VOLUME 71 NUMBER 159 tale lew WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 3 STUDENTS MSU PARTICIPATE iany 8y STATE NEWS hurt in shah protest they exchanged words of greetlog and The first lady and Empress Farah, friendship before heading inside the White out between the two groups at a _ ind Associated Pre.. meanwhile, went to tea as mounted companion House for private talks. Carter police demonstration at Lafayette Park, north and IffllNGTON (API - The Shah of Iran apologized were clearing the grounds nearest the across the street from the White House EmLi at the white House by " 21'Kun for "the temporary air pollution in ton" Washing¬ executive mansion of the rival factions Pennsylvania Avenue. Two students who on Ed the Sting Of tear gas Tuesday as as the shah presented him with a whose shows of strength, originally sepa¬ had charged shah T-era of demonstrators clashed near tapestry portrait of George Washington. rated, were drawn inextricably closer and supporters there were handcuffed and led away, chanting "Down Ldential gates in the capital's A White House statement issued later said Carter told the shah he attaches then to the flash point. with the fascist, down with the shah." t irld bloodiest street protest since The Iranian Student Association at MSU The effects of the tear gas became Uol the Vietnam War. importance to a "strong, stable and pro¬ sent two busloads of demonstrators to the evident midway through Carter's short dent and Mrs. Carter, the shah and gressive Iran" under the shah's leadership Washington protest. ISA and its supporters and pledged continued U.S. arms sales to speech on a podium on the south lawn. j, farah forged eoolly through have been protesting a series of educational With the shah standing beside him, the ll'teltoming ceremonies on the south that country. films about Iran which the University had president said: "This is a time for a Tlf (be White House despite the The statement made no specific reference contracted with National Iranian Radio and searching analysis of the beneficial influ¬ Ju disturbance within earshot and a to the many items of sophisticated weapon¬ Television. NIRT, with offices in the nearby ence that can be exerted Eear gas that permeated the offices ry which the shah wants to purchase from Watergate Building, was absent from the upon the other people of the world in energy and trade and ■mansion and surrounding buildings, the United States. demonstration. with... a partnership and a mutual defense ■lust 27 Park Police officers andl20 Since 1949, it has been a custom of the No MSU students were known to be which binds our countries Xitritors from among about 8,000 of shah to visit with each new U.S. president arrested or on the injured list. which provides us with an together and Jjlporters and critics of the shah — to affirm relations between the two Even after the Ellipse was cleared, preserve opportunity to the peace in the Middle East." ■ believed to be from Iran or other countries and to promise continued support thousands of hooded, anti-shah Iranian Carter finished his statement without Lgations - were injured in a melee of U.S. interests in the Middle East. students regrouped in a park just north of stumbling, but immediately wiped his This visit is the shah's twelfth. eyes ■erupted on the Ellipse just south of the White House — and within a block of with his thumb. He grimaced the gas fhke House, as the Iranian leader He is also expected to be doing some armaments the shah's guest quarters — to jeer him stung his face. as ■la helicopter. shopping while in the U.S. A upon his afternoon departure for a State en persons were arrested, two for $1.2 billion sale of Boeing radar planes, The shah took a handkerchief from the Department meeting. ona police officer and the others for known as AWACS, was recently completed The confrontation on the Ellipse lasted breast pocket of his suit coat, wiped his Lrly conduct. with Iran over protests by Congress. The about 30 minutes, and there were later face, and began his remarks. b of the injuries did not appear shah is now seeking U.S. approval to incidents of fist-fighting away from the He referred to Carter's mention of the [ though 92 civilians and 15 police purchase 140 F-18 fighter planes. 30,000 Iranian students in the United States [required hospitalization. A hospital The U.S. has a force of 35,000 military Despite police lines aimed at keeping the and 40,000 Americans in Iran and said: Lperson declared, "We've got a lot of advisers instructing Iranians in the use of student demonstrators away from the "This is a very good guarantee that we shall [fates." One older man, however, was newly purchased equipment. pro-shah forces, mainly Armenians and stay, hopefully, always together because ■tosurgery with a fractured skull and Carter reaffirmed to the shah that he Assyrians, the two groups converged on basically we believe in the same principles, Inscribed as in critical condition, fully supports the "special relationship" one another after their numbers had in the same ideals." la dabbed his eyea with his thumb, which the two countries have developed swelled into the thousands just before the Of the 30,000 Iranian students in Amer¬ L ihah used a silk handkerchief as over the past 30 years, the statement said. shah's arrival. ica, it appeared that about 3,000 to 4,000 It appeared as though the difference had come to Washington to protest their AP Wirephoto leader's government and Carter's embrace A Washington, D.C., police officer wrestles with a demonstrator outside between the rival factions was one of economic class. The pro-shah demonstra¬ of him. The shah has claimed that the the White House fence Tuesday during a protest against the visit of the (continued on page 12) Shah of Iran. Ioratorium tors congregated at their positions dressed on in long gowns,furs, jewelry and three-piece suits. The anti-shah protesters, on the other hand, sported more casual and well-worn Trustees want attire. Edging closer together, the competing shouts of "Down with the Shah," from more say ite ticket fees anti-shah protesters and "Down with Communism" from the supporters turned to shoves and then rock-throwing. |ixsing parking violators will be nl paying late charges on parking moratorium, resulting in some $8,000 to $12,000 in revenues to the city. At that point, 26 mounted U.S. Park Police officers charged into the battle and, with the help of "monitors" from within the demonstrators in selection of president ■ft week due to a late themselves, pushed the charge As many as 50,000 tickets are written crowd back toward the Washington monu¬ each year on the MSU campus. The ment. By PATRICIA LaCROIX indications of board views on the com¬ cut by one representative, the number of i begins today and will University handles all parking tickets on and JIM SMITH position of the committee. faculty representatives would also be cut by it Nov. 22. Persons bringing in campus until the tickets go to warrant. Some demonstrators threw rocks, cinder State News Staff Writers |sbetween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to the The moratorium is being held at the blocks and pieces of wood at the police and Carrigan and Bruff were chosen at their DETROIT - The MSU Board of Trustees October board meeting to represent the Denise Gordon, Ikmt Court on those days will only undergraduate re¬ recommendation of District Court Judge one another. wants to play a major role in the University lipy the original price of the ticket, At the University Board of Trustees at meetings of presentative to the ad hoc committee, Daniel Tschirhart. same time, a lesser battle broke presidential search-and-selection process. the ad hoc committee. ' >v have gone to warrant, suggested a 24-member committee made up In 1969, no trustees sat on the search and Bruffs committee proposal included of various factions of the University urt is located on the 2nd floor of selection committee. Trustee John Bruff, three students, one administrator, seven community. ng, 301 M.A.C. Ave. D-Fraser, has suggested a composition plan Gordon's faculty members, four trustees, one ad¬ proposal would call for four City council re-elects u are issued for tickets which which includes four trustee members half a been — ministrator-professional and one alumnus. representatives from each of the following paid for 15 business days of the present board — on the committee. Bruff s alternate proposals to cut the size groups: board of trustees, faculty, students, e issued. A $1 late fee is In a meeting Tuesday afternoon in of the committee called for identical administration, clerical-technicals and ad¬ liter five days and an additional $5 Detroit with the ad hoc Academic Council reductions in the number of trustee and ministrative-professional. palter 10 more days without paying committee, trustees Bruff and Patricia faculty representatives. For example, if the The ad hoc committee and the trustees s, this will allow ■advantage of the moratorium to save people Griffiths El.mayor Carrigan, D-Farmington Hills, gave first number of trustee committee members is also discussed the closure of certain steps of the process, particularly interviews of the candidates. It George Griffiths was re-elected mayor Owen said he relished the idea of being a Carrigan said she was concerned about knitter, 54-B District Court admin¬ List of welfare cheats and Larry Owen was elected mayor pro-tern member of the council with some tenure for candidates and their "willingness to be s', aid the court is doing this to clear the first time. Owen began his term in 1975 named (in consideration) for a public post." ffcs, generate some revenue for the Monday night at a special meeting held to swear in new members of the East Lansing and this will be his first year as a senior "There is a problem with being named 1® late late ticket-holders from being and then losing," she said. City Council. council member. l«niin thing we're doing it for is to Alan Fox and Carolyn Stell were sworn in City Manager Jerry Coffman extended Carrigan said there may be "some ■"t our files." he said. ^possibility of being arrested, he also by City Clerk Beverly Colizzi while photo¬ graphers clicked their cameras to record the event. the welcome greetings of the staff to the new council members and said he had a lot of reading material for them. called safe by official validity" to the argument that persons who cannot take the pressure of public consideration may not be desirable can¬ ■•umuch stronger now that the city didates. Following the swearing in and the Griffiths tried to put to rest comments in WASHINGTON (AP) with the computer security standards a warrant officer in the East - The head of the ance ■ Police Department. election of mayor and mayor pro-tern, the city that the council would be repre¬ "Then we'll get every crackpot who government's computerized search for wel¬ that we established for ourselves." ■W300 to 400 tickets council members remarked on the up¬ senting one opinion on issues. fare cheats insisted Tuesday that his wants media coverage (if the process is go to warrant Califano's acknowledgment was con¬ coming year. He said the council would not be a open)," Carrigan said. ■ » University each week. Under sensitive files on millions of Americans are tained in a letter signed for him by his In the absence of minority nominees, the P" circumstances, about 150 to 200 of "rubber stamp council" representing "a safe despite a report that the computer Councilmember John Czarnecki wel¬ undersecretary on Nov. 7, two days before board of trustees said they may establish ■"paid each week. single train of thought or action." system fails to meet even minimum security he assured reporters at a news conference comed the new council members by Fox said he thought the council would additional seats on the selection committee. is standards. that privacy rights were being carefully hoping as many as 2,000 to informing them of a meeting to be held at ■ wets can be processed perhaps have some of the same general guarded in Project Match, the department's (continued on page 12) during the 9 a.m. this Saturday. directions in mind, but would not always Thomas D. Morris, inspector general of nationwide hunt for government employees have the 5-0 votes some residents are the Department of Health, Education and on welfare. Welfare, made the assertion after HEW predicting. Morris' office has obtained the personnel Stell echoed ru* oien ecuueu said, "We and a».v., Fox onu — Secretary Joseph • ; A. Califano Jr.'s office . , , files of mes ol about z.B aDoul 2.8 munon million government five individuals. I think they'll be surprised acknow edged that an mvesttgat.on showed and is comparing them with at the divergence of opinion. "nn unit of tne department was in compli- r J .. state welfare rolls. r ° Privacy experts have expressed concern 'Red Squad' in recent weeks that the sensitive files inside Rooming house explosion could fall into the wrong hands. Ain't J» » you Kool? Ain't you had a Lucky Strike? How lout a trip two-hump Camel? See page 3 lor wisps ol wisdom about Those concerns were amplified over the weekend with disclosure of a special law erased National Smoke-out Day. internal task force report that found "systems security in HEW was far from LANSING (UPI) The state Senate seriously - Today Will be weather partly cloudy with a high near 80 - in Port St. injures student meeting minimum acceptable standards." Rep. Richardson Preyer. D-N.C., who heads the House subcommittee on govern¬ has approved legislation purging Mich¬ igan lawbooks of the 1950 statute that created the now-defbnet Michigan State , forida. In East Lansing, however, rain is likely with a low An East Lansing resident is in serious condition at Sparrow Hospital after receiving ment information and individual rights, Police "Red Squad." mid'1so "ear 32 degreM'The hi*h tod,y 4t MSU ,hould rellch the burns when a furnace he was lighting exploded in a rooming house at 532 Ann St. called the findings "disquieting" and or¬ dered an immediate review of security The legialation, however, does not Zach Schindler, a 23-year-old MSU student, attempted to light the furnace pilot about address the problem of dealing with 11:30 Sunday night, said one house resident. systems in other major agencies. files the political surveillance unit kept Califano announced last week that on thousands of Michigan residents. The ensuing explosion "literally lifted the house a foot off the ground, the resident Project Match had so far made 26,334 "raw State police dismantled the unit "Residents originally took Schindler to Olin Health Center at MSU Sunday night: but computer matches of present and recently employed federal 'workers": whose names several yeari ago, and it subsequently was declared unconstitutional by two lL soon after, he was admitted to Sparrow Hospital's Burn Unit, where he was listed in appear to be carried on state welfare rolls. Michigan trial courts. But it remained in critical condition. A hospital spokesperson said Tuesday that Schindler was taken off the The so-called raw matches, however, may the statutes. not be indicative of the number of federal "one tenant, who wishes to remain anonymous, said residents of the house sent a letter workers allegedly defrauding the welfare "This bill merely confirms what has to their landlord last week listing various alleged housing code violations present in the already happened," said Sen. Hal W. system. A pilot study run in Washington Ziegler, R-Jackson. house. A complaint that the furnace was faulty was included. found about 35 percent of the raw matches The measure, sponsored by Sin. Basil Since the incident, the house's ten tenants have contacted the Tenants Resource resulted from computer error, and another W. Brown. D-Highland Park, was sent Center, Consumer's Power Co. and several other agencies in an attempt to discover what 20 percent were legitimately receiving to the House on a 25-1 vote. It would actually did happen and what their rights as tenants are. benefits, although some were overpaid. TRC is presently trying to contact an attorney for the tenants. repeal the statute under which pert Califano said at least 27 percent of the mitted surveillance of so-called subver¬ "We are concerned that this type of thing may be occurring in houses throughout the raw matches in the District were wrongly sives by the state police. area," said Scott LaBo, a house resident. "We think it is very important for abuses of this kind to be discovered and prevented before they cause harm. receiving welfare checks. 2 Michigon Stote News. Eost lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, November )6, 19771 Begin invites Sadat to Israel said it was "welcoming, forth¬ outside of Cairo, where he had JERUSALEM (AP)-Israeli "sacred duty." Prime Minister Menahem Begin told the Knesset, the coming and open." received a U.S. congressional The invitation contained Begin on Tuesday formally Israeli parliament, that he had was delegation: invited Anwar Sadat to Israel sent the written invitation to in a large white envelope "I consider this trip as a With the in response to the Egyptian Sadat through the U.S. carrying the return address sacred duty and that, this Jewish stateuzl president's offer to make such a Embassy in Jerusalem. A dip¬ "The Prime Minister, vicious circle we are turning two countries have negotiated SP trip to try to end the "vicious lomatic source said the message Jerusalem," without mention of around in ... has to be broken. disengam 1 circle" that has kept the Middle East at war for three decades. had reached Cairo within three hours of Begin's speech. Israel. Begin told U.S. Ambas¬ sador Samuel Lewis he would "If I can break it and do not break it, I shall be questioned &£& Biko planned revolution, officer testifies In Cairo. Sadat called the The source said the invitation need a reply by Friday so he could, if necessry, rearrange a about it ... . Questioned by whom? By God, and that is proposed visit, which would mentioned no specific date but why break the Arab taboo against was phrased along the idea of scheduled visit to Britain next it is sacred." PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) — Black leader Steven Biko him with the tion and there charges during interroga¬ was a violent struggle to any leader visiting Israel, a "come as soon as you can." He week. The Arab world's reaction to In Washington, Ambassador Egyptian ro™ come. TS!Ud 1,8 In announcing*0UM >»l th,x consciousness Ashraf Ghorbal planned to creote o United Revolutionary subdue him. the proposed Sadat visit was ruleji out any separate peace invitation Begin ,dd«| 3 Front aimed at the violent overthrow of generally subdued except for with Israel resulting from >* received in 3 South Africa's white government, a security police officer testified Tuesday Biko, 30, a founder of the Black Consciousness Movement in South Afri¬ Gum sweetener criticism from hard-line Iraq and Palestinian extremists. The Sadat's visit. "That is not in the cards," he said, pointing out W1?h ^ the honor! majesty" due head I consider a olV ca, died in security police custody on Baghdad daily Ath Thawra said that Sadat still insists on Israel Knesset my visit to at on inquest into Biko's prison death. Sept. 12 in Pretoria, where he Sadat's proposal "has weak¬ as part of the nr. The Biko family attorney, Sidney was returning all land taken from tion for Geneva," Sadat w. transferred from Port Elizabeth. ened the Arabs and placed Syria and Jordan, as well as Kentridge, labeled the accusations a ■smear campaign and sought to block introduction of evidence allegedly sup¬ The official autopsy, presented Mon¬ day on the first day of the inquest, said he died of head injuries. Biko was the 21st produces cancer them in a position of degrada¬ tion "and humiliation before the international community." Sadat told reporters on Tues¬ from Egypt, in the War of 1967 and on a Pales¬ Six-Day tinian state being set up on the visiting U.S. congrttJ Israel and the Arabs been deadlocked sues to be have! over t discussed 1[ J porting the charges. STONY BROOK. N.Y. (AP) - The natural sweetener xylitol, West Bank of the Jordan River Geneva peace Moj. Harold Snyman of the Port black to die in police custody in 18 used in Wrigley's widely advertised Orbit chewing gum, has day at his Barrages retreat and in Gaza. over who should confereneel months. His death caused interna¬ attend. | Elizabeth security police said that Biko an produced bladder cancer in laboratory mice, the National Institute went berserk when police confronted tional uproar. of Dental Research reported Tuesday. An executive of the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. said in Chicago that Princess Anne bears son the experimental findings were preliminary and showed no descernible public health problem from xylitol, a substance many times sweeter that sugar. West Germans boost securil The spokesperson said Wrigley had introduced Orbit early this LONDON (AP) — A 7-pound, 9-ounce boy was born Tuesday to Princess Anne, entered through two lines of policemen. The crowd had stood in an icy wind for year as "our answer to other sugar free contains saccharin. That substance has produce