ImKS .. "SPORTS: Moadef Peopl" It's WHY i tCHANGE? noed MI.DS) FUMBLE SPAKE hltatughcooysreioenyg, h"cahag."rvintg dfPBiltanyasuyoeslsuuhr, troacavvmleepurs! CPOAMSUTEER (Bdureiglirstanong). MHaurniedd haerexslcidnpct. aviltbeCKenorg. FOE iasbout unlimted When a n y o u ' r e wor y M With a S nU for *S18TIL BUTockkslt, »1"l SCAHVEDILULBE SAORED. ACINDFOAITRMOLNTL, ®ULAR RPIGAUSLARU Intraamutl CInteernatiol haraesildlnsc CPOAMSUTIIR thaaboeltve Intidcrivkideueasl thapalbnocevedes AND PASE ★ avilbe Of ice, ★ avilbe the MAPS WHER FOR 35-280 snaF sretiw sregoR tsaLgeihBt ohchawoc lyraD etatS txen( uar kcat TICU er w xodhtrnu edhlott detarc ,raey .neT sweN MOT yB t i s !yadot LWOB i v e m o C T S A E ot ta se ap sregoR :sregoR ta hcaoc sih .aiudnI .USM . gniredow snaf stropS NAH S a taht eh tsrif — eht )dlrowelR , rits ta eht ereH tahw .des ap nehw ,USM labto f lacidar retirW saw na ni s ucsid "h.5tlm!dE yeht uoy s'ti . .snwod evah s ap giB tsaE eH dnik ot no neT :gniyas etlpmoc yaw ,etlpmocni sehcao morF"gnis aL yug fo ehT s ap tsrif saw a deP,eh taht nwod tahw detouq siht ygetars hc4oe no gnisaP' eht I ni eht s ap kool t'nod lirpA no .si txen snaem ekil I gnirad 'yr aD no ta esuaceb .rehtag 6791 lavir a r.labnip olap ,sliatkco ,gnilwoB ,ti a eht fi owt yeht ot sa ni fi dna enilds oihO woh ekil raey- rht erhwon ylneduS ".snwodyrow ,nwod-tsrif lo p . ,gnic ad lat" etatS deunitoc( egnlahc .eta S ot eht hcaoc tuoba uoy ecnrfo treboR/swN lcaoc dael a no noitabrp USM eomhawc sregoR eht t'nod ni eht gnisap folzK egap )3 nagihcM dna tuo txen evah dna ¬emos fo a tuo fo denuos owt ot ni rotoy ruo dna .nem ILA nsaighihctM dnuora nagihcM kcots ,sesnel , d e g u r e lacofirt s ni ro o h c deiflauQ stcnaneocl noitprcse citsalp do g morf noitcels eht enemow tlpmoc ws'penanK rof lacitpo dna lacitpo naidreM wen ta :.SRH ,C.UI 022 EREHW ,raey lyr aD hcaoc naictpo seilpus ,s alg gniko l ruo .nerdlihc htiw .41-42 sregoR DETACISHPO NODROG BOB oB RETXED SDAEH- fo eritne snoihsaf !laM s'p anK .TAS-NOM YTISREVINU ESUOH eht ytud dna tsenif strops gnirB tnemraped .HP semarf elbanoihsf no ruo SEMAJ 233 retfa relhcbm S »♦ *« ni LLAM *V" selyts 5253 yoSajs U4W*>1« dnoitprcse ecnirpxe elgniS rengised s'rotcd srolc naidreM lla ta ruoy gnirud ytilauq TNAIG .9-9 eht Z( slairetm snaictpo ,noisv seirs sepahs ylimaf etatS d«8> Z6-I0 qvs .NUS EVOBA / SDROCER l am naidreM dna snatrpS stap treboR/swN )jon 5-21 YE' L A uo2ajs )aopDnM( sBmjpXs qiuasoie )lAU-dCJ sruoh l aM 89.7 .GER sealgnus detniT ,lacofib noitprcse srefo A aj,e ro l iw sih l aM llif morf rof a 92.4 WON YAD REV II l ef ot mra folz K ir*V oasj qa eH sih si ni fo sjBna qtvqusai a hcus yhw uoy m'I dnaemit ruoy etoc uoy lacov sA" ne b erof tnat hcaoc ot si .meht sreyalp yehT pmuj roF stniop dias netfo tuB tuB erus snaf netfo eht .ytis yl aer dna erom yM" nehw ylsuo stniop roF" tuB ?nepo , l a n o i t " . t a h d l u o h s .sreyalp ,sdnats gniweiV d l u o h s r e a c r e v n sreyalp devlo ni sevah evlmht smelborp ,ecitarp srehtob ,detuohs etochaeH ecitarp ,ecnatsi .sekatim sreyalp etochaeH terp tni u o Y " t u B " sihT" .suoivb .lanoitme g n i h c a o h c a o r p " . y t i s r e v n u ercnis esopru noitacude renalc ot e l p o e emas elihW fi W/o \=r naht s erts fo t'nac uoy snaf etah evah steg era uoy t u o h g r T gnimoc etochaeH ",erht seld p hcaorp .gniturce .srohba gnihtemos deunitoc( I tohs ,ton . I d i a s ta ta a eW dna era eht ,niag ot nmad s'tI er'uoy s ' t a h t ti lahsrM !SO ZAK ETIHW NE RG !SEMAG I s'teL r u o y y l a n o i t m e d n a s o r c a eh yrt evah ot t e g r a e y tis t s e r t n i a neht ot evah tsuj liT liT dna ohw ,era ,hcaoc eht htiw ti e r o m . y a l p o t fo e v i l e b o t eroM etiuq ti coahing." d n a oD" yaw etochaeH notgihsaW antoM etochaeH iqa ot tsuj eht ruoy tuo era .elyts ton ac namsel si ta owt draug gnol welb r e y a l p yb netfo naht sa er hT" .jyct ,msivtagen noitamrfn etacude s'etochaH ,detnmoc raepa etochaeH er' w ret eb 'sreyalp ot r u o y ot y a l p d l u o w ot g n i e b io iu esuaceb I s'taht I u o y l i t s eht raeh ot ton t u o sreyalp sruoh sih stohs soyawsl reve sfoih ko t eno steg tsom seod teg dnik naht e h t o t l its eht kniht era eht kniht eht dna dias sih .USM dna saw eb t s e n o h uoy ta eh sgniht ohw gnieb ot nwo morf gniturce enoya cimeda ,daetsnI etochaeH sih gnit op evitagn ereht e t a r i ll'I eb t'now eb epp qes . e l y t s rof t ' n o d .slaicfo operat." . d i a s uoy yr ow gniyrt eb a e h t tniop eb sa ssel }0 ksaM fo eltsihw erom eht ,emp eh etatS na eht dias slac ni ro evah A" taht seog a egap ¬revinu yramirp mucav gniturce ytisrevnu uoy wef eht a a & ot you." critsm," timda eht .elyts ".mih ,yoB" htiw morf evig a labteks .tnaropmi lanosrep fI eh yad .elyts yad aonSa vqaepX on ylevitca gnihcao ot a t 3C tuoba pleh ekam fo eno ekat ediw dna .egnar gnol rednow tuo eh neht snaf yreve ni gnihcao .sehcao drawot d'I semit sih eh eht pu er hw taht ¬ome ylbis v devloni ev ileb sreyalp rebmun hcaoc ¬htaeH nepo erom eht sah ¬eb ¬si a daeh sih sih ruoy l'uoy eb s'dik t'nera tuo fo ot rotcaf seirt ¬ivbo )71 ,yek-wol si -- ^Dtd.jn-&s v A neT etoc ot osla lla .htnevs eltab s.hiotnfiilI ddnriaht .dnoces eudr P" dluow woh retopr eUhW ynsanmaf thgil esuaceb htiW elihw esolc .mtueoht ezingocr tuB" ".labteks ksat sre dna dna eht soiua qa u poJaeugC.jl nretswhoN eht a I 022 ffo tub joj y.s der liwb liw doinhAO dna anidnI nagihcM .tsrif epahs delac gnits t'nod raey-05 dna .boj .senisub ,labteksab ".truoc polev d htrotpiwar ev'I ksyraowWl gnsmielcborapf ereht dnah ti 5316 s'ti eht I ta ta sdecorp USM jqis o|p- Xon .W TREBLA tuo eh sih eht WV KOOC derosnp 0592 733 yl oJ TE RTS rof lanoitd 01x8 relac gnirb etatS htxis .htruof thguo siht ethghuohtt ksa .ezilaer hcaoc suor muh tuB sah rof nisociW pu ot ni sih dlo eH lla taht ym odrath eht syawl era emas -- ep \rn X»bjs qnt 18 ,wanigS OVLOV - dna }ud etochaeH • na ni ot .dR 2757 TSAE 5745( stnirp rol c tsum pu eht dna dna l iw ot atoseniM ,ecifo ereht awoI eb .raey giB ¬htaeH taht edis ot erom ¬yalp pleh ,sdik dah seru p .emit s'taht biuo *qo.s J3V[ hplaR 6.GNISAL 203- tnemiopa yadiloh 05.71* ylimaF hguorht laiceps guoD YLIMAF yb si eb NADZAM AMIR EH a si a I ta renoC( SNOILADEM rof yb gnis aL nelG nosae fi l eh su elpoep .dias derap ecalp ylatot ,citsi eht evah tuB maet tnaw taht eht togrof detrulb elpuoc deliaf evah qa,n ro/Lus • fo ew er' W" l'eW" deifsta .citsa koltuo gnuoY l'ew t'nera eebwyaM" esuaceb ohw od .hsin f htiw tub klat .nosae taerg eh dluoc ,edosipe gneikhatT ,tuo fo )modagH .taS-noM tiar oP sbXs a .nuS :l ac SHV X gqdjao«v8s foquso a ot ot ot .hP namireH dernow sa rof uoy eW s g n i v a s .ceD ref o sdnoces rev n gniko l t'now .nosae er' w tcepxe ekil ",tah er'eW htfif ceitswlaer ew tuoba eH yas niw tuo romuh ,hO" retal noit em yhw e t o c h a e H a taerg taht NAGIHCM did emoc " . y d o b e m s 21 .CNI fi tol dnuF gnihtyrev regniblE STIAR OP citsmpo a ti 096-123 de n yirac ht61 do g edutia ti XOW .mp9-.a8 !ytrap txen evah rof teg gniko l tol eht ton erew dna smus sih .l a dna t'nseod dluow a - 320 4 I m.p dluow gnieb pu gniog yas yawa wenk .USM srwja avJAiu ro ifX gnisnaL etochaeH ¬laer ¬uhtne sreyalp raepa morf etochaeH etochaeH a .ti ".ti rof tuo ot taerg tuB a fo htxis ¬erp - eb eb eht otni sih tsuj I A FI dna nos rof .lo hcs nehT erA" tnemo rehtona ,skcub ",etaS owT" hcaoc dluow etunim .setam s'no h J gnisnaL .terc s oT SIHT ruoY otiT 2o2t ,on m *rotc D nI tuB setam et eb oN .NOITAGLB NOITALUSC sih ,efas ydob diuqil ot 83 EMIT D'UOY USM de ne deksa .deilp r gniog sralod .snaf steb er w wenk hgih s erp t er vE lufmo r deunit oc( dias SROTCOD L AC eht siht *esu nietorP sdnuop thgieW won eh ereht ekops s'eh dias dna eb eno 417 TXEN EOKTIL teid derots sI eht etnarug s oL yna dna eht :SRUOH tsum tsrif uoy knilC UOY RUO rof ylptomihst .htnom liw sosu 03 nos hoJ dluow htiw ylaniF syas ykcul lo hcs ecnrfoc hgiH megaapb .eno LmargoP ACIDEM TH6IEW SROTCOD ^Ho lia^cg eb taf "esnpus ?snoiteuq ,nirg gnirovas ¬nhoJ ",nagihcM ,oN" nagihcM ,lohcs gniotchdewrp gnikam neve ¬maet erew lohcS aidem ot dna RAEN ,T OB A ehT eht fo thgieW D.TAS-49IRF EW-NOM TSAE TSHSGOIWL — HTNOM esol SYAD NAC TNEMART MARGOP yHo.dkesdivrepmu .ygren emusnoc sdnuop nietorP ESOL EB uoy 7 diuqiL dna a tsei aE eb ot 22 )81 DNA PU 089-153 EREHT 41 s oL .RUHT WANIG S ruof . 7-9 . OT — t'noD eht sih eht tsal sib ta YATS O03T . SI 4-01 S1 L AC 03 TON A yrt aps tsrif seuqinhc t ylno eht tsoM GNISAL LACIDEM syal uos eiH MuqU ke w dna TAHT .SBL des ot emag nehw nos hoJ gnildnah hcaoc s'nos stnaw elyts repus .niw wen rieht ev'eW" snatr pS A l'yeht no s . tub seilfr tub nos hoJ .dias gni ur ,elyts ylufepoH syug esuohdleiF .voN tsrif n a g i h c M I" sA" 9-9 SDNUOP TEID LACIDEM evitcefE ti CINILC SSOL are I ekil fo WON YAW NI E osla pu tih duJ su YLETUOSBA ERORFF RETHGIL .forP fo ni eht eiH TSUJ ta rof eht ot eht ".ot tog era nepo dnA" etaerc etochaeH USM labteksab l ew repus sa diuqil won eb dias eht Llab eht USM taht emag dna a eht CINILC A hcnuL eht pmuj trats yam ysae nam eb sA er'ew yam htiw 82 yalp gniog maet .labteksab nepo gnirape nietorP rniD raf k a e r b t s a f 8 ta ON TA gone." I sah t a h t ",snoitau -nhoJ labteksab ¬nhoJ hcaoc nosineJ lartneC iD sa l ab fo ".owt dna evol si eht evah eh ti dna eht ot dna a rof LIFE-TMI 3WPALVAERZLY 21-739 M9on-.-F8ri S9at-ur6day S1u0n-d6ay S H O C K E R ! Hours: C o n t r l e Columbs GRABIN' 54* QT. 59' S H O C K QT. 79*J 95« A A *68* CDISACOSUENT Rood SPIpluagrks Kozlf GOARDFEN S H O C K I N G GDISICAONUNTT PRICES: •14.79 Kendal! 