J . i Shah of Iran protest sw> PHPHMm 1 g ■ KM, V Ifcr jLifli f EME ( flHfyt-.Sf m iTUrk IEk ^ TMI IVKS HSfcCrMirVVM subdued; talks over By STATE NEWS secret police — be reported. The protesters negotiations concerning the sale of eight and Associated Press also announced over loudspeakers that nuclear reactors to Iran and on the export WASHINGTON — President Carter and further violence against them would cause of nuclear fuels. the Shah of Iran concluded two retaliation. days of talks Wednesday as rival Iranian groups staged Powell also said no major decisions were largely peaceful demonstrations outside the Questioned by reporters as he left reached concerning the many items of heavily guarded White House. Capitol Hill, the shah said the United States sophisticated weaponry which the shah A large contingent of police was on hand could "count on our understanding and wants to buy from the United States. to prevent any recurrence of the bloody cooperation" about oil prices. A White House statement Tuesday said fighting between pro- and anti-shah demon¬ On another matter, Powell said, the two Carter pledged continued U.S. arms ex¬ H '*•"">* strators that occurred Tuesday. Some 124 leaders made important progress toward an ports to that country. Iran has bought about persons were injured and 12 were arrested agreement on nuclear proliferation. The $15 billion of U.S. arms in the last five ■ ' -*K .* in those disorders. two countries have been engaged in years. V < White House Press Secretary Jody Powell said the two leaders reviewed human rights in Iran and other matters AP Wirephoto during their final talks. Powell declined to say whether the president is satisfied with the human rights situation in Iran. 'Down the with aiderably subdued in comparison with Tuesday's Police kept rival demonstrators apart ■A police dog chases demonstrators in Washington ■Maesday where pro- and anti-Shah ol Iran fact¬ ual expressed their viewa in an atmosphere con- demonstrations. throughout the day. Although the demon¬ strations were mainly peaceful, police reported eight arrests. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered a chilling welcome But the shah, accompanied by a brass By BOB OURLIAN near Embassy Row, where the shah Special to the STATE NEWS section of the U.S. State Department, has attended a luncheon given by Vice Presi¬ WASHINGTON - There is a certain given the West the song and dance that his dent Walter F. Mondale, and on Capitol opponents are a small, vocal band of Marxist [ear/ngs held to select phrase chanted by opponents of the Shah of Hill, where he testified before a committee. Iran which, when yelled in unison by idealogues, opposed to him because of their About 2,000 demonstrators remained out¬ Communist dogma. thousands, gives one a peculiar chill. side the White House most of the day. It is "Mag Beh shah:" Death to the shah. There of course, he is dead wrong. What Security was tight as the shah traveled It grips you, the very sound of it. It Marxism there exists in his opposition grew through Washington. In addition to heavy touches off the part of your mind that makes out of his wrought-iron rule. Whatever police protection on the ground, helicopters )ssible bargaining unit you feel uneasy, uncertain. It roils around ideology they espouse was inspired by a flew over his motorcade and around hatred of the and his needs. your head and then drops to the pit of your man demonstration sites. Included in the motor¬ stomach. It is unsettling. Amnesty International, the world-re¬ cade were an ambulance and a fire But the emotion you feel from it is not fear spected human rights organization, begins emergency truck. or terror — but fascination, utter and its report on Iran thus: "The following On Capitol Hill, some supporters of the human rights issues in Iran are of particular complete. With these people, with their By PAM WEAR AAUP, cross-examined the witnesses for administration on the medical school issue. shah carried placards mounted on baseball concern to Amnesty International. . ." I ind CHRIS KUCZYNSKI the AAUP replacing Zolton Ferency passion, with their cause. Another point of debate between the bats as they demonstrated near the "Mag Beh Shah" is a violent chant. It is not Then it proceeds with a factual, calmly | Stste News Staff Writers AAUP's lawyer. administration, FA and AAUP will be Rayburn Building where the shah met with the chant of reformists, philanthropists, or s began Wednesday before the Blatt said the AAUP agreed with the whether department chairpersons should members of the House International Rela- cultural malcontents. It is, rather, the chant ^ Employment Relations Commis- administration's argument, adding that the be included in the bargaining unit. tions Committee. of revolutionists who are simply not kidding e which faculty members asswiation will probably use faculty as its After the hearings are completed, MERC Isolated incidents of violence occurred around. li incioded in a possible collective witnesses while the administration wID use wiU'cbnsider hearing transcripts and rtiUke Wednesday .'partly due to pdllce warnings But in Washington over the past two days, Kunit at MSU. deans and administrators. a decision on who should be in the following Tuesday's demonstrations and the "Mag Beh Shah" was not interpreted a collective bargaining The hearings will resume Jan. 10 and bargaining unit. It will also set the date for "marshaling" by anti-shah protesters of literally for the Americans who were doing killed in January by the Faculty continue through Jan. 12. If all cases are a collective bargaining election. their own group. noon-hour spectating. It was instead lawhich is competing with the unable to be presented in that time, more , One man was allegedly beaten by coupled with the chant "Down with the worded description of affairs that, with whi](? >ice watcJ. . ... ..... „ A '972 MSU collective bargaining elec- at of the American Association hearing dates will have to be scheduled, hah {orces shah." Very rarely did one hear "Death to painstaking detail, peels the cover off a a; Professors to become the sole ■wit for MSU faculty members, Blatt said. Hon resulted in 60 percent of the faculty voting for no union and 40 percent voting [awyers for the shah p70testers were the shah" chanted in English. nightmare so terrible that one wonders with The presiding administrative judge has pa reque5tjng that any tangible evidence of They were only treating us with kid what kind of strength these young Iranians of Wednesday's hearing yet to hear witnesses of the AAUP and for either AAUP or FA to represent them. tu was po)jce collaboration with SAVAK _ Iran.s gloves, these foreigners with accents. managed to maintain their sanity. knot MSU's three medical schools And add to that the eagerness of the ■■separate collective bargaining Carter administration to stay good friends Opponents of Red Squad' rally at Capitol with the shah. He was a president in whom ■( hearings, the FA attempted to Iranian nationalists were allowed very «t medical schools have different briefly to have hope. n the rest of the University Carter has yet to spell out how enter¬ ■old a seperate election. The taining and arming the shah is consis¬ lud the administration were at- By MARK FABIAN before making a decision. corporated political spying which I hope we People who work within the system find tent with his human rights utterances. But State News Stall Writer Ferency also urged the Michigan Legisla¬ can legislatively stop," he said. out that police make sure you don't J^to show the opposite. of course, "human rights" as U.S. foreign I FA began the proceedings by About 50 opponents of the now-defunct ture to authorize an investigation into the George Corsetti, a Michigan Legal Ser¬ accomplish your goals, he said. "One of the reasons people resort to policy may already be dead; it didn't have »S Dr. Myron S. Magen, dean of Michigan State Police "Red Squad" rallied "manner, means and history in which vices attorney, said in an interview follow¬ terrorism is that their attempt at change quite the staying power that "economic tge of Osteopathic Medicine, as its on the Capitol steps Wednesday afternoon political surveillance occurred in this state." ing the demonstration that legal depositions interests" somehow has. It also got too many I- Magen was examined and demanding immediate release of all Red The files released so far have not proven show that Chrysler Corp. has its own Red through the system has been frustrated," he said. laughs. mined by all parties for most of Squad files and a state investigation into that anyone committed a crime, he said. Squad. He said the company is getting 'mr session. information from the FBI and Detroit police The "Red Squad" files were compiled by a But Carter's announcement of an upcom¬ political spying. Perry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor, warned for FA, Michael that corporations also use police to "sup¬ who have also spied on citizens. special intelligence unit of the Michigan ing nuclear reactor deal with the shah (eight the Speakers also urged the passage of House Corsetti said the documents released so State Police, which was formed in 1950 to reactors, all with weaponry potential), Denattempted to prove that special Bill 5381, which would force all businesses press democracy." turned his human rights policy into a sheet of mions such as salary differences that employ at least four workers to open The passage of House Bill 5381 would far show "fairly concrete evidence of keep tabs on alleged subversives. burglaries committed by police against It was dismantled by the state police cellophane; you could see right through it. [lit medical school's interests dif- personnel files that have been kept on give every employee the right to see their several years ago and was subsequently ie rest of the University. them. personnel file and would prohibit spying on minority parties." Documents stolen in 1977 from the declared unconstitutional by two Michigan But then again, there's lots of that sort of Ijoint brought out by the FA Zolton Ferency, MSU professor of crimi¬ employees by corporations, Bullard said. thing in Washington this week. The " The Georgia Power Co. used plainclothes Socialist Workers Party in Detroit turned trial courts. is that many medical school nal justice, called on either Attorney A ruling by circuit court judge last March so-called pro-shah demonstrators, for in¬ ■receive funds supplemental to their General Frank J. Kelley or Gov. William G. investigators, unmarked cars containing up in