HOW: M VOLUME 71 NUMBER 147 MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 V SU names Harden r interim president I PATRICIA LA CROIX Wharton has indicated that he plans to Harden said he had taken a leave of leave near Jan. 1, following Jjtc Sen SUM Writer completion of absence from this position while he is acting fen-den was unanimously ap- the $17 Million Enrichment Program. president of MSU. .miming by theMSU Board Board Chairperson Patricia Carrigan, 1 as aciing University president, "This comes as the culmination of a D-Farmington Hills, said the trustees saw thirty-year love affair with Michigan (resident of the Story, Inc. the selection of an acting president as a top State," Harden said Friday morning. is a former dean of MSU priority to "ensure minimal disruption of .former president of Northern University operations." "Michigan State has been very good to me and my family. I feel this is a good ■diversity (NMU). Carrigan stressed that though there were Tjntment will become effective a number of "highly qualified individuals" opportunity to repay this institution for those many good things." nt President Clifton R. Wharton within the University who could have been ■ East Lansing to assume the considered for the temporary position, the Harden also said he will continue to hip of the State University of trustees were concerned that the board actively seek funding from the state for I which he accepted last week. "not pre empt — or appear to pre-empt — MSU while he is acting president, but the eventual selection process by designat¬ "under no circumstances" will he seek the ing one of these individuals as acting position of permanent president. president." He also said "it would be presumptuous" Carrigan and Trustee John Bruff, D- for him to try initiating programs of his own Fraser, were chosen to represent the desire while holding the position. He will be trustees on the committee to select a new permanent president. working closely with Wharton in the Academic Council, whose bylaws regu¬ coming months to "ensure a smooth late the selection process, will meet transition," he added. Tuesday to discuss the applicability of the "He (Harden) is aggressive and a doer. process used in the selection of Wharton in He gets down to nuts and bolts," said 1969. Trustee Michael Smydra, D-East Lansing. Harden was first an associate professor of "He is no stranger to University adminis¬ counseling, testing and guidance at MSU in tration but he also has valuable business State News Debtee Borin 1946. He was named director of continuing and political ties in the state. He has an education in 1950 and helped break ground excellent rapport with the political and The devil doesn't submit to ■ breathalizer test too under the direction of DPS Officer Merle L. Lemon for the Kellogg Center for Continuing business community." often, and for obvious but Halloween reasons, on as part of a demonstration given at a Hubbard Hall Education in 1951. In 1953 he was named Frank weekend anything can happen. Dressed in a devil Halloween party Friday evening. Blatt, president of the MSU dean of continuing education. costume, Scott Christy takes a breathalizer test chapter of the American Association of He became president of NMU in 1956 University Professors, said the chapter was after a year in business as executive vice "deeply distressed and disappointed" by the STUDENTS CHECK THEIR ALCOHOL INTAKE president of the Drop Forging Association selection of Harden, one made in an in Cleveland. Enrollment at NMU surged atmosphere of secrecy behind closed doors. DPS demonstrates breathalizer from 800 students in 1956 to 8,000 students under his presidency. He resigned from this "This disappointment reflects in no position in 1967 to become president of manner upon the qualifications of Dr. Story, Inc. Harden; in fact, we know very little about Kdgar Harden By DEBORAH HEYWOOD alcohol him," Blatt said. poisoning and a high probability of death. State News Staff Writer Randy Goodman, a Hubbard freshman, was disappointed with "For reasons that are not apparent to us While Halloween has traditionally been known mainly for his 1.3 the Board decided to act on this with reading. ... tricks, Hubbard Hall residents got a special treat at their annual "I'm going back to drink some more," he declared. "I'm [anfs accepted unseemly haste and in great Halloween disco party Friday.JVigbL.... going to ■ secrecy. There beat them all." was, as far as we have been able to The dormitory's alcohol education committee invited Depart¬ But another student, who asked not to be named, was ascertain, no input whatever from any ment of Public Safety (DPS) officers to the BYOB party. concerned about his reading, also 1.3. segment of the academic community, not Residents brought their own booze; DPS brought their own He asked from the faculty or the students," he added. breathalizer. Dunlap if he would have been taken to jail in a real-life situation. When Dunlap replied "and then some," the student And what might have been an average dorm party became Blatt said the manner in which Harden walked away, apparently considering the idea. Vtrustees was chosen would affect the faculty's response to him, since now he will "be regarded as a man imposed upon the faculty something a little more interesting and a little more fun for the group Dunlap. that gathered around Officer Merle Lemon and Sgt. James Curious onlookers asked questions and watched the demonstra¬ A 1.3 reading wasn't the highest that night, however. One incoherent student racked up a 2.3. Katie Hillas, a graduate adviser at Hubbard, explained that the purpose behind the demonstration was to show students how easy by the Board of Trustees, not one selected tion, while more serious drinkers challenged each other to see it is to become legally "impaired" and to let them know at what | AWE S.CROWLEY to make changes suggested by MSU,Cantlon by < who could "score the highest point." »h Staff Writer told the board. point they should not be out driving. At a meeting Friday afternoon, the Pat O'Donovan, a freshman at Hubbard, discussed the positive "I'd rather people tried it out here where they can just walk P 1 ard of Trustees agenda Five groups appeared before the trustees 1 iitt'd Nations docket last trustees heard comments from the Univer¬ rapport and friendly interaction between the officers and the bark to their rooms, than to get pulled over to the side of the road Thursday night to request that MSU divest students. millers approved gifts and itself of stocks in companies with holdings in sity community about the selection of a new for drunk driving and then have to use it," she said. University president. Most speakers "The students know they aren't going to get arrested or Lemon said DPS was at first skeptical about the idea. -al international projects South Africa and terminate foreign projects ■tlie controversial MSU Brazil stressed the importance of adequate input anything for getting drunk, so they feel more at ease," he said. "It turned out pretty good, though," he said. "I think it's been involving the governments of South Korea, from all sectors of the University, including "But mostly people are just curious. It's pretty different." both educational and fun for everyone." Brazil, Uruguay and Iran. The breathalizer alcohol content zero-to-four- Inimous vote came twelve hours Three persons dropped bloodstained play faculty, students, minorities, women and measures on a He went alumni. point scale. Lemon explained to students during an impromptu on to say that in the future he would like to use the J»ird listened to pleas that the money on the floor in front of the board table breathalizer with students in a more controlled situation. ■ sever Its ties with several question and answer session that a .8 to .9 reading means driver foreign following a speech by Jim Davis of the "The core of any University is the faculty reactions are impaired and they could be charged with "driving "It's hard to be accurate in this ■Its criticized for their setting," he explained. "A repression Committee to Stop the MSU-Iran Film — that is the stable part," said Gwen under the influence of alcohol. The higher the reading, the person has to wait 20 minutes after his last drink before taking Project. Norrell, chairperson of the Academic Coun¬ drunker is the person taking the test. A reading of four indicates the test and we really don't know if the students are doing this." Jl.tlli grant from the Brazilian "You and I cannot get a research project," cil Steering Committee. |f Education I to expand and and Culture will make improve graduate Davis told the trustees. "But Kellogg, Mobil and Dow can. It's another example of the 1 m Brazil, according to the golden rule those with the gold can." City Club hopes to obtain Poxson Building — en the board at its formal action The committee and the Iranian Students Association last month spoke against the |ney "represents additional funds ■ materials," said John Cantlon, board's acceptance of funds to finish films said the price given by Johnson and Crouse earlier decision and recommended that the By JIM DuFRESNE and up the cause and sent a letter to the city "fat for research and already begun. was half the asset value of the property. graduate CHRIS KUCiYNSKI council July 7 recommending the Poxson city retain public ownership of the property Karen Clark of the Committee for Justice State News Staff Writers Building be placed at EDC's disposal. The The council voted to refuse the offer, but on but permit private development of the pable workers in the Brazil Project (continued on page 12) The City Club of Lansing. offer was rejected. Aug. 22 Graves sent another letter to the building. It has been called a "serene place for •Before June 14, Mayor Gerald Graves council members recommending they re¬ Up until September theaetionof the city received a letter from Gary L. Johnson and consider it. They did not. council was consistent with the 56-year quiet conversation" but for the last eight months the City Club of Lansing has hardly John Crouse about the possible purchase of •On May 31 the City Club invited the city master plan to develop the property into a been quiet, much less serene. the property. The pair wanted to spend council to cocktails and a private dinner to park. On that date, however, Councilmem- In its efforts to find a proper home in around $500,000 to remodel the building discuss the acquisition of the property. At ber Louis Adado began legal maneuvers to and lease it to a governmental or commer¬ that time, the club presented to the council place the issue on the November ballot, the Lansing, the City Club has become an influential political organization of business cial group. Johnson is a member of the City architectural drawings of a renovation plan first step required to sell any property men. It has evolved into a group of vocal Club, Graves is an honorary member and for the building which include a private valued over $5,000. Crouse sits on the EDC board, as does restaurant on the street level, a health spa For the council to put the sale on the lobbyists and a private social club, playing a Graves. on the river level and offices on the third ballot, it first had to pull the question out of major role in the revitalization of the weather downtown area. "We would have rented it out to any floor. the buildings and properties committee. On number of groups," Johnson said. "The City •Messenger and Hines also gave a similar Sept. 19. the council changed Rule 18, Club could have possibly been one." presentation to the Waterfront Develop a procedural measure which requires six Today will be windy, with increased cloudiness and a chance of The letter was referred to the Committee ment Board at its Aug. 9 meeting. council votes to release a resolution from High: in the low 60s. Tonight's low: in the mid-40s. Finally the lobbying began to produce committee. In a 5-4 vote, with Graves on Buildings and Properties which re¬ commended to the city council on June 14 results. In its Aug. 15 letter to the city- casting the tie-breaker, the council changed that the offer be refused. The committee council, the development board reversed an (continued on page 12) Today the club meets in the banquet rooms above Tarpoffs Restaurant on E. Kalamazoo. It would like, however, to COLEMAN YOUNG RELEASES TAX RETURNS occupy the Poxson Building located on the Lansing riverfront — which for 56 years has been designated for use as a city park. One Lansing City Council member said the Poxson Building property "will be worth a gold mine when downtown Lansing is Mayoral candidates hold debate By R.W. ROBINSON and suggested Young's tax returns might not During the debate. Young compared developed." himself to the late former REGINALD THOMAS withstand public scrutiny in an earlier heavyweight Though council members maintain that no official offer for the property has been State News SUB Writer debate. boxing champion Jack Johnson, explaining a "white hope" is anyone the white populace made by the City Club, the club's board of Incumbent Detroit Mayor Coleman A. Copies of Young's tax returns were directors has conducted Young released the contents of his 1976 delivered to debate moderator Patricia supports in an attempt to dethrone a black a vigorous cam income tax returns following a televised Boyle, a Detroit Recorder's Court judge, champion. He said Browne represented this paign since early March to purchase or hope because "he appeals to the bigotry of lease the property. debate Thursday night. The debate be¬ Friday