,UNY considers Wharton for chancellor Recent visits for personal interviews confirmed he had been about." kept "pretty much in the dark During the past eight years as MSU president. Wharton has been sought for By PATRICIA LaCROIX SUNY, begun in 1948, is composed of four Willard Boyd, president of the administrative positions from the Univer¬ State News SUB Writer University recuperating at home. MSU President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. is major four-year universities and a grouping of Iowa and one of the three finalists, Wharton released sity of California at Berkley to Harvard of smaller four-year colleges, a formal statement along with a withdrew his name from consideration for University at Cambridge, Mass. one of two persons still being considered for number of community colleges in the state. the position Monday. Monday through Vice President of Univer¬ the position of chancellor of the State sity Relations Robert Perrin, saying he Last March, Wharton was a finalist for As chancellor of the system, Wharton The university student University of New York (SUNY), the newspaper. The would not add to the the presidency of the would serve in a capacity similar to Daily Iowan, Tuesday quoted Boyd as speculation by University of Wiscon¬ sin system at Madison. At that largest centralized education system in the president and would earn $57,800 a year. commenting on the possibility of his time, MSU saying "I am no longer a candidate for that departure. administrators insisted that Wharton did country. He is currently earning more than $60,000 position. I have indicated that to them "From time to time during the not interview with the The State News was able to confirm as president of MSU. (SUNY trustees)." past seven governing body, but years, my name has been mentioned in was considered because of his qualifies- Tuesday that Wharton has traveled to the Boyd also told the student newspaper speculation for various academic positions, tions. Albany-based central offices of that system According to a story released Tuesday by that he visited SUNY before he made the with or without my for personal interviews, once the Capital News Service in Albany, N.Y., decision to withdraw. He said he was previous knowledge," Wharton's name has also appeared on in late the statement said. "In summer and again about three weeks Wharton is one of three finalists chosen notified Monday that he was one of three keeping with my lists as a possible future administrator for ago. by past practices, I prefer not to add to such the University of Chicago and the Univer¬ the SUNY Select Committee and Board of finalists up for the position. Wharton and other administrators re¬ Trustees. speculation by making any comment." sity of California. He was considered for The third finalist chosen by the board is Wharton refused fused to confirm or deny that Wharton was to answer further two positions in the Carter Acting SUNY Chancellor James Kelly. administration, actively seeking the position, which would The board of trustees' decision is questions about whether or not he was both of which Wharton rejected because he expect¬ According to the news service article, Kelly, being considered. place him in charge of approximately ed to be released during its next said his "current responsibilities as presi¬ meeting at who was the favored candidate, has since f Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. 365,000 students. the end of this month. suffered from a heart attack and is now Perrin said he "didn't know that he (Wharton) had gone to any interviews in dent of MSU and other activities offer(ed) a New York," and added that was greater challenge and opportunity for something public service." 'U1 trustees' reaction By PATRICIA LaCROIX State News Staff Writer "Well, I'll be darned" was the reaction of MSU Trustee Blanche Martin, D-East Lansing, Tuesday when he heard that MSU President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. had interviewed at least once for the position of chancellor of the State University of New York (SUNY). "I didn't know anything about it," he added. "I sure would hate to see him go." Martin was not the only trustee surprised about Wharton's interviews, however, since all the trustees contacted said they did not know the sessions had taken lifts gas price controls; place. mate Trustee Donald Stevens, D-Bloomfield Hills, was the only trustee who said he had known previously that Wharton was being considered for the him in charge of 365,000 students throughout the state. position which would put Stevens said he had heard about the possibility of Wharton leaving through a friend of his from New York state. Even so, Stevens said he had "not bothered" to discuss the •esident suffers major setback possibility of Wharton accepting the position, if offered, since "he (Wharton) is constantly being named as a possibility to fill various positions. "There have been no developments that would indicate that he is considering (changing to the position at SUNY)," he said. "My bottom line on it is that I certainly hope that he stays at MSU." ByTOMRAUM would be a lid on gas prices of about $2.48 Because both sides agreed Tuesday to Senate Energy Committee. University Trustees John Bsuff, D-Fraser; Aubrey Radcliffe, R-East Lansing; and ISHINGTON (AP) - Price controls for the next two years until controls' are give some ground, the differences His conciliatory note was echoed Michael Smydra, D-Lansing. also expressed surprise at the idea. by By discovered natural gas were lifted removed. separating the two camps were narrower others involved in the debate, with Carter's "It's news to me," said Smydra, the board member who has perhaps had the most 1 as the Senate rejected President Both those who wanted to continue price. than any time before. controversial interaction with Wharton. Smydra said that if Wharton interviewed for pricing plan no longer in contention and the controls and those who wanted them lifted "We all want to get this over with and get the position, it would appear that he was actively seeking it. J Carter's proposal for continued filibuster broken with White House help. had sought an end to the filibuster, which on with the show," said Sen. "If he was out in New York, it comes as a big surprise," he said, "particularly in light of Henry M. In a stormy session on Monday, Vice (ting atwo and-a-half-week deadlock, tied up Senate business for 14 days. Jackson, D-Wash., chairperson of the President Walter F. Mondale took the chair his repeated statements that he intends to stay at MSU." approved the deregulation Several of the trustees expressed concern that projects Wharton had initiated and of the Senate and in his constitutional role ^1 byoverall a 50 to 46 vote, then went on to natural as Senate pursued during his eight-year presidency at MSU would not be completed if he we le gas bill by voice president ruled the filibustered' leave the area. tactics out of order. Senate Majority Leader "He's done a good job and gotten some good programs going that I'm afraid would die if Robert C. Byrd had asked Mondale to do so. Sirica reduces le-Senate conference committee he left the University," Martin said. it decide the final form the bill will "Naturally, the board of trustees would be very concerned if Dr. Wharton chose to Natural gas, which has seen a fourfold te House passed a aimilar measure accept a position elsewhere," Bruff said. "There are many things going on that he is increase in prices since 1973, is now (ng the president's proposal for unregulated if used in the states where it is involved in . . . that need to be completed." d price controls. Trustees Patricia Carrigan, D-Farmington Hills; Raymond Krowlikowski, D-Bir- produced but controlled under a lid of $1.46 Jr previously had said he would veto per thousand cubic feet (mcf) when shipped mingham; and Jack Stack, R-Alma, could not be reached for comment. Bulation prison bill like the passed by sentences one in interstate pipelines. Igulation would increase gas prices, e cost of immediately-deregulated a faster rate than that CARTER EXPRESSES CONFIDENCE TO UN ling under federal price controls. The By HARRY F.ROSENTHAL ' II contains a clause that would WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica ended his long involvement in the Watergate case Tuesday by drastically reducing the sentences of the biggest fish I gas pipelines to give homeowners netted in the scandal. It chance to buy the Jgovernment price controls. cheaper gas still (Senate's action was a major setback He reduced the two-and-a-half year to eight-year sentences of John N. Mitchell, H.R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman to a period of "not less than one nor more than four Soviet arms agreement in sight s years." energy program. But it was led after three previous trial votes Ehrlichman, who went to prison without waiting for the outcome of his appeals, thus had been resolved in talks which Secretary becomes eligible for parole from his Watergate cover-up conviction after Oct. 28. By BARRY SCHWEH) On another subject, he called on Israel to T deregulation forces had the upper UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - A new of State Cyrus R. Vance held here with He still is under a 20-month to five-year sentence for his conviction in the so-called respect the "legitimate rights" of Pales- strategic arms limitation agreement be Gromyko. But they said there are other tinians. te a day after a filibuster Watergate plumbers case but it was expected that the judge in the case would reduce the tween the United States and the Soviet differences remaining to be resolved by time to conform with that handed out by Sirica. For Haldeman the magic date is June 21 Carter told the General Assembly, whose 1 deregulation collapsed. Leaders of Union is in sight, President Jimmy Carter negotiations in Geneva. next year and for Mitchell, June 22. Arab and Communist blocs weigh heavily ■buster accused the White House of told the United Nations Tuesday. After his speech, Carter took wife Sirica made his decision after hearing tape recorded requests for leniency by the three against Israel, that the U.S. commitment to ^ning I»ugh them. men and eloquent pleas by their lawyers. He also said the United States will be Rosalynn's hand, and, ignoring a waiting Israel's security is "unquestionable." And he administration allies made a willing to cut its nuclear arsenal in half in motorcade, walked the half block to his New said Israel is entitled to borders that are fort to salvage part of the president's Sirica was chief judge of the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia when the some future treaty. York hotel, directly across the street from I offering to phase out seven Watergate burglars were indicted on Sept. 15, 1972. He assigned himself to hear recognized and secure, price controls their trial and that began an involvement that ended only Tuesday. "Peace will not be assured until the the headquarters of the world organization. At the same time, Carter said "for the I nine year period, this "compromise" weapons of war are put away," the Police had cleared First Avenue so the only Arabs, the legitimate rights of the Palestin- Ijected by the Senate, "I'm glad it's the last major decision I'll have to render in this case," he told a reporter before entering court. "It's a long, difficult case, in many respects a sad case. I'm glad to see president said. companions the Carters had during their must be recognized." file heavy lobbying, the White the end of the tunnel." After his speech, 'he president turned his stroll were security men, reporters and A joint U.S.-Soviet communique over the J and Senate Democratic leaders There are no more Watergate prosecutions pending and it is expected that Sirica will attention to the Middle East and received photographers. weekend, endorsing "legitimate rights of (Unable ■icans and to shake the coalition of soon voluntarily take the title of senior judge, which will free him for day-to-day courtroom what he described as a "positive" message The president was accorded a standing Palestinians," has worried Israel and deep- oil-state Democrats who from Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. ovation as he entered the United Nation's ened differences between it and the United ■mce controls lifted. responsibilites. He is 78. The president refused to divulge the hall for the second time since taking office. ■Senate passed a similar Mitchell, Haldeman and Ehrlichman were convicted of conspiring to cover up White States. gas decontrol message from Sadat, which was delivered He read from a prepared text and affirmed As for Africa. Carter said his administra¬ r°m *975 but it House involvement in the Watergate scandal and of lying about it afterward. They fought failed by four votes to Carter by Egyptian Foreign Minister "the great trust" the United States con¬ tion supports a peaceful, rapid transition to use. their conviction and sentences up to the Supreme Court without success and there were no Ismail Fahmy. However, Egypt is known to tinues to hold in the United Nations. black rule in Zimbabwe — using the African ts vote, the Senate formally replaced judicial remedies remaining other than Sirica's action. be concerned about an expanded Soviet role He devoted much of his speech to arms name for Rhodesia. And he said the United If Sirica had failed to reduce their sentences their only other recourse would have been inunistration-supported plan with the intervention by President Carter. in the quest for a Middle East settlement control. States supports independence for Namibia |'a''°"measure. I'M from which would remove Ehrlichman, 52, formerly domestic counselor to Richard Nixon when he was president, and the absence so far of explicit U.S. "If we are to have any assurance that our — the African name for South-West Africa. newly-discovered on-shore support for a Palestinian state. children are to live out their lives in a world All but two of the 149 member nations has been in the federal prison camp at Safford, Ariz., since last Oct. 28. Mitchell, 64, who (»two years and from offshore gas was Nixon's attorney general, went into prison at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama on Carter told Fahmy that "if we can just that satisfies our hopes — or that they will ; represented at the president's speech. keep the Arabs and Israelis moving in the have a chance to live at all —we must finally The exceptions were South Africa, which * lhe June 22 and Haldeman, Nixon's chief of staff, entered the prison facility at Lompoc, Calif., deregulation measure, there right direction, we can see peace come." : to terms with this enormous force and has boycotted all assembly sessions s the day before. A key White House adviser told report¬ turn it to beneficial ends." 1974. and Albania. ers the administration "anticipates a very difficult Geneva conference" and that it might even recess in discord. hots Carter's speech to the United Nations at MSU - by NBC, that is was termed by Oleg Troyanovsky, the Soviet ambassador to the U.N., as satisfac¬ tory. "On the whole, it was a well-balanced By DeUNDA KARLE the special. speech but (here was nothing new in the Lmsii State News Stall Wrttar students and faculty may And thamaelva. Preliminary aiming plans were drawn up last week with U.S. position," he said. representatives from MSU. A lower-ranking Soviet representative In NBC tS.^Wd campus attar next January. "However, we are not limiting the filming to our plans," Weston said the absence of any reference to human E * "twork crew wfllWoa campus tor ah days said. "We are at their pleeitM." ' rights — Carter's major theme when he ?*** ssrA*^1 to •*w ******* prtoe'"oe NBC tentatively plans to f0ml(8U students discussing families having children afflicted with cystic fibrosis, a training program addressed the United Nations last was a "victory" for the Russians. spring — St the new Clinical Center and Student involvement in a case British Ambassador Ivor Richard said he WW on medical education. study of a patient with jaundice. Weston and the former dean of felt Carter "gave a major push to control¬ the college, Andrew D. Hunt, will he interviewed. ling proliferation of nuclear weapons and innovative system of The aiming crew will also travel to Hastings, Mich., to Dim four arms control." "—in Medicine Dean medical students participating in a training program under contrasted with community physicians. The president's announcement that an MSU was notlAed during the summer that NBC was arms agreement is in sight was a turn¬ around from his earlier statements. cowWirto^fUc^part of the spMal here/Final plans were Carter had said only last week that there was no immediate prospect for a weapons treaty with the Russians despite and to former Dean Hunt." "some further progress." The president also MSU is unique because it is thai only University in the United had said after a White House meeting last States with three echoole of medicine on one campus - week with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko that he would not be veterinary, human and osteopathic, "optimis¬ tic" about an early settlement. U.S. officials said some major differences Wednesday, October 5, 1977 2 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Gandhi freed, continues her campaign Ailing banker A NEW DELHI, India (AP) judge freed Indira Gandhi - ted a demonstration by taking 1,500 Congress party workers It was an unprecedented appearance in the dock for the She also predicted she would be arrested. ministers, three industrialists and other former officials and drillling contract to a French firm, Compagnie Francaise des left unconsciou woman who ordered the jailing In a nationwide sweep Mon¬ secretaries. Petroleum, that had overbid an Tuesday after 16 hours in police into protective custody. The former prime minister American competitor, Geoman, custody and she promptly re¬ In an interview after her of an estimated 100,000 political day, Central Bureau of Investi¬ two hours a Gulf Oil Co. subsidiary, by charged with conspiring over was sumed her political comeback release, Mrs. Gandhi charged foes during the 21 months of gation agents arrested Gandhi, four of her former cabinet with others to give an oil $13.4 million. campaign. But the government that "hundreds and thousands emergency rule that capped her appealed to a higher court and of people have and are being 11-year reign as prime mini¬ said it would press for her trial arrested and are being tortured ster. Many of those jailed TOKYO (AP) — An ailing American banker aboard a on corruption charges. . . ." She did not elaborate. opposition leaders later helped hiim forge the Janata party coalition Japanese airliner collapsed at gunpoint and was left uncoiud Demonstrations erupted in Many thousands were reported four hours because the terrorists thought he was a more than a dozen cities as jailed during a period of emer¬ that defeated Mrs. Gandhi and Jewish (Hm of President Jimmy Carter, a fellow hijack victim said supporters of the 59-year-old gency in her own 11-year rule. her Congress party in parli¬ TuesdTl former prime minister protest¬ Asked if she was worried by amentary elections seven Walter Karabian, former Democratic leader of the Calif™.' months ago. Legislature, said the hijackers mistook banker John Gabriel I ed her arrest. the sequence of ev*nts, she a u'L friend of Carter "because I persuaded them to let me send Tear gas fumes penetrated replied: "Fear and Indira Gan¬ A few hours after leaving the packed courtroom in Delhi dhi do not go together." court, Gandhi flew to Bombay to the President, the U.S. ambassador in congressmen" on his behalf. Bangladesh and 5 11 F route to Gujarat, Desai's as police battled pro-and-anti Magistrate R. Dayal declared en "That made him their first target," he added in Gandhi demonstrators outside. that on the basis of evidence home state, for three days of an intervi, with the Associated Press. Gabriel, not a Jew but an Gandhi dabbed at her eyes presented there "are no speechmaking in her continuing Armenia with a handkerchief and leaned grounds for believing that the offensive against the Janata Christian, was named by the hijackers as the first hostage to? shot if their demands were not met. toward the judge to hear his accusation against Gandhi is government. Her sudden arrest ruling above the noise of the well-founded." He ordered her and brief detention seemed Meanwhile, in Algiers a Japanese Air Lines DC8 picked last 12 hostage passengers and seven crew members up J demonstrators. relased with no restrictions on likely to aid her cause. Tuesday u Police reported 111 arrests her movements. 