state police files with a cover sheet stance. Even the Washington Post, which dated four days after the burglary, he said. made it possible for people to apply for and ■University salaries. The funds come Milliken to issue an executive order that guns and video tape equipment — costing has been doing the "balanced coverage ad ■Nof lees collected from patients at would permit all those named in the files to $750,000 — to spy on employees and groups He added that by disrupting organiza¬ receive copies of their "Red Squad" files, insertum" number all week, could see advocating utility rate reform, Bullard said. tions that advocate social change, police are but the petitioning deadline has since Juinical Center. see them. passed. through that one. He said a lawsuit that would force state "This illustrates the continued problem of forcing people to resort to terrorism. |CniversityPAttorney ■"dire Lelancj Carr, police to inform persons with compiled files The Americans, which the shah support¬ thought the medical schools that they have been spied on is pending, but ers were, were flown to D.C., put up in _ egrated in other ways with the rest has become bogged down. PULLS GUN ON FOUR HOLDEN RESIDENTS hotels, and when they arrived, many were ■Uiversity. "We have waited long enough," he said. given the $100-hand shake to boot. A good F major role of the College of "We must put pressure on Frank Kelley to day's wages, in any estimation. ? assault charge Medicine is teaching and be the attorney for the people and to quit Man arrested on . he said. But the shah's opponents have no defending police." «Clarence Winder was also called Barret Sydnor, administrative assistant questions about their future. They will ■ ness by the FA. In questioning for the attorney general, said the office graduate from college and go into the T'.™ FA cited several University would not comment on the demands since thing went off," Hobbs was reported as burgeoning Iranian underground. If it takes I was arraigned i Ricky Randall Hobbs, 3622 Denny of 30, 35,40 years, they will resist the tyranny P whcating the "this of ueuuuig is a case ui litigation.' pending iiugauvw. saying. salary differences nis is — ~ , . Indianapolis, was arraigned in East Lansing in their country. Their objective: C■y. medlcal schools and rest of the A spokesperson for Milliken's office said charge of felonious assau t Wednesday after District Court and remanded to Ingham The woman started screaming and the "Mag Beh Shah." the governor's position is to let the legal he pulled a gun on four MSU st"dentsa? County Jail when he failed to post $2,000 man fled. Hobbs was arrested shortly after Is it any wonder? ■sST t0 9uestioning by Carr, process take its course. Milliken believes Tuesday night, the Department of Public bond. the incident was reported. T bow m many ways the medical police spying should be stopped and all files Safety said. destroyed, the spokesperson said. As far as No one was injured m the incident that Hobbs was arrested outside Holden Hall KMsaedbytheMmepolicie' individuals seeing their files first, he said, occurred at about 10 p.m. in Holden Hall, by DPS and East Lansing Police officers president of the MSU the Governor will wait for a court ruling DPS said. after residents reported the incident. Hobbs, a non-student, and two other men allegedly followed a woman up to her room Carter O Ksuranium fuel for Brazil in an elevator and tried to engage her in conversation, police said. The woman admitted the three men into her room where three of her friends were inside V" 'API -The Carter Administration recommend- promised to Brazil to guard against military conversion. waiting, DPS said. Last March, Brazil, traditionally the staunchest U.S. ally in Hobbs then allegedly gave his keys to one ly h .y ,PProv*1 o' uranium fuel shipment to Brazil. South America, canceled a 25-year-old military assistance treaty of the other men telling him that he {Hobbs) Is there a grinch or two on the |™'onup to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency. uranium would be used for reactors. A with the United States in a dispute over human rights. would be spending the night in the woman's East Lansing City Council? See (Vpcpartmer spokesperson said the dealpower "meets all the The Brazilian Foreign Ministry said a State Department report room. The woman told him he could not stay page 3. nuclear export criteria" and that issuing licenses to on human rights in Brazil was an intolerable interference in its and the three men left, police said. internal affairs. llnnv!woul>o also RM 208 Men IM Ski Club FROM OUR MR. i j SHOP perjury conviction, was arrested Wed¬ Office 240 Men's IM 353-5199 nesday on charges of drunk was Dicked S,°,e Supreme Court justice, marijuana possession. driving and M UP °n M 50 in ,he ne°rby Sports Club 353-5108 Napoleon during the pre dawn hours Small limited don't delay space Jacob0ori£ v\ "&ET1&6 WOMEM fcrtoYSt CMILDR&) 64*DTH€. y faewortt DtRt.cTDR.tcs Mb RUT 'e* utTttevtaai.*/ Thursday. November 17, 1977 CURRENTLY COUNCIL PRESIDENT lew representative named 11,: REGINALD THOMAS 1 'I News SUff Writer representative Jean Riker resigned. Cornelius will remain on the board as Board members agreed to the Department of Public send letters to flood victims. Safety recom¬ The board met early Tuesday to allow I Jrel ballot, the ASMSU Student College of Communication Arts and Sci¬ mending that yield signs be placed at all some board members to attend the Emer¬ ■ Tuesday to appoint Panhelle- ences representative until the end of winter crosswalks. They will also recommend the son, Lake and Palmer concert. Next term. At that time, T, representative Lisa Cornelius for an election will be held designing of safer crosswalks on Bogue St. Tuesday's meeting will be held at the ErColIege of Communications Arts college representative seats. Her ap¬ pointment takes effect at the next board Representatives of MHESA spoke to the regularly scheduled time — 7:30 p.m. in 4 ices representative. board on whether MSU should become a Student Services. —j- currently president of Panhel- meeting. MHESA member. Representatives agreed Bwil said she applied for the Some board members expressed concern to wait until next month to decide. that the change increased the number of n77T#E s B] because she wants to remain on the In other action, the board voted to start a ■ifler December. Her term as leiic representative ends next |»ben the council selects a new representatives from fraternities and ities seated The board on the board. also discussed soror supporting relief fund for the victims of a flood in Georgia which left homeless. many injured and Utility rates efforts to get signs posted near crosswalks The relief fund will send money, food and ge of Communication Arts seat j earlier in the term when on campus and whether to join the Michigan Higher Education Student Association. STr^-r- clothing to a Georgia-based Bible College in an attempt to help alleviate the suffering of cause of rally Hundreds of senior citizens attended a Tardy shipment rally Wednesday on the steps of the Capitol to protest current utility rates for heating. The rally was organized by the Michigan Coalition on Utilities and Energy. The group is calling for money through of phone books legislation to assist low income households and the elderly to pay for their fuel heating sitting in Dallas bills. Also in the lobbying package is a demand for "lifeline" rate structures for electrical bills. Lifeline structures would set a minimum level of kilowatt hours considered Delivery of MSU student telephone directories, which usually takes place in early necessary and then bill that amount and November, has been promised for next Monday by the company producing them. below it at low rates. Usage beyond the w-l l\ lifeline level would be more heavily billed. "In this way we provide the necessary Promotional year Enterprises of Indianapolis, Ind., has produced the directories since last under an agreement with MSU which allows the company to sell the yellow-page amount of electricity to people at a cost advertising. they can afford and at the same time we give them incentives to concerve," Jerry Company spokesperson Jim Kiesle said the current year's phone books are Johnson, coalition steering committee mem¬ completed and waiting for immediate shipment from Dallas. Tex. ber said. "The directories should be delivered by the 18th or 21st lof November)," Kiesle said. The lobby also wants lawmakers to enact legislation that would eventually provide Associate Editor of University Publications Robert D. Blanck said under the for public ownership of utilities. agreement MSU pays for the books' front cover art, some layout work and special typesetting. He estimated the total MSU production cost for the books at $500. All three proposals have been put into bill form. House Bill 4371 would provide some for the books without Promotional t Enterprises would be $47.5 million in heating bill assistance. * House Bill 4776 would create "lifeline" rates. House Joint Resolution M would "We don't have nearly the control over publishing and delivery that v create public ownership of utilities. Blanck said, explaining the delivery delay. At the same time a University of The cost savings are worth the slight presented in waiting for the >s Moggie Walke, Michigan professor recently predicted that delivery, Blanck added. one out of five elderly citizens will probably mi Tilled balloons promoting an upcoming Lec- ASMSU board meeting Tuesday in 4 Student have to "make a choice between heating Promotional Enterprises provides the directory s • to 27 other American fcConcert Series presentation provide a festive Services. their households or starving." The study iniversities, Kiesle said. Si to an otherwise routine setting for the recommended that reform take place im¬ mediately. [lean Act Air may E.L. City Council tells businesses orce power plants to pay for decoration installation not at taxpayers' expense. He added that he Council members discussed the possibi¬ By NUNZIO M. LUPO funds for that purpose," he said adding that lity of a conflict with the Freedom of quicken changes would be the first to put "five bucks in the State News Staff Writer CELBA should pay for it. Information Act and said he would look into Another audience member, Liz Schweit¬ kitty" to see the decorations put up. In what might be called a Grinch-like what can be legally done to protect the Fox said that while he did not feel it was move, the East Lansing City Council told zer, expressed similar feelings towards complainants. Fox