I.S. House questions NCAA structure and tactics ByTOMSHANAHAN The NCAA told MSU to fire State News Staff Writer Wyers as part selected information used and false informa¬ of the school's probation. show that his tion used," Mrs. Tarkanian said. Pittsburgh public high school Nt jj t"frpr°n«?d Nations! Co legate investigation of the Rep. John Moss of California, chairperson paid for the ticket from a fund raised by the Athletic Association of the House school's principal that is used for Oversight Committee, was Court records in one case of false many of Hnl.« tn conducted by the U.S. asked by Nevada Rep. James Santini to information show that Berst told the NCAA the school's students. comm m» .?let, TeMnUtiveS the Nor«a|k 0ve"'ght Sub- consider investigating the NCAA. The Infractions Committee a Nevada-Las Vegas The case also questioned the NCAA's use Mid (Ohio) Reflector request came after the Nevada attorney basketball player told Berst that his of "selected evidence." Thursday in a copyrighted coach, While investigating MSU between announcement is expected from story. An general's office conducted its own investiga¬ Jerry Tarkanian, arranged for a flight home April Washing¬ tion of Nevada-Las to Pittsburgh on a 1975 and the probation announcement in ton, D.C. within a week. Vegas Head Basketball special "junket flight" The Coach Jerry Tarkanian and found him the last week of November 1973. Berst January 1976, Berst and the NCAA used as investigation reportedly will look innocent of all told the NCAA that the also evidence an account from a former Ohio into th structure of the NCAA and the NCAA charges. The NCAA player said when he told the school Tarkanian State University football tactics used in must be sus¬ returned to Las Vegas he took a commercial player from conducting investigations of pended for two years. flight and Barberton, Ohio, who said MSU Assistant was reimbursed by Tarkanian. athlete's' aCCUSed °f irreSular recruiting Coaches Wyers and Charlie Butler offered 7-b of Santini became involved with the All Berst's information from him and his girlfriend numerous Neva¬ the player gifts. da-Las Vegas case after the comes from his recollection or notes written attorney Wyers and Butler took polygraph tests figure bein* investi- general's investigation and was quoted as after the interview instead of denying the story and both passed, but the gated is David Berst, the tape re¬ NCAA's primary Mying, "I'm convinced that a person cordings because the NCAA says "it is the NCAA only considered the Ohio State investigator. He recently concluded an accused of murder has more rights than a only way it can get people to talk." football player's account. nvestigation of the U niversity of Nevada at The university and the The procedure and tactics ias Vegas and, among other schools, also NCAA0I" '>ers0n be'nS investigated by the office produced documented attorney general's evidence and questions raised in court are not the first accusations investigated MSU. This resulted in a an affidavit from the of the NCAA using its power three-year footbaU probation Lois Tarkanian, wife of the player denying Berst's improperly. that wUl not Nevada-Las ena until Vegas coach, told the State News Wednes¬ account. The NCAA submitted no docu In a copyrighted story in the State News January 1979. mented evidence in March 1976, Berst was or affidavits. day that a "permanent injunction" against quoted as telling Much of Berst's MSU's Hunt before the probation was information centered suspending her husband was successfully The University investigation showed that around former Assistant obtained in court Monday by their announced, "Stop acting like a kid and tell Football Coach lawyers. no such "junket flight" that Berst described Howard Wyers and defensive back Joe existed out of Las us everything you know or you'll never play Wyers "When we went Vegas the last week of football again." The NCAA Hunt, a senior suspended in the fall of 1976. hard about their to court (NCAA) we hit them procedure, November 1973. Also, public purchase written copy of its investigating provides no procedures dT* I1 orders from the player's commercial flight and rules. Benefits and VOLUME 71 NUMBER 126 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 New raises for MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Iss bill on city workers lergy now, ByPAMWEAR SUte News Staff Writer is "The program was adjusted in the way it paid for and in the items covered so that Wage increases and adjustments were Irter says among the major changes in a contract ratified recently between MSU and Local 1585 of the American Federation of State, there is an improvement to the employees," he said, "but not as great as the cost rose of the coverage." The contract also omitted the appeal County and Municipal Employees (MSU/ board from the grievance procedure pro- Jr JAMES GERSTENZANG AFSCME). ■hiNGTON (AP) - Chiding the Local 1585, which has been on Grievances unresolved by the employee (lor dismantling his energy program campus since 1965, represents 1,050 general service- deliberations office will now go directly to _ a final vote, President Jimmy maintenance workers. arbitration, thus bringing grievances to a | earned on Thursday that "with The 22-month contract, which goes into more speedy resolution, Groty said. g day our energy problems effect Saturday, was originally scheduled to •e severe. "In the grievance procedure in the past, go into effect June 30, said Keith Groty, there was an appeal board in which Itarican people ate expecting the assistant vice president of personnel and representatives from the union and admini- ^»to ail in pass a national energy plan," conference employee relations. a news statement One reason the old contract was extended In the Senate as much as at his was because the parties had not reached an ■ television audience. "The problem was that problems agreement by June 30, he said. |i the Senate continued its battle The wages were increased about seven brought before the appeal board were t of natural gas prices, percent, which is approximately the same seldom, if ever, brought to resolution. ■reiterated his opposition to remov- percentage increase in wages faculty and If there had been a chance for resolu¬ 1 price controls and said "no interest administrative employees received. p organization can be satisfied with In time, the percentage of increase may tion, it would have been settled in irt of our plan." change though, he added, because pay previous steps." — Keith Groty d the Senate has been under increases for these union members are is pressure" from lobbyists and computed by cost of living adjustments i reputation to protect" in which fluctuate. stration met to see if the grievances could be I strong energy legislation. The contract also included an increase in resolved before going to arbitration," he Stale News Robert Kozloff I president also said "reasonable the longevity base pay (seniority) from Tb has been made" toward Spartan fans waited in line an average ol two and a best expectations, according to Assistant Athletic explained. a new half hours at the stadium Thursday to pay (12 for $7,500 to $8,500. "The problem was that problems brought Director William Beardsley. Today sophomores [it Arms Limitation Treaty, but "an reserved seats at the remaining three home foot¬ and freshmen can claim their tickets. The pay increases employees receive as before the appeal aboard were seldom, if tie agreement is not in prospect." ball games. they move up in seniority were formerly ever, brought to resolution. If there had |uid Soviet President Leonid I. Sales so far are exceeding everyone's computed by taking a percentage of total abeen a chance for resolution, it would have i "standing invitation" to wages, Groty explained. been settled in previous steps." It United States and that in the But wages increased, so rather than The contract was reached after over 60 il U.S.-Soviet summits, it is the compute the percentage from total wages, hours at the bargaining table, with more ■ States' turn to play host. ■ Bert Lance case, on which Carter Inclusively at his news conference Court of Appeals removes ban $7,500 was set as the base from which to compute pay increases. The new contract simply calls for that than 70 changes made in the contract. said no one topic or issue seemed to dominate the discussion. Groty ( Lance's resignation as budget base to be increased by $1,000. "I commend the members of both parties freight lie question. days ago, was the subject of As for hispitalization benefits, the new in this agreement for their dedication and Concorde contract states that 90 percent of the union commitment to working out a new agree¬ ■president said he never knew Dt Justice |^Lance' Department s bank overdraft ided it would was in 1976 investi- problems, on landings in U.S. members' Blue Cross insurance will be paid for by the University and 10 percent by employees. ment without any disruption of the work of the University," he said. The contract will not bring an end to all have made no Previously, the University paid for 100 contention, though. Groty added. in his decision to percent of the full family program coverage. "This agreement resolves the major appoint Lance By TED CRONYN on the plane at the airport. But the ruling is The appeals court ruled that the Con¬ et the Office of Management and However, since Blue Cross's costs have issues between the parties," he explained, sure to be appealed, thus delaying any corde would have to conform to federal NEW YORK (AP) - The Concorde SST increased 25 per cent, employees must now "but there are always issues of interpreta¬ landings. noise standards, but it also said the Port er won another round Thursday in the long pay 10 percent of coverage cost, Groty said. matters, the president said; tion and application during the life of the court battle aimed at granting landing Authority could adopt new standards for Increased employee cost does not mean P »nd Israelis "are making some the plane. contract which will have to be worked out Backers of the Anglo-French aircraft and Jb in their search for peace in the rights for the faster-than sound plane at the benefit plan is not improved, though, he through grievance procedures and special lust and the United States would be Kennedy Airport, but the ruling does not the Port Authority of New York and New Thursday's action, part of the 18 month- added. long legal conflict, upholds the finding six meetings." open the way to imminent landings by the Jersey, which operates Kennedy, have ■(J begin discussions with the Pales- ■toration aircraft. vowed to appeal any adverse rulings right weeks ago of Judge Milton Pollack, who Organization only if and up to the Supreme Court. ruled that the Port Authority had dragged ■to group The Federal Court of Appeals lifted a ban accepts the right of Israel its feet unreasonably on setting standards for the plane. f blame for layoffs in the steel The appeals court, in an earlier decision, ft cannot be placed on imports. He had urged the Port Authority to hasten its to industry was having problems J"! environmental standards and that ■togrowth rate drops to six percent, ■tot aren't as Judge issues injunction decision on whether the Concorde would meet its noise standards. Thursday, the court again told the many orders for steel." authority to "meet its admittedly heavy If"Griffin not consulted with Attorney responsibility by adopting a fair noise rule Bell on the ■• mchard Helms, former director of T™ Intelligence * ™saili possible prose- Agency, on perjury Bell would report to him prohibiting disposal of within a reasonable period of time." The latest decision in the recurring Concorde dispute would become final in 21 days. However, both sides have indicated INSIDE 'a Got a labor gripe? Check it out recommendation "fairly soon" they would appeal if they lost. Unless all PBB-poisoned livestock to with ASMSU on page 11. to seek an indictment of Helms. nine judges on the appeals court should be ■J Kr '"an his u8 bsve be'ped bi™ Kme asked to rehear the case, the next, and final, own party, and singled stop would be the U.S. Supreme Court. support for his opposition to MIO (UPI) - A circuit judge Thursday issued a permanent injunction prohibiting the In the unanimous ruling by the three- *"7 restrictions on the independence state from disposing of PBB-tainted cattle at a proposed burial site in Oscoda County. judge panel, Chief Judge Irving R. Kauf¬ weather In issuing the ruling, Judge Alien Miller said there was no evidence presented showing man emphasized that the court was »^ent ■ " bim Walter F. Mondale that alternative means of disposal had been explored. He added that the dead cattle are dissolving the Port Authority's ban and that Concorde could "serve New York Okay, so what if you've got more than all his staff hazardous waste material and should be dealt with accordingly. sore feet from standing in line F* combined and "there are no The injunction was sought by the Oscoda County Board of Commissioners, claiming the under conditions detailed in federal opera¬ for rotten seats at Spartan flu, ™ i°b as president that are not r?'be vice president, burial of animals contaminated by the toxic fire retardant posed a threat to the region's tions specification." Those are the guide¬ lines under which the Concorde has Stadium? At least you're going to the MSU-U of M game. So, u '"° one who would approach him ^The'rufing leaves the Department of Natural Resources with no place to bury some 5,000 operated at Dulles airport outside Washing¬ with that good news in mind be ft !5fce to no. his closeness to me carcasses now awaiting disposal. A new law that took effect this week lowering allowable ton. Kaufman added that the decision "does prepared to bundle up for ••ill, 10 "T out 111 assignment PBB levels in animals will substantially increase that number 63-degree temperatures today I,r my co"iplete trust," Carter said Tens of thousands of farm animals destroyed earlier because of PBB contamination were not deny the Port Authority the power to and especially for tonight's low E™ President. buried at another disposal site in Kalkaska County that is now full. adopt a new, uniform and reasonable noise 50 s. Oh, and don't forget the The decision culminated three days of hearings on the suit. Miller had previously barred standard in the future." He said the setting K,°"his energy program, Carter. the DNR from burying the cattle at the proposed site during the course of the trial. of any new noise standards, however, raincoats because it may do Urn !? company profits would that too. Enjoy. 1^ *0" this year aid he did not Some witnesses who testified in the case proposed that cattle destroyed because of PBB assumed that i long-standing Port Author¬ ity noise standard, "which the Concorde ftj'"Bustry's agrument that incen- l"" be provided for wells slready C°Th^contsmiMtion problem began in 1973 in 4 cattle feed mixup th#t P°isoned livestock concededly can meet," is deemed to be all over the state and has since been viewed as a threat to human health. inadequate. 2 Michigon Stote News. East tensing. Michigan Frido*.September30) Senate may agree on gas WASHINGTON (AP) - senators who led the filibuster Two forecasted by both sides on the compromise, which would con¬ Walter F. Mondale's constitu¬ tional role as tie breaker. we're watching said one aide. very closely" p|Q against deregulating natural tinue federal price controls Aides to Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, Majority Leader Robert C. gas prices reluctantly agreed over natural gas while permit¬ D-Tex., a leading advocate for Byrd called a series of recesses Thursday to support a compro¬ ting more of the fuel to be sold ending all federal controls on during the day, apparently to mise aimed at snapping a at higher prices. natural gas prices, conceded allow more time for "The vice president will be in backers of two-week-old deadlock on Pres¬ that the vote on the new the compromise to Soviets send up space station ident Carter's energy plan. the chair," said one con¬ compromise would be close. other senators to persuade support the An extremely close vote was gressional source, referring to "There are 8 or 10 fence sitters pact. 8«s should end Several hours MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet govern¬ Union. Tass described | Salyut 6 as an "or¬ vo'e, Sens. ment launched a new space station, bital scientific station." Howa Salyut 6, today, Toss announced. END OF CONTROVERSY IN SIGHT? baumofOhioandja oak of South Dakot Salyut 6 apparently was sent up un¬ Another major Soviet anniversary is the filibuster tha, manned but in preparation for o new coming up, the 60th anniversary of the Senate for 37 hou. Dispute lingers series of manned space and was flights. There speculation that a crew would be rocketed to it by Oct. 4, the 20th Bolshevik Revolution ever, two on Nov. 7. How¬ days ago in Progue three Soviet cosmonauts denied a space spectacular on in Congress would Wednesday compromise. "I don't support th anniversary of the launching of the first was being prepared for that celebra¬ approve artificial satellite by the Soviet By BETTY ANNE WILLIAMS Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., the government should pay for government should fund abor¬ zenbaum said, space tion. "bu, Associated Press Writer said he expected members of than WASHINGTON (AP) - The abortions in cases of rape, tions only when a woman's life deregulation." the committee to "scream at incest or where "medically nec¬ would be jeopardized The Senate by a appro congressional impasse over each other for a while" before essary," a phrase detractors full-term pregnancy. lation of natural ga, Japan stalls hijackers' demands abortion will not cut off federal welfare benefits for the na¬ reaching an agreement. The committee has been say is vague enough to allow abortions under almost any years ago but : refused to go Each side has rejected the a|or tion's poor, officials said Thurs¬ deadlocked for three months on circumstances. leaving the Air lines said the Americans freed were other's position. The House federal DACCA, Bangladesh (AP) — The day. the issue. trols in force. the pregnont wife of former California voted Tuesday against Japanese government agreed today to But it may mean a reduced The Senate maintains that The House insists that the accept¬ Under the ing the Senate proposal. cotnpr hand over $6 million and nine prisoners Assemblyman Walter Karabian and a paycheck for thousands of fed¬ the current $1.46 |i( to ronsom 146 persons held hostage by man named Krueger who was ill. eral bureaucrats unless the gas prices would ri terrorists aboard a hijacked Japanese The other Americans still aboard the dispute is resolved by Oct. 18. German authorities institute immediately and airliner at Dacca airport. But the govern¬ ment asked for an extension of the hi¬ plane were Karabian, banker John Gabriel of Montebello, Calif., and The controversy over federal funding of abortions for poor probe even ues. higher if in(|a Carter had ori women is tied to legislation BONN, West Germany (AP) - West scribbled with the word "Juden" Jews, posed a $1,75 price jackers' deadline for the delivery. Gabriel's wife. German defense authorities have launched providing $60.2 billion for the an exchanging Nazi salutes and singing a Nazi The House ha' departments of Labor and investigation into reports that a group of hymn. Carter's $1.75 pr The terrorists from the ultra-leftist The five hijackers had given the Tokyo Health, Education and Welfare. army lieutenants staged a mock "burning of The report came as West Germans were ences between the Japanese Red Army released five hos¬ government until midnight tonight, 2 The current funding author¬ Jews" last February at the Armed Forces Senate bills will | discussing what they see as a wave of tages, including two of the five Ameri¬ p.m. EDT, to deliver the ransom money ization for the two departments University in Munich. anti-German feeling in Europe. worked out by a B cans known to be aboard the plane, an ond nine "comrades" held in conference commit! Japanese expires on Friday, and approval A newspaper story of the incident, which The Rundschau said senior officers broke Indion couple and their infant son. Japan jails. of operating money for next The compromise said university authorities had hushed up the up the gathering, but school officials decided year has been delayed in Con to hush up the incident and failed allow producers to case, brought Jewish demands Thursday that to report gress by the abortion dispute. the officers be dismissed. the matter to the Defense Minister in higher price tor Members of a House and violation of regulations. covered gas pum| Senate conference committee Expressing outrage, Heinz Galinski, a well drilled after Syrian threat caused Dayan's return were meeting Thursday to seek leader of the West Berlin Jewish community, Defense Minister Georg Leber said he ordered the investigation after a compromise on the abortion said he would file a criminal complaint if the learning about the incident issue. Their eventual recom¬ "anti-Semitic criminals in officers' uniforms" Wednesday when the were not fired. newspaper asked for an explanation from the KUWAIT (AP) - Israeli Foreign Mini¬ mendation must win approval Dayon hod been scheduled to fly to the ministry. ster Moshe Doyan interrupted his United States Sept. 16 from Brussels but by the full House and Senate The Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper trip to before the legislation can be The young officers reported to have taken the United States to return to Israel reported eight to 10 young officers climaxed on instead returned to Israel after part in the latest incident were described as Sept. 16 because Syria was threatening to making sent to the President for his a drinking bout at the university's student rather immature unexplained stops in Paris and Zurich. signature. young soldiers with a into southern Lebanon and chal¬ center last Feb. 16 by move His brief return has not been burning papers deplorable lack of insight and information." explained lenge Israel's support of the Lebanese by him or the Israeli government. Christian militiamen fighting there, a Kuwait newspaper claimed The newspaper said today. Syrian President Hafez Assad, outraged at Israeli The shelling independent newspaper al-Rai of the Palestinian guerrillas and leftist al-Am, quoting "reliable diplomatic Lebanese Moslems in south Lebanon, sources," said Dayan's hurried return to was about to order his troops in Lebanon talk with Prime Minister Menahem Begin to cross the Litani river, the so-called "red produced Israeli agreement to a U.S.- line" beyond which Israel has said it will mediated cease-fire in southern leba- not tolerate the presence of Syrian forces. Disploy Advertising.. Photographic | Hurry!! at Meridian Mall Mm Ms Capos IM Carter signs far-reaching farm bill 10% Off on your choice of Cheese, sausages, ft snack items WASHINGTON (AP) - President Jim¬ search while P.S. Watch for Grand continuing and revising opaning of our Boar A wino dapt. my Carter signed an $11 billion farm bill virtually every statute administered by Thursday, hailing it as a "great boon" to the Agriculture Department. Offor oxpiroft Oct. 9, 1f77 farmers and consumers alike. fs Although the food stamp and price "As a former myself," Carter said at a support sections will be costly to tax¬ Rose Garden payers, experts soy the measure's ceremony, he was pleased immediate effect on prices at the to sign what he termed the most supermarket will be minimal. far-reaching agricultural legislation in 40 years. The legislation contains about $2 billion more than Carter originally The new low boosts grain farmers' requested. However, he said the final, incomes, revamps the federal food stamp i/P compromise version was only $300 program and expands agricultural re¬ million more than he later had in mind. GRKAT SOUPS, Ford ponders boosting steel imports b- SALADS, SANDWICHES. BEIR&WIHE NEW YORK (AP) The nation's steel - 1.2 million tons each industry, already rocked by major pro¬ year from U.S. firms. duction cutbacks because of reduced But lacocca said with demand, soom may receive less business foreign steel from one of its prime selling for $50 less per ton than customers — Ford American steel, overseas automakers Motor Co. are Lee lacocca, president of the nation's getting an immediate advantage. "A car is made up of 15,000 second-largest automaker, said Wednes¬ parts and This Areas Only Multi Media Discotheque Live folk most ore made of steel," lacocca said day that to compete with cheaper foreign 284.1 E Gd River E lans 351-1201 entertainment cars, Ford soon during a meeting with financial writers. may "look long and. "If a car's got even a ton of steel and hard" at using large amounts of foreign $50 cheaper overseas, it's nightly. Never steel. $50 on the raw material before you're yielding Enjoy Your Weekend at the Rainbow Ranch a cover! Ford, which now imports less than 3 you start putting the car together. per cent of its steel, buys a minimum of MARATHON HOUSE PARTY Bugging of Panama talks confirmed FRIDAY C SATURDAY WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. intel¬ said. The officials declined to Beer Special til 8:00 930 Trowbridge Rd. ligence agents eavesdropped on of¬ give details Dancing at 9:30 Both Nitcs ficial Panamanian of the conversations, but Senate sources Corner of telephone conversa¬ hove said the tions were sold by an American eavesdropping included SUNDAY to the sergeant the recording of conversations Harrison and Panamanian government, Defense Ponomanian leader Gen. Omar involving ROCK N ROLL BffR BLAST Department officials confirmed Thurs¬ day. Torri- Trowbridge Rds. But the official said the Special Prices on 351-3800 transcripts, A Senate tchers & Mixed Drink involving conversations intercepted by subcommittee has issued more than a half dozen microwave in 1975 and 1976, were not subpoenos for used by Panama as individuals and information in an A Total Entertainment Conm "blackmail" in the to determine attempt Panama Canal treaty whether alleged U.S. t Special Fvery Nile negotiations. The recorded conversations did not eavesdropping affected negotiations be¬ tween the United States involve lhe negotiations, the ond Panama on officials the new Panama Canal treaty. ,hinan Stole News, Eost Lonsing. Michigan ^^Frida^Jjegteir^ Welcome Back M.S. U. Sale e dog days of August, we're certainly glad to see you back, and to introduce you to our Sound Shop we'll make you feel welcome with ™ PnCe8' A, Marsha" Music' mu8'c « 88 some P important to us as it is to you - we've been in the business 30 years. While our salesmen can _ y e, were more concerned with how components sound. We know what real musical instruments sound like so spout selectiong our components is, do our major emphasis in they pass the accuracy test. And we're not but only careful just talking about speakers, each component has some sound of its own, listening can tell. Stop in, take a listen, you're audition buying to please your ears, let your ears tell you what to components in one store that buy. get a chance to you formerly had to travel to Chicago or Detroit to hear. Receivers, Amps, Preamps & Tuners We feature the following electronic components: Harmon Kardon, Onkyo, Setton, Hitachi, Audioncs, Quatre, A.E.A., Ram Audio, Spectro-Acoustics, Hafler and more. Audition one soon. HARMON KARDON Receiver Sale HK 330C - was $229.951$219.95 HK 430 Was 8319.951*269.95 ; HK 730 Was $419,951 $379.95 Other Goodies: Phase Linear 400-847 7 Citation 16 $575 Marantz 3300 Phase Linear 700- $665 preamp-8/75 (used) Citation 12 $195 Crown DC300A pwr amp 84 75( used) Phase Linear 4000- $499 Citation 11 $267 Pioneer SF850§OLD 895(used) Phase Linear 200- $324 Spectro P101 demo $269 Kenwood 8006 Amp $189 (used) Speakers Speakers are the single most important link in the Hi-Fi chain. We