House detours r ^ _J^"^£71^IUAABERJ57_MQNDAY. NOVEMBER »4,1977 |network By DAN SPICKLER probe \\ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 A resolution that would form a State News Staff Writer subcommittee to investigate Michigan State Police surveillance operations was sent to a House committee killed a similar measure earlier this Thursday. The committee had year. The House voted 64-37 to send the resolution to the House Public Safety Committee. It (fil is almost certain to die there, headed by Jelt Sietsema, D-Grand according to resolution supporters. The committee is Rapids. Sietsema last month convinced the House to vote for the Q "Red destruction of all controversial Squad" files, amending a bill that repealed the acts which formed the group. Rep. David Evans, D-Mt. Clemens, sponsored the measure, considered "watered down' by House leaders in comparison to the previous resolution which included subpeona powers for the proposed subcommittee. Evans said he did not agree that his version of the resolution was watered down, though subpeona powers were removed. "The whole intent of this move was to stress the positive results of such an investigation, with the emphasis on improving the police," Evans said. "Instead, we get people shouting police harassment." The motion to send the bill to committee was offered by Rep. Thaddeus Stopczynski, D-Detroit, a former Detroit police officer. He said the resolution was a ploy to bring the now outlawed "Red Squad" activities into the political arena. Republican House floor leader William Bryant, Grosse Pointe, motivation for the agreed that the investigation was political. Bryant said if the resolution was actually spurred by the state Auditor General's report — as stated in the resolution then other — committees in existence could legitimately review the state police. The year old report stated that there was a lack of quality control, a lack of reaching objectives and errors in classification of activities of the Michigan Intelligence Network. The original intent of the network, according to lawmakers, was to attempt to break up organized crime. Liberal lawmakers such as Evans contend that the network has improperly delved into spying on individuals for the purpose of uncovering "subversive activities." Rep. H. Lynn Jondahl, D-East Lansing, noted that recent reports show the East Lansing Police Department participated in the network. Jondahl said a subcommittee would best handle the immense task of investigating the network with the understanding that possible unconstitutional practices should be brought out and the police department improved in such areas, if warranted. State police spokesperson Maj. Louis Smith said the police had been confronted with the Auditor General's report and steps were taken to improve the efficiency and proper objectives of the network. "We have nothing to hide, but we see no reason for the formation of a subcommittee," Smith said. "We have already capitalized on the Auditor General's recommendations." Pleading and begging didn't help as MSU student Jim Smith, 775 Burcham Dr., is hauled "First of all, let the courts handle it as they are doing right now," Bryant said. "If by Lansing police Saturday alter celebrating MSU's 44-3 win over Northwestern from away anyone was really hurt and can prove it, then the courts will handle that. goal post. Five persons in all, three of them students, were arrested on drunk and atop a "Secondly, I do not see the evidence. I see a lot of 'garbage' — a lot of talk about charges during the celebration. The celebration began with 15 seconds left to disorderly horrible activities of the state police, but not one piece of evidence," hfa continued. poured onto the field for the traditional season-ending play, as fans "Finally, I feel that the police prevented a lot of bombing and a lot of violence by tans received a penalty for dismantling of the goal posts. The Spar¬ infiltrating these subversive groups in the sixties," he said. delaying the game because of the crowded endzone and were forc¬ When asked if the right to privacy was unnecessarily violated in ed to move to the many instances, opposite end of the field. The three students and one non-student arrested Bryant said h; felt the safety that resulted by such work outweighed the possible during the post-game festivities were taken to the Public Safety Building until violation of human rights. a level of they reached sobriety acceptable to University police. Doyle Brown, representing the Troopers' Association, said that his group opposed the resolution. "It's a waste of time and an attempt to hassle the police. Why aren't we doing more investigating of the criminals?" he questioned. election process, trustee control COMPUTERS HOLD SENSITIVE REPORTS Protection standards not met tscussed by ad hoc committee WASHINGTON (AP) — An internal HEW study says department computers holding sensitive information on millions of Americans do not come close to meeting minimum standards for retired American adults; the Health Care Financing Administra¬ tion's systems, which include Medicare and Medicaid records-, and the Office of Education's computers, which hold data on students protecting that information from unauthorized disclosure and use. receiving federal help. Because of the poor showing by the Jj PATRICIA LaCROIX would name someone not on the (recom¬ Department of Health, The audit, a summary of 16 other analyses conducted by the essential," the reasons for it should be Education and Welfare's computers, there indications HEW HEW task force, is a statistics-filled technical I fate New Staff Writer mended) list. explained in advance to the University are paper. It warned of of the may lower its standards to improve its compliance ratings, says the risks involved in computer ss University presiden- "Are we that nervous about this at this community. systems. i process and the amount of Rep. Richardson Preyer, D-N.C. "Due to the nature of most HEW personal data, the team time, is this still a fear? If not, there is no The internal report, obtained by the Associated Press, *t control over the final choices Nominees will also be notified of the believes the potential is very high for both harm to individuals and point in belaboring the point," Byerrum prompted Preyer to ask the General Accounting office to study the fraudulent alteration of data if the... management fai| the discussion items of the id. openness policy as soon as possible. security of all major government computers containing personal enforce standards," the audit said. groups fail to la Council's ad hoc presidential The committee also decided that the Committee members postponed discus¬ information. b|ncess Thursday. openness of the selection proceedings The audit revealed that HEW has begun a program to "correct sion of the actual composition of the final "Systems security in HEW was far from meeting minimum all violations of department policy" found by the audit. The ■pop used the Taylor II Report, should be determined by the final Search Search and Selection Committee, since they acceptable standards," the six-month audit said. "The average ph John F.A. Taylor in 1969 to and Selection Committee. said they felt discussion of the report was compliance with security standards was only 36.9 percent." program is scheduled to be completed within 11 months. 11 guideline for the selection of Guidelines specifying that all the "com¬ The standards, established by HEW, are designed to The security and privacy issues are key to the controversy over nt Clifton R. Wharton Jr., as more important. provide mittees' deliberations" should be as open as protection for personal information in line with the requirements Project Match, an HEW effort to detect welfare cheaters by using ■ktkeir discussions, "It would be very dangerous for us not to is consistent with the committee's purpose of the Privacy Act of 1974, which forbids unauthorized disclosure computers to match names from welfare records to payroll bd hoc committee will meet Thurs- have any discussion about the process (of in or use of such information gathered by governmental agencies. records. ■nh Trustee representatives Board acting for the University community were recommended by the ad hoc commit¬ presidential selection) prior to our meeting An HEW spokesperson said there would be no comment on the Officials have expressed concern that innocent Tnu Patricia Carrigan, D-Farming- Tuesday," said John Taylor, chairperson of employees might fcud Board Vice Chairperson Jo'r. tee. report until Monday. have their records tarnished by faulty matches because of the ad hoc committee. "Without any ideas, The computers involved in the audit were not identified incorrect data or that the information used in piFrascr, to discuss the final draft of But the guidelines also specified that we will be doing less of a service to our Project Match might pttobe used during the presiden- specifically. But the study covered the Social Security Administra¬ be used for other unauthorized purposes or be disclosed in while "closure may be in some connection community." tion's computers, which hold information on almost all working and violation of the Privacy Act. The meeting will be held in irea. tmittee discussed a portion of the f 1 report which deals with the p«f control the MSU Board of ■ solid have over the presidential Somalia breaks ties hi process. Individual trustees re¬ fit this section as the "veto clause" *ir October board fa the board meetings, since may override the with Cuba, U.S.S.R. 'dations of the Search and Selec¬ tive. NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) Moscow. - Somalia, once Ml. of course, the hope is that the one of Moscow's closest friends in Africa, Sunday's moves followed Somali claims ppreferences and the preferences of broke relations with Cuba Sunday, expelled that Cuban troops are fighting alongside ■hwtee will be found to coincide, or all Russian advisers and terminated Soviet * Ethiopian forces battling Somali-backed partially overlap, so that the use of air and naval facilities at two Somali insurgents in Ethiopia's southeastern '« both groups may be readily ports, the Somali radio said. Ogaden desert. the report states. "It is, The Somalis also ordered the Soviet The Russians have been funneling arms, ■a, ! frlnk 'P*"1 °' thfa instruct- embassy to cut back its staff and renounced including tanks and jet fighters, to Ethiopia E™ Board shall appoint a person its 1974 friendship treaty with the Kremlin, while at the same time cutting supplies to recommended list." the radio said. Somalia, formerly its major ally in the Horn ^ Bjcrrum,the ad hoc administrative repre- The moves capped a steady decline in of Africa. committee, said he Somali-Soviet relations as Moscow has Somali Information Minister Abdulqadir JJttw clause should be excluded. increasingly thrown its support behind Salad Hasan was quoted in the Somali , was elected in 1969, he said, u'genuine fear that the Ethiopia, Somalia's bitter rival. broadcast from the capital of Mogadishu as trustees There was no immediate comment from saying the Cuban Embassy staff and experts have been given 48 hours to leave §. Mm i *- fl the country. He said Soviet military and technical experts, believed to number 3,000 CD to4,000,have been ordered out within seven days. Abdulqadir also said Somalia had "im¬ mediately" ended Soviet use of Somali port facilities. Stole News Pete Obee Alpha Tau Omega fraternity members remove but as a service project to i of Berbers and These include the ports beautify and clean up graffiti from the sidewalk leading to the Wells Hall the center of campus. inside Kismayu, used by Moscow's Indian Ocean fleet. Russia also has missile storage bridge Sunday, not to protest what was written, CO lp||f provisions at Berbers. Do bake sales sound like part The official announcement over the radio of a presidential campaign? See station said the decisions were taken Sunday at a lengthy session of the ruling Farm Lane Bridge reopens Tuesday ■1 Unicorn hunting-a rare but not forgotten art. See page 3. central committee, headed by President Siad Barre. The committee justified the When the Farm Lane Bridge reopens Tuesday, it will not only be sidewalk has also been replaced. Baron said a used highway railing m moves, grounds: Abdulqadir said, on the following safer, but also more attractive. The bridge has been closed to all traffic since early September to — which perfectly matches the one next to the river — was purchased at a fraction of the cost of a new one. 1 V.... HbV TiSi HL' /K weather Slight relief from the recent soul-chilling trends, as the sun reappears after a too-long ab¬ •That the Soviets and Cubans have "brazenly interfered" in the struggle of ethnic Somalis fighting inEthiopia'sOgaden region to gain "their liberation from the Ethiopian government." The insurgents replace the north span. It had deteriorated to the point where weight restrictions had been placed on the bridge, according to Milton Baron, director of Campus Park and Planning. The nearly 40-year-old bridge has already reached the life expectancy of between 30 and 40 years given for concrete bridges, he said. The spans matching railing, together with new blacktop across all three of the bridge, gives it a new look, Baron said. After the bridge reopens, the Brody and Circle-Fee bus routes will again use Farm Lane instead of the alternate Bogue Street route to cross the Red Cedar River. The two Capitol Area control more than 90 percent of the region. Transportation Authority campus routes will also Engineers have found the understructure of the bridge use Farm Lane fllj sence and temperatures soar instead of Bogue Street. into the low 40s. •That by supplying Ethiopia with "mil¬ satisfactory, Baron said. New concrete decks were laid on the itary assistance and personnel," it has center and south spans to prolong their life a few more years before Some step Tonight's low: near 30. and sidewalk repairs under the bridge remain to be become clear the intention is to launch an they need to be replaced. completed in the $120,000 bridge project. That work will not affect attack on Somalia. The lightweight railing separating the street from the bridge any traffic over the bridge. 2 Michigon State News, Eost lapsing. Michigan Monday, November 14,, PLO participation Panama visit affects Senatorl agreed for Geneva for the Palestinians at future fessor. But Prime Minister TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) - Palestine Liberation Organiza¬ The tion said Sunday it accepts last Geneva talks. The question of Palestinian Menahem Begin later told re¬ porters: "If it comes to a views of treat Communist insurgents attack Thai tribe month's joint U.S.-Soviet de¬ representation has been the concrete proposal, connected with a name, we must first hear WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen¬ claration on the Middle East as major stumbling block to recon¬ in getting the treaty,. the basis for Palestinian partici¬ vening the Geneva peace talks, the name in order to make a ate Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd returned from Panama _ Brier did not,' BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) — Commu¬ attacked with grenades and automatic pation at a reconvened Geneva suspended since December decision." Panama trip, but with a more favorable „ nist insurgents attacked Haw tribe weapons. The rebels retreated after 30 peace conference. 1973. The PLO's Kamel declined to impres¬ two aides as Israel has rejected any nego¬ sion of the Panam Canal treaty, obsen members guarding a road construction minutes of heavy fighting. Kamel, head of the PLO answer questions on his state¬ number of other but his Republican senai delegation from Cairo, read a tiations with the PLO because ment, delivered while Arab couterpart, expected to visit crew in northern Thailand and killed 25 of who didn't make the pan. " press statement at the Arab the organization's charter calls foreign ministers met behind trip, and Baker the hill dwellers, border police head¬ The Haws were hired to protect a road foreign ministers' meetings for eradication of the Jewish closed doors to plan strategy remained uncommitted Sun¬ maybeamon' quarters reported Sunday. gang building a 60-mile highway through for Geneva conference and for day. Meanwhile, Baker Del here saying: state. a Javits conceded The incident occurred on a highway in a wild, mountainous area infested with "The minimum basis that the But Egypt's President a proposed Arab summit meet¬ Senate Minority Leader the Panama Sundal Canal j.l Phayao province, 375 miles north of insurgent hideouts, police said. They said PLO can accept for the partici¬ Anwar Sadat suggested last ing in Tripoli. Howard Baker of Tennessee said he needed more informa¬ causing problems for, si Bangkok, the border police said. insurgents had sent letters to the pation of representatives of the week the Palestinian repre¬ He said the joint U.S.