- VOLUME 71 NUMBER 154 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 3 Voter turnout low in area Stell, elected Fox Incumbents re-seated to E.L. City Council in In an election marked by extremely low nation. He said East Lansing could be the Lansing city race turnout, Carolyn Stell and Alan Fox were national leader in Incumbent Mayor Gerald Graves Brenke ran elected to the East Lansing solving these problems. squeaked past first-term councilmember unopposed in the fourth ward. City Council "The entire nation faces some important Tuesday. Terry McKane last night to retain his office "It was a close campaign and we almost challenges in the years ahead," he said. for another Stell was the top vote-getter and received "We'll have to start four-year term. pulled out an upset victory," said McKane in 4,192 votes; Fox received 3,971 votes. using energy, land and a statement after other resources more conceding defeat at 10:45 The remaining votes were divided be¬ efficiently and wisely. Graves captured 53 percent, or 12,258 p.m. "I suggest now that we bury the To a large extent, we will have to tween candidates Paula change our votes, with all 100 precincts reported in. hatchet and work together for the good of Johnson, who use patterns at the local level." McKane had received 46 percent, or 10,694 received 3,784 votes and Karen Barrett, Fox also the City of Lansing." who received 3,129. campaigned on issues such as votes in the light voter turnout. additional housing and Grand River Avenue "I'm really excited," Stell said after the All foifr incumbent council members were Despite extensive campaigning by Shano improvements. election, adding that her success was due to voted back into office. James Blair and against Blair, he felt it had little effect on the a better Fox does not support the final results. campaign. Dayton Hudson Lucille Belen will return to their at-large "The main thing," Fox said Mall rezoning because he said the environ¬ learning of his seats with an impressive mental considerations victory over "I think the night turned out the way we incumbent Mayor Coleman A. Young does some last minute victory, "is that now we have a majority on outweigh its possible Anthony Shano. Jack Gunther also retained s the council that is dedicated and will work advantages. planned it," Blair said. "This is the way we his second-ward seat by two votes over ping in Detroit. He was declared winner over Ernest C. Browne, for positive and progressive (continued on 12) thought the election would go from the changes in the page challenger Doti Shonkwiler while William beginning." g 53 percent of the votes In Tuesday's election. city. It's going to be lots of fun; we're all going to work well together." Belen captured 38 percent of the vote, There were 35,384 registered voters, of Blair received 33 percent and Shano which 8,032 voted. garnered 20 percent. In the second ward, The above totals were labelled "unofficial" Gunther picked up 2,815 votes to Shonk- lorfon says no last night because one vote was one precinct. missing from Johnson led In the primary with 2,152 Proposal A passes; wiler's 2,813. Graves has been mayor for the past eight votes; Fox followed with 1,824 votes; years and served as Lansing city treasurer Barrett with 1,798 votes and Stell with Poxson may be sold for eight years before that. Noted for his SUNY house 1,498. past two-fisted campaign practices, he kept One of Stell's major campaign points was this year's election on a mild-mannered that after serving on several city advisory level. The Lansing electorate overwhelmingly boards and commissions, she would like to passed a proposal Tuesday that would allow the Lansing City Council to sell the Poxson be making some decisions. Building property at 206 E. Michigan Ave. McKane was gracious in defeat and he With all precincts reported, 68 percent voted in favor of By STATE NEWS Stell said her experience with the city's selling the public property said that once his two-year term was and United Press International while 31 percent voted to keep the property in the up as a inner workings makes her qualified to sit on city's possession. councilmember he would again resume his |Y,'s N.Y. (UPI) The only thing clear about MSU President Clifton R. the Lansing council as an informed member. Though not stated in Proposal "A," for 58 years the property has been designated as a - job as school principal. tenure in New York is where he will not be living. Two of her major concerns during the city park. |, president of MSU until he takes over as chancellor of the State University of election campaign were to have more Controversy over the issue centered around the use of the land. For 56 years the As the vote totals were being tabulated, ■SUNY) Jan.l, promised to work for improvements In a university that he said Poxson building property was designated as a proposed park. The effort to keep the comprehensive planning and more civilian it appeared as though McKane might pull fatest potential for that In the country. park plans was spearheaded by Lansing City Councilmember James Blair. input in city decisiona. Blair said the park was more important than tax revenue generated by keeping the out an upset victory. With 32 percent of the Ing with reporters In New York for the first time Monday, he refused to Stell would alto like to tee improvements vote in, there were only five iself on other aspects of the job he has yet to votes begin. made on Grand River Avenue but she does property on the tax rolls. ■ has not been available for comment In East Lansing since Blair said he believes selling the building would be a mistake and thinks the separating the two candidates. Friday. not favor the idea of making the existing property ■ said his approach to problems had would be worth a "gold mine" once the Lansing riverfront is always been to "study what others say" roadway any bigger. developed. Graves'challenger this year, Lansing City & decision. He added that he has met with few administrators and has yet Stell campaigned against the building of According to Blair, the proposed park has been threatened by "speculators and Councilmember Terry McKane, has been Yitem's $850 million budget. the Dayton Hudson Mall because of opportunists who want to take our key piece of property." noted for his quiet efficiency as chairperson |iVd hathground as an economist, talk with others in the SUNY Wharton said he wanted to "balance the environmental problems which could result. The City Club of Lansing, a group of prominent business people, has expressed of the Finance Committee for the council. system before taking positions on issues. She would also like to see more civilian interest in the building and would like to remodel the structure and turn it into a McKane is also credited with making the ■»mnitment Wharton made was that he and his wife, Dolores, will not live in input in the Tri-County Metro Narcotics private gathering place for club members. Capital Area Transportation Authority icellor House in Albany, system financial Squad, accessibility for handicappers and At a "private dinner in May, the City Club presented floor plans to the Lansing City a success. us house is too big and would waste too much fuel to justify two people living more encouragement of the arts. Council, outlining their plans to turn the Poxson Building into a private restaurant, rs. Wharton said. Blair, Fox ran on a platform that said East health spa and offices. a 32-year-old real estate agent, has will have another address," she added. served on the council for two years and is Lansing's problems were not solely city In September the council reversed a 1921 master plan to turn the property into a (continued on page 12) problems, but ones which faced the entire also chairperson of the Committee on Parks park. By changing the rule of procedure, the council pulled the sale question out of and Recreation. Blair's strongest efforts committee and voted to place the issue on the November ballot. have been in the direction of stabilizing city The proposal was placed on the ballot because of a city regulation requiring that neighborhoods by means of stronger build¬ OSCODA COUNTY LANDFILL SITE CHOSEN voters must approve the sale of any public property valued over $5,000. ing codes and enforcement of zoning 1 Many council members felt that putting the sale before Lansing voters was more ordinances. important than turning the Poxson property into a park. lichigan will bury PBB cattle Councilmember Lucile Belen said she was not in favor of the property sale, but felt the Lansing electorate should have a voice on the issue. "I am a chief proponent of the Lansing Park system," Belen said. "But if the property Belen, a 64-year-old florist, said she for re-election because she wants to development of downtown Lansing com¬ pleted before she leaves the council. Belen see ran the ly SCOTT WIERENGA See related atery on is turned into a park, the city would have to absorb the tax revenue somewhere else or " page 3. landfills as well as proposals to incinerate has been on the council since 1956 and is te News Staff Writer crease taxes." the contaminated animals. MSU officials currently chairperson of the Committee on > County landfill has been Councilmember William Brenke said he could not predict how much money would be were contacted Ordinances, Contracts and City Affairs. I the state as the burial site for tered and disposed of. by the DNR about the generated by putting the building on the tax rolls, adding that he was more concerned 1 ruinated cattle. "In disposing of the cattle, we must take possibility of using two incinerators on with how much the city would have to spend by turning the property into a park. campus for this purpose. The third candidate, Anthony Shano, a ■illiam G. Milliken and the fastest, most direct and least obstructed Attorney 45-year-old building contractor, based his Trank J. Kelley announced Tues- path open to us," Milliken said. Milliken said it is imperative the state campaign on the bickering that has plagued ltatf will line a burial pit with 20 The governor said other alternatives the move as quickly as The East Lansing and Lansing elections were covered by the following State News possible to dipose of the past councils. Shano said he was only D as ordered by an Oscoda County DNR had considered had merit, but the Mio cattle in a safe manner. "Burial at Oscoda, staff writers: Jim DuFresne, Chris Kuczynski, Nunzio M. Lupo, Michael Rouse and Kim lurt judge. The job could cost the running against Blair in the race. Shano said site is the "clearest" route available. in my judgment, provides the quickest and Shanahan. he has not approved of Blair's actions of | million, The DNR had been considering other (continued on page 7) pushing for more parks in the Lansing area. II is located about six miles in northern Michigan. Local ■ had filed suit against use of the • resulted in the order ■ Miller. The clay was ordered to by Judge Carter takes energy plea to people groundwater contamination. ipr as 5,000 cattle may be buried at WASHINGTON (AP) - President producers and would promote energy 'The choices facing the members of Jtoriig the next two years. Officials Spartment of Natural Carter, saying Congress must "resist conservation while protecting the federal Congress are not easy," he declared. "For Resources ™ the final pressures from a few for special favors," budget "from any unreasonable financial them to pass an effective and fair plan, they figure may be lower threatened Tuesday night to veto any burden," he said. will need your support and understanding It as many Cattie have been found K illegal levels of PBB as originally energy legislation that fails to meet his test for fairness. "These are the three standards by which — your support to resist pressures from a inside the final legislation will be judged," Carter few for special favors at the expense of the T1' b-v 'he department. So far, 103 In his first nationwide television-radio said in his prepared text. rest of us, and your understanding that Jfe been found to contain "I will sign the Michigan honors Martin Luther King. See illegal address in more than six months, Carter energy bills only if they meet these tests. there can be no effective plan without some page 16. ■ 'he fire retardant. ■'he PBB law which took effect last appealed for Americans to urge Congress to "We should reward individuals and sacrifice from all of us." act on his energy program. companies who discover and produce new prattle found to contain more PBB At the same time, the president again ■ Parts per billion must be The energy blueprint he outlined for oil and gas, but we must not give them huge was critical of some segments of the oil and weather slaugh- Congress was fair both to consumers and windfall profits on their existing wells at the expense of the American people." gas industry, which in a news conference Drat. Another cloudy day with drizzle in the last month he likened to war morning. The televised address to the nation was profiteers The high should be in the low 60s. the second since Carter took office in seeking "the biggest ripoff in history." The low will hang near 50. Carter argued that his proposals provide January. His first broadcast speech last slley an incentive for new oil production that April also was a call for quick action on the sues company nation's energy problems. In that speech, "would be the highest in the world," and that gas producers would add $2 billion a he proposed the energy program that year to their gross income. remains stuck in Congress today. |r pollution of river WSlNr My JOANNA FIRESTONE The energy legislation does not represent "a contest of strength between the presi¬ dent and the Congress, nor between the more. "But some of the oil companies want much more — tens of billions of dollars They want greatly increased for 'old' oil and gas energy supplies prices „rn. House and the Senate," he said. It is a test which •on» I ~ Attorney General Frank J. Kelley filed suit Tuesday against of the nation's strength and will to have already been discovered and are being ■•tPCB Howe"'for M'titlng the Shiawassee River with dangerously high "acknowledge the threat and meet a serious produced. They want immediate and perm¬ 1 Pollution anent deregulation of gas prices which was known to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for two challenge together," the presideftt said. would cost consumers $70 billion or more JL'< |on t0 „ "op it was undertaken only last month. Carter, who may need every vote he can between now and 1985." KjA ^ /iled on behalf of the DNR and Its officials. muster on the energy issue, had kind words for Congress and, In an apparent effort to In an effort to reduce energy-related ■ uti>fi j" d'"urbe\ regulate such medical devices, said each yeor for cataracts which dorken the Tuesday it has received reports of more natural lens of the eye, thus Wto^raphk Here is where the bride's dreams thon 100 serious injuries restricting — including five vision or even blinding the eye in the become eye losses — following implantation of most serious cases. a reality beginning with —Lf AL-,. •l>|M»J|<1M her first visit with our Bridal roaignr raoi miot ttwy Consultant. then the selection Teenaged murderer BRYAN Hi BILUIIf BAMP . sentenced to life of her Bridal stationery, listing of MIAMI PITCHBR MIGHT her preferences in our Giff (AP) — Ronny Zamora, 15. during the trial that Zamora was driven convicted of murder last month All you can oat: BBQ loaf Registry, and choosing memor¬ despite insane by an overdose of television Ribs, franch his claim that television drove him able gifts for the wedding party to violence. He urged Baker to withhold ffrias, mi lad bar violence, was sentenced to life in prison 1.m sentencing and instead commit Zamora from our Fine Jewelry collection. Monday with no possibility of parole for to a program for Radvcad pricoa in *h# bar ll-tpai 25 years. youthful offenders. Rubin even presented Circuit petitions from Judge Paul Baker, overruling Zamora's schoolmates defense motions to upset the conviction urging leniency. Prosecutor Tom Headley, however, least be lenient, also tizapete JacobBon's or at sentenced said the law on Zamora to 53 years on first-degree murder companion clearly mandated a life sentence with no charges of burglary and assault. He is sick . . suicidal," said defense parole for 25 to life was