egistered nurses walk out t By Lansing Gen. Hospital DIANE COX and representatives of MNA,which is the is over working conditions. However, the I,. General Hospital's 135 regis- bargaining agent for the RNs, broke down hospital has not put forth a proposal on this MNA, but are covered by the contract, lurses iBNs) went on strike at 7:30 early Sunday afternoon following a pattern According to Schwab, about half of the 15 l,„ing after a final vote was taken of negotiating set-backs since July. n One arff' of the economic concerns is part-time RNs who work two days or less Lv nigM over a contract dispute. Contract negotiations a general per week have voluntarily joined the MNA. originally began on package which Hauser said T. will he a P'cket "ne aroun<1 the May 23, with the old contract expiring on was only The other half receive contract benefits brought into the negotiations this past J! both entrances," said Michigan July 1. Negotiations were then extended until July 29 and again until week. That proposal is what the RNs voted without paying dues, she said, These RNs could get better treatment if ■ Association IMNA) negotiator Sue Aug. 15, with a on bunday night. the MNA represented them specifically, she 1 "The strike will continue until we meeting set for Aug. 12, Schwab said. She Hauser would not release said that both state and federal any details of said, Js good contract." mediators the proposal, saying that it would be made ■the first strike in the osteopathic had to be brought in for the negotiations. "Right now they don't get sick leave," she public in a news release today. said. "So if they get ill, they don't get paid." I s 35-year history, said Lea Hauser, Hauser said the negotiations concern The other economic concern is part-time The third area under negotiation con- I'n public relations director, three different areas. Two are economic. nurses who work two days a week or less, cerns the ■tiations between hospital officials The other, which concerns the nurses most, These RNs t reassigning of the RNs through- not required to join the out the hospital. "It is the hospital's prerogative to temporarily reassign RNs as needed around CARTER SUPPORTS DIRECTOR the institution to complement patient care," Hauser said. "We get temporary fluctua¬ tions in staff like any hospital. Lance probe continues "There is a basic disagreement on what the issue is," he said. "They call it understaffing and we don't feel it is." Schwab said that understaffing is why there are reassignments. "It has to do with working conditions and IhiNGTON (api — President Jim- See related story on page 12. understanding that his trustee would sell it how thin they can stretch a nurse," she said. AP Wirephoto jr has expressed confidence in before the end of the year. Blood comes from the mouth and of "We've put in several proposals, such as nose an injured policeman as two ■Director Bert Lance for the first serious management deficiencies at his Sale of stock is part of Carter's conflict-of- other officers assist him in London the beginning of investigations Calhoun First National Bank in Georgia, only reassigning in emergency conditions. Saturday after fighting broke out be¬ interest guidelines set forth for top-level "The most recent of our proposals tween right-wing National Front marchers and left-wing counter- ees financial dealings. But the ! of which violated the law, the Times appointees. concerns a team of 'float' nurses who are demonstrators. National Front marchers were protesting the rising in¬ |it said he knows Lance will quit if said. When he appeared before a Senate available for all departments," Schwab said. cidence of muggings in a racially-mixed section of South London, alleging e proven. The agreement was cancelled by the committee to ask for an extension on the "We asked that the team be increased, but that most of the muggers were black and most victims white. KdI have any concern about Bert regional director for the comptroller in year-end deadline on the stock sale, Lance the hospital won't give a proposal." ■ud his attitude toward me, my Atlanta, the newspaper said. It said said he stood to lose as much as $1.6 million Schwab said that if the hospital had ition, his responsibility to the cancellation of the agreement, coupled with if he were forced to sell it at current market Carter said in an |il Sunday."... I have confidence in interview the termination of an 11-month investiga- tion into possible criminal activities at the rates- The value of the stock had declined because of some bad real estate loans made given a proposal on the reassignment issue the negotiations would "certainly be ex¬ pedited" and the strike might have been London riots draw he government officials in the bank, enabled the comptroller to give Lance by the bank. avoided. Department and also in Bert clean record 'n his interview, Carter called the torrent of criticism 7 a on his bank management. The RNs served their 10-day notice of According to the newspaper, this re- present inquiry by Heimann, who has intent to strike on Aug. 3, surprising IlKtsury Department, under the moved the issue of possible mismanage- succeeded Acting Comptroller Robert hospital officials according to Hauser. p of Comptroller of the Currency ment from Lance's confirmation hearings Bloom, "a healthy circumstance." He said he "We were somewhat surprised at that By JAMES R.PEIPERT ; examining details of held in January. •' confident that both Heimann and Lance time because of the meeting set for Aug. LONDON (AP) — Merlyn Rees, the man in charge of British police, said Sunday he ■ private finances, including circum- Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve said wil1 m»ke the facts known publicly. 12," he said. "We had hoped we could reach supported Scotland Y ard's decision not to try to ban a right-wing march that provoked a I under which he received two loans Sunday it is making 195 over-the-counter Then, Carter said, it will be possible to bloody melee in which 110 persons, including 56 policemen, were injured. an agreement then." ■ 16 million from banks in Chicago stocks, including those of the National Bank "let the situation be judged accordingly." Schwab explained that the notice was The British press called the Saturday violence the worst in postwar Britain and p York. of Georgia, subject to its reserve require¬ Reminded that during the campaign he served so it would be in effect by Aug. 15, published a spate of recriminations and demands for public inquiries. The Observer in has jurisdiction over the na¬ ments. called for higher standards that the law asked in a headline: "Is this price of freedom?" when the last extension expired. That means buyers of the stock can prescribed for the conduct of public "Hope isn't reflected in their negotia¬ Rees, the home secretary in Britain's Labor cabinet, said in a radio interview that he ive enough confidence in Bert Lance borrow only 50 per cent of the purchase officials, the President said: tions, in their style or their proposal," she deplores extremism of the left and right. But he added that "what we have to think about 1 that if any improprieties do exist price and must put the rest up in cash. "I believe that Bert would agree that a countered. all the time even for people whom we despise, hate, disagree with — use what words you I would take the initiative to step Previously, there was no limit on the high standard has to be maintained. I am No new will is the right for people to demonstrate in our sort of society." negotiations have been re¬ — | the President said. "So far no amount buyers could borrow for these not aware of any improprieties that have scheduled, he said. He said that if Britain, which has a reputation for political tolerance, abandons that es have been proven." stocks. But the Federal Reserve periodical¬ been proven against Bert Lance." "Our number one concern is patient care philosophy, "we might be moving along the road to where no marches can take place at kr spoke in an interview with ABC ly sets the margin requirement on over-the- In its story on the agreement between all." ■televised Sunday night. He was and we're gearing up for that," he said. "We counter stocks that have become widely Lance and Bloom, the Times said that on will do whatever is necessary to keep the Waving Union Jacks and singing "Rule Britannia," about 1,000 supporters of the ■led at the home of his mother, traded. The same standards apply to all Nov. 24, 1976, Bloom issued a directive right-wing National Front marched through Lewisham, a drab, racially-mixed section of (Cirter, on Wednesdsy, the last day stocks on the New York Stock Exchange specifying that such agreements were not hospital going with adequate care for South London, on Saturday to protest the rising incidence of muggings in the district. tdty visit to his hometown of Plains, and the American Stock Exchange. to be rescinded without the chief comptrol¬ patients." They carried a banner alleging that most of the muggers were black and most victims Lance borrowed nearly all of the money ler's approval. Of the total 300 people on its nursing white. ae hours after the New A spokesperson for Lance, Robert W. staff, 165 — including licensed practical to buy his stock in the National Bank of They clashed with an estimated 3,000 left-wing demonstrators — both black and white its said in its Dietsch, told The Associated Press he could nurses and orderlies are not represented Sunday editions that Georgia but would not be able to do so — — described by police as a mixed group of Socialist Worker Party members, trade Initially embarrassing agreement" under the new rule. There are 1,106 stocks not confirm any details about the reported by the MNA and will not be affected by the unionists, Young Liberals and Labor supporters. cancellation of the agreement. strike. |aLance and an acting comptroller of is rescinded the on the Federal Reserve's margin list, which About 4,000 policemen were there to try to keep the peace, but rioting broke out. Of day before the banking agency revised last week but the 110 hurt, 11 policemen and three others were hospitalized. Police arrested 214 IS nominated as director of the announced on Sunday. persons. kl Management and Budget (OMB). Lance put his 200,767 shares of stock in Peter Walker, a cabinet minister in Britain's 1970-74 Conservative government, said k agreement, signed Dec. 2, 1975, ■ pledged to correct a number of the National Bank of Georgia in trust when he became director of the OMB with the Tentative pact halts he believed unemployment was at the root of the disturbance. "Never let it be forgotten that Hitler came to power as a result of unemployment and not as a result of inflation," he said. "It would be interesting to know how many of the young bullies marching for left and right yesterday came from the young unemployed." Nearly 1.6 million Britons, more than 6 per cent of the work force, are currently out of Bell workers' strike work — the worst unemployment since World War II. Such rundown areas as Lewisham, where industrial jobs have been disappearing in recent years, have been hotbeds for such extremist groups as the National Front on the DETROIT (UPI) - Most of the state Bell said the national and local wage and right and the Socialist Workers Party, a Trotskyite group, on the left. The anti-Communist National Front, committed to ending immigration to Britain, has slept through its first Michigan Bell fringe benefit package would cost the won support in Lewisham and similar areas that have a growing population of Telephone Co. strike in six years Sunday. company about $125 million over the next immigrants, primarily from the West Indies. The Socialist Workers, focusing on the inside A handful of the 20,000 Michigan Bell workers represented by the Communica¬ three years. There was no immediate indication if Bell would seek a rate hike to alienated and unemployed, have gained converts to their doctrine of revolutionary tions Workers of America started leaving help offset the added expense. change. The Mackinac their jobs at 12:01 a.m. EDT. But seven Bridge is being painted green and white. Big deal, hours later a tentative three-year contract yo» say? Well, to someone at Michigan it is. See