-Soviet They said 15 tribe members were construction company demanding it Palestinian people at a peace sentative might be an Ameri¬ statement "should be consi¬ tion before deciding whether to can Party leadership. searching! I■ dered as a document of the vote for the pact. Sens. Robert wounded when about 50 insurgents abandon the project. conference in Geneva is the can professor of Palestinian U.S.-Soviet statement. We agree to participate in descent. The Israeli Foreign Ministry United Nations Security Coun¬ cil on the same basis as the Dole, R-Kan., and Jacob Javits, R-N.Y., remained steadfast in "A lot of hke that," BakerRepublsaid icans!I the Geneva peace conference rejected the Egyptian proposal Security Council Resolution 242 their views. Dole said he op¬ uncommitted status, "Kf Greek premier expected to win election provided U.N. Secretary-Gen¬ eral Kurt Waldheim, in the for a Palestinian-American pro¬ of 1967." poses ratification of the treaty in its present form, while Javits not going to be rock." pushed 3 1 name of the two said he plans to vote for it. superpowers, Byrd and five Democratic ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Premier Constantino Coramanlis is expected to Community to give the country an economic boost, and they want Greece to invites the representatives of the Palestinian people as part of the Arab delegation to the Carter fills offices Senate colleagues completed a four-day tour of the Canal Zone Autopsy revd win another majority in parliamentary return to full participation in the North conference." Saturday, saying they were suicide causd by political elections Nov. 20, but the runner-up Atlantic alliance if the long-standing The Soviet-American state¬ impressed by pledges made by could determine how fast he can push Greece into the Common Market and dispute with Turkey over Cyprus can be resoled. ment, issued in New York last month by Secretary of State process Panamanian Torrijos. leader Omar prisoner's dd mend fences with the United States. Cyrus Vance and Soviet For¬ WASHINGTON (AP) — The Carter administration has put its Torrijos told the senators he The prime contenders to finish second eign Minister Andrei Gromyko, own men, and three women, into about two-thirds of the 94 U.S. would halt human rights viola¬ BONN, West Papandreou is opposed to Greek called for a resumption of attorney's positions in a process which still is essentially political. tions in Panama. And he said he An autopsy has le: George Mavros, 68. of the Union of — are membership in the EEC and has repeated¬ Geneva peace talks before the But administration officials say they have taken important steps would resign if the U.S. Senate the Democratic Center (EDIK) and doubt" that the prison dt ly expressed his opposition to NATC, the end of the year with the toward making politics less important in choosing chief decided his regime was an Andreas Papandreou, 58, of the Panhel- a terrorist member of th United States and its allies. He has also obstacle to ratification of the lenic Socialist Movement (PASOK). participation of the Palestinian prosecutors. Army Faction was . pledged to nationalize at least 150 major people. "We've made a definite start," said Associate Atty. Gen. Michael treaty. German authorities Coramanlis, 70, and Mavros both favor » concerns, including foreign-owned The joint declaration made Egan, who supervises the process for Atty. Gen. Griffin Bell. Although Byrd officially re¬ day. Greece joining the European Economic bonks. no reference to the PLO, which mained uncommitted Egan noted in an interview that the Constitution gives the on the has been designated by the Ingrid Schubert, whoso president the power to appoint U.S. attorneys subject to Senate treaty, the West Virginia Dem¬ dom Arab states as "the sole repre¬ confirmation. ocrat left no doubt he is was demanded by V leaning ers of a Lufthansa jetlim Technicians remove antenna from embassy sentative of the Palestinian "As long as that's there, politics is going to be involved. But we think we have made substantial changes," he said. toward ratification. month, was found hangeL people." "We feel the dialogue has rope made of Speaking on behalf of Farouk But some Republican appointees who were replaced by the been an important and progres¬ cell bedsheetsj MOSCOW Kaddoumi, who heads the PLO Carter team have seen it differently. sive step forward," Byrd said of Saturday evening, (AP) — American techni¬ cause they did not want the Soviets to use cians have quietly removed on antenna it as an excuse to blame the microwave delegation here, Kamel reiter Jonathan Goldstein blamed "the dictates of typical, traditional, the fact-finding tour. "I don't The 33-year-old former cal assistant was s | from the roof of the U.S. ated the PLO is the "sole discredited politics" for the administration decision to replace him see how it can help but improve Embassy, 17 bombardment on U.S. equipment. member of West I representative" of the Pale¬ as the U.S. attorney for New Jersey. the atmosphere for ratification months after discovering it was U.S. officials have repeatedly denied sending stinian people. Philip Van Dam said President Carter's decision to fire him as the in the United States." notorious RAF. high-frequency radio signals into a American electronic equipment was But the endorsement of the U.S. attorney in Detroit was an example of "politics as usual." Byrd and his colleagues told Schubert was the L telephone on the American ambassa¬ responsible for the microwave levels. Soviet-American declaration Carter made the political selection of federal prosecutors a reporters on the flight back to RAF member to die in dor's desk. appeared to leave open the door campaign issue when he promised that "all federal judges and Washington that Torriojos' less than a month, and ] The radio signals were discovered all "When we did realize this was for the designation of a non- prosecutors should be appointed strictly on the basis of merit, promise to improve human been ruled suicides by an during a radiation monitoring sweep happening — and we didn't until after the PLO member as spokesperson without any consideration of political aspect or influence." rights was an important factor ties. prompted by Soviet bombardment of the microwave story broke — we were afraid embassy with microwaves, sources said. that the Soviets would more or less use it However, State Department officials woited 17 months before removing the against were us as a political move, saying we inducing these signals onto our¬ ENGLISH LITERATURE loop-shaped antenna reportedly be¬ selves." one U.S. source said. wvtcSTSu'id. Two Summer Programs London London/Florence Programs open to all Majors at all Levels ^ Courses and Tutorials in LITERATURE AMERICA'S CUP IS MORE THAN DRAMA FCC says blackout disruptions must end GREAT FOOD CULTURAL HISTORY AND BEAUTIFUL WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal blackout. But she added that more DECOR Program Information Meetings Communications Commission said Sun¬ improvements are needed. The atmosphere is vibrant Tonight Novombor 14 lOSS.Kedzie 7i30p day steps must be taken to eliminate The commission disruptions in communications services is responsible for and alive, like the excitement Tuesday November IS 103 S. Kedxie 7i30p ensuring that communications are main¬ Students during power blackouts. of yacht racing, reminiscent are invited to meet the faculty and discuss course tained during emergencies. of lingering palm-filled sun¬ The commission based its conclusion accommodations, travel opportunities, and financial aid. A film wl sets. It's bright and contemp¬ on a study of electrical failures in New White based her study on a question¬ be shown. York City in 1965 and last summer, and orary, and yet warm and aged, naire sent to the wire services, three For further information contact: the resultant interruption in communica¬ like a Bombay steamer's television networks, four New York City tions services such as radio and televi- radio stations and six common carriers binnacle. For a quick lunch, OPPICI OP OVERSEAS STUDY or a leisurely drink over a that provide national and international 1 OS International Ceater 333*0920 FCC commissioner game of backgammon, you'll Margita White, who telephone service. compiled the report, noted that impor¬ find it all at America's Cup. The headquarters of the two major tant steps were taken to keep communi¬ wire services and commercial television cations lines open after the 1965 networks are located in New York. Honolulu mayor's trial to begin AMERICA'S CUP ■ millill rrInnrifr HONOLULU (AP) What may be the most important - change for development rights to Kukui preliminary event in next Plaza, a downtown urban renewal year's gubernatorial election gets under¬ project. way this afternoon with opening argu¬ Fasi and Chung deny any ments in the wrongdoing. bribery trial of Honolulu Fasi maintains the case is an attempt by Mayor Frank F. Fosi. Gov. George R. Ariyoshi to discredit him The state's case begins on somewhat before next year's elections. Fasi an¬ shaky grounds — the star witness has nounced his candidacy for governor on threatened not prosecutor says to testify. But the he is "prepared for any the day of his indictment. Eagle Press eventuality." A state grond If Fasi is convicted, he will be required Course Outlines jury indictment last by state law to give up his office and will March charged that Fasi and business¬ be barred from and Waiver Notes man Harry C. C. running for governor. Chung, his campaign Many observers believe that if the state treasurer, arranged a $500,000 campaign loses its case, Ariyoshi won't have a contribution from Hal Hansen in ex¬ chance for re-election. A PAIR FOR PERFECTION The Trimmers and the Form 3 Perm Study refutes TV violence theory Eagle Press provide* condensed course material for the following $25 LAS VEGAS, N.M. (AP) - Millions of Math: 108,109,111,112,113. youngsters may Highlands University psychologist indi¬ including shampoo, set or blow dry styling be captivated when cates other factors must be present statistics: 315. Clien: 130,131,141. Kojak manhandles a mugger on televi¬ The team to create sion, but a university study suggests before TV will make a child significantly Physics: mm&SfflmM a soft perm shaping for casual curls, children won't imitate TV violence unless more aggressive. it is reinforced. Dr. Joe Flippo said his tests show Soc:201M;iUiyil bounce and body. You wash and then forget the fuss of Some television critics television may teach kids how to be Nat Scift Hunt All threatens say the televi¬ violent, but children won't incorporate caring for the styling. sion diet of shootings and beatings is what they see into their behavior All Basic College Waiver Notes hormful to children. The attorney for patterns unless they are reinforced. BEAUTV SALON • SECOND FLOOF Ronny Zamoro, a 15-year-old Florida boy convicted of murder, Now available at 351-2560 says the teen-ager "They will do what they see in the was driven insane and committed the •tvdent Book Store shows, but only if they are rewarded," crime because of television CAIIb*U Jacob$ori0 violence. said Flippo. "Television is a means of WBi»Ww BOOK vbwvw A three-year study by a New Mexico learning aggressive behavior." ("•dOibsom Book Store lew legislation challenges Infair advertising practices », DANIEL HERMAN defined. We could take something to court, deceptive advertisers, Frederick Hoffecker, and then when the definitions come bility of a consumer item for sale," or at a Sttte New 8ufl Writer Assistant Attorney General, consumer reduced price unless the advertisement ig 8 lot of misrepresentative through, have to throw the case out," John protection division said. includes, "the dates that the item is win? on, and it is not being Fors a spokesperson for the mi Ingham County "There is available." Commented an official in the Prosecutor's office said. no doubt the new strengthen the power to "maintain an bill will Also covered is the Consumers Council. Fors pointed out that consumers can take action to enjoin a requirement that Flblem encountered by the Ingham businesses to small claims court if continuing violation of this limitations of quantity should be dealing clearly act." disclosed in advertisements. V Prosecutor "is that we are being with $300 or less. X ji using the Counsumer Protection As of January 1, the Attorney Generals However, John Fors said that for the Violations of the act, or of injunctions ■Joose violations have not yet been office will have more power to deal with most part, the act will be used by issued pursuant to the act, require a civil prosecutors to request a discontinuance of penalty of not more than $1000, for the Grst the alleged practice, instead of violation, and up to $5000 for subsequent seeking legal action. violations. In addition to regulating advertising Before the bill takes effect, many fuc/enfs protest practices, the bill (senate bill no. 1672) also complaints can be handled using the fixes requirements for the clear and Consumer Protection Act. understandable marking of prices (covered by sections 3 and 4 of the bill). Students with problems or question photo by Mike Bis1..... should call the Michigan Consumers Coun¬ The millionth hockey fan to Section 5(1) provides that businesses pass through the gates of Munn Ice Arena, cil, the Attorney General's office, or the Beth Rupp of Haslett, was "shall not knowingly advertise the availa¬ presented with a souvenir hockey stick at the Ingham County Prosecutor's office. Irrival U-M match Saturday night. of Shah By JEANNE BARON State Newa Staff Writer Disc jockey eyes MSU's top job iliy's 30 degree weather did not deter 55 demonstrators who gathered around the «r Beaumont Tower to protest the Shah of Iran's impending visit to the United By PATRICIA LaCROIX President Clifton R. Wharton Jr. had its strains of the MSU fight song and "MSU "Lash" Larrowe is the State Newa Staff Writer campaign coordina- kickoff Friday afternoon. Shadows," WVIC disc jockey Dan Caruso An off-campus campaign to fill the Keprotest, part of a nationwide demonstration against the visit beginning Tuesday, position soon to be vacated by MSU Wearing a green-and-white tuxedo and announced his platform. Vd with a rally at Beaumont Tower and concluded with a march down Michigan opening the festivities with the recorded MSU economics professor C. Patric Speaking to about 35 people in Valley Jeto the Capitol. Court Park in East Lansing, Caruso spoke ■lie rally, demonstrators marched in a circle carrying posters and chanting "Down on the issues "closest to everyone's mind." like Shah;" and "stop torturing political prisoners in Iran." lilranian student wearing an orange mask to protect himself from identification by Saying that student numbers are a device III, the Iranian secret police, stood in the center of the circle with a bullhorn leading of the administration to "keep students in their place," Caruso suggests abolishing the ■Shah is a fascist butcher," he shouted. "The U.S. gives arms, the Shah gives the numbers in favor of personal nicknames for each student. ■Long live Palestine." ■ nearly 20 minutes of chanting into a bitter wind which blew several posters Caruso also proposes: it grass, the demonstrators stopped to listen to three speakers. ' it, a masked Iranian student, recounted the history of recent •That professors of 8 a.m. classes serve protests against breakfast to students, calling these classes hSAVAK is violently disrupting the Iranian Student Association (ISA) a "necessary evil." across iStites, with the assistance of American police forces. •That the Red Cedar river be stocked with tuna and a fishing fleet begun to ease U), hundreds of police in Chicago attacked protestors," she said. "Many were the problem of student unemployment. ir arrested." atration of President Carter is showing its support of Shah Mohammed Reza •That all students should be able to get oi human rights violations in Iran by supporting the visit, she continued. 