fatewide holiday for King iay get Senate OK today J By DAN SPICKLER and, after a short period of floor debate, 1968, Vaughn has annually proposed such a gitete News Stall Writer was advanced to third and final reading holiday, but past attempts failed. The holiday will add distinction to Michigan. „ legislators will make history status—meaning the bill can be passed chairperson of the House committee on tommorrow should the issue be taken "The measure will Ing a proposal declaring a up. Colleges and Universities said that such place Michigan among the few states with a statewide holiday in honor of Dr. House Bill 4001 calls for > making the opposition has melted down for a number of holiday Ither King Jr. if the bill's sponsor, Monday closest to January 15—the date of reasons. honoring one of our greatest Ameri¬ King's birth-a statewide holiday for all cans," he said. tie Vaughn III, D-Detroit, has his "A lot of education had to take place legal, financial and court workers. about the man and his ideas before such an would be the first state to enact "Enactment of this bill will successfully idea could become kn strongly supported," Vaughn introduced the bill on the first end a ten-year struggle since the death of fcliday. Vaughn said he is hoping Vaughn explained. "Plus a lot of muni¬ day of this year's House session. It was Jre will spark a nationwide obser- Dr. King to make his memory and what he stood for into a truly meaningful cipalities in the state, including Detroit had passed resoundly in the House in April after ■such a holiday. holiday in to initiate the holiday to show that there is going through Civil Rights and Appropria¬ the state of Michigan," Vaughn said. ■dnesday the bill was reported out interest." tion Committees. lenate Appropriations Committee Since King's assassination on April 4, Vaughn said the creation of a statewide While Vaughn expressed confidence that the Senate would pass the bill today, Sen. Earl Nelson. D-Lansing, said he could not |rf be sure such action would be taken. price progression "I'm in favor of the bill and I do think it will pass, but I cannot be certain of when it will happen," Nelson said. Rep. H. Lynn Jondahl, D-East Lansing, jreed upon by OPEC marched with King in the sixties and has strongly supported that such an observance be enacted. "The fact is, the man is not just a I ByBARTH HEALEV ized countries, emerged from speeches by Several officials of the oil cartel's secre¬ representative of the civil rights move¬ Austria (API — Oil ex- delegates from companies and members of tariat and some member countries — Libya, ment, but of a whole way of doing ■tions and Western oil companies the Organization of Petroleum Kuwait and Qatar - reacted poli¬ State News/Ira Strickenstein Exporting favorably to tics—a way which carries a heavy strain of Countries (OPEC). Ait Laoussine's proposal in later discussion. Even de-scented skunks named Perry Upton need a jr firsl joint meeting in four years non-violence as its theme," Jondahl said. Michigan Dept. of It did not bind OPEC oil ministers, who Natural Resources license, DPS Officer Thomas Bartley warns ■y with a consensus that oil prices On Wednesday, Royal Dutch-Shell's senior junior were not present here, to >p ahead of inflation to encourage impose any managing director. C.C. Pocock. said he "We owe it to ourselves and to society Cathy Liddicoatt who was walking her pet in front of the Horticulture production. increase at their Dec. 20 price-fixing "wouldn't quarrel" with the idea. ;y to effectively preserve the memory of this Building Wednesday afternoon. Liddicoat, who calls her pet P.U. for n proposal to the three-day meeting in Caracas. Delegates from some exporting coun¬ noble man, his works, his beliefs, his ideals short, said she has a license at her apartment. [hat oil prices rise at least 15 But the tries, including Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, and his dreams," Vaughn said. r for the next decade drew meeting itself began what OPEC refused to comment on the Secretary General Ali Jaidan called "the proposal. im three other exporters and one Pressure by Saudi Arabia, OPEC's process of defining mutual intrests" on largest Royal Dutch-Shell, which exporters and companies could base member, forced the cartel in June to cancel a five keeping prices ahead of Discrimination m percent increase that would have heard future pricing. iw running an annual average of An percent in Western industrial- The meeting was the first public contact between OPEC and the major companies meant an over-all 15 percent 1977. price hike for Delegates said OPEC had taken a major case since October 1973. when their price-setting step toward "detente" with the oil com negotiations here broke down and OPEC panies and consuming nations by holding the seminar. But A.H. Taher, by U.S. Supreme Court members began a series of unilateral governor of int-in-aid decisions that resulted in a five-fold price the Saudi state oil firm, warned expecting OPEC to cooperate directly with against oil companies on price setting. Nordine Ait Laoussine, executive vice be given president of Algeria's state oil company, told the delegates Tuesday that a 15 goods "We are not or consulted about the prices of commodities we buy from the By RICHARD CARELLI Supreme Court. Both attorneys said the Constitution's WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme The state court ruled that a percent annual price increase was needed to West." he said, "because it is your special 14th Amendment, which guarantees such Court was urged Wednesday to decide admissions program used by the University make development of alternate energy sovereign right to set the prices for these equal protection, favored their positions. whether special programs to aid racial of California's medical school at Davis made I Thomas sources and new oil exploration eco¬ nomically feasible. and our sovereign right to set the prices for minorities are valid and vital to society or whether they should be banned for illegally Bakke a victim of racial discrimination. Baxke, a 37-year-old Sunnyvale, Calif- Each member of the court tions to the attorneys, the first minutes after Cox posed ques¬ coming only discriminating against whites. engineer with the nation's space program, seven began his presen¬ The view that the courts nine justices tation. iThomas will be at the eighth successfully contended in state courts that ■Pigs Freaks" football game in Ktadium *ram in aid Saturday to to the present a College of House OKs abortions take in the reverse discrimination case of Allan Bakke could have a profound effect on the future of so-called affirmative action he would have been admitted if the medical school had not set aside 16 of each year's entering class for minority students. Cox was joined by the Carter administra¬ tion's solicitor general. Wade McCree, who ■edicine. programs in education and business across The university appealed the California appeared as a friend of the court to urge the ■i.liam B. the nation. court's ruling, and its attorney argued that justices to overturn the California ruling. >n of the tnt in the Weil, professor and Department of Human College of Human for certain conditions Many civil rights leaders and constitu¬ tional scholars believe the court's decision will be its most important ruling on race such a program is needed to aid persons "long victimized by racial discrimination.'" "To be blind to race today is to be blind to reality." he said in arguing that governmen¬ J and Dr. Jim Kiser. president of ■Michigan Leukemia Children's By BETTY ANNE WILLIAMS Congress to adopt temporary funding relations since it banned segregation in The attorney, former Watergate special tal affirmative action programs have not 1954. prosecutor Archibald Cox, told the justices yet achieved their stated goals of equal •n, will accept the grant WASHINGTON (API - The House voted measures to keep programs running and during The case drew wide attention, and that "race may be taken into account for justice and equal opportunity. lhalftime. Wednesday to allow the government to pay prevent a salary cutoff for 150,000 em¬ ■nt will be used for abortions under federal medical aid hundreds of people lined up outside the proper purposes" such as overcoming the Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and to hire Dr. Roshni ployees of the departments and 75,000 effects of past oppression. 1 a specialist in leukemia and programs in cases where a woman's life workers in state unemployment offices. court building beginning Tuesday night to Justices William J. Brennan Jr. and Byron ■ted diseases to the College of would be jeopardized by a full-term The full effect that might result from gain admission to the session. While Cox's arguments focused on the R. White pressed Colvin and Cox on Ttedicine faculty, and for the and in of and "Allan Bakke's position is that he has a rights of minorities to have a real opportu¬ whether the case could be decided without pregnancy some cases rape withholding the appropriations was not |f further research in leukemia at incest. known. Marshall listed several examples, right not to be discriminated against nity for full membership in American reaching the constitutional question. If the But the plan approved by the House is however. He said that unless action is taken because of race," San Francisco attorney society, Colvin's contentions centered on court takes such a route, the chances of an te will be sponsored by the local not expected to break a deadlock between by Friday, unemployment offices in Kansas, Reynold Colvin argued in urging the court Bakke's rights as an individual to be treated expected "landmark" decision would de¬ I Order of Police (FOP) and St. the House and the Senate on the question of Pennsylvania, Arizona and Delaware will to uphold a ruling by the California equally. cline. Wren's Research Hospital. using government funds to pay for abor¬ close ending jobless insurance benefits to Ss team is made tions for poor women. Senators working in three million persons. up of policemen rs of FOP. Rich Baes and a conference committee to resolve the In addition, he said, "Our safety and Charlie M Thornhill, both former MSU dispute with the House already have turned health compliance inspections, investiga ■ will be on the "Pigs" team. The down the plan, approved by the House in a tions of equal pay, age discrimination and SUPPORT FOR 'AFFIRMATIVE ACTION' PROGRAMS ■team has no specifications for its 263 to 142 vote on Wednesday. minimum wage complaints have been The vote came in response to protests severely curtailed except for emergencies. from federal employees at the Departments V ie will start at 1:30 p.m. Tickets advance for $2 at all Quality Ml1" a-Mart stores, Knapps, the of Labor and Health. Education and Welfare (HEW). Their paychecks will be cut At HEW, Califano said benefits will be off for thousands of poor people, V faculty comments on Bakke halved next week unless Congress resolves children, the sick, aged and handicappers Ts,nS and Okemos locations of he also Js and Marshall Music its dispute over abortion policy. unless Congress acts by Thursday. By TERRY PRZYBYLSKI was opposed to strict racial quotas but supportive of the stores. ■ rost $3 at the gate. Labor Secretary Ray Marshall and HEW Settling on an abortion policy is the last State News Staff Writer concept of giving special treatment to minorities and women, Secretary Joseph Califano both urged remaining obstacle to passage of a $60.2 Though many of them are dubious of the validity of the Allan similar to the position stated in a friend of the court brief filed by the billion bill to provide operating funds and Bakke "reverse discrimination" case, MSU administrators and U.S. Justice Department. salaries for the agencies in the fiscal year faculty members who were contacted on the issue expressed strong "My personal view is that the Bakke case represents a threat to that began Sept. 30. support for the "affirmative action" programs which the Bakke case all affirmative action programs," Korth said, "and I feel such Abortions paid for through programs like challenges. programs are still essential." Medicaid and Social Services are the ones The case, which is now before the U.S. Supreme Court, revolves Zolton Ferency, associate professor of criminal justice, said he affected. HEW estimates that the govern around Bakke's charge that he was a victim of unconstitutional felt that Bakke was not justified in filing a lawsuit against the ment paid $50 million for about 300.000 discrimination because of his race. The 37-year-old white man was school. aborftions last year. refused admission to the University of California at Davis medical "I don't believe that Bakke can morally and ethically file suit," By a 209 to 206 vote the House abandoned school. The school had reserved 16 of its 100 openings for Ferency said. "He is a member of the segment of society that its position that the government should pay "disadvantaged" students, mainly blacks and other minorities, and benefits from racism. The system we've created benefits Bakke." some of these 16 students had grade point averages and test scores Ferency also said that Bakke would not have been admitted to inside for abortions only where a woman's life is in danger because of a full-term pregnancy. lower than Bakke's. the Davis medical school even if there had been no affirmative action program there. Ferency, however, defended the existence of But the Senate's stand is that abortions University Ombudsman Carolyn Stieber said she feels the school such programs as a way to combat racism and sexism. Looking for something deep? should not have set up a rigid quota system, but also said she should be permitted where a woman's life is "Bakke is caught up in a social revolution," he said, "and in a Dig into tunnels on page 3. supports more flexibly administered affirmative action programs. in danger, in cases of rape or incest or social revolution someone always gets hurt." "A quota system would be tough to defend," Stieber said. "But where it is considered "medically neces¬ Lee Winder, University provost and vice president for academic universities should have the option to be flexible enough to use race sary." House members have argued that affairs, said he has "not yet read all the material on the Bakke case weather the "medically necessary" phrase could be and sex as admission criteria, because that accomplishes some to make a judgment on it," but said he supports the concept of interpreted in a way thai would allow important social objectives." affirmative action programs. Hey — remember what sun¬ unlimited abortions for poor women under Stieber said she personally "I fell there is an imperative need for shine wuz like?? What? You feels the Supreme Court will not rule successful affirmative the government programs. completely in favor of Bakke or the University of California in the action programs," Winder said. can't? Well, LOOK OUT YER The House plan would only allow the case because "there is too much at stake." Roger Wilkinson, MSU treasurer and vice president for business WINDOW!!! governmenl to pay for abortions in cases of She also commented that Bakke's age and the fact that he was and finance, echoed a similar view, saying he has not taken a stand Today's high: high 503. Bakke's particular case,a but that he supports affirmative rape or incest if the woman reported her rejected by other medical schools besides Davis could indicate he on Tonight's low: mid-to-upper problem to police. Government experts say was rejected not on the basis of his race, but rather his age. action. only about half the rapes in the country are Philip Korth, associate professor of American Thought and "I believe that universities have to develop programs to assist reported. Language and former president of the MSU Facuity Associates said female and minority students," Wilkinson said. 2 Thursday, October ,3 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan ,g Urban program increases WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter Administration's first Development. At the same time, adminis¬ than a few Sunbelt cities." New elements in the commu¬ were to receive expiring legislation. under the development bill, product of a two-month conference between aid to cities with a total $10.9 billion, a $2.4 billion increase. owners try. and the housing indus¬ greatest. The bill aiso Included in the housing bill is Carter aides expect the jnwH I "There is discrimination the House and Senate, extends new urban program was signed tration officials estimate the nity development program in¬ no the community development $1.2-billion in rent subsidies for measure to spur private invest¬ f* insurance into law on Wednesday, promis¬ ing billions for ravaged Ameri¬ measure will provide a half million jobs in construction and clude a $400million Urban Action Grant fund for spurring against Southern states or any other states," declared Sen. program for revitalizing cities low-income families, as well as a ment in distressed urban areas, ?