afternoon. Browne did not comment tween Young and his opponent, on Young's disclosures. white racism." •On March 9, and again on June 20, city councilmember Ernest C. Browne, was The debate, broadcast on Detroit's three "I want to be the hope of all the people," President Howard Messenger and Don hallmarked by the insults that have major television stations, originated from Browne replied. Hines, chairperson of the club's building Browne accused characterized the most personal and non- WJBK TV studios (channel 2) in Southfield Young of bypassing committee, met with Lansing's Economical issue oriented mayoral campaign in recent and was sponsored by the League of qualified job applicants in favor of political Development Corporation (EI)C), a non¬ Detroit Women voters. The Young Browne debate profit organization that assists the city in history. marked the first time two black candidates "A lady came to me with a degree and urban renewal, about the possibility of Young said he has been paying taxes since 1946 and had been audited twice by faced off in a major American city's mayoral was trying to get a job with city services," obtaining the use of the building from the he said. "Because she was not politically the IRS without incident. He added that he contest. city. Earlier in the campaign. Young called affiliated with Young, she could not get a released the information in order to "clear The EDC, whose 11 person board in Browne "the first black white hope." (continued on page 12) eludes three members of the City Club, took up the mud" thrown by Browne, who 2 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan M°nd°V.Octob,r Lithuanians rampage at jt MOSCOW (AP) - Thou Some of the shouting was tion, the residents said. Several nights later the even¬ sends of Lithuanians shouted heard during a live television Militiamen, Soviet security ing Vilnius newspaper "le Russian, i„ , I anti-Soviet and nationalist slo¬ gans at a recent soccer match broadcast of the game before it was off "for technical reasons," police and auxiliary policemen tried to cohtrol the rioting, but Vecherniye Novosti carried an account of the rioting, saying it "0UblyinWI,>J «»nan revolt and?^T and then went on rampage the residents said. When the game ended at 9 when they made arrests, the crowd surged in to free the was started gans," he said. by "drunken hooli¬ ™h(e° '^sand,'"l through the streets of Vilnius, Two killed in anti-Ghandi protest the capital of Soviet Lithuania, p.m., about 15,000 spectators prisoners, they said. There was no immediate dissident sources said Sunday. streamed out into the streets Podrabinek said he believed comment from Soviet authori¬ The sources said cars were and some of them began turn¬ a number of people were finally ties. Podrabinek is regarded as ^-year old NEW DELHI, "India (AP) Police welcome overturned, police cars set a- ing over cars and ripping down taken to police stations but he a reliable source by other - by supporters. opened fire Sunday on thousands of Stracey said police tried to disperse the fire, windows smashed and propaganda banners which did not know how many. He Moscow dissidents. f!,re ^ national? Jj flous rock-throwing demonstrators protesting anti-Gandhi crowd of about 5,000 with Soviet propaganda banners have festooned about the city to was told there was another Lithuania has been the scene ™e reason,, ZI disturbance four nights later of several nathionalist time. The, T Indira Gandhi's visit to the southern city tear gas, baton charges ond repeated torn down in the rioting on the mark the upcoming 60th anni¬ up¬ internal force, of Madras, and a police official said two requests over bullhorns. When that night of Oct. 10. versary of the Russian revolu¬ but could not confirm this. risings since it was invaded by and policemen to rw| £ The next morning, they said, persons were killed. failed, they fired four rounds of ammuni¬ Madras Inspector-General Eric L. Stro- troops armed with automatic tion. weapons patrolled the streets WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXPECTED cey said 27 demonstrators and 10 The mob fought police with rocks, of Vilnius. policemen were injured during the two sticks and iron flag poles and set two Alexander Podrabinek, an hour street battle. But he said the former prime minister arrived safely at another part of the city and was given a warm police vehicles and a rail car ablaze, Stracey said. He said several dozen persons were arrested. ambulance medic who also speaks out on human rights, told Western newsmen he re Israeli strikes mar hew econon cently visited Vilnius, where of Socialist he gathered details of the TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - policies under Labor goods and services. •>»y Israel's move toward a free tars, cigarette, 1 Hijacked airliner returns to Saigon incident. He said residents told him market economy set off strikes governments. The government, in a move The Sabath-eve ment threw announce¬ the marketplace appliances before the anij and buying sprees Sunday as to cut Israel's trade deficit and into confusion when businesses value.,d public utility amendment passed, it "flew in Z-28, Malibu, Monte Carlo, lm- relations expenses and would than 10 grams. sbying. [before the House change accounting methods to Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the face of the agreed upon compromise, which I didn't pala, Caprice and The New Corvette. CIGARETTES 789* pass tax savings on to custom- said he was willing to committee are accept agree with anyway, except to legalization of up to 10 grams See or call me at EXPIRES 11-6-77 ■ begin the 13-bill try to help this bill." "as a compromise lP' day in the Those bills will be discussed although I Hatch will propose an amend¬ Bud Kouts Chevrolet STATE COUPON would prefer not to have any ment Tuesday to make posses¬ along with an earlier measure 2801 E. result of an possession decriminalized in sion of less than 10 grams " a Michigan a introduced by Jondahl and any way." criminal infraction" subject to a 489-6533 in®/ lU/oOFr r>CP OURPRICE DISCOUNT ON port by a special Spaniola in June which would But Hatch said when Two Blocks West of Frandor [nittee formed insure better funding of the Bayh's $100 fine. PSC consumer advocate divi¬ PHOTO FINISHING NO LIMIT EXPIRES 11-6-77 ising utility rates" sion through monthly public |ommend reforms, utility billing. Also up for w of the "insti- Ipendence and per- ■ the Michigan Pub- consideration measure Jeffery is a similiar sponsored by Rep. Padden, D—Wyan¬ THIS WEEK'S INFLATION FIGHTERS WRITE YOUR OWN COUPON SALE immission (PSC)" dotte. 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Jello Dessert Gelatins 3 -Meat- ICcfMZC lw \Jr r OUR DISCOUNT PRICEON Di Orion Sock* (Sixes 10-13) 66* pair It formula 44 Cough Syrup 6 ox. pkg. /88' Save 299 USDA Choice Boneless Chuck Roast 98* lb ^bottle 99* Limit 3 with $5.00 Food Purchase (Don't pay for excess fat & bone- pakery- Buy Boneless & stretch your food DEODORANT TRIAL SIZES EXCLUDED |wt# Jumbo White Bread , Both Goodrich's & Larry's dollars) ("•io«f) fn Fresh Raspberry Rolls J/77' have Package Liquor & Lean Ground Beef from Chuck EXPIRES 11-6-77 |«Pk9. 59' full selection of your (80% Lean or better) 98* ib. STATE COUPON ff'tih 100% Wholewheat Favorite Beer & Wine USDA Choice Boneless 1 Cc OFF OUR DISCOUNT 59' ■ ^ V/rr PRICEON English Cut Roast 5129 ib. BllSjHfrozen & Spartan Bacon (1# pkg.) Dairy $ Regular or Thick Sliced $] 19 ptherwood Natural Flavored Ice Cream (% gallon) | 29 Koegel Bologna COLD REMEDY $]29 Ring or Reg. Sliced 99* .b ter policySpouwer Frozen BeeSizzlers (6 count — 18 oz. pkg.) 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Michigan Monday, £ MARSHALL TlH BAM) San Francisco Ballet: impressive "Romeo" scores a resounding success By CONSTANCE A. WARNER The five one-act ballets on the San Francisco In two very different programs, presented Ballet's second program varied both in style and here last Wednesday and Thursday, the San quality. While Beethoven Quartets had more Francisco Ballet scored a resounding success substance than a great many plotless ballets, it with East Lansing audiences. still was rather bland, perhaps because the Romeo and Juliet was far and away the best of choreographer, John McFall, imitated so many the two programs. With choreography by styles that he left no room for his own Michael Smuin to the Prokofiev score, this choreographic point of view. It was one of those Romeo and Juliet is second only to the Macmillan ballets where one thinks, "There goes Cecchetti, version, as danced by Britain's Royal Ballet, in here come Balanchine; say, wasn't that Eliot dramatic coherence and kinetic effectiveness. Feld?" (I liked the Eliot Feld section of the ballet This achievement is all the more remarkable best, although I'm still not sure whether it was when one considers the wide disparity of because of the quality of the choreography or resources and personnel between the two simply that I prefer Feld's style.) companies: not too long ago, the dancers of the Mobile was a short pas de trois by Tom Rudd SPECIAL GUliT STARS nearly bankrupt San Francisco Ballet were in the manner of the Pilobolus Dance Theatre to dancing in the streets to raise money, whereas the adagio from Gnyne which was used in the the Royal Ballet has the patronage of the British Crown. There were a few places where the choreo¬ graphy of Romeo and Juliet was simply adequate, as in the overly staged and regimented score for the movie 2001. The Stravinsky Pas de Deux by Lew Christensen was a cheerfully noncommittal piece for two dancers dressed in a balletic version of Italian peasant costumes. STILLWATER crowd scene that opened the second act, or the WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2nd| Medea by Michael Smuin, to the Samuel tepid balcony scene that plodded along on the Barber score, looked like a series of Frazetta emotional level. On the other hand, the powerful paintings come to life. The dancers, with their second-act finale (in which Tybalt and Mercutio highly defined muscles and brief, pseudo-archaic are killedl is an eminently satisfactory blend of costumes (decorated jockstraps for the men, dance and drama which builds relentlessly to an body tights for the womenl confronted each explosive climax: and Romeo's farewell to Juliet illl.i.l has all the delicacy, believability, and slow build of emotional intensity missing in the other before a sort of clotted violet backdrop. If you missed this ballet, you can get a good idea of the work from Frazetta's "Atlantis" Ifor Jason) CIVIC CENTER balcony scene. and "At the Earth's Core" (for Creusa); and As a partial solution to the problem of how to keep a big ballet like Romeo and Juliet going without a cast of thousands, Smuin has added Medea looked uncomfortably like "The tion" and the grisly "Woman with a Appari¬ Scythe." The AUDITORIUM overall resemblance between the passionate, numerous theatrical devices (e.g. Juliet's violent, and almost completely nude characters "mirror", in which an identically dressed dancer of Medea and their pictorial counterparts was forms Juliet's mirror image) and, at times, even eerie and disturbing tampers with the plot. Most of the devices looked Reserved Seat Tickets fresh, original, and spontaneous, but a few of Unfortunately, Medea had only as much them — especially the plot changes — were intellectual and artistic substance as Frazetta's on sale now at: somewhat distracting. pop-art paperback covers. The choreography was Diana Weber was appropriately delicate and flashy but often trite; the plot was presented in a Civic Center Box Office touching as Juliet, while Jim Sohm was properly disjointed, episodic fashion: and the characteri¬ naive, passionate and photogenic as Romeo. But zation was shallow. Discount Records — East Lansing it was Attila Ficzere, playing Mercutio, who stole The breezy and refreshing Gershwin, by the show. Not only does Ficzere possess perhaps Robert Gladstein, was a sort of balletic update of the strongest technique of any male dancer in the the production numbers in those marvelous State News Kathy Kilbury San Francisco Ballet, he has more all the rest of the panache than company put together. His movie musicals of the thirties and forties. The Sun Francisco Ballet members warm up before DOORS 7:00 SHOWM acting as Mercutio was intense, passionate, and choreography (of Gershwin) was lively, unpre Wednesday's performance of Romeo and Juliet, tentious, and extremely good, and the dancers one of two Lecture-Concert ballets A Beaver Production completely believable. made the most of it. presented by the company in the MSU Auditorium last week. MCA PRESENTS Me ourfeetings DIRECT-DIALED LONG DISTANCE CALLS WITHIN MICHIGAN MttN | ruts | Wtp" 5 p.m. _ 11 p.m.. 30% DISCOUNT .11 p.m. 7 a.m. _ .7 a.m. DIRECT-DIALED LONG DISTANCE CALLS TO OTHER STATES Jf: (\\ 8 a.m. MON | 1 Ut b I WtD | f HUH| (h x> i 5 p.m. 35% DISCOUNT 35% 11 p.m. (k aPj 8 a.m. 60% DISCOUNT 'Except Alaska and Hawaii When you have a special feeling about someone and want to keep in touch, why go through the hassle of Kalamazoo or an old friend in New York for AVAILABLE AT writing letters and waiting for replies . . . especially you may think, particularly when you drai a So check the chart above. Then clip a™ ■ ^ since it's so much easier and more |he personal lo call wall by the phone... or put it in your wall WHERE each other on the phone? ^ i 220 MAC HOUSE UNIVERSITY MALI ABOVE ALLE'EY RECORDS II Besides, with Long Distance it doesn't take reason or a big bankroll just to keep in