ASMSU may revoke office of black student magazine By REGINALD THOMAS have allotted space taken The committees report eliminated away due to I - State News Staff Writer ear Gay Council member Dan Jones appeared disagreements with the student board over her rumors that PIRGIM and Gay Council before the ASMSU Student Board recently People's Choice news magazine will not f'ID iIIi proper use of the space. People's Choice might not receive space this year. Third- keep its allotted office if the ASMSU does not qualify as a to give a presentation on the activities of major governing floor office space was recommended for Student Board approves recommendations Gay the council and to invite board members to group. Council and basement space for PIRGIM. visit the council office. made Monday by its Space and Allocation Jf t ha.. Committee. However, the committee suggested ex¬ ■ pansion of existing office spaces of other organizations. All offices allocated by the board are in the Student Services Building. The recommendations will be the student board at 7:30 in 4 Student Services presented to tonight's meeting at Bldg. Israel smuggled uranium People's Choice is the University's black news magazine, which evolved in March 1976 to address issues of black students at MSU. The publication was not recommended for space this year because it no longer has from U.S., article says a University account, according to Sue Lalk, College of Human Ecology represen¬ tative and chairperson of the Space and By JANE WHITE saying the CIA informed Johnson of the "We expect a lot more of this story will be Allocation Committee. NEW YORK (AP) The Israeli govern¬ — Apollo smuggling operation in 1966 but that coming out over the next few months," In order for an organization to receive ment amassed a secret nuclear arsenal 10 Johnson ordered former CIA Director Kohn said. space, the members must have a University years ago by hijacking European uranium Richard Helms not to pursue an investiga¬ account, Lalk said. In addition, the group and smuggling several hundred tion. They said their report of Israeli hijack¬ pounds of ings of four European uranium shipments cannot be politically oriented, may not have enriched uranium from a nuclear plant in A Ford aide, James Connor, is quoted as was based on infromation from two Am¬ other office space and must serve a large Pennsylvania, according to an article in saying that Ford ordered an investigation erican officials, one formerly involved with portion of the student population. Rolling Stone Magazine. but former Atty. Gen. Edward Levi decided the National Security Council and the other Lalk said another reason for the maga¬ not to prosecute. In its Nov. 15 issue, the magazine said with the Defense Department. zine's office revocation was that Inter- The article was written by Associate Slat® News Ira Strickstein former Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and The hijackings all involved enriched li proclaimed 18-year-old evangelist, Jon Shultz, preaches the Word Fraternity Council (IFC) representative Editor Howard Kohn of Rolling Stone and uranium ore — already processed and Dan Courtney was told by People's Choice Gerald R. Ford were aware of smuggling at Barbara Newman, a Washington corres¬ lout ol Bessey Hall Monday afternoon as hundreds of passing stu- News Editor Ann Holmes that the publi¬ a nuclear plant in Apollo, Pa. capable of being used in an atomic bomb, pondent for National Public Radio. the writers said. feslop tn natch him speak. cation was politically oriented. Unidentified government investigators At a news conference Monday, and a former CIA official are they said They said the Carter administration has quoted as they were continuing their investigation. been briefed about the Israeli Courtney was unavailable for comment operationi in Monday. Europe and the United States and several Holmes said she did not tell Courtney congressional committees were planning fofessed evangelist that People's Choice was a political zation but that the staff covers political issues. organi¬ U.N. Security Council investigations. "It is an open secret that Israel has a nuclear arsenal," Kohn said. He said a CIA estimate that the Israelis have 15 bombs "is "I told him that we do things about South probably conservative." teaches to students Africa." Holmes said, "but I did not tell him we were politically oriented." According to People's Choice Editor-in- begins discussion of The article says pounds of uranium that between 200 and 400 were secretly lifted from the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp. Chief Charlene Gray, neither she nor plant in Apollo between the mid-1950s and Managing Editor Rodney James were 1966. By JIM SMITH S. Africa crackdown notified that the committee had recom¬ An Israeli commando unit hijacked a and ANNE STUART mended revoking their space. uranium-laden 25-ton truck in France in State News Staff Writers "It is strange that they didn't contact me 1968, according to the report, I mrtly-dressed young man paced up and down in front of Bessey Hall, and shortly or the managing editor. It shows there is no afterward hijacked a shipment of uranium r,"imarily to himself. The sue of the curious crowd around him rose and '<1 'It, genuine concern for black groups on in England. fluctuating with the beginning and ending of nearby classes. By CHARLES HANLEY campus." Gray said. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (API The same unit carried out two more — The U.N. Security Council on Monday began >scv Hall porch as his pulpit, a self-described evangelist spent Monday hijackings in 1968 and 1969 with the help of "They have been giving us a hard way to debating South Africa's sweeping new ban of black organizations and arrests of black hing 10 anyone who would stop and listen. leaders. Black African nations the French and West German governments, go for a long time. It is a slap in the face of were expected to call for tough punitive action. ■Shultz. an 18-year-old non-student from South Bend, Ind., told his audience he which were paid for the uranium, the article the black presence on campus. It is However, any move for international sanctions against the white-ruled nation could e» course entitled "Christianity 101." The required text would be the indicative of the deteriorating relations pose a serious dilemma for the Carter administration, which has been seeking South says. It says the hijackings were staged to lard "graduates" would receive a "B.A. (Born disguise the governments' cooperation. Againl degree." between ASMSU and blacks." African help to arrange majority rule in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia). piiighout the afternoon, Shultz described prevalent campus sins as smoking, The four day council debate was requested by the 49-nation African group to consider There was no immediate comment by lion, masturbation, Gray added that though People's Choice drug use and alcohol abuse. does not have last week's South African crackdown in which the government outlawed Washington officials on the article or on the m to be the a University account, it is virtually all writers' news conference comments. biggest hippie around. I had hair longer than anyone's." he said, important black organizations, shut down two black newspapers and arrested at least 50 thai he iinee owned Earlier this month, the Justice Depart¬ every Beatles album, but burned them because "they are black leaders. ■ork o- the devil." ment acknowledged that it has been Before the debate opened, American U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young went to t lilt"- namis "They have been giving us a Washington to consult with administration officials on the South Africa issue. investigating the Apollo matter for more were raised from a large noon-hour crowd in response to Shultz's than a year but has reached no conclusions. 'bout how many of those hard way to go for a long time. It A Western diplomatic source said the expected black African bid for sanctions, possibly present had been "born again." An earlier FBI probe proved inconclusive. one heckler offered Shultz a marijuana cigarette, he replied. "That stuff is is a slap in the face of the black including a mandatory arms embargo, was only an "opening bid." He added: "We haven't even begun to negotiate with the Africans on this." National Public Radio last week broad¬ spnf VOU 10 bell." presence on campus. It is The United States, Britain and France in 1975 vetoed a resolution calling for a cast a report covering portions of the same put Uierie LaFrance told the crowd Shultz's words were misguided and indicative of the deteriorating information in the Rolling Stone article. mandatory world ban on sales of arms to South Africa. The United States and Britain now A a different explanation of spiritual laws. "A woman should not usurp the relations between ASMSU and abide by a voluntary arms embargo. spokesperson for Ford, asked for man," Shultz comment on that report, said: "The presi¬ responded. "A woman should remain quiet in church." blacks." —People's Choice Edi¬ In reaction to the South African crackdown, the State Department last week recalled er of Work of Christ, a local ecumenical charismatic Christian community, dent was briefed as to a possible diversion its ambassador to Pretoria, William Bowdler, for consultations. The Netherlands and ■ m defense of Shultz's tor-in-Chief Charlene Gray of some uranium. He was made aware of it, West Germany have done likewise. but is wasn't so conclusive to be considered e if you believe it If the Western countries cannot negotiate a general condemnation of South Africa and or not," Jody Carpenter told the crowd, "but I have a hard type of evidence." instead must vote on an arms embargo or economic sanctions, the Carter administration Helms declined comment on the matter. pfullif"1" Jl'SUS ^brist' "e says 'le loves 'lis children and wants to give us a financed through the ASMSU Student will face a difficult choice. In August, Robert W. Fri, acting director ■"itsses said Media Appropriations Board ISMAB). The A veto could undo some of Young's success in improving U.S. relations with black (arpenter received the rapt attention of the crowd and a round of of the Energy Research and Development magazine has a SMAB account. Africa. But voting for sanctions would antagonize South African whiles and jeopardize the U.S. position as a mediator in the racial disputes in Southern Africa. Administration, told a House subcommittee *"S'lnR crowd hostility with Kimberley White, 119Holden Hall, Shultz said the According to Lalk, People's Choice was he was confident no radioactive material the The General Assembly debate on another issue, South Africa's defiance of U.N. only organization reapplying which was has ever been diverted from a U.S. nuclear Bne|-*aS °' crowds Jesus had." not recommended for office demands that it surrender control of Namibia ( South-West Africa), was drawing to a Kn\ictCnerSSai(l tbepr at'm're<'the yottff evangelist for his courage in presenting space. The committee also proposed expansion close Monday. facility. But he added this was not "a 100 Tlfhc",ns- Others said his good intentions suffered from an overly heavy for current IFC and Pan-Hellenic Council The 86-nation nonaligned group here issued a statement condemning last week's percent certainty." Fri and other officials said problems such office spaces. crackdown as "one more act of senseless oppression" in South Africa. But the group, arf dure for the sideshow," one audience member commented. as bookkeeping errors could account for the Under the proposal, IFC would occupy which includes most African nations, did not call for immediate sanctions against South If also"receives ™U donations °')ta'ne,ifrom for Shultz, who said God pays him for his preaching. He churches and two offices and the Pan-Hellenic Council Africa. inability to trace the Apollo uranium. The Israeli government has denied gifts from individuals to continue his would occupy half of a larger office. Instead, it proposed that sanctions be imposed if South Africa does not meet a knowledge of any diversion. According to the ASMSU Code of deadline, not yet set, for withdrawal from Namibia. Operations, major governing groups cannot OK'D BY TWO-TO-ONE MARGIN [anamanians fAMA('ITY(ABp{KEpRNANTURNER approve treaties Gen. Omar Torrijos and Carter in Washington on Sept. 7, will lVa'to treat i*e ■ _■ ™namanians have given overwhelming surrender the canal and the 500-square-mile canal zone to Panama control J"***1 United States that would give by the year 2000. The second document declares the waterway a f"d Monday "ma Csnal by the year 2000- officials neutral zone and allows U.S. intervention in the event of a threat to its security. (wunttdl'!hIrilD°!«.™"!na' re»ulta P iri'l 228 697 Ca"'"° said with 96 percent of the were 468,664 votes for the Castillo, the Panamanian official in charge of the election board, quoted Gen. Torrijos as saying he was "content with the turnout ltrat''«■" o"isj'pst J""1:tor a two-to-one margin. and the results." CastHIn u t 'the U'S' Senate ^8 to approve A spokesperson for the 300-member Independent Lawyers Italics :ati„„ imiai i.°told """ 1reporters. ctJurlers. Movement, which joined leftist students in opposing the treaties, P* More I""""1 by at least a two-thirds vote of the said his group was pleased with the number of negative votes. lif "peeled to seek Uke efft,Ct' and President Jimmy "We were expecting about 35 percent 'no' votes and that is what Kposition in th» c! . ate vote early next year. There is we got," said spokesperson Diogenese Arosemar.a. "I believe that's accords n, if' -and Clr,er administration officials a very good result because the government controlled everything P» said betwe on tr0uble tbere' from the newspapers to the poll watchers. i!i.,0!ers look nar. : O 9? Percent of Panama's 800,000 "I don't believe the election was fair, but the government has no ■ b"Hots were ®unday's plebiscite, but more than way of hiding or fighting the great amount of 'no' votes," he said. ■ y' both y'es and nobtallotesnVCl0peS eith8r ^ The lawyers group had predicted massive vote fraud. The election tribunal said there were no confirmed reports of voting <"U'tbe 'wo signed by Panamanian leader irregularities or violence. Eos- la-s "g -'.'..chigoe Tuesday, Oct0ber25 Committee OKs energy grants might as well make your mind conferees, the program was WASHINGTON (API - A only tiny energy savings. The report is expected up to it," he told Jackson. modified to provide that no ,The conferees au House Senate conference com to "Then we're going to be here state could receive more than fj°ng House and with provision. mittee voted Monday to es tablish federal fuel-conserva¬ provide the basis for one of a series of attacks on $40 billion forever," Jackson retorted. 