°"n under Payment the pJJ « and funds it variety of subsidies for home¬ again where the need is the can cities and their poor and out related industries where unem¬ economic development in the Edward Brooke, R-Mass. "No for three years Administration of work residents. nation's most troubled cities. one loses under this bill. Every¬ ployment rates are the highest. The $14.7-billion housing bill On the heels of his eye- The bill includes a formula that one gains." North Atlantic alliance includes drastically increases federal aid Detroit is the biggest winner disagree an expansion of the opening tour last week of the Community Development pro¬ South Bronx, President Carter to cities in the Northeast and among big cities, boosting its gram, with an emphasis on said as he signed the legislation the Midwest but also provides a share of federal community older cities, as well as more that it will provide "a giant step trickle more money for growing development dollars from $28.3 money for housing programs forward" in improving urban cities of the South and West. million this year to $65.7 million and rent subsidies for poor living conditions. Carter said his visit to the in 1980, according to the most families. ed The rent subsidies plus add¬ financial aid to hard- pressed cities will help an "The bill is ment in giving a to the older, central says big improve¬ more attention Richard Nathan, urban cities," South Bronx revealed slums that are "a disgrace to our great country." In fact, ghetto marked cities recent to HUD figures. New York gets a boost from $151 million $255 million, while cities such as Atlanta and Oklahoma City on deployment of neutron Jboml additional 345,000 families find like New York, Detroit and ; held relatively constant BARI. Italy (AP)-Defense "put the United States on nouncing the controversial neu¬ buildings and other expert at the Brookings Insti¬ notice" not to negotiate away tron weapon, saying that it was housing at rents they can tution. "It will help a lot of big Baltimore will receive millions receiving about $14 million and ministers of the North Atlantic objects would be the Cruise missile, which he needed to "provide balancing afford, according to the Depart¬ ment of Housing and Urban Northern cities, but also the inner-ring suburbs and more of dollars more under the Carter housing bill than they $8 million respectively. The housing and community alliance failed Wednesday after two days of talks to agree on called an "attractive option" capability" against the Soviets. T.he dea% produced by a wet radia^l Jj against growing Soviet might The neutron warhead pro¬ European deployment of the probably would W J neutron warhead. in Europe. duces twice the deadly radia¬ than a few hours European ministers said the The senior NATO official, tion of a conventional nuclear With months J who is in a major position in the bomb but less than a tenth as from a J tactical nuclear weapon, which tional atomic kills humans but spares build¬ alliance but declined use of his much blast power, heat and bomb L name, also warned against re¬ fallout. Thus destruction of troops would be abkl ings and objects outside the into a bombed areinj impact area, was militarily useful, but they considered it politically dangerous. U.S. Se¬ cretary of Defense Harold Brown called their fears tified. unjus¬ Israeli approval of proposal Brown and six NATO col¬ leagues making up the alli¬ ances met in Nuclear Planning Group this Adriatic port city to review military preparedness called move towards peacel WASHINGTON (AP) - President Jimmy settlement, but it's extremely j, of NATO against the Warsaw Carter said Wednesday that Israeli cabinet extremely complicated." Carter told m Pact nations. approval ol the Carter Administration's proposal "The national leaders . . . have nL The delay on the neutron for Palestinian representation at a Geneva peace abusive statements in the past. bomb meant another month- conference is "a first step" toward an eventual It'shudJ to correct or modify those statJ long wait before President Middle East peace settlement. constructive fashion, but they're di Carter can decide on its produc¬ "Every week now is bringing about some best." tion. Brown said the alliance did progress toward a Geneva conference," the "I don't believe there is any nation not need unanimity on the President said. couldn't say is genuinely J weapon to be deployed in "I think there has been a substantial allevia¬ striving T Europe, but "most weight convening of the Geneva conference 1 tion among the leaders of the Middle East ultimate settlement," the President would go to allies on whose ui nations of their concern about the resulta of a territory the weapon would be Asked whether creation of a Geneva conference," Carter said. "I think they're deployed." all beginning to see it's not something they need would lead to the destruction of Israel He reported after the meet¬ replied, "I never advocated i to fear." ing that the European allies Palestinian state." also "expressed strong views to Carter spoke outside the Oval Office a day The key point of dispute in keep options open" on the after the Israeli cabinet decided to accept the bringing*! and Israelis to Geneva is expected liB possible European deployment administration's Geneva conference proposal. of the Cruise missile, fearing The State Department said Tuesday night the question of participation by the If Liberation Organization (PL0) ir that it may be sacrificed in the Israeli decision was a step forward, but warned Arab-Israeli peace talks. AP Wirephoto U.S.-Soviet strategic arms limi¬ that the Arab states may demand changes in the Part of a 2,100 Japanese compact car shipment mitted under provisions of the dock strike gripping tation talks. still-secret "working paper" the Israelis ac¬ In announcing the Israeli decision jL stands parked bumper to bumper at Castle Island, coastal states. A senior NATO official South Boston, Tuesday where unloading was per- ex¬ cepted. "It's cabinet Secretary Arien Naor renewdj plained that European allies a first step toward a possible final peace refusal to negotiate with the PLO. Easf Lansing's Most Unique Jewelry Store featuring fS iotesf styles in today's fashion jewelry '/> OFF 14K GOLD CHAINS •A CLASSIC GIFT • A TIMELESS ACCESSORY • Picture Jasp.r • Scrimshaw • African Malachite • American Indian Jewelry • Foss llizod Ivory • UK Gold Chains Congress sustains air bag decision WASHINGTON (AP) SUNDANCE Wednesday sustained - a Congress controversial on The Transportation Department s rul¬ ing requires that new autos be equipped NURSES K STONESHOP Transportation Department decision to require air bags or other passive with devices that do not demand any jgjjgjjB 226 Abbott Rd., E. Lansing Daily 10a.m. to6p.m. safety action by the motorist to activate. devices to be installed in all new cars the 1984 model year. by The two most common devices are air "Nursing bags, which inflate when sensors on the The Senate voted 65 to 31 to table resolution disapproving the decision a front of the car indicate a crash is with Adventure" OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY by occurring, and automatic seat belts, Secretary of Transportation Brock which automatically wrap around a EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 Adams. The House Commerce Commit¬ The Navy is seeking B.S.N, and three year driver when the car door closes. tee earlier prevented the issue from The government decision goes into Diploma Program grads for the Navy Nurse being raised before the full House by effect unless both houses disapprove it Corps to fill positions in the 25 largest Naval voting 16 to 14 to toble a similar motion. Hospitals in the U.S. For information on by an Oct. 14 deadline. opportunities and the many benefits available to CALL (313) 226-7795 or 7845. SALE Youth charged with Maryland murders Discover A New Life LAST 3 DAYS ELVATON, Md. (AP) — A teen-age other suspects in the case. Hanes® Underalls" youth was arrested and charged Wednes¬ day in the stabbing murders of three Investigators said they had found a Serve With US... U.S. NAVY knife and jacket that led to the youth's 1.55 per pair young girls who disappeared while arrest. They also said the suspect's family playing and were found lying by a stream had been extremely Save now thru October 15 their cooperative in the near homes in this Baltimore investigation. suburb, police said. A spokesperson for Anne This has been a Even if you were born on this figure-flatterer that Arundel tragedy for every¬ unites sheer nylon hose with County police identified the suspect as Stuort Kreiner, 16, of the same South- one," a police spokesperson said. with thin hair, you don't Before word of the arrest, nylon/cotton panties. police had . . gate community where the girls lived and where their bodies were found said they would go door to door through have to live with it. forming one continuous, Monday. the town with a photograph of a knife Authorities said Kreiner hod been Now there's ManeStay." It's a new, acid balanced sheath — hoping someone could identify smooth-knitted garment that charged with three counts of first- one of the few clues in the body builder by RK. And it contains Redken's exclusive degree murder. They said they had no stabbing new protein ingredient? CPP Catipeptide" fjt gives you a sleek line under deaths. ManeStay gives thin, fine hair natural- I fll feeling body and shine inst^htly. Hair § 111 all of your apparel. Select the appears thicker, shinier, yet still moves Ohio residents to vote on school levy naturally. Without build-up, dulling film HI I bikini style with sandalfoot or any dry coating that flakes. BB or the brief with either ManeStay is available only through MONROEVILLE, Ohio (AP) Residents will be available Jan. 2, so school professional barber stylists. Stop in of this rural town vote _ twice- money districts forced to close now can ^9 sandalfoot or reinforced toe defeated school levy on a reopen today for your first bottle of Hlsl Thursday. If it then. But if tax levies don't pass to ManeStay-and body so each so comfortable and passes, 900 public school pupils will natural you'll swear you provide increased funding, return to classes Friday. If it fails, the school district may be dissolved. face some districts permanent shutdown after the were born with it. RK machine washable. Beige or schools year ends in June. white panties. The Monroeville district is one of about . .nude, suntan 20 in Ohio that must have tax levies Local school or coffee legs. Four sizes. approved to keep schools open for a total funding comes from of 230,000youngsters. Districts in property taxes. Marietta residents com¬ are both large and small, and problems range from a national forest to uneven trouble plain that Wayne National Forest takes up much of their tax base, and the federal government to sell it they want THE HRIR cash flow. so that taxable homes and Ohio law forbids school districts from into the industry can move area. Federal officials have LDFT, ltd. operating in debt, so when funds run out, the districts must shut down. New state no indication whether consider the request given they intend to 220 MAC In the (UPSTAIRS), EAST LANSING Jaeobson's University M.I1 - tor appointment ph. 517 332 8660 ASMSU OKs services bill Thursday, October 13, 1977 ByREGINALD THOMAS Danzig. "They both get a card with the SUte News SUA Writer other's number." In an unanimous vote Tuesday Danzig estimated the night, the costs per person ASMSU Student Board passed the and the possible OA IKSOKAW,SET TO SPEAK Services bill as recommended Legal by the service. profit margin of the ASMSU Policy Committee. The board decided to table a decision on The controversial bill whether to support the idea until sparked reactions they hear from board members over a clause recommendations from the ASMSU Pro¬ that gramming Board. Literature conference to stipulates ASMSU cannot sue the Univer¬ begi In other action, the board discussed sity nor can its attorneys initiate such the in action. The policy committee had recommended status of Jean Riker, College of communica¬ tions representative. Riker has been a that the bill be passed with some minor frequent absentee from ASMSU Board Irv JANET HALFMANN University of New York, will present her observations on the efforts of in- analysis of 4,000 freshman essays, inexperienced writers. revisions, including the removal of the meetings. ■ State News Staff Writer Workshops on Saturday afternoon will The conference is clause which would forbid ASMSU to sue experienced writers. Her recent book, sponsored by the bt Joyce Carol Oates and poet and Errors and deal with psychology and literary criticism, Department of English It is free for MSU the University. mter in-residence Diane Wakoski Expectations, is based on her teaching creative writing and helping . students. According to Student Board President Long the speakers who will attend Kent Barry, ASMSU is a legal subentity of "The sexist role is removed (in •s modern Literature Conference MSU and cannot sue the university. computer dating) because it is |tend in Kellogg Center. Policy committee member and College of us of the conference, which begins Agriculture representative Dan Stouffer just as much the girl's responsi¬ ■ill be on the psychology of creative added that if ASMSU is a bility to make the date as it is the In, according to associate professor legal subentity of the University then there is no need for a guy's. They both get a card with |i Evan Watkins, conference chair- the other's number." stipulation preventing lawsuits in the legal tried to bring together every services bill. "We know we can't sue them, —Steve Danzig, student rep- so why have it in J way that psychology can be there," Stouffer com¬ resentatative of the Computer mented. |to bear on the creative process," The policy committee also recommended Date and Match Service. said. the hiring of five ,rs will discuss the psychological paralegals and two in relation to teaching writing and directors for the Legal Services cabinet. Jing literature, he said. The board discussed the possibility of A bill introduced by College of Arts and ■rrs will include scholars of modern re establishing the popular computer da¬ Letters representative Scott Schreiber L, well-known writers and people ting service. Td in the development of the Steve Danzig, a representative of the suggested taking steps to fill Riker's seat if she continued to miss meetings. Schreiber J of reading and writing using Computer Date and Match service, urged pulled the bill from the floor after it was Isyrhlogical insights into the pro- board members to consider organizing the recommended the board wait until next fcreativity, Watkins said, program again. week to allow Riker a chance to be lwriter-in residence Diane Wakoski Danzig said the program eliminates the at a meeting to discuss her situation. present n the conference with a poetry sexist role involved in dating. ASMSU Student Board meetings are it 6 p.m. in the Lincoln Room. "The sexist role is removed because it is held 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday in 4 Student »rs on Friday will include two just as much the girls' responsibility to Services Bldg. The meetings are open to the fs from John Hopkins University in make the date as it is the guys," said public. fe. Rene Girard, James M. Beall L of French, will speak on "Nar- (The Freudian Myth Demythified and Hugh Kenner, professor of ■will present "The Fallacy of the lal it Fallacy." Joyce Carol Oates, writer-in- | at the University of Windsor, will n her work Friday evening. She Gay Jeans Day ■the 1970 National Book Award for | Them which was set in Detroit. day, Leon Edel, citizens' profes- |glish at the University of Hawaii, set for Friday >n "Literary Study: The Nature llogical Evidence." V. Shaughnessy, director of the Anal Resource Center at the City across campus /stery of Vietnam's underground tunnels By REGNIALD THOMAS State News Staff Writer The idea is also part of Gay Council's attempts to make their constituents and the "Gay Blue Jeans Day" will happen at general public aware of the facilities and MSU and on other campuses across the continuing programs offered by the council covered by group of German tourists country Friday as part of an attempt by the National Gay Task Force to increase public awareness of the problems facing gays. through their office in 310 Student Services building. Next week, Gay Council will organize a The purpose of designating Friday as group "rap session" for anyone interested. nationwide "Gay Blue Jeans Day" is to help To keep the session as informal and ByHoratFaaa stretched 150 miles with tentacles some¬ The from Cu Chi towards determine how many gays are on campus confidential as possible, it will be held in a now peaceful tunnels were on the Saigon and the I, Vietnam (AP) As Lt. Col. times winding right under the chairs of U.S. itinerary of a German tourist group I and to let forgetful non-gays caught in blue residence hall room and participants will — surrounding provincial capitals. The tunnels k. Eyster lay dying from Viet Cong commanders as they sat in their head¬ traveled with two-week were marked in black lines on a 12 by 12-foot jeans feel the oppression suffered daily by not be required to exchange names Jones on a rare trip to iillet wounds on a jungle trail, he quarters. Vietnam. gays, according to ASMSU Gay Council said. map hanging from a briefing room wall, and le, "Before I go I'd like to talk to the Eyster, a tall West Pointer from Cocoa my first reaction was that it looked like a member Dan Jones. "The group will be made up of people who One of the briefing officers at district fontrols those incredible men in the Beach, Fla., died in a field hospital while his map of the New York or London subway "Closet gays" will be given the chance to are interested," he said "If you don't feel battalion, the 2nd of the 28th Regiment, headquarters was Capt. Nguyen Thanh system, with dots not for stations but for "test the water" for the first time by comfortable after the first gathering you ■ years later I met that man and he First Infantry Division, was trying to fight Linh Dressed in an olive drab North wearing blue jeans, and members of the gay don't have to return. fighting positions and secret entrances and Bne the inside of the fantastic tunnel its way out of the vast underground Vietnamese uniform and Ho Chi Minh exits. community will be able to identify each The meetings will not be further publi¬ ■ that took 30 years to dig and complex rubber tire sandals, he said in answer to a a other more easily, Jones explained. cized. In order for interested parties to 20 miles northwest of Saigon. The question that he had commanded the Cu Chi slippery, humid corridors, about two A person wearing blue jeans on Friday obtain more information, they must contact Liberation Battalion during 1966. feet wide and two feet high, blocked with has the option of claiming that he or she is a the gay council or check the State News, WD INCIDENTS PROMPT WARNINGS wooden trapdoors at underground intersec¬ forgetful straight. Jones said. The person "It's What's Happening." column Monday or That was the unit the American colonel's tions, spanned the history of the whole who is actually gay has a chance to "come Tuesday. "Black Lion" battalion had opposed. The Vietnam war, starting from the days when out as far as he wishes without being too "There comes a time when you've got to slightly-built, 45-year-old Capt. Linh looked Communist agents hid from the French talk to others who feel the same way. Gay lelp for motorists open." quizzically as I pursued my questioning. police. But it was during the American phase Jones said he feels that because of the Council realizes this." Jones said, adding Yes, he said, intelligence reports had of the war, Linh said, that the system was gay council's designation of gay blue jeans that the reason for not publicizing the informed him at the time that the opposing truly tested. sessions is to prevent embarrassment for day very few blue jeans will be seen on American battalion commander had been I By DANIEL HERMAN killed. (Continued on page 16) campus Friday. those involved. I state Newa Staff Writer ■ the first in a series of two stories As he recalled those days for our tourist 7taee. "ith general automobile group the horror of a war I had witnessed Tomorrow's article will take from only one side became vividly real. ™ at the Motor Vehicle Services B |"'«g ■ navina Act. Bring that almost mat almost having automotive problems on a Rllfnmn*:... every every LI driver_ graduate-assistant in Agricultural En¬ Capt. Linn spoke in French with grudging respect and almost without hatred about his former enemies, the Americans. The death Bottle bill controversy rages, gineering — both teach a class in automo¬ weatly. complaints of of Eyster and many other Americans in incompetance tive repair — it is possible to suggest certain those early war years shocked the American 1I"" a™ Amer:can Automobile things to watch for if on-the-road, service beverage price hike predicted , j (AAA) members public, but as the captain talked it was prompted the station, repairs are necessary. rue warnings to anyone using 1-75 Burkhardt's list includes unscrupulous evident the battles had not been one-sided. practices used to sell new fuel pumps, Of the 600 men in the Cu Chi battalion that reiwrted incidents of similiar lubricants, batteries, alternators and ig¬ fought Eyster's Black Lions in January 1966, (Michigan are "few" (reports the nition systems. only four survived the war, two officers and ■ff. lssue of Michigan Living, an With the fuel pump, things to be aware of two non-commissioned By CHUIS KUCZYNSKI drink containers from certain requirements set forth in the Act. Plication), Michigan residents, officers, said Linh. or include having oil squirted op the engine to State News Staff Writer The bill was introduced because soft drink manufacturers already »te s udents nevertheless The battalion itself "was have a deposit and refund system. have the simulate a leaking fuel pump, or advice of wiped out The controversy surrounding the "bottle bill" passed by ■ehicle Services and several times," he said. There is also the question of who is responsible for recycling ■I as Repair Act replacing a fuel. pump, when the only Michigan voters last November has not yet subsided and once the protection. the bottles and cans. Manufacturers have stated they are against problem is a vapor lock. smoke clears, Michigan consumers will probably be paying more k iUT f°r lhe AAA in ^nsing Problems related to a car's lubricants "Each time ' e reconstructed it. In the for beverages purchased in bottles and cans. assuming the responsibility of cleaning bottles because it would I, complaints," P thls, area, "there are just not include the claim that black oil is dirty and whole sector t s lost 12,000 men in the The bottle bill will outlaw the sale of non-returnable cans and entail shipping the bottles across state lines. needs to be changed, when detergent oil is course of the w bottles beginning Dec. 3, 1978. The bill was designed to reduce Representatives from beverage manufacturers, including I|ISRA Pe automobile is a statute designed to supposed to be dirty. The former battlefields looked lush and the amount of litter and save energy. Edward W. Frantell from the Miller Brewing Corporation, said the responsibility of recycling bottles was not theirs. owner from auto- Another trick, often referred to as "short Representatives from bottle manufacturers, distributors, sleepy as our group drove from Saigon The recycling system should go to the distributor, not the >eMVSB,*' * Mow standard, thumbing," is where the dip stick is not northwest along the river bearing the city's wholesalers and retailers lashed out at the Michigan Liquor manufacturer, Frantell said. ks in r lhe ,late of Michigan pushed in all the way, so as to convince the name. Some deep B52 bomb craters were Commission at a public hearing Wednesday, protesting rules "It's the least costly method of implementing the law," he Brviog?"