50-yard-line tickets for home football ■ has spoken out against human rights violations in the Latin American games, while "rich alumni" will be given tickets in the end zone. lilbut never mentioned Iran in his human rights campaign," she said, niiiupporting the Shah because of Iran's oil and strategic location, which makes Caruso admits that "there are those k to Middle Eastern politics, she told the crowd. cynics" who ask how these pan the Shah and American bosses deceive the United States people about the programs will be funded, to which he proposes the con¬ pdk conditions underlying the Shah's society?" she asked. struction of a "lemonade stand" on the ■lot's visit is showing everyone to what extent Carter's human rights policy is corner of M.A.C. and Grand River Ave., or pf Ionian dignity." PKood speaker was John Masterson, MSU mathematics perhaps holding a bake sale. professor, who talked P Institution" of the United States for "jobbing," which may be defined as Out of respect, Caruso said he thinks it is 'n{ principles to accomplish a particular job. important for the University to honor n said MSU haa been "those of us lost in the line of duty" through doing that kind of "prostitution for a long time, p University has been jobbing for people with projects," he said. "President the construction of a "tomb of the unknown Tkihis never alluded at any time to the pedestrian" the median strip of Grand torturing and suffering in Iran." on ""■tint of principles is a pretense for jobbing, he said, and he criticized the River Ave. »t for taking part in it. hi cited Carter'a affiliation with the Trilateral Commission and David photo by Aaron Sussell "The Caruso Administration will be who set up the Shah's visit as an example of governmental concerned with the welfare of the MSU prostitution, MSU economics professor and State News column¬ the presidency of MSU, addresses a news confer¬ ducks on the river, and also the shortage of (continued on page 12) ist C. Patric "Lash" Larrowe, campaign coordin¬ ence Friday in Valley Court Park in East Lansing. nuts on the campus for the squirrels," ator for WVIC disc jockey Dan Caruso's bid for Larrowe said. Literary artists unite in the pursuit of the legendary unicorn ByKYOWEN Limited Conglomerate (ULC) was formed at sor at LSSC, is the Senior Herald of ULC. the word "detente," since "the only person group's leaders get together to choose the attempting to clear her name, Rabe said. V* thousands of eager hunters Lake Superior State College to license the Thomas said, "The pursuit of the unicorn is a who knew what it meant was Kissinger seven or eight words annually banished. Borden was accused of killing her parents ISl 'ore5ts in(|| 1,1^-" State News, Eo»t Loosing, Michigon Mondoy, November 14, 1977 5 restaurants trying to save Water By PAMELA ROARK by choice' supported by diners some franchises are privately owned and operated and therefore Not included in these ■ ou drink water with your meal while dining out, you may are not bound by company regulations. estimates is the cost of electricity used to water served came back unused. We've saved immensely." ■border it from now on. In a pamphlet distributed by Elias Brothers', it is estimated that rente the ice, and to soften and heat the water used for washing, ohirley Malear, manager of the Elias Brothers on West Manager Nancy Timmerman of the East Saginaw Street ■ effort to rot down on energy usage, time, money and each eight-ounce glass of water served with a meal requires Saginaw Howard Johnson's said their 846 company-owned stores have also |!"!er s»me Lansin8 area rt'touronts are making that another 16 ounces for washing. This results in over 7 million street in Lansing said public reaction to the new policy has been very favorable. adopted the policy and have found that it working well. AVnnal Rlass of water a matter of choice. gallons of water used per day, Fran DeRoeck, manager of Denny's in East Lansing, the first in given the 70 million meaU that are 1 Brothers' Big Boy Restaurants, Denny's and Howard served daily in America's restaurants. Because we serve water on request, we haven't had a single complaint, she said. "We don't have actual the area to adopt the program, said Denny's is adopting many en's have made the water-by-choice program a company It has been further estimated that between 70-80 percent figures, but Big Boy energy saving policies as well as installing energy-saving of the has a research team ffor most franchises. There are exceptions to this policy since water served comes back untouched. that is gathering statistical results of the policy. In this restaurant alone, I know that 75 equipment. percent of the "Denny's first started serving water by choice in California because of the drought there. There was such a difference in the electric bills that the company went nation-wide with the policy," nthony Hall invaded by cold turkeys she said. "A lot of tremendous people think we're over-reacting, but we're realizing a savings. The figures on the corporate level are especially shocking. The savings in energy also results in lower menu prices," DeRoeck said. ifjllS IS OUR. 6E< j Ujj ' | f l VdOUUDtf'T Ceroid it. NOT* frt * By DELINDA KARTE the In a survey of East Lansing restaurants, most establishments opportunity to travel and orders this year," he explained. State News Staff Writer have never seen the serve water automatically with meals at the present time, but Five hundred turkeys have big indus¬ He also said that sales may some are considering the switch to the try they belong to. I want them be low due to the traditional water-by-choice policy. invaded the basement of An¬ to get a Jerry Foltz, manager of Dooley's, said they tried serving water feeling for it before American preference for beef. thony Hall. they graduate." on request a few years ago, but so many customers asked for it, Two However, turkey is more nutri¬ gigantic freezers are Last year the club sold 900 they returned to serving it automatically. He admitted that a lot of tious, has less fat and is the water is wasted, because many storing fresh-frozen, oven- turkeys, but Chang expects to people just drink small ready turkeys for the Poultry cheaper, he added. amounts. sell less this year. So far he has Science Club's ninth annual Chang said that orders for Midge Regier. manager of Lizard's Underground, said currently only ordered 500 turkeys from 150 turkeys have already been turkey sale, currently in pro¬ the restaurant automatically serves it, but have been the processor. received. Turkeys can be re¬ discussing gress. The turkeys, which "The prices have gone up and the possibility of changing. "We will decide in acoupleof weeks," served by calling 355-8425 or weigh from 10 to 25 pounds, she said. some businesses which bought 355-8413. Discounts of two will be sold for 70 cents a pound from us last year told us Matthew Capario, owner of Matteo's and Buono Appetite, said until Christmas break. they cents per pound are given for that presently they serve water automatically, but next were going to cut down on their orders of 20 spring will The or more turkeys. probably start serving it on request only. turkeys are the best available, said Timothy S. In a random survey of MSU students most said they thought Chang, professor of poultry Radar decoys trick speeders that the policy of water-on-request was good because it eliminated science and advisor of the club. unnecessary waste. "We have never had anyone OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) - MSU student Rodd Decker said he thought the policy was good, along the roads. They operate because "Most people don't drink the water anyway." complain about our turkeys," The state Traffic Safety Com¬ on solar batteries and don't he said. mission is buying 30 solar- Raymond Maly, a freshman in pre-dentistry, said he doesn't have to have bright sunlight to Chang said that the club buys drink water, so the policy wouldn't bother him. powered "black boxes" to fool work, said commission Direct¬ its turkeys from a professional Pam Maynard. a freshman in agriculture said, "as long as I can speeders who use detectors to or, Walt Friel. He said the turkey processor. warn them of still get water if I ask for it, I don't mind it." highway radar devices cost about $300. "Many people think we raise Carol Oudsema, freshman, said "It is not a problem for me to ask traps. "If speeders want to gamble our own turkeys," he said. Transmitters enclosed for it. but I would not expect to have to in a nicer restaurant. You in with me that this is not radar, "However, we are only ama¬ small plastic boxes will be put pay more there for the extras." let them try it," he said. teurs in the turkey business and our turkeys would not be as good as the processor's." Chang added that the club's turkeys are much cheaper than the current market price for Group offers By JAMES MOORE energy the group is educating people in costs and information the transition to other turkeys of equal quality. "The meetings are very loose¬ While Congress struggles to the tri-county (Ingham, Eaton The turkey sale is the energy sources." ly structured," Ferns said. only push complex energy reforms and Clinton) area about the Ferns, a senior in the MSU money-making project of the "Participation and membership through the legislative sawmill energy crisis, Ferns said. Department of Resource Devel¬ on committees are club. Proceeds are used to in Washington, a local energy open." A major project of LEAN, he opment, co-edits Connections. In the near future, Ferns sponsor field trips and pay for affairs group is taking a more said, is the compilation of data Ferns and other writers and said, LEAN hopes to work with guest speakers on campus. The direct and personal approach to for an energy directory, which club recently visited the Eli researchers have published other energy-concerned groups combating the energy crisis. will be published this winter. It three issues to date. to improve energy education Lilly Co. in Greenfield, Ind. The Lansing Energy Affairs will contain information on Members have also toured the LEAN was founded in April and legislation in the tri-county Network (LEAN) is a group of activities, interests and skills of Upjohn Co. in Kalamazoo and by Jim Grossfeldt. area by setting up forums on citizens and students who want area residents the Dow Chemical Co. in Mid¬ working on the LEAN, with membership and energy issues. land. Last year the members to bridge the communication energy problem in the tri- meeting participation increas¬ LEAN still needs volunteers gap between people who hold county area. ing sharply, agreed to set up a to help with functions such as attended -the Southwestern information on the energy crisis According to the Oct. 13 issue Poultry Convention in Atlanta. temporary executive board, of compiling research, typing and and those needing it to act. of Connections, the group's which Ferns was named acting telephoning, Ferns said. Mem¬ "Michigan is not a poultry LEAN coordinator Steve Ferns newsletter, these problems in¬ chairperson on Aug. 21. Ferns bership fees are $5 per indivi¬ state," Chang explained. "Most clude "decreasing fossil fuel said elections for a permanent dual and $10 per institution. of our students have never had Then n present function of availability, increasing energy board are scheduled for this Members receive the newslet¬ month. ter and a reduced price on the lore smokers want to buy low-tar cigarettes; The seven-member acting energy directory that will be board sets up committees to published this winter. All mem¬ work on LEAN'S projects, such bers vote in general meetings. as the newsletter and directory. Ferns said they also hope to set Ferns says membership lobacco companies respond with more brands ap¬ up membership, fund-raising plications can be obtained at the and "specific interest" commit¬ next meeting during the first tees in the near future. week of December. KVORK (AP) — Health-conscious American smokers are demand for low-tar cigarettes, says society spokesman Irving in increasing numbers to low-tar cigarettes and tobacco Rimer. — MONDAY SPICIAL — spending millions to pror..otc a pi jiiferation of new "There's been a revolution in the manufacture ui cigarettes in "Every year they are taking more and more of the market," : this country," Rimer said. "When the Surgeon General's report Bogacki said. "It was 16 percent last year, and it'll be over 20 FREE QT. OF COKE Ik swilled low-tar market is growing extremely percent this year. It may be 30 percent or more next year." WITH IVIRT PIZZA rapidly," came out in '64, about 85 percent of cigarettes on the market were piWilliam Kloepfer Jr. of The Tobacco Institute Inc. a trade nonfilter. Today, 85 percent are filters, so obviously, what the ORMRID ion. Although low-tars are booming, they still lag considerably "it probably now exceeds 20 percent of the market." cigarette companies are doing is meeting consumer's demand for a behind older brands in consumption. For example, more FREE DELIVERY! ire about 60 low-tar cigarette brands on the market and cigarette that will do as much as possible to assure them that they than 61 n are billion Winston cigarettes were sold last year, compared with 12 planned, he says. He likens the growth in low-tar are not endangering their health." billion for Vantage, the most popular of the low-tar brands, t«to the boom in Ik rise parallels the filter-tipped cigarettes in the 1950s. history of filter cigarettes, begining in ""858," Kloepfer said. "The curve at the moment is pretty He said the American Cancer Society "believes that if people are going to continue to smoke that it is in their best interest to smoke the low-tar cigarettes. There is. however, no such thing as a safe Bogacki said. CAMPUS «the same course. In '53, filters were an klToday, filters are 90 percent of the market. No one knows oddity on the cigarette, and the wisest thing for any smoker to do is not smoke at all." PIZZA pthe curve will go." Richard Bogacki, the tobacco analyst for Standard and Poor's PUKETUMATOE 1312 Mich. Ave. lor said the cigarette industry "goes along with a Federal Corp., said all major cigarette companies now manufacture low ■ Commission characterization of low-tar as yielding 15 FREE DELIVERY 3tM177 or less per cigarette." All yew can eat: Pish, fries, salad bar F pars ago, low-tar brands captured about 2 percent of the 3.95 J1"' market, he said. ial leaping after about 1971. And with the competition now evident, it's rising very rapidly." $lofff DARK BEER SPECIAL ROOTS BOOTS ™jear, low tar will account for just under 25 percent of the |kl said John 0. Maxwell Jr. of Morgan Stanley & Co. any purchase of 2 large subs Discount in bar 11-B for Men & Women — warm, stylish and very, P*' lot of people." with coupon very comfortable. Hand-crafted in superb * 55 million Americans, or 38 percent of the adult Canadian leathers for durability and timeless Won, smoke, Kloepfer said. ^ fizapdj, good looks. I®""fAmeri can Cancer Society and the federal government, by of the potential dangers of cigarettes, have boosted the ! GALLEY SUB SHOP ! I Winter Horse Blankets ARE IN! j | 2850 Grand Rivor (noxt to Coral Gablos) 351-0304 j | ®ndepqpoune\ 224 Abbott ° 351-2285 twilUSo.Mb"ohnk.V'nn"r lini"9' our price $53.00 F'"C" PHe 'inM ^ Delivery or Walk-in Good 11-14 f———'CUP AND SAVE"———I ' 4 ™°' !l,e,ch breaches. Manufactured lor us in England. M.S. In U.S. ! Good Driving Record? i |'k'hohoveSlubben Saddles. ■ || $370.00 loyoway Now For Christmas M.O. in FOREIGN MEDICAL SCHOOLS The Institute ol International Madical Education otters total madical education landing to practice in the U.S. j Bad Driving Record? j , I ■Wsy 8 Tack & Tog8 676-5501 oP.n 1 M S. in cooperation with recognized colleges and I GREAT RATES i JWE. Maplt, Mason IO-4.Mon.-sc universities in the United States leading to advanced Q Enjoy placement in Spanish. Italian or other foreign medical schools. 2 While in attendance at the medical school. Ihe Insti¬ tute will provide a supplemental Basic Medical Sciences j FOR BOTH «£f | WILLIAMS j Curriculum which prepares students lor transfer into an the American medical school. (COTHANS) 3. For those students who do not transter. the Institute Ride! provides accredited supervised clinical clerkships at co¬ operating United States hospitals MSU '681 4 During the final year ot foreign medical school, the Keep Your Car In 332-1638 Top Shape Institute provides a supplemental and comprehensive clinical medicine curriculum which prepares Ihe student J with help from to take the ECFMG examination 401 W. GRAND RIVER ■ The Institute has been responsible lor processing more The Beetle Shbp American students to foreign medical other organization schools than any Li SENTRY | 220M.A.C. 3535 21th ST. Datsun INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL MEQICALEOUCATION tT' THE UNIVERSITY MALL EASTBROOK MALL Volkswagon Toyota EAST LANSING GRAND RAWDS 3 East 54 Street, New York 10022 I2I2I 832 2089 517-332-2212 414-949-1320 J400 E. Cavanaugh Pti3S3-iBQ .CUP AND SAVE.