page 3. agreement halted the strike almost before it got started. "Even though talks went beyond the midnight deadline, all employes are expect¬ Political conservatives gather weather ed to report to work on their next normally Hey, hey, it's another sunny day according to the Official State ews Secret Weather Wabbit. Look for sunshine and tempera- scheduled tour," said Robert F. Salton, Bell assistant vice president for personnel. Company officials estimated no more funds for Kearney's legal fees lures in the 70al Fur outl than 150 telephone operators were working throughout the state during the early ByMARGARETGENTRY "The overlapping and duplication i I solicitation letters has morning hours and supervisory personnel WASHINGTON (AP) — Political conservatives and former FBI caused us a little bit of a problem, but w e hope we're working it took the place of those who walked out in agents have raised nearly a half million dollars to pay legal fees for out," he said in an interview. accordance with a strike deadline. John J. Kearney, the onetime bureau supervisor who faces trial in Through its regular newsletters, the society has solicited Brief picket lines were set up in Detroit, October, and dozens of other FBI men. contributions from its members, who have donated $290,000 so far, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint, Port Huron But the fund-raising effort may be hitting a snag because of O'Beirne said. "We've already paid out over $110,000 of that to and Saginaw. confusion about the various groups soliciting donations. cover the defense of some 47 individuals," he continued. But the walkout occurred during a slow Only two groups are soliciting contributions specifically for the The Ad Hoc Citizens Legal Defense Fund for the FBI has raised traffic period, so the effect of services for legal defense of Kearney and other present or former FBI agents $180,000 from about 10,000 persons during the past seven weeks, Bell's 2.8 million customers was limited to involved in the Justice Department investigation of FBI burglaries, said its administrative director, Marvin Liebman. occasional delays in operator assistance. mail-opening and wiretapping. Liebman operates the fund out of his New York public relations "At that time of day, it's a very low traffic But other organizations, such as the American Legion and the office. The fund was created by three prominent conservative volume period," said Bell spokesperson Lee Young Americans for Freedom, have declared support for Republicans — former Treasury Secretary William E. Simon, Lindberg. "There should have been almost Kearney. former Sen. James Buckley, Con. R.-N.Y., and former Ambassador no effect on customers, especially those And the newly formed Security and Intelligence Fund has Clare Boothe Luce. dialing their own calls." solicited contributions with a letter implying that the money will be Liebman said the money he collects, minus mailing and other The last strike against Michigan Bell was used for Kearney's defense, though that's not necessarily so. costs, will be turned over to the society of ex-agents. in 1971 and lasted six days. In 1974 sporadic This has caused consternation among potential contributors who Most of the confusion arose from the solicitation letter mailed by unauthorized walkouts were reported have received three different appeals for money and have heard the Security and Intelligence Fund to more than 100,000 persons throughout the state system. other groups publicly declare support for Kearney, said John since early June. Bargainers reached agreement on a pact O'Beirne, chairperson of the Washington chapter of the Society of James Angleton, former counterintelligence chiefofthe CIA who to supplement the national contract nego¬ Former Special Agents of the FBI. was ousted in the wake of disclosures of improper CIA activities, is tiated last weekend by the union and Kearney was charged with directing illegal mail opening and chairperson of the fund and one of its founders. American Telephone and Telegraph. wiretapping in the search for Weather Underground fugitives in / The Michigan Bell contract covered local issues such as job classifications, shift New York from 1970 through 1972. He has pleaded innocent. The 7,000-member national society has a legal defense fund and "Kearney's defense is our defense!" the solicitation letter proclaimed. "We've set up the Security and Intelligence Fund to schedules, work conditions, fringe benefits this is the only organization which actually receives and pays the defend John Kearney and any others in the intelligence community and other matters unique to Michigan Bell's legal bills. O'Beirne has been organizing the effort and acting as who have served their country in the line of duty and may now be liaison with the other groups. forced to use their life savings to defend themselves." operations. 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Monday, August 15 Mideast meet scheduli WASHINGTON (AP) - be represented in negotiations, home and said: "I'm very proud but also on the definition of of you. I'm glad to have you sheaf of nan.,,, . I President Jimmy Carter an¬ nounced Sunday he will meet secure and recognized borders back." Portfolio and 1 1 j0ni * I with the foreign ministers of and the nature of a Palestinian Before returning to the Israel and the Arab states settlement." United States late when they visit the United Vance gave Carter and his Saturday, Vance conceded that his States next month to attend the national security adviser, Zbig- trip niew Brzezinski, a personal had left "wide gaps" between meetings with the|J?l United Nations General As¬ •tar. of sembly. report in the Cabinet Room at the Arabs and the Israelis. and Israel Egypt, s>l the White House. The Presi¬ As Carter invited who » him to for the Carter made the announce¬ dent welcomed the secretary begin his report, Vance pulled U.N. nJ ment in a statement issued by a York. meel»Ii.| the White House after Secre¬ tary of State Cyrus R. Vance told him the United States has STRIKE HITS SOUTHERN SPAIN pared differences between Arabs and Israelis "down to the bedrock." Both sides have moved "clos¬ Hotel workers walk er to the common concept of the MADRID (AP) - More than east Spain. capital itself il the w. mutual obligations of peace," 30,000 porters, waiters, cooks Tourist agencies reported the statement said. It said settled. 1 and other workers walked off that as the strike got under It was the Vance made additional pro¬ the job Sunday at hotels on way flights carrying several Spain since first the civil ho|J gress before returning Satur¬ Spain's tourist-jammed south¬ thousand foreign tourists were Years ago. day from a tour of the Mid¬ ern Costa del Sol, leaving diverted from the Sun Coast Strike, ,^l den dle East and Europe on re¬ tens of thousands of guests to resorts of Torremolinos, Mala¬ during the 193945 ■ the late AP Wirephoto affirming Security Council reso¬ fend for themselves. ga, Marbella Fuengirola and Gen. Francisco right-win. 3 In Oberammergau's new Passion Play, Hans Jablon- anti-Semetic overtones in the script. Normally, the lutions as the basis for nego¬ Dozens of airline flights were Fran* ■ Benalmadena to the Canary ka, who plays tiations. Negotiations betve.1 Christ, falls lor the first time beneath play is produced at the beginning of each decade, canceled or rerouted, some Islands, whose hotels supposed¬ the weight of the cross. The original version of the but it will be staged for week beginning Monday But tourists slept in cars as reserva¬ ly were able to handle the agement and the inated unions |TI a - "major differences" play was rewritten to dilute what some critics called to test the new version. main, the statement said, "on re¬ tions went by the board, and sudden influx. day and were broke osl how Palestinian views can best others scrounged sandwiches But officials of the govern¬ sdvj from hotel kitchens. ment labor and tourism agen¬ resume Tuesday afcl ligious holiday today, B "We had an excellent Sunday cies said they feared that the The workers Experts to meet likely malaria cold buffet lunch," said Briton hotel walkout might spread are fa $95 monthly on a cure Alan Greenwood, making do at the four-star Hotel Fuerte in later in the week to the Balearic and Canary islands, the packed pay gers atrosjtLB increase. The hottjl have offered 1 B JERUSALEM (API - Inter¬ in underdeveloped countries. The Jerusalem conference cultivate the malaria parasite in United States recorded only Marbella on the "Sun Coast." Costa Brava around Barcelona, boost in salaries no national experts on malaria Of a global population of four will center on a discovery that a test tube. 400 cases last year, most of He said the hotel managers and eventually to the Spanish $315 a month. gather here Monday to discuss billion, 500 million victims were Dr. Sanford Kuvin, the organi¬ "This conference is a big them brought in by diplomats "have been just great. They a breakthrough that one scien¬ reported infected last year in zer, says could lead to the jump" in the fight against and Vietnam veterans. have kept the bar open." tist says may lead to a vaccine areas that are home to half the development of an effective malaria, said Kuvin, a member Guests were on a self-service But in the so-called Third against the ancient disease which afflicts one-eighth on the world's people. The malady has defeated vaccine ready for field testing on humans within five years. of the board of Hebrew Univer¬ sity's new Center for Infec¬ World, the incapacitating di¬ sease causes annual losses of system for towels, elevators, coffee and sheets, Greenwood Agency keeping on world's population. previous attempts at eradica¬ Kuvin, from West Palm tious and Tropical Diseases. said. billions of dollars in productiv¬ Malaria a tropical illness tion based on efforts to control The effects of the paralyzing Beach, Fla., said the break¬ He said the 30 researchers skateboards' safefj — ity. Kuvin said. In Bangladesh, on that prostrates its victims with the mosquitos that, through through came about in 1975 strike were made more acute expected for the conference the malady is so common that chills and fever that recur for their bites, transfer malaria when Dr. William Trager of "will be dealing in cookbook when workers shut down authorities have stopped re¬ years — reportedly killed 1.5 parasites from infected to non- New York City's Rockefeller scores of cafes and restaurants techniques, pooling existing porting fatalities and it is WASHINGTON (AP) million people last year, mostly infected human beings. University found a way to knowledge that is scattered in considered a natural cause of in sympathy with the hotel - A federal agency has its eye J tidbits around the world so that death. employes. streaking skateboards, which have been associated a| the next major step can be The illness is chronic because The hotel workers, de¬ reported deaths between 1973 and April 1977. taken." its parasites remain in the manding higher pay, struck at 8 Injuries associated with the booming craze an a.m. Sunday in the Malaga about 188,000 in 1976, according to the Consumer Predial Malaria first was recorded by bloodstream of the infected Commission. Hippocrates in the fifth century person, releasing toxic sub¬ region, at the center of the Sun The 1976 total is | B.C. Together with yellow stances and destroying red Coast, which is the heart of an increase of about 159 per tent J estimated 72,000 injuries in 1975. fever, malaria attacks on work blood cells each time the para¬ Spain's tourist belt. The strike almost shut down 3,000 hotels with At present the skateboard industry is crews brought an end to site's reproductive cycle ends. developing id the building of the Panama 200,000 beds at the peak of the safety standards, and the Consumer Product Safety Ci Kuvin said $30 million is tourist season. Canal in the early 1900s, and it participating in the work. almost conquered pioneering spent annually on antimalaria Another 10,000 workers research worldwide, compared "Other than that, we're taking a look to see if we I Jews in Palestine who laid the stayed off the job for the second with $300 million allocated in anything more about it," Commission