Baker said. "That can get to be pretty tough. told reporters in Plains, Ga. J7 'thrown to The treaty is expected to provide for by Gary Elsenberg "I've talked with councilmembers and they don't want CDC to die, Baker continued. |l», now goes on to the nationals to "There's been a lot of talk over the contract and this will give us three weeks to settle the gradual transfer of the canal and the Ptobirthe Rose Bowl matter." adjacent Canal Zone to Panama by the year Jewf J01**, two-and-a-half'yeans Baker said the terms of the temporary contract will be in the same proportion as the 2000, along with a sharp increase in U.S. In i!!, st,te title in Marshall out previous one but just for two months and not a full year. n compensation and aid to Panama. fcktwtftftA8 ne** tiifle,'.ng eiRbt other dogs. he and "I certainly hope the air wUl be cleared and we can get this contract settled, The current pact, signed in 1903, gives the United States perpetual control over the !li Ml Eisenbenr Councilmember Lucile Belen said. weal"^. The competition U Councilmember William Brenke said he had some concerns about the accountability of 50-mile long, U.S.-built waterway linking the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. ■*8on wt '"^national Frisbee CDC. Councilmember Robert Hull said earlier he is not happy over some of CDCs |Se lawn ,. bui|dinl. contract is separate .Vu«l»r from the contract that pays the salaries and CDC's lease accord" by which Panama will declare the waterway open to all nations. "t'ftionBldg. 1 the crowd wherewith his he '"cDCs^TreTthe Washington Avenue building with two other corporations one of which . .... «... — Despite Carter's call for congressional will be moving, and CDC does not know for sure where they will be located. restraint, some legislators have already 2 Michigon Stale News. Eost Loosing, Michigan Wednesday, August 10, l97? IRA ABA meeting vote campaigns] backs jury to 'greet' queel reform BELFAST, Northern Ireland fAP) Republican Army, (IRA) building up a promised Queen Elizabeth II, shot a British trooper dead and set off a bomb at a university the — The "to**1 1 Tue, > 1 I CHICAGO (API - Over opposition from Atty. keeping the legislation in a holding pattern, queen is to vi.'!' ",4 waiting to see what the ABA would do. If this arrives. ™l *»il Gen. Griffin Bell, the nation's largest lawyer's Security chiefs and government leaders met Tuesrl group voted on Tuesday to support reforms in proposal were voted down, rejection by Congress would have been a certainty." consider whether to recommend that the I the nation's grand jury system - including oueen Jh "V allowing witnesses to bring attorneys with them when they face the jury. The association's governing body approved most of the 27 separate principles on grand jury two-day silver jubilee tour of Northern Ireland early Wednesday. schedi^i t,j| The American Bar Association (ABA), at its reform presented to it by a committee headed by Informed sources said such annual summer meeting, endorsed bills pending Gerstein, but rejected two parts of the proposal recommendation v™, — "because that would give the IRA the biggest prooa„!!l in Congress that would allow attorneys in the at the request of Bell and Benjamin Civfletti, jury room and make changes in the types of assistant attorney general in charge of the psychological boost imaginable." ProP»gandiH The IRA's radical Provisional criminal immunity prosecutors could grant Justice Department's Criminal Division. terror wing vowed to unleash if the 61-year-old monarch did not cancel J witnesses. As endorsed by the ABA, a trade group several events intended to mark the 26th her to,"!] The ABA's House of Delegates approved the representing more than half the nation's 400,000 lawyers, the grand jury proposal would allow The IRA, which wants to unite year of her rc^l proposed changes by a vote of 186 to 93, despite a predominantly pwJ witnesses to be accompanied by an attorney. The Northern Ireland with the maaaively Catholic warning from Bell that "You are proposing a Irish Reniihlii remedy that is much broader than the wrong you lawyer, however, could only advise the client — south, see the tour as a reaffirmation of the British have found." not speak to the jury or object to any phase of the rule thtl Bell called the lawyer in the-jury room portion proceedings. Tuesday's violence - in which a 16-year-old RomaB p. of the proposal a "lawyer relief act" that would Bell said the safeguards would not work, and youth also died — marked the fifth day of intensified terro only to generate business for attorneys, that the judicial process would be slowed down this British province ravaged serve by sectarian warfare. and said it would render the grand jury system by such a change. More than 32,000 British "unworkable." troops, militia and poliN| The proposal's backers, led by State Attorney He also argued that a witness who could not gathered in the province to contain the violence and protect J Richard Gerstein of Miami, argued afford an attorney but wanted one probably .Elizabeth as part of "Operation Monarch." She is not that the schedo would have a constitutional right to have one go to Belfast, a hotbed of the conflict. " changes are necessary to stem abuses of power by prosecutors. appointed by the presiding judge. British military headquarters said the Instead of serving as a shield for the innocent, The proposed changes would also ban prosecu¬ grounds of the New University of Ulster at small bomb 1 the grand jury system has become a powerful tors from using so-called "use immunity," in northern tip of the province, caused no Coleraine 1 and often unfair weapon for prosecutors, said casualties or damai which a witness can be given immunity from AP Wirephoto But it triggered alarm among Gerstein, himself a prosecutor for more than 20 prosecution for the questions he or she answers security chiefs who believe Hundreds of unemployed youths besiege on East Harlem office Monday for tem¬ years. before the grand jury but still can be prosecuted complex had been secured after another small bomb was fog. The ABA's lobbying efforts can be expected to for the crimes being investigated. porary jobs announced by New York City on a first-come-first-served basis. More building there 11 days ago. Army experts defused that than 5,000 young people converged on seven city centers to compete for 2,000 el»_ carry considerable weight in deliberation of the The Provisionals known as "Provos" claimed | — - bills now in Congress. The ABA backed "transactional jobs. immunity" penetrated the tight security cordon around the One Washington attorney attending the con¬ under which a witness granted immunity to the queen will hold a reception and view a university,# youth festivalTb vention and close to the grand jury reform testify about any aspect of a crime could not be movement said. "I had the feeling Congress was prosecuted in connection with that crime. Senate urged to strengthen gasoline tc WASHINGTON (AP) - sure on gas guzzling automo¬ models which get less than 15 Schlesinger did ask Monday for would provide Treasury Secretary W. Michael biles until the national auto¬ miles per gallon would carry a presidential' authority to im¬ eliminate the need 1 enough I Blumenthal urged the Senate mobile stock is truly fuel ef¬ tax of $339 to be paid by the pose a 50-cent standby gas tax, porting any oil. on Tuesday to strengthen the ficient," Blumenthal told the buyer. but Finance chairperson Sen. Blumenthal said if thi gas guzzler car tax passed by Senate's tax-writing Finance Russell Long, D-La„ said that Blumenthal made no mention be done he would favor J the House. But he opposed Committee. idea was going nowhere. of increasing the federal gaso subsidy. He said he had if adding further cash and tax The secretary made no if it would work. incentives for speci¬ line tax, and the administration Long and several other mem¬ energy com¬ fic proposal other than to ask apparently has given up push¬ bers of the panel continued to panies to the President's ener¬ for "somewhat higher taxes" Talmadge, Long and I gy plan. ing for it. The House roundly plug for federal cash and tax than approved by the House. rejected such a hike. criticized Carter's plan I U.S.-Canadian pipeline talks planned "We need to keep the pres¬ Under the House plan, 1979 Energy Secretary James incentives for energy com¬ the production of di panies to look for more oil and and return the i natural gas and to develop the Americans each year. Si OTTAWA, Canada (AP) — The United decision on the pipeline in a four-hour country's oil shale and geother- that revenue could ei Lawyers slow to advertise, States and Canada expected to begin mal power r are meeting. But he said he felt agreement plowed back into the iai negotiations next week on the building of could be reached. to enlarge the nation's \ Blumenthal said the adminis¬ a $10-billion natural gas pipeline from tration considered relying on supply, they said. Alaska now that Canada has given Canadian officials have said The administration dl they want higher market prices and less the rebate as crucial tok| provisional approval of a route down the Alcan highway. "These are going to be tough negotia¬ a pipeline built with minimum impact of the people and land of northern Canada while still providing economic beneifts according to AP spot check industry regulation as incen¬ tives for solving energy short¬ ages when it drafted the energy the money in the « The House only a[ tions it's quite conceivable they will — not be successful." Prime Minister Pierre for their nation. U.S. officials are By the Associated Press bring any big push for publicity ground, fees and acceptance of program. rebate for next year, aj expected to stress the building of a While the American Bar As¬ in the legal profession. tax itself through 1 credit cards. The other is less But he said that approach Elliott Trudeau told a news conference sociation (ABA) tries to decide menthal said the Senatel system providing gas to its consumers ot Part of the hesitancy appears specific, but generally bans any would have caused enormous Monday after his cabinet reached the least possible cost. when and how it is proper for due to confusion over what type extend both the tax and I a advertising which is "false, dislocations in the economy and lawyers to advertise, a few of ads are acceptable under the fraudulent, misleading or de¬ unjust windfall profits for oil through 1985 to elimia| attorneys in scattered parts of state of uncertainty al court decision and part seems and natural gas producers. ceptive." Both proposals advise the country already have taken long-term policy ii Soviets accuse U.S. of passport denials out ads promoting their ser¬ to stem from a reluctance to break a lengthy tradition of that "self-laudation should be "The American people, with area." avoided." vices and fees. avoiding personal publicity. The proposals generally deal justification, would have re¬ jected such an approach out of In a related devel MOSCOW Two proposals are under with print rather than broad¬ (AP) — The Soviet news from the All-Union Central Council of An Associated Press spot hand," he said. spokespersons for the I consideration at the ABA con¬ cast advertisements. agency accused the United States Tues¬ Trade Unions, the Soviet Union's main check showed, however, that They Electric Institute, whithj vention that began in Chicago would allow advertising in the day of denying visas for a second time labor body, had been invited to the However, Sen. Herman Tal- sents private power to the trend is slow in developing. last week. One spelled out the electronic media only if author¬ this year to Soviet trade union repre¬ United States by a group known as the The June decision of the U.S. kind of information that could ized by state courts or other madge, D-Ga„ said his own said the House version J sentatives holding invitations to visit the calculations showed that an energy program National Committee for Trade Union Supreme Court in favor of appear in ads, including name, United States. agencies responsible for regu¬ annual subsidy of $12 billion to some $60 billion to hi Action and democracy. advertising by lawyers did not specialities, educational back¬ The U.S. Embassy lating lawyers' conduct. oil shale producing companies electric bills. confirmed that visas had not yet been issued to the latest The Soviet account said the Soviet delegation, which delegation OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL900 according to received the invitation March 28 and Toss had planned to leave for the United applied "in good time for visas." But on States Tuesday. But an embassy spokes¬ Monday, it said, "officials of the U.S. person said the visas were still under Embassy in Moscow declared that no consideration in Washington and no refusal had been given to the Soviets. Tass said the four-member delegation approval had come from the State Department for the issuance of visas to the Soviet trade union FURTHER delegates." REDUCTIONS have been taken during our SUMMER CLEARANCE on MISS J APPAREL Sacco, Vanzetti files to be released Shirts T-shirts Pants Skirts Shorts Dresses BOSTON (AP) - State police files on records, though the historian said he the Sacco-Vanzetti Listen - You'll Love It Shoes robbery and murder thought their release would be signifi¬ case will be released by the 50th cant. He declined to elaborate. anniversary of the two anarchists' execu¬ Our sense is there isn't tion Aug. 23, under an order anything in issued them that didn't come out at the trial," Tuesday by a Massachusetts official. Guzzi said. State Secretary Paul Guzzi, citing the 0 NOW OPIN! state's Freedom of Information Act, Guzzi's move came a issued the order on behalf of an writing a book on historian the much-debated state Senate approved day after the condemning Gov. Michael S. Dukakis' a resolution CAMPUS MR. J APPAREL PIZZA case. Guzzi said he does not proclamation making Aug. 23 a memorial Suits Slacks expect any day for Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo startling revelations in the police Vanzetti. formerly Pizza Ixpress Sport Shirts Jackets New 'Son of Sam' East Lansing's only Italian Style Pizza! Separates Dress Shirts composite drawn 1312 Michigan Ave. NEW YORK (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) (AP) — Police released a feet 8 to 5 feet 9 inches tall and new, more detailed weighs making this your opportunity description and a 165 to 175 pounds. They said he was FREE DELIVERY new composite drawing of the .44 wearing a blue denim jacket, matching to fill in your summer wardrobe caliber-killer on Tuesday. Police described "Son of Sam" as blue denim pants that were flared, a slightly bluish gray Quiana shirt with a cit 337-1377 needs now at important savings. dean-shaven, with dark almond-shaped pattern of small kidney-shaped designs eyes, dark wavy hair, a sensuous mouth, Valuable coupon • one per customer spaced three inches apart, and deck high cheekbones and a good athletic shoes of blue denim with narrow white build. bands. Police said the killer, who has slain six Police said his hair is combed straight JacobBoriS persons and wounded seven during the back. Earlier descriptions had him with a past year, is 25 to 32 years old, white, 5 modish side-parted one item per pizza hairstyle. Expires Men., Aug. IS reports An unknown amount of drugs was robbery stolen from the University Health Center Pharmacy sometime between 5 p.m. Monday and 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) said. |,Q. study Police said they found a window forced center open on the south side of the pharmacy. Health officials reported that there was also an unsuccessful locked narcotics cabinet. attempt to force open the police James Cooke, administrator of the health center, said this was the first break-in in jn anybody's memory. "The pharmacy staff is in the process of making an inventory to determine exactly what was removed," Cooke added. (ailed for Maj. Adam J. Zutaut, DPS commander, said that among the drugs taken were the sedative