TWO EGYPTIAN MINISTERS RESIGN ladat plans visit n, Associated Free* these fast-paced developments; to Israel Syrian government quickly condemned the visit. The agency said Sadat pre»ident Anwar Sadat hai aat eSadat accepted the Invitation, after accepted both bombing. resignations and named Butros Ghall, a viijt to Israel for this weekend flying to Damascus in a futile bid to win eAs soon as Sadat returned to Egypt, the minister of state and member of the JLing 1" alarm among fellow Arabs Syrian President Hafez Assad's support for the trip, After seven hours of talks, Assad official Middle East News Agency an¬ minority Coptic Christian faith, as acting Thursday by the resignation in nounced that Ismail Fahmy, his foreign foreign minister. ,n of two Egyptian foreign said his failure to dissuade Sadat was minister and top foreign policy aide since In Beirut, Palestinian leader Yaslr Arafat "really painful." the October 1973 war, had resigned. Sadat condemned the planned visit and urged IfPrime Minister Menahem Begin eShortly after the Syrian and Egyptian named Fahmy's deputy, Mohammed Rlad, Sadat to cancel it. A communique from leaders announced their disagreement, two Jit's 36-hour visit would begin in his stead, but several hours later the Arafat's A1 Fatah guerrilla organization brnicht, after the Jewish Sabbath. bombs exploded outside the Egyptian agency said he, too, had quit. said the visit "represents a dangerous Jl Sidat is to worship at a Moslem embassy In Damascus. There was no There was immediate speculation that immediate report on casualties, and the turning point and a gain for intrigues of ( geet privately with Begin and both resigned in protest against the Israel international Zionism and the United Idress the Knesset, the Israeli States." it 4 p.m. (9 a.m. EST). Begin told reporters in Jerusalem that Ibis pledged not to negotiate a after Sadat's visit to Jerusalem he hoped to £ peace, and in his addtess to the Committee OKs be invited to Cairo. "I think that we shall ■ be is expected to list the standard start now a dialogue," he said. "I think mauds for a Palestinian homeland there will be a followup." _l withdrawal from lands occupied He added; "It is a very good start... I Jl demands Israel rejects. hope that with this, serious negotiations ■the visit comes about, Sadat will be will start for peace in the Middle East." Jt Arab leader ever to visit the Begin denied that his aim was to drive a Jitate, a breakthrough that could wedge between Egypt and other Arab Jiev chapter in the search for a ■Stat peace Ivers ■ which after four wars. said the boldness fleeted how badly he wanted peace of the Sadat described as a "sacred study on states by receiving Sadat. "It never occurred to us," he said. "We want peace on all fronts." Israeli police said they were preparing the biggest security operation in Israeli ild shift his attention to Egypt's LANSING (UPI) — The Senate Appropriations Committee, under pressure from history. They were expected to ask the U.S. „nomic problems. House leaders and Gov. William G. Milliken, Thursday approved a $2 million study of the State Department to lend them an armored- pie Israelis, the visit falls just short effects of PBB contamination on Michigan's general population. plated limousine for Sadat. ng their 30-year quest for Arab The committee, torn between officials who called for immediate action on the About 200 Palestinian youths in the House-passed bill and Senate members who said they wanted to take a closer look, spent occupied West Bank town of Nablus Kbe psychological Impact of this on three days discussing the measure. demonstrated against the Sadat visit, world...," said an Israeli Foreign But It was not taken up by the full Senate following approval. Final action now must chanting "Sadat-traitor." | official, pausing to search for await the return of the legislature from a 12-day Thanksgiving recess. Begin said Sadat would spend his two AP I... the psychological impact will be As designed by the Department of Public Health, the general population study would nights here at the King David Hotel. He Wirephoto Egyptian President Anwer Sadat epeake with determination at his press be a joint effort involving the department, the University of Michigan, the federal Center said he and President Ephriam Katzir will conference in Damascus Thursday, prior to his Jerusalem visit set for _..ouncement of Sadat's visit fol- for Disease Control In Atlanta and the environmental medicine team headed by Dr. meet Sadat with a red-carpet welcome at Lveral days of public exchanges by BenGurlon Airport on Saturday night. Saturday night. Irving J. Selikoff of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. jptlin and Israeli leaders. But the oe as a surprise to U.8. and other U-M officials would design a random population sample involving some 6,000 Michigan i, who had not expected It until residents and would Interview them to provide baseline health data. Legal services it week. The Selikoff team, which already has studied the health effect of PBB on farm families I said the day was set last Wednes- program and persons who bought products directly from contaminated farms, would do clinical p the final agreement came In an testing. i of letters through the U.S. State health officials said they needed immediate approval from the legislature to begin dors to Egypt and Israel. The preliminary work and get federal approval for the design of the study and possible federal bent in Jerusalem came amid funding. in limbo over attorney By MICHAEL WINTER a week to offer legal advice to students in 307 There is some confusion on the part of the State News Staff Writer Student Services Bldg. ASMSU Student Board members over Political haggling and conflicting state¬ The $17,635 collected during fall term attorney selection. The ad hoc screening ments have thrown the new ASMSU Legal registration is now being used to pay Smith committee recommended Smith by a 4-1 Services program into limbo one month after for the legal services he performs. Prior to weeks ago vote two for the senior legal it was approved by the student board. fall term, Smith charged students $3.50 for services lawyer position. McAdam was the During fall registration some 35,000 15 minutes of consultation. Since Oct. 1, dissenting vote. students were assessed an extra 50-cent $840 of the tax money has been used to pay But the board decided last week to send ASMSU tax to pay for a comprehensive for the present free legal advice in absence of Smith's name to the Space and Personnel Legal Services program, according to the new program. Committee for further consideration. Some ASMSU Comptroller Rick Lehrter. But the board members said they were uncertain of program will not get off the ground until at how the selection process worked and had least January, because the attorney selec¬ heard differing opinions about the possible tion has not yet been completed. selection of Smith. An ad hoc committee was drawn up this summer to interview and select a candidate analysis The Space and Personnel Committee, now responsible for deciding whether Smith's for the position of senior attorney for the name will come before the board for legal services program. The committee, approval at the next meeting, waited on the composed of ASMSU President Kent Barry, McAdam said students are not getting decision last week in order to interview MSU attorney Leland Carr, former Ingham what they paid for. Smith. County Bar Association President James "They paid for comprehensive legal Space and Personnel Committee Chair¬ Timmer, Legal Services Director Jim services and they're getting an attorney person Sue Lalk said the group will conduct McAdam and Lehrter, met two weeks ago. open meeting at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in 328 coming in one day a week and giving them an After interviewing five candidates, the Student Services Bldg. to interview Smith. legal advice for 15 minutes. They're only committee recommended Kenneth I. Smith At that time the committee will decide on going to get it (comprehensive legal for the position. Smith is now ASMSU whether or not to recommend him to the services) when they get two full-time attorney for students. attorneys five days a week," he said. board. In his current role, Smith is available once "If there are students out there who If the committee turns down Smith, the ad believe they paid 50 cents for comprehen¬ hoc committee will have to give Space and sive legal services and think they're getting Personnel a second recommendation. Dur- i continued on it now, they are getting screwed." page 13) Energy offer State News/Pete Ob« I Westland sophomore Tony Mardarosn aits aatrlde I w left upright of the goalpoit torn down by the Squatamafus, became the proud owner* of thi* aouvenir and have lince cut it in piece* for every defeated by I rtudent section »t last Snturdey'a footbell game resident on the floor. I'm Northwestern. Student* from 2-A Bryan Hall compromise inside House and [S. WASHINGTON (UPI) - serves notice on Castro; Senate negotiators reached tentative agree¬ What do apricot pits and almonds have in common? ment Thursday on a compromise killing See the story on page 3. administration proposals for mandatory electric pricing standards, but requiring the weather ["ban forces increase in Africa states to consider within two years a set of federal rate-making guidelines. The proposed agreement, designed to break a deadlock that has halted progress Scattered snowfiakes There will be flurries today, with a high n tonight, with a low ii By BARRY 8CHWEID W asniugton and Havana on Sept. i. ine diplomats assigned to the on new energy legislation all week, also WON (AP) The United 8ut*s served public notice two capitals perform the customary embassy functions. - provided unprecedented opportunity for Thursday that the pretence of 27,000 Cubans In 16 Hoddlng Carter, spokesperson for the Carter administration, federal officials and consumers to appeal Muntrles "will have an impact on the pace and even the said "the presence of large numbera of Cubans in Africa Is bound to state electric rate decisions. v™ normalizing relation*." have an unsettling effect" on U.S.-Cuban relations. Members of the energy conference com¬ But he confirmed that th* U.S. view did not call into question ,r,,,,ort, °' ln Intelligence *tudy, th* State the steps already taken to repair th* broken ties. mittee said they had resolved virtually all ■Ksih. !'>d th" rather than fulfill a promise last tpring to disputes except a decision whether to let "We feel that having an 'interest section' gives us a place in Cb.r 'iPl,vtl ta Angola, Cuba ha* incr*a»*d It* forces which these concerns can he raised with the Cubans," he said. the secretary of energy initiate appeals, as ■L,. 1 20 percent, Th* Marxist government of Angola it proposed by the House, or to adopt Senate •oppress insurgent* who k**p a civil war flaring. The breakdown of estimated Cuban personnel In Africa is; language limiting him to joining appeals Angola, 23,000 with 19,000 military, Ethiopia, 400 military and 300 filed by other parties. Cub,M ln th* former Portuguese colony - all medical, Uganda, poielbly 26 military not confirmed, Tanzania, 360 The conferees postponed a formal vote on ptraonntl - th* department said there to 600, mostly technical, Somalia, under expulsion order of the the agreement pending resolution. N Is T. 'ln Mozambique, 400 to 800 In th* Congo, 860 government and leaving, Moiamblque, 660 to 760 Cubans, of these "id about 400 ln 160 civilian technicians, Madagascar, about 80 military advisers, Rep. Harley Staggers, D-W.Va., energy Ethiopia, where a Marxlit conference committee' chairperson told Libya, 100 to 126, all military. Guinea, about 300 to 600, the "si fronts g ln,urg*nt* and invadort from Somalia on majority military, Guinea Bissau, 100 to 200, about two-thirds reporters after a meeting with his Senate colleagues that all the main differences tow!K°.? Mud'r dld n#t <|W»ol with effort* to Improve military, Equatorial Guinea, 800 to 400, about half military, Congo, 400 to 600, about 800 of them military, Cape Verde, 10 to 16 appeared to have been resolved. The ' but 11 aoggoatod that the pace be slowed. v •United a, Senate has Insisted on keeping the federal "•bst.i L1 Md Cub'> culminating a gradual decrease in medical personnel, Benin, 10 to 20 security advisers, Algeria, 36 tl|e 'wo countries, opened "internet section*" in medical personnel. government out of electricity rate setting. 2 Michigan Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan *' 0V9mber |6 , U.S. experts on Iran disagre over Shah's domestic policies seem limited to Americans, the Iranian government "is the shah for fly ROBERT B. CULLEN inviting Amnesty Vote brings home rule closer Associated Press Writer they added, and one expressed shah's willing to be accommodating to President Carter's 'eccentric¬ International, the International ye^ytheshlh WASHINGTON (AP)-Two American experts on Iran say skepticism about the sincerity. ity' " on human rights. Red Cross and neu vjtoss ana his zation to inspect Iran's nis own organi- organi¬ legislatuw^ a" th( jails and The reforms K' LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister James jr and be ready for a referendum the truth about the Shah of Iran's domestic policies falls William Butler of the Inter¬ national Commission of Jurists on "I believe it is viewed that level — exactly an eccentricity," interrogation centers. a defendt™ ^ Callaghan's Labor government won an of Scotland's 5.2 million people by next Cottam added. u. He ...