JV. August 15 ^ jtate auditor charges MSU rith misusing general fund By MICHAEL ROUSE State News Staff Writer mJ„h* ,'mp"c.t. ,.of usin8 operating fund According to the report, $9.5 million However, the University's official re¬ „r--, worth of general operating fund I! has been chastized by the state the amount of money available for general spent for construction, remodeling and land sponse cites a 1975 Michigan Supreme questionable accounting operating purposes, the report states, Court opinion ir using stating that "universities in determining the University's "State appropriations, therefore, have aquisition which is "contrary to legislative may enter into construction contracts for ■ the past i been based on an inflated intent." self liquidating projects without a outlays < budget which prior legis¬ included capital Also, the audit report recommends that lative approval." expenditures" and the the auxiliary activities fund reimburse the Wilkinson, MSU vice president legislature did not have information re¬ Also criticized in the ,, report were cost d Finance, said Tuesday in quired to determine the University's needs, University general fund for $340,458 spent overruns for the construction of Life JT„ the findings "we agree with the report stated. on intercollegiate athletic buildings. Sciences I, the Administration The official Building, lof the recommendations for the The first item in the University response to the Wells Hall, the Nisbet Building and Munn report says the audit report states that 1 ■ (,ut "there is a difference of opinion University should pay about $6.5 mUlion in over half the money Ice Arena. L, »e spent the money." depreciation on Power Plant 65. allegedly misused was reported in a Wilkinson said all the overruns were Stole News Richard Politowski previous audit and that the "duplication of within 117 page report, released Monday by However, Wilkinson said the University's a normal percentage of the expected Striking registered nurse Judy Gibbs pickets in front of Lansing General reporting is misleading information." cost ir General Albert Lee, covers the understanding of the legislature's intent is Also, Wilkinson said most of the construc¬ except for Munn Ice Arena. Hospital Monday morning, the first day of the strike. About the Annand The University got the , _ expenditures for construction, that the depreciation expense should only tion was done in the mid-60s when the approval for a Security guards hired for the duration Gibbs remarked, "They appear to and improvements and major apply to buildings completed after 1963, $2.5 million arena while it was on the be lor is us violent nurses." University was paying for building projects [nance between July 1,1967 and June which would not include the power plant, with out-of-state student fees. That drawing board, but the final project cost fell. In concurring with the recommendation funding $4.7 million. practice was discontinued in 1971. "We failed to I report contained 33 complaints that that the "University would provide adequately inform the funding The University contends that the athletic legislature of the change in design," Jniversity spent money on construe- for a substantial portion of the air Nurses' strike facilities also perform an academic function Wilkinson admitted. ■which was meant to be used for purification costs" (the new baghouse and repairs and alterations to them were il expenses. The report said the The report also states: emission control devices to be installed), justifiably paid out of the general fund. rsity failed to notify the legislature Wilkinson called a 30 per cent contribution •Construction projects were not adver¬ The audit report recommends that the tised Iwme projects and did not report cost "substantial." University obtain legislative approval for widely enough to obtain the most on others. It also questioned other "If we had to pay a greater portion, it competitive bids; alterations and maintenance projects val¬ •The University awarded a contract for a feting practices. would affect dorm rates," he said. still unresolved ued at over $100,000. turbine generator in Power Plant 65 to the second-highest bidder based on criteria that were not adequately made known to all bidders; IGandhi aides accused •The University negotiated in some cases only with the low bidder when the costs were too high. This did not give the other bidders a chance to lower their After By DIANE COX negotiating for seven and a half hours until 2 a.m. Tuesday, Lansing General prices and Hospital and its striking registered nurses (RNs) came no closer to settling their contract thus reduced competition; dispute than they had Sunday, the day before the beginning of the hospital's only strike in Jf DELHI, India (AP) — Investigate Gandhi's ousted government, her son It states that Dhawan was instrumental I Tuesday accused three of former Sanjay and many of her close associates. •Architects were overpaid for their its 35-year-history. in diverting party money into several firms, services in designing the proposed Perform¬ Both sides say the key issue concerns transferring nurses from one I Minster Indira Gandhi's closet poli- The new report makes no incriminating some controlled by his brother and father. department to nf siphoning $7 million from the mention of Sanjay or Gandhi. ing Arts Center, air conditioning for another. Hospital administrators said it is their "prerogative to temporarily reassign They are also accused in the case. Erikson Hall, the MSU The 59-year-old former Observatory and the registered nurses as needed to maintain patient care." The nurses call it understaffing. Pof her Congress party. prime minister According to the report, the 48-year-old Swine Research Center, is Central Bureau of Investigation has increased her schedule of travel and Kapoor ran a bank account in the name of according to the "All of us would like to see enough staffing to keep formula the University usually uses; them from taking nurses in specialty Jithat the money was diverted from ■lunk accounts to intricate personal appearances recently in what observers believe may be a the central campaign committee, part of the •The University did not keep track of units onto the floors where they are inexperienced," said picketing RN Judy Gibbs. "It is an network political party's campaign warchest. The report said unsafe for the patients." comeback attempt. She and the Congress changes in construction contracts; (us companies controlled by the three he withdrew "very large sums of money" •And procedures should be There are 12 vacancies on the 135-member RN staff that ihe party were badly defeated in the March from the account and diverted them to improved in Michigan Nurses land appraisals, purchasing, Association (MNA), the nurses' bargaining agent, would like to see filled. Les Hauser, the re R.K. Dhawan, Gandhi's private parliamentary elections bogus firms. awarding of contracts and the hospital's public relations director, said there will always be a standing percentage of •y; Congress party veteran Yashpal The investigative report makes allega¬ Sethi, 56, operated an account in the letting of construction bids. vacancies because the hospital is in a transient college community. .alongtime Gandhi confidant; and tions of extortion, influence peddling, name of the campaign committee and The University is I Sethi, minister for chemicals in bribery, misappropriation of funds, illegal withdrew more than $3.5 million, which was preparing its official Hauser also said that because of financial realities "the hospital can't run down and hire business practices and tax evasion by response to the audit report and a pi's fallen cabinet. subsequently distributed to bogus recipi¬ representative of the legislature will do 12 nurses. The RNs have expertise in nursing and not in hospital administration." ins set forth in individuals and the Congress party. a were a ents, the report said. "It is ultimately management's responsibility to insure proper patient care," follow-up. ge report on the arrests of the three administrators said in a press release Monday. seven others in simultane- "I totally agree," said MNA negotiator Sue Schwab. "They have the right to transfer ce raids Monday in New Delhi and But this is just too many times. It's just too unstable to work there." More British violence nurses. L capital of northeastern Bihar state. I report, registered Tuesday with a II charges in Delhi, will be the basis for now being drafted against LONDON (AP) — Left-wing radicals "We're determined to intimidate the Nazi expected — One proposal the MNA put forth is to increase a temporary "float" team of three nurses who go wherever they are needed — to a permanent one with 15 nurses. The hospital has not put forth any proposal on the issue and it is considered police outside a National Front meeting. "uncompromisable," according to Hauser. Schwab said the nurses will continue to strike J arrested in the case, dubbed "India's threatened Tuesday to continue using National Front off the streets," declared until some action is taken. violence to block marches by the ultra-right Steve Jeffreys, one of the half-dozen Nearly 60 policemen were injured and there were dozens of arrests. More than 30 Another issue, which won't be solved until the transfer issue is resolved, is the matter s represent the first major National Front, stoking fears of more members of the Central Committee of the | of the new government's inquiries turmoil after two bloody street battles in Socialist Workers party. shops were smashed and looted in the of a pay raise. The hospital has offered 30 cents an hour per year over the next three he political and financial violence. At one point, hundreds of left- dealings of London and Birmingham. The next flashpoint in the feud between years. MNA wants 50 cents, Schwab said. the two extremist groups is expected to be wing militants besieged a police headquar¬ In the meantime, the hospital has reduced the beds in Intensive and in the Hyde area of Manchester, where the ters. Unit from 10 to 4; decreased the number of Coronary Care The violence alarmed authorities and has operating rooms in use from six to four; front is scheduled to hold a rally soon. moved the pediatric patients to less isolated areas; increased pressure on Prime Minister suspended ambulatory surgery; and mama Canal pact Officials refused to divulge the date, but the leftist leaders warned: "We'll be there." Left-wingers also disclosed plans for a James Callaghan to outlaw marches by extremists and increase penalties for mili¬ tants convicted of violent acts. requested that all ambulance companies not bring patients there. Out-patient surgery and limited elective surgery is being done, Hauser said. He added that the hospital is actively massive demonstration in south London on Callaghan recruiting new RNs and utilizing RNs from met with Home Office officials and security personnel services, as well as extending shifts of non-union RNs. These RNs are nursing Sept. 24 to block a planned National Front jpported by Ford advisers. No statement was issued, but supervisors, managers and coordinators whom Hauser says are well qualified to work march. government sources said he is expected to with patients because they supervise and often assist the nurses "We could block the roads there with everyday. agree to ban marches likely to trigger "They are administrators who haven't worked at the bedside in a long time," Schwab 20,000 to 30,000 people," said protest violence. said. "It is unsafe." organizer Chris Wright, a labor union JAIL, Colo. (AP) — Former President Gerald Ford threw his support behind a new official who led pickets outside a strike¬ J1 Canal agreement on Tuesday announced by the Carter Administration. Ford "thepact "an bound London factory that erupted into important step forward" and called for prompt approval by the U.S. clashes with police last month. POSSIBLE HEART ATTACK SUSPECTED The first clash between the leftists and •lowing a lengthy briefing at hia vacation retreat, Ford said he was "absolutely the National Front came Saturday in the •wed it's Rock l orn' in the national interest of the United States that the $1'1 EXPIRES l-lll F'greement, which would cede control of the canal to the Panamanian government rood of this century treaty be approved." though ensuring continued neutrality, were announced last p. the culmination of 16 years of negotiations. ""os south London borough of Lewisham, where the Socialist Workers and their militant allies tried to break up a front march protected by hundreds of police officers. king Presley dead backing was an important boost for the Carter Administration, which faces an The front, whose calls include the "toggle in getting the agreement approved over the objections of conservative By LES SEAGO leave Tuesday night on an 11-day tour to repatriation of all nonwhites living in MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - Elvis Presley, begin Wednesday in Portland, Maine. England, marched through the racially- the Mississippi boy whose rock and roll ptasador Sol Linowitz, who took part in the final negotiations, and Air Force Gen. mixed borough with banners reading "80 Presley's gyrating hips were only mildly guitar and gyrating hips launched a ■y•onBrown had flown to Vail earlier in the day and spent about 90 minutes inside Ford's home. per cent of" muggers are black." Irate style in popular music, died Tuesday suggestive compared to most of today's Asians and blacks joined the leftists who rock performers. But when he appeared on sd if he would try to pressure conservative afternoon at Baptist Hospital, police said, Republicans to support the measure, attacked the marchers. He was 42. the Ed Sullivan Show in the 1950s, fears J"™ be would "do what I about his sexuality seemed so overt that he can," and expressed hope his endorsement will be helpful." It was the worst street violence in Britain Presley, who parlayed a $4 trip to a ■ ' support followed by a one day meeting between former Secretary of State Henry since Fascist riots in the 1930s. More than was shown only from the waist up. ■TP ™d President Jimmy Carter at the White House. Kissinger said if later briefings recording studio into a multi-million dollar 180 persons, including many police officers, business, was taken to the emergency room "Every time I move on television, they ®first impression, he would support the pact in testimony before the Senate. were injured and more than 200, mostly of Baptist Hospital, suffering from what write that I'm obscene," Presley once said. ■ s,id the agreement "I've seen a lot worse movements than mine "follows the guidelines of my Administration," and he called on left-wingers, were arrested. hospital officials said was respiratory iXt0 S"pport the measure. Fighting erupted again Monday in Bir¬ distress. every night on TV. Look at all that modern Idde hi ^ '°r V4S' majority of Americans," the former president told reporters mingham, Britain's second largest city, Dr. George C. Nichopoulos, Presley's dancing. If I did those movements, they'd want to lynch me. Yet I never read when the Socialist Workers clashed with personal physician, said that a heart attack was a possible cause of death, but that he anything criticizing modern ballet." His shake, rattle and roll showmanship — could not be sure until after a post mortem. A spokesperson for the Memphis police with such million sellers as "You Ain't department said that detectives were Nothing But A Hound Dog," "Heartbreak Hotel," "Blue Suede Shoes" and "Love Me investigating "the strong possibility that death was a result of an overdose of drugs." Tender," — kept teen-age girls sighing. He performed with slicked-back hair, Hundreds of people gathered at the sideburns and a perpetual sneer. hospital and at Presley's Graceland man sion, and scores of police were sent to both Presley went from driving a truck to the hospital the past few ^riving the teen-age girls crazy in the inside sites. Hospital officials said the entertainer was over When he was rumored to be suffering years. mid-1950s. They screamed, jumped and hollered as Elvis gyrated about the stage in $3i Painters do a big Stadium. See page 5. number on Spartan found unconscious at his home by his road manager. Joe Esposito. from various incurable diseases, his physi¬ cians had blamed his hospitalizations on eye sequined skin-tight outfits. Frank Sinatra had had that impact on R*g.'