touch. You can talk lo thai crazy character mi a big money you'll save by dialing when rates Remember. Long Distance is cheap dial direct on weeknights after 5 P n weekend before 5 p.m. Sunday. (|)e . HNS: MONDAY SATURDAY - 3AM-9PM; OPEN SUNDAY 12 NOON - 5PM, PH. 332-3575 Michigan BeN n clnts News, Eost Lonsing. Michigon Monday, October 31, 1977 7 cturer at backs MSU farm workers By JEANNE BARON Migrants seek collective bargaining /5 from joining unions and v t / •i break strikes, _ gate New« Staff Writer Orendain continued. L„i workers want the right to improve He said workers from the Mexican side of Ives through collective bargaining, the continues, Mexican workers are now joining "Some progress has been made toward the border are willing to work for less money int of the Texas Farm Workers' Union in strikes instead of acting as strikebreakers. education for farm workers, but if all of them because even J1.50 a day is more money than ■ said Friday at MSU. He pointed out that 10 of the 11 workers become doctors and lawyers there would not they are bsed to making. Living in Mexico Inio Orendain spoke on campus as part wounded by a grower in a recent strike were be food on anyone's table," he said. decreases their living expenses so they make It aimed at raising funds for developing Mexicans. "We want collective bargaining rights and more profit than workers on the U.S. side of Li »• ! rs Kributing information about the union Adding to the problem, he said, is the fact the right-to-work laws repealed so we can do the border. _■ W U fjPi Xworkers. that there is no law offering specitic our own work, which is in agriculture." The overall problem is that the system is set ^5= mass A W U V A W ™L? ■movement to organize in Texas began protection to agricultural workers. He said right-to-work laws give migrant up to exploit workers, Orendain said. I he said, but the TFW was not formally "It's impossible to organize our own people workers the "right" to work for less money "The system of free enterprise sounds |j until 1975. because they don't have any protection. and be exploited. beautiful if you have money, a profession or lid much of the reason for the delay was Agricultural workers don't come under the The laws supposedly give workers the an education, but for us the only free right (competition between workers from 1 and Mexican-Americans and harass- National Labor Relations Act. The law is for industrial workers," he said. only not to to join a union, he said, but growers use it bring in strikebreakers if workers walk out enterprise is if I'm hungrier than you, T have to work cheaper than you," he said. SHAKERS ' |y growers, police and immigration Laws must be made which deal with the said that while harassment migratory and piece work conditions farm laborers work under, Orendain explained. in support pay- So of better working conditions actually, the growers may or stop workers a In addition, the farm worker does not have pension, a retirement plan or a place to go if technology replaces him, Orendain said. fmm MSU REACTS TO BAKKE CASE Need Resume Printing ? jstees back affirmative action, Blood Drive 7fitter now features: jdge policy of equal opportunity Nov. 1 Tuesday Certificate Royale watermarked bond with matching envelopes. • llution reaffirming the encourage this. member, said the Bakke case out of the Supreme Court that Phototypesetting for that professional look. Ty's support of affirma¬ had nothing to do with the wiil hurt affirmative action A variety of colors, textures, and type styles tion programs was Trustee Donald Stevens, D- timing of the resolution, as far jy the MSU Board of Bloomfield Hills, a member of as he was concerned. programs," Stevens said. South complex ■ Friday. „-d by Trustee Blanche the board's affirmative action committee, said Martin report¬ ed receiving numerous phone 'There is for human no particular timing rights," he said. State News A PERFECT FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS STATIONERY. AND ANNOUNCEMENTS D East Lansing, the |i states that the board calls expressing concern that the University might change its "(Reaffirming our position on affirmative action) is something Newsline 1 on record as affirmative action policy if the that should be done on a regular -sing the nation's U.S. Supreme Court gave an basis." 353-3382 211 Abbott Road ■immitment to equal adverse decision on the Bakke k is embodied in the action concept." The resolution also expressed the board's belief that the PUMPKIN West Wilson Next to State Theater Phone 351-4321 Martin could not be reached Supreme Court will recognize solution stems from the for comment Sunday afternoon. the nation's moral commitment tse tll.S. Supreme Court, currently But Trustee Aubrey Rad- to equal opportunity in its decision on the Bakke case. SALE COLLEGE GRADUATES fear could hurt cliffe, R-East Lansing, another any k action programs. affirmative action committee "We hope nothing will come TODAY DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH For information YOUR PARALEGAL CAREER- HORTICULTURE a 37-year-old white s he was excluded BLDG. NOT ALL LAWYER'S ASSISTANT PROGRAMS Ettionally from the Kathy 353-2494 Kediral 9-5 p.m. ARE THE SAME ■ 100 class school because tr minorities. spaces were budgetgap MSU HORT. ClUB A Roosevelt University Lawyer's Assistant rep¬ LADIES' APPAREL resents the mark of quality and acceptance in given in the ♦SALESMEN'S SAMPLES AT today's legal community. f for restatement of SAMPLE PRICES If you are a college graduate and qualify, why not give risthat the Bakke case yourself an advantage by attending Roosevelt Univer¬ d concern I' S. Supreme Court could wipe out the If iction concept, I>1 educational institu¬ that an ♦LA YAW AY NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS / coupon only Weight Loss Medical Clinic YOU CAN LOSE UP TO 30 LBS. IN JUST 30 DAYS AND STAY THAT WAY Docton Weight Lot* Clinic uiet liquid Protein techniques end else the new lunch A Dinner menu to guarantee you w ll | the first week of the liquid Protein Diet. JJ to JO pounds the first month. " " Tha liquid Protoln I* simply that you consume only specially formulated liquid Protein. Your body uses storod lot lor liquid Protein Pest en your own. To be safe, this diet must be medically supervised. OUR PROGRAM IS A MEDICAL Now that the jeon is a major YOU'VE EARNED • Natural liquid prot.ln dial TREATMENT-NOT A DIET . No field of interest, drug! - Na Inj.ction, • Undar Doctor, atrlct .uparvlslan No . hunger - Na lot. ol .n«g, we make a point THE RIGHT TO BE • Behavior Modification program to IF YOU'D LIKE TO BE 22 TO 30 POUNDS LIGHTER AT THIS TIME NEXT keep up. (in¬ MONTH I deed, ahead!) PROUD! ... CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION - THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO | OBLIGATION. Drop by for an NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR PERSONALIZED instructive sur¬ GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR ALL vey: cords, brushed denim, bibs, painter DEGREES. CAP AND ACCEPTED. GOWN FOR INFORMATION 355-3498. RESERVATIONS NOW call 351-9800 pants . . . and DOCTORS WEIGHT LOSS MEDICAL CLINIC much, much more. THE UNION STORE 714 ABBOn, EAST LANSING IN THE UNION, OF COURSE NEAR SAGINAW HOURS: MON-WED 9 7 THUR. 9-9 From $17.00 FRI. 9-6 • SAT. 10-4 HOLDEN-REID ..ATTIC FRANDOR/LANSING MALL FREE CASSETTE RECORDER CLINIC NOVEMBER 7 & 8 ... E. LANSING A representative from a leading cassette recorder manufacturer will check the heads and transport of your recorder. He will then run a check of frequency response vs. distortion in your particular unit. There will also be a representative from Maxell available to discuss com¬ parisons of various cassette tapes. And finally a rep¬ resentative of Nortronics Corp. will help you with main¬ tenance of your recorder. For the fun of it. It's all a mailer of style. And it's as CLINICS FROM 1PM to 7 PM simple as sliding your feel imoa pair ol DEX by Desier. They're sofi, flexy CLINIC SPECIAL. Naiure Hide1" with lhe outdoor look everybody's into. A flexy sole, loo, that tells the whole world MAXELL UD "! r you've gol DEX-appeal. MAXELL UOXL C 90 CASSETTE C 90 CASSETTE OUR PRICE OUR PRICE $4.25 $5.20 WITH COUPON WITH COUPON $3.50 $4.25 OR OR 5 FOR $15 ! i 5 FOR $20 PLUS . .. SPECIAL PRICES ON SELECTED ITEMS DURING CLINIC DAYS. gjMtjiluJfci'l'l SHOES 'N' STUFF HbFI 217 E. Grand River across from the MSU Union SAM'S STORE corner of ABBOTT & GRAND 1101 E.GRAND RIVER E.L. PH. 337-1767 RIVER M-F 10-8, S 9-5 337-SAMS cmto News, Eos' Lonzing, Michigon Mondoy, October 31, 1977 9 LANDMARK FOR MICHIGAN CITIES WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II DON'T FORGET OUR 220 MAC., UNIVERSITY MALL ABOVE ALLE EY Ifiredlining bill clears Senate HRS.: MON.-SAT. 9AM-9PM, SUN. 12NOON-5 PM PH. 332 3525 rn. Agk** FREE CASSETTE RECORDER CLINIC. . . ALLnaTb^ Llining bill des- Rarely has so much effort have passed legislation that will country in coping with this very I landmark in the gone into the making of a single reverse the flow of money out complex problem," Milliken NOVEMBER 7 & 8... E. LANSING , t0 revitalize piece of legislation. It involved of our cities," said House said. a statewide coalition neighborhoods against Speaker Bobby D. Crim, D- h n tanimous Senate redlining chaired by Detroit Davison. "The efforts that preceded -/ EVERY Di City Councilwoman Erma of this bill are a classic Henderson, several state law Also expressing satisfaction at the bill's passage was Gov. passage example of what can be accom¬ MAXELL UD 35-90 Reel To Reel Tape no Hi-Fi BUYS" makers and representatives of plished when those involved on the lending institutions. William G. Milliken. all sides of a problem sit down 3 PK w/FREE Empty Reel Reg. $20.95 10 1101 E.GRAND RIVER "This bill can serve as a to work out a solution in a E.L. PH. 337-1767 spirit "Because of these people, we model for the rest of the of cooperation," he said. OR SEPARATELY $4" EAHH M-F 10-8, S 9-5 ' as a test Of UnitedjS N> j: : r\ ! Jfp a (J | Gilchrist 3 is really stacked! Phi Mu is it I ready when you are! 10 apply for credit lave to be given an is for a The following stater Save IS' [ASMSU Computer "•It I'Mtl Now let's find where your matching attitudes a Lag loans, banks special i the number closest tc Jmitted to take into ■ physical condition in group* li within a 750-foot I home in question, of 6 Date Match) ctions it of energy K»- )ngly Agree Jony A. Derezinski, or mora. S TIME NEXT MONTH 1 I who managed the APPLICATION: of my friends regard me a e person. ready to settle down and get married, IS ABSOLUTELY NO 1 JSenate floor and lorations and Eco- usually put things away when I finish using them. lapment Committee ""'".believe in a Supreme Being. |and defended the might marry after I knew my partner for ) said the THIS ONE IS DIFFERENT inly a short time if I knew I was in love. Id indicate if banks Most computer date match services are for losers :oo explicitly with sex today, |deny loans in cer- You've heard the pitch - "lonely, divorced, widowed " possible. Mail the form ijuana should be legalized, Who would sign up for a date match like that? I order for $3.75 or S3,00 for those mailed in groups of ilong to many clubs and organizations, AL CLINIC aki said, law- This computer date match is for everybody - jocks, jerks, junkies, jesus freaks; spare changers, tire changers-; six or more. The deadline for applications is Friday, ily get angry. Id it least know November 4, 1977. ITwo single people who are only strongly physically attracted to modern artists, con artists; smokers, tokers; 'each other should have intercourse as often as they like. rah-rah's, Since the compterer.ywiI make only gne matching run |d tould consider rednecks; oversexed, undersexed; AM hsterners. FM and print one set or reports, Friday will be your last (i to get money listeners; TV watchers, bird watchers; fence sitters, baby chance to sign up this year. you fall head-over heels in-love, it's sure to be the real thing. sitters; penny pinchers, penny pitchers; tacos, matzoh Our computer will compare youi tesponses with tad the newspaper's editorial page frequently. it. the bill is balls; anarchists, reactionaries; hippies, narcs; Greeks, those of all others and teport the closest matches. be very moral without being religious. Along pht nun] answers dormies, townies; boozers, teetotalers; easy on the with each match's first name and phone number, you .could not condone the killing of another human being, even in war. t really a well rounded person until one has had oe up with" to s, heavy on the ketchup - even you: Mr. and Ms. receive fiom the computet three separate scores of MSU Public. Isexual relations with several people. similar interests; attitudes and values; and appearances Our computei can quickly search through thousands and background. Vou make the final decision on what's >uld prefer to have a well-maintained old house rather than a new house, and find those special types with whom you are most important. Vou will receive between three and ind myself reluctant to make close friends with someone of another race, likely to communicate and enjoy dates. There is no easy fifteen matches. If the computer can't find at least three punctual and rarely miss an appointment. It fv Matins way we can piedict you'll have a dreamdate. But even if we will refund your money. :ouple should live together for awhile before getting married, youi matches don't have that "special pazazz", the All information on your application will be held in f a member of my family wanted to marry someone of