DOW'S REACTION TO SPEECH 'UNWISE' VOLUME 71 NUMBER 152 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 4 0 3 f. I' unaffected by grants decision n n % John E. Cantlon, By JIM SMITH vice-president of re¬ ipulated tfil _ tax laws to avoid J SUle News Staff Writer search and graduate studies, released paying its fair saying CMU will no longer receive grants share of taxes. figures which show MSU from the company until officials Ispcnsion of grants and gifts from in research and education received $65,244 the from both ^mical U.S.A. to Central Michigan grants from Dow She mentioned Dow several times in her university and company discuss the Chemical last year. attack on a "new future use of ty (CMU) in Mt. Pleasant over a group of rulers, tyrants" company grants. (nda speech has little or no who control the lives of Americans. Phillip Schneider, of the communication office of Dow Chemical dji to MSU, according to University Fonda, in an Oct. 10 speech at CMU, said U.S.A., said rather Dow Chemical President Paul S. Oreffice than a withdrawal, the Dow Dow was action was a among firms that have man¬ sent a letter to CMU President Harold Abel suspension of new committments to (CMU)." Ongoing programs would not be affected, he said. Iportonce of 'publish MSU President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. perish' said Friday he did not have or information from what he had read to render an opinion on the enough Dow-CMU lesf/onec/ by faculty, officials controversy. Clarence L. Winder, MSU Stole News/Robert KozloH provost, Francine Hughes and her termed the situation at CMU "unfortunate," attorney Aryon Greydanus speak with report- but added that he saw no clear ers at a press conference implications Friday following a not-guilty verdict in connec¬ or parallels at MSU. tion with her husband's death. By P AM WEAR is a more personal matter," said Peter Wagner, chemistry MSU State News Staff Writer Chemistry Chairperson G. J. Kara- professor and secretary for the faculty affairs committee. "Those batsos, whose department received $7,500 Ish or perish" is known to many as a slogan used to describe departments don't seek outside advice and make up their own in Dow grants last year, said he thought placed on university professors to publish scholarly Hughes looks ahead -e minds about someone. They look at how a Dow's decision was unwise. guy gets along with people and whether or not he's rocking the boat." Grants from business and the Univer¬ ...linistrators and faculty queried on the subject deny that But Karl Thompson, chairperson of the humanities department, sity's duty to carry out the educational publishing at MSU means the death penalty, but all found it said he felt flexibility is good in some cases. His own department process should not be connected, Kara- to say just how much emphasis publishing receives at MSU. does not require that just a certain number of books or js that is because publication is only one of several criteria fnining promotion or tenure, and emphasis varies from lent to department. articles be published, he said, since he feels quality of the published material is important, too. batsos said. Schneider said Dow has no quarrel with freedom of speech, but wants to insure how to violence-free life He added that even though his department does not company money is being spent. The y each department has bylaws which spell out either emphasize publishing as much as some departments the evaluation committee meeting of company and university repre¬ By JOANNA FIRESTONE where the charred shell of her j or specifically the types of requirements expected of its tries to be as objective as possible in its evaluations. sentatives is to see "how the LANSING (UPI) — Francine Hughes gutted home money (grants is boarded up and abandoned. departments also have special committees which annually Wagner, too, noted that emphasis on publishing varies from from Dow| has been used to date this strode confidently out of the Lansing City ■ those faculty up for promotion or tenure, year," Jury foreman Jeffrey Hill said the jurors department to department. In scientific fields and agriculture, he he added. Hall Friday, vowing first to have "some real never seriously considered the littees fill out forms supplied by the provost's office, which said, research is of primary importance, so publication of those The issue arose, Abel said, because food, a real bed and a bathtub" and then to first-degree murder charge against ■valuation of faculty on criteria such as instruction, creative Hughes. findings is crucial. "Dow Chemical was angry and upset by build a new, violence-free life for herself "Most of us realized Hughes was not in lolarly research, public services and participation on However, in departments such as humanities or University what Jane Fonda said." and her children. her right state of mind," the Jees and administrative services. College, he said teaching is often stressed more than publication. Abel said he believes Dow is concerned Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Ray 27-year-old Hill said. bearded, I committees complete their evaluations, the conclusions Thompson agreed with Wagner's opinion about publication in his that CMU provide a balanced speaker C. Hotchkiss first ordered Hughes, who was "Most of us just realized what she went K> be approved by the chairperson, dean of the college, department. found not guilty in the killing of her and finally the MSU Board of Truatees. program. In that regard, CMU is "not a through — what horrible circumstances she "Excellency in teaching is the first emphasis here," he said. biased institution," he said. He pointed out ex-husband, to post a $2,500 bond to ensure lived under," he said. •trail balance it the desirable kind of thing," taid Assistant 'This does not preclude other criteria, though, and we do she will voluntarily surrender to the state that movie actresses will •ovost Kermit Smith. naturally get more encourage publishing." coverage than others. Forensic Center in Ypsilanti by Nov. 15 for ■King la not the whole story at MSU by any meant," he Wagner said publishing has been a major consideration in The CMU president said the faculty and a full psychiatric examination. When she Iculty are encouraged to do research and quality work but [y one piece of the pie. If a person is totally lacking in one of eria, hp won't go far." promotion but added it has not been overemphasized. Keith Anderson, co-chairperson of the faculty tenure committee, said lack of publishing could be one of several factors in student body "were deeply concerned over academic freedom" regarding the Dow affair. clears that exam Mrs. Hughes will be permanently freed. Transition . denying tenure, but "I am always concerned when a force Following her bond hearing, a Lansing lining that balance can be a difficult and subjective outside the university attempts to police officer presented Hughes with six rarely is it a major factor. impact ■While each department Is allowed to gear committee f and criteria emphasis to its own needs, this flexibility can "In that publish or perish thing, perish really means 'get a job elsewhere,'" Anderson said. "People usually just go get a job at a on programs of the commented. university," Abel iong-stemmed roses and an anonymous card that read: "To a battered rose that blooms debated by school where the requirements are not so stringent. Abel said a meeting with Dow's president again." pi criticism that there are departments where evaluation (continued on page 14) has been set up and he believes there is A jury of 10 women and two men late room for compromise and discussion. Thursday delivered the verdict, finding Hughes innocent by reason of temporary insanity of the killing of her ex-husband, British, U.N. James, who died. Conspirators given Hughes admits she set the March 9 house fire which killed Hughes, but successfully argued that she acted in a moment of (AP) SALISBURY, — Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) British and U.N. envoys met Sunday with Prime Minister Ian Smith and temporary insanity brought on by years of said he and black nationalist leaders guilty verdict after mistreatment. Feminists hope the verdict will mean new self-defense fights for battered women, remained for apart on how to end white minority rule in Zimbabwe. Smith met for nearly two hours with even though they failed to get the clear-cut Field Marshal Lord Carver, designated by Bolles bomb-slaying not guilty verdict they had sought. "I don't know about it making a precedent, but it will make people more Britain to preside over the transition to majority rule under a British-American plan for Zimbabwe, and with Lt. Gen. Prem aware of wife abuse," Hughes told report¬ Chand of India, sent by the United Nations ers at a brief news conference. "I don't PHOENIX (AP) — Plumber James Robison and contractor Max to help arrange a cease-fire in the five-year- think I've ever been a liberated woman — old guerrilla war. Dunlap were convicted Sunday of first-degree murder and but I'd like to," she added. "There is certainly agreement that the conspiracy in the bomb-slaying of investigative reporter Don Bolles. Hughes said she has not yet finalized her eventual aim is majority rule." Carver told There were gasps from Dunlap's family — his wife, five long-range plans, but said she wanted "to reporters afterward. "There is also agree¬ take care of my children again and go back ment that there must be. transitional daughters and twin sons — when the verdict was announced. . . a to school." There was no obvious reaction from the defendants themselves. regime. And there is . . . agreement that Bolles, who reported for the Arizona Republic, was fatally It was believed Hughes and her children before that is brought about there has got injured June 2, 1976, when a homemade bomb exploded beneath to be an effective cease-fire." would stay temporarily with her mother in ... his car as he backed from a parking space at the Clarendon House Jackson, although she declined to publicly But Carver said Smith remained opposed Hotel. Bolles survived for 11 days, and lost both arms and a leg reveal her destination. to the British-American plan to hold before death came. Before he died, he muttered the names The children stayed with their grand¬ one-man, one-vote elections and wanted this "Adamson" and "Emprise." mother during the eight months Hughes question resolved before any discussion of a Robison and Dunlap had been implicated by John Harvey was in jail. cease fire. Universal suffrage would end Adamson, 33, a former tow truck operator and dog breeder. He Hughes' attorney, Aryon Greydanus, said minority rule by the country's 270,000 admitted planting the bomb under Bolles' car, confessed to she "has no desire to stay in Dansville," (continued on page 14) second-degree murder and was sentenced to 20 years in jail — rather than to death — in exchange for telling all. He said Dunlap had hired him and Robison detonated the bomb with a radio transmitter. But the eight man, four-woman jury had been admonished by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Howard Thompson not to return a guilty verdict solely on the basis of testimony given by Adamson. "The testimony of an accomplice should be viewed with caution," he said, and told the jurora it would take other evidence to back a guilty verdict. inside Bolles had written many articles about organized crime and Emprise Corp., a Buffalo, N.Y., sports concession conglomerate Coke adds what? The East that half owns six Arizona dog tracks and a Prescott, Ariz. Horse Lansing Peace Education Cen¬ track. ter is critical of the multina¬ The trial began July 11 and the jury had been sequestered since tional corporation's methods. just before testimony got underway Aug. 28. The panel heard 91 See page 3. witnesses in the case. Walter Adams was as fiery In closing arguments, special prosecutor William Schafer III as ever when he spoke on said "Max Dunlap supplied the incentive and the money. James campus. See page 3. Robison helped with the hardware and triggered the bomb." DPS has some life preserving Dunlap's attorney, Paul Smith, contended Dunlap was framed advice for bicyclists. See page by Phoenix attorney Neal Roberts. David Derickson, Robism's 7. court-appointed lawyer, said evidence showed the plumber w. s not at the scene of the crime. Roberts has not been charged in the case. Schafer argued that much evidence independent of Adam: on s testimony pointed to the guilt of the defendants. "The defense would have you believe," Schafer said, "that Joh • wea+her Harvey Adamson is the only witness the state has produced. That This morning, a cool gray simply is not true." whispering wall of fog slides He also said the Bolles case is not closed. softly into town and the flat "We haven't got all the conspirators yet. but we will," Schafer earth's misty edges appears to said. be only a few dozen yards ,fi . photo by Debbie Borln Bolles' death inspired the creation of a group of reporters from yonder. Later in the day, earthly rain to bring us back to ruk. lgoi, Msu °,.re*1ity hM_bMn likened to fragile mirror which in mind when dni *rt Prole»«or Irving Taran probably did not have thisexceialye v"*«v it mm uvea luvara to i lrl|lie uiiii ui wuim mvpnivo * disturbance can a/nuvv vmb around the country who spent several months continuing his investigations into alleged corruption. The group published a ourselves. he began to ^ (or, 1; make the minimum scholastic Cola. that Coca-Cola was not forced out of luirements from receiving full "This is the reason so many Brazilians India because it would not turn over its * Communicates with "PS to the University. M.S.11. ♦ Chairperson 1 pointed out that the problem with are suffering from Vitamin C de¬ patent, but because it had been con of Bastille Day Better communicotion ond co¬ Salute to East '" of foreign students who can't ficiency," Tharp claimed. Icontinued on page 14) Lansing 1973 — A operation between the universi¬ community street party — all ty and city will mean benefits proceeds went for trees and for all who live, work, or go to landscaping in E. Grand River Skicrt, Families, Handicappers school. median. Come To The mid-michimn ski benkpit For The U.S. OLYMPIC SKI TEAM Here's why you should And Local Handicapped Skiers Programs FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 ,CB 6:00 p.m. to 2 a.m. VOTE for PAULA JOHNSON 00 s- Washington St., Just South of Mt. Hope & Washington National Guard Armory She is ... . *$1500 in Door Prizes •Live Rock Band * •Cash Bar «Ski Swap Working for E. Grand River Improvements: •Ski Fashion Show Safer pedestrian crossings, left turn lanes, more lighting, bikeways, landscaping. -Ski Movies •New Ski Equipment on Display ' Working for more Downtown Parking: $3.00 per ticket | Ski Swap open to Public. Bring your old equipment and | sell it for only 10% fee. Fill out coupon below and Students and customers need more conveniently located parking immediately. Sport!'