-f Esposito began resuscitation efforts and called a fire department ambulance. Emer¬ trouble, a twisted colon and exhaustion. females a decade before, but with a Earlier this year, he cancelled several different style. No One else did until the $4/ gency medical technicians with the am¬ performances in Louisiana and returned to Beatles came along almost a decade later. weather bulance continued cardio-pulmonary resus¬ Memphis where he was hospitalized for He once asked his mother: "Momma, you RtR^'1 citation efforts on the way to the hospital. Nichopoulos halted resuscitation at¬ what his physicians said was exhaustion. He had rarely been seen in public think ahm vulgah on the stage?" *3.1 Clouds will billow profusely today. The ol' Elvis said his mother replied: "You're not mere should rise to the mid-70s or there tempts at about 4:30 p.m. EDT, according recently, and his weight was said to have vulgah, but you're puttin' too much into NTS to the hospital. ballooned. 'bouts. your singin'. Keep that up, you won't live to Presley had been a frequent patient at Nichopoulos' wife said Presley was due to be 30." 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigar Wednesday, Augusl „'■ 1977 Berkowitz' attorneys NEW YORK (AP) Attor¬ court officers, sion last week after he was file pleoj Meanwhile, the New York - spoke publicly neys for David Berkowitz en¬ only to give brief aitswers to arrested was gone. Post said Tuesday that Berko¬ tered innocent pleas Tuesday to After the brief proceeding, witz' attorneys had located his questions from the clerk during murder and assault charges the arraignment in New York Berkowitz was returned to natural mother who gave him against the man accused of State Supreme Court. Kings County Hospital where up at birth and quoted a source tect"W gates to being Son of Sam and served Berkowitz, his hands man¬ he is undergoing mental tests as sayingshe had seen him only, notice they would use a defense acled and dressed in blue jeans to determine whether he is once since - at an. "unhappy" had seats of insanity if the case goes to and a blue and white striped capable of standing trial. reunion three years ago. to spared Police wound youth in Soweto trial. shirt with an American flag pin, Justice Leonard Yoswein The newspaper said the bot"a°sWtdh°fUPl Dooed as the ««N The 24-year-old defendant, appeared alert, conferring with said he expected to receive the meeting soured because Berko¬ °f green Correction van bd&l Denwl- protected on three sides of his his lawyers. The slight smile results of those tests by Aug. witz found out that his mother JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — police used dogs in some of the raids. chair by a human shield of eight that characterized his expres¬ 30., had also given birth to a 7'ying Berko»iu ul He had courth»* J He'r; Police shotond wounded on 18-year-old Officers fired three rounds of birdshot daughter but had not put her at pupils who were stoning passing cars reived youth in the segregated black township up for adoption. M hearing,J I vance of the of Soweto on Tuesday and arrested 175 and police at the Orlando West At the arraignment, Yoswein school in Soweto, the nation's high YUGOSLAV LEADER VISITS CITY taken to a private tfi students as officers raided five schools, largest put off until after Aug.'30 any until police reported. black township located outside Johan¬ action on lawyer Philip Peltz's shortly before called the court t|?J to order J A police spokesperson said the raids nesburg. move to withdraw from the ing to the were designed to "dean up" at schools where students had taken over from Authorities said one youth, Abraham Moscow welcomes Tito case. But he ordered recordings Peltz made with tape asked. "Are defendant you tLj DavidlS Berkowitz teachers and were allegedly using Landy, was in serious condition at a - and then re¬ portedly tried to sell - turned A. Yes, I am. ' classrooms for political meetings. The hospital. MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet of thousands of Russians In his statements Brezhnev over to the court for safe Q- Do you have an in J leader Leonid I. Brezhnev waving balloons and flags on sought to give the impression A-Yes I do. ""L keeping. Q- Who is your greeted Yugoslav President Jo- the road from Vnukovo Airport that Moscow fully supports the The arraignment was on A. Mr. Heller, sir. attornn?|■ sip Broz Tito with kisses on to Moscow. President Brezhnev independent, pragmatic path charges returned by a grand Somalia warns against Cuban intervention both cheeks Tuesday and told signaled the importance of the Tito has followed since coming jury Monday, accusing Berko¬ Mark H. Heller the Communist world's one¬ visit when he interrupted a to power after World War II. is witz of killing Stacy Moskowitz, j time leading rebel the Soviet vacation in the Crimea to greet His break with Stalin in 1948 20, and attempting to kill attorney in the case, an associate of IrajJL NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Somalia has broadcast monitored in Kenya. Union wants to work with such Tito personally. was the first rupture in Soviet Robert Violante, also 20, on lawyer Leon Stol warned Cuba and other unnamed nations nonaligned nations as his. In a dinner speech, Brezhnev The Yugoslav leader will control of Eastern Europe. July 31. He has not yet been retained father, said Heller by BeitaT spend a week in Moscow and At the banquet, Brezhnev hadH to stay out of the fighting between Somalia's warning, based on uncon said the Soviet Union shares charged with any of the five asked to represent some time at a Siberian lake spoke of a "comprehensive for¬ the iM firmed reports suggesting Cuban soldiers other killings attributed to the Ethiopian troops and pro-Somali forces in and supports "anti-imperialist resort before flying on to visit mula of combining the indepen¬ dant by another memberM the semidesert were on their gunman who called himself Son family and that they Ogoden region. way to Ethiopia, asserted it and peaceable goals" of such North Korea and China. dence of each revolutionary of Sam. «nl associated for this If foreign forces become involved "what was an African war will change "has the right to go to the defense and rescue of western Somali people if independently ruled nations and "it is important to step up Tito, 85, looked fit and con¬ fident. But Brezhnev, 15 years contingent with their solidarity and cooperation in the name of purp^l into an international conflict," Radio foreign troops attempt to crush the WSLF cooperation between the social¬ younger, appeared sluggish and attaining common goals." Mogadishu said late Monday in a (Western Somali Liberation Front)..." ist countries and the of nonalignment." movement slurred his words in a televised presentation to Tito of the But the Soviet president acknowledged that, "of course, Commission urges] Tito, who last visited Moscow Soviet Order of the October in the practice of our relations, in 1973, was welcomed by tens Revolution. sometimes this that problem halt of stereotype or arises. There is, however, nothing bad about this if there is a reliable mechanism for Police call off search their settlement on a reasona¬ WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Civil Rights C. ble comradely basis. urged on Monday that stronger action be taken to halt st< "I think you will agree, portrayals of women and minorities on television, "perpeti for Nazi war criminal Comrade Tito, that we have managed to find jointly a key in' the networks in their pursuit of higher ratings and higher m The commission also said the Federal the approach to the questions of Communio, Commission (FCC) appears "Willing to accept little BONN, West Germany (API taken against the 70-year-old moretki Soviet-Yugoslav relations paper commitment" by the television indudstry to end disji — Police said Tuesday they had former Gestapo chief of Rome. which allows us to endure their ation in employment. It urged the FCC to revise its jl called off the search for escaped steady development," he said. Kappler, said to be dying of employment opportunity guidelines and employment foratX Alaskan pipeline shuts down Nazi war criminal Herbert Kap intestinal cancer that has re¬ In his speech, Brezhnev also The report to Congress and President Jimmy Carter alul pier because the constitution said some of President Jimmy bars his extradition to Italy, duced his weight to 108 pounds, legislation to give the FCC power to regulate employment pol Carter's recent statements and practices of the networks. where he was serving a life escaped early Monday from a "sound positive" and if they are DELTA, Alaska (AP) — The 800-mile prison hospital in Rome. Italian There was no immediate comment on the report Irani expected to have no immediate effect on sentence until he was smug sincere, the Soviet Union is trans-Alaska oil pipeline was shut down authorities said Kappler's 54- networks. r loading of tankers in Voldez harbor, gled out of a hospital in a large ready to explore means of for the third time after anoilspillatPump since Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. still suitcase. year-old wife, Anneliese, appar¬ cooperation. The 181 page report, titled "Window Dressing on the J ently spirited him out of the evaluated network dramatic programming broadcast from ■ Station 9 overflowed the building, offi¬ has considerable oil in storage tanks. The affair strained relations Brezhnev specifically re¬ cials said Tuesday. A spokesperson said The pump station was immediately between West Germany and institution in a suitcase. through 1974, news programs broadcast in 1974-75 1 ferred to Carter's speech in employment data for 40 major market commercial and publhfl the spill involved "several hundred evacuated of its half dozen or so workers Italy and prompted the two Charleston, S.C., last month, in stations. barrels of oil, maybe fewer."' because of the danger of explosion after governments to postpone a Kappler, who had served 50 which the President said his years of a life sentence for The report traced television from what it called "the lily it No oil flooded the building, said an summit meeting that had been human rights crusade was not injuries were reported and damage Alyeska ordering the 1944 reprisal TV era of the 1950s, with minorities stereotyped on such prop set for Friday in Verona, as described as minimal. spokesperson. He said a slight amount of Italy. meant to single out the Soviet as "Amos 'n' Andy" and women limited to West German Chancellor Hel¬ shootings of 355 Italians, had Union. supportive roles six Monday night's shutdown, which offi¬ oil apparently spilled outside the build¬ said he wanted to die in homemaker-mother. mut Schmidt and Italian Premi- In its morning editions, the cials said might lost up to two ing. Germany. Italy rejected The document said progress has been made. But it siidl days, was Giulio Andreotti agreed to sever¬ Communist party newspaper al West German requests to networks still stick to stereotypes, feeling "the surest root delay their talks until sometime Pravda carried a portrait of successful and highly profitable program schedule is to cn this fall, a West German release him on humanitarian Tito and hailed him as "the new series based on formats that have already proven popi grounds. spokesperson said. The Federal , outstanding leader of the Com¬ Pentagon resumes review of MIAs Criminal Office in Wiesbaden Thojsands of Italians atten¬ munists and all the working ABC said in a statement that the network is confiden policies are in full compliance with federal laws and regulitiJ said police were no longer ded a memorial service Tues¬ people of Yugoslavia, and a involved in the Kappler case NBC said it believes that some of the charges WASHINGTON and it was up to the courts to day at the Ardeatine caves leading figure in the inter¬ national and working class "appear based on out-of-date data and are not in accord with the fit tf (AP) - With President Southeast Asia," the Pentagon said in where the reprisal victims are Jimmy Carter's approval, the Pentagon decide whether action might be buried. A rabbi recited prayers. movement." least as they might concern NBC." making the announcement. ordered a resumption of military reviews There has been of the a four-year moratori¬ official status of 712 U.S. um on such reviews because of court ©I Michigan St, servicemen still listed as missing in challenges by families of those unac¬ action or war prisoners in Southeast counted for and Asia. by congressional and presidential!