-j said .v.. that - prior to this ... lawyer and have ,»* somewhere between the mur¬ says he is "cautiously optimis¬ year, the shah's secret police except in cases deem unexpectedly high 26-vote majority Wed¬ fall. derous tyranny described by tic" that recent reforms the Butler and Cottam gave their had an-unrestricted government to inv0|V( nesday night in the House of Commons his detractors and the unquali¬ shah has allowed will be fol- right to A threatened revolt by English Laborite assessments at a recent hearing arrest security issues. for a motion to speed passage of its bill to fied praise of his supporters. lowedjty more liberalization. held by the House subcommit¬ political dissidents and legislators opposed to the Scottish detain them indefinitely with¬ give Scotland limited home rule. The vote was the last major hurdle for Devolution Bill collapsed under pressure They agree the shah has But Richard W. Cottam of the tee on international organiza¬ tions. out due process. ,,®Ut.C^Um the shahs ____ __ mainti police ^ from party floor managers, and the eliminated of the the government in its controversial bid to some most University of Pittsburgh thinks They could be tried secretly lively 'ivel* arrest" "Test" dis: government won by a vote of 313-287. repressive aspects of his re¬ they are mostly cosmetic. Be¬ Butler, a New York attorney without the right to hire their discouraging *"""— othei provide an elected assembly for Scot¬ gime, such as torture. But cause of its dependence on long affiliated with human land, ending 270 years of rule from own counsel, and they could be rfcently broke up Only nine diehard Laborite rebels rights in his country still would American arms, Cottam said, rights organizations, praised summarily executed, without tion advocating t London. voted against the "guillotine" motion, Iran of a political f, Politicol commentators said the bill appeal. Iranian foes of the shah which limits debate the Scottish bill to who is in exile on say thousands of people were in will now reach the Statute Book by next 17 Iraq, Cottam days. Eight abstained. killed in this way. said. Scientists refute report Butler said the agreed to end the torture of shah has He said that dissident manifest hi prisoners. "We have been very carefully expression plant safety monitoring this situatibn, and on power we are not aware of any case of torture within the last 10 to 11 Union. Cottam added that the- months," he said. "Whether or repression in Iran e; WASHINGTON (AP) - A ties from such an accident may The group recommended not that will continue, we do more dangerous than' group of scientists opposing be 10 times greater than pre¬ that the NRC withdraw the not know." the shah's fores, lurij, nuclear power plants said viously estimated and, where Rasmussen study and do its Butler said he has been into the open where safety analysis over again. the, Thursday the government's ba- prevailing winds might carry encouraged by the reforms easily identified. safety estimates are far too radioactivity into heavily popu¬ optimistic and that reactor lated areas, the casualties could accidents may kill some 14,000 be up to 1,000 times higher than Airline threatens holiday strike people by the year 2000. The Union of Concerned Sci¬ the Rasmussen estimates, the group said. Federal court jury declares entists, a group frequently In a large nuclear program, WASHINGTON (AP) — A flight at¬ deadline," said mediator Robert Harris. involved in challenges of Nu¬ there may be one chance in 100 tendants union said Thursday it is preparing to strike United Airlines at United operates an average of 1,450 flights doily, carrying an overage of clear Regulatory Commission policy, issued a detailed criti- of a nuclear power plant acci¬ dent that would kill up to mistrial in publishing debat midnight today in a dispute that could 93,000 passengers a day to 94 cities in the of the NRC's 1974 "Ras- 100,000 people, the union study ground the notion's biggest airline over United States and Canada. en Report," the govern said, and under the worst ment's chief safety assessment. KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) - A mistrial was or three weeks whether to seek another' the busy Thanksgiving holiday. Pay is not an issue in the dispute, which circumstances, up to 300,000 declared Thursday in the obscentity trial of A1 Patricia D. Robertson, president of the has lingered since September when the The Rasmussen report could die. had Goldstein, publisher of "Smut" and "Screw" The charges were filed after Kansas post Association of Flight Attendants, said flight attendants rejected a tentotive concluded that the chances of a officials subscribed to "Screw" and f The union said it believes magazines, when a federal court jury said it was there "has not been enough progress in contract settlement. is nuclear power plant that the hazards, as it estimates unable to agree on a verdict. noted the arrival of incoming copies, then ■ talks at this point" between the union and Union accident are almost insignifi¬ the tabloids back to the publisher. spokespersons said the earlier them, "will prove unacceptable the company to avert a walkout. cant — smaller than the chance The jury of seven women and five men had proposal was rejected because employ¬ to the public." Goldstein's lawyer, Herald Price Fah. of a person's being killed by a deliberated nearly 14 hours over three days Despite the union's statement, federal ees wanted to change provisions on had requested a mistrial Wednesday, eipr falling meteorite. before deciding it could not reach an agreement mediators soid contract talks were 24-hour standby, crew size, and the "A single large, but by no fear that some member of the jury in the case involving the New York publisher, a means the largest, nuclear acci¬ continuing. "We are still optimistic that effective date and duration of the But the Union of Concerned former partner and their publishing company. surrender his position in the e dent may well occur within a an agreement can be reached before the contract. Scientists charged that this stamina." few decades," the union study Alvin Goldstein, 41, and former partner much-debated analysis contains said. "Should this occur we James L. Buckley. 33, of Stockbridge, Mass., had U.S. District Judge Frank G. Theis d serious mistakes that underes¬ timate the danger to the public. judge that the public response been charged with illegally mailing into Kansas Fahringer's motion, saying "I don't think' Defense rests case in bomb trial would be very great and could 11 copies of the allegedly obscene tabloids and gone near long enough." The group said "correction" well threaten the continued conspiring to mail obscene materials into the Jurors asked of the Rasmussen study shows operation of domestic nuclear state. no questions of the1 the odds of a nuclear reactor plants." Thursday. On Wednesday they had asked BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UPI) — The Sunday, Sept. 15. 1963. dictionary, but Theis denied the request Also named in the charges was their publish¬ defense rested its case Thursday after The trial, which began last Monday, melting and releasing radioac¬ tive substances may be 20 The group said the United ing house, Milky Way Productions Inc., which is Fahringer said before the resumpf colling to the stand the sister of Robert will go to the jury after final argu¬ based in New York. Chambliss, a 73-year-old former Ku Klux times greater than the NRC States should not commit itself deliberations Thursday, "We are very ments. After the mistrial was declared, two jurors Klansman accused of setting off on estimated. heavily to nuclear power until it encouraged. Anytime you have a jury d said the jury was deadlocked 9-3 for acquittal. has more reliable assurances of ating for two days, you have to be eneour explosion that killed four black girls in a Bombing of the 16th Street Baptist The early injuries and fatali¬ Prosecutors said they would not decide for two is the Church occurred at the height of the civil safety. quick verdicts which are bad verd' Birmingham church in 1953. The defendant's sister, Bennie Brown, rights struggle in the South. The blast testified she saw her brother at his home ripped out a stone and brick wall of the about noon on the day of the bombing. The blast occurred about 10:20 a.m., on church, killing one 11-year-old girl and three 14-year-old girls. SPAGHETTI I!* jbicriplion rale tsSTO per year udent Services Bldg Michigon S Crimes against business up (VERY) SPECIAL Postmaster ire of MSU Picas* send form ( Messenger Service. Eo ALL YOU CAN EAT EVERY SUNOAY FROM 4 PJI. Our own home made meaty WASHINGTON (UPI) - Crimes against spaghetti served with hot business today." rolls plus a help yourself salad bar! American business — ranging from In the sector of the report on bank simple theft to sophisticated computer crime, some eloborate — and not so abuse — cost an estimated $30 billion last elaborate — schemes were also re¬ year and the No. 1 reason is dishonest viewed. employees, a government study said Thursday. According to the report, crime within service industries alone cost $9.2 billion HERMS "Thefts committed by employees are in 1976, and that is just the Vntd f's^rinh ^blahlkhnwnt. LUTO BODV.X behind at least 60 percent of crime-relat¬ "tip of the iceberg." Much of the criminal activity 231 M.A.C. EAST LANSING Foreign Cars - ed losses," a Commerce Department goes unreported and sgme crimes — American & report estimated. "So many employees such as bribery, kickbacks and fraud stealing so much that Quality Work Guaranteed — e employee theft are impossible to calculate in the most critical crime dollar problem facing | terms. ★★★★VALUABLE COUPON**** Free Estimates Millionaire acquitted in murder trial mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m- Sat. 8=00 a.m. -12 Noon i'LOO OFF!1I AMARILLO, Texas (AP) Fort Worth — millionaire businessman Thomas Cullen Davis was charged with murdering his Corner Larch A Michigon Ave. Davis was found innocent stepdaughter, Andrea Wilborn, on the Lansing 489-6577 Thursday in the night of Aug. 2, 1976, at his $6 million shooting death of his 12-year-old step¬ residence. daughter. IVALUABLE COUPON The jury deliberated just over four At the time it was the home of his hours before reaching its verdict. also could have found Davis, 44, They estranged wife, Priscilla, 36, and the Mr. Tony's delicious 14" or 16" PIZZAI SMMIf NOVEMBER guilty of prosecution tried to prove he invaded the capital murder or a lesser offense of house ond started shooting in order to SPECKS AT MOTH « murder. get at her. I Sunday 50* OFF! Good Any FTC proposes insulation rules In November I WASHINGTON (AP) Trade Commission on - The Federal energy use by resisting the flow of heat S *1.00 Off *"ri"f.ria» a regulation Thursday proposed designed to help consumers know better what they are they buy home Insulation materials. getting when through the exterior surfaces of a house. Generally, the higher the R value, the more effective the insulation. Mr. Tony's delicious 9" or 12" PIZZAI | ■ OR The rule is intended to insure that However, the FTC and the Consumer ■ 50* Off *">5* purchasers of home insulation ore Product Safety Commission cautioned information necessary to determine the given that there are generally accepted maxi¬ ■ m mum R values for the most ■ amount needed and to various types of materials in a compare the meaning¬ used insulating materials and commonly any claim flffif 32 « I"1" ful way, the FTC said. of R value above the maximum 5 With $2.00 Or More Food Purchase design The proposed rule would standard should be highly require all suspect. PIZZA & I package labels and many advertise¬ Under the proposed FTC rule, it ■ FREE ments for home insulation to disclose its would | 515 W. GRAND RIVER (just West of Greyhound Station) R value." This is a measure tion's of insula¬ be unlawful to publish an R false or not based on an value that is approved h ■ DELIVER* oh campus-' comparative ability to reduce ■ tfST | standard test. CANNS EAST CAMPtt L Pick-Up or DineIn 332-8611 l 5 ■ 2137 Hamilton 3i9JUIN) 401 * 3514700 Wg! Soviet youth mu Friday, November 18, 1977 j improve relations between America and other countries, where, according to Raisler, LATEST MEDICAL SPECIALTY foreign language study is much more common. "In the Soviet Union and Europe," she explained, "it is not unusual for children to learn three or four languages. It's like a l/' sportsmedicine grows status symbol for them." Because Russian youngsters learn Eng¬ lish, Raisler continued, they have a better understanding of Americans than Ameri¬ cans do of Russians, though they will probably never personally meet an Ameri- Sportsmedicine - the treatment of "It's a good program, and it's gonna grow athletic injuries — is the latest medical into something," said Jarrett, who worked "They will never get the chance to use speciality. It has grown by leaps and with English here, and yet they all learn it. so Lansing high school athletes for 20 not only do they understand our bounds, across the nation in recent years. years. language, At MSU, athletes on intercollegiate "I take all the calls in the they also understand our psychology." morning — Raisler added that if American youths teams were traditionally treated by one evaluate them and see they get to the right learned Russian as well as Soviet children physician in the Olin Health