® Q' Mor,ho11 MC Sports, I bring it with your equipment by 6:00 Friday. * A,hletes' Sh°P' The FrM,tYl* Sh°P' vii | Name | Address Truly Non-Partisan: | Item Description Paula owes political favors to no one. Her record proves she votes independently. fa ""S Mkh.yori I Price Club sitV Ski Club, th. Lansing Ski Vote TOMORROW NOVEMBER 8 7 AM to 8 PM I No. _ - - E. l.n.ln, MUhifM4U» whole riotously colorful, chaotic trip? Even Lansing, office manager in the 1972 commercial William Randolph Hearst, who made infi¬ campaign. From 1974-76, Fox vice-chaired development, Gays: the heresy nitely more bucks into that one. than sense, wouldn't buy Andrew Scheiber the Ingham County democratic party. At 22, Fox has certainly proved his aT®si Grand Ledge willingness to become involved and he of being 'different' Stimulate discussion knows what needs to be done. Having lived in every type of housing in fc With hi. how. Fox b the legislative best stu7 .j 1 chance Nov.dSJ Now that the University community will The Greek debate the city, Fox knows the housing problem. . council. Fox Events on a national, state and campus level have conspired,however be involved in selecting a new president, He wants to work to change the restrictions he can on do a lot. 8 to 8hl <*1 so that the number of permit me to make a suggestion. Why not people in a house is inadvertently, to rivet attention once again on the issue of homosexual encourage students, faculty, and alumni to Well, here we go again in the annual not restricted by the number of ears. He rights. write letters stating what qualifications and round of pro-Greek, con-Greek debates in intends on working to expand housing and !7i2 E. In New York, Anita Bryant laments that her anti-gay crusade may attributes the next president of MSU the State News (State News letters, Oct. 3 and Oct. 26). I can't believe such issues are to prevent houses from being torn down for GranjjS cost her a lucrative job as representative of Florida's citrus industry. In should have. In your announcement re¬ of any interest to students. Whether a Eutlj Washington D.C., the U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear the appeal of questing letters I hope you would state that person is Greek or not is his or her a schoolteacher who lost his job after his every letter submitted be published. homosexuality became a matter The idea behind this suggestion is to individual choice. Debates over types of of public record. stimulate discussion of what kind of lifestyles are irrelevant — people obviously VIEWPOINT: HOMOSEXUALS In Lansing, 54 members of the State House co-sponsor a resolution president the University community wants. are content where they are. If not, then it is up to them to do something about it. lauding Bryant and denouncing gays in the most heavy-handed and Hopefully, through such a series of letters Nobody twists people's arms to join the ill-conceived rhetoric imaginable. Here on campus, "Gay Blue Jeans and articles, we could encourage more Greek system. If any persons involved in Day" evokes reactions of bitterness from heterosexuals who resent participation being "told what to wear." in the process. I would hope that the State News would be inundated with letters but my prediction rush activities at any time feels they have been misled, or are annoyed by the process, Abolish stereotypes And in the halls of student government, ASMSU Student Board is that few will take advantage of your they have never been denied the option of. President Kent Barry introduces a bill calling for the elimination of Gay offer. dropping out of these activities. The letter in bat Monday's State News Council from the ASMSU Code of Operations. Daniel H. Kroger J. Peterson (letters — Oct. 26) gener¬ concerning gays once again h, how ignorance perpetuates inane and inhumane reactions. How is it that the pendulum of public opinion has swung so visibly and Professor of Industrial Relations ously admits that Greeks are involved in The Bible-thumping Bigots might consider the many campus activities. He then proceeds following points. decisively against the homosexual community? to ask how many of these activities have Part of the problem can be traced to the fact that homosexuals are Elliott lauded realistically enhanced anyone. My question The authors of the Bible, fallible human beings all, were deeply influenced b. J becoming increasingly vocal and militant in demanding fair and is why are Greeks the only group on campus contemporary culture and the belief (from the ancient Greeks) that the mil. Why you continue allowing every goon contained the complete human being, which was deposited in the equitable treatment. Oppression that was formerly covert and within forced to justify their existence? I don't see female for munL (which may help explain why no one bothers with lesbbns in the institutionalized is likewise escalating to meet the imagined threat of pecking distance of a typewriter to any dorms or apartment complexes being Greeks revered homosexuality, the Judeo-Chriitiana saw the Book). TWi^ gay activism. dump on your man Ira Elliott is beyond me. pressured into enhancing campus or com¬ of the womb as murder. Even though we have release of spemul Am I the only one in on this joke? The munity life in order to prove their One can be sure that Wednesday's planned march by gays and their tradition of revolutionary rhetoric being worthiness. However, the caliber of Peter¬ taboos still exbt concerning masturbation and repbced thb belief with hit JI| assumption. homosexuality based oo than! supporters on the Michigan Capitol to protest the House's pro-Anita sanctioned in the mouth of the jester or the son's letter may be judged from his resolution will elicit an even stronger buffoon did not end with the creation of a resorting to name-calling, and his cheap counter-response from the democratic republic, but continues into the shot at Black Caucus. God's statement to the world might be considered more valid than that of au heterosexual community. the natural world that He has wrought in Hb own As gays become more assertive and self-confident, the reasons present. Ask Phil Ochs or Patrick Sky — or better still, refer to the cover photo on Finally, I agree with Mr. Peterson that complex, very homosexuality exbts at a stable proportion on every strata of the animal perCi] College is Utopia. However, please don't try h advanced by non-gays for curbing homosexual rights grow Considering the fact that the vast majority of gays feel thb orientation from fa increasingly Ochs' LP Rehearsals for Retirement, or the to tell me that if a student lives in a dorm or might assume that God included homosexuality on the highest level as preachy, self-righteous and indefensible. Kent Barry's rationale for backing art on his Phil Ochs' Greatest Hits. an apartment they have a higher perception wel The cloning together of Che Guevara and dissolving Gay Council is a prime example of this. Elvis Presley has always been a sort of of reality. Why don't we all just live and let Our socbl attitudes deny sexual emotions to children, the old, the rt„ live. There are so many more vital issues Barry maintains that Gay Council should no longer be financed by the media dream to the unmarried and the gays. Myths surround all these taboos, but none ASMSU Student Board, which would prevent the organization from the revolutionary; but to we could be channeling our energies rendered to the homosexuab. They are generally assumed to be so stroqJJoL conservative/reactionary it seems a toward. dimension only, void of such feelings as love, pain, limited tail acting as a body representing and serving a minority student group. depravity or, worse still, a cosmic Janis Stephens caring, etc. Statistics ilonM the myth of the sexual predator. In 1976, over 80 percent of child Gays are not a minority in the sense that blacks and handicappers are, irrelevance. Somewhere between these two 343 N.Harrison moral religious heterosexual males, while less than one molesters em 3 Barry insists. Their condition is a matter of choice. One does not choose lies the cosmic joke of the producer/ East Lansing percent were hauJ Much literature and statbtical information b available if one's race or physical attributes, Barry is consumer dichotome, and the spectacle of a people would bother bM saying; one does select one's society selling its nose to save its face. it. 1 sexual preference. Never mind the preponderance of medical and For those of us who grew up in the '60s, Vote for Fox As long as people react out of their own fears, and continue to psychological evidence this split is diachronic rather than political: suggests than an individual's sexual preference is fixed at a very early knows and know-nots, freaks and straights, socbl stereotype based on the small percentage of "bar-scene gays" IliketbJ perpetuab tbj age. Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that a person chooses a eggplant and Exxon, each out of phase with Michigan State University students need percentage of "bar-scene straights"), they can effectively ignore the millionswM the other and passionately convinced that a voice on the East involved in or seeking a monogamous, responsibly love-based homosexual life-style. Lansing City Council. who have had no sexual rebtionships. Homosexuab are no relationship, aald its counterpart is the true aberration. Some We need an individual who understands more xibl But why should this matter? The fact that one chooses a life-style at people get trapped (or trap themselves) student problems and isn't afraid to fight heterosexuals — nor are they sex acts, but people like everyone else, with J variance with majority sensibilities does not confer drives, hopes, dreams and hang ups. upon the majority a into believing this cosmic put-on; Phil Ochs for student rights. The voice we need, Alan right to persecute that person or his peers. If gays "choose " their hung himself because he couldn't get on Fox has. lifestyle then, by the same token, so do fraternity members, or residents Nixon's hate list. Fox is a MSU student Whatever the reasons, I'm sure these self appointed majoring in messengers of"( of co-ops. Would Barry advocate abolition of the Credit Ira Elliott and others like him for continue to achieve superiority through hate, and history. He knows the school, and having may legislate laws tt Couhcil or the Inter-Cooperative Council? We think not. Inter-Fraternity realizing that this paradigmatic opposition lived in East Lansing since 1959, he knows mentally, socially and physically imprison 20 million persons in this country. T1 is not part of reality or even of Journalistic ,the city. indeed be in line With the religious fanaticbm which over the centuries has de Of course, it is argued that the gay lifestyle poses a distinct threat to responsibility, but simply steam from the He knows the millions of innocent victims. society. Inevitably, the grotesque stereotypical canard of limp-wristed medium heat with which we're all inun¬ Presently Fox is staffMichigan legislatuw. aide to the Michigan "faggots" and pedophiles seducing innocent children is dredged up by dated. Thank God, too, for those like Ira House Consumers Committee. He has However, no one can legbbte human emotions and needs for friendship, caring.ll the ignorant and uninformed. who are willing to play this