said any policy should using city funds to install the decorations. right to spend city funds for the project, the not only apply to zoning violations, but on East Lansing businesses they would have to Karen Dicks, CELBA president, told the city should install them and ask for BySCOTTWIERENGA pay for the installation of Christmas other citizen complaints as well. council that the businesses along Grand payment at a later date because it would be The council also: State News Staff Writer decorations. difficult to raise funds to do it beforehand. >1 Clean Air Act Amendments may force several area power plants, The City Council unanimously passed a River Avenue were providing the decora¬ •Formally denied the rezoning of the area In other action, the council directed City ■"jMSU's, to meet an earlier deadline for complying with antipollution laws, state resolution Tuesday night that would use tions free and only needed someone to put south of the old Marble School. all say, them up. Attorney Dennis McGinty to draw up some about $1,200 worth of city equipment and •Approved at bid of $8,437 from the But the idea of using city funds met with guidelines to protect comlainants from «ie* federal amendments prohibit federal or state governments from entering labor to install Christmas decorations retaliation for reporting and zoning viola¬ Maple Valley Construction Company for ■pollution consent orders which extend beyond July 1, 1979. owned by the Central East Lansing opposition from a majority of the council. tions. renovations to the first floor of city hall. ■wient order is Business Association as the city is Czarnecki's motion to put the decorations a legal agreement with a polluter which specifies a deadline for with antipollution laws, reimbursed by April 1. up at city expense was defeated in a 3-2 hi! Power Plant 65 and four Lansing Board of Water and Light power generating The motion, made by Councilmember vote with Czarnecki and Councilmember under consent orders which extend until 1980. Alan Fox, was a substitute motion to a Larry Owen voting for it. Councilmembers -Wment of Natural Resources Air defeated one made by Councilmember John Alan Fox and Carolyn Stell and Mayor Quality enforcement engineer Dennis Drake ■ tdnesday he is not yet sure of the impact of the new amendments. He said he has Czarnecki calling for the installation of the George Griffiths voted against the motion. Irrthe matter with federal Environmental Protection Agency officials and other decorations at city expense. Owen said Christmas was not a religious r®finals, but nothing definite has been decided. Before Czarnecki introduced his resolu¬ holiday as such. C. ?un|kr a consent order to reduce fly ash emissions from two of the power plant's tion, two members of the audience spoke "It is not appropriate for the city to aid in F by Aug. 1,1980. The third boiler is already equipped with efficient pollution the celebration of a religious holiday," Fox against the idea. Edwin M. Bladen, of the Lansing Jewish said. Stell and Griffiths agreed that it was blah' LansinS Boaruke, Bob I d like to see more records like Clayton. Containing several here is the between-tunes dia¬ Gerry Mulligan, is coming hard James. Alphonso Johnson, Tom these hitting seemingly random intervals the stores: previously unreleased selec¬ logue. Parker conversing with on the heels of one of the Scott and others too numerous Lester Young: THE LESTER making things even more diffi¬ tions. the sets cover Young's Symphony Sid Torin, a disc cult. But whatever these faults, company's most successful jazz to mention, it's no wonder jazz YOUNG STORY VOL. 2 1937-1939 period, which most jockey who conducted many this is an historic recording that critics have lauded as his best. shows live from Birdland. should have been issued long Recording quality is remark¬ Incidentally, another Parker ago. ably good, considering the time set, ONE NIGHT IN Lilley Don't Mind': BIRD- Gerry Mulligan: THE oversold album period. LAND, has been released with ARRANGER (Columbia JC Charlie Parker: SUMMIT this series; a double set which 34803) MEETING AT BIRDLAND features performances by I Columbia JC 34831), and BIRD Parker, Fats Navarro, Bud Mulligan's evolution as an WITH STRINGS (Columbia JC Lteveszilagyi your little brother might yearn for at Christmas, but it lacks tar licks, wangbang rhythm up and take notice. Despite the somewhere else, be it Alice 34832) Powell and Art Blakey. Haven't heard it yet, but I can't wait to. arranger is excellently docu¬ mented here with recordings I^Newi Reviewer and high-pitched vocals are the band's formula based approach Interestingly, CBS has The Miles Davis/Tadd Dam¬ ^ETTwilley Band: Twflley the style or distinct sound that stuff rock'n'roll is made of, and Cooper, the Yardbirds, or Kiss. dating back to the late 40s with to their music, it would be hard bought the rights to the Boris eron Quintet: PARIS FESTI¬ Gene Krupa to Mulligan's own Kfcd (Arista AB4140) would put the band at the top of are the Occasionally, the band throws the heap. same things everv to pick out the sound of the in little Rose Archives and given us VAL INTERNATIONAL DE band of the late 50s. Again, garage and bar band has been a Clapton-style rhythm L the publicity folks doing fir the last decade or Dwight Twilley Band from the sound of thousand other bar guitar and a touch of Nugent just a sample of what they have in store here. Rose, an amateur JAZZ/MAY 1949 (Columbia JC 340841 there are a few selections never The a before released to be found ■L everyone to think three-man band — bands. style feedback to give the recording buff during the late Dwight Twilley, Phil Seymour, album spice. The trouble is, here — and even better, Lee i»ht Twilley Band is 40s and early 50s, hooked up his Some excellent playing here and Bill Pitcock IV makes a even the Konitz, Zoot Sims and Bob the brink of major But what the band lacks in ripped off licks are not — i on In fact, a lot of the embellish¬ valiant effort at trying to put the pure rock 'n' roll licks of disc-recording machine to an by Davis and the under-record¬ Brookmeyer are just a few of , the album Twilley doing this conventional rock 'n' ments of the album are bor¬ AM radio and preserved a ed Dameron, though surpris¬ the talents involved. Probably out respectable rock 'n' roll someone like Chuck ■(tod doesn't backup that roll is a unique style. There is Berry, but a rowed from the work of other the leftover licks of the acid number of live Parker broad¬ ingly — and rewardingly — the most "contemporary" LP of album. They certainly have the are ■Granted, it's an all right no cut on the entire album that rock bands. Almost every song (lavs of the 60s. casts. An aborted Parker reis¬ untypical. Dameron takes sev¬ the whole series, it presents an formula down; their intro gui V,' roll record, the kind makes the listener want to sit has an intro that came from The cut "Invasion" is sue project on the late ESP eral solos, something he rarely often overlooked side of Mulli¬ pure record label included much did during most of his career, Kiss right down to the title. gan's distinguished career. The echo effects in "Looking for the Magic" sound like someone lltonc/y Newman: Juvenalian satirist turned er room, sounds Twilley loose in a show¬ and "Rock and Roll 47" like they decided to blend the guitar licks and runs 'Stick to me': sweet record By BILL HOLDSHIP manner similar to past greats like Elvis, Dion, from the 60s with the disco State News Reviewer The Beatles, Mitch Ryder, the ^HIIXBRIENZA Eagles themselves and the to hear people have that "big" This album is not as witty vocals from the 70s. goldie oldie "girl in 1977 has become formulaic commercialism of laugh at themselves. How hu and incisive as Newman's last. GRAHAM PARKER & THE RUMOR: STICK groups," and the '60s Motown crew. Yes, he Oddly enough, the dullest, jhl zone. A land of deep, their sound. A satire on bland- Good Old Boys, which was most bland cut on the album is TO ME (Mercury SRM-1-3706) sounds like all of them, not to mention the way he switch his music to sound like ws, most of them ness, some might say. A satire Graham Parker is simply great, tremendous, can a combination mainly a pre Jimmy Carter really the most original and Bob (id relation to the sun. more musically based than The most outrageous song in position paper on and from the promising. "Trying to Find My terrific, and any other superlatives needed to get the message across. In other words, Graham and Dylan with The Band, Bob Marley. J. Geils, The Rolling Stones. Parker's biggest these shadows comes the lyrically this time around. this new collection is "Short South. That was one of the best Baby" could have been the ling mumble of Randy People" which boldly asserts albums of 1974 even "Rolling "killer rock and roll" the publi¬ Parker is almost perfect and one of the few true inspiration was undoubtedly Van Morrison, but he can also be classified as England's answer to rock 'n roll giants of today (though everyone isn't (an, true poet of the age. "Rider in the Rain" is the over Wachtel's big guitar Stone" agreed and actually of city folks promised, had the aware of it just yet). Bruce Springsteen. Stick To Me is his Born To typical loping cowboy song, chords that "short people got the decade. Very few people band picked up the tempo a 's musical satire is with acoustic rhythm guitar Parker remains revered by a small but Run. no reason to live." Short | in a medium that takes people heard it because Newman had little and added a decent guitar fast growing cult following even though his first base, sweetened by Wachtel's "stand so low/ you got to pick jr too seriously. Rock- the courage to deal with reality solo. Consider just the songs alone on Side Two (the cliche pedal steel guitar. Of 'em up/ just to say hello two albums, released in 1976, made every U gods rule popular mu- . . . — the chorus of one song was If the Dwight Twilley Band "concept" side) of Stick To Me. From the course, the Eagles vocals on the they got grubby little fingers/ prestigious rock critic's "Ten Best" list for that 's humor is some- "We're Rednecks. We're Red¬ ever establishes a style, they rock-partying "New York Shuffle" right through chorus are typically smooth and and dirty little minds/ They're year. Prior to '76, Parker was pumping gas in ik and always as black necks. We don't know our ass could be an album or a road to ultimately "The Raid," it's street life, beautiful sweet. The lyrics are NOT gonna get you every time." The Surrey, England Ithe stuff rock dreams are made romanticism, and shades of