DESCRIBES 13 YEARS OF ABUSE Hughes testifies By DIANE COX said. in trial Defense Attorney Aryon Greydanus State News Staff Writer she was attracted to him because he was An East Lansing clinical psychologist maintains that Mrs. Hughes was temporar¬ attracted to her. After emotionally describing 13 years of later told the court that Mrs. Hughes is a ily insane and acting in self-defense when "I never had anyone love me so much," physical abuse by her ex-husband, accused woman who suppressed anger emotions all she killed her ex-husband. murderer Francine Hughes testified in of her life, and that her controls finally Hughes and she testified. "He wanted to get married so gave Berkman both testified that she "truly Ingham County Circuit Court Tuesday that way. badly." believed" her ex-husband would someday Mrs. Hughes said she got married she felt she was watching herself as she set "She was at the mercy of her impulses," kill her. because she had sexual intercourse with the room he was sleeping in on fire. said Arnold Berkman, an associate profes¬ Feminists have said they hope the case Hughes and felt a woman should "save "It was like an urgent voice that kept sor of psychology at MSU. "It was as if will result in a landmark decision on a herself for one man. saying 'do it, do it, do it,' " she testified. "I something snapped. She had reached her battered woman's right to defend herself She said that throughout their marriage kept pouring the gasoline all over the floor. breaking point." against a repeatedly abusive spouse and I was just moving, just doing it." Berkman, who was called by the defense, Hughes controlled her life so much she give a new definition to self-defense. couldn't do anything without asking his Mrs. Hughes said after she lit the fire said Mrs. Hughes was mentally ill when she The 30-year-old Dansville mother of four, she thought "Oh, my Godl You can't do permission—including making visits to her allegedly killed 31-year-old James Hughes. who often cried during her testimony, said this." She then felt the door closing and a "Mrs. Hughes is not a criminal. She is not a family—and that she felt it was her duty as James Hughes did not beat her before they a wife to please her husband. "shwooah," probably the explosion, she violent person," he testified. were married when she was 16. She said Mrs. Hughes said her ex-husband began beating her during their first year of marriage, usually over something he did not want her to do. As an example, she said she French ready for action once bought some two black eyes. fingernail polish from a drugstore, after which Hughes gave her She described several incidents in which her ex-husband beat and hit her so hard she was knocked across the room, choked her. chased her with a knife and ran her off against guerrilla activity the road with his car. Mrs. Hughes said her ex-husband also went out with other women. Mrs. Hughes divorced her husband in April 1971 but eventually resumed living with him after he was seriously injured in a By EDWARD CODY accused the government of "flabbiness." Mauritania. car accident in July 1971. PARIS (API- New kidnappings by The French press and television have Her ex-husband got in the accident after Poliaario guerrillas fighting for Saharan emphasized military preparedness follow¬ A statement attributed to the Polisario they had argued, Mrs. Hughes said, adding independence have outraged France and ing a meeting Thursday night bringing leadership charged that such Frenchmen in that she immediately went to the hospital raiaed the possibility of French military together President Mauritania. Including about 1,000 teachers where Hughes was in intensive care for two Valery Giscard intervention In the North African conflict. d'Estaing, Bourges and the military high and at least that many skilled workers, days. She said she stayed with him every Mirage IV warplanes with reconnais¬ command. Included spies and would be tried before other night for 24 hours over a 40-day sance photo gear were reported crisscros¬ military tribunals. period. sing the western Sahara to pinpoint The two latest victims, like the six others Giscard d'Estaing, using talk of military At the urging of Hughes' mother, Mrs. guerrilla jeeps. Parachute troops in south¬ this year, were working for Comlnor, a action to add punch to his diplomacy, sent a Hughes said she moved into a house next ern France have been put on alert. Maurltanian subsidiary of a French firm door to her mother-in-law's home where her special message over the weekend to "Nothing can be ruled out," Defense working iron mines at Zouerate in northern President Houarl Boumedlenne of Algeria ex-husband was staying so she could care Minster Yvon Bourges told reporters Mauritania. It ships ore by rail to the and dispatched two trusted diplomats on for him. though they were divorced. recently. Atlantic port of Nouadhlbou in weatern missions linked to the abductions. I continued The cause of this saber-rattling la 18 on page 16) Frenchmen missing in the desert that are Stot# Nows/lro Strlckitoln know or believed to be prisoners of the je van foei lor an unoipoctod »wlm in tho Red Cedar River ^behind the Americana ARartmenti on Victor Street. Polisario. The Algerian-backed Arab guer¬ rilla group is battling Moroccan and Maurltanian troops for Independence of the Carew, former chairperson, dies former Spanish Sahara which was divided H. John Carew, former chairperson of the until Sept. 30 of this year, when he stepped between the two neighboring countries two Aquinas Church in East Lansing. Visitation MSU department of Horticulture, died for workers down because of his illness. During that treat years ago. Five of the missing are young tourists who disappeared Jan. 1, 1976. during a Tuesday at his home after cancer. He was 57. a long bout with time, he became well known for his support for improved and expanded research and hours are from 7 to 9 tonight at the Estes-Leadley Funeral Home, 325 W. Washtenaw St., Lansing. Christmas vacation expedition into the Carew came to MSU in 1955 from Cornell educational programs in horticulture. desert. Six more, all railroad workers in University in Ithaca, N.Y. where he Carew was a long-time member of the received a doctorate in vegetable crops in American Society for Horticulture Science Mauritania, were captured during a guer¬ ling van from river rilla raid last 1947. He served on the faculty in that and served as its president in 1965-66. He May 1. French Foreign Minister Louis de department from 1947 to 1955. was also a member of the International He became chairperson of the MSU Society for Horticultural Science. Guiringaud complained repeatedly to Al¬ horticulture department in 1962, serving geria, which backs the guerrillas and offers During his career, Carew wrote technical trick, but treat for workers of Northside articles for the "Encyclopedia of Science ie no towing service Halloween them refuge and training facilities around and Technology." professional journal arti¬ attempted to salvage a 1974 Dodge van resting comfortably on the the southern Algerian town of Tindouf. But U.S. leaves ■the Red Cedar River. a desire to maintain friendly relations with cles, extension service bulletins, book Tnsingpolice said the van was parked on the banks of the Red Cedar in the reviews and a number of editorials in the Algiers prevented Paris from making a It behind Americana Apartments on Victor Streetwhen the owner discovered major issue of the kidnappings. Market Growers Journal and the American 'battery had died. French public opinion—sharpened by Vegetable Grower. He had served as an associate editor of the latter publication e ig someone to help him recharge the battery, the owner tried to better vehicle by pushing it away from the river. Gravity prevailed, however, and IK! It was a premature bath for both the van and its owner. West Germany's successful strike at Mogadishu, Somalia, to liberate German U.N. labor since 1957. At MSU, Carew served on the Academic hostages—suddenly turned sour, however, :d owner was able to swim to safety, but was too shame-faced to give when two more railway employees were Senate and several University committees. He was also president of the East Lansing kidnapped Oct. 26. id the yellow van drifted on its side before sinking. laTim DePuy, 1128 Victor Street, said he drove into the parking lot to help Families of the victims conferences to complain that held news the govern¬ organization Rotary Club in 1972-73 and a member of the board of directors of the MSU Faculty Club I misadventure occurred, but was too late. ment was doing too little against the (now the University Club) from 1970-72. le owner) was half in the van and half out and he had the brakes on but it slid By RICHARD E.MEYER Carew is survived by his wife, Patricia, rag-tag desert troops holding their loved WASHINGTON (AP) President Car¬ - and their four children. Services will be Jy said. "I feel sorry for the guy." ■ Robert Wood said a similar instance ones. "We demand of the French president the ter pulled the United States out of the held at 11 a.m. Thursday at St. Thomas happened last year when a group of International Labor Organization (ILO) on lulled a $100 Volkswagen into the river as a prank. immediate liberation of our citizens, who ■salvagers about an hour to retrieve the van, and all that remained was a wet must not be sacrificed to diplomatic Tuesday, marking the first U.S. withdrawal from a United Nations agency since the considerations," said a communique issued world organization was founded in 1945. Tuesday by the French Solidarity Move¬ Carter said the ILO is no longer ment, a rightist pressure group that committed to its original purpose — to improve the lot of workers around the world. Critics say the agency has increas¬ inside council chooses committee ingly fallen under Soviet and Third World domination. As he was withdrawing U.S. support What does the cartooning? See page Unfug Hardware Store have to do with 10. from the ILO, Carter criticized the United Nations sharply for a "disappointing" Today is the last day to turn in work to receive grade for set up presidential selection record on human rights, but he pledged his full support to the world organization. incompletes. a "The U.S. remains ready to return ByPAMWEAR However, most of the council members spoke against Kreinin's whenever the ILO is again true to its weather State News SUB Writer proposal, favoring the Steering Committee's. proper principles and procedures," Carter "Given the need for a reasonably small committee, this one said. His statement was read to reporters Today will be bumbershoot weather! Showers are likely, and In ' !°r,memberahlp of an ad hoc or pre-commlttee to by Labor Secretary F. Ray Marshall. thundershowers are a strong possibility. p guidelines for selecting a new University president (Steering Committee's proposal) will work," said Henry Silver¬ The secretary gave these four reasons for b>1 Academic Council Tuesday. man, American Thought and Language profesaor. High: upper 50s to lower 60s. Paul Hurrell, Justin Morrill College philosophy professor, noted Carter's decision to withdraw: Tonight's low: mid 50s. I. aPProved proposals set forth by iU Steering that re-consideration of committee membership to the extent •The ILO has not applied labor standards | voted t0 »dd an administrator to the pre-commlt- Kreinin was proposing would only slow down the already lengthy equally among all of the nations of the world. ^ft Clifton R. Wharton Jr. announced last week that he is presidential selection process. •The agency frequently issues condem¬ J ccept the chancellorship of the Sute University of The new ad hoc committee will hold an open meeting Thursday nations "without adequate investigation." at 7:30 p.m. in 253 Student Services Bldg. to receive •Politics often enter into the ILO's suggestions ivRi'k a,d ,n administrator to the committee was on presidential aelection procedures from faculty, students and considerations and nations are condemned ■fter , U' Byawm, dean of the College of Natural others. for "extraneous political" reasons. Tniic JCe?tmg n°minations of seven administrators who In other action, the council decided it could not yet accept the •As originally established, ILO delega¬ litor Hlfo. *'the MUnc11 vota >he State News. sex, or national origin "invoke "standards" an additional funds for their necessary, summary of testimony has Viewpoints, columns and "the pursuit of excellence" as such supposedly perjorative labels do not expansion can and national organizations su and letters < re personal "debating should be provided. opinions. concern me, nor do they help resolve current points in their battle against change," as had developed. Walter implies. problems. If justice is not always "blind" we The road to Editorial Department equal opportunity is, most Editor-in-chief Michael ranlmuro Walter and I are of the same must endeavor to tighten her blindfold, not