-------I Monday, November 5 Michiqon State News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan u,, fund lures only two Recruiting profs difficult ByPAMWEAR outsided funding. blished in 1967 by the provosts' ever, are to Dr. A.W.A. Brown Wm. A committee is ,1, university supplies the in 1973, College of Natural State News Staff Writer Of the six attempts to recruit The recipient a 10-month academic office, the memo explained. Cantlon said various colleges Science, and in 1974 to Dr. '0 look f„f some! Peter Carlson, Agriculture and organizational professors to MSU under the year salary equal to that of a request consideration for a professorship. John A, Hannah Distinguished full professorship. The person Hannah professor. When fund¬ Natural Resources. "Rs the most also receives an increment of Brown has since retired, and difficuit Professorships, only two have ing is available, the provosts's mg job next to been successful so far, ac¬ approximately equal size from office decides which college will a search commite is currently finding cording to a memo released the Hannah professorship fund. be awarded the professorship. seeking a cadidate to replace Friday by Provost Clarence 1. "The committees have been The provost then appoints a Winder. highly selective in terms of search committee to recruit a The Hannah Professorships candidates considered, perhaps Hannah professor. Committee were established in 1966 in more than they needed to be," members include the depart¬ honor of Former MSU presi¬ Winder said in the memo, ment chairperson, college dean, dent, John A. Hanah. explaining why not all attempts and representatives from other Through outside grants a- to award the professorships University departments. warded to the Hannah profes¬ have been successful. Final award of the chairs are sorship Fund, MSU can hire "The committees have tar¬ made by the MSU Board of outstanding professors of na¬ geted on exceptional people and Trustees upon recommendation tional stature to come to MSU. have not always been willing by the Provost and President, Those hired as Hannah profes¬ enough to invest in an indivi¬ with the consultation of the sors hold their position dual who shows great promise search committee. throughout their time at MSU. but may not have established The unsuccessful attempts to Winder said he sent the himself or herself in the sense fill the professorships were in memo to the faculty council in of a National Academy mem¬ the areas of history, psychol¬ COMBS light of the debate over En¬ bership." ogy, and organizational be¬ dowed Faculty Chairs at the The criteria involved in hir¬ havior. BARBETTES photo by Aoron Sussell last Faculty Council meeting. ing a Hannah professor also Two Hannah professorships PRONGS and Susan Babcock. They give advice A goal of $1.75 million has may make it difficult to fill the which have been awarded, how- Doctors don't make house calls these been established for use toward position, said John E. Cantlon, & PINS days, but two "doctors" went to to Cheryl Short as part ol the Horti¬ endowed faculty chairs and vice president of research and Yakeley Hall recently to treat ailing culture Club's plant doctor program, OVER 100 professorships with the Univer¬ graduate studies. patients. The patients were house- provided free to campus groups by sity's $17 Million Enrichment "The criteria specifically DIFFERENT plants and the "doctors" were hor¬ appointment with the departmental office. Program, a fund-raising driev state that the person must be State News STYLES Oshkosh- ticulture majors Richard Aubuchon begun last spring. an outstanding faculty member Since debate arose at the and agree to be in involved in Newsline SUNDANCE Faculty Council Meeting over teaching," he said. "Most peo¬ ATL offers literature class possible criteria for these en¬ ple who come for these things dowed chairs, Winder said he want to just do research." Another stipulation, Cantlon 353-3382 226 ABBOTT EAST JEANSf thought it would be helpful to on sci-fi by women authors send a memo to council mem¬ said, was that the person who bers explaining how MSU's takes the professorship must be current Hannah professorships willing to do interdisciplinary LANSING J-wonversij Women writers of Gothic to be discussed will be Mary day and Thursday from 10:20 to 12:20 in 246 Fairchild. The were established. teaching and research and not The Hannah Professorships just focus on one area of study. Athletic Shoe] horror and science fiction will Shelley, author of "Franken¬ be featured this winter in an stein"; and Charlotte Perkins sequence number 000-2185. It are only partially endowed The general criteria and se¬ ATL 380 class entitled "Women Gilman, who wrote "The Yellow was accidentally omitted from chairs, meaning only part of the lection procedures for Hannah EAST LANSING DISTRICT COURT in America: Arts and the Self." Wallpaper." the winter schedule of courses. money for salaries comes from professorships were esta¬ announces a Students will examine how The three contemporary these forms were used by authors to be studied are Parking Warrant women writers of the 19th and 20th centuries to reveal oppres¬ sive conditions in society and to Ursula LeGuin, author of "The Dispossessed"; poet and novel¬ ist Marge Piercy, who wrote r delivery available Moratorium suggest alternatives. "The course is aimed at "Woman on the Edge of Time"; and Joanna Russ, who wrote I Pay all past due tickets at their original face vi FREE! women and men interested in "The Female Man." All suggest looking at literature from a views of future feminist wo¬ LATE FEES & WARRANT CHARGES WILL BEWAIv( woman's point of view so they men's culture. DATES: PAY AT: understand themselves bet¬ Sociological and psychologi¬ I can ter," explained Associate Pro¬ cal analyses such as "Com¬ 5 M T W T F S Parking Violationi Bureau] fessor Joyce R. Ladenson. plaints and Disorders: The Buy any Medium -Q» ■ 1 2 3 4 5 2nd floor of the P-K Bl "It is not intended to be an abstract course, but an oppor¬ tunity for women in particular Sexual Politics of Sickness" by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deir- dre English and "Women and I At the regular price Get Identical \ PIZZA ■ I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15116 17 18119 20121 22l23 24 2 5 26 301 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing, Ml 48823 J to think about their dreams and fantasies and what say they have to about the kind of lives that Madness" by Phyllis Chesler will also be used in the course. The class, which will be I FREE S 27 28 29 30 Hours: 8am-5pm j Individuals should bring any tickets, letters or notices which tf they lead," she said. conducted primarily by dis¬ I Little Caesars Pizza I have received, ANO have the license plate number andna Topics will include psycholog¬ cussion, is included in the owner of the vehicle. ical fears surrounding child¬ thematic concentration in Wo¬ 1203 E.Gd. River I PAY TICKETS DURING THE MORATORIUM birth, female self-imprisonment in Victorian culture, androgyny men's Studies or can be used for general upper-division elec¬ I * 337-1631 ■ ■«« ■ 1I Following the moratorium dates, the East 1 I.—-—J Warrant Officer will actively pursue individuals I and a gender free society, and tive credit. socialist-feminist Utopias. ATL 380 is a four-credit fail to pay tickets on a timely basis. Nineteenth-century authors course and will meet on Tues¬ 12 Noon Sat. Nov. 19th, 1977 Louis Edwards I st" annual east lanaing state 6aimk Haircutters Hairstyling only TWO LOCATIONS TO SIBVI YOU! $5.00 22251. Grand River (Groesbeck area) OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 msw 1417% I. Friday and Saturday till 6 p.m. Michigan Ave. (Lansing) Call 332-2416 for appt, or Walk In | Owners: Above Bancroft Flowers Located abovo Sam'z Clothing, Stairwell near Croitroadi Imports Carole and Don Satterfield 487-6655 LOOK TOWARD CO-OPTICAL FOR THE FINEST IN MSU RADIO BOARD Hobie's Positions available to all students FASHION EYEWEAR during 1977-78. living in residence halls ANNOUNCES OPEN STAGE NIGl Campus Radio at Michigan State is run by the students. MONDAY This Fall, the Radio Board, the governing body of the Michigan State Radio Network is selecting students for Member at Large seats on the board. NOVEMBER 21,1977 The Member at large provides valuable input and direc¬ Anyone interested in presenting a short (30 minute) performance of tion to the Board from the Residence Halls and Campus any type (music, comedy, juggling, etc.) sign up in person only at population. Hobies, 930 Trowbridge Road. For more information or an application, come to Room 8 of the Student Services Building. Deadline to apply is This is NOT an audition. Tuesday, November 15, at 5 p.m. MICHIGAN STATE RADIO Hobie's 930 Trowbridge Rd. NETWORK E. Lansing Stale News, Eo$t laming, Michigan m jchigon Mondoy, November 14, 1977 7 Newly elected East mayor pro-tern. Mayor decided not seek reelection ®jng members City Alan Council- George Griffiths has indicat¬ this year. Fox and ed that he will seek re¬ Carolyn Stell will be sworn appointment tonight. The council will also Sworn hear in tonight at 7:30 p.m. incity council chambers at 410 remarks by City Councilmember Attorney Abott Rd. Owen said Sunday that he is Larry Dennis McGinty and City OPEN The agenda for this Manager Jerry Coffman. interested in filling the posi¬ cial meeting will include spe¬ the tion of mayor pro-tern vacat¬ The first regular business MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9-9 election of the mayor and ed meeting of the new council by Mary Sharp who will be Tuesday night. SAT 9-6 SUN 12-5 STATE COUPON fulbright award winners meet, POCKETS 6.98 LIST COME GO WITH US JAZZ SALE 3" GEORGE DUKE 7.98 LIST 4" promote educational exchanges REACH FOR IT THE QUENTENT 9.98 LIST VSOP 55' tion for the EXPIRES 11-20-77 Fulbright Act of seek to make it IfSSKr as good as it's tion plan goes into effect. 1946. tions," he said. I| map ofabout 40 former The act provides government always been and we improve it, that's why seek to we take The plan establishes an Inter¬ "We need to be financially To you, STATE COUPON 8Ward winners, most awards for graduate students, research, teaching or profes¬ a great interest in national national Communication Agen¬ independent and politically in¬ CIGARETTES PjBU, met taB Center for Friday at the Alumni sional training, where United programs." cy, which would take over the functions of the U.S. informa¬ dependent." "daily" 789' States recipients go abroad and Dudden said the group needs n Dinner in Michi- tion service, and transfers ad¬ L main reasons for the foreign recipients come to the United States. to be taken seriously by the Congress and the White House because ministrative responsibility to the Fulbright Program to the One exercise promote the Arthur Dudden, president of international ex¬ ALL TAX INCLUDED ALL BRANDS .. were to the association, said there are changes are valuable experi agency. cancer means LIMIT 2 PACKS ^organized Fulbright 120,000 Fulbrighters in more EXPIRES 11-20-77 Ljuni Association and to cele- everyday "The £TtU Fulbrighters on cam- than 100 countries, and 600 are dues-paying members of the "No one wants to see the program symbolizes something that's very impor¬ youcan STATE COUPON [MFerlazzo, professor of " in Thought and Lan- association. Fulbright program get lost in bureaucratic shuffle," he said. a tant in international education programs: it transcends cur¬ give OUR DISCOUNT explained. Jle three month old associa- The association grew out of meeting U.S. held as part of the Bicentennial and celebra¬ "The whole country can be strong if we do what we have to rent policy and current aspira- rself. You enjoy keeping fit. It's good fun and good sense. You don't let your period stop you, 10% OFF PRICE ON KODAK FILM |i is designed to utilize the tion of the 30th anniversary of do, if we include the whole either. Because you use Tampax aience and knowledge of world in these comings to¬ , Fulbrighters and in- directly in the Fulbright program, he said. "At all of these meetings it gether and in talking about the PREPARE FOR: ($/ tampons. Since they're worn internally, PHOTO FINISHING more experiences we had." I educational and was agreed that the experience MCAT you don't worry about chafing EXPIRES 11-20-77 (being Fulbright award win¬ However, Dudden expressed • DAT • LSAT • ERE 111 exchanges, an associa- bulges. They're easy to use, [brochure said. ners) had been great and im¬ concern that the integrity and GMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT too. (All the instructions you STATE COUPON It Fulbright Program is portant for the individual, edu¬ autonomy of the organization need are right in the package.) cation and the world," he said. may be questioned if a pro¬ NMBIJ.I. SUAVE d for Sen. J. William ight, who initiated legisla¬ "We believe in education, we posed congressional reorganiza- ECFMG-FLEX-VQE But, most important, Tampax tampons are uniquely designed SUPER CREST NAT L DENTAL BOARDS to expand so they conform to TOOTHPASTE NURSING BOARDS individual body contours. Which ROLL ON Flexible Programs & Hours Introducing IS m difference!!! is there's far less chance of an accident. No wonder you'd never coi. 7... 105 our new edition sider any other form of feminine protection. And no wonder L* in such wonderful shape. 3 oz. 1.25 value 88 1.65 value I Unuiihln EXPIRES 11-20-77 norriDie Hairstyling for Men isn't it? STATE COUPON STATE COUPON and Women TAMPAX tiimpjnd BEST BUBBLE LISTERMINT BATH MOUTHWASH For oppointmont coll 332-1191 208 MAC Bolow Jo not Stationary CHRISTMAS IN EGYPT The International Studies Institute of Grand Strawberry # A (f 1 05 EXPLOM State Colleges is offering a 5-credit Valley undergraduate Lemon-lime T 12 oz. | the course in ancient and modern Egypt in cooperation Lilac W M 1.59 value with the Egyptian government. |ARTHUR TREACHER' NO LIMIT EXPIRES 11-20-77 LIMIT I EXPIRES 11-20-77 the original Ti*b S PEACE CORPS TIME: DEC. 13-JAN. 2 PLACE: CAIRO COST: S1500 total (plus field trips) STATE COUPON APPLICATION DEADLINE IS NOV. 23 For Info and Application, contoct KNIT CAPS Monday, November 14 ISI (616) 895-6411, or wrlta: 29 Only on ISI. GVSC. All.ndola, Mi. 49401 7:30 p.m., 128 Nat. Sci. Bldg. 2.00 value Let me assist you in the purchase of Tuesday EXPIRES 11-20-77 Unique Oversens Opportunities your next new or used car, truck or van. STATE COUPON Thu new 1978 Chuvroluti hove OUR BUDGET BANQUET Dr. James Kielbaso, Director of the MSU arrived. Come down and let me personally show you this OPAQUE beautiful new line of Chevro- Peace Corps Intern Program will show slides lets which KNEE SOCKS £1 79 COLE SLAV\ include the of his trips overseas where he visited Peace Chevette. Novo, Comoro, 73 Z*2I, Malibu, Monte Carlo, lm- ^ H X BEVERAGE ARTHUR'S FISH & CHIPS |, Corps Volunteers. polo, Caprice and The New Corvette. 1.25 value See or coll me at EXPIRES 11-20-77 Bring the Family eat here MSU Peace Corps Intern Program 121 Agriculture Hall 355-0283 Bud Kouts Chevrolet 2801 E. Michigan STATE COUPON TIDE STATE COUPON TAMPAX 489-6533 Two Blocks West of Frandor TAMPONS LAUNDRY REGULAR OR SUPER DETERGENT What's the Score on 155 40 s 55 2.35 value 2.09 value I IDooLey's 1 EXPIRES 11-20*77 EXPIRES 11-20-77 STATE COUPON Dr. Joe Kearney SUCRETS CONTAC TODAY'S will be the fea¬ THROAT LOZENGES COLD CAPSULES SPECIAL FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN tured guest on FOOD COCKTAILS Locker Room to¬ Dooley 19 - night at 8 p.m. He 24 s 10's 19 MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL will discuss the ef¬ 1.59 value 1.95 value Vermicelli Paste & Sauce Bolognese fect of Wharton's EXPIRES 11-20-77 EXPIRES 11-20-77 with Soup & Garlic Toast leaving, the up¬ STATE DISCOUNT coming basketball ALL YOU CAN EAT season and more. SUAVE SHAMPOO Tune in to hear FRUIT & FLOWER $1.95 his goals for the SCENTS PITCHER NIGHT upcoming year. i6 °z. OOc 1.35 value All Beer 25% off valuable couponii WMSN STATE COUPON $laOO °H I WINE SPECIAL House Wines - 20% off WBRS AGREE *ny deep dish pizza ! HAIR offer good | Open dally. Including Sunday (Next to Peoples Church) WMCD CONDITIONER 54 12 oz. V^Thurs. Nov. 17, 1977 I PH. 337-1755 640/AM 2.25 value EAST LANSING ^■VALUABLE COUPON! J EXPIRES 11 -20-77 136 W.GRAND RIVER g Michigon Stote News. Eost Lonsing, Michigan Ronstadt: golden dream for Tarnished Age music? Screw the Wilson sisters By DAVE DiMARTINO By BILL HOLDSHIP Stote News Reviewer Once in love with Undo (no pun intended). Linda could sing in front of The Rolling Stote News Reviewer Many people screamed when Linda Ronstadt conquers but At first, I thought that Stones, a fact she illustrates on Linda Ronstadt emerged on¬ generally her Like A Wheel" poS everything I had to say about wasn't success has Linda Ronstadt was already der" is still the most beautiful will simply be referred to as "Tumbling Dice." stage at Munn Arena Thursday prominent places, was guaran particularly in its glory drawn from her teed to raise cheers of delight. cov said in my Simple Dreams tribute the the King I've exper¬ "American Music." It occurred What else can I say? LINDA, night, and with good reason. Thursday night — because, one other peoples' tunes. ienced. Speaking of which, a to me that Linda Ronstadt is the I LOVE YOU! A sincere Ronstadt is probably the fore¬ Because above all else, Linda suspects, of an "unprecedented review several weeks ago. How¬ ... 