shanng of many interests, attitudes and values will open strict confidence. Only your first name and telephone nother race I would try to talk him or her out of it. ■NGUISHED a channel foi a rewarding friendship. number will be released to others. The data you supply ILTY AWARD To participate in the ASMSU Computer Date Match: will be used only for matching you with a compatible might quit a higher paying job to work at something personally rewarding. • You must be at least eighteen years old and date. No data will be sold or in any way released to [There are probably only a few people that I could really fall in love with. lof Arts I Letters single another group. Anyone getting youi name will also be »uld be reluctant to become friends with a homosexual of my own sex, • You must have a local phone number on youi list so you may be certain that those who call find myself frequently afraid to accept new challenges. ■ alumni and faculty • You must be a registered student, faculty or and identity themselves really are computer date (Sex education should not be taught in the public schools. staff member at Michigan State University, East matches. proud of my body and I love to show it off. (professors. with five ^ansin^ attend religious services regularly and I would prefer a date who does also, ce in the Send completed form and money order or check made affectionate and usually don't hesitate to express my feelings, _ _ would vote for a woman as President of the U.S. if she were qualified. out to the ASMSU Computer Date Match foi $3.75 ASMSU Computer Date Match ($3.00 if 6 or more forms are enclosed in the same ^71 (If my country were in danger of being overcome bya EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN 48824 ign enemy, I would not risk my life to help save it. fhen I hear a good joke, I usually remember it and relate it to my friends. The computer cannot best described as an exciting thing rather than a calm, peaceful thing, find your match unless ALL questions marked with a * are answered. Think carefully. Many items will eliminate from your prospective matches those persons whom you would not consider dating. .would like to have a large family. ;el ill at ease when someone tells a dirty joke in mixed company. willing to sacrifice much of my social life in order Ito achieve my academic goals. often like to spend some time try myself :h person should pay then — ■ Court* floing to college because my parents urged rr Plait Laming finitly plan to go to graduate school. would probably cheat on an exam if my degree were in jeopardy and if there were little chance of getting caught. • half tha » parents have a responsibility to provide religious training for their children, usually try to make detailed plans for tomorrow's activities. •r information call .believe in a God who answers my prayers. king wives are deserting their families for a careei )r write: If my child, brother, 01 sister were charged with a senous crime, II would lie under oath to protect him or her. ri*AT •Hon Service, Inc. listener and follower than a leader. becomes, the more jealous one becomes, ■ o'call our office mid have premarital intercourse with someone I loved very much, 1 '"'"n Arbor t a special delight from playing harmless practical jokes on friends I (313) 995-4014 believe that if I were wealthy, most of my problems would take are of themselves. #enter address code: 139thj m I:S;LS«-GRE 5*1' VAT • SAT mg-flex-vqe teboards S,boards rrrit Hov^ 1-moustache grade school Z read carefully - this paragraph is a release of asmsu and interpersonal hesearch from any 2-Brown 4-Red 2-sideburns i high school liability arising from personal injuries and property damages which you may sustain in J-longer than average 3-beard 3 two years college 4-mucb longer than average 4-none of thesi 4 four years college a 'connection with this contract, this must be signed before we will process your form. S 5-no preference b postgraduate study s Michigan State University 'ASMSUl and Interpersonal Researci all others and reporting the closest matches as set down in the above their agents, officers, servants, and employees of and from any and 1 grew up 1 would describe My politics 1 am usually Rank the types in order of how . never, arising out of or related to any loss, damage or iniury, .ncludr mostly in a: | my upbringing as: | are mainly: | most alert in the: | comfoitatrle you feel with them. 75 he sustained t>v myself oi ently accrue to me by reasons growing our of o'm anywis d Interpersonal Research under this contract. This release sh; k 1 1 1 1 1 1 i (a) Thai I CtSft-— acknowledge ar t I 1-ruril/small town 1 -strict 1-morning 1 people 5-artists 1 | 2-medium sized town 2—average r2-middle-ot-the-roadi 2-afternoon - average 2-outdooi types 6-competitive 1 "■^Ssss- 1 3-large city %4-large metropolis 1 3-permissive 4-indilferent 3 liberal 4-none 3-early evening 4-late evening 3-counter-culture 7-cuttured 4 intellectuals J 1 1 fl Michigan Stole News, Eosl Lansing. Michigan Mond°y. october3l TOM SHANAHAN MSU's offense What's MSU roach Darryl 'Little Eight' of the 'Big Two gets greedy Rogers trying to do, break up the and Little Eight?; He can't just go around dismantling a Big Ten team like Illinois 49 20. Spartans clobber Illini, 49-2( By MICHAEL KLOCKE What it did turn out to be Rogers rotated Reeves, Leroy beleagured Illinois team. We've got a good fullback, and Pretty soon he'll have the fans thinking the Spartans could have SUte News Sports Writer The Spartans used six McGee and Steve Smith didn'1 just tail¬ was a rout. MSU scored the at alternating the c0n, tied for the Big Ten title if they hadn't tied Indiana and Michigan tailbacks beats Ohio State. Or, God forbid, finish ahead of Michigan if Ohio MSU's offense suffered backs and six fullbacks as they first five times they had the ball tailback — a strategy which worked well," Rogers said. scrimmage - ^ through a series of lackluster controlled the ball on the in the first half, and on their obviously worked. "Eddie Smith also directed Illinois' deIe State wins. the which was performances in the first seven ground with 417 yards rushing first two possessions of the Reeves scored two more first attack very well. crip, And if it hadn't been for those dirty NCAA guys they could have of middle games this season, but some¬ (533 yards total offense). second half as the Illini were half touchdowns on two-yard "Our offensive line controlled guard gone to the Rose Bowl or the Orange Bowl. how you could sense that they ear|y in the "This was definitely the best never really in the game. runs and McGee and fullback the line of scrimmage and it's If Darryl isn't had enough, what's the offense trying to do, make a had both the the defense forget how to tackle? They didn't even let the defense potential and the offensive output we have had The Spartans' rushing attack Jim Earley also capped long tribute to them that they ;ett'ng pushed talent to put it all together in this year," MSU head coach was paced by freshman Bruce drives with touchdowns to played so well." defensive backs have a chance to play Saturday. The defense watched the whole any given game. Darryl Rogers said after the Reeves with three touchdowns. make the score 35-7 at the half. That remark could Center Al pj game from the sideline. qualify as Strata and Mike And then the offense didn't even give Hans Nielsen a rhance to Saturday was the day for game. "During the week when Reeves, who had 119 yards on "We felt we had to establish a bit of an underatatement that game as the Spartan the day, scored on MSU's first the running game against them. tackles John Ma kirk a single field goal that would have given him the career Big Ten we were practicing we never because MSU's offensive line offense exploded for a 49 20 Big (continued record. No. they had to score a touchdown every time - except thought it would turn out to be possession on a nine-yard run. Ten win over an obviously once. And then they made Hans kick from 58 yards out with only this type of a football game." Throughout the first half two seconds left in the half. Is that fair? And who does Bruce Reeves think he is? He's just a freshman and he thought he had to score three touchdowns - can't even share them with the other five tailbacks, six fullbacks and three )ooLeys| quarterbacks Rogers used. On MSU's first touchdown drive tailback Steve Smith ran the ball 21 yards to the nine yard line. You'd expect Reeves to h u.i.ow !:i:v. just nudge the ball a little closer Doolev B to the end zone so Smith could v um get the touchdown since Rogers was sw itching his tailbacks in and out of the game. No. Reeves had to run it all the way in from the nine on the ADMISSION next play. And then an offensive line man like center A1 Pitts had to go out and embarass the Illinois defensive linemen. Even sports Leroy McGee scored Jk writers were claiming they one of seven TDs. could gain five yards running , through the holes the line opened. The line wouldn't even let anybody touch fullback Jim Earley running up the middle. And then, to make matters worse, Earley wouldn't let an Illini linebacker or defensive back tackle him. He had Professional to knock them all down. And what's quarterback Ed Smith trying to do? He the hall 13 times. And just because he only threw got seven first downs by Hairstylingi passing, set up a touchdow n on a pass to Mark Brammerand flipped i touchdown pass to Edgar Wilson he thinks the fans will be only *5.0# satisfied. fact, the fans were getting bored. The Spartans were in such control of the game the student section had to resort to Call 332-4314 singing songs, passing people up in the stands and rocking hick and forth from the 50 yard line to the middle of the end zone. They could for appointment haw shaker the upper stands down upon the crowd of 70.589. MSV is ;us; to have to start giving its fans its worth Tn- tar.s only got to see one Illinois kick-off return money's because or walk-in Mhl s Tor Bme; hac u Kick all but one ball out of the end zone The roar-ans are going to have to play a tougher schedule. Who cares Mr', usee V.p". heat- llhr.ois' Even Wisconsin beat Illinois jus: goo; around like the rest of the 'Little ABBOTT ROAD HAIRCUTTERS Eight' by taxing turns beating earn other But now they need somebody that Three touchdowns! Located in the E. Lansing State Bank building, Suite 201 Seriously. wnat was impressive was the Spartan's ability to do Abbott Rd. & Grand River (Elevator & stairs near MSI s freshman tailback Bruce Reevea (30) tries to struggle tree from the grasp theater) almost anything they wanted as an average of 6.5 yards per play of the IHini's Dale Hardy (18). Reeves, who led the Spartans with 119 yards rush¬ was churned out by the guys in green. They played like machine. ing and three touchdowns, was pulled down at the one-yard line after this 19 a run. yard ARE YOU DESTROYING YOUR AMERICA'S CUP VALUABLE RECORD COLLECTION? IS MORE THAN GREAT FOOD AND BEAUTIFUL FIND OUT AT HI—Fl BUYS DECOR The atmosphere is vibrant and alive, like the excitement of yacht racing, reminiscent of lingering palm-filled sun¬ sets. It's bright and contemp ! ! FREE ! orary, and yet warm and aged, like a Bombay steamer's binnacle. For | TURNTABLE CLINIC a quick lunch, or a leisurely drink over a game of backgammon, you'll I find it all at America's Cup. j TUESDAY, NOV. 1-E. LANSING KICK UP WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2—LANSING AMERICA'S CUP Ratsumnt U YOUR HEELS A QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN WILL INSPECT Urunft Bass builds shoos with tender loving care so your (eet YOUR STYLUS FOR WEAR, MEASURE THE VOL¬ get the same kind of special attention. Shoes that go where you go TAGE OUTPUT OF YOUR CARTRIDGE, CHECK and look great every step ot the way. PLATTER SPEED AND ELECTRONICALLY CALI¬ They're designed in handsome rugged leathers that retain their good looks sea¬ BRATE YOUR TONEARM ASSEMBLY, ALL AT son after season. Bass, the most fashion¬ NO CHARGE. (A REGULAR »15 VALUE.) able, most comfortable shoes afoot for girls on the go. Eagle Press Available for both men Course Outlines and women. CLINICS FROM and Waiver Notes 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. ONE MORE REASON WHY Eagle Press provides condensed course Math: material for the 108,109,111,112,113. following Hi Fi BUYS Statistics: 315. Chem: 130,131,141. We specialize in the hard to fit. DOES MORE FOR YOU Women's Sixes 4'/>-12 Physics: 237^38^39^87^88^89. Men's Sixes 4V4-14 Soc: 201,202,203,211,212,213. (extra large sizes not available in Nat Sci & Hum: All three terms these particular shoes.) & All Basic College Waiver Notes HI-FI Mow available at MSU BOOT BUY Student look Store 225 E. Grand River 1101 E. GRAND RIVER 4810 W.SAGINAW College Book Store across from the MSU Union E.l. PH. 337-1767 LANS. PH. 321-2373 MON.-FRI. 10-8 SAT. 9-5 MON.-FRI-11-8-saT* and Oil»om Book 3^ S QB open Thur*. ft Frl. til 9 / Store Sunday 1-5 FREE PARKING n cmip Newt, Eost Lonsing, Michigan Monday, October 31, 1977 ] ] :ers split with North Dakota Spikers buried at Big Ten DiPace leads attack with four goals The MSU one volleyball team continues to take step forward and two backward. Knoppers singled out Angie Del Morone, Pat Fellows and Joan After making some promises nine Ferguson for exem¬ days ago plary play and added that Karen Keener CENTERS Spartans downed the Fighting Dakota exploded for four sec¬ for good. with a victory over Western Sioux 5-3 for their first win of ond start at 7:30 p.m. at Munn Ice Michigan, the played well in her first varsity tournament. 