PBB film should be aired, Milliken says B» SCOTT WIERENGA Milliken says that two years ago he was insult." Halbert says in the film. Sute News Staff Writer trying to get PBB tolerance levels in cattle WKAR invited Steve Aust, professor of lowered. He calls the film a William G. Milliken, who allegedly "powerful, biochemistry, and Lee Shull, professor of dramatic presentation" but says the film in lried to suppress the broadcast of a its original form made it look like he did dairy science, to participate in the rebuttal itish made television film sharply critical program, but they declined the offer. 0 his handling of the polybrominated nothing about the PBB disaster. John Cantlon, vice president for research hinhenvl (PBB) affair, now says the film The British film, produced and narrated and graduate studies, said Friday he had should have been aired two years ago. by John Fielding, of Thames Television, not seen the film, but when shown a transcript of Rick Halbert's remarks, he Milliken made the comment in a taped vividly displays the plight of the farmers acknowledged that Halbert had a "valid who lost their herds and includes rebuttal to the British film (which will air footage of criticism" at the time. Cantlon said Halbert Tuesday night, 9:30 p.m., on WKAR-TV). sick cattle and scenes of cattle being shot by had a valid complaint in that the report did The comments by Milliken will air as part of farmers. not contain any reason for i30minute prerecorded program designed why the cattle One farmer interviewed in the film, Rich stopped eating. "You have to ask the people 0 a||ow state officials to reply to claims who made the diagnosis," he said. Halbert of Battle Creek, is made in the British television production. sharply critical Cantlon insisted, however, that he was of MSU. Halbert, the first farmer to be hit- Also participating in the rebutUl are State by the disaster in 1973, said he not saying the MSU scientists who per¬ Agriculture Director B. Dale Ball, Public dead took some formed the necropsy were in any way Health Director Maurice Reizen, and Michi- calves to MSU to have them Farm Bureau President Elton Smith. necropsied-a process of cutting the ani¬ negligent. "We didn't have a diagnostic lab mals apart and at the time," he said. The Large Animal examining the organs. ln the rebuttal program, the governor He said the result was a report that said Veterinary Clinic did not have adequate denies that he attempted to suppress an staff and resources at that time to chase only that the animals "died of starvation." American broadcast of the film, which was down the problem," Cantlon said. fjrst aired on British television last March. "It's one thing to say that they died of Elliott Ballard, assistant to the president Milliken insists he only wanted inaccuracies starvation, but the problem was they and secretary to the board of trustees, also in the original film corrected and acknow¬ wouldn't eat, and that's what we wanted to cited inadequate diagnostic facilities as the ledges that some of those changes have know—why they wouldn't eat. And so their reason for the "starvation" diagnosis. "If help was really no help. In fact, it was an you take a car into a garage to fix a radiator and they don't have equipment to fix radiators they can't fix the radiator," he said. Neither administration believed MSU Stat* N*wi Linda Bray Women's studies was seriously implicated in a PBB coverup. "It's become a political football, but I don't think MSU has been the football," Ballard said. Used but usable Wesley Smith. bicycles are auctioned at the MSU Salvage Yard Friday afternoon by assistant supervisor Besides criticizing the governor, Fielding also takes exception to the state depart¬ DRIZZLE FIZZLES ONLOOKERS be evaluated ment of Public Health's handling of the to matter. He cites what he calls a "token study" of 300 people which led the health ByPAMWEAR ite News Staff Writer v" department to conclude that "there has been no pattern of illness in the exposed individuals which can be attributed to PBB." Real deals for wheels In the rebuttal program. Reizen insists Broader recognition is needed for Women's Studies, according to Ellen Dwyer, a the study was not a token study. He calls consultant visiting MSU. By ED LION Smith said revenue from the sales would be put back into the And that kind of recognition is just what the directors of MSU Women's Studies the Fielding film a "one sided presentation." State News Staff Writer University's general fund. Each year about $2,000 is made from the Thematic program hope to develop through Dwyer's evaluations this term. The British film also says Ball knew of the They all came for bargains. Some got them and others didn't. salvage auctions. disaster six months before admitting it to Dwyer. assistant professor of forensic studies and coordinator of women's studies at The MSU Salvage Yard put on its final bycycle auction of the the press. Fielding cites a press release by "We get dealers sometimes here to look for parts and we get a lot Indiana University, has come to MSU as a consultant under a grant from the National season to get rid of the last 80 of the 400 or so Ball in which Ball speculated the cattle may bicycles abandoned on of students just looking for the good deal," he said. Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). campus during the summer. be dying from overdoses of ordinary table But the A major problem with MSU's Women's Studies program is lack of an administrative salt. The film contains a statement that Despite drizzly skies Friday afternoon, about 40 people gathered know what potential buyers have to be careful to make sure they structure, said Patricia D'ltri, faculty coordinator for the women's studies program and Ball's veterinary chief, Dr. Cole, lectured to bid anywhere from 50 cents to $60 for the bike of their dreams — they are bidding for. The bikes are sold as they are found associate professor of American Thought and Language. — and that means sometimes with warped rims, rusty chains or worried farmers on the bad effects of or at least something that had two wheels and a place to sit and even no seats. Bikes are available for Dwyer came to MSU to evaluate MSU's program and to help suggest appropriate would get them around campus for a term. inspection the day before the an feeding cows too many pickles, saying an auction. overdose of pickles could result in similar "I come from New York and I couldn't bring my bike here," said effects as exposure to PBB. "I bought this bike for $20." said one student. "It still isn't too bad After an initial visit in September, she will return in November and freshman Brett Dreyfuss as he rode off on a well-conditioned bike January, and will In the film, Ball replies that the British which cost him $21. "I saved a lot of money. To ship the bike from but I didn't know the tire was flat." present a final report to the MSU program and NEH. While here, she will be consulting film is "sensationalized" and with administrators, faculty and students. disputes New York would have cost $80 on Federal Express." Fielding's claim that he was covering up the MSU's undergraduate thematic Women's Studies disaster. He said that in May of 1974 his Another student, Brian Gould, said he was just there for program includes 21 courses on topics such as women and literature, women in management and women in industrial society. department moved to close down feed "bargain-hunting — but the bidding was too high." Some years ago. he said, salvage yard workers noticed about Upon completion of a minimum of 20 credits in courses from three different disciplines, facilities, test milk, seize products with high Wesley Smith, assistant superviserof the yard, took the bids and seven bikes that were re-auctioned up to nine times, each time students are entitled to certification. PBB levels, and ask for more laws to test even kept one inexperienced buyer from overbidding himself. bringing $10 or $15. animals for PBB. DItri explained that the program was different from a minor in that minors usually concentrate on courses in one area related to the student's major, while the thematic program is interdisciplinary. A major consequence of the program's administrative difficulties is that the women's studies group has no control over courses admitted into its program, she said. Grand jury investigating narcotics traffic Those interested in teaching a women's study course submit their ideas to the women's studies group and the University College Curriculum Committee decides if it gets into the By MARK FABIAN program, D'ltri explained. on Aug.3. It was granted two days later seized. cotics Squad.Police from Eaton and Clinton The posture has been to let State News Staff Writer after a vote by the circuit court judges and anything in and this has often resulted in overlapping of Though the actual cost for the investiga¬ Counties, Lansing, East Lansing and the A citizens grand jury has been convened began work in September. tion will be ourses and a waste of resources. In higher than $46,000, Houk said MSU Department of Public Safety (DPS) theory these requests should come to the Women's to investigate narcotics traffic and fraud in "I asked for a jury to investigate studies Committee for review, too. they are trying to cut costs by using make up the Tri County Metro Narcotics Ingham County at the request of Ingham narcotics traffic in the county and a number donated services. Squad. ,e ara concerned about maintaining the interdisciplinary aspect of the studies, but it eos to be more centralized County Prosecutor Peter Houk. of fraud schemes worked on the public that "We are using available county facilities so we will have more control over the courses." The citizens grand jury is the first one in resulted in a million dollars worth of fraud and officers," he said. "The actual cost is Debbie Stabenow, DLansing, chair¬ can H a ,mimstrative staff has also meant more work for those like D'ltri who have to Ingham County, according to Ingham losses," Houk said. ma,te Pro8ram in addition to their other teaching responsibilities, she added. $205,000 but the hard cash cost is $46,000." person of the Ingham County Board of In , County Circuit Court Judge Michael G. Houk said the investigation into drug Commissioners, said though the commis¬ »d the ,i? administrative problems, enrollment in Women's Studies in increasing Harrison. trafficking was prompted by the July Houk said the Lansing Police Depart¬ program itself is sioners. said though the commissioners " expanding. Houk said the Ingham County Board of arrests of 75 people on 135 warrants for ment has provided the largest numbers of have not had much experience with grand cou,rf" heing offered supplementary to the Women's Studies program on an Commssioners has granted $46,000 to fund cocaine and heroin. At the time police called officers to aid in the investigation. Also juries, the majority of the commissioners Th'»mej -jasis !nclure of MSU Messenger Servn RING SALE Homeowner tax breaks proposed FRESHMEN • SOPHOMORES JUNIORS •SENIORS!! WASHINGTON (AP) A House sub¬ - mortgages now may be deducted from committee proposed on Sunday rear¬ income subject to thefederal income tax. ranging the income tax breaks ovoilable ORDER YOUR RING THIS WEEK AND GET 5% OFF-BOB The subcommittee proposed substi¬ to homeowners to favor those in lower tuting o tox credit of 20 per cent of the PETRAN; YOUR JOSTEN REPRESENTATIVE, WILL BE and middle-income brackets. interest and real estate tax. AVAILABLE. MON-FRI. 10:804:00, TO ASSIST YOU AT This and other changes proposed by A tax credit, subtracted directly from the House Banking subcommittee in a the amount due the government, gives report, the panel said, also would tend to encourage building and rehabilitation in the same dollar saving to taxpayers in any income bracket. A deduction is worth CAMPUS BOOK STORE 507 E. Grand River Across from central cities. more to those in higher brackets, - Berkey Hall Real estate taxes and interest paid on because the income tax rates are higher. Scientists develop new ammonia process WHEN THAT GREAT GERMAN WASHINGTON (AP) - Scientists have report in Chemical and Engineering CAR NEEDS developed o simplified woy of making News, the Society's weekly magazine. ammonio — the base for much of the While the experimental technique is PARTS.. world's fertilizer — that greatly reduces not realy for commercial application, its the amount of energy now required for developers say its potential for energy the process, the American Chemical Society reported Sunday. savings is "enormous.'' Gerhard Schrauzer and Ted 0. Guth of eHim^Sw'issCheeiesiic.j The new method used sunlight the University of California at San Diego reacting with a special chemical catalyst to say their method produces ammonia at promote the combination of water and almost We carry a full line of VW Porsche and Audi Parts and the room temperatures and normal we are nitrogen gas to make ammonia, says a atmospheric pressure. 2800 E. Grand River closest supplier to campus. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon thru Fri. The International House of Pancakes, (PGEEMAN J^OJTCMCriVE, Ohio schools face financial crises OVER THE COUNTER PARTS A \ COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Three of after only 38 school days this fall. Voters trunk shorter Aanc. Ohio's five biggest school systems may run out of have rejected the last four tax increase sports, HOWSM-FM" SAT,-3 ^HWMWs" money and be forced to close proposals and the district has a deficit of this month. At least 35 other smaller nearly $7 million. A tax request for the districts also face financial crises. Nov. B election hos not yet been set and Unless more money is available in without additional money the schools time, upwards of 20 per cent of the state's could not open until after the first of the From Court, to Track, or 2.1 million public school students could be out of school for the year before Christmas. year. Cleveland, with 110,000 students, and Leisure We have a shoe for you. ^cdduujA' Cincinnati, with 68,000 students, are at Toledo, with 53,000 students, is slated the brink of joining Toledo in the fwzjuv at to end classes for the year on Oct. 28. shutdown. Nike - Tiger - Brooks - Etonic - New Balance Here is where the bride's dreams Defense begins in TV trial become a reality beginning with Head Competition Swimwear her first visit with our Bridal MIAMI Jelenk Warm-ups Wigwam (AP) — The defense begins its plans to prove his client was a "television Consultant. . .then the selection presentation this week of evidence which addict" whose idea of right ond Headwear & Hosiery it says will show wrong of her Bridal stationery, listing of 15-year-old Ronny were formed by programs such as Zamora was influenced her preferences in our Gift by television "Kojak" and "Police Woman." violence when he shot and killed his elderly neighbor. Registry, and choosing memor¬ Rubin is expected to call Ronny's The junior high school student and his able gifts for the wedding party mother, Yolanda, and a friend, Darrell Agrella, 14, are battery of from charged psychiatrists and psychologists to back our Fine Jewelry collection. with the first-degree murder of old 83-year- his contention that Zamora was only Elinor Haggort. Agrella is to be tried reacting to television programs "that had separately. served as his babysitter and teacher Defense attorney Ellis Rubin says he since the age of 4." frank shorter sports 217 Ann St. Jacobsoris n News. Eoat Looting, Mlchigon Monday, October 3, 1977 3 Sightless woman battles for sons in court case for the children to stay with address and requesting her last given to her son because of T suS«8^Writer GUI » blind woman their grandmother. But at the preliminary hearing ahe didn't ADC check, which she said she felt she was entitled to That . information social workers- thought would be upsetting to request that the children stay letter arrived and was filed the chUd. in her home." away after the October 17 GUI said that she was under Hamn maintains that she preliminary hearing, when the the impression that it had been srsnrt:\x Siren now and always haa. never asked the children to be put in foster care. "I called her case was closed. Atwater testi¬ fied that she never saw the intercepted by the court and that future maU would be because Whitney told me that letter until the first day of this TV state of Michigan haa treated in the same way. Two Linda had gone to California [hLd her with abandonment .^neglect and ia petitioning and that I should find out if I trial. 'That letter not being seen is foster mothers testified that they would have welcomed any could get his child support jL Donald S. Owena to 7e the children permanent money instead of having it go to a key issue to me," Gill said. "If they would have seen that maU. In addition to deciding tl of the state to put up for ADC (Aid for Dependent Children) since Linda wouldn't letter they would have had address and could have notified my whether or not GUI neglected her chUdren, Judge Owens ,dThe°trial. which goes into its be collecting it anymore," she said. me of what was happening. I also could have gotten must decide if she is a fit mother. Prosecutor John Boyd [0Urth day today, haa been Hamn said that she didn't check and either sent for the my narked by complaints of lack of alleged that GUI never took her know the children might be chidren or (come back for the two bUnd sons to an optho- nmmunication between parties taken away from her home until next nvolved and by contradictory hearing." mologist and that she did not right before the hearing. She Instead, Gill was notified that see to it that the chidren '(JiS she fled to Berkeley, said that thinking back, she her children had been taken receive aU of their immuniza¬ i on October 15. 