West Side Story all ■vinyl form. He is what typical: "Got a gun in my from a hole in the ground" and tour away from the Big Time. of! I before joining forces with The Rumour, ■Bruce might have sound- Eagles' chorus sounds, New¬ simply said that Rednecks Their much-publicized appear¬ the way. holster/ got a horse between veterans from some of Britain's greatest man stated in his MSU concert, knew no geographical boundar¬ pub ■playing piano in the '70s. my knees I have been a as if it were written by John ance at Dooley's this Sunday bands. The rest has the potential of becoming It's beyond my realm of possibilities to se, that sound is ... ies in their absurd prejudices. could be an interesting look at a desperado/ raped and pillaged Denver "Short People are history. understand how anyone could not fall in love with It sound of ringing cash across the plain/ now I'm goin' — The truths Newman has to band on the rise. Stick To Me is Parker's best album to date. As this album. It's on classic stature, and falls within just the same as you and I/ All tell may be too painfully close But as for the album, it's fair to Arizona/ Just a Rider in the men are brothers until the day opposed to the rawer style of the previous at least the top five LP's released in this highly to home for any popular accep¬ rook 'n' roll, but people won't be |lhe sound of some of the Rain." The Eagles sing, "He's a they die/ I It's a Wonderful tance. Songs like "Short Peo¬ selling their Seger albums to recordings, producer Nick Lowe has this time competitive year. If nothing else, it's the #1 party it social satire ever to Rider in the Rain" over and World)." opted for a fuller Phil Spector type sound which album of '77. Get into Graham Parker & The ple" may allow people to com¬ get it at the record store. I'd better captures the essence of Parker in concert. jtass medium in this over. At the end, Newman just Rumour now. You will, sooner or later; I fortably dismiss him as crazy. give it an eight — it's got a good Recently, a differentiation has grown between | leSatire, they used theater, closed to says, "take it, boys" and they hum the tune to its conclusion As usual, there are "serious songs among the mad¬ a few He reflects, with detailed beat and you can dance to it. the terms "rock" and "pop" music, but Parker guarantee it. on but it doesn't grow on you like a ness. "Texas Girl at the Funeral accuracy, a country well past succeeds in mixing both elements in a brilliant (Album courtesy of The Disc Shop! J night (a very short in harmony. of Her Father" is lovely; and its 19th nervous breakdown. good rock 'n' roll album should. ■vhile Newman has At definite intensely How surprising to hear the the melody of "In Germany Mowing, it seemed Eagles (the most humorless of Before the War" with just 100% WOOL Ik he would never sell bands it had seemed) doing Newman on piano, backed by CAPITAL NEWS |«ll. like the Eagles, for v album, Little self-parody, as willing targets for Newman's ing could be sarcasm. more Noth¬ winning than synthesized orchestral effects has an enchanting quality that equals the haunting lyrics. HAT FREE at the corner of Larch and Michigan in Lansing I WHEN YOU i. to that Randy Newman myth. This al- Htell exactly as well as FUTURE CPA'S BUY A 100% offers you a battery operated I V Because here, they iljNewman's BACKUP Jl, Glen Frey and Joe SENIORS LEARN NOW ABOUT THE NEXT CPA EXAM WOOL VEST PERSONAL MASSAGER B)hy guitars on several •1 Frey, Don Henley, and THIS IS YOUR CPA AND (hither (member of the LAST CHANCE REVIEW FOR ONLY *1 pi vocals. try) sing back- TO BE IN THE SWEATER ('5 value) I 1978 RED CEDAR I I Wachtel, another pguitarist, who's played LOG YEARBOOK Expires 11-19-77 of Linda Ronstadt's ■ d» contributes on four The Senior 1/3 °F USA photographer leaves the MSU campus J -A cowboy sound, H—11—111 on December 2nd. If you (In proved so commer- ■■■■■■■a (toessful lately, polishes ^ki >'been sound musically like before... which ■ wig some people into do not call for a free por¬ trait appointment soon, you'll miss the chance of )ooLey's| being pictured with your Ironing (to before. This (W ironic because his who've never would graduating class. Help us remember you. Get your portrait taken. B (•"till ud uncompromising- satirical. In fact, to of some of his barbs CALL NOW SPECIAL Roast Beef Criminals are the 353-5291 half price on all wine and w ine French Dip HOBBIT drinks KS | POSTERS & BOOKS ■«■ for Christmas Gifts CIRCUS MAX Reach for It! 4 HOBBIT POSTERS From the Abrams Gift Book and the Xerox-NBC TV Special NATURAL SCIENCE-SUMMER PROGRAM $4.50 each FIELD EXPEDITION in the CANADIAN ROCKIES targe hard bound edition of AUGUST 13 - SEPTEMBER 3 (SECTION 1) ABRAMS AUGUST 20 • SEPTEMBER 10 (SECTION 2) ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOK Students will enroll in NS 142 and 300 for a total of 8 Credits. Depend on George Duke to do it whenever he's near a keyboard. "Reach for It," his new album, is loaded with percussive inventions INFORMATION MEETING TONIGHT THE HOBBIT November 17-7:30 P.M. and electric piano extensions. A master of funk and jazz,George Duke pulls out all the stops to make music you must move to. TOLKIEN SERIES ALSO SOLD IN PAPER¬ Room 206 Horticulture George Duke's "Reach for It',' his new album. On Epic Records and Tapes. BACK, SINGLY OR AS A SERIES Slides will be shown of the areas to be visited. Financial aid available to qualified students. For further information contact: Available at Wherehouse Records CAMPUS BOOK STORE OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY, 108 International Center #2 $4.69 L.P. EAST LANSING 507 E. GRAND RIVER 353-8920 (Across from Berkey Hall) 0 Mlchigon Stote News, East Loosing. Michigan Thursday, November CANCER SOCIETY SAYS THEY SHOULD QUIT Speech focuses By PETE BRONSON SUte News SUM Writer portion of health professionals, they are models of behavior to has greatly increased in recent years and Rutherford said on nurses tient have the right to die, to refuse treatment or to resort to said. Another area where nurses who smok ford said. Though the self-exam has been credited with saving cer, a majority of nurses sur- veyed said they did not regular- »Nu do the others the public; and the exemplar smoking nurses could be partly unconventional methods of can set an example for others is the lives of many women ly perform the exam on them- Nurses owe it to the public to role of nurses must be empha¬ responsible for the increase. treatment like laetril?" she in the breast self exam, Ruther- through early detection of can- selves, she pointed out. but th tic ""e,st *11 quit smoking, according to the west and midwest nursing con¬ sized in order to counteract "Lots of little girls want to to thei^ 1 ' doesn'1 sultant for the American Can¬ positive images of smoking grow up to be nurses but are cer Society. being sold by advertisers. growing up to be smokers. Bulgarian pianist visits MSU, "Nurses, as representatives "Nurses are often asked You've come a long way baby, of the health profession, have a questions because they are but to where?" she asked. easier to relate to than doctors. Nurses have a better oppor¬ responsibility to the public to set a good example by not People ask a nurse because tunity than other people to smoking," Ruby Rutherford they think 'she knows all that discourage smoking and to edu¬ said in her keynote address to stuff," Rutherford said. cate people, Rutherford said. speaks about women's issues the Tenth Annual Cancer Con¬ While Rutherford said she Patients in the hospital are a ference for Nurses at MSU's does not recommend that nurs¬ captive audience," she added. Kellogg Center Wednesday. es diagnose ailments for their "People are in a hospital Rutherford said that because family and friends, they should because they want to feel make up the largest educate the public on health better. A nurse in her official nurses By DIANE COX is a member of the State Artist financial reasons. When asked if she would like questions. role should reinforce health State News StaM Writer She said worn education when the patient is at System which employs only 20 "Few women can afford to to have a famile, Deyanova "In the case of preventive Women are "absolutely inde¬ 30 artists and is almost very free" and fo to stay home," she explained. said, "I would rather have a measures the facts are avail¬ this teachable moment." ble" that not Name of Pole pendent" from men in socialist equally divided between men Bulgaria has free state-sup¬ child than be married. I believe long able. A nurse is not a doctor but Rutherford also discussed women could not Bulgaria, pianist Marta Deya- and women, she said. ported child care in every much more in she can make people aware of nursing ethics and the increas¬ told a small group of "A little more men, friendship. Mar¬ obtain a charge nova maybe," neighborhood, she said, where riage doesn't i much too long the risks of smoking," she said. ing demands of sophisticated people in Hart Recital Hall she added, smiling. women can leave their cnddren mean too much to husband's signat The Denver, Col. resident technology in cancer treatment, "That could n( Wednesday afternoon. Deyanova said salaries and not only when they work, but She said that divorce is LOS ANGELES (API If said she is concerned that and suggested some ways in One of Bulgaria's leading very Bulgaria," she co - job opportunities are "com¬ also if they want to go away for common in Bulgaria and that nurses are letting the public which nurses could improve Before the disi your name is Kosciuszko, you pianists, Deyanova is visiting pletely the same" for women the weekend. more and down by lagging behind other care of cancer patients. more people are Deyanova playec may as well forget about seeing as part of the MSU Orchestras' and men in Bulgaria. Because so many women living together rather than it on a Los Angeles street sign. health professionals when it When performing overlap¬ International music "Women work everywhere," maninoffs six r season. In work in Bulgaria, they don't That's what the city council comes to kicking the habit. ping job roles demanded by she said. "They are doctors, marrying. 23. 