Chairperson sT Zairean official arrested for treason foundations for the state of the United States alone for straight day at hotels in the Byington said in a recent interview. "I don't know that nil Israel and wiped out malaria cities of La Coruna, Gijon, El there. cancer research. Ferrol del Caudillo and Santia¬ anything more than that right now." KINSHASA, Zaire (AP) President He was generally regarded as Mobu¬ — Malaria has been beaten in "Malaria is the most impor¬ go de Compostela in northern The estimated number of skateboarders grew from ih Mobutu Sese Seko said Sunday that tu's second-in-command and had been developed nations with drugs tant infectious disease in the Spain, at Cadiz in southern million in 1975 to more than 20 million by 1976, ai Foreign Minister Nguza Karl I Bond was considered a possible successor to the46- that kill the parasite. The world today," Kuvin said. Spain and at Zaragoza in north¬ report prepared earlier this year by the a dismissed and arrested for treason year-old president. because he had advance knowledge of the March invasion of Zaire's Shaba A spokesperson for the People's province but did not warn Mobutu. African party, an anti-Mobutu movement Mobutu spoke in an interview with and one of several exiled opposition Zaire's official news agency one day after the arrest of the 39-year-old minister. organizations, said in Brussels. Belgium, that the arrest "is just another proof that £Beaulcju£ Karl I Bond also served as chair¬ democracy does not exist in Zaire and at person of Zaire's only legal political that the elections announced for October porty, which is dominated by Mobutu. by the president are a hoax." coiLarv's- Spy suspects jailed in Thailand Here is where the bride's dreams m become a reality beginning with ARANYAPRATHET, Thailand (AP) killed in the tense border about 140 first visit with - area P——-'CUP AND her Bridal Thirteen Cambodians suspected of being miles east of Bangkok. SAVE"——"| our spies have been arrested by Thai authorities 40 miles north of this border The region has been the scene of sporadic fighting between Thai security ! Good Driving Record? ! Consultant. of her Bridal . then the selection stationery, listing of j Bad Driving town, a military spokesperson said forces and Cambodian troops in on area Sunday. The suspects were taken into custody each country claims os its own terri¬ tory. Record? j her preferences in our Gift Registry, and choosing memor¬ in the village of To Phraya district and brought to a military comp in Aranya- On Sunday, Thai forces exchanged ! GREAT RATES i able gifts for the wedding party gunfire with Cambodian soldiers who from our Fine Jewelry collection. prathet for questioning, the spokes¬ j FOR BOTH shelled an army helicopter as it was person said. dians Last week, at least 16 other Cambo¬ suspected of being spies ferrying supplies to the Thai front in the village of Sanlor Channgon, the spokes¬ j j were person said. WILLIAMS Jacobson's MSU '68 j 332-1838 ! MSU IN ISRAEL AND OREE«| WINTER TERM 1978 INFORMATION MIITINO • WEDNESDAY, Bomb threat shuts down LaGuardia INFORMATION MEETING-WEDNESDAY, AUGUSTI] 4:00 PM, ROOM 204 INTERNATIONAL CENTER NEW YORK -CLIP AND SAVE (AP) — LaGuardia Airport "There was no panic and nobody was shut down for an hour ond 15 showed much emotion," said Charles minutes Sunday when an COURSES OFFERED caller warned that five bombs would anonymous Rowe, a director of The Associated Press AMERICA'S CUP HUM 201, 202, 203, 345 (4 CREDITS off before 1 p.m. No bombs were go from Fredricksburg, Va. EACH). HUM 201, 202, 203 FULFILL THE C0» a search of terminals. found in "Just the normal irritation at missing IS MORE THAN PLETE HUMANITIES GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT. Passengers ond airport employes were flights." GREAT FOOD HUM 300, SS 300, REL 295, 495 VARIABLE CREDIT). (SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSES W evacuated to an area under the garages which Port Authority police parking Rowe, publisher of the Free Lance-Star AND BEAUTIFUL in Fredericksburg, waiting for DECOR declared safe. The and incoming flights tower were was also shut diverted to plane to Baltimore. was The bomb threats were telephoned to a STUDENTS MAY ENROLL FOR A TOTAL OF 12 OR MORE CREDITS | The atmosphere is vibrant other airports. the FBI, New York City police and to the and alive, like the excitement The airport reopened at 1:32 GENERAL ITINERARY p.m. police desk at LaGuardia. of yacht racing, reminiscent 4 WEEKS IN JERUSALEM No assassination plot, Church tells Castro 'H of lingering palm-filled sun¬ sets. It's bright and contemp¬ orary, and yet warm and aged, like a Bombay steamer's 2 WEEKS ON A KIBBUTZ 1 WEEK INDEPENDENT TRAVEL 1 WEEK IN TEL AVIV WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Frank ment, would be undertaken binnacle. For a quick lunch, 1 WEEK IN ATHENS (AND DELPHI) Church said Sunday he by the United told President States or supported by President or a leisurely drink over a Fidel Castro of Cuba Carter." that President Church said Castro replied that he also game of backgammon, you'll PROGRAM DIRECTOR Jimmy Carter would never authorize any believed Carter would not find it all at America's Cup. PROFESSOR DONALD GOCHBERG permit such attempt to assassinate him. activities, despite prior attempts DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES The Idaho Democrat, who met with CIA to assassinate him. by the 195 BESSEY HALL, 355-7596 Castro during a four-day visit to Cuba last week, said he told the Cuban leader he was confident that "no such activities, Church appeared on television program "Issues the ABC FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUD*' either directed toward him or ond An¬ INTERNATIONAL CENTER, OR CALL 353-B920. his govern¬ swers." FINANCIAL AID IS AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED STUDENTS. lex crime rate higher during BvMARKFABUN summer lm Friday afternoon m Jo the MSU Library. A DPS says hot weather affects obscene conduct not think exhibitionist sex crimes could be compared with J. studying at a tabLs and is rape. Ueeriodical section on the masturbating as he runs creased during the A man casually stts toward them. July heat MSU Library, the East Lansing has to demonstrate to As with any crime, the wave the number of women, Indecent exposures, or disor¬ sex crimes Library and the Lansing Li¬ growing up. chances of apprehending a man r,he table wit h her. She derly persons-obscene conduct reported to DPS during that and to himself, that he has a He also noted it is interest¬ thing more serious. who has committed a sex crime I „otice him. He shuffles as police call period increased as well. brary. He told the officers he wears penis. The man is looking for ing that in our culture women "But I don't want to leave a Lr, to attract her atten- them, do oc¬ This was not the first time the shock value. If the woman is don't expose themselves to men false sense of security," he increase with the quickness of the looks over at him and casionally occur on campus. man in the no underwear beneath his short afraid or expresses some kind of added. reporting it to police. Zutaut Library exposed in the same blatant manner. I realizes the ™an is Major Adam J. Zutaut, De¬ cutoffs and looks around "look¬ reaction when he exposes him¬ Dr. Werner explained that said it is important for the himself, according to police, and Victims of indecent exposures victim to get a good description Li|i/ exposing himself. partment of Public Safety it may not be his ing for chicks with short skirts self, he is satisfied. people who engage in exhibi¬ (DPS) police commander, said last, even donotseemtobein any physical of the person and his car if he E, right the following that in the past his though he was arrested on this or shorts on." He told DPS he picked the MSU Library this Dr. Arnold Werner, associate danger, but the difficulty is tionist kinds of sex crimes are has one. KLluy Two women are department particular occasion. professor of psychiatry at MSU, doing so mainly to reassure has run into more of these particular day because it was air determining if exposing himself themselves. f, near the corner of 0 of sex crimes when hot weather types He told DPS officers after his conditioned. said people who expose them¬ is the man's only motive. Dr. Werner warned that |L notice a man jogging hits. arrest that he prefers to do his The classic explanation be¬ selves are insecure and are Zutaut said he could not think who "Generally speaking, people since it is difficult to determine m. As he gets closer exposing at libraries and that he "acting out some kind of psy¬ of any incident since he has been expose themselves are the man's motive, a woman who When the temperature in¬ hind indecent exposure is that people who are relatively afraid he he has no clothes on usually alternates between the chological conflict" which may is confronted with an indecent the man is insecure and feels he on campus when an indecent of any direct contact," he said. have arisen while exposure should try to get out of they were exposure has generated any¬ Dr. Werner added that he did the situation as soon as possible. Gov. Mil liken writes Carter about Seafarer CITY TO PAY ONLY 60 PERCENT OF PRICE LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William G. funds for deployment of any sort of Milliken forcefully restated his opposition Seafarer systems in Michigan, I will be to Project Seafarer Friday and asked reviewing this issue personally." President Jimmy Carter to declare lEasf Lansing, Spartan Asphalt publicly Milliken referred in his letter to a whether he will rule out Michigan as a statement issued by Carter's campaign potential site. headquarters at the height of last year's "In recent days. Pentagon officials have presidential campaign saying that he would been indicating to media representatives oppose the construction of Seafarer in that I am considering a reversal of my Michigan if the people objected. position," Milliken said in a letter to Carter. Milliken has said he considers eight >ach agreement on paving woes "I want to not only reiterate separate advisory votes in the Upper my opposition to locating Seafarer in Michigan, Peninsula and personal contacts with but also to again urge a direct confirmation Michigan residents evidence of over¬ from you that the wishes of the people will whelming opposition — though some fed¬ be respected," Milliken said. eral officials have cast doubt on that assertion. By MICHAEL BOUSE residents complained to city councilmem- Carter has not formally responded to set up," Coffman said. "The main J Stste News Staff Writer bers when the emulsion did not set and problem is "And they showed good faith and coopera¬ Milliken's March 18 "veto" of Seafarer, but The governor also said he was notified in that the previous contractors used an ended up sticking to shoes, cars and lawns. tion on their part." the President said recently he believes an Jan. 31 telephone conversation with a ■promise has been reached between emulsion that set up in hours." a Coffman said the city will continue to extremely low frequency system for com¬ | of East Lansing and the Spartan Legal action and withholding payment for Carter aide that the President would honor K Paving Co. to get out of a rather the contract were mentioned at a city municating with deep-running nuclear sub¬ the veto authority given to Milliken by the pituation. council meeting last month where City "They didnot get thefullprice and we recouped marines is essential to national security. Ford Administration. our own In Asphalt of Holt began working in Engineer Bob Bruce explained that this is expenses....They showed good faith and Other top federal officials either have "Yet, Pentagon officials periodically 11 project to sealcoat certain city the second year in a row the company has cooperation on their part." -East Lansing City ignored Milliken's detailed objections to the make statements at variance with this lb; embedding gravel in a coating of used inferior asphalt products to coat some Manager Gerry Coffman on the city's recently project or have played down their impor¬ East Lansing streets. understanding," Milliken said. reached settlement with Spartan