'They haven't dropped the fly them to Tokyo, the original destination of their trip. The hijackers, who seized the JAL plane over India U and more than 15 injuries at the A government source said charges but they have no Parliament Street courthouse the ruling political leadership evidence . . . maybe they will Wednesday, surrendered Monday to Algerian authorities alter J and another violent protest had pressed for Gandhi's arrest manufacture it," Gandhi told an flight from Dacca, Bangladesh, where the hijack settlement tj outside the home of Prime despite warnings from India's interviewer during brief stop at negotiated. Algerian officials declined to say what has happened J Minister Morarji Desai. Central Bureau of Investigation her home in New Delhi after the hijackers, their six comrades released from Japanese to the $6 million ransom prisjj Scattered violence and hun¬ that charges and evidence were the court session. or paid by the Japanese government. dred of arrests were reported not ready. Gandhi, the daughter of In¬ Karabian, who was among hostages released Sunday, said tin in other cities. In a speech to the United dia's first prime minister, the on Thursday, the day after the plane was seized, the hijackers tod One of the largest demon¬ Nations General Assembly in late Jawaharla! Nehru, began the 65-year-old Gabriel to the cockpit and closed the door. strations was in Calcutta, New York, Indian Foreign her bid for a political comeback In an earlier interview Gabriel had said of his treatment: "I U where a leader of Gandhi's Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee this summer. In speeches a- the worst end of it. They were determined to kill me... There«J Congress party urged 3,000 defended the Desai's govern¬ round the country, she crit¬ three terrorists in the cockpit, three guns at my head. They sJ supporters to launch a cam¬ paign of civil disobedience. He ment and said its election victory last March "lifted the icized the Desai government and defended her 21-month Soviets have attack capability two shots into the air through the window." Karabian said, "I heard from John later the terrorist later was detained by police. pall of fear that hung menac¬ emergency rule as a stabilizing threatened him, saying 'You capitalist, you shall be the first on J At Madras, authorities hal¬ ingly over our people." influence. be executed,' or something. After getting out of the cockpit, J develop anti-satellite device collapsed and lay on the floor for two to three hours "We could do nothing because the hijackers never to stand up or take care of him. But Dr. Masaomi ... permitted! HokuiJ WASHINGTON (AP) - The Soviet hunter-killer satellite in forgo the opportunity to de¬ Japanese doctor aboard, gave him medical care and tin Soviet Union has developed a an elliptical orbit intercepted a stroy observation satellites." recommended that the hijackers release him, which they satellite-killing weapon that Russian target satellite for the did." could attack some U.S. satel¬ first time. Experts said this The United States has accel¬ Gabriel and Karabian, with their wives, were on a round-tbl lites in outer space, Defense indicates a high degree of erated research on a possible world trip when the hijackers took command of the DC! Secretary Harold Brown said technical sophistication. satellite-killer system since the minutes after it took off from Bombay for Bangkok I: Tuesday. He said the United Saying the Soviet ability to Russians resumed their experi¬ ments last year Wednesday. Gabriel, who calls Karabian "my adopted s States lacks a similar capabil¬ attack some satellites is "some¬ after a five- leader of California's Armenian community. ity. what troubling," Brown told year lapse. Mrs. Karabian, former actress Carol Wells Karabian, » Brown's disclosure at a news reporters, "I hope we can keep released Thursday and Gabriel on Friday. conference came as a surprise space from becoming an area of "We don't have that capabi- because U.S. intelligence anal¬ active hostilities." lityBrown said of the antisatel¬ Karabian said he believes the Japanese government took "il ysts have rated most Soviet The new development sug¬ lite system. Pentagon scientists cleverest, most inexpensive and humanitarian way" to solve w Diplomats agree on arms race dangers antisatellite tests as unsuccess¬ ful since the Russians resumed gests that the Russians have ignored President Jimmy have indicated the United States may be in position to put problem by paying $6 million in ransom and releasing six perm from Japanese jails as demanded by the hijackers. work on their system last year. Carter's plea on March 9 that "Otherwise the world would have said, after the plane was blow up a satellite-killer of its own by BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) — A President Leonid I. Brezhnev made in However, it was learned that both sides "forgo the opportun¬ up, 'What kind of people are the Japanese to permit such a hun the mid-1980's, possibly a few three-month international conference on Moscow to the Soviet parliament. He in a significant test on June 17 a loss by simply trying to save $6 million.' The aircraft alone is is ity to arm satellite bodies and. . . years earlier. peace and security opened Tuesday with attacked the West for enjoying such expensive than that." key speakers agreeing thot an escalating rights as "joblessness and racism...and arms race threatens for sick peace in Europe. people to be without medical The conference, a follow-up to the 1975 care." Helsinki summit of 35 nations, will also It'1 Time To Discover... review progress in the area of human Echoing Brezhnev's tone at the con¬ GREATER LANSING'S rights. However, diplomats from both the ference, Romanian delegate V. Lipatti LARGEST NATURAL FOOD STORE United States and the Soviet Union have branded human rights efforts by Western indicated public they will try to avoid roiling in over human rights issues. Still some attention was directed to nations attempts as "enticements to emigration or to corner specialists," allusion to the brain drain from Eastern an FAMILY OF MAN Look For Money Saving human rights at the outset of the countries of intellectuals wishing to conference Coupons in the Paper. by statements which Soviet emigrate abroad. 541 EAST GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Family Of Man is MON. thru SAT a unique 9:30 to 8:30 international shopping SUNDAY 332-4984 experience... WHAT YOU 10:30 Jft _ CAN'T FIND ANYWHERE to 6:00 \ ELSE WE HA VEll Omm, Ten, Mien, Villain, Mi Spices, House approves national debt ceiling t little (utm M WASHINGTON (AP) The House on The federal Treasury - had been without Tuesday narrowly approved a $52 billion borrowing power since midnight Friday increase in the national debt when, under the terms of previous law, ceiling, ending a four-day crunch during which the ceiling on the national debt dropped the government operated on from $700 billion to $400 billion, well dwindling emergency funds. below the actual outstanding debt. Sales The vote was 223 to 194 to approve a of government securities, Senate-passed measure and send the bill to President Carter for his signature. ings bonds bought by individuals, halted. including sav¬ were LOFTS LIMBER CO.' Humphrey treatments effective, doctor MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Radiation treat¬ "He (Humphrey) was quite pleased, says We're experts in figuring and pricing lofts. Let us u ments appear to have reduced the size of and we're very happy about it," Najarian help you design your loft with no obligation. We've the inoperable tumor in the pelvis of Sen. said. "Everything is positive, very good, been helping students for Hubert H. Humphrey, his physician said years. and we're going ahead right on sched¬ Tuesday. ule." We've got the lowest prices in town. Humphrey, 66, completed a three- "As far as we can tell, the tumor has week series of radiation treatments decreased in size remarkably," said Dr. Friday and will spend this week resting Delivery can be arranged. John S. Najarian, chief surgeon at before a round of chemotherapy and University of Minnesoto Hospitals. radiation starts, Najarian said. Closest lumber yard to MSU Pollster says health care support rising No spoclal cutting Saturday! EREi>\ UJMOTCO A CHICAGO(AP)-A pollster who advises "Health care is tne exception to the rule President Carter soys there is INGUSH LANCIIAGI CLASS IS only one that the public's perception is that the program for which the American public is FOR NON-E:iGLISH SPEAKERS We also have: government is not working well, that it is willing to hove it taxes raised national BEGINNING TO ADVANCED INCLUDING: shelves, partitions bolts, health care. — spending inefficiently." m Caddell, Carter's official pollster dur¬ •Preparation for University Studies nails, tools, dowels, paneling, stain. Patrick H. Caddell said ing the campaign and now on unofficial •Small class size Tuesday that Carter adviser, said he expects the support nationwide for raising taxes for a •Varied class schedule federal health care President will use data from his survey to program has in¬ •Individual attention creased from 46 per cent in 1975 to 51 develop a plan that will expand the per cent in 1977. He said only 16 government's role in health care and •Experienced teachers per cent favor the current health care insurance. system. delivery National health care is perceived by •Special classes for students not familiar with English alphabet WMBERCQ the public as the last great initiative on COST from $20 per week Speaking before o symposium on the social agenda," said National Health Care Caddell, who is FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 4600 Aurelius sponsored by Blue president of Cambridge Survey Research, Rd., Lansing Cross and Blue Shield. Caddell said, 3S1.9020 393-2550 Call after 12:00 noon open dally 0-5:30 Sat8-4 :f.;,hinnn Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, October 5, 1977 \Judge Owens deciding in custody By DIANE COX ly difficult to decide because of voluminous and sometimes what is in the best interests of The final hearing began with had represented LaClear in three of his previous wives had case gut.New.SU" Writer tradictory testimony. con¬ these children for the rest of the cross-examination of Ken¬ divorce proceedings in 1974. He testified that he abused them, cross examination that LaClear once a week and noticed little [.vine himself as much Gill, 27, is a blind woman who their lives in five minutes," neth LaClear, who testified asked LaClear if he hadn't although he denied the charges. has a criminal record consisting out of the ordinary in relation Vjjty as possible, Judge is trying to regain custody of Owens said. Monday that he had once been testified against his ex-wife Gill has testified of forgery. to housekeeping in a home with that lid S Owens said in Ing- He will deliver a statement at Gill's boyfriend and that she with the same charges that he The next testimony came three young children. I County Probate Court her three sons after a two-year 9 a.m., but added he LaClear, along with her ex-hus¬ from a licensed foster may need was a filthy housekeeper and a is now leveling against Gill. band Whitney mother, One of the teachers, Connie absence. Codling Jr., in Lay that the Linda GUI "It is not possible to decide more time to render his deci- negligent mother. LaClear agreed. He also volun¬ jured herself and one of her Shirlene Gilchrist, who said she Fox. did testify, however, that fcdy case wUl be exceeding¬ Gill's attorney, Phil Dean, teered the information that all sons. She said she left visited Linda at her home with the children did not get all of Lansing Codling three times. She said their immunization shots. because she felt threatened. there was food all over the The children, She mentioned LaClear in a furniture, writing on the walls Whitney, 7; letter to one of her sons: "You David, 6: and Bryan, 4 have all By DEBORAH HEYWOOD But Richard Bernitt, director of DPS, said and wet diapers all over the been described in SUte News SUH Writer there is currently no detoxification center in remember Ken who hurt room. testimony by A new law decriminalizing public drunken¬ the East Lansing area and Bryan. Well, he hurt Mommy psychologists and teachers as But two home teachers for very few in the too." She testified LaClear was having some emotional pro¬ ness by Jan. 16 may turn out to be a complete Alcohol treatment state. her pre school children at the Mich¬ blems, as indicated by the fact failure if the proposed alternative detoxifica¬ "Until these centers are made accessible to never boyfriend. igan School for the Blind said that tion centers are not set up, a local It was also they gorged food and wet police the arresting officers," he said, "I just don't brought out in they visited Gill's home almost the bed. official has said. see how it can work." Under the present law, the Department of Because of complaints such as these from centers lagging Public Safety (DPS) arrested 71 persons last year, most of whom were Uken to Ingham County Jail. After Jan. 15, police will be many state, local police departments across Gov. William G. Milliken signed the legislation delaying until Jan. 15 the effective OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 required to take the intoxicated person to a date of the new law as opposed to an earlier hospital or special detoxification center. date of Oct. 1. Iolitical battle continues Is farmers grow bitter By JOE PIZZO feed — days before they were scheduled to go to SUte News Staff Writer trial in an attempt to recover damages. She said she and her husband were rOR'S NOTE: This is the firit in a State encouraged to sell other cattle found to contain i series examining attitutei of farmers legally Itei by PBB contamination and the handling allowable levels of PBB, but they did not do so. "They (the Farm Bureau) urged us to sell SALE ! problem by state agencies and the Jure. them," but we didn't want to do that because they were contaminated," she said. - polybrominated biphenyl. Jacobson's Private Collection [team of medical researchers from New The entire Zuiderveen family has suffered [s Mt. Sinai School of Medicine found earlier from health problems since their exposure to Leg Fashions tear that exposure to the chemical causes PBB, according to Mrs. Zuiderveen. E blood ceil abnormalities that could sig- "I have problems with my stomach," she said. 1.50 to 4.50 [ntlym. weaken the body's disease-fighting "A lot of gas, intestinal problems, and sore now thru October 15. joints." . save as anwhile, a political battle has raged ..n Democrats in the state legislature and She said her husband, Gary, has respiratory you select your favorite styles [blican Gov. William G. Milliken and his and skin problems, and her three children from among our fine and sheer ■ntees, Dr. Maurice Reizen, director of the experienced a variety of symptoms ranging from irtment of Public Health, and B. Dale Ball, blurred vision to stiff joints and feelings of demi-toe or sandalfoot. . . ... ir the state Department of Agriculture, dizziness. [liken supporters have accused Democrats Have these been linked to exposure to PBB? opaque and girdle-top or ■ng the issue for political gain while critics Ind state agencies did not act quickly enough "No doctor will teU you that," Mrs. Zuiderveen control-top panty stockings. litain the contamination, first discovered in laughed. "They say it's abnormal, but they don't | 1975. know what's causing them." Plus, savings also on our sheer "We're having all these things we didn't have je latest round in the political battle over sandalfoot knee-hi hosiery. All before," she said, adding her family had always [took place Tuesday night, when a British- been basically healthy. | film, "The Poisoning of Michigan" which in colors to complement Jed an editorial finger on Milliken and his Lois Zuiderveen's dissatisfied about the [ntees, was aired over WKAR-TV. Rebut- handling of the PBB contamination problem by Autumn dressing and sleek- on Milliken, BAH and Reizen followed the both the Farm Bureau, and the state Agriculture Jwhich will be made available to affiliates of Department. fitting sizes. [ublic Broadcasting System throughout the Jacobson'S "It was a struggle all the way," she said of [973 error at the Michigan Chemical Co. in obtaining the settlement. lis, Mich., resulted in the accidental Her sharpest criticism, however, was directed e of livestock feed with PBB, a highly at the Department of Agriculture, which she said J chemical used by industry as a flame ignored the problem in an almost ostrich-like [dant. In the years since PBB-contamination manner. m discovered, it has taken a heavy toll on "They were told about it," she said. "We'd go Je farm families affected. down there, but it just seemed like they were [eyd have been injured economically, physical- dragging their feet. Moot Pioneer representative Mr. Jim Malakoote, Thursday, psychologically in a manner that many "It was as if they didn't want to know what the October 6 from 11 AM to 8 PM in our Gadgets Department. Street cannot be remedied by monetary problem was. They thought it would just go Floor. |ements. lower allowable PBB limits, or away." s' promises. ■he settlement doesn't cover the torture you It has been over two years since the Zuiderveens were first notified their herd J1 Lois to go through getting back on you feet," was Zuiderveen, who has worked in dairy placed under quarantine by Department of |iingfarm all her life. She and her husband, Gary, Agriculture officials. They have been partially George Lemunyon leans against a rail as he talks a in Falmouth, a small town about 25 compensated for the financial losses suffered, but about losing his second herd of dairy cattle. fs east of CadUlac. they have not reestablished levels of production. le Zuiderveens had about 30 cattle killed for TOMORROW: An affected fanner who feels :h they were compensated by Farm Bureau the PBB issue is being used unfairly against [he firm which distributed the contaminated Milliken. Tired off your own cooking? LIARN Bell's has great pizza & PARACHUTING grinders (Sky-Diving) 225M.A.C. Movies 332 - 5027 1135 E.Cd. River Equipment Orientation 332 - 0858 Rap Session Open from 11:00a.(r Thurs. Oct. 6,7:30 p.m. Free Deliveries From 4:30 p.m. «i-i Mult! Purpose Room A Brody Hall W PQN'T MAKSIM MSU SPORT PARACHUTING CLUB CLAIM THAT Charlotte Paracenter "Wl WON'T Bl UNDERSOLD" - 1-543-6731 OUR PRICES ARE ALREADY LOWER. ■■ THEY HAVE BEEN FOR TWO YEARS I head back to campus with the component-quality stereo sound in compact design without the components. . Centrex DISCOUNT systems by Pioneer. Here, the automatic record changer and AM/FM stereo receiver. A 3-speed changer lets you play records perfectly. Its 4-pole motor and heavy metal platter Plant Sale!! 15% off HAS SERVED MSU STUDENTS AND AREA BUSI¬ NESSES SINCE W75 With TEXAS INSTRU¬ minimize wow and flutter. Included are magnetic cartridge, MENTS, HEWLETT-PACKARD, CASIO, diamond stylus with pressure adjustment, damped cueing, 6 largest selection of exotic plants in area AND MORE I anti-skate adjustment and a hinged dust cover. The stereo PURCHASE YOUR NEW CALCULATOR FROM DIS¬ 4 complete selection of growing supplies COUNT CALCULATORS WHERE YOU'll FIND: receiver features audio muting, flywheel tuning with meter, ft trained horticulturists to help you. loudness contour, stereo/mono switch, click-stop bass and ft free delivery, come see us..... "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES treble, A+B speaker selector, auxiliary input, record output IN TOWN" 226 Abbott and headphone jacks. Three-way speaker pair. $299 | next door to Lizards TNI MTTLI (NOP THAT LOWMID Cassette-AM/FM stereo system with auto-changer. $450 tni mien or calculator! 10-9 daily 8-track AM/FM stereo system with auto-changer. $450 s (except Sundays)'' k.351-1238,. 220M.A.C. UNIV. MALL 351-6470 10-5:30 MON-SAT TIL 8 on THURS. Jacobson's ©jpMDOiri) Court's ruling another travesty Recently the only supremacy homosexuals, basing our argu¬ contagious. having anything remotely to do ments not on complicated legal Most forms of with the Supreme Court is its lingo or obscure Biblical passages, based on race, religion, discriminate age, coW supreme insensitivity. but on plain and simple common and nationality have been ruled Justice may rightly and neces¬ decency. unconstitutional and sarily be blind, but the nation's It seems to us now, as it has sexual preference has been illegal But highest court must not voluntarily seemed all along, a gross and no special protection. IndeedV give! place blinders over its eyes like a obvious intrusion into the rights of appalling tht persons in' thj! scared horse, disembody its head, citizens to go clawing through country need protection to choose and ignore the rushing of its own closets to see who and what may be with whom they shall heart. there. sleep. Justices Marshall and The court's most recent affront1 Sexual preference has not a the only justices who voted Brennan to the canons of justice came thing to do with morality or to hear Gaylord's case, are not to bt Monday with its refusal to hear the immorality. The only way morality lauded for taking the appeal of James Gaylord, a high enters the picture is in the only respect, able action possible. But school teacher who was fired in immorality of those who choose to we do 1972 when his homosexuality was condemn others based congratulate them for standing m on sexual to an discovered. otherwise bigoted preference. closed-minded court. Quite honestly, we do not know Nor has sexual preference a what to say anymore. We have thing to do with the ability to teach As for the other justices, let repeatedly defended the rights of and run a classroom. It is not them drink orange juice with pits, Deregulation a setback to public President Carter's energy pro¬ be deregulated, costing consumers under the assumption that posals have faced numerous ob¬ untold billions in the years ahead. they enjoyed unqualified White House stacles since their introduction to Carter had proposed to maintain the Senate. The Senate, whose foci support. Obviously the President regulation of natural gas prices, feels that to continue the filibuster Wednesday, October 5, 1977 of power lie with conservative- but with the ceiling lifted from would jeopardize the remainder ol minded senators on various fi¬ $1.46 per thousand cubic feet to his program. Editorials or 1 the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns and letters a e personal opinions. nance committees, has whittled $1.75. The new ceiling would have It is indeed unfortunate that the the program to a shell of its provided sufficient initiatives for Editorial Department Senate has adopted such an former self. natural gas companies to seek new Editor-in chief Michael lonimura Campus Editor Anne Stuart Sports Editor Tom Shanahan The latest setback to befall the obviously short-sighted stance on Managing Editor Kat Brown Wire Editor Jocelyn Laskowski Layout Editor Fred Hartes veldt supplies without penalizing con¬ this issue. The main stress of Opinion Editor Dove Misialowski Photo Editor van Carter plan came Monday, when any Richard Politowski Copy Chief . Renaldo Migaldi sumers excessively. viable energy program should be Special Projects Edito Debbie Wolfe Entertainment and Book Editor Senators opposing deregulation of City Editor Kothy Esselman Freelance Editor . Michael Winter Deregulation will allow gas on conservation. The Joe Scales Staff Representativt . ... Nunzio M. Lupo natural gas ended a 13-day fili¬ prices to skyrocket, without discovery any and production of new buster, the purpose of which had energy Advertising Department guarantee of a substantial increase sources obviously is important, been to keep the issue from in gas supplies. coming but it should be done within a Assistant Advertising Manager Denise Dear to a vote. The Carter administration cut controlled framework. Otherwise Unless some compromise is the feet out from under the leaders the public will, as usual, be forced worked out, natural gas prices will of the filibuster, who had operated to bear an unfair economic burden, VIEWPOINT: SPIRIT BLOCK Letter Policy Student foundation defended Th* Opinion Pf welcomes ait fatten ta! viewpoints, Readers ilumld /oifaw efevinlu to now* that as many fatten at pottiMi his players against injuries. By JIM THOMAS and Riled appear in print "camping out" outside the Student support to State from alumni and the Let's back our team. They are a great AU fatten and In response to Susan Dwight's editorial Foundation Office all night. viewpoints skmULe typsi" general public. We know these are aggres¬ football team because they've overcome on the Spartan Spirit Block, we feel we owe I'm riled. I I (5-tpace fates and triple-spaced. Letters set Susan claims that the Student Founda¬ sive objectives and it mean am really riled. Upon worse odds and greater obstacles than any requires a special kind viewpoints must be signed and bwfads M an explanation to those students who were tion should "have its stuff together." On the of student who is viewing the video tape of last Saturday's other team in the nation. Plagued by address, student, faculty or staff standing > unable to get willing to dedicated a in the card block for the surface it is possible that getting our stuff great deal of time and personal effort to game against Notre Dame, I'm shocked to know that the MSU alumni have allowed injuries, they still come back to exert any—and pbene number. No fatter or vit» circumstances surrounding the sign up last together means simply signing some stu¬ tremendous effort point without these items will be considers! accomplish these goals. These were the Saturday after Satur¬ week. dents up to the beatings given the team by the far publication. flip cards. However, we must be students the Student Foundation steering day. Let's get some spirit and excitement We are sorry that so many students who referees. Wasn't last season's poor referee responsible for more than 1,200 student committee members were looking for when into Spartan Stadium this weekend. Letten should be II faus or less and meg Is had built up their hopes and worked to performances enough? I realize that Coach season football tickets valued at over we made our organize their teams to be let down presentations in all residence edited/or State News style and conciseness n by not $14,000, organizing and recruiting 300 halls last spring. We wanted students to Darryl Rogers will not agree with what I Jim Hudson fit ae many fatten as possible en a getting in. write here, but what can the man say? He Alumnus and Special Student The Student Foundation is less than two Viewpoints