tumors in some gum," most of which also animals and may be banned. been shown to to frustrate terrorist attack] hours waiting to see the monarch. As a result of the laboratory findings, officials at the State COLOGNE, West Germany (AP) — Armored giving Queen Elizabeth II her first University of New York at Stony Brook suspended a three-day-old cars patrolled runways and police searched every no incidents deadline. reported on the first dav ' oil ■ grandchild and crowning the queen's Hospital staff members leaned from research project in which sixth-graders in a Long Island junior Silver Jubilee year. But the royal baby, suitcase at West German airport terminals "After El Al, we must be the the windows to watch the queen arrive most se born a commoner, will be known just as high school were to chew gum containing xylitol. This three-year Tuesday in the face of a terrorist threat to blow conscious airline in the world after a day of unprecedented excitement test was to see whether using xylitol reduced tooth decay. today," up three Lufthansa jetliners in flight. Lufthansa booking clerk at Master Phillips. in the massive Victorion building near "I think the answer is clearly'no" as to whether there is any Cologne ■ The radiant grandmother drove to St. Helicopters and mounted police checked air¬ Many of the precautions had been pion Paddington railroad station. hazard for the 150 children who have already chewed the gum, said ports from Hamburg to Munich looking for the Israeli airline. Mary's Hospital in west London Tuesday Dr. James P. Carlos, associate director of the dental institute, possible missile-launching sites. Some pas¬ At Munich's Riem night for a glimpse of her grandson. The queen spent half an hour at Anne's bedside, seeing the baby and chatting which funded the dental research. sengers canceled flight reservations out of fear of airport, Lufthansa bookings were reported down by 10 perl I Nearly 200 persons gathered at the Dr. Carlos, who flew to the New York area for a news flying the national airline. with Anne's husband army Capt. Mark Many domestic flights flew half-empty1 hospital and cheered the queen, who conference on the suspension, said his institute and the Food and The threats were contained in letters signed airline officials noted waved back from the steps as she Phillips. Drug Administration were notified of the xylitol-animal experi¬ by the Red Army Faction promising to avenge German Wednesday will f ments by telephone last Wednesday by Hoffman-LaRoche, a the deaths of three jailed German anarchists in a holiday and slow travel day. Nutley, N.J., pharmaceutical company. That firm, a commercial Stuttgart prison Oct. 18. Every Lufthansa An airline spokesperson said: "A lotofpe supplier of xylitol, had contracted with Huntington Research passenger must know that "death will be on are still flying. They aren't Cuban diplomats leave Somalia Center near London, England, to test the sweetener on animals. board" after Nov. 15, the letters said. There were frightened off." letting themsel MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — All seven days to withdraw all its military f Cuban diplomats, military advisers and and civilian advisers from the country, CAFETERIA SERVICE their dependents left Somalia Tuesday, shut down its military bases in Somalia H four hours before the deadline for a and ordered a cutback in the Soviet food at its best... government expulsion order. embassy staff. The Cubans — 32 men, 10 women and and fantastic two children flew from Mogadishu's oceanside — Somalian President Mohammed Siad selection! airport to Aden, capital of the Barre accused Cuba of sending between LUNCH 11:13 o.m. to 1:15 p.m. South Yemen. 7,000 and 15,000 soldiers to fight beside ClOKD SATUtOAYS The Somali government severed diplo¬ DiNNH 5.00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Ethiopian forces battling Somali-backed SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 2 p.m. matic relations with Cuba Sunday and secessionist guerrillas in Ethiopia's Oga- orm footsau iatukoays all Cuban personnel 48 hours den region. IMS A.M. to 1:15 P.M. gave to The Soviet Union has been leave the country. providing arms to Ethiopia in its battle Somalia also gave the Soviet Union against the secessionists. The Union CATERING MOM Cafeteria 3554465 ^ 10WR IfVR Of MSU UNK1N - CORNER AMOTT i 6. DVB J - ggw The Navy is actively recruiting B.S.N. & 3 year Diploma program graduates. For information con¬ tact your Nurse Programs Officer at (313) 226-7795 or 226-7845. Hearst petitions for rehearing Nursing ♦ Adventure = NAVY SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Newspaper appeals court because the opinion issued heiress Patricia Hearst asked the 9th U.S. by a three-judge panel conflicted with Circuit Court of Appeals Tuesday to decisions by the court in other cases and rehear its decision upholding her bank involved an issue of exceptional impor¬ robbery conviction. tance. A rehearing, said the petition filed by On Nov. 2, the court issued a her ottorneys, is warranted since the 40-page ruling upholding Miss Hearst's March 20, opinion overlooks and misapprehends 1976, conviction. A jury found that she several points of law and fact raised on voluntarily joined her Symbionese Lib¬ appeal. eration Army kidnappers in the The petition said the rehearing should robbery of a Hibernia Bank branch in San take place before the entire 15-member Francisco. Schlesinger meets with oil officials HOUSTON (AP) — Secretary of Energy has no direct relevance to the present James Schlesinger, accusing oilmen of problems that the nation faces." "colossal exaggeration" and "paranoia," Just Schlesinger's presence at the ventured into Texas oil country Tuesday convention was viewed by some industry and criticized 2,800 industry officials for officials conciliatory gesture, but he Italian as a spreading "myths" about the president's made no firm offer of compromise. energy plan. At a news conference after his speech, Schlesinger, speaking to the final he said that many people in the industry general session of the American Petrole¬ um Institute's annual convention, dis¬ missed industry objections to the had told him some reassurance the government's good intentions was need¬ Night energy ed. But he added: "This is not the moment plan as "a mythology that has spread for a sudden adaptation of the National Buono Appetito! widely in this industry and which really Energy Plan." Thursday, Friday and Saturday November 17. 18 ant I If) Senator calls for job-creating law <>:. ext. UH<> by the Humphrey-Hawkins bill. Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R-N.Y., told Javits said the current manpower officials here that Americans Humphrey-Haw¬ kins bill "is a useful tool, but it is not the should be "under no illusion that answer." The 1977 version stresses Humphrey-Hawkins will give us full employment goals rather than remedies, employment." The bill was drafted by Sen. Hubert H. while the original measure to create jobs, he said. was designed Jacob$ari0 m ii'iiizr '"nte News'Eo,t l,or"in9' Mich|9°n Wednesday, November 16, 1977 3 Ji-heauoghhh!!! Nationwide 'Great American Smokeout' asks smokers to By BETH TUSCHAK stop Thursday Nicotine breath, experience." flip-top boxes, and the old filter speak briefly and lead the crowd in tossing their packs and cartons evident on campus tip may not be Martens said pledge cards are being distributed that people can of cigarettes into the fire. Thursday. sign stating they will not smoke for one Millions of Americans are day. Teen-age volunteers On the national level, one person announcing he will quit for the as being asked not to smoke on that day have been given sheets of pledge cards to hand out throughout the part of the American Cancer Society's First National "Great day is entertainer Sammy Davis, Jr. Davis, national honorary American Smokeout." For some smokers, it will be a community. Prizes will be awarded for the highest signed up. Ten chairman for the smokeout, reportedly smokes day to prove to twenty up to two packs a they can quit temporarily if they want to. For others, it pledges can net the student either a button or T-shirt day and keeps a bowl of cigarettes in his dressing room. might be with the slogan "Kiss Me, I Don't Smoke." the day they finally In Michigan, many disc jockeys have been say "I quit - for good!" Smokers can also unite at the Delta Mills Park in Grand giving daily tips to Ruth Martens, public relations Ledge listeners on how to quit smoking. In Detroit, some radio director for the Michigan at 6 tonight for a massive Division of the American Cancer "burnout," sponsored by the cancer personalities have been on a gradual 31-day stop smoking event is to show Society, said the objective of the society's Eaton and Ingham County units, and organized by people they can quit smoking for at least one day. students from the Grand campaign on the air. Their target quitting date is Thursday. When For some people, not Ledge Academy. The Burnout will be a the going gets rough, they urge listeners to call smoking will bring personal rewards" she bonfire made from donated up and talk them explained. For others, it could turn into a cigarettes. Representatives from city out of having a cigarette. friendly community government, the sheriffs department and the fire ■ The S«r- department will .vauning--•neral. »h* Attempting to quit smoking has become a national pasttime for If)""' Canter So- tZ' believe ! many Americans.Thursday's smokeout was suggested last month ■ Michigan STUDENTS SURPRISINGLY APPROVE by U.S. Surgeon General Julius Richmond, who said there should be a national don't-smoke day to draw attention to the health 1 ?♦ doctor* »0* hazards of cigarettes. l°nO.