osecutor drops charges iainst Iranian students ■By MICHAEL WINTER be re arrested and charged for resiating We consider that I State News Staff Writer arrest since double-jeopardy would not (dropping of the of letters, notes and telegrams," but said "I charges) a real victory," said James Davis, don't think that constitutes pressure." ■s against two MSU students occur. a member of the Defense Committee. ■of attempting to resist arrest Under the double-jeopardy statute a "Houk didn't do it because he's a nice 1»June 24 demonstration against person may not be charged and tried for the he did it because of the guy, a a network of phony businesses. letter to defense officials detailing his Convicted along with the governor were Irvin Kovens, a boyhood friend of Mandel's six years for "undemocratic, autocratic and undignified activities." close to Prime Minister Morarji who became Maryland's premier political fund-raiser, W. Dale Hess, Mandel's •ce Desai, whose Janata He was arrested Tuesday afternoon in his hometown of Bhiwani, objections to the project is the "first line of ■ knocked Gandhi out of office in elections last March, said roommate and right arm when both were in the General 60 miles west of New Delhi, police said. An arrest warrant was defense" against Seafarer. Assembly, attorney Ernest N. Pg probes into the financial and political dealings of also issued for Surinder Singh, Lai's son and a newly-elected Cory Jr. and Hess' business partners, brothers William A. and Harry W. Rodgers IH. Rustem said, however, the governor Each was convicted on 17 counts of mail fraud stemming from a f family and associates are expected to produce more member of the Haryana legislature. Shiv Kumar Aggarwal, would work with bribery scheme in Kelley's office to put the which Mandei worked to get the 1972 General Assembly to legislate benefits for president of the Haryana Youth Congress, is already under arrest state in the "best legal posture possible" Marlboro Race Track, then secretly owned by the others. All were acquitted on three in the case. should federal officials decide to install the mail fraud counts. Police said the arrests came after some Youth Congress officers communications grid in Michigan's Upper claimed they had been forced to sign false receipts for Peninsula. expenditures on Lai's reelection campaign in March. He lost by 110,000 votes. Officials also alleged that Lai's son and Aggarwal withdrew inside 500,000 rupees, about $60,000, from bank accounts of the Youth The case apparently has no direct connection to the one in which Carter predicts treaty support, other key Gandhi aides were charged last week with siphoning Horsiest Page 101 funds from the parent Congress party. weather Arrested in that case were Mrs. Gandhi's private secretary R.K. Dhawan; Yashpal Kapoor, one of the former prime minister's backs Lance in TV conference closest aides, and P.C. Sethi, one of her cabinet ministers. Sanjay Look for a chance of showers this Gandhi is also under investigation in the case. By RICHARD E. MEYER Carter told a nationally-televised news of the present one. But a government source said the investigators hope to put WASHINGTON (AP) President Jim¬ conference. Carter also defended morning and a few clouds this afternoon. - anew his budget Temperatures will be in the upper 60s to together a comprehensive picture of large-scale misappropriation my Carter predicted Tuesday that the "It will be a major responsibility of my director, Bert Lance, whose private bank¬ the lower 70s. of funds at several levels of the Congress party organization. American people will support his Panama own to give the American people the ... ing practices are under federal investiga¬ The government has launched at least three major inquiries into Canal treaty once he gives them the facts facts... My belief is that as the American tion. the Gandhi era, including a special probe of Lai's tenure as about it, including new assurances from people become acquainted with the very Panama that the United States will have good terms of the treaty, they will shift The comptroller of the currency last Haryana chief minister and defense minister. The former defense minister also figures in various probes of the right to build any new sea-level their support to the treaty itself." week reported that lance, when he was a Sanjay's financial and political dealings, especially in connection waterway. As he dug in for a battle with foreign-pol Georgia banker had taken personal loans with a government license Sanjay received from his mother's "I think there has been a great deal of icy conservatives over Senate ratification of from other banks where his bank had large government to develop a small "people's car" for India. misconception about what is being conclu¬ the treaty, Carter used his first general deposits. The comptroller also said Lance ded in Panama, which may be one of the news conference in 26 days to announce and his wife overdrew their While Lai was chief minister, Sanjay acquired choice Haryana checking State acreage, allegedly at below-market price, for his proposed reasons that there is not popular support Panamanian assurances that this country account by as much as $100,000 at his bank, auto factory. The car never went into regular production. for the Panama Canal treaty at this point," will be part of any new canal or expansion (continued on page 5) Prison overcrowding to continue, report says By TERRY PRZYBYLSKI correctional facilities to relieve prison overcrowding, but the Attention was first focused on the overcrowding problem in July State News Staff Writer ' opening of all but one of them has been delayed by citizens 1976 when Zolton Ferency, MSU associate professor of criminal The problem of overcrowding in Michigan's prison system, which protesting the prisons in their area, and by those who want the justice, and the Human Rights Party (HRP) filed suit against the state to relieve prison Michigan Department of Corrections on behalf of Michigan has forced prison authorities to house inmates in prison hallways, overcrowding by releasing non-violent stairwells and garages, will continue to worsen over the next few prisoners, not by building new prisons. prisoners, charging that the overcrowding constituted "cruel and The one facility expected to open soon, the proposed Kinross unusual punishment" and was therefore unconstitutional. years, according to a study released Monday by the state Correctional Facility in the Upper Peninsula, does not yet have Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley, however, does not agree. Kelley has Department of Corrections. formal legislative authorization, but is expected to get it at a special stated publicly that he does not believe the overcrowding is either The study, completed last week by William Kime, deputy director of the corrections department, comes at a time when state session of the state legislature later this month. unconstitutional or cruel and unusual. The Kinross facility will be located at Kincheloe Air Force Base, Ferency and the HRP do not want the overcrowding problem legislators, the courts and citizen groups are still wrangling over the opening of proposed new correctional facilities and still which is being closed by the Defense Department, near Sault Ste. solved by building new prisons, but rather by releasing non-violent undecided over the best way to solve the overcrowding problem. Marie. According to Gail Light, a spokesperson for the corrections prisoners, especially those convicted of "victimless crimes " As of Aug. 11, there were 13,719 prisoners in Michigan's prison department, Kinross will open in October and will hold 700 medium- "Building more prisons is not the answer to our problems," system - about 2,000 more than the official capacity of 11,600. security male prisoners. Ferency said. 'There are thousands of people in prison who don't Kime's study projects that the prison population will reach 14,000 The other three proposed corrections facilities, St. Augustine need to be there." by the end of the year, 15,000 by the summer of 1979 and over Seminary near Holland, the Wayne County Child Development Much of the increase in the prison population, however, is Center in Northville and a J.L. Hudson warehouse in downtown expected to come from those convicted of violent crimes, including 18,000 by the late 1980s. Gov. William G. Milliken has announced plans to open four new Detroit, are facing opposition and have not yet set opening dates. Icontinued on page 5) 2 Michigon State News. East Lansing. Michigon Wednesday, SwtJi,, Carter to pay bank for campaign fligW WASHINGTON (AP) - pay for flights worth at least Powell said the Carter elec¬ prosecution of Lance stemming the Carter campaign, which Copperhill, Ellijay and Sea paign aides met with Carter at President Jimmy Carter and $865.80. If the Federal Election tion campaign committee never of '™l from his personal financial op¬ would be illegal. Island, would be paid by the the resort, there were arranN ,l his campaign committee will Commission determines the received a bill from the bank for ques¬ reimburse the National Bank of other flights should not be erations. If free use of the aircraft was campaign committee because it tions as to whether the cam¬ wiLth Carter the flights, most of them "The President has decided not reported, that also could be involved campaign-related paign committee or the Presi¬ scheduling office 1 Georgia for five personal and billed to the Carter committee, around Georgia, M°st campaign flights of the bank's the President would pay for and had, he will personally reimburse considered a violation of federal events, but the final leg was a dent should pay for the flights. "ftheflighi , J private airplane during 1975 them out of his own pocket. through oversight, neglected to reimburse the bank. any portions of the flights that campaign expenditure report¬ personal expense. Powell said the Federal Elec¬ connection with* were not campaign expendi¬ ing laws. He said the trip from Atlanta tion Commission was and 1976, White Hosue Press Powell said. The question of the flights the being tures," Powell said at the daily These are flights listed to Dalton and back was a asked to decide who should Secretary Jody Powell said Carter's budget director and arose at Lance's news confer White House news briefing. pay by Powell and their dates and campaign expense because Car¬ for these flights. He said the Monday. longtime friend, Bert Lance, ence Thursday after the comp¬ If the flights were campaign- costs: Aug. 30, 1975 Ameri- ter spoke at "a sparsely atten¬ - costs varied because the Powell said the total bill was president of the Atlanta troller of the currency issued a plane's "he related, and the bank was not cus, Ga„ to Calhoun, Ga„ to ded fundraiser." origin and destination points spokesperso would be $1,793.70 He said bank before joining the Carter President was"no,/; report stating he found no reimbursed, they could be con¬ Copperhill. Tenn., to Ellijay, The third flight, from Ameri¬ differed. federal campaign funds would administration. evidence to warrant criminal y disturbed sidered bank contributions to Ga., to Sea Island, Ga. $490.50. cus to Atlanta and back, in¬ Powell said Carter had asked Hons raised about p? Oct. 17, 1975 - Atlanta to Dalton, Ga., to Atlanta. volved a dinner with Lance at which campaign matters were Robert Lipshutz, the White about H,ft House counsel and the cam¬ What these $154.80. Dec. 29.1975 - Amer- discussed and should therefore paign treasurer, to talk to the were looked," icus to Atlanta to Americus. be paid out of campaign funds, elections panel about this. The he said. "|f,?l $490.50. June 13,1976 - Amer¬ Powell said. commission is still ?'Bhl in campaign b icus to Sea Island. $290.70. The fourth and fifth flights, reviewing the campaign's finances, Powell ing. June 16, 1976 - Sea Island to however, involved a vacation said. Ho said the Americus. $367.20. camnainfl Americus is about 10 miles Carter took after the final round of primary elections in The press secretary said he did now know why no bill had Md our did « recS?1 system did from Carter's hometown and California, Ohio and New Jer¬ been sent by the bank, where was a frequent starting point sey. They carried Carter to and Carter and his peanut ware¬ for his early campaign travels. from the Sea Island resort on Powell said the « house business were Powell said most of the cost the Georgia coast for the vaca¬ large cus¬ committee had aire tomers. of the first flight, to Calhoun, $150,000 for tion. However, because cam¬ Nor could he say which bank night,, airplanes. Test blast plans denied JOHANNESBURG. South devices. "serious implications." A de- limits the Africa I API — South Africa on The President said the Unit¬ spread ol partmcnt spokesperson told re- arms, and to Tuesday emphatically denied ed States "will, of course, put juJ porters earlier Tuesday that facilities under French allegations that it is continue to monitor the situa¬ i the United States has stepped planning a nuclear test explo¬ tion very closely." safeguards, up efforts to persuade South Earlier this month sion. President Jimmy Carter The State Department had | Africa to sign the nuclear viet Union made said the United States has been said any such tests would carry nonproliferation treaty, which ii|n similar to the assured by the South Africans FrenthS that they do not intend to build AP Wirephoto atomic bomb. French resort island saved! an Peking residents carry portraits of newly-elected Party Congress and coincided with the arrival of The latest charges were lev¬ Premier Hua Kuo-feng Monday. The celebrations Secretary of State Cyrus Vance for diplomatic talks. eled Monday by French For¬ marked the close of the 11th Chinese Communist eign Minister Louis de Gun-in- gaud, who said the South from sunken oil tanker's QUESTION OF TAIWAN BREAK SKIRTED Africans were preparing for a test blast. French radio said atomic test sites were spotted in the Kalahari Desert by U.S. PARIS (AP) — A six-month struggle to save a summer without problem." spl popular French resort island and its famed Workers say only "residual" and Soviet satellites. lobsters from the black menace of a sunken oil petroleum now remain in "negligible Vance talks with China leaders The desert is in western South Africa, near South-West Africa. tanker ended Tuesday in apparent success. The price was high — two deep-sea divers and a soldier died in the in the 24 holds of the East Bohlen, sprawled on Germu"! the seabed 1! J operation, and $30 million northwest of the island. South African Foreign Minis¬ was spent. But the PEKING (AP) - Secretary relations with Peking was "only struggle rescued prize lobster The Bohlen sank in of State Cyrus R. Vance contin¬ point of the four-day Vance Though U.S. spokesperson ter R.F. Botha issued a state¬ beds and beaches around Sein Island, a choice a storm Oct. 14,1 touched on" and that the second ued his exposition of U.S. visit. Hodding Carter called the first ment Tuesday calling the vacation spot in the Atlantic off the Brittany carrying almost 10,000 tons of Veneiutlul meeting with Huang, like the Vance, oil tmund for East Germany. foreign policy to Chinese lead¬ first on Monday, was largely a accompanied by- two days of talks "very useful, French claims "unbelievable" coast. Twenty-nil Huang, later attended and denying that his country In a unique environmental rescue bers of the 37-man crew, ers Tuesday. But the key issue, an acro¬ very serious and very business¬ operation, including the report on U.S. foreign policy by batics performance in the Great has built such installations or the French government pumped hot water into perished. the future of U.S.