«M. S. c. I,l!irarr E^a'. Lar.siri,;, Mi ah. I MTOftl%M I'l-H-owatlUe* :in/t f 'fHttftilla v armers UlichiaaiT 6tate Hems r.AST I.A V-! \'«.. Mir If l«. A N. ! Ii\. AI'l'.U. 20. !!#:«• i 'dirge and f arrrrt Thr Vrl Situation Nro. 19 iTmTiTiTi « . fWnv'n Ij »>tatf AH'KS Shiiw l.«;nl* l(il< n, u Tr;uk Farm House Personalities and Careers 1 ' • T;i*I<-h V irtorv ;il lnili.il Mn Ton \< I' l. i.I III.. \||.\„i. r .A Sk a#r«- hiii'ititf \\ inter T«*t*i Report Fral to Hold "« *iii >tr\k*- Dr. I S-rii'" I . in Pnriloitl *M:»rt* f »yiiiiHM*itini i * ■ f * I kl'MHtlf i i H..I 7 IIIIMI mi.. Installation Kuril.-. I. il.i. l l.. < otl.ltlrl 20 I'ii'lil- \rr t.eremony Satnrila* It r |iri'«><* uteri r-'^;£ .it I.mi. ' i < ! ' - * -»tManager- 4 mno iUnl Inudniiilli SUIr Itril (leriar l;ails to Itreak Olil Fete to I fla\ Itri-oril in \rv* l looil Sea re Faster Parr -pciri Will Im* Ki'Viioti* of *»liirieiit- ' .HUM' a- High W .iIit I lirealen* fto«hn! I „i|».. I'I!t7 Water l.arimal. Ho-pita I Hoail: .mil Flood* Bmm-ImiII *lute» \ an \lta ll.iainoiiil-. ltol.niK .il l»anl#*fs-. iiar.i w.rk . t»ruiige Namr MklllX a • iliUrr -a New Officer* »•« 'ed on Ih* north nifr of thr jiM* Mlllll I llO-C'll Ma- ramftti-- I Miiii.'iI "*liiir« of-*»tlli|i*llt (.roup t.o on l*t».|;iv t.range to Initiate hi little I In at (loiiference Srlii'ilnli (.ani|Mi- (lop King- the t»oiio uii»s|-i#\* M'KIt I oi' Parker* at Ten OYIoek i-. I In v Mioulilii t Park, lint It I lie* \t i ii't ilartiiitia \m>oii«'. Itirii fM orient* V.me I Itjirmait for tfti Mate f. rig rneer- \ttenri I IHIH'tlllOII in ( flic ago nan , : first. nn 'nrid.- arid- •? r iiprrs Harry- Weprtn. O :epr«s**i! re»«r.te-i und*t ' VU.\*xi« Git- - « r\i Dear. H head <4 > ngir.e* rv %-iii accompany itxoup M fatuity adviier C-.r.Unued <-r. page S11T tlMALS - TWlfHUI * Mil HKIAN STATE NEW* Tueoilnv, April 20. if.. Pajre Two I POP PATCHE8COZY Clark, t win* H.-liirn day meeting of the Amer partment that a certain percent aire of Htu- dentu are hound to fail anyway, but lately COIIM.KS—PERTAIN t' , L_m uChemical u«-Wi at the Univ. Michigan 6tatc Ncu<$ In The rr.Mii I lirm violin* this does not account for full reduction. Rough om page 1 > Plot A j. Clark and Dr. D. o| T. I N c N(Jllh ,;arolimi TlM> i,mV(nti,m eh,p , ,,, Faced with the dilemma ftf sink or swim, ■nit "I chemtatry rtoport- ],|(ternooll ,, Dukr With Harvey the WKAM tower alt the time : i returned Sunday from t "—grilles from Chapel HiU a student ponders the two ways open to Whenever Barney Bernard, the him—the honest, the dishonest It is a sad night telephone operator, get n » prof yestei - trouble hut true commentary on human nature that call, he turns a white light ' •»t Cedar rea too many take the latter course. I'nder ■ foundations on the tower Frank sees it and Ih-molay Sea So«(»i of easiness when the system practically re mien . I!,-.' ••• i stat. Vnlike other divisions there ia a limit i lu»ve the l»est campus in the .v f V' , V • placed on studeni- :n each . I tin- five vent (Mot (JotlT bcaulv narti lh» ..Hi. ulaivi-li»t inn ;, , s i I claaacs that mak. ic the department. More ,m!