selection of honestly feel we have the finest speakers in the state. And with the purchase of any amp or receiver you can buy any floor demonstrator pair of speakers for 15% off retail no - exceptions. Our lines include: Dahlquist, B & W, I.M. Fried, J.R., Audioanalyst Phase Matrix, Thiel, Bolivar, Audionics, and more. Other Specials: Verit 200 81' SOLD,7 ea Visonik 50 8109.50/ $86 Large Advent) w) $150 pr. (used) Verit 400 8219.00/ 8725/ea BES D-60 8260/8782 Genesis One $145 pr. Audionics TL-30 (used) 8219.00/8765ea BES U-60 8200/8742 Bose 301 $130 Visonik 30 895.50/$75 ea pr (used) EV Interface B System $250 Turntables Turntables do sound different. Our turntable selection is based on that major factor. We feature the incomparable Linn-Sondek turntable, the revolutionary new Thorens Isotrak line, the straight line tracking Rabcos, the direct drive Hitachis, the new 3 yr warranty Garrard GT series and many more. Specials: BIC 920- 845 * Hitachi PS-58 8300 / $259 BIC 940- 875 * Hitachi PS-48 8240/ $207 BIC 960- $105 * ERA MK6 with FormulalV Tonearm 8330/ $267 Garrard Zero 100C with V15 HI $85 BIC 980- 8725 * (used) Dual 1229 with ADCXLM $125 *bota, dustcover axtro (used) Tape Decks Our major tape lines include: Harmon Kardon, Hitachi, Uher, and Otari. SUPER SPECIAL Buy a Harmon Kardon HK 2000 at the - price of 8400 and get a case (12) of Maxell UDC 90's , free. Specials: Technics 625-8300/ $179 regular retail Dokorder 8100-8550/ 8427 5*1 Dokorder 630-8380/ $289 Dokorder 7700-8400/ $305 Dokorder 1120-8650/ $498 Teac A2300 SD8750/ 8565 upp U 4 % Aeeessories We have the largest selection of tonearms to upgrade your system in Michigan including the amazing Dynavector tonearm - only 8575. Dust bugs $3.99 BASF Performance 90 Discwasher Refills SI.00 Cassette 2 bag $4.64 Superex TL-3 Headphone $21.50 Quad 8-track Cleaner 82.25 Sale Ends October 8. Quantities are limited. Some items may be demos or one of a kind. MARSHALL MUSIC COMPANY 245 Ann St. Hours: Mon-Fri 10-8 1 blk. N. of MSU 351-7830 Saturday 10-5 PBB: fact, A piece of the rock fiction Last Friday while students were busy preparing for fall term the keep would-be poets and atten¬ tion-seekers away from the rock? today. , If you are confused on the issue University administration was oc¬ Who but the alumni would care of PBB contamination in Michigan, cupied with moving a 15-ton rock anyway? And who but the admini¬ dead and and if you are confused about the around campus. stration would spend money — buried politics behind the recent film on You've all seen the rock. It's money received directly or in¬ yews it has symbol of campus also K 0Ve'l the been relaxing for 104 years in front directly from students — to move subject, then we have a sug¬ gestion. This Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. of Beaumont Tower, a gift to the University from the class of 1873. a tradition around the grounds? It goes without saying that $500 ticularly around decade when it the Was turn^l°1 tt, on WKAR-TV, channel 23, the Public In recednt years this teddy-bear was totally wasted on this aborted Broadcast Service station for this monolith has been used as a rock-moving project, for which area, will show the controversial political platform and wailing wall Wharton & Co. should at least f. for graffiti writers. It that sunfairand symbol 1001^ to, film "The Poisoning of Michigan." hang their heads in shame, if not handful simply £ This past summer MSU alumni, reimburse the of persons have« The content of the film can be University. But viewed on many different levels. Is apparently shocked at various remember, the rock doesn't belong the coverage fair or unfair? Is the slogans written across the rock's to the alumni any more than it body, pressured the University belongs to us, the students of story complete? These are ques¬ tions that will extent. concern us to some into moving the thing. Naturally President Wharton and his vice- npsafaa bathrooms in front of DpTI But do not let the bickering of presidents didn't get out there in tee-shirts and torn jeans. Instead, politicians obscure the main mes¬ sage of the medium: Michigan has they hired a set of workers and a and probably will continue to crane for some $500 to haul the suffer from a tragedy that must harmless hulk around campus. not occur again. The original plan was to deposit PBB may be responsible for it in front of the Department of even more dangers than the ones Public Safety building, but doctors have already found. PBB, ASMSU President Kent Barry, in one of the few we already know, is more danger¬ positive moves we ous than the federal government is remember a student government Friday, September 30, 1977 willing to tell us in 1975. president taking in recent years, Editorials ore the opinions of the State News Previews of the film say that the and letters are personal opinions. Viewpoints, columns protested vigorously at that after¬ accounts of injured farmers in the noon's board of trustees meeting. state are "gripping." If you have Editorial Doportmont Vice-President for Student Af¬ had trouble visualizing what has Editor-in-chief Michael Tanim fairs Eldon Nonnamaker says he been happening, then now is a Managing Editor Kat Brown made a "deal" with Barry and Opinion Editor Dave Misialowski Sports Editor TomShonahon other student leaders to leave the good opportunity to enlighten Special Projects Edito Debbie Wolfe layouf Editor Fred van Hartes veldt yourself. City Editor Joe Scales rock where it has been for over a Copy Chief Renaldo Migaldi The important thing to judge is Campus Editor Anne Stuart Free/once Editor Michael Winter century provided Barry and other Wire Editor Jocelyn Laskowski Staff Representative not how the film makes Michigan- NunzioM Lupo government leaders can keep it look, but how the film inspires Advertising Department free of graffiti. action. Action is sorely needed on Advertising Manager Sharon Seiler An interesting, but Assistant Advertising Manager DeniseDear probably this matter — as is the truth. futile, proposal. How can anyone Moving "The Rock" - the journey to nowhere. Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau Susan Dwight Priority work doesn't matter There were plenty of ecstatic with checks would be spirit accepted at noon the organizing spirit block. After all, thtj blockers departing from the Union next day. Those that had spent so much Building enough to hang around when there yesterday, but these people were equaled time in preparation had no priority. other things to do. by the number of disappointed would be's. Now, previous pursuits didn't matter And the would be's had more anymore, nor did past membership. than Not expecting this type of tun enough reason for their dismay! The C'mon Student Foundation! Priority shoddy reason for not having yi manner in which Student should have been the central factor in Foundation's togetherl "Spirit Block" was handled, was, from the very beginning, indicative of a definite future disgruntlement, disenchantment disillusionment, and all of the other disses you can think of! fetters Letter Meetings were held throughout last year Policy during which people went through the The Opinion Page welcome, all Utter, and aCti°.n of s'KninK UP ,or sPirit block- but viewpoint,. Reader,,bould follow a few rule. not"mg much came of it. Continually lo injure that as many Utter, a, ponibU updated and thorough response with those appear in print. that had persistently attended those meet- All leller. and oieuipoinl. »*ouW he lyped on ings would have saved a tremendous treat it as 65-tpace line, and tripUipaced Letter, and of hassle. DPS praised such a gospel. Think of the effectiveness forum could have on viewpoint, ma.I be .igned and include local amount Still, determined blockers public opinion addre.., ,Indent, faculty or went ahead In the course of my four years at MSU I and decision making. Well, now I read the columns in the State any—and phone number. No letter .Uff.tandmg-^ er or organizing and recruiting One former member team members. have read both good and bad point without these items will be considered even went so far as to (mostly the News and I notice that round up kazoos and whistles for the team, latter) accounts of behavior of the something is lacking f"T publication. r Depart¬ most importantly, intelligence. At least Letter, Mould be 35 line, or U„ and may be onlY t0 ^ tolfl that there was no room left — ment of Public Safety (DPS). I have if ' there was some edited for State New, ,tyU and concitenet, to recently had an experience with one of the intelligence I could excuse when she arrived at the Union door. and overlook the other flaws fit oi many Utter, at officers that I feel should be so pervasive in poitibU on a page. At last an organizational meeting was mentioned, in the columns. Viewpoint, may be no longer than 75 linet, held at 6 p.m. on September 28. Jim all fairness. Since I commute to Things like logic, style, MSU, I grammar, flow, insight, and and may aUo be edited Thomas proclaimed that must park in the commuter lot and to be perhaps even completed lists Spartan Spirit Block, 1976. stranded there is bad news, as all com¬ sophistication. This is a university, I am told. muters know. My car would not start due to There is this one writer in its dead battery and since I do have a stick particular who irritated me to the shift, I was trying to push start the car. point where I felt However, by myself, I could not gain compelled to write this letter. After hearing about his drug fetishes, after JACK ANDERSON AND LES WHITTEN enough speed to start it. A DPS officer then seeing Star Wars defiled by him, and pulled up behind me and 1 told him the finally after situation. He was reading about his childish ramble with the very helpful and offered registration process, I got so to call me a tow truck, all with a very big smile on his face. He said rules would not let him departmental disgusted and outraged with Ira Elliott's tasteless, classless column and his totally smug Who will replace Brezhnev? push my car with his silly picture blemishing the car, or let him use page that I jumper cables. Still dusted off my typewriter. smiling, he offered to physically help push Not wanting to be accused of my car. Naturally, I accepted and he making proceeded to get out of his air conditioned car and help me push in the 95 degree heatl I was surprised at his unfounded criticisms let me take a case in point. The registration process he so tactfully called a "giant pain in the A." I Western leaders predict helpfulness and doubt that anyone in this WASHINGTON courtesy. Never once did he stop university's - Some of the sharpest who keep an eye on the Kremlin think they smiling. administrative hierarchy is more concerned eyes in the West will be watching Leonid has demonstrated the cold bureaucratic My car started and I thanked him and he detect signs that he may be faltering. skil)s didn t even give me with or sensitive to the students' needs Brezhnev, the indomitable old overlord of to ™t.he.H in Second in power to Brezhnev appears to Y lot sticker! a ticket for not having a than Dr. Horace King, the university the Soviet Union on October 4 That's the be Andrei Kirilenko, ^hoQIroonV controls71 Soviet He is also a Beforussian who wmild h« registrar. If he did not already know this, Hair ho day he is avnasioii to expected toto ahnooo choose a il/innt,, acceptab|e t0 the riva, Ru; ; ^ deputy mko inHllotrv Hilt a ho John Schneeber which I doubt he did, let me add who industry. But he is already SO 71 and, anil > . . factions in case of a standoff in the here that might eventually step into his shoes. therefore, too old to replace Brezhnev for Lansing the registrar is in Politburo. charge of registration. I long. So Kirilenko may be bypassed for a Thoro Is on outside p registered in 30 minutes. In Puerto Rico it Officially, the heir apparent will It is sheer power, takes three the cumbersome title of first deputy ai younger leader. respected in the Kremlin. however, that is most that tho No. 2 posteould " J Elliot hit days. I dare say that any A ruthless Kirill Masurov. He Is no"' system capable of chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme handling such a large For (he past four years I have dutifully body of students in anything less than one Soviet This is a new'STon createdTyAhe The °ne wh° seems 10 Uke charge when ^ overlooked.'One who' is rising' fat"is in command to Aleksj In the Council of Ml" I read by State News in enlighten myself hopes that to campus events and I might hour is near remarkable and we grateful. If Elliott should be happens to have any o7oc^4%th£s^st Mazurov has demonst"" cold bureaucratic skills K'«£L J issues. For the most part, it has respect as an admirable campus I have found the gained my newspaper. editorials to be well constructive criticism or tions, the students and I would be than happy to hear them. positive sugges¬ more The selection, therefore, could determine whether world affairs will become more affairs and lacks leadership stature. But in ™e backrooms of the Kremlin, he has bi«=^H!b visibly dynamic but has close ties to get ahead In the alsoaBelorusslon.wkowoKm*J"| J As for your future, Mr. Brezhnev. Still another written and founded on good old logic and glum. Elliott, it looks turbulent or tranquil. For the ruler of all become a power. He might dominate a new bears watching is Vladimir junior official who acceptable to the rival » common sense. But, for the life of me, 1 can Everybody hates a cynic. Criticism the Russians has the power to rock the Dolgikh, who and Ukrainian fact o" for the sake of collective leadership when the old crowd has a reputation for not determine what criterion or qualifica¬ criticism tears away at the world boat. moves on- speaking his mind and a standoff In the Politburo- tions, if any, are used in very fabric of cooperation and communica¬ getting away with it. nists. I myself have selecting colum tion, two very important Of course, no one outside the Kremlin long wanted such a concepts which No one expects Brezhnev to forsake his There is an outside possibility that the the really knows which leaders will position, but I did not feel that I had university and the newspaper should boat-rocking powers in the immediate emerire as the No. 2 post could go to Kirill Mazurov. He is the old men of the Politburo fade Proper training or qualifications to encourage, not destroy. future. But he will be 71 in December and from fill such now second in command to Aleksei an important job. I mean, think of Paul Newman he is beset by nagging afflictions. Those Kosygin power, all the in the Council of Ministers. But Mazurov people who read the published word P.O. Box 1804 and East Lansing .hirfon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Friday, September 30, 1977 5 epartments pursue policy modifications 1 DANIEL UNIEL HERMAN Board of Trustees mnHifv ». modify its ..... , V, News Staff Writer present policy which forbids solved. Richard Byerrum, dean of supporting, but some arrange¬ "First, by printing Xvear several MSU ace- departments from printing ecu- ment must be made." your own compulsory purchase by stu¬ After "we find a system that Several of the proposals sub¬ the College of Natural materials it is possible to dents of ■departrnents, "in an at- cational material such as lab Sciences get Michigan State Uni¬ works...we will go back to the mitted for modification include new, recent materials in the I to one of the first versity must submit the manu¬ — save students extra manuals. to ask for departments Keith Goldhammer, dean of hands of the student, and Board with the thing," King a plan which suggests that ■ and bring them more The question of modification of the the College of Education, feels script to the MSU Press, the said. publications be sold to students whether because of the 1 materials," submitted departments can print their procedures — said, "I under¬ that there are two basic rea¬ flexibility of University's centralized print¬ Presently, through a waiver with a partial subsidy from Lendations that the own materials remains stand the problems on the side printing your own material you ing service. from the MSU Press the de¬ MSU. The proposal also sug¬ unre¬ of the MSU Press, that it sons why departments should can use a larger variety of Herman King, academic serv¬ is self partments of Education and gests that a faculty member bring their own materials. material," Goldhammer said. ices director and professor of Business are printing some of develop and edit material. The He concluded that, "It would entomology, who reviewed the their own materials. The MSU departments would type, dupli¬ be too bad if University's policy toward the bookstore is also selling manu¬ cate and take the risk of unsold professors had to Manual of Business Procedure, lore tripling, als that have been printed for copies, and take copyright re¬ use cut and-dried material by complaints said, "there have been no more the time it rolled off the printing press." changes so far." Before the problem can be rectified, there chemistry classes by the De¬ partment of Natural Sciences. sponsibility in the University's Certain MSU ^ ell-worn adage, "two's according to Robert C. Under¬ departments has to be some money to put week. three's a crowd" is J7, jD too familiar for wood, Residence Hall Manager. Last year, about 400 of Overassigned students are ders, elaborated on the cramped conditions. "There are two desks, two beds, two would like to print their own materials for a reduced cost, but are prohibited by Univer¬ into the system to make it work." DELIVERY AVAILABLE T ■MSU students finding 17,940 generally negative about their King explained that I the Elves with two room- returning on-campus residents tripling experience so far. drawers, it's (the room) made for two people." sity regulations. Board of Trustees "originally Kjistead of one. Maureen O'Mara, 267 S. Won¬ Currently, the MSU Manual FREE! wereoverassigned, Underwood created the MSU Press to print said. He added that ders, pointed out that "Won¬ of Business Procedures states, „g_ the assigning of a while this student materials," and that if •ornate to a two-person [Twill be even more year's tripling will be what higher, exact some¬ figures will ders' rooms are people." built for two Other student comments ranged from "I'm not enthused, "A faculty member producing a textbook, or other teaching the departments do their own printing, the MSU Press (which I Bt this year than last, not be available until late next my roommates don't like me," materials prepared and de¬ is self Eddie Frias, 435 N. Won¬ to "so far it's not too bad." signed for the use of and supporting) might have financial problems. Buy any Medium TJJ I At the regular price \ l£Z3 I Get Identical PIZZA FREE I Fine Little Caesars Pizza I Country-French Dining 13031. Od. River 1 , THEGRAPE VINE 'Coupon expire* 10-8-77 337.1631 One coupon per order I New dinner hours 5-10 Monday-Thursday 5-11 Friday & Saturday FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD 4-9 Sundays COCKTAILS Entree's with a French accent prepared at your table. 19 authentic Italian entrees created in our own kitchen— Seafood, Meat, Poultry, Pasta & Vegetarian dinners. Enjoy live piano music in the dining Saturday. room Tuesday through •t K9M mchiQMi lt«t# unltMfdty Soup, Salad. Entree, Vegetable & Pasta Priced from $1.95 CMINGSSN! Special Luncheon Menu with Broadway's Newest, Salads, Sandwiches & Dinners. Hottest Hit! Priced from .85 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 A 2758 East Grand River, East Lansing 337-1701 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 SUNDAY BRUNCH BUFFET 10:00-2:00 75 Items $2.50 per person $1.25 Children under 12 SUNDAY DINNER BUFFET 5:00-10:00 Unique Menu Items $2.75 per person PH 337-1755 (Next to Peoples Church) Two Pedbrmances at 8:15 p.m. 136 W. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING in the University Auditorium. PUBLIC: $9.50,7.50,5.00 All Students: $4.75, 3.75, 2.50 FREE ^Across The Sea^ Hands OPEN REEL TAPE RECORDER SEMINAR Celebration The Regimental Band of MONDAY OCTOBER 3RD Her Majesty's GRENADIER GUARDS The Pipes, Drums & EAST LANSING STORE ONLY Dancers of Her Majesty's SCOTS GUARDS Mr. Brian Tucker of Revox Corp. will present an audio visual show on Design of Professional and Semi-Professional Open Reel FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 at 8:15 p.m. PUBLIC: $8.50, 7.50, 5.00 Recorders, followed by a question and answer period. All Students: $4.25, 3.75, 2.50 SHOWS THROUGHOUT THE DAY STARTING AT 1 p.m. Seminar Speeial— prices good Oct. 3, 1977 only MAXELL MAXELL UD 35-90 UD 35-180 7" REEL BLANK TAPE J 10VS" REEL BLANK TAPE *4.99 p*"-1 [ *14 *""* See You There HI-FIGrandBUYS 1101 E. River 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TODAY problems at Work? STARTS stereos two BRUCE LEE Hits STARTS IUUAT Open at 7:15 P.M. OPEN AT 4:45 P.M I 1 brSis? refrigerators TODAY at 9:20 ONLY V tv's FEATURE 7:00-9:10 SAT-SUN at 2:50 MAYBE ^ _ FOB HNTi JT3-179S Staff Meeting WE ASMSU free deH»try en/eft compvs KWTE/6!j5-lATE Wed. Oct. 5 5:30 p.m. KUfW-FU! CAN L8] LABOR RELATIONS Rm. 328 HELP! ^ RHA Movie # Stud. Serv. Bldg. * program line + 327 4 355*0313 355*03 * Student Services 353-8R57 ***»»/ •very limb of hto body to a lethal weapon I f-OLK AND BLIJI S I'HI -SI NTS 1 SALE 'Fists of Fury CORKY SIEGEL The Fikus Fsnriy: rll)S_a»7:SOONlY They're Not toasted BRUCE LEE in WITH SPECIAL ClIEST They're Not Satted. PMtAVISIOff ^ _ They're Just "CHINESE CONNECTION" PlainNuts. [PG)a imut SAT-SUN at 1:00-4:30-8:15 P.M. JIM POST couMBnroEUJK- starring GENE HACKMAN ®o F Sat 7:15. M Sh 4:00,545 PROGRAMING BOARD'S CLASSIC FILMS Friday & Saturday ms 7:30.115 ILVIS DOUBLE FEATURE presents on October 14-15 ftorthside DRIVE-IN THEATRE MB! »««ie FINAL 8 & 10:30pm WEEK! TONIGHT SHOWS 7:00-9:30 SAT C SUN 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 McDonel Kiva, MSU , "ONE OF THE GREAT SCREEN ROMANCES OF AIL TIME" — N y. Doi/y New: f A love story is LIZA like a song. It's beautiful while it lasts. ROBERT ILVISi THAIS THI WAY IT IS (CIRCA 1970) FRI., SAT., SUN. 8:45 109ANTHONY AND JAILHOUSI ROCK (CIRCA 1957) FRI.,SAT.,SUN. 7:00« 10:15 109ANTHONY 3 MINNELLI DENIRO ADMISSION *1.25 STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY WELCOME NEW YORK, NEW YORK ID s WILL BE CHECKED '6 i ui i //,■ s / \/Di a mil 11/ EBONY PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS: PLUS SPECIAL GUESTS FRIDAY THE EMOTIONS OCTOBER 14 8:00 P.M. AT JENISON FIELDHOUSE Tickets on Sale Today AT THE MSU UNION. MERIDIAN MALL llECORDLAND, AND SOUNDS & DIVERSION DOWNTOWN LANSING THI8 FACILITY 18 ACCE88IBLE 6&$7 'THE SOUTH IS GONNA DO IT ASMSU POP AGAIN' ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS PLUS SPECIAL GUEST John Sebastian ST^ __ - MSU'S AUDITORIUM - MONDAY, OCT. 3 - 7:30 P.M. TICKETS: $5.00 With Student I.D. AND SPECIAL GUESTS: & $7.50 General Public Reserved STTNnAV SUNDAY nr-TYvSo OCTOBER 23RD 2^ MOUNTAIN DAREDEVILS IN THE MUNN ICE ARENA AVAILABLE: MSU Union & The WDETI^DracoRDSvNn?iM TO50 AVAILABLE TODAY AT THE MSU UNION ^SWG & MERIDIAN Recordlands at Lansing & Meridian Malls Accessible AN ASMSU POP ENTERTA'mmcmt ppfiniirTlOiL jg- s«ptflmb^ |97jHchi92nS in Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 30. 1977 RALLY TO BE HELD TOOAY-2 WOODY MIEN TONIGHT FEATURE MIS! now showing Bakke case protested "The truth ol the matter jrAstronomy Througli^_ makes 'Annie Hall* the greatest u 10 protest the deci- ud down by the Cali- The Bakke the U.S. case is now Supreme Court, which before legality of so-called "affirmative action" programs which Its rich emotional texture sets it triumphantly apart. The funniest and most human comedy of al IgrThe Looking-Glass KBpreme Court in the is expected to hand down make a special provisions in education ■ikke "reverse discrimi- decisran on it soon. In the case, ■L, will be held tonight and employment for Bakke. filed a iawsuit that minority 7- the Cristo Rey he had been group members and women. ,t denied admission Fri. 8 * 10pm Lily Center, 1314 N. to the University's Davis cam¬ pus medical school Proponents of affirmative ac¬ tion programs say that such I cherish, one ot the most endearing romantic comedies In the history o) movies. W T ■ Lansing- because he -Annie Hell'-welcome to-the Hall ol Fame." Hi Tllv sponsored by the was white. The medical school programs are necessary to cor¬ Sat. 8* 10pm I| Lawyer's Guild and had reserved 16 of its 100 rect past discrimination against minorities and women. C American Movement, spaces for "disadvantaged" stu¬ Op¬ jikt MLir* oflsimfR caiffN Sun. 2=30 * Le speaker Phil Hutch- dents, mainly members of ponents of such the other hand, programs, on MWGaN nwtt WKth cwosi 4pm lember of the Michigan minority groups. The say such laws violate white males' equal "ANNIE HALL' m\ L to Oppose the Bakke case is expected to be pro¬ landmark in a tection rights under the Consti¬ deciding on the FRIIMON thru THURS open 6:45 P.M. tution. FEATURE AT 7:00810:00 SAT S SUN open 12:45 P.M. FEATURE AT - OUTDOOR OBSERVING AFTER 8 PM. FRIDAY®, SATURDAY 1:00-4:00-7:056 late SHOWS. ALBUM & LIGHTSHOW PLANETARIUM AFTER 10 PM. SHOWS ALSO 355-4672 The FIRST OCCASIONAL love and Death' MSU FOLK FESTIVAL FRI t MON thru THURS open 6:45 P.M. CBHSf) TRESENTS FEATURE 7:00110:00 SAT I SUN open 12:45 P.M. FEATURE AT 2:30-S:35-6:45 ONLY I with el Cooney Barry O'Neill Mdggi Peirce Tony Saleton GREAT music! Itoo evenings of relaxed (8b informal song-swapping with four of the finest folksingers in the country. THURSDAY OCTOBER 6 MSU Union Parlors $2 GENERAL ADMISSION PER CONCERT n 8:00®, 10:30 i m iiii 11 prawnMdby U» MSU FOLKSONG SOCIETY fc the ASMSU PROGRAMING ^ BOARD inr mwiii THE c7VUCHKMN THEATRE •I INI 'it I I I III S IN ISANSING'S 'WASHINGTON SQUARE mi iaVnimi§ HE •RESERVE SEATS 85.50®, 16.50 Tasmstt * W\!MI I Will Tickets at :cDiscount Records .cEastcLansing RUS SERVICE TRQVIDED WITH TICKET •AH ICnappv cLocations cBoogie cRecords, oMt.Tteasant cRecordland,'Jackson i RURCHASE PRESENTS TONIGHT AND SATURDAY an "THE BEST HARD CORE FILM OF 1977" Larry Wiohman, SCREW MAGAZINE EXHIBITION AND "Some of the most luscious dishes this side of a blue movie camera provide SALE a mouth watering treat" of Nm art prints featuring tha works ol Chagall, Reggie Danzig, HIGH SOCIETY Dali, Matisse, Gauguin, Van Gogh, "You're going out a youngster, but you'v Braughal, Caxanna, Frankanthalar. got to come back a star." "Destined to be one of the best hard-core films of Homer, Klee, Mira, Monet, Magritte, Picasso, Rembrandt, 1977. Well paced, with elaborate settings; the 1933, black and white Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec, Wyeth, and othori. Directed by Lloyd Bacon dialogue and acting are superb " -ALGOLOSTEIN SMAG Choreography by Busby Berkeley * The most professional pom film ever. Hollywood would TCNI6HT be hard pressed to equal if s sophisticatton."HusTLEnM«G FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 7 and 9:30 in Fairchild Theatre nnr copses SHOWCASEJAZZ PRESENTS LESMcCANNjf FRIDAY AND SATURDAY / OCTOBER 7 8.00 AND 10:30 pm SPECIAL GUESTS: / ERICKSON KIVA, MSU 8 BARBARA BROADCAST" PHIL RANELIN AND VIBES FROM THE TRIBE Annette Haven. C.J.Laing, Constance Money. Suzanne McBaine, Jamie Gillis TICKETS: ST.00 ADVANCE/ $4.50 DAY OF SHOW AT: MSU UNION, WAZOO RECORDS AND Henry Paris PIUSII PROVACATIVE PREVIEWS AND TORRID TRAILERS. THE WILDEST 3 MINUTES FROM DEEP SCHOOLKIDS' RECORDS IN ANN ARBOR THROAT, THE OEVIl IN MISS JONES. AND OIRTY DUCK. RATED X TONIGHT AND SATURDAY SHOWTIMES: 7:00, 8:45,10:30,12:00 SHOWPLACE: 104B WELLS ADMISSION: »2.50 students '3.50 faculty & staff An entertainment service ol the Beal Film Co-op. Students, Faculty & Staff welcome, IDs checked. 