joke for all it's served on environmental boards and yes, even sex, regardless of who those needs are directed towards. There hi worth (I mean, the Che Guevara pose in including that understands, cares, and loves us What is commonly overlooked is that the working on behalf of Michigan's "Bottle despite any socbl failures... thank God. | majority of sex crimes and that by-line photo is JUST TOO MUCH). Bill." crimes of violence are committed by The author of the non-gays. Millions of homosexuals How else are we incurable anarchists/ Fox also knows politics. He has worked in following viewpoint has requested that his name or want nothing more than to be left alone. Far from anonymous. demanding the right that Aquarians to stand up to the peer insistence numerous political campaigns to "convert the masses" to its including way of life, the homosexual community is something sensible can be made of this being State Rep. Lynn Jondahl's, D-E. saying "give us our rights." Gays should be treated not as third-class citizens, but as human beings to be held accountable for their actions, no more or no less than any non-gay. The argument that being gay leads Like any good, lazy, dirty-minded, daug- inevitably to acts of sexual filled, class-skipping, blue-jeaned, behind-the-back, ui The trustee sham manner: depravity and violence, to acts that tend to undermine a community's party- and very hush-hush. going, unshaven anarchistic, decadent foundations, is as shopworn as the assertion that Simply because the trues* smoking marijuana college student I have always disliked the ineluctably leads to abuse of dangerous drugs, and then to crime and MSU Board of Trustees on general princi¬ authority to act in this way $pf*amcr! that, in any case, domestic -)format.. Zt/wVi / violence is not a suitable topic for liberal in the sense that the public discussion. majority of its members are Democrats, but this Indeed, studies show that violence pervades the American household of liberalism is on a scale definition — not only husband against wife, but wife against husband and parents ranging from redneck to simple bourgeois capitalist. against children. Domestic violence is a hidden shame, Take the members of the MSU board. The Hughes story is over, but the Chairperson Patricia Carrigan is a clinical tragic reality it underscored goes psychologist and works for General Motors. on. Unless legal institutions and the public at large become more Raymond Krowlikowski and John Hruff are sensitive to the plight of battered spouses and abused children lawyers. Jack Stack is an M.D. Blanche n ctnte News. Eos! looting, Michigon Monday, November 7, 1977 5 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE VISITS MSU itin women study feminist movement ,VNE BARON ing ub together, ind in a spirit countries Friday. Mexican "I think it's harder to of compassion and women and examine con¬ and Language _.w,SUff Writer hope work The wife of Gov. William G. how they caii improve the vince women in Haiti to Professor the ones to say what women development of women's or¬ toward their solution," Helen join the Patricia D'ltri. ■National Conference Miiliken told a Miiliken welcomed the women, women's situation in their own women's movement because Pollock should be like. ganizations. in Houston, we can delegation of who are touring the United countries. spoke on University "In 1962, there was a begin¬ The problem now, she said, ia confront- women from 16 Latin American they're directed more toward programs for women and the is States to view the status of Sponsored hy the U.S. State ning of consciousness-raising to get men to expand their own family problems," she added. educational and national status and women began to see how Department, the tour will last "Women can make it in of women, emphasizing that thinking and roles. -wp-rr about three weeks. The women any field in Peru," a journalist from different their problems were women should demand will act as international ob¬ that country said. "It's not equity, from men," she said. "Then we "Many people still assume rather than simply equality. that cooking, babies and sex are servers at the Houston con¬ quite easy, but already we have began working in the academic She noted that the number of sector the exclusive province of ference later this month. They a few women to develop courses getting fine female freshmen has increased addressing the women," she said. discussed the feminist move¬ positions." to 51.7 of the total enrollment ment with women from MSU She said feminist leaders in "These are areas men need and that the number of women She said MSU had its first and the community. Peru are trying to improve the in education, primarily more knowledge about; they "We have noticed in the status of women in rural training course for women in 1969 - need to do more cooking and we areas, for teaching jobs, has decreased United States feminist leaders and to improve the taught by a man. Now, she need to know more about music image of all about three percent since 1966. continued, it is possible to get are working very hard to unify women through the mass The number of women in and art in the world." women," an editor from Mexico media. major degrees in Women's other occupations is rising, with Studies at some universities, said "But we noticed that young "Now everyone can have a Foreign delegates were in¬ the biggest increase in medi¬ people are lacking (in the magazine. There is freedom of though MSU's program is more terested in what guarantees cine. An increase of more than similar a thematic emphasis or the American legal systems movement)". the press and it's 48 percent, has been reported open to all of a minor. She explained that in Latin kinds of journalism," she said. provides against discrimina¬ since 1966 for women in medi¬ D'ltri explained to the dele¬ America, women leaders are That afternoon, the dele¬ tion, especially in the areas of cine, she said. gation that with expanding divorced or widowed women trying to educate women rather gation met with Mary Pollock, D'ltri said the psychological than forming alliances. academic programs came the and sexual preference. MSU director of women's "The future of woman is pro¬ perspective men have of grams. and American thought women is that men should be based on her education. Child¬ ren have to have a better future," she said. A Spanish teacher from Haiti said that she was grateful for BUDGETSAP LADIES' the opportunity to see and meet APPAREL women from the United States. ♦SALESMEN'S SAMPLES AT "Our impression is that the American woman is extremely SAMPLE PRICES motivated and believes in what ♦LAY A WAY NOW FOR THE she's doing," she told the dele¬ HOLIDAYS gation. ♦COME IN AND SEE OUR HALL & OATES SELECTION - Sizes 8-40 is coming Shoptown Plaza QUICHE HOURS Hailett t Marsh Roads Hailett 349-9482 me ^M-T-W 10-6, Th-F 10-8 Marian Pall quick Deadline Extended L Sot 10-5. Sun 1-5 Naw Ownar . I Ann Slavit stands atop Mid-terms were last week and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston then you went and celebrated on everyone was busy, liay holding up her 14-foot air-filled nylon sculpture against a strong after- Friday, got drunk Fjnd, Thru Thursday, \ buy one quiche and I the second one's free. and missed the deadline. We understand, accepting forms until Midnight tonight. No forms will be accepted postmarked after Midnight NOV. so we are I WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II 220 MJLC.. UNIVERSITY MALL ABOVE ULE'EY 7, 1977. HRS.:MON.-SAT.9-9, SUN. 12-5 b advice offered PREPARE FOR J ASMSU Computer Dote Hoichin PH. 332-3525 MCAT • OAT • ISA!• GRE ■Class Council and ton on the job market outlook guides for campus visitors, Let me assist you lkkl |ement Services will for graduating seniors and ad¬ selection of the 25 most out¬ fiMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT in the purchase of / every DAY ir Night from 7 to justment to the working world. 1MB 1,1,1, I day in B-104 WeUs Assistant director of placement standing seniors, selection of the senior class gift to MSU and your next new or used car, truck or van. New Release rag. $11.91 services Ed Fitzpatrick will assistance to the MSU Alumni ECFMG'FLEMQE Tho now 1978 ChovroUts hovo flightfromwill Placement i include a give instructions for writing. resume- Association. NAT L DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS FltxlWt Programs & Hours arrivod. Com* down ond lot mo portonally show you thlt 1 E.L.O. Out of the Blue NOW V rector Jack Shingle- In addition, Gene Lawler of booutiful now lino of Chovro- 2-record sat Thtre IS • difftrtnc*!!! recruitment and placement for ACCOUNTING AND lots which indudo Ford Motor (Tomapny will give FINANCE MAJORS Chovotfo, Novo, Comoro, Z-28, Malibu, Monto Carlo, lm- Iteps pay a presentation on how to inter¬ view with prospective employ- polo, Coprico ond Tho Now ■^■■■"■■COUPON " Corvotto. YOU LIKED IT BEFORE I tor coffee Career night is not designed See or call me at YOU'LL LOVE IT AGAIN! to allow students to meet Dfl'ES, Iowa (API Bud Kouts Chevrolet — possible employers, but to give 2.9*copies* [of the Iowa House of seniors valuable information on 2801 E. Michigan es and their visi- how to enter into the job 489-6533 tying next Janu- market, Senior Class Council Two Blocks Wost of Frandor higher price of representatives said. Scott R. Smith The project is one of SPECIALISTS FOR RESUMES ( DISSERTATIONS many re and their gueats SAVE TIME - 200 QUALITY COPIES IN 5 MINUTES programs sponsored through¬ ■have been paying for out the year by the council, 1 putting I near a coins in a large coffee which is made up of 18 seniors from varying student back¬ Gtys&LCLLS Hairstyles J AX COPYING 541 E. GRAND RIVER - UPPER LEVEL je back of the House grounds. Some of the programs spon¬ ACROSS FROM BERKEY ABOVE PARAMOUNT NEWS • Administration sored throughout the year in¬ CALL 332-5500 1 found, however, putty" fell $300 short clude training University tour Styling east lansing •WHIR 11" B00KS4C expires 11/12 "*) needed to esentatives, their supply —JOB— COUPONmih Ski Club Heeling tmmended that a s and re- We<9 O0' Save 41C 2.25 valuo SHAMPOO 5]1 S Different Dishes $l"oo. Limit 1 Pleat* with >5" Food Purchase fresh Ground All Beef Hamburger STATtCOUfOH Bakery- - Any Size Package 67' u>. Oven Fresh Bread Sale ROSE MILK OXY5 lumberjack American Meol , your Both Goodrich's & Larry's have Package Liquor ft Holly Farms Pick of the Chicken SKIN LOTION ACNEMEDICATK 1 ch0\ce 3 Drumsticks—3 Breasts—3 Diet Bran Golden White or Wheat full selection of your Favorite Beer ft Wine Thigh 79' n>. 2 J% J 00 !2oz. $ 1 88 1 oz. Cudahy Canned Hams (3# can). 2.75 valuo | 2.75 valua *499 "Frozen & Dairy' Farmer Peet Cooked Ham I EXPIRES 11-1J-77 (12 oz. pkg.) $ J 66 STATS COUPON Spartan Strawberries (10 ox. pkg.) 39' Eckrich Slender Sliced Meats FOAMY ZEST Sara lee Pecan Coffee Cake 1)29 SHAVE CREAM SOAP Assorted Flavors (3 oz. 799' Ballard Biscuits - Country Style or Buttermilk (8 oz. pkg.) 2/29' pkg.) Country Fresh 2% Country Fresh Low low Fat Milk (1 Fat Chocolate Milk gallon) (% gallon) 5,29 77' Shop Rite Bulk Pork Sausage 99',b 11 oz. 1.75 valuo $118 Ize 2/Si I **] Smelt — Headless & Dressed 79'b jGrocery. STATE COUPON Shurf ine Vegetables JOHNSON & JOHNSON Cream Style Corn Whole Kernel Corn Peas Peas t Carrots } Mix or 4/5,00 Match BABY POWDER] Whole Tomatoes (16 ox. can) 3/5,00 14 oz. 1.95 valuo $14 Mushrooms Pieces * Stems LIMIT I - (4 oz. can) 39' Del Monte Coco Cola Pineapple - Sliced, Crushed or Chunks (15% oz. can) 3/$ J 00 GOODRICH'S VITAMIN C or Tab — 1 liter — 32 oz. returnable bottle Broch Candy — Chocolate Peanut Cluster, plus deposit 7* I00 on west side of MSU at 910 Trowbridge Rd. Bridge Mix, Chocolate Covered Nuts (12 oz. bag) Open Monday - Thursday 9 am-9 pin 99* M 5fl 9 am-10 pm 500 MG. Friday t Saturday 11 am-Spm Sunday 100$ 351-5760 2.50 valuo LIMIT I IXPI-B^l n cmte News! Eo»* lonaing. Michigon Monday, November 7, 1977 7 CAMPUS COLLISIONS COMMON Biking fast but not always safe By MARK FABIAN Captain Ferman Badgely. could go out .there with our State News Staff Writer "Of those accidents DPS officers will also ticket Another problem for bikers involving radar and get many (bikes) for bikers who are riding in the Riding a bike on campus may motor vehicles and bikes," is that bike paths on campus be a convenient form of trans¬ speeding," he said. street when a bike path is Badgely said, "bicyclists are at run mainly from east to west. portation, but it is not always a fault more often." Badgely complained that a lot available. Those wishing to go north or of bike riders are not safe one. Running stop signs, failing to using the Bikers who do use bike paths south are forced to ride in the bike paths. It is not unusual to With 14,000 bikes zipping yield and improper lane are not completely safe, either. street. around MSU, some are bound are the most common usage see bicyclists in the road on During the 1976-1977 school violations Shaw Lane instead of on the Milt Baron, director of cam¬ to collide; and many do each by bicyclists leading to acci¬ year 61 accidents involving bike paths, he said. pus park and planning, said day. Finding dents, Badgely said. bikes with other bikes or pe¬ a bicyclist Many bikers also ride the there is a plan for an knocked to the pavement by a A good share (of destrians were reported to improved car is not an uncommon sight bicyclists) wrong way on Shaw Lane and DPS. Many of these occurred bike path network that was are being careful," he said, "but West Circle Drive, he said. drawn up by his office in either. on bike a good share are not." paths. "I'm afraid we're cooperation with of the There have been nine bike- Last year 49 accidents involv¬ going to A number of collisions be¬ some have a fatal accident from tween bikes occur because area bike clubs. car collisions reported to the ing bikes and cars were report¬ people riding the wrong way on Department of someone is Baron said the plan includes Public Safety ed to DPS and bike riders were West Circle," he said. riding the wrong (DPS) so far this term and five injured in 34. way on a bike path, Badgely adding bike paths that would of these involved Badgely is encouraging DPS said. allow bikers to ride from north injury to the Badgely said he strongly officers to ticket bike rider. bicyclists for This frequently occurs on the campus down to Farm Lane. encourages bike riders to slow riding the wrong way on one¬ Many more collisions go un¬ down. paths behind McDonel Hall on „jna between bicycliate and motorists on ctmpui ore not uncommon. A DPS way streets, running stop signs east campus and behind Erick- Baron said, however, that reported, according to DPS "I would venture that there are no funds ,r aids * recent victim of oucb an accident on a Shaw Lane croaawalk near we and failing to yield. son Hall on Shaw lane, he said. currently o Road. available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE I m 1ST0P SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY At the REE! Buy any Medium regular price TREE p* \ Get Identical PIZZA Little Caesars Pizza ■ I I ! mmeiJERj <1 A SAMPLE t°hfe SAVINGS! 