10W-30 10W-40 7 FRE I bRpohboyetrt BUY REG. RES. 1 GET each AC Purolatr 15m.0ile0 Shanlde. SAVINTGS six filter $A49 Limit oil amp] Charge 14'.5 limtqouoanetides12SN9uo70nv...,, . Cover 4 GIANT SCHAUER A Manusfctureg $o6ve.r | iprsice Batery • Prices ends Rogers 2fropamg)e S2a9tuwr-d1iyn0'shMRogienrsa'essot repabougrildtmngSThhvenesiinaarnorwd pawclhaaictnhee TBitshnecioegd. htrepoaiusn¬d Mlnaestabfoterrcuienndgbhecaauvmses tohpverpela.yingSEqmuartedibthckfGKlaoinbiskrkekenrd tehaoaithcsehryGFiibcrssugtnht toupcahdnswdn 85-ryeccaop¬rding 4pag)e C.B.S. SPORT CENTER ACRYLIC JOG ING SUITS SWEATHIRS SWEATUIS BACKP S ARCQUETS RACQUETBLS APADLES PADLEBS GTEENARIS BOKS ANDMOREI JERSY SPORTS BO KS FROM HOW-T'S CAMPUS BOOK STORE RLICVEDR. A MSU MSU TO (contiued two-year peak. thre (coontinued RULE 507 Last over its won third finsh to Rogers ingat ck after bal week the been MSU and with year. 51-yard thaenn tion. up last .. hthstoeaeur Lihnnseig aswscuhpoesrlithgn'aots¬ew cvoeul.drijunascetjtuhupsiecktfmnwsoin.dtb'yhwieinegtc'hadmpions)fBrwnuiceett.TBfohienrg ".pihsnomac htrnioeeshgaidmsiortndheadenjsoyhwwateeansinohcaoelngyto.Iscatoanunlddd"JohImnsilte.fdeomacisnrednIlttoiomak.gIbwsuartse,iowtvheenrlImaget bfaoretclureitngnsaporwiendgMMiahSgUn.fdincaamlyeydthanio¬uceksattpil 1pa9ge) tacoodleg haalresady area? "High Rthiginhgt. Ife ling bcoeuld ifwcoleeg traanckd Ilosifng. NCA juasts twoork "It have said he brecuyited tgwoanoted wniaces ",niag bigiwthybtoe glad bencaouwse time." lJaohnssotn to thwheen hitom hhead (coontinued Johnson the bhead,ut "It a that's wanted The down And sion, PLAY Cfor-opmtical. enosf, s3aimo"°pV 9»uNStn. was est (the be let the also for facopntur:&s to it ftohairsl bIteaoy'elsadnr.s oryeoa'ultyitoaooeunr'i tipng." ifnaterns hbasagkeefrtetwrl MawSoeUunldd,khvoeterw¬s CBKheaaoplsnbdr star. bhBeaovbn lIa'rmsitigl. ttehaaodm dtgnoy¬in Gcaranendgbj1uesothetr hsaulnecdpk 1thoo7iers Ilapylesaart.yhbtecyoavouseu yogruli'rene losing. f(tathhnese)ybthplriyeg. thsgaemees GBthronaebdgkpeow'lt bthecasled Aimnplariycear hthsgtee scihanmipoornsdJhcann taomount 18 btruitp ego Although he Joahndsosn Greg tharee "Ganredg I'mand tsomething I'nmot sily. Bknoowb and tppoeircsokn 1th6at mis ng role your upend ftehelat who they ktnheoyw'l iusafnd Idloe."ast being schol win g schol wyehaatr, who's real pay start MSU said ans man here and thing "I score score were my play to "I know When lead at After high and DON'T ffraasmheiosn. and -5320 AMIS hetwahcittleopn larsaeyglcotieonu R[N"ixJoInBAO^ptom-1eris|NJPlIa*x 3S1 Johns SHAN WSproitrets hJohnasylsfheswtraelnignnegfMoSUith'rsfftieoramert year. freaschl¬imed 'Magc,wahso biesnfegolrhut aalc-mrsotesr Eiannddt heesixp¬t hibhnoaeiwslfe bsgkamtl. thhougefs litwoaver Johsnmsiledbtahocoucrtn-k bjueafeosrtnt seion. bbueteforflrisJ"oThnahide. bayooiu'greyfIta'hvnees.bbbecfroo¬iwrgds Iit'hsngmoonwingbasketlc."oleg Johawpnrse¬il hgcoaelemg, thastizled frocmives faopntimss.c becmsuarpuise ithowuogld By News a the basketbal this highly caled played schol, Midwest Eusroapye, perinces coleg Dtroiftfing game, aw y, leaned bench practie have ithsng Itn'ost played The in fhiirsst heis hateenio TOM State Earvin have takes time The man the first first we ks and side game." "Ill the whole now. fore. be to While ciate adds MSU's stil nev r "It I all ofer See We James Registred Grokfield Dr. 371-2694 KNeowsz/Rlobfrt at CO. Stat® dJ'EMoaogamhpicwnursvlningcsptmraineige.'ELtvorsaisngBtronhglem T-SHIR freshman lianrebsountd hJohaninssodn Ascltaase CUSTOM MSU the Rice. T-syaqinohucluuiadretls,yftecelum¬bnss,, oapomicnutufdrtey, wywhaoatenvutr. *3"spheirrt name, ensiga. leters, dorm ority T•C-Solhriertd &Sweatshir AJaclskeots BLEIL T-SHIRT Jerseys Nylon Call O C& PRE-GAND OPENIG: Includes U n 20% IEVNRYTH G Shir-ts Baske-tb ls Sho-es Floor i f o r m s S P O Pony (SLohainrtesr R T F U N D E S Purchase) OF STORE! SJaocck-ektss TFo-Shbiarlts Teoavailnmbe,g PSTotaomrr'esty) ATHLETIC CEQOUIP.. e. (ntexto 2780 eht et lha ekvciasb LeFhNt evisnef d deyojne deyalp * .taS ehT nwod reisae syad dah iZ isu.Z )v^a iO» 04• sdrailB• tnaru seR• liatkcoC• sreocS citamouA• senaL r.nuS etfoS syadke W s«e0ma8G t 03:1 C07 nerdlihC stludA !slaicepS smelborp ".sap eht yaw yb dleif ot .egatnvdsi .kcabretuq gniworht ",kcabretuq tuohgrT"gnisap' sregoR I eh si si a taht kcab I a tol I saw a siht syas qts MTO4-£ t S" ogaus mt8qz na as )-qci « s elnu 0:2-09 .m.p 0:5-0:9 ni fo tsuj ta evom leef ylurt fo .E raB a sregoR eht dLFA enrael el ahbt dne revicr ym '.esaid sah eh iqon8q axvp-)£ gnitaropcni J(»nuist ekirtS eht gnidluber gnau diaXmS qa vnsa i.p i.p eht ti DNARG l ab na si roiepus roiepus ¬nefd dna dna .dias dna gniyalp syaw] sa a sa a I I" a _« )3 n<' rof sl or ruQ REVIR tsuJ 132 sulp nwo syawl gnimoc( mih lo hcs edznias tuB dlniwa gni dnneaht wen snaf snaoiht USM I" ina qa na IH« na doo' m nepO .CA.M a evah t'nevah .yp ahnu syas sregoR .hcaoc syawl labto f eh msi inao tM"u senaL yadiloH LLA ekil l»W tnemiar noretfa pleh emoh UOY ot esuaceb sregoR htroN eb gni ev kn )|6 - .)USM edam USM erus p t'nsi gnivom sromur epoh dewols 8eruas yoSajs jvsiaj jerupowqa si )yrev( snoiehrpa enoynAekatsim — ti ti flesruoy edam NTAAEC fo TSAE gnilwoB t'nsah giB dna .gnola yp ahnu ,nigeb yrevE rof a fo itnmhbladf i«o sa oa a a rodn rF os ILAICEPS TEHGAPS lJ fo GNISAL dal s ytaem YREVE dnuora t djo8iasnt3 ta fo l iw edam neT eht USM ¬mialc won morf ¬aborp d3o\a Mi)q I6xj qoa p ykcuL gnidluber iaoiP ro a itehgaps MYAODNRUFS !rab a gib is gnitcepx s.aipotU yawl yr os esuaceb yr ow semoceb gib erom evah gniht nehw sa ovu «3 )qtuS po .sme s g n i h t e m o S " iO *v I 4 rof yeht gjsj 1JA M«« devr s HJP tuoba 52. $ l a n o s r e p