assuredly, not through the imposition of s Finally, on July >7' Managing Editor ®rown pholo editor Richard Rolitawskl generation, cut a few more slits in it. If we legalize quota system based on able to break the explosive « i, race or national '' and he must remember, as I Departs*"^ ^ '' Opinion Editor Entertainment and Book Editor.. Kathy Esselman do, the days preferential treatment based on race in one origin, a return to a long discredited "the Justice Sport, Editor when Special Projects Editor Debbie Wolfe layout Editor TomShanohan Rebecca A Perry college admission officers seemed form today, who will predict how such practice; but by breaking the deathgrip of investigating charges th» City Editor incapable of evaluating an applicant's criteria may be employed tomorrow? the medical Central Intelligence Agency, Campus Editor... iJoe ScC0,M Anne Stuart Copy Chief Renofdo Mlgaldl qualifications without detailed information The point is not how to impose quotas but profession and enforcing a policy ^ !fr T JTaiSi of open admission, . . . Wire Editor freelance Editor Jocetyn lastromki Michael Winter on place of birth, race, religious preference, how to remove them from our society! It including the medical Sla„ Advertising Department Representative Nunzlo M lupo and similar critical academic data. I am cannot have escaped Walter's always very colleges. The precise, sharply defined arguments for open admission P,!.Sblicopinion'»lj Advertising Manager , —-__^|j°ronSeller__A,si,|ont Advertising Manager Demse Dear convinced Adpms argued vigorously, as I do, that such data are totally perceptive eye that this national debate was Adams in his book and in The presented by State News rentatedVbuy off U-S' irrelevant, and sparked by a disappointed applicant to a apply with equal force to them. men." felt vindicated when after medical school, not by an aspiring young many years Stall Is United Features o protestor 01 physics at MSU. Lgg. stnte News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 2, 1977 5 intasy Awards' a motley collection Jobld I Wilson fantasy awards Providence is, as fans know, the birth¬ place of Howard Phillips Lovecraft — I've got to aay straight out that this is the oddest compilation I've yet to see. Odd not T & Co. known to the masses as H.P. of Arkham - in the literature contained (and there are, and things become quite clear when we are by all means, a few real gems contained Idimabtino told Providence was chosen with good here) but in the entire manner the book was reason. The reason, you see, is that i-leverly illustrated cover makes cartoonist Wilson and company have de¬ put together. Perhaps "slapped together" is L volume is "an anthology of the a better term, because quite honestly, for a cided to allow their Convention to ■ stories, poema and essays." spawn labor of love, this volume is as haphazard in their answer to the Oscar, lit doesn't make note of, and Fred: the Howard. Hugo, Tony and programming as could be imagined. Lhat fans of "the fantastic" most Sculpted (by Wilson, no Consider the Life Achievement Award Idas) a la the Mystery Writers of America's r„w is: what is a World bust of Poe award, the Howard is an won by Robert Bloch. Bloch, who wrote the ■ward? oblong story on which Psycho was based and award purporting to represent Lovecraft's uncounted other tales that have won him 1 [cw literary genres that harbor venerable head.Whether it succeeds or not fame, is as deserving a fellow as any for Kble number of back-patters that can only be guessed: Wilson the artist has such an award. Why, then, does this Tid science fiction does, and seen fit only to sketch a representation in anthology include two short stories from L Save long the book. " „ew awards seems a year Bloch's earliest period, from 1938 and 1942? -g most writers and fans in The panel of judges responsible for endowing these awards was a considerably Not only are they unrepresentative of Bloch's recent work — and this IS supposed energy! Use 'Cards as Weapons' Lg to promote the literature" small one. Rather than popular ballot, an to be a contemporary award — but they aren't particularly good, either. § prevailing ethic, as promising "awards committee" was established that And then, the Cards As Weapons with playing cards.") Second, it is a of how to throw cards, which, ■promising writers trot off yearly besides Wilson included: David G. Hart- award-winning novel: by Ricky Jay somewhat serious, though n. Midwestern Universities to Patricia A. McKillip's The Forgotten Beasts Darien House though irreverent, his¬ sometimes tongue-in-cheek, are not as well, editor at Putnam/Berkely; Ramsey of Eld. I'll agree it's a tory of card throwing - I newly designed "Arthur-Ma- Campbell, British Horror Writer; Edward great book, and better $4.95 But it is the humor that is emphasized in funny as the theme of the book dictates. than at least one of the other two Admittedly, the |her Louie Award" that not only L. Ferman, editor and publisher of the By STEVE SZILAGYI the book because (face it) the art of card text does have its when plastered on their book contenders it faced in the moments. A chapter called "Personal Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction; voting. But including six pages from mid-novel in this throwing is about as ludicrous as any Anecdotes" tells how Jay •obably raises their working and Fritz Leiber, the reknowned writer and Cards as Weapons has to be one of the virtually saved anthology for "flavor" doesn't do much for subject could be. Western Man with his deck of cards and [derably. critic. strangest, most unlikely books ever pub¬ At first glance, the book seems a scream. McKillip's OR Wilson's cause. lished. Written "How To Practice and Stay Fit" gives a have here is a collection put So down the line. For the short fiction by professional card handler The funniest part of the whole book is the ie on Jay, this book is the first (and certainly physical program for keeping the fingers in That literature which the committee cover a vibrant, watercolor version of a writer and famed cartoonist — y category, we not only get to read the destined to be the only) book ever written shape. voted on pretty much constitutes the magician's poster showing veteran hurler .n [who of course drew the winners, but the losers. My favorite, T.E.D. about the art of card throwing. All [tioned cover illustration) com- makeup of this book. Klein's "The Events At Poroth Farm," is, of Jay cutting down a gunslinger, fighting an things considered. Cards As Weapons It is an utterly insane book, devoted to is the First World Fantasy Now I've course, a loser but a great octopus, and facing a charging water buffalo a strange, almost lunatic book. It's seen many an anthology in my story neverthe¬ two areas of the art. First, it claims to be a armed only with a deck of playing cards. L" held in 1975 at Providence, day, be it in science fiction, sword and less. As is Karl Ed Wagner's "Sticks," a surprising that any publisher would touch manual on using playing cards in self-de¬ The text, though, is not it, considering the weirdness of the subject sorcery or other elements of fantasy, but special winner of the British Fantasy nearly as witty as fense. (Huh?) It is a humorous takeoff on all the illustrations. Most of it is a serious matter. Who ever heard of card Award. throwing? those silly kung fu and karate manuals that Who ever thought a book could be written The main problem, however, is this attempt to explain the art of card hurling, book's approach. It glut the paperback market. ("Fear No Man with historical notes on famous about it? A book like this serves no useful attempts to document or Beast!" the cover magicians an arbitrarily designed Fantasy Conven¬ says. "They all laughed who tossed souvenir cards to their audi¬ literary purpose - unless, of course, the when I crouched down to defend reader finds a value in laughter. tion, and does so in an utterly random, myself ences. Jay also gives detailed descriptions illogical fashion. There is too much filler that is plainly visible AS filler — particular¬ ly in the book's final section of short fiction in the Special Non-Professional whose title is category, Shaw's ' Cosmic Kaleidoscope' delights self-explanatory. One final conflict: the book really is, as said before, a labor of love, and it is. Cosmic Kaleidoscope again, adopts, too, for these are often delightfully absurd. A story dealing dedicated to the memory of H.P. Lovecraft. Doubleday and Company with a full-size replica of Mt. Everest Most of the literature contained within is $6.95 (complete with aliens in Yeti costumes) would be ridiculous were it not for the adroit handling it Lovecraftian in nature — although the By JOHN NEILSON received from the author. Likewise, a Cthulu Mythos is for once story postulating the real ignored, except reason for the smile of the Mona Lisa demands skillful handling if it for Dirk W. Mosig's "Toward a Greater Bob Shaw's new book Cosmic Kaleidoscope, as poorly packaged is not to become trite, but Shaw is somehow able to Appreciation of H.P. Lovecraft" essay, as it is, is one of the finest illustrations I've seen of the adage that pull it off. books should be judged for their contents rather than their covers. Perhaps the secret of his success is his ability to keep his tongue which is disturbingly shallow. For Love¬ Inside the ludicrous Halloween-inspired jacket of this book are firmly in his cheek as he writes. His best tales are those in which he craft fans alone, it might be worthwhile for constantly flirts with absurdity, manipulating characters who are Wilson's illustrated map of Lovecraft's some strikingly fresh and original short science fiction stories, and more like Nick it would be a shame if no one were to read them. Danger than like Luke Skywalker. Even his more original Providence neighborhood. serious pieces are lightened by occasional comic relief and Otherwise, I'd recommend holding out for The range of imagination found in these stories is such that Shaw by the outlandishness of their plots. the inevitable paperback. If you've waited is able to keep one step ahead of the reader at all times. Every plot is It is really a pity that a book as witty and clever as this one is 40 years for the Robert Bloch stories full of bizarre twists, and these continue right up to the end of each hidden in a ridiculously bad jacket. The cover of this book will contained here, you can wait a few more. story, where a final twist is usually tacked on for good measure. Shaw's imagination is fully evident in the novel premises he probably send many potential readers away, but those few who do Even if it means passing up the read it should find it to be a real treat. nifty cover. DISCOUNT CALCULATORS CRYSTAL MT. SKI WEEK OTOM T-SHIRTS Is CHANOINO its NAMI ThcBRfllKH . Dec. 18-23 ,3,° per shirt includes a quality T-shirt, your * M4000 includes.- 5 nights lodging dorm name, dubs, teams, fraternity or sor¬ ority ensignio, ond picture, any amount of 5 days and 5 nights skiing letters, whatever you want. / W \ 5 full breakfasts and dinners ' APS 2 hrs. of lessons everyday Mixed sizes and colors OK. east lansing's most complete levi store entertainment, parties, races Call Bill Lee at Contact MSU Ski Club 333-5199 DISCOUNT CALCULATORS AND C & 0 T-SHIRTS OPTICS ILICTRONICS IS HAVING A SALE ON OUR M34031 WE STILL HAVE THE SAME HUGE SELECTION OF FINE QUALITY CALCULATORS. LIKE TEXAS IN¬ NYLON JACKETS ALSO! STRUMENTS, PACKARD. AND MORE KINGSPOINT, . . . HEWLETT- AND NOW WE HAVE LINED CORD and DENIM PHOTO-COPY MACHINES. TELEPHONE AN¬ SWERING SYSTEMS t TYPEWRITERS ■COUPON |Y0U LIKED IT BEFORE > ruinmiiMi "BASEBALL"JACKETS YOU'LL LOVE IT AGAIN! SMITH-CORONA w CORONAMATIC 1300 A 3300 uon-MOWW" L9*copies* I J'ECIAUSTS for resumes c dissertations a great value for fall IheDRAIKH of coimtii y »VE TIME 200 quality copies in 5 minutes - w 'OUARANTIID LOWIST PRICIS IN TOWN!' IJAX COPYING 220M.A.C. llnlw M/,11 1I1JL1TH V Mon-Sat: 10-4 inside the university mall - phone 351-4620 TIL I on th.irm s<1 e. grand river s - upper level y 55 fr0m berkey above paramount news <- SKI SEASON east lansinc CALL 332-5500 * 111" BOOKS4C IS ■ COUPON ON THE WAY! SKI GREENS WHITE CAPS JACKETS I5QOKS WAHT1DI SCARVES MITTENS •Science Fiction •OHtaoks BLANKETS and more... £rs •telle Hub ST •KbaziMs IN STOCK AND AVAILADLI NOW JcyOnw Bystenes *lli Little Inks .Bwtall torts . RECORDS TAPE SALE >ri«us Book Shop still in progress j ^st Grand River i5") 332-0112 East Lansing '1.99 —$2.99 - hi Fri til f CAMPUS BOOKSTORE 507 E. Grand River Across from- Berkey Hall 6 Michigon Stote News. Eost Loosing. Michigor Wednesday, K (Moonflowersweet succ tion. By JOHN KAJANDEE The group alio includes other SANTANA: MOONFLOWER live selections COLUMBIA C2-S4914 through out the disc. Notably, versions of Success seems to be synony¬ n'v«l.""Ut the ChUdren "Car- (Moonflower^'*' P° inStrUmsawa.. and Soul Sacrifice." Play," "•"brumenui, . mous with Santana as