1975 should have said something at the hearing, but that she was away through (Calif.) newspaper. an Oakland tion shots. GUI countered by incause she felt threatened by saying that her chUdren could „r ex-husband, Whitney Cod¬ upset and unprepared for what Such lack of communication not have gotten into school if Slat* News/Ira Slrickitoin was happening. has cropped up on both sides they had They sold almost everything but the kitchen ing Jr., and his friends. She left not had aU of their Sunday and people could buy almost anything. ier children in Lansing with "It was my understanding throughout the trial. The prose¬ shots. sink-literally. The non-profit non-denominational religious group that they were going to take cution maintains that Gill did Depositions from three pro¬ Minister Ron Price of the Shiloh Fellowship Baid ,er mother, RosabeUe Hamm, them out of my home and there sponsored the sale to raise funds to buy the building not try to keep in touch with fessionals (psychologists and the sink was one of the few items left at the end of fully intending to send for it now rents. hem as soon as she founds job, was nothing I could do about caseworkers, while the defense caseworkers) in California con¬ its first annual lawn sale. Price said the sale attracted an audience of about ihe said. it," she said. "No one told me maintains that the caseworkers tain statements that GUI and The fellowship, located on the corner of Ann and the day of the hearing that if I did not try to get in touch with her new husband, also blind, half students "plus a lot of rummage sale addicts." Before she could return, how- Division Streets, held a lawn sale Saturday and He estimated that about 10,000 items were sold. wanted to keep the children I GUI. would be good parents. ,ver her children were could. I most certainly would "I reaUy thought that if I was mmediately taken away from have." supposed to get in touch with ier mother and put into foster This first petition, filed by the caseworkers my attorney are. There sre two versions of low this situation Arlene Atwater, a case worker from Protective Ser- developed. Atwater in 1975 was based on improper custody and put the children up for foster care. The would have told me so," GUI said. She maintains that her former court-appointed at¬ Dispute continues over MSU/lran films ices, testified Wednesday that second petition, filed by Laurie torney, Thomas Kulick, did By JEANNE BARON Sept. 23MSU Board of Trustees rector of Academic Services, added. lamm called her on October 18 Dietrich, a caseworker in Cath¬ Uttle to help her in her case. blatant propaganda. State NewsStaffWriter meeting because they were said that olic Social Services, calls for the She said that he told her she acceptance of the "It's stupid to end the project He said the committee nd told her that she could no The Committee to Stop the unaware that the film project additional funds the can children to be put up for didn't need to come to the means by giving it more money." take some credit for this. onger care for the boys be- MSU/lran FUm Project met was on the agenda. project will be finished without adoption. hearings and that when she However, Davis said he ause she had several children asked for addresses of her Thursday night, aiming to in¬ During the gifts and grants including any films on modern- thinks it is a positive note that if her own to care for and "My petition is based on the crease committee membership 'The committee has won a session of the meeting, the day Iran. the portion of the films on »cause the boys were interfer- infrequency of contact by Gill chUdrens' foster homes he kept and acquaint students unfamU- partial victory, but we are in the board voted to accept a grant of But Davis said that this is not with any social worker," Diet¬ saying he would check on it but modern-day Iran will not be process of formulating strategy ng with her educational goals. iar with the committee about $175,000 from National Iranian the end the committee would included since they are the ones for stopping the entire \twater said that Hamm asked rich said. The state is also never gave her an answer. the fUm project. project," Radio and Television for com¬ have liked to see. the committee objects to as hat the boys be out in foster charging that Gill made little She did get the address of one Davis said. Committee member James pletion of the film portion on "It is not a question of lomes. effort to keep in contact with of the foster homes because her Davis said that plans for future ancient Iran. academic validity of the film. "I needed to petition because her children. However, Gill did write to son Whitney's foster mother requested that she write him. action would be addressed at a "We were caught off guard, We feel that from the govern¬ ■ANNOUNCING" if improper custody," Atwater meeting scheduled for 8 p.m. and I'm upset by the callousness ment of Iran's point of view this d. her ADC worker on October 20, But the one letter that GUI Wednesday in 335 Union. the trustees showed," Davis is an excellent way of estab¬ 'One option could have been telling her of her change of wrote to that address was never Davis said that members of said. lishing relations between the the committee did not attend a "They didn't even discuss it present Shah and ancient Per¬ and it wasn't like they didn't sia; so the films are political," he know there is opposition to the said. YOU WONT BELIEVE EYEWEAR °BB law, to take effect today, project." Herman King, university di¬ "Accepting the grant is like saying 'peace with honor,' " he ever COULD BE SO INCREDIBLY ELEGANT. NORELL Here conceived now The most exquisite designer homes Simple Elegant Quiet Yet very dramatic Very NORELL By Optique de tvtonde emoves contaminated meat, milk SRIIN SPLASH (SYNCHRONIZED SWIM ClUB) By JAMES V.HIGGINS sorts of alternatives," Gov. deciding which dairy cows received "lots of calls" from LANSING (UPI) - A new William G. Milliken told re¬ should be taken out of milk farmers with questions about INVITES ALL TO A ate law designed to remove porters. production and sold for slaugh¬ the law. ""-tainted meat and milk The MDA, however, has ter. "Much of this, of course, is SHORT, INTRODUCTORY MEETING .... Michigan grocery shelves created an elaborate and com¬ They will have to contact one confusion about the law and its WHEN: MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 7:00 P.M. akes effect today, with Michi- puter-assisted system to handle of the 300 veterinarians under requirements," he said. "Most an officials at least temporarily the testing, according to Edwin contract, who will take a sample of them want, of course, to WHERE: JENISON LOBBY nable to comply with one of its D. Renkie, assistant director of and turn it over to the state. comply. asic provisions. a special unit formed to admin¬ Renkie said the St. Louis "They are tired of the public¬ The measure requires that ister the law. laboratory has arranged to have ity which PBB has enjoyed for airy cows born before Jan. 1, Renkie said that, within a the samples transported from way too long and they are 978, which are culled from leir herds for meat 80-day period, the unit has: Michigan by private plane. hopeful that, eventually, production, •Sent packets of information They will be computer eval¬ through this program their Rested '". Those for the presence of to every dairy farm in the state uated and the results telecom¬ products will not be discrimi¬ BOOKS WANTED containing more notifying farmers of the new municated to MDA computers nated against in the market Hfi art interested In buying: .02 parts per million of the law's requirements. in Lansing, which will help place." -- chemical are to be bought •Contracted with a labora¬ crank out documents needed to • Science fiction • Old Books i the state and destroyed. clear the cow for production or tory in St. Louis, Mo., to test for • Conic Books • Pulps Michigan Department of Ag- the presence of PBB in an send it to destruction. The icuiture officials say that, after • Beetle Items • Magazines estimated 600 tissue biopsies process will take a week to 10 SllTMl frantic, two-month effort, per day. days, he said. • Nancy Drew •Big Little Books 1 ay are prepared to begin •Entered into contracts with "We feel that we're refrigerators • Mysteries • Baseball Cants ready as "ting animals and milk tanks nthestate's9,700 dairy farms. 300 veterinarians around the state to take the tissue samples. far as the sampling cerned," Renkie said. Mean¬ is con¬ FORRMTi 171-1793 1 Curious Book Shop The other end of the process •Assembled a team of 15 while, he said, the PBB unit has 307 East Grand River collecting, transporting, de- - inspectors to monitor the law East Lansing troying and burying contami- and guard against fraud. 'ted animals (517)332-0112 Houn 11:30-6 p.m. — was given to Renkie said the major impact * Department of Natural of the law on dairymen will be a esources, which planned to »a burial site new need to plan ahead when MANAOIMINT near Mio, B« an Oscoda County judge OPPORTUNITIIS u edlastweekthat the state did Do you .adequately evaluate the leave things The United States Navy has some exciting openings for recent graduates to assume executive level responsibilities. college nvironmental impact of the Mio and prohibited the DNR till tho '°tn using it. 9 service the Big 3 from across Ihe sea State officials were faced BUSINHSS ADMINISTRATION «frng whether to appeal the «»»n with Datsua Volkswagoa Toyota Ph 383-1590 LAST The Novy Supply Corps officers, the Business Administrator of the or seek another site. Navy, hos responsibilities for purchasing, inventory control, financial simply "at deal of can assure you a effort and energy is The Beetle Shop MINUTE? management, computer systems, transportation, research and de¬ velopment. and retail activities. The successful candidate will be 19-26 years old and have a BA/BS degree in business, economics or computer _ 8 o»pended exploring all 14M E. Cavaaaugh science. Age waivers are available for veterans. PIRSONNIL MANAOIMINT Piati Your We have a few openings for Administrative and Personnel Managers. Wedding These positions include middle management level planning, admini¬ BUONO APPETITO at our strative responsibilities, personnel employment and control. The suc¬ Engaged Girl Party cessful applicant will be 19-26 years old and have a BA/BS degree in That's no problem fer as management, business or related field with some math background. Age waivers are avoiloble for veterans. Authentic Italian 'cause that's ear business. lio™ rail b.v 013495424" Sandwiches A Dinners INOINIIRINO For the aspiring Engineer we have openings in the following areas: Quality printing dene FAST. Nuclear Engineering, Aviation Engineering. Ship Design, building and SPECIALS Se bring year last maintenance and Civil Engineering. The successful 19-26 years old and have a BA/BS degree in applicant will be engineering, physics or related field. Advanced training, valuable experience and responsibi- FOIfT LONE ITM.IM BOF SANDWICH with Papparondnl P*pp*ri '1.29 mlaiite |ob te as. 'ity ore waiting for those v j qualify. For the ambitious yo. .eg graduate, these positions offer travel, an yes we can! outstanding salary and benefits package, as well as unusual personal ®y*nmtu« LASAGNE DINNER and professional growth opportunities. By his or her fourth year, the CLUB with ten*d ulod and garlic broad '1.89 naval officer earns over $17,500. The naval offer who chooses to leave the service after an initial 4-year obligation has full veterans benefits m '""ruction m . insty-prints the wi? of ihe printing bi2' and the kind of technical and management experience business and industry. sought by Mon.-Thuri.t 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Frl.-Sat. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. 2,""MM Sunday: 12noon-ll p.m. DON TOMASOfKl 40-3303 8871104 3217891 MW5" 1017 E. Grand River WIS* 14SS L Nlckl|H 3205 S. Cidar 43M W. Sigiuw 123 S. WisWi|tm E. Lontlng, Ml. 48023 tftttn&iMB am 1045 £. GRAND RIVER at GUNSON PH. 337-9549 E, Mich., W. Soginaw andS. Cedar itoras9-12Sat. All ttorai opan 1:30-5:30 Phone (517) 351-6370 ©ipfato Smydra's actions Reps procrastinate, deserve watch delay needed action Now that all the flack surround¬ the University geographically as Legislators in the Michigan was voted down earlier this yeai ing MSU Trustee Michael Smyd¬ others. emotional House session tha House of Representatives are an ra's move to South Bend, Ind. has So far he has been on campus at procrastinating again. A vote was erupted in a brief outbreak begun to subside, a look at what least once a week since he moved expected on the marijuana decrim¬ physical violence. As a result the University's newest and most to South Bend. His class schedule inalization bill last week, but was this emotional tension, the Hous controversial trustee is doing and is conducive to this arrangement; once again postponed. is refusing to act and is attemptin what the possible repercussions of he is free Thursday afternoons and Rep. Perry Bullard, D-Ann to avoid the inevitable. his activities are is imperative. all day Fridays, which is when Arbor and sponsor of the bill, Immediate action on this bill After examining Smydra's re¬ monthly trustee meetings are expects the vote to be close. He vital. The archaic drug laws sponses to claims that he is no held. needs 56 votes for the bill to be longer accessible to the student Michigan desperately need to b Smydra can be faulted for failing reconsidered and another 56 to get body, that he is failing to uphold to notify student leaders that he changed to accommodate th the legislation through the house. needs of our society on the 1970s responsibility given him by the would be living in South Bend and The package has been listed at the voters of Michigan and that he has appealing to them to contact him abandoned his committment to the frequently. Had he supplied these top of the day's calendar of business, but last Thursday law¬ University, we feel it fair to watch key students with his address and the new trustee closely rather phone number he would have been than chastise him now. less vulnerable to claims of in¬ makers chose to skip over the bill for reasons unknown or unjustifi¬ Breakdown able. Smydra has been in South Bend, accessibility. By allowing the Strategic Arm attending Notre Dame University, But the trustee cannot be The issue needs no further Limitation Agreement (SALT) i since August. He plans to be there faulted for attending Notre Dame. research of debate. It has been for four years pursuing a joint supported by such organizations expire without negotiating a ne Despite the need for full-time pact, the United States and th business/law degree. But he has student advocacy of the sort that as the American Medical Associa¬ Soviet Union have raised th yet to run out on the voters who Smydra promised, the fact re¬ tion (AMA) and the Michigan Bar elected him, and, more important¬ mains that the trusteeship is a Association. The House simply frightening possibility that th arms race will ly, the students who supported non-salaried part-time position. does not want to bring the spiral dangerous) out of control. him. The whole situation may yet legislation to a vote. The most popular claim against The President Jimmy Carter made, Smydra is that he is now inaccess¬ prove to be too much for him and Smydra may eventually be forced State News | Although it is obvious that decriminalization of marijuana new SALT agreement one of th ible to students. To that he replies to make a decision between MSU top priorities of his administra Monday, October 3, 1977 would save law enforcement agen¬ that he is merely a phone call away and Notre Dame. He maintains tion. It is irrelevant to cies much time and money, the and will not refuse collect calls. He that he will not have to make that Editorials a e the opinions of the State News. blame for the breakdown of th Viewpoints, columns House continues to sit on its hands. also is quick to point out that he choice, and that in any event he and letters t re personal opinions. negotiations, but it is instructiv can be in Lansing within two and a will not resign. He maintains he The legislation would also draw to note that, with or without Editorial Department half hours by car and will not will carry out his trustee duties the needed distinction between treaty, the technologies of th .... . . , Editor-in-chief Michael Tanimura Photo Editor Richard Politowski hesitate to make the drive when . . ... and campaign promises effective- Managing editor Kat Brown Entertainment and Book Editor . Kathy Esselman marijuana and dangerous drugs major superpowers have advance necessary. ly. Whether or not he will be able Opinion Editor Dave Misialowski Sports Editor _r Tom Shanohan such as heroin and cocaine. But to such a degree of sophisticatio