VOLUME 71 NUMBER 137 MONDAY, OCTOBER 17,1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 CALLS HIM COMMUNIST DICTATOR' imaican opposition party nounces Cuba's Castro L EDITH M.LEDERER majority of the people of Jamaica feel a places where he will stiy are a closely the rally was not a national event but a J)N, Jamaica (API-Cuban Pres- ■Castro was denounced Sunday deep abhorrence and a profound distrust of Communism in any form," the party said. guarded secret. The government has even assigned a special police detail to reporters political gathering of Manley's People's National party convened to hear Castro, lunist dictator" with imperialist Manley said plans for the visit were kept covering the visit. and it protested "most vigorously the ■ the Caribbean by Jamaica's under wraps because of security. misuse of public funds" to stage it. The only event Castro will participate in larty, which announced it will "Surely they (the opposition) must know which has been announced in advance is Castro's close ties to ■six day state visit here. that with our proximity to Miami-based Monday's National Heroes Day rally in the Manley's Democra¬ tic Socialist government were a major lis due in Kingston Sunday, Cuban terrorists who are openly hostile to north coast beach resort of Montego Bay. issue President Castro and the Cuban govern¬ in last December's general election, with [blister Michael Manfey, who in 1975, invited Castro to ment, security must be our paramount The rally will honor seven Jamaican opposition leaders claiming Manley was patriots including the prime minister's late _jr party's (JLP) boycott was consideration," he said. leading the country toward Communism. father, Norman Manley. ■ one of the greatest'leaders of Castro's schedule in Jamaica is being Manley, who denied the charge, easily won released on a day-to-day basis, and the The Jamaican Labor party complained re-election. [ntury, who is a hero to the ie Third World of all political leal controversy flared as the | mounted the most stringent ever L troubled Caribbean seen on this island of Carter's church service laeeting of opposition leaders, • Frank Phipps issued a disrupted by protesters tailing the Castro visit "mis¬ conceived." iment called Castro "a man State News photo Robert Kozloff ie of interference in the (airs of Jamaica and other In the course of pursuing a winning season, some football players i who preaches throughout By RICHARD E. MEYER arrested and taken to a police station, three the Soviet suffer excruciating pain. This was especially true for MSU Saturday in pact nations of ■here subversion and revolu- WASHINGTON (AP)-Protesters of them in handcuffs. eastern Europe. its 13-13 tie at Indiana. Six Spartans were knocked out of the game and gainst the neutron bomb disrupted s Police Lt. Donald L. Foreit said the five But most NATO reaction has been among the casualties was flanker Kirk Gibson 123). Gibson spent the rest nf the moderate pro-nationalist Sunday attended by President Jimmy were being booked for "disturbing a against the weapon. Some critics call in of the afternoon on the bench as MSU salvaged a ■ received 43 percent of the vote Carter. Some were gagged, wrestled down inhumane. Others say it would increase the tie in the game's religious congregation." final minutes. See page 10 for the game story. \eneral election, said they had in the pews and thrown out of the church by The neutron bomb is a high-radiation, low chances of a nuclear confrontation. Carter hsulted about the visit. ushers. Carter said later the demonstrators aides have said he wil decide before the end impact weapon, designed principally as a ■ition also noted that President were "fine young people." missile warhead. Because of the large of the year whether to produce and deploy Ichel of Mozambique was there "I agree with their objective in eliminat¬ amount of radiation it emits, it is highly it. id Jamaicans were being asked a second state visit at a time I government says it cannot lpport the legitimate claims of ing nuclear weapons," the president told reporters. "I think they were mistaken in trying to disrupt the church services. "But the Secret Service didn't feel I was effective in killing human beings. Its relative small explosion leaves buildings intact. Carter has send Defense Secretary Carter, his wife daughter Amy and Georgia, including Rosalynn, nine-year-old a group of friends from Mrs. Carter's former Bible teacher, entered the First Baptist Israel to discuss in workers." in danger, and neither did I." Harold Brown to Europe in an effort lo Ch-rch, ..ere the president and his family . anything: Vance Iling of the visit was an insult to Five of the demonstrators, who interrup¬ convince North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- usually worship, at about 10 a.m. ■tic process and the people of ted the services with a statement opposing tion (NATOI members to accept the weapon The president and his wife attended adult s well known that the deployment of the neutron bomb, were as part of their defense arsenals against Bible class in the back balcony, then took their usual seats in the sixth pew on the right side of the 175-year-old stone-and By BARRY SCHWEID block church. jtional 'Gay Blue Jeans Day' WASHINGTON (API — Israel has not barred discussion of Palestinian statehood from As Pastor Charles Trentham stepped into Middle East negotiations with the Arabs, Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance said Sunday. the pulpit to begin his sermon, the first of "The Begin government has indicated that they go to Geneva without any the demonstrators, dressed in slacks and a preconditions and that everything is discussable." Vance said, referring to Israeli Prime brown sweater, stood up and began to read Minister Menahem Begin. the anti bomb statement. However, he said Israel has precluded discussions of the establishment of an ises various reactions at MSU "Sisters and brothers," he said, "We address you lovingly .... Did not Jesus independent Palestinian state. Vance's remarks indicated that Israel may be readv to negotiate 1 statehood for the mean what he said when he taught us to Palestinians as part of an overall settlement, provided it is not an independent one. love our enemies? And did he not live what He was interviewed on NBC's Meet the Press. By DeLINDA KARLE should do something more obvious, like hold a rally and wear red he said? According to some reports, this state would be under temporary Israeli military State New. Staff Writer arm bands. Wearing blue jeans one day out of the year doesn't do "Christians cannot love their enemies and control and linked to Jordan. It would occupy the West Bank of the Jordan River, which is id to be a bit less prevalent around MSU Friday as any good." still threaten them with nuclear death —" now held by Israel. (cross the nation observed "Gay Blue Jeans Day." A 20-year-old former MSU student, who refused to give her At that point, an usher grabbed the Asked if Israel had informed the United States it would walk out of the Geneva lempt to increase public awareness of problems facing name because she was worried about her new employer's reaction, protester, put his hand over the man's conference if the issue of Palestinian statehood arose, Vance said flatly: "They have not." llational Gay Task Force designated Friday as the day said she wore brown pants because it was part of her work mouth, pulled the demonstrator out of the The United States, with President Jimmy Carter taking the lead, has insisted that the J to show their pride and wear jeans. uniform. pew and led him to the door. Palestinians are entitled to a "homeland" and that they have "legitimate rights. ■lamation created a problem for "straight" students who "I could probably have worn blue jeans today, but I didn't want A second protester, Elizabeth McAllister, This is generally interpreted as meaning nationhood for up to three million Palestinians wear jeans. However, many decided to comply with Gay to." she said. associated with Philip Berrigan at the alongside Israel. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which wants to head the I Day and left their jeans in the closet for the day. A senior in human environmental design said she did not wear Jonah House, a non violent anti-war com¬ new state, is committed in its charter to Israel's destruction. I)t wearing jeans gave various reasons for leaving their jeans because her boyfriend told her not to. munity in Baltimore, stood in another pew Vance said Israel has concurred in the seating with Palestinians at the peace talks but ■home. "It's stupid to be dictated to by a minority," she said, "and 1 don't across the aisle and continued the reading. no decision has been made on whether they would be PLO representatives. think a day like this does anything for them." pavis, 168 S. Wonders Hall, said she did not wear jeans Veryone told her not to. An agricultural economics graduate student wore brown Another usher tried to take the state¬ of her hand, then sat her down in The second unsettled procedural issue, he said, is how Israel will conduct its ment out negotiations with the Arabs. A U.S. Israeli "working paper" outlining the creation of I this is kind of silly," she commented. "They (gays) corduroys because he had worn them Thursday and they were still the pew. The usher sat next to her and still commissions is now under review in the Arab capital and in Moscow. clean. another protester in another pew stood up Vance'said "it would be tragic" if a snag over procedure prevented negotiation of the "It wouldn't have made any difference," he said. "I would have and read on. issues in the Arab-Israeli conflict. But he said "We have made good progress in narrowing just worn the pants I was going to wear." He was gagged by another usher. The the differences." „. , Mike Coraci of Campbell Hall said he thought Gay Blue Jeans demonstrator struggled to free himself. On another subject, Vance denied the Carter administration was backing off its human Day was a joke. However, he was not wearing jeans. Two elderly women scurried out of the way. rights campaign to improve relations with the Soviet Union. One English professor told his class he wasn't wearing jeans Subdued, that protester was led to the He said human rights "in almost every case" was a subject in his discussion with some because he has not bought any since "they were a dollar-a pair." door. 80 foreign ministers at the United Nations earlier this month. Tom Miroslow, a freshman in>James Madison College had a In all, about six of the demonstrators, Also, Vance said, Carter included human rights in his address to the U.N. General simple explanation as to why he left his jeans at home. whose spokesperson identified them as Assembly and it is being discussed at the Belgrade conference reviewing compliance with V. "Because I'm not gay," he said. In spite of the many students who did not wear jeans, a minority members of the Atlantic Life Community, an alliance of anti nuclear weapon groups the 1975 Helsinki agreement. Vance said he did not know when the United States and the Soviet Union could complet did — though none said they did so because they were gay. along the east coast, were silenced by a new treaty limiting strategic nuclear weapons. Margie DeFord, a journalism senior, said she wore jeans ushers and escorted out. Defending U.S. bargaining tactics, he said that while the Russian SS18 missile is a because they were the only clean pants she had. The president and his family sat unper "very dangerous" weapon, the most important objective is to reduce the overall total of Eric Sommerman, 208 Beal St., said he was not going to let turbed throughout the demonstration. Russian weapons with multiple warheads. anyone tell him what to wear. Carter didn't even turn in his pew to look. "What we are seeking is stability," he said. "I think a day like this is OK if it doesn't affect the rest of us," he His Secret Service bodyguards made no said. "But I don't think they should dictate how I dress." move against the protesters. Trentham began his sermon in quiet tones. The preacher didn't say a word about A senior in human environmental design the demonstration. Outside, three of the protesters sat in Dc/V'T ALLCVj said she did not wear jeans because her front of the side door Carter uses to enter boyfriend told her not to. "It's stupid to be \OlSCMMjMii and leave the church. They read the dictated to don't think by a minority," she said, "and I a day like this does anything for statement in unison before police hand cuffed them and led them away. inside them." Police identified two of tern as Mary Swine trample hippies! Low- AGAiNST Mike Bohannon, 2316 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, said he had Catherine Lyons and Rosemary Maguire, both of Baltimore. The third was identified by a spokesperson for the group as Paul down on page 3. The Los Angeles Dodgers defeated the New York Yankees jeans on because he has worn them for the last five days. Hood of Philadelphia. Sunday, 10-4. The Dodgers trail I OUR TfA "They were hanging over the chair this morning, so I put them on," he said. A 22-year-old non-student visiting friends in East Lansing said that Gay Blue Jeans Day was "the stupidest thing I ever heard of. Two others, identified by the spokes person as Ladon Sheats and Jim McNeil, both of Baltimore, sat on the sidewalk in front of another side door. They. too. were in the 3-2. seven game World Series, "I'm wearing jeans because that is all I own except for work taken away. weather clothes," he said, "and I am not wearing work clothes on my day "We will put our bodies in front of them off!" (neutron weapons) before they are built," Today will be another day of Bryan Bucak, a double major in economics and journalism asked, Sheats shouted. sunshine on which you can catch "I'm wearing a Levi shirt — does that mean I'm gay from the waist the burbling splendor of glow¬ McNeil refused to walk. up?" ing autumn leaves, and maybe After the five were booked, police said all see a unicorn if you're photo by