?1Ut0 mechanics- motorist that more oil is needed. suggested by the commission for the implementation of the lan ' k 0" Dealer's Association Sieves that, "The Also advised against are oil and gasoline still visible, retained as fish ponds or wallowing holes for animals. controversial bill. commented. But Tom Washington, executive director of the Michigan . additives, which Burkhard's list refers to Under the proposed rules, all containers for these beverages United Conservation Club (MUCC), said the responsibility for ■ thenu repeal lhis act and as, "unnecessary items that are produced so Youth labor gangs were widening a road, would have a deposit and refund of either five or 10 cents. Ither ik a more reasonable their manufacturer can make money." and occasionally a reminder of the war would The controversy surrounds a number of issues, including one recycling should fall on the manufacturer. fs,/„r'han continue to treat every With the battery, Alka-Seltzer or baking appear. A rusting armored personnel which questions the authority of the commission to lay down any "We are confident that the only way to assure the cans to be refilled and the bottles is at the manufacturer," Washington said. ssatilipif fined customer tWeen a repair facility soda can be put into a battery to make it carrier with First Infantry Division mark¬ rules concerning the bottle bill. Rick Jameston, a mimber of the MUCC, has expressed concern a, a criminal foam, or the acid drained from one battery "We believe the Liquor Commission does not have the ings and "Little Rose" painted on its side ■erTk feel thal the complex cell and refilled with water to convince the loomed out of a bamboo thicket. The wreck authority to propose rules regarding the implimentation of the that cans would not be recycled, but instead would be dumped and fffit« JIT1 law 'end to force motorist that the battery is dead. of a U.S. helicopter was overgrown with bottle law," said Richard McClellan, attorney for the Michigan new cans There produced. was also concern expressed by representatives of the ■Protect ik Practice of rep"'" If after inspection by a mechanic the elephant grass. Soft Drink Association. P- bemselves from criminal alternator warning light flashes, check the wires to make sure they are not bent. The battleground we were being taken to Rep. Lynn Jondahl, D East Lansing, stated his opposition to some of the provisions set down by the commission and has Michigan Beer and Wine Wholesalers Association about the possibility of illegal bottle trafficking. There is no provision in the It. I^S!istance of Thomas H. Another trick is to put a chemical in the lay beneath our feet, at one, two and three introduced a bill in the House which would exempt returnable soft art preventing illegal trafficking from occuring. Tineeril pro,e"or of Agricul- alternator whirh'will cause it to smoke, levels underground. It was a twisting f """*• an George M. Brown, (continued on page 14) octopus of tunnels and caverns stretching ®(°toD®[fi] 'It leaves State should observe me cold' "The security of the state," Justice Minister James Kruger of King's birthday South Africa has asserted, "is the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was and politicsof highest law." killed almost 10 years ago and of the non-viole„ce right to protest It is not surprising that a state every year on his birthday and on models for much built on the rubble of shattered of th. the anniversary of his death, ment of the human dignity would subscribe to student mov Americans have paid passing heed that maxim. South Africa's system Moreover, Kingm0ve, to his greatness. cans to value their of racial apartheid — which own- If the Michigan Senate acts condemns 18 million blacks, 2.5 along with the Warren soon, possibly today, this state will court, brought the Bill million mixed-blood "coloreds" and be the first in the Union to make into the national limeligl 850,000 Asians to political and King's birthday a statewide legal It is not a question social servitude at the hands of an holiday. More time will be availa¬ not Martin Luther Kin of \ obstreperous minority of 4.2 mil¬ ble for celebration of civil rights serves such lion whites is almost universal¬ attention. Rj — advances and for somber reflection ly recognized as repugnant to basic to censor the publications, and over what barriers to brotherhood civilized conduct. The Pretoria continues to suppress results of remain to be broken. government, as a result of its the autopsy conducted on Biko. In addition, Pretoria has under¬ Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D-De- decision to make internal security troit, has been pushing for such an and self-preservation of para¬ taken a propaganda campaign to observance every year since mount importance, must now link Biko and his followers with the Black terrorist movement that has King's assassination. clumsily attempt to explain away the death of civil rights leader been operating in South Africa. Michigan now has a chance to lead the nation in an innovation — Steve Biko. Biko was no terrorist; he and his the observance of a national Biko, a 30-year-old Black man followers wer practitioners of civil whose career and image was held disobedience and passive resis- holiday for a great black Ameri¬ can. analagous to that of Martin Luther tence. He sought to raise the King, died while in police custody. consciousness of black and white case. However, it seems obvious King stands for more than just He had been arrested under alike. Now he is dead. the advancement of civil rights. that the only way to topple the The death of Biko constitutes a increasingly entrenched and de¬ His dreams and the ideals his face provisions of South Africa's con¬ troversial internal security law. and voice evoke are much larger pivotal point in Pretoria's well- fensive white minority govern¬ The Pretoria regime maintains even than any of this actual — and documented history of repression ment is through the most intensive that Biko died of a hunger strike. and murder. There are those — diplomatic pressure. No rational many — accomplishments. Medical evidence suggests, how¬ former Under Secretary of State person would wish civil war on the Many citizens remember the that Biko who in good televised marches from Selma and ever, — was George Bali among them — who African horn. At the same time, no health at the time of his deten¬ counsel the Carter Administration civilized person wishes apartheid Montgomery. Many remember the King tion — was murdered numerous pictures of • to practice restraint in dealing to continue a day longer than King stand¬ South African officials obviously with Vorster's government. These necessary. The decision for war or ing behind former president Lyn¬ a question of wheth feel insecure about Biko's death partisans of don B. Johnson as one racial a go-slow philosophy peace — for racial justice or Americans can put sucl and the controversy it has stirred. contend that applying excessive continued oppression — lies not barrier after another fell by to use in a constructs The revelation that Biko was federal mandate. pressure to South Africa's white with the Black majority, but with probably murdered came from two minority will only alienate it people like Justice Minister Kru¬ Today the struggle to make civil In short, the proposed leading South African daily news¬ further and possibly instigate a ger, who, upon hearing the news of rights real, not just in laws and more than a needed first papers. The government of Prime bloody and protracted civil war. Biko's death, responded, "Dit Laat quotas, goes on. retaining sensitivity to v' Minister John Vorster has sought That may or may not be the my koud" — "It leaves me cold." King paved the way for more ging problems that must than just minorities. His methods confronted. Letter Policy ktum The Opinion Page welcomes all letters and viewpoints. Readers IRA ELLIOTT should follow a few rules to insure Bakke cont. problem from the point of view of deprived individual—when should he be a that as many letters as possible appear in print. Bohemialand on Abbott One of the interesting things about the expected to make his own way without the All letters and viewpoints conflict over the Bakke case is that most of assistance of a help program? Is it should be typed on 65-space lines the assumptions held about the nature and reasonable to expect a new black doctor to need help in finding a residency? Is a and triple-spaced. Letters and effects of discrimination remain unstated, with the controversy continuing at a woman really prepared when she graduates viewpoints must be signed and superficial level that changes no minds. from law school? Is it possible that a include local address, student, Last Friday night things got a little wild Those who support a favored admission graduate of an inferior inner city high faculty or staff standing - if any and crowded here in college town. So program to professional schools argue that school might need special tutoring in — and phone number. No letter or crowded, in fact, that Beggars Banquet was Beggars was undoubtedly conceived to draw periom the effects of segregation are so severe that college? forced to turn customers away at the door fashion themselves Bohemians. Such viewpoint without these items wiU a self-conscious On the other hand, should a member of a due to fire regulations—which are very in my mind, tainted and they continue to harm their victims long be considered for publication. plastic. after it ceases. Some form of positive action minority be prepared when he completes seldom enforced. is needed to Letters should be 25 lines or less provide true equality. The college—should all his cultural deprivations My God, I thought, I've been coming to be behind him? If you think perhaps not, and may be edited for State News people who hold these views seem most Beggars regularly since it opened, from the concerned with social factors, such as the then Bakke must be wrong in his suit. If you style and conciseness to fit as time it was just a small bar populated in hot chili and gay waiters to a three-section often the first this number of black doctors, or say yes, then he is right. large part by locals and various artrsy under-represen- many letters as possible on a page. bar-restaurant serving some of the best going out to bars. But it's also tb tation of women on faculties. cliques. David Hendrix Viewpoints may be no longer than I watched Beggars grow in size and food in East Lansing. when somewhere else i Perhaps it is helpful to look at the 75 lines, and may also be edited. Before there was Beggars I remember found, in this town not an Lansing stature from that tiny, crowded bar with never the greasy steak joint lined with pool tables. Beggars' biggest drawing card So you can understand my anger at being of us is, food aside, its related, , turned away from the bar I've VIEWPOINT: GAY RIGHTS helped to tional atmosphere" It's East U support now for many years. I, of course, Bohemia, and has often been knew there was no one to be angry with - being psuedo-Bohemialand. after all, they were only obeying reasonable I've said the same many times, fire laws. makes this Bohemia hang out W National Gay Blue Jeans day promoted Besides, there was little way for them to tell who the regulars were as opposed to the tourists—the freeloaders! psuedo than, say the old artists hang-outs in Greenwich Village? this: Still, I was angry so I looked next door The honest-to-God Bohemian By DAN JONES not conceived to that end. They Very few blue jeans will be seen around comments from avid girl-watchers. Les of any phase of anything and grow to into Lizard's. The restaurant was closed Don't forget to wear (or not wear) as bars that writers and artists your campus tomorrow, unfortunately. Most gay bians hear all about women's hot dates. The and bar much too packed. So I walked down blue jeans tomorrow. It is National another level. Because of all the pressures Gay people feel the need to hide their sexual annoying part of all this is that gay people the street, heading more or less for for varying reasons, but they Blue Jeans Day, proclaimed society places on individuals, the process is Moon's. by the preference because of peer pressure, em¬ cannot openly comment on someone more involved for But once there I just couldn't opened with such a conscious goal National Gay Task Force. Gay people will they gays. bring myself ployment, housing and the list goes on. Why feel is attractive. Coming out can be self acceptance. Some to go in. I know at some point or another Beggars was undoubtedly «■" wear blue jeans. MSU's Gay Council is should gay people be visible draw persons who fashion t anyway? Gays Gays can use jeans day as a test. If they gays have a painful experience dealing with all those football-minded heathens would supporting the event on a local level. are forever confronted with blatant hetero- have launched into the MSU Bohemians. Such a self-conscious Council members will be wearing their blue are questioned about wearing jeans, they their sexual preference. Another step is Fight Song sexuality. This is not what gay people can always claim absent mindedness. Or discussion of your sexual orientation with and, well, let's just say I've become too in my mind, tainted and plastic. jeans and hope all gay men and women will join them by wearing their jeans. object to—it is the inequity. Gays are they can take that initial, scary, satisfying friends. This is another move which takes a weak to hold down my guts at such displays Over the years Beggars ha harrassed for holding hands in public. What and rewarding step of being gay and of school firmly rooted in its image and ne« Non-gays who forget and pull on their if they carried on in public the proud. great deal of energy and courage. It is not spirit. way many This brings to mind the involved a point where it really does' usual attire will be forced to stop and concept something gay people should feel compelled My companion and I walked the block, straights do? Actual threats would follow. of "coming out"(of your closet). The idea can to do or guilty if they don't. anymore (as if it ever really ma' consider, "What if everyone thought I was How would a straight person feel if a guy but weren't satisfied with gay?" The fear and uncomfortableness be very scary for gays and straights. It any of the Beggars' Bohemialand someta" were always talking about this Then there is the public stance some gays alternatives. So I swallowed my leaves a stale taste in my mow guy and that shouldn't be. By itself, coming out means anger and experienced is felt by gay people all the guy and how attractive they were? Pretty take. This is really scary and satisfying at pride and headed back to Beggars. The time. nothing. The meaning is whatever an the same time. The move is one of anger. crowd had apparently lessened, precisely because of the pretense uncomfortable. Gay men are deluged with individual places on it. Anyone can come out though it customers—not so much the There are so many injustices in this society didn't look it, and we were admitted. anymore—bring in. that some people are driven into being public in an effort to bring about change. For and women interested in coming DOONESBURY men by Garry Trudeau together to discuss personal feelings, an informal discussion group is starting mark, i should add papen wticailt here that in cuwin6 mps. onassts's mrs. 0nassb has alujavs been active in numerous charitable organizations . moreover, sh& Alms dong thoughtful things 1 for her frews! for ek- , UNED M HE EVEN campus. Check the "It's What's Happening column next week for more information. on I if The State News and was one of the ear- OTDHE HEARS !T 10 WORK.. Finally, let me say that I would be very ample, justlast ueekshel needs, i had to be mindful of her. a&dno 6eneposm! uestbac*ersofwe°sahe LIRE ITT BUT,lO0K,mim content to sit back and live my life. It would _ , Thursday, October 13, 1977 gafoa local writer, peter! \, grand central station" ^movement/ . HAMU, ms fustcjjmmer- | | OFHER UFB IS NONE OF Ml BUSINESS! be much easier than dealing with all the and°l2tare and letters ore 'he °P""°ns 01 ,he S>°'° News. personal opinions. Viewpoints, colon prank calls and harrassment I'll receive because of this viewpoint. I know I annoy many people (scare is a better word) by being so out in the open with my opinions. Edllorin-chlel. Managing Editor Mlc "lt0rl011D«poHm.n» School Tanlntura Pho(0 Editor .. . V I'd love to keep them to myself, but how can Oolnlon tdiinr « Kot Brown Enfrrtainmont and Boob Editor I when I see so many people being hurt by %^"z„Edi,or ^2:'zk: gay oppression? Not the visible injustices City Editor OebbleWolt. toyoul Editor " - - that most people see. My sympathy is with Compos Editor a Scoles Copy Chief ^ Wire Editor - Anno Stuart freelance Editor gay people who don't feel they can live the Jotolyn Laskowskl stall Representative way they want because of what other . . ... Advertising Manager„ Advertising Deportment people will think. Sharon Cit., A^.rll.lngMono^ n cmtB News. Eost Lonsing. Michigan Thursday. October 13. 