12031. Gd. River I « 33T -1631J WOMEH'S FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN DRYER MEIJER WINDSHIELD LONG SLEEVE TOPS 900 watts & built-in concentrator. Power 16 OZ. BEER STEIN FOOD - COCKTAILS WASH ANTIFREEZE Otiose from an assortment of dial with 9 pdjustable heat/air Thermo insulated to keep beer or any long settings. sleeve blouses and knit fops. Assorted Two combs, drink colder longer. Choose from Good to 25* F. brush, and styling handle. fabrics, colors and styles. Sizes S-M-l Michigon State, Michigon UONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL * #9160. Lions. or Detroit ■Vermicelli Pasta & Sauce with Soup & Garlic Toast Bolognese 6? Aeto SeppHet Dept. gal. AEG. $3.97 $3°°{ Women's Sportswear Dept. $17% k. $| 77 Jewelry/Jem# Appliance Dept. SAVE 50* OUR REG. $2.27 Gifts A tempi Dept. ALL YOU CAN EAT MEUER FINEST USM CHOICE $1.95 PITCHER NIGHT All Beer 25% off WINE SPECIAL House Wines - 20% off Open daily. Including Sunday %R0UND STEAK (Next to Peoples Church) PH. 337-1755 I GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING tonight thru Saturday fiVAN blues band Park beer special ®Rdei°gpound 224 Abbott 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA 951-2285 tHOP MONDAY THMA MnilDAT « A.M. TO 10i3« P.M. - BUMDAY t A.M. TO > P.M. Mlchigon Stof News, Eo»t Lonsing. Michigon Cooney does folk Steve Miller gets job don UPI — Steve Miller la a man It was, for Steve Miller, the of many hata — on atage and Z.its "soaps' start of something j music; sings off. Aa any Miller fan knows, he took a while to The Joker and big, but it happen. Doing the long tour can be everything from a Space that Mowed burned him out - Cowboy to a Gangster of Love and he withdrew for two years, By STEVE SZILAGYI SUte News Reviewer changes as possible." Cooney said that the words at the merest touch of a pick to a guitar string. He is an only to return with an even bigger hit, Fly Like An Eagle 'lme: with MiiS^l Folksinger Michael Cooney is and tunes of the folk songs awesomely talented rock 'n rol¬ probably doing more than any¬ change anyway, simply because ler, a clever lyricist and a one to keep traditional folk the people who sing them have shrewd businessman who music alive. different ideas of what they knows how to exploit his own The versatile singer delight¬ mean. "But," he said, "that's abilities. ed a Ten Pound Fiddle audience one of the best things about folk And right now. Steve Miller Friday night with his wide range of vibrant folk music. He music. When you find a song you don't like, there's usually is hot. His past three albums have U(Off did more than merely entertain another version." been smash hits, each his audience — he gave them Even though his knowledge bigger than the last, each packed to W/Purchoaoofonyrogulor,!,, sandwich at the brim with w/coupon only unapologetic mainstream rock. "The Joker was the first Bob's Philadolphia Steak Cooney said that the words and tunes of the folk songs change anyway, simply because the record that I produced myself. And because it was a first Sandwich people who sing them have different ideas of step 1040 E. GRAND RIVER for me, I decided I was what they mean. "But," he said, "that's one of going to stay within my limits and make the best things about folk music. When you find a simple record. I was shocked 337-0195 a song you don't like, there's usually another when The Joker the single became a hit." some traditional songs with the of the folk process is impres¬ hope that they would pass them along. Though Cooney is good at several styles of music, he sive, Cooney is equally as im¬ pressive cian. as a singer and musi¬ Notice: Though he does not have a does his best when he is particularly good voice (few resurrecting an old song and passing it on to his audience. folk singers ever do), he is Last Day for Fall Term Books amazing in his versatility. He It is his knowledge of the folk can play a variety of instru¬ State News/lyn A. Howes music process that sets Cooney ments — guitar, banjo, concer¬ Folksinger Michael Cooney Shared his views on folk music and the transmission apart from many other perfor¬ tina, fretless banjo, jew's harp, of folk materials at his Saturday workshop at the Union, sponsored by the Ten mers. He is a firm believer in perpetuating music orally, just and penny whistle — all with a professional skill. Pound Fiddle. Beginning next week, we will begin setting as it has been perpetuated for He also claims to know over hundreds of years. As the title 500 songs, which may be an Fisher to star of his last album. Singer of Old exaggeration, but probably not up books for winter quarter, 1978. We'll $ Songs, says. Cooney finds a great one. His music is fascination in keeping alive a versatile as his musicianship. as in new movie DON'T FORGET OUR songs from the past. In a workshop on the folk He can sing songs ranging from traditional ballads to sea chan¬ FREE CASSETTE RECORDER try to help you find your fall term book, process Saturday in Old College Hall, Cooney sang different ties to blues. He is equally comfortable with a cocaine song HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - CLINIC . . . versions of several old ballads from the 1920s, that might Carrie Fisher, who costarred in Star Wars, will head the cast of but we suggest you don 7 delay. Thank — "pre-television soap operas" seem more suitable for Leon Universal Pictures' I Want To NOVEMBER 7 & 8 ... E. LANSING as he called them and told Redbone, as he is with a medley — Hold Your Hand, playing a how they had changed after of mountain fiddle tunes. teen-age activist. being over sung by different people the years. Though he humor to an can relay smutty adult audience, HI-FI BUYS " Cooney said that, former, he as a per¬ feels a certain including references to sheep molesting, he has also appeared KlsT 1101 E.GRAND RIVER obligation to his music. on "Sesame Street" and Ski Club Meeting E.L. PH. 337-1767 "I think it's very important to "Cap¬ tain Kangaroo," and is known Wed. Nov. 9th in M-F 10-8, S 9-5 pass along songs exactly as I for his success with children's 158 Natural Resources heard them," Cooney said. "You concerts. have to be especially careful at 7:30 p.m. But it is Cooney's expertise with old ballads, because you at keeping those old songs alive want to recall them with as few that make him a fine musician. ALL DEGREE Deadline Extended Mid-terms were last week and then you went and celebrated on and missed the deadline. We everyone was Friday, got understand, accepting forms until Midnight tonight. No forms busy, drunk so we are CANDIDATES and FACULTY FREE will be accepted postmarked after Midnight NOV. Make your reservations NOW for CASSETTE RECORDER 7, 1977. academic apparel for Fall Term Com¬ mencement. CLINIC Deadline is Nov. 18 at the Union Store in the Union. NOVEMBER 7 & 8... E. LANSING Donations (or the Senior PERSONALIZED class will be accepted. GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS NOW A BEING ORDERED AT representative from a leading cassette recorder UNION STORE. manufacturer will check the heads and transport of your recorder. He will then run a check of For Information call frequency response vs. distortion in your particular unit. There will also be 355-3498 Th« Union Storo a representative from Maxell available to discuss com¬ parisons of various cassette tapes. And finally o rep¬ resentative of Nortronics Corp. will help you with main¬ tenance of your recorder. You won't miss a shot with an EKTELON Racket CLINICS FROM 1PM to 7 PM CLINIC SPECIAL. Now in Stock Complete line MAXELL UD ■j r MAXELL UDXL of Ektelon C 90 CASSETTE C 90 CASSETTE and Leach. OUR PRICE OUR PRICE $4.25 $5.20 Also Iflarcraft WITH COUPON paddles and WITH COUPON $3.50 $4.25 paddle halls. OR OR 5 FOR $15 Seamco racquet 5 FOR $20 & paddle balls. PLUS... SPECIAL PRICES ON SELECTED • Featuring the areas largest ITEMS DURING CLINIC DAYS. supply of ADIDAS court shoes Location: 1st street past Capitol HI-FI BUYS 1101 E. GRAND RIVER turn right on Seymour E.L. PH. 337-1767 5-6 blocks on left. M-F 10-8, S 9-5 Monday, November 7, 1977 h^OF^LCOiig IS 71HS WHEN TW6Y U>NT SHOVU you htete rue kcmers a«? Guy Lombardo HOUSTON (UPI) leader - Bend- er said. is dead at 75 Guy Lombardo, whose For millions of infancy. He began his broad¬ In 1954 he began "sweetest music this side of the arrival of Americans, producing New Year with¬ casts in 1924, and they were a summer musicals at the Jones heaven" became a New Year's out Guy fixture on the air waves for Lombardo and His Beach Marine Theater. His first Eve tradition, died Saturday of Royal Canadians playing "Auld decades thereafter. was Arabian a lung ailment complicated by Nights and its Lang Syne" will never be the Lombardo and the Royal success caused him to heart and kidney failure. He repeat it same. Canadians came to the United in 1955. In 1956 and 1957 he was 75. Lombardo's death was Life magazine once wrote States in 1923 and he began his presented Show Boat in what confirmed by a Frank J. that should long association with radio in Lombardo and his was regarded as an outstand Weaver, a spokesman for Lom¬ orchestra fail to 1924 when he persuaded the bardo's play the song ing production of that show. His physician, Dr. Michael at midnight, "a deep uneasiness owner of a Cleveland station to other productions at Jones E. Debakey and the Baylor would run through a large give him time on the air. Each Beach included Around the College of Medicine. American populace - a convic¬ night he took his group to the World in 80 days and Mardi Weaver said Lombardo died tion that studio at his own expense. despite the evidence Gran. Saturday at 9:45 p.m. apparent¬ on every calendar, the New It was in Cleveland that he In 1964 he wrote a book, ly from respiratory insufficien¬ Year has not met Lillibell Glenn, who be¬ really arrived." Sweetest Music This Side of '^L':U cy. Lombardo's wife, Lilliebell Lombardo, was with him at the time of death. Funeral arrange¬ His distinctive sound smooth danceable music and sur¬ came his wife on Sept. 9,1926. In 1929, he opened for the Heaven. He underwent major arterial vived swing, jazz and rock 'n' first time at the New York surgery, performed by famed ments are going to be handled with little change. Guy Lombardo, 1976. Roosevelt Hotel the week of the heart surgeon Dr. Michael De¬ by Fairchild's Funeral Home, Although Lombardo's Garden City, New York, Weav- homo¬ great stock market crash, and bakey. in Houston. Tex., on genized sound brought him the despite the unfortunate timing, Feb. 22,1968. title "King of Corn" from his it was an association that detractors, his was one of the speedboat trophy including the On Oct. 27, 1977, Lombardo continued for decades. Freshman folly: first most bands. successful of the dance bands, even in an era of big Gold Cup in the 1940s. In 1948 he set a world speedboat record of 119.7 mph, breaking the old Lombardo was also businessman, owning two mu¬ an astute was readmitted to Methodist Hospital in Houston with com plications following major blood record of 101 mph. sic publishing Lombardo also companies, and a vessel surgery. He had been I MARK WEST his face. schedule. I had planned to I'd better stop drinking man and his was a sports¬ Lombardo was one of the restaurant in Freeport, Long discharged Oct. 18 in excellent "Mark, I gotta ask you some¬ me "Tempo" speed¬ first entertainers to recognize pie is always full of spend the evening deciding if because I was coming apart at boats captured Island, where he made his condition after Debakey operat tod I got one when I thing. The guys were telling me every top the importance of radio in its the new television season was home. ed on him. the seams. He saw two of me. [to Hubbard for L i had been this that people in Slakers Hall sell their children for as bad as everyone said. Then he asked why the horizon¬ tripled, whiskey "Yeah, I'll go to the kegger," tal hold on the TV wasn't ig manager was well money. Is that true?" I told him. "Where's it at?" being "No, Bernie," I answered fixed. I explained to him that he or my complaints. "Slaker's Hall. I was afraid to n't watching TV. At that I you enjoy living in a calmly. "But they do like to go. I didn't want to support charge a toll when you go point I decided we had better |e asked me. child slavery." Bernie grinned take him home. through on your way to Hub¬ sheepishly. ■think of yourself as bard." By the time we got to Later that evening ! with two other "Then I suppose it's not true an ex¬ Hubbard, Bernie was nearly pedition set out from Hubbard comatose. We that South Hubbard is a half¬ Hall to explore the wilds of put him to bed surrounded by various anti- in the face of way house for girls who don't Slakers Hall. We found the all the way." puke devices (i.e. a plastic bag psychology, go party by following a path of his head, newspapers on ling about being a "No, but you might want to prone bodies and glassy-eyed the floor, etc. etc.). None of 1 that entertainment cuddle up with an an ice cube to zombies. I beyond them worked. For the next two us. Thank get in practice." The usual combination of days no one could walk by I for Welcome Week, "Boy, was that in bad taste. rank keg beer, loud crummy Bernie's room. He claims a ithing more amusing Say, you wanna go to a disco music, and loud crummy buzzard was perched outside Jching a bunch of pegger?" people didn't thrill me much. It his window on a tree for hours. ■navigate themselves "What's that?" I asked seemed people were making I guess all's well that ends jnpus. One can often warily. more moves on each other than with a tolerable smell. Bernie ■ standing in front of "I'm not sure, but John said they were on the dance floor. survived his first kegger, and |es of Freshman Wor- something about going to a Many beers later Bernie told the floor survived his survival. Xglass-enclosed maps pegger and having so much fun ■throughout the cam- he was going to fall down." Bernie's face showed signs of |g of freshmen, I met concentration as he continued. ig one a few weeks le is Bernie, but we "I didn't let on that I didn't know what a pegger was, but I Deadline Extended |e Obvious Freshman. figure it must be a game where Mid-terms were last week and everyone was busy, 10 doubt. You would they tie up one leg so you have then you went and celebrated on Friday, got drunk | if he didn't wear the to hop like you are peg legged." and missed the deadline. We understand, so we are What an imagination this kid accepting forms until Midnight tonight. No forms next several days I has. will be accepted postmarked after w naive and innocent "You are wrong, brain am¬ Midnight NOV. 7,1977. putee. John said kegger. It's a i quiet day when party where people drink one pe to my room with • or more kegs of beer." I (ASMSU Computer Date MaithjJ bkon what passed for mentally reviewed my social THIS WEEK'S INFLATION FIGHTERS 2 fori : all you can : PES MONTE CRISTO fill Cnrce Dinner i eat ; *3.05 | buttermilk pancakes j with coupon Oct. 31,4-10 p.m. jdes salad, entree, I *-99 Tues., Nov. 1,4-10p.m. ! | Wed., Nov. 2, 4-10 p.m. Includes soup or salad with I®, juice & dessert. j with coupon garlic toast. I I BEEF STEAK all you can ... more reasons good from eat '139 fish n' chips j • $1.99 il with coupon with coupoi reg. $2.95 ^rs., Nov. 3,4-10 p.m. ides soup or salad, fries, I Fri., Nov. 4,4-10p.m. | OPEN 24 Hours union rings, and roll. I Served with roll, salad, soup or I J clam chowder. ! 2800 E.GRAND RIVER "Many of the problems we face in East Lansing today result from the different desires of our three basic groups - homeowners, the business community, and the MSU communi¬ OVIRSEAS STUDY ty. If they can't agree, the Council often can't agree, and we're all the poorer for it. "Yet it doesn't have to be that way. If we're willing to make the effort, we can draw on Information Meetings the resources of everyone and every group to make East Lansing a better place to live and work. LONDON 1978 "As a member of the City Council, I'll make that effort. I want to listen to every one who has something to offer. I've been a student at MSU and now I'm a homeowner with a Spring Humanities/Social Science family in East Lansing, so 1 know I can relate to the concerns of my neighbors. HUM 202,203,300; SS 212,223,242,300 "I don't think we should rule out any approach, if it has the possibility of providing a Summer Social Science workable solution. There are some specific things I want to work for. But in general. I SS 241,242,243,300 want to work for all of us - for a better East I-ansing. Summer Humanities HUM 202,203,300 Students are invited to attend one of the information meetings listed below to meet the faculty, learn Elect about costs and travel opportunities, and to see a film about London. Financial aid information will he available. MOMMY NOVEMBER 7 TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8 MBBRODY 628 HUBBARD 7p.NL Karen BARRETT WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9 C I WILSON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10 309 BESSEY 7 p.m. to East Lansing City Council. . . for all of us I For further information, contact OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY rtising Paid for by Citiaens for Karen B Oan L. McNeal, Treasurer IN INTERNATIONAL CENTER 353-8920 1 Daisy Lane, East Lansing 4(123 1 QMichigan State News, Eost Lansing, Michigon Monday, Novemb.r7 J MSU remains 3rd i| ,i kttv. in Big Ten race; top Gophers, 29-10 By MICHAEL KLOCKE But after these two scores the Gophers State News Sports Writer couldn't muster anything against the stingy MSU MSU had thrown only 23 passes in their last defense. The closest they came to scoring came two games and it appeared Darryl Rogers — that after Bruce Reeves fumbled a punt. But Mike revolutionary coach who brought the passing Imhoffs interception stopped that "drive." game to the Big Ten — had decided to emphasize Tackles Melvin Land and Larry Bethea were Paul Klaiinaki converts a pass from Jim Johnson into an overtime sprawled Minnesota goalie Steve Janaazak, who the run like all his colleagues in the conference. making life miserable for quarterbacks Wendell goal to give the Spartans a 4-3 victory Saturday night and a split of night. had iiT" But flanker Kirk Gibson returned to the lineup Avery and Mark Carlson and it seemed they their weekend series with Minnesota. Klasinski put the shot past Saturday and the Spartan passing game re¬ were in the Gopher backfield all day long. turned with him as MSU dumped Minnesota, After Gibson's first touchdown had tied the 29-10. score 10-10, the Spartans got a real break when Gibson, who had missed most of the last three Minnesota roughed punter Ray Stachowitz. That games with a jammed heel, pulled in two long second-half touchdown passes in the come-from- behind win. MSU suffered through a horrendous first half led to a 52-yard field goal by Nielsen, and MSU was in the lead for good. After Imhoffs interception, the clinched the victory when Smith hit Gibson Spartans Klasinski's goal lifts SpartaJ right and their offense just could not get untracked. in stride down the sideline, for an 85-yard By JOE CENTERS From the opening face-off of for the net. He took a pass from and what seemed like They trailed 10-0 in the second quarter before touchdown. On the day Gibson had three a sure period to do all Hans Nielsen's 34 yard field goal put them on the SUte News Sports Writer Saturday's game the Spartans Jim Johnson and slapped it past bi receptions for 148 yards. victory was very much in game right there. The MSU hockey team did it skated and never stopped. Pat . scoreboard. It was the first of three field goals by Another field goal by Nielsen (44 yards) and a Janaszak. doubt. The Nielsen, making him the all time Big Ten leader 15-yard touchdown run by Steve Smith, and the the hard way — but they sure Betterly opened the scoring for Betterly came back 1:05 later But the Spartans had their Gophers goals in the period, stond J in field goals with 41. Spartans became the first team this season to did it. MSU with just 10 seconds left for his second goal of the night best saved for last as Klasinski Power play goals t,oil Leroy McGee busted loose on a 61-yard run to Paul Klasinski's goal with 55 in the first period. Betterly's from passes by Russ Welch and andthe ] beat Minnesota at home. popped home the winner to a short handed set up Nielsen's first seconds remaining in overtime power play goal, assisted by Jim Clifford, and the Spartans MSU's Western goal to J three-pointer. The run was The win keeps MSU in third place in the Big even Collegiate commanding 3-0 load JT MSU's first offensive burst of the day and it gave the Spartans a 4-3 win Ted Huesing and John Sikura, had a commanding 3-0 lead half Ten with a 4-1-1 record (5-3-1 overall) going into over Minnesota Hockey Association (WCHA) final period. was his first of the season and seemed to give them a lift. this week's game against winless Northwestern. Saturday and a way through the game. record to 2-2 and raise their Minnesota added i_ The Spartans were awesome at the beginning Northwestern has only beaten one team in the split of the weekend series. the first in over a year for him. Then it was the Gophers' season record to 2-4. MSU had built up a 3-0 lead He missed most of last season goal, and it wasa't IZZA Monday Nito Football Let fit you 1312 Mich. Ave. us for BIG SCREEN T.V. HAS COME TO E. LANSING the FREE DILIVIRY 337-1377 upcoming hoop season. 8:00 P.M. P.S. We now have TIGER 8 NIKE ond volleyball shoes. wrestling Tues. Nite Spaghetti: All You Can Kat IDON'T FORGET OUR $2.00 6-9 P.M. ■FREE CASSETTE RECORDER Any tequila drink '/> price ICLINIC ... 9-close frank shorter sports I NOVEMBER 7 & 8... E. LANSING Open M-F: 11 a.m. Sat.-Sun.: Noon 1227 E.Gd. River CAREER 217 Ann St. HI-FI BUYS * 1101 E.GRAND RIVER 1 Blk. West of 332-6517 Hagadom NIGHT A career in law— E.L. PH. 337-1767 M-F 10-8, S 9-5 •eedFeod ★ Piua ★ Boose Tuesday, Nov. 8th without law school. What can you do with only a bachelor's degree? P———'CUP AND SAVE"———I 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an undergraduate education and a challenging, responsible [Noon Sat. Nov, 19th, 1977 I Good Driving Record? j B-104 Wells career. The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do work tionally done by lawyers. tradi¬ Three months of intensive training can give you the j Bad Driving Record? Senior Class Council skills—the courses are taught by lawyers. You choose one of the seven courses offered—choose the lannial city in which you want to work. ! GREAT RATES and Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal placed more than 2,000 graduates in law firms, banks, Training has and corporations in over 80 cities. Placement Services i FOR BOTH If you are a senior of high academic standing and are interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, we'd like present to meet you. Contact your placement office for interview with Jack Shingleton an our WILLIAMS; director, placement services representative. We will visit your campus on: MSU '68 i Ed Fitzpatrick assistant direcotr, placement services TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 332-1638 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 | 401 W.GRAND RIVER 6(88 Lawler recruitment s placement ford motor company The Institute for Paralegal Training -SENTRY ♦Resume Writing interviewing 235 South 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 (215) 732-6600 w ♦Employee Viewpoint Operated by Para-legal, Inc ■-.CLIP AND SAVE.———1 ] 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lansing. Michigan Hugs and Abusive parents may seek help more children in the U.S. than QUICHES worker with the Ingham County apartments," Powers said. Ptrent< living in MSU hous¬ parents, emphasizing preven¬ disease. He cited studies Thru Thursday, Deadline 5 p.m.. Nov. ing who fear they are guilty of tion and crises intervention. Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. "We see this as a major breakthrough, and a vital part any showing child abuse to be a buy one quiche and ASMSUoroammminn 7, today i '• % C "We're very excited about child abuse may seek help in a this group," said the Rev. Jon of UUMC's special ministry to greater killer of six-month to special, preventive therapy "We have been working for married and single parents at one-year-old children than any Powers, a pastor at UUMC and group sponsored by the Uni¬ year to provide a the university." specific disease, cancer or mal¬ the church's liaison to the versity United Methodist non-court-ordered, voluntary formation. After the age of or- Church. university apartments. Powers added that it has been group for the prevention of child The group sessions will be "Many parents attending the abuse for MSU university estimated that child abuse kills held weekly at the church, 1120 university are under a great deal of stress, increasing the S. Harrison in East Lansing, beginning at 8 tonight. The possibility of child abuse. Until Apartments gutted in fire i, they've had no place to sessions are part of the church's turn for help," he explained. outreach program for residents "We want to emphasize that of University Apartments. this group will be voluntary and Babysitting will be provided if confidential." needed. LANSING (UPI) - An ex¬ The explosion around mid¬ The group will function as a Therapists for the group will plosion and fire early Saturday night first gutted the unfinished chapter of Parents Anonymous be John R. Hurley, a psychology at a new southwest side apart¬ building, but firemen of Lansing, an organization professor at MSU, and Pat ment complex caused an esti¬ unable to prevent the flames focusing on the needs of abusive Atkinson, a psychiatric social mated $250,000 damage. from spreading because of 20- mile-per-hour winds. At the Authorities said the blaze height of the blaze, 75 firemen began in an unoccupied building still under construction at the Waverly Park Apartments. Author to speak Flames then door spread to a next building with 42 occupied units. There were no injuries. on threat posed by nuclear weaponry Sidney Lenz, author and representatives of lecturer on the international peace organization. arms race, will be in the Lansing area Monday and Tuesday as part of a speak¬ ing tour for the national Mobilization For Survival. The mobilization's chief concern is that the prolifera¬ tion of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy pose the gravest threat to the human race today, according to C lHf I' :0li r> Funnier then groove tube wtwitoKgHUWf*-! More outrogeou, thon < 7 "Tunnel Vision*' TV/1, if f 1 1 run e f Tl KSi, V; \( >v KUHKi; I..: • ( ) i ' 1 ! -11 :\'!S( )\ . "mm" I' M 1 1 'I !< )(;SK ISi, maa TICKETS 6.50 7.50 Available .r 1 ; Siibf'. MMby: i15 W MmMtuttta 1 ()■ TiitelKM tftttUI "SSeJ Monday. November 7, 1977 13 fHE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 _ CIomMmI AAvortlstog 1 ***« m r imi c*]l iiffl h»p« ii»i PORSCHE 1970 914, rust- SAFETY SERVICES Special- M°DELS rwi-1 inn i jixitfcjiy proofed, 30 mpg, new steel ist, some college preferred, WANJED. 18/ HOUSEPARENTS-IMMEDI- WANTED/FREE lance artist. ACCOUNTING MAJORS- MALE ROOMMATE wanted «J55-I255 147 Stydent Service* Bldg. belted rsdials, AM/FM 8- background in water safety i°,Un'ri!!ra Z 3811-9 (31 ATE opening for live-in situa- tion with Must be able to sketch junior level or above. Tempo- for modem duplex. Own track, perfect condition, cue- required, good public speak- no dependent child- courtroom scenes. Part-time rary full or part time employ- tom interior. 676-7190. rento room, 1110/month. Call any¬ ing ability, must be e good provide loving care to position with an equal oppor- ment beginning Mid-January GIRLS NEEDED for phone children of deceased or dis- time, 351-7423. 3-11-7(41 Z-5-1J-1K4I organizer, must be a resident tunity employer. Write P.O. thru April 15th. We will teach RATES soliciting. Part time. No abled veterans. One partner I day-WK per line of Ingham County excluding Box 30380, Lansing, Mi. Federal, State, and Local OWN ROOM in DAW STARFIRE 1975-poWer steer- experience necessary. For large apart- I days-MX per line the city of Lansing, must interview call Barb Wakefield may hold outside employ- 48909. Please include a tele- taxes. You must be able to ment 195/month off Haslett * j- ing and brakes. V-6, AM/FM. meet this VI Cats eligibility at 321-8660, after 5 p.m. ment. VFW NATIONAL Ph°ne number where you attend free tax clinic week of Rd., east of Marsh Rd. on bus ISM 1 days-7i« per line $2900.394-2931. 8-11-8(3) requirement. Inquire at the HOME, Eaton Rapids, 663- csn be reached. 3-11-9(10) December 19, and devote f iit I4eyt-7t««<*>ces. MIN-A-MART 110, 2168 Hours 7:45 A.M. to 5P.M. tered/Registree eligible. Runs good. 1350 or best Apply in person only. JACKS week. Automobile required, with alternate Saturdays and IT IS the policy of the STATE offer. Cell Marty 351-7131. West Grand River, Okemos Phone 3389500, 339-3400. Respiratory therapy techni- L. 2 p.m. • I dan day belore publicolion. <*>"»' of Lo9an and dol|V- Wednesdays off. Apply in cians full time 3-11:30 p.m. NEWS that the last 4 weeks 3-11-9(3) 8-11-10(61 (across from Bid Knappsl C-2811-3814) person immediately 9 A.M. to of term all Student Classified Icellotion/Chonge ■ I p.m. ■ I dan day before Tuesday, November 8, 1977 noon. SIMPLIFIED BOOK- Excellent benefits that I publication. 7 p.m.-9p.m. 4-11-8(201 include paid vacation after 1 advertising must be paid for VOLKSWAGEN--_ RAbItT TIRE REPAIR-Monday, KEEPING 6 TAX SERVICE, in advance beginning Nov¬ fee od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed 1975. Very good condition. WA,ITRiSS' EXPERIENCE Pra,a,rad- December-March. Wednesday, Friday, year- Inc., 4305 S. Cedar St. year employment paid holi- ember 14,1977. Bring or mail ■ until after lit Iniertion. round, will train, must have 2-11-8(12) days, sick leave, health insur- to 347 Student Services. Ire ir a '1.00 charge for 1 ad change plus 50' per Will take older van for trade. Frln9a benefits, room and FULL TIME janitorial days. ovm car or van Call 1-772- anCe tuition reimburse- 393-5630 4-11-8(4) board. Apply CRYSTAL ments, and retirement pro- Sp-23-12-9(8) Must have car, Jerry 482- 4756. Z-8-11-11I4I | additional change for maximum of 3 changes. MOUNTAIN, Thompsonville, FREE ROOM and board for gram. Apply E. W. SPAR- I State Newt will only be responsible for the lit VW 1971 Super Bug. sun Mich. 496B3. 616-378-2911. 6232.811-7(3) 'ornate in November for baby- ROW I day's incorrect iniertion. Adjustment doimi must FULL AND part time jobs. HOSPITAL, 1215 E. roof, no rust, 11300 355-3256 Z-5-11-7(6) sitting, light housework. Ref- Michigan, Lansing, 48910. A 1,3,31 I be made within 10 doys of expiration dote. or 355-2250. 5-11-1113) GOOD DRUMMER needed to Fx.callen,j,a'n 09,S, f,?,?28' orences, call 487-8749. join established band. Must 4-6 p.m. daily. 811-11(3) non-discriminatory affirma- ■port—♦» ■ ore due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not 811-16(51 live action employer, male/ ■ paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will I be due. IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks riCK^band ^sk^seaKm sing some lead. Mostly weekends, call Universe, 676- HOUSEKEEPER WANTED- JOB OPENINGS-full, part- female handicap. 8-11-8(18) • fully carpeted p|ay top ^ rock country> 5822 or 349-5057 5-11-7-141 Lansing Country Club area. time. Excellent pay, advance- • 901 heat and central air fnn S'udentAdver"8' r ' , CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN, Duties include cooking, ment opportunities for the conditioning m « Cnr Dei) I *1* XnTb^nn^ Nov'em"! bar 14,1977. Bring or mall to «'6-378-29,1. Z-5-11-7151 WAiTnccccc: r' ; experience prefened l uuAWTcn _ii butnotI cleaning, chauffeuring. Full right person. Call 374-6328 time position for responsible between 4-6 p.m. 8-11-16(51 I II XJ • • swimming pool 24-hour maintenance ^ . . 372-810o!ext. . 'Blrti,'e 1 Aitwitiw Iffi 347 Student Services. Sp-23-12-9(81 RN NEEDED immediately, rARATc' oktaiiSI'nt 8-11-11(7) Ca|| 55. STORE DETECTIVES-call PRIME OFFICE space in P-K Building, 301 M.A.C. One • play ground for children • no pets every qther weekend. Day die 316 u N. r Capital downtown 641-6734 between 10 a.m. Private office plus one two- FORD PICK-UP 1969 360 V8 ESC0RTS WANTED. 16/ and 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. call for information 349-MOO VW CAMPER 1966. Rebuilt shifl, douWe and 'A for Lansing. 811-1015) hour. No training necessary. roomsuiteof 914 square feet. engine, 4 speed transmission, engine, nice interior. 1875 holidays. Call 646-6258, Lois ----------- 0-1811-30(31 Newiy decorated with choice 10-5 Tuesday-Friday good condition. 4660, cell Call 489-2278. Z-30-11-9 (3) of floor covering. All utilities 10-2 372-8373. 8-11-14(31 Matin. 811-21(51 PERSON TO sell advertising Saturday 353-8166. 8-11-1414) for new sports newspaper. UNIFORMED SECURITY Of- including heat and air condi- WAITRESSES WANTEO VOLVO 145,1973, air, power Part time, commission basis. ficers can 54(0734 between honing. Call 485-6104 for Knob Hill MAG CARD II operator for time. _ 2, eutometic, buck- GRAN TOrTno7 79737 sir, steering and brakes, good East Lansing law office. Full Good experience for advertis- part PINE LOUNGE, 1591 Lake Lansing LAKE 10am and3om Monday appointment.811-11(101 l/FM, 30 mpg. 11800. steel redisls. Elite Interior. n. in. 11 arum Apartments T. C-17-11-31I3I Good condition. 355-5995 tires, interior clean. 394-1669, time, good benefits. Experi- ing student. 485-0765. Rd. 339-1522. 8-11-7141 Friday. OM6-1J-30(3) Terri. 8-11-1413) enced. Call 361-6200 Avail¬ 8"11"15151 f ~~~ etter 5 p.m. 6-11-913) able immediately. 8-11-715) RESIDENT 7.7 ~ 7 " ~ Res- MANAGER. ~ DRIVERS NEEDED- PIZZA inart—k EXPRESS for the East Lan "f" ▼ LfdWonAei!9w'ulee GREMUN X1973-1974. Sten- STUDENTS-THE part-time job. .Evenings, must perfect ponsible hard working mar- FEMALE NEEDED-share furnished apartment, 175/ ■ . new'tires. cm 337- dard transmission. AM/FM stereo, new 'tires, exhaust Art SwfaTlfTj KEY PUNCH operator for 2nd shift, 4-12 p.m. Call 371-1000 for appointment. 811-14(3) be neat, dependable and have transportation. Call 658 ned couple needed to man- age a 41 unit student rental mission. Call 351-3421 after 4 p.m. Must have own car. HAYFORD SOUTH, large basement apartment. Two month Collingwood. Call Dee 351-5212. 3-11-9(31 end shocks. 356-6152. apartment building. Call LANSING'S LARGEST sup¬ 3931 between 3 p.m. and 5 Cathy 351-8,35. 0-8-9„-14(6l ^ hndroom Dartlv furnished ^t to 37.000 mitae, ™'_ ply of foreign car workshop WAITRESSES / WAITERS- RECEPTIONIST TYPIST- 7497.0-811-11(5) IIM ONE MAN needed immedi¬ ately for old Cedar Village .VSJJf1' 13400 - r. full time days, excellent work¬ B.HV1W3I HONDA CVCC 1976 Hetcli- manuals in stock. CHEQUE¬ Aunu mn m.nv hilk? Pav JEWELRY SALES part time Dictaphone experience a apartment, 190/month. 337- ing conditions, medical bene¬ ^ ^ ^Jp))9d AM/FM RED FLAG FOREIGN CAR fits. Apply BURCHAM HILLS ,h! J?„Hh^Imnn.v them all and have money m to help needed, experience pre- plus. Pleasant phone person- WANTED: FEMALE room- 0787. 1-11-7131 IK green 4- n«r#0- Extra sharP- Flrat PARTS, 2606 East Kalama¬ RETIREMENT CENTER, 2700 ferfed but npt neccessary aiity necessary. Full time mate for 4-man apartment >Ud rrinrxr43300 4®'3419' zoo St., one mile west of Burcham Dr., East Lansing. ap!raJ""h. 482-68SG earnings. Praaant|y seeking ^ peop|e permanent. Excellent oppor- near campus. Phone 351- FEMALE STUDENT wanted ptsorllOOO. 541-6844. . campus. C-9-11-11(24) 3-11-7(6) Cj81 T7-I4) for mornings, afternoons or tunity for serious minded 6029.811-15(3) to share 2 bedroom apart¬ KARMANN GHIA convert¬ WAITRESSES WANTED evenings. Apply in person Person with skills. Apply in ment in E. Lansing. 351-0161 ible 1972. Michelin tires, AM/ E.K.G. TECHNICIAN neat deMndable experience F0X JEWELERS, Frandor person 9 a.m. to noon. SIM- ONE BEDROOM apartment, after 6 p.m. 4-1,-714) FM stereo, new top. 33 mpg. MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto Immediate openings for nmferrXor lunchTr^toh,? preferred for lunch or nights, Shopping Center. 811-9(71 PLIFIED BOOKKEEPING & near Capital, MSU easy drive. TAX SERVICE, Inc., 4305 S. Excellent condition, 11850. TRAINED E.K.G. technicians. Carpeted, furnished, utilities TWO BEDROOM duplex painting-collision service. Full time, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., TAVFRNA M? F jX iust BUSPERSONS LUNCHES Cedar St. 2-11-8(121 paid 1136/month deposit. No Waverly Carpeted, m_-6M9. JMVTMI American-foreign cars. every other weekend. Excel¬ i»., westofS. nf s r»rt., R i11Rr7l Cedar. 8-11-16(71 10:30 am-3pm. LION'S DEN Saturday calls-phone 627- area. basement, large backyard, MALIBU 1978, low milesge, 4880256. C-20-11-38(41 RESTAURANT, 213 S. RN'S & LPN'S. Part-time 4318.8-11-16(6) lent benefits that include paid 1230 month/plus utilities. No excellent condition, super vacation after 1 year employ¬ ia/aitdccc dadt Tint a Grand- downtown Unsing. and full time. Call 323-9133, children or pets. Call 321- clesn. 393-1191. 5-11-7131 IMPORT AUTO parts and ment, paid holidays, sick T time Appj r THE --------SUBLEASE ONE bedroom 8489 or 3383935. 8-11-10(61 repair. 20% discount to stu¬ leave, health insurance, tui¬ CABARET. 489-6967. 2 pm-4 pm. 8-11-1416) |T IS the policy of the STATE MERCURY MONTEREY, dents and faculty on cash/ tion reimbursements and 7-11-10(3) 1972, four door, AM/FM, ell carry service parts in stock. NEWS that the last 4 weeks 353-W91 or 484-0267. retirement program. Apply RECEPTIONIST — - CLERK, of term all Student Classified Hwsts power, high mileage. 