Michael Megerian The observations of many MSU students may have been even were offered release on their own recog summed up by a student wearing light blue corduroys as he lucky. national Gay Blue Jeans Day, some non- nizance. Officers said only Sheats refused, High: Low 50s Itudents wore their views in addition to their surveyed the scene from the stairs in Berkey Hall. as a further act of "My, aren't we a colorful group, with everyone not wearing protest. Tonight's low: Middle 30s. A police sergeant said the stiffest penalty jeans today," he quipped. lor the alleged offense is a $100 fine. 2 Michigon Stote News. Eost Lonsing, Michigon MondQy. Octow,,j Carter civil rights reorganization to consolidate equal employment opportunity enforcement agencies WASHINGTON (AP) - of Management and Budget. pared by the OMB calls for duties to EEOC, and transfer President Jimmy Carter, told Carter to submit the reorgani¬ the policing of federal hiring Employers now must deal from the Civil Service Com¬ by a federal task force that with 18 departments and agen¬ discrimination in hiring is still "a zation plan to Congress by the mission to the EEOC. cies in meeting nearly 40 equal end of the month. The plan pervasive phenomenon in American life," is being urged to employment opportunity re¬ would be the first in a series of While concluding the ultimate consolidate enforcement of all quirements prescribed by law, civil rights reorganizations the goal should be to focus all executive orders or regulations, President will propose. enforcement activities in a sin¬ federal bans against such dis¬ crimination in a single agency. according to a draft of the gle agency, the OMB team said recommendations, a copy of The draft of an option paper The task force, making its "it is not prudent to attempt which was obtained by The submitted to Carter by James that goal at this time" because of report as Carter prepares to Associated Press. T. Mclntyre Jr., acting OMB send a civil rights reorganiza¬ director, said transfer from the "past management and leader¬ tion plan to Congress, also said If Carter adopts the recom¬ Labor Department to EEOC of ship problems of these agen- equal employment programs mendations, he will make a responsibility for enforcing the were "hampered by inadequate major start in consolidating the Equal Pay Act and the 1967 Age It suggested that Carter leadership at the top, poor policing of hiring discrimination Discrimination in Employment decide in two years whether to management at some of the in the Equal Employment Act would "represent the first transfer enforcement of equal major agencies and inadequate Opportunity Commission. major steps toward the ultimate opportunity programs for fed funding. But for two years, the Labor goal of complete consolidation of eral contractors and subcon "It should come as no sur¬ all federal Department would continue to equal employment tractors to the EEOC. Current¬ prise, therefore, that discrimin¬ enforce an executive order that opportunity enforcement in one ly, the Labor Department's ation in employment on the prohibits racial and religious agency." Office of Contract Compliance basis of factors such as race, discrimination in hiring, while has that responsibility. national origin, sex, age and The draft recommendations EEOC would be responsible for handicap is still a pervasive also would abolish the Equal While the task force recom age and sex discrimination. phenomenon in American life," Employment Opportunity mended that Labor surrender Anita Bryant had a banana cream pie thrown in her concert in Des Plaines, Iowa, said the task force of the Office A tentative timetable pre¬ Coordinating Council, giving its some responsibilities now, it face by Tom Higgins, a self-professed homosexual husband Bob Green said toJet Friday. Bn also urged Carter to end the Higgins gout from Minneapolis, at a press conference prior to her as they prayed for him. authority of 11 other agencies to TERRORISTS' DEMANDS NOT MET excercise enforcement powers over contractors. This authority would be consolidated in the Law enforcement agency under fire Hijacked jet lands safely Labor Department on an in¬ terim basis. ADEN, South Yemen (AP) - A hijacked West German jet with 87 hostages aboard landed hijackers for release of 11 anarchists imprisoned in West German jails. West Germany took no In its assessment of equal employment opportunity activi¬ after proposing $4.5 million cutback ties, the task force found over¬ safely at Aden airport Sunday after a deadline action to free them as the deadline passed. lapping programs with inconsis¬ WASHINGTON (API-The development in the effort to Judiciary Committee Chair for death passed with the West German South Yemen was the fifth stop for the tent standards of compliance, "Congress likes i Law Enforcement Assistance measure the nation's crime government refusing to meet the demands of hijacked plane — which was ordered to Rome, inconsistent investigative and person Peter Rodino, D-N.J., formed," Rodino siiln four terrorists who had threatened to blow up Nicosia, Bahrain and Dubai after the hijackers enforcement efforts, Administration is coming under problem. scolded the agency for approv must say I think — unneces¬ fire for proposing a $4.5 million ft, the plane. commandeered the Majorca-to-Frankfurt flight sary and repetitive reporting But LEAA's budget has ing the action without telling nate that these de There was no word on the fate of West German over France on Thursday. cutback in one of its most been cut $250 million since him about it. taken without co and paperwork requirements. industrialist, Hanns Martin Schleyer, whose A crowd of 300 waited behind a steel fence popular projects — collecting 1975, and acting administrator kidnapers had threatened to kill him unless the outside the German Chancellery in Bonn while It also found an absence of crime statistics through regular James Gregg proposed saving Bonn government met the hijackers' demands by the deadline. Chancellor Helmut Schmidt held marathon talks articulated goals and direction, polls of about 65,000 American households. $4.5 million by suspending the crime victim polling during the Joan Little escapes; with his special team of crisis advisers. multiple enforcement proceed¬ South Yemen's civil aviation agency said ings in different forms such as Some members of Congress first nine months of next year. By mid-afternoon, government spokesperson authorities unsuccessfully tried to prevent Lufthansa Boeing 737 from landing in the capital the Klaus Boelling emerged from the chancellory on the banks of the Rhine River and addressed the both t he federal and state courts against the same employer and and some Justice Department officials are opposed to any He said the nine-month sus¬ pension also would give agency pressure from public of Aden. A spokesperson said the government tense crowd while troops with submachine guns confusion by workers about how reduction in the project, in officials time to correct some agreed to refuel the craft as long as the hijackers stood by. and where to seek redress. which families are asked problems in the RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - Joan Little, who escaped In poll-taking agreed to leave "as soon as possible." whether they have been the methods. over the weekend, was under too much pressure h "The federal government has been striving Reorganization plans become In recent years, this country at the tip of the victims of crimes such as bur¬ publicity she drew two years ago when she was acquit ceaselessly today for the lives of the women, men effective 60 legislative days Gregg approved the plan Arabian peninsula has granted refuge to hi¬ glary, rape or robbery. death of a jailer she said had assaulted her, an attorn and children and crew in the Lufthansa plane," after they are sent to Congress Aug. 1 without notifying House jackers and other terrorists. The Census Bureau conducts committees that deal with legis¬ Durham attorney Jerry Paul, who successfully deli he said. unless disapproved sooner by The 82 passengers, including an American the polling, and LEAA periodi¬ lation affecting the agency. Nor in her 1975 murder trial, said she called him late Fridi. with a heart condition, and five crewmen either the Senate or House. told him "there was something she really had to talk let woman The government made no move to comply with cally publishes the results. It did he consult with Justice were reported safe when the plane made a forced the hijackers' demands but Boelling said it was Since Congress plans to ad¬ has been an expensive project Little, serving a 7-to-lO-year sentence on a burglaiji Department officials develop landing on a dirt strip at the airport, the pursuing "all realistic possibilities" to free the -$53 million in five years — escaped from the North Carolina Correction Center frl journ this month or next, equal ,ng plans for a new bureau of spokesperson said. hostages. He said Schmidt had sought and hut academic and government Saturday. She had been turned down for parole last Di employment opportunity reor crime statistics, which probably The Lufthansa jet had left Dubai 40 minutes received support for his position from British and specialists in crime statistics was scheduled to be considered again for release inn ganization could not take effect would take over the victimiza- before the 8 p.m. EDT deadline set by the four French leaders. until early 1978. ' it is the most promising tjon The likelihood of her being granted parole nil p„||s. (ue^tn ai ^jacalbu) n'i 7A Pravda praises Carter's UN speech Here is where the bride's dreams MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet Union become The old SALT agreement expired JAXJAX JAX JAX JAX JAX JAX JAX JAX JAXJAX a reality beginning with said Sunday there has been o "draw¬ Oct. 3, but both nations hove her first visit with ing together" of Russian and American agreed our Bridal """'i to maintain the provisions of the old Consultant. positions in negotiations to reach a accord while working toward a new i . then the selection 2* new strategic arms limitation agree¬ treaty. of her Bridal stationery, listing of ment. The Communist Pravda, in party newspaper Pravda said meetings in the United i COPIES > her preferences in our Gift its authoritative weekly States last month between Soviet Registry, and choosing memor¬ review, praised President 5 (WITH THIS COUPON) x Jimmy Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, >< able gifts for the wedding party Carter's speech to the United Nations Carter and Secretary of State THAT'S RIGHT! 2« COPIES > General Assembly on Oct. 4, in which Cyrus R. from our Fine Jewelry collection. Vance resulted in "a -> DON'T MISS THIS VALIII he said a narrowing of w new arms limitation positions on a number of key ques¬ agreement was in sight. < WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS! x tions." iJAX COPYING!C -> * S 541E. GRAND RIVER UPPER LEVEL EAST LANSING 44* 332-5500 CCAA > X Jaoobson'B >< 'REGULAR WHITE EXP. 10/19/77 > -> JAX JAX JAX JAX JAX JAX J AX JAX J AX JAXJAX Businessmen seek economic strategy Hit the Books HOT SPRINGS, Va. (AP) - Top At their twice-yearly meeting this businessmen say the best President Jimmy Carter could do for the economy is spell out a consistent thing weekend, corporation chairpersons were not hostile to Carter, the first Democratic President in eight Paramount economic years. We have all of the program, even if it is Instead, the 120-member Business Plunge into brave new study anti-business. worlds tilled with guides you'll need Council expressed confusion about "Markets can handle good and bad the President's economic excitement. Whatever your next news but not plans. Someol your exploits will adventure might be... uncertainty," said Irving "Business is looking for an economic S. Shapiro, include great classics like: embark on a book from chairperson of the DuPont strategy, articulated in a Co. "Even if we don't way we can Paramount Newscenter. agree with the understand it. The market is not program, we'll know where we're hearing that." said Reginald H. Jones, going." chairperson of General Electric Co. - _j'.„'n«eased EEC Coherence during the * Practice of the Flying Sidhi Korean probe hearings to begin What if y„„ .1,111,1 levitate as a result of mere intention? How would this effect your view on i f"'1 -n "" ""'""""'I'rn,MI >«««!• jin-seul knowledge? What future ini|ilira"' WASHINGTON (AP) — Public hear¬ Senate versions. Shi sir Sh ('hi. aitluiimann ",SJ> 'r!.'"oi'T Ihe Hidosoghy snnie distinguished members of the MSI f® ings begin this week in the House of a one-year Department of Maliarislii International University awl The calendars also call for House M-Siilhis nsjise, will lie enminenl ing on and discussing. investigation of alleged South Korean action on a bill to refinance influence buying, and Congress may dwindling ■oe 'lh,^"!',"" 'M !"'"ly '"'w 'Teaktlnnughs in human Miavior an* new takiri*' I take final action on Social Security funds and Senate it... "I I 1 S".lhls Prugranins' l|x*rforinames in higher stall* "f boosting the action to outlaw child aliilitic alanjali.) Subjects who ie|nrtii| frequently cx|x'ricncing same'H'" pornography. ClWanwunt, minimum wage to $3.35 •Ihe alul know till- tost anil by 1981. Former South Korean future, knowlnlge of other minds. nhdiJJ;' Congress also moves into one of the intelligence 'I • ■ "lid synchrony in bruin wave patterns (KM* IhB'l and K II final, but difficult, stages of action on embassy officers ore to '..a'!. ' 'V",1""1'!11-'11 I'l-U'lin* "f the TM.Sethis programme, basic |.