-Chinese rela¬ Vance. like," Foreign Minister Huang Hall of the People, a show was the plans atomic tests. the wreckage 300 feet under tions, was being reserved for a At the center of Vance's highest-ranking official gray seas, forcing to Eleven survivors were plucked from tlxll crucial meeting with Deputy brimming with good-natured Vance met. Carter told a news confer¬ surface what was left of the trapped oil. There it mission here is China's insis¬ humor and the .bright and ence in Washington that South seas by French navy rescuers, but il I Premier Teng Hsiao-ping. was burned off. tence that the United States But the involvement of the whisked out of the country three dap I U.S. officials said Vance pretty colors that seemed to Africa had informed U.S. offic¬ "As the pumping went on, we saw traces of before French authorities could would meet with the twice- must cut ties with Nationalist China before establishing rela¬ have disappeared during the powerful Teng gives a larger ials it does not have and is not pollution disappear little by little," Alain LeRoi, about the sinking. questioeR ascendancy of the now-dis¬ dimension to what U.S. officials planning rehabilitated Teng, one of Chi¬ tions with Communist China. to develop either mayor of Sein Island, said in a telephone Despite a naval inquiry, the graced radical faction led by have called "exploratory talks." c na's new ruling triumvirate of peaceful or military nuclear interview. "We served lobsters to the tourists all American officials have said Chiang Ching, Mao Tse-tung's tragedy remains a mystery. moderates, today. At that time, Vance is carrying no new widow. Teng is expected to give Pe¬ proposals for dealing with the I Monday Wodnoidoy The reception for Vance and a king's response to the Carter Taiwan issue. His strategy has the talks thus far have been Administration's overtures for been to try to coax the Chinese closer ties. unspectacular. The official ban¬ into closer ties by Vance completed a second pointing to quet for him Monday night at areas, such as Africa, where the Great Hall lacked some of round of talks with Foreign they share a common interest the customary Minister Huang Hua and other with the United States in trimmings. Chinese officials Tuesday as he It was held in a secondary / i U UN YU(IMS<1\\: \ SPECIAL TODAY looked for ways to better relations with the Communists countering Soviet influence. Tuesday's 2'/i-hour session at Vance's guest quarters pro¬ dining room that serenaded his and the army band predecessor, r; MUGGERS Mil ^ Y without casting Taiwan adrift. Henry A. Kissinger, with spir¬ duced no immediate results, ited renditions of "Turkey in soup & An American spokesperson and the Chinese requested an the Straw" and "Home on the said the subject of normalizing overnight break at the mid¬ Range" was missing. fmlf-pRic L ON MUCjS HUNTER-JUMPER SHOW n of btEli salad Sunday Sept. 4 ipsl \ius \vl (loiX/NSIAiltS 9:00 $1.75 WILLOWPOND now playing STABLES SUNNUVA M«1 Harp.r Rd. Melon 676-9799 OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 8 miles south of MSU down College Rd. Agency head admits Lockheed errors WASHINGTON (AP) - The chairperson garding the cost growth figures submit¬ A COLLEGE RING. of an agency that oversees government ted by Lockheed to the contracts has admitted he made mistakes its contract claims, the Navy in support of It's a symbol for life in apparent exces¬ calculating the amount that Lockheed sive progress Aircraft Corp. may have overcharged the payment billings to the Navy," and a variety of other matters, government for its Navy shipbuilding Chase said. contracts. Goodwin Chase, chairperson of the At Senate renegotiation boord, did not say his Banking Committee hear¬ ings last June, Chase claimed that the allegation was wrong. But he did say Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Monday that if Lockheed's figures are Co. couldn't account for 73 million correct, "my figures for the amount of pounds of steel for which it billed the unaccounted for steel are overstated." Navy as part of the cost of seven amphibious "Nevertheless, questions remain re¬ transport docks. ERDA reveals uranium-loss documents • Inoo) )soi is tion WASHINGTON (AP) - The Research and Development (ERDA) has revealed that enough uranium for at leost 10 nuclear Energy Administra¬ weapons ger But memos from the files of Brown Jr., then assistant not press the Howard C. general mana¬ of the AEC, showed the agency did UJHITE SALE LAST WEEK was Tost" in the company about the losses early 1960s, the until 1965, a year after China Washington Star said Tuesday. exploded a Fill your linen shelves with nuclear weapon. The Star said documents released by superb values The company was known to ERDA showed that have investigators — of business dealings with several French SHEETS. PILLOW CASES, BEDSPREADS what was then ERDA's predecessor, the firms and was described as "sales Atomic Energy Commission BLANKETS. TABLECLOTHS. CURTAINS and suspected since 1960 serious losses of (AEC) — for the government of Israel." agent FTHUR. & FRI. AUG. 25 4 26 • The documents indicated that TOWELS alt now at enriched uranium being processed for owner, Zalman M. NUMEC's TIME: 10:00 To 4:00 . saving prices! •he U.S. Shapiro, told the AEC government by the Nuclear Materials and Equipment most or all of the missing uranium was M.S.U. BOOKSTORE Corp. (NUMEC) Jacobean# at Apollo Pa. mistakenly buried as waste material at PBIIIXI HATW1 AM NOW the plant site in 1963. AVAILABLIAT US «TNA CHARS! ifiKSiSS, progress made in deaalination" but that t w biologist David Gate.. W „fP«sor of botany at the Kw and director of the U-M Univer- Great Lakes to evaporate? people should bring miracles. not look to technology to Gates' future predictions followed a natural progression of the retreat of the Tuition at Pellaton, kicked off the glaciers, settlement by Indians and white rXtute of Biologic* Sciences settlers, the decimation of forests, salt¬ * Monday with a narrated slide _L i„ the Auditorium on the past. Scientist says pollution can raise water fish swimm''ng along canals and driving out freshwater lake fish, natural End future ecology of the Great temperatures erosion, the trampling of sand dunes and pollution from the industrialized cities. frictions about the future general world temperature could increase three degrees Celsius - about five degrees trend bottoms out. as good for farming there and water will be In a typical series of events, a massive If the upper midwest stem from his Fahrenheit with some rather ominous At the latitude of the Great Lakes, "the needed to irrigate the up, the level of the salt water oceans would cutting down of trees results in the land and Kt increasing concentrations of - climate will become warmer and drier and crops. Another effect of the rising slowly rise because of melting glaciers. water being exposed to extreme results, Gates said. Kxide in the atmosphere can act as The wanning trend would be there will be an increased demand for fresh would be a drop in water levels. temperature Other impacts would be more reliance on air conditioning, less snowfall and sunlight. With less protection from the sun, lakes and ■ that absorbs heat, within the next 10 to 20 noticeable water," Gates said. "Great Lakes shipping may have trouble shorter rivers warm considerably and thus ft energy from the sun normally years, he said in an Fresh water is what winters. change brings people and the suitable environments for interview before his presentation. navigating the corridors of the various locks existing ■off the earth into space, but with Industry to the area as fresh water supplies "Though a process slow to occur in the ■Side barrier, half of the heat The reason behind the temperature rise dwindle in the southwest and far West. and rivers," ships would have to anchor far from shore and the context of a single human lifespan, yet aquatic life. Gates has done extensive research in goto the ground. would be a possible "With a warming of climate, large expanses of inside of 100 years this may be the scene," „ doubling of the carbon agriculture beaches would be littered by the debris left atmosphere physics and is a member of a n dioxide shield results from dioxide concentration in the atmosphere by will shift northward with the corn Gates said. solar energy advisory committee of federal belt by the ebbing water. trning of fossil fuels, Gates said. the year 2050 coupled with a general moving into Canada" but the soil may not be Regarding efforts to lessen the conse¬ While the fresh water lakes energy advisor James Schlessinger and Lg to computer simulations, the warming trend after the present cooling are drying quences. Gates said "a lot depends on member of the National Science Board. a inel considers tC payments By MICHAEL KLOCKE State News Staff Writer |le the fact that over one-third of the clients at the Tenants Resource Center (TRC) Lansing are from Lansing, the city does not provide any funding for the center, Wednesday, August 24, 1977 •lution that would have changed this was tabled by the Lansing City Council on ■ The resolution would have provided for three officials at TRC to be funded 1 money received by Lansing from the Comprehensive Employment and Training Itai. Jhree positions would have been office manager, research coordinator and a |ng staff coordinator who would work with about 30 volunteers. [solution was tabled until it could be determined how much duplication of effort New shoes pose health questions lug done by TRC, based in East Lansing, and Lansing's Housing Assistance ■ion. ■ should we supply funding to TRC when our own agency (Housing Assistance By DELINDA KARLE lion) is doing twice the work they are?" Councilmember James Blair said, Buying a new pair of shoes is not as laid about 80 per cent of the work of Housing Assistance Foundation is in the area of simple as it used to be. Now, with so many lr protection and the remainder of their activity is helping people find housing. styles to choose from, the health effects of shoes are also to be considered. Jouncilmember Richard Baker said 38 per cent of TRC's clientele live in Lansing jrefore, Lansing should provide some funding for the center. Many shoe manufacturers have intro¬ [landlords and renters are straight up and honest, but some are not," Baker said, duced styles of shoes which allegedly increase the comfort of walking and give is valuable service TRC provides." nireTRC is doing a fine job in East Lansing," Blair said. "But they should refer their health benefits to the wearer. ■ clients to Housing Assistance Foundation so there is no duplication of effort." Shoes with a heel lower than the sole of Tnderstand your concern, you being a landlord," Councilmember Robert Hull said the shoe, or negative-heel shoes, have n, for one, appreciate the job TRC is doing for Lansing." become popular deviations from original tilmember Lucile Belen said she would vote no on the funding for TRC because she shoes with raised heels. However, since tat the possibility of "watered down service." She said if there is no their inception they have been the topic of duplication of much controversy. Ld she would approve the funding. Potential funding of TRC drew the ire of Mayor Gerald Graves. "Earth Shoes" was the first line of [ansing Board of Water and Light went before the CETA Review Committee and negative-heel footware. This line was introduced in 1957 by Anne Kalso, a Danish t four additional CETA employes, they were turned down," Graves said. "East yoga student. [gets, the state gets, everyone except the city of Lansing gets." lis Ipcar, director of TRC, said Tuesday he definitely thinks Lansing should help She had noticed that Brazil Indians, who many consider models of perfect posture, [center. left footprints in the sand in which the heel [every pleased with the response from Lansing so far," Ipcar said. "I think TRC and ■Assistance Foundation appeared deeper than the rest of the foot. are complementary and there is no duplication of effort." To her, this seemed proof that a negative lidded that he doesn't think Housing Assistance Foundation could take over all the ■ TRC provides in Lansing. heel shoe would give the wearer a more ■er action: natural position while walking than a shoe ■council unanimously approved a resolution setting with regular heels. up discount rates for Unlike the raised heel of ordinary shoes, rs at all Lansing public golf courses. oved was a contract with Warren Holmes-Kenneth Black Co. for an which throws the body forward in an emergency unnatural position, a lower heel exerts a ■power system and modification for the "911" Dispatch Center. The contract was downward pull on the back of the leg, h and Councilmember Jack Gunther were chosen to represent supposedly benefiting the whole body. Lansing at the The claimed results are that the calf and |n Municipal League Convention. thigh muscles are straightened, the pelvis is kept from slouching forward, the back is I COMMITTEE INTRODUCES HONOR straightened and the diaphragm is free to move more naturally, making breathing out," he said, "and they made no difference However, Kalso was not an aspect of the shoe has not been proven. doctors for this type of shoe. He also said orthopedic one way or the other. I suggested that my I' staff awards set surgeon or a podiatrist, and the benefits of her new line of shoes was looked upon patients try them when they were first introduced, but they found no great However, orthopedic doctors are not against the shoe unless the patient has back problems where it has been proven the that a few customers they cannot come back in and say wear the negative-heel shoes. "Most of them are afraid of pulling a calf skeptically by some medical authorities. advantage." In 1975 the California Podiatric Medical negative-heel would irritate them. muscle," he said. Another local chiropractor, Tim E. Tarry, Sine has worked with all 20 orthopedic ByPETEBRONSON in recognition of outstanding service to Center in San Francisco made a clinical said negative-heels are good for some Dan Brown, the owner of the East resit MSU will soon get more than MSU. surgeons in Lansing and has never had a