their They give Two stars for price of one ninth U.S. offering enhances the band's reputation. The al¬ an excellent notion of this band's stunning live perfor¬ •J?thu,R«fl9Cts, oth" tunes worn bum la a mix of Santana's last mances. « .'he b.S By DAVE DtMARTINO After disappointingly short how long his sets were back European tour concerts, embel¬ As far is the studio record¬ versions of "g j! State News Reviewer set - a inevitable, probably, con¬ when he'd only released one lished by freshly recorded ma¬ terial. The result la a refreshing ings on Moonflower; though "Diwn" and "Bahia" "Transcendence" feature, the seem to be I really don't think there's sidering his status as opening album. change from the plethora of present to provide a transition R Walker , any way Mariah could have act Cockburn was quickly "double live" recordings that into the live numbers. The ahowcaaing — made Monday night any better. called back for an encore. His Of course, Newman drew other tracks stand on their Toni have saturated the market In board "ork the. Because Bruce Cockburn and manner subtly conveyed that many laughs from the audience the past few years. own. The tune that he played; singing about immedi¬ The album's, Randy Newman are, by no he was not used to opening as ately catches one's ear is San¬ means, your standard double- shows for anyone, but that was hating short people, how could As far aa the concert portions tana's remake of the Zombies' maculate, a to billing. certainly no hindrance to enjoy¬ he miss? Yet, for every one or of the two-record sets go, these hit "She's Not There." The •'■verecordio Cockburn, a virtual unknown ing his work. He's a superb two of his funny tunes. New¬ musical contim live tracks convey the essential rhythmic changes the group in America, must have made a talent. man followed with some of his flawless. Moos nature of Carlos Santana's mu¬ makes renovates this lot of new friends while per¬ more serious compositions in an already tive treat for I Randy Newman's appearance admirable bit of pacing. His sic, his guitar piercing through forming in Fairchild Theater was almost an added treat, but the intense, pulsating latin music has always been relative¬ Monday night. Though to date who can talk of Newman in such rhythm; creating a fusion of The Office of he's only seen three of his LP's terms? ly simplistic in structure, and jazz/latin/rock that is unique in Black Aff released in this country, he's self-plagiarism has never been Appearances and albums by above him, therefore it's to his contemporary music today. The something of a living legend in strength of Santana's perfor¬ presents: his native Canada. Mariah's Randy Newman are extremely credit that even after almost an mance lies in three areas: the rare; Newman, touring in pro¬ hour of performing his set still surprise booking of this artist was a coup. motion for Little Criminals, his newest Warner Brothers LP, seemed too short. aforementioned guitarwork of the leader, the multi-faceted JIM INGRAM Walking confidently on stage and he's got every reason to was another fine catch for That Newman can still sound percussion section, and the — in a two day speaking engQgeiriw| be confident — Cockburn sat Mariah. fresh and interested while sing¬ dynamic vocals of lead singer 'Devsdip" Santana Greg Walker. down with just a guitar and ing compositions he wrote dulcimer and proceeded to whip Sitting down at the piano years ago is perhaps his great¬ WED. NOW. 2 B108 WELLS 8 s out an utterly perfect set. after coming onstage, Newman hastily went through much of est performing asset. As his Lazar Bermon concert tonight The supreme blending of these areas is most evident on THURS. NOV. 3 -109 AKTHONY I new LP reveals, the of Playing material that mostly his very distinguished reper¬ sense side two, where the group pa originates from In The Falling irony that has strongly perme¬ Russian pianist Lazar Berman will perform the music of Liszt, toire. Drawing material from emerges from a rousing version Dark, his most recent LP, ated his better material has not Bach and Prokofiev in the almost every one of his albums, University Auditorium at 8:15p.m. of "Black Magic Woman" into a The host of tho Dotrolt rodlo Cockburn held most of the left him. As long as that's so, tonight. commtntm, frenetic "Gypsy Queen." The BEAT" will oddr... THE BAKKE audience spellbound, and right¬ he covered a lot of ground quickly. The majority of his and as long as Newman main¬ Two years ago Berman was virtually unknown outside the focus is continually on (Deva- local and national Issuai of CASE ,1 fully. Who can believe, after all, tains his sense of humor, he will Soviet Union. The New York Times has called Berman "a fearsome Importances tunes were at most two or continue to be much in demand. dip) Carlos Santana's blistering Americans. Don't miss It I that a performer so obviously pianist capable of wringing an audience dry." His technique has talented has remained un¬ three minutes in duration, thus been said to rival that of Vladimir Horowitz. Berman is considered guitar and his percussion sec¬ he performed between 20 and Final thanks to Mariah, for known for so long? 30 tunes before leaving the by some to rank among the Soviet Union's "Big Three." His set is about one-third putting together a very fine Tickets for Berman's appearance are available at the Union stage. One can only wonder show. Keep it up. Ticket Office. His performance is instrumental. Employing a part of the Lively Arta and the style only slightly reminiscent of contemporaries Kottke, Fa- hey or Lang, Cockburn's finger- Choice Series. A4* picking technique runs the TWO FAMOUS gamut of fine, melodic precision and reveals a finely-honed tal¬ Women's Music Our reputation has baan provan. Wa offer the finest To Insure Value in BRAND! Qualityf ent that deserves the attention Chinese cooking In this equal to that given to those other artists. Cockburn's material is domi¬ Mini-Festival area. Take out service Is available. nated by two recurrent themes: travelling on the road, and Hear 3 of the area's more vitally, the swallowing of the North American wilderness finest women folk performers by technology. His airy, space¬ filled vocal style carries with it the same appeal that has made the late Nick Drake and John Martyn cult favorites. It is Robin Lee Berry no Collared In 18K gold, small wonder that fans of those sparkling diamond latter British artists are in¬ Sheila Hitter a engogemsnt band is Wetae t» clasped gently by antiqued ampim -- creasingly gravitating towards Cockburn, once they've heard wedding bonds. "Ansstssla" m if him. Sally Rogers I HOURS - 7 OATS II 00AM 10 1000 P M I 1 CORNER CLIPPERT and VINE Scon m FrandOf) by Orang# Blossom. fW and SAT til II 00P M f Phone 351-2217 ANASTASIA ^" Wednesday A Thursday your love, dividualiti 9-12 pm us soon DOES HE HAVE Hobie's DOCTORS A NAKED HAND? Save him from embarrassment with one of these rugged WEIGHT LOSS semi-precious stone rings Top - Calsrye in 10K gold 'rom Right - Catseye in I0K gold t£ASO MEDICAL CLINK Left - On\x in I4K gold Bottom YOUR GIFT - Tigereye in WK gold 07 Where Quality and Service TRAM PRICES The Easiest Most Effective HEADQUARTERS . . Count Weight Loss Program Ever! JEWELRY | AVAILABLE | shop i j? for I 9:30-5:30 Shopr_9:30-5:30 tl 3,,EGra* Eoitlonw* DAILY Daily | Hockey Jerseys B Hockey Equipment : THE IMAGINARY ICEBERG | Hockey Sticks Announcing Marty's Third Annu We'd rather have the ilOUIPMINTBYi! iceberg than the ship, KOHO WINNWELL although it meant the end of travel. Although It stood stock-still like cloudy rock ond all the sea were moving marble. BALLOON SAU Si Christian Brothers ;; We'd rather have the we'd rather own this iceberg than the breathing plain of snow though the ship's sails were laid upon the sea ship, Only 4 Days Left as the snow lies undissolved upon the water. O solemn, floating field, are you aware an iceberg takes repose with you, ond when it wakes may pasture on your snows? ' This is a scene a sallor'd give his eyes for. This ship s ignored. The iceberg rises and sinks again; its glassy pinnacles correct elliptics In the sky. This is a scene where he who treads the boards Is artlessly rhetorical. The curtain Is light enough to rise on finest ropes YOU CAN LOSE UP TO MIU. IN JUST that airy twists of snow provide. 30 DAYS AND STAY THAT WAY The wits of these white P*"*" ""St" L— OK—. UyU Fr.l.l mdW, IS. peaks MM. H |»M> »ih Im 7 „ u Hh lint Ml VI *• g, tiM> DM. spar with the sun. Its weight the iceberg dares accounting and upon a shifting stage ond stands and stares. "» u<«u '—w. I. u-tN iW y*. ml, WXMN h,..I.I.S UruM NWi. tawl"" ■'<—a hi h. m*. OmV hy llM UruM PrWW. fml « finance majors T.fe dU LET US HELP YOU TO This Iceberg cuts Its facets from OUR PROGRAM IS A MHXCAl within. Like jewelry from a TREATMENT NOT A DMT BECOME A CPA grave - it saves itself perpetually and adorns •N«w4ll«dd,M*,dM Evoryon# Is a Winner SAVE 10% to 100% on ovory »•" 01 _ nigra only itself, perhaps the snows which so surprise us lying on the sea IF YOU'D LIKE TO BE 22 TO 30 POUNDS LIGHTER AT Graham & Gunn Ltd. DAK S of London Pendleton Enro CPA Good-bye, we say, good-bye. the ship steers off where waves give in to one another's THIS TIME NEXT MONTH CONSULTATION . . . CALL NOW FOR A FREE Johnny Carton London Fog Lakeland Domon lord Jeff REVIEW waves THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO - ond clouds run In a warmer OBLIGATION. sky. detroit... Icebergs behoove the soul (both being self-made from elements least Stop in For Detail* (313)542-1444 grand rapids (414)454-0909 ... to see them so. fleshed, fair, visible) erected indivisible. cau351-9800 EVERYTHING FOR THE MAN MfiRTYl COURSES BEGIN MAY 22 S NOV 21 ELIZABETH BISHOP DOCTORS WEIGHT LOSS tCWCAL CLHUC 714 ABBOTT, EAST LANSING seoen Gays io-to-jo NEAR SAGINAW HOURS; MON-WED 9-7 THUt. 9-9 2jo moc FRI.9-4-SAT. 1M 305 E.GRAND AND RIVER W EAST LANSING T ANN' tmte News, Eott Loosing, Michigon Wednesdoy. November 2, 1977 7 ByPETEBRONSON Most of the clinic's 8tata New. Staff Writer patients are families who fear possible mental Many hereditary birth defects, including retardation and handicaps in their children, Higgins said. They are people who have had some problem in the —""8 hemophilia, could be prevented or anticipated, according to particular risk or a family past, a pop claui. ■ experts at MSU's Genetics Clinic. history of problems," he explained. To do the detective work ,wThe title Z.I Through extensive testing, examination of past medical records necessary in predicting chances of (Moonflowprii.Ab snd statistical prediction, the genetics clinic is sble to assist defects, Higgins said he must first have some clues. worried parents and families with "Anyone has a three percent chance of having children with past histories of hereditary handicapping conditions of some kind," he said. I' problems. Clinic workers can provide accurate predictions of Though most of his advice to clinic patients is based on Clinic children's chances of being born with can provide," clinic coordinator congenital defects. "Many people don't know about the benefits the genetics clinic Kay Chamberlain said. "Most people think we can just tell them what color eyes their baby will statistical prediction, Higgins said that in some rare cases he has actually located the defect-causing recessive trait on the genetic material. patient's have." "While in most cases we give the patient a percentage of chance, What the 10 year-old clinic is more concerned about is in some cases we can tell them definitely that their child will have diagnosis of possible birth defects, Chamberlain siad. a defect," he said. iticipates Located in the MSU Clinical Center, the clinic counseling to parents who have had past problems and fear for future children. Through pre-natal provides testing, clinical employees can The major concern such as LSD, but is now regarding genetic damage is no longer drugs centered aroud the effects of medically-prescribed perscription drugs, Higgins said. CIGARETTES »live rt detect many defects during pregnancy, allowing the parents the option of abortion, Chamberlain explained. "We have found that most often genetic damage was not caused by LSD, but by stuff like Strychnine it is cut with on the street," 2/89* ih defects "Many parents who have had an affected child think that is all he said. they can have. Tests at the genetics clinic have often given them Citing examples of genetic damage by such commercial much better news than they expected," she said. Thalidomide, Higgins said it is time researchers took a closer drugs as James Higgins, geneticist and counselor at the at other look STATE COUPON clinic, said he drugs now on the market. informs prospective parents of the "To determine if a percentage of risk involved and given drug is causing genetic damage OUR DISCOUNT of the burden implied by the possible defect. patients to make their own decisions. However, he allows requires accumulation of a great deal of data over a period," he said. long range 10% OFF PRICEON "In some cases the risk may be low, but if the burden The MSU genetic clinic has bear by having a child with that they will satellite clinics in Grand Rapids and particular defect is Flint. Any state resident who has a they may dedide not to have children, or in the case very great, of pregnancy, defects or fears the family history of hereditary PHOTO FINISHING to have an abortion," he said. possibility of having birth defective child contact clinic counselors, Higgins said. STATE COUPON P0BC5ON BAN Ebefhdrd COUPON'/HAlf Roll On CREST Toothpaste e W<*nt 1 FREE APPUANCtS SOME GIVEN ON MANUFACTURER COUPONS OCXS MOT/KitsC* vSWO*>:it Antiperspirant 99' 1.04 1.5 oi. 1.55 value 7 ox. 1.65 value Limit I Expires 11*4.77 MIT 1 mSST AC? PRICES GOOP Expire, 11-6-77 13301E MICHIGAN £ APPLIANCES SAVEATAPf OFFERS . meu SAT NO/ 5" STATE COUPON STATE COUPON FABERGE ORGANICS ZOIO W.