*m ' | is vein until or abilities hav n."' give uitl L . most of President firsthand, public testimony at hear¬ •"I an Ayr of Iff'H lull III | || iprovc Thise results iiidiiul":1 Jimmy Carter's ings Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Knli^Mrnmriii energy package: trying to find a on the alleged influence-buying Wednesday, October 19,7:30 PM., Erlkson-Klva IMSUl* compromise between the House and oper¬ • ations in Congress. Lansing: 102 S. Washington Ave • 2010 W. spnnsisr,i| |,y Students' Saginaw • East Lansing: 537 E Grand River Ave. International MiilitationtSix'iety, 351-7729. AnASMSU Programing Board Activity Monday, October 17, 1977 3 lessors' association Ls 80,000 members AAUP holds annual meeting [lean Association of University Professors (AAUP), founded in 1915, is the — ByPAMWEAR PUli Blatt, president of HAQT T'„ A MSU's AAUP ATTT1 chapter. differences U„4 I between employer I and employ « . Rep. Mary Brown (D-Kalamazoo), krgest faculty orgsniiation in the United States. The association includes State News Staff Writer "If we had launched a bigger campaign and ees after exhausting collective bargaining former faculty and AAUP member . [members and has chapters in every state. Only a handful of MSU faculty members clarified our stand more, probably we would negotiations. Western Michigan at have had more people." University, suggested ire college and university personnel. (AAUP) focuses solely on issues and turned out for the collective bargaining Most of the faculty who did come are Impasse resolution involves bringing in outside negotiators to resolve difficulties. ways AAUP members could influence the open house Friday afternoon at Kellogg amount of state Center. AAUP members. One exception was MSU While it is not illegal for Michigan money allocated to their public universities. Ltion achieved major status for its 1940 statement on academic freedom and The open house was sponsored by the Faculty Associates (FA) president Philip employees to strike. Block noted, the public "To be effective, you have to be h stated that professors could not be fired for personal beliefs Michigan conference of the American Korth, who said he just stopped by to help employees who strike can be fired by involved, or political you have to articulate your views Association of University professors, maintain friendly relations between FA and employers. early in 'the appropriation process," she said. (AAUP), which held its twenty-third annual AAUP. FA and AAUP are competing to be Several state government officials also bation is also noted for its annual survey of faculty salaries, and its 1966 meeting Friday and Saturday at Kellogg the sole bargaining unit for faculty members made appearances at the conference. "Also, the institution who is [governance of colleges and universities. Center. at MSU. I continued on page 161 Lace statement contends that faculty should have primary responsibility for AAUP members said the open house was Others attending the open house included [curriculum, faculty appointments, promotions, tenure and non-reappoint- meant to provide an opportunity for MSU leaders from AAUP chapters at other pssal. faculty to discuss collective bargaining with Michigan universities. t ten years, Association, AAUP has expanded its focus and has made a commitment to (gaining for higher education faculties as one way to achieve the traditional colleagues from other universities. "t'm disappointed but not surprised (about the size of the turn-out)," said Frank Those Michign universities with AAUP as their sole bargaining agent are Oakland University, Eastern Michigan University, Case predicted Western Michign University, Northern Michigan University, and Wayne State ByTERRY PRZYBYLSKI State News Staff Writer University. Phosphates banned The U.S. Supreme Court will decide "A problem some faculty have with unanimously that the University of California at Davis's refusal to admit Allan Bakke to its medical collective bargaining is the feeling that school was unconstitutional because school used a racial quota the with collective bargaining is the feeling that system. That was the prediction made it will create an adverse relationship or not Friday by Harold J. Spaeth. MSU professor of Political Science, who has been making computerized PAMELA A. ROARK "Persons with very hard water will have water meet faculty needs," said Ernest Benjamin, predictions of upcoming Supreme Court departments, city supervisors or decisions since 1970, with an accuracy rate of 93 percent. the sale and distribution of the most trouble getting clothes as clean as head of Wayne State's AAUP chapter and l companies selling water softeners before Spaeth said, however, that the ruling will not bring an end to all "affirmative Sundry detergents went into before," Field said. "We recommend they they run out and buy the phosphate-based chairperson of the national AAUP collective action' programs designed to give preference to members of Jiigan on October 1. In a matter use a phosphate-based water conditioner, water conditioners. bargaining conference. education and employment. minority races and women ir Ipermarket stocks of phosphate which will cost about 10 to 15 cents per load, Stifler said he hopes only those who "I feel that the AAUP is a good Bakke, a 37-year-old white man who works at a Ljll be replaced with non-phos- using a half-cup. Another alternative is to really need them will buy them. Zero to 3.6 bargaining agent for that reason, though, space research center near San Francisco, filed suit against the University of California's Board of Jry products, often times with- buy or rent a water softener which will cost because it is a faculty professional associa¬ Regents after he was grains per gallon (g.p.g.) is considered soft. refused admission to Davis and learned that some blacks and other minority students with Kge in packaging. This new law about six to 10 cents per load." 3.6 to 9 g.p.g., medium hard, 9.1 to 15 g.p.g. tion so it respects traditional faculty lower grade-point averages and test scores were admitted. in cleaner rivers and lakes, but Those persons who are hooked-up to city hard and over 15 g.p.g., very hard. values." Spaeth based his prediction of a unanimous vote on several reasons. He named the i additional 10-15 cents per water supplies that are pre-softened, like Because the liquid non-phosphate deter¬ Other MSU involvement at the confer¬ opinion of former Justice William O. Douglas in an earlier reverse discrimination Lansing and East Lansing, shouldn't notice gents contain citrates, water softening ence included a talk given by Richard Block, DeFunis vs. Odegaard, in 1974 as his chief reason. ■eld, extension specialist and a vast difference in the performance of agents, both the D.N.R. and Field are MSU Assistant Professor of Labor and In that case, in which Marco DeFunis charged reverse discrimination when he was B MSU and Mike Stifler, sanita- non-phosphate detergents. Although MSU stressing their use. The liquids don't build Industrial Relations. refused admission to the University of Washington law school. Douglas, considered the • with the Department of isn't hooked up to East Lansing's softening up on washing machine parts and are safe Block spoke at a Saturday collective court's most liberal member, said that there is "no constitutional right for any race to be .sources, are combining their system because of research purposes most and effective to flame retardant use on bargaining workshop on impasse resolution, preferred." knd efforts to better inform the dorms do soften hot water supplies. sleepwear. Spaeth suggested that if the University of Washington's admission a method k new law and how to properly Consumers with private wells are encour¬ public employees often use rather policy, which The phosphate ban turned out much ore flexible than the than a strike to resolve irreconcilable policy at Davis, was "too much for Douglas to stomach," it is unlikely jsphate detergents. aged to have their water tested by local I continued on page 81 that any of the nine current justices would vote against Bakke. |ng habits will have to change if Though the court's opinion will be signed by Chief Justice Warren Burger, Spaeth said let to get their clothes as clean he would not be surprised if the court's opinion were written by Justice Thurgood T with phosphate detergents," sphates are used as water Oates 'delights' crowd Marshall, the court's only black member. "If Marshall writes the opinion," Spaeth said, "it will help to defuse the racial issue and take the wind out of the sails of those who are proponents of quotas." |ents that help detergents do a By JANET HAI.FMANN English. Spaeth expressed personal disagreement with the policy of using quotas, saying that ir elimination will result in explained. such practices raise serious legal problems. State News Staff Writer Oates told her listeners she often writes "It attempts to link up to the outside world k products: stains won't come 'First, constitutional guarantees pertain to persons, not groups," he said. "Second, if the Admirers of novelist Joyce Carol Oates poetry after she has spent a long period which is at times as absurd as the | and whites won't be as white. discovered Friday night that the prolific preferential quota is established for a few groups, where do you draw the line?" s water is pre-softened or workingon an introverted work, such as her introverted world," she said. Among the author is also a poet and entertainer. Spaeth suggested that there were several additional groups of people who have 1 spent on laundering problems, most recently-completed novel. Writing the poems Oates read Friday night was "Gala The banter between readings of her new novel exhausted and drained her, she said. experienced discrimination at one time or another- Power Blackout of Manhattan, July 1977" lent of stains, soaking of extra- poems, many which she is still revising, "It is as if part of my soul and heart are still which satirizes the greatly exaggerated and "Why not include Jews, Catholics, Poles, Italians, homosexuals, single-parent families, land using warm water to hot delighted the standing-room only audience in that period of my life," Oates said. "I have welfare recipients, abused children, handicapped persons, unskilled workers, and w a few pointers noted by Field phony details printed about events during in the Kellogg Center auditorium. moved on in time but part of me is still back this summer's New York blackout by general?" Spaeth said. •mation sheet soon to be Her visit to campus was the highlight ol there." otherwise respectable news magazines. Spaeth also said that quotas such as the medical school at Davis used would not, by lo all Michigan extension home the three-day Conference on Modern Litera On the other hand, her poetry is more In "Public Outcry " she comments on themselves, improve the standard of medical practice. ture sponsored by the MSU Department ol autobiographical and often satirical, she (continued on page 16) Freaks routed in Saturday game The Establishment scored a victory of sorts against the spaced-out youth of America Sunday afternoon, as the Pigs defeated the Freaks 12 to 6 in front of 15,000 enthusiastic fans at Spartan Stadium. Respectability and clean living paid off for the Pigs as they forced the Freaks to suffer through four tough quarters of football. At the end of the eighth annual Bull Bowl morality had won out. Perhaps the Freaks were too burned out from Saturday night partying. Whatever the reason, they just couldn't put it together on the field Sunday. The loyal freak fans stuck by their team, despite the bitter cold weather, but it was a hopeless cause. Law and order prevailed throughout the game's entirety. By the end of the first half the Pigs were leading 9 to zero and the Freaks hadn't even ventured a yard into the law men's territory. The second half went much the same way, although the Freaks broke away momentarily from their self-imprisonment in the third quarter and scored a touchdown for their only points of the game. Coming back in the fourth quarter, the Pigs locked up the game for good with a field goal, and it was all a matter of running out the clock after that for another Pig victory. Real winners in yesterday's charity event are all the children suffering from catastrophicdiseases. who are helped through research because of the money raised in the Bull Bowl. ALSAC and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, through celebrity Danny Thomas, donated $10,000 of the game proceeds during special half-time ceremonies to the Michigan State Leukemia Program. The check was presented to Dr. Weil who is in the Department of Human Development of the College oif Human Medicine here at MSU. Part of the money will go to the hiring of Dr. Roshni Kulkarni, a specialist in the areas of leukemia and other blood related diseases. Although the crowd turnout of this year's Bull Bowl was disappointing after last year s group of 30,000, it was expected by ALSAC committee members. A spokesman for the organization said that ticket sales for the game hadn't started to pick up until three days before the game and then stopped completely on Saturday because of the poor weather. Py Danny Thomas ] receives a warm wel- n eager children before of the Pigs-Freaks Freaks gang-up on a Pig | during some mid-game h.by Stars in his eyes from the flag in his hands, a Jackson patrolman Lansing Everett High School Band plays The Star-Spangled kstein stands at attention while the Banner. tby pJacobson Red Squad records should be keJ Red Squad. That philosophy is strikingly these violations are blam. and should be It is a name that is harrowing in reminiscent of the by former President Ford for reasons given punisheie* tone, a throwback to the days of Sietsema is correct Joe McCarthy and blacklisting. pardoning Richard Nixon and in j that the state The operation behind the name offering to turn over to Nixon LegislawJ blame for confirms the first impression: The possession of his tapes and papers, creating the Red in the first place. I many of which were under litiga¬ But Red J Michigan State Police Red Squad tion was founded in was a unit founded in 1950 to and highly relevant to ongoing a sudZj criminal cases arising out of the atmosphere at a time wheji report on "subversive activities." of communism and The group is gone now, but the Watergate scandal. version gripped the internal memory lingers — in print — on Or retrospect, the foolhar< populL" the state law books. perhaps the real analogy ought to be drawn with the Nixon these fears are obvious. Hojn Dublin-born adventurer, is vir¬ tually certain these creatures Byrne who was a professional FREE Of. OF COKE WHERE Spaghettis All You Can lot I exist. He says the search for hunter in Nepal before coming WITH IVIRY PIZZA $2.00 them is one of the last great to the United States says he ORDIRID LESS 6-9 P.M. hunts though he only wants wants to shoot a Big Foot with — FRIIDILIVIRYI EVERYDAY Any TEQUILA DRINK '/> PRICE to shoot one with a camera. So a camera to prove its existence. for the last seven years he has The Big Foot was captured on CALL! 9-CLOSE dedicated his life to stalking out the Big Foot. an 18 second film in 1967 taken by two ranchers in California, but the film still has left doubts. CAMPUS I TDK SUM'S T is "I think one of these things going to be found and it's "I'm doing this out of curios¬ PIZZA I RUSH FAREWELL lOMKSdEo.r.n) *2" going to be a tremendous revelation," he said last Wed¬ ity, it's a challenge," Byrne 1312 Mich. Ave. Open M-F: 11 a.m. VU*JP| INN nesday after giving a lecture > of the last Sat.