/ ordered investigations de¬ "There is no credible evidence to signed to find out whether there is any indicate that any U.S. servicemen are hope for survivors among those still alive and being held against their will in unaccounted for. Jf i vi i<\ ui (IM stl-w! \v 1 i y specialtodayV, MUGGERS NITE Carter to consult allies on neutron bomb WASHINGTON (AP) - President Jim¬ IAlf~|)lti< t ON MU(|Sr}~^ SOUP& X^ ; my Carter will consult with U.S. allies before deciding whether the neutron warhead should be produced, White have use Such an "educational process " would to overcome bosic fears about the of nuclear weapons in Europe, where <>'ixi,< 8:30,1 Ui salad : 1 House officials said the warhead is likely to be sent if it is jim If Carter opts Tuesday. for production and produced, officials believe. (tsniits wd (low NsiAius \ $1#75 deployment of the warhead, allies in Western Europe who oppose it will have to be convinced that it has a Carter is unlikely to decide what to do about the weapons — neutron artillery now playing iflL t.-n_0.nn [ proper role in shells and the Lance missile warhead — the U.S. and North Atlantic Treaty until early next month. White House Organization arsenals. Press Secretary Jody Powell said. Social Security halts employes' desertion WASHINGTON (AP) - The Social Social Security participation is manda¬ Security Administration has halted the tory for wage earners in private industry, desertion of nearly half a million but it is voluntary for state and local employes in New York City and else¬ where from retirement system. the financially troubled governments. In the past year or so, New York and several smaller government units in a NEWT ..a, New York City and several of its dozen states have given the components were the largest mental entities planning to drop out of Social Security. But the govern¬ two-year notice of intent to cancel required payments into the Social Security system, SALAMADERS city, except for which is supported by the deduction 7 two employes, has changed its mind and marked "FICA" on nearly piece band will stay. every worker's paycheck stub. cover $1.00 nightly Ohio governor assaulted by heckler Pitcher Night COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) _ Ohio Gov. "He (Rhodes) didn't want to say James A. Rhodes was struck in any¬ the side of thing, but he told me the eye hurt and he Reduced Prices in the bur, daily the face with a cream pie Tuesday after was going to see a doctor," said James demonstrators Kent State!" chanting "Remember Duerk, director of the Department of Ham-lpm disrupted opening cere¬ Economic and Community Development. monies at the 124th Ohio State Fair. The 67-year-old governor, glasses were knocked loose, later whose Seven persons were arrested, includ¬ ing Steven E. Conliff, 27, of Columbus, tizapdi complained of pain in his right said he would seek eye and medical treatment who was charged with misdemeanor as¬ sault and with 1 11 ^Rderaretind according to an oide. disturbing a lawful 224 Abbott meeting, police said. 351-2285 n c„,«, News, Eati Lowing, Michigon Wednesdoy, August 17, 1977 said Tuesday he had received a letter from Louis Hekhuis, MSU dean of students, bar and ASMSU, Nonnamaker •And change in the student Legal service plan office to begin notifying the said. preparations for attorney program so it will In the past three weeks, collecting the tax. Greg remain an "open panel" (a Hekhuis is acting in the Hoyle and Jim McAdam, co- system where many lawyers absence of Eldon directors and authors of the offer services at a reduced fee). Nonnamaker, student attorney program, vice president for student af¬ worked with other legal service fairs, who has already given his Hoyle said Tuesday that legal personnel to revise the original services had received more than necessary final approval of the new attorney program. The additional 50 cents will OKd for fall term Carr met with Hoyle and 85 resumes from lawyers in¬ terested in serving as student iMSU Office of Business McAdam last Thursday when he •nre has been author- increase the ASMSU tax col¬ attorneys. He added that he had consented to the following revi- lected at each term's received far away as hezin procedures for registra¬ one as 0 5 an additional 50- tion to 52. The tax will still be Texas. •Changes in the attorney ^ from students at fall refundable, but students doing so forfeit the use of the tion and some local lawyers attorneys' powers to decide technical level but also on an contract stipulate that the con¬ Hoyle said he will be meeting legal raised questions it, Nonnamaker requested the services program. regarding the legal matters. ethical level. Carr referred to tracting parties will be ASMSU with Executive director of the t^TuateMSUstu- ' legality and ethics or certain lawyer look into the possible — not the MSU Board of State Bar of Michigan, Michael The student He was also concerned that the Canons of Ethics that ' egistcring on campus attorney propo¬ provisions. a legal problems it might have Trustees as earlier stated Franck, to present him with the fessed the extra tax to sal, which will cost an estimated Carr questioned whether or "select few" lawyers or law firms would be the recipients of responsible attorneys subscribe before he gave his approval to and the selected student attor¬ — program's final draft for review two full-time student $85,000 for the 1977-78 academ¬ not the student to which outline ethical, not the program. attorneys would referrals from the student at¬ neys; and approval. L enabling students to ic year, was released July 27. maintain autonomy in legal, guidelines lawyers fol¬ "'Until all questions are re¬ •The student attorneys will legal counseling. Following its disclosure, Carr, deciding torneys. low. solved, I'm not going to do which cases could and would be be prohibited from initiating or "I want to submit a Nonnamaker, members of the Carr said these questions copy of the ■phen Terry, « heard and that ASMSU Although Carr actually did anything. My concern is this — I serving as legal counsel in any final program to Mr. Franck. I might might not only be indirect Er business and finance, Ingham County Bar Associa- have control over the student violation of legal practice on a not have to review the legal don't want the University to get litigation against the board of am looking for both his support i proposal nor approve in a dispute between the state trustees; and valuable criticism he might offer us. In addition, I hope to attend proceedings of the state Council approves third contract with CDC bar convention in Detroit this fail," he said. Hoyle also said legal services has been advertising for dona¬ Imichaelklocke IJ, News Staff Writer eral community development dollars. The Center's adminis¬ Lansing Building Department. privately controlled." inclined to side with CDC in tions of books and equipment and has received more than 200 However, Graves contends The total contract with CDC Ramsey said. "He could not •The council gave volumes of law books. | controversy over the trators have not been paid since the center is earlier votes, support seems to final ap¬ practicing exhorbi- would be for about $120,000, duplicate what we do." proval to an ordinance changing 4unjty Design Center early July when the contract tant spending and in lieu of yet Graves said only about be growing for Graves' posi¬ She also said the termination the retirement age for city ■ contract continued Mon- ran out. tion. Several councilmembers CDC, Lansing could hire an 1 Lansing City Council The contract approved Mon¬ architect for less one-third of the contract items have said Graves made some of CDC would result in the loss employes from 60 to 58. The number of years of service money to have been specified. Jced a third contract for day is another retroactive con¬ provide the city with the same good points in his veto mes¬ of over $400,000 in jobs pro¬ required to qualify for benefits ■following vetoes on the tract which will allow the CDC "City council chose to provide sage. vided by the center. CDC with was also reduced from 10 to T,o contracts by Mayor administrators to be paid for "Concerned department a free-wheeling, free- "This matter has been back "I don't feel should be in eight. This will now include a ■ Graves. July and August. The contract heads met and agreed that the spending approach," Graves and forth three times," Council- we a J old contract between also takes into consideration said. "Therefore, my veto." member Louis Adado said. "I'm position where we have to fight two-term councilmember. services of CDC are no Graves said the city could with the mayor," Ramsey said. •Also approved was the R ■933 N. Washington Ave., Graves' objections, but an ad¬ longer inclined to agree that, instead needed as originally planned," "I think should be evaluated and R Development lining ran out June 30. ministrative assistant to Graves said in his veto mes¬ save as much as $100,000 by of CDC, the city can work with on we whether or not we fulfilled Company. 530 S. Capitol Ave., to purchase ■then Graves has vetoed a Graves said the mayor has not utilizing the services of a city an architect." sage. architect instead of CDC. He our contract." the urban renewal land at the Toll year contract and a decided whether or not to veto Graves also said the Lansing said many of CDC's services are However, Jennifer Ramsey, corner of Ottawa Street and Lnth contract for July the contract. Community Development De¬ assistant director of CDC, said Ramsey quoted figures from One of CDC's main jobs is to unrelated to the goals of the Tuesday it is not feasible to Washington Avenue to build an Jlgust. partment should have some an audit by the city which show office-retail building. sing provides one quarter facilitate design services which Community Development De¬ replace the center with an CDC completed 349 per cent of control over CDC. He called the "s funding through fed¬ cannot be provided partment. architect as Graves proposes. by the center "publicly funded and the contractual goals. Though city council has been "One man just couldn't do it," In other action; State News TELEPHONE WORKERS AROUND STATE REMAIN ON Newsline STRIKE 353-3382 (Be// walkout causes service delays in Detroit JOIT(UPI) - Some delays in service were experienced by operator assistance. and American ,an Bell Telephone Co. customers in the Detroit area In some cases, persons trying to reach information Telephone and Telegraph. operators got Dissatisfaction over wage scales, forced overtime and the by as about 400 operators and a few installers stayed off the a recording instead, explaining that circuits were temporarily number of sick days in the new contract | protest a new contract. busy and advising them to try again. reportedly were some of r BINDAt * the issues which sparked the walkout. a utility spokesperson said supervisory personnel were The wildcat walkout began Monday, one day after contract Carr said another problem was that many of the workers had IMMIWAY! ng service, there were occasional difficulties obtaining agreement was reached between Michigan Bell and its 20,000 not even seen the national or state agreement "so they haven't got BMVICI STATION « employes, members of the Communications Workers of America much of an idea about what the 1301 E. Grand Mow agreements contain." * lot (CWA). "We've got about 800 locations in the area so there's a I N«xt to Varsity Inn discovers repairs Picketers were reported Tuesday at Bell locations in Plymouth, Ann Arbor, Allen Park and Detroit. In Ann Arbor, about 30 of communicating with our members," he said. "We've to get word to them. got problem no way « installers refused to cross the picket lines, "The only way we tell them about the negotiations and contracts no longer needed A Michigan Bell spokesperson said the utility was maintaining is by sending them a ballot and those won't even be mailed until its were original stand that unauthroized. a contract was in force and the walkouts No decision has yet been made on whether any disciplinary the end of this week." YAKSITY INN still there. tCASKA. Mich. (AP) - Argo of Columbus, Ohio, d to make an emer- But action would be taken against the dissident workers. Don Carr, CWA district director, said he spoke with some of the TONIGHT IS somebody had taken the iding near this small propeller, engine, instruments, picketers early Tuesday and urged them to return to their jobs. m Michigan community ■ mail airplane last week. radio and seats — $5,000 worth of equipment. Argo can't fly the "Most of them I spoke with said they wouldn't go back," Carr said. "However, they don't appear to be very well organized and Lonsin9, Michigon Wednesday, August 17, 1977 5 IS* Painters create stadium The place is not exactly the Sistine Chapel and masterpiece the artists don't quite compare to Michelangelo, but the job they perform on Spartan Stadium is just as tedious. The Silver Lead Co. is not even attempting to paint the ceiling of the stadium. Instead, they have the backbreaking task of end zones with a painting the yardlines and the word "STATE" in both Spartan head at either end of the work and on the 50 This is the third yardline. year Jerome LaFontzee and his crew have the prepared the gridiron for upcoming football season. "It really gets hot out on the artificial surface. The the afternoon sun," LaFontzee paint dries quickly, getting baked by said. The paint is pumped through an electric compressor to a spray gun which leaves a white coating on the green field. The process is quite simple and takes about two days to complete, but working in a bent-over position most of the time is four probably worse than Michelangelo lying on his back long years. N Painter Jerome LaFontzee I Robert Staheline (leftl works on the goal line. After a hot day's work the Silver Lead Paint Co. crew (below) relaxes in the shade outside Spar¬ tan Stadium. Photos and text by Robert Kozloff ******************* ******************* X POCK and PEDAL £f i iijc run nocfci'C t * LIVE CHILDREN'S * * * THEATRE * * Saturday at 1:00 p.m. * at the * * Meridian Mali * * **** ************** FOR There IS a difference!!! I CLOTHES THAT DELIVER! •MCAT «LSAT -DAT ^ ^ CAMPUS Jeons/Sweaters/Shirts/ »GMAT .VAT »GRE oQCAT .SAT NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS PIZZA WalebQx •ECFMG .FLEX Flexible Programs and Hours Over 31 years ol experience and success. Small classes Voluminous (formerly Pizza Express} East Lansing's only Italian style pizza Home study materials. Courses that are constantly updated. Centers open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities lor review 1312 Mich. Ave. ol class lessons and lor use ol supplementary matarials. Make-ups for (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) missed lessons at our centers. — n ^ Flexible Programs and Hours ] FREE fnMftN in* MB1431; 55™ I ONE ITEM PER PIZZA IbIiW. 