While we hesitate to compare to do so remains to be seen, but it is cd"or Debbie Wolfe Layout Editor . .. Fred van Hartesveldt again, no action is being taken. that evading the terms of an Joe Scales Copy Chief.. Smydra to several other trustees the RenoldoMigaldi conceivable pact would be easy. because he has exhibited the responsibility of the student compu'sMoo,- Anne Stuart „r, Freelance Editor Michael Winter Because the vote is so close, body to monitor him closely. win editor Jocelyn Laskowski Staff Representative Nunzio M Lupo legislators are evading the issue. The net effect of SALT'S break potential to rise above the bureau¬ Smydra can be reached at 1325 Advertising Department cratic lethargy of his peers, he is, Elmer They fear the vehement reaction down will be to make the world St., South Bend, Ind. MvemetngManager Sharon Seller nevertheless, almost close to Assistant Advertising Manager DeniseDear which would occur after a vote on more dangerous and uncertaii as 46626, or at (219) 234-7965. such a controversial issue. The bill place. JACK ANDERSON AND LES WHITTEN see for yourself what the Greek system h hum offer you. The sorority has been my hon to here and I believe there is a home awaiti: many students by being a sorority fraternity member. Kleindienst probed activities, city government, homecoming, Mary Alice LeDu 616 MAC Praise Greeks East Lansin clubs, honor societies, sports, charity, and the list is endless. There are so many As another new school year begins, different kinds of people in each house, Letter WASHINGTON - Teamsters Frank Fitzsimmons and ex-Attorney Gen¬ boss becoming the symbol of his country in a world where two-thirds of the people are by Rep. Charles Whalen, R-Ohio, would memories of the tremendous loving experi¬ however, many outsiders find it easy to Policy forbid any future pay raise voted by ence I share as part of the Greek system at eral Richard Kleindienst will be the star hungry. Eating has become the national downgrade the way things are without The Opinion Pege mokomoo oR fatten • Congress from taking effect until the MSU are continuing to grow. Being witnesses in a new Senate Drama next pastime and obesity is the No. 1 nutritional looking closer to see what makes Greeks on viewpoints. Reader, ekonU foOow o fen ml following session. involved in a house carries a deep meaning month. They have already been questioned this campus such a tremendous organiza¬ to Minn that oe problem. Supporters argued behind closed doors that will carry through long after mmy fatten as poent behind closed doors about their role in a Yet Americans are starved, ironically, for college is tion. Sororities and Fraternities have so appear in print. that the bill would assure voters that past. much to offer that can enhance your college multimillion-dollar insurance scandal. wholesome nourishment. They are the It has been said that college is Utopia, and Congress would not use the same trickery to years. In a house where you experience AU Utfn md viewpoints tkonU be typed Sources close to the investigation say victims of massive advertising which boost its salaries again. But two generally maybe it is, but there is a great deal of real »space (net mi tnpk-focei Utter, ■ Fitzsimmons and Kleindienst told Senate promotes the wrong foods, nutritional security, warmth, love, respect and encour¬ reform-minded members, Reps. Morris world learning taking place in the Greek viewpoint, meet be rignod md inekde be investigators conflicting stories. The Sen¬ experts tell us. The less nutritional value a agement to do your own thing, your addreis, student, Acuity or tteff etuudmp- lldall, D-Ariz., and Thomas Foley, D- system that can have a dynamic impact ate Permanent Investigations subcommit¬ food has, apparently, the more money the Wash., surprisingly tried to shoot down the on your future. Pan Hellenic and Interfra development will be through the best euy-uud phone member. No fatter or ne tee will try to clear up the discrepancies by food companies spend to sell it. possible channels. point without theee Home will bo coneiien reform plan. ternity Council represent the entire system There are over 2000 Greeks at MSU for publication. putting both men on the witness stand. The cereal companies, for example, are The tenacious Foley said that tacking a in the best way possible, and it will continue The incorrigibly promiscuous Fitz¬ raking in millions pushing junk food on reform measure onto the pay raise "would living in 17 sororities and 23 fraternities to grow with success by generating that are proud to belong and have found an Letter,,honU be U tine, or lee, emi may simmons, who is usually found on the children. The federal government spends look bad." The skeptical voters, he said, enthusiasm among interested people edited for Stele Newt tfyfa end cootioenoet defensive in Washington proceedings, will that important meaning in being Greek. Rush $70 million a year advising the opoulace on would ask: "How come we don't do it this Greek life is a great thing here. fit u many fatten at poeeibU on a f be cast in the unfamiliar role of the accuser. will begin this fall term offering a golden their eating habits. But critics contend that time?" lldall, meanwhile, raised a few Vtewpotufs may be ue longer Om it h Greeks are involved in many campus opportunity to become involved and really He is full of righteous indignation over an the program is ineffective and the money is and may alto be edited eyebrows by challenging the group to find a alleged scheme to defraud the Teamsters in wasted. single vote that would be changed by the 33 states. This amounts to a staggering $2.6 Neither the educational nor medical so-called reform. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau billion worth of insurance business. After a professions have responded to the nutri¬ The bill's backers conceded that it few well-placed phone calls by Kleindienst, tional crisis. Only two states require any wouldn't affect the House vote, but they r nam not! mat HEY! get the contract went to Old Security Life kind of nutritional education, and merely 20 insisted it would paicfy the public. So the is urn i ran off a tare'em home, and THIS! hue Insurance Company. percent of the nation's medical schools have mi corns of the check it out, 6uys! group, with O'Neill's approval, decided to Kleindienst, a wounded political war- expressed the slightest interest in the panama treaty on i think y0uil find postpone action on the plan. my way out to prac¬ horse still recovering from the Nixon subject. But determined Whalen soon sent word a feu surprises! tice way! / debacle, collected $125,000 for his phone that the battle wasn't over. The reformers \ calls. This was his half of a $250,000 PAY REFORMS: Most congressmen rounded up nearly 100 co-sponsors, both "finders' fee" for helping the company land aren't happy about facing the voters after liberal and conservative, and made clear the contract. helping themselves to a 29 percent pay raise without an "aye" or "nay" vote. they would tie up the House for days if the Kleindienst told Senate investigators measure wasn't called up for a vote. earlier this month his $125,000 service to Fearing the taxpayers' wrath, several O'Neill promised to bring the touchy bill to Old Security onsisted of several telephone congressmen have been trying to reform the the floor this session. Because each mem¬ calls to Fitzsimmons urging him to award pay hike procedure during secret ber's vote will be recorded, the measure will the contract to the company. But the meetings this summer in House Speaker Thomas probably pass. Teamsters chief reportedly told the investi- "Tip" O'Neill's office. A measure suggested United Features gators Kleindienst did not ask him to swing the insurance contract to Old Security. The company got the contract despite the opposition of several Teamsters officials Harold is obsessed this morning. This was who reportedly wanted to give the business The man who lives in Waukesha, Wiscon¬ fall's first party weekend and Harold was to Prudential Insurance Company of Ameri¬ ca. The Senate investigators are trying to determine whether the lucrative contract involved in throwing a party, though he tells me next time there will be some changes. Like, he thinks people who arrive early Harold on Sunday sin and writes books about dirty words should live in Hollywood. But he knows everyone expects that of him and is just was awarded because of a backdoor deal. should go to Denny's instead of the people and waiting for the rest of the country to divorce They have also learned that Old Scurity graceful living. Here we call it almost. California, then there will be no Hollywood who stay late, because the bright lights are may not be old reliable. They have received bourgeois, in Britain I think they call at At the next party Harold says everyone and he'll be in more tolerable in a state of sobriety. just the right place. allegations that the company has been something like natty in their natty little should dress up naked and bring rulers just involved in several shady transactions. But, on the other hand, he knows, too, tea-times. that earlier in the evening people that are so there's no mistake. Harold holds his head Denny's has map placemats with all the Kleindienst told us in a telephone Harold's party was a Hollywood dress-up that feels inside like mushed bananas, Denny's restaurants across the U.S. marked interview that the conflicting accounts are a loud and obnoxious, who mix their leftover affair. Hollywood is on his mind. Though he with stars, glittering sky stars as opposed to chopped onions and ketchup together aren't rubbing limp legs of stringy bean sprout. matter of "semantics." Fitzsimmons, he has never been there he is pretty sure it The next waitress who pours coffee into glittering screen stars. tolerated as graciously — which, I suppose, said, is a "good friend of mine... I didn't ask would be cool if an earthquake rocked Los his saucer may die from tip deprivation, an is an odd word to describe Denny's. The next party Harold holds hell make Fitz to use his influence." Angeles and sent it gurgling for breath down After all, gracious is used to describe a extreme case of gratuity loss. She'll have to The former attorney general acknow¬ deep in the Pacific. look at onions, ketchup, sugar and salt sure everyone goes to Denny's first. He fine dining experience. Margot thinks, isn't it odd that there may be a ledged telling Senate investigators that he Fonteyn. Boats would be provided for the locals, of mixed in a cup of leftover coffee stuffed with made several telephone calls urging Fitz¬ Ginger Rogers, too. Or Amy Vanderbilt who course, and they could be relocated to Idaho. Denny's in, say, Waukesha, Wisconsin and is dead from dropping herself out of four packs of cigarette butts of different simmons to grant the insurance business to IRA ELLIOTT Except Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. brands. somebody right now is looking at their Old Security. His $125,000 share of the apartment windows. They would die drowning together like the star-marked placemats and looking across No one would call Denny's gracious, nor Harold wanted to ride north this weekend finders' fee, he said, went to his law firm, two pits in a pod they are. the country and saying, we'll have to go to would and watch the colors, could still go this not to himself. Despite Teamsters demands they say Judy Garland was gracious. Hollywood drowned would work wonders the Denny's in East Lansing, Michigan. And afternoon but it's dark and late already. that the fee be returned, Kleindienst told us Neither, also, Katherine Hepburn or Bette for the film industry, currently then Harold falls asleep for a Sunday Davis. But David Niven is gracious; he is composed of Parties are explosions, color tours are he has no intention of giving back the evening also British, which helps. They like irrele¬ angleworms in a can. Harold has a slight circles rippling out from the center where a nap. money. hangover and refuses to listen today to the stone was thrown into the water. Today the FAT AMERICAN: The Fat American is vant things like grace and graceful dining Sound of Young America or any music Elliott', column milt appear Monday, and city of Harold lies in ruins. Wodnoiday,. f|V^irn Stole News, Eost Lonslng, Michigoi Monday, October 3, 1977 5 Hudson's to open two new stores in ByJIMDuFRESNE SUteNew. Still Writer In what Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. called his company's "worst kept secret," the chairman an¬ square foot one-level store in the Lansing Mall located in the cross section of consumers." Although the Dayton-Hudson will consist of a rejuvenated Robert Hall store and new total of four in 1979. Lansing but it is unknown what effect The J-E. Hudson Co., the west sector of the city on store will be "By the time Hudson's comes the new malls will have on the build more housing for a larger nounced Thursday larger with two additions to the shopping cen¬ Detroit department store giant plans to Saginaw Road. levels, both stores will be ter. Robert Hall was closed out here, the mall will look out¬ city's downtown market." . ;.u |,as moved into the Flint, open a two-level entry in the "It dated," Forbes said. "So we will area. "I don't see the was a marketing decision designed by the same architec¬ Lansing Mall ^ awTnd Grand Rapids Dayton-Hudson Mall on Lake to open two stores," Hudson tural team and will by its parent company. Along try to embellish it a little bit." "There is a national trend of hurting the downtown busi¬ Marketing area, is coming to Lansing Road in 1980. said. "We feel Lansing and tical merchandise, service and carry iden¬ with Hudson's, owner Sidney The embellishment includes a shopping away from the down¬ nesses," Baker said. "It's not uS - the form of a But a year before that, Hudson's will open a 103,000 central Michigan is a solid activities. Forbes announced that another major department store will complete relandscaping of the town areas, shopping whether there a center or not," Hud¬ something I welcome, but I think it is one-two punch. growth market with a good The Lansing Mall Hudson's be added to the mall, grounds surrounding the mall, son said. something we can giving it a enlarging the parking lots to compete against. We are in¬ The Lansing hold 4,500 cars and City Council vesting a lot of money i:n the updating agrees with that, and its main CLAIMS LAWMAKERS MISUSE AUTHORITY the insides. plans for the downtown area is downtown area to make it n marketable." The J.L. Hudson Co., which to build more opened its first department housing, thus "We have a great number of creating a larger market of state store 96 years employees working down¬ Gov. Milliken ago, will invest consumers for the businesses reprimands legislature $18 million on both stores and town area," said councilmem¬ located in the heart of the will employ 600 full and city. ber Lucille Belen. "Once we get part- "Each mall will create its own the specialized and time workers when quality they open. market according to distance," The rebuilt shops to move in and provide By JAMES V. HIGGINS present it for final approval to much they spend Lansing Mall will said councilmember Richard both houses of the legislature as wooing law¬ Such law enforcement issues undoubtedly increase the quick access to them, I think LANSING (UPI) - House makers. should be thoroughly studied by substantially weakened from an Baker. "Our job is to not lose you will the quickly as possible. amount of business in Lansing, see downtown ,nd Senate conferees who were The State Police budget con¬ original proposal to decriminal¬ the consumers in our area and flourishing again." Today marks the third day of a special committee before any ize pot use, was voted down scolded by Gov. William G. ference committee showed eve¬ concrete recommendations are the new fiscal year, and the earlier this year in an emotional Milliken late last week over the ry sign last week of discarding made, conferees said. State Police Department theo¬ House session that erupted in a delayed State Police budget the many complex new planned today to try again to retically does not have author¬ propo¬ sals that had arisen over the It remains to be seen, how¬ ever, what the effect will be of brief outbreak of physical vio¬ Texas Instruments resolve the complex issue. ity to spend money without a spending plan, including special lence. To help keep tempers on INCORPORATED Milliken's insistence on a com¬ Thev gave no indication, budget. funds for the Wayne an even keel, Rep. Perry County however, of seconding Milli- ken's plan to give state troopers In other legislative action, the House is expected to vote on a measure lowering Sheriffs Department and out- state urban freeway patrols. promise worked out weeks ago and his challenge to legislative leaders to uphold their end of Bullard, D-Ann Arbor, sponsor of the proposal and victim of the Tl Programmable 58/59 responsibility for patrolling all penalties for They said they were leaning fray, said he would not speak on the sale, possession and use of the bargain. The marijuana bill, the Free Leisure Library Offer limited access freeways in the toward measure this week. approving the status state, even when they enter city marijuana. A Senate commit¬ quo with troopers remaining on limits. tee, meanwhile, has slated a Detroit freeways for the time vote on legislation that would They did say they want to being and kept off other urban force lobbyists to disclose how reach some compromise and expressways. WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II 220 mac., university mall above alle'ey hrs.:MON-SAT 9AM-9PM, SUNDAY 12-5PM ph. 332-3525 ALLPrf^) - flkh. 1 FREE WHERE HOUSE RECORDS / EVERY- DAY T-SHIRT with PURCHASE OF CALIBRON s C53 CLEAN-SWEEP RECORD CARE KIT ONLY 3 oUc^O 0O? • o Texas Instruments Texas Instruments o° ^ COfTlPUTER Programmable 58 Programmable 59 The Tl Programmable 58and 59 from Texas 0 LABORATORY °o° Instruments. They offer enormous calculating You can't save the whole world, but ?0°°0 o0 . power...plus Tl's revolutionary, plug-in maybe just a little piece 0 0Uo 0°o0° O Solid^State Software libraries. ° /offer good from August 15 to October 31,1977. Here's what you Progress In Africa In Inches. But even inches ad 0 0°0 0 oO° ° do^^/ comes drought-stricken Sahara. Grain losses cut from 33 percent to 3 percent. up: J,000 wells In the O- school students better prepared to pass the difficult state exams. Over the past 16 Secondary & The Computer Laboratory staff will conduct tours years, Peace Corps Volunteers have proved that they have a lot to offer In the of the Computer Center for new users of the MSU areas of education, Leisure Library Offer agriculture, nutrition, engineering, to mention only a few. And, they get back even more than they give... computing facility. Each tour consists of a slide presentation, a discussion of the function and operation of the Computer Laboratory, and a walking tour of the building. The tours start in Peace Corps/Africa Is alive and well...come to the African Studies Center and let Room 215 at the following times. u tell you more-room 106, International Center. 