&RANP RNER- . LIMIT I COUPON PER ! i Quantity ri&wts Wheat Germ S Honey FABERGE ORGANICS Wheat Germ & Honey { mmoMt-y EACMf400*IOCMPnOMI OKEMOS- NEXT IDK-MAXT ' COUPON cannot be m0«a\k>mcas« Reserve? SHAMPOO CONDITIONER APft-ieo TDIMW euucxAse j 1.44 1.44 16 oz. 2.25 value 16 oz. 2.25 value Limit 1 Expires 11-4-77 Limit 1 Expires 11 -6-77 FRESH, COUNTRY CUT-FRYING- 1 STATE COUPON CHICKENS *39* Limit 2 FLANNEL SHIRTS 4.99 Expires 11-6-77 perfectly n STATE COUPON your lM.d dividuality. | BUYlfe-SAVE&tfW/C BUY 4- SAVE 64* W/C -H yGrade 6UY8-SAVE 64* W/C-KKAFT HOODED us soon BANQUET FROZEN MACAR0NI i CHEESE SWEATSHIRTS cylrtCj por PiESvi Beef FRANKS PINNERS 5.99 12 4"1. 02. 63* 4%1. Limit 1 STATE COUPON T"Tt rr-r Expires 11-6-77 ' LUDENS MENTHOL CORICIDIN D' wlity I I COUGH DROPS COLD TABLETS fe .5:30 JEWELRY 3iveg.«IM 1 2/25' 1.33 REG. 15' 25'sl. 85 value phono artf Limit 4 Expires 11-6-77 Limit 1 Expires 11-6-77 STATE COUPON STATE COUPON VANITY FAIR ASPIRIN FACIAL TISSUE PELI SPECIALS, BUY Z- SAME W/G- G.FRESH BUY 2-SAVE &CVW/6 -Ebertiord 29' CO 00 o 3301 E.MICH. STORE ONLY/ BULK PACK-VANILLA CHOPPER HAM 4 IB. LOW FAT MILK ICE CREAM 100's 75' value 100 CT. 50' value Limit 1 Expires 11-6-77 limit 2 Expire, 11-6-77 tots Swiss CHEESE k49* STATE COUPON it 60106NA OPAQUEPANTY HOSE 1.50 value #0-1 96' Limits Expires 11-6-77 tor STATE COUPON tfji ALASKNITS KNEE SOCKS 1.44 Limit 6 Expires 11 6-77 STATE COUPON STATE COUPON 8UY3-SAVE *2.13 W/G- IB 02. US.NO.I MICH. REP PELICKXJS SAVE 54* W/C- EBEPHAPP fctBtts. SPRfTEyTAB,^ TENPEK KRUST DANNON PEPSI COLA COCA COLA APPLES 1 BREAD YOGURT n 3/99' 1.66 Lot's Limit 6 12 ox. pack Expires 11-6-77 Limit 1 Expire, 11-6-77 8 Michigan State News. East lonsing. Michigan W*"«r tkI! i ^"cation and a challenging, responsible la'liv dr. 4wyer's Assistant is able to do work tradl- i None by lawyers. Is~.hUonlhs °' Intensive training can give you the I of th!courses are taught by lawyers. You choose ch vnif seven courses offered—choose the city In inco «nn 10 w°rk. Bed mnlVhe lnstilute 'or Paralegal Training has Bay City Roller* , . Sampler ■Mmnrat 2'°°° flraduates In law firms, banks, "Roll In" "NewWave" lvoulons ln over 80 cities. PestM ®,3 senior of high academic standing and are Iggyand the Stooges , 801 yOU a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, we'd like "Metallic KO" "SOlLive" limit 6 Reg. 57c ^ntat!vePlaCeTTlent 0,"ce ,or an ln,erview with our Wb will visit your campus on: These and many more Jem Imports are TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 now preciously WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 sale priced! WE NOW ACCEPT The Institute for MASTERCHARGE & VISA Paralegal Training oulh "lh Street Philadelphia, Penniylvania 19103 Operated by P.^rLeg.l . Inc. VISA VISA 1 flMichiqon Stole News, Eosl Lonsing, Michigan Wednesday, November 2,) "Charles Schultz (creator ofthe comic strip 'Peanuts) gave me some advice once: Don't try and change the world with a comic strip.'So, I stick to subtle themes in 'Travels with Farley.'For instance, I want to convey that walking isn't all that bad so I've only drawn Farley riding in a car a few times. "When I was an undergraduate at MSUfrom 1961-651 lived in Bailey Hall next to the sewer outlet - Oh God! I learned early to carry seasonings like tobasco sauce when I ate at the dorm." - Phil Frank The epperent resemblance between cartoonist Phil Frank and his current cartoon character Farley is difficult to deny. Farley and Phil Frank: one and the same? The new fame and fortune — the-big-time-neon-plastic-smiles-carefree-and-easy-don't- Though Frank's cartoon ideas are occasionally toned down for publication, his bug-him-for-an-autograph-double-knit-wing-tips lever hasn't hit him yet, and it probably philosophy is not really that radical. In fact, he remains very much in tune with tradition never will. and nostalgia. "I was walking from Giltner to the Journalism Building the other day and the deja-vu "This summer, my wife and I took a cross-country trip in our Model A Ford and we had incredible — a great time," he said. "There was this one time we pulled into this small town out west was absolutely nothing had changed. Everything was the same and 1 almost passed out," Phil Frank explained while strolling through G Lot for the first time since his called Walsinburg and the bearings fell out of the engine." Frank pauses for emphasis. last visit in 1971. "Well, we thought we might have a few problems finding a replacement Model A engine Frank, who published his first cartoon in 1963 while attending MSU is currently in the middle of nowhere but one of the townspeople, who owned the Unfug Hardware enjoying humble notoriety as a syndicated cartbonist, a freelance artist and a clip art Store, had one in his back room that he was willing to sell. We were lucky." graphic designer. Frank's nostalgic interest is also evident where he lives and has his studio. "Frankly Speaking" and "Travels with Farley" are the one-panel and strip cartoon that "We were watching the movie 'Houseboat' starring Sophia Loren and Cary Grant one Frank is best known for. night when my wife and I decided that it would be nice to live in one," Frank explained. "Frankly Speaking" is generally used as a filler in newspapers. This makes it hard to "Since we had been looking for a new place to live we decided to look for a houseboat the carry on a series because there may be a day when the cartoon is not run, he said. next day. It was a horrible movie but a great idea." "I think the format of the comic strip "Travels with Farley" is the most rewarding After finding a houseboat in Sausalito. Calif., Frank and his family spent nearly five because it allows you to carry an idea on and on," Frank said. years restoring it. "When I first came up with the idea of a strip, I wanted the main character to resemble "We really enjoy it," he said proudly. "The boat's name is 'Ameer' and it was built Johnny Appleseed.. .someone who would drop ideas like seeds," Frank explained with a around the turn of the century by a civil engineer. smile. "So 1 called the strip "Road Apples" until I found out that road apples is also "While we were restoring it we used materials that we found locally, and tried to keep another name for horse droppings. So, I changed the name of the strip to "Travels with it looking as authentic as possible." Farley." The floating home is decorated with antiques and early American furniture along with Some of the characters featured in the strip resemble people that Frank has known. old fashioned posters and storage tins. "I got the idea for Sgt. Campbell, an old man who has escaped from a rest home, from Though Frank appears to be well on his way to big time cartooning, he admits that two elderly men I met in a hospital while I was in for knee surgery," Frank said. "I put a making a living that way is a little difficult. lot of local people in the strip." "Right now I have to produce clip-art books and freelance for different firms, along Along with local people, Frank also interjects a great deal of his personality into his with doing 'Frankly Speaking' and 'Travels with Farley'," Frank said. "I'd like to just work. freelance and do cartooning." "When I first designed Farley he didn't have a moustache, but after playing around Currently Frank's work is on display in the new Union Art Gallery on campus. Frank with the character I found it helped the facial expressions," he said. "So, when I gave was invited to MSU for last week's grand opening of the gallery to promote his work, Farley a moustache he began taking on a resemblance to me." conduct workshops on cartooning at Kresge Art Center and recall his days as an "One time someone asked me when Farley was going to meet a girl and if they would undergraduate here from 1961 to 1965. ever zip their sleeping bags together — I don't push the themes the strip takes. I'd rather , "I enjoy the workshops," he said. "I think the people I meet because of the strip are wait until people tell me things," he said. "I never ran the sleeping bag idea but I've been interesting." censored in every paper that Farley runs in." Some local artists felt the same way about Frank and appreciated his enthusiasm in "For instance, a newspaper in Philadelphia refused to run a strip I had done about sharing ideas and experiences in the cartooning industry. a marijuana field on fire with the firemen getting stoned while they were trying to put it Despite his mushrooming success, Frank has maintained a belief that fame and fortune out. should not isolate the artist from their followers. He still has the ability to communicate "Another time in Detroit, paper refused to publish a series I had done about gays," a humorously, and is always a softy when it comes to giving away autographed original Frank said. "Publishers are generally conservative people." cartoons. The evolution of Frank's style is evident in a comparison between onti his early cartoons (far left) published In the State News on Sept.«, "J and a recent strip from "Travels with Farley." Photos by Maggie Walker Text by Debbie Wolfe ITS LIFE THAT'S IMPORTANT MAN! IT CAN BE ANV TIME YOU Wm IT TO BE!! WHAT TIME PO YOU WISH IT WAS RIGHT NOW? n cinta News. East loniing, Michigan Wednesday, November 2, 19771 1 ;oca-Cola's operations, global >sources topics of presentation Members of the peace center director of interpretation to jide show on "Sharing claim they were censored from an Historical Outlay" by Jones have in these purees" and a discus- the seminar by Coca-Cola be¬ non-governmental organiations and a second showing of "Shar¬ processes will be presented in the afternoon. the Coca-Cola Corp. on the new international eco¬ ing Global Resources." The conference will end ,ational operations af- cause they had planned to nomic order. Discussions on discovering with discuss the company's effect those attending rid hunger will be on The conference will last from whether food reaches the hun¬ breaking up world hunger after 9 a.m. to 4 into strategy sessions to jd Thursday at 7:30 presenting p.m. A morning gry, how the transfer of tech¬ dis¬ 109 S. Kedzie Hall. the slide show. session will include a talk on cuss sharing of local resources leery than a Millie. Michigan A task force from the nology takes place and what and "Where Do We skippers cktsss (rsgir! tlk;L „red by the New Inter- center is among nine peace "World Hunger and the NIEO: role transnational corporations Here." Go From iQGERfit Economic Order Task groups sponsoring a conference on ...