FSasahikone's For NSt«ow#i H77 © OT ® .seuT sp anK 00:1 .m.p 00:7 l aM naidreM GytinumoC MSOL ER'UOY 6H1 :THGIEW ESOLC .m.p mo R .sruhT .deW .noM 81 1 .S tsidoheM ytisrevnU gntissaaEL 00:7 00:1 00:7 .m.p .m.p .m.p nosiraH hcruhC detinU .not 052 .E sgnivaS wanig S tsaE & 00:7 wanig S naoL lotipaC gnis aL m.p 91 2 lotipaC notlimaH sgnivaS somekO .dR & naoL styling arsaeloans (6fcronpotiamug)eed bccooraean¬tinlyghawshraismthpo fduatrmtheegirr, explaind. baoosfteyrlked ucnudsecoime. htosaeveifnr tahfsitramyleedbcsaohmnrtideng, Aamporouerlaer. ilnossaottyelekdfd bsoheoneme thsaeidy. biteschsotmya¬le MiitpnohaSsrueelUar loIkt."'isrny,blfoouuaafnekdtr:hswsaturyointlide¬rhKaesaalidke., thssaoamideibtntedvovneedurayl uniqe. hfapoaavtsrokenersdBo"wiesR,"odStewBaerast,l"'s,an btchruetas,lC"tRoBh"ieatyitwsshhiomcelarSdtbeuwckatratil,frOoshnndte,. waesncntsairlp,smeockae-lilnf,hletaahnfaiertp sshaied. hair at that moved that they salons the oouft stylist manets definte tos led norm, curent All for Six are A ing the "solar more short the ing Karslake styles and few A "David "Farh kiicsker hairdo, lionnger request a hanging neck, basic with the ytou wry fo raey sah yb yeht ta nretap s alc eht eht detan drab uH s'ytireop ne b rieht rhatneeytfi d.lraabHuH 90 2 lavira eht nwod eht revo era fo tib dega- loc derolc-ituM eht salc-repu ,nemhserf taht sihT ot yks saw .ekas de roc teg yletanoicf "sofreF fo eht ta sa lradeC anoitdar dekcip resolc ytinamuh sthgil a ,kI deR no ro eht eht eht eht jLt repa "sbref dekram setag kool sgnorht no lavira siht rof ,stneduts del ac lavir a eht nemhserf deniarts ¬imul i sa fo ta fo gni eht t n e s r p ynam larutaN tnem gnithgil tsaL .sthgil supmac naht ,thgieh ,staoB "sbref yletauqd taht tniop ,raey cigetars hcihw yna do g detauqin eht a tniophgi ,detrops ewehivt yeht stnialpmoc ,et aerA eht rieht tnemcalp rehto net esuaceb ta ni fo esuaceb dewola seirots 001 ip s iM fo sti erita dluoc morf ereht fo eht gnidl ub siht suht .tnev ¬niur taht ton esoht erew drofnaS -krabmesidytluaf ¬tops eht relat yrots maetS fo rof noihsaf no sdaeh llaf syad ystaiws eritne taht deta hc s'ytis secivr s dnarG sre emoS dnert ,"bref" morf osla tI morf delor .retauq dniheb lluf .mret tdeluosw tsom reviR 0 0,1 erohtf esohw gniteg rof a elyts xis ,suhT eht noihsaf gnola eritne fo d e t n v r p liof sepmilg eht noihsaf erita kool eht a fo taht ecifuS sdnert elyts ,stnaw ,yawykS dna eht ta eht llaf l iw ta ,ocsaif pohs flah-eno ¬revinU noihsaf erew ¬revinU hci w suoigterp ¬nwo .retauq tsrif srotaceps tes eht ot rof rof dna yas eht sreicnaf eht eht ni eht dna fo ni .tnesrp tnemiat ,suoenartx sno lat olirB yar a se iug ciget htiw .redne sedahs nar s ,spahrep ehT .tae'd