10 percent or less than one-half sta'os to Senate bl" "I'm prepared to sit here of one percent of the money. have , tion grants for low-income fam in energy tax breaks voted by until the snow flies," Dingell Because of the number of energy-conservatioa 7 ilies. schools and hospitals as it the committee. Those tax continued trying to put to gether compromise energy leg¬ breaks come Senate today. before the full said. The conferees agreed to make direct federal grants of schools and hospitals in the country, the grant money will »Xr,ri^"p guidelines for these S. African state celebrates birthday islation. The committee had voted the up to $800 available to families earning up to one-fourth more be spread thinly, with confer¬ ence leaders estimating that j .the s'ates would The action came in a session money so that intercity bus days to propose them than the national poverty level. schools and hospitals may not that the 170,000-square-mile territory, but little marked by an angry exchange fares' could be reduced. It JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — between Sen. Henry concluded this would save This receive much more than about have an government Transkei, the South African-created has drifted down to the impoverished M. Jack provision was contained $220 each under the program. additional 60 j. son, D-Wash.. and Rep. John energy since buses are more in the House-passed bill, which approve or reject rural majority. thepP home of 3.3 million Xhosa tribes mem¬ efficient than cars and since the has the support of the Carter Created as a democratic republic Dingell, D Mich., and a warning bers, celebrates its first birthday this by chairperson Harley Stag¬ reduced fares could be expect¬ administration and includes Tronskei has become a one-party state week unrecognized by anyone except the gers. D W'.Va., that he would ed to result in some car most of the President's energy South African government on which it with major opposition leaders jailed foi not tolerate bickering among passengers using the bus for recommendations — proposals depends for its economic survival. The independent, multiracial state, off indefinite terms under stiff antisubver- sive laws, echoing those of South Africa. The ochre, white and green Tronskei members. The conferees have been their trips to another city. As the conferees met in a Veterans Day session while the rejected by the Senate. The conferees also voted for West German to a promising start, has begun showing plodding through the energy a $300 million-a-year, three- signs of strain. flag went up over Umtota, the copitol, legislation passed by both the rest of Congress was in recess, year program of energy conser¬ New industries and rapid economic growth have brought money to the lost Oct. 26, ushering in independence to the boom of a 101-gun salute. House and Senate in to write a an effort compromise national Staggers consider warned that he would having members vation grants to schools and enact measur energy bill. ousted from the panel if they But in four days of meetings, could not refrain from making Although the Senate bill few agreements have been reached and most of the big issues confronting the negotiat verbal attacks on each other. "We can disagree without being disagreeable," Staggers would have distributed these funds on the basis of a state's population, Senate conferees to halt hijacks ing panel remain to be resolved. asserted. But a short while voted 6-5 to go along with the In a related development, the later. Dingell accused Jackson, funding distribution proposed BONN, West Germany (AP) - West German border Congressional Budget Office leader of the Senate conferees, by the House bill. will enforce strict anti-hijack measures in West Germatv said Monday a $200 million tax of speaking while Dingell had Under this formula, the De¬ for West German planes abroad, the Ministry of Tra credit approved by the Senate the floor. partment of Energy would de¬ announced Monday. Finance Committee for inter¬ "You're not going to be cide who got the grants. How¬ The measures have been imposed because of the hijack' city bus lines would provide controlling my time, and you ever, at the request of Senate a Lufthansa plane that cost the life of the pilot and terrorists last week. 86 hostages were rescued in a German commando operation in Mogadishu, Somalia, Pilots call for action against terrorism AIRMAN'S POWER CONSOLIDATED The measures include requiring: •All passengers to arrive 45 minutes before take off. UNITED NATIONS, N Y. (AP) - The assembly add air piracy to its agenda for •Passengers to identify all baggage. General Assembly's steering committee consideration as a matter of "important •Limiting each passenger to a single piece of heeded a call by airline pilots for action to curb airborne terrorism and agreed unanimously Monday to hold an urgent and urgent character." The new item was presented by Ambassador Peter Jankowitsch of Aus¬ Chinese Congress held •A watch over all aircraft on the ground. •Armed security at airports. tria on behalf of the co-sponsors, which TOKYO I APi — The Chinese government, in a officials should be completely excluded," he said. •Supervision of airport personnel and special mean debate on "the safety of international included the United States but not Israel, move to consoldiate Chairman Hua Kuo-feng's Four radical leaders headed by Mao Tse-tung' freight. civil aviation." The measures are to be applied at all West German - which hod expressed the wish to be a co- power, announced Tuesday it would convene a widow, Chiang Ching, were arrested last The debate is likely to begin Wednes¬ and to West German planes at foreign airports. new National Peoples' Congress next spring, two October, a month after Mao's death, and accused day in the assembly's special political sponsor. of trying to overthrow Hua as Mao's successor. Hans Ruhnau, Transport Ministry state secretary, said A reliable diplomatic source said Israel years ahead of schedule. committee. Capt. Derry F. Pearce. The radicals opposed Hua's emphasis on China's news conference that 100 to 150 unarmed West German" barred" from joining the group for Peking Radio said standing committees of the president of the International Federation was current National Peoples' Congress, or national modernization. Guards, protected by armed local authorities, i of Airline Pilots Associations is expected fear that it might alienate Third World protecting passengers boarding Lufthansa planes legislature, adopted the decision unanimously The power struggle erupted in widespread to be a lead off speaker. sponsors. A Western European diplomat unrest, but Hua said in his speech Sunday that airports abroad. Monday after a two-day meeting in the Chinese The 25-member steering committee denied there was discrimination against "the domestic situation is very good and the Among the foreign airports which have agreed to capital. German guards to inspect passengers is the terminal at accepted a request by 42 nations that the Israel. Hua told standing committee members Sunday conditions are ripe for convening this congress." de Majorca, where four terrorist-., armed with grenades, that new national and local peoples' congresses Two months ago Hua convened a new congress and plastic explosives, boarded the Lufthansa Boeing 737 must be elected to eliminate the "poisonous of the Communist party to confirm him as Prime minister's assertion disputed influence" of his radical opponents and "usher in chairperson and elect new policy-making bodies. hijacked Oct. 13. Ruhnau spoke at a routine government n a high tide in socialist economic and cultural The new peoples' congress will make any which also was concerned with Stuttgart officials' fail construction." changes or confirmations Hua feels necessary in WASHINGTON AP' — The State of Foreign Affairs, the State Department keep guns and other forbidden items away f The current national congress, China's fourth, the government. Deportment on Monday disputed an said. was convened in January 1975 under a new If, for instance. Hua decides to shed his post as Germany's most notorious terrorists in the specially assertion by South African PnmeMinister In an interview Sunday on ABC's constitution that set a five-year term for premier and pass it to a lieutenant, the peoples' maximum-security Stammheim prison. John Vors'er that he never promised the Issues and Answers," Vorster was "All one can do is shake one's head," said Sepp Binder, congress deputies. congress would make the change. There is no Uni'edS'a'es 'ha' Scu'h Afriro would no' asked whether he thought Carter was firm Ministry spokesperson. To set the stage for the fifth congress, Hua sign Hua intends to do so, although the Despite daily searches and a new Jaw sup develop nuclear v.eapons meddling when he obtained a promise said, new people's congresses will be elected in party and state leadership roles were divided the inmates from each other, the outside world aim The department said Vorster in an from South Africa that it would not the provinces, municipalities and autonomous under Mao. The Peking radio announcement said the lawyers, the prisoners also had a transistor radio, a ■ Oct. 13 letter to President Jimmy Carter develop a nuclear weapons copobility. regions. These, in turn, will name deputies to the new national legislature. national congress would revise the constitution catheter, half a pound of explosive and an unidentified" gave formal assurances that South Africa "I am not aware of any promise that I Under the influence of radical leaders, Hua and take up "the election and appointment of putty-like substance," Binder said. neither has nuclear explosives nor gave to President Carter." Vorster And they converted an unused radio-antenna in the intends to develop them for any purpose, replied. "I repeated a statement which I said, "some bad people wormed their way" onto leading working personnel of the state," an inter-cell telegraph system. have made very often that, as far as local congresses. New local representatives, he Japanese reports from Peking said there was Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe. peaceful or otherwise. said, "must be good so that the masses rejoice Similar assurances had been given two South Africa is concerned, we are only speculation that Defense Minister and party Vice freedom the Lufthansa hijackers had sought, w and support them and feel encouraged when the Chairman Yeh Chien-ying would be named months ago to the U.S. ambassador in interested in peaceful development of in the cells hours after commandos rescued all hostages lists of members are announced. chairperson of the congress' standing committee, Pretoria by the South African Department nuclear facilities." jetliner and killed three of the four hijackers. "Smash and grabbers and persons who indulge a post vacant since last year, and that a new in creating disturbances in the hope of becoming defense minister would be chosen. Carter observes Veteran's Day WASHINGTON (AP) - President Jim¬ theater at Arlington National Cemetery my Carter, observing Veterans Day, after placing a wreath at the Tomb of the called on the notion Monday to join him in Unknown Soldier. a "demonstrable will to preserve free¬ dom in order to prevent war. A crowd of 3 000 stood in mute This, he said, would reverence while the ceremony unfolded, serve as "grati¬ tude for those in the past who have given as it has each year for six decades, with a their lives and those who were willing to 21-gun salute, a muffled drum roll, a give their lives for the preservation of the bugler playing Taps" and a minute of greatest nation on earth." silence as honor squads from each Carter spoke at the Memorial Amphi¬ service stood at attention. & Court overturns whale ban ruling WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Court permitted Eskimos to kill bowheads. There is hope, say of Appeals overturned on Monday a But the Appeals Court said a U.S. experts, but we must lower-court ruling that would have objection would have the effect of start now... forced the United States to object prejudicing the on-going effort of the formally to a one-year ban on whole United States government to establish RIO: Reshaping the Inter¬ hunting by Eskimos. and administer effective international national Order A Report to the Club The ruling, handed down hours before machinery for the protection of marine of Rome the International mammals." Whaling Commission JonTinbergen, Coordinator ban went into effect Monday In overturning the lower court ruling evening, was a defeat for the Eskimos, who ordering the State Department to file on argued the loss of bowhead whale objection, the Appeals Court said U.S. Overpopulation, pollution, eco¬ hunting would destroy their culture and District Judge John J. Sirica erroneously nomic collapse, and political deprive them of a traditional source of "assumed there would be no injury to the violence threaten to destroy our protein. United States . . . because such an world. But, says Nobel Prize A U.S. objection to the ban would have winner Tinbergen and other objection could be withdrawn. contributors to RIO, there are solutions that can save us. Find Sharp super-thin pocket calculator out how, in RESHAPING THE INTERNATIONAL ORDER. with auto sensing control panel. . . A Signet ~ Book no key tops, no moving parts. An $2.50 ©' . instantaneous tone provides an audible Other important books on the global < verification with every key operation. Tone key enables you to select "tone mode" or silent operation. One touch Detroit students sent home DETROIT percent and square root keys, 4-key (AP) — Thousands of young¬ Under state law, students must be sters home from school were sent vaccinated for measles, polio, diptheria, memory, overflow error check device. Monday because they could not prove whooping cough and tetanus. If parents they had been vaccinated against five Leatherette case and note pad included. object, for strong personal or religious childhood diseases. school officials may reasons, waive the 2-1 1/16"*13/64"*47/b". $35 MANKIND AT THE THE LIMITS TO "I think sometimes they have to go requirement. TURNING POINT: GROWTH: through the shock of actually being The Second Report to the A Report for'he Club of excluded before they realize we have to As of two weeks Club of Rome, Rome's Project on tie ago, 12.000 of the Miholjo Mesarovtc and Predicament of Mankind, Jaeobsori'H have them immunized." soid lavinia public schools 165.000 students had Eduard Pestel DoneRoH. Meadows, Wingo, principal of Jamieson Elementary failed to show proof they hod been A Signet Book Ononis I. Meadows, School in Northwest Detroit. She said she vaccinated school officials said. Their $1.75 Jocgen Randers, and William W.Behcens III had sent nine pupils home. parents were sent warning letters. A Signet Book $1.95 e Mpws. East Lonsing, Michigon Tuesday, October 25, 1977 3 lecline in SAT scores jesult of school system •A clearly observable evi¬ •The "turbulent" ■.PATRICIA