years. The only alternative the death penalty, which he (Mndera -ox ^ pound attorney Ellis Rubin who had 224 Abbott 351-2285 argued had not sought. ANEW TWIST High court hears fourth Nixon mean case FOR MOTHER WASHINGTON (AP) _ Richard M. Nixon will suffer "mental Watergote cover-up trial of Nixon's Our traditional Mother's anguish" and closest advisers. rings have taken on a embarrassment if the public is allowed to new look with "right up to the minute" A federal appeals design. hear 30 White House court ruled more tape recordings than a used to convict his closest year ago that the tapes "are no aides, Nixon's longer confidential." A Birthstone lawyers said Tuesday. But A tape is different than transcript. Topes are susceptible to uses a trial for each child I V^And All That Ja» attorney Edward Bennett Williams, that are far more offensive to persons arguing for the release of the Wotergate whose voices are on tapes, told the Supreme Court, "I don't them," William H. Jeffress Jr. argued for Nixon. know of any common-law right not to be Transcripts of the tapes were widely embarrassed by one's inculpatory publicized during the trial of former '/iCAFE PE LA words." Attorney General John N. Mitchell and rr>k"UE BOURBON At issue before the court's nine justices ex-White House aides H.R. are the tapes Haldeman played during the 1974 and John D. Ehrlichman. Shooting suspect attempts escape NEW ORLEANS (AP) - The man Orleans on accused of Mondoy, was being returned wounding 10 persons in a to his hospital room under heavy guard. shooting rampage Monday grabbed for a Poree, 35, hod been police officers gun in the corridor of Dec. 17, when he was despondent since Charity Hospital, Tuesday, but fired from his subdued and was $19,000-a-year government job, accord¬ apparently no one was hurt, ing to his mother-in-law, authorities reported. sard. The IRS would not Dorothy Brous- One shot was fired in the soy why Poree scuffle, a was fired. spokesperson for Charity said, but it did Four of those wounded not strike in anyone. Monday's LAYAWAY The spokesperson said shooting spree were in critical condition the incident happened as Carlos Poree, a former Tuesday and paralyzed, perhaps perma¬ a sin Internal Revenue Service nently, doctors said. auditor accused Poree's wife Diane, 34, who TODAY of the random left him shootings around New three weeks ago, was among those shot. Shop 9:30-5:30 Dally 319 E. Grand River East Lansing. Mich. 48123 Stole News. Eos! Lansing. Micnigon Wednesday, November 9, 1977 3 '' researcher's findings PBBcalled ridiculous IjoEPizzo ed children," Weil said, adding findings) at all," he said. "We're Staff Writer the results might be affected In his presentation to the he said. "There has been by talking about 33 kids We're hyster¬ _uje and advisor on the addition of this variable. state medical society, Weil did ... ia about PBB in not calling anybody healthy - this state." ■ state House Speak- "That's the silliest comment 1 recommend that immunological "I feel Dr. Weil's I Clark called the ever heard," Clark said. (just) normal for the things we functions of some children ex¬ statement is L MSU researcher's "Why examined for." excessively passive," Edith couldn't they (the researchers) posed to PBB be further Clark disagreed. Weil added his |e effects of PBB on move themselves?" group did not conduct extensive studies of the studied. Jhealth "presposter- Weil explained his prelimi¬ immunocompetence Weil was critical of the In light of the information Ly afternoon. nary findings are in no way (disease- fighting capabilities) of its sam¬ manner in which the PBB issue that has been revealed that ■erred to Dr. William intended as a definitive state¬ has been handled by politicians we're trying to treat in a serious ple, such as was done last year Tdings as "preposter- ment of the effects of PBB on by a team from the Mt. Sinai and the media. manner, the last thing politi¬ Lid, because of the child health and development. School of Medicine Environ¬ cians need is being called r of the sample of "We aren't extrapolating (the 'They're going to make a lot hysterical by members of the mental Sciences Jed. Laboratory. of political nonsense out of this," scientific community," she said. A in the control group ■gan residents," she ldoeso't know wheth- |his controls were WHEELCHAIR USERS LIMITED Aminated." lirperson of the De- Quota rule called unfair _,f Human Develop- ■MSU's College of ■edicine, said in- |orts of symptoms in ti children could not By JANET HALFMANN Mueller, also a wheelchair d as a conclusive handicappers as cripples." _ State news Staff Writer design experts and one person in illness in humans user, was appointed to repre¬ Gentile questioned what Attorney General Frank sent the general public on the representing the general Intamination. would happen if a person who public. Kelley's formal ruling Monday board. Inted his findings to that no more than one wheel¬ filled all the qualifications re¬ fctors from through- Kelley's opinion assumes that Gentile said 85 percent of the chair user can serve on the all wheelchair users quired for the architect slot on |elualMonday afternoon identify the board also happened to use cases brought before the design state's Barrier-Free Design with or have a vested interest board have been granted ex¬ meeting of the Board drew sharp criticism a wheelchair. in barrier-free emptions of one kind or an¬ late Medical Associ- from the MSU coordinator of design and can¬ not make objective decisions, other. larborn. handicapper rights. Gentile said. The nine-member design pervised physical, board was created three years Mueller, a Lowell optome¬ Eric Gentile, who also repre¬ "Mueller has tl and neurological never been ago to review requests for trist who has served as chair¬ sents wheelchair users on the associated of 53 Michigan with the handi¬ is exemptions from the state re¬ man of the design board for design board, said Kelley's capper movement," Gentile a study conducted quirement on accessibility of three years, said his actions on suggestion that chairperson of said. (■day period in Sep- the board Herbert R. Mueller public buildings to handi¬ the board have always been in "He is not aggressive. By the interest of the cappers. The board was to be general may have to be replaced is today's standards, he is very ,_e children came comprised of four handi¬ public. He said he was ap¬ with high PBB discriminatory. passive. He still talks about t cappers. four building and pointed to the board because of 10 were considered his six years of experience in " and tested for local government as a council (roses, member and mayor pro tem of gested a more valid Lowell, and because of his J have been Bridge OK'd by council con¬ experiences with barriers. ic control group was k children from an Mueller may fight the opinion if efforts are actually made to p PBB had not en- >d chain. replace him, he said. Jdren in Weil's con- Tension filled the air on nent electrical work which 1978 and will divert traffic Kelley said his opinion was e to Michigan the eve of election day at the will be replaced by the not from the bridge to Michigan a ruling against handi¬ ("when PBB was out Lansing City Council meet¬ reconstruction. Council Ave. for about 18 months, cappers. He said he was merely ( chain," Weil said ing Monday night as the member Richard Baker said Vera Backus, director clarifying the language of the ) reply to Clark's council members unani¬ asked that the resolution be statute as it was enacted. If a of the Public Highway and mously passed a resolution called back to the Public Safety Committee. different interpretation of the giving the go-ahead for con¬ Highway and Safety Com¬ board members was intended, struction of a new Kala¬ mittee for review because, In other action, the Coun¬ the statute will have to re¬ mazoo St. bridge over the he said, "It doesn't really say cil passed a resolution call¬ drafted, he said. Grand River. what is going on." His re¬ ing for the construction of a "On a building board, quest was approved. heliport on 13 acres of a you e retardant, was The resolution permits 70-acre city-owned site lo¬ wouldn't want the person who The controversy over the ■ mixed with feed the city to sign a contract cated on the northwest side is to represent the general electrical work questions with the Michigan State public to be a builder, would Kb] the Michigan who should fund it. If funded of Capital City Airport. The Ti in 1973 to many Highway Commission for city will sell the remaining you?" Kelley asked. the construction of the $2.5 by the city of Lansing, the the state. It 57 acres and stand to gain He also said members of the _ costs will be transferred to lid in the Michigan million project. The project $70,300 from the sale. is being city taxpayers. If the work is design board are supposed to Bihigh levels in 1974. funded by a funded by the Board of Included in the construc¬ be impartial judges. Bounted Clark's sug- $700,000 Federal Grant and Water and Light the costs tion plans would be a pistol Gentile, MSU coordinator of ■in out-of-state $1.8 million from the Board con- of Water and Light and the will be absorbed by the rate range for Lansing area handicapper rights, called 1 he said, because it police. They are presently Kelley's statement a "bunch of payers, who may live out¬ ■ involved transport- city of Lansing. bull." side the city. using the basement of City Jildren to Muskegon, Council also discussed a Construction is expected Hall for the pistol practice "The board was created as a ■testing took place, resolution for the funding of to begin on the bridge late which is required of all representative board, not as a f children from out- the temporary and perma¬ February or early March policemen. quasi-judicial one," he said. :e would result in n transport¬ "The attorney general's office is trying to castrate the board, to completely strip it of its power," he said. wer struggle' commences Kelley's opinion on the de¬ sign board appointments was requested by Sen. Michael O'Brien, whose Senate Busi¬ ler selection process openness ness Committee reviews natorial appointments to state boards and commissions. guber¬ O'Brien asked for the clarifi¬ By JIM SMITH Most students are concerned that rapport continue between cation because committee State News Staff Writer them and the MSU President, Crowe said. members felt that appoint¬ ig rift between ASMSU and Student Council and the ments to this board and others Earlier in the meeting Psychology Department chairperson ■of the MSU presidential selection process were the main John H. Wakeley urged the committee to keep the selection were not being filled according T topics at Tuesday's meeting of the Academic Council's process open. to requirements mandated by lesidential selection committee. the legislature, he said. ■ hoc committee will set guidelines for a final Search and Citing the State "sunshine (open meeting) laws", Wakeley said ■ committee. Members of the final committee will applicants should be aware that everything about the selection choose ■"or to departing MSU President Clifton R. process will be conducted openly. Wharton, Jr. ■ announced Oct. 26 that he has accepted the Chancellor- He said the selection committee will have what amounts to a >te Universities Jrow, James of New York (SUNY). contract with the MSU Board of Trustees and "the terms of the Correction Madison College Student Council represen- contract should be free, open and published." ■ ao'w 8electi°n process is turning into a "power struggle | ASMSU and Student Council." Wakeley said he believes a tightly closed or secret process could Due to a compositional error, Ting friend against friend ... I would like to see cause a new president serious problems during his initial year a line was omitted from Tues¬ while people came to know him or her. j" come together as a unified group," Crowe told the In response to a question by John F. A. Taylor, Chairperson of day's story concerning the elec¬ tion of the 8tate News board of "I of the Academic Council ad hoc committee, improved relations between ASMSU and Student Wakeley said if the directors. The fourth para¬ " been committee votes to close the final selection process they should "moving backwards very rapidly" since the graph shobld have read "Board pg Of the announce that decision at the outset of the process. presidential selection process, she said. candidates are elected by other J offered two possible solutions. The first would be to Wakeley, a member of the Provost rating committee last year, board members, but members ■ "e student from each major governing group, including told the committee "to be of good cheer," and that there was a are not allowed to vote for their ■'V?ncil °' Graduate Students and Student Council to the great deal more interest in the Presidential selection than successor or Tor their ■ selection Committee. An alternative solution would be the meeting's low public turnout indicated. Only three non-com¬ re-election, according to State T " foml committee of Student Council and ASMSU mittee members attended. News General Manager Gerald L would select common representatives for the final The next meeting of the ad hoc selection committee is Thursday, Coy." 1:30 p.m. 235 Student Services Building. The ty rally Lansing Gay Liberation Front will sponsor a rally today to protest a House resolution which would pay tribute to Anita campaign." Bryant launched a crusade against the homosexual civil rights law in Dade County earlier this year. 1 Bryant and her crusade against homosexuals in Dade County, Fla. Throughout her campaign, she has argued that homosex¬ uality is a serious threat to the moral fiber of the American WE NOW ACCEPT Protest The rally will begin at 1 p.m. on the Capitol steps. Tentatively, sponsors of House Resolution No. 435 will trade social structure. Bryant's crusade received national media coverage and MASTERCHAR6E & VISA viewpoints with gay supporters, according to a news release sparked protests across the country. Recently, Bryant said she fi-jom the Front. may lose her contract as a singing promoter for the Florida Solution The resolution would offer "the and congratulations to Miss Bryant deepest gratitude, support for her brave and righteous Citrus Commission. Petitions against Services Bldg. the resolution are available in 310 Student I Wbooy whotjatbs OIL AND ot& KM ResucA-notfs ^*7- A profile in courage 'Knock | on .1 the do0l "I almost literally looked into my grave." So spoke Edmund G. Ross, a Senator who in 1868 cast the The talking is over. The United Nations has if.j 1 deciding vote in the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson. Ross' vote, officially mandate embargoon South Africa. It has labeled that , I an act of courage in the face of overwhelming political opposition, peace, and has, for the umpteenth desnott allowed the much-maligned Johnson to continue as president. A racial apartheid. The time, roundlvcnnl 811,16 a4J contemporary charged that Ross' vote would damn him to "the infamy of members will be left to talking is over tally the - for th» n mnetlit>J posterity," and in fact the Kansas senator's career was ruined. But Few are optimistic that an armslong-term resultsofT N history resoundingly vindicated his judgment. embargo will Ha I6.* actiJ forcing South Africa to change its racial „ Charles L. Mueller, R-Linden, may never win a place alongside Ross miserable living conditions of millions policies T ,'H in the history books. But his vote in the House Social Services of blacks and „aeliorV Words fail us now; there seems little Committee against a bill to cut off state Medicaid payments for women's abortions — the decisive vote as it turned out — was poor realities. For what it's worth, we point in offer the refil« 1S#,N black resident of Soweto, a nevertheless an act of political courage. his native land. The writer, explaining Xhe tonS The federal government had paid for 90 percent of Medicaid abortions I just keep following is reprinted waiting for that knock on the door fromthe'ffH until President Carter ended that practice in August. In succeeding sleep. At two a.m. I was lying in bed, Last luW months, 32 states passed bills cutting off state Medicaid payments, Lewis. Suddenly I hear tires reading Main Sw iM thereby effectively depriving poor women of access to abortions. The door slammed. Another. I squeal. My God, stayed on the bed. I didn't IthoSSht k? bj i wealthy, of course, can still terminate pregnancies in a safe and readily me peering out the window. wan!!!