1 Sports Writer period goals and went on to DiPace scored two goals for Arena. Spartans broke them this weekend in the season. defeat the Spartans 8-4. Madison, Wis., and lost all four matches in Top-seeded Illinois and surprising Min¬ MSU to match his output of In other WCHA action this 5U hockey team Darryl DiPace, who missed The Spartans jumped off to a the Big Ten nesota breezed through the first half of the n(,ir Western Col- Friday's game. DiPace now has weekend, Denver and Michigan Championships at the University all of last season with a knee 3-2 first period lead but North of Wisconsin. tourney unbeaten in four matches. Ohio five goals in four games this split. Michigan Hookey Association injury, tallied twice for the Dakota sophomore Mike Tay¬ won Friday 10-4 It was, in the words of head coach Annelies State, one of the favorites, stumbled to 2-2 Ldule this weekend Spartans and freshman Leo lor, who scored 50 points in his season. The Spartans are now 1-3 for and Denver came back Satur¬ Knoppers, the first "pressure tournament" a while Purdue entered the second round at ; a two game series freshman season, led the sec¬ day to defeat the Wolverines 31. Lynett scored his third goal of the season and 1-1 in the 6-5 in overtime. lot of the younger MSU players had been in. [lakota. the season in as many games. ond period barrage with two of Michigan Tech "We were very tight and that made a lot of The Spartans and Northwestern were WCHA. MSU will be home this and Wisconsin also the the four goals. Brian Christian split their ,, game, freshman Dave Versical got a workout weekend to host the University series, and Minnesota swept difference," she said. "The ones who played first two teams to be eliminated from further keven got his first scored at 4:37 of the best were the veterans." in the Spartan nets as he kicked period to of Minnesota. Both the Friday two from Minnesota Duluth, 5-2 play. Spartan when he out 45 North Dakota shots. put the Fighting Sioux on top and Saturday contests will and 32. rebound shot past Versical is now just eight saves .Ota's Mel Donnelly away from breaking Ron kg seconds left in the Clark's all-time Spartan mark break a 3-3 tie. John Sikura scored net and the of 2,430. In Saturday's game, North Spartan kickers top Michigan in overtime, 4-3 By JOE CENTERS gave Diaz the Spartan forwards were half when Diaz started his stinct and they could not do it. jSaMiifi's 3 TD's pace win State News Sports Writer MSU soccer coach Joe Baum knew he had found a gold mine around and to take the ball to the goal. trying to take the ball to the net and they were success. having little show. His first goal came on a pass from Mike Price and the In fact, the Wolverines scored the next two goals and it Diaz did the trick again for the Spartans with five minutes gone in the overtime when he "Tonight was easy," said first half ended with the score looked like they had the game four weeks ago when freshman converted a Paul Kennedy yards. Diaz, who is still having prob¬ Saturday was different, deadlocked at 1-1. pass won until Carlos Diaz asked if he could they were called for a into an MSU goal and a 4-3 MSU's last score came on the lems with his English. "All though, as MSU blasted numer¬ Diaz took a pass from Scott try out for the Spartans. hand-ball with 10 minutes left final play of the third quarter people played good. I like to ous shots at the Michigan goalie Campbell nine minutes into the victory. Saturday night Baum cashed in the game. The Spartans were who kept the The Spartans have 6-6 on a 14-yard pass from Eddie in on his gold mine. Diaz scored play soccer, I've played all my Wolverines in the second half, and the Spartans awarded a penalty shot which now a Smith to Edgar Wilson. life and I try to always play my game. season record and will play three goals—(the first for Diaz looked like they might put the Mike Price promptly scored on Illinois came up with two best." their final game of the season at Wolverines away. But again the and the game was headed for second-half as a Spartan) and MSU defeat¬ "I thought their goalie was home Friday against Bowling touchdowns to ed Michigan 4-3 in overtime Well Diaz Spartans lacked that killer in¬ make the score closer than the was at his best outstanding," Baum said. "If it overtime. Green State. before over 400 fans in the first against U-M as he, and the wasn't for him, we could have game really was. Vincent Car¬ MSU home night game ever. rest ot the had six ter scored from 10 Spartans, displayed or seven goals." yards out "That's the first time that he their best offensive game of the and Tim McAvoy (the third quarterback tried by coach (Diaz) has represented MSU U-M opened the scoring when Brian White surprised You won't miss a shot with healthy." Baum said, "He's All long the Spartans Gary Moeller) scored on a goalie Mark Gembarowski after an EKTELON Racket season been hurt all year." one-yard run. were having problems finishing his shot deflected off a Spartan Baum also moved Diaz from As good as the Spartan's scores on offense according to defender into the top corner of the middle striker position to offense played, Rogers also had a lot of praise for the defense. the wing because he felt that Diaz was too small to play in Baum. The problem was that the net. ^ MOW IN STOCK nobody was taking any shots. MSU came back to tie the "They must have been doing a the middle. The position change Instead of taking longer ,nots, score 27 minutes into the first good job. They weren't on the field that much," he said. For the alumni in the home¬ la Complete line Big Ten All Games coming crowd of 70,589, Satur¬ day's performance must have Enjoy \ A of Ektelon 5 0 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 brought back memories of some the i I 0 3 1 1 4 3 1 of the great Spartan teams of the past. But Rogers wasn't Any women athletes inter¬ Ride! and Leaeh. Also 2 2 1 3 4 1 ested in joining the MSU quite ready to say that this 3 2 3 3 0 0 5 5 3 3 0 0 year's team has reached the women's varisty club are urged to notify Diane Selke (355- Keep Your Car In Marcraft paddles 2 3 0 4 4 0 plateau of some of these past 5709), Nancy Reed (332-5811) or Top Shape with help from 2 2 3 3 0 0 3 3 5 0 5 0 teams. Terri Morris (351-4680) as soon and paddle balls "It's a big win for us, just as possible. 0 6 0 0 8 0 how big I don't really know," he said. "Some weeks things Initiation starts and must be completed Wednesday The Beetle Shop Seameo racquet just by the Y'S GAMES: fall together and there's really club's next meeting Sunday at Datsiin Volkswagon Toyota inois 20 no answer is for it. Our program progressing, but it is still on a the Women's Intramural Build- ing. 1400 E. Cavanaugh Pti 393-1590 & paddle balls week-to-week basis." (2. Wisconsin 0 P»"——"CUP AND SAVE'"—■" Minnesota 22 RECORD & •Featuring the areas largest Ni"h western 16 MSU opens ■ Have your auto PS GAMES: TAPE SALE i insurance rates supply of ADIDA court shoes The MSU basketball team HilUgan Eai Illinois went through its first scrim¬ mage of the year Saturday with s1.99-$2.99 ! increased? 1 location: the Green team ! 1st street past V3 ■ defeating the ■low: White team 103-42 before a Sentry has held the line I ervoort's crowd of over 500 at Jenison. capitol turn right on Statistics 1 Ins " 13 MSU 31 Players were shifted from team to team, so the score was really not an frequently indication of the way the players j JEFF WILLIAMS Seymour 5-6 blocks on left Ping 232 ■sing till 426 performed. Guard Bob Chapman and MSU '68 107 forward Greg Kelser both p I 277 Reeves. 119; Earley, 533 scored over 20 points for the Green team. 332-1838 p. 76; Middleton, 63; Freshman Earvin Johnson 401 W. Grand River L- scored 17 points and he dazzled Smith, h 13-0-107 East Filing: Wilson, 2-37; the crowd with innumerable Lansing passes setting up buckets for f-120: Harris, 3-34. teammates. 4-SENTRY ^INSURANCE UNITED 'CUP AND SAVE----—' ^Heavenly9Array' TECHNOLOGIES THE 1978 RED CEDAR LOG PRATT & WHITNEY YEARBOOK WILL MAKE of Claggics^ AIRCRAFT GROUP YOU LOOK GOOD! OFFER EXPIRES NOV. 5 WILL BE annua NOVEMBER 7, 1977 Many of you think you're one of those students who don't photograph well. For this reason, many of you neglect getting your picture taken for the yearbook. And without your picture in the yearbook, HOW WILL YOU EVER BE REMEMBERED? the above Alltel selections to interview candidates sale priced 4.99 ea, That's why the RED CEDAR LOG yearbook employs the pro¬ Consult your Placement fessional services of Stevens Studios of Bangor, Maine. When Office. '"r degree and field of study it comes to high-quality, full-color, portrait photography, The fine collection of Alltel Classics is ikiw on sale! requirements Stevens does an excellent job. Even if you don't photograph The entire mining of Angel (H)8 series alliums sale well. priced4.99 and 71)8 series alliums sale priced 599 So get pictured. We'll make you look good. For your friends. For your family. For anyone who looks at the 1978 edition of the RED CEDAR LOG yearbook. FOR TIIK IH'DGKT MINDKO! Call for your FREE picture appoint¬ Tin- complete selection of Sera ment TODAY I plum alliums is now on sale for $ENIOR$S Coll 355-4548 for a FREE portrait appointment.. o* 199 /ea. or stop by 337 UNION BUILDING. FRESHMEN: Coll 353-4470 for a FREE portrait East Lansing 401 E. Grand Rivar 11 appointment or stop by 44b UNION BUILDING. 351-8460 Opportunity Employer/Male &• Female 1 2Michigan Slote News, East Lansing, Michigan State News Lansing City Club seeks Poxson Building occupancy " F"Wi,ch',ale: ,act or ,ic,ionl ««n m (AD1 ADAMS, Tenn. (AP) - Some . „ . Go mo mnnina in 1R17 whfin A wealthV ginning in 1817 when a wealthy Newsline 353-3382 (continued from page 1) Capital City; some as far away November ballot, the City acquires the Poxson Building. neoule in this quiet farming farmer, John Bell, spotted a "I would say there's a pretty Rule 18 so only five votes were as Midland, Bloomfield Hills. Council has taken the first s{ep community say the Bell Witch strange animal with green, needed. The council was then Big Rapids and Ann Arbor. in selling the building and the strong chance of moving into the Poxson Building," said City lives on. glisteningeyesina his 1,000-acre farm. »IRECT0r$1 free to net on the issue and Many of them do not even work City Club has overcome the There have been countless ch0|ce film* in Lansing or maintain offices in first barrier in obtaining it. Club Board member Judson tales of unexplained events that Shortly after, family mem¬ immediately placed it on the bers began hearing sounds like series the city. Many members feel it is only a Cordes, "if the proposal began in the 1800s when this November ballot as Proposal rats gnawing at bedposts or Presents "A." It was also not the majority matter of time before the Club passes." community, near the chains dragging across wooden Councilmember James Blair of the 500 members who pro¬ Tennessee-Kentucky border, floors. One version says the taa* Mayoral candidates debate said the wording of Proposal posed the move to the Poxson was still on the fringe of witch is the spirit of Bell's "A" is misleading because it Building. It was the Board of civilization. states the property is of no Directors who initiated the Accounts have the story be- neighbor. value to the city. Blair, who is project. The members had no (continued from page 1) a bill to permit dog racing in also parks chairman, disagrees opportunity to vote on the new job." Michigan. with this and believes the site or to even express their He also released a list of Young, who'had earlier ex¬ Abrama Planetarium Presents property is an integral part of opinions because the club holds so-called cronies, who allegedly pressed interest in dog racing on H ALLOWIIN NIOHT the riverfront park system. only one general meeting each received their jobs through as revenue for the ritv HemVH "The Mayor has been beating year. political affiliation with Young any connections with lobbyists the drum about all the money "I know of over a 100 rather than capability or merit, for the bill's passage, X J WAR the city has received for its members who don't want to to the State News Friday. * He added -JJ-J that*■--* --none of his H.G. WEILS' ond 7 park system," said "Wentworth Park and this (the Blair. move into the Poxson Build¬ Heading the fist was Joyce staff members were involved in Garrett, former city Bicenten¬ the lobbying process but said ORSON WELLES' / / of rag ^ ing," said Arthur Clyne, a Poxson Building) are the key non-dues paying member of the nial director, reported by the he believed a friend was in radio droma WORLDS < parts to the whole system. We can't afford to lose it." club. m Detroit News to be a close companion of Young. Also in¬ Lansing during discussion of the measure, but not as a pies special ^ The club, however, does have Both Wentworth Park and the Poxson Building property political pull and a lengthy list cluded was award-winning jour¬ nalist and broadcaster Jim Ing¬ representative of the Young administration. /K&Sfe Adults $1.25 Children .SO are part of a proposed park of influential members in¬ cluding Graves; Gregory Deli- ham, currently Young's execu¬ In an informal debate earlier TlMTftli MSU Students w/I.D. SI .00 system that cover both sides of the Grand and Red Cedar yanne, publisher of The State Journal, Gov. William G. Milli- tive assistant. There were five panelists last week, voters to be Browne aware warned of "secret IBM IN TECHNIC® I Rivers and would be connected ken; Phil Gannon, president of questioning the candidates greedy men ripping off the together with a city-wide bike path. Lansing Community College and John McGoff, president of during the debate. One panelist, Joe Glover, city." When asked to be more specific, he suggested that de¬ KMUmhI tuesday Contrary to what its name who anchors the evening news velopers of the $337 million nov | Panax Corporation, an East 7 & 9:30 implies, the City Club is not an for WJBK-TV (channel 2) in Renaissance Center received p.m. Lansing-based newspaper Detroit, questioned Young on tax breaks. organization of Lansing resi¬ chain. dents. Almost three-quarters of city revenue spent on lobbying "That was the weakest non- Fairchild its members live outside the By placing the issue on the in the legislature for passage of answer yet," said Young. Theatre International Icontinued from page 1) projects OK'd mer. I™ FREE LAROE SUB I in Chile criticized foreign pro- At a Thursday afternoon Buy 2 identical large subs and get 3rd jects in Brazil and Uruguay, meeting of the board's invest- identical one FREE. saying the yield of larger ment committee, MSU Presi- harvests are exported to pay off dent Clifton R. Wharton Jr. foreign debts. Indians and pea- sants continue to starve, Clark said. questioned the financial conse- quences if the University should divest itself of stocks and bonds I GALLEY SUB SHOP o a # oao o a-o^-g\ unbelievable She noted that her group in such companies. 