Committee tells energy secretary to sell stock By TOM RAUM It was Long's panel that approved billions WASHINGTON (AP) - A Senate com of dollars in energy tax incentives for the oil mittee told Energy Secretary James R. industry but rejected every energy tax Schlesinger on Tuesday to sell more than proposed by the president. The rejected $33,000 worth of stock he and his wife hold proposals called for taxes on crude oil, in an energy-related company. The panel industries and utilities that use natural gas said the holdings pose a possible conflict of and on cars that get poor gasoline mileage. interest. Both Long and administration officials The committee action came as a House- Senate conference committee hope some of these taxes can be revived by began work the conference committee. on a compromise energy bill and as President Jimmy Carter declared that the Earlier Tuesday, Carter told congres¬ reputations of both Congress and of his first sional leaders at a White House breakfast year domestic program hinge on the energy that largely because of the action taken by bill to come. the Finance Committee, the Senate version The energy committee gave Schlesinger of the energy legislation could wreck nine months to dispose of 2.100 shares of his hopes of achieving a balanced federal State News/Kay McKeever You close your eyes and feel the cold air, and it reminda stock in the Newhall Land and Farming cod you of budget. death, maybe . .. and then you can open them again and notice that the Company. The stock is worth about $33,600. According to participants, Carter told the COLORS are warm, like the glowing spiral-topa of stoves where you'd The unanimous committee vote followed leaders that the energy tax incentives put your hands up for warmth after coming in from the blizzard-daze of Schlesinger's own disclosure to the panel approved by the Senate panel and expected your green childhood. This is the strange blessing of autumn, the mark that "there are some 90 producing wells, to win full Senate approval would create a it leaves on your soul: with each year it becomes easier to hear the mostly natural gas" on 150,000 acres owned budget deficit of $55 billion. sallow ghost of winter humming in your ear -his voice is by the company. seductive, yet terrifying, like the devil's, ft becomes easier to overlook the burbling Carter, in an Oval Office meeting with House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill told splendor of glowing leaves, the gently yawning of Earth whistling Rep. Thomas L.Ashley, D-Ohio, predicted reporters there was also optimism expres¬ that Congress eventually will enact the bulk sed at the leadership breakfast that a through the half-bare trees. - of his energy program, despite numerous compromise could be drafted to continue major setbacks in the Senate. price controls on natural gas as Carter "I think what we do on energy will I continued on page 15) determine the success or failure of the ALLIES EXERT PRESSURE AT BELGRADE year of congressional work, I think, in the minds of the American people," Carter told Ashley. "I think it's legitimate to measure the Panama visit S. to restrain rights campaign success of Congress and my own adminis¬ tration, at least in domestic affairs, on what happens to energy," Carter added. abandoned by Ashley predicted the final bill will be one that Carter "can take seme pride in and we I VICTOR L.SIMPSON West views as promises of greater human the two-week old conference, accusing it of live next to the Soviets and the United can as well. And we're going to do that." k. Yugoslavia (AP) - The rights in the Communist countries. tampering with mail from the West. States is across the ocean." The Ohio Democrat is co-chairperson of the ^mves, under pressure from its ■ ippatently agreed to exercise The United States came to the Belgrade follow-up conference prepared to document West Germany on Monday mentioned Another West European diplomat, whose conference committee that will reconcile senator group Hi high exit visa fees in the Soviet Union, country is not in NATO, suggested that House and Senate differences on the energy reviewing the human rights 1,500 cases involving a total of 5,000 Bulgaria and Poland and complained that when pointing out a failing of the Soviets te Soviet Union and Communist legislation. persons who had been blocked from joining East Germany was blocking cases of "It's important not to rub their face in it" or Carter's meeting with Ashley was one of urces reported Tuesday, relatives in the West in alleged violations of By RICHARD PYLE families seeking to be reunited. the dialogue will stop. several sessions he has been holding with WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate erg, chief of the U.S. the accords on family unification, the In concert with its 14 NATO allies, When the conference closes — it may last - I to the Helsinki review con- sources said. key members of Congress on the energy Foreign Relations Committee apparently however, the United States is still un¬ until early next year — the West hopes to legislation as the conference committee has given up a plan to visit Panama as a I still examining the issue with But its allies in the North Atlantic decided at what point it would single out obtain agreement on new proposals further lnber delegations, officials say. alliance are said to fear that naming names begins its work. group in its deliberations over the canal specific cases and countries. Some countries committing the Communist East to permit He also scheduled meetings for Tuesday treaty. But some members still are expected pmatic sources reported that for will provoke harsh reaction and be counter¬ have proposed this be done "in response to the freer movement of people and ideas. with Sens. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., and to make the trip either it least, the United States productive if any commitments from the singly or in small attacks" from the east, the sources said. These would include promises to ease Lloyd Bentsen, D-Texas. On Monday night, East bloc are to be gained. groups. (rate its tactics in order not to U.S. officials emphasize that differences roadblocks to family reunification and he met for an hour with Sen. Russell Long, Committee sources said after a closed- in front of the allies." U.S. restraint would have three aims, the among the allies aren't serious and only facilitate visas for businessmen and journal¬ D-La., chairperson of the Senate Fianance door meeting Tuesday that the panel did not >n is whether to cite countries sources reported: to preserve allied unity, concern degree on tactics. ists. Committee. act on a proposal by Sen. Frank Church, iy name when reviewing imple- to avoid a confrontation with the Soviets so Nevertheless, one source described Gold¬ D-Idaho, for the whole committee to visit |of the 1975 Helsinki accords, a full review can be carried out, and to berg as an "isolated figure" among the Panama for "a first-hand look" at the canal's ds. signed at a summit meeting ensure that further review conferences can NATO delegation chiefs, with virtually sh capital by the United States, ■ Union, Canada and 32 European be held after Belgrade in order to keep pressure on the East. every NATO country insisting the West take a more cautious approach. Nelson opts against defenses. Some senators were said to have ex¬ pressed concern that the entire committee [recognized Soviet influence in So far, the United States has directly One NATO ambassador, confirming there criticized the Soviet Union Only once during traveling as an official group might offend exchange for what the are differences on tactics, explained. "We the Panamanians or residents of the Canal re-election campaign Zone on an issue that already is very delicate. But Sen. John Sparkman, D-Ala., committee chairperson, was quoted as [unci/ debates authority clause By DAN SPICKLER State News Staff Writer After he completes his eighth year Michigan legislature, Sen. Earl Nelson, in the saying he felt some committee members should visit Panama. The State Department will be asked to assess the diplomatic implications of sending senators in small groups or as part of a "task i By JIM SMITH Academic Council?" might view the complaint of a single student D-Lansing, will be calling it quits. State News Staff Writer Referring to provisions in the proposed or faculty member as a minor complaint and Nelson made the announcement Tuesday force" to study the canal treaty issues in Intendments designed to clarify bylaws which would have given faculty's not forward it to Academic Council. at a midday meeting of the Lion's Club in Panama, sources said. PP' of "delegated authority" "delegated authority" directly to Academic James B. McKee, professor of sociology, Lansing. Although any official mission remains in 1 lively debate of the role of Council committees, Ferency said abuses of also opposed the amendments on grounds The 24th district senator made special doubt, Sen. Richard Stone, D-Fla., said JCouncil at Tuesday's meeting, committees circumventing Academic Coun¬ they would constitute governance by com¬ members of the committee "are being speeches before the House and the Senate •ndments, which were eventually cil on important issues had already occurred. mittee rather than legislative body. announcing his decision not to run for encouraged to go," especially senators who ■raised discussion of the overall McKee, a steering committee member, have never seen the Panama Canal. He specifically opposed the re-election in 1978. as of Academic Governance as wording which said he believes the bylaws, if approved, "I'm not mad at anyone, I'm not trying to Meanwhile, the committee has invited the gave the steering committee the power to would give to the steering committee two U.S. treaty negotiators to testify on a constituted. determine what items would be brought say anything about our system of govern J- Ferency, associate decisions which should be made by Aca¬ statement issued last week by President professor of before the Academic Council. ment," Nelson told lawmakers. "I'm happy pstice, rose in opposition to the demic Council. and proud to know you all." Jimmy Carter and Panamanian leader Omar ■nendments and broadened the In later clarification, he said he was Gerald R. Miller, professor of communi¬ He explained that at the start of his Torrijos after the two men met in an effort to I 'o what are we cation, spoke in favor of the amendments, clear up confusion over the treaty's future career in the House he had planned to serve doing here at concerned that the steering committee canal security provisions. saying committees often spend hours about eight years and then leave the job for Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker and for¬ researching a subject only to have Academic someone else. Council send them back after being "nit- "I think it is our job to go to the people mer Ambassador Sol M. Linowitz were I continued on page 15) picked." and urge others to serve," Nelson said. "We McKee, expressing sympathy for commit¬ cannot very well allow that to happen inesty International tee tees) problems, said "if all we (Academic Council) do is rubber-stamp them (commit¬ will have hit low." unless we get the hell out." Nelson declined to say what his future we a new plans are. He said he had a lot of options, Ralph E. Taggart, associate professor of but had not made a final decision. "I was Resented at lecture botany, arguing against the amendments, said issues of great importance have been taken up in committees without adequate gainfully employed before I took office and I suspect I will be gainfully employed in the future," he said. ■inn.eintanVe °' the 1977 Nol,e' Pe4ce Prize-winning organization Amnesty Academic Council awareness. C. Patrick "Lash" Larrowe, faculty Nelson served for two terms Michigan House representing the Lansing in the inside iwes Lecufea't a'ton'8'lt>n IB® Anthony Hall, sponsored by the ASMSU grievance officer, described the meeting as area before defeating Republican incum¬ Lake Lansing project may the most useful Academic Council meeting bent Phillip Pittenger in 1974 for the 24th l^U^nstein w'" "tempt to provide students with an understanding of the he has ever attended. district senate seat. not go down See page 3. ihe drain after all. L« n- Pe°ple are denied their tights due to political ideologies, according to Larrowe, crediting Ferency for raising Some of the likely candidates to replace ■ Al?Ct,°rFredJonM- the issue of confusing governance roles, said Nelson on the 1978 democratic slate are Ki? vi„io, !nternational) can j Inform students which countries' human rights he felt in the long run a substantial bylaw Rep. H. Lynn Jondahl, D—East Lansing, istv in, Jones "»W- "It Is sort of a state of the world address." review would result in a greater voice in 59th district; Rep. David Hollister, D— weather ks in „„rnati0Ml '■1 worldwide organization fighting for the rights of political University affairs for faculty and students. Lansing. 57th district; and Rep. Tom Is to J""1,:countrie*' Members have written many heads of states in their After disposing of the amendments, the Holcomb, D—Lansing, 58th district. It's going to be another saW hi? a!l?vi,te •"•I* injustices. council members voted to send back the Jondahl, who has served two years London-type day As our "Big Beaumont" ticks kardoH „j.n rei speed) of jet-black Detroit soft and warm at a steely glance and a cold woven a novel about the Unlike Spock, Messiah!, there are few Trekkish independent young woman, who wants the street thai is not without inaccuracies to detract from the storyline. pgr acne-dreams (more macho), touch. pity, or love. She Haldeman does once refer to the president of the Orphans—a gang that is does not "pale blue sky of Vulcan" (which is actually red), and some [e.-black -secure in the rolling thunder leathered skulls The woman are necessary. For without continually at war with the street, drugs, idolize; she presents from her heart observations of the street that should of his characterizations might slip just a little now and then, but I've read worse Star Trek grin, them, there is no point to the madness, the and their rival gang, the Pack. She wants fiction, and worse science fiction. not be distilled. For with any m the Thunderbird wine, the survival. attempt at Planet ofJudgment is a tad McKay without having to wear "Property civilization, her material — the street, the overpriced at $1.75 for 151 pages, but paperback books are ed, the junk, the nights games. And what of the over-mascaraed (black, getting more and more expensive anyway. The book'U give you an hour or two of OF' on the back of her leather. good gangs — would become pap. reading, and it's nice to read a new STAR TREK story. More, Mr. Haldeman, more! tonight ■Saturday «>«»> IOME cover 1.00 i y THE AD GAME All you con eat Beef Ribs 3.9S ©izai°dj> PROGRAMME FACT & FICTION (slndepqpounc 224 Abbott 351-2285 U 4'«MAXIML'M The first fall meeting of the MSU Ad Club will popular myths about the advertising business. MSU Alum¬ explode some ^COHERENCE [During Flying nus Robert Fell, Executive Vice President of the Ewald Agency, will present "Misconceptions of the Ad Busi¬ Campbell- ness as Perpetuated by the Media ond Films." DOCTORS WEDNESDAY, OCT 19 WEIGHT LOSS .JtXl - • 'asExipss: f I! Increased *"■ ,/ cEG Coherence during the -T™* Practice of the Flying Sidhi 7:00 P.M. PARLOR"C", 2nd FLOOR UNION What if IMEDICAL CLINIC you cnld I." The Easiest Most EHactlve Weight Loss Program Ever I are lh.-,A|»-n,! M Si-lln- |ir- abilities. »•>' ti t ability '<■ km-w tin |v ^ Wednesday, October 19, 7:30 P.M., Erikson-Kiva (MSU). TONIGHT MMlN'I'fil 111 SMlil. li',- I-.IVTJU THE DRUNK IN THE FURNACE An ASMS I' Programing Hoard Activity ACCBSSlulB For o good decode The furnace stood in the naked gully, tireless And vacant as any hat. Then when it was No more to them than a hulking black fossil To erode unnoticed with the rest of the junk-hill By the poisonous creek, and rapidly to be added To their ignorance, They were afterwards astonished To confirm, one morning, a twist of smoke like a pole have in stock: Resurrection, staggering out of its chewed hole, And to remark then other tokens that someone. Cosily bolted behind the eye-holed iron • Computer Systems for ail uses Door of the drafty burner, hod there established His bad caslie. ® Computer Kits ior hobbyists Where he gets his spirits vou CAN tost UP 10 DAYS AND 7'loseUS»M 'rot.ln TO 10 LIS. IN JUST STAY THAT WAY ™ ^^9 • Complete library of periodieals It's a mystery But the stuff keeps him musical: Hommer-and-onvilling with poker and bottle ton will 7 to 14 pounds the first weefc of the liquid Fn • Peripheral Hardware To his jugged bellowings, till the last groaning clang As he collapses onto the rioting '"•» be OUR medlcolly supervised. PROGRAM IS A MEDICAL A, ^ 'Sith ,|. |1 • Software Packages Springs of a litter of car-seats ranged on the grates, To sleep like an iron pig. TREATMENT NOT A DIET h""1 "quid protein diet ™ Doctors strict _ J EtMi * Electronic Components In their far paper church supervision Modification program See our complete systems On a text about stoke-holes thai are soled never Their Reverend lingers. They nod and hole trespassers. Iwull70 BE 22 T0 30 POUNDS LIGHTER AT When the furnace wakes, though, all afternoon r**1 M0NTH ' ' • CALl NOW FOR A FREE • IMSA1 • Compucolor • Vectorgraphic Their witless offspring flock like piped rats to its siren Ition ~ THERE ,s absolutely no Crescendo, and agape on the crumbling ridge • Poly 88 • SOL-20 • Northstar L351-9800 Stand in a row ond learn. W.S MERWIN THE GENERAL COMPUTER STORE [tors weight ABBOTT, loss medkal cliwc EAST LANSING r 1310 Michigan Ave. Hours: M thru W: 11:00-6:30 NEAR SAGINAW "OURS: Mon. thru Thurs. 