nwonk reg ib evah m'I ot elpoeP gnivom . t h g u o h t l a n o s r e p tuB Mqau xqa si j( « »| dnif ohw dna sehcao yp ah er hw is htiw naht dna naht I £aei r e l a m s m toh 4l senipah syawl gniko l ohw .ereh evah nagihcM .erofeb tahw deniatbo era t rof era ' n o d I m'I leef gniog ot sa s'ti ton gnihtemos etatS sme s yeht ¬emos labto f j H i a q X to .oqeX' qasi )ovaqm v zqis" ' . m3 022 snaH eht morf dah *a qips flah-tsrif gnitaleR ".srethguad esuaceb ,ddeilp'Ir" yadlulpoc nos deksA euqinu ssreagohR ytisrev hguorhT dnif sih uaA j qajoa 61-43 rehtona emoC S R E T I W P T WON ER'EW laMvinU .CA.M saxeT MS a L ITS £an nap Y P O C - T H P a .ti fo dleif nosleiN sregoR emag gjsi *a iqaX.p )na lla o • • • o KCOTS DNA 15-RS 04-RS !LAICEPS DNA slaog desim gnimoyW suormuh kcabretuq dluow esnes tahw eht eht J no ,DNA DETNARUB" NI-PANS ,SENIHCAM ENOHPLET GNIDAPXE ECIFO TNUOCSID kcehc I 1202 DNA TNUOCSID HTIW ne b RETNIW CITAMNOR ANORC-HTIMS GNIREWSA 0746-153 ELBAIV stnemursnI detnaruG" TNUOCSID .etirovaf aidem e rht eh qa vnsa miuto ot eeS sorca .E evaS looW nwoD nwoD ".96 s orC eht evah htiw eht tsap qhj aiP LUFREDNOW SRETIFPMAC elba owt EKIL II semit o gniog dna fo MOjas *a js- y-g-2 on P UAR maet od a no niw - si - ruO emhotrf nagihcM E C I F O sNOITACOL retifpmaC ym ot rehto stsev RUO dlo 1 .klb sreta ws stekcaj 59. 1 yrtnuoC TSEWOL RUO NOB IR DNA SFEONIL SI WON .NGIS .TO R ,VNI C I .IP ,XNI S A B tsewol y l a n i f e r h t n e h w r e t f A s e n c s s r e g o R . r o m u h s n o a e s si efiw taht eh peek fi ¬da t ig m «aJ3 >xXto8 qa u WEN a :SROTALUC SEGDIRTAC SROTALUC SCINORTEL SROTALUC SROTALUC .DARG-E .TNECRP « smeti ikS SECIRP 0 1 .STEKCARB YROME ?GOL CIFTNECS ssel se im tuB ylautca gnuoy t'ndluow nehW" stcepsa sregoR ".dleif gnikcik eno sekam spmuj ,flah edam iqa anCoX mas quaps- tnsi misap . SCINORTEL SROTALUC .W . ,xY .noitacol dna :GIUBTAEF tnemhsilpoca deyojne qtra . secirp I iu eh a deunitoc( s'naf syas a fo n< tsuj dleif dna sregoR NI eh eht ees .nem fo segakc p pu rof HTIW si) sup ELAS eet sup oj aqja sup jas ti a inwod edray-15 A yats "!NWOT 0 21 SMETSY DNA ni steg syas dna laog :dias ,EE I dna 8tj) retniw tiT 6-01 .NIS no ekil labto f sn a 1 ni dfns) erpX Miq qa n 8sma jm 3o "nwoT / eh dekcip tub snaH" s teg eh NOB .x egap nehw eht 1049-84 .2X .SOC gnikrow nwod nar . ,weiv s .TAS-NOM .SURHT EGNAHC semit os gnile f gnihcao .emag syojne ffo retfa retfa usabj )5 uoy msiaquS vjonup pu .OS .NAT ot result." nac htiw ¬nu fo ti I lla eht eht taht eh ylaus aon)p )sijS a snrups jna I os ot ot ni ni su hcaoc s r a e y dluoc rruooff tnem dah tuB" .lac j rof t'nac lacisyhP t h g u o h t .sraey eb dehsinf tuoba tuB dluohs eht eht dekcip ytisrevnU .deunitoc I 6-5 nrut ts1 *Jtr . U S M e r u S " naV d e u n i t o c ( dhsinif eunitoc( yuB lahsrM !SO ZAK ETIHWNE RG !SEMAG dna :noitacL si s'teL eht .hcaet ehT" neht rhcoaocf sraey t'nod ev'I devil r enos eB spahrep hsinif gnis aL g.nieBT I noitacudE gnihtemos I ot ot skcolb thgir te rts maet fo ehta raeh rtxuenof reht w os'Sti etarpes citelha esle et'nrdiltueorw ekat e rht nehw evah .gnirte nevig nwod taht eht morf gniwaps enos eB s m a r g o p si tsrif tuB morf ro aera tSADI A segral gnitrops gnitropus er hW g n i r e f O poT ksaM eht htfif egap sA I no no erom eh tseb egap nrut istu'tBi a h g u o r h t ot tsap uoy morf ro tnemrapd & pu ot dnoces kenwiht elpoe htxis )51 fo ro " . o d ¬itab s esoht .56 eriter pu emos eht selbaf t'nsah swen )31 ot .tfel ro lZj ton eht eht ¬traped eh s elnu ruomyeS lotipaC I years." I I ni l e w sa eht gnivreS—s'toD snoitaN draw ehT" .USM teg taht etoc elpoe eht elpoe er' w siht hcaorp dias era gnit urc stnemaruo s'etochaH ,ylacitseR" 1 a rof .klB ytilauq eht elba gnis aL kcip reteb .A CN l a u d i v n s e t l h A labteksab sreyalp ylno drawot sah siht eht dna naht nepO si si sa ytinumoc eh llf'kiOar ssel " gnirud duJ ylbisv suoretsi b esu sneraK 'oeL " a a nekdro dnemocr etlpmoC ,stneamrP tnec r ,gnihcao etoch.eH .tcudorP si stnedutS esoR lanoitme .ecitarp ohw si stucriaH efiF duorP nladnaR o aD sedulcxe( 59.5$ piH dna siht ,elyts nwonk gnilyts ,gniz muL htiW latneioC & dna ot .nosae etochaeH sko l rof trugoy se riteR 1831 sih .tatS *oN"'P ,sparW nopu C 05.2* LAICEPS enir htoK ecnuo A trugoY ekab L A I C E P S .E s liaN dias rehtar dluow deubs lanoitme treboR/swN 2986-23 dnarG rof 001 nimatiV dna eh %01 7 ,1 ,stniT ekuL eht reviR htlaeH ylnO - fo no eb dna Holz K )sdo g tsom riehT noitd A ot rof 0603 repuS do F 13 tcep snat ,hgih ttsae dna hcum tuB daeh sih nos os no )e rf05( C nos hoJ nosae derfus .saknG hcaoc dnoces htiw dna .devloni dluow .teaghat raey m'I" nosae dscnitnaa d e s woh eht etochaeH nac mlaC USM ,re ac snoiteuq riahc nos duJ USM yB etochaeH etochaeH fo t< smeti tnecalpmo etochaeH daeh sweN na sih Ma tr sih etatS sruefioC f atS mih 3952-laCgnisL fo eniV stuC s'teL ot ylniam dna evah USM .maet w rethgirb sgniht o n d na hguorht sih retfa raey eht m'I ebyam ym ?USM I ni ta e l b a c i t o n erfe esohw labteksab gnihcao gni ael stropS LEAHCIM siht dna sih .ksed htiw ecifo tnemiopa nI .gmO l E!SO ZAK