Lansing Roots Natural Footware, which study of the new shoe style. people and bad for others. He said persons kt on the back for a job well done, While faculty members receive similar Their results indicated that these shoes with a very straight spine should not wear prescription from a doctor recommending sells only its own line of negative-heeled ■to the Non-Academic Women's recognition — The Distinguished Faculty were not beneficial to all people. They them because they may only worsen the these shoes. shoes, said it is a misconception that "The medical profession will not O.K. a Jj Committee. Award — this is the first such program to recommended that people with very flat situation. shoe until it is proven a health asset," he "Roots" are an orthopedic shoe. [the aid of Vice Presidents Jack honor staff employes at MSU. feet, high arches, short calf muscles or They will, however, benefit persons with said. "They are only meant to be comfortable," adRoger Wilkinson, the committee The exact amount of the cash awards has achilles tendon not wear them. he said. ' ed a Distinguished Staff Award, a "sway back", or curved spine, because But Sine has talked to many pepple who Brown said not yet been decided upon, but the But this survey only included 157 people, negative-heel shoes may help da and plaques will be they force thq wearer to walk back on their have worn negative-heel shoes who speak presented committee hopes to finance the award and many considered it inconclusive. The heels and thus help straighten the spine. people with lower back pain in which the led staff members by the U niversity highly of them. low heel will alleviate the pain and take through the office of the Vice President For new shoe caught on in popularity, and soon He said people with a normal spine could "However, there are a few who tell me tension off the back muscles. However, if a Development, Les Scott. Scott's office many manufacturers came out with their wear any type of heel. But he recommends they will not buy them again," he said. customer has specific problems, they are provides funding for the faculty award and own line of negative-heeled shoes. that these persons not go from one heel Bill Shepard manager of the East Lansing other academic gifts and scholarships The closest model, the Canadian-made advised to see a professional foot doctor. extreme to another. Shepard's Shoe Store, says he has no line of Brown said he has very few complaints searchers through alumni and corporate donations. Scott said his office is program and that injavor of the new he will do all he can to aide "Root Shoe", does not have as low of heel as the original "Earth Shoe." Other imitations are the Thorn McAn "Excersole" and the "I tell these patients to try and wear negative-heels all the time or use a negative-heel shoes because he does not want to get in the controversy. from his customers. Many are initially scared, but the comfort usually outweighs Glenn Sine, a certified prescription "I don't have anything against the the committee. "Guru" and "Terra Firma". their fears. pedorthist at Shepard's Shoe Store in Lan¬ negative-heel shoes, but there are plenty of "We have never had a problem of a dangers "This type of recognition has long been However, the controversy over the e necessary. There are many important alleged benefits of the negative-heel still sing for 30 years, has discussed this comfortable supportive shoes on the market healthy person having difficulty with our problem at various seminars with orthoped¬ without getting into the negative-heel line," shoe," he said. people on the staff who do a great deal for continues. Robert M. Kribs, a Lansing ic surgeons. he said. The controversy at the professional and the University and deserve recognition for chiropractor, seldom recommends them. According to them, negative-heeled shoes Thorn McAn has a line of negative-heel business level is also seen in the consumers, (continued on page 12) "I tried them myself when they first came consuming are not recommended because the medical shoes in addition to raised-heel shoes. Scott but whatever the health effects of the shoe Eavery, the manager of the Frandor outlet, may be they still remain a large-selling said he has had a few prescriptions from item. browniles ^"wavered '"' rs say eating causing mold. marijuana or could lead to ingestion Four youths injured 'Hoke, a Virginia Commonwealth crash, police say researcher, presented a paper at * J conference causing that showed potential- molds can grow on in "id., the bigh temperatures of Four Detroit area youths were injured dislocation of the left hip and minor facial 'mlesfana 'S "10ug'lt 10 ren<'er 'be late Monday night when their car crashed into a utility pole and a power transformer lacerations, Bosnick said. East Lansing Police said the car driven "could be on Ann St., causing a minor power blackout transferred to other foods by Henning went out of control and struck a East Lansing police said Tuesday. „ tlle lun8s 'f marijuana is Michael Roggenbeck, 14, of Garden City utility pole and power transformer shortly after 10 p.m. Monday. 7rNaisein the oth« foods, like brownies. was listed in critical condition Tuesday at Sparrow Hospital's intensive care unit. Two of the four persons were ipside the extensively damaged car until trapped . marijuana to a high "Perature to neutralize the mold, Randy Saylor, 14, of Garden City was they were freed by East Lansing firemen. farenheit will decompose listed in serious condition at Ingham County Lt. Bosnick said Meridian Township Hospital's intensive care unit Tuesday. firemen had to remove the back window of Sandra Saylor, 14, of Garden City was the car to free one of the persons trapped in m t0U?d mold existed on ten out listed in serious condition at Ingham County the back seat. lit r! °l mariiuana confiscated by Hospital. Saylor was taken to the hospital Board of Water and Light officials said ill .1 Te mold "trains have the by the Meridian Township Fire Department the accident damaged a power transformer jnr„produce * toxin that causes, with minor facial lacerations, minor back and caused a line fuse to blow at Hagadorn , a"d is thought to also affect lacerations and abdominal pains, Lt. Frank Road and Cahill Drive. The blown fuse APWirephoto mold grows in Bosnick of the Meridian Township Fire caused a power outage on Hagadorn Road. . >nd may still damp Croatian demonstrators burn a Yugoslavian Hag in independence irom Yugoslavia. One man was Department said. Cahill Drive and parts of Walline Road, grow even if downtown Detroit Sunday. Ethnic antagonisms slightly injured, but Detroit police made no Eric Henning, 18, of Troy was taken to John St.'and Ann St. 'n P'"1* b»F>- He said flared briefly at the Yugoslavian Ethnic Festival arrests. Sparrow Hospital by the Meridian Town¬ Power was restored at 12:42 a.m. growth 'etaraant to stop when Croatians demonstrated in favor ot Croatia s ship Fire Department with a possible Tuesday. ®|p)Dlfi)D®lfi) Opening the door to China Secretary of State Cyrus pragmatic one. Fears that China Vance's diplomatic excursion to will invade Taiwan once American China will, we hope, be the first recognition and military aid is step in bringing about a full withdrawn from that island cannot normalization of relations between be sustained by the available that country and the United evidence. States. The new China government The Peking regime has made fears and resents the Soviet such relations conditional upon Union, and visibly seeks closer ties Washington withdrawing its with the United States. Moreover, recognition of the nationalist there are strong indications that China government in Taiwan. This Teng is not averse to the United action should be taken, despite the States maintaining de facto recog¬ fact that it will undoubtedly incur a nition of Taiwan even after full barrage of criticism from Republi¬ diplomatic relations between cans and right wingers. Washington and Peking have been China is a vast country whose established and solidified. population is close to a billion. A In any event, it is unrealistic for front-rank nuclear power and the United States to anchor its major force in geopolitical affairs, Vance mission - a first step? far-eastern policy on the fate of a China's influence cannot be ig¬ tiny Pacific island like Taiwan. nored. It is absolutely confounding tence of the other. Since the early 1960s, various that, nearly 30 years after the The merits of recognizing main¬ administrations have been exploit¬ communists seized power in land China clearly outweigh the ing, sometimes skillfully and Peking, and five years after debits. To begin with, the new Richard Nixon's historic meeting with Mao Tse-Tung, neither coun¬ sometimes clumsily, the growing political order recently established rift between China and the Soviet in South Africa and the bomb Peking, led by Chairman Hua Union. try officially recognizes the exis- Kuo-feng, is a moderate And Inasmuch as U.S.-Soviet rela¬ Is South Africa on the verge of setting off an can be used to make atomic bombs. tions have been atomic explosion? deteriorating of ' late, quick recognition of China This disturbing possibility comes to light An atomic test by South Africa would po» J following might be politically sound. Monday's warning by the French government that questions for the future. The Pretoria goveri any attempt to do so would result in "grave being increasingly pressured to make conces™ 111 The state News 1 It should be noted that the Carter Administration has made consequences" for relations between Paris and the black majority, with the long-range rJJ Pretoria. social, economic and political rights for Wednesday, August 24, 1977 some controversial decisions in blacks 9 If in fact South Africa does have the Africa's response has been violence foreign policy since coming to capability to Police have routinely gunned down black and bloo detonate a nuclear device, the implications Editorials ore the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns go far dei and letters are personal opinions. power. Its efforts to effect a new beyond any possible strains between South Africa tors and there has been no Panama Canal treaty and pull all progress in and France. It raises the possibility that the white blacks the rights and benefits Editorial Department enjoyei Editor-in-chief Michael Tanlmura troops out of South Korea have minority government of South Africa is prepared to course by whites. Layout Editor Fred von Hartesveldt drawn the ire of conservatives. Managing Editor Debbie Wolfe Sports Editor Tom Shonohon go to any length to maintain power, including the use A South Africa armed with nuclear Opinion Editor News Editor Dave Misialowski Joe Scales Entertainment ond Book Editor.. Kofhy Esselmon Wire Editor The fact that recognition of China will further enrage the Right of nuclear weapons. be a threat to world weapons J Photo Editor Richard Politowski Joyce Loskowski France has a critical stake in this issue, since it has peace. This whole I Copy Chief Nancy Rogier makes it all the more necessary to underscores the need for more Staff Representative joe Pizzo take this step quickly, thereby been supplying South Africa with the technology to guards on the construction of nuclear power stringent] Advertising Department build a nuclear power station. Under conditions of and closer pL preventing the issue from being the deal, radioactive wastes from the monitoring of nuclear reprocessing! Advertising Manager Sharon Seiler Assistant Advertising Manager. DeniseDear considered in the heat of the 1978 plant are possibility of despotic governments r . or 1980 election supposed to be returned to France for reprocess¬ nuclear weapons is years. a grave one that c ing. The plutonium which results from this process dismissed. JACK ANDERSON AND LES WHITTEN IRA ELLIOTT Energy bureaucrats already moving i| WASHINGTON - President Carter's obscure but lucrative job on the Susquehan our throats," one Interior ollicial com¬ powerful chairman of the Howl new Dept. of Energy isn't even open for na River Basin Commission. The young plained. business yet, but it is already the focus of a Committee. Presumahley, the If Delaney has been a law school dropout, Irishman will now be n A writer's lament backstage brouhaha. The White House has issued marching orders to 5,000 Army and Air Force stock salesman, racetrack official and Richard Nixon fundraiser. But he lacks any experience whatever in water resources. Jordan hired the sources sent say, a congressman's son, our week before Interior officials their own recommendations to the speeding the flow of legislation the dent wants passed. employees to make room for the energy Now we have learned that Carter's White House. One official told us he had Staring at my Writer's Market for 1977. Most pieces a magazine receives are bureaucrats. They are taking over the political major domo, Hamilton Jordan, has never heard of Delaney until the word to Delaney had previously pi Are all my futures filled with rejection James Forrestal Building, a massive, mod¬ hire him came down from Jordan's office. dent Ford, say our sources, intoap|^ unsolicited — called "slush" material in the given Delaney the job without consulting slips? business. Such work is first scanned by the ern white structure The White House, our sources his only child as chairman ol the Se conveniently located in anyone at the Interior Dept. which oversees explain, Have you ever seen a rejection reader and if it survives that test the heart of downtown Washington. viewed the commission as an ideal spot to and Exchange Commission. But I slip from a — most the commission. magazine? Oh! its the cleanest, most don't then it goes to an editor. If the work hide a congressman's staff investigation found the youngul — Ironically, the civilian energy are chasing Frustrated officials at Interior had inter¬ unemployed son. sophisticated put-down ever devised by is still in the to be totally unqualified. It running after his or her the brass hats from a building named for viewed several qualified candidates, but modern The White House apparently hopes the however, before the new adi humanity: perusal, then finally the fiction editor may the first secretary of defense. their recommendations were ignored by the favor will be returned by the appointee's found a $50,000-a-year plum lor The material enclosed has been given read it — in the case of Playboy, Robie Carter issued the confidential eviction notice in a June 3 memo to the General White House. "They're shoving him done father. Rep. James Delaney. D. N.Y., the gressman's son. U| careful consideration and is not suitable McCauley. Services Administration (GSA), but news of for use in our publication at this time. If McCauley likes what he reads the order quickly leaked out to (probab¬ everyone in Due to the volume of submissions ly with revision) the writer receives rare, — town. Evejyone, that is, oh so rare except