9 to 9 0^ 1 East Lansing 8l & F: 11:00-8:00 seuen oari>senli'tl Ity GARYs PREPARE FOR' [g/ Campus Beauty Salon Campus Pizza j B0SE CORP. 549 E. Grand River 1312 MICH. AVE. MCAT • DAT • LSAT• GRE - across from Berkey Hall 337-13T7 | ami GMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT NMB 1,1,1, ECFMG'FLEHQE HI FI BUYS NAT L DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS Flexible Programs & Hoars There IS a WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26 difference!!! at our west lansing store A representative from the Bose Girp. will present one of the ro°s' I exciting audio visual presentations lo ever be seen in this area. ftI advantages of the reflert^R show deals in depth with the theorv and sound, speaker design, thai has made Bose one of the leaders of audio industry. And don't *| forget to register to win a foniplele »*■ system while you are at the show. You eould win a JVCJRSlW "WE'RE MORE THAN JUST NUTS.. r MK1I stereo of Bose 301 receiver, a JVC JI.A 20 turntable and best of all. a f | loudspeakers. "All you can e«»" fish, fries & cole slaw »3.15 every Weds. i DRAWING TO BF, HELD OCT. 28 IN ANN ARBOR. i YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN. Stratton-Nelson 9:30-1:30 i Buy any Medium SHOWS AT Wednesday-Sunday i At the regular price \ Y£jiAX ™ IPM. 3PM, 5PM, 7PM PLEASE CALL E0R RESERVATIONS Get Identical PIZZA I i FREE 321-2373 | The Peanut Barrel i Little Caesars Pirn ■ 1203 B.Od. River | HI-FI BUYS 521 E. Grand River i * 337 4810 W. SAGINAW -1631j 351-0608 IAN. PH. 321-2373 i. M-Ftt-S S9-5 n c.otp News. Eost Lonsing, Michigan Wednesday, October 19, 1977 irth-a home event E.L. names housing chief INANCY I m.nv CBESSLER couples, giving child In only once." her experiences as a "We could deliver better care The City of East Lansing announced Monday two ap¬ public information officer. The Housing, Planning and The group manager, a city years. In that position he city's new liaison with the midwife, Brooks said she has cheaper with midwives, OB- spokesperson explained, had to directed the comprehensive re- pointments to city positions. |t home is not an accident found that labor is shorter GYN (obstetric-gynecological) Community Development De¬ be skilled in all three major zoning of press. She will also serve as iaretully planned event, when a woman is comfortable nurses as birth attendents and Bradford L. partment. was created last disciplines the department con¬ gion. a 60-square-mile re¬ secretary to the city's Cable ■psychological effects of and in familiar surroundings. physicians as back-up in case of named group Pryce was June from members of several centrated on. Prior to his post at Bowie, he Commission and prepare city ■birth are just a crucialto emergency," Brooks said. manager of the existing departments. served for two years as publications and programs to T-ther and child as the "Doctors don't think a thing "The reason we can't do this Housing, Planning and Com¬ plan¬ be shown on the East Lansing's about moving a woman from munity Development Depart¬ Pryce was the director of ning director for the City of L effects, midwife Tonya is because of the It was created to streamline cable television stations. her home to her car to a labor special inter¬ ment and planning and community devel East Orange. New Jersey. He Vsaid at the International est groups; malpractice insur¬ Georgella Bascom- the operations of several relat¬ opment in the City of Bowie, has also been She has been active in public Lh Education Associa- room to delivery room to a Muirhead was named the new ed areas of a member of the relations since 1971 and served ance companies for one. We as municipal work. Maryland, for the last four statewide convention re- hospital room," she said, adding planning staff in New Rochelle, as public information officer for consumers must insist on bet¬ New York. that so much motion might the City of Ann Arbor. One of Lore difficult the birth cause long-term psychological ter care." One way to get better care, City Manager Jerry Coffman her duties there involved coor¬ £nce is, the more difficult | jet close to that child," ■ told distress. "I have never been at a birth when a woman willingly chose Brooks said, is to educate more people in obstetrics. The asso¬ House passes pornography bill for minors said he was particularly pleased with the selection of Pryce dinating the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair. She was also in her audience at St. ciation is offering classes on because of his skill in working charge of the city-wide com¬ ■ Student Center. to lie flat on her back with her plaint system. home childbirth, taught in the with neighborhood associations Icontinued from page 3) 1 father is the most legs in the air," she said. Jondahl said he felt the bill and planning commissions. He Coffman said Bascom- "Most women will choose to lie Lansing area by midwife "I happen to feel the issue of a magazine that one month Muirhead was chosen for the Kant person to the moth- Marsha Russell. would make it difficult for might contain nothing porno- is also able to relate to the £n her sole source of on their side or sit in a "The most important freedom of speech is a most teachers and librarians. He graphic, but may have some situations occuring in an aca¬ job because of her extensive ■ while giving birth. But squatting position." thing is important one. My colleagues, gave as an example a teacher work in public relations and her the one-to-one thing considered offensive in demic community, he added. 1 trumped-up fifth wheel Brooks told her audience relationship be¬ without a single word of justifi¬ getting students to subscribe knowledge of the inner work¬ tween the mother and the birth to the next month's issue. Bascom-Muirhead will be the , hospital staff," she it is difficult to find a physician cation, passed a bill that was ings of a big city government. attendant, either midwife or taken for granted as 'a te(j When the father is to attend a planned home birth. good C at birth, he is much physician," Brooks said. Je to relate to the child "If a baby dies at a hospital, it is called an act of God; if a baby thing,'" he said. ************************************** iblish a love relation- dies at home, it is called ne birth creates a bond s never able to manslaughter," mented. she com¬ Florida woman fighting cavities First Annual Hospitals can legally turn LAKE WORTH. Fla.(AP)- SKI CLUB MEETING brusher. Ls—who said whe has away planned home births if Trick-or-treaters who knock on af more than 300 home the hospitals are not receiving Danny Frogel's door on Hal¬ Last Halloween,' Frogel rgave birth to three of federal funds, she added. loween are in for a surprise — treated 100 kids to L children at home. "Physicians doing home toothbrushes and dental floss. new tooth¬ brushes bought wholesale at $1 Jit attendants are there births have been harassed, lost Station and the birth is hospital privileges and had Frogel, 26, says Halloween is her time to atone for cavities a dozen. This year, she's also treating the kids to red tablets Tonight, at 7:30 in 158 Nat. Res. Bldg. Int to them," she ex- their malpractice she suffered as a child candy that dissolve in the mouth to T"You give birth to that cancelled," she said. addict and everyone welcome once-a-day tooth- show bacteria. Trip itinerary includes: Snowmass, Dec. 17-24 Ifinal day sale Crystal Mt., Dec. Cancun, Dec. 17-24 Schuss Wkd., Jan. 20-22 18-23 Boyne Wkd., Feb. 3-5 Carnival, Feb. 24-26 Hawaii, March 21-28 MEN'S TRADITIONAL Aspen, March 17-24 Austria, March 16-24 SILADIUM® RING Big Sky, March 17-24 activities this term: special sale w/the Freestyle Shop Nov. 9 ONLY $59.95 Swap t tale Nov. 21-Dec 1 US Ski Team benefit participating in Lant. Civic Center Ski Show MOVIIS, DOOR PRIZIS Office 353-5199 Rm. 240 Men's IM Bldg. ************************************** 7IRJQ1RVED RING DAY That's when the ArtCarved representative will be here to help you select your custom-made college jewelry. It's also the day you can charge your ArtCarved college jewelry on Master Charge or BankAmericard. When you have a special feeling about someone and in old friend in New York for a lot less than want to keep in touch, why go through the hassle ol you may think, particularly when you dial direct. writing letters and waiting for replies . especially So check the chart above. Then clip and hang it on the FINAL DAY since it's so much easier and more personal to call wall by the phone ... or put it in your wallet with the each other on the phone? 8 S money you'll save by dialing when rates are lowest. TODAY Besides, with Long Distance it doesn't take a big Remember. Long Distance is cheaper when you reason or a big bankroll just to keep in touch. dial direct on weeknights after 5 p.m. or on the @ OCTOBER 19 You can talk to that crazy character in weekend before 5 p.m. Sunday. "tudent ook tore IOA.M.-4P.M. Across from Olin Michigan Bell FOLLOWS SPEIN TSTOOFWEL Smith impresses at By MICHAEL KLOCKE ter, and he still managed to much," Smith said. "I was he said. "The big difference is tailback came a concensus AU-American during his career ,tu« State News thankful for the opportunity to the constant hitting. You get at MSU in 1963, despite weigh¬ Sports Writer gain 71 yards in 11 carries. Sherm is not venu Smith also picked up two play against Indiana. I wanted hit a lot harder." ing only 152 pounds. The way Steve Smith was crucial first downs on MSll's to perform well with them In his prep days, Smith was Smith may have broken all of gave me extra I realized how contidT running the ball in MSU's only named an All American at Du- his records, but that didn't stop well - scoring drive. watching." college," said scoring drive against Indiana "I was thankful that 1 Smith said the transition pont Manual High School in lewis from recruiting him to Smith» on Saturday it would have only was exactly the biggest b able to come up with the from high school to college foot¬ I/Ousiville. While playing there, play at MSU. the Big Ten. * seemed fair that he should he broke all the rushing records "Sherm had a great influence yardage," Smith said. "Of ball has not been that difficult "It score the game-tying touch¬ was kind of fun, course I would have liked more, for him. of Spartan defensive back coach on me, and he had a lot to do 1m from around down. but I'm just glad I was able to "Running wise it's about the Sherm Lewis. with me coming here," said { But Smith fumbled the ball neighborhood as She help the team." same. You've still got to read After I,ewis had graduated Smith, who wears the same never knew him on the one-yard line and it Before the Indiana game, the defense and pick your holes, from Dupont Manual, he be¬ number 20 that Lewis wore started looked as though MSU had Smith had seen only spot duty breaking his' their third consecutive loss — at tailback, but he does have a until tackle John Malinosky recovered Smith's fumble in the 5.9-yard average. He has also been returning kickoffs. end zone. But after the way he played Long summer is over; "I was so hungry to get that touchdown." Smith said with an Saturday, Smith will undoubt¬ edly get to see even more ever-present grin. "I wanted to action. get in the end zone so bad I "Steve responded very well; really didn't concentrate on he's going to play a lot more as gripping the ball. Pat Betterly is ready the season progresses," said "When I was knocked to the MSU head coach Darryl Ro¬ ground all I could think of was gers. "He's not as quick as that I had blown my chance. (Leroyl McGee, but he's When I saw that Malinosky had faster." recovered the fumble it made The Indiana game had a little By JOE CENTERS ing record in Spartan hockey history. the long walk back to the bench State News Sports Writer extra significance for Smith But that is all in the past and Betterly must now be a little easier." since it was sort of a home¬ The MSU hockey team will open its 1977-78 hockey schedule about this year. But it wasn't Smith's fumble coming. Louisville is near the this Friday and Pat Betterly is preparing for his senior "I've had no problems with the knee," that really stood out Saturday; for the second time. Betterly Indiana University campus, so season — "I rested it all summer and I didn't work on it too much til it was his running. Smith's whole family made the At this time last year, the 6-foot 150-pound Betterly was back," The 5-9, 183-pound freshman short trip to see him play. getting ready to play his final year of hockey as a Spartan. But Even though Betterly's knee has healed, there still wa from Louisville, Ky. came into "My family saw the first his season lasted only two games as a knee injury against Ohio fact that he hadn't skated in almost a year. the contest with only three State sidelined Betterly for the rest of the season. game of the year against Pur¬ "At first I was lost on the ice," Betterly said, "The minutes left in the third quar¬ "We missed him (Betterly) very much," coach Amo Bessone pa due. but I didn't get to play too weekend (last Saturday's exhibition game with said. "He the Michipii was leading my confidence up. It built up my strength and I'm not- returning scoring defense- any more." man and he was the smart¬ Betterly says that the biggest games for him aretbe est defenseman that we against Big Ten teams. had." "You've got to win the Big Ten games," Betterly co. "You can feel the energy in the Big Ten games, I a Betterly did have a fine because it was a Big Ten school." season two years ago. He finished the season with nine Betterly also likes to play on the road. "When you have away games you can get away for goals, eight on power plays and you can forget about the books," Betterly said. and 30 assists to finish fifth the United States. The in team Betterly, a 1972 graduate of Bishop Borgess High The MSU women's crew club race scoring behind Tom Detroit, played three years for the Junior Red Wings State News Robert Kozloff team will covers a three-mile course and Ross, Steve Colp. Daryl Rice compete in the "Head came to MSU. He was named a Junior AU-American ><•: Freshman tailback Steve Smith looks for running of the Charles" race Saturday over 3,000 competitors are ex¬ and John Sturges. Ross and 1973-74 season. He said that he came here because ° room against Indiana. Smith picked up 71 yards and Sunday in Boston, Mass. pected. The event is sponsored Colp were both All-Ameri¬ I Bessone) was interested in him as a person by the North American Ama that year and the two of and that it - despite limited playing time against the Hoosiers. The race began in 1852 and is cans a business for the other schools." the oldest continuous meet in teur Oarsman. them hold every major scor- Pat Beverly (continued on page 9) Women's Athletic Boosters organize We all know why you are here A in the first place. new organization support¬ and it will feature MSU wo- tion for membership and re- ing women's sports at MSU will men's golf coach Mary Fossum The Fraternity exists to add to your educational M'SS'J.'o.o.o.o.o."