phenobarbital and assorted tranquilizers including Valium and Librium. He said he will not know how much was taken until he receives the inventory report from the health center. Police have Ly Young no suspects yet and are still investigating. ulTROIT (UPI) L Young has called - Detroit Mayor Cole- for an investigation Plans finalized police recruitment and training in the lerniath of reports that many of the 700 L recruits read at grade school levels and flailing state tests. ■The Michigan Law Enforcement Officers ging Council said that the state-admini- for restaurant —rtd tests showed "serious deficiencies" ■ the quality of many of the newly At • Detroit east side block party, ten-year-olds at¬ for an old-fashioned ruited officers who are being rushed tack defenseless watermelon rinds in a watermelon family-style picnic that included By MICHAEL ROUSE fill the vacated Campus Bookstore food, contests and a bicycle parade. It was the building poogh the police academy in eight weeks eating contest. Residents along the street gathered State News Stall Writer at 131-133 E. Grand River Ave. [her than the normal 12 weeks. second year for the party. Downtown East Lansing will be getting another fast food restaurant but not another An Olga's Kitchen restaurant is being .he shortened course was mandated by built in the narrow eastern two-thirds of the clothing store in the latest developments to Lg. In May he ordered the department former bookstore, which did not renew its ■ put 700 new officers on city streets by lease at the end of March. Id-summer. RESIDENTS TEST WATER QUALITY The rest of the space was supposed to be Boungdefended the accelerated program leased to Peck and Peck for a clothing store |d said that "it's my understanding that but the contract never materialized. ■ classes are outstanding." (•On our tests, ts which are scored above 90 per cent," relevant, the |il. The training council reported that the Young DNR checks up on lake pollution Floor plans shown serving items as for the restaurant have stations with 3uch menu gyros, spinach pie and salad. j 29th graduating class from the An architect for Agio Restaurants, Inc. of lemy scored an average of 59 per cent Southfield, which owns the Olga's Kitchen he state tests, indicating that many of By ED LION stands, so they can take steps for improve¬ leaf burning near the lakefront, septic State News Staff Writer ment beforehand. tank indicate water quality in the tested lakes restaurant chain, said the renovations will |irecruits were reading below high school leaks, fertilizing shorefront lawns, and have remained about the same. In three be completed sometime next month. The state Department of Natural Resour¬ lis. Some read at grade school levels. ces (DNR) has established a water If water quality is allowed to deteriorate waste discharges, especially those contain¬ lakes, however, it has drastically dropped, testing The restaurant its first hurdle unchecked, the lake could die, he said, much ing laundry detergents. but he declined to name the lakes because overcame program to help lakeside residents keep Jlrecent class of suburban officers scored tabs on the water quality of their lake. the same as Lake Erie did. Mikula said all these lead to the the results were still tentative and they by cutting its seating capacity almost in half (irerage tk of 77.4 per cent, said Wesley deputy director of the council. Lakes follow an evolutionary cycle that sources dumping of nutrients in lakes. The nutri¬ could have some effect on real estate to comply with parking restrictions. A Dick Mikula, head of the program, said values. ends with their death or ents foster plant growth that choke up the Originally, the seating capacity was set at ig grade is 70. 145 lakes are currently being tested under drying up, he "It's really too early for anything defin¬ said, but pollution can accelerate the lake and alter oxygen levels, killing fish. 80 for the proposed restaurant, but there are the program. ite," he said. "It will take a number of years not e council's findings will have no process, bringing death centuries ahead of enough on-site parking spaces to Wide-scale nutrient dumping to establish definite trends." whether the students are Residents take weekly checks of their schedule. drastically accomodate that many people because a accelerates the aging process — called People who do the testing lower black bookstore does not need as many s police officers because they lake's water transparency and send in "This program will help keep people and white discs in the water to test parking eutrophication by scientists. spaces as a restaurant. pt pissed the requirements of the city water samples to check plant growth Ve academy, Hoes said. on aware of their lake's conditions and this transparency. The water samples they take every two weeks. Then each year the Over the last four years since the could help them keep it clean," he said. tested Since a moratorium was imposed on program has been in existence Mikula said are by the DNR for chlorophyl department issues a report indicating the content. granting parking waivers the seating It council planned to meet with health of lake. Armed with information on their lake, its enrollment has gradually police a grown. Even¬ •lis to discuss the problem. Mikula said the program was modelled capacity was cut to 44. The owners were residents can then look for the sources of tually he hopes all 2,000 inland lakes will be then granted a building permit. Mikula said the program » Jl make people after a similar one in Ontario. materials that accelerate lake tested. >r said that the Detroit Police aware of how their lake's water aging. No local lakes are in the program yet, he quality Some such man-caused sources include: Mikula said far However, several merchants have object¬ rs Association was to blame for the so general findings said. ed to having another fast food restaurant in the downtown area and have said the ■Charges o( inadequate training and POLICE DISCRIMINATION SUIT OPENS IN DETROIT parking situation will be worsened, said "mupeience among Detroit's 5,000 police Karen Hicks, president of the Central East "-trshave become so frequent that Lansing Business Association. police ■Is have srs can planned to expand roll calls so watch per police procedures. videotaped lectures on Affirmative action program challenged "No one is upset enough to be Hicks said, however. fighting it," The deal with Peck and Peck fell (interviews DETROIT (UPI) — Attorney Walter program ordered by Mayor Coleman Young District Court in 1974 by the Detroit Police The charges through, with police officers showed were leveled against the said Meg Waldron, manager of the Nussbaum opened arguments Monday in a was designed to block the advancement of Officers Association and joined the next adjacent T some felt they were poorly trained to program that the department began in July Kay Baum store and East Lansing repre¬ class-action suit against the Detroit Police white officers. year by a separate group of white 1974 to increase the number of high ranking pe ^fe apathetic street situations and that others Department saying an affirmative action The discrimination suit filed in U.S. sentative of building owner Meyer Kershen- to the point of was policemen. blacks in the department. baum of Detroit. "am radio avoiding runs. The program uses a quota system to "We're in the process of determine how many blacks and how many trying to find Pie recently hired female officer said she le to lease the space," Waldron said. the department K job she could get. because it was the Depression-style soup kitchen whites should be promoted to available openings for sergeants. Because the quota system favors blacks, whites passed over for promotion in favor of blacks who scored over Half a dozen interested persons looked the property Monday but Waldron did import filed recently by an officer hired not divulge who the tenants might be. dish lower on competitive exams say it consti¬ 1 TO illustrated •f some of the officers. M the literacy problem about a "lossted wallet" which The report to out aid in North Lansing tutes reverse the suit. discrimination, according to The deal with Peck and Peck fell through because of the parking shortage and because led credit cards Nussbaum, union co-counsel, told Judge "there was a question about if there is from "Wrinklemens." Frederick W. Kaess he would show that the By TERRY PRZYBYLSKI food," he said. enough of a market for the more expensive adding that the Abrahamic Community affirmative action program was initiated on lines Peck and Peck carries." Waldron said. (Hie reports of literacy problems came as State News Staff Writer Usman said the soup kitchen would not hopes to hold a meeting soon for all those orders from Young, the city's first black be open to the general public, but would be |7rin detectives in the homicide bureau reporters Though the Great Depression is nothing set up "for the poor people in Lansing who interested in helping to supply and operate mayor, "to erect barriers to the professional that many rookie officers do more today than a 40-year-old memory for the kitchen. and economic advancement of Caucasians." most people, the hunger that then afflicted have nothing to eat for one reason or j™» basic police procedures. Persons interested in helping the Abra He said the effect of the quota system ttf" a man crashed into a utility much of the country is still a reality for many poor people in Lansing. another." "We are still looking for people who can donate their resources and time," he said, hamic Community with the soup kitchen can call Usman at 351-3344, or Mary was that white male policemen were competing only with other white male Funds set X.V cityaccidentas an and d'ed- The case was To help alleviate the problem, a local charitable organization is planning a De¬ Alexander at 337-2731. policemen for advancement. by the responding doctors at the hospital pression-style remedy - a soup kitchen. "If he didn't score with the very highest ™ that the man had been shot four The Abrahamic Community of East Lansing, a non-profit organization which group of Caucasians, he had little or no in memory " had failed to search the car, provides food and other essentials for needy people, is making plans to open a soup Poll indicates workers likelihood of being promoted," Nussbaum said. He added that the program had the i'G y * routine matter in accidents, kitchen for the needy, "Project Community effect of promoting underqualified police¬ ui *» aat no'iced later the murder weapon found in the vehicle. Lunch," at the North Lansing Community Association, 317 E. Grand River Ave. dissatisfied with jobs men merely to achieve "racial balance." John Brady, co-counsel for the separate of adviser "We are locating the soup kitchen in group of white policemen said he will ■M»ho"«e,u Were also con'r°nted by a north Lansing because the poorest people and the needed kitchen facilities are there," introduce evidence to show that large A scholarship fund is being set up for % witnessed the accident. He NEW YORK (AP) More American workers are dissatisfied with their jobs m than numbers of qualified whites have been residents of Van Hoosen Hall in the name of JL Police the dead man's wallet, said Sam Usman, director of the project. — at any other time in the past 25 years, according to a survey released Tuesday, w passed over unfairly for promotion. Juanita Lloyd, who died July 28 in Colorado ■take the w^?0ney in "' The officers failed Usman said the Abrahamic Community The suit seeks a court order barring The poll, which has questioned employes of 159 companies yearly since 1952, found 32 Springs. ilestviri"?8 ■ fined the 8murder name'" f»ct which has planned to get most of the food for the per cent of current clerical employes are unhappy with the work they do. Figures for further promotions on basis of race and Lloyd, who was head adviser at Van investigation. project from retailers and farmers who clerical workers between 1952 and 1959 showed only 24 per cent of those workers payment of about {1 million in damages as Hoosen Hall for 19 years, retired from the have supplies of food which are still fit for the result of the delay in promotions for unhappy. University last September. consumption, but which, for one reason or According to the current poll by the Opinion Research Corp. of Princeton, N.J., 38 per white officers. The fund is being set up to benefit the another, cannot be sold. cent of the City officials said that the program has residents of the all-female Van Hoosen Hall, employes paid on an hourly basis dislike their jobs, up from the 31 per cent "We are talking with the Campbell Soup been needed to end the effects of a "WT- tallied when the survey began. where residents thought enough of Lloyd to Company," Usman said. "They often have But there is a large gap between the feelings of 6,500 managers and 62,000 workers at departmental system that previously ex¬ have a portrait of her commissioned. fnro llmeni' cans of soup which have the wrong mix of ingredients, which they can't sell and often lower levels in businesses. For instance, 91 per cent of the managers surveyed said they were satisfied with their work. That percentage has stayed relatively constant since 1952. cluded blacks from hiring and promotion. James Andary, representing the city, The fund is being established to aid those residents who demonstrate a need for donate." said when the affirmative action program money to continue their higher education. According to Harry O'Neill, executive vice president of Opinion Research, "over the Usman also said that a local bakery shop years, the conditions of work that are most obvious to the casual observer have improved: began, 18 per cent of the department was Born in Kinsley, Kansas on April 11, materials for may donate surplus baked goods and some shorter hours, better pay, black and less than 5 per cent of its 1910, Lloyd attended Northeast Missouri . better benefits. local farmers were interested in donating supervisors were black. Andary said today State College in Kirksville before going into Among the other findings of the poll, released here at an employe-employer relations blacks comprise 30 per cent of the surplus beans. seminar, were: the jewelry business in Colorado. She came Though contributions of food for the •The number of management employes perceiving improvement in their companies has department while about 14 per cent of the to MSU in 1957. Sl'feW "o later than project are welcome, Usman said the main need was for volunteers to help run the soup kitchen. been steadily decreasing over the last 17 years. •Only 17 per cent of clerical and hourly employes and 45 per cent of managers currently feel that employes are dealt with fairly. sergeants'are black. A similar suit, filed sergeants and lieutenants, was by white male pending Contributions for the Juanita Lloyd Memorial Scholarship can be made to the MSU Development Fund. "We need volunteers to help us in setting (continued on page 12) before U.S. District Court Judge Damon A memoriid service for Lloyd will be held up the project and to help us prepare the Keith. early in fall term. Michigon. CIA abuses prove need for harsh reform "Government conduct is controlled and directed by law in a the countless incidents of internal spying and molesting of innocent government oflaws. Why not a law to control the FBI, the CIA and other peace groups and outspoken individuals in what is heralded as a "free intelligence agencies, to prevent government spying! Are we afraid to country," and the prospects for meaningful reform without abolishment be free!" seem impossible and hardly worth pursuing. —Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General While so much of the wrongdoing occurred years ago, those who High Times Magazine ordered such experiments should be revealed and purged from September 1977 whatever governmental position they now possess. This means sub- officers should report on superiors as a moral responsibility. By clearing out the old organization — which still harbors attitudes of Thursday President Carter ordered all U.S. intelligence gathering self-rule — external control can be more assertive and meaningful. agencies placed under the control of CIA director Stansfield Turner. Further than decentralization, legislation is needed — and is on the While Carter's plan for centralization has reform as its ultimate goal, way — which would severely limit the extent to which governmental we feel the abolishment of the CIA, rather than the build up of its power, spying is allowed. The new bill, introduced into the House this spring is the first crucial step toward improving an ugly situation- and drafted by the American Civil Liberties Union, would, among other Also disturbing, after viewing the activities of the CIA — a monster things, limit all spying to allegations of specific criminal acts where organization developed out of a lack of clearly defined and limited tasks there is strong probable cause. — is the administration's proposal for centralization, rather than Carter has already ordered federal agents and CIA operatives to seek decentralization of intelligence gathering power. warrants for spying — even for spying on foreign subjects. Right now the CIA is involved in both intelligence gathering and Beyond legislation, these intelligence agencies will need to be political operations manuevering on both foreign and domestic fronts. overseen by groups in many different branches of government, since we How many more shocking revelations must be exposed before an end recognize that such limited spying will need sensitive judgment. to this vicious institution becomes apparent as the only viable solution? But to attempt to oversee and combine agencies under one council, The latest abuses uncovered by a group of New York Times reporters, which is Carter's plan, leaves too many ifs and maybes. Instead of the who are scanning over 2,000 recently released CIA documents, are administration plan, reorganization must, as proposed by Sen. Daniel appalling. K. Inouye, D-Hawaii, uphold the "independent analytical judgment- "Mind control" techniques were being researched on uninformed making processes" of the agencies. subjects, including 142 of them at Michigan's Ionia State Hospital Some centralization must occur, however, for the specific task of between 1957 and 1960. LSD was allegedly heavily used without holding decentralized agencies accountable to the public. On the foreign permission of the patients. operations level, the need for some centralization between various Wednesday, August 10, 1977 Such "medical research," to the tune of $25 million, was a paranoic departments will be needed for the added advantage of national Editorials are the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns response to false reports claiming that "enemy" Russian and Chinese security. Freedom, however, is more important than tolerating the and letters are personal opinions. agents possessed advanced information on "mind control" techniques. potential for abuse that centralization poses. Editorial Department These activities were clearly in violation of the international Nuremberg So much of the activity of the intelligence gathering agencies has been Editor-in-chief. Michael Tanimura Layout Editor Fred von Ha* Code of 1947, formulated after uncovering activities of Nazi scientists on found to be wasteful and repressive. The first cut in cost must be a cut in Managing Edilt Debbie Wolfe Sports Editor TomSh# prison camp victims. Opinion Editor Dave Misialowski activity. Limit the actions of such groups to areas that are deemed News Editor Joe Scales Entertainment and Book Editor Wire Editor Kothy fa The code calls for medical research only in the name of improving the critical. Better yet, close down some of the agencies, Joyctlcd lot of mankind, and limits experimentation to that which is conducted on especially the CIA. Photo Editor. Richard Politowski Copy Chief Noncyl Most of all, let us clear any lingering doubts about being afraid to be Staff Representative JoePlzzo persons who have given consent after being informed of the nature of free, before we lose out to those who lurk in the higher echelons of the testing. Advertising Department government proposing "mind control." We must control them. We must Add to this the CIA's record of illegal treatment of human beings, to Advertising Manager.. ShoronSeller Assistant Advertising Manager never be afraid to be free. IRA ELLIOTT . Slices Educate populace Coming: The Lobotomize Telethon A This is a response to By BILL BROWN David Groat's article, in which he expressed disagreement. statements I made in a previous Slices column. As Groat suggesta, I apparently did make myself clear on a number of points, because I do not find much in terra o! conclusions, with which I disagree. For example, I think we are in almost perfect agreement with What can you say about a respect to when middle-aged attempt to convert the company of actors you may see more and other music-making devices to perform responsibility lies for our current ecological problems and their solution. I fully ag woman who sublimates her sadistic tenden¬ heterosexual pupils benefit concert. with his statement that "it comes down to a decision plays. a by an individual or groq cies by tormenting to a nation's homosexual homosexuality. The proceeds (about $2.00, not bad for a individuals as to whether or not environmental degradation will continue to I community? place." We also agree that, to solve these problems, I have never met a homosexual interest¬ spontaneous event) went to the Lobotomize we must place primary emph Certainly nothing that hasn't already Because homosexu¬ ed in gay evangelism, surely not in the same on education. Anita Bryant Fund. In my opinion, a been said by clearer and more articulate als plan to organize worthy Groat makes minds than my own. way religious fanatics like her wish to cause (though at the time I was in no quite clear distinctions about the roles of different types of .. . a political party to convert people." He refers to entrepreneurs, workers, producers and consumers. I tend tol But allow me just a few lines in which to take over the world people. condition to be moved from my armchair these distinctions and to consider each of us as being, in some examine her "arguments" and and form fascist and cigarets). part, all of tl "position" a Perversions are just as common Relatively few of us exhibit large degrees of entrepreneurship, but almost all of uiL before offering what will be (to the best of among state, the Dictator¬ heterosexuals as homosexuals, only had the thought that it would be nice to have our own business; most of us work they They sang all the biggies, from the my knowledge) the first constructive, ship of the Gays. attract less attention. GUligan's Island theme to Wild Thing. We produce, but a lot of the work is not very physical and a lot of the products aril positive suggestions. What is the pur¬ awaited the reviews that morning and they tangible; and all of us consume. They hate hetero¬ Enough said. You've heard it all before were excellent. When I mentioned that we all use economic principles around which to pose of an Anita sexuals and want to and I doubt many of you will change your Clive Barnes of the Times called it "an substantial portion of our lives, I used "organize" in a passive sense. I do not _ Bryant? save the world from positions because of what you read here. invigorating display of socio-artistic that, in general, people are consciously concerned about applying economic pri To sa children. Instead, I will offer my promised sugges¬ consciousness," while Kenneth Tynan to their behavior. Even when we are dealing directly in the economic sphere, I do dren. tions. It doesn't take much to reduce praised "the power in their satirical believe, as Groat does not, "that this is an intentional act on the behalf of the popular an already examination of hypocrisy in contemporary nor that we are absurd argument to further absurdity. Continue the weekend sing-along on the consciously applying economic principles to those actions. (To Homosexuality. sidewalk outside America's society." people to consciously apply them is, I think, one of the main goals of this dialog.)! But homosexuality is contagious, she Cup. initiated a I believe that the key to what appears to be a difference between Groat and d couple weeks ago by friends of mine. In addition, this same troupe has Because it's evil and claims in a facile, roundabout fashion. Sure, begun be found in the fact that he took my initial remarks about the role of ideas perverted. in the sense that if you're in the company of After midnight they gathered, dressed to plans for the Lobotomize Anita Bryant can organization of society to be a specific statement about the role of economic prior iaj How will it affect Telethon. Interested parties should keep smokers you may try smoking; or if you're kill in sparkling white sport coats, in how we organize our economic behavior. My intention there was to make a our children? evening their eyes on America's Cup and this in the company of hamburger-lovers you gowns and heavy red lipstick, armed with column for further details. general statement about the role of "systems of ideas" in the overall organization ol Gay teachers will may eat more hamburgers; or if you're in kazoos, empty bottles, frying pans, guitars Clllott Is a regular State Naurs columnist society. I intended the following reference to economic ideas to be an example off one of many systems of ideas that we so use. I went on to discuss the pervasiveness of economic ideas in all aspects of our Uveal JACK ANDERSON AND LES WHITTEN I did not focus any great amount of attention on other systems of ideas on whidi| place great reliance. We have to be able to organize information if we are to anything; to organize anything we must be able to relate its aspects to other know; systems of ideas are nothing more than aids we have developed to organize our lives, and the principles of economics constitute one system. Spy shenanigans go on and on When I refer to "economic principles." I do not refer to the "economic system, Groat rightly notes "can only be used to describe mass behavior." I believe he ii referring to the "system of economic thought" which describes the economic t]t This system, is in turn created and sustained by the individual economic behavior I is motivated by what I refer to as "economic principles." WASHINGTON The fact that we, as individuals, are for the most - The James Bond two children, courted the general's attrac¬ part not aware that these nation team. are operating, and the fact that our current industry has had its most embarrassing tive daughter. The American The Air Force was also able to establish its interpretation and use of them is an spy and the If U.S. authorities seemed to the environment, does not alter the fact that secrets broadcast from the rooftops. The Laotian beauty, inevitably, fell in love. unduly harsh own agents on the mainland. Through a they are there, providing a bac beleaguered Central Intelligence Agency But the major, true to his trust, delivered on questionable generals, they pampered devious payment system originating in against which we organize information and make our decisions, individually. the loyal Laotian brass If the "environmental attitude" referred to (CIA), for example, has received more a full, factual report to his superiors. He had shamefully. The Air Hong Kong and Taiwan, the Air Force was by Mr. Groat can be installed Ta publicity than government agencies that Force, for example, procured a large actually able to deliver payments to the populace, business and governmental leaders," it will be another such system o! learned from his romantic liaison that the advertise. All this hoopla has limousine for a Laotian around which we can organize our brought acute general was totally corrupt. But there was mountaintop com¬ agents inside China. thinking and our behavior (albeit preferable tor mander, who had a special fondness for big of the attitudes we now hold and use). But because it is not distress to espionage officials who regard it no evidence that he was working for the American cars. The luxurious limousine was Footnote: We have cited only a few of the articulated system of ideas, it is not presently a J sourly as "indecent exposure." communists. The honest officer also Air Force endeavors from intelligence accepted by many people; it has not been k But now President Carter has assured us gave his deposited at the doorstep of his craggy a form that people in bosses a frank report on his own romantic reports that are full of unpublicized ac¬ general can effectively relate to their other systems of: that the revelations are over and that the sanctuary by a U.S. cargo helicopter. tivities. This brings us back to the topic of education and the role of an environmental w involvement. There was one limitation; he had nation's intelligence operations have been When he states that for him, "the main The Air Force, taking a stern view of about 50 yards of rugged only Cold Winter - It's going to cost question in the environmental problem u fully aired. There economic, but rather educational," I believe Groat is confusing his subject unresolved illegalities are "no lingering, or improprieties," he adultery if not murder, withdrew the major from the assignment and rushed over mountaintop road suitable for limousine travel. The proud Americans even more money to keep warm next winter. For the oil companies are method; we need to "educate" about many things, and one of those is "the «wj declared, that his commander, nevertheless, gunned his remain uninvestigated. wife and children to rehabilitate him. His quietly tightening the squeeze on the economy," in its many facets. The President, however, has overlooked limousine back and forth over the With respect to education, Groat seems to advocate some kind of prcfera mission was turned over to a 50-yard consumers. the 7602 Air Intelligence replacement stretch. A team of orderlies also treatment for "business and Group at Ft. less susceptible to Laotian charms. kept the car For years, the oil oligarchies have sold governmental leaders" as opposed to the "populace- Belvoir, Va. Over the years, this obscure The confidential files also contain a highly polished so he could show it off to excess heating oil during the hot summer suggest that if the populace is educated in the environmental attitude, the p unit has conducted a report visiting dignitaries Now both the mountain- with the education of the leaders will take care of bewildering number of of another murder plot against a Laotian months at a discount. This has permitted the itself; they will respond to cloak-and-dagger operations around the top and the limousine presumably are in oil distributors to store oil for the winter. incentives we give them, either to stay in business or to stay in office. general. This general, too, was an Air Force globe. communist hands. The "environmental attitude" specific focus, like littering, it i>i favorite. According to the files, he would The one per cent discount makes it does not have a During the Indochina fighting, for exam¬ Another Laotian warlord, with even more economical for them to pay the storage trame of reference from which individual sneak down back trails, ple. the unit dispatched an intrepid, young clogged with expensive tastes, wanted his own luxury costs. behavior that promotes c, be made to environmental degradation, in whatever form. As Groat 4 refrain fj underbrush, from Laos to Thailand to major on a secret mission to Laos. The plane. The Air Force obligingly refur¬ and their j But now the oil barons, acting in unison, Pentagon had picked up disturbing reports provide the Air Force the latest intelli¬ bished an old transport plane in Japan and have dropped the price reduction. Many oil econom! of'f"survival. economics •" m concera«l To the extent their own Uvea that one of its favorite Laotian gence. flew it to the delighted general. It was that our individual systems of economic hat generals was suppliers can't afford to buy heating oil early extent that.th,l8tructur,?' °Pera'ion. and products of the overall economy, and tol But rival CIA a double spies somehow got the written off as "foreign aid." agent, who posed as a right-wing without the cash discount. The result will be the overall economic militarist but was really a secret communist. notion that the general wasn't true to the Not all the Air Force behavior of the aociety is causing harm to ■ There was the awkward possibility that he United States. Without his Air Force bothering to inform tions, of course, were so intelligence opera¬ dubious. A small higher prices and tighter supplies after the weather turns cold. environment, then individual, in terms that economic/environmental education must be directed to I might be diverting his massive U.S. military handlers, a CIA ambushed the general on one of his visits team but ingenious Air Force unit, for example, Oil spokesmen said that increased costs can be understood and used in the context of daily (Because my economy is not with words WjT shipments to the communist guerillas. but and I have here space, I have a botched the assassination. The Air developed some of the best spies in the are to blame for this latest price to address two topics on which Groat and I apparently disagree; 1) my assertion The major's grim orders were to investi¬ tenderly nursed the wounded general back Force business along China's obscure southern squeeze. But oil distributors claim that the suppliers something for nothing psychology pervades our behavior in * gate the general and then kill him if the borders. are merely trying to jack up their assertion that general and 2) G» reports proved true. to health at its Udom base, but the These spies, some of them former Chinese profits. people in general are satisfied with the products any by-products® J Dutifully, the under¬ Rep. Alvin Baldus, D-Wis., has demanded economy. I will elaborate on some notes that I cover officer, though a married man with aggrieved military men were unsuccessful in Nationalists with excellent contacts in full explanation from the oil companies. a Bill Brown already have and «■■!