Center who people," he explained. devoted a large portion of his time to learned English, it would make for greater Ross is satisfied with the program, but sportsmedicine. would like to see it moved to the Clinical understanding between the two countries. Iren Raisler For years, the late Dr. James S.Feurig, Center building on service road in south "Nobody is crazy enough to want a war in this day and age," she said, "but if we want health center director, filled that position. campus. By TERRY PRZYBYLSKI to avoid one we need to understand each After his death in 1975, Dr. Lawrence State News Staff Writer He noted there is sufficient space in the other better." Jarrett took the job. As the strains of folk music from a nearby clinic center, in the form of unused modules, Raisler said it is particularly important Today, there is an athletic medicine clinic to house the athletic medicine clinic. Russian Club party floated into the office on that more young Americans learn Russian operating out of the second floor of Olin "Our time is divided between Olin and the seventh floor of Wells Hall. Iren Raisler in the near future in order to maintain Health Center on a shoestring budget, with the Clinical Center," Ross said, and it would leaned back in her chair, lit up a cigarette satisfactory diplomatic ties with the Soviet a team of four physicians supplied by MSU's and smiled. avoid duplication of medical records and Union. "There are so few Americans willing tq colleges of human and osteopathic medicine. increase the quality and extensiveness of "Most of our current diplomatic corps is Headed by Dr. Herbert Ross, an osteo¬ learn foreign languages today," she said. patient care. due to retire in the 1980's," she noted. "I sometimes think the whole English- pathic orthopedist, the athletic medicine "There is a crucial shortage of young people clinic treats between 85 and 100 patients Presently, two primary care physicians, speakers' theory was expressed by the fluent in Russian and other Eastern Drs. David Hough and Douglas B. McKeag Englishwoman who said, 'I do not see why weekly, even though specialty care is only European languages to replace them." offered in the afternoons. provide basic medical care to intercollegiate English, properly spoken and enunciated, Not only future diplomats, but also athletes, Ross and Dr. John Downs, another should not be understood by everyone.' " Services at the clinic are open to all MSU aspiring businessmen will need to know specialist, provides orthopedic service to all As an assistant professor of Russian at how to speak Russian in the future, because students participating in athletics, a num¬ athletes. MSU, Raisler is hopeful that this traditional of the expanding trade between America ber estimated at 20,000 by Ross. "chauvinistic" attitude toward foreign lan¬ and the Soviets, Raisler added. The four physicians are paid for through Although Ross is happy with the pro¬ guages in the United States will change in "Business would profit so much from their faculty appointmenta in the medical gram, there are indications he would be the future. schools. Because service is provided to Russian," she said. "The Soviet traders can happier with a move to the Clinical Center Raisler said the traditional American take advantage of us now because they members of University sports teams, funds and a bigger budget. refusal to learn foreign languages does not for supplies are provided by the intercol¬ "We could see more people speak our language and we don't speak if we just keep enrollments in foreign language theirs." legiate athletic fund. consolidated our efforts." he said. courses low. It also frustrates attempts to "Just look at the Russian wheat deal a few years agol" she added. "What more proof do you need? The translators there Stat* N*wi/P*t* Ob** were Soviets, not Americans. We lost money because we couldn't negotiate rthopedist Dr. Herbert Ross replaces a cast on Marshall Lawson, properly with them." toad-string quarterback for the MSU varsity football team, at the re- Advisory seeks petitions Raisler stressed that to get a job which fitly established Athletic Medicine Clinic on the second floor of Olin tilth Center. would involve the use of Russian, it is not necessary to major in the language. However, an applicant should have a solid background in Russian in addition to the The Non-Academic Women's Advisory Committee is seeking committee," she said. appropriate political science or business petitions to fill vacancies representing four categories of MSU The committee was formed in January of 1975 and reports major. rotein diets under employees. The four categories needing representation in January are clerical directly to Jack Breslin, executive vice-president, and Roger Wilkenson, vice-president for business and finances on matters pertaining to all non-academic employees on campus, she said. Though the enrollment in MSU's Russian classes is currently small — only about 150, according to Raisler — she encourages more — technical, supervisory, labor and student. Committee member Mary Cullen said student employees are Anyone interested in serving on the committee can obtain students to sign up for Russian courses. encouraged to petition. petitions and more information from the Office of Women's Raisler also said that although other rutiny for deaths "We'd like more input into student personnel but find it hard to Programs, 380 Administration Building. The deadline for Slavic languages, such as Polish, Czech and get working students to make a commitment to be on the returning petitions is November 21. Ukrainian, aje not currently offered, the department is able to offer instruction in those languages and would do so "if there is Isbister explained that this "shift" puts sufficient demand for them." the body in a "stress situation." He added ■4 protein diets have come under however that this stress c i with all mat scrutiny with the announce- starvation diets. Ita week by the Food and Drug ■eistration that, the liqu.d protein diet |itoDtributing factor or a cause, in the are 0ne b|em is thst -Iiquid protein diets becoming a real fad . commented Nancy Click, a spokesperson for the FDA. Nutrition cancer-cures criticized, pioflOw Donald Kennedy "We also don't believe a liquid protein litoiuiners of liquid protein to carry a diet is effective for those who want to just i| which states, "do not use ^reduction or maintenance without ill supervision. Do not use without ml advice if you are taking prescrip- for loose less than 20 pounds quickly, because the diet will not change eating habits, and the weight will be gained back," Glick said. "The best advice I can give, is that of all diets called 'quackery remedies' I medications. Not for use by infants, diets we have seen," said Carol Callaghan a ment of ByPETEBRONSON oncology. Reed was equally critical of the almond nals - belching, passing gas, eye trouble, State New. Staff Writer Speaking at the cancer society's Tenth diet cancer cure promoted by Kelly. fatigue and hernia — Reed commented, What do Humphrey Bogart, Babe Ruth, Annual Cancer Conference for Nurses at Reading from comments by the diet's "people actually believe this stuff." I "We also don't believe a liquid protein diet is effective for those T.S. Eliot, Chet Huntley, Charles Lind Kellogg Center Thursday, Reed mocked originator, in a national health magazine, The major characteristics of quackery, ■w want to just loose less than 20 pounds quickly, because the bergh and Walt Disney have in common? promotional evidence of cancer-curing nu¬ Reed mocked Kelly's claims that he can aside from being profit motivated, are fairly They were all victims of America's tritional plans like William Donald Kelly's nutritionally cure cancer. Vtt will not change eating habits, and the weight will be gained "Almond Diet". He was critical of propo¬ consistent, he said. second-leading cause of death — cancer. The diet, which includes at least ten "Most quackery is based few experi- ■to." -Nancy Glick, spokesperson for the FDA. American Cancer Society estimates pre¬ nents of laetrile, a formula derived from on dict that 27,000 new cancer cases will be apricot and other fruit pits known chemical¬ diagnosed in Michigan this year. ly as amydalin, he called them "dupes", "Cancer patients are almost defenseless when promised a safe, '»• "profiteers", and "quacks." easy cure. They are susceptible to claims of laetrile promoters pregnant or nursing women." nutritionist with the Michigan Department However, "quackery" remedies like lae- Reed acted out the "exaggerated claims" ■d protein, which is derived from of Public Health, "the liquid protein diet is trile and complex almond diets will not help of laetrile users who claim to be healed and because they are looking for a way out. They don't want to die, by products, is currently classified without a doubt the most dangerous we cancer sufferers, according to Melvin L. presented what he said is the truth, about and they're afraid." |»FDA as a "food product," and can be have seen." Reed, of Wayne State University's depart- the controversial drug. —Melvin L. Reed, member of Wayne State University's «d over the counter in drug stores "Contreras (a Mexican physician who Department of Oncology. Waarkets. provides laetrile treatment to cancer pa¬ tients) says 54 percent of his patients were _ -Id Sours is currently investiga- benefited by laetrile treatment," Reed said. ■« deaths at the Center for Disease T™ in Atlanta, Georgia. FOCUS ON FUTURE PROSPECT "But what is benefit?" he continued. almonds at every meal, a pint of carrot per juice day and eating at least 70 percent of ments but sounds Pseudo-scientific. It usually revolves around a novel or simple "If I feel better today than I felt food raw, is a typical example of quackery, idea so people say 'Thank God we dis¬ F'not really sure exactly what yesterday, I must have benefited from what Reed told his audience. covered it," he said. I did yesterday. If I've just flown from |* a"»d the deaths, at present, we Ip™"common denominator," he said. I®1 "plained that the ten women, all I/1" "kse, died of cardiac arrthymia, Energy forum slated cruddy Detroit to sunny Tijuana, what do you think I will say when doctors ask me if I feel beter than when I left home?" Because many people are bewildered by science, they believe anything which sounds remotely scientific if expressed in terms "It is often opposed to the establishment and appeals to people as an underdog. Also, "regular heartbeat. Reed pointed out that many of the cases they can understand, Reed explained. the theory is simple enough to understand Future energy alternatives is the The afternoon session will begin with in which laetrile was credited with curing As he read Kelly's cancer-warning sig- for advocates to explain it to others." theme of a seminar to be held Friday the keynote address by Walker Cisler, J"'*e"hat "a are currently trying to do is to the expected death rate and Saturday in Kellogg Center. former president and chairman of the cancer, the patient was also receiving other types of cancer therapy. 9 young obese women from this board of Detroit Edison and founder of "If you are going to test something you Presented by the Michigan Inter¬ Advisory Overseas Advisory Associates Inc. His Sours said, J^'tailarity in the cause of death was national Council, the seminar will focus on the prospects for a U.S. energy program, future energy sources, the topic is "Energy and the Human Environment." In a panel discussion to follow, have to use it alone, not with something else which ia curative," he said. group listens WMii' °Ut th® elgllt women died of So far laetrile has "flunked" all of the future Implications of certain energy Herman Koenlg, MSU professor of ■L. whieh '■ «n inflammation of choices and possible strategies for electrical engineering and system sci¬ teats put to It by the Food and Drug to concerns of women K^w|UM|d1)11 * vlrtl ln'ertion <>r 11 change thst may be required. ence and director of the Center for Administration (FDA), but people still seek treatment by the drug because any hope is The conference will open 8 p.m. Environmental Quality, will talk on appealing to cancer victims, Reed said. The Women's Advisory Committee to the Provost will hold an open meeting Monday to Km16 *M«.Whst FDA11 try,n*10 do ta look 11 Friday with a round table discussion of "The Soclo-Cultural Transition;" Robert "Cancer patients are almost defenseless listen to views on issues of importance to women faculty, specialists, graduate and we are trying to "Prospects for a U.S. Energy Program." Wsldron, president of Associated Petro¬ when promised a safe, easy cure. They are undergraduate students. E.I. , 11 *"ected these women The seminar will continue 9 a.m. leum Industries of Michigan, will dis¬ susceptible to claims of laetrile promoters The meeting will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in 384 Union. ■Or y !juV11111 looking," he said. Saturday with an energy symposium. cuss "The Political Dimension;" Robert because they are looking for a way out, They Those who wish to address the committee on a particular topic should call Kathleen ? ,I'bUter> of the Michigan William Madsr, a representative of Edgerton, professor of engineering at don't want to die, and they're afraid," he Wicks at 353-6387. Presentation time will be allotted to Inaure a wide coverage of topics, Standard Oil of Ohio, will discuss "the Oakland University, will speak on "The said. but spontaneous participation will also be encouraged. Way it Is with Fossil Fuels." and Conservation Ethic," and Morris Levitt, The committee has dealt with issues such as part-time tenure, pay differentials, %.