* servations and those interested hold its first meeting Monday at 7 p.m. at Matteo's Restau¬ and MSU women's cross coun- try coach Mark Pittman as can call MSU assistant athletic director Nell Jackson's office at experience, not detract from it Here you'll find academic support programs.. availability of DON'T rant. The organization is the Women's Athletic Booster Club speakers for the first fund ■. There is an open invita- 355-4760. The price is $5 and the next meeting is Nov. 28. scholarships and student loans, career guidance •o#0#0#0*. ^ SECOND emphasis, faculty speakers, scholastic awards and incentives, tutoring assistance from upperclassmen, °. MICHIGAN® STEBEg insight to college courses .. all to help you make the most ol your academic experience on campus. All of the members of situation a fraternity are in the same : as you are trying to do the very best they to meet the challenges ol a college education its® can An Opportunity Being a Sig Ep colony member, you will have a special chance to develop a Sigma Phi Epstlon chapter of your own design—to build a tradition and a strong student organization which will endure for years to come Combining your personal ideals with those of your fellow colony members, with the . O • O • °*0#0* Admission:^ principles ol Sigma Phi Epsilon, you will moid a new and different fraternity on your campus For you, it is Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Oct. 21-23 Fri. 4-10 p.m., Sat. noon-10 p.m., Sun. noon-6p.m. an unparalleled experience at Long's Convention Center Cedar St. at 1-96, Lansing • See and hear the latest In audio NEW ON MSU! equipment exhibited by ovw 30 manufacturers from California to New England by Industry It*"" • Attend FREE informational seminars conducted Leonard Feldman and Paul olde World OPEN HOUSE Klipsch • See The Stereo Shoppe's fabulous TONITE 7:30 dream stereo system $25,000, fully-operational MURAL ROOM 2nd Fldor • Register for over $5,000 worth of door prizes STUDENT UNION Bread & Ale >9 • Meet Nick! Thomas, Playboy's Miss March, 1977 BUT THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE WEEKEND During AUDITIONS For more information, contact us: Rod Smart John Jorgenson IS THE BIG SAVINGS YOU'LL ENJOY ON All 349-5539 TOP-QUAUTY STEREO COMPONENTS! pitcher prices reduced by SI.00 DAILY DOORBUSTERSI Mon-Tues-Wed Sigma m 2-6 pm f.nvRio^eachand redeem les. speakers, the coupon lor their FREE gift, ranging from Stereo Shoppe T-Shifti ro ^ cartridges, tape decks, amplifiers, and record care equipment, among (t o( n admission ticket to draw an envelope Limit: one envelope per pers Phi yQli Block 1 — MAC Your Epsilon reo -r ing KTu. """,w ,ldhl'alT^'°SuTrhed.S,T.S»P'9' a * Lifetime Experience n Mc News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, October 19, 1977 9 >artans host Cougars; Cosell laughs at assault charge PHILADELPHIA (AP) Philadelphia Daily News colum¬ nist Stan Hochman said — exchange between the two men. Tuesday that he will file a complaint in "We looked at each other... I think I spoke first," Hochman left California this week charging ABC sports commentator slate said. "I said, 'It's a thrill to share this ride with iur games Howard Cosell with you.' He said, on jetliner. assaulting him aboard a commercial Cosell has labeled the charge a joke, saying he merely gave Hochman "a friendly chuck under the chin." 'Oh, how I wish [ had your talent. Oh, how I wish the money you're making.' " i was making Hochman said he retorted with, "I'd like to write home about MSU lost in the first round of The incident took this flight." kjglJ soccer team will Arbor's scoring with 23 goals. barowski is having an excep¬ place aboard an American Airlines jet just the tournament to Indiana but The Spartan offense will before a late-night takeoff from Los third undefeated oppo- tional season after spending his Angeles to New York after "By now he was standing along my seat. He reached over 1 the last four 8ames came back to down Ohio State again be without the services of first three years at MSU as a Sunday's World Series baseball game. with his left hand and he slapped me hard at least four times in the consolation game. captain Robbie Back, who is According to Hochman, Cosell slapped him on the head "at [he Spartans entertain co back-up goaltender to Gary least four times and and maybe five in the area of the top part of my ear and The high scoring Cougars, Lg Arbor Cougars at definitely out for the remainder Wilkinson. maybe five" after a sarcastic verbal temple," Hochman said. t today at the Spartan ranked fourth last week in the of the season after straining Gembarowski missed the Mideast by the Intercolle knee ligaments in the Spartans' wield. Spartans' first two games this giate Soccer Association of loss to Akron Oct. 8. year due to an injury, but since ■Spartans, tcord. with a 5-4 are coming off America with a 11-0 record, have tallied 45 goals so season Back's place in the starting lineup will be filled by freshman his return the Spartans have won five games while losing MSU lacrosse unit Krd place finish in the far this season. Ail-American walk on Carlos Diaz. Baum said only two. In the live wins, ■ Classic last weekend. Howard Taylor leads Spring that Diaz is an excellent for Gembarowski has allowed only ward who posesses good and moves with the ball, but speed three goals while shutting out both Calvin and Albion. to meet Michigan who also needs to adjust to erly set for final year MSU's style of play, which will come with more playing experi- The MSU won the Weightlifting Club Spartan Powerlifting championships Sunday. MSU had competed in the meet. Norman Venyah finished sec¬ ond for MSU. MSU's lacrosse team will meet the Michigan lacrosse club out for the team practice. during fall won the AAU event squad in a controlled scrim¬ optimistic. If everyone stays Following the Spring Arbor by totaling Lee Green won the 123- Ltinued from page 8) 17'/a points to Grand Rapids' pound class for MSU; Bill Lowe mage Saturday at 2 p.m. at Old Banner and Hendrickson are healthy, we should be good." game, the Spartans will travel College Field. There is no to Mt. Pleasant Tuesday for a power team, which scored 14 won the holding the first fall practice in 132-pound class; Andy charge for admission. three years at MSU ;n an effort I has always stuck by Betterly says he has been game with Central Michigan. points. Grooten was third at 148- MSU head coach Nevin Ban¬ to rebuild lacrosse at MSU. The I had problems," through a lot this past year. MSU's Penny Jordan won pounds; and Jim Hartmann ,i Michigan will be here for a ner and assistant coach Boku U-M team will feature several | commented. "He said "I wouldn't want to go Saturday night game Oct. 29 if the 114-pound class. It also finished second in the super- Hendrickson have 40 players former Ail-Americans. .e would be the best the East Lansing High School marked the first time a woman heavyweight class. through another operation." rs of my life, and they Field is available. A definite Betterly said. "The hard part was to sit there and watch the time and date of that game will I last be announced later on this into his season, games. It really takes a lot out I is optimistic about the of you." week. The Spartans will finish Y chances this season. their season Nov. 5 when they The watching is over for host Bowling Green State Uni¬ Betterly and now when he (team is good," Betterly wants to jump onto the ice to versity. Senior REPEATS A SELLOUT i attitude has changed goalie Mark Gem- ftund here.' Everyone is help his team — he can. Hey, chicken lovers- come on over to The Other Fried! | Wednesday By Rennard Strickland, Admissions Committee of the College of Law ot the University of Tulsa. Planning to apply to law school this year but know that the competi¬ tion's going to be rough? This book can help take much Family of the hassle out of gaining admission to law school. It gives you tips and guidelines on: where and when to sub¬ mit your application • scoring high on the LSAT . using letters of recommendation effectively • overcoming the Night 10 most common barriers to law school admission • and more. $4.95 paperback THE PATINA OF PEWTER Special creates a smooth mellow softness of finish to our "on the cuff" bracelets. Initialed or not, |pt«c«s of chlckan, fgg C 1.491I It slow, mashed they are a stunning addition to any outfit *]* (otQtoeU gravy ft \PU NOW ONLY Dt biscuits. $^00 Monogram $ J 50 f time to discover the toucho honey difference in >us Recipe The Other Fried Chicken. Delicious •din-honey batter, fried really crisp and all the way lirough. No wonder people who cross over to The Other Pried Chicken stay there! I By Dr. Marvin Fogel. Director of Admissions. The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and Dr. Mort Walker For the MAKE LEON G YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS. USE OUR rfJl'JEWELRY * DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING I medical school candidate who wants every possible chance of getting into medical school, this is the book to CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN. 319 E. Grand River traditionally known for SELECTION QUALITY VALUE wnot/s Rgcfoe have. It helps you: plot the ideal premed program ■ find East Lansing, Mich. 48823 Presented by Central East Lansing Bus 4500 S. C*dar I out whether or not you belong in medical school • get through the admissions interview with flying colors • and more. $5.95 paperback 11900 E. Kalamazoo 1(5 min. from MSU) 3007 N. East 51. (U.S. 37 North) I At bookstores or write to: ill HAWTHORN BOOKS —J $100 260 Madison Avenue. New York. N Y 10016 Jirgt Trize DISCO DANCE CONTEST every Wednesday night rugby stripes are sweater newsmakers Finalists chosen every hour everywhere now. . .this boldly striped beginning at 8 p.m. Winners > will be chosen by members lightweight ringneck pullover with ribbed of the audience at 12 p.m. collar. Navy/grey or burgundy/grey in acrylic knit. Young men's sizes S-M-L-XL. $20 Doq/iie FROM OUR MR. I ) SHOP Clyde 'Disco JacobSaoB 10 Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing. Michigon Wednesdoy, October 19 , Desk staffers answer obscure questions By DANA FELMLY deeply, he or she might begin at to look for a copy of Rolling whether the Rolling Stones "One weekend it was the your body to University re¬ The desk files include a card SUte News SUH Writer If someone wanted to find out the reference desk in the Main Library. Stones Tour of 1972, not only would be in Lansing in the near Grenadier Guards," said Mary search? Answer: Dr. Rex Carrow of on a cow with a glass window its stomach. The cow's insides lnJ^Adminislr«io« and how to res would he or she get assistance future. Duffy, library clerk. "A guy why the musical talents of the However, if someone wanted from the revised information Believe it or not, the desk called and asked us if there the Dept. of Anatomy. can be observed at the Dairy Rolling Stones affect youth so to know more specifically where desk but would also learn staff can offer a lot more were any tickets to the per¬ "We had a guy come in and Research Center on College information than just where to formance left. We called Fair- swear he saw a chicken house Road. scheduling). ^ find a book. child, who told us they were with solar energy panels some¬ where on campus. We checked Other questions that in¬ Besides keeping a weekend going to open their box office at King bill passed listing of bands in the Lansing 7:15 p.m. to sell remaining and found out it was on Jolly trigued students were the sta¬ area, they are also a good tickets." Road two blocks west of Haga- tus of MSU's revised check- buildings.- source to tap when wondering how many tickets might be left Though the desk staff con¬ stantly updates weekend enter¬ dorn," Duffy said. cashing policy (30-cent charge ?:kpasses°^ for a campus performance. tainment files, it also keeps a The Michigan Senate sent a tory," Vaughn said. education and strong suppport Staff members usually call the The School of Social Work and permanent file of the more bill to Gov. William Milliken Vaughn recalled requesting made his drive for passage Fairchild Theater box office unknown items about MSU. Continuing Educati successful. Tuesday that declares the sec¬ the close of the Michigan House session on the day of King's around 5 p.m. to check the For instance, who do you go Service at Michigan State University are pleased t0 ond Monday of each January "Martin Luther King Jr. Day." death. From that time on he number of unsold tickets. to for body willing, or, donating Qnnor Michigan will become the first state in the union to hold a pushed for the holiday, only to have his efforts thwarted. DR. KARL mENNINGER legal and financial holiday in Vaughn said a combination of USED BOOK SALE honor of a black American, if Milliken signs the bill. PUMPKIN SALE AMERICA'S FOREMOST PSYCHIATRIST THIS THURSDAY SATURDAY Every year since King's SPEAKING ON death in 1968 Rep. Jackie OCTOBER 21 22 23 Vaughn III, D-Detroit, has sponsored legislation which \ll Kllll \\ M M l PREVENTATIVE ASPECTS IN CHILD would honor King with a holi¬ CARE day. Citsi I ml l>\ M.miIh. Vaughn was obviously happy OCTOBER 20, 1977 with the senate's overwhelming B108 Wells Hall 35-1 passage. The House had earlier approved the bill in Registration at 6:00 p.m. *5.00 April. "It is obvious that the bill has Program 7-9 p.m. Open to the had strong bi-partisan support. public Today Michigan has made his¬ GO GREEN/.,. WALK IN REGISTRATION WELCOmED m CUSTOM T-SHIRTS Mixed sizes and colors OK. ■meuERl Call Bill Lee at C & 0 T-SHIRTS thrifty acres 663-7031 NYLON JACKETS ALSO! SHOW YOUR SUPPORT A career in law— With this fine epoxy finish jewelry of the Michigan State without law school. University helmet. YOUR CHOICE! What can you do with only a bachelor's degree? Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an undergraduate education and a challenging, responsible $2*7 career. The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do work tradi¬ tionally done by lawyers. Three months of intensive training can Jewelry Dept. give you the skills—the courses are taught by lawyers. You choose one of the seven courses offered—choose the city in which you want to work. Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal Training has placed more than 2,000 graduates in law firms, banks, and corporations in over 80 cities. If you are a senior of high academic standing and are 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - DON'T MISS IT1 » 0 • o • 0*0* o • 0• interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, we'd like to meet you. 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA .0.°-0-0-0- SECOND Contact your placement office for an interview with our SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. A.M. TO 10:30 P.M. - 5 MICHIGAN representative. We will visit your campus on: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 The Institute for Paralegal Training South 17th Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania (215) 732-6600 v SENIOR • SHOW ENGINEERS Operated by Para-Legal. Inc "OPEN HOUSE" J0*0*0*0< ^0*0*0#0*° Admission: •- McD< >\M 11. DOUGLAS ST Is't IS IMF LEADING Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Oct. 21 -23 it sick M R< ISPAI I. CI iRl't (RATH IN. IS HAVING AN 'OPEN HOUSE'' FOR [MAM I Rs INIT RESTED IN Fri. 4-10 p.m., Sat. noon - 10 p.m., Sun. noon-6p.m. LEARNING MORE AH' D I' iR i)['['(iRTUNITIES at Long's Convention Center Cedar St. at 1-96, Lansing • See and hear the latest in audio equipment exhibited by over 30 manufacturers from California to New England • Attend FREE informational seminars conducted by industry leal Leonard Feldman and Paul Klipsch • See The Stereo Shoppe's fabulous $25,000, fully-operational dream stereo system • Register for over $5,000 worth of door prizes • Meet Nlckl Thomas, Playboy's Miss March, 1977 . Hi'»- li", -,( oil nvrosp.K BUT THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE WEEKEND t- pruqrums IS THE BIG SAVINGS YOU'LL ENJOY ON Not if it's A an extraordinary Pilot Razor Point marker pen 7:00 tu 9:00 PM • WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 19th TOP-QUAUTY STEREO COMPONENTS! fiber-tipped pen so precisely balanced, it will always feel comfortable Engineering Building - Student Lounge m your hand, even after hours of writing Its sturdy plastic point, surrounded by a unique Pilot metal "collar writes a distinctly smooth, sharp line DAILY DOORBUSTERS! In fact, it's the thinnest tipped pen you can buy And mat makes it just oM0?enSn^«^OhScona,n,n9 ,0.®n,er,h® conven,ion #«cility MCh day when the show opens, there'^a*' a coupon for FREE PRIZE. The first 100 great for pages of notes or that one important love letter Best envelope each and redeem the coupon lor their a persons each of all. it's FREE gift, ranging from Stereo Shoppe T-SMsto'you only 69c and is now available at your college book store turntables, speakers, jrs, cartridges, tape not be required to decks, amplifiers, and record care equipment, among otni'»• (aIIV So if your Pilot pen makes buy sion ticket to draw an you lovesick, don t be envelope. Limit: one envelope per person ashamed to admit it Aftpr ail it n reo Traversed!) - - - River Ave . le: ?yLansrng, East ™" '0,.our d0<" "M™5 Ml 48823. p"**= ami INS coupon lo The Stereo Orawing will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. Show>■f 23. 19". 81 $$ Nf™ - Address Phone-- n c.