may be ne longer than 71 can not ostracize the very people who guard Lansing and may alto be edited years old and is still going through a lot of The Student Foundation is less than two growing pains. In the first year of the years old and is still Spartan Spirit Block we had difficulty in going through a lot of growing pains...If we are guilty of any¬ completely filling it. When it came time to thing, it is getting too many people fired up for football season DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau organize the 1977 block, we could not even and the card block. begin to anticipate the overwhelming desire SOB/ VMS we of students to join based CANAL MS FINALLY ..AND IN THE SOOO? upon our experience last year. If we are guilty of COMPLETED, AROUND PROCESS. SOME 600PUXD! students for a basketball cheering section take ZSO MILLION CUBIC anything, it is getting too many people fired special leadership roles in not only the 5,000 UORKERS PIDN7THAT and laying ground work for the first student YARDS OF EARTH HAP up for the football season and the card Spartan Spirit Block, but also the Spartan LOSE THEIR SHOCK THE telephone fund raising program in day : BEEN MOVED BY THE LIVES! block. a ten Spirits, Parents Day, Winter Weekend and PUBLIC? time span. the Student AMERICANS... I By opening up the Spartan Spirit Block to Foundation Tel-An-Alum The purpose of the MSU Student the entire student phone campaign. body rather than having Foundation is to organize those students some sort of Obviously, Susan because of your concern priority system as Susan who are enthusiastic about Michigan State for the Student Foundation, the suggested, we hoped to find the most Spartan enthusiastic students University as a whole, not just its athletic Spirit Block and MSU you would be a good on campus. Those programs. Through this organization we who were the most fired steering committee member and we invite up were the ones can assist MSU in advancing its public who spend all of you to join our organization. Wednesday night lining up image and put together a variety of their teams, collecting the ticket money, activities that will increase the financial Natural gas prices to be WASHINGTON - It looks as if the influenced by industry White House may base the future price of tural gas industry can cite the higher cost Footnote: White admitted the ERDA In a May 9 column, from natural gas on a study that was estimates to justify higher prices. Met¬ we identified our May 9 story. strongly report drew information and suggestions Thailand's two top narcotics traffickers, All influenced by the friendly folks who sell zenbaum referred to this juggling as a from the industry. But he insisted: "We "eight major narcotics traffickers.... natural gas. "manipulation of cost figures" affecting Chang Kai-cheng and Chang Ching-chen, reports the CIA, "have gone into hiding." deal in technical not political decisions." who were directing "about one-fifth of the total illegal shipments to the Four have fled into the hinterland and The new Energy Department, which will gas supply Knudsen's curve, he said, was "somewhat United States. We take jurisdiction over the energy muddle projected." reported that both men joined the remnants of the Chinese Nation¬ naive." Guthrie agreed with White and not only posed next month, will have the power to set Apparently, the industry influence went as legitimate businessmen alist armies carrying on the opium trade in stressed that their personal but had close ties to Thai integrity officials. the Burma Laos-Thailand interstate gas rates. The Energy Research even beyond the Stanford study. The should not be questioned. One week later, House "golden triangle " and ERDA task force's Christian Knudsen Narcotics Chair- The CIA reports that Chang Kai-cheng Development Administration, mean¬ was while, came up with a study that would compelled to discard his own gas supply "asked for Shan (guerrilla) protection and was sent to a undercut the White House's curve, he told Metzenbaum, because it Thit strange shrinkage in the Shan camp in Mae Hong Son pricing pol JACK ANDERSON "conflicted with the industry's supply estimates caused an province." Chang icies. The report has been forwarded to the supply equivalent rise in the cost-of-production estimates. Now the Chin-cheng, according to White House. estimates." As a result, Knudsen was the CIA, "was making natural gas industry can cite the plans to leave Now a confidential Senate removed from the task force. higher cost estimates to justify Thailand, (and) it is believed he left the investigation AND LES WHITTEN country." has found the study was tainted. An The director of the ERDA team, Philip higher prices. Metzenbaum referred to this juggling as a "man¬ alarmed Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, D White, admitted that Knudsen's findings Ohio, has written to energy czar James were ignored in favor 0f the ipulation of cost figures" affecting "about one-fifth of the total One of the drug dealers fingered by the the cost if industry's Schlesinger about the findings. production estimates which estimates. Or to put it in the words of gas supply projected." congressman, Ma Yao-tung,"has recently were incorporated into the Stanford Re¬ been under considerable mental strain," "Disturbing information regarding in¬ White's aide, Hugh Guthrie, Knudsen's search Institute study." says the CIA. fluence exerted by the natural gas industry curve was "inconsistent with current in CIA VIEW: A fascinating CIA report, Following Rep. Wolff' The Stanford group, he said, had man Lester Wolff, D-N.Y., named six more revelations, "Ma Yao-tung was unusually upon the development engaged dustry experience." and conclusions of in some mysterious intended for official eyes only, illustrates drug kingpins in Thailand. The effect of this the natural gas supply sleight of hand. At the abrupt and curt in his dealing with narcotic study he wrote, beginning of the study in 1975, the group Significantly, both White and Guthrie ironically that publicity is more effective double barreled publicity blast, buyers... (He) arranged for the destruction "has been brought to my attention." came to the government from the oil and according estimated the available gas than secrecy in combatting the inter to the CIA report, was to blow of his personal He informed Schlesinger that the ERDA supplies were the top off papers before abandoning 25 percent higher than the gas industry. White was on the payroll of national drug dealers. the multibillion dollar Thai his residence." task force had relied figure it is now Standard Oil of Indiana for 37 years and still opium trade, at heavily on an earlier using. We have warned repeatedly that the least temporarily. study by the Stanford Research Institute. draws a $43,000 annual pension from a United States is losing the war against Assessing the effects of the publicity, thf This strange shrinkage in the Of course, the CIA doesn't CIA estimates: "The Declared Metzenbaum: "Natural supply company trust. And Guthrie collects concede the probable result is that gas in¬ estimates caused an equivalent rise in the drugs. The rising tide of incoming heroin press played any role in the flow of narcotics will continue under dustry representatives had the final say on cost of-production estimates. $15,000 a year from Shell Oil after 33 years and cocaine has swamped law enforcement breaking up the Now the narcotics ring. Yet the CIA new na with the company. report lists five sponsorship but at a reduced rate .. agencies. pages of names, dates and details that stem United Features Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 5, 1977 BOOKS Re-writing our history The ultimate con man lisher that dared to print it. Uncle Sam a semi godlike Public Burning — je darkness, Coover spins a tale of The Man From Lisbon The reason for the excitement combination of Americanism iy Robert Coover the last seventy-two dramatic ,e Viking Press is simple; Robert Coover has labels in their most outrageous hours including the saboteurs' by Thomas Gifford produced one of the most form. Sam Slick is the Yankee MeGraw Hill ■l2.95 public execution in Times explosive works of fiction by a Peddler who can "ride on a flash $9.95 Reviewed by JOHN Square in a performance super¬ Reviewed by DAVE contemporary author. By takng of lightnin', catch a thunderbolt vised [AJANDER characters from the 1950's and in his fist... whup his weight in by Cecil B. DeMille with DiMARTINO appearances by The Marx Bro¬ I Since the prologue to this using the Rosenberg trial for a setting, Coover in effect re¬ wildcats and redcoats even . out-inscrutabullize . . and the thers, Ed Sullivan, Charlie The Man From Lisbon is Kjok first appeared in the writes history in a way that heathen chinee McCarthy, Jack Benny and novelist Thomas Gifford's third Enerican Review in October of engulfs a reader in the atmos¬ . . even Betty Crocker. effort, and, unlike his earlier 76 word has been circulating Sam's villainous counterpart, phere and attitudes that so Coover weaves fact and fic¬ The Wind Chill Factor and The bout the remarkable novel that The Phantom, is never seen, but is all of the New York literary dominated the Eisenhower de¬ his henchmen and works are tion with images that range C'avanaugh Quest, "it really Xablishment waiting to see cade. everywhere. With the Rosen¬ from a slapstick routine of happened." The character to reflect on Supreme Court Justices slip¬ So it is stated, at least, in the ■ho would file the first and bergs as pawns in the conflict est lawsuit against the pub¬ most in The Public Burning is between the sons 0' light and ping elephant dung to a mar¬ preface to the book. Once vellous prose collage involving a again, Gifford's overriding man who leaves a 3-D movie theme appears to be "I am not with the glasses still on and I/He is not he/They are not superimposes the movie images they." It is there, however, that Berger in Sleuth/and upon the outside world until he finally collapses in the Rosen¬ berg's death chair. the similarities with Gifford's earlier work abruptly end. The Man From Lisbon is, more than anything else, a ,0 is Teddy VUlanova? detective's and clients' problems. His detective Coover's portrayal of Richard — biographical sketch of Artur jy Thomas Berger Russel Wren to his — has problems related specifically Nixon, who narrates much of Virgilio Alves Reis, a fictional belacorte Press quest for the elusive Villanova, but who the novel, is so moving that is character, certainly, despite 17.95 cares? Halfway through the book you realize that easy to perceive why his pres¬ Gifford's prefaced note of au¬ you don't care about Wren locating Villanova, and ence dominates much of the thenticity, and an extremely ieviewed by DANIEL HUBERT feel like a spectator with an end zone seat for the critical interest in the novel. unusual one. Reis is the ulti¬ |The sleuth in fiction has traditionally been the rest of the book. Coover's Nixon is a bumbling, mate con man. a Portuguese lardboiled man in his 30's or 40's trying to make self-indulgent, political, com¬ who almost manages to legally nse of a world he doesn't understand through As a tribute to the great sleuths of fiction, plex, compellingly likeable per¬ devise a system in which he can e possession of a license and a gun. Philip Berger's ex-English teacher and playwright son who does everything wrong literally "print up" his money ■arlowe. Sam Spade and Lew Archer were hard, Russell Wren is very adept; the snappy repartee but manages to turn it for his whenever he needs it. fetermined men whose cynicism about man is there, the kooky secretary and the convoluted own benefit. At one point he Gifford's newest differs from imetimes seemed severe, but was usually borne plot. even is able to reverse the both of his earlier efforts in two in the final chapter. ridicule directed at him when he The book is funny — it has its basis in humor specific ways. is caught with his pants down in I These detectives lived from client to client and and all else rises from that — but Berger seems to First, it allows the reader to lied to bury their own problems beneath the ones be reaching for something beyond a quip and a public into a "Pants down for at once perceive the depth and America" campaign. levels of ley encountered in their investigations. Some- laugh. deception happening nes they succeeded, but in instances when their throughout the narrative. Much and there, nevertheless down¬ Nixon is able to take every of what made The Cavanaugh rewarding is Gifford's tendency own conclusions about the ef¬ oblems became intermixed with those of their In Berger's book we're given a genuine plays the element of surprise in to understate these situation and thought and relate Quest and The Wind Chill feelings; fect of the affair on the three ■ients. some of the best examples of detective allegiance to his search, and we seem to have a preference of a more binding, Gifford, for example, mentions characters' further relation¬ it to himself as he manages to Factor so fascinating was Gif¬ a resulted, i.e., Dashiell Hammett's The need to discover the solution. However, as we emotional involvement, one tell the reader of his personal ford's preference for keeping only once, very indirectly, that ships. e Falcon, Raymond Chandler's The Big read on we discover that the book's a sham, that that each of Gifford's earlier Reis' wife Maria has had an frustrations on his rise to the reader essentially in the novels lacked. .eepand The Long Goodbye. Both Hammett and we have been sucked into the riddle but will affair with his close friend and The fact that Gifford displays handler have passed on, taking with them Philip receive nothing in return. It's like a long joke with power, and at the end, his dark, at the same level of business partner Jose. Yet this gift, this ability to create a realization of the love for power larlowe and Sam Spade, respectively. Ross no punchline. unawareness as the protago¬ Secondly, and this is much of the narrative is clearly as he allows himself to be nists. Because very living plot almost independent llacdonald still exercises an aging Lew Archer, each of the much tied in with the first about similar situations-Reis, of reader or author, is signifi¬ I started out caring, sodomized by Uncle Sam. previous novels contained lut less frequently than in years past. but discovered that Berger more point, Gifford has shifted his in this instance, is himself cant these days. Not a hack didn't really give a damn whether I cared or not. than a normal share of plot The Public Burning is rich in emphasis as a storyteller; deeply involved with his I In Thomas Berger's new novel, Who la Teddy so I quit. After that, the book wasn't half bad. But turnabouts and twists the read¬ own write-up or a transparently black humor, but at the same events in the storyline aren't affair. What could have been a obvious instead of painting a full picture of a man er could much more easily be dressed-up movie [illanova? he also tries to bring a novice into the time is the most poignant look at quite as relevant in The Man turning point in another script .The Man From Lisbon is ^tective business. Berger succeeds in construc- searching for a clue to not only his case but his real America in the fifties that can be drawn into the storyline. The Man From Lisbon, certainly not From Lisbon as the characters' author's novel is worth only a an engaging night's reading and an interesting story, but he fails to identity, Berger has sketched a man searching found in contemporary litera¬ reactions to them. What prob¬ casual mention, thereby leaving a book that is remembered implish the important intermingling of the simply because he has nothing better to do. lacking in its own twists here long ture. ably makes the book most the reader to draw his or her after it is put down. have We New and Used Textbooks Arriving Daily at The Student Book Store Supplies for Spartan Spirit K ore f- Available in our Sportswear ^ Department. : Wear Green on Saturday and Leave Them Blue! MSU over U-MH HOURS 8:30-5:30 MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY ACROSS VISA FROM OL1N tudent 00k tore () Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, October 5, 1977 Funds considered for married housing By NUNZIO M. LUPO ment (HUD), which administers the money, has •Preserve and improve properties with histor¬ State News Staff Writer not determined that such an expenditure would ic, architectural or aesthetic values. Sections of University Housing may be able to be legal. The funds cannot be used for new housing The public benefit from about $1.8 million in community Two general criteria all programs must meet input on the development funds soon to be received by the are that they must principally benefit low or construction, political activities, income supple¬ distribution ofp"l moderate income families and eliminate and ment payments, city-wide services or other city munity Development p? City of East Lansing, due to a bill currently in the United States Congress. prevent slums and blight. expenses. Government or public buildings are will be held from 7:30 „ H Cherry Lane, University and Spartan Village Eligible programs or projects must: also not covered by the grant. 10:30 p.m. dates and on the f0H apartments lie in the "target areas" determined •Eliminate slums, deteriorating property or The Planning Department will take the citizen locations- ^ by the East Lansing Planning Department for community facilities which serve low-and-moder- •Tuesday, Oct 1, recommendations and formulate them into Bailey School, the money to be spent. The money will also ate-income families. - proposals for the Planning Commission. The final Bailey and Ann Street, benefit two other areas of the city. •Eliminate conditions which threaten the approval will be up to the East Lansing City •Wednesday, Oct ,, Public input sessions in those areas will be held health, safety and welfare of the general public Council. Red Cedar the coming weeks at three locations. by strict housing code enforcement, housing School, c0, Narcissus and Sever John Roetman, University Apartments man rehabilitation aid and other housing improve¬ The target areas were determined by using bri ager, said residents of University housing will be ment efforts.. the geographic areas formed for census reasons, 'Thursday, Oct. Spartan 20" responsible for giving input on how the money •Expand and improve community services said James vanRavensway, acting East Lansing Village should be spent. The University, he added, will directed specifically toward persons of low and Spartan Village community development coordinator. ments. serve only in advisory moderate income. capactiy to the residents and will have the final approval of any plan the •Use natural resources or arrange residential, The areas were determined to be of low-to- commerical, industrial or recreational land uses moderate-income families or containing slums or city might formulate. That is. he added, when and if it is determined in a better or more efficient way. blight by HUB's standards, he said. that federal funds could be expended for •Diversify and vitalize neighborhoods by increasing both housing opportunties for person The Planning Department estimated the $1.8 community development on state-owned land. Kent Cartwright, administrative assistant to of low and moderate income and the attractive¬ million over a three-year period based on the U.S. Rep. Bob Carr, D-East Lansing, said that ness of undesirable areas for higher income $602,000 the city received in Community De¬ the Department of Housing and Urban Develop¬ groups. velopment funds for the 1976-1977 fiscal year. ■n r The shaded portions are target areas for an estimated $1.8 million over three years in community develop¬ Michigan State University ment funds East Lansing will ably receive. The two areas at the prob¬ KMJnionC lower left include Cherry Lane, Uni¬ versity Village and Spartan Village. 1 student! 203 E. Grand Riv«, 25% -29% . Shipment!! of Rain & Fil 10% OFF Slicker: WHAT IS THE UNION CAFETERIA MEAL PLAN? We'd like to meet you and help you get a It is on agreement between the Union Cafeteria and participating students for meals at discount rates. If you decide to join you will be able to buying buy up to $3 worth of '8 to '1! head start on your Christmas shopping. food for $2.25, with the one meal per day plan, and up to $6 worth of food for $4.25, with the two meals per day plan. For lunch and/or dinner, you will be able to choose Bulletin Boards Candles Framed Pictures from a large selection of entrees, salads, vegetables, potatoes, desserts, rolls and Stationery Incense Jewelry beverages. Scarves Gift Items HOW DOES THE PLAN WORN? BROWSE' ROUND GIFT SHOP It gives you the option to buy any Union Cafeteria menu items at a la carte prices, to a 1393 E. Grand River Near ABP 332-5979 limit of $3 per meal. Any credit not used for a meal may not be transferred to the next All length meal. If your purchases are more than $3 at any one meal (for those of you with hearty appetites) you will pay the additional amount. If you join, you must belong to the plan styles, all before November 10, 1977. Many rev WHEN IS THE PLAN VALID? Sizes sma The plan may be used Mondays through Fridays, from Sept. 29 through Dec. 9, exclud¬ medium, & ing Thanksgiving holidays, Thursday and Friday, Nov. 24 and 25. The most versa coat you can bi WHERE MAY I JOIN? fabulous prices The meal plan is sold at the Union Building business office, on the second floor (east entrance) of the Union, Mondays through Fridays, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Lunch: Monday through Friday, 11:15 a.m. -1:15 p.m. Dinner: Monday through Friday, 5 p.m. • 7 p.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 355-3465 The 1978 Red Cedar Lo» Yearbook presents: "A ONE PAGE New r I PREVIEW" Shipment 1 Hey, chicken lovers- I of Painter come on over to I 1 The Other Fried! I Pants 1 I 1 Wednesday I • Off White 6.9 1 Family I •Lite Blue 10.01 1 I 1 Night •Khaki 11.01 I 1 Special I •Navy Denim 12.01 1 3 pieces of chicken, •Corduroys 13.01 cole slaw, mashed >]• S 1 I A I 1 potatoestgravy( hot biscuits. MW I Beige, Brown, Navy, Great time to discover the toucha Hunter Green, 1 Famous honey difference in Recipe, The Other Fried Chicken. Delicious dipped-in honey batter, fried really crisp and oil the way I through. No wonder people who cross over to The Other 1 Fried Chicken stay there! I Lite Blue, Rust byES°um:0NBSLNG.r 1PREE portrait appoi"tme"t or st»p I I Tamt/s Rec/fie I ™UN,ON BUUIMNG' 3 FREE ^ *PP°intal Hours: Thurs & Frl till 8:30PM I 1900 E. Kalamazoo 4500 S. Odor 3007 N. East St. I Saturday till 7:00 Don't Get Left Out. Call (5 mln. from MSU) (U.S. 27 North) JLm mmi today! 203 E. Grand River across from Student Union 31 iwifHrn Slate News. Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 5, 1977 SENTENCES EXTENDED TO LIFE lUnit aims at career criminals I By MARK FABIAN County Prosecutor Peter Houk said. Felony murder (a murder the person is convicted, a missioners are very supportive IJ, ■ute News Ku—» Stall Writer occurring in the commission of second trial is held before the of the unit. He said he has also Erony r.iirrv. 