ince's financial problems Inown before appointment |bv JAMES GERSTENZANG IhINGTON (AP) - President Jim- Powell said. But he added that had he been aware of any federal investigation of Lance choice for budget director. president. Barter and Bert Lance discussed he would have "Everything was on the table," Lance recommended that the said. "I told "If you look at the I, personal financial problems at least him about the Calhoun questions of Bert announcement be delayed circumstance Lance's competence, there was no effort to Jtcks before Carter announced Lance Carter had lunch Thursday with Lance at withhold." - somebody ought to look at what he did with both of ■is choice to head the Office of the White House. The two, who used to those Lance's spokesperson, Robert Dletsch, banks," Powell said. ■ement and Budget, the chief White meet frequently, have met less often since said Thursday that none of the Information ■spokesperson said Thursday. Lance's finances became controversial, Included in the comptroller's Meanwhile, the New York Times said the is Secretary Jody Powell said the Powell said Carter and the budget report, based Internal Revenue Service (IRS) la rreidpnt elect and Lance reviewed director talked about "normal affairs be¬ on an investigation of Lance's personal looking financial operations, was a Into an allegation that an official In the ns, primarily of bank overdrafts tween the President and the Office of surprise to office of the comptroller of the Nov, 19 or Nov. IS, 1978. But Carter. currency Jn Management and Budget." The report concluded there was no ordered a bank examiner to give "a clear I said neither he nor the President But, he added, he would bill of health" to the Calhoun bank. "certainly be evidence to warrant prosecution of Lance, [determine when Carter became surprised" if Lance's current problems but it raised questions about his The Times quoted sources familiar with 1 of specific aspects of the Lance which he called "thelate unpleasantness," banking practices. the Investigation as saying that Donald Jtl picture. did not come up. "Lance briefed him fully on his financial Tarleton, regional administrator In Atlanta, ■spokesperson said at the dally White Powell, who has been taking a central situation," Dietsch said. "The President issued the order in October 1976 to bank [ news briefing that Carter was also role In the administration's defense of was fully aware of Lance's situation." examiner Ashley Lee. AP n the problems Dec. 1 by John Lance, also said Thursday that seven Wlrephoto But Dietsch said he did not know Reporters aurround Suil Park Thomson, a former secretary to retired 8 lawyer on the President's transl- overdrafts in a Lance bank account this any Meanwhile, Business Week said in an House Speaker Carl Albert, after she testified to a closed session of the details of the conversations between Carter n. year were the fault of the bank, editorial that Lance should resign "because and Lance, including what House Ethics Committee in Washington announced on Dec. 3 In Plains, He said Lance received a specific situa¬ he has demonstrated that he does not Thursday on the alleged South telegram from tions were discussed. Nor could he Korean influence-buying in Congress. 1st he would nominate Unce, long a Atkins Henderson, chairperson of the say deserve public trust and confidence." on what day the meeting took place. lal friend and political adviser, to be Calhoun, Ga„ First National Bank, on The report by the comptroller, John Jdget director. ■ FBI investigation of Lance was not Wednesday evening that said the bank' was Heimann, was released a week ago. Ever tied until early January shortly responsible for the seven overdrafts in 1977, which were revealed in documents since then, Powell's role in has been growing. defending Lance TONGSUN PARK TO REMAIN QUIET ■hearings that month in the Senate on attached to a report by the comptroller of ■nee nomination. the currency. He has spoken twice on live television ■Powell said he did not think anything "I'm sorry for any embarrassment," S. Korean news programs to air the administration's mne to [of light since Carter made his Lance that would have changed Resident's mind. I press secretary also said he could Henderson told Lance, The telegram blamed the clerical processing errors. according to Powell, overdrafts on defense of Lance and volunteered the information about the telegram from Hen¬ derson. source talks Lance told reporters he and Carter had In a conversation with two reporters Tiber no discussion about the timing of discussed the problems Lance ran into WASHINGTON (AP) - Suzi Park Thursday, Powell said he felt there had reputed station chief in Washington for the free chips to bet with, her lawyer said that (inouncement that indicated it was when he was president of the Calhoun bank, been inadequate attention paid to the fact Thomson, Washington party-giver and Korean Central Intelligence Agency, had suggestion was made by a Korean protocol ip until questions about Lance's and later, in 1976, as president of the that at both the First National Bank in one-time mistress of a California congress¬ attended some of her parties but said she officer and she only translated it to the lal situatic- could be answered. National Bank of Georgia. He said that the man, said she told House investigators did not know he was with the Calhoun and the National Bank of Georgia agency. congressmen. on'l remember any discussion of 'do discussion took place before the Dec. 3 in Atlanta, Lance managed to Thursday that she knew nothing about Thomson, 42, told reporters that no Her lawyer also called a purported memo it this day or do we do It the next'," greatly announcement that Lance was Carter's increase deposits during his tenures as alleged South Korean payments to con¬ South Korean paid for any of the parties she to Tongsun Park involving her "apparently gressmen. gave. phonied up. Thomson, speaking with reporters after Her lawyer, Philip Hirschkop, said she "She has absolutely no knowledge of that meeting for nearly five hours with investi¬ hosted four or five large parties and memo," he said. gators for the House Ethics Committee, Thomson said she gave a number of small |niversity wi Hirschkop said her testimony to the met with House investigators Thursday and resume apparently started answering their ques¬ tions about alleged South Korean influence- "You exaggerate my parties," she said. "I cook and the guests wash the dishes." House investigators was basically the same as she had given to a federal grand jury buying. "Congressmen wash dishes too?" a re¬ investigating the Korean affair but said the She previously had refused to answer porter asked. House committee questioning was more questions from the Ethics Committee staff "Yes," she replied. extensive. leek cashing service without a public committee session, saying she feared her answers would be leaked and distorted against her. The investigators threatened her with She said she knew of only two between Tongsun Park and former meetings Speaker Albert, one a simple protocol meeting and the other a meeting arranged by former Another difference, that "the grand jury wasn't present today." Hirschkop sgid, seemed to have a prurient interest in her personal life that was Last month, she issued a public state¬ contempt last week. But the committee held Rep. Richard T. Hanna, D-Calif. Bv MICHAEL WINTER checks, he said, would be to avoid com¬ would know ment saying she had not been involved in as soon as possible, but denied up contempt proceedings Wednesday after Hanna, who has acknowledged he made Ststc News Staff Writer any bribery scheme and did not know of pounding "Friday afternoon money runs" he had already seen Levi's proposal. being told she would meet privately with $60,000 to $70,000 from business dealings onrampus check cashing service, which would normally occur on any given the investigators. Thursday Levi conceded that Terry had with Park, is a principal figure in the Htinued two years ago during a Friday. received his proposal, but denied that Thomson, a former aide to retired House investigation. "I have never been offered nor accepted lsity-wide budget cut, will make its Two full-time cashiers would be hired Wilkinson had been given the final draft of Speaker Carl Albert, gave a number of She also said that Tongsun Park showed piited return fall term, any money, bribes or gifts of value from according to under Levi's plan at a direct cost (salaries the proposed new check cashing service. parties attended by congressmen and U.S. up in South Korea on some of the trips she South Korean sources or for doing any ■ being drawn up by MSU Controller plus fringe benefits! of $20,000 per year. He said they "would huddle" to decide the and Korean officials. She also had a love took with congressional delegations there ■ Levi. favors or being involved in any deals Levi said the overhead costs, "which are fine points of the plan. affair with Rep. Robert L. Leggett, D-Calif., but said she did not know why. Jl details of the new service have not normal in any accounting process," had not concerning South Koreans or South Korean Barry said he submitted his own proposal congressman under investigation in the Asked about a story that she had lworked out, according to Levi, but government agents," she said. "I know been determined. for a new service to Levi spring term which alleged Korean influence-buying. suggested congressmen go to a gambling nothing of any South Korean agents or ■resident of Business and Finance Overhead costs include such things as called for a maximum 20-cent charge. The committee investigators wanted to resort outside Seoul where ■ Wilkinson and Assistant Vice Presi- they were given operatives on Capitol Hill." lights, paper, electricity and general office The ASMSU head also stated that he, know whether she knew of any payments to »r Business and Finance Steve Terry supplies. Levi and Wilkinson had talked about the congressmen from millionaire rice dealer ■hursday the plan would be imple¬ When the old service was discontinued in proposal and all agreed that it could be Tongsun Park or from former Ambassador ad iall term. October 1975, University officials said it Kim Dong Jo and about the trip she took to p™ qualified the statement by saying probable that II term we will cash checks registration," adding was dropped measures. too costly to operate and would be as a result of belt-tightening operated on a 15 to 20 cent service charge basis. Barry said he and James Haischer, former executive assistant to Barry, had Korea with congressmen in 1975 as an aide and interpreter. She acknowledged to reporters Thursday Pigeon River drilling ke line points of the service that she was a distant relative of Kim Dong are stiU The service was operated at University researched the matter and based on the derided. ■ proposed service would be lf.Levi said. Individuals would pay a self-sup- expense with cashiers' salaries paid for out of the general fund. Cashier Office Manager Elmer Peterson estimated number of checks that would be cashed under the new service each month, determined 20 cents was reasonable. Jo and knew Tongsun Park but that she never knew about any of their cash contributions, gifts or favors to congress¬ has DNR go-ahead, ■gaebarge J said his staff was cut by two and one-half However, he said recent cost calculations men. not yet established when check. The service will be open to people when the service was discontinued. Levi showed him were much higher than Wednesday, Tongsun Park ended 10 [indents, faculty and staff. protesting continues He estimated the cuts in full- and half-time originally estimated and contrary to Barry's months of silence and declared he will not T»ould not give the amount of the let American investigators question him employes saved the University more than own figures. pebarge. but indicated it would be in $20,000 per month, or about $250,000 for about his alleged efforts to buy U.S. Vgnborhood of 50 cents, which is what "I think that on the basis of our research each of the past two years. But he added it support for the Seoul government with and conversations with Wilkinson, a stu¬ oil drilling would harm the forest. Tanner J™s "ear campus charge to cash was "a conservative estimate." cash, gifts and favors. By JAMES V.HIGGINS dent should be able to cash a check up to Park said at a news conference in South The controversial concluded there would be no damage. [" persons not having an account at Peterson said his office kept track of the $100 at a cost of 20 cents, but we could get Korea that the accusations against him Pigeon River State "I have made the determination, in number of checks cashed during one month Forest located near Gaylord, Mich, will be away with it for 15 cents," Barry said. "He's accepting staffs recommendation to .lhe lid check cashing service, under the old system and tallied 19,000. were "irresponsible, merciless and in- subject to ten exploratory gas and oU wells my pi eould cash (Levi) coming up with a figure that is more humane" and claimed he victim of resulting from the approval of Department approve these applications, that there will personal checks up to Though Levi said Wednesday no proposal was a P no Charge and MSU payroll checks than what I want." of Natural Resources (DNR) Director be no unnecessary waste in the forest as a had been sent to Wilkinson for final "injustice and mistreatment." ■ d for their face Levi denied he had agreed to the 20 cent He said he had no obligation to answer Howard A. Tanner Wednesday. result of drilling, no pollution, impairment value, also at no approval, ASMSU President Kent Barry said later that Levi told him Wilkinson was figure, saying "I don't think Mr. Wilkinson any questions by American officials because Tanner sanctioned the exploration appli¬ or destruction, and that the most reason¬ had all of the figures at the time he said able and prudent locations for the drilling fuid the new service may include a sent the final plan and that Barry should "I am 100 per cent Korean," cations despite a flood of bitter complaints (continued on page 14) Thomson said that Kim Yung Hwan, lodged by environmentalists who claim that sites have been selected," he said. ■l. ™ I,'" ?ayro" check ™»hing »» we" know by this weekend whether or not The action caps a classic environmental w'nB check cashing up to a Wilkinson had approved it, 1 of each term. Wilkinson said he had assured Barry confrontation pitting the need to develop F ""on for not cashing payroll something would be worked out and that he energy reserves against the desire to Court rejects lawsuit to block maintain some recreational resources touched that has dragged on for nearly years. un¬ five A consortium of oil companies applied for permission to drill under terms of an agree¬ construction of Kent State gym ment concluded 14 months ago with DNR, but final action has been delayed by a close review of the project by DNR officials and weather CINCINNATI (UPI) — A federal appeals court unanimously Thomas Lambros of Cleveland, who also had found federal courts objections from some environmental groups. BULLETIN: Due to circum¬ rejected a suit seeking to stop construction of a gymnasium on a lacked authority in the matter. Kent State University site where four students were killed during Under the plan adopted by the state stances out of control, today's Coalition lawyers William Kunstler and Anthony Walsh said they Natural Resources Commission in June an antiwar demonstration seven years ago. would file the appeal as soon as possible. forecast has been pre-empted. 