353-1700. October 3 1:00 p.m. osrswart*sn- 5o*Bcortti**iu s ons ** October 4 9:00a.m. October 5 7:00 p.m. October 6 3:00 p.m. M.S.U. BOOKSTORE October 7 11:00a.m. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS FREE OPEN REEL TAPE RECORDER SEMINAR MONDAY OCTOBER 3RD LECTURE EAST LANSING STORE ONLY r-COG/ Mr. Brian Tucker of Revox Design of Professional Corp. will present an audio visual show Triple Discount Choice Series •in and Semi-Professional Open Reel As a graduate student at MSU, you can save money For Graduate Students Only tickets to events presented by the Lecture-Concert "BUBBLING BROWN SUGAR" (Musical) Recorders, followed by a question and answer period. Series in three ways. 1. As a student, you can save 50% on single tickets. Say you wanted to see "Bubbling Brown Sugar," Les Brown &n£qpT» Tuesday, October 4 at 8 15 p.m. Wednesday, Octobei 5 at 8 15 n m SAN FRANCISCO BALLET SHOWS THROUGHOUT THE DAY STARTING AT 1 & the Band of Renown, "My Fair Lady," and the Bavarian Symphony Orchestra. Top price single rickets 77% Off the Wednesday. October 26 at 8 15 p.m. Thursday. October 27 at 8 15 p.m. p.m. LAZAR BERMAN, Soviet Pianist Seminar for,thcse events would come to $37.00 at the regular price, but as an MSU student you pay only $18.50. DISCOUNT ONE: YOU |UST SAVED $18.50. Regular ' Wednesday November 2 at 8 15 p m DIMITRI. MIME/CLOWN/MUSICIAN Special— prices good Oct. 3, 1977 only Tuesday November ?? m 8 15 o m. 2. By purchasing a series ticket to the Broadway Theatre Series or the new Choice Series, you can save an Single lar lubovitch dance company Thursday. January 19 at 8 18 p.m. additional IS to 30%. Use the Choice Series ticket Price! ! J "MY FAIR LADY" (Musical) MAXELL MAXELL to see the same four programs listed above, and you pay only $12.50. DISCOUNT TWO: YOU JUST SAVED ANOTHER $6.00. Wednesday, January 25 at 8 15 p.m. Thursday, January 26 at 8 15 p m. Broadway Theater Series CHRISTOPHER PARKENING S UD 35-90 ! UD 35-180 3. As a graduate student, you are eligible for a COGS special 33% subsidy on series tickets. COGS will pay an additional one-third of your cost for the Broad¬ "BUBBLING BROWN SUGAR" (Musical) Classic. Tuesday. Jan, "SALUTE TO GLENN MILLER" 8 15 p. s 7" REEL BLANK TAPE ! !•%" REEL BLANK TAPEi way Theatre Series and/or the new Choice Series (either 8 or 4 events.) DISCOUNT THREE: YOU Tuesday, October 4 at 8 15 p.m. Wednesday. October 5 at 8 15 p.m. "ROBBER BRIDEGROOM" (Musical Play) Les Brown & the Band ot Renown Ray Eberle, Paula Kelly, The Modernai.es Tuesday. February 28 at 8 15 p.m. )UST SAVED AN ADDITIONAL $4.25. That's a Tuesday, January 17 at 8 15 p.m. BAVARIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA $4.99 total of 77% off the regular single ticket price! | $14 »kt' r reel OF MUNICH perree| You can purchase cither or both of these series at this "MY FAIR LADY" (Musical) Starring Edward Mulhare Rafael Kubelik. Conducting triple discount. There are two catches: First YOU MUST Sunday, Apftl 9 at 4:00 p.m. _ VISIT THE COGS OFFICE BY OCTOBER 7 and pay Wednesday, January 25 at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, January 26 at 8:15 p.m. VERDI GALA your part of the licket price. (Don't go to the Union.) If Four Opera Stars w.th Orchestra you plan to include "Bubbling Brown Sugar" on cither Saturday, April 29 at 8.15 p.m. See You There series, come to the COGS office by Wednesday, September These events in the 28. The COGS office is open every weekday 8 am to Noon "WEST SIDE STORY" (Musical) University Auditorium and Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7 to 9:30 at 316 Starring The Young Americans HI-FI BUYS Tuesday, February 21 at 8:15 p.m. For any 8 events Student Services. Phone 353-9189. The other catch? You pay only $16.50, 12.75 or 8.25 COGS has placed a ceiling on the subsidy funding, so it's You pay only $10.00, 8.50 or 6.00 (Save up to $55.50) 1101 E. Grand River For any 4 events first come, first served. (Save up to $26.00) E.L PH. 337-1767 You pay only $8.25, 6.25 or 4.25 M-F 10-9 S 10-5 (Save up to $30.75) 4 FREE PARKING 6 Michigon Stote News. Eost loosing. Michigon Mondoy, October 3, 1977 Nevada judge blasts NCAA's Berst tk DteQtf By STATE NEWS process. OPEN The court said that for all Same agent investigated MSU tnd Wire Services LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - intents and purposes the MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9-9 NCAA is a monopoly and Basketball coach Jerry Tar¬ "restricts freedom of the choice tarian has scored perhaps the David Berst and said he "had an Tarkanian, who was notified ed Nevada Rep. James Santini of new athletes by UNLV and of the institutions and athletic SAT 9-6 SUN 12-5 moat significant victory of his obsession to the point of para¬ by UNLV he would be severed to call for such a Congressional personnel who desire to com¬ career in a court decision "challenged the credibility of noia to harm the plaintiff... from the athletic program Sept. investigation. our program." pete in collegiate sport of any blasting the NCAA and permit- 9 although he remained on the "David Berst threatened, The State News said Friday magnitude." ing him to remain on his job at payroll as a professor, had filed Judge Brennan said,"When Brennan said the courts must the University of Nevada at coerced, promised immunity, that Rep. John Moss of Califor¬ Las Vegas. The ruling may cause the promised rewards to athletes in his effort to obtain derogatory a complaint seeking a declara¬ tory judgment and permanent nia, chairperson of the U.S. House Oversight and Investi¬ one sifts through the evidence presented to this court the become involved in such viola¬ tions when infractions of the 10 /o OFF our information injunction against the univer¬ action demanded by the NCAA U.S. Constitution occur, even DISCOUNT NCAA, a voluntary regulatory against Tar¬ gations Committee, will an¬ kanian." sity to prevent the action. against the plaintiff can be though membership in the PRICE ON body for the conduct of col¬ nounce within a week an inves¬ reduced to one word—incredi¬ NCAA is voluntary. legiate athletes, to sharply Berst, NCAA Director of Tarkanian was jubilant about tigation of the NCAA. revise its investigative prac¬ Enforcement, also investigated his legal victory and said, "The ble." PHOTO FINISHING "I would definitely testify tices in the cases of suspected MSU in a probe that began in NCAA will have to change its He said Tarkanian's reputa¬ before Congress, "Tarkanian rules violations. April 1975. The same tactics investigative procedures." said. "I feel we had a great tion had suffered "irreparable ateroos that judge Brennan criticized He said he would be case." damage," and the coach had District Judge James Bren- Berst for were questioned by happy to been denied liberties guaran¬ refrigerators STATE COUPON nan Friday granted Tarkanian testify at a Congressional hear¬ tv's MSU during the investigation The coach said he and his teed under the 14th amend¬ a permanent injunction against ing on the NCAA investigative POO RINTi JT1-1TM UNLV's action in severing the coach from the basketball pro¬ and after the three year proba¬ tion was announced in January in 1976 copyrighted State News procedures. The NCAA action against players as well had been damaged by NCAA allegations and he said the athletic associa¬ ment and had been denied due CIGARETTES gram, a sanction demanded by stories. UNLV and Tarkanian prompt¬ tion's probe had hurt recruiting the NCAA. In September, the NCAA to MSU was told by the NCAA fire assistant coach Howard BIC MAC This Year Arvc 2/89C* EVPIDCI placed the UNLV basketball team on probation for two Weyers and a total of seven years for alleged recruiting players were suspended for STATE COUPON violations and favored academic varying numbers of 1976 treatment of athletes. games. The most severe was a season long suspension for Joe Mackinac DESITIN CREST Judge Brennan, in his ruling, SKIN CARE singled out NCAA investigator Hunt, then a senior. 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For more details on this program, ask your placement officer when a Navy representative will be on 10% OFF Eagl« Press provides condensed course material for the campus, or call the Officer Program Office listed below; L'EGGS OR NO NONSENSE following or send your resume to Math: 108,109,111,112,113. Navy Nuclear Officer Program, PANTY HOSE Statistics; 315. Che* 130,131,1*1. Code 312,4015 Wilson Blvd., Physics: 237^38,239^17^289. Arlington, Va. 22203. The Soft 201,202^211,21^213. NUPOC-Collegiate Program. It can do more than help you finish college; it can lead to an exciting Nat Sci Mm: All thru teres OFFICER PROGRAMS opportunity. 100 CT. 200 CT. All Basiness College Waiver Notes OFFICE, NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT, 313-226-7795 ENVELOPES FILLER Mow available at PAPER Modoat Book Store College Book Store NAVYOFFICER. 66C 66C ■od Blbaoos Book Store ITS NOT JUSTA JOB, ITS AN ADVEFfTURE. 89C value LIMIT I 1.19 Value LIMIT I EXPIRES 10/9/77 EXPIRES 10/9/77 onto News. Eo»t toning, Michigon I Mi<*!9£!l Monday, October 3, 1977 7 Energy bills introduced to force conservation Furthermore, the proposal sidering the consequences. So- the Bennane's fears were some¬ backing of Rep. Jack Gin- hours advertising value. I.SSS- me chilly Michigan resi- legislation would prohibit illu¬ minated advertising or other outdoor lighting on commercial called decorative uses of energy are, most of the time, the least energy efficient." grass, D-Iron Mountain, chair¬ man of the House Economic Development Committee, what confirmed Thursday the statements of one area businessman. William Hewitt, by Said Bennane: "I don't think it's really necessary for a business to have its lights on all supplies indicates home heating requirements can be met this winter, even if the weather is Administration. Daily data will be compiled from November through April to help the state 10 percent colder than normal. lu can look f°rward 10 establishments during non¬ "While many of these devices which will work on the legisla¬ general manager of Story Olds- night long." He said, however, a contin¬ plan for future winters. ■mer homes, but will have to business hours. are conveniences." Bennane tion, and one of the leaders of a mobile Inc., said he expected He also pointed to the wide¬ Milliken said it is the first Ce cold parking acUiUes if The bill would also said, "the question we must ask special legislative study of the his company would oppose the spread use of natural gas gency plan has been developed by the Energy Administration reliable effort to compile data *U introduced in the Miehi- energy-saving measures by encourage ourselves is do we really need entire energy question. new legislation. lanterns at Oakland Com¬ and Public Service Commission on all fuels for winter for- f House Wednesday by a homeowners by providing a 100 them? In the light of our energy Bennane said he expected a He said that it would make no munity College as "one of the to deal with special casting. "This year's pre-winter |hman lawmaker is finally percent income tax deduction resource problems, I think not." Bennane conceded that some "lot of flack" from businessmen sense to have an illuminated most completely idiotic things emergen- preparation and planning has been the best ever, and citizens led into law. for the cost of installing insula¬ over the proposal to outlaw sign if the people driving by at I've ever seen in my life." A central communications parts of the legislation will be can look forward to the ten Michael Bennane, D- tion and a 50 percent deduction lighted advertising after busi¬ night are not able to see it. He Meanwhile, Gov. William and data gathering center will heating controversial. But they have ness hours. said companies need after- season with confidence," he roit introduced a package for the costs in installing solar, Milliken said a check on fuel be operated by the Energy said. Bills to force businesses and wind, or water energy conver¬ leowners to conserve sion devices. "Conservation must be the llmler the terms of one of word of the future because we FANTASTIC Knane's bills, it will be illegal Inild a commercial parking need to conserve the this state," said Bennane. "In energy of QUAD SUIT fcity that is heated or to ■vide heating for an existing the past the citizens of this OUTERWEAR flity. state, myself used energy included, have without con- SALE SALE Lcluded in the legislation are ■visions banning the sale of I appliances which require "You I use of pilot lights, the sale •LEATHER name television sets which provide •DOWN FILLED | "instant on" feature re¬ tv'» •HOT DOG SKIS plug a constant flow of PM MNTt 372.1793 free delivery on/off campus •WOOLS ■tricity, and the sale or use got Bas fueled decorative lamps. •FIBER FILLED it" NOW 34"-44" to 149" SUPER SPECIAL! DACRON HOLLOFIL II 3 PIECE SUIT m WOOLS! NOW $9995 Reg. 169" OTHER 3 PIECE SUITS *79"-119" to 139" THE BIG WHITE BARN SWEATERS FOUR PIECES: Solid suit with This Area's Only Multi-Media Discotheque CREWNECK reversible vest & 2843 E Gd River E Lans 351-1201 SHETLAND & CABLES contrasting trouser NOW *14" alitor... monda FLANNEL NOW PIZZA and PITCHER SPECIAL SLACKS 9995*10995#14995 REG. 13995 to 16995 VALUE NO COVER NOT ONLY THE BEST DISCO. BUT THE BEST BAR " -In Store Coupons- IN TOWN! Produce" Edon Bathroom Tlt.ua California Vina Ripe Tomatoai 44* ib. 4 Roll Pack A.iorted Color. 39' Save 32« Fre.h Broccoli 49' bunch Walton Vegetable Oil Importad Date. 24 oz. Bottle 88* Save 31C Random Weight Packaga 79' lb. Spartan Sandwich Bags On east tide of MSU at 1109 B ct. pkg. 28* Save ISC East Grand River. Imperial Margarine Quarter. 48' Save 25C Open Mon.-Thur. 9 am-10 pm -General Merchandise - Baker'. Chocolate Chip. Fri. & Sat. 9 am-10 pm 12 oz. pkg. 57" Save 32C Block Beauty Cookla Pan. IS x 10 * 1 47 —Meat- Limit 1 Please with WHOLE HOG SALE Ladle.' Striped Orion Booties 77' pr. *5°° Food Purchase Quarter Loin Mixed Pork Chops (Leon — Meaty Slices) 98 ,b -Bakery- Tender Lean Pork Steak 98c ib. Both Goodrich's & Larry's Shop Rita Jumbo White Bread V77' have Package Liquor & full selection of your Young Pork Spare Ribs M'V Goldan Hearth Sourdough Broad 59' Favorite Beer & Wine Center Cut Pork Loin Rib Chops $14V Boston Style Boneless Pork Butt Roast 98c.b 'Frozen & Dairy Tender Pork Liver 39* * Saluto Party Pizza 33 ox. pkg. $2" Heatherwood Natural Flavored Ice Cream All Flavors — V. Gallon $ J 44 Shop Rite Bulk Sausage 88c ib M0VE|NTO .... Country Fresh Low Fat'/. */. Milk Magellan Koegel Bologna — Sliced or Ring 99* ib ThEAAU TRAINING SHOE: Country Fresh Buttermilk 1 qt. carton 3/$] 00 w,ithn«9m^e!J'.9htwei9ht "ylon and suede leather upper Weight Watchers Special M3Y Jogger Ju 'her s,r'Pes and overlay eyestays. Fresh Frozen Ocean Perch Fillets Comfort dra" back. CushinnDHadded collar and l°ngue. M^ned arch insoie tor best Hsupp0rt. ~Grocery green ana 9reen a 2esred r0yal blua. Graen Giant Vegetables SPECIAL Whole Kernel Corn Cream Stylo Corn 4/$ 1 0 *75.97 Sweet Peat 3 Spartan Tomato Sauca ISoi. can J$ J 00 Jiffy Muffin Mlxat V88' MSU BOOIERY Honey Data, Blueberry or Bran Darmaiiaga Liquid Dish Detergent — J2 at. - Special Label 99' GOODRICH'S >25 E. Brand River on wait .Ida of MSU at 910 Trowbridge Rd. Hi Klai Pop — • pack 14 Ol. — Returnable loHtei 99' plus deposit Open Monday • Thursday 9 am-9 pm "trots from the Union 9 am-10 pm Friday t Saturday °P»n Thur,. t Frl. til », other Thank You Puddings — All Flavor. 