|,i„rs Columbia. W.i.hina- *' i appropriation-. vt»uI-! not permit any Thn i. de ! Missouri, Syracuse und K»n- '* 1 Hi Kol»ert.i \|iptrK.it»- But " v '* i; material increase it; \ -!inlen!>; hut it V . \ MmnK.u. j would add much I1 ■< d.-ri lahs and equipment \ n. '. j that might elimm.it'- th.- »v*•?'.»r>>• and Sun ' %| \ j • ,. ^j day elass. i v necewjarv today. part men tx have tl a! T-inplaint. Other de Add That Air Department : Thl|H ,h|. XrI >la||i, • ween the t\v, ItVKW . v. : Ml »BI H . » I I Mil. WK1TC , •,vl1" '•< »"" I "-ntrr-mmrHh I ! Sopliislirated tu>\ V. I' v" O'HARA 1 merit. The solution is >trn as dittieiilt Me i u- tyt j Seriousness "i t ause this i- a -.tate -ainpofted institution 1 tod With a Neat. Practical 'lie axe might la ! . n i in- ■ -i.tir student- .hi I lip¬ id!.• Zip-lting Notebook Nat o;-al Ajvt-if.k.ng Service, Inc. Y nrrvrs mul ( ollnjr ( inmmni >rrnls smith Washing (mi \\ # colli>!£r enrhnmists # Solve This Dilemma Look Your Best —(iollcoiatc World — For Ike Parlies I lit I « / Si/mm/ohi BOOWHCU Bather Shop FIRST I'RIZK - S 1.00 .'I.-, M. A. t Ave. I'hww •:tioi SECOND I'RfZE — Frosli Frolic Ticket for details see the greater Ml APRIL SPARTAN . .^Mat, -ON SAI.E — ItaturinK JOHNNY DAVIS THURSDAY - AND HIS ai ORCHESTRA Book Store • C ollege Drug • Smoke Daiuinjr NmliUy Except Monda\ Shop • Byrnes • t i. Notice rih., contest is closed :«» ai! memU-r- of tin . ADMISSION — 40 e staff and their families NATE FRY AND HIS ORCHESTRA Tower' Guard Semi-Formal $?'°AY' u ™!b " . ▼ * couple 0:00 to 12:00 Ilie'day. April 20. I9:i7 MICHIGAN STAIR NKWS Pafe Thm ToW«!T '» ..randd.mhl.i' To Give Award Phi Party Friday «*>»«•Kalaiiia/oo itt m-,.* Meet.iii«i, por Successors Thi'sc parlies of I he* lira! Wl'i I • :i n a p'.-t mortem fur the To Farm Girl nfbeers htipi*t Tan VfltcU'd ill the winter finerv. They're waiting !-»r thejtun lo shine . . Don't ^ hilt' l>ai«it'a, Grt't'ii Fern. l.iiHuin fhur.liill Ili-pin. foriret. aeniora, it's letral fur I,, craah the parliea thin Ha-I...l«r«lai|» Kill l.r Gi». .i I tirm >!«*«• Srlliiifi; TniililHiit ul llmu|iit'l lit Fttrmer I II (lull Fry K ill Play. lliiirxliiv Mplii. Member ill June The-FarmHmiscrs turned i j and invited their yirls t«» danc< Thi» Sliiitcnl i luh t • t hnperon the atTair. In spite ul' the Dell's debut, f• *i ihis year, the I'nion was as (fopulnr Friday niyht as it was a week uy«». The Beta Alpha Siymn party was there - !ii their own conception of their (iret iv symbols leaning ay.on t the stayo and conftisiny | Yarn Halo— the people, M.i' I,ink Holth Kven after the nu ' iher's lonjf-or-short dispute about the dresses (with the 'sh- t •' winning). there was one I.my besides those worn bv the . hapcroiis. ( Feminine.) And Hinder llrown \nklcts for only two pairs .»f male white i,.m- The kids reipiested, Misses and ( Itildren yot, and aptdauded Frank ic I'lindlt'- theme Sony, "In a — I h.