„t<. News. East Lonsing. Michigan Wednesday, October 19, 1977 ] 1 eon IsOR. Conn, (AP) - A serve test gas dwindling supplies of facility dedicated Coal accounted for 46 percent electricity will be produced coal gas natural gas and oil. production to virtual Ion test facility for "We in this country have vast of electricity generated last from coal within a decade as halt. a he clean-burning gas year, while oul was used for 16 supplies of the other fuels Now, several Firms are gear¬ [nation's abundant coal stores of coal on which to draw," said Gov. Ella Grasso. percent and natural gas 14 become more scarce. ing up to produce the gas again, I was dedicated Tues- percent. In addition, a large-scale "What we seek is the best and officials are icials predicted it even- way But officials looking for a predict that switch to coal from natural gas method to produce ,ould help utilities con¬ in which to use this resource." much more of the nation's and oil for utilities and other larger sup¬ plies. industrial plants is a corner¬ The project dedicated Tues¬ stone of President Jimmy day is a pilot plant financd by jst-dressed list posted Carter's energy program. Because the use of coal-* which accounts for more than the U.S. gy, Department of Ener Combustion Engineering Inc., and the Electric Power 90 percent of total U.S. fossil I continued on calls from all over the page 12) KHA, Wis. (API - The country.. sleeve length and other details fuel reserves—often is blocked Every «eek, mere than a million Michigan ■ Tailors Guild of Ameri- "The only reason I can give must be by environmental concerns, for this reaction is that there is absolutely right." shoppers choose Kroger! Why?... lounced its 10 Best- Formerly a musical instru¬ various projects are underway Jj Men of America re- a new interest in clothing," he ment repairman, Pascucci also to develop large supplies of coal ...Become Kroger means better meat. Kroger land right up there on said. played trumpet in Glenn gas, which burns cleaner than |i»et yea a better meat lalve. Tour meeey Pascucci's tailor, Duro of Chi¬ coal. j with Vice President Miller's band during World buys moru sating mtal el Kroger... londale, Joe Namath cago, from whom he orders 20 War II. He credits the band Coal gas once was in wide¬ a Denver was Vito suits a year, nominated him for leader and G. LeBlanc, his spread use around the country, ...lecaese you'll find frosber frail and the honor. Pascucci said he has French partner, with devel¬ but increased production and been on the list "1 think, about vegetables ie tbe Kroger gardoas. Ron after Ipasrurci. use of cheaper natural gas oping some of his ideas about rou of froibeeie at deue-te-eartb prices. Tot the first time the five times" previously. He (continued on page 12) several decades ago brought Kroger alssaye otters the beet available... Told president of the wouldn't say how much he I Corp., a Kenosha musi- spends clothes every year, Irument manufacturing but on said it's "more than I HIGH PERFORMANCE SKI PACKAGE ...Beeame you'll find everyday lo* pricee throughout Ibt itoro, with Ion uookly specials is made the list, but he should." on items you nutd and HEXCEL BLUE LITE SKIS buy rugularly. With fs the first time any- "I've always been interested unadvortisud spucials thai give you uuei- MUNARI RALLY FREESTYLE BOOT Jgaid much attention to in clothes," he said. "I'm a real poetod seviags. It, he says he's received bug on comfort and fit. The LOOK CT BINDING AND r w w scon POLE SEPARATELY '437" ^Wondering what PACKAGE SPECIAL *345 DOWNHILL BEGINNING | to eat tonight? PACKAGES FROM Mir* SOU'S hat great pixxa & grinders Keep _ with White Stag. Head & Gerry Clothing, Aris & Grando Gloves, and Aris Hats. llheMMKH AFTER YOU SEE THE UNIQUE FEATURES OF THIS CASSETTE DECK YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE ITS ONLY EAST LANSING'S 5199" |EST SELECTION OF LEVIS I JEANS & CORDS The MUNICH 220M.A.C. UNIVERSITY MAIL PHONE 351-4620 the jvc kd15 cassette deck Men., Tues., Wed., Sat. 10-6 Thurs., Fri. 10-9 Helping you to achieve the Musical Truth in cassette tape record ing the KD 15 has these exclusive JVC features. DUAL-BALL CASSETTE HOLD SYSTEM Another JVC exclusive for better musical performance. The two rust-resistant stain¬ less steel balls in the holder secure your tape with constant pressure Cassette misalignment is impossible and stable tape transport is the result. MULTI-POINT PEAK LEVEL INDICATORS. w< JVC'e Multi-Point Pook Level Indicators help This handy extra works like this With the you essiiy determine optimum recording-level power cord of your JVC deck connected to settings by indicating the peak values at commercislly availabel timer, and with the This Areas —10dB,—SdB. OdB, +3dBsnd +6dB levels deck's power switch on. push the REC. Only Mulli-Media Discotheq instesd el average values as do VUt. Each PLAY/REC and PAUSE buttons When the 2843 l. Gd. River, E. Lans. 351-1201 LED (Light-Emitting Diode) indicator rises to pre set time arrives, the PAUSE button will be the rated level almost instantly- within I mil¬ disengaged and recording starts At the end °y Your Weekend lisecond as compered to the 300 milliseconds of the tape, the mode is automatically at the Rainbow R switched to STOP Since the pinch roller is needed by a VU or the 10 milliseconds need¬ held away from the capstan until the pre set ed by ordinary peak meters Thus you con time, no damage is done to tape, capstan •void tape saturation during heavy level fluc¬ WEDNESDAY tuations which often ere not reflected in VUt pinch roller SPECIAL ADD TO THIS JVC HIGH PERFORMANCE HEADS AND THE DOLBY NOISE REDUCTION CIRCUIT, AND YOU boozers KNOW THAT THE KD 15 IS A HIGH VALUE, HIGH PER¬ FORMANCE DECK AT A BUDGET PRICE. bazaar HI-FI BUYS 1101 E. GRAND RIVER 4810 W. SAGINAW / E.L. PH. 337-1767 LAN. PH. 321-2373 THURS. SPECIAL: M-F. 10-8. SAT. 9-5 M-F 11-8 SAT. 9-5 SOUS 'N SUBS THE DISC SHOP 323 E. GRAND RIVER. E.L. 351-5380 M-F 10-9 SAT. 10-6 1 2 Michigon Stole News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Endowed chairs debated tl1' . ^ ByPAMWEAR money for projects including a ted the endowed faculty chairs memberships in the academy as qualify for the chairs) should be State News Staff Writer performing Arts Center and be used to attract "members of criteria if the chair would be in self evident," he added. "The Debate on the selection of new MSU museum. the National Academy of Sci¬ a field not related to science. difficulty is getting them to MSU Endowed Faculty Chairs Administrators said they ences or scholars of comparable "Also, the university gains was the major focus of the hope the establishment of the quality and national standing." much more by hiring a younger Kreinin explained that he Faculty Council meeting Tues endowed chairs would attract He also recommended that a person who in 10 years would meant to change the wording of day. distinguished leaders in various faculty/student committee be be hired into the academy," he the proposal slightly, but added Initially, a goal of $1-75 mil disciplines to the MSU campus. set up to develop proceedures said. that his major aim was to get The sterting point of the and recommendations for the lion has been established to use Ralph E. Taggart, associate prestigious faculty for the posi for the endowed faculty chairs faculty council debate was a chair appointments. professor of botany and plant tions. and professorships within the proposal introduced by Kreinin moved that the coun¬ pathology, cautioned the coun¬ Rather than accept Kreinin's Mordcchai Kreinin, MSU pro¬ University's Enrichment Pro¬ cil accept his proposal, but cil not to lower its standards for proposal, however, the council gram. fessor of economics. Edward Ingraham, associate a chair if a more qualified voted to establish a new comm- The program is a fund-raising Among recommendations in professor of mathematics, ques¬ person was not available. voted to establish a new com drive begun last spring to raise the proposal, Kreinen sugges¬ tioned the feasibility of using "The right kind of people (to mittee to rewrite the proposal. Gwendolyn Norrell, chair¬ person of the steering commit tee, appointed Taggart, Kreinin Project supplements natural gas, oil supplies and Jack Steibrr, professor of labor and industrial as committee members. relations, (Continued from page 11) deficiency of oxygen, which The plant is designed to If this pilot plant successfully Steiber suggested the forma¬ Research Institute, an industry produces a so called low BTU consume about five tons of coal passes its 15-month tests, a tion of the committee, saying it group. gas—a gas below the quality of ■per hour and produce 890,000 larger demonstration plant would be better for the council Steve Barrett, a Combustion natural gas but still usable by cubic feet of gas per hour. The could be completed by 1982, he to debate the general ideas and Engineering spokesman, gave utilities. gas produced in this pilot said. leave debates over the wording this basic description of how Sulfur, a common pollutant in project will be incinerated in a "Then, we'd be able to go to the committee'. the Hartford-area plant works: coal, is captured in the process nearby boiler. commercial soon after that," he President Clifton R. Wharton Bituminous coal is pulverized and can be sold. The coal's ash Most of the other coal added. Jr. noted that over 50 endowed into consistency like talcum is withdrawn from the plant as gasifiers being tested or "Once we're commercial, you chairs and professorships have powder and then injected into a molten slag and is used as planned depend on another ought to be able to do away been selected, with some dozen landfill. method of operation, and their with natural gas and oil as gasifier. It is burned with a given top priority. sizes are limited. Barrett said. utility boiler fuels." Tailors Guild suits many (Continued from page 11) hip slightly higher than the Program head needed clothes. other and one arm a trifle cedures, Gatto said. A man at 32-1 Student Services Build¬ Ail of his clothes, with the Applications for chairperson longer, Pascucci said there are of the ASMSU agement background would be ing. Open petitioning will last exception of ties and under¬ other benefits as well. Programming helpful but is not required, she until 5 p.m. Nov. 21. Regular wear, are custom "I usually go made. twice a year to In addition to Pascucci, Board are now being accepted, according to present chairper said. "From my interviews will be held at Programming Board meetings Drivers protest Rickles, Mondale, Namath and son Sherri Gatto. personal experi¬ the tailor and we pick out the Gatto said the term of office ence, I would say the job is and will run until the board Denver, the other names on the fabrics," he said, adding that for challenging, worthwhile and a votes on a new chairperson Jan. list were Burt Reynolds, motion programming board chair his shirts are made in Paris and definite learning experience," person runs for one year, A pair of semi-tractor trucks appears to surround the Japan as well as the United pictures: Dallas attorney Percy Foreman, law: Monty Hall, beginning in January. The new Gatto said. The ASMSU Programming 25 independent truck drivers protest legislation which includes a Capitol Tuesday h'.IL States. philanthropy; Frank Gorshin, director will be chosen four "It can take up to 20-30 hours Board helps support and organ fuel tuj Noting that he became inter¬ nightclubs and Mel Boldt, head weeks before fall term ends. a week. ize various student programs, crease of two cents per gallon and a 30 percent hike in license fees. truckers met with an aide to Gov. Willian G. Milliken about Fourtfl ested in custom clothing as a of a Chicago industrial design The job largely entails coor Applications for the job are subsidizing some through the the diiJ way of concealing having firm, in industry. dinating administrative pro being distributed and accepted programming board fund. MITSUBISHI DAY TODAY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER I9TII AT OCR EAST LANSING STORE MR. Y0ICHI KAWAKAMI. A MEMBER (IE THE ENGINEERING GRADUATES, MITSUBISHI ELECTRONICS DESIGN TEAM Wil l. WORK IN A PLACE WORTH WRITING HOME ABOUT. DISCUSS DESIGN OBJECTIVES FOR TODAYS HIGH QUALITY STEREO EQUIPMENT. WITH EMPHASIS In Saudi Arabia you'll be near the cradle That means your Saudi Arabian take- way in Saudi Arabia, and advancement of civilization. home pay will be approximately equal to ON DUAL MONAURAL CONSTRUCTION. A opportunities are exceptional. You'll see in the States. QUESTION awe-inspiring sights such the carved cliff tombs of Madain Salih, your gross pay We're looking for Mechanical, as In addition, you'll be close to the AND ANSWER PERIOD WILL FOLLOW. created over 2,000 years ago some 600 world's top vacation spots.Travel through¬ Geological, Chemical, Electrical, and kilometers north of Jiddah. out the Middle East. Or Petroleum Engineers with bachelor s, SEMINARS AT 1PM, 3PM, 5PM, 7PM fly to Rome, Fbris master's, or Ph.D. degrees. If you re You'll have plenty of time to explore, and London. Or visit India to the east, too, because you'll have a 40-day Africa to the west. graduating this fall, spring, or sum¬ paid mer, we'dlike to talk to you. |WE WILL HAVE SPECIAL PRICES ON I vacation and 12 paid holidays each year. You'll have money enough to travel in We'll even fly you back to the States, free, while you're vacationing. now Additional information is available in your career planning office. SELECTED ITEMS DLRING THE PAY | style Your base salary will be competitive with what you can earn in the States. Plus, You'll be working for the world's est oil producing company, and one of larg¬ ARAMCO you'll receive a generous tax-protected the fastest growing. Currently, we have SERVICES COMPANY HI-FI BUYS expatriate premium. over $20 billion worth of projects under 1100 MZorn Budding. Houston, twos 77002 1101 E. GRAND RIVER E. L. PH. 337-1767 •UN RIPMSINTATI VI WILL SI ON CAMPUS ON M-F10-8 S 10-5 MONPAT, OCTOMD M. n gtofe News. Eos) Lonsing. Michigon Wednesday, October 19, 1977 13 TOPIC: POLITICAL SURVEILLANCE lalperin to speak at *11' in Hnlperin, former can be made by sending five ment, Halperin became a dollars to Stan Kaplowitz, Steering Committee. Center for National Security imberofthe National Senior Fellow with the For¬ The committee has tar¬ Studies. This project tries to I Council, will speak Secretary of Lansing ACLU, eign Policy Division of the geted MSU and 44 other 629 Marshall St., East Lan¬ prevent false claims of Broiling Political Sur- Brookings Institute and later colleges in a nationwide "national security" from be¬ t On and Off Cam- sing. directed a study for the Halperin is best known as campaign to adopt guidelines ing used to undermine the ■1:30 a.m. Thursday the man who successfully Twentieth Century Fund on for controlling CIA activity Bill of ■ting of the Lansing Information, National Rights. Civil Liberties sued former President Nixon on university campuses. Security and Constitutional Halperin is also directing He has also testified before for wiretapping Halperin's EcLU) in Red Cedar Procedures." the Project on National Se¬ a number of Congressional ") 0f the Kellogg phone while employed in the Halperin is currently Nixon administration. curity and Civil Liberties committees on covert intelli¬ chairperson of the Campaign jointly sponsored by the reservations After leaving govern¬ to Stop Government gence operations and has Spying ACLU Foundation and the published widely in this field. lathon Shear will speak on levitation; V professors will discuss program The In Shear, chairperson panel will consist of levitation until now. The level Rogers, is not a floating experi¬ josophy department of professor of family medicine of consciousness is rising hilarating." Rogers added. ence, but rather "a little hnn" S International Uni- Robert Ward, professor of edu¬ though, so levitation should where the The lecture and discussion cation Max Raines, professor of body rises and sponsored by the Students MFairview, Iowa, will become a recognized fact." quickly falls. are biomechanics Irvin Korr, asso¬ for International Meditation ■his experiences with Levitating, according to "The experience is very ex¬ I and levitation at ciate professor of biomechanics Society. |bt in Erickson Kiva. John Upledger and associate professor of American Thought ■talk will deal with the and Language Courtney John- ftion of the Transcen- leditation (TM) pro- Levitation is a documented M^ n ' _his teachers claim the fact but its existence is a J levitate. Shear is a Bof the one-year TM- relatively western world new concept to the DON'T . ,o«o*o< according to Phil Rogers, a local TM teacher. il of five MSU pro- Sidhis' obscurity, Rogers said II comment on the is due to the fact that the con¬ following sciousness of the Western iSTEREO icussion. world has not been ready for MAILORDER SHOW SPECIALISTS THE NEW : ECONOMICAL IKKORMAT FT3 IWITH NIKON SYSTEM VERSATILITY. • O • O>eo«°« Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Oct. 21-23 Fri. 4-10 p.m.. Sat. noon-10 p.m., Sun. noon-6p.m. at Long's Convention Center with latest Cedar St. at 1-96, Lansing 50mm F2 AI-nikkor • See and hear the latest In audio equipment exhibited lens. only by over 30 manufacturers from California to New England $229 • Attend FREE Informational seminars conducted by industry leaders Here's the Leonard Feldman and Paul Klipsch exciting new, • See The Stereo Shoppe's fabulous $25,000, fully-operational ^ into the Nikon system—a full-feature dream stereo system lomical sir. The Nikkormat FT3 gives you • Iplit-second certainty of automatic aperture Register for over $5,000 worth of door prizes • Meet Nick! Thomas, Ixing, combined with the matchless Playboy's Miss March, 1977 liracy of Nikon center-weighted, thru-the- BUT THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE WEEKEND takes all of the more than 55 IS THE BIG SAVINGS YOU'LL ENJOY ON Ji-coated Nikkor lenses and most Nikon fcssories for unlimited enjoyment! It's easy TOP-QUAUTY STEREO COMPONENTS! |ugh for a beginner, yet so versatile many a lessional counts on it. Come in and see it DAILY DOORBUSTERS! For the first 100 persons to enter the convention facility each day when the show opens, there will b of 100 envelopes, each containing a coupon for a FREE PRIZE The first 100 persons each day may envelope each and redeem the coupon for their FREE gift, ranging from Stereo Shoppe T-Shirts to f. . \NS OF BATTLE CREEK is a nationol moil order s. speakers, cartridges, tape decks, amplifiers, and record care equipment, apiong others. Yo photo equip- — ■ -Ket to draw an envelope Limit: one envelope peciolist. with our ads oppearing in Modern ond Popular Rraphy. We sell at New York and Chicago prices, but deliver W becouse we>e so close. A Bonk card order, phoned in on ly. would possibly be delivered ;ereo to your front door on Thurs- |e stock everything we sell. •r«Ml OfMNiiHi pFOR 3*02 S. Westhedge Traverse City EE CATALOG 616-965-7285 ppe JRMAN ° 10W. MICHIGAN MALL BATTLE CREEK, Ml 49014 enf ■ and r's, ■ N H 1■ e H ible ■ ■ I 14 Michigon Slate News. East Lansing. Michigan W6dnesday.oct(V IS HERE To University Apartments (Married Housing Lansing Confounding! Sherlock Holmes meets Sigmund Freud At times it looked like it might cost them their jobs, their reputations, and mayte even their lit Q-STATION PR€MI€R€S REDFORD/H "ALLTHEI TOMORROW NIGHT SIGNALS FROM THE EDGE OF SPACE TO YOUR LIVING ROOM If you ore o residential subscriber to Notional Coble Co., o revolutionary new concept in home entertain¬ THE SEVEN-PER CENT SOLUTION^ ment will come to your home on October 20th. Your a l'n:vfh>a: hu«C TlCHMtn: wgg* TV set is going to bring you, unedited and without o single commercial interruption, HIT MOVIES currently ploying in theatres across the land. It's going to be your "down front" seat at SPORTING EVENTS from all over the country. It's going to give you o reserved seat of o THEATRI¬ CAL PLAY, o box seat at the SYMPHONY. THERE'S AN EXCITING EVENING AHEAD OF YOU... RIGHT ON Q Q-Sfafion programming will include an overage of EIGHT PREMIERE MOVIES and up to TWENTY-FIVE AD¬ DITIONAL ENCORE MOVIES EACH MONTH. Many big hits like Midway, The .CUNT EASTWOOD Hindenburg, Earthquake, 3 Days of the Condor, Funny Lady, and many more. In addition, 1 THE OUTLAW Q-Stotion will present LIVE SPORTING EVENTS from around the country, special children's programs, and a * chips Are down lerything seems lost. £>od to have a best (/tend. variety of cultural features EVERY MONTH. Q-Stotion programming comes from Home Dox Of¬ fice. Inc.