■scans* (rtgsr mihs buffer mat, K1E0) and the East Krigar world hunger this gisas yai a kattar aiaat salsa. Tear anaay Peace Education Cen- Saturday. , program is being Featured speakers for the EMPLOYMENT TOPIC OF DISCUSSION keys nere eating meat at Kreger... conference are Brennon Jones, d in response to the a grain reserve ...Because yenH find fresher frnit aid 22 MSU Food Ecology expert, and Angus Archer, United Nations Grad student forum held regatahles in the Kreger garden, lew after raw ef freshness at dewe-te-earth prices. Kreger always sffers the knt available... The Fourth Forum iglect filing in Gradu¬ on employment in their respective Community College as An Aca¬ ...lecense yeal Kid ereryday lew prices ate Student employment will be fields. Each will cover which held from 1 to 5 demic Career;" "How to thrsnghsnt the stare, with lew weekly specials p.m. at the Mount items yea eeed aid hay disciplines are in demand and A Campaign For A ee regalarty. With Kellogg Center today. what experience, besides aca¬ Professional eeadrertised specials that give yea neei- The forum, which is Position In Academia;" and spon¬ demic, graduate students "Non-Academic peeted tarings. sored by the Council of Gradu¬ Employment iport unnoticed should gain to get a job. As A Career For ate Students and Graduate The Advanced School Placement workshops will be "The Degree Graduates." Services, is free to all graduate students. h Esst Lansing City Johnson said Tuesday she The day's events will include ^Candidate Paula John- was not aware the report had a panel discussion on "The | WIDMIMAY SMCIAL not been filed in accordance Future Employment Picture i not filed her pre-elec- ; report as of no indication that with Public Act 388. The dead¬ line, according to an Ingham for Advanced Degree Gradu¬ ates," followed by three work¬ I ! TRY OUR County spokesperson was Mon¬ SPICIAL FIATURI Iropping out of the race. shops. Each workshop will be day at 5 p.m. held twice. j WHOLE WHEAT CRUST Johnson has 10 days from Members of the panel discus¬ sion will be: Richard j PIZZA receiving the notification of Whitmore, lady wary failure to file to get the report President of Kellogg communi¬ ! FRIIDILIVIRY! in or her candidacy will be ty College; Donald Butcher, I Mill Vice-president for Academic ier new role invalidated. Affairs at Lake Superior State APOLIS, Md. lAP) tLee apparently is not - Johnson thought the report had been filed. Her husband, she added, was taking care of College; Roger Seamon, director of the Social area Security Administration; and Pat Estes, | Campus Pizza 1312 MICH. AVE. forward to her new role that aspect of her campaign. Personnel Director of Place¬ lady of Maryland, Td better get with him right ment, Research and ds and relatives of the away and have him check," she Develop¬ ment at Dow Chemical. s wife say she said. Speakers will discuss future t fit into the social tonight thro Saturday the state capital. They i rather backpack along ipalachian Trail than HAIRCUTS NIWT and tho SALAMANDIRS lor a formal party, cover *1.00 asked recently wheth- >7.°° state rovide police security life, Lee said, "They're police BOTH MEN & WOMEN Pitcher Night with her." a hard time 351-6511 RRO Rib*, Fronds Prios, Salad Free T-Shirt with Permanent All yea can oat 3.93 ISKIERS! pot NNtty GARYs 351-6511 ^izapdi, iWw.Wiin Khthitol Resources Canpus Beauty Salon 549 E. Grond River ocross from Berki ^nderaround 224 Abbott 351-2M5 1 dlflOp.i - IVIRY W1DNISDAY WHOPPER ARE YOU DESTROYING YOUR VALUABLE RECORD COLLECTION? of a special! find out at hi-fi buys 5 pm till dote 1611 59® FREE Whoppers TURNTABLE CLINIC )0fl* no limit Offers Good at Bath TODAY 'Ml I. Grand River and 3011 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2—LANSING I.Saginaw a qualified technician will inspect your stylus for wear, measure the vol¬ tage output of your cartridge, check platter speed and electronically cali¬ brate your tonearm assembly, all at no charge. (a regular *15 value. F'NE NORTHERN ITALIAN CLINICS FROM FOOD COCKTAILS - 12 noon to 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL one more reason why BUFFET Hi Fi BUYS L°rge $2.75 , does more for you assortment of Entrees '"eluding Veal Parmesan PITCHER NIGHT All Beer 25% off HI-FI BUYS WINE SPECIAL House wines 20% off 4810 W.SAGINAW 1101 E. GRAND RIVER E.L. PH. 337-1767 LANS. PH. 321-2373 °PE1?AltY'(Next to 'NCIUDING SUNDAV MON.-FRI. 10-8 SAT. 9-5 MON.-FRI. 11-8, SAT. 9-5 Peoples Church) FREE PARKING EAST LANSING | 2 Michigon Stote Naws, Eost Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, Simplification of CPA pending offer definitions which can be Section 3 (N) of the CPA is the CPA which might help returned," Hoffecker said. standing as to legal rights or Sections 4 through 7 cover tion with the m„, By DANIEL HERMAN the sale of goods using decep¬ State News Staff Writer operationally used," Kent Wil¬ pursuant to a whole "wealth of statutes that become part of students who are having trou¬ ble getting a housing deposit Section 3(N) covers the caus¬ ing of confusion or misunder¬ obligations of a party to a transaction. tive means. SeIv^andRepS'V^ St«ion 10 This is the last in a series of cox, Deputy Director of the Specifically, Section 4 covers cover, , replacement parts articles explaining the Con¬ Michigan Consumers Council "Representing that goods are "e n°t 1*} sumer Protection Act (CPA). said. new if they are deteriorated,... 12 neccesary, andT* concerns the .Xl investigating relationship Ed Bladen, Assistant Attor¬ claim Today's article discusses how the CPA is working, and takes ney General and head of Con¬ Government or secondhand." Section 5 prohibits the selling certain part is hazard could a look at some of the areas sumer Protection, said the of a 1975 model television as a "'d defect result," does TJl covered by the CPA. committee will also "provide new or 1977 model. ot exist. 01 11 If One problem that is clearly factual circumstances under liquid protein diet and deaths Section 6 prohibits the sale of apparent with the newly- enacted Consumer Protection which violations will happen." Currently prosecutors in between goods or services, by false or misleading claims. An example tion.UdentS tions With father concerning th. 1 oa, Act is that it is written in Macomb and Genesee counties of this would be a business should call the Infham rfj Prosecutor's Office, ori! "lawyer's language." are using the CPA to prosecute WASHINGTON (AP) - The government is investigating the The FDA said the diet is "rarely suitable" for use by children or claiming it can undersell its violations of prohibited prac¬ forney General's office. deaths of 11 persons who were on liquid protein diets, to see if the by pregnant or nursing women. competitors because "the com¬ tices. Persons taking certain drugs should be wary of the diet, the An MSU student is also using modified fast played a part in the deaths. petition cannot buy in as large a A Food and Drug Administration spokesperson said Tuesday spokesperson said. He cited diarrhetic, antihypertension and volume from wholesalers." the Motor Vehicle and Repair diabetic drugs, steroids and thyroid preparations. The tactic known as "bait and that no cause-and-effect relationship has been established between ifllM Act coupled with the CPA in The liquid protein diet has been popularized in recent years by switch," taking to court a local motor vehicle repair facility for the liquid protein diet and any of the deaths. The FDA and the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta are Dr. Robert Linn, author of "The Last Chance Diet." His book says the diet can help persons lose 20 to 25 pounds in the first month or product to get advertising one a consumer to in, and then selling the State News | "There is no question," com¬ "selling him a lot of things he didn't need," Hoffecker said. jointly looking into the deaths, which ranged from a woman in her early 20s to a 62-year-old man. All occurred this year. and keep the weight off. But it also cautions that it should be used come consumer another product is Newsline mented Frederick Hoffecker, only under medical supervision. Assistant Attorney General of Under the CPA, a local The FDA spokesperson emphasized that no one should go on a liquid protein diet without direct medical supervision and said Each ounce of liquid protein contains about 60 calories. Women covered by section 7. For those with automobile 353-3382 Consumer Protection, "that the Kroger supermarket is also are usually told to consume three to five ounces a day and men four such a diet is intended only for "extremely obese" persons, not repair problems, sections 10 act can be described as a being scrutinized for "ficticious to seven. The average diet provides only 300 calories a day, and 12 be used in those trying to lose 10 or 20 pounds. can conjunc- lawyer's bill. The 29 items use pricing." compared with the 2,500 to 3,000 consumed by the average person. Of the 42 cases brought Liquid protein is sold under many labels without a prescription language that has been extra¬ at drug and health food stores. Dieters are told to consume only a polated from court decisions." under the CPA, only four have J , .you'ue 1 Director of Placement, Research and Development, Dow Chemical, Midland. Jacobson's WORKSHOPS *PANEL A - Hjpm 101 "The Community College As An Academic Career". Panel Members Mr. Edwin B. Fitzpatrick, Assistant Director of Placement, Business and Industry, - Non-Technical, MSU; Mr. F. Harold Matthews, Dean of Evening College, Jackson, Michigan; Dr. Max R. Rai' i, Administration and Higher Education, MS U. *PAf X B Room 103 "How To Mount A Campaign For A Professional Position In Academia". WHERE HOUSE RECORDS Panel Members Dr. Carl W. Brautigam, Assistant Director of Placement, School Administration and - Higher Education, MSU; Dr. Neil Thorburn, Dean of Faculty, Albion College; Dr. Linda W. Wagner, WELCOMES CLASSICAL PIANIST Professor and Graduate Chairperson, English Department, MSU; Dr. William Kelly, Chairman Physics Department, MSU. *PANEL C — Room 106 "Non-Academic uate". Employment As A Career For An Advanced Degree Grad¬ LAZARBERMAN Panel Members Mr. Tony Rogalski, Assistant Director of Placement, Business and TO EAST LANSING • Industry, Tech¬ nical, MSU; Mrs. Mildred Allen, Assistant Personnel Director of Recruitment and Training, Michigan National Bank Tower, Lansing, Michigan. TONIGHT NOVEMBER 2 AT 0:15 PM *Note all workshop sections will be held twice 3:00 to 4:00 and 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. p.m. IN THE UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND Sponsored by: The Council of Graduate Students tCOGS), The Graduate School, Placement Services IN CELEBRATION WHERE HOUSE OFFERS THE ENTIRE DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON CATALOG ON SALE $5." PER DISC®*'" Our new menu Liszt: PlinoConcertos BERMAN-GUUNI 1 1 1 has a few choke words for you. Our exciting new menu is filled with some rather choice words. Like U.S.D A. Choice New York Strip U.S.D A. Choice sirloin sizzler. "MMK OF 1IMUTY" $5". la Kt i1 U.S.D A. Choice steak, with shrimp. In all, we have four U.S.D A. Choice meats to choose from. Plus several other new food items, and an expanded salad bar. We believe it's a great new menu. And we'd like you to look it over. And then, we'd like you to eat our words. LISZT Annecs De PNerlnage (Complete) LAZAR BERMAN 600 N. Homer 5001 W. near Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall, Lansing 220 MM UWVERSm MILL ABOVE ALLE'EY i«i: MMiwr -aitiMr mum swu b wm rwg n ctnte News, Eo»l Lansing, Michigi Wednesday, November 2, 19771 3 LONG—RANGE PREDICTIONS UNRELIABLE Can animals forecast bad By PETE BRONSON State News Staff Writer willequalthe current tempera¬ plained. growing conditions weather? Could the local weatherman ture within one degree, are good," of high "Lots of food and few he said. pressure by flying with some time be Dudderar said. But looking at animals the wind and of the spent observing replaced by Bugs Bunny or animals to fortell long-range make for well-fed animals with One of the squirrel's favor¬ movement wildlife, you can discover a Jiminy Cricket? thick coats. A food system. weather trends "just doesn't scarcity or a ites, the white oak, seems to be great many relationships be¬ Do animals and larger population thant an area bugs know follow," he continued. producing an unusually high "So when they fly over tween animal behavior, weath¬ more about the can weather than support means animals will amount of acorns this year and Michigan on their way to Cana¬ er and the changing seasons," meteorologists? Can squirrels "According to one bit of be poorly fed and the nut-crazy tree-climbers da to the Gulf Coast, it is an Dudderar said. will have thin ap¬ and birds predict how folklore, for example, you can coats." severe pear to be working especially indication of the present weath¬ winter weather will be? tell how severe the winter will "But don't ge carried away Another myth Dudderar dis¬ long hours. er and weather soon to come, and credit the critters with be by the thickness of fur on "This is instinct," Dudderar The answer, claimed was the one about but not necessarily an indica¬ some according to animals like squirrels, beaver, dommented. "They're burying tion of long-range trends," he supernatural ability to Glenn Dudderar, MSU wildlife squirrels working overtime to predict foxes and rabbits," he said. nuts because the days are said. long-range weather specialist for Extension Ser¬ store nuts before a get¬ trends—'cause it just isn't While the type of coat the rough ting shorter and nuts are all "With a little sensitivity and vices, is yes and no. Yes, animal winter. They are there." really only over, not because they some¬ behavior is often accurate in tanimals wear does taking advantage of vary, it it a bumper how know that it will be a short-term weather not due to "inside information" crop, he said. long, but no, long-term forcasting, cold winter." predictions of or changing styles, but rather what type of winter to to how crowded their environ¬ "Some years there is more As for the old question of expect MICHIGAN STATE are not. ment is. food available to store. Oak whether squirrels recall where trees bear in they buried their food, the UNIVERSITY "The thickness of fur de¬ cycles. Red oaks For instance, the sum of have a bumper wildlife specialist says they do UNIVERSITY THEATRE the crop of acorns number of cricket