351- Check our prices and reputa¬ E.W. SPARROW HOSPI¬ RELIABLE PERSON to sit in 5264 after 6 p.m. 3-11-7(41 Temporary tax season posi- advertising must be paid for ~ ~ ~ tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at TAL. 1215 E. Michigan. Lan¬ my home Fridays, own trans- tion in busy accounting in advance Cedar, 4882047, 4889229. portation. Call evenings. 349- beginning Nov- FEMALE TO sublease Eden SIX BEDROOM house, 1 sing, 48910. A non-discrimi¬ office. Attention to detail ember 14, 1977. Bring in or R°<* apartment starting Jan- MUSTANG MACH I 1969 West campus shop. 488 natory affirmative employer, 5830. 8-11-7(4) block from campus. 9 month necessary. Figure aptitude a mail to 347 Student Services, uary. Call 351-0476. 4-speed 351 V-8, posi-trac- 0409. Free wrecker service male/female handicap. plus. Light typing. Position Sp-23-12-918) 811-15(3) lease or less. Cheap, 351- tion, holley AM/FM stereo, with repairs with mention of 8-11-8(16) WANTED COCKTAIL wait- open from January 15, thru --— -■- - - - - - 5510. STE-MAR REALTY. new brakes. Excellent, 358 811-9(4) this ad. Local areas. ress nights 812 p.m. Apply in April 15. Hours 7:45 A.M. to 5 WANTED-CAR stereo instal- GRADUATE OR married stu- i cylinder. 4889. Z-4-11-8(41 Ft C-20-11 -30-( 11) SANTA HELPERS full end person. No experience neces- P-M. Apply in person immedi- lers. Experienced only. Apply mechanically, body dents. New luxury 2 bedroom part time. November 28 HUDDLE NORTH ft-3942.8-11-10(3) MIDGET 1971. Nice car AM JUNK CARS wanted. Also December 24. Apply in per¬ sary. LOUNGE, 309 N. Washing- ately 9 A.M. to noon. SIM- in person at 6040 South apartment. East Lansing bus ROOMMATE NEEDED, own PLIFIED BOOKKEEPING & Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing, service. No pets. Start at /FM cassette deck. Best offer selling used parts. Phone son Meridian Mall Manage¬ bedroom, farmhouse, 4-miles ton, downtown Lansing. TAX SERVICE, INC., 4305 S. between 10am-9pm. Mon- 1230. Call 351-9483 or 361- >, STATION wag- 4886015. 14-11-14-13) from campus. Phone 337- B silver anytime 351-3651. ment Office. 8-11-8(6) 811-16(61 Cedar St. 2-11-8(151 day-Friday. 811-9(61 9195 after 6 p.m. 2811-38(61 with red 7776. 2-11-8(41 C-1811-3W3I F 27,000 miles, Ah/I¬ NEED CASH? We buy im¬ nk conditioning, rust ports and sharp late model GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- ■Juggage rack. Excellent 1. 14600. 349-0724. compacts. Call John De 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, KEY SENIORS and CHADS ■ON 71 4 cylinder se- Young, 484-1341 C-2811-38(5) WILLIAMS or 484-2561, V.W. good supply of snow tires. PENNELL SALES. 130114 East Kalamazoo, Lansing. PUNCH OPERATORS PEACE CORPS AND VISTA REPRESEN¬ TATIVES WILL BE ON CAMPUS NOV¬ PEOPLE REACHER ■food angina, 1900/ 482-5818 C-2811-3815) ■Call 485-3041, (*• 2-3.11-9(3) early-late OLDS 88. 1962, four door, good condition, new tires. 351-7504.811-15(3) • Employment U,T„, Modern growing 488 bed EMBER 7 & 8 AT THE PLACEMENT CENTER. SIGN UP NOW FOR AN INTERVIEW. WANT AD ""v oziO 1975. Low Laming haipital has im¬ -Mo rust, 12400. 30 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS mediate openings lor lull Just complete form and BUSBOYS PART time. Ap¬ time Key Punch Operatori 107-4755, days. Supreme Coupe 1972. Air, ply in person. WALNUT ...THINACI CORPS mail with payment to: expanding dofo pro¬ automatic, power steering, HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. cessing center. power brakes AM-FM, 64,000 811-8(31 HELP PEOPLE IN DEVELOPING NA¬ State News Classified Dept. „ "OVALE, 1973. miles. Cell 6582908. " stereo, TIONS HELP THEMSELVES. BESIDES loaded, new 811-8(5) 347Student Services Bldg. *349-2596. 811-10(3) Ideal candidate lor this PERSONAL sponsible position will have FULFILLMENT, YOU CAN East Lansing, Mich. 48823 OLDS DELTA 881970,4 door * COLT GET THESE BENEFITS AS A PEACE " wagon 1974. automatic, no rust, wifes car, Your key to a experience on the IBM 3742. Position offers opportunities '. luggage ♦750. 361-8068. C-2-11-7I3I CORPS VOLUNTEER: Name for individual growth. luxury Apartment Address OPEL MANTA Roily 1974. LIVING EXPENSES MONTHLY SAVINGS ALLOTMENT Good condition, many extras. ,976. ^6^ The hospital offers excel, TRAVEL ALLOWANCE PAID VACATION City Zip Code Best offer, 372-0081. _ FAM'FM, CB. Unique lent fringe benefits that in¬ W patiaBy 811-7(3) clude paid vocation ond HEALTH BENEFITS Daytime Phone Student Number customized, ft!'Photo, call Jeff tuition reimbursement after Classification Preferred Insertion Date p"'564.811-14(5| PINTO RUNABOUT, 1974, year employment. We also ...VISTA _ _ AM/FM radio, automatic. Ex¬ offer paid holidays, sick pay. hospital paid health insur- J J®5 cellent condition, 11395, 627- HIHMYHUS and pension plan. VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE TO AMERICA 25 characters in line, including punctuation and spaces between words. Tradesman- 7027,811-14(3) 2 Bedroom Townhouses HELP AMERICANS IN LOW INCOME a ^"•wor. ■ Wst excellent offer, Salary is commemorate with experience. Apply to: must AREAS LIFT THEMSELVES OUT OF Print Ad here .-r??. 6-11-11(4) PINTO WAGON, 1974, auto¬ matic, roof rack. 11296. Call 'Spacious *2 levels POVERTY. VISTA VOLUNTEERS RE¬ Dee, 694-3971 Monday-Fri¬ 'Balcony 'Carpeting CEIVE THESE BENEFITS: ROSS P. ALAND6B day, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 811-9(4) •Dllhwashar 'Modern ASSISTANT WRSONNEl DIRECTOR LIVING EXPENSES PAID VACATION E.W. SPARROW HOSPITAL CIRCLE RATE WANTED 3 LINE MINIMUM PINTO, 1974 Bronze, 43,000 351-5937 121S E. MICHIGAN HEALTH BENEFITS MONTHLY SAVINGS ALLOTMENT miles. Little rust. Call 338 nnaaranranmcc! 9663. 811-15(3) 332-6492 LANSING, MICH. 4W10 TRAVEL nanniaDcncoGaED naciocniTicDEnm )723Combria Drive A non-discriminatory SIGN UP TODAY IN THE PLACEMENT I - 11 '976 302 nEiEiiocirnFnmm -- PONTIAC GRAND La Mans affirmative ocllon employer L^'0*. Excellent 4-door, air, power steering East Lansing Male/Female Handicap OFFICE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ON mrcDcnmrnrnrnrn and brakes. Cad after 6 p.m. doie to bus line NOVEMBER 7 OR 8. linen L^jioarnnirD 337-7349.1811-11(4) □HUD ED ED EH ED CDD3 J 4Michigon State News, Eost lonsing. Michigor WJB British U.N. debate THREE BEDROOM duDlex. duple*. Fireplace, basement, garage. Near LCC. $210/month. 485 APPLES, CIDER, BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, The Wadow- IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified majority rule chn„ 'Ufl ski'$2 miles N. of Leslie, 3597 (continued from pace 1) nationalist leaders over the gabe, coleadera of the guerrilla black-ruled statea 9317 after 4 p.m. 5-11-7-15) Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours, advertising must be paid for neighboring 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays,. in advance beginning Nov¬ whites, outnumbered more composition and leadership of Patriotic Front, but reached no Zimbabwe that support the Namib'a (South» announced f0 ' 1 WOMAN: OWN large room. 1-589-8251 Gift packages ember 14,1977. Bring or mail than 20-to-one by the 6.4 million blacks. country's the country's army during the agreement. The nationalists guerrillas. ;«| Close to campus.Parking. No shipped by UPS. to 347 Student Services. transition. The two envoys met want In Lusaka, Zambia, the Zim¬ pets. Available 11/26, 337 OR-20-11-30-18) Sp-23-12-9(8) Carver also said differences Tanzania last Monday with in Smith's white-led army dis¬ babwe People's Voice, 2236. 5-11-11(31 remained between Smith and banded and official raMt Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mu- replaced by the organ of Nkomo'a faction of the INDIAN RIVER Citrus-deliv¬ ONE AND two bedroom guerrilla forces. Smith wants to Patriotic Frodt, called the Car- the C nite<1 IT IS the policy of the STATE ered from Florida within everything furnished except retain as much control as ver-Chand mission "a calculated N«iom NEWS that the last 4 weeks electric. 10 minutes from E. "L~ hours of picking. Naval or¬ possible over the new army. Publishing questioned of term all Student Classified ploy of the British government anges, $8.S0/case, grape¬ Lansing, no pets. 641-6601. "Everyone agrees that the aimed at delaying black advertising must be paid for fruits $7.50/case. Call by 0-1511-22-151 major¬ whole question of security is an in advance beginning Nov¬ November 14. Days 485-0783; essential one," Carver said. ity rule In Rhodesia." 5^ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail evenings 371-3996 or 627- THREE STUDENTS needed (continued from page 1) "One of the problems that face In another to 347 Student Services. 2844. 8-11 for a 3 bedroom double wide "It's rare that an individual ends up without a teaching job development, 10 Sp-23-12-9(8) 16(9) just white Rhodesians is the ques¬ black tribal groups and the mobile home located 10 miles because he's not published enough . '' tion of safeguards there are white Republican party in FIREPLACE, WALK to cam¬ from MSU. A six month lease Wagner said most people accept the publishing requirement as FOR SALE portable TV in plus deposit. Partly furnished. going to be to make sure it is pus, garage, one or two excellent condition. $28. part of their jobs. "Really, people are excited about their job and persons to share home, $160/ $130/eech utilities included. want to make good and safe for them to stay month. 351-2566 Phone 484-8783. E-5-11-1113) 67575896-11 p.m. 511-14(8) scholarly contributions." he said. "It'sjust a matter of here after independence." days how much they want to do." mostly. 8-11-1614) Carver and Chand met with PHOTO GRAY lens, bifocal CHAMPION, 1962. Fenced in Thompson also felt the "publish or perish" slogan was not military leaders Wednesday. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom. or single vision. OPTICAL lot, shed, many extras price entirely accurate. " British sources said they would DISCOUNT, 2617 E. Mich¬ 'Publish or perish' should be changed to 'publish and it will help Near campus, newly redecor¬ negotiable. 351-7294. sit down again with both sidea igan, Lansing. 372-7409. 8-11-5(31 you prosper,' " he said. ated. $190/month. Call Carol at a later date. They are C-5-11-11(4) "Pressure (to publish) comes from inside the person. The person 321-2487 or 371-5531. 8-11-15(5) who enters into academic life meeting this week with leaders (continued from page SMITH CORONA electric generates pressure on himself. You of Botswana and 1) FIVE BEDROOM typewriter. Excellent condi¬ [ lust I Fowd ][Q] don't have to tell a professor it's good to publish — he knows it." Moiambique, Mafia. He said it was Adamson. didn't say Max Dunlap. He didn't He said, 'thev fl„ „ house. Available now. 1114 Kalama¬ tion. Best offer. 351-5848. Adamson had said say Kem«r himT ft zoo. $200/month. 641-4007; 1-11-7(3) LOST: BLUE and grey varsity Typiig Service * Dunlap told hint wholesaler, had ordered Bolles' death M Tat , ■ 6414107. X-8-11-8(3) SPEAKER-5 months old, jacket with white C's. Much personal value. 3552554. wrote opposing Marley'a nomination because! to th. 2-10" woofers, 2 mid, 2 8-11-16(31 Commission. ne ™"B PERSON TO have room in our 3 bedroom home $100/ tweeters per cabinet. Home¬ month & utilities. 351-5975. 5-11-8(3) made, excellent, must hear. $300 for pair. Call Dennis LOST SILVER Seiko watch in Human Ecology Building Marley testified he had nothing wasnot charged. to do with thl. ™ '"liql I 351-7776. Z-4-11-10(5) Announcements for It'a Michigan Archaeological Thursday. Reward. 353-0540. UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS What's Happening must be Society meets at 7:30 p.m. 3 BEDROOM, all furnished, 8-11-16(3) complete dissertation and GARRARD 440 M turntable received in the State News Tuesday in MSU Museum resume service; security deposit, 6 month typesetting, Coca-Cola Co. $35, 3-speed girl's bike $30. FOUND FRIDAY prescription office, 343 Student Services Auditorium. Lee Minnerly will lease. 882-0173. Z-3-11-7I3I IBMtyping, editing, muftilith 3553256 or 3552250. sunglasses on Grand River Bldg., by noon at least two be the speaker. offsetprinting and binding. 511-11(3) class days before publication. EAST-NEED 1 for 3 man, near Campus Corners. 351- We encourage comparative No announcements will be 3915. 2-11-813) Student Homebuilder's own room, parking, on bus¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE shopping. For estimate stop accepted by phone. Club will meet at 7 tonight in line, $90+. 