®1! anUht#J obtainable manner. The forces that conspired to ruin the political careers of Andrew "They didn't come. Finally I went outside. Thev want next door. They . * I Johnson and Edmund G. Ross were generated by the Civil War and its were dragging out a 14-year-old bov £1 i the night, but I heard the sound of the first tragic aftermath, in which the United States struggled to define and poor boy, I know what you are slap. And I thl? t 1 uphold the rights of newly-freed slaves. The controversy swirling going through." 8 around the abortion debate is no less wrenching, find its historical implications could be no less profound. The emotional depth of the debate was underscored by the scene in the House on the day of the vote. A standing room only crowd of 50 jammed the committee room. Abortion opponents from the St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church in East Lansing presented each member of the committee with a long-stemmed red rose prior to the Symptoms, disease vote. Rarely do committee votes elicit such emotional responses. Mueller explained that he was personally Now that Governor Milliken has opposed to abortion, and signed into law two bills des called his vote "the toughest I've ever made." But Mueller had thwart the practice of the compassion and good sense to realize that abortions will take place with The redlining - in which insurance is Li State News individuals on the basis of their or without Medicaid funding. The rich will still be able to get theirs on demand. But without Medicaid funding, the ) considerations extraneous to credit geographic location w J worthiness - the real ni poor will be forced into the urban decay should be addressed. back alley abortion mills — unsafe, cheap and often fatal- Wednesday, November 9, 1977 The bills, which attracted wide , Editorials are the opinions of the State News. bi-partisan support, willonlya The final tally against Viewpoints, columns cutting off aid was 7-6. The bill can be revived if and letters are personal opinions. the surface of the problem. One bill would require one representative can be persuaded to change his mind. In 1868, agencies to disclose records of their lending and iinfl enormous pressure was exerted on Ross and pro-Johnson partisans to Editorial Deportment would provide low-interest loans to funding practices, and tbtl alter their positons. No one backed down. As a result, many believe that Ediiorimchief Michael Tanimura Photo Editor. Richard Politowski A sound philosophy. deteriorating neighborho this country's constitutional form of Managing Editor Kat Brown Entertainment and Book Editor.. Kathy Esselman However, these measures treat the si government was perserved. Opinion Editor Dove Misialowski rather than the disease itself. The disease of Special Projects Editor Sports Editor Tom Shanahan urban decay is dimm It would be foolish to suggest that Mueller's vote will have Debbie Wolfe Layout Editor Rebecca A Perry by many factors, including the exodus of whites from similar City Editor historical implications. But the long-term debate over Joe Scales Copy Chief Renaldo Migaldi and a concomitant the older! its formative stages, will have abortion, now in Campus Editor Anne Stuart Freelance Editor Michael Winter shrinkage of the tax base. These trends can J important repercussions. We can only Wire Editor Jocelyn Laskowski Staff Representative reversed by a coordinated national urban hope that events — and history — will vindicate the judgment of NunxloM. Lupo White House and the halls of policy emanating h Advertising Deportment Congress. representatives like Charles Mueller. Advertising Manager Sharon Seiler Assistant Advertising Manager Denise Dear The anti-redlining legislation is a positive step. But its Ii effects are likely to be illusory. VIEWPOINT: HUMAN RIGHTS try to act a little stupid. ForaJ Don't you realize the problems 1 you? By the time you graduate, you« Oppose Shah's U.S. visit subject of the child labor law,and jtf eligible for a driver's license, beer gj marriage. To major in pre medicine is By THE IRANIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION The Shah's social-economic policies, $23 billion of American arms over a Ghouls break in seriously endangered the lives of unsus¬ answer, as that will add a few ye which have cemented the pecting rats. education. However, at the rati I On Nov. 15-16 the "human dependency of period of four years. In accordance with rights"- the regime on the world Robert B. Nelson going, you will inevitably begintaa loving administration of Jimmy Carter economy, have this, the Carter administration has Apparently some goulish fiend broke into will be hosting the Shah of Iran, whose your offices on Halloween night and Lansing medicine before you reach the rif regime is known for having the worst At the cost of the people's poverty, huge oil revenues are appropriated the editorial space for your shaving age. - "You're too mad, Ig record in human rights of any November 1.1977. edition. As I am sure PiulShs country in spent for arms purchases, making the Shah the you number-one are SouthCa the world (according to the the 1977 Nobel Prize winner, report from customer of U.S. arms and the watchdog for U.S. economic in¬ aware, many of the statements and misstatements appearing in the November Sports commended Amnesty terests in the Gulf 1, 1977, State News editorial have International). region. Since 1972, the Shah has purchased pre¬ I want to viously contaminated your readers in a by The Shah was brought back to power the staggering amount of $15 billion worth of arms from the scatological outburst of editorials last congratulate Sports Editor Tom Shanahan and the entire A' look at Soil I a CIA-engineered and financed coup U.S. staff for the excellent job sports writer in 1953 which overthrew Dr. Mossa¬ spring. As you must also be aware, two of they have done of these editorials dated covering Spartan athletics this fall. After degh's popularly elected government. in no way met even the most February 28, 1977, Sisterlady Beverly J- W®" This coup, which took place as a result basic of recently pushed through Congress the and April 12,1977, were rebutted point-by- enduring the self-serving garbage produced fined) sounds righteously of Dr. Mossadegh's oil human needs of the people of Iran, and $1.1 billion sale of several point in various letters which appeared by Ed Ronders for two years, it is so ufc»| nationalization, have thus resulted in a sophisticated frighteningly hostile. WhatemWl once again enabled the capitalist coun¬ resistance AW ACS planes. In addition. 34.000 U.S. subsequently. Although I usually envelop refreshing to read the accurate and objec¬ doubt that it is reserved for tab ■ movement which is committed to tive reporting and tries to plunder the oil revenues and wage military advisers are to join the 24,000 my trash in your editorials, I felt that to do thoughtful editorials of Hamhocks and greens is other natural resources to the detri¬ an uncompromising struggle against the American "advisers" already in Iran, so on November 1. 1977, might have the current staff. not black. My folks have beeiOT" SsnJJl Shah's regime even in the face of I also ment of the vast brutal bringing the number of American appreciate the expanded coverage majority of Iranian bread and half runners smct * repression. Much of this repression is "advisers" to 60,000 by 1980. being given to women's athletics and the people and the deterioration of the directed at the people of Iran Creech settled eastern Kentucky- political, social and economic situation through Since the Vietnam War, the minor sports. This coverage is vital to build SAVAK, the Iranian secret impor As a "white man" (is that®I of the country as a whole. The Shah's police, tance of the Shah's role has increased. Letter policy the interest and support these dedicated bread?) I may be unqualified regime's economic plans have not been which was established and trained by Rather than risking student athletes deserve. I hope Mr. soul, but I have my own opinion tsj based on the needs of people, but have the CIA in 1957. This arm of the Shah's nomic defeats and world-wide political and eco¬ Shanahan and his colleagues will continue Young, our self-appointed BlabbaoiJ «*| been designed to serve the needs regime is opposi¬ The Opinion Page welcomes all their balanced of responsible for the imprisonment of an tion to its shameful policies in the reporting after "Magic" and large. If soul means "right* Jt multinational corporations and the Vietnam War, the U.S. has tried to letters and viewpoints. Readers his teammates start capturing the head¬ Chisholm, Richard Pryor, western world economy. estimated 40,000 to 100,000 political avoid direct intervention should follow a few rules to insure lines. Many thanks from a true Spartan and Arthur Ashe (just " 1 Map«J prisoners and is guilty of by indirectly son, Today, 24 years after the coup, torture and kidnapping, suppressing popular movements which that as many letters as sports fan. Keep up the good work! Jimmy Connors) have got it *1 despite the Shah's "promises" and firing squad execution of possible Susan K. Reardon may threaten its economic interests mistakes the accomplishments ol claims, the living standard of the Iranian patriots. Despite the latest through puppets like the Shah, whose appear in print. Assistant to the Vice President t^ people measures of repression, Young and Clifton Wharton fa » has gone through a including the rule is dependent All letters and ation due to the process of deterior¬ establishment of a one-party system upon the United viewpoints these two cookies are no better ever-growing depend¬ (everyone being forced to join this States. The Shah is playing this role for should be typed on 65-space lines rest of the sweating bureaucrats" ency of Iran's economy on the world's capitalist market. party), the struggle of the Iranian the U.S. in the Gulf region, a most important strategic area containing 60 and triple-spaced. Letters and Slowdown, Kam over large chunks of power- premi In 1963, the mechanism for people has been intensified in all forms viewpoints must be signed and payola while the rest of us i perpetu¬ worker strikes, peasant percent of the world's known oil "Kam Hunter, boy genius, what are floors and divide the leftovers- Wf include local address, — ating this dependency relationship be¬ student demonstrations, and uprisings, resources. Today, the Shah's 30,000 student, doing to me?" I'm a freshman just like you means monumental conceit, Muuw^ tween Iran and the U.S. in its faculty or staff standing - if any only I happen to be 18 years old. Letyou, was altered highest form, the armed troops with their most advanced U.S. me certainly qualifies. Lets 11 1 considerably when the Shah adopted his carried out by the struggle weapons are suppressing the revolu¬ - and phone number. No letter or emphasize the word "old," because Shavers for showing the chump, er-1 notorious land reform revolutionary organi¬ that's program was initiated by the program. This zations — and has shaken the political tionary movement of the Omani people. viewpoint without these items will how yotr make me feel old, old, old. — humility as well as ability- J Kennedy In light of the nature of the be considered for publication. Tm contented with Ms. Davis would be welladviwM administration, which needed to protect stability of the regime. Shah's my scholastic achieve¬ At the cost of the regime, and the close ment. Still, whenever I see her anger toward the true em®M the interests of U.S.-based people's poverty, exists between Iran and the relationship which Letters should be 25 lines or less you on campus, I multi¬ always get the feeling I'm and without the system, ot wrn national corporations in U.S., it and may be edited for State News seven years World countries. many Third behind. You're a freshman at the age of human rights. Racism cannot smn»l style and conciseness There were claims that it would In 1963, the mechanism for perpetuating this to fit as eleven and a nice guy. As if that's enough, you're also taking all advanced not melting pot, and deserves rebuff as we boogie tog-men" WJi liberate the peasants, but the land lationship between Iran and the U.S. was altered dependency re¬ many letters as possible on a page. classes moving on at your usual of social equality- reform in fact uprooted millions from when the Shah considerably Viewpoints may be no longer than As a self-appointed member of the superspeed. era p|0nuW their lands, forcing them to crowd into adopted his notorious land reform program 75 lines, and may also be edited. Advice city slums where they became a source This program was Squad, I strongly suggest that you, at least, initiated by the of cheap labor for the which needed to Kennedy administration, ever-growing protect the interests of U.S.-based western and western-dependent domes national corporations in multi¬ tic industries. many Third World countries. The land reform now enables the DOONESBURY multinationals to invest huge oil revenues are money in spent for arms should not be agricultural and industrial production. purchases, making the Shah the surprising that once again erjch upsett is a student. For example, the most number-one customer of U.S. arms and the Shah is coming to the U.S. for am, alan. nota brilliantstudent. not fertile land near i ear mm! um..lml, idunno..he's the Dez Dam is now the "discussion" with the Carter yup! even a partkuiariy 6/fted jointly controlled watchdog for U.S. economic inter¬ admin ycj feady let's uke..uh.. an all-around by both these multinationals and ests in the Gulf istration. one. he is, however, typical. by the region. Since 1972, the 10 60? doit! guy..you know, oust a Iranian ruling class. The land is Shah has purchased the The Shah's U.S. visit should be erich, what's the used to L \ regular person, goes staggering opposed by all who respect human r-V / typical student grow cash crops like amount of $15 billion to a lot of movies asparagus and worth of arms lire these days?. dignity. ' cotton which are in world market from the U.S. Still another and stuff. $5 billion has Come to the demand, rather than to feed the been used for demonstrations, spon in Iran who are people military purchases from sored by the Iranian Students facing drastic shortages England, Germany and France. Associa of such basic these huge sums Despite tion, member of the World staples as rice, wheat, already invested in Confedera meat, etc., which must now be arms, the Shah tion, in E. Lansing, Friday, and imported recently concluded still in at the high prices determined by Wall another deal with the U.S., in which the Washington D.C. Nov. 15-16. Buses will Street. U.S. is to furnish leave the Union for the Shah with some Washington next Sunday and Monday. | smte News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, November 9, 1977 5 [garman, Thief disappoints Xw has written a sequel to his bestseller of a few years ago, Rich Man Poor ■new book is called, surprisingly, Beggarman, Thief, and begins where its ■r ended, with the death of 'rich man' Tom Jordache. ■difficult to write about this book because of the amount of media exposure given L tale of the Jordache family/Millions of people have read the book and/or I television series. Since the television production was so popular it spawned its T devoid of any input from Shaw, as Shaw takes great pains to point out in his L the new book. His sequel has nothing in common with the television series. Let of Shaw's work, extraordinarily obvious in Rich Man, Poor Man, was the Kth which he writes about people and places. In that book, the characters grew Jor immigrant family: one becomes a successful politician, and the other a iuman being. He described all that with such clarity that the reader was led tiyriad of unfamiliar situations by a tour guide extraordinaire, a person who lark alleys, the fight game. The plight of the eldest son, Rudy, was described Heptness that also characterized his description of the younger Tom. I, Shaw has been there, but how could he possibly have been everywhere? From jn the Mediterranean to a top-level political session, he invests the narrative nsight that the reader begins to think this man is all-knowing. .me