8 Michigon Stole News, East looting. Michigan Frida^.p,.,b.r30 Everything you always wanted to know about sex* WEBE AFRAID TO ASK Fri- Wilton 7:00.8:45,10:30 Sot -100 Eng. 7:00,8:45,10:30 Sun • Conrad 9:30 STUDINTS, FACULTY and STAFF WILCOMI ID'S May b« chscksd ****************************** w>hinan Stote Newt, East Lonsinq, Michinnn Friday, September 30, 1977 9 ederal funds build new fire station ATTUmOM VTOANSl Ex- cellent pay, Insurance, and re¬ tirement benefits available Michigan Call Air National Guard. 517-489-5169 after — stereos refrigerators tv's 6 P.M., By NUNZIO M. LUPO Tuesday through Friday. Call PMMNTi 171-17*9 tree dothmry on/eft compos State New. Stafl Writer be located at a central today! point in terms of projected city growth. Fires the department occuring in the area north of Grand River Avenue will be about employees. "Our administrative activities are Unsing Fire Department officials will have their dreams really cramped," Gregg said. three minutes m with the completion of a federally-funded fire traveling time from the new location. The south end The building will replace the 64-year old station station currently of the city including MSU is serviced by the Shaw Lane station. The building will have five parking bays for the vehicles. He added that the new facility would be in sharp contrast to the existing structure because the fire station has several serious deficiences. SPECIAL! -1 long history of debates and public hearings about where The height and width of the Under one of the bays, the steel beams should be located, citjriofficials decided to have the new to purchase more bays will also enable the department supporting the concrete equipment. The size of the old fire station are rusting so badly that fire department officials have been advised built on city property on the east side of Abbott Road north severely limited the department from not to park any heavy apparatus there. -maur Drive. Jack Gregg, assistant fire chief. purchasing equipment, said In the remaining bays, the area is cramped and it has become BySHEAFFER [ederal funds were part of a $1.6 million Economic impossible to have room for the firefighters to do the minor —»nt Administration (EDA) grant which city nffid.i. The size of the station will also provide for maintenance the vehicles require. equipment in the event that another vehicle space to store reserve for. The actual cost of the station will be $1,682,144. The requires maintenance. The station must be started by Dec. 12 under the A choice of three - funds will be used for city hall renovations. -g to a city fact sheet on the new station, the facility will Currently, Gregg explained, there are no apparatus on hand. pieces of reserve grant and a city spokesperson said it was terms of the scheduled for completion tips The station will also provide for more office and living space for 18 to 24 months from the starting date. is No Nonsense^ gflVAN li^ P I An artist s rendering oi the new fire station for East dated one in use since 1923. The new Lansing to replace an out¬ Development Administration grant at a cost of station will be funded $1,582,144. by an Economic T/.4 ity hall renovations impending If you want a real By NUNZIO M. LUPO pen, you want department at City Hall. The Building and NoNonsense®. State News Staff Writer the help of some funds from an Economic Zoning Department is currently located at 303 Abbott Road about a block from the BRYAN LEE lines. It's rugged and It has simple Develop- Hall City refillable. Administration (EDA) grant for city hall renovations, the Building. You can choose from three writ¬ of East Lansing will soon begin a massive reorganization. Members of the existing the new department offices. Planning Department will also occupy Friday thru Saturday ing points: ballpoint, marker or (78,779 slice of a $1.8 million EDA grant will be used to In addition, the position of Cover >1.00 fountain pen. So sensible it could ite the second floor of city hall, making room for the new community development coordinator will be transferred from its current last your lifetime! Housing and Community Development Department, location as a division of the manager's office. city Sunday • Native Sons jmj* consolidation of the efforts of several personnel from 8 cheerful colors • * —nts will also allow space for the creation of a existing Padilla said the community development work done for the city Man-Sat • Duko Tumataa and tha Finance was performed to choose from! —nt. by several employees who represented three All Star Frost rag '1.98 -Padilla, existing departments. The reorganization will consolidate their public information officer, described the move as efforts into the same office, she said. ining of city government operations which resulted from a The new Finance Department will also be 4-8 p.m. Acoustic Afternoons community requests." under the supervision said the reorganization was brought about of a group manager. This department will combine the efforts of two Roducod Prices, Live Music Sign it wi by community separate departments and certain other for efficiency that the existing set up could not provide. The non-departmental work presently done by the Assistant City Manager Art Carney. ®iz3i°d^ vis the brain child of City Manager Jerry B. Coffman and was The Treasury and :i in the 1977-1978 city budget, Assessing Departments are currently separate entities, each with its own supervisor. The Finance mg the department will be a group manager skilled in all desciplines. Working under the new department head will be lifs of two presently different t half of the employees in the departments, housing inspection division of Department will also assume Carney's duties of accounting and purchasing. This will free him to work more closely with the city manager. His office will also be located closer with the renovation. Padilla said the positions of the two ^ndepground group managers have not 224 Abbott 351-2285 "sgand Zoning Department will be transferred to the new been filled but the city is in the process of selecting'candidates. PERFORmiNG ARTS COfTlPANY 1977-1978 SEASON ALL FIVE PERFORMANCES AVAILABLE FOR MO0010 STUDENTS Save 46% over regular admission Non students pay only $1500 (Regular admission is $ 18.50) THE ROfTlEO THETIfTIE OF THECORSICAN JESUS CHRIST, RfllNITlflKER & JULIET YOUR LIFE BROTHERS SUPERSTAR OCTOBER 18-22 NOVEMBER 15-19 FEBRUARY 14-18 APRIL 18-22 MAY 23-27 SLEEPING BEAUTY OCT 29,30 NOV. 5,6 TALES OF AN INDIAN PRINCESS FEB. 4,5,11,12 HANSEL & GRETEL APRIL 22,23,29,30 Toy Box Theatre Sei MAIL TO: PAC/Department of Theatre Toy Box Theatre Season Tickets s| Michigan State University East Lansing. Michigan 48824 ADMISSION ...$1.50 SEASON ...$3.00 ,T°V Theatre Season Tickets T°'al amount due $ Please enclose a self addressed, stamped envel¬ ope for forwarding bargain books. Saturdays- 11a.m. & 1p.m. Sundays 1p.m. & 3p.m. Michigan State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan 10 Frid°V. September 30 , Amendment for denial of bail propose* By DAN SPICKLER charges and previous criminal briefly debated, with a final Reaolution Q calls for denial armed robbery, and kidnapping SUte News SUA Writer records. The measure passed ings. Rep. Lynn Jondahl, D-East the State House of Represents- push for passage by the propo- sal's sponsor, Rep. Paul Rosen- of bail for the following condi¬ with intent to extort money or If such proceedings cannot be '°I H?UM Jondahl and others merabers, tions after having been con¬ valuables. remained Lansing, practically stood alone tives by an overwhelming 87-18 baum, D-Battle Creek, after an put into action quickly, the opposed to the bill. victed of three or more felonies Persons who committed a today in opposing a proposed vote. opposing speech by Jondahl proposal says that the court under Michigan law, other state felony while free on bail from a "The proposal is amendment to deny bail to The proposed amendment, and three other critics of the "may admit the person to bail," contrary to law or similar federal law previous felony charge or while our system of justice," Jondahl certain persons based on House Joint Resolution Q, was measure. particularly if the prosecuting within 15 years of a motion for on probation or parole from a said. "It is categorical in attorney files a motion for nature bond, indictment for a felony, previous felony conviction rather than left to the delay. The delay must be discre¬ TEACHING PROVIDES EXPERIENCE and arraignment on a warrant would also be denied bail. granted or rejected "immedi¬ tion of the court and is there¬ punishable by five years or All bail denials, however, ately." fore neither reasonable or re¬ more, or life. have the stipulation that the sponsible. Despite the provision for a Health program begins Denial of bail also is proposed for persons indicted for or arraigned on a warrant for the court speed up trial proceed¬ speedy trial, which Rosenbaum "A person is, under our The MSU College of Human following offenses — unless vide hospital field experience Sparrow Hospital will be more such persons are judged safe to Ecology has begun a new health for five dietetics majors a term convenient than the affiliation the community by the court: care teaching program in affili¬ from the Food Science and MSU had previously with the Murder, treason, criminal sex¬ ood united ation with Edward G. Sparrow Hospital in Lansing. The program, which started Human Nutrition department. The chairperson of the de¬ partment, Gilbert Leveille, said University of Michigan The course, Human Nutrition ual conduct in the first degree, cKujch and Foods 480, is worth 12 Thursday, is designed to pro¬ that the new arangement with credits. The students work 44* N. Heiedon,, iaii eight hour days at Sparrow UNIVERSITY An Ecumenical Lansing under the supervision of Hu¬ Fellowship Cut-a-thon to help hair; man Nutrition professor James REFORMED Price. WORSHIP SERVICE CHURCH 11a.m. proceeds . CENTRAL sponsor fund UNITED 4930 S. Hagadorn (across From Alters) SERMON by Dr. TRUMAN Music by the A. MORRISON | Edgewood Choir If your hair lacks that extra MSU Day Care Center's METHODIST Across from 9:30 Study Groups Dani.l Dean Ruisell Director the Copitoi "oomph" or you'd like to have scholarship fund. The scholar¬ 10:30 Coffee Hour an unmanageable mop tamed, SnaTwt: ships go to parents of child¬ Worship: CHURCH SCHOOL check out today's Cut-a-thon at ren between the ages of two Jacobson's beauty salon, 333 E. 11:00 a.m. and 11a.m. and five, who cannot afford to Infonts through Grand River Ave. enroll their youngsters in the For Rides Call 351-6810 High School From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today day care center. after 9 Worship Services a.m. Sunday you can get your hair cut, The Cut-a-thon is sponsored Ministers washed and blown dry for $9. 9:45,11:00 a.m. Sunday Tom Stark, Pastor EDGEWOOD ON THE AIR by the Married Students Ac¬ Nursery available both Truman A. Morrison All proceeds will go to the tivities Union. serv. Fred Herwaldt, 8:30-9 A.M. Paige Birdwell WILS-F.M. -101 -Each Associate Pastor Eleanor Morrison Sunday owr biBitllgl rbw cbvrchl Fall Film Soriot Bogint Oct. 2 at ( pml you'll never M5 us. Nllsfi Mb ctass SHOULD WE THEN LIVE? rm IIS Limn* Mrs* featuring Dr. Francis Schaoffor leave hungry* A tM ya mstit trrics Charismatic fellowship Student Reception S p.m. WORSHIP • 10-11:19 College Class for all people Baptist StudentCenter, Bus on Friday" FOR RIPE CALL 374-3844 OR 484-3807 First UNIVIMITY BAPTIST Assembly of God ALL YOU CAN EAT... 3717 West Rood 4498$. Hagadorn ot East oxit of Dr. R.t. Schultheis Hwy 137 8 Lake Lansing Rd. ^1" Richord W. 391-4144.-333-0134 Bishop, pastor | Tim Mitcholl. youth ministor ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS BUS SCHEDULE: Tosty oil while Cod Fillets dipped in bolter ond deep Itied to o crijp golden brown. , Served with French fries, roll ond butter, ROUTE I Rather (E.Door on BordyRdN.) Butterfield (Corner door) 9:18 9:19 6;25 6:26 SOUTH BAPTIST CNUR I and your choice of roup rolod. Emmons (Eost door) SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DR. IAI tr clam chowder. 9:20 6:27 Bailey (South Central Door) 9:21 6:28 (AN INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH) Armstrong (North Door) 9:22 6:29 Bryan (Southwest Door) 9:23 6:30 Sonshine/Hilltop House INVITES YOU TO EWOY THESE SERVICES I 2800 E.Grand River 9:29 6:38 11:00 A.M. AND 7:00 P.M. The International YOU COUIOI RELEVANT PREACHING-INSPIRING MUSIC | COLLIOIBIBLI PILLOWMIP DR. HOWARD F. SUGDEN, PASTOR CLAM iHouse Pancakes. HOOK DR. SAMUEL L. HOYT, ASSISTANT PASTOR CAN amtainfow WES COMPSON, MINISTER OF YOUTH 9s4S A.M. KENN HECHT, MINISTER OF MUSIC 8i30 PM. FLY! ROUTE 2 ROUTES Campbell (S. Door on Abbott) 9:16 6:25 West Fee Yakeley (bus stop on W. Circle) 9:17 6:26 South & North Hubbard Williams NOW 9:19 6:28 East Akers YOU CAN BUY FIVE North Case South Case 9:22 9:23 6:31 6:32 West Akers East Holmes 9:18 8 9:19 8 East Wilson 9:24 6:33 West McDonnel 9:21 ( ALBUMS AND GET THE SIXTH East Holden West Holden 9:25 9:27 6:34 6:36 Owen (S. Central door nr Shaw) 9:22 61 West Shaw West Wilson 9:28 6:37 AT HALF PRICE. South Wonders 9:29 6:38 Phillips (Door on Physics Rd) Mason (On Dormitory Rd) 9:29 I North Wonders 9:30 6:39 Snyder 8 Abbott (On Dorm. Rd) 9:29 \ Bethel Manor 9:30 4| ONLY AT THE DISC SHOP HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Skydiving . the experience is impossible to describe. Skydivers come in all EVERY TIME YOl PURCHASE AN sizes, ages and lifestyles. But they share a common bond ALBUM OUT OF OUR REGULAR STOCK — olde World SAVE YOUR SALES the will to live life to the max! But RECEIPT. WHEN YOU HAVE PURCHASED sport parachuting is not foolish derring-do. when FIVE ALBUMS JUST BRING IN YOUR RECEIPTS AND approached under CHOOSE ANY SINGLE competent instructors and ALBUM FROM OUR STOCK AND PAY ONLY HALF PRICE. jumpmasters. It is a safe, exciting sport. And thanks to Bread & Ale >9 recent advances in THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT ON equipment THIS OFFER. MULTIPLE Nightly design and technique, SETS COUNT AS TWO ALBUMS. skydiving is growing mighty fast. Go ahead learn to fly this Folk Entertainment . weekend at your friendly local YELLOW CARD SPECIALS DO drop zone, the ParaCenter in Charlotte: NOT QUALIFY FOR THIS OFFER. • Instructors and lumpmasters licensed by 9 pm the United States Parachute Association. (never a cover charge) • USPA Basic Safety Rules and FAA Regulations followed. • Automatic openers on For the coming week enjoy students .... • Student classes 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Sat., Sun., Fri- Rich Bobo and Holidays. Weekdays by appointment. Wed- John Metts • Call Collect: Sat- Joe Grifka 517 543-6731. Charlotte. Thurs- Joe Fetters Any time, night or day. Sun- Rich Bobo Fri- Tom Hoglund Mon- Joel Mabus Sat- Sally Rogers THE DISC SHOP Charlotte fferaCenter A Tues- Bob Burmer Sun- Bob Burmer Skydiving Block 1 — MAC call 517 543-6731 1 1977 Bylrr" st0te NaWS' E"St lonsin9- Michioon Friday, September 30, 1977 1| bor cabinet services to be Welcome to last Lansing! —t * i ll ICUlNALD THOMAS THOMAS hnvp have aa main 1 or main office with at least 2 labor relations . . represen¬ of their rights or violations. If students have grievances arbitration. expanded vacate its offices in the come and join us at our student mixer tatives in each dorm. they The ASMSU Labor Relations Student unbiased since he is a Univer¬ for a submarine supper. should go to Labor Relations Services budding by the ad¬ ■Associated Students of We will be organizing Cabinet was created sity employee. IASIUSU) wf lncrease central grievance procedure a Cabinet." the following ministration and to close its ASMSU Student Board Pres¬ demise of the Student I services this year for with representatives in each Students with grievances Workers Union (SWU). SWU, University account. Students ident Kent Barry and Zimmer J. labor grievances dorm to handle problems with should first meet witfi their formed by former ASMSU Stu¬ later voted in AprU 1976 to end are to discuss the probable Sunday, Oct. 2,5-7 pm E University, according students who work for immediate supervisor and an dent Board President Tim SWU organizational proce¬ the earnest Cain, dures. goals of the organization and T Zimmer, de-facto Di University," Zimmer said. attempt should be made to resolve the received much attention two announce Zimmer as interim Ashbury Hall The labor relations f, the cabinet. "We're trying to be an outlet problem. years ago in its attempts to cabinet director next week. Zimmer J r said that the expan- for students," Zimmer added. Students who are not satisfied organize a student union that has since been fighting to replaced Jeff Kazanow after Wesley Foundation Bldg. "A lot of students can then discuss the problem obtain an arbitrator to 1120 S. Harrison ■services will begin Oct. don't know with the department head would have represented 7000 student arguments with handle the latter's graduation last lrsbinet will have a 12-15 we exist. We are not a subver¬ designated representative. or a student employes. the spring term. f stiff that will handle sive group," he said. "It is our SWU organizers intended University. Currently, the The Labor Relations Cabinet 1 labor grievances. position to be there as counsel. Should the problem still ex¬ the union to act as a finder of Placement Center's assistant is located in 327 Student Serv¬ Meal $1.50 per student (sponsored by ist, students can file a formal director for student [tiff. Zimmer hopes, will Students are not always aware grievance with the Student contract disputes and griev¬ ment handles all employ¬ ices Bldg. and the hours are 10 University United Methodist Church) ances for students on the disputes. But a.m. to 5 p.m. Employment office to request MSU cabinet officials said Monday through campus. SWU was ordered to they felt Friday. Students can also call the official could not Lnfs, professional needed remain the ASMSU office. spirit of christ fellowship YOU ARE SPECIAL! [S/ofe News board members God has written a special message to you and about |„ns interested in having interview the applicants and | the management of choose the four new directors, Nondenominational you. Each week what it means to we look into that message to discover live a life of faith. ■te News can apply now according to State News Gen- ■ seat on its board of eral Manager Gerald Coy. Charismatic Church Five Bible various dorm study groups, led by students, meet in Jications are available in The directors whose terms complexes on the campus. Call the office for information. Ldent Services Bldg. and expired are not allowed to 1 returned by 5 p.m. Oct. choose their successors, though all but Victor Spaniolo are 2:30 p.m. Retreats, parties, activities with Church, music and witness teams University ■ openings are for two Ts one newspaper pro- eligible to reapply, Coy said. Spaniolo cannot SUNDAYS our special ways ol bringing excitement Baptist are just a lew ol isl and one faculty mem- Cause he has reapply be already served Praise & Worship into your life. lowill sit on the board for three two-year terms, the most allowed under the corporate ot board members will bylaws. COMI AND SEE! BAPTIST STUDINT CINTM pyAowskiP. AT MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY REJat/NS.PIWiiGi r'M UiSSiWG- 4608 S. HAGADORN RD. PEOPLES CHURCH SU'L'MG , WJW.... SsMff-Tfimc, && 0 „ EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48823 Interdenominational 200 W.Grand River SCHIDULI Fellowship Mtg. Tues. 7:30 P.M. Choir Wed. 7:1$ P.M. Faith Studies Sat. 10:00 A.M. World Communion Services Worship (U.B.C.) Sun. 10:00 A.M. 9:30 and 11 Jack College Class Sun. 11:15 A.M. Bailey + Bible studies on campus Chaplain - Director -i- Social (retreat activities Office (517) 351 -6494 I Welcome Reception for Students Home (517) 351 -9478 10:30 and Noon Sunday Phiinp-Mason 9:27 Yokely-London Jack H. Boelens, Pastor using the iacilities of Rather 9:30 9:33 Julius Fisehbach, Associate Minister Butterfield University Christian Church, 310 N. Hagadorn Wilson (West) 9:34 9:38 Carl Wesley Staser, Associate Minister Holden (at Wilson Rd) East Lansing, Michigan 48823 Case 9:40 9:42 Ph. 332-5073 655-2392 Owen (East bound Shawlane) 9:46 McDonnel 9:47 Akers-Holmes 9:50 Hubbard 9:51 dream large dreams TM RII.I«IO«S ADVISOM' ASSOCIATION WELCOMES BACK MSU STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF file RAA consists of professionals from various religious organizations who have been appointed to serve the Michigan State community. They are recognized by the University and work in conjunction with the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. Most organizations have scheduled an open house and have a regular schedule of activities. Feel free to call or stop by and acquaint yourself with the free services offered by the group of your interest.' Coalitions within the RAA provide ecumenical ventures for the academic community. |U SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH EAST LANSING FRIENDS MEETING LUTHERAN STUDENT MOVEMENT pAbbott Road. 351-7160 800 Abbott Road, 351-3094,371-1754 (ALC-LCA-LCMS) UNITED MINISTRIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION IAN BAPTIST STUDENT FOUNDATION see: University Lutheran Church and Martin Luther 1118 South Harrison Road, 332-0861 EAST LANSING SOCIETY OF FRIENDS WS. Hagadorn, 351-6494,351-9478 Chapel UNITARIAN-UNIVERSALIST STUDENT RELIGIOUS " 968 Roxburgh 351-7094,337-0241 MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL (MISSOURI ST STUDENT UNION (SOUTHERN BAPTIST CON- EASTMINISTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SYNOD) LIBERALS 444 Martin Road, 332-0778,332-4886 WON) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 855 Grove Street, 351-4081 1315 Abbott Road 337-0183,337-0893 METHODIST CHURCH WS, Harrl.on, 332-3814, 882-6880 EDGEWOOD UNITED CHURCH UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH See University United Methodist Chruch pfAl B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION t'HIIIcrest 496 N. Hagadorn Road, 332-8693,332-0991 MSU MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP 4608 South Hagadorn Road, UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH 3S1-4144,332-0134 Avenue, 332-1916 EPISCOPAL MINISTRY AT MSU 5450 Barton Rd„ Willlamston, 655-2571 NUS ACTION 520 North Harrlion Road, 351-7160.351-7638 HIS HOUSE FELLOWSHIP 310 North Hagadorn Road, 332-5193 pDlviion St., 3S1-7234 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD 417 Sever Drive I 4920 S. Hagadorn Rd„ 351-7844 UNIVERSITY CHURCH (NON DENOMINATIONAL) IS ADVANCE (NON'DENOMINATIONAL) 2817 Wait Rd., Laming 332-5480,484-2807 131 Bogue Street, 351-4950, MUSLIM-STUDENT ASSOCIATION 371-3229,351-0443, 482-4460 Mniverslty Church FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS 104 North Kedxle Lab. 35S-4612,351-0425 UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHURCH r^US CRUSADE FOR CHRIST 4684 Marih Road. Okomoi. 349-2830, 349-2636 1020 South Harrison Road 332-2SS9, 3S1-6898, 349-5221 NAVIGATORS jSI-2455 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) 1030 Hanchette, UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH i*™0LIC Lansing, 393-2407 4930 South Hagadorn Road, 351-6810, STUDENT ORGANIZATION, ST. JOHN STU- 1001 Chaitar Road, Laming, 482-6063 PAN-ORTHODOX STUDENT ASSOCIATION OF MSU ST. 351-7164, 3S1-3941 F PARISH FIRST CHURCH OF NAZARENE ANDREW ORTHODOX CHURCH I STUDENT CENTER UNIVERSITY SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH PM-A.C. Avenue, 337-9778 310 Elmwood Drive, Laming 321-4674 1216 Greencrest St. 353-0830,349-3275 149 Highland Ave., E.L., 321-0580 "MS. UNIVERSTY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Hagadorn, 337-1110 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH R.L.D.S. CAMPUS MINISTRY REORGANIZED CHURCH ™»TIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION Chestnut at Ottawa, Laming 482-0668 OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 1120 S. Harrison, 351-7030, 332-4702, 484-2878, 489-4893 "'Foxcroft, 351-9300 GENEVA FORUM CHRISTIAN REFORMED 1518 River Terrace. 337-1845,394-0429 SPIRIT OF CHRIST FELLOWSHIP MCH OF THE BRETHREN 1509 RlverTerrace Drive, 351-6360 820 Barry Road, Hoslett, 482-9214,655-2392 SHILOH STUDENT FELLOWSHIP WORK OF CHRIST COMMUNITY Washington, Lansing, 882-0811 INTERDENOMINATIONAL- PEOPLE'S CHURCH 504 Ann St., 351-7340 'CH OF CHRIST 200 West Grand River, 332-S073 919 E. Grand River Ave., 351-2700 SOUTH BAPTIST COLLEGIATE FELLOWSHIP pUnlvanity Church INTERVARSITY -CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 1518 South Washington Avenue, Lansing, 482-0753 "t OF JESUS 803 Grand River Ave., 337-7649,355-2690 CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 371-3775 \H) LUTHERAN COLLEGIAN-MSU (WISCONSIN SYNOD) TRINITY COLLEGIATE FELLOWSHIP EAST LANSING -.'•ofKaHg'on EMANUEL FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH PS Hadadorn 222 West Kilborn Street, Lansing 485-4118, 487-0848 841 Timberland Drive, 351-8200 Road, 339-2562 bring them to reality •J2 MicHigon Stole News, East Lansing, Michigon FREE GILL HOPES TO CLEAR UP CONFUSION s,,Wc.sF^ir Wood Splitters ^'mPlicity# Woman to testify in custody case Flll#t Steok Sirloin Stock Porhchop. 2.44 2.M 2.40 Jumbo Fried Shrimp Ocean Fried Pwch Stookburpor-no t.l.d 2.00 2.00 .29 Sony TV's E , Jacok Roast Chicken 2.25 Artsws^n Sotorf .00 By DIANE COX her life, left her children with partly because she could not outside the House Special 2.10 Chopped Sirloin 1.99 courtroom that Baked Potato. Salad and State News Staff Writer their grandmother and fled to afford the round-trips from "Ken" was a friend of the family Texas Toast O*® ®AIH A Linda Gill, a blind woman California. Gill said that she California. and that he, along with Codling, indudedinaboveorders W. Grand SlRvita trying to regain custody of her three young children after a always intended to send for her children as soon as she found a The main reason for her absence, her defense will say, is had injured Rrvnn and herself. 3020 E. Kalamazoo St. - Ph. 337 • 2210 Rl,.r(nwrf(l# J two-year absence, will take the job. that her former court appointed stand in Ingham County pro¬ The state, which filed a attorney, Thomas Kuiick. ad petition to make the children vised her ta stay in California. OADE'S "ssriMI.S.U bate court today, hopefully to clear up some of the confusion permanent wards of the state Gill will testify today about to put up for adoption, claims her original reason for leaving wrought by Thursday's testi¬ that Gill abandoned her Michigan: being a battered mony. Gill and her supporters children, based on testimony wife. In the letter that she have repeatedly insisted that she is a given by two of the childrens' wrote to her son Whitney, one foster mothers and three social of the things the social workers battered woman who, fearing workers who said that Gill were concerned about was the made little attempt to keep in lava tlma and monay with our convanlant location and low pricat. first paragraph which said: contact with her children. "You remember Ken who hurt Wi CARRY Correction According to this testimony, Gill wrote one letter in January Bryan (the youngest son). He hurt Mommy too. That is why I * 1977 to her oldest son Whitney, had to leave you at grandma's." Kag boar li olwayi on ipocial In Thursday's State * 7. This letter was never given Gill's ex-husband, Whitney Boer, Win# and Liquor News, it was incorrectly * to Whitney because of some of Codling Jr., has never gone by Kags alwayi in stock reported that the proposed its content that social workers the name of "Ken." Gill said RUMBACHER * Wlda assortment oi party snacks Dayton Hudson mall would thought might be upsetting to * cost $1.6 million. The mall the child. Porty Glassware, Wide variety of mixai will cost $16 million. "Finest In quality" Gill said outside the court¬ room that she thought the PREPARE FOR: (§/ ARTIST SUPPLIES ■VIRYTHINO FOR YOUR PARTY letter had been taken by the HCAT • OAT • LSAT• ORE Olls-Acryllcs Brushes court and that she thought that 6MAT Pads Canvases Inks RUT TNI PIOPLII Deer fans win future letters would be treated • OCAT • VAT • SAT CONVENIENTLY Books-Starter Sets LOCATED in the same way. NMB 1,1,1, AT Another point that the Hours . By CHRIS PARKS LANSING (UPD-It was out with the wolverine and in with prosecution made to support their charge of abandonment is that Gill did not come to five ECFMG'FLEHQE NAT L DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS Flexible Programs & Hours Buy '10 worth of Grum- Mon.