«"k,IIV#U' Smoking will be the cause of 80 percent of lung cancer that will Reaction to Smokeout' positive strike 98,000 people this year according to statistics compiled by the cancer society. An estimated 89,000 will die from — lung cancer approximately 244 a day. The cancer society also points out that about 88 million workdays are missed yearly by cigarette smokers who have cigarette-related illnesses. By BETH TUSCHAK approval of many smokers. A suggestion that smokers give up their cigarettes for a day was David Kolin, a telecommunications senior, who smokes one pack People who would like to pledge not to smoke for the day, or met with surprising approval from both non-smokers and smokers a day, said he thinks the smokeout is a who would like to pick up pamphlets on how to positive step. quit for good, may at MSU. "Yeah, I quit once a year," Kolin said. "But I start again because do so at the Ingham County division of the cancer society located in While some nonsmokers said they I enjoy it." the Frandor Shopping Center. thought Thursday's Isket rentals a dying venture "Smokeout" was a good idea, many smokers went as far as it "great." calling Freshman Kathy Pulford said she feels the smokeout is a idea, but smoking is something she won't give up even for one day. good to Some people may want to make it their New Years resolution quit smoking. Individual help and group support can be gained In 1976, the MSU Board of Trustees Pulford said she smokes in class, but if it bothers someone close to through a five-day program Jan.9 through the 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. passed a resolution stating ES MOINES, Iowa (API - For $25-a-day you get a "1960 cigarettes should not be smoked in classrooms. Since it is not an her she will put it out. at the Grand Ledge Academy. The stop-smoking clinic will be ikt policeman doesn't want vintage, reddish pine coffin ordinance, the resolution is not enforceable by the University. "I'd quit dating someone who didn't like smoke before I'd quit sponsored by Adventist Youth for Better Living. i die laughing, but he is with brass railings," says Craig However, teachers have discretionary authority to prohibit smoking," Pulford added. ,g a rent a-casket busi- Hamilton, 29. smoking in their classes. One senior who wished to remain anonymous said it would not ir sorority and fraternity Hamilton has rented the pine Associate professor of advertising Charles R. Mauldin said he ■s and private parties. box out twy-e thinks the smokeout day is a good idea, although he is not bothered bother him to refrain from smoking on Thursday. He said he was "partially addicted" to cigarettes, but only because they "tasted so HAIRCUTS by smokers in his classes because no one smokes. good after a beer or a joint." s "If they did," Mauldin said, "I would have them put it out. Not because of my beliefs, but according to the vote 1 take at the Jerry Kane, a pre-med student, said he smokes a pack a day, though he is prone to bronchitis. 7« dominations taken beginning of each smokers." term, the non smokers always outnumber the David J. Lewis, associate professor of telecommunications, is all "Smoking helps relieve tension," Kane said. "If I'm nervous I automatically reach for a cigarette. Hopefully when I finally become doctor I'll have BOTH MEN & WOMEN for the smokeout. He said he generally doesn't require adherence a cigarettes." so much self-assurance I won't need 351-6511 Y or faculty award to the "no smoking" policy in a enforce the rule in a small seminar. large class. He does, however, "People know I get grouchy when they smoke at my seminars," "I really wish I could quit now," Kane said. "Just think of all the money I'd save each year." Free T-Shirt with Permanent It College of Education Alumni Association is accepting Lewis said. "When I'm grouchy, I tend to give bad grades." GARYS 351-6511 unions for its annual Outstanding Faculty Award and Some non smokers said they were pleased because the 'Roaming' dog treks 160 miles M pished Alumni Awards. award will be given to a College of Education faculty smokeout will benefit not only themselves, but could have positive effects on their smoking friends. McALESTER, Okla. (API - rivers, I don't know how many Campus Beauty Salon Iter who especially assisted students, and one or more Liz Zubritzky, a management doctoral student, called the Bill Green Jr. let his 2-year-old creeks and a whole bunch of <__^_549JF>GrandJliver^Jcross2a>^^ smokeout a "fantastic idea." German shepherd "roam a- ds will be given to those College of Education alumni who highways, rough terrain and "Sometimes I feel like an oven exhaust fan," Zubritzky round a lot." But W. L. Green §e excelled in teaching ability, cold weather to do it." yone is welcome to submit nominations, said Mary commented. "The smoke seems to come right at me." Sr. was amazed when the dog He said the dog was thin, but THE ALTERNATIVE: Journalism major Steve Gaynes, a non-smoker, said a "roamed" 160 miles here from in ick, coordinator for the College of Education, generally good condition. MEDICAL SCHOOL ABROAD ftidnick said the faculty award emphasizes the ability to non smoking day is valuable so that smokers can see what internal his son's home in Stillwater. The elder Green called the and external reactions they get. He thinks smokers' non smoking (C) Copyright 1777 In U.S.A. by International Onto Inc. y to students, rather than the amount of research done, friends may become more understanding towards them as a result "I don't know how he did it," younger Green, who said he ke nominee should meet two qualifications — outstanding would come to get the dog, but of the smokeout. the elder Green said. "I just the father said McAlester is g performance and accountibility and helpfulness to a must book for u," Budnick said, "There is always a reason for smoking," Gaynes said. "Taking know he had to cross three Paoti's home now. ... prospective medical students. It away a person's cigarettes is like taking away their security details admission requirements and procedures, khculty member must also have two years of teaching blanket." ice at MSU. costs, language requirements — dozens use English Mark Thompson, a mechanical engineering sophomore, is a in the classroom - and living accommodations for i said Distinguished Alumni Awards will be given to W alumni who have accelerated in four areas: non-smoker who thinks the problem lies with the lack of federal regulation. He is glad to see the national non-smoking day. CUSTOM T-SHIRTS medical schools in 35 countries. It also tells of the nding classroom teaching in any level, steps a foreign graduate should take to practice "I don't see why federal government doesn't regulate the medicine in the U.S. cant writing in any the area of education, tobacco industry since they subsidize them." said Thompson. tiling innovative practices in any area of education, includes o quality T-shirt, your "The trend toward lower tar and nicotine levels could be the ahrship in the administration level of education. :lubs teams fraternity or sor- Some medical schools are free; others charge nomi¬ first step." |St faculty winner is given "$500 while alumni award- The national non-smoking day. surprisingly, also received the ignio and picture any amount of nal tuition. Some require only a high school educa¬ bn receive a plaque. atever you want tion; others two or four years of college. For your pwirds will be presented at the College of Educations copy of this authoritative work, send '9.95 to; hbinquet. ♦Colored TShirt Airline Jerseys Sweatshirts & Nylon Jackets Also INTERNATIONAL DATA INC. P.O. BOX 817 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 '/j OFF Tickets Call BILL LEE at IPICIAL! C & O T-SHIRT CO. Buy Any Large Sub 371-2694 Get Second Identical at WadiMiday Night One at Vi Off — with coupon. Airport Prices r DELIVERY AVAILABLE - Vi Off on all Vodka Drinks |CALLEY SUB SHOP 2650 Grand River (next to Coral i 6PM.CLOCK FREE! Gables) Ptli in 351-0304 offer Tiffany Travel i Nightly Intertainment only good Wed. Nov. 16, 1977 i Buy Medium Mellow Folk & Big Screen TV ART AT AFFORDABLE PRICES any p* ■ i At the regular price Get Identical %, \£jLA PIZZA ® Open M-F: 11 a.m. i TREE . Sat.-Sun.: Noon 1 Blk. West of Hagadorn AN EXHIBITION & SALE OF WORKS BY STUDENT ARTISTS i Little Caesars Pizza I 332-6517 1203 E.Gd. River OPEN TONIGHT AND TOMORROW UNTIL 8 i - ® 337 -1631 | . Tuesday & Friday 11-5 IMSU EMPLOYEES^ Saturday & Sunday 12-5 j EAST LANSING DISTRICT COURT 9 CREDIT UNION . the union announces a gallery n the old Browsing Room at The Union y Our reputation has been proven. We offer the finest Parking Warrant Chinese cooking in this area. Take out service is Moratorium Net* ovoilable. Pay all past due tickets at their original face value. f*»KA '65 WATERBEDS, HEATERS, LATE FEES 8i WARRANT CHARGES WILL BE WAIVED. DATES: PAY AT: ACCESSORIES S M T W T F S Parking Violations Bureau 2nd floor of the P-K Bldg. •Lowest price in town 301 M.A.C. Avenue *34" any size mattress East Lansing, Ml 48823 •Beautiful hand crafted custom frames Hours: 8am-5pm Individuals should bring any tickets, letters or notices which they •Cample., set Qatur^S CORNER CLIPPER! and VINE have received, AND have the license plate number and name of the owner of the vehicle. mattress, liner, frame 11 fr\U^~ Phone 351-2217 PAY TICKETS DURING THE MORATORIUM Following the moratorium dates, the East Lansing L)a*er6eds Warrant Officer will actively pursue individuals who 351-5650 fail to pay tickets on a timely basis. Ihdnrsity IWL 221 MAC 7-9 PM dally ©[pntfifegD "l UllU. UJEAR MV COlVlCTioM LIKE A BADGE Of HOMOR./ * Mack's land-use circus 'No' to Cartwright a bad civics lesson on reimbursement Joe Mack is not the only member of the State Sen. Joseph Mack is up to his old tricks again. State Lem.u. deserves a severe reprimand for his tactics Mack, who has a well-established reputation of legislative bullying and phUosonhv ' Sen. Arthur Cartwright, a Democrat from and both personal and political egomania, has undertaken a vigorous had some of Mack s arrogance rub off on him.Detroit, apparer campaign to eviscerate a land use bill introduced by Sen. Richard Allen. other Senators to amend a legislative restriction Cartwrighti. The fact that Mack opposes the bill is not particularly newsworthy; from charging taxpayers for an overseas that prevent, p meeting in Denver, Colo., for centers. Winter with White election. Kmart generally hires about the league's All-American City dormitories, also causes head Latz, explaining that area busi¬ Stag. Head S Gerryl, Terry McKane, 3rd Ward •A four seasonal employees and aches at Sears, Thompson said. nesses commonly hire the more competition. Lansing is among funding base for the "lothing, Arj. Hats. | senior councilmember who lost "We had I 22 cities who have applied for Lansing Metropolitan Develop¬ Knapp's nearly 100, spokes¬ one employee who experienced MSU student over Granao Gloves to incumbent Mayor Gerald local high schoolers. ment authority. persons said. lived in his car for a week last Graves by 1,564 votes, chaired recognition. Ml-tOM m»-Cr.»l,. the meeting because Graves The council approved the and William Brenke, mayor agenda and passed seven reso- utions in 40 minutes. pro-tern, were absent. Graves and Brenke. ac¬ Among the resolutions PPUAKICES / I WEEK LEFT/ GIVEN Off MANUFACTURER COUPONS KPEEM COUPONS 9M CIGARETTE, AND COFFt, PROGRAM ENDS SAT., NOV. 26 AT THE IF PEGULAP FACE VALUE BUT- top, ,ir INCEUUE IN STOPE OF FPEE ITEM COjfW CflNCUN 3301 E. MICH 4 RIVER, OKEMPS-NEXTTO K-MART ZO10 W. GRAND AC PRICES NOVEMBER 19 &OOPTHRU SAT Doc. 17th-24th From *349°° FRESH STUFFED- PEPPERIPGE PRESSING- includes: airfare direct from Lansing ROASTING 4-5 48< 7 nights accommodations taxes, tips transfers Travelogue on Cancun Mexico CHICKENS Thurs. Nov. 17th, 7:30 P.M. RM 208 Men's I.M. Free poster to first 25 PESCHKE THRIFTY WILSONS CEKTIFIEP buy 2-save gcvw/g people to show BUY 3-SAVE 72/W/C SLICEP 1ST CUT CHUCKS-BEEF win schuler COUNTRY fresh More Info Sports Club Office 230 Men IM Ski Club Sports Club 353-5108 BACON POT ROAST Bat-Scheere Cottage Cheese Office 240 Men's IM 353-5199 Small limited space don't delay 68* 68 79* 24 o/.wr 89* DOCTORS BUY 2-SAVE 724 COUNTRY FRESH PREMIUM WEIGHT LOSS MEDICAL CLINIC The Easiest Most Effective Weight Loss Program E ROUNP CTN. All Flav/ot-s Butter Pecan Exc&pt '129 OjiZL SPECIALS! 