111N711N rest fnwauTion J IIJMM W vtciuttrs unci use (■ SPORTS LITTIRINO WITH THIS COUPON Or write to: 29226 Orchard Lake Rd. GET YOUR BOWLING Sulfa #205 Farmington Hills. Mi. 48018 "ur-*"u-" FREE DELIVER* call 337-1377 . SHIRTS HERE taan^mai Alriliated Centers in Major U. S. CitiesMaaaM I We guarantee our printing will not chip crot J lode or peel. GROUP RATES AVAILABLE CAll 339.9317 for group rote Information Marty's Final Clearance Sale BADGES, AWARDS | MTU MPT. I, OUR IHW LOCATIONS AND TROPHIES 2227 W.GRAND RIVER |OnP"n ...from LAST CHANCE Open Mon. thru Fri. MARV » HELEN REED (2 ML EAST OF CAMPUS! Nites until i 1305 SO. CEDAR IheDRAIKH Just SUITS Choose from a beauti¬ LANSING, Ml. 48910 517 374-8634 *79 517 374-6212 one low price ful selection of this EAST LANSING'S year's Spring-Summer— or Year round suits. BEST SELECTION OF BASIC CORDS Just Choose from o great $49 one low price selection of this year's UP TO 13 COLORS PER SIZE Spring-Summer-or Year round Sportcoats. 'LASTIC & METAL ENGRAVING CB OR SQUARE DANCE BADGES. JEWELRY, SILVER Everything For the Man H0W$14S0 (REG 16.50) DISHES, MUGS. PLAQUES AND TROPHIES Attention Gnlfers •IheBRWKH* MfiRTYS - Quality Golf Balls - 220 MAC. Uwiwrsity Mall PIl35U620 East Lansing 305 E. Grand River Ann Arbor East Lansing Shags Slip a dozen! Wednesday, Augu5t £ Michlgon State Newt, Eost lonsing, Michigan |; 1977 Barroom Marty Feldman inters 'Beau Geste with Gary Cooper; directed by Time passes — signified by post in the Siberian salt mines Boogwabazh By BYRON BAKER because he is Cont State News Reviewer William A. Wellman (in fact, at pages swiftly falling from a' for cruelty. Soon, the Legion¬ J Though it features some fair one point we see Feldman calendar, as the faithful family naires are attacked by the Arab P»>g out of character H comedy sequences and a few .wander into the Wellman film retainer (Spike Milligan) strug¬ forces of Sheikh Abdul the occasionally to toss out out of IJ -JP yock-JS? — By FRED van HARTESVELDT big boffa, Marty Feldman's and strike up a conversation gles to sweep them up — and Disgusting (James Earl Jones) fflgbt gags and SUte Newa Reviewer feature directorial debut, The with Cooper). You can safely the lads become men. Beau is in the continuing struggle for one-linWtL funny when he stays 21 "Stars" twinkle on and off in a flat black painted sky. The walls Last Remake of Beau Geste, ia wager your first-born that handsome, stalwart and dash¬ supremacy of the glorious des¬ limitations of his role tall are surfaced with brown "mud," etched with "primitive" geometric mostly a collection of unrealized Cooper and Wellman went no¬ ing, and Digby is, of course, ert. Meanwhile, Flavia arrives isn't comic sketches and ideas. Some where near those places to portrayed by Marty Feldman. in search of the sapphire. very much t° » patterns. A bamboo superstructure, covered with plastic palm It all leaves, sprouts from the walls, and three totem pole-ish trees aid of the picture's failings can make their picture. They tried When the by-now incredibly winds down from there. iHk all things °/alty Geste. ,ndfiSbl undoubtedly be attributed to to stay close to the controlled aged Sir Hector returns from a in holding up the sky. The casting is uneven. Production desiim., J Both the carpeted floor and the cushioned booth seating are the inexperience of fledgling environment of the studio, combat stint, he brings with writer-director Feldman — af¬ shooting on soundstages and him a new bride: the cunning, Though Feldman and Universal EatweU (designer M covered with wavy, watery blue-green designs. Nondescript ard Lester back lota. seductive, devious Lady Flavin have assembled a nicely round¬ Three Mta* Muzak drifts through from somewhere in the sky. Finally, behind ter all, one can't expect a ed collection of comics and movies) has provided ,li the bar, a giant brightly lit underwater "window," complete with comedian's comic sensibilities It is that artificial environ¬ (Ann-Margret). After Sir Hec¬ fully realistic fish, illuminates a Polynesian (?) waitress and a bartender. to emerge intact after passing ment which Feldman intends to tor drops into a coma (brought character players (highlighted the bacbrJJI Not in Malaysia, but in East Lansing's own Frandor Shopping through the complicated pro¬ satirize. To mount a big, sump¬ on by sheer physical ecstasy), by appearances by Henry Gib¬ proceedings, which« tioned before, is si] J Center, does this scene occur. It is, in fact, the infamous Boom cesses of filmmaking. tuously designed physical pro¬ Flavia announces plans to sell son, Roy Kinnear, Hugh Grif¬ this picture. ,Ljl Boom Room: and the rumors are true. Its decor is totally bonkers. But some of the blame can duction — more realistic look¬ the Geste heritage: the legen- fith and the afore-mhntioned SeveralIP Spike Milligan), many of them paintings by special jJ also be assigned to Universal ing, come to think of it, than ary Blue Water Sapphire of the Walking into the Boom Boom Room is like diving into a tropical are pootiy served by their whiz Albert Whitlock mJ fish tank. The management, clever as only managements can be, (the studio which initiated and any of the three other versions Gestes; the world's largest of the warhorse — is to largely roles. in keeping with the iaj not only creates an atmosphere but practically drowns one in it. produced the project), which gem. the insisted on certain rights of defuse the production, as they J Yet that doesn't mean the Boom Boom Room needn't be, and parodistic and basic¬ Michael York is very stiff and Outraged by this heretical consciously artificial. (J usually isn't, unfun. On the contrary, little make believe sorties, casting and chose locations. ally unreal aspects of the come¬ Fisher's camerawork The press materials note that notion, Beau absconds with the uncomfortabledooking as Beau, ishT| capitalizing on the tropical hype, can be a riotous good time. So dy, and those aspects inspired lacking the prerequisite dash look for the seaweed in that beer. Check out those pouncing the picture was filmed mainly the undertaking of The Last gem (for safe-keeping), and runs off to join the Foreign and polish for the role. He rng Apparently torn betvtsl for rapid-fire yocki V in Ireland and Spain because Remake of Beau Geste, instead chameleons in the palm leaves and bamboo. doesn't seem to have a flair for trying to tell his intricate J locations there now resemble of the deserved last remake of Legion. Digby, always obliging, For those not into make believe nonsense, and in spite of the confesses to the theft and is the comedy, either. Ann- Marty Feldman has madeij Britain and North Africa circa something else. overkill decor, the Boom Boom Room can still provide a nice that is much funnier to 1906 more closely than the The script (by Feldman and sent to prison for 956 years. But Margret's performance is ade¬ J enough place to have a few sips. This is due primarily to two Ffavia remains suspicious, and quate, but she is not really upon and describe to his actual areas. Of course they do: Chris Allen, from a treatment things: seating arranged in large booths for several people, and arranges Digby's escape, con¬ right for the part. than to see. But despiu 1 and that isn't the point. by Feldman and Sam Bobrick, the Orgy, and oversized mixed drink. Booth seating at the Boom Boom Room facilitates fun in that it Even more inherently than based on the book by Percival vinced that hell head straight Feldman's faults, The Last R^ul for Beau — and the gem. own performance Beau Geste (is thats | lends itself to group partying rather than to couples. Though the Mel Brooks' Blaring Saddles, or Christopher Wren), as always, is muted and undefined possi¬ is by no means an even his Young Frankenstein, concerns brothers. Beau (Mi¬ ung Room altogether is small, perhaps 30 by 50 feet, it provides space Indeed, Digby does set off for bly because of his hara labors directorial debut for Ftlte for three party-sized groups (10 to 12 people) beyond the bar The Leet Remake of Beau chael York) and his identical Morocco, reunites with Beau writer aqd director, but also Geste is a parody of a movie twin brother Digby (Feldman) as Perhaps next time, hell htl stools. Unless a person is on one of those stools (or a stool of a and reports for duty to the evil because of the essential slight- different type), privacy in Boom Boom drinking is hard to achieve. genre (the Foreign Legion pic¬ are adopted at a tender age by one-legged Sgt. Markov (Peter of his role. He is less to keep it smaller ud J ture) and, more specifically, a neas simple. 1 The Orgy also lends itself best to groups, and probably not at all heir-seeking old soldier Sir Ustinov), who has been reput¬ endearingly funny here than in send-up of a particular movie: Hector Geste (Trevor Howard, his previous film appearances The Universal picture ul to couples, because two people could not possibly drink it alone and edly fired from a supervisory the Meridian 8 theatres. 7 walk to tell about it. It is a sweet, huge, 12 dollar drink served in a the 1939 version of Bean Geste, who is very good). veritable bowl (on which a five dollar deposit is requested), and, with miracle of straws, can be shared by all. No backwash, please. are There is not a whole lot else to the Boom Boom Room. Its tables slightly padded, the better to pass out on. Its table candles MSU IN ISRAEL AND GREECE sport lamp shades, perhaps so the natives don't inadvertently burn WINTER TERM 1978 themselves. Its patrons are mostly college age. The downstairs bathrooms are not only remarkably similar to those at expressway rest stops, INFORMATION MEETING but also reek of evergreen. Close your eyes, and you're practically a pine tree — the better so as not to smell yourself. Or close your TONIGHT, AUGUST 17,4:00 PM eyes, and you fall into a toilet. And so on, like a thousand other ROOM 204 INTERNATIONAL CENTER bars. One note on which to end, for those who haven't ever been to the Boom Boom Room but wish they had: directions. Go to the COURSES OFFIRID Frandor Shopping Center, south end. Don't waste time looking for a sign. Instead, look for a door with a large, obnoxious overhang. HUM 201, 202, 203, 345 (4 CREDITS EACH). HUM 201, 202, 203 FULFILL THE COM I Velocipede Peddler Kitchen Cupboard PLETE HUMANITIES GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT. The overhang is built of bamboo, palm leaves, and dry matted Elderly Instruments Quick Silver jewelry grass. Paramount News Jo-El Gomes I Gifts HUM 300, SS 300, REL 295, 495 (SUPERVISED INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSES WITH I No, it can't be missed. VARIABLE CREDIT). And by all means, don't forget your loincloth. 541 East Grand River (across fr— Bwtey Hill) STUDENTS MAY ENROLL FOR A TOTAL OF 12 OR MORE CREDITS. SUPER State News CAMPUS SUMMER GENERALITINIRARY 4 WEEKS IN JERUSALEM 2 WEEKS ON A KIBBUTZ Newsline 353-3382 BOOKSTORE SALE MAKING WAY FOR NEW 1 WEEK INDEPENDENT TRAVEL 1 WEEK IN TEL AVIV NOW NAS A IAR0E SELECTION OF INVENTORY I WEEK IN ATHENS (AND DELPHI) DISCOUNT CALCULATORS PROGRAM DIRICTOR USED TEXTBOOKS WITH "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN" PROFESSOR DONALD GOCHBERG DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES READY FOR FALL TERM CLASSES 195 BESSEY HALL, 355-7596 SHOP EARLY FOR FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY, 1l*| BEST SELECTION INTERNATIONAL CENTER, OR CALL 353-S920. uminuwAv | •"Via STATION t ALSO AVAILABLE- FINANCIAL AID IS AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED STUDENTS. 1101 E. Grand Rivar J Nail to Varsity Inn J NEW SELECTION OF QUALITY SALE BOOKS CAMPUS BOOK STORE SUM SCIENTIFIC (RECM ) NOVUS NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR 4415 PROGRAMMABLE... f FREE /V (ACROSS FROM BERKEY HALL) NEJAC TV RENTALS Use your Mastercharge | We have TI-57 « TI-58 * HP-29c I NEEDLE CHECK 337-1010 FOR RU66ED WILDERNESS CAMPING If your idea of camping WORN NIIDLIS DESTROY YOINIALBUMS I includes back-packing, i Daisies Come In for a FREE needle check. And II your stylus does need replacing, we have the lowest prices around. Remember, the life ^ hiking, and climbing, we have ^^7 of most diamond needles is 500-1000 hours of use. By viewing the equipment und f—'^7 fy t your stylus through a microscope, our. trained audio specialist! con tell you the condition a needle Is In. experts to help you get , the most out ^roughing it! of 1.98 doz. HUNDRIDS OP RIMACIMINT STOCK PROM'S/'MKh. NIIDLIS IN . RAUPP; Campfitters Norm Kesel Florist ] 2021 E. Michlgon 1 blk. W. of and acrosi from the old location. Please note our 109 E. Grand River 337-1331 "Straight Stereo datum, From, The Marie PtopU " NEW LOCATION! Wednesday, August 17, 1977 Krowd Kraves Kool Jazz Sedaka brings aged rock to stoned age IULUANJACKSON p.m. it looked like Wild Cherry performed The group teaaed the next. audience ded. Cole put her all into her By BILL HOLDSHIP (even though he was selected by Arthur Rubinstein as the best State Newa Reviewer T'lht. By 8:30 p.m. with mediocre tunes but finally music, especially her hits "Mr. One thing Neil Sedaka's Thursday night New York classical pianist of 1958). Lfyoung had arrived in brought the house to its dan¬ Melody" and "I've Got Love My Mind." On concert at Pine Knob demonstrated is that when it rains, it can become miserably cold at Sedaka offered a bit of comic relief by playing the first pop aong Reefer Klory. but itw« cing feet with the hit "Play that Funky Music White Boy." the Knob. As a result, rain and winter coats were abundantly he and Howard Greenfield ever wrote together twhich he admits Etj| 9:30, when the hard The Temptations arrived on draped over the leisure auits, the rhinestone bluejeans, and was a travesty). He then performed two songs which fared much better, "Stupid Cupid" and "Where The ■ i-paid-goou-mwiw/ a*,. Tavares, a fast-paced singing stage and took everyone down varicose veins that gathered, despite the weather, to see the Elton calls "my Connie Francis Boys Are" from what he period." The crowd went