1976, Shell Oil Co., Amoco Production Co. But the three-judge panel continued on a lower court ban on the Following is a test of the School lawyer Steven Parisi, commenting on the ruling, said, and the Northern Michigan Exploration Co. $6 million gym annex for 10 days so the student group opposing it Emergency Weather Forecast¬ "Four times the plaintiffs have had the opportunity to persuade the agreed not to seek drilling permits in the ing Cistern. can appeal Wednesday's ruling to the Supreme Court. northern two-thirds of the state forest in The U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals heard impassioned courts that the university has proceeded illegally and that the site of •BRAP* ptly cldy, chnc wd arguments from lawyers for the school, which wants to get on with the gymnasium building is unlawful. exchange for permission to drill for oil and scttd shwrs, tmp lw 80s the gym, and the May 4 Coalition, which wants to preserve the site gas in the southern one-third. •BRAP* This has been a test "Every time — in each instance — they were not correct and it as a national historic landmark. found that the university was, in fact, correct." The forest, located in the northern of the Emergency Weather was tip of The court said it had no authority to delay construction on the site The coalition had asked the appeals court to delay the gym lower Michigan, has been described as the Forecast Cistern. If this had where Ohio National Guardsmen shot and killed four students on construction until Interior Department officials could decide last remaining primitive area in lower been an actual emergency you Pagination would have been instructed to read another newspaper, May 4, 1970. They passed the problem over to state and federal officials. The ruling, in effect, whether to declare the site a landmark. A decision on the matter is not expected until "well into 1978," a department spokesperson Michigan — though proponents of drilling point out it was logged over decades ago and upheld a decision by U.S. District Judge said. (continued on page 14) 2 Michigon Stofe News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Fr'day, August 26, | Vance, China leaders end PEKING (AP) - Secretary marized his visit for reporters to Taiwan has been expressed "We are both more under¬ fQ/J of State Cyrus R. Vance ended after a last-minute meeting publicly," Vance said. "I think it standing and thus in his talks with Chinese leaders with party Chairman Hua Kuo- would be best if I left it there." where we have a better a position grasp successful Thursday and indicated that He called the talks "very of the problems of normaliza¬ while they remain divided over . The Communists demands useful" and said: "I go away tion," Vance said. Taiwan, his four-day visit cre¬ that the United States cut its from here better informed, Vance goes next to Tokyo to ated "more understanding" on ties with the Nationalist Chin¬ there is no question about brief Japanese leaders on his China talks. He Friday Africa, where ■H that and other international ese on Taiwan have been a that." is also Yu-pin, as ambassador to Moscow, filling has also served as adviser to the Foreign Though U.S. officials will not a post vacant for almost 18 months due to Affairs Ministry in Peking. say so publicly, Carter's China an ideological conflict between the two EXPECTED TO MEET PRESIDENT policy is complicated by the fact Communist powers. Observers here said it wos unclear that he needs the assurance vance to MmJ?* Moscow support of Chinese relations Hsinhua, the official news agency, said whether Wang has been assigned the conservatives to win approval "i, task of patching ideological differences jeopardize any Wong, 67, left Peking by train Wednes¬ of a new third day for Moscow. Wang, who joined the Chinese Com¬ munist party in 1931. has been ambas¬ between Peking and Moscow or whether he will continue Peking's tough stance with the Soviet Union. Begin visiting Romania are treaty giving up control of the Panama Canal. The conservatives generally sympathetic to Taiwan, and Vance declined cot. cussion of issues than 12 hours raSJ o?'^ srSl J BUCHAREST, Romania on his departure from Tel Aviv independent Palestinian state, Chinese (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister airport that he would not seek and Palestinian participation in Carter could not risk alienating 80-m, nute leaders, inji Menahem Begin arrived in Ro¬ Romania's services as a Mid¬ a reconvened Geneva confer- them before the Panama treaty ternoon with session iJI mania Thursday on an official east mediator nor as a contact is ratified. Mao ChairZTj Tse-tung's succ«v, 1 Panama treaty signing ceremony set trip he says will not be used to with the Soviet Union during Israel rejects these positions, work on a Mideast peace, but this six-day visit. There had but they have all previously PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) A confirm that the date for the which coincided with the visit of an Egyptian delegation. been reports here and in Israel that those topics would come been espoused by the Romani- ans. It was not clear whether Women plan — signing Romania is the only East up. the statement or the meeting high-ranking Panamanian official says ceremony had been set. European country with which As Begin arrived, the official with the Egyptians had been the new Panama Canal treaties will be Israel maintains diplomatic re¬ signed Sept. 7 in Washington by Presi¬ dent Jimmy Carter and the Panamanian White House Press Secretary Jody lations. The Communist state Romanian news agency repor¬ ted that President Nicolae deliberately timed to coincide with Begin's visit. in support of ER/\ Powell said earlier Wednesday that the also has friendly ties with the Ceausescu received an Egyp¬ Despite Begin's disavowal of chief of state, Gen. Omar Torrijos. Arab countries, Israel's Middle tian parliamentary delegation. any mediation attempt, unoffi¬ treaties, now being put into final form, The date of the signing ceremony was would be signed within "a matter of East adversaries. They issued a joint statement cial reports circulated in Bucha¬ President Jimmy Carter has weren't as The 64-year-old Begin, mak¬ calling for Israeli withdrawal that Israel and Romania designated today as "Women's many womeigl arranged during a 24-minute telephone weeks." He would not elaborate. rest or any other profession!! J conversation between Carter and Tor¬ ing his second trip abroad as from Arab territories occupied have agreed that Ceausescu's Equality Day," and many of are today. 1 prime minister, told reporters in 1967, establishment of an government could act as a them will march in front of the "What the old rijos Wednesday afternoon, the official Once signed, the treaties must be messenger between the Jewish White House to dramatize sup¬ Harvidl said. approved by the U.S. Senc e, where it ing clubs were for mens, faces stiff opposition and a possible state and the Arabs. Ceausescu port for the Equal Rights the Woman's Nationil tried to set up a meeting Amendment (ERA). The day De_ In Washington, a White House aide confirmed that the two leaders talked by filibuster, and by a referendum of Panamanian voters, who are expected to Strikes threaten chaos between then Israeli Prime marks the 57th anniversary of cratic Club Foreman, who was at for usjl 39 Ufcg Minister Golda Meir and Egyp¬ the 19th Amendment, which No. 1 phone Wednesday but he declined consumer ji to accept them grudgingly. tian President Anwar Sadat gave women the vote. Agriculture Carter supports the embat¬ D.r.„ when Meir visited Bucharest in "That's where many of at uj airports in Europe 1972. The Romanian president is tled ERA, which must be ratified by three more states before the 1979 deadline. LONDON (AP —The failure of 11th hour negotiations to avert a strike by assistant air traffic controllers Thursday confronted expected to meet with Begin later in the visit. Begin was greeted at the airport by Prime Since Carter has made a point of appointing more wom¬ Ruling awoile) Britain and much of traffic snarl in memory. Europe with the prospect of the biggest air Minister Manea Neither made a statement. Manescu. en to government positions, the women's network has grown. It on permissioi| Such a strike could affect all civil flights into, out of or over Romania, which has consis now consists of several dozen professional women with mid¬ for Nazi mord Britain — a major trans-Atlantic air corridor — on one of the tently conducted a maverick foreign policy independent of dle- to upper-level jobs in the busiest weekends for travel by British and Americans. the Soviet Union, maintained capital and an interest in help¬ WASHINGTON tAPi J The 850 assistants, some of whom have already crippled air full diplomatic ties with Israel ing other women to find good Supreme Court justice i| Number of captured aliens increases traffic over London over the past 10 days by refusing to use after the 1967 war when the positions. pected to decide sooi to permit Nazis i computers, have voted a four-day strike naton-wide starting at Soviets and other Warsaw Pact Such women as Carol Fore¬ swastikas to march tlrni midnight Thursday 8 p.m. EDT. The Civil Aviation Authority nations broke off relations. man, assistant secretary for WASHINGTON (AP) The number of There is no way to tell how food and consumer services at heavily Jewish Chicago niL — many At the same time, French air traffic controllers Begin is to tour Romanian while they appeal a loin J illegal aliens captured trying to cross the aliens succeed in threatened to cities and spend the weekend the Agriculture Department; slipping past the start a slow down at midday today, denying airlines a major order they say violates I Mexican border into the United States patrols. As a rough rule of thumb, the with the Jewish community in Betsy Godley, associate direc¬ possible diversion route. And Spanish controllers have been on freedom of speech. has risen 51 per cent in the wake of Border Patrol estimates that two aliens go-slow for the past year. All three disputes are for more pay. a Bucharest. In his official talks, tor of presidential personnel at Harvey Schwartz. iu«L | President Jimmy Carter's he is expected to discuss Ro¬ the White House; and Jane amnesty propo¬ escape its dragnet for every one who is for the village of Skokie, I sals earlier this month. Military flights would not be affected by a strike. manian-Israeli trade — which McMichael, an official of the caught. By that measure, roughly 100,000 British union officials said the strike would force immediate showed a $10 million Israeli National Women's filed papers with Justice jT aliens have entered the United States Political cancellation of 75 per cent of all flights in or out of Britain. Civil Paul Stevens on Wedne* deficit last year — and the Caucus. A survey of U.S. Border Patrol stations illegally from Mexico since Carter's Aviation Authority officials, who control all British Many arguing that the i along the Mexican border found that in airports, said possibility of a more sympa¬ are lawyers in their would amount to proposals were disclosed. they hoped to keep 60 per cent of all flights in the air. thetic Romanian attitude mid-30s and 40s who have "figq the first three weeks of words" in a community it August, the The authority asked all airlines to cut back flights by 40 per cent toward emigration of its Jews known each other since the patrol caught 50,705 illegal aliens trying during the strike. some 7,000 survivors oJTi— The Border Patrol station chiefs to Israel. days when there simply say War II death camps to cross the border. The patrol caught that interviews with captured aliens resdt| 33,495 in the first three weeks of August show a variety of reasons for 1976. trying to sneak over the border. New hearing aid rules take effect I I . yQ AM IIM1 vy WASHINGTON (AP) New federal Purchase of a hearing aid will i STEAKS Y. I5C - restrictions took effect Thursday that will make buying a hearing aid somewhat like buying drugs without a doctor's require a medical hearing tion — though adult consumers will be (R/SAN DUTCHES. fh salad bar: allowed to insist on buying on without prescription. The Food ond first consulting a doctor. HOT Drug Administration, The regulations hearing aid deal¬ THE END IS NEAR... which issued the regulation, said the rule say PIZZA is designed to cut hearing aids sold down the number of to people who don't ers cannot to waive the encourage prospective buyers hearing test. How about some enjoyment reading? end of the term Check out our selection of DOGS yiBL-' 5pivi—1am reolly need them. 2-5 A violation of the rule carries a penalty periodicals: IIV I of up to a $1,000 fine and one year in jail, The regulation is the first federal effort increasing to a $10,000 fine and three •OFF OUR BACKS... A women's GO1 This week: tk teg&SSU MUmiNMfNl at regulating the hearing-aid industry. news journal years for multiple offenses. •MAJORITY REPORT The women's newspapei 50" SUNNUVA ™.emr f 'BIG MAMA RAG 55c Speed up of nuclear licensing proposed and many more. WASHINGTON (AP) — Energy Secre¬ A draft of this "Nuclear Regulatory 337 2404 WOMANSELF BOOKSTORE 220MAC, UNIV. MALL Planning Your Wedding tary James R. Schlesinger is considering a Reform Act of 1977" has been circu¬ legislative proposal to speed up the lated to state governors and to the licensing and construction of nuclear nuclear industry, and Schlesinger's office power plants by allowing advance approval of potential locations. Departing from the present case-by- made a copy available to the Asso¬ ciated Press upon request. WE PAY Reception? case licensing of individual sites for A spokesperson said comments on the It's easier than you think! custom-designed power plants, the draft have been requested by Aug. 29. Schlesinger approach would allow the The draft version Let the Union Catering Service be altered CASH FOR advance designation of approved loca¬ may in the tions for plants or light of these comments before any final put it all together for you... multiple-facility version is submitted to Congress after it "nuclear parks" even before the con¬ returns from its summer Whether you're planning a vacation struction of specific plonts is proposed. Sept. 7. on large or small reception, the Union has facilities to create the perfect Coal miners' walkout continues YOUR atmosphere. We serve formal or informal dinners, buffets, rehearsal dinners and other special functions. Our service provides all the CHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP) _ Nine member of a group seeking to end the planning for all those weeks after stubborn wildcat began shutting down coal mines through¬ out Appalachia, at least 30,000 miners strikers strike, which was called to protest cutbacks in union medical benefits. "We TEXTBOOKS details you don't have time for. Call the Union Catering Service and let us help were asked to come down here to West you uncomplicate your Wedding reception. stayed off the job Thursday as workers Virginia by our local union president. But fought among themselves over whether we can see that District 17 isn't to end the walkout. ready to get back to work." Much of the trouble was Virginia, where gunfire broke out and a man was beaten on in Wednesday night. West About 20,000 West remained on strike after Virginia miners shots were CAMPUS BOOK M.S.U. UNION Its brother against brother," said exchanged between rival miners' groups in the Cabin Creek area STORE CATERING SERVICE Talmadge Dean of Ellsworth, Pa., a near Charleston At the corner of Abbott on Wednesday night. and Grand River Ave. 507 E. Grand River Call 355-3465 for more information. Across from Berkey Hall iSU's Museum reopen Sept. 1 limited basis Friday, August 26, 1977 By DAN SPICKLER State New. Staff Writer UNITED TASK FORCE TACKLES ABUSE I being closed for over two years due to hazardous fire conditions, MSU's Museum ■.pen to visitors on a limited basis beginning Sept. 1. Lt Perrin, University Vice President cautioned that while the buildine is |g in certain sections, the present structure will be used as "a temporary measure FLo-dste facility can be built." (,esr r F /measure those building codes get a little tougher and finally it got to a point where js thought it would be dangerous, with all the little children and so few exits if a _e(j" Rollin Baker, director of the museum said. Drug group formed by counties By CHRIS KUCZYNSKI fading originally opened in 1926 as part of the library and was given to the State News Staff Writer school students, were run under the Stabenow said that based on the experi¬ i in 1967. auspices of the Ingham County Health ence of other counties in Michigan, the two help," she said. _ly used by elementary and junior high schools in the greater Lansing area, the There may be new hope for Department. The new commission will county system is more effective than the A has widely publicised the fact that the exhibits will be reopen on a limited basis. suffering from the misuse of alcohol and persons centralize abuse programs in the two one county system. Appointments to the Eaton-Ingham Sub¬ Save always asked schools to send ahead for reservations no it will not be much of drugs under a new substance abuse counties and will alleviate pressure put on stance Abuse Commission and the Sub¬ T, in operations," Baker said, program that combines the efforts of both the Ingham County Health Department. Stabenow said that alcoholism is "an stance Abuse Advisory Council will be id that while the closing deprived students of a learning resource, the future Eaton and Ingham counties. extremely severe problem in Ingham made at the Sept. 20 meeting of the Ingham Of the 12 appointed members to the lietn an even better museum. county and it is not diminishing." County Board of Commissioners. Persons -triiction is slated for a new history-cultural museum designed to alleviate commission, eight will be from Ingham interested in positions must submit their Ingham County officials recently signed County and four from Eaton County. (, of overcrowding and accessibility which exist in the present structure. an agreement with Eaton County creating "The more we define alcoholism as a applications by Sept. 7. Applications can be |„i for a new building will come from MSU's Enrichment Program, a plan for the Eaton-Ingham Substance Abuse Com- In addition, the agreement calls for the disease, and the more programs we have to obtained at the County Courthouse in |he administration has allocated $17 million. H establishment of a Substance Abuse Advis help people, the more people will seek Mason or at Lansing City Hall. ,g to Baker, the new museum will be located on the area west of Munn Arena ory Council. Its 16 members will be chosen "This will be a policy „jn Road. "There will be plenty of parking," he said. making board, the from the community at large, and will Parking has been a legal entity responsible for substance abuse nt problem with the old building in the center of campus. include individuals from public and private programs in the two county area," Ingham (resent structure was closed in June 1975 because of fire hazards and now has County Chairperson Debbie Stabenow said. agencies and persons who have been served Topened on the first two floors after adding exit signs, auxiliary lighting, more Ld in additional stairwell. The improvements cost $30,000. (useum now contains exhibits on American native life, primitive arts and crafts, Stabenow said the new commission will by substance abuse programs. "The advisory council will work closely E.L. mental patient ral chronologies, Michigan wildlife, an old-fashioned general store model and play a coordinating role, synchronizing with members of the commission and will separate drug and alcohol abuse programs make recommendations to the je scenes of the state's logging and fishing business. Other exhibits are stored for commission," from both counties into one task force. Stabenow said. rotation beneath Spartan Stadium. im hours will be 9 to 5 p.m. weekdays, 1 to 5 p.m. weekends and 9 to 5 In the past, substance abuse programs in captured by police p.m. on the ys of MSU home football games. Funding for the program comes from the Ingham County such as "New Birth" in Office of Substance Abuse Services Lansing and STRIDE, a program for high (OSAS). EAST LANSING (UPIl A mental COMMISSION WANTS DECRIMINALIZATION captured. - patient described as "extremely danger¬ ous" was captured without incident at Pressler had been committed to the his East Lansing home Traverse City facility only Monday Wednesday about six hours after he had escaped following a complaint that he attacked lay rights endorsed by report from the Traverse City State two Benzie County Sheriffs deputies Hospital. who found him sleeping alongside a State Police said Gregory Pressler, county road last weekend. 27, was arrested by plainclothes officers Social Security records in while walking into his home Lansing shortly indicated that Pressler was receiving after 3 p.m. He had fled the hospital ING (UPI) The State CivU "We are not benefits for total mental disability, — endorsing any kind of sexual local around 8:30 p.m. and authorities im¬ ■Commission has adopted a report behavior," state civil rights director Ruth groupsgoverning bodies and even religious are moving away from traditional It concluded that the "question of gay mediately began an area search. investigators said. 1 for decriminalization of private Rasmussen said Thursday. "Rather we are rights and treatment is rife with miscon¬ views of homosexuality. It said that no one Pressler still faces assault charges il conduct between consenting indicating a belief in an individual's right of really knows how ceptions, emotionalism and stereotyping" Arresting officers said Pressler of¬ stemming from the Benzie privacy. many homosexuals there and said clearer standards are needed fered County in no resistance when he was incident. are Michigan, but added that some under present law to determine sexual estimates indicate there LmZTu ^nartmenfrl^ "K h—"«■» ^ed to the list of 400,000. may be as many as conduct which is essentially harmful. PmSSnJdfa?St, 1*.° km, alizaton and for the extension protected persons under Michigan law, this agency will enforce their rights to freedom ts protections to homosexuals, Some behavior, the report from unlawful discrimination in areas of our conceded, "cannot be condoned, whether by homosex¬ New food the whey: jurisdiction: employment, housing, educa¬ tion, public service, public accomodation uals or heterosexuals. source on iliest dogs and law enforcement," she said. "For example, where a person seeks out children with whom to perform sexual acts The report, ordered prepared commission last February, noted that by the there is little question of social interest in prosecuting the person." Cattle to munch dairy wastes | compete: scattered attempts in the state legislature to extend legal protections to homosexuals It said, however, that some studies have have failed. "likened the persecution for status as a homosexual to similar injustices visited Dairy wastes such as whey need not be cast down the drain, federal Food and Drug Administration. It said, nevertheless, that lawyers, some upon racial minorities and women." much to the relief of little Miss Muffetts everywhere. No palatable food product for humans has been btty pups They can be converted into food for cattle and possibly for people, according to a process developed by Philipp Gerhardt, MSU professor of microbiology and public health. the potential for such a Gerhardt said. researched, but product from recycled wastes exists, He said there is interest in the scientific community to recycle Recycling wastes of the agricultural industry was the topic of a waste products from other industries, such as canneries and cattle paper Gerhardt presented Wednesday at the American Institute cool heels Pollution crackdown of Biological Sciences conference. Ten million metric tons of whey, primarily resulting from feed lots. "With people in the world starving for protein, it makes recycle food wastes," Gerhardt said. sense to making cottage cheese, run up a considerable bill for sewage treatment and disposal, Gerhardt said. |mutts J and mongrels will have their day afternoon" Saturday at the inal "Ugliest Dog in Town Contest" called for by group "Whey disposal has become an environmental problem and is also a loss of valuable food," he said. The protein-rich product, after bacterial fermentation, can be in Hall. fed to cattle as a feed supplement. This has LANSING (UPI) — The Michigan United Conservation Club (MUCC) has called for already been done on a trial basis for MSU dairy cows. [beat friends will be hounded out of establishment of a special police force within the Department of Natural Resources we and placed in the "Spot" light "Bactolac" as the test product is called, is free of the excess it 1 p.m. (DNR) to crack down on polluters. water usually found in whey, needs no In an editorial in the current issue of Michigan Out-of-Doors, MUCC's monthly refrigeration, and is picking the ugliest dog, judges comparable in cost and food value to soybean meal. i magazine, the group said a new corps of pollution enforcement agents should be More importantly, Gerhardt said, is that grain can be fed to pedigree-less pups for the best separate from the DNR's depleted conservation officer force. more people instead of being used to fatten cattle. longest tail, fattest dog, most The editorial points out that the DNR has fewer conservation officers now than when Approval for a dog, tallest dog and the shortest it was organized 56 years ago. large scale production of the animal feed is still in the hands of the "The situation was critical even before the DNR was given responsibiltiy for "test for uncuddly canines is being enforcing environmental statutes," the organization said. "With the assignment of «md by WILS radio, be outdone, lack of d'nes will be the purr-fection goal in the second environmental affairs to the DNR, the work load at least doubled without any doubling of the work force. "Officers who previously had been called on to enforce game and fish laws almost Federal grant ton City Kitty Contest beginning exclusively now found themselves charged with enforcing a growing list of new tbe dogs are out of sight at 2:30. environmental laws - the Inland Lakes and Streams Act, Shorelands Protection Act, * ith the best awarded to the tabbies and costume and longest biggest and the most unusual Air Pollution Control Act, Water Pollution Control Act, etc." MUCC also urged that the cost of an environmental police force be borne by general state taxes, rather than sportsmen's license fees. used to expand "Environmental protection is everyone's business and should be financed by all of the '"ion blanks will be available at citizens — not only hunters and fishermen," the group said. family planning office until the start of the show, no entry fee. LANSING (UPI) — State public health officials are expanding family planning services to teenagers in 12 priority counties in efforts to reduce the number of unwanted adolescent pregnancies. srency supports state control The broadened services will be made possible by a $418,250 grant from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). According to the terms of the grant, $327,553 will be used for comprehensive family planning services to teenagers in Berrien, utilities to end energy crisis Muskegon, Ottawa, Calhoun, Genesee, Ingham, Oakland, Sagi¬ naw, Allegan, Lenawee, Eaton and Washtenaw counties. The areas were determined by HEW studies. Wayne and PTUR 'Mency says Gov. 