„7« '""'few '• consumed except liquid Consumers Power Company President executive director of Fusion Energy "The theories of how laetrile chemically temporary appointments, increasing opportunities for women graduate studenta, Vitamin supplements. John Selby will speak on "Going Foundation, will discuss "The Steady- attacks cancer cells have been proven false, maximizing appointment opportunities to major Univesity committees and the status of but the drug's backers have gotten in too PCom! Vstein. tu y°Ur body's m'tabolic system diet to only hydrollzed Nuclear — Pros and Cons." Allen O'Shea, president of Environ¬ State Society." The seminar will conclude with a far over their heads to back down now from women specialists. It hopes to add to this list such issues as affirmative action, fringe benefit policies, mental Energy Inc., will discuss "Poten¬ discussion of "Strategies for Change." their untennable position," he added. pregnancy leave, sexism in the classroom and Women's Studies. F ticrvi.. j" 'orced 10 l)urn from It" tial for Solar, Wind and Water." The registration fee is $5. "Its easy to ignore things contrary to The University-sponsored committee is composed of faculty members, graduate Piaid. ' "nd you «*' * weight loss," what you believe." students and undergraduates, and advises the provost on policy. Begin-Sadat summit: Religiion new chance for peace is OK A major turning point in the long and tortured history of the Mideast lam lost in the may now be at hand. Death. Age. lightmares!» The invitation extended by Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin to Arthritis. | Island on the corner Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to visit Israel is both unprecedented on Saturday night °(Grov l and fraught with uncertainties. If — as appears likely — the summit procession of and watch ,«!1 blooming youth, J becomes a reality, tensions in the Mideast tinderbox might be eased urgent messages. To the considerably, and a lasting peace settlement might at last be achieved. other. Stunningly alive. stiyJTf 1 But old age will If, on the other hand, the summit is grounded by political crossfire, or if nothing of substance is accomplished in the meeting between Begin to die, and come. Many ^ many more can't deal J J and Sadat, the possibility of yet another Mideast was will increase prospect and so ignore it. It is n probably impossible to dramatically. future with any great degree olJ The various imponderables that might complicate the Begin-Sadat except for one fact; We will all die. We will y summit are already manifesting themselves in disturbing ways. On like to look up at our findwJ Wednesday, Sadat visited Syria for a chilly meeting with Syrian one last time, as outstretched hL President Hafez Assad, who opposes the projected summit. Assad and thin thread of life we vainly erJl with a pi other Arab leaders are concerned that Sadat may bargain with Israel for defies all rational arguments. a separate peace. Assad and his allies want to present a united front in dealing with Israel. Inasmuch as Sadat's mission to Israel would be the first time an Arab leader has ever visited Israel — and because it is obvious that Egypt is desperate for peace — Assad's worries are understandable. But these fears should not dissuade Sadat from meeting face to face with Begin. The situation in the Mideast has become increasingly unstable and polarized. In the past, it appeared that political differences between the Arabs and Israel were on the verge of being resolved. With teum the accession of Begin to Israel's top post, the rift between Israel and its Arab neighbors has widened considerably. boudoir? People intending to Begin is a hard-liner, and rejects out of hand Arab demands that Israel Wasting trees service as a legitimate means to meet use and interesting people cannot withdraw from territories occupied during the 1967 war. While Begin help but be I have been working at MSU since March Randy Larscheid disappointed and revolted by the sleazy might be justified in some of his views, his leadership has produced 21,1977. The first time I saw the State News Address withheld by request slogans and crude snapshots. RENALDO disturbing trends. I thought it vas the best thing to happen to One woders, too, if the students who Begin's policy of establishing permanent Israeli settlements in Now I could catch up on the news allowed themselves to be photographed are occupied terrotories is a dangerous and unjustified one. In order to without thinking I'm being left out of the Crass campaign typical users of the service. If so, all MIGALDI achieve a permanent peace with its Arab neighbors, Israel must •orld. I thought. self respecting people should find other Lately, I've heard all the news I'd like to The crass campaign conducted by means than the dating service for making Grim? eventually face the fact that it will have to give up some, if not all, the hear on the radio. lAnd all the news is the ASMSU to promote Depressing? Say what n its "Computer Match" new friends. Who wants to be "matched" but a is a FACT. occupied land. Begin apparently has closed his mind to this reality. — no matter where it's coming from. I reached a tasteless nadir with the flyers with those whose assessment of themselves This is why I don't make fun Begin's obdurate attitude displays itself in other ways. His violent w, some people may like the paper. I that were distributed throughout the shows such loathing and insecurity that of d retaliation against Lebanon for raids staged by the Palestine Liberation personally think it is a waste. All I get out of residence halls. With such pictures as they must exhibit their bodies to the anymore. I used to. 1 the I used to lump them all lately is the comics; land those together nL Organization against Israel — a retaliation that claimed the lives of far aren'tpaper publicity, how can anyone fail to believe general public to feel accepted and impor¬ disdainful sneer. Tarot, more innocent civilians than it did militant Palestinians as good as they should/could bel, and that the computer dating service is any¬ tant? Christianity,! Zodiac, I Ching, mantra, Buddha. — was an en I simply throw it out. thing but an excuse to match up willling Joy Hoffman outrage. President Carter, whose loose rhetoric on the subject of In short, we shouldn't be wasting valuable partners for some cheap pyrotechnics in the W416 Owen Graduate Center Now I discriminate. Mideast peace negotiations has gotten him in hot water with Israel's ees and time just to have a worthless thing For instance, Christianity is cool hi like the State News printed. supporters, had to be restrained from condemning Begin outright. was raised a Catholic by loving m All in all, the situation in the Mideast is still uncertain and SueVorce Italian parents. No complaints. Bn close to a resumption of armed conflict. The Arabs know that Israel perilously Secretary has the Catholic Church done to Ch| is in a position of military superiority. That is why Sadat and other moderate VIEWPOINT: THE HUNTER CASE ity? leaders appreciate the importance of reaching an accommodation with Life loo short They've perverted it. I think I would think it absurd how the (4 Begin's regime, and why the Sadat-Begin summit should proceed. uld like to reply to Denise DeCoster and Suzanne DeV'oung in reference to their letter concerning the women who adver Court tactics sound have built an economic empire teachings of humility and P0VER1| ha tised their "waiting and willing bodies" for I say go pick up a ASMSU board the ASMSU Computer Dating Service. speaking on behalf of Shaw Hall. I ByPETERHOUK This letter is intended to clarify a number of misconceptions regarding the plea read the Sermon on the Mount, and | you'd never heard of ( thought of that saying "between the sheets" agreement reached in the case of People v. Michael Hunter, a matter detailed in the Christianity before. Unless you're I and I still think it's clever. If you had taken State News on Friday, October 21, 1977. you probably will be charmed out | the time to investigate further into the This office was criticized for shorts. So simple, beautiful and go allowing Mr. Hunter, who was charged with felonious move violates ethics matter I which you re offended so really should have, since badly, you would have assault la charge carrying a 4-year maximum), to plead guilty to the reduced charge of attempted carrying a concealed weapon (two-year maximum). I promised the citizens of Ingham found that behind the sheets, we were County in 1976 that I would seek to end the practice fully In yet another clothed. I suppose you don't wear tube of plea bargaining with persons charged with offenses such as murder, armed robbery, I do not sneer or dem. unprecedented move, the ASMSU Student Board tops, criminal sexual conduct (i.e.. rape), house do you? Unbutton the top button of burglary, cases of serious assault involving For religious faith, like ® Tuesday appointed the Panhellenic Council representative the — new your stiff white collars and have some fun. great bodily harm, and career criminals. College of Communication Arts and Sciences representative. Inasmuch as 1,200 felony warrants are issued by my office sex, performs an im; Life is just too short to take light matters so every year and the circuit All student representatives are elected by a campus constituency, be seriously. Save the criticism for more court has time available to bring to trial only 70 of those cases, it is necessary to dispose functionfor millions of pt it the undergraduates of a particular college, like Communication Arts important issues. of 1,130 felony cases without trial. Clearly, any attempt to fully utilize the court time keeps them alive. It keeps I and Sciences, or be it the members of a campus organization like Meredith Egan available to us will require that cases be prioritized and that some lesser cases be plea from committing suicide. Panhellenic. 9 E. Shaw Hall bargained. In Mr. Hunter's case he was charged with a Once elected to the ASMSU Student Board it seems bargainable offense, had no prior criminal fair that the person represent those constituents only sensible and history, and caused no serious physical injury to his victim. It was determined that the Or another example. I'm lately at onto the board. who voted him or her Humor needed judge retained sufficient sentencing latitude with the two year felony conviction and therefore conviction on the four-year offense would offer little by the tender philosophies of Lao-ti additional actual him up) and the Buddha. We are! So it appears the ASMSU Student Board has Where has humor gone? How can punishment. with each other and with the univ" sidestepped logistics and anyone Perhaps most importantly, the disposition of the Hunter case allowed us to bring to sideswiped fairness in switching Lisa Cornelius from her current ! so narrow-minded as to only see one trial a case involving a defendant with three which we live (it is impossible to co biased meaning out of a totally innocent prior felony convictions who was charged position as Panhellenic representative to Communication Arts and cartoon? I refer to Ms. Lyn Schumaker's with two counts of first degree criminal sexual conduct (each cate this correctly in words). Sciences representative, without carrying a maximum of life I am not attracted to Islam 01 consulting student leaders of the letter last Tuesday criticizing Gordon imprisonment) and one count of breaking and entering an occupied dwelling (15-year or Southern Baptism or Bahai or T( college. Carleton's cartoon "MSU Shadows" of a few maximum). Mormon. But neither do I laugh. I| But the ASMSU Code of days earlier. In addition, since the Hunter case, we have successfully prosecuted a Operations provides for such a move, repeat offender charged with a variety of sexual acts with his children and a man with three prior sodomy sneer or denigrate. however unfair or insensible it may be. For if this Her accusations of sexual overtones and step was a part of legal racist drawings have to be coming from left convictions who forcibly raped a 12-year-old boy. I will offer no apology for the judgment For religious faith, like art 0 procedure, what is to stop the present or future ASMSU president from field. She really missed her boat. of my staff in determining that our limited court time be used against these more heinous performs an important function fori padding the board with sympathetic followers? This cartoon depicted a very offenders. of people: it keeps them alive. It ke» Cornelius was elected by the members of Panhellenic to simple scene which all of us have partaken in, or heard The timing of the Hunter plea, in that all witnesses from committing suicide. represent and appeared unnecessarily on the day serve them. The ASMSU of, set for trial, was unfortunate. Under our policy Mr. Hunter's plea should have been Student Board shouldn't have the at one time or another. One that Never mind what horrible things! right or agreed upon and taken by the Friday preceding trial in order to avoid the very authority to remove her from one elected position to another, whether everyone remembers, I'm sure. A girl inconvenience which occurred. However, the Hunter case was called for have done to each other in the name tr she consents or not. back to the dorm only