wild. bsffsssz group of live brothers the stadium to a brought frenzy as they Memory Lane. The five Inen sang many songs from their hit John of the James Dean and A smaller and much geritol generations. younger part of the audience were there Instant nostalgia (I), and idol hits had to be next. Sure they knew that Sedaka's own singing ■ finally came alive last performed their many hits, album "A Song for You" then see new singing star Andy Gibb, Sedaka's warm-up act. Gibb's set to audience how he writes a enough, Sedaka demonstrated to the song, and bang! he was into "The Diary," Jay night- including: "It Only Takes launched into a medley of their included a repertoire of basic pop rock, and his voice sounds "Oh Carol," "Next Door To An a Angel," "Happy Birthday Sweet lid cries of "Do it to me Minute," "Who Done it?" and classic tunes like "Papa Was a Rolling Stone," "My Girl" and exactly like the vocals of his three older brothers who The Bee Gees. happen to be Sixteen," "Calendar Girl," and "Breaking Up la Hard To Do." | "Sing it girl!" and the "Heaven Must Be Missing An "Can't Get Next With this combination, not to mention His happy melodies combined with more mature lyrics work to • Ton, ■ ol shaken maracas, Angel." to You." Gibb seems to be a good bet for a new his boyish good looks, be the best in the current Barry Manilow-Helen Reddy school of in|y black audience Teddy Pendergrass didn't pop teenage idol, interesting music. Sedaka reminded the audience how Tavares kept the people dan in that this was also Sedaka's good these tunes are ed with whites enjoyed come on stage until after 1 original claim to fame. However, with such songs as "Love Will Keep Us Together" and "Laughter cing and the Pointer Sisters sat a.m. with the exception of his number one disco irformances of Theodore them back down. The smooth but the crowd was still Be Your single "I Just Want To In The Rain." Lass, Natalie Cole, The hanging Everything," the Sedaka fans gave Gibb a rather cool tough. Pendergrass' show in¬ tune he Sedaka's current back-up musicians are excellent. After harmonious tones of the sisters recorded with that reception. One man commented rather loudly that all, his gations, The Pointer Sis- were out of cluded the "Teddy Bears" group. He then did numbers sounds the same." "everything original band went on to become 10CC. His show is styled for Kvares, Wild Cherry, and place after all that — foot stomping. But the five women dancers in cute from his first solo Vegas, but that only means that it's very entertaining which is Lhty Clouds of Joy at the singers album, "Ted¬ Understand, these people didn't want 1970s disco. They wanted did manage to bear outfits who performed dy Pendergrass." to hear the exactly what this crowd wanted. ■ Annual Kool Jazz Fes- get a rise out of while Pendergrass king of the "shooby wahs" and "dooby downs" do the I went to this concert with the crowd when sang. teenage dreams they knew in their pre-Beatles adolescence. That's my longest rock fanatic friend, and he they did their By the time the crowd had said, "You know, ten years from now, you and me and Ted will old, but still good, "Yes We Can what they got plus more. Sedaka is a true Pendergrass was formerly performer who gives I festival, emceedbyGood Can." the lead singer of Harold left the smoke-filled Silver- everything he's got to entertain his audience. His performance probably get together to see Bruce Springsteen. Well be married Mel- dome. a lot of talent had put on and everything, but well still ljimmy Walker, suffered vin and the Blue Notes and he could best be described as a musical autobiography, which makes cheered while Sedaka tra-la-laed his get together." And as the crowd 1 from the many set She must have been what the honored the connection a good show and the people sense as his entire life has consisted of music. He even includes a way through "Happy crowd of nearly 40,000 was by sing¬ looked like they had gotten Birthday Sweet Sixteen," I felt strangely happy and sad at the but Walker kept ing, "Wake Up Everybody," a Chopin work which demonstrates his Julliard School training and their money's worth. same time. —going with between set waiting for. Most people were extraordinary piano virtuosity, a much ignored Sedaka talent Music can do that to you sometimes. I while the stage engi- standing on chairs, craning Tjrked quickly. their necks for a glimpse of Natalie Cole. Low began promptly at Natalie "Sophisticated Lady" HI p.m. scheduling with Cole gave them more than a Uty Clouds of Joy. The £berhard earnureamp! L came on sUge with glance — she grabbed the X their sequin-piped crowd by its ears. When Nata¬ ■ere all that sparkled as lie Cole said "Sing," the audi ■ilea to enthuse the ence sang. When she said "Clap Except lor a lukewarm your hands," hands were I to a good rendition of clapped. Ire So Beautiful." The audience was well rewar¬ *"I I WaWantToBeYOUR^^^^jjg. Key, chicken lovers- iEICBtf flOOP THRU" SATUREAY, AUGUST 20* come on over to -3301 E. MICHIGAN The Other Fried! COUPOMAlf | Wednesday SOME GIVEN ON MANUFACTURER COUPONS Family Night SpBClftl Mr ■ I SUV3-SAV?f2.10 9AYS MSSSSf ■ | m wr/iM store c«jr?w 8'PAK#i o i*139 discover the toucho honey difference in I Famous Recipe, The Other Fried Chicken. Delicious I dipped-in-honey hotter, fried reolly crisp and all the way I through. No wonder people who cross over to The Other I h> |L lif PIETRITI COLA 1602- KET Take, Out-/ PINNERS 99? «V,75 Fried Chicken stay there! pus per- o^LUMCHES yOtocvs figefre 4500 S. Cvdar 3007 N. Edit SI. DINNERS yov/z cHosce (U.S. 37 North) MONey savers , „ /yj/ (MSAT0M& 2 SALADS KeFCU86«TEAJCs9y 3T»4 If. FILET Ml HON 066F TENDERlOfNS^l * lAfl 1.99 SMAd* B^f09 STRAWBERRY wiisom's cecriRBP we? SlZZlER STEAKS ^T* rlTA LUNCHES FEUER? fUyl-«AVet?.lO IMfcHYGRAPV y|K> yooe c#o/c£ o* &BF H6NRY UOOSe RZAN& meat: salad ^ boll COM MARY 11.25 i AA> BRAUWSCHWHGER ^ 68 Kinds r teg] *&r$l.80 Buy W-fiAVefj* VY/IKSTORCCOUPOAJ CORN ISM ;iBsr GoLREw K/pf MR. H0BIE HAS THE CURE! FKisH-mr STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE '25* Ttct I Umms 1-B. 19* J ot»*rxr#HS" nuv4-9Artur»»i»*|t I SAVE ISA SUVi-SAVUM** JUVJ-JAV*6©*W/t PUVJ-SAVCCOAWt •SSBK5S& 1 I TVNDBR. KTOJSr m TONoen. . M PLANTERS ABUWA/T MADS RITE zuowfaM tiTB s —■ ■""^Hornoel mixed POTATO Hobie's (CHOCMIIK BUNS "38 ■ NUTS I2& CHIPS 111 Triwlildp, East Lnsl*| tN E. AllagM, Dwitiwi Lioslai 1gHP|f99j 3» 199* 1*79* Wednesday, August ,7 8 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Rozema matches Fidrych's 76 pace DETROIT IUPI) - Dave them have come with one man tinal, cut his weight from home run," May said. "I re¬ Monday. His streak is the Manager Ralph l Rozema is exactly even with on base. Nine of his last 11 have around 193 to 180 pounds. May member what Willie Stargell longest for a Mariner, and this „ut after the Mih H the fabulous pace set by Mark come with the bases empty. has since put five pounds back said: 'If you swing hard, you Seattle club record. Tito Fuentes had a pair of him arest Wlhm**] "The Bird" Fidrych, last sea¬ He also had only driven in on but his voice sounds like he might hit it.'" son's rookie of the year in the five runs and he has just 30 for has a cold. The home run was the second singles , to extend his hitting Ron LeFlorc has Streak to nine before American League. "The Rose" is 13 4, the same the season since June 15 prior "I don't have my timing," he said. "And when you don't have grand slam of May's career. His first came with the Houston names game hitting streak F^ to Sunday's game. as Fidrych was at this week a Detroit and Minnesota ended your timing you don't have Astros, May 22, 1974 against year ago. Fidrych, however, had a 1.97 ERA while Rozema's is nearly a run higher at 2.77. their season's series tied, 5-5. The Tigers held a 3-2 edge in Tiger Stadium. much confidence." "I haven't been hitting the hall good lately, so I was just San Diego. Ex-Tiger Dan Meyer's 12- game hitting streak came to an Don't Forg< "It is pretty weird." Rozema Milt May says he hasn't had a trying to put it in play on the end with a 0-for-5 performance said. "He came up with the nickname 'The Bird.' I'm 'The very good hitting season. A few more games like Monday night Bell's pixsa hat Rose.' "We're the same kind of pitcher — except he throws and he won't be able to say that. "I've always felt that the Leach out to prove self subs too harder than I do. But my strongest part of my game was ANN ARBOR (UPI) — University of Michigan quarterback Rick Open from 11:00 a.m. deliveries from changeup is better. my hitting," said May, who has Leach says he has something to prove this year. 4:30 P.M. "I kind of have in the back of 10 home runs and 36 RBI to go "I felt I had a really good year last season," says the 20-year old my mind that I'd like to win 20 with a near—.250 batting aver Leach, now starting his third year at the helm of Bo games," he said. age this season. "But it hasn't Schembechler's nationally ranked team. been this season. 225M.A.C. 1135 Gr. River Fidrych, currently on the "But I didn't play as well as I could yet, especially in the Rose disable list with "I don't feel I've been a good 332 - 5027 332 - 0858 a sore right Bowl. I want to really have a good year to show people what kind arm, was 19-9 with a 2.34 ERA hitter this year," he said. "I'm of a quarterback I really am." that was the best among start¬ not talking strictly about aver¬ That admission came Monday after Leach made another ing pitchers in baseball' last age, either. I've seen some .300 admission. He told Schembechler he injured his arm in Alaska this season. Fidrych observed his hitters that I don't consider summer where he played in a baseball league. He did tear some 23rd birthday Sunday. good hitters —' and some .250 muscles deep in the shoulder but the injured arm is his right arm Rozema has pitched eight hitters that I thought were and not his left, or throwing a straight complete games and pretty good hitters.!' won his last seven decisions, He got off to a good start, the last six in consecutive averagewise. but has been starts. Bengal Bits: dropping ever since. A case of flu. or something intes¬ iKUSf Spain's Manuel Orantes won his third clay court title Sunday when he defeated Jimmy Connors in AP Wirephoto Ben Oglivie hopes things are finally going to go his way. Oglivie has hit 14 home this season — but only five of MiflfflfAUGtSn the finals of U.S. Open Clay Court tennis tourna¬ ment in Indianapolis. Orantes previously won in m ajfeaaa THE ROMANCE OF PASSION AND 1973 and 1975. POWU The Other Side of STARRING Wii. Than &45 Ml *aarie-f«ance pisier Twiliti 5:15545 Wit "Buford Pusser.. "Buford Busser... Now there was a man!" Now there was a man!" "I had to stand up for myself alone, and you know what they did to me. Quick to Catch Any Light Situation Until all men stand up Wrt.Hwr5.U5UM •Variable Aperture AE Control •Sophisticated Wide Range for what they believe in... Twiliti 4:155:15 Shutter System •Incredible Meter Sensitivity »Wide Range the same thing can of Fine FD Lenses «Easy Multiple Exposure Shooting •Full- Information Viewfinder • Exclusive CAT System ^Complete happen to you!' swu/mCrntM TODAY | A nervous romance. LAST ID AMI I Accessory Selection • Mercury Battery Sheriff Buford Pusser OPEN 1:45 WOODV ALLEN SHOWS (6M M 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 — DIANE KEATON X Canon $29995 ALLNEW^^' '2V Its the BIGGEST Its the BEST Its BOND "ANNIE HALLSflfl | Adventures of the true life hero... ROGER MOORE Wrt. Tin. 515 7:15 515 WITH 50mm F 1.1 tans JAMES BOND 007"~ TwilHi445515 wtdUMJI •CANON EF BODY ONLY '229.9: maim THE SPY WHO LOVED ME 1*6] PWWiSKr slamna BARBARA BACH md CURT JUR6ENS "■"■"""'•I MWPIAMBAST ACROM PWOM WOOtCO [The Year's Best Mov TSIar Wars' has brought fun back to the movies WUIQNG Mil I •CANON EF WITH 50 f 1.4 LENS 329.9: STARTS EPinAV I glowingly demonstrated they still can make I like fney used to. A grand and glorious filir •CANON EF EVEREADY CASE 19.91 LIZA MINNELLI ROBERT DENIRO Time Mag •CANON UV OR SKYLIGHT FILTER 5.9! I BO SVENSON as Bulord Pusspt in FINAL CHAPTER-WALKING TALI NEWYORh NEW YORK •CANON A-33 AUTOMATIC FLASH 24.9! A long time ego inagabxyjac jarawgy. I I EE •CANON 35 now woeuiioa mm f3.5 LENS WITH CASE 79.9: ewg QpEN AT , PM •CANON 135 mm f3 5 LENS WITH CASE 89.9: TODAY Vl'"1" ° "FEATURE AT WRITE FOR 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 pm The Only Thing More Terrifying FREE CATALOG Than The Last 12 Minutes Of This Fill Are The First 80 Qi(A *rt.imi*2*4*4*S*J«M»» arff . { ■ Twiliti MM* *lts'I* y r SHE SERVED HER COUNTRY... THE ONLY WAY SHE KNEW HOW! STARRING GEORGE HAMILTON THE HAPPY. SOCl MAhUM/ 0PEN U:45 PM HOOKER today.:. GOES TO, rrnmmm mi shows at 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:00 9:00 PM wfisHir MATINEE EVERYDAY! Rrt.TTars. 145M5545745 545 Twiliti5l5545*»j its mmnsH hit; LADT 2 PAT*1 | Joseph !!■ I.cx'iiwc-- A BRIlX'll TOOFAKf GOfS TO MONTE CARLO W, Ir-i *' |Ur| Dean JONES DonKNOTTS TKMNKOIO*- |(1 ttnte Newt, East toniing, Michigon Wednesday, August 17, 1977 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 | classified Advertising Employment »| [MkDIB) 1 Aperfnts liy! j Hoists jffl [jjj «□(§ Information FULL AND part-time summer MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS- ONE BEDROOM apartment, near LARGE SPACIOUS two bedroom employment for MSU students. immediete openings for experi¬ EAST SIDE "Lansing." 4 bed¬ 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. 15-20 hours/week. Automobile campus. From $195. Heat end townhouses, across from Berkey. 347 Student Services re¬ enced medical rooms, unfurnished, carpeted, gas Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. )NE 355-8255 Bldg. quired. 339-9600; 339-3400. C-12- ASCP. Excellent salary and technologists water included 351-4091. 0-12-8- 1 year lease, $295. 351-0359. heat, $300. 9 months. 676-1557. Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 8-26 1171 fringe 2613) 9-8-26 (31 8-8-26 (3) benefits. Apply Personnel Depart¬ and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING ment, E.W. SPARROW HOSPI¬ FALL-CAMPUS 1 block. 1 bed¬ NEAR SPARROW Hospital. Up¬ 3-4-5 BEDROOMS, close to cam- COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, RATES WAREHOUSE AND delivery man. 1 Pleasant working TAL, 1215 E. Michigan Ave., room furnished apartment. No per 314 rooms and bath. Fur¬ opposite City Market. C-12-8-26 PAYS day ■ 90( per line conditions, flex¬ pus, furnished, carpeted. Year Lansing. 