'UPI) — Democratic gubernatorial candidate By Dreaking new ground in the energy field through the Macomb counties are currently served by the independent Southeastern Michigan Family Planning project. William G. Milliken has "shelved the ownership and control of a public power facility, the people of important contribution his administration could have Michigan could begin to gain direct public control over energy The balance of the federal funds - $91,698 - has been p "olve « sources and practices." Michigan's energy problems." earmarked for expansion of family planning in underserved areas 5's speech prepared for delivery to the Van Buren Ferency said major energy decisions "are presently being made and will also provide special education, counseling and clinic in corporate boardrooms with the guiding principle being private services convenient and accessible to teenagers. t tk.t>Cratic Co"imittee Wednesday, criticized Milliken for • 'ecommendations of his special energy task force. profits rather than the public interest." In 1976-77, an estimated 62,000 persons - half of them "Public control of energy is not only necessary, but absolutely teenagers — will have been served by family planning programs. mt JambonoP?ne''tleaded by Eastern Michigan University essential and sooner or later private power companies with their In addition to teen services, the funds will be directed toward Km. u Brickley, recommended that the state establish voracious appetities will go the way of earlier dinosaurs," he said. educating adults and parents on questions of teenage sexuality Photo by John Dykstro Jate"sownelectric power plants. b7 state-owned Other announced Democratic candidates for governor are state Sens. Patrick McCollugh of Dearborn and William B. Fitzgerald of and family planning. Cornet in hand, 17-year-old Jeff Link of Summer- plants would then be sold to Currently, the state health department's family planning field High School, Petersburg, concentrates on Detroit and former state Public Service Commission member senior M-H-Vlity cornP"nies for resale to customers. program covers 79 of the 83 counties. posture during a recent session of Band Camp at Hi, llk It's a simple love story — meets boy girl, boy and girl fall in ment, the revolutionary phe¬ want out of music and the type ^des The , |in^' Street," th,t love, boy and girl become major nomena that is outraging even of lifestyle it should create. musical stars. That basic sub¬ Parliament and capturing As I begin the interview, I text — the basis of dozens of big working class youths in a tell the two men I'm feeling a and small Hollywood musicals manner not seen since The bit freaked out and apprehen¬ - has been transformed, in¬ Stones and The Who hit in the sive. The news has recently formed and resurrected by the mid-60s. Some people credit come over the air that Elvis is thing about femini., The Stranglers as being the they'll blab abo« not-inconsiderable talents of director Martin Scorsese, sce¬ original New Wave band, and dead. Cornwell puts a my hand shoulder and offers a re¬ on «et stuck on a hi. ^ . narists Earl Mac Rauch and their success as a classic exam¬ bloke comes assuring, "Don't worry. Take along u ple of being in the right place at they're Mardik Martin, production de¬ signer Boris Leven and music the right time. Understanda¬ your time. We'll help you out." Not exactly what one would No n°t help from goi„gto £ men' supervisor Ralph Burns into a bly, many members of the expect from members of a sect woman!'" unique and ambitious film en¬ media were a bit leery of what who supposedly pierce their Hugh Cornwell of The Stranglerg (left) and a fan The tertainment called New York, to expect when The Stranglers ears and cheeks with safety display characteristic impudence during an inter¬ didn t Strangles, »y New York - a drama with finally invaded our hallowed pins. view. criticize the seemed to feel othl music set in a post-war Man hattan constructed on the shores. Two of the Stranglers, the "The only time we wear some", safety pins in when the zip soundstages and backlots of first British New Wave band to breaks on our jeans," says record on a major American Hollywood, with stellar, power¬ ful performances by Liza Min- nelli and Robert De Niro. label, arrived in Detroit Aug. 16 as part of a promotional tour Cornwell. "We're not into uni¬ forms because uniforms mean you. see In no your musical context, I excitement at all. It's the American people." The Stranglers' debut LP IV -si:-®* Cornwell labels and we're not into labels. really the media feeding music played ,W for their new album. Rattus Norvegicus (A&M 4648) while. But when Scorsese, the talent director We're into rock 'n roll. to the masses." ont of Mean Streets, Alice Doesn't Hugh Cornwell, The Stran¬ "You know, the media ex¬ does offer some excitement. 'punks" decided he »„ "Music is too alienated," The band is the most robe. Black said, Live Here Anymore and Taxi glers' lead guitarist and vocal- aggerates everything in both competent •% spouts Cornwell. "Rock 'n roll of the dozen or so other New you shut up? Driver, describes his new film started as pop culture, but it's You've j Wave bands, and their music ' 'eldest mouth hen as an attempt "to fuse...a been taken away from that and contains hints of The Doors. fantasy — the movies that I made into a business. The Who Hugh Cornwell loolu The album has received favora¬ grew up with as a kid — with "The only time we wear safety pins is when isn't a band. They're bloody semi posh hotel w:-J the reality that I experience ble reviews on both sides of the the zip breaks on our jeans," says Cornwell. executives, and I don't want to cloudy urban De myself." Atlantic, though their lyrics The "We're not into uniforms because uniforms be that!" room is sm< have often been attacked as To no small extent, Scorsese mean labels and we 're not into labels. We 're into sexist. Line like "She's the tinkling glasses ar has succeeded in his efforts: the Cornwell is sincere. Both to stop normal basic story is as simple as ever, rock 'n'roll." men take great pride in relating queen of the street/What a and the food bei the sets and costumes as hand¬ how they once refused to play a piece of meat" aren't exactly would feed Bang your typical Bob Dylan subtle some and grandiose as any of gig until the management re¬ year. stress and headlines movies recorded by veteran funded part of an admission putdown. the heyday of the Hollywood and nightclubs, while Jimmy Georgie Auld, who also por¬ ist. sits pensively in a corner Britain and your country. "If in order to musical, yet the entire produc¬ . Look price they felt was too steep. get i gets deeply involved in be¬ trays a bandleader in the film); looking as though he'd rather at what happened to Elvis. It's "They totally misinterpret in an artist you need fa tion is infused with honesty and the bop and jazz: they grow apart. he seems a part of his horn, be somewhere else. Drummer very sad, but he was the first "It doesn't matter whether meaning of our songs! We booze, that's y< emotional realism — the story Jett Black, a perfect English like women (suggestive Minnelli has expunging his inner feelings product of your media's manu¬ we make it in America or not laugh). scowls. and environment may be arti¬ never given a Besides, the song is about a better or more through its bell. gentleman Ithough he resem¬ factured rock 'n roll and art. because you're an alien culture fice, but the characters are disciplined film bles what most people that's a bit f-~ up, and we bloke who's bitching about the Jett Black smiles. ( performance. She illuminates The photography, by the imagine And he got freaked out, the vividly actual and alive. Bill Sikes from Oliver Twist relate to our own thing in chick because she doesn't want blokes really are likshlu Francine Evans with sensitivi great Laszlo Kovacs, is deli¬ way he took a lot of downers Francine Evans (Minnelli) is must look like), pours another him anymore." have to be honest with ty, grace and the inner tough¬ cately lit, and executed with a and stuff. But you made him England. You know, the group jig1 an aspiring singer who meets of survivor. Her voice is feeling for tone, texture and the drink and smiles in a failed what he was. You killed him. drew straws to see who would says, looking at the ness a By expressing anger and roundings. "If Jimmy Doyle (De Niro), an ou- of look of post war Technicolor attempt to hide his obvious He's your first media martyr come to America, and Jett and I hurt the-make saxophonist in a Man¬ vintage quality, stylishly disdain. The scene is a press together, the former bio musicals. Ralph Burns, musical since Lenny Bruce." lost." hattan nightclub at the end of interpreting some period stan¬ dards well four supervision, is spectacular, re¬ party for the band thrown by as as new tunes Jett Black concurs. "Some¬ Black is a little less cynical. "I World War II. She is both A&M Records in an environ¬ by John Kander and Fred Ebb. creating the various musical body over here has to get off don't expect we can change the attracted and repelled by his styles and fashions with fond ment that resembles a Fellini their arse and do something or political and economic state of ambition and arrogance, but De Niro's performance is su¬ banquet expertise. scene. you're going to be in the same this country, she grows close to him as he perb, instilling depth and The United Artists release is but we can possi¬ Why are Cornwell and Black state as Britain. And, you bly add some musical excite¬ speaks excitedly of his dream of humor in his portrait of a at the Campus theatre. looking so glum? After all, isn't know. I wouldn't wish that on ment and social a "major chord" — when every¬ driven, uncompromising musi¬ thing in one's life works out cal artist. His ability to mime perfectly. playing the saxophone is uncan¬ ny Ithe saxophone solos were They fall in love and the movie tracks the highs and lows South Baptist Church ol their volatile relationship as 1518 S. Washington the years pass and the tenor of Lansing popular music changes. Fran- cine becomes a noted song- Sun. 11 a.m. "God Touched Lives Mia The Resume Aces. Mm Mb Cdltfi ftllawsMp art CtebM rafmtmits fclpji 547 E. GRAND RIVER 332-8667 FMfctm tun. 7 p.m. The Sigourney-Jones difference - "God Unveils Tomorrow MNDAa you'll sense it the moment you walk in the door: iittu fairway MIVICI STATION a dedication to the mastery of the art & the FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Call 482 0754 for information - i 1301 E. Grand River £ science of contemporary Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pasior Next to Varsity Inn - hairstyling. James E. Emery College Pastoi CENTRAL UNITED SIGOURNEY- OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 METHODIST Across from the Sim 1m. Capitoi JONES "God's Lovo is Both Hairstyling for Men & Women Judgment ft Morcy" Rev. Paul Hartman, speaking Worship Services Q2 OREDKEN 10 a.m. Sunday 1712 E.Michigan Ave. 484-1491 10 a.m. Nursery Available 6810S Cedar, Suite A,B 694-8101 485-9477 Big Brothers - Big Sisters Day get into shape with Denskins® and enjoy the comfort and mobility in action of these at Hobies lightweight nylon tights and leotards. Sunday, August 28 Whether you're into 75 pushups at home before breakfast, excercycling, yoga WVIC remote broadcast or gym classes, everything's easier. Honorary Big Brothers Earvin Johnson & Jay Vincent Black, brown, navy, cinnamon, hemlock green. Scoop neck, long 12:00-3:00 pm sleeve leotard. Sizes S-M-L. 8.50 Run-resistant, seamless tights. Hobies will donate half Sizes A-B-C. 4.50; Black urethane Hobie's the SANDWICH PE0PLE\ of Sundays receipts to exercise slipper with elasticized instep strap. S-M-L-XL. $5 Big Brothers-Big Sisters Jacobsori0 Newt, Eost ton.lnq. Michloon Friday, August 26, 1977 Moopsball game caps sci-fi fest By JIM RANSOM sary of the Milford Conference Mini In 1957, Damon Knight Moopsball Trials will be who remains off the field of and the 10th anniversary Of the played starting at 10 a.m. play ball is much more than a spoof. founded a workshop for profes¬ and attempts to "put the wham- He claims that modern Clarion Workshop, The Great Moopsball is the invention of sports sional science fiction writers in Combined Milford and Clarion my" on the opposing team are more for the skilled athlete Milford, Pennsylvania. Ten Gary Cohn, a Clarion Workshop from afar by use of appropriate Decennial Jubilee, Colloquium alumnus. His aritcle, "Rules of than for the