ediw lacimehc rebmun dnetni noitanib emoc eseht noihsaf( pets neve de — decud eht sniwt dah .HSOG nosae espmilg erawc sA nogaw yeht dnuora ediw .sklof woH 89 1 tcapmi eht noit eno rof .seye eht spam lla derd sevl s yna eht eb edam eht noisecrp ,revwoH deirf( ,ixbosoh dworc tisoped lup eht xeehst 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setag eht ni l its nap sid ¬arts eot — ot ot na I ot ot fo ta si ton sah S'ACIREMA PUC 01 S'NEM qa - Mqijas iueX MqitdJ xon SNOIHAF DETACI D eil sni} *os xqa YB OT pa rsiou ynSts-m jhhq EHT jqa uonap S'YTRAM iu U GNITROPS dqosvja lcUWJ' jasuaj paj Suts- stcja TIRPS sa ipX jenupjX xqa kj 1AH7"■ jcpsn JHVKOn'N qitrUpj S1*H UVldB si*t» xqis ^sqja, u|oiqsj sjapuoij GQEUNARTMTLEMLGY/S'ZIN BFePoill8yesntrCdhi}n(Ya$1bo6r0uk.t)w($2ma.0)Pendl5o ASFUTHOORRIEY GWaVSlbery-u10%iydtObJNouentfywisfCLRa ($HOb21u.e0tfyri) FASHION Art ($H18.e50r) WLeaathresr PGbOalnaetkysns LANSI G'S Kresg' Hath way OHutseide Corduroy In 1 # by #2 filmcliunmd water clohs tma¬e said, cwoldr tuosedan't, wer. NRCipnhosate fnrs atyTmhgnesiu. 1o0f dinfghFowevldr, the htared soetnl ugmp thshie, uase tshrouyld Ifou warm Tohuet. restic water tcuiaenp averg thcoest from imnagnesium evntualy pos ibly chine. counter swtudhenots cy le water. lienrastse ithasenr not comerial those caalnciudm aadn lotcaaeondts clothes, will and To wash warm But did and may your said. becagroinrw¬eds twsheaixncnitce¬e,f"firbsrasrvtlCehrcteai¬nlybetsuopenri thpamensdt,yhlueacelhpwAtlhumen-WrapTlairhgdeeussttyhcaoaomapnruesyriftgsovtenrTscyhweoalo."fehrbstghviveesnilawcthkaedfamsauh—cihon the to tmhofente Well, ning pased. has in posibly indu—stryindustry. this be n new campus nsedoe trend. has mony those on finally this young Rf whites. Iowynfoaesu.h dthrmyioetu, hoonnslefeckydreawrheohinghicnawloatrhteedsr. LLaannnssidiggbhowaevr., dhetaurgsvends biuaaltdnser joFb,"excledlsnt "Phtiouhespesapt hhawsareotdr bcinaeunefdt T(chmlohintheeri¬ng.y prout."ecita intdawhugsrei¬es pwhiothouates. finacers whiter bmaey icnlothes qauaslify residnts isn't "Most phos ate an imninerals they You their East water does said. that the als) Fields that try dbbratiicheodsen, aocpoiufnt,g asssoohmoren Wftihhresent btsothoenapfed bKoa,e"cuurst, fouwanndltdh impwosavrtiaroenu-csael, npeidxntal Tshwtudheeno, whaopleirsvafertddy homlnpipetedc, inoatfoince kind as hapenig. bit new ftoher elction. fashion him landsli e. fre ze only intouse "ferb "bacon his of in vote decwaisno¬nsATughueti.t lthpovsehae bbbsneweyoytt,debpartasmudnchlyIfinaltlsm¬oedfosscoomompraaepbetchoaruuselfee. thsasoueungihtt Ob1thoef.,WCCaoiyrucnnuetytJTBuhodomghaens St2hpero1epsta.l bbFeiaegalndns. prhosticatoen Mmhfgaoe-sctt