when the national/international suspense/action novel seems to be at the [e literary scene - witness the success of the semiliterate novel The OtherSide i it is nice to have a book like Rich Man, Poor Man. The book is - I where the characters are seen as an integral part of their introspective lided by someone who knows the way, rather than by someone surroundings. It is who writes with Lvel Guide in one hand. I much on Europe because that is the setting against which most of this novel k sequel finds the next generation of Jordaches rooted in Europe, the scene of the's murder at the conclusion of the previous novel. This installment focuses on Jdache and Billy Abbott, the respective sons of Tom and Gretchen later. We see Wesley rescued from interment in a military school Jordache, the low and love (A rather strange occurrence in the Jordache by a father he family). The book v | excerpts from a journal Billy is keeping while he waits out his tour of duty in Jlem with the book is that the locations get in the way. Despite Shaw's splendid Is, the intimacy is not as apparent in this book, and it takes on the proportions ■glamor story of the sweet life. Characters are shuffled back and forth pope so fast it gets difficult to remember who is where, let alone what they are of from the Rolling Thunder Log': just ROLLING THUNDER LOGBOOK scattered a whimper episodic mentions. In his intro¬ significance" typifies one of the most by Sam Shepard duction, he disclaims writing purposefully Shepard, the most notable aspect of his e book, but I had the unpleasant feeling that Harold Robbins and Sidney Viking Press disturbing elements of current Dylanology. book is the photography contained within. in any sort of "arty" style; the re looking over my shoulder as I read. $12.50. haphazard Namely, Dylan as God. Ken Regan, of New York's Camera V, style is the result of his haphazard memory. gets lott becomes involved with a terrorist By DAVE DiMARTINO I, for one, don't particularly care about most of the credit here, and ring primarily because he is wallowing in Good for him. The disclaimer not only deservedly so. gets the "mystic feelings" shared by Ramblin' Ijrenery with one of its female members. Willie, on the other hand, becomes an ly's mother's new film, which just happens to be up for an award at Cannes, The Rolling Thunder Review, that well- documented tour of New England made him off the hook for not producing anything Jack Elliot and Allen Ginsberg while they Regan's shots of looks exchanged by Dylan and Joan Baez, of the tired and by substantial here, but the very mention of looked at Plymouth Rock. slightly ly near the area Willie is searching for his father's murderer. Bob Dylan and other assorted '60s folkies, is disillusioned face of Roger McGuinn, of an the word "arty" also jacks up the s ordered in the manner of an back in the media again thanks to this new price of I wanna know why DAVID BOWIE'S obviously out-of-place Mick Ronson, and of English Farce in which the characters the LOGBOOK to a hefty $12.50. GUITARIST was playing with Bob Dylan! I ^ different paths to meet at the appointed spot for the conclusion. But the book by playwright Sam Shepard. Of course, one major question: is Shepard wanna know what the several anxious, eager-to-please musicians o throws us a curve, because ... ah well, 'tis better to leave a hint of Shepard, handpicked by Dylan as a Rolling Thunder tour hitting the big time for their first time, are really qualified to write about this troupe? did for Roger McGuinn's career. I wanna in essence, the true meat of this book. writer for the proposed Rolling Thunder Well, Bob Dylan thinks so. And I suppose know how many more Alpha Bands, I is that Shaw is not a Bobbins or Sheldon. He has been a film-project-that-never-was, here recounts if Shepard's good enough for B.D., who are Topaz's I doubt that there will ever be figure in the literary and other spinoffs we can expect to see a follow-up I his publication of the short story, 'The Girls in Their Summer Dresses." the beginnings of the Fall '75 tour we to quibble? effort to Shepard's book — let's He emerge from the Howie Wyeth, Rob hope not — none better with this; he should have done better. Why he didn't is a question spectacular all the way through to the Dec. Trouble is, the Rolling Thunder Logbook and we are therefore left with a lot of 9 show at Madison Square Garden Stoner, Steve Soles and T-Bone Burnett I answer. All the reader can do is view the final product and judge. featuring asks a lot more questions than it answers. questions that will most likely remain Kl book, but it is flawed. The purity that usually characterizes his work has been Muhammad Ali. That show, a benefit for backing group that supported Dylan while Shepard, clearly a non-musician, is writing he played. unanswered. We are also left with a lot of )e trash he has always kept out has managed to leak in. Rubin "convicted again" Carter, was the as a playwright and not a musical critic or And Shepard doesn't answer pretty pictures and a book bearing a $12.50 ■book that a lot of people will read, for the same reason culmination of the first major leg of the tour any of these people keep watching analyst. One might argue that there's no questions. price tag that it really doesn't deserve. downstairs, or reading Agatha Christie. That we want to know what and serves as an admirable climax to a book happens to need for eriticism or analysis — after all, The Rolling that desperately needs one. Thunder Logbook is, more For Dylan sociologists, the book people is a credit to Shaw's ability as a craftsman and storyteller. But it is a pity :e couldn't have been more internal than What Shepard has done, or rather, wasn't this tour covered ad nauseam in than anything else, a glorified magazine might be considered required reading. Those inter¬ external, both for the reader and Rolling Stone and other Serious Rock article that would have looked better and ested in Dylan's music, and not the attempted to do, is convey an impression of Journals? — but Shepard's bent for giving cost a lot less — the tour — in Rolling Stone or even the as a whole through a series of Dylan's touring ensemble enormous "social New Yorker. With all due mythology that surrounds him, had best respect for beware. It's that simple. lOOKS WANTED! " ■tated in buying: Notice: YOUR CHANCE TO DANCE •Science Ficti« •Old Books 'Coiic Books •Polos TO THE | •Seolleltms •MagaziMS •Nancy Drew •Big Little Books Last Week for Fall Term Books STRATTON NELSON BAND •Mysteries •Baseball Cards iiriouf Book Shop Beginning next week, we will begin setting CONCERT DANCE 1307 East Grand River East Lansing FRIDAY NOVEIT1BER 11 9-12 p.m. I (517)332-0112 up books for winter quarter, 1978. We 71 still UNION BUILDING BALLROOfTl try to help you find your fall term book, Admission $2.00 per person - $3.50 per couple but we suggest you don 7 delay. Thanks. for more information call 355-3355 sponsoredby Union Building Activities 3 NOT ACCESSIBLE THE GLASS OF WATER WINTER TERM in MEXICO hoi the gloss would melt In heat, Spanish/Social Science ■Thol the water would freeze In cold, Mexico ■Shows (hot this obled Is merely a state, City: January 5-11 ■One of mony, between two Merida, Yucatan: January 14-March 17 'He poles. So, "telophyslcal, there are these poles. ■Here in the centre stands the glass. Light I s ™lion Ihot comes down to drink. ■And in that state, the There Information Meeting Tonight gloss Is a pool. II ulen ''9hi °re his eyes onc' ruddy ore his clows comes down to November 9 7 pm 506A Wells Hall wet his frothy laws ■ ■ nd 'lthere"** and wa,er winding weeds move around. in Students may enroll in SPN 311, 328, 499; ROM 299; SS 241, another state—the refractions, ■ e 242, 243, 300. melophyslco, the plastic parts of poems I / ln mind—But, fat Jocundus, worrying Independent study may be arranged in History, Geography, ■ out what stands here In the centre, not the glass Anthropology, Urban Affairs, and Family Ecology. I f.ut in 'He centre of our lives, this time, this day, I »,'S a s'a,e' 'H's spring among the politicians I■ On9 « would C°rds 0 w"°9® °',he indigenes, have still Attend the meeting for further information about courses to discover. Among the dogs and field trips. Accommodations, travel opportunities, and ■ end dung, ■ One would financial aid will also be discussed. There will be slides of continue to contend with one's Ideas. last year's program. WALLACE STEVENS OFFICE of OVERSEAS STUDY 108 International Center seoera Days jo-to-jo 353-8920 210 rrjac auenue <£• 6 Michigon Stote News. Eost Lonsing Michigor Council discusses Judge wants votes shown LANSING (ap)-a Univer¬ vote victory in the April 4 votes and claimed a victory. qualifications bias sity of Michigan pre law student election. Belcher, who received 10,659 and 15 other voters must tell a votea, said 20 of the ballots were judge how they voted in an Ann When a judge asked her to caat by people who didn't live in Arbor mayoral election reveal how she voted, VanHat¬ the city and another three votea because their ballots were improperly tum said the ballot is a matter of were illegal. By PAM WEAR Committee, said the important cast, the State Court of secrecy which can't be violated. vide a system in which results Appeals The first three voters State New. Staff Writer ruled today. - thing was to fill the vacancy as could be made available to The appellate court agreed with ques¬ Debate over whether qualifi¬ Susan R. VanHattum, tioned revealed their STATE COUPON soon as possible. students. 21, had her on that point, but said her ballots, cations for Student Council at- Gordon and other council refused to say whether but VanHattum and another The major complaint offered she ballot and those of 19 other commodore large represenatives are dis¬ members said it seemed useless voted for Democratic coed, Diane Lazinsky, refused. by council members who stayed Mayor voters were improperly cast criminatory was a major issue to debate the issue because the Albert Wheeler or his because election officials did not at Tuesday's Student Council for the forum was that results Republi Wheeler asked the state ap¬ by-laws clearly stated that the of the evaluations were not can challenger, Lewis Belcher. notice their addresses were not peals court to meeting. Belcher filed suit stop the judge LIVE! non-white designation must be within the city limits. There¬ used. They also pointed out being made easily available to challenging Wheeler's right to hold office from questioning the remaining Discussion centered around students. fore, the court held the right of voters and the that Academic Council voted and alleging voter appeals court the need to fill a vacancy for Gordon explained the difficul¬ fraud after secret ballot did not apply. issued a temporary 9.98 LIST Student Council representa- down the Student Council's the Democrat claimed a Wheeler received stay in the ties in making results available, one 10,560 proceedings until its ruling. tive-at-large. The by-laws for academic governance specify that five of these sis represen¬ suggestion to drop the non- white designation last year. The council voted to adding that one problem in processing results by computer would be the cost involved. 2 RECORD SET 5.5) tatives must be non-white stu¬ approve She said she is seeking input Two students to recite dents and at least two of these should be women. Gordon's motion to find a non-white at-large representa¬ tive quickly, possibly appoint¬ on the SIRS member of the MSU problem as a Long- Two MSU doctoral students poetry Range Planning Committee, the Red Cedar Review program. Frank Lessa, chairperson of ing the person who received Writing cigarettes] in English will read from their Jim Rohrkemper, of the next highest number of which is currently Contest. the subcommittee to help fill studying poetry and prose at the English Sag¬ the vacancy, called the non- votes in the election to fill the ways to revise the SIRS forms His first book, Blind Eye to inaw, will be reading selections among other proposals for Uni¬ Department's Writer's Reading the Mirror, will soon be pub¬ of his poetry and from his white designation of the repre¬ position last year. first Event, November 9 at 8:90 p.m. lished by Stone Press. novel 2/89' sentative "discriminatory, rac¬ SIRS Level III forms were versity improvements. "Bloodletting." in 334 Union. ist and illegal." He said the The SIRS evaluation forms Bloodletting is an experi¬ the main discussion Kalmbach is topic at the which produce results unavail¬ a critic and mental novel with Student Council should not informal forum held after the Jim Kalmbach, of Ann Arbor, writing in ALL BRANDS able to students are the Level scholar concentrating on 20th both the first and third seek to fill the vacancy under council meeting. will be reading selections from person. such a narrow designation. HI forms, which evaluate facul¬ his own poetry, which has century literature. His inter¬ It concerns a LIMIT 2 PACKS young man's first Level III forms were devel¬ ty's adherence to the Code of ests are divided between lin¬ encounter with his own But Denise Gordon, under¬ appeared in The Red Cedar feelings oped to allow student council Teaching Responsibility, and guistics, pedagogy and poetry. of mortality. STAII COUPON Review, Happiness Holding He has been involved with graduate representative to the more input into the content of Level II forms, which are Tank and Intro Rohrkemper describes a national his 10% OFF — Academic Council Steering faculty evaluations and to pro¬ evaluation forms made up the MSU experimental reading own by anthology of poetry. In 1976, poetry as Gothic because it individual departments. Kalmbach won third place in program and is currently assis¬ explores the darker areas of OUR DISC< tant director of MSU's writing life such as loss and suicide. price o*| delivery available PHOTO FINISHING _ Considering a Career in the Legal Profession? FREE! i | STATE COUPON r II you are seeking a career opportunity—WSU otters several ways in which you can enter the legal profession. Fill-Tin 1 MENNEN SPEED ShrfMts: Can earn a J.D. Degree and be eligible to take the Buy any Medium STICK California State Bar Examination in 2% or 3 years. Pirt-TiM At the regular price vi//.i SMuati: Can graduate In 3\fr or 4 years ot study with the same degree as a full-time student by attending class an 1.17 Get Identical PIZZA times per week, 3 hours per class. There average of 3 are schedules to fit 59' FREE Little Caesars Pizza I 12031. ®d. Gd. Riv*rMv*r 'l . ■ many needs—classes are ottered days, Persia AMssieos Policy - evenings and weekends. WMlm Still University College el Law has a Whole applicants are screened for academic background, personal aptitude, general experience, maturity 2.5 oz. LIMIT I 1.59 volu# EXPIRES 11-11-77 5oz. ORIGINAL PL limit i !| and motivation Applications are now | Semester from men and women with two or more being accepted lor Spring * ■ m 'Coupon aipirM 337-1631 ooi - iv* ■ coupon por prdor a I to either of our two campuses. years ot college credits. To obtain catalog till out and mail advertisement SELSUN BLUE SHAMPOO maskini Westers State UeiversJty College at Law. Dept. C25 tape i I III INStite Callage SWi FaUertM.CA 92631 PIMM |714| 993-7600 1333 Freat Street Sea Diege.CA 92101 1.77 55' STUDENT Phoaa (714) 231-0300 4oz. 2.40 volu* ARTISTS 1.00 voluo i LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 1M3-77 limit] exptwill TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS TO SELL YOUR WORKS OF OPPORTUNITY ART IN I APPLY NOW FOB SPRING SEMESTER. CLASSES START JANUARY 16.1 Although the cost of professional education continues to spiral, tuition at WSU remains among the most moderate in the nation. I I ORLON CABLE THE NEXT SHOW AT THE UNION GALLERY Western State KNEE SOCKS Trize University Collese of Law SOLID COLORS ME0SW 1.25 value DISCO DANCE CONTEST every Wednesday night 1'inalb.l*, chosen esers hear Opening November 15th beginning nl « p.m. Winners HERE'S HOW: Submit will be chosen b> members your reasonably priced works MEN'S CALF of art (any medium) to •I I he awdirnre nl the Union Activities 12 p.m. Office, 2nd floor, Union Building anytime Tues.