—A subsidiary of Time-Life in New York. The signal is beamed up to the RCA satellite, sent directly from the satellite to our earth receiving station here in East Lansing. JBLE Dlflnfi-miTC! IT HAPPENSTOMORROW NIGHT Nothing con tell you os much about this fantastic new concept os seeing Q-Stotion for yourself. We hove therefore arranged o FREE PREVIEW SCREENING in your home. Mahogany TUNE TO CABLE CHANNEL 7 TOMORROW NIGHT AT 7:30 P.M. We will "Throw the switch" ot 7:30 P.M. TOMORROW NIGHT ON CHANNEL 7. At that moment, the signal will The cast of the decade. reach your home via satellite from The western adventure New York. The Live Sports of a lifetime. JOHN WAYNE preview screening will continue for the next 4 the conclusion of the preview days. At period—Sunday. October 23rd, ot midnight—the NFL, NHL, Boxing & LAUREN BACALL Q-Stotion will be available preview will end, ond "THE SHOOT 1ST" only to those who hove College Basketball PG'-SJ* placed their order. FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. CONNECT YOUR TV TO THE SATELLITE At any time during the preview period, you may PREMIERES FEATURES order Psychic Killer ENCORES on installation of Q-Stotion. The Jerry Lewis Show Man Friday Mahogany Jackie Gayle If you ore a residential Coble All The President's Men George Carhn The Ornen Television subscriber Forever Young. Forever Frer The Shootist Sneiley Berman ond you order NOW, DURING THE Soupy Sales The Second Annual HBO The Front Silent Movie INTRODUCTORY The Grasshopper Young Comedians Show PERIOD ONLY, YOU WILL RECEIVE 50% The Seven-Per-Cent Solutior Paul Anka Gumball Rally OFF THE INSTAL¬ Taxi Driver Night Caller Ann Corio - This Was LATION FEE. To order Q-Stotion in Gator The Outlaw Josey Wales The HBO Magic Show Burlesque Murder By Death Our Time your home, coll— Robert Klein Revisited The Ultimate Warrior Jury Of One The Fox The Honeymoon Killers The Cheyenne Social Club The Wonderful Crook SPORTS Professional Wrestling Inside The NFL Russian Roulette End Of The Game Operation Daybreak 307-1671 Grudge Fights , I Will. I Will For Now I Neil Sedaka (,n-at fc'ltertainmcnf, f CobtoCo. c/flteri)ative Mfvitylott Laming 6 MSU I, c.ntP News, Eost Lonsing. Michigon ** ******************** Wednesday, October 19, 1977 15 THE strogen warnings given I COUNTRY: IHINGTON ■ who will be Pven (API - drugs, with many beneficial medical purposes," said bladder disease requiring sur¬ gen drugs for the shortest time serious problem. gery." possible and in the lowest Itions for drugs contain- Kennedy. But he said the Food and Drug Administration fears Kennedy said in _ effective dose for treatment of The most commonly pres¬ Egen will also be given a conference the least necessary menopausal symptoms. cribed brand is Premarin, and L warning that it may they are being used too fre¬ use of estrogens is after i other brands are The FDA says about eight Hormonin, quently and for too long. For pause. He said there was "no Estratab, Evex, Menest, Fern- women who use million women also receive ww federal requirement estrogen drugs good evidence that estrogens ogen and Ogen, the FDA said. during and after menopause estrogen as an ingredient in to effect Tuesday. are effective in helping to keep The agency proposed requir¬ many contraceptive pills, but Xens, the female sex "for longer than a year the risk the skin soft or to promote more there is no evidence ing a leaflet with estrogen K are used by five of cancer of the lining of the youthful feelings in the post¬ linking prescriptions in July. Original that estrogen use to Kmerican women dur- uterus is about five to 10 times menopausal woman. Yet they cancer. However, since 1970 the FDA effective date for the brochure ■ after menopause. Dr. greater than for women who are widely used for such pur has required that birth control requirement was Sept. 20. The ^Kennedy, the commis- have never taken estrogens," ~oses." pills be dispensed with a warn¬ date was pushed back after the Jj food and drugs, said Kennedy said. The brochure, which drug ing about their possible health Pharmaceutical Manufactur Eernment hopes the He added that "women who manufacturers must print and risks to women and their ba¬ ers Association and The Ameri¬ ■ label will cut this use use estrogens after menopause can College of Obstetricians supply to pharmacists and oth¬ bies. FDA officials said |n half. valuable are about two and times as likely to one half er dispersers of estrogen, feel that the post they menopausal and Gynecologists challenged re develop advises the FDA action in court | women to take estro- use of estrogens is the most suits. A federal court in Delaware fefused to issue a preliminary injunction against the FDA. Senate committee abandons plan for suits in federal courts in Louisiana and Oklahoma that States from Lued from page 1) using whatever Panama. by Ambassador Linowitz that are pending. testify on Wednesday. means necessary, including This concern was emphasized the clarifying language had Last year the FDA told Lty must be ratified by military action, to keep it open by Sen. Ernest Hollings, D- and neutral. been worked out by Panama's physicians to prescribe Ids vote of the Senate. S.C., who noted that Torrijos chief negotiator and approved estrogens in the lowest possible K for ratification have They also agreed, the White had been quoted as saying he by Gen. Torrijos than we doses for the shortest House said, that U.S. possible Teatened by concern ships hadn't signed any new under¬ received reports from Panama time, and to re-evaluate a Let denies U.S. rights would have expeditious passage standing with Carter. City that the general had not patient's use of the drug every at all times and would ■and have priority use "go to the agreed to any right to this six month. T| after the year 2000, head of the line" during an Hollings, an early backer of military action in the canal, The brochure repeats that buld be turned over to emergency. the treaty, said he was having stating: 'I haven't even signed warning for the Several senators say the patient. trouble keeping up with Kennedy said that reports an autograph.'" the FDA jng rter to the White and Torrijos clarifying statement was helpful but they believe its assurances of what its language supposedly means, and therefore had intro¬ action would not have been Such uncertainty about an necessary if the agency felt .t Friday that the should be written into the duced amendments to make the agreement that won't go into doctors were already discus¬ >s both countries the treaty itself, a move which provisions concerning U.S. effect for 23 more years makes it sing fully with their patients Ijefend the canal and probably would require renego¬ rights a part of the document. vital that the treaty itself estrogen's risks and benefits. 1 preclude the United tiation of the document with "No sooner had we been told contain the specifics, he said. Dr. Richard Crout, director of FDA's bureau of drugs, said a study found that with contra¬ nmittee tells energy secretary to sell stock shares ceptive labels, 90 percent of the women said they had seen the short warning brochure when it was dispensed with the pills, Valencia, Calif., owns land in even if we didn't require him to The list includes but only one-third recalled see¬ John F. that state's Sacramento Valley sell them." O'Leary, the former head of the ing the brochure given out by ■ said energy compan- as well as in Texas and Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D- Federal Energy Administration physicians. | favor deregulation, Louisiana. Wash., said Schlesinger should whom Carter has nominated to w their support be- In a Sept. 27 letter to the be given up to nine months to be deputy secretary of energy. [ipromise bill contain- committee, Schlesinger dis¬ get rid of the holdings because t the last minute closed that the firm has energy of the "depressed nature of the |n face the prospect of holdings and noted that "en¬ market" at this time. Id the continuation of ergy production represents a The Cabinet official should Jrice controls. limited though respectable get rid of the stock, which ■ wants to keep the share of the company's activ¬ Schlesinger holds jointly with ■hile raising the price ities." his wife, because "the ap¬ _m J1.46 per thousand The stocks are worth about pearance of his ownership of ■to $1.75. $16 a share on the New York them might raise some ques¬ J hopes we'll get a Stock Exchange. tions," Jackson said. Irgy bill,"O'Neill said. The committee voted after it The panel also recommended J Schlesinger ■Senate stock Grenville told by staff director Garside unanimously that the Senate energy Corn- that confirm Carter's nominations of re the energy Schlesinger "would be required five individuals to serve in top buly 18 to dispose of to sell these shares under energy department posts under p. The firm, based in federal conflict-of-interest laws Schlesinger. London's Savoy honors mystery H IAP) A thou- - Savoy restaurant will have for more than 21 years, and ! will gather at been closed for lunch," said Adelaide Woodvine who, dur¬ ■ Savoy Hotel next Saunders, who presents "The ing her 21 years as box office | celebrate the 25th Mousetrap" at St. Martin's manager, had more than $3.5 / of "The Mouse- Theater, where it still plays to million worth of tickets pass fcgatha Christie mys- packed audiences. through her hands. I is the world's long- Saunders said guests will p play- Jrio Peter Saunders include Sir Richard and Lady Attenborough, who played the lunchtime party is leading roles in the original V Nov. 25, the anni- production, and Mysie Monte, f the play's opening who played a key role as Mrs. d this is the first Boyle for 11 years. Also invited are Anthony ling memory that the Huntly-Gordon, stage manager John joins Hall of Fame Dressed conservatively in a three-piece brown suit, beige shirt, tie and cap, the 30-year- old performer said he longer "into glitter." A self-professed "sports fana¬ tic," John said he was honored by the Garden's award, first for a rock musician. "Besides," John added, "I'd go anywhere for a gold record." abrams planetarium presents ITICKHS now I «SALE AT I WWIBOX OFFICE AD PLANETARIUM i f0« more information call 355-4672 1 £ Michigon Stote News, Eost tonsing, Michigon Wednesday, Oc,ob8r]? Special troops to battle against Doctor to discuss childhood hijacking and terrorist activities Dr. Karl Menninger, an author and psychiatrist often called one of the nation's fore¬ our country today concerns the raising of children. We must learn to teach them how to cope with a complex society, and still After years of and writing, treating patients he is currently devoting his energies to the prevention of violence, which most authorities on mental I special force of American troops lieve that international terror¬ ate," Brzezinski said. By BARRY SCHWEID health, will speak on "Pre¬ enjoy life," he said. he says begins with children. and equipment from each ism is a form of outlaw activity In trying to promote a Middle Associated Press Writer "People repeat in adult life branch of the armed services, that strikes at organized human East settlement, he said the ventive Aspects of Cild Care" Menninger's best-known WASHINGTON (AP) - The books include Love Against emotions they experienced in assembled and trained to cope behavior and that all nation- United States would never at MSU Thursday. United States would act against Hate and Man Against Himself. childhood. Many of the people threaten the security of His lecture will begin at 7 hijackers or other terrorists in with terrorist activities. states, irrespective of their Israel, He was a leading force in the the Middle East "irrespective" The Pentagon statement was ideological or political color¬ even indirectly. p.m. in B108 Wells Hall, spon¬ of the U.S. role in promoting an made in response to questions ation, have an obligation to "I think any morally sensitive sored by the MSU School of establishment of The Villages 'Show and tell' a good bor Social Work and Continuing Inc., near Topeka, Kan., where Arab-Israeli peace settlement, raised after a West German collaborate against such ac¬ person cannot forget what has commando unit staged a raid on happened in the last 30 40 Education Service. Registration dependent and neglected chil¬ DEARBORN (AP) When a Center. But it national security adviser Zbig- tivity." or dren from the age of six to 16 - , years in the world and I think for the speech begins at 6 p.m., woman in the crowd asked niew Brzezinski said Tuesday. 'There is no doubt that the a terrorist-held airliner in So¬ malia in East Africa. The In discussing U.S. policy in the Middle East, Brzezinski said this, in itself, ought to condition and there is a $5 admission are cared for in a home environ¬ ment. The Villages Inc. also body-builder Arnold fchwarzenegge, there to Hi shake hand. commandos killed three of four there are "elements" within the our conduct," said Brzezinski, charge. Schwarzenegger to take off his United States would be pre¬ training center for Photographs andI pared to take whatever action it hijackers aboard the plane and Palestine Liberation Organiza¬ himself a Polish Catholic immi¬ The 84-year-old head of the serves as a shirt and display his wippling his new hook «i "N Menninger Foundation has long persons caring for such chil¬ chest muscles, he answered, had to, or was capable of, against hijackers," Brzezinski rescued 86 hostages. A Pentagon spokesman re¬ tion which have been involved in terrorist activities like the hi¬ grant who fled Nazi aggression. However, rsked whether the championed preventive psy¬ dren. "I'll show you mine if you show Education He of a unbuttoned Bog,^ said in answering a question fused to answer questions about jacking of the Lufthansa jet¬ United States would consider chiatry in dealing with prob¬ Founder of the Topeka me yours." tfl after a speech on U.S. foreign the U.S. commando force other liner. "squeezing" Israel to negotiate lems of mental health. Bert Menninger Foundation, which sh|rt brief and pu||ed it with the Palestinians, he Thomas, coordinator of continu includes hospitals, a school of So Barbara Hubbard glimpse of % J than to say the team has However, he did not directly re¬ showed the world policy. Brzezinski, President Jimmy conducted training exercises. link any PLO faction to the plied: 'The fact of the matte, is ing education for the School of psychiatry and research facili¬ stripped off her brown turtle- i,"1 incident. 