777' 11 am-Spm Sunday night, til 6 351-5760 8 Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 3, 1977 Union By JEANNE BARON State Newi Staff Writer cently. bowling lanes he said. "We just had them begun to show. may "About 50,000 people bowl be shut down which would be located on the east end of the campus, include The Union lanes are inaccessi¬ ble to handicappers in wheel¬ planned are that the only lanes on campus are Replacement of the 28-year- resurfaced! this summer for "Eventually," he explained, here each year," Irish said, not The Union bowling lanes are old lanes is already four years possibly the last time." "so many nails will have to be "and I really feel that they a 32-lane bowling alley. chairs, as is the entire building, sible and because it so old that they may have to overdue, Irish said, but the Irish said the problem is that should bowl on campus and we Harris Beeman, intramural but the visually-impaired are assist in paying the 0- pulled out that the boards will close down in another year or the lanes have been worn and should provide the best facili¬ director, said the lanes able to bowl with the aid of a costs of the new buildim. University has no plans at this just come apart." new two, Donald Irish, bowling time to renovate them. sanded so much that the nails Roger Wilkinson, vice presi¬ ties for them." would have facilities for special railing which guides According to Wilkfa * lanes manager, predicted re¬ "The problem is immediate," However, there is refreshments, offer discount them while they roll the ball. new lanes have no holding them together have dent of business and finance, a possi¬ connei rates ; for students and utilize "We also would have facil¬ with whether or not the said that no renovation is bility that students could bowl fi on campus even if the Union the latest technology, including ities for the visually-impaired lanes will be renovated. OTHERS ALREADY NOTIFIED planned because other items at MSU have higher priority for lanes closed down, depending electronic scoring and under- and all the lanes would be "The need for renovatioa funds. on whether plans for a third lane ball returns. adapted so they could be used the Union lanes may be :• In addition, the new lanes by everyone," he said. to the future since No involvement in tests j,- The lanes apparently con¬ intramural building are even¬ the would be totally accessible to Beeman said the main rea¬ ones have not been form to fire regulations, so tually carried through. built Proposals for the building, handicappers, Beeman said. sons the new lanes have been he said. ^ safety improvements are not a primary consideration in the MSU apparently was not Stanfield Turner testified be¬ the MKULTRA project, some¬ renovations of the alley. involved in the controversial fore Congress this summer times without knowledge or However, the Union as a MKULTRA experiments se about the experiments, some of consent of the schools' adminis¬ whole has needed fire safety which used drugs, alcohol, repairs for several years, and NOTICE cretly funded by the CIA in the tration. Harvard, McGill- mid-1950s and early 1960s. electro-shock and other Wilkinson said the building University in Canada, Illinois methods to affect minds and renovations must take prece¬ President Clifton R. Wharton University at Chicago Circle, behavior. and University of Minnesota dence over those of the alley. said this week he has not been "I think we would have Subsequent investigation of the schools later STUDENT HOCKEY were some notified of past MSU partici¬ reveal that about 80 colleges difficulties justifying a major named as MKULTRA partici- pation in the project. A CIA and universities participated in expenditure in the bowling ' spokesperson said that the alley when, in fact, the Union's universities involved have all not safe," he said. been notified. This apparently indicates that MSU was not involved. Representing seat for Irish said the only hope the lanes at this point lies in for the SEASON TICKET possibility of using a relatively The came to MKULTRA project light after CIA director RHA allows more input low-cost plastic surface instead of wood. "It would still cost $40,000 to INFORMATION renovate the 16 lanes," he said, Residence Halls Association dence Council (UARCO), vie Parking fines (RHA) will have a seat repre¬ annually for the rotating fourth "but it's possible we can THE TICKET THAT YOU PURCHASE WILL RE YOUR senting the University's hous¬ seat. squeeze something like that in." He added that with the LANSING (UPD-The state ing governing groups this year The liason group was re-es¬ Union's low rates — 50 cents a RESERVED SEAT FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON! Commission on Employment of on a four-member student lia- tablished in recent years after a Handicappers Thursday re¬ group to the MSU Board of game during the day and 65 PLACI OP tALI-MIINN ICIARINA son long period of inactivity. Mem¬ cents at night — students minded able-bodied motorists Trustees. bers meet regularly with trust¬ HOUR! OP fALI-8130 A.M.-4:30 P.M. would have to pay much higher that, starting Saturday, they RHA President Robert Vat- ees and have non-voting seats face fines of up to $1(10 for ter, who will hold the liason at board meetings. prices elsewhere if the lanes closed down. parking in spaces reserved for seat, said he was pleased with handicappers. the opportunity to sit on the To avoid getting tickets, handicappers should obtain board. "This gives RHA significant N€W DAT8S Monday, Oct. 3,1977 8:30-12:30 STUDIMT NUMBIRf 1 thru 707999 "handicapper license plates" or special parking permits from the Secretary of State's office, input into the policies the board makes," he commented. "We never had that before." CRAFT C€NT€R Monday, Oct. 3,1977 12:30-4:30 Tuesday, Oct. 4,1977 8:30-12:30 708000 thru 741599 741600 thru 770499 said Rita tor Hull, executive direc¬ of the commission. The special plates are sold at Permanent seats in the liason group are held by the pres¬ idents of Associated Students of IN TOWN! WITH COMPLETE SUPPIIES FOR: Tuesday, Oct. 4,1977 12:30-4:30 Wednesday, Oct. 5,1977 8:30-4:30 770500 and above Any Number the same time and same price as MSU (ASMSU) and Council of • Stained Glass • Wood Carving regular plates. The permits are Graduate Students (COGS), free and may be obtained at any and the head of the Student • Weaving •Macrame ■r TICK ITS AM LOST OK STOLIN TMY WILL NOT M MPLACID time. • Mosaics • S Lots More! Council. Five other student governing J5 Stop By Our Craft Center: Applications for plates or ^ For each ticket purchased you must have a validated fee receipt card and *20.00 (cash or permits may be obtained by groups, including RHA, Panhel- 2224 E.Michigan Ave., Lansing writing the special services lenic Council, the Interfraterni- check.) Married students may purchase a season ticket for their spouse at the same price- section of the administrative ty Council (IFC), the Interco- proof of marriage must be presented at time of purchase. services division of the Depart¬ operative Council (ICC) and ment of State in Lansing. University Apartments Resi¬ Any students wishing to sit together must purchase tickets together - all seats are reserved. One student may purchase a maximum of 8 season tickets (this includes spouse ticekts). No attempt can be made at Munn Arena to place more than 8 tickets in any one location. IBM NEEDS OUTSTANDING SHOTOKflN KARATE PEOPLE And we can offer outstanding J.K.A. - INTERNATIONAL - M.S.U. career opportunities in Marketing, Engineering or Computer Science. We will be interviewing at We will resume our training for Fall Term TONIGHT. Come train with the hard working, dedicated members of the J.K.A. Everyone is welcome!! Men and women, faculty, staff, students and their spouses!! Michigan State University on October 20,1977. FIRST WORKOUT TONIGHT: Mon., Oct. 3,7 p.m., 118 Women's I.M. To find out about IBM and let us find out about you, sign up for an Class Schedule: Mon. 7-9 p.m. 118 Women's I.M. interview at the Placement Office or Wed.9-11 p.m. Men's I.M. Judo Rm. write to: I.C. Pfeiffer, Sat. 12noon-2 p.m. 118 Women's I.M. College Relations Manager, IBM Corporation, One IBM Plaza, We offer no promlies, no gimmicks, |ust one hard, dedicated training, striving towards perfection of our art. Come and see what we common purpose are all about. — Chicago, Illinois 60611. A.R. Sandubrae, Instructor 351-1801 An IBM Contact: L. Miyamoto 353-2516 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer W. Saito 355-2809 K I 1 Ku $ C3 3zr ei reld eP edpicoleV reURBF »•- * * roF 702 •« DA efahC ne rG" ro Y mwRi gnihtyrevE lacisum tf s'ados■ SN IL rnt 542 MSIsHefanR skUaniecA AREMAC gnihsniF nu5 .E 33 mlC-sMF etihW woL UH I■ de rG sde N .tohP snhtF ni nnA "05.*—sozaK .sretauqdh .tS elt iL ecivreS sulP sag .vR sI .cisum I secirp POHS mI refrh .hP CISUM yawerF 0357-13 .OC . .IRF-NOM 029 ©t ,toH £ gnizlacepS * * isea dna R ew 03:9 ot EGDIRBWOT SEIBOH SL EB dna kciht ytnfRarF gnitnirP gnithgL noil ni da SPSIR 03:9 kciuq .raewiks nwod tl.iMasHep• feM w i .TAS jtiweS dk sa a AZ IP .ysehc am !hsalf ohtiL tdsW stekcaj wa 0 :01 o» 00:6 . 463-2 s ifah 9 3 173 ecnirp lacoL deb teL sI a 1MCA secirp detnaruG YRT NIW yadseuT TSROTALUC NUOCSID ot * era eht gnirutcafm rwoy OMIDKB ot aRslT&AP ni «ecivreS 'adnoSN ' M S n i t r W k tif yek nwot tsewol HSAC thgin euf ot yliaD wot .JOtW !OGNIB si ruo dna eltiL ecivreS sulP sag s03 refo EHT REBOTC ruoy wol gnistrevda ruoy s wol 03 .sden dliab ! 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The present arcade will State New. Staff Writer ban renewal that Thompson is opportunity to participate in also be redesigned and will cappers. The Michigan Theatre in hopeful of obtaining because of the renewal since we have such feature shops dealing with Jeff Peters of East Lansin I Sonny Rollins fronts new quintet Lansing may evolve from show¬ ing film to becoming a cultural complex that will house art the theatre's artistic and his¬ toric value. 'The theater is a diamond a fine facility, other commun¬ ities have had to start from the ground up. crafts, arts and music. The with a enlarged orchestra pit hydraulic lift, and the made the feelings of the cappers addressed the known when handf I £ gallaries and performing setting in the middle of all the "It's really great because you complete sound and lighting group; "R:. it's a young theater I groups, if the plans to purchase plans for the rejuvenation of get the benefit earlier and systems will provide technical now and a" I of M's can at U Eclipse Jazz series and restore the theater are the downtown area," explained there are few such facilities you facilities for local and touring as inaccessible to me stars on the as ceiling. I thoJ I I carried out. Thompson. "We're going to go can restore." productions from variety shows Tom O. Thompson, founder for the nickels, dimes and Renovations planned for the to major symphony orchestras. when it grows up it wdl be „ I By DAVE DIMARTINO text, I can think of several he did, he was as lyrically fluent and president of DaCapo Inc., a dollars." theater include the restoration Local city officials have also accessible to me as the tional Theatre of the N? I better contexts than the as could be non-profit corperation that is To announce this and cele¬ of the entire upper level, with taken an interest in the project Deaf i„ State News Reviewer expected. But still, Washington, where I can vet J George Duke-produced (Mus¬ these moments were short¬ promoting the project, said that brate their first day of incorpor¬ open skylights, and as indicated by the presence at Sonny Rollins showcased his greenery the stage directly from newest quintet in Ann Arbor ical Wasteland) Rollins seems lived. Disturbingly so. Rollins he anticipates no problems, and ation, DaCapo held an Open floral displays. These areas will the gathering of Council- th auditorium." 1 this past weekend, in a series of to be headed for. that one year from Oct. 1 the House on Oct. 1 with 200 people be occupied primarily by arts members Terry McKane, was playing two or three concerts that left little doubt as What is most ironic, how¬ choruses of an indistinguishable theater will be bought and attending, in the site of the first agencies and resident perform¬ ing companies, which might Robert Hull and Planning Di¬ Graves was aiso present said, Its going to take ,nd I to the musical direction the ever, is the difference just one melody, and at times, just opened as the step by step project. The theater was built in 1921 include, Thompson added, the rector Alan Tubbs. The project should also get a cooperation of everyone in th, th, I tenor saxophonist is currently year has made in Rollins' per¬ really wasn't doing much of rejuvenation process is being carried out. and christened The Strand; it I following. forming style. Brought to MSU anything. Yale Smith, lasted as a live theater only 18 Opera Guild and the Lansing boost when legislation is intro¬ community ... somehow it Et. I Performing as the second in a campus by Showcase Jazz last The best moments were president of Ballet. Their parent organiza¬ duced in January that will into everyone's life." ' W.S. Butterfield Theatres, the months. Plans for redesign tion the Lansing Metropolitan series of fall jazz concerts year, Rollins, albeit with an those in which the band drop¬ provide tax abatements for sponsored by the University of almost completely different ac¬ ped out, allowing Rollins, in his company that owns the Michi¬ include art museums, gallaries Fine Arts Council already has small businesses, Mayor Gerald Thompson also explained th, fundamental purpose of I Michigan's Eclipse Jazz group, companying group of mus¬ timeless style, to play com¬ gan Theatre, declined comment and performing arts center. offices in the building. The R. Graves pointed out. th, I Rollins seems to be heading icians, showed that the funky pletely unaccompanied. Then, on the possible sale. "This is just a really great Michigan Theatre's ballroom Satellite organizations that project, "Lansing has been an I toward the greener fields of tunes on his newest LP's were and only then, it could have According to a pamphlet idea," said Rep. Bob Carr, will be refurbished to function will make use of the facilities embarrassing place culturally and this project can alter I "fusion" jazz, which is some¬ diversions and little else. been 1959 and the Village distributed by DaCapo, they D-East Lansing, and one of again as a combination banquet- provided by the new complex that I Though at the bell of his horn will organize the formation of a those present at the Open ballroom convention hall, which include the Force, the youth tremendously. thing of a vast disappointment. Vanguard all over again. As was the case with "The was a tiny microphone, and his But to have to "put up with" profit-stock corporation that House. "As I've traveled around will be designed especially to arm of the DaCapo organization 'The whole goal is the cul- I pianist was limited to the will raise Thompsons estimated the district there are a large accomodate dinner theater. tural need of the Way I Feel," Rollins' most anything during a Sonny $2.5 to $3 million cost of the number of communities who which provides a means for city 0| I recent Milestone LP, a disturb¬ Fender Rhodes, Rollins had not Rollins is a disheartening ex¬ The lower level which once community youth to be a part of Lansing, but we don't mean to I ing preoccupation with funk has really "gone electric." Despite perience, one that I'm not project. have enhanced community housed a bowling alley, will be the project. exclude East Lansing and other I set in Rollins' playing style, appearances, Rollins playing particularly anxious to repeat. They anticipate the money spirit by rallying around the the site of the Michigan Artists Other arms of the organiza¬ areas, but our main need is to I and, as a result, a lot of very style and even his choice of With Dexter Gordon's unex¬ coming from the volunteer sup¬ restoration of opera houses. museum as well as a forum for tion are the DaCapo Singers, serve Lansing, which needs so I ordinary music has to be waded tunes had not changed in the pectedly successful Homecom¬ port of people, along with This is not the first program the exhibition of more current the Long Distance Runners, a much." 1 through before the vitality in slightest from his earlier days. I ing LP to serve as an example, Rollins' tenor can clearly come remember his More From the Rollins should be playing and Vanguard Blue Note reissue, recording the style that has Rollins, in his new direction, which came out a few months made him famous. seems slightly uncomfortable playing the Stanley Turren- before the MSU show, and that LP, which showcased Rollins A virtual jazz legend playing ANNOUNCING AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE tine/Grover Washington role. during what most critics agree funk — and not even particular¬ An extremely fluent, express¬ ive player — and probably the was his finest hour, contained music that was not altogether ly good funk — seems a tremendous waste. Hopefully, MID-PRICED STEREO RECEIVER. top tenor around — Rollins has different from what Rollins was Rollins will realize that he, of all placed himself in the position playing on the stage. The people, need not change with where he