3301 E.MICH. gTPRE ONLY ALL SAVE 20* W/C. - SCOT LAP r mep CHICKEN RATH WHOLE Pt/HAlP Hard SALAMI?us .791 PURPOSE FLOUR LIMIT I $ 9PC. 8OX '2.981 f Ml LP CUL8V CHEESE I ">791 5^39* LIMIT 1-MICHIGAN s Beet SUGAR LB.BMr 69i VOU CAN LOSE UP TO 30 IBS. IN JUST 30 DAYS AND STAY THAT WAY Doctors Weight loss Clinic uses Liquid Protein techniques ond also the new lunch I Dinner BUY 3-SAVE 6CY W/C BUY IB-SAVE W/C 1ST. OFTHE SEASON BUY ?-$AVF 2#W/C menu, to guarantee you will lose 7 to 14 pounds the first week of the Llauid Protein nut 2J to 30 pounds the first month. The ' MAPE RrTE AIL FLAVORS sunkist NAVEL ■ us NO-l RedPeliaous liquid Protein l.jilmpl^thot you consume only specially formulated Liquid Protein. To bo safe, this diet must bo medically supervised. OUR PROGRAM IS A MEDICAL TREATMENT-NOT A DIET '°U °*n RIPPLE CHIPS JEUO GELATIN ORANGES I APPLES Natural I • liquid protein diet 10 AAf» . No Ltoder Doctor, strkt supervision drugs - No infections 89* . No hunger - No loss by appointment at the above address or tt J?™' ServicM on November 18, 1977 MSU between I JVC KO-15 Cassette Deck with Dolby. JVC's lowest priced frc irtrvfpl Hiffhlifihts auto-sto LIMIT 3 EXPIRES 11 30-77 | "10 * M. and 6:00 P.M. by appointment. 3 pieces of chicken, STATE COUPON I'llft ™d '' sting will be conducted in time "Thogruni will begin on January 16th, 1978. to for MSU Insurance Institute, January register I col* slow, mashed potatoes I gravy t hot biscuits. Great time to HOW 1.49 diicovvr the louche toney difference in JVC SK-1000 3 Way Speaker System. New Phase Moire technology bass blends with smooth midrange Solid and eaton's Corrasablc I crisp highs. Mid & high frequency con- Famous Recipe, The Other Fried Chicken. Delicious 85 watts RMS 79« trot. 170 watts (peak). -34-416-10 H bovdoea thi dlpped-in-honey bolter, tried really crisp and oil the way fit into y0Ur plans? through. No wonder people who cross over to The Other 1.05 VALUE II ™le<'from MSU Juniors and Seniors for "ent Int mship Program. I Fried Chicken stoy there I EXPIRES 1 130-77 fH WESTERN I Available at these %gc/pe MUTUAL UFE INSURANCE MOISTURE PLUS COMPANY JVC Spotlight dealers alo- HA NDil BOOT LOTION ''aEsslWheonatBAreaaa Milwaukae, WI83202 I HI Fl BUYS 4810 W. Saginaw, Lansing • 618 S. Street, Ann Arbor • 1101 E. Grandriver, East Lans¬ Main pieQulel Company I 19008. Kalamaioo (J mln.lrom MSU) 4800 S. Cedar 3007 N. Fast St. •' North) (U.S. 27 iweivey ^ ing • 929 Noithwest Avenue, Jackson • DISC SHOP, 323 E. GRAND RIVER AVE. EAST LANSING 12 ox. 3.50 VALUE 2.59 ^THW' STERN MUTUAL LIFE (NML) k. immmi 10 Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Wedn"d°V. November,, Bethea to end colorful career HE'S LOOKING TO SCORE By MICHAEL KLOCKE State News Sports Writer Following MSU's 44-3 wi Bethea has 72 tackles and 13 of those tackles have been for losses. "I always go into a game with Pro scouts have been at- tending MSU games to watch Bethea, and a professional ca- rcer probably isn't too far down the road. "I'm just going to have to wait and see on that," Bethea said. "I'll take it one day at a time." Heaslip has reform< »ver Northwestern Saturday, group of reporters stood ■ personal goals in mind," By JOE CENTERS waiting in the Spartan dressing Bethea said. "Against North- SUte Newa Sports Writer against Minnesota while slickin. I room. The man they were western I had a goal to get four In his first two seasons on the MSU hockey freW™ntheammateKen Parasfel waiting for: defensive tackle sacks but I only got two. team, Ron Heaslip was known as a fighter. WCHA if H T pro&ressil» rule I Larry Bethea. "But I was kind of satisfied As a freshman he spent 74 minutes in the „^'lfrHfasllp for fighting hegets kicked out iI game It was understandable why my performance, just not penalty box, and as a sophomore, he led the will have to they would want to talk to him. with the number of sacks I Western Collegiate Hockey Association m Ha"16'-then three, then four | To all of his After all, Bethea had another I'31' " (WCHA) with 120 penalty minutes (134 in all teammates, Heaslip j typical standout game with 10 tackles, two sacks and a fumble The man with the most games). But those days are over. as, Chopper. But he doesn't J,J praise for Bethea is his coach, Heaslip has reformed. After his first six "I don't ever recovery which set up a touch- Darryl Rogers, games, he has only received 11 penalty Id never chop at anyone," He J down. "I don't think there's a better minutes and is taking advantage of his extra purposely hit anybody J Bethea emerged from the shower and began toweling defensive tackle in the try," Rogers said. "He should coun- playing time by staying out of the box to concentrate on offense. stuck •• 60116 gave me 'hat narrj The one thing that himself off. He saw the re- be All-Big Ten and an All- "This is my reform act," Heaslip said. "I known Heaslip does wsfl porters, so with a big smile he American, asisoneofthe team's leaders! want to have a good year — I'm getting too Coach Amo Bessone said, "Hey, all right. I love to be "He deserves all the recog- old." leader and it's expects him "J interviewed." nition he gets because he has something he wants Ln the three years t] A reporter asked Bethea a produced. He has been consis¬ Heaslip, a 23-year-old junior, said that he MSU, he says this year's team Heaslip ha, 1 question. tent all year long — not just a wants to play professional hockey and the is tl unified. He said his first two "Wait a minute. Let me put flash." only way he will get a chance to is by scoring team-but not a team." years, "I on my fancy threads before you And Rogers knows what he is goals. So far this season, Heaslip has three himself, but this year Everyone'oil guys start interviewing me," talking about when it comes to goals and three assists and all three of those together. He everyo J Bethea said as he draped defensive tackles. Four of the goals came last weekend against Michigan. definitely thinks this! team will get better and he's predT full-length animal skin coat tackles he coached at San Jose But just because Heaslip is going to key on fourth place finish for the around his massive body. State are now in the NFL. offense more, that doesn't mean he is going to To Heaslip, like most other SpartanH "This right here is my Holly- Bethea's job as a down line- give up his rough style of play. X there's no place like home. He wood. The rest of me is for real man has been especially dif- Heaslip considers himself the policeman of loves | in Munn Ice Arena but when he but this coat is my Hollywood," ficult this year due to injuries the team and he'll stick up for any of his first I Bethea said. "Today I'm going MSU, he liked to go on road to Kim Rowekamp and Angelo teammates. trips, r to be like Dor-SETT!" Fields. "At first, road trips were fil "I won't allow any of my players to get Heaslip said. "But now it's like a J There cant be many more As flamboyant as he is, colorful players in collegiate pushed around," Heaslip said. "When it's two game, you don't know whether you «L Be(hea is a stereotypical de- on one, I'll football than this 6-5, 241-pound equalize the sides. That's what get where you are going; and if youl fensive tackle i makes a team, playing for each other." >r from Newport News, Va there, whether it will be on time he loves to get sacks. And there certainly isn't any¬ Heaslip said while he will stick up for his There may be some doubt iu nw "We've had our pass rush teammates, he will have to watch out for his about road trips, but when it comes one more exuberant after a going this year," Bethea said. penalties. He has already missed one game J Spartan victory. hockey, there is no question ah "When it gets too hot in the this season because of a fight he Saturday's game was the last got into Heaslip wants this to be his year. kitchen, they got to get out of home contest for Bethea and 20 there. We like to get smokin' on of his senior teammates, and the win meant a lot to him. Saturday's game at Iowa will "It was just great to win in end Bethea's MSU career. my last home game," Bethea said with his ever present grin. "I'm thrilled to death. Tickled." Bethea's career hasn't been Hockey, basketball tickets on without its disappointments. The remaining tickets for There are still some Series "B" igan Nov. 28, they I As colorful a person as He had to sit out last year's this weekend's home hockey Bethea is, the bottom line is Ohio State game due to an season tickets left and they are sale to the general pF still performance — and no one NCAA series against Michigan Tech on sale for MSU students Tickets for the Ml penalty and he has Slot* News Robert Kozloff will go on sale today. can doubt Bethea's ability. faculty and staff. If there are nessee basketball gal never experienced a win over MSU defensive tackle Larry Bethea (88) comes up with his specialty the sack. In the ten games this season. - All the Series "A" basketball any tickets left near the season 19 will go on sale dI Michigan. Hugh Albora of Wyoming was the victim during action earlier in the season. season tickets are sold out. opener against Central Mich- game isn't on eitber| lb Ten Pound Fiddle presents "WE'RE MORE THAN JUST NUTS.. ABRAMS PLANETARIUM PRESENTS Sunday 6e/tg INMSU'S IN CONCERT AUDITORIUM M.S.U. AUDITORIUM ||!U1I I • LSAT • fiRE • OCAT • VAT • SAT JOAN MONDAY DECEMBER 5 8:00 p.m. Armatrading Wi 1,1,1 TICKETS ON SALE TOMORROW JFMWLEMQE niStalb0ards boards Program, a AT MSU UNION, DISCOUNT RECORDS, and Tuesday November 22 Hour, """otliremu.il! SOUNDS and DIVERSIONS DOWNTOWN LANSING 7-30 & 10pm ■ State Theatre $6 and $7 s„,„ ALLSEATS-$6.00 ft* 'nlormitjon Special Guest — MICHAEL KATAKIS Tickets available at Discount Records in