'There are elements in that all military or economic Social Work, said Menninger's ties, Menninger has been given neck sweater and bra. p"mping Iron," Carter's chief adviser on nation¬ Brzezinski apparently was al security matters, refused to unaware of the Pentagon state¬ it (the PLO) which are of a very arrangements between Israel lecture will be of great value to credit for upgrading treatment The surprise strip drew Hubbard, a 29,. J ment at the time he discussed radical political coloration and and the United States are all parents and prospective conditions in state mental hos¬ gasps from the more than 500 mouth homemaker I give details of any potential satisfied. "1 Wol]Mr U.S. action against terrorists or the U.S. attitude toward terror- there are elements in it which negotiated between the two parents. pitals across the country and people lined up at the J.C. has crusaded for prison reform. anything to see his, to reveal U.S. preparations for are qualitatively more moder¬ parties." "The greatest problem facing Penney store in the Fairlane said such a situation. "We absolutely have no toler¬ But as he spoke, the Pentagon ance for international terror¬ revealed the existence of a ism," Brzezinski said. "We be¬ P0B0ON coupon/" mm 502 MOW HK APPLIANCE! GIVEN ON MANUFACTURER COUPONS O/tfgirmuuKKK AP "PRICES &OOP 3301E. MICHIGAN t 1 * APPLIANCES THRU SAT.OCT. 22 ZOfOVL&RANRftVER ?HO sweatape offer , Quantity rights ! IN REGISTER LIMIT I COUPON PER j Reserve? OKEMOS NEXT TDK-MART J TAPES ONLY EACH ftooREDEMPTION I ' COUPON CANNOT BE REDEEMED AS CASH J ^NOAAPPtlEO TDWAW ANY PURCHASE j The llnion Cafeteria FRESH, PLUMP t MEATY ^^ . || For a delicious TURKEY DRUMSTICKS £ 23* home style meal at I a down to earth price. |i Dinners ■1 5:00p.m. to7:00p.n Lunches 11:15a.m. to l:!5p.n | Sundays 12:00 noor Closed Saturdays to 2:00p.m. MONEY-SAVER &UY S-SAVE H 68 W/e - FRQZ EN |l Lower Level M.S.U. Union BONELESS BEEF BANQUET FRIER Corner of Abbott and Grand River CUBE CHICKEN NURSES STEAK 179 "Nursing BUY 3-SAVE ^1.23 )Hi STOKE COUPON - PESCWKE with Adventure" The Navy is seeking B.S.N, Diploma Program grads for Corps to fill positions in the Hospitals in the U.S. For to CALL (313) 226-7795 or 7845. and three year the Navy Nurse 25 largest Naval information on opportunities and the many benefits available llPieanSlIICED BACON 1 9J BMP BUY 2- SAVE UPTO 96/ W/C V>hrill7r/^^r^ BUY 4-SAVE 8CV W/C W COUNTRY FRESH GALLON rVbP YwUKI / LACHOY Bl-PAKS Beefy Chicken, * ter 99* IsssesF 19BS2WJ Discover A New Life Serve With US... U.S. NAVY BUY 3-save 604 W/C- BUY 24 "SAVE W/C- 12c*. CANS , MOONLIGHT SALE DISCOUNT CALCULATORS at 5t»l SOMA POPE 8k 1. BUY2 SAVE 6 HIk-STORECOUPON TIWto FRESH ■ 330i e. michigan store ONLY/ I ROAST BEEF peiicious/ ^9^ APPLE CIPER '2~oH m Rath HARD SALAMI 60' ANY CASIO THIS AD. CALCULATOR IN STOCK WITH OfHt GOOD 1HUHOM. OCIIO IVI ONIV. ^^ICHjEESg COME SEE OUR LARGE SELECTIONS OF TEXAS INSTRUMENTS HEWLETT-PACKARD. SHARP, KINGSPOINT. & MORE! BUY 2- SAVE A04 W/C- U.S. NO. I M APPLES 5 WITH "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN" Mcintosh mm MOM.A.C. 10-4 Mon-Sat Univ. Moll 'til I on Thuri 151-4470 tilt 1:00 PM THIS THURS stote News, Eos) lonsing, Michigon Wednesday. October 19, 1977 17 Automotive !(»' lifitd Advertising DODGE CHALLENGER 1973 Automotive ]g [ Automotive )|«i ii Employment u"8,uJm,m" i! Employment Tjj] Employment ii j Employment j{ Information Ait. V8. 8 Hack. Excellent Ol DS 1974 Cutlass •nr. till steering wheel. Supreme Asking VW THING, body excellent. TAKING APPLICATIONS for GENERAL LABORERS - if MODELS WANTED. Good rubber, engine. $1400. service station attendants. $8/ UNIFORMED SECURITY of condition. 351 9526 $2500 Call 882 5168. you are available to work one 347 Student Services Bldg. Will allow for new mufflers. hour. We will train. 489 2278. 5 11120131 8 10 26 (3) Apply in person, RAN¬ full day Monday-Friday (and ficers, pari time. Call 641 669-3015 evenings. 5-10-24(4) Z 30 11 9 (3) DALL'S SHELL, 5035 S. 6734, 10 3 p.m. 8 10 20(3) have transportation), apply in DODGE VAN 197512001: V8, OLDS 1970 Delta 88. Four Cedar. 5-10-19(3) VOLKSWAGEN 1971 Super person 9-11 a.m. MAN¬ OVERSEAS JOBS-summer/ ACCOUNTING MAJORS auto, PS and PB, insulated, door, power steering and 1 POWER. INC. 105 E. Wash¬ year-round. Europe, South day -90< per lino carpet 321-8464 after 4 p.m. brakes. Air conditioning, four Beetle. Excellent shape, NEEDED SUB-busdrivers for 3 days • 80C per lino $1325. Call 373-0240 days. tenaw, downtown Lansing. America, Australia, Asia, etc. 8-10-28131 new tires. Good condition, school district. Contact May 8 10 19 17) All fields, $500-$1200 month¬ 6 days-75C per lino $650 655 3077. 8 10 26(4) Ask for Ed. 3-10-20(3) Green. 349-9440. 8 10-24(3) tngaBEPO ly. Expenses paid, sightsee¬ DUSTER, 1973, rjold, V 8, nnniiptm 9 days - 70C per lino power steering, automatic, OLDS VISTA Cruiser 1967. VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPING MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, ing. Free information. Write: $100 or best offer Must sell. 1972. Great condition, re¬ Instructional assistant in vo¬ challenging position for medi¬ INTERNATIONAL JOB CEN-. nimBEEEl 26,000 miles. $2000 or best cal technologist, ASCP regis¬ lino roto per insertion Call after 5 p.m. 351 1743. built engine, rustproofed. cational custodial training TER, Dept. ME, Box 4490 offer 373 9667 rjfffTlEIEtiAii 3321364. 8 10 26151 or evenings 3 10 19(3) $1995 or best offer. 882 3079. program. Must have experi¬ tered or registry eligible, in Berkeley, CA. 94704. nf December 19 and 8 10-20(4) ultra modern hospital labora¬ 0 9-10-31(9) ence in hospital work. Five OLDSMOBILE 1972 Delta tory. Full time, 11 p.m.-7 a.m. 3 lines • *4.00 - 5 days. 80* per line over FIAT 124 Sport Coupe, 1975. hours per day, 5 days per Royale. Excellent condition, VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER, shift. Rotating weekends and EXPERIENCED SALES¬ 21,000 miles, excellent condi¬ week. Contact Harold Hum lines No adjustment in rate when cancelled. $1200. Phone 484-8495 days, new battery-tires-heat, en¬ holidays. Liberal benefits PEOPLE needed. Apply in tion. $3500. 351 6557 ble Personnel, 676 3268 or Jce of item(s) must be stoted in ad. Maximum eve¬ 393 4423 evenings. 8 10-21(4) include paid vacation and FIRST DOWN. 220 gine done. 22 mpg. $800- Jan Danford, 676-3303. person at ■e price of *50. nings or weekends. holidays, personal leave, sick MAC, University Mall. East best, 351-2355. 2-10-19(3) 8 10 26(10) Apply in person 9 30 X phonal ads • 3 lines • *2.25 - per insertion. 3-10-21(4) leave, life insurance, hospital- OPEL, 1973 Manta Ralleye Lansing. 8 10-28(4) to 12:00 noon (except 1900.4 speed AM/FM, 49,000 STATION wagon. 30 and ■ per line over 3 lines (prepayment). FIREBIRD 1972, 350-V-8, VW KEY PUNCH OPERATORS r Sai ». or phone 882 2441 for Le/Carago Sale ads • 4 lines • *2.50. automatic, power steering. miles. Great condition, best mpg, no rust, runs perfectly. Immediate full time openings contributory retirement plan. Liberal salary commensurate TAXI DRIVERS wanted. t betn i thos Vper line over 4 lines • per insertion. ■ Town ads Sharp. Good deal. 394-2618 offer, 351-1047 after 5 p.m. 3-10-21(4) Call 484-4915. 7-10-20(3) for experienced Key Punch with experience. Apply Per¬ Must have excellent driving record. Full and part-time. hours Wo am ACT IMMEDIATELY' finalizing our 'ax • 4 lines • *2.50 * per^insertion. after 5 p.m. 8-10-27(3) Operators. Must have at least VW CONVERTIBLE, 1967 sonnel Office, LEILA HOSPI¬ Apply VARSITY CAB, 332- season plans now. SIMPLI ■per line over 4 lines. OPEL GT 1973, a brilliant Baja kit, needs finish work 6 months experience on IBM 3742. Excellent benefits that TAL, 300 N. Avenue, Battle 3559. 8-10-27(4) FIED BOOKKEEPING St TAX Jounds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines • *1.50 - FORD 1972. Power brakes, orange beauty. 4-speed, like Creek, Mi. 49016. L insertion. 50* per line over 3 lines. and paint. $600, 371-2429. include paid vacation after 1 SERVICE, INC 4315 S Ce . steering, air, AM radio. En¬ new steel radials with raised 8-10-24(3) Z-5-10-2409) NEED ASSISTANT to help dar Street. Lansing white letters. Ziebarted and year employment; paid holi- gine very good. Like new install equipment one day per 2 10 18 (27- inside. Snow's included. well cared for, outfitted for VW, 412 automatic, 1974. days, sick leave, health insur¬ PART TIME secretarial posi¬ week. 655-3274. 8-10-28(3) Deadlines $545. 646-6690. 3-10-21(4) ance, tuition reimburse CB. Fun to drive and own, AM/FM, gas heater, 30,000 tion in Haslett. 8-12, M-F. DEMONSTRATORS $1900. Call 487-8888, 9 am-7 miles, $2200. 349-1782. Office skills and experience . - 1 doss day before publication, FORD LTD. 1968 Wagon. Full pm. 4-10-21(9) 3-10-21(3) granr' Apply6 E.W^SPAR required. 339-9500, 339 3400. RESIDENT COUPLE for MANAGER East Lansing NEEDED for Christmas sea n Change - I p.m. • I class day before ROW HOSPITAL. 1215 E. son. nights and weekends power, air, extras. $650. 482- C-10-10-3K4) ition. 9900 after 5 p.m. 8-10-19 (3) OPEL MANTA Ralleye 1974, Michigan, Lansing. 48910. A property, leasing, cleaning and repair duties, lots of || is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed 4-speed stick, good condi¬ Motorcycles non-discriminatory affirma¬ MEDICAL TRANSCRIP- work, fair pay. 332-3900 or lil after 1st insertion. FORD WINDOW van, 1971. tion, $1800. 351-5184. tive action employer, male / TIONIST part time evening female handicap. 8-10-26(17) 332-3202. 0-9-10-31(6) a *1.00 chorge for I ad change plus 50' per Six automatic, radio, good 8 10-27(3) position available. Must have ■litional change for maximum of 3 changes, tires, $1095-offer. 351-0539. HONDA XL 250 1975. Low TELEPHONE SALES, part knowledge of medical ter¬ BABYSITTING, HOUSE¬ AVON DEVELOP sales ability te News will only be responsible for the 1st 5-10-25(3) PINTO WAGON. 1974, 2300 mileage, excellent condition. time O.K. minology, type approximately KEEPING with 5 and 7 year 's incorrect insertion. $650 663 1429. 8-10-20(3) Apply at INN Adjustment claims must automatic Exceptionally AMERICA, East Lansing, be- 50 words per minute and be old. 11:30-5:30 p.m. Monday- No experience necessary. made within 10 days of expiration date, GMC 1967 one half ton. 6 able to operate dean $1950 or best 355 dictophone. Friday. Okemos, $75/week. 482 6893 C 5 10-21 i3* cylinder. Good transporta¬ HONDA CB 350, great shape. ft due 7 days from ad 0925 349 2124 5 10 21 (4) Excellent working conditions. Own expiration date. If not tion, $275. 489-3419. Must sell. Best offer. 393- 8-10-26(4) transportation and Good salary. Apply Personnel references required. 349-3827 RN OR LPN For 3 p.m -11 JJ by due date, o 50' late service charge will 8-10-28(3) PLYMOUTH FURY III. 1973. 8104, 393-8227. 8-10-24(3) AGGRESSIVE SALESPER¬ Department, INGHAM MED¬ after 5:30 p.m. 8-10-28(7) p m. shift, apply at PROVIN Must sell. $1500 Call 332 ICAL CENTER Professional CI AL HOUSE W( 731 GREMLIN 1971. 6 cylinder 0180 8 10 20(3) KAWASAK11971. Good con¬ SON, $3 per hour plus com¬ stick dition, first $250. Call 487- mission. Call between 12 and Building 401 West Green- WANTED-GIRL for cleaning Starkweather Dr. or call 323 shift, good tires & snow lawn, Lansing. 48909. 5299 after 6 p.m. 5-10-2013) 4 p.m. 337-1741. Ext. 135. house for bed patient. 1-5 9133. Monday-F'iday Ask foi tims. Body condition good PONTIAC ASTRA, station 8-10-27(12) p.m. Monday-Friday. 332- Mis Luks 5 10-21(71 $600 694 9327 after 3 p.m wagon, 1975. Good condition 1-10-19(4) HtiVe Automotive A 8 10 20(4) $1700 or best offer-nights HONDA 400-4 5176. 1-10-19(4) Supersport. LABORATORY-INTERES¬ PART TIME help 18 years or 482 2129 days 373-8980, ask New in July, still under HOUSEKEEPER WANTED TING part time position in FULL-PART time jobs, excel¬ older, minimum wage paid. I/1E0 Spider 1976 CORDOBA 1976. Air, cruise, , GREMLIN 1974. Good condi¬ for Jeff. 8-10-24(4) warranty. $1100. 351 4550 part time. Hours flexible, light modern hospital laboratory lent Contact INCOGRAPHICS. 5'Speed, AM/FM tilt wheel, de fogger, AM/FM persistently. 6-10-21(3) housekeeping, $3 per hour. earnings. 374-6328, 4-6 tion, standard, good mileage. STARFIRE 1977, like new, for service trained general 222 West Ash St., Mason, (proofed, silver, Phone 393-5919. 2-10-20(4) p.m. daily. 5-10-25(3) wire wheel covers, rust- Asking $1385, call 646-6232. medical technician or medical Mi. 3-10-20(5) 5000 miles, great mileage. _...ay miles. Good proofed, regular gas. $4800. 3-10-21(4) Phone 351 2526.8-10 19 (3) laboratory technician. Every MR. D'S NOW hiring inside I Best offer over 394 1149 evenings. 8-10-20141 Auto Service / GENERAL OFFICE help other weekend, 16-20 hours GRADUATE STUDENT to JO After 5 p.m. TOYOTA 1974 pick-up, auto¬ needed, in consumer activist help, for weekday lunch IMPALA 1977 four door 305 per week. 7 a.m.-3 p.m. and 3 work part time, weekdays in ■•10-24(7) CORVETTE office in downtown Lansing. hours, weekend evening 1976-orange, V 8 Air, power, radials, vinyl- matic, radio, and very low p.m.-11 p.m. shifts. Liberal car rental office. 489-1484. loaded, best offer. Contact DELHI AUTOMOTIVE. 2 Must have work study and be hours. No experience re¬ top Excellent condition mileage. COOK-HERRIMAN blocks south of Holt rd., on benefits, salary commensur¬ quired. Apply at 401 N. Clip- 3-10-20(3) 1972, Excellent Jim Swan, FIRST NATION¬ Priced to sell. Wayne 332 VW INC., 6135 West Sagi¬ able to type. Call Jan at ate with experience. Apply or best AL BANK OF EAST LAN¬ Cedar St. Used tires and 487-6001 mornings. pert, across from Frandor. 3568 3 10 1914) naw. Z-2-10-20(5) Personnel MCDONALDS OF East Lan¬ wheels, all sizes bought and Office, LEILA 4-10-21(6) 374 7472 after 9 SING. 351-2660. 0-8-10-27(5) 5 10-25(6) HOSPITAL, 300 N. Avenue, sing and Okemos are now B* CORVETTE. 1976, 10.000 MALIBU CLASSIC 1974. TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 1976. 4 wheel drive, $4495. sold. 694-2276. 5-10-19(4) WANTED-BABYSITTER for Battle Creek, Mi. 49016. Z 5-10-24(16) WANTED COCKTAIL wait Good accepting employment appli¬ 1 Goldenbrown, power steer- ress part time. at¬ cations for all shifts 6 am-1 1 1977. All miles. Very clean. 646-6733 ing brakes, air. Undercoated, Before 3 p.m., 484-6267. LANSING'S ONLY exclusive two school children. 1 % mosphere, good money. Ap¬ am. Apply in person at the sell. 646 8482. till 6 p.m. After 6 pm. 810-25(3) foreign auto parts distributor. hours every morning; 2 hours BREAKFAST COOK snow tires. 49.000 miles. Call ex- ply in person, HUDDLE following MCDONALDS 394 3432. 8 10 20(31 Free advice with every part after school. Some '/? days; r,or,nnred. apply in person 10 NORTH LOUNGE, 309 N. 394-2721 after 6 p.m TRIUMPH, STAG 2+ 2, auto¬ from 8-10 am or 2-4 pm 234 , sold CHEQUERED FLAG $20/week. Call 337-0696 after 1 am 2 pm. LIZARDS 224 CORVETTE. 1976 loaded, 8-10-19 141 matic, power steering/ Washington, Leonard Plaza West Grand River (next to 1 ^^HpECIAL body very 1964, good, including air conditioning and rack 646 8113 or 646-6980 MAVERICK 1973 V8 auto/ brakes, air. Phone 646-6187 or 646-0837. 8 10-28(3) FOREIGN CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalamazoo St., one mile 6 p.m. 3-10-21(5) Abbott Rd 3-10 19 (31 Bldg, Downtown Lansing. Phone 484-1404. 9-10-21(7) Peoples Church) 2763 E. Grand Riverlacross from _ west of campus. C-15-10-21 WANTED-WAITRESSES. LEGAL SECRETARY for East new stick, air, power steering and Coral Gables*, or 2040 Grand I or best offer. 3_10J9_I3_) TR7 1976 excellent condition. 17) Apply in person only at THE Lansing law office. Good BARTENDERS-APPLY in brakes, radial tires, vinyl top, River, Okemos (across from CUTLASS 1974, very clean, Owner left country. AM/FM RAINBOW RANCH, 2843 E. benefits, salary person, no phone calls. ^^B10-21(5) 28,000 miles, $2400. 351-2677 deluxe interior and trim, re¬ clining seats. $1595, 646-0654 stereo tape. Rustproofed. IMPORT AUTO parts and Grand River. 2-10-20(3) commensur¬ ate with abilities. Experience RAMON'S. 718 E. Grand Meijers). 4-10-21(13) after 5 p.m. 3-10-21(3) $4895. 351 3595. Z-3-10-2013) repair. 20% discount to stu¬ preferred. 351-6200, available River, Lansing. 8-10-21(3) SECRETARY MATURE and after 5:30. 8-10 28(61 dents and faculty on cash/ I^^^HsEDAN de A Ville INSIDE AND delivery help immediately. 5-10-24(6) stable person for smali firm carry service parts in stock. ^^^At Clean. $1600. DATSUN 240Z 1971, excellent condition, automatic. Must MG MIDGET 1973, excellent TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1975, 24,900 miles, excellent condi¬ Check our prices and reputa¬ needed. Apply at LITTLE CAESAR'S today after 4 p.m. MIDNIGHT WANTED HUDDLE SOUTH LOUNGE. BARTENDER, Typing 65. shorthand 90 8-10 2H3) SHIFT-clerk Ability to handle general of¬ sell, condition. $1300. Call 676 tion. 372 7380'332-5287. tion 500 E. Kalamazoo at 820 W. Miller Road. Apply in taking offers over $2300. 2-10-20(3) cashier, 7-ELEVEN food fice duties unsupervised. Ap¬ Call 321 6149. 8 10-2614) 3533._8.iai9 131 Cedar, 485-2047. 485-9229. 8-5 daily. ^^^■973 350. 3 speed, 8-10-27j3[ West campus shop 485-0409. store, 3 nights per week. person. p.m. ply in person. 