«■» it to the ed™ pressing charges against the CIA assassi¬ works ol the MSU computer center. China, brought out valuable intelligence. United Features Syndicate Wednesday, August 10, 1977 5 ies, hippies, SDS, psychedel- ics, love, life, liberty and much 3.2 beer. And the VIEWPOINT: GRADUATION friends' existential dilem¬ mas. But, far more than the one's peers and all the other traditional criteria by which soul-tearing of Vietnam. national Some of the memories of average, my human beings are generally I..,,, »ot my B'*: , friends' marriages have last¬ fell It merits a few lines of the judged are for the birds. The Reflections early, invincible years eight ed. Four years later most are schel pretty funny. Carl Leu- taking his cactus to the on years are childless, but satisfied. generally only question is, 'Can you hang on through the crap they throw at you and not bar, giving it little sips of closed a month lose your freedom or your is nestled in the Appala- beer. Living in an unheated wake of arson and early, in the wanted to do with my life? grew tiresome, despite the The tight job market nudged There has been no enlight¬ good sense'"? I " foothills of southeas- farmhouse, finding drifts in the kitchen and snow¬ Unless other rioting. In a way, what crap. All those jobs and experiences adventure. me into taking a well-paid enment in this broken field lL Ohio- Intense and excit- dishes frozen in the sink. were made with arrangements instructors, People don't hitchhike as file clerk job which lost all run through college. At this Of all Michigan's major tin.es to be m college. A students were given credit sprinkled between amassing much anymore. And I don't its interest after three point it feels like I'm start¬ universities, (Michigan, 'I of burgeoning enroll- Having ten cent mouse hours but no grades that credit hours showed me was care to pick them up as much months. I stayed with it two ing all over again. Oh well, Wayne State and MSU) this V The war was red hot bounties. what I didn't want to do with either. what the hell. aborted spring quarter. has been my favorite. years. so was the economy, Some memories my life. Which helps, I My father's death and the are not Next fall, feeling that At MSU I've felt ession with jobs and funny. The invasion of Cam¬ "consciousness was incom¬ my guess. Recession were the two School peers were gradu¬ The most lasting advice pretty much the whole range of became later, after the bodia greatly disturbed the plete," but mainly suffering Life was charmed on the road. The laws of Karma harshest experiences of the ating and getting married. article by James Michener. emotions that lets one know academic atmosphere. The past eight years. One shook There was a feeling that life Kcession. from terminal heartbreak, I seemed to prevail: He wrote it at age 67: he is a human being and not In was a time of explora- tension of world events quit school and hitched what you give. you get my soul, the other my self- was moving on without me. a machine. Thanks. Time for I . new lifestyles, "con- cracked in the air. After West. confidence. The marriage anxiety has "I believe this with¬ Kent State, the situation Four months on the road. My father's death awak¬ now High Lonesome is fast ap¬ fconsness raising," experi- became impossible. School Why stay in school when I Never staying more than ened tempered with the years and out question: income, posi¬ proaching, and I'm looking Kental colleges, black stud¬ really didn't know what I two weeks in one place. It me ty, and my to my own mortali¬ short time. the observation that mar¬ tion, the opinion of pne's forward to it. Happy trails, own riage is no cure for my friends, the judgment of until we meet again. VIEWPOINT: NUCLEAR WEAPONS mass manipulation supposedly began to feel real sorrow for hum wrought upon the sheep-like public. It is that 20th century people, whose sense of both Ira. because he obviously mis¬ understands Jesus Christ and Explaining the what He wants to do in a neutron bomb truth and taste have been person's life. blurred by moral relativisms True. Christianity is not and ambiguities, could still be "blind faith," "cheap dime store By JIM RANSOM snobbism." Let me accuse him excited by that rigid, but much «s fifty per cent or more of the total. Now the 'Wars' defended perennial dichotomy between faith," or any such thing; but a L setting is West Germany, perhaps five years in the future, lethal nuclear radiation is area exposed to larger than that affected by the blast and of double reverse snobbism. true and real relationship with How absurd. That is how his good and evil. Is that intriguing the in ind Eastern Bloc tanks and troops punch across the East heat, so most of the deaths will result from the radiation. or merely living God through His son, ,in border and race across the countryside toward Bonn and Physical State News reviewers have a review struck me. Absurd. amusing? the Lord Jesus Christ. damage to buildings and other structures is reduced, since Albert Kresta Xlurt. NATO forces are scattered and disorganized, unable to fraction of the radiated only a penchant for offering misplaced Perhaps he wishes to inflict Averse written by the area is exposed to the destructive blast and 1543 J. Apos¬ Re advance of the invading troops. How can this repetition of heat. opinions. Ira Elliott has main¬ guilt upon those who found Star Spartan Village tle Paul explains the Wars East Lansing seeming Thai blitzkrieg be defended against? One answer, along with tained that indulgent tradition in his socio-economic entertaining because taken in or because we we EDITOR'S NOTE: Ira Elliott is contradiction between what Ira Ln battle tanks and helicopters, is the neutron bomb. Why do the NATO forces want to use neutron bombs instead of critique of the marketing techniques be¬ were don't think as "relevantly" as not a reviewer, but a columnist. saw and what true Christians Ithed on Lance missiles or fired from 8-inch cannons, the the small Tactical" nuclear bombs they already have? One reason is he does. In fact, his thoughts Elliott's Star Wars piece was experience: "The word of the Xon bombs would destroy the speeding tank columns, thus the fighting will be on friendly territory. Blowing up the towns and hind Star Wars. It is true that Star Wars is a cannot be any too profound. intended as a commentary, not cross is to those who are Kiting the attack and giving NATO forces time to regroup and countryside of West Germany to save it from the invading forces is media hype. And it is certainly The earmark of a poor critic or a movie review. Reviews of perishing foolishness, but to us terattack. self-defeating. The second reason is the fact that the modern Soviet movies, books, etc., who are being saved it is the true that it is as financially reviewer is his inability to stick are not it is the argument presented by the Pentagon for the tanks are armored and protected against blast and heat. But the power of God." - Corinthians lucrative as the oil wells of to the subject of his review. printed on the opinion page. lopment and deployment of the neutron bomb. It is not a new neutrons can penetrate to the soldiers inside and kill them, while a 1:18 Texas. But it is sheer preten¬ Elliott in his perorations gives K the concept of an enhanced radiation weapon has been conventional nuclear weapon Tom Short might not disable the tank or those sion to attribute the box-office four lines to the movie itself. Jed (or over 20 years. Such nuclear weapons have already been within. Neutron bombs are not intended as "city-busters" for use True faith Apt. 12, Riverside East Id underground by the United States. The present controversy against civilian populations. Instead, success of Star Wars to the Apparently he hasn't yet East they have been proposed to developed the faculties of criti¬ Lansing Cfrom the proposal to actually stockpile these weapons in the avoid unnecessary destruction of evacuated property while mass guilt generated by the cal discernment capable of per¬ Upon reading in Monday's Mtnilitary arsenal. penetrating the armor of the enemy tanks. promoters. Quite the contrary! State News Ira Elliott's column ■neutron bomb is a nuclear weapon. At its core is a piece of Many of us found Star Wars ceptively commenting on such a "Believe you believe," my im¬ refreshing because it was free simple film. liable material such as plutonium, which explodes in a nuclear The questions which must be answered on this issue are of the tedious psycho-social mediate reaction was to wonder MSU Bootery ^reaction when the bomb is triggered. Also within the device is numerous. Is the entire scenario of a tank-led Western Europe valid, or is it another blitzkrieg into pontifications that every as¬ In his frustration he indulges himself in some speculative how a newspaper striving to FINAL week ice like deuterium that can undergo a fusion reaction. The example of the type of meet professional standards of eleased in the initial Fission reaction then heats up the obsolete defense planning which caused the defeat of France in piring producer, writer and psychoanalysis of the audience. could ever print such a biased, World War II? Would the neutron bomb be an effective reviewer Summer Shoe Sale n, causing it to begin its own fusion reaction, releasing weapon? - including Elliott — Perhaps he forgot much of the amateurish article. But I soon The doses of neutron radiation would have to be feel compelled to pronounce in movie. We all know how diffi¬ _—rgy- high enough to order to maintain their status ■ the ordinary nuclear weapon, most of the energy from the cause biological damage leading to disability and death within hours cult it is to retain the substance "relevant." CAMPUS BOOK STORK T»ion is in the form of blast and shock effects and heat. Only to days. Could the availability of neutron weapons make NATO as of a book or movie which we I, for didn't feel thrust have found repugnant. But such ft five per cent of the immediate energy release is nuclear commanders more likely to use these rather than conventional nuclear devices, thus escalating the battle into nuclear war? Most into that one, neck-twisting front a concession to Elliott would MEDICAL DICTIONARY SPECIALS lion, gamma rays and fast neutrons. Thus the area exposed to ie radiation is also exposed to severe blast and heat, and importantly, do we need more nuclear weapons of any kind? Even row theater seat by subliminal not be charitable, it would be is caused by radiation are minimal compared to those from neutron bombs dump radioactive fallout into the environment, and suggestions of guilt. But of gullible. He simply shows too reg.*22.50 b and thermal effects. In a neutron bomb, the size and a war fought with them would course, who's to say. Elliott much presumption, self-indul¬ produce the same consequences for NOW ONLY '11.00 the future other nuclear himself seems to be driven by gence and lack of concentration. juration of the nuclear materials are chosen so that the amount as any war. gy emitted in the form of nuclear radiation is increased to as underlying motive of — If there is anything profound pricos good thru Aug. 26 how did he put it? — "1 about Star Wars, it is not the Also, reserve your copy of the 13th edition of THE MERCK MANUAL to be published early Sept. - order CAMPUS BOOK STORI MIDICAL DIPARTMINT OLDE CHEF'S SALAD vfap SPECIAL CROSS COUNTRY SKI SALE New Skis Priced to Sell! 2,000 Pairs Must Go! '19M-59N *001. Now A Used 6-.S9" Binding. Now A Used 3"-SM Now & Used SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE r/v/V Ntk. ■up to 23% off Tim, ■upto30%off Clothing - up to 30% off Uvlo- II" fcot. 39" Sleoping Bags • Down A Synthetic jS I -Hh~ SrS; •eo..;j>ooe#• » • • » • S'humid1 3333 , RAUPP Supplies Limited !P • • • 8 Campfitteirs Special Hours: Wed-Fri 10am-9pm 11 I I II 1st IIIA Still *2^ J«1E. Michigan lblk.W. of and °«oss from tha old location. Sat 9-5 • SHADES OF GREYW Come See Our NEW LOCATION £ Michigon Stote News. Eost tensing, Michigan Wednesday, August 10, iq7? This is one of s series on 1977 football prospects for major sophomore year, well have an outstanding quarterly Bo balanced conference, , midwestern universities, written for United Press Interna¬ sophomore he threw 13 touchdown passes and tk tional by the head coaches. sees Michigan record. '™t tr* Michigan's offensive line matches up with anvthin. By BO SCHEMBECHLER football. BUI Dufek and Mike Kenn return Michigan Football Coach Donahue was an AU America guard as a junior and I V * U-M opens against former aide ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Winning in the Big Ten will be more center in the nation any better than Walt Downing difficult this season than at any time since I've been in the Our losses by graduation were most * pronounced league. Just looking at last year, it's evident that overall defense. You have to feel the loss' of America linebacker and our co-captain, Calvin O'Neal01111 improvement in competition is here. and taeVt.'V Iowa proved this early in the season, ripping Syracuse, then Morton. But John Anderson returns at Yes, the balancing is here. A limit of 95 scholarships by conference title and his is not only one of the finest defensive outside linebacl shocking Penn State. Illinois followed by overpowering a fine going to the Rose Bowl. Many of the players weV. v J Missouri team and Minnesota nearly upset Ohio State. Then, of NCAA regulations, the fifth year option for players, scouting players who contributed to that success are returning, but we Michigan, but ranks as one of the premier course, Michigan did not escape untouched, losing to an restrictions, all serve to promote this balance, not only within did lose half our offense (in total yards gained) with the Dominic Tedesco was an academic All punters in r *? Big Ten end as inspired Purdue team. the Big