'me nana Hour Elvis commemorative female equivalent of the "Amer¬ "thanks" to Rick Franks, Pop most female rock vocalist in the Ronstadt is a STAR. demand" for tickets that forced ever, although I think the recent mentioned before Thus, allusions that Thursday who i statements made in that review article spoke of how his music ican Music" model. Country Entertainment, and everyone country; her performance local¬ stage speakers to be placed off launching her own are still fair, perhaps it was a bit transcends classification, and music? she's even better than else involved in giving us the ly, after last year's appearance night's audience was applauding horizontally, rather than verti¬ career, will not be as pr, of Time, People, the myth rather than the more cynical than was neces¬ how someday all such music Dolly. Pop music? Is there opportunity to spend a luscious on the cover cally, on the stage so that those give Ronstadt her better sary. Ya see, a strong hard (rock, pop, country, R&B, etc.) anyone more popular? Rock evening with Ronstadt. and a number of other equally performer might be appropriate sitting in nebulous Arena terri¬ when she's out here. One hang-up, though: trying t„ cynicism is quite effective in tory could be afforded a clear airplay for her own versi Ronstadt is so good — a view. The end result? Ron¬ her own tunes. Thus disguising a vulnerable weak¬ Ron, ness that comes from being a performer blessed with such a stadt's singing voice 'came placed in a position whe romantic, (Experience a failed superbly warm voice, a perfect across quite clear, but her stage can sing only what's avail one for the idiom she has chosen patter, as such, was at times love absurdity sometime, and her, and John David S — that it's hard to make a inaudible. tunes do not you'll feel what I'm talking a hit single distinction between myth and For a guy who's not particu¬ about.) Anyway, on second Buddy Holly tunes, ho thought and after seeing her performer. larly a Linda Ronstadt fan, or at perform again, I gotta say thank Following a pleasantly pop- least not a fan of her current But she is pish set by Steven Bishop always able God for lovely Linda. She is one direction, I have to admit that back on her voice, and wil of the few performers today guaranteed to considerably almost every tune performed by a voice, she doesn't have who maintains a true romantic boost his album's sales figures in Ronstadt I'd heard several back very far. the area, Ronstadt and her band Shouts c ethic, something generally lack¬ times before. Her chain of Love You, Linda!" heard ing in this doldrum "ME" era. opened with Karla Bonoffs successful singles from "You're in Munn Arena "Lose Again." A slightly ironic No Good" onwards to "Blue and Thursdaj But first things first, Thurs¬ probably everywh day night's concert was perfect choice, certainly, as Bonoff Bayou" are of course what's Ronstadt has played in from an entertainment perspec¬ herself performed the same drawing the big audiences, but five years, prove that 1 tive. Stephen Bishop was an tune at Dooley's less than a her status as an AM/FM artist, generates an audience excellent choice for Linda's month ago. But more on that heard on both types of radio, is that few vocalists can 1 later. probably what's keeping them might be the sad, los opening act. He was very reminiscent of Andrew Gold To hear Ronstadt's famous there. Actually, there aren't too song she sings; it 1 live setting for the migl (who used to open her shows), many program directors that rambling, first time is an experience haphazan although Bishop is a better don't like Linda Ronstadt these manner; but whatevi performer. I've never been guaranteed to send proverbial days. turned on by his recorded chills down the spine of even the Yet there's trouble brewing and if she can love tl material, but, after seeing his most heartless of jaded rock for Ronstadt, trouble that can't long enough and han charismatic act, it's more than critics. Unfortunately, the be avoided, because she is, most they'll love her for a mere speculation to say that sound system at Munn Arena definitely, a singer and NOT a time. he's going to be very big. Even without Gold, Linda's band is still superb. A live environment gives these musi¬ cians a freedom they don't ALL DEGREE State News/ Debbie Borin always have on records, and the instrumental on songs like "You're No Good" take on an Architect Ricardo D. Anselmo examines a Art Center display of student-designed logos for Kresge term competed in the project and had two weeks to create a unique logo. Prizes totaling $225 will be CANDIDATES even greater glow. Special Manson-Jackson and Kane. Inc., a Lansing archi- awarded to the top three entries. mention must be made of pianist Don Grolnick, who has been tectural firm. All students in graphics classes this and FACULTY mostly ignored in recent Ron¬ Make your reservations NOW for stadt reviews. Grolnick seems Art Guild offers to be the core of Linda's current band, and his accompaniments on "Crazy" and "Desperado" prove that he is one of the true weaving exhibition BIIONO APPETITO academic apparel for Fall Term Com¬ mencement. Deadline is Nov. 18 at the Union Store in the Union. virtuosos in popular music to¬ By STEVE SZ1LAGYI Authentic Italian PERSONALIZED day. And then above it all is Stote News Reviewer Sandwiches & Dinners Donations for the Senior GRADUATION Linda. The Lansing Art Gallery is t Ell Nki or Ml Oil class will be accepted. ANNOUNCEMENTS " Ah, Linda! Ah. love! If anyone the temporary home of an who attended the show didn't exhibit featuring weaving by BEING ORDERED AT fall in love with her during the first five minutes, I hope they the members of the Lansing Weaver's Guild and paintings SPECIAL THIS WEEK UNION STORE. FACULTY: For Information send us a letter. Linda and love by local artist Donna Bacon. go hand in hand, and her The Weaver's Guild is an CUMEUWI DINNER Hoods from other unlvorsitios must 355-3498 Tho Union Thursday night persona was the organization of 40 amateur and (CHEESE OR MEAT FILLED) with b« ordered IARLY! ultimate symbol of romanticism professional weavers from the Vegetable Salad I Garlic Bread in the 1970s, that is. beautiful Lansing area. dreams combined with a lost innocence. ("This is a real love song for the '70s. It's called Martha Brownscombe said the works on exhibit have been Regular 2.45 J1.49 jury selected. The peices rep¬ Mon.-Thins.: 11:30-9:00, Fri.-Sat. 11:30-10:00 'Faithless Love.'") And despite resent the best work of the Sunday: 5:00-10:00 ISRAEL the sorrow of it all, there is still guild, she said, and offer a great strength in her fragility sampling of various weaving when she maintains a religious dedication to perfect love even styles. The pieces on display include 1045 E. GRAND RIVER at GUNSON PH. 337-9549 in the face of rejection. If you've plant baskets, wall hangings, ever experienced a broken tapestries, and clothing. heart, perhaps you've felt the Brownscombe said the works strength that can be gained through the survival poetry of reflect the diversity of the personalities of the artists as YOU'RE INVITED ... MUHAMMEDANDME artists like Neil Young and well as the differences in weav¬ Jackson Browne. While these When Peace will come to be, artists say it best, no one expresses it like Linda. ing styles. Along with the weaving are TO THE STATE NEWS Down the pathways we will run, I could really sense this paintings by local artist Donna Among the grass in the orchard. time Bacon. Bacon's paintings are that she is REAL, Linda gener¬ Muhammed and me. made up of geometric patterns ally doesn't talk much in con¬ based on the mathematical ©PEN cert, but she apparently felt When Peace will come, equations of musical chords. somewhat more comfortable Bacon said she first became with college students. Her I'll give my hand to Muhammed, interested in plotting the equa¬ many conversations revealed an tions for musical forms when To the Jordan we will go. underlying human nervousness she did some work for the Together sing and hum. and insecurity. LINDA: (after Department of Music at MSU. performing "Silver Threads") To begin a painting, Bacon first When Peace will be on every side, HOUSE "This is "Silver Threads & figures out which musical chord Golden Needles." (pause) Oops! she will base the painting on, Arm in arm shall we go Well, ya see what kinda student and then plots the equation I was. This is The two of us hiking all over — a song by my either with the aid of a compu¬ friend, J.D. Souther, (pause) And up to Jerusalem, we'll take a ter or by hand on graph paper. Oh, s — ! That's still the wrong The design is then trans¬ song! (takes out a listl This is a ferred to canvas, after which When Peace will come and fighting truck drivin' song called "Wil- she tapes off parts of the design lin." Sometimes I think like a and covers the open areas with Stop in and visit all the departments, ends. truck driver!" Or consider her layers of acrylic paint. The We shall walk then, holding hands, comment: "I hit myself in my mike with the mouth!" Who result is a colorful, op art type editorial, photo, classified and display As far as Gilead — geometric design. Two happy friends. wouldn't be endeared to some¬ one as human as this? Nov. The exhibit will be open 27. The Lansing until Art advertising. We'll he serving cider and And in regard to all the crap that's come out on the subject, Gallery is in the Lansing Center Tamar Sharon, Age 9'/., Savyon Linda's simple "Love Me Ten- for the Arts on Grand Avenue donuts while you're visiting! downtown Lansing. Find out what the State News is all WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II about. TONIGHT ENGINEERING BUILDIN 229 M.A.C., UNIVERSITY MALL ABOVE ALLE EY HRS.: MON.-SAT. 9-9, MJN. ■AI. V-V, SUN. 12-5 li b ROOM 100, 8PM PH. 332-3525 23525 ^AAII TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 DR. DANIEL ELAZAR ALL as M3"»« All 7:30 PM LP's / / ^ LESS EVERY OAV THE WORLD OF POLITICS IN ISRAE ROOM 343 STUDEIMTSER VICES Dr. Daniel Elazar is a world famous Political Scientist. He re MAXELL UDXLII & XLIC9Q sides in Jerusalem and Philadelphia. Dr. Elazar is presently tn BLANK CASSETTE TAPES Director of the Institute on Federalism at Temple Umverei y- NO LIMIT $359 His latest work, Community and Polity is being widely Dr. Elazar will speak on the current Israeli political acclaim clim* • Sponsored by Hillel, Jewish Student Center. _ n<;■-«« News, Eo»t Longing, Michigan Monday, November 14, 1977 9 Crawler: tasty new British album By DAVE DiMARTINO breakup, several very serious On and 2nd Street. Before the State News Reviewer release, have been pushing vocally the band is slicker than time, themselves a starvin' drug problems, and Kossoffs latter LP saw its release, Crawler as "the new Boston" This album will really sur¬ they ever were with Kossoff. American band known as actually DYING, believe it or however, Kossoff had tragically and while (fortunately) the Bloontz, to Kossoff, who at that prise a few people. With Whitehorn are lead not, until a rapidly admin¬ died. When it came, it was It's tasty, it's British, and it group sounds nothing like Bos¬ vocalist Terry Wilson-Slesser, time, was on the lookout for a istered heart massage started Dedicated To Koss" and pret¬ ton, CBS is backing a winner. comes from a band that most drummer Tony Braunagel, and new band. his ticker working again, ty much interpreted The LP has been in store racks as the bassist Terry Wilson, the main¬ people presumed had died at Kossoff formed Back Street last we'd be since the end of the summer, While officially joining the same time as its lead hearing from that stays of the new Crawler. Yet Crawler during the recording of Crawler, a group named after and it doesn't take a genius to guitarist did. Kossoffs post-Free, pre-heavy interestingly, it is pianist John 2nd Street, Rundrick's presence The guitarist was Paul Fortunately, the release of figure out that it will stay there "Rabbit" Bundrick of the better seems much more dominant on drug solo album. Crawler proves that this is not unless it gets heard. CBS hopes Kossoff, R.I.P., once the ex¬ Back Street Crawler record¬ compositions on Crawler. this new LP. The albums best the case. it will, and for once, I must tremely talented driving force ed two excellent though under¬ Bundrick, a solo artist himself cut, "Stone Cold Sober," CBS Records, the with their verdict. of Free. After that band's rated albums, The Band Plays people agree and now also a member of Columbia's first choice for sin¬ responsible for the album's Crawler is one hot little band. Crawler was an old friend of gle release, is a Bundrick Finding Geoff Whitehorn as a Kossoffs from their days composition and a warm ending replacement for Kossoff, shared in Free (Mark II ver¬ for what, with several listen¬ Crawler dropped the "Back Ming the crest of the New Wave sion, that is) as a transplanted ings, seems to be one of the Street" and put together a American, Bundrick was re¬ most notable group "debut" superb LP. Now slightly in the sponsible for introducing the albums of the year. If at all Bad Company vein, at least rest of Crawler, who, at that possible, give it a listen. Jubiixholdship sion and psychedelic era. The only word for this album up anticipation for Lowes first album, Wireless World, to strangely enough, the Ameri- est Stiffs LP, an anthology by iToSTELLotMYAIM KtflStiff SEEZ 31 ™~ is DYNAMITE. Costello blends almost every style known to be released later this month. Elvis Costello's album is now can not version includes a selection on the British version. If Stiffs various artists, Either way, make u..v WINTERIZE YOURSELF you already own the Elvis check out Elvis Costello. De¬ JffNICK EjSTll IMPORT EP LOWE: BOW the rock idiom into a brilliant synthesis, and his voice is one available in the U.S. on the Columbia label (JC 35037). import and want the additional priving yourself of such plea¬ song, check out the Hit's Great- sure would onlv be masochistic. of the most emotional sounds to M, ,[tlie nicest aspects of ■L Wave scene is the hit pop music in many a year. In addition, his works all deal with with HOBIE'S 25c Soup Special l^ityithas given for the the universal themes of belief in Efliill independent labels L record artists once coo- romantic love and sexual rejec¬ tion, i.e., the whole "it's-my- LAST CHANCE The U.S. Weather Service td'uncommercial" by the predicts that this party-and-ril-cry-if-I-want-to" Egost successful label is syndrome. FOR winter will be San Francisco's Costello has also been pared to Graham Parker. Not com¬ nearly as severe as last year. —jjy fHome Of The JjlKords which has given suprising since both artists Get yourself ready with ■ik adorable ■ Jonathan share the same producer, Nick YEARBOOK a cup of hot soup The Modern Lowe, who also works with the Britain's answer to great Dave Edmunds and New from Hobie's this week, any cup , Uey seems to be the Wave's The Damned. It looks of soup is j|y formed Stiff ("Pure fcrNow People") Records like Lowe may become the Phil Spector of the '70s, and his first PORTRAITS just 25c with purchase of a sandwich or ^ has found its tour de solo EP reveals that he shares the same eccentric traits as his ■at Elvis Costello. The big Costello's LP mentor. salad. js that SENIORS FRESHMEN , A concept EP (Side A is „„.v _j the British wenty and he has become "Live": Side B is "Dead"), the lit of a national sensa- music is the same happy pop X (the U.K. don't get ■Costello has the wrong adopted the generally Lowe. associated However, with unlike Costello, Lowe's lyrics may be Final Day for free Portraits Final Day for free Portraits 930 Hobie's | is in outright symbol of questionable if your sense of Trowbridge Rd., E. Lansing Jn and devotion to the humor runs toward the prud¬ Dec. 2 Nov. 18 109 E. Allegan, Lansing |hroll spirit. Costello, who little like Bruce ish. The "Dead" side begins with a tongue-in-cheek look at „>n i without the gruff- hero worship about a silent call call jd horns, demonstrates screen star who gets eaten by Lowledge of manipulative her hungry canine ("She was a 353-5291 353-5291 L My Aim Is True, the winner/Who became the dog¬ ■t LP I've heard by gie's dinner"). The music's still or stop by or stop by the British Inva¬ great and interesting enough to Rm. 337 Union Rm. 445 Union ce Bldg. Bldg. ■ ►KMOBTSl T uaut IT IfSOfWi poonSaf. Nov. 19th, 1977 This is your last chance. .■naiiSt.' .VITAMIN SALE anrxol 5TATE 6A~ Call for a free VITAMIN C PRE0IGESTED portrait appointment now. WATER S0LUBILIZE0 L. PROTEIN LIQUID 100 CAPSULES SALE I Protaln Supplement For Uie At An ° $2.49 Aid In ■ Modified Fist Progrem 200 i.u. 16FL.OZ. ^A/^d Seal & Victrela Classics /-, - 4oo i.u.