to find her trial only that Only those persons who make faith. That is not religion s Ian Communication Arts and Sciences should have the up the College of has her boyfriend over. Her roomie Firday before trial and the defense attorney and assistant prosecutor handling the case hands her the phone so she can call her could not confer.on the case because of court conflicts. Thus, the first misguided unfortunates like Anita jl right to elect their opportunity to Myung Sung Moon and Billy Graha® representative. boyfriend (who just dropped her off a few consummate the plea agreement was the day set for trial, or the following Monday. bless his bucks) were not busy pe™ Cornelius is taking the seat vacated earlier this minutes earlier! in hopes she'll go away for If the criminal justice system had unlimited numbers of judges, prosecutors, defense term by Jean Riker religion for their own economic « while the Panhellenic Council awhile. We all know why and it's actually attorneys and jurors available, this plea agreement would not have been seat will probably be filled w: However, in view of our finite resources, I am charged with necessary. righteous ends, they'd be just ■ Panhellenic s vice president. At the end of winter funny. maximizing the term an election will But only an airhead would derive some effectiveness of the criminal justice machinery by perverting something else. be held for all determining which defendants If religious faith is sincere, college representative seats. superficial meaning out of that. What is so deserve the most serious attention. I believe that the citizens of Ingham County have But the fact that this appointment is only temporary should not cloud 5.' H Edltor ln chlel comics, you may as well hang it up. All Michael Tonmura Photo Editor you R,chord PohtowsRi read comics for is to find Managing Editor Kot Brown Entertainment and Bool, Editor Kolhv Esselmon something else the Opinion Editor Dove Misiolowski majority of us don't really care to hear Sports Editor Tom Shonohon about. I find some very good humor in Special Projects Editor Debbie Wolfe layout Editor Rebecca A Perry "MSU Shadows" and "Beetle CnJd"°L, JOeS"ln C°MCh*' Annesiuort freelance Editor Renoldo Migoidi (another one of your so-called "sexist and Bailey" eEdl,0r Michael Winter Jocelyn LasRowshi Stall Representative racist" cartoons! and I'm sure NunzioM lupo many others do too. Humor is there to put a Advertising Department grin or smile on yuur face maybe chuckle ^^||^8^°™9^_^_^__Shorori_Seijw_ Assistant Advertising Manager Denise Dear — even a laugh in your throat. It doesn't have to be so or unrealistic. Why don't you take your S and Friday, November 18, 1977 5 MORE MOVIES PROPOSED RHA tax increase? RHA voted Wednesday to hold a student referendum winter In other action at its weekly term to decide meeting, RHA voted to sponsor a on a proposed $3 increase in residence hall student personal property insurance program for MSU students. taxes. The program, devised by National Student Services, Inc. and The additional tax would be used to create an expanded movie AIU Insurance Company, has been used successfully at Central program that would include the showing of free films to all residence hall students. University, Oakland University, and the University of Detroit, RHA president Bob Vatter said. Students not wanting to participate in the movie program would be able to obtain $3 refund within the first two weeks of the The basic plan would provide (1,500 of a coverage with $25 term. Off-campus students wishing to participate could purchase a deductible, at an annual cost of $25. movie pass for $3. While cars, bicycles and other vehicles would not be included in According to the proposal. 40 films would be shown each term the insurance plan, the program offers coverage for a wide variety during the regular school year and 10 films would be shown of personal items, such as stereos, calculators and summer term. eye-glasses. Applications for personal property insurance will be distributed The money would also be used to rent two 7-foot video screens to residence hall students in their which would be rotated among residence hall mailboxes, and off-campus complexes. The students may pick them up at the RHA office in Student Services screens would be used for live broadcasting of sports events and Building. other special programs. RHA will meet at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 30, in Synder-Phillips Halls China plans cities wisely AP Wirephoto/Brain looker I Four Marines ignore a "Handicapped Seating Only" Lindberg Field in San Diego recently. By DeLINDA KARLE visual lecture in the Interna¬ industries are located in the construction is apartment liign as they occupy four seats in the terminal at State News Staff Writer The goal of city planners in tional Center. suburbs, not in the center of the blocks, many of which are eight Jack Williams, who visited cities," he said. to ten stories high, he contin¬ China is for the complete inte¬ ued. All apartment buildings China this past summer with a "Factories are built so the gration of city and countryside, are owned by the government. an MSU geography professor delegation of American geo¬ prevailing wind direction and "They are very functional ASTRONOMERS PUBLISH THEORY said Wednesday at an audio¬ graphers, said that Chinese cities river flow take the pollution away from the city as much as with a minimum of frills," he said, adding that many have ways — those which produce to possible." steel bars over the windows to meet their own and the i The central area of the cities prevent crime. trysides' needs, and those lu may have light, non-polluting indus¬ be product of which only consume. "Most dwellings consist of tries such as handicrafts and space two rooms, a kitchen and a "The Chinese want to make textile mills, Williams said. bathroom," he said. all cities producing cities," he Most city centers also have a said. "They want to avoid the central square used mostly for "However, in some of the concentration of industry in one older buildings, two families political purposes such as ral¬ share the kitchen and bath- DON (AP) - Life on "A continual microbiological mounting evidence that the material and meteorite r globe could be the result of part of the country or in a few lies, celebrations and parades. vigil of the stratosphere may essential building blocks of life cities." .. j have come from on earth have been found to fresh attempts at the evolution "All cities, even the smallest, [ space and major epi- well be necessary to eliminate — amino acids and other mole¬ contain amino acids and biologi¬ of life on comets, the scientists Williams said unlike most are the means and center for Rent and utilities coma to L like influenza and the the havoc which will ensue from cules — are formed in large cal molecules. suggested. The material would Western cities, Chinese cities about $5 per month for a four- indoctrination," he added. It may still be coming from extraterrestrial invasions of quantities throughout space. Bacteria able to survive on reach the earth on clumps of serve primarily as administra¬ member family, Williams said. the future," they warned. The 1973 comet Kohoutek "Portraits of past and cur¬ |,t*o distinguished British earth could have landed locked debris from comets as the earth tion centers, with commerce An average family's income is rs said Thursday. They argued that the "pri¬ was found to contain important in an icy comet billions of years swings across their tails. playing a secondary role. The rent political figures are hung between $50 to $60 a month. P Fred Hoyle and Prof. meval soup" theory depends on organic molecules, they said, ago, they argued further. The scientists said the 1918- surrounding rural and subur¬ everywhere, the government- owned paper is pasted to bill¬ However, Williams said that Urt Wickramaainghe pre- assumptions that have never adding that dust trails to The sudden plagues that 1919 influenza epidemic that ban territory is administered been proved and pointed to boards, and slogans of indocri- a large number of people do not Id the theory in an article comets may well contain similar have irregularly swept the killed an estimated 30 million by the city. have access to new housing. nation are painted every¬ |t weekly magazine New people might have arrived this "Rural communes provide where." way, as might other plagues "The majority live in old food for the cities under con¬ r speculated that the stretching back into history. He said the Chinese are housing, rather dilapidated and si building blocks of life I not formed in the "pri¬ ll soup" of primitive earth Black Caucus sponsors The way these epidemics affected widely separated parts of the earth in days or weeks tracts," he explained. "The area governed by the city usually depends on the size of the city." working toward self-contained neighborhoods. shabby," he explained. Williams said China had an For example, he said, Peking "The new housing is built as ample supply of food and con¬ ft normally accepted theory could well be explained if they is about 400 square miles wide near as possible to sources of sumer goods in the stores, but Thanksgiving food drive ■e and tails of came from outer space, the two and administers about 6,800 employment and stores," he the quality was limited. He scientists said. This is a better said. square miles of territory. added that luxury goods were at four million years ago, explanation that the spread Most of the housing available, but at high prices. le suggested, a comet from man to man, or by way of Williams said that the Chi¬ i crash-landed on animals, in the days before air nese are trying to promote The Office of Black Affairs representative. Those interested may contact smaller cities because they feel Ringing the primitive travel, they added. WATERBEDS, HEATERS, u from which all life (OBA) and the South Complex OBA is also asking; for volun- the Office of Black Affairs, 308 "Further major epidemics of it will optimize the economy. In Black Caucuses will continue teers to help deliver food. Student Services Bldg. disease could be caused when their plans, the Chinese are their Thanksgiving food drive the earth the debris of trying to make the best use of [kHit theory is right, the crosses said, it has "profound il. medical and socio- through Saturday. The drive, which began Residents fight, kill park plans new said. long-period comets," they urban space. "Potentially-polluting new ACCESSORIES pmplications." If life did Thursday, is an attempt to •Lowest price in town it way, invasions of LOS ANGELES (AP) - A person. But now I believe my raise enough food to feed about It; fiesh biological mater- 50 needy Lansing-area resi¬ nine-month battle with urban word will count any place." tonight thru Saturday •34" any size mattress Till the debris of comets is planners has convinced 16 resi¬ City Councilman David Cun¬ ft to be continuing, they dents. The food will be solicited dents of Dunsmuir Avenue that DUKE TUMATOE and the •Beautiful hand crafted custom frames from local proprietors, dorms ningham, who waqted a part in City Hall does listen. They won and individuals across campus. his district, said the new site — All ST*W FROOS Ji in explanation, they their fight to save their homes vacant land about a mile from .Complete set I mild account for lnia and past plagues, which Jd quickly round the world OBA members hope to de¬ liver a grocery bag to each resident consisting of a frozen from the bulldozer. To the planners, the looked like a good spot land for a the original plan - would cost about one-tenth as much as the cover *1.50 ftatup^s ft line when travel was turkey, bread, potatoes and park, but to the homeowners it represented their lives. original site. The city has been trying to AccMiBtU AHamooni mhwd prlwi llw ■ale mattress, liner, frame (jJq^ pDy slow. It would also canned goods. The bags will be "I never felt my vote or word locate parks within a few miles J fresh epidemics could delivered to families recom¬ 351-5650 ft the same way. Bile is professor of astron- mended by community service counted," said resident Gloria Willridge after the city's deci¬ of all residents, and the Pico- Hauser area, a middle-calss Qjv ItdMMl prlcai In Mm bar 114 p.m. dally 7-9 PM daily organizations. Idthe Royal Institution of V Britain, one of the coun- OBA is requesting residence sion to use a different parcel of land was announced Wednes¬ West Side neighborhood of mostly one-story homes 50 fizapdj, ftnost respected scientific in Wickramaainghe is pro- pellift applied mathematics hall governments help by do¬ nating foods and by setting up drop places. Food will be col¬ day. "I'm just an average years old, was "park poor." felndepgrounc University. lected Sunday by an OBA ART AT AFFORDABLE PRICES FRONTLINE CINEMA presents The American classic. AN EXHIBITION & SALE OF WORKS BY STUDENT ARTISTS GRAPES OPEN THIS WEEKEND SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12-5 Tuesday & Friday 11-5 OF Wednesday & Thursday 11-8 the union WRATH gallery 107 S. Kedzie Hall Friday and Saturday in the old Browsing Room at The Union * SftUllAlltcl SPREAD THI WORDi TOO and 9:30 pm November 18 & 19 Eiuaenvs. ASMSu labor relations is $1.25 ID'S may be checked r DELIVERY AVAILABlt g il you are an MSU Student who is working or planning to work in the Lansing E. lonsing oreo. on cam¬ i PROGRAMMERS pus or off, you have rights as workars. Do you know what they FREE! or#? Coll us to find out. i MDSI