3308 S. Cedar MGB 1974 Roadster. Yellow PART TIME busboys and Apply in person corner of Lk. 9 102113) St. Suite 11.8-10-21(6) brakes Must VEGA 1975. hatchback, red Free wrecker service with DATSUN PICKUP, 1971. hostesses. Apply BACK¬ Lansing St Wood Sts. 10 a.m. ^^Beciate Call 332- Carpeted, insulated camper with black top, wire wheels with black interior, 35,000, repairs with mention of this STAGE RESTAURANT, Me¬ to 3 p.m. 2-10-19(5) ^^B 19(3) shell. 53,000 miles, excellent and stereo. COOK-HERRI- MAN VW INC. 6136 West automatic, radials, extra ad. Local areas. C-14 -10-3117) ridian Mall. 8-10-24(4) snow tires and battery, ■l condition. $2000 351 8550 COOKS, FULL and part time. 43,000 miles, parts, body davs_8J0 25I5)_ _ Saginaw. Z-2-10-2015) $1800. 355 8683. 3 10-20(5) MASON BODY Shop, 812 E. Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto KEYPUNCH OPERATOR. 4 p.m.-midnight IBM 3740 sys Days especially. Must be Get Straight A's In College best offer. MONTE CARLO 1973, 40,000 VEGA 1971 gas saver, 3 painting, collision service. neat. Apply in person be¬ DATSUN 1972. Automatic, tern, good working condi¬ w ^^Bl0-28(4) air, 51,000. Clean Er sharp in St out. Snows on wheels miles, loaded, excellent, ask¬ ing $2550. X-6-10-21 (31 Call 655-2560. speed. Ziebart rust proofing, air, radio, snow tires, $450. 394 2346. 4 10-21(4) American-Foreign Cars. 485- 0256. C 21 10-31 (4) tions 485 8900 8 10 25(4) tween 2 p.m.-4 p.m. THE AMERICA'S CUP RESTAU¬ RANT. 220 M.A.C. 3-10-20(7) by Beating the System ^^^^■4 6 cylinder, sun included. Orange; white vinyl LEGAL SECRETARY Down 'ane deck. 351 interior. $950 or make offer. JUNK CARS wanted. We ♦own Lansing, full time. Typ¬ ESCORTS WANTED. $6 - MUSTANG FASTBACK VEGA 1971. Cheap transpor¬ 646-6690. 3 10-21(5) if '68 or and ing 65, shorthand 80. Dicta¬ hour No training necessary. 1974. Silver automatic, 30 tation. Runs good, economi¬ pay more newer, Free Details. Dale Rich, running. Also buying used phone and Mag card experi¬ Call 489 2278. Z 30-11 9 (3) DODGE DART Swinger 1970 mpg. Excellent condition, cal, needs body work. $190. Marion Publishers 22 Rio Vista Street $1800. 351-8058. C-3 10-21(3) cars and trucks. 321-C 651 ence preferred. Full medical 2 door. New tune up and 332-0249. 8-10-24 (3) COMPUTER OPERATOR, anytime. 0-17-10-3.(6) coverage. 484 7791. No. Billerica, MA. 01862 starter $950,355-7874 (after 7 8 10-25(7) night shift, 6 months experi¬ NEED CASH' We buy im¬ D.m.) ence. IBM SYS 3. 485-8900. B-1-10:19(3) ports and sharp (ate model VEGA HATCHBACK 1973. GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- 34.000 miles, automatic, new 8 10 25(3) 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, PHONE SALES, tickets, flexi¬ DODGE TRADESMAN 100 compacts. Call John I 1970. SS 396, DeYoung, WILLIAMS V W, tires. Runs excellent. $800. good supply of snow tires. ble hours. Hourly rate. Down¬ Van, 1977. Economy 6. Excel¬ 351 4655. 8 10 20(3) SALES. 1301% pM FM. 8 track, lent gas mileage. Only 6500 484 1341 or 484-2551. C 20 PENNAL town Lansing office, trans is 351-9466 10 31 151 East Kalamazoo, Lansing. portation arranged. 485 6318 miles. Save $$, only $4500. VEGA 1973, standard trans¬ 482 5818. C-9-10-3K5) after 4:30 p.m. 8-10-20(5) Call 351-3823 evenings, Mon¬ mission, NOVA 1969, 6 cylinder, auto great condition, day-Friday. S 20 10 31 (61 economical, best offer, 332 JALA 1967. pow 1st $275 P52 8 10 20131 or best DODGE CHARGER 1971 3984 S 3 10 19(3) INSTRUCTIONAL Power steering, brakes. Good VEGA 1972. New engine, ■CAYNE 1968 condition, many new things. OLDS DELTA 1975. Full snows, $350 or best offer. DESIGN four $800 355 8150 5 10 ■ flood, runs well. 21J4]_ power, AM/FM, air, 64,000 Call 349 2858. S 5 10 21(3) Excellent opportunity for individual with ■706 after 5 p.m. DODGE CHARGER, 1969 318 miles, excellent condition, experience in instructional design and VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1966, AM/FM, good condition, $2700 or best offer. 625-4239. curriculum development to join our pro¬ Call Penny-349-1016 after $425 or best offer. Mike 5-10-24(41 fessional staff in Southfield. Credentials Iwa. 1964 5:30. 4-10-21(3) No 351-7743. Z-3-10-20(3) OLDSMOBILE ROYALE should include accomplishments in the _ dual miles. 350 1977. Well equipped, best area of computer-assisted §3268, afternoons. DODGE B200 1977 Van. Ex offer Call 372 1849 instruction. A tras, take over payments. 8 10 25131 knowledge of PLATO would be 332 8293. 8 10 26(3) desirable, as would some background in Jan 1976 custo- Your key to a 1 box blue. DODGE TRADESMAN Van OLDS F-85 1971. Four door, programming as it relates to the con¬ Sharp, little rust, good condition. version of TM27; 355-4753 B100 1977 8 cylinder, 4500 luxury Apartment traditional education material 10-2114) $895 or best. 882 4289. miles, matic power steering, auto¬ transmission, AM B-1-10-19I3I into the CAI mode. internal corporate Experience in an training environment P kitchen IS COMING radio, fully rustproofed, is also $4700. Call after 6 p.m. THIS WEEKS appropriate. 351 0579. Z 5 10 21(6) SPECIAL Responsibilities will include client inter¬ TO EAST LANSING Morantz Model 19 lace in a consultant role regarding stereo receiver with needs analysis and the development of Olga's Kitchen is coming to East Lansing. Olga's is a 1IN MOTIL HICKORY HILLS creative solutions to complex instruc¬ family restaurant with a bright, cheerful atmosphere. managimint oscilliscope New retail '1200 2 Bedroom Townhouses tional problems. He are now selecting bright, cheerful people to staff »»*H our NATIONAL CHAIN regular price '500 For consideration, please submit a de¬ THIS WEEK '400 tailed resume In confidence to: •Spacious *2 levels Applications will he accepted for experienced f tre" °PPor,unitjes require that we 50 watts per channel See us for any of 'Balcony 'Carpeting and inexperienced: 9fment personnel for future motel your stereo needs. We 'Dishwasher 'Modern I CONTROL DATA I or" 0re se®king persons with COOKS SERVERS CASHIERS If OV!fn litan p m°nagement or sales back- 6nt Sa'ary 8 company paid bene- repair all brands of electronic and televi¬ 351-5937 I EDUCATION COMPANY Frank Martin HOSTESSES UTILITY WORKERS 332-6492 J 0ct Personnel Manager. sion equipment 21700 Northwestern Tower Fourteen Highway Apply in person at: Dicker and Deal, 1723 Cambria Drive I SI E. Grand River. East Lansing |xl268,Mt. Vernon, III. 62864 Second Hand Store 1701 South Cedar East Lansing Southfield. Michigan 48075 DATES: Monday thru Saturday, Oct. 19-22 An E.O.E. 417-3806 dose to bus line L<§§> TIME: 9 AM to 7PM A 1 8 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, October,, , 'I Htwses ifc] For Sale ^ o°f§ wtefs EFFICIENCY, ONE or two HOUSES, ONE YEAR old bedroom MAD DANCER Mobil Disco COOKS FULL time or pari HOUSES, ■ NEW, USED and vintage bedroom. East side and HOUSESI Call now to see furniture, king size head- guitars, banjos, mandolins, great party music, dances, time. Apply in person only, Food Stamp downtown Lansing. Call now our list of east side homes hnjirrl. night stand, men's ect. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ receptions. 1-517-773-7610. Announcements for It's applications ALEX'S RESTAURANT. 321 taken from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 for lists of immediate open- which will be available for double drawer dresser and corders, strings, accessories, 8-10-24(31 What's Happening must be E. Michigan. 8-10-21(4) p.m. Monday thru Friday in ings. AIM: INC., 374-2800, September leasing. AIM, tend dresser with two mirrors books, thousands of hard-to- received in the State News portraits office, 343 Student Services the Union Lower WAITRESSES FULL and noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. INC., 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. attached. $900 or best offer. find albums, (All at very low FREE YEARBOOK Lobby, thru 0-21-10-31 (61 332-6741. Call after six. 626-6706. being taken for the Bldg., by noon at least two Oct. part time, nights. Call Dave at or 0-21-10-31J5I 8 10 26 I8I prices). Private and group are now 1978 Red Cedar Log. class days before publication. 482-0733. FRENCHIE'S BAR. lessons on guitar, banjo, SUBLEASE 1 bedroom apart¬ FOUR BEDROOM furnished mandolin, all styles. Gift certi¬ SENIORS: call 355-7652 (337 No announcements will be MSU Amateur Radio Club, 8-10-21(31 SECRETARY-CLERK typist ment near campus. $130/ month, no utilities. 332-2629 house. 1 mile west of Parking Lot Y. $240/month. 676-3780. 8-10-20(3) PIONEER Thnrens SA8100 amp, TD160 turntable, ficates. Expert repairs - free estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ Union Bldg.) FRESHMEN: call 353-4470 (445 Union accepted by phone. W8SH, meets Thursday in 339 at 8 p.m! Engineering. jrSiy SRSa after 6 p.m. 3-10-20131 AKAI 4000DS tape deck STRUMENTS, 541 East Bldg.) 3-10-21161 University Apartment Elections this week. II. Must have work study. BOSE 501 speakers. Excellent Grand River. 332-4331. C-21- adultsl Informal half-court 'h Duties include typing, 150 SIX BEDROOMS, ample Nutrition class at 8 Higher Educ,,™%l ONE BLOCK from campus. condition, wilt separate. Best 10-31 (49) SUFFA WE'RE not finished basketball from 7 to 9 tonight tonight wpml answer phones, run - Harrison. Entire two bedroom apart¬ parking, furnished, with car¬ nftnr 351 4719.3 10 19-151 with you vetl You wet rags, at Red Cedar School gym. in 105B Berkey Hall with ditto, receptionist. Inquire M. that childcare providM,ll, ment available and room¬ peting. Nice feetures. 349- AT OUR prices get (especially you Quinner) You gals are welcome to guest speaker Daniel on Murphy, Room 8, Student 0652 after five. 8-10-24-131 emergency pair of glasses. mates needed for other apart¬ SONY AM FM, 8 track, turn herbs for beauty and much Services Bldg. 5-10-20171 Z 1 10-19(4) p|ay) ments. Call 351-8135 or 351 - tattle, speakers, excellent OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2617 ^ 1 more. Come Square MSU Prom djn^l 1957 15 10 31(8) OFF MT. Hope. Need one E Michigan. 372 7409 RN-LPN CHARGE NURSE condition, best offer 349 GUYS & DOLLS -UNIVER¬ Dr. Lawrence Foster "w in clean house. C 5 10 21 (41 2109 7 10 25-13) U^l more person SUPERVISOR in a skilled SITY SINGLES CLUB is here. speaks on job satisfaction at Women's Studies Group «°nioht in the FEMALE WANTED town care facility. Immediate bene¬ Many extras plus garage. Call If you like to party, have fun 11 a.m. today at Clinical Colloquium: "Women house Briarcliff. unfurnished, before 6 p.m. Ask for LAYTON TRAVEL trailer TELEPHONE ANSWERING & meet people like yourself, against Violence" at 8:30 "SSSsJ fits. Full time, 3 p.m.-11 p.m., Center auditorium for family $95 month Over 21. 394- Michael. 372-8756. 1965. 16 feet, self contained. part time, 11 p.m.-7 a.m. Call Device, Code-A-Phone 444. 2 write us for all the free health center ambulatory tonight in 331 Union. Regular 2347. 8-10-26 (41 X 4 10 20(4) Call 484 7381 8 10 26 131 Director of Nurses, 332-5061 units each $650 new, used details. P.O. Box 12669. conference. Open to public. meeting at 4 p.m. In Union 8J0-21I7) OWN ROOM in large 2 LANSING FOUR bedroom. very little. Asking $425 each NIKKO AM FM stereo re Gainesville, Florida, 32604. Oak Room. at 7:30 tonigh, Gold Room >1 n#, l or best offer, 487-6880 week¬ Z 13 10-2518) bedroom. Female non East side, close to bus route. cerve. $125 or best offer 20 The Work of Christ spon¬ CHILD-CARER for infant and days 8 10-26(5) Minority Pre-Med Associa¬ 4 year old, full time in my smoker $113 month. Octo¬ Very reasonable. Call Chris, watts 260 Phillips Hall 355 sors ecumenical charismatic tion meets at 7 tonight in 335 ,484 2164. 4-10 20(41 TRANS-ATLANTIC sailing home near M.S.U. 351-2644. ber rent paid 351 6289. 4858 5 10 21 13) prayer meeting at 8:15 p.m. Union. For information con¬ CLARINET-SELMER. Re¬ program combining seaman¬ 8-10-21(3) 3 10 19-141 Thursday in St. Johns lower tact Carol Crouch. in9$ 10 listen cently apprsised, excellent ship and personal growth. WALK TO campus. Four RALEIGH 3 speed girls bike lounge, 327 M.A.C. Explana¬ earns at JANITORIAL SUPER¬ RESPONSIBLE FEMALE to bedroom, fireplace, 2 baths, condition. $200 or best offer. Good condition $75 332 Two months summer or fall, tion session at 7:15 p.m. 7:30 tonjjiTJ County Courthouse yl 669-9726 IDeWitt). 8-10-24(4) 1978. $1295. Contact Cliff Tiger Mountain Press VISOR. full time. Evenings. share new apartment, own $450/month plus utilities. Call 4475 3 10 19 13' meets at 7:30 tonight in the EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. Borbas, 332 3991. 6-10-25(61 Salaried. Need car. Call for room. 351-6037 after 9 p.m. REFRIGERATOR. Union Oak Room. CLEAN, interview 482-6231. 8 10-21(41 5-10-21 (3) 0-10-10-31(51 mechanically good, $25. 337- PHILCO BLACK and white 19" screen, table, excellent BE SURE to attend Michi¬ Typing Service ONE BLOCK from campus 2778 after 5 p.m. E-S-10-19I3I gan's second stereo show Enjoy making new friends ONE MALE roommate condition, Hoover vacuum and sale next weekend. See and learning God's word at LONG'S OF Lansing is cur¬ needed for furnished 3 bed¬ One bedroom apartment. cleaner. 355-7839. 4 10-21(4) ANN BROWN NAUTILUS ANTIQUES the latest in stereo equip¬ Printing and Campus Action, a Christian rently taking applications for house. Own room, Heat included, parking, no room has used and antique cloth¬ ment. Register for over $5000 Typing. Dissertations, re¬ fellowship, at 8:30 tonight in the following positions: sau- double bed. Call 485-2639 nets $200 month. 351-1177, MOST LP'S priced $1.75, ing upstairs, 541 E. Grand worth of door prizes. Attend sumes, general printing. 335 Union. teed cooks, broilermen, ban¬ after 5 p.m. 8-10-25161 between 7 Er 8 p.m. $2.50. Cassettes $3.00 quality River. 5-10-25141 free informational seminars. Serving MSU for 27 years quet cooks, pantry, dish¬ 5 10 21 <51 guaranteed plus 45's, song- Best of all-Buy top quality with complete theses service. Minddrift, science fiction washers, coffee shop wait¬ MALE ROOMMATE wanted SMALLER ADVENT speak¬ books and more. FLAT, 349 0850. C-21-10-31 (5) EAST LANSING near MSU. stereo products at super low and fantasy magazine, needs resses and busmen. Apply in for modern duplex. Own BLACK AND CIRCULAR Furnished house for rent, up ers. Excellent condition, $140. prices. It's all happening at artists, writers, production person, 6810 S. Cedar St room, $110/month. Call any¬ to 5 students renting. $475 Call after 5 p.m. 675-7493. upstairs 541 E. Grand River. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. 8-10-21-1101 time 351-7423. 7-10-21(3) Longs Convention Center people. New professional for¬ month Good condition. For 8-10-28(31 Open 11 a.m. 351-0838 Dissertations, (pica-elite). C 10 10 31(7) Lansing on Friday October mat magazine. Contact Paul FAY ANN. 489-0358. C-21- further details 351-5937. 21, 4 p.m.-10 p.m., Sat. Oct. Hart, 753 Hubbard. ONE BEDROOM, furnished 10-31 (3) |_ Apartments |^ or unfurnished. CEDAR 8-1019-15) INK DRAWING of your home for Christmas cards, done by 10 SPEED Raleigh Granel Prix 22, noon-10 pm„ Sunday Oct. 23, noon-6 p.m. Admis¬ TERM PAPERS, Thesis (IBM Anyone welcome to attend VIEW APARTMENTS, within EAST LANSING small two MFA graduate, $15. 351- bike, mens 19", excellent FEMALE NON-smoker. sion is just $1.50, sponsored the Senior Class Council walking distance of campus. bedroom carpeted, stove and 0254. E-5-10-2513) condition, $120. Tressel pica-elite), fast, reasonable. Share furnished contempor¬ 332-0111 or 351-5647. bench coffee table, $25. 351- exclusively by THE STEREO Call 332-2078. 13-10-31(3) meeting at 9 tonight at the ary 3 bedroom townhouse. refrigerator, no pets. $220 SHOPPE, East Lansing and Phi Delta Theta Fraternity 0-17-10-31(6! plus utilities. 332-2495, 351- 5272 after 5:30 p.m. 694-2382 evenings. 8-10-21(41 JOHNZER 4-WAY speaker Traverse City. X-C-5-10121) House. 8-10-27(51 Find a winter-ready the 6369. 5-10-21 151 15' woofer, 28" x 18" x 12" TWO BEDROOM furnished, today's Classified se On walnut cabinet. Stands plus Organizational meeting of GRADUATE OR married stu¬ near campus RIVERSIDE THREE SATURDAY night that first cold morning, you' dents. New room luxury two bed¬ apartments. E. Lansing. APARTMENTS-332-0111 or 351-5647. 0-17-10-31(41 Rooms boxes. 16 months old. $300/ pair or $500 set of 4. 321- 8797. 8-10-28(61 hockey season tickets. Jim 321-6617 or 323-9595. |_ Service _]§ be glad you did! the Advertising Club at 7 tonight in Union Parlor C. Bus service. No pets. Start at 8-10-27131 THE TYPECUTTER. a con Speaker on: "Misconcep¬ FREE LESSON in complexion $240. Call 351-6467 or 351- WANTED FEMALE room¬ EAST LANSING duplex, fur¬ tions in Advertising." 9195 after six. 20-11-8151 OHM H SPEAKERS like new care MERLE NORMAN roody, typotattlng iorvlco— mate for 4 person apartment nished room, parking, bus¬ WOMEN'S FRYE boots size in boxes. SAE MK XXX COSMETIC STUDIO ■ 351- Rosumos, nowilottort, bro¬ at Cedar Village 351 7659 line. $110. 374-6366 8. Brand new, never worn, AIESEC meeting at 7:30 OWN ROOM in large apart¬ preamplifier with cabinet 5543. chures, business cards, lot- 8 10 20(3) 0-15-10-31(31 $50. 