1 conjunction with the MSU Wo¬ have time to have large fami¬ In discussing social attitudes has decided in the case of Gen. "Doctors, dentists and phar research or technology, Ruther¬ men's Studies group, Deyanova engineers. There are women lies, Deyanova said. The social Deyanova wil toward women and their roles, MSU and the Thaddeus Kosciuszko, a Polish macists have all shown a de¬ ford said nurses should be sure spoke in a question and answer factory workers, in very severe consequence resulting from Deyanova said child care is still Revolutionary War hero. crease in smoking since 1969, patient care does not become period with interested students jobs. You can't believe it's a smaller families is that "abor¬ through Nov. 2( but though there are now more considered mainly a woman's In a unanimous decision, the secondary. To keep up with about women in Bulgaria. woman, but it is." tion is strictly forbidden," be¬ stay here, she h concern, but that many Bul¬ council voted against naming a nurses than ever, the number issues, today's nurse should be A 1970 graduate of Bulgaria's Deyanova said almost all Michigan ~ ' of R.N.'s (registered nurses) well read and should be aware cause Bulgaria is trying to raise garian families are now sharing street after the general, it was Sofia Conservatory, Deyanova women in Bulgaria work for its birthrate, she smoking has stayed the same," of ethical problems such explained. the responsibility. reported, because the Public Works Committee said the she said. patient rights. city's street signs were too The number of female smok¬ "Nurses must take a stand small to carry his name. ers in the 12-to-18 age group such questions as: does a | MooVIN' YOU HOME What to FOR THE HOLIDAYS tell your folks whenyou decide to change your We're gearing up to get you home for the holidays. With our convenient express schedules and major. roundtrip discount fares, we're ready and waiting to meet your holiday travel needs. And don't forget! When you head back to MSU, our Sunday "Campus Drop-Off' service will bring you right on campus to all major MSU dorm complexes. For more information, call the E. Lansing Bus Center at 332-2569. EAST LANSING BUS CENTER -it- 308 W. Grand River Ave. 332-2569 norm star '/lu ova /% , - Vs. DEPARTMENT < /me? /turn/, toiptewith One sip III' Southern Comfort tells you it s an incredibly talented liquor. Super smooth. It tastes ih liriunx. all by itself. Thats why Comfort" makes a terrific drink solo, or with almost any backup. Comfort" & Cola .Comfort" & 71 I' Comfort" & Tonic Comfort" & Hitter Lemon Comfort" & Orange.luice At Anheuser-Busch, we believe in brewing SLOE •N COMFORT ABLE Busch beer just oneway. The natural way. Screwdriver with e new twistl >/i lifloer Comfort' Fill highball glass with ice BUSCH [/i jigger sloe gin cubes Add liquors, mice 3 02 orange juice Stir, add a cherry Sip for slow n easy en/oyment COOL TEUL 1 02 Comfort' When you believe in what you're doing, Fill highballglass with ice Mor nquik odm Addhqmi. 1,11ml, Oonfle juice mism/Iddiclmt, you just naturally do it better. There's nothing more delicious than Southern Comfort' on-th,-rocks! stote ——- News,- Eos' laming, Michigon CB RADIO is prize 3ad rally held sle*s HUGE HAPPY 48th BIRTHDAY By DOROTHY NEATON ■ r, jnd a c«r are the first requirements. p!®'M.mile course winding through East Lansing to get MvLuct a road rally.- KEus of the College of Veterinary Medicine will sponsor •"fining at 12:30 p.m. Saturday. First place winners will P'Xhannel citizens' band radio retailing for $100. 3 "BUL0US DAVS. BRING t' n Marks, a first year veterinary student and member of YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT LIST AND COLLECT THE GREATEST ISisinK committee, said anyone can enter the rally. SAVINGS OF THE SEASON ON 1000's OF FAMOUS |°Hust for people interested in cars, but for people who LABEL FASHIONS SHOES 1; fun The only experience you need is to be able to drive . ACCESSORIES & JEWELRY. SHOP TODAY 9:30 to 8:00 I ' oodtime," Marks said. f J, involves following written directions leading the tSoo an unknown car course around the East Lansing r" the cars leave the commuter lot at the corner of Farm Kit Hope Road, directions for the route will be fed to the its in ' P'ecemeal fa,hion " they stoP 11 the different -ints along the course. All Split Cowhide and r ,ure contestants are following the correct route and to on how observant they are, a list of 10 questions have to Leather Jackets i red One question might be, "What color was the fire Jilt the corner of Farm Lane and Mt. Hope?" ■ correct time for completing the rally course has been I tskj„g into consideration the speed limits, traffic lights % Cowl neck ^ ) Wool Dress Coats , Wie'iigns encountered on the course. The persons who finish tops 8 colors K!the pre determined course time win. Drivers who finish Ine before the pre determined time are penalized five rjj, every minute under the time limit. reg. >16 NOW S11 'Vy. all famous label "C ft'iour way to keep people from speeding," Marks explained. Possum, Rabbit, fur jackets Ejan important factor in winning the rally but so are the 10 Over 1,000 Sweaters Xa If more than one car finishes in the same amount of time, Xwithtlie mo8t an,wers correct will win. White Krmore people can team up in a car. While someone drives, reg. 112-s2 5 Stag Parkas reg '•50 to "racan act as navigators, looking at the maps and directing mar where to turn. Jjltake less than two hours to complete the rally route. Xthe first-place prize is awarded, participants are invited to [.Now >8->21;4IDown Vests reg s26 No1 ■lie finish of the U-M-Ohio State football game on the large Tacreen at 100 Vet Clinic. tr your car in the rally, calls Marks at 355-9952. The ion is $2 per car before the day of the rally and $3 on the day ly. filer guards against burglars SON, Ariz. (API — Bur- even unhooked it when he was Dresses Suits TW Shirts and ™ ) Krho try to rip off Gilbert apparently scared away by the on could be in for trou- I's because Escandon's sound of Poquito's rattles, Es- candon said. Blazer-Vest Pant Suits N )f Blouses Ea guarded by Poquito, a W long rattlesnake, reg s75 to 4140 p (special group) , finally I keep him in a reg 13 NOW S10 V* ge when I'm in the car, [talk to him as I drive," FRESHMEN Entire Stock Jumpers reg >40 f Holiday Blouses & L • reports. "He's just ^jend, and he's docile like Entire Stock of Holiday Dresses . Shirts reg. 113-26 as he's upset." TO BE IN THE SAVE 20% I found the snake last 1978 FRESHMAN Daytime, long, casual, dressy & Save 20% .ifci Jr after it had been hit be land nursed it back to EDITION OF THE lEscandon says he frees Coordinate groups. le while he's gone, then YEARBOOK Je returns he recaptures The Freshman photo¬ ■ with a pole and noose Patty Woodard, Condor, Mod. Junior is him in the cage, grapher leaves the MSU campus this Fri¬ a - Spanish for "a I'." - got his first day, November 18. If pi Halloween. A bur- you don't call for a o steal Eacandon's nd radio and had free appointment this week, you'll miss the chance of being FREE SPIRIT SHOES & ACCESSORIES: pictured with your ISPIZZJ freshman class. Don't miss out. Entire stock BORT CARLTON BOOTS s52 to s67 Reg >65 to >85 BDIMVIRY | CALL NOW Special Group FALL SHOES I MM 377 353-4470 1-7 DC 11 Cfl Reg >21 to >47 17-85 t0 3'°0 Special Group NICKLES & CAMPIONE BOOTS save 20% Entire Stock LEATHER CLUTCH BAGS save 20% Great Selection STERLING SILVER JEWELRY save 1/3 Special Group SHOES save 50% Special Group DOOR BUSTER SHOES Reg to >35 9.95 Now it's easier to learn about the weather, thanks to the Michigan | National Bank Weatherlinef a new 24-hour telephone weather service. Weather Forecasts are Accessories bailable by calling 349-9560 anytime, day or night. Entire Stock Purses SAVE 20% r the sp Entire Stock Hansen Knit hats SAVE 20% "jewelry vault - You will be connected to PRESENTS A FABULOUS specially designed electronic Entire Stock Hansen Knit gloves & Mittens SAVE 20% SELECTION OF ITALIAN C(iuipment that is built to handle Entire Stock Hansen Knit scarves SAVE 20% 14 KARET thousands of calls per day. In Entire Stock Hansen Knit socks SAVE 20% gold chains addition to daily weather rePorts and temperature, you be warned when emergency weather conditions are in effect. Yhe recordings are updated ^gularly ^ by radio station WFMK announcers, using information from the U.S. Weather Service. ^Wher/ine®is another service ,0 you from Michigan National USE YOUR BANKCARDS OR AMERICAN EXPRESS Bank. Call Anytime 349-9560 10 Michigon Stole News, Eost Loosing. Michigon Thursday, November ,7 passing game improves; Smith won't continue By MICHAEL KLOCKE State News Sports Writer in recent games with Smith at least I've ever thrown." running the helm. The Spartans have But as Smith begins to throw After filling the air with rolled up 1,603 yards in their more, the MSU passing records forward passes for two seasons, last three wins, and that yard¬ are beginning to fall by the is MSU's Eddie Smith going to age has been blended well wayside. He now holds every suddenly change and become a between the pass and the run. MSU career passing record, running quarterback? "Our improved running game except most passes intercepted It's highly doubtful, but has definitely helped our pass — and he still has one year left. Smith did score the first touch¬ ing," Smith said. "The two Smith holds the records for down of his college career — a freshmen tailbacks (Steve passes attempted (475), passes i run in Saturday's Smith and Bruce Reeves) have — completed 12401. passing yard¬ 44 3 win over Northwestern. played well and so has Jim age (3.4011 and touchdown "No. I don't think I'll be Earley. And if Leroy (McGee) passes (22) running t he ball too much." said hadn't been hurt he had a shot Smith's statistics are fairly Smith, who is only 6-0, 171 at 1.000 yards." similar in his two seasons as a pounds. "In fact, I can remem Whether the reason has been starter, but he said there has her the last time a play was the improved running game, been quite a difference between called for me to run. It was on a the return of Kirk Gibson or the two years. fourth-and-one situation last something completely different "I think when you win, things year ... I was stopped cold." - the Spartan passing game is become much nicer for the He said the touchdown was a starting to pick up. Smith had whole program," Smith said. "A thrill because he hadn't scored his best game of the year winning record will also help since high school. "Smith added against Northwestern when he (continued on page 11) he would have thrown the ball completed 15 of 24 for 286 yards in the stands if he would have and two touchdowns. been near the student section. 