1977 5 Geils echoes its past in empty hall Barroom By BILL HOLDSHIP State News Reviewer I'm not sure what the motive volved. Everyone, except the people in the very front, looked have died. Geils now comes across as a band in concert, just behind dropping the initial was, bored or indifferent, and it like a hundred other bands. made me wonder whatever They seen to have lost their old Boogwabazh but Geils (with or without the "J") has always been foremost happened to the hardcore Geils intimacy with the audience. It fans of yesteryear? Even the can best by symbolized by Wolf a dynamic performing band, and many call for an encore was a far cry who opened a bottle of cham¬ Michigandera have from the days when the audi¬ fond memories of hot Detroit pagne on stage to toast the ence would tear down the walls. audience. All fine and dandy; By FRED vu HARTES VELDT nights in the early '70s when State Newa Reviewer the band would drive their SRO And, as the Full House LP but today's rock audiences can crowds into a state of organized demonstrates, a Geils concert hardly afford beer, let alone Being in the men's "rest" room at Papa Geno's is like being in without audience participation bomb shelter — one where the bombs a hysteria. champagne, a classic example explode inside the shelter After a series of poor albums is like a day without human of what happens when bands rather than outside. The bathroom walls, what remains of them at that followed Full House, the rights and sunshine. lose contact with their fans. least, are bright Which leads us to the Geils Mention should be made here red (possibly the blood of the victims). The sink band retired from the road for a sags from the wall, philosophical question of 1977. of the Rockets who opened the the plaster collapses. year to record Monkey Island which has proven to be the Is this actually the fault of the show. If the audience was cool About half of the total floor space, an area of maybe six by ten audience or the band? The towards Geils, they were down¬ feet, is dedicated to an alcove housing the urinal. The greatest effort of their rocky ceiling of that biggest responses were to the alcove is at best a tremendous six feet, three inches above the floor. career. The old magic was back, right cold to the opening act, If a patron is much taller than six-three, he treads water. old numbers like "Whammer even offering a few "Boos" and Geils recently had the honor of Outside, Papa Geno's is something like its bathroom. Like a lot of blowing Peter Frampton off a north Lansing, it looks as if it has survived a war. Not quite as if it stage, and the band's Tuesday had been through a trash compactor, but almost. Geils now comes across as a band in concert, night concert at Metro Stadium Dull grey paint covers most of the two story building housing seemed destined to be a win- just like a hundred other bands. They seem to Papa Geno's. A rear door entrance used to be pink. Now it is dirty. have lost their old intimacy with the audience. In front, above the door there, is a giant red neon martini glass Unfortunately, sometimes flashing sporadically the message "beer wine." destiny has a habit of playing The front door itself is wide enough to throw two people out.. strange tricks. Lansing audien¬ simultaneously, and thick and heavy enough to keep four from ces never fail to amaze me. In Jammer" "Looking For A "Go home's." This was unfor¬ trying to bust in. Both events may very well have occured. the past several months, I've Love," both of which created an tunate since The Rockets were Inside, Papa Geno's somewhat redeems itself. With a flat black eerie sense of deja vu. One Metro one of the best ceiling, a red carpet floor, three-foot high green lights at the ends of seen overflowing with backup acts I've realizes that, with the excep¬ in the bar, and half a dozen yellow colonial style people to see mediocre and/or seen quite some time. The lamps lining the walls, atrocious bands. With the pos¬ tion of the hit singles "Give It members all hail from Detroit, the decor is not war zone, but puzzlingly entertaining. sible exception of Blue Oyster To Me" and "Where Did Our and their musical backgrounds Even more entertaining is a wasted attempt to beautify the walls Love Go," Geils' creative out¬ read like a "Who's Who" of by covering them with plastic imitation oak grain paneling. The Cult, Geils is the first band of "oak" has more of a shine to it than dishes washed in any sort of musical substance to put following those earlier rock 'n roll; Mitch Ryder's Joy. songs was zilch. Roughly two-thirds of the way into Papa Geno's, the red play the stadium since it re¬ Detroit, Edgar Winter Band, The band spent 'oo much Little Feat, Jimi Hendrix, and carpeting gives way to a dance floor and, beyond that, a live band. opened last spring. So what time on the road and not The bar itself, which runs along one wall, also ends at the carpeting, happens? Hardly anyone shows photo by Bill Holdship Siegal-Schwall, to name a few. giving way to the (kaboom) bomb shelters and a couple of tables. up, a situation which had an Peter Wolf of Geils. enough in the studio. Peter The band played a tight set of All in all, thirty to thirty-five tables, each Wolf got fixated with his "Geez, combined melodic heavy metal, seating four, fill Papa adverse effect on the per¬ Geno's. For those who like their music loud(est), three tables are I wish I was black" persona. A blues, and good ol' pure rock 'n formance. fill in the gaps, Geils is often appears as squeezed in a three-foot wide strip between the band and the dance It must be disheartening for very though they're lot of bad albums were re¬ roll. The double lead guitar proud of the new LP, and their just going through the motions leased. Above all, The J. Geils floor: a nice, cozy, non-quiet place to be crowded. a band who once duels and pyrotechnics were On the front wall of the barroom is a played only to pride could be seen in concert these days. Wolf seems to have Band began as a glorified single large window. The full houses to have to now face renditions of the material. simply dynamic. The Rockets mellowed considerably. Where¬ epitome of the raunchy R&B only other glass in Papa Geno's lies behind the bar itself (in the form crowds. That isn't to say debut LP on RCA, Love Trans¬ of mirrors and bottles) and on customers' tables. sparse Lead singer Peter Wolf is as he once screeched his be¬ bar band. As their popularity that Geils didn't at least try. In almost as charismatic as he fusion, is scheduled for release tween Muhammad Ali Oddly for a bar, no pinball machines or pool tables are to be found fact, they often cooked much song declined, a whole new breed of next week, and if their act was in Papa Geno's. There is, however, a used to be, still crowd pleasing poetic raps, he now mumbles a innovative bar bands, most juke box to accompany the like they did in the old days. with a lot of dancing, weird hat any indication of what to ex¬ band: it spins country-western as much as anything else. "You lot, making the statements notably Southside Johnny's As- After a slow beginning with pect, they definitely have the picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille." changes, and even jumping almost inaudible, and one won¬ bury Jukes and Graham Park¬ "Motor City Shakedown," Geils from the stage into the pit on potential of making it much Similar to the juke selections, the patrons are also ders if it isn't perhaps a result er's Rumour, rose up to take it country- further than just another western as much as anything else. Some proceeded gradually to four one occasion. Magic Dick still of boredom due to too much from where Geils left off. spin even faster than the warm-up act. records, despite beer not being sold by the pitcher. The customers songs from Monkey Island; looks like he just escaped from Hollywood. (Wolf is married to Bars usually equate with One final good note on Geils: are of mixed ages, occasionally as willing to fight as they are to flirt, "Surrender," "Somebody," "I'm an insane asylum as he spas- actress Faye Dunaway.) parties, and that pretty much Despite the mild reception, the and generally rate quite high on the WITLometer. Falling," and the title cut. tically blowi his harp, and J. At first, the concert's prob¬ describes past Geils concerts - band still did two encores (God Though it may have been Geils can still squeeze the hell lem seemed to be the small better to space the songs out to one big party. However, the bless 'em). This makes you out of a guitar. However, it crowd who wouldn't get in¬ party atmosphere seems to want to respect them. "CLIP AND SAVE" food Driving Record?! f™THENEWSPECIASY DEPARTMENT STORE lad Driving Record? j iREAT RATES ! FOR BOTH i COLOR DARKROOM WILLIAMS! MSU '68 WESTLAND SHOPPING CENTER DEMONSTRATION 332-1838 j CORNER W. SAGINAW AT WAVERIY 401 W. GRAND RIVER ■ Mon. thru Sat. 10-9 EAST LANSING ■ Sunday 12-5 Demo • Sat 10-15-77 Time 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. i good thru 10-17-77 Prlcas ^SENTRY Learn Canon (XflNSURANCE j -CLIP AND SAVE -——I How To Mate micole 2-Bit Movie Night Prints Does it Better atthn Union Orill From every Thursday night: 7-10 p.m. Color only 25C admission Negatives! plus free popcorn You'rn Invited to soo a live Unlcolor color printing demonstration at our store. By watching you'll loam how to mako beautiful prints from color nogatlvos in just minutos. Unlcolor Chemistry makes color printing as easy as black-and-white I Come to our demo and so# all tho oxciting now Unlcolor products, in¬ cluding evorythlng you noed to sot up your own color darkroom I I jThe Fatal Glass of Beer; W. C. Fields k Ti5°'0r ^artoon Fiesta If'Thicker than Water; Laurel & Hardy Located: Main Lobby, Union Bldg. 6 Thursday, Qctobe,,, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Bloody British punks Guitar in concert.! By DAVE DIMART1NO State News Reviewer But the Stranglers can play their instruments. And the practice their instruments: Eat- ter, another typical British vegicus has been the largest selling punk LP in Britain at Classical Latin Of all the English punk bands, "Doors' sound" has harshened punk band has four group this point (though undoubtedly the Stranglers have it made. with this new LP, becoming members whose average age is the upcoming Sex Pistols album Guitarist Richard Stover will fifteen. will quickly change that), and Not only are they ugly, loud vaguely reminiscent of yet another "stupid" British band. their chauvinistic stance has feature the classical guitar mu¬ interdiscipli„ary American and offensive — and who Hawkwind. particularly during Another critical count certainly proved no hindrance. sic of Latin America in a Tod»y. wouldn't be offensive singing "I Feel Like a Wog- they have that band's "Doremi Fasola against the Stranglers is their much flaunted sexism, which, Occasionally the banality pre¬ sent in the Stranglers' work is concert and lecture appearance, ™ng, in additioTj1 writing,,., tido" period. Interestingly, the today and Friday. capabilities far beyond those Stranglers seem to be the only in this case has become a vital overwhelming, as in "Bitching," Stover will perform the sjc 'op guitar, Stov. of normal punks: they can play the new LP. which contanins mu¬ classic guitar current punk band playing part of the group's present on and U their instruments. sic of such Latin American DOWN to their audience. They artistic contribution. It's not a sweet-sung chorus of "I'm can music at th. „ The Stranglers' newest al¬ purposely don't show their that guys don't sing "Someday Bitching" while a drooling voice composers as Lauro, Brouwer, California at bum. No More Heroes, has just capabilities to the fullest, and I'm Gonna Smack Your Face" to shouts "I'm telling you the Bonfa and Villa-Lobos tonight Santa don't really need to. Their their girlfriends very much that gospel truth/ Why don t you all in the MSU Music The been released by A&M. and it's endears this band to me, it's the get screwed!" It sounds even Auditorium guitarist',, great. It really is. Following songs contain very few solos — at 8:15 p.m. campus is fact that primal urges are more contrived than it looks, their earlier Rattus Norvegicus certainly very typical with cur¬ UDIt l. . rent punkstvles — and those stated so bluntly, in a musically and is indicative of an element Friday at 8 p.m. Stover will LP, which virtually every critic around compared to the Doors few solos are somewhat under¬ monotonous setting, one that of parody that the Stranglers give a lecture that will feature Classical liu during their "L.A. Woman" stated. particularly in view of brings to mind the Troggs. should work to keep out of their slides and music tapes in 103 Lansing. Ticket what might be going on lyri¬ among other bands. music. A vital fact in art: Never Music Practice performance, period, this new effort shows a Building. « lyrical evolution on part of the cally at the same time. While few would contend parodize a parody. partially funded band. that callinga woman a "piece of Otherwise, the Stranglers Stover, who has played the gan Council for Initially the Stranglers were meat", as the Stranglers did on guitar for 16 years, has lived $2.00 and gi.fg lyrics: "What¬ their first album's "London Listen to these strongly resisted in Britain and studied guitar in Spain, with MSU ever happened To all the mainlv because they weren't Lady." will win them feminist the way, the Stranglers could Mexico and Argentina. In 1975 ID's, Heroes All the Shake- support, such behavior has easily become this country's able at Marshall "punks." So true. As it happens favorite group of British punks. Richard Stover will give a guitar recital tonight at he completed his BA in a special spearoes," And of course, the thev are ex-schoolteachers ta contributed to the group's con¬ Instruments anc aforementioned "I Feel like a fact made quite apparent in the troversial image. Rattus Nor¬ Watch out for them. 8:15 in the Music Building Auditorium. Wog" is a classic in its own closing "School Mam" on this right, outdone only by "Bring new LPI and all in their on the Nubiles." which contains mid twenties. All for the bet CHECK OUR lyrics guaranteed to bring it ter. musically speaking, be REPAIR PRICES virtually no airplay. Ever. cause they've had more time to Radio Fee Refund Undergraduate students living on campus in on SKIIERS undergroduate residence hall who do not wish to use First Ski Club Meeting the services provided by the Michigan State Radio State News Wednesday Oct. 19 Network ond its stations, WBRS, WMCD, WMSN, may 158 Natural receive a refund of their '1.00 radio fee by going to Plant Sale!! 15% off Newsline Resources 7:30 p.m. Room 8 Student Services Bldg. between 1 -5 p.m. Mon¬ 353-3382 day, October 10 through Friday, October 14. Pleose 41 largest selection of exotic plants in am kick ess AND bring fee receipt and I.D. cord to obtain refund. HOMICOMINO REPAIRS ggcomplete selection of growing supplies WIIK Import Auto complete repair se 4t trained horticulturists to help \„u. vice. Repair & ports for ma DOWN ICAMPUSPIZ FRII DELIVER foreign ond Americon cars. Brakes & Aligning services. SALE ♦ free delivery, come see us Exchange engines & transoxles. 226 Abbott 337-1377 I Wrecker service with Down Parka —local rt | next door to Lizards ar w/hood 10-9 ng thisod). daily City bus service to our front reg. '70 now Open Sundays 12-7, door. We buy ond soil Imports. Advanced ~ English Classes IMPORT EAST MAIN SHOP S4995 ^351-1238,. for Evenings more information ph. 485-0409 2720 East ph. 485-9229 500 Eost iiftii/11 i Kalamazoo Kalamazoo at Cedor call 351-9020 wwsitj ibii, a tut^ Between 1 and 5 JAX JAXJAXJAXJAX JAXJAX MIM..VITS..MIITS.4PTI. ALUID-HIALTH-NURSING WHEN THAT GREAT GERMAN CAR NEEDS 2' COPIES (WITH THIS COUPON) ) PROFESSIONAL NI6HT PARTS... < THAT'S RIGHT! 2'COPIES J TONIOHT DON'T MISS THIS VALUE \ I WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS! ; 8:00 p. mat Bessey O CZ& (JAX COPYING MIITRI r MP*. FROM... -> 541 E.GRAND RIVER 3 < ■a. It We carry a full line of VW Porsche ond Audi Parts ond we are the UPPER IEVEL 332-5500 I Ways* Stat* Mod. closest supplier to campus. /rviNcrii a wj v EAST IANSING j 317 MSU Osteopathic 111 'REGULAR WHITE EXP. io/lt/77 ) II. of Dvtroit Drat. 208 MtU Human Mad. 111 Parts Department Open Saturday •••• • • S liiiE by-step illustrations show how to use its powerful preprogrammed functions. Learn how to gather The MBA handles it in seconds, for 12 different cash flows! It also offers data. Weigh alternatives. Arrive at pro- , rapid, accurate I'?? _b • •_ decisions. grammability-up to 32 keystrokes for • B • ft solving repetitive problems easily. iil'iiliii. mmiiiin Texas Instruments IN< OK I'DH A I I I) • THURSDAY 'X DOUBLE DIGIT HIT! CHANGE BACK FROM YOUR ON PITCHERS & PIZZA DOILARMP ••••ASfcirR Available at MSU Bookstore n c.„t<> News. Eost tonsing. Michigon Thursday, October 13, 1977 u/fy Mpr/es focuses on high-risk lifestyles Unusual looks for a special you Com* In to The series is designed to help result of bring out thot uniqu* boouty which luNZIOM-LUPO people change their high-risk as a a stroke, he said. Another risk evaluation ses¬ sion will be held Thursday Oct. Ruskjer said the Lifeline It your.. Our copobl* ttoH con halp you »n- honc* your oppaoronc*. A p*rm or ■ NfWB SUB Writer lifestyles, Ruskjer said. Last The program is beginning on series had a 70 percent success pottlbly o Bant to postpone your year 760,000 people died as a Sunday, Oct. 20 with a risk 20 from 7 to 11 a.m. in the lobby of the East Lansing City Hall, rate among the 156 participants fecial whll. your nallt on brillonc* with a manlcur*. brought to lit* ond lch«°n ai,j ■ said Ronald Ruskjer, result of heart disease, 350,000 in last year's program. They Idirector for "Lifeline as a result of cancer and 215,000 evaluation in parlor A Union from 7 to 11 a.m. 410 Abbott Rd. stopped smoking, lost weight, reduced their resting pulse rate Interested persons must first and reduced their intake of high pre-register by calling risk foods, he said. 321-0580. The cost of the program is Ruskjer advised people to $15 per person or $25 for two STATION 7 drink nothing but plain water 12 hours prior to risk evalua¬ tion. Following the risk evaluation members of the same family. Ruskjer said the fees pay for such things as the laboratory analysis required for the risk DY FAT ESTIMATE a group consultation will be held Wednesday, Oct. 26 in the evaluation. An optional seminar syllabus community room of the Sev¬ can be purchased for $10. enth-Day Adventist Church, The program is sponsored by 149 Highland St. the Seventh-Day Adventist pof exercise in the The group consultation will Church in conjunction with the include an interpretation of risk Michigan Heart Association Rand an abstemious data and a question and answer and the American Cancer Soci¬ period. ety. It is endorsed by the rou PAID Fl re essential to Following the consultation Ingham County Health Depart¬ several seminars will be held to ment and the MSU University help people change their high- Health Center. risk lifestyle. INIC These include: •Smoking Cessation, Oct. 31- Nov. 4 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. hfrioirator RINTALS nightly. you bought DltCOUNTID | •Weight Control, Nov. 7 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. 373-1793 •Physical Fitness, Nov. 8 NLY from 7 to 9:30 p.m. •Cooking and Nutrition, No¬ KICK Off HOMECOMING vember 9 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. October 28 •Stress management, Nov. listered nurse Sandra Ruqkjer measures the body fat of a recent participant 10 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in Munn TO OUR FREE I Me "Lifeline" health serieB. The program features preventive health care de¬ •Health and happiness, Nov. with DAILY DOLLAR DEAL SPECIALS MGINEERS Will I led to identify and reduce risk of heart attack, cancer and stroke. 