28, of 122 Curry, 28, of 1224 "Our trial as goal is to bring them to quickly as possible and a felony) is 60 points. Murder, rape and breaking and entering same jury to determine if he is received the cooperation of the lichifltn has been either in to accept no plea bargain with a habitual offender. courts in giving top priority to Tn or on parole since he was are examples of 40 point Houk said a 70-year-old ha¬ cases involving career crimin¬ those defendants," he said. crimes. Lesser crimes are as- bitual offender statute says it als. J the past he has been must be proven that the person He said it is important to Lted of assault, larceny If a person is found guilty of being a habitual convicted of the crime is the realize that it can take a year Va person, breaking and same person who was previous¬ for a person charged with a offender, the maximum penalty a judge can King, larceny from a build- assess is increased, Ingham ly convicted of the crimes listed crime to eventually come to ANNIVERSARY lnd attempted larceny from County Prosecutor on their records. trial but that the Career Crim¬ Peter Houk said. "We use a court clerk to inal Unit has disposed of their fc month he was convicted "The judge looks at what type of individual is prove previous convictions and cases in less than 90 days. (reaking and entering an then call in the investigative before him," Houk said. "Our legislature has nobile but because of his officer of the previous cases." he was also charged recognized that some classes of people should be He said court records are not FAMILY OF MAN treated differently than others." J being a habitual offender always available and reliable 541 E. Gd. River ■he newly created Ingham and that former police chiefs »ty Career Criminal Unit. In order to keep track of have also been called in to DANNON | jury found him guilty of " sessed fewer points. testify that they were in court a habitual offender and repeat felons and to determine Houk said once a person has during a previous conviction. YOGURT faces a possible sen- if they can be charged with accumulated 120 points they If jv a person is found guilty of L of life imprisonment in- being a habitual offender, the are brought to the attention of being a habitual offender, the Jj of the usual five year prosecutor's office requests ar¬ rest records from all police the Career Criminal Unit. The prosecutor then files an miximum penalty a judge can assess is increased, Houk said. ■imum. Ae Career Criminal Unit departments seeking warrants additional charge against the If the defendant has been ■formed in July and consists on an individual, Houk said. defendant for being a habitual convicted four or more times All flavors 1 special unit of attorneys Once the prosecutor's office offender. During the trial, the judge can sentence the lone secretary who spend all has the police records they Houk said, the jury is not aware defendant to life in prison or Limit: 9 K- time dealing with a select assess points for any crimes a of the defendant's past history any number of years. person has been convicted of in Expires 103177 ip of defendents who are or that the additional charge Houk said the police and the is repeat felons, Ingham the past. has been filed against them. If Ingham County Board of Com¬ Now! ALL THE DESIGN ADVANTAGES OF A SEPARATE AMPLIFIER AND TUNER AT A PRICE THAT WILL SURPRISE AND PLEASE YOU. BOTH, THE KA 7100 AMPLIFIER AND KT 7300 TUNER BY KENWOOD THE KENWOOD PROFESSIONAL TOUCH.. I With its professional look and I circuitry, the KA-7100 is in tune I with current high audio stan- trol system of the KA-7100 has been devised to enable you to match the acoustic characteristics of your $449 A REGULAR $575 VALUE I dards. And, as you'll discover for room and of the music you play, vourself, the feel of the controls so that you can, in effect, 'tailor' under all kinds of changing tern- is equally professinal. All the con- the sound. Dolbyized FM and 4-channel FM perature and humidity conditions. Broadcasts I trols, knobs and switches, as well as The Simpler The Circuitry, The It's Kenwood's way of making sure 1 The KT-7300 is ready for the best of their layout, have been thought- Better The Sound I you hear the very best that true today and the best of tomorrow fully designed through human The interior of the KA-7100 is re¬ I high-fidelity has to offer. Time and right now. In the rear, Kenwood engineering techniques, for ease of markably 'clean'. This is not just time again, the KT-7300's perfor- * and long, hard wear. has incorporated a two position cosmetic treatment. There are mance approaches the theoretical deemphasis switch to deliver the [I Independent Dual Power Sup- clear-cut audio advantages in re¬ limits of perfect reception. finest possible signal under various plies For Right and Left Chan- ducing wiring, and by making New Long, Accurate Linear FM I nels. Obviously, no stereo imaging direct connections to circuit boards. broadcasting conditions By select- Dial Scale for Easier Tuning | can be true unless there is complete Long wiring and shielded cables jng the "25 micro" position you You will notice the FM dial scale achieve the best balance to perfect- channel separation. common on other amplifiers inevi¬ of the KT-7300 is different and I Kenwood's engineers completely re- tably generate fields of distortion. ly match the characteristics of better. It is longer and divided into Dolbyized FM broadcasts. And a I designed the power supply into two As one example, the smaller divisions than conventional four-channel detector (DET OUT on I separate supply systems. units. This makes tuning easier and the rear panel) has also been built- accurate. The equal calibration of jn so you can receive and record the dial in relatively small units discrete 4-channel broadcasts when is proof of Kenwood's confidence such broadcasts are approved. KA 7100 AMPLIFIER 60 WATTS PER CHANNEL MINIMUM. RMS AT 8 OHMS FROM 20HZ TO 20,000 HZ WITH NO MORE THAN 0.02% TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION. This allows each musical instru- speaker selector is now next to the mentto be heard in its correct loca- speaker terminals, and instead of tior, in the stereo sound field, and wires leading to the back panel at its natural level. Reproduced picking up noise on the way. there's sound, right down to the 1st octave, a long mechanical shaft. All this is wonderfully crisp and clear, contributes towards the refinement Unique Tape-Through Circuitry of the special tonal quality that is Kenwood's tape-through circuit Kenwood's, a lows you to listen to a com- Lower Distortion, Higher Per- that the KT-7300 is drift-free, un¬ Selected Parts, Advanced Tech¬ pletely different source while re- iormance cording or dubbing. You can record usually stable and exceptionally niques Higher and better performance is precise. In design, construction, production simultaneity on one or two tape assured by the Dual Gate MOS FET FM Muting decks, and monitor both tape in- and assembly, every aspect of every FET in the RF stage, special The KT-7300 comes with a sophis¬ Puts, and you can dub from A to B. ceramic and LC filters in the IF part gets the benefit of Kenwood's ticated muting switch that incor¬ dedication to the finest in audio. Sophisticated Tone Controls stage and by new engineering in Make You Master Of Your porates an FET. This muting For example, with the exception of the detector section. Instead of Sound switch does more than simply cut the RF stage, the entire tuner's conventional wiring, the KT-7300 out the noise between stations Tonal purity gets top priority at incorporates improved quadrature circuitry is on one printed circuit while tuning. It also eliminates board. The level calibration of the Kenwood, and many of our design circuitry to achieve low distortion the initial rush sound you hear circuits is certain to be stable be¬ innovations and improvements and wide-range linearity up to have been made in order to achieve if you rapidly tune through several cause of certain advanced devices 1MHz. This means, for example, the most stations. Such attention to special used in the level control itself, transparent, distortion- that the KT-7300's high sensitivity details - which protect your ears tree sound possible. The tone and this is still another of the con- is not just a spec on a piece of as well as your speakers — is countless examples that prove the paper but a meaningful reality typical of Kenwood superiority KT-7300 will deliver outstanding throughout. performance year-in, year-out. HI-FI BUYS 1101 E. GRAND RIVER E.L. PH. 337-1767 323 E.GRAND RIVER E.l. PH. 351-5380 M-F 10-9 S. 10-5 M-F 10-95. 10-6 ♦ FREE PARKING FINANCING AVAILABLE Wednesday, October 5,1977 g Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Brammer keys for Michigan "We wanted to go more to Edgar (Wilson) and By MICHAEL KLOCKE In last Saturday's loss at Notre Dame, Brammer had eight Kirkin*, but it just worked out that they threw a lot to me," State News Sports Writer receptions for 129 yards and was named Spartan offensive player of the week by head coach Darryl Rogers. "On most of my catches I was the primary receiver." Brami^S The great intra state football rivalry between MSU and 1 In addition to his pass receiving chores Michigan will continue this Saturday but Mark Brammer and his * Brammer also had quite a blocking assignment. He against the J teammates won't just start getting up for the game this week - often hid J against All-American and Outland Trophy winner Ross Sj they've been keying for It all season. "We've been laying for Michigan since the beginning of the Michigan game pep rally "I like to block and recieve about the same," he said."Ym?L related J J to like to do both because they are very much season," said the 6-3, 222 pound tight end from Traverse City. "Everybody knows the importance of this game. A pep rally for the MSU-Michigan game will be Thursday at 8 another for tight end." a 1 Brammer admitted that the crowd noise at "During practice all season long we've taken a couple of minutes p.m. at Old College Field. Notre Di® J each day to think of the Michigan game. We would start thinking The pep rally, sponsored by the MSU Student Foundation, make it quite difficult for the offense to hear the signals will feature head coach Darryl Rogers and Spartan starters Ed "Down near the goal lines it got rather as a team about Michigan." noisy and it was® Brammer said the game will be important to everyone on the Smith, Edgar Wilson and Tommy Graves. Board of Trustees to hear," he said. "Several times we had to audible but we« member Blanche Martin, a former football able to." Spartan team, but especially important to the seniors. player for MSU, will Brammer was forced into an immediate "Everyone has their own individual feelings about Michigan," said the blond sophomore. "But the game is especially important to also attend. The MSU Band and the cheerleaders will also be at the freshman after the NCAA suspended Mike Cobb for starting role >1 rally five „ the seniors who have never won over them." and will begin recruiting at the dorms And he responded with 24 recptions for 272 by touring the campus at yards a StoTa News/Robert KozloH And entering the Michigan game, Brammer is coming off 7:30 p.m. (continued on page 9) Sophmore tight end Mark Brammer has totaled 14 perhaps his finest performance as a Spartan. receptions (or 194 yards in the Spartan's first (our games. P0GGON R8 APPLIANCES The deadline for IM soccer, volleyball and bowling has been extended to noon Friday in 201 of the Men's IM Building. There is ■RBfflBST a soccer meeting in 215 of the Men's IM Thursday, but volleyball 3301E. MICHIGAN APPLIANCES AP PRICES GOOP and bowling need only turn in entry cards. SAVEATAPf OFFER tOZOW. GRANPBVER - THRU SAT OCT 6 ' Tonight is the last manager's meeting for IM football in the Sports Arena of the Men's IM at 6 p.m. LIMIT I COUPON PEA each Moors oem pn out j OKEMOS NExrro K MART j COUPON CANNOT BE RCOEEMEOASCASN ' Quantity rights ^NORAmiEOfOVRW ANY PURCHASE j RESERVE? AUCTION!! We will sell to the highest bidders SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 2 PM fOUWD Plain Hotel 125 W. Michigan Ave. Lansing, Michigan Oriental numerous to Rug Runners—lovely pieces of carpeting, all sizes and descriptions. Bokara Persian silk and pure silk. Indion, Molasian, and many, many mention! other carpets...too ALL SALES ARE FINAL, whereas sold with a guarantee 39* LIMIT 4 ALL SALIf CASH. WILSON'S CERT1FIEP -POLLY ANNA- 8UYS-SAVEWVW/G BUY3-SAVE ^2.13 W/C We, as auctioneers will not be responsible for any 1ST CUT CHUCKS-Beef- 16 accidents on the ground during the sale. giSSlto ®20«. MADE RITE at. RET BTLS. Capital City Auctioneer Ce. POT ROAST BREAD RIPPLE CHIPS 8» PEPSI Bernard I. and Kevin E, Sinclair. Auctioneers 084 2 LOAVES V 10 01. PKGr. 69 pi et light t PLUS tfeR BUWF-SAHE#W0W/C-RW4WWfTE ft f\f%i REP^vvhcth 7-iorwr M e HONEY GRAHAMS PINNERS BUY4-SAVE44/W/C.-REP/WH1TE A gov2 save icyREp^wwrrr ^ WHIPPED TOPPIM&84W SALTINGS ftlY4-SAVEGCYW/C.-REPffWHrtE /> aa/ Buy^-SvAVEI/tYlfEC^H/HfTE W TOMATO JUICE 46 CORMitoW &JYS-SMZ23S PevgwHrTE /? /)f\, 0RAN6E JUICE 6® % 8& APPLESAUCE Buy 2-save 4CV w/c BUY 3 -SAVE OPTO i 147 w/c 8UY3-SAVE63/W/C -ALL FCfiVORS- PR-65K COUNTRY FRESH COUNTRY FRESH COUtfTRY FKS9H APPLE CIPER UNVRtTMHK COTTAGE CHEESE YOGURT 1139 Gallop 16 01.1 CTU 58* 4 €88* HiIY H HAVE &OP W/C. f)LL PURPOSE \ U S NO. t MICHIGAN 5 POTATOES Michigan S'°te News, East Lansing, Michigan Kickers looking for win No. 3 By JOE CENTERS Baum. though, is still looking State News Sports Writer for that offensive punch that Following consecutive wins has eluded the Spartans all over Calvin and the University year. Freshman Scott Campbell of Michigan, Dearborn, the is the only Spartan with more MSU soccer team will try to than two total points (goals + make it three in a row when it assists). Campbell has six (two meets Albion College here to¬ goals and four assists) of the day at 3:30 p.m. teams total 13 points and "plays °n) and Kirk Coach Joe Baum is optimistic with poise in front of the (Ou but also cautious about today's 10 BrsrmZl net," according to Baum. Other receiver." " game. Spartan scorers this year have es "We should be ready," Baum been Soleman Younes, two against the y snt. He said. "The team realizes their goals, Mike Price, one goal and often hsjJ winner Rosa potential, I just hope that we one assist, and Nick Bowen, BnJ don't look past Albion to our Paul Kennedy and Tom Cole¬ he said."ViJJl much related game Saturday with Akron. man each with one goal. t, J Albion is really fit and they play with intensity. Teams like Following the Albion game » at the Notre Dm, 1 Albion come here with super the Spartans will get ready to sipals. entertain nationally ranked Ak¬ enthusiasm, they see it as a isyandiUudj, audible challenge to play MSU." ron Saturday morning at 10:30 but we «g a.m. Al! games are on the The Spartans have played better than in their two open¬ Spartan Soccer Field just south of Spartan stadium. ing losses and have given up only one goal (a penalty shot by Another soccer game of in¬ U of M, Dearborn) since the terest will be played tonight at first two games. the Pontiae Silverdome. The "Defense is our ace in the New York Cosmos, champions hole," Baum commented, "You of the North American Soccer will always be in the game if League, will meet the Santos of you don't give up too many (continued on page 14) Stickers coast in opener A five-goal burst in the first half Tuesday helped the MSU field hockey team open its season on the right foot with a 10-0 romp past Grand Valley State at Old College Field. The first-half fireworks were matched by five more goals in the final 35 minutes, including four by center Nancy Lyons. She led the Spartans' explosion with six goals. Kathy Eritano added two and Jennie Klepinger and Patti Lawson had one each. First-year MSU head coach Sam Kajornsin was totally pleased with the offense. "Offensively, our stickwork was good. Defensively, we still State News/Linda Bray need to work on positioning and teamwork." he said. JI theMSU's Steve Kipp sails through the air between two U of M defenders to head ball. The MSU's Lori Fiesselman will he lost to the team for one week after twisting an ankle and sitting out the second half Tuesday. Spartans turned in a strong second half to defeat U of M, Dearborn ■ last Saturday and evened their record at 2-2. The kickers will host Albion ■ College today at 3:30 p.m. on the Spartan Soccer Field south of Spartan Stadium. Get that Tight nil Brammer ready for Michigan perfect word off thetipofyour mtinued from page 8) invade Spartan Stadium Satur¬ And Brammer has the con¬ ■hdown. day. fidence it takes to be a college "A year's experience has football player. Tnd few people will forget tongue... andput miner's touchdown. It was a helped me considerably." Bram¬ When asked if he thinks the mer said. "Mike (Cobb) Ting one handed catch in the helped Spartans can beat nationally me learn a lot at tight end and I ranked Michigan Saturday, he i against the same migan Wolverines that will think I've improved over a year said without hesitating: "Yeah, I do." itonpaper /arsity where it vrestling ■All persons interested in Incredible belongs. King out for the MSU ■rsity wrestling team lould meet in 208 of the Jen's ■iday. IM Building at 4 p.m. Shrinking Pitcher Prices amilyofman 541 E Gd Rivor S1 00 n« A great deal on domestic draft brew 8 pm -12 midnight Put punch into your prose and sparkle into your speech the easy way—with the new Doubleday Roget's Thesaurus. With its » purchase of MO' more than 250,000 synonyms and antonyms arranged in dictionary or | form, our Thesaurus is a veritable treasure-house of powerful Hobie's more words with which you can enhance both your writing and your conversation. No matter who you are or what you do, you know EXPIRES 103177 you could be communicating more effectively. Your words are 81 VALID WITH waiting in the new Doubleday Roget's Thesaurus. OTHER $4.95 regular, $6.95 thumb-indexed. Available at all booksellers. 930 Trowbridge Rd. Where words have more meaning. J Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 5, 1977 Steve Martin: XA Ramblin' Guy' By DAVE DiMARTINO order to pace his "comedy After soliciting the audience moments, he spots the balcony. But a word here for John State News Reviewer show" (as he calls it, repeat¬ for a voice, any voice, but "Think I'll go over to the Sebastian, who opened the Steve Martin wants every¬ edly), which was unquestion¬ particularly a loud one, Martin balcony," Martin thinks aloud. show. Once the main man of the body to know something: he's a ably one of the funniest per¬ got a volunteer. Running over, he is all I,ovin' Spoonful and later hero ramblin' guy. formances to hit MSU in years. "What's your name, son?" smiles, gushing, "We LOVE of Woodstock, Sebastian ap¬ His performance Monday Martin asks. YOU, balcony!" while waving pears to be taking life easy He really is, too. night began with a movie short "Jeff," comes the reply from like a madman. This, however, these days. His set included Monday night, he rambled all entitled "The Absent-Minded somewhere back in the balcony. quickly alternates with inter¬ appropriate Spoonful material, over the University Audit¬ Waiter." Starring Martin and "Where you from, Jeff?" asks vals in which he runs under the such as "Nashville Cats," "Day¬ orium, onstage and off, in a humorist Buck Henry, it was a Martin. balcony, out of the contained dream," and "Darlin' Be Home manner that few who saw him predictable but impeccable gag- "Flint," is the reply from the audience's line of vision, to Soon," early solo career tunes will forget. reel that showed Martin's swiftly give them all "the like "Red Eye Express," the ever balcony. strengths as an actor and Martin quickly holds his nose finger." obligatory "Welcome Back," Aside from being a comedian, comedy writer. But Martin is a in response. Which brings up an impor and enough new material to Steve Martin does lots of other vastly resourceful physical Later Martin admits that one tant point. In a live perfor¬ make it obvious that Sebastian, interesting things, too. How comedian as well. can't get very much for five Martin do material mance. can despite his relative absence in many people who missed the dollars these days, and seeing that is not particularly suited the media of late, is still alive show realize that Martin plays Think about what he gets that that's close to what the for a general television audi¬ and singing. the banjo? Do you even realize away with. First, he asks the audience paid for admission, ence, due to subject matter, Enough on the show. If you audience how much they paid to why he plays it? Simple. "When he'd like to give them their language, etc. Thankfully, Mar¬ missed it, that's too bad. Don't you're playing the banjo, every get into the show. When the audience money's worth. Jumping off the tin, unlike a few of his contem¬ know about John Sebastian, thing's OK," Martin says, and responds, Martin he's probably right. points at them and laughs. stage, Martin volunteers to poraries, is hardly fixated with but Steve Martin? He'll always "give everybody in the audience such material and seems just as be around. Catch him on tele¬ More likely than not, how¬ Next, he puts an "arrow" ever, Martin plays the banjo in through his head. Later he puts a massage." capable of constructing balloon vision as soon as you can. He'll on a rubber nose, mustache and Havoc quickly follows. Mar¬ animals as praising his girl be there for sure. After all, he's tin hops between rows near the friend's pussycat. a ramblin' guy. glasses, but of course, this is front, until finally, in what was Late is great!! much later in the show. After the bunny ears. to be one of the night's best OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - And of course, Martin knows "It's better late than never," Pearl Yeater of Fort Worth, how to cater to an East Lansing audience. Was he performing ^KvIOSTEN Tex., said after sending the city a $6 check for a garbage bill she received nearly 20 years ago. Yeater said she and her for the bucks? The audience? Nah, surf." says Martin. "I came to \]r ktT* RINGS {£[/ THIS WEEK ONLY 5% off Why tomorrow's professionals husband felt "a moral obligation to pay our the bill. We have to meet maker someday." Yeater said they have been stereos refrigerators campus AT choose Hewlett-Packard's first family] book store slowly paying off many bills after years of financial hard¬ ship formnti373-l7eSS 'ree delivery en /off compos 507 E. Grand River Across from Berkey Hall of advanced calculators today. OUR WIDMHDAY tPICIAL family of man Featuring Whole Wheat They're proven performers. In space. On Everest. In the 541 E Gd. River labs of Nobel laureates. Since we built the first, back in Crui t Pizza 1972, our advanced calculators have been tested by mil¬ 75° off (upon request) lions worldwide, and they've passed. They have staying power. Today's classroom prob¬ Imported FMIDILIVIRY! lems quickly grow into tomorrow's on-the-job problems. CAUs HP calculators are designed and built to handle both. Coffees on 1 lb. They're investments in a future that happens fast. Limit 1 lb. EXPIRES 1031 Campus Pizza They're straightforward. "Advanced" doesn't mean "complicated'.' It means" uncomplicated'.' HPcalculatorsare, 1312 MICH, AVE, 337-1377 above all, straightforward. They're easy to use. HP calculators not only grow with you; they grow on you. They feel natural, comfortable, (*; because we designed them to work like you think. SELECTED TOMATOES They're efficient. HP calculators take the direct TOMATO approach. All feature RPN, a time-saving, parenthesis-free logic system. All programmables feature a memory-saving keycode merging capability. TownesVanZandt ATributetoLeadbelly His songs sung ty his friends A rlo Guthrie i for They're personal. Professionals design their own ways Live at The Old Quartet Houstoo,Ttxaj Woody . to solve their Lunenberg Travelers, ftte Seeger. Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee particular problems, and they expect their calculators to be versatile enough to accommodate them. Ours are. HP-29C. Our NEW There's a variety. To say we offer a full line is an Programmable with understatement. We offer a choice. That's why we publish Continuous Memory. a unique "Selection Guide" that spells out the capabilities $195.00* ot each. Your HP dealer has your free Its 98-step prugr.tm ■mvmorv and cal program memory capacity t> copy. pi 10 storage registers suv "on" keystrokes and beyond. lnscrt/tli'kiB (800) 648-4711.The number tocall for more informa¬ ■it u hen the calculator is "oil. ~o you editing Conditional and uncondittenll tion and your HP dealer's name and address (unless t store programs and data tor as long branching. Three levels of subroutinftB you're vou Wisli. Continuous Memory plus 10 decision tests. Exceptional in Nevada, in which case you can call 323-2704)- ly merged kryeodes hrtng typi¬ at an exceptional versatilitlj price. P H H H p h m n Also M M H M JOHN CAGE MAGMA "UDU WUDU" p h h n p p H p n pa so qq (6.99 tape) P-21 Scientific. Business Management. HP-25 $80.00* HP.27 HP-67 Fully Programmable Dick Gregory $125.00* Scientific Programmable. "Best Vol. 1" all standard math and ti $125.00* Financial/Statistical/Scientific. $ 175.00* $450.00* •5.99 Contains the most preprogrammed The mos, powerful pocket calculi* •rniN rectangular/polar co itical capabilities. Enables busi- , tor we've eve.r built. 224-step prog""! scientific functions we've ever offered, (9.99 tape) isplays in fixed decim plus comprehensive statistical and finan- memory. 26 storage registers "Smart lotation. Our lowest Pr.c. card reader records contents of b'1, cial functions. Lets you forecast, allocate Fully merged keycodcs increase typ|C Available onTOMATO records lowest priced programmable. We also of¬ fer an HP-ii with Continuous Memory, resources, analyze costs-quickly. program memory capacity up to4WWr the HP-25C. for $16000' It retains pro- strokes and beyond. Superior el' ing capability. and GRT tapes grams and data even when turned "off $6.99 HEWLETT ft!!PACKARD T^i Hours: Mon. - Sot. 10-f pm Available at MSU Bookstore |hir„ c.nte News. Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, October 5, 1977 1 1 tie visitors in the cupboard Dier IT/ OtfttfAU licate winter is on its way "If animals are coming in, you're going to be , who Has heard the fable of "The wasting energy by pouring heat out those ,per and the Ant" knows there are only entry ways. So for two reasons, you'd better get Js of residents in Michigan through the out the caulking gun or the hammer and nails and the prepared and the miserable. close those openings." [most people are ready to cope with J, such as heat loss, fuel shortages and Dudderar disclaimed the myth that cheese is the E, many are not prepared for another t best bait for mousetraps. Instead, he recom¬ STATE COUPON which cold weather often brings — mended a half-and-half mixture of oatmeal and |s of mice and other small pests. According Llists at the MSU Cooperative Extension peanut butter with a little salt. Contrary to the popular friendly image of 10% OFF [ advance planning can help keep out DISCOUNT 4 visitors. celebrity mice like Mickey, mice and rats can be .udden appearance of mouse droppings very destructive, Dudderar said. Because their PRICE ON [„jed by unopened yet empty boxes of teeth are continually growing, rodents must gnaw photo finishing to keep them worn to the I the cupboard, is usually the first sign that been known to eat almost proper length and have NO LIMIT t be feeding more mouths than you anything. They may EXPIRES 10/9/77 chew insulation off electrical wires, causing a fire ■first thing to realize when you have wild hazard, and will gnaw on anything made of wood. STATE COUPON ■ bats moving into your home is that your Rodents often contaminate food, because they T't as snug and tight as it ought to be," said carry organisms responsible for a host of deadly lldlife specialist Glenn Dudderar. diseases. CIGARETTES KEEP CEMENT MIXER HANDY LIMIT 1 PACKS 2/89C EXPIRES 10/9 77 llack walnuts hard to crack STATE COUPON WALDORF STATE COUPON ORIGINIAL FLAVOR portion have fallen from the tree, Taylor said. rels won't necessarily be the only ones However, they are encased in a hard thick husk baby I wild nuts this fall, according to MSU and are hard to open. Ways of removing the hulls ultra brite [lturists. range from running over the nuts with an shampoo TOOTHPASTE e Taylor, a horticulture specialist in the automobile, to uging a corn shelter to pounding 16 oz. ooperative Extension Service, said that them through a hole in a board. Or they can be -e nut trees native to the lower peninsula, Eig butternut, hickory and black walnut. A washed in a cement mixer with just enough water to cover them and a few broken pieces of concrete State News 66 55* to knock the remaining husks off. |r of these trees can be found throughout They can also be l.lOvolue original Bchigan offering a plentiful supply of nuts to sprayed with water under pressure. Those without a corn sheller or a cement mixer may have Newsline 5oz flavor only LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10 9 77 LIMIT 1 k walnuts are probably the best-known to content themselves with purchasing packaged 353-3382 EXPIRES 10-9-77 I and are ready for harvest nuts. STATE COUPON STATE COUPON kleenex bic pens tissues 39* 79e 1.25 value The Computer Laboratory staff will conduct tours 100 ct. 59- value 5pk. of the Computer Center for new users of the MSU LIMIT 2 EXPIRES 10/9/77 LIMIT I EXPIRES 10 9 77 computing facility. Each tour consists of a slide STATE COUPON presentation, a discussion of the function and operation of the Computer Laboratory, and a walking tour of the building. The tours start in tylenol |1EN and WOMEN Room 215 at the following times. 100's 2.35 value T-Shirt with Permanent e October 3 1:00p.m. 1.49 VRYS 351-6511 \ October 4 October 5 9:00a.m. 7:00 p.m. Beauty Salon LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/9/77 js October 6 3:00 p.m. October 7 11:00a.m. STATE COUPON | 549E. GrondJjiver-jicrossTromjerk^Hall JERGENS extra drv uujj0 » , "h€w The Union O 00° dcO o °0? hand lotion 1.22 CRAFT CCNTCR COmPUTER lOoz. 1.65 VALUE IN TOWN! Cafeteria LRBORRTORY LIMIT 1 STATE COUPON EXPIRES 10-9-77 STATE COUPON WITH COMPLETE SUPPLIES FOR: For a delicious • Stained Glass • Wood Carving phisoderm modess • Weaving •Macrame home style meal at °00 cO °0 oC SKIN CLEANSER FEMININE NAPKIN • Mosaics •« Lots More! a down to earth price. 0 00 °oo Dinners Lunches o0°0 0 o oqc 1.48 12's Or Phone: 332-4597 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 11.15 a.m. to 1:15 p.rr FALL SHORT COURSES 1.15value 74^ 462-2617 Sundays 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays 0 «Q 5 oz. 1.95 value The Computer Laboratory will offer a series of LIMIT 1 non-credit short courses in computing during Fall EXPIRES 10 9 77 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10 9 77 Term. Registration must be made by October 7, Lower Level M.S.U. Union STATE COUPON | THE LATEST IN PIERCED EARRINGS Corner of 1977 in the User Information Center, 313 Com¬ STATE COUPON puter Center. A $2 fee for materials is charged for comet -te. . "... Abbott and Grand River each short course. Computer time is not included ivory soap cleanser , in the basic fee. but is available for an additional STATUS KARRINGS cost at the student's option. Asterisks (' I next to 12kt. Gold Killed course numbers indicate courses that have 27* 2/37c prerequisites: for more information, call 353- CITY OF IA8T LANSING 1800. NOTICI OF VOTIR REGISTRATION Introduction 14 oz. 3V, oz 25' value to Computing 1100) 45'value DIADLINI FOR 10.1M2.1S 14 7-9p m Sk. II: Oct. W.llJJ.IiMMp m ODD YIAR OINIRAL ELECTION LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10 9 77 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10 9 77 Introduction to the MSU 6500 (101') TOBIHILD STATE COUPON li iri NOVEMBER 8, 1977 GRADER (115) sweatshirts Persons who ore citizens of the United Stotes. ot least 10 years A program to relieve faculty members ot much i of age, o resident of the State for at least 30 days and of the City of East Lansing on or before 30 days prior to November 6. 1977 ASST. COLORS r a q ♦ » \ » t » moy now register until OCTOBER 11, 1977. & STYLES 0.47 3-5 p.m. Sec II Oct 18 20 1 Persons who will become 18 yeors of oge between the close of LIMIT 2 EXPIRES 10 9 77 registration and the ODD YEAR GENERAL ELECTION should Introduction to Interactive Usage (175*) register on or before OCTOBER 11.1977 Introduction to the use of the interactive computing tact! nylon STATE COUPON The office of the City Clerk. 410 Abbott Road. East Lansing, will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday: also, utility bag the office will be open on Tuesday. October 11. 1977 from 8 00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Systematic Programming—PASCAL (240*) Instruction in PASCAL, a structured programming lungua 7.49 22.20 70 p.m. #218 >•/ if CHANOI OF ADDRIS8 reg. LIMIT 1 9.75 EXPIRES 10 9 77 Change of address from one location to another within the city limits of East Lansing should be reported to the City Clerk either Introduction STATE COUPON to Magnetic Tapes (310*) STATE COUPON in person or by mail or telephone until OCTOBER 11. 1977. NO General of use magnetic tapes tor information storage only $601 CHANGE OF ADDRESS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER OCTOBER 11. 1977. bravura HAL and User Libraries (315*1 Using HAL and its utilities to construct maintain and u 10% OFF musk If a registered voter changes his address from one city or town user libraries Nov. 7.0.11 3-5 p.m. SHop ship to another city or township, he must register with the Clerk OUR DISCOUNT AFTERSHAVE in his new location. Introduction to Debugging (380*) 9&S30 Using SCOPE HUSTLER and FORTRAN debugging aid PRICE ON ALL Daily YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO VOTE FORTRAN programs. Nov. 28.30. Dw. 5 3-5 p.m. Record Manager (420*) SMOKING 2.88 319 E. Grand River Dated: October 5. 1977 General Record Manager applications and the use ot CRN' PARAPHENALIA reg. 3.50 4oi Beverly R. Colizzi, City Clerk through FORTRAN. Nov, 23 3-5 p m East Lansing. Mich. 4(623 NO LIMIT EXPIRES 10/9/77 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/9/77 Wednesday, October 5, 12 Michigon Stole News. Eost Loosing. Michigon y REGAINING PEACE AND PROSPERITY Alcohol treatment facilities lacking, Lebanon: recovering from the seigJ By ED LION women's clothing is now being conflict. much a sectarian conflict ly mix with Moslems, he said. neighboring Israel, fi,hlil i DPS official says Civii war-ravaged Lebanon suffers from deep "psychologic¬ sold in front of burned out stores and there is a rampant "A settlement (for the non war) Leba¬ depends largely on between Christians on the one hand and Lebanese Moslems "In fact, I heard of a nun who was collecting for a church in a sporadically continM news from the region al as well as social divisions" black market. the Arab-Israeli conflict," he and Palestinians on the other, predominantly Moslem area." ed to keep things calm. and a political settlement there "Compared to what I expect said. "Without a settlement of but more a war between con¬ Certain rightist groups, The delay will allow law enforcement agencies and hospitals seems impossible unless the ed out of two years of murder that conflict, there is no place servatives and leftists. mainly those connected with Vast infusions 0f alike more time to provide adequate alcohol treatment broader Arab-Israeli issues are ous civil war, things are bet for the Palestinians to go and "There's of course some fear Maronite Christians, live in mainly sent over t0 J programs by the effective date. So far, the Ingham-Eaton area resolved, according to a Mid¬ ter," he said. the Christians rightists are of Christians going into Moslem sealed off areas where there warring factions have b! has barely begun coordinating efforts among local agencies. east expert who visited adamant about having the Pal¬ sections and the reverse," he member of the leftist sort of a post war Lebanon this A 30,000 member Syrian estinians leave Lebanon. said. "But that's mainly because are no alliance. Due to this separation, and if there were p,0! "Nothing has been done on the local level," said Harold Old, who is implementing the new law on the state level though the Fauzi summer. Najjar, an MSU social peace keeping contingent has "They refuse to discuss an they fear they might be recog¬ Lebanon is a split country. a S imposed a cease-fire in all but settlement, he explained Office of Substances Abuse Services. "Community attitudes science professor who was born the southern part of Lebanon. internal reconciliation unless nized as the militia members And in the south, where the in five iJ years Lebanon vjl and sufficient support are crucial for success on the local level." in Lebanon, said outwardly Palestinian armed militia leave during the war." Syrian peacekeeping force has the financial Old went on to say he is confident that most hospitals will be Lebanon seems to have re¬ They have checkpoints set up, demand identification, and Lebanon." However, Christians general¬ been barred by pressure from Mideast again. capilal Jl■ able to provide services by the effective date and that the gained peace since its bloody check for weapons — "all to The Arabs are demanding program will meet with success. civil war was ended by a Syrian ensure there is no outbreak the set up of some type of But a public relations official forSt. peacekeeping force last No¬ again of the fighting," Najjar homeland for Palestinians dis¬ LawrenceHospital. which provides an alcoholism center, said the hospital has serious vember. said. placed during the 1948 war as reservations as to which responsibilities they will have and "I would say my first impres¬ But while the part of a Mideast settlement. majority of the which the police will have under the new law. sions — with the exception of country is now peaceful, Najjar There are 400,000 Palestinians Other problems have arisen on the legal side. The new law the devastated areas of Beirut said there was virtually no hope including about 6,000 guerillas OIsDElflORLD will permit police officers to take an incapacitated person into — showed that the country is for permanent peace in Leba¬ living in Lebanon. protective custody without the person's consent. peaceful and the economy is non without a settlement suit Najjar said contrary to press Some police officials have testified that provision may not improving," he said. able to all for the Arab-Israeli reports the civil war was not as hold up the courts. On the streets of Beirut, Milliken also signed a companion bill spelling out clearly that where heavy fighting was con¬ an intoxicated person who endangers other persons lives or centrated last year, everything Bread & Ale disturbs property may be charged with a criminal misdemean- from American cigarettes to ffartafs We want to welcome you back This will give police officers the option of taking a disruptive person into custody rather than turning him over to a hospital PREPARE FOR: fe FOLK AND BLUES PRESENTS MCAT • DAT • LSAT or other treatment facility. The thrust of the new law is to force recognition that drunkenness is not a crime, but rather a public health problem, EMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT CORKY SIEGEL witfy a new addition to our said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Basil Brown, D-Highland Park. NMB 1,1,1, ECFMG-FLEHQE WITH SPECIAL GUEST superb soup selection stereos NAT L DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS Flexible Programs & Hours JIM POST FRENCH ONION There ISmdifference!'.'. refrigerators ♦v's fbl'fab Staff IN Friday & Saturday with our homemade parmesan crouton FOR RINTi 372-1793 Meeting October 14-15 TONIGHT 5:30 p.m. Rm. 328 write or coll: 2»22» Orchord 8 & 10:30 pm Block 1 — MAC toko Road Sulto 205 Farmlngton Stud. Serv. BIdg. Hill,. Ml 41010 (313) 051-0313 McDonel Kiva, MSU ez: STELLAR i vi wv wf (Ini suAy! \ MONTAGE y MUGGERS NITE FREE INTRODUCTORY SHOWS # THIS WEEK HAir-pim on Muqsmz, SOUP& w 2:00 PM DAILY THRU FRIDAY °f bfER EaS salad AT: t |)SI tilts ANtl doWNSTAiRS A$\.75 now playing 11:30-2:00 T.N.T. POWERHOUSE PLANETARIUM 355-4672 A 35mm SLR designed for fast, precise operation /ERIE/ BMA0WW THEATRE DITTO OF CALIFORNIA takes an active role on campus with jeans of Cone prewashed Indigo denim. These are the jeans that just get softer and better with wear. Junior sizes 3 to 15, short, medium Rolleillex quality: Distinctive and long; misses sizes contours and black finish express 8 to 18. Ask for Dittos the ruggedness and professional at fine stores every- performance. Plus Rollei bayonet mount for easy and quick lens •"""jCone®* denim changing, match needle exposure system with full-aperture metering and hot shoe with X CASE synchronization. The Rolleiflex SL35M allows full scope to the craative photographer H0.00 Brown $umr TWO PERFORMANCES ONLY ■linftVl 616-965-7285 „ October 5 tonight at 8:15 p.m. University Auditorium ILiyUkJ 10 W. Michigan Mall Tickets on All seats reserved. ^am®' u Battle Creek, Ml 49001 sale NOW at the Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30 weekdays. Phone Mail Orders should include 4% sales 355-3361 for ticket availability. tax, '2.50 shipping charge, certified PUBLIC: $9.50, 7.50, 5.00 MSU Students: 50% discount check, bank card numbers, (all Cone makes fabrics people live in. raised or numbers) all locations. 1^,- c,„„ News. Eost lonsing. Michigon Wednesday, October 5, 1977 ]3 [CB level in lake fish declining s ts By DEBORAH HEYWOOD State Newa Stall Writer of dangerously high levels of PCBs in Lake Michigan had you reluctantly eating peanut butter or other Ktives take heart« carnivores to have consumed it in quantity. And so they are more likely to have deposits of it in their own bodies." Large salmon, lake trout, steelhead, catfish, brook trout and other relatively fatty fish are most likely to have PCBs in quantities above the FDA tolerance of 5 parts per million she NOTICE says. Tieral report showing a decline in the PBC content of Lake "The 5 ppm tolerance and one-half £n fish just might encourage you to Uke up eating Michigan ■ and lake trout again. a wide margin of safety," Dr. Zabik pound per week limit provide points out. "Even if you ate one-half pound of fish that contained PCBs at 30 ppm per week, OF U S Fish and Wildlife Service report showed PCB levels in your total diet would contain PCBs at less than one-half ppm, w aalmon at 9.21 parts per million, compared with 10.77 which is well below recommended levels." f [jsh Caught in the same area in 1975. PCB levels also Because PCBs are primarily an aquatic problem, you are not ELECTION L in Lake Michigan chubs and lake trout, likely to get them from food sources other than fish. Unless you i could mean our efforts are paying off, that PCBs are on lived exclusively on large, fatty, highly contaminated fish, you are Eav out" said Department of Natural Resources environ- unlikely to get enough of the material to cause any ill effects. I protection bureau chief William Turney. I polychlorinated biphenyl — was widely used in industry - Manufacturing for decades, but now had been banned in Welcome Back J It was linked to the in the Great Lakes. „se of deaths of several animal and fish the chemical, Michigan and several other states have Now that MSU Students you're away from home, who can TO Jd fishermen against eating more than one meal or one-half you trust to cut your hair? ■ a week of sport-caught trout and salmon. We know you shouldn't trust I according to Dr. Mary Zabik, associate professor of food just anyone to T an(j human nutrition at MSU, this warning has caused a leal of unnecessary concern among consumers. L fish most likely to contain unusually high amounts of PCBs t large, carnivorous fish," she says. "These fish are on the do a good job. That s why we don't have just cutting hair for us. anyone BOARD lend of the food chain — that it, they have eaten other fish We have a staff of 8 young and experienced |e other fish and so on. Because PCBs accumulate in fatty hair cutters to give you the cut you want. I these fish are more likely than bottom feeders and smaller Ask around;almost anyone will Hairloft in the University Mall is to for a good haircut. tell you, the the place to OF DIRECTORS DELIVERY AVAILABLE ■ OF THE FREE!! Buy At the any Medium regular price Get Identical UZ PIZZA I _ HRIR LOFT, LTD. THE STATE NEWS FREE I 220 MAC (UPSTAIRS), EAST LANSING Little Caesars Pizza I In the University Mall - for appointment ph. 517-332-8660 The State News Announces 11031. Cd. River 1 ®337-1631 I openings for the following TUMATOE seats on the ALL STTR FROGS Board of Directors EAST LANSING S Lizard's for Lunch BEST SELECTION OF Endless Salad 1.95 • 1 Full-term professional IBASIC CORDS 4-8 UP TO 13 COLORS PER SIZE Acoustic • 1 Full-term Faculty NOW$1450 (REG 16.50) Afternoons live music, reduced prices fizapdi, • 2 Full-term students •IheBRMKH* ^ndepgpound 224 Abbott [mac. University Mall Ph. 351-4620 351-2285 We invite your application for interviews to be Anyone held November 4, 1977. Applicants will be notified of the time and place. Application blanks and further information available at the office of the General of our shrimp Manager, 346 Student Services Building, Applications must be filed with Gerald Coy, General Manager, by wM be joined by October 21, 1977 at 5 p.m. 13 for dinner. When you order our shrimp dinner, you get no less than 14 delicious shrimp, each one deep fried and served with our elaborate salad bar, Hearthstone toast, and butter. After all, we don't skimp on our shrimp. Nuws 600 N. Homer near Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall, Lansing ✓I 1 ^Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 5,1977 Academic Council approves By JIM SMITH sports tickets to, among others, change allows for multiple col¬ changes under discussion, Uni Fuzak, responding to an in¬ has been on amendment! the decrease in but are now simply disbursed mittee chairperson State News SUH Writer legislators. lege selections as long as stu¬ versity College Acting Dean quiry by student Denise A. recent years. from the general fund. Wharton also announced that coming issues before cil th?? Academic Council ended its The longest debate occurred dent appointments are from Willard G. Warrington request¬ Gordon, steering committee Fuzak, in response to a including faculty mj,,, different departments. ed future Council review of question raised by chemistry a "bumper number" of stu¬ faculty rights, remedislL first meeting of the term Tues¬ over a bylaw change, which a representative, confirmed com¬ and the professor H. Home, noted the dents, 43,937, had enrolled at review 0| day by approving five Student while emphasizing the widest Questions were raised by course substitutions. plimentary tickets were given i Athletic Council had approved MSU this year and predicted procedures. 1 Council supported bylaw possible university representa¬ faculty representatives regard¬ John A. Fuzak, Athletic to legislators, among others. He Council, was quizzed on price increase in faculty season the final figure would go above amendments. tion, relaxed the requirement ing a change in requirements emphasized a service charge an At the Student Councils Other issues discussed in¬ for graduate student selection for a nursing degree recom¬ increases for faculty season was levied which brought ticket tickets. 