-Sun.: Noon FRII DILIVIRY 337-1377 sponsored by Great Issues. ou like left i I Blk. West of Hagadorn "The anthropological books are just about going to have to be HOT BATH SWING BAND 332-6517 rewritten." MONEY NO COVIR Good Peed ★ Pizza * Boom lor Education or Job Training Byrne, who works with four members of the Oregon-based COUPON All you can oat Pi«h, trios, salad bar HELPING PEOPLE... Mon. thru Thurs. Big Foot Information Center 2.9S may be able to HELP YOU 50C in free pinboll with THIS TUESDAY NWHT and Exhibition, has never per¬ any ice cream purchase sonally seen a Big Foot. But he and this ad. DARK BEER has interviewed 15 people who try the reported sightings and said he believed they were telling the Now featuring frozen yogurt and organic SPECIAL CRISPY FRIID CHICKIN flavors. fizapdk truth. HELPING PEOPLE . . . INC. "I'mi 99 PO BOX 4144 INDUSTRIAL STATION ALL YOU CAN (AT percent convinced ST PAUL, MINN 55414 Big Foot exists," he said. "And there's one percent to go which i°ounc SPICIAL s from Berkey Hall 337-1833 will be dispelled when I see 351-2285 From accounts, Byrne says College o km oao SING BOARDS bit Programs & Hours trilitUfftrttue!!! 351-6228 Our representative will arrange an appointment with you. SPORTSFUNDERS full: mit Orchard ATHLETIC EQUIP. CO. *d Sulla 205 Formington 2780 e. grand river, e. lansing |'Mil (113) 151-0313 (next to Tom's Party Store) BIIONO APPETITO Eat Here or Takeout SPECIAL THRU FRIDAY BEEF RAVIOLI DINNER with vegetable salad I garlic bread Mon.-Thurs. 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Frl.-Sat. 11:3010 p. Sunday: 3 p.m.-10 p.m. >E. GRAND RIVER at GUNSON PH. 337-9549 in&lDfDLLS Hairs1 Styling only OO NOW OPEN NIOHTS TILL 9:00 PM |r, , Friday & Saturday till 6:00 I 332-2416 for appt, or Walk In B ^^ed above Sam's Clothing, Stairwell near Crossroads Imports Monday, October 8 Mithigon Stole News. Eost Lansing, Michigan 17 1977 State needs energy By SCOTT WIERENGA Jondahl said that even while sive," he said. Another example of the legis¬ we use the energy sources, availability of but not plan, Jondahl says partment isn't the crucial ques¬ tion," he said, "but rather, what discussion, however. "I wish Rep. Jondahl was increase in the cost of tapping those energy sources. strive to be ;ent, more wearandheavier ene,„ I SUte New. Staff Writer encouraging people to dial energy "The energy crisis is a price the house Energy conservation is not down their thermostats, the lature's attitude, he said, is the sources," Jondahl said. powers and authority it is here," Stout said. Stout con¬ tended that three cents worth crisis," Edens said. The first The second install i„, "81 the dominant concern of most legislature is voting tax write¬ decision to exempt from penal¬ There is not even a transpor¬ given." will involve a stag, ,i«f tation policy in the state, he A joint legislative committee of electricity can do the same manifestation of an energy ehan'. "1 state legislators, Rep. H. Lynn offs for energy -w expensive ty points those drivers caught said. It is really just a car and is meeting today in the Law work as one farm worker in a crisis will be select groups of style. People will Johdahl, D-East Lansing, said industrial plant expansion. . speeding between 55 ar.d 70 unhealed Saturday. Larger plants don't necessarily mph. highway policy, leaving out Building auditorium in Lansing ten hour day making $26.50 in people not being able to meet bedroom/ Jondahl made the remark in mean more jobs, he said. Jondahl complained that the other forms of public transpor¬ to debate the proposed energy wages. Using 1918 technology would require 26 million addi¬ their financial commitments, he said. will spend heated room theevenJ* a speech prepared for the The businesses that must be state presently does not have a tation. he said. department. tional workers and 61 million "The best way to increase instead 0f ing all around the 'j One of Jondahl's points was Energy Awareness Day con¬ ference at Holt High School. brought in, Johdahl said, are the ones that bring the jobs. comprehensive energy conser¬ vation plan. Public policy is The motivation behind the bottle amendment, which set contested by an MSU professor horses and mules to match energy supplies Is to decrease h0«^ Only about 60 people showed "Attract businesses that are piecemeal, he said. mandatory deposits for bottles in the short panel discussion present agricultural produc waste of energy supplies," A fourth paneii labor and "You and f can control how and cans, was a concern for the that followed. Bill Stout, Pro¬ tion, Stout said. panelist Anne Field, Professor Maters of up to hear the state legislator. not energy inten¬ Michigan i litter problem rather than a fessor of Agricultural Engi¬ Panelist Thomas Edens, of Family Ecology, said. Bureau, warned that n, concern for energy conserva¬ neering, said the labor inten¬ MSU Professor of Agricultural Field said 30 percent of sition of severe tion, he said. He called this sive energy policy Johndahl Economics, said the problem energy is consumed by families restrictions would T Ban on phosphate sale public attitude "tragic." During a short question and proposed would not work in agriculture. Jondahl did not confronting the country is not a sudden disappearance of ener¬ and the shortage is likely to pqpduce a two stage response. only the tourist those businessesbuSineSS J J but rather, At first, she said, families indirem 1 answer period after his speech, stay around to listen to the gy sources, an fected by tourism. '• (continued from page 3) Jondahl said he doubted prohabition-type action that waters will improve and to a weaker than opponents to the would have raised opposition to what extent. separate state energy depart¬ bill had led many to believe. It the point where it never would 'We've heard a lot of success ment would be established. He only outlaws the sale and have passed. This way, we're stories from Indiana and New said the proposal is not a distribution of, but not the use eliminating a large chunk of the York state where phosphate politically saleable item and of phosphate laundry phosphate problem and making bans have been in effect for added that the idea is hotly detergents. It still allows the that important first step in the some time now. We're hoping contested. sale and use of phosphate-based right direction." for the hest," said Stifler. "Whether it becomes a de¬ Eagle Press water conditioners. The D.N.R. hopes that every¬ Stifler pointed to the political one will soon be able to see the Course Outlines reasons behind these apparent loopholes: "A bill that would results of the ban in cleaner lakes, rivers and streams, but ROOTS BOOTS and Waiver Notes have totaly banned all phos they aren't promising anything. for Men & Women — warm, stylish and very, phate products and their use They admit that it's a bit of an very comfortable. Hand-crafted in superb would have amounted to a experiment to see if the state's Canadian leathers for durability and timeless good looks. Eagle Press provides condensed ARTHUR TReflCHERS course material for the Math: 108,109.111,112,113. following THE ORIGINAL Tisij 6 Statistics: 315. Chem: 130,131,141. Physics: 237,238,239,287,288,289. SOC: 201,202,203,211,212,213. Only on Nat Sci & Hum: All three terms All Basic College Waiver Notes Iliesday OUR BUDGET BANQUET Now available at Student Seek Store College Book Store and Oibeens Book Store frank shorter sports 5169 COLE SLANA 217 Ann St. BEVERAGE SUNDAY SPECIAL Josten's College MB ARTHUR'S FiSH & CHIPS | Prime Rib, tossed salad, hot garlic Jewelry Representative bread, green beans and a side of Will Be Here For Bring the Family. EAT HERE spaghetti. *4.95 1001 E.GRAND RIVER ondDURAND MONDAY SPECIAL ACROSS FROM 220AA.A.C. All you can eat of spaghetti and CAMPUS 3535 21th ST. ■mI THE UNIVERSITY MALL EASTBROOK MALL meat sauce with hot garlic bread... TAKE HOME EAST LANSING GRAND RAPIDS and after dining, join us for the foot¬ 517-332-2212 616-949-1320 ball game and a draft in the lounge. Mathematics and language majors... WHAT'S AH KSACAREER? lake the PGTand find ax - SPECIAL If you lire receiving a degree in mathematics or in u foreign language before September 1978. a career with the National Security Agency could begin with a Advanced training in language (perhaps language) can be expected. a new 5% OFF training program of several different career COMMUNICATIONS-Developing and testing logical ALL DELUXE FEATURE fields. That's why the Professional Qualification Test designs for global communications is a unique is so helpful in Identifying fhe NSA field where pursuit. It follows that your training programs in this AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! your area will be both extensive and esoteric. aptitudo is strongest. You must register by November 5 in order In lake the PROGRAMMING— Our vast communications analysis Mon.-Fri. Oct. 17-21 projects could not be effectively managed without PQT on campus-it will not he given again during the school year. By scoring well on thi: the latest computer hardware software and people TIME: 10:00 to 4:00 who know how to use them. qualify for all employment intei . During the PICK UP A PQT BULLETIN at your college interview, an NSA represented I will discuss the office. It contains a registration form which placement rule you might play in furthering this country's you must . oj campus communications security or in mail prior to November 5 in order to lake fhe test on intelligence Information. producing vital foreign November 19. ROOHIIORI The PQT helps to Electronic Engineering. Computer Science. Slavic. aptitude fur c " men: areas such as: Mid-Eastern and Asian language majors and Mathe¬ matics majors at the Masters level LANGUAGES-Foreign languages may interview are valuable lools without taking the PQT. for research, analysis, and documentation projects. U.S. Citizenship is required. We Wrote the Bluebook On I FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD - COCKTAILS 19 Northern Italian Dinners including Soup, Salad, Entree, Vegetable 8 Pasta Priced from $1.95 MON.-THUR.: 4:30-10:30 FRI.-SAT.: 4:30 -11:30 LUNCHEON American & Italian Sandwiches Dinners , of the new Athletic Council. representatives guided tour of the grounds, from the Student Athlete ■February, for $2.50, they which include a hacienda Ad¬ would be picked from the If a one-shot bus tour of style visory Council. There are provisions in the Alumni Varsity Club and the ft million compound. (he name of mansion, a guest house, swim ming pool, private golf course Gordon said she has no proposed bylaws for three stu¬ dent representatives. In addi¬ general alumni association LOOK TOWARD CO-OPTICAL" In and helipad. reservations about having an membership. Each group would ,avs Alex Goodman, tion to the one selected by the send one representative to the We offer you fine fashion eyewear. Come and look The tours will take about 25 athlete representative, but has lounred that the former Student Athlete Advisory Council. and his wife have minutes and will be run on collection of famous L„i over our names as Oscar de la buses shuttled from San Clem¬ I to OP''" the 22 acre Is to tours on Feb. 26 to ente High School at 10-minute Renta, Eye Mystique, Diane Von Furstenberg, Gloria UauisEduiards (or the towns 50th intervals. E celebration. It will be Vanderbilt, Christian Dior, and "si time the public has Goodman said no one will be allowed off the tour buses and Playboy Frames. lowed inside the fence he did not know if Nixon would irrhased the e I appreciate this offer greet the tourists. Haircuttera Two locations to serve you Call 351-5330 if Nixon family and want State News Full Service Salons with 3 Nail Technicians, Ibl'ir to know we are 14 Stylists and 4 AestitiUons; them anything for Newsline 2225 E. Grand River Dr. James Nixon ■vilcec." said Goodman, (Groesbeck Area) Kr 0f the San Clemente 353-3382 484-8423 Registered Optometrist r of Commerce. "All Brookfield Plaza 1417 % E. Michigan Ave. Above Bancroft Flowers Blood Drive owners: 487-6655 Carole & Don Satterfield Louis Edwards Haircutters East Complex Opens New Facial Room : South Hubbard Lower Lounge JOIN US AT HI FI BUYS FOR Oct. 18 and 19 McDonel East MITSUBISHI Lower Lounge Oct. 20 DAY 11a.m. - 5p.m. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 19TH .Oct. 18; Wed.Oct. 19; AT OCR EAST LANSING STORE Thurs. Oct. 20 Treat yourself to a relaxing facial featuring CHRISTINE VALMAY products and machines. A complete skin care treatment Including: MR. Y01CH1 KAWAKAM1, A MEMBER OF THE analyzatlon, facial and neck massage, removal of dead skin cells, I Call Sue 353-8008 and a mask especlaUy for your skin type. MITSUBISHI ELECTRONICS DESIGN TEAM WILL or John 353-1551 Special Introductory Price of Only '10 DISCl'SS DESIGN OBJECTIVES FOR TODAYS HIGH QUALITY STEREO EQUIPMENT. WITH EMPHASIS ON DUAL MONAURAL CONSTRUCTION. A QUESTION Until Sound Guard, your AND ANSWER PERIOD WILL FOLLOW. SEMINARS AT 1PM, 3PM, 5PM, 7PM long playing record had a short playing life. WE WILL HAVE SPECIAL PRICES ON SELECTED ITEMS DCRING THE DAY HI-FI BUYS 1101 E. GRAND RIVER E. L. PH. 337-1767 M-F10-8 S 10-5 Magnification shows the record vinyl THE 1978 RED CEDAR LOG Before Sound Guard" preservative, every time you played your favorite record, wear was inevitable. YEARBOOK WILL MAKE Friction did it. But now Sound Guard preservative, with its dry lubrication, reduces YOU LOOKGOOD! the friction that wears out your records. In fact, independent tests prove that Sound Guard preservative used regularly maintains sound fidelity by virtually eliminating record wear. And its built-in, permanent anti-static property resists dust accumulation. Sound Guard preservative is available by itself or as part of our new Sound Guard ™ Total Record Care System, which includes new Sound Guard™ record cleaner. The cleaner developed through extensive research and testing to effectively remove everything from dust particles to oily Many of you think you're one of those students who don't fingerprints. . photograph well. For this reason, many of you neglect getting All Sound Guard | your picture taken for the yearbook. And without your picture in the yearbook, HOW WILL YOU EVER BE REMEMBERED? products are available "S, in audio and record That's why the RED CEDAR LOG yearbook employs the pro¬ fessional services of Stevens Studios of Bangor, Maine. When outlets. •it comes to high-quality, full-color, portrait photography, Stevens does an excellent job. Even if you don't photograph well. So get pictured. We'll make you look good. For your friends. For your family. For anyone who looks at the 1978 edition of the RED CEDAR LOG yearbook. Call for your FREE picture appoint¬ ment TODAY I SENIORS: Call 355-4548 for a FREE portrait appointment or stop by 337 UNION BUILDING. Sound Guard keeps your good sounds sounding good. FRESHMEN: Call 353-4470 for a FREE portrait appointment or stop by | 1 Sound Guard preservative-Sound Guard cleaner-Sound Guard Total Record Care System^ 445 UNION BUILDING. J Sound Guard is Ball Corporation's registered trademark. Copyright © Ball Corporation, lib <■ Muncte. IN 4/.KJ2 Monday, October 17, ] QMithigon Stote News. Eost lonsing, Michigan ^ It wasn't the most picturesque touchdown, but it counted just the same. Behind the blocking of Alonzo Middleton 1441 at left, freshman Steve Smith tried to burst into the end aone MSU ties Hoosiers from the one-yard line. Below, Smith By MICHAEL KLOCKE State News Sports Writer (20) ended up on the ground after the ball BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - The Indiana Hoosiers throughly popped up into the air. But for¬ outplayed MSU Saturday in almost every phase of the game, but tunately for the Spartans, it popped the Spartans were able to salvage a 13-13 tie. right into the waiting arms of MSU'a And if MSU hadn't made a very big mental mistake, well, they big offensive tackle John Malinosky just might have beat the Hoosiers. (63). It was the first career touch¬ The mistake came at the end of the first half, when on fourth down for Malinosky, who was con¬ down Indiana tried to get off a field goal attempt with time verted to offense only this year. The touchdown made the score 13-12 with running out. The Hoosiers had used their time outs but with two seconds left, MSU obliged Indiana and called a time out. MSU hard 1:57 left in the game. Coach Darryl It gave Indiana kicker David Freud time to get off his 40 yard Rogers then chose to have Hans Niel- kick. Freud split the uprights and instead of a 34) lead at halftime, to predict MSU wjnt into the lockeroom deadlocked at 3-3. son kick for the extra point and take a 'That was a mental mistake and we'll have t take the blame for 13-13 tie with the Indiana Hoosiers. BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - There are two ways to u it," said MSU head coach Darryl Rogers after the game. "It was an The Spartan's record now stands at 2- MSU's 13-13 tie with Indiana Saturday. It's hard to nictiir.il absolute stupid boner on our part." 3-1. They will travel to Madison this If ever a team could start a game out MSU is headed in its last five football slowly, it was the Spartans way games. ] Saturday to meet the Wisconsin Bad¬ on Saturday. The first six times they had the ball, they were At the start of the year MSU athletic director Joe Kearn. J gers, who were dismantled by unable to move it. Their "drives" ended in five long Ray a 6-5 season from head coach Darryl Rogers' team is all be expected. But that just didn't sound right—7-4 that'i Michigan 56-0. Stachowitz punts and a fumble. sounded ■ While MSU was having trouble moving the ball, the Hoosiers better. certainly were not. With the running of tailback Ric Enis—(sub¬ But after Saturday's tie, 5-5-1 sounds awful good. State News That 1. photos Robert Kozloff three wins in five games against Wisconsin, Illinois, J) bing for the injured Derrick Burnett) and the passing of quarterback Scott Arnett, the Spartan defense could not stop Northwestern and Iowa. Indiana. MSU could not stop Indiana, but the Hoosiers certainly could If MSU was going to finish 7-4 it had to remain first few games the injuries were only coming one at a healthy |> fl time M stop themselves. They fumbled four times in the first half. they're coming by the half dozen. MSU's only first - half score came on a 28-yard field goal by Rogers said after the game that six players had gone Hans Nielsen, which gave him a total of 189 career points, making during the Indiana contest. And two who were instrumental ul him MSU's all-time leading scorer. two point play -Kirk Gibson and Leroy McGee-were m Indiana came out the same way in the second half with Arnett action when Rogers dicided to go for the tie instead of a si connecting with Keith Calvin on numerous short passes. MSU was two point conversion. MSU was also missing its big cent, Pitts, while guard Jim Thomas was out from the week giving Calvin down -and- out patterns all day, and the senior split end took advantage of it by catching 11 passes for 153 yards. the other guard, Mike Densmore, was hurt befon J Saturday. The Hoosier defense was also stopping MSU's passing attack MSU didn't settle for a tie, it earned it. The Spartans pn— would have been stopped and as Rogers with quarterback Ed Smith's two leading receivers, Edgar Wilson and Kirk Gibson out of the game with injuries. admitted—they"3 lucky to even get the touchdown. The teams traded field goals to make the score 6-6, and then the "We had come from so far. because we hadn't done anythini Hoosiers put on a long scoring drive to go ahead 13-6 with 10 day, that we were furtunate as heck to get the tie," he saUl minutes left. Markus Hardy scored the touchdown on a seven yard completed a pass when a guy fell down and then fumble thebil pass. the end zone and still get a touchdown." MSU put on their only real sustained drive of the day late in the The only thing that kept the game from becoming a routm game. Freshman tailback Steve Smith was the key as he had fumble recoveries by MSU's defense. The Spartans yielddl several long runs on key plays. Barry Harris caught a Smith pass yards—the most this year—but stopped drive-after-drive rij on a crucial third down play and took the ball to the one yard line. fumble. 1 But on the next play Steve Smith fumbled the ball up in the air Even with 498 yards, Indiana only earned 10 points afterfl and luckily, for the Spartans, it fell right into the arms of tackle made the blunder of calling time out with two seconds re John Malinosky who was on the ground in the end zone. at halftime to let the Hoosiers kick a field goal. Rogers opted to kick the exra point instead of going for. It's hard to determine whose fans were more frus "I don't like the tie and we don't play for ties. We had come so Saturday, Indiana's or MSU's. far we were fortunate to get it," Rogers said. "We had a two-point MSU's defense gave up 279 yards rushing and 2 conversion play but two of the people instrumental in it (Leroy passing, but it's still difficult to imagine the defense beingwi than it was last year. And last year MSU won three McGee and Gibson) were on the sideline with injuries." same point in the season. straighti| The Spartan injury problem continued to get worse as cornerback Jerome Stanton, middle guard Craig Lonce, center A1 The Spartans had lost a lackluster game to Minnesota aft Pitts and guard Mike Densmore were also injured. Rogers said straight losses to Notre Dame and Michigan, but still car more about the extent of the injuries would be known Monday. behind against Illinois, crushed Purdue and shut out Indi The statistics din't indicate the score, but they, did show who Somehow they won those three games and somehow 1) dominated the game. Indiana had a whopping 498 total yards to going have to overcome all their troubles and win three mort( MSU's 255. In first downs it was 30 to 14 in favor of Indiana. .500 season. Let me assist you in the purchase of your next new or used car, truck or van. -In Store 'Produce Coupons I con help you soloct a Hershey Chocolate Syrup Chovotto, Nova, Camaro, 16oz. can 24* Save 24C Z»28, Molibu, Impalo, Monto Carlo, Caprico or Tangelos — 100 count ,0/88* Michigan Beet Sugar 5# bag 57*Save32C Corvatta from our oxcol- Eckrich Smok-Y-links lont inventory. Regular. Maple or Beef Brussel Sprouts 49* lb. 10 oz. pkg 77* Save 32C Keebler Fudge Stripe or On east side of MSU at 1109 Deluxe Grahams _ East Grand River. S99 or coll me at 12% 4 13% oz. pkg. 87* Save 20C OpenMon.-Thur.9am-IOpm | Bud Kouts Chevrolet r General Merchandise - Jonathan Apples — 3# bag 59* Save 30« Fri. t Sat. 9am-10pm 2801 E.Michigan General Electric Bulbs 489-6533 4 Bulb Package Limit 1 Pleas* with '5" Food Purchase Dial Bath Six* -Meat- 60-75-or 100W Jl3: Soap Kitchen Towels — Special label Pack Finger Tip 3/* 101 4 bar pkg. 99* Save 18« Assorted Colors limit 1 - 4 Bar Pack Plump — Meaty Turkey Drumsticks 25c i - Bakery- Spartan Turkeys Spartan Bread- 20 oz. loaf 4/$l°° Both Goodrich's & Larry's Tender & Juicy 10/20 lbs 69< Oven Fresh Cinnamon Rolls have Package Liquor ft 6 count pkg. 44* full selection of your Oven Fresh lumberjack Bread 20 oz. loaf 49* Favorite Beer ft Win* Gunsberg Corned Beef Rounds 99* hi Hygrade Ball Park Franks Regular or Beef 1# pkg. 99*i ~Frozen & Dairy Pet Riti Pies — Pumpkin or Mince (20 oi. carton) 49* .a Oscar Mayer Sliced Bacon Country Fresh Milk — 2% Lowfat $l37ga.lo„ l#pkg. THE BIG WHITE BARN Country Fresh Chocolate Milk (1 qt. carton) 3/*]00 Eckrich Sliced Bologna 1# pkg. This Area's Only Multi-Media Discotheque 2843 E. Gd. River E. Lans. 351-1201 Country Fresh Cottage Cheese — Large or Small Curd 24 oz. container 88* Regular or Thick Sliced $rJ 45* Fresh Frozen Smelt monday Sportan Soft Margarine .Grocery. — 2 Troy Pock (1# pkg) Headless & Dressed 79* J PIZZA and PITCHER Spartan Sweet Peas (16 oz. can) 6/5]00 SPECIAL Spartan Corn Whole Kernel or Cream Style (17 oz. can) 5/5] 00 TUESDAY SPECIAL Shurf ine Vegetables Mix Cut Green Beans T 15 to or WHEEL OF Cut Wax Beans > 16 oz. Match Spinach — Apple Sauce J cans FORTUNE NIGHT Or Mixed Vegetables 4/5,00 A ' Crlsco Pure Vegetable Oil DIFFERENT SPECIAL Jll Peanut Butter — (24 oz. bottle) Creamy or Crunchy (28 oz. jar) 89* 5,3. GOODRICH'S EVERY HOUR Kraft Miniature Marshmallows Vernors Ginger Ale — (10 oz. bag) 3/5,00 ... west side of MSU at SIOT'OW^S'14 Open Monday - Thursday 9 om-» P Regular or 1 Cal 8 pack — 16 oi. Returnable 9 am-10 pm Friday 4 Saturday Bottles plus deposit $1" 11 am-5 pm Sunday 351-5760 n cmc News, East Lonsing, Michigon Monday, October 17, 1977 11 [jckers third in Classic the By JOE CENTERS SUte Newi Sports Writer MSU soccer team traveled to Bloomington, J" Ten Classic, they knew what they were getting into. Ind. for would take year a strong performance from everyone if the Spartans ™d.Ve r.\hope ,or a vict<"T Baum was also counting on vlaftto holdt? down theeptIndiana u J the SPartans in most of their games this scorers. But the Hoosiers were NOTICE I they go' >'•were ambushed 7-0 by their first round s,trongas they U9ed four first-half goals to all but end the OF «.m k game before the intermission. I Indiana, The Hoosiers were less than gracious hosts "We went into the game with a specific defense," Baum said. We had Dave Abbott shadow Lame back lodemolish wisconsin 81 in the championship their All American forward Angelo DiBernardo and it worked because he (DiBernardo) only ■k,> consolation game, the Spartans were able to bounce touched the ball once in the first 10 minutes." T the Indiana loss to defeat Ohio State 2-1 and take third But that success ended ELECTION m quickly as Indiana scored twice in a two •"the tournament and raise their season record to 5-4. ' minute span that was 10 minutes into the first half and "shot our i ,0 the Indiana game coach Joe Baum knew that the game plan out the window," as Baum said. trs E ranked third in the country by the Intercollegiate We had to play offense and try to score some goals," Baum Association of America, had an awesome team and that it commented about his change in strategy. "We just couldn't stay with them after that." The Spartans bounced back to defeat OSU 2-1 in the lomen golfers consolation game for their second the Big Ten Classic. MSU finished Classic held in 1975. "We totally dominated the OSU straight third-place finish in second in the first Big Ten game in the first half," Baum TO lampions said. 'Our players wanted the game more than OSU. We lost to again them ast year 3 1 and we wanted to game. make amends for that BOARD By JOHN SINGLER State News Sports Writer , [),,fjned as a group period of time. whose power or prominence Skaters lose, 7-4 OF DIRECTORS cer a „re no better words to describe MSU's grip on the The MSU hockey team took it on the chin Saturday night as •s Midwest regional golf title. The Spartans won this Michigan used five second-period goals to up-end the Spartans Cid for the sixth straight year and won like champions. 