UCROIX atmosphere aspects and this is what the test feelings, while limiting the im¬ IXsSUfl Writer dence of diminished seriousness of attention to mastery of skills of the decade. •Young people's decreasing measures," Ebel said, "so it is portance placed on actual learn¬ fjiSU professor li has re- reasons for the and knowledge. motivation for learning. natural that scores would be ing. the •Television, which the panel declining." Ebel said the home atmos¬ Ebel, however, said the | entrance examination f provided by a national said detracts much time from schools were more responsible Ebel said there "has been a phere is an important contribu¬ tor to the education of homework and competes with for the decline than the panel children, loving th«' its members long debate" since the 1920s but that this atmosphere "can't Ignited the more piaus- schooling generally. •The role of the family in the indicated. "There has been shift in about the purpose of the school. do it alone." ftnses f»r the drop' a , "Humanists", he said, stress educational has rrtL Ebel, MSU profes- process changed significantly. emphasis in the schools away that teachers should be primar¬ "Society can work with the T educational psychology from the cognitive learning ily concerned with the students' educational system (to make effective changes) much more l,he declining scores on directly than the home," Ebel ■adequacies of the educa- said. ■ s,stem. The panel cited l, unrest »s the reason Ronald J. Jursa, Director of K Advisory Panel on the Financial Assistance Services, Tstic Aptitude Test j ,as commissioned in I, examine the reason for Stevens fights unions agreed that system was the educational partly to blame for the declining scores, but added leadv declines in the test that societal turbulence played I since 1963. The panel A 26-year-old lawyer and college finance instructor, Robert McOmber, from a bigger role. J.P. Stevens & Co. is the nation's second advise the presi- Bowling Green, Ohio, wins the first marathon he ever entered in Detroit Sun- • as to upheld eight times by various U.S. Circuit Courts of ihe Educational Test- largest textile manufacturer. It employs 44,000 and three times by the U.S. Supreme Court- "Sure, the 'new math,' the and the College workers in 85 plants, which are mostly located in different approaches to reading ooe 385 ffe were starters in the 15th annual marathon covering 26 miles and yards, about five times around the perimeter of Belle Isle where the North and South Carolina. Stevens has fired or discriminated against race was nee Examination Board. and automatic promotions from held. In 1963 labor organizers seeking to unionize hundreds of workers for union activity. The labor grade to grade contributed (to ■ drop in score averages the southern textile industry picked Stevens as relations board and the courts have also found ■973 has been 49 points on declining scores), but schools ■erbal portions and 52 their target. Organizers thought Stevens might the company guilty of threatening to close the don't " he ■ be less hostile to unionism than other southern u the mathematical plant, using out-ofplant surveillance, denying said. SAT. Approxi- employers. However, they overtime to union supporters, and altering of the were far from right. Stevens has repeatedly been found guilty of working conditions. Jursa also said the "pendu¬ FOR DISPLACED HOMEMAKERS ■, one million college- lum of violating the National Labor Relations Act of permissiveness" in stu¬ | students of each high Company spokespersons allege that the 1935 which protects the rights of unions and Union's reasons for unionization are unrelated to dents' selecting unrelated elec 1 junior and senior class tive courses is beginning to [he test annually. Jsons for the decline cited union members, prevents unfair labor and stops companies from workers' rights to organize. practices either the needs or the desires of Stevens' interfering with employees. They have said the union has swing the other way, and parents and taxpayers a NOW to sponsor rally ■ panel include: continued to serve its own interests and not the ■ significant dispersal of During the past 12 years the National Labor interests of the people who work for Steven. emphasis in the Relations Board has found Stevens guilty of Unionization would not be in the best interests A rally in support of legisla¬ The proposed legislation separation or other reasons. reflected primarily by violations in 13 separate cases, which were of their £ employers or shareowners, they added. "Schools are getting more tion to help displaced home- would aid women who have lost There are 3.3 milion dis¬ klding of many elective demanding and tightening up makers will be held on the steps their financial support as a placed homemakers in the on requirements," he said. of the Capitol at noon today. result of a death, divorce, United States, according to Judy Skog, spokesperson for the Lansing chapter of the BOYCOTT HAS LITTLE EFFECT AS CONFLICTS CONTINUE National Women (NOW). Organization for Daisy Elliott, D-Detroit, sponsor of the Displaced Home- l/ofhingf battles nationwide boycott makers Bill in the Michigan company House of Representatives, will speak at the rally. Other speakers will be William B. Fitzgerald, D- ■delinda karle Contender, Gulistan, Merry- with firings of pro-union em¬ The courts have ruled twice of work. She claimed it was way to do away with such other 25,000." Detroit, sponsor of a similar bill News Staff Writer weather and many more. ployees, wiretapping of union that Stevens has violated the because of union activities. Davies said that Stevens in the Senate, and Virginia corporation abuse is to 1 you have on may be organizers' phones, and re¬ law against emloyment dis¬ "The day after we told our Dean of the Detroit NOW Various organizations strengthen the Federal Labor does not try and violate the J1 nationwide boycott. throughout the country have fusals to bargain in plants that crimination. The company has supervisor about unionizing, Relations Act. "This country law, which to him is a very Displaced Homemaker's Pro¬ ^Amalgamated Clothing passed proposals to boycott were unionized," it continues. also been under investigation our pay rate dropped," she said. needs clear penalties for failure subjective thing. "As it is ject. [Rile Workers Union In an Oct. 6 hearing before for over a year by the Equal The gathering at the Capitol Stevens' products. These in¬ Frank Garrison, representa¬ to acknowlege unions wanted presented by the union the »4mmidl976 a nation- the Committee on House Employment Opportunities will give a public show of clude Socialist Democrats and tive of the UAW of Lansing, by a majority of workers," he issue is all black and white," he bojtott against J.P. Socialist International, the Policy, Bullard charged Ste¬ Commision for unlawful acts said if Stevens got away with said. said. "Life is not that way. You support for the proposed & Co. due to the Jewish Labor Committee, vens with "outrageous and regarding minorities. such abuses it would set a must try and work out of the legislation, said Skog. Steve Davies, Michigan Ay's rtlisal to allow col- Michigan Students' Labor Com¬ abusive conduct." situation. It doesn't happen Displaced homemakers are Watkins was fired in 1976 pattern for other companies. representative for J.P. Stevens discriminated against both on mittee and Michigan Young Marva L. Watkins, a former & Co., said that the majority of easy or fast." after three and one half years Bullard said that the the basis of age and sex, she Democrats. The boycott is also employee of Stevens from only Stevens workers did not want a Davies said that Michigan said. endorsed by the United Farm Montgomery, Ala., also testi¬ union. "At the last election in "They usually too young fts it is presented Workers of America, AFL-CIO. fied at the hearing. She said she 1975 unionization was turned has been one of the states in which the union has been very to receive are Social Security and m the issue A recent proposal by Rep. usually worked six to seven down." he said. "They have not active in organizing the boy¬ not eligible for unemployment ■ nil black and hours a day, sometimes 16 |fe,l(if said. "Life Perry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor, may make the Michigan House hours a day. She had no lunch Correction chosen for another election in over two and one-half years." cott. However, he sees no adverse affects on the company compensation," she said. The bills in the House and Senate of Representatives another hour, she claimed; only two ' way. You so far. would set up multi-service cen¬ 15-minute breaks. The State News received and reported incorrect information Davies said there work¬ Bf try to work out supporter of the boycott. were ters in job training, counseling The proposal claims in Monday's story on this year's homecoming activities. ers unhappy with the company, that "Lead and dust were "Our sales are ahead of last and placement, health care ■Ae situation. It Stevens exploited its em¬ every¬ The homecoming king and queen will be crowned at but maintains that most of where," she remembered. "You year's," he said. assistance, and legal and finan¬ ifw'f happen easy ployees while reaping profits of Thursday's bonfire by MSU president Clifton R. Wharton Jr. Steven's employers were cial help for had to drink water all day, but and his wife Dolores, not by Mr. and Mrs. Phil Frank as In addition, the nationwide displaced home- Tasf." S41 milion last year. "satisfied." makers. you had to blow the dust from reported. boycott seems to be having The rally "For several decades, the the water fountain before you The Franks will crown the king and queen on Saturday "The public only hears about little effect. Stevens set records is sponsored by did. the people that aren't happy," NOW, the Alliance for Dis¬ Textile Workers Union of Am¬ during the half-time activities at the MSU-Illinois football for both sales and profits in IS produces products She also said there was he said. "No one hears of the 1976. placed Homemakers and the erica has struggled unsuccess¬ game. Women's Justice Center. | such brand names as fully to organize the J.P. conflict between the black and The Thursday night bonfire will start at 9 p.m., not at 8 p.m. 'nd. Fine Arts, Pea- Stevens Si Co. southern white workers. "We worked in as reported in Monday's article. Also, the pep rally on Saturday ■Tastemaker, Utica, Utica plants," the proposal states. the same place and hardly will begin at 12:30 p.m., not 11:30 a.m. P»k, Yves St. Laurent, "The union's efforts were met spoke to each other," she said. Halloween Treat 20% o« All green Potted Plants SALE: Tues.-Sat. Norm Kesel Florist 109 E. GRAND RIVER 337-1331 SOUPER LUNCHEONS Price Includes Soup, $1.99 Sandwich & Beverage! TAKE A LOOK... MONDAY TUESDAY THE RUEBAN & BEEF BARLEY PATTYMELT & MINESTRONE Appearance isn't eveything! But, it is the first thing people notice about you. A heavily made-up look is out but at Terry's, natural is in...that's because skin is our WEDNESDAY THURSDAY only business. MIGHTY BURGER & BEEF NOODLE HAM n' CHEESE & BUN SOUP FRIDAY featuring LANCOME cosmetics FISH FILLET SANDWICH & CUM CHOWDER Of VE6ETABLE SOUP pkin('ai£v_ I • Make-up. • Facial $15 & $21.50 S5 Beverage included is MORE GOOD REASON FROM CjEp) International House of Pancakes ... ^akc-up. •Manicure •Nailwrap $lt.50 $15 choice of: smoll pop, hotcocoo.teoor coffee Myay thru Saturday I ('Pen 351-0929 Frandor • Eyebrow arch $5 OPIN 24 Hours evenings back of Kroger • Skin Cleaning. $15 GOODM-F llom-3pm our correct number 35107726 2000 E. Grand River o o ®|p)Dlfi)D®!fi) NOT ALL TUB BLACK! UOlBS AK6 >4 OUftg SBfcCff Carter's presidency: A tragedy revisited too early to judge A front page photograph in yesterday's State News showed country in the vation of supp0sed „ peace and police in riot gear holding rifles Perhaps liberiv "! Jimmy Carter is now waging an intensive campaign to salvage the while tossing tear gas at pro¬ ground where f0Ur a memorial 0 J public's perception of his presidency — a perception that accorded testers on the Kent State Univer¬ peace fell would be p' 0 ■ Carter high marks last spring, but has now hardened against him. sity campus. reminder for all of an us ap2 11 That campaign is doomed to failure, however, unless the president — A flash of deja vu. We have been As one by luck or perseverance, or both — manages to shepherd at least a reasonable portion of his legislative program through an increasingly fifisii! here before. Is it May 4, 1970 all over again? the graves of protester said Sa J Kent State has no right !■ quarrelsome Congress. The scene looked the same: died those student!! Congress' legislative hopper is now crammed with Adminstration walls of men in full military dress, peacefully defending initiatives: the Panama Canal treaty, energy, welfare reform, rifles in hand, young people r\|generally morally regarded governmental reorganization, and on and on. Few presidents have scattering, dust rising. Indeed, The correct position ' the construction of a * attempted to accomplish so much in such a limited space of time. If, in scene was the same, the very um on that ground is off. several months, the president has won most of these battles, he will look spot where four Kent State stu¬ enough. But we sec like a political genius. If, on the other hand, most or all of his dents were killed by Ohio National no J proposals whatever for are rejected or substantially modified, he will look even worse than he Guardsmen during an anti-war the ashes and dust policemen Jl of the d J does now. protest some seven years ago. trampling The president is now being assailed with the same criticism that was This time the protesters were — on - again the land which is bearijl leveled against only injured, mostly from the in¬ ri-1* former President Ford — ineptitude. The popular theirs. . perception of Ford was of a good and decent man who did not quite halation of tear gas (there were no ; measure up intellectually to the demands of high office. The growing bullets) and the issue was not war, perception of Carter, however, is somewhat more complex. but the construction of a gym¬ That Carter is a bright man and a quick study cannot be denied. It is his legislative acumen and administrative capabilities that are being nasium. The protesters, mostly mem¬ Slices.., | called into question. Carter tends to make proposals to Congress and bers of the May 4th Coalition and "Slices," — a feature then walk away from them. He does not stroke Vietnam Veterans Against the in congressional egos. He by the State News to pro,,, does not lobby hard for his proposals. He does not arm-twist. He does War, came from all across the intelligent public dialog o» not make political deals. He does not even take his case to the nation to speak out against Kent issues public, - has thus far | save for the campaigning he has done in State's intention to build a gym¬ Detroit, Des Moines and other somewhat less than success! places over the last few days. nasium on the very site where the The first topic, nuclear The ti To a certain extent that is good. A president should not devote all his time to horsetrading in the legislative gutter with State News 1970 murders took place. elicited three responses Congressmen wholly Though the police conducted second topic, President C devoted to their own narrow interests. By the same token, a certain themselves reasonably well, there Tuesday, October 25, 1977 energy program, was scheL amount of wheeling and dealing is necessary. To take one example, it is were unnecessary injuries unduly be debated on page five said that had Carter more forcefully lobbied five "on the fence" Senators Editorials a> ! the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns inflicted upon civil demonstrators oft] in a face-to-face meeting several weeks and letters < e persona/ opinions. paper. Unfortunately, no J ago, they would have voted Editorial Department participating in a peaceful, dig¬ were forthcoming. against deregulation of natural gas. As it turned out, those Senators Editor mchiet nified protest. So let us reiterate: the Michael Tonimuro Photo Ediloi Richard Politowski Oil ignored his wishes and deregulation passed by a narrow margin. Managing Editor Kat Brown Entertoi \tand Book Edit .. Kathy Esselman The students killed on May 4, next week's "Slices" forum! The Administration's first nine months have been a time of Dove Misialowski 1970 have become, for The president has sampled the political waters and has been scalded. testing. °p""0"Cd"" Debbie Wolfe Sport s Editc TomShonahan Rebecca A Perry many, merits, pro or con, of Pre! a'yEdito?""