$3.95 SALE $5.95 SKIPPING MEALS neter n jn ► LOW CALORIES )SUGAR*SALT FREE TO LOSE WEIGHT PROTEIN ariety (oJ ILAR USE WITH POPULAR fJVatui€cJMad6 ONLY $4.95 FOLIC ACID SALE POTASSIUM SALE DOLOMITE SALE 400 meg. 550 mg. GLUCONATE CALCIUM & MAGNESIUM A7 100 TABLETS 100 TABLETS 250 TABLETS *| m\j f $-| QQ $-f VITAMIN DAILY KELP LECITHIN nWITH ROSEHIPS COMBO B6 WITH CIDER VINEGAR 500 mg. REGULAR Fimous OR WITH IRON Dietary Formula SALE a Full 33 Days "PP*V 100 TABLETS 100 TABLETS $2.79 SALE ri SALE 250 TABLETS \c $5.99 $3.95 w *2.49 NATURAL VITAMIN ZINC VITAMIN GLUCONATE 'HE BIG WHITE BARN A&D MINERALS WITH B-12 Our 10 mg. Area's Only Mull, Media Discotheque 100 2843 E Gd River E Inns 351-1201 entire CAPSULES 100 TABLETS Classical °l gallon) (Lean Meat Slices) 88* direction of Jere H. Whiteley, District Agent, East Country Fresh Low Fat Chocolate Milk (1 gallon) 8128 Lansing, Michigan. Address: 5030 Northwiad Drive, Suite 106 Hungry Jack Biscuits (10 oz.) 3/SJOO Checkerboard Cornish Hens East Lansing, Ml 48823 Phone: 15171351-2500 Flaky, Buttermilk or Butter Tastln' l#6oz. $1,9J 99' Interviews by appointment at the above address or at MSU Placement Services on November 18, 1977 between '.1:00 A.M and 5:00 P.M. Heatherwood Low Fat Holiday Nog (% gallon) Shop Rite Bulk Pork Sausage 99*1 . by appointment. Selection and testing will be conducted in time to two candidates for MSU Insurance register Institute, January jGrocery_ 9-13th. Training Program will begin on January 16th, 1978. Hawaiian Punch — Red only (64 oz. bottle) 66* * How does this fit into 7-Up — Reg. or Sugar Free (1 Liter Bottle) plus deposit8/8188 your plans? * Inquiries also invited from MSU Juniors and Seniors for Domino 1 OX Sugar (l#box) 24' Student Internship Program. Zest Bar Soap (Bath Size) 3^$|00 THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 720 East Wisconsin Avenue Sugary Sam Yams (22 oz. can) 69' GOODRICH'S Milwaukee, WI53202 M&M Candy — Plain or Peanut (1# pkg.) 81" Jeno's Double Pizza Mix with Cheese (28'/i ox. pkg.) 88' Open Monday ■ Thursday 9 om-9 pm The Quiet Company 9 am-10 pm Friday • Saturday NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE (NML) 11 am-S pm Sunday 351-5760 on uote News, Eost lonsing, Michigoi Monday, November 14, 1977] 1 jeers explode In the third period, nothing past U-M Palmer and Darryl DiPace WINTER IS HERE! went wrong fin¬ to wonder ." for the Spartans. ished the shelling, but this . . time ■^he'w«Ur„"Co.. ^Hockey Association Marty McLaughlin, who played for the first time this season, of Frank Zimmerman, who replaced Palmer. In Friday's game, the Wol¬ verines jumped off to a 2-0 lead, made up for lost time as he Sfiiiaafunny game - and scored two goals and had the "DeCenzo was the outstand¬ and the Spartans had to play % was laughing Satur- crowd on its feet like he did so ing player this weekend," Bes¬ catch up all night. sone said after the £&tfl> defeated Mich- many times last year. McLaughlin's second goal (Mark) Mazzoleni, (Spartan game. Doug Todd scored a three- goal hat trick as goalie Dave t Saturday night. 9"4.10 came on a perfect pass from goalie) played a fantastic game. Versical did all he could to keep f.,he8-4 shellacking they Mark DeCenzo as DeCenzo held We've broken the Saturday MSU in the game. Versical was K Friday night's game at night jinx." the puck long enough to pull Mazzoleni shelled with 38 shots - the won his first game ■ff/game was a" Michi- Palmer out of the net. He flipped a pass to McLaughlin of the season as he stopped 24 score higher. could have been a lot U Wolverines jumped off who was home free. Michigan shots and he closed the door on the L the whole game, but Heaslip added his second goal high-scoring MSU is now 3-3 in the WCHA Wolverines. and 3-5 overall. The jL was all MSU. of the game when he rifled a "I waited Spartans shot a long time for this," will host Michigan Tech this M, wanted it worse than past the bewildered Mazzolini said. "I was weekend. starting ITdid" coach Amo Bessone f» kids were up for JLSpartans jumped off to a |L period lead and they ILne the rest of the way. Avis. Zodiacs' leg fitting lace-up boots. Avail¬ liHeaslip opened the scor- XjISlIatthe 9:17 mark of able in crepe and leather sole, Natural ■Ljng period when he leather - Russet Sunwax, Red Cedar, Xd Wolverine goalie Rick Coronado, Black & Port. 4'/,-11 narrow, £ with his shot. Palmer medium, wide. ■ratting • deiayed penalty Klrtup, but Heaslip didn't Itbeld the puck long enough lintothe right position and Xdithome.assisted Russ Welch and on the 222MSU BODTERY Bugaa tame back to tie the have the Boots iwith Mark Miller's goal JlUwasthe last time that For You Kpherines were in the iLvnett put the Spartans L for good at the 13:33 r,i the period when he Mdthe first of his two goals Blight, and that's when the pug started. E Marie upped the score Jl when he scored while ■tida two-man advantage. TCU. ■ McDonald and Kevin 16" side zip with side Igi assisted on the first of ■MSI' power play goals. ribbing design. Warm Vaster. 16" pull-on. Hi Strap 8 low Inland Russ Welch sand- Pann. 6" lace up fleece lined, crepe sole. fleece lining, crepe strap. Coronado Brown and Black, Jjgoals around a Michigan ... , Stale News Pete Obee looks great with skirts as well as pants. Great for under slacks. Red Cedar. 5-11 sole. Russet Sunwox ■ itput the Spartans on top Tony Jelacie 1271 slipped the puck past Michigan's Rick Palmer in the Spartan and Red Cedar. 5-10 9-4 win Saturday night. 5Vi -10 medium only. narrow, medium wide. ro periods. narrow, medium, wide. OVIRSIAS SOCIAL SCIENCE COURSES 1978 MSU BOOTERY PINTER MEXICO SS 241, 242, 243, 300 SPRING COPENHAGEN SS211, 212, 223 300 225 E. Grand River SPN 311, 328, 499; Rom 299 UC 292, 492; Soc 475 across from the MSU Union open Thurs. ft Fri. til 9:00, Sun. 1-5 |RING LONDON SS 212, 223, 300 SUMMER LONDON SS 241, 242, 243, 300 HUM 202, 203, 300 SUMMER STOCKHOLM SS 223, 242, 300 EC 400 PROGRAM INFORMATION MEETINGS NOVIMBM 14 MONDAY 133 AKMS 7.30 p.m. NOVIMBUI IS TUISDAY C-3 WILSON 7.30 p.m. NOVIMBM H WIDNISDAY M-D BRODY 7.30 p.m. NOVIMBM 17 THURSDAY 208 BISSIY 7.30 p.m. Indents are invited to attend one of the above meetings to learn about the unique features |olMch program. Faculty participating in the programs will discuss courses, accommodations, ndlravel. Financial aid information will also be available. Slides or a film will be shown. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: I OP OVINIAS STUDY 108INTIRNATIONAL CINTIR 353-8920 at the NEW ABBOTT ROfiD HRIRCUTTERS Suito 201, East Lansing State Bank Building at Abbott and Grand River where styling starts at only *5*00 NOW SERVING EXCLUSIVELY STUDENTS Kalamazoo old friend in New York for a lot less than Call 332-4314 or an When you have a special feeling about someone and want to keep in touch, why go through the hassle of you may think, particularly when you dial direct. So check the chart above. Then clip and hang it on the writing letters and waiting for replies . .. especially since it's so much easier and more personal to call wall by the phone ... or put it in your wallet with the (for appointment or walk-in each other on the phone? Besides, with Long Distance it doesn't take a big money you'll save by dialing when rates are lowest. Remember. Long Distance is cheaper when you reason or a big bankroll just to keep in touch. dial direct on weeknights after 5 p.m. or on the Register through December 9,1977 @ weekend before 5 p.m. Sunday. You can talk to that crazy character in (services required to register) Michigan Bell 1 2 Michigon Stote New», Eost loming, Michigon Protestors against Shah of Iran ip) Toronto Sports first class ■ouimumt cdayr (continued Irom page 3) mathematics, Nov. 19 at 9:30 actively opposing the Shah at a.m. in the Fireplace Boom of "I think the American people great risk to themselves. The commission, founded by should express their sense of "Individuals every once in a nockiy, soccn and backpacking Edgewood United Church, 469 Rockefeller in 1973, sets ss a shame for the United States private committee for capi¬ N. Hagadorn in E. Lansing. C. Patric "Lash" Larrowe, having put the Shah where he while can make a difference. If all of us write letters to our IINBIATABLI PRICISII talists and members include today," Larrowe said. many corporation heads from MSU economics professor, was the rally's last speaker. Lar¬ is "And we should protest the elected representatives they may have second thoughts," he Call: Terry McCarthy, 353-2853 Wester Europe, Japan and the fact that MSU is involved in said. rowe told the crowd that the United States. United States put the Shah in Iran, propping up the fascist Among the 200 members who dictatorship of the Shah." At the end of Larrowe's talk, met in 1973 were Carter and the position he now occupies. He said a CIA member He said he was addressing the demonstrators began their 12 Noon Sat. Nov. 19th, 1977 U.S. Vice President Walter termed the agency's role in Iran himself primarily to the Ameri¬ march to the capital with the Mondale. cans in the audience since the chant, "The people united will "Wham which allowed the Shah to come In addition, Cyrus Vance, Iranian students were already never be defeated." w*i*u to power, "as one of the CIA's Secretary of State; Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense; Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of the Treasury and Zbigniew Brzezinski, Director of the Na¬ Interfraternity relationships encouraged -AST LAN&INfl STATE BANK tional Security Council were reported as attendants. the undergraduate level unbelievablI LOW "Most of the Iranian students {continued from page 3) rorities have be developed in order to "catch to at from NPHC. Wright suggested PRICED! I've talked to know about the sororities," he said. the university help bring Trilateral Commission and Car¬ Another reason is a financial up. NPHC people to work with ter's connection with it," Mas- one, dealing with the cost Wright said he believes it should be a requirement for students in understanding and terson said, "but few Ameri¬ problems of membership dues cans have even heard about it. into the IFC, Combs said. members of the black fraterni¬ practicing Greek life customs. ties to belong to the IFC. "The organization For those interested, a lec¬ ture on the Trilateral Commis¬ "Realistically," he "white fraternities and sorori¬ said, Another major problem, ac¬ (MSU-NPHC), the NPHC and DISCO the university should work sion will be presented by Shel¬ don Axler, MSU prefessor of ties are many years The black fraternities ahead." and so¬ cording to Wright, is that the MSU chapter needs assistance simultaneously," Wright com¬ mented. brew I The NPHC has advantages in that it is a "co-educational DANCING ONLY I Search nf unicorns by licensed hunters experience, a coming together of males and females," Wright said. "It is a gain in the black 3) member of the unicorn society experience. puns. (continued from page dinner is only for invited guests. But Rabe said the main by sending a self-addressed TONIGHT! For Sherlock Holmes buffs stamped envelope to: Unicorns, there is a "Mrs. Hudson's Breakfast" on the first Friday purpose ofthe to seek the u unicorn society is Lake Superior State College, Sault St. Marie, Mich., 49783. 8PM-12PM $1.50 admission I in January. According to Rabe, legend 'The unicorn society firmly believes that every man has a Rabe admitted than an enve¬ sponsored by PHI CAPPA PSI has it that Mrs. Hudson, unicorn which he is predestined lope cannot address itself, "but $1.00 off admission with this ad Holmes' landlord, was very we're still using it. We'll banish to hunt. It's not necessary that irritated by Holmes' target he find or slay this unicorn, that one some day, too." shooting practice, disreputable merely that he diligently seek friends, and his chemistry ex¬ it." This is symbolic, according periments. Holmes eventually to Rabe, of man seeking his paid her a substantial sum of inner self "or getting your head money to stay in the house, together." adding insult to injury. Mrs. Hudson once said she Rabe said anyone can be i had "as good an idea of a breakfast as a Scotswoman," MICHIGAN STATE B l*0 * 0 0•0 0 Rabe added, and this is why a breakfast is held. Other Holmes-buffs.activities coupon gfr PERFORMING UNIVERSITY include a William Gillette lunch¬ Mon. thru Thurs. eon, (Gillette played Holmes on 50« in free pinball with any ice cream purchase ARTS COMPANY stage) a Dr. Watson cocktail and this ad. PRESENTS party, and a Sherlock Holmes dinner. The breakfast will be ROfTlEO 8(1 Now featuring frozen yogurt and organic held in New York City, Rabe flavors. s said, but locations for the other events have not been chosen, except for the dinner. And this JULIET site cannot be revealed since the across from Berkey Hall 337-1B33 «^ti OOP oAo eC "BufoifitU *%ea£ieA Jo November 15-19 FAIRCHILD THEATRE 8:I5| TONtour DO YOU REMEMBER By Popular Demand: WATCHING SUBMARINE RACES IN THE BACK SEAT? A SPECIAL MATINEE! FRED WARING is alive and well and making young 1:30 p.m. Saturday, November 191 music with his YOUNG PENNSYLVANIANS, his singing General Admission $3 or Season Cot WARING BLENDORS and some VFW's (Veterans of Fred Waring Shows), including POLEY MC CLINTOCK. BOX OFFICE PHONE In his new show, IT'S ALL ABOUT LOVE!, Fred ... el Ihtie showcase blends the best of Broadway with popular love songs of yesterday and today. 355-0148 Featuring TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 at 8:15 P.M. ml GEORGINA SPEIVIN, CINDY WEST, UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM 8 sAfkwwiKJtiiai'it ARLANA BLUE Lively Arts Series Attraction A "GOOD GUY" JOE O'BRIEN Adults J2J0, Students w/AMC cards $2.00 I MerhNoa Weet ecreee frees "Tfce B We know they are there- TOUIIHT "Oh,GodT advanced beyond SHOWTIME: 7:00, B;4S, 10:30 SHOWPLACE: 109 ANTHONY STARSHIP ADMISSION: $2.50 students. $3.50 staff t faculty An entertainment service of the leal Film Co-op Is it Funny! (±_ Invasions ~ -teMUS TwWltUHR mihil-a ■tjrS Pop Entertainment Proudly Presents it IQiki Mote turn TeilteMM* sPIUH-M Emerson LAST WIIK The story of a winner! —toMMI MlllfcUMR «Alts$1-M_ Lake & The whan Dm NgMs turmd off., the kids Chicken Chronicle turwd onl WALT DISNEY * Palmer 1 —tetSHI MfcHMR rtttjTg, Pee* I PLENTY OF GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE j§& STILL "THE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15,8p.m. JENIS0N FIELDH0USE TICKETS^ $6.50 a $750 - RESERVED SEATING LATE ;e you'll never loyvi Tickets available at tbe MSU Union Ticket OHke, Discount Records, SHOW" Compus Corners H and Sounds A Diversions Bill I'M 111 ToWb-MMJ CleeoelNrReawdellefl n News. Ea»t tonaing, Mlchigon Monday, November 14, 1977 13 VY1 I JNlVil I I Mwrti" N JBS r$j*iiTHl f «$«*ft1l¥! | InrlMti ||»l | Matswtt IIVI elfl,ilfl«dAdv«rH»tag PONTIAC CATALINA, 1968, FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. CHRISTMAS HELP. $3.50/ Inforwation 4 door, new tune up, depend¬ $6/hour. No training neces¬ hour. Jolly-ole-elf to be San¬ LONG'S OF LANSING currently taking applications is WANTED QUIET girl to share 3 bedroom apartment on MALE ROOMMATE wanted for modern duplex. Own IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks able transportation. 5325. ta. Must love kids, Nov. for the follouving positions: sary. Call 4852278. Lake Lansing. Close to cam¬ . ^ J47 Student Servlcei Udg. Phone 349-1773. Can be seen 20-12-9(31 25 Dec. 24. Varied hours, lunch waitresses, cocktail pus, on busline, own room. room, $110/month. Call any¬ time, 351-7423. 511-18(41 of term all Student Classified advertising must be paid for at 1602 E. Jolly Rd. before 5 phone immediately LAN¬ waitresses, cashiers, busboys Call 3352395. 8-11-17 (5) in advance beginning Nov¬ p.m. 2-11-1515) SING MALL 321-3634. and experienced part-time RETAIL SALES, men-boys ember 14,1977. Bring or mail I day • W per lln* 51_1-17(5I bartenders, Apply in person WANTED: FEMALE room¬ 1,2,3 347 Student Services. clothing; part-time. Apply at at 6810 S. Cedar. 511 '6(101 mate for 4-man apartment to 3doyf -NCper lln* PORSCHE 1970 914, rust- HOLDEN REID'S THE ATTIC CANCER INSURANCE - The aparfWi Sp-23-12-918) proofed 30 mpg, new steel near campus. Phone 351- $ days-7SC per line STORE, Frandor 337-1133. National Cancer Success BABYSITTING/HOUSE¬ • days - 70< p*r lln* belted radials, AM/FM 8- Must work the 1st of the year KEEPING. 2 children ages 5 603;_8J !iT5(3) • fully carpeted WATERS EDGE 1 male for 4 story has come to Michigan, • gas track, perfect condition, cus¬ and 7. 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE hoot and canfrol air man, very close. $92. $50/ or tonger. 8-n-21|6) help is needed to enroll group tom interior. 675-7190. _ Monday-Friday. Own trans¬ furnished one bedroom, utili¬ conditioning month plus utilities. 351-3372. Lln* rat* per Inrartlon endorsed members £r individ¬ • 5-11-18151 SENIORSI NOW is the time portation and references re¬ swimming pool 511-18(31 ties paid $160. Monthly, plus to start uals; top commissions Er • 24-hour maintenance looking into Peace quired. 349-3827 after 5:30 deposit. 489-5574 after 5 p.m. • ROADRUNNER 1973, $1800. Corps programs in Africa renewals, licensed or non- play ground for children p.m, 59-16151 NEED FEMALE to sublease licensed. 351-1494 or 351- 013-3-11-16(5) • . 3 lines ■ '4 00 •5 days. 80' per line ov*r Call after 5:30 p.m. 393-9254. which begin next spring and no pets winter across from campus. JTZ NO odjustment in rat* when cancelled. 8-11-2213) summer. Talk to returned 1617.511-2118) FULL AND part time cooks NEEDED:ONE female for 4- call for information 349-3W0 Call 337-7081, Cheapl IricToi item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum TOYOTA 1972 Land Cruiser. Volunteers at the AFRICAN STUDIES CENTER, Room JANITOR FOR Lansing day and night. Busboys, part time, nights. Apply BACK¬ person Twyckingham. Win¬ 10-5 Tuesday-Friday Z-511-16(31 I. ."