pends on the availability of food chirps in 15 and the number of animals every two or three years; white only in a limited way. They seconds added to the number 40 to oaks every four to six seem to remember general presents consume years if it," Dudderar ex¬ where areas they buried a stash and may find individual nuts NO SERIOUS INCIDENTS within those areas by a combin¬ REPORTED IN AREA ation of scent and luck. Waterfowl are also errone¬ ously credited with long-term Pumpkin day pranks decline this year weather forecasts, Dudderar said. One old saying goes, "If the geese fly high and early, it's going to be a cold winter." . By FRED van so reported few problems on At East Lansing High School, ism is kept to a minimum Bird migration is a response TROJAN WOMEN I HARTESVELDT Halloween. by "It just puts me off. You'd to day length, and the speed of Nov. 1-5,9-12 8:15 p.m. DPS received Principal Jerry Kusler said dances sponsored by the Ki- think people would grow migration is determined by ^te News Staff Writer from University one complaint, Village Apart¬ vandalism has of never been much wanis Club. The dances help this time." up by temperature and wind, not the ARENA THEATRE Monday night's showers a problem because of the keep would-be pranksters out ments, of a blade stuck in Still, for future weather, he explained. J Jur pumpkins soggy, take an apple. razor building's security. "We have of mischief, a city hall spokes¬ most Lansing residents, there were fewer area If the temperatures are cold, BOX OFFICE PHONE It may also have damp- night security," person said. East Lansing schools had few tricks and, especially for wee birds will hurry south. In a mild ■the wills of Halloween Kusler said, "so those who Iters, Halloween pranks played on them, officials said. come by with vandalism in was Though malicious slight, a few vandalism standard ghosts and goblins, more treats than tricks for 1977. autumn, they tend to take more time. Birds also take advantage 355-0148 ftpkin day vandalism was "It's the quietest Halloween mind might be discouraged." pranks were played. Taely light this year, ac- we've had in years," said Doro¬ Kusler said that the high One victim of the 31st, a to area school and law school had one piece of broken senior MSU student living off- ■ent officials. thy Whitehead, a secretary at glass Monday night. The prank¬ _re were no serious inci- Hannah Middle School. "Our ster problem was much better campus, went outside to find a "WE'RE MORE THAN JUST NUTS. custodians reported no prob¬ mysterious green gunk F this year," said Sgt. than in other years, he said. cover¬ lems at all." ing her car. State News "All you con eat," J Mills of the Lansing ■ Department. 'The night In Mason, Halloween vandal- "It looked like food coloring," clams, fries & cole slaw she said, "only it had a lather well. In fact, it was sticky Newsline ■ quiet night," he said. Correction consistency to it. I have no idea every Thurs. $2.95 A said there was only one what it was." The substance washed off 353-3382 >f a foreign object -j a candy bar. Routine The State Nm incorrectly easily, she sid, but the incident "Desserts" Rd. Alpha Phi sorority, 618 bothered her somewhat. 1 such as window soap- reported in Monday'i paper M.A.C. Avenue, helped con- 9:30-1:30 | not dealt with, he said, that the winning homecoming float was constructed solely by struct the float and shared the ptment of Public Safety hid i East Lansing Theta Chi fraternity, 453 Abbot first-place award. Wednesday-Sunday Police Unt spokespersons al¬ ltkhHl»>|WB— « pforsiB AIMM C—pwfr Daft The Peanut Barret 521 E. Grand River 351-0608 MARSHALL TUCKER pr cm i BAND 3A Rather can't be topped! COMING THIS WIIK { She's back... TO SCARE YOU SPECIAL SIIEST STARS .AGAIN! STILL WATER CARRIE United krttgti L5J TONIGHT CIVIC CENTER AUDITORIUM 4 West Aton..ofor a touch of class Date* will receive diicwati at II Asteca, MIA amvles, Bmomo Reserved Seat Tickets Appatlta, Paaaat Barrel, Vanity laa, on sale now at: M«*Ha's, Allay ly a ad awra fiaa plant HIIMIY-OaadHaa It Friday HI Civic Center Box Office Discount Records — East Lansing ASMSU Computer Daft Hatch; > who wants to HILP with the Date Match, For Showtimes and Locations . ,0ni9ht at IiOO pm la Ma. 330 Otadeat DOORS 7:00 SHOW 808 ! Phone RHA's 24 Hour Program Line 355-0313 A Beaver Production ] 4 Michigon State News, Eost Lansing. Michigon Wednesday, November 2, Television too important Needs of the poor 2me/t§ofi subject of lecture Sfalee 6 for families to give up Bradford Morse, Administrator of the United Nations Development Program, will speak on "Helping the World's DETROIT (AP) - Television But for families who did paper and never came out. think he's suffering from with¬ "I to "Without TV, he has to talk me," one wife said. Poor: Some Illusions and Some Realities" at this year's John A. Hannah International Development Lecture. This will be the fourth in an annual series of lectures designed ^-Pallwe/t h>s become such s part of daily life that 93 of 120 families accept the money and tried to find other things to do, there drawal," his wife said. •Almost everyone reported to bring internationally known scholars to campus to talk about development work and development problems. TICKETS -6.50 '7.50 avail*! spurned an offer of $500 to turn off the tube for a month. were these results: •"We went to bed at 9 p.m.," •Two people started chain¬ smoking — one going from 1 to periods of depression, boredom and nervousness. Of the 27 households that Morse will speak at 4. p.m. Thursday in Erickson Hall Kiva. The public is invited. at MSU Records. Union. Discount 1 one happy husband said. "And 2'/! packs a day. •All the subjects said they agreed to the proposal, the Campus Corners, The offer was made by the we went to sleep at 11 p.m." movies, read more, newspaper selected five fami¬ Sounds & Diversions Detroit Free Press, which wanted to study the effects of •One couple stopped talking. Six days into the project the saw more visited friends and relatives lies, each with a different social PORNO TONIGHT! I PHONE 355-8255 TUESDAY "television addiction." husband ducked behind a news- more often and took more and economic background, and sent TV repairmen Sept. 19 and THIS MOVII son ALL TUB WAY!!! A POHNO VIIW OP TH1 SSs. NOVEMBER i5 ■ weekend trips. 8:00 p.m. Jenison •While some children played together peacefully, others be¬ 20 to disconnect their sets for month. a "A POWERHOUSE OF SEXUAL ENERGY." Al Goldstein ™ Fieldhousel accessible Carter pulls U.S. out of ILO came cranky, bored and begged to have the set turned back on. Most of the fathers said they "My husband would it," said one woman down the offer. "He comes never do in turning 'FUNNY, FRISKY, AND FREAKED-OUT." , Sob SalmaqgilWINS in," Meany said. home from work and sits down "HILARIOUS, SEXY SALUTE TO BOBBY-SOX. (continued from page II got to know their children The president reaffirmed his better, and four families said in front of the TV. He gets up the German pullout marked the BE-BOP, AND FALSIES, AND EVERYTHING support for the United Nations twice — once to eat and once to beginning of the end of the they were drawn closer togeth¬ ELSE THAT MAKES THE 50 s WORTH League of Nations," said a in his annual report to Congress er by the experience. go to bed." on this country's participation REMEMBERING." variety European diplomat in Geneva, where the ILO has its head¬ in U.N. activities. "I have quarters. pledged my administration to "It's a stupid decision," de¬ full support for the work of the clared a West European diplo¬ United Nations," Carter said. INGRAM IS GUEST SPEAKER mat at the United Nations in But he added: "The U.N.'s New York. record with respect to human rights disappointing in Bakke was speech The president's decision rep¬ 1976. resents a victory for business and labor over diplomats in "The unwarranted linking of administration councils. The monism with racism was an AFL-CIO and the U.S. Cham¬ impediment to serious consider¬ Award-winning journalist He is also executive assis¬ ber of Commerce, which are the ation of human rights matters and broadcaster Jim Ingram tant to Detroit Mayor Cole¬ labor and industry representa¬ and the United States con¬ will speak on the controver¬ man Young. tives in the U.S. delegation to tinued to resist it by all possible sial Bakke "reverse discrim¬ The program is the first in the ILO, favor pulling out. The means," Carter said. "In a num¬ ination" case and affirmative a series sponsored by Office State Department, on the other ber of cases, failure to take action at 8 tonight in 109 of Black Affairs which fea¬ hand, wanted to stay in. effective action belied the com¬ AFL-CIO President George Anthony Hall. tures keynote speakers fall mitment to human rights that and Ingram writes for the spring term and other Meany, who told reporters all U.N. members have accep¬ about Carter's decision before Michigan Chronicle (a week¬ speakers throughout the ted." it was announced, said he was ly black publication), and year. does the "Drumbeat" com¬ Ingram will also speak at 8 not particularly pleased that it Carter praised the United had to be made. But he said it mentary on WJLB, a black p.m. Thursday in B-108 Nations for serving "as a valu¬ Detroit-based radio station. Wells Hall. will have no practical effect on able forum for the discussion of the United States. political disputes even where "I hope that somewhere progress on the underlying down the road things will issues was not always possi¬ change so that we can get back ble." TONIOHT Hswthiisi 71OO, ls4S, lOilO ttawplacei 19S NAT. Ml. AsMsslosii '3.30 students, '3.30 lacalty A staff An ontortolnmont service of the Beel Film Co-op. SI OPEN 7:00 P.M. FEATURE at 7:25-9:25 p\WV-8, spoiler, is, AM-FM tape. THE COMEDY Funnier than "Groove Tube Intern.. <84-1769. ROMANCE |y, Lansing 5-11-4(4} OF THE YEAR! 'A 70 s American Graffiti!" I Mr BebweeN bile LiNes WMlMsOyBJtUI nlwilitlUUJI mitt "s MoreOuVQ9.ou.iho" 1975-One owner, 1 .. — — aale miles Call 485-2047 I "Oh,Go(UV~ * I SUPREME 1974. Is it Funny!: .SB'S"' jGEORGE BURNS »>•I^BS. STATION wag- JOHN DENVER - 4 COn(foioning, rust ALPACINO MARTHE KELLER 7[pd r M WdEIS!w«H5 1 leillttiafflaits'1* -^Bwgerack.Excellent 349 0724. ALTERNATIVE FILM SOCIETY MEETS LATE FEI. t SAT. NIGHTS. Shown of 12 MIDNIGHT F««U,."U$TMKI" - ADM. 2.50 - NOW ON SALE ONE Vmn A*-'-- automatic m 321 2032. AM/ OPEN 1:00 PM STMTS TODAY... I Wife*? HO uo ■ TwilitiUWM f||\f VUil .as R*. Mm 2W7 I *its■ „ ? At 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 PM J| {9s We know they are there- [Arizona w after driven), _ 6 p.m. advanced beyond our imagination CHALLENGER, JIM spirit ol '69 J1! !m '?p' 900d condi- Chic [fAIRlANE 1970, fcS900d Condition, Chronic IT1® aher 5 n.m m. ■ytitHS «U 545615 \ depend- ST" . aeel»e__ "°™'car.$220/best f"»2.8-11-10(3) | Sometimes when you re ! for a dream you ha«e t" | leave something™1"' Fend clean up! sfcuDS 177 Volv0 J ***i*l*a« i5:° c WAIT DISNEYS Mwmw'vMS!S£2£2l ymsxk ^ TECHIUOOhOR, ■ ClowdrorWnjoJ2!"L PS?* ..i.hiaon Slots News, Eost Lonslng, Michigan Wednesday, November 2, 1977 15 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 ClaififipdAdvtrtlshHI 1 Ifr] Information OLDSMOBILE VISTA MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. USD ' ! Employment [ Eploywt |[jf] [ Bipbjiirfig [ Houses jjjg SAFETY SERVICES Special¬ CRUISER, 1973 with air, like Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPING MODELS WANTED. $8/ new condition. ist, some college preferred, Instructional assistant in vo¬ DOMINO'S PIZZA I WONEM5 M55 347 Student Services ltdfl. $2150. hour. We will train. 489-2278. EAST LANSING-furnished painting-collision service. background in water safety is now accepting applications 694-9294.5-11-4-13) cational custodial training Zjan-9 (3) 2-bedroom duplex. Utilities, American-foreign cars. required, good public speak¬ program. Must have experi¬ for full or part-time help. drapes, yard care included in OLDS "DB."TA" "ML" "1975" 4 485-0256. C-20-11 -30-141 ing ability, must be a good organizer, must be a resident ence in hospital work. Five E.K.G. TECHNICIAN Apply in person after 4:30 p.m., 966 Trowbridge, 351- rent. Large yard, $325. Call 1 hours per day, 5 days per Immediate openings for 694-4436 after 5 p.m. day -104 par line 3 days-I0 rii IMP0RT AUT0 Rar,s O"0 repair. 20% discount to atu- of Ingham County excluding the city of Lansing, must week. Contact Harold Hum¬ TRAINED E.K.G. technicians. Full time, 10 a.m.-7 7100 or 1139 E. Grand River Ave. 351-8880. B-1-11-2I11I 3-11-4(5) ble Personnel. 