Defense received, we regret that we cannot offer — an acceptance letter and a Secretary Harold Brown, who wasn't told of individual criticisms. paycheck (some publications pay on accep¬ the president's decision until PHIL FRAME ...Your interest in PLAYBOY is most nearly a tance, other on publication). month later. warmly appreciated. It was the GSA's responsibility to inform But a magazine like The Editors Playboy or Esquire, the Defense Dept. of the eviction, claimed a the Atlantic Monthly, the New Yorker, or White House spokesman. But in classic Redbook are a part of the See? Nice, polite, clean and perfectly major market and buck | ssing fashion, GSA refused to 'J' classes: house trainini the unknown or unestablished writer is up comm< : t on the memo on the grounds it was a White House document, not GSA's. In any event, the White House wants the "But magazines are not in the business the business ofselling of criticism. They are in building vacated post haste. magazines and they want writing that will The man with the least time to clean out help sell their magazines; be it good or bad, his desk is Maj. Gen. H.R. Vague, the Air achieve that aim." uniting must help Force's judge advocate. He has until It's getting to the point that nothing at this University amazes erasers, rulers and typewriters." me anymore, but you're not going to believe what I saw October 1st to evacuate his seventh-floor and the I wasn't conversation I overheard the other exactly sure if he really knew the trMl office, the most luxurious suite in the day. journalism majors or if he was just being contempt""" discouraging. But, they building. The reason, apparently, is that the I was taking one of my rare bus trips on campus and I was at that bus stop in front of Kedzie with about high-paying profession. | as say, when against the likes of Norman Mailers, five other students. hundreds upon hundreds of pedantic, pipe-smoking energy secretary, In any case, he continued: "After 200, they fl* „ manuscripts — Truman Capotes, Philip Roths, Kurt Vonne- James Schlesinger, has his eye on the Then, lo and behold, along comes a dog carrying a knapsack in its fiction, non-fiction, poetry — pour in posh teeth. It was full of books and there was no Journalism 301. This is where things really get compu»" guts, Erica Jongs, etc. In short, writers who quarters and is eager to move in and begin owner in sight. weekly, it's impossible to personally re¬ are the Since I was alone I didn't students learn there are different kinds of stories, u«»l» spond to everyone. very least capable craftspersons solving the energy crisis. say anything, but a couple of other whose guys waiting there together came to a logical conclusion. profiles, interviews, meeting stories, opinion and the. names are on the front cover will sell The unfortunate Vague, meanwhile, will Occasionally a note will be scrawled at "I heard his name is Sam." the first one they are supposed to practice writing them on their oroj the bottom: Nice Try. Send some more magazines. be banished to a said about the dirty "Even I was interviewed by a journalism student, ri . nondescript office building brown german shepard later. Keep working. Et cetera. Such Smaller markets, or in an area known as Buzzards Point. strolling by. "He's enrolled in Math 108." two. Who am I? I just work in the Brody grill, but W * literary magazines, To make matters worse, no one is sure (He looked more like a Journalism 201 student to me.) messages are all the encouragement a like the Chicago Review, the Massachu¬ "He walks so confidently," wanted to know my opinion on Carter's foreign P°"' writer usually receives, and even those which government agency will guy number two said. ( setts Review, The California pick up the "That comes from second wanted to do a personality profile of me to sen are Quarterly, or tab for the move. Federal four-pointing his university college courses," rare. (Do I speak from experience? I'll even MSU's own Red Cedar hometown newspaper, the Belding Review are regulations his buddy answered. Banner." never tell.) more viable markets for the new author. (In require that GSA pay for such forced "He still seems to be "No kidding?" his friend said. But magazines are not in the business of the present context, "viable" means "better relocations, but an internal Dept. of hanging his head, though." "No. Can you imagine? A personality profile on a «.nrsf9 criticism. They are in the business of Defense memo explains that "the "Well, it's probably all the busy work assignments he's n»pn»| along with the extra textbooks he doesn't need."carrying chance for acceptance.") regional who washes tables?" selling GSA administrator has around , hil magazines and they want writing that will already indicated he "I know how that A good friend of mine who has been has no funds for this My mind was running rampant by this time, and I was poor dog must feel," the friend help sell their magazine: be it good or bad, purpose." Additional this dog was in either J-201 or 300. certain suffered through ATL — I'm an English major. published in one of the major markets now funds for the bureaucrats to You see, we all have our writing must help to achieve that aim. writes only for herself. Her change places, classes, uh, crosses to bear and mine Most editors can tell by the end of the writing is a the memo observes, "would be difficult to happens to be journalism. I But his friend wouldn't stop first page, if not sooner, whether person?] matter. obtain from the like journalism, but some of the classes you have to take his diatribe on my a Other friends write diligently and send Congress." ridiculous. are profession. submission fits their "style," or "current The only thing that is , „ perfectly clear is "I up at the State News spring term and tn needs." off every scrap of fiction or poetry they I hat the taxpayers will foot the bill. It could That's when the really unbelieveabie number one spotted a news thing happened. Guy was sports writer, I can't pronounce his name, who says £ At Playboy, for complete. amount to Sfi.9 rriillion. writing book in the dog's sack. ^ example, which pays the Still others write to perfect their craft "Ah hal" he said. "A journalism the journalism department teaches its students is, highest rates - about $1,500 for a PATRONAGE PLUM: During his cam¬ major, I know all about those dumb person!'" and only then will people, my roommate is one of them." full-length short story they let others, especially paign, Jimmy Carter promised repeatedly thll v«,l - unsolicited manu¬ an unknown and unmerciful public, read I quickly tuned in my ears. "You know, I think a lot of the departments are ua w scripts from unknown writers are first read to reform the way things are done in friend interjected. "Some of them dont account fPl what they've written. "You see," he continued to tell his not by editors but by people called readers. Washington. But he has shown he friend, "they can only take Others find that they are can one journalism class before their aptitudes and they begin their instruction by | Readers may be college teachers of happiest when dispense patronage as skillfully junior year, Journalism 110 In student of his past knowledge. Sort of like house fiction writing, writers their writing illicits a response — any as any that class they learn what a newspaper is, jJ themselves, or (political ward boss. you know, printed on perhaps English graduates working on response. And that, in part, is what I like. We recently reported that the White newsprint, published every day and stuff like that. "Oops, I think you spoke too loudly, our doggi | And that, almost entirely, is "Then when they're juniors you. He's acting very self-conscious." masters degrees. why I write House was considering Patrick Delanev, they get to take 201, There they ' _ this column. really move up to higher learning. They learn how to use He's obviously not very well-adjusted. the Son of a powerful congressman, for an pencils, "Unstable is more the word." . n state News, Eost loosing, Michigan Wednesday, August 24, 1977 5 Prison overcrowding will increase appointment Ling - ■ brick building with a grocery store, the bar's roadsign beckons but the album apparently does did not question that it was a "I've been advised by my any legal action could be taken to state whether customers with blinking yellow lights. If that doesn't turn the not feature Elvis Presley, who legitimate offer," said Jack attorney not tn answer that against the stations. original artist singin. or n«iS trick a seven-up sign is perched on the building's roof. died last week. Presley had Miller, Thomas Muth, assistant pro¬ " question." He tlen hung up on 2,1 — advertising director WJIM's Miller Outside the bar, side by side, are two phone booths, if been known by the public as at WJIM. "It is our procedure the reporter. fessor of telecommunications at know if the someone is looking for the All Dunn Bar and wants to make "the King of Rock 'n Roll." to accept these offers." A spokesperstn for the Citi¬ MSU, said the Communication commJ| absolutely sure he or she has found it, he or she can stop at one The ad, which ran Monday "If it is not Elvis, then I guess zen's Communication Center, a Act of 1934 (section 312) re¬ screened before it He said there ^"B of the phone booths, dial, and verify the location. was i and Tuesday on both stations, it could be misleading," Miller public interest law firm in quires stations to be run in the disagreement betweeiJ If there is still a Stroh's beer can and a crushed Camels never mentions Presley's name said. "But it is not the intent of Washington D.C., said if the public interest. whether J neers at WJIM cigaret pack in either one of the phone booths, the call to verify "The programming transmit¬ it probably isn't necessary. ted is the responsibility of the was Presley singing. Station owner a Inside the door, the bar blossoms around entering strangers licensee (station)," Muth said. Gross said there was, Z like a heady summer night. A single pool table a few feet in front of the door totally dominates the room, flanked close on one side by a five stool bar and close on the other by a short row Sebastian Cabot dead at 59 "If any misrepresentation is involved, there could be an impairment for the station." er in the the public commercial money baek|H of tables. Officials at the National Citi¬ are not completely utJ Beyond the tables lie an equally short row of booths and a VICTORIA, British Columbia His first London stage role Kismet. He becime widely zen's Committee on Broadcast¬ Gross said he the record planned! wood paneled wall. The wall would bring back memories of a (API — Sebastian Cabot, whose was in A Bell for Adano in 1945. known on the American scene ing (NCCB) in Washington D.C. company n] suburban rec room, if it wasn't covered with big ten school career as stage, film and tele¬ Two years later, he came to the for his portrayal ol the urbane said there could also be legal guarantee that they elj vision star spanned nearly United States to appear in John money. 1 pennants and an American Bicentennial 76' flag. The only Dr. Carl Hyatt in Checkmate. action taken against the Dallas three decades, died of a stroke "If they things missing are Mom. apple pie, and Darryl Rogers. Giegud's New York production Cabot's motion pictures in¬ based record company. guarantees® Behind the pool table, the All Dunn Bar opens up somewhat. at his home here Tuesday. He of Love for Love. cluded Seven Thieves, The upon dissatisfaction, ttjl "It sounds like a definite case Its rear is divided into two sections, a kitchen and a dance floor. was 59. Time Machine and The Family running the commercial,'( His English of misrepresentation in adver¬ said. "If On weekends, the dance floor is graced with a band. Neither the Perhaps best known for his movies include Jewels. He also hid a long they don't wear band or the dance floor is exceptionally large — but then again, role as the staid but soft¬ The Captain's Paradise, Ivan- tising," an NCCB official said. it." 1 string of narration tredits, in¬ "The Federal Trade Commis¬ the All Dunn Bar isn't Dooley's. hearted butler-nanny in the hoe, Romeo and Juliet and Early Tuesday the at Othello. cluding The Swori in the sion (FTC) usually takes care of cial Concerning patrons, if the All Dunn Bar actually does Family Affair television series, was scheduled ton Stone, The Jungle Book and that." blossom around an entering stranger, then some of its Cabot was last seen as the host more times on 1 patrons In 1955, he returned to the Winnie the Pooh (or Walt can only be described as wilting flowers. Just like in of the short-lived television Leroy Yarnoff, a lawyer for Miller said o>,c uixna any other United States as the bearded Disney. Cabot is survived by FTC, was unavailable for com¬ between this and other] tavern, they truly look all done. But that is only appropriate, anthology Gnost Story several his widow and three children. considering the bar's name. seasons ago. ment Tuesday. commercials the station J When contacted Tuesday by is the place where A more accurate portrayal of the patrons can only be gained Cabot had suffered a stroke pa by taking pool table cues: of seven occupied tables and booths in 1974 which left his right Billy applauded by Canadians the State News, Dave Gerald, Continuity Director at WKBD, sent. "The payments are ■ on a recent weeknight, five sported pool sticks as well as beer. side paralyzed. RICHMOND, Canada (AP) - whether he would participate, said he would have to view the sent right to the station,! And if bad pool could be macho, the All Dunn Bar's pool is. Cabot also played in the TV Outside of pool and beer, however, customers seemed most mystery series "Checkmate" Billy Carter made a splash at Carter replied: "No sir, I can't commercial before commenting said. "On this offer, thtl the third annual world on it. ment went strai' inclined toward their accompanying husbands or wives. Most from 1959 to 1962. belly- even swim." But while Carter flop and cannonball diving sat at He later said that though it record company in were aged at least in their late 20s or early 30s. Though a clump "I went from Checkmate to poolside, the crowd of blue collar workers might bemoan their work doldrums, the Family Affair," he once said. "I championships even though he began chanting "We want rest of the bar's patrons will generally be brain in Checkmate and wasn't' a contestant and had Billy." "regular" — at least in was a said he couldn't swim. the sense that everyone knows most everyone else. The All Dunn Bar might.also, finally, be regular in one other respect. For endless, easy summer days or heady summer on Family Affair I idiot." Cabot was was a sweet born in London, Carter was one of the judges for a session of midsummer Carter suddenly got nut of his chair, strode to one end of Bell's Pizza madness. the pool, and jumped in, fully nights, for wanderers and explorers, its