487-9180. Equal Oppor¬ pets. 332-3746. 5-8-26 I3I nished, parking, utilities paid. lease. 487-0114. Z-10-8-26 13) (6) ible hours. 3 6 1 3 days - 80< per line Inquire at 1605 E. tunity Employer. 4-8-19 1101 $180/month. 3-7 p.m. 482-8183 or Kalamazoo Street, RCA VICTOR Low Boy phono¬ 2.70 7.20 13.50 16.10 4 days -75C Lansing be¬ LOOKING FOR roommate, neat, 351 5964. 3-8-17 15) BEAT HIGH rents-3, 4 bedrooms, per line tween 7:30-4:30 p.m. 3-8-17 161 graph dated 1921. Excellent condi¬ Tio 9.60 1S.00 22.40 B days • 70t ENGINEERING INTERN-Available quiet, own room in furnished 2 near Frandor, carpeted. 372-1336. per line with Meridian bedroom apartment, S. Washing¬ FEMALS own room in 3 woman 6 8-26 (3) tion, beautiful cabinet, $75. Phone 4.50 12.00 22.50 P-" INFORMATION BOOTH recep¬ Township, will work 655-2379. 2-8-19 (4) on establishing a flood plain ton. $120/month. Call 7am-2pm. furnished apartment. $100/month. 140 14.40 27.00 33.60 Line rate per insertion tionist, full and part time positions benchmark system throughout the 882 2869. Z-4-8-24 (5) Starts fall. Lauren, 351-6592. 3-8- available. Apply in person at RANCH STYLE-5 bedrooms, car¬ 6.30 16.10 31.50 39.20 township. Position is funded SEWING MACHINE SALE-Guar- MERIDIAN MALL OFFICE. 3-8-22 1JM3I peted, parking. 6 blocks to cam¬ anteed used machines. Complete¬ through Title Six of C.E.T.A. AoLines • 3 lines • '4.00 • 5 days. 80' per line over Applicant must meet C.E.T.A. requirements including 15 week or Waters Edge LARGE TWO party furnished effi¬ ciency, close to campus, air pus. 372-1336. 6-8-26 (3) QUALITY HOUSES and duplexes, ly reconditioned. $39.95 and up. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. APARTMENT BUILDING resident 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. ■ 3 lines. ■ price of No adjustment in rate when cancelled. item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum manager in East Lansing. Prefer- rably a married couple. Call 351- longer unemployment, resident of Ingham County outside the city of Rivers Edge conditioned, $184/month. 351- 1610, after 5 p.m. 487-4461. 0-6-8- fall, 3-7 bedrooms, campus near. From $350/month. Also 1-2 bed¬ C 1-8 17 (18) 26(41 I sole price of *50. 8135 or 627-9773. 2-8-8-26 (4) Lansing and meet C.E.T.A. in¬ How Leasing!! room apartments and rooms. 332- come requirements. Should have 1946. C-12-8-26 (5) MICHIGAN/PENNSYLVANIA- ■nuts Personal ads ■ 3 lines ■ '2.25 - per insertion. MAINTENANCE MAN needed full the ability to use surveying equip¬ 1050 Water's Edge efficiencies, $110, $120. Adults, no Ready for fall term? ■ 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). time or part time, to maintain ment. Apply at Michigan Employ¬ (next to Cedar Village) children or pets. Call 484 4840; EAST LANSING duplex, 4 bed¬ Let us help you prepare. We Lioge/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines ■ '2.50. houses. Call 351-8135 or 627-9773. ment Security Commission, 3215 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, 332-1396. 8-8-19 I4I rooms, 2 baths, rec room, 2 levels. have a wide selection of furni¬ ■ 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. 0-5-8-26 (41 Lansing. 332-4432 $400. 374-6366. 0-12-8-26 (3) ture. large and small appli¬ Meridian E.O.E. 3-8-17 (201 Ld Town ods • 4 lines - '2.50 • per insertion. WAITED PART ONE WOMAN roommate, 2 bed¬ PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE-fur- nished studio. Utilities paid, $135/ HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES! ances. We also con fulfill stereo and television needs. your time, experi¬ ■ 63' per line over 4 lines. enced bartender for weekends. HISTO-TECHNOLOGIST: we room apartment, Hardy Ave. One month plus deposit. 489-5574 after Call now to see our list of East side We carry a wide range of ■ (Founds ads/Transportation ads ■ 3 lines '1.50 ■ - Call 332-6960 after 6 p.m. 2-8-19 have an opening for en experi¬ vear lease. 337-1233, 5-9 p.m. 5 p.m. 0-2-8-17 I4I homes which will be available for sporting goods, including bi¬ I per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. 131 enced ASCP or eligible, full time. Z-6-8-26 (31 September leasing. AIM, INC., cycles. hunting and fishing Excellent salary and DELUXE 2 BEDROOM-air, 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. fringe benefits car¬ equipment. Stop by and take that includes paid vacation, holi¬ PLANT peted, heat and water furnished. 0-12-8-26 (6) BABYSITTING POSITION, ideal LOVING advantage of our low prices. for student taking evening cour¬ days. and health insurance. Apply needed! Non-smoking female, $220. 332-8215. 0-12-8-26 (3! Deadlines ses. My home near Personnel Department, E.W. NEAR FRANDOR. 4 or 5 bed¬ DICKIR A DIAL campus, 12-4 own room. Lake O' Hills. Fur¬ Deposit, 9-12 month lease. 1.2p.m. ■ 1 class day before publication. SPARROW HOSPITAL 1215 E. r rooms. Jrellotion 'Change • 1 p.m. - I class day before p.m., Monday-Friday. 3 year old girl. Private room if interested. 351-6929. Z-2-8-19 (61 Michigan Ave., Lansing. 487-9180. Equal Opportunity Employer. 4-8- nished except bedroom, abundant parking, dishwasher, pool. $100/ monthly, free heat in winter. Hoeses Jlfcj Mark, 8-8-22 (3) 372-9044 after 10 p.m. Second Hand Store ■publication. 19(121 339-8450 after 5:30 p.m. 3-8-19 (7) IT IS the policy of the STATE 1701 South Cedar Aod is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed BABYSITTING/LIGHT house¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks of AVAILABLE FOR fall. Two 5 487-3886 ESCORTS WANTED. $6/hour. No term all Student Classified adver¬ ■until alter 1st insertion. keeping. Beginning September 1. PINILAKI bedroom houses. Within walking training necessary. Call 489-2278. tising must be paid for in advance CONN leis a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per 8:15 a.m. -4:45 p.m., Monday-Fri¬ Z-8-8-26 I3I beginning August 1,1977. Bring or distance of Campus. Call 351- CORONET, used 3 months, new $175, sell $125. lodditional change for maximum of 3 changes, day. One child, $65/week. Call for APARTMENTS mail to 347 Student Services. 4107. 0-11-8-26(5) Mens 3 6080 Marsh Rd. diamond wedding band, appraised ■stole News will only be responsible for the 1st interview, 351-4461. 5-8-26 15) HOUSEKEEPER/BABYSITTER, Sp-12-8-12 18) $180, sell $115. Men's cross female. Live in East Lansing home Meridian Mall Area ■day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must LITTLE CAESAR'S Pizze 1621 W. for academic year in exchange for FIVE AND six bedroom homes Rooms country ski package. Never used $135. 487-1911; 373 7192. Rbe made within 10 days of expiration date, Mt, Hope. Interview after 4 p.m. room and board. 3 school age '165 plus unities two blocks from campus. They are 9-8-24 IT IS the policy of the STATE (7) fore due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not Transportation required. 2-8-19131 children. References required. * furnished and have fireplaces. Call 337-2321 after 1 p.m. Z-2-8-19 I6I on® bedroom unfurnished NEWS that the last 4 weeks of id by due date, a 50' late service 351 8135 or 627-9773 0-5-8-26 [51 BLACK DIRT sod farm soil. charge will BABYSITTER FOR 2 year old, * G.E. appliances term all Student Classified Adver¬ Ap¬ ■be due. * Fully carpeted tising must be paid for in advance proximately 6 yards delivered lo¬ Monday-Friday, 9am-2pm. Prefer CHILD CARE-30 year old former * DUPLEXES FOR Rent. 3 or 4 cally. $39. Sand and landscape someone with children, vicinity of teacher and governess will babysit Air. drapes beginning August 1,1977. 8ring or * persons, furnished, available Sep¬ rocks available. Call 641-6024; adjacent to new county park mail to 347 Student Services. Hagadorn Rd. between Sandhill your children in my home. Call tember. 669-9939. 0-5-8-26 131 484-3379. 0-11-8-26 (5) and Grand River. Call 332-1722 3377109. S 5-8-29 (41 Sp-12-8-12 181 after 3 p.m. 3-8-22 (71 rnn JfoJ 1 Motocytte B WANTED COOKS, MINI-KOOL needs manager at MSU. Married couple only. Excel¬ OKEMOS, FULLY furnished, 5 bedrooms, faculty house. Refer¬ LARGE FURNISHED quiet house. Close. MSU. 351- room in GIBSON SG Standard-Cherry fin¬ ish, hard case, beautiful condition, no experience lent pay. "Be your own boss." We 339-8192 ences, no pets, negotiable. 349- 8154. 5-8-26 I3I 351-4952. Z-1-8-17 (3) necessary, neat appearance. Ap¬ 3115. 5-8-26 (4) YAMAHA 1973 650cc, pull back ply in person between 2-4 p.m., rent refrigerators to the dorm 655-3805 NEW, USED and vintage guitars, bars, excellent condition, 332- students. For interview call collect, 3 SLEEPING rooms, N. Pennsyl¬ AMERICA'S CUP RESTAURANT, NEAR PENNSYLVANIA, off Kala¬ banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers 8445. Laurie $725. 6-8-26 (3) vania, on busline. Near shopping 220 MAC. 2-8-17 (51 1-313-769-4035, 9-5 p.m. Z-6-8-26 LAKE LANSING Rd. 1 mazoo, 3 bedroom, $175/month. and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ (7) and 2 center. 372-3889. 1-8-17 131 bedrooms, near bus. From Also, South Detroit Street, 3 sories, books, thousands of hard- WANTED PIZZA Cooks, apply in $174.50. After 6 bedroom, $175/month. 351-7497. to-find albums. (All at very low FULL TIME organizer/project co¬ p.m. 374-0949. SINGLE. MALE student; block person between 2-4 D.m. THE 8-8-22 131 0-5-8-26 I5I prices). Private and group lessons ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace ALLE' EY, 220 MAC. 2-8-17 (31 ordinator needed for social change Union, cooking, parking. 314 Ever¬ on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all organization. Call 353-5196 or Ann green. Evenings. 332-3839. 5-8-26 your conventional ignition with a 1 AND 2 bedrooms in modern 8 LAINGSBURG NEAR. 2 bedroom, styles. Gift certificates. Expert |6 Century Special. White Piranha electronic ignition et SHELTER HOME Coordinator. at 332-0108. 3-8-19 141 unit. Furnished and unfurnished. country, near Looking Glass River, 141 repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY jt, 7000 miles. Leaving CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN M.S.W. with clinical and adminis¬ Call 372-0297. 8-8-17 I3I $160/month. 351-7497. 0-5-8-26 ONE BEDROOM, 1-2 people in INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand Dr best offer. Call MODELS WANTED. $8/hour. We CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama- trative experience. Two years in River. 332-4331. C-10-8-26 (49) | Z 6-8 26 (4) roo Street, one mile west of juvenile court or related setting will train. 489-2278. Z-28-8-26 (31 neat country house, less than 1 mile from campus. 332-5995 after A 1971. Clean, 383 4- campus. C-12-8-26 171 desired. Call John Lane, LIVING¬ PART-TIME, hostess and wait¬ CHALET APARTMENTS HAGADORN ROAD-lovely brick 6:30 p.m._5-8-26_l4l_ IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of )n the floor with steel STON COUNTY Personnel Direc¬ home. 3 bedroom, large yard, ress. Apply BACKSTAGE, Meri Next to compus. spacious, oir $350/month. 351-7497. 0 5-8-26 term all Student Classified Adver¬ sir, stereo tape, AM tor, 1-546-7555.8-5 p.m., Monday- dian Mall, after 5 p.m. 349-3220 FEMALE NEEDED immediately, conditioned, furnished, 2 bed¬ 13) student or tising must be paid for in advance )r best offer. 355- Friday. U-/-8-26 (9) 6-8-19 (4) working person. Call room. shag carpeting. after 5 p.m. beginning August 1,1977. Bring or Fall from $334/month. Year WANTED-2 female, medical or 351-4146. Z 2 8-17 13) mail to 347 Student Services. TEACHERS AIDE, part time, Eng¬ ■TE 1977, like new, low minor i s lish as a second language, near ELECTRONIC REPAIRMAN Wanted. Experience necessary in from $290 month. Summer still available. grad student to share townhouse, Okemos. $67.50 plus utilities. 349- FALL SINGLES, nicely furnished, Sp-12-8-12 (8) 1 rustproofed, scotch- MSU. 351-3815. 7-8-26 13) stereo and related repair. TV or CB 4834. 3-8-22 141 shared kitchen, parking. Very I cloth interior. 332-5053; close. $90-$120. 332-1800; 372- BOOKS, MAGAZINES, comics 1206 Oakland experience helpful, good working and more! CURIOUS BOOK f. Louise. 2 8 19 (4) Call for Appt. WANT TO work in Africa? Peace conditions plus benefits. See Greg 332*6197 EAST LANSING-fall, 4 bedroom 1800. 0-7-8-26 W _ _ SHOP, 307 E. Grand River. 332- Corps has opportunities for all at WILCOX TRADING POST, 509 duplex. Appliances, washer/dryer. 0112. C-12-8-26 (3) n AM FM stereo IV4-4411 FURNISHED ROOM near campus, cas- majors. For more information E. Michigan, Lansing. Please, no HICKORY HILLS, spacious 2 bed¬ No pets. 332-3746. 5-8-26 131 many pluses. $25/week, parking, |»Michelins, new soft top come to the AFRICAN STUDIES phone calls. C-10-8-26 110) room townhouse style apart¬ non-smokers. 699-2502 after 6 TO CLEAN COFFEE STAINS from wire wheels, luggage Lansing's leading repair shop CENTER, Room 106, International ments, balcony. Cambria Drive, on NICE 3 bedroom house. East side. china oi plastic, rub stain with or best offer. 393-9234 for import cars. A complete Center or phone 353-1700. 3-8-17 p.m. 3-8-19 131 WANTED STEREO salesman with busline. 351-5937. 5-8-26 151 Available Sept. 1. $350 + Call . baking soda. To find a cash buyer |.m. 3-8-22 <51 ports deportment and certified 16) previous experience. Easy person¬ after 4 p.m. 625-4237. 0-3-8-22 13) for that china closet you no longer -ET1973. 47,000 miles. mechanics assure you of fast reliable service KEY PUNCH Operators, tempor¬ ality and energy a must. Know¬ ledge of photo equipment helpful. 1 BEDROOM furnished apartment to sublet thru Dec. 9. 625-7780. FIVE BEDROOM furnished house 1 For Sale use, Classified. place a low-cost ad in _«r. $1800. 482-3852 after ary full time positions. (Afternoon Good pay plus many benefits. See Close. $175/month. No pets. Z-5 near Lake Lansing, Haslett. Family GUITAR GOODIES. Used Gibson. ■8-1713) or midnight shifts. I Excellent pay ;l'\ Greg at WILCOX TRADING 8 26 (31 with fireplace, large lot. 5920 Explorer, Les Pauls, SG's, ES [ room Icelica and benefits for experienced oper¬ ators with speed and accuracy. POST, 509 E. Michigan, Lansing. Potter, available Sept. 15th, $275/ 335's, ES 120 & ES 125. Used Animals '>( 1973, new ex- Please, no phone cells. C-10-26 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. month. 482-6906. 1-8-17 161 Fender: Stratocaster, Telecaster, Diskette experience helpful. Call Own bedroom. Graduate or seri¬ P tires. 49,000 miles, nu & Fender basses. Also, Vintage for appointment, AMERICAN _ BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED half HOUSES FOR Rent. 4/5 bed _ poller. 