Ten, but on a national level as well. College football is graduation of tailback Rob Lytle and wingback Jim Smith. Pickens as a defensive back. There are several healthy. There just aren't any super powers who will dominate We are counting on tailback Harlan Huckleby and fullback filled, but with youngsters like Jerry Meter and opening Michigan opens the 1977 season against Illinois at Champaign Ron Rmi and the head coach there has been scouting us for eight years. everybody as in past years. Russell Davis to have fine junior seasons. They both were at linebacker stUl improving, I think well be We know Gary Moeller will have the Dlini ready. And when we starters at times last year and gained more than 1,500 Since 1973 only one team has gone okay Personally I'm looking forward to the 1977 season. A year yards through the con) travel again to Purdue, Coach Jim Young is not unfamiliar with ago I wasn't sure Td be coaching and it was a thrill to be on the between them. schedule undefeated. It is becoming more difficult what we do. There are other coaches around the league who are sidelines when the season did start (because of a heart Rick Leach begins his third season as a "starter and if he league, but we go into every season expecting to winT, t0 „ convinced they can win and they're working at it. operation). We had a tremendous season, winning the improves as much this year as he did from his freshman to his championship. This season is no exception. BANKS THANKS WRIGLEY Supreme Court Hall of Famers inductee 'the last chance' COOPERSTOWN, (UPI) - Joe Sewell spoke with N.Y. "I with am me taking three things from Cooperstown," just wish he could be here." Lopez, whose Indians and black Honus Wagner" said to have had a a "pride and gratitude" but the Sewell concluded. "A ring, .362 li| White Sox broke strings of five old shortstop, who played both which they gave me last night, batting average; and 1 and four straight Yankee pen¬ was the most versatile for and against the Ruthian this plaque and a lot of pleasant i for Minnesota? nants in 1954 and 1959, respec old New York Yankees, also had a Negro League plaver tively, pointed out that he reportedly had a .321 word of caution for baseball's Banks, whose 512 home runs played for six managers during for about 30 seasons. current generation. for the Chicago Cubs between his career. "I am proud and grateful that 1953 and 1971 rank him No. 6 on "All six of 'em in the Hall are The first Cuban n. I had the ability to play as long the all-time list, paid special By STATE NEWS and of Fame," he said. "I guess I be elected to the Hall of I WIRE SERVICES as I did," said the 78-year-old tribute to the late Phil Wrigley, learned something from all of Dihigo also wi The University of Minnesota has decided to appeal the former star for the Cleveland former owner of the Cubs. them." Miami, Fla., where the a NCAA's indefinite probation of its entire athletic program to the Indians and Yankees, upon his "One man I have respected Rusie had a 245-174 won-lost issued a proclamatioi induction into the Hall of Fame _ U.S. Supreme Court, University President C. Peter Magrath since 1953 - Phillip K. Wrig¬ record and struck out more "Martin Dihigo Day" ai announced Tuesday. Monday. "It's nice to be here ley," said Banks. "He gave me than 200 batters in five sea¬ nounced that a public If the land's highest court hears the appeal, it will mark the today — in person. Thank you my chance. He was one of the sons; Lloyd was called "the would be named i first time a case concerning the NCAA will have been heard by for electing me when I have a finest gentlemen I ever met. I honor. the nine-judge panel. few faculties to express my e decision to appeal is the last legal step for the university, appreciation." according to Magrath. "...(This) is basically our last option. If Then the salty little 150- they turn us down, that ends our legal action, I believe," he said. The appeal follows a decision last week by the Eighth Circuit pounder, who steadfastly main¬ tains that the 1932 Yankees Pistons resign Adams Court of Appeals in St. Louis which overturned a temporary were a better club than the injunction against the NCAA from imposing the probation famous 1927 Murderers Row, DETROIT (UPI) - Don Ad¬ tained by Detroit from Atlanta During his three s against the entire Gopher athletic program. added some plain advice. ams, who was released by the in October 1972. with the Pistons. Adams The temporary injunction had been granted in the U.S. "1 would like to see the greed Detroit Pistons in 1975 after He finally rejoined the club District Court in St. Paul, Minn., after the NCAA placed the and the selfishness, that seems aged 8.8 points and si four years with the team, but was put on waivers the bounds per game. restrictions on Minnesota for its refusal to declare three APWirephoto to me exists today, eliminated," signed a contract this week following February by former At 30, Adams will Is basketball players ineligible. It's already time to promote the 1977 college foot¬ he said. "Baseball is a great with the National Basketball coach Ray Scott after the team oldest player when the all The three players involved were Michael Thompson, Dave ball season. From left in New York for ABC tele¬ game and I hope we can keep it Association club. lost 10 out of 11 games. Winey and Phillip Saunders. Thompson acknowledged he sold that way." gather for the opening of vision are Ray Griffin, OSU; Matt Cavanaugh, The 6-foot-7, 220-pound free "If I live to be 202,1 still will season tickets for more than their face value while Winey was Sewell was formally inducted ing camp Sept. 20 at Pittsburgh; Manu Tuiasosopo, UCLA; Gifford Nel¬ agent had played out his option believe an injustice was done Arbor. charged with spending two holidays at the home of a basketball into the baseball shrine along during the past season with the when I was released," Adams booster and his family. son, Brigham Young; and Ross BroWner, Notre with Ernie Banks, the homer- Dame. Buffalo Braves. said. "But if I had any hangups A spokesperson for the NCAA said he could not recall any hitting shortstop of the Chicago In exchange for Adams, the about it, 1 wouldn't have signed other case involving the collegiate governing body being heard Cubs from 1953 through 1971; Pistons agreed to give up their a new contract. by the Supreme Court. Al Lopez, one of the outstand¬ third round draft choice to Bill Hunt said, "Lonnie Shelton was declared ineligible for ing managers of the 1950s and Buffalo in the 1978 college signing a pro contract with the ABA while at Oregon State. He 1960s: Amos Rusie, the strike¬ | Fns Gymnastics clinic draft. s< went to the U.S. circuit courts and lost and appealed to the >0 delivery - Supreme Court, but his case was not heard." out king of the 1890s; and John Henry Lloyd and Martin Herb Brown, coach of the MSU Bootery |NEJAC TV RENTALS Pistons, said he recommended FINAL week Hunt added that Schubert vs. NCAA was also appealed to the Dihigo, two stars of the old obtaining Adams because the of 337-1010 , Supreme court, but again the case was not heard. Negro Leagues. team needed help on both Technically, the university is petitioning the high court for a writ of certiorari, which asks the justices to hear the case and possibly overturn the NCAA's position. puts on exhibition time Sewell. who had struck a .312 life¬ batting average and out only defense and rebounding. "Don Adams will provide us Summer Shoe Sale 114 times with strength in those areas "We are in a tight bind," Magrath said at a news conference. "I've known all along we were in a tight bind." Both Magrath and Athletic Director Paul Giel indicated that Nearly 300 athletes, teach¬ ers, coaches and judges are participating in the 20th annual public is invited with tickets priced at $1.50 for adults and $1 for children. during his major league career, and Banks drew the biggest cheers from the crowd of about where we were deficient last season," Brown said. "He's dedicated and plays every night NOW!! not all of the coaches in the men's program supported the National Summer Gymnastics 8,000 gathered on a lawn ad¬ with intensity." You can afford a litigation. "There's no unanimous support for the legal action," joining the baseball museum. Clinic, which opened Sunday at Adams originally Giel said. MSU. GREAT haircut! "The coaches work their tails off," Magrath said. "They're confused. They don't understand why their affected." programs should be The clinic, under the direc¬ tion of MSU's men's gymnastics $7.00 t The university has never disputed probation for its basketball coach George Szypula, will be HAIRCUTS STYLING The IM summer term cham¬ staged in Jenison Fieldhouse Free I-shirt with permanent program but objects to probation for other teams. pionship was played in the rain and will run through Friday. The infractions occurred under the coaching of Bill There are gymnastics in the Tuesday night and Oz defeated Mussellman, who left the university two years ago before the NCAA put the school on probation. clinic from 12 states and Cana¬ da. There are also 22 athletes Bat Biters in the last of the sixth, 12-11, on a base hit by GARYS 351-6511 Magrath had earlier said that since he has no intention of declaring the players ineligible, the Gopher teams would remain on indefinite probation. Thompson, a senior center, holds from Lansing area. The highlight of the week is Richard Fortune. Fortune, Brian Althaver and Mark Gorosh all had three hits Campus Beauty Salon Minnesota and Big Ten scoring records. Winey, a senior the Night of Stars exhibition to pace Oz. -B^^J>49ji^ran£RiverM3cro^ forward, was named the most improved player on the team after which will be staged in Jenison Oz finished the year unde¬ his sophomore year. Saunders has graduated and is now head Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The feated and won nine games. basketball coach at Golden Valley Lutheran College. ******************* C PUCK and PEDAL * Don't Forget! Bell's pizza has | Bell Bicycle Helmet Regularly 34" subs too (ME)) Now on Sole 23" Opeti from 11:00 a.m. deliveries from 4:30 P.M. Bicycle Jerseys 50% OFF 1135 Or. River Album Rock—24 Hours! 5616 W. Saginaw 332 - 08S8 * in front of Lansing Mall f **** **************$ HEAR THE HflPPU \ NEW IMPROVED FOLKWRRE iS Originated centuries ago in the Ise district '(a of Japan and is still made only there by ADVENT age-old techniques which have been handed down from generation to generation A clay found in the region, legendary sacred special LOUDSPEAKER AT waters, and talented local artisans are the secret lo the uniqueness of this famous hand decorated folkware. HI-FI BUYS vo-v ashtrays, coast.,, fit. lakj Mtl g cup, 1101 E. GRAND RIVER 4810 W. SAGINAW I BROWSI 'ROUND GIFT SHOP E. I. PH. 337-1767 LAN. PH. 321-23" | M F12-9 S 9-5 Plan EUM, JEWS Wednesday, August 10/.I977 [SU divers train for nationals ByTOMSHANAHAN I have an excellent opportuni¬ State News Sports Writer ty," Burgering said. "I'm in the Anyone who has jumped off process of finding a sponsorship the five-meter and IO meter and a fund has been started at boards at the MSU IM outdoor Michigan National Bank (in pool knows that feeling of Lansing)." endless falling while in flight to the water. Well, you can all • Like many other Americans take solace in who win medals in the knowing that Olym¬ even MSU all-American divers pics, or even just compete, Dave Burgering and Jesse Grif¬ Burgering needs the money to fin still have that same be able to fully concentrate on feeling of fear when they make their training. dives. "There's no job I can take "I don't know that will let me off for the time I why I ever started but it's fun now," need to train for the Olympics," Burgering said after a workout Burgering said. While Burger¬ at the IM indoor pool. "After ing blossomed last winter in his awhile fear turns into respect last year of eligibility at MSU, because if you don't have his longtime teammate still has respect you're going to get one and maybe two years of hurt," Burgering added. And eligibility left. The extra year Griffin, who has been diving may be approved by the NCAA with Burgering as a teammate because he was injured his ever since junior high, agrees. sophomore year. And Griffin is definitely training for a Big Ten Both are from Lansing and .'W or NCAA title have been working out at the along with next week's national meet. Men's IM indoor pool for the National AAU Outdoor Diving "Winning a Big Ten cham¬ Championships Aug. 16 pionship sure sounds good," through the 20. Both qualified Griffin said. "Last year I by finishing in the top eight at finished 7th at the NCAA last spring's NCAA diving championship and the top five championships. Also diving for all graduated so an NCAA title State News/Robert Kozloff MSU at the nationals is Kevin isn't out of the question either," lormer MSU all-Americtn diver Dave Burgering said he gets that same feeling Machemer, who just finished Griffin said. his freshman year, and Jeanie lllesr anybody else does while diving off the platform at the Men's 1M outdoor Mikles, who placed fifth in the Griffin says he also has tool. Burgering, Jesse Griffin, Kevin Machemer and Jeanie Mikels have all been AIAW (Associated Intercol¬ to at least make it to the hopes [rainingat the IM for next week's national championships at Woodlands, Tex. legiate Athletics for Women) Olympic trials for the U.S. national championships as a team. member of the MSU women's "The United States team is Ijarvis the hardest one in the world to comes to terms The national diving onship is being held at Wood champi¬ make because of the competi tion," Griffin said. "You have to lands, Texas and it is con also be a little lucky when you sidered the biggest amateur get to that level." PST1AC (UPI) - Wide receiver Ray Jarvis Harvey, wide receiver Donnie Joe Morris and tournament in the United |v tame to terms Tuesday with the Detroit defensive backs Bob Mitch and Mel Daniels. States. From the championship Both say they have a lot of a, but kicker Benny Ricardo, the team's meet a team is picked that will international diving chances to Jarvis, six-year National Football League 100 a st scorer last year was sidelined for the tour West Germany and the look forward veteran, was chosen Detroit's most valuable to because, joi with a separated shoulder. offensive player last year with 39 Soviet Union. "divers peak at age 25 or 26." [vis, the Lions' most productive offensive tr last year, will forfeit about $10,000 in fines 822 yards and five touchdowns. receptions for Burgering already gained in And Griffin adds, "Diving takes a great deal of mental prepara MSI) Bootery wmna ...from tissing nearly three weeks of training camp Ricardo, who separated his left shoulder in last ternational experience earlier tion and that's why the more FINAL week this summer when he was in IhefiRAVKH ■he first exhibition game of the season as the Saturday night's 17-0 shutout of the Kansas City mature, older divers are bet ol Js last holdout, a club spokesperson said. Chiefs, was placed on the injured reserve list. Sweden, Austria and Italy. He ter." Summer Shoe Sale Btroit also met the deadline for cutting its The team's leading scorer last year with 49 currently has his sights set on Jr down below the required 60-man limit by points, he faces surgery Wednesday at Henry the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. ssing four free agents — offensive tackle Joe Ford Hospital in Detroit. EAST LANSING'S "If I can afford it, it looks like Hairstyling for BEST SELECTION OF FREE! Men DISCOUNT CALCULATORS BASIC CORDS ALSO WE FEATURE R-K. Products T-SHIRT Body Perms with purchase of any hewlett-packard UP TO 13 colors PER SIZE it# Den ( DELIVERY AVAILABLE) I below Jones Stationery now$1450 (REG 16.50) I !