door can provide steady passage — even for the reeling — into tavernous realms; realms that, however spontaneous they may be found, are England, on July married in 1940 and moved 6, 1918, Asked before the competition clothed. has fast, free with his wife and family to the ******************* delivery. seldom, seldom regretted. United States in 1955. | PUCK and PIDAL * Open from 11:00 o.m. deliveries from 4:30 p.m. 225M.A.C. 332 - 5027 1135 Grand Rivor 332 - 0151 Ljgon Newt, Eost tonslng, Michigan Wednesday, August 24, 1977 7. Jackson Browne: still surviving "dreamer dreaming about Eve¬ Ibillholdship ryman," and he is able to music. devices such ■.teNew' Review®1" Browne has recently been focused as a spotlight h people look back on the incorporate that "Everyman" criticized for the on Browne's face sur¬ ti ps culture, its qu.te into his own persona. He is able "crybaby" rounded by darkness as he aspects of The Pretender, and sang P, ,h»t Jackson Browne to bring poignancy to even life's sometimes the criticism seems Sleep's Dark and Silent Gate" simplest situations while main¬ showcased him at his quintes¬ iith Neil Voung) will be justified. However, when one sential best. I as the decade's poet taining some strength in the watches the man perform the X human condition and his One complaint is that singer-songwriter. inno¬ Spanish "Linda Paloma," a song though J, reputation has cent the show lasted an hour and a finally child-adult/adult-child vi¬ he wrote because a similar song half, the exclusion of Ifront cult figure boy- sions. was once his and his suicide songs "Doctor My Eyes" and "Take It like Icompoier to superstar Perhaps the initial "dislike" victim wife's favorite, one rea¬ Easy" were definitely missed. lafact most evident from stems from the lizes that there is a lot of Granted, they are standards Lssive audience that unconscious self-hate masochism inherent in heavy stuff going on here. And now, but a lot of t|| to his Sunday evening Everyman. After all, romance the remarkable thing still is people still like them. As it was, Browne's show Evsry wish, inert Hun a million Wchigii tance at Pine Knob. is not always the pleasurable that he has endured. It's no was great. With another shoppers choose Kroger! Why... encore business many poets would small symbol that Browne re¬ ■ audience disregarded of "Fountain of Sorrow," it ...Because Kreger means better meat. Kroger have you believe. cords on the Asylum label. |t weathe', filling the Browne has recently gone through a lot of In concert, especially since could have been magnificent. girts yet e better net! relet. Tear money (lawn witii tents, um- his hardships, Browne is essen¬ But still there was "The beys mere eating meet at Krtgar... I and forts, the result pain, and it can be seen in his Pretender," and the audience eminiscent of a minia- performance. The humorous X tially still less a performer and (myself included) would have more a ...Because yee'll find fresher fruit and |0s rock festival. And rated ditties like "Cocaine songwriter. His stage been satisfied to hear Blues" and "You Just presence is less than sensation¬ only that vegetables in the Kroger gardens. Ren after he members of Browne's Want pared to The Pretender's mel¬ al. His rapport with the audi¬ piece of beauty and nothing ren of freshness at dina-te-earth prions. Meat (You Don't Want Me)" are je vary in description, low self-pity. That isn't to say ence was almost zilch. else. They clapped and sang Kreger always offers the best available... Jiority seem to be rem- no longer present in his set. it's happy rock like James Still, he along. "Are you there?" sang E the '60s. It makes Though he included several Taylor's newer pieces. It's as puts out. His voice hasn't Browne, and the response was ...leeanse yen'H find everyday lew prion older compositions like "Bock sounded better. His These people have some- backup a sincere "Yeah!" Some people throegkoet the stern, with lew weekly spteials though Browne has decided to band The Section (also James Lnaged to survive Me On The Water," "For Eve¬ try another alternative by just Taylor's session men) and con¬ probably did go home and say a on Hems yen nnnd and bay regularly. With . failed dreams, and ryman," and "Before The De¬ prayer. Others felt less alone ■nadvartisad specials that givn yea aaai- letting all the pent-up frustra¬ stant cohort David Lindley is what Browne is all luge," Browne concentrated tion and rage out with the next morning than they paetad savings. mainly on numbers from The pounding filled in the gaps. And the little have in quite awhile. Pretender and his jn Browne is a definite forthcoming J There is often some- ■there that says you Unfortunately, it was diffi¬ ■dislike him as a person, cult to understand the lyrics to 1 impossible to dislike a the new compositions in a •s his emotions concert environment, but, with [periences on his sleeve the exception of one, they |y, Browne is a beautiful mainly hard rockers as tw president at NBC Jl YORK (AP) - A new president of the NBC Television Irk was named Monday in a surprise move that left in doubt L of Robert T. Howard, who had held the post since 1974. •Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4-7 Crt Mulholland, 43, was promoted to the post after serving •Drastically reduced prices on draft beer Tt five months as an executive vice president in charge of Sundays only •Entertainment in our lounge Friday & Jg the network's 1980 Olympics coverage. He has an live background in news. Saturday night. •Live piano music for your dining Lrt Scholsser, NBC president and chief executive officer, pleasure Tues.-Sat. ■the announcement of Mulholland's promotion to the post •Daily specials including fresh fish Td has held since April 1,1974. iser said television requires speedy decisions because of ^•Special dishes prepared at your table id programming changes made all year long and that he man for the job. •Join for all of the events Lpect him to lead," he said of Mulholland. "I expect him to us or one lie network an efficient, aggressive, enlightened organiza- happening at the Vine. illand joined NBC 16 years ago and became a producer he "Huntley-Brinkley Report" two years later. He helped he nation's first two-hour local news program, on KNBC in THE GRAPEVINE igeles. 2758 East Grand River 1971, he was named producer of "NBC Nightly News" and |e executive producer a year later. He was named news vice 337-1701 in 1973 and executive vice president a year later. Pick up this month's PLAYBOY and meet MSU's Big Ten We have a complete selec¬ Representative! tion of guitars for the be¬ ginner and the expert. From the Alvarez 5014 at $109.00 Bring your camera- have your to the new Martin Herring¬ bone D-28 at *77000 picture taken with her and We also carry Alvarez get her autograph Yairi, Ovation, loPrin- zi, Mossman, Hamer, Travis Bean, Gibson & Fender. Thursday, August 25 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Paramount Neuter titer I Umom Available for Michigan and Washington PUITAR, BANJO, DRUMS N A Lansing COMPLETE LINE OF CESSORIES FOR FRETTED & 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Varum aim t Neu'teenler wUSSION INTSTRUMENTS 2010 West Saginaw Inow carry lida Banjos Lansing ] front <154" to'232" MSA Pedal Steel Guitars the Emmet Friday, August 26 Chapman "Stick" 12 noon to 1 p.m. 7-II Store IMPAIR 1306 East Michigan ,l,op*' w# can repair kinds of Instru- I'asi Lansing l,.j 'ln addition, our luthler does custom work |'nCr«storotion. 2:00 p.m. to 7- / / Store 3:00 p.m. 311 Grove St. Kasl Lansing 6:00 p.m. to lieadm ore Newteen ler 8:00 p.m. 1000 S.Cedar Lansing W M-F10-8 Sat 10-5 Q Michigon Stote News. Eost loosing, Michigan Rowekamp: Knee is strong Student s 'All-American' back "Sure, all the pro scouts know that I've had my knee on, so occurred. I've just got to prove I can play better than before the injury operated , on sale agajn "A lot of athletes recover and go on playing after having knee MSU students have another injuries," he continued. opportunitv t„ l after season lay-off Rowekamp will be switched from his customary linebacker position to middle guard this season. MSU head coach Darryl game' s. " * General 0,6 S^'^ Admission tickets for the Sent 111 p, Rogers hopes this change will improve the Spartans' defense u By MICHAEL KLOCKE State News Sports Writer against the run, which was last in the Big Ten in 1976. Sept 17 Washington State game, and will be on sale at the Jenison &£* £* Fieldhouse ticket !?'" "I love playing linebacker, but I'll be glad to play middle guard if lobby entrance) through Sept. 9. ID cards must U? Being picked as a pre season all-American and then having to sit that's where I'm needed the most," Rowekamp said. The position out the entire season with a knee break to cope with. injury has got to be a tough will not be completely new to Rowekamp as he played middle For $10, student discount the first three games. After priced tickets can bet?1 Sept. 9 the student If guard in 1974 and part of the 1975 season. four dollars for each contest. pnet H' But MSU standout middle guard Kim Rowekamp has finished "Kim participated in spring practice and got great confidence in Tickets for MSU's final three home the long wait after knee surgery. Rowekamp is finally healthy and himself," said Rogers at Saturday's press luncheon. "Having him after fall term registration. The tickets games u„ k. he's optimistic in anticipation of the 1977 football season. will be soW. back is a big plus for our defense." seats and the price is $12 for the three g,me, fa . "Things look real good for the upcoming season," Rowekamp Rowekamp is confident the Spartan's defense will do well as a Michigan; Oct. 29 against Illinois; and Nov is said. "The exercising has actually made my left knee unit this season. He said the return of three starters who sat out as strong or Northwestern. u stronger than my right knee." the 1976 season with injuries (Rowekamp and defensive back The 6-2.250-pound senior underwent surgery on his left knee in Tommy Graves and Mike Imhoff) will strengthen the defense. October of 1975 following an injury that occurred during a 21-19 "Any time you lose three starters off your defense it's got to loss to Illinois at Spartan Stadium. hurt, especially in Big Ten competition," Rowekamp said. Rowekamp was injured in the second quarter of that game, but Rowekamp is healthy and he's ready for the start of the 1977 season. But that's not the only excitement Rowekamp has had this played on the injury for the whole second-half and even came up with an interception. summer. He was also married, making the summer quite an Due to the injury. Rowekamp missed the entire spring practice important one for the senior from Kalamazoo. session in 1976, but he was still picked on several pre-season ail-American teams. State News Robert Kozloff However, when fall drills came around, the left knee was not MSU middle guard Kim Rowekamp and his newly- completely healed and rather than risk further injury, MSU head coach Darryl Rogers redshirted wed wife Denise check the quality of a snapshot Rowekamp. taken of Rowekamp Saturday at press day, an an¬ This year the pre season accolades are not there. The pro scouts nual event that begins each football season. Rowe¬ know he is coming off knee surgery, and Rowekamp admits there kamp, a pre-season ail-American in 1976, is heading may be some pressure on him this season. UTTUmiWAT into his last year of competition for the Spartans. "In a there's a little more pressure on me this year," UDVICI STATION way Velocipede Peddler Kitchen Cupboard Rowekamp said. "But all I can do is go out and play the best I can. 1301 E. Grand Elver Elderly Instruments Naxt to Varsity Inn Quick Silver J; ,. Paramount News Jo-El Gameil" 5(1 E»t Grand River ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES FOR NON-ENGLISH SPEAKERS There IS a difference!!!^> (across frw Rainy Hall) (ruiwji BEGINNING TO ADVANCED INCLUDING: r .MCAT -LSAT -DAT •Preparation For University Studies • GMAT • VAT .ORE »OCAT 'oSAT •Small class size • NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS •Varied class schedule • ECFMG .FLEX Album Rock—24 Hours! •Individual attention Flexible Programs and Hours Over 3S years of experience end success. Small classes Voluminous . t •Experienced teachers home study materials. Courses thai are constantly updated. Centers open days and weekends ill year. Complete tape facilities lor review •Special classes For Arab Students ol class lessons end lor use ol supplementary materials. Make-ups for missed lessons et our centers. R! COST from $20 per week SS5 Floxiblo Program! and Hours FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL FxMfta ills: 3l»fiM3i; mMV: 31M2-3M 351-3815 $l.00off „ Or write to: 29226 Orchard lake Rd. Coll oftar 12:00 noon Sulfa#205 Farmlngton Hills, Ml. 4*011 ""r" mom on any 16"pizio ^■■■MAtriliaiedCentersinMajorU.S.C good onyfime except Fridoy and Soturdoy A delicately crefted floral engagement ring rests Lake Lansing between two bands of vxniss; store only BIS t8k antiqued gold. "Anettasla" - by Orange Blossom. SAVINGS Daisies TODAY! Wtdno$dny 5 pm to doio 1.98... 