7-4 in an exhibition game before 2,945 fans at Munn Ice Areana. I-laved a little giveaway Saturday," said Mary Fossum, Dave Debol, a senior from St. Clair Shores, led the Michigan loarli, MSU had built a seven-shot lead over third-place attack with 3 goals and one assist while Xter Friday's opening 18 holes, with Purdue in between ■shots off the pace. The Buckeyes made up the deficit and 1 had a stroke to spare. Judy Ellis missed a one-foot putt on game. playing only half of the Darryl DiPace, Ron Heaslip, Leo Lynett and Ken Paraskevin OF all scored for the Spartans, who have been practicing for less I ye of regulation, sending OSU and the Spartans into then two weeks because of the late school start. rath overtime. "Conditioning is our biggest problem," MSU coach Amo p, paid. ■ Spartan ■area so proud of the win, because we had given it away," Escott foursome of Sue Ertl, Sue Conlin, Joan Garety carded a 20 on the overtime hole while the Bessone said about his team, "We weren't in The Spartans open their regular season this weekend host the University of Toronto shape." Friday and Saturday. Both as they THE STATE NEWS games start at 7:30 p.m. Ives totalled 21. "We should be ready for Toronto," Bessone said. "But it's las such a big win but the hardest, and most unfair, course North Dakota that we're looking for." iver played," Fossum said."It was not a hilly golf MSU will travel to North Dakota on the weekend of Oct. a mountainous golf course." 28-29 to open its Western Collegiate Hockey Association 15,800 yard layout played more like 6,600 and explains schedule. Tf the unusually high scores. Tournament medalist Nancy r„, (if host Marshall University, won with 80-81-161. The State News Announces K Escott paced MSU with a pair of 85's. The Rochester as the Midwest's medalist two years ago at Purdue, o 75's for a Midwest record. BOOKS WANTED junior Sue Ertl, who swung for three MSU records We are interested in buying: openings for the following an Jeekend in Bloomington, Ind., solved the difficult Spring lountrv Club layout with 83-91 -174. Other Spartan scores - Science Fictinn • Old Books 'n Garety, 88-84; Sue Conlin, 85 94-179; Sheila • Comic Books KJ 185 and Ann • Pulps Mclnerney, 99-107-206. • Beatle Items • Magazines | victory gives MSU a ticket into next spring's national • Nancy Diew • Big Little Books Jinvolleyball I Florida. team can't wait to play next weekend's home • Mysteries •Baseball Cards seats on the Jes ■helmed after losing 11 straight on the road. The Spartans were at this weekend's Windy City Invitational in Curious Book Shop o, III., coming up empty-handed in six matches. 307 East Grand River "s second, and final, home weekend comes up Friday, |\'ork University and the University of Waterloo. round robin concludes the home A (517)332-0112 East Lansing Hours 11:30-6p.n Board of Directors im season Saturday. |HE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS • 1 Full-term professional OF MICHIGAN STATE JNIVERSITY (A.S.M.S.U.) IS • 1 Full-term Faculty [ANNOUNCING VACANCIES • 2 Full-term students nOR DIRECTOR AND STAFF IN THE FOLLOWING We invite your application for interviews to be CABINETS: held November 4, 1977. Applicants will be notified of the time and place. Application blanks and further information available at the office of the General OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Manager, 346 Student Services Building, Applications LEGISLATIVE RELATIONS must be filed with Gerald Coy, General Manager, by October 21, 1977 at 5 p.m. LABOR RELATIONS LEGAL SERVICES UNIVERSITY RELATIONS MEDIA RELATIONS CAMPUS OPERATIONS petitioning for these positions will remain open until 5 p.m., october 26. NW1NP8 all inquiries go to room 334 student services building Skkkkk:::::::::?:.;.:.:.;,:::.:::.:.;.-.: 1 2 Michigan Stole News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October Science By SUSAN LOCKHART taught that process of learning must as teacher who will make a subject magical mystery to children why the teacher is so excited." sophy of education," became pressions Five. He and Senzig came up with "The Magic of Science," now Steve Senzig believes that start with the desire to learn, live for the student. If that is Frank Dolinar, his partner, interested in the Impressions The museum originally bought the show, Dolinar said, called "The Magic and Mystery children can't be taught any- It's possible to learn anything, done, the child will become agrees. Together they are the Five Museum through "The Children have of Science," which is based on ma 1 interested. He'll want to know Wizard Red Beard and Mr. D.. Pyramid Show" which com¬ but the master tape was open minds thing. "They must learn, and What is needed is than .dniif an old television program called who teach an unusual class memorated the 10th anniver¬ missing. Museum officials con¬ tacted Dolinar who volunteered "Mister Wizard." Senzig said. called "The Magic and Mystery sary of Justin Morrill College in ^ to recreate the tape — which he "Mister Wizard" used magic of Science" to school children Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to March 1975. The Pyramid Show, which did with some adjustments — to teach science to children Senzig and Dot, from J traditional J1 Dolinar helped to produce, con¬ and he has been volunteering at with the help of television systems where noon at the Impressions Five Museum in sists of a pyramid set up for medium. brought wro„.H Lansing. Last year, museum director "We want to nudge them into humiliation student. They J*1! It is a unique non profit, people to enter while visual asking questions," bel l museum combining science, technology and art into a fun slides of pyramids and etchings of them are simultaneously Marilyn Rosenberg, who Senzig and Dolinar said is always Dolinar. "What better way than to says delight ■ them with magic, children learned humi hation, not Jj curjli learning experience for chil¬ projected on the pyramid's coming up with ideas on how to Dolinar summed then have them figure out how it, "ft dren of all ages. Senzig, sides. A tape recording relating get more community involve¬ ment in the museum, asked the illusion works? We en¬ ssying, "We want to Zjl dent, a became former MSU stu¬ interested in the pyramid story accompanies the slides. The show is a Dolinar if he would consider courage wrong answers here. It curiosity of yoUn„ showing them the J?| magic after serving a three- teaching science class. means they're at least thinking science in la^l regular feature at the Im¬ a everyday t J* year hitch in Vietnam. He Bally l"'ld v taught a class for magicians at Lansing Community College during the winter 1975 and spring 1976 terms and was Organization pushes city park plan owner and operator of The Fantasy Factory magic store on Abbott Road in East Lansing before recently selling the business. Riverfront land deal contested! Always concerned with high teaching standards, he uses his A group calling themselves "Citizens to Preserve the property, into a private restaurant and meeting place. magical talents and open style Riverfront" will hold a press conference Monday morning at The Citizens group is against the of instruction to excite young¬ 9:30 at Jim's Tiffany Lounge, 116 E. Michigan Ave., to discuss proposal beau, building would interfere with the City's plans to exMnl J J sters into learning about plans on how to thwart a proposal on the Lansing November Lansing Riverfront Park. 1 ballot that would sell a key piece of property on the Lansing A "no" vote on Proposal A would keep the old "If you learn something from riverfront. Mom Ward building property in the City's possession, enebO different directions, you can get The passage of Proposal A by Lansing voters would allow the destruction of the two-story structure. If the a better handle on it," Senzig property to be sold to the City Club, a social club of prominent buiidhe destroyed, the property would be turned into a business. pukp Lends. plans call for the construction of a combination boardmik J Dolinar, a graduate of MSU The Club would turn the Poxon Bldg., which is located on the State News/Linda Bray bicycle path. with a degree in history and Curious children eye Frank Dolinar as he gives a demonstration at Lansing's philosophy of science, "with a Impression Five Museum in a class called "The Magic and Mystery of Science." heavy interest in the philo- CLIP ft SAVE SUPPLEMENT YOUR STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE WITH 3 DAYS ONLY HOSPITAL BENEFITS FROM SENTRY FEATURING: *€ ' MEN'S TRADITIONAL (1) $10,000 Benefit at $40 per day (2) Unrestricted Benefit SILADIUM® RING (3) Annual Cost Only $50 FOR INFORMATION CALL JEFF WILLIAMS MSU ss -SENTRY ONLY $59.95 INSURANCE 332-1838 CLIP ft SAVE Onlylampax tampons have an applicator that is flushable and biodegradable 1 Issue applicators art- not made IheTampax tampon paper appli¬ to be flushed away. They arc not cator comes apart in water and can biodegradable and contribute to be flushed away. It is biodegradable the pollution of the environment. and environmentally sound. V The applicator on the left is manufacturer clearly warns "do not flush!' You can thtow it into a waste plastic and its receptacle, but no easy and comfortable. Slim,smooth and pre- lubricated, it guides the tampon into the position to give you reliable protection.Your proper /WQIRVED RING DAY That's when the ArtCarved _ -WWMUItl nth "UK M5115H matter how you dispose of a plastic applicator, fingers never have to touch the tampon. In use. representative will be here it remains hard, non-biodegradable material to help you select theTampax tampon expands gently in all three your custom-made college jewelry. indefinitely.That is why plastic applicators directions length,breadth and width- It's also the day you can pollute our land, rivers, lakes and beaches. so there is little chance of charge your ArtCarved TheTampax tampon container-applicator leakage or bypass. college jewelry Master - like the tampon itself- is Tampax tampons offer you hygienic on Charge or BankAmericard. completely disposable menstrual protection without the and biodegradable. It is made of worry of spirally wound environmental pollution. This is one of strips of paper that quickly begin to delaminate and unwind when they come in contact with (See the illustration above at the the reasons why women than all other they are the «1 choice of more tampons combined. OCTOBE'I 17,1«."[ water. right.) I he paper strips are as easy to dispose of as a few sheets of bathroom or facial tissue. What's more, the hygienic Tampax TAMPAX. tampotuI C ft < 10 A.M. tampon applicator is designed to make insertion The internal protection mote wt ^^Jtudent ook tore 4p.»- (Across from Olin) n Onte News. Eost Lonsing. Michigon Monday, October 17, 1977 13 L|k art discovery igan work and very little art MSBS LMSU Muscum Special- from the entire Great Lakes region was exhibited. I . recieved an Award o They spent the next year r r m the Historical surveying the state as part of JL tacUmate'sf- richly of the the Fine Arts Division of the 4 H Department of the Mich igan Cooperative Extension K-fied folk art tradition Service. Ell,] MacDowell and C. People always knew f n™ hurst, directors of a friend, BREAST OF TURKEY |0£nnewFolk territory Art Project, in relative or someone in the next town who made or owned the 1 0f Michigan's history, kind of thing we were looking CREPE for, MacDowell said. Brink Wilhelme, Director The initial survey was so Hand-carved by an unknown artist from North State News/Kay McKeever $2.95 1 State Historical Society. among the many Michigan folk art items cataloged Xp their work, the notion convincing that the Michigan Lansing, this painted wood pig with piglets is Folk Art Project was endorsed by Dewhurst and MacDowell. MON. 4-10 P.M. E ly held was that there E fold art tradition . as ject. an MSU Bicentennial pro¬ Michigan is one of only three states in the country where fish substantial photographic re¬ They proved that cord, have videotaped inter¬ "Michigan Folk Art: Its decoys are carved he said, and views with folk artists and have Beginnings to 1941," a 250 piece waterfowl The International House of Pancakes. decoys reflecting a growing file of information on exhibit, opened at the MSU Michigan's hunting interest folk artists from around the Kresge Art Gallery on August have a long tradition. state. 29, 1976, and ran until October MacDowell and Dewhurst They are currently working MARIAH I'ROi nn 10. A scaled down exhibit then traveled to 10 Michigan cities. have spent the past year pre¬ with graduate students and PRESENTS paring for a follow up exhibit hope eventually to teach a class "It was the first time that scheduled in folk art. for next fall at folk art had been exhibited in RANDY Kresge. It will focus in some ******* L with a Michigan," said Dewhurst. "We depth on about 25 Michigan folk wanted to show people in artists of the 20th century. RHA Movie Michigan and throughout the They are also planning in- country that there are all sorts of depth rotating exhibits of folk Programme things that are distinctly which will occupy a small (24 beers) NEWMAN art Michigan," Dewhurst said. gallery in the Museum. Carving has always been one of the most successful folk art The two Museum Specialists 355-0313 ********************** feel MSU is an ideal place for a forms in Michigan because .Mill -\i I'-1 major collection of folk art. 1.1 wood was so readily available, Dewhurst said. Many three- They have already compiled a £**************************^ BRUCE dimensional things came out of illinium lumbering camps, he said. E RHA = =Movie Program= = E Line 355-0313 § E COCKBUKN yiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiimiir r—ar—i Monday, October 31 ■Movie Program Fairchild Theater, MSU j | Line i I 355-0313 ! 7'30 & 10:00pm RHA Movie Program Line 355-0313 ********* * RHA Movie * ^ program line ^ t. V* TONIGHT ■k 355-0313 * * ********* I,TC OF BOURBON STREET :.S'V u"A winning combination of 'elegance and unbridled ^raunch with genuinely Imaginative aex." CHARLIE DANIELS BIND -WITH- , q F'"kF—- HUSTLER MAG THE OZARK MOUNTAIN DAREDEVILS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23,8RM AT MUNN ICE ARENA TONIGHT Ticket! $5*>4$**©-Reserved Seats - avaHobte at the MSUnion 4 Recordlands in the Meridian 4 Lansing Mails I Showtime*: 7:00, 8:45, 10:30 I Showploce: 109 Anthony I Admission: $2.50 students, $3.50 faculty I staff 1^**************************J? ABRAMS PLANETARIUM PRESENTS ROLLING Twill!