masses and tend to years later, Robin Scott Wilson and Beer Bash is spells and incantations. make people spectators rather attended one of these Milford being held Moopsball," appeared in Orbit The team which places the Friday and Saturday here at 18 edited by Damon than participants. Writer's Workshops and decid¬ MSU. Knight. Moopsball in their opponent's This will be the first known ed to start a similar workshop The goal the most times wins. "Moopsball," he says, "will be public is invited to Moopsball game ever played, so for beginning science fiction attend Spectators are welcome. totally boring to spectators. a panel discussion at 2 it is an opportunity to watch Cohn, who will be on hand to writers at Clarion State Col¬ ■You won't be able to follow the p.m. on Saturday in the Grand sports history being made. direct the game, says Moons- lege, also in Pennsylvania. Both Ballroom of the MSU Union. game unless you are playing." Moopsball, no doubt, will soon workshops continue to be-held Illustrious Milford and Clarion be an Olympic event annually, though not in their alumni will discuss the role of rivaling basketball and swimming. original locations. fiction in the world The Most of the top science fiction original version of today. Planned panel members Moopsball calis for 324 partici¬ writers have attended the Mil¬ are Damon Knight, Robin Scott ford Conference, held in loca¬ pants and 51 referees. Satur¬ Wilson, Kate Wilhelm, Lloyd day's slightly abridged game tions from Florida to Oregon. Biggie, Gordon Dickson, Harlan will have 25 person teams made The Clarion Workshop has been Ellison, and A.J. Budrys. up of captains (armed with held each summer at MSU since Earlier on Saturday morning, 1972. plastic garbage can lids), flind¬ another public event will take ers (armed with frisbees), and In honor of the 20th anniver- place on the green across from regular players. Landon Hall next to the Presi¬ In addition, all players carry Itinguisfic dent's House. A little less Moopsball hammers (plastic art displayed at library dignified than the panel discus¬ sion perhaps, the first (only?) golf club tubes, in this game). Each team also has a wizard I gy DIANE COX where Kronheim said she re¬ verbal language is done in "Idea", ^ Kronheim, an MSU ceived positive responses from sign," she said. "Actually we "Imagination" There IS a difference!!! te student whose draw- icorporate sign language both the hearing and nonhear- ing viewers. 'sign' a lot. We just call them "Dream." Kronheim is a graduate stu¬ dent in special education and r .MCAT »LSAT -DAT ^ > Bnger spelling, doesn't She said that when a deaf She said that a lot of Cin art for art's sake. She man saw "The Village," a signs she hopes she can also bridge .OMAT .VAT .GRE .OCAT '.SAT come from natural ■reach out and communi- gestures, this audience with art. drawing which used the sign for while other aren't so obvious • NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS "I like working with i many ways aa house, hands brought together and need to be constructed. If a people in in special situations and helping • ECFMG .FLEX a teepee shape, the man's sign is showing an idea it will be Flexible Programs and Hours them to express J: working as arts and face became very animated. made around the head. A sign she said. themselves," Over 38 years ol experience and success. Small classes Voluminous ■director at a convention "He found it very humorous home study materials. Courses thai are constantly updated. Centers T and blind adults in and started to do the expressing emotion will be "When I'm in a situation open days and weekends all year. Complete tape facilities for review signs with made around the heart. ol class lessons and lor use ot supplementary materials. Juid in 1975, Kronheim his hands," she said. dealing with people or objects, I Make-ups tor "Hearing Kronheim has used these try to find the positive aspects missed lessons at our centers. ■ to explore the possibili- people saw it as praying hands, : concepts in her pictures, such and make those work for Flaxlbla Programs and Hours Tf combining the visual or a blessing on the houses — as a series of three drawings: change," she continued. ige of a picture with the which it is really. I like that." fniifta Hilli 3131851-0313 j language of sign and "I'm extremely concerned to Altar: | spelling. with how and why people 11302314 wu.iV ■ unique collection is on I at the East Lansing communicate," she said. 'There are a multitude of communi¬ DELIVERY AVAILABLE 1 Or writ* to: 29226 Orchard Lake Rd. Sulto#205 Farmington Hills. Mi. 46018 I Library through Sept. cators out there, so why hesi¬ ■M Affiliated Centers in Maior U. S. Citi J was displayed to the tate to use them? Society has I for the first time at the become rutted to one or two ■oat Theater for the Deaf ways of communication." ■eveland in November, "A lot of what we do with Buy any Medium Summer Hours: — VJ2 Mon. thru Fri. At the regular price \ l£Z3 Get Identical PIZZA 11 AM -7:30 PM Alio pinball. air hockay. TV rwnnli tablw tannlt. TREE Little Caesars Pizza I IUNION BILLIARDS' 12031. Gd. River ■ •a? 337 ■ 1631 I Coupon expires 9-5-77 On* coupon per order On Sale Today "Body Hug" Tluil's what this simple pawn In Kayser tines in at Meridian Mall a beautiful way. I Flavor Cheese Special Klaslicized across the to/i Reg. $2.69 lb. NOW anil under the bust to give a great fit. *2.49 lb. The spaghetti how in front also doubles its o halter lie for extra cirri/v. In tea rose. r-s \i #//.°" ^Bottoms^Up University Mall 2ml Level Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 220 MAC. East Laasiig Thurs. 10-8 Summer comes to end but pool will stay oper Except (or those quarter eliding final became unbearable and the pool was closed' in the summer, the Nite Owl Swing examinations, summer term classes are at night. the late swimmers during their 11 aj over (or the hot summer of 77. But starting in the spring, and continuing a.m. dip. And for many, the Men's IM Outdoor pool was an integral part of their survival plan over one of the hottest and most humid summers that MSU students have had to endure in their classrooms. Through the hottest days in July the pool was both a social gathering place and a place to take a refreshing dip between classes. And while there the swimmers also could acquire coveted golden tans. But even though the hot days and classes are over, the outdoor pool will remain open over the break before classes resume Sept. 29. Hours during the break are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. There is a cost to all students of 50 cents to pay for the operation over break. The outdoor pool gets its heaviest use during spring term. Sometimes space can be at premium both on the grass and in the water, except under the diving tower where a landing area is kept clear for the divers/jumpers. Assistant IM Director in charge of the pools at MSU, Pam Kruse, says that during the first five weeks of summer term there is a big demand at the pool. But she added that after half-term classes conclude and the weather cools the use dwindles. A successful addition to the pool activi¬ ties this year was the Nite Owl swim. Traditionally MSU students have tried to climb the wall of the IM pool when the heat Mmh A A jbjT Photographs by Robert Kozloif % c.n)« News, Eost tonsing, Michigon Friday, August 26, 1977 lew coaches face The Women's IM Building will be closed from Sept. 2 to the 26. However, the Early Bird swim at the Women's IM will not be held By MICHAEL KLOCKE SUte Ne*« Sports Writer *h0 venture from their hometowns ^ East Lansing over the break or Spartans quarterback Mark Vitali, who has graduated. The most from Aug. 29 until school resumes in the fall. The only IM facility remaining open will be the Men's IM outdoor pool. It's hours will be from 11 a.m. to 6 There will be a cost of 50 cents to any student p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. using the outdoor pool to help pay for the cost of keeping the pool open over the to see the likely h Dsrryl Rogers doesn't like it. Athletic director Joe see the Spartans take on games will get a chance to three teams with new head candidate is senior Joe Metallic, who only saw 10 minutes of playing break. See page 8 for a photo essay on the pool. ,n't like it. And for the most part, MSU students don't coaches. time last year. BoIm,\°Penor Boilermakers Sept. 10 Tnst the alwa*8 unpredictable Purdue in Spartan Stadium. Key offensive players for Purdue include fullback John Skibinski . the feelings of all these people, the MSU football team and receivers the Spartans put on their most Reggie Arnold, Jappy Oliver and Jesse Townsend. ,»e to play three games during the break between awesome offensive Any spectators coming to MSU's second game fsl) terms when most students are away from campus, lute theJseason with 553 yards total ln 14513 victory over offense in the win. Purdue. MSU came up Sept. 17 against Washington State can expect to see quite a few footballs in the air. ryou are, it's always great to play at home," Rogers But the The game will feature two of the "But I'd be a lot happier if our students were here." following week the "Spoilermakers" rebounded to upset top passing quarterbacks in number one ranked college football, Eddie Smith of MSU and Jack choed the coach's sentiments, but he did add some Michigan, 16-14. Thompson of Washington State. Smith led the Big Ten in passing last year and saying ticket sales to the general public are up by five , ^'7ear neaa coach P"due at Arizonahasand a new head coach, Jim Young, the former assistant coach at Thompson was the Pacific-Eight Conference's leading passer and is Youngs main task Michigan. the nation's leading returning quarterback. on offense will be to find a replacement for Thompson's main target last year was split end Mike Leven- seller (67 receptions) and he also will return. i but performance is bottom line Washington State's new coach, Warren Powers, returning on cornerback Ken has 10 starters defense from last year's 3-8 team. All-conference Greene has been picked as a pre season all-American. Lblicity helps gridders MSU defeated Wyoming 21 -10 last year in the first meeting ever (continued on page 10) faced with the same problem Diego State publicist said. now dot the ranks of past Aztecs encountered in San various "And, we have a hard time NFL squads while only six Diego. "We outdraw UCLA to the north, yet the L.A. Times getting publicity back east be¬ former players garnered all- cause of the time difference. has American selection. "There never covered one of our With the Pac UTTUPftUWAY games in person," the Eight to the seems to be a quota system uavici ■TATIOM San north, and the deadline battle i used by the writers on the 1301 i. Grand River to the east, San t Diego State is West Coast," Maffei noted. "It Next to Varsity hut down the list when it comes to r~"i3B seems some writers are scared all-American selections. tnd, not to pick at least three or four Twenty-one former Aztecs m (continued on page 10) """ F«it ■ J ■REMEMBER THE SUMMER OF'69? I ->* H|T rA / v i Defensive Simpson, who now back plays for the Los An¬ Bill ,fi" It geles MSU's Rams, last American in 1973. was all- ©If - "tHE YOUNG VIXENS"! L..AIWAYS READ* WITH A HELPING HAND! iRMANN'S State's |HIT 13 |0^e stands the gaff... our .rmwpRl irdy canvas luggage Campus Pizza only at LOOKING for 1312 MICH. AVE. 337-1377 |aaamaimmaavaluable COUpon»HBaamm^ FREE! Records? one item on any pizza * Marshall Music good anytime * is specializing in (We also accept all "cents off" Pizza Express coupons.) hard to find al¬ bums and will special order r'S^t ond tough, our casual canvas luggage is Introducing any request that is possible to obtain. N of tightly woven heavy duty canvas with fond reinforcements of trunk webbing. There's The jofitevery need. In brown, navy or blue denim. "pouch '"Pack 38.50 37.00 Wedge Check our im¬ |3 pockets) proved and ex¬ 34.50 panded Clas¬ Prry-on 40.00 49.00 63.00 m «> Roots7* sical record selection 220 M A C U MALI (Other sizes for ABOVE THE AlLfc EY special needs) 302 2212 Top pop 45's and oldies also available MUSIC CO. WNTOWN 107 S. Mon-Fri. IM, Sat 10-5 - Washington 245 ANN LANSING _ 209 E. Grand River 1 0 Michigan Stole News. East lonsing, Michigan dentials. Needless to say, we HEflTRE (continued from page 9) players from the Pacific Eight." While Maffei is fighting the All-American candidates had some catching up to do." Stabley's counterpart Notre Dame, Roger Valdiserri, at time and independent factors left the building of an all-Ameri¬ Fred Stabley, MSU director of player must have an outstand¬ can with the player. "Ultimate¬ having a good year. It's no sports publicity, explained that ing performance; have a good really big campaign," he ly, the player must do it on the being a member of the Big Ten season and be free of injuries; a noted. Stabley and head coach field," he said. TIE BAD NEWS KARS « has automatic advantages for "it's helpful to be on a winning ARE ONE YEAR 0UKR Rock Hoiu Dairy! Rogers concentrate on Valdiserri then commented, the Spartans. "The Big 10 is blessed with a team and having a coach who will plug his players is a five or six players who they feel "We try to understand what ANDONEYEARWjLOER :J might be "team leaders," makes a player tick as a person. good regional press. Thus, a tremendous asset," Stabley ex¬ player doing well here at MSU is known all west," Stabley over stated. the Mid¬ plained. Stabley and MSU maintain a conservative approach to pub¬ Stabley's conservative ap¬ proach overlooked one all- American prior to the 1955 Being named an ail-American is more than just a player's to knock heads. More should be ability "VOLUNTEER JAM" season. "We've been known to K9 done to acquaint the public with Stabley then outlined the five ingredients he believes neces¬ licity. "We see to it that the miss the boat," he recalled. "We the player as a person. After THE BAD NEWS regular media and even the had no idea that Earl Morrall all, he's not just a piece of A CONCERT ON sary to be chosen to an all- i New York Times are contacted American team. "First, the about all would have all-American ere- meat." FILM . our players who are CONSCIENCE MonttmiFri. 