2(50 East Grand River (next to Coral Gables) I COUPON low priced! would join forces with the Committee to Stop the MSU- Iran Film Project because the a Two boycott representatives MSU's brokerage firm said such was possible, though of I 351-0304 OFFER GOOD MONDAY, OCT. 31,1977 | 50t in free Mon. thru Thurs. pinball with any ice cream purchase unfeasible, and they usually do and this ad. University seemed just as un¬ concerned about human rights not consider a firm's politics. violations in South American Now featuring froxen yogurt and organic countries as in Iran. TONIGHT flavors. DISCO Anthropology professor Wil¬ RtftthfoUTkaU BREW liam Derman asked the board to stop investing in companies with holdings in South Africa Jfylti&ti' from DANCING ONLY I and to adopt a policy of purchas¬ across Berkey Hall 337-1(33 OFBOURBON STREET ing supplies and services from £j'A winning combination of 9o firms not involved in that nation. elegance and unbridled . a i O o^tfco »Q East Lansing City Council approved a similar resolution outlining that policy last sum- r DELIVERY AVAILABLE MONDAY, OCTOBER Jljf I 8PM-12PM $1.50 adu FREE! TOMIONT sponsored hy MLLEL FOUWIIIini Showtlmes: 7:00, (:45,10:30 Showpiece: 100 Engineering i $1.00 off admission with this ad Admission: $2.50 students. $3.50 faculty > staff — > keoflfceleef Wlm Ce-ep. tUdewH, fwevfty t Huff i Buy any Medium LAST ! OATS FtATUU et 7iM • ftJC i At the regular price \ Get Identical PIZZA l£Z3 i FREE Bi car»i£. Little Caesars Pizza 11 12031.Cd. River | | ■ —qp 337. 1631 SN , c^«p~»-«7 0„.toopo„Mt „a., ■ ExUKUKFU TWO HATUKCS at 7iM KtMIKIMCTil • LAT1 . ns^s NEWMA> "THE" BROTHERS" CCCKBURN Monday, October 31 Fairchild Theater, MS 7:30 & 10:00 pm Today Opan 7:00 PM Lichigon State News, tail laming, Michigan Monday, October 31, 1977 13 d|Rector.s\ CH0|ce fiLmB WE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS series Presents PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 ma,terpiece 1 Mnotfte ilai M L iiWj Employment CloftiM Advertising SPORTS CAR enthusiast POSTDOCTORAL POSI¬ SAFETY SERVICES Special¬ | Employment il [_'Apartments '](§?) Hus £ NEED BABYSITTER in my MOVER 12-20 hours/week $2950, 1974» Renault 17 TION available immediately, ist, some college preferred, ONE BLOCK from campus. EAST LANSING duplex, 4 home Mon., Tues. and Wed. Must be personable, neat and Gordini, convertible top, 5 on the mode of interaction of background in water safety from 3:30 p.m.-1:00 a.m. Entire two bedroom apart¬ bedrooms, 2 baths, rec toom, 147 Student Services lldg. strong. Good wage and good speed, fuel injected, 4 cylin¬ Liposomes with cells. Please required, good public speak¬ ment available and room¬ parking, $400. 374 6366. Twenty minutes from cam- place to work. Call Tom at der, 30 mpg, excellent condi¬ contact Dr. Richard Rader, ing ability, must be a good mates needed for other apart¬ 0-19-10-31(3) tion. Leaving country, re- pus. Call 625-3520 in Perry. MICHIGAN PIANO for inter- ments. Call 351-8135 or 351 Department of Immuneology organizer, must be a resident ComP- view appointment. 627-9238. 1957 15-10 31(8) gretably must sell. 882-4976. and Microbiology, Wayne of Ingham County excluding 8-11-8(7) 2-7-10-31(8) State Medical School, De¬ the city of Lansing, must PART NEAR MT. Hope. Need TIME bartenders. GRADUATE OR married stu¬ one troit. Michigan. 48201. 1-313- meet title VI CETA eligibility more person for house. 15 STARFIRE 1975-power steer¬ 577-1227. We Apply in person only, after 6 SANTA HELPERS full and dents. New luxury 2 bedroom are an requirement. Inquire at the MAC'S BAR, 2700 E. minutes campus. Ask for part time. November 25- apartment. East Lansing bus ing and brakes. V-6, AM/FM. E-O-E. Z-8-11-1112) MIGHIGAN EMPLOYMENT December 24. Apply i Michael. Please call before 5 $2900. 394-2931. 8-11-8(31 Michigan. 3-11-1(3) service. No pets. Start at *LICF CARMtL ' SECURITY COMMISSION son Meridian Mall Manage¬ p.m. 372-8756. 3-10-31(41 $230. Call 351-9483 or 351 faye- miranda line rata per Insertion RESEARCH ASSISTANT 3215 Pennsylvania, Lansing. SWIM INSTRUCTORS need¬ ment Office. 8-11-8161 STARFIRE 1977, like new, 9195 after 6 p.m. wanted. Delivery of anti¬ 5-11-2-115) 5000 miles, great mileage. ed, Wednesday evening. No O 11 10-31-16) tumor agents into cells using transportation necessary. PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES Rooms knoiinf i ■ 3 lines - '4.00 - 5 days. 80' per line over Phone35T2526; 8-10-3H3I lipid vesicles as carriers. Please contact Dr. Richard RN'S & LPN'S part time and 489-6501 ext. 55. 3-11-1(3) NEEDS A"REP ON CAMPUS. 1,1,S bedroom full time. Position on 3-11 and IMMEDIATE TORINO 1971. Excellent con¬ OPENING. | 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. Rader, Department Immune¬ 11-7 shifts. Apply at 731 E.K.G. TECHNICIAN Unique opportunity for JEROME ST. 1 bedroom left I price of item(s) mutt be stated in ad. Maximum dition, automatic, 8 track ology and Microbiology, Starkweather Drive or call Immediate AM/FM stereo. $1100, 355- openings for aggressive individual to work of 4. Communal living. Call sale price of'SO. Wayne State Medical 323-9133, ask for Mrs. Luks. TRAINED E.K.G. technicians, on campus part time coordi- • fully carpeted 0886.8-11-7(31 351 8811 or 351-0676 after 5 TUESDAY NOV; Lmrti Personal eds ■ 3 lines - '2 25 ■ per insertion, School, Detroit, Michigan, 3-11-2(5) Full time, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., nating special market promo- • go» heat and central air p.m. 5-10-31-14) 7 4 9:30 f75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). TOYOTA CELICA GT 1977. 48201. 1-313-577-1227. We every other weekend. Excel- tional projects for PLAYBOY conditioning P.M. Lnmoge/Gerege Sale ads ■ 4 lines - *2.50. Excellent, extras. Must sell. are an E-O-E. Z-8-11-1I11I SECURITY OFFICERS full and part time. Phone and lent benefits that include paid and other major corporations, • • swimming pool 24-hour maintenance CAMPUS NEAR, clean, fur¬ [ 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. Best ofer. 355-3060. WORK WITH severely handi¬ vacation after 1 year employ- Earn substantial commission, • play ground for children nished. Share modern kitch¬ Fairchild Lvnd Town ads • 4 iinet • 2.50 • per insertion. 8-11-3-13) transportation necessary, uniforms furnished. Apply at ment, paid holidays, sick If interested, call Dan Connel- • no and bath. From $85/ capped adults in job-skill leave, health insurance, tui- ly at 1800) 621-7328 toll free, pets en Theatre | 63'per line over 4 lines. training. Special-Ed/Rehabili- 311 Hollister Bldg., Lansing month. 485-1436 or 351-6471. Lt I Founds eds/Trenspestetfen ads • 3 lines • '1.50 • TRANS-AM, 1976, loaded. tation background required. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., tion reimbursements and Z-3-11-1114) call for information 349-3800 0-8-10-31141 retirement program. Apply [ per insertion. 50" per line over 3 lines. Excellent condition. $4750 Experienced with behavior Monday through Friday. EOE E.W. SPARROW HOSPI¬ 10-5 Tuesday-Friday 323-3705. 8-10-31-13) modification techniques pre¬ 3-11-2(9) 10-2 TAL, 1215 E. Michigan, Lan¬ Saturday UNFURNISHED ROOM in 3 ferred. Flexible 20 hours/ bedroom house. $95 plus Deadlines VEGA 1973 Hatchback. Re¬ sing, 48910. A non-discrimi¬ cent week. Call Marilyn Cohn 339- WANTED-CAR stereo instal¬ natory affirmative employer, Knob Hill utilities/month. 372-1069. k. 2 p.m.' 1 class day before publication. tune-up/brake job. 3873, 7 p.m.-10 lers. Experienced only. Apply 52.000 miles. $650/best offer. p.m. male/female handicap. FEMALE WANTED to share Available now. 8-10-31(31 tcellation/Change • I p.m. - 1 class day before 351-5710. 6-10-31-131 B-2-10-3119) in person at 6140 South 8-11-8(16) unfurnished Brandywine Apartments I publication. Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing, apartment. 2 bedroom, 2 PART-TIME positions for between 10am-9pm. Mon¬ OWN ROOM in six man Ice od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed KEY PUNCH OPERATORS bath, carport. Excellent social SUBLET 2 person apartment house V4 block to campus, I until after 1st insertion. VOLARE 1976 4-door, under MSU students. 15-20 hours/ day-Friday. 8-11-9161 overlooking pool and golf Immediate full time openings atmosphere. Call Mary 351- $105/month. Furnished, very Le is a '1.00 charge for I ad change plus 50' per 6,000 miles. Deluxe, power week. Automobile required. for experienced Key Punch '224. Z-7-11-314) • course. Close to campus. steering, automatic, rust Phone 339-9500; 339-3400. RN-PLEASANT $220/month. Call 337-0171. nice. 313-278-4284. I additional change for maximum of 3 changes. working Operators. Must have at least ~~ 7,7,7 ~ ~77~ 7 proofed, $3,450. Call 373- C-2-10-3115) conditions. Part-time, 3 p.m.- Z 8-11-8(3) ■ State Newt will only be responsible for the 1st 2646 7 p.m. Monday-Friday. Call 6 months experience on IBM ONE-MAN needed immedi- 6-11-4151 I doy's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must days or 339-8821 3742. Excellent benefits that ately .for old Cedar Village I be made within todays of expiration date. evenings. 8-11-1-151 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED- Lansing Country Club area. 323-7545. 1-10-31(4) include paid vacation after 1 year employment; paid holi- 0787• 3-10-31(3) Hnses j£l FEMALE NEEDED for large room in co-ed house. 325 Is are due 7 days from ad expiration dote. If not VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE, Duties include BUSPERSONS - LUNCHES, days, sick leave, health insur- Division. 351-4684. cooking, I paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will 1969, everything good except cleaning, chauffeuring. Full¬ 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. LION'S ance, tuition reimburse- ROOMMATE NEEDED for FEMALE GRADUATE stu¬ Z-5-11-4(31 I be due. transmission. $150 or best time position for responsible DEN RESTAURANT, 213 S. ments, and retirement pro- one bedroom 2-man apt. dent to share house. Close to offer. 393-4687 evenings. person. Call 372-8100, Ext. Grand. Apply in person only gram. Apply E.W. SPAR- $120 per month, 208 Cedar campus. Call 351-8349 after 5 EAST LANSING, share fur¬ 8-11-8141 55. 6-11-1-17) between 2 p.m.-4 p.m. ROW HOSPITAL. 1215 E. St, Apt. 11.351-2277, ask for p.m. 1-10-31-13) nished duplex, one room. 8 11-1-16) Busline, $110. 374-6366. Michigan, Lansing, 48910. A Jim or Marshall. 8-11-1(5) VOLKSWAGEN CAMPMO- RESIDENT 0-6-1031(3) ■motive |[tA [ Automotive If^l BILE, 1972. Excellent condi¬ tion. Original owner. 56,000 COUPLE for East Lansing MANAGER SALES POSITION-own hours, $500 commission pos¬ non-discriminatory affirma- tive action employer, male/ female handicap. 7-11-8(17) NEEDED-2 3-person furnished females for apart- FIVE Available BEDROOM now. house. 1114 Kalama¬ zoo. $200/month. 641-4007. property, leasing, cleaning |GREMLIN X, 1974. GRANADA GHIA 1975, miles. $2250. 15171 288-2547. and repair duties, lots of sible per semester for 80 nt, 351-6856. 6-11-2(31 8-11-8131 For Sale transmission, loaded luxury auto. Buckets, Z-3-10-31-I3I work, fair pay. 332-3900 or hours work. 313-973-0466. RESPIRATORY THERAPY condition, good gas excellent condition. Loan 332-3202. 0-9-10-31(61 Z-5-11-1I4I TECHNICIANS SIX BEDROOM house. 1 147.000 miles. $1095. value $2700, asking $3000. VOLKSWAGEN SUPER- Immediate openings for block from campus. 9 month FIREWOOD-SEASONED p, after 5 p.m. 351 -8058. C-3-10-3115) BEETLE. 1973. 58,000 miles, RN NEEDED immediately, WAITRESSES, BUSBOYS- Certified/eligible or Regis- LEASE BREAKER lease or less. Cheap, 351- hardwood $30/cord, $27.50/2 excellent condition. Price apply by calling, 372-4673 tered/Registree eligible. 5510. STE-MAR REALTY. or more. Free delivery. 676- every other weekend. Day 1 bedroom unit now at negotiable. 485-3690. shift, double and V4 for between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Respiratory therapy techni¬ 8-11-9141 4652. E-Z-5-11-1I3I GREMLIN 1971, good trans¬ 8-11-3-141 6-11-2131 cians full time 3-11:30 p.m. !2, automatic, buck- holidays. Call 646-6258, Lois FM, 30 mpg. $1800. portation, $250. 351-5147. Martin. 8-11-21-15) Excellent benefits that BURCHAM FOUR-BEDROOM furnished SEWING MACHINES. Gua¬ 6-11-2(3) VW, 1971 square back, looks house. 