* HWM adilts *1 JO i J The story ■ ofawinnei OTfE (3p LIVE, ORIGINAL MUSIC BY A FULL MOON 8 OXPLrffj WtyfcMtM TwIllteaKN *lts'lJ0 CONSORT RICHARD PRYOR il A FIVE RING VISUAL CREATIONS BY CIRCUS THE UNDER THE STARS COSMIC RADIANCE HACK ^VALENTINO [ RUDOLF NUREYEV IS BACK -si OCT. 28 - NOV. 20 JjUty 545 $15 Twi lilt 5:15-545 adults $1.58 SHOW TIMES - **"""ah SAtr aceoaa ntoas wootco _ FRI. & SAT. -8,10, . ,TH> G—Hlfc II ua't I | WIIK aii/lfiG aalaait I & MIDNIGHT SUN. - 8 TICKETS $2.75 NOW ON SALE AT THE JEBKwfat: 531 WMUaiwHte 5*531 ma'tal UNION BOX OFFICE AND ABRAMS PLANETARIUM ^ 6louy,- •Spacious *2 levels Print Ad bar* Applications will he accepleil for experienced and inexperienced; .\ii 1 ■ DATES: Monday thru Saturday. Oct. 17 27 East Lansing KaHrafejEngigira •liniriinmrorafTi TIME: 9 AM to 7 PM . close to busline y ranrnmmmniEUll Monday, October ] (y Michigon Stole News, Eost lonsing. Michigon 17 , jjH f ||] | Auto .Apartments MALE ROOMMATE needed Hnses LANSING FOUR bedroom, For Sale for Sale NOW TAKING orders for firewood. Stack 8" x 4' x 18'. Personal MAD DANCER Mobil Disco great party music, dances, / maintenance East side, close to bus route, for 2 bedroom mobile home with washer/dryer, 8 miles from campus. $!20/month, Very reasonable. Call Chris, 484 2164. 4 10-20(41 681EEE Cartridge OHM C 2 Delivered $27. 321-1565. 5101713) receptions. 1-617-773-7610. 8-10-24(31 Announcements What's Happening must be received in the State News for It's The Undergraduate Psy chology Club meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 210 Olds Hall. All winterize your cq utilities included. 675-7190. — office, 343 Student Services welcome. 10-10-1714) FOUR BEDROOMS, freshly FOR SALE-Couches, $35. Bldg., by noon at least two renovated. Basement, gar- VINTAGE GIBSON Firebird Living room chairs, $10. Call class days before publication. Learn to sail/ MSU Sailing By DANIEL HERMAN FEMALE WANTED town 5 m;|es from campus, body. Gibson Explor¬ 351 3118. 0 8 10 20(3) yearbook portraits ore age reverse No announcements will be Club beginning shore school State News StaH Writer house Briarcliff, unfurnished, $260. 1435 Roosevelt. 332- er, Les Paul, SG custom, ES being token for the 1978 RED accepted by phone. will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in "The best way to insure that your car $95'month Over 21. 394 3393 2-10-17(4) 175. Fender strat, telecaster, ALL ROLLING Stone maga¬ CEDAR LOG operate, or„ 208 Men's IM Bldg. All 2347 8 10 26-14) precision and jazz bass zines, December 1970 on. George M. Brown, graduate assistant in agricultural™ ''' SINIMfs Pre invited. WEST SIDE 4 bedroom Asking $45. After 6 p.m. call "is through preventative maintenance." guitars. Rickenbacker bass, Call 355-7652 OWN ROOM in large 2 ranch. Two bath, full base¬ Danelectro Longhorn bass. John. 374-0756. Z-5-10-17I3I Brown and Thomas M. Burkhardt, 337 Union Bldg. Pre-Med students! The What Arabs mean by associate bodroom. Female non ment on Vh acres, 15 min¬ Used guitar amplifiers by deadline is Nov. 1 for ap¬ peace. A lecture by F. agricultural engineering, both teach classes jn smoker. $113/month. Octo¬ utes to MSU. 489-0239. MOST LP'S priced $1.75 raiMMINs Fender, Ampeg, Acoustic, maintenance and have many suggestions on ber rent paid, 351 6289. 2 00. Cassettes $3 quality call 353-4470 plying to Osteopathic Med¬ Gottheil, University of Illinois, both nre'" 8-10-17(4) Peavey, and Traynor. Used ical School. For applications: at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday in 120 general preventative car maintenance. ^ 3 10 19-14) PA systems, Altec, Peavey, guaranteed plus 45's song- 445 Union Bldg. AACOMAS. 4720 Mont Physics Astronomy Bldg. Before the winter, they suggest, it is ONE BLOCK from campus. Yamaha, Tapco, EMC, hnnks Et more. FLAT. important u, l concentration of anti-freeze in the radiator. The One bedroom apartment. BLACK a CIRCULAR up gomery Lane, Washington, RESPONSIBLE FEMALE to Shure, plus new and used amount stairs 541 E Grand River GUYS Et DOLLS- UNIVER D C., 20014. Mandatory meeting for all for the proper mixture is determined by the share new apartment, own Heat included, parking, no Shure microphones on used size 0f Open 11 a.m., 351-0838. SITY SINGLES CLUB is here. applicants to the Women's can usually be found either in the automobile's owner', room. 351 6037 after 9 p.m. pets. $200 month. 351-1177, mini moog synthesizer. BUY- If you like to party, have fun AIKIDO, MARTIAL ART Advisory Committee V.P. of 5-10 21 (3) between 7 8 8 p.m. SELL-TRADE, WILCOX C 11 10 31(6) 8- meet people like yourself, FOR SELF-DEFENSE AND Students Affairs from 4 to 6 just on the anti freeze container. ® 5 10-21 (5) TRADING POST, 509 East AT OUR prices get that write us for all the free PERSONAL GROWTH meets p.m. Tuesday in Multi-pur¬ ONE OR two people needed Michigan, Lansing. 485-4391. details. P.O. Box 12669, from 9 to 10:30 p.m. on pose Room D of Brody Hall. EAST LANSING near MSU. Hours 9:30 a.m,6 p.m. emergency pair of glasses. to sublet furnished apartment Furnished house for rent, up OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2617 Gainesville, Florida, 32604. Tuesdays and Thursdays and winter term. 351-0659. C-15-10-31 (20) 3-10-18(3) ONE MALE roommate to 5 students renting. $475/ month. Good condition. For further details 351-5937. E. Michigan, 372 7409. C 5 10 21 141 Z-13 10 25(8) 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday in the Judo Room of the Men's IM Bldg. Gaynesss can be scary. Discuss your feelings with others who feel the same. Call 355 9463 from 7 to 11 consumer needed for furnished 3 bed¬ room house. Own room, 8-10-19(5) LANSING modern Open LAYTON TRAVEL 1965 16 feet, self contained. trailer : Peamts PersnialjJ®! Venereal disease: free and confidential treatment from 1 p.m. tonight for details. double bed. Call 485-2639 EAST Corda West Call 484 7381 8-10-26 (3) to 4 p.m. Monday, Thursday Come and have fun at the three bedroom duplex. New DELTA ZETA welcomes its after 5 p.m. 8-10-25(5) carpeting, appliances. One Cidormill NIKKO AM FM stereo re¬ Ten New pledges, Dawn and Friday; 8:30 a.m. to noon Handicappers' Field Day from mile from MSU. Call STE- 5817 North Okemos ceiver $125 or best offer. 20 Bowen, Nancy Beckley, Judy Wednesday. Community 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday at the MALE ROOMMATE wanted Health Services, 701 N. Men's IM Bldg. MAR MANAGEMENT 351- watts 260 Phillips Hall. 355 Samul, Terrie Thomas, Jenny for modern duplex. Own Road, East Lansing Anti freeze type solvent should also be 5510. 8-10-26(5) 4858 5 10 21 131 Thick, Kathy Krohn, Pam Logan St. mixed vjj room, $110/month. Call any¬ 337-7974 Hours: Horticulture Club mem¬ window washer fluid. Another convenience that time 351-7423. 7-10-21(3) Fiedler, Lisa Bendy, Sandy tin - EAST LANSING small two 7:30om-7pm. RALEIGH 3 speed girls bike. Dunham and Sue McFadden, Food Stamp applications bers: Don't forget the Dried handy is spray-on window de-icer, which can also be bedroom carpeted, stove and taken in Union Lower Lobby Flower Arranging Workshop unstick frozen locks. FEMALE TO share furnished Good condition $75. 332 Congratulations. Z-1-10-17(7) refrigerator, no pets. $220 4475 3 10 19 131 through October from 8:30 Wednesday. See the sign-up Finally, for winter maintenance be sure to have a sh„, apartment, own bedroom, a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday sheet on the club board. - plus utilities. 332-2495, 351- trunk, window scraper and check the links on tire $100/month. 349-5224. chain'/ 8-10-24(3) 6369. 5-10-21 (5) 4 NEW Metzler blue steel EARLY AMERICAN couch in shades of blue. Cotton nylon | Service through Friday. Squash players: Squash To help cut down on minor breakdowns, over the year, a weekly check may catch a problem before it occurs coir, radials 165 SR-15 snow tires Campus Al-Anonymous Club organizational meeting ONE BEDROOM, furnished $37.50 each. Volvo wagon with a rooster pattern. 84" to check weekly include, the tires' air pressure FREE LESSON in complexion Group meets at 8 p.m. Tues¬ from 8 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday when or unfurnished. CEDAR Rooms roof rack, $45. 351-8967. long, 21" cushion depth. care. MERLE NORMAN day in 253 Student Services in the Men's IM Bldg. including the spare, the windshield wipers and the *«i. VIEW APARTMENTS, within £5-10-18(4) Wing tuffed back with a level, oil level, the brakes and the brake fluid level, theT COSMETIC STUDIO - 351- Bldg. walking distance of campus. pleated dust ruffle, $35. Val¬ Human transmission and power steering fluid, and the fan belts 332-0111 or 351-5647. entine Seaver original. 349- 5543. Rights Party will aai EAST LANSING duplex, fur- SEARS KENMORE electric Interested in playing Go? hold 0-17-10-31(6) 1687. E 5 10-20(8) C-17-10-31-I3I an open meeting at 7:30 For those with air-cooled engines it is important to tk- nished room, parking, bus- stove. Asking $100. Call 372- Go Club meets at 8:30 to p.m. Tuesday in 1058 Berkey engine every 1500-2000 miles. This would include an oil line, $110, 374-6366. 6425 between 5 and 9 p.m. night. Call Mike Stein or Ken Hall. All invited, SUEDE COAT, 3'4 length, FALL CARPET cleaning filter change, lube-job to the chassis and TWO BEDROOM furnished, 0-15-10-31131 7-10-2013) Kawamura at 332-6353 for steering; d near campus. RIVERSIDE size 10, $25. Raincoat, plaid, special One room $19 96, 2 manual transmission and differential fluid level, and ■' details. Video Tape Network is APARTMENTS-332-0111 or size 18, $25. Pantsuit, size 7, mnms 29 95 Dying also valves. CAMPUS NEAR, clean, fur- INK DRAWING of your home back' TV specials every week 351-5647. 0-17-10-31(4) $15. Excellent 332 8716. KEMPER CARPET CARE. nished. Shere modern kitch- for Christmas cards, done by Dietetic Students Open in the Union Lounge This Every year, or 12,000 miles, the air cleaner, PCV v E 5-10 20(41 374 7678 2 10 18 l4i en and bath. From $80/ MFA graduate, $15. Call 351- House at 2 p.m. Oct. 23. week: classic cartoons: filter, and crankcase breather filter should be removed WANTED FEMALE room¬ Pop month. 485-1436 or 351-6471. 0254. E-5-10-1813) Families welcome. Obtain in¬ mate for 4 person apartment NORTHFACE DOWN parka, eye. Daffy, lots more. replaced. The whel bearings should be cleaned and ra¬ 0-13-10-3114) FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ vitations in 1 Human Ecology Cedar Village men's the brakes should be carefuly inspected. at 351-7659. APPLES, CIDER, pumpkins. large, like new. $65 vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, Bldg. Pi Mu Epsilon will meet at 8-10-20(3) VERY LARGE carpeted sin with hood. 339-3993. 555 East Grand River. C-21- Finally, Brown suggests that car owners keep a small BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 7:30 p.m Wednesday in A204 record the dates of maintenance, mileage and work 2-10 17(3) 10-31 (3) gle Nicely furnished, shared The Wardowski's. 2 miles N. Forms to re register stu¬ Wells Hall. Dr. Wilson will NEEDED 1 female to sublet kitchen, parking. Very close 0f Leslie, 3597 Hull Rd. Old dent organizations are avail¬ speak on "Hyperbolic Geo¬ utilities paid. $110. 332-1800 GREEN UPHOLSTERED CAPITOL CHIMNEY repairs, apartment winter term. Close US-127. Hours 9-6 p.m. able in the Student Activities metry The Disneyland of 372-1800 OR 11 10-31 151 chair. Good condition, $25. best fall rates. Odd jobs and to campus, 332-4720. or Closed Mondays, 1-589-8351 Division, 101 Student Ser¬ Mathematics " 351-8422 E-5-10-2013) 5-10-18(3) EFFICIENCY, ONE or two ONE MALE needed in 4-man house. Own room, kitchen, Gift packages shipped by UPS. C-21-10-31 (61 ZEBRA FINCHES $10 each or painting. 487-2296. 23-10-31 vices Bldg Due Oct. 28. East Lansing Food Coop new Food Ecology Seminar: A idea for changing the Crowd 'delighted'with bedroom. East side and $17 pair. Great apartment downtown Lansing. Call now carpeting, $90/month. Close OAK DESK $60, Living room Annual Meeting Workshops food waste culture from 9 for lists of immediate open¬ ings. AIM, INC., 374-2800, to MSU, LCC. Call 0192, ask for Gene. 9269 evenings. 5-10-21151 355- suite, $100, pole light, book- 351- shelf, C.B. mobile $60, More. pet. Call 487-2166. E-5-10-1913) I Instruction j[i*j at 7:30 tonight, meeting at 8 tonight in 341 and 342 Union. a.m. to 5 p.m Saturday in the McDonel Kiva. poetry at MSU co noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. CLASSICAL GUITAR les¬ Audiology and Speech Journalists: Society of Pro¬ 0-21-10-31 (5) CLARINET-SELMER. Re¬ L Animals fK sons given by graduate in music. Reasonable rates 337- Science Undergraduate Stu¬ dent Advisory Committee fessional Journalists, Sigma Icontinued from page 3) Houses For Sale ^ cently appraised, excellent condition. $200 or best offer. PUPPIES OLD 2758 5-10-19(3) meeting at 7 tonight in Audi¬ Delta Chi open meeting at 8:30 tonight on the Union apparent attempts to compensate for an era of disaster by' few winners "chance" games such as the lottery. English ology and Speech Sciences Sunporch. All media people USED BICYCLES, all sizes 669-9726 (DeWitt). 8-10-24(41 Sheepdog mixed, $30. 482- GUITAR FLUTE, banjo and Bldg. welcome1 She wrote "A Song on Coming Back from Nothing" u 4376 after 5 p.m., except EATON RAPIDS, 3 bedroom $20-$70. Also Parts. song of return after being very 01. She told the audience if REFRIGERATOR. CLEAN, weekends. E-5-10-19(3) t.on available 351 7830 Administrative ranch home for rent, $300 per CHARLIE'S BIKE SHOP. Manage¬ Spend one afternoon or the sense of kinship she felt with all the bodies of the world 393-2484 5-10-19(3) mechanically good. $25. 337- MARSHALL MUSIC ment Society presents evening helping people in the month. 663 4632. After 5 DOBERMAN PUPS-AKC, realization of how much people are trapped and defined 2778 after 5 p.m. E-5-10-1913) C 10 17i5i Richard Lewis, dean of Col¬ community Volunteer Action p.m. 663-3514. 