^"nolods • 3 lines • *2.25 • p*r insertion. 4-wheel drive, great shape. Call 353-7108. 5-11-14(3) 106, International Center, 353-1700. 3-11-1618) downtown church. 30-40 STAGE, Meridian Mall, 349- 3220.511-14-15) ter/Spring. 351-7948. Z-3-11-16(3) 10-2 Saturday WINTER TERM 1, 2 or 3 rTner line over 3 lines (prepayment). hours/week. Night and some Knob Hill females needed to share LJuM/Oorag* 5*1* *ds • 4 lin*s - '2.50. TOYOTA COROLA, 1974, 2 POSITIONS OPEN for North¬ Sunday work. Salary and RN'S & LPN'S. Part-time FEMALE SUBLET Campus apartment. $76/month. 351- r7L, line over 4 lines • p*r insertion. door 1600 Deluxe, air, ern Michigan resort. Employ¬ benefits negotiable. Call 482- and full time. Call 323-9133, Hill H101F. $77.50/month. Apartments 7152. X3-11-15I3I UJlcnn ods • 4 lines ■ *2.50 • per insertion. AM/FM stereo 8-track. 351- ee housing on site. Contact; 0668, 8:30-4:30 p.m. ask for Mrs. Luks. 511-1613) Move in any time-Pat-345 I o«r line over 4 lin«s. 7234. X3-10-16I3) Mark Sulak, BOYNE MOUN¬ 3-11-1416) IT IS the policy of the STATE STONE RIDGE-Brand new 1 CAPITOL LCC 2 bedroom 0762. Z-B-1-11-14(3) Llfsvitds ods/Tronspartotlan ods • 3 lines • M .50 - TAIN LODGE. Boyne Falls, WAITRESSES WANTED, NEWS that the last 4 weeks and 2 bedroom luxury apart¬ semi-furnished. Utilities paid, Mich. 49713. 6155452441. [ perinsertion 50' per line over 3 lines. TRIUMPH TR6, 1973. Both 511-2218) neat, dependable, experience of term all Student Classified ONE FEMALE to sublease ments, Whitehills area, N. Hagadorn. From $195. 1547 deposit required. $225. 651- hard and soft tops. Excellent preferred for lunch or nights, advertising must be paid for Old Cedar Village apartment 6540. 511-23(41 condition. 39,000 miles. Call apply in person MILO'S in advance beginning Nov¬ winter and/or Shown by appointment. 332- Deadlines after 1 p.m. 393-4292. CHEMISTRY SUPERVISOR- spring. $90/ 6131 and 4858299.8-11-22(6) TAVERNA, 301 E. Jolly just ember 14, 1977. Bring in or month. 337-2181. 511-16(4) Full time opening presently I doss day belor* publication, 8-11-1815) available in ultra-modern hos¬ west of S. Cedar. 511-16(7) mail to 347 Student Services. ONE BLOCK from campus. Hoists £1 rjalloiion'Change ■ 1 p.m. ■ I class day belor* VEGA 1976. 8 months old, pital laboratory. Day shift, KEY PUNCH operator for 2nd Sp-23-12-918) FOUR ROOMS plus bath. Entire two bedroom apart¬ | publication. A-1 condition. $2300. Call rotating weekends and holi¬ shift, 4-12 p.m. Call 371-1000 $135 a month plus deposit ment available and room¬ CHILD CARE-in DUPLEX-3 bedrooms kind is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed 339-2888 anytime. 5-11-16(3) days. Applicant must be for appointment. 511-14(3) our home plus one half utilities. 487- mates needed for other apart¬ plus P until after 1st insertion. Medical near Frandor. Must have own study, brand new; 2 full Technologist, 0882. Z-3-11-1414) ments. Call 351-8135. 351- baths. 9 month lease. $400. Lfi it 0 '1.00 charge lor I ad change plus 50' per IT IS the policy of the STATE A.S.C.P. registered or regis¬ INQUIRIES NOW being transportation and give 1957, or 351-3873. Call 339-2600. 511-18141 [ additional thong* lor moxlmum ol 3 changes. NEWS that the last 4 weeks try-eligible, or degreed indi¬ vidual with clinical chemistry accepted for part time or full motherly care to 2 boys, 8 months and 19 months. Call GRADUATE OR married stu¬ dents. New luxury 2 bedroom 0 14-11-30(6) It Ms News will only be responsible lor the 1st of term all Student Advertis¬ time. Flexible hours/no door IT IS the policy of the STATE ONE BEDROOM, near cam¬ I doy's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must ing must be paid for in experience. Individual will to door selling. Call 6659941 4854926 after 6 p.m. apartment. East Lansing bus NEWS that the last 4 weeks service. No pets. Start at furnished, very nice. Call I bsmode within todays al expiration date. advance beginning Novem¬ work in general and special or 351-5067. THE NUTRI¬ 511-21-17) pus of term all Student Classified chemistry, and will be re¬ $230. Call 351-9483 or 351- after 6 p.m. 351-6933. Met due 7 days from ad expiration date. II not ber 14,1977. Bring or mail to TION CENTER. 2-11-15(61 advertising must be paid for sponsible to quality control 9195 after 6 p.m. 8-11-21(3) in advance beginning Nov¬ 347 Student Services. J paid by due date, a 50' lot* service charge will and instrumentation under RESIDENT MANAGER. Res¬ 52001-30(6) ember 14,1977. Bring or mail I be due Sp-23-12-9(8) the leadership of a clinical JOB OPENINGS-full, part ponsible hard working mar¬ FEMALE TO sublease Eden to 347 Student Services. time. Excellent pay, advance¬ ried couple needed to man¬ EAST LANSING 1 bedroom Rock apartment starting Jan¬ chemist. Liberal benefits, ex¬ VW 1970 excellent shape, cellent salary commensurate ment opportunities for the age a 41 unit student rental furnished apartment. Close to uary. Call 351-0476. SD;23;12-9(8) r i | 1(- heate radio. $900 or best heater, with experience. Apply Per¬ right person. Call 374-6328 apartment building. Call campus, bus stop. Call CE¬ 8-11-15(31 3 BEDROOM house, Ann St. 484-5529,8 a.m.-1 p.m. j Automotive J»j 1-17(31 sonnel Director, LEILA HOS¬ PITAL, 300 North Avenue, between 4-6 p.m. 511-23(51 Cathy 351-8135.0-511-14(61 DAR GREENS MENTS, 351-8631. 52-11-1415) APART¬ ONE MAN needed immedi¬ Unfurnished, $300/month. Stove and refrigerator and Battle BUSPERSONS LUNCHES ately for old Cedar Village VW, 1964. Good brakes and Creek, Michigan MCDONALDS RESTAU¬ garage included. 349-2624. I HORNET Sportabout DODGE VAN, 1977 Trade- 49016; 615962-8551. ext. 10:30 am-3 pm. LION'S DEN apartment $90/month, 337- i DL package, automatic, 100. Metallic black, , , tires, new generator. $385. RANTS of E. Lansing and TWO BEDROOM duplex 0787. 4-11-1513) 511^316^ 272. RESTAURANT, 213 S. r. $2100. 372-1609. Call 351-7714, leave message, Z-511-22J25I Okemos are now accepting Grand, downtown Lansing. Waveriy area. Carpeted, MARRIED COUPLE needs economy6, automatic. Excel- 5-H-l4-(4) basement, large backyard, FULLER BRUSH-full or part applications for full and part Apply in person only between LARGE ONE bedroom across one to share lent mileage. Clean Only $230/month plus utilities. No large farmhouse time in Lansing and sur¬ time to fill the hours of 6 2 pm-4 pm. 511-14(61 from $4500. 351 -3823 evenings. r children or pets. Call 321- campus, furnished. in Bath. $100/month, V4 utili¬ 1 Til rounding areas. Call 321- a.m.-7 p.m. Applications ac¬ p LESABRE 1969, ex- 4889 or 3353935.511-18161 $210, CLAUCHERTY ties. 200+ acres, garden, I running condition, 13-11-30(5) [ Aito Santa |\/\ 3022. 2-11-14(3) cepted 8 a.m.-IO a.m., 2 WANTED-CAR stereo instsl- - -'" "7" ~ REALTY. 351-5300. pets. 339-8448. 511-21141 pi-4585. 8-11-23131 FIAT 124 SPORT COUPE, p.m.-4 p.m. at the following . 53-11-16(4) 1974, tan/black interior: GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- restaurants: 234 W. Grand WALK TO campus. Four I SKYLARK 1989. undercoated, Michelin XAS, 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, immediate opening available River,, next to Peoples south So? location, good roommates, G°°d 1 BEDROOM to sublease, bedroom, fireplace, 2 baths. ist. 90,000 AM/FM. An elegant sporty for a chemist, Instructional -Church. 2763 E. Grand River, Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing, $67.50/month. Beechwood close to campus 12 miles). $460/month plus utilities. Call good supply of snow tires. between 10 am-9 pm. B, 337-7012. machine, well-maintained. PENNELL SALES. 1301)$ comer of Northwind Dr., and Mori- Apartments. 351-3581, keep Call 371-1782 or 393-9230. EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. 337-2648 mornings and eve¬ Developer; part time, to assist the science department in the 2040 Grand River, Okemos, day-Friday. 511-21(61 trying. S-511-1515) 2-12-12-1(31 52511-30-14) East Kalamazoo, Lansing. nings. 9-11-18(6) 1 1977. Loaded, 482-5618 C-20-11-30-15) preparation of audio-visual across from Meijers. tutorial units of instruction 311-16(14) A $5400. 694-9271 FIAT, 1974, 124 wagon. Ex¬ IMPORT AUTO parts and for freshman chemistry. Ap¬ lix 8-11-17(3) cellent condition, rust- repair. 20% discount to stu¬ plicants must have a masters STENOGRAPHERS NEED¬ proofed, many extras. Call - 394-3229. 8-11-17-14) dents and faculty on cash/ degree or PhD. Interested ED >5.37,000 miles, immediately. Top pay-no carry service parts in stock. persons should contact the las, 4-speed. $3400. LANSING COMMUNITY fees. VICTOR TEMPORARY Tim-1613) FIREBIRD 1975 350 auto¬ Check our prices and reputa¬ COLLEGE Science Depart¬ SERVICES. 4857077. matic. 39,000 excellent condi¬ tion. 600 E. Kalamazoo at ment room 408, Arts and 3-11-16(4) 0 1973., 350. 3 tion. Best offer. 723-7901 Cedar, 485-2047, 485-9229. Sciences Building, phone after 6 p.m. Z-B-11-2K3) West campus shop. 485 ( power steering/ 373-7070; or the LANSING CLERK TYPIST- wanted for 0409. Free wrecker service »to appreci- COMMUNITY COLLEGE Per¬ 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shifts. FORD, 1971 Maverick. 81,000 with repeirs with mention of sonnel 16.5-11-18(3) Department, 521 N. Immediate assignment. VIC¬ miles, 6 cylinder engine. $425 this ad. Local areas. or best offer. For more infor¬ Washington Avenue. P.O. TOR TEMPORARIES, 485 C-20-11-30-111) Box 40010, Lansing, Mi. 1976. 28,000 mation call 353-2280, 9 a.m. 7077. 311-16(41 48901. AN EQUAL OPPOR¬ |ttk. AM/FM radio. to 5 p.m. 8-11-2215) VINYL REPAIR: for tears and TUNITY EMPLOYER MALE/ *351-0451. burn holes in care vinyl. We GENERAL LABORERS- FORD COBRA II 1976 302 FEMALE. 4-11-161241 can change vinyl color. Call needed for any hours. De¬ V-8 automatic. Excellent for estimates. 882-6583. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST. pendable and transportation. condition. Best offer. 332- Part-time. MT (ASCP) or 4857077. VICTOR TEMPO¬ 3151.8-11-16(3) eligible to work all phases of RARY SERVICES. 311-1614) MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. donor processing, compo¬ FORD MAVERICK, 1971, Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto nent preparation and phoresis FEMALE MODELS wanted. green, 61,000 miles, automat¬ painting-collision service. quality control. Must be able $8/hour We will train. 485 ic, 6-cylinder, good condition. American-foreign cars. to work alternate weekends. E 1972 green Priced right. 655-4343. 4850256. C-20-11-30-14) 2278. 20-12-9(3) 4- Primary responsibilities are to f* tuned. Take over 8-11-21J4I JUNK CARS wanted. Also process phoresis units on CHRISTMAS PEANUTS PERSONALS mot 41000,641-6844. weekends and to help with UNIFORMED SECURITY Of¬ GRAN TORINO, 1973, 351. selling used parts. Phone routine processing on week¬ ficers call 641-6734 between Published: Friday, Dec. 9,1977 New exhaust, battery, alter¬ anytime 351-3651. days. If interested, contact 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday- nator, distributor, front C-1511-30(3) AMERICAN RED CROSS Friday. Or-1511-30(3) Deadline: Friday, Dec. 2,1977 5 p.m. , i, 1976. AM/FM pftpeed, radial tires. brakes and more. Must sell. 1800 E. Grand River, Lansing. hBfOO. 663-1233 after 487-4461 E.O.E. 8-11-17(161 1*511-2214) $1100.332-1487. X-511-18I4I [ Aviation X WANTED COCKTAIL wait¬ BUSBOYS PART-TIME. ply in person. WALNUT Ap¬ The Christmas Season is just around the corner. Now is the time to HONDA CIVIC, 1974, orange, HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. LEARN TO fly. Flying lessons ress nights 512 p.m. Apply in place your Christmas Peanuts Personal. Your speciol Christmas greeting 1974 Vega 53,000 miles, 4-speed manual person. No experience neces¬ 511-1813) in exchange for work. 675 will appear the last day of classes in a Special Classified Christmas _ or best offer, transmission, hatchback. sary. HUDDLE NORTH 4860. 3-11-16(3) BUSBOYS WANTED two Section. So place your greeting for that special someone today. Mail or ■"11353.4-11-17(3) 665-4343. 8-11-21(4) LOUNGE, 309 N. Washing¬ meals a day plus small gratu¬ bring to State News Classified. 347 Student Services. ton, downtown Lansing. piMNDOW van, FWes, automatic 1971. V-8. MIDGET 1971. Nice car AM /FM cassette deck. Best offer 5 EmptoprtjjJj 511-16(6) ity. 332-6531 or 511-18131 332-6318. ; 3 Lines • '2.00 NURSES AIDES, male atten¬ P^bl-9236 after 6 p.m. 485-6015.14-11-14-13) SNOW SHOVELING-need dants, experience needed. PART-TIME positions for 67C Each extra line NEED CASH? We buy im¬ energetic person for hand Part time and full time, set MSU students. 1520 hours/ PREPAYMENT REQUIRED mm 1972, V-8. Cus- shoveling at East Lansing week. Automobile required. i I"trior, low ports and sharp late model your own schedule. Call mileage, condominium. Phone Phone 3359500, 3353400. compacts. Call John De MEDICAL HELP OF LAN¬ AMERIWAY at 4853664. ' extras. 353-2069. C-2511-35I4I ■«» Young, WILLIAMS V.W. 511-17(6) SING, 321-7241.511-23(6) 484-1341 or 484-2551, 1976, 15,000 C-20-11-30-I5I GIRLS NEEDED for phone INSIDE AND delivery help Jlwiverted, sleeps two, soliciting. Part time. No needed. Apply at LITTLE I*' lighted bar, fully OLDS 96 luxury sedan. 1966. experience necessary. For CAESAR'S today after 4 p.m. Your key to a All power, runs great. Should interview call Barb Wakefield 4-11-17(4) be seen. $225 or best offer. at 321-8660, after 5 p.m. luxury Apartment 489-0340.6-11-18(4) 511-15(6) RECEPTIONIST TYPING, 4 1974. Very clean OLDSMOBILE, 1972 Cutlass. general office duties, data 12400. After 5 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY; 4-door. 62,350 miles. $1300 or Waitresses, part time. Flex¬ processing background help¬ 4-11-15(3) best offer. For more Informa¬ ible hours, good tips and ful but not necessary. For tion call 353-2280,9 a.m. to 5 ®*®LE. working conditions. Apply in appointment, call 393-8630, ECONOM- p.m. 8-11-22(5) »*». air. $1100 in- person at SAITES REST¬ SPARTAN DATA. 511-23(6) AURANT 129 W. Ash St. Ktagreat. $695/best OLDS 88. 1962, four door, good condition, new tires. Mason between 2 and 7 p.m. TEMPORARY MAIL-ROOM HICKORY HILLS "1-15-I3) Z-511-1$ (6) help-3-4 week period. Two 351-7504. 8-11-15(3) 2 Bedroom Townhouses ILT wagon 1974. shifts available: 8:30 a.m.- — TAXI DRIVERS wanted. 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.- >*talL luggage w OLDSMOBILE-1977, Delta Must have excellent driving midnight. Apply 3308 South ■Spacious *2 levels 2993 Royale 4-door, air cruise, FM, record. VARSITY CAB. 332- Cedar, Suite #9, Lansing. •Balcony 'Carpeting vinyl top, 18,000 miles. $5,300 3559.511-17-131 8-11-18(7) J Monaco •Dishwasher "Modern 1967 627-8127.7-11-18(41 NEED EXTRA cash? The MALE OR female student KLw,a8-Depend; Ibito "ation. $260 PINTO 1974 automatic, good earnings are good, your with experience in competi¬ 351-5937 „ hours are flexible when tive swimming for head r^S-511.,6,31 condition, $1200 or best offer 3559770 after 5 p.m. you're an AVON representa¬ coach. Need senior life- 332-6492 tive. 482-6893. C-511-14-MI 511-17-131 saving certificate. Phone 834- 2271. OVID-ELSIE AREA 1723 Cambria Drive STORE DETECTIVES-call SCHOOLS. Ask for Bob Ifffent 1 • "11-14(51 PINTO, 1974 Bronze, 43,000 miles. Uttte rust. Call 335 9563. 511-15(3) 641-6734 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. 0-1511-30(3) Foreback, Equal Opportunity Employer. 511-21(8) East Lansing dose to bus line 1 A Michigon State News, Eo»t loosing, Michigon Monday, November 14 liarniE' r v>n»i [wamJS) HAGADORN ROAD • 10 BOOKS, MAGAZINES, LOST: BLUE and grey varsity miles south of csmpus farm comics and motel CURIOUS jacket with white C's. Much home, 4 bedroom, bams, 10 BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand personal value. 355-2564. will be held at Venereal diseaae: free and Help bring a black "conser¬ acres, »350/month. 361-7497. River. 332-0112. 8-11-16(3) Announcements for It's Folk dancing Monday night confidential treatment from 1 vative" to MSU. Also, round- Returned Peace cZH 0-8-11-18(5) £-20-11-30-131 LOST: MALE collie, sable What's Happening mutt be 8:30 p.m. every in the Bailey School gym, to 4 p.m. Monday, Thursday table discussion of political unteersl We know youl Visit would Tf OKEMOS-LARGE 5 bedroom INDIAN RIVER Citrus-deliv- and white. East Lansing area. received in the State News three blocks from Berkey and Friday, and 8:30 a.m. to principles at 8:30 tonight in Services Bldg. 26 s ' erad from Florida within If found cad 361-1637 or 124 office, 343 Studpnt Services or Vacant Dec.-March. Terms noon on Wednesday. Com¬ 332 Union. al Center. In,9rr Center Street. 3-11-16(4) HaH. hours of picking. Naval or¬ Bldg., by noon at leaat two negotiable, references. 349- munity Health Services, 701 2439. 