1 mile west of I.C3-10-31<3) STOCKBRIDGE COMMUN- include paid vacation after 1 WOODS cam¬ ranteed reconditioned ma- good runs, good, gas saver. 8 11 month lease. Gr!mUN&!?/3-15?4. Stan¬ $750,882-9564. Ask for Dave. A FEW good territories avail¬ year days, employment, paid, holi¬ sicliTeave, health Insur¬ pus. or $190 for 2 people: $215 for 3 chines from $39.95. New machines from $69.50. ED¬ dard transmission, AM/FM able now. Sell AVON pro¬ 8-11-3-14) ducts in East Lansing. 482- ance, tuition reimburse¬ people; $240 for 4. 676-3780 WARDS DISTRIBUTING stereo, new tires, exhaust evenings. 8-11-4(6) 6893. C-5-10-31I4I ments, and retirement pro¬ CO. 1115 N. Washington, and shocks. 355-6152. VW STATION Wagon. 30 gram. Apply E. W. SPAR¬ 489-6448. C-21-10-31 17) 6-11-414) EAST-NEED 1 for 3 man, mpg, no rust, runs perfectly. PART TIME aides all shifts. STUDENTS ROW HOSPITAL, 1215 E. 351-3118 Michigan, Lansing, 48910. A own room, parking, on bus¬ HONDA CVCC 1976 Hatch¬ Ca"_4M-4915. 5;1_1-1(3I Apply at Provincial House Looking For A Job?? 745 Burcham Dr. MILLIONS OF paper backs. | 27511 I back. 4 speed, AM/FM ster¬ VOLVO STATION wagon West, 731 Starkweather Waitresses and barmaid non-discriminatory affirma¬ only 5 blocks to compus! line, $90 + 484-1978. 8-10-313) . Science fiction, humor, gen¬ Grand Kw I eo, low mileage. Extra sharp. 1973. Automatic, air. $3000. Drive Monday through Friday needed at PRO BOWL EAST. tive action employer, male/ eral. 50 cents and up. Mike. female handicap, 8-11-8(18) across iron I First owner. $3475. 489-3419. 349-1440, after 5:30 p.m. 9-4:30 p.m. 7-10-31(41 Flexible hours, work around 355-1998. E-5-11-2-I3I your class schedule. Earn THREE BEDROOM house, Coral Gabln | 841-414) 5-11-4-13) COOK FOR small private extra $$ for Christmas. Apply EFFICIENCY. ONE or two bedroom. East side and low winter utilities, house in INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ KARMANN GHIA convert¬ dining room. Pleasant sur¬ in person only at PRO BOWL downtown Lansing. Call now good neighborhood. To sub¬ ing $1-2 for albums in good roundings. 5 days, lunch EAST, 2757 E. Grand River. Ideal opportunity for let at $225 a month thru shape. WAZOO RECORDS ible 1972. Michelin tires, AM/ for lists of immediate open¬ FM stereo, new top. 33 mpg. Excellent condition, $1860. [ Mdwycte ~][ab| only. Call immediately, Mon¬ day-Friday. 372-8282. 8-11-4110) ployment while completing your education. Require- ings. AIM, INC., 374-2800, noon-9 p.m. or 332-6741. summer. Furniture optional extra. Available November 223 Abbott. E. Lansing, 337- 0947. B-1-10-31-I5I 321-6149.8-11-714) 8-11-2-151 PHONE SALES, tickets, flex¬ previous retail exper- 28. Call 374-6681. 8-114181 °21_i0 31J5[ . HONDA XL 250 1975. Low ible hours. Hourly rate. ,. Openings for night mileage, excellent condition, Downtown Lansing office, manogers and port-time KINGS POINT NORTH MENS 27" ten speed bike. MAVERICK, 1973, 4-door. BUS BOYS, cooks, part time. WALK TO campus. Four radials and paint. $650. 663-1429. 8-11-1(3) transportation arranged. 485- ployees in both Lansing and Apartments - one bedroom, $35, needs some repair. 351- new 699- Apply BACKSTAGE. 349- $125/month. I D12. Vegetar¬ bedroom, fireplace, 2 baths, 2428. 8-11-4(3) 3220. 5-11-113) 6318 after 4:30 p.m. 7-11-315) East Lansing areas. Hours $450/month plus utilities. Call 3966, 351-1597. 5-10-31-13) Find a winter-ready car in the flexible. Must have ii ians and meditators wel¬ ■VAN, 1977. Automa- EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. today's Classified section. On OVERSEAS JOBS-summer/ COCKTAIL WAITRESS portation. Storting wage come, share electricity, ,9900 miles, MIDGET 1971. Nice car AM 0-10-10-31(5) SUPERSCOPE AM/FM ster¬ that first cold morning, you'll wanted. Days or evenings. based on experience and phone only. Call Luis Jorge, ■Phone 485-8507. /FM cassette deck. Best offer year-round. Europe, South eo receiver BSR 510 turnta¬ 485-6015. 14-11-14-131 be glad you did! America, Australia, Asia, etc. Please apply in person. 820 hours available. See Mr OT7234JJ041-I7I LARGE HOUSE on Grand ble, 2 model six KLH speak¬ or Mr. Ryan at Min-A All fields, $500-$1200 month¬ W. Miller Rd.. Lansing. ONE FEMALE for two bed¬ River, Williamston. Available ers. 351-3120. 10-11-9-131 HUDDLE LOUNGE. 8-11-414) Mart, *15. 750 North Waver- MONTEGO, 1972. Power ly. Expenses paid, sightsee¬ room apartment. $70. Prefer Nov. 1. $275/month. 655- ly, Lansing (Westlond. cor steering Ef brakes, air, new snows. Runs good. $800. [ Auto ServiceJ/j ing. Free information. Write: INTERNATIONAL JOB CEN¬ ESCORTS WANTED. $6/ hour. No training necessary. r of West Saginaw 4 Wo- rly) Tuesday. November 1, grad or working person. 337- 0237. 5-11 4(4) 2457. 3-10-31-13) USED BICYCLES $20470. Also parts. CHARLIE'S BIKE 351-6860 after 5 p.m. TER, Dept. ME, Box 4490 HOUSES, HOUSES, SHOP, 393-2484. 5-11-3131 Call 489-2278. Z-30-11-9 131 77. 7p.m.-9p.m. 3-10-31-141 MASON BODY Shop, 812 E. Berkeley, CA. 94704. ROOMMATE TO share town- HOUSES! Call now to see Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto 0-9-10-31(91 house. Fully furnished, car¬ our list of east side homes ANTIQUE BED and dresser WAITRESSES WANTED NEED CASH? We buy im¬ painting, collision service. peting throughout, air condi- which will be available for $250 for both. Desk, carpet, WAITRESSES FULL and part time. PINE LAKE BUSBOYS PART time. Ap- ports and sharp late model American-Foreign Cars. 485- tioning, garbage disposal, September leasing. AIM, books, plants, macrame LOUNGE, 1591 Lake Lansing compacts. Call John 0256. C-21-10-31 141 part time, nights. FRENCH¬ ply in person. WALNUT indoor/outdoor pool. Call INC., 374 2800 noon-9 p.m. hangers. Day 355-1720; 332- Rd. 339-1522. 8-11-7(4) DeYoung, WILLIAMS V.W. ES BAR in Lansing. Apply in HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. 882-8556. 8-114(51 or 332-6741. 0-21-10-31 (5) 1040 evenings. 6-104(4) 484-1341 or 484 2551. C-20- person at 400 Baker St. Just 8-11-813) QUARTZ-HALOGEN head¬ south of Diamond Reo plant, HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPING 10-31 151 lamp conversions, twice as 1 block west of Cedar St. Instructional assistant in vo¬ MOTEL DESK Clerks-Imme¬ PEOPLE REACHER OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS effective as conventional 10-11-417) cational custodial training diate openings. Must be neat, Supreme Coupe 1972. Air, sealbeams. Available at program. Must have experi¬ personable and responsible. automatic, power steering, CHEQUERED FLAG FOR¬ GENERAL LABORERS-if you ence in hospital work. Five We will train. Plenty of time power brakes AM-FM, 64,000 EIGN CAR PARTS. 2605 East are available to work one full hours per day, 5 days per to study while working. WAHTAD miles. Call 656-2906. Kalamazoo St., one mile west week. Contact Harold Hum¬ MOTEL 6, INC. 112 E. Main. day Monday-Friday (and 8-11-9-15) of campus. C-6 10-31(26) have transportation!, ble Personnel, 676-3268 or 485-5401. Z-3-11-1I6I apply in person 9-11 a.m. MAN¬ Jan Danford, 676-3303. OLDSMOBILE VISTA JUNK CARS wanted. We POWER, INC. 105 E. Wash- 5-114-1101 INSIDE AND Delivery help CRUISER, 1973 with air, like pay more if '68 or newer, and tenaw, downtown wanted. Must have own car. Just complete form new condition. $2150. running. Also buying used 8-11-4(71 Lansing. KEY PUNCH and MAG card Inside help is for different and 694-9294. 5-11-4-13) cars and trucks. 321-3651 location. Apply LITTLE mail with payment to: operators, and typist. Full or anytime. 0-17-10-31161 RELIABLE PERSON to sit in CAESARS today after 4 p.m. part-time, competitive my home Fridays, own trans¬ wages. Please phone JIM¬ 3-11-1(5) State News Classified Dept. OLDS 1968 Cutlass, V-8 his¬ portation. Call evenings. 349- FOUR UNIROYAL tires FR15, MY'S ANGEL'S 321-6878. 347Student Services Bldg. torically dependable trans¬ 5830. 8-11-7(4) good condition. $50 for all 8-11-9-16) portation, $500. 332-0658. four. 694-4217. E-5-11-113) East Lansing, Mich. 48823 8-10-31131 MAG CARD II operator for CLERK-TYPIST, 32 hours per East Lansing law office. Full week position available with Your key to a GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- Name time, good benefits. Experi¬ Meridian Township, duties 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, OLDS DELTA 88, 1975, 4 good supply of snow tires. enced. Call 351-6200 Avail¬ able immediately. 8-11-715) include typing of assessing luxury Apartment Address door sedan, power brakes/ PENNELL SALES. 1301V, records, filing, and some steering. $2500. 394-2746. East Kalamazoo, Lansing. public contact. Ability to type city SALESPERSON some retail 50 WPM preferred, computer 8-11-2-131 482-5818. C-X-9-10-3115) sales experience. $3.00 hourly terminal experience useful, Daytime Phone Student Number plus commission. Apply at salary range $3.51/hour- IMPORT AUTO parts and 2003 E. Michigan Avenue. Classification. Preferred Insertion Date $4.09/hour. Interested per¬ _ _ OPEL MANTA Rally 1974. repair. 20% discount to stu- X-8-11-2(4) sons should apply at the Good condition, many extras. - dents and faculty on cash/ Personnel office Municipal Best offer, 372-0061. 8-11-7-13) carry service parts in stock. Check our prices and reputa¬ CHILD CARE for 4-year old, Building 5100 Marsh Rd. HICKORY HILLS 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. and some housekeeping. Okemos E.O.E. 3-11-2-114) 2 Bedroom Townhouses tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at 16-20 hours/week. $2.50/ Cedar, 485 2047, 4858229. Print Ad here hour. References, own trans¬ — PINTO, 1971 automatic. Re West campus shop 485-0409. portation. 332-0965, after 5 PROGRAMMER-LIBRARIAN •Spacious *2 levels liable with rust. $250. 332- Free wrecker sen/ice with starts immediately, V4 time p.m. 5-10-31(6) 2023. 8 11-2-131 repairs with mention of this student labor. Position in¬ •Balcony 'Carpeting ad. Local areas. C-14-10-31I7I MODELS WANTECL $8/ volves heavy use of FOR- •Dishwasher 'Modern hour. We will train. 489-2278. TAN, APLIB and EDITOR. To PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, apply or for more informa¬ Z-30-11-9 (3) CIRCLE RATE WANTED 3 UNE MINIMUM 1969. Four door, air, radio, 85,000 miles - Call 332-6393. EaplijMit tion: J. Guenon, 353-3200. 2 11-1-171 351-5937 njEiEESEEatraiEscrairacs 8-10-31-131 DOMINO'S PIZZA 332-6492 DRIVERS WANTED for pizza is now accepting applications for full part time help. Apply MEDICAL ASSISTANT for 1723 Cambria Drive oadEJUJurimniFn delivery In South Lansing PORSCHE 914 1972. 0 area. Hourly plus commis¬ in person after 4:30 p.m. 966 East Lansing M.D. Must be DEDIIIElEIiniEnEOEn East Lansing 39,000 mHos. Like new tli sion. Call PIZZA EXPRESS, Trowbridge, 351-7100 or 1139 older, mature, and married. OlDEClEIKlEriEOOaEIl AM/FM radio. 349-2763. 882-2409 after 4:30 p.m. E. Grand River Ave., 351- Send resume to Box 739. dose to bus line 5-11-4 (3) □EHUElEOIIlDIlIiOCD 5-11-3(3) 8-11-3-16) 8880. B-1 10-31111) ] 4M'chigo" Stole News. Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday [ ]f)h] 0f§ Wtifi Animals Instructions U-M denies charge NEW, USED and vinuge guitars, banjos, mandolins, AUSTRALIAN pups, SHEPARD eligible to register, 7 GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum lessons. Private instruc¬ Announcing., act. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ corders, strings, accessories, books, thousands of hard-to- find albums. (All at very low weeks, Hugh Hosier, Rt. Eaton Rapids, 663-9506. 5-11-1(4) 2, tion available. MARSHALL MUSIC. C-1-10-31-14) 351-7830, . Announcements for It's What's Happening mutt be received in the State Newt of wrong diagnosis Prof. Eric Jensen of The of Low will be on Univer.i, campus Novemt '"S , speak with interested '■ ^ office, 343 Student Services ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The removed and apeelmens of thia prices). Private and group LOVABLE KITTEN. 6 weeks. WRITING CONSULTANT 9 pre law sturi lessons on guitar, banjo, Free to good home. 332-3817. years experience in profes¬ Bldg., by noon at least two University of Michigan Medical lesion were later sent to the fully-accredited, rapidly mandolin, all styles. Gift certi¬ E-5-11-2-13) sional editing. 337-1581. elate days before publication. Center Friday denied a charge U-M Medical Center and cancer expanding law No announcements wlil be was confirmed by U-M pathol¬ ficates. Expert repairs - free 0-1-10-31(3) accepted by phone. by a Ralph Nader group that For further details, contact: Career estimates. ELDERLY IN¬ GREAT DANE, puppies, doctors had incorrectly diag¬ ogists." o 1 ready to go, 4 females left, The University of Tulso College of Low STRUMENTS, 541 East champion background, AKC MSU Bible Study meets at nosed a benign tumor as breast Thespokesperson said a 3120 Eost 4th Place w ""H Grand River. 332-4331. C-21- 10-31 (49) registered, father black m 11:30 a.m. Monday in C304 cancer in a woman patient. "mix-up" occurred in a third, Tulsa, Ok 74104 mother blue, puppies black, Wells Hall, Wednesday in "The accusation by the Nader follow-up review when a panel C312 Welts Hall, and of pathologists was mistakenly DYNACO A-35 speakers 4180 dew claws removed, $100. LOFT WANTED for room in Tuesday group that U-M doctors erred and Thursday in R220 Natural which did not sent a tissue slide Sansui AU-9500 amp 170 882-7167. 5-11-4(7) Brody. 355-5375. 3-10-31(3) in diagnosing breast cancer is Resources Bldg. The watts $300. Tuner TU-9900 not correct," a spokesperson contain a sample of malignant University of Tulsa has an En„ . $275, list $450. 