49c J 4 WHOPPERS m ••••#;•••• o No coupons REMEMBER! No limit ^ jf • V m a • • • n Norm Kesel Florist WE'RE OPEN ON FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIOHT Hey, chicken lovers- TILL 3:00 AM come on over to "good time band' 109 E. Grand River 337-1331 Offors Good At Both 1141 E. Grand Rivor The Other Fried! and 3021 E. Saginaw WE DON'T JUST WANT TO SELL YOU A CALCULATOR... I badois, awards Wednesday ■ and trophies i PRPM ...from Opon Mon. thru Fri. Nitot until 6 MARV* HELEN REED 130SSO. CEDAR Family IhcBRMKH LANSING, Ml. 40910 517374-0634 Night WE WANT TO HELP YOU BUY EAST LANSING S BEST SELECTION OF Special 3 pieces of chicken, ONE THAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU I fjg. '1.4 colo slaw, mathod >1" discount calculators HAS BASIC CORDS potatoos t gravy * NOW hot btecultf. "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN" ON AIL TIXAS Greot lime to diacover the toucho INSTRUMENTS, HEWLETT-PACKARD, KINGSPOINT Honey CASIO. AND MORE. UP TO 13 COLORS PER SIZE Fomous Recipe. The Other Fried Chicken. » COUPON SPKI ALSNO_R AINCHECKS_ dipped-ln-honey batter, tried reolly crisp ond oil .STIC & METAL ENGRAVING CB OR through. No wonder people who cross over to *2™Off HEWLETT-PACKARD I FREE! ~"~c~~7s SQUARE DANCE BADGES. JEWELRY, SILVER Fried Chicken stay there I | T-SHIRT now$1450 (REG 16.50) DISHES, MUGS, PLAQUES AND TROPHIES " ' ToTf" Attention Golfers Toff., * um»« rich. sci.. | KINGSPOINT SC-44F SCIENTIFIC " , — Quality Golf Balls - Tmet/sftec/pe l___ 220 M. A.C. UNIV. MALL _j_ «r, MON-Sot 11214-5:30 J •IhcBRMKH* IP00 E. Kalamaioo (5 mln. front MSU) 4J00S.Cedu' 3007N.E-|S- (U.».27No*fc) 351-6470 SUMMER HOURS: THURSII.2S4.O SAT 10-5:30 220 MAC. University Mall ph. 351-4620 Shags $1.28 a dozen! I ^ ctnte News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 24, 1977 9 Strahan selected all-American: Raybestos captures national title APWirephoto Angeles Rente lerbsck Joe Ne- X bis knee bre- MSU senior Kathy Strahan, who has one year left to feIp«sed, is upset Francisco 49er MSITs women's Softball team, played play for the shortstop for Raybestos, a In fielding Strahan committed and was also named the only one error in the tournament tourney's best defensive player. team from Stratford, Conn., in the Women's Lsive end Cedrlck Fastpitch Amateur Softball Association (ASA) tournament and was named to the first Over the season Strahan batted .300 and was field also. consistent in the Xjmtn in a game team all-American squad. Strahan is from Lansing where she [by San Francisco Strahan batted .370 for the tournament that concluded Sunday Harry Hill High School. She played Softball played boys' baseball for Vy, 23-14. Ne- when Raybestos captured the national championship. Raybestos Laure a, which is also considered to be with the Lansing jb and his fragile finished 8-1 in the tournament at Hayward, Calif, and it was the Softball teams in the country. one of the top women's is played the en- seventh consecutive summer that the Connecticut squad has f 8econd half, eon- captured the Women's Fastpitch title. a f°r AIAW (Association of ^tra^an tJle Spartans finished third in the Intercollegiate Athletics for Women) l„. incumbent By winning the championship Strahan earns a trip with her College World Series last spring and won it in 1976. Raybestos teammates to Japan next July for the World J yterback Pat Ha- Tournament which takes place every five years. The Rams are |only 1 inj other pro- football Namath has ' ******************* NOW!! * You can afford a „d for since his I career with the Back to School ¥ GREAT haircut! K York Jets which ¥ * 7.00 Led Namath's ■icted upset of the with HAIRCUTS STYLING Km tire Colts in Free T-Shirt with Permanent ■^Always a high- ed quarterback i the Jets, Na- X ¥ vi.it + GARYS 351-6511 Ji took s pay cut Howdy Doody + [the Rams so that Tould play in Los f ¥ "H Puppet Theatre «"«• 4 4 Campus Beauty Salon 549 E. Grand River ■ ocrots from Berkuy Hall l8 and be near -|{ Ugllugt Dog in Town Contest J ood. He hopes Lntinue his young ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★-* 349 2700 MERIDIAN MAIL kg career after re- OPEN 12:45 PM mibidian wist ACaosa prom "tub dackbtam" Jgfrom football. today... He drove 'em wild! 1:00-3:00'5:00-7:00'9:00 pm MATINEE EVERYDAY! mnsH hit! nf:\ \/TES^ HOLDEN-REID The ATTIC Frandor/laming Mall Richard Pryor Is faster than , Wed. Thurs. 5:15-7:15-9:15 J FEATURE AT ($>4*1=) Iw Twilits 445-515 lAlts'1 JO 1 ■.30-3:30.5:30-7:30-9:30 om The Only Thing More Terrifying Than The Last 12 Minutes Of This Film Are The First 80 Oshkosh ■M "f* flfflfAUGESll MART1J FELDMAN SOosh V J ANN-MARQRET MICHAEL 1JORK PETER USTINOU JAMES EARL JONES JEANS 3m ON. Tlwrs. 5:397:39930 Twilili MO-SID Mills '1J •wonverse Athletic ihoes SNEAK PREVIEW FRIDAY NITE TheOtf COHlrtflftinv' fH I l -j l flBn TODAY OPEN 1:40 Side of mailorder SHOWS 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 Midnight V 6 - Hit TbffS. 545-MO Iwllils 5.15-545 Mills '1J gSSmSFo-oo SPECIALISTS "ONE OF THE \ JAMES BOND OOF" THE NEW GREAT SCREEN THE SPY ROMANCES ECONOMICAL WHO OF ALL TIME! IIKKORMAT FT3 kLOVEDMEl WITH NIKON SYSTEM VERSATILITY. LIZA ROBERT A MAGICAL SPACE FANTASY ADVENTURE MINNELLI DENIRO NEW YORK WITH LATEST 50mm F2 AI-NIKKOR NEW YORK LENS ONLY $229 Here's the exciting new, |en,rY into the Nikon system—a full-feature I economical sir. The Nikkormat FT3 gives you ■ the split-second certainty of automatic aperture MARK HAMILL HARRISON FORD CARRIC FISHCR ■ hexing, combined with the matchless I Ned. Tiers. 1:3G2«MOT4:3G6:30-7flF9d»9:30 jtturacy of Nikon center-weighted, thru-the- Itens metering.lt takes all of the more than SS I multi-coated Nikkor lenses and most Nikon SEX«GR00VE TUBE m. Twilite 130440 Milts MSI I accessories for unlimited While the courts enjoyment! It's easy I enough for a beginner, yet so versatile many a free the guilty../ I Passional counts on it. Come in and see it Buford hisser protects the innocent. JWN S of BATTLE CREEK it a national mail ordor photo equip rnJP*?lli"'W*wi,h 01our ad» appaorlng In Modorn ond Popular N,w Vork and Chicago prlcat, but delivar Starling CAYhARINE ERHAI because wa'ra to dota. A Bonk cord ordar. phoned In on would EXTRA possibly be delivered lo your Ironl door on Thurs- slock everything we sell. TOMORROW THURS 101FM MOVIE WRITE FOR PRESENTS AT 9:00 P.M. ROSVtNSUN .is ButailPUsav m FINAI OttPltH WALKING TAIL ] "SHAMPOO" (R) -FREE CATALOG Admission '1.01 Wed. Thsrs 2:15445-7:15-130 Twllit* 4:15445 adults '150 616-965-7285 "CINDERELLA 2000" . Wed. ttm 1:3H45-HS73ISH5 __10 W. MICHIGAN MALI SHOWN AT 7:30 ONLY I Twilite 5*5-30 adults *1.50 amera co BATTLE CREEK, Ml 49014 . Admission '2.50 10 Wednesday, Aug Whose hooves? 4-H equestrians show audience Ah, a horse show: young women dressed in English riding outifts, prancing horses and, whoops! — manure. But it wasn't all dismay Tuesday afternoon as over 400 4-H members and their horses put on a display of showmanship that would have made Mr. Ed jealous. Barnum and Bailey would have turned ten shades of red if they saw the horses and their mounts perform in, not a three-ring but a 11-ring circus, or rather horseshow, — all simultaneously. The equestrian event took place at the corner of Farm Lane and Mt. Hope Road and saw the likes of quarter horses, grade horses and ponies competing for gold, silver and bronze ribbons. From the passersby on Mt. Hope Road the show must have looked like a dust bowl as a parade of horses stomped, pranced and jumped their way through a host of riding events that included Western riding, barrel racing and Equitation. In Equitation, the riders are required to walk, canter and trot their horses while the rider holds a perfect riding posture. "What we're looking for is the rider's form, position and their effectiveness as a rider — not so much the horse," said judge Rosalind Kinstler. In the jumping competition the rider is required to lead the horse over a series of fences with the most possible finesse. But many a stubborn stud refused to fences, preferring to go around them instead. Usually this resulted in the horse jump the getting a slap and a tongue lashing from the indignant rider. "I don't know what its probelm is," said one frustrated rider while on the nose. But then a horse is a horse, of slapping her horse course, of course .. . Isn't it? The annual horse show is held juBt before the Michigan State Fair and features some of the best of over 16,000 4-H club horse riders from around the state. Each county sends a designated number of equestrians to compete in the event. The show has been put on at MSU for at least 25 years, according to Dick Dunn, extension specialist in animal husbandry. "The objectives of the show are to learn skills in horsemanship, understand the training of horses, develop leadership and sportsmanship, increase knowledge of safety precautions and provide an opportunity to compete on a statewide level," he said. The horse show was held in conjunction with two other 4-H-sponsored events that included a shooting competition held at the Ingham County Conversation league grounds in Lansing and "Dairy Days," which will run through Thursday. Showing her riding iorm, n contestant takes her horse over one oi six hurdles in the equitation jumping classes. In this one the rider is judged on how well she rides and how she handles her horse. Black polish is applied to the hooves for show. In addition, the horse is sprayed with a special substance and baby oil is applied to the ears and face - all to make the horse Rosalind Kintsler judges one of the shiny. At right, entrants in the hunter seat division. Kintsler, from Okemos, teaches and judges all over the state. Photos by Maggie Walker Story by Chris Kuczynski Kirsten Anderson, who later placed third in a jumping event, is comforted by« friend alter losing one of her first competitions. Ljchigon Stote News. Eo»t Lansihg, Michigan Wednesday, August 24, 1977 1 1 (HE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS I PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 Class I# led Advertising Employment I'jfj [Tpirfeits |[yl | Apartmeits y Hoists Information CHILD CARE-30 year old former THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ONE WOMAN roommate, 2 bed¬ teacher and governess will babysit MALE NEEDS assenive male for DEPARTMENT will be accepting NEED A 4th? Looking to share fall HOUSES FOR rent. 4/5 bed¬ room apartment, Hardy Ave. One 347 Student your children in my home. Call apartment near campus. Write IHONE 355-8255 Serylces Bldg. 337-7109. S-5-8-29 (4) applications for telephone sales personnel for year lease. 337-1233, 5-9 p.m. Jay, Box 31, East Lansing. 4-8-26 apartment near campus with 2 or 3 males. Tim 332-4697. Z-2-8-26 (31 rooms, well located, close to the upcoming Z 6 8-26 I3I campus. From $450/month. Calf 131 school year. Must be able to work EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. 0-4-8-26 ELECTRONIC I RATES REPAIRMAN Wanted. Experience necessary in a minimum of 2 consecutive hours LARGE TWO party furnished effi¬ TROWBRIDGE ROAD, spacious NEED 1 female for fall in ingham. Close, furnished, Twyck- (4) 1 daily during 8a.m. 5p.m. Stu¬ ciency, close to campus, air and comfortable. 1 bedroom fur¬ move in DAYS day • 90< per line stereo and related repair. TV or CB dents only apply in - before break. Heat & water includ¬ person at 347 conditioned, $184/month. 351- nished or unfurnished. Walk to HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSESI r 6 1 3 days • 80C per line experience helpful, good ed. Call 351-2145. Z-2-8-26 141 i 3 working |tudent Services. S-6-8-26 (9) 1610, after 5 p.m. 487-4451. 0-6-8- MSU, shopping, bus, or 1 block to Call now to see our list of East side 7.20 13.50 16.80 6 days-75C per line conditions plus benefits. See Greg ■j J_70_ 26(4) 496. 9 and 12 month leases. From homes which will be available for at WILCOX TRADING SHELTER HOME Coordinator. 9.60 18.00 22.40 POST, 609 WANTED: OLDER student or grad 3 60 8 days - 704 $180 plus utilities. Phone 351-4746 September leasing. AIM, INC., per line E. Michigan, Lansing. Please, no M.S.W. with clinical and adminis¬ EFFICIENCY, ONE OR TWO BED¬ student to share 2 man, $110/ \r TSo" 14.40 12.00 22.50 21.00 27.00 33.60 phone calls. C-10-8-26 (101 trative experience. Two years in ROOM. East side and downtown after 5:30 or 351-4107. 2-8-26 (91 month, one block from campus. 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741: 0-12-8-26 (6) it j.40_ Line rate per insertion juvenile court or related setting Lansing. Call now for list of SHARP 1 bedroom apartments, Contact Bud, 616-382-2244 after XT 16.80 31.50 39.20 FULL-PART time jobs. Excellent desired. Call John Lane, LIVING¬ September openings. AIM, INC., across from campus. Large, clean, 5:30 p.m. Z-2-8-26 (4) NEW CONCEPT-Leisure living earnings. Call 374-6328, 4 6 p.m. STON COUNTY Personnel Direc¬ 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. furnished. CLAUCHERTY REAL¬ brand new single family for age 55 Weekdays only. Z-4-8-26 131 tor, 1-546-7555,8-5 p.m., Monday- 0-12-8-26 161 FEMALE GRAD student own TY, 351-5300. 2 8 26 141 and older on 3% acre wooded sitei KonoLines ■ 3 lines - '4.00 - 5 days. 80' per line over MAINTENANCE MAN needed full Friday. 0-7-8-26 19) room, 3 bedroom, large, $90 heat 2 bedroom, heavily insulated; 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. included 349-3329 or 313-772- $375/month, 2300 E. Mt. Hope? time or part time, to maintain PART TIME typist and researcher PINILAKI FALL-MSU 1 block. 1 bedroom 7148. Z-2 8-26 (31 Price o( item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum houses. Call 351-8135 or 627-9773 furnished apartment. No pets. 351-5930 for appointment. X-4-8» international marketing. 321-7899 APARTMINTS 26 (6) sale price of '50. 0^58^6^(4) after 5 p.m. 2 8-26 (3) 332-3746. 2-8-26 131 LOOKING FOR one bedroom, j 6080 Marsh Rd. ■anuts Personal ads ■ 3 lines ■ '2.25 - per insertion. FEMALE STUDENT needed 5:30 accept unfurnished, walk to cam¬ WANTED GRAD student, owii Meridian Mall Araa EAST LANSING 2 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). a.m.-8:30 p.m. to transport and SECRETARY MATURE end sta¬ bedroom, low¬ pus. Call 1-313-661-4088 collect. er duplex. Furnished, carpeted, room, luxurious house, county) ble person for small firm. *165 plus utilti«t Z-2-8-26 I3I jmmoge/Garage Sale ads - 4 lines - '2.50. care for 3 school age children. 65/Shorthand 90, and ability to Typing clean. 351-5964. 4-8-26 13) setting. $100/month + utilities} 1 j3' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. 372-7643. 4-8-26 (31 349-5657. 2-8-26 (3) ! handle general office duties un¬ * bodroom unfurnished 3 ROOMS and bath furnished. 5 Lund Town ads • 4 iines - '2.50 • per insertion. COMMERCIAL ARTIST, creative, supervised. Apply in person, 3308 * one G.I. appliances DELUXE 2 BEDROOM air, car¬ blocks campus. For Professors or 2 BEDROOMS, 5 miles I 63' per line over 4 lines. keyline, paster up ot ads, bro¬ S. Cedar Suite 110B. 2-8-26 18) * peted, heat and water furnished. business only. ED2-1300. 2-8-26 campusj Fully carpeted $220. 332-8215. 0-12-8-26 (31 1433 Roosevelt. Well insulated* lit I Founds ads/Transportation ads ■ 3 lines ■ '1.50 ■ chures, order forms. Opportunity for growth with dynamic * Air, drapes storm windows. $160/month plu$ BABYSITTER FOR 3 year old in * adjacent to now county pork utilities. No pets. Available Sep* j per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. young FEMALE NEEDED for 2-man 731 company. Call for interview be¬ my Okemos home. Own transpor¬ ROOMMATE TO share 2 bedroom tember 1. Burcham Apt. $120/month. Sep¬ Apply 1434 Roosevelt*; tween 9-4:40 p.m., 371-5550. 4-8- tation, begin Sept. 6th, 8:15-4:30 apartment. Own room/bath. $100/ Z-1-8-24 (5) tember-June (313) 642-9047. 3-8- 2617) p.m. Good pay, references. 349- month. 394-5327 after 5 p.m. Deadlines 26131 9109 or 373-1338. 2-8-26 (51 1-8-24 (31 NEW, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, garj BARTENDER AND Waitress 339-8192 s. 2 p.m. -1 class day before publication, LARGE SPACIOUS two bedroom WOMAN NEEDED for 4 man, 2 age, near Sparrow Hospital, $260? needed at MAC'S BAR. 484-6795. NEED 2 or 3 people to do light 655-3805 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 2-8-26 (3) ' bncellafion Change • I p.m. - 1 class day before 4-8-26 13) maintenance and lawn work. Call townhouses, across from Berkey. bedroom, 2 bath, 1 block to 1 year lease. $295. 351-0359. J publication. 332-0111 or apply in person at campus. $95/month. 351-0393. Z- ONE BEDROOM apartment, near 9-8-26 131 NEAR CAMPUS, 5 and 6 bedroom Ice od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed A FEW good territories available 1128 Victor St., East Lansing. campus. From $195. Heat and 2-8-26 I3I houses, furnished, 339-2961 afteii now. Sell AVON products in East 2-8-26 161 6 p.m. 2-8-26 (3) \ until after 1st insertion. water included. 