* Joe Scales Layout Editc martyrs of an era. Carter's energy program, wl Opinion polls have registered a sharp decline in his personal popularity, campus Editor Copy Chief RenoldoMigaldi Anne Stuarf Freelance Editor . Michael Winter Unfortunately, for many years members of the University! Many of his problems are deserved or self-inflicted, some not. Despite w"efd"or Jocelyn Laskowski Staff Representative Nunzio M. the mainstream of American cul¬ all this, talk of Carter's political demise is frivolous and . Lupo munity to avail themselves I premature. A Advertising Department ture did not comprehend the year from now his performance will be open to more concrete Sharon Seiler opportunity to debate this tol appraisal, Assistant Advertising Manager horrible injustices that were being page five of the State News] committed in the name of this Tuesday. pay seven million dollars for research and all this? If I catch the fish then I can decide I would like to propose a solution which control of the problem — an unprecedented if I want to eat them or not. the first minutes actually! when I Actually the would greatly reduce these acts of terror¬ sophomores, and freshmen hvta move by industry. DEC wants to ban all fish but the economics ism. Simply refuse to give these terrorists Through sampling fish for PCB involved prevent them. All people associat¬ begun to buy tickets (Miff* lit J con¬ what they demand. tamination. another toxic chemical was ed financially with the lake are department will install a closeWJ pressuring In the case of the Lufthansa hijacking the in the parking lot for them? I Mil discovered — Mirex. According to a local the state government to let is slide and the authorities involved should have told the much effort). Sea Grant Administrator, "The PCB/Mirex government in turn is pressuring the DEC. j hijackers that for every hostage they killed, I wonder if Dr. Kearney aid ca him very specific ill-will, namely, the problem in Lake Ontario and its tributaries Some scientific experiments indicate the The Lorca story relatives of an adolescent who had been led is much more serious than the DDT water in the lake isn't fit to drink while two of their comrades in prison would be have any idea of the number tfl killed. My proposal has several advantages: Spartan fans that will be hurt m into vice by the poet. During the general problem was for Lake Michigan in the many large municipalities depend heavily civil disorder these enemies 1960s. PCB is more toxic and 1) it would greatly reduce acts of terrorism, apparent change in policy. They« Your October 7 report about the Nobel were able to persistent on that water. Everything else than DDT and Mirex is circulating 2) it would eliminate the terrorists who are have decided that they no longer* award to the Spanish poet Vicente lay hands upon him, and because of his vile many times more now in jail, and 3) it would make the student fans, but for wealthy ■ Aleixandre contained the assertion that reputation, few toxic and persistent than PCB." prisons were willing to come to his Keith Pratt less crowded. The people of the world don't donors. (Wondering who was in my III another Spanish writer of the same genera¬ aid. Consequently, New York's Department Sterling. New York Such assistance as Garcia Lorca did of Environmental Conservation (DECI has have to put up with terrorism. Affirmative spot, I found that large sections ill tion, Federico Garcia Lorca of Granada, was issued a health warning and special limited action must be taken. students seats are now designed fir f "shot to death by Franco's troops..This receive came in fact from prominent Neil B. Curit of $250 or more.) I am amazed tk canard has so often appeared in print that rightists. The five brothers Rosales, the catch list along with this year's fishing Solution to terrorism 199 Abbot Hall basketball program can so easily di any objection to it at this late date is surely most influential Falangists of Granada, guide. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, the longtime support of many loytll an exercies in were themselves much talented in litera¬ infants and young children should not After reading last Friday's article in the * futility. Nevertheless, I feel have had season tickets for the pa1* compelled to try to right the record. ture and the arts, and were among the few ingest any Lake Ontario fish nor should State News on the Lufthansa hijacking, I (rather unsuccessful) years, and At the time of Garcia Lorca's murder the city of Granada was in a state of civil Granadines to recognize Federico's gifts. When it was learned that vengeance- poetic anyone eat any Ontario fish more than once a week. Banned or restricted fish: catfish have become acutely aware of the nu merous terrorist acts which have been Shabby treatment from the many familiar faces in theM would imagine there are many mm disorder. Only a few weeks earlier the seekers were on the track of the cannot be kept, but to avoid trouble with taking place over the last few months. poet the After standing and sleeping in line at just as loyal as I. It's pretty sad toM Nationalists had won over the province Rosales gave him refuge in their home, but the resort towns, fishing guides and Something has to be done about these acts Jenison from 5:00 a.m. on Oct. 3 for senior putting an end to a communist reign of his enemies searched him out there and commercial fishermen, brown bullhead of terrorism and hijacking. If you give the our support has gone completely w season basketball tickets, I was disap¬ ciated. terror in which no man's life was secure. murdered him on a lonely road. There is no have been excluded from the ban. American hijackers what they demand, such as the pointed to find our only choice of seats was Mary The The reds had made it their business to kill credible evidence that the poet was killed eel and lake trout cannot be release of prisoners, they will continue to kept. Coho in the end zone. It's hard to believe that 1412 E. Grand Hiii all persons, especially those of merit, who for political motives, and absolutely no salmon and rainbow and brown trout under make demands and commit acts of violence. these tickets were sold on the first day (in East LI could not be trusted as reason for believing that "Franco troops" a certain size cannot be accomplices in their kept, but over a design for a Marxist Spain. During that were in the slightest degree involved. certain size they may be kept if you have a time it had been easy for Richard M. Roppel, Ph.D. trophy permit. Only Chinook over 35 inches people of low morals work to out old grudges by Biomechanics Department may be kept and then only with a trophy DOONESBURY by Garry Tru denouncing their enemies to the ever- permit. Smallmouth bass can only be kept hungry Red firing squads. When the by permit as well. APEIOUSTU. UH-HUH.UD Nationalists took over, survivors of the I have mmt- The list has been revised twice and I 60IN6 0VEPW YOVCHANGE _ denounced sought vengeance on the de¬ Toxic fish UVS IN THE DORM VOUPMW D0ul Silt' is McDcath ii dying to dot* you I riMf NITf America needs a band that worked its wav to the lop of England's roek seene >4 11*11 ll«IS4> <1 through sheer hard work, guts and roek \ roll. I iiiH' < 4 4 4l I inir. |) Act now! America needs The Motors, 4> I mils V applications available all over campus hour moving parts that u ill drive "•»" I 41 il limes vou into fits of roek and roll eestasv. 14 iiilc r dctnlfd information send S3 TODAY University Mall 220 MA C. A ve. 1312 Mich. Ave. FRII D8LIV8RY 337-1377 lANSlLFBODKSTOll 220 MAC Ave., East Lansing HELPING PEOPLE .INI students PO BO< 414a INOUSTRIi. STA'IQN (313) 366-8822 ST PAUL ViNN 55414 You ran win a complete music system when you attend: "SPEAKERS FT SPACES" presented by BOSE CORP. ami HI FI BUYS TODAY Spend Winter Break at at our west lansing store CANCUN A representative from the Bose Corp. will present one of the most exciting audio visual presentations to ever be seen in this area. This show deals in depth with the theory and advantages of the reflected I sound, speaker design, that has made Bose one of the leaders of 'he I on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula audio industry. And don't forget to register to win a complete music JVC JRS 10® overlooking the blue Carribean system MKII while stereo you are at receiver, a the show. You eould win JVC JLA 20 turntable and best a of all. a I'3"" Dec. 17-24 of Bose 301 loudspeakers. FROM JUST $349 PER PERSON double occupancy DRAWING TO BE HELD OCT. 28 IN ANN ARBOR. Includes non-stop jet transportation scheduled YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN. from Lansing and seven nights accommodation in a hotel on the beach SHOWS AT PREVIEW MEETING: 1PM, 3PM, 5PM. 7PM 7:30 p.m. Wed., Oct. 26 PLEASE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 321-2373 Community Room MSU Employees Credit Union HI-FI BUYS 4810 W. SAGINAW For credit union members, their families and friends IAN. PH. 321-2373 This ad is being paid for by Emhage Tours, Inc. M-F 11-1 S9-5 n cln)B News, Eost loosing, Michigon Tuesdoy, October 25, 1977 7 WINNINGS OF *315 IN THE STATE NEWS FOOTBALL CONTEST The Stote News Football Contest will run for 7 weeks October 4 thru November 15. Prize • '20, Second Prize - Winnings are: First '15, and Third Prize - respectively. rules of the game: To ontor, just place an "X" in tha ban bosidt tha team you think will win this weekend. The Football Contoit Is open to anyona except State News employees but limited to just ONE entry per person, par week. All weekly entries must be delivered to tha Stoto News Adver¬ tising Deportment office, Room 344 Student Services >r postmarked no later Building than 5 p.m. on the Thursday mo games. procoodlng The Contest will continue through the weekend of November AP Decision of the judges will be final ond all entries become the Wirephoto aili women carry swordB during a parade recent- Somalia's socialist revolution. The parade included property of the Stote News. Winners will be announced ' weeks from today in the State News. io Mogadishu marking the eighth anniversary of civilian and military marchers. DEPARTMENTS TO ACCOUNT FOR USAGE THIS PAGE IS YOUR OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Isu area space inventory taken TIEBREAKER! [the first time in almost ■s, the Office of Space utilization, said the reports will provide a massive updating of report will not alleviate any presently overcrowded class they are using and then cer tifying the account to the 2nd Week's Winners! _j is conducting an MSU's space inventory. In case of a tie, the single professional game rooms, but said the report will central administration, Peters r; of available space at be particularly valuable in will determine the winner. All participants 1st Prize Tom Sharpe "We've contacted all of the hopes to provide more accurate should guess the total number of determining the cost of re¬ points for figures for cost accounting. that game. 11131 Univ. Village Ler, the inventory will jj not affect classroom departments on campus asking that their department chair¬ search at MSU. "If we wanted to know how BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME ADDRESS $10 person or his designated repre¬ "It is particularly important |nent and overcrowding sentative fill out a package of much money we had we would AND PHONE is according to Space that space used for research count it. This is an exercise in 2nd Prize Linda Paulson forms. The reports will give us be accurately identified in oo personnel. an accurate record of what we accounting for not dollars and Name order to estimate the univer 240 Wilson (rtments will make their ;s to the office on have and need now," he said. "The inventory was done in sity's overhead cost in main¬ cents, but square feet," Peters said. Address $15 taining the space for it," he |nch area they are cur¬ the past by personal inspection. Phone 3rd Prize It's never been done this way Peter Allegrina before." By letting department ,1 per¬ Pittsburg vs. C Baltimore 624 Spartan Ave. 's, director of space Peters admitted that the sonnel account for the space State News i ) TOTAL POINTS $10 Newsline Laughter makes people healthy Bell's pizza 353-3382 after the game, ■YORK 'API - Doctors A hearty laugh benefits the School of Medicine said they no one can Jmising evidence that lungs and clears the respiratory found people who enjoy humor an laugh himself to system, the researchers said, columns and comic and also provides a healthy strips gen¬ erally had sound mental health. CHECK OUR \ past that up! | November issue of emotional outlet, discharges Researchers also found that REPAIR PRICES it cites several superfluous energy, combats those who avoid humor and BELL'S j which laughter pro- boredom and alleviates social laughing may have a fear of Pizza A Grinders eneficial physical and pressures. appearing to lose control of any Researchers from the Yale situation. 