'I think our passing game "I don't think the fans realize this year has always been Baseball's best hope for the first .400 batting average v just how important they are to pretty good," Smith said. "The us." Smith said. In the Illinois reason it seemed to be lagging Minnesota Twin Rod Carew. Wednesday Cat game they just kept making for a while was that we just League's MVP after batting .388 in 1077. noise and we kept scoring weren't throwing that much. In points." one game (Wisconsin) I threw MSU's offense has exploded only 10 passes — that's the Wadsworth, Opalewski CAMPUS PIZZA HELPFUL HINTS FREE DELIVERY will miss national meet 337-1377 For your Cars' If the finish is in good condi care hold the tip of the wond ByGAYLEJACOBSON Lisa Berry. Diane Culp. Debbie nationals." Pittman said. "Es¬ SENIORS 8-10 inches from the vehicle for State News Sports Writer Larawya, Kelly Spatz. and Deb pecially after our meet with mum cleaning. MSU's women harriers will bie Pozega. Penn State." be minus the services of two of This weekend's meet at Mills finished first in that This is your it's top runners in Saturday's Hold the wand firmly a Georgetown will be a 5,000 meet, leading Penn State to LAST CHANCE i. A loose wand can Association for Intercollegiate meter run Southwestern quickly on victory over MSU and setting a break vehicle windows. PRESS Athletics for Women (AIAWI Universitv's Kurth-Landrum home course record of 16:41 8. TO BE IN THE REO STOP BUTTON to shut sys- national championships in Golf Course. There will h The Spartans, in the mean¬ 1978 RED CEDAR m down. Georgetown, Texas. approximately 250 100 Both Cynthia Wadsworth time. have been devoting the LOG YEARBOOK. of which qualified individual); and Mary Ann Opalewski were through meets this year, and an past couple of weeks to training THE SENIOR PHOTO¬ If you hove trouble with any of injured in the regional cham¬ all around total of twenty teams in preparation for the meet. the equipment, Pittman has been working on GRAPHER LEAVES THE check the re¬ pionship meet two weekends from across the country partici fund procedure listed on the tapering down the women's MSU CAMPUS ON DEC ago and will be sitting out the pating. tdoor. next six to eight weeks suffer¬ mileage, once again stressing EMBER 2nd IF YOU DO Defending champion Iowa the quality aspect in NOT CALL FOR A FREE ing from strained arch muscles. State is joined by Penn State. running That leaves just six Spartans Wisconsin, and California rather than the quantity. PORTRAIT APPOINTMENT We value our for coach Mark Pittman to take In last year's national compe¬ SOON. YOU LL MISS THE State-Northridge as favorites tition MSU finished fourth in customers down to Texas today. Lil in this year's competition. CHANCE OF BEING PIC¬ Warnes will be leading the the nation. Penn State's top harrier, TURED WITH YOUR squad of runners Pittman is Kathy Mills, who is considered "We're hoping to do as good GRADUATING CLASS taking. Warnes finished in to be the top female runner in second place behind Mary Beth the nation by most college as we can," said Pittman. "We'll HELP US REMEMBER YOU 'OLD WCELEj just have to wait and see. We're GET YOUR Spencer of Indiana in the coaches, is expected to excel in pretty well fired up now. There TAKEN PORTRAIT CAR WASH regional meet November 5 with this race. were initial letdowns from the Grand River at a time of 17:51. CALL NOW. "I've been waiting all year to injuries, but I think that every¬ Northwind Drive Rounding out the team how she does in the are see one is just fine now." 353 5291 Next to Rollerworld EBONY PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS ... THE DRAMATICS DECEMBER 7 8:00 p.m. M.S.U. AUDITORIUM TICKETS ON SALE TUESDAY s6.50 & !5.50 o available at jft^DISCOUNT RECORDS, SOUNDS AND DIVERSIONS DOWNTOWN LANSING n cmte News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Thursday, November 17, 1977] ] HEUSING BE LOST FOR MAY MONTH njuries taking toll on Spartan icers By JOE CENTERS spasm is something that comes and goes for him. them sute News Sports Writer Mitch Horsch missed both playing at home so far, there hasn't been any time to change games against Michigan due to a sore the ice until Thanksgiving. MSU hockey team prepares for its weekend series with shoulder and there is still a question whether he will play against There has been a rule h coach Amo Bessone is still trying to sort out all of Tech or not. change in the Western Collegiate Hockey ^ y Association (WCHA) that has speeded up the pace of the action. s the Spartans picked up against Michigan last Doug Counter. New Market, Ont., junior, and Paul Gottwald, The red line, which is Troy, freshman, who Bessone considers his prime recruit this painted on the ice at Munn because the rink ■ jn„ ne a„d Ken has a Paraskevin will definitely miss the Tech separated sternum and he may be out for as year, should both be seeing their first action of the season soon following preseason injuries. WCHAe.m. "PLAY IT AGAIN SAM" Admission *1.01 WOODY ALLEN. FRIDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "THE FRONT" TICKETS ON SALE TODAY with ZERO MOSUL WILDEST MOVIE EVER! * AT MSU UNION, DISCOUNT RECORDS, and HERSCHEL BERNARDI m '*7 Shapiro Film NnDS and DIVERSIONS DOWNTOWN LANSING Thurs. Wilson 7:30, Brody 9:45 $ 1.50 toss Students. Faculty I Staff Welcome. ID's may be checked. $0 and $7 For weekend showtimes, call RHA's 24-hour J 6l SHOWN At 7:15-9:50 program line, 355-0313. ALSO: "FLESH GORDON" At 8:35 ONLY C&IS FRANKLY SPEAKING by phil frank j Employment |{ [ Apartments ]§ji] Classified Advertising PORSCHE 1970 914, CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE SECONDARY SUBSTITUTE STONE RIDGE-Brand new 1 [jurtneHs]^ Infonnation proofed 30 mpg, new steel School teachers for DeWitt, met AM /AlTER&TiNG teachers needed by WAVER- and 2 bedroom luxury aoart- rip, m „lr neEDED to Sl Bath, St. Johns, Ovid-Elsie, LY SCHOOLS. Secondary HONE 355-1255 347 Student Sarvicas Bldg. belted radials, AM/FM 8- Fowler, Pewamo, Westphalia qtam- mo s^rbis.. certification is required. Pay ments, Whitehills area 1547 r.aifwfL!" Easl I track, perfect condition, cus¬ school districts, Reply to rate $77 (*) nor $27.00 N. Hagadorn. From $196 7.,,TT~® af«" 5 rate per Hau day. ifIf into,. inter¬ Shown by appointment 332- tom interior. 675-7190. 5-11-18(51 TEACHER OPPORTUNITY mm cheating ested and qualified contact 6131 and 485-8299.8-11-22(6) RATES I SERVICE, 410 Antrim Street, WAVERLY SCHOOLS Per FURNISHED, ~ „ day • W< per line Charlevoix, 49720. sonnel Office 515 Snow Rd. DAYS 3 days • IOC per line ROADRUNNER 1973, $1800. Z-8-11-30(7) FEMALE needed" for'gor SeTtas^h, lilt* 1 3 4 1 Lansing, 48917 or phone geous Americana apartment, J 2.70 7.20 13.50 14.00 t days-75< per line Call after 5:30 p.m. 393-9254. 8-11-22131 321 7265 ext. 51.3-11-18(101 Winter term and/or pus. Call 351 n»S i- 8u 4 3.40 9.40 10.00 22.40 I doys - 70< per line MEDICAL spring. 8-11-30(4) $95/month. Call 351-5643 s 4.90 12.00 22 50 20 00 TECHNOLOGISTS I 1 5.40 4.30 14.40 27.00 33.40 14.10 31.90 39.20 Line rote per insertion THUNDERBIRD, 1965. 60% restored. $2000. 645-2650, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 8-11-30(31 Expanding modern 488 bed hospital has immediate open¬ Apartments |'%?l after 6 p.m. Z-3-11-18I5I MALE TO SUBLEASE Cedar _ One person forVb ings for both full and part WANTED QUIET girl to share Village apartment for winter a month, 4 TRIUMPH TR6, 1973. Both time Medical Technologists 332-5669 1 EconoLiiwi ■ 3 lines ■ '4.00 ■ 5 days. 60' per line over hard and soft tops. Excellent ASCPon the 11 pm-7:30 am 3 bedroom apartment on and spring terms. $72/month, JeH. Z-8-11-30(4| ' ^ I 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. condition. 39,000 miles. Call shift. Lake Lansing. Close to cam¬ Call 353-5565. Z-3-11-17-I4I 7,7777 MALE 1 Price of item(s) must be stated in od. Maximum after 1 p.m. 393-4292. pus, on busline, own room. ROOMMATE JF E.W. Sparrow Hospital is Call 339-2396. 8-11-17 (5) TWYCKINGHAM - 3 man winter, and spring, verycJ sale price of '30. 8-11-1815) apartment to sublet winter/ Peanuts Personal ads - 3 lines - '2 25 - per insertion located near a Big Ten Uni¬ locamPus.$1lO/momhl VOLKSWAGEN, 1969, auto¬ versity which offers numer¬ FURNISHED DUPLEX apart spring. Call 351-4955. 0120. Z 3 11-18(3) 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). ment, 2 bedrooms, near cam¬ Z 3 11-18(3) matic, 75,000 miles. $395 ous undergraduate and grad¬ Rummofe/Goroge Sale ads ■ 4 lines • '2.50. 349-1121. 6-11 23(3) uate programs as well as pus. Call anytime, 669 9939. SUBLET 2 man apartn 63' per line aver 4 lines - per insertion. ONE BEDROOM near other cultural activities. 7-11 23131 cam- """I" and spring terms ! Round Town ads ■ 4 lines '2.50 - per insertion. - IT IS the policy of the STATE T,.,„ . , pis. furnished. Sublet, winter John B al 337 0718 TWO BEDROOM duplex 63'per line aver 4 lines. NEWS that the last 4 weeks The hospital offers excep¬ & spring $205/month, 351- z 3-11 18(3) Lost 6 Pounds ods/Tronsportotlon ads • 3 lines - '1.50 - Waverly area. Carpeted, 4759. Z 311-18(3) of term all Student Advertis¬ tional fringe benefits that basement, large backyard, FEMALE TO sublease Cta per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. ing must be paid for in include paid vacations and $230/month plus utilities. No advance beginning Novem¬ tuition refunds after 1 year COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES box 4244 Berkeley CA 94704 children or pets. Call 321- NEEDED FEMALE to sublet villa9« apartment. CallT ber 14, 1977. Bring or mail to from Dec.-June, in four per- or 353-4556 askl employment. We also offer 4889 or 339-3935. 6-11 18(6) Deadlines 347 Student Services. son apartment. 351-9497. Cindy. Z-5-11-2213) paid holidays, sick pay, hospi¬ Z-6-11-23(3! Ads-2p.m. • I doss day before publication Sp-23-12-9(8) tal paid health insurance and pension plan. Employment if [ Employment ;jjj| ONE BLOCK from campus. Entire two bedroom apart- LANSING FURNISHU Cancellation/Change • I p.m. • I class day before publication. VW 1970 excellent shape, SUBLEASE 2 man apartment clean 1 bedroom $1501 heater, radio. $900 or best Salary is commensurate with CHRISTMAS HELP. $3.50/ BABYSITTER WANTED 3 ' aP? and"1 r00m East Lansing. Next to cam- 5166 with utilities, 41 Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed hour. Jolly-ole-elf to be San¬ pus. $190/month. Call 374- 8-11-29(3, until after 1st insertion. otter. 484-5529,8 a.m.-1 p.m. experience. Apply to ta. Must love kids. Nov. blocks from Brody complex, ™nmTaP ^Rns "am 9409 before 5 p.m.; 337-1465 There is a '1.00 chorge for I ad change plus 50' per 8-11-1713) Ross P. Alander 25-Dec. 24. Varied hours, 4:40-8 p.m., Monday through ThnreHr*. 