TIHW NE RG !SEMAG ehta raeh .dias .gnihcao .tS dna dael eH sih tsrif tuoba emoceb wolem s endlab rof si htxis si na sa etochael eb eht ynam nivraE esuaceb ta sa teef tas g n i r u d syuG l a b t e k s a B ? t n e c a l p m o rof deko l kcab labteksab a 05.2• S slaG 05.2• & • uoy eht na lla t ' n d l u o c e c a l p l a m s i d r a e y ot " . e m a g snatrpS elpoep "cigaM ¬rapS emit ¬retni etochaeH .hsinf 71-01 USM gnicalper natr pS nigeb ylato lanoitme ",hcao ytisebo kniht htgie-ynw tsrif er w suoreficv emas woN .margop elyts derwsna mlac depor -ineJ hcaoc retirW EKCOLK eht tuB" d'noY a dna sih g n i t a b eht d e t c l f r eh ni sih *»& I no ni m J \ ot ¬xe kool suG ¬bo ¬rep teg duJ dna sih dna pu a eno ew eht 901 039 yrT I" .spuoS eht 4* ,TSIOH eb gni enD tup seru p dluow giB sehciwdnaS sdal S suoicled ylaer tsaE ta OG dnalkO DNALKAO s'eiboH rep no nagelA egdirbwoT 724 .E nepO ruoh ,SLO T od dna na lla ,emit secus ylniam tsal detcpx sevl ruo raey dna-elti neT GNOL yas ti ot tsaE wolem 42 .nim eht gnis aL labteksab duJ & gnis aL . ta & sruoh egrahc TNUOCSID flesruoy .hgih su ot erew esuaceb seno tseg ib ebyam RADEC STRAP tser tni s'etochaH .tatS niw on AROFTUO 0 .1* oot '.ENO rehto serus ta elpoeP" .delacr ynam era 'l aC lib@M USM gsraep nidatsuo trwkoR/st ecnrfo ni eht erom sihT" morf raey ".semag 1ey ot ¬tiurce fotzK slo hcs aidem )TlomP dna .tuohiw e¬sherpt etochaeH evah ta heyaour G&RE N WHITE KAZO S!G&thaet AMES.'J*1 S2358Tth.(f*OMMEABLLOtKIS)RGAPINDS Let's THE Wdgfleaothrs J * rg box INTRODUCES W G htcowgmft Ciansnupdeirblok. [ NWewsa/Mlakgeir hibscsapl,lhaccikisginagr,Besenyo¬nes praecstiioen 27tyhaeesr Spacrtoan'hs. CLOTHES THE WIN G LOOK d mate OA TOlIC\V-/W &itrqausaelityHanwd-ocmreftne. dtuimgaraeonlbsdidlty State With but Amo other his in FOR th€ Ro ts &men MAC 220 THE LUNIVERSTY ANSIG 517-32 1 EAST af ir 5 saga Then Beson. cigar- foreamch xpansfe Ariza. conerigt'wsn besgoanfhroigmPnaris, pofenal thoe o Champign dav¬nbecom Jfrinhds; sevralMiuc hoaktey profs¬ Chicago msetibnch ftoher blivs oepvr¬y low-cas hocokceh,yfrims wer tph€laece Aisrmesu:olt inttavholelesgBeschoomnping tthvoaest Meaxnicdo incedaecht hSpcaaortsn indvvaluuea.l Bessaogne gradution astnind playinghockey. hForleitsuwinngBesweonnt IUlnioivoerfss.ity thoen Bemcsamoenputs, lawwoehaosr hcliosset Mariuci. cpraosthesd liaanyteesrr tcoooanh fMoilnaewsoitnag thwcairee BHaswoknse. bthwihneilde Lansig. Masanrciouowcuti, SNMionarerstohsta Aamchiotdng tunity. Amao's baandd Masriaucid Minoefaipcoelis. ywoenaeer 8(coponatign)ueed The The Chicago New And the The after scho l France Sta es, While dual of one Their times went sional Black rival East in "Yeah, Italian to," "Why. UJMBERCQ 39-250 d85:a3-i0ly longMSI hswiemvitrhal oaytoleunsg yars. dfaevonotsf. Combine hundred 3ofpe0riod leagion Add a BLEODWDAE.RRS NSttehawes Itacilg¬r-moknSMpisgfe.ld, Amo Stpeocial By one from Take ian WNewas/lMkaegri State thcoaeBsrn' bBtreesohsskaatouekinlse ihtceoacnmk.eydbbeuanyltnhig Amo MSU MSU has l fL oi g p au fe ut rns i r c d .n g lWob w y ' fav o t u h r y s teu a d r erns . i l t o o n wpwr e inexprts desyiognu helping thgoet bDceealivnery lumber We're help been We've cse . s t a r n g e d . Mt S o y aU Close tr d S loa t u r d y s b o l t s partions, d cuting haavlseo: shelvs, to ls, special We sp wta n ei nails,e,, ERB> LRAaunrdeslii.s,g 4600 , open Sat 4- 8 waitng Earvin RLoockmer RGrivanedr 3-815 While the hPieIsoMrf! for you're Era of E. 317 The II era WjS&BR k m&L. cihepard's ompus no eht 'tah I" dna eilaog deirt .emag ew uoy s'eH" ekoms ",od s'taht rof nI" toH hgiH dniheb enoseB s'nhoJ" gnis ar s'dneirf enoseB ,ke w ,tcaf traetfhat sd'onmaA dene tuoba dna- nehT" driht raelc ,tcaf s'nhoJ yl aer gnilup delruc .srehpoG taef d tnuoc a .de da denmad .detc lo r ecaf thgie delup ",doirep er w a a neve dlot tnew ni ruo ot ekulf nI devas tahw eh OG OG 0 05 stropS woN pu tHDaohP datrsuHI spihrebm gnitpeca 9 a .ni eht hsraM a I dnilb nhoJ ruoy tsap detrulb l eh I eh retaW drah kniht t'ndluoc ".taefd saw gni w setunim thguat ten kcab dna eht .yalp ym eht detro .daoR ta kcup riehT atosen iM gip retfa fo eh eruserP boj somakO truoC nac eht fo ti . g e l elihw .denpah e sih h t fo tsuj taht omA gnisol rof ti r e d n t l a o g "acuirM 'nehsa nosel .deunitoc eht tih htiw a ot sdnah omA .saw neve 11*1 ot 2-5 dnif emag daeh ruo morf reyalp now .se alg ragic ¬rabme emag .og a !NAELCNE RG taht ,l eH l et ni taerG toH bulC .dnA klat na ti guy." fo sih ot 5-6 eW htiw eht ,ni dna .hctib saw eno thgir ehT" .ytlanep yug eht eht yug omA eno hsag htiw ehT eno fo xaW I" dluow rehtorb detnuoc thgin .eugaeL eht lanois raW nroca teg taht ,haeY" " . t i m a d fo dlot an og nehw txen a do g ytlanep dnoces .defurg s'omA eht yekcoh gniwol F yreve 00:8 fo morf eteP .II decudeR usm yadirF !thgiN rebm eR emag .eteP dlo smucaV ym no eteP ot .mih eteP s'taht saw siH e c n d i v o r P mp mih teg enoseB sih enoseB won syalp er hW ,doirep eruS saw woh gnikat eno xob sti - truoC 0 :01 thgiN taht emac eht setam et ytlanep hcneb detras retsor 'smaet naciremA deyalp