■ I The Union •IhcDRHnCH* I $200 PACKARD Buy any Medium -Q* m AND OFF HP-27 : Cafeteria 220 MAC. University Mall Ph. 351-4820 in addition SCIENTIFIC, At the regular price \ l^Zu B Get Identical PIZZA ■ to a free t-shirt FINANCIAL, STATISTICAL | | For a delicious SEIKO home style meal at FREE " COME SEE OUR LARGE SELECTIONS OF TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, KINGSPOINT. CASIO, AND We hove a down to earth price. Little Caesars Pizza I MORE...WITH texas inst. programmable 1203 K. Gd. Riv«r "GUARANTEED LOWEST TI-38 Dinners Lunches m 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.n ® 337Pi^i ■ PRICES IN TOWN" SUMMER HOURS: MONFttllt-K 4-5:30 Sundays 12:00 noor 11:15a.m. Closed tol:15p.m Saturdays to 2:00 p.m. THURS 11-1(4-1 SATURDAY 10-5:30 Lower Level M.S.U. Union Corner of Abbott and Grand River —J badges, awards COWL NECKS and trophies IN TWELVE I MARVELOUS COLORS. Open Mon. thru Fri. Nites until 4 MARV A HELEN REED 1305 SO. CEDAR LANSING, Ml. 48910 517 374-8(34 I "EG '13 i'off white SEIKO. EVERYTHING A i 'beige MAN COULD WANT 'hunter green i blue IN A WATCH. 1 'Navy Seiko has it all. Day/date calendars, 'Brown chronographs, deep-sea diver models, elegant dress watches, wrist alarms, and many more. And they all combine cnora !ersatile top of all now made with superb accuracy, elegance and |»a$hk anew worsted orlon-acrylic that plastic & metal engraving cb or dependability. Come choose from our ■shape dream and keeps its color and square dance badges, jewelry, silver Seiko men's collection today. Soft »om,,a ls kn|tted in a ixi rib and is super dishes, mugs, plaques and trophies love it and want several colors. EXCLUSIVE use your Attention Golfers EAST LANSING DEALER SHOP oankcards orhosler's - Quality Golf Balls - 9*530 Mtfrl free lay away 930-1 PR Shags $1-20 a dozen! 319 E. Grand Rivar A»a. Sal Edit laming, Mich. Bit •adaUqji^aUM Michigan Stale News, East Lansing. I Benson shoots short on his free throvi Barroom Lamont Johnson scores a dunk shot Boogwabazh ball prospect. The altB, ByTOMSHANAHAN By BYRON BAKER of creaky, old wooden steps to the main bar. the script to SUte News Reviewer The entire bar is two-and-a-half floors and a State News Reviewer don t wash gloss jl Th'mem'ry comes like banshee meself an' me One on One is fairly enter¬ very well f aftermath of Rock, wealth between, Once you are inside the bar you might need taining and engaging summer¬ careful attention I long for a mornin's mornin in time movie fare to ? An an alibi to tell your girlfriend, wife or anyone — an amiable, casting, it is difficult toK Shanahan's ould shebeen. else why you won't be home right away. So modestly produced program¬ such lame Gerald Brennan mer of the type that the major dramatic fc you just go into a special phone booth, make Though Benson <*, MILWAUKEE - Bars all seem to fit into a the call and say you are at the bowling alley studios like to run at "second- overacts the certain genre. There are ones that have high while the sounds of pins and balls are run theatres and drive-ins ev¬ ">le. and bun*.. it overhead with bands, cover charges and crashing in the background. Another of erywhere" during the warm sometime 1 curious that women», opportunities to pick up members of the several alternatives is claiming to be at the weather season. Graced with an his character opposite sex. The more common bars cut out irresisl airport while sounds of jets landing and involving story-line and astute, tractive, his perforr the overhead so that the drinks can be taking off can be heard. craftsmanlike direction by La¬ largely charming. cheaper. These are your watering hole type If a spy happens to slide on to the stool mont Johnson, the picture is a The film's best o bars. next to you, the bartender can push a button cut above most of the other is given by veteran But if you're an investigator of bars while that lowers the spy's stool down to a fake films which are made and sold actor 7h™ traveling you'll find that the Safe House in trap door. in this fashion. Spradlin. who*! downtown Milwaukee breaks away from the authoritarian portrait ol J But sitting at the bar is not the idea behind Henry Steele (Robby Benson, Smith is in the standard molds and creates its own unique the Safe House. One should wander from of last year's Ode to Billy Joe) is tradition A actor's memorable style. room to room. Don't worry about getting a hot-shot basketball-obsessed ator in The comal The Sale House is the type of rare bar that your drinks refilled if you wander upstairs country boy who, wooed by Godfather, p," has a management with an imagination. They because you can have drinks sent up on a certain recruiting inducements Spradlin has captured th have created a bar that draws you back to dumb waiter. — an all-expense-paid, no-cut sence of chilly the like of which consenL explore the bar itself, not its sex opportuni¬ Even going to the bathroom can be an contract, er, scholarship, a new has ■ ties or quiet, cheap drinks. experience. The men have to remember car and other freebies — de¬ unseen since the W«J The Safe House is a bar that lives on which bathroom door is real and which one cides to attend prestigious hearing appearances of M man and Ehrlichman. I word-of-mouth. It advertises little and does just opens to a solid brick wall. Meanwhile, Western University. The uni¬ Robby Benson stars in One Director Johnson, after 1 not even have its own sign outside the door. the women have to be careful because a versity world is perplexing to of toiling in the Instead, the door has a small sign that two-way mirror hangs on the wall. Some¬ the small-town lad, and coach each other's point of view, slim and unevenly vioeyji see structured, class teevee movies claims "International Exports Ltd." Mil- times you can see in and sometimes you can't. Moreland Smith (G.D. Sprad- and fall in love just as coach and the material (My J waukeans know that this is only a 1920s style concerning Charlie, That Certain SJ Other rooms to visit are the restaurant, lin) is a hard-driving task¬ Smith gives up on Steele, and "front" for the bar whose entrance adds to master who expects much from coaching and recruiting prac¬ The Execution ol Pvt. jL more bars and the game room. If you decide puts pressure on him to re¬ tices seems a bit facile, but the Fear on Trial) and the 1920s atmosphere by being in an alley to have something to eat in the restaurant Steele — more, perhaps, than nounce his scholarship. smilM surrounded by tall, old brick buildings. he can deliver. But script plays fairly well nonethe¬ theatrical features (Yoall you'll be served by UFOs. Once you've made Steele is made of sterner stuff less. The ideas heroism, If you are ever on the other side of Lake Steele is attracted to his — My Mother, The Last Ai your order the kitchen sends the food to you than the coach anticipates, and Michigan, the Safe House's front may save on trays that follow tracks on the ceiling tutor, Janet Hayes (Annette chutzpah and love — are attrac- Hero), has developed" resolves to somehow prove tive and you if you're being chased by spies or by before lowering to your table. And while you O'Toole), but she has some himself to the coach — and to eminently functional, thorough professional 1 Elliott Ness and the FBI out of nearby are waiting for the food there is a riddle disdainful preconceptions about himself. infinitely preferable to the car- crashes and chases which ever the flaws of One onoL Chicago. about a crime painted across one wall that jocks — and Steele has a few usu- is clear that the film hul The screenplay, by Benson ally comprise the sub-texts of directed by a filmmakerl Once you're past- the front door of you can attempt to solve. misgivings about intellectuals. and his father, Jerry Segal, is summer programmers. has a real feeling for haf "International Exports Ltd." you must know Part of the fun of mingling at the Safe Eventually, they each come to But House is watching the people explore the bar despite a reasonable and understands how to I the password to get past the reception room, which is no larger than a dormitory room. A as everybody seems to be in a good mood and display of court skills, Benson story on film, seems simply too short to be The Warner Bros. n. secretary sits behind a desk and she will sell you a passcard (really a cover charge) if you is just as dazzled by the bar as you are. There are other adventures to investigate, Cose of false advertising acceptable as a college basket- at the Gladmer Theatre! can tell her the password. It is something to but if spies are still pursuing, and you have to the effect of "I need a safe place to hide." Just For those who are planning British leave abruptly there is a secret way out. playwright David make sure you get the words "safe place" or to attend the Players' Gallery Campton which will be staged Step into another special telephone booth "Safe house" in your request for a hiding place. (it is big enough to accomodate two or three people if you're with friends) that has production this week of some thing titled In Honor of the in the Union Ballroom Wednes day through Saturday. fizapdi ^ndepgpoundl Passcard in hand, you step over to a wall covered windows. Just dial nine-nine and the Neutron Bomb, be forewarned: that looks like a bookcase from the floor to back wall of the booth slides open and takes the title is the creation of the the ceiling. Actually you stick the card down old, worn cement steps into a Players' Gallery. you 351-2285 I between two books and the wall slides back different dark alley than the entrance. Then Co-director Bill Smith ad¬ mitted it is not directly related MSU Bootery to the secret entrance to the Safe House. you just pull up your collar and slip away into FINALweek From there you go up a dark passageway the night. — or related in any way — to the four one-act plays by of tonight thru Saturday Summer Shon Sain HEW EARTH EXPERIENCE RHYTHM BAHD JAZZ-ROCK-FUNK PAT METHENY Pitcher Nightlj ONLY ON Reduced Prices in the bar RECORDS & OF COURSE 11 am-8 pm daily. AT THE DISC SHOP All you can eat dinnertime special: Texas Beef Ribs, Fries, Salad '3.75I PAT METHENY Hey, chicken lovers- come on over to The Other Fried! Wednesday BRIGHT SIZE LIFE Family Daisies Night ONLY 4.69 EACH 3 Special pieces of chicken, coleslaw, mashed £*139 t]< 1.98 do/.. ~th« mod beautiful sound ' next to ji knee." potatoes A gravy A hot biscuits. DOW Great time to discover the toucha honey difference in Famous Recipe, The Other Fried Chicken. Delicious I dipped-in-honey batter, fried really crisp and all the way I through. No wonder people who cross over to The Other | Fried Chicken stay there! Norm Kesel Florist 109 E. Grand River 337-1331 Disc Shop 323 E.GRAND RIVER A 7emzAndm,sid_„_Carter He also said President Jimmy small ranchers and farmers should have the right believes and farmers will be protected to avoid losing water essential for production of crops. owns surface rights. The strip mining bill signed last week requires mining companies to get the surface owner's consent. He also declared that new regulations govern¬ to protect their land from disruption by strip ing disposal of excess federal lands, to be issued Andrus said Carter has expressed concern that pledges farm support next week, will require the owners to reside on this law, in effect, transfers control of mineral The secretary made his comments Tuesday at the property if they want to retain federal water and mining rights to the surface owner, a a news conference. rights. The purpose of this regulation is to Unlike the East, where water is generally eliminate absentee owners and investment situation that could enable absentee owners to plentiful, the arid West carefully allocates its control, he said. reap a windfall profit. Carter believes this water — the key to economic and agricultural consent power should benefit only farmers and As for strip mining, Andrus said that Carter ranchers who want to continue their operations, development. The demand for water in the West often exceeds the supply. agrees that a private farmer or rancher should Andrus skid. Polanski pleads guilty to least serious of six charges SANTA MONICA, Calif. of his guilty plea could be avoid a sensational trial which slain Aug. 9, 1969, with four e, Polanski would be sub¬ champagne and the drug Quaa- (AP) — Movie director Roman deportation. could traumatize the girl. friends at the Polanski home by ject to deportation under U.S. lude then raped her. Polanski, red-eyed and ner¬ In a neat gray pinstripe suit, A lawyer for the girl's family, members of the Charles Man- immigration laws, which pro¬ The girl's sister overheard vous, pleaded guilty Monday to Polanski admitted he and the Lawrence Silver, said: "A stig¬ son "family." Polanski was in vide deportation for aliens con¬ her telling a boyfriend about unlawful sexual intercourse girl had sex March 10 at the ma would attach to her for the Europe at the time. Manson victed of crimes of moral turpi¬ the sexual encounter on the with a 13-year old girl, the least Mulholland Drive home of actor rest of her lifetime." and two followers were convict¬ tude. phone and -told her mother, serious of six drug and rape Jack Nicholson and said he Van de Kamp's statement ed of the murders. Polanski, known for his fas¬ police said. The mother filed a charges against him. knew the girl's age. said, "We chose to .. . provide In return for the plea, the cination with macabre subjects complaint and Polanski was "I had sexual intercourse "I understand her to be 13," the victim with the opportunity prosecution recommended that on the screen, won fame with arrested. with a female person not my Polanski said. to grow up in a world where the judge drop the five other such films as "Rosemary's Ba¬ At first, Polanski's attorney, wife under the age of 18," "Did you understand her to she'll not be known as the counts of Polanski's indictment: by," "Knife in the Water," Douglas Dalton, said he would Polanski, 43, responded to a be 13 when you had sexual young girl with whom Roman furnishing a drug to a minor, "Macbeth" and "Chinatown." claim the sexual encounter prosecutor's question. intercourse with her?" asked Polanski had sexual inter lewd or lascivious act upon a He was on assignment for the happened and the girl The maximum sentence for Deputy Dist. Atty. Roger Gun child under 14, rape by use of French edition of Vogue Maga¬ fantasized it. the charge is 50 years in jail, Outside, pursued by an army drugs, perversion, and sodomy. zine when he hired the teen-age But Gunson said Monday that but Dist. Atty. John Van de Polanski, paused, conferred of cameramen, Polanski The most serious were those girl to pose last March. Polanski changed his mind pri¬ Kamp, who recommended that with his attorney, then said snapped, "Don't you have the involving drugs, which carried It was alleged he took her to marily because of actress Anjel Polanski's plea be accepted of quietly: "Yes." decency to leave me alone?" sentences of 10 years to life Jack Nicholson's home while ica Huston's decision to testify 16 months to three years are He had been charged with The hearing came on the eve imprisonment. the actor was away, gave her generally imposed. drugging and raping the girl. of the eighth anniversary of If sentenced to a year or Superior Court Judge Laur The prosecution said its accep¬ the murder of Polanski's wife, ence Rittenband, who accepted tance of a lesser plea would actress Sharon Tate. She was the plea, ordered psychiatric examinations for Polanski and set a hearing for Sept. 19. ATTBMTtOM VinUMi Ex Sentencing would come some¬ cedent pay. insuronce. and re- time after that. irement benefits ovailable — Polanski, a French citizen of Michigan Air National Guard. Call 517-489-5169 after 6 P.M.. Polish background, said in the Tuesday through Friday. Call packed courtroom that he real¬ Today! ized one possible consequence Player's Oallary presents FOUR ONE ACT PLAYS by David Camp ton "In Honor of the Neutron Bomb" Aug. 10-12 1:15p.m.: Aug. 13 2:90p.m. at th.MSU Union Ballroom Admission 92.00 adults, $1.00 children under 12 Tickets available at the door mm IN 1946 THIS MAN KILLED FIVE PEOPLE... TODAY HE STILL LURKS THE STREETS OF TEXARKANA. ARK. Mf-pmcE on mu(,s f SOUP& of bf f ii t salad TliK TOWN ISIAillS AINtl doWINiSIAiltS » $1.75 Til 1111 MIKIMKI) : si z:p","n9 Wingspan *&i 11:30-2=00 u:3»-2:°o SUNDOWN Wednesday, August 10, 1977 1 1 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU PRI. 8:00-5:00 (lofiHiod Advertising m Syria IfTl [ Employment ]fj|| 1 *Hrtnnts j[¥| | frirtmH [[?