991X709 ^7 n, 9k -»m ,3b'- or 351-3873. after 5 p.m. 5-11-22(51 SIX MINUTES to Assistant Personnel Director v. additional change for maximum of 3 changes. phone immediately LAN¬ bedroom includes all E.W. Sparrow Hospital . The State News will only be responsible for the 1st Arti Service / 1215 E. Michigan Ave. SING MALL 321 3534. Pine Lake and parking. Available bni diately. $190/month day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must Lansing, Mi. 48909 5-11-17(5) PART - TIME security guard- ° ?RAD^,AT^ 0R m,a,ried s,u" nontC Mfluu 9 horlrnnm Apartments 9226. 8-11-3015) nviiru be made within 10 days of expiration dote. Sills are due 7 days from od expiration dote If not GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- A IT IS the policy of the STATE doorman for downtown retail store. From November 25- ^nmenTfTT2 T apartment. East Lansing bus 6080 Marsh Rd. 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, non-discriminatory NEWS that the last 4 weeks No pets. Start at 124 CEDAR, East December 24. 5 p.m. Lansiq paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will good supply of snow tires. Affirmative action of term all Student Classified - 9:30 $230. Calf~35r*9483 Meridian Mall Area person, 1 bedroom fu be due. PENNELL SALES. 1301% Employer. advertising must be paid for p.m.-Monday-Saturday, call 9195 after 6 p.m. East Kalamazoo, Male Female/Handicapped in advance beginning Nov¬ SHAW'S JEWELERS, 484 - 0 20 11 30(6) *163 plus utilities apartment. $190'month$| Lansing. deposit, heat included, k 482-5818 C-20-11-30-151 8-11-30(38) ember 14, 1977. Bring in or 8313. 4-11-18-18) able Dec. 1. Call 351 24_ 'one bedroom unfurnished EAST MICHIGAN -2 bed WAITRESS NO experience mail to 347 Student Services. WANTED-CAR stereo instal- 'G.E. appliances a m.-5 p.m./882-2316 6 pi IMPORT AUTO parts and Sp-23-12-9181 room, unfurnished, except 8 p.m. 8-11 30(6) Automotive ** Automotive 'fully carpeted necessary. Apply in person lers. Experienced only. Apply repair. 20% discount to stu¬ appliances $200 month. 323 'Air. dropes ALLE EY NIGHTCLUB. NURSES AIDES, male atten¬ in 2 MALE roommates dents and faculty on cash/ person at 6040 South 1658 8 11-2814) 'adjacent to new wi 5-11-23(4) county AMC HORNET Sportabout FIAT 124 SPORT carry service parts dants, experience needed. Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing, pork townhouse r COUPE, in stock. 1974. DL package, automatic, 1974, tan'black interior: Check our prices and reputa¬ Part time and full time, set between 10 am-9 pm. Mon- CAPIT0L LCC 2 bedroom $95, electric, phone. Al, i, NOW IS the time to put that accepting applications for all power. $2100. 372-1609. undercoated, Michelin XAS, tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at your own schedule. day-Friday. 8-11-2116) semi-furnished. Utilities paid, Winter rental 0238/393-4732.1-11-18(41 special someone in .... AM/FM. An your 8; 11-17131 elegant sporty Cedar, 485-2047, 485-9229. Christmas List! Place a MEDICAL HELP OF LAN- deposit required. $225. 651- machine, well-maintained. West campus shop. 485- 339-8191 Houses BUICK LESABRE 1969, ex¬ CHRISTMAS PEANUTS SING, 321-7241. 8-11 23(6) RESIDENT MANAGER cou- 6540. 8 11^23(4) 337-2648 mornings and eve¬ ■veilings _ 0409. Free wrecker service PERSONAL ad today. 347 ple for East Lansing area. N "ffmai e cellent running condition, nings. 9-11-18161 with repairs with mention of Student Services. Prepay¬ BUSBOYS PART-TIME. Ap¬ Leasing, cleaning, and repair , in FEMALE FURNISHED 2 $475, 321-4585. 8-11-23131 ply in person. WALNUT duties. Phone 332-3900 apartment. Own rc IT IS the policy of the STATE house, $300/month, this ad. Local areas. ment required. Sp-5-11-23(6) ut FIAT, 1974, 124 wagon. Ex¬ HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. winter only. 349-0183. C-20-11-30-111) 332-3202. 9-11-30(5) NEWS that the last 4 weeks included near M BUICK SKYLARK 1969. cellent condition, rust- 3-11 18(3) WANTED COCKTAIL wait¬ 8-11-18(31 of term all Student Classified 4008. 8-11 -22(41 Dependable, no rust. 90,000 proofed, many extras. Call miles. $600. 337-7012. 394-3229. 8-11-17-141 ' ress nights 5-12 p.m. Apply in advertising must be paid for -J We Deliver person. No experience nec¬ BUSBOYS WANTED two in advance beginning Nov- THREE BEDROOM, j 8-11-1713) meals man, very close, $92.50/ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail FIREBIRD Service! essary. HUDDLE NORTH a day plus small gratu¬ Rutherford. Clean, t) 1975 350 auto¬ month plus utilities. 351 -3372. LOUNGE, 309 N. Washing¬ ity. 332-6531 or 332-5318. to 347 Student Services. large lot. $240. 482-62811 CAMARO 1977. Loaded. matic. 39,000 excellent condi¬ Take your X-5 11-18(31 9,000 miles. $5400. 694-9271 American ton, downtown Lansing. 8-11-1813) Sp-23-12-9(8) 23, or 349-3939.8-11-22 tion. Best offer, 723-7901 after 5 p.m. 8-11-17(3) after 6 p.m. Z-8-11-21I3I compact or subcompact 5-11-23(6) FEMALE MODELS wanted. CAMARO, 1972, excellent FORD, 1971 Maverick. 81,000 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Whour Wa W'N ,rain- <89- condition, extras. After 6 cashiers and bookstore keep¬ 2278. 20-12-9(3) miles, 6 cylinder engine. $425 p.m. 323-9091. 3-11-18131 or best offer. For more infor¬ ers. Full, part time. Must be UNIFORMED SECURITY Of¬ mation call 353-2280, 9 a.m. neat in appearance and like ficers call 641-6734 between CAMARO 1973.. 350. 3 to 5 p.m. 8-11-22151 working with people. Good 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday- speed, power steering pay and benefits. CINEMA X. FORD ELITE 1976. Loaded, 0-5-11-23(6) Friday. Or-16-11-30(3) brakes. Must see to appreci¬ ate. 332-8536. 5-11-1813) excellent, 8000 miles, $5100. 323-3709 or 485-9552 SMALL CHURCH needs CANCER INSURANCE - The 6-11-23131 pianist Sundays. Call Rev. National Cancer Success CAMARO, 1976. 28,000 miles, stick. AM/FM radio. FORD MAVERICK, 1971, !^9^,0[.'??r.eJlorma,ion' 393-5588. 2-11-18(3) s,orY has come to Michigan, Evenings 351-0461. help is needed to enroll group green, 51,000 miles, automat¬ X8-11-18I3I ic, 6-cylinder, good condition. STORE DETECTIVES-call endorsed members & individ- 641-6734 between 10 a.m. uals; ,op '' Priced right. 655-4343. CAMARO 1972 350 LT, vinyl renewals, licensed c 311-21(4) THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE top, console, air, new shocks, licensed. 351-1494 < 351- exhaust and brakes. 64,000 FORD LTD, 69 rebuilt engine, 1617. 8-11-2118) miles. $1600 phone MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST. 655-1173. runs excellent. $400 or best MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. Part-time. MT (ASCPI or 8 11 23(51 offer. 351-4676. Z 4 11-18-13) Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto eligible to work all phases of WAITRESSES-EXPERIENCE CAPRI GHIA 1976, 13,000, 4 painting-collision service. donor processing, compo- preferred but not necessary, HONDA CIVIC, 1974, orange, speed, power steering; 53,000 miles, 4-speed manual American-foreign cars. nent preparation and pheresis 316 N. Capital, THE GAR- brakes, air, rear defogger, 485-0256. C-20-11-30-14) quality control. Must be able AGE. 5-11-21(4) great car, must sell, best transmission, hatchback. to work alternate weekends. offer. 351-6472. 655-4343 8-11-21(4) REFILLABLE WINDSHIELD Primary responsibilities < AVON-DEVELOP sales abil¬ CHRISTMAS PEANUTS PERSONALS S-5-T1 23(4) wiper blade for your foreign process pheresis units on KARMANN GIHA-1974. car in stock at CHEQUERED weekends and to help with ity and make excellent earn¬ Published: Friday, Dec. 9,1977 CHEVELLE 1968, 327 V8, Runs excellent, 1 owner. FLAG FOREIGN CAR routine processing on week- ings! No experience Karen 882-6307, after 5 p.m. caru K , „ ... Deadline: Friday, Dec. 2,1977 5 p.m. automatic, power steering, PARTS, 2605 East Kalama- days. If interested, contact sacv. 482-6893. C-5-11-21-13) brakes, radio. Runs good. ) St., ( ! mile t t of AMERICAN RED CROSS Must sell $325 or best offer. 1800 E. Grand River, Lansing. 353-6018. Z-3-11 18(4) MUSTANG, 1965. 289 en¬ 487-4461 E.O.E. 8-11-17(161 The Christmas Season Is gine, dark blue, no rust. KEY just around the corner. Now is the time to CHEVELLE 1970. Clean, no 332-3712. Best offer. JUNK CARS wanted. Also POSITIONS OPEN for North¬ PUNCH place your Christmas Peanuts Personal. Your special Christmas greeting Z-5-11-2213) ern Michigan resort. Employ¬ will appear the last rust, good tires. $900. Call selling used parts. Phone OPERATORS day of classes in a Special Classified Christmas 371-2540 after 6 p.m. ee housing on site. Contact; Section. So place your NEED CASH? We buy im¬ anytime 351-3651. greeting for that special someone todoy. Mail or Mark Sulak, BOYNE MOUN¬ 111-18131 ports and sharp late model C-16-11-30(31 bring to State News Classified. 347 Student Services. TAIN LODGE, Boyne Falls, CHEVETTE, 1976. AM/FM compacts. Call John Oe Mich. 49713. 616-549-2441. Modern growing 468 bed radio, 4-speed, radial tires. Young, WILLIAMS V.W. 8-11-22(8) Lansing hospital has 3 Lines >2.00 Asking $2400. 663-1233 after 484-1341 or 484-2551, Employment mediote openings for full • 2 p.m. 8-11-22141 C-20-11-30(5) CHEMISTRY SUPERVISOR- Key Punch Operators , 67< Eoch extra line FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. Full time opening presently n expanding data pro- PREPAYMENT REQUIRED CHEVROLET 1974 Vega OLDS 98 luxury sedan, 1966. available in ultra-modern hos¬ ing center. $6/hour. No training neces¬ NAME wagon. $800 or best offer, All power, runs great. Should pital laboratory. Day shift, call 371-1353. 4-11-17(31 be seen. $225 or best offer. sary. Call 489-2278. rotating weekends and holi¬ ADDRESS 489-0340. 6-11-18(4) 20-12-9(3) days. Applicant must be Ideal candidate for this CITY CHEVY VAN, 1976, 15,000 Medical Technologist, sponsible position will have TAXI DRIVERS wanted. PHONE# miles, converted, sleeps two, OLDSMOBILE, 1972 Cutlass. A.S.C.P. registered or regis¬ experience on the IBM 3742. Must have excellent driving ZIP ice box, lighted bar, fully 4-door. 62,350 miles. $1300 or try-eligible, or degreed indi¬ Position offers opportunities _ record. VARSITY CAB. 332- best offer. For more informa¬ vidual with clinical chemistry for individual growth. carpeted. 655-4343 3559. 8-11-17 (3) tion call 353-2280,9 a.m. to 5 experience. Individual will 8-11-21(41 P-m. 81122(51 work in general and special 25 characters in line, TEMPORARY MAIL-ROOM chemistry, and will be re¬ The a including punctuation and spaces. CUTLASS SUPREME 1974, help-3-4 week period. Two hospital offers excel¬ air, AM/FM, good condition, OLDSMOBILE 1973 Vista sponsible to quality control lent fringe benefits that in¬ $2400/best offer. 332-5233 Cruiser. Air, brakes, radial shifts available: 8:30 a.m.- and instrumentation under clude paid vacation and PRINT AD HERE 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.