tnits I" h t i w OCDNA DE-OC ton gib r e v o e l i h w dam denraw dna eteP s e n i s u b , d n a ti l e v C .setam a DAC ot setaR mp steg steg m'I hguone . d e m i a l c x dna ni hcni-evf ylecreif s'omA ohw tneop yekcoH ecndivorP ¬seforp dlroW ,neht nos dias dna ruo ",detras DLROWCV :YOJNE ot dne s em fo teg xob saw eh siht ni ni fo & a a TXEN alabteuqcaR ciremA lahsrM ETIHWNERG !SEMAG eerF s r e u t c a f n m ti tog esicrexE sloprihW sanuaS labedaP labteuqcaR eht .f o tuB" ",nes .thgif mo r nehW naht •J}=f gnilbmuts ,denif eht tahT derugif ew .riadm eht ylaniF" omA dnuora revo oS DNARG gnietarh I OT yresruN s'teL rof t'nsaw syug enos eB tseg ib ro p d'er ht ne wteb tnew tner fid s eug sdraob tI REL OR DNIWHTRON REVIR I DLROW .RD DNA HSAW tnempiuqE !SO ZAK eht raeh & tey ",hguot yn uf tros .delacr srenihs yug eohtnti mrofinu s'do lb morf edrneahyusgiht .deunitoc eestueacPeb ta ksaM -3J uoy trehhtognail deda nehw dehgual erevve'I ednaoh rehtona .sdoirep -rekcol .srolc mih eht saw eh ew fo rekciht .hcneb semoc spe k ",dam fo eb I dekco-l no ni eh lxineohP evart omA sam erew htob .M.N maet saw elihW sroihf enirvloW ssel egn lahc . ,ecndivorP ro l ac . 2131 eht gniruD . ,daerb emirP WEOlA02■ semit os ni no taht . bulc ot dna htob eht .kaerb rof rof E RF ENO sih eht sih .ragic dna retfA l ab dna taem llA supmaC !YREVILD eci naht eht na ruoy .HCIM nO yalp weN owt ,hcaoc odarol C snatr pS tsrif nwo enos eB rehctip ,.m.p 5 ,yadnuS emag retfa uoy .itehgaps nerg :tnemiopa .shpargot maet Eaz iP RF ,noino yrruTo EHT ynA ,inorep c i V regae saw ni aMoucUBAHLv■ ecuas il oc ,biR .EVA socixeM maet ,regilyH revo dna raey natr pS YADNOM 59.5$ snaeb desot YADNUS TSAE- RTS ,serutcip owt ,euqr blA etam et regae nac ew ot METI tnesrP ne rg ,mah laiceps -ibhxe dna dluoc decnivo eht ¬tsirhC M-U ,USM ta fo dna ,yadseuT 05.1$ tfard nioj ,gni d htiw tae nac EURT tup hcaoc 6203- )710 a a thgil ni ot s l a i c e p S sihT rep a neve G U O D "9 toh fo ,GNIS AL ,.nocab smorhu :naoiztabimpc NAIL T litnu uoy T'NOD ro desufr nehW" .gnis ytis revneD euq ehT' ylanif enoseB draneay saw eW nopu C dna owt & dna ,dal s Lcilrag AICEPS NAGIHCM , s t r o p a deunitoc( dnes enoseB siht tkecgab htiw erhw de n edettanargug ttn'nawdid retomrp genidfnilif denrael snoitavre I" itehgaps LAICEPS su YHPARGOT REGNIBLE TOHS 731- az iP ni pay," krad cilrag hpargot lac ot roF eht rof ot meti yadsruhT a toh a .re b eht ti ,deralced eikor az ip .egnuol ¬to f . daerb dna edis ruoy ,semu r . no egap yug eht ot ew ot ot ni yenom yap .niag eht ym hcaoc fo maet ,deunitoc t'ndluow teg eht . —3204 tsaE dah . ,saedi puorg )31 no eht I" ¬naL ¬revinU enalp kcab ot ot .su eht ¬reuqblA ragic ",nosel taht IBF taht gnit s .0 ,1$ eevhagt nehT" enos eB syob ddnloat eH" sertiaw -kniht ,l eH yp ah dnuof morf doihaws tem .erut xineohP otni seauwq elihW enos eB etowg yeht erohtf kcab te rts eht tnew tpec a e.eHci .tnega ,pirt nehW dah em evag siht tuo detau rg eht detiaw gnidulcni er hT" I" I iP"JM)O uAjes iujo pjsans a~-< ot J-Jn ni yna ot t n e d u t s tuo deunitoc ot a s'er h tog diamrab denrut .delkcuh ecin em rof gnihton dah dna ew morf .wanig S saw yug eht hcus ,do g kcehc tuoba emag erew .revneD enalp eht ,kcehc ylanif morf eh YALPSID TSEGRAL S'GNI AL 5$ e h t t eh e g lahsrM !SO ZAKETIHWNE RG !SEMAG yug eniw ohw g e l s'teL ym siht e h t a rof ot .decsinmr detnarug a o e q s non I fo ta r e g a n m fo a a eht raeh .rolap ekam kcehc enid ,er w .USM dnA yekciM kcul omA fo , r o n e v g tub ot *)mw gma f ojgae 0 0 , 5 decnivo egap — a a ta ni na s'eH emoh kcehc dnuora erus rof .hciwdnas gnip it .yenom htiw nehW taht eht 0591 t'ndid ruoh .trats e m a g ksaM & & 1 uoy ",samtirhC regnats morf rof dna eht 0 5$ d'eH .su saw retoP letoh ¬nev eht nur ¬reuqblA ",yenom litnu ,leW gnitaw ,elpoe eht tnes ew na a eh eh eh s o r c a e r o f e no b em snoitavre I ot )8 NSD foe gdejwu ™T-sir qis FO a no ym dpeup irt gniog kdcnehac .srorMca sionilI ysuagw ehT" etcvaahf naem .rM nehW" dah ot a I mm9 d ot n a r g dna nehw .xineohP .ko b laoc dlot omA deksa ) s a L ( t n e g a ,tekcop sih .yekciM retoP eh a NAIRTEGV EUQBRA " nepO ehT" HTIW 1213 7312 SOPMAC E UF ENO emit s'ret oP d a h Y R E V I L D I kcehc l eH 04-93 notlimaH I ,tuB sageV rof s eug eh ELBAUV LABTEM NAILT SENIRAMBUS DO F EKOC dooG SLAICEPS fDNUS ELBAU V 8 .S yadrutaS m.a FE B YNA etorw eh dna eht tiderc renim taht .delac r mih em rof dlot em wohems fo a fi gnile aP .672l0T8tfHP ainvlyseP "elpoP TSAE ot I 0 5$ .yug o .m.a 03:5 0 .2$ TA esoht tog neht elihwa yug sdrac emoc morf eht uoy wenk ni nI 2 3 E R F rO ot 1 .m.p ,fo nI a ot rt eroM do g .sraey tnega mih .desum .lareMr ddenlaac .ercnMis skceh R E B M V O N .m.p 104 I" .syadkeW S B P M A .N 6 w o r R E T S I M NOPUC 074-153 trepilC !SUPMAC TSAOR DEVAHS ESAHCRUP rebmevoN yadnuS NOPUC enoseB )retsopmi d e u -41 n i t o c ( g n i d u l c o ynA eht ",emit ,l eH derugif eht( wonk eh t'nod dias ot em TSEW "u FE B MAH .zo SP no saw d'eh ",retoP taht s'retoP dna tahw Smm 5 a 2 HjjJ ■ ^ ■ : E ,etodcna egap tsuj teg t'nsaw knab eht ,delkcuh gnivah 01-5 denpah enoseB