Asphalt tance. bier, Bailey Street area community Samples of the emulsion put down this Paving The governor also restated his opposition Co. summer were sent to testing laboratories The reaffirmation of those objections to a scaled-down Seafarer proposal calling and results showed the material was found Also subtracted came two weeks after a Carter statement for two relatively small underground com¬ were any labor costs the receive bids from Spartan Asphalt for road tbat to be too thin and not in compliance with city incurred in cleaning appeared to U.S. Rep. Philip Ruppe, munication cable grids located in Michigan up the mess. work, along with any other qualified Volverine' specifications in the contract. City Manager Jerry Coffman said Sunday Residents who wish to file for damsges should contact the asphalt company indi¬ contractors. Bruce has recommended that the 60 per R-Mich„ and other Seafarer opponents to leave the door open for a Michigan location and Wisconsin, rather than the massive 4,000-square mile grid originally propoted representatives from the engineering de¬ for Seafarer. for the central U.P. vidually, Coffman said, but so far only a few cent agreement be adopted and Coffman partment and the asphalt company sur¬ rtg ry with people have registered complaints. said any legal action has a low priority and The letter, sent to U.S. Rep. Elford "We have had no assurance that this veyed the work that was done and The company has done other work for the is pending the final resolution with Cederburg, R-Mich., said: "Finally, I want concluded that 60 per cent of the work was Spartan 'foot-in-the-door' would not later be ex¬ city since the sealcoating program, such as Asphalt. you to know that if we do decide to request panded," Milliken said. acceptable, since the emulsion has dried by putting in asphalt for tennis courts and olors for Under the agreement, the city is ex¬ laying down a one inch mat of asphalt on Harrison Road. pected to pay only 60 per cent of the Coffman said the agreement reached was Songs, skits highlight contract price or about $19,800 instead of an acceptable bargain. Jionumenf the $33,000 agreed upon to do the work. "They did not get the full price and we "Given sufficient time, the emulsion did recouped our own expenses," Coffman said. (NSLNG ilood (UPI) — The maize and flowing through state Labor lor Keith Molin's veins bed just learned of what he bedasthe greatest desecration of began to Ingham County judge anniversary festivities lie monument since the Goths kdRome in 410 A.D. ■•refer, of course, to the painting of ■ukinac Bridge — now under way refuses to step down By TERRY PRZYBYLSKI State News Staff Writer ■those most odious of colors, The sweet smell of incense hung heavy in the air, and the orange, green Thite," Molin said Friday in a letter white and green tricolor of India decorated the stage as over 100 It Ann Arbor News, over charges of bias people celebrated the 30th anniversary of India's independence from Great Britain in the Asbury Hall Auditorium Saturday night pis such a rabid University of at the United Ministries in Higher Education. TJO sd thesportslabor partisan that he once LANSING (UPI) - Ingham County claim she was frequently beaten by her department sign The program, which lasted about three hours, began with a Circuit Court Judge Michael Harrison has ex-husband, James, 33. phis Lansing office painted in the classic Indian devotional song by Prowati Kundu of East Lansing. Jemes' maize and blue. Green and refused to disqualify himself from presiding Feminists have been circulating petitions at the trial of a Dansyille woman accused of This was followed by a demonstration of Indian shadow acting by calling for dismissal of charges because of |mthe colorsdemanded T">, therefore, of archrival MSU. killing her ex-husband by setting fire to his the "failure of the courts, police and M. Chengappa, two comical skits, a rendition of "Blowin' in the an expla- bed. Wind" and several Indian folk songs. M how the State Highway governmental system to deal adequately won could allow such At a pre-trial hearing Friday, the with the plight of battered women." a "perfidy One of the types of folk song, the gazal, a song often sung in India nety" to come t0 pass attorney for Francine Hughes, 29, said Hughes has been jailed without bond by close friends and lovers upon separating, was performed •commission members, Chair- Harrison should not hear the case because since March 9 when she turned herself into several times during the program. A gazal sung by Rajan Rai was 1111 Peter B. Fletcher and Wes of a prejudicial remark he allegedly made in authorities, a gasoline cap in her hand, and especially well-received by the audience, composed mostly of "eU-M alumni, yet April. said, "I did it. I did it. I burned him up." members of East Lansing's Indian community. The singers were they sit idly » great gouts of Attorney Aryon Greydanus quoted Har¬ Police said Hughes poured gasoline accompanied by Mrs. Kundu who played the harmonium, an green flow rison as saying at the time he would not set "• across the around her husband's bed and ignited it. He accordion-like instrument popular in India. '•« by sparkling span, bond for Hughes because "After all, what died of smoke inhalation. writhing wisps of white," he After the performances, the audience kind of woman would burn up her Earlier that day, police were sent to the joined the performers in husband?" the singing of India's national anthem. p they receiving, perhaps, small couple's Dansville home to settle a family ™ions from that other institu- Harrison denied making the remark, but argument reportedly sparked by Hughes' After refreshments and Indian food were served during an Greydanus said he would decide by next m Zi 50m™here P"orthwest of in the hinter- week whether to seek another judge's objection to his ex-wife's enrolling in school. intermission, the audience saw a movie entitled "Plem Pujari" Brighton - say, ("The Love-Worshipper") about a soldier who is jailed by the opinion. Through the couple had been divorced, Indian army because he refuses to fight, believing it wrong to take Hughes, who is expected to go to trial Hughes resumed living with her ex-hus another man's life. He escapes from prison, flies to London and Oct. 3, has become something of a cause band after he was injured in an auto becomes involved in a spy intrigue while running from the men who among area women's rights advocates who accident. have been sent to capture him. In the end, he returns to India in the midst of a war and shoots a spy. TEAMSTERS STRIKE CAUSES DEPLETION The theme of nonviolence was especially appropriate to the Indian independence celebration, according to Madan M. Kundu, a Ph.D. student in special education, since the leader of the Mood supply could be delayed independence movement in India, Mahatma Gandhi, stressed nonviolent resistance to the British in gaining independence for India, which was achieved on Aug. 15, 1947. Kundu said that though India is, both ethnically and linguistically, a very diverse country, with over 20 major Ptoitl!"1"! Red Cross official' Sunday said it may take Drivers were expected back on the job today, with mobile units languages and more than 200 dialects, the Hindu religion acts as a returning to full operation by Tuesday. But emergency donor powerful unifying agent throughout the country. stations at three area hospitals were kept open, and officials asked "There is a kind of unity within our diversity," Kundu said. kit »ilke!Htlve Director Duane Johnson said the tentative any donor with an appointment today to keep it. kjthKm] I6 membe« of Teamsters Local 299 should , All elective surgery at the hospitals was initially canceled. Kundu noted that the same culture and traditions which unite Knty metroplij ® weelt blo°d shipments to 85 hospitals in the However, shipments from other parts of the county Thursday allowed a relaxation of the surgery ban. Indians also account for usually good relationships with India's neighbors, especially Bangladesh and Moslem Pakistan. kteat °,ur n.,tion«l 'Upport continue at least through "We don't know of any lives being in danger, and emergency "India and Pakistan were divided by the British according to State News/Laura Accompanying herself on the sitar, Prowati Kundu Lynn Fistler Piste last week"8'° stliPments from other Parts ot the needs are being met," said Jayne Colombo, a Red Cross religious lines," he said, "but they have much the same culture." of East Lansing sings the opening devotional song ESSS.®**'' return to norma!. I'm hoping we can spokesperson. "The patients are being very cooperative, even though schedules have been thrown off and many are Kundu also said the recent downfall of Indira Gandhi contributed at a celebration of India's 30th year of independence tSJnu Thursday, but that's just a target." uncomfortable. no real significance to the independence celebration, saying that "it from Britain Saturday at the United Ministries in JSbactiJ , he current rate of $3.69 per hour to rise A half dozen area hospitals were designated emergency blood was just an internal matter." Higher Education. ■Mia ■ ,th,rd third War of ly 1 an want to be informed as I as for those who I get involved. It is a book of I solutions. Alternative energy rces — safer, cheaper - ore I discussed, as are the efforts of I citizens' groups around the I country to explore these I possibilities. Norton, $10.95 seuen xdo^s 10-to-jo 210 mac aoenae ^ fy Michigan Stote News, Epsf Lansing, Michigan M°nd^Au9ustl5 MSU cagers preparing for winter season J By EDWARD L. RONDERS competition for high school and even pro State News Sports Writer Another player who has graced the players courts of I The dog days of summer are dribbling away for the veterans and college is Reiser. Washuip,,^ rookies of MSU's basketball team. "Once you begin college you aren't allowed to narti,- . While baseball gears for salary drives and pennant pushes and organized league like Ceciliaville," Reiser said football comes into focus, Spartans Greg Reiser and Earvin home. "But, during and IromT.I right after high school 11" Johnson have been polishing their skills. Ceciliaville and it really helped me." ^ For Johnson, the highly sought prep Ail-American who will While forbidden to compete in enroll at MSU next month, the summer has just been an extension Washington's prom. k rules, Reiser nevertheless has honed his J of a nearly year-long season. "Every time I say I'm gonna take a campaign. game L ine |i J break from playing ball I never do," Johnson commented. "I played some ball this summer untU I twisted "I love the game so much that when I see other guys playing I bad a few weeks ago," the Spartans my uuJ want to get involved too. I just can't stay away from basketball." 