351-4091. 0-12-8- FEMALE NONSMOKER: one-two Lansing. 482-6893. C 4-8-26 13) lere is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per additional change for maximum of 3 changes, BARTENDERS. 2 part time or 1 BABYSITTER FOR 1 year old, fall term, 8:45-12:45 p.m., in my home. 26(31 persons, own room in two bed¬ room. fall-spring. 332-1680. Z 3-8- ! Unas EAST LANSING near, 5 bed¬ ACROSS FROM Williams Hall. 2 24I3I rooms, 2 baths, garage, 3/4 acre, 9 le Stote News will only be responsible for the 1st full time, LOG JAM INN, Grand $2.00/hr. 485-0915. Z-2-8-26 (31 bedroom furnished, $210 including RESIDENTIAL LIVING in East month lease, $400. 339-2961 after day s incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must Ledge. 627-4300. 4-8-26 (31 heat. 669-3654 before 9 p.m. Lansing. 2 bedroom duplex, full 6 p.m. 2-8-26 (4) OKEMOS, ONE and two bedroom basement, be made within 10 days of expiration date, COCKTAIL WAITRESSES, part 4-8-26 14) large yard. $245/ apartments, spacious and inex¬ month. 669-5513. 0 1-8-24 (4) GRILL COOK part time weekends, and full time. No food. Barmaids. NEED ONE male grad to share e due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not pensive. Call 351-8135 from 8-6 FEMALE NEEDED fall, winter, . LOG JAM INN, Grand Must apply in person. PRO BOWL house. Own room, 2 miles to id by due date, a 50' late service Ledge. p.m. and 627-9773 evenings. 0-4- LANSING EAST Side, 4 respon¬ charge will 627-4300. 4-8-26 131 EAST, across from Coral Gables. spring option. Non-smoking, up¬ 8-26 141 campus. Non-smoker. 484^174. be due. 2-8 26 (51 per class. $70/month. Apartment sible students, available Sept. 1. 4 Z-2-8-26 (3) WANTED: PART time cook and close, pets o.k. 351-4809, 6-9 p.m. bedroom house, $225/month. 669- FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for Z-3-8-26 141 5513 0-1-8-24 (4) waitress, nights only. Call Dave, HOUSEKEEPER-LIVE in, East Capitol Villa. Sept. 15th, non- 1 BLOCK from campus. New 482-0733. 4-8-26 131 Lansing. Must like young children, smoker. Call 332-2691. Z-2-8-26 131 kitchen, dishwasher, fireplace, WOMAN NEEDED to share spa¬ EAST LANSING-furnished, 3 and dog. Good references. Call 351- garage, 3 parking spaces. Fully, motive Automotive ](«] SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST, two years experience, references 1808. 2-8-26 (42 MINI-KOOL needs manager at cious light two bedroom apart¬ ment. Edge of Okemos, campus and country. Call 332 6829 after 5 FEMALE, NONSMOKER ferred to share Chalet apartment pre 4 man. Available September, 337- 9412. 2-8-26 13) insulated, screens, new excellent storms condition. 2 and with 2. $90. Bonnie 337 2603; Rob bedrooms, full basement, $400/ required, phone evenings, 394- MSU. Married couple only. Excel¬ p.m. Z-3-8-26 141 HOUSES AND duplexes with 1 to month plus utilities, 12 month |NHEALY 1964,3000 series. VW 1974 7 passenger bus. Very 5138. 2-8-26 (3) lent pay. "Be your own boss." We 332-1296. Z-2-8-26 131 5 bedrooms near campus, no pets, I. Spare parts included, clean, excellent mechanical condi- lease, available 9/15/77. Refer¬ rent refrigerators to the dorm FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for CLAUCHERTY REALTY, 351- ■332-2110. 4 8 26 131 tlon, $3300. 339-2636. 10-8-26 141 ART INSTRUCTORS for after students. For interview call collect, 212 RIVER ST. Large 2 bedroom, 4 5300. 2-8-26 14) ences required. 351-1177 or 351- 4 man, $90/month plus utilities. 6088, evenings. 2-8-26 110) person unit, 2 blocks to campus, school program, elementary level. 1-313-769 4035, 9 5 p.m. Z-6-8-26 Close, call Lu at 351-2819. Z-3-8-26 po 1975. 6 cylinder, stan- furnished, $320 plus utilities, year COUNTRY LIVING but only 2 ■ miles. 676-1658. sreo, rustproofed. 3-8-26 (31 1 HHrcycte ||*ci Monday-Friday. 3:10-4:30 p.m. beginning Sept. 12th. EAST (71 MODELS WANTED. $8/hour. We lease. 339 8802. 2-8-26 (51 miles from campus, 5 bedrooms, FOUR BEDROOM house, 124 N. Francis St., Lansing. Close to LANSING ARTS WORKSHOP, furnished on 3 acres. Call EQUITY BMW 1975 R90/6 Krauser. Feh- 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished 2 BEDROOM Lansing, new carpet, MSU, furnished, $340/month + 332-2565. 1-8-24 161 will train. 489-2278. VEST, 351-1500. 0-2-8-26 14) 2-28-8-26 131 mobile homes on lake. East Lan¬ deposit. Phone 485-1353 after 5 (0 SUPER Sport 1969, out ring and bags, touring tank, many some air, $150 without utilities, t. Mint condition. sing 10 minutes. One child o.k. 487-2166. 2-8-26 131 p.m. 2-8-26 14) 44,000 other goodies, real sharp. Glen DATA FEMALE NEEDED to share house. ■ miles. Air, power PROCESSING Terminal CUSTODIAN-MARRIED couple 641-6601. 0-3-8-26 14) steering, Sperry, 489-0022; 393-5600. 5-8-26 Operator for educational institu¬ to serve as church custodian, rent Reasonable rent. Call 489-3226. COED HOUSE needs 3 people. 2 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. 2 71 disc brakes. Everything (5) tion. Key punching experience free occupancy of a partially Z 2-8-26 (3) blocks from campus, $100/month. (1600. 351 7497 or 676- ler 9 p.m. 02-8-26 (71 HONDA 125, 1973, excellent con¬ required. IBM 3741/3775 installa¬ tion. Good fringe benefits. Apply furnished parish house apartment, serving as part ot renumeration. Waters Edge bedroom, Center St., MSU close, 351-7631, 351-1177 after 5 p.m. FIVE AND six bedroom homes Beautiful setting, own rooms, grads preferred, 332-5609. Z-2-8- Z 2-8-26 (31 two blocks from campus. They are dition, only 2850 miles, $375. Call : CORONET le. fine condition, 19 mpg. 1973-Low 487-3096. S-6-8-26 (3) • P.O. Box 385, Holt, Mi. 48842. 2-8-26 (7) Reply to State News, Box E-5. 4-8-26 161 Rivers Edge AMERICANA 1-2 nonsmoking fe¬ furnished and have fireplaces. Call 351-8135 or 627-9773. 0-5-8-26 (5) 26 (4) Now Leasing!! males needed fall-spring for 4 EAST LANSING duplex, 4-5 bed¬ ■ sale $1250 or best otter. 41 after 9 p.m. or 351-7497. [ MoSmici )("/] DELIVERY HELP wanted, must have own car. LITTLE CAESAR'S ESCORTS WANTED. $6/hour. No training necessary. Call 489-2278. 1050 Water's Edge man. Furnished, parking. 0557, 5-10 p.m. Z-2-8-26 I4I 332- DUPLEXES persons, FOR Rent. 3 or furnished, available Sep¬ 4 rooms, 2 baths, rec room, no pets. $400. 374-6366. 0-2-8-26 13) ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace PIZZA, 1203 E. Grand River, Z-8-8-26 (31 (next to Cedar Village) tember. 669-9939. 0-5-8-26 (3) your conventional ignition with a Wednesday or Friday after 4 p.m. MARSHALL STREET area-2 bed LAKE LANSING, 260' lake front¬ 16.1972.42.000 miles. New 1-8-24 141 4 acres heavily wooded land. Piranha electronic ignition at WANTED STEREO salesman with 332-4432 room unfurnished. Utilities paid. age, ■.front wheel drive. Leaving OKEMOS, FULLY furnished, 5 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN $200/month. 669-3844. 2-B-26 I3I Secluded site. 2 bedroom house 7 must sell immediately. previous experience. Easy person¬ bedrooms, faculty house. Refer¬ • CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ SERVICE STATION attendant, with fireplace. 9 or 12 month lease, T53-0210. Z-2-8-26 141 ality and energy a must. Know¬ HICKORY HILLS, spacious 2 bed¬ ences, no pets, negotiable. 349- zoo Street, one mile west of part time. Apply CAMPUS MARSHALL STREET area, 1 bed¬ $300/month plus utilities. 351- ledge of photo equipment helpful. room townhouse style apart¬ 3115. 5-8-26 14) campus. C-12-8-26 (71 MOBIL. 1198 S. Harrison. 1-8-24 Good pay plus many benefits. See room unfurnished. Utilities paid, 6088; 351-1177 evenings. 2-8-26 GHIA convertible ments, balcony. Cambria Drive, on (8) 13) $175/month. 669 3844. 2 8-26 (31 ■Gas heater, radio, depen- Greg at WILCOX TRADING busline. 351-5937. 5-8-26 151 ABBOTT ROAD. 2 bedroom un¬ MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East POST, 509 E. Michigan, Lansing. |332-3178 Z 2-8-26 (3) Kalamazoo Street since 1940. HISTO-TECHNOLOGIST: We FEMALE NEEDED: two bedroom furnished townhouse, very clean, have an opening for an experi¬ Please, no phone calls. C-10-26 LOOKING FOR roommate, neat, $300-year lease. 351 6729. 4-8-26 Bargain Hunters IUCLASSIC 1974, air, Complete auto painting and colli¬ ,1111 14 girll apartment located across pow- sion service. American and foreign enced ASCP or eligible, full time. quiet, own room in furnished 2 from Varsity Inn. (4) Check It Oaf bering'brakes, 350 barrel, bedroom apartment, S. Washing¬ $85/month utili¬ cars. 485-0256. C-12-8-26 1141 Excellent salary and fringe benefits ties included. If interested call f miles. $2700. 394-2721. ton, $120/month. Call 7am-2pm. 26(31 WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top dollar, 489-4647. NORTHSIDE that includes paid vacation, holi¬ days and health insurance. Apply Personnel Department, E.W. ruT-nrf] 882 2869. Z-4-8-24 (5) 353-0109. Z-2-8-26 131 VILLAGE GREEN •2 bedrooms •Furnished P 1973 STATIONWAGON. J«it condition, good tires, AUTO PARTS Et SALVAGE. 0-12- 8-26 131 SPARROW HOSPITAL, 1215 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing. 487-9180. TV AND stereo rentals. $25/term. $10.96/month Call NEJAC 337- TIRES WORN??? APARTMENTS •Air conditioned •Laundry facilities ■miller. Must sell. $1100. •5 blks. to campus "after 6 p.m. 3-8-26(51 Equal Opportunity Employer. 2-8- 1010. C-12-8-26 (31 1804 Hamilton Rd. JUNK CARS wanted. We pay 261121 Upgrade your 10 speed bicycle to •Immediate occupancy more if they run. Also buy used IRC Okemos UTH FURY III 1965, V-8, cars and trucks. Call 321-3651 High Racer 90 lb. tires 9 mo. ■tow tires, runs well. 92,000 Pw'best offer, 355-4021. anytime. C-5-8-26 1141 MESSENGER NEEDED for fall term. Must be MSU student and 731 Regularly$7.95 9 & 12 mo. leases NOW LEASING FOR FILL $300 have car. Call Sharon, Display $■ Q 12 mo. f EiploynTliifl APARTMENTS "#0 IF 9 Ona t Two Bodroom — Advertising-State News. 353- Ona weak only 6400. S-1-8-24 15) — Furnished & Unfurnished $260 |C BONNEVILLE 1971. Air "id, automatic, FM radio, FULL AND part-time summer •Clow»« Compus — Very Spacious Mr Conditional -From $175 -$210 ■ running, 332-4775 P+8-26 |4| after 5 employment for MSU students. WANTED-WAITRESS, Bartend-, MIAppllW" CALL BEECHWOOD Velocipede 15-20 hours/week. Automobile re¬ ers and cooks. Apply in person at quired. 339-9600: 339-3400. C-12- the RAINBOW RANCH, 2843 E. 1130 Beech St. •Shag Corpeljng 8-26 1171 ' IrS' 2 d00r Sedan- Clean- Grand River. 2-8-26 14) 351-8135 85p.m. T P 9°od MOO. 355 6863. Z-2 8-26 mpg, new TEACHERS AIDE, part time, Eng- RN Et LPN Charge Nurse position, •SWIMMING fOOl Peddler 349*4067 Aft. 351-2798 lish as a second language, near .7-3 p.m. and 3-11 p.m. Excellent Summer — no vacancies 341L Grand Rtar 351-7240 MSU. 361-3815. 7-8-26 (31 benefits and paid orientation for News In East Lansing 627-9773 Eve. Now leasing ■T™°n. completely e'ationwagon, excel- LITTLE CAESAR'S pizza. 1621 W. qualified nurse in a skilled nursing For Fall CAMPUS rust- facility. Contact Mrs. Maples, Mt. Hope. Inside help only. Inter¬ Fall M per person pengme still 332-0817, 9-5 p.m. Monday-Fri¬ under warran¬ HILL Ctopcfetngfjam view after 4 p.m. Transportation Discount for 12 mo. leose ty $2250. 393-4687. required. 3-8-26 (4) day. 2-9-26 18) M APARTMENT BUILDING resident 351-7212 ®UAREBACK 70. Just re- LAW CLERK + MESSENGER for 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED LUXURY APTS. E. Lansing law firm, full time or manager in East Lansing. Prefer- '2MHK part time, can continue into school rably a married couple. Call 351- *privato balconies 'dishwasher, disposal • 8135 or 627-9773. Z-8-8-26 (4) ''Swimming pool Finished Apts. year. 351-6200. 3-8-26 (4) 'shag carpeting 'central air 'Free Roonwtt Service * lease Cedar Greens Fall leases only — 9 and 12 month leases Dishwashers Across from * A ^mism Apartments Williams Hall Special 12 month rates JOIN the gang ot ' Cectral Air Cmditieeiig MAIDA /IMPOSTS Swiraiig Pool Call 351-7166 |lClC Hatchback) Now Leasing 414 Michigan Located at Hagadorn Road |ust south ot Strvlca Road Burcham Woods 'IMiaiM Fertile 1206 Oakland —2 bedroom units Now leosinq for Fall •Pleasait leedscaping Call for Appt. G furnished oportnients —Various floor plans 'Heated pool * P®r month IV4-4411 • 9 or 12 month leases —Air conditioned 'Air conditioning Spec?'112-fRORth rates 12 re,,d-piu',a< ■n. 'ermination value Lansing's leading repair shop G available swimming pool G air —Furnished -Carpeted Collingwood Apts. 'Tennis courts 'Ample parking FRBI BUS conditioning —Best location In town * air conditioned * «h°9 carpeting 'Nicely furnished for import cars. A complete Shvroy G with-in walking *5 Blks. to campus SIRVICE roled 4J parts department and certified distance to campus as low as * dishwasher * unlimited parking mechanics assure you of fast flTO/month * plush furniture * """I®1 open daily 9 mo. 12 mo. reliable service fj'hrrlinan Special ratM 2 bedroom furnished Ibdrm. units 2 bdrm. units $218 $198 Model Open 9-9 available lor fall. $320 $280 Everyday University Now leasing for Fall Studio $185 $175 1135 Michigan Ave. Terrace Call 351-8282 745 Burcham Leaswg far Fall E. Lansing,351-8631 Ibohlad Old World Mall on the river) (next to Brody) 332-5420 351-3118 CALL 34*3530 12 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday'y. August 24,,, IB WJi ' *«l! Fk Sill 115] [Jill Fill# hutridiH W [Twig SjfjiwM 'IT staff awards intM NICE HOUSE for nice people, ONE BEDROOM starter home on WANTED; LIBERAL, friendly, (continued from 100 USED VACUUM cleaners.. THE POTTERS Guild has open¬ eleven YEARS experience typ¬ page 3. children preferred, 3 blocks from 14 acre lot with mature fruit trees, roommates to look for comfort¬ their efforts,'' he said. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. ings for fall classes advanced and ing theses, manuscripts, term campus. Call Betsy. 332-2188. Guaranteed one full year, $7.86 rural setting, 10 minutes from beginning pottery. Phone Mesee papers. Evenings, 6787544. C-3-8- able dwellings for fall. No tobaco Six awards will be available to and *lf»^ Z-3-8-26 131 and up. COMPANY. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 316 North Cedar, MSU. $12,000. Call owner after 5:30 or weekends for appoint¬ at 6582216. 88-26 14) 26 M2I smokers please. 0168. Z-5-8-26 (51 Call Ron, 351- all non-academic employes who have worked for the £nnual EmpfiS Dinner. Present S 5 MINUTES TO campus. 4-5 ANN BROWN PRINTING AND University person and home, unfurnished, lease damage deposit, 484-7695 or opposite City Market. C-12-8-26 (6) ment, 361-807TZ-4-826 (61 MASON-by owner. Older 2H GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum lessons. Private instruction avail¬ able. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351- TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, general printing. Serving MSU for GRAD STUDENT wants own room in house or apartment. Call for at least two years. Ail staff members are eligible and nomi¬ tes-Sai 485-8016 after 5 p.m. 3-8-26 (41 LARGE SELECTION of frames, story home, 4 bedroom, 1 'A baths. 