is a recognized leader in the development and marketing of high technology computer products and services for monufacturingapplicotions. i We have an immediate need for experienced and entry level programmers with o moth, engineering or Buy any Medium p{ . | computer science background. Comprehensive train¬ At the regular price \\CL RESTAURANT 1 327 Abbott Rd. FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD Q East Lansing LUNCH t DINNER DAIIV AT SENSIBIE PRICES 134 W. Grand River PH. 337-1755 "AMON'S I PEKING RESTAURANT RESTAURANT AND LDUNO. gar 718 E. GRAND RIVER-LANSING $$ Tho Finest in Mexican Cuisine cocktails CARRY OUT FOODS Why not try us today! ™„' u„,«c 489-2445 IMPERIAL OAROEN THE Mir GRAPEVINE 349-2698 2758 East Grand River 337-1701 2080 W.Gr. Rv. Okemos DINE OUT TONIGHT! Q Michigon Stole News. Eost lonsing. Michigon FridaV' Member ,8,, 1Holiday on Ice' gleams By STEVE SZILAGYI State News Reviewer Monster-sized Muppets, precision skating and lots of flesh are all part of the gaudy extravaganza of the 1978 edition of Holiday On Ice this week at the Lansing Civic Center. Like its sister show, the Ice Follies, and its scores of imitators, Holiday on Ice bases its success on a tried and true formula of colorful, excessive entertainment. Th'e basic secret of the show is that it does its best to appeal to everyone. For the little kids, there's Bert and Ernie, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, and the rest of the gang from Sesame Street, all \ gliding out on the ice to the shouts of hundreds of ...» tiny voices from the cheap seats. fS For those too old to get a charge out of Big Bird, there's the Ice Holidettes (no kidding, that's what they're called), who with the rest of the gorgeous girls — and in the past few years, gorgeous guys p" W I — whiz around the ice in the skimpiest costumes this side of Vegas. And for the rest, there is proven comedy, tight choreography, and the garish, dazzling mix of i) ! light and color that is the trademark of such a show. The result is the biggest display of truly escapist entertainment since the Hollywood films of the 1930s. With the costumed skaters and symmetrical stage design, the whole thing is as 'he entire company assembles on the ice, backed electric lights. stunning and far from real life as a Busby StoiTtwT^J by the stars and stripes and their name in dazzling Berkeley musical. Holiday on Ice continues through Saturday at the Lansing Civic Center. Theater opens FINAL DAY SALE The Black Arts Theater Club of Lansing Community College will be opening its first season with three one act plays this weekend. The plays will be presented at the Gennessee Community Center at 8 p.m. Friday through Sunday, Nov. 20. Tickets are $1.50 for adults and $1.00 for MEN'S TRADITIONAL students. Children under 12 will be admitted free. Tickets will be available at the door. The club will perform two comedies by Douglas SILADIUM® RING Turner Ward. Brotherhood, and Happy Ending, State News Kay McKeever and a drama by William Wellington Mackey, $59.95 A ONLY whirling skater from "Holiday on Ice" executes a quick movement Requiem Eor Brother X. during their appearance at Lansing Civic Center. The Black Arts Theater Club is a non-profit student organization promoting black of the arts. 'Heroes': shellshock for fun and profit By BVRON BAKER Manhattan vet hospital where he is State News Reviewer undergoing (some badly needed) psychiatric treatment. His dream is to make his way Heroes, Henry Winkler's first starring screen vehicle, is an across the country, reunite with his war buddies, and found a attempt to draw the makings of a screwball comedy from the worm farm in Eureka, Calif. serious and sensitive situation faced by returning war-shocked Along the way, he encounters Carol (Sally Field), a woman in Vietnam veterans. Director Jeremy Paul Kagan and scenarists the process of fleeing her impending marriage who James Carabatsos and David Freeman have gradually apparently tried to (inevitably) becomes involved with Dunne. He has less luck with instill well-intentioned and basically humanistic ideas into the his buddies; Ken (played by Harrison Ford of Star Wars, project, but they have failed almost completely. The film is giving the only really solid and valid performance in the picture) is a lost appallingly artificial and forced — belittling and trivializing its soul who drives his car aimlessly about country roads; Adcox, who subject. has abandoned his wife and family to drift, and Monroe — the For the record, this is not the first attempt by Hollywood to driving force behind all of Dunne's actions regarding the worm transform the plight of troubled Vietnam vets into a comic film- farm — turns out to be much less interested in the farm than back when Timothy Bottoms was hot, Twentieth Century-Fox cast Dunne had imagined. him in something called The Crazy World of Julius Vrooder, We need some serious and pointed films about the problems of described at the time as "a wildly funny combination of M*A*S*H the veterans of a war we have since disowned, but this isn't it. AU and The Hospital. The film quickly sank. the vets depicted in the picture (including Dunne) are A fate, incidentally, not likely to befall Heroes. The film has supposedly as lovable loonies in the manner of the gang in Cuckoo's Nest, but this they say in the trade papers, "opened strong." And, if one drives subject and its implications seem too real to bear that sort of past the Spartan Twin Theatre around the time of a scheduled stylization without a darker and more sophisticated approach. showing, an impressive queue of shivering patrons can be viewed Winkler and Field aren't really to blame here; their work is awaiting admission. Maybe its appeal can be traced to a national obsession with seeing the Fonz sans leather clearly related to the approach of the film's creators. Obviously, jacket. It cannot have someone at Universal made the clear choice to make a cartoon a great deal to do with the film itself. about the difficulties of returning veterans, and leave a more Briefly, the story concerns the adventures of would-be worm serious treatment to others. farmer (cute) Jack Dunne (Winkler) as he seeks to escape the The Universal picture is at the Spartan Twin Theatre. /IKI^RVED RING DAY That's when the ArtCarved representative will be here to help you select your custom-made college jewelry. It's also the day you can charge your ArtCarved college jewelry on Master Charge or BankAmericard. ^1|A :!20 S.Howard wir"y> final davJ Spaghetti 371-1752 Treegj 32 FRANPOR &2-0817 »t«ii y, Ver«ci I, W K. S ft s ^^tudent ^^ook ^^tore Across from Olin today NOVEMBEBl 10A.M.-4P-1 F^« News, Eost loosing, Mlchlgon Friday, November 18, 1977 9 Lrews': bawdy fun MSU survey: 'social TV' I nr BVBON bAKEr film) is a humble footman to the buxom and East Lansing Cable Communi¬ |LV»B«*ewern, fc randy Lady Booby By CHRIS KUCZYNSKI Reagan said the survey sug¬ Kfdirector Tony JUeh- (Ann-Margret), who seems un¬ State News Staff Writer cations Commission, which is gests that 35 percent of the |? recent film of Henry ■!. Joseph Andre*' has duly attracted to the lad. But her lustful attentions cannot A survey by an MSU tele¬ communication professor and a the governing board of the East Lansing cable system. The East approximately 10,000 house¬ holds in East Lansing are l£ some of the meet faze Joseph, who is pure, stalwart and saving himself for graduate student indicates Lansing cable code requires that one cable television chan¬ subscribers to cable television. Results of the study were * snd hostile critical his true love, the equally hum¬ nearly one-third of the people nel will be designated as a released in « that »ny fiIm h" ble Fanny (well played by who watch cable television in conjunction with the ■red in recent years, East Lansing do so in someone public access channel. All pro¬ opening of a state-wide confer¬ Natalie Ogle), else's home. the public access to be held at the East ■.-vailing ra00ghti noon with 80 duels scheduled. actl°" Saturd.! The seven schools joining MSU are Central m l■ MSU ends against Hawkeyes nk Rapids Junior College, Grand Valley State I gan' season Dame, Toledo and Western Michigan ate'Ind,ana State.N, "gggjjj^gsstillinthe , , ~ rebuilding, bis team after the l,,e $, opart nad By MICHAEL KLOCKE cially since Hayes admitted he wins at Iowa, the "Big Two" dominated Big ti State News Sports Writer turned MSU in to the NCAA will be broken up for the first Capitol reporter Dan Spick- wrestling in the late igA and All MSU needs to finish for rule violations. time since 1971. MSU currently ler returns to the oports early 1970s. peni.J TOM SHANAHAN second in the Big Ten is a win It has been quite a while has a 5-1-1 conference record with a request. See page page 11. has never had a team r„ since while Michigan's record is 8-1. below .500. over Iowa Saturday . . . and a people around East Lan¬ But all this speculation is U-M first, little help from their good friend at Ohio State, Woody sing have wanted Woody's Buckeyes to win a game. But academic-it the Spartans lose to "Iowa is an extremely ag¬ Each team will wrestlers. All hrino J they'll be rooting for them on Iowa, and despite the Hawk- gressive football team. They be six matches J Hayes. minutes in uj rather 4-6 record, have outstanding defensive instead of the usual Good friend? Not too many Saturday. eyes poor ei riarryl Rogers has the players," Rogers said. "Our MSU third Spartan fans would refer to Hayes in that manner — espe If Ohio State defeats Michi¬ gan at Ann Arbor and MSU respect for them. utmost offensive people are going to The tourney is being sno- All of the sudden MSU people are rooting for Ohio State to win a football game. The same team whose coach allegedly had MSU put have quite a test against them." out The way things have turned eyes, this -season lor the Hawk- it would seem that the k-4: sored by the and MSU. There Takedown charge for all students for adults. is , cl 1 audi on probation by "tipping off the NCAA." schedule maker is not on their But it's easy to understand why MSU is rooting for Woody side. They had to play UCLA Hayes' Buckeyes. If Ohio State beats Michigan and MSU beats right after the Bruins had lost Iowa, the Spartans finish second in the Big Ten. It could be the to Minnesota. They also met first time anybody has broken the Big Two of the Big Ten since Northwestern did in 1971. In the locker room after the Northwestern win Saturday, MSU Michigan right after the Wol¬ verines had lost to Minnesota. Women open todtj And it can be pretty hard for senior outside linebacker Mike Dean was trying to decide which teams that good to be down two one he hated the least. Finally he decided it would be better if Ohio The MSU women's basket¬ superb showing. MSU r. weeks in a row. State wins, as much as he said he hates the Bucks. ball team will unveil its 1977-78 2d-t> mark en route to ^ But all this talk doesn't matter. Both Michigan and MSU are But the Hawkeyes have edition today in the Women's place in the Big Ten. something to shoot at Saturday Intramural Building. sutl going to win Saturday, which sends Michigan to the Rose Bowl and regional championships j puts MSU in third place behind the Big Two's annual tie for first. just like MSU. Iowa has a The Sparuns are having a berth in the national ch The Spartans are in for a brutal game at Iowa, but one they can chance to finish tied for fourth Green-White intrasquad scrim¬ ship tournament to ti win. They've avoided injuries in the past three games. Injuries if they can beat MSU mage starting at 4:30 p.m. in paign. would have cost them the Iowa game had they occurred in the past Rogers said the real strength the gymnasium on the main Highlights this i three games. of Iowa is their defense and the floor of the Women's Intra¬ elude a trip to a presm MSU defensive tackle Larry Bethea says the Spartans have Hawkeyes do have individual mural Building. holiday tournament inl motivation to win for a second place finish, but adds the fact that standouts. Linebacker Tom The Spartans have a hard act York and hosting a r Iowa beat MSU in Spartan Stadium last year may be more Rusk is a candidate for post to follow after last season's tourney at Jenison Fielc motivation. season honors and his partner As for the Michigan game, its been picked both ways as a one in the middle, Dean Moore, also point game. drew Rogers' praise. But you don't beat Michigan in Ann Arbor. Forget all the talk that Ohio State is mad about losing 22-0 last year and will pay "We're very concerned about them back. their defense," Rogers said. When the game has this much riding on it, that isn't enough. "They can really get after you. When Ohio State was beating Michigan every year it didn't They really hit hard in last matter what the score was the previous year. The Buckeyes were year's game (a 30-17 Hawkeye still the big boys who were getting the No. 1 ranking during the win)." The Hawkeyes offense is Even though they lost to MSU and had to beat Michigan in 1974 centered around quarterback to tie for the championship, they would still beat Tom McLaughlin and fullback The Men's Varsity club will attend. Michigan. Now the roles are reversed. Last year the Wolverines lost their Stato Now. Ira Strickstein John Lazar. Coach Bob Com- Sunday at 6:30 p.m. in the meet The Women's Varsity I No. 1 ranking when Purdue upset them but still beat Ohio State. Bruce Reeves goes airborne (or one of his three touchdowns against Illinois. mings' offense has not been Varsity club room at Spartan will also meet Sunday ia It will be the same story this year because now Michigan and Reeves and fellow freshman Steve Smith have been sharing the tailback duties overly productive this year, Stadium. MSU basketball coach lounge at the Womei'il coach Bo Schembechler are the big boys in the Big Ten during this although McLaughlin does rank Jud Heathcote will be the Building. All Womei vi with Leroy McGee, who is nursing a hip injury. mini era of the two schools' domination of Big Ten football. featured speaker. All varsity letter winners (continued on page 11) letter winners are invited to attend. =^tk H>C= Specializing in MEXICAN STYLE FOOD featuring these specials Sat. t Sun. CAPITAL NEWS EVERY OTHER FULL MEAL AT V, PRICE at the corner of Larch and Michigan in Lansing Mon. Tuos. Wed. TACOS TOSTADAS ENCHILADAS offers you a battery operated Thur». Fri. BURRITOS COMBINATION PLATE complete menu available daily along with beer, wine & your favorite cocktails PERSONAL MASSAGER FRENCHES BAR FOR ONLY *1 400 Bok.r Stroat. tan.. on# black waat of South Coder St. 412 0713 Su„ ,pm.,pm (*5 value) i si I'lK IHHSPKIAl ?