44,000 - a 400-500 student increase over last yeft. ing which preceeded Aa% cluded degree requirements, to Academic Council. mended by the University Com¬ tickets, the use of student fees prices above those charged to MSU President Cllifton R. Council, Gordon graduate student representa¬ Previously, selection had mittee on Curriculum (UCC). for athletics and the issuing of students. Wharton, Jr. assisted Fuzak in MSU Provost Clarence L. announojl resignation of R„ss f* tion on Academic Council and been limited to one representa¬ While not specifically ques¬ complimentary tickets to sports He said the practice of is¬ explaining to graduate student Winder, in describing the 1977- student council Jeffrey Friedle, steering com¬ 78 Academic Agenda, recom¬ represe.,j the issuing of complimentary tive per college. The new bylaw tioning the nursing degree events. suing complimentary tickets at-large. Holland had tiwj mittee member, that the level mended greater attention to sonal reasons. ■ of student fees used for athlet¬ affirmative action and the im¬ ics had not increased over the provement of recruiting, admit¬ Smydra hold on-campus to office hours years. Wharton said athletic fees ; collected separately ting and retaining of students and faculty. Gwen Norrell, steering com¬ In keeping with his campaign hours by car from "I'll hold office hours on 4 p.m. Fridays in 490 Admin- meetings and Fridays when the MSU. a promises, Trustee Michael trial basis for a couple of istration Bldg., except on dates University is closed, such as Smydra, D-Lansing, will begin The trustee said he will be months to see what happens. If of monthly board of trustees holidays and term breaks. holding on-campus office hours available to anyone who wants a pattern develops wherein the Friday. to see him about only folks who come to see me Smydra, who was elected to anything are newspaper people or rela¬ the board in 1976, campaigned concerning MSU and will han¬ dle visitors on a first-come, tives, then I'll discontinue the heavily on issues of student first-serve basis. He empha¬ practice." concern, including trustee ac¬ Smydra added he may be the sized that all visits would be cessibility. He has been under only trustee who has ever held fire recently for his move to kept confidential. regular office hours. South Bend, Ind„ to enroll in a "I'm not sure whether there's He will be available from 1 to joint master of business and a need to hold office hours, but law degree program. South one way to find out is to try," Bend is about two-and-one-half Smydra said. MSU meets Albion today (continued from page 9) in the Detroit area. Many cities Brazil in a rematch of a game are sponsoring recreation that was played last Saturday leagues with Livonia and Farm- in New York. ington sponsoring two of the That game marked the end of biggest. The North Suburban the playing career of Pele, who Soccer League is the most is considered to be the greatest notable league in the Detroit soccer player of all time. Pele area and Baum counts on played for both the Santos and leagues like this for a lot of his Cosmos during his career and talent. "Amateur his last game, he played a half lleagues) are an important as¬ for each team. pect of our program." Baum The game is being played in hopes of bringing back interest in professional soccer to the Detroit area. Detroit sponsored a professional team in the late '60s but the franchise never got off the ground and quickly folded. Amateur soccer is on the rise Tonighl..Mv*..On Stag* At 8 PM ONLY Ftiday ^0 at IS. Ten Pound riddle "JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR" PRESENTS TOMORROW THURS..Liv«..On Stage 8 PM & 10:30 BOB WHITE "FIREFALL-a0^!, NIGHT Starts Friday 2 features GREAT American traditional and GREAT theOriginial "BUCK ROGERS" country music! Plus "FANTASTIC PIANET" ^Rld College Hall H in the MSUnion Grill OPEN 12:45 TODAY...2 SUNDAY Children's Concert with FEATURES n 2pm Bob At 2:50*4:25 LATE i of I he ASMSU Programing Board A KARATE/KUNG FU! Bruce lee "Fists of Fury PLUS...At 1:00-4:30-8:10 BRUCE LEE in "CHINESE CONNECTION" ENDSTHURS. THURSDAY OCTOBER 6 Homecoming '77 Today Open 1:40 PM 8:00®. 10:30 ^4*1"^ ?King & Queen Shows 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 A love story is like a song, lis beautiiul while it lasts. THE c7UICHIG£N THEATRE LIZA MINNELLI QOBERT DENIPO Competition NEW YORK NEW YORK IN LANSING'S "WASHINGTON ""RESERVE SEATS Tickets $5.50® <6.50 SQUARE at:cDiscounlcRecords,cEast "Lansing Any co-op, dorm, sorority or fraternity I® Thurs. Shows 7:00-9:30 ■All Knapps 'Locations ■Boogie ■Records. cTWlFPleasant Start, Friday • t NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN" "Record land. IJackson can nominate their representative for A TODAY 2 BIG King and/or Queen. Call in your nominee em WOODY ALLEN HITS! "PUS SERVICE "PROVIDED WITH TICKET "PURCHASE Monday through WOOCY ALLEN DIANE KEAION Thursday (Oct 10-13) Noort-5p.m. 'ANNIE HALL' Open 6:45 PM Shawn at 'THE SOUTH IS GONNA DO IT AGAIN' 7:00*10:00 ASMSU POP ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS 353-5255 Shown at 8:35 ONLY I SHOWCASEJAZZ PRESENTS LESMcCANNjf FRIDAY AND 8 00 AND 10 SPECIAL GUESTS Al\in SATURDAY SATiiRnnv // ncrnocD -t OCTOBER 7-8o 30pm / ERICKSON KIVA. MSU * • PHIL RANELIN AND VIBES FROM THE TRIBE TICKETS: S4.00 ADVANCE' S4.50 DAY OF SHOW AT MSU UNION, WAZOO RECORDS AND SCHOOLKIDS' RECORDS IN ANN ARBOR AND SPECIAL GUESTS: GTTTVTTV A SUNDAY v 0ZARK MOUNTAIN DAREDEVILS OCTOBER 23RD IN THE MUNN ICE ARENA RESERVED TICKETS *5.50 & $6.50 AVAILABLE TODAY AT THF M«JTt itmtcim £££!?. RECORDLA*DS FACILITY IS ACCESSIBLE An ASMSU ™ THE LANSING & S"" Programming Boar(J Eyen( Ly State News, Eost Lonsing. Michigo. Wednesday, October 5, 1977 15 I Jim DuFRESNE iNewsSUffWriter "It Lansing council continues fight; just amazes me—when I massing City Council do it (pull an issue out of com¬ |er the Poxson Build- mittee), it is for political rea¬ NBC cancels T Michigan Ave., is sons," Adado said during the ^ more intense as each meeting. "When they do it, it is for some other reason." PryoF show eeks ago council mem- In other city council action Adado, with some voters to decide Monday: NEW YORK (AP) - building's fate , -neuvering, pulled the The city recovered the 100 NBC-TV has confirmed it is (the building out of the block of Michigan Ave. for cancelling the controversial [ and Properties com- $4%,000 from Indiana Mort Richard Pryor Show and tnd put a measure to gage Co., which had held the The Sanford Arms. te its sale on the Nov. 8 members James Blair and Rob¬ fair may reach a climax at the off or her mortgage on the property for NBC said Pryor's show change the wording of it. own money, and her winter Stonewood and Hillgate. ert Hull filed suit against the will be replaced after County Circuit Court where The entire issue has the city vacation, she said at the special Adado accused Blair of rap¬ over a year. airing The city council will now look the third week in October. I week, in an effort to city and obtained a court res- Judge James T. Kallman is council divided, and for the past council meeting that the cause ing the committee system be¬ for a developer for the The Man From Atlantis, an presiding. week caused heated discussions is important enough. The city cause the Public prop¬ council has $3,000 in funds to Safety com¬ erty. But to sell it, the city action-adventure series that At the 8:30 a.m. hearing, Hull during its public meetings. Last mittee, which Adado heads, hire outside legal counseling. council has to follow a federally began the season on Thurs¬ and Blair, through their at¬ Friday, when confronted with recommended no sign be in¬ the However $2,400 has already approved urban development days at 9 p.m., will fill the L entire issue has the city council divided, torney Oskar Hornbach, must problem of no funds to hire stalled. slot, 8-9 p.m. Tuesdays, be¬ a private been used this year. plan that calls for a hotel show why putting the building attorney to represent Adado said Blair's action was convention center to be built ginning Oct. 18. 1forthepast week caused J- on the ballot will cause irrever¬ the city, council member Lucile At Monday's city council similar to when Adado pulled there. The last Pryor show in the Lg its public meetings. sible damage to the people of Belen said through with she would her come meeting the issue of the Poxson Building came up again when the Poxson Building out of the The council agreed to trans current run will be seen at 9 Lansing. personal Building and Property com¬ fer funds of $100,000 for the p.m. Oct. 20, NBC said. The funds if needed. Blair tried to get temporary mittee and put it before the And eventually Judge Kall¬ city purchase of a new police heli¬ network noted Pryor has a stop sign at the corner of council for action. man must rule whether to keep Although it might cost Belen, copter. long-term contract- wn the building and training order to keep the the issue on the ballot, take it a florist, as much as $2,400 of property part of the Poxson question off the ballot. Kit park system, council This morning the entire af¬ 1 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED AD! PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 Claislfflod Advertising Automotive jf«! | Automotive |_ Automotive ]f»] [ Aul0 ^ Iff] ]JJ i Eiployneit J Information DODGE TRADESMAN 100 OLDS 1976 Cutlass Su¬ VW SQUAREBACK 1971. LANSING'S ONLY exclusive WANTEO-BARTENDER. WAITRESSES. FULL-TIME, SECRETARY; MAK, Van, 1977. Economy 6. Excel¬ preme-Must Sell 17,000 Wagon, automatic, lots of foreign auto parts distributor. HUDDLE SOUTH LOUNGE. days. Apply in person be¬ stable person 820 W. Miller Road. for HONE J55 IJ5S 347 Student Services Sldg. lent gas mileage. Only 6600 miles, $4,000. 374-8646. 7-10- cargo space. 23 mpg, good Free advice with every part Apply in tween 9 a.m. and 11 p.m., TVPing 65, shorthTJ 7 131 condition, $600. 332-0297 sold. CHEQUERED FLAG person. 8-5 p.m. daily. 8-10- Monday-Friday. ALBERT miles. Save $$, only $4500. ability after 6 p.m. 5-10-11(5) FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 10 PICK MOTOR HOTEL. 1427 to handle« ® Call 351-3823 evenings, Mon¬ OLDSMOBILE 1973 Cutlass East Kalamazoo St., one mile ®_ West Saginaw, East Lansing. fice duties unsu day-Friday. S-20-10-31 16) S. Air, stereo, power brakes, HOUSEKEEPER TO care for Ply in person. 3 I day - 70S per line VW VAN, 1968 (1975 west of campus. C-15-10-21 power steering, new tires, infant and 5 year old. Groes- 8J0.10J5! St., Suite 11.3 3 days ■ IOC per line DODGE VAN A108 1969. enginel. Good condition, (7) DISHWASHERS 10(71 new brakes. 65,000 miles. beck area. Light housework, PART- ■rnu'ii'Ml!'..! 4 days • 75C per line 40.000 miles, 6 $500 13131 634-5712. Z-3-10- cylinders, 655 4165. 8 10-10 141 TIME nights. SEA HAWK $850 firm. 6(3) GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- own transportation, 7:30-5 ■inmimra I day* • 70S per line automatic. 627- irnunmrn ■rrurr ui.jm 4176; 627 4368. 8 10 13 131 OPEL 1973, Manta Luxus, VOLKSWAGEN, 1975, metal¬ 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, good supply of snow tires. p.m., Monday-Friday. Call 373-7049 or 373-7075.8-10-10 RESTAURANT. Williamston. 655-2175. 8-10-10 13) treat 'EMvJ ■rninmrn Lin* rot* por insertion FALCON. 1967, good running automatic, vinyl top, no rust, lic green La Grande. Sun roof PENNEL SALES. 130'A East 14) Hallt 1 owner, low mileage. $1850. WANTED SUBSTITUTE top, AM/FM stereo radio, Kalamazoo. Lansing. 482- condition, FM stereo, lots of rust. 351-1295 after 5 p.m. 323-3620. 5-10-6 13) rear defroster, white side 5818. C-21-10-31 (5) TAXI DRIVERS wanted. teachers for grades 6-8. Must P«OINrtJ Must have excellent driving have Michigan certification. EconoLinei • 3 lines - '4.00 • 5 doys. 80' per line over walls. Call Marv Jackson 4-10 7 (31 Send name and address to 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when cancelled. PINTO SQUIRE Wagon 1973. 351 8352 after 7 p.m. MASON BODY Shop, 812 E. record. Part-time and full time. Apply VARSITY CAB PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, 8-10-14(6) MODELS Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum FIAT 124 spider, '67 body, '72 Air. radio, automatic, clean. Call 394-4494, evenings. 8-10- Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto CO. 332-3559. 8-10-10 (4) Perry, Mi. 48872 requesting WANTlSl hour. We will train sole price of 'SO. engine, real sharp. Many painting, collision service. u 10 13) VOLKSWAGEN 1970, camp¬ application. 3-10-7(6) Z-30-11-9 131 Peanuts Personol ads • 3 lines ■ '2.25 • per insertion. extras $1500, 351-6301. 8-10- American-Foreign Cars. 485- er van. Recent overhaul and 0256. C-21-10-31 (4) CURRICULUM SPECIALIST 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment) 11 I3I STORE DETECTIVES-Crimi- PINTO 1972 Automatic, engine tune-up. 351-4360 to develop and revise materi¬ Rummage/Garage Sale ads - 4 lines • *2.50. FIAT 1969 124 Spider. Good $695. BOB TUTTLE'S USED afler 5 p.m. 8-10-10 131 JUNK CARS wanted. We als for SMIL program. Must nal Justice majors preferred. SECRETARY, shorthand and EXCJ 63' per line over 4 lines ■ per insertion. condition, $825. Call 655-1104 CARS. 1274 N. Cedar St., pay more if they run. Also have M.A. degree in educa¬ Call 641-6734 between 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. required. Dowmow, J typiril 'Round Town ads • 4 lines '2.50 per insertion. • • after 5 p.m. Z 6-10-12(3) Mason. 694-0489. 7-10-7 14) VOLKSWAGON BEETLE tion of mentally impaired. buy used cars and trucks. Call 8-10-10 J6>_ Law Office. For 63'per line over 4 lines. 1973. Excellent condition. 321-3651 anytime. C-21-10-31 Experience desired in teach¬ intervl Fred Abood. Lest t Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines ■ M .50 - FORD GRANADA Ghia 1975, PINTO. 1974. 55,000 miles, $1700 or best offer. Call ing SMI and TMI and writing HOLDEN REID CLOTHIERS, 372-57®l loaded, 33,000 miles, $3000. stereo-tape. $1400-offer. Call 393 9956 after 5:30 p.m. 4-10- 14) development of performance W-I4I5I 1 per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. Lansing Mall, Welcomes the Call 351-8058. C-2 10-6(3) 351-3985 evenings. 8-10-11 7 15) PHONE SALES, objectives for TMI/SMI stu¬ M.S.U. students. Again we Deadlines FIAT 128 station wagon, 1973. Front wheel drive, (31 PINTO 1976 M.P.G. Mint VOLVO, 1973, four door, Employment ][jj) dents. Available Oct. 1977-Sept. 1, 1978. Applica¬ 31, do have part time sales positions in our fine store. nings, hours day-Saturday. flexibtTI DowJ orange. 43.000 miles, asking tions received through Oct. Must dress neatly and have Lansing Office. HoUit,l Ads - 2 p.m.. I doss day before publication. $1350. 355-4197 after 8 p.m. condition, 16,000 miles. TYPISTS NEEDED for Foil Term. $2,300 332-8376. 8-10-10 131 14. Contact Harold Humble. Cancellation/Change - I p.m. . I class day before 8-10-12 131 Lady's second car, snow 55wpm, evenings. Apply in sales background. Please ap¬ commission. after 4 pm 8-10-10 48S-631& Personnel, 676-3268. 5-10-6 publication. tires $2295. 351-8143 eve¬ person 301 M.A.C.. P-K Bldg.. (141 ply in 7 pm person from 10 8-10-10 (8) a.m. to is| Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or bosement. Stole News Com¬ FORD LTD, 1969. excellent nings. 8-10-12 (41 R.N. until after 1st insertion. There is a '1.00 charge for I ad change plus 50' per changed condition. $750. 355-9932. 6- 10-11 (3) Aviation ;[)§ posing Dept. SN MALE ATTENDANTS perienced personnel needed - ex¬ INSTRUCTIONAL SISTANT for custodial main¬ AS¬ OR L.P.N. skilled nursing facikw PONTIAC TRANS-AM, 1976, LEARN PARACHUTING. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST for institution and private shifts. Good beneftil additional change for maximum of 3 changes. automatic, air, AM/FM ster¬ tenance class. Must have Lansing. 1313 Maiy| FORD MAVERICK '73. Dark eo, $4700.339-3677 after five. Movies, equipment orienta¬ III. Part-time MP (ASCPI or home shifts. Part time, set hospital housekeeping exper¬ The State News will only be responsible for the 1st Lansing, 393 6130 |T green, white vinyl top. 302 8-10-10 (31 tion, rap session. Thursday eligible. Will perform all schedule. Phone ience. Enjoys working with day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must two barrel, four door, V-8 October 6, 7:30 p.m. multi phases of component pro¬ your own MEDICAL HELP. 321-7241. young people. Reliable and (4!_ _ 1 be made within 10 days of expiration date. PONTIAC 1971 Catalina. 4 Bills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not automatic, air, power brakes purpose Room A Brody Hall. duction; routine and pheri- 8-10-12-151 works cooperatively under JANITOR-PART ends. Must be tim<| and steering, deluxe decor door, radio, automatic, air. MSU SPORT PARA¬ sis processing and other du¬ the supervision of classroom e: paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will group. Reclining front seats, Power. Excellent, $745. 353- CHUTING CLUB. Charlotte ties as assigned. Alternate teacher. good driving record* WAITRESSES FULL and Job available as be due. steel belted radials. Neat and 7950. 5-10-6 (31 Paracenter 1 -543-6731. weekend or work required. resume to P.O. Boil part time, nights. Call Dave at soon as possible. Contact clean. $1595. 646-0654 after 6 1-10-5(7) Inquire at RED CROSS. 1800 Jan Lansing, Mi. 48909 !| 482-0733 FRENCHIE'S BAR. Danford, 676-3303 or p.m. 8-10-14(71 PORSCHE 914-2 1973. New E. Grand River. 7-10-11 (10) Harold Humble 676-3268. 5- (4) 8-10-10 (3) paint, new clutch. Call eve¬ 10-6(111 Automotive IIA; Automotive FORD TORINO 1972. no rust, radio, winter tires, just tuned nings. 349 4935 8-10-14131 Motorcycles llfel GRADUATE STUDENT work part time, weekends, in to COOKS AND Waitresses. JOURNEYMAN ENTER THE world nutrition. Excellent o(i ea SAAB 1975. blue. 4-speed Will train, up, $800. 332-3568, 5-8 p.m. car rental office. 489-1484. evenings and mid¬ ELECTRICIAN your own hours. 3?il AM/FM 8 track tape deck, or leave message, 3-10-6 14) HONDA CB350, 1973. Good 5-10-10 131 night shifts available. Call Immediate opening for a 8-10-10 (31 low mileage. Good condition. DON'S RESTAURANT 646- AMC MATADOR 1973, 4- CHEVY WAGON, 1972 and GRAND PRIX 1969. Excellent Asking $3900. 676-1906 after road bike. Sacrifice, $375 or journeyman electrician full door good condition, EXPERIENCED ESL 6752. 8-10-10 (4) wanted-reliableJ good Pinto, 1973. $1300 each after reasonable offer. Also a 1969- teachels time. Excellent salary and body, $1100. 882-2652 after 5 5 p.m. 2102 Teel, Lansing, condition, 40,000 miles, air, 3_pm 8-10-10J4I 350. Call 487-6534 or 489- needed part-time. Call 351- fringe benefits that include to care for adorable trT new tires, stereo. $800 or best p.m. 8-10-12 141 487 9694. 8-10-13 141 TRANS AM. 1977. AM/FM 1355. 8-10-10 141 3815 after 5 p.m. 5-10-10 131 PART TIME and weekend paid vacations after one year. old. Weekdays onlyil offer. Call 655-2097 or 655- 5:30 p.m. Walking dista stereo, power steering, pow¬ positions. Apply CAPITOL Health insurance, holidays, 3434 after 5 p.m. 8-10-13(6) MSU. Call 351-80821| AUDI, LS100 1972. Excellent CORVETTE 1976 red coupe, er brakes. Excellent condi¬ BEVERAGE COMPANY, sick leaves and retirement HONDA 350 1971. Like new. (51 condition, $1800 or best of¬ power steering and brakes, tion. Must sell. 489-9459 after R.N. 3 p.m.-11:30 p.m. shift 5411 Enterprise. 7-10-7 (31 GREMLIN X. 1974, air condi¬ extra tire, rarely ridden. Ask¬ progrem. Apply Personnel fer. Call 374-7472 after 9 stereo radio, 13,000 owes. 6 p.m. full Office tioning, AM/FM 4-10-7 15) time. Excellent fringe E.W. SPARROW CHILD CARE in myh> pm. 8-1004(5) $7550 firm. 627-6117/323 stereo, ing $350. Call 351-8143 eve¬ FOOD SERVICE Supervisor benefits, starting salary 5.41/ HOSPITAL, 1215 E. Michi¬ boys 3977. 8 10-13(4) $1700 or best offer. 332 4911. 8-10-13 (31 TOYOTA CROWN '71 nings. 8-10-12 (41 hour. Every other weekend for skilled nursing home. gan, Lansing, 48909. and ages 7 to 12 Ti| BARRACUDA 1970. 6-cylin- AM/FM stereo, 4 speed, Thursday, 3-8 p off and no rotation. Contact Apply at 731 Starkweather A der, new battery and starter YAMAHA 650, still new, 900 non-discriminatory perience preferred, DATSUN 240Z, 1971. Excel snow tries. Must sell, $975 or Director of Nursing. ING¬ Drive or call 323-9133, Mrs. AM radio. Runs good. $450. MAVERICK 1970. affirmative action employer. ences necessary. Own I lent 55,000 best offer. 349-3966. 8-10-14 miles, $975 best offer. 351- condition, many extras, miles. HAM COUNTY MEDICAL Gallagher. 7-10-7 14) Male/Female/Handicapped. portation. Call after 11 351;2838.^5-10-10 13) must sell. 349-4478. Automatic, $600. 332- (4) 6871 6-10 7 (3) 8368; 353-5370. 8-10-14(31 CARE FACILITY, Okemos. 5-10-5 114) 339-2476. S-5-10-10161 BMW BARVARIA 1973. Ex¬ 5-10-11(3) 349-1050 3-10-7(91 VEGA GT 1973. 43,500 miles. HONDA 1976 CB 550 F, S.S. cellent condition, 4-speed, MERCURY MARQUIS 1971. No rust, 4-speed. Good con¬ Adult owned, 3,700 miles. air. Call evenings. 349-4935. DATSUN 240Z 1972, auto¬ Good transportation, good COOKS WANTED. Must be dition. $950. 353-3418, Lisa. Immaculate. 351 -6339. 8-10-14(41 matic, power steering, air, body. Call after 6 p.m. 349- neat. Apply in person be¬ 5-10-11131 just $2795; easy terms. BJ'S 9574. 5-10-7 (3) tween 2 and 4 p.m. at CAMARO, 1972. Automatic, AUTO SALES INC., 4000 S. VEGA 1973, 4 speed, some AMERICA'S CUP HONDA 750, 1975. Unused, RES¬ power steering, radio. $1875 Logan, across from Shaheen MG 1972. good condition, rust, $600. Call 351-6627. TAURANT. 1-10-5151 or offer. Call 485-0573 after 5 8 10 14(3) selling at bottom bluebook Chevrolet, 882-6630. 5-10-5 man wheels, negotiable, 332- p.m. 5-10-5 13) price $1200. 332-3250. (5) 1125 persistently. McDONALDS OF E. Lansing 8-10-13 (31 5-10-11(3) VEGA GT, 1972. 4 speed. and Okemos are now ac¬ CAMARO 73 350 3-speed, DATSUN 1975, no radio, $150 or best offer. 355-6062 MGA 1962, 2-door, body cepting applications for all power steering/brakes, mint 35.000 miles. $1985 or best callafter 5 p.m. 3-10-7(3) HONDA, 74, CB360. Excel¬ restored. Runs perfect. 332- shifts 6 a.m.-l a.m. Apply in condition. $2600. Dave 353- offer. Call 349 2799 after 5:30 lent condition. Kept indoors. 5531. 3-10-7(3) or 355-8332, ext. 273 before 5 0628 after 6 p.m. 3-10-5 (31 VEGA GT 1975. 39,000 miles, Extras. $500. 353-7007. person the 8-10 a.m., 2-4 p.m. at following restaurants. Will the ad you write p.m. Ask for Caron. 8-10-11 MGB 1972 radio, wire wheels, $1800. Call after 6 p.m. 2-10-6(3) 2763 E. Grand River (across CAPRI 1972. 2 door, 52,000 15) luggage rack. High mileage 1-546-2672. 8-UM4(3)_ from Coral Gables) or 2040 be a trick or treat? miles, $1200 355-8186. but mint condition. Rust free. Grand River, Okemos, across 8-10-14(3) DATSUN 2802, 1976. Auto¬ 882 VEGA, 1974, 4 speed. Excel¬ MB Sffrici matic, air, 7000 miles. $5,900. 8230_3J0;5J3) lent condition. $1000. Call from Meijers. 3-10-718) CHEVELLE 1970, 4 door, well 323-7617. 8-10-10 13) NEED CASH? We buy im¬ 351-1875 after 6 p.m. 5-10-5 (5) ESCORTS WANTED. $6/ maintained, $800. 351-0702 after 5 p.m. 8-10-14(3) DATSUN 1972-240Z, good condition. Sacrifice. $1900. ports and sharp late model domestic compacts, WIL¬ LIAMS V.W. 2845 E. Sagi¬ VOLVO 1972 deluxe 164 se¬ IMPORT AUTO repair. 20% discount dents and parts and to stu¬ faculty on cash/ hour. No training Call 489-2278. necessary Z-30JT9J3) Monday CHEVELLE 1970, 2 door hardtop, excellent condition 655 3987 8-10-12 13) naw. Call 484-1341 or 484- 2551. C-21-10 31 (5) dan, 4-speed overdrive good condition, tuff coated, no carry service parts in stock. Check our prices and reputa¬ DENTAL ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant. Full time, October 17, 19771 throughout. Just $995; easy DATSUN 280Z, 1975. Fuel accidents. Ordered new car in day tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at week. Salary open. Send NEED CASH? We buy im¬ terms. BJ AUTO SALES injected, 4 speed. Sharp ride, Sweden. 676-3780 or 676- Cedar, 485-2047; 485-9229. resume in own INC.. 4000 S. Logan, across $5200. Mornings'nights-1- ports and sharp late model 3781. 