676-3268 or p.m., 4 days 75« per Una dents and faculty on cash/ meet title VI CETA eligibility & - I days-70< per line OPEL MANTA Rally 1974. requirement. Inquire at the Jan Danford, 5-11-4-1101 676-3303. every other weekend. Excel¬ lent benefits that include TIRE REPAIR-Monday, FEMALE GRADUATE stu¬ Good condition, many extras. «"Y service parts in stock. MIGHIGAN EMPLOYMENT vacation after 1 year paid Wednesday, Friday, year- dent to share house. Cl09e to Una rata par Iniartlan Best offer, 372-0081 ,Check^r ,lon' 500 p"cas and repu,a' E' Kalamazoo at SECURITY COMMISSION KEY PUNCH and MAG card ment, paid holidays, sick employ¬ round, will train, must have campus. Call 351-8349 after 5 p.m. B-1-11-213) 3216 Pennsylvania, Lansing. leave, health insurance, tui¬ own car or van. Call 1-772- 911-7 (31 Cedar, 485-2047, 485-9229. operators, and typist. Full or 4756. Z-8-11-1K4) West 5-11-2-1151 tion reimbursements FIVE campus shop. 485- part-time, competitive and BEDROOM house. retirement program. Apply r 1,-1,11.... 3 lines • '4.00 ■ 5 doys. 80' par line over PINTO 3 door automatic, radio, 11,000 miles, excellent 0809. Free wrecker service with repairs with mention of GENERAL LABORERS-if you wages. Please phone JIM¬ MY'S ANGEL'S 321-6878. E.W. SPARROW HOSPI¬ FULL AND part time jobs. Available now. 1114 Kalama¬ zoo. $200/month. 641-4007; 3 |ifle$ No adjustment in rate when cancelled. are available to work one full TAL, 1215 E. Michigan, Lan¬ Excellent earnings. 374-6328 641-4107. X-8-11-8(31 condition. 332-2293.5-11-8(31 ,his ad. Local 8-11-9-16) 4-6 p.m. Pries ol item(s) must be stoted in ad. Maximum areas. day Monday-Friday (and sing, 48910. A non-discrimi¬ daily. 8-11-11(31 C-20-H-30-I1H I sole price of *50. PINTO. 1971 automatic. Re- have transportation), apply In CLERK-TYPIST, 32 hours per natory affirmative employer, PERSON TO have room in Personal ads ■ 3 lines • '2.25 ■ per insertion, Peanuts r 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). liable with 202J.JOT2J32 rust. $250. 332- junK CARS wanted. We pay more if'65 or newer and person 9-11 a.m. POWER, INC. 105 E. Wash¬ MAN¬ week position available with Meridian Township, duties male/female handicap. 8-11-8(16) [ include typing of assessing KEY PUNCH OPERATORS 5-11-8(31 I 63' per line over 4 lines • per insertion. records, filing, and some ROOMMATE TO share town- air, power steering/brakes. 1 cars and trucks. 321-3651, WALK Lnd Town ods ■ 4 lines • '2.50 • per insertion. owner. Must sell. $350. 332- any time. C-20-11-30-T6) ESCORTS WANTED. $6/ public contact. Ability to type Immediate full time openings for experienced Key Punch house. Fully furnished, car¬ TO campus. Four 50 WPM preferred, computer peting throughout, air condi¬ bedroom, fireplace, 2 baths, [ 63'per line over 4 lines. 0418. 5-11-8(41 hour. No training necessary. Operators. Must have at least $450/month plus utilities. Call L|| Founds ods/Transportation ads • 3 lines - M .50 - Call 489-2278. Z-30-1T9 13) terminal experience useful, 6 months experience on IBM tioning, garbage disposal, indoor/outdoor pool. EQUITY VEST, 361-1500. salary $3.51/hour- Call I per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. PONTIAC 1970 like mans. Power, air, AM/FM, new Le- [I———- [MplOyiMIlt JUZJ |l WAITRESSES WANTED range $4.09/hour. Interested per¬ sons should apply at the 3742. Excellent benefits that include paid vacation after 1 882-8556. 8-11-4(51 0-20-11-30-141 rustproofed. Low mileage. part time. PINE LAKE LOUNGE, 1591 Lake Lansing Personnel office Municipal year employment; paid holi¬ GRADUATE OR married stu¬ 1 BEDROOM housa. 210 Deadlines 351-0923. 5-11-7(31 DRIVERS WANTED for pizza days, sick leave, health insur¬ Rd. 339-1522. 8-11-714) Building 5100 Marsh Rd. dents. New luxury 2 bedroom Mifflin St. Close to campus. Is ■ 2p m. • I doss doy before publication. delivery in South Lansing Okemos E.O.E. 3-11-2 (14) ance, tuition reimburse¬ apartment. East Lansing bus $150/month plus utilities. PONTIAC GRAND Le Mans Lncellotion/Chonge - I p.m. . I class day before 4-door, air, area. Hourly plus commis- ments, and retirement pro¬ service. No pets. Start at 485-7737. 5-11-7 (3) power steering sion. Call PIZZA EXPRESS, FULL TIME janitorial days. gram. Apply E.W. SPAR¬ J publication. $230. Call 351-9483 or 351- £7 and brakes. Call after 6 p.m. 882-2409 after 4:30 p.m. Must have car, Jerry 482- ROW HOSPITAL, 1215 E. lice od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed 337-7349. 10-11-11(41 9195 after 6 p.m. 20-11-30-161 THREE BEDROOM duplex. 1 until olter 1st insertion. 8-11-3(6) 6232. 5-11-7-131 Michigan, Lansing, 48910. A Fireplace, basement, garage. Lie is o '1.00 chorge (or 1 ad change plus 50' per non-discriminatory affirma¬ Near LCC. $210/month. 485- PORSCHE 914 1972. Only I additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 39,000 miles. Like new tires, COOK FOR small private GOOD DRUMMER needed to tive action employer, male/ LEASE BREAKER 9317 after 4 p.m. 5-11-7-151 dining room. Pleasant sur- join established band. Must female handicap. 7-11-8(171 I Stole News will only be responsible for the 1st AM/FM radio. 349-2763. 1 bedroom unit ot roundings. 5 days, lunch sing some lead. Mostly now FOUR-BEDROOM furnished I day i incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must 5-11-3(3) only. Call immediately. Mon- weekends, call Universe. 676- RESPIRATORY THERAPY I be mode within 10 days of expiration date. day-Friday. 372-8282. TECHNICIANS BURCHAM house. 1 mile west of cam¬ 5622 or 349-5057, 5-11-7-141 pus. 8 or 11 month lease. It ore due 7 doys from od expiration dote. If not STARFIRE1975-power steer- 8-11-2-15) Immediate openings for I paid by due date, a 50' lote service charge will ing and brakes. V-6, AM/FM. Certified/eligible WOOD! $190 for 2 people; $215 for 3 INQUIRIES NOW being ac¬ or Regis- people; $240 for 4. 676-3780 I bedue. $2900. 394-2931. 8-11-8(3) WAITRESSES, now hiring, tered/Registree eligible. apply in person at DOOLEYS cepted for part-time or full Respiratory therapy techni¬ evenings. 8-11-4(61 TOYOTA CELICA GT 1977. time help. Flexible hours. cians between 2 5 p.m., Wednes full time 3-11:30 p.m. Excellent, extras. Must sell. No door to door selling I! day, Nov. 2.2-11-2141 Excellent benefits Best ofer, 355-3060. ' 351-5067. THE include paid vacation after 1 that Rooms lomotive '+4 .n 8-11-3 (3) BUSBOYS PART time. Ap¬ NUTRITION CENTER. year employment, paid holi¬ 351-3118 Automotive MEDICAL ASSISTANT for ply in person. WALNUT 2-11-2(6) 745 Burchom Dr. OWN ROOM available East Lansing M.D. Must be HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. days, sick leave, health insur¬ in TRIUMPH-SPITFIRE tuition only 5 blocks to campus! coed duplex, good 1976 older, mature, and married. 8-11-8(3) ance, reimburse¬ room- ■ORNET, 1970. 67,000 GRAN TORINO, 1973, air, hard and soft top, french AVON-TOO many bills? Pay ments, and retirement pro¬ ar campus. 332- References. Send resume to Tutomatic, good trans- steel radials. Elite interior. blue, professionally polished Box 739, E. Lansing. RN'S Er LPN'S pert time and them all and have money to gram. Apply E. W. SPAR¬ SUBLEASE 1 bedroom apart¬ 1728. 8-11-10(3) k $250. 355-0750. Good condition. 355-5995 and winterized. Excellent spare with AVON earnings. ROW HOSPITAL, 1215 E. ment in Lansing. Call 353- X-5-11-4(3) full time. Position on 3-11 and after 5 p.m. 6-11-9(31 condition-owner female. 482-6893. C-5-11-7-I4I Michigan, Lansing, 48910. A 5691 or 484-0276. 2-3-11-3(3) EAST LANSING, share fur¬ 11-7 shifts. Apply at 731 $3800. 371-5700 ask for Starkweather Drive or call non-discriminatory affirma¬ nished duplex, one room. 12, automatic, buck- WAITRESS, FULL time day tive action employer, male/ &FM, 30 mpg. $1800. GREMLIN 1971, good trans- Marsha/leave message. and nights. Must be neat and 323-9133, ask for Mrs. Luks. BARTENDERS, WAITRES¬ TWO BEDROOM duplex Busline, $110,374-6366. SES full female handicap. 8-11-8(181 V-2-11-3I3I portation, $250. 351-5147. t'J J.1!6! clean, must have references. 3-11-2(51 or part time. Apply in Waverly area. Carpeted, 0-20-11-30131 6-11-2(3) person at BONNIE AND basement, large backyard, VEGA GT 1974 Hatchback, 4 Apply in person only. JACKS WAITRESSES SECURITY OFFICERS full CLYDES. 316 East Michigan AND Bar $230 month/plus utilities. No CAMPUS NEAR, clean, fur¬ GREMLIN X 1973-1974. Stan- speed, air, AM/FM, good corner of Logan and Jolly. Avenue. 3; 11 -3-151 Maids, full or part time, 353-3450 ^ndition. $1076. 486-4973. 8-11-10(6) and part time. Phone end evening in bowling alley and children or pets. Call 321- nished. Share modern kitch¬ am ] dard transmission, AM/FM stereo, new tires, exhaust 3.11 -4(3) transportation necessary, uniforms furnished. Apply at HOUSEPARENTS-IMMEDI- lounge. Some experience 8-11-10(6) en and bath. From $85/ ATE opening for live-in situa¬ necessary. Apply in month, 485-1436 or 351-6471. Ithf and shocks. 355-6152. VOLKSWAGEN WAITRESS. EXPERIENCE 311 Hollister Bldg., Lansing person spoiler, BEETLE, tion with no dependent child¬ only, after 5 p.m. LANSING FEMALE STUDENT wanted 0-20-11-30(41 6-11-4(41 1975. AM/FM stereo, custom preferred. December-March. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., to share 2 bedroom apart¬ MA IM tape. ren to provide RECREATION interior. Fringe benefits, room and Monday through Friday. EOE loving care to CENTER, 1115 ment in E. Lansing. 351-0161 OWN ROOM in six man Tuba' 484-1769. Yellow-automatic, children of deceased or dis¬ S. Washington. 3-11-4171 HONDA CVCC 1976 Hatch- board. Apply CRYSTAL 3-11-2(9) 16,000 miles, $2600, or best after 6 p.m. 4-11-7(4) house '4 block to campus, Using 5-11-4(4) back. 4 speed, AM/FM star- MOUNTAIN, Thompsonville, abled veterans. One partner offer. 323-7440. 4-11-4-141 WORK WITH severely handi¬ $105/month. Furnished, very eo, low mileage. Extra sharp. Mich. 49683. 616-378-2911. WANTED-CAR stereo instal¬ may hold outside employ¬ nice. 313-278-4284. 1)7/ Automa- capped adults in job-skill SUBLET 2 person apartment First owner. $3476. 489-3419. Z-5-11-716) lers. Experienced only. ment. VFW NATIONAL 9900 miles, VW1970. $400. Call 485-3859 Apply training. Special-Ed/Rehabili¬ overlooking pool end golf Z-8-11-8131 H-;. <65-8507. 8-n-4(4l after 6 p.m. 3-11-3(3) in person at 6040 South HOME, Eaton Rapids, 663- course. Close to campus. tation background required. LEAD SETTER-full or part Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing, 1521 ext. 131. 5-11-7-1101 FEMALE NEEDED for large Experienced with behavior $220/month. Call 337-0171. KARMANN GHIA convert- time. Salary, commission, car between 10am-9pm. Mon¬ room in co-ad housa. 325 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER- modification techniques pre¬ 6-11-4151 If ^^■-3942.8-11-1013) 1967, six cylinder. ible 1972. Michelm tires, AM/ allowance. Call 482-1375 or day-Friday. 8-11-9161 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR- Division. 351-4684. BEETLE, 1973- 58,000 miles, ferred. Flexible 20 hours/ Mi mechanically, body FM stereo, new top. 33 rnpg. exce||ent condition. Price apply between 3-5 p.m. et experience a must for IBM week. Send resume to Mari¬ NEEDED-2 females for Z-5-11-4(31 RELIABLE PERSON to sit in Sjo'fxn „C??d'!'0"' $,85°' 321-6149.8-11-7(4) negotiable. 485-3690. 3238 W. St. Joseph. ARA home Fridays, own trans¬ 029 and Univac 1710. Hours, lyn Cohn 598-4 10 Bois lie 3-person furnished apart¬ ■TunnalWj 8-11-3-(4) and Equal Opportunity my 8a.m.-5p.m. Monday-Friday. Drive, Haslett, Michigan ment, 351-6856. 6-11-2(31 For Sale ^ ^MrTEI975-One portation. Call evenings. 349- i owner, Employer. 2-11-2(8) Responsible person needed 48840. 2 11-3(11) MALIBU 1976, low mileage, 5830. 8-11-7(41 H w.wfsquare blckjooks A A ^■Mr. Mayes. - Call 485-2047 excellent condition, super qood runs good, gas saver, WANTED TWO or three WAITRESSES, BUSBOYS- VFW Eaton NATIONAL HOME, Rapids. 663-1521 ext WAITRESS-PART-TIME end Hnses £ DYNACO A-35 speakers $180 Sansui AU-9500 amp 170 clean. 393-1191. 5-11-7(3) ■ full - - - piece band for ski season. apply by calling, 372-4673 131.5-11-7-19) time. Apply at THE SIX BEDROOM house, 1 watts $300. Tuner TU-9900 Play top 40, rock, country. between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. CABARET. 489-6967. block from campus. 9 month MAVERICK, 1973, 4-door, 7 11-10(3) $275, list $450. 485-0686. BS SUPREME 1974. CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN, frn-213) OVERSEAS JOBS-summer/ lease or less. Cheap, 351- 6-11-4(41 I/FM stereo. $2400 new radials and paint. 699- VW SQUARE BACK, 1971, or Thompsonville, Mich. 49683. STUDENTS year-round. Europe, S. Amer¬ 5510. STE-MAR REALTY. 2428.8-11-4(31 > 332-5233. prebuilt engine and transmis¬ sion, needs muffler. $500. 616-378-2911. Z-6-11-715) Looking For A Job?? ica, Australia, Asia, etc. All BABYSITTER month infant. FOR In my home. nine 8-11-9(4) SEWING MACHINES. Guar¬ Waitresses and barmaid fields, $500-$ 1200 monthly. anteed reconditioned ma¬ MIDGET 1971. Nice car AM 337-0512. 3-11-414) Evenings. 7 p.m.-10 p.m. WAITRESSES FULL and needed at PRO BOWL EAST. Expenses paid, sightseeing. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD, chines from $39.95. New S, STATION wag- /FM cassette deck. Best offer Some days. Own transporta¬ part time, nights. FRENCH¬ Flexible hours, work around Free information. Write: IN¬ parking, phone. Day em¬ machines from 485-6015. VOLVO STATION wagon tion. 485-8351. 