East Lansing Recordland in the Meridian and Lansing Malls THIS EVENTRA TE1) e A A PYRAMID PRODUCTION ] 2 Michigon Stote News, Eost Loosing, Michigan Museum planned to honor Olds ST# million The By KIM SHANAHAN Sate New« Staff Writer Lansing Chamber of Commerce's dream of an an¬ ment the by area cars old that will be lent car owner's. The task force has also completed a list of old car owners in the area and is approaching those people meeting. The council was ap¬ proached because the group has had its eyes on the city-owned Capital Area Transportation Authority bus garage. of a gift shop and a library and for a remodeled office area. The $140,000 is expected to come from local donators as the non profit status of the organi¬ bank of the Grand River, north of Michigan Ave. "Everybody who comes in contact with the museum plan seems to get very enthused just &oqer u ^ RjgWMI SHOPPERS tique car museum honoring R.E. Olds, the founder of Olds- about lending their cars to the "We were delighted with the zation will make it a good tax about the idea," said Mike ■ • • can't be won mobile, is one step closer to museum. response we got from City write-off for people in the area Seward, secretary for the task 'ITER W* fRiRrv# 1h# right to limit quonllil laming Man.. No, |4. . " Currently, the task force has Council," Neller said. "There with spare dollars. force and the Chamber of H77 H.,„ „ completion after a meeting by been stalled in its progress were no objections from anyone The museum, which is Commerce representative. _Copyrlght It77. Tho Kroggr c0. ' 177 No«« sold , the museum task force last because the the council, in fact everyone "The big question seems to organization has on planned to open in the late fall Friday morning. not yet formed a non-profit was very enthusiastic," he of next year, will be located in be; why wasn't this done years It was learned at the meeting corporation that can be filed added. the heart of the city on the east ago?" he said. that the Lansing City Council with the IRS. The task force is expecting to will probably end the task The filing can not take place get approval on the leasing force's search for a suitable until a board of directors for the arrangement it proposed with museum has been selected. It the city, pending the group's location by leasing a city-owned garage to the museum. was suggested at last Friday's organization as a non-profit DUKE TUMATOE The task force decided that a meeting that the original board corporation. The lease would warehouse to store old cars would not be enough, but of directors be composed of the members of the task force. run for five years and payments would be a token dollar per K ALL ST R FROGS rather the museum should em¬ The task force has 30 mem¬ phasize the automobile in¬ bers now, and it was agreed at year. CATA is vacating the garage Pitcher Nigh* dustry's impact on the Lansing the meeting that the more sometime next summer and by All you can aat HQ Ribs, franch fries Area. This would be done by board members there are, the that time the task force hopes and salad bur 3.«s having sets designed that easier it will be to solicit funds to have solicited enough money would be representative of the when the time comes. to start immediate remodeling. Reduced Bar Prices 11 pm daily year the car was built. Dick Neller, a member of the Minimum improvement costs Oldsmobile has been solicited task force, presented the mu¬ have been set at $140,000 and by the task force for a loan of its fleet of antique cars to supple¬ seum Council plans to the Lansing City at its last regular would be used for a new roof, a new entrance, the installation Sizapdi ^ndcpgpounc EShMMdoairinMin"'| Many injured in protest against shah 224 Abbott 351-2285 FRESH TURKEY (continued from page Fresh - Never Frozen 1) Immediately following the On Monday, the shah told an • Plump b Broad Breasted... student dissidents are com¬ episode, the man emphatically interviewer that charges of Young, Tender £r Juicy munist-organized. denied being a Savak agent. torture or execution of his Any Freeh Turkey Purchased The students, meanwhile, The Carter administration enemies are ridiculous. "Tor- charged that many of the generally has been silent about ture does not exist any more in supporters of the shah were political repression in Iran, my country," he insisted. brought to Washington with money funneled from the Iranian government, which BOOKS WANTED! they claim is tyrannical to the We are interested in buying: point of jailing all political dissenters. Many of the pro- •Science Fiction •Old Books shah demonstrators acknowl¬ •Conic Books •Pulps edged that their trips were paid •Beetle Items for, but insisted the funds came •Magazines from private interests. •Nancy Drew •Big Little Books The anti-shah protest con¬ •Mysteries •Baseball Cants tinued long into the night Tuesday. Protesters kept up spirited chanting throughout Curious Book Shop 307 East Grand River East the dinner Carter held for the Lansing shah. The pro-shah factions had Hour. Mon-Sot 11:30-6 p.m. abdicated their positions and (517)332-0112 Op»n Fri III» p.m. returned to their hotels hours earlier. Pennsylvania Avenue re¬ mained closed and heavily oc¬ cupied by U.S. Park Police on horse and foot until after 10 p.m. The street was littered with horse manure, abandoned pro-shah posters and ashes — the remains of dozens of effigies of the shah burned by his opponents. U.S. officials late Tuesday issued grave warnings to pro¬ test leaders that similar vio lence today would be met with swift police retaliation. The anti-shah protesters were clad in paper masks and cloth hoods to prevent identifi¬ cation by scores of SAVAK agents — Iran's secret police — ,1." the shah reportedly brought with him. One protester, after bolting a A0 • 4 lines • '2.50 • per insertion. ■ «■ p« line over 4 lines. 3-11-18(3) p.m. FREESTYLE SHOP, NURSES AIDES, male atten¬ dants, experience needed. uals; top commissions Er tures to: Col. R. Reade, ment, 2 bedrooms, near cam- apartment to sublet winter/ 2682 E. Grand River. renewals, licensed or non- W.T.S., 8401 Connecticut spri Cah 351.4955 Call anytime, 669-9939. IM| Fwndi odi/Tronsportotlon ods • 3 lines - '1.50 PORSCHE 1970 914, rust- 2-11-16(81 Part time and full time, set licensed. 351-1494 or 351- Avenue, Suite 1011, Chevy pus. 7-11-23(3) 2 3 11 18(3) 9 p«r insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. your own schedule. Call 1617. 8-11-21(8) Chase, MD 20015. proofed 30 mpg, new steel 2-1-11-6(10) belted radials, AM/FM 8- SENIORSI NOW is the time MEDICAL HELP OF LAN¬ ONE"fEMALE to sublease ONE BEDROOM near cam- pus, furnished. Sublet, winter SING, 321-7241. 8-11-23(6) P _ _ , to start looking into Peace Old Cedar Village apartmen Deadlines track, perfect condition, cus¬ Corps programs in Africa WAITRESSES-EXPERIENCE DRIVERS WANTED, must be sprjng $205/month 351. winter and/or spring. $90/ 4759, 2-3-11-1813) tom interior. 675-7190. which begin next spring and preferred but not necessary. 18 or over and have own car. 1pm '1 cl°" ^ b"'or# publicotion. INSIDE AND delivery help 316 N. Capital, THE GAR¬ month. 337-2181J5-11-16(4) 5-11-18(5) summer. Talk to returned Apply in person 515 W. (eicelletion/Change • 1 p.m. • I doss day before needed. Apply at LITTLE AGE. 5-11-21(4) publication. ROADRUNNER 1973, (1800. Volunteers at the AFRICAN CAESAR'S today after 4 p.m. Grand River E. Lansing. GRADUATE OR married stu- ?EEDED "MALE .0 sublet STUDIES CENTER, Room 8-11-29(5) dents. New luxury 2 bedrtwm Onaod is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Call after 5:30 p.m. 393-9254. 106, International Center, 4-11-17(41 AVON - DEVELOP sales abil¬ apartment. East Lansing bus 2-6-11-23(3) until niter I st insertion. 353-1700. 3-11-16(8) ity and make excellent earn¬ RESIDENT MANAGER cou¬ service. No pets. Start at £1.1-22131 tee it o '1.00 charge for I ad change plus SO' per RECEPTIONIST TYPING, ings! No experience neces¬ ple for East Lansing area. additional chonge for maximum of 3 changes. TOYOTA COROLA, 1974, 2 POSITIONS OPEN for North¬ general office duties, data Leasing, cleaning, and repair 2al' 3519483 or 351" SUBLEASE 2 man apartment He Slots News will only be responsible for the 1st door 1600 Deluxe, air, ern Michigan resort. Employ¬ processing background help¬ sary. 482-6893. C-5-11-21-<3) duties. Phone 332-3900 or n'wn iniB|P'm' <^20-11-30Kri Eas1 Lansins Next 10 pus sigo/month. Call 374- cam' AM/FM stereo 8-track. 351- 332-3202.9-11-30(5) day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must ee housing on site. Contact; ful but not necessary. For FIVE WOMEN needed to TWO BEDROOM duplex 9409 before 5 p.m.; 337-1465 bs mode within 10 days of expiration dole. 7234. X3-10-16I3I Mark Sulak, BOYNE MOUN¬ appointment, call 393-8630, TAIN LODGE. Boyne Falls. participate in gynecological Waverly area. Carpeted, after 5 p.m. 5-11-22(5) (Ill ore due 7 days from od expiration date. If not SPARTAN DATA. 8-11-23(6) examination for COLLEGE COCKTAIL WAITRESS basement, large backyard, TRIUMPH TR6, 1973. Both Mich. 49713. 616-549-2441. paid by due dote, a SO' late service charge will hard and soft tops. Excellent OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDI¬ needed for nights. HUDDLE $230/month plus utilities. No EAST LANSING 1 bedroom 8-11-22(81 RN'S & LPN'S. Part-time be due. condition. 39,000 miles. Call CINE students. 11/22, 11/28, SOUTH, 820 West Miller Rd., children or pets. Call 321- furnished apartment. Close to after 1 p.m. 393-4292. and full time. Call 323-9133, Lansing. 882-7579. Please ap¬ 4889 or 339-3935. 6-11-18(6) campus, bus stop. Call CE- CHEMISTRY SUPERVISOR- ask for Mrs. Luks. 8-11-1613) 11/29, 12/1 at $15-hour. Call DAR GREENS APART- ply in person. 1-11-1(5) 8-11-18(51 Full time opening presently Holly Holdman at 353-4734. ONE BLOCK from campus. MENTS, 351-8631. available in ultra-modern hos¬ ■tateRiotive 'fol [ Automotive ][a] VEGA 1974 4 speed, excellent condition. 353-4844. pital laboratory. Day shift, IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks 4-11-18(8) SECONDARY SUBSTITUTE Entire two bedroom apart- ment available and room- 0-1-11-16(5) rotating weekends and holi¬ of term all Student Classified PART -TIME security guard- teachers needed by WAVER- mates needed for other apart- Z-8-11-28(31 NEED FEMALE roommate for days. Applicant must be LY SCHOOLS. Secondary ments. Call 351-8135, 351- advertising must be paid for doorman for downtown retail 2 man apartment. Own room, JcHDLHORNET Sportabout DODGE VAN, 1977 Trade- VEGA 1976. 