7:001*00 BREAKING F,0«^l MSU faces new coaches DISCO MUSIC 8:00 pm Williams Wed. Matinee at 140 only (continued from page 9) Adi9.J1.25 TRAINING m • CHUCK LEAVEU. JIMMY HALL from between the two schools. But the Cowboys went on to post an 8-4 record and win the Western Athletic Conference Championship. Salt Sin. fUS- ._!Sa WET WILLIE °M New head coach Bill Lewis will have pretty much the same a Truman vmaam< e. 140,340, *00, OPEN AT 6:45 PM cdltnt pay. iniuranca. and r< offense back that faced the Spartans a year ago. But defense will be Nrement banafits available 740,940 TODAY At 7:05 LATE ., a different matter for the Sept. 24 game. Sat.-Sun. at 1:30 3:30 Michigan Air Notionol Guard. Lewis' offense is expected to be strong with quarterback Marc Coll 517-489-5169 oftar 6 P.M.. Cousins, halfback Latrail Jones and all-conference tight end Walter Tuesday through Friday. Call , 5:307:309:30 PM Howard returning as starters. Todoy! The Only Thing More But the Cowboys have lost almost their entire defensive Terrifvi tn The Last 12 Minutes secondary, and Lewis will be relying on junior college transfers and Of th this weekend Are The First freshmen as replacements. This could prove to be a weakness against the pass-oriented Spartans. only! 8Q MSUINGS: Football tickets for the first three home games sell for $10 in a package until Sept. 9 at the Jenison Field- house ticket office. Individually the tickets sell for $5. 3 AuwiiM.'jiffiltfffHWi, 5 - _ anaiaiAw ww anew raom "tii« latxiraei" He drove 'em wild! al8:50PB | mnuni ixmn "THE HILLS HAVE EYES" A NICE AMERICAN FAMILY. mSmthur THEY DIDN'T WANT TO KILL, ileum FBI; 7:15, MS i friday &> Saturday: 9pm / THEY DIDN'T WANT TO DIE. BUT stmbm SUSAN LANIER. ROBERT HOUSTON SAT; 2:30. 4:50. 7:10, 9:30 SI* 4:50, 7:10,9:30 Sunday:1,4pm PLflMETflRUKl 355-4672 MmI TonightOpsnt:4| Showi 7:00 9:30 1 Richard Sat. < Sun. 2:00 4:30 7:00 9:30 Pryor«'aster man HOftTNINIj- Frfty: 5401410411045 /TARLITE -sYr LflllSinG -:theatres "ONEOFTHEGRE WEB TwiiitHsm «MS'UO SCREEN ROMANC | A different kind jr^oPE^- OF ALL TIME! of loue story. ★★★★( hating') I Marty Feldman Ann-Margret Michael York starring in 1THE LAST REMAKE IQF 6EAU QESTE Fifty; 115741145 nut Twill!* 445-5:15 Milts'lit m The Other A love story is like a soru>. It's beautilul while;! Side of LIZA ROBERT I/Midnight MINNELLI DENIRC JAMES BOND 007" "NEW YORK, NEW YOB THE SPY WHO LOVED ME Fifty: 5:1514511)5 WUW Milts'IS IA long time ago 10th I in a galaxy fa Big Week! I faraway... Twilit* 44U-4J0 Milts'lit Jg Frfty: Ml 245 430 5:15 140 745 *381*15 While the courts free the guilty... Buford Pusser protects the innocent. BO SVENS0N as ButonJ Pusser in FINAL CHARER Fifty: 240 445 740 945 TwIIHb;4:15445 ftlts'UQ WALKIhG TAIL MBBW 1 & MARCH OR DE| They obeyed but one command- Friday: 2:15 540 7:15155 MMk 447540 Milts'1 JO 2m, Starring CATHARINE ERH*^T I n State New*. Eatt Lansing, Michlgc Friday, August 26, 1977 ] ] 1 fwploywt I ![(J| 1 Ewptoywent~~] [jTl [jwtmMts I Claiiifi'd Advertising Employment ! Apartments Houses £ Information FULL AND part-time summer employment for MSU students. THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED LAWNMOWING AND Landscape MALE NEEDS assertive male for DEPARTMENT will be accepting work. Okemos subdivision. Flex¬ NEED A 4th? Looking to share fall FOR RENT 3 bedroom home, 1820 hours/week. Automobile re¬ apartment near campus. Write applications for telephone sales ible apartment near campus with 2 or 3 )NE 355-8255 547 Student Services Bldg. quired. 3389500; 3383400. C-12- personnel for the upcoming hours, experience helpful. Call Jay, Box 31. East Lansing. 4-8-26 males. Tim 332-4697. Z-2-8-26 (3) garage, screened in porch, close 8-26 (171 349-1326. 1-8-26 (4) (3) to MSU, LCC, shopping and bus school year. Must be able to work route. $195 plus security deposit. a minimum of 2 consecutive hours NEED 1 female for fall in Twyck- Phone 485-5060 1-8-26 151 TEACHERS AIDE, part time, Eng¬ WANTED STEREO salesman with WOMAN NEEDED to share spa¬ RATES daily during 8a.m. ingham. Close, furnished, move in lish as a second - 5p.m. Stu¬ previous experience. Easy person¬ cious light two bedroom apart¬ DAYS I day - 90* per line language, near dents only apply in person at 347 before break. Heat & water includ¬ $60 OWN furnished room, all MSU. 361-3815. 7-8-26 (3) ality and energy a must. Know¬ ment. Edge of Okemos, campus Student Services. S-6-8-26 191 ed. Call 351 2145. Z-2-8-26 (4) house use. Laundry, mrnr« i • i 3 days-B0C p.r line ledge of photo equipment helpful. and country. Call 332-6829 after 5 more. Great! 372-7524 parking, LITTLE CAESAR'S pizza, 1621 W. Good pay plus many benefits. See evenings. idzi FAvl IH/'ilffl'I 6 days -75« per line Mt. Hope. Inside help SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST, p.m. Z-3-8-26 (4) WANTED: OLDER student or grad Z 18-26 13) •in IX1J il YT1 B days • 70C only. Inter¬ Greg at WILCOX TRADING student to share 2 man, $110/ per line view after 4 p.m. Transportation two years experience, references POST, 509 E. Michigan, Lansing. FEMALE ROOMMATE "needed. 'Ttol 12.001[22.50 21.00 required, phone evenings, 394- 2 month, one block from campus. FOUR BEDROOM house at 424 N. required. 3-8-26 (4) Please, no phone calls. C-10-26 bedroom, Center St., MSU close, 'Til 14401 27.00 33.40 line rate per Insertion 5138. 2 8 26 (3) (11) 351-7631. after 7 p.m. X-Z-2-8 26 Contact Bud. 616 382-2244 after Hagadorn, $340 plus utilities. 'Til] 31.50 39.20 CHILD CARE-30 year old former 5:30 p.m. Z-2-8-26 (4) °hone 349-5534 after 6:30 p.m. 1 8 26(3) teacher and governess will DATA PROCESSING Terminal babysit FEMALE GRAD needed. Own your children in my home. Call Operator for educational institu¬ BAKER ST. 704. 3 rooms * bath, ROOMMATE NEEDED, 3 person room in 2 bedroom apartment Ullnes ■ 3 lines - *4.00 - 5 days. 00' per line over 337-7109. S-88-29 (4) tion. Key punching experience furnished, upper, private entrance, near Frandor. $103/month, 1 year house. Own room, utilities paid, [3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. ELECTRONIC required. IBM 3741/3775 installa¬ tion. Good TV AND stereo rentals. »25/term. parking, washer, dryer. 349-1297. lease. 355-1607 or 332-0941. Z-1 8 $70/month. 485-6772, days. S-1-8- ■Price of item(s) must be stated in od. Maximum REPAIRMAN fringe benefits. Apply $10.95/month. Call NEJAC 337- 1-8-26 13) 26 (4) 26(4) Wanted. Experience necessary in P.O. Box 385, Holt, Mi. 48842. 1010. C-12-8-26 (3) Hsole price of '50. stereo and related repair. TV or CB 2-826 (7) 1 BEDROOM, near Capitol, MSU TWO. THREE, four, five, six, Lit Personal ads • 3 lines - '2.25 per insertion. experience helpful, good working FEMALE WANTED to share Pen¬ I ■ drive. Furnished, carpeted, IfjpJ easy bedroom houses. 2 in B75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). conditions plus benefits. See Greg HISTO-TECHNOLOGIST: We Apartments utilities paid, $146 monthly, depos¬ ny Lane luxury townhouse at $134/month plus utilities. Prefer seven country, rest campus, close. 676- Irnoge/Garage Sale ads - 4 lines - *2.50. at WILCOX TRADING E. POST, 509 Michigan, Lansing. Please, have an opening for an experi¬ enced ASCP or eligible, full time. ONE WOMAN roommate, 2 bed¬ it. 627-4318 (after 1-8 26 (5) August 28th). non-smoking young professional. 3780. 1-8-26 (4) 1(3' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. phone calls. C-10-8-26 1101 no Excellent salary and fringe benefits room apartment, Hardy Ave. One Call Ursula at 882-5298 after 5:30 2 BEDROOM house. East side, ■nrf Town ads • 4 lines - '2.50 - per insertion. that includes paid vacation, holi¬ year lease. 337-1233, 5-9 p.m. EAST SIDE-sharp 2 bedroom p.m 1-8-26'6) unfurnished. Immediate occu¬ ■63' per line over 4 lines. FULL TIME car washer. Good Z-6-8-26 (3) days and health insurance. Apply upper. $170 plus electricity. 669 TWO BEDROOM apartment, Har¬ pancy. $165. Write Box D-4, State ■| founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines M .50 driving record, prefer 21 or older. Personnel Department, E.W. 3654 before 9 p.m. 1-8 26 13) - - 489-1484. 1-8-26 131 rison and Grand River. $260 News, East Lansing. 1-8-26 (4) SPARROW HOSPITAL, 1215 E. 212 RIVER ST. Large 2 bedroom, 4 ■per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. Michigan Ave., Lansing. 487-9180. person unit, 2 blocks to campus, I NEED one bedroom, including utilities. 676-3780. 1-8-26 PERFECT PART-time job, evening accept ABBOTT ROAD. 2 bedroom un¬ Equal Opportunity Employer. 2-8- furnished, $320 plus utilities, year unfurnished, walk to campus. Call furnished townhouse, very clean, hours, must be neat and depend¬ 26 (12) lease. 339-8802, 484-4014. X-2-8- 1 313 661 4088 collect. X-Z-2-8-26 FEMALE TO share 2-man apart¬ $300-year lease. 351-6729. 4-8-26 Deadlines able. Must have own transporta¬ 26(5) ment. Own room, $110/month 14) tion, 655 3931. 1-8-26 131 1.2 p.m. • 1 doss day before publication. WANTED-WAITRESS, ers and cooks. Bartend¬ OKEMOS, ONE and two bedroom utilities included. Immediately call OKEMOS, FULLY furnished, 5 Apply in person at Jcellation/Change - 1 p.m. - 1 class day before FEMALE STUDENT needed 5:30- the RAINBOW RANCH, 2843 E. apartments, spacious and in¬ 351-4064. Z-1 8-26 (3) bedrooms, faculty house. Refer¬ (publication. 8:30 a.m. to transport and care for Grand River. 2-8-26 (4) expensive. Call 351-8135 from 8-5 Free Roommate FEMALE, NON SMOKER pre¬ ences, no pets, negotiable. 349- L 0d is ordered it cannot be cancelled 3 school age children. 372-7643 p.m. and 349-9217 evenings. 0-4- 3115. 5-8-26 14) or changed X-4-8-26 (31 RN b LPN Charge Nurse 8-26 (4) Service ferred to share Chalet apartment luntil after 1st insertion. position, with 2. $90 Bonnie 337-2603; Rob EAST 7-3 p.m. and 3-11 p.m. Excellent 332-4437 LANSING-furnished, 3 and le is a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per FULL-PART time jobs. Excellent benefits and paid orientation for SHARE TOWNHOUSE, male 332-1296. Z-2-8-26 (3) 4 man. Available September, 337- lodditional change for maximum of 3 changes. earnings. Call 374-6328, 4-6 p.m. qualified nurse in a skilled nursing grad, furnished, available Sept. 2 BEDROOM 9412. 2-8-26 (3) ■State News will only be responsible for the 1st Weekdays only. 2-4-8-26 131 facility. Contact Mrs. Maples, 3rd, 1 Zi miles, after 5 Lansing, new carpet, p.m., some air, $150 without 332-0817, 9-5 p.m. Monday-Fri¬ 332-2175. Z-1-8-26 (3) 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished utilities, HOUSES AND duplexes with 1 to ■day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must MAINTENANCE MAN needed full mobile homes on lake. East Lan ^87-2166 2-8-26 (3) 5 bedrooms near campus, no pets, Ibemade within 10 days of expiration date. time day 2-8-26 (8) or part time, to maintain ONE OR two men needed for sing 10 minutes. One child o.k. CLAUCHERTY REALTY. 351 AMERICANA 1-2 nonsmoking fe¬ ] ore due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not houses. Call 351-8135 0-5-8-26 (4) or 627-9773. APARTMENT BUILDING resident apartment, close to campus. 332- 641-6601. 0-3-8-26 (4) males needed fall-spring for 4 5300. 2-8-26 (4) paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will manager in East Lansing. Prefer- 4432. 1-8-26 (3) man. Furnished, parking. 332- rably a married couple. Call 351- TROWBRIDGE ROAD, spacious COUNTRY LIVING but only 2 'ledue. 0557. 5-10 p.m. Z-2-8-26 (4) BARTENDER AND NEED ONE and comfortable. 1 bedroom fur¬ miles from campus, 5 bedrooms, Waitress 8135 or or two females for needed at MAC'S BAR. 484-6795. _627-9773. Z-8-8-26 (4) apartment near campus. 332-4432. nished or unfurnished. Walk to furnished on 3 acres. Call EQUITY HICKORY HILLS, spactous 2 bed¬ 4-8-26 (31 SHELTER HOME Coordinator. 1-8-26 (3) MSU, shopping, bus, or 1 block to VEST, 351-1500. 0-2-8-26(4) 496. 9 and 12 month leases. From room townhouse style apart¬ M.S.W. with clinical and adminis¬ $180 plus utilities. Phone 351 -4745 ments, balcony. Cambria Drive, on jfej A FEW Motive riltoiotive now. good territories available Sell AVON products in East Lansing. 482 6893. C-4-8-26 (31 trative experience. Two juvenile court or related desired. Call John Lane, LIVING¬ years in setting FEMALE TO share Brandywine apartment. Grad student or work¬ ing girl. Ann 351-1240 after 5 after 5:30 or 351-4107. 2-8-26 (9) busline. 351 5937. 5-8-26 (5) FEMALE NEEDED to share house. Reasonable rent. Call 489-3226. Z-2-8-26 (3) p.m. WOMAN NEEDED for 4 man. 2 STON COUNTY Personnel Direc¬ 1-8-26 (4) SHARP 1 bedroom apartments, (HEALY1964,3000 series, SAAB 1967, 2-door sedan, clean, BARTENDERS, 2 part time or 1 tor, 1 -546-7555,8-5 p.m., Monday- across from campus. Large, clean, bedroom, 2 bath, 1 block to campus. $95/month. 351-0393. Z- FIVE AND six bedroom homes | Spare pans included, good condition, good mpg, new full time. LOG JAM INN, Grand Friday. 0-7-8-26 (9) furnished. CLAUCHERTY REAL two blocks from campus. They are 02-2110. 4-8-26 (3) 2-8-26 13) Perellis. $800. 3585863. 2-2-8-26 Ledge. 627-4300. 4-8-26 13) PART TIME HURRY... TY, 351-5300. 2-8 26 (4) furnished and have fireplaces. Call 351-8135 or 627-9773 0 5 8-26 (5) typist and researcher 10 1975, 6 cylinder, stan- W/FM stereo, rustproofed. VW SQUAREBACK 70. Just re¬ GRILL COOK part time weekends, LOG JAM INN, Grand Ledge. international marketing. 321-7899 after 5 p.m. 2-8-26 (3) Only a few apartments left for the fall. FALL-MSU 1 block 1 bedroom furnished apartment. No pets. Houses Ijifc: NEW brand CONCEPT-Leisure living a, 676-1658. 3-8-28 13) built transmission, good engine, a 627-4300. 4-8-26 (31 332-3746. 