'Tve been in East Lansing, and Earvin, leading scorer emul Johnson's love of the game has not gone unanswered. Following and some of the guys have played some Chapman ball." ' AlCS I a prep career at Lansing Everett, Johnson played ball in Europe Despite the lack of "organization" Reiser used the nml last spring and has continued his season with a group of advantage. "I worked on my ballhandling. Last summer?!!l Michigan prep all-stars. shooting," he said. *0 "We were in Florida a few months ago and we won the The competition also brought out another tournament championship," Johnson recalled. In that affair, the "I've known Earvin since high school, but aspect of the J future Spartan was named Most Valuable Player and outstanding together and played ball and we're coming to know each now we'nl offensive player. the court," Reiser noted. J "I The accolades indicate Johnson's potential since All-American Earvin concurred, saying, "Guys on the team Albert King, of New York, also played in the tourney. with things like telling me that when I have beenl pass to keep « Johnson may have his first opportunity to face pointing out their style of play." King, who is slated to perform for Lefty Driesell at Maryland, in the near One particular move Earvin ai future. California's Jerry Remy beats the throw to Boston dollar player acquisitions while first-place Boston lob-dunk. "Yeah, I've been working on a lob "We're supposed to go to New York for a tournament next pi. catcher Carlton Fisk in a Thursday game. Fifth leads third-place New York and its million-dollar dunks it home," Johnson said with a hint of weekend. Albert called me yesterday (Thursday) but I missed him. excitements 13 place California has not been helped by its million players. He probably wanted to say he was looking forward to playing While Reiser is resting his sore ankle and Johnson cm. against me," Johnson explained. longest season, both agree they're anxious for the 19777(1 If King is anticipating playing against Johnson, then the of MSU basketball to begin. anticipation is mutual. "Yeah, it'll be a challenge," Johnson mused. "We've got the right combination of players," Johnson J "We got guys who can shoot, 3. Rozema wins 13th game The squad which will possibly pit King against Johnson guys who can handle the "I can't wait for the season to start, but I will originates from Detroit's own basketball factory known as wait," ill Ceciliaville. Reiser echoed his teammate's statement, saying, Tm J "Mr. (Sam) Washington runs a fine program there," Johnson enjoy my vacation because I know once school starts it'stia said. "It can really help a player improve his back to work. But yeah, I'm anxious to game. That is, if the get it on!" hede DETROIT Royals guy has his mind on improving part of his game. If he just goes out For Johnson, though, there's the unfinished i CPU — Rookie home a first inning ri are right behind. "I know this," Carew noted, there and tries to score 40 points, then he's not businessofsl Tim Corcoran pinch-hit Rozema balked in the fifth though. "We're going to give up some helping himself," The Big Apple and an appointment with Mr. King neitn he added. home run with one out in the inning as Rod Carew attempted runs, but we're going to score For Carew, bidding to post "After that, I am gonna take a break and be fresh eighth inning Sunday to stake to steal home to give the Twins some runs, too." Washington's Ceciliaville consists of season," the newest Spartan concluded. i| rookie right-hander Dave Roze¬ the AL's highest batting aver¬ leagues of their final run. ma to his 13th age since Ted Williams hit .388 victory and give Minnesota contributed to two in 1957, just coming out to the the Detroit Tigers a 6-5 tri¬ Detroit runs by committing umph over the Minnesota Twins. Corcoran's third home run three errors. Bengal Bits: — The fun may park is fun these days — even if there is a mild controversy or two. O.J. scores twice, Bills beat Detroit 17-1 be yet to come for Minnesota's and 18th hit of his brief major Rod Carew. "How do you think it feels? It ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. Simpson's one yard touch¬ drive league career came one out Carew has collection of began late in the first and ran it into the end zone. a feels pretty good," Carew un¬ IUPI) — O.J. Simpson ran for down run at 12:46 of the first alter ace Tom Johnson entered quarter on the Detroit 42 The punt was blocked at the batting championships five bats derstated, beaming. "It's fun, touchdowns of one and fifteen quarter culminated in a 49-yard the game and it tagged the following a punt by Lions Buffalo 46 by the Lions' Jon Detroit long but has been out of the fun to come out here and win. yards Saturday night to lead scoring drive that took 10 rookie kicker John Stufflebeen. Twins' ace reliever with his Morris. Detroit threatened Buffalo playoff money since 1970. Winning, that's the main the Buffalo Bills to a 17-10 plays. Quarterback Joe Fergu fourth loss in 16 games. This Ferguson drove the Bills to the again on another blocked punt season, the Minnesota thing. victory over the Detroit Lions son, who played the entire Detroit 15 and Simpson went Rozema. who has the best later in the quarter but was Buf-Simpson 1 run, I baton artist may get in a pre season National Foot¬ game for Buffalo, drove the record of any rookie pitcher in "I don't know what's off to the left, zigzagged to the stopped at the Bills' 11. kick. both a silver bat and a little going to ball League (NFL) game at Bills to the Detroit four, but baseball, scattered eight hits happen." he said, "but I hope right and went into the end Buf-Simpson 15 run, I playoff gold. Rich Stadium. two Lions' penalties following a zone standing up. Bob Wood kicked a 25-yard and won his sixth game in a row Carew hit a it's all in our favor. kick. grand slam, the Simpson, who missed the third and three situation gave field goal at 13:05 of the second in raising his record to 13-4. It fourth of his career, Friday Det-FG Wood 25. Bills' first preseason Buffalo the ball on the Detroit Detroit's touchdown came at "What I think doesn't mat¬ game quarter for Detroit, and George was his eighth straight com¬ night to help Minnesota over¬ while undergoing tests for one and Simpson scored. 6:10 of the fourth quarter when Jakowenko kicked a 25-yard Buf-FG Jakowenko 25. | plete game. He gave up four ter," Manager Gene Mauch Det-Thompson 10 i power Detroit, 12-11, and move blurred vision in his left eye, Leonard Thompson picked up a field goal for Buffalo at 10:38 of runs and five hits in the fourth said, "it's what the players blocked punt. Wood kit into first place in the American carried for 55 yards. Buffalo's second touchdown blocked punt at the Buffalo 10 the third quarter. think that matters. Whether A-29,134. inning, with Larry Hisle's 24th League West by a half-game we do win or not, I know one homer, a three-run shot, cap¬ over the Chicago White Sox. ping the rally. It's the first time the Twins, thing: we're determined to get !■« Ben Oglivie hit two homers who have won nine of their last Chicago after that four-game for the Tigers, his 13th and 14th, to drive in three while Tito Fuentes runs singled 13. have been in first place since July 1. The hard-closing Texas Rangers and Kansas City sweep they laid on us in July. Our players do that." a ; determined to jjDooLeys Ladies & Gentlemen £ SPECIAL your hair can be - TODAY Louis Edwards • conditioned Dooley Burger • shampooed • cut, styled/redesigned and ^ • blown dry and curled Salad V^> Haircutters $1,751! 3 all for only (all summer) $750 YWO LOCATIONS TO SIRVI YOU! ii.i.. > a ABBOTT ROAD HAIRCUTTERS this week Call 332-43)4 lor oppt. 2225 K. Grand River J&t or just walk in. (Groesbeck area) Featuring ^ located in the E. Lansing State Bank building, Suite 201. m-8w FAT CHANCE IL Elevator & stairwell near theatre. 141?% I. Michigan Avo. (Lansing) * Owners: Carole and Don Satterfield Above Bancroft Flowers ARTHUR TREACHER'S 487-6655 THE ORIGINALTifii) | Professional Hairstyling 1 FISH SANDWICH, olde World o "pleosonr cafe CHIPS, AND A If you like folk LARGE DRINK singers., MON JOEL MABLS $l.25 TIES BARB (BAILEY) HUTCHISON ^ WED ROBIN LEE BERRY Any day from 10 a.m. • 5 p.m. Coupon expires August 21,1977 TIIURS JOE FETTERS Eat Here Taka Home FRI - CHERYLINN & LARRY We also have our usual Tuesday Special SAT BARR1E BROTHERS Offer valid SUN BOB BURMER with this coupon We have them Above Cunningham Drugs (Sam's), Abbott & Grand River only at the nightly at 9:00 Stairwell near Crossroads East Lansing store Imp. Block 1 — MAC I Michigon Mote News, East lonsing, Michigon Mondoy, August 15, 1977 7 Local raccoon a 1 food junkie'j The International House of Pancakes, Monty and News im&l late Gen. Douglas MacArthur's once and for all. receiving near full cooperation risk of contracting mycoplasma brightly enough to justify pay¬ profanity, k, receive it here! MacArthur isn't left with from the armed forces (the end The hu life. Scenarists Hal Barwood pneumonia and other exotic ing real money to see the show. was time on his hands, though — he credits acknowledge the as¬ inept. Character, and Matthew Robbins (who upper respiratory infections. It Showboat's finest moment dered about scripted Tie Sugarland Ex- gets to supervise the surrender sistance of the Defense Dept., ain't worth it! may well have been Vinson B. aimlessly 1 press and last year's Bingo ceremony, and afterwards is the Army, the Navy, the Ma¬ Reviewers may put in for Dudley's rendition of "Old Man |hg tions. m inappropiiat('!! hnes Several placed in charge of the occupa¬ rines — that's almost every¬ Mod Long) have failed to distill the hazard pay, or comprehensive River," beautifully backed up experiences and turbulent tion of Japan. Life goes on for a body, isn't it?) found it cheaper medical insurance —lay persons by the impressionistic dancing were for the blocked with™, * while as the seasoned war dog to reconstruct most of the inherent weakn,, times of the controversial war are expected to purchase tick¬ of Emory Lynch. It would have an outdoor dog into a dramatically sound democratizes Japan, and un¬ locales called for in the script in ets. Could this be a plot worked well, had the audience production . . . For those who narrative. Director Joseph Sar¬ successfully participates in a California. John J. Lloyd's pro¬ have «l instigated by the American been able to see and hear it. Cross-Blue Shield gent has treated the subject as modest campaign for the U.S. duction design utilizes sets Medical Association to drum up The play is supposed to span jor medical" (with,? presidency. However, before which very much resemble rider) and kw though it were another of the patients during a nearly a fifty-year period in tolerance for many made-for-teevee movies life becomes mundane, the old what they are — artifacts built American history, but if not for P'ay will run at mediocrity 1 he has helmed; his direction is soldier is rewarded with a last and decorated by the Universal The play itself, based on the program notes, one would August 19,20 and 21. RiverfJ'pJ uninspired and perfunctory. military action to try his teeth art departments. Albert Whit- Edna Ferber's novel adapted never know it. With so little assistance from on — Korea! lock's matte paintings, how¬ for the stage- by Oscar Ham- To permit Carl Saloga, who either script or direction, star His free-wheeling supervi¬ ever. are another matter. The merstein II (book and lyrics) directed this disaster, to get off Gregory Peck is unable to shed sion of what was planned as a vistas stunningly (and fairly and Jerome Kern (music), is soott-free would be tantamount State News | much light on the inner work¬ limited police action enrages economically) create period and among the warhorses of the to putting the "Son of Sam" on ings and thoughts of the five- star General. There must have Truman, who ultimately feels forced to relieve MacArthur location ambiance. Mario Tosi's cinematography American musical theater. As six months' probation! Saloga Newsline such, LCC's Department of has previously directed in this been the makings of a powerful of his command. This gives the is a hodge podge of lighting occasionally Performing and Creative Arts area and —quite simply— 353-3382 and absorbing film in MacAr¬ general a fine opportunity to styles intercut should have had the decency to thur's still controversial mili¬ come home, receive a mammoth with the result of another leave it grazing at pasture ticker-tape parade, and address economic move pioneered by tary career (some feel the man Gregory Peck clamps down on his corncob authori¬ instead of attempting the im¬ was an institution, while others a joint session of Congress on the studio last year in Midway: tatively in imitation of the cantankerous controver¬ possible—a flowing, coherent, insist he how "old soldiers never die, nearly all the big battle scenes belonged in an institu¬ sial war hero, Gen. Douglas MacArthur. well-directed production. HAN WIT ACKOtl WPM "Till tion), but this is not it. they just fade away ..." are depicted through the use of lACKfTAfi" Other than a severe dearth of The picture never comes to grainy, often out-of-focus Signal Using MacArthur's famous thespians is most nondescript. Dusay is wasted the directorial and acting talent, A different kind of lone "duty ... honor ... country ..." grips with the flamboyance, the Corps footage of actual World War II battles. Whereas this To his credit O'Herlihy doesn't as gen¬ eral's wife, but fans of the late, "technical difficulties" were the story. speech at West Point in the irrationality, and egocentrity resort to simple mimicry in his lamented quiz show Jeopardy