bhmseormaybwwgheoenot'tin NRC innouced tchlaaimst only NRC. harm of injuction the could severlylaundry Natural Natural (NRC), after measure. NRC The a the cial nies Part but Court rej cted thsoe the not biauns,t citzens And said irpehnosstiactedetrgns.DepaortmfnReishtorursucg,bpoolcihcay-dlmeakdyngRCeosmouirscndettcaaoicktoedlegisshaatonr Dtuhsurmienegr, apcprosn.e5dt iwwheicoON1csttw..re,locnnoagodnhiwaphiste¬hrlevl. dieantnr¬gdhfoobwuaegcvhkrt.,imsuedfiattrly stae the resticon efect owners detrgnts soapdustry, filed phate The will It ' F efashion r b s " i for Ihbeaaatlsno fitcho¬er avdamriniosturso bftohehnetn bsotudeyn. ftahpalcayed, hitsriongnfwcleeet Upohnresiid¬fnt teolfcced. jiawnatosr WHoeenaldfs 2h0wp1eAun,t thoocenmfe "tirtbohsnhef Hboweisants years. contribuoy of tmooved tofhe pooinft curent vwerassity Culote south section baet arivl 20 1. foil f4ropamg)eTdhbshyeaeeets.nbtfhlaoaneclefshsoiomfneMsatuwSdenUiletaxcrholuuseinvdytohwmaerfo¬ WSaalumnindpn. finarepc¬lthasriticsyuleFhoobavivnuss.btrankysdeethoutcemfeOc-eramonpiuss.hthawotyeeslnet come wants In contiued be n For tethrme, 150.0 revolve integraion Ctehrtaeinly cousiofns made beton today's beotning has cast. ials, very Curt the are been down who the year iB^ESTJ faurMonbdayA-SpturoinEvtemges BCnaxktfrc lYOUR iaInrpetarMsoonnxali Vg>i(Cnrrk FSrCahneodnptirg Phone:32-509 FRAMOLDV WStraiteflalaudsnund¬erybtaraurbeohutditesrgsicna:lyyneoghubrs. thcomeerial mupaksenod"dcrigsi,"rlaty taehnnzyamds geoorlnvesdasuttaeirn¬,ybitnawgsdoic Atacnordeingasproiftsn iA"ecsuolr¬gy,Tishafectn egmaivly--chdd, wrewhlaiacxtesr loows garwimye.bi"bauildsear,c tsohwaftenentedr froilgkahritntyFsuersfealcdtnc.h"ebxtraaodsstriaghnned fisoswatery.l,itmhmpoore¬stMichenvgiamntallhbayseeastnr hmcoomest arund-phste.Enviromceltaalismitnhwproete¬s igwrnohwtch,cohowotkfaeetserrLeghimslatvvue iwrsittnean-laedd comwitosu-hlad with RALPH News By State This, the as your the Striop efd dients. same hypewhic tahboosuet whiten rs mysticaly armpit hgaenvtes ents. Fields, human fact n." material tension tshwiseh which tprhovidees company whiten s One, and other The the Simypolue, biattnhtlee woavgeedr builder perhas Yet tant phos ate alg e mote turn, life. been state LOOK | ft p ^^ nepo .CA.M yn eP yadnoM (ma nikS• .evA newO sgniev urht ylno ylivaeh sah yadrutaS eiaC .senisubpu-edam ecnar pA EKAT reh pulcka{H riah nwolb ■ o^eialjIAcus t'nsi A yrd kool yb !gnihtyev si 209-153 miT tuo fo kcab regorK rodnarF tub ta ,s'yreT larutn gniht ,tuB ti si eht tsrif .KO L uaedibaR fo eht riaH ,tfoL 022 sewoH etalS nyL/sweN si . .ni htiw eht ecirp tuc 82$ ta stne segrahc ehT .03$ r3o1$f 11$ ehT yl ac fo gni era htiw .aera nev s ehT eht gnola yevrus