-Thurs. 10a.m.-11p.m. FrL, Sat. I0a.m.-I2p.m. — OADE'S , 314 S. CLIPPbet (Just Weil on Ksleme Ph. 332-4$$) the white-tailed deer in the bacher artist previous hearings. Her defense There ISmdifference'.'.'. supplies and state House Tuesday, as law¬ makers voted to ratify nature's will say today that this was get '1 off with this coupon SWkj-R decision to banish the feisty carnivore from the state. After brief debate, the House KAPLAN WKAR Radio: voted 66-34 to name the white- tailed deer as the official state animal. Michigan has a state fish and a state bird, but no There's something state animal. Although the wolverine is viewed as the unofficial state in it Tor you. animal, it has never been formally recognized by the legislature. The new S-F blockbuster Everybody doesn't like the BELL'S PIZZA- by the author of same thing. That especially ap¬ the DUNE Trilogy plies to music. So, instead of force-feeding you the same old musical diet, Toldselling only theofbest- as author the WKAR offers a wide variety of DUNE TRILOGY could tell musical programming, with a it-the riveting tale of a race of people impris¬ little something to suit every- J oned for centuries on an one's taste. ( alien planet, and of-the terrifying results when WKAR-FM, with its emphasis humans are used for ex¬ on the fine arts, brings performances perimentation without their informed consent. by some of the world's top orchestras. Big Band toe- "Certain to challenge tappers and Broadway show-stoppers, traditional folk Start your fall form wardrobe and fascinate lans and modern jazz - all have their own special place on ... beyond the surface WKAR-AM. Choice is the key, and at the thrills and excitement." variety's the spice. Abbey Press?! -Publishers Weekly WKAR is Public Radio for mid-Michigan. Tune in. That's right! The Resume Ace is A Berkley/Putnam Book Listen in. There's something in it for proud to you. announce T-SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER! Just Published / S8.95 We're now doing high at all bookstores T-SHIRTS. We can use design, or our artists can quality photo silkscreen your WKAR design a shirt for you. 87QAM • 90.5FM Our minimum order is four dozen shirts, and we can do them in two weeks or less. And, our price won't shoot down f.j. I.T. your wallet, either. So start out your fall term with T-SHIRTS from the Resume Aces, the friendly folks at: ^ River 111 332-8667' (Across from Berkey Hall) Barbra Streisand everything 509 4:30 to 7:30 pm SUPERMAN" POSTERS believe it!! can you dress denims acceptable POSTERS Doijijic POSTERS & Clyde POSTERS POSTERS Disco (We're more than books.) s4.27 U BAUCI S, W00LC0 316 E. MERIDIAN MALL Michigan Ave. store 1980 Grand River Okemos, Michigan Lansing, Mi. PHONE: 3492111 corner of MAC and Albert ___ 337-7250 OPEN DAILY 10-9:30 p.m. SUNDAY 11-6 p.m. free parking in the rear Friday. September 30, 1977 Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan ]3 THE AMERICAN MUSICAL FILM Bacchic dreams of By BYRON BAKER Bute New. SteH Writer This is the classic musical in which backstage Berman. Directed by Mark golden girls Busby Berkeley's paroxysmic Fifty years ago next week leading lady Sandrich. An RKO Radio Pic¬ studded theatrical blendings of — Bebe Daniels breaks her ankle ture. 101 minutes. production numbers, which musical numbers, comic sket¬ on October 6,1927, to be exact less than amuses me a great deal. There — a revolution was twenty-four hours One of the best of the Astaire ches and beautiful women. The sparked in before the is one routine with the cinema. The movies found opening of director & Rogers pictures. Indeed, giant papier- film is too amorphous and Warner Baxter's mache bananas which deserves their voice in the inimitable Broadway critic Arlene Croce has disconnected to really work musical. written, to survive in Desperate, Baxter "of all the every casebook of well, but there are some fine persona of A1 Jolson, who at finds wide-eyed chorus Astaire-Rogers films, blatant film surreptition for the one point girl Top Hat...comes closest to the moments with Astaire, Garland during the action of Ruby Keeler, and begins the level of the magnificent num¬ next century." From all ac¬ and Kelly, who here Warner Brothers' The Jul counts, Berkeley's wildest film, perform enormous ordeal of teaching bers." And, ah, the numbers different kinds of numbers than Singer cried out, "wait a min¬ her the entire show it features hundreds and hun¬ overnight are magnificent, with such in the feature films which ute. wait a minute...you ain't (IH either have clas¬ dreds of dancing girls amid a a live leading sic dances as "Isn't this a brought them fame. Astaire seen nothin' yet!" lady, or a dead chorus girl," he colossal production design, pho¬ and Kelly shine in particular in The fail term Director's Lovely Day (to be Caught in the tographed in intensely garish Choice film series will feature reflects). At the opening night Rain)," "Top Hat, White Tie their duet, 'The Babbitt and curtain, Baxter pleads "You're Technicolor. the Bromide." an informal retrospective of and Tails," and "Cheek to some of the kinds of going out there a youngster, Cheek." Friday, November 4th: Zleg- Tuesday, November 8th: musicals but you've got to come back a feld Follies (1948) with Fred produced by Hollywood in its Tuesday, November 1st: The Singin' in the Rain (1952) with star." She's a smash. What a Astaire, Judy Garland, Gene Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, heyday. The series schedule movie. Great Dubin & Warren Gang's All Here (1943) with Kelly, Esther Williams, Lucille Alice Faye, Carmen Miranda, Debbie Reynolds, Jean Hagen, comprises: tunes such as "Shuffle Off to Bremer, William Powell, and Tonight, Friday, September Eugene Pallette, Phil Baker, Cyd Charisse. Written by Betty Buffalo," "Young and Healthy," practically every M-G-M con¬ Comden and Adolph Green. 30: 42nd Street (1933) with and the title tune. Tony De Marco, Benny Good¬ tract star. Dances by Robert Warner Baxter, Bebe Daniels, man and his orchestra. Screen¬ Songs by Arthur Freed and Tuesday, October 25th: Top Alton, Eugene Loring, Charles Nacio Herb Brown. Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Gin¬ play by Walter Bullock, from a Choreo¬ Hat (1935) with Fred Walters. Produced by Arthur ger Rogers, Ned Sparks, Astaire, story by Nancy Wintner, graphed by Gene Kelly. Pro¬ Guy Ginger Rogers, Edward Ever¬ Freed. Directed by Vincente duced by Arthur Kibbee. Screenplay by James George Root, Jr., and Tom Freed. Di¬ ett Horton, Helen Broderick, Minnelli, with contributions by rected by Gene Seymour and Rian James, from Bridges. Songs by Leo Robin Robert Lewis, Lemuel Ayers, Kelly and Erik Rhodes, Eric Blore. a novel by Bradford Ropes. and Harry Warren. Directed Stanley Donen. Technicolor. Screenplay by Dwight Taylor and choreographed George Sidpey and Roy del M-G-M. 101 minutes. Songs by A1 Dubin and Harry and Allan Scott, from a by Busby Ruth. Technicolor. M-G-M. 110 Gene Kelly has never Warren. Dances arranged story by Berkeley. Technicolor. 20th minutes. by Taylor. Music and lyrics by seemed so physically adroit as Busby Berkeley. Directed by Century-Fox. 102 minutes. Ziegfeld Follies Lloyd Bacon. Warner Brothers. Irving Berlin. Dances arranged Noted critic James was con¬ here, creating the touchstone by Hermes Pan and Fred Agee ceived as a revue-type movie, a whimsical mood of the film 89 minutes. wrote of The Gang's All Here: Astaire. Produced by Pandro S. sort of filmic equivalent to alone, with an umbrella, on a "(the film) is mainly made up of impressario Ziegfeld's star- rainy street...singin' in the rain. Roberts Automotive Vu ?»!? Befrke'ey'»el»b°r«te"Iruit salad" ■Cony J All Here, featured in the fall Director's production number from Choice film series. 4980 PARK LAKE RD. EAST LANSING W pickin' 'n strummin' at fest MON.-FRI. 8-6 SAT. 8-5 SUN. 12-4 ki Pound Fiddle Cof- Advocating a casual atmos¬ Pierce are both experts on Irish Brake Pads (Disc).. 14.88 Air Filter. ill kick off its fall phere for its music, the Fiddle folk music, while 2.99 Jriday and Saturday tries to create an intimate bond is best known for Tony Saletan FRONTEND Bth the First Occasional between performer and audi- digging up old songs and ballads. He is ■ Festival in the Union sible for respon "discovering" the song ALIGNMENT "Michael, Row the Boat A Folksingers Michael Cooney, shore" and a division of the Barry O'Neill, Maggi Pierce putting it back into the folk tradition. id Students of MSU trd, is begin- iratMSU. In and Tony Saletan will this weekend. appear Cooney has been called "the best known un The concerts will begin at 8 p.m. each night. Admission for *14 50 each concert will be . lit has brought dozens known folksinger in the coun¬ $2 for the id nationally known general public and $1.50 for Most American Cars try." MSU ps to East Lansing. Folksong Society mem- Barry O'Neill and Maggi bers. Brake Shoes exchange... 10.88 Oil Niters rifh fitSrfc lith rith rith r>th fvK 2.99 INSTALLATION AVAILABLE -DISC BRAKE |f0NIsK'.HT su NDAY, OCTOBER * LUBE, OIL AND 2nd fr.un 4 PM SPECIAL FILTER SPAGHETTI SPECIAL * (includes turning rotors) 35% OFF 88 I ALL YOU CAN EAT! - our own home * $39 95 $8 LIFETIME MUFFLER WARRANTY American Cars made meaty spaghetti served with hot rolls American Cars American Cars I plus a help yourself salad bar! BATTERIES HOT LINE: 351-8062 BATTERIES *2.25 48 MONTH WARRANTY 48 MONTH WARRANTY 50% Mf 50% corner of M.A.C. & Albert g( ICpCpC)p6]p6)p6g36]pe)P leoufte -COG/ 1[L SCiEKTiFiCALLY SPEAKiKG" " j* As a graduate student at MSU, you can save money tickets to events presented by the Lecture-Concert Triple Discount For Graduate Students Only Choice Series (Any combination of 4 or 8 events) "BUBBLING BROWN SUGAR" (Musical) Series in three ways. Tuesday, October 4 at 8 15 p.m. 1. As a student, you can save 50% on single tickets. Say Wednesday, October 5 at 8 15 p.m. you wanted to see "Bubbling Brown Sugar," Les Brown SAN FRANCISCO BALLET & the Band of Renown, "My Fair Lady," and the Bavarian Symphony Orchestra. Top price single tickets 77% Off the Wednesday, October 26 at 8:15 p.m. Thursday. October 27 at 8 15 p.m. )KEN* for,these events would come to $37.00 at the regular price, but as an MSU student you pay only $18.50. DISCOUNT ONE: YOU )UST SAVED $18.50. "—ilar® LAZAFt BERMAN, Soviet Pianist Wednesday, November 2 at 8:15 p.m. DIMITRI, MIME/CLOWN/MUSICIAN Tuesday, November 22 at 8:15 p.m. fe're into 2. By purchasing a series ticket to the Broadway Theatre hair & Series or the new Choice Series, you can save an LAR LUBOVITCH DANCE COMPANY Thursday, January 19 at 8:15 o.m. additional 15 to 30%. Use the Choice Series ticket skin & nails & to see the same four programs listed above, and you pay only $12.50. DISCOUNT TWO: YOU JUST Price! "MY FAIR LADY" (Musical) Wednesday, January 25 at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, January 26 at 8:15 p.m. SAVED ANOTHER $6.00. make-up & nutrition 3. As a graduate student, you are eligible for a COGS Broadway ICboice of any 41 Theater Series CHRISTOPHER PARKENING Classical Guitarist special 33% subsidy on series tickets. COGS will pay Tuesday, January 31 at 8:15 p.m. "BUBBLING BROWN SUGAR" (Musical) an additional one-third of your cost for the Broad¬ "SALUTE TO GLENN MILLER" Tuesday, October 4 at 8:15 p.m. way Theatre Series and/or the new Choice Series Les Brown & the Band of Renown Wednesday, October 5 at B 15 p.m. (either 8 or 4 events.) DISCOUNT THREE: YOU Ray Eberle. Paula Kelly. The Modernaires I ^Professionals at 2 Full-Service Salons: JUST SAVED AN ADDITIONAL $4.25. That's a "ROBBER BRIDEGROOM" (Musical Tuesday. January 17 at 6 15 p.m. Play) Tuesday, Fehruary 28 at 815 p.m. total of 77% off the regular single ticket price! BAVARIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA "MY FAIR LADY" (Musical) OF MUNICH You can purchase either or both of these series at this *hairstyling 'skin care/make-up triple discount. There are two catches: First YOU MUST Starring Edward Mulhare Wednesday, January 25 al 8 15 p.m. Rafael Kubelik, Conducting Sunday, April 9 at 4:00 p.m. "manicuring 'nutritional diet analysis VISIT THE COGS OFFICE BY OCTOBER 7 and pay Thursday, January 26 at 8 15 p.m. VERDI GALA your part of the ticket price. (Don't go to the Union.) If Four Opera Stars with Orchestra "SAME TIME, NEXT YEAR" (Comedy) you plan to include "Bubbling Brown Sugar" on cither Saturday, April 29 at 8:15 p.m. I REE CONSULTATIONS series, come to the COGS office by Wednesday, September Monday. February 6 at 8 16 p.m. These events in the 28. The COGS office is open every weekday 8 am to Noon "WEST SIDE STORY" (Musical) University Auditorium and Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7 to 9:30 at 316 Starring The Young Americans SIGOURNEY .JONES Student Services. Phone 353-9189. The other catch? Tuesday, February 21 at 8.15 p.m. For any 8 events You pay only $16.50,12.75 or 8.25 COGS has placed a ceiling on the subsidy funding, so it's (Save up to $55.50) Hairstying for Men and Women first come, first served. For any 4 e\ 414.1491 044191 14 Friday, September 30, 1977 NRBQ: back in business with new disc AWWfiSAtf ByDAVEDiMARTINO SUte Newt Staff Reviewer Blues Image (another local band) opened up all the Image the Car) Perkins fiasco and Columbia was hot to drop what successful, critically or com¬ mercially, as Scraps. Few peo¬ the address is because I don't think the label has any other the direst hippie solemnity — and a lot more that you'll be 70% Oft NRBQ. shows, and I just remember New Rhythm and Blues Quin¬ having more fun when NRBQ was once one of their most ple heard it before it vanished records out, I don't think local missing if you don't rush right ^ <^Gpaca woof sw* tet. promising bands. out of the stores, mysteriously stores carry the record, and, out and make sure you at least was playing. After a long silence, a third deleted in the Kama Sutra/ You may never have heard of most importantly, I don't think HEAR this album. And when their first album LP by the group appeared on these guys, but I have. As a came out, THAT was big news. Kama Sutra records. Called Flaming Groovies fashion, only to surface you should miss this record. As a footnote, last time I was and a few years later in A brand new album, All former Miami, Floridian I had Again, this was a long time ago, in Miami I Scraps, the album featured a the bargain bins. spoke to Frankie no choice in my high school so you might not remember the Hopped Up features the same Gadler over the phone. Seems days but to see this crazy band absurd amount of hype and new guitarist, A1 Anderson to replace Steve Fergeson who Then — word from the total silence. Not a old NRBQ, this time with a that he now sings with my scenes, fcats, group, about the different drummer, and is easi¬ opening for virtually anybody publicity that the band gen¬ had apparently left in the friend Bud's band. An in¬ at a converted erated nationally — honestly, group or even in the group, ly as superb a collection of bowling alley called The Image, right on comparisons to the Beatles interim (and managed to later appear on Carla Bley's much- apparently. Late last odd year, an NRBQ tunes as either of the teresting turn of events. Not doing too well, apparently, so I gfoi/cs, mittens, Collins Avenue, next to the were running rampant, "aesthetically based" Kama Sutra records. Melodic though hailed Escalator Over The Hill record company, Annuit and tasty rock, with a very asked him if he was getting any House of Pancakes. Coep- Back then, I was in ninth no one seems was to remember who responsible, record com¬ trilogy). It also featured "How¬ tus, repackaged Scraps and conscious awareness of rock money from the repackage of sJiawfe. ponchos ard Johnson's Got His HoJo the two Kama Sutra LP's. He grade, and my friend Bud used pany or the press. I'd say it Workshop and, needless to say, and roll roots, an interestingly Working", a song which is as said that he never heard of to tell me about this weird didn't matter, but it did. Colum¬ they didn't sell. Again. off-key performance of the classy as its title, certainly, and And now this. All Hopped "Bonanza" theme song — which them. 8 group that kept singing "Rock¬ et Number Nine/Take Off For the Planet/For the Planet/Ve¬ bia Records, upon finding that they'd hooked some sort of critical godsend, the "Future of was a logical successor to the first LP. Unfortunately, it was Up. On Red Rooster Records, Box 300, Mt. Marion N.Y. reminds me that years ago they took to performing the "I Love Not to worry, They're in the bargain bins Frankie. only three years too late, and the LP 124S6. Only reason I include nus!!!" while most of the audi¬ Rock Lucy" theme during times of now, too. ence was either getting cokes and Roll" circa paired NRBQ up with Carl 1968, received little if any attention in the press. 9°ttday, September 20 th/iough (singular and plural) or watch¬ Perkins in a purposefully "arty" Soon a fourth record sur¬ ing the strobe lights, impatient¬ ly, waiting for the goons to get gesture that not only didn't come off but displeased both faced. This time, lead Frankie Gadler, a vital part of singer fiatwiday. ©ctobelt 8 off the stage so that Ultimate Perkins and group fans. Ironi¬ the group and one-time leader Spinach could play. cally, in 1977, it is THAT LP of Miami danceband "The Sev¬ The fact is, that was close to which is still in the Columbia en of Us", had departed, leav¬ ten years ago, and as my catalogue while the first, a ing no one to replace him. His memory dims, that's about the comparatime masterpiece, has presence was missed, but not only really strong recollection I long since been deleted. sorely. Workshop, as it was have of seeing NRBQ live. So, the group was shook up. called, was a damn good album. UPSTAIRS IN THE Normally, either they or the Critics were taking potshots at Unfortunately it wasn't even as University Ma|| 220 MAC E. Laming MUjg Shepard's Shoes BICYCLE AUCTION Headquarters Guitars i used and vintage instruments. We have the areas largest selection of new, Brand names like squgjuns \ Gurian, Griven, Fender, Martin, Guild, Gibson, Takamine, Ibanez and Yamaha. New instruments I ate always discounted 30% or mote and ate task about our exclusive 1 thoroughly shop adjusted, year warantee. Whether you're a guitar for $45 or looking for $2000 check out our take trade-ins. -rj • large selection. We 1:30 PM never JtfanjOS You have probablyj FRIDAY, SEPT 30 seen as many banjos in one place before.^ Over 50 different models from / like Gibson, Vega, $45 to $1500 4^Brands Arthur E. Smith, Iida, GTR, Ibanez, Imperial, OME Saga and JSteUing, MSU SALVAGE YARD We also offer friendly advice, lessons, books,/ S—4p Paramount. 1330S. Harrison to help you if J. and records you need it. ^JgQ on Campus Mandolins, fiddles, dulcimers { kits, too \ Various makes and conditions. Bikes may be st Banjo kits, WEEJUNS harmonicas, recorders and autoharps plus all accessories and more. manner of cases, strings, the salvage yard Wednesday thru Friday from a.m. to 12:00 noon. I _ The people who work at Elderly ate all We're here to involved in making music. Items are ottered as is — all sales are final and help with free advice plus top quality instruments and refundable. accessories at very good discounts. Our Terms: Cash. five man repair department inspects every instrument we offer for sale and sound and adjusts it for maximum playability. Books & Records A TRIBUTE TO Lessons We have an enormous selection of music books and GROUCHOMAR) albums of folk, bluegrass, old-timey, blues, English, Irish and American traditional PRIVATE LESSONS hard-to-find books and records. music. Hundreds of TONIGHT A SATURDAY Learn fast with private Always discounted. lessons. We teach all styles COUITTIIT of guitar, and fiddle. banjo, mandolin Repairs We offer you guaranteed, excellent 3 FULL LENGTH repair work - fast service and fair prices. Our chief repairman GROUP LESSONS Bart is a member of the Guild of American Luthiers. MARX BROTHERS He has had formal Our group lessons are an schooling in both guitar con¬ excellent way to leam. struction and violin repair. He is assisted by four FILMS ON ONE other men in the repair Classes are offered in folk department. In addition to guitar ( all styles beginning customer repairs they inspect and adjust all the new GREAT PROGRAI to advanced ), instruments we sell as well as doing major and bluegrass minor restorations and and old-timey some instrument building. banjo, fiddle, dulcimer, harmonica, auto-1 harp and singing. Classes" begin the week of Oct. 14. 541 East Grand River East Lansing, Michigan 48823 (517) 332-4331 FENDER ELECTRIC GUITAR I STRINGS | 50COFF _ Hit »J.»5 reg. '2.65 e Mir regular dlicount prico »nany record | in stock with thli coupon I | limit 3 par parson oxpiro. Oct. 14,1*77 expires Oct. 14,1977 20% OFF FILM #1 NIGHT AT THE OPERA llzt price on all #2 DAY AT THE RACES $2#5° bhepord's with thli coupon SONGBOOKS with this coupon o«plro. Oct. 14,1*77 #3 DAY AT THE CIRCUS | oxplros Oct. 14,1977 Showtimes: campus Paramount 5-STRING BANJO Hit price >99" | j 10 FLATPICKS 11:45 NIGHT AT THE DAY AT THE RACES 8:40 OPERA DAY AT THE CIRCUS 10:20 East Grand River I FOR25C Last complete show at 8:40 J with thli cou| 332-2015 fly '•*. 5 lor MC ADMISSION: *1.50 SHOWPLACE: 106B Wells oxplro. Oct. 14.1*77 an antartainmant sarvica of iho Baal Film c°'°p faculty S Halt walcoma. ID', chackod. ||.:g|n Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 30, 1977 |5 lHA plans a knockout film schedule Ltricia la CROIX member as a particularly bleak current movie L News SUM Writer spring term in regards to the enthusiast. the fall and winter terms at the But the fact is that these were available at the time for Leach I A Star Born. All films offered through the Rest- films and more, ones that even regular discounted rates for showing. explained that the OPEN Jent's Men. Network. dence Halls Association students and MSU employees. more popular a film is in the (RHA) the foggiest memories will re- University movie groups tra¬ regular theater, the more ex¬ »ll. Curie. movie program, titles like these call playing at local theaters The dreamland won't be last¬ ditionally must wait from six to pensive the film is to bring to MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9-9 [That many students may send shivers down the backbone of any perhaps just months ago, will ing forever, however, since nine months between the initial campus. Ijlty members may re- self-respecting be shown Tom Leach, director of the release of the film to the time Harold and SAT through RHA during movie program for RHA, said that they may rent it for Maude, and the 9-6 SUN 12-5 they Midnight Movie Orgies will are expecting to run into showing the rules to prevent fire hazard the same problems that they on campus. The lull in last year's film both be making return ments practically engage¬ STATE COUPON did all last year. every term schedule was the first time that this year. Leach said these RHA had to resort to show¬ the RHA had difficulties in CIGARETTES films were among the most )fts endure regulations ing older film classics and filmed documentary series last year in order to fill their lining up top-name films in its five-year history, Leach said. Robert Vatter, RHA Presi¬ popular on campus, along with The Paper Chase. Winter films will include weekend schedules, films that Leach admitted were not as big dent, said the university com¬ munity's opinion of the films some musicals and science fic¬ tion. 2 pks/89C descrihes the initial week of drawing cards within the Uni¬ which were developed being shown last year was re¬ Leach is advised of what loft building as having "gone through the efforts of students and versity community. flected in a "slight drop" in EXPIRES 10-3-77 resi¬ films to bring to campus by the IS22SBU. those homemade, really well." dence hall administration, are The reason for this trend attendance. He added the _ "The students have RHA Movie Board of Directors, extensions of resi- toward older films, he said at STATE COUPON , cooperat¬ meant to insure the group did not suffer financially composed of two representa¬ ed wonderfully," he said. safety of all that time, was not the fault of jll floor space - are residents from fire and as a result since the films "were tives from each IiOft regulations came collaps¬ the group, but dormitory com¬ rain cropping up on This is their first year in the aftermath of a about serious ing structures. many simply because desirable films cheaper to bring to the campus plex and one representative 10% OFF OUR DISCOUNT room fire last anyway." from the RHA. PRICE ON J regulation. spring, according ice Halls Manager to Underwood. Jim Andrews, coordinator C. Underwood construction and maintenance of PHOTO FINISHING NOTICE of residence halls, suggests that students interested in |g show set con¬ structing a loft first contact their manager for loft STATE COUPON STATE COUPON guide¬ think you show have some biz talent just lines. Andrews explained guidelines "will save the stu¬ the STUDENT HOCKEY KODAK COLGATE to be discovered? Your dent money and help them nee might be this Sun- the Meridian Mall gong [ginning at 4 p.m. build a good loft." Lofts con¬ structed according to the vided plans can be taken down pro¬ SEASON TICKET COLOR FILM TOOTHPASTE , deadline for acts is and reassembled, 112 79C ,t 5 p.m. at the Mall's lite, but walk-ons might pted Sunday if there is taining said. thereby re¬ some resale value, he Andrews emphasized that INFORMATION 12 EXP. 110 or 126 5 ox. l.lOvaluo i the show. There is no students should then contact THE TICKET THAT YOU LIMIT I EXPIRES 10-3-77 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 103-77 plor two to Sugar Loaf their residence hall inspector PURCHASE WILL BE YOUR in is first prize along about receiving a permit prior RESERVED SEAT FOR THE ENTIRE STATE COUPON rophy. Second prize is a to purchasing materials or SEASON! L bicycle and the third starting construction. PIACI OF tALI-MUNN ICIARINA He said the local inspectors SURE OXY5 Knisher will receive an be of help in basic HOURS OF SALI-8130 A.M.*4t30 can design P.M. ROLL ON ACNE MEDICATION {radio, and pointing out in advance gong show is part of the structure problems common to DEODORANT imes Week at the Mall a particular hall. {also includes a fashion For those who built their DATIS STUDINT NIIMBIRS 1.99 lay at 2 p.m. and ne Saturday at 2 p.m. lofts without the benefit of a permit, Andrews offers some Thursday, Sept. 29,1977 ■ 8:30-12:30 1 thru 707999 1.19 1 ox. 2.95 VOIUR suggestions. Thursday, Sept. 29,1977 - 12:30-4:30 708000 thru 741599 1.4oi. 1.S5 voluo Students should follow the Friday, Sept. 30,1977 ■ 8:30-12:30 Ifers needed same procedure as previously Friday, Sept. 30,1977 - 12:30-4:30 741600 thru 770499 770500 and above LIMIT I EXPIRES 10-3-77 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10-3-77 described, except the inspector STATE COUPON Saturday, Oct. 1,1977 - 8:30-4:30 may require some modifications Any Number |Red Cedar Log Year I hold an open in construction where the loft does not conform to the new SUNGLASSES Itrstudents interested in guidelines. IF TICKITfl ARB LOST OR STOLIN THIT WILL NOT Rl RIPLACID or en photography, house will begin at Andrews said inspectors will try to point out to the erring For each ticket 30% OFF p. Wednesday Oct. 5 in builders the easiest way to purchased you must have a validated fee receipt card and *20.00 (cash or check.) Married students may purchase a season ticket for their :y Hall. Students are Id to bring samples of conform to the new regulations. Both Andrews and Under¬ proof of marriage must be presented at time of purchase. spouse at the same price- RETAIL wood emphasize the rules. ST A7E COUPON Any students wishing to sit together must purchase tickets together - all seats are reserved. One student may purchase a maximum of 8 season MSU MONOGRAM SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS tickets (this includes 150 Shoots ticekts). No attempt can be made at Munn Arena to place more than 8 tickets in spouse location. any one REG. 1.S9 1.44 200 Sh..ts REG. 2.79 *************************************** | ,99 lew for Fall and Winter!! "MIT 1 EXPIRES 10-377 STATE COUPON STATE COUPON FATHERS sug. Retail '200°° MR. B's Price Welcome Week FASHION FASHION KNEE HI'S KNEE HI'S $75°°.