[ Houses For Sale Information ELIMINATE TUNE-upe. Replace your conventional IT IS the policy of the STATE LAKE LANSING Rd. 1 and 2 LARGE 2 bedroom unfurnished ignition with a NEWS that the last 4 weeks of NORTHEAST LANSING. 2 bed¬ GUITAR GOODIES. Used Gibson: Piranha electronic bedrooms, near bus. From duplex apartment for married 347 Student Services ignition at term all Student Classified adver¬ room brick bungalow, unfur¬ Explorer, Les Pauls, SG's, ES Bldg. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN $174.60. After 6 p.m. 374-0949. couple. 10 minutes from campus. nished, carpet, garage, $175. de¬ CAR PARTS, 2806 East tising must be paid for in advance 8822(3) 335's, ES 120 & ES 125. Used Kalama¬ Fireplace. Country setting. $185/ posit, references. Married couple zoo Street, one beginning August 1,1977. Bring or month including utilities. 339- Fender: Stratocaster, Telecaster, mile west of mail to 347 Student Services. 1 AND 2 only, no children, pets. 663-4345; & Fender basses. Also, campus. C-12-826 17) bedrooms in modern 8 3400; 641-4493. C-4-817 16) 482 1727. 8-8-12161 Vintage Sp-12-812 181 unit. Furnished and unfurnished. Martins: 000-21 Herringbone, 000- 1 day-90C per line WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Call 372-0297. 88-17 13) ONE BEDROOM furnished apart¬ 18, D35. Gibson: Rosewood ROY 3 days - IOC per line Top APARTMENT BUILDING resident NEAR FRANDOR. 4 or 5 bed¬ dollar, 4884647. NORTHSIDE ment for 1 person. Close to SMECK-1936, J200. Gibson man¬ » days-7SC manager in East Lansing. Prefer- EFFICIENCY, ONE OR TWO BED¬ rooms. Deposit. 9-12 month lease. dolins: A & F models. Excellent per line AUTO PARTS 6 SALVAGE. 0-12- rably a married couple. Call 351- campus. $180/month. 12 month Mark. 372-9044 after 10 ROOM. East side and downtown p.m. selection of used guitar amps & t days-70C 826131 lease starting September 15. 339- per line 8135 or 627 9773. Z-8-8-26 (41 Lansing. Call now for list of 8-8-22 13) PA systems by Ampeg, Fender, 3400; 641-4493. C-4-817 16) September openings. AIM, INC., Peavey, Traynor, Sunn. Plus new line rate per Insertion r tBpnimi nip FULL TIME in Haslett. Secretary-Bookkeeper Shorthand preferred. 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. 0-12-8-26 I6I WOMAN WANTED TO SUBLET nice Cedar Village. Fall-winter- QUALITY HOUSES and duplexes, fall, 3-7 bedrooms, campus near. Shure Vocalmaster PA systems, microphones & accessories. Com¬ Type 65 wprn. 339-3400. C-88-26 From $350/month. Also 1-2 bed¬ DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, mod¬ plete line of band instruments, all 141 spring. 3 good roommates. Close, room apartments and rooms. 332 tested and guaranteed. BUY- ern facilities, experience, person $90/month. Sue, 332-1925. Z-3-8- 1946. C 12-8-26 (51 Lollnss • 3 l'nes "" 5 doy»- 80' per line over who can type and do insurance. CHALET APARTMENTS 15 (41 SELL-TRADE. WILCOX TRAD f 3 lines. No adjustment in rqte when cancelled. 8750/month. Box F-6, State News. 4-812 IS) BABYSITTER. TEACHER seeking reliable person to care for infant Next to campus, spacious, air EAST LANSING duplex, 4 bed¬ ING POST, 509 E. Michigan, Lansing, 485-4391 C-12-8-26 180) Price ol item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum | . rooms. 2 baths, rec room, 2 levels. sale price of '50. WANT TO work in Africa? Peace and 2 year old for the school in my Okemos home. Some year -conditioned, furnished, 2 bed¬ Masses $400. 374-6366. 0-12-826 131 TO CLEAN COFFEE STAINS from light room, shag carpeting. Lnuts Personal ads • 3 lines - '2.25 - per insertion. Corps has opportunities for all housekeeping. Must have refer¬ Foil from $334/month. Year IT IS the policy of the STATE HOUSES, china or plastic, rub stain with ences and own transportation. HOUSES, HOUSES! baking soda. To find a cash buyer | 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). majors. For more information Call 349-1814 for interview. 3-8-15 from $290/month. NEWS that the last 4 weeks of Call now to see our list of East side for that china closet you no longer Innmcjs/Goroge 1 Sale ads - 4 lines • '2.50. come to the AFRICAN STUDIES CENTER, Room 106, International 18) Summer still available. term all Student Classified adver¬ tising must be paid for in advance homes which will be available for use, place a low-cost ad in 63' pa'line over * " P®r in»®rt'°n. Center September leasing. AIM, INC., Classified. or phone 353-1700. 3-8-10 3326197 beginning August 1,1977. Bring Lnd Town ads - 4 lines - '2.50 • per insertion. j6)_ DENTAL ASSISTANT Position mail to 347 Student or Services. 374-2800 noon 9 p.m. or 332-6741. STEREO available in modern preventive 0-12-8-26 16) SYSTEM-Genesis, IL 63'per line over 4 lines. * CUSTODIAN-MARRIED office. Experience preferred, ex¬ 5 MINUTES from Sp-12-8-12 181 Scott, Kenwood. 6 months old. | Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines - '1.50 - couple campus in Price negotiable. 353-0010. Z 1 8 " cellent working conditions. Send Lansing. Responsible couple or [ to setve as church custodian, rent 10 MONTH lease. $175. Refrigera per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. free occupancy of a pa.tially resumes to Box 6-819 161 D-4, State News. singles. 4 large rooms and bath. tor/stove, references, very clean. Rooms 10 (3) furnished parish house apartment, $140/month including all utilities. 489-6479. 6-8-22 (3) 669-5613. 82-8-10 (5) IT IS the policy of the STATE CANON 814-E Super 8mm auto- serving as part of renumaration. STORE DETECTIVE-CJ major. NEWS that the last 4 weeks of zoom camera with case. $175. Deadlines Reply to State News, Box E-5. Call between 10am-3pm, Monday- EAST SIDE students or working Phone Elmer 355 4058. Z-8-8-26 5-8-12 17) LANSING $140/month utilities term all Student Classified Adver¬ Friday. 641-6734. 8-8-12 131 group. 2, 3, 4 bedroom houses. ,.2p.m. • 1 class day before publication. paid. Living room, bedroom, bath, tising must be paid for in advance Neat, clean and carpeted. $198 nrellotion/Change • 1 p.m. - 1 class day before BABYSITTER-HOUSEKEEPER TYPISTS NEEOED, fall term. kitchen, quiet. 487-5599, 89 p.m. $275. Lease end deposit. 6785252 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or needed Monday-Friday, 10-5 Z-3-812 (3) mail to 347 Student Services. publication. p.m. MUST type 60wpm Apply in 8826(51 Sp-12-8-12 18) See us first for any of read is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Wages dependent on experience. person today, Aug.10th at 42714 your 3489873. 2-812 (4) DELUXE 2 BEDROOM-air, car¬ household needs. Albert St. ITowne Courier Bldg). 3 BEDROOM, FURNISHED until ofter 1st insertion. peted, heat and water furnished. house. $225/month. Deposit, no FALL SINGLES, nicely furnished, We stock furniture, applian¬ Students only apply S-1-8-5 161 shared kitchen, parking. Very ces, televisions and stereo re is a >1.00 charge for 1 ad change GRADUATE STUDENT to work $220. 332-8215. 0-12-8-26 (31 plus 50' per lease, ample parking. Call 882- close. $90-9120. 332-1800; 372 equipment. W* also carry all additional change for maximum of 3 changes, part time weekends in car rental FULL AND part-time summer 7631. 6-8-10 (31 1800. 0-4-8-10 14) types of sporting goods, le State News will only be responsible for the 1st office. 4881484. 3-8-15131 employment for MSU students. PINILAKI 3-4-5 BEDROOMS, close to cam¬ musical equipment and 1820 hours/week. Automobile re¬ day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must CUSTOMER SERVICE-P4rt time quired. 3389500; 3383400. C-12- APARTMINTf pus, furnished, carpeted. Year NEED 1 person for own room in jewerly. house starting Aug. 15 on Michi¬ Our repair shop works J bemade within 10days of expiration date. clerical position. Desire courteous 826 (171 6080 Marsh Rd. lease 487-0114. Z-18826 (31 gan Ave. across from Brody. all brands of electronics. on ■is are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not person who enjoys attention to Maridian Mall Araa $68.75 plus utilities. 351-0053. detail and can write response FRANCI8LOVELY panelled 4- Stop in and check out our ELECTRONIC REPAIRMAN | paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will letters. Typing required. Apply in * 165 plus utlltiai bedroom home. $280/month, 321 - Z-3-8-12 141 bargains. I be due. Wanted. Experience necessary in 0031.8-819 131 person 9 a.m.-noon daily, 3308 S. stereo end related repair. TV or CB FURNISHED ROOM/board in nice * Cedar Suite 6, downstairs. 2-8-12 experience helpful, good working on* bedroom unfurnished * G.E. appliances AVAILABLE FOR fall. Two 5 home. Available Sept. 1. Utilities, DICKM A DEAL 19) conditions plus benefits. See Greg * bedroom houses. Within walking laundry, color T.V., pool table, 1701 South Cedar at WILCOX TRADING POST, 509 Fully carpeted phone. $145. 351-8816 0-3-8-15 § 1 distance of Campus. Call 351- * Air, drapes 487-3886 Metive j Aetomottve if^j HOUSEKEEPER 3 V9 days per week. Hours flexible, own car. Beginning September. 3489469. E. Michigan, Lansing. Please, phone calls. C-10-8-26 (101 no * adjacent to new county park 4107. 811-8-26 (5) I the policy at the STATE lthst the lest 4 weeks of VW 1974 7 passenger bus. clean, excellent mechanical condi¬ Very 1-810141 WANTED STEREO salesman with previous experience. Easy person¬ TWO POSSIBLY 3 bedroom, $175, unfurnished, Okemos area. 3480330. 2-8-12 (3) [_ For Sole jlty CONN CORONET, used 3 months, new $175, sell $125. Mens 3 p Student Classified Adver- tion, 63300. 339-2536. 10-8-26 (4) CHRISTIAN CLEANING company ality and energy a must. Know¬ 339 - 8192 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. diamond wedding band, appraised ist be paid for in advance wants women-excellent refer¬ ledge of photo equipment helpful Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. $180, sell $115. Men's cross FIVE AND six bedroom homes hg August 1,1977. Bring or ences. Desire to work/transporta¬ Good pay plus many benefits. See 655-3805 with fireplaces 6 furniture. Call Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 country ski package. Never used, to 347 Student Services. tion. Domestic maid work. 488 Greg at WILCOX TRADING and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING $135. 487-1911; 373-7192. 9-8-24 351-8135 or 627-9773. Z-8-8-26 131 |412I8I 6693. 3-816 (5) POST, 609 E. Michigan, Lansing. ROOMMATE NEEDED, large 1 COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, (7) Please, no phone calls. C-10-26 bedroom apartment, close to cam¬ EAST SIDE-nice 3 bedroom, 5 opposite City Market. C-12-8-26 ESCORTS WANTED. 66/hour. No (6) 11969. This is a hot 1 dutch. Take over onel pay- 1 MHwjctoHB training necessary. Call 4882278. 111) pus, call collect, 1-313-274-6021. Z-3-8-12 (3) minutes to campus, $265 +, ideal students/family. 351-8816. 0-3-8- BSR 310-X Turntable without BOOKS, and more' MAGAZINES, CURIOUS comics BOOK Zj8826_l3l SHOP, 307 E Grand River. 332- 1676-9334. 8-7-29 13) 76 KAWASAKI KZ900 with com¬ NEAT, MATURE person for at¬ RECEPTIONIST, FULL-time, for freshman yearbook portrait pro¬ LARGE SPACIOUS two bedroom 15 (31 cartridge, $30. Call 332-2159 or 0112. C-12-8-26 13) 11973 Bavaria. Excellent plete Windjammer III. 82100 or 355-8252, ask for Mike W. S 5-8- tendant to attorney of slight build gram, Sept. 26 to Nov. 23. townhouses, across from Berkey. EAST SIDE "Lansing." 4 bed¬ air, AM/FM stereo, 4 trade, 676-3716. 38-10 (3) 1 year lease. $295. 351-0359. 12 (3) BLACK DIRT sod farm soil. Ap¬ in wheelchair. Evenings and morn¬ $3.50/hour, 40 hrs./week. Good rooms, unfurnished, carpeted, gas ill evenings, 349-4938. 9-8-26 <31 proximately 6 yards delivered lo¬ NEW LOW HATES on motorcycle ings, lifting involved. Attendant typing skills on Selectric, ability to heat, $300. 9 months. 6781557. SAFETY, HARDEN and coated free 8 a.m.4:30 p.m. Compensa¬ cally. $39. Sand and landscape insurance. ALDER AGENCY, 351- supervise students. Possibility of WALK TO campus. Large 4 8-826 I3I lens. OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2517 rocks available. Call 641-6024; tion includes full basement working January. Call 3588263 I68 Skylark, 2 door, 6 8620. 0-28-1013) apart¬ bedroom house. 2 baths, 229 E. Michigan, Lansing, Mich. 372- 484-3379. 0-11-8-26 (5) V Stick. Good ments. References. 374-8852. 6-8 (Tues-Fril to arrange interview. WANTED THREE female medical transporta- mieg, must sell. Best offer. 1976 HONDA 400F, 550 miles, 17 I8J 4-8-12(111 Collingwood. Reduced for mer to $250/month. Call EQUITY sum¬ or grad students to share town- 7Am.c-3fnm) house in Okemos. Rent $67.60 IT IS the policy of the STATE 07.2-2812(3) 6900 or best offer. 339-3236. Call SUMMERTIME AND rime on your VEST, 351-1500. 0-12-826 (51 plus utilities. Call by Aug. 12th. NEWS that the last 4 weeks of T CAPRICE 1974, 3 early or late. 38-10 13) hands? Use it to earn money I For Rest j[fj MICHIGAN/PENNSYLVANIA- 349-4834. 2-8-12 IS) term all Student Classified Adver¬ selling AVON. Call 482-6893. C-3- tising must be paid for in advance mileage, loaded efficiencies, $110, $120. Adults, no 1 or it. second family car, beat offer. 349-4169. HONDA 750-1974 Harley tire. King Queen seat. 8" overs. 487-2238. 810(31 FULL-PART time jobs. Excellent TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- children or pets. Call 484-4840; 332-1396. 8-8-19 (4) 2 MALE roommates needed for new 3-man house starting fall. beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. [ Animals "K 38-15 (31 1010. C-12-8-26 (31 BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED half Ml Close, central air. all utilities paid. Sp-12-8-12 (8) earnings. Call 374-6328, 4-6 p.m. Arabian mare. 16 hands. English PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE-fur- 351-6858 or 332-3202. X-10-8-26 Weekdaysoniy. Z-4-815 (31 ■ud 1974 4-door Jt 28,000 miles, steel belted station SOLEX-MOTORIZED bicycle 78. in good condition. Call 332-8935 KITCHEN HELP needed, applica¬ r Aparfits ]|y] nished studio. Utilities paid, $135/ month plus deposit. 489-5574 after NEW, USED and vintage guitars, banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers and Western. Excellent confirma¬ tion. $475. Tack available 349 tions taken now for the fall and NEED 4 couples for 4 bedroom and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ 3370. 3-8-19 (5) B368-7801.2881513) after 5 p.m. 3815131 IT IS the policy of the STATE 5 p.m. 82-810 (4) now, DOOLEYS, 351-1225. 2-810 house. Partially furnished, near sories, books, thousands of hard- NEWS that the last 4 weeks of If DART 1973 Sport. 71,000 131 Gables, parking, 349-3546. 6-8-15 to-find albums. (All at very low ■★.•unroof, '• power. $1000/ SB TAKING APPLICATIONS full and term all Student Classified adver¬ tising must be paid for in advance LOOKING FOR roommate. Older student preferred. Have a 2 bed¬ 13) prices). Private and group lessons Mobile Hones jfa 393-7446, 3935941. part time. Experience preferred. beginning August 1,1977. Bring or room apartment n on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all HARTFORD 1970, 2 bedroom, MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East 6-8-19 I3I ROOMMATES NEEDED, farm¬ styles. Gift certificates. Expert Men's Formal Wear. Minimum fnail to 347 Student Services. house. Own room. 3 miles from partially furnished. Near MSU. Kalamazoo Street since 1940. repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY 351-3162. 5-8-19 13) 1*1 850CC. Excellent gas Complete auto painting and colli¬ wage. 351-6666. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. SDJ2-812B^ FEMALE NEEDED own room, campus. Pets, horses O.K. $80 INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand 3-8-12 151 £ Needs some work. Best sion service. American and foreign SAVE FOR summer, own room in towne house in Okemos. $71.00. plus utilities. 337-7776, Z-4-8-12141 River. 332 4331. C-10-8-26 (49) 351-4897.2-5-8-12 13) cars. 4868256. C-12-8-26 114) 3 man furnished apartment. No Rummage Sale PART-TIME, hosteis and wait¬ lease. 