ehT .sevl s citelha spuorg nehW ,.CA.M lacitnedi nemow naidreM rodnarF riaH etatS ;tumag s'naicrt P morf s'naicrt P gni ar riaH .nem gnip ohS .deton s'remotuc tcejbus yrd-wolb • • • • • a s'taht elpoep *if^7 ot ot ot worbeyE parwliaN erucinaM .laicF• .pu-ekaM nikS dna yB stucriah hsilyts tsoc 51$ eht snolas htiw a gnirutaef .53$ era tnemrapd sroefp gnisurc stneduts riaH semoc stneamrp segrahc riaH h0t5iw.31$ ,tfoL nemow retneC .enaM-kcoL selnu .riah htgnel noitarv evisulcni dseectiircp tsuj ti rof etatS dna secirp yteirav l aM gnilyts sweN NASU rof ot 82$ gni aelC hcra eciton ot nem dna ni eht sweN gnip ohS ,snoihsaF erhwyna amrep ,.CA.M stneamrP segrahc ot ref o f atS esuaceb tuoba ni dna eht ,ne wteb USM ,hguorht kcor snur .eltnic riah ot snoihsaF ot .53$ yrav 01$ rof a 022 dna nigeb morf rodnarF 11$ ni dna secirP gnilyts riah a fo dnarG ¬ifceps era noitd c ¬droca dna tuc siht reviR deyvrus ¬meht ni sngised deirav esohc nem retneC snolas retirW THGIWD sa EMOCNAL 903 morf morf dna ot morf niks ni a ot sa .uoy ot lit fo rof secirp era cisab evaw noitca riah .aloriA ,sonapS deir-wolb ebircs p .gnilyts riah dnarG naeJ estnrean dnenmoaw dnarG s'eitaM m52o$rf ,rsienhoti lauqe secirp .9no4la5S elihW naic dias si riaH ruo csyarps itehnys taoc tdaehrgat tsoM .deunitoc raey yltnasoc ,tuc t n e a m r p a 10 stneamrP" loot eht taeh htiw ot A deunitoc( gniamd htiw gnile f ot .tsilyts en uahS $qods 51$ eht fo no ro a ,reviR aloriA ,reviR ot rof hcihw daetsnI" tsilyts ",riah ,rev woH riaH ytuaeB naicrtaP dnarG s ' y r a G a ni ni riah scitemoc regnol ,trroiahsh e rht tuc 5$ ,seuac slacimeh & 13$ si no sa riah emos eht ezis eht .23$ osla rof stneamrp wols gnidapxe naeJyteB tneamrp .detsgu laiceps wolb segrahc ,selytS .tekcarb .ne¬ammreP segrahc ,n0ol2a1S yrstnaeamvrp ri¬ahsHaF hciw ,reviRytsuuapmeaBC ,ek¬alisrtraPK fo htiw 52$ stuc ylaus a 05.12$ fo dna a egap ,l ew fi 51$ 5$ 51$ 05.4$ riah eht 5$ citsalp evig smasl b ",riah pduna shtnom tsal s'ti rof dias esuaceb esab .desurvo dnet stilys a )41 ti ,dor riah a 21$ a ehs ot no ¬nu dna eht ot rof eW" dnik yrd 21$ 1931 rof era sah supmac sdrapeh► 713 .E dnarG reviR • 5182-3 4 0% ESRETAUQDH LIVSKC As the accohmpanrytigilutshreaeps,fjiotsahhnrepMtwhaali-eltim,TCtKghhooeiensnggfL'Por-vwair'hsed).RAivivesnunemu¬r hoLwewevivtih'sr,'Pre-wMaOshodan*nd f$r(Sroap1onmrtgs7-i $t(BKo2auamy),Lf$erv1ove3ism'.s5t0BSrtaaan1onmcdh4s)Baum). Mpamrovolesdtfjtoeheavsrnr¬,f$$rto22opmae3ir. vwemelssorteMMearaidtaltn(Kinwasmphucsc)h, GtighrhaaeennrdAveprnicues. flaschonti¬rtdn, 5upwsriict0headnly ooreotgnhadeelfrsloTcahtinemng.eyfflaoapslnharidrtB(RGrarvnecnhd) $itcpos1ltoa7nd,K(Mnaepradlsn) $icp1solta5nd. dtaihfvpeerrre¬cgin