show's largest stumbling block. early 1960s as a framing device, reputed to be the sources of cut-rate technique is not util¬ the film flashes back to his both the great strengths and ized as extensively in Mac- portrait of FDR, but he still here have an opportunity to see It is difficult for even the most fails to evoke him. that program's venerable host, dedicated of playgoers to be STARTS presumed days of glory begin¬ great weaknesses of the gen¬ Arthur as it was in the earlier Ed Flanders has better luck Art Fleming, in a substantial enthralled by inaudible lines ning in 1942 in the Philippines. eral. We learn of MacArthur's film, but despite the obvious with Truman (he played Tru¬ TODAY dramatic role as Truman's It's a curious place to start, purportedly outrageous be authenticity of the film material man in the PBS production inasmuch as the importance of havior only from indirect it seems too aesthetically dis¬ secretary. neither the general nor the sources: the grumblings of ruptive and out of place to be Plain Speaking), managing to The Universal picture is at embattled islands are made Roosevelt, Truman and assort¬ intercut so freely. express some of the theatrical the Spartan Twin Theatres. feel of the late president. Marj very clear — perhaps Barwood ed bit-players. We certainly The large cast, mostly drawn and Robbins, born in 1939 and don't see it in Peck, who seems from television character actors 1941 respectively, assumed we a quietly proud man, hardly and unemployed New York all had lived through the period and were intimate with it. In slow succession we see MacArthur reluctantly depart the Philippines under orders from high command, and watch him as he vows to eventually return in triumph to the is¬ lands, achieves rapid victories against the Japanese in New Guinea, and proposes to Presi¬ dent Franklin D. Roosevelt (Dan OHerlihy) a daring plan for the liberation of the Philip¬ pines. Sure enough, MacArthur returns to the islands, frees MARTlj FELDMAN ANN-MARQRET them, and is just about to implement his glorious master MICHAEL IjORK plan to totally defeat the Jap¬ MU-Iw. 530 730 930 TwilitS: 5JB-5J0 *lts'lit HE ROMANCE OF PASSION AND POWER The Other Side of Midnight |Qim Mm-Tin.: 945 960 Wife 915-945 mils'UP Adventures of the true life hero... RH1BWTH NUUNHLI Dim HttiHfc5:157* 145 Twilit*4A5-M5 FIIUL WEEK! A nervous romance. 'ANNIE 3eH HALE MokTus.: 9151:15 915 IsrlllU: 449915 skits 'U4 HIAfTAfffflfOMWOOltO A long time ago | in a galaxy jar jar away.. NU-lMl: 1 JO 240 440 4:30 0:30 740 940 930 Twilifc 3:34440 Alts'UO THE HAPPY HOOKER OOfSTO a WflSHINGTON| GEORGfe HAMILTON ■ Mm.Jus.-145 345 945 7-44 m Mte 919945 THE INCREDIBLE SPECTAI OF MEN AND WAR! Imcph I:. I.cvinc A BRIDGE KX) FAR u9ust 15, 1977 Monday, August 15. 1977 9 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 1 Eipliywt lfiil nupHjrot Iffij | AparfwU Ifjfl Clatfif Advertising Hiisis Fir Sale fl® Informction FULL AND part-time summer RESIDENT MANAGER couple for ONE BEDROOM apartment, near IT IS the policy of the STATE GUITAR GOODIES. Used Gibson: employment for MSU students. HORSE BOARDED-Clean box small apartment building In Has- campus. From 8195. Heat and NEWS that the last 4 weeks of 347 Student Services 15-20 hours/week. Automobile re¬ Explorer, Lee Pauls, SG's, ES stall, hay, grain, 10 acres pasture, PHONE 355-3255 Udg. lett. Inquire at HAMCO MANAGE¬ water included. 351-4091. 6128 term all Student Classified adver¬ 335's, ES 120 Et ES 126. Used 10 minutes from MSU, quired. 339-9600; 339-3400. C-12- MENT. 332-3900, evenings phone quiet 8-26 (171 332 3202. 0-12826 (4) 26_I3I_ tising must be paid for in advance Fender: Stratocaster, Telecaster, country area, $60/month, call WALK TO campus. Large 4 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or & Fender basses. Also, Vintage 6561369 or 373-8354. 3817 (5) RATES mail to 347 Student Services. Martins: 00621 Herringbone, 006 WAREHOUSE AND delivery man. ELECTRONIC REPAIRMAN bedroom house. 2 baths, 229 1 day - 90t par Una Sp-12812 (8) 18, D35. Gibson: Rosewood ROY PAYS Pleasant working conditions, flex¬ Wanted. Experience necessary in Collingwood. Reduced for sum¬ FREE KITTENS-7 weeks old and rrn 3 days-IOC par Una SMECK-1936, J200. Gibson man¬ Irn $ 4 ible hours. Inquire at 1606 E. stereo and related repair. TV or CB mer to 8250/month. Call EQUITY VEST, 351-1500, 612826 (51 FRANCis~LOVELY "panellid" 4- dolins: A & F models. Excellent they know how to use a litter box! ff 170. 7.20 rj" "5!$®" t.M 10.00 12.41 5 days - 75C par Una • days 70S par Una Kalamazoo Street, tween 7:30-4:30 p.m. Lansing be¬ 38-17161 experience helpful, good working conditions plus benefits. See Greg bedroom home. $280/month, 321 0031.881913) selection of used PA systems by guitar amps 6 One gray fluffy female with blue eyes and the typical male- big • at WILCOX TRADING POST, 509 SUBLEASE, 2 females, 3 bid- Ampeg, Fender, black, white and husky. Cad T am. iiSSj 2JSL MESSENGER NEEDED for flB. E. Michigan, Lansing. Please, no rooms, Birchfield Apartments, 34-5 BEDROOMS, close to cam¬ Peavey, Traynor, Sunn. Plus new 393-1794, 1912 Holly Way, Lan¬ 14.40. 27.00 Una rata par insertion $255 includes utilities. 394-1730 Shure Vocalmaster PA systems, Apply at State News Display phone calls. C-10826 (101 pus, furnished, carpeted. Year sing. S-2815 (81 14.$0 21.40 after 4:30 p.m. 7826 (4) lease. 4878114. Z-10826 I3I microphones Et accessories. Com¬ Advertising or call Sharon 353 DENTAL ASSISTANT Position plete line of band instruments, all 6400. Must have good S-2816 (41 running car. available in modem preventive ROOMMATE NEEDED Campus 550 VIRGINIA, 5 bedroom brick, 2 tested and guaranteed. BUY- SELL-TRADE. WILCOX TRAD¬ | Hrtili Hues H : !t onolinas ■ 3 linos - '4.00 - 5 days. 80' per line over office. Experience preferred, ex¬ cellent working conditions. Send Hill, own bedroom, free bus fireplaces, 4864917. baths, $450/month. ING POST. 509 E. Michigan, 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when cancelled. DEPENDABLE PERSON to sit for service, furnished, heat paid. Call JJ826J3I IT IS the policy of the STATE 4 year resumes to Box D4, State News. 3465743, ask for Dave. Z 3817 Lansing, 4864391. C-12826 (80) NEWS that the last 4 weeks of Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum old, my home. One day/ 6819 16) 14) BEAT HIGH rents-3, 4 bedrooms, term all Student Classified Adver¬ week. 349-5830 Sunday-Friday. near Frandor, carpeted. 372-1336! OFFICE DESK, black steel, walnut sale price of '50. tising must be paid for in advance 7826141 6626 (31 formica top, chrome trim, 5 draw¬ Mnuts Personal ads - 3 lines • '2.25 • per insertion. ers, 1 file drawer. 393-5181. 3819 beginning August 1,1977. Bring or 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). NEED EXTRA cash? The earnings CHALET APARTMENTS RANCH STYLE-5 bedrooms, car¬ (3) mail to 347 Student Services. Sp-12812 18) rmmogt/Corage Sale ads - 4 lines - '2.50. are good, your hours are flexible PART-TIME, hostess and wait¬ Next to campus, spacious, air peted, parking. 6 blocks to cam¬ 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion, when you're an AVON representa¬ conditioned, furnished, 2 bed¬ pus. 372-1336. 68-26 (3) STEREO SYSTEM-Genesis, ress. Apply BACKSTAGE, Meri¬ COMFORTABLE MOBILE home tive. 4828893. C-3817 (3) ound Town ads • 4 iines - '2.50 - per insertion. dian Mall, after 5 p.m. 349-3220. room, shag carpeting. QUALITY HOUSES and duplexes, Scott, Kenwood. 6 months old. Price negotiable. 3560010. Z 18 near MSU. 8 x 36 with attached 6819 (4) Fall from $334/month. Year shed. $1300. 351-3684 evenings 63' per line over 4 lines. MARRIED STUDENTS/no chil¬ fall, 67 bedrooms, campus near. 15 131 from $290/month. and weekends. 10826 14) „t! Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines - '1.50 - dren. Free rent in our Okemos area NATIONAL CONVENIENCE store Summer still available. From $350/month. Also 1-2 bed per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. apartment in exchange for house¬ chain has opening for aggressive room apartments and rooms. 332- HARTFORD 1970, 2 bedroom, keeping 6 babysitting, 8-5 service representative to handle 1946. C-12826 I5I Sm us first for any of your Mon.-Fri. Call after 5 p.m. 349- p.m., specialized maintenance in Lan¬ 3314197 household noods. partially furnished. Near MSU. EAST LANSING duplex. 4 bed¬ 351-3162. 68-19 13) Wo stock furniture, applian¬ Deadlines 41M.J8-19J5I sing area. Experience necessary in LARGE 2 bedroom unfurnished rooms, 2 baths, rec room, 2 levels. televisions and NEAT, MATURE person for at¬ refrigeration, electrical, and car¬ ces, stereo VERY SHARP, all new s. 2 p.m. -1 class day before publication. pentry. Adequate transportation - duplex apartment for married $400. 3748366. 612826 (31 equipment. We also carry all carpetingl tendant to attorney of slight build couple. 10 minutes from campus. Large carpeted screened in porch. cellation/Change - 1 p.m. - 1 class day before in wheelchair. Evenings and morn¬ van or truck necessary. E.O.E. types of sporting goods, Fireplace. Country setting. $185/ HOUSES, Air, shed, washer/dryer, many ings, lifting involved. Attendant Apply MAJIK MARKET at 531 E. HOUSES. HOUSESI musical equipment and publication. Jolly Rd., Lansing, Michigan. 3-6 month including utilities. 336 Call now to see our list of East side (ewerly. extras. 7781 W. Grand River, free 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Compensa¬ )nce ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed tion includes full basement apart¬ 15(14) 3400; 6414493. C4817 (6) homes which wil) be available for Our repoir shop works on Country Village Estates, Grand until after 1st insertion, September leasing. AIM, INC., all brands of electronics. Ledge, just off 96, lot 1229. ments. References. 374-8652. 68 4819 (81 WANTED STEREO salesman with ONE BEDROOM furnished apart¬ 374-2800 rtoon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. here is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad chonge plus 50' per Stop in and check out our 17JW previous experience. Easy person¬ ment for 1 person. Close to additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 612826J6^ bargains. ie State News will only be responsible for the 1st ESCORTS WANTED. $6/hour. No training necessary. Call 489-2278. ality and energy a must. Know¬ ledge of photo equipment helpful. campus. $180/month. 12 month lease starting September 15. 336 NEAR FRANDOR. 4 or 5 bed¬ | tisi t fmi Ifqi day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must Z88-26 131 Good pay plus many benefits. See 3400; 6414493. C4817 (6) rooms. Deposit, 612 month lease. DICKMADBAL LOST: LADIES gold dinner ring. be made within 10 days of expiration date. Greg at WILCOX TRADING Mark, 372-9044 after 10 p.m. 1701 South Cadar 68-22 (3) Large garnet set circled by small CHRISTIAN CLEANING company POST, 509 E. Michigan, Lansing. WOMAN WANTED TO SUBLET Litis are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not wants women-excellent refer- Please, no phone calls. C-1626 nice Cedar Village. Fall-winter- 487-3885 garnets, Owen Grad Hall or cam¬ pus, reward, call 641-6721. Z-58 paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will ences. Desire to work/transporta¬ - (ID spring. 3 good roommates. Close, AVAILABLE FOR fall. Two 5 15(41 be due. tion. Domestic maid work. 486 190/month. Sue, 332-1925. Z-38 bedroom houses. Within walking THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. 6593. 3815 (5) 15 14) distance of Campus. Call 351- I MISS my kitten! Lost Abbott Rd. DEPARTMENT will be accepting Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. 4107.611828(5) area. Orange Et white. If found Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 applications for telephone sales SECRETARY/OFFICE for geophysical firm. Contact Manager personnel for the upcoming Waters Edge EAST SIDE students or working and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING PLEASE call persistently, 332- 6069. Z-3815 (4) iMtiwJg 1 AHSwia lf71 Tedd Sperling or James Lee, 332-8661. Resume and references school year. Must be able to work a minimum of 2 consecutive hours Rivers Edge group. 2, 3, 4 bedroom houses. Neat, clean and carpeted. $196 COMPANY. 