8-11-1813) anges, 48.50/caae, grape¬ class days before publication. Presentation Political Science Advisory N. Logan St. on Admis¬ FEMALE-SHARE large room fruits 47.50/case. Can by November 14. Days 486-0783; I PirsHil (|/1 No announcements will be accepted by phone. Council meets at 2:46 today Interested In sions, financial aids, Olin, D.P.S., Library, Counseling, International nisi, Martha Conn* Deyen^ * m evenings 371-3996 or 627- in 103 S. Kedzie Hall. All Seniortl O've a in house. $72.50/month, fur¬ 2844. 8-11 IT IS the policy of the STATE Peace Corps programs in Human Relations from 3 to recital at 3', nished, close to campus. 351- undergrade welcome. Wednesday in the 16(9) NEWS that the last 4 weeks Anthropology Department Africa? Talk to returned vol- 6:30 p.m. Tuesday In 100 . Recital Room 6466.8-11-23(4) of term aH Student Classified Colloquium Series presents AIKIDO, MARTIAL ART unteera at African Studies Engineering Bldg. Public In¬ Bldg. Everyone 0(theMJJ VIDEOTAPE-SONY model Advertising must be paid for Prof. Leonard Moss, speak¬ vited, accessible. welcome. in advance beginning Nov¬ FOR SELF-DEFENSE AND Center, 106 International LOVELY FURNISHED 4-bed- V0I6OO player recorder, tuner, ember 14, 1977. Bring or ing at 3 today in 117 Bessey PERSONAL GROWTH meets Center. Students interested room house close to Mt. 41000,321-4150.8-11-23(3) Hall. 10:30 p.m. on mail to 347 Student Sendees. from 9 to working on Zolten Fere Hope and Aurelius. 4190/ lease. 676-3790. 8-11-2314) DINETTE SET 4 chairs 30x48 Sp-23-12-9(8l Tuesdays and Thursdays, Video Workshop needs Family Ecology Club wel¬ campaign can come to « Peace Corps Intern Pro¬ and 1 to 3 p.m. Sundays in crew for East Lansing City comes Marcia Van Ness, Baker between 7 table, 479. 3 full floors of and 10 e, 2 bedroom the Judo Room of the Men's Council meetings on the first Living Today Editor of the Monday's. FURNISHED house, 4300/month, utilities included near MSU. 332- furniture to select from BERKS FURNITURE in the [P—ftflTMBllfl] gram slide presentation be held at 7:30 tonight in will 128 IM Bldg. and third Tuesdays of each State Journal, speaking on Natural Science Bldg. Every¬ month. For details, come to Community Resources at 7 Volunteers needed "Old Schoolhouse" 4801 N. to M 4009. 8-11-22(4) PLACE YOUR special Christ¬ Christian Science Organi¬ the second floor of the tonight in Home Manage¬ notes for welcome. U.S. 27 at State Rd. Call 482- mas Peanuts Personals to¬ one zation, East Campus, meets ment I. handicapped. c( Union. tact Programs for Handi THREE BEDROOM, 6060 624J.8-JV-23I8) day. Bring your ad and at 7 tonight in 821 Baker Hall. pers office in W402 Lii Rutherford. Clean, sharp, SCUBA EQUIPMENT U.S. payment to State News Clas¬ West Circle coffeehouse, large lot. 4240. 482-6281 ext. divers tank, pack, and regula¬ sified, 347 Student Services. MSU Bible Study meets The Salvation Army needs 23, 349-3m 801-22(4) featuring Scon Chasney and Organic Gardening Club Bell or tor, gages, extra's. Hardly SP-6-11-1815) at 11:30 a.m., Monday in Ringers for their collec¬ Attention Black Gina Valchar will be held at 9 will meet at 8 tonight in the tion kettles. Contact Volun¬ P„TU< FARM-animals, re¬ used, 4296. 894-1446. C304 Wells Hall, Wednesday gy members and COED p.m. Tuesday in tha Gilchrist University Lutheran Church, those ini lake. Responsible 4-11-16(4) in C312 Wells Hall, Tuesday teer Programs in 26 Student estedl Black sources, Pub. 1020 S. Harrison. A local Student Fig Services Bldg. Ask for the people. 6-9 p.m. 361-8643. chiropractor will speak. Visi¬ and Thursday in R220 Natu¬ chology Association meetil TWO VW snow tires 6x16. Special Request File. X-4-11-16 ral Resources Bldg. 7 tonight in 456 Like new, 435. 489-6178 after The Lesbian Center tors welcome. Baker Hi Library 5 p.m. 5-11-VM32 is becoming a realityl Inter¬ ROMS MARANTZ POWER amp, ABDO'S LOUNGE ested lesbians invited to our ROOMMATE NEEDED 2 bed¬ room house. Corner of model 140; tuner model 125. Like new. Best offer. Ricardo, 349-9614. 3-11-15(4) featuring Contemporary organizational meeting at 8 tonight at the Women's Cen¬ ter. THIS WEEK'S INFLATION FIGHTERS Hagadom and Lake Lansing and Road. 480 per 4604 month. 351- or 372-6299. 6-11-14-14) INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ ing 41-2 for albums in good shape. WAZOO RECORDS, Progressive Jazz Milton Jury, of Consumer's Power, will speak on the 2 fori ALL YOU CAN 2 fori ROOM MSU near, students 223 Abbott E. Lansing. 337- Monday nights only Benefits of Nuclear Power at CREPES MONTE CRISTO > EAT VEAL PARMIGIMIt 0974.0-2-11-1415) 8:30 p.m. Nov. 22 in the welcome. Pleasant surround¬ 9 p.m.-) p.m. Foil Cam Dinner j BUTTERMILK PANCAKES Union. Date will be an¬ only'2.90 ings. 351-5178 6-11-16(31 3500 S. Logan HART SSL glass skis. 175 nounced in future IWH. OWN ROOM in quiet Lansing cm. Munari boots size 9. Lansing, Mi $3.05 with coupon i Marker bindings 4110. 627- >.99 house. 456/month plus utili¬ Extant Madrigal Singers: ties. 374-7705. 8-11-21(31 7508.3-11-14(4) with coupon All members are requested to Mon., Nov. 14,4-10 p.m. Wed., Nov. 16,4-10p.m. L CAMPUS NEAR, clean, fur¬ nished. Share modem kitch¬ INK DRAWING of your home for Christmas cards, done by Service j[*y] show up at Union. 7 tonight in 340 Includes salad, entree, | Tues., Nov. 15, 4-10 p.m. Includes soup or salad withl garlic toast. en and bath. From 4C6/ MFA graduate, 415. 351- 0254. 5-11-15(3) FREE LESSON in complexion beverage, juice & dessert. I with coupon month, 485-1438 or 351-6471. care. MERLE NORMAN Learn about five different 0-20-11-30W COSMETIC STUDIO 321- MOST LP'S priced 41.75- overseas programs offering more good ALL YOU CAN ... 42.50. Cassettes 43.00 quality 5543. C-20-11-30-13) social science courses in 2 WOMEN needed, winter Er spring. 2 blocks campus. No guaranteed plus 45's, song- 1978. Informational meeting GROUND BEEF STEAK reasons from FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ pets. Call 351-3529. books and BLACK AND CIRCULAR up¬ more. FLAT, vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE will be held at 7:30 tonight in 133 Akers Hall. EAT sil1:!®.3! *1.99 555 East Grand River. IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks stairs 541 E. Open 11 a.m. 351-0838. Grand River. C-20-11-30-13) Learn about two summer FISH 'N'CHIPS (^) International House of Pa C-13-11-3M7I programs in English literature *1.99 of term all Student Classified DO YOUR own divorce. We (London and London/France) with coupon Advertising must be paid for will show you how. Approxi¬ with coupon in advance beginning Nov¬ DESK. BED, 420 aach. Table at 7:30 tonight in 103 S. rag. $2.95 415, Dynaco A25,10" 2 way mately 475. Phone Mr. Clark, ember 14,1977. Bring or mail Kedzie Hall. to 347 Student Services. speakers. 450 each. Call 333- 339-2670. 8-11-2213) Thurs., Nov. 17, 4-10 p.m. OPIN 24 Hours Sp-23-12-918) 5688_E-5-11-16(3) SQUINTING CAUSES wrin¬ The MSU Chess Club Includes soup or salad, fries, | Fri., Nov. 18, 4-10 p.m. kles, help prevent with pre¬ meets at 7 tonight In 205 onion rings, and roll. | Served with roll, salad, soup or NORDICA | For Sill15 Bta, brand blue. CAR 339-2888. BOOTS, Lady new. Size 7)4, scription ground sunglasses. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 Horticulture bring your Bldg. Please own set and I clam chowder. 2800 E. GRAND RIVED 351- 5-11-16(3) E. Michigan, Lansing, ML APPLES, CIDER, BLOSSOM 372-7409. C-5-11-18(5) ORCHARDS, The Wadow- FOUR DRAWER cheat. An¬ ski's2 miles N. of Leslie, 3597 tique wood. Good condition. IT IS the policy of theSTATE [ TjHn SWYIM jail IT HITS IV IE Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours, NEWS that the last 4 weeks 337-7333.5-11-16(31 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays, of term all Student Classified TYPING 75i/page, call Con¬ 1-689-8251 Gift packages SEWING MACHINES. Guar¬ Advertising must be paid for nie, days 484-1491, nights, shipped by UPS. anteed reconditioned ma¬ in advance beginning Nov¬ 372-2620. 5-11-18(3) OR-20-11-30-I8) chines from 439.96. New ember 14,1977. Bring or mail machines from 469.50, to 347 Student Services. EXPERT TYPING by MSU VOX BASS guitar and amp. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Sp-23-12-918) grad. 17 years experience. Excellent condition. Must CO. 1115 N. Washington, Near Gables. Call 337-0206. sell. 4375. Chuck, 366-3629. 489-6448. C-20-11-3117) Z-3-11-14I3I MUSICAL JEWELRY chest | TrasHrtitioi & : OR-13-11-3013) REFRIGERATOR, 1)4 cubic EXPERIENCED IBM typing. plays "Lara's There," 415. PERSON TO share driving to foot. Excellent condition, Disaertations, (pica-elite) Air Force ROTC has Call Lisa at 337-1189. California. Leaving November scholarships, must sell. 485 or best. 351- FAY ANN, 489-0358. E-6-11-1613) 16 or 17. Call 332-0501 after 5 allowances and 1479.3-11-15(3) C-20-11-30-13) Jobs for selected p.m. 3-11-1514) science and 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ engineering majors. B.I.C. VENTURI Formula 6 ers. Tanks cannisters, and WANTED: 1 or 2 persons to Air Force ROTC has openings for speakers, 4185 each. Retail up-rights. Guaranteed on full share expenses to San Diego, listnction price 4295 each. 353-7410. year, 47.88 and up. DENNIS young men and women majoring in 3-11-15(31 leaving Nov. 25. 634-5601, DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. Delmar. Z-5-11-18131 specified science and engineering 316 North Cedar, opposite WRITING CONSULTANT 9 academic fields. Fields such MclNTOSH 2505 amp, Sony City Market. C-20-11-30-!6) years experience in profes¬ as Aeronautical, Aerospace, cassette deck, Tandberg sional $ I editing, 337-1591. 9100X reel to reel, 349-3354. TypinSerrid * OR-2-11-15I3I General and Electrical Engineering, Z-2-11-14L3) USED BICYCLES. Ali sizes. 420-470. Also parts. CHAR¬ Mathematics, Physics and Computer (Oj LIES BIKE SHOP. 393-2484. GUITAR. FLUTE, banjo and Technology. AFROTC enrollment 5-11-18(31 drum lessons. Private instruc¬ pays well now and could keep tion available. 351-7830. paying off in the future. SIGNATURE SEWING ma¬ TYPING, EXPERIENCED. MARSHALL MUSIC. chine, excellent condition, Fast and reasonable. 371- C-1-11-14(4) Air Force ROTC offers 4-year, like new. 4100,489-6062. 4635. C-20-11-30-13) 3-year and 2-year scholarships 3-11-14(3) with $100 monthly tax-free TYPING TERM papers and thesis, IBM experienced, fast 1 IMUK ||g) allowance. AFROTC also service. Call 351-8923. offers the $100 tax-free L*"» O-a-Ul3?;'!1 2 MALE roommates wanted- monthly allowance during TWELVE YEARS experience townhouse near Jolly-I 496. the last two years to non- FREE TO good home, pup¬ typing theses, manuscripts, $95, etectric, phone. 373- pies )4 beagle, 14 ? Phone 0238/393-4732. Z-2-11-15I4I scholarship students. term papers. Evenings, 675- 676-4812 after 6 p.m. 7544. C-20-11-30-13) Upon graduation you'll 5-11-17(31 PETITIONING OPEN for Col¬ receive a commission In QUALITY DOG/CAT board¬ COPYGRAPH SERVICE lege of Social Science seat the U.S. Air Force and ing 10 feet run, dogs' walked Complete dissertation and on ASMSU Student Board. 3 times daily. Licensed vet on resume service. Corner Apply at Room 334, Student compete for challenging duty. COUNTRY LANE M.A.C. and Grand River, 8:30 Services. Deadline is Wed¬ jobs. There'll be -5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- numerous KENNELS, Haslett. 665-2791. nesday, Nov. 23 at 5 p.m. op¬ 1666. C-20-11-30-15) 6-11-21(81 6-11-2114) portunities for advanced education LOOKING FOR WANTED: KEYBOARD, Sax, IT IS the policy of the STATE in your field, plus you'll NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified | Motile Howes B GREAT JOB?-get a head- : on that first Impres- and Trumpet players. Call 489-1088.Z-6-11-18(3) have financial security and by having your rr Advertising must be paid for start your way up the pro¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE typeset. The Typecuttee WE BUY newspapers, any in advance beginning Nov¬ motion ladder where your NEWS that the last 4 weeks make your credentials quantity Monday-Friday, 8 ember 14,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. of term all Student Classified stand out in any stack a.m.-5 p.m. at 916 FHley St., ability and ambition are advertising must be paid for nes. Looks much bet- the only limits. SD-_23-12-9IBI in advance beginning Nov¬ than Lansing. 323-7476. 8-11-23(4) typing, INSTANT REPAIR service on ember 14,1977. Bring or mail a call -we're It pays to be In demand, stereo, CB and TV. One day to 347 Student Services. very reasonable. 487-9295. SERIOUS GRAD student and if you're the type service on most repairs. WIL¬ Sp-23-12-918) needs quiet one bedroom COX TRADING POST 486- ANN BROWN PRINTING we're looking for, it apartment near campus now. 4391. C-14-11-3014) ONE AND two bedroom AND TYPING. Dissertations, Cad 882-1689. evenings. pays to get the details. everything furnished except resumes, general printing. Z-2-11-15(41 No obligations, SKI BOOTS, size 12. nner electric. 10 minutes from E. Serving MSU for 27 years used, 450. Poles 48", decent, with naturally. Lansing, no pets. 641-6601. complete theses service. 410. 351-5186. E-5-11-1413) 0-16-11-22-151 349-0860 C^ll-am _ I^ound Town LEAR JET cassette FM, 450. THREE STUDENTS needed EXPERT TYPING service by Ski jacket. Roots 10)4 N. for a 3 bedroom double wide MSU grad. 17 years experi¬ Tires G78-14. Evenings 332- mobile home located 10 miles ence. Near Gables. Call 337- 8050. E-5-11-1413) from MSU. A six month lease 0206. 0-20-11-3014) plus deposit. Partly furnished. 4130/each utilities included. UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS BEDROOM OUTFITS 121, liv¬ 675-7589 6-11 p.m. 8-11-14(81 COMPLETE DISSERTATION ing room, dining room out¬ AND RESUME SERVICE: FHOHItSU-lin,urSAi fits, 3 color TV's, miscellane¬ SOCIAL WOHKER with VISITi Ovum* if. northwest corner of Smart shoppers check the tYpesetting, IBM typing, off¬ campus ous end tables and chairs, set printing and Masters seeking part-time trash compactor, etc. 351- Classified section first. That's binding. For where they find the best buys estimate stop in at 2843 East social work position. Excel¬ 8062 before 6 p.m. 8-11-17161 Grand River or phone, 332- 8414. C-12-11-30(71 lent work history. 393-5828. 3-11-14(4) Mr FuraeMTfl-Gaemy u a Sreal Wayaf U Affile News. Eo»t Lonsing, Michigan Monday, November 14, 1977 15 HOWARD THE DUCK!® MfyUv 1M§MJgto BMBRSON, LAKI * PAIMIB TOMORROW NIGHT by Steve Gerber and Gene Colon (6)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Cable) (12)WJRT.TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) 3:30 monday (23) Spartan Sportllte (23) Dialog ,fternoon (4) All in the Family 7:30 8:30 12:00 (23) Villa Alogro (4) Gong Show 4:00 (12) Fish (10) Michigan State Foot¬ 9:00 (6) Now Mickey Mouse ball with Darryl |ioSoyTh,l*° KtoitofFomlH" Club Rogers (12) Hollywood Squares (4) Betty White (10) Movie ¥' 12:20 (10) Green Acres (23) MacNeil / lehrer Re¬ (12) Brady Bunch (12) NFL Football liilfnont* port (23) Artistry of Michael and (23) Sesame Street § 12:30 4:30 (11) Susan Brownmlller MSU at Beverldge Webster liwrcli for Tomorrow (6) Doris Day 9:30 ■iiChltooo'' the Man (10) Gllllgan's Island (4) Logan's Run 4:00 (4) Maude PEANUTS (23) Anyone for Tennyson? (12) Emergency One I (10) little House on the 10:00 by Schulz 5:00 lnCong Show (4) Gunsmoko Prairie (4) Raff erty ■Voting ond the Rontlani (12) Sugar Time I (23) Onedin Line Ka|| My Ch'fdren (10) Emergency One I ILL BET HE'S PLANNING I WONDER WHAT HE'S (23) Mister Rogers' Neigh¬ *Gettln' Over T 1:30 borhood MSU SHADOWS . SOME FANCY STRATEGY... PLANNING.. I WONDER 5:30 I KNOW HOW HIS MIND L the World Tumi . by Gordon Carleton WHAT HE'S THINKING... (12) Rookies sponsored by: W0RKS...HE'S TRICKY... ElOay' of our Lives ~ Lrti«fY0,Mlcha,land (23) Electric Company PZKBALL PETE'S feVsrx ^ 39 (11) News IF -rldge Webpter Present this really - 2:00 (4-10-12) News 4:00 worth of free play! funny comic for 25' / 'c' \ 1)1(20,000 Pyramid (23) Dick Cavett [ Cleveland is Burning (11) The Bible s View ^Dispose OF CAWS PRcp£fU.V„.^ T 2:30 4:30 JOvlding light (4) CBS News today s special ■Doctors (10) NBC News FRANK & ERNEST • CHILI RILLINOS ft One life to Live (12) ABC News 3.30 ■llomognoli's Toble (23) Over Easy by Bob Thaves S'ONSoistm, EL AZTECO RESTAURANT | 3:00 (11) Controlling Political Surveillance 203 m.a.c. 351-9111 ■Another World ■'Antiques 7:00 ■ 3:15 (4) My Three Sons ■General Hospital (10-12) Mary Tyler Moore IT COMES IN HANDV AUONG IrOUR AD COULD BE HERE a&out the Fifth BMP. CALL 353-6400 THE DROPOUTS Now Available .©1977 eoaavOC-MtliToiO - by Post sf FRESH SWEET CIDER No preservatives added Low gas prices Plus Service /1 CALL IT MY PIANO NOT HALF AS BAP AS BMta't LHttoPrMwsy CONCERTO FOR ONE ) IT 50UNPS, SANPY' RAVELS WITH FARLEY® tervk* Sttttioa ■Phil Frank sponsored by: We Appreciate Your Business t LEON BOM ON? fI CAN SEE THAT. YOU SEE, I'M . CUBAT Ftm (MRKABOLLCS ANONYMOUS 00 WO AWAIT? CAN'T LAMP I'VE BEEN HIR5P BY fOUR SEE I'M A f FAMILY TO TAKE YOU V TU5 BUOY MAM ?" WOVE FOR A UiBBKC. TKE ME AU1AY? .UIAITU- MY BOOS , «N BEARS m."l PROFESSOR PHUMBLE by Bill Yates sponsored by: fiOlA,0EPEAC CAMPUS JUAABLEWEEDS I'om Ryan K. sponsored by: ® PIZZA / 1 -eel et. svl.V t7 ,™or 337-1977 e , y ] Mon. • FREE QT. OF COKE w• W#