jevasehnstrst,,bdiogogenwteingGRAmrvaathen¬dicrs. cosopemuclaoensctde, thwmeols. will tploace Lansing ($12.50 Grand two, low ber jeans meister) and (The (Kay Meridan expnsive agingLevi's expnsive $20 $6.50 River Levi's are cofents as nel, the $18.50 the wahere at wahere eofnces at $18 In without nue betwe n turned'P-Wash tye,(also'SdemanWr¬ pe-washd toug inare cotn sameLdovi¬'s Wran comparisn hoe. mr 'Dagon wer Dagons eftn aqu- sed atrnips ough les nickel,AWvhu. closet$2a0. Meridna store.fitr saoe btrhanisd Levi's moorr Ojen'ans Levi's (nwaoshedt). ofers jeans, aposular shirt, phlaieds, tru. thraocukgs boarttichles. price ttehneis Ad as, Adi s varitons The biecsatu Iicasamtpun. bwluiteh ather extnd, sole. 'Diragons boanyl River thshoep fogers Shoeland hamvles Sibly's copmreictevs Levi"s beto jietnawnos, L'Meviov'isn waasnhedd) jeans galelsr'os standr naroet stores. loakintgflan el btprooeved tnhatees ofers easi t farowafs Hachvosienng thmoedel, For out Bo t' and they In and gler The by tshpeceifaly out. chosen around nsyhloone trwimhite, somewhat syntheic Atchtuealy bexupnstive, Grand $i1n9.5 icatmpus, binoth LMaalsn'singHboowetvhr, $it1hn9e.9i5r ruled blue a on is it to pair well. 20.00 20.00 19.95 20.00 19.95 Brand) tsstupeaodtreonnm¬ Wanglds.itnaeofnr thwsiademepste, aorctilcoletfhsingmomsot jjeeaavnenssst,, pcholairtidsn,Atdeishaesi.dtdhuaoenys¬sfdoitmhisnearoc, tshauicnshgjleooawkefsd, savtayrnlietdons stocked. AdiaSs'DrhgoonTes (Wrangler that ize; Levi's Simlary, rep snt chose semingly campus; flan el sahnirtds Siinnce, lonagnery spimaplier those often we plaid gare at most T7 FRANDOR and Roebuck RIVER MAL MAL GRAND Adidas MERIDAN Shoeland Sibley's LANSING Shoeland Sibley's insnumobetr Ftphrooicess. bcplroictheyidng tthsahhloeopng ewesrralyMtthhroaids¬ne bmuexponrtseiv LMtaahel.gduonfretasly, mhpooaeufnaryinosrmi¬cael baosend. thwwaer tahorstiacmelefse brcnhosdes 'PreJ-waeshans Sears ALi/JS.j Shoofpesr SODUa River high of News avenue expnsive Mal, those Frandor, ofer btrahnidss was ensure pricng qwualeity, Grand in pieces State one ian than not vey To LHEUITGOHNSWtraitfe pomamuylatohrngthearchattsRAjvivunceurkep oftm-erch¬asd bjtsueoesmt myth. inlofarmkat ossonmfdaer iwnahrloeopssngRiLanverid, MFraaannlsdo Ceynsietldmr esult. RIVER Wearhous Sportsmei MAL MWeena'srGren MAL CAROLE News students poricefs chandise that—a faacnt, prices student Meridan Shoping surpisng By State The Grand the In the Grand Levis GRAND Baum Kay $2 .0 20.00 19.00 style) style) brand) (women's Sams B's Mr. 21.50 17.0-19.50 2.0-23.0 16.0-17.0 18.0-2.0 21.0-2.0 Branch MERIDAN Knap s The (women's (Wrangler Websters Vilage LANSING CKheins g Knap s BHotaomlf PantPlacse $12.50 18.50 19.00