349 1883 after 6 p.m. 8-8-12 349-5880.J8-12J8 SHARE HOUSE with student. 5 MOVING, DAVENPORT, Mr. and K 1970, 2 ress. Apply BACKSTAGE. Meri¬ door, good SPARROW NEAR-East side, $115 minutes MSU. $100/month for 3 •560 or best offer. "8.8-8-1213) nnal/l dian Mall, after 5 p.m. 349-3220. 88-19141 (41 - includes utilities, 10 minutes to campus, no petl. 351-8816. 83-8 months starting Sept. 1. Option after 407-2238 4-8-21 151 Mrs. chairs, bar and stools. 349- 1471. Z-3-8-15 (3) HOUSEHOLD items. AND children Thursday, 8:30-5 p.m. 1951 Penobscot, Okemos. (Tacoma 47,000 miles. JUNK CARS wanted. We pay more if RESIDENT MANAGER couple for Waters Edge 15131 HASLETT, LAKESIDE Village, 2 SEWING MACHINE SALE-Guar- anteed used machines. Hills). 1-8-10(4) they run. Also buy used small apartment building in Has- Complete¬ EAST LANSING residential living. p,oT 482 3852 ^ cars 826 (14) and trucks. 3321-3661. C-12- lett. Inquire at HAMCO MANAGE¬ MENT. 332-3900, evenings phone Rivers Edge Responsible couple. 2 bedroom ranch bedrooms furnished. Call 339 8006LZ-88 26_(3I ly reconditioned. $39.95 and up. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. MOVING SALE Furniture, plants. 134 Durand, East i duplex. Carpeted, appli¬ 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. CARL01971, Automatic, 332-3202. 812-826 (41 Now Leasing!! ances, full basement. Large yard. HOUSES FOR Rent. 2-6 bed C-1-8-10 (18) Lansing. Call 351-0896. Z 2 8-12 ^ckets, depen- $245/month plus utilities. Avail¬ rooms, well located, close to condition, $1660 1050 Water's Edge able Sept. 1st. 351-0657. 0-88-26 campus. From $275/month. Call 485-0938. 3-8-10 (4) kHMHM (next to Cedar Village) 161 EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. 0-11-8- 26161 r Utionwagon. Auto- /uutrrs 332-4432 WORKING GIRL or grad to share NATIONAL CONVENIENCE store WE j^Worbe* ofter. 1206 Oakland chain has opening for aggressive service representative to handle ONE MALfc student, sublease 3 bedroom apartment. Starting September. Okemos. $90/month. CAMPUS ism9,4,red- Exce"ent WOO miles, J(Jbi'Ver, Cell for Appt. specialized maintenance in Lan- Campus Hill Apartment. 77-78 school year. 3 good roommates, 3481605. 8819 141 LOVE FM stereo Michelin IV4-4411 sirtgares Experience necessary in call Campus Hill 3483530, Bob HILL Ores refrigeration, electrical, and car¬ (manager). Z-8812 151 PEOPLE §» 351-7480; £ Lansing's leading repair shop for Import cars. A complete pentry. Adequate transportation - van or truck necessary. E.O.E. ONE BEDROOM apartment, near Apply MAJIK MARKET at 531 E. campus. From $195. Heat and *2Mrans stationwagon, excel- parts department and certified Jolly Rd., Lansing, Michigan. 88 water included. 351-4091. 0-12-8 And people must love us. This is bi C?mple,elY rust- mechanics assure you of fast relioble service 15 (14) 26131 * Finished Apis. the 56th Cork'n Cleaver restaur¬ ««S,und!rw8rr,n- Uaxn??0f ' offer. •free Roommate Service ant to be opened from Florida to Colorado. It will serve steaks Lease Cedar Greens "Dishwashers HlMuTC SWAGON I2ta, RABBIT 1977 door. RABBIT 19". "Cotral Air Conditieiig the way they should be...thick ^ rM f" a tender, charcoal-broiled steaks count. '"d- FM stereo, 8 Apartments - * JSnSS01' M70° Don't b. deserted I Swimsiif Pool served with a smile. CSL^L393-1997- Velve Now Leasing Chech om * Usiiaited Parting COLLINGWOOD APTS 11 "Plsasast lasdscaping 119.92 e furnished apartments * month Special 12 ooath rates fltopriuttgfjam e 9 or per 12 month leases 48 monthi open available * sir conditioned * dishwasher WENEEDLOVEL OPLE 2 e swimming pool * shag carpeting FRKB BUS 'HKOOM furnished luxury apts. end lease e air conditioning Hostess, maitre'd, bookkeeper, e with-in walking * unlimited parking SKRVICI cocktail waitress, bartenders, 'private bolconlet vim distonca to campus * plush furniture cooks. waiters, waitresses, swimming pool Velve MM bussers. dishwashers...to help ★model open daily Model Nanlrelelr —»— Open 9-9 make dining fun. Flexible sche¬ •dl.hwo.h., dl.poeml ■pom* s mi we Now Everyday dule. No experience necessary... , 'b-f-rpmln, VW VOLVO MAZDA V eveileMe fer fell. leasing for We train all new employees. Bob '•88g8 only _ Special 12 month ratos Fall Echterling, Student Services. CORK'N 1135 Michigan Call 351-8212 Leasist fer Fall Placement Services. Apply in ( Call 9S1-71M E. lon«i-n. 351-8631 Ave. (behind Old World Mall person, Monday thru Friday, 9- 3:30. CLEAVER Itagadom koed fust seuth af Wrvtc. Heed (next to Brodyj on the river CALL 349-3530 I) ] 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost tensing, Michigon Wednesdoy. August Rumage Sale hstrictin DECISION MADE AT MIDWEST CONFERENCE MSU CO-OP, The Nursery School deregulation of MOVING SALE-Wed. thru Sat.. 12-5 p.m., 142 University, East Lansing. T.V. tables, desks, chairs, rugs. misc. Z-2-8-12 13) in a country play year area, setting, with a 5 acre has openings for 3 or 4 olds. Call 349-3518 or 337- 9207. 6-8-16 151 Governors urge | Lest t Fond )[q] LOST: LADIES gold dinner ring. I Tffl»l ServlcelS] By JAMES R. CAMPBELL Under the governor's policy, the President would "Unless we get to the hard to find deep we are going to have a heck of a time," was one of .three authors of th. i Large garnet set circled by small FOR A LONG-LASTING FIRE, AFTON, Okie. (UPI) - The Midwestern Governor's Conference Tuesday disregarded a retain standby authority to fix limits on natural prices should they exceed the BTU equiva¬ deposits he said. "This isn't just a game, this is a matter of statement approved respond to OXeary's Tuesday tx'H garnets, Owen Grad Hall or cam¬ pus, reward, call 641-6721. 2-5-8- choose hardwood logs that pro¬ plea from Federal Energy Administrator John F. gas lent of imported oil prices. The statement also national survival." argumenIs duce a shorter flame and burn less "I ask you to consider these points from the "For aU his 15(4) O'Leary and overwhelmingly adopted a policy recommended an excess profit tax on oil with admirable candor rapidly than soft woods. If aroma OXeary did Sm* ^ is the most statement urging deregulation of new oil and gas strong plowback provisions instead of a wellhead standpoint of the full national interest." was demonstrate I MISS my kitten! Lost Abbott Rd. important considera¬ Dr. W.W. Rostow, former advisor to Presi¬ sense, but the production area. Orange & white. If found tion, select wood from fruit trees. prices over a three-year period. tax. dents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, t'on program is side 0lT "* ? PLEASE call persistently, 332- If you have fireplace logs for sale, The vote was 11 to 1, with only Wisconsin Gov. O'Leary said the President's program, calling deficient" 6089. Z-3-8-15 (4) find buyers the quick and easy Mark Schrieber dissenting. for $75 per thousand cubic foot for new gas and way...with a low-cost ad in Classi¬ O'Leary told the governors deregulation of the world price of $14 per barrel for new oil, fied would provide all the incentive necessary for Workers dissatisfied with natural gas would transfer $10 billion a year from I 117] IT IS the Pirseial policy of the STATE EXPERIENCED TYPIST-fast and accurate. Dissertations, theses, and term papers. Call 339-3575. consumers to producers without adding signifi¬ cantly to supplies. He said it would only insure increased drilling for easy production without finding new supplies. "The $14 price the idministration has built into its program will make the oil come, governors," jobs, poll NEWS that the last 4 weeks of O'Leary said. Icontinued from page 3) term all Student Classified Adver¬ 0^2-8-10(3) exploration for vita) new reserves. professional satisfaction, more "Too often tising must be paid for in advance "If I believed this would increase supplies, I He said world demand calls for discovering eSixty-nine per cent of mana¬ employ ANN BROWN PRINTING AND sensitivity to flaws and chang¬ K'ected corporate™ beginning August 1,1977. Bring or would be for it," O'Leary said. "It just won't get each year a new Texas, every five years s new gers, 66 per cent of clerical ing values as some reasons for said mail to Sp-12-8-12 181 347 Student Services TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, general printing. Serving MSU for the job done." The resolution called President Jimmy Car¬ Venezuela and every three years a new United States. workers and 50 per cent of the Increasing dissatisfaction of O'Neill. "NoH* employes importantta' 27 years with complete theses hourly workers rate their pay workers. ter's energy package as approved by the House There are important new sources from such to-day functioning J satisfactory. All percentages service._349-0W0. C-12-8-26j5[ [Motile Homes ][«m COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete "dangerously weak from a production stand¬ point," and urged the President to call an places you as Mexico and Alaska, he said, but "when put all those together you are lucky to get are well above previous ratings. Opinion Research executives They counseled executives to conduct more in-depth employe- growth of your your employes can conZ IT IS the policy of the STATE dissertation and resume service. immediate production conference with them. five or six years." cited increased expectations of relations activities. useful role as sadorsm their contpS NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified Adver¬ Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- con7 tising must be paid for in advance 1666. C-12-8-26 (5) beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to Sp-12-8-12 (8) 347 Student Services. ilypiH SirviciK EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ COMFORTABLE MOBILE home sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. near MSU. 8 x 36 with attached 489 0358 C-12-8-26 13) m shed. $1300. 351-3684 evenings and weekends. 10-8-26 (4) EXPERT ~fYPING~Term Pa perl. Resumes, etc. 16 years experi¬ [Heel Estate ![wB: ence. 8-26 (3) Call Marilyn, 337-2293. 0-12- SHAW ESTATES-12 room, 5 bedroom ranch, 3 V4 baths, 2 ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ fireplaces, 16' x 28' family room. ing theses, manuscripts, term $74,900 on wooded lot. Paul papers. Evenings. 675-7544. C-12- 8-26 13) Coady, 351-8058, MUSSELMAN REALTY, 332-3582. C-3-8-15 (6) EAST LANSING S room. 3 bed¬ room split level. On wooded lot. 1 • Fireplace, 2 car garage. $47,900, many, many, extras. Paul Coady, 351-8058, MUSSELMAN REAL¬ Waited TY, 332-3582. C-3-8-15 16} GRADUATE COUPLE wants to I Service \\K rent and maintain house in Lansing. References. Call 355- East 8052 after 5 p.m. Z-3-8-12 (31 WILSOMSCERTIFIED IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of FEMALE NEEDS place to live fall ROUND XJ term all Student Classified Adver¬ tising must be paid for in advance through spring. Prefer house with other females. Call Mark 351-0600 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or 7-11 p.m. Z-5-8-19 (4) mail to 347 Student Services. Sp-12-8-12 (8) WANTED TO Rent. Responsible , STEAK 4! FOR QUALITY stereo service married couple, MSU doctoral THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East students, commuting from Can¬ Grand River. C-12-8-26 (31 ada weekly require clean, modest efficiency apartment in quiet FREE.. A Lesson in complexion neighborhood, fall. 332-5656. Z-1- care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan 8-10 (6) or 321-5543 Lansing Mall. MERLE FULL SLICES NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. NEED GARAGE for storing stu¬ C-12-8-26j4) dents car during school year. Call NO FRILLS student/teacher char¬ 332-1368. Z-3-8-15 13) ter flights. Europe, Israel, Asia. Buy 4 • SAVE 444- tfGe/ZVP GLOBAL TRAVEL, 521 Fifth Ave¬ GOLDEN RIPE nue, NY, NY 10017. 212-379-3532. Z-1-8-10 (51 I^ound Town &AAOKV. 10®- - Instruction GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum lessons. Private instruction avail¬ BANANAS A able. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351- 7830. C-1-8-10 112) BINGO TUESDAY Night, 7:30 SWISS Doors open 6 p.m. Eariy Bird '6 p.m. WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years starts at 7 p.m. Regular at 7:30 experience in professional editing, writing skill instruction. 337-1591. 0-2-8-10 I3I p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lan¬ sing. C-12-8-26 151 29 NORMAN MAILORDER STEAK _ SWEET CORN gmsomw to SPECIALISTS THE NEW ECONOMICAL CHIQUITA BANANAS NIKKORMAT FT3 WITH NIKON SYSTEM lejgt AP'PRICES Good THRU SAT., AJUGr 13 VERSATILITY. ? NEW NIKKORMAT FT3 'marnrn Bay 3-SAVE 30* WITH LATEST 50mm F2 l*T CUT jPr w/in store coup AI-NIKKOR LENS ONLY iWMAWHMprpOe $229 entry into the Nikon system—a full-feature Here's the exciting new, BUNS 39' economical sir. The Nikkormat FT3 gives you the split-second MERHAJJP certainty of automatic aperture K/M3-S/ZG indexing, combined with the matchless accuracy of Nikon center-weighted, thru-the- &PEAD 177' >771 lens metering.lt takes all of the more than S5 24OT..WT. LOAF multi-ccteled Nikkor lenses and most Nikon accessories for unlimited enjoyment! It's I gar 2- SAVE 404- enough for a beginner, yet so versatile many a easy W/OAhiyahma'' ■ professional counts on it. Come in and see it | ICOFJWJ^I. TQt CAKE | NORMAN S OF BATTLE CREEK is a national mail order ment specialist, with our ads appearing in Modern and photo equip " Popular Photography. We sell at New York and Chicago prices, but deliver quicker because we're so close. A Bank card order, phoned in on Monday, would possibly be delivered to your front door on Thurs¬ Paschk&iWfM \ «WARTeiz.s day. We stock everything we sell. WRITE FOR SLICED BACON \f.mx/Aq MARGARINE FREE CATALOG m BUY 3-SAVfi 604- W/C- NORMAN 616 965-7285 '.OW. MICHIGAN MALL (jcevuwc) camera CO BATTLE CREEK, Ml 49014 I Michigan i;'"le NewS| Eott lonsin9' Michigon Wednesday, August 10, 1977 13 DOONESBURY* dl®81y (t)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (H)WELM-TV(Coblo) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) IhiflhiDf by Garry Trudeau (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) WEDNESDAY 10:00 (4) Waltons EVENING (10) Kingston: Confidential (10) Movie 9:30 7:00 (12) Baretta "Finian's Rainbow" (12) Three's Company 11:00 10:00 ■HogonsNef0*' (11) Woman Wise (6-10-12) News (4) Barnaby Jones l)ToTe|ITheT,u (23) Something Personal (12) Welcome Back, Kotter (23) Documentary Showcase (12) Westside Medical 11:30 (23) Fall of Eagles |portri<)g»fomilY (6) Movie 8:30 11:00 I" Inner Tennis (11) Ed-itoriol Weiss-Cracks 7:30 "Lieutenant Schuster s Wife' (12) What's Happening 11 (4-10-12) News 25 000 Pyromid (10) Johnny Carson (23) Woman 9:00 (12) Fernwood 2 Night 11:30 ^Hollywood Squor" (23) ABC News (4) Hawaii Five-0 (4) Kojak ■ Tempo (11) Cable 11 News (10) Johnny Carson Kprice I* Rrgh' THURSDAY (12) Barney Miller (12) Fernwood 2 Night iMocNeil/Lehrer Report EVENING (23) Age of Uncertainty 8:00 6:30 (23) ABC News ood Times (6) CBS News |c,inly Adorns (10) NBC News MSU SHADOWS ® ■ impressions (11)Branches by Gordon Carleton I Eight is Enough (12) ABC News sponsored by: 7:00 ■ Novo 8:30 (7) Hogan's Heroes PXNBALL PETE'S Jlusting loose Present this really funny comic for 25' ■ introducing Amnesty In- (4) Hogan's Heroes worth of free play! otionol (10) To Tell The Truth 9:00 (12) Partridge Family (23) Once Upon a Classic Jlinger" 7:30 ■CPO Sharkey (4) Wild Kingdom ■Coble 11 News (10) Michigame ■Charlie's Angels (11) Tee Vee Trivia ■Theater in Americo (12) Hollywood Squares 9:30 (23) MacNell/Lehrer Report ■ Kollikoks 8:00 3.9^CA. Iprinit-ln-a-mlnit |C0PYING/DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS C"Mter of MAC and ANN ST H TO 6 00 M F 10:00-5 00 Sal -©:252" Stoto NIKKOR 135 mm F3.5Liit *229" .*149. Coupon NIKKOR 35 BARBRA STREISAND mm F2.8List '204" *139. MOVII PROJECTORS REG. 7.1 SUPERMAN NIKKOR 43 mm to 86 mm Zoom Kodak Ektasound 2330 Sound pro|octlon, tail forward. List *325" $2S5. ^owlnd, 2 spoodl. Lilt <244.00 Kodak Ektasound 245 w/sound racordar. *119 4.21 k] - JAMES TAYLOR Quantities UNCUS i/—m List *329.95 *229 Limited WELC0ME ■lllTMlLtf V7S4 Botox 15-51 w/zoom lons and 2 spoods oil modols. J.T. REG.f.j List'339.50 *169 4.2i