351 3726. Z 1-8- EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, 419 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ous student. Call after 7 p.m., 351-4934. Z-3-8-22 (3) rooms, well located, close to Martins: 000-21 Herringbone, 000- 18, D35. Gibson: Rosewood ROY Arabian mare. 16 hands. English Lentz Court. (North off West St. DEPARTMENT will be accepting and Western. Excellent confirma¬ campus. From $275/month. Call SMECK-1936, J200. Gibson man¬ H Joe between Logan and Waverly.l applications for telephone sales tion. $475. Tack available. 349- TR61973. Excellent WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top ONE BEDROOM furnished apart¬ EQUITY VEST. 351-1500. 0-5-8 26 dolins: A Et F models. Excellent «* record, Michelins, 371-5550 4-8-22 (131 personnel for the upcoming ment for 1 person. Close to selection of used guitar amps & 3370. X-3-8-19 (5) ■ very sharp, priced to dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE school year. Must be able to work sell, AUTO PARTS & SALVAGE. 0-12- campus. $180/month. 12 month PA systems by Ampeg, Fender, DEPENDABLE PERSON to sit for a minimum of 2 consecutive hours [■ Oitawa, 6 p.m.-7:30 8-26 (31 4 year old, my home. One day/ daily during 8a.m. - 5p.m. Stu¬ lease starting September 15. 339- 215 SOUTH Detroit St.. 4 bed¬ Peavey, Traynor, Sunn. Plus new WE ARE six weeks old and ready 467-0960 after 5 3400; 641-4493. C-4-8-17 (6) room, close to campus, bus and Shure Vocalmaster PA systems, week. 349-5830 Sunday-Friday. dents only apply in person at 347 to move to bigger horizons. My JUNK CARS wanted. We pay 7-8-26 141 shopping, $250/month. Call after 5 microphones & accessories. Com¬ brother is Student Services. S-6-8-26 I9I WANTED: 1-2 quiet females to p.m. 349-3435. 5-8-26 15) one an all grey tiger and more if they run. Also buy used plete line of band instruments, all share large 4 man apartment, f the other is white with gray spots. cars and trucks. Call 321 3651 tested and guaranteed. BUY- NEED EXTRA cash? The earnings block campus. Sharon, 351-2819 Myself-gray with white. Litter \ completely Hengine still under warran- rust- anytime. C-5-8-26 1141 are good, your hours are flexible when you're an AVON representa¬ | For Hint after 5 p.m. Z-3-8-22 (41 2 BEDROOM house. 3000 West St. Joseph, Lansing. No pets. SELL-TRADE. WILCOX TRAD¬ ING POST, 509 E. Michigan, trained, able to eat, purr, play individually are some of the things 7 *2250. 393-4687. 487-9066. 5-8-26 (3) Lansing, 485-4391. 1151 MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East tive. 482 6893. C-3-8-17 131 TV ANC stereo rentals. $25/terni. 1 BEDROOM Lansing, Lyons St. C-12-8^6 (80) we already know how to do. Call Kalamazoo Street since 1940. $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337 CANON 814-E 393-1794, 1912 Holly Way, Lan¬ Large, air conditioned, living, din¬ EAST SIDE large, 4 V4 bedroom Super 8mm auto- rPassenger pus. Complete auto painting end colli¬ MARRIED STUDENTS/no chil¬ 1010. C-12-8-26 I3I ing, basement, garage. $175 in¬ zoom camera with case. $175. sing. S-2-8-19 (10) Very sion service. American and foreign unfurnished, on busline, plus utili¬ mechanical condi- dren. Free rent in our Okemos area cludes heat. 487-2166. 2-8-19 (51 Phone Elmer 355-4058. Z-8-8-26 W 339 2536. cars. 485-0256. C-12-8-26 1141 ties, parking available. 393-8887. 10-8-26 141 apartment in exchange for house¬ 2-8-19 (4) keeping 6 babysitting, 8-5 p.m., 2 BEDROOM Lansing, new carpet, ;>ploy««t Mon.-Fri. Call after 5 p.m. 349- IT IS the policy of the STATE some air. $150 without utilities. ?RANCIS-LOVELY panelled 4- OFFICE DESK, black steel, walnut CAMPUS IH IT IS the policy of the STATE 4138.J-8-19B2 NEAT, MATURE person for at¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified adver¬ 487 2166. 2-8-19 (31 bedroom home. 0031. 8-8-19 (3) $280/month, 321- formica top, chrome trim, 5 draw¬ ers, 1 file drawer. 393-5181. 3-8-19 HILL ihii372' EV C '"Cluded- *250 exceiien<- NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified adver tendant to attorney of slight build in wheelchair. Evenings and morn¬ tising must be paid for in advance beginning August 1,1977. Bring or EFFICIENCY, ONE OR TWO BED ROOM. East side and downtown EAST SIDE students or working W* 351-1563. X-Z-3-8-19 tising must be paid for in advance mail to 347 Student Services. Lansing. Call now for list of L6S GIBSON, good shape, 1 PV ings, lifting involved. Attendant group. 2, 3, 4 bedroom houses. beginning August 1,1977. Bring or Sp-12-8-12 (8) September openings. AIM, INC., Musican amplifier, 412" speakers, * mail to 347 Student free 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Compensa¬ 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. Neat, clean and carpeted. $195- Z Bednxmis Services. $275. Lease and deposit. 675-5252. 210 watts, $750. Call after 5 p.m. tion includes full basement apart¬ 0-12-8-26 16) 'Finished Apts. ■hos'i!!'6u"n9K,auser. tank, Feh- Sp-12-8-12 181 ments. References. 374-8652. 6-8- LOOKING FOR student roommate. Older 8-8-26 15) 676-4552. 2-8-19 (4) many preferred. Have a 2 bed¬ 'Free Roommate Service /eal sharp. Glen WANTED MARRIED or single 1_7_W room apartment now. 332-8968. ' Dishwashers p®; 393 5600. 5-8-26 man experienced with milking, general farm and repair work. 2 DENTAL ASSISTANT Position available in modern preventive 6-8 19 13) LIAtK 731 Cedar Greens ' Central Air Conditioaiig A bedroom trailer on farm for living. office. Experience preferred, ex¬ MALE ROOMMATE Needed lo Apartments li^73' exce"ant * Ts»$375-Call con- Must be experienced and give recent farm reference. Phone 655- cellent working conditions. Send resumes to Box D-4, State News. share 1 bedroom Capitol Villa apartment. 353-6358 ask for Paul. MAZDA APARTMENTS * Swimniig Pool Dnliaited Parting 2252.2-8-1918) 6-8-19 16) Z-3-8-17 (31 (GLC Hatchback) Now Leasing * Pleasant Landscaping furnished apartments 81.73 month • •Special 12-nHMtii ralps Itopttungfjam p*r • 9 or 12 month leases Collingwood Apts. and 36 month open license, end. plus tax termination value • available swimming pool FREE BUS J'E0ROOM FURNISHED LUXURY ARTS. * air conditioned * shag carpeting •1.100. •SWIMMING POOL • air • conditioning with-in walking vacancies Vlvot# balconies * dishwosher * unlimited parking EPA highway rated 42 Summer — no distance to compus SERVICE ""Ifiming pool * plush furniture ★ model open daily Now leasing 'ctnlral air For Fall Model 2 bedroom furnished Open 9-9 'biihwoiher, disposal Fall HI per person Spatial rata* Now VW VOLVO MAZDA V Everyday wogcorpoting leasing for Fall Discount tor 1? mo. lease available lor tall. w*es only — Special 12 month rates Call 351-8282 351-7212 1135 Michigan Ave. leasieg tor Fall (behind Old World Mall en the river) E.lonsing. 351-8631 Ho9Qdorn Rood juit south of Sorvico Road (next to Brody) CALL 349-3530 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thru Sun Aug 21. . [" Mills __][>?] I testrictioi JtatoTJH) HORSE BOARDED-Clean box stall, hay, grain, 10 acres pasture, 10 minutes from MSU, quiet country area. $60/month, call WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years experience in professional editing, writing skill instruction. 337-1591. 0-2-8-17 (3) ONE MALE Student in need room for fall, winter, spring. Apartment or house. Call 313-851- 2716, ask for Ron. Z 3-8 27^ of 2 PROFESSIONAL women bedroom residence, $200 tange. 332 8259. 3-8-19 (3) nMILLION * WEEKU I^ound Town ANSHOPmi """ >r 373-8354. 3-8-17 (5) THE POTTERS Guild has open¬ FEMALE NEEDS place to live fall ONE FREE KITTEN LEFT. Bandit is a 7 week old male, litter trained and self motivated. He has black markings mixed with white, which blends with his physique of very ings for fall classes advanced and beginning pottery. Phone Mesee at 655 2216. 5-8-26 14) GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum through spring. Prefer house with other females. Call Mark 351-0600, 7-11 p.m. Z-5-8-19 (4) WANTED-MALE students or fac¬ ulty to participate in a nutrition Ml iGHIG strong and capable. Bandit was lessons. Private instruction avail¬ BINGO TUESDAY Night, 7:30 born and raised in an environment study planned for fall term. All able. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Bird meals provided free if you are of dogs, cats, and children and so 7830 C-1-8-17 (12) :s at 7 p.m. eligible. For further information Regular ^t 7:30 readjustment in his life will be no p..... Minimum age 18. SHAAREY call 353 3183, 355-7723 or apply at problem. S-2-8-19 1121 ENGLISH COCKERS, 2 females, / Typiii Sirrict Ifcj) 208 Food Science Building. 2-8-19 (9) ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lan¬ sing. C-12-8-26 151 2% years, good with children, EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ hunters, AKC registered. $50 sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. each. 882-8554 after 5 p.m. E-5-8- 489 0358. C-12-8-26 (3) 26 (4) EXPERT TYPING Term Papers. The atmosphere brings you in SEAL POINT Siamese kittens. 8 Resumes, etc. 16 years experi¬ weeks, trained, $10. 353-7268, home 355-3149. E-5-8-24 (3) ence. Call Marilyn, 337-2293. 0 12- The food brings you back. 8-26 131 Of all the restaurants In (he Lan¬ [Mobile Homes sing area, only one has "The Tiffany Touch." It is unique in IT IS the policy of the STATE its warmth, mood and NEWS that the last 4 weeks of TERM PAPERS, 16 years with congenial¬ ity The food is superb; the ser¬ term all Student Classified Adver¬ MSU. Pick-up and delivery. Week vice, excellent. tising must be paid for in advance end service. Sandy. 882-8787. beginning August 1,1977. Bring or 2-8-19131 Reservations suggested. mail to 347 Student Services. Sp-12-8-12 (8) EXPERIENCED TYPIST-fast and 372-4300 accurate Dissertations, theses, COMFORTABLE MOBILE home and term papers. Call 339 3675. near MSU. 8 x 36 with attached 0-2-8-17 131 shed. $1300. 351-3684 evenings and weekends. 10-8-26 (4) ANN BROWN PRINTING AND Free evening parking Downtown, 1 block east of the Capitol J" TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, HARTFORD 1970, 2 bedroom, general printing. Serving MSU for partially furnished. Near MSU. 27 years with complete theses 351-3162. 5-8-19 13) service. 349-0850. C-12-8-26 151 COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete cg>c$>c$>c$>cg>cg>cgK$>cg}c(}c VERY SHARP, all new carpeting! | ton*1" Large carpeted screened in porch. dissertation and resume service. Air, shed, washer/dryer, many Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. extras. 7781 W. Grand River, 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- Country Village Estates, Grand 1666. C-12-8-26 (5) I SPAGHETTI SPECIAL Ledge, just off 96, lot #229. 4-8-19 (8) | Traispirtatim DRIVER NEEDED: MSU to New Jersey. Late August. 337-9434. ALL YOU CAN EAT! home RUMMAGE SALE. August 18th, 19th, 20th, 10am-4pm. Odd Fel¬ Z-B-2-8-17 I3I SATURDAYS 6:45 am 1-way * made meaty - our own lows ton Lodge, 1100 North Washing¬ by work of Christ Community. and/or Monday-Friday 2 ways, hours 8-5 p.m. MSU to downtown spaghetti served with hot rolls 1-8-17 151 Lansing. Need ride. Connie, 332- 3574. Z-1-B17 151 plus a help yourself salad bar! |Tist t ffid IfCfl LOST DIOR folding umbrella, Waalai TICKETS FOR Neil Diamond con¬ « blue/off-white. Reward. Call Lit, 355-5176, day or 337-1127. 2-2-8- 17 13) cert. Will pay. 351-5950 ext. 296 day; 393-5869 after 5 p.m. 6-8-26 14) * LOST DOG, female Pomeranian, 5 2 GIRLS need housing Sept. pounds, blond, Orchard St. - 77-June 78. Females preferred, Collingwood area. Please call 351- desire own rooms, have 1 friendly £ 4266 2-8-17 14) pup, close to campus or on busline. Mary, 351-1023. Z-6-8-26 LOST: GOLDEN Retriever - 5 (5) months old. In the vicinity of Grand River and Hagadom. Lost WANTED: LIBERAL, friendly, Sunday. Reward. 487-6603, 5-8-26 roommates to look for comfort¬ able dwellings for fall. No tobacco corner of MAC. & Albert smokers please. Call Ron, 351 LOST MALE black Sconie like terrier, macrame collar. 135 Gun- son. 332-4717. 2-8-19 (31 0168. Z-58-26 151 £c|)C$>C$>C$9C$)C$3C$>C$>C$>C$>Cg>C$* I PirsiHl |[Zi IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified Adver¬ MEN - WOMEN MODELS NEEDED; tising must be paid for in advance beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. Sp-12-8-12 (8) [lul Estate SHAW ESTATES-12 room, 5 bedroom ranch, 2000 square feet, 3 VI baths, 2 fireplaces, 16' x 28' family room. $74,900 on wooded lot. Paul Coady, 351-8058. MUS- SELMAN REALTY, 332-3582. C-2- 8-19 (6) NEW LISTING-Farmhouse attrac¬ tively situated on 10 acres in Mason. Selling price of $38,500 includes 5 outbuildings and beau¬ tiful shade trees. Near MSU and US 127. Please call David Miller, LANOBLE REALTY, 482-1637 or evenings 351-9033. 1-8-17111) WARRANTY COVERED-Enjoy the comforts of this beautiful executive ranch. You'll love the three full baths, two fireplaces and central air. Attractively situated on over two acres. Please call David Miller, LANOBLE REALTY-REAL¬ TORS, 482-1637. Evenings, 351- 9033. 1 8-17 191 | Service j|A^j IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified Adver¬ tising must be paid for in advance beginning August 1,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. Sp-12-8-12 I8I FOR FALL '71 "FOR FASHION'S SAKE" TABLOID FIRST QUALITY materials and workmanship. OPTICAL DIS¬ COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, Lan¬ sing, 372-7409. 3-8-19 112) Interviews for models will be held this Sunday, August HORSE BOARDING New low rates. 3 miles from MSU. Box 21, from 1 - 5 pm. Stop by 301 Student Services (State stalls. Indoor arena. Tack store. News Photo Dept.) for interviews British Horse Society instructor 337-2791. 3-8-22 (51 (photos to be taken). Must be available until end of this term or early Fall HORSES BOARDED, large stall, term. open to pasture, $45/month. Wil- liamston, 6553754. 