$9900 Savings 99C 1.26 IEDES Sug. Retail >150°° REG. 1.50 REG. 1.75 MR. B's Price LIMITS EXPIRES 10-3-77 LIMIT 6 EXPIRES 10-3-77 $75°° Cowl Neck [)W\ Sweaters $890 STATE COUPON STATE COUPON regularly '12 HEAD& AGREE |JACKETS SHOULDERS CONDITIONER SHAMPOO CREME RINSE *3850-$65 oo Washable SQ90 Gabardine 1.49 1.59 SIS Sug. Retail '35°° 4 oz. TUBE OR MR. B's Price Dress pants regularly'15 7 oi. LOTION 1.85 valu. 12 ox. 2.75 value LIMIT I EXPIRES 10-3-77 LIMIT I EXPIRES 10-3-77 $1000-*1850 Nyteks RICHMAR Sug. Retail '3500 MR. B's Price $1000-$1800 IS* 30% OFF COCOA BUTTER LOTION DIAL SOAP regularly '38 to *60 2/69C 1.58 [Shop at Mr. B's first LIMIT 1 16 ox. 2.25 value EXPIRES 10-3-77 LIMITS 5 ox. 450 valu. EXPIRES 10-3-77 or you'll pay the See WVIC broadcast live from our store "PRICE BUSTERS" Saturday morning. Stop by, have a coke, RECORD SALE difference and enter your name for free *10 gift certi¬ ficate drawing?. NOW IN PROGRESS >E. GRAND RIVER ALL Mfg-REG 6.98 LP. E. LANSING | Across from Berkey Hall now 3.49 New Store Hour§ ALL MFG-REG. 7.98 l.P.'s Nlon.-Sat. 10-9 East Lansing Store - directly from Student Union. Shop Closed Sundays nightly until 8:30 p.m. across now 4.29 16 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan We'll be open Saturday from 9 to 5 p.m. to help with your book buying needs. V piSUl bookstore! We'll be open from 9 - 5 p.m. Sat., October 1, 1977 with a complete selection of Fall term textbooks, all on the official MSU booklist. Come in and choose from both new and used books. BEAT NOIRE DAME Lower level of the International Center In the center OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY of campus UNTIL 9 P.M. Ui^nn state News. East Lansing, Michigan riiuuy, oepiemDer JU, I in 17 *:***£ NOTICE iSU to invade Irish OF ELECTION By MICHAEL KLOCKE State News Sports Writer Notre Dame was picked to win the national in some pre season championship polls, but MSD's first road game of the season Saturday against the Irish could shape up to be a little closer than it first appeared. Though head coach Dan De- TO vine's team does have a record (2-1), their victories winning have not been that decisive BOARD and they are currently suffering from a rash of injuries. While this will be the first road game for the Spartans, it will also be the initial home game for Notre Dame. The Irish have defeated last al champion year's nation¬ Pittsburgh and Purdue on the road with a loss to OF DIRECTORS Mississippi sandwiched in be¬ tween. Spartan head coach Darryl Rogers has nothing but praise for Notre Dame whom he calls OF "one of the best football teams in the country." THE STATE NEWS "Notre Dame has some super players, and a lot of them are potentials for the National Foot¬ ball League," Rogers said. "Last year USC had 14 of their players drafted and Notre Dame could have that many this year." Many of those "super" play¬ ers are on the which has yet to Irish defense give up a The State News Announces touchdown rushing this year. The ends, Ross Browner and Willie Fry, are one of the real strengths of the defense. ffl&m Browner has been pushed as a Heisman Trophy candidate early this year. But Fry has a openings for the following sprained ankle, and he is one of the many Irish who is "doubt¬ ful" for Saturday's game. Two of Notre Dame's other seats on the State News/Robert Kozloff key defensive players, safety uC Dune's AU-Americtn cornerbick Luther and punter Joe Restic and Bradley 1201 let Kirk Gibson (23) backer Steve Heimkreiter, will line¬ iw»y from him on this play in last year's game. But Bradley was still a thorn he Spartan's also miss the game due to side in the 24-6 Irish win. I continued on page knee 20) Board of Directors HELL-0 • 1 Full-term professional • 1 Full-term Faculty • 2 Full-term students We invite your application for interviews to be held October 28, 1977. Applicants will be notified of the time and place. Application blanks and further information available at the office of the General Manager, 346 Student Services Building, Applications must be filed with Gerald Coy, General Manager, by October 19, 1977 at 5 p.m. MEET A NEW FRIEND MR.IIB0RG THE BEER OF DANISH KINGS LOOK FOR ME AT YOUR FAVORITE TAVERN OF CARRY OUT NOW AT REGULAR PRICES ] 0 Michigan Stote News. East lonsing, Michigan TRAVEL TO PURDUE NEXT Spartans beat Calvin, Spartan golfers continue stride By JOHN SINGLER Linda Branstetter. Other Spar¬ G"e»yatfnfdJfor«»l°w start, tough road lies ahead State Newa Sporta Writer tan scores included Joan which included a 91 at Aa quickly as it began, the Garety's 171, Sheila Tansey's State, and won the Illinois fall schedule for this year's 175 and Cindy Le Clair's 184. rain- shortened tourney with MSU women's golf team is The University of Miami 118 (Fla.) and Tulsa were among ,Jrt'w,s dose behind, with By JOE CENTERS defensemen in the midwest. Our whole defense is solid. The nearing a close today in West Lafayette, Ind. the national powers on hand for 120. Escott hit 127, LeClair rfforwi|i Purdue re3 State News Sports Writer question we have to ask now is — can we score? We had 23 Following this weekend's the second annual Susie Max¬ finished at 129 and Conlin and Tansey each fired 130 for the 27 the, Jf I After two tough opening losses, the MSU soccer team shots against Calvin and scored once. We just aren't Purdue Invitational, the Spar¬ well Berning All College Golf aggressive holes. finally broke into the win column by defeating a bigger and enough in the penalty area." tans have one tournament re¬ Classic in Oklahoma City, Okla., more physical Calvin College in Grand Rapids Tansey, in the words of head Wednesday. Baum was pleased, however, with the play of his two maining before the fall's final two days later. coach Mary Fossum, "has been Prior to Wednesday's contest, the Spartans defense was starting freshmen offensive backs Scott Campbell and Dave The 54-hole showcase hampered by the loss of three starters, goalie Mark Gembarowski, and defensive backs Rob Back and Tom Cole¬ Abbott. "Scott is out of Chicago and he already has two goals and two event, regional play in Hunting¬ ton, W. Va. won by Miami, which finished was up and down but play better." The will start to senior from thv!rV0urname' the Spartan, ltd l*| ^l The Illinois State Invitational miles ahead of llth-place MSU. man. All three, however, played against Calvin and their assists in three games. Dave is from Birmingham Seaholm and was MSU's opener, Sept. 16-17 The Spartans, featuring Ertl's Grand Ledge is making adjustments in her some "ere entered last Ten rivals wpi-c y,J^I 'W importance showed as the Spartans recorded their first shutout he is going to be a good one," Baum said. in Normal, 111., and started a 76, were just 12 shots off the stroke, which may explain the putting tourney favorite,, of the season by defeating Calvin 1-0 in overtime. Baum and his players must now look towards the future run of three tournaments in lead after the first 18 holes but Ertl The game was evenly played with neither team dominating schedule if they hope to have a winning season. Wins in the balky start. and Escott dr.. I eight days. The Spartans had no one broke 80 in either of the MSU is the 'ions from this w(J 1 play. The Spartans missed an opportunity in regulation play next two games, tomorrow the tourney's medalist in Karen defending cham¬ when they could not capitalize on a penalty shot and it wasn't until 17 seconds remained in the overtime that freshman Scott with U of M, Dearborn and Wednesday with Albion would give the Spartans a lift which Escott. The Rochester senior final two rounds. Kansas University's Beth pion in the two-day tourney at Purdue. The Spartans blazed "on> them oi zi they will need because following the Albion game, the Spartans had rounds of 78 and 81, Boozer and Miami's Sarah Le- a Campbell took a throw-in pass from co-captain Rob Back and will face nationally ranked Akron on October 8. After Akron surviving a sudden death play¬ Veque were tied at 223 after 299 over the North Course, a school Boilermakers' Ttnsey,th'Conlin T„am S time « and Mr J beat the Calvin goaltender to secure MSU's first win. the Spartans will travel to Rochester to face a off with Stephens College's record Ann highly touted regulation play. Boozer won the Atwood. f According to coach Joe Baum, the Calvin game was most Oakland University team October 12, which last year recruited Diane Daugherty. playoff on the fourth overtime important for all of the players. three of the top high school players in the State. Things won't Consistency gave MSU the hole. "This game was a test of character for us," commented get easier because on the weekend of October 14-15 the team title, topping the large Joan Garety brought MSU Baum, "Calvin has a big physical team and they had a lot of fans out to watch them. If we would have lost this game we would Spartans will play in the Big Ten Classic and will meet Indiana, which is ranked third in the country. field by 21 shots over runner-up Stephens College. Sue Ertl back to life in the Central Michigan University Invita¬ Homer issaid to ha»| have been 0-3 with some tough games coming up. We needed The next two weeks will be pivotal in the Spartans' season used gpoo different J (80-86) and Sue Conlin (85-81) tional at Mt. Pleasant last this game, it was the emotional and character factor involved. and Baum is hoping to get off on the tied for fourth with Purdue's right foot tomorrow weekend. A senior from Caro, This game lifted our spirits and should help us Saturday in our against U of M, Dearborn at 11:00 a.m. on the soccer field just "Our defense played well," Baum said about the game. "Co-captain John Haidler is probably one of the finest south of the football field. Xhere is no charge to the students with MSU I.D.'s. game for CLOTHES (Amazing how far he traveled on so feJ FOR THE WINNING Mea GIG BEG LOOK StreetCar 1$ GIG TUG to the maiE box AN G game. Take a Street Cars. Great looking, quality footwear designed to keep pace with you. Whether it's denim or dress GGLGG SEMESTER AT SEA with the Institute for Shipboard slacks, nothing looks better at the Education and the Univer¬ EGG AND bottom than Street Cars. Basic sity of Colorado. transportation for your feet. Let this unique inter¬ national program add an important dimension to your undergraduate experience. B4DG4IN Each semester the S.S. Universe*—the education ship—sails to fascinating If you re a student, wnter, or areas of the world. just one who needs to communxN more effectively, think how far you can go with our new Doubledayl Fully accredited, courses I'll PRICED! transferable. Next sailing: Around- Rogets Thesaurus. toull get more than 250,000 and antonyms, a treasure-house ful words that will synonyms of power- put sparkle and added life —■ «*, '■ the-world, Spring Semester, into your writing. Based on the language of the 1978. tt SPECIAL For further information: Mj70Mts arranged alphabetically, just like a Our new Doubleday Institute For Shipboard Education Roget's Thesaurus. WAS '2.98 $1.49 Taj Mahal Building - Suite 206 P.O. Box 2488, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 A downright necessity Only $4.95 regular, $6.95 thumb-indexed. MSU BOOTERY NOW ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE CALL TOLL FREE (800) 854-0195 *18,000 ton, Liberian registry Where words have more meaning. AraiJjble it ill bookstore!. 225 E. Grand River across from the Union open tonight til 9 «■( Vudent open Sunday 12-5 RRook Wfore NOTICE WHEN DO MUSK I STUDENT FOOTBALL MAJORS SAY BUDWEISERI * SEASON TICKET { INFORMATION * THERE IS NO COUPON TO EXCHANOE THIS YEAR -I THE TICKET THAT YOU PURCHASE WILL BE TOUR| RESERVED SEAT FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON! PLACE OP f ALE. NORTH CONCOURSI SPARTAN STADIUM HOURS OP SALI • 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. DATES STUDENT NUMSHI Thursday, Sept. 29,1977 - 8:30-12:30 1 thru 707999 Thursday, Sept. 29,1977 - 12:30-4:30 708000 thru 741599 Friday, Sept. 30, 1977 ■ 8:30-12:30 741600 thru 770499 Friday, Sept. 30,1977 - 12:30-4:30 770500 and above Saturday, Oct. 1,1977 - 8:30-4:30 Any Number IP TICKETS ARE LOST OR STOLEN THEY WILL NOT DE REPLACED For each ticket purchased you must have a validated fee receipt card and $12.00 check). Married students may purchase a season ticket for their (cash o| spouse at the same price# proof of morriage must be presented at time of purchase. Any students wishing to sit together must purchase tickets together - all seats < reserved. One student may purchase a maximum of 8 season tickets (this includes spousd tickets). No attempt can be made at the stadium to place more than 8 tickets in any location. All blocks of 9 or more tickets must be purchased at the Jenison Fieldhouse ticket office J blocks will be located in the south end zone. BLOCK monies to Jenison Ticket Office PURCHASES: Bring fee receipts on| may be picked up after 1 P.M. anytime 8:30 to 4:30 Friday, September 30, 1977. Ticket# on Monday, October 3,1977. NOTICE: Student Hockey Semen Tickets on Sale the week of October 3rd Student Basketball Season Tickets en Sale the weak of October I0» WATCH THE STATE NEWS FOR FURTHER DETAILS ridof' septemb,r jd Fridoy. September 30, 1977 19 meBRHJKH Levis EAST LANSING'S MOST COMPLETE UVIS STORE EVERYONE WANTS THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY BUT WE WANT TO GIVE YOU A BREAK! WE WANT TO GIVE YOU THIS COUPON SO YOU CAN SAVE DOLLARS ON YOUR NEXT PURCHASE. SffGET fCQUAIM tib\2 .GIFT CERTIFICATE .GOOD $4)00 Toward anY new purchase in our store. i JKM Sorrv. this certificate mm Sorry, not he may not be n«oH used «er for a -«t. <> refund or as a credit to¬ ward an existing charge or layaway balance or sale merchandise. as OCTOBER 31 1977. Limit ol one ■ certified. per Customer IhcDMHKH WE SPECIALIZE IN CORDUROYS BELL BOTTOMS STRAIGHT LEGS PANATELAS ALSO FEATURING COORDINATED LOOKS FOR FALL CAMPUS FASHION DENIM UNO PREWASHED JEANS AND FOR GALS. PANATELA PANTS and SHIRTS BASIC and PREWASHED JEANS MEN'S SWEATERS SWEATERS PANATELA 3-PIECE CORDUROY SUITS BLOUSES and CORDUROY TOPS FALLS WINTER JACKETS CORDUROY VESTS and SLACKS PLUS A WIDE SELECTION OF FLANNEL SHIRTS •STARTING AT •r and MUCH, MUCH MORE SO COME ON IN University Mall IheBIMIKH NEXT TO WHEREHOUSE RECORDS Mon., Tues., Wed. 10-6 VISA 220M.A.C. & ABOVE THE ALLEY EY Thurs., Friday 10-9 East Lansing Saturday 10-6 20 Michigan Stole News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, ^P'omberao, Varsity Notre Dame to host Spartans (continued from page sports 17) injuries. Ail-American candi¬ date Luther Bradley will head the pass yards thi^ year per game. giving up 190 said. "They have great size and mobility, their team is based on difference from last year when it ranked last in the con¬ - Junior college transfer Leroy McGee and fullback Jim Earley The MSU Blue Line Club, up the Irish secondary, which "Notre Dame plays excep¬ their defense." ference. The return of Kim will be in the backfield again for COaUM MONOAV, TH| ^I On offense Notre Dame will MSU. But almost all of Rogers' which backs the Spartan has been rather susceptible to Rowekamp at middle guard as tionally good defense," Rogers be starting Joe Montana, their well as the improved play of backfield recruits got a chance hockey team, is looking for i third-string quarterback, be¬ tackles Larry Bethea and Mel- to play against Wyoming and replacement for "Goofus' cause Rusty Lisch and Gary vin Land has helped the rushing several impressed Rogers. who traditionally led cheers at home MSU hockey games. Before "Goofus" MSU MSU's women Forystek are injured. But it was Montana who came in last week's Purdue game to lead the defense. Linebackers Paul Rud- zinski and Dan Bass lead the team in total tackles. So the stage is set for one of the nation's big rivalries, a game that has been on national ISPSCIALLY 'On THI Mm hockey also had "The Green Irish to 17 fourth quarter Gorilla" entertaining the in their 31-24 win. points Strong Safety Mike Imhoff will draw the assignment of television 11 times in the past and which will be put back on coaaaauHiTY. tomorrow home crowds. Anyone with their owt run Notre Dame will also be rather thin at running back with trying to cover the 6-4, 249- pound MacAfee. ABC-TV when MSU is off original act for this year's Tommy probation. home games can contact Bob Two national powers will be Terry Eurick the only back with Graves, who saw his first action Rogers shied ,way from squaring off this Saturday when substantial experience. Vagas in year against Martin at 484-8466 or Bever¬ MSU's women's cross country team meets Wisconsin and over a Wyoming, making any predictions on the Western Ferguson sprained an ankle and is expected to play some at Notre Dame gar.ie. THE CALENDAR ly Baton at 351-5917 for a Michigan on the Spartan home course at Forest Akers golf course. will not play Saturday while All- .,11 tryout. The first tryout is Last year MSU won the Big Ten cross strong safety. Graves is coming "All I can do is take our foot¬ ings of important events & Oct. 15 at a preseason exhi¬ with Wisconsin right behind in second. Roles country championship, were reversed at the American back A! Hunter was dismissed from school last year off a knee injury and Rogers is ball program and look at where area h„ • W bition game with Michigan at Munn Ice Arena. AIAW (Associated Intercollegiate Athletics for Women) national tourney, when the Badgers finished third with MSU in fourth. for dormitory violations. The Spartans will also have to trying to work him gradually back into the lineup. it is now," he said. "I really can't say what a win would do for us. room or r«-' office. PeNe,t Never,ormiss an (Vt !^BMissouri The MSU Lacross team Western is an untested team as it opens its cross On offense, MSU quarterback "It's hard to talk about the event, use THE will hold a meeting at 7:30 for the first time — ever. country season find a way to stop tight end Ken Eddie Smith ranks second in national scene when our team is CALENDAR. MacAfee, who has 19 receptions passing in the Big Ten despite on a day to Monday and Tuesday at Though the "Badger-Spartan Invitational" is a big meet, head in just three games. day basis," he Jenison Fieldhouse in la- coach Mark Pittman is more concerned with how his runners will Rogers having numerous passes continued. "We are a very calls MacAfee a coach Nevin Kanner's be "super" foot¬ dropped by his receivers. tender program." performing than anything else. ball player with great hands. office. "This meet is just a benchmark, just ,In the Wyoming game alone, And after Notre Dame, the something to see how we The Spartan defense, which Rosers says 10 of Smith's passes Spartans get The varsity fencing team do," Pittman said. has been strong against the run to take on Michi¬ will meet Monday 4:30 p.m. were dropped. gan, which are a couple of pretty Even though Pittman is cautiously optimistic, "how we do" could and weak against the pass this be very well considering only two women were Split end Edgar Wilson ranks good teams back to back. But STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED I Men's IM Building. lost from last year, will have to face a fourth in receiving in the con Anyone interested in fenc¬ season's squad, the sixth and seventh runners. As Pittman admits, things won't get any easier. balanced attack at South Bend. ference and flanker Kirk Gibson ing for MSU can also call "we are much farther along then we were at this Next year MSU gets to travel to time last year." MSU has given up a scant 2.8 coach Charlie Schmitter at has caught touchdown passes in USC before playing the Irish Leading Spartan harriers this year will probably include yards per carry rushing, quite a 355-6925 or Mark Krusac at the last two games. and the Wolverines. (continued on page 21) 355-6925. Practice begins Wednesday at 3 p.m. on Old College Field across from Jenison. All those interested in For the Fairest.. gymnastics should meet in the upstairs gym at This week featuring Now! ALL THE DESIGN ADVANTAGES OF A SEPARATE Jenison Monday at 7:30 p.m. THE W0MANSB00K AMPLIFIER >1.95 AND TUNER AT A PRICE THAT WILL If you ever said, "I'm not a SURPRISE AND PLEASE YOU. women's liberationist. but...", this book is for you. Read the BOTH. THE KA 7100 AMPLIFIER AND KT 7300 WOMAN SBOOK TllNER BY KENWOOD State News ond answer Newsline THE KENWOOD PROFESSIONAL TOUCH.. WOmflNSELF BOOKSTORE 353-3382 I'yMoll ■A.C. '"'"l Hour.: 10-1:30 Mon.-Sat. Com. and I,owt. With its professional look and circuitry, the KA-7100 is in tune with current high audio stan¬ dards. And, as you'll discover for trol system of the KA-7100 has been devised to enable you to match the acoustic characteristics of your $449 A REGULAR $575 VALUE room and of the music you play, yourself, the feel of the controls so that you can, in effect, 'tailor' is equally professinal. All the con¬ the sound. under all kinds of changing tern- FmI Planning Your trols. knobs and switches, as well as their layout, have been thought¬ fully designed through human The Simpler The Better The Beuer Sound i ne sound Circuitry, The perature and humidity conditions. It's Kenwood's way of y0u making sure hear the very best that true Dolbyized FM Broadcasts and 4channel The KT-7300 is ready for the besto! I Wedding engineering techniques, for ease of use and long, hard wear. The interior of the KA-7100 is re- markably 'clean'. This is not just cosmetic treatment. There are high-fidelity has to offer. Time and tjme again, the KT-7300's perfor- today and the best of tomorrow! right now. In the rear. KenuooL has incorporated a two positionL Reception? Independent Dual Power Sup¬ mance approaches the theoretical clear-cut audio advantages in re- deemphasis switch to deliver tfe! plies For Right and Left Chan¬ limits of perfect reception. ducing wiring, and by making New Long, Accurate Linear FM finest possible signal under various! nels. Obviously, no stereo imaging direct connections to circuit boards. broadcasting conditions By sele can be true unless there is Dial Scale for Easier It's easier than you think! complete Long wiring and shielded cables you wju notice the FM dial scale Tuning ing the "25 micro" position y Let the Union Catering Service channel separation. Kenwood's engineers completely re¬ common on other amplifiers inevi- inevi¬ ,.t .i,„ izttw, of the KT-7300 is different and :„ j:« . achieve the fulleve be^'baLn^to perfecl me rest Ddiancempeneci tably generate fields of distortion. ly match the characteristics o designed the power supply into two As one example, the better. It is longer and divided into put it all together for you... smaller divisions than conventional Dolbyized FM broadcasts. And i separate supply systems. four-channel detector (DET 017cum units. This makes tuning easier and Whether you're planning a large or small the rear panel) has also been reception, accurate. The equal calibration of , jn so you can receive and recor built) the Union has facilities to create the the dial in relatively small units perfect discrete 4-channel broadcasts whe atmosphere. is proof of Kenwood's confidence such broadcasts are approved. We serve formal or informal dinners, buffets, rehearsal dinners and other special functions. Our service provides all the planning for all those details you don't have time for. Call the Union Catering Service and let us help you uncomplicate your Wedding reception. M.S.U. UNION KA 7100 AMPLIFIER 60 WATTS 9 OHMS FROM 20HZ TO TOTAL HARMONIC PER CHANNEL MINIMUM. RMS AT 20.000 HZ WITH NO MORE THAN 0.02% DISTORTION. CATERING SERVICE This allows each musical instru- speaker selector is now next to the At the corner of Abbott and ment to be heard in its correct loca- speaker terminals, and instead of Grand River Ave. tion in the stereo sound field, and wires Call 355-3465 for more information. at its natural level. leading to the back panel Reproduced picking up noise on the.way, there's sound, right down to the 1st octave, a long mechanical shaft. Ail this is wonderfully crisp and clear. contributes towards the refinement Unique Tape-Through Circuitry of the special tonal quality that is Kenwood's tape-through circuit Kenwood's. allows you to listen to a com¬ Lower Distortion, Higher Per¬ that the KT-7300 is drift-free, un¬ pletely different source while re¬ formance Selected P«rts, Advanced Ted cording or dubbing. You can record Higher and better performance is usually stable and exceptionally niques simultaneoulsy on one or two tape assured by the Dual Gate MOS precise. In design, construction, productn decks, and monitor both tape in¬ FET in the RF stage, special FETFM Muting and assembly, every aspect ofevei, puts, and you can dub from A to B. The KT-7300 comes with a ceramic and LC filters in the IF sophis¬ part gets the benefit of Kenwood Sophisticated Tone Controls ticated muting switch that incor¬ stage and by new engineering in dedication to the finest in audio Make You Master Of Your the detector section. Instead of porates an FET. This muting For example, with the exception ( Sound switch does more than conventional wiring, the KT-7300 simply cut the RF stage, the entire tuner; Tonal purity gets top priority at out the noise between stations incorporates improved quadrature circuitry is on one printed circui Kenwood, and many of our design while tuning. It also eliminates circuitry to achieve low distortion board. The level calibration of« (TLSJU.VS innovations and improvements have been made in order to achieve and wide-range linearity up to 1MHz. This means, for example, the initial rush sound you hear if you rapidly tune circuits is certain to be stable7* through several cause of certain advanced devi the most transparent, distortion- that the KT-7300's high sensitivity stations. Such attention to special used in the level control iW node dame free sound possible. The tone con- is not just a spec on a piece of paper but a meaningful reality details as well as - which protect your ears and this is still another of your speakers - is countless examples that prove typical of Kenwood superiority Saturday on NEWSCENTER 8 AT 11 KT-7300 will deliver outstandii watch throughout. performance year-in, year-out. highlights of the Michigan State-Notre Dame football game. Warren Reynolds and the TV 8 mini-cam will cover the game's best plays and drives. scoring Don't miss the fun Saturday on HI-FI BUYS NEWSCENTER 8 at 11 TV 8 your sports station. 1101 E.GRAND RIVER DiScShOP E.L. PH. 337-1767 323 E. GRAND RIVE* M-F 10-9 S. 10-5 E.L. PH. 351-5380 M-F 10-9 S. 105 WUIOTV grand rapids y&i FREE PARKING FINANCING AVAILABLE day. Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigan s»pt8rr>ber 30 |( jjpn Friday, September 30, 1977 21 -M slow start similar to 1975: IRBOR (ura - This They weren't ties, but Michi¬ Texas A&M offensive Bo 975 all over again, or gan did surprise more team. not than a All of their that much of a threat to Coach Bo Schem- few folks by the way it backs and at least the top runners from D^jTHlomY lU|d like to think, led through wins over Duke stumb¬ people are experienced. But key come in throwing the ball all both teams are. Wolverines juniors Harlan Huckleby and Russell Ihsi's over the field. Davis fourth game of the 21-9, and Navy, 14-7, the they are most impressive de¬ Texas A&M senior quarter¬ Aggie sophomore halfback have comparable statistics. past IUIDI»«IICHI# j as was the case ;jan cornea off two o two weeks. The Wolverines have conse¬ fensively. Their defense has really come on." back David Walker has thrown three more times than his Curtis yards Dickey has gained 325 on 48 rushes and junior Tailback Huckleby has gain¬ ed 352 yards on 65 rushes while ormaocea to face its quently dropped from first to Schembechler termed the fullback George Woodard 291 p0*thimiu Michigan pass defense "terri¬ Michigan counterpart, Rick fullback Davis has run the ball WHLifflFj! onosition to date in third in the yards on 60 rushes, while the 57 times and gained 287 ratings, a fact ble, inexcusable," Leach; 30-27 and completed two yards. fated, highly-rated which immensely pleases against Navy more passes 18-16 for a lot more unity. bchembechler this week but but that likely won't be much of yardage 261-188. Both have ne ... ithigan Texas A&M, and fifth in would annoy him were it to happen at the end of the season a problem against A&M, which uses a Wishbone offense and is thrown two touchdown passes. Rushing appears to be even, Harriers run tomorrow , to Michigan s No. 3 "I do find it difficult to get them motivated for (continued from page 20) Duke and , 0f like 75." Schem¬ Navy." he said, "but I will not returning senior Diane Culp, juniors Kay Richards and Lil >H feature da ed Tuesday in des- have that problem warnes. and sophomores Lisa We will play hard, I know Saturday Berry and Cindy Wadsworth. As for Wolverines' season, that." new runners, Pittman will use the initial meet -ts&are.bu^H 'or were coming off two They can also be expected to hoping that the freshmen I have will as a develop." measurement, decorating y„ The coach is rather ' jdord and Baylor and perform with greater efficien¬ hesitant to predict what only at er miss Missouri." cy, too, since Schembechler has might be in the 5000 meter race, but feels winning times an n,, that the women will :ndar. ctok< Iverines started off i with a 23-6 win over become annoyed at the of number penalties and breakdowns which have rise good." The to the occasion," guessing that 18 minutes "would be very 3 Campus Pizza 1312 MICH. AVE. that didn't meet will be a game its billing. This year verines from kept the Wol¬ having the run¬ run at 9:40 Saturday morning at Forest Akers. "■■■■valuable couponBBBBMHH_ 337-1377 ubbed Illinois, 37-9, aways the 100,000-plus cus¬ „.r circumstances. tomers have come to expect. Michigan shocked a "We played a little better in FREE! pie by playing con- our offensive line," Schembech¬ STATE NEWS )19 and 14-14 ties ler said. "And defensively Cur¬ CLASSIFIEDS one item on pizza CLASSIFIED ord and sg a Baylor be- Missouri team tis Greer and some of guys played better. And Chris those SELL * any good anytime * undefeated and rank- Godfrey came off the bench and igh at the time" with did a pretty good job. (We also accept all "cents off" "This is an 355-8255 Pizza Express coupons.) experienced zi) THE STATE NEWS Wishes to correct PUFIER an error that appeared in the E YOll. SILVER DOLLAR SALOON Welcome Week ad. (flfou sljnlt The ad said "Vi price pizza & beer FM and 4-channelFM on Monday" 3is ready for the best. But the SILVER DOLLAR the best of tomorro* In the rear, Kenvwxx is not open on irated a two positic Mondays switch to deliver the ile signal under varii gconditions By sell SORRY ABOUT THAT! i micro" position j best balance to perfect the characteristics M"■ broadcasts. And detector (DET OUT 01 iei) has also been built an receive and recorc annel broadcasts whet £Iir ^mrtmiirhitrr stare s approved. IELCOME BACK not stall. ILUE COUPONS! 6 value coupon $ OFF SSS ! WITH COUPON IN STOCK I COUPON GOOD ENTIRE MONTH-OCT. ,sAdvanced I Tech itruction. product]" every aspect of even lenefit of Kenwood the finest in audio rith the exception $ value coupon $ the entire tuner one printed circui 1calibration > of the ON A tin to be stable n advanced device1 be K OFF SELECTION OF I evel control ill another of pies that prove the th COUPON GOOD OCT. SKI SOCKS! I5-OCT. 31,1977 | Shoplifting is stealing and leiver outstandinj ir-in, year-out. :°nvenient locations.. • Meridian Mall don't thou forget it. • East Grand River cShoP •East Michigan Ave. grand river "cross from Midos Muffler .H 351-5380 > 10-9 S. 10-4 e the great outdoors begins! 22wichigon Stote News, East tonsing, Michigan /r,day. S.p«.mb.r30 Pistons win; Boston inks guard Bing Meetings for managers of all GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) - assists for the Pistons. Knight contributed another 24. Both Havlicek, 37, and Bing. "But there touch football teams will be Center Bob Lanier scored 20 was never any day. "I turned down two other Detroit jumped out to a 23-10 The Pistons play their next nearly 34, joined the Celtics' question that I would play, offers to sign with West Boston club on a held on Monday, Tuesday and points and forward Leon Doug¬ lead midway through the first Coast j.., pre season game against the drills Wednesday, bringing the none at all, unless I got teams but when Red Wednesday (Oct. 3-5) at 6:00 las added 17 more Wednesday period before ending up with a Cleveland Cavaliers at Toledo number of players in camp to injured," said Havlicek. called, I Auerbach 7er«l years p.m. in the Sports Arena of the night to help the Detroit Pis¬ 29-26 lead at the end of the came right up." on Saturday. 21. The two veterans will Bing arrived in Boston Tues¬ Bing, who has a career Men's IM Building. The meet¬ ings are mandatory and teams tons to a 119-105 victory over the Buffalo Braves in the pre¬ period. The Pistons then raced in front, 48-32, midway in the Basketball notes: A pair of National Basketball League certainly be among the 15 players left on the roster after day from Washington and agreed on a contract that allows average of 31.9 points, quit the Bullets Monday because he KcSiC felt represented if they are «Ssi"55; must be season opener for both teams. second "senior citizens," including for¬ quarter, but Buffalo Friday's cut. him to make his own decision he was not being used going to participate in touch The Pistons shot 53 per cent fought back to a 58-52 disadvan¬ mer Piston properly great Dave Bing, Havlicek, who underwent an next year on whether he will He will be Boston's third guard ■ngtonin 1975 for football. from the floor to lead the tage at the halftime. have inked Boston Celtics' con¬ appendectomy this summer, play another season. behind JoJo White and Touch football teams Braves throughout the contest, After reaching a tie in the tracts for the upcoming season. was supposed to decide before "I've done everything in bas¬ Scott. Charlie ""■s ^!..BuUf1'16h" Biliv averaged may played at Calvin College. The third qauarter, Detroit scored Celtics captain ketball but play for a champion¬ John training camp whether he The Celtics have always liked Some as a back™ now sign up for pre season best Buffalo could manage was nine straight points and out- Havlicek, a 15-year veteran, would play one more season. ship team," Bing said Wednes¬ Bing and chose him to join the was Publicly Z scrimmages in 201 Men's IM a 75-75 tie with 3:46 remaining scored Buffalo, 17-4, in a brief and Bing, an 11-year guard who Building. The scrimmages will in the third quarter. stretch that carried it to a 92-80 recently retired from the Wash¬ be held from Oct. 4 through Oct. 6. Al Hubbard, who came in as a substitute forward, was a per¬ fect 6-for-6 at the field and lead going into the final quarter. Guard Randy Smith had a ington Bullets, reported to camp Wednesday after meeting with Celtics' President ant ■auto J.. .ryauot yXtwytfaQfai added 14 points. Kevin Porter game-high 32 points for the General Manager Red Auer- scord eight points and had eight Braves and newcomer Billy bach. CAMPUS CDITION u U g i nil), i v °o° ,UU»U0 ■ POSTERS Cl .1 17ION ill I lie K canty Salon all day with proceeds going to MSAU Day Care o:So° o ?cO °C$ Slav Center healthy the Sidton way.... ...demonstration of Saltan yogurt and peanut butter machinesf,m POSTERS COmPUTER 12 to 4 in the Miss ] Shop , LABORATORY SAW HI). II' °o Mannequin modeling in the Miss J Shop while POSTERS <0 you enjoy cider and donuts from 12 to 4 0.° 0 o £ o "-o , o? °00o °oO o Q° O x>, • .°00„ ,0 . POSTERS 0- TOURS 0O The Computer Laboratory staff will conduct tours of the Computer Center for new users of the MSU computing facility. Each tour consists of a slide POSTERS presentation, a discussion of the function and operation of the Computer Laboratory, and a (We're more than books.) walking tour of the building. The tours start in Room 215 at the following times. October 3 1:00 p.m. October 4 9:00a.m. October 5 7:00p.m. store October 6 3:00p.m. corner of MAC and Albert October 7 11:00a.m. 337-7250 CWUftAlHfy fan dltCfl K xtuety COCK tc 6c. . cozy cotton flannels by Berkleigh Jrs. in long, shirt-gown style with ribbed cuffs and trim. In a yellow floral print, for 5-13 sizes. $18; or choose tailored pajamas in a selection of "wide-awake" prints with piping trim. 7-13 sizes. $12 FROM OUR 4HLVI, ]^ilop* Jacofeorig SALE Levi's Denim Casual Shoe 7.90 The action shoe, at savings . . durable navy canvas and suede on top, rubber on the bottom, foam padding around the ankle. Ease into a pair. That's where the comfort is. Sizes Vh to 13. Jaoobf-Joi i'f-> 30,197, Slote NeWt' E°SI lonsin9. Michioon Fridoy, September 30, 1977 23 1SU professor receives award .|,„AKARLE Kappa Alpha sorority and the awards. rNeW,Sttfl Writer chairperson of the education "We also advertised in the Women were nominated rry c|,airper8ons Helen committee for the greater local media," said from 11 different professions were also presented to women I .„d Dolores Wharton of several L more than 600 com- if.n!iJl£l)rb,n NAACP Freedom Lea6ue sod the Dorothy Brush, publicity chairperson for for their leadership ability in area businesses and voluntary organizations. These Fund Pro¬ the civic, economic and cultural Csidents to the second gram Committee. the awards. life of the greater Lansing area. women were chosen on a non¬ FROM YOUR CBNTRAL Diana Awards ■ DiM® ■ Awards Dinner are by the Lansing YWCA, which sponsored "This way people who did not From the nominations an competitive basis by the busi¬ EAST , night in the Kel receive nominations in the awards committee of women ness or organization for which sent out 3,000 invitations to the mail from they worked. could pick them different I the awards were pre- dinner. Enclosed in the up in our professions LANSINO BUSINESS m Alexix M. Herman, tions were invita¬ forms to nominate Lansing office and vote. Thus, the women were selected winners of the Diana Awards. All proceeds from the award dinner will be used to ASSOCIATION ■„f the Women's Bureau outstanding local women for the entire selected by provide YWCA programming and -ser- Tsident Jimmy Carter, community." Certificates of Recognition the audience about E role models. Most store* open i gathering tonight Wharton to meet with _ts a heralding of many Reroiries who have con- Thursday nites U till nine. T „ not only to their fields but to this community members Lty as a whole," she MSU students and will get more faculty when any student, opportunities to faculty see President member or employee could Clifton R. Whar¬ ton Jr. in his office drop in unannounced to talk this term. over some Wharton said issue or problem," he would see any Thursday he said. student, faculty Wharton emphasized or staff member on a he "first- would not settle come, first-see" basis from problems at 2 to the Friday afternoon 4 p.m. most meetings, Fridays during fall but would see term. they were He said he has directed into "proper chan¬ always been nels." willing to see those who made Wharton will open his doors appointments or were able to at 450 find him at other times. Administration Bldg. on six Fridays this term: today; "I thought it would be to set aside helpful Oct. T, 14 and 21; Nov. 11 and a specific period Dec. 2. Our reputation has been proven. We offer the finest Chinese cooking In this area. Take out service Is available. Back by popular demand! CORNER CUPPERT and VINE The Free Family Color Portrait Phone 351-2217 Your Member Services/Membership Committee has made special arrange¬ ments with PhotoMaster Studios of Lansing to create a FREE 8x10" full-color portrait of you and your family. A special studio will be set up in the credit union Community Room from 1-14, 5-9 weekdays, 10-5 Saturdays. Oct. For your convenience, you may make your reservation should phone 332-6666 or 482-5712. by phone now. Members If you are not yet a credit union join today and take member, advantage of this exceptional opportunity. An appointment to view your proofs will be arranged at the time taken. Finished portraits will be your portrait is ready for delivery in ample time for holiday gift giving. Limit: one free portrait per credit union family. Additional available at special rates, but portraits will be you are under no obligation to make a purchase. C'mon over & visit these stores: ai MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION 600 E. Crescent • 9 to 5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 The cost of this advertisement is being paid by PhotoMaster Studios of Lansing Kitchen Cupboard Elderly Instruments Family of Man Jo-El Games & Gifts (health foods) Flat, Black & Circular Nautilus THE (used records Stapes) (antiques & crafts) Great Lakes Mt Supply (wilderness outfitters) lax Copying Bresler's Ice Crean STATUS WALL FOUR JERRY CORNE Paramount News STORE 541 East Grand River (across from IN ONE VOLUME OR I'LL YOU Berkey Hall) with the unbelievable WITHMUZAK. Prices... Sjerry Cornelius copulates, hallucinates. |l devastates, dies, and comes back from |}thedead. Frequently. Seasons 100% wool wal|-hang'inj5 -from EotacW FIRST: we buy from brand makers—and only the best Selling Men's & Women's Name Brand Clothing they make. We clothing at a fraction of normal trade prices. These are names you know. get their superior Superhero, ex-clergyman, ex-politician, ' SECONO: our store is always well stocked—our selections good. More shirts, jackets, jeans l-satyr. hedonist, assassin Jeny Cornelius — and slacks in more sizes than many others have in their entire store! Yet you'll find Cut label always immaculately neat and orderly, with everything clearly marked for r delight of science fiction fans the world easy self-selection. THIRO: you are always welcome to come in and browse to your heart's content. No one will urge you to buy. But skilled, knowledgeable help is there if [Names Bond and Dragon Lady. Captain T'and Elmer anxious to see that you're satisfied. AND FOURTH: you want it—courteous, friendly, Gantry in one outrageous we give cash refunds or we exchange for something else. You quality with confidence! for the first time, Avon We sell brings you all than great only 1st quality merchandise, "NO savings. SECONDS" SHOP US. There's a lot moi I four Jerry Cornelius novels in one volume. "An Educated Consumer is our Best Customer" You'll wish you had an amphibian Rolls Royce. ...tella friendi Anrt n vihra-yun. You II live with Cornelius ■ . through sex changes, lunges, death, resurrection.You'll get action. ^0u"sex,srcviolence—in 954 mind-bending pages. why Michael Moorcock books have than 10 million ® copies, and why he is a Award winner. tfle CORNELIUS CHRONICLES: Four •EAST* novels in one volume. The Final •WEST* ramme, A Cure for Cancer, The 2825 E. Grand River Ave. 414ElmwaodSt. English Assassin, East Lansing, Mich. 48823 rendition of Muzak. $295 Ph. 351-3931 Lansing, Mich. 48917 Ph. 321-3707 btHESCIBMCEirr™""* ™FtrnjBE- 531 fmdof 332-Qyn 24 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigai BARGAINS FOR STUDENTS Final report released; The United State. OPPORTUNlTlii Navy ha. graduate, ta ai.ume executive .am. Fellowship meets needs '•'SniepJ^JSiJjJJ '* n**. paperwork has reduced Students wishing to pick up a bargain on used couches or p.m. Some of the items on sale will selves deficient in some house¬ hold needs, according to Shiloh The Navy Supply Corp. WASHINGTON (AP) - The commission goes out of work would President Carter, who vowed business next Monday. be legislative proposals. created by chairs, and enjoy some home- cooked baked goodies at the include typical items such as garage-sale furniture, plant Fellowhsip secretary Tawn Jar- velapment, and retail old and have a SA/BS oCvCrj,.^ as a candidate to reduce the It concluded, after 36 reports The report estimated that same time, should check out the stands, books, clothes, chil¬ The Shiloh Fellowship is a yeor. •clence. Age waiver, are available degree In bu.7 C°"di£k»illJ burdens of federal paperwork, and 770 recommendations, that Congress and the rest of the Shiloh Fellowship lawn and dren's games, pictures, mat¬ non-profit, non-denominational tor v.t.7a* has a stack of papers to go the blame for government red federal government have al¬ bake sale tools and shoes. ^o be held Saturday tresses, vases, religious organization with We have a lew through on — what else — tape rests with Congress and ready implemented 50 per cent and Sunday, Oct. 1 and 2. The sale is geared towards about 425 members. opening, for paperwork. poorly written bills. of its 770 recommendations at a The sale starts Saturday and students who have just moved About one third of their Th... position. Include .tratlve mlddtall":!'l>,on.'1^^ He was given the final report "Legislation and regulations savings of $3.5 billion. will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. into their new houses or apart¬ members are former MSU stu¬ retpon.lbilltiei. cental applicant will be per«onnel ,m„T *vtl P'onn|«*! Wednesday of the two-year-old are drafted with little thought It suggested that the Presi¬ and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 ments and have found them¬ dents and graduates. management, bu.in... or related 19-26 year, dfe'h'0nd ""Mfc Commission on Federal Paper¬ as to how paperwork or bur¬ dent and Congress consider Age waiver, are available for ll,|d °7 work. which said the cost of dens on others might be mini¬ adding a Cabinet-level Depart¬ veteran, """• "*» ktaj federal paperwork may exceed mized," the report said. ment of Administration to im¬ $100 billion a year, or about $500 for each American citizen. It recommended that Con¬ gress study how much paper- prove government efficiency. Carter, given the 77-page MSU receives grants: For the Nuclear o.plrlng Engineer Engineering, Aviation ■NGINIIRIIIA we hrn,. „ report in a White House cere¬ maintenance and Civil En8i„.7Tn?5V;" Englneerlna 7k ,h* tulle*, 'P °«9n h2? IMS year, old and mony, repeated his determina¬ tion to cut paperwork. related field. Advanced hove a b" Bs'd' ' 'Uct,»W £» Clerical employees F. Later, Vice President Walter Mondale said paperwork has caused unneeded an incal¬ to go for grad studies hty ore waiting for tho.e training For the ambitiou. young who qualify voluobta graduate, then ,"a'"w'V and ol| !£ culable "loss of and outstanding .alary and benefit, trust * ,7'u ' ** N to choose officers respect for the governmental system." in A number of grants to MSU community service and con¬ Fulbright-Hays fellowship from HEW's Office of Education. Roderick does not immediate changes in see the MSU any and profenlonal naval oHic.r growth opportunity earn, over Packog, $17,500. Th. nova By hlH oH.fc*l- h tinuing education and foreign Hart will conduct research in work-study program. the service after on The panel said paperwork language graduate student as¬ the country of Yemen, accord¬ and the kind of initial 4-year obliootina " ", cK»»tl, MSU's clerical-technical em¬ ployes will elect new officers candidacy for the three-year spot on the audit committee. produces economic and psycho¬ sistance have been reported by ing to Leroy Dugan, assistant business and industry. technical and management,wP.n.nt, logical burdens on those who federal and state boards and dean of MSU's Graduate and vote on proposed policy Members may continue to make have to complete government stereos nominations until the election. agencies. School. changes Tuesday night. forms. The workers, members of the The proposed policy changes It said a school disregarded a The U.S. Department of HEW also announced several refrigerators dontomasoski Health, Education and Welfare changes in the operation of the 1017 E. Grand River MSU Employes' Association involve admittance to meet¬ $4,500 grant because filling out will elect a president, trea¬ ings, eligibility for office and the forms would have cost (HEW) announced the award¬ College Work-Study program. FOR RENT: 37 J. I f#j* M*Hv*ry on/off campus E. Lansing, Ml. 48823 surer, three members of the the duties of the vice president. ing of an individual Fulbright- One of the changes would Phone (517) 351-6370 $6,000. union's executive board and a Hays Research Abroad Fellow¬ eventually simplify and shorten representative to the group's ship to an MSU graduate the application procedure for student. participating colleges and audit committee. Barbara Reeves of the Col¬ lege of Education and Merlyn Church to show The State Board of Education announced MSU will receive $80,425 in federal funds to schools, according to HEW projections. Another change in the regula¬ Ifi|w] The World's Greatest Science Fiction Book a c9 Swab of the physiology depart¬ provide financial aid for foreign tions affects students working a ment are the candidates for language and area studies grad¬ second job along with the in president. Running for treasurer are culture movies uate students. The funds will provide fellowships for 17 MSU students. work-study assignment. The new changes in the federal Pat Eisele of the Alumni Assoc¬ guidelines would permit stu¬ The University The board also approved a dents to earn slightly more iation and Barb Sykes of the Baptist Jack Bailey, chaplain of the Office of Financial Aids. Church, 4608 S. Hagadorn American Baptist Student grant of $65,000 for community outside money. The candidates for the execu¬ tive board spots are: Pat Bed- Road, East Lansing will be sponsoring a ten-part film series on the rise and fall of Foundation, will lead discussion sessions following the films. The following films are to be service and continuing tion programs at MSU. Ronald A. Hart, a graduate educa¬ Ronald L. Roderick, associate director of financial aids, em¬ r*XA5S\ CS? phasized the federal guidelines iu^r; teylon. University Apartments; Western thought and culture shown on successive Sundays student in the Department of Joann permit individual universities Cummings, protective beginning Sunday, October 2, at 6 p.m.: "The Roman Age," Anthropology, received the to set stricter standards. services; Alice Ellis, School of Labor and Industrial Relations; at 6 p.m. Oct. 2; "The Middle Ages," Oct. on the 9; "The Renaissance," Oct. 16; world s I N€W Andrea Grimes, The film series, which was "The Reformation," Oct. 23; and Crossroads Cafeteria; Jim Hatch, controller; Bev Houser, shot all over the world, is entitled "How Should We then "The Revolution Age," Oct. 30; "The Scientific Age," Nov. 6; greatest science libraries; Barbara King, Col¬ lege of Natural Science; Becky Metts, admissions; and Doro¬ Live?" and was written by l5r. Francis Schaeffer, described by Time magazine as the "Mission¬ "The Age of Non-Reason," Nov. 13; "The Age of Fragmenta¬ CRAFT C€NT€R fiction__ A Id Value for only St "Jluu W thy Rhines, Justi n Morrill Col- ary to the intellectual." Richard L. Schultheis, pastor tion," Nov.20; 'The Age of Personal Peace and Affluence," Nov. 27 and "Final Choices," IN TOWN! WITH COMPLETE SUPPLIES FOR: Science Dclion and Fantaiy Fana-here's a great new way to buy the booke you love •t terrific tavlngt and affordable B«im Piper. A.. S.F. adventurt by the internationally famous tes from tla No o ! has announced their of the church, and The Rev. prlcee. author of LITTLE FUZZY Dec. 4. And get them before they hit the stand.. Hugo Aa • Stained Gloss • Wood SWORDS AND DEVILTRY EQUALITY; IN THE Carving by Frit* Ltiber. Includes YUR MM by Mid • Weaving • Macrame The World'. Greatest Science fiction Book in Mat in LMkhmar, Reynolds. The exciting wlnntr of the Nebula sequel to LOOKl"* • Mosaics •& Lots More! Club brings you only the newest and best Award. Tht first book BACKWARD FRO In S. F. and fantasy paperbacks Books starring Fafhrd and Stop By Our Craft Center: by YEAR 2000 The Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson. John Brun- ^ 2224 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing ner, Robert Heinlein, Robert Silverberg, Andre Norton, and other super-popular Or Phone: authors. And, to start you off, we'll send you four science fiction classics tor JOIN THE WORLD'S GREATEST SCIENCE FICTI 332-4597 only $1 (a S5 saving on the total cover priced BOOKCLUB AND GET THESE GREAT BENEFITS 482-2617 SEND NO MONEY-HERE'S HOW THE I. four all time S f lull return privile|H CLUB WORKS: classic, for only $1 with your trial mum 3. Savings toillmi Just return the attached coupon below. We will promptly send your bership (a $5 saving introductory on total cover price! oil cover pr package of four booke for just $1 (which 4. No commitments includes postage and handling). Look them J. Four brand-new LAZY STUDENT'S over and If you're not return them within 14 days. completely satisfied, Membership booke every month- the very best in S F. and fantasy—sent minimum number ol selections to in will be cancelled and 9. Vou miy cancel you'll owe nothing on 14 dsy (roe GUIDE TO $$$$$ If you decide fo keep the month thereafter we will books, every automatically ship oiamin.tion. with „.„ your any memberships time you four new titles at fhe low club price of $5-a saving of up to $2 off the total cover .... ™ Of course you're price. Every book is guaranteed hot oft the i"""rHrwoi~o"s«E~riTT~ictTwcT"iction.««a finding it rough getting preas, and will reach you . droit*! 