1133 Grand River 332-0858 223 MAC 232-3027 /-prints AND yes we can! 4 locations to serve you REPAIRS ] Colorado vs. □ Missouri □ MSU vs. □ Illinois Import Auto complete repai SALOON 0 & vice. Repair & parts for foreign and American cars. YOUR CONNECTION Brakes & Aligning services. *500 1st PRIZE Exchange engines & transax FOR MODEL & FREE Wrecker service with HOBBY SUPPLIES re HALLOWEEN NIGHT pairs—locol areas (when tioning this ad). men¬ City but service to our front Staffed By BUNNY CONTEST door. We buy and sell Imports. Friendly, Expert Modelers Who Wont To Help You Enjoy Your Hobby. 2nd and 3rd Prizes awarded IMPORT EAST MAIN SHOP Winner judged on the costume that looks most like a ph. 485-0409 ph. 485-9229 HOURS: 2720 East 500 East RIDEBS PLAYBOY* BUNNY Mon-Fri 9:30-9 Kalamazoo Kalamazoo at RA's: ^reregister through the SILVER DOLLAR SALOON Oct. 30th between 12-2 p.m., after 9 pm at Cedar Sot 10-6 Closed Sun SPONSORED BY Sidartha ph-332-6364 2227 W. Grand River fnterprizes, L.T.D. WP * No Affiliation with Playboy Inc. 349-5184 □ Ohio Stale vs. □ Wisconsin □ Boston College vs. □ Air force iome Football Saturdays 9—5 PICA UP A We've got a little bit of just 12-PACK about everything.... ON YOUR WAY BACK TO SCHOOL We're right off I Open Daily 7:M - 5:30 1-96 on jolly Rd. \ 1 block oast of | Hagadorn. 2950 E. Jolly Rd. 337-7572 □ Oregon Stale vs. IJ Stanford □ Harvard vs. □ Brown CAMPUS PIZZA presents the weekly winners with FREE PIZZA (with 2 items) 1st place wins Large "IN SAM'S WE TRUST." "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN" AT 2nd place wins 3rd place wins PICK UP ONLY. GOOD THRU CONTEST END Medium Small DISCOUNT CALCULATORS SAM'S STORE 220 MAC. 351-6470 SESr 1312 MICH. AVE. 337 1377 Corner of Abbott & Grand River Iniv. Mall □ U.T. Arlington vs. □ LA. Tech. 337-SAMS i I Texas vs. I i Texas Tech. 8 Michigan State News, East Lonsing, Michigan J^Octob,, dirictors or FAMILIES ACQUIRE DIFFERENT LOOK producers I interested in student or children's «, Marriage statistics released WASHINGTON (API-Mar At the same time, Glick and and four out of five divorced the prolonged Vietnam war, least $2,000 more than his wife and one-tenth of children born THE COMPAN] 355-7673 "followed by an often difficult in 1975. However, in one-third to remarried women were born riage and child-bearing are here Norton wrote that about two persons remarry. of these two earner couples, the between marriages. to stay, but the new American out of three of the first mar But a growing number of readjustment to a peacetime style of living together is giving families a different look, says a riages taking place today are expected to last "until death do divorced persons are not re¬ marrying, they added, and the economy living." and postwar family wife made about as much as her husband. Less than a fifth of •Persons living alone ac¬ counted for 21 percent of the PUBLICITY ANTI new government report. them part," and young proportion may soon fall to Also, other social changes, working wives made more. nation's 73 million households as of 1976. SPECIAL PRojec Dr. Paul C. Glick and Arthur report they expect to have an three out of four, such as the women's move¬ •One third of all first births J. Norton, who specialize in average of two children. Glick and Norton said close to ment, more liberal attitudes in the first half of the 1970s DIRECTORS NEE marriage and family statistics The report, called "Marrying, percent of all marriages of about behavior by many reli¬ were premaritally conceived, at the U.S. Census Bureau, said Divorcing and Living Together young adults are likely to end in gious groups and an increasing ASMSU Programing Board is aCCe„J in report released last week in the United States Today," divorce. Here is how tolerance of divorce may have a they that new living patterns reflect significant changes was published by the Popula¬ tion Reference Bureau, Inc. figure it: "If who 25 contributed to the rising rate, they reported. app ications for these positions Student Services until 5 ill American attitudes about Glick and Norton wrote that women were ages Other highlights of the re¬ Dm teJ to 29 in 1975 add to the divorces they already had as many more port include: Oct. 28. P hndd divorces as older women added •In two out of three married "Back in 1960 most such unmarried, unrelated in the previous five years, the couples in which both spouses couples were older women 'with a young man as following events will take place work, the husband made at a tenant,' "Nowadays, the majority are 'young during their lifetime. man sharing living quarters with a young •Of each 100 first marriages, 38 will end in divorce. woman,' " the researchers said. •Of the 38 divorcees, three- fourths, or 29. will remarry. in recent years the •Of the 29 who remarry, 44 forming with traditional behav- United States has one of the highest percent, or 13, will become redivorced. They said both marriage and marriage rates and the highest rates are increasing divorce rate in the industria¬ •Therefore, the original 100 and so is the number of unmar¬ lized world. who entered first mar¬ ried people living together. America's divorce rate has riage will have 51 divorces after their 129 marriages." As of March 1977, almost two consistently far exceeded that of any other country, they Glick and Norton listed million persons were living with an unrelated adult of the wrote. However, they noted among the reasons for the high that the gap has been divorce rate, which has been opposite sex. the authors said. That number is 80 ing. Between 1965 and 1976, the climbing since the late 1950s, percent higher than 1970 statistics, but country's divorce rate doubled accounts for only 2 percent of from 2' 2 per 1,000 population the country's 48 million "couple to five per 1,000 population. households." The reason the marriage rate "Back in 1960 most such is so high is that almost one out unmarried, unrelated couples of three marriages today end in were older women 'with a divorce, the researches said. young man as a tenant,' " the researchers said. "Nowadays, the majority are 'young sharing living quarters with young „:.hi/«in Slot* News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 25, 19779 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIflED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 ^ *, ( AMtonotive |^J if Employment jf | Employment jffjjj |J ClaMifiwlAdv«rti«ii»g H AIAI OLDS 1974 Cutlass Supreme VOLARE 1976 4 door, under POSTDOCTORAL Employment POSI DEMONSTRATORS A FEW good t< ihvotmumuh air. tilt steering wheel. Asking 6,000 miles. Deluxe, power TION available immediately, NEEDED for Christmas MODELS WANTED. $8/ SOUTH HAYFORD, 2 bed¬ sea able now. Sell AVON pro hour. We will train. 489-2278. 52500 Call 882-5168. room lower level partly fur¬ steering, automatic, rust on the mode of interaction of son, nights and weekends; ducts in East Lansing. 482- Z-30-11-9 (3) I rH0NfW-W5S 347 Student Services lldg. 8 10 26 (31 proofed, 53,450. Call 373- 2646 Liposomes with cells. Please some day assignments. For 6893. C 5 10 31(4) nished includes ^150/month, deposit. 351- utilities, days or 339-8821 contact Dr. Richard Rader, further information call MAN OLDS 1968 Cutlass, V-8 his¬ BUSPERSONS - LUNCHES, 7497. 0-8-10-31(4) evenings. 8-11-1-15) Department of Immuneology POWER, INC. 372 0880. COLLEGE AGENT INTERN. 10.30 a.m -3 p.m. LION'S torically dependable trans¬ and Microbiology, Wayne 8 10 26 171 Life insurance sales, 15-20 DEN RESTAU.RANT. 213 S. ONE BEDROOM in two bed¬ portation, 5500. 332-0658. VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE State Medical School, De¬ hours/week. Straight com¬ Grand. Apply in person only 8-10-31(31 1970, good condition, 5650. troit, Michigan, 48201. 1-313- WAITERS AND WAIT¬ mission, 4-6 week training room apartment. $70. Prefer between 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Call 882-5852 after 5 p.m. 577-1227. We are an RESSES, THE GARAGE, program, develop referrals grad or working person. 337- OLDSMOBILE ROYALE 8-11-1-16) 0237. 4-10-28 (4) 8 11-213) E-O-E. Z-8-11-K12I 316 N. Capital, 489-9116. and sell quality protection. 1977. Well equipped, best Apply in person. 4-10-28-14) Can lead to permanent career otter. Call 372 1849 WAITRESSES-APPLY by ONE BEDROOM apartment, line rote per Insertion VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER RESEARCH ASSISTANT upon graduation and ad 8_ 10 25(3) 1966, good condition, rebuilt wanted. Delivery of anti¬ DRIVERS WANTED for pizza vancement to estate and calling 372-4673 between 3 Sublease till June. $130/ engine, gas heater, 5795. Call tumor agents into cells using delivery in South Lansing business planning. p.m. and 5 p.m. 3-10-25(3) month. Call 332-2629. OLDS DELTA 88, 1975, 4 Contact 1-10-25(3) after 6 p.m., 482 9063. lipid vesicles as carriers. area. Hourly plus commis¬ Jere Whitely, 351 2500. I ironeliMi I • 3 lint> • '4 00" 5 '^oy,• W p" ,in# m" door sedan, power brakes/ steering. 52500. 394-2746. 5-10-2814) Please contact Dr. Richard sion. Call PIZZA EXPRESS, 3 10 26(11) J |ines No adjustment in rote when cancelled. 8-11-2(31 Rader, Department Immune¬ 882-2409 after 4:30 p.m. Apartments ^ ROOMMATE NEEDED for one bedroom 2-man apt. Price of ilemM must be stated in ad. Maximum VOLKSWAGEN SUPER- ology and Microbiology, 8-11-3(6) ADMINISTRATIVE POSI¬ $120 per month. 208 Cedar I sale price of '50. OPEL 1973 Manta Ralleye BEETLE, 1973. 58,000 miles, Wayne State Medical TIONS for Summer Camp MALE SHARE furnished 1 St., Apt. 11.351-2277, ask for I Peanuts Personal ads • 3 linos ■ '2.25 • per insertion. 1900. 4 speed, AM/FM, excellent condition. Price School, Detroit, Michigan PROGRAMMER-LIBRARIAN programs. Director-25 or old¬ bedroom apartment. Close to Jim or Marshall. 8-11-1(5) I ;y per line over 3 lines (prepayment). 49,000 miles. Great condition, negotiable. 48201. 1 313-577 1227. We starts immediately, V4 time er, all others at least 21. All campus. $80./month. 355- I tommoje/Garofle Sole ods • 4 lines • '2.50. 51500/best offer, 351-1047, 8-11-3-14) are an E-O-E. Z-8-11-H11) student labor. Position in¬ volves heavy use of FOR- with supervisory skills and additional skill 6026 evenings. 3-10-26 (3* ONE BLOCK from campus. I 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. 3 10-26(41 area such as Entire two bedroom apart¬ WANTED PART time person TAN, APLIB and EDITOR. To I pound town ods ■ 4 linos • '2.50 • par insertion. VW, 1971 square back, looks 11 p.m. through 7 a.m., apply or for more informat¬ riding, camp programs, LPN, WSI etc. Write for RN, ONE BEDROOM apartment ment available and room¬ I 63' P«r ine over 4 'in#1 OPEL MANTA Ralleye 1974, good, runs good, gas saver. Tues., Thurs., and Sat. Call ion: J. Guenon, 353-3200. information and application: to sublease. $240/month. 731 mates needed for other apart¬ 5750.882-9564. Ask for Dave. I lost (Founds ads/Tronsportotlon ods • 3 lines - *1.50 - 4-speed stick, good condi¬ 8-11-3-14) 694-9823. 3-10-25(3) 4-10-28-171 Mitten Bay Girl Scout Coun¬ Burcham, 332-8245. ments. Call 351-8135 or 351- I per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. tion, 51800. 351-5184. cil; 107 S. Washington, Sagi¬ 4-10-28(3) 1957. 15 10 31(8) 8-10-2713) HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPING EXCITED ABOUT gem- naw, Mi 48607. Applications EFFICIENCY, ONE or two ONE FEMALE needed for fall, Instructional assistant in vo¬ stones? Enjoy working with due November 28th. Deadlines bedroom. East side and winter, spring, Cedar Village, PINTO, 1971 automatic. Re¬ Motorcycles cational custodial training people? Sales personnel 3-10-26(14) downtown Lansing. Call now Non-smoker, 351-6350. I Ads 2p.m.. I doss day before publication. liable with rust. 5250. 332 program. Must have experi¬ wanted. THOMPSONS' for lists of immediate open¬ Z-5-10-25(3) FRANDOR JEWELERS, 332- I Cancellation -'Change - 1 p.m. . I doss day before 2023. 8-11 -2 (3) ence in hospital work. Five NOW INTERVIEWING fo. full ings. AIM. INC., 374-2800, HONDA XL 250 1975. Low hours per day. 5 days per 1385. Z-5-10-31-(4) time Christmas positions. Ap¬ I publication. noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. KINGS POINT NORTH I PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, mileage, excellent condition, week. Contact Harold Hum¬ ply in person today between Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed $650. 663-1429. 8-11-1(3) PARTHENON RESTAUR¬ 2-4 p.m.. ROGER'S DISTRIB¬ 0 21-10-31 (5) Apartments - One bedroom, 1969. Four door, air, radio, ble Personnel, 676-3268 or until alter Ist insertion, ANT hiring part-time waitres¬ $125'month. Vegetarians and Jan Danford, 676-3303. UTING COMPANY, 3301 E. tare is a *1.00 charge for I od change plus 50' per 85,000 miles - Call 332-6393. meditators welcome, share 8-10-26(10) ses and busboys. Must be Michigan Avenue, Lansing. additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 8-10-31 (3) able to work lunches, apply in 2-10-25(6) Pine Lake electricity, phone only. Call Auto Service / | The Stole News will only be responsible for the 1st PONTIAC VENTURA 1968, KEY PUNCH OPERATORS Immediate full time openings person after 3 p.m. at 227 S. Apartments Luis Jorge, 373-7234. X 8 10-31(7) day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must reliable, cheap, good body Washington, Lansing. COOK FOR small private for experienced Key Punch 6080 Marsh Rd. be made within 10 days of expiration date, 3-10-27(7) dining room. Pleasant sur¬ and engine, Jim, 482-2309. MASON BODY Shop, 812 E. ills are due 7 days from od expirotion date. If not Operators. Must have at least roundings. 5 days, lunch Meridian Mall Area paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will 3-10-2513) Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto painting, collision service. 6 months experience on IBM 3742. Excellent benefits that HOUSEKEEPER WANTED- Lansing Country Club area. only. Call immediately, Mon¬ *165 plus utilities Houses £ be due. PONTIAC 1970 like new Le- day Friday. 372-8282. American-Foreign Cars. 485- include paid vacation after 1 Duties include 8 11-2(5) Mans. Power, air, AM'FM, 0256. C 21 10-31 (4) cooking, *one bedroom unfurnished year employment; paid holi¬ SIX BEDROOM house, 1 cleaning, chauffeuring. Full¬ *G.E. appliances rustproofed, low mileage. days, sick leave, health insur¬ time position for responsible RN NEEDED block from campus. 9 month 351 0923. 5-10-26131 QUARTZ HALOGEN head immediately, •fully carpeted ance, tuition reimburse¬ lease or less. Cheap, 351- person. Call 372-8100, Ext. every other weekend. Day I Motive ** Automotive £# PLYMOUTH 1969 Suburban effective as conventional ments. and retirement pro¬ gram. Apply E.W. SPAR¬ 55. 6-11-1-(7) shift, double and '? for 'adjacent to new county 5510. 8-10-28(3) holidays. Call 646 6258. Lois park wagon-1 owner. 5500 or best sealbeams. Available at ROW HOSPITAL. 1215 E. PROGRAMMING ASSIS- Martin. 8-11-21(51 ROOMMATES NEEDED for [ GREMLIN X, 1974. DATSUN 24UZ 1971, excellent offer. 