3-11-4(4) $69.50, 8 silver with red J4_1n-14T3£ 1973. Automatic, air. $3000. ES BAR in Lansing. Apply in your class schedule. Earn TERNATIONAL JOB CEN¬ ployed graduate student. $50 EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING 1 21,000 miles, AM- person at 400 Baker St. Just TER, Dept. ME Box 4490 for commuter. 372-7973. CO. 1115 N. Washington, NEED CASH? We buy im¬ 349-1440, after 6:30 extra $$ for Christmas. Apply T p.m. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED- conditioning, rust ports and sharp late model 5-11-4-131 south of Diamond Reo plant, in person only at PRO BOWL Berkeley, Ca. 94704. 8-11-11141 489-6448. C-20-11-31(7) We'ack. Excellent 1 block west of Cedar St. Lansing Country Club area. A $4600. 349 compacts. Call John Da EAST, 2757 E. Grand River. OR-4-11-4-191 Duties include 0724. 10-11-4(71 cooking, FURNISHED ROOM, $100 KABUKI TEN speed, Young, WILLIAMS V.W. 8-1J-4I10) cleaning, chauffeuring. Full plus deposit, includes utili- Shimano 6 Oiacomp equip- 484-1341 or 484-2551, PHONE SALES, tickets, flex¬ time [•12802 1976, 2 door ■*1, automatic AM/ C-20-11-30-15) Auto Service ][/j RN every NEEDED immediately, other weekend. Day SALESPERSON some retail sales experience. $3.00 hourly ible hours. position for responsible Hourly rate. person. Call 372-8100, ext. 55. Downtown Lansing office, 8-11-11(7) ties. next Come 526 Evergreen to Abbott Rd. Room $2.3-11-4(4) ment, warranty. Almost $70. Call John 351-9203. new. shift, double and V4 for plus commission. Apply at 8-11-9(41 ». 45500. 321-2032. OLDS OMEGA 1974. Six transportation arranged. 485- LANSING'S LARGEST sup¬ holidays. Call 646-6258, Lois 2003 E. Michigan Avenue. cylinder automatic. Mint 6318 after 4:30 p.m. 7-11-3(5) ply of foreign car workshop Martin. 8-11-21-151 X-8-11-2141 condition, $1995, 353-2193. manuals in stock. CHEQUE¬ ■>i,!40Z' PEOPLE REACHER oran9e> 8 3-11-3-13) PART-TIME positions for SANTA HELPERS full and RED FLAG FOREIGN CAR COCKTAIL WAITRESS |8»FM Stereo tape, PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ wanted. Days or evenings. MSU students. 15-20 hours/ pert time. November 25- December 24. Apply in per¬ IBimv0"? aher 6 dr'von), OLDS CUTLASS, 1964. $75, zoo St., one mile west of Please apply in person. 820 week. Automobile required. son Meridian Mall p.m. runs, engine good, body bad. Phone 339-9600, 339-3400. Manage¬ camptaC-9-1 1-11124) W. Millar Rd., Lansing. ment Office. 8-11-8(6) „u CHALLENGER, 332-0416, 3-11-4(31 ask for Raid. GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- 16 inch. Mounted free. Also, HUDDLE LOUNGE. 8-11-4(4) C-20-11-30-(4l M.J. WANT AD _ I >°P. good 355-5898. condi- OLDSMOBILE Supreme Coupe 1972. Air, CUTLASS good supply of snow tires. MAG CARD II operator for East Lansing law office. Full Murphy Boauty Just complete form and I paidi am- automatic, power steering, power brakes AM-FM, 64,000 PENNELL SALES. 1301)4 East Kalamazoo, Lansing. time, good benefits. Experi¬ enced. Call 351-6200 Avail¬ College of Laming mail with payment to: LfcLANE miles. Call 656-2908. 482-5818 C-20-11-30-15) able immediately. 8-11-7(5) Km F'aitu after °condi,i°n. 5 8-11-9-15) State News Classified Dept. 347Student Services Bldg. p East Lansing, Mich. 48823 Clean, depend- Your komiacar. S220/best key to a Name r®42.8-11-10(3) luxury Apartment 1978 Thunderbird Address City -Zip Code J'Ndean up! | & Volvo *9" Per Day Daytime Phone Classification - _ Student Number Preferred Insertion Dale _ Mileage in excess of 50 miles per day charged HICKORY HILLS at 104 a mile 25 characters in a line, including punctuation and spaces between words. 2 Bedroom Townhousot Hoirstyling for Men & Women I*6'dealers cos, free manicure with any service Print Adhere ._ 'Spocioua 'Jlavala rendered "W •Balcony 'Carpeting VOLVO fifo Ikazda W 'Di«hwa»her 'Modern all services rendered by SUPER SAVINGS! supervised senior students CIRCLE RATE WANTED ' 3 LINE MINIMUM Soi.| 351-5937 CALL DICK ACKER AT CURTIS FORD, 351-1830, Phone tor Appointment 332-6492 FOR ANY AND All OF YOUR RENTAL OR nnErararafra entrain 11 DEI ID ID ED ED ED ED LEASING NEEDS. 482-6273 11 1 II I [D ED ED CD ID FD 1723 Cambria Drive Wo require ana of the following credit cords as a moans of deposit: Mastar Charge, BonkAmerlcord. Carta 15557 North East Street nniDEEiiDiDiDfDrn East Lansing Blanche. American Express, Dinar. Club. You must ba 21 DEO III El ED COED EH ED 43< per line ov. dost to bus lino years el eg*. (US 27) 11D ED ED ED ED ED ED ED nfnrrirnfTirricnmrn TRANSPORTATION AOS S« p— line or Michigon Stole News, Eost lonsing. Michigon w#dntidoyi Nov.mb#fJ 16 f For Sal» 1151 fir Silt V I for s>" 115] [jer*ici_jS Years of abuse told in trial ["" For Sale INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEW WAVE/PUNK singles COMPLETE REPAIR service MUST SELL-Leaving town. ing $1-2 for albums in good (or stereo's, TV's, tapes, comics and morel CURIOUS just in including Iggy out- Mrs. Hughea testified that Ross 10 speed bike, excellent shape. WAZOO RECORDS (continued from page 1) Mm dinner in BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand takes. Also, new issue of guitars, banjos, band instru¬ the horf^. I condition, best offer. Call 223 Abbott, E. Lansing. 337- MARSHALL MUSIC, that was exactly what ahe Bomp. FLAT, BLACK 6 ments. Mrs. Hughes uid she cared 337-7640. 6-11-8(4) River. 332-0112. 0947. 8-1-11-2(5) intended to do the night ahe set 351-7830. C-1-11-2(41 PES C-20-11-30-13) CIRCULAR upstairs 341 E. for her ex-huiband because he her husband's room on fire. MILLIONS OF paper backs. Grand River. Open 11 a.m„ USED COUCHES I3S~ and LANDSCAPE WORK, snow looked "pathetic" end because USED BICYCLES $20-$70. 351-0838. C-2-r-2-l6l she felt some responsibility for Science fiction, humor, gen¬ eral. 50 cents and up. Mike. Also parts. CHARLIE'S BIKE APPLES, CIDER, BLOSSOM chairs $10. Call 351-2796. 0-6-10-10(3) blowing and odd 1395. 3-11-4131^ jobs. 485- his accident. She said Hughei She reiterated testimony given previously by her child¬ ^wanted tohaveJT SHOP, 393-2484.5-11-3131 refused to let anyone else take 355-1998. E-5-11-2-131 _ ORCHARDS, The Wadow- ren that her ex-huiband beat MUST SELL, leaving town. Get cash for Christmas fast care of him. THIS WEEK i ANTIQUE BED and dresser ski's 2 miles N. of Leslie, 3597 Good stereo with speakers. hy selling no-longer-needed her because ihe had bought TV SKasaa SPECIAL $250 for both. Desk, carpet, Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours, Only $501 Call 394-3449. dinnera for dinner one night. items around your house with According to Mrs. Hughes, Gibson Hummingbird books, plants, macrame 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays, Z-E-5-11-8(3) a Classified Ad. Call 355-8255 one day her ex-huaband came to Acoustic guitar New Retail $600 hangers. Day 355-1720; 332- 1040 evenings. 6-114(4) 1-589-8251 Gift packages INK DRAWING of your home to place your ad! visit her and stayed permanent¬ She said he alao destroyed her textbooks she waa using at »t«rt „ i use^ I knew again. I feit it J shipped by UPS. ly. She aaid ahe allowed it SALE PRICE $275 with hard shell cose OR-20-11-30-I8I for Christmas cards, done by HOUSEKEEPING: HOMES, because she felt she would be Lansing Busineaa University want to be him to touch there. I £1*1 We now have a variety of NEW. USED and vintage guitars, banjos, mandolins, MFA graduate, $15. 361- 0254. 5-11-813) schools, businesses, sorori¬ taking away everything he had and told her "he wu going to She said me" "f snowtires to fit most ca etc. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ MEN'S 10 speed Fuji, 25 inch, blue, brand new, $115. CALL ties fraternities. Price negoti¬ able. 625-3389. 8-11-7-13) (herself and the children) if she take a sledgehammer to my car—that he waa going to do Hughes then J Prices range from $19.99 corders, strings, accessories, 487-9120.8-11-10-131 B/C 980 turntable with car¬ left him. up. We have the best pri books, thousands of hard-to- tridge. Brand new under war¬ something to fix it so I couldn't HOUSECLEANING, 2 ladies drive and leave anymore." nguitc ings in tc n. We; find albums. (All at very low ranty. $300 list-will sell for The beating and posses- ir all brands of electron- 1 USED Fender Bassmen with 4 years experience. Ref¬ pricesl. Private and group $190. 489-2718. 8-11-11(51 erences, 323-7042. 8-11-4(31 siveness continued after Hughes amplifier, 1 15" Jensen equipment and televi- lessons on guitar, banjo, man¬ speaker cabinet. $200. 351- MENS DINGO boots like moved in with her ahe testified, She testified that the police were called, and that after they ov" never th" year, she thought of kjfc ' ^ dolin, all styles. Gift certif¬ 5208.8-11-1114) and fear "dominated my life She testified that Dicker and Deal, icates. Expert repairs-free es¬ new. Size 9 K W. $25. Mens Wanted every day. I never knew whet left Hughes beat her again and said, "If you think things are her only she/ J Second Hond Store timates. ELDERLY INSTRU¬ PAIR INFINITY 2000 II, like figure skates, size 9)4, $15. to expect. I couldn't move alternative 337-9671. 5-11-8(4) bad, then they'll be worse her children and 1701 South Codor MENTS, 541 East Grand new. $450. 321-4099 after 5 without him saying it was leave th.» 487-38BS River. 332-4331. p.m. 8-11-11(3) DAVENPORT-BLACK furry, WE BUY newspapers, any alright. It kept getting worse now." . HuShes said „h told her children * C-20-11-30-1111 quantity. Monday, Wednes¬ and worse and worse and Mrs. Hughes said that once to pi]t a RAW HONEY BUNK BEDS with mattresses 98" contemporary, perfect coats and day, Friday, 12-5 p.m. Tues¬ shoes on .65 per pound, your contain¬ from $119.95. VILLA FUR¬ condition, $198 cash, 349- worse." her ex-husband threw food on they ■ SUPERSCOPE AM/FM ster¬ day, Thursday, Saturday, 8 Mommy let's not com er. 332-1709. 5-11-7-131 NITURE. 1633 W Mt. Hope, 4116 after 5 p.m. 3-11-414) a.m.-1 p.m. at 916 Filley St., the kitchen floor and laid, this time. eo receiver BSR 510 turnta¬ Lansing. 482 1109. 8-11-2-14) Lansing. 323-7476. 8-11-11(6) She said she usually went to "Now, clean it up, bitch." She She said she ble, 2 model six KLH speak- herself that "Therethought 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ ers. Tanks cannisters, and up rights Guaranteed on full ers^351J120. 1N 351-6230 .Joint!, ,)f MACdnd ANN ST THE DROPOUTS ,8 30 ffecm AHH.. WE ^ wm f/?54mair- cnilizat/om-mohat can't forget i®sm\se and fr&pU £l$>e COULQa per5m THE MORMI/& mee prew/ng PE9RE? paper! y Bagel-Fragel PROFESSOR PHUMBLE by Bill Yates sponsored by: iBLEWEEDS ■ CAMPUS 1312 Mich. A„. (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) Mon.- FREE QT. OF COKE mwew UOCi)[ (F CAE Tues. • FREE ITEM cJFofU THE k.Ryan sponsored by: PIZZA 337-1377 Wed. - WHOLE WHEAT CRUST KEPT GHooTffJG (on request) mtff THE Otytyf ww their; y strike lip NONSENSE! ' GO/ME* it is EYE, f you ain't > aren't you gonna ] the combined never likep WHY, I MADE thank me for the WlPUZARt) / london and me, have . THIS JUST v pattle 5hielp?> f|d, (OF COOHT7 i a&INJ 7 philadelphia PORYOU: y XOdOfooF, Q,zr (ZiCH! \ philharmonics. v ya" y , rtto/Wbt'! Today', special, lachiladat sponsored by: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker EL AZTECO RESTAURANT pSSWORD eaaa DUHO and can and man 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 PUZZLE 78 ransn snra@ania sponsored by: we had but in the \ you mean TWO not exactly, J in the dark, vye 'ii Untrustworthy Shedding crab 37 Master ■JM— quite a skirmish confusion of you a6ainst he sot / one COULDN'T sir 7 arrested each other l« Bfporte, lal^lSllcaifflO ma with the bandit, j v away y\ / make a simple arrest? 16 Hall ol Fame aaaaa . member aana Haa aa mayor / 3' Crude tartar aaamaaa gaaa 35 Goddessof healing [300 ana 3Q2IB 41 Winged 44 aaa naa aaaj Annual 4b lai alai 3 Inodenls 48 Alert 4 Oolong tar one 1 Intetiectwn 5 Slips 2 Musings 6 While 7 Make over ORIIVNEBS 8 Sandarac tree 9 Trough 10 11 Buddhist pillar Extravagance BEETLE BAILEY sponsored by: 15 19 One addressed Lewi by Mort Walker 21. S« 36 Across 23 Beetle CRITICIZE/ CRITICIZE/ OKAY, DO IT 24 Com-meal cake ALL YOU DO IS TOUR WAY, THEN/ . YELL AT ME/ , HOW WOULD you 26 Belgian commur FIRE THIS SUN? 27 Hide 29. Constellation 31 Runner 35 Servant 37. On the summit 38 Yam measures 40. Giains 41. Fitting 42. Wreath 43. Bullfinch 46 Past 47 TV commercial LOWEST PRICES STATE DISCOUNT 211 East Grand River Across from M.S.U. Union COUNT: IN HEALTH & TOWN! BEAUTY AIDS; STEREO I p. MEMOREX, CAIIBRON 9-9 Mon.-Friday Saturday 9-6 Sun. 12-5 337-1521 SORIES; SCHOOL SUPPLIES SOUNDGARD, ftCCl< ; ETC.„ J "CURTAINS DOWN" "CURTAINS DOWN" \ ON PRICES! / ON PRICES! THESE 6.98 MFG. LIST L.P.'s THESE 7.98 MFG. LIST L.P.'» ONLY ONLY *★ Roger Daltrey $3.49 *********** 19... UM One Of The Boys a. t ® KccoitIs ELTON JOHN'S GREATEST HITS VOLUME II Daryl Hall and John Oatail B«auty on ■ Back Slrttl NEIL LENNY WILLIAMS SEDAKAS GREATEST HITS A .star $7.59 | 13.98 MFG. LIST -iHlllBBBBmBliBi (iinoMimvlli ■ n ■ MTir ■ t 9.98 MFG. LIST $5.59 i «