1 Dunltp,..... part-time work. You don't know the secret of one month before It approximately j ID RtDitm Parkway, Palham Manor. gets to book retailers. I Please RUSH me the introductory oiler as sti the free-wheeling Many have never before been published I lazy student...You know the in in this ad on a 14-day trial basis and bill mas paperback. ' J $1. Also, please enroll me in The World's 6rt type-always enjoying things that cost money And what books they are! You'll receive { est Science Fiction Book Club fhe yet never seems to do any work. cream of fhe crop from today's lop writers, many Hugo and Nebula Winners among them. Future selections will include THE. Face it. The competition is PROBABILITY CORNER by Walt and tough and there are Leigh only so many jobs available. RIGHT? WRONG! Richmond; BORN UNDER MARS by John Brunner; AFTER THINGS FELL APART by Ron Goulart; and TORRENT OF FACES by shipped Here at last is a step-by-step, easy to use James Blish and Norman L. Knight nunp J! selections ar Guidebook which is certain to put you in the money fast and easy: part time / good hours I great pay / near school / everything you've wanted In a job but couldn't find. VALUABLI COUPON WORTH *1.00 I You'll discover: how to make thousands during the school year-quickly and easily; how to track down unique jobs that most students never think of looking for; how to finance your entire education just to get Mom and Dad off your back; how to find those great jobs with fun, excitement and lots of guys and gals like yourself. I Maybe you're a masochist and want to sweat for your money. If that's the case don't answer I this ad. But if you're aiming for BIG PAY WITH LIMITED EFFORT clip the coupon and rush it back TODAY! We'll rush you your copy of I "COLLEGIANS GUIDE TO PART TIME JOBS ".Try it on us for 10 days. If you're not delighted return for full refund. No hassle. No risk. No bull. Send BUY TWO DELICIOUS your check or M.O. for $2.95 to: College Data NR. TOMY SUBMARINE SANDWICHES Systems, 65-26 Myrtle Ave., Glendale, N.Y. (reg) FOR ONLY '1.50 (and this coupon) SAVE '1.00 11227. Peter Baumann cansee for miles. Peter Baumann, one of the three Keyboar d and synthesizer virtuosos who comprise Tangerine Dream, posisesses the infinite vision that has made his group one of the i Grrrrr (that's hunger pains!) Rush most important contributors to the body of I PETER BAUMAW "COLLEGIAN'S mystagogic lore. Romance 7° GUIDE TO PART-TIME JOBS" fast on your 10-day He also possesses the ^ free trial bails. faculty of acute hindsight, which he used to great advantage when he composed "Romance 76|'a word¬ less examination of the PUT* A lUBMABINIB ■ I degrees, depths 515 W. Grand Rlv.r and limitations of a lost love (fust w„t of Gr.yhound affair. Station) I J PotarBaumann's "Romance 76"- a look back Into NO DELIVERY 5 I CITY & STATE Zip thahitura. $2.95, shipping paid, to College Data Systems, ^ O"Virgin Record, and Tap**. | L plckupordinain 332-8611 „ ""P"*' Oct. 6,1977 I: I ■ j J 65-26 Myrtle Ave., Glendale, NY 11227. AT WHERE HOWE RECORDS IH YPSILAWI if-Maan State New., Eon Lonsinn Michigan Friday, September 30, 197725 World bicyclist ■""•nu £SSi?i to visit campus FCCD ff Some MSU students think the that managing to Tri-country Bicycle Asso¬ pedal their ciation. trusty little two-wheeler Among his previous bicy¬ through a maze of students, cle travels are trips across cars and buses on campus is as every continent of the world, much a bicycling challenge as except Antarctica. During they could ever handle. these trips, he has had to But there is a wide world contend with vicious mosqui¬ beyond the confines of the MSU toes in Norway, excessive campus, and Ian Hibell, who thirst in the Sarahs Desert and has ridden an epidemic of Green through most of it on Monkey his bicycle, will be on Disease in the Sudan. campus to relate his experiences next Hibell has pedaled his bicycle week. through places where there will probably never be a road. Hibell has just completed a His lecture-slide show on his 15,000 mile trip from the North experiences will be Thursday, Cape of Norway to the southern Oct. 6 in 109 Anthony Hall at 8 tip of Africa. His appearance on pm. There is no admission campus is being sponsored by charge. Course on Ukranian culture offered for first time this term for the first time in MSU ander Dynnik will teach the history a course on Ukranian course which, he said, covers all culture will be offered. of Ukranian history plus every¬ thing from geography to poli¬ ,,.jg in is just about over for residence hall students. On the The course, Russian 499, 11 James Redmond and Margaret TyreU steps of'HoWen section 2, will meet Tuesdays tics and economics. Anyone wishing more infor¬ struggle with an over size load. and Thursdays from 10 to 11:15 mation is urged to contact a.m. in A740 Wells Hall. / Dynnik through the Dept. of INCLUDES \ Associate Professor Alex¬ German and Russian. MANY HUSO I WDNEIUUj WHY IS 9GUNDA STEINFULLER DEAN OF BEER? If you haven't wandered down to 136 West Grand River, next to People's Church and found a little restaurant called Matteo's then WHY NOT? you are really missing out. Missing out on what? Why, truly Italian cooking, that's what. Matteo's offers real Italian food—so if you're Fellow Beer Persons, expecting some "spicy hot," heavy sauces, you'll be disappointed. The food is made fresh daily in their kitchen by Life is full of unanswered questions such as: Is chef Matteo Caprario and his assistant, Jim. Even the Dkk| One comp'He there intelligent life atmosphere is ful novelettes from tdt I elsewhere in the universe? And if so, do Italian—friendly and informal—yet you still get candlelight and tablecloths. In beer, however, there are no unanswered they wear socks? Three different menus offer variety for lunch, dinner and late night eating. questions. Because there is only one word for beer, and you know it. Perhaps on your visit there you'll notice the pastry cart floating around with Schlitz. homemade Austrian and German pastries that will tantalize any tastebuds. Included also are Italian favorites like cannoli and Therefore, as your Dean of Beer, I suggest you research spumoni ice cream... the essential tightness of the word for yourself at your next mmmmmmm..surely worth a splurge. Matteo's beverages are unique and special to the East social function. Or even your next antisocial function. Lansing area...ever tried Italian Beer? A Leaning Tower of Pisa? Nero's Nectar? Or how about a Bellini Cocktail? And please note: The recommended source material for locating the word can be found in In two weeks, Matteo's will be serving three different kinds of draft beer and full return pnvilejM | any seven varieties of draft wine. 3. Savings totality phone booth. In other words, look in the Yellow uo to $2 a month off cover prices Pages. Under "Beer The surprisingly extensive wine list has reasonable prices that any student can 4. No commitment or ■ Thank you. afford. Their excellent house wines, Sebastiani of California and Folonari of minimum number of | selections to buy Itoly come from family owned stock which is unusual in itself. An even bigger 5. You may cancel your membership it I L THWE'SJUST RESTAURANT 327 Abbott ltd. FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD Q East Lansing LUNCH 4 DINNER DM VAT SENSIBLE PRICES 136 W. Grand River PH. 337-1755 PEKING RESTAURANT AND J&».718 E.GRAND RIVER-LANSING iaM" a 'iksr ■ The Finest in Mexican Cuisine cocktails CAMy OUT FOODS Why not try us today 1 u— 489-2445 IMPERIAL GARDEN THE 1»ST grapevine 349-2698 2758 East Grand River 337-1701 2080 W. Gr. Rv.Okemos 26Michigon Stole News, East lansing, Mlchigon ^'doy. S.p,.mb.r30, „ Meridian Mall we have what you're looking foi .. .for leisure hour the best in sound specials Panasonic pocket radio Panasonic battery powered with you all over campus. FM/AM radio trawl, Complete with 2 r«g. 19.9514,| save on the Craig compact portable cassette recorder Cassette is ideal for recording class lectures as aid or recording your favorite music. Piano key AC cord and built-in microphone. re*. 59.95 39.1 MGA piggyback radio with detachable digital clock Lighted digital clock is topped with a detachable! along AM / FM radio. Great clock-radio silent clock doesn't disturb teamwork1! your sleep and t drowse control for sleepyheads! reg. 39.95 32.| RCA12" diagonal BW ACpC Sportable TV The Sportable goes anywhere and plays anywhere th a TV signal. You get a sharp, bright picture, 100% i state reliability plus the versatility of two-way o| tion. Plays on AC house current and 12-volt c lighter socket. "New Vista 100" VHF tuner p cellent reception. Durable plastic cabinet. Cigarette socket cord included. ... Home Entertainment Center ... especially for yo introducing Flori Roberts cosmetics for today's fashionable black woman Flori Roberts is an exciting line of fine signed especially for black women. These fine cosmeti cor cs^ are now available to you at Knapp's Meridian II complete line from nail polish to lipstick, lip P eyeshadow, face polish and more. Make an appointnl in our cosmetics department for a free analysi" make-up with a representative direct from Flori R Also receive a free gift with any Flori Roberts purch Cosmetics ...for him and he Spartan bean bag savings Be first in your dorm to have one. Green /white h with MSU emblem. A cozy chair with spirit. reg. 125 19.| tartan plaid slacks Fall's new image-making tartan plaid slacks touch of belt loops and slightly flared legs m 'hlCl si 1 for men. 32»| Michigan State blazers Traditional styling, superb tailoring in MicWP" forest green. Available in comfortable weight w ^ Store for Men gadgeteer tote bag savings Samsonite's gadgeteer has four super size V&* zippers. Lightweight with easy carry shoulders P reg. ' Lightweight back pack of nylon is water repi heavy duty zippers. Reinforced handles. shop Knapp's Meridian Mall daily 10 to 9 and Sunday 12 to 5 Michigan State Newt, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 30, 1977 27 Classified Advertising Information Employment Ulipiwjlllw JjJ [ Employment jiff Employment MODELS WANTED. $8/ APPLICATIONS FOR full or 147 Student Servicn hour. We will ti WANTED-BARTENDERS, SECRETARY: MATURE and phone J55-IMS ||d,. people, 18-35 for waitresses, waiters for discc stable person for small firm. Z-30-11-9 (3) new business, opening soon, and restaurant full will be taken October 3,10-12 or part Typing 65, shorthand 90 and 1 )| per J CURRICULUM SPECIALIST p.m. October 4, 1-3 p.m. time. Apply in person BONNIE AND CLYDE'S. 316 ability to handle general of¬ fice duties unsupervised. Ap¬ to develop and revise materi¬ October 5,11-2 p.m., at 5312 E. Michigan Ave. 3-10-3 (5) als for SMIL program. Must S. Cedar next to K-Mart. Only ply in person. 3308 S. Cedar have M.A. St., Suite 11. 393-0250. 8-10- degree in educa¬ neat, reliable people need ASSISTANT MANAGER- 10 (7) tion of mentally impaired. apply. References needed. Large apartment complex, Experience desired in teach¬ 5-10-5 (12) man and wife, no children, LEGAL SECRETARY. Intelli¬ ing SMI and TMI and writing must have tine rote per Intertlsn development of performance JANITORIAL PART-time knowledge of gent with good secretarial minor maintenance and be skills. Must be willing to objectives for TMI/SMI stu¬ midnight to 8 a.m. $2.30 to able to deal with the public, dents. Available Oct. 31, start. Must have own car and assume responsibility. Salary some office work. Free rent commensurate with ability I' Etonotinei • 3 lines • '4,00 • 5 days. 80' per line over 1977-Sept. 1, 1978. Applica¬ tions received through Oct. be available Friday or Satur¬ day night. 485-8939 noon till 3 and utilities as compensation. and experience. Please call 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. Plenty of spate time for 371-3500. 8-10-10 (7) 14. Contact Harold Humble, p.m. 4-10-4 (7) Price ot item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum studying if you are a student. ■ Personnel, 676-3268. 5-10-6 For details and appointment PART TIME and sale price ot *50. weekend (14) COOKS AND Waitresses. I Pionuti Personal ads • 3 lines • '2.25 • per insertion. Will train, evenings and mid¬ call HERITAGE ARMS positions. Apply CAPITOL I 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). STOCK MAINTENANCE night shifts available. Call APARTMENTS between 9-5, BEVERAGE COMPANY, I |»mma,e/Oora,e Sale ads • 4 lines • '2.50. 393-3410, ask for Wayne or 5411 Enterprise. 7-10-7 (3) DON'S RESTAURANT 646- Theo Spenny, resident man¬ I 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. WE ARE now accepting ap¬ 6752. 8-10-10 (4) ager. 2-9-30 (14) MEDICAL I Hound Town ods • 4 linos ■ '2.50 ■ per insertion. plications for positions in TECHNOLOGISTS I 63' per line over 4 lines. stock and maintenance. EXPERIENCED COOKS SHELTER HOME parents ASCP registered or eligible. WANTED. Must be adept I lostl Founds ods/Transportation ods ■ 3 lines '1.50 - - Hours: 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and sharp. Apply MOON'S (married) needed. For more Full and part time openings. I Monday-Saturday or per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. information contact MSU Excellent salary and benefits. qna qcerseN} 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. FOOD AND DRINK after 2 Placement Bureau. 0-2-9-30 Apply Personnel department Monday-Friday. Apply in per- p.m. Full time, some part- ST. LAWRENCE HOSPITAL (4) time, days and nights. 8-10- Deadlines 10 (5) Equal Opportunity Employer. JACOBSON'S CASHIER NEEDED part time 2-9-30 (7) I Ads 2 p m. -1 class day before publication. I Cancellation/Change • I p.m. ■ I class day before I publication. [Automotive]]^] Auto Service / EAST LANSING 2-10 3(13) WANTED WAITRESSES. Part-time, flexible hours at for self service station Logan and Holmes. Must be near FOOD SERVICE Supervisor for skilled nursing home. PAUL REVERE'S. Immediate available for 3-9 p.m. shift I Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or chonged OLDS 1977 Delta Royals. VEGA, 1974, 4 speed. Excel¬ EARN EXTRA money doing and alternate weekends. Call Apply at 731 Starkweather LANSING'S ONLY exclusive macrame at home. Must be openings. Call 332-6960 after until after 1 st insertion. White, red interior, 7000 lent condition. $1000. Call 6 p.m. 2-9-30 (4) 393-0418 between 9 and 4 Drive or call 323-9133, Mrs. foreign auto parts distributor. experienced. 349-1192. 5-10-6 tare is a '1.00 charge for I ad change plus 50' miles, loaded. 323-2805, Max. 351-1875 after 6 p.m. 5-10-5 Free advice with every part p.m. 2-9-30 (7) Gallagher. 7-10-7 (4) per (3) additional change for maximum of 3 5-10-5(31 15) sold. BABYSITTER-IN my home changes. CHEQUERED FLAG BABYSITTER NEEDED 12-4 for Saturdays, light house¬ HOUSEKEEPER TO care for | the State News will only be responsible for the 1st OLDSMOBILE 1973 Cutlass VOLVO 1972 deluxe 164 se¬ FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 BRIDAL SALES - Full time. keeping, own transportation infant and 5 year old. Groes- Mon.-Fri. 3 year old girl. Own day s incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must S. Air, stereo, power brakes, East Kalamazoo St., one mile Bridal or women's apparel beck transportation. Pays well. Call be made within 10 days of expiration dote. dan, 4-speed overdrive good west of campus. C-2-9-30 (7) experience necessary. Per¬ preferred. Call between 7-9 area. Light housework, after 5, 351-6929. 3-10-3 (4) power steering, new tires, condition, tuff coated, no p.m. 332-5205. 2-9-30 (4) own transportation, 7:30-5 .lis ore due 7 days from ad expiration dote. If not new brakes, 65,000 miles. manent only. No short term accidents. Ordered new car in employment. Brides Show¬ p.m., Monday-Friday. Call BABYSITTER paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will 656-4165. 8-10-10 (41 Sweden. 676-3780 or 676- GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- R.N. OR L.P.N, part-time, 373-7049 or 373-7075. 8-10-10 NEEDED, 6 case. 1047 East Grand River, month old boy. Prefer my be due. 3781. 8 10 10 (6) 15 inch. Mounted free. Also skilled nursing facility. All (4) OLDS 1976 Cutlass Su¬ East Lansing. 3-10-4 (6) home, 30 hour week, 485- good supply of snow tires. shifts. Good benefits. NHE preme-Must Sell 5203. 8-10-10 (4) 17,000 VOLVO 1973 deluxe 164 PENNELL SALES. 1301V, Lansing. 1313 Mary Ave. TAXI DRIVERS wanted. miles, $4,000. 374-8646. 7-10- DELIVERY HELP wanted. sedan 4 speed, overdrive. East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 393-6130. 8-10-10 Must have excellent driving 7(31 Lansing. Must have own car. Apply at PHONE SALES, tickets, eve¬ Tutt-coated, no accidents, 482-5818. C-2-9-30 15) 14) record. Part-time and full I (Motive I! <4; Automotive 'lA top condition. 676-3780 or LITTLE CAESARS after 4 p.m. 2-9-30 (4) today time. Apply VARSITY CAB nings, hours flexible, Mon¬ OPEL 1973, Manta Luxus, 676-3781, keep trying. 8-10- FREESTYLE SKI SHOP, 2682 CO. 332 3559. 8-10-10 (4) day-Saturday. Downtown JUNK CARS wanted. We Lansing Office. Hourly rate or automatic, vinyl top, no rust, 10 (6) E. Grand River. Apply in Dl FOX 1973,4 door, blue, 1 owner, low mileage. $1850. pay more if they run. Also FULL OR part time opening WAITRESSES, MAINTE commission. 485-6318. Call CHEVROLET IMPALA 19b/. person. Thursday 6 p.m. - 9 60,000 323-3620. 5-10-6 (31 VOLVO, 1973, four door, buy used cars and trucks. Call for experienced tropical fish NANCE men and experi¬ after 4 p.m. 8-10-10 (5) miles, Little rust, power steering p.m. Friday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 00 3393906. 8-10-10 (31 321-3651 anytime. C-2-9-30 hobbyist. Apply in person this enced bartenders. Apply in and brakes, $300 or best oranoe. 43,000 miles, asking 2-9-30(4) (4) Thursday 12-9 p.m. or Sun. DISHWASHERS PART- otter, 394-5652 after 6 PIN 10 SQUIRE $2,300. 332-8376. 8-10-10 (31 person at RAINBOW RANCH p.m. Wagon 1973. 12-6 p.m. at THE FISH¬ 2842 E. Grand River. 2-9-30 TIME nights. SEA HAWK Air, radio, automatic, clean. JOURNEYMAN 101100LS. 4-door eutoma- fclO-IOJRt. IMPORT AUTO PARTS-20% MONGER, 1522 E. Michigan, (3) RESTAURANT. Williamston. Call 394-4494, evenings. 8-10- VOLKSWAGON FASTBACK ELECTRICIAN ,.r AM FM. $1800. 351- CUTLASS S 1973 automatic 1969, automatic. Very Clean, discount to students, and Lansing. 2-9-30 (6) Immediate 655-2175. 8-10-10 (3) h C I 9-30 (31 10 13) opening for a power, 30,000 miles, no rust, $1000. 669-3186 after 6 p.m. faculty on cash carry service journeyman electrician full WANTED-RELIABLE woman excellent condition, best of¬ 8-10-11 (3) parts in stock. Check our DENTAL ASSISTANT-East time. Excellent salary and to care for adorable one-year STORE DETECTIVES-Crimi- K CENTURY 77. 350 PINTO, 1974, 55,000 miles, fer. 482-7046. 2-9-30 (31 Lansing, full or part time. old. Weekdays only 8 a.m. nal Justice majors preferred. hi Air power, cruise, de stereo-tape. $1400-otter. Call prices and reputation. 500 E. fringe benefits that include - Kalamazoo at Cedar, 485- Certified or experienced pre¬ paid vacations after one year. 5:30 p.m. Walking distance to Call 641-6734 between 10 radials, more. 351 3985 evenings. 8-10-11 VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1971 . CUTLASS 442 1977. 350 Sound 2047; 485-9229. East Campus ferred. Send resume to Box Health insurance, holidays, MSU. Call 351-8082. 8-10-10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Is 355 7247 after 9 p.m. (31 engine, excellent cubic inch, automatic, air, C-3, State News. 8-10-10 (4) sick leaves and retirement (5) 8-10-10 (5) body. $1450, 22 mpg. 332- shop, 485-0409, C-1-9-30 (8) cruise, 21 mpg, 10,000 miles. PINTO 1976 M.P.G. Mint 6329/353-5178. 1-9-30 (31 program. Apply Personnel 373-8943 before 5 p.m. 8-10- WAITRESSES. FULL-TIME, Office E.W. SPARROW |dlAR0. 1972. Automatic, 10 (3) condition, 16,000 miles. Aviation days. Apply in person be¬ ering, radio. $1875 Lady's second car, snow VOLKSWAGEN 1970, camp¬ HOSPITAL, 1215 E. Michi¬ tween 9 a.m. and 11 p.m., Your Bete' Call 485-0573 after 5 tires. $2295. 351-8143 eve¬ er van. Recent overhaul and Monday-Friday. ALBERT gan, Lansing, 48909. A non-discriminatory key to a DATSUN 240Z 1972, auto¬ nings. 8-10-12 14) engine tune-up. 351-4360 LEARN TO FLY. Flying les¬ [- 510-5131 matic, power steering, air, after 5 p.m. 8-10-10 131 sons in exchange for work. PICK MOTOR HOTEL. 1427 affirmative action employer. luxury Apartment West Saginaw, East Lansing. |MA90d 1967 winterized, just $2795; easy terms. BJ'S AUTO SALES INC., 4000 S. PINTO 1972 - Automatic, VW BUS 1969. Rebuilt en¬ 323-7325. 5-10-5 I3I 8 10-10(5) Male/Female/Handicapped. 5-10-5 (14) condition, no rust, $695. BOB TUTTLE'S USED !0O or offer. Call 351-5767. Logan, across from Shaheen gine, new tires, carpet and CARS, 1274 N. Cedar St., bed. #131 Chevrolet, 882-6630. 5-10-5 15) Mason. 694-0489. 7-10-7 (41 Excellent throughout. $1400 firm. Seri¬ shape ; Employment (j BE A LITTLE VILLAGE GREEN (PRICE 1970. Automatic, ous only. Bill. 482-4795 ■ conditioned, four seasons, DATSUN 1975, no radio, PINTO STATION wagon, nings. 1-9-30 (51 eve¬ WANTED-BARTENDER. HUDDLE SOUTH LOUNGE. POLITICAL AND APARTMENTS Don't be deserted I 1973 automatic, excellent Check our »e brakes, 35,000 miles. $1985 or best 820 W. Miller Road. Apply in steering, seats, condition, clean, shocks and EARN A LITTLE 1804 Hamilton Rd. HICKORY HILLS collingwoodaptsi rs. 4 mid locks. h Camilo. 8-10-11 (51 Reliable. day or after 5 offer. Call 349-2799 after 6:30 or p.m. 355-8332, ext. 273 before 5 Ask for Caron. 8-10-11 brakes, radials. $1395. 351- 6155. 3-10-3 (41 !_ Motorcycles ][*o{ person. 8 5 p.m. daily. 8-10- 10 (3) Okemos 2 Bedroom Townhouse* ♦ air conditioned 151 HONDA 350 1971. Like new. 9 & 12 mo. leases ♦ dishwasher PONTIAC GRAND AM, 1973, FULL OR half day sitter tire, rarely ridden. Ask¬ ASMSU needs fW VAN 1972. Stereo, 4-speed, air conditioning, etc. extra naeded in my home for three NOW LEASINfi FOR FALL 'Spacious *2 levels ♦ shag carpeting Iwting, radials, windows, DATSUN 2802, 1976. Auto¬ Excellent condition, $1600. ing $350. Call 351-8143 eve children, two in school for students to do door rndable, $1500. 349- matic, air, 7000 miles. $5,900. nings. 8-10-12 (4) 'Balcony 'Carpeting ♦ unlimited parking 332-0212 after 5 p.m. 3-10-3 half day, $2.00 per hour, —One & Two Bedroom to door voter " 10-10 13) 323-7617. 8-10-10 131 'Dishwasher 'Modern ♦ plush furniture 141 655-3430. 3-10-3 (5) —Furnished & Unfurnished YAMAHA 650, still new, 900 registration at —Very Spacious ♦ model open daily HEVY BELAIR 1969 327 FIAT 124 spider, 67 body, 72 PONTIAC TRANS-AM, 1976, miles, $975 best offer. 351- least 3 nightsjWeek —From $175-$210 Dower steerinn en9ine' real sharp' Many 6871. 6-10-7 (3) ESCORTS WANTED. $6/ 351-5937 automatic, air, AM/FM ster¬ "calfy sound $W extras $1500, 351-6301. 8-10- eo, $4700.339-3677 after five. hour. No training necessary. Call 489-2278. Z-30-11-9 (3) until Oct. 10 for CALL 332-6492 Now leasing for "10.3-10-4(31 11(31 8-10-10 (3) 1975 SUZUKI T500 Windjam¬ details contact Fall mer III. Luggage rack. $950. 351*8 1 3585pm Call 625-3348. 3-10-3 (3) 1723Combria Drive MAVERICK 73 V-8 automa¬ PONTIAC 1971 Catalina. 4 8 Step Van. 292, PART-TIME positions for 332*2075* 349*4067 am East Lansing Coll 351 -8282 ylinder. overhauled; new tic, power steering, low mile¬ door, radio, automatic, air. MSU students. 15-20 hours/ 8 AM* 10PM close to bus line (behind Old World Moll es and shocks in front age good condition, best Power. Excellent, $745. 353- HONDA CB350, 1973. Good week. Automobile required. 349*9217Evenings on the river I) offer, 351-6712. Z-2-9-30 (31 7950, road bike. Sacrifice, $375 or < carpets, window 5-10-6J3) reasonable offer. Also a 1969- Phone 339-9500. C-2-9-30 99 or best otter. 115) SAAB 1975, blue, 4-speed 350. Call 487-6534 or 489- p-2756, 7-9 p.m. 3-10-3 (61 1973 MAVERICK. Excellent AM/FM 8 track tape deck, 1355. 8-10-10 (4) condition. $1900. 394-3728. WELLE 1970, ' o. 2 door excellent condition eughout. Just $995; easy Call after nine or before 11 a.m. 8-10 10 (31 low mileage. Pood condition. Asking $39% 376-1906 after 3 p.m. 8-10-10 (41 KAWASAK7 ~KZ400, Excellent condition, plus ex¬ tras. Used one summer. Call 1976. BABYSITTER Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m. NEEDED 12:30 (3 hours). Own trans¬ - PEOPLE REACHER BJ AUTO SALES portation, close, 351-1209. NEED CASH? We buy im¬ TOYOTA '74 Mark II wagon, 351-2276. 3-10-3 (3) WAHTAD 0.4000 S. Logan, across 2-9-30 (4) H ports and sharp late model mint condition, all power, Shaheen Chevrolet, domestic compacts. WIL¬ stereo, new brakes and radi¬ ""8. 5-10-5 (8) LIAMS V.W. 2845 E. Sagi¬ naw. Call 484-1341 or 484- als, $2385. 489 3486. 8-10-10 (51 | Auto Service j/j BE A little political and earn a little money. ASMSU needs i®T IMPALA 1968. 4- 2561. C-1 9-30 (51 MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. students to do door to door Just complete form and .• V-8, automatic, 307 VEGA GT 1973. 43,500 miles. Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto voter registration at least 3 mail with vavment to: *", power No rust, 4-speed. Good con¬ painting, collision service. nights/week until Oct. 10. For * steering, NEWPORT, 1973, the small brakes, dependable, dition. $950. 353-3418, Lisa. American-Foreign cars. 485- details contact 332-2075. 1-9- Chrysler, automatic, power 30(7) . ™ical. Good condition. 8-10-10 (31 0256. C-2-9-30 14) steering and brakes, air, ra¬ State News Classified Dept. P S1-0010. 8-10-10 (51 dio. Like new, 44,000 miles, 347Student Services Bldg. $1595. 676-1557. 8-10-10 (51 ®(R0LET 1972 power East Lansing, - only 2 units left Mich. 48823 pS. power brakes, auto- at *.$595. BOB TUTTLE'S NOVA 1972 351, automatic, COMITO Nome i® CARS, 1274 N. Cedar air, sun roof. Real Mason. 694-0489. 7-10-7 power, THI sharp. $1150. 353-3477. 8-10- Address 10 (31 "PUNKACI" University City _ Zip Code burcham | '*'8 MAZDA Terrace Doytime Phone Student Number WOODS Classification _ Preferred Insertion Dote ]) IMPOSTS _ glc Located across from 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. APARTMINTt Williams Hall. Best lo¬ cation in town. *3074 1206 Oakland Call for Appt. • HEAIEO POOL 1 & 2 bedroom as •AtrMitMif • 90$ Ion, dealer prop IV4-4411 • WMM Pxtiif low as $240 a '•"drlv.lodoyot Lansing's leading repoir •FrisM month. shop for import cors. A Pall Rates CIRCLE RATE WANTED 3 LINE MINIMUM #sMm | Horrlman /Oj complete ports department Studio 1 2 Br 9]Ukm ★ Air Conditioned OEiHSEEBDEaKraEraiEurra VW VOLVO and certified mechanics ★ Furnished MAZDA assure you of fast •175 MM '2«0 *2 MM H EO m ED m CO ED CO CD ★ Various Floor Plans 4,MW- Sogln.*, 3214900 reliable service 745 lurchom Dr. n 3.60 720 9.60 1260 16.00 1600 21.00 22.40 « ★ Laundry Thur,. HI « (e(ot#d 151-1111 | 5 4.50 9.00 1260 16.00 20.00 2260 JUL 2060 ■J» unirni m 1 6 5.40 10.00 14.40 1960 24.00 27.00 31.50 36(0 ». t Weekdays • til Boon Sot. 414 MICH. AVI. I ) 6.30 12.60 16.00 22.40 20.00 31.50 38.25 39.20 K^aiiy. Only 5 Blocks To Campus! 332-5410 |a 2.20 14.40 1920 25.00 32.00 36.00 4200 44.00 28 Michigon Stote Newt, Eost Lansing, Michigan *iday, September 30, ] Employmut ][jj | §^(0 I liv; Di»w6]® ' [Z^HB Ll« »J(5[ M I f,r«"• '%■ [ RECEPTIONIST LIGHT typ- A FEW good territories evail- NEED 2 females immediately GROUND FLOOR apartment THREE BLOCKS from cam- SEARS TWIN bed $300 new, APPLES, CIDER, pumpkins. LIKE NEW, gold tweed ing filing phone. 1-6 p.m. able now. Sell AVON pro- for Twyckingham. Close, fur- for rent. Living room, bed- 2 years old-$125 includes couch, $200. Ethan Allen Must be accurate, call 482- pus. Entire house or rooms, Blossom Orchards, The War- ducts in East Lansing. 482- hished, dishwasher, parking. bathroom. room, Limited Call 351-8135. OR-1-9-30 (3) mattress, box spring, wood dowski's 2 miles N. of Leslie, style lazy boy, $40. 2 end 2326. 3-10-3 14) 6893. C-2-9-30 13) Call 351-2145. 3-10-3 (3) cooking facilities suitable for frame and head board. 485- 3597 Hull Rd. Old US-127 tables, $20 each. 332-8319 i person. $125/month ii HOUSES,Houses,Housesl HOLDEN REID CLOTHIERS, Lansing Mall, Welcomes the BABYSITTER, wife to sit in my East STUDENT UNIVERSITY VILLA eludes utilities and laundry lo see our list of east hours 9-6, closed Mondays, 1-589-8251. Gift packages anytime. 8-10-11 (41 ?rhi"* c,r Lansing facilities. 922 Michigan Ave.. side homes which will be M.S.U. students. Again we home. 25-30 hours/week, 635 Abbott E. Lansing. 332-1248. 8-10-11 available for September leas¬ shipped by UPS. OR-1-9-30 161 FINE HOUSE $7.50. Two F78 x 14 plant7 75" - do have part time sales your child welcome, 351- —9 & 12 month leases ing. AIM, INC., 374-2800 Open belted household ■ tires, $27. All items ,u™. clothes positions in our fine store. 4740. 8-10-10 (5) —Two Bedroom furnished n00n.9 pm. or 332-6741. Corda West BICYCLE-HUFFY Sun Coun¬ condition. 351-5276. top and 5^1 Must dress neatly and have MALE NEEDS assertive male X-0-2-9-3015) E-5-10-6 ,ura. Saturday nT?^! sales background. Please ap¬ ply in person from 10 a.m. to ARTIST WANTED to do one time commission atwork. In¬ apartments —Under new ownership to share apartment near cam- Cidermill try, 1 week old, werranty, 3 speed, $35. Call 353-7947. (3) . 1833 Ann St 1-9-30(41 fa^'J asu»»siJ pus. Write Jay, Bo* 31, East 2-FOUR bedroom homes on 5817 North Okemos 1-9-30 (31 WATERBED 7 p.m. 8-10-10 (81 volves cartoon type drawing. CALL Lansing, Michigan. 8-10-11 Lansings east side. 12-month Guide: History, CONSUMERS Road, East Lansing MALE NEEDED to live in Commission negotiable. Call 484-8313, SHAW'S JEWEL¬ 351-8135 (4) lease, rent neotiable. Call Chris, 484-2164. 8-10-10 (5) 337-7974 Hours: BRAND NEW never used. ses, (general) questions answered, types of mattres¬ OKFMOS/severai il YI Antiques. aqua Peavey Bass head, Peavey assembly pro¬ 7:30am-7pm. furnished apartment. rent and some wages for Free ERS. 3-10-3 151 8-5 PM Houses £ A SOPHOMORE or older, 215 cabinet, $550. Gibson cedures, wood finishing tech¬ p'°'Nng, a"d furniture '>1 ripper, case, accessories. 323- niques, and technical data. miscellaneous taking care of horses. 349- DENTAL ADMINISTRATIVE 349-9217 free room and board in lovely 7210. $450. 5-10-6 (51 Free discount price list on 9-5. No 1000. 