316 North Cadar, opposite City Market. C-12826 I6I LOST DIOR folding umbrella, feme policy ot the STATE ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace required. 2-8-15 (51 daily during 8a.m. - 5p.m. Stu¬ $275. Lease and deposit. 6765252. blue/off-white. Reward. Call Uz, IS thai the last 4 weeks of your conventional ignition with a dents only apply in person at 347 Now Lusiwii SEWING MACHINE SALEI Open 3565176, day or 337-1127. Z-28 Student Services. S8626 (91 17 131 | SI Student Classified Adver- Piranha electronic ignition at MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS- 1050 Wafer's FIVE AND six bedroom homes arm Dressmaster. Stretch zig-zag ■mist be paid tor in advance CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN immediate openings for experi¬ Edge by White. $119.50 while they last. Inning August 1,1977. Bring or I to 347 Student Sen/ices, CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama- too Street, one mile west of enced medical technologista ASCP. Excellent salary and fringe FlflMt Iff] (next to Cedar Village) with fireplaces ft furniture. Call 351-8135 or 627-9773. Z88-26J3I EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. 1115 N. Washington. 4866448. LOST DOG, female Pomeranian, 5 pounds, blond, Orchard St. - campus. C-12-8-26 (7) benefits. Apply Personnel Depart¬ TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. 331-4431 C-2815 (23) Collingwood area. Please call 351- NEED 4 couples for 4 bedroom * 1973 Bavaria. Excellent WE BUY junk cars and trucks. ment, E.W. SPARROW HOSPI¬ $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- house. Partially furnished, near 4266.J-617J42 Top TAL, 1215 E. Michigan Ave., 1010. C-12826 (3) ONE WOMAN roommate. 2 bed¬ NEW, USED and vintage guitars, air, AM/FM stereo. 4 Gables, parking, 3463546. 6615 LOST KEYS-Leather key chain, dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE Lansing. 487-9180. Equal Oppor¬ room apartment, Hardy Ave. One banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers lost 8/3/77 between Lizards and d. Call evenings, 349-4935. AUTO PARTS Et SALVAGE. 0-12- and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ 8-28131 tunity Employer. 4-8-19 (101 I Aparf■■!$ |fy) year lease. 337-1233, 69 p.m. Z-6826 (3) EAST SIDE "Lansing." 4 bed¬ sories, books, thousands of hard- to-find albums. (All at very low Physics Building. 351-7746. Z-28 1513) ENGINEERING INTERN-Available rooms, unfurnished, carpeted, gas |CK 76 Century Special. White Fanlnvaaal ill with Meridian Township, will work IT IS the policy of the STATE PLANT LOVING roommate heat, $300. 9 months. 6761557. prices). Private and group lessons FOUND: PARAKEET, green 6 nd out, 7000 miles. Leaving I l|lt| on establishing a flood plain NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified adver¬ needed! Non-smoking female, 6626 (31 on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all yellow, blue tail, near Owen Hall. benchmark system styles. Gift certificates Expert 77 MA 05 0tf9r' Ca" IT IS ,he P°licV 0' 'he STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of throughout the township. Position is funded tising must be paid for in advance own room. Lake O' Hills. Fur¬ nished except bedroom, abundant 2 MALE roommates needed for repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY Call persistently, 3561673. Z-28 1513) through Title Six of C.E.T.A. beginning August 1,1977. Bring or parking, dishwasher, cool. $100/ new 6man house starting fall. INSTRUMENTS. 541 East Grand R 1971, Clean 383 4- ,erm a" Student Classified adver- mail to 347 Student Services. River. 332-4331. C-10826 (491 m, 4 on the floor with steel Applicant must meet C.E.T.A. monthly, free heat in winter. Close, central air, all utilities paid. must be paid for in advance kdradials. air, stereo tape, AM 1 11250 or best offer 386- beginning August 1,1977. Bring or requirements including 15 week or longer unemployment, resident of Sp-12812 (8) LOOKING FOR roommate. Older 339-8450 after 5:30 p.m. 3819 17) 3516858 or 332-3202. X-10826 15) IT IS the policy of the STATE 1 P«rs-il jfZI "*•' t0 347 Student Sendees. NEWS that the last 4 weeks of Ingham County outside the city of LARGE TWO party furnished effi¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE 1.48-13 (51 Sp-12-8-12 18) Lansing and meet C.E.T.A. in¬ student preferred. Have a 2 bed¬ term all Student Classified Adver¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks of room apartment now. 332-8968. ciency, close to campus, air HOUSES FOR Rent. 2-5 bed¬ tising must be paid for in advance OLET CAPRICE 1974, 3 come requirements. Should have conditioned, $184/month. 351 - term all Student Classified Adver¬ GRADUATE STUDENT to work 68-19 (31 rooms, well located, close to beginning August 1,1977. Bring or ■ wagon, low mileage, loaded the ability to use surveying equip¬ 1610, after 5 p.m. 487-4451. 0-68- tising must be paid for in advance part time weekends in car rental campus. From $275/month. Call mail to 347 Student Services. ■ options, second family car, ment. Apply at Michigan Employ¬ 26(4) beginning August 1,1977. Bring or office. 489-1484. 3-8-15 131 PINILAKI EQUITY VEST, 361-1500. 6118 Sp-12812 18) ment Security Commission, 3215 mail to 347 Student T> or best offer. 349-4158. 26(6) Services. S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Lansing. APARTMENTS TO CLEAN COFFEE STAINS from Sp-12812 18) WANTED COOKS, no experience FEMALS own room in 3 woman Meridian E.O.E. 3817 (20) china or plastic, rub stain with necessary, neat appearance. Ap¬ 5080 Marsh Rd. furnished apartment. $100/month. TUN 1974 4-door station ply in person between 2-4 p.m„ Marldlan Mall Araa Starts fall. Lauren, 351-6592. 3-8- Rnis baking soda. To find a cash buyer FOR SHINIER HAIR add a tea¬ » 28.000 miles, steel belted HISTO-TECHNOLOGIST: we for that china closet you no longer AMERICA'S CUP RESTAURANT, 1913) spoon of vinegar to a bottle of *355-7801. Z-6-8 15 (3) 220 MAC. 2-8-17 15) have an opening for an experi¬ '165 plus utlltlei IT IS the policy of the STATE use, place a low-cost ad in liquid shampoo. Shampoo and enced ASCP or eligible, full time. Classified. PENNSYLVANIA NEWS that the last 4 weeks of rinse as usual. For quick results AVENUE-fur- ■MIDGET 1973. 47,000 miles. WANTED PIZZA Cooks, Excellent salary and fringe benefits * one bedroom unfurnished nished studio. Utilities paid, $135/ term all Student Classified Adver¬ when you have T cover. $1800. 482-3852 after apply in that includes paid vacation, holi¬ * O.E. appliances CONN CORONET, used 3 months, something to sell, person between 2-4 o.m. THE month plus deposit. 4865574 after tising must be paid for in advance place a low-cost ad in Classified. f- 58-17131 days, and health insurance. Apply * Fully carpeted beginning August 1,1977, Bring or new $175, sell $125. Mens 3 ALLE' EY, 220 MAC. 28-17 (31 Personnel 5 p.m. 62817 (4) Department, E.W. * Air, drapes mail to 347 Student Services. diamond wedding band, appraised f oce TR6-1973. Excellent record, Michelins, SHELTER HOME Coordinator. SPARROW HOSPITAL 1215 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing. 487-9180. * adjacent to new county pork MICHIGAN/PENNSYLVANIA- Sp-12812 (8) $180, sell $115. Men's cross country ski package. Never used, | i»ii Eititi M.S.W. with clinical and adminis¬ efficiencies, $110, $120. Adults, no M.vety sharp, priced to sell, Equal Opportunity Employer. 48 FEMALE NEEDED $135. 487-1911; 373-7192. 6624 SHAW ESTATES-12 room, 5 trative experience. Two years in 19 (12) children or pets. Call 4844840; immediately, I "• Ottawa, 6 p.m.-7:30 17) bedroom ranch, 31$ baths, 2 student or working person. Call juvenile court or related setting 332-1396. 6619 (4) fireplaces, 16' x 26 family room. 487-0960 after 5 desired. Call John Lane. LIVING¬ 339-8192 after 5 p.m. 351-4146. Z-2-8-17 (3) ■ 1417151 MINI-KOOL needs manager at BLACK DIRT sod farm soil. Ap¬ $74,900 on wooded lot. Paul STON COUNTY Personnel Direc¬ MSU. Married couple only. Excel¬ proximately 6 yards delivered lo¬ X 1976, stationwagon, excal- tor, 1 -548-7556,8-5 p.m., Monday- lent pay. "Be your own boss." We 655-3805 DELUXE 2 BEDROOM-air. car¬ FURNISHED ROOM near campus, cally. $39. Sand and landscape Coady. 351-8058, MUSSELMAN peted, heat and water furnished. REALTY, 332 3582. C-3815 (6) Friday. 0-78-26191 rent refrigerators to the dorm many pluses. $25/week, parking, rocks available. Call 641-6024; Icmdition, completely rust- students. For interview call collect, LAKE LANSING Rd. 1 and 2 $220.332-8215. 61282613) non-smokers. 6962502 after 6 484-3379. 0-11-8-26 (51 ^■4 angina still under warran- TEACHERS AIDE, part time, Eng¬ bedrooms, near bus. From p.m. 3819 13) EAST LANSING-8 room, 3 bed¬ *1011, $2250 or best offer. 1-313-7694035, 9-5 p.m. Z8826 lish as a second language, near (7) $174.50. After 6 p.m. 374-0949. EAST LANSING residential living. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, comics room split level. On wooded lot. 88-26161 Fireplace, 2 car garage. $47,900, MSU. 361-3815. 78-26 (31 8822(3) Responsible couple. 2 bedroom and morel CURIOUS BOOK FALL SINGLES, nicely furnished, SHOP, 307 E. Grand River. 332- many, many, extras. Paul Coady, I®4 7 passenger bus. Very WANT TO work in Africa? Peace FULL TIME organizer/project co¬ 1 AND 2 bedrooms in modem 8 ranch duplex. Carpeted, appli¬ shared kitchen, parking. Very 0112. C-12826 (3) 351-8058, MUSSELMAN REAL¬ ordinator needed for social change ances, full basement. Large yard. PlSSf"61" mecbanical condi- Corps has opportunities for all organization. Call 353-5196 or Ann unit. Furnished and unfurnished. $245/month plus utilities. Avail¬ close. $96$120. 332-1800; 372- TY. 332-3582. C-3815 161 l®® 339-2536. 10-8-26 (4) majors. For more information Call 372-0297. 881713) able Sept. 1st. 351-0657. 68826 1800. 67826 (41 come to the AFRICAN STUDIES at 3328108. 3819 (4) (6) Aiiials JfSj ]0 CENTER, Room 106, International Center or phone 353-1700. 38-17 FOOTBALL MANAGERS, no ex¬ perience required, start immedi¬ EFFICIENCY, ONE OR TWO BED¬ ROOM. East side and downtown Lansing. Call now for list of MALE ROOMMATE Needed to I '«$■$ 1151 BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED half CAMPUS ^'^Hartey tire. King (6) ately, travel, financial aid. For information call Jeff Arthurs September openings. AIM, INC., share 1 bedroom Capitol Villa MOVING, DAVENPORT, Mr. and Arabian mare. 16 hands. English and Western. Excellent confirma- HILL flSffl 8 oven- 487-2238. APARTMENT BUILDING resident more at 355-1621 or 3518309 after 5 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. apartment. 353-6358 ask for Paul. Z-381713) Mrs. chairs, bar and stools. 346 1471. Z-3815131 •tion. $475. Tack available. 349- 61282616) 3370. X-3819 (51 manager in East Lansing. Prefer¬ p.m. 1815 (7) exce"ent con- ably a married couple. Call 361- NEAR SPARROW Hospital. Up¬ CANON 814-E Super 8mm auto- SEAL POINT Siamese kittens. G 8135 or 6Z7-9773. Z-88-28 (4) KEY PUNCH Operators, tempor¬ LARGE SPACIOUS two bedroom zoom camera with case. $175. "21 townhouses, across from Berkey. per 314 rooms and bath. Fur¬ weeks, trained, $10. 353-7268, ary full time positions. (Afternoon Phone Elmer 355-4058. Z 8-8-26 'FrtsMMs. or midnight shifts.) Excellent pay 1 year lease, $295. 351-0359. nished, parking, utilities paid. home 3563149. E-6624 (31 - -...ZED bicycle 76, FULL TIME Secretary-Bookkeeper 9826(3) $180/month. 67 p.m. 482-8183 or fm Hamate Smnci and benefits for experienced oper¬ in Hasten. Shorthand preferred. 351-5964. 3817 (5) ators with speed and accuracy. "Mthmtan Type 65 wpm. 339-3400. C-88-26 Diskette experience helpful. Call EAST LANSING, one bedroom, We Deliver Cedar Green* * stove/refrigerator. Large living 5 MINUTES from in Service! CoMrat Air Cm«tia*« for appointment, AMERICAN campus TM973 excellent 650cc, pull back EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, 419 room, all carpeted, panelled kitch¬ Lansing. Responsible couple or Apartments 'SwmmgPnl condition, 332- FULL-PART time jobs. Excellent Lentz Court. (North off West St. enette and bar. Private driveway singles. 