8-10-10 (6) West campus shop 485-0409. handwriting. compacts. Call John JAMES R. STECKLEY PRO¬ from Shaheen Chevrolet, 787-0522, afternoons 1-782- Free 882-6639. 5-10-5 (8) 9020. S-5-10-1U5) DeYoung, WILLIAMS V.W. VOLVO 1975, 4-door, red, wrecker service with FESSIONAL CONSUL¬ Colling all ghosts, goblins and ghouls. Halloween repairs with mention of this TANTS, 531 N. Clippert, is 484 1341 or 484 2551. C-20- 26,000 miles, Michelin tires, ad. C-19-10-3117) coming quickly. And so is your chance fo haunt CHEVROLET 1972 DATSUN 1976, 610 station 10-31 151 AM/FM stereo. 322-0246. 8- Lansing. 48912. 8-10-10 (6) that special someone in power your life. A page featuring - steering, power brakes, auto¬ wagon. Excellent condition. 10-12 (41 Halloween Peanuts Personals will matic, $595. BOB TUTTLE'S Take over payments. 34,000 NOVA 1972 351, automatic, World Wldo appear Monday, October 17. To order your Halloween Peanuts USED CARS. 1274 N. Cedar miles, power, air, sun roof. Real VOLVO 1973 4-speed. 646-0565; deluxe 164 St., Mason. 694 0489. 7-10-7 sharp. $1150. 353-3477. 8-10- ANTIQUES Personals, just complete this form and mail or (6) after 5 p.m. 8 10-14161 sedan 4 speed, overdrive. in WITH PAYMENT to bring 10 131 Tuff-coated, no accidents, State News Classified Depart¬ DODGE CHARGER 1971. top condition. 676-3780 or ment. CHEVROLET IMPALA 196/. Power steering, brakes. Good OLDS 1977 Delta Royals. 676-3781, keep trying. 8-10- Laming. Michigan Little rust, power steering condition, many new things. White, red interior, 7000 10 (6) CIVIC CENTER and brakes, $300 or best $899. 355-8150. 8 10-14(4) miles, loaded. 323-2805, Max. offer, 394-5652 after 6 p.m. 5-10-5 131 VW BUS 1969. Rebuilt en¬ OCTOBER 7, 8,9 ADDRESS _ 8-10-10 (5)_ DODGE VAN 1977 Com¬ gine, new tires, carpet and 1 00 P M to 10 PM Closing IPM Sunday CITY bed. Excellent Daily Admission SI .7$ (This Ad admits you li PHONE# CHEVY IMPALA 1968. 4- pletely customized inside and OLDS 88 1970, air, loaded. shape your gusata for $1.75 door, V-8, automatic, 307 out. AM/FM stereo 8-track, New tires, new brakes, excel¬ throughout. $1400 firm. Seri¬ ZIP air, power steering and lent condition. $900 355- ous only. Bill. 482 4795 eve¬ engine, power steering, Crowson Managed Members NADA power brakes, dependable, brakes. 485-8752. 5 10-11(5) 6171 6 10 11 (3) nings. 2-10-5 16) ALL ANTIQUES ARE FOR SALE economical. Good condition. 25 characters In a line, Including punctuation and spaces. $499. 351-0010. 8-10-10 15) CHEVY VAN 1972. Stereo, only 2 units left Your that new apartment or dorm PridUHn carpeting, radials, windows. at key to a missing something? Dependable, $1500. 349- COM! TO 0652. 8-10-10 (3) luxury Apartment Why THI University gains. in our great bar¬ "PUNHACI" Year end clean up! Terrace Because carry a good selection BURCHAM ■it, of furniture and small appli Phono Located across from WOODS _ 77 Volvo Williams Hall. Best lo¬ ■miilicolion cation in town. HICKORY HILLS Check 2 Bedroom Townhousei wide selection of APARTMENTS Deadline: Wednesday 1 & 2 bedroom as stereo components and tele- ' 100 over dealers cost October 12,1977 5 p.m low as $240 a • Heated pool month. 'Spacious *2 levels See • Air Cook Herriman for great deals in conditioning 3 linei — *2.00 (SJ\ 'Balcony 'Carpeting sport¬ • Unlimited parking ing goods and musical equ¬ 67t each extra line VW VOLVO 'Dishwasher 'Modern • Furnished ★ Air Conditioned ipment MAZDA Fall Ratos • Studios ★ Furnished We . • 1 bedroom or bring to: ★ Various Floor Plans 351-5937 repair all major brands of sun IMm • 2 Stote Newt Classified ★ Laundry 332-6492 stereos and televisions <11! 'IN <2N bedroom Dept. 147 Student Services mwttu But 745 Burtbam Dr. E. Bldg. to downtown 1723 Cambria Drive Dicker and Deal, Lansing, Ml. 45523 332-5420 151-1111 lanbino and Second Hand Store 414 East Lansing 5-5 Weekdays-'III noon Sat. MM DAILY. Michigan 1701 South Cadar Avenue dose to bus line 407-3044 Only 5 Blocks To Campus! |ru:rn State News, Eo»t Laming, Michigan Wednesday, October 5, 1977 1 7 JS\ ! Emp^n.wrt JJJ] [ EMplBjfii»M Tif 1 Apartwewts ]|f>] | Apartmiits fty] Hcuses £ For Sale ^ For Sale Mobile Homes m Itter. student APPLICATIONS FOR full part time people, 18-35 for or THE INGHAM Intermediate School District is GROUND FLOOR apartment LUXURY APARTMENT - 2 TWO BEDROOM duplex, LIKE NEW, gold tweed 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ lit in my East Lansing new business, opening soon, seeking applications for special edu¬ for rent. Living room, bed- bedroom, new furniture, and couples, a single, no pets, couch, $200. Ethan Allen Tanks, cannisters and SELLING 3 bedroom mobile (2530 hours/week, room, bathroom. Limited ers. shag carpeting. Three blocks unfurnished 1 year lease, home. 70 x 14 with porch and will be taken October 3,10-12 cation substitute teachers for style lazy boy, $40. 2 end uprights. Guaranteed Aid welcome, 3bl- cooking facilities suitable for to campus. $320/month in- 351 1762 p.m. 8-10-13 (3) tables, $20 each. 332 8319 one full skirting. 1974 Windsor. Call p.m. October 4, 1-3 p.m. the 1977-78 school year. Spe¬ one person. $125/month in- year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS ■10-10 (51 eludes heat. 655-1307 after- after 4 p.m. 372-0149.8-10-11 Octobers, 11-2 p.m., at 5312 cial education teacher substi¬ eludes utilities and laundry anytime. 8-10-11 (4) DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. S. Cedar next to K-Mart. Only noons, ask for Rick. 6-10-7(51 FOUR BLOCKS to campus, (5) tutes must have a valid 316 North Cedar, opposite | GROWING corn¬ neat, reliable people need teaching certificate and certi¬ facilities. 922 Michigan Ave.. own room, nice yard, garden, HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 's ambitious full E. Lansing. 332-1248. 8-10-11 WOMAN NEEDED to share $50 plus utilities. 332 6441 City Market. C-21-10-31 (61 Mobile HOME for sale- start immedi- apply. References needed. fication in special education (8) furnished apartment. gloves, shin pads, and elbow —.e, to Utilities 8-10-13 (3) Champion. In good condi¬ of the l apply call 3-5 p.m., 5:10-5(12) emotionally impaired included, own room. Country pads, $35. Call Paul at 394- APPLES, CIDER, pumpkins. tion. Shed, fenced in yard, or other areas and proof of a QUIET, STUDIOUS, Female 3651. E-5-10-1K3) BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, J). 4-10-7 141 ALTERNATIVE POLITICAL recent TB test. Contact Dr. share large apartment, setting. $125. 351-0372. 8-10- $2 (3) THREE BEDROOMS unfur- nished except appliances. The Wardowski's. 2 mites N. carpeting, air-conditioning, plus many extras. Walking journal has one opening for issest waiters, person with clerical skills. Full Helen Romsek, 676-3254 or Harold Humble, Personnel, $300 plus utilities/month 351- STEREO COMPONENT sys¬ tem, 90 watt amp, STA-65C, of Leslie. 3597 Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours, 9-6 p.m. distance to MSU. $2800. Call Reed cooks apply at ■ time or part time, Lansing. FEMALE NEEDED to share 2 1176 evenings and weekends, 351-7294. 8-10-10 (6) V RANCH. 4-10-7 676-3268. 8-10-10 (13) Garrard turntable, Optimus-4 Closed Mondays. 1-589-8351. Reply to Box A-1 State bedroom, 2 bath apartment 8-10-12-14) FOURTH PERSON for town- at Birchfield. Semi-furnished, speakers, 8-track and cas¬ Gift packages shipped by News. 5-10-5 (6) ■ary. experi- R.N. AND L.P.N, positions LIVE IN companion-house¬ keeper. Free room and board, house on Haslett and Haga- dorn. $90/month. Call 351- new carpet, $110/month. Sal- ly 1-725-2910. Z-5-10-7 (5) .HOUSES TO rent, 2 bedroom house close to hospitals, bus sette players, $325. 484-3642 days. 5-10 11(6) UPS. C-21-10-31 161 [Tost I Found !f\ weekly wage. For handi- HOT DEALS-Quality used 1 Type 60 words/min- available full and part-time on " 2223 after 4 p.m. 8-10-10 13) route, and LCC (5171 838- LOST-GOLD watch. Seiko. If SHELF-SIZE stereo-$30. Car¬ LP's, cassettes Et more, guar¬ leptionist and organi- all shifts, excellent salary and capped widow in Okemos Call collect 616-965- SOUTH HAYFORD, lower 4451 af,er 6:30 or anytime 10' X 12', $30. Vista anteed. We're always buying found, please call 353-5816. ■ skills required. cap¬ fringe benefits. Call Mrs. area. FEMALE NEEDED own room level, 2 bedroom. All utilities, weekends 5-10-11 (6) pet 4-10-7 (3) ita career cen- Janet Feighner, Director of 4243 after 5 p.m. Z-5-10-11(7) in furnished apartment 3 $150 per month. Call 351- 5-speed bicycle good condi¬ too, FBC RECYCLED T6-3302. 8-10-13 15) blocks from Union. 351-5006. tion. $50 339 1450. SOUND, upstairs, 541 E. NURSING at 393-5680. 8-10- 7497.0-21-10-31 (3) ' ' ' PIZZA DELIVERY drivers Rooms E5 10-11(4) Grand River, open 11 a.m. LOST-SET of keys in lock E. ■WANTED to model 10J8I wanted, must have own car. 6'10"l1_l3! 351 0838. C-19-10-31I6I Grand River or campus. Call 1 photographer. Good WAITRESS WANTED. Full Hourly plus commission, full WANTED MALE roommate ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS 353-9424, leave message. Z- Trvage. Contact Kim and part-time. Call PINE time or part time. Phone 351-3421 after 4:30 p.m. for 2 bedroom furnished apartment fall/winter term Homses £ NEED ONE person, owr SCHOOL OF FOLK MUSIC is having its fall PLAY GUITAR, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, dulcimer, auto- 2-10-5 (31 17-1197 between 12 LAKE LOUNGE. 1591 Lake room, country setting. 351 term open — n. Z-2-10-5 15) Lansing Road, 339-1522. X-8- 8-10-14(6) only. $100/month. Call 332- THREE BEDROOM duplex. 6418. 2-10-5 (3) house. October 9 from 2-4 harp, harmonica-over 25 dif- LOST BLACK Lab puppy, 6926 or inquire at Colling- Carpeting, appliances. Full p.m. at ELDERLY INSTRU- ferent group classes offered 4'? months. Reward. 332- ~ Bitter in my home, GROCERY STORE needs wood #26. 1-10-5(5) basement. $285 and $305. 7," 7 MENTS, 541 East Grand every term by ELDERLY 8791.3-10-7(3) s starting Novem- AVON - TOO many bills? man for stocking shelves and Call 332-1100 before 10:30 k house, ;JfEWE? $80/month. C°"n"V Share River Come for previews of INSTRUMENTS OF FOLK MUSIC. Fall term SCHOOL Pay them all and have money general store work, Monday, WELL FURNISHED base¬ a.m. or after 5 p.m. 8-10-10 fa„ courses and meet our LOST: PRECIOUS blue para- house hreptece and 120 ment for single. Utilities, (4) Ie3chers. No admission, free classes 18 weeks) start Octo- keet. If any clue past or Ransportation. Wage to spare with AVON earn¬ Wednesday and Friday, 9am- ings. 482-6893. C-5-10-7 (31 2pm. Must be neat, honest $110. 484-3503 between 3-9 ber 10-14. Register now at present, call 353-6374 or 332- lie. 627-6406. 4-10-7 THREE BEDROOMS, two and dependable. Apply in p.m. 3-10-6 (3) ELDERLY INSTRUMENTS, 3574. Z-110-5(4) baths. Basement. Parking. PART-TIME positions for 541 East Grand River. Call person only to GAVIN'S $225. Call 485-4917. 704 S. OWN ROOM In new duplex I AND delivery help MSU students. 15-20 hours/ FOOD CENTER, 618 E. Kala 1-2 ROOMMATES needed 332 4331. C-1 -10-5113) LOST: RED Chow Chow Foster. 8-JOJ0_(3) apply at LITTLE week. Automobile required. mazoo, Lansing. 8-10-141111 for apartment across from one and '/z miles to campus. Open female. Reward $75. 351- $85/month. Immediately. ■RS today after 4 p.m. Phone 339-3400. C-21-10-31 campus. 351-8135 and 351- CLEAN, QUIET, male grad 351-5984. 3-10-7(3) Corda West TWO TICKETS, available, 4772; 484-5849 Roger, 676- COOKS PART time, nights. 1957. 0-4-10-7 (3) student. Own room, $80 in¬ $7.50 each, Bubbling Brown 9031 Cindy. Great sentimen- Apply BACKSTAGE. Meri cludes utilities. 482-9067. 8- Cidermill Sugar, Wednesday perfor- tal value. 8-10-14151 LARGE 2 person room with ■IME and full time help SHELTER HOME parents dian Mall, after 5 p.m. 349- Trick or Treat 10-11_(3) 5817 North Okemos mance. Call 371-1041 for study in 4 man house. 3 Betsy. 1-10-514) LOST SORORITY pin - Gam- 1 Hours from 10 a.m.- (married) needed. For more 3220. 8-10-14(41 that Special EAST 4 bedroom house. blocks campus. $80 plus utili¬ Road, East Lansing ma Phi Beta. Call Mary Lou, information contact MSU I and 6 p.m.-2 a.m. Placement Bureau. 0-5-10-7 Someone with a Minutes to campus. Shower, ties. Fireplace 332-1218. 337-7974 Hours: FINE HOUSE PUNTS, .75 - 337-9742. Please return. 3-10- s open for cocktail ENGINEERING STUDENTS Z-2 10 6(4) large kitchen, carpeted. Neat 7:30am-7pm. $7 50. Two F78 x 14 belted 5-131 j waitresses, bar- (4) wanted to work part time on Halloween _ and clean. Good parking. tires, $27. All items | cook Establishment surveying crew. Must have a Peanuts Personal $250. 675-5252. 8-10-10 (5) EAST LANSING. Room for condition. 351-5276. top LOST PARROT, green, ... twner. Apply WANTED. PERSON with minimum of 2 full days male. Close to Union, 332- XE 5-10-6(3) named Sport, gone since ■Logan, Lansing. 4-10- professional experience in available per week (3 days per EAST LANSING duplex, 4 0205, 443 Grove St. 3-10-7(3) stereo sales. Also, electronic FURNISHED, QUIET apart¬ CURTAINS FOR Brody September 14th, stands 8" week preferred). For applica¬ bedrooms, 2 baths, rec toom, room, 13 ft. with matching tall, reward. 332-0283 351- repairman needed. Energy tions write: CAPITOL CON¬ ment with garage. Mature BOOKS, MAGAZINES, or parking, v_rw pwiIM11 $400. 374-6366. FEMALE TO rent room in closet curtain. Heavy mat- comics and more! CURIOUS 3304. 3-10-6 (5) ||EEDED to live in and personality a must. Full SULTANTS INC., 1627 Lake single or couple only. No students. 332-1455, o°19-10-3H3) nice house, very close to erial, rubber backed, $50. BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand apartment. Free or part time. See Greg at Lansing Rd., Lansing, Mi. 8 10 14(4) campus. 351-4653 after 2 Roger 365-6795. E-5-10 7 141 River. 332-0112. some wages for WILCOX TRADING POST, 48912. Do not telephone. 4 BEDROOM furnished i. 3 10-7(3) e of horses. 349- 509 East Michigan. No phone 5-10-11(10) X-C-21 10-31(3) Rummage Sale £4.: |0-11 14) calls please. C-21J0-31 J?)_ EAST^LANSING 1 bedroom Whole house,"$240. 1 mde'to MEN, WOMEN, singles. super LOFT FOR Sale: Brand new, COOK-EXPERIENCED short campus. 676 3780. 5-10-11(3) Cooking, parking, campus meets requirements, red¬ MOVING SALE: Furniture, G ICE ARENA, 1475 stereos Insing e Rd. Primarily skate sharp- order, excellent pay, benefits and working conditions. Full L for Rent jffri ROOMMATE FOR bedroom in spacious house in Okemos. close. 327 Hillcrest. 332-6118 or 337-9612. 3-10-7(41 warehouse prices wood stained. 351-3817. E-5- 10-5 (3) clothes, toys, books, swing- set, large plastic plants, and part time. Apply in fencing, much more. Thurs¬ id zamboni driving. 4 Furnished, ROOMS IN clean, modern person only, DENNY'S MINI-KOOL REFRIGER- , garage, fireplace. DISCOUNT, NEW, used day, October 6, 1-6 p.m. [s week, 5 a.m. to 9 RESTAURANT, 2701 E. AT0R ren,al- 539 95 Per aca" ZTVall 7^351 month. Call $100/month plus utilities, duplex. Near MSU. Fur¬ International hi-fi rep desks, chairs, files, BUSI¬ Friday, October 7, 9-1 p.m. i to 25 hours Jesse, 351-8666 349-2828. 3-10-7(5) Grand River Ave., E. Lansing. demlc Yaar- Call 355-8111 or nished. share modern kit¬ NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 215 2079 Riverwood, Okemos. Jshour. Fred, 482- Equal Opportunity Employer. 332-4700 (10 a.m. till 9 p.m. -■- chen bath. $88/month 351- E. Kalamazoo, 485-5500. 8- 1-10-5(5) |0 5 171 8-10-11 (7) daily). 7-10-7 (4) EFFICIENCY, ONE or two LANSING EAST side. Unique |arge house for 5 or 6 6471; 485 1436.0-21 10-3115) call Ron 10-10 (3) bedroom. East side and ItL LABORERS-if you DENTAL ASSISTANT. Pre¬ REFRIGERATORS HniAintnu/n Furnished, carpeting, park- CONVENIENT TO campus. 337-7021 BRAND NEW used. downtown ILansing. if/j DORM one inn r* nil never Call (_ Personal nmu . .. — ... . _ ... ■able to work one full fer trained, near, sharp, must ing. 349-0652. 8-10-10 (4) Room and board. 337-2381. Peavey Bass head, Peavey size, free delivery. UNITED for lists of immediate open¬ Jnday-Friday land type. Excellent pay. West Evenings till Midnight 215 cabinet, $550. Gibson RENT-ALL, 351-5652. 7-10-7 ings. AIM, INC.. 374-2800, Large house. $475 per term. isportation). apply in side. Reply in own writing, ROOMMATE NEEDED to live Z-6-10-7 (31 (3) noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. ripper, case, accessories. 323- LOST AT SHILOH FELLOW¬ i. MANPOW- in East Lansing. Duplex with enclose recent photo. Box 0-21-10-31 151 7210. $450. 5-10-6 (5) SHIP Rummage Sale last 1105 E. Washtenaw, B-2 State News. 8-10-1415) 2 OR 3 room suite Medical two others. Spacious living COUNTRY HOUSE-female to n Lansing. 8-10-10 Building. Prime East Lansing and bedrooms. $65/month. share with one other Own USED COUCHES $35 and Saturday. Woman with curly location. All utilities, parking EAST LANSING-near MSU, Ready October 10th or earli¬ KR6600, $309' aDC KLm"|L chairs $10. Call 351-2798. hair, you bought my plain WANTED, STUDENTS for afternoon and evening phone and janitorial included. Medi¬ 2 bedroom duplex, couples er. 332 3890. 4-10-7 (61 room^5 p.m. after Negotiable. 8-10-10(3) 351-5105 $39 Soundcraftsmen PE- 8-10-10 (3) white Sweater-Jacket. You INSTRUC- only, no pets. 351-1762. 8-10- 2217, $378. Advent 201A, name the price. It is very work. Call for interview be¬ cal or ancillary health services 13(4) ■anted with skills in USED 19-inch Zenith por¬ personal, 351-5204. Joe. Z-2- ■ir.al health fields of- fore 5 p.m. and ask for Greg. 351-8554. 3-10-7(5) preferred. Call 332-8663 or 349-1432. X-8-10-11 (7) EAST-NEED 2, own room, garage, on busline, reason¬ RESPONSIBLE FEMALE to Sh'ure SM95ED, USED: table black and white T.V.'s, 10-5 (61 Tetarial fields, graph- FEMALE NEEDED to sub¬ able, 484-3674 before 6 p.m. student mites6,MSU deck. D"a' $279 ~ $30 and $50. Portable VM lease, beautiful Americana ^ processing,such retail- FULL-PART time jobs, excel¬ 3-10 6 (3) .„ , ..... „ „ Pioneer TX-7100. stereos, $30. Seven day war¬ ATTRACT AND HOLD sas as lent earnings. 374-6328, 4-6 REFRIGERATOR-FREEZ- ERS-Dishwashers. ESCH- Apartment, winter term, 351- 9480. 4-10-7 (4) x^U?nU,n ,r Ca" 62?' 599 Walnut large Advents. ranty. Inquire at THE STERE- YOUR DREAM LOVER ■ tool, welding, auto p.m. daily. 8-10-14(3) TRUTH APPLIANCES, 315 PERSON NEEDED for 5th $179/pair. Advent 300, $184 O SHOPPE, 555 East Grand Secrets of an astrologer, lo body, small South Bridge, Grand Ledge. MSU NEAR. Beautiful 1 bed¬ i comfortable home, SINGLE BEDROOM in 3-bed- Al ,n3W River. C-5-10-7 (6) send his/her date of birth, ■eating and air con- east side of Lansing. $52/ room house. $90/month. 513 mcludes wa,rran,y! Af,er f specify male/female and I and building main- HOUSEKEEPING, LAUN¬ 627-2191. 8-10-10 (3) room unfurnished, carpeting, TWO DREXEL solid hard¬ month plus utilities. 484-8727 ir Gary. $1.00 to AQUARIUS, P.O. 1 A degree is not DRY, babysitting and driving appliances, air. parking. Call wood sturdy end tables. after 4 p.m. 2-10-5 (61 Box H, Monroe, Mi. 48161. children to classes. Must COMPACT REFRIGERA¬ 351-9549. 8-10-13 (41 y. Call Leo Schuch, $50/pair. 482-8517. E-5-10-6 2-1-10-5(9) • between 8 a.m. and have own car. Monday, TORS - T.V.'s, stereos. Best (3) MALE NEEDED for own MCINTOSH MC 110pre-amp 1.8-10 10 (12) Wednesday afternoons and/ rates, free delivery. DORM WANTED FEMALE room¬ ITTER. 2 children IVi or Friday morning. Call 349- 5122 after 5:30 p.m. RENTAL, 372-1795. 0-5-10-7 mate for 4 person apartment at Twyckingham. Call 351- room in house, 513 Beech. $90/month plus utilities. 332- 3224. Z 2-10-6 13) [ FoTsaie tuner. Mcintosh power amp. Yamaha CR600 receiver Advent 300 receiver, MC240 DOBRO, case, no GENUINE with scratches, $310. Five REFUNDS AVAILABLE for ASMSU student government tax. Go to Room 334 Student I 8-10 1418) 6029 after 6 p.m. 8-10-13 (4) string banjo, $50. 393-3715. years. Experienced NIKON MEDICAL Marantz 1150 amp plus more. Services. 5-10-11(3) Close to Turntables by Dual, Mira- 8-10-10 (3) ROOMS FOR rent. House scope. $800, as new. Sacri¬ 12 20 hrs/week. HASHACHAR-ZIONIST MALE ROOMMATE 2 bed¬ fice $595. Ed Joy 743-3444. cord, Pioneer, Sonyo, Ar plus close to campus. Nice, large, 8 1011 151 youth movement is looking room apartment on bus line. After 6 p.m. speakers by Mcintosh, EPI, TWO 19-inch portable T.V.'s. 1 723-1430. ■university of for students interested working with Jewish youth. in FEMALE GRAD or mature $125/month utilities included. 349-4645, Gary. Z-4-10-7 (31 clean rooms. 351-8135. 0-4- 10-7 131 (Owosmj. 5-10-5 (31 Altec, Sony. BIC, Audioan- alyst. Advent 100A dolby. One at $28, one at $48. Excellent condition. Phone [Pwrts PersauT^ □gan flint PRO- Jobs available in many areas. student to share two bed¬ 484-8783. E-5-10-5 (3) room furnished apartment on SHARP FOUR bedroom with KITCHEN TABLE with two DBX 122 noise reduction sys- COMING OCTOBER 17 is the ■am analyst Call Jesse. 351-8666 corner Abbott and Saginaw. FEMALE, NON smoker, own two bath, family room, near leaves and chairs $50. Color tern. Teac and Sony reel to BLACK AND White 19-inch Halloween Page. To place a programming 5-10-1116) room, 2 bedroom, $113/ 1 L. 332-2412 or 349-2234 after 6 MSU. CLAUCHERTY REAL¬ T.V. $50. Black and White 'ael deck. 1000 used stereo Admiral portable TV. A-1 Halloween Peanuts Personal, I, IFortan ADC). month. 351-6289. 3 10-6 (3) 5-10-5 I4I TY 351-5300. Evenings, 332- T.V. $19. Small table $6. Bird albums, 500 used 8-track condition, reception. $40. fill out the coupon in today's Ige of operating sys- STUDENT FOR part time p.m. 5900 or 332-0444. 3-10-6 (4) cage $7. 351-6944. E-5-10-5 'aPas. car stereo equipment, ■achelors degree re- work as simulated woman MALE ROOMMATE needed 351-5975; 351 6908, leave paper & return with payment ONE AND two bedroom fur |4| CB sets, TV sets, plus much, to the STATE NEWS CLAS¬ | Masters preferred, patient for medical course. for Riverside Apartments. much message. X-E-5-10-7 (5) nished mobile homes on lake. LARGE HOUSE for five or more! BUY-SELL- SIFIED DEPT. Deadline: lith faculty, staff and 4-6 hours per week, 1-5 p.m. Call 351-3207. 8-10-12 131 East Lansing 10 minutes. One six, across from campus. QUEEN SIZE fashion, large TRADE. WILCOX TRADING SCHWINN 3-speed ladies October 12, 5 p.m. I. Liberal fringe bene- 2 weekday afternoons except child OK. Phone 641-6601. CLAUCHERTY REALTY. selection. Size 16$4-221$. P0ST- 509 East Michigan, bike. Excellent condition. $60. S 6 10-12(9) ■iding five weeks paid Wednesday, $5.00 per hour. WILLIAMSTON LARGE 1 Send 0-5-10-7 (4) 351-5300. Evenings, 332 Call 487-0957. 8-10-10 (7) Lansing. 485-4391. C-21-10- 484-0916 8 10-12 (3) resume to: Involves disrobing. Applicant bedroom unfurnished apart¬ 31 (22) Jir Kamal. DIRECTOR must be 18 years of age or ment. $175 + utilities $100. 5m3J0-6(4l (TEROFCENTER. UNI- older. For information, phone MALE ROOMMATE needed Deposit, no pets. 655-3792. CAMPUS NEAR - Modem, ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES: Real Estate « to sublease apartment for fall Dutch oven, $7; cooker ' Mrs. 8-10-10 (4) fry¬ MICHIGAN, Benner 353-5444 be¬ or longer in Capitol Villa. clean houses and duplexes, er, $5; grill, $10; food grind¬ t, Michigan 48503, tween 1:15 and 4 p.m. 2-6 bedrooms. Some fur¬ $105,351-5402, after 12 p.m. er, $10; knife sharpener, $2; GOOD INVESTMENT prop¬ MALE NEEDS assertive male (2 3123.2 7-10-11 (18) 2-10-6111) 8-10-11 I4I to share apartment near cam¬ nished. 351-6471; 485-1436. assorted small items. All in erty with land contract terms. 0-21-10-31 151 This sharp bungalow is close CO. 1115 N. Washington, KAWASAKI 350, 1971. Like A-1 condition. Call 485-1563. pus. Write Jay, Box 31, East to busline and would make 489-6448. C-21-10-31 (7) E-5-10-7 (7) Lansing, Michigan. 8-10-11 3 BLOCKS from campus. new antique table (15 hand carved legs, 4 leafs), colonial perfect rental! Please call Kim Entire house or rooms. Call NEW, USED and Watson, evenings 351-4104 vintage dark pine table, chairs, bench ONE BEDROOM unfurnished 35b8l35^0 5 10-7 (3) guitars, banjos, mandolins, or LANOBLE REALTY 482- and couch. 