484-1978. in at 2843 East Grand River or (continued from page 3) NEWS that the last 4 weeks 183 Natural Resources Bldg. wealth and X-8-11-8(31 LOST: LADIES gold Cara- phone 332-8414. ducting a massive bribery oper¬ takingm. of term all Student Classified velle wrist watch. Reward Video Workshop needs Dallas trip committees will be resources o! i, ation and with the 4 Advertising must be paid for offered. Call Marci 351-9401. C-20-11-30-191 crew for East Lansing City discussed. change in States. _ WALK TO campus. Four in advance beginning Nov¬ Council meetings on the first government those taking One member of 3-11-9(41 (L J bedroom, fireplace, 2 baths, PROMPT TYPING bribes were no longer in ember 14, 1977. Bring or mail servi and third Tuesdays of each high termed the $450/month plus utilities. Call to 347 Student Services. LOST: LADIES two toned Theses, term papers, month. Get information on office. Cuter* 'ion's propoul EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. I.B.M. 694-1541. the second floor of the Council of Graduate Stu¬ The last t< Sp-23-12-9(81 sumes. way Coca-Cola 0-20-11-30-14) cross without chain. Lost Union. dents will have a regular production "obseeie, between Division and Ad 0-7-11-9-13) starves people, Tharp said, is "At s time INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ meeting at 6:30 tonight in tha wheom-j Building. Reward. Days 353- by taking foreign exchange out are ing $1-2 for albums in good TYPING TERM papers and Folk dancing at 8:30 to¬ Con-Con Room of the Inter¬ of countries. starving, 1 thitTSU I bit W shape. WAZOO RECORDS, 223 Abbott, E, Lansing. 337- 4447, evenings 332-2022. 2-11-5(51 thesis, IBM experienced, fast night in Bailey School gym, three blocks from Berkey national Center. "They import Coke instead of right up there with bomb," ik he said. J 0974. 0-1-11-7(5) service. Call 351-8923. food for themselves, he said. Another mealier f OWN ROOM available in LOST: 1974 woman's U of M 0-20-11-35(3) 'To educate for In 1939, he said, the Brazilian Carter for J coed duplex, good room¬ MUST SELL. Marantz 1060 class ring. Gold with blue Attention: Political Science libertyl" The organizational meeting dictator Vargos, changed the acceptuu^^ mates, near campus. 332- 1728. 8-11-10(31 112 tuner, Pioneer pro¬ amp, stone. 387-1171. Call persist¬ LOOKING FOR Advisory Council will meet at of the Intercollegiate Studies pure food and drug laws and contributions from Coca-Colt and p*l ently. 2-11-7131 GREAT JOB?—get head ject 100 speakers. Pioneer PL a 2:45 today in 103 S. Kedzie Institue is at 8:30 tonight in tax laws to allow Coca-Cola to "It's impossible 12DII turntable. Best offer. irt on that firlt impres- Hall. 331 Union. be sold and manufactured in the a" le^ EAST LANSING, share fur¬ Ml by having your r( naught; Augieat 351-3482. 2-11-7151 country. nished duplex, one room. Persoial tvpetet. Tha Typecuttar AIKIDO, MARTIAL ART Disarmament work analo¬ Tharp responded, 'hi "This gave Coca-Cola 40 Busline, $110. 374-6366. MAYTAG DISHWASHER n make your credentials FOR SELF-DEFENSE AND gizing session with Sydney a they come right to ma 0-20-11-30(3) portable, copper, large capa¬ stand out in any stack of PERSONAL GROWTH meets Lens, author of "Day Before percent lower tax than Brazil¬ as they did withtheKj. DUE TO the unprecedented ian soft drinks. The company's umes. Looks much bet- city. $100. 694-5135 after 6 demand for Linda Ronstadt/ from 9 to 10:30 p.m. on Doomsday", for interested Ecology seminar, it J CAMPUS NEAR, clean, fur¬ p.m. 2-11-713) than typing, net profits for last quarter were Stephen Bishop concert, ar¬ Tuesdays and Thursdays and people, at 7 p.m. Tuesday in expose them." nished. Share modern kitch¬ a call -we're 1 to 3 p.m. Sundays in the the Peace Center, $93.3 million, and much of the rangements have been made 1118 en and bath. From $85/ JUST IN time for Christmas. very reasonable. 487-9295. Judo Room of the Men's IM S. Harrison Rd. with Linda Ronstadt's staff to money came out of foreign month, 485-1436 or 351-6471. Macrame planters-your Bldg. nations," he said. hang the lighting system 0-20-11-30(4) IT IS the policy of the STATE choice. From $2-$20. 2310 Bernard St. 393-3348. 511-10(4) from the roof of Munn Arena to make available 1,000 more ANN BROWN PRINTING AND TYPING. Dissertations, MSU Bible Study meets at Programing Board is "This denies countries the means foreign money — QUIC NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified MUST SELL-Leaving town. seats that were previously obstructed. Tickets are now resumes, general printing. Serving MSU for 27 years 11:30 a.m. today in C304 Wells Hall, Wednesday in accepting applications for the 1978 chairperson til 5 p.m. on — to import the things they need." he said. aroundj available at the MSU UNION, C312 Wells Hall andTuesday Nov. 21 in 334 Student Ross 10 speed bike, excellent with complete theses service. In the discussion which Advertising must be paid for DISCOUNT RECORDS and and Thursday in R220 N. Services in advance beginning Nov¬ condition, best offer. 3450850. C-3511-35(5) Interviews begin followed Tharp's talk, Call at SOUNDS AND DIVER¬ Natural Resources Bldg. numer¬ Nov. 23. ember 14, 1977. Bring or mail 337-7640. 511-8(4) ous concerns were SIONS. 6-11-10(16) EXPERT TYPING service by expressed to 347 Student Services. Christian Science Organi¬ by the audience. MSU grad. 17 years experi¬ Come sing cathes, carols Sp-23-12-9181 100 USED ence. Near Gables. Call 337- zation, East Campus, meets Several people urged that VACUUM clean¬ WANTED-TWO Linda Ron¬ and madrigals with the Extant at 7 tonight in 221 Baker Hall. Coca-Cola and its products be ers. Tanks cannisters, and stadt tickets within first 10 0206. 52511-30(4) Madrigal Singers, tonight at 7 For Sale up-rights. Guaranteed on full rows only desperatell Call in 332 Union Bldg. boycotted, while some called ^ year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS 351-4232. 4 11-10(4) TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Venereal disease: free and for a redistribution of world Fast and reasonable. 371- confidential treatment from 1 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. to4 p.m. Monday, RAW HONEY 316 North Cedar, opposite IT IS the policy of the STATE 4635. C-20-11-35(3) Thursday National Organization for NEWS that the last 4 weeks and Friday, and 8:30 a.m. to women presents Paula Leura- 35 per pound, your contain- DOCTORS City Market. C-20-11-30 (6) noon r. 332-1709. 5-11-7-13) of term all Student Classified TWELVE YEARS experience on Wednesday at Whitmore on the "Role of GIBSON FIREBIRD, Advertising must be paid for typing theses, manuscripts, Community Health Services, Women in the Bible" at 8:30 reverse in advance term papers. 701 N. Logan St. GUN-MI Carbine. Excellent body, 1963 vintage, super beginning Nov¬ Evenings, 675 p.m. Tuesday at United Min¬ ember 14, 1977, Bring or 7544. C-2511-35131 istries in Higher Education. WEIGHT LOSS condition. Also red hunting condition. Plus more. WIL¬ mail to 347 Student Services. Want to play Go? MSU GO coet, 351-1329. 8-11-16(31 COX TRADING POST. 485- Sp-23-12-918) CLUB meets at 8:30 tonight. Free blood test for diabetes 4391. C-20-11-35(4) J AX COPYING Call Mike or Ken at 332-6353 at Olin from 9 to 11 a.m. and MEN'S 10 speed Fuji, 25 inch, for details. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Nov. 7 blue, brand new, $115. CALL 487-9120. 8-11-10-131 AUCTION ALL new toys and merchan¬ dise. 6:30 p.m. Nov. 11 at FRED VAN H. We miss your a.ti/c«py.„~.n.,s Mi I. Grand llv.r taitaMn American Chemical Soci¬ ety Student Affiliates second through 10, hours after a Students and ons and a hearty meal. community half MEDICAL CLINt NEW, USED and vintage Okemos Central Elementary meeting will be held at 7:30 welcome. Tho Easiest Most Effectlvs friendly flashes in the comp guitars, banjos, mandolins, school, at Okemos Road and CALL US: 332-5500 tonight in 323 Chemistry etc. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ Mt. Hope. Sponsers; RED shop! The Girls. S-511-713) Bldg. Weight loss Program Everl corders, strings, accessories, CEDAR OPTOMISTS. Auc- Jim Loudon will explain COPYGRAPH SERVICE Natural Resources Environ¬ books, thousands of hard-to- tioner James R. Ellis RuBHwee Sale Complete dissertation and mental Education Club meets "Why YOU Can't Go Faster find albums. (All at very low 4-11-11(71 Than Light" at 7:30 p.m. resume service. Corner at 7 tonight in 22 Natural Thursday in 109 Anthony prices). Private and group RUMMAGE: Antiques, furni¬ lessons on guitar, banjo, man¬ CASSETTE PLAY back/re¬ M.A.C. and Grand River, 8:30 Resources Bldg. Square Hall. ture, dishes. 337-9114 before -5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- dance will be discussed. dolin, all styles. Gift certif¬ corder, amplifier, $100. 4 p.m. 1525 High St. after 5 Hoover portable spin dry 1666. C-2511-3515) MSU Ski Team meeting icates. Expert repairs-free es¬ washer, dryer, $150. 394- p.m. 8-11-8(3) Study in Londonl Informa¬ will be held at 4 today in 215 timates. ELDERLY INSTRU¬ 1053. 3-11-714) tion at 7 tonight in MB MENTS, 541 East Grand EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Brody Men's IM Bldg. All racers for humanities and social River. 332-4331. wishing to compete in the C-20-11-30-111) BIC 980 turntable with car¬ tridge. Brand new under war¬ Service ][A^ Dissertations, (pica-elite) FAY ANN, 4850358. science programs for spring and summer 1978. 77-78 seeson must attend. ranty. $300 list-will sell for C-2511-35(3) HOME REPAIRS: General Single Parents meeting will $190. 489-2718. X-11-1115) Honors College Coffee be held at 6 tonight in the work inside/outside. Glass, DURA-ACE CRANK SETS Hour will be held from 3 to 5 Spartan Village Day Care screens, lamps, switches, etc. Shimano't Top-Of-The-tine Alloy Cotterless Crank Sets 1 USED Fender Bassmen amplifier, 1 15" Jensen Shelves, kitchen racks, made W*M ~ ]S] p.m. Monday, Nov. 14, on the fifth floor lounge of S. Kedzie Center. Psychology consul¬ tant will visit. for your specifications. Qual¬ Child care Complete with oxle, cups, speaker cabinet. $200. 351- Hall. provided. ity work-reasonable. 337- WE BUY newspapers, bearings, and includes the 5208.511-1114) 2061 between 3-6 p.m. any crank tool. quantity. Monday, Wednes¬ PAIR INFINITY 2000 II, like 8-1-11-7(81 day, Friday, 12-5 p.m. Tues¬ new, $450. 321-4099 after 5 day, Thursday, Saturday, 8 SilwrSits *56.95 p.m. 511-11(31 FREE LESSON in complexion a.m.-1 p.m. at 916 Filley St., care. MERLE NORMAN Lansing. 323-7476. 511-11(6) SllwtllKt *59.95 TWO YEAR old COSMETIC STUDIO 321- Signature, 5543. C-20-11-30-13) ten cycle deluxe washer, Tired of being broke? Get (THRU NOV. If) Harvest gold. $150. 394-5660 fast cash by selling things mocraEKma evenings. 372-0102 days. 511-1414) FOR QUALITY stereo vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE ser¬ you no longer use with a last-action Classified Ad. Call Eagle Press 555 East Grand River. 3558255 Course Outlines 8 C-20-11 -30-13) v 541 E. Grand Rlvar USED COUCHES $35 and E. Lansing 351-7240 chairs $10. Call 351-2798. and Waiver Notes 551510(31 HOUSEKEEPING: HOMES, schools, businesses, sorori¬ t^oiND Town .ss. IN JUST just IF if ties, fraternities. Price negoti¬ M DAYS AND STAY THAT »** urfl BOOKS, MAGAZINES, comics and morel CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand Animals j[Vj able. 6253389.511-7(3) ZSWSSxxunfcttwffretmwHtl. Tlx •snwntit tiioiiiti. ,| knmjiiaos-w— B IT IS thepolicy of the STATE UoxM CMMx k •leshr IM r~ <• River. 332-0112. MORGAN GELDING-4 r«H«« m Mt M b> •wee- Be* *r *• "V" oweMI"•wit. ■ NEWS that the last 4 weeks C-20-11-30-13) started under saddle. Free years, of term all Student Classified Eagle Press provides condensed WS.xi.«fltfW"«A k SM must b« xwUkxtt, ••wtwA I board till Spring, $600, 641- course material for the followina OUR PROGRAM IS A AAEDICAL Advertising must be paid for triatmint-notadiet INK DRAWING of 6976. 511-7-13) in advance for Christmas your home beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail BINGO TUESDAY night, 7:30 toft 108,109,111,112,113. cards, done by p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. • UWOkkkW • No hyW MFA graduate, $15. TWO YEAR female AKC to 347 Student Services. Early Statistics: 315. Che* 130,131,141. | 351- Bird starts at 7 p.m. Regular 0254, 511-8(3) MENS Siberian husky needs a good home. Best offer. 882-8425 Sp-23-12-9181 at 7:30 p.m. SHAAREY Minimum age 18. ZEDEK, 1924 WammwimM IF YOU'D UKi TO BE ii TO 30 POUNDS THIS TIME NEXT MONTH . CAll NOWF U0HJ«l"1 DINGO boots like between 12 noon and 5 p.m. Sac: 201,202,203^11,212,213. .. new. Size 9)4 W. $25. Mens figure skates, size 9)4, $15 511-7(4) Instructions \\m Coolidge, East Lansing. C-2511-35I5I Ibt Sci S Hm: All One tarns CONSULTATION - THERE IS ABSOL 1 337-9671. 5-11-8(4) GUITAR. FLUTE, banjo and KEESHOND-PUPPIES, Cm rash for Christmas fast All Basic College Waiver Notes 351 "WSt A.K.C. registered, champion drum lessons. Private instruc¬ SEWING MACHINES. Guar¬ stock, $150-$250. 669-3296 tion available. 351-7830. by selling no longer needed 511-11131 MARSHALL MUSIC. items around your house with anteed reconditioned ma¬ chines from $39.95. New C-1-11-7(3) a Classified Ad. Call 355-8255 Mow available at DOBERMAN PINCHER pups in place your ad! machines **MkafB««kSfere , from $69.50, EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING AKC, whelped 9/5/77, shots CO. 1115 N. and wormed. Black and rust WRITING CONSULTANT 9 EDGAR CAYCE study groups fllllana n^^a. vivrv 714 ABBOTT, EAST LANSING Washington, females. $100. 655-3910 after years experience in profes¬ for spiritual growth ■■tl NEAR SAGINAW 489-6448. C-20-11-3117) sional editing. 337-1591. forming Cibeoae Book Store 6 p.m. 511-11(5) OR-2-11-8(3) in Lansing, 3556043 after 4 HOURS) MON-WfO$-T THUS, f p.m. ZX-11-7(31 m. $4 -SAT. 10-4 1 n