-Thurs., Nov. 7-10 CREW SOCKS Bonnie between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 99 SOLID COLORS Prints and Drawings submitted must be matted and pro¬ & Clyde tected with acetate. Paintings must be framed when 1.50 value appropriate. ^Di^co of the selling price goes to you, the artist; staii co** | 4 to the gallery. ENVELOPES HEETFEI the union Thermal Iniol gallery X 49* e Browsing Room dt The Unic SOcT-4 1/1" x9'/." 99 lOOct — 3 5/1" x 6'/i" 1.50 value one sliefltiu11 A career in law— UTI EXPIRES 11-11-77 state court* Incredible without law school. What can you do with Now there is a only a bachelor's degree? STAY FREE goodnei Gillette way to bridge the gap between an undergraduate education and a MINI-PADS Shrinking career. The one Three months of intensive skills—the courses are taught of the seven courses challenging, responsible Lawyer's Assistant is able to do work tradi¬ tionally done by lawyers. training can give you the by lawyers. You choose 1.19 Disposable R« 66' which you want to work. offered—choose the city in Pitcher Since 1970, The Institute for placed more than 2,000 and corporations in over Paralegal Training graduates in law firms, banks has 30's 1.75 value UMIT1 EXPIRES 11-11-77 3 PACK 80 cities. If you are a senior of STATE COUPON high academic standing and are interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, Prices to meet you. we'd like FLANNEL LINED Contact your placement office representative. for an interview with our WIND BREAKER A great deal on g45 We will visit your campus on: domestic draft brew 8 pm -12 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 midnight WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 STATE COUPON The Institute for Hobie's 930 Paralegal Training 235 South 17th Street. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 19103 (215) 732-6600 100% CRESLAN® ACRYLIC WARM UP SUIT Trowbridge Rd Operated by Para-Legal, Inc SM..MED., LC.SX-LC. ASST. COLORS 159S ■hiqnn Stotfl News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 9, 1977 7 >tate will bury PBB cattle in Oscoda Shah said. He said the DNR |ued from P«W« »> plans to contract about 50 legislature would create a state toxic substance control com¬ toxic substances. cessary to destroy PBB. trucks to haul the 87,000 cubic He also said there are about The :t route to that goal," mission and give the state seven PBB-contaminated car¬ company had earlier yards of clay required to line turned down a DNR continuing toxic chemical dis¬ in cold storage proposal to the pit. casses that need incinerate large numbers of e considered request- posal responsibilities, he said. to be disposed of soon. The cattle. ■earing before Judge Trucking costs are responsi¬ The bill charges the commis¬ state may call on Dow Chemical "I doubt MSU f propose a bentonite- ble for making the project so sion with investigating toxic Co. to incinerate the animals, called on," would be iiningforthe burial pit. expensive. Shah said, adding substance problems, declaring he said. The company has an Turney said. Uni¬ ■rials said the governor that the DNR will be emergencies and making de¬ versity incinerators cannot looking for incinerator that can attain the safely reach the required tem¬ CMTT BE WBONj ■ this plan because it a source of clay somewhat closer cisions regarding disposal of 2,000 degree temperature ne¬ lie too much time. to Mio. perature without modification. Contracts are awarded William G. Turney, chief of £e the site, it could take Jths to dig pth clay, the pit and the DNR environmental pro¬ tection bureau said Milliken's decision will not affect DNR Kelley sues company for PCB pollution million Michigan shoppers choose Kroger! Why?... par P. Shah, super- preparations to acquire an in¬ (continued from page II [ the DNR geology found in any fish in the state ...Because Kreger means better meat. Kreger cinerator. "I don't think it's "Any time we find PCB in the -aid because of the lack near the plant and 10 or more and have 70 times the concen¬ gives yen a better meat ralue. Teur money going to die," he said. waters of the state, it is a ■table clay on the site, miles downstream. It also was tration allowed in food under major buys mere eating meat at Kregar... health and environmental con¬ T another location will Turney said incinerator feared that livestock federal law. an from the river drinking cern." Kelley said. ke hauled to the landfill will be needed to handle future may have picked ...Because you'll find fresher fruit and up the contaminant. State Health Director "The Jing contractors. toxic chemical contamination severity of this contam¬ vegetables in the Kreger gardens. Re* after Tests showed Maurice Reizen warned Michi¬ ination increases that re* ef freshness at do*n-to-earth problems. south concern prices. Inly suitable clay found A bill Shiawassee River fish have the gan residents Oct. 20 not to eat and the need for action." Kroger always offers the best available... fa in the Detroit area, pending in the state highest concentration of PCB fish from the river. in addition to ...Because you'll find everyday le* prices PCB is a chemical cousin of asking the company to help clean up the tbreugheut the store, with le* weekly spoeials PBB and is used in industrial ow focuses on Indians hydraulic systems. It is sus¬ pected of causing cancer and birth defects. pollution. Kelley requested that Cast Forge be fined for the lost fish and agricultural use of south the en items yeu need and buy regularly. With unadvortised spoeials that give yeu unoa- pected savings. branch of the |e show examining the Cast Forge ing support for Native Ameri¬ "It wouldn't be hard to apparently Shiawassee, plus civil penalties struggle of Native can political prisoners, Schen- stopped discharging the toxic of up to (10,000 picture another situation like chemical into the Shiawassee per day for s and contemporary del said. The organization is each day the the one at Wounded Knee, River in 1973. company violated an life will be present- ■30 tonight in 109 S. also assisting the treaty council in compiling information on because Michigan does have a state environmental laws. nerroshing ■ large Native Indian popula¬ coca-cola! Ball. legal repression of Indians for a tion," he said. King the slide show will document that is to be present¬ Hussion about the Inter- I Treaty Council, a non- ed at a UN conference. The committee is also con¬ ft OFF SPECIAL! cental Csultative organization status in the cerned about the problems Sweet Buy Any Large Sub Indians face in Michigan, Rations. cially their struggle over fish¬ espe¬ sixteen and Get Second Identical .it Lansing chapter of ing rights, Schendel said. One at % Off - with te e American Solidarity is sponsoring the Sports and white commercial never been coupon. anglers are lobbying against ion. Chairperson Ichendel said the com- lants to focus attention Immediate problems of Indians for land and resource rights, he said, and there has already been some violence. QUICHED Thru Thursday, | CALLET SUB SHOP 2850 Grand Rlvar (next to Coral Gables) { buy one quiche and Americans. Jslide show is a hard- SKIERS! the second one's Iree. ^ 351-0304 591 | documentary 1" he said. i on Indians the go Ski Club Meeting Wed. Nov. 9th in ^ Walk in only offer good Wed. Nov. 9, 1977 ■ 158 Natural Rasourcas ■ally. NASC is mobiliz¬ at 7:30 p.m. "WE'RE MORE THAN JUST NUTS... Noon Sat. Nov. 19th, 1977 All the succulent Fried Fish you can eat, with French Fries and Cole Slaw only 2.15 every Wednesday 55* am jq| LAM5lfd<5 SYArg 6ANk The Peanut Barrel MAILORDER SPECIALISTS THE NEW ECONOMICAL IIKKORMAT FT3 WITH NIKON SYSTEM VERSATILITY. WITH LATEST 50mm F2 AI-NIKKOR LENS. ONLY *229 Here's the ■ entry into the Nikon exciting new, system—a full-feature I economical sir. The Nikkormat FT3 gives you I pe split-second certainty of automatic aperture I mdexing, combined with the matchless I accuracy of Nikon center-weighted, thru-the- I ens metering.lt takes all of the more than 55 I multi-coated Nikkor lenses and most Nikon I accessories for unlimited enjoyment! It's easy I enough for a beginner, yet so versatile many a I Professional counts on it. Come in and see it %! ■mini, ' °F "ATTLE CREEK ii a national moil order photo equip- ■ptatoQra h 'f' our 0unk rock at its finest, all from the people who brought ■w York Dolls. I read punk magazines, I see punk PLUS d forgive me, but I saw the Suicide Commandoes in a month ago—and 1 studiously avoid disliking fellow p hope they do the same for me. LINED FLIGHT JACKETS CORNER CtlPPERT and VINE ■k? I'll probably get sick of punk. That usually hapens to I; I like something, until it gets too popular, and then I ■bout it. Or else I just call it creepy. Phone 351-2217 Maybe I'll start 1 jazz again. I, I hate jazz fans. REGULAR $5500 NOW «45°° COME IN AND SAVE! -BEGINNING TODAY- HALL denim bells & big bells corduroy bell bottoms & OATES corduroy straight legs VALUES TO $1800 is coming... NOW: $ 50 Sunday, November 27, 13 1977 8:00p.m. Advanced ticket sales start: Thursday, November 10,1977 LEVI'S for LESS —$6.M— Ticket Locations: • • • Metro Stadium (Box CeCe's Tape Center, Discount Records, E. Lansing office), Lansing Lansing lheBMIKH University Mall 220 M.A.C. East Lansing • Recordland, Jackson NEXT TO WHEREHOUSE RECORDS Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. 10-6 Thurs.&Fri. 10-9 For more information call/ 321-8585 10 Michigon Stote News. East Lonsing, Michigon Wednejdoy, ty WINKLER 'JUICE' STRAINS BACKS Land gets sacks By MICHAEL KLOCKE HffiOEj State New# Sport# Writer After starting the season rather sluggishly. MSU's defense has thoroughly dominated their last three opponents. Defensive tackle Melvin Land has been one of the main reasons. Land — known as "Sweet Juice" to his teammates — came Tindiug the one you hue... js ,j,]f _ through with one of his best efforts of the year in Saturday's 29-10 Mon-Thur,7:45 ** Ml win over Minnesota. He had nine unassisted tackles and combined Sot7:15.9:20 with Larry Bethea to keep constant pressure on the Gopher ■ Sunday 4:00,4; n «.,„ quarterbacks. In recent games the Spartan pass rush has been improving considerably, but Land says the line really isn't doing anything different. "We're still doing basically the same kinds of things on our pass MICHIGAN STATE rush," said the 6-3,230-pound senior from Campbell, Ohio, "We're just playing more as a unit and it's meant more sacks." UNIVERSITY MSU head coach more as a team. Darryl Rogers agrees that the line is playing "Sometimes Melvin will get a sack, but it was Larry who put the PERFORMING1 pressure on the quarterback and into Melvin," Rogers said. "Sometimes it will work the other way." ARTS COMPANY' II (continued on page 11) PRESENTS 5 Quiches. All served fOMfOI SNEAK PREVIEW!!!! TONIGHT ONLY IN ADDITION TO HAPPY DAYS BEAL ROmEOS 24 hours a day. WILL SHOW ANOTHER FULL LENGTH X RATED WE CAN'T TELL YOU THE TITLE BUT WE CAN SAY IT IS ONE OF THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS EVER SHOWN. HAPPY DAYS WILL BE SHOWN FILM. THAT FILMS WE'VE JULIET November 15-19 BEFORE Thru Thursday, AND AFTER THE PREVIEW. V buy one quiche and FAIRCHILD THEATRE 1 the second one's free. 'A super-porno tribute to the "Way We Were"-an X-rated answer to 'American Graffiti'." swinger DO YOU REMEMBER WATCHING SUBMARINE RACES IN THE BACK SEAT? PREPARE FOR' j&f now runt MCAT • DAT • ISAT • 9RE GMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT TROJAN W0M NMBIJ.I, ~ State News Robert Kozlof. November 9-12 Melvin Land (47) sets his sights on Michgan quarterback Ricky Leach during ECFMG'FLEHQE MSU's 24-14 loss earlier in the year. NAT L DENTAL BOARDS ARENA THEATRE NURSING BOARDS Fltliblt Program, a Hour# Featuring HAIRCUTS Thtrt IS a 4Iffirtnt*!!! GEORGINASPEIVIN, CINDY WEST, BOX OFFICE PHONE oo ARLANABLUE $7. A"GOOD GUY- JOE O'BRIEN r 355-0148 BOTH WEN & WOMEN 351-6511 For Information TONIOHT 8 mna writ, or coll: 2M24 Orchard SHOWTIME: Hoppy Days 7:00, 10:20 Sneak Free T-shirt with permanent toko Rood Suit# MS Prevl.vv 0:45 Farmlngton SHOWPLACE: 109 Anthony Hill#, Ml 4*011(111) 151.0311 only ADMISSION: $2.50 students. $3.50 staff t GARYs Campus Beauty Salon An .nt.rtolnm.nt urvlc. of faculty th. BmI Film Co-oo «oh,foxrr 549 E. Grand River - across from Berkey Hall Is it Funny! J* GEORGE BURNS Tickets en sale today! JOHN DENVER mortmain Twtimaaaiti'U Funnier than "The Groove Tube" More Outrageous thon "Tunnel Visit |Qw Hokum MijtiMttBrtM 1 WT ' JL \Om RrtrtmeMi MrtaweeH. The spirit ol '69 mt lOlPfflWrtrtlllSUi Wilts 548*15 *l'^''J- l§lre•Wi,'* JOAN Armatrading Tuesday November 22 It's a movie you'll never lot, Tou'Lip iSJli a 7"-30 & 10pm ■ State Theatre ALL SEATS-$6.00 Special Guest MICHAEL KA TAKIS cm - Tickets available at Discount Records in East Recordland in the Meridian and Lansing Lansing Malls A PYRAMID PRODUCTION maoiiui eNeedler MW*«23L |;rn Slote News, Eost Loosing. Michigor Wednesday. November 9, 1977 1 1 'ersical vies for |e centers ' on him in the but pressure is coming weeks, games and made 1,410 saves in scholarship f says the two of them can munity College. Because of his Gymnasts 'better' MSU men's gymnastics coach George Szypula said his team is further advanced than last year after rw« Sports Writer nothing new to his rookie season. He played The MSU water polo club lost competing in the Indiana I long hours of work him. full-time last year up until compare their statistics after the series, and they both know two years at a community its first game of the season to Classic at Indianopolis over the weekend. re Student to excel in He came here three years Christmas when he and his college, he is in his last year of the Windsor, Ontario water "Overall we did better than in the past couple years," that each has to do well or else L,. It also Ukes long ago to a hockey team that had roommate, Mark Mazzoleni, eligibility at MSU. polo club Saturday, 11-10. The Szypula said. "It was a good beginning for us and it gave some all of the firepower that it he might lose his job to the He said hockey is a six of our specialist men a chance." ■work for a college started month team was undefeated before I excel for his team, needed but lacked a playing alternate other guy altogether. sport - and that's it. Freshman Marvin Gibbs turned in the goalie. games, which is what they have Saturday after winning its first highest finish for MSU Spartan coach Amo Bessone Even though he hasn't been "I with a third place in the floor exercise. His ■about a person who done since then. played one summer but I seven games. score was an 8.5. loth? had players like Tom Ross, "It hasn't made much of a playing full time in over a year, didn't like it," Versical com¬ MSU's water polo club team Jeff Rudolph competed in the all-around for MSU, recording ■ question Steve Colp, Daryl Rice and Versical became the all-time mented. "I like to end when the sixth in the horizontal bar, that can be difference," Versical said about will host the league champion¬ eighth in the pommel horse and lby Dave Veraical, John Sturges to put the Spartan record holder Satur¬ season is over." ship Saturday in the Men's IM eighth in vaulting. puck playing every other game. "It 1 the MSU hockey into the opponent's net, but he gives you more time to prepare day with 2,453 career saves. One of the toughest things pool. The squad may meet "Rudolph had a steady day for us," Szypula said of the team's ■sical has been the needed someone to keep the Versical attended Grosse for a hockey player is that their veteran. "It's for that one game. You Windsor in a rematch in the early in the year and their were some tough salie for the Spartans opponent's pucks out of the only get Pointe Shores High School but season starts the teams there." one chance a week." he didn't play hockey there. He day the tourney. MSU net. players get to p. years at MSU. He Versical said he would like to campus in Sept¬ played for the Detroit Junior forked hard enough ip That's what Versical did. He play in every game, but he also Wings for two years while he ember, and it doesn't end until SKIERS! JJqiu to be one of three played in 37 of the Spartan's 41 wants to see Mazzoleni play. He attended Macomb County Com¬ March. That's two full terms of Ski Club Meeting ients to be considered double time. •s Scholarship this Wed., Nov. 9th in 158 Natural Resources Melvin Land and defense key for final home at 7:30 p.m. Indian Land's performance (continued bom page 101 only because victories could vault them as game Get a People "The question that you ask" Saturday moved him into third place on the high as second in the team in total tackles with 80. Land has a knack for standings, but also because wins would be a plus for the whole slide show ft discussion being able to run down offensive backs to make tackles. How can a big defensive tackle run down these fleet-footed program. "We're confident that we can win the last two games and finish QUICHE backs? It's easy ... he's just as fast as most of them. second," Land said. "If we can, it will be young guys. especially good for the out of life "When I was in high school I played tailback and cornerback," "With the nucleus of Land said. "I've been clocked at 4.7 in the 40, so the players we have coming back next year, we speed does could have a real good team. If we have a winning season, it will help my pursuit." make it easier to recruit also." The play of Land has been especially important since MSU lost two Land is expected to have one more outstanding defensive linemen earlier in the year, in Kim year of eligibility left after this season. He played Rowekamp and Angelo Fields. briefly in his freshman year, so MSU will have to petition to the NCAA for the "In game situations, if we extra eligibility. get a big lead I know I can't let up at "I'd like to play all without those two in the pro football when I'm done here, so if it comes game," Land said. my way, fine," Land said. "But right Land said the Spartans are now, all I care about is our keying for their last two games not last two games." of a special! 