4 large rooms and bath. Take your American £^*$725.6826131 earnings. Call 3748328, 48 p.m. Joe between Logan and Waveriy.) and entrance. Patio, big yard. $140/month including all utilities. compact or subcompact Now Leasiig 'IMMMMhw A 250 Weekdays only. Z-48-15131 3715660 4822(131 351-0946, No pets. 3819171 6865613.67826 151 1972, excellent, to: G furnished feot S' block '"eluded. apartments * Special 12-smrtb raltf k£* oHer' ai-"®. lEOSNH G9or 12 month leases Collingwood Apts. * air conditioned * shag carpeting Ctopciungfyam 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED LUXURY APTS. IMPORTS 1206Oaklond available G swimming G with in pool G air conditioning walking mil BUM MRVICI unlimited parking distance to campus J 8°DY shop. 812 East edlthwaiher 4 * modal open dolly •privets balconies •swimming pool Call for Appt Model Open »-» ★ pluih furniture •control air IV 44411 » »—a m. laiei •dishwasher, disposal Everyday leasing for Fall available far tall. Rftar" Now •shog corpetlng Fall leases only — Special 12 month rates J«»th^S fewr*'w. Also buy wam#d' w« Pay used Call 3S1 •8181 Call If 1-T1M 1135 Michigan E. Lansing. 351-8531 Ave. Lnsiig ft Fill IkehM OM WerM ItaN ea the ritrerl P^'.321-365l7-X.^ located at Hagadom Seed just south el Service Sood ^the small car nonxj (next fo Brody) 1 0 Michigon Stole News, East tonsing, Michigon Rial Estate ml GROUP ONLY INTERESTED IN TART VARIETY BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom older home conveniently loceted to transportation. Virtually carefree exterior, ideal for working couple, formal dining room, fireplace, f 'h baths. For details please call David Miller, LANOBLE REALTY COM¬ Cherry By MICHAEL ROUSE growers River, promotes the use of tart graphically specific, most of the promote favorite cherry science are Donald Research has focused on Funding for the research comes berry from the growers con¬ PANY, 482-1637 or evenings, 351- State Newa Stiff Writer cherries, represents cherry Michigan tart cherries are Ricks, professor of agricultural developing new varieties to be 9033. 1-8-15 (10) An East Lansing organiza¬ growers and is behind work grown in the northwestern part economics; Jerry Cash, assis¬ more resistant to harsh tributing a certain amount of that will benefit the tant professor of food science weather, cherry exporting, money per ton, Frohling said. tion is concerned about industry, of the state near Traverse City The institute sprouted in the | Service ipSj whether or not people eat cherries. ranging from MSU research to and Luddington. favorable legislation. All the cherries are mechan- and human nutrition and Mar¬ tin Bukovac, professor of horti¬ plant pathology, and finding a method of processing to take 1930s among cherry processors IT IS the policy of the STATE The institute, though, only ically harvested, culture. out the pits. after events like a national The National Red Cherry NEWS that the last 4 weeks of Institute, at 415 W. Grand deals with the tart cherry The institute has been in term all Student Clessified Adver¬ industry. Tart cherries are all East Lansing since 1968 and tising must be paid for in advance processed in cans or frozen and was located here to be close to Great Lakes Greenpeace will show a beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Sp-12-8-12 (8) Student Services. Panax often end up in pies. MSU and the governmental The interests of the sweet offices in Lansing. The cherry Tuesday at the Orchard Street Pump House in Ea,n p.m. on the organization's effort to thwart whale ** hutS?"1 FIRST QUALITY materials and workmanship. OPTICAL DIS¬ cherry business are watched growers are fairly close by also, over by Oregon. an organization in "The institute has quite a bearing on agricultural legisla- Film showing, A drawing will also be held at the meetinz f„, bicycle donated by the East Lansing Bike Co-on R,?n"\ COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, Lan¬ accuses About 90 per cent of all tart tion," said Lynn Brown, direc- were sold to raise money for Greenpeace and ticket, !?, sing, 372-7409. 3-8-19 1121 cherries are grown in the Great tor of trade relations. available before the film, ™ uoKetswd) Lakes area of the United Besides doing some adver- Greenpeace is a worldwide coalition of COMPLETE REPAIR service for stereo's, TV's, tapes, guitars, ban¬ jos, band instrument, MARSHALL council of States, with Michigan con- tising for cherry products and tributing about 70 per cent of working with the food trade, the national crop each year, bike raffle set A Greenpeace spokesperson said the film run-in between Greenpeace members and environment,^ will Soviet whale, MUSIC, 351-7830. C-1-8-15 (14) the institute utilizes the exper- said Bob Frohling, executive tise of MSU researchers, Greenpeace attempted to block the killing ot wh.U Pacific Ocean. ! 11 HORSES BOARDED, large stall, secretary of the institute. Some of the MSU faculty who open to pasture, S45/month Wil- liamston, 655-3754. 3-8-17 13) injustice Getting even more geo- have furthered the cause of FOR QUALITY stereo service, LANSING (UPI) - The Pan¬ THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East ax newspaper chain, which 1 -STOP SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY Grand River. C-12-8-26 (3) publishes five daily and three weekly groups of newspapers FREE...A Lesson in complexion ^l Michigan, says the National SrS™^ngEMairMER9LE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS, ^S to be a kangaroo court in its proceedings against the com¬ A SAMPLE C-12-8-26 (4) I hslnctioi MSU CO-OP, The Nursery School pany for its dismissal of a dissident editor. The newspaper group said it was denied due process by the SAVINGS! council and demanded that the in a country setting, with a 5 acre play area, has openings for 3 or 4 panel void its earlier action and year olds. Call 349-3518 or 337- "start over, follow its own rules 9207. 6-8-15 15) and fairly consider all the PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., AUG. facts." HT WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years In a letter to the council, 1977. MEIJER RESERVES THE EIGHT T0^ LIMIT SALES ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED experience in professional editing, Panax also accused its chair¬ LIMITS. NO SALES TO DEALERS, IN¬ writing skill instruction. 337-1591. 0-2-8-17 (3) person, Norman E. Isaacs of STITUTIONS OR DISTRIBUTORS. "repeated demonstrations of FOREIGN STUDENTS-English consuming bias" and said he problems shouldn't keep you from should disqualify himself in any good grades. Editing, proof read¬ future deliberations involving ing, by PHD candidate, Eng./Lin- the newspaper chain. guistics. 7 years experience U.S. The company was particular¬ and abroad. Private tutoring avail¬ able. 485-5065, leave message for ly critical of the telephone poll of council members in which the Miss Peterson. Call anytime. Z-BL- censure vote against Panax was 1-8-15 (8) taken. David Rood of the Escanaba 1 Typhi S»mtci~]|a) Daily Press quit and Robert Skuggen of the Marquette EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis- Mining Journal was fired after n!FAY ANN' theT refu,ed 10 run two contr°- 489-0358_C-12-8;28(3^ versjal IrtjdH Pre^dent EXpIrT TYPING-Term Papers, Jimmy Carter written by a Resumes, etc. 16 years experi- Panax New York correspon- I dent. One article claimed the Presi- GLIDDENSPRED GLOSS MEN'S JACKETS TYPINg! experiencecl Fartand t"L h.' 'U"C" SPRAY ENAMEL Popular western look, features, nylon rip¬ CAFFEDRINE reasonable. 371-4635. (31 C-12-8-26 amon* second alleged that Carter anj th.eis • 121« 0:. wt. con pers. nylon shell and lightweight polyester • 20 count grooming his wife to become REG. $2.09 fiberfill. Sires, S-M-l-Xl. REG. $1.49 EXPERIENCED TYPIST-fast and vice president. $jj» accurate. Dissertations, theses, The two editors refused to and term papers. 0-2-8-17 131 ANN BROWN Call 339-3575. PRINTING AND run the stories because they said they were poorly written, speculative and unsupported. "No Panax Corporation edi¬ $| 69 Point Dept. $]488 Men's Dept. TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, tors were ordered to publish Gifts A lamps Dept. Pharmacy Dept. general printing. Serving MSU for news stories they found un¬ 27 years with complete theses acceptable and no editors were service. 349-0850. C-12-8-26 15) discharged directly or indirect¬ ly for violating any such order," COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete the company said in its letter to LEAN 88. dissertation and resume service. the council. PORK SHOULDER STEAK LONG BONE Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. Panax President John P. 337- McGoff had claimed that Rood 1666. C-12-8-26 (51 and Skuggen were insubordi¬ SLICES nate and that the incident just | Trnsportalio» ][&] preceding their departures was not the first time they had been reprimanded. CALIFORNIA'S FINEST DRIVER NEEDED: MSU to New THOMPSON SEEDLESS 581 Jersey. Late August. 337-9434. Z-B-2-8-17 (31 LIGHTED CANDLES ADD A FESTIVE TOUCH to any party. of§ wtefg GRAPES They also prevent room from ifo)fB)(5 becoming smoke-filled. Table and FAY00 DIET floor lamps sell quickly when SOFT DRINKS -12* advertised for sale with a low-cost Announcements for It's What's ad in Classified. Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student THIS WEEK S MEIJER Services Bldg., by noon at least 1 STOP SHOPPING Pfmns] two class days before publication. No announcements will be accept¬ GUIDE HAS AT LEAST TICKETS FOR Neil Diamond con¬ ed by phone. nTTul WORTH OF cert. Will pay. 351-5950 ext. FOOD CLUB 296 MSU Go Club meets 8:30 to 10 COUPONS ...GET ^A i day; 393-5869 after 5 p.m. 6-8-26 1/2% LOW FAT MILK T W tonight, 331 Union. YOUR FREE COPY Come join us Mondays at Hillel. IN THE STORE! 2 GIRLS need housing Sept. The Jewish Women's Learning 77-June 78. Females preferred Co-op meets at 7:30 p.m. All desire own rooms, have 1 welcome to share and learn. friendly pup, close to campus or on ORTEGA busline. Mary, 351-1023. Z-6-8-26 International folk dancing 8 to 10:30 tonight, Kedzie Courtyard. Everyone welcome, beginners to 2 PROFESSIONAL women need advanced. Free! 2 bedroom residence, $200 ranqe 332-8259. 3 8-19 13) Aikido, martial art for self-de¬ fense and personal growth. 5 to 7 FEMALE NEEDS place to live tonight and Wednesday and 1 to 3 fall p.m. Sunday, Judo Room, Men's through spring. Prefer house with IM. other females. Call Mark 351-0600 7-11 p.m. Z-5-8-19 (4) Help collect signatures to put Dayton-Hudson on November's NEED GARAGE for ballot. Petitioners needed. Stop by storing stu¬ dents car during school or call 329 Student Services Bldg., year. Call 332-1368. Z-3-8-15 (3) Pirgim. LCC TM Club invites MSU I^ound Town students and employes to a free film, "TM Program in Sports" 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 403 Arts and Sciences Bldg., LCC. "Save the Whales," free film of direct action by Greenpeace with whalers 8 p.m. Tuesday, Orchard Street Pump House at Linden BINGO TUESDAY Street. Night, 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Bird starts at 7 p.m. p.m. Minimum age 18. Regular at 7:30 SHAAREY ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lan¬ "Formulating a Philosophy of Life" Free University class 7:30 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA p.m. Tuesdays, 335 Union. Will sing. C-12-8-26 151 last five weeks. All invited! •NOR aaaaaav taats SATURDAY • A.M. TO |f-« - — I ni|.^n Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan (<)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WIIX-TV(NBC) (1 l)WELM-TV(Cable) 1 Coles Garlic Buttered Bread Eckrich Sliced Meats 16 o> WHEAT GERM* HONEY 66' — 3 oz. pkg. Rag. 2.25 SHAMPOO * CONDITIONER Many Varieties 2/$] 00 LIMIT 2 EXPIRES •-»'• JGrocery_ Hi C Fruit Drinks STATE COUPON MARCAL — 46 oz. can Orange or Grape Only 39' 200 ct. FACIAL TISSUE Franco American Spaghetti — 15 oz. can 18'.a. Rag..65 42 Spartan Soups - 10% oz. can LIMIT 2 | Chicken-Noodle ^ Chicken-Rice L.P. SPECIALS > Cream of Chicken ) i/$|00 STYX Pepsi Cola — Regular or Diet (No Coupon — No Limit) 8 pk. -16 oz. THE GRAND ILLUSION >3.1 Returnable plus Deposit YES w'f Spartan Tomato Juice 98' Pillsbury Fudge Brownie Mix — 32 oz. decanter 37' on west sld. of MSU at 910 Op.n Monday - Thursday 9 am-9 pm Trowbrldg. Rd. GOING FOR THE ONE >4/ V Family Size -22% oz. box 9 am-10 pm Friday 8 II am-5pm Sunday Saturday SUPERTRAMP Rp$>1 351-5760 EVEN IN THE QUIETEST MOMENTS >3.1