485-0686. ST. BERNARD-German said. "U-M pathologists and the tissue. However, he said, other „ 6-11-4(41 Shepard puppies. Will be large, loving animals. $10, I TypiifSmria |a| Pre-Med studentti The deadline is Nov. 1 for apply¬ woman's surgeon and a second pathology group in another slidea from the same biopsy did show cancer cells. ployees""* Pr°9r°m '°r Sift SCHWINN 5-SPEED, excel¬ 694-6517. E-5-10-31-I3I ing to Osteopathic Medical lent condition. Perfect for COPYGRAPH SERVICE School. For applications hospital stand by their original The Ralph Nader Health getting to classes - 485-0906. HORSE BOARDING-Oke- Complete dissertation and re¬ write toAACOMAS. 4720 diagnosis of cancer in thia Research group charged Thurs¬ Indoor arena, box stalls, sume Corner MAC service. Montgomery Lane, Washing¬ day that a nationwide breast 3-10-31(3) mos. and Grand River, 8:30-5:30 ton, D.C., 20014. The spokesperson said "ab¬ paddocks. $75. 349-2094. cancer screening program In 19 APPLES, CIDER, pumpkins. 6-11-4(31 Monday-Friday. 337-1666. C- normalities in the woman's hospitals led to incorrect diag¬ 21-10-31 (5) Video Workshop needs BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, breast tissue first showed up in noses of 64 women. Of that The Wardowski's. 2 miles N. crew for East Lansing City i tr- -) TYPING TERM and papers Council meetings on the first ascreening at the U-M Breast group, the Nader team said 58 of Leslie, 3597 Hull Rd. Old l Mobile Homes * Jl —1 ••«**. 'bm „xPnri(,nred. last and third Tuesdays of each Cancer Detection Center. The had unneeded mastectomies- US-127. Hours, 9-5 p.m. v-vrrn Call 351 8923 month. Obtain information woman was then referred back breast removal surgery. Closed Mondays, 1-589-8251. O n tn 31 13i Gift packages shipped by ONE AND two-bedroom. on the second floor of the to her surgeon for further The screening program ia our new UPS. OR-7-10-3118) Everything furnished except Union. examination and diagnosia, he sponsored by the National Can¬ edit) EXPERT TYPING SERVICE said. Institute and the American electric. 10 minutes from E. cer STEREO RECEIVER-Pioneer Lansing. No pets. 641-4401. IU inn 151 ' MSU d VMrs " Near Gables. Call Venereal disease: free and confidential treatment from 1 "The surgeon and a con¬ Cancer Society. Hairstyling f0r J 727, 40W-RMS/channel, experience. sulting pathologist group at Dr. Sidney Wolfe, head of the and $200 or best offer. 351-9239 after 6 p.m. 8-11 1(4) CHAMPION, 1962. Fenced in 337-0205. X-C-4-10-31141 - to 4 p.m. Monday, Thursday and Friday, and 8:30 a.m. to noon on Wednesday. Com¬ this second Michigan hospital determined, by biopsy examin¬ Nader group, said the Institute should upgrade its three-year- Wotnei] lot shed, many extras price PROMPT TYPING service, ation, the presence of a small old detection program and noti¬ KABUKI TEN negotiable. 351-7294. Theses, term papers, re- munity Health Services, 701 speed, malignant lesion," the spokes¬ fy the women who had needless Shimano & Diacomp equip¬ 8-11-9-13) sumes. I.B.M. 694-1541. N. Logan St. ForoppolntmtnttJi 01-10-31(31 person said. "The tumor was operations. ment, warranty. Almost new. $70. Call John 351-9203. MARLETTE. 10 55, 2 bed- x AIKIDO, MARTIAL ART room excellent condition, PAPER TYPED - reasonable FOR SELF-DEFENSE AND 8-11-9(41 only 2 blocks from campus. and fast. 394-4729. PERSONAL GROWTH meets McGEORGE SCHOOL OF LAW 332 1958. 8-2-10-31(31 from 9 to 10:30 p.m. on IBM SELECTRIC typewriter at $350. A sacrifice, must sell. Tuesday and Thursday, and 1 UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC TYPING, EXPERIENCED. to 3 p.m. on Sunday in the Call 394-5163. 5-11-413) lod I Fml I O TEN SPEED BICYCLE. L \i Fast and reasonable. 371- 4635. C-21-10-31 131 Judo Room of the Men's IM Accredited: American Bar Association Monday Nito Fc.„ BIG SCREEN T.V, HAS COME TO French Velosolex with quick- E. U LObT (AT home birth lec- Member Association of release hubs and toe clips. turel black-bound personal [looking for Political Science Advisory — 8:00 P.M. great job?-get a r Council meets at 2:45 today American Law Schools Good condition, $80. Randy 332-6521. X-3-10-3114) journal. Also, packet photos. Lart on that iirit im in 103 S. Kedzie Hall. 332-1936. 8-11-3-(4l Lion by having your ret- SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Tuns. Nite The Typecutte Folk dancing at 8:30 GIBSON FIREBIRD, reverse FOUND - WHITE & Black typeset can make your credentials tonight in Bailey School gym, Spaghetti! All Yew Cor lei body, 1963 vintage, super part (71 Sheepdog. 1-855- condition. Plus more. WIL¬ 3522 or 372-5570. 1-10-31-131 stand out in any stack resumes Looks mu of| three blocks from Berkey May 1,1978 is application deadline $2.00 COX TRADING POST. 485- lor first year students 6-9 P.M. 4391. C-1-10-31I4I Iter than typing. seeking LOST-RED umbrella. Men's -we're Juris Doctor degree in 3-year Day us a cai The Block-and-Bridle club Any TEQUILA DRINK % PRICE NEW WAVE/PUNK singles IM, 10-25-77. Turn into sup- |very reasonable 487 929S.I will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tues¬ and 4-year Evening Program beginning f-CLOSE ply cage or call 355-0404. day in 109 Anthony Hall. just in including Iggy out- in September 1978. takes. Also, new issue of UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS Bomp. FLAT, BUCK & Michigan Botanical Club CIRCUUR upstairs 541 E. FOUND: BROWN Et Black will have Dr. William Gillis Grand River. Open 11 a.m. female beagle. Found on IBM speaking on "My Friends typing, editing, multilith Open M-F: 11 351-0838. C-1-10-3K6) ^m353La8ie98On3- 0-3H3¥, ^ 23. 353-8198. J iu-umpi offse.'printing an9d We encourage compa. stive binding. Among Bahaman Plants" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 168 Pre-La*v Discussion Sat.-Sun.: Noon a.m. Plant Biology Lab. FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS shopping. For estimate stop 1227 E. Gd. River LOST: GOLD wire rim glas- jn at 2843 East Grand River or Open Administrative DATE: TIME: 1 Blk. Wett of ses in black case on Oct. 14. phone 332-8414 . 0-21-10-31 Manage¬ PLACE: Hagadorn Reward. 355-2552. ment Society presents CordaWMt Z-2'10-3K3' |9) "Lash" Larrowe as guest 11-8 10:00-2:00 MSU Placement Center 332-6517 flJeflll TWELVE YEARS experience speaker on "Labor Relations" Good Peed ★ Una typing theses, manuscripts, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 102 FOR APPOINTMENT . * Boot* 5817 North Okemos 1 355-9510 Road, East Lansing 337-7974 Hours: [ Pwsmil 1/ term papers. Evenings, 675- 7544. C-21-10-31 13) Conrad Hall. OR FURTHER INFORMATION Advertising Club meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday in 336 7:30am-7pm. JAX COPYINO Hdf AIR Union. A speaker from i balloon club Marsteller Advertising will EARN OVER s600 A MOI Sotting • lo4vcti*f$i speak on "How Advertising WATER BEDS are bedder at | for mora Information and Public Relations Work call I-584-3537 Together." SOUNDS AND DIVER¬ Acroti from tertay SIONS. Open till 9 p.m. CARSON CITY Know how to mate? If not, weeknights. Downtown F0RTHE REST OF YOUR come to 206 Horticulture across from K nappe. 484- ANN BROWN Printing and Bldg. at 7 tonight and learn 3865. 0-2-10-31(5) Typing. Dissertations, re¬ the basic moves and posi¬ sumes, general printing. tions. Checkmatel LIKE-NEW tires-800 X 15 for yearbook portraits ore now VW. Cheap. 694-2364 after 7 Serving MSU for 27 years baing takan for tha 1978 with complete theses service. The Extant Madrigal SENIOR YEAR. p.m. X-3-10-31I3I |RED CEDAR LOG. 349-0850. C-21-10-31 151 Singers will meet at 7 tonight MNIOMs in 332 Union. THIS WEEK'S Call355-7652 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. SPECIAL $37 Union Dissertations.(pica-elite). Business Women's lun¬ Bldg. FAY ANN. 489-0358. C-21- Gibion Hummingbird cheon will be at 11:30 a.m. Acoustic guitar niSHMINt 10-31 I3I Wednesday and will feature a N«w Ratal I $600 Call 353-4470 slide-talk by Joseleyne Tien SALE PRICE $275 US Union Bldg. A pet can warm your heart on on the "Women of New If you are interested in with hard shall casa a cold winter evening. Look China." math, physics or engineering, now havo a variaty of! to the Pets classification of today's newspaper. theNavy has a program you should know about. snowtiros to fit most Lansing Parks and Recrea¬ iMMjii! co Pricas ronga from $19.99 tion and the Mid-Michigan It's called the NUPOC-Collegiate up.Wa hovo tha bast pricas I Track Club will sponsor a Program (NUPOC : guitar strings in town. Wa ropair oil brands of electron¬ | LOVE TO those special girls: Barb, Michelle. Sherri, Sue. I^ound Town prediction run at 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 12 at Frances is short for Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate), and if ic equipment and talovi S-5-10-31-131 Park. | lions. you qualify it can pay you as much as $611 a month for Agriculture pfekwr aid Deal, and Natural the remainder of your senior Second Hand Stare QtocrntiM j(j Resources will hold Education Club year. Then after 16 weeks of 1701 South Cedar a get acquainted meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday Officer Candidate School, you will receive an additional mm STEREO RECEIVER B-track in 310 Agriculture Hall. recorder, $120. Women's JEWISH SINGLES Disco year of advanced technical education, education that WOMEN'S FRYE boots sue Nordics ski boots, tree, TA, Dance Sat. Nov. 5 - 9 p.m.-l Meet a friend from the $25. Skates, TA, $15. 355- Mid-East and Far-East; join would cost thousands in a civilian 8. Brand new, never worn, $50.351-3786. X-Z-5-10-3113) 3666. 5-11-4(31 a.m. 1924 SHAAREY Coolidge E. Lansing. ZEDEK - "International Interactions." school, but in the 100~USED VACUUM" clean¬ Transportation-call 485-2397. 5-11-4 (4) Come to 26 student Services Bldg. or 1 International Cen¬ Navy we pay you. And at the end of the year of training, ers. Tanks, cannisters and uprights. Guaranteed one full | RunieSale !»| BINGO TUESDAY Night, ter. you'll receive a $3,000 cash bonus. It isn't easy. . year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. RUMMAGE: Antiques, furni¬ 7:30 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Bird starts at 7 p.m. "Lifeline" Smoking Cessa¬ tion Seminar from 7:30 to Only one of every six applicants will be 316 North Cedar, opposite City Marin.,. C-21-10-31 161 ture. dishes. 337-9114 before 4 p.m. 1525 High St. after 5 Regular at 7:30 p.m. Mini¬ mum age 18. SHAAREY 9:30 p.m. through Nov. 4, in theCommunity Room of the selected, and there are fewer than 300 openings. But HOFNER BASS guitar. New, p.m. 8-11-8(3) ZEDEK. 1924 Coolidge, East Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 149 Highland. Kick those who make it find themselves in one of the most Lansing, C-1-10-31-15) case, $200. Call 882-9044. f " 1|^) the habit before it kicks you. elite engineering 3-11-1(3) Sernice training programs anywhere. With BUNK BEDS with mattresses from $119.95. VILLA FUR¬ FREE LESSON in complexion unequalled hands-on responsibility, a $24,000 salary in NITURE, 1633 W. Mt. Hope, care. MERLE NORMAN four years, plus travel, medical benefits and education Lansing. 482-1109. 8-11-2-141 COSMETIC STUDIO - 351- 5543. Coming Tuesday INK DRAWING of your home C-17-10-31-I3I November 1 opportunities. for Christmas cards, done by For more details on this MFA graduate, $15. 351- HOUSEKEEPING: HOMES, schools, businesses, sorori¬ program, ask your 0254. E-5-11-N3I ties, fraternities. Price negoti¬ able. 625-3389. 8-11-7-131 THE ONLY DAY BY DAY placement officer when a Navy representative will be on DOWN PARKA, mens high quality, like new, $50. large GUIDE DESIGNED FOR campus, or call the Officer Program Office listed below; FOR QUALITY stereo 339-3993 after 5 p.m. ser¬ THE MSU COMMUNITY or send your resume' to 5-11-113) vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, 556 East Grand River. C-21- Navy Nuclear Officer Program, Code 312,4015 Wilson STEEL COVERED utility trail¬ 10-31 131 Blvd., Arlington, Va. 22203. The er, secure. Used in transport¬ ing band and P A. equip¬ ment. $275. 627-2753. FRAMES OLD, cracked or broken? Replacements at low The Calendar will feature daily listings of important events and area businesses af¬ NUPOC-Collegiate Program. It can do more than help cost. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, you finish college; it can lead to an 5-11-1141 2617 E. Michigan. Lansing, Michigan, 372-7409. fecting you. In color, the calendar is fect for decorating per¬ your room and office. OFFICER PROGRAMS exciting opportunity WHOLE HOUSE full of used C-1-10-31-16) Each date has room for OFFICE, NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT, 313-22(.-77l)5 furniture for sale, shabby but your own personal notes. Never miss a November event, neat, low priced. Call 374- CAPITOL CHIMNEY use RE¬ 6681 8-11-4(4) THE CALENDAR. PAIRS. best fall rates, odd BOOKS. MAGAZINES, comics and more! CURIOUS jobs and tree trimming. 487- 2296. 6-10-31-14) STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED _ NAVYOFFICBt. ITS NOT JUST A JOB, ITS AN ADVENTlRjJ BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand HOUSECLEANING, 2 ladies River. 332-0112. with 4 years experience. Ref¬ X C 21-10 31(31 erences, 323-7042. 8-11-4131 liganStote News, Eatt lansing, Michigon Monday, October 31, 1977 15 HOWARD THE DUCK!® IKMTMAN by Steve Gerber and Gene Colan flu'bfv " r FAIRCHILD THEATRE ta eht stekciT >fO*f USA era_ noinU & S 056$ 05 O 05F7-$S ,YADSEUT tvr&mnloE tekciT — stnerp RtnuocsiD EBMVON B ,ecifO devr seR I . e staeS ,51 > ,sdroceR elbaivA MP I ■ . 8 supmaC ,yadseuT TA ■ ■> srenoC II dna rebmvoN NOSI EJ ts1 ■ - sdnuoS ESUOHDLIF nA & USM A gnimaroP draoB tnevE snoirevD