11 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Charlie Oanielt LABORATORy I • Breakfast • Sandwiches r equipment, f • Beverages • Salads R Snacks R Desserts • Home-style soups and chili 2-Bit Movie Night ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•••tut every Thursday only 25 C admission — plus FRIE popcorn Shows: 7-8-9 p.m. 1. Have Badge, Will Chase-Abbott and Costello 2. Color Cartoon Fiesta #3 •Three Little Wood peckers -Maw, Paw ond the Kid ■Ski for Two -Chief Charlie Horse 3. Cops-Buster Keaton I CONVENIENT HOURS Mon.-Sat. 7:15 a.m. -11:00 p.n Sunday 9:00 a.m. - U-.00 p.m. oing. Located: Main Lobby, Union Bldg. STEREO SHOPPERS HERE'S ANOTHER IMPORTANT REASON TO STOP AT HI FI BUYS FIRST REASON NO. 3. FIVE YEAR PROTECTION PLAN AND FREE LABORATORY ANALYSIS THE LONG TERM PROTECTION OF YOUR STEREO INVESTMENT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ALL OF US AT HI FI BUYS. TO HELP ASSURE THAT PROTECTION WE AND OUR SERVICE DEPART¬ fcfiAy MENT GIVE YOU FIVE FULL YEARS OF PROTECTION ON THE ELECTRONIC PORTION OF YOUR SYSTEM. AS PART OF OUR PROTECTION PLAN, HI FI BUYS OFFERS A S7995' FREE ONE YEAR ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTRONIC PORTION OF YOUR STEREO. JUST BRING IN YOUR UNIT, PRESENT YOUR CERTIFICATE, AND OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT WILL PRE FORM A COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF YOUR AMPLIFIER OR REC¬ EIVER, ASSURING YOU OF THE PERFORMANCE YOU PAID FOR. SNIP AND SAVE. chine. the MBA WATTS ! MAXELL ARISTA rs to com- HEADPHONE a key. It is functions DISC | UD-C90 EXTENSION face every PREENER | CASSETTE ixample, $ WITH COUPON CORD WITH COUPON al budget- j *3.50 EA. WITH COUPON lakes time. *3.95 I rn 5 0R FOR tie ld *1.99 REG.'5.95 VALUE I REG. *4.25 EACH REG. '5.95 VALUE SEE US FIRST HI-FI BUYS 1101 E.GRAND RIVER 4810 W. SAGINAW E.L. PH. 337-1767 IAN. PH. 321-2373 M-F 10-9 S 10-5 M-F 12-9 S 9-5 THE DISC SHOP 323 E. GRAND RIVER E.L. PH. 351-5380 M-F 10-9 S 10-6 1 Q Michigon Stole News, East loosing, Michigan Thursday, ,, ,3 MSU's women harriers can count on Wadsworth By GAYLE JACOBSON fall, there's still indoor track to high school. Saturday's upcoming meet State News Sports Writer occupy her time during the "I just look at it as going out against Penn State in Univer¬ Cynthia Wadsworth enjoys winter months and outdoor to do the best I can now," she sity Park, Pennsylvania has being known as a runner. In track in the spring. said. It's different when you're been foremost in her mind this fact, she wouldn't have it any Wadsworth has proven her¬ running for a team than when past week. The team will leave other way. self to be a valuable asset to you're out for yourself." Friday for what will be their The willowy sophomore run¬ MSU's women harriers. In her Wadsworth says she's not a toughest race, in coach Pitt- ner has been the freshman year at MSU she was man's estimation. Wadsworth's mainstay of jock; in fact, she doesn't even the women's cross country among coach Mark Pittman's like the work. main competition will be Penn team for MSU this year. So far top three runners. At the State's top runner Kathy Mills. AIAW National Championships "I bet other people think of this season she has led the Mills recently set a new home harriers in both of their vic¬ held in Wisconsin last year she me as a jock — but I hope not. I don't like record for the school's 5,000 tories. placed seventeenth in the na¬ being considered a meter course at a time of In their first meet against tion and came in first for the jock. It isn't a very nice 16:46.26. Wisconsin, she finished with a MSU team. During the Big Ten stereotype. I consider myself of In running and competing time of 18:56 for the 5,000 Championship competition more a runner, an athlete." meter course. Last weekend in Wadsworth finished second. Cynthia's interests don't stop throughout the year, Cynthia with running. Outdoor sports has had the opportunity to the invitational with Central Every tenth day is an active such as hiking, bike riding and choose which sport she enjoys Michigan and Hillsdale she cut day off for the team members her time tennis are also a part of her most. For her, cross country by eight seconds, when the women aren't run¬ completing the wet course with lifestyle. surpasses track. New York'a Thurman Munson tags out Los Angeles' ning, but engaging in some Garvey played football and baseball at MSI 1 the winning time of 18:48. "Cross country is nice be¬ other type of physical activity Someday she says she wants Steve Garvey in the fifth inning of game one of the was also in the 1974 World Series. It was at Farmington High such as swimming. The team's to run in the Boston Marathon. cause it's over so fast... I get World Series. The Yankees won 4-3 in 12 innings, Story on pi|,| School (Connecticut) that she training program also includes In the meantime, her summer more nervous in track sitting first began running. In her lifting weights twice a week months are spent running in around watching everyone com¬ freshman year she went out for under the guidance of MSU's road pete." College of SKIIRS races up and down the First Ski Club track, running the mile. Origi¬ weight lifting coach, Bill New England States. The road Wadsworth feels that run Veterinary Medicine Meeting nally, it was just to give her Thompson. And of course there races are sponsored by towns ning will be a part of her life for APPLICATION DEADLINE Wednesday Oct. 19 something to do. She wanted to are always those meets on along the east coast and a very long time to come. It's in 158 Natural open to NOV. 1, 3 P.M. get involved with something in Saturday. both sexes. The her blood. high school. As Wadsworth put runners gener¬ Resources 7:30 p.m. Wadsworth doesn't get ner- ally cover a seven mile stretch it, "I wasn't serious about it at s before a meet as she did in of road in first..." In her junior year, Wads¬ worth took first place for the state in the mile event, and in her senior year she placed first in both the mile and the two mile race. She finished the two mile event with a record time of BASF 11:03. When it came time to check Vi PRICE SALE out colleges, she said the most important factor was what kind of track and cross country teams the universities had to offer. She turned down a schol¬ arship at the University of BUYONE... Southern Illinois to MSU. come to GET 2nd Wadsworth, 5-foot-5 and 115 AT HALF PRICE pounds, runs throughout the year and begins her training for Performance Series fall cross country three weeks 90- Cassette prior to the start of fall regis¬ Tapes tration. She says she is basi¬ TRULY ACCURATE SOUND FROM THE INVENTORS OF MAGNETIC cally on her own as far as the TAPE pre-season training goes. After cross country in the a BASF The Purist B tickets available Despite the rush for stu¬ dent basketball tickets, there are still B series tickets available. The B series is highlighted by the Minnesota and Indiana games. The tickets will re¬ main on sale to the students for a limited time before the more you add being offered to the general public. 'AMAN'S REACH* the better it tastes. There season game Saturday are still hockey tickets for the 10 SHOULD EXCEED night series, but the Friday are sold out. night tickets HIS GRASP... v When >ou think about it—isn't the LAST OAT Sf5 point of life >achmg out? Only when people are - — —■. "AUDREY ROSE" 'R' ^ Nure, brave and open enough to reath ul to others does life begin to yield th« Wfa. ■ STARTS TOMORROW >v. Ihe fulfillment, we expect from if. Most of us think we are reaching out: >r Ihe job. Ihe future, others in need. >nes we love. But. if we're honest, w< , rafhing out at all. We're simply grabbing s safe, predit table, and ■ .jmiled. and The National Collegiate Tae, perhaps, limiting. IHI PAUIISTS believe In reel Kwon Do (Korean bin* oul In karate) people who need In he., Ihe Guvpel. people championships will be in the who pre lonely jnd confused, people vein bin* Men's IM luf Irulh. (or Building Sports vnmethin* lo believe in-in lollege ' dormv. on t ilv vlreetv, in vluim. in vuburbv. Arena. Form competition be¬ gins at 10 a.m,, team o, wherever Ihev mi, be. I The Original, the one and Onlf. competi¬ We renin not henuve we ,e mission.,lev nl tion at 12 p.m. and Ihe ( dtholii ( hull h, J group of piievlv dedii .led individual fTHE MACK free fighting at 1 lo priH l.iming The Govpel in our limev benuve p.m. we believe God is reuthing oul lo every one ol uv. II voo think you c.n re.ch oul .1 we do, The MSU home meet Bowling team has a Saturday that be¬ IIU think God mjy be ril e .v .n inventive, le THf PAUIISTS—. lulling you In . life nl modern, dedit And prievl, g,IHIp ol men who ' ISBACKSr.SS- gins at 9 a.m. with another vh.ie . holy vision jnd live lha vision session at 1 p.m. MSU will meet ee and friendly way. TOMORROW Western Michigan. Central Af 7:30-9:30 Michigan and Michigan. The meets are at the MSU Union They were the buttoned-down, bowling lanes. bottled-!up generation of the rifties. r Cable Channel 11 Ed-Itorial Weiss cracks and C. Patrick Lash Larrowe interviews Bob Carr. pop •ntorfoinment presents CHARLIE DANIELS OZARK MOUNTAIN DAREDEVILS "FRATERNITY ROW" OCT 23 In MUNN - Ends ZZ2ZI "ANNIE HALL" At 7:00-10:00 ' * • Tonight "LOVE AND DEATH" Af 8:35 Q^A October 13. 1'77 Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigon ] ] YANKEE SUBSTITUTES WIN MARATHON MICHAEL KLOCKE New York wins Series Rowekamp put together opener r,NEW YORK Blair drilled a (AP) - Paul of Don Gullett, who pitched a In the 12th, Randolph opened bunt, but Blair simply couldn't 12th-inning sin- courageous 8'/> innings in a with a double on the first gle into left field to score Willie leadership and ability Randolph as the with the winning run New York Yankees tough duel with the Dodgers' Don Sutton. As the game whirled from Rick Rhoden, the fifth Angeles pitcher. Rhoden walked Thurman pitch Los get the ball down. When the count went to 2-2. the veteran outfielder got the hit sign and that's exactly what he did, nipped the Los Angeles Dod¬ past iMSU's Kim Rowekamp injured his knee in last All American center. "He owned gers 4 3 Tuesday night in a midnight and into extra in¬ Munson, who had doubled home lining a pitch into left field to Downing in that game," said It™'.1!? "^"'"g game of the nings, the Yankees twice put what seemed to be the bring Randolph dashing home I's game against Michigan, a lot more than just the best head coach Darryl Rogers. 1977 World Series. winning leadoff men on first base but run four innings earlier. That with the decisive (uard in the Big Ten was lost. Rowekamp has always played his best in MSU's big games so run. were unable to move them brought up Blair, who had It the ship isa qualityin athletes that is often overlooked. It his performance in the one-and-a-half quarters against Sparky Lyle retired 11 con¬ against reliever Mike Garman replaced Reggie Jackson in was longest opening Bust as important for an athlete to have leadership was not surprising. Michigan secutive batters after surren¬ as reserve catcher Jerry Grote right field in the ninth. game in the World Series play dering a game-tying pinch sin¬ and the 100th Series J it is for him to have physical talent. In MSU's memorable 1613 gle to Lee Laeyinthe ninth and thwarted two sacrifice at¬ Again, the Yankees tried to Yankee history. triumph in upset of Ohio State in 1974, he I one of the few people who have both. knocked down a Cornelius Green nailed down the tempts with dazzling defensive pass to stop one drive and he victory in relief plays. ..p lettered in three sports at Kalamazoo Central also helped stop fullback Pete Johnson at the goal line on the Cool and I played on the basketball team that he C Since I never got much of an opportunity to play, I game s final play. OZARK fiarinfs, In another ■ of time to observe; and I've never teammates had more respect. seen a person for mq 1975. Rl?iayer big game, he W6ek was I" named 10 3 win Sports Illustrated's Rowekamp came up wtth an interception onNotre a over Dame in CAMPUS PIZZA] MOUNTAIN DAREDEVILS final Notre Dame's FREE DELIVERY FOLK AND BLUES PRESENTS ill indications, it has been the same way for Rowekamp possession to clinch the win. Oct Ilia Mann o. 337-1377 „e tackle Larry Bethea, who has played next to ip for much of his college career, was unusually glum Rowekamp will undergo surgery on his right knee Friday for cartilage damage. He missed part of 1975 and all of the 1976 season with an injury to his left knee. RE THERE CORKY SIEGEL {king about the loss of Rowekamp. WITH SPECIAL GUEST lose a Rowekamp, it's got to hurt," Bethea said. is Whether he will be able to recover well inough to play again questionable. Rowekamp's eligibility at MSU is over and TONIGHT Ireat player and he provides the leadership for the guys teams are usually not too knees injured. high on players who have had both pro JIM POST ■the way he started out against Michigan, he was going After his first injury, hell of a day," Bethea added. Rowekamp said he would Friday & Saturday ie not suit up again if he.felt he could not play up to the ability he had before [Rowekamp was injured in the second quarter, he had he was injured. ix tackles and knocked down a Rich Leach pass, ie play he was hurt on was a sack of Leach, Rowekamp came back from that injury and, personally I wouldn't be surprised to see October 14-15 js while going up against Walt Downing, Michigan's big No. 43 in uniform for someone in the near future. uriil 8 & 10:30pm ■ BONY McDonel Kiva, MSU PBIMNTB TICKETS S3 00 TILL 2pm DAY OF SHOW S3 00 AFTER 2pm DAY OF SHOW THI AVAILABLE AT MSU UNION ELDERLY for entry in the INSTRUMENTS AND CAMPUS CORNERS II ie COMMODORES .all tournament is ANDTHI on in 201 of the J There is also lournament and its a ■MOTIONS BARBARA I Friday at lien's IM. noon in FRIDAY OCT. 14 BROADCAST" 611 M JINISON directed Br Henry Paris FriSat Mill SH umi4u| FIILDHOUSI TONIGHT RATED X TICKETS »• A T on solo at MSU UNION MERIDIAN MALL RECORDLAND Showtime; 7:00 8:45 10:30 Showplace: 1048 Wells Admission: '2.S0 students '3.50 faculty ( Staff w ANDSOUNDSA DIVERSIONS ACCESSIRLB #ll WHATS AN NSACAREER? MERIDIAN WIST ACKOSt PROM "TIM RACKSTAOI" [sdifeent thingsiocieient people. Another shattering ■urse, all employees at the National Security TO THE COMPUTER SCIENTIST (BS/MS): It means experience Icy have certain things in common: they are applying his or her knowledge in a wide range of They met at the funeral of a perfect stranger. from the An employees of the Department of Defense; sub-disciplines such as systems design, systems pro¬ From then on, thing* got perfectly stranger and etranger. author of ■are engaged in technical projects vital to our gramming, operating systems, computer applications Paramount PkturM PrtMnls V TAXI DRI "TAXI DRIVER Ti's communications security or a foreign analysis, and retrieval systems. »/ At 7:IM Ugence production mission; and they all enjuy Jenefits that accompany Federal employment. TO THE MATHEMATICIAN (MS): A career means HAROLD and MAUDE defining, formulating, and solving complex communi¬ Dyer, Irtunities the differences between our career are just interesting their cations-related problems. Statistical mathematics, VifUNDMi Prities. For example.. as . as matrix algebra and combinatorial analysis are just a Thurs. Conrad 7:30, Brody 9:30 *1.50 liOLLhvC THUNDER few of the tools applied by the NSA mathematician. [HE ELECTRONIC ENGINEER (BS/MS): An NSA Interested in learning more about the difference in ■ means delving into unique projects which Jt every phase of the R&D cycle. An engineer may can an NSA career? Schedule an interview with us through Hvih, liR] frosty WHO Twiliti 5JBBJB aOilts 'I* On. develop, test and manage contracts on your Student Placement Office today. If we do not 1 iIn n hn nn,in, 1 rum. n L;ipoU', Jarnt's recruit on your campus, send to the address Inunications, recording, and information storage a resume ONEOtr I\ In 1 .ilk. \ln (.iiinn ss.lk.LiiulusUr. pes and systems whose capacities and speeds given below. The Story I'm i.l Niun.lVkl Vll rs Mamiir Smith, pill considered futuristic in most U.S. quarters. citizenship is required. Vim w.ilki-r.nul 1 IkWimuHid riONE^ \ Ml /ppm inn ithnifliMtm. -uih'II tiii' CfPG) mr^nMMIlO Twilit* 5-.3BBJ0 Mills '1. ■* j T I1**. Miinrlon An epic fantasy. , WIZARDS ■QjPGl TlMdq 6:1^:15 Twilit* 545&15 Mills M." ... | J Thurs. Brody 7:30, Conrad 9:30 »l.SO J I i <*■Rudolf nureyevi Humphrey Bogart I "CASABLANCA" PLUS \ Ttarsfej 545415 Twiliti M5&4S ferlU'l" mieiWAM 5w »(»»» mo«« wooito It a s still the same old story, fight for love and glory.'" ^ou'Light "PLAY IT AGAIN, SA/H" lOlPG) TpcPvTiFe| TMrsfjj 6:15415 Twiliti 545415 aOilts 'I." ISA WCCDYAUJEN I liSI I I AI4 N TONIGHT IN WILSON ; CASABLANCA at 8:00 Play It Again Sam at 9:45 { Admission for Double Feature *1.50 * Ikmto HMD Ht IE Ml* MM* *lb 'l.'l NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY Attn: M321 Students, Faculty and Staff Welcome * Closed for Remodeling Fort George G. Meade. Maryland 20755 | An Equal Opportunity Employer m/f. IDs may be checked J A***********************I* »»»»»»*»»*»»»»**»»»»*»* 1 2 Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Oc,obef| THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED All PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 Classifiod Advertising [m**" if» i7«.iwii«l;»l cs® ;*•](»J] USI55LJ® TAKING APPLICATIONS for GENERAL LABORERS i( BARTENDER AND waitress Information GRAND TORINO 1972, good PINTO 1971, 57,000 miles, VW BEETLE 1967. Runs well, service station attendants. you are available to work one - wanted, see Micky at BOOM CLOSE To MSU rvl condition, radial tires, air, needs some work. $200. 489- 40NE 355 1255 347 Student Services ftldg. AM/FM, Jerry, 351-0664 eve¬ automatic, new valves, snow tires. $525/best offer. 355- 7772. 8-10 21(3) Apply in person, RAN¬ full day Monday-Friday (and BOOM ROOM. 3-10-14(3) foom furnish#,,' included. CsllxM ,£l nings. 3 10-13(31 DALL'S SHELL, 5035 S. have transportation), apply in 9903.8-10J9-I3) VW BLUE custom Rabbit Cedar. 5-10-19(3) person 9-11 a.m. MAN¬ BARTENDERS-APPLY in 7-102113) RATES PINTO HATCHBACK 1972 1975, white leather. Cassette POWER, INC. 105 E. Wash¬ person, no phone calls. ™0 GREMLIN 1971, 6 cylinder one owner: clean; new tires, NEEDED SUB-busdrivers for tenaw, downtown Lansing. RAMON'S. 718 E. Grand BEDROOM J PAYS I day • TOO per line slick shift, good tires & snow stereo, front discs, steel radi¬ furnished. SublJlf exhaust, 4-speed; snow tires. als, front wheel drive. 4- school district. Contact May 8-10-19(7) River, Lansing. 8-10-21(3) months. $320 llrwt I ) * • 3 doys • 100 per line tires Body condition good J 4 2.70 J.M 7.20 t 40 1150 14.00 11.00 22 40 4 days-750 per line $600. 694-9327 after 3 p.m. 8 10-2014) $550 Phone after 6 p.m., 339- 2472. 7-10-21-15) speed, 2-door $2600. Must see-drive. Paul. 374-7055. Green. 349-9440, 8-10-2413) HARD WORKING strong WAITRESSES FULL and jao-ciS. 0-8-10-20(41 rJ I days • 70< per line SALES PERSON to sell men wanted pad time. Flexi¬ 5 4.50 12,00 22.50 2100 7-10-14171 pad time, nights. Call Dave at GREMLIN X, 1974, air condi¬ PLYMOUTH FURY III, 1973. ble hours to fit class sched¬ KING'S * 5.40 14.40 27.00 13 40 Line rate per tioning, AM'FM stereo. Must sell, $1500. Call 332- sporting goods and apparel to MSU women. Great in¬ ules. Call MacLAUGHLINS 482-0733, FRENCHIE'S BAR. P0INTE-J 7 4* 1*00 31.50 W.M insertion $1700 or best offer 332 4911. 