■() £i^ DOGS Expires 11 19-77 li IIV[ BAND 2 "5 Friday is NO COVfcli if m Dog Day Afternoon Foot Long Chili Dog Happy Hour iS&l en CIRCUS MAX **'TtTr 3,^Pf- Jai|y $ INSTANT CASH $ -TTT Nightly Intertainmant Mellow Folk & Big Screen TV ••'II •• Open M-F: 11 a.m. Sat.-Sun.: Noon lir 1227 E. Grand River | ^APSITT !| 1 Blk. West of Hagadorn II 332-6517 • •• Coed Food ★Pizxatt Booze iff •••*;&*••• ( EAST LANSING DISTRICT COURT announces a L3 #* • • j Parking Warrant Moratorium BE • 1 Pay all past due tickets LATE FEES & WARRANT CHARGES at their original face value. WILL BE WAIVED. FRIDAY CASH IN used albums at DATES: S M T W T F S PAY AT: Parking Violation! Bureau 0SUPER TG 3-6 Half Price Beer, Martinis, your 2nd floor of the P-K • Bldg. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15116 17 18119 20121 22l23 24 ?B Of, 301 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing, Ml 48823 Manhattens 10c HOT DOGS records (boughtondsold) ^ At the Alle We 27 28 29 30 Hours: 8am-5pm W Give Individuals should bring tickets, letters Away Fun any or notices which they have received, AND have the owner of the vehicle. license plate number and name of the We pay *1 - *2 for albums in good shape PAY TICKETS DURING THE Any quantity - J to 1,000 will be considered ••••j*«feEy MORATORIUM Following the moratorium dates, the East Lansing Rock • Jazz # Blues • Classical * Folk Warrant Officer will actively pursue individuals who Country # Bluegrass • R * B fail to pay tickets on a timely basis. Comedy • Soundtracks Mon. ■ Sat. l| Wazoo Records 223 Abbott Rd. (next to State Theater) 337-09^ News, East Lansing, Michigan I (licWi jtate Friday, November 18, 1977] ] L, SPICKLER But this year we should watch the sound turned down. Have the radio Michigan game with the turned up for the MSU leers host the Huskies game. l/ofc/i Root for OSU. Just let's once e MSU finish top in the but on standings. By JOE CENTERS team State News Sports Writer winning one at home and been split this season by Bruce Dave Versical and Mark Maz- Selfish you say? one on the road. Horsch, Spartan defenseman zoleni, both ranked among the There are two teams that Just once let's get back at Don Canham for Tech is coming from a sweep Mitch Horsch's older brother, selling two tickets hockey coach Amo Bessone top goalies in the league, will of the University of Minnesota Don't listen per seat at those sell out extravaganzas. Let's see John Rockwell and Nick Dud¬ split the goaltending again Michigan likes to beat more than suffer a little embarrassment. any¬ Duluth by beating the Bulldogs ley, from East Lansing. body else - that team from Horsch against Tech. in Houghton 41 and 6-5. Fresh¬ has played in five of I would personally rather _e MSU at the next Ann Arbor and Tech's Bessone has the Spartans Michigan- Michigan Tech. man Bret Berken's lone goal of represented Rose Bowl than The Spartans played even eight games and is ranked ready for this game but he oi ice again watch Bo's players lose I mrrOR'S NOTE: Three yews ago as > young sportswriter, to some team out west. last weekend with that team up the weekend was the winner among the top goalies in the knows it isn't going to be easy. 1 slkler deelwed his love lor the Spwtsns with t column Just once I would like to s le Michigan fall far short of the from Ann Arbor and they will Saturday as the Huskies almost WCHA. "You've always got your r "r: M pack freezing Spwtun Stadium rather than watch national championship and a m let a 5-1 second period score slip The Spartans go into the hands full when you play Michi¬ ar-perfect record. Just once let's get their shot at Tech as they 1*7 Two on TV. Needless to say the Spartans demolished see them not in second, but ii third. host the Huskies tonight and away. game still a little sore from last gan Tech," Bessone said. Hffl-21 u-M lost 12-10 In Columbus. Spiclder says today's Let's face it. U of M has just taken this state for all it's Saturday. Both games start at Tech has 21 letter winners back from last fall and coach weekend. The are definitely MSUINGS. The Junior hock I".wMinitially penned in blood. U of M could just as worth. 7:30 p.m. John Maclnnes also has 18 without the services of Ted Heusing who has ey team will host Hillsdale easily have been put through the b.s. of a separated College toady and the Detroit CTwhO DO YOU THINK WILL WIN? probation. U of M is not all that better of a place. "We know we're in for a tough weekend," Bessone said. rookies. Six freshman have been playing regularly for the sternum and Mitch Horsch who Junior Wings Saturday. Both Br the pas'week Pe0,)le have asked the 1uestion mentioned Let's make people aware of the other team. "They play you physical but , Huskies has a sore shoulder. Ken games will start at 2:30 p.m., E!" Itell them we can really beat Iowa if the boys are fired up, U of M has taken over so Mr. Meechigan" Bob Ufer booms over badly that the disgusting voice of they play you good. They body — so Maclnnes, like Bessone, has inexperience on Pareskevin, who Bessone and there is no admission Kit will he a close one. more objective WJR instead of the check, they fore check, check¬ his team. thought would miss this week¬ end because of internal bleed¬ charge. Ko man. Will you wake up? We mean the Michigan-OSU football. fatherly tones of Bob Reynolds with Spartan ing is their game." Tech does have its four lead¬ ing. skated all week and MSU and Tech are tied for may ing scorers back from last FAMILY OF MAN Know they mean that game, but frankly it's been years since I Just once let Ray Lane and Chris McClure be the guys fifth place with Colorado Col¬ season in Warren Young, Dave suit up against Tech. After four weeks of line with loyalty problems over which game to watch. And lege in the Western Collegiate 341 E. Gd. River broadcasting the better team's game. Hooray for WCAR! Joelson, Rodger Moy and Stu fthe last four years sights have focused on the MSU game. I Go State Go! But I hope Woody gets his pants beat in the Rose Hockey Association (WCHA) Ostlund. Joelson leads this changes, Bessone said he has found two lines he's going to , tared little over what happens in Ann Arbor or Columbus. Bowl. with 3 3 records. year's team scoring with five stick with. His checking line is Last year the two teams split goals and five assists. Tim McDonald, Mark DeCenzo their four games with each The goaltending for Tech has and Joey Campbell. The other line, made up of three of the Yogurt team's top five scorers, is Tony 3io:90C L/mmers start fast with optimism, new coach Jelacie, Leo Lynett and Russ Welch. Darryl DiPace, tied for second in team scoring, will EXPIRES skate with Pareskevin — if he By JOHN SINGLER "There haven't been a lot of changes and it's plays — and Heusing's replace¬ State News Sports Writer kids to adjust to a new coach," Feldmann said. always hard for the Clemens High School in 1975, returns to the Spartans. ment. 11-30-77 "Our first meet, Florida State transfer student Pat McDonnel and early days of the 1977-78 MSU women's swimming and against Western, freshman Sue lie was encouraging." Fredley round out the diving team. 1', season are any indication, Spartan foes are in for a long, Eleven freshmen joined 15 veterans on this year's squad and Feldmann studied as an undergraduate at Westchester State Audrey Flood, a frosh freestyler from Niles, made quite a splash in ...w coach, Joel Feldmann, a new-found spirit among her MSU opener, winning the College, in Pennsylvania, and the University of Colorado before 500-yard freestyle. completing her master's program at Wayne State. She earned re of the team and soaking Western Michigan in the Freestyle is expected to be the Spartans' strength in the early Ail-American honors while in college, . jpbut last week made things all the merrier around the part of the campaign. Besides Flood, depth is provided by Melinda swimming the 50-yard freestyle and backstroke and the 100-yard freestyle and i's Intramural Building. Whitcomb, a New York senior, and Linda Mrosko, a freshman backstroke. from Birmingham. Whitcomb holds an MSU record in the 50-yard freestyle, in addition to swimming on three record-setting relay Iridders journey to Iowa teams. Lately at MSU, an outstanding Spartan performance in the breaststroke has usually spelled Kathy Kolon. The junior, from Southfield, has a hand in four MSU records and is the Big Ten's FOR THOSE LATE NIGHT MUNCHIES AUTOMOTIVE PARTS defending champion in the breaststroke and individual medley. Yet! There IS someplace and SERVICE INC. final record 7-3-1, and they |ntinued from page 10) would go into the recruiting "Diving has been strong before and it'll be strong again," Feldmann said. Under the tutelage of John Narcy, coming off five straight Spartan divers rin the league in passing, season won a recent exhibition, beating a highly regarded squadron of 4*80 PARK LAKIRD., lie game comes down to a victories. OPEN EVERY FRIDAY AND divers from the U-M, Narcy's alma mater. ■AST LANSING (gduel, it looks as thought "I just want to beat Iowa," Annette Kubiske was a Michigan high school diving champ last SATURDAY TILL s will have a dis¬ Rogers said. "I'm not much for year in Ypsilanti. Jeannie Mikle, a state diving champ at Mt. (Formerly Roberts Automotive) advantage. MSU punter speculating to the future or 3 A.M. tachowicz continues to looking at the past. All I'm in punting and concerned about is this week." picker Hans Nielsen leads 3201 E. SAGINAW and kick scoring. 1141 E.GRAND RIVER I Holsclaw does all lg for the Hawkeyes and the BIG TEN STANDINGS GQ®afi§ & |he has not been effective Big Ten All Games ; only 36 yards ■back Leroy McGee and a Ohio State 7 Michigan 0 1 0 0 9 1 1 0 0 BYE BYE BRAVERMAN you'll never leave This it an hilariout, off beat, black comady hungry MSU 1 1 3 I Edgar Wilson are about tha daath of a promising Jowith Indiana • Flush System I to be ready after author, and tha way in which it aHoctt hit Purdue 3 friend* and rolativot. • Replace Thermostat J off injuries. McGee ■ill of the Northwestern Minnesota Iowa 3 3 0 6 on Friday" • Replace Anti-Freeze to 20 Below 0 jth hip pointer and filled a a hamstring in Wisconsin Illinois 3 2 5 0 3 7 0 GDetD &)„ V-m ALL YOU CAN EAT • Check AU Hoses , ■last Saturday. " N'western 0 8 0 0 10 0 is of what happens I Michigan-Ohio State lie contest Saturday is a SATURDAY'S GAMES ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS MSU at Iowa GAS LINE ANTI¬ pr the Spartans. Rogers It his no control over Ohio State at Michigan ANTI-FRIIZI FREEZE ■kirns in Ann Arbor, ■heis looking at is Iowa, lis would make MSU's Purdue at Indiana Illinois at N'western Wisconsin at Minnesota $1" 55 £ CANS FOR M $|00 SINSTANTCASHS TOP DOLLAR PAID FOR: Comoro and Dark Room Equipment IB WITH COUPON Golf Clubt-BicyclofToolt Quality Storoo Equipment C.B.VCar Stereos Vintage Guitars-Banjoi-Mandolins Antiques-Oriental Rugs-Indian Artifacts LUBE or Any Antiques We Buy or Repair Defective Electronic Equipment OIL& FILTER $8 88 Most American Cars EXHAUST 35% OFF LIFETIME MUFFLER WARRANTY WHEN INSTALLED BY US American Cars BATTERIES 48 MONTH WARRANTY 50% err MON.