351-3786. Z-5-10-2013) torhoads, envelopes, invita¬ tonight in 131 Anthony for ment. $95/month off Haslett phase linear 400. $850 as C-17-10-31-13) students interested in work¬ Rd„ east of Marsh Rd. on bus tions, announcements, pos¬ CAMPUS NEAR, clean, fur¬ package will separate, 355- GREEN UPHOLSTERED ing overseas in international FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ ters, Invoices. Reasonable route. Call 339-1442 after 5:00 Houses £ nished. Share modern kitch¬ 8844. 5-10-25151 chair. Good condition, $25 rates-call 417-MW. Mrs. M2 business. p.m. 8-10-28(4) vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE, en and bath. From $80/ 351-8422. E 5 10-20(31 1-5:30. 1000 N. Washington, SANSUI 9090 receiver. Phil¬ 565 East Grand River. C-21- month. 485-1436 or 351-6471. Department of Social Sci¬ SUB-LEASE Holt area 2 bed¬ SIX BEDROOM house. 1 lips 212 turntable with 681 10-31J3I Lansing. ence sponsors an open house 0 13-10-31(41 ZEBRA FINCHES $10 each or room, phone 393-5719. block from campus. 9 month EEE cartridge. Ohm C-2 $17 pair. Great apartment CAPITOL CHIMNEY repairs, on overseas study from 7 to 9 8-10-2813) lease or less. Cheap, 351- speakers. $800. 351-4792. ROOM IN quiet family house, best fall rates. Odd jobs and p.m. Thursday in the Interna¬ 5510. 8-10-28(31 1-10-19(4) pet. Call 487-2166 EXPERT TYPING service by cooking, parking, $80/month. tional Center Lobby. EAST LANSING one bed¬ E-5-10-19I3I painting. 487-2296. 23-10-31 MSU Call after 5 p.m. 351-9043. (3) grad. 17 years experi¬ room furnished apartment. ROOMMATES NEEDED for WATER BEDS are bedder at ence. Near Gables. Call 337- Volunteer openings still 1-1.0-19(41 CRATES AT KILDEA Close to campus, bus stops. large house. Call 351-5510. SOUNDS AND DIVER- COMPLETE REPAIR service 2293 C-21-10-31 (4) available for afternoon recre¬ Call CEDAR GREENS, 351- 8-10-28131 ' SIONS. Open till 9 p.m. SUNOCO, 918 E. Grand River BIG ROOM, own bath. $110' for stereo's, TV's, tapes, ational activities at Michigan 8631. 0-1-10-21(4) from .50. Wednesday and month. 325 Division St. cor¬ weeknights. Downtown guitars, banjos, band instru¬ School for the Blind. Sign up ONE BEDROOM country from Knapps. Thursday X Z-8-10-1915) ments. MARSHALL MUSIC, ner of Ann. Call after 6 p.m., across 484- _ in 26 Student Sen/ices Bldg. 1 BEDROOM small trailer. home 15 acres on Jolly road, 371-5551. 8-10-28(3) 3855. 0-1-10-19(4) 351-7830. C-1-10-19I4I mile campus, $110/month, 3 miles from Michigan State GOOD USED FURNITURE, 351-1711,2-10-20(31 couch, lamps, coffee table, Volunteers urgently need¬ campus. $100'month. Good HOLLYWOOD DOUBLE bed CO-DRIVER WANTED from ed to work with children at ROOM FOR rent, rent negoti¬ cabinet, bar. 487-8739. for single or couple. Animals S145/MONTH 1 bedroom up. carpeted, very roomy, stove, welcome. Call Neil in Kalama¬ able. Access to house. 484- 5700. 8-10-28(31 frame, new June 15, $25. Double size box spring and 8-10 20(3) l_ Instruction )'.▼ Battle Creek to Lansing, Monday-Friday 7:46-3:20 call VFW National cially on Home, espe¬ crafts and recrea¬ zoo, 616-345-7090. 4-10-24(7) mattress. $40 set. 351-4946. 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ 373-7469 between 8:00-3:15, tion. Contact 26 Student refrigerator and heat fur¬ E-5-10-2514) CLASSICAL GUITAR les¬ OWN FURNISHED room, ers. Tanks, cannisters and ask for Mrs. Barea. B-1 -10- Services Bldg. nished. 393-0042, 882-4463 sons given by graduate in 2 BEDROOM house, base¬ 3'$ acres, lake, darkroom, 30-151 after 6:30 p.m. 8-10-28(51 uprights. Guaranteed one full music Reasonable rates 337- ment, parking, $175/month. animals. 351-6643. 4-10-21131 FRENCH HORN Holton Col¬ Water therapy aides need¬ year $7.88 and up. DENNIS 2758. 5 10 19(31 700 South Foster. Call 485- legiate. Very good condition, Your ed at TWO BEDROOM apartment DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. non-political, buy-parti¬ Sparrow Hospital and 4917. 8-10-2814) ONE MALE needed in 4-man $275. Call 351-1027 before 316 North Cedar, opposite Classified section is filled furnished. Sublease for 3 san one elementary school. Con¬ house. Own room, kitchen, noon. 3-10-21(31 City Market. C-21-10-31 (61 with tact Volunteer Programs in 26 r w»t«r~isi a wide variety of items months, $320. or 12 months. EAST LANSING. 2 bedrooms $280. Call 351-3118 carpeting. $90 month. Close which deserve your endorse- Student Services Bldg. in 4 bedroom house, $86 to MSU, LCC. Call 355- APPLES, CIDER, pumpkins. FOR SALE Couches, $35. 0;8^10-20(4I month, close to campus. 0192, ask for Gene. 351 - BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, L'ving room chairs. $10. Call WANTED-USED Fendc. MSU Soaring Club meets GRADUATE OR married stu¬ 332-5872. 8 10-27(3) 9269 evenings 5-10-21151 The Wardowski's. 2 miles N. 35' 3118 0-8 10 20131 Rhodes 73 stage piano Call RIDER TO TUCSON at 7:30 tonight in 103 Men's dents. New luxury two bed¬ of Leslie, 3597 Hull Rd. Old 355 5432 8 10 26131 WANTED, share IM Bldg. Information and room apartment E Lansing, EAST LANSING. 5 bedroom, ROOM IN quiet home im¬ US-127. Hours, 9-6 p.m expenses and club duties discussed. Bring 3 blocks from campus. Excell¬ driving, leaving Oct. bus service. No pets, start at $230. Call 351-6467 or 351 ent condition. 655-1156 after mediately. 1 acre, fruit trees, garden. $65 plus utilities. Closed Mondays, 1-589-8351. Gift packages shipped by Animals "H WE BUY newspapers-any quantity. Monday, Wednes¬ 20-22, call 355-2300,339-3461 valid MSU ID or appropriate identification. 5 p.m. 8-10-27131 after 6 p.m. ask for Jorge 9195 after six 882-6275. 2-10-19(3) UPS. C-21-10-31 (61 day, Friday, 12-5 p.m., Tues¬ OR 11 10-31-151 Gonzalez. Z 3-10-20(5) PUPPIES OLD English day, Thursday, Saturday 8 Great Issues presents Josh SEWING MACHINES. Gua¬ 2 BEDROOM apartment in For Sale ^ ranteed reconditioned ma¬ Sheepdog mixed, $30. 482- 4376 after 5 p.m., except a.m.-l p.m. at 916 Filley St., Lansing, 323-7476. 8-10-27(51 Rubenstein of Amnesty Inter- complex near MSU. $215 chines from $39.95. New weekends. E-5-10-1913) Pni Nn Town "a,'0nal speaking on human month. 332-4437 after 3:30 USED BICYCLES, all sizes machines from $69.50. ED¬ WILL BABYSIT in my I^UUINU I U W (V ,ightJ around the world at Spar¬ 7:30 tonight in 109 Anthony. p.m. 8-10-2113) $20-$70. Also P8rts. WARDS DISTRIBUTING FREE TO good home, 6 tan Village home. Call 353- CHARLIE'S BIKE SHOP CO. 1115 N. Washington, month kitten. Box trained. 0911 after 5 p.m. 3-10-20(3) FEMALE NEEDED 1 bedroom HOUSE FOR rent 1165 N. 393-2484 5-10-19I3| Must leave. Help us. 332- Agronomy Club meeting at 489-6448 C-21-10-31 17) furnished. 711 Burcham Cedar between Mason Er _ 2253. Z-3-10-2113) 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 213 apartments, balcony. Call Holt. Married-no children or DUAL 1228 turntable, SENIOR ELEMENTARY edu¬ Agriculture Hall. Dr. Peter 351-3196 after 5:30 p.m. Marantz 2220B BOOKS, MAGAZINES, cation pets. $120 plus deposit 694- receiver, major will babysit eve¬ Carlson is the guest speaker. Marantz HD 44 speakers. comics and more! CURIOUS IRISH SETTER, male AKC 6-10-19(3) 9033. 5-10-24(5) nings. Mary 489-1274. BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand registered. All shots, 694- 5 10 20(31 MALE NEEDED. Own fur¬ EAST LANSING duplex, 4 $450_676nM5j(T19l3) _ River. 332-0112. 9068, 393-0348. 5-10-25(3) BINGO TUESDAY Night. Jesus' Student Fellowship SEARS KENMORE X-C-21-10-3K3) 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. presents gospel recording nished bedroom, $90/month. bedrooms, 2 baths, rec toom, electric artist Lance stove. SPRINGER SPANIEL pup. EASY GOING roommate Early Bird starts at 7 p.m. Appleton at 7 Near Campus. Call 351-7236. parking. $400 374-6366 Asking $100. Call 372- 6425 between 5 and 9 p.m. LOFT FOR sale. Dual-level, male house trained, regis¬ needed, own room, farm¬ Regular at 7:30 p.m. Mini¬ tonight in Wonders Kiva. 2-4-10-21(3) 0 19-10-31(3) oak, easy to assemble. Best 7-10-20(3) tered. Landlord tenant mis¬ house, 4 miles from campus. mum age 18. SHAAREY offer. Call 485-0310, after 5 Phone 337-7776. 1-10-19141 MSU Circle K Club needs understanding. Must sell, ZEDEK, 1924 Collidge. East p.m. 8-10-27(4) $50. 351-3486. 5-10-25(5) Lansing. C-21-10-31 (5) people to make our commun¬ ity better. Meeting at 6 PEOPLE REACHER VINTAGE GIBSON Firebird reverse er. body. Gibson Explor¬ Les Paul, SG custom, ES SAMOYED-A.K.C. all shots, wormed, must sell, $50. 675- 5565. E-5-10-2513) I Typing Service tonight in the Union Sun- porch. 175 Fender strat, telecaster. Pre-Vet Club presents a UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS WANT AD precision and Danelectro Longhorn bass. jazz guitars. Rickenbacker bass, bass Mobile Homes )1*) complete dissertation and re¬ sume service: typesetting, IBM typing, editing, multilith tour Center of Veterinary Clinical and membership meeting at 8 tonight in 100 Used guitar amplifiers by Vet Clinic. Everyone wel¬ offset printing and binding. Just complete form and Fender. Ampeg, Acoustic, We encourage comparative come. Peavey, and Traynor. Used TWO BEDROOM 10x55 mo¬ - mail with payment to: PA systems, Altec, Peavey, bile home. Carpeted, oil heat, shopping. For estimate stop in at 2843 East Grand River or Women's Resource Center Yamaha, near campus. Call 651-6869 Tapco, EMC, phone 332-8414. 0-21-10-31 sponsors Brown Bag Lunch State News Classified Dept. Shure, plus new and used or 482-8181 evenings or (91 from noon to 1 p.m. weekends. 8-10-26(4) today in 31*7Student Services Bldg. Shure microphones on used Room C, Crossroads Cafeter¬ mini moog synthesizer. BUY- TYPING TERM papers and East ia, International Center. Jo¬ Lansing, Mich. 1*8823 SELL-TRADE, WILCOX thnsis. IBM experienced, fast Rettke discusses [_ Lost t fowl IfQl anne TRADING POST, 509 East snrvirr. Call 351 8923 O 11 10 31 131 "Changing Relationships." Michigan, Lansing. 485-4391, Hours 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Address Food and Nutrition Associ¬ _ C-15 10-31(20) LOST-WOMAN'S opal ring ation FULL COPYING and printing meeting at 7 tonight in in Anthony Hall. Please call services offered at PRINIT- 341 Union. All Human Nutri¬ City EARLY AMERICAN couch in — Zip Code _ 332-0821, ask for Jill. IN-A-MINIT. Resume type¬ tion and Food majors and shades of blue. Cotton nylon Daytime Phone 3-10-2113) setting and printing. One day others welcome. Student Number with a rooster pattern. 84" dissertation service. At the long, 21" cushion depth. LOST. MSU sweatshirt/ Classification Preferred Insertion Date corner of MAC and Ann Lecture by Dr. Jack Wil¬ Wing tuffed back with a jacket with Lisa on it. Re¬ Streets in East Lansing. 351- liams on "People's Republic pleated dust ruffle, $35. Val¬ ward, 353-5705. 2-10-1913) 5575. of China" from 2 to 4 p.m. entine Seaver original. 349 8-10-21I9I_ 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and 1687. E 5 10-20(8) Been busy with today in 204 International spaces between words. FOUND. BROWN and white TWELVE YEARS experience Center. puppy in Berkey Hall. Call typing theses, manuscripts, your spring cleaning? Print Ad here SUEDE COAT, 3/4 length, size 10, $25. Raincoat, plaid, 353-1339. 2-10-19(3) ■ term papers. Evenings, 675- 7544. C-21-10-31 131 Find lots of things Horticulture Club presents gram in 334 Bldg. Student^ size 18, $25. Pantsuit, size 7. LOST 1 Vi" X 2" silver cross you no longer use? a dried flower arranging Sell them fast for workshop at 7:30 tonight in $15 Excellent. 332-8716. E-5 10 20(4) with inlaid turquoise rec¬ TYPING, EXPERIENCED. extra cash with 204 Horticulture Bldg. Male siud8n'?a tangles. Much personal val¬ Fast and reasonable. 371- ue. 355-2980. 4635. C 21-10-31 131 low-cost BUNK BEDS with mattresses X-4-10-21(3l_ Classified ads! ASMSU Programing CIRCLE RATE WANTED Board will meet at 4 p.m.- from $119.95. VILLA FURNI SILVER RING, Adam and Eve COPYGRAPH SERVICE TURE 1633 W Ml. Hope engraving, lost at Mens IM; Complete dissertation and re¬ today in 328 Student Ser¬ Colonial Village, Silver and brass brooch, vices Bldg. Accessible. ULiiniiiiiFimiTim 482 1109. 8 10 21(4) Lansing. Abbott St., 10-9, sentimental sume service. Corner MAC and Grand River, 8:30-5:30 naiaiEiiioiiicnEOEO value. 485-0641. S-6-10-2013) Monday Friday. 337-1666. C- Professor Jonathon Shear naotouirnrniTHTi DISCOUNT, IMaharishi International Uni¬ namiiicnuiBOEnE] a niamEJEEJEOniiTi NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 215 NEW, desks, chairs, files. BUSI used FOUND TWO young cats. A tiger and a grey one wearing 21-10-31 (5) TYPIST, LOTS of experi¬ versity) and MSU faculty discuss levitation and new Inter-Ve^^l lowship hall from HlJ '.'.JIB BIOE1D3EDEOEDIDE1 F, 485 5500. a collar with bells. Affection- ence, neat and dependable. developments of Transcen¬ 13 10 28(41 393-4624. 5-10-25(3) dental Meditation at 7:30 ate. 371 1752. 4-10-21(3) g We"!'0 tonight in Erikson Klva. n dnte News. East Lansing, Michigon Wednesday, October 19, 1977 19 HOWARD THE DUCK!® dJ©0Dy fiv y§Mogte M-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Cable) (12) by Steve Gerber and Gene Colon sponsored by. III? CHARLIE DANIELS BAND 1 £ Sun., Oct. 23 Munn '5.50: 6.50 on tale at Ih. MSU Union ( R.cordlondi (231WKAR-Tv(pBS) BLASPHEMER!?? (10) NBC News WEDNESDAY (12) ABC News (10-12) News 11:00 11:30 ►jl: fternoon (23) As We See It (10) Johnny Carson 7:00 (23) Dick Cavett 3:00 11:25 (12) Fernwood 2 Night the Family (6) My Three Sons (23) ABC News (6) Newt ther World (10) Mary Tyler Moore do Real (11) Shintowa: Hearts in 3:15 Hormony ADVERTISE aral Hospital (12) Mary Tyler Moore 3:30 (23) Tele-Revista h Game 7:30 IN THIS SPACE I Alegre 4:00 (6-12) Price is Right (10) Hollywood Squares PEANUTS sponsored CLEANERS by: LAUNDRY Mickey Mouse Club (11) Dayton-Hudson Mall by Schulz tn Acres News Conference CALL 353-6400 332-3537 |y Bunch (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Report ime Street 8:00 Day 4:30 (i) Good Times (10) Grizxly Adams MSU SHADOWS® ( this 15 an \ 0 THEY LOOK SOMETHING ( actually they gan's Island (11) Impressions by Gordon Corleton (ampersand^ (V AukE DOnt they 7 VhATE each otherJ 5 rgencyOne! (12) Eight is Enough sponsored by 5:00 (23) Nova PXKBAX.L PETE'S jg<3 0© moke 8:30 rgencyOne! (6) Busting Loose Present this really funny comic for 25 er Rogers' Neigh- (11) Best of Sloucho#2 worth of free play! 9:00 8 5:30 tonighiTj (6) Movie tit News "The Killer Elite" les (10) Oregon Trail ric Company 6:00 (12) Charlie's Angels FRANKS ERNEST [yjna Complete ring selection (23) Greet Performances News 10:00 by Bob Thoves wonsomdm, „dh^3., ir-sapphires. onyx - opals - jade, tiger-eye many more i Notes (10) Big Hawaii Covett (12) Baretta 6:30 10:30 ews (23) Arvilla WE'RE HERE ON C'l)IPyiNI3 THE ''SO-in/OIV, PRAY"LATER " PLAN lie AC LIES 2.9° EA. October Halloween Special Oct. 19-31 rinit-in-a-minit (TING/DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS Cnrnei of MAC and ANN ST. THE DROPOUTS 8 30- 6 00 M F 10 00 5:00 Sal by Post ■n sponsored by Low gos prices Plus Service' /ELS WITH FARLEY Benda'i Little Freeway Service Station Ironk T DO WD £55 t IU5 PAMAM |Al (H M 07 ' / MAW SKIPS .tR-d ^V.*S Bagel-Fragel ijif G.ond«...r PROFESSOR PHUMBLE r >JX ' A Open 7 doys—8 o.m. rill 12 332-0300 p.m. by Bill Yates fr v Frogel ' Hour sponsored by: 0) ' 11 p.m. till midnight IBLEWEEDS CAMPUS 1312 Mich. Avn. ■ ir DoMor Saloon) j£r!"«E QT OF COKi K. Ryan sponsored by: PIZZA 337-1377 Tu«i. - FREE ITEM Wed. • WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on request) I, L0TSA LUCKi SNAP WHY, IT'S ONLY NATURAL TO NICKNAME A PERSON JIFITJ SO WE CAUL FOR HIS MOST PROMINENT ■SHORTY' ■runt CHARACTERISTIC, fSSWORD JZZLE sponsored by: bhepord's >hepQ 26 onus 0H0 asa came mpus Sput 28 Banana 9na 1000121 ?9 Idle am shh ana 0M2) 0B1Q 00 EM 4c? [ lung s toi re-reg*» 45 1Vithere ,d SOLUTION OF genizetiors1 46 In what manner 50 Induced 2 Soft mud the std*™'" 4/ Eternity 51 Uasti 3 Rusticate . i<" SIU*I 48 Rendered DOWN 4 Crying lldg M I 49 Hankering 1 Mngansei 5 Augui Oct. 28- — " 5 6 7 10 . / ltagedy smming 11 SUNDJLY ATDOOLIY'S rsot»« d T" 9 Swiss uvei BEETLE BAILEY CORYELL/MOUZON BAND . I5~ — _ — 10 Verb form FEATURING MIROSLAV VITOUS 3348SU(»»i!' . P 18 mmmmm is 16 Rudiment by Mort Walker sponsored by: OCTOBER 23 " TT TT s,ud9lS.' ! . c W _ 2? .Chemical suffix ?3 Trail ?4 Wapiti WHEN YOU SAyPFISS.ON I THOUGHT OF FlSn.N FOR TUNA. PIANO TUNA5 31 -f 'it, Clibutn 1!r __ W MAKE MUSIC. MUSIC it yo" 'T.i ; r- 36 " 21 Timely happening MAKES ME WANTA „ Depsi^f Nutri»l0n-" m 32 Chinese dynasty PANCE... ANP WHO PO 1 21 L 39 *o m 35 Revers V Platform YOU PANCE WITH? r — 39 Wild plum 40 Price is one i„riity Of, J *r 41 Earl ol Avon 1 from ' Gym3°"S "| ' 1m 1 K J ~ H ■J 43 Extremity 44 Acknowledge L 5?4 90 Michigan State News, East loosing, Michigan W«dn«day,0ctober r record sale and cassette tapes tool $1.98-14.98 Classical, Rock, Blues, Folk, Jazz | ^ GIANT BOOO&L M ^ (*vy , QUALITY PAPERBAK V 6WV TREMENDOUS DOZENS OF SUBJ^: * v5fti flREDS OF TITLES anthropo^yLTJ art jnomics education music ^WHlTINfl U-^J ^«ITINO health sciences philosophy INE M physics SHjC, bu^^ history psychology ?.y chei?Tstry literature religion computers mathematics sociology "<& >252 rnriL " - sjG*wnmtnT GU-.ecTBoNicsH