8 months old, Medical Technologist, in advance beginning Nov¬ From November 25- certification is required. Pay 1957, or 351-3873. winter only. 349-0183. package, automatic, man 100. Metallic black, A.S.C.P. registered or regis¬ store. rate $27.00 per day. If inter¬ r. (2100 372-1609. economy 6, automatic. Excel¬ A-1 condition. (2300. Call ember 14, 1977. Bring in or December 24. 5 p.m. - 9:30 ested and qualified contact 0-14-nj0(6_l 3-11-18(3) try-eligible, or degreed indi¬ mail to 347 Student Services. lent mileage. Clean Only anytime. 5-11-16(31 vidual with clinical chemistry p.m.-Monday-Saturday, call WAVERLY SCHOOLS Per¬ LARGE ONE bedroom across Sp-23-12-9(8) WATERS EDGE , ma,e for 4 (4500. 351-3823 experience. Individual will SHAW'S JEWELERS, 484- sonnel Office 515 Snow Rd. from campus, furnished. X LESABRE 1969, ex- evenings. man close $92 50/ VOLKSWAGEN, 1969, auto¬ Lansing, 48917 13-11-30(5) work in general and special MCDONALDS RESTAU¬ 8313jyi-1jM8) or phone $210, CLAUCHERTY m0nth plus utilities. 351-3372. running condition, matic, 75,000 miles. (395. chemistry, and will be re¬ 321-7265 ext. 51. 3-11-18(10) REALTY. 351-5300. X 5-11 RANTS of E. Lansing and WANTED-CAR stereo instal¬ 1813) §121-4685.8-11-23131 349-1121.6-11-23(31 sponsible to quality control 0-3-11-1614) DODGE COLT wagon 1974. Okemos are now accepting and instrumentation under lers. Experienced only. Apply Automatic, radials, luggage applications for full and part in person at 6040 In a rut with your present job7 v„ FEMALE NEEDED for gor- South , I SKYLARK 1969. IT IS the policy of the STATE the leadership of a clinical EAST MICHIGAN-2 bed- rack. (1200. 487-2993. The best place to look for the geous Americana apartment, o rust. 90,000 NEWS that the last 4 weeks chemist. Liberal benefits, ex¬ time to 611 the hours of 6 Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing, job you're seeking is the Help room, unfurnished, except winter term and/or spring, 0. 337-7012. 8-11-16(3^ of term all Student Advertis¬ cellent salary commensurate a.m.-7 p.m. Applications ac¬ between 10 am-9 pm. Mon¬ Wanted classification of to¬ appliances. $200'month. 323- $95 month. Call 351-5643 DODGE MONACO 1967. ing must be paid for in with experience. Apply Per¬ cepted 8 a.m.-10 a.m., 2 day-Friday. 8-11-21(6) day's newspaper. 1658. 8-11-28 (4) after 6 p.m. Z 3 11-18151 advance beginning Novem¬ sonnel Director, LEILA HOS¬ Loaded with extras. Depend¬ p.m.-4 p.m. at the following . Loaded, ber 14,1977. Bring or mail to PITAL, 300 North Avenue. able transportation. (250. restaurants: 234 W. Grand ■*s. (5400. 694-9271 347 Student Services. Battle Creek, Michigan 349-0158. S-5-11-1613) River, next to Peoples Ipn. 8-11-17(31 Sp-23-12-9(8l 49016; 616-962-8551, ext. Church. 2763 E. Grand River, 272. Z-8-11-22(25) DODGE COLT 1977. 2-door, corner of Northwind Dr., and I, 1972, excellent VW 1970 excellent shape, 7500 miles. Mileage: 31 city, CHEMIST-LANSING COM¬ 2040 Grand River, Okemos, «, extras. After 6 heater, radio. (900 or best (3100. 332-4496. 3-11-17(31 MUNITY COLLEGE has an I&9091. 3-11-18(3) offer. 484-5529, 8 a.m.-l p.m. across from Meijers. immediate opening available 3-11-16(14) WD 1975.37,000 miles, FIAT" 124 SPORT COUPE, 8-11-17131 for a chemist, Instructional 4-speed. (3400. 1974, tan/black interior: a, Developer; part time, to assist STENOGRAPHERS NEED¬ undercoated, Michelin XAS, - K7.S-11-16I3) I AM/FM. An elegant sporty machine, well-maintained. [ Aito Service \[/\ the science department preparation of audio-visual in the ED immediately. Top fees. VICTOR TEMPORARY pay-no 1973., 350. 3 tutorial units of instruction 337-2648 mornings and eve¬ GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- SERVICES. 485-7077. , power steering/ for freshman chemistry. Ap¬ nings. 9-11-1816) 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, 3 11-16141 i to appreci- plicants must have a masters good supply of snow tires. §91-6936. 5-11-18(31 FIAT, 1974, 124 wagon. Ex¬ PENNELL SALES. 1301 'A degree or PhD. Interested cellent condition, rust- persons' should contact the CLERK TYPIST- wanted for East Kalamazoo, Lansing. LANSING COMMUNITY 1976. 28,000 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shifts. proofed, many extras. Call 482-5818 C-20-11-30-I5I COLLEGE Science Depart¬ Immediate assignment. VIC¬ |A stick. AM/EM radio, 394-3229. 8-11-17-141 ment room 406, Arts end ip 351-0461. TOR TEMPORARIES, 485- IMPORT AUTO parts and Sciences Building, phone 7077. 3-11-16141 |»3I FIREBIRD 1975 350 auto¬ repair. 20% discount to stu¬ 373-7070; or the LANSING matic. 39,000 excellent condi¬ dents and faculty on cash/ COMMUNITY COLLEGE Per¬ «01972 360 LT, vinyl tion. Best offer. 723-7901 GENERAL LABORERS- carry service parts in stock. sonnel Department, 521 N. new shocks, after 6 p.m. 2-8-11-21(3) needed for any hours. De¬ Check our prices and reputa¬ Washington Avenue. P.O. W and brakes. pendable and transportation. 64,000 tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at Box 40010, Lansing, Mi. ►11600 phone 655-1173. FORD, 1971 Maverick. 81,000 48901. AN EQUAL OPPOR¬ 485-7077. VICTOR TEMPO¬ miles, 6 cylinder engine. (425 Cedar, 485-2047, 485-9229. West campus shop. 485- TUNITY EMPLOYER MALE/ RARY SERVICES. 3-11-16141 or best offer. For more infor¬ mation call 353-2280, 9 a.m. 0409. Free wrecker service FEMALE._4-nj6(24) p 1972-6 cylinder auto- to 5 p.m. 8-11-22(5) with repairs with mention of BUSBOYS PART-TIME. Ap¬ FEMALE MODELS wanted. Ik good condition. AM- fc. this ad. Local areas. ply in person. WALNUT (8/hour We will train. 489- 321-0376. C-20-11-30-(11l HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. 2278.20-12-9131 FORD ELITE 1976. Loaded, §6-16-131 excellent, 8000 miles, (5100. 8-11-18(3) STORE DETECTIVES-call 323-3709 or 485-9552. JUNK CARS wanted. Also 641-6734 between 10 a.m. 1LE 1968, 327 V8, BUSBOYS WANTED two 6-11-23(31 selling used parts. Phone and 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. i. power steering, meals a day plus small gratu¬ anytime 351-3651. 0-16-11-30(3) 4 radio. Runs ity. 332-6531 or 332-5318. good. FORD COBRA II 1976 302 C-16-11-30131 §•* 1325 or best offer. V-8 automatic. Excellent 8-11-18(3) MALE OR female student THZ-3-11-18I4I condition. Best offer. 332- MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. with experience in competi 3151. 8-11-16(3) Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto LONG'S OF LANSING is tive swimming for head „ f 1970. Clean, no painting-collision service. currently taking applications PWd tires. (900. Call coach. Need senior life- FORD MAVERICK, 1971, American-foreign cars. for the following positions: 1®° after 6 p.m. saving certificate. Phone 834- green, 51,000 miles, automat¬ 485-0256. C-20-11-30-14) lunch waitresses, cocktail §1-1813) 2271. OVID-ELSIE AREA ic, 6-cylinder, good condition. waitresses, cashiers, busboys ME 1972 and experienced part-time SCHOOLS. Ask for Bob green 4- Priced right. 655-4343. fwtunad. TaordOOO. 641-6844. Take over 8-11-21(4) j Aviation |IX| bartenders. Apply in person at 6810 S. Cedar. 8-11-16(10) Foreback, Equal Opportunity Employer. 8-11-21(8) FORD LTD, 69 rebuilt engine, LEARN TO fly. Flying li runs excellent. (400 or best in exchange for work. 676- RINTA U -i, 1976. AM/FNI offer. 351-4676. Z-4-11-18-13) 4860. 3-11-16(3) P «W«d, n «100.663-1233 after radial tires. 1978 FORD 611-22(41 HONDA CIVIC, 1974, orange, > Employment (jj) ^ 1974 Vega 53,000 miles, 4-speed manual transmission, hatchback. Thanksgiving Weekend Special FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. ^ or best 655-4343. 8-11-21(41 llh '353.4-11-17131 ot,8r. KARMANN GIHA-1974. $6/hour. No training neces¬ sary. Call 489-2278. $399S >'WINDOW van, 1971, Runs excellent, 1 owner. 20-12-9(3) From, Wed. noon until Mon. noon L««es, automatic V-8. Karen 882-6307, after 5 p.m. Mileage in excess of 150 miles charged RETAIL SALES, men-boys PJMM after 6 p.m. 4-11-21(31 clothing; part-time. Apply at HOLDEN REID'S THE ATTIC at 104 a mile MUSTANG, 1965. 289 en¬ WORLDS VAN 1972,Va7cL8- STORE, Frandor 337-1133. C m*»r, low mileage, K"enras- 353-2069. gine, dark blue, no rust. 332-3712. Best offer. Z-5-11-2213) Must work the 1st of the year or longer. 8-11-2116) F A L S LARGEST LEASING FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM TAXI DRIVERS wanted. J" VAN, NEED CASH? We buy im¬ 1976, 15,000 Must have excellent driving JAWnvened, sleeps two, ports and sharp late model record. VARSITY CAB. 332- SUPER SAVINGS! t""' Wed bar, fully compacts. Call John De 3559. 8-11-17-131 CALL DICK ACKER AT CURTIS FORD, 351-1830, Young, WILLIAMS V.W. "«Jt 6654343 484-1341 or 484-2561, TEMPORARY MAIL-ROOM FOR ANY AND ALL OF YOUR RENTAL OR C-20-11-30-15) LEASING NEEDS. help-3-4 week period. Two shifts available: 8:30 a.m.- Wa require one ol the Mowing credit cord, at a meant ^!° 1976 hatch- 98 luxury sedan, 1966. ru nc on l„„,rv „ OLDS 4:30 p-m. and 5 p.m.- al dopotlt: Matter Chorge, BcnkAmerlcord. Carte All power, runs great. Should midnight. Apply 3308 South Blanche, American Exprett. Dlnert Club. You mutt be 11 be seen. $225 or best offer. Cedar, Suite #9, Lansing. yeart of age. 489-0340.6-11-1814) 8-11-18(7) Wednesday, Nov,mber ,6 ] 4 Michigon Stote News. Eoat Lonsing, Michigon , riodisnw L J® For Sale L *"ilia,s iM iPwrtPiradllil Service IS [lp>ftiMiits||yl i Houses GRINNELL UPRIGHT piano. IT IS the policy of the STATE KITTEN, 8-month, free to PLACE YOUR special Christ¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE twelve years IT IS the policy of the STATE 1 bedroom to sublease. CAMPUS near, clean fur- mas Peanuts Personals to¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks exM,i, close to campus (2 miles). "^^ Sha'e 'nodern k, ch- In tune and good condition. NEWS that the last 4 weeks permanent home. Celico of term all Student Classified ♦VPlna theses, ma^lenc# NEWS that the last 4 weeks $150. 487-6376. 3-11-1813) of term all Student Classified day. Bring your ad and of term ell Student Classified Call 371-1782 or 393-9230. en and batK From $.5/ markings, well-trained, affec¬ payment to State News Clas¬ Advertising must be paid for term paper, r ™nusc"PU, advertising must be paid for Z-12-12-1'3) month, 485-1436 or 351-6471. Advertising must be paid for tionate, 489-2834. sified, 347 Student Services. in advance beginning Nov¬ in advance beginning Nov¬ 0-20-11-30141 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL in advance beginning Nov¬ S5;11-21T32 SP-6-11-1815) ember 14,1977. Bring or mail ember 14,1977. Bring or mail ember 14,1977. Bring or mail 15% off on our entire Bicycle to 347 Student Services. MALE NEEDED for room in to 347 Student Services. QUALITY DOG/CAT board¬ to 347 Student Services. house. 