-v Wear— -nu¬ St htiriiental Monti," hi its entii- ' v Can vou hlftme them ' OXFOM) SHOP ll i; k L 'Bwg- I'rof. Bieliards JJ \ Idiot Ibrid Mr Coy ToPlavSumlav llarpsieliord i- Feature for 1 4 ollcuiiiut Miimciiiii Mihtif 11«*;■«I•> 4,i\f Detroit l'ro»rniii Mi nuil Ml \. I., \\ .l-i... Present Fiieultv in CI. A S S! F11;!) Game Man to Speak tiius in vI*I \K VISITING CARDS /r J"3/;/ ( \i SANOWK II snor ii - i i-f' t»t K SI'KI lAl.Tk MAI.TKO Mil KS HAMHI HGS Mll-ie Ml,.lent- I II-1 .11 I ,lke lul. ,I.. M. . I £*jt Ltn wy Airt fj | j • M. S. C. SHOE REPAIR Yc«. Sir! ! luVre Mi Fin -II M. A ( \vr. Special for Wednesday, Thursday, Only Tii' Liilit'tt Rulilicr or,Leather i A sptin YOU CAN'T CHEW OFF . Top l ift* ..... I j( nth, " iK nuel an¬ can you lie ir• l>rlla Siffoin Phi >l>ort ( uats llyJyjj^EIISESJSI JEAN'S KEWPEE •''.Mi to <22.50 Don't Miss Hamburg _ ' a I her Jackets Slack- and t tialt. iUtUK-k trm All-Steak CJ.'t.'i Iti Si.'Mi >-.5U to S15.IJ0 ART KASSFL — II ♦ «< Mars \la Hot Dog Sweaters \rrow Shirt* And his "Kasst-ls in the Air" • ' '.'t.Vtn >7. ill • and >2.50 FRIDAY NIGHT Ih lim Uphu Cafeteria JO Hei.pu at the iw ?MrD*tojr m Mary, io Dar \ Fountain Service ,n Apr C • • ThutHtf even. Tin • A fitM'Unc tMHh-rr* 4 ho Lansing Armory • ady flower*. rwMKJ June Large Special ante oi th. » -c weddibg atui-Tij>»e who nrtu.r Malted Milk 10c AURDS I1Tickets at Sandy's-Harbornc - . >d tot lAMl'rtt CAST | ^ieogjng of Jenrne Day W«. r.day evening ...-id 'or thr Advance sa.e $1.00 ..^ afterwards were Mr- rv J w A.;. Coca Cola - 5c Loutoe Car» »ud >1. . J Campbell MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Tucailny, April 20, 10,17 (Stale Nine Points To Double-header With Badgers gsnB llallt Mai I.AMT , 1 ». IWi Nitfbta. Sun TIMUS TOIIAV ■ .fame* Oliver CiiimimmIa im Cullers Open mortal » nn of a iirl mi hn !Cancel Came Kiiwani* (iocs up mill dn'i' I ruck Squad With Wolves Willi Toledo liiil IWmi'I IMm c nl Kir.si ■ 1 J )pp||^ ScilSOII \l Ann Arbor 'coirs COUNTRY Second Time Willi Victory Dnititl. Flower#. I a> lor ni|«l mill the WOM \ \ Nrboii Form Spartan >». I l';ii !Oor#r 11.11 .»>l \ ll> lir. Irani in Opener. Im i. I.. I'il.li Am of I rnrk. limit,,' \irn- A DRAMA WITH MUSIC p*. SONGS THAT MOOD Krai < Ipi'iiiTs Vr< »«*»** Ciil <>11 I.N KIOIMI - i iii.-.i ... it .n iiii, »n,l- lire Iniiniltilril KM« "OI K (.%%(. l OMIIil hfaten to ('hcsterfirld's I tail) liroudcasts til I(i|^ l.iairur liast'liull Scores .. (iK. S. T. eoi.I Mm A STATIONS \ ai>il\ Net Squad l aces Three Meek C on" the bleachers row ..."Swat 'eta out!" As the big leaguers swing into action watch those Chesterfield packages pop out of the pockets. There's big league pleasurefor you. ererything you u aut in a cigarette. A homer if there ever was one...all the way 'round the circuit for mild¬ ness and better taste. ..with an aroma and flavor that connects every time.