27 years with complete theses after 6p_m_, 332 09MJJJ1-MJ3I nations can be made by 78»_81-824 (12) faculty, «"®llence CAMPUS NEAR, houses, duplex¬ glasses for everyone. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, Fireplace, den, sunporch. Interest¬ ing rooms in solid oak trim. WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years service. 349 08W_C-12-8-26_W KMALE NEEDS place to live fall staff or students. The first annual presentation and reward. through^ es (3-7 bedrooms, from 43301. 676-4601 after 5 p.m. 3-8-26 16) experience In professional editing, COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete term only. Willing to sublet. Call "Wa think Lansing, Mich. 372-7409. C-3-8-26 of the Distinguished Staff it', writing skill instruction. 337-1591. dissertation and resume service. 351-5529. 3-8-26 131 Also, apartments and studio rooms, call 4-7 p.m., 332-1946. (15) ON VACATION this week. See 82-824 (3) Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. members got m dinner and a ^l ' 3-8-26 15) INDOOR GARDENERS. 8' flo- you in the Welcome Week Edition. 830-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- 2 GIRLS need housing Sept. 77 June 78. Own rooms, close to I^ound Town g0|d retirement. The hfe ' 3-4-5 BEDROOMS, close to cam¬ rescent lights with four bulbs, $20. Also 8' desk with bookcase, $125. Paul Coady, MUSSELMAN REAL¬ TY, 332-3582. C-3-8-26 I4I Iwn swicilSI 1666. C-12-8-26 (51 campus or busline, have 1 friendly Staff Award where it is due, will pus, furnished, carpeted. Year 1-589-8996. Z 3-8-24 (41 EXPERIENCED TYPIST-fast and dog. Mary, 351-1023. Z-2-8-26 (41 and .11' EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ still be useful lease. 487-0114. Z-10-8-26 I3I BOOKS, MAGAZINES, comics I Service ||As] sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. accurate. Dissertations, theses, and term papers. Call 3383575. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. career," said to the, 1 489-0358. C-12-8-26 (3) one GRAD ROOMMATE needed, large and more! CURIOUS BOOK 0-2-8-24J3I Share house with other female. member. 3 bedroom house, 312 S. Pennsyl¬ SHOP, 307 E. Grand River. 332- BUY JUNK Cars and haul all kinds Run of entire house plus furnished of trash and steel. Call anytime at TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and Appointed in vania. $95 plus utilities. 332-5275. Z-3-8-26 (31 0112. C-12-8 26 (3) Fltartlass CaaM M25 332-1760. 2-826 (3) reasonable. 371-4635. C-12-826 J»Di own bedroom, living room, tele¬ phone, cable TV, laundry facilities, kitchen, utilities included, security BINGO TUESDAY Night, 7:30 dent Clifton R. work on behalf of Wha^N nomao TICKETS FOR Neil Diamond con¬ p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Bird women FRANDOR, 4 bedroom houses, wiiekt inttac iMck *a FOR QUALITY stereo service. cert. Will pay. 351-5950 ext. 296 deposit, no lease required, reason¬ starts at 7 p.m. Regular at 7:30 employes ami Z. MSU's affirm,ti,^j THE STEREO SHOPPE..555 East EXPERT en for September. 323-4407;' 694- TYPING-Term Papers, able. Walking distance to MSU. Ststl Wiiekts 25 perl. day; 393-5869 after 5 p.m. 6-826 p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY 6574; 484-3645 evenings. 3-8-24 Cilalattrt tr* IB Grand River. C-12-8-26 13) Resumes, etc. 16 years experi¬ Call after 4 p.m. 351-3899. 2-8-26 ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lan¬ program, the W- ence. Call Marilyn, 337-2293.812- 110) sing. C-li-826 IS) Women's Advisory Q«_ JUKFM Digital CM Radius FREE ...A Lesson in complexion 8-26 (31 to the Vice BEAT HIGH rents-3, 4 bedrooms, near Frandor, carpeted 372-1336. ta'ita care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan or 321-5543 NEED FEMALE for Brandywine, FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for JEWISH HIGH Holiday Traditional Breslin and PreiideSl Roger wife fjctii Clours is law as '14.99 Lansing Mall. MERLE PROFESSIONAL TYPIST, Selec- October 1st. own bed/bath, $135. four man apartment starting fall Services will be held in the Hillel now in the 6-8-26 I3I NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. trie. Associated with Ann Brown Call 351-4502 after 5 p.m. 3-8-24 process oIm-, Black t Will, Col* Portable T.V.S term, Twyckingham, 351-6029 af¬ Bldg., Sept. 12, 7:30 p.m., Sept. C-12-8-26 (4) tng selection Printing. 339-9076. 4-8-26 (31 ter noon. 2-8-26 I4I 13, 9:30 a.m. Z-2-8-26 141 criteriafej RANCH STYLE S bedrooms, car¬ CtKto.CkalrcJailis award. "■ peted, parking. 6 blocks to cam- We hove a wide selection of ous. 372-1336. 6-8-26 (31 good used furniture. Stop In and see us. EAST SIDE, 5 bedroom furnished, 2 baths, near campus. $375 plus DICKIR & NAL utilities. 669-3654 before 9 p.m. 4-8-26 141 Second Hand Store 1701 South Codar 2 BEDROOM house, 3000 West 487-3886 St. Joseph, Lansing. No pets. 487-9066. 5-8-26 13) NEW, USED and vintage guitars, 4 BEDROOM home banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers Lansing east and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ side residential, enclosed porch, garage, furnished. Call Chris, 484- 2164. 4-8-26 (4) sories, books, thousands of hard- to-find albums. (All at very low iOl/ NEED prices). Private and group lessons 3 BEDROOM home Lansing east side residential, redwood deck, on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all styles. Gift certificates. Expert repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY SOMETHING available Sept. 20. Chris, 484-2164. 4-826 I3I INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand River. 332-4331. C-10-8-26 (49) PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY; AUG. 27 IOIOUS 330) E. MICHIGAN— OKwufir — NEAR PENNSYLVANIA, off Kala¬ mazoo, 3 bedroom, $175/month. BLACK DIRT sod farm soil. Ap¬ 351-7497. 0-4-8-26 (3) proximately 6 yards delivered lo¬ EAST LANSING-fall, 4 bedroom duplex. Appliances, washer/dryer. cally. $39. Sand and landscape rocks available. Call 641-6024; 484-3379. 0-11-8-26 (5) COUPOMfllf PLEASING , No pets. 332-3746. 58-26 (31 HAGADORN ROAD-lovely brick TWIN BED, firm mattress, box spring, frame, headboard. 332- SOME ywuF/mi ATM/ home, 3 bedroom, large yard, 0297 after 5 p.m. 3-8-26 (3) $350/month. 351-7497. 0-5-8-26 CANON 814-E Super 8mm auto- GIVEN ON MANUFACTURER COUPONS T z00m camera with case. $175. EAST SIDE students or working ™0ne Elmw 35M05S *8-8-26 group. 2, 3, 4 bedroom houses. Neat, cieen and carpeted $195- SEW|NG MACHINE SALE-Guar- ESamT PM l" anteed used machines. Complete- ly reconditioned. $39.95 and up. ROOMMAtI WANTED, female, house in East Lansing, $100 plus utilities. Must like music. 351-5208. I1 I Washington, 489-6448. ________ 4826J4) AVAILABLE FOR fall. Two 5 ... bedroom houses. Within walking _ _ SECTIONAL DAVENPORT, gold, good condition. Brass fireplace screen. Large black/white TV. 485-2636. 2-8-26 (4) )fr6S/l$rtK#K/ HAMBURG distance of Campus. Call 351- 4107. 811-8-26 I5I CONCRETE BLOCK and brick for do-it-yourself bookshelves. See Dnnmc IJ8 CHENEY CONCRETE CO., 2655 E. 1 nuUllla^ /j Grand River, E. Lansing, 337-1381. 2-8-26 I5I FEMALES NEEDED for house, _ . own room, starting Sept. 5. $78/ ! iaiiuslc "L, month plus utilities and deposit I "«i'"4la rK 487-8790. Z-3-8-26 I3I FREE PUPPIES-must find home MALE STUDENTS single rooms, - for 9 cute, lovable, healthy pup- call after 5:30 p.m., 332-5791. pies. Father; Black Lab, mother; 3-8-26(31 mixed. Please call 351-5772. See puppies at 569 Virginia. S-2-8-26 LARGE FURNISHED room in |6| quiet house. Close. MSU. 351 - 8154 5 8 26^ FREE CUTE Calico kitten, box 2 ROOMS available in beautiful 4 ,,ained and weened, 645 Beech, REG.89t-EACH bedroom co-ed house, close to 351-8967.1-824 (3) mm gEEF SUBMARINE campus, $100/month. 351-3259. Z-2-826 (31 5 RDA.ST ' -: h>58$ ENGLISH COCKERS, 2 females, T 2)4 years, good with GRAD STUDENTS-We have a children, SANDWKNI hunters, AKC registered. $50 large, lovely, furnished room in our each. 882-8554 after 5 p.m. E-58- . country home with private 26 (4) entrance and bath. Pesc.HK6 THRIFTV OOa Also, cooking . „ facilities. $35/week. Just minutes from campus. Call 694-8063 or 882-0238. 2-8-26 (8) 2 CALICO CATS - free. One year old. house trained, shots. 372-2361 ■j; sliced bacon u& w after 6 p.m. E-3-8-26 (3) '"fC HYG/2ADG MALE NEEDED to share 3 bed- coaid™.!^!,' IW II room house, $67/month. plus 1/3 utilities, deposit. 485-3916. 4-8-26 , P0INT j3'8™58 ?,'nL® ^e 3^3,49 'E-58 24 ® ' SINGLE, MALE student; block I ylkiu ] fr—J Union, cooking, parking. 314 Ever- green. (41 Evenings. 332-3839. 5-8-26 [^mBullt nUmSS |I^P| u._«, B mm .1 COMFORTABLE MOBILE home cl near MSU. 8 x 36 with attached SINGLE ROOM in quiet private BANANAS shed. $1300. 351-3684 evenings home. Woman only. Close in, and weekends. 10-8-26 (41 kitchen, no parking. 332-0647! 2 8 'b !3' N|W MOON 1969, 2 bedroom7l2 FALL~SINGLES,nicely luirrished, SC" beS* °"er ^'«"lTAgANAWA9 LR 19^ m shared kitchen, parking. Very close. $90-$120. 332-1800; 372- rHinuunnoTkT' 1800.0-7-82614) .? bedroom EL0NS Vfc 19^ mci i r MSU. Good condition, naa' $2700. Call 7~ ~ evenings, 337-2119. Z-2-8-26 131 ROOM FOR rent. Nicely7 furnished, 10 minutes from MSU $60 a I )|—;—| month. 484 0994. 3-8-26 13) GARAGE SALE IAJ UTILITIES PAID, free parking, . kitchen facilities, 351-7525 or 7184. 3-8-26 131 337- ESTATE SALE: housewares, ap- hcuebftmu 9weet pliances, china. August 26, 27th, ^ 10-6 p.m. 4594 Chippewa, Oke- fOr l ^i mos' "ndian Hills1, X18 2a 141 GUITAR GOODIES. Used Gibson: dothes^ NewtonS^Lanrtng' 335's,reES DOZEN 120 6 "ES S8-da^8/2* *2-826 (31 ' Fender: Stratocaster, Er Fender basses. Telecaster, C~. I.. /Ifrt I Also, Vintage Martins: 000-21 Herringbone, 000- LOSt & FOIMl W i ^ n8MCDr3v ,G^SO?™0leVVOOd R0V SMECK0936 J200. Gibson LOST-SATURDAY afternoon, BUY 3'SAVff 7& W/C BUY 3'SANE 30f 1Mb man- Grand River Ave., MSU campus aow/rxyfWSH uouvrxy fx&sw TENDER KRUST I I aoiins: A B F models. selection of used Excellent vicinity, red Irish Setter, 6 year old uj ^r>w., ^ BuY|- savbgcxw/c WY«-SAVE nilm guitar amps Er male, wearing black choke collar PA systems by Ampeg, Fender, and flea collar, no tags, call Peavey Traynor, Sunn. Plus new 351-7168 or 3582151. 2-8-26 (71 Shure Vocalmaster PA systems, microphones B accessories. Com- [ plete line of band „ . ]f~>| tested and instruments, all PerSOMl / guaranteed. BUY- 1 ?NrL'Inc?E'™ILC0X TRAD' * WINF GRAPES-French hybrid. Lansina 485 Lansing, 4FW Jrai E' M'chigan, 4391. C-12-8-26 Aurora, Chelois, Dechaunac. Di- 180) mondale, 646-8844. Z-4-8-26 (3) F ^..n state News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 24, 1977 13 DOONESBURY" SMfytfv Wf IhlSfi | (t)WJIM-TV(CBS) (IQ)WaX-TV(NBC) (ll)WILM.TV(Cbl.) by Garry Trudeau SPONSORED BY: <12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) WEDNESDAY (4) Movie (10) Michigame "Attack on Terror" "Escape from Coldlti" evening (11) Tee Vee Trivia (11) Cable 11 News 5:30 (10) CPO Sharkey (12) Hollywood Squares (11) Cable 11 News (12) Barney Miller .b|e 11 n»v»» (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report (23) Arlo Guthrie and Pete Itdric Company (12) Charlie's Angels 8:00 (23) Theater in America Seeger in Concert 4:30 (4) GE Theater 9:30 9:30 JSNews (10) Pilot (4) Pilot IBC News (10) Kallikoks (11) Woman Wise (10) Tales of the Unexpected (12) Three's Company lock Note. (12) Baretta (12) Welcome Back, Kotter 10:00 ,jC News (23) Documentary Showcase (4) Barnaby Jones 11:00 ,tino Consortium 8:30 7:00 (4-10-12) News (10) Pilot (12) Celebrity Concerts (23) Fall of Eagles PEANUTS (23) Something Personal J,gan's Heroes (11)Talkin' Sports 11:00 by Schulz |o Tell The Truth THURSDAY EVENING 9:00 (4-10-12) News .is It On (10) Movie (23) Woman irtridge Family 4:00 (4-10-12) New. i can't go through dont be nervous... come on ...this will ir Tennis 7:30 (11) TIP 3 MSU SHADOWS » with it! i'm too alm05t everyone feels be the happiest cay (23) Man Who Wouldn't by Gordon Corleton young to die! like that when the of your life! 15,000 Pyramid sponsored by- „ day finally comes... _ Keep Quiet Jollywood Squares PXNBA.U. PETE'S •jgST Q' ■empo 4:30 ^rice Is Right (4) CBS News Present this really v 0 | [Neil/lehrer Report (10) NBC News funny comic for 25' 0:00 (11) The Outsider worth of free play I jd Times (12) ABC News IS VpUR COLUMM KtAPV £RA?^" v Vg-T, 1 y Eriiily Adams 7:00 Inpressions (4) Hogan's Heroes wtu.,it"5 UKE.-rms:(TMiM&S |ight is Enough (10) To Tell The Truth BfclWfe oomat th6.y are ) x'/n keau-v (12) Partridge Family H&LUY IMTO THIS... uiAaiMfo: FRANK & ERNEST ir Complete ring (election sapphirei, onyx • opals • jade, 8:30 (23) Once Upon A Classic WAY IwlAS A 0ORtTtR-)...TVPlN6 MV •ting Loose 7:15 by Bob Thaves 10% MSU DISCOUNT tiger-eye, many more yfiNCfeRS To TH€-BotQfc... Jhintowa: Heart ( Har- (11) Who Shot Buster Service 001 Vou'Rfe MOT USIN& |#2 7:30 A tvp£._0K^ 9:00 (4) Wild Kingdom wtu., IT CAM'T hake Too mocH Do WE HONOR DlFF6fttUC£... 0ut me po have a reasonable — CREDIT CARD**.. amount of mspect for them. NO, SIR, WE DON'T. 3.9(IA. Iprinit-ln-a-mlnlt (copying/duplicating is our business Corner of TO 6 00 M MAC F and ANN ST 10:00 5:00 Sal THE DROPOUTS * -©ITT) ScROsO CARiiTotO. by Post sponsored by: No gelitan. low-cal, completely natural Low gas prices Plus lAVELS WITH FARLEY* Service! i'» Little Preeway Phil Frank sponsored by: Service Station We Appreciate Your Business Bagel-Fragel PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Open 7 days — 8 a.m. t 332-0300 byBi"Y0,eS nasi bed sandwich special SPONSORED BY, """ CP PEO. 1.4V NOW 1.29 good thru a-25 NOW OPBN! 1312 Mich. Ave. IJMBLEWEEDS CAMPUS (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) 337 1377 [Tom K. Ryan sponsored by: PIZZA one free item with any size Pizza SAM and SILO * by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker „ 1.1! EL AZTECO RESTAURANT 203 m.a.c. 351-9111 ROSSWORD rafflSH E3D nag new tie, WHEN THAT GREAT ANP PUZZLE 28 Bouquet nrir-c:.' BQcara HgaaisBH nuiBrarassss hb@ huh sponsored by: OhepordV huh, mayor? YES, ANP I'LL TELL INSPIRING LEADER, WINSTON CHURCHILL, I MOSS 30 King ol Midian 31 Headland 13000 amraaiF HfSfi DEW 0030 campus i V WAS IN OFFICE, HE HABITUALLY WORE A | Bodily 32 Plexus aanra ana aan BLUE ANP WHITE POLKA l&bai! 33 Sea-goddess 34 Bane HC10K0 SHSIS1 nEBfflUifliiss POT TIE LIKE THIS ONE y* 36 Drffrculty sraaaaaa hbbs \ S Canon 37 Wapiti 38 Out ol bed HHH aaraq Occur 40 French novelist ion saraaBor 42 Kettledrum 1 Wolframite 46 Maori demon 52 Characteristic 2 52 49 Composed 3 Dry-eyed 50 Compound ether 4 Beige 51 Revered 5 Property broker 6 Swear 7 B Street urchin Preterence BEETLE BAILEY 9 10 Danish liord Fits by Mort Walker 111 Abstract being 17 Sea duck 19. Goldfish 20. Wings 22 Flower of lorgetfulness 24. Inheritance 25 Athletic held 26 Nictate 29 Partial payments 35 Potato 39. Star lacet 41. Caricaturist 42 Onager 43 Hyson is one 44. Spotlight 45. Persuaded 47. Fencing dummy 48 Seaweed ] A Michigon Stote News, Eost loosing, Michigon w«i