2VENING WITH . . . 5 pm till dose Emerson ATT :30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 BW Whoppers We know they are there- advanced beyond our imagination. >upons Offers Oood at Botfi 11411. Grand River no limit Why have they come? TODAY OPEN 7:00 PM Shows at 7:10-9:05 Feature 7:30*9:30 O hake& Palmer ■ml 30121. Saginaw Dorothy's ■ ■ rcnrT off to see ■ ) irt Auction lipyz The Wizard! TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 158:00 PM at JENISON, TICKETS AVAILABLE ■ V jC 1 at MSU UNION, DISCOUNT RECORDS, CAMPUS CORNERS, o pTi ■ lust follow SOUNDS & DIVERSIONS the yellow rock road. Ol (DJ rna' wo'ks of graphic art—etchings, lithographs,— J by leading 20th century artists: P0 Picasso Johnny Fricdlacndcr Mare Chagall ■ r D«li. Alexander Calder Joan Miro Rouault Victor Vasarely and others. I *uriMow TM, siASOm JUL NSW Mm 1 ."""AT., NOV. Hth«tSlS»Mk I """ITALirr MOTM INM-SJUXftOOM MlyM.liHatMN •■'■ISOiMpa NMoraf* by MHO— Sall.ry ■•ah Cfcf'u JUn't. 1 2 Michigon Stole News, East lonsing. Michigor Wednesdoy, k 14-Room house too bis (continued from page 1) Stell, F0X SUNY will pay for whatever residence they choose, Wharton said. He ^Unuedfr, also supports ! Announcements for It's Wharton said he accepted the SUNY chancellorship because it has "the greatest m ^ 1 Tetregrammaton, JHVH, Call the Women's Center Study in London! Informa¬ Whet's Happening must be received in the State News JHWH, IHVH, YHWH, Adam, Eve, Male, YHVH, tonight for information about activities for lesbians. Call tion available at 7 Wilson Hall tonight, C-1 regarding ^Hesai'd'he considers himself a "displaced faculty person" who hopes for a "substantive relationship" with professor's unions, but he declined comment on how well he would get office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least two Female, Yah Weh, Spiritual Father and Mother, from 6 to off-campus information for the Women's Center phone humanities and social science programs for spring and sum¬ alone with the unions. ^tnpaigns'and has Mv«"l J class days before publication. No announcements wilt be 8 tonight, 103 Bessey Hall. number. mer 1978. Wharton's predecessor, Ernest Boyer, now U.S. Commissioner of Education, was not well received by two groups that represent SUNY faculty. He environment currently work, £>• accepted by phone. Interested in Spanish/ House Jim Kalmbach and John Wharton did not commit himself to the job for a specific period, but said he did not Consumers MSU Polo Club practices Social Science program in Mexico winter term? Attend a Need a ride? Need a rider? Call the Alpha Phi Omega Rohrkemper, English depart¬ ment PhD candidates, will intend it as stepping stone to a higher position. Con,^ at 7 tonight at Livestock Pavilion. New members wel¬ meeting at 7 tonight, 506A rider board. It really worksl read their poetry and fiction "I don't keep looking over my shoulder or over the fence," he said. Wharton said he is "a great defender of the tenure syatem," adding that it has worked throughout the day0"E?3l come square dance with Wells Hall. the Anyone welcome Senior Class to attend Council Edgar Cayce Study Groups for spiritual growth are form¬ ing. Inquirers meeting at 7:30 at 8:30 tonight, 334 Union. David Shneider, M.D., pre¬ well "on net balance." While he has not reviewed the SUNY budget, Wharton said he believed a "qualitative" ESBaSsJ HI persons ^>1 sents adult increase in the university's performance is possible without budget boosts. numbering MSU Promenaders at 7 to¬ tonight, 2:30 a.m. Sunday, common and 1,124 meeting at 9 tonight, Sigma childhood orthopedic foot He said that had been accomplished at MSU in his last four years despite a "real dollar" night, Union. No experience Chi Fraternity House. 900 Longfellow Road. At 4 p.m. problems at 11 a.m. today, decrease in budget. precinct necessary. Clinical Center, part of Audi¬ voters out of 1 n«i, •23 *N| Students interested in the Phi Gamma Nu meeting is The Michigan system, Wharton said, had experienced "explosive growth, then MSU Scuba Club will have torium Ambulatory Confer¬ was also slow at 6 tonight. Pledges meet in stabilized" in much the same way SUNY has. a club meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday, 219 Men's IM campaign to support the $17 Million Enrichment Program should meet at 7 tonight in 4 113 Eppley Center and active members meet in 110 Eppley ence Series. (continued on page 14) Wharton made no comment on how he would handle between the SUNY system and the Board of Regents. a long-standing power dispute earlier inUuJJjj Bldg. Everyone welcome. Student Services Bldg. Center. "1 believe there is more than the personality of one chancellor involved," he said. IsLannua! EAST LANSING STATE BANK Run with Frank Shorter. 12 Noon Sat. Nov. 19th, 1977 East Lansing and Surrounding Area All runners & joggers welcome Showers and Lockers Available at Race Site own soap and towel — bring your i|| '.§j -ft *3 T-Shirt for all participating and special prizes provided by Frank Shorter Sports $4.00 race entry fee ($5.00 at race time); $2.50 for students Pre-registratlon deadline Nov. 12 For more information and entry blanks contact: Mr. Stu Bartlett East Lansing State Bank P.O. Box 1100 East Lansing, Ml 48823 Steve Flannigan, Frank Shorter Sports Walt Long. Mid-Michigan All proceeds will Track Club go toward scholarships for needy kids, . . - *5213 East Lansing ' School/City Recreation Fund. Entry Form: Check event Men's Open □ Men's SubMaster Check T-shirtsi» S M i * |' (30-40) □ Men's Master (40-50) n Men's Grand Master (over 50) CI Men's High School CI Women's Open □ Women's Master (35 and over) □ Women's High School □ Nome , School or Club Dale of Birth day/month/year Entry fee of S4: S2.50 students must accompdny this Entry Form (S5 late reg* Athlete's signature mm§ fry form, I hereby tor myself, nr waive and release al tig id claims tor damages I CO-SPONSORED BY MID MICHIGAN TRACK CLUB AND FRANK SHORTER SPORTS or which may arise out of my (raveling to, n State N«ws, East larnlnq, Michigan Wednesday, November 9, 1977 13 HE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS 7-1K3) PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 AdvorMslRg totowtiw |fc] [ Automotive J[jJ [ Ewploywrt ][|D | MONTEGO 1972. Stereo, eir, [apioyeit |[jj] EroplByiwt [fill I *P*tie»ts ||y] Information new tires, exheust, no VW 1970 excellent shape, MODELS WANTED, PHONE SALES: Females WANTED:FREE lance artist. rust, heater, radio. 4900 or best hour. We will train. 489 2278. WANTED-CAR stereo instal¬ WANTED QUIET girl to share like new, 41550. 355-3654. offer. 484-5529,8 a.m.-1 only with energetic voice. Must be able to sketch lers. Experienced only. Apply 147 Student Services lldg. Z-30-11-9 3-11-11131 8-11-1713) p.m. j3) Salary, no commission. 332- courtroom scenes. Part-time in person at 6040 South 3 bedroom apartment on 3039. 8-11-17(3) Lake Lansing. Close to cam¬ GIRLS NEEDED for phone position with an equal oppor¬ Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing, NEED CASH? We buy im¬ tunity employer. Write P.O. pus, on busline, own room. VW, 1964. Good brakes and soliciting. Part time. No INSIDE AND delivery help between 10am-9pm, Mon¬ Call 339-2395.8-11-17 (51 ports end sharp late model Box 30380, Lansing. Mi. t doy • K< per line tires, new generator. 5385. experience necessary. For day-Friday. 8-11-916) interview call Barb Wakefield wanted. Apply today after 4 48909. Please include a tele¬ 1 days • I0< per line compacts. Call John De Call 351-7714, leave message. p.m. LITTLE CEASARS. LARGE 1 bedroom with fire¬ Young, WILLIAMS V.W. at 321-8660, after 5 phone number where you BUSPERSONS LUNCHES i days-7S« per 5-11-14-141 p.m. 3-11-10(31 place, garege, yard, stove, □mnnm line 484-1341 or 484 2661, 8-11-15(61 can be reached. 3-11-9(101 10:30 am-3 pm. LION'S DEN and refrigerator. 5 minutes to nnuLUEH I days-70S per line VW GHIA 1965. Parts or RESTAURANT, 213 S. C-20-11-30-15) MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST. campus. Prefer single or ntramrn MAIDS WANTED part time. LONG'S OF LANSING is Grand, downtown Lansing. transportation. Good motor, Part-time. MT (ASCP) or young couple. 4190 per nnnEumi Line rote per Insertion OLDS 88, 1962, four door, tires; rusted. 5200 or offer. Apply in person at the RED currently taking applications Apply in person only between eligible to work all phases of month. Available Nov. 15. gfflgM good condition, new tires. 351-1146 after 6 p.m. ROOF INN, 7412 W. Saginaw donor for the following positions: 2 pm-4 pm. 8-11-14(6) 482-9226. 4-11-11(7) 351-7504. 8-11-1513) 3-11-11(41 Highway, Lansing. 5-11-10(4) processing, compo¬ lunch waitresses, cocktail nent preparation and phoresis RN'S Et LPN'S. Part-time waitresses, cashiers, busboys ■|MI. 3 lines ■ '4.00 ■ 5 days. 80' per line over OLDSMOBILE quality control. Must be able and experienced part-time and full time. Call 323-9133, Availahle sm miter CUTLASS WAITRESS-PART-TIME and lease Enes. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. Tee ot item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum Supreme Coupe 1972. Air. automatic, power steering, [ Auto Service j / full rime. Apply at THE CABARET. 489-6967. to work alternate weekends. Primary responsibilities are to bartenders. Apply in person at 6810 S. Cedar. 8-11-16(10) ask for Mrs. Luks. UNIFORMED SECURITY Of¬ 8-11-16(3) taker at Is pries of'50. power brakes AM-FM, 64,000 LANSING'S LARGEST sup¬ process phoresis units on weekends end to help with BABYSITTING/HOUSE¬ ficers call 641-6734 between f, Personal ads ■ 3 lines . '2.25 . per insertion. miles. Call 655-2908. ply of foreign car workshop 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday- BURCHAM E per line over 3 lines (prepayment). 8-11-9-151 WAITRESSES WANTED, routine processing on week¬ KEEPING. 2 children ages 5 L 'Cirage Sale ads ■ 4 lines • '2.50. manuals in stock. CHEQUE¬ neat, dependable, experience days. If interested, contact and 7. 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Friday. Or-16-11-30(3) WOODS RED FLAG FOREIGN CAR AMERICAN RED CROSS Monday-Friday. Own trans¬ PINTO 1974 automatic, good preferred for lunch or nights, ■■per line over 4 lines - per insertion. PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ 1800 E. Grand River, Lansing. portation and references re¬ DRIVERS NEEDED- PIZZA I Town ads ■ 4 lines ■ '2.50 . per insertion. condition, 41200 or best offer apply in person MILO'S 487-4461 E.O.E. 8-11-171161 quired. 349-3827 after 5:30 EXPRESS, for the East Lan¬ 355-9770 after 5 p.m. zoo St., one mile west of TAVERNA. 301 E. Jolly just Tper line over 4 lines. 8-11-17-13) campus. C-9-11-1H24I west of S. Cedar. 8-11-1617) p.m. 6-9-16(5) sing area. Hourly plus com¬ Sounds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines ■ '1.50 • TIRE REPAIR-Monday, mission. Call 351-3421 after 4 L insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. PINTO WAGON, 1974, auto¬ JUNK CARS wanted. Also STUDENT WANTED to do Wednesday, Friday, year- LPN-3 p.m.-11 p.m. shift. p.m. Must have own car. 351-3118 matic, roof rack. 41295. Call light housekeeping. Near round, will train, must have Weekends only. Starting sal¬ 3-11-9(6) 745 Burchom Dr. selling used parts. Phone Dee, 694-3971 Monday-Fri¬ busline. Call 373-1471 8 am- own car or van. Call 1-772- ary, 44.46/hour. INGHAM only 5 blocks lo campus! anytime 351-3651. RESIDENT MANAGER. Res¬ Deadlinti day. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 5-11-9141 C-16-11-30(3) 5pm, 485-9371 after 5 p.m. 4756. Z-8-11-11I4I COUNTY MEDICAL CARE FACILITY, 3882 Dobie Road, ponsible hard working mar¬ 8p.m.. 1 class day before publication. 5-11-14-14) MALE ROOMMATE wanted FULL AND part time jobs. ried couple needed to man¬ PINTO, 1974 Bronze, 43,000 GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14 Okemos, 349-1050.3-11-11161 Tolion/Chonge ■ I p.m. - 1 class day before SNOW Excellent earnings. 374-6328, age a 41 unit student rental for modern duplex. Own kblication. miles. Little rust. Call 339- 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, SHOVELING-need room, 4110/month. Call any¬ Mprn. daily.8-11 -N13)_ TEMPORARY MAIL-ROOM apartment building. Call energetic person for hand Jd is ordtrod it cannot b« cancelled or chonged ^3JEM 1/15(3) good supply of snow tires. shoveling at East Lansing help-3-4 week period. Two Cathy 351-8135. 0-8-11-14(6) time, 351-7423. 8-11-18(41 (til after 1st insertion. PONTIAC STATION wagon, PENNELL SALES. 130154 condominium. Phone HOUSEKEEPER WANTED- shifts available: 8:30 a.m.- M .00 East Kalamazoo, Lansing Country Club area. APARTMENT IN Okemos to charge for 1 ad change plus 50' a Jdifiona! change for maximum of 3 changes, per 1972. 46,000 miles, 5600. Good gas mileage. 339-9954. 482-5818 C-20-11-30 (51 Lansing. AMERIWAY at 489-3664. 8-11-17(51 Duties include cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring. Full 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.- midnight. Apply 3308 South rFor *eil jffl sublease winter term-2 bed¬ rooms, furnished, 4290/ ftte News will only be responsible for the ,1st 2-H-10(31 Cedar, Suite 4 9, Lansing. MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. time position for responsible 8-11-18(7) PRIME OFFICE space in P-K month, water Et heat includ¬ r's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must MAINTENANCE MORN¬ ed. 5005 Campus Hill Drive, PONTIAC GRAND Le Mans person. Call 372-8100. ext. 56. Building, 301 M.A.C. One Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto INGS, part time. Apply in (mode within 10 days of expirotion date. 4-door, air, power steering 5-VM1(7l PART TIME residential aide private office plus one two- 349-5406. 8-11-18(61 painting-collision service. person only at THE PEANUT |e due 7 days from od expiration date. If not and brakes. Call after 6 for work with 6 severely room suite of 914 square feet. id by due date, a 50* late service p.m. American-foreign cars. BARREL, 521 E. Grand River. MCDONALDS RESTAUR¬ NEED: ONE femele for 4-per- charge will 337-7349. 10-11-11(4) 3-11-10-14) ANTS of E. retarded young adults. Eve¬ Newly decorated with choice 485-0256. C-20-11-30-I4) Lansing and Okemos are now accepting nings Er weekends 42.50 of floor covering. All utilities son Twyckingham. Winter/ per PONTIAC CATALINA hour. Call 676-2565. including heat and air condi¬ Spring.351 -7948_ 3-11-11 (31 IMPORT AUTO parts and NEEDED IMMEDIATELY; applications for full and part Brougham 1972. Good trans¬ time to fill the hours of 6 3-11-11(6) tioning. Call 485-6104 for FEMALE ROOMMATE need¬ repair. 20% discount to stu¬ Waitresses, part time. Flex¬ portation, 5600. 355-3245 a.m.-7 p.m. Applications ac¬ appointment. 5-11-11110) dents and faculty on cash/ ible hours, good tips and ed after Dec. 15. Prefer grad otivi \[& [Automotive fei after 6:30 p.m. 3-11-10(3) carry service parts in stock. working conditions. Apply in cepted 8 a.m.-10 a.m., 2 BUSBOYS PART-TIME. Ap ply in person. WALNUT I Apartmnts student or working girl. 4130/ month. Two bedrooms and PORSCHE 1970 914, rust- proofed, 30 mpg, new steel Check our prices and reputa¬ tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at person at SAITES REST¬ AURANT 129 W. Ash St. p.m.