0180 8 10-20(31 V.W. CAMPER 1970. New engine, high top, no rust, come on commission basis PIANO and ORGAN CO. INC. 8-10-21(3) u«e two bedtcjj through December hfl 8-10-13(31 $2500. Evenings for person who can devote 10 487 6358. 8-10-2115) fenew PONTIAC ASTRA, station 355-5809. SECRETARY MATURE and lease thereXwD per week. Call 10 Close to MSU 35) IF Econollnes • 3 lines ■ '4.00 5 days. 8 10-17(3) hours stable person for small firm. B0' per line over wagon, 1975. Good condition JAGUAR XKE, 1963 Road- -4p.m. Wed. and Thurs. CHILD CARER for infant and 2 p.m. 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when cancelled. sler. Chrome wheels, white, $1700 or best otter-nights a m 4 year old, full time in my Typing 65, shorthand 90. 2-10-14(41 Price of item(s) must be stated VW CONVERTIBLE, 1967 351-6228. 2-10-14(7) Ability to handle general of- in od. Maximum brown interior Excellent con¬ 482-2129 days 373-8980, ask home near M.S.U. 351-2644. m?,7~ sole price of for Jeff. 8-10-2414) Baja kit, needs finish work fice duties unsupervised. Ap- .MALE R00MMAT£j| '50. dition. $4000 or best offer. and paint. $600, 371 -2429. IMMEDIATE 8-10-21(3) Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines • *2 25 • per insertion. 351-4960 6-10-13(4) ply in person, 3308 S. Cedar ,or ™d6"> dufel 8 10-24(3) OPENINGS St., Suite 11.8-10-21(61 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). PORSCHE 914-2 1973. New CUSTOMER SERIVCENo JANITORIAL SUPER [PomJ tune 351 '10/monfc(T Rummoge/Coroge Sale ads • 4 lines • *2.50. JEfcf 1972 CJ5. V-8 appli¬ paint, new clutch. Call eve¬ VISOR, full time. Evenings, -7423.7-nj ance rims. L-oO tires. Call nings, 349 4935. 8 10-14131 VW STATION wagon. 30 experience necessary. Need 6 ...... ...... , . 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. Round Town ods • 4 lines »2 50 per insertion. 351 0580 8 10-17(31 mpg, no rust, runs perfectly. people for our customer ser¬ Salaried. Need cat. Call for interview 4R7 6231 L er- 900d ^ record, drlvln9 pre- 0WN R0°M bedroom « * 1 STARFIRE 1977, like new, Call 484-4915. 7 10-20(3) vice department. These Fpm.i 63'per line over 4 lines, lost I Founds ods Transportation ods • 3 lines • M .50 • KARMAN GHIA 1971 Con¬ vertible. New engine, new 5000 miles, great mileage. people will start work imme¬ diately, we will train. Call Mr. S1021 (41 I""0.' 0lder 489 '484' 3-10-14131 paid. 351-6289 alM per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. top. AM-FM radio, auto/ stick. Very good condition. Phone 351 2526.8 10 19 13) SUPER BEETLE 1971, rebuilt Motorcycles |[d»5j Willis, 349-5150. 2-10 14(10) PART-TIME waitress dish¬ NEED PERSON with car for 3-5 hours per day (after- PART TIME graduate student 1-10-13(6) ^ Best offer. Call Joe Gwiz, noons) beginning approxi- ,0 wor^ in car rental office FEMALE TO Deadlines engine, AM/FM, good condi¬ HONDA XL 250 1975. Low washer. $2.00/hour. Call THE mately Nov. 1. Writing in- weekdays. 489-1484. sharefj 487-6171.9-5 p.m. 3-10-13-151 tion. 487-5646 after 5 p.m. apartment, own 11 mileage, excellent condition. HUNGRY TRUCK, 676- Ads • 2 p.m. -1 doss day before publication. 3-10-17(31 voices, packing and unpack- 3-10-14(3) $100/month. 349-5^B $650 663 1429 8 10-20(31 3513. 8 10 17(3) ing light weight boxes. Send 8-10-24(3) Cancellation Change • 1 p.m. • 1 doss doy before MALIBU CLASSIC 1974, phone number and publication. Goldenbrown. power steer¬ T BIRD 1963 Monaco LTD-a HONDA CB 350, great shape YOUNG MAN for shipping- Box 201 Okemos Mi. 48864. nan^ ,NS|DE AND help Once od is ordered it connot be cancelled or changed ing brakes, air. Undercoated, classic One owner, strong Must sell. Best otter. 393- receiving. Must be interested needed Ann)v at , ITT1 p 125 N ^adom-to- ' >»£| 2-10-13(8) until after 1st insertion. snow tires. 49,000 miles. Call 394 2721 after 6 p.m. engine, very good condition, best offer over $1000. 351 8104, 393-8227. 8-10-24(3) in training and construction _ CAESARS .odayaher 4 p 2-10-13(3) mE wasner,« disposal, \ There is o *1.00 charge for 1 od change plus 50' per - technology on long term NEED EXTRA cash? The 8 10-19-141 0826. 5-10 13(51 Adjacent to stores additional chonge for maximum of 3 changes basis. Excellent future. Apply earninqs are qood, Auto Service / 1605 East your , lawns. 332-8516110-itH The State News will only be responsible for the 1st MATADOR X 1975. Power TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. 4 at Kalamazoo hours are flexible when MOu J rfln. / lhis 0-219-1(41 day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must steering and brakes, bucket door, AM/FM/tape, air, snow DELHI Street, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 8-10-24(91 you're an AVON represents- MS^ students 15-20 hours/ " be made within 10 doys of expiration date, are due 7 doys from ad seats, sport wheels, vinyl top. tires, good condition, auto¬ matic. $1150. 349-5023 after AUTOMOTIVE, 2 blocks south of Holt rd., on tive. 482-6893. C 3 10-14(4) : ™°™'lerC-21-10-31 Ph0ne 339-3400. ?1q"!"*l1' furnished.OKEMOS, 0NEI*_ Near i expiration dote. If not $2600 best offer Oave 676- 4 p.m. Cedar St. Used tires and PART TIME busboys and BUSPERSON LUNCHES busline. Available poid by due date, a 50' late service charge will 9421 after 5:30 p.m. Week¬ 3-10-17(6) wheels, all sizes bought and hostesses. Apply BACK¬ 10:30-3 p.m. LIONS DEN $175. Including hetl be due. days: 323 1186 weekends. sold. 694-2276. 5-10-19(4) STAGE RESTAURANT, Me¬ RESTAURANT, 213 S. JANITORIAL Part time, light 2528. Z-1 10-13141 8 10 17(51 TOYOTA COROLLA, 1973. 4 ridian Mall. 8 10-24(4) Grand. Apply in person be¬ work. speed 1600 cc's. steel radials, Early evening hours. FOR FAST RELIABLE LANSING'S ONLY exclusive tween 2-4 p.m. 3-10-1414) Need car. Call 482-6232. MALE ROOMMATE I AM-FM, 30 * mpg. Very GIRL WANTED with hospital 5 10-17(4) for 2 bedroom moNtl good condition. $1275. Call foreign auto parts distributor. Automotive ** Automotive A 394 0823 evenings 8 10-20151 Free advice with every part experience, Monday through RESIDENT MANAGER pre¬ - with washer dryer, Friday, 8 a.m. to noon. No fer married couple for 15 unit IL sold. CHEQUERED FLAG SECRETARY. from campus. $120 weekends or holidays. EXPERI¬ TOYOTA CORONA 1969. 4 FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 Call building. Near campus. Good ENCED. Type 60 words/min¬ utilities included. $ AMC door sedan. East Kalamazoo St., one mile 332-5176. B-1 -10-13(5) benefits. 337-0894. 5 10-14(4) MATADOR, 1973. CORVETTE 1976 red coupe, $375. 482-7641 ute. Receptionist and organi¬ J0J 0:17(4) Good condition. $800. 882- after5p.m. 8-10-20(3) west of campus. C-15-10-21 power steering and brakes, BABYSITTER zational skills required. CAP¬ 2652 after 5 p.m. 5-10-1713) stereo radio, 13,000 miles. (7) - MATURE. South side. Own transporta¬ LONG'S OF Lansing is cur¬ ITOL AREA CAREER CEN¬ WANTED FEMALE | $7550 firm. 627-6117/323- TOYOTA CROWN '71. rently taking applications for mate for 4 person apt TER. 676-3302 or 676-3268. AMC PACER, 1975. 2 door, AM'FM stereo, 4 speed, tion. 7 p.m.-3 a.m. 394-5953. the following positions: sau- at Twyckingham. Ci 3977. 8-10-13141 IMPORT AUTO parts and X-8-10-13IS) 3-10-1713) 6029 after 6 p.m. AM FM. power steering/ snow tries. Must sell. $975 or repair. 20% discount to stu¬ teed cooks, broilermen, ban¬ n\ brakes, new tires, one owner, CORVETTE, 1976, loaded, best otter. 349 3966 8-10-14 dents and faculty on cash/ quet cooks, pantry, dish¬ HOTEL DESK clerk. Experi¬ 13,000 miles. Good condition. $2300. 349-5023 after 4 p.m. including air conditioning and rack 646-8113 LLIQSNH 14) carry service parts in stock. ESCORTS WANTED. $6/ washers, coffee shop wait¬ enced, 3-11 p.m., full time. ONE BEDROOM, fi 646-6980. 'imports hour. No training necessary. or resses and busmen. Apply in Check our prices and reputa¬ Apply in person, HOWARD or unfurnished. 3-10-17(6) 3-10-14(31 TOYOTA LAND Cruiser, Call 489-2278. Z-30-11-9 13) VIEW APARTMENTS I tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at person. 6810 S. Cedar St. JOHNSONS, 8741 S. Cedsr. 1206 Oakland $1200. excellent condition, Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. 8-10-21-1101 walking distance of aT DATSUN 1976, 610 station 7-10-14(41 AUDI. 100LS. 1972. bucket Okie rust. 484-7258 after 5 MISTER D'9 -PIZZA 332-0111 wagon. Excellent condition. Call for Appt. West campus shop 485-0409. now or 351 5647 1 seat automatic, air, AM FM. p.m. 3 10-14(3) Free wrecker service with hiring full and part-time deli¬ WANTED 0-17-10-31(6) Best offer 351-8058. Take over payments. 34,000 IV4-4411 COCKTAIL wait¬ DENTAL ASSISTANT. Pre¬ repairs with mention of this very help. No experience or ress C-2-T0-13(3) miles, 4-speed. 646-0565: THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE USED 1974 car required. part time. Good at¬ fer trained, near, sharp, must Malibu Classic ad. Local areas. C-14-10-3117) Apply at 401 N. mosphere, TWO BEDROOM fi* after 5 p.m. 8-10-14(6) good money. Ap¬ type. Excellent pay. West Wagon. Power steering, Clipped St. near Frandor. near campus. AUDI. LS100 1972. Excellent ply in person, HUDDLE side. Reply in own DODGE CHARGER MAVERICK 1971. Runs power brakes, air, tinted MASON BODY Shop. 812 E. 8 10-17(6) NORTH LOUNGE, 309 N. writing, APARTMENTS 332J 1971. enclose recent photo. Bojf condition, $1800 or best of¬ glass, steel radials. AM radio, 351-5647. 0-17-10-314 ■ Power steering, brakes. Good good, needs brakes. Has Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto Washington, Leonard Pla2a fer Call 374-7472 after 9 luggage rack Ziebart coated, MODELS WANTfD. $8/ B 2 State News. 8-10-14(5) condition, many new things. snow tires, new battery. painting, collision service. hour. We will train. 489-2278. Bldg, Downtown Lansing. p.m. 8-10-1415) Some rust on hood. $150. 350 V8 $2,200 Call 694 2723 SUBLET EAST law $800. 355 8150. X-8-10-14(4) between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. American-Foreign Cars. 485- Z-30-11-9 13) Phone 484 1404. 9-10-21(7) BEST OFFER takes 1972 After 5 p.m., 351-3253. 0256. C 21-10-31 (4) HOUSEKEEPING, LAUN¬ ny, 1-bedroom, unfit 5-10 19(61 Porsche 914 1917 Holly Way. DODGE TRADESMAN 100 8 10 20(4) QUARTER TIME secretarial NEAT APPEARING, mechan¬ DRY, babysitting and driving Bus into campus. IIKI Van, 1977. Economy 6. Excel¬ children to classes. Must 4799. 4 1014(41 Lansinq 882 2144. 3-10-14(3) VEGA 1971. Cheap transpor¬ JUNK CARS wanted. We help wanted by Russian ically minded men for work in lent gas mileage. Only 6500 MERCEDES 1965, 220 SEB, have own car. Monday, tation. Runs good, economi¬ pay more if '68 or newer, and Language journal. Typing 65. bowling establishment. Part- BMW BARVARIA 1973. Ex¬ miles. Save $$, only $4500. mint condition, all options, cal, needs body work. $190. running. Also buying used Shorthand 90. Good wages. time. (lexible hours. Call Mr. Wednesday afternoons and/ 01 WANTED FEMALE J cellent condition, 4-speed, Call 351-3823 evenings, Mon¬ many new components, best cars and trucks. -321-3651 Call Professor Sendich, 355- Bertrand Friday morning. Call 349- mate for 4 person Id 332-0249. 8-10-24 (3) 337-1383 for 5122 after 5:30 p.m. air. Call day-Friday. S 20-10-31 (6) offer. 484-1743. Z 5-10 13(3) 8365 or 337-0162. 3-10-13(6) at Cedar Village 3! evenings. 349-4935. anytime. 0-17-10-31(6) appointment. 3-10-13(6) 8-10-14(4) 810-14(81 8 10-20(3) VEGA GT 1975. 39,000 miles, DODGE VAN, 1965 (1968 MERCURY MONTEGO GT, $1800. Call after 6 p.m. GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14 LEGAL SECRETARY for East CADILLAC ELDORADO 72. engine). Good condition 1973. Red. 351, power steer¬ 1 546-2672. 8 10-14(3) 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, Lansing law office. Good RN-LPN CHARGE NURSE ONE BLOCK from 4 UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ 73,000 miles, body excellent $600 Call 882 6827 after 7 benefits, salary commensur¬ SUPERVISOR in a skilled Entire two bedioarj ing and brakes. Good condi¬ good supply of snow tires. ficers, part time. Call 641 - shape. Loaded. After 2 p.m., p.m. 3-10 14(3) tion. $1150 cash, 627-2753 VEGA GT 1973. Good condi¬ PENNELL SALES. 130% East ate with abilities. Experience care facility. Immediate bene¬ 6734, 10-3 p.m. 8-10-20(3) ment available and f 351-0876. 5 10-13(3) preferred. 351 -6200, available fits. Full time, 3 p.m.-11 p.m., mates needed lot ot weeknights 8-10-21141 tion, new exhaust, battery, Kalamazoo, Lansing. 482- others. $800 Robin. 332 5031. 5818. C 15-10 31(5) immediately. 5-10-1715) part time, 11 p.m.-7 a.m. Call ments Call 361-81 CADILLAC SEDAN de Ville Winter MG MIDGET 1971 $875. Z 3 10 13(31 Director of Nurses, 332-5061. FULL-PART time jobs, excel¬ 1957. 15-10-31(81 1971. No rust. Clean. $1600. 8 10-21(7) lent TUNE-UP SPECIAL Good shape. Red, Call after 5 WANTED BARTENDER. earnings. 374-6328, 4-6 Call 337-7785. 8-10-21(3) CAMARO 73 350 3-speed, p.m. 882-9359. 1-10-13(31 VEGA HATCHBACK 1973. 34,000 miles, automatic, new Employment jj HUDDLE SOUTH LOUNGE. 820 W Miller Road. Apply in BABYSITTER IN my home to p.m. daily. 8-10-1413) EFFICIENCY, ONE <1 bedroom. East Ml power steering/brakes, mint condition. BEST OFFER. 353- %9.9S MG MIDGET 1973, excellent condition, $1300. Call 676- tires. Runs excellent, $800. 361-4655. 8 10 20(3) COLLEGE AGENT INTERN. person. 9-10/21J3L 8-5 p.m. daily. care p.m., for infant, 8:45 a.m.-5:15 5 days. Light house¬ PIZZA DELIVERY drivers wanted, must have own car. downtown Lansing CW for lists of immediate® 5531. X5-10-14I4) plus ports 3533 8-10-19 (31 Life insurance sales, 15-20 INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA keeping. must have own Hourly plus commission, full ings. AIM, INC, . VEGA WAGON, 1974, lug¬ hours/week. Straight com¬ transportation and time or part time. Phone noon-9 p.m. CI Cook Herriman Center is now hiring projec¬ good MG 1972, good condition, gage rack, 41,000 miles. mission. 4-6 week training references. 371 3627 after 351 3421 after 4:30 p.m. 0-21-10-31 I5I CAMARO 1974 6 cyl„ 3 tionists to run and inspect speed, power steering, power VW VOLVO ASA man wheels, negotiable, 332- $1800-or best otter. Call 355- program, develop referrals audio-visual equipment such 5:30 p.m. 8-10-21(6) 8-10-14(6) brakes. AM FM stereo, call MAZDA W 1126 persistently. 8-10-13 (3) 3140 after five, weekdays and sell quality protection. as 16mm projectors, carou¬ only. 8-1-10-13(4) Can lead to permanent career BABYSITTER IN My Dimon- NEEDED 1 female in 373 7880 8 a m lo 5 sels. etc. Must be available p.m.; MGB 1976 AM/FM radio, for training all day dale home to care for 1 year apartment winter temv® 393 6635 after 5 p.m. upon graduation and ad¬ Saturday, 8 10 17(51 FRII ftMUTTU BUS 16,000 miles, wire wheels. VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1971 vancement to estate and October 15. Contact Fred old. 646-6980 or 646-8113. L for Rent to campus, 5-10 18(31 3324720 P TO DOWNTOWN Excellent condition. 372- Mechanically sound, clean business planning. Contact Moore, Room 28 IMC. 3-10-14(3) 0267. 5 10 17(31 body, 22 mpg, 332-6329, Jere Whiteley, 351-2500. 4-10-141101 CAMARO 74 6 cylinder, LANtlMO AND 1 10-13(3) FINAL WEEK of compact 3-10-13 1131 COOKS FULL lime or part WANTED ■ MALE l» 3-speed. power steering and Mill DAILY. MUSTANG 1969, 351 auto¬ ELECTRONIC REPAIRMAN time. Apply in person refrigerators at reduced rates. brakes, AM/FM stereo. 373- matic, floor shift, snow tires VOLKSWAGEN only, T V 's, stereos. Best rates, apartment Own tote CAMPER wanted, part-time, flexible ALEX'S RESTAURANT, 321 to campus, $130'm» 7880 or 393-6635 after 5 p.m. PHONE SALES, tickets, flexi¬ free delivery. DORM RENT- DODGE VAN A108 1969. included, $575. 332-1663 1972. Great condition, re¬ hours. Experience necessary. E. Michigan. 8-10-21(4) 5 10-14 14) 4 10-14131 built engine, ble hours. Hourly rate. Down¬ ALL. 372-1795. 0-5-10-14 (5) 1726.4-10-13-131 rustproofed. See Greg: WILCOX TRAD¬ 40,000 miles, 6 cylinders, $1995 or best offer. 882-3079. town Lansing office, trans¬ ING POST, 509 East Michi¬ CAPRI 1972 1 owner. automatic. $850 firm. 627- AM FM. sun-*0 stick $800 MUSTANG 1966. mint condi¬ 8102014) portation arranged. 485-6318 gan, No phone calls please. 4176; 627 4368. 8-10-13 (3) tion. 349-3920 between 9 after 4:30 p.m. 8-10-2015) PEOPLE REACHEI| Call Kat. f\V; 8252 after 1 C.17-10-3H7) a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays. 5937 VOLKSWAGEN, 1975, metal¬ I) m S 5 10 17(31 FIAT 124 Spider 1973. New Shaw Lane. Apt. 6, Lake lic green La Grande. Sun roof COOKS PART time, nights. top, 7 radial tires, low mile¬ PART TIME keypunch help, CHEVELIE 1970, SS 396, Lansing. 4-10 17(41 top, AM/FM stereo radio, Apply BACKSTAGE, Meri¬ 5-8 p.m. Must be experi¬ WANT AD 4 speed, age, very sharp. 626-6262 dian Mall, after 5 p.m. 349- AM FM, 8-track, rear defroster, white side evenings, weekends. enced. Phone 351-5978. 3220. 8-10-14(4) sharp, many extras. 361 9466 MUSTANG 1974 Hatchback. walls. Call Mary Jackson 8 10 21(31 8 10 17(4) 5-10-13(3) Radio, automatic, good con¬ 351-8352 after 7 p.m. CHEVY IMPALA 1967. pow FIAT 124 Spider 1972. dition. Call 351-4417. 810-1416) SECRETARY, EXCELLENT Your Just compute form and I er, little Hist $275 or best Mechanically good, needs 5-10 14 (31 VW BEETLE, 1970. Excellent shorthand and typing skills key to a offer 394 5652. 8 10 20131 required Downtown Lansing body work (fender). Asking condition, 3 new tires. 3624 Law Office For interview call $725. 353-3107 between 4-10 NEED CASH? We buy im¬ luxury Apartment CHEVY MALIBU 1972, 307 p.m. 8-10-21(4) ports and sharp late model West Stoll Road, Lansing. 8-10-18131 Fred Abood. 372-5700, State News Classified 3i7Student ServicesBm DtJ1 V8,4 door 64,000 miles RE compacts. Call John 810-14 15) " LIABLE, some rust, $1250. DeYoung, WILLIAMS V.W. East Lansing, Mich. i88u FIAT 850 Spider convertible, call John, 351-4481 484 1341 or 484-2551. C-20- days, 1969. Radio, engine needs 332-1705 evenings. 10-31 (5) work, $50. 351 6351. X 6 10 14 15) Z 5-10 17(3) CHEVY VAN 1976 custo OLDS 1977 Custom Cruiser, FORD FALCON wagon. fully equipped. Dark brown mized short box blue. Sharp, must sell. 339-2627; 355 4753, 1970. Good highway car. Cruel Prof, says "leave." metallic with wood 627 3650. 8-10 18(3) grain. HICKORY HILLS Pr«f«rr*d Insertion Dot# 7 9 p.m. 8 10-21(4) _ _ Needs kind understanding 2 Bedroom Townhousos CHEVY WAGON. 1972 and owner. $225. 337 1157. 25 characters in o line, including punctuation and Pinto, 1973. $1300 each after 9 10 21(6) OLDS, 1970 Delta 88, four ipate* between wordi door, air, good condition, "Spacious *2 levels 5 p.m. 2102 Teel, Print Ad here Lansing. FORD GALAXIE 1970. 2 68,000 miles, $750. 353-7085. -— 487 9594. 8 10-13 (4) 810-17141 "Balcony "Carpeting door, $275/best offer. Cash. 355 7929 after 5 p.m. "Dishwasher "Modern CORDOBA 1976. Air, cruise,, Must sell. 3 10 13(3) tilt wheel, de-logger, AM/FM OLDSMOBILE, 1968 Del wire wheel muni 4 door, air, covers, rust- FORD LTD. 1968 Wagon. Full powe 351-5937 proofed, regular gas. $4800. brakes, steering. $450. 349 3 LINE MINIMUM 394 1149 evenings. 8 10-20(4) power, air, extras. $650. 482 0124 5 10 18131 332-6492 990i) after 5 p.m. 8 10 19 131 gncaraccanracnifrain »i> JKI iBTiiiiiiinirTim CORVFTTF.. 1976. 10,000 1723 Cambria Drive "Mil's Very clean. 646 6733 FORD WINDOW van. 1972. OLDSMOBILE 1972 Delta Royale. Excellent condition onraranniTiEnioEa o in iLiLd.iLi.il i "II 6 p.m. After 6 p.m. Power steering, brakes, radio. East Lansing iFnmm $1200. Phone 484 8495 394 343? 8 10 20(3) 321 3717 5 10 1813) ■ 393 4423 evenings. 