8-10-11 I4I Assistant. Full time, 4% day COZY ONE Bedroom house. home approximately 1 % NIKON MEDICAL micro- LANSING ICE ARENA, 1475 week. Salary open. Send resume in own EVENINGS Big yard. 532 Virginia. Call 337-2335. 4-10-4 13) miles from campus scope. $800, as new. Sacri- POTTERY SALE-Saturday waterbed mattress, liner, heaters, and vibrators. safety pre-iaiaj I-S-Jjlj B handwriting. line, in exchange for some Lake Lansing Rd. Primarily Cleaning, some skate sharp¬ JAMES R. STECKLEY PRO¬ FESSIONAL CONSUL- TWO ROOM studio apart¬ ment. Private, furnished, ex- — EAST. LARGE, clean 4 bed- babysitting with one 7% year old boy and light housework, fice $595. Ed Joy 743-3444. After 6 p.m. 1-723-1430. October 1st 10-5 p.m., Sun- day11-5p.m.210OrchardSt. Send $1.50 to PRODUCTS, P.O. Box 29543 CAVRON 9GamGE7^LE0c,'»il ening and zamboni driving. 4 or 5 days/week, 5 TANTS, 531 N. Ckppert, ., ... . tra nice. Lots of storage and c(osets parking. 10 room. Carpeted, parking, on bus line. $270 + utilities, Must be stable and mature (Owossol. 5-10-5 (3) E. Lansing. Pine Lake Potters. 1-9-30 (4) Columbus, Ohio 43229. 3-10- 318) 513 Foreat'st'EastT!#*r Furniture, sma:i Lansing. 48912. 8-10-10 (61 with good GPA. Call 487- 25 hours mi,es from Trowbridge Rd. 393-8887 and 371-2573. 3-10- 2933 between 9 and 5 to set SINGLE BED, foam mattress, l*ls bike. ,n! H.C. Jewett, 321-N. Cedar, and frame 1 year old. $40. CHECK OUT THE FISH- $2.35/hour. 1597. 5-10-5 (7) Fred, 482- WAITRESSES FULL and part time, nights. Call Dave at Mason. 676-4617.3-10-315) 3(3) NEW 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, up interview. 3-10-3 (101 351-2210 after 5 p.m. 5-10-5 131 MONGERS regular low prices on aquariums: 20 gallon |_ Mills 482-0733 FRENCHIE'S BAR. SHARP 4 bedroom with two $17.95; 29 gallon $27.95; 30 16%' ROPING NEED ONE female to share central air, $240, near bus line saddle, GENERAL LABORERS-if you 8-10-10 (3) baths, family room, and car¬ girth, Americana apartment, 77-78 SHERWOOD DYNA-QUAD gallon long with glass lid like new, $200. 18' and Sparrow. 351-0765 after jumping _ are available to work one full port near campus. stereo receiver, model $39.95. 55 gallon with glass 6 p.m. 8-10-10 (41 saddle with stirrups, $100. day Monday-Friday land CLAUCHERTY REALTY 361- have nutrition. Excellent earnings, #57210, LN $75, 323-4401. lid $87.95; In addition we Lynn 332-2517. 5-10-5 13) transportation), apply in 5300. Evenings, 332-5900 or 8-10-10 (31 EAST 4 bedroom house. carry a complete line of person 9-11 a.m. MANPOW¬ your own hours. 372-6338. 332-0444. 3-10-3 14) Minutes to campus. Shower, aquarium accessories and a IRISH SETTER pups. Excel¬ ER INC. 105 E. Washtenaw, 8-10-10 13) BLACK AND White Admiral ONE BEDROOM unfurnished wide selection of quality fish, lent hunting stock. $40. 694 downtown Lansing. 8-10-10 large kitchen, carpeted. Neat ROOMMATES NEEDED for portable TV. A-l condition. (71 URGENTLY NEEDED garage 4 miles off campus. and clean. Good parking. Stop in and see us at THE 5447 after 5:30 p.m. E-X-5-10- duplex comfonable-1211 reception. $50.337-0846; 351- $250. 675-5252. 8-10-10 (51 FISHMONGER, 1522 E. 6(3) Ferndale, 351-8315 or 332- 6908, leave message. E-5-10- R.N. 3 p.m. 11:30 p.m. shift 6001. 3-10-4 (3) 6 (3) Michigan, Lansing. 3-10-3 THREE BEDROOM duplex. (121 KITTENS, 2 all full time. Excellent fringe white, 1 calico. 332-4000. 8-10-11 benefits, starting salary 5.41/ Carpeting, appliances. Full HOUSE FOR Sale. Excellent DISCOUNT, NEW, used 13) hour. Every other weekend SHIAWASSEE INTERME- basement $285 and $305. MCINTOSH MC110 pre-amp . h . value, walking distance to desks, chairs, files, BUSI- off and no rotation. Contact DIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT. nls"ea' 00m in Okemos Call 332-1100 before 10:30 MSU. 4 bedrooms, dining tuner. Mcintosh MC240 HORSE BOARDING. Indoor NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 216 Director of Nu'sing, ING¬ 743 3471. 3 10-3 (5) 349-2760 days; a.m. or after 5 p.m. 8-10-10 power amp. Yamaha CR600 arena, box stalls, paddocks. room, garage, sun porch. E. Kalamazoo, 485-5500. 8- HAM COUNTY MEDICAL 349-3674 evenings. Bev. 8-10- (4) receiver. Advent 300 receiver, $75. Okemos, 349-2172, 349- Inside must be seen. 118 '0-10 131 CARE FACILITY, Okemos. CASHIER-FULL time, must 10(51 Marantz 1160 amp plus more. 2094. 8-10-11 131 be experienced. Apply in 2 BEDROOM Turntables by Dual, Mira- 349-1050. X-3-10-4 (10) bungalow, Lan¬ GARAGE person. MSU BOOTERY. 3- QUIET, STUDIOUS, Female sing's east side, needs work, LOFT FOR Sale: Brand new, dord. Pioneer, Sanyo, AR SALeT Eas ALTERNATIVE journal has POLITICAL 10-3 (3) to share large apartment, own room, $90/month. 394- 12 month lease. Rent able. call Chris. 484-2164. negoti¬ NEAR LAKE Lansing Rd. 1 bedroom and den. Carpeted - meets requirements, red- p|us wood stained. 351-3817. E-5- EPI, Altec. speakers by Mcintosh, Sony, BIC, Audio- [Motile HoiisJQ smg. and 1780 Foxcroft chairs, cheap poo one opening for 1352. 8-10-10 141 '0-5 (3) WHY RENT? clothing and miscella person with clerical skills. Full 2 OR 3 room suite Medical 8-10-10 (5) $175 per month. Call 351- analyst. Advent 100A dolby. Buy a 2 bed Saturday, Oct. 1 1111 tc Lansing. Building. Prime East Lansing 2651 after 4 p.m. 2-9-30 (3) ""l""V---~_ "SED DBX 122 noise reduction room mobile home, partly onl £°UCHES ut put 1 1111 ic,, Laiioin^. .. ,,, , , , pgNIALE rl_IVI#-M_E nuviyiifin 1 l CAMPUS NEAR, modern, $35 and system Teac & Sony fee| furnished. Walking distance P-m. 1-9-30141 Reply to Box A-l State location. All utilities parking News. 5-10-5 (6) and jan.tor.al included. Med.- NEEDED F0R . 4-PERSON clean, houses and duplexes, OWN WOMAN f Ca" 351-2798. reel deck. 1000 used stereo to campus. $1850, $250 GARAGE SALE ra nr >r ann arv hM th sftrvires ancillary health APARTMENT _ . at iwycking- 7 a „ 2-6 bedrooms. Some fur¬ needed for roommate 4-person house, albums, 500 used 8-track down. Balance over 16 Saturday. Girls and now Friday"an R.N. AND L.P.N, positions preferred. Call 332-8663 nished. 351-6471; 485-1436. SCHWINN VARSITY, ladies, 'aP65- car_stereo equipment, months. No interest. 669- 9136. 8-10-10 (5) clothing, winter coats, mart] available full and part-time on 349 1432. 8-10-10 (7) 0 2 9-30 (5) w, 22" frame, blue, $116 CB ^ M,s- Plu» m"ch, bike, and kitchenwares all shifts, excellent salary and 1 % 349-0968 3-10-3131 much more- BUY-SELL- llj BEDROOM furnished _ZZ fringe benefits. Call Mrs. | LANSING EAST side. Unique _ TRADE. WILCOX TRADING MOBILE HOME. 2 bedroom, TO"6' EaS' ^ Janet Feighner, Director of NURSING at 393-5680. 8-10- for tort Iff] apartment east side of Lan¬ sing. $160/month plus utili- large house for 5 or 6. Furnished, carpeting, park¬ Rooms ADVENT CASSETTE deck. P0ST- 509 East Michigan, Excellent condition, $200 jf"51"9 485-4391. C-2-9-30 V4 mile from campus. Fur¬ nished. $175 month. 669- 1018) COMPACT TORS-T.V.'s, stereos. Best rates, free REFRIGERA- t'es. Deposit. Also basement apartment for rent. 485-7593. ing. 349-0652. 8-10-10 (41 WOMAN NEEDED to share firm. Call after 5 p.m. 351- ,19) 4754 2-9-30 131 9136. 8-10-10 (3) [ Personal Q',\ delivery. DORM 8-10-10 (5) EAST LANSING duplex, 4-5 house. Pets welcome. $90 SEWING MACHINES. Guar- FOR SALE or rent: Parkwood TICKETS RE<"AL,72, 795 °-29-30 SOUTH" HAYFORD. owe.- bedrooms, 2 baths, rec room, and 1/2 utilities. Call 485- _ FOR SALE maple dinette , anteed reconditioned 1974,14 x 65,2 bedroom, bar, vs. MSU. NEEDED two Ulfl Call j. set Will LAKE LOUNGE. 1591 Lake level, 2 bedroom. All utilities no pets. $400. 374-6366. 0-2- 0351. 8-10 10 (3) m3chines from $39 95 New storage shed. Double lot, collect 1313 ) pay $40 Lansing Road, 339-1522. X-8- 9-30 (31 "/,3:dinette set pu"u, Oak as' machines from $69.50. cement patio, includes stove Z-3-10-3 (31 589-20 '°'° 131 MINI-KOOL REFRIGER- *160 per mon,h- Ca" 361 ROOMS IN clean, modern with store-a and refrigerator. 372-9681, ATOR rental. $39.95 per aca- 7497. 0-2-9-30 (3) THREE BEDROOMS, two duplex, near MSU. Fur- way leaf with chairs. Wooden rh*ire chairs. (Wi.rkia ro^l'l^ N^Washinoton" "i' "16_ Washington, 651-6518. 2-9-30 pWIM demic year. Call 355-8111 01 o.Q.on ret baths. Basement. nished, share modern kitch- 161 ang Baas r BABYSITTER. 2 children 1% and 6V2 years. Experienced 332-4700 (10 a.m. till 9 p.m. FEMALE NEEDED-427 Grove St. Furnished, very nice one $225. Call 485-4917. 704 Parking. bath. $88/month. 361- 7 Q tn 171 SELLING 3 bedroom mobile — * daily). 7-10-7 (4) S. FISHER 125 Component with references. Close to bedroom. $104.50. Karone, Foster. 8-10-10 (3) 6471; 485-1436. 0-2-9-30 151 sys- PLAY GUITAR, banjo, fiddle, home. 70x14 with porch and tern excellent condition. Ron INW<.TMC„T campus. 12-20 hrs/week. 351-9064. 2-9-30 (3) mando|in du|cim9r> aut0. skirting. 1974 Windsor. Call G0°D 'WESTMENT p REFRIGERATOR-FREEZ- after 4 p.m. 372-0149.8-10-11 perty 'anl' «*-_ 337-0246. 8-10-11 (51 ERS-Dishwashers. ESCH- PARTLY FURNISHED for OFF KALAMAZOO street, near Birch street. CONVENIENT TO campus. Room and board. 337-2381. after 6 p.m. 8 Tm 1M0 (3) 6-10-10 nf harp- harmonica-over 25 dif- (erent g(0up c|asses offered (5) terms. This sharp bungalowl 3 bed¬ is close to bus line and would COOK-EXPERIENCED short TRUTH APPLIANCES, 315 one. Nice quiet neighbor- rooms, yard, garage, $175 Large house. $475 per term. x every term by ELDERLY I South Bridge, Grand per 4 TABLET arm chairs; kitch- Mobile order, excellent pay, benefits 627-2191. 8-10-10 (3) Ledge, hood. Private entrance, $150/ month. Call 351-7497. 0-2-9- Z-6-10-7 (31 en table and day bed, price INSTRUMENTS SCHOOL HOME for sale- Champion. In good condi- ,heM P^ect rertafB and working conditions. Full and part time. Apply in month. 482-5104. 8-10-10 (3) 3014) COUNTRY HOUSE-female to ™9°"able 372-2533. 8-10-10 OF FOLK MUSIC. Fall term classes (8 weeks) start Octo- "on- Shed, fenced in yard, ^ng" person only, DENNY'S FOURTH PERSON for town- ROOMMATE NEEDED to live share with one other. °Own RESTAURANT, 2701 Grand River Ave., E. E. house on Haslett and Haga- dorn. $90/month. Call 351- in East Lansjng duplex with p*ers. Spacious room. Negotiable. 351-5105 KING SIZE watprhed i„m. aDERLV Lie. / ^'trTimfnt? plus many extras. distance to MSU. $2800. Call Walking Equal Opportunity Employer. Lansing. 2223 after 4 p.m. 8-10-10 (3) and bedrooms. $65/month. living after 5 p.m. 8-10-10 (3) h^t^'e^ speetf Raleigh Gran Prix, best SIX ^2-9 30^3) ^ 351-7294. 8-10-10-16) AFTER BREAK Okemos reduced, 4 5 tx SPECIAL-| 8-10-11 (7) Ready October 10th t INSTRUCTIONAL AS¬ EUREKA STREET, Sparrow Hospital. Upstairs, near earlier ,332 3890. 7 10-7 (4) Share mobile home wlth ve" student. 15 miles to MSU ^er. 1 Lynn, 332-2517. 5-10 5 ,ape GERRARD player and FM TURNTABLE radio' (jast t Fond Jfq] room colonial. 2550 squartl feet, 2% baths, immediittl one bedoom. $120 HUGE HOUSE for five or six FOUND DIAMOND ring Uni- possesion $80,500. Pad! SISTANT for custodial main¬ per . _ M .... month. Call 351-7497. 0-2-9- versity Village. Owner S| DPrni/,rniTA„ across tenance class. Must have REFRIGERATORS from campus ' may DORM 30(3) ,r' and morel CURIOUS realty hospital housekeeping exper¬ size, free delivery. UNITED CLAUCHERTY REALTY 351 11:30-2:30 p.m. 1-9-3014) BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand ience. Enjoys working with RENT-ALL, 351-5652. 7-10-7 5300 Evenings, 332-5900 or SPARROW NEAR, 2 rooms OKEMOS 2 one bedroom, 332 0444. 3-10-3 (4) $50 and $60 plus. River. 332-0112. C-2-9-30 (31 young people. Reliable and '3) Susy KITCHEN TABLE with two furnished, all utilities, paid. LOST: BELOVED blue para Service works cooperatively under the supervision of classroom ' CHRISTIANCY STREET, 489-3074; 332-0300. 3-10-313) 100 USED VACUUM clean- leaves and chairs $50. Color T.V. $50. Black and White keet. If any clue past or pre¬ ^ a sent, call 353-6274 or 332- teacher. Job available as Apartments Available immediately-5 min¬ utes to campus EAST LANSING room for male. Close to Union. $14 ers. Tanks, uprights. Guaranteed cannisters, and T.V. $19. Small table $6. Bird 3574. 3-10-3 (3) ALL TYPES of optical re¬ soon as possible. by one full cage $7. 351-6944. E-5-10-5 pairs, prompt service. 0PTI-. Contact FEMALE WANTED to share car. 2% per Jan Danford, 676-3303 or 4 MAN apartment near Un¬ bedrooms, full week. Call 332-0205. 443 year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS (4) CAL DISCOUNT, 2617 E 1 bedroom apartment near basement, LOST „Ao„,vr PARROT, green, Harold Humble 676-3268. 5- stove and Grove Street. 8-10-10 (3) DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Sport, gone since Michigan. Lansing, 372 7409 ion, males only, $90/month. Frandor. $85 month, heat refrigerator, 1 car named 10-6(11) 316 North Cedar, Call 337-2669, 10 a.m., p.m. garage, on bus line. $210 per opposite QUEEN SIZE fashion, large r.2.9.301141 included. Call 374-7462, after September 14th, stands 8" Z-2-9-30 (3) 6 p.m. 8-10-11 (4) month plus utilities. Call Tom PRIVATE ENTRANCF m City Market. C-2-9-30 (6) selection. Size 16%-22%. tall, reward, 332-0283 or 351- STUDENT FOR part time Brooks, 669 3834 or 669- lowerdevel suite No work 2851. 2-10-3 18) facilities. $25 per week. 712 cooking Call 487-0957. 8-10-10 (7) 3304. 3-10-3 (4) THE TVPECUm*. 0 as simulated woman ONE AND two bedroom fur¬ STEREO: SOME new-some MALE ROOMMATE needed . -~ roody, typawlflng patient for medical course. 4 nished mobile homes on lake. Northlawn. 332-4674. 1 mile used. / NEW: Kenwood USED 19 inch Zenith portable FOUND MEN'S Timex to sublease apartment for fall bivmn. nowilattan, bra- to 6 hours per week. 1 to 4 East Lansing 10 minutes. One from campus. 3-10-3 KR6600, $309. ADC KLM II, watch. End of August near FOUR BEDROOM house, 217 (41 biackjnr) jwhite T.V.'s. p.m., two week day after¬ child O.K. Phone 641-6601. or longer in Capitol Villa. $39. and $30 Beaumont Tower. Call An¬ churn. builnni cords. Id- $105, 351-5402, after 12 p.m. S. Hosmer, neat, furnished, ~ Soundcraftsmen PE- "~J $50. "" "Portable VM ster¬ terhwdi. snyslopsi, noons except Wednesday. 2-9-30 14) $260 per month, reduced 7T 7 2217, $378. Advent 201 A, eos, $30. Seven day waranty. drea, 393-0890. Z-1-9-30 13) 8-10-11 (4) EAST, GOOD neighborhood, Hons, announcements pe¬ Applicant must be 18 years of summer. 489-3440 $305 Stanton 681EEE, $38. Inquire at THE STEREO or 332- parking, phone, new carpet, ters, Invokes Emensbk age or older. For information 5622. 3-10-4 141 Sh(Jre M95ED, $19. USED: SHOPPE, 555 East Grand TWO BEDROOM apartments use of refrigerator. For phone Mrs. Benner, 353-5444 Pine Lake in the Dual auto-reverse cassette Hiver. C-2-9-30 (6) rain-call 4l7-WfS.Hra.f-B between 1:15-4 p.m. 2-9-30 UNIVERSITY VILLA, 635 employed graduate student, 1-5:30. 1000 N. Woihlxj*" deck, $279. Pioneer TX-7100, (9) Apartments Abbott Rd. Call 361-3873 or HOUSE FOR Rent. Near Frandor. 3 or 4 bedrooms, $60. 372-7973. 10-10-12 (5) $89. Walnut large Advents, SCHWINN LE TOUR bicycle. YARD SALE of the year. Lansing. 351-8135 or see Rob in apart Many families with many ment #320. OR-1-9-30 (5) carpeted, partly furnished. FEMALE NEEDED to live $179/pair. Advent 300, $184. Boy's23inch,blue, excellent. items-also bake sale. Oct. 1, WANTED, PERSON with Reduced rent for light clean¬ with couple, own room in half All new and used equipment $110. Call 337-0686 after 5 10-5; Oct. 2, 1-5. SHILOH professional experience in includes warrantyl After 6 P-m- 2-9-30 (3) r-nMPI ETE REPAIR servid stereo sales. Also, electronic repairman needed. Energy ♦165 Pplus utilities NEEDED ONE female for apartment close to campus. ing. 372-1336. 8-10-11 (41 house. 223 S. Clemens. 372- 6341. 2-9-30 131 p.m. most convenient. FELLOWSH'P 504 Ann St. ---ll ^'s. m '« Mm MreM $80/month. Call 351-9104. 3- BRIAN 351-8980. 5-10-5 (13) PURE HONEY 55,60,65 lb. in banjos, band instruments.■ and personality a must. Full or part time. See Greg at -tX Wilms KlliarpM 10-4 I3I SINGLE ROOM for refined gentleman. Quiet, no cook¬ USED HIGH end audio gear 5, 10, 60 lb. containers. 204 Lloyd, Williamston. 655-3792. GARAGE SALE. Lots of fur- niture, many unusual pieces. Mf.RSrHfRa|SIC' 783°- C-I-9-3U I WILCOX TRADING POST, 8-10-1013) Low 509 East Michigan. No 'iir. taps OKEMOS-1 and 2 bedroom ing, parking. IV2-8304. 3-10-3 prices. 421 Oxford. Fri., phone Sat., Sun., 10-6. 2-9-30 (4) calls please. C-2-9-30 (9) 'Wtaceit ts in csmty pta accepting applications for apartments available immedi¬ ately at APARTMENTS, VILLAGE GREEN 1804 Hamil¬ MEN'S SINGLE room, close stats, $300 pair; Marantz 8 wood, sturdy end tables, sr^vrc I Lj^ate News, Eq»t Loosing, Michigon Friday, September 30, 1977 29 Intrinsic rewards come to ;A| volunteers working with the elderly. Do arts/crafts, horti¬ Work in Europe next sum¬ mer! International Associa¬ Interested in teaching sci¬ Signed up for Sorority culture therapy in tion of Students in Econo¬ ence or stimulating children's Rush? Remember, Rush Pes- AW BROWN one-to-one imagination through science? PR|NT|NG placements. 26 Student Ser¬ mics and Business Manage¬ begins Oct. 2. Visit 101 AND TYPING. Announcements for It's Volunteer today in 26 Stu¬ -* Snd es HJ? starting at 935. resumes Dissertations general What's Happening must be Come learn to play rugby. Practices every Tuesday and vices Bldg. • •• ment is holding first at 7:30 p.m. meeting dent Services Bldg. Impres¬ Student Services Bldg. for details. • • • Serving printing. received in the State News Free introductory lecture Wednesday in sions V Museum. ■cast Lansing area. ■" 8-10-10 (51 with complete MSU for 27 yea?s office, 343 Student Services Thursday behind the Veteri¬ nary Clinic. No experience on The Transcendental Medi¬ 109 Anthony. Hearing impaired children theses service tation program presenting Mentally impaired children look forward to your atten¬ BJdg., by noon at least two JaiITY Stereo aer- 349-0850.^X-C-2-9-30 ^5) class days before publication. necessary. Games on day or Sunday. Satur¬ latest scientific research pre¬ sented by SIMS at 3 p.m. United Ministries and Ecu- mencial Protestant need you as their friend. Come to 26 Student special tion in after-school activities. Contact 26 Student Services No announcements fellowship Istereoshoppe, COPYGRAPH SERVICE Complete dissertation and sccepted by Dhone. will be Tuesday in C314 Wells and ' invites students to an open Serivces Bldg. for details Bldg. and ask about M.S.D. ■Grand River. C-2-9- resume service. Water Polo Club practice 7:30 p.m. in 111 Berkey. house at 4 p.m. Sunday, 1118 about Beekman Center. Corner MAC from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday S. Harrison. Free dinner and Aikido, Martial art for Self- Kitty Genovese Memorial and Grand River, Defense through Friday at the Jenison Observatory open house 8:30-6:30, and Personal Sky-diving every afternoon worship following. Anti-Rape Collective will ■loAN if V°u are from 8 to 10 p.m. Saturday. «iur home on a Monda^Friday, 337-1666, Growth, and Kendo Demon¬ stration at 1 p.m. Sunday in pool. No experience neces¬ sary. and weekends. First Instruction. MSU Jump In Sport Para¬ Octoberfest Lesbian Foot¬ Weather permitting, the 24- inch reflecting telescope will meet at 5 p.m. Sunday at 320 Student Services Bldg. All or own your home the Judo Room of the Men's chuting Club. ball Game at 4 p.m. Sunday women welcome. be used for loar, ask about our UNIGRAPHICS IM Bldg. University Lutheran in North Elm Park. Rides observing current Kn Borrow against OFFERS •«• Church welcomes objects of interest. complete dissertation and you to Ed-ltorial Weiss-Cracks leaving from west entrance of Folk dancing at 8:30 p.m. WELM-TV Ety to consolidate resume service: teers for all needs volun¬ Community Day festivities; starring C. Patric "Lash" the Union at 3:45 p.m. and Be a Big Buddy! Volunteer Monday in Bailey School W make major home IBM typesetting, aspects of its music, "OREMUS", spaghet¬ Larrowe needs weird video 5:45 p.m. to REACH a child who needs three blocks from typing, editing, multilith afternoon newscasts. Call or gym, lent, take that long offset printing and ti dinner, at 3 p.m. Sunday, reporters. Call WELM-TV or you, in 26 Student Services Berkey Hall. stop by WELM-TV behind location, or for any We binding. encourage shopping. For the 1020 S. Harrison Road. Ed Weiss. ■od purpose. Call Trowbridge Big Boy. Ingham County 4-H Horse¬ estimate stop in at 2843 East ' ■ «n ating of of our will identical 36 inch sub 36" re- I ME. Grand River It laming I pit to Coral Cobles" PY US I jl^MI A GROAT •AND^M^^^MMIAI^WMW J PECUTTER,. - typesetting tervke— is, newsletters, bra* business cords, lot- Is, envelopes, Invito- innouncements, pes- lvoices. Reosonobk PRIME CUT ill4l7-fW5.Hrs.MI makes the most of after-class 1000 N. Washington. hours In coordinates of Cor# Indigo denim. This soft, comfortable denim gets better as you wear It. In sizes 5 to 13. At fine stores KjConeti denim Thinks college is one big time-out. Holds school record for most games played. Once managed to drop 7 passes and 3 courses in same day. Cal drinks Lite Beer from Miller because it's less filling. With his schedule he can't afford to get filled up. Today he has to be in two places at once. Insists on playing center and quarterback. Spends spare time going to class. Lite Beer from Miller. fiKxkes fabrics peoplejlyein; Everything you always wanted in a beer. And less. 3 Q Michigort Slote News, Eost Loosing, Michigon Wdoy, September Jo wtal Iktptpmltn® The astonishing link Tie your Between the MSU Cycling invites every bicyclist to our first meeting Episcopalians gather at 5 p.m. Sunday in the Alumni laces in JFK assassination of the year at 8 p.m. Wednes¬ Chapel for Eucharist. Open and the day. Oct. 5, in 208 Men's IM House follows at 6:30 p.m. in style with the Chaplain's House. Rides are provided from Chapel. this V-neck deposing of Nixon Karate Demonstration at 7 tonight in the Sports Arena Attention graduate stu¬ of the Men's IM Bldg. Every¬ dents! Applications accepted bodysuit by one welcome. Come and now for day care scholar¬ watch dynamic karate. ships. Applications, informa¬ tion available in 316 Student danskin. \lucid and Video Madness! There will be a video workshop organi¬ Services 14. Bldg. Deadline Oct. 100% nylon e^jgggSTiMM* \ exciting." zational meeting at 7:30 p.m. in wine, , —Norman Monday on the second floor Union Lounge. BILBO'S Birthday Party Mailer will be celebrated at 8 Friday in Holmes Hall. All p.m. black, and Students interested in Elves, Hobbits welcome. marine. working as complaint media¬ MSU Tolkien Fellowship. tors for Consumer Affairs come to 26 Student Services Bldg. for further information. $12.50 [HMD Pre school children need your attention and help in All graduate students are invited to a COGS organiza¬ headstart classrooms. Share your experiences and time. "Bottoms "Brimming with humor, pathos tional meeting at 6:30 p.m. Volunteer at 26 Student Ser- - mystery and sex. I couldn't Monday in Con-Con Room, International Center. "^p CAftlOGUStt it down. - HAROLD ROBBINS put ( Law ■ A free Christian Science The Red Cedar Review, a Mon.Sat. 10-5:30 With 24 pages o! "Then and Now" talk at 10:30 a.m. Saturday University-funded magazine No" in Thurt. 10-8 ^ paperback An NBC-TV series this will be held in the Mayflower of the arts, needs new staf¬ Fall! Congregational Church, 2808 fers. People who would like ""DOWEY ■® * New Bollontine J2 25 Belaire Dr., Lansing. experience on a volunteer staff reading manuscripts, Poperbocka Hari Dev Sharma Hatha working on layout and design yoga group meets at 9 a.m. and organizing fall readings Saturday in 339 Union. Ram on campus are welcome to Dass tape yoga of Daily Life drop by 325 Morrill Hall at at 11 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Audio is our only business. Here's what that means to you. 2. You enjoy excellent values. .Wo ' 1. You choose from the We're always on the lookout for exceptional values that we can pass on to you. Here are just two current examples. The new Philips GA312 0_0o° o °0? electronic turntable featuring automatic end-of-record pickup and dcO finest names in audio. shutolf. Complete with an Audio-Technica AT78E cartridge, it's yours lor just $180. And look at the COmPUTER Sony stereo cassette deck model TC-135SD. It has Dolby, Ferrite & Ferrite head, FeCr equalization and peak limiter for distortion-free recording. A $250 value, it's yours now LABORATORY Names like Yamaha. You'll find them only at The Stereo Shoppe. Thai's because we search for — for just $198! and extensively test — the finest audio products available. But "the finest" doesn't have to mean to 0o _ "the most expensive." Yamaha is a °oo JO 0° 0 prime example. Their new series of receivers sets brand new standards for the industry, like a startling low distortion ° o °0 o0 rating of just .05%! After raving about oC» the model CR-820 (illustrated above), one audio magazine recently concluded by saying "on the O. 0"ov 0oO O basis of its performance, we thought it would be a fine At $460. it's a steal." And of Yamaha's NS-5 example of a receiver in the $600 class. speakers (also illustrated above) another audio SONY °0°° o ° ,° oOu , magazine declared that they compare to speakers priced from $170 to $400 each. Their price? Just $100 each! FALL SHORT COURSES The Computer Laboratory 0oOC will offer a series of non-credit short courses in computing during Fall Term. Registration must be made by October 7, 1977 in the User Information Center, 313 Com¬ puter Center. A $2 fee for materials is charged for each short course. Computer time is not included in the basic fee, but is available for an additional 3.1fou get the blest cost at the student's option. Asterisks (*) next to course numbers prerequisites; for 1800. indicate more courses information, call that have 353- protection plan going. Check around. You won't find a Introduction to Computing (100) security agreement to match ours. It For persons with little or no 1011.12.13 14 7-9 p m. Sec. II: Oct. computing experience. Sec I: Oct. provides FIVE YEARS PARTS and], 143-5 p.m. LABOR coverage on electronics, Introduction to the MSU 6500 (101 *) turntables and speakers, three years on component tape decks. And there's no extra charge for this valuable protection, either! It comes GRADER (115) A program to relieve free with every purchase you make faculty members of much ol the clerical work in combining scores and assigning grades. Oct. 12 3-5 at The Stereo Shoppe. We can offer p.m. it because we maintain a complete, Basic SPSS (155*) in-store service Introduction to the Statistical department staffed Package for the Social Sciences. Sec. I by three full-time, factory-trained Oct. 17,19.24,263-5p.m. Sec. II; Oct. 18,20.25.277-9p.m technicians, plus a service manager. Introduction to Interactive Usage (175*) You'll never fully appreciate how important your Security Agreement cTl»^ Wm"0' "* COmPU'"", "aC,l"y * MSU is — until the day comes when you BASIC (220*) need to use it! Instruction in the BASIC programming language Nov. 2 3 7 9pm Systematic Programming-PASCAL (240*) sTr 22 29^ " S"UC'U"d P"1*""™'"* language Nov. Advanced SPSS (255*) Instruction in the use ol Free Customer Parking advanced features ol SPSS at 31 Nov 3-5 p.m. 2 79 Next to Store 555 E.Grand River Ave. in East Lansing Introduction to Magnetic Tapes (310*) 10 to 9 Mon. thru Fri. 10 to 5 (Next to Taco Bell) SuWpT* retrieval Saturdays Phone 337-1300 HAL and User Libraries (315*) Complete In-Store Service Five Convenient Ways Using HAL and its utilities to construct For Everything We Sell maintain and »«. ■»a- a i to Finance Your Purchases user libraries. Nov. 7.9,11 3-5 p.m. ^ "* 'nd""d'"" Introduction to Debugging (380*) FORTRSASPE/HUSTLMR and F0RTRAN FORTRAN programs. Nov. 2fl.30.Dec. 5 3-5debUgging d,d> Record Manager (420*) p.m. Where you're treated fairly every time. !r'r'l! through FORTRAN 1PPli[1"°'» "4 'he use ol CRM subroulrnes Nov. 14 Lrn Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 30, 1977 3 1 (dlDoiy The Commodores I)WjlM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) yariin' Also include* Echoes uf Lite YLsih Made'That Way CKinafwn