349-9609 after 6 p.m. CHEQUERED FLAG FOR¬ Michigan, Lansing, 48910. A accepting applications for large house. Call 351-5510. TANTSHIPS-ft time gradu¬ Winter rental transmission, condition, automatic. Must 4-10-28-141 EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East non-discriminatory affirma¬ 8-10-28(3) Kalamazoo St., one mile west ate assistantships starting JANITOR WANTED 12-15 id condition, good gas sell, taking offers over 52300. tive action employer, male / winter Fortran and 339-8192 term. hours/week. Some week¬ ge 47.000 miles. 51095. Call 321-6149, 8-10-26141 SPORTS CAR enthusiast of campus. C-6-10-31 (26) female handicap. 8-10-26(17) NEAR KALAMAZOO and Editor are musts. SPSS and ends, call persistently 337- 6-2209, after 5 p.m. 52950, 1974 Vb Renault 17 previous experience desir¬ 1472. 8-11-2(3) Evenings Pennsylvania, 3 bedroom ■3(51 DATSUN Gordini, convertible top, 5 FULL-PART time jobs, excel¬ house, carpeting, garage, and PICKUP, 1971. able. To apply or for more FOR FAST RELIABLE lent earnings. 374-6328, 4-6 Carpeted, insulated camper speed, fuel injected, 4 cylin¬ information: J. Guenon, 353- PART ROOMMATE WANTED. yard. $175/month, deposit. 11 LS 1972. Excellent TIME aides all shifts. shell. 53,000 miles, excellent der, 30 mpg, excellent condi¬ p.m. daily. 5-10-25(3) 3200. Dealine 28 Oct., 77. Own room in 2 bed apart¬ 351-7497. 0-8-10-31(5) i. 11800 or best tion. Leaving country, re- Apply at Provincial House condition, 52000. 351 8550 4-10-28(9) ment. 332-3057. 8-11-2(3) t. Call 374-7472 after 9 (American import) TELEPHONE SALES, part West, 731 Starkweather days 8 10 25151 gretably must sell. 882-4976. or 2 BEDROOM house, base¬ Drive Monday through Friday |c 8-10-2714) Z 7 10 31(81 CAlt TODAY time O.K. Apply at INN PART TIME secretarial posi¬ 9-4:30 p.m. 7 10-31(4) ONE MALE needed for 4 ment, parking, $175/month. DODGE VAN 1971. 6 cylinder AMERICA, East Lansing, be¬ tion in Haslett. 8 a.m.-12 700 South Foster. Call 485- STARFIRE 1977, like new, tween 1 p.m. 4 p.m. person apartment. Call 332- 101973350, 3 speed, straight-stick, good condi¬ noon, Monday-Friday. Office WAITRESSES FULL and 4165. 8 11-2(3) 4917. 8-10-28(4) 5000 miles, great mileage. 8-10-26(4) Ltr steering brakes. Must tion, customized, economi¬ skills and experience re¬ part time, nights. FRENCH- cal. Call after 6 p.m. 699- Phone 351-2526. 8-10-31-131 to appreciate Call 332- quired. 339-9500; 339-3400. IES BAR in Lansing. Apply in EAST LANSING. 587 Stod¬ EAST LANSING. 5 bedroom, k. 5-10-28(31 2064. 8-11 1(41 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR, 4 C-3-10-27(4) person at 400 Baker St. Just dard, 3 bedroom, stove, re¬ 3 blocks from campus. Excell¬ TORINO 1969 two door. In p.m.-midnight. IBM 3740 sys¬ condition. 655-1156 after south of Diamond Reo plant, frigerator, dishwasher. Clean, ent IMARO V28. 1971/350 4 DODGE VAN 1977, Trades¬ good running Owner left country. 5350. condition. REOSION tem, good working condi¬ tions. 485-8900. 8-10-25(4) SALESPERSON some retail 1 block west of Cedar St. nice, 351-1176. Evenings or 6 p.m. 8-10-27131 d, good condition. Call man 100. Automatic, econo¬ sales experience. $3.00 hourly 10-11-4(71 weekends. 8-11-1(4) ir 4:30 p.m. 676-9295. 6. Terrific mileage. 10,000 After 6 p.m. 337-0995: days my miles. 54600. Call 351-3823 353-5017. 3-10 27(4) IMPORTS LEGAL~ SECRETARY-Down plus commission. Apply at 2003 E. Michigan Avenue. PART-TIME OWN ROOM in large apart¬ HOUSES, HOUSES, 1206 Oakland town Lansing, full time. Typ¬ positions for HOUSES1 Call now to see evenings. 6-10-31-I4I X-8-11-2(4) MSU students. 15-20 hours ment. $95/month off Haslett our list of east side homes TOYOTA CELICA GT 1977. Call for ing 65, shorthand 80. Dicta¬ Rd., east of Marsh Rd. on bus |PRI 1971, 43,000 miles. Appt. phone and Mag card experi¬ week. Automobile required. which will be available for Excellent, extras. Must sell. CHILD CARE for 4-year old, route. Call 339-1442 after 5:00 v parts, body in DODGE B200 1977 Van. Ex¬ IV4-4411 ence preferred. Full medical Phone 339-9500. September leasing. AIM, Best ofer. 355-3060. 8-10-28(4) _ id condition, best offer. and some housekeeping. C 6-10-31(15) p.m. INC., 374-2800 noon-9 p.m. tras, take over payments. THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE coverage. 484 7791. §4433.810-2814) 332 8293. 8-10 26131 8-11-3-131 8 10 25(7) 16-20 hours/week. $2.50/ MALE ROOMMATE wanted. or 332-6741. 0-21-10-31 (5) hour. References, own trans¬ ESCORTS WANTED. $6' Indoor pool, sauna. $120 §PRI. 1974 6 cylinder, sun DODGE VAN 1975(200): V8, TOYOTA ' LANDCRUISER GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- RESIDENT MANAGER portation. 332-0985, after 5 hour. No training necessary. utilities included. Call 882- WALK TO campus. Four pf. AM FM tape deck. 351 - 1976. 4 wheel drive. 54495 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, COUPLE for East Lansing p.m. 5-10-31(6) Call 489-2278. Z 30-11 9 (3) bedroom, fireplace, 2 baths, auto, PS and PB, insulated, 4300 after 6 p.m. 8-11-2 (4) "310-26131 Before 3 p.m., 484 6267 good supply of snow tires. $450/month plus utilities. Call carpet 321-8464 after 4 p.m. property, leasing, cleaning OVERSEAS JOBS-summer/ 8-10-25(31 PENNAL SALES 1301 ft COMPUTER OPERATOR, EQUITY VEST. 351-1500. 8-10-2813) and repair duties, lots of GRADUATE OR married stu¬ year-round. Europe, South night shift. 6 months experi¬ 0-10-10-31(5) JlEVElLl 1972 low mile- East Kalamazoo, Lansing. work, fair pay. 332-3900 or America, Australia, Asia, etc. ence. IBM SYS 3. 485-8900. dents. New luxury 2 bedroom no rust, factory air, TRANS-AM, 1976, loaded. 482-5818. C-9-10-31J5J 332-3202. 0-9-10-31(6) DUSTER, 1973, gold, V-8, All fields, $500-$1200 month¬ 8-10-25(3) apartment. East Lansing bus Chevy. 349-2742. Excellent condition. 54750 _ power steering, automatic, service. No pets. Start at IMPORT AUTO parts and ly. Expenses paid, sightsee¬ MALE TO share 3 bedroom |10 26i3I 26,000 miles, S2000 or best 323-3705. 8-10-31-131 BABYSITTING, HOUSE¬ $230 Call 351-9483 or 351- repair. 20°o discount to stu¬ KEEPING with 5 and 7 year ing. Free information. Write: RESIDENT COUNSELOR furnished house, $67 plus ft offer. 373-9667 or evenings INTERNATIONAL JOB CEN¬ 9195 after 6 p.m. IEVELLE MALI8U 1972, TRIUMPH TR7.1976 Victory dents and faculty on cash/ old. 11:30-5:30 p.m. Monday- Assistant to work with men¬ of utilities. 485-3916, 882- 3321364. 8-10-26151 0 11 10-31(6) H 307, excellent condition, edition, AM'FM stereo, rust- carry service parts io stock. Friday. Okemos, $75/week. TER, Dept. ME, Box 4490 tally handicapped adults in an 7631. 8 11 2 (3) J»d tires, 6553061. proofed. Must sell. 351-9087. Check our prices and reputa¬ Own transportation and Berkeley, CA. 94704. active residential program. 30 DUSTER 1973. Sharp, 43,000 GRADUATE OR married stu- ■1931-131 3-1026-131 tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at references required. 349-3827 0-9-10-31(9) hours per week. $3 per hour. . .. miles. Rustproof. 52100 or dents New luxury two bed- Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. after 5:30 p.m. 8-10-28(7) Tuesday through Saturday, CAPITOL N. 3 bedroom, best offer. Call 374 1068 after West campus shop 485-0409. EXPERIENCED SALES¬ 3:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Contact room apartments. E. Lansing. (urnished utilities, no chil- flEVY ». power IMPALA, 1970. 2- 4 p.m. 8-11 2 (4) TRIUMPH, STAG 2+ 2, auto¬ Free wrecker service with PEOPLE needed. Apply in Pamela Fuhrig. MOORE LIV¬ Bus service. No pets. Start at dren or pe,s Deposit. Phone brakes/steering, matic, power steering/ MEDICAL TRANSCRIP- person at FIRST DOWN. 220 ING CENTER. 393 4442. $240 Call 351 6467 or 351 «o, automatic. 1647 repairs with mention of this 372 536O 321 1166. l-Spar- FIREBIRO 1972. 350-V-8. brakes, air. Phone 646-6187 TIONIST part time evening 9195 after six 20-11-8(51 > Wage, 353-7954. ad. Local areas. C 14-10-31(7) MAC, University Mall. East 5 10-27(10) 3-10-26 (41 automatic, power steering. or 646 0837. 8-10-28(3) position available. Must have Lansing. 8-10-28(4) |W-I5I Sharp. Good deal. 394-2618 after 5 p.m. JUNK CARS wanted. We knowledge of medical ter¬ minology, type approximately 8-10-27(3) if '68 or newer, and TAXI DRIVERS wanted. jHEVROLET IMPALA 1974, TRIUMPH TR 6 1974. Excel¬ pay more running. Also buying used 50 words per minute and be Must have excellent driving TJ-way price. All power! "to, »c°-323 2805 air conditioning, very FIREBIRD ESPIRIT 1973. Val¬ encia gold. Tapedeck, 4 on the floor. 51800. or best. 694-6529. 5-10-28-131 lent condition, 28,000 miles, must sell. 355-9089. 8-10-31-131 cars and trucks. 321 -365^ anytime. 0-17-10-31(6) able to operate dictophone. Excellent working conditions. Good salary. Apply Personnel record. Full and part-time. Apply VARSITY CAB, 332- 3559. 8-10-27(4) PEOPLE REACHER Department, INGHAM MED¬ Employment jj] ICAL CENTER Professional PtVVBISCAYNE 1968four . Body good runs » 484-1706 after 5 well nm F0RD WINDOW van, 1971. six automatic, radio, good ,ire8' *1°35-°«er- 351 0539- TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1975, 24,900 miles, excellent condi¬ tion. 372-7380/332-5287. GENERAL OFFICE needed, in consumer activist help Building 401 West Green- lawn, Lansing. 48909. 8-10-27(12) PART-TIME cooks, evenings. Apply BACKSTAGE, Merid ian Mall after 5 p.m. 3220. 5 10-28-13) 349 § WANT AD |1025I3I P 5-10-25(31 8-10-27131 office in downtown Lansing. Just complete form and Must have work study and be BABYSITTER TUESDAYS BRIDAL CONSULTANT four mail with vavment to: FURY 1969. Automatio, air, pEASSICf 1966 Toranado able to type. Call Jan at or Thursdays, 1-4 p.m. Call evenings and car necessary, good shape. 5450 or best 280Z 1976. 2 door hatch 487-6001 mornings. 351-6229. B-1-10-25-(3) 351-5425. 2-10 25-13) little rust, excel- State News Classified Dept. offer. Call 355-3764 after 1 back automatic, AM/FM ra¬ 5-10-25(6) a ™e'e' Askin9 *"4". 8-5 p.m. 5450. p.m. 8-11-1141 dio, 55500. Phone 321-2032. 347 Student Services Bldg. 3-10-26(41 5-10 28(3) East Lansing, Mich. 48823 MAVERICK, 1970. 6-cylinder tE 1975. One automatic, 57,000 miles. VEGA 1973 Hatchback. Re¬ "*s. Call 485- own- 5400. 332-6277. 4-10-28 (31 cent tune-up/brake job. Your key to a 1977 Hunting Name ,0' Mr. 62 000 miles. $650/best offer. Mayes. luxury Apartment '•"8-10-31(3) MERCEDES-BENZ 1960. Excellent condition, Diesel. 351 5710. 6-10-31 (3) Page Address City Zip Code stereo, AM-FM Cassette, '975' 0ne own" 322-9542. 3-10-27131 4^ Daytime Phone Student Number Too T? "hiesJ Call 485 PART TIME Jo-10-,14oj0' Mr Mayes. MIDGET 1971. Nice car AM /FM cassette deck. Best offer HELP 9-5 PM Coming Wednesday. November 2, the State News Classified will publish the 1977 Hunting Classification Preferred Insertion Date 485-6015. 14-11-14-131 Guide. Included will be a listing of East Lan¬ —id,376-orange, HICKORY HILLS sing area businesses specializing in hunting 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. ■SS*".®""- Contact MONTE CARLO 1975. Power ■al bauu FIRST NATION- steering, brakes, AM/FM Telephone 2 Bedroom Townhouses and fishing goods as well as classified ads Print Ad here ■SING0F EAST LAN- stereo cassette, 33,000 miles, from sports enthusiasts wanting to sell their I G 351 2660.0 8-10-27(5) air, 53400.349-5577 before 10 Soliciting equipment. Advertise your used hunting a.m. after 9 p.m. 2-10-25(4) •Spacious *2 levels 2.50 per hour equipment by calling 355-8255 today. Dead¬ 4 days a week •Balcony 'Carpeting CONVERTTrlE, NEED CASH? We buy im Mon. - Thurs. •Dishwasher 'Modern line for the Hunting Page, Thursday, October K"' °Ue wT™^0' ports and sharp late model compacts. Call John special bonus program 27,5p.m. CIRCLE RATE WANTED 3 LINE MINIMUM DeYoung, WILLIAMS V.W. Contact Rich or Karon 351-5937 484-1341 or 484-2551. C 20 1-9 pm r?IiJlt^tOLOtOLIjIlDBllI53 10 31 I5I 332-6492 State News Classified numm Lumen cam nnininmmmmm SIJPREM€ naommmmmrn OLDS 1970 Delia 88 Four 694*4488 1723 Cambria Drive ■ fx**,, T-tn! °aded' (ull door, power steering and 6840 S. Cedar East 355-8255 nEIlillElElEElEOiinEU I Win 8un r°om, condition brakes. Air conditioning, four Lansing Dummrafimrum '416. now tires. Good condition, Suite 6 dose to bus line OEHurnmrnmcacu 4-10-28-14) 5660 655 3077. 8 10 26141 1 0 Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan ^Z:ll 11^1 L '"■* J® R»n'iw1H EAST LANSING duplex, 4 USED BICYCLES, all sizes, BEAGLE PUP, 16 weeks old, UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS bedrooms, 2 baths, rec toom, $20-$70. Also parts. best offer. 323 1014. Call complete dissertation and re¬ parking, $400. 374-6366. CHARLIES BIKE SHOP, 393- after 4:30 p.m. 3-10-25(31 sume service; typesetting, 0-19-10-31(3) 2484. 5-10-26(3) IBM typing, editing, multilith Announcements for It's offset printing and binding. What's Happening must be I Rooms ||/»l BUNK BEDS with mattresses from $119.95. VILLA FUR¬ [ Mobile Homes ](*] We encourage compa. shopping. For estimate stop in at 2843 East Grand River or Jtive received in the State News office, 343 Student Services NITURE, 1633 W. Mt. Hope, TWO BEDROOM 10x55 mo¬ Bldg., by noon at least two Lansing. 482-1109. 8-11-2 (4) phone 332 8414. 0-21-10-31 class days before publication. ONE ROOMMATE needed in bile home. Carpeted, oil heat, (9) No announcaments will be nice duplex. Own room, $80. MARANTZ POWER amplifier near campus. Call 651-5869 4828181 evenings or accepted by phonet Parking, 5 blocks from cam¬ model 140, and tuner model or Tired of being broke? Get weekends. 8 10 26(4) fast cash by selling things pus. 337-2236. 5-IO-28-(4l_ 125. Like new, best offer. Spare time between clas¬ 349-9614, Ricardo 3 10-25(4) you no longer use with a ses? Visit the Union lounge JEROME ST. 1 bedroom left fast action Classified Ad. Call and watch video tape net¬ of 4. Communal living. Call 351-8811 or 351-0676 after 5 NOW TAKING orders for firewood. Stack 8 x4 x18'. [ Lost & FoadJ[Cjj] 355 8255 work from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. p.m. 5-10-31-141 Delivered, $27. 321-1565. TYPING TERM papers and E 5 10 28(31 LOST IAT home birth lec- ihcsis, IBM experienced, fast Need help with career SPACE IN Owen beginning turel black-bound personal service Call 351 8923 winter term. Discount! Call choice? Declaring a major? MENS 27" ten speed bike. journal. Also, packet photos. O 11 10 31 (3) 353-3802 or leave message at $35, needs some repair. 351 - 332-1936. 8-11-3 (4) Changing your major? Come to Room 6 Student Services W721 Owen Hall. 3966, 351-1597. 5-10-31(3) TWELVE YEARS experience Z-5-10 28(4) LOST CHILDS' gold cross Bldg. Career Resources Cen- typing theses, manuscripts, LIKE-NEW tires-600 X 15 for with chain. If found, please term papers. Evenings, 675- EAST LANSING, share fur¬ VW. Cheap. 694 2364 after 7 call 353-6568. 3-10-27 (3) 7544 C 21-10 31 (3) nished duplex, one room. Catrpus Al-Anon group p.m. 3-10-27 (31 meets at 8 tonight in 253 Busline, $110. 374-6366. lost coral necklace, 0-6 10 31(3) Your non-political, buy-parti¬ Student Services Bldg. FREE KITTENS-One white, with triangular pendant, in san Classified section is filled one spotted. East Lansing, Conrad Hall area. Please call with a wide variety of items BIG ROOM, own bath, $110/ Forms to re-register stu¬ 351-0424. 