-4 p.m. at the following restaurants: 234 W. Grand HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. ^ two baths, carport. Brandy- |RNET, 1970. 67,000 DODGE COLT wagon 1974. belted radials, AM/FM 8- Cedar, 485-2047, 485-9229. Mason between 2 and 7 p.m. River, next to Peoples 8-11-18(3) HAYFORD SOUTH, large wine Creek Club Apartments. imatic, good trans- Automatic, radials, luggage Z-5-11-14 (6) Church. 2763 E. Grand River, Call 351-2892, evenings. I 5250. 355-0750. track, perfect condition, cus¬ West campus shop. 485 basement apartment. Two rack. 51200. 487-2993. comer of Northwind Dr., and BUSBOYS WANTED two 3-11-11181 tom interior. 675-7190. bedroom, 8-11-16(3) 0409. Free wrecker service TAXI 2040 Grand River, Okemos, meals a day plus small gratu¬ partly furnished. Z-5-11-11I4I DRIVERS wanted. Utilities included $150, 351- with repairs with mention of Must have excellent driving from ity. 332-6531 or 332-5318. ONE BLOCK from campus. across Meijers. 7497. 0-6-11-11(5) |)RNET Sportabout DODGE VAN 1976. Air brush TOYOTA 1972 Land Cruiser. this ad. Local areas. record. VARSITY CAB. 332- 4-10-11(151 8-11-18(3) Entire two bedroom apart- package, automatic, mural, AM/FM, CB. Unique 4-wheel drive, great shape. C-20-11-30-111) 3559. 8-11-17-13) ment available and 42100. 372-1609. HELPER AT Santa's corner WANTED: FEMALE room¬ ceiling, partially customized. Call 353-7108. 5-11-1413) IT IS the policy of the STATE mates needed for other apart For info and photo, call Jeff part time, Meridian Mall. Lee: mate for 4-man apartment NEED EXTRA cash? NEWS that the last 4 weeks ments. Call 351-8135, 351 ■1976, 6 cylinder 4 at 353-1564. 8-11-14(5) TR6 1970. Good shape. Ask- .iation :fjCl earnings hours are good, your The of term a'l Student Classified advertising must be paid for 1-224-2052; 351-9135. 2-2-11-9(3) near campus. 6029.8-11-15(3) Phone 351- 1957, or 351-3873. 0-14-11-3016) ing 41500. 355-9889 before are flexible when rerdrive. New tires, DODGE 1975 Tradesman- 2:30 p.m. LEARN TO fly. Flying lessons 1 AVON representa- in advance beginning Nov¬ STORE DETECTIVES-call FEMALE TO sublease Eden 21,000 Finished interior, excellent 8JM6(3_I in exchange for work. 676- ""1. C-5-11-14-14) ember 14, 1977. Bring in or 641-6734 between 10 a.m. Rock apartment starting Jan¬ B 2075 after 6 p.m. condition, best offer, must TRIUMPH TR6, 1973. Both mail to 347 Student Services. and 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. Lansing. Call 4860. 3-11-10(3) uary. Call 351-0476. sell. 485-4777. 6-11-1114) hard and soft tops. Excellent ESCORTS WANTED. 46/ Sp-23-12-948) 0-16-11-30(3) 353-5691 or 484-0276. 8-11-15(3) condition. 39,000 miles. Call hour. No training X-3-11-10(3) necessary h, sutomatic, buck- FIAT 124 SPORT COUPE, after 1 p.m. 393-4292. Call 489-2278. Z-30-11-9 (3) JFM air, 30 mpg. 1974, tan/black interior: 8-11-1M5) Employment ji Il«58. C-3-11-10(3) undercoated, Michelin XAS, __ WANTED COCKTAIL wait¬ AM/FM. An elegant sporty TRIUMPH TR-250 1968. Ex¬ PART ress nights 5-12 p.m. Apply in TIME SECRETARY- ■ SKYLARK 1969. machine, well-maintained. cellent condition, low mile¬ BOOKKEEPER. Office skills person. No experience neces¬ rust. 90,000 337-2648 mornings end eve- age. 484 3441. 3-11-10(3) sary. HUDDLE NORTH and experience required. 337 7012. nings. 9-11-18(61 LOUNGE, 309 N. Washing¬ TRIUMPFL SPITFIRE 1976 Monday-Friday, 9a.m.-1 p.m. ton, downtown Lansing. hard and soft top, french 339-3400 or 339-9500. FIAT, 1974, 124 wagon. Ex- 8-11-16(61 blue, professionally polished C-3-11-11(4) 1977. Loaded cedent condition, rust¬ and winterized. Excellent 's 55400 694-9271 proofed, many extras. Call condition-owner KEY PUNCH operator for 2nd female. SAFETY SERVICES Special¬ shift, 4-12 p.m. Call 371-1000 m 8-11-17(3) 394-3229. 8-11-17-141 53800. 371-5700 ask for ist, some college preferred, for appointment. 8-11-1413) FORD PICK-UP 1969 360 V8 Marsha/leave message. background in water safety 01975.37,000 miles, 8-11-11(6) FULL AND part time cooks engine, 4 speed transmission, required, good public speak¬ r, 4 speed. 53400. good condition. 5650, call ing ability, must be e good day and night. Busboys, part |7.911-16(31 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, 1975. organizer, must be a resident time, nights. Apply BACK¬ 353-8165. 8-11-1414) British racing green, 25,000 of Ingham County excluding STAGE. Meridian Mall, 349- 6. 28,000 miles. 52850. 351-8441. FORD COBRA II 1976 302 the city of Lansing, must 3220. 5-11-14 (5) Kick, AM/FM radio. 5-11-11(31 V-8 automatic. Excellent meet title VI Ceta eligibility Is 351-2451. condition. Best offer. 332- requirement. Inquire at the TYPING AND general office VEGA HATCHBACK 1971. MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT 3151.8-11-16131 work. Flexible hours in Lan¬ Automatic, Power Steering. SECURITY COMMISSION y.r 1972 ist tuned. green 4- Runs good. $350 or best 3215 Pennsylvania, Lansing. sing office of PIRGIM. Must have work study. Call Jan Take over FORD MOTOR home 1968, offer. Call Marty 351-7131. or $1000. 641-6844. 5-11-9(15) mornings, at 487-6001. 52700. Can be seen et car lot 3-11-913) on 27 and State Road. 5-V1-11I6) KEY PUNCH and MAG card 3-11-10-13) VEGA HATCHBACK 1972. PART-TIME positions for ■ WINDOW van, 1971. operators, and typist. Full or GRAN TORINO, 1973, air, 48,000 miles, 4350 or best. part-time, competitive MSU students. 15-20 hours/ Brakes, automatic V-8. Excellent condition. 694- week. Automobile required. steel radials. Elite interior. wages. Please phone JIM¬ [351-9236 after 6 p.m. Good condition. 355-5995 3892.J-n_17(3) MY'S ANGEL'S 321-6878. Phone 339-9500, 339-3400. after 5 p.m. 6-11-913) 8-11-9-16) C-20-11 30-141 VW 1971 Super Bug, sun (VAN 1972, V-8. Cu«- GRAN TORINO, 1973, 351. roof, no rust, 41300 355-3255 , low mileage, or 355-2250. 5-11-11(3) WAITRESS, FULL time day New exhaust, battery, alter¬ KEY and nights. Must be neet and (ther extras. 353-2069. nator, distributor, front brakes and more. Must sell. IT IS the policy of the STATE clean, must have references. PUNCH NEWS that the last 4 weeks Apply in person only. JACKS 5^m 332J487. 8-HJ8I42 OPERATORS |TTE 1975-One owner, I miles. Call GREMLIN X1973-1974. Stan¬ of term all Student Advertis¬ corner of Logan and Jolly. 485-2047 ing must be paid for in 8-11-10(6) FMr. Mayes. dard transmission, AM/FM advance beginning Novem¬ I-1M3) stereo, new tires, exhaust ber 14,1977. Bring or mail to Modern growing 468 bad and shocks. 355-6152. 347 Student Services. WAITRESSES WANTED, Lansing hospital has im¬ —JN 71 4 cylinder se- 5-11-11(4) Sp-23-12-918) experience preferred but not mediate openings for full ■ Good engine, necessary. Apply in person time Key Punch Operators 5900/ MIDGET 1971. Nice car AM GARAGE RESTAURANT, Tpall4863041, early-late /FM cassette deck. Best offer VW CAMPER 1966. Rebuilt 316 N. Capital, downtown n expanding data pro- P 2-3-11-9(3) engine, nice interior. 4875 ing center. 485-6015. 14-11-14-13) 372-8373. 8-11-14(31 Lansing. 5-11-10(5) ROYALE, 1973. F stereo, loaded, new Ideal candidate for this re* P 349 2596. 5-11-10(3) HINT sponsible position will hove Your key to a A luxury Apartment 1978 Thunderbird The hospital offers excel* $999 Per Day lent fringe benefits that in- '«iol of the WEEK dude paid vacation and tuition reimbursement after 1S Mssette duck. year employment. We also ■WSfl offer poid holidays, sick pay, Dolby systwm. Mileage in excess of 50 miles per day charged New '350 HICKORY HILLS at 104 a mile. hpspitol poid health insur- ond pension plan. 2 Bedroom Townhouse! Salary is commensorato with experience. Apply to: h"»«konly»|?S 'Spacious *2 levels 'Balcony 'Carpeting doss p. alandib 'Dishwasher 'Modern assistant personnel SUPER SAVINGS! director tw. sparrow HOSPITAL 351-5937 ^lL DICK ACKER AT CURTIS FORD, 351-1830, 1215 E. MICHIGAN 332-6492 FOR ANY AND ALL OF YOUR RENTAL OR lansing, MICH. 48910 r 0|Ml DMI, LEASING NEEDS. 16 Hand Store 1723 Cambria Drive We require one of the following credit cords as a moons A non discriminatory of deposit: Moster Chorgo, BonkAmerlcord, Corte alfirmative action employer East I louih Cedar Lansing Blanche, American Express. Diners Club. You must be J1 Mole Female Handicap 447-3444 close lo bus line years of oge. ] 4 Wednesday, November 9, 1977 HjyfHts |[p] I »80iS 10 For Sale |fe] | Puds Peart TWO BEDROOM duple* EAST LANSING, share fur¬ BOOKS, MAGAZINES, INK DRAWING of your horns HE CONCLUDED, "Furu also Weverly area. Carpeted, nished duplex, one room. comics and morel CURIOUS for Christmas cards, done an outstanding race. It by ran basement, large backyard, Busline, >110. 374-6366. BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand MFA graduate. >15. 351- remains to be seen what >230 month/plus utilities. No 0-20-11-30(31 River. 332-0112. 0254. 5-11-15(3) happens in two weeks. I am children or pets. Call 321- C-20-11J0-I3) proud of the way all of them AIESEC (International As¬ (continued on pafe 12) 8489 or 339-3935. 8-11-10(61 CAMPUS NEAR, clean, fur¬ FISHER 3-WAY sneakers-like ran." Z-1-11-916) sociation for Students INDIAN RIVER Citrus-deliv¬ Air Force ROTC orientation in nished. Share modern kitch¬ new, >100; FM Magnavox car Economics and Business WANTED CLEAN, quiet non¬ ered from Florida within is at 7 tonight, Brody Hall, 7 en and bath. From >85/ stereo radio, >30. Call 351- happy birthday Mary Management) meets con¬ hours of picking. Naval or¬ p.m. Thursday, Landon Hall. smoking female. Own room month, 485-1436 or 351-6471. 5772.3-11-11(41 Anne and Dougl Good luck in cerning committees and bus¬ in 2 bedroom apartment, 3 anges, >8.50/case, grape¬ the year ahead. Lovs ya, Persons interested in ROTC iness interviews at 7 0-20-11-30(41 fruits >7.50/case. Call by tonight, blocks to campus. >113/ JUST IN time for Christmas. classes or program please November 14. Days 485-0783; Joyce. S-1-11-9(4) 334Union. ... month. 332-5614 after five. IT IS the policy of the STATE Macrame planters-your attend. Refreshments served. evenings 371-3996 or 627- choice. From >2->20. 2310 Interested campus under¬ Z-3-11-1QI5) GRADUATE OR married stu¬ dents. New luxury 2 bedroom ' NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified Advertising must be paid for 2844. 16191 8-11 Bernard St. 393-3348. 5-11-10(4) [~ Service J(*sj FREE LESSON in complexion Registered Student organi¬ zations can get applications grade! The Radio Board has two unfilled member-at-large positions available! Drop 5*58*4 Resources o,,.®1 h in advance beginning Nov¬ for ASMSU Programing by 4 spartment. East Lansing bus ember 14,1977. Bring or mail FOR SALE portable TV in excellent condition. >28. SEWING MACHINES. Guar¬ care. MERLE NORMAN Board funding, 307 and 309 Student Services fore Nov. 15. Bldg. be¬ P'itesands^SS service. No pets. Start at to 347 Student Services. anteed reconditioned ma¬ COSMETIC STUDIO 321- Student Services Bldg. Dead¬ >230. Call 351-9483 or 351- Phone 484-8783. E-5-11-11(31 Circle Sp-23-12-9(8l chines from >39.95. New 5543. C-20-11 -30-(3) line is 5 p.m. today. 9195 after 6 p.m. machines from Women's Studies largest coll. PHOTO GRAY lens, bifocal >69.50, group 0-20-11-30® invites students and 2a,ion- __ or single vision. OPTICAL EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ Jewish studentsl Meet for to an open faculty meeting at 3:30 Cori™, _ IT IS the policy of the STATE | For Sale DISCOUNT, 2617 E. Mich¬ CO. 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. C-20-11-3K7) vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE 555 East Grand River. morning Minyan at 7 a.m. Monday and Thursday at today, Union Oak Room. ?ee,in9S,6'»*"'J ounporch. NEWS that the last 4 weeks igan, Lansing. 372-7409. of term all Student Classified C-20-1 T30-I3) Hillei. C-5-11-1114) Greenpeace APPLES, CIDER, BLOSSOM PAIR INFINITY 2000 presentation advertising must be paid for II, like held at 8 in advance beginning Nov¬ ORCHARDS, The Wadow- SPEAKER-5 months old, new, >450. 321-4099 after 5 IT IS the policy of the STATE Minority Pre-Med Associa¬ tonight, G32 Hub¬ bard Hall. Help save the Pr°graming . I irSSj ski's2 miles N. of Leslie, 3597 NEWS that the last 4 weeks tion will meet at 7 seals ember 14,1977. Bring or mail Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours, 2-10" woofers, 2 mid, 2 p.m.8-nj!(32 of term all Student Classified 335 Union. For information tonight, and whales. For information to 347 Student Services. tweeters per cabinet. Home¬ call Paul Hart, 753 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays, 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ Advertising must be paid for Hubbard Sp-23-12-918) contact Carol Crouch. ONE BEDROOM apartment, 1 589-8251 shipped by UPS. Gift packages made, excellent, must hear. >300 for pair. Call Dennis ers. Tanks cannisters, and up-rights. Guaranteed on full in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or marl Hall. »d9- Intervi^N 351-7776. Z-4-11-10(51 OR-20-11-30-18) year, >7.88 and up. DENNIS to 347 Student Services. near Capital, MSU easy drive. Carpeted, furnished, utilities GARRARD 440 M turntable DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. Sp 23 12-9(8) 316 North Cedar, opposite paid >136/month deposit. No Saturday calls-phone 627- GUN-MI Carbine. Excellent condition. Also red hunting >35, 3-speed girl's bike >30. City Market. C-20-11-30-161 COMPLETE"REPAiR service ... ALL BALFOUR PROFESSIONAL ®RDER M|l . 355-3255 or 355-2250. for stereo's, TV's, tapes, 4318. ForC 8-1TIB®_ _ coat, 351-1329. 8-11-16(3) 5-11-11(3) BIC 980 turntable with car¬ guitars, banjos, band instru- AND SUBLEASE - ONE female in tridge. Brand new under war¬ ments. MARSHALL MUSIC, four person apartment. Good MEN'S 10 speed Fuji, 25 inch, IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks ranty. >300 list-will sell for 351 7830. C-1-H-9M) TRADITIONAL SERIES RINGS ^ blue, brand new, >115. CALL location, good roommates, >190.489-2718. X-11-1H5) (Men's and Ladies') 487-9120. 8-11-10-13) of term all Student Classified >67.50/month. Beechwood Advertising must be paid for Apartments. 351-3581, keep trying. S-5-11-1515) BIKE TUNE-UPS in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail i Anin,als. JS Typing Senrica [jfl] to 347 Student Services. TYPING FAST and reason¬ Hnses Sp-23-12-9(8) KEESHOND-PUPPIES, able. 394 4729. C-17-11-30(3) A.K.C. registered, champion INSTANT REPAIR service on stock, >150->250. 669-3296. SIX BEDROOM house, 1 1 DAY SERVICE W stereo, CB and TV. One day 8-11-11(3) UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS block from campus. 9 month service on most repairs. WIL¬ complete dissertation and lease or less. Cheap, 351- VELOCIPEDE PEDDLER COX TRADING POST 485- DOBERMAN PINCHER pups resume service; typesetting, 5510. STE-MAR REALTY. 4391. C-14-11-3014) IBM typing, editing, multilith AKC, whelped 9/5/77, shots 8-11-9141 and wormed. Black and rust offset printing and binding. SKI BOOTS, size 12, never females. >100. 655-3910 after We encourage comparative DUPLEX-3 bedrooms plus used, >50. Poles 48", decent, 6 p.m. 8-11-11(5) shopping. For estimate stop study, brand new; 2 full AUCTION >10. 351-5186. E-5-11-14(31 in at 2843 East Grand River or baths. 9 month lease, >400. ALL new toys and merchan¬ Call 339-2600. 8-11-1814) phone 332-8414. dise. 6:30 p.m. Nov. 11 at LEAR JET cassette FM, >50. Okemos Central Elementary Ski jacket. Roots 10 K N. [ Mobile Hones J [wj C-20-11-30-19) HAGADORN ROAD - 10 school, at Okemos Road and Tires G78-14. Evenings 332- miles south of campus farm IT IS the policy of the STATE PROMPT TYPING service. Mt. Hope. Sponsors; RED 8050. E-5-11-14(3) home, 4 bedroom, barns, 10 CEDAR OPTOMISTS. Auc- NEWS that the last 4 weeks Theses, term papers, re¬ acres, >350/month. 351-7497. ALTEC of term all Student Classified sumes. I.B.M. 694-1541. tioner James R. Ellis STONEHENGE 0-8-11-18® advertising must be paid for 0-7-11 -9-(3) 4-11-11(7) speakers >350. Empire turn¬ table >100. Evenings, 332- in advance beginning Nov¬ ALSO OKEMOS-LARGE 5 bedroom BROWN TWO piece section¬ 8050. 3-11-11(3) ember 14, 1977. Bring or mail TYPING TERM papers and VETERINARIAN Vacant Dec.-March. Terms al sofa, >75. 332-0313. to 347 Student Services. thesis, IBM experienced, fast MEDICINE negotiable, references. 349- 8-11-17-131 Sp-23-12-9181 service. Call 351-8923. and AKl 2439. 