1 block from campus, 2 WOMEN needed, winter Et inventory. Bronds include Sp-23-12-918) Sp-23-12-918) spring. 2 blocks campus. No Raleigh. Schwinn. Free Spirit Sp-23; 12-9(8) ing 10 feet run, dogs' walked totally furnished, 351-6301. 3 times daily. Licensed vet on pets. Call 351-3529. Huffy and many others. 3, DINETTE SET 4 chairs 30x48 MALE ROOMMATE needed winter, and spring, very close S-5-11-21-13) S-5-11-1813) 5 and 10 speeds. table, $79. 3 full floors of duty. COUNTRY KENNELS, Haslett. 655-2791. LANE | TrnspirUtioi |jAl OWN ROOM in nice house furniture to select from NEED RIDE to New York to campus. $110/month. 351- IT IS the policy of the STATE We have a wide selection of 6-11-21(4) City BERKS FURNITURE in the 0120. Z-3-11-18(31 for grad student or working NEWS that the last 4 weeks ladies leather coats and or Philadelphia for Thanks¬ "Old Schoolhouse" 4801 N. giving. Call Dan at 355-8743. person. Very near campus. of term all Student Classified jackets in many styles and SUBLET 2 man apartment for winter and spring terms. Call $100/month Et utilities. Free thru 12-15. 332-0038, 4:30- Advertising must be paid for in advance beginning Nov¬ U.S. 27 et State Rd. Call 482- 6241.8-11-23(81 [Mobile Hoiees ][w] Z-3-11-18(3) RELAX-RIDE John B. at 337-0718. ember 14,1977. Bring or mail See us first for ice skates or IT IS the policy of the STATE AMTRAK. Z-3-11-18131 7 p.m. Z-4-11-18-15) SCUBA EQUIPMENT U.S. Leaves Trowbridge station to 347 Student Services. hockey equipment. NEWS that the last 4 weeks divers tank, pack, and regula¬ 8:20 a.m. daily. Group rates, Sp-23-12-9(81 of term all Student Classified FEMALE TO sublease Cedar FEMALE-ROOM in 4-man tor, gages, extra's. Hardly discount tickets. 332-5051- Village apartment. Call 351- house '/i block from campus- COMPLETELY REFINISHED We repair all brands of tele¬ visions and electronic equip- used, $295. 694-1446. advertising must be paid for toll free 800-621-0353. unigraphIcs ~ 0f«; in advance beginning Nov¬ 9186 or 353-4556 ask for pets, garage. $100/month. attic, 12' x 36', carpeted, 4; 11-16(41 ember 14,1977. Bring or mail 2-11-16151 --*00 Cindy. Z-5-11-22131 Lease, Call Laura, 332-3623 furnished, T.V., 3 blocks from to 347 Student Services. after 10 p.m. or between 5-6 campus. Room and board in Dicker and Deal, MOST LP'S priced $1.75- Sp-23-12-9<8) Tansing Second Hand Store $2.50. Cassettes $3.00 quality RELAX-RIDE clean 1 bedroom, $165 with utilities, furnished, 4150 and 485-8615. p.m. Z-3-11-17-15) exchange for assistance with three boys, ages 2, 3 and 5, from 4:30 p.m. until bedtime. 1701 South Cedar 4I7-SM4 guaranteed plus 45's, song- books and more. FLAT, ONE AND two bedroom gwsr&i Grand River or ohon* »> W14.C-12-,1.»ltn9'33* 8-11-2913) URGE house $275 per near UNFURNISHED Meridian Mall. month. 655-2457. 351-4795 351.4795 3.11.18(8) or 0r 372-2960. onnvc b00ks' comics . MACA7INFS and morel CURIOUS BLACK AND CIRCULAR up¬ stairs 541 E. Grand River. everything furnished except electric. 10 minutes from E. Lansing, no pets. 641-6601. AMTRAK Leave E. TYPING 756/page, call Co 0i*u" Open 11 a.m. 351-0838. 0-16-11-22(5) Lansing "ie, days 484-1491 Hnses 4-11-18-13) DOUBLE ROOM large nice B00K SHOP, 307 E. Grand nioh. Cooking 372-2620. 5-11-18(3) Z __ C-!_3±1;30(7) daily 8:20 a.m. ~ rn-pfl housp MSU close River. 332-0112. LOVELY FURNISHED 4-bed- FOR SALE: Great Lakes 12 x DUPLEX-3 bedrooms plus room house close to Mt. Wjnter mgy^ S£)oner 3^; C-20-11-30-13) DESK, BED, $20 each. Table 50 ft. two bedroom. New JLTTj Group rates—discount 3:00 q712 7.3.11-18(3) ~ tickets study, brand new; 2 full $15, Dynaco A25, 10" 2 way fence, carpeting, and storage tiolhar Worlc Hope and Aurelius. $190/ 2 MALE bikes 26" and 3 baths. 9 month lease, $400. speakers. $50 each. Call 393- shed. Close to MSU, many fc„da«e«l Call 339-2600. 8-11-18(4) lease. 676-3780. 8-11-23(4) NORTH CLEMENS, fur- ?g!!ds' S20' c<" 5568. E 5-11-16(3) extras. Best offer, call 351- WILLIAMSTON, JUST list¬ ed, custom built ranch on 331-5051 3:1$ nished, female. All house 0670 anytime. Z-E-5-11-2U3I 1331.8-11-29(5) rolling and wooded 20 acre IT IS the policy of the STATE FURNISHED 2 bedroom privileges. Near bus. Drive- --- CTCom s17c NORDICA BOOTS, Lady parcel. Home features walk (800)621-03S3 gantrol Hosp 3:30 WClns-487 6390 Sca"0"+3-11-1813^ *8" NEWS that the last 4 weeks Elite, brand new. Size 7)4, Lost & I out basement and beautiful of term all Student Classified 4008. 8-11-22(4) 6 blue. CAII 339-2888. deck area, warranty covered. WANTED: 1 or 2 persons to j In The Foml advertising must be paid for Please call David Miller, share expenses to San Diego, fills Alegr* LOST: BLUE and grey varsity in advance beginning Nov¬ For Sale ^ INSTANT REPAIR service on 5-1_1-16(3l LA NOBLE REALTY 482- leaving Nov. 25. 634-5501, 4:00 ember 14,1977. Bring or mail three bedroom, 6050 ▼ CB and py 0ne dav jacket with white C's. Much stere0 TWO MICHELIN radial 1637. 351-9033 evenings. Delmar. Z-5-11-18I3I to 347 Student Services. Rutherford. Clean, sharp, personal value. 355-2554. MATH-TUTOR for _< Mickey" cider blossom service on most repairs. WIL- snows, 175R-14. Like new. 8-11-16(3) 1-11-16(11) school sophmore Sp-23-12-9181 FJX&tZZr oS^fThe6^: COX TRAD,NG POST 485- Best offer, 351-6119. Algebra II. Contact'm boy Ortan Acres laody Bunch 3 BEDROOM house, Ann St. uAcAnriRN ROAD - 10 ski's 2 miles N. of Leslie, 3597 Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours, 439'• C14 11 JU,a' 3-11-18(3) FOUND: Brandywine BLACK kitten. Apartments I Service ]g] I Typif Siwici Wagoner, 349-1991 after 2 5-11-21(4) smeStr* Unfurnished, $300/month. Stove and refrigerator and m^K south of campus farm 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays, BE^OOM ^TFiTS (2), lw- qmNr! OF lObLt 5:00 Aty/N^T H 6 WEDNESDAY (6) Gunsmoks (10) Hall of Fame 10:00 AFTERNOON (10) Emergency On* I (11) Best of Sloucho #3 (10) Big Hawaii ATSUMFHT, HE 1:00 (12) Eight Is Enough (11) A Pinteresque Comedy pirtJT UMP (23) AAistsr Rogsrs' Neigh¬ Bl,g0(tdth#R«»l«» borhood (23) Nova (12)Baretto ONE W0F7 IwolUnc*r»olnty WEDNESDAY 8:30 10:30 ro BAY! 1:30 (6) Busting loose EVENING (23) Me And Stella Lfl,, World Turn, 5:30 9:00 11:00 .aof Our lives (6) Movie (6-10-12) News 2:00 (11) Cable II Now. "From Noon till Three" (12) Rookies (23) Dick Cavett Iik.ooosrEoay Promld (23) Electric Company (11) Won Chuen (12) Charlie's Angels 11:30 PEANUTS ® sponsored by: + CLEAN ERS SUEDES 6:00 (6) Hawaii Flve-0 LAUND 2:30 (23) Great Performances DRY AND (6-10-12) News (10) Johnny Carson by Schulz ling L|9',, 9:30 (12) Forever Fernwood LIATHIRS ■nodors (11) Black Notes 332-3537 CLIANID (11) The Watcher (23) ABC News Will, to II** (23) Dick Cavett 6:30 uldng with Contlnen- (6) CBS News 3:00 (10) NBC News MSU SHADOWS . ■inothor World (12) ABC News by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: doRool (23) Over Easy 3:15 7:00 PXNBALL PETE'S lewirol Hospital (6) AAy Three Sons Present this really funny comic for 25' 1 3:30 (10) AAary Tyler Moore (11)Shintowa: Hearts In worth of free play! lllln Th« Family Harmony lloAlogr* 4:00 (12) Mary Tyler Modra f£XCUSt Mt — Dip Wcu. KNCtO there's) wMickey Mouse Club (23) Latino Consortium v A BUMoft SHoft.TA&£. Ij 7:30 in Acroi dyBunch (6-12) Price Is Right ^1P isTHATTsoi^^iA^p) Him. Stroot (10) Hollywood Squares M l^Of JoKS. ?J FRANK & ERNEST * 4:30 (11) Impressions EL AZTECO RESTAURANT (23) MacNell/lehrer Report by Bob Thaves sponsored by rliDay 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 Jtarichool Spoclol 3:00 bjlllgon't Island (6) Good Times 3.9® EA. Jprinit-in-Q-minit I COPYING/DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS Corner of MAC and ANN ST. Open 8:30-6:00 M-F; 10:00-5:00 Sat. THE DROPOUTS :w - a TT| Now Avoilob,« by Post " 1 NoFRESH SWEET CIDER preservatives added [VELS WITH FARLEY® il Frank MtLM'RE REAUX ON W^OFF lb WILDERNESS p m OUT OF m Is AND 4 WAV FROM |tl ITS CRASS LUmiESl 1 LAP.. ^ m_~ 7 P/NES AND A REST IN MOTHER NATURES 7 ABOUT FOUR HOURS MIX s. HOWARD THE DUCK!® M Sil c ISf7 UftUM 7«Murn Synciutn. sponsored by: ,«. == 0 by Steve Gerber and Gene Colon llWBLEWEEDS CAMPUS 1312 Mich. Ave. I'omK. Ryan SPONSORED BY: PIZZA Wed. - WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on request) SAM and SILO sponsored by: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker POSSIVORD jm liUZZlE 28 Substitute (1000a ssataaas aana aaa bob SPONSORED BY: ■Hiramiies 31 Possessive adiective 32 Sindbad s bird aBagl0aiiii ■Vi ■fool 33 Unit of work 35 39 Majonty Singer Burl BSBPnSSSnji saa oss unaa |v raiiBisau Bscaa 41 failing to reach waiaaB aaans base 30030 Bill 43 Bleat PUS TO BA& h/CATHER... MS r 44 Casaba HiU SB UNABLS TO LAMP FN 46 Amorous 2 Notsed abroad 48 Commonplace 3 Cholei HONOLULU... BUTWSARSCLEA*£P discourse 4 Plaster support FOR CLE.VSLAHP, SO SNOOP F*>OR I c "ALOHA PRSANt"AS OSSF 49 Spreads a 5. Floss 8 Wallaba 7 Ladders in hosiery YOU CAN, PQCMS !! ' -Ji A ROCK N ROLL SUNDAY BEETLE BAILEY AT DOOLIY'S 9:00 8 Retinues 9 Vicious 10 Portico tj by Mort Walker sponsored by: NOV. 20 DWI0HY TWILLIY 12 Picture mounting 17. You and I 20 Slate's tool AT LAST/ A TV NETWORK 22. Canted pole THAT REALLY KNOWS / 25 Coin HOW TO COVER / YEAH/ 27. lend FOOTBALL GAMES/ 28. Adorn with care 29. Nomads 30 Spotted cat 31 Urard 34. Aitrtidat language 36 Gross 37. Mom sensible 38 Uses a shuttle 40. Tolerable 42. trampled V'l»77 Universol Pie" Syndrom 45 Neoteric 47 Accomplished J ^ Michigon Stote News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Spanking policy spurs lawsuit JONES, Okla. (AP) - had called Ronda's mother and ing grades. No hearing is But both said earlier they did happened had her daughter left told her that Rhonda could provided. Under Oklahoma law, not think the accident in this the scene of the accident to get Rhonda Davis, a 16-year-old cheerleader who was late to return to school immediately. He said the decision was made 16 is the minimum age for quitting school. Oklahoma City suburb of some 2,000 persons was sufficient back to school on time. "He said, 'I would have drug stores- school five times, went to court over a rule that's forcing her to in a conference with School Miss Davis, who is president arrested her immediately,' " of her school class and football Mrs. Davis said she asked the she said. "Then we would really stay home unless she lets her Superintendent John Hollings- worth. queen, said that on Nov. 4, the police chief what would have have been in trouble." FRANDOR principal spank her. On Tues¬ day, her principal said she can Miss Davis decided to stay home and receive failing grades day after her fifth offense, officials "told me I could take SHOPPING D - , return until the suit is settled. ~ PH