8 10 days, dose to bus line naramoarnrcriiinEn 21(4) OiiiLgcaLomnoniiiTj naiiaEUEEiErjEiiiTim ^Mi-hi/jnn Stale Newt, East Landing, Michigan Thursday, October 13. 1977 ]3 LBJB '"** W, I " Srt "|[V I [«Sill 11^] I fir Sal, fir Salt. 1(5] ( finals " ]|g EATON RAPIDS, 3 bedroom EAST 3 bedroom neat USED BICYCLES, all sizes NEW, USED and vintage 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ ranch home for rent, $300 per house, 5 minutes to campus 4 NEW Metzler blue steel 3-SPEED, woman's bike. Bet PUPPIES OLD $20-$70. Also Parts. guitars, banjos, mandolins, ers. Tanks, cannisters and English month. 663-4832. After 5 new appliances, $225 lease radials 165 SR-15 snow tires >er than walking, $15. 355- CHARLIE'S BIKE SHOP. ect. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ uprights. Guaranteed one full Sheepdog mixed, $30. 482- p.m. 663-3514. 7-10-18-141 374-6677 if no answer 393^ 393-2484 5-10-19(3) corders, strings, accessories, $37.50 each. Volvo wagon 0717, ask for Jan. 4376 after 5 p.m., except year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS 9775.8-10-19-15) books, thousands of hard-to DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. roof rack, $45.351-8967. E-5-1013(3) weekends. E-5-10-19(3l ROOMMATE NEEDED own E-5-10-1814) B + B BUDGET find albums. (All at very low room in duple*, near busline. EAST LANSING n„ir MSIi. SHOP, 151 E. 316 North Cedar, opposite 4x6' ANTIQUE oriental car- Grand River, Williamston, (.ost and Found deposit. 351-8316. prices). Private and group City Market. C-21-10-31 (61 Furnished house for up 665-3665. Selling excellent lessons on guitar, banjo, SEARS KENMORE electric pet, Falcon 10 speed 23" Z-2-10-1413) (to 5 students renting. $475/ used clothing on consign¬ mandolin, all styles. Gift certi¬ APPLES, CIDER, pumpkins. stove. Asking $100. Call 372- light-weight bike. Sterling sil- LOST SPAULDING tennis 6425 between 5 and 9 p.m. ver french model Flutemakers racket. Mens IM Locker HOMCFC HOIICFR m°n'h- G°°d COndi,ion- For ment for women and chil¬ ficates. Expert repairs - free BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 7-10-2013) Guild-London flute, Rocker, r00m, reward. 356-2743. unnccci HOUSESI r.i, Call now to see f"rther details 351-5937. dren. All sizes. Open 9:30-5 estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ The Wardowski's. 2 miles N. Samsonite luggage, miscella- 'le NEEDED 1 bedroom 9.10.19.(5) STRUMENTS, 541 East 3-10-17(3) —t list of east side homes p.m., Tuesday-Saturday. of Leslie. 3597 Hull Rd. Old OLD WULITZER juke box, 711 Burcham 1-10-13(6) Grand River. 332-4331. C-21 US 127. Hours, 96 p.m. neous items at bargain prices. which will be available for balcony. Call OFF MT. Hope. Need one 10-31 (49) Closed Mondays. 1-589 8351. collectors item, $350. 484- 393-8291. 3-10-14(8) SILVER RING. Adam and Eve September leasing. AIM, 7258 between 5-9 p.m. engraving, lost at Mens IM; h96 after 5:30 p.m. INC., 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. person in clean house. DUAL 1228 turntable, Gift packages shipped by 3-10-14(3) BARN Marantz 2220B receiver, VINTAGE GIBSON Firebird UPS. C 21 10 31 (6) BEAMS and Silver and brass brooch, [19131 or 332-6741. 0-21-10-31 (5) before 6 p.m. Ask Marantz HD 44 speakers. weathered barn lumber Abbott St., 10-9, sentimental for reverse body. Gibson Explor¬ Michael. 4-10-17(4) $460. 676-1795 5-10-19(31 CAMERA INK DRAWING of your home wood burning cook stove! value. 485-0641. S-5-10-20(3) er, Les Paul, SG custom, ES EQUIPMENT- i|M Lake EAST LANSING. 587 Stod¬ dard, 3 bedroom, stove, re¬ 175. Fender strat, telecaster, Olympus OM-1 outfit, 2 for Christmas cards, done by 882-2010. 8-10 18(31 MFA graduate, $15. Call 351- 3/4 ARAB colt; registered; frigerator. dishwasher. $300/ precision and jazz bass bodies, 4 sharp lenses and 0254. E-5-10-18(31 CRATES AT KILDEA 4.1 hands, gray, excellent J5O8O Marsh Rd. month and utilities. Clean, ROMS Open guitars. Rickenbacker bass, accessories, like new, Ca¬ SUNOCO, 918 E. Grand River breeding, 484-1743, best of- nice, 351-1176. Evenings and Danelectro Longhorn bass. rousel 860 H Auto-focus re¬ FUR PANT coat, rabbit with leridion Mall Area weekends. 8-10-17(5) CordaWMt Used guitar amplifiers by mote control projector, brand leather trim, $60. 882-1395 from .50, Wednesday and fer. Z-S-10-1313) EAST LANSING duplex, fur¬ Thursday. X-Z-8-10-1915) Fender, Ampeg, Acoustic, 8 millimeter movie pro¬ If 65 plus utilities nished room, parking, bus- Clder«ill new, after 6 p.m. 8 10 17131 WEIMARANER, AKC male, Peavey, and Traynor, Used jector, bargain. Reasonable. L bedroom unfurniihed EAST UNSING, furnished for 4 or 5. Lease and deposit 1^ 7, ,0 374-6366 5817 North Okemos PA systems, Altec, Peavey, 393-8291. 3 10-14(8) WE PAY up to $2 for LP's Et well bred. 14 months old, n 1K in required. 253 Stoddard and u Road, East Lansing Yamaha, Tapco, EMC, LUX M 1500 power amplifier, cassettes-also buying 45's, housebroken, Must sell. 484- JE, appliances Shure, plus new and used Stax SRA 12 SRII all class A, songbooks, music maga- 1743. Z5-10J3I32 Sly carpeted 337-7974 Hours: FET pre amplifier and ear Tr, dropes diately. 3 % acres, animals, 7:30am-7pm. Shure microphones on used speaker amp. Harmon Kar- »["»• FLAT. BL^CK & CIR. CULAR upstairs 541 E. Grand irish SETTER pups. Excel- tew county mini moog synthesizer BUY |ent hunting stock, $40. 694- Including M don ST7, with Sonus Blue, 11 a m-351 0838 EAST LANSING duple*, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, rec toom, ^6,^8^^.351-6643. SELLTRADE, TRADING POST, 609 East WILCOX All like new with warranty C-4-10-1416) 5447 after 5:30 p.m. E-5-10-1313) Icepting applications for _ HONDA CLASSICAL guitar Michigan, Lansing. 485 4391. coverage 332-6435. Winter rental parking, $400. 374-6366. SOUTH SIDE-2 C 8 1017(91 fRESH FARM turkeys for 0-19-10-31(3) women to 7/8ths size, $45. MARSHALL Hours 9:30 a.m. 6 p.m. qoBERMAN PUPS-AKC, share sale. Available in November 33*41*3 luxury 3 bedroom _ „ ks prlce negoti- . MUSIC, East Lansing. C 15-10-31(20) townhouse, $83/month. Call C-1-10-1314) KIRBY UPRIGHT Sweeper $10-615 Call 694-5833. ah;e ^all 627-9232 after 5 IVMI$HI> ........ FOUR BEDROOM furnished 394-2106 after 5 30 p m BUNK BEDS with mattresses with attachments, runs great, E_5-_10_17(3) pm' g_to.i7(3| house. 1 mile west of Parking 3 in 1314) OAK DESK $60, from $119.95. VILLA FURNI including rug shampooer, SEARS 10 speed bike, excel- Lot Y. $240/month. 676-3780. Living room $50. 323-4013 E-5-10-17I3I NON-smoker. suite, $100, pole light, book¬ TURE 1633 W. Mt. Hope |en, shape $70 QE portable REGISTERED, FULL Arab 8-10-20131 ["furnished contempor CAMPUS NEAR, clean, fur¬ shelf, C.B. mobile $60, More. Colonial Village, Lansing. _ .py $40 323.7394 mare with champion sired I bedroom townhouse. nished. Share modern kitch¬ 4330 Keller Rd. (MB, Holt. 482 1109. 8 10 21(4) PORTABLE APARTMENT 8-10-19 (3) colt by side. Best offer over 82 evenings. 8-10-21(4) SIX BEDROOMS, ample en and bath. From $80/ washer and dryer, 8 4-10-18(4) size $2000 or lease agreement. parking, furnished, with car¬ month. 486-1436 or 351-6471. Dicker and Deal, months o'd $350. 694-0652. IpUATE OR married stu- peting. Nice features. 349- 0-13-10-31141 DISCOUNT, NEW, used pANAS0"NIC C0MPACT 4*1743 .ZfW-im COUCH-HIDE-a-way. Must desks, chairs, files. BUSI Second Hand Store 0652 after five. 8-10-24-13) ,u™aD''a' Vecass1ueAMhead! i New luxury two bed I apartments. E. Lansing, ROOM AVAILABLE for liber¬ sell, $25. 351-5701. E-Z-X-5-10-1813) NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 215 E. Kalamazoo, 485-5500. 1701 South Coder NOW TAKING orders for Sble SCHNAUZER MINIATURE, black female, 2 years old, free 417-3886 leivice. No pets. Start at WEST SIDE 4 bedroom al person. House in Lansing. o 13-10-28141 firewood. Stack 8' x 4' x 18'. E 1n fl'ia. 355"4192 to good home. 645-2307. J call 361-6467 or 351- ranch. Two bath, full base- $80, plus utilities. 372-6640 ° CLARINET-SELMER. Re¬ Delivered $27 321 1565. s: iu- 3-10-14131 ■ after six. 20-11-8(5) ment on 2'A acres, 15 min- 2-10-14(3) MclNTOSH C26 pre amp, 5 10 17i3| cently eppraised, excellent U.S. DIVERS yellow vinyl ALL ROLLING Stone maga- utes to MSU. 489-0239. $275. MC250 amp, $260 condition. $200 or best offer. coated 72 cubic feet tank. rjnes December 1970 on. FREE ST. Bernard, German KqROOM apanment in 8-10-1714) VERY LARGE carpeted sin- 669-9726 (DeWitt). 8-10-24(4) Both for $500. Must sell Call $70 Kam-E-Z back pack, $15. AIR HOCKEY used very little. Asking $45 After 6 p.m. call Shepard and Husky mix. 3 ex near MSU. $215/ gle. Nicely furnished, shared 351 0359. 3-10-14(5) $20; bar sink with plumbing, John, 374-0756. Z-5-10-17I3I months old. 332-5063. Size 36 wet suit top, $10. , 332-4437 after 3:30 GREAT HOUSE available for kitchen, parking. Very close. REFRIGERATOR. CLEAN, Weekdays, 351-4481; Nights $5. Call 349 1699. 6-10-18(3) E-5-10-18I3I ^810-21131 4 male students. 4 bedrooms, u,lJi,ies Pai E-5-10-1913) Z-8-101814) THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory * Save Tine ★Save Money Dependable Finns and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you RESTAURANTS ptOMim CHILDREN'S SHOES ARTS A CRAFTS HAIR SALON IT PAYS THE GRAPE VINE TO READ in you three of life'* pleasure* — good OLD TOWN ARTS t CRAFTS I, good iplrit*, and good service. AU the Antique*. giH» Cuitom mode jewelry. FINE ^yoiiRUDeooing- ' in a warm country freeh atmosphere! Croft Cloitos :h Mon.-Sot. 11:30-2:30 PRINT! Infants and Childrer's SHOES Complete lino of macromo I bond tuppfioi Inner Mon.-Thurs. 5:00-10:00 * Widths B-EEE * I. and Sat. 5:00-11:00 Orthopedic Shoes Always accepting original art and * Tap and Ballet work on consignment. Sunday The Grape Vine * P.F. Flytrrs Phone 349-0430 the State News 2415 N. Codor, Holt 2758 E. Greed River is the finest A SPECIAL OCCASION * * Cowbvty Boots House Slippers 604-3102 4663 Ardmore E, Uesln, 237-1701 tohn DON. (OwMr • Arttet) 35'"?47 Tum.»«.U-7 Smo. H-6CI#w4Mwr. Okemos, Michigan 48864 A010 SERVICE FURjTM JEWELRY CATERING SERVICE STEREO REPAIR PHOTOGRAPHY • CD. THE COMPLETE BUD'S Mottreues 8 801 Spring, WEDDING SERVICE M.S.U. INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS COLOR 2 for *9.50 odd. I *5.50 mode here In Lonilng Union Catering AUTO PARTS, JEWELRY: Diamond, a "Catering Sp^ioli»t$' B8W2for'7.50 odd. 1'4.50 TWIN U9" Wedding rxngt by 'Wedding Receptions RISUMI PORTRAITS Orange Blottom MC. DOUBLE »59" a Art Carved 'Breakfasts, Luncheons, PROFESSIONAL AUDIO 8 8 W PORTRAIT SETTING REPAIR Including lOwollets M7.50 GIFTS Dinners Odd alio* to order •Bor Set-ups » Three full - time professionally additional print at time of order .60 ea. LATE MODEL •Take-out Service MOTORS AND PARTS A SPECIALITY Acne Bedding Co. jewtiRY ' 'Meeting Rooms and Equipment DOUGLAS ELBINGER PHOTOGRAPHY *94-2154 337-1314 220 Albert St. East Lansing 405 Chorry I Kalamazoo 555 K. (IRANI) KIVKR 319 E. Grand River 332-3036 Phono 407 - 4005 E. 355-3465 Lontlnq, Michigan STABLES , COUNSELING TRAVEL PROMOTION GOLF COURSE HEALTH FOOD NATIVES 'IF' PROBLEM ChielMlm Hills 10% DISCOUNT The Fall Bride is Doll Course to all MSU t PAITV ROOM PREGNANCY You like what 2397 5. Washington kd. students -loots, Bolts 372-1560 24 Hours AIR • RAIL planning now GREEN FEES on purchaiei of 12 -Down Flllod Jackals TOURS -CRUISES -Honoi Boordod you see? MARITAL PROBLEMS? HOTEL RtSIRVATIONS Advertise in (he 9 holes -'2.50 18 holes-'4.00 or more, yogurt, and bread, excluded C0ILE6E TRAVEL Dannon Yogurt 31* NEED TO TALK? Wedding Column All Day • '5.00 OFFICE Why not be CATHOLIC 130 W. Grind River Make reserved Tee Time RANDALL HEALTH F000 SOCIAL for Sat., Sun. 8 Holidays Brookfield Plaza pNorfhwind pr. part of it! SERVICES East Linting Daryl -Call 694-0169 on Thurs¬ 1381 E. Grand River 'CanHelp' 351-6010 days for reservations. 332-6892 355 - 8255 Call 372-4020 TNBTRAVEL PROFESSIONALS" 355-8255 YELLOW PACE ,,.,,11. HAM STYLIST OPTMiTRIST PROMOTION BARBER BAKERY TOBACCONIST Offering Q 10% dlsCOeetc CO-OPTICAL DIRTHDAY CAKIS NOW HEAJt THIS FROM THE TOP HINCE Beauty and Hair Services by BE UNION Baking is our Business I AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOORI Barbara Box SERVICES in BUILDING - Hand decorated cakes •Cigoremby Sbersu • Deebill - Sebreiee BARBER Safari Salon ' Hot leak,-. (My All occasion cakes * 'Pipe Tobacco, by C.iMoOHOpfcd) Cookies, donuts. and other SHOP ITU • Three Star - end 20 Red Deer Of. J. B. Nlxen, Optometrist PLACE RK Products ' goodies Cakes delivered to your dorm Beeee bleed. 'Pipe. 6y Savinetli e ITU IXAMM0 or apartment (payment due "Solar" nrft by Sfofo Award Winners -Layer Cuts 332-428* • ousset when delivered) •LateM Styling rt ttef «nu. mU| k " r-r Open 7:30 A.M. 111-6211 e CONTACT leas -Women'* Haircuts KWAST BAKIRMS E*o». by oppolntmont 1I14MI Ctvm^teLLe INtiMMMNr 8-5:30 Mon Fri. | , IH 1^ A ku, et M.A.C. 8 tteuadem Albert. 8. L.n. ADVERTISE^ with Oaryl-dial 355 6255 366-3359 484-1313 Mon.-Fri. 7:00-5:3. Is Your Business Listed Here? - Call Parvl 355-8255 14 Michigan Stole News, East lonsing. Michigan Thursday 1 List * fliwl IfQ'I Assistance LOST FEMALE black Labra¬ dor puppy, CLASSICAL GUITAR les¬ 'Free U' reorganized, pr0vij 3-4 months, no sons given by graduate in collar. 332-8457. 3-10-13(31 to protect drivers! music. Reasonable rates 337- 2758. 5 10-19(3) FOUND, GREY kitten. 351- 3091. 4-10-14(31 LOST: LARGE Irish setter, male with flea collpr. East AYSHEL offers no-credit classes This fall, over thirteen study (continued Iron, 3) had been successful in creating The best way, Lansing area. 332-8293. Come join Rabbi J. By CATHERINE RAFTREY mant for several years. however, to safeguard 4 10-14(3) support for the classes held. groups are being offered first LOST BROWN and white Levy for classes in | Traditional Jewish The classes atmosphere is are free, the relaxed and "Free U" was originally in¬ troduced to the Michigan State The program's success was through Free U, including a television production work¬ ^place is with "preventative credited to professors, students short haired dog with collar. there are no exams. No, you campus and East Lansing com¬ Studies at Hillel haven't died and gone to aca¬ community members and even shop, yoga, bike repair, the Tools that most car owners should have f„ Resembles large beagle. munity in 1966 with the goal of this Thursday demic heaven. Free University, state representatives who vol¬ history of the anarchist move¬ include a 3/16" X 9" Answers to "Pickett." Lost sparking new interest in learn¬ unteered to teach classes free ment, writing, poetry and cook¬ screw-holding tyw « » driver, and a #1 X 8" PhilUps from Gunson Street Saturday Women 8:15 an East Lansing community ing by offering free education of charge to the public. Free ing. Most classes are com¬ screwdrivw. ! lhl night. Call 351-7323 after 5 group offering free no-credit involving academic and non It is also good to have an 8" p.m. 8-10-20(7) Men 9:15 classes, is being reorganized by academic courses. University also received some pletely free. However, a few combination (sli„ ., . grip pliers, 10" channel lock pliers, and , 1 MSU students after being dor¬ Several years ago, Free U funding through Associated Students of MSU. Many of the require a minimal charge for material use. Coughlan stated combination (one end box (closed), one end onent "?H LOST-WOMEN'S- brown For more information that he is hopeful of starting hammer, and one 10" adjustable "lli "i glasses in blue case. Satur¬ classes offered were so popular crescent call Naomi at menrt day, near stadium. 351-1356. that more than sixty people new classes and is open for 3 10 13(31 attended at one time. suggestions. He said Free U is Necessary odds and ends that are include electrical tape, spare fuses, important u, . ■ Peter Coughlan, an MSU also planning a film festival and TEN WEEK, long hair, grey one of each size), a flashlight, spare (an belutk. " kitten. Gone since 10/5, re¬ senior and acting Free U coor¬ dinator, said that the organiza¬ coffee house later this term. Free University's first meet¬ under the wheels when rags.ajumpercabl.,!!? changing tires, so the Agronomy and Horticul¬ car'su", - ward offered. Please call Orchesis dance classes will ture majors: Interested in be held from 7:30-9:30 p.m. tion has suffered a gradual ing this fall received only a 351-3843. 4 10-14(3) Wilted world food It is also important to always carry a first aid kit x production and on Tuesdays and Thursdays decline for the last few years. sparse turnout, according to chemical fire extinguisher. LOST CAT brown and black international experience? If •* in the Women's Intramural Coughlan blamed lack of strong Coughlan. He attributed the tiger September 15, near so, come to 121 Agriculture Bldg. Ballet class in 218, Jazz small number to lack of MAC Ave. 332-0841 DESPERATELY NEED park¬ Hall. leadership for the problem and a For long trips it is always less expensive day. class in 34. said he believes hard work and to 349-5946 evening. ing space to rent Hagadorn, publicity and said he is confi¬ 8-10-18(31 Grand River area. 353-7535. dedication can rejuvenate Free dent of gaining more support as Come one, come all. Rug¬ Have a question? Need Z 10 13(3) U. by practices every Tuesday some information? Call TAP, people become aware of the LOST PAIR man's sun¬ and An organizational meeting program. NEED PAPER written, 10 to Thursday from 4:30-6:30 The Answer Place. ■iraKMATM glasses. Lost 10/10/77, avia¬ p.m. next to the Vet Clinic. will be held at 8 tonight in 328 Anyone interested in either tor style in tan case. 15 pages. Must be able to Call Brian Harris, 1426L Spar¬ RWTJUf Reward, Administrative Manage¬ Student Services for those in¬ taking or teaching classes 332-8137. 2-10-14(3) read and interpret computer DlfCOWMTID tan Village. terested in helping revive the should call Coughlan or write to print out. Call person to ment Society presents Rich ard Lewis, Dean of College of Free U, he said. Free U, Box 103, East 171-17*5 person collect 753-1442 and INTERESTED IN HANDI- Lansing. I'll return call. Ask for Darrel Business, at 7:30 p.m. Mon¬ Rump Silt Z 5-10-14 (7) CAPPER AFFAIRS? STIG¬ MA meets at 7 tonight at 339 day in 117 Eppley Hall. Every¬ one welcome. Case Hall next to the cafe- MOVING SALE. Baby and patio furniture, kitchen set, sofa small bed, power lawn mower, pTypitg Service UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS The Work of Christ will sponsor an interdenomina¬ Orientation for General Hospital will be at 6:30 tonight in 111 Berkey Hall. Students interested in Lansing One shot at appliances, toys, an insulator can complete dissertation and re¬ tional charismatic prayer games, poker table, clothes volunteering in various hos¬ sume service; typesetting, meeting at 8:15 tonight, St. pital units are welcome. for the entire family and IBM typing, editing, multilith John's lower lounge, 327 much household miscella¬ offset printing and binding. M A C. Ave. Women in Communica¬ neous including drapes and We encourage comparative tions Open House invites dropacityin bedspread. Oct. 13,12-5 p.m. shopping. For estimate stop The Inter-Varsity Christian College of Communication Oct. 14-16, 9-5 p.m. 2147 in at 2843 East Grand River or students from 7:30-9:30 Fellowship Area meeting for to Tamarack, Briarwood Sub¬ phone 332-8414. 0-21-10-31 WEST campus is at 7 tonight night on the fifth floor of S. division, Okemos. 