8-11-18(3) 0-20-11-30-13) NATURAL SCIENCE TWO VW snow tires 6x15. ONE AND two bedroom PENNSYLVANIA, North, nice 3 bedroom, gar¬ 1019 Like new, >35. 489-6178 after 5 p.m. 5-11-14-131 BEDROOM OUTFITS (21, liv¬ ing room, dining room out¬ everything furnished except electric. 10 minutes from E. JAXCOPYIN* BALFOUR RING DAY P age. Students welcome, >260 /month. Call 482-0718 or 676- fits, 3 color TV's, miscellane¬ Lansing, no pets. 641-6601. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9th — TECHNICS RECEIVER 15 ous end tables and chairs, 0-16-11-22-15) a.t u/cepy 5887.4-11-11-15) watts/channel. Like new >100 trash compactor, etc. 351- ONE DAY ONLY OHME's. >70. Dual 1216 with 8062 before 6 p.m. 8-11-17(6) Introducing tho now Shank sorios In both COED THREE STUDENTS needed round and square top rings. FARM-animals, re¬ cartridge, >60. 489-6178 after CALL USi 332-5500 FULL NAME ENGRAVING FREE DURING RING DAYS I sources. lake. Responsible for a 3 bedroom double wide 5 p.m. 3-11-11(4) MEN'S 10-speed, large mobile home located 10 miles people. 6-9 p.m. 351-8231. frame, french made by Stella. 4-11-11-13) MARTIN D-28 beautiful gui¬ New condition. 337-2131. from MSU. A six month lease plus deposit. Partly furnished. ANN BROWN PRINTING AND TYPING. Dissertations, BALFOUR REP. FRED WHITE tar >500. 641-6885. 5-11-15(3) WOMAN; OWN Close to campus. large room. Parking. No 4-11-11-13) MUSICAL JEWELRY chest >130/each utilities included. 675-7589 6 11 p.m. 8 11-14(8) resumes, general printing. Serving MSU for 27 years with complete theses service. 11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. pets. Available 11/25, 337- WE PAY up to >2 for LP's & plays "Lara's There," >15. 2236. 5-11-1113) CHAMPION, 1962. Fenced 349-0850. C-30- Call Lisa at 337-1169. in 1J-3CM5) CAMPUS, cassettes-also buying/selling lot, shed, many extras price _ IT IS the policy of the STATE 45's, songbooks, magazines. E-5-11-15(3) negotiable. 351-7294. EXPERT TYPING service by ^ QBalfour BOOK STORj FLAT, BLACK & CIRCULAR 8-11-9-13) MSU grad. 17 years experi¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks BUY BETTER SPEAKERS, upstairs 541 E. Grand River. ence. Near Gables. Call 337- of term all Student Classified Open 11 a.m., 351-0838. Akai 1050, 100 watts, Phillips 0205. 0-20-11-30(4) advertising must be paid for 212, in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail C-2-11-9-16) STEREO CONSOLE-with new cartridge, superior condition. 351-4157. 3-11-1115) [ Lost & Found )(C[] LOOKING FOR A i , St - "\i-I , k \i \ ■■■ 507 E.GRAND RIVER GREAT JOB?-get a head- — to 347 Student Services. radio. >60. Call after 4 p.m. LOST: BLUE and grey varsity [ on that first impres- (Across from Berkey Hall) Sp-23-12-9181 371-1231. 2-11-9-13) ITHACA DOUBLE-barrel 12 jacket with white C's. Much by having y _ur resume gauge. >175. For description, personal value. 355-2554. typeset. The Typecutter WALK TO campus. Four call 351-6141. 3-11-11(3) 8-11-1613) NEW, USED and vintage make your credentials bedroom, fireplace 2 baths, JUft guitars, banjos, mandolins, LOST: LADIES gold Cara- stand out in any stack of >450/month plus utilities. Call NEW-HART Space Freestyle etc. Dulcimers and kits, re¬ -nes. Looks much bet- EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. skis, Saloman 444 un¬ velle wrist watch. Reward corders, strings, accessories, than typing. Give 0-20-11-30-14) mounted, men's size 10 ski offered. Cell Marci 351-9401. books, thousands of hard-to- boots, cheap. 351-6534. 3-11-9(4) a call -we're very, find albums. (All at very low 2 11-10® reasonable. 487-9295. 1 iwis ||^| pricesl. Private and group lessons on guitar, banjo, man¬ WATER BEDS are bedder at FOUND BEAUTIFUL male cat with collar black COPYGRAPH SERVICE 203 E. Grand Rint near Complete dissertation and across from Student W* I ROOMMATE NEEDED 2 bed dolin, all styles. Gift certif¬ SOUNDS AND DIVER¬ Holden Hall. Call Barb, 353- icates. Expert repairs-free es¬ 5806. 3-11-10-13) resume service. Corner room house. Corner of SIONS. Open till 9 p.m. M.A.C. and Grand River, 8:30 Hagadorn and Lake Lansing timates ELDERLY INSTRU¬ weeknights. Downtown Road. >80 per month. 351- -5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- MENTS, 541 East Grand across from Knapps. 484- FOUND-ONE season hockey 4604 or 372-6299. 5-11-14-14) 1666. C-20-11-30-15) River. 332-4331. 3855. 0-1-11-9(5) ticket for Saturday nights in New front of Shaw. Call Cleo, FURNISHED ROOM C-2OJT30-I11J INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ 332-8641. 4-11-11(3) TYPING, EXPERIENCED. >100 Fast 1 USED Fender Bassmen and reasonable. 371- plus deposit, includes utili¬ ing >1-2 for albums in good 4635. C-20-11-30-13) ties. Call 372-2108 or 332- amplifier, 1 15" Jensen shape. WAZOO RECORDS, LOST: BLACK and white 4732. Z-3-11-10(3) speaker cabinet. >200. 351- 223 Abbott, E. Lansing. 337- Spaniel mix, Skippy, Grand 5206.8-11-11(41 0974. 0-1-11-9(51 TWELVE YEARS experience River/Collingwood area. 353- 5568. Reward. 8-11-17-13) LOST BLACK Lab puppy, typing theses, manuscripts, term papers. 7544.^20-11-30J3I Evenings, 675- Shipment PEOPLE REACHED four months. Near Bessey & Kedzie, Oct. 31. Call 393 4311. 3-11-11(31 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dissertations, FAY ANN, 489-0358. (pica-elite) of Painter LOST C-20-11-30-13) WANT AD - MALE Irish Setter Wearing white flea collar, choke chain, tags. Broken i *»w Just complete form and front tooth. Call 351-2612. 3-11-11141 WE BUY newspapers, any Pants mail with payment to: quantity. Monday, Wednes¬ FOUND-FLUFFY ginger day, Friday, 12-5 p.m. Tues¬ orange cat. Female, needs a day, Thursday, Saturday, 8 State News Classified Dept. good home. 332-0861. a.m.-1 p.m. at 916 Filley St., 347Student Services Bldg. East Lansing, Mich. 48823 3-11-11131 Lansing. 323-7476. 8-11-11® • Off White 6.991 | Personal j[/j Tired of being broke? Get fast cash by selling things Norne DUE TO the unprecedented you no longer use with a last-action Classified Ad. Call •Lite Blue 10.00 Address demand for Linda Ronstadt/ 355-8255 Stephen Bishop concert, ar¬ City Zip Code rangements have been made with Linda Ronstadt's staff to WANTED 4 student tickets •Khaki 1100 Daytime Phone Northwestern game. 351- Student Number hang the lighting system from the roof of Munn Arena 4248. Z-2-11-913) Classification — Preferred Insertion Date to make available 1,000 more •Navy Denim 12.00 25 characters seats that were obstructed. Tickets are now previously ^ound Town 13.001 in a line, including punctuation and available at the MSU UNION Print Ad here spaces between words. DISCOUNT RECORDS and at SOUNDS AND •Corduroys DIVER¬ SIONS. 6-11-101161 IT IS the policy of the STATE Beige, Brown, Navy, NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified Got cash for Christmas fast Hunter Green, CIRCLE RATE WANTED Advertising must be paid for by selling no-longer-needed 3 LINE MINIMUM in advance items around your house with beginning Nov¬ K ] ff 1*1* <*> Sdnlifctt Km i* ember 14, 1977. Bring or a Classified Ad. Call 355 8255 Lite Blue, Rust ■I> MM M am 157S M mail to 347 Student Services tn place your ad! ( 1* MM Sp-23-12-9(8) IM U|IM !l* 0* 5 LSI M U* tut Ma THE LANSING JAYCEE 1 Id UI1M nn nn AUXILIARY' will present an IM naliM na n* Shop Ihn super huys in your 1 Mi 1IU Autumn Bazaar at the Fran- an 1*1)1* 1R Classified section today u dor Mall, November 8, 9, and IB 14.41 1IM B* Mil* c* 44JI Tomorrow you'll he pleased 10, featuring a variety of Willi the money you've baked Thursday 9:30-1:00 goods and hand crafted items. 3-11-10-16) Saturday 9:30-6:00 n Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 9, 1977 15 HOWARD THE DUCK!® dlsly Uv y§ Ihilf to Lim-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (1 l)WELM-TV(Cable) (t2)WJRT.TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) by Steve Gerber and Gene Colon sponsored by: LINDA ■ONBTADT iNESDAY 3:15 (11) Black Notes (10) Grizzly Adams Ftebnoon (12) General Hospital 7:00 (12) Eight is Enough 12:00 3:30 (6) My Three Sons (23) Novo (6) All in the Family (10-12) Mary Tyler Moore L The least (11) Sound-Off (23) Villa Alegre (23) Fiesta De Villa 8:30 |ng at Symphony 4:00 (ll)Shintowa (6) Busting Loose 1 12:20 (6) New Mickey Mouse 7:30 Club (11) Hockey Night #1 (6-12) Price is Right 9:00 JI 12:30 (10) Green Acres (10) Hollywood Squares (6) Movie tor Tomorrow (12)Brady Bunch (23) MacNeil/Lehrer Re¬ I and the Man (23) Sesame Street port (10) Police Story (11) Won Chuen PEANUTS TiHope 4:30 (11)lmpressions 10:00 by Scbulz 1:00 (i) Doris Day 8:00 I Show (12) Charlie's Angels 332-3537 (10) Gilligan's Island (6) Good Times I and the Restless (12) Emergency One I 7 |y Children 5:00 HEY, 5TUPID CAT! BUT YOU'RE SO STUPID gf Uncertainty (6) Gunsmoke 1:30 (10) Emergency Onel MSU SHADOWS ® IT'S STARTING TO SNOW1 SEE ALL THE YOU PROBABLY DON'T I World Turns EVEN KNOW WHAT A (23) Mister Rogers' Neigh¬ by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: SNOUFLAKES ? ^ 5N0WFLAKE LOOKS LIKE! |of our Lives borhood v 2:00 j0 Pyramid (12) Rookies 5:30 PZKBAXPETE'S Present this d of Franklin and (23) Electric Company really funny comic tor 25' (11) News worth of free ploy! 2:30 5:00 Yes, I KMou) ASCOT THE. L2ASH UVOO.BOr) |g Light (6-10-12) News (23) Dick Covett vHe'S Mac exactly A P£T... fife to Live (11) Nightly News FRANK & ERNEST |iing with Contln- 6:30 (6) CBS News by Bob Thaves 3:00 (10) NBC News (tor World (12) ABC News to Real (23) As We See It I FOUND Out THE TROUBLE, Si*; wE'*e INSIDE fl 3.9* EA. £©ttle. )rlnit-in-a-minlt [PYING/DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS Corner of MAC and ANN ST. THE DROPOUTS Now Available Open 8:30-6:00 M-F; 10:00-5:00 Sat. FRESH SWEET CIDER ■©1177 <3oRDcvi'cARC£T«^ by Post No preservatives odded Service ^ELS WITH FARLEY- '• UttU FrMway rvlct ttatiM ■Frank sponsored by: f Wb A BUREAUCRACY 6WEEP.. WE'RE ATTE^/OM /M TUBRB > £UMlMATJP I ] SAM and SILO ZjOl J- by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker sponsored by: EL AZTECO RESTAURANT hejeq nan ■OSSWORD annua ana ana atsa 203 m.a.c. 351-9111 ■PUZZLE mmnnoasiiQiiau sranss hs|h sponsored by: I'VE SOT SENIORITY na* asusa ON Pf?EAMlNS 22 Washed lightly , „ 26. Paletot aaa hee hhse 29 Jeep ESHDE QUI 13 3BE! 30 Goddessothealing maaaa saa 31 Parable 33 Obstrod sail naana ciinaMaassaiiKia ass? 35 Beetle 36 Report ol events aso heq sans 38 Footless animal ntnia 3Qf3 aaaa 41 Facilitate 45 West Saxon king 1 Stalemated 46 Useless 49. State: Frencti 2 Extra m ■Sl!|1 «48 Opulent 50. Oil-yielding tree 3 Saucy Woodsorret 51 Omamenlal clock 4. Existed 5. Iliad 6 Uvinginthewoods TWILL V DON'T 1 Razoi dam MIND SIIINO YOU 8. 9. Wallaba Achieve BEETLE BAILEY sponsored by: NOVIMSBR 20 AT 10 Unique 16. Combined by Mort Walker DOOLBT'S 18. fresh-watei tish 21. Slaitled 23. Onagei 24 lug 25 Prosy 26 Ovei 21. Challenge 28 Tnggertish 32 Gazelle 34. About 31 Brief attempt 39 Fonnerty •40 Inattentive 41. Dusk 42. Idem pole 43. Anewmol 44 Wbrid War II area 16 Michigon Stole News. East Lansing. Michigon -Wednesd0" w Speech results in boycott T*Y OUR 8PICIAL FIATURl WHOLE WHEAT CRUST PIZZA BOYNTON, Okli. (AP) - Sherida Jones was told that the nitely postponed after students began organizing their protest "I suggested to her she might read something from Lincoln's would hurt people, so that why I have that policy." is Minneola Jones, said her equal. I don't think what has milMLIVIRY! time was not right for her to daughter will continue boycot¬ happened is fair. I think all Friday. Gettysburg Address or some- Jones was not available for people should be treated recite Dr. Martin Luther King Harold Cantweli, superin¬ ting classes "until we are thing from Booker T. Washing¬ comment, but her mother, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech in a talent contest. The issue has set off a student boycott tendent of schools, said Tues¬ day he discouraged Miss Jones from reading her speech be¬ ton or George Washington Carver, but it was not to her promised they^vil be treated equal." Campus Pi2l|| liking," the superintendent and pitched this tiny town into cause it had some "racial over¬ said. 1312 MICH. AVE. 331,1* controversy. About 120 of the 246 elemen¬ tary and high school students tones" that "could have caused some problems." He did not cite any particular "I had no intention of not letting her read Dr. King's State honors Dr. King who attend classes in Boynton passages in the speech, which speech, I just felt as a super¬ Michigan became the first tion days bank holidays thereby gan set aside a day to pay intendent it would be best if she state in the nation remained out of school for the contains such statements as "I Tuesday to holding down the number of tribute to his contributions and second day Tuesday. Repre¬ have a dream that my four read another speech." officially take a day off in banks state bank holidays to 11. to honor his sentatives of the town's black lilttle children will one day live Cantweli said he has a school and courts in honor of Dr. memory. community were to meet Wed in a nation where they will not policy that anything read Martin Luther King Jr. Rep. Jackie Vaughn HI. D- "He taught us that the digni¬ during a school assembly must With Tuesday's signing by Detroit. sponsor of the bill, said nesday with the all-white Board be judged by the color of their ty of the human aplrit binds all of Education on the dispute. skin, but by the content of their first be approved by his office. Gov. William G. Milliken of Tuesday's signing marked the of us together, regardless of The trouble began when House Bill 4001 the state moves end of a personal ten-year the character." color of our akin. His life was "We had a situation before Martin Luther King Day from struggle to get the bill through Jones, a black senior, said she Cantweli. without being spe¬ dedicated to advancing the where things were read that the Sunday closest the legislature to the governor. was discouraged from reciting cific, said he had heard rumors were detrimental to what the to January cause of democracy ana Indi¬ the speech of the late civU that "outsiders" were planning IS — King's birthday to the schools, students and support — "Dr. King had a far-reaching vidual freedom by rights leader at a high school to "take over" the talent show Monday closest to that day. impact on national and inter¬ exposing talent show scheduled Monday personnel believe," he said. The bQl repealed provisions bigotry, injustice and igno¬ and said he wanted to "abort" national policy," Milliken said. "We've had rance, and should serve as an night. The show was indefi¬ the situation. things read that that made state general elec¬ "It is fitting that we in Michi¬ example to alL" COUPON aHAIF WEEKSZ LEFT/ mm GIVEN ON AMMUFACTTJRER KVILM K* COUPONS PROGRAM ENDS SAT.,WOV,?6 AT limp' V\<. 1IIAY IAC1 CIGAKTTftAWCOfFt, VAtUt (KIT POfiHOT INCIUW IN MUFI OK fkfi fTEAA fine northern italian COUWUS 3301 E.MICH, i 2020 W. GKANP- food ■ cocktails RIVER, OKEMOS - NEXT TO K-MART AP PRICES SOOPTHRU SAT. NOVEMBER 12 WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL BUFFET $2.75 Large assortment of Entrees LEGS op VMU.SKK mrficmc including Veal Pormesan PITCHER NIGHT All Beer 25'/. off THIGHS WINE SPECIAL 8UY3-SAVE$I.23 W/C Buy 3-san/e 30/ w/C House wines 20% off PESCHKE-SLICED BREAST OF CHICKEN &JY 3-SAVE ^1.50 W/C BuY 4 - SAVE SALUTO FROZEN 7#W/C BACON OPEN DAILY. INCLUDING SUNDAY usm" SWANSON FRO. (Next lo Peoples PH. 337-1755 Church) MEAT TUNA O ± h|9VA PoHyPIKA ■ Chicken Pirns ■ F«ep-CRisfv-Bga. FKIBP-GRtSPy- B6Q- 136 W.GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING wctter KIDS! (14 & under) MONEY SAVER- BONELESS SWISS STEAK *1.06 FRIZP DELI BUY 2- SAVE 72 < W/C CHICKEN SPECIALS 9PC- $ COUNTRY FRESH BOX !2.98 ' ICECREAM TURKEY TAM *n\fccoita*SAUSA&Ei|g7P BUY 1- SAVE UPTQ-S&t \N/C- Counlrq Fteeh Ai LOW FAT CHOCOLATE VL, GET A FREE U LOW FATMIK SPARTAN BUY I -SAVE h00 W/C \Zot.0MS Req.02.Diet ARBY'S SLICKER! The MSU Spartans and for the MSU Arby's have a super gift for you! Buy a ticket - Northwestern football get o ticket for game. Saturday, Nov. 12, ond a FREE Slicker Jacket! (If bring it to the Jenison ticket officealready game ticket, you hove your Sporton Slicker ticket. ond pick up your Redeem the Slicker ticket at the stadium on the doy of the SAVE ZCYW/O - FLO RI PA WHITE your free, bright green gome for A Spartan Arby's Slicker. GRAPEFRUIT § This offer good only while quantities lost, so get your ticket today MSU Athletic Dept.. East Lansing, Michigan piuK.~e>fci&& If