1-10-25(3) 353-0379, 2-10-25(4) which deserve your endorse month. 325 Division St. cor¬ dent organizations are .avail¬ ner of Ann. Call 351-4684. able in the student activities LOST BEAUTIFUL calico X-8 10 28(3) THIS WEEK'S division, 101 Student Ser¬ cat. Female, Spayed. Mostly SPECIAL black with orange nose and ANN BROWN Printing and vices Bldg. Registrations are CAMPUS NEAR, clean, fur¬ 1974 Typing. Dissertations, re¬ due Friday- Husquorno CR white paws. Long hair. 332- nished. Share modern kitch¬ 250 Motorcycle 3197. 2-10 25(41 sumes, general printing. Programing Board accept¬ en and bath. From $85/ New $1200 Serving MSU for 27 years ing applications for 1978 month. 485-1436 351-6471. THIS WEEK ONLY $375 with complete theses service. Chairperson until 5 p.m. Nov. 0-8-10-31(41 or We carry a wide assortment of stereo ond musical equip- Personal H/ 349 0850 C-21-10-31 (5) 21 in 334 Student Services Bldg. Interviews begin Nov. furniture, jewelry TRANSATLANTIC sailing EXPERIENCED IBM typing. 23. UNFURNISHED ROOM in 3 sporting goods ond much program combining seaman¬ Dissertations, (pica-elite). bedroom house. $95 plus much more. FAY ANN. 489-0358. C-21- utilities/month. 372-1069. ship and personal growth. University Apartments Pere Marquette 16 ft. fiber- Two months summer or fall, 10-31 (3) Available now. 8-10-3113) adults! Informal co-rec vol¬ gloss canoe $150. 1978. $1295. Contact Cliff We repair oil brands of leyball from 7 to 9 tonight at Borbas. 332-3991. 6-10-25(6) THE TYPECUTTER, a car Spartan Village School. MENS SINGLE room, 3 os ond televisions. blocks from Union. Lease Dicker and Deal, ready. typesetting service- until June, no kitchen. Phone —niii Resumes. newsletters, bro- New Popular Culture group 351 5076 mornings or after Second Hand Store chorai, business cords, let¬ with emphasis on Star Trek yearbook portraits are now 170) South Cedar terheads, envelopes. Invita¬ will meet at 8:30 tonight in 5:00. Z 5 10-27(4) being taken for the 1978 487 3886 tions, announcements, pos- 335 Union. RED CEDAR LOG. i, invoices. Reasonable SENIORS: rates-call 497-9295. Hrs. 9-12 Free University class on NEW, USED and vintage For Sale ^ guitars, banjos, mandolins, Call355-7652 1-5:30. 1000 N. Washington, nutrition covers all sorts of ect. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ 337 Union Bldg. Lansing. good to know information at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 105 corders, strings, accessories, FRESHMEN: B ONE YEAR old bedroom books, thousands of hard-to- Berkey Hall. furniture, king size head Coll 353-4470 find albums. (All at very low EXPERT TYPING service by 445 Union Bldg. MSU Cross Country Ski A Detroit youngster reacts to a medical syringe Sunday during an immuniut.. board, night stand, men's MSU grad. 17 years experi¬ prices). Private and group double drawer dresser and lessons ence. Near Gables. Call 337- Club needs skiers for Ranch program for childhood diseases at Herman Kiefer Health Complex. A record d on guitar, banjo, GUYS b DOLLS -UNIVER¬ vaccinations is required to attend Detroit public schools, and 12,000 long dresser with two mirrors attached $900 or best offer. mandolin, all styles. Gift certi¬ ficates. Expert repairs - free SITY SINGLES CLUB is here. 2293. C-21-10-31 (4) Rudolf trip in January. Reser¬ vations must be in Nov. 30. faced being sent home Monday unless they provided proof of immunizstioD.Lt childref Can after six. 626-6706. If you like to party, have fun Call Allison Bostick, director. estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ than 1,000 received vaccinations over the weekend in a program sponsored 8 10 26 (8) STRUMENTS, 541 East Et meet people like yourself, write us for all the free Get cash for Christmas fast by selling no-longer-needed the Detroit Department of Public Health. b)| Grand River, 332-4331. C 21- Public Relations Student details. P.O. Box 12669, items around your house with OHM H SPEAKERS like new 10-31 149) a Classified Ad. Call 355-8255 Society of America invites in boxes. SAE MK XXX Gainesville, Florida. 32604. you to first meeting at 6:30 Z13 10 25(81 to place your ad' preamplifier with cabinet GIRLS 10 speed. Wards. 26 tonight, 340 Union. phase linear 400. $850 as inch, yellow, excellent condi¬ DO YOU need your exam package will separate, 355- Human Environment and tion, $50. Call 882-4957. typed? .75 a page. Call Con¬ Peanuts Persnal;[M] Bernstein mural 8844. 5-10-25(5) Design 152 placement exam E 5 10 28(3) nie before 5 p.m. at 484-1491, from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday in or after 5 p.m. at 372-2620. SONY AM FM, 8 track, turn¬ THE ALPHA GAMS extend a 201 Human Ecology Bldg. DIAMOND RING set-spark¬ 4-10-28(5) table. speakers, excellent special greeting to our Sign up in 204. ling. Half carat. Must sell condition, best offer. 349- $300. 355-1741, 332-0711 pledges Kathy, Linda, Melis¬ 2109 7-10-25-13) after 5 p.m. X 3 10-25(4) sa, Annie, Linda U. and Mary. Caving and rockclimbing TYPING, EXPERIENCED. finds Let AGD love and loyalty slide show and planning for horn Fast and reasonable. 371 upcoming canoe trip at MSU TOP DOLLAR paid for used camera, stereo, jewelry, albums and tapes. guitars, LOFT FOR sale. Dual-level, oak, easy to assemble. Best offer. Call 349-4204 after 5 brighten your lives. Z 1 10-25(6) 4635. C 21 10-31 (3) Outing Club meeting at 7:30 tonight. 145 Natural Science a new There's something for every¬ WILCOX TRADING POST p.m. X-8-10-27(41 LOVE TO those special girls: 485-3391. C-5-10-3K5) Barb, Michelle, Sherri, Sue. one in today's Classified Ads. Check them out for super Railroad Club meets at 7 A huge oil-painted mural Illinois art conservator Louis mural. MATCHING GREY couch S-5-10-31-(3) buys. tonight in 334 Union to which once graced the walls of Pomerantz after the restaurant Bernstein, » and chair. No rips or burns discuss the restoration of the old East Lansing post office $45. Call 332-8436 after 5 GAMMA PHI congratulates moved into the post office completed several other I Open p.m. Z 5-10-27(3) their new Fall pledges Lori, TYPIST, LOTS of experi¬ locomotive 1225. Slides has found a new home in the facilities. It is now on per¬ office murals under tlfl ence, neat and dependable. shown. MSU library. Corda West Laura, Sue, Tina, Patsy, 393-4624. 5-10-25(3) manent loan to MSU. gram, now on display ii| APPLES, CIDER, pumpkins. Anne, Sue, Patty and Cindy. The painting, which depicts Berstein painted the canvas land and Frankfort. Cidermill BLOSSOM ORCHARDS. We love you all. Z-1-10-25-(6) Again for the first time Phil Depression-era farm workers, under the Works Project Ad¬ Frank presides at the Annual 5817 North Okemos The Wardowski's. 2 miles N. Richard E. Chapin. dir Cartoon Workshop from 3 to hung in the old post office for 40 ministration in the 1930s. Like of libraries at MSI. sail Road, Eost Lansing 337-7974Hours: of Leslie. 3597 Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours, 9-5 p.m. Service |[Aj I^olnd Town 5 today, 213 Kresge. years. It was removed when the building was sold and other artists who painted pic¬ tures and murals for post though the government I Closed Mondays, 1-589-8251. owns the mural, it is Do you want to see a coop converted to the Pantree res offices and other federal build¬ 7:30am-7pm. Gift packages shipped by FREE LESSON in complexion restaurant in East Lansing? taurant two years ago. MSU library "forever." ings under the program, he ypsl°_ri7ioi3i(!! care. MERLE NORMAN Organizational meeting at Painted by Detroit artist The mural ct COSMETIC STUDIO - 351- 8:30 tonight in 331 Union. participated in regional com¬ EIGHT MAG wheels; 6 holds, Henry Bernstein, the mural 5543. petition and was awarded a the reference section oil SEWING MACHINES. Gua¬ for Datsun. Call 1-625-4521 was cleaned and restored by C-17-10-31-13) Love to cook? Share that contract for the East Lansing main floor of the library. \ ranteed reconditioned ma¬ (Morice) 3-10-25(3) chines from $39.96. New skill with elementary children. machines from $69.50. ED¬ 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ Come find out more in Tutor vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, CHARITY BINGO for needy WARDS DISTRIBUTING ers. Tanks, cannisters and children Saturday. Oct. 29. 7 Corps, 26 Student Services CO. 1115 N. Washington. 555 East Grand River. C-21- uprights. Guaranteed one full p.m., at SHAAREY ZEDEK, 10-31 (3) ^9-6448 _Cfl: 10-31J7I year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS 1924 Coolidge. East Lansing FREE TICKETS, LODGES OFFERED DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. C 5-10 28 (61 Gymnastics, basketball, TWO MEN'S 10-speed bi¬ EYE arts and 316 North Cedar, opposite GLASSES at large crafts, and modern cycles. Viscount Grand City Markti. C-21-10-31 (6) savings. Why pay more? dance instructors needed. FILM ON Yoga-It's PRAC¬ Defense officials bribed Sports $140. Viscount Se- OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 Contact Tutor Corps, 26 TICE AND PHILOSOPHY. E. bring $125. Thin wall tubing, DISCOUNT. NEW. used E Michigan, Lansing. 372 Student Services Bldg. cotterless crankset. Brand Lansing Public Library, 7 p.m. desks, chairs, files. BUSI¬ 7409 C 5-10-28-14) Oct. 26. Z-2-10-26-13) new. 339-3873, evenings. NESS EQUIPMENT CO.. 215 Nutrition and dietetics 3-10-27(6) CAPITOL CHIMNEY E. Kalamazoo, 485-5500 RE¬ EDGAR CAYCE study groups majors-REACH needs you! WASHINGTON (API The 13 1028(41 PAIRS, best fall rates, odd for spiritual growth forming Come to 26 Student Services - use by golfing trips. Thirty-five said they b defense contractors of free sports SEARS COMPACTOR $75 jobs and tree trimming. 487- in Lansing, 355-6043 after 4 tickets, meals for government employees- (Wq and massage belt, $35. 882- BSR-2260BS turntable. Mag¬ 2296. 6 10-31(4) hunting lodges, and other free items to woo acknowledged making tickets available Ij p.m. Z-10-11-7-13) Pentagon officers was more widespread than 3913. 5-10-26(31 netic cartridge. 1 year. $30. ASMSU Programing baseball and football games and 332-1940. 5-10-27(3) Board needs publicity and previously believed, a congressional study sporting and cultural activities. Instructions W\ special projects directors. said Monday. Sen. William Proxmire, d-Wis., SANYO AM FM 4 channel Apply in 334 Student Ser¬ The Joint Committee on Defense Pro¬ served as co-chairman of the committee 694-3952. E 5-10-26(3) BOOKS, MAGAZINES, receiver, 20 watts. 2 BIC Form Four speakers $300. 355-8806. 3 10 25(3) WRITING CONSULTANT 9 years experience in profes¬ sional editing. 337-1591. BAKE vices Bldg. Deadline extend¬ ed to 5 p.m. Friday. duction released the results of a survey showing that 41 of the largest, electronics, aerospace and ship building contractors have the report was authorized, said was not thai possible to give the corptflT hospitality a dollar figure, "these aclwj Help bring conservative TIME 0 3 10 26 (3) offered gratuities forbidden by Department comics and more! CURIOUS STEREO RECEIVER Pioneer speakers, publications to could not have been provided for less BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand of Defense regulations. several million dollars." 727, 40W-RMS'channel, MSU. Non-partisan Intercol¬ River. 332-0112. GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and The study was based on the years 1973 'It is true that a government $200 or best offer. 351-9239 drum lessons. Private instruc¬ legiate Studies Institute pro X-C-21-10-3113! after 6 p.m. 8 11 114) through 1975, the years in which a number of * official would not be likely to sell oj tion chapter is being reorganized. available. 351-7830. Contact Robert Koans. large defense and space contractors came government's interest solely for > "I NAUTILUS ANTIQUES t MARSHALL MUSIC. under attack for their use of corporate ticket or a weekend at a corporate Fj has used and C-1-10-25I4I antique cloth¬ ing upstairs, 541 E. Grand Animals V, The Brain organization will meet at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in hunting lodges to entertain their Defense Proxmire said. . River. 5-10-25(4) Department customers. "What is of greater importance i- 336 Union. Films on the The companies surveyed acknowledged repetitious nature of such entertain")en "A SMALLER ADVENT speak¬ IRISH SETTER, male AKC registered. All shots, 694. 9068, 393 0348 5-10-25(31 LimJm known neural brain functions will be shown. that they sponsored nearly 1,200 hospitality suites at professional meeting and trade fairs its widespread use to create'good ." J ers. Excellent condition, $140. contractors during delicate negotiatio Call after 5 p.m. 675-7493. WANTED USED Fender during the three Rally supporting displaced years. the government for billions in SPRINGER SPANIEL pup, Rhodes 73 stage piano. Call With the 8-10-28(3) holiday homemakers bills at noon Sixteen firms paid for hunting, skiing or contractors," he said. male house trained, regis¬ 355 5432 8 10 26(3) season coming, tered. Landlord tenant mis¬ there are people today on Capitol steps. Bill INK DRAWING of your home SINGLE around town sponsors Elliott and Fitz¬ for Christmas cards, done by understanding. Must sell GRAD student $50. 351-3486. 5-10 25(5) would like to sublet who ate searching gerald will speak. MFA graduate, $15. 351- apart¬ 0254. E-5 10-25(31 ment in married for appliances housing Insurance sold for Hallowee You are needed. Volunteer SAMOYED-A.K.C. all shots, starting winter term, Reply to to cut down time wormed, must sell, $50. 675 Box A 1, and effort in today to work and be com¬ TELEPHONE ANSWERING State News. 5565. E-5-10-2513) 3 10 26(5) the kitchen. panion with the elderly. Device, Code A-Phone 444. 2 i Come to 26 Student Services units each $650 new, used very little. Asking $425 each HORSES BOARDED, box WE BUY newspapers-any If you have kitchen appliances TAMPA enterprising Fla. (AP) Tampa - An teen-ager Michael and Nancy Brennan. "When they saw the money I so he says watch on thisy'^J his Pollcy "1 or best offer, 487 6880 week¬ stall, hay, grain, 10 acre quantity. Monday, Wednes¬ you'd like to Volunteers are desperately is cashing in on trick or treat days. 8 10 26151 pasture, 12 miles from MSU. day, Friday, 12-5 p.m., Tues¬ exchange for cash, sell them quickly needed as Big Brothers, Big night by selling Halloween in brought hack, they changed their minds," he said. homes' ■ In keeping " » with Ort'l ■ $60/month. Call 655 1369 or day, Thursday, Saturday 8 Sisters, and role models for WE PAY up to $2 for LP's Et 373 8354. 5 10 28(51 a.m. 1 p.m. at 916 Filley St., and easily. youths. Come to 26 Student suranee to homeowners in his "We didn't approve of it spirit, he says hell «« W cassettes also buying/selling Lansing, 323-7476. 