- 5-11-23(3) tires, luggage rack. $1650. the leadership of a clinical tuition reimbursement after 349-0733. 8-11-29(41 midnight. Apply 3308 South chemist. Liberal benefits, ex¬ r DATSUN B 210 4 976 hatch¬ Cedar, Suite 0 9, Lansing. employment. We also cellent salary commensurate offer poid back, 32,000 miles, air, OLDSMOBILE-1977, Delta 8-11-18(7) holidays, sick pay, new with experience. Apply Per¬ hospital paid health insur- tires, AM/FM, 351 3348 Royale 4-door, air cruise, FM, COUPLE sonnel Director, LEILA HOS¬ and pension plan. OR experienced 8-1128(4) vinyl top, 18,000 miles. $5,300 PITAL, 300 North Avenue, women to live in and care for Salary is commensorate with 627-6127. 7 11-18141 infant over Christmas vaca¬ Battle Creek, Michigan iperience. Apply to: DODGE VAN, 1977 Trade- tion. References, Okemos 49016; 616-962-8551, ext. man 100. Metallic black, OLDSMOBILE 1977-98 area. 655-4132. 8-11-28(5) 272. Z-8-11-22I25I economy 6, automatic. Excel¬ Regency, 4-door, air, cruise, lent mileage. Clean INSIDE AND delivery help ROSS P. ALANDER Only stereo, radio, plus many other pabt PART-T'ME Tiuc ,rITT1£ . $4500. 351-3823 positions for A„„,„ evenings. MSU students. 15-20 hours/ needed. Apply at LITTLE ASSISTANT PERSONNEL options. 627 5072. 5-11-21-14) 131130(5) CAESAR'S today after 4 p.m. DIRECTOR week. Automobile required OPEL MANTA Rally 1974. 4 11-17(4) E.W. SPARROW HOSPITAL DODGE COLT 1977. 2-door, Phone 339-9500, 339-3400. Very good condition. Extras, 1215 E. MICHIGAN 7500 miles. Mileage: 31 city, best offer. 372-0081 C-20-11-30(41 LANSING, MICH. 4W10 $3100. 332-4496. 3-11-17(3) RECEPTIONIST TYPING, 3 11-1813) COCKTAIL WAITRESS general office duties, data needed for a non nights. HUDDLE processing background help¬ discriminatory '"lay's Classified Ads. SOUTH, 820 West Miller Rd., ful but not necessary. For offirmative action employer Lansing. 882-7579. Please ap¬ Male/Female Handicap appointment, call 393 8630, ply in person. 10-11-2915) SPARTAN DATA 8 11 23161 Mi||gn_<;tote News, Eoat lonsing, Michigon Thursday, November 17, 1977 13 J^J&] | For Sab % | forSalc jfg] For Sale ^ HAGADORN ROAD 10 GRINNELL UPRIGHT piano. Personal j/] Service \ Typing Service ^; ev-3 bedrooms plus miles south of campus farm - In tune and good condition. FENDER BASSMAN 100 IT IS the policy of the STATE IT IS the policy of the STATE FREE NEEDLE check. Bring watt head 3 yrs. old, nice typing, experienced. home, 4 bedroom, barns, 10 $150. 487-6376. 3-11-18(3) NEWS that the last 4 weeks NEWS that the last 4 weeks in your record player needle Fast and reasonable. 371- acres, 6350/month. 351-7497. sound, $200 or best offer °f term all Student Classified of term all Student Classified for free check at any time. r^e-n^4) _ 0-8-11-18(5) MUST SELL-big Sony SSU 1600 speakers 75 watts, 1/2 332-2701, Mike. 4 11-18 (3) Advertising must be paid for in advance beginning Nov- Advertising in advance must be paid for Special prices on new need¬ 4635. C-20-11-30-13) r^TOsha-e quiet ferm- beginning Nov¬ les. MARSHALL MUSIC unigraphics offers ^gmlescampusSIM/ "■ Rooms year old, $250,355-5435, after CCM TACKS-hockey" skates %% ™» ember mail to 14, 1977. Bring or East Lansing. C-1 -11-4(5) complete dissertation 14 utilities. 676-6822 3 p.m. 3-11-21(31 si2e 347 Student Services. and resume service: *10-12-2(3) Sp-23-12-918) BUDGET REQUEST forms for 1978 typesetting, ibm typing, off- AKAI 1730D/SS reel to reel funding from SMAB set SINGLE, MALE student: 3-11-17(41 TWO MICHELIN radial printing and binding. For ItfDRo'oM otf campus" Block Union, cooking, park¬ four channel deck, $250.882- snows, 175R-14. Like new. MUSIC are available in room 307 estimate stop in a«843 East I L $200 month + de¬ ing. 314 Evergreen, 332-3839 1812. 8-11-29(3) 2 MALE bikes 26" and 3 Best offer, 351-6119. Student Services. Return by Grand River or phone, 332- TO MAKE YOUR PARTY Nov. 28 5 p.m. ll! utilities not included. evenings. 8-11 -28(3) speeds, $20, $30. Call 355- 3-11-18(3) OR DANCE A SUCCESS BL-1 -11-17(5) 8414. 0-12-11-30(7) r|l94.Z-3-11-2ll3l__ REVOX A-77 MK IV reel. 15 hours Open use. Absolute 0870 anytime. Z-E 5-11 21(3) BY THE FEMALES, OPENINGS in Ul- SEWING MACHINES. Guar- LOOKING FOR A UMOW NEAR 3 bed- rey Co-Op, 9315/term, call mint condition, $725. Don SONY STEREO, $175 plus anteed reconditioned ma- RICH SOUNDS SQUINTING CAUSES wrin¬ GREAT JOB?-get a head r Hurtle*. Near bus line. 332-5095 or visit 505 MAC. 337-9625. 8-12-1(3) records. 676-2504, call before kles, help prevent with pre¬ chines from $39.95. New BIO BAND irt on that first K7367.8-n-30<3)_ Z-5-11-21(3) FEEL SLUGGISH? Your eat¬ ^pm 3-11-^8(3) machines from $69.50, 13-PIECE BAND OF AREA scription ground sunglasses. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 in by having your impres resume I'sWO^oMheSTATE Ec that the last 4 weeks ROOMMATE NEEDED to ing habits are to blame. Restore vitality, energy with INSTANT REPAIR"servlc6~on kUT'NG ALUMNI. ALSO 9-PIECE BAND. VERY REASONABLE E. Michigan, Lansing, Mi. Deset. i The Typecutter make your credentials H all student Classified share large farmhouse 15 minutes from campus. $70 food supplements-made from TJce on most ™ ™' cll^T0"' RATES. PHONE 484 2407 TO HAVE FACT SHEET WITH PIC 372-7409. C-5-11-18(5) ind out in any stack iumes. Looks much of |2U must to Vf ,0r plus utilities. Pets o.k. 655- organically grown fruits and COX TRADING POST 485- ,r TURE MAILED. DO YOUR own divorce. We than typing, ■fiance beginning Nov- BS,t4 t 977. Bring or mail Ku7 Student Services. 3691 after 3 p.m. Z-3-11-1814) vegetables. No money back guarantee. 485- 8982. 2-11-18(6) obligation, 439i.c1i4-i_i-30(4L BEDROOM OUTFITS (2), liv- j Animals fV (CLIP AND SAVE) will show you how. Approxi¬ mately $75. Phone Mr. Clark, 339-2670. 8-11-22(3) a call -we're - OWN ROOM in Lansing ■^-12-9(6) house $85/month plus utili¬ GOOD FOOD, low prices- fit? '-Trlun d™"!3 room°u,~ FREE TO GOOD home 7- LOST-WILL girl with pink ski ALTERATIONS LADIES TWELVE YEARS experience end ,„|7 ties. Winter/Spring, 372- ous m'SCeh8ne" ™" ohm load Irom 20 lo 20,000 herb with no more Ihen 0.3% mln. RMS at 8 ohm load Irom 20 lo 20,000 herb wllh no more lhan 0.06'. total Experimental Theatre owner of the vehicle. lotal harmonic distortion. B.I.C. 960B programmed tumteble with base, cover harmonic distortion. Pioneer PL-117D bell-drive turntable wllh base, com Group presents "The Bacchae" by Euripides at 8:15 p.m. Saturday PAY TICKETS DURING THE MORATORIUM and Shure M91ED cartridge plus a pair ol RTR ll-B 3-way speakers. and Shure M291EO cartridge and a pair ol Altec Sanlana II speakers and Sunday in the McDonel kiva. Following the moratorium dates, the East Lansing Warrant Officer will actively pursue individuals who Open Lesbian Discussion Group. Come share and get to fail to pay tickets on a timely basis. know other lesbians at 8 tonight. Rides leave at 7:45 from the Union's Abbot entrance. Spend winter break in Cancun, '"(Irkr. Mexico. Travel seminar presenta¬ tion will be held at 7:30 tonight in 208. Feminists: We need your talents for Women's Voice, a Feminist radio production. Organizational meeting will be held the Union Grill. at 5 tonight in For information about activities for lesbians, call the Women's Center tonight. Call off-campus information for the number. qlH Natural Science Student Advi¬ DAILY DOLLAR DEAL SPECIALS SANSUI. JBL & PIONEER IN 85-WATT SYSTEM PIONEER & MARANTZ 160-WATT SYSTEM HAS JBL sory Council meets at 7:15 tonight in 103 Natural Science • Breakfast • Sandwiches NEW RACK-MOUNTABLE BLACK-FACE STYLING 3-WAY STUDIO MONITOR SPEAKERS WITH 15" W00FIHS Bldg. • At-large positions filled. need to be Beverages • Salads Seneul AU-717 Integrated ampullar continuous power output 65 wa«a/channal. Pioneer SX-1250 receiver hat contlnuoue power ou*>ut of 160 net. mln. RMS at 8 ohm load from 20 to 20.000 hertz with no moreiman Q Z • Snacks • Desserts mln RMS at 8 obme. 20 lo 20,000 Hi with no mora than 0.025% lotal harmonic • dlatodlon. Sanaul TU-717 lunar, plue the Pioneer Pl-570 direcl-drlvt Quart- total harmonic distortion. Marantz 6300 dlrect-|WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WaX-TV(NBC) (ll)WELM-TV(Coble) (12)W JRT-TVf A BC) (23)WKAR.TV(PBS) (MAT VW I 4ATT0 AWE tito 8:00 You r>HURSDAY (6-10-12) News (6) Woltons 9:30 (11) Kolorlied Kosmic Beam (10) Superstunt (12) Carter Country 1 /HAV (23) Dick Cavett 10:00 l For Tomorrow (11) Woman Wise TO 6:30 (6) Barnaby Jones (12) Welcome Back, Kotter A6AII0 itoand the Man (6) CBS News (10) Neil Diamond IT Li'iHop® (23) Once Upon A Classic (10) NBC News (12) Redd Fox* 1:00 ^ond the Restless (11)Baha'i: New World TV 8:30 (11)Talkirs' Sports (23) American Short Story 11:00 ; toMTm- | Series (12) What's Happening I! _ugS(i»w (12) ABC News (6-10-12) News EfLchildren (23) Ask The Doctor (23) Over Easy (23) Dick Cavett For Tennyson? 9:00 11:30 1:30 (6) My Three Sons 7:00 (6) Hawaii Five-0 (11) Christ's Teachings in (6) Movie peanuts sponsored by: J^A/j^A cleane ArQCitd ,t« World Tumi (10) Mary Tyler Moore "The Wrecking Crew" by Schulz LAUNDR Our Violent World ^of Outlive' (11)TeeVee Trivia (10) Johnny Corson 2:00 (12) Barney Miller (12) Forever Fernwood (12) Mary Tyler Moore (23) Best of Families 00 Pyramid (23) ABC News (23) Music •rEaiy 7:30 2:30 (6) Wild Kingdom msu shadows @ ng Light (10)Michigame , by Gordon Carleton sponsored by; (11)Ed-ltoriol Weiss-Cracks Ll'lt To LI** od For lit* (12) $100,000 Nome That Tune PXNBALL PETE'S 3:00 Present this (r World (23) MocNell/Lehrer Report really funny comic for 25' worth of free play! | And Stella 3:15 SUEDE (\\t SA\0 ScW\?.THl,\Xb AebvJT WOT LOAMTIAJS 01 Hospital , To MtSS "()')IE GOT M5CHJT /,W \ VA SWMA lAl 1U5 RHISR? kWCOK AND AWAY FROM WORK, I HMEN'T DONE WAT §W TELLME AJHAT I'M 10 DOJ SlUCE T IMS A KID. Riorum I ORDERS WERE ro f?ELAX / AND FORGET ABOUT WORK LET'S GO FOR A SW/M 'MTHe RWER HOWARD THE DUCK!® by Steve Gerber and Gene Colon sponsored by: 1312 Mich. Ave. pleweeds CAMPUS t to Silver Dollar Salooi Mon. • FREE QT. OF COKE Tue». • FREE ITEM m K.Ryan sponsored by: PIZZA 337 1377 Wed. -WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on request) |« MY CHA6RIN ID LEARN HIKE SECEPING FROM MY \TRI0E TO FOUNP YOUR OWN: SAM and SILO sponsored by: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker T sponsored by: bhepards campus 22 Bolster '3 Reserved ?4 Fragment ol food 35 lhal man 22 Quilkin ?9 Enzyme 30 Gush 31 Old card game P* 32 Bullfinch i MAY HAN/e MY SHAW? of PROBLEMS 33 Alone 34 Annihilation BUT ALL iN ALL i MA\je A LPT To Be ' 3/ French scholar 38 Milestone thankful for for one thin