2-8-26 (3) new single family for age 55 NEXT TO CAMPUS HOUSES FOR rent. 4 5 bed¬ and older on 3'/» acre wooded site, steal at only $620. Call 332-4717. SECRETARY-MATURE and sta¬ rooms, well located, close to 2 bedroom, heavily insulated, lO SUPER Spon 1969, out 4 person EAST LANSING 2 bedroom, low Z-2-_8-26j3) WANTED: PART time cook and ble person for small firm. Typing apartments campus. From $450 month. Call $375/month, 2300 E. Mt. Hope, er duplex. Furnished, carpeted, I Mint condition. 44,000 VW 74 automatic. In very good waitress, nights only. Call Dave, 65/Shorthand 90, and ability to from '85/month clean. 351-5964. 4-8-26 (3) EQUITY VEST. 351-1500. 0-4-8-26 351-5930 for appointment. X-4-8- "». Air, power steering, 482-0733. 4-8-26 13) handle general office duties un¬ condition. For information call 26 (6) ic brakes. Everything 3581105.2-1-8-26(31 supervised. Apply in person, 3308 RIVMSIDGI ■iGOO. 351-7497 or 676- S. Cedar Suite » 10B. 2-8-26 (8) DELUXE 2 BEDROOM-air, car¬ CHESTNUT NORTH-Nice 3 bed¬ WANTED GRAD student, COMMERCIAL ARTIST, creative, own p9p.m. 0-2-826(7) VW 1974 7 passenger bus. WATIRSIDGI peted, heat and water furnished. Very keyline, paster up of ads, bro¬ $220. 332-8215. 0-12-8-26 13) room. furnished, lease. $185 room, luxurious house, country clean, excellent mechanical condi¬ chures, order forms. Opportunity BABYSITTER FOR 3 year old in month. IV4 3503. 1-8 26 13) setting. $100/month + utilities, 8 V-8, 318. Good tion, $3300. 339-2536. 10-8-26 (4) for growth with dynamic young my Okemos home. Own transpor¬ APARTMINTS 349 5657. 2-8-26 13) FEMALE NEEDED for 2-man 731 J). 6450 asked Mike, 351- company. Call for interview be¬ tation, begin Sept. 6th, 8:15-4:30 1050 Watersedge Dr. ■#82. 2-1-8-26 131 Good pay, references. 349- Burcham Apt. $120/month. Sep¬ EAST SIDE Lansing. 3-4 bed¬ tween 9-4:40 p.m., 371-5550. 4-8- p.m. (next to Cedar Village) FOR SHINIER HAIR add IE MALIBU Classic Wag- I Mfrcjcto H 26(71 9109 or 373 1338. 2-8-26 (5) 332-4432 tember-June (313) 642-9047. 3-8- 26(3) rooms. carpeted, stove and erator. Double lot. 641-4549. 1-8- refrig¬ spoon a of vinegar to a bottle of tea¬ liquid shampoo. Shampoo and [Wtll sell to best offer on BMW 1975 R90/6 Krauser, Feh- NEED 2 or 3 people to do light rinse as usual. For quick results er car. 33,000 RESERVE YOUR job for fall now. LARGE SPACIOUS two bedroom ring and bags, touring tank, many maintenance and lawn work. Call ONE BEDROOM apartment, near when you have something to sell, ■vsty clean, excellent CAMPUS PI22A needs drivers townhouses, across from Berkey COUPLE WANTED to share nice other goodies, real sharp. Glen 332-0111 or apply in person at campus. From $195. Heat and and counter help. Apply in person, place a low-cost ad in Classified. tally 321-6690. 1-8-26(6) 1128 Victor St., East Lansing. water included. 351-4091. 0-12-8- 1 year lease, $295. 351-0359. house with Vet student and Sperry, 489-0022; 393-5600. 88-26 1312 Michigan, next to Silver 98-26 (3) (5) 2-8-26 (6) 26(3) husband. Close to MSU. bus. JI fineCORONET 1973-Low condition, 19 mpg. HONDA 125, 1973, excellent con¬ Dollar. 1-8-26 15) BABYSITTER FOR 1 year old, fall EFFICIENCY, ONE OR TWO BED¬ FEMALE NEEDED: two bedroom $180 month • 351 4566. Z BL-1- 8 26 14! . 731 fce. $1250 or best offer. NOW TAKING Applications for term, 8:45-12:45 p.m., in my home. (4 girl) apartment located across ROOM. East side and downtown ■ after 9 p.m. or 351-7497. Il6l dition, only 2850 miles, $375. Call 487-3096. S-6-8-26 (3) the fall season for the following positions: Cooks, pantry, baker's $2.00/hr. 485-0915. Z-2-8-26 (3) Lansing. Call now for list of from Varsity Inn. $85/month utili¬ ties included. If interested call APARTMENTS assistant. Apply in person, COCKTAIL WAITRESSES, part September openings. AIM, INC., 353-0109. Z-2-8-26 (3) VILLAGE GREEN (dart n, air, 1966, 225 six AM/FM, good con- I M»H*iT>] LONG'S RESTAURANT, 6810 S. Cedar. 1-8-26 16) and full time. No food. Barmaids. Must apply in person. PRO BOWL 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. 0-12-8-26 (6) APARTMENTS 150.351-8488. 2-1-8-26 (3) ELIMINATE TUNE-ups. Replace THE ALLE'EY/America's Cup is EAST, across from Coral Gables. FEMALE NEEDED fall, winter, Across from 1804 Hamilton Rd. your conventional ignition with a 2-8-26 (5) I GHIA convertible Piranha electronic ignition at accepting applications for waitres¬ spring option. Non-smoking, up¬ Williams Hall Okemos B heater, radio, depen- CHEQUERED FUG FOREIGN ses and bartenders. Applicants per class. $70/month. Apartment 9 8 12 mo. leases HOUSEKEEPER-LIVE in, East K-3178.2-2-826 13) CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ may apply in person after 2 p.m. Lansing. Must like young children, close, pets o.k. 351-4809, 6-9 p.m. Z-3-8-26 (4) 414 Michigan NOW LEASING FOR FALL Summer — no vocancies zoo Street, one mile west of daily. 1-826 (51 Now leasing ■ CLASSIC 1974, air, pow- dog. Good references. Call 351- —2 bedroom units — OneS Two Bedroom campus. C-12-8-26 (7) 1808. ?-«-26 (4) For Fall Jtins/btakes, 350 barrel, UNIFORMED SECURITY Officers- —Various floor plans — Furnished t Unfurnished ■mies, $2700. 394-2721. MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East part time. Call 641-6734 between Bargain Hunter. —Air conditioned — Very Spacious Fall HO per person —Furnished -From $175- $210 Discount for 12 mo. lease Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 10a.m.-3p.m. Monday-Friday. 1-8- Check It Out 2614) —Carpeted Complete auto painting and colli¬ CALL 3BILE 1971 Delta 88. 2 sion service. American and foreign ESCORTS WANTED. $6/hour. No —Best location in town 351-7212 •2 bedrooms », radio, good POSITION OF aide to work with training Call 489-2278. as low as rubber, cars. 4880256. C-12-826114) necessary. •Furnished ■ condition. Call 3481326. mentally retarded young people. Z-8-8-26 (3) •Air conditioned $270/month 351-8135 8-5 p.m. WE BUY junk cars and trucks. Top Special Ed. Major preferred. 321- dollar. 489-4647. NORTHSIDE 1030. 1-8-26 15) CUSTODIAN-MARRIED couple •Laundry facilities 349-4067 AH 1®3 STATIONWAGON. AUTO PARTS 6 SALVAGE. 0-12- •5 blks. to campus Uu"di,ion' 900d ,ires' 8-26 13) PART TIME Bartenders, Waitres¬ to serve as church custodian, rent free occupancy of a partially •Immediate occupancy University 349-9217 Eve. We Now Have JJ™- 6Must sell. 91100. ses, Hostess and busboy. Apply furnished parish house apartment, 9 mo. Terrace p.m. 3-826 (5) JUNK CARS wanted. We pay BACKSTAGE RESTAURANT, serving as part of renumeration. more if they run. Also buy used Meridian Mall after 5 p.m. 349- Reply to State News, Box E-5. $300 332-5420 Openings In cars and trucks. Call 321-3651 3220. 1-8-26 (4) J!.FURY IIIwell. 19657 V-8, 4-8 26 (6) 12 mo. CAMPUS tuns 92,000 anytime. C-88-26 1141 $2*0 1,2 & 3 bedroom °her, 3584021. HILL unfurnished opts, [C BONNEVILLE 1971. Air ™ Ctopcfeingijam 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED LUXURY APTS. BEECHWOOD Only HURRY... a few apart¬ some with study automatic, FM radio, 1130 Beech St. *2 Bedrooms 332-4775 after 5 'prlvote batconi*s ments left for the fall MfASUEUASie '•wimming pool 'control olr 'dishwasher, disposal 351-2798 ■next to campus ■new 'Furnished Apts. 'Free Roommate Service from .*190, managers * (includes Gas heat t water) I wrvlcton 'shag carpeting Cedar Greens ■2 Dishwashers your imoll car johns per apt. * Fall leases only — Special 12 month rates ■furnished Central Air Conditioning Call 351-71*6 Apartments -air conditioned -balconies ' * Swimming Pool KNOB HILL Unlimited Parkine Located at Hagadarn Raad just sauth of Service Road Now Leasing •free canoes •Pleasant landscaping APARTMENTS G furnished apartments Roommate Service G 9 or 12 month leases •Special 12 month rates Collingwood Apts. G available swimming pool 4 person available FREE BUS Oftice Open 10-5 Monday Saturday G air apartments * air conditioned * shag carpeting conditioning or by appointment Gwlth-ln walking from *85/month SERVICE ilincwi A dishwasher * unlimited parking distance to campus 1 bdrm. units $218 9 mo. 12 mo. $190 * plush furniture * "">4®' °P®n dailY RIVIRS EDGE Model Open 9-9 349-4700 2 bedroom furnished SjMclel rat#s LOCATED 2 bdrm. units $320 $200 Now leasing for Fall available ler fell. WATERSEDGE Everyday '/« MILE NORTH 'JW Oakland Studio $105 $175 Coll for Appt APARTMENTS OF JOLLY RD. IV4-4411 745 Burcham Call 351 >8282 1135 Michigan Ave. 1050 Watersedge Dr. Leasing tor Fall ON OKEMOS RD. [Mlmd Old World Mall oa tfca riv#r) E.Lansing, 351-0631 (next to Cedar Village) pets 351-3118 (next to Brody) 332-4432 CALL 349-3330 12 Michigan Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan FridaV'Axgu,tJ6. Service Hhs>S ||£j Hums Ijjfi Rooms J^sF]® Mobile Homes ] AVAILABLE FOR fall. Two 5 EAST LANSING MALE, OWN room, cooking, laun¬ NEW, USED and vintage guitars, MARLETTE-1969, 12 x 60. 2 EQUITY LOAN-if you are buying ■ near, 5 bed¬ Battle of Algiers, a film bedroom houses. Within walking rooms, 2 baths, garage, 3/4 acre, 9 dry, close to campus. 351-7119 banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers bedrooms, air conditioning, wash¬ your home on a mortgage or own spon¬ sored by Committee to distance of Campus. Call 351- month lease, 4400. 339-2961 after after 6 p.m. 1-8-26 (31 and kits, recorders, strings, acces¬ er/dryer, shed. Excellent shape, your home free and clear, ask Stop about our equity loan. Borrow MSU-lran Film Project, starts at 4107.0-11-8-26151 6 p.m. 2-8-26 141 sories, books, thousands of hard- near MSU. 43500.351-7674. Z-1-8- 8 to-find albums. (All at very low 26 (4) against your equity to consolidate tonight, B102 Wells Hall. COMMUNAL HOUSE-One person HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSESI NEED ONE male grad to share needed for large six bedroom prices). Private and group lessons your bills, make major home Call now to see our list of East side house. Own room, 2 miles to country location. 1 'A miles from on guitar, banjo, mandolin, all CHARLAMOOR 2 bedroom near improvement, take that long a- Programming Board keeps a homes which will be available for MSU. Good condition, 42700. Call waited vacation, or for any other calendar of all major campus. Non-smoker. 484-6174. campus. 476/month + utilities. styles. Gift certificates. Expert programming September leasing. AIM, INC., Z-2-8-26 13) 332-1702. 6083 Porter St. Z-1 8-26 repairs-free estimates. ELDERLY evenings, 337-2119. Z-2-8-26 131 good purpose. Call FIRST NA¬ events on campus. Register your People 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741 TIONAL BANK OF EAST LAN¬ program, avoid conflicting events, with 15) INSTRUMENTS, 541 East Grand relations skills 0-12-8-26 (6) SING, 351-2660 and ask for Mr. Union Activities Office. ZV" BLOCK River. 332-4331. C-10-8-26 (49) [J, 1 from New campus. Rummage Sale NEW, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, gar¬ kitchen, dishwasher, fireplace, garage, 3 parking spaces. Fully HARRISON AND Grand River. 470-475 includes utilities. Kitchen BLACK DIRT sod farm soil. Ap¬ McDonald. 0-1-8-26 (12) ss&c: age, near Sparrow Hospital, 4260. 339-2961 after 6 p.m. 2-8-26 (31 insulated, new storms screens, excellent condition. 2 and facilities. 676-3780. 1-8-26 13) proximately 6 yards delivered lo¬ YARD SALE-Saturday and Sun¬ day. August 27 & 28th, 9a.m.- FOR QUALITY stereo service, THE STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East [ Wiitu lit I Open volleyball w cally. 439. Sand and landscape Grand River. C-12-8-26 13) Recreationsi VollaJ bedrooms, full basement, 4400/ GRADUATES, CLEAN, single rocks available. Call 641-6024; 5p.m„ 5133 Jo-Don (behind Coral 2 GIRLS need housing Sept. 5 MINUTES TO campus, 4-5 month plus utilities, 12 month room. No lease, 422.50/weekly. 484-3379. 0-11-8-26 (5) Gables) 332-2062. Children's 77-June 78. Own rooms, close to Women's IM."d8y'l",l»i person home, unfurnished, lease and damage deposit, 484-7695 or lease, available 9/15/77. Refer¬ ences required. 351-1177 or 351- Cooking, 332-0063. 1-8-26 (3) Fibafglass Canoe '125 clothes, toys, antiques, couch, arm chair, table and 6 chairs, beds, I l»slrictioi campus or busline, have 1 friendly dog. Mary, 351-1023. Z-2-8-26 141 485-8016 after 5 p.m. 3-8-26 14) 6088, evenings. 2-8-26 1101 ROOM IN quiet family house, 4 VW rims and radials, golf clubs, Kfiijlrt litlii| IhcIi *20 THE POTTERS Guild has open¬ cooking, parking. Call after 5 p.m. dehumidifier and more. 1-R-7R '71 StMl wilcfcts J3 pir n. ings for fall classes advanced and GRADUATING MALE Mnior CAMPUS NEAR, houses, duplex¬ FOUR BEDROOM house, 124 N. 351-9043. es (3-7 bedrooms, from 4330). Francis St., Lansing. Close to J-8-26J3l_ Camiatars fm 2332 DEVONSHIRE, Lansing, beginning pottery. Phone Mesee needs own room for fall term only. at 655-2216. 5-8-26 (41 Call Rob, 332-0940. Z-1-8-26 (31 Also, apanments and studio MSU, furnished, 4340/month + GRAD STUDENTS-We have a AUtTM OI(ltil Clack *a6l» South off E. Mt. Hope. Friday 9-9 rooms, call 4-7 p.m., 332-1946. large, lovely, furnished room in our p.m., Sat. 9-2 p.m. Furniture, Episcopalians! Euchahet deposit. Phone 485-1353 after 5 fro*'14.99 Sunday, McCormick 3-8-26(51 p.m. 2-8-26 (4) country home with private Virata Cleaners is low a; '14.99 books. 1970 Monte Carlo, clothing MSU CO-OP The Nursery School FEMALE NEEDS place to livelall term only. Willing to sublet. Call liamston. Bring Sj! entrance and bath. Also, cooking and so forth. 1-8-26 161 in a country setting with a five tilth to pass. 3-4-5 BEDROOMS, close to cam¬ COED HOUSE needs 3 people, 2 facilities. 435/week. Just minutes 9lack ( Wlilli. Cslor Portabl* TVs GARAGE SALE-household/ acre play area has fall openings for 351-5529. 3-8-26 I3I Rain n JyJ pus, furnished, carpeted. Year blocks from campus, 4100/month. from campus. Call 694-8063 or Conclm, Cluirs, Mis 3 or 4 year olds. Call 349-3518 or Jim lease. 487-0114. Z-10-8-26 131 882-0238. 2-8-26 18) clothes. 724 Newton St., Lansing, Booth win w Beautiful setting, own rooms, We have wide selection ef 337-9207. 