3-10-14(111 (9) in Multi-Purpose Room B of Kedzie Hall in the lounge. Brody Hall. MOVING SALE, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Washer ft dryer, bunk beds, 8 am-? FULL COPYING and printing Le Chef D'oeuvre Catering Forms to re-register stu¬ dent organizations are availa¬ lLw 1 know, because I'm a Consumes! Power lineman, and it's my ill services offered at PRINIT- Club meets at 7:30 tonight in ble in the Student Activities tables, chairs, office desk, IN-A-MINIT. Resume type¬ to search for the cause of a power failure. I 104 Eppley Hall to discuss Division, 101 Student Ser¬ stereo, household miscella¬ setting and printing. One day wine tasting party. vices Bldg. Re-registrations People who shoot out insulators forget that a single shot can neous, and clothing. 2835 dissertation service. At the are due Oct. 28. a house, a bring dowl Dolby Road, south of 1-96. comer of MAC and Ann The four year Turf Club will factory, a hospital or even an entire c% I 349-3896. Z-3-10-14I6I Streets in East Lansing. 351- That's why Consumers Power offers substantial 5575. 810-21(9) meet for an organizational Volunteer to transport rewards (oil meeting, party, at 7:30 to¬ patients, aid in patient dis¬ information resulting in either the a nest and THURSDAY & FRIOAY, 10 arraignment a | night in 309 Agriculture Hall. charge, deliver food trays at the apprehension of persons a.m.-7 p.m. 2350 Shawnee Ingham Medical. Inquire at 26 responsible fori Trail, Okemos. Building TWELVE YEARS experience MSU Marketing Club is Student Services Bldg. damage to our property | material, furniture, baby typing theses, manuscripts, having a "Meet the Profs" So, if you have items, garage heater, blow¬ term papers. Evenings, 675- TG from 5-7 today at Coral All interested in becoming infomtatkr| ers, miscellaneous. No pre- 7544. C-21-10-31 (31 Gables Rathskeller. amateur radio operators at¬ concerning such an incideitl sales. 3-10-1415) tend fall terms code class please contact a local potcrl TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Observatory Open House from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursdays agency or call Consumers Potwt| Fast and reasonable. from 8-10 p.m. Saturday. in 339 Engineering Bldg. GARAGE SALE, sectional sofa, dinette set, coffee table, 4635. C-21-10-31 (3) 371- Weather permitting, the 24- "TEN THOUSAND WORKING ttOTfl .inch reflecting telescope will Programing Board keeps a BRINGING ENERGY TOmf baby and children's clothing be used for COPYGRAPH SERVICE observing current calendar of all major pro¬ and toys. Crib, play pen, high Complete dissertation objects of interest. graming on campus. Avoid chair, beige carpet, house¬ and re¬ sume service. Corner MAC conflict: register your pro¬ hold items and more. 9-5 and Grand River, 8:30-5:30 Attention Graduate Stu¬ gram in 334 Student Services Saturday, October 15. 627 dents! Baldwin Ct., East Lansing. Monday-Friday. 337-1666. C- Applications accepted Bldg. 21 10-31 (51 now for daycare scholar¬ 337-2008. 2-10-1418) ships. Applications, informa¬ Dietetic Students Open across from tha Student Union tion available in 316 Student House at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. GARAGE SALE: Dining room TERM PAPERS, Thesis (IBM Services Bldg. Deadline is 23. Obtain invitations in 1 furniture, twin bed, miscella¬ pica-elite), fast, reasonable. neous. 10/15,10/16. 9-6 Call 332-2078. 13-183113) Friday. Human Ecology Bldg. p.m. 307 N. Foster Ave, Lansing. The MSU Rodeo Club Beginning, intermediate Z-2-10-1414) meets at 8 tonight in the and advance Karate students: 201-203 E. Grand Kiwi THE TYPICUTTER, a car BASEMENT SALE. Crib with Judging Pavilion. Board get expert instruction from ready, typesetting service- MSU Karate Club at 7 tonight mattress, stroller, car seat, Resumes, newsletters, bro¬ meeting at 7:30. Practice at Jim's this weekend. in the Men's IM Bldg. Every¬ clothing. 1-8 girls, chures, business cords, let¬ toys, miscellaneous. Satur¬ women terheads, envelopes, Invita¬ one is welcome. SAVE 20% Learn pavanes, bransles, day 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 5924 tions, announcements, pos¬ Haag, South Lansing. ters, Invoices. Reasonable and galliards with the Renais¬ Rally to protest new De¬ sance Dance Association. troit Edison nuclear plant 1-10-13(6) rotes-coll 417-9395. Hrs.MJ 0CT0BEI 1-5:30. 1000 N. Washington. We meet at 8:30 tonight. Saturday in Detroit. Spon¬ Union Tower Room. sored by Safe Energy Coali¬ EVERYTHING YOU always Lansing. wanted to find at tion. Contact PIRGIM, 329 a sale is in the parking lot, all in good Volunteer openings availa¬ Student Services Bldg. condition. ble in the Ingham Medical ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 800 surgical/clerical program for EXPERT TYPING service Abbott Road, East by Monday and Wednesday The Michigan Organization Lansing, MSU grad. 17 years experi- for Human Saturday, 10 am-3 pm. ence. Near Gables. Call 337- mornings. 8 a.m. to noon. Rights gay rights COAT 2-1814(8) Contact 26 Student Services conference convenes at 9:30 2293. C-21-10-31 (4) Bldg. a.m. this Saturday at Howard Johnson's, Cedar Street. I I Personal '/! EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Illumination is the this week's Bronze topic of Dragon Gay Bluejeans Day. Gay Dissertations, (pica-elite). FAY ANN. 489 0358. C-21- Calligraphy class. Come at 7 people will wear bluejeans on FREE YEARBOOK tonight to 340 Union. Friday. This is your chance to portraits 1°-31 ,3> be gay and proud. are now being taken for the SALE Take positive steps against Ni?RSRecalM»7^2 (337 ™0MPT TYPING~serv.ee. alienation. You can partici¬ pate in developing a Christian Gay Council meets from 3-5 p.m. Sunday in the Union -wSfcJ l^SH,rEN: Bkjg.L 31814,61 SLITJSS: " community, 5 Sunday, to 7 p.m. United Ministries . Tower Room. Office, 310 Student Services Bldg. Open 1118 S. Harrison Rd. afternoons. Make use of ex¬ panded library facilities. SAVE 20% ON EVERY LEATHER. MAD DANCER Mobil Disco JNN BR°WN Printing and Pre professional night at 8 If you think you have great party music, dances, Typing. Dissertations, re- tonight in Bessey Hall. Find outgrown the Girl Scouts receptions. 1-517-773-7610. ' !.umes' ?eneral Prin'ing- out about allopathic and then you don't know much BUCKSKIN, WOOL, NYLON, FURS... 8-1824(31 Serving MSU for 27 years osteopathic medicine, dental, with complete theses service. about them. We're meeting 349-0850. C-21-10-31 (5) optometry, nursing, allied on campus soon. NOTHING HELD BACK! GUYS Er DOLLS-UNIVER¬ health, schools admissions, from them. Jesus' Student Fellowship SITY SINGLES CLUB is here. If you like to presents Gospel recording party, have fun artist Lance Appleton, at 7 & meet people like yourself, University Lutheran Church services at 8:30 and p.m. Monday in McDonel write us for details. P.O. all Box the free CO DRIVER WANTED from 10:45 a.m. Sundays. 1020 S. Kiva, and 7 p.m. Tuesday and We've hundreds and hundreds of coal* 12669 Wednesday in Wonders Kiva. Gainesville, Battle Creek to Harrison. Special service Florida, 32604 Lansing, called "OREMUS" at 5 p.m. Z 13-1825181 Monday-Friday 7:45-3:20 call 373-7469 between 8:00-3:15, First meeting of American Chemical Society - Student jackets, vests, and Parkas. Every length- ask for Mrs. Barea. B-1-10- Did creation begin with a Affiliates at 7:30 p.m. Friday bang? Find out at 10:30 a.m. Snrricn )[j§ in the main lobby of the 30-15) Sunday at Peoples Church, Chemistry Bldg. Refresh¬ every color, every fabric and leather to 200 W. Grand River Ave. ments served. RIDE NEEDED to take you OUR LOW overhead you money. OPTICAL DIS¬ saves Ontario, or area. 14. Kathy at 351-4491. Waterloo, Friday Oct. Brown Bag Lunch at noon, Oct. 19 in 404 Berkey Hall. Instructional Luncheon at noon Friday. Dr. Developers through Fall and Winter. And COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan John Fry, "Research Meth¬ Z-3-181413) Topic is Medical Sociology Lansing, Michigan. 372-7409 by Prof. Harry Perlstadt. Stu¬ ods Improving Instructor you save 20% on everything. Stop in ^ C-51814-15) dents and faculty welcome. Student Roles" proposal and discussion. FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ ^ound Town African students Lesbian Rap Group Q* ° your coat is calling your name. vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, general meeting at 3 p.m. 555 East Grand River. p.m. every Thursday at the me C-21- Saturday in E2 Owen Hall to Lansing Lesbian Center. 10-31 (31 discuss fall program and Rides from the west entrance meet new students. of the Union leave at 7:45 CAPITOL CHIMNEY repairs p.m. best fall rates. Odd jobs and College Bowl is back! REACH out to kids who painting. 487-2296. 23-10-31 There will be a need you. Assist with meeting for special BINGO TUESDAY prospective dorm coordi¬ activities, recreations; act as 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6 Night, nators at 8:30 role tonight, 335 model, tutor. Meet from FREE LESSON in p.m. complexion Early Bird starts at 7 pm Union. 7 9 tonight in 221 Berkey care. MERLE NORMAN Regular at 7:30 p.m. Hall. COSMETIC STUDIO 351- Mini¬ USE YOUR BANKCARDS 5543. - mum age 18. SHAAREY MSU Amateur Radio Club, Students interested OR ZEDEK, 1924 Collidge, East W8SH, meets at 8 tonight in in C-17-1831-13) Lansing. C-21-10-31 (51 339 Engineering Bldg. All Legislative Aide should at¬ HOSLER'S FREE LAYAWAY welcome. tend orientation at 4 today in 201-201 E.CrondRlv*' 150 Student Services Bldg. open Thurs nlta till M® F' n c«m» News, Eost Lonsing. Michigon Thursday, October 13, 1977 15 HOWARD THE DUCK!® dmfytiv M§Mo§ te CHARLIIDANIILS BAND Sun., 0*1. 23 AAunn Ar.no by Steve Gerber and Gene Colon '5.50; 4.50 on vol. ot thw MSU Union t ttwcordlond. IjlM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Cable) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) •on every planet where ufe exists,in- finite AUmUTKTtOM 0' reality are possible- iURSDAY (23) Mister Rogers' Neigh¬ (12) $100,000 Name that (11)Talkin' Sports borhood Tune rERNOON 9:00 I 12:00 5:30 (23) MacNell / Lehrer Re¬ (6) Hawaii FiveO (12) Rookies port (10) Man From Atlantis L The Leait (23) Electric Company (11)Ed-itorial Weiss- (12) Three's Company Li of London (11) News Cracks (23) Advocates 6:00 8:00 | 12:20 (11) Christ's Teaching in (6-10-12) News (6) Walton. our Violent World J|2:30 (23) Dick Cavett (10) CHIPs 9:30 ■ for Tomorrow (11) The Doctor in Spite (12) Welcome Back, Kotter (12)Soap j and the Man of Himself 6:30 (23) Once Upon a Classic 10:00 PEANUTS cleaners DOWII i Hope (11) Woman Wise (6) Barnaby Jones by Schulz ndry Jackets 1:00 (6) CBS News 0:30 (10) Rosetti and Ryan Cleaned Ishow (10) NBC News (12) What's Happening I (12) Redd Foxx land the Rettleii (12) ABC News (23) Ask the Lawyer (23) American Short Story Ty Children (23) As We See It HOU NEVER STOP |ne for Tennyson? 7:00 MSU SHADOWS ® 1:30 (6) My Three Sons CRITICIZING ME. P0 V0U ? I World Turne (10-12) Mary Tyler Moore by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: (of our Lives (23) Music 2:00 (11) Tee Vee Trivia PINB ALL PETE'S 10 Pyramid 7:30 Present this really tunny comic for 25' |t Minority (lO)Michigame worth of free play! 2:30 ig Light Water (lift to Live can I For Life 3:00 ruin FRANK & ERNEST ■ Complete ring selection star-sapphires, onyx • opols - jade, le Family iger-eye. many more eWorld your^ by Bob Thaves 10% MSU DISCOUNT | At Me I shoes & boots! 3:15 Leather, suede, and vinyl all |>ral Hospital need protection! BE A HIT AT 3:30 "Smiling I Game I Alegre 4:00 Mink" Mink Oil PARTIES — CARRY a YOUR OWN ii§L 1 Rickey Mouse in Acres •I50 While quantities last /\ LAUGH TRACK |y Bunch ie Street CAMPUS (iff FIB'"-'5 A 4:30 batteries not included (J I Announced 's Island COBBLER T«wfS (o SHOE REPAIR IrgencyOne! 5:00 501'/. E. GRAND RIVER imoke M-F 9-5, Sot 9-3 332-3619 THE DROPOUTS rgency One I by Post sponsored by: Low gas prices Plus Service I Benda's Little Freeway IVELS WITH FARLEY- sponsored by: ■ervice Station k Frank Jus coimw w/wrs 0 ■thecal TAKING i DmMV mBERTW: |WU have to I m RELEASE Fm r allmih PEmvs., CAPDVirV OF ALL ; M£icr 0M THE LIST?) PIMCHE5 AMP CANARY ABLEWEEDS CAMPUS 1312 Mich. Ave. (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) Mon. - FREE QT. OF COKE 337-1377 Tuet. FREE ITEM r K.Ryan - sponsored by: PIZZA Wed. - WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on request) IASH FLEEGLE, OLP' imPONEP MINER, , W*T\ OWNS "THE ■ERE—WHAT CAN I PO FOR VOL)? MINE, FLASH? I MlNESHAFV anoDts 3SSVYORD nsiHaa mniiBBa PUZZLE asaaaa aashe 29 Engraved stamp 30 Horns anaai nsoa aaaia oaoiiB hejiti aaaaa 00 OhepardV 31 Disastrous 33 College degree 34 Mischievous mm asniaQ 00a BBQisa aaaca compus 36 Political strength HKIKB Bnraaa 38 About 39 Take place Daaiaa aaooiin 41 Football position 000000 B90UB 42 Pose OBHtKim HH900 So. ,8 Baw | *"9 49 Jason s ship 5. Rum in Spain ■ 50 Quantity 1. Dowrnis 6. Sindbad's bird 51 Went ahead 2 Beard 7 Proofreader's 52 Cotois 3. Tenfold mark 53 Practical |oke 4 Hebrew month 8 Bent 9 Waterfall "F 10 Even tr 15 Experienced 16 Cape 19 Inspire 20 Sports field 21 Wallaba 22 Gripping device 24 Whitewash 25. look doseti 27 Sea bod 28 Taste 31. Widow monke* 32 Maire 35 Destined 37 Meditate upon 39 Avoid reality S'jgagaaaii ! «!■■■ in 40. 42. 43. 44. Advantage Shoemaker's tool End ota golf dub Youngster 45 Butterflies 46. Menagerie 47 Retire 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, Octobe( Women who smoke face greater risk Mystery of Vietnam's underground tunnels uncovtJ of spontaneous abortion, study says I continued from page 3) "As more and more American literally dug for 30 years, usually in the dark, squatting group swarms for of a visit, and aa noisy mosquitoes buzzed soldiers arrived to occupy the down. We carved out about a around our heads we pushed BOSTON (AP) - Women have surface above, the more we meter every eight hours, and ourselves through the narrow more spontaneous abor¬ to have a spontaneous abortion artificially — is defined as one who smoke during pregnancy tions, but they said there are extended our system below," women distributed the earth on corridors, obviously built by as one who did not. in which are nearly twice as liable as two main theories. One is that a woman naturally said a senior officer at the the surface, hiding it under and for slender Vietnamese. "My recommendation is that loses a fetus less than about 20 nonsmokers to lose their babies briefing, Col. Duong Long fallen leaves." "We always moved in the smoking women eat less than one shouldn't smoke during weeks old. The researchers did dark, through spontaneous abortion, nonsmokers. The other is that Sang. "At the end we had a The tunnels crept under some saving our candles and torches pregnancy," Dr. Jennie Kline, not distinguish between a spon¬ for emergencies," said a study says. fetuses of smoking women do one of the researchers who threq-tier tunnel system and U.S. positions. "Several times Linh. taneous abortion and a miscar¬ The researchers recom¬ not get everything was underground — we knew that American field "Our amputees lay in the enough oxygen. conducted the study, said in an riage, which is generally de¬ dark, mended that women give up Researchers compared the interview. the toilets, the hospitals, all our commanders would sit like this sometimes for months." fined as loss of the embryo or smoking to increase their smoking habits of 574 women "There are certainly other soldiers, many civilians and on their metal chairs directly But eventually the Ameri¬ fetus during the first three chances of having full pregnan¬ who aborted spontaneously to reasons besides spontaneous even our water buffalo." above us," said Linh with a grin. cans figured out the counter¬ months. cies with normal childbirth. those of 320 who delivered after The colonel continued- "We The Vietnamese took our attack. abortion for not smoking," she This study, conducted at full pregnancies. said. "It's also related to low New York's Columbia Univer¬ They found that 41 percent of birth weight and increased risk sity adds another argument to the women who aborted were of perinatal death" during or the growing case against smok¬ smokers, compared to 28 per¬ shortly after childbirth. ing during pregnancy. Earlier cent of the women who had A spontaneous abortion as studies have shown that babies — EVERYTHING YOU NEVER EXPECTED FROM AN of women who smoke are normal pregnancies. opposed to one that is induced APPLIANCE STO# Cross-multiplying figures for smaller than normal and more the number of women in both likely to die at birth. groups who smoked and didn't Charlie Daniels A report on the latest study smoke, the researchers calcu¬ AND was published in Thursday's lated an "odds ratio" of 1.8 for OZARK MOUNTAIN issue of the New England "the highly significant associa¬ DAREDEVILS Journal of Medicine. tion with smoking." They said OCT 23 AT The researchers were not that meant a woman who MUNN why who smoke 4 sure women smoked was 1.8 times as likely Days Only, Cheaper By 103 The Package Our audio professionals have put It all together tor you. They have custom designed a number ot audio systems featuring the best brand names In the business. Names like Marantz, Pioneer, Sansul, Acoustics, JBL, Akal, Ultralinear B.I.C., RTR, and others. The systems combine carefully selected components whose features, power and characteristics are compatible to each other to produce the very best In sound. Purchasing a total system saves you time, hassle and money. Purchased separately, the Individual components In these systems would cost you a good deal more ... but, Exciting For 4 days only -- they're cheaper by the package! SANYO, WALD AND GARRARD IN SPECIALLY LOW-PRICED STEREO SYSTEM new cool World famous Sanyo performance it an outstanding low Highland price! Sanyo JCX-2100 receiver with 13 wi ts per channel, min. RMS at 8 ohm load from 20 to 20,30 hertz with no more than 0.5% total harmonic distortion. Garrard 630 S turntable with baae, cover and Pickering flavor! V15/ATE-4 cartridge, plus s pair HIGHLAND PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER FOR YOU! of Wald 853 speakers. COOL PEPPER SCHNAP and only MOHAWK makes it MARANTZ, ACOUSTICS AND B.I.C. IN SYSTEM MARANTZ, SANYO & UTAH IN 25-WATT SYSTEM Marantz 22158 receiver wtin continuous power output ol 15 watts per chan¬ Marantz 2225 receiver with continuous power output of 25 watts per chan¬ nel, mln. RMS at S ohm load from 20 to 20,000 hertz with no more than 0.S% nel, mln. RMS at 8 ohm load from 20to20,000 hertz with no more thanO.5% total harmonic distortion. Add the B.I.C. 920 belt-drive turntable with base total harmonic distortion. Sanyo TP-62S belt-drive turntable with best, S cover, Shure M70B cartridge plus a pair ol Acoustics II 2-way speakersl hinged cover and Shure M756S cartridge plus 2 Utah HS10AX speakers enjoy it! straight or on the rocks! SANSUI, B.I.C. & ULTRALINEAR IN 30-WATT SYSTEM PIONEER, MARANTZ A JBL IN 65-WATT SYSTEM Sansul 5050 receiver with continuous power output ol 30 watts per channel, Pioneer SX-850 receiver with continuous min. RMS st 8 ohm toad from 20 to 20,000 hertz with no more than 0.5% total power output ot 85 walls per chan¬ nel, mln. RMS at 8 ohm from 20 to 20,000 hertz with no more than 0.1% «» harmonic distortion. B.I.C. 940B belt-drive turntable with base, cover and harmonic distortion. Marantz 8200 Shure M19ED cartridge plus 2 Ultralinear 100B 3-way speakers. bell-drive, strobe-referenced tumt*» with base, cover 8 Shure V-15 Type III cartridge and 2 JBL L-100 speak" The "Cool One" Is On Campus! Cool Peppermint Schnapps T-SHIRTS.; .*1.95 5744 S. PENNSYLVANIA ^VjysT NORTH OF 1-96 FREEWAY " ^ e*sy terms . free service '"strut credit • ph0he s9s-8100 OPES DAILY 10 It t. SUNDAY 12 NOON la 6 • EASY TEAMS • INSTANT CSEWT . FNEE SERVICE