627-5921. 5-10-12 i Animals >x PEOPLE REACHER garage 4 miles off campus, utilities included, $165. 349- 4907. 8-10-10 (41 HOUSES, HOUSES! Call now to see our list of east side homes HOUSES, ect. Dulcimers and kits, re- corders, strings, accessories, (5) IRISH SETTER pups. Excel¬ 1637 3-10-7(8) books, thousands of hard-to- tEAC CASSETTE deck S- hunting stock. $40 694- HASLITT WANT AD which will be available for find albums. (All at very low lent WOMEN NEEDED now 4- 170, Dolby system, 3 months September teasing. AIM, Pricesl. Private and group 5447 after 5:30 p.m. E-X-5-10- 0ld, $130. Pioneer SX 434 VA/FHA TIRMf I man, two bedroom $72.50/ 6(3) INC., 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. lessons on guitar, banjo, stere0 receiver, $80 Pioneer month. Call after 4:30 p.m. or 332-6741. 0-21-10-31 151 mandolin, all styles. Gift certi- pL DD turntable, $50. Like 2 bedroom ranch full base- Just complete form and persistently 349 2011. 5-10-7- ficates. Expert repairs — free HORSE BOARDING. Indoor 141 r 349-0158. mail with payment to: HOUSE FOR Rent. Near estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ arena, box stalls, paddocks. Frandor. 3 or 4 bedrooms, $75 Okemos, 349-2172, 349- TWO BEDROOM apartments STRUMENTS, 541 East carpeted, partly furnished. Grand River. 332-4331. C-21- 2094. 8-10-11 (31 State News Classified Dept in UNIVERSITY VILLA, 635 Reduced rent for light SAXAPHONE WITH case. the lake! clean¬ 10-31 (49) Abbott Rd. Call 351-3873 or $100. Trombone with case, W Student Services Bldg. 351-8135 or see Rob in apart¬ ing^ 372-im 8-10-11 (4) $90. 694-0102 after 4:40 p.m. KITTENS TO give away one only»19,000 East Lansing, Mich. 48823 PLAY GUITAR, banjo, fiddle, white female named Smudge ment #320. 0-5-10-7 I5I OFF KALAMAZOO Street, 8-10-13 (3) near Bi.ch Street. 3 bed¬ mandolin, dulcimer, auto- ... and one mate named Punkie, Call Vicki Pearson, 626-6520 rooms, yard, garage, $175 per harp, harmonica - Over 25 PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIP- 351 6361. E-5-10-7-131 Waverly Realty Co., OKEMOS - 1 and 2 bed¬ 321-0100 Anytime month. Call 351-7497. 0-21- different group classes of- ment complete room apartments available darkroom 10-31 141 fered every term by ELDER- AIREDALES-AKC champion¬ immediately at VILLAGE set up for 35 mm black and LY INSTRUMENTS white. $100. 224-7187. 8-10- ship line. 9 weeks, shots, GREEN APARTMENTS. 1804 NEEDED 1 or 2 persons for wormed, mates, $75. 675- Service __]}>§ SCHOOL OF FOLK MUSIC. Hamilton Rd. Call 349-9217 or 351-8135 or see Priscilla in nice house. Must see Great location. Call 485-1405. Z-5- Fall term classes (8 weeks) 12 (4) _ - - - - 7263. 2-10-5 131 | start October 10-14. Register Phon» apartment # 10B. 0-5-10-7(9) 10J0I3) SCUBA EQUIPMENT. Every- CHESTNUT MARE, jumps HORSES BOARDED Pas _ now at ELDERLY INSTRU- plossification thing except for wet suit. MENTS, 541 East Grand well $350. Six month filly, ture, box stalls and lots of _ Prafarrad Insertion Dot* _ »««-■•» one bedroom epanment, ssirjLr- River. Call 332-4331. $450/best offer. 394 1460. 8- 10-13(31 $100 349 2349. 5-10 1^1(3) riding. Rates starting at $35. mon(h |us utj|i(jes Four C-1-10-31 (131 Close to East Lansing area. close, fall. Nancy 332-5520. Z-3 10-513) £om campus Ca|| VOX 12 string electric guitar. 16 V ROPING saddle, like new, $200. 18" jumping girth, Call 675-5504. 8-10-10 (5) Including punctuation and tpacai batwaan wordi. CONCRETE BLOCK and Good condition. Must sell. saddle with stirrups, $100. brick for do-it yourself book¬ $125. 625 7159. Perry. 8 10- CAPITOL CHIMNEY repairs, Lynn 332 2517. X 5-10-7(31 best fall rates. Odd shelves. See CHENEY CON¬ 13 131 jobs and CRETE CO., 2655 E. Grand painting. 487-2296. 23-10-31 Get Straight A s In College River, E. Lansing, 337-1381. 7-10-7 151 WEDDING DRESS, size 10 j Mobile Homes H long veil, like new. $100. FOR QUALITY stereo ser by Beating the System SINGLE BED, foam mattress, and frame 1 year old. $40. 355 9932 3 10 6 (31 FOUR AUDIOANALYST 100 FOR SALE or rent: 1974,14 x 65,2 bedroom, bar, Parkwood vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE. 555 East Grand River C-21 10 31 131 351-2210 after 5 p.m. 5 10-5 X speakers, mint condition. storage shed. Double lot, 13) cement patio, includes stove $380, 332 4673. Call after 6 THE ASMSU student board Free Details. Dale Rich, pm z 2 10 5(3) and refrigerator. 372-9681; 489 7905.5-10-5 15) is budgeting for 1978. Organ! Marion Publishers 22 Rio Vista Street GIBSON LES Paul Custom zations wishing to place re No. Billerica, MA. 01862 $400 Univox compac electric 4 TABLET arm chairs; kitch BEAUTIFUL MOBILE home. quests should pick up forms piano $350 Both like table and day bed, price at 307 Student Services, and new. en Large screened in porch. All Also Leslie with SRO $100. negotiable 372 2533 8 10-10 the'extras. 627-5921. 5 10 12 return by October 14, 1977, 5 Call 337 0134. Z-3-10-6 151 p.m. 3 10 6 171 ] Q Michigon Stote News, Cost loosing, Michigon Wednesday, Octobers,,, Service ^ Econ< busj UP TO 1/3 and more sav¬ ings. Comparison welcomed. students J OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2617 Greenpeace meeting at MSU Cycling invites bi¬ Applications for the Wo¬ Students needed for tutor¬ Michigan State Fisheries MSU Soaring Club meet¬ E. gan. Michigan, Lansing, Michi¬ 372-7409. C-5-10-7 (5) and Wildlife Club will meet at 7 tonight, 158 Natural Re- ing 7:30 tonight, 203 Men's IM Bldg. Movies, informa¬ 8:30 tonight, 334 Union. Free whaling film and eyewitness cyclists to first meeting at 8 p.m. tonight, 208 Men's IM men's Advisory Committee to the Vice President of ing in a variety of educational environments. Otto Junior plan interJ report of whaling campaign Bldg. Planning races, training Student Affairs available in High orientation, 3:30 p.m. tion, and free glider ride will FREE...A Lesson in complex¬ be given away. 1977 shown. Volunteer open- rides, and party. 153 Student Services Bldg. Tuesday, 4 Student Services ion care. Call 484-4519 East Deadline October 14. Michigan or 321-5543 Lan¬ The European Association The Japan Karate Associ¬ Volunteers will enjoy work¬ sing Mall. MERLE NORMAN of MSU will hold its general ation is back and working ing with elderly in arts, geri- Black Students Business Anthropology Colloquia COSMETIC STUDIOS. C-21- assembly and elections at 8 hard. Come and see 9 to 11 Attention Graduate Stu¬ gymnastics, horticulture ther¬ Association meeting at 6:30 Series presents Prof. Mar¬ 10-31 (4) p.m. Friday, W-2 Owen Hall. dents! Applications accepted apy. Come to 26 Student p.m. Thursday, 103 Eppley shall D. Sahlins. University of p.m. tonight, Judo Room, Refreshments served. Men's IM now for daycare scholar¬ Services Bldg. at 6:30 tonight Center. Everyone welcome Chicago, speaking on: "The Bldg. THE TYPICUTTER. o eor ships. Applications, informa¬ for with business major or inter¬ Apotheosis of Captain James ready, typatatflng «arvlca— Direct patient contact in a tion available in 316 Student est. Cook in the Hawaiian Pan¬ Resumes, newsletters, bro- The Work of Christ will Services Bldg. Deadline Pre-dental Club will hold a theon," at 3 p.m. Friday, 116 hospital environment is avail¬ chures, business cards, let* sponsor an interdenomina¬ able through MSU volun¬ October 14. meeting at 7 tonight, 204 MSU Clinical Center Medi¬ Bessey Hall. terheads, envelopes, Invita¬ tional charismatic prayer teers. Contact 26 Student Natural Science Bldg. to cal Records orientation date tions, announcements, pos¬ meeting at 8:15 p.m. Thurs¬ Services Bldg. Ask about discuss term's activities. has been changed. Come to ters, invoices. Reasonable day, St. John's Lower Residence Halls Associa¬ Winter Term 1978, Student Lansing General. 26 Student Services Bldg. for tion Judiciary is accepting rates-call 417-9295. Hrs. 9-12 Lounge, 327 M.A.C. Ave. MSU Astronomy Club more information. Teachers and others inter¬ 1-5:30. 1000 N. Washington, applications, available in 155 meets at 7:30 tonight, 118 ested in student teaching in Programing Board keeps a Student Services Bldg. Dorm Lansing. calendar of all major pro¬ Physics-Astronomy Bldg. A Brussels, Belgium, should The Michigan Organization residents only. Deadline is St. Vincent's Home orien¬ gramming on campus. Regis¬ NASA film will be shown. apply for the project at 4:30 for Human Rights gay rights October 17. tation program to be held at 7 ter your program and avoid p.m. Thursday, 224 Erickson INTERIOR PAINTING. Rea¬ conference convenes at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, 218B Berkey Hall. Dr. Daniel Paul, sonable rates, free estimates. conflicting events. Project a.m. Saturday. Howard Free University class on Hall. Director, will be on hand to Special rates for apartments Christian fellowship and Johnson's, Cedar Street. nutrition for all at 7:30 to¬ describe the project and and motels. 372-8646. 7-10-7 bible study at 7:30 tonight, The Red Cedar Log year¬ night, 105B Berkey Hall. Building Construction fall schedule individual inter¬ (4) book will hold an open house University Reformed Church, get together at 7:30 p.m. views. Questions may be Kendo Club of MSU holds Please come! for reporters and photo¬ across from Hubbard Hall. CHILD CARE, licensed home, tonight, 183 Natural Re¬ directed to Dr. Brad West, practice on the Japanese Everyone is welcome. southwest Lansing. Fenced martial art of sword fencing 1 graphers at 9:15 tonight, 114 Beta Alpha Psi is sponsor¬ sources Bldg. Acquaint your¬ 253 Erickson Hall, 355-1713. yard and playmates. 393- Berkey Hall. self with the club and pto- to 3 p.m Sunday 118 Wo¬ ing a "mock interview" at 8 2381. 8 10-10 (3) men's IM Bldg Volunteers needed as Thursday, 100 Vet Clinic, for gram. Volunteer orientation Tiger Mountain Press friends and advocates for all Business Students. meeting for Pirgim. Help plan LET ME take care of your meets at 7 p.m. tonight. mentally/physically impaired The Michigan Society for projects for the coming year children at my licensed day Union Oak Room. First general meeting of the at 7:30 tonight, 329 Student care home. Near Frandor. Registered student organi- handicappers. Possible cred¬ Med. Tech. Students will it. Orientation at 7 tonight, Tourism Club at 7 p.m. Services Bldg. hold its first meeting at 7 374-8646. 3-10-7(4) Monday. 118 Eppley Center. for Associatec Students of 101 Bessev Hall. tonight, 146 Giltner Hall. Acti¬ MSU Horticulture meets at 7:30 Club trips, conventions, and COMPLETE REPAIR service Programing Board vities will be planned. funding in 307 and 339 Stu¬ tonight, 204 Horticulture committees to be discussed. CORRECTION: Aikido, for stereo's, TV's, guitars, Martial Art for self defense dent Services B eg Bldg. Come and sign up for Applications for office The MSU Freestyle Dino¬ banjos, band instruments. the hayride. space from Associated Stu¬ and personal growth meets MARSHALL MUSIC, 351- dents of MSU saur-Wrestling Team (for¬ from 9 to 10 p.m. Tuesday are available in Instructional Development 7830. C I 10-5(14) merly Science Fiction Soci¬ 334 Student Services Bldg. Luncheons resume at noon and Thursdays and from 1 to ety) meets at 7:30 Thursday, Seniors'Explore unique op¬ Deadline is October 14. Friday, 1961 Room, N. Case 3 p.m. on Sundays. (NOT l 335 Union. portunities through Peace Hall. Guest speaker will be Wednesdays!). Instruction Corps. Contact MSU Peace Dr. Maatsch, Simulations in of rain Corps Intern Program coordi¬ World Future Society Medical Education. Parachuting meeting, sky Applications are noil nators in 121 Agriculture Hall. panel presentation "Growth exactly matched with J RIDING INSTRUCTION diving films, equipment dis¬ Zoos, wolves, and hunting jobs, according to J»J in a No-Growth World: Con¬ W8SH. the MSU Amateur play, and rap session, at 7:30 ethics are subjects of film at ski, an AIESEC coordil jumping and dressage, trans¬ tradiction or Synergy?" 7:30 Listening Ear orientation Radio Club's first meeting is p.m. Thursday, Brody Hall MSU Fund for Animals portation available for Thurs¬ Seeking hospital experi¬ tonight, Erickson Kiva. for new volunteers 7 to 9 p.m. Multi Purpose Room A. MSU, but directors! day evening jumping classes. at 8 p.m. Thursday, 339 ence? Looking for patient organizational meeting 8:30 WILLOWPOND STABLES, Engineering Bldg. All invited. contact? Volunteer for Thursday and 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Olds Hall. p.m. Thursday, 336 Union. students will take any 1 call 676-9799. 4-10-7 <7) Brown experience related tt| patient services. Discover Bag Lunch noon to Attend only one date. All Campus Action, a Christian career goals. more at orientation 7 p.m 1 p.m. today, Room C, Cross¬ welcome. Meet new people, help PIANO TEACHER seeks stu¬ Amnesty International, lo¬ fellowship, welcomes new Students dents. Experienced, certified. cal prisoner adoption group, Thursday, 314 Bessey Hall. roads Cafeteria, International students to our meeting at others, and have fun too! are paid ll| Center. Mildred Erickson dis¬ Public 8:30 tonight, 335 Union for Come to a Circle K meeting at per week for an Evenings, persistently, 332- will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday, hearing on J.P. 1118 S. Harrison Rd. New cusses returning to school. Stevens organization and celebration and learning. 6 tonight, Union Sunporch. college credit 6089. 12-10-14 (3) Openings for volunteers at boycott at 9:30 Thursday at participation. people welcome. WRITING CONSULTANT 9 Ingham Medical Center in Work in Europe next sum¬ the Capitol. Film "Testi¬ Phi Gamma Nu. profes¬ The original AIESEL DEC volunteer training se¬ microbiology lab, mornings mer. AIESEC is holding its mony" to be shown and sional business sorority meet¬ gram died out about sevl years experience in profes¬ lection meeting at 6 tonight, and afternoons. Come to 26 first meeting tonight 7:30,109 Union representatives speak¬ sional Orientation for Beekman ing for all active members at 6 ago due to a lack o!| editing. 337-1591. 0-2- Student Services Bldg. 304 Olds Hall. For more 10-5 (3> Center volunteers will be held Anthony Hall. ing. tonight, 103 Eppley Center. information call DEC. participation. at 6:30 p.m. Thursday. Meet LEARN PARACHUTING. at 26 Student Services Bldg. Movies, equipment orienta¬ for a ride. tion. rap session. Thursday October 6, 7:30 p.m. Multi Purpose Room A, Brody Hall. MSU SPORT PARA¬ MSU Scuba Club will hold their first meeting of the year ...Win HUMS Of VOIR for comfortable CHUTING CLUB. Charlotte 8 p.m. family camping at Thursday, 203 Paracenter 1-543-6731. Z 1-10 5(7) Men's IM persons invited. Bldg. Interested HBIFF JONES CUBE AUG! If you and your family want to GROUP RIDING enjoy lessons, : Frl. Oct 7,1977 11 5 pm am - summer weekends or your vacation in openings for fall. Western, English, saddleseat and jump¬ at Studant Boakitora the out-of-doors, we have the most ing, professional riding in¬ complete selection of gear and goods struction. Meredith Manor graduate will accept training Typing Service for your trip. horses on a limited basis. Located 8 miles south of campus. KaTalPa ARA¬ UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS BIANS, 596 Hagadorn, Ma¬ complete dissertation and re¬ sume service; son, 676-5728. X-8-10-11 (12) typesetting, IBM typing, editing, multilith offset printing and binding. We encourage comparative Recreation gg shopping. For estimate stop in at 2843 East Grand River or phone 332-8414. 0-21-10-31 HOCKEY PLAYERS! Exper¬ (9) ienced players needed for team in quality league. Call TYPING, EXPERIENCED. 372 8037. 3-10-6 (3) Fast and reasonable. 371- 4635. C-21 -10-31 (3) LEARN PARACHUTING. TWELVE YEARS experience Movies, equipment orienta¬ tion, rap session. Thursday October 6 7:30 p.m. multi typing theses, manuscripts, term papers. Evenings, 675- 754^_ci21:1°i1_!3l Campfitters202,eM^°"irr.c^°' purpose Room A Brody Hall. MSU SPORT PARA¬ EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Please note our CHUTING CLUB. Charlotte Paracenter 1-543-6731. Dissertations, FAY ANN. 489-0358. C 21- (pica-elite). DANSKIN IS ANY WEAR. 1-10-5(7) 10-31J3) PARKLANE HOSIERY IS EVERYWHERE. NEW LOCATION! ANN BROWN Printing and Typing. Dissertations, re¬ Wanted £ sumes, general printing. Serving MSU for 27 years with complete theses service. TICKETS TO MSU-UM game, will pay 349-0850. C-21-10-31 (5) Parklane Hosiery has body hugging going rate. Call after 6 p.m. 339-9977. fashions that fit you and your lifestyle for class, 2-10-5 (3) f Transportation A classic or classy doings. Anywhere. WOMEN 18-22 years with And with 400 stores throughout father loss (by divorce) at age America, Parklane Hosiery is the largest re¬ 8 to 12 to fill our questionaire tailer of Danskin leotards and for dissertation. $4 per ques¬ tights and Selva tionaire. Susan 351-1397. X- CARPOOL NEEDED from 8-10-10 (5) Flint, Swartz Creek to MSU daily. Call 313-635-4192 after WANTED 6 p.m. Z-4-10-10-(3) TICKETS MSU- UM game. Call 332-3563, ask for Fred. Z 3-10-7(3) CO-DRIVER WANTED from Battle Creek to Lansing, NEEDED DESPERATELY! Monday-Friday 7:45-3:20 call Parking space to rent near 373-7469 between 8:00-3:15, Mason-Abbott. 355-2092. ask for Mrs. Barea. B-1-10- S 5-10-11(3) 30(5) SENIOR MALE seeks com¬ NEED RIDE from Park Lake fortable living situation close Road at Grand River to to campus, smoker, prefer Lansing Ice Arena at 3:50 own room. Call collect 313- p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and 659 9475. 5 10-11(4) Friday. Call 332-3697 eve¬ nings, weekends. 3-10-7(51 QUIT SMOKING? Participate in an experiment which uses CO-DRIVER WANTED from current psychological tech¬ Battle Creek to Lansing, niques to assist you in quit¬ Monday-Friday. 7:45 a.m.- ting. Fee of $5, refunded 3:20 p.m. Call 373-7469 be¬ upon dissatisfaction. Call on¬ tween 8 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Ask You can't the whole world, but maybe just a little piectl ly if committed to quitting. save for Mrs. Barea. B 1 10 5(51 Rich Strand 353-9174 or 393- 9768. Z 5 10 7 (8) I^ound Town Africa coma. In Inch... But av.„ |„ch„ ad up: 2,000 wall. I" * Typing Service The Parklane Hosiery store nearest you: «h««l la .""kbatter praparad to pas.eu»thafrom 33 parcant to 3 parent. SaconWi school J studant. 224 S. difficult .tat. axams. Ovar tha po.'J EXPERT TYPING service by Washington St., Lansing, 517-484-3128; Lansing Mall, Lansing, hc* ^rp' vo1lu,l,••r, hav# prov,d ,h«f fhay hava a lot to offar I" ^1 MSU grad. 17 years experi¬ 517-485-2512; Meridian Valley Shopping Center, Okemos, 517-349- ®du.C0,l0n' ■«"«» *». nutrition, anglnaarlng. to mantlon only o faw. ence. Near Gables. Call 337- 2430; Adrian Mali, Adrian, 517-263-3770; Genesie thoy gat back avan mora than thoy 2293 C 21 10-31 (4) 29 W. Michigan Avenue, Battle Valley Center, Flint; glva... BINGO TUESDAY Night, Creek; Eastland Mall, Flint; Westmain Mall, Kalamazoo; Maple Hill Mall, COPYGRAPH SERVICE 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6 Kalamazoo; Eastbrook Mall, Grand Complete dissertation and re¬ Early Bird starts at 7 p.m. p.m. Rapids; Briarwood Mall, Ann Arbor; Tel-Twelve Shopping Center, sume service. Corner MAC Southfield; Universal City Shopping Center, Warren; Lakeside Circle, tell ™,/AWC° lr"rVnd and Grand River, 8:30-5:30 Regular at 7:30 p.m. Mini¬ mum age 18. SHAAREY Sterling Heights; Fairlane Town Center, Dearborn. tall you mora-room W'" ' COm«,0 106, International African Studio. C.nt.r and I." Cantor, 3S3-1700. Monday Friday. 337 1666. C ZEDEK, 1924 Coolidge, East 2110 31 I5I Lansing. C 21-10-31 (51 n dnte News, Eost Lonsing, Michigoi Wednesday, October 5, 1977 19 HOWARD THE DUCK!® CHARLIIDANIILS BAND dl®5Dy LjlM-TV(CBS) MflMfte (lO)WHX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Cable) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) by Steve Gerber and Gene Colan Sun.. Oct. 23Munn Ar.no '5.50; 6.50 on solo ot tho MSU Union 11 Hocordlond. 3:30 jdnesday (11) Shintowo: Hearts In 8:30 frernoon (4) Match Came Harmony (4) Butting Loose 12:00 (23) Villa Alegre 7:30 (U)Cutomerand the 4:00 (4) Price is Right Walter ^ytheleoit (6) New Mickey Mouse (12) Price is Right Club |ng at Symphony (10) Hollywood Squares 9:00 12:20 (12) Brady Bunch (23) MacNEIL/Lehrer (4) Movie ' (23) Sesame Street Report (12) Charlie's Angels 12:30 4:30 (U)Tempo (23) Great Performances I, for Tomorrow (4) To Be Announced 8:00 (11) Newt L and tho Man (12) Emergency Onel (4) Good Times PEANUTS fsHopo 5:00 (10) Baseball Play-Off 1:00 (4) Cunsmoke (12) Eight Is Enough 10:00 by Schulz (23) Mister Rogers' Neigh¬ (12) Baretta IgShow (23) Nova borhood , and tha RattloM (11) Impressions 5:30 ■y Children (of Uncertainty (12) Rookies 1:30 (23) Electric Company MSU SHADOWS ® L World Turni (11) News | of Our lives 4:00 by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: 2:00 (4-10-12) News J0 Pyramid (23) Immortalists PXHBALL PETE'S £k Heart AHock (11) "Rally with the Peace Present this really tunny comic tor 25' 2:30 People" worth of free play! g Light 4:30 (4) CBS Newt in I Life to Live (10) NBC News fTH\S IS LAIDBACCA ,AA*V RCOM-MAT£ . lA£"sj Iking with Confl- (12) ABC News LOOOKIS.J 1 s favor (23) At We See It 3:00 (It) Black Notes FRANKS ERNEST (the Family 7:00 by Bob Thaves 10% MSU DISCOUNT ■all Play-Off (4) My Three Sons Lj Preserving (10) Mory Tyler Moore 3:15 (12) Mary Tyler Moore Ural Hospital (23) Tele-Revista IT'S EDUCATIONAL, all Right - - IT COMB* with payment* dub, IIRACLES THRtADiflAE TIRES ANP A LEAKY 3.^CA. HEAD GASKET. Jrlnit-in-o-minit |YING DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS mi ,>l MAC diul ANN 10 f. flO F ST THE DROPOUTS f 10:00 bOOS.,' . I VOU WHO ARE INTO EXPRESS RIPERS'SCALPS i philately... TO < ALL 4® TH?nteOUT J of HP? HFoJ ^ 6HIP t! \ 10-5 <5 JJj- 3SSWORD Ranno HfflHoras ana asuid |PUZZ[E kbsehb QMxna 27 One 28 High lashion 29 Possessive sponsored by: 'Ohepard's adiective 30 Toward compos 32 Quench 34 Compass point BBBPaa^Jr DaO@ SQ2 „ u] 35 Larboard 3' Duch genus aasn® anaaaD 38 Apollo's HEaa raasans mslmmenl amm aaasa 39 Depend 50. Taverns 4 Belt 41 Cram 43 Society 46 Collaborate 51. East Indian tree DOWN 5 6 Circumstance Routine .Vou KNOW TRiN^S APp 1. Crowd 7. Hindu ejaculation 47 Cul thin 2 Oklahoma city 8 Falsified 48 Colter 3 Formation of 9 Rickenbacker is 49 Run between p 10. Many 15 Clear 16 Embrace 18 Cnbs 19 Bee genus 20 Head 22 Sun god 23. Mafura 24. Individuals 26. Ragout 28 Chinese puzzle 31. From 33. Highway division 35. Depressed 36. Spine 38 Torso 40 Sweet sop 41 Debilitate 42 Sesame 43 Container 44. Choier 45 Make larger 47 lumbled type The Evelyn Wood challenge: Bring the toughest textbook or reading material you own to tonight's Free Speed Reading Lesson and we'll show you how to read it faster, with comprehension! If you're like iiiost people, you're We'll show you how to read probably skeptical about our faster, with comprehension. ability to make Speed Reading And, remember, we're not using work for you. our materials... books that you O.K. Tonight we'd like the may feel are too easy... we're opportunity to prove, as we have using yours... the toughest to millions, that you can read you can find! faster with comprehension. If In you're open minded and fact, we challenge you want to improve your ... challenge you to come to tonight's reading Free Speed Reading Lesson ability, we challenge you ... armed with the challenge you to begin tonight, toughest text¬ to make reading work for you! book ior reading material you own. Schedule of Free Mini-Lessons October 3 thru 8 Monday - Friday 12:00 - 2:00 - 4:00 EVELYN WOOD READ.NGDYNAM.es nqW a. Special Student Rates! UW* information UMVERSITV N LTJ m «» mm* u Make reading work for you! ^ L3llSiflJ[ Evelyn Wood Dynamic Incorporated 1977