must improvise over electric piano seemed a con¬ the times to remain in the NOW YOU CAN OWN KENW00DS OUTSTANDING KA3500 AMPLIFIER AND KT5300 TUNER the most banal of chord cession and little else. public eye. changes, playing variations of Not so in Ann Arbor. COMRINATION FOR THE SAME PRICE VOU WOULD PAT FOR MANY STEREO RECEIVERS. an inevitably simple, ridicu¬ It might be his new band — lously repetitive melody. Don Pate on bass, guitarist Certainly, this push toward Aurell Ray, Armen Donnelian fusion is not a new one in on keyboards and drummer Rollins' case; most of his recent Eddie Moore (the latter being Milestone LP's have contained the only player who accompan¬ $269 the occasional, obligatory funky ied Rollins while in East Lans¬ tune. "The Way I Feel," hew- ing) — but I really don't think ever, is all funk and little else, and while Rollins is such a Sure, it took Rollins maybe superb technician he's worth fifteen minutes to warm up to hearing in virtually any con¬ the playing situation, and when REGULARLY '310 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO JOIN THE it** ^ THE KT5300 AM-FM STEREO TUNER * WE ARE LOOKING FOR THE BEST Truly Ample Power with Very particular characteristics of your Low Distortion speakers, and your own individual 300 BASKETBALL FANS AT MSU The power reserves of the KA-3500 preferences. (ISO WOMEN 150 MEN) are surprisingly large. This Ken¬ Unique "Tape-Through" wood delivers 40 watts RMS per circuitry * If you channel (at 8 ohms) with both Among the many non-compromise think you are one of them, and if you are willing to be channels driven. And Kenwood en¬ features built into the KA-3500 is ENTHUSIASTIC, have a great time, and give the Spartan Round- THE KA3500 STEREO AMPLIFIER gineers made certain that even at Kenwood's exclusive tape-through bailers your full vocal support at each and every home game: its full rated output, the KA-3500 facility. You can record simultane¬ maintains its very low THD. When ously with two decks. You can dub Slga-ap for Momborthip in the 77*78 you consider that normal listening from one deck onto another. And to be functional and logically acces¬ tune in the stations on the long, levels of orchestral music average you can actually do this while Spartan Spirit* sible. You will be impressed by frequency-linear FM dial. about 5 watts per channel, you can listening to a totally different their professional "feel" and posi¬ realize that 40 watts may become source! Combined with a tape moni- Improved Stereo Separation Tues., Wed., Oct. 4,5 tive action every time you touch a with PLL intolerably loud even in a large, torswitchfor A/B comparisons, the control or switch. You always have The most expensive tuners in the 3:00-6:00 PM listening room. More important versatility of the tape facilities the sense you are handling a preci¬ world have PLL (phase-locked loop) Jenison Fieldhouse Lobby than power itself is the clean power easily equals that of the most ex¬ sion instrument - as indeed you for better separation, and so does for which Kenwood is rightly pensive amplifiers on the market Cost: *24 are. the new KT-5300. PLL "locks" onto (12 games) famous. This clean power (low THD today. In short, Kenwood has made over a wide band) makes Making a tuner outstanding the stereo signal for improved stab¬ * listening sure you get the very best from For a tuner to be considered truly ility and reduction in drift. Distor¬ (f you wont to sit together, then sign-up and to the wide dynamic range of the pay together. your tape recorder. outstanding, the "blanketing tion and interference are supressed KA-3500 so very gratifying. Specially designed loudness dif¬ effect" must be minimized. Blank¬ and uniform stereo separation be¬ ference eting effect occurs when an FM tween left and right channels ■•awiabar We're Looking Per Spirited Spartans Precise, Flexible Tone Controls The KA-3500 incorporates a loud¬ station appears at more than one becomes a reality. The fine individual bass and treble ness control especially designed for location on the dial, and it is Station-Center Meter and LED controls have a number of noteable it. When you wish to listen- late at features. They are continuously usually caused by overloading from Stereo Indicator night or at low levels anytime, wide strong local signals. Special tech¬ When the meter is centered, you variable so you can make adjust¬ range response remains yours with ments even within fractions of dB nology and newly developed circu¬ are tuned precisely to the center of this loudness control. It automatic¬ its assure that with the FM station for best reception. even an anten¬ units, and, at the same time, they ally compensates for the "loss" of have 11 click stops so you can easily na signal of 1.0 volts, neither over¬ For AM, the meter indicates highs and lows that occurs at low loading nor distortion occurs. You station signal strength. A bright relocate and repeat any previous volumes because of the character¬ enjoy stereo reception of the "permanent" red LED flashes on to settings. Even more important, istics of the human ear. highest order with the KT-3500. let you know whenever a stereo these controls are of the expensive You can sense the difference Sensitive Front End for Superb NF (negative feedback) type for less Kenwood's excellence of design and distortion and higher accuracy. Reception Unique Auto Muting and Mono superior craftsmanship is evident A three gang variable capacitor Selection With the tone controls of the KA- not only in the electronics of the and a "High Gain" Field Effect When you switch to FM stereo lis¬ 3500, you can adjust the repro¬ KA-3500 but also in all the controls. Transistor (FET) contribute to duced sound to match the acousti¬ Knobs, switches and push buttons tening, you also get the benefits of stable and sensitive reception. muting which supresses inter- cal conditions of your room, the have been meticulously fabricated The 1.9 V sensitivity spec is good in station noise. This lets you tune itself. But even better and of equal silently from stereo station to importance is the steep quieting stereo station. Whenever you slope which assures you of fine, switch to MONO, there is no clean reception of distant stations. muting so you get the best pos¬ Massive Tuning Knob and Large sible S/N ratio and the clearest Dial possible reception of distant sta¬ The large knob looks good and feels tions. good. It will easily and accurately HI-FI BUYS 1101 E.GRAND RIVER E.L. PH. 337-1767 Disc Shop 323 E.GRAND RIVER M-F10-9S. 10-5 E.l. PH. 331-5310 M-F10-9S. 10-4 FREE PARKING FINANCING AVAILABLE n C,.. Newt, Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 3, 1977 11 jomestyle folk music at Fiddle By SUve SwUfT1 Granted, the music was un¬ So why did all those people Happy Birthday, Bilbo By JOHN NEILSON crowd of about fifty people to disciplined. This may explain leave early Friday were expecting it, and then the News SU« Reviewer why about a third of the au¬ night? May¬ be they expected the slickness The first weekend of any the lower lounge of West crowd was treated to a skit dience got up and left before school year is by general agree¬ Holmes Hall. The surreal con¬ Lth almost nothing but the Friday night program was of the corrupted folk music of ment set aside for parties, a fact gregation consisted mainly of featuring a pair of hobbits and Xogenized. pre-packaged, three hours along. Forgotten someone like Gordon Lightfoot (God help us) John Denver. some of you are no doubt still MSU's underground of medie¬ an 8-foot-tall cardboard Ent. (For those unfamiliar with Tol¬ ikplastic. formula music lyrics, sour notes (O-Neill had or painfully aware of. Upperclass- valists, science-fiction fans and Eilable in town lately (note an especially hard time Maybe they didn't expect to men trying to locate old friends gamesters, Star Wars fanatics, kien's work, an Ent is some¬ thing between a man and a tree, keeping fcryss7.?.» take part in the music, but to sit his voice up to pitch) and guitar mix with enthusiastic freshmen and of course, "hobbits", plus a there and let the with a shaggy beard and, in this music be clinkers abounded. Yet in this trying to make new ones, and healthy smattering of curious instance at least, I to hear some raw, genuine, dumped in their laps. Whatever the of East onlookers. glowing green "est-to-God creative music lack of discipline lies the charm the reason, it was their loss owners Lansing's eyes.) of the music. that they decided party stores count their profits. The party began with the change. to leave For the last official a But after a few years on campus phase of Folk music is not, and never early. it becomes obvious that one partyers (who were wearing the celebration, the entourage It's even more of a joy to find has been, music for musicians. college party tends to look a bizarre combination of street paraded by candle-light to a In an unexpected place like If the First Occasional MSU very clothes, cloaks, and robes) en¬ secluded It is music for the masses. The much like another, and that clearing in Beal Wood- L Ten Pound Fiddle Coffee- Folk Festival is any indication gaging in discussion of some of 1 lot, where a camp-fire sea chanties, the work songs, while the faces may change from was !, Though not suited to of what the MSU Folksong the more esoteric points in made. Despite the dampness and the love ballads are all year to year, the standard party people's taste, the First Society (sponsor of the Ten Tolkien's work and singing, left by the evening's rain, the parts of somebody's life. The scenarios don't. Lasional MSU Folk Festival, Pound Fiddle) is doing to keep while a very convincing Bilbo in circle was cheerful as they made beauty behind the songs is that There are exceptions to every Ensoied by the Fiddle on folk music alive in this area, rule, however, and this year's breeches and waistcoat distri¬ introductions all around, sang, they are functional, they tell ■day and Saturday nights, magnificent stories, and anyone then the Society is doing a fine staging of Bilbo's Birthday Par¬ buted gifts in true hobbit and laughed at each other. This I a unique, enjoyable, can sing them. When someone job. It deserves more than the fashion. (According to tradition, merriment was continued until ■nine musical offering. ty was about as far from the on his birthday a hobbit must shares as many songs as these meager audience that stuck standard debauch those at the party dispersed due as one could around Friday night. give gifts rather than receive to the late hour. Folksingers Michael Cooney, performers did (and they knew get. This annual event, spon¬ them.) hundreds), you can't have, and sored by the MSU Tolkien lry O'Neill, Maggi Peirce, Other Ten Pound Fiddle While the activities of the J Tony Saletan sang, clap- don't need, perfection. (shows) coming up Oct. 14, Fellowship, is a chance for The party officially started, Tolkien Fellowship are obvious¬ E, played and joked their way When O'Neill sang about U. Utah Phillips and Rosalie State News/Debbie Ryan lovers of Tolkien's fiction to however, with a recitation of ly not for everyone, they do hold Tough four hours of pure folk _ "Miss Fogarty's Christmas Sorrels on Oct. 23, Debby Society for Creative Anachronism member Sherry throw reality to the wind and Bilbo's birthday speech, with a certain charm for those who 'sic Friday night. Seated McClatchy on Oct. 28, Michael Cole relaxes in her medieval costume at a live in the late author's fantasy the audience filling in cheers, enjoy magical fantasy. Anyone •ether informaDy on the Cake", there were hundreds of Campbell world for a while. wisecracks, and applause at the interested in joining the Fellow¬ Cooney on Nov. 4-5, Alistair Hall party Saturday night. The years of what he called "the Society, which is |ge, the four of them traded cherished Irish traditions of Anderson on Nov. 20, Gemini devoted to creative interpretation of the Middle Loosely based on the party appropriate times. The speech's ship should watch the It's Igs and chatted in the best food and violence" wrapped up on Dec. 2, and Resident's Night Ages, meets on Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. in the Union thrown for Bilbo the Hobbit at conclusion was marked by a What's Happening section of the (dition of folk music. in the song. When Peirce sang on Dec. 9. the beginning of the Lord Of the tremendous explosion and flash State News for meetings and Rings trilogy, the event drew a which startled even those who times. a variety of instru- of "McCarthy's Party", there ints ranging from concertina echoes of her youth, and the I Irish bagpipes, the four youth of thousands of others, in [ormers spent the four the Belfast of World War II. _rs singing Irish ballads, sea When Saletan sang in the ■nties, cowboy songs, college native language of the Erst modern railroad cutting its way Inking songs, and anything caimaraR e that popped into their across Nepal, one could imagine —ids. Rather than showing off the wonder of the Nepalese at Kir skills at performing, they the invention. ^se to leave their songs as ts to the audience and each I is this oral tradition that is State News The heart of true folk music, p the four performers did if best to emphasize this ,ect of the music. It was not a Newsline igram ot presenting songs; it ■s a program of sharing, | the four did their best to re the songs they knew. 353-3382 Once-ln-A^Yc dot picking up instruments HeeiW"Srie^ most of the numbers (Peirce a't even bring one), the four ltrated mostly on the - IK of the songs, ritage behind them, rather and the "ProgrttwrniiDie - f on instrumentation. After " clide Rule ... "Printer .tan led the audience in the chanty "Leave Her Boys, Her", he had the entire « «LeWWPtices ToUB®®8 ' Xmrin". singing the choruses of You'll Rever See A9» ... the songs for the rest of the agram. TEXAS CANON TTW? INSTRUMENTS °o° .Wo ! MODEL LD-81 Was 0° oo° o °o9 MODEL TI-2550 III W/memory & percentage $2995 Six function portable 14" $8 >0cO ° MODEL 8M Was 49" Was COmPUTER TEXASINSTRUMENTS MODELTH650 Six function w/memory 17" $8 LABORATORY TI-58 "Programmable" Rechargeable $2l MODEL F-7 Was J 0 )°00 „ Up to 480 program steps or, up to 60 memories. 25- MODEL Tl-Business Analyst Fifty function portable 139" *30 '0 0 0° oO °o o program Master Library Module with 5,000 pro¬ Financial calculator $4^95 QUALITRON <§?• 0C?O °oO s0 gram steps. Optional plug-in library modules MODEL Tl-Little Professor MODEL 1439 Was °0°0 ° available. Prints *1495 Financial calculator 69" M2 0 °0gOu , "alpha" and plots with optional (PC-100A) Electronic learning aid MODEL 1437 The Computer FALL SHORT COURSES 050. Call 394-4494, evenings. 8-10- STORE DETECTIVES-Crimi- sick leaves and retirement | Peanuts Perianal ads • 3 lines ■ *2.25 • per insertion. 10 13) nal Justice majors preferred. program. Apply Personnel order, excellent pay, benefks and working conditions. Full | Call 641-6734 between 10 Office E.W. SPARROW 75' par line over 3 lines (prepayment). PINTO 1972 - Automatic, and part time. Apply , a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Rummote/Carofe Sale ads • 4 lines ■ '2.50. $695. BOB TUTTLE'S USED HOSPITAL, 1215 E. Michi¬ person only, DENNY'S I 8-10-10 (5) 63' par line over 4 lines - per insertion. CARS, 1274 N. Cedar St., gan, Lansing, 48909. RESTAURANT, 2701 51 A non-discriminatory Grand River Ave., E. Round Town ads • 4 linos • '2.50 - per insertion. Mason. 694-0489. 7-10-7 (4) HOLDEN REID CLOTHIERS, affirmative action employer. Lansing Equal Opportunity Employ I | 63' per line over 4 lines. Lansing Mall, Welcomes the PINTO, 1974. 55,000 miles, Male/Female/Handicapped. 8-10-11 (71 lost I Pounds ads/Trenspartatlon ads - 3 lines - '1.50- M.S.U. students. Again we 5-10-5(141 par insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. stereo-tape. $1400-offer. Call do have part time sales 351-3985 evenings. 8-10-11 positions in our fine store. COOKS AND Waitresses. MALE NEEDED to furnished apartment. live~»_ I3I Must dress neatly and have Will train, evenings and mid¬ Fr#| rent and some wages fa| Deadlines sales background. Please ap¬ PINTO 1976 M.P.G. Mint night shifts available. Call taking care of horses. 361 Ads -2 p.m. • I class day before publication. ply in person from 10 a.m. to DON'S RESTAURANT 646- 1000.8-10-11(41 condition, 16,000 miles. 7 p.m. 8-10-10 (8) Concellotlon/Chonge ■ 1 p.m. • 1 class day before Lady's second car, snow HONDA CB350, 1973. Good 6752. 8-10-10 (4) MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST MODELS WANTED. $8/ LANSING ICE ARENA, 1475 publication. Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or tires. $2295. 351-8143 eve¬ road bike. Sacrifice, $375 or III. Part-time MP IASCPI or hour. We will train. 489-2278. INSTRUCTIONAL AS¬ R.N. OR L.P.N, part-time, Lake Lansing Rd. Primarily I 1 changed nings. 8-10-12 141 reasonable offer. Also a 1969- eligible. Will perform all Z-30-11-9 (3) SISTANT for custodial main¬ skilled nursing facility. All until ofter 1st insertion. 350. Call 487-6534 or 489- phases of component pro¬ tenance class. Must have shifts. Good benefits. NHE Cleaning, some skate sharpl There is a '1.00 chorge for I ad chonge plus 50' per PINTO STATION wagon, 1355. 8-10-10 (4) duction; routine and pheri- DENTAL ASSISTANT-East hospital housekeeping exper¬ ening and zamboni driving. (1 Lansing. 