8-10-27(51 • Use a Classified ad to attract Services Bldg. neighborhood. "If your house is egged or wholeheartedly," concedes tiger or a ghost- | Mrs. Brennan, "But we didn't 45's, songbooks, magazines. LOVABLE KITTEN free to buyers for the something, you just call me up,", see any harm in it. It's FLAT, BLACK & CIRCULAR gocd home. Already litter box ! Tri-County Family Planning really his things you says 13 year old Mike Hrennan,' upstairs 541 E. Grand River. trained. Beautiful coloring Typing Service 'fcj| no longer need. needs volunteers Monday idea. I don't know how he Open 11 a.m. 351 0838. C 6 10 31 (61 and marking 351 1896 S 5 10 28(31 mornings. Volunteer today in 26 Student Services Bldg. "and I'll come over as soon as I can and clean up your mess." dreamed it up." The ninth grader acts as his State Newsl MOCCASINS FOR Sale call ST. COPYGRAPH SERVICE Complete dissertation and re State News Is basketball your thing? Hrennan says he's sold insur¬ ance to 25 families at 50 cents own salesman, claims agent, manager and secretary. He Newsline f BERNARD German 374 6147 or write to box East Lansing 48823 882, Shepard puppies. Will be sume service. Corner MAC and Grand River, 8:30 5:30 Would you enjoy some elementary school boys helping apiece. Each policy expires five laboriously types each policy at 353-3382 wZ 3 10 26 (31 large, loving animals. $10 694-6517. E-5-10-31 Monday Friday. 337 1666. C Classified with the game? Volunteer at days after Halloween. The plan initially received a cool re 14 words per minute. There 21 10 31 (5) 26 Student Services Bldg. was some vandalism in his sponse front his parents, neighborhood last Halloween, n cnte News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Tuesday, October 25, 1977 1 1 HOWARD THE DUCK!® d®olly fiv M§Mi§ te I )WjlM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Coble) by Steve Gerber and Gene Colon sponsored by: LINDA RONS!ADT TICKETS ON SALE TODAY! . (I2)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) TUESDAY TUESDAY 8:00 (12) SOAP EVENING afternoon (6) Fitipatricks (23) Governor's Race: Four 12:00 5:30 (10) Man From Atlantis Democratic Hopefuls (11) Cable II News (11) V.R. Presents 10:00 (12) Rookies (12) Hoppy Days (6) Lou Grant (23) Electric Company (23) Un Day Concert 1977 (10) Police Woman 12:20 6:00 8:30 (12) Family IOC (6-10-12) News (11) The Electric Way (23) Eyewitness 12:30 (11) Shlntowo: Hearts in (12) Laverne ft Shirley 11:00 L,ch lor Tomorrow Harmony 9:00 (6-10-12) News rj,|Co ond theMon (23) Dick Cavett (6) M*A*S*H (23) Dick Cavett on'fHopo 6:30 (10) Mulligan's Stew 11:30 PEANUTS 1:00 (11) Tuesday Night (6) Kojok by Schulz Lngond the Restle«i (6) CBS News (12) Three's Company (10) Johnny Carson Song Show 9:30 (10) NBC News (12) Forever Fernwood Ull My Children (11) Woman Wise (6) One Day at a Time (23) ABC News to Sago 1:30 (12) ABC News 1,7ht World Turns (23) At We See It MSU SHADOWS ® TL,ol ^ Our lives 7:00 by Gordon Carleton 2:00 sponsored by: 120 000 Pyramid (6) My Three Sons jii in his Environment (10) Mary Tyler Moore PXNB ALL PETE'S 2:30 (11) Christ's Teachings in Present this really funny comic for 25' Violent World Llding light our worth of free play! Doctors (12) Mary Tyler Moore (23) High School Quiz Bowl jjntlileTo liv* food For Life 7:30 3:00 || In The Fomily (6) Michigon Replay with Bo FRANK & ERNEST ■ World Schembechler ■r by Bob Thaves sponsored by: lorent EHectiveness (10) Name That Tune 3:15 (11) Talkin' Sports onorol Hospital (12) New Truth or Conse¬ 3:30 quences IT'5 PART OF MY fcrtEpGY CONSERVATION ch Game (23) MocNeil/Lehrer Report / PROGRAM — X ONLY Ifillo Alegre 4:00 . PLUG IN MY ELECTRIC ,w Mickey Mouse Club CLOCK WHEN X WANT §ro«n Acres dy Bunch TO KNOW WHAT TIME |oiome Street IT IS. 4:30 Iris Day Hligon's Island • ThaJ£S Xiorgoncy One I 5:00 noke THE DROPOUTS Now Available FRESH SWtEl CIDER by Post sponsored by: WELS WITH FARLEY lit Frank MWAT0M HAS SMCXOM W ) TWE MCAMS AJER6 U\J IMG 4 WTODHCMESITFS'.TAO^ANDS ~ fTo PARLIES mm 0M6IMAILY BELIEVED- IMBLEWEEDS CAMPUS DI77A (next to Sliver Dollar Saloon) ^'"FREEOTOF ju.... FREE ITEM COKE fom K.Ryan sponsored by: rlCC/i 337 1377 W«d. -WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on request) 1 1 LIKE IT \ .1 © Phekeinthe)/^ A M0UNTAINS!"/ygh A 1 U fSOii n1 ' ifjt i fOSSWORD bhepard's PUZZLE sponsored by: compos 43 Needle-shaped 45 Philippine tree a , 49 Overthrow P^cloct 50 Molecule M ufeisB0RiNG 'llSr""'"1 Mongrel 52 Toque 53 Constellation \VeGorTo<5eTo(^o ; -'mThe only fvrs„,^> I KNOW WHO'S OAify ^ 29 little one 31 Pitcher 33 Votansl 36 liica 38 level 39 Nonprofessional 40 light Ian 41 Sweive 42 Withheld 44 Spanish aunt 46 Ciag 4; Candlenul Tuesday, October 25, 12 Michigan State News. Eost Lansing, Michigan 197? OZARK MOUNTAIN DAREDEVILS Screwed by sound system By DAVE DiMARTINO their chubby compatriots from Ten„ State Newa Staff Writer order to compensate for the natural H Dooley's Daredevils are not the Coryell heated The Ozark Mountain instrument volume the Ozarks'"*^ up ideal band to witness at an Ice Arena. Their performance at Munn arena Sunday night demonstrated that even a band with a significant tinker with a system pals. There's no way that preset for an n aeou^r" """M S amount of class — and the Ozarks, make no EVER be as loud, or clear, as ' ^1 KIM SHANAHAN line at Munn, I headed to a "Spaces", off the album of the matter how loudly it's miked t mistake, have lots of it — can be dwarfed by ~ a Ozark's soundman seemed State News Stall Reviewer double shot of JD on the rocks matters totally beyond their control. to overl i ""I If it hadn't been for a strong at Dooley's. At least, I wasn't Mouzon had an amazing Handicapped with a thoroughly ml, J will, I could have missed one of going to freeze standing in line. the best concerts of the term. The JI) was unneeded array of percussion ments and he used every one. instru¬ system, the group managed as best I expected. The group lacks a All my roommates and most though, cuz Coryell was cook There were enough drums Handicapped with a thorough¬ mainly because each member chari°j| of my friends were going to see ing. there for four different bands - ly muddled sound system, the and thus dtdn t establish writ! H Charlie Daniels and were He started the set but (hen. Mouzon handles them anv «,« J 114 by playing group managed as best as could the audience spending all day Sunday firing a medley with his acoustic as if In- had eight arms. - something that michtTl be expected. The group lacks a easily remedied had they been pe t!!'» themselves up for the big guitar. The first couple of em) cymbals added Lizard sor even the Silver hoedown. pieces were to limber himself 12 u-.iunl charismatic leader, mainly be¬ Dollar ^ Me, I had a ticket to see a slightly different emphasis This lack of a focal point has given ,k J up and let the audience know- cause each member writes and Larry Coryell at Dooley's. (han Hilly t'obham achieved on unusually diverse reputation "J„i All day long I put up with the that this was no three-chord ihe "Spares" album, not bad. sings, and thus didn't establish which wasn't (but should 3 taunts and jeers of my buddies, hut just a little brassier. have beenl J each one of them outdoing the I have never seen or heard any sort of rapport with the Sunday night is the purest of poo Wanna Get To Heaven," M other to convince me that I had anybody play chromatic scales At point Coryell teft the audience — something that might their other -i stage leaving Vitous and Mou have been easily remedied had typical country-pulp. The latter tune,! to be crazy to go see some jazz up and down the neck of a zon to improvise in a "rhythm onstage and probably came across as guitarist at Dooley's, (of all guitar as fast as Coryell does. He is incredible. rapport" with Vitous sawing they been performing at Lizard's, of the set. th!!' m places,) when I could be going the Silver Dollar. to see THE Charlie Daniels away on the bass and Mouzon or even It's a pity though. All of the Ozarks' After letting the people know- flailing away on the skins like a Band, right here at MSU. just what speed is on a guitar. den is too t uch. produced either by Glyn Johns or David i I must admit I almost sue- have been intricate, Coryell slid into a hard-driving, finely-crafted work uptempo blues number that I lost mv detachment and Unfortunately, the sound system the Ozarks show a talented and versatile were forced to use was truly abysmal, probably band in would have ev, n got the folks just let the emotion well up in Sunday night, whatever craftsmanship Larry Coryell dropping them at the end of the over in Mun-i waving their my throat. YES!! I was not preset from a Charlie Daniels Band sound check have been present onstage was severe, cowboy hats. alone in my ecstasy, the audi¬ done earlier in the day. pered by a sound system set for bootnineo ence was bobbing and grinning The result? Distortion, pure and simple. The rock. Taste had to take a back About the time I was think with every move of Mouzon's seat Ozarks are primarily an acoustic band, unlike It shouldn't have to be that ing there is nothing you could arms. We were as exhausted as way Phillips celebrates sloth add to make this sound better. they were, at the finish. Miroslav Vitous came onstage and tackled his big string bass. Although the set was terribly short for five bucks a shot, Coryell and Vitous have been Coryell did come out for an playing together for quite some encore that left me shocked. By STEVE SZILAGYI jack set loose for an evening on much trouble negotiating the time now, and their line of State News Reviewer the town. He is never at a loss canal"l. He's not a musician; communication flows unim Someone must have told him State News LynA. Hawes for words, and can send his he was in an area where Led Laughter, applause, and an he's a singer of good songs, and peded. Even when Vitous was Charlie Daniels is occasional sigh could be heard in audience from laughter to tears as much a comedian and story¬ w ith Weather Report, he would Zeppelin paves the way to with his smutty stories, bad take time out to cut an album heaven because he came out from Tennessee and the Union Ballroom Sunday teller as a singer. and rocked a solo that made me night as U. Utah Phillips and puns, and sad songs. Bgt while Phillips is noisy and with Coryell. proud of it. Though forget I was in a place where his music isn't the Rosalie Sorrels provided a con¬ Taking the stage before Sor boisterious. Rosalie Sorrels is The first tune for the two disco dominates. trast in musical styles for the rels, Phillips told the crowd he quiet and reserved, content to was a Miles Davis number most original to come was a person "monumentally The electrical effects Coryell Ten Pound Fiddle Coffeehouse. sing beautifully. Accompanied featuring Vitous on the bass. from the Southern pissed off at everything I can He fluid that the tune got out of his guitar were The antics of the outrageous by two excellent backup men on was so rock bombardment, Phillips — a former hobo, union think of." He then told of the harmonica and fretless bass. came out sounding like a classi¬ amazing. He would hit a couple, cal of toggle switches on the amp. Charlie still succeeds organizer, and self-confessed advantages of anarchy ihe was Sorrels played her guitar and let piece. Despite some sour high notes he drew out with the tap dance on a few buttons on because his corpulent "outright lazy person" — once a presidential candidate on her honey-smooth voice tell of bow, Vitous played like the the floor and presto, his guitar frame is enough to en¬ seemed far away from the the Sloth and Indolence ticket), love, motherhood, and the prob¬ would switch from George Ben¬ virtuoso he is. gentle, sincere style of silk- and sang a song called "Livin' In lems and joys of being a woman. son bop to the entire Johnny compass those mytho¬ voiced Sorrels. Judging from the Good Old Ways." The songs sung by Sorrels What was really amazing was Winter group from the cheap logical visions of whis¬ the enthusiastic response of the Phillips really believes in the were as much a reflection of her the vital backup Coryell provid¬ seats at Jenison Field House — key, women and he sings. When he railed ed. Still playing the acoustic. out of guitar. Duane Eddy riffs that exceptionally large crowd, this songs hard life as of the happiness she one stark contrast in styles made against modern ways and com¬ Coryell prompted and guided Not only is Coryell un¬ drifted through Munn found overcoming adversity. Vitous through the piece with the show one of t he Fiddle's best mercialism, he showed the audi¬ matched in a classical jazz Ice Arena From "Up Is a Nice Place to Be" subtle changes in rhythms and Sunday and most successful presenta¬ ence how he carries his matches sense, it turns out he is also a tions to date. in to a medley of lullabies, Sorrels chords, never taking a dom¬ master of distortion. night, especially — an empty disposable presented her life as an open inant role. when he sang The U. Utah Phillips has to be one It was definitely the right lighter. He still carries his book through her music. She South's Gonna Do It of the strangest characters in I.W.W. (International Workers Their eyes never left each decision to see Coryell Sunday wasn't as witty as Phillips, but folk music. Sporting an im¬ of the World) card with pride, other's during the entire ex¬ night. He was superb. And Again. more moving. change, even though they had since the set was so short, I was mense gray beard and wearing and admits to having bummed Putting Phillips and Sorrels to look through Alphonse able to beat it over to Munn to on boxcars for a suspenders and a rumpled hat, good part of his Mouzon's maze of drums. catch the encore of Charlie with a shining silver dollar life. He's sincere when he on the same program made the sings Daniels mounted in the peghead of his show one of the best folk music Mouzon came on after the "Hallelujah, I'm a Bum." WOW! The South IS going to guitar, Phillips is equally at ease Phillips is a shouter of songs, offerings imaginable. The rela¬ acoustic duet and the trio tively large crowd that turned pounded out a rendition of do it again! singing a song about moose spicing them up between cho¬ out Sunday night, proves how droppings as he is telling a ruses with his wild stories and tearjerking story about the puns ("We wanted to name our well these two entertainers death of one of his hobo pals. He son Panama after he was born compliment each other on the looks and sounds like a lumber¬ Caesarean, because he had so same bill. STEREO THE DEAN OF BEER'S QUICKIE QUIZ. SHOPPERS HERE'S ANOTHER IMPORTANT REASON TO STOP Q: The figure "130" represents: AT HI FIBUYS FIRST a) The number of mailmen in the U.S. answering to the name of Louie. REASON NO. 8 FREE TEST CLINICS AND SEMINARS b) Ant. combination of the numbers 70 and 60. c) The number of times the word porcupine SEVERAL FREE TEST CLINICS ARE HELD EACH VEAR, I COVERING DIFFERENT PARTS OF YOUR STEREO SYSTEM. Ol'R I can be written on a zucchini. 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