3-8-17 13) FOR QUALITY stereo "For Fashion's Sake" to be THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East service, published Grand River. C-12-8-26 131 October 20 ^ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED |j FREE..A Lesson in complexion care Call 484-4519 East or Michigan 321-5543 Lansing Mall. MERLE Any questions, contact Denise Dear Fashion Tab Coordinator NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS C-12-8-26 (41 (353-6400) .jthigonSlgtf New», Eo»t toming, Michigon Wednesday, August 17, 1977 1 1 DOONESBURY« d)®0Dy iy (6)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) by Garry Trudeau ..ANDNOW, lommrr.. flariaft I'LL KILL (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) mm m- wd think mi. ADO, UH..MR. HIM! I'LL 75 MCR06RAMS AU. RIGHT? DUKE?.. KILL THAT ; rn'OONZ" WOW DOW MR. DUKE? SON OF A.. HIMSELF— JOB! f"WEDNESDAY (6) Movie / "The Magnificent Seven 7:30 9:00 t AMBASSADOR evening (6) Wild Kingdom V 6:00 Ridel" (6) Hawaii Five-O (10) Michigame (12) Barney Miller ■l2) News (10) CPO Sharkey (11)Teevee Trivia (11) Cable 11 News _:k Notes (11) Cable 11 News (12) Hollywood Squares (23) Age of Uncertainty iolidades (12) Charlie's Angels (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report 9:30 6:30 (23) Theater in America 8:00 Is News 9:30 (12) Three's Company (6) Waltons 10:00 |C News flO) Kallikaks (10) Movie 10:00 (6) Barnaby Jones JbC News "Robinson Crusoe" (10) Dean Martin {•lino Consortium (10) Tales of the Unexpected (11) Woman Wise 7:00 (12) Baretta (12) Westside Medical (12) David Soul Lon's Heroes 10:30 (23) Chicago Videoworks (23) Documentary Showcase 10:30 (23) Fall of Eagles PEANUTS [, Tell The Truth 8:30 —lilt On (11) Ed-itorial Weiss-Crocks 11:00 by Schulz THURSDAY (6-10-12) News lortridge Family EVENING Tennis t, 7:30 6:00 MSU SHADOWS NOT TO)U COULDN'T SELL A I g00 Pyramid (6-10-12) News WITH TOUR by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: STORY ABOUT JONAH TO Bollywood Squares (11) Toward a New Eco¬ WRITING, I /A nomic Order A WHALING AAA6AZINE! I'M impo eels Right (23) 1977 Drum Corps Mid¬ PXNBALL PETE'S SUREy cNeil/Lehrer Report west Championships Present this really fgnny comic for 25' 8:00 6:30 worth of free ft play! |od Times (6) CBS News iriuly Adams (10) NBC News WITH ALU THAT For (12) ABC News SURVIVE. THE. H£AT uiamc D,D OOOOKIE^ Agressions ? r~ „hl is Enough 8:30 7:00 (6) Hogon's Heroes (theat^.T AT AM ting Loose Kkey Night at Dem (10) To Tell The Truth (11) Traditional WFW Do X HAv/% THE VOIA WiRtO'T F€£UwS)/ FRANK & ERNEST WA-rcJtlAia ''TVfL\ by Bob Thaves (12) Partridge Family (23) Once Upon a~Classic >rinit-ln-a-min!t fOPYING/DUPUCATING IS OUR BUSINESS Coiner of MAC and ANN ST •I- K TO 6 00 M F 10:00 5 00 Sal Low gas prices Plus Service i WELSWITH FARLEY Benda's Little freeway Service Station llijl Frank PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Open 7 days — 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. by Bill Yates 332 0300 nasi beet saodwich special SPONSORED BY: REG. 1.49 NOW 1.29 good thru 1/23 NOWOPKNI IMBLEWEEDS SPONSORED BY: CAMPUS 1312 Mich. Avo. (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) 337-1377 PHfHFA* 16 FEEUfIO vter P-E0eLLtOU6 ■omK. Ryan WAY H? rfcUPP, PIZZA one free item with any size Pizzo *0H, —A/J7 Is HOME St com CAST, SABV TtfF /MILK- —SWAB! Cfit-TotJ ATtHe THAT W& v-// /}/// Today's special: Inchiladai SAM and SILO by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker OSSWORD anana aaanan aaan aaaaa .PUZZLE aannian nanaa chehs Das nas _ . , JMI ss'ls 73 Abstruse 25 Ankles □mis ana nosn on aasntaa impus I™ 27 Trite anaana ran ■2*' ■5"" 2' Biblical name 32 Town in Maine aaan oaaui nan _ 033S&? , ' 34 Fit into ana ana aaaa □saaa ananan 1^1 3? 38 Caps aanna nrannaa 40 One naaia raanna 41 lopaa 47 Company ot 2 Conflict hummingbird actors 3 Misses 17 1 friendly 48 Recess 4 featbei giass message DOWN genus M Australian bird 5 Score in pinochle _ 46 Bells 1. full 6 tomahawk 7 Behold 8 Adiusting 9 East Indian com 10 Paused 12 Impure silica 14 Queen ol spades m solo 18 English river 20 Jaunty ,22 Sir 24 Twinge 28 Seaweeds 28 Refusal 30 Vitamin C trurt 31 Warbles 32 Verbal 33 Metal pin 38 [he end 38. Pitlall 39 Road sign 42 Sticky substance ■r 43 Those in office TtKmstdi % >48. Italian river J 2 Michigan State News, East tonsing, Michigan Wednesday, August 17 , CIA to allow tourist into WASHINGTON (AP) - The CIA is about to be penetrated. By few miles outside Washington in the Virginia suburb of Langley. headquarter! agents who show up for work on a Saturday will be asked to steer students and the like. The maximum number allowed tourists The penetration will be carefully controlled. But allowing Actually, what the CIA is contemplating r is more of a peek than .a clear of the tour area. on anv S»t,,.x public tours of CIA headquarters is a big step for an installation tour. Most of the building will be off limits to the public, as it has CIA officials say it is not certain yet how the operation will be once so closed and secretive that no public signs identified it. been since its opening 15 years ago. run. One possibility is that tickets will be issued through Sometime next month the Central Intelligence Agency plans to allow tourists inside the doors of its headquarters building, located Visitors will be allowed access on Saturdays only to minimize the possibility of a CIA operative's cover being blown. Clandestine congressional offices. Or, the agency may conduct tours targeted at specific groups such as convention delegates, the Boy Scouts, the tours coming weeka to lnaure a smooth begin. operatToTol^® ace toe j say reports of the tours have promote letters from traditionalists who felt more more secretive old days. There was a conSort,2*"" time not too I™ Hearst waiting for appeals decision the agency tried to keep the whereabouts secret When James R. Schlesinger was director of the highway sipa were put up marking the tS"' headquarters. Before that, it had been unmarked Within the agency Itself, officials SAN FRANCISCO IAP) - the appeal, concerned about it trial, F. Lee Bailey. sporting goods store. She is ground companions. jury's presence. Hearst would say th.» l Hearst's parents, Randolph not be asked about her time remarkably little opposition to the tour proposal 1 Patricia Hearst, her life from a legal point of view, and The 23-year-old newspaper serving five years probation on as The tour is expected to consist of a slide heiress spent 19 months in the that charge. and Catherine Hearst, have left a fugitive. She asked about exhibit i wrapped in secrecy by protec about what the future holds for was the Nob Hill apartment they it, and invoked the Fifth intelligence-gathering process and other exhibit, i live family and lawyers, is her," said attorney A1 Johnson underground as kidnap victim Bailey and Johnson asked the mapmaking and language training. turned fugitive, 14 months be rented before her capture and Amendment against self-in¬ '. waiting "apprehensively" for a in a telephone interview from appeals court to throw out the Radios and camer»a of historic value will be ruling on an appeal of her bank his Boston office. hind bars and nine months in purchased a home in suburban crimination 42 times on the sh™, I exhibit will be the photographs taken of the robbery conviction that could Since her release from prison guarded freedom. bank robbery conviction on Hillsborough, where they lived witness stand. Soviet Union in Cuba in 1962. Discovery of the missiles tZjS grounds her right to a fair trial when Hearst was kidnaped "It missile.k-JT tell "what the future holds for last November on $1 million She was sentenced to seven was violated, fatally infected the case," as one of the most noteworthy partly because her," her attorney says. bail posted by her family, most of Hearst's activities have been years in prison for her part in the 1974 robbery of a San prosecutor James L. Browning from her Berkeley apartment on Feb. 4. 1974. Bailey has said. Johnson said that if the intelligence coups in ag^S asked her questions about her A decision by the three-judge guarded from the public. Francisco bank carried out by Johnson said he saw Hearst conviction is reversed, the ap¬ life in the underground. 9th U.S. Court of Appeals, which heard brief arguments "We're keeping away from the Symbionese Liberation Ar¬ Whether she wins or loses last week when she was in San peals court could order a new trial or reverse it "with prejud Wfi RENTAtvl my (SLA) terrorists who abduc¬ the appeal, Johnson said, the Franciseo and that she's "trying 525.00 per term 1 May 9. is expected at any time. characterizing her personal life ted her. case could be taken to the U.S. to live as near to normal a life ice" apd order no new trial. A ruling to let the conviction as much as possible, for securi¬ Later in Los Angeles, she as she can." She romps with her Asst. U.S. Attorney John D. Supreme Court. If forced to stand could mean her eventual ty reasons," said Johnson, a entered a no-contest plea to recently acquired German O'Conner said, however, he saw return to prison. partner of the chief defense charges of firing shots during return to prison, she would be eligible for parole after serving shepherd dog, Arrow, and nothing in the appeal that could "umimnMY! |NEJACTV RENTAlJ "She's apprehensive about lawyer at the bank robbery the May 1974 SLA robbery of a reads an occasional book, John¬ lead to the prejudicial finding. uavica STATION 337-1010 „ another 14 Months. son said. If Hearst loses her appeal, 2 IMI I. Orend River Upon her release, Hearst was ft Naxt to Vanity Inn He would not say who her Johnson said, "I can tell you pictured at home with her TOXIC PLANTS NEED ID, SENATOR SAYS smiling parents in a photo friends are. A tabloid magazine with almost absolute certain¬ released to the press. She was recently reported she was ty," the defense would appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. He again seeing former fiance Sift Ntf interviewed by CBS television Steven Weed, but Johnson said said Hearst most likely would Houseplant labeling requested in the fabled Hearst Castle at San Simeon. She went shopping that isn't true. remain free on bail until the in downtown San Francisco. In the appeal. Bailey claimed long appeal process was com¬ She dined at restaurants on he had been assured, out of the pleted. LANSING lUPIl - State Sen. Gary Corbin "Some of the most common houseplants are plush Nob Hill, several times in wants the state to order the labeling of known to be toxic or to have parts that are the company of Johnson and dangerous houseplants. toxic," Corbin said. always with a phalanx of body guards. YOU ARE INVITED Open: Monday, Tucs., Wed., The Clio Democrat has drafted legislation "Purchasers of houseplants, though, are most The bodyguards were re¬ which would require each plant sold for TO THE EAST LANSING Sat - 9-6 likely to buy a plant for its attractiveness, never quired by U.S. District Court decorative purposes in the home to carry a label realizing it could be harmful. Small children are Judge William H. Orrick Jr., LIONS CLUB Thurs. & Fri. - 9-9 or tag warning of the possible dangers of especially vulnerable to the dangers of certain who voiced concern over death handling, tasting or swallowing certain parts of 20th ANNUAL... houseplants and parents should be informed of threats made after she agreed the Stata Coupon plant. the possible hazards." testify against her under¬ to ROAST BEEF BAR-B-O! CIGARETTES nfg to[p)[p)®g«® "Violence in the Bedroom?" Concerts will be held in River¬ NOW!! THURSDAY, AUGUST 18th 2/89' Hetero and homosexual sado¬ front Park 8 to 9 p.m. during You can afford a 5to7P.M. masochism will be discussed at August. Lansing Concert Band 6:30 tonight, 334 Union. Spon¬ and Lansing Pops Orchestra per¬ GREAT haircut! sored by MSU Gay Council. forming. Free! JOHN PATRIARCHE PARK Stato Coupon Observatory open house 9 to 11 Exhibit of drawings incorpor¬ >7.00 in EAST LANSING KODAK COLOR FILM p.m. Saturday. Weather permit¬ HAIRCUT & STYLING ating sign language and finger ting, the 24-inch reflecting tele¬ scope will be used for observing spelling by Jane Kronheim shown through September 30, East Lan¬ Free T-shirt with permanent C126, CU0 12„p. 1#|| current objects of interest. LCC TM Club invites MSU sing Public Library. GARYS 351-6511 \ Tickets are only $3.00 per person and are ovailable from any last Lansing Lion. Mariholl Music or at the pork. An extra feature this year, is a 19-inch color TV raffle. Come and join us. and help us (xpiros 9*21*77 20 Gxp. I.A students and employes to a free film, "TMProgram in Sports" 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. tonight, 403 Arts Campus Beauty Salon 549 E. Grand River - across from Berkey Hall help the blind I Stato Coupon and Sciences Bldq. ICC, FASHION CRICKET DISPOSABLE BUTANE LIGHTERS THSESTTTl DEPARTMENT STORE Cameras & Lenses Sound REG. 1.69 Limit 1 Expirat Stato Coupon STEREO VIENNA SAUSAGE HORMEL NIKON SALE BUYS 5 oi. VI.I Limit 3 Expires Ml Stato Coupon Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon Only TOSHIBA WESTIAND SHOPPING CENTER CORNER W SAGINAW AT WAVERLY ... In Tbuch with Tomorrow BIC DISPOSABLE SHAVERS I limited QuontHlei I Mon, thru Sat. 10 AM to 9 PM-Sun. 12»o5PM DIRECT-DRIVE TURNTABLE THE NEW ASSURES SUPERIOR SOUND 3/3 We Have it & ECONOMICAL BECAUSE OF ALL THE OUTSTANDING FEATURES Sale Priced! NIKKORMAT FT3 WITH NIKON SYSTEM DUPLEX For A Limited Time SANDWICH COOKIES VERSATILITY. 24oz.PKG. List yfl WITH LATEST 50mm F2 AI-NIKKOR LENS. ONLY 239 >424" Stato Coupon SUNGLASSES Here's the exciting new, entry into the Nikon system—a full-feature economical sir. The Nikkormat FT3 gives you the split-second certainty of automatic aperture 50% off RETAIL includes >50. Empire mag. cartridge indexing, combined with the matchless accuracy of Nikon center-weighted, thru-the- State Coupon lens metering.lt takes all of the more than 55 MODEL SALEt # A 5 UNICURE multi-coated Nikkor lenses and most Nikon accessories for unlimited enjoyment! It's easy enough for a beginner, yet so versatile many a NO. SR-255 FEATURING... 139 SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER 10 ox. REG. 4.50 9 #41 professional counts on it. Come in and see it • Direct-drive 2-speed turntable for low today \ wow and'flutter. > Static-balance, anti-skatlng tone arm. > Balanced die-cast aluminum turntable ^^""^^^"""TtotoCoupon NIKKOR LENS SALE with heavy-gauge rubber mat. MSU TUBE SOCKS Precision servo-control system maintains 1.4 > NIKKOR 28 exact speed selected. mm F3.5List >252" ♦169. • Anti-howling AD solid motor board keeps REG. 1.91 NIKKOR 135 mm F3.5 List '229s0.. ... *149. sound free from howling and • acoustic teedback. NIKKOR 35 limit 4 pair Explr.ttj mm F2.8Llst >204" *139. • Orthogonal bearing allgnmentprovides top sound quality. NIKKOR 43 mm to 86 mm Zoom • Power consumption, 5 watts. L.P. SPECIALS List >325" *255. • Measures 17% x 6k. x 14k. inches, weighs 17 pounds, 10 ounces. REG. 7.90 NOW 4t« > Stroboscoplc Illumination of turntable Quantities BANKCARDS speed marking. limited WELCOME • Oil-damped cueing device preserves EARL KLUGH FINGER PAINTII both stylus and record. FIREFALL lUNAl CAROL KING SIMPER