1313 Mary Ave. or 5 days/week, 5 a.m. toll additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 1973 automatic, excellent sis processing and other du¬ ience. Enjoys working with 1975 suzuki T500 Windjam¬ Lansing, full or part time. Lansing. 393-6130. 8-10-10 a.m. or 10a.m. 16to25hoursl The State News will only be responsible for the 1st condition, clean, new bat¬ ties as assigned. Alternate Certified or experienced pre¬ young people. Reliable and I4I tery, shocks and brakes, ra- mer iii. Luggage rack. $950. weekend or work required. works cooperatively under at $2.35/hour. Fred, 482 1 day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must ferred. Send resume to Box dials. $1395. 351-6155. X 3- Call 625-3348. 3-10-3 (31 EXPERIENCED COOKS 1597.5-10-5 (7) be made within 10 days of expiration date. Inquire at RED CROSS. 1800 C-3, State News. 8-10-10 14) the supervision of classroom 10-4 (41 E. Grand River. 7-10-11 110) teacher. Job available as WANTED. Must be adept Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not YAMAHA 650, still new, 900 theuniversityof" soon as possible. Contact and sharp. Apply MOON'S GENERAL LABORERSifyoJ paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will PONTIAC GRAND AM, 1973, miles, $975 best offer. 351- MALE ATTENDANTS - ex- MICHIGAN FLINT PRO¬ FOOD AND DRINK after 2 are available to work one full be due. Jan Danford, 676-3303 or 4-speed, air conditioning, etc. 6871. 6-10-7 (31 perier -ed personnel needed GRAM analyst Harold Humble 676-3268. 5- p.m. Full time, some part- day Monday-Friday landl Excellent condition, $1600. for institution and private Responsible time, days and nights. 8-10- have transportation!, apply inT programming 10-6111) home shifts. Part time, set person 9-11 a.m. MANPOw l 332-0212 after 5 p.m. 3-10-3 I4| ["liiii Suits If/] your own schedule. Phone expert, e.l./I, (Fortan ADC). Knowledge of operating sys¬ DENTAL ADMINISTRATIVE 10 15) FOOD SERVICE Supervisor ER INC. 106 E. Washtenaw,| u^rm [*«■*□(§ 321-7241. MEDICAL HELP. tems. Bachelors degree re¬ downtown Lansing. 8-10-1(1 PONTIAC TRANS-AM, 1976, LANSING'S ONLY exclusive Assistant. Full time, 4 day for skilled 8-10-12-15) quired, Masters preferred. nursing home. 17) automatic, air, AM/FM ster¬ week. Salary open. Send Apply at 731 Starkweather foreign auto parts distributor. Work with faculty, staff and eo, $4700.339-3677 after five. ESCORTS WANTED. $6/ resume in own handwriting. Drive or call 323-9133, Mrs. R.N. 3 p.m.-11:30 Free advice with every part AMC MATADOR 1973, 4- fiat 124 spider,'67 body,'72 students. Liberal fringe bene¬ p.m. shiftl CHEQUERED FLAG hour. No training JAMES R. STECKLEY PRO¬ Gallagher. 7-10-7 14) door good condition, good engine, reel sherp. Many 8-10-10J3I sold. FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 necessary. Call 489-2278. Z-30-11-9 131 fits including five weeks paid FESSIONAL CONSUL¬ full time. Excellent fringe! body, $1100.882-2652 after 5 extras $1600, 351-6301. 8-10- PONTIAC 1971 Catalina. 4 vacation. Send resume to; benefits, starting salary 5.411 East Kalamazoo St., one mile TANTS, 531 N. Clipped, DISHWASHERS PART- hour. door, radio, automatic, air. Dr. Samir Kamal, DIRECTOR Every other weekend I west of campus. C-15-10-21 CURRICULUM SPECIALIST COMPUTER CENTER, UNI¬ Lansing. 48912. 8-10-10 (61 TIME nights. SEA HAWK off and no rotation. Contact I Power. Excellent, $745. 353- to develop and revise materi¬ RESTAURANT. Williamston. AUDI 100LS 1972 4 door FIAT 128 station wagon, VERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Director of Nutsing, ING-I - 7950. 5-10-6 131 als for SMIL program. Must 656-2175. 8-10-10 (3) automatic, 1973. Front wheel drive, Flint. Flint, Michigan 48503, SALES HELP Needed. Part HAM COUNTY MEDICAll air, AM/FM. GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- have M.A. degree in educa¬ $1800. 351-8068. C-1-10-3 (31 (313) 762-3123. Z-7-10-11118) time sales position open. CARE FACILITY, Oketnosl $1350. 355-4197 after 8 p.m. SAAB 1975, blue, 4-speed 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, tion of mentally impaired. Experience not necessery. PHONE SALES, tickets, eve¬ AUDI FOX 1973,4 door, blue, 8-10-12 13) AM/FM 8 track tape deck, good supply of snow tires. Experience desired in teach¬ Prefer area resident. Appli¬ nings, hours flexible, Mon¬ 349-1050.^-3-m (101 low mileage. Good condition. PENNEL SALES. 1301$ East excellent, 60,000 miles. FORD LTD 1970. Power ing SMI and TMI and writing cant must be available for day-Saturday. Downtown ENTER THE world of health; I Asking $3900. 676-1906 after Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- $2000. 339-3906. 8-10-10 (3) steering, power brakes, air 3 p.m. 8-10-10 141 development of performance Xmas work. Call 484-8313, Lansing Office. Hourly rate or nutrition. Excellent earnings ! conditioning, runs excellent, 5818_C^2T 10-31J 5^ objectives for TMI/SMI stu¬ SHAW'S JEWELERS. 3-10-3 commission. 485-6318. Call your own hours. 372-63381 dents. Available Oct. 31, after 4 p.m. 8-10-10 15) 8-10-10 13) CAPRICE 1970. Automatic, body fair, $300. 351-9346 VEGA GT 1973. 43,500 miles. MASON BODY Shop, 812 E. air conditioned, four anytime. 8-10-12 (5) No rust, 4-speed. Good con¬ Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto 1977-Sept. 1, 1978. Applica¬ seasons, tions received through Oct. power brakes, steering, seats, dition. $950. 353-3418, Lisa. painting, collision service. 14. Contact Harold Humble, windows, locks. Reliable. IMPALA 72. Excellent con¬ 8-10-10 13) American-Foreign Cars. 485- 353-6824, mid day or after 6 dition, no rust, $1150. Phone 0256. C-21-10-31 (4) Personnel, 676-3268. 5-10-6 P-m. Camilo. 8-10-11 (5) 371-5240. 2-10-4 131 VEGA, 1974, 4 speed. Excel¬ U4_l WANTED-BARTENDERS, lent condition. $1000. Call JUNK CARS wanted. We waitresses, waiters for discc EARN EXTRA money doing CAMARO, 1972. Automatic, 1973 351-1875 after 6 p.m. 5-10-5 pay more if they run. Also macrame at home. Must be and restaurant full or part- MAVERICK. Excellent power steering, radio. $1875 151 buy used cars and trucks. Call time. Apply in person condition, $1900. 394-3728. experienced. 349-1192.5-10-6 or offer. Call 485-0573 after 5 321-3651 anytime. C-21-10-31 BONNIE AND CLYDE'S, 31£ Call after nine or before 11 p.m. 5-10-5 13) VOLVO 1972 deluxe 164 se¬ 14) E. Michigan Ave. 3-10-3 (5) a.m. 8-10 10 13) I SUBSTITUTE dan, 4-speed overdrive good STOCK-MAINTENANCE I ur wide selection of cation in town. APARTMINTS 2 Bedroom Townhouses Logan, across from Shaheen > components and tele¬ 1 ft 2 bedroom as Chevrolet, 882-6630. 5-10-5 visions • Heated (51 low as $240 a pool •Specious *2 levels See • Air conditioning DATSUN 1975, no radio, for great deals in sport¬ month. •Balcony 'Carpeting • Unlimited parking 35,000 miles. $1985 or best ing goods and musical equ¬ •Dishwasher 'Modern • Furnished offer. Call 349-2799 after 5:30 ipment A Air or 355-8332, ext. 273 Conditioned • Studios before 5 We * Furnished p.m. Ask for Caron. 8-10-11 • 1 bedroom cm(CLE 351-5937 repair all major brands of RATI * Various Floor Plans © • 2 bedroom B >s and televisions 3 DATSUN 2802, 1976. Auto¬ matic. air, 7000 miles. $5,900. 323-7617. 8-10-10 (3) 332-6492 1723 Cambria Drive Dicker a A Laundry 332-5420 746 BvrtlMm Dr. 161-1111 m _t_ IB i ia East Lansing Second Hand Store »-6 Weekdays- 'til noon Sat. 5 LSI DATSUN 1972-240Z, good 414 IN condition. Sacrifice. $1900. 1701 South Coder Michigan 1 s.« 655-3987. 8 10-12-13) dose to bus line 407-3414 Avenue Only 5 Blocks To Caws! J iX 12a na 1 721 14.40 Michigai,n Stote News, £q»t Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 3, 1977 15 tirtnt|[i I >nmifcjg I ftxtxHtsW' I Xw ffj | 1(^| 1 for Silt '9> Service ^ AVON - TO°man7^a7 2™ frM dlta™ tiw?TFn LANSING. 1 bedroom FEMALE ROOMMATE need- HUGE HOUSE for five or si* ?av them all and have money we free da'™^ UNITED ,urniahed. Call CEDAR , ed to share 2 man apartment, across from campus OWN ROOM in 4 man house SEARS TWIN bed $300 new, CURTAINS FOR I0 spare vvith AVON earn- RENT-ALL, 3S1-5662. 7-10-7 GREENS APARTMENTS. Close to campus. Call Beth CLAUCHERTYREALTY351 oft . Michioan Ave .Michigan Ave. Quiet Quiet 2 years old-$125 includes room, 13 ft. with matching Brody INTERIOR PAINTING. Rea- ings. 482-6893^0-5-10^(31 131 351-8631. 0-21-10-31 13) - 351-1492. ZB-2-10-4-I3I 5300. Evenings, 332-5900 332-0444. 3-10-3 (41 neighborhood. $75/mo. plus utilities. 484-8532 anytime. mattress, box spring, wood frame and head board 485- closet curtain. Heavy mat- sonable rates, free estimates Special rates for apartments erial, rubber backed, $50. PART-TIME positions for MALE ROOMMATE needed T—~ 3-10-5-13) 0641.8-10-10151 and motels. 372-8646 7-10-7 Roger 355-6795 E-5-10-7-I4I MSU students. 15-20 hours/ TWO BEDROOM apartments for 2 bedroom mobile home E°VJR BEDROOM bouse, 217 (4) "i Automobile required, inHASLETTARMS, 135 Col- For Sale 339-3400. C-21-10-31 with washer/dryet, 8'miles SJfosmer, neat furnished phone (151 lingwood. Call 351-1957 or 351-8135 or see Charlie from campus, $120/month $26° per redu£ed Open 167/ ROPING saddle, like new, $200 girth, | _ , _ „ apartment »3. 0-5-10-7 (5) utilities included. 10-10J4 14) 675-7190. Trl, 5622 3-10-4_(4) or 33Z' NIKON scope. MEDICAL $800, as new. micro¬ Sacri¬ Corda West saddle with 18' jumping stirrups, $100. \ \ fBruce (££n $27.95: 30 4907.8-10-10(41 Parking. 7453 3-10-3 — 141 (3) gallon long ith glass lid the 1977-78 school year. Spe¬ to sublease apartment for fall $225. Call 485-4917. 704 S. cial education teacher substi¬ or longer in Capitol Villa. $39.95. 55 gallon with glass LOST SORORITY pin Gam- TWELVE YEARS experience WANTED FEMALE room- Foster. 8-10-10 (3) tutes must have a valid $105, 351-5402, after 12 p.m. ROOMS IN clean, modern 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ lid $87.95; In addition we ma Phi Beta. Call Mary Lou ,ypin9 ,heses- ™™scripts, mate 2 bedroom, partly fur¬ duplex. Near MSU. Fur¬ 337-9742 Please return. 3-10- lerm pape,s Evenings. 675- 8-10-11 14) CLEAN, QUIET, male grad ers. Tanks, cannisters and carry a complete iine of teaching cenificate and certi¬ nished, own room in Okemos 5 ,3, 7544. C-21-10-31 (31 fication in special education student. Own room, $80 in¬ nished, share modern kit¬ uprights. Guaranteed one full aquarium ■ on bus route. 349-2760 days: cludes utilities. 482-9067. 8- chen bath. $88 month. 351- of the emotionally impaired NEEDED ONE female for 349-3674 evenings, Bev. 8-10- JP-J1J3) 6471 485 1436 0-21-10-31 (5) year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS ^lde se,ecll0n of 9ualltV fish. ANN BROWN or other areas and proof of a apartment close to campus. 10 (5) DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, fop in andI see us at THE Rumnuge Sale Typing. Printing and recent TB test. Contact Dr. $80/month. Call 351-9104. 3- A SOPHOMORE or older, 316 North Cedar, opposite F SHMONGER. 1522 E. Dissertations, re¬ EAST, GOOD neighborhood, sumes, general printing. City Market. C-21-10-31 16! Helen Romsek, 676-3254 or Harold Humble, Personnel, 10-4131 QUIET, STUDIOUS, Female to share large apartment, free room and board in lovely home approximately 1V? parking, phone, new carpet, use of M^higan, Lansing. 3-10-3 BEDS, SINGLE, bunk, and Serving MSU for 27 years refrigerator. For the twm box with complete theses service. 676 3268. 8-10-10 (131 miles from campus or bus APPLES. CIDER, pumpkins springs and mattres¬ EFFICIENCY, ONE or two pwn r00m- $90/month 394- employed qraduate student BLOSSOM ses, 3 desks. 214 Ridge Road 349 0850 C-21-10-31 (5) line, in exchange for some ORCHARDS STEREO: SOME new-some SUBSTITUTE bedroom. East side and 1252.8-10-1014) $60. 372-7973. 10-10-12 (5) The Wardowski's. 2 miles N llset) NEW: Kenwood near Grove 332-1166 3-10 3 INSTRUC¬ downtown Lansing. Call now babysitting with one 7 Zi year TYPING, TORS wanted with skills in old boy and light housework. of Leslie. 3597 Hull Rd. Old KR6600 $309. ADC KLM i! EXPERIENCED. for lists of immediate open- WOMEN NEEDED now 4- MEN'S SINGLE room, close Fast and reasonable. the medical health fields of¬ Must be stable and mature US-127. Hours. 9-6 p.m 539. Soundcraftsmen PE- 371- ings. AIM, INC., 374-2800, ™n. lw0 bedroom $72.50/ to Union. No kitchen, three Closed Mondays, 1-589 8351 4635. C-21-10-31 (3) fice-secretarial fields, graph¬ -9 with good GPA. Call 487- W. 5378. Advent 201A, RUMMAGE SALE at Okemos p.m. or 332-6741. m°nth. Call after 4:30 p.~ term lease. Phone 351-5076. Gift packages shipped by ics, data-processing, retail¬ 0-21-10-31 (5) persistently 349-2011. 5-10-7- 2933 between 9 and 5 to set Z 5-10-5 (31 5305. Stanton 681EEE, $38 Community Church. Wed¬ ing, industrial areas such as UPS. C-21 10 31 16) Shure M95ED, $19 USED: nesday Oct. 5th 9:30-4 p.m UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS (4) up interview. 3-10-3 (10) , machine tool, welding, auto _ Dual auto-reverse cassette Thursday Oct. 6th 9 a.m.-1 complete dissertation and re¬ ONE AND two bedroom fur¬ GIRLS SINGLE room, three mechanics, auto body, small SHARP 4 bedroom with two LIKE NEW, gold tweed deck S279 Pioneer TX-71CX3. p.m. 2-10-4-14) sume service; typesetting nished mobile homes TWO FEMALE roommates blocks to Union, three term engine, heating and air con¬ East Lansing ,0 minutes. One baths, family room, and car¬ lease, no kitchen. Phone couch. $200. Ethan Allen 589 Walnul la,9a Advents, IBM typing, editing, multilith ditioning and building main¬ tenance. A degree is not ^s "cTbS after 2 p.m. 8 10-12 (4) port near CLAUCHERTY REALTY 351- campus. 351-5076. Z 5 10-5 (3) style lazy boy, $40. 2 end tables, $20 each. 332-8319 5,79 pair Advem 900 $'84. A" new and used eclu|Pment Personal / offset printing and binding. We encourage comparative necessary. Call Leo Schuch, 5300. Evenings, 332-5900 or CONVENIENT TO campus. anytime. 8-10-11 141 includes warranty' After 6 shopping. For estimate stop 676-3323 between 8 a.m. and 332-0444. 3-10 3 (4) TICKETS NEEDED two UM in at 2843 East Grand River or Room and board. 337-2381. FINE HOUSE plant, .75 - vs. MSU. Will pay $40. Call 3:30 p.m. 8-10-10 112) SOUTH HAYFORD, lower , Large house. $475 per term. BRIAN 351-8980 5-10-5 (13) collect (313) phone 332-8414 0-21-10-31 level, 2 bedroom. All utilities, FEMALE - NEWER country $7.50. Two F78 x 14 belted 589-2032, Bob. (9) c|0Se, fall. Nancy 332-5520. Z-6-10-7 13) - 13 10 3 (3) $150 per month. Call 351- house, $80/month. Share tires, $27. All items top Z-3-10-5-13) TWO DREXEL solid hard- 7497. 0-21-10-31 (3) house, fireplace and 120 COUNTRY HOUSE-female to condition. 351-5276. E-5-10-6 w00d- sturdy end tables. COPYGRAPH SERVICE acres. 655-1307 ask for Rick, Peanuts Personal MINI-K00L REFRIGER¬ EUREKA FEMALE (WORKING or 5-10-7 (4) share with one other. Own 131 482-8517 E-5-10-6 jg Complete dissertation and re¬ ATOR rental. $39.95 per aca¬ STREET, near grad) to share beautiful apart sume service. Corner MAC Sparrow Hospital. Upstairs, ment across from campus, ROOMMATES NEEDED for V: WATERBED CONSUMERS _ WELCOME BACK sisters of and Grand River, 8:30-5:30 demic year. Call 355-8111 or Guide: History, questions ALPHA GAMMA DELTA! one bedroom. $120 per own room $100 and utilities, duplex comfortable-1211 RCA COLOR Tv ,9» fac(0„ Monday-Friday. 337-1666. C- 332-4700 110 a.m. till 9 p.m. month. Call 351-7497. 0-21- 332-1360, after 5:30 p.m. RESPONSIBLE FEMALE answered, types of mattres- Best of luck at rush!! Z-1-10- Ferndale, 351-8315 or 332- to reconditioned. $185: Danish 21-10-31 (5) dsilyl. 7-10-7 (41 10-31 (31 share mobile home with vet ses, (general) assembly pro- Sofa, 3(3) Z 3-10-5-I4) 6001. 3-10-4 (3) light weight $50: Coffee student. 15 miles to MSU. cedures, wood finishing tech- table like new $35 351-8763 $50 plus utilities. Call 627- niques, and technical data, q.-jq 11 (5) Real Estate « Transportation -JL 4869. 8-10-10 (41 Free discount price list on waterbed mattress, safety AFTER BREAK special — PEOPLE REACHER SPARROW NEAR, 2 rooms $50 and $60 plus. Susy 489 3074; 332-0300.3-10-313) liner, heaters, and vibrators. FREE LP when you sell us Send $1.50 to CAVRON records or cassettes. Quality, PRODUCTS, P.O. Box 29543 guaranteed hot stuff. FBC Okemos reduced. 4 5 bed¬ room colonial. 2550 feet, 2'2 baths. Immediate square COMMUTING FROM Ann Arbor. Mon.-Fri, Carpool 9-5 p.m., Roger. 353-4552: possession $80,500. 313-663-7494. Z-4-10-4 (3) Columbus, Ohio 43229. 3-10- • RECYCLED SOUND, up Paul WANT AD NEED GIRL to rent room in house, close to campus, $92/ month. Call 351 4653. 3-10-5 3 (8) PURE HONEY 55,60,65 lb. in stairs, 541 E. Grand River. Coady, 351-8058, MUSSEL- MAN REALTY. 332-3582. C- .10-3 (7) CO DRIVER WANTED from Battle Creek to Lansing, (4) 5, 10, 60 lb. containers. 204 Just complete form and Lloyd, Williamston. 655-3792. USED 19-inch Zenith por¬ Service Monday-Friday 7:45 3:20 call 373-7469 between 8:00-3:15. mail with payment to: FEMALE TO share house 8-1010 (3) table black and white T.V.'s, ask for Mrs. Barea. B 1 10 with 3 other females. Close, $30 and $50 Portable VM UP TO 1 3 and more sav¬ MCINTOSH MC 110pre-amp 30(5) stereos, $30. Seven day war¬ ings Comparison welcomed. tuner. Mcintosh MC240 ranty. Inquire at THE STERE- OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 State News Classified Dept. power amp. Yamaha CR600 o' SHOPPeT555 Ea^st"Grand Wanted Hfi E Michigan. Lansing, Michi¬ receiver. Advent 300 receiver, 347Student Services Bldg. ROOM FOR female. Yi Rive, c-5-10 7 161 gan. 372 7409. C 5-10-7 (5) would be the only student Marantz 1150 amp plus more. East Lansing, Mich. 48823 a quiet■ uuuve. house. muriePhone in Tu,p,ables by Dual Mira- PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIP- FREE ..A Lesson in complex- WOMEN 18-22 years with Name Share kitchen and cord Pioneer, Sonyo, Ar plus MENT COmplete darkroom ion care. Call 484-4519 East father loss (death or divorce) laundry, $80/month including speakers by Mcintosh, EPI, ^ ^ for 35 mm b|ack and Michigan or 321-5543 Lan- Address utilities. 