saw diamrab tub ■2 ■5 )71 eht eht dna yen cilbup smaet eht eht netog labto f sreb y.edians morf del if wonS inmula sko l gni w spahreP l uf dna rotcaf sah tseniF ".noitabrp s'erhT" dmeunoitrofc( a 2132 niatuom gnireatuom senrdliW ehT iks etlpmoC deg uR noiL senrdliw tnempiuq .E NI YB YB NI 745 srihS-T dna stcanoc nopu sevl m ht sdroce tsuj sa ew gntitouhrcse ylaer de n — uoy yenraeK s a k r p OT HP GNISECORP EDILS htiw nagihcM si 145 rof ytilauq .E eh a dias .USM yaw MP3 MA9 eht gnidlub pord WON ,gniruot noitcels taerG NEPO 6-E dnarG eht fo tnaropmi t'nevah htped ¬mun gib egap nolyn n w o d EMORHCATKE yb TUO TUO eht cilbup ¬raeK eht eht htiw )21 & 1C/j6N> sdaeh sa ni ylp uS tnempiuq ,gnikcap b skcap b gnipels tsaiuhne YB YB reviR yb 062-153 sriatpu eht fo g n i b m l c & ecifo de n USM yeamb ehT yen gnitras .dias s"USM me s ne b 2 osla eW| & MA9 MP2 a s e k a L f s orcA( ke w !ngised TRIHS sedulcni eht senop r poua U3A J Btqjepa erhwyvE" drawot ot — nac — ni sah III TXEN EMAS nosaer citelha yrev eb ecnirpxE sgab draugloP & a ot qa eht dwSa qFp serp *a ylgnimehwrvo" snatr pS yaeuiaX ijavuCj aocqmS' l ac taht .oC 847 -48 TRlfm YAO YAO morf )yekreB !ecivrs ,yadot ti rof uoy 4( zod ).nim ne rcs 53.3$ ecA hcuot fo citelha yltcaxe eoJ yeerhat ev ileb elpoeP" .s alc tahw ni ni era s'rotceridyeht ,yenraeKgnivel b ".USMylaer ¬raeK tuoba elpoep ".dog ",margop citsmpo og I USM sah ljonruap yqonSq j om qa qa oj [oj ox fo dap- OMjnoqv pm ai_p.nqj'f sjaqjnSiima £jappmnftnoSd jqSv, _'potiad Suatjbnoi of omy •panmjuoqD -aS uVoesaj Zu?S )IM q aqt SmP;osuiRmioqa[j'patrex„d4;rugBp'upmCaioBaqdsb; SLAM—DUNKWHOPER! NEARSTg&FWCHOOKP|IES!,ty Saginw XfTBHij, •opanuui;oiy apsunncBq siq; a;aj » «—JsI* -r - jU qJq 'pajB Xui qaarvqooj aq; mp jsoiqjst>'pBiu •jbJSid auasoj0epubs£oqmAag;VgpjaBiuaBXdfbstm ./uosaj ■jeq; s 'MRIiU i u IIu i Us U Y T Vu O OJ F O A V S T U —E NB R RRE K T F K HO I NS RGE E 3R G2 ai r0n v a.1 d e n r d ^ A BURGER E.1141 direatchtleoic Knevaiernsyncotaohes dtiscou MSUr.Feobut-ildngDacorayhl hoacnkdeyBAsmonoe dpalte baskwth¬ile HJeauth-d ftehpatdieens pils. Spart n ofice Rogers coach car y Spart n coa h 'Magic 3 -210 Cell PIZZA River Srand 3 2-085 BODY,XJ Cars Guanted 5:p3.m0 Non AREN game. 1135 FLTJTO &Aomreeriicgann Work 7Fa:r3.-mi0. 81:a0.2m- &LAMaicvhrcgeahn. IDEMHCALE SKATINGbSuundtayp.m Safuternons INSTRUCO 2to-d6lers cahildgreen/ sasvikz-ialetbee BEL 'S the >1 MSU ball ball cote u p ! Joe c a n X9P^ujam-TfpujBba-\onndoi^qy.q(MpSamigsB]„) his W%- KERM'S E s t i m a e Quality fTlo-n. Free 4 8 9 - 6 5 7 Sat. Corner Lansing MSU e n e it 8 : 3 OPIN Enverighty Sat, 0 - 1 : 0 3:0-5:0 For - Scho l Adults - After ne pass Fri, - CLAS Rental n*»oiX"s qa ja'*^yoi paouuB; i'!elynttseyoaumr qsubq paiBuqB-qj sbm us. paren-dly celbration hdoagmymee. lfaorgadov—uriessepveatison DCounitrny-Fechg TVGRIHNAPEEE Dress post-ary ev ry Lsapiueeaqq 1)doanehsavidrathleicawghsyeva■rnsthoeensmalcoegs.tmoeIiPhwf.DsKeanywhra,"r¬thwaesWasingtoIdcwarse,cofunielgEvyartmaondIbecam196." hisen-joythpeolthadefuare,voic-prsdenyaifcboneut futre.lokingMaSUtimprove aboutteoldprobatin.fyversthaingevryda.foat¬Kear-13) JOIN the for on w sueueds Kearney f(croonptiamugeed hKAlthaourdnghey becapamreent Fine of lot. scho l he and "It Ithat going ney working made for they h K do esae ar i n de y athletic atwork hashe junior the f i of toh s h e art Buti K C u r e n t e l y , "sa r an that at n y i K r s e is under e a arl i s n t c hcoeaing, bteaxopencted Hadmeistro. foprincal hheaiysds oprensideffncyCjualnifoironira aned tgoo "IWshaiidle. Unoiverfsity monyheaoadf astthuldeens. mmgaovere euvnnttuilalydirnecto MaSnUld hBmueett. isnhomeeti universty thperheaps wcooluegld question. partohgleamic btegoin lhieadrsship. lioawtknielg thadae bloetkinrg t e y f t o how lh overnight,"wei n g MSU t i h a w o t pk Hei eel s b d j u o u i n s he l and d ' t t p r o g a m "You I c o o np ball t i an uge e d 7 ■XA . 1 fo nigeb tuB sbawoj suo sTlSM ehT 6791 ehT yB I ni owt eht ,noit tuB erew thgim noit sraey 431 .seman• t'ndluow I" .sthguoht rotcerid sregoR tahw owt ydaerla ynaM rieht ehthiwt neht ",erih tahw ev'I" wen tyenraeK naropmi .rotasinmd eunver s'yenraK saknaG .sehcao etaidm iyenraeK gnimoc eb rof ew eW" c i l b u P , s c i t e l .evitagn scitelha hsilbate elur detniopa nehw etats USM etatS spihnotaler ,ytilbderc raey- rht tuB oS a guoD of2 EMUSER TNA SNI tr s'teL .N nosiraH seirac tuB eb wenk yenraeK " . b o j tnemoriv erucsbo ddnuaJ toudb seod ,daeh dah elpoep evah yemlor tog .strops sehcao erew yn eD gniog",ni tfuoo ruo dluoc tlef ni noitda a saw tnemi s e rged a ot yenraeK dliuber erofeb labto f A CN eoJ sweN ot citelha liomrut citelha stropS LEAHCIM fo N E R G a fi yhpargothPregniblE SOTHP TROPSA erohc ksat dliuber .snoital v !SO ZAKETIHW !SEMAG sreic x gnidluber yenroF aera a rieht os elt il dna emos secruose n o i t a b r p ni e h t a do g yltcaxe eseht dah slo hcs siht ot sa etavirp yenraeK noitabrp ,margop hsilbate I ".7* r a e h . d i a s si si rof saw h t o b d a h ruo dah eb dah wen skcip oesoltc yeht edivorp woh kniht na owt ot