1-8-26 (61 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for Sunday grads preferred, 332-5609. Z-2-8- a good used furniture. Stop In Saturday, 8/27. Z-2-8-26 131 four man apartment the Friends on "Spirit ! GRAD ROOMMATE needed, large starting fall (Quakers)", 3 bedroom house, 312 S, Pennsyl¬ 26 14) ! For Sale id see us. '"lost t PORTUGUESE/ENGLISH grammar and conversation, chil¬ basic term, Twyckinghem, 351-6029 af¬ ter noon. 2-8-26 141 hemic Community, 3 vania. 495 plus utilities. 332-5275. EAST LANSING duplex. 4-5 bed¬ DICKIIt A DIAL dren or adults. 45.00/hour. Phone Z-3-8-26 (31 GUITAR GOODIES. Used Gibson: 641 -4007. 1-8-26 14) rooms, 2 beths, rec room, no pets. Explorer, Les Pauls, SG's, ES Second Hand Store LOST DOG 801b. male golden FEMALE AND feline need place to MSU Go Club 4400. 374-6366. 0-2-8-26 131 meets * 1701 South Cedar retriever-E. Lansing area. Answers live for coming MSU school year. p.m. Monday, 331 Unix. BEAT HIGH rents-3, 4 bedrooms, 335's, ES 120 Er ES 125. Used to Roscoe-I'm heajtbroken-please near Frandor, carpeted. 372-1336. 6-8-26 (31 Fender: Stratocaster, Telecaster, Er Fender basses. Also, Vintage 487-3886 call Linda. 351-8563. Z-1-8-26 14) I Typl«t Sffbici lUll 351-6461. Z-1-8-26 (3) Adoption Identity Rooms Martins: 000-21 Herringbone, 000- TWIN BED, firm mattress, box group interested in EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ GRAD STUDENT wants own „ RANCH STYLE-5 bedrooms, car¬ 18, D35. Gibson: Rosewood ROY spring, frame, headboard. 332- LOST-WEDDING band with in¬ doption laws for 14/r room in house or apartment. Call FEMALES NEEDED for house, 0297 after 5 p.m. 3-8-26 131 scription "Donna and Tom." Call sertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN. meets 7:30 peted, parking. 6 blocks to cam- SMECK-1936, J200. Gibson man¬ 489-0358. C-12-8-26 (3) after 6 p.m., 332-0984. Z-2-8-26 (3) p.m. August" own room, starting Sept. 5. 478/ dolins: A Er F models. Excellent 351-1155 or 353-8764, Reward. W. Saginaw, Apt. 105 ous. 372-1336. 6-8-26 131 month plus utilities and deposit. selection of used guitar amps Er CANON 814 E Super 8mm auto- Z-1 8-26(4) 2 BEDROOM house, 3000 West St. Joseph, Lansing. No pets. 487-8790. Z-3-8-26 (3) PA systems by Ampeg, Fender, Peavey, Traynor, Sunn. Plus new zoom camera with case. 4175. Phone Elmer 355-4058. Z-8-8-26 - _ — reflS( I^ound Town Conceits will be front Park 8 to 9 pn 487-9066 5-8-26 13) MALE STUDENTS - single rooms, Shure Vocalmaster PA systems, Personal \\/\ <31 August. Lansing Concan call after 5:30 p.m., 332-6791. and Lansing microphones Er accessories. Com¬ P0ps 4 BEDROOM home 3-8-26 (31 forming. Free! Lansing east side residential, enclosed porch, LARGE FURNISHED room in plete line of band instruments, all tested and guaranteed. BUY- [_ Animals ''K WINE GRAPES-French hybrid. Aurora, Chelois, Dechaunac. Di- EXPERT Resumes, TYPING-Term Papers, etc. 16 years experi¬ garage, furnished. Call Chris, 484- SELL-TRADE. WILCOX TRAD¬ mondale, 646-8844. Z-4-8-26 13) The Video 2164. 4-8-26 I4I quiet house. Close. MSU, 351- FREE PUPPIES-must find home ence. Call Marilyn, 337-2293. 0-12- crew for Workshop ING POST. 509 E. Michigan, for 9 cute, lovable, healthy pup¬ 8-26 13) televising East' 8154. 5-8-26 13) Lansing, 485-4391. C-12-8-26 (801 425 REWARD for information City Council meetings_ 3 BEDROOM home Lansing east pies. Father; Black Lab, mother; third Tuesday ol mixed. Please call 351-5772. See leading to return of Pontiac Sun- PROFESSIONAL TYPIST, Selec- ulNGO TUESDAY Night, 7:30 side residential, redwood deck, SINGLE. MALE student: block LARGE SELECTION of frames, puppies at 569 Virginia. S-2-8-26 bird hubcaps stolen Tuesday nite- tric. Associated with Ann Brown p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Bird Information, second floor. available Sept. 20. Chris, 484-2164. Union, cooking, parking. 314 Ever¬ glasses for everyone. OPTICAL (61 Capitol Villa Call Denise, 353-6400 starts at 7 p.m. Regular at 7:30 green. Evenings. 332-3839. 5-8-26 Printing. 339-9076. 4-8-26 (31 Come join 4J-26I3I DISCOUNT. 2617 E. Michigan, day 332 4345 night. S-1-8-26 161 p.m. Minimum age 18. SHAAREY usmondayi. Lansing. Mich. 372-7409 C-3-8-26 GIVING AWAY one black and ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lan¬ The Jewish Women's' NEAR PENNSYLVANIA, off Kala¬ white male kitten, one grey and sing. C-12-8-26 (5) Co-op meets at 7:30 mazoo, 3 bedroom, 4175/month. FALL SINGLES, nicely furnished, white female kitten and one black , Real Estate ELEVEN YEARS experience typ¬ welcome to share and ban 35T7497_0-4-8-26 J3) shared kitchen, parking. Very FOLD DOWN Camper-Wheeler, and white female cat. year old ing theses, manuscripts, term close. 490-4120. 332-1800; 372- MASON-by owner. Older VA papers. Evenings. 675-7544. C-3-8- JEWISH HIGH Holiday Traditional EAST LANSING-fall, 4 bedroom sleeps 6, gas stove and heater. Call 393-1794. S-1-8-26 (51 International folk danm1 1800. 0-7-8-26 (4) story home, 4 bedroom, 1 'A baths. 26 (121 Services will be held in the Hillel duplex. Appliances, washer/dryer. Hook up for electricity. 4600. 10:30 p.m. Monday, Km. No pets. 332-3746. 5-8-26 I3I _ 355-6209. Z-1-8-26 141 Fireplace, den, sunporch. Interest¬ Bldg., Sept. 12, 7:30 p.m., Sept. ENGLISH COCKERS, 2 females, ANN BROWN PRINTING AND yard. Everyone welcome SPARROW NEXT door. Students, ing rooms in solid oak trim. 13.9:30 a.m. Z-2-8-26 141 ners to advanced. Free' nurses, four bedrooms, decorated, 2'; years, good with children, 676-4601 after 5 p.m. 3-8-26 (6) TYPING. Dissertations, resumes, HAGADORN ROAD-lovely brick BOOKS, MAGAZINES, comics carpeted, partially furnished. Call hunters. AKC registered. 450 general printing. Serving MSU for home, 3 bedroom, large yard, and morel CURIOUS BOOK each. 882-8554 after 5 p.m. E-6-8- 351-8810 or after 5 p.m. 351-0676 ON VACATION this week. See 27 years with complete theses 4350/month. 351-7497. 0-5-8-26 SHOP, 307 E. Grand River. 332- 131 1-8-26 151 0112. C-12-8-26 131 26J41_ you in the Welcome Week Edition. service. 349-0850. C-12-8-26 (5) Paul Coady, MUSSELMAN REAL¬ FREE CUTE Calico kitten, box LIGHTED CANDLES ADD A CAMPUS NEAR for senior and TY, 332-3582. C-3-8-26 (4) COPYGRAPH SERVICE complete 100 USED VACUUM cleaners. trained and weened, 645 Beech, FESTIVE TOUCH to any party. graduate women. Large, nicely dissertation and resume service. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. 351-8967. 1-8-26 131 furnished room. References. Call Service Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. They also prevent room from Guaranteed one full year, 47.88 332-1746 after Sept. 3rd. 1-8-2615) 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- becoming smoke-filled. Table and and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING FREE TO good home, Beagle pup. floor lamps sell quickly when 1666. C-12-8-26 (5) COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, Less than year old. Good disposi¬ BUY JUNK Cars and haul all kinds advertised for sale with a low-cost ROOM FOR rent. Nicely furnished, 332-3878. Z-1-8-26 (31 of trash and steel. Call anytime at opposite City Market. C-12-8-26 tion. 10 minutes from MSU. 460 a ad in Classified. month. 484-0994. 3-8-26 (31 (6) 332-1760. 2-8-26 131 rwi*n!«i EAST SIDE students or working group. 2, 3, 4 bedroom houses. SINGLE ROOM in quiet private SECTIONAL DAVENPORT, gold, IJAobile Homes Ifnma FREE care. . A Lesson in complexion Call 484-4519 East Michigan TICKETS FOR Neil Diamond con¬ good condition. Brass fireplace cert. Will pay. 351-5950 ext. 296 Neat, clean and carpeted. 4195- home. Woman only. Close in, COMFORTABLE MOBILE home or 321-5543 Lansing Mall. MERLE 4275. Lease and deposit. 675-5252. screen. Large black/white TV. day; 393-6869 after 5 p.m. 6-8-26 kitchen, no parking. 332-0647. 485-2636. 2-8-26 14) near MSU. 8 x 36 with attached NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. 8-8-26 (51 2-8-26 (3) shed. 41300. 351-3684 evenings (41 C-12-8-26 14) CONCRETE BLOCK and brick for and weekends. 10-8-26 14) HU TOUR NO LOIMU MINI ROOMMATE WANTED, female, 2 ROOMS available in beautiful 4 WANTED: LIBERAL, friendly, do-it-yourself bookshelves. See T.G.I.F. WITH a free needle check. ITIMBTHRU AtTATMIWB... house in East Lansing, 4100 plus bedroom co-ed house, close to roommates to look for comfort¬ CHENEY CONCRETE CO., 2655 E. NEW MOON 1969, 2 bedroom, 12 Have your needle checked at utilities. Must like music. 351 -5208. 4-8-26 (4) campus, 4100/month. 351-3259. Grand River, E. Lansing, 337-1381. x 60. must sell, 43900 or best offer. MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann able dwellings for fall. No tobac-o CLASS IFIID AD! Z-2-8-26 (3) 2-8-26 (51 349-4628. 4-8-26 (3) smokers please. Call Ron, 351- Street, East Lansing. C-1-8-261191 0168. Z-5-8-26 (5) CALL 355-8355 THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★ Save Time ★ Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve yoa TRAVEL FURHiTURE CHICK SMS 60LF COURSE ARTS I CRAFTS STEREO REPAIR ACMI BUMIM CO. Mattrees-t 4 Box Springs made here in AIR-MAIL Lonsing •elf Course rChifholm Hil * TOURS-CRUISIS 23t7 S. HOTIL RtSERVATIONS TWIN '49" Washington Rd. OLD TOWN ARTS! CRAFTS CHILDREN'! GREEN FEES Antique*, gift* COLLEGE TRAVEL DOUBLE '59" -..OE STORE 9 holes '2.50 Custom mod# jewelry, IN FRANDOR ■ ceramics and wooving PROFESSIONAL AUDIO OFFICE Odd sizes to order Infants and Children's SHOES II hales-'4.00 Craft Classes REPAIR * All Day - '6.00 Complete line ef mocrome ( 130W.Grand River 1 Widths B-EEE bead luppllet • Three full • time profeuloneily East Orthopedic Shoes treined technicians Lansing Acme Bedding Co. * ' Tap and Ballet P.F. Flyers Moke reserved Tee Time Always accepting original art work on consignment. * • Complete Teit facilities 3 - month warranty on all wort. 351-6010 405 Cherry 1 Cowboy Boots for Sat., Sun. S Holidays 2415 N. Cedar, Holt * Loaner amplifiers available THE TRAVEL ( Kalamazoo ' -Call 694-0169 on Thurs¬ PROFESSIONALS" House Slippers Phon* 417 - 4995 694-3102 455 K. GRAND RIVKR 38,-4?47 days for reservations. Jebe Oeteeo (Owee. • Artiet) 331 1300 Tuee.4el.H-r IHCIeeedMen. - AUTO SERVICE HEALTH FOOD BICYCLE SHOP OPTOMETRIST BARBERSHOP SPARTAN BUD'S 10% DISCOUNT * MUFFLER CENTER to all MSU Bicycle Shop CO-OPflCAL THE COMPLETE BRAKES UNION WEDDING SERVICE AUTO PARTS, itudonti ■met Lin. Two location i Now I SERVICES JEWELRY. Ormr Blossom 'SHOCKS on purchase, of 31 BUILDING Gold FosU ion * OVER 400 QUALITY BIKES FRONT END WORK INC. er mere, yogurt, Buy New Md Save en ell Models a Sites HartUadei'tfMr BARBER Art Carved Coepenlteo Optical) 10% end breed, excluded For9t a Acceaaertec (tirog, tvhog. ok.) Br. J. «. Niion. Optomelri.l SHOP GIFTS Cannon Yogurt 31' RALEIGH-COLUMBIA Custom Picture Framiryt STUDENT DISCOUNT LATE MODEL O ITIS EXAMINED RK Product! Motobecane Puch - ON ALL WORK MOTORS AND RANDALL HEALTH FOOD Ove% 10 ipeeOi el , O GLASSES •Layer Cuta reeionobf. puce. •Latebt Styling WITH I.D. PARTS A SPECIALITY Brookfltld Plaxa (oil ostemblod I checked oufj O CONTACT LENS •Women's Haircut! 717 5. 444-1144 4972 Northwind Dr. ARM » PENNSYLVANIA Halfway between Holt a 13(1 E. Grand Rlvar 13311. One* Hem 8 - 8:30 Mon. - Fri. I ""332 (lit lifhf eeit of Hegedorn Open 332-6892 Rd.) SreetfieMHeie 111 -1311 365-3369 ThurM^y Evenlnai 319 E. Grand River Ave. TOBACCONIST FOR SALE Ebit Lenelne. Mlchlfon STABLES NOW at the store hear this from the tof hinge RIFLES MAURAHTL COUNSELING wtih the red door! HAY HIDES PROBLEM 'Cigarette by: We hove ta eteck • A PARTY ROOM THE GRAPE VINE t Shonaaa-Diaha-SahraJaa idguns •Boot., Belts PREGNANCY •Pipe Tobaccos by / Offer* you three of Ufe'e pleasure! 372-1560 24 Hours •Down Filled Jacket* - good 1776 - Three Star - tad 20 of all kin d,.- Red Deer food, good ipiriti, and good aerviee. All Hoot, blend, •Horiet Boarded , MARITAL Pipes by SavincUi KSI found In a warm country freah mUTBailCMINOMM atmoapherel PROBLEMS? WAHNING 332-4269 Year 'round prim AMD oral TUN SHOP _ Lunch Mon.-Sot. 11:30-2:30 NEED TO TALK? Jkejhnwe General be. leumW ltd dpmu 1^., „ In Southern Michhpn. Dinner Mon.-Thur*. 5:00-10x00 CATHOLIC mm» 1434 4. Meridian Pd. Frl.ondSut. 4 6:00-11 sOO CcxmcbeLLB 2412 South Cadar Me,on, Mich. Open Sunday SOCIAL T We t Call 271-2244 buy. trade 4 sell. 676-9119 The Grape Vine 2758 E. Greed River E-Uaelee, 337-1701 SERVICES 'CanHelp' ""~SJ Call 372-4020 Is Your Business listed Here? - Call Carolyn 355-8255 l|ir[fr ctnle News, East tonsing, Michigan Friday. August 26, 1977 13 DOONESBURY- by Garry Trudeau not sure tet, mikes ffartaft dukes re-etmr *' o!!|^B)WJIM-TV(CB5) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Coble) (I2)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) is taking a little l0n6er than usual.: f friday 5:00 (23) Washington Week in (12) NFL Football | afternoon (5) Cunsmoke Review (23)Poldark (10) Emergency One I 8:30 10:00 MmriTI 1:30 (12) Emergency One! (6) Year at the Top (10) Quincy ,e World Turns (23) Mister Rogers' (10) ChicoandtheMan (23) Forsyte Saga ft, of Our Lives Neighborhood (23) Wall Street Week 11:00 l(,jng Volley Blue- FRIDAY 8:45 (6-10) News EVENING (11) Nicholas Johnson (23) Lowell Thomos Remem¬ 2:00 5:30 9:00 bers 1,000 Pyromid (11) Alger Hiss on American (6) Movie 11:30 io Consortium 2:30 Thought (23) Electric Company "Sharks'Treasure" (10) Rockford Files (6) Movie PEANUTS a ml. East of Meridian Mall FINE NORTHERN ITALIA* ^| 642 W. Grand Rlv.r Ok.mos LUNCH S DINNER DAILY AT SENSISLl ■ PH.WjJT MO88 134 W r.rnnH Rlv.r ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS ^1" Tally all white Cod Filltli dipped in batter and deep fried to o cr/ip golden brown. INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Served with Iranch fries, roll and butter, and your choice of soup or salad. MUFFLERS 711 E.GRAND RIVER-LANSING ."wu"Sf«iS> cocktail* c«MVOUTPII( 40% off The Final! In Mexican Culilne Why not try us today I a«u. , 48?# 2800 E.Grand River FETIME MUFFLER WARRANTY (WHEN INSTALLED BY US) MOST AMERICAN CARS IMPERIAL 0MD& The International __ - Tte—.—_— 4980 PARK LAKE RD. GRAPEVINE THE House 07 Pancakes. EAST LANSING 349-2691 MON-FRI. 8-4 f AT. 8-9 Sm. 12-4 2758 E>gt Grind River 337-1701 20MW.Gr.nv.OkP6"'