337-2088. 2-10-4 (7) Altec, Sony, BIC, Audioan at age 4 t0 12 to fill our _ sing Mall. MERLE NORMAN questionaire for dissertation. alyst. Advent 100A dolby. COSMETIC STUDIOS. C-21- $4 per questionaire. Susan City DBX122 noise reduction sys- 10 31 (4) Zip Code_ NEEDED 4 males to share 4 tern. Teac and Sony reel to 351-1397 8-10-10(5) bedroom house. $90/man per SCHW|NN 3 speed ladies daytime Phone reel deck. 1000 used stereo b|ke Excfl,ent condiljon $60 month, plus utilities. Four _ Classification Preferred Insertion Date minutes from campus. Call albums, 500 used 8-track tapes, car stereo equipment, 484 09,6 8.,0 ,2 ,31 vide, THe'sTEREO 'shoppe, T|C«ETS TO msu-um game 351-9269. 3-10-5 (6) 555 East Grand River. C-21- pav.9f>,r,iLlat? Ca" after _ CB sets, TV sets, plus much, 6 p.m 339 9977 2 103 (31 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES: 10 31 (3) much more! BUY-SELL THREE OR four bedroom, Dutch oven, $7. cooker fry¬ TRADE. WILCOX TRADING Print Ad here clean, quiet, basic furniture, er, $5; grill. $10; food grind¬ QUIT SMOKING? Participate POST, 509 East Michigan. THE TYPECUTTEIf. a cor — $260 plus utilities, garage, er. $10; knife sharpener, $2; in an experiment which uses Lansing. 485 4391. C-21-10- raady, typesetting service- basement, fenced yard. 1435 31 (22) assorted small items. All in current psychological tech¬ Resumes, newsletters, bro* Roosevelt. Phone IV7-0062. A-1 condition. Call 485 1563. niques to assist you in quit¬ chures, business cards, let< Z-1-10-3 (6) E 5-10 7 (7) ting. Fee of $5, refunded DOBRO, GENUINE with terheads. envelopes, invita¬ upon dissatisfaction. Ca/I on¬ OKIE RATE WAMTtn case, no scratches, $310. Five tions, announcements, pos¬ THREE BEDROOMS unfur¬ ly if committed to quitting. 3 LINE MINIMUM string banjo, $50. 393-3715. VW SKI rack $10. Kitchen ters, Invoices. Reasonable Rich Strand 353-9174 or 393 nished except appliances. 8-10-10 (3) items $1 10 rates-call 487-9295. Hrs. 9-12 Plants $1-5. 9768. Z 5 10-7 t8) iiii ite Jtos $300 plus utilities month 351- Men's medium clothes $12. 1-5:30. 1000 N. Washington. W 1176 evenings and weekends. TWO 19-inch portable T.V.'s. M Women's and teens size 5-7, Lansing. 8-10-12(4) One at $28, one at $48 LOWER YOUR THERMOSTAT a $1 15. 351 6944. X 1 10 3 (4) iw Excellent condition. Phone few degrees when you go to bed JUL JUL m JUL JUL .HOUSES TO rent, 2 bedroom 484 8783. E-5-10-5 (3) BLACK AND White 19-inch HORSES BOARDED. Pas¬ at night. This is an easy way to conserve energy and reduce your M. M house close to hospitals, bus 4-TABLET arm chairs; kitch Admiral portable TV. A-1 ture, box stalls and lots of fuel bill. The easy way to find a 2M route, and LCC (517) 838 condition, reception. riding. Rates starting at $35. cash buyer for items you no longer table and day bed, price 4451 after 6:30 or anytime Close to East Lansing area. weekends. 5-10 11 (6) negotiable. 372 2531 8-10-10 . 351-5975, 351-6908, leave Call 675-5504. 8-10-10 (5) need is with a low-cost ad in ioi message. X-E-5-10-7 (5) Classified. 16 Monday, October 3, 1977 Michigon State News, East Lansing. Michigan New level on Announcements tor It's You can be a valuable Medical, Orthopedic, Pedi¬ Direct patient contact in a Rock-climbing, caving, "reasonable" and not demand pressing their suit, Meaj,i, Stores may no longer order What's Happening must be asset to pre-school children atrics and Surgical Units at hospital environment Is avail¬ canoeing, hiking and more the stores sweep detergents a bill is sitting idle in the a received in the State News office, 343 Student Services in Headstart classes. Come to 26 Student Services Bldg. Lansing General Hospital want volunteers. Contact 26 able to you through MSU Volunteers. Come to 26 Stu¬ will be held this term with the MSU Outing Club. Meetings laundry detergents with more than .05 percent phosphate with a content of no more than House Conservation which would put the (wJJb |)WJIM-T Bldg., by noon at least two and find out how. Student Services Bldg. for dent Services and ask about will be held at 7:30 p.m. content after Saturday, al¬ 8.7 per cent - the present the law books. Stiller .OsZSl class days before publication. Lansing General. Tuesdays in 145 Natural Sci¬ though the state will allow guideline which will yield to the the measure has sJiP No announcements will be AIKIDO, martial art for ence Bldg. them to sell off the rest of their new order — because of finan¬ beenTity The Japan Karate Associa¬ cial loss. ing dust since January f™J accepted by phone. self-defense and personal Programming Board keeps detergent stock which doesn't of support. *1 tion resumes training tonight. meet that standard. growth meets from 9-10:30 a calendar of all major pro¬ Attention, graduate stu¬ "You might have a big chain Come out and see why we're Stifler said the .05 p.m. on Tuesday and Thurs¬ gramming on campus. Regis¬ dents! Applications accepted The Natural Resources Com¬ limit u,J The Block and Bridle Club different from 7-9 p.m. in 118 like Meijers that has a lot of lowest detectable level day and from 1-3 p.m. on ter your program and avoid now for daycare scholar¬ in J will hold it's first meeting at Women's IM Bldg. mission, the policy-making boxes in their warehouses or a basic detergent 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 110 Wednesday. conflicting events. ships. Information available in body of the state Dept. of small store might have a ingredient/1 Environmental expert) J 316 Student Services Bldg. Anthony Hall.- Judo demonstration 7:30 Natural Resources (DNR) ap¬ All grad students invited to Deadline is October 14. garage full of it," he said. phosphates in the water J COG'S meeting at 6:30 p.m. tonight sponsored by Michi¬ Tiger Mountain Press proved the restricted use of The soap industry remains mote algae growth Free introductory lecture tonight in the Con-Con Room gan State University Judo meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday phosphates in detergents Aug. whithj on the Transcendental Medi¬ Club. All interested persons The Red Cedar Log Year¬ unimpressed by the commis¬ turn, chokes off the life of'J of the International Center. in the Union Oak Room. 26, but was immediately chal¬ sion's generosity, and is still tation program presenting This is an organizational welcome. Learn a gentle book will hold an open house lenged by the Soap and Deter¬ and other plants. ™ for reporters and photo¬ tonne latest scientific research sport. meeting for the 77-78 school graphers at 9:15 p.m. Wed¬ gent Industry Monsanto and 12:30 given by SIMS at 3 p.m. year. Feminist Self-Defense and Tuesday in C314 Wells, and Karate Association will hold nesday in 114 Berkey Hall. Amway in Wayne County Cir¬ irch for Tomorri Packaging Society will met cuit Court. 7:30 p.m. in 111 Berkey Hall. Office of Volunteer Pro¬ 7:30 tonight, 217 Bessey Hall. Banquet end the seminars introductory class for begin¬ ning students at 5 p.m. Fred Case will speak on Wayne County Circuit Court King is queen Ico and tha Ma grams is now accepting appli¬ : Hope will be discussed. New mem¬ Tuesday in the Fencing North American Strncenia Judge Theodore Bohn refused cations for the clinical cen¬ 1:00 I^oind Town ter's medical programs. bers are welcomel Room of the Women's IM at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 168 Sept. 21 an injunction request¬ DENVER (API - Rebecca She said since winnine a tiL Come to 26 Student Services Plant Biology for Michigan ed by the 9oap industry to Ann King, who won the Miss Miss America crown shf ,n9 5lTha vB Meet the professional busi¬ Botanical Club. have the Oct. 1 deadline post¬ America title in 1974, is plan¬ been able to handle a luc J ,n« a"d * ness fraternity! Open rush Alpha Kappa Psi today Venereal disease: free and poned. The injunction request ning a career as a lawyer and series of personal while maintaining her appear? 1M* chlldr,n The Red Cedar Review, a university-funded magazine through Wednesday at 123 confidential treatment from 1-4 p.m. Monday, Thursday Horticulture Club meeting was part of an on-going suit perhaps in politics after passing full? ittin' Over Louis St. Rides available. at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in challenging the commission's the Colorado bar exam. status as a student at, 1:30 of the arts, needs new staf¬ and Friday, and 8:30 a.m. 204 Horticulture Bldg. Come legal right to set phosphate King said, "I'm pretty tired University of Denver Collej, he World Turi fers. People who would like until noon on Wednesday. levels. sign up for the hayride! of using my physical attributes" BINGO TUESDAY Night, experience on a volunteer Soil Conservation Society Community Health Services, Michael Stifler, "It may be a cut in yi of Our live sanitary en¬ as a way to make a living and 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. staff reading manuscripts, of America, (SCSAI, MSU 701 N. Logan St. become an attorney," p,., Hitry of Borbz working on layout and de¬ student chapter meets at 6:30 Help high school students gineer for the DNR, said the that she wants to "start using Early Bird starts at 7 p.m. commission wanted to be added. Regular at 7:30 p.m. Mini¬ sign, and organizing Fall tonight, 183 Natural Re¬ learn vocational skills at Capi¬ my brains." sources Bldg. New members Volunteer orientation for mum age 18. SHAAREY readings on campus are wel¬ tal Area Career Center. Office come to orop by 325 Morrill welcome. the Lincoln Center held at 4 of Volunteer Programs, 26 ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge. East p.m. Tuesday in 106B Berkey Hall at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Student Services Bldg. Lansing. C-2-9-30 I5I Platform tennis players! Do you write? There's a meeting at 7:30 MSU TOLKIEN Fellowship Water Polo Club practice p.m. Tuesday, 215 Men's IM Folk dancing at 8:30 to¬ Hotel, restaurant, travel Society announces Bilbo's from 4-6 p.m. Monday Birthday Party at 8 p.m. in Bldg. Club formation, tour¬ night in Bailey School gym, and tourism majors: first Hos¬ through Friday at the Jenison naments etc. will be dis- three blocks from Berkey pitality Association meeting West Holmes Lower Lounge. Pool. No experience neces¬ at 7 p.m. tonight in Kellogg Tonight! Z-1-9-30 (41 sary. Center Auditorium. Volunteers interested in Rush the newest WELM-TV needs volun¬ BINGO TUESDAY Night, fraternity working with troubled youth 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. on campus, Delta Upsilon, teers for all aspects of its Michigan School for the wanted. Role models, tutors, from 7-10 p.m. tonight, Tues¬ recreation aides needed. Ori¬ afternoon newscasts. Call or Blind volunteer orientation Early Bird starts at 7 p.m. Regular at 7:30 p.m. Mini¬ day and Wednesday at 334 entation 7 p.m. Wednesday, stop by WELM-TV behind held at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Evergreen. the Trowbridge Big Boy. 110 Berkey Hall. mum age 18. SHAAREY 117 Berkey Hall. ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East Lansing. C-21-10-31 ISI LORDS AND Ladies attendl Society for Creative Louis Edwards Ana¬ chronism will hold a recruit¬ ing meeting at 8:30, Saturday in the Tower Room of the Union. Z-1-9-30 141 ********* * RHA Movia + * proflramllM * Haircutters * 353-0313 * ********* TWO LOCATIONS TO SIRVI YOU! 22251. Grand Rivor (Groesbeck area) 484-8423 1417ft I. Michigan Avo. (Lansing) Owners: Above Bancroft Flowers Carole and Don SatferfIeld 487-6655 PREPARE FOR: [gf Texas Instruments MCAT • DAT • LSAT • GRE INCORPORATED iMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT NMBU.I, Tl Programmable 58/59 ECFMG-FLEX-VQE NAT L DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS Fleslbla Programs a Hours Free Leisure Library Offer Thtrt It a dlfftrtiutll! writ# or coll: 29224 Orchard .oka Hood Sulfa 205 Formlngton Hills. Ml 40011(912) 051-0319 ■ ssetaa Texas Instruments Texas Instruments PtogrammobieSS Progrommobte'S^ TheTI Programmable 58 and 59 from Texas RUMBACHER Instruments. They offer enormous calculating "Finest in quality" power...plus Tl's revolutionary, plug-in ARTIST SUPPLIES Solid State Software libraries. Ollt'Acryllcs Brushes Pads Canvases Inks Books Starter Sets Buy *10 worth of Crum- bacher artist supplies and get *1 off with this coupon CAMPUS BOOKSTORE 507 east grand river ave - east lansing n r-.„ News. Eost Loosing, Michigan Monday, October 3, 1977 17 HOWARD THE DUCK!® dteiy tv Ifoif Ihlf to Stava Martin W/Special Guest j^ii ffbaittin by Steve Gerber and Gene Colon TONIGHT M.S.U. AUDITORIUM DONTMIMITI l)WJ|M.Tv(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) 5:00 9:30 11:00 _ monday ■ afternoon (6) Gunsmoke (6) Maude (6-10) News 12:00 (10) Emergency Onel (23) Anyone for Tennyson? (23) Three Artists In the (23) Mleter Rogers' 10:00 Northwest _..wi I Say the lt«** Neighborhood (6) Rafferty 11:30 Lda In America: 5:30 (23) Onedin Line (6) Movie (12) Rookies Ta.N.Y. (23) Electric Company 12:20 (11) Newt ftianac 12:30 ADVERTISE h for Tomorrow 6:00 IN THIS SPACE PEANUTS (6-10-12) News (icoondthoMan (23) Portrait of Jamie CALL 353-6400 by Schulz in'iHopo 1:00 (11) The Bible's View 6:30 ana Show Land thoRoiHo" (6) CBS News 9 (10) NBC News ||My Children MSU SHADOWS ® 5 In' Ovor (12) ABC News 1ML 1:30 (23) As We See It by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: 1' n World Turns (11) Tom Hoyden AtMSU vi 5 p ol Our lives 7:00 PZNBALL PETE'S liitryoi Barbara (6) My Three Sons ' 2:00 (10) Mary Tyler Moore (12) Mary Tyler Moore Present this really funny comic for 25' worth of free play! J 1 ■0,000 Pyramid (23) Spartan Sportlite 7:30 m Summar 2:30 (6) Gong Show idlng Ughl (10) Michigan State Foot¬ ctori ball with Darryl Rogers FRANK & ERNEST Complete ring selection sapphires.onyx-opals-lode, «Lift fo Llvt (12) Hollywood Squares Imagnoll't Tablt (23) MacNell/Lehrer by Bob Thaves sponsored by: 10% MSU DISCOUNT tiger-eye, many more 3:00 Report Intht Family (11) Orange Lake Drive thtr World 8:00 tflquti (6) Elvis in Concert 3:15 (10) Little House on the ARE Y°0 SuRB Lai Hospital) Prairie 3:30 (12) San Pedro Beach Bums TH\S 15 THE "FAMILY" JchOamt (23) Dialog llaAltgrt 8:30 Vl£iA/IAJ& H°(JR? 4:00 (11) South Africa: There is Crisis THE COP5 Apt LMIckty Mouse no 9:00 W/N/SJIMG . (ten Acres (6) Betty White ly Bunch (10) Movie me Street "Murder In Peyton Place" 4:30 (12) NFL Football le Announced (23) Artistry of Barbara |lllgan'i Island Nitsmann THE DROPOUTS Urgency One I (11) News -©1911 by Post sponsored by: No gelitan, low-cal. completely natural Low gas prices Plus Ah .'-SUCH S/VCEKE RELIGIOUS Service! Bonda't Little Freeway Sewr/MB/VTSKN&y »> 0O von / WELSWITH FARLEY- sponsored by: Service Station ALWAys sAy a PRAye/t sr~ lit Frank ber3«e yc3u eat? l j If COW FAIR', I R5A1EM8EI? THE MILL AS A (CIP- CRAWLING 0/\IPER r mr THE FENCE TO MOID PACING MI65-. |S WEEK! I (JUOMDEI? IF THE COW EVER GOT MSB- M0 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Open 7 days—8 a.m. 332-0300 till 12 p.m. RIDES CONTENTS' PF|zK by Bill Yates We have yogurt pie. Come and try a FREE ENTERTAINMENT ^ sponsored by: piece only 651 i40Kt4aed4^c*6^& NOW OPKNI l\BLEWEEDS» CAMPUS 1312 Mich. Av.. (next to Silver Dollor Saloon) Men. • FREE QT. OF COKI T""- ■ 'RLE ITEM SlVf/VtE- (s>007 |m K. Ryan sponsored by: PIZZA 337 1377 Wed. WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on request) WHY You WT BWEl/W f/° AC6J PICTURE / SAM and SILO sponsored by: Tadiay'f Bpetiali Enchiladas Jocoque by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker 2.50 EL AZTECO RESTAURANT 203 M.A.C. 351-91II rannian naansi iOSSWORD BIIHIHJIB f^Bi^on Ohepard's sponsored by: GOOD. NOW MAYBE PUZZLE 29 Against □GSnEQH QSSDQ asm asm ang THEY'LL SET BACK TO M/ORK 30 31 33 Pronoun Dwarf elder Muddles aacass rasa Baaaa aaaaiflB compus { 35 aansna amaa Vogue 36 Slate una 38 Standard DBS 53HH QB13 41 Supine anmi^a sqbejhh 45 Bellow 46 4' Bag variant Cheverel smaasa aasaa SLOW VOU DOWN A brakes will LOT, BUT 1 48 Unfortunate 3 Established IDON T KNOW ABOUT 49 Newts 4 Replenished OUTAKIDOLTT 50 Beverage 1 Desk 5 Extra STOPPiNQ 11 9' English letter 2 Tin plale 6 Mohammedan fr month 1 Apple acid 8 Cuckoo 9 Vegas BEETLE BAILEY 10. 16. Rowan Foo young by Mort Walker 18 Zinc is one 21 Amorous 23 Thnlty 24. Connective 25. Explosive 26 Dinornis 22 Including 28. Hindu atheist 32. Succeeded 34. Needs 32. Sinister 39 Cluiadei 40. Tunneler 41 Honshu Bay 42. Ship-shaped dock 43 Stunt Monday J 0 Michigon State News, East Lansing, Michigan ONE MORE TIME 99 "Money Man has returned after the beginning of classes, but before finals. Result: He's bought more used books than we have ever had. So What? We have a special staff marking these books for resale. You Can Now buy these used books this late in the term. They are all in the proper course sections. Stop In For this last chance to buy used books for the Fall term. Open Mon. Tues. Wed. Oct. 3, 4, 5 from 7:30 to 9 p.m.