etatS eht eht tib ot ro e s o etochaeH gnihcaoh c f o tes fo ot drawot pleh natr pS dluoc margop tsuj .rotcerid yenraeK en cs EKCOLK eht regnorts lufgniaem ylbadntsre u USM .ytilbderc USM ¬hta neve .margop s'yenraK ¬irav decalp lirpA saw retirW on tuo ni hcaoc tsrif a DI & uoy enog dna rof B24-3 dlohesuoh edam nac dna lew eht ,yldnoceS" yhposlihp naht neht , Ij elcyC, si a sehcao dnoces ?tsew morf lyr aD citelha .sboj rof USM od eht meht tsom citelha rojam eso hc dna suG erom ¬aborp .dias ew ew ¬adnuof emos e rht I gnisohc no saw fo eh eH saw fo ta " eht fo dah retfa eht erofeb eht yyenraeK fitnedi sdnik etasehhtt devaahh ",morf hdcoaogc morf woN nac esehT peek nwoD tsuj roF ro dias ,STEKCAJ ralupo egral nrow STEKCAJ deliF sklaw ,lihnwoD ro dtuO gnir h tsal na eh eb morf deunitoc( aedi emac siht gnimoc ytisrevinU ".htiw owt eht yenraeK ETIHW RETNIW MRAW a si fo ruo uoy fo wen sksat ot saw depleh egap er hw USM labto f dah USM citelha smargop l iw .dias rev hw ot eht nem tsomtu ksat no fo decirP ETIHW .serutn vdA NIAT UOM ylhsiyts tsaE tnedutS s orcA eh era emit notgihsaW I" eh rof do g esuaceb ylesn m i .hcaoc ereht eno rotcerid nac polev d ecn dif oc syawl semoc ikS )11 eht dna ew no noinU eht gnisnaL eruoy lbarud .mraw stekcaJ s orC morf lla morf GATS noitcel s ot eso hc dna TAOG ,supmaC yrtnuoC citel . PU .gniws .margop citelhtA .25s l iw , . GATS HTIW OT , _ siH rotceriD eoJ strofe raep a ysenaraheK ot yb dah gniyap keshatt ffo fo sa USM strops gnidluber a etatS era no eht ¬pu derugaleb ftorebiozRo/swKN ¬hta \ I era .ti ni ot eht 7.3$ no sA" 3.3$ tnem .flesti USM citelha enO rehtie gniog .ytine uoY" ycne htiw sboj s'tI" tub ekam elud ehT naht erom eht bmilc edahht nehw taht eno eseht dluow A" .ytinut dluoc hcus tnaw enO s'yen ' .noilm tnemrap 0 , 04$ ,tl iH ocfaL *tir w TAM6 TACM detarng fo'tsoM .tropus . d r a y k c b eht USM" eht ezilaer ti tuB lanosrep suoivb sehcao nI " , r o t a s i n m d fo \=r fo a si er'uoy ebyam taht tnaw ylpmis yenraeK suoivb pets noisced syaw .er w deunitoc( si eht dna tol noil m s'USM eht sa ot sah yenraeK lM lahsrM ETIHW NE RG !SEMAG ehta raeh citelha emoc ytisrevinU citelha tnerfid niam gnihtyrevEyrev lev-pot epyt ynam erom ylsuoivb rehtar citelha ".egnlahc taerg yrasecn dezilar thgir t'nod syojne ",yrtnuoc tsenif .seitlucfdpets elpoep .egnlahc .liomrut yhredwnow emoc kool ,teceprseorht morf sa do R ro na ot ERAPERP s'teL e l b i s n o p r do g eb laed eht na , n o i t a b r p kcab fo ot sretn C 1 094 :l oc BMN • • a eno ysub fo yas sralod gnikrow eht yenom r o t c e r i d a ni dna 42 emas EQV-XLFGMCE .1.1,1 TACO TAD I 02 !SOZAK ot vS eht boj t s u m yb fo yenraeK h t i w r e t f a * xnaM )313( S07 A2 92 • dab eht dna uoy ot sa ti - eht ew otni ot ot TAV !ASI :ROF cisvM \aj uoy traped ,rotcerid citelha raey tegdub strops gnidnuf sboj detnmoc yenraeK syaw citceh rotcerid xelpmoc dewiv amuart secruo taht yenraeK ylbaorp yhw taerg detnsrp ,owT margop SU no si ro a os a rof eht a tuB ksa dias a 310-15 *gnimraF drahcrO I kdtrC siht a fo ni • • & a uoy uoy otni em eh egap ¬traped tnemrapd ecnis ".tnerfid elbisv .dias ytisrevnu ¬utisnoc laed xelpmoc syojne ¬ehcs ytinurop USM nwo ezilaer noitauper .dias seitrvnu evah evah ¬rop deko l dluow .USM ¬raeK TAS ERG /§[ • pu sah sti eh ot ta era htiw setacol * ot fo no od I lla )01 I - uoy ¬ed — fo eb ot na — si nac ti fo ot fo I a uoy ni owt hcum os dna IKS ,SBIB .2 s o r C nI ".ti t r o p u s s t r o p s e n i m r e t d gniog erutsop gniyf eW" txen t'nod ",flesti tnem tahw .raey ko bceh dnes taht ot eht der tne N W O D ,STAH .4 .3 toS NWOD NWOD .1 i r F - n o M sruoH ,SEITO B ot n o i t d a tes 9 t e u q c a R muni lA uolgmbF HCAEL ERYOG STO B LORYT GNIRUOT A F O J A F O J dna fo 6-ma a f o J • s i k S e c i v r e s eht woh .eb siht ruo ew ot y t i s r e v n U ym yenraeKylacisab M EWS UT c r u o D • ot mp 8-ma01 S E L O P amroN• ot n e h T k n i h t w a r tegdub steuqr .diasd SGNID B SALGREBIF EGAKC P citelhta t a h t om SB.S R E H T A E L SIKS yrtnuoC evitarsnmd g n i k o l t r o p u s tnemrapd :yb eht yb no dna sah EV EAJ mp kr s e o g ew rof teg I" ot retfa htiw eht 42 tsum si eunver ¬itnedi eht ym sriatpu tsuj dnuf EGAKCP SEDULCNI ti eh fo na eht cit ' ",hcao reganm saw saw rotcerid ehT" .des rt etahhtt reve dias tcaf ,gnid uf eH yenraeK neve oga degnahc ytisrevinU lanoitcude wef lanoitcude tsum yenraeK dna erom sraey elor 04 sah eht ekam taht rotcerid os scitelha dias margop loryT• poslA• sto B ikS trap nehw morf tsum lanoisefrp .noitu sni trap enut fo fo ECIRP .dias a na fo eht eb ni ni kramoN• si na yb emit ,relud hcs ebyam tahw citelha segatn vd strops set lha htiw ¬elhta eb fo egakcP deunitoc( ,telohciNcitsaloh-reni sih ".eman neve saw werg elihw ylaer dnuorgkcab yenraeK rof avlyS rehcaet er hT" ohw ",lohcs scitel yasmiht su ohw a 1" rof na citelha evah delbuort elaS egap revn .scitelha ereht decsinmr roinuj ndoelbpmuuts s'rotcerid depleh ,scitelha semit hguoht detras lacisyhp ni pu ni sah no IH ni eht na a mo rg tegrof margop noitacude .dnalev C ,yenraeK .tsop evisntxe )21 tI saw saw on hgih ¬hta mih dna