7-10-18 (4) red, 9 weeks. Price negoti¬ lege of Business, at 7:30 physical. DUAL 1228 turntable, able. Call 627-9232 after 5 Corps needs hard workers. TELEPHONE ANSWERING WRITING CONSULTANT 9 HOUSES, HOUSES, Marantz 2220B tonight in 117 Eppley Hall. Stop by 1 Student Services "Visionary Adventures of a Wild Dog Pack" chronicle Device, Code-A-Phone 444, 2 p.m. 8-10-17(3) yoars experience in profes¬ summer's pets abandoned by the roadside," she said. HOUSES! Call Marantz HD 44 speakers. units each $650 new, used list of east side homes sional editing, 337-1591. Orchesis Dance Class will our $450. 676-1795 5-10-1913) very little. Asking $425 each ENGLISH SETTER pups, O 3 10 19 I3> be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on Other poems included "Wealthy Lady," "Last which will be available for or best offer. 487-6880 week¬ September leasing. AIM, SONY AM FM, 8-track. turn AKC. Excellent hunting Tuesdays and Thursday. Bal¬ Graduate students, faculty, "Footprints," "Fever Dream on the Eve of Illness," days. 8-10-26(5) stock. Wormed and shots let class in 34, jazz class in adminstrative Frederic Oates: Abandoned Airfield, 1977." INC., 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. table, speakers, excellent professiona: or 332-6741. 0-21-10-31 (5) condition, best offer 2109 7-10-25-13) 349 10 SPEED Batavus Monte- Carlo. Excellent condition, given. 676-5429 after 6 p.m. 3-10-17(4) r™T~a 218 Women's IM Bldg. staff: Informal Faculty Wo¬ men's Association intro¬ In a question and answer session following Social work undergradu¬ ductory get together from explained that "the novel has to in some dim NEW, USED and vintage $'10. Call before 10 a.m. 332- WANTED-USED Fender ates: Undergraduate Student 4 30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in write itself in you." guitars, banjos, mandolins, 9010. Z-2-10-1813) Mobile Homes Rhodes 73 stage piano. Call Advisory Committee meeting the University Club. frigerator, dishwasher. $300/ ect. Dulcimers and kits, re- 355-5432 8-10 26(3) at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 555 She added that in the early states of writing, it is like month and utilities. Clean, with your face very close to a wall. You have to grope your corders, strings, accessories, BUNK BEDS with mattresses Baker. Elections wili be held. Councit of Graduate Stu¬ nice, 351-1176. Evenings and books, thousands of hard-to- horn $119.95. VILLA FURNI- TWO BEDROOM 10 x 50 SENIOR ELEMENTARY edu¬ some window or doorway, she said. dents will meet at 6:30 to weekends. 8-10-17(51 find albums. (All at very low mobile home furnished, TURE 1633 W. Mt. Hope. cation major will babysit eve¬ night in the Con Con Room prices) Private and group Colonial Village. Lansing. sulated, near campus $2800. "When you begin a new work, it is like your legs ar EAST LANSING, furnished nings. Mary 489 1274. at the International Center. lessons on guitar, banjo, 482-1109.8-10-21141 1-517-767-4574. for 4 or 5. Lease and deposit required. 253 Stoddard and mandolin, all styles. Gift certi- Z-8-10-18(4) 5 10-20(3) Typing Service 'fji Study in Israel and Greece your !Q is lower," she said. "You have to start at zero ficates. Expert repairs - free DISCOUNT. NEW, used winter term Information Writing is not easy, Oates added. 1216 Michigan. Call 339-9380. 8 10-17(5) estimates. STRUMENTS, ELDERLY 541 IN- East desks, chairs, files. NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 215 BUSI- TWO BEDROOM 10x55 mo¬ bile home. Carpeted, oil heat, TTyping Service |j|| ANN BROWN Printing and meeting at 7 30 it m Tuesday m 211 Bessey Hall "The serious writer feels he has to do something diffe Grand River. 332-4331. .C-21- E Kalamazoo, 485-5500. Call 651 5869 Typing. Dissertations, re¬ time," she said. "The right structure and style are difficult EAST LANSING duplex, 4 near campus. general ' 10-31 (49) 13 10 28(4) or 482-8181 evenings or UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS sumes. printing. Learn hit on." bedrooms, 2 baths, rec toom, more about Over weekends. 8-10-26(4) Serving MSU far 27 years parking. $400. 374-6366. complete dissertation and re¬ with camplete theses service. seas Study at an open house ONE YEAR o bedroom BEAUTIFUL GARNET RING sume service; typesetting, from 7 to 9 p m Thursday in Oates said the fear of all writers is that sometime the 0-19-10-31(31 349 0850. C-21-10-31 (5) fii'niture. king size •e head- and/or earrings, like — IBM typing, editing, multilith the Lobby of the International which guides them in their work may become silent * FOUR BEDROOM furnished hoard, night stand, double drawer dresser and LLast & Found j offset printing and binding. We encourage comparative TERM PAPERS, Thesis (IBM Center become addicted to that transcendentalist experience, ihT audience. house. 1 mile west of Parking long dresser with two mirrors shopping. For estimate stop pica-elite), fast, reasanable. Lot Y. $240/month. 676-3780. LOST CAT brown and black Call 332-2078. 13-10-31(3) Meeting for Phi Gamma 8-10 20(3) attached $900 or best offer. GOOD USED FURNITURE, in at 2843 East Grand River or Nu, professional business so¬ As a teacher of creative prose fiction, Oates said sheacten tiger September 15, near Call after six 626 6706. couch, lamps, coffee table, MAC Ave. 332-0841 phone 332-8414. 0-21-10-31 rority, for actives and pledges of benign editor. day. cabinet, bar. 487-8739. (9) EXPERIENCED IBM typing. SIX BEDROOMS, ample 8 10 26'(8I 8-10-20(3) 349-5946 evening. at 6 p m Wednesday in "Young writers feel that their intentions should countlorn parking, furnished, with i 8-10-18(3) Dissertaticns. (pica-elite). Eppley Center classrooms. PIONEER SA8100 amp, TYPING TERM papers and FAY ANN. 489-0368. C-21- more than they can," she said. 'The words have to Mlh peting. Nice features. 349- 0652 after five. 8-10-24 (3) Thorens TD160 turntable, SEWING MACHINES. Gua- LOST WOMAN'S class ring thesis. IBM experienced, fast 10-31 (31 AKAI 4000DS tape deck ranteed reconditioned ma- m 2nd floor servic e Call 351 8923. Novels by Oates include "The Assassins," "Do With * john, Bessey Hall. OFF MT. Hope. Need one BOSE 501 speakers Excellent chines from $39.95. New If found call 355 4423 O 11 10-31 13) PROMPT TYPING seryice. You Will," "Wonderland," "Them" (winner of the 1910 more person in clean house. rendition, will separate. Best machines from $69.50. ED- 4 10 20 13) Theses, term papers, re¬ Book Award), "Expensive People," "A Garden o( Many extras plus garage. Call offer. 361-4719. 3-10-19-151 WARDS I.B.M. 694-1541. DISTRIBUTING sumes. Delights," and "With Shuddering Fall." before 6 p.m. Ask for CO. 1115 N. Washington. LOST SPAULDING tennis 8-10-17(3) THE TYPECUTTER, a car Michael. 372-8756. 100 USED VACUUM clean 489 6448. C-21-10-31 17) X 4 10-20(4) ers. Tanks, cannisters and racket, Mens IM Locker raady, typesetting lervice—• Oates has won 0. Henry Awards for several of her and has been published shod room, reward. 355-2743. Rasumas, newsletters, bro« frequently in a number of msgt uprights. Guaranteed one full FEMALE TO share 2 bed¬ room house, own room. year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, comics and more! CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand 3-10-1713) SILVER RING, Adam and Eve chores, business cards, let- tarhaads, anvalopas, invita¬ tions, announcements, pos¬ [ Transportation Jgj also writes poetry, plays, criticism and reviews. writing at the University of Ontario, Windsor. Shi Phone after 4:30 p.m. 323- 316 North Cedar, opposite River. 332-0112. 3710. 2-10-17(3) engraving, lost at Mens IM; ters, invoices. Reasonable CO-DRIVER WANTED fram City Market. C-21-10-31 161 X-C-21-10-3113) Silver and brass brooch, rates-call 417-9295. Hrs. 9-12 Battle Creek to Lansing, Abbott St., 10-9, sentimental AAUP has meeting 1-5:30. 1000 N. about Washington, Monday-Friday 7:46-3:20 call LUX M 1500 power amplifier. value. 485-0641. S-5-10-20I3I Lansing. 373-7469 between 8:00-3:15, Stax SRA12 SRII all class A. ask for Mrs. Barea. B-1-10- FET pre-amplifier and ear 30(51 1977 Hunting speaker amp. Harmon Kar- PersonalJ[/_ Page don ST7, with Sonus Blue. All like new coverage. 332-6435. C-8-10-17I9I with warranty THF HOTTEST female vocal¬ EXPERT TYPING service by MSU grad. 17 years experi- ence. Near Gables. Call 337- 2293. C-21-10-31 (41 NEED RIDE to or near Madi- son, Wis., Oct. 20-21 and return. Will share expenses. bargaining at Kellogg 353-8090. Z 3 10-18(4) ist in the world today, Nov. (continued from page 3) FUR PANT coat, rabbit with 10., Munn Ice Arena. leather trim, $60. 882-1395 1 1017(3)$ FULL COPYING and printing most effective is the one who can knit together the whole services offered at PRINIT- faculty, administration and students - and launch a Coming Wednesday, November 2, the News Classified will publish the Stale 1977 Hunting after 6 p.m. 8-10 17131 1 1017(3) IN-A-MINIT. Resume type¬ I^ound Town effort (at influencing the budget)." BARN BEAMS and setting and printing. One day Cjuidg,. Included will be a listing of East Lan¬ dissertation service. At the "And the only way higher education can get a large' weathered barn lumber, BE SURE to attend Michi¬ sing area businesses specializing in corner of MAC and Ann the pie is if the public pushes for it, so influencing and fishing goods as well as hunting wood burning cook stove. gan's second stereo show Streets in East Lansing. 351- classified ads 882-2010. 8-10-18131 and sale next weekend. See your own community is important." from sports enthusiasts 5575. 8-10-21(91 wanting to sell their the latest in stereo equip¬ equipment. Advertise your used hunting CRATES AT KILDEA ment. Register for over $5000 TWELVE YEARS experience Also urging AAUP to action was Sen. the conference, the Michiga AAUP Gary Co'binJ equipment by calling 355-8255 today. Dead¬ SUNOCO. 918 E. Grand River worth of door prizes. Attend typing theses, manuscripts, presented 1Lorpm line for the Hunting Page, Thursday, October from .50, Wednesday and free informational seminars. term papers. Evenings, 675- president's award for service to Michigan Higher t Thursday. X-Z 8-10-19(51 Best of all Buy top 7544. C-21-10-31 (31 27, 5 p.m. quality stereo products at super low Speaking in a luncheon address Saturday, Cv.-- . .. FRESH FARM turkeys for prices. It's all happening at TYPING, EXPERIENCED. government response to some critical issues in P° . j sale. Available in November. Longs Convention Center, Lansing on Friday October Fast and reasonable. 371- 4635. C-21-10-31 131 education had been greater executive control ove $10 $15. Call 694 5833. matters. J E 5-10-17(3) 21,4 p.m. 10 p.m., Sat. Oct State News Classified 22, noon 10 p.m., Oct 23, noon-6 p.m. Admis Sunday COPYGRAPH SERVICE BINGO TUESDAY Night. 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Recalling faculty leadership in demonstrations of e«J Corbin urged those same faculty leaders to »«P Jj KIRBY UPRIGHT Complete dissertation and re¬ Early Bird starts at 7 p.m. Sweeper sion is 355-8255 with attachments, runs great, just $1.50, sponsered exclusively by THE STEREO sume and Grand service. Corner MAC Regular at 7:30 p.m. Mini exercise influence over educational issues in state k including rug shampooer, River, 8:30-5:30 mum age 18. SHAAREY At the business meeting Saturday afternoon, SHOPPE, East Lansing and $50 323 4013 E 5 10 17(31 Traverse City. C 5 10 21 Monday Friday. 337 1666. C- ZEDEK, 1924 Collidge, East 21 10-31 15) lansing. C-21-10-31 (5) Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, wM the three members-at large-of the conference exec n cmtB News. Eost lonsing, Michigan Monday, October 17, 1977 17 HOWARD THE DUCK!® dl®o[y Uv Ihif Mo§ te I (4)WJIW-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (U)WELM-TV(Cable) by Steve Gerber and Gene Colan CHARLIE DANIELS BAND Sun., Oct. 23 Munn Ar.no *5.50; 6.50 on tol. at It* MSU Union* R.cordlond. (I2)WJRT-TV(ABC) 123)WKAR-TV(PBS) monday (12) Emergency One I 5:00 afternoon (6) Cunsmoke 12:00 (10) Emergency One I ADVERTISE b) News (23) Mister Rogers' Neigh' borhood To Soy Th» Lea«t ■Advocate! 5:30 1 12:20 IN THIS SPACE (12) Rookies llmanac (23) Electric Company 12:30 (11) News ■Starch for Tomorrow 6:00 CALL 353-6400 PEANUTS CLEANERS BOWn Ichico ond the Man (6-10-12) News by Schulz LAUNDRY Jackets an'i Hope (23) Dick Covett ' mumm 1:00 (11) The Bible's View Cleaned m 3537 ■Cong Show 6:30 ■oong and the R«tl»« (6) CBS News MA'AM, I CAN TELL / I'M NO 6000 AT\ T|| My Children (10) NBC News MSU SHADOWS ® RIGHT AUIAV THAT I'M \MULT1PLE-CH0ICE J (i can't make all\ l / IT'5 LIKE GIVING A 5TARVINS MAN \ Gttfin'Ovor (12) ABC News \THE5E _ 1:30 (23) As We See It by Gordon Carle+on sponsored by: 60NNA RAIL THIS T65T PECl5lON5y 5 V^A MENU... y ■as the World Turin (11) Bull Bowl '77 ~r Tjovsofourllvoi PZNBALL PETE'S SL [fU 7:00 | Artistry of Vordohr (6) My Three Sons Present this really funny comic for 25' ■Vatapek (10-12) Mary Tyler Moore worth of free 2:00 (23) Spartan Sportlite play! _20,OOO Pyramid lingering ■ 2:30 Heart (6) Cong Show 7:30 / I'M "TUe M£(jJ COK2. MACHiAJt lr RZMtMQfo WHO'S I'M (Oirn CK)E_Cf "THfc VcHA~\ - 1 ft (10) Michigan State Foot¬ ei£6gc-r Coftfb£AT loos ik. jhs ouaROC / ' ling Light ball with Daryl Rogers f (12) Hollywood Squares FRANK& ERNEST Complete ring selection it Lift to Live nagnoli's Table (23) MacNeil / Lehrer Re¬ port 'VS. } O'jPfeRSToaC weto 1 by Bob Thaves W 10% MtU DISCOUNT ir-sapphires. onyx - opals • jade, tiger-eye, many more 3:00 8:00 ( /VOVcrOfe eoocc 8s. 1, In the Family (6) Logan's Run \PKcoe cf 0£IA:G> A 2 Lnother World (10) Little House on the (jSC^fto^A-TE. FCL-IOKV.. Intiquet Prairie Ouch' ... 3:15 (12) San Pedro Beach Bums tntral Hoipital (23) Dialog AMOWfcR DEMTl 3:30 9:00 Y°W'VE G©TTfl Itch Came (6) Betty White killa Alegre Do Something ■ 4:00 (10) 79 Park Avenue (12) NFL Football a Bb flgOuT THI5 w Mickey Mouse (23) Artistry of Verdehr and Votapek 5ftuARE TAgtE, |reen Acres odyBunch (6) Maude 9:30 m ARTHUR! : |tiame Street (23) Anyone for Tennyson? 4:30 10:00 is Day (6) Rofferty lilligan's Island (23) Onedin Line THE DROPOUTS -©1177 ee