-FHI.8te* I SAT. 8-3; SUN. 11-4 HOT LINE 351-8061 ]2 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Friday' N°vemb,M8 Liquor law considered LANSING (UPI) - Rep. Ogonowski said the meal, not just a breakfast, and Casmer P. Ogonowski, D De¬ was prompted by the "increas¬ people often would enjoy a troit, introduced legislation ing popularity" of Sunday drink with their brunch," Ogo¬ SNSrS? Wednesday which would per¬ brunches being offered by nowski said. mit the sale of liquor beginning many restaurants. "In the same way, many at 10 a.m. on Sunday, two hours "These brunches are general¬ bowling alleys have Sunday unpopular. _ earlier than in current law. ly the equivalent of a complete morning leagues for people r:mitthP»?c| Coffeehouse held tonight Currently, sa|esmiist^ A campuswide Christian cof¬ house was held in Shaw Hall's Donations will be accepted to feehouse will be held from 7:30 Lower Lounge in 1975 with an cover costs of refreshments mean and that we are to 11 tonight in the Brody attendance of 400 according to other expenses for the en* Multi-purpose rooms, featuring coordinator Mike Redoutey. house. The event is coffee¬ drunkenness," he „ sponsored music by five campus groups Almost a thousand people by the Spirit of Christ fellow and one other band. showed for the 1976 coffee¬ ship and Campus Action. The first campuswide coffee¬ house in Brody, he added. THi TRIII ITALIAN Try our ipoclol combination pina: mint I I florthside Wtiil popporonl, ham, mushrooms, n . onion, groan popper and bacon. *«« I Present This Coupon For DRIVE-IN THEATRE it® I ''IS* I OMRU ITIM nun I On Any Plxxa PMIDUIVIRYI An epic fant Lie detectors could be outlawed j Campus Pizza of peace 1312 MICH. AVE. and magic. WASHINGTON (UPI)-The ciation spokesmen said retail wes. chairman of the defunct marily those willing to work for 337-1377 United States faces an increase in drug abuse and retailers will losses billion are estimated at S7.2 a year, with thefts by Privacy Protection Study Corn- low wages or whose work ethic "operates at a very low level" — Rated P.G. ^ continue to lose billions of employees accounting for up to Harry Hunter, representing people who are "under 25 years A RALPH dollars from dishonest employ¬ 70 percent of the total. the National Association of of age, single or divorced and MICHIGAN STATE ees iflie detectors are banned, a The problem is particularly BAKSHI FILM Convenience Stores, said his UNIVERSITY grew to physical maturity dur¬ drug store industry spokesman acute in drug stores, Kelley clients need lie detectors be¬ ing a period of civil unrest in the The prediction from Ty Kel- said, because of the potential for addicts getting jobs to feed their cause they hire as clerks pri¬ United States." PERFORMING ley of the National Association habits. of Chain Drug Stores came Some witnesses and panel ARTS COMPANY Wednesday during Senate hear¬ chairman Sen. Birth Bayh, PRESENTS ings on a bill to prohibit most D-Ind., have said lie detec¬ uses of lie detectors by employ¬ tors are notoriously inaccurate ers ees trying to find out if employ¬ honest. and job applicants are "A ban on polygraph tests will — only slightly better at deter¬ mining the truth than flipping a They also say the tests are an Fillet Stock Sirloin Stook Porkchops Roa«t Chicken 2.44 2.35 2.40 Jumbo Fried Shrimp Ocean Fried Perch Steakburger-no solad Athenean Salad ROITIEO& JULIET 2.25 enhance the spread of drug unconstitutional invasion of pri¬ House Soeciol 2.10 Chopped Sirloin abuse across the nation since vacy because examiners ask Baked Potato Salad and the potential for drug diversion embarrassing personal ques¬ will increase." Kellev told the tions such as. "Have you had included m *e orders November 15-19 8:15 p.m. Senate subcommittee on the any extramarital affairs?" and 3020 E. Kolomaioo St. • Ph. 337 2210 • FAIRCHILD THEATRE Constitution. "How often do you change your SPECIAL MATINEE Saturday 1:30 p.m. Kellev and other trade asso¬ underwear?" said David Lino- ACADEMY Tonite, Nov. 18 UNCENSORED VERSION BOX OFFICE PHONE AWARD 7:30 1.50 WINNER BIST 9:30 90« 355-0148 mk DUSTIN DIRECTOR MIKE HOFFMAN TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NICHOLS 1967 | TONIGHT AND SATURDAY A WOODY ALLIN Double Feati U-U Church A FELLINI DOUBLE FEATURE Peter 855 Grove Woody (Across from Sellers Allen GRADUATE "It represents some of the finest work E.L. Fellini has ever done—which also means (As th# Psychiatrist) As th# Strip-Teas# Dws«rl Library) that it stands with the best that anyone in films has ever achieved." AX ASMSUPROGRAMING BOARD EVENT —Time Magazine CLASSIC FILM SERIES TheTen Pound Fiddle "They are Popeye i nd Olive Oyl presents locked in passionate combat." -ViiuTnt Caiibi.The New Yo.k Times Sunday Alistair , - *' YOl'R PSYCHIATRIST SI 101 LI) HAVE SICII PROBLEMS!* | 2^' Anderson, CONCERTINA!! Alistair Anderson is the world's . w, Peter OToole greatest concertina player, spinning out endless jigs, reels, and other ROGER C0RMRN Presents Romu Schneider lively dance tunes - even Joplin Capuclne 'agsl He also does a fine job with Paula Prentiss Northumbrian stnallpipes, a rare and beautiful instrument. Alistair is full of —= m*JEDERIC0 FELLINI FRANCO CRISTALDI Ursula Andress energy, charm...and incredible music! Scfeenpla^jndSloiytiyFfOLRlCOfFLLiNiandTONlNOGUfRRA. Director o< Photography GIUSEPPE R0TUNN0 • Film Editor RUGGFR0 MASTROfANNi Music b* NINO ROTA • PANAviSlON TECHNICOLOR*• AN ITALIAN FRENCH Hold College Hall in theMSUnion Grill & PRODUCTION FC PPOOUCTlONSiROMhPI C f (PARiV Distributed by NEW WORLD PICTURES - CO "What's New SOUL SKATE PLUS THI SICOND GRIAT FILM Pussycat?" THE CLOWNS EVERY SUNDAY "Tho Clowns is not only the v a master but it is his finest creations. also of a piet Further, t, 8:30 p.m. - is, as all great works are, all th those with special perhaps above all, the epitome of tt things for m for ell PLUS THIS SECOND WOODY ALLEN AND HILARIOUS HIT DIANE KEATON j humanism that has distinguished 11:30 p.m. Fellini's work. .. , Essentially, The inessential docu - Judith Crist SLEEPER Featuring the best TONIGHT AND I and latest releases Swept Away.. Written and Directed by LINA WERTMULLER SATURDAY I SHOWTIMES: SLEEPER 7:30,10'« J Starring GIANCARLO G1ANNINI and MARIANGELA MELATO in soul sound from CINEMA 5 WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT! ONCE ONLY 9:00 I LAST COMPLETE SHOW I I admission sl.75 FRI. & SAT. 7:30 & 130 109 ANTHONY $ TONIGHT AND SATURDAY AT 9:0° SHOWPLACE: 106 BW6T SHOWTIMES: THE CLOWNS 7:30,11:15 ADMISSION: >1.» I SUN. 8:00 UNION PARLORS IRDlUERWORLnl ^ AMARCORD ONCE ONLY 9:15 LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 9:15 on entertainment s.rvi«H SHOWPLACE: 104 B WELLS beolfilmco.oPStude';«| ty S staff welcome 1 ADMISSION: >1.50 $1,25 STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF WELCOME ed. ID WILL BE CHECKED on entertainment service ot the beal s film coop students, faculty & stofl welcome Id's checked. Miehigonjtote News< Eost lon5in9' Michi90' Fridoy, November 18, 1977 ] 3 NEEDSASMSU BOARD CHAIRPERSON ABRAMS PLANETARIUM PRESENTS A ROCK MUSIC & LIGHT SHOW SPECTACULAR Applications being accepted has applied for the job OCT. 28 - LIVE, ORIGINAL MUSIC BY A FULL MOON CONSORT NOV. 20 Inline d>tel5fllef0r as You do everything from "The job is also valuable tAiS^SS, Programing person. Board Chair¬ battling the Union for space to getting parking permits," she employment experience," she said. said she will discuss the and job of the duties programing VISUAL CREATIONS BY .COSMIC RADIANCE JJKi- '»«•- have been received, The chairperson adminis¬ explained. "It is good to say you Chairperson to any interested applicants. Her office hours are , °L to current chair- trates about 20 organizations four-pointed a management 3-5 p.m. "The class, but more important to Monday through Fri¬ and handles a programing board day in 332 Student Services Sherri Gatto. budget of about chairperson is well recognized say you manaeed a $100,000 $100,000, she said. Bldg. Applications can also be w said only one person with the administration. budget and handled 20 different picked up in 307 Student Ser¬ groups," she commented. Gatto vices Bldg. services in limbo over attorney I tailed from page 1) question that I'm number one," clinic for students." iihe screening interviews, a he"'«v».oownom ,i0°-<:M-7:00.9:Jo Free Buses will be leaving Jenison Fieldhouse for the rally to strike the testimony, it dismissed from the lawsuit. between Y and 7:30 p.m. and will return by 9 p.m. would mean a major victory for The oil companies, Shell, The rally is sponsored by the ASMSU Student Board. the Department of Natural Amoco Production Co. and Resources, which after Thurs¬ Northern Michigan Exploration day's hearing was the only Co., earlier had asked to be defendant left in the case. made a part of the suit, which State's fifth victim of disease identified LANSING (UPI) - State health officials today said they have identified another case of Legionnaires Disease — the fifth discovered so far in Michigan. The victim was a 38-year-old Kalkaska-area man who had suffered from severe pneumonia, according to the state Department of Public Health. The man has since recovered from the disease, a department official said. Legionnaires Disease is believed to be i pneumonia. The Kalkaska case is the first identified under a program initiated in October in which physicians and hospitals are taking blood samples from patients they suspect may have the disease and sending them to the state health department for analysis. Of the four previous cases identified in Michigan, only one was fatal. The department emphasized that Legionnaires Disease does not appear to be contagious. Legionnaires Disease was discovered following a Philadelphia outbreak last year. pop entertainment, and 101-FM present T)an ^dFogeCfoc/tg IN CONCERT WOODY M.S.U. AUDITORIUM ALLEN AS "THE MONDAY DECEMBER 5 FRONT" 8:00 p.m. America's Most Unlikely TICKETS ON SALE TODAY Hero AT MSIJ UNION. DISCOUNT RECORDS, mid WOWALLENTHEFWNT" , h ZERO HOSTEL hwschu. BERNMW SOUNDS and DIVERSIONS DOWNTOWN LANSING' Frl. Conrad 7:30 *9:30 - Sat. 100 ENG. 7:30 & 9:30 I $0 and S7 Sun, Conrad 7;00 A- J (& Students,faculty & staff welcome.lD's may be cbec ¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥-¥¥¥¥"¥¥¥-¥¥¥*¥-¥¥ ¥ *¥¥¥¥¥¥¥* MitWg n State Newt, Eotf Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 18, 19771 5 Aitumtivu Classified Advertising LSI Employment J|] fploynt j| [ Aparfeits [jy] i *■*][!] 7 ApvtRNts j? lafonaation OLDSMOBILE, 1972 Cutlass. CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE BABYSITTER WANTED, 3 SECONDARY SUBSTITUTE GIRL NEEDED to sublease IT IS the policy of the STATE 4-door. 62,360 miles. $1300 or School teachers for DeWitt, blocks from Brody complex, FEMALE SUBLET Campus teachers needed by WAVER- efficiency in East Lansing. 347 Stvdent Sarvlcai lldg. NEWS that the last 4 weeks I WON! JM MM best offer. For more informa¬ tion call 353-2280,9 a.m. to 5 Bath, St. Johns, Ovid-Elsie, 4:40-8 p.m., Monday through |_Y SCHOOLS. Secondary Call 332-3268 after 5 p.m. of term all Student Classified Hill If 101F. $77.50/month. Move in any time-Pat, 349- Fowler, Pewamo, Westphalia Thursday, 351-4795. certification is required. Pay Z-2-11 -18(31 p.m. 8-11-22(5) school districts. Reply to 3-11-18(41 rate $27.00 per day. If inter- advertising must be paid for 0762. Z-BL-1-11-18(3) in advance beginning Nov¬ TEACHER OPPORTUNITY ested and qualified contact OLDS 98 luxury sedan, 1966. FURNISHED, 2 bedroom ember 14,1977. Bring or mail E. LANSING 1 bedroom, SERVICE, 410 Antrim Street, COCKTAIL WAITRESS WAVERLY SCHOOLS Per- All power, runs great. Should apartment PHD, employed to 347 Student Services. Charlevoix, 49720. needed for nights. HUDDLE sonnel Office 515 Snow Rd. furnished, heat paid, $195 be seen. $225 or best offer. desires, lease 3 blocks cam- Sp-23-12-9(8) student or professional. 373- Z-8-11-30(7) SOUTH, 820 West Miller Rd„ Lansing, 48917 or phone pus. Call 351-0366 Evenings. 489-0340.6-11-1814) Lansing. 882-7579. Please ap- 321-7265 ext. 51. 3-11-18(101 6987;351-2658. 2-11-21(4) 8-11-30141 2 MALE roommates wanted MEDICAL ply in person. 10-11-29(5) townhouse near Jolly-1496. OLDSMOBILE 1973 Vista NEED FEMALE roommate for llm ret* per Insertion TECHNOLOGISTS FEMALE MODELS wanted. One person for 2 bedroom $95, electric, phone. Al, 373- 2 man apartment. Own room, Cruiser. Air, brakes, radial Expanding modern 488 bed RECEPTIONIST TYPING, $8/hour We will train. 489- apartment. Across from cam- 0238/393-4732. 1-11-18(4) winter only. 349-0183. tires, luggage rack. $1650 hospital has immediate open¬ general office duties, data 2278. 20-12-9(3) pus. Friendly roommates. $92 3-11-18(3) 349-0733. 8-11-2914) ings for both full and part processing background help- a month, 332-5669, ask for FURNISHED DUPLEX apart¬ ItMinUMf " 3 - 'a0° • 5doys. 80' per line over OLDSMOBILE-1977, time Medical Technologists ASCP on the 11 pm-7:30 am ful but not necessary. For WAITRESSES-EXPERIENCE Jeff. Z-8-11-30141 ment, 2 bedrooms, near cam¬ Jlinet. No adjustment in rote when cancelled. Delta pus. Call anytime, 669-9939. Pfics ol item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum Royale 4-door, air cruise, FM, vinyl top, 18,000 miles. $5,300 shift. SPARTA^DATA SPARTAN DATA. 8-11-23(6) (Ml 2316) AQE 5.11.21(4) MALE ROOMMATE needed winter, and spring, very close 7-11-23(3) I sale price of *SO. to campus. 627-6127. 7-11-18(4) E.W. Sparrow Hospital is $110/month. 351- 1 BEDROOM to • fully corpeted I Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines ■ *2.25 • per insertion. located near a Big Ten Uni¬ CHRISTMAS SALES help- KEY PUNCH and MAG card 0120. Z-3-11-1813) sublease, • gat heat and cantrol I ;y per line over 3 lines (prepayment). full or part time. Must be close to campus (2 miles). air versity which offers numer¬ operators and typist. Full or Call 371-1782 393-9230. :onditioning I himmeflo/Garoge Sale ads ■ 4 lines ■ '2.50. OLDSMOBILE 1977-98 ous undergraduate and grad¬ available mornings, Thanks- part.time, competitive SUBLET 2 man apartment for X-Z-12-1213) or • swimming pool ■ 63' per line over 4 lines - per insertion. Regency, 4-door, air, cruise, giving weekend and Christ- uate programs as well as wages P|aase ca|| medical "inter and spring terms. Call • 24-hour maintenance I Heed Town ads • 4 lines • '2.50 ■ per insertion. stereo, radio, plus many other other cultural activities. mas break. Apply in person, HELP 321.6070 8-12-1(5) J°hn B. at 337-0718. NEEDED ONE male for 2 • play ground for children I 63' per line over 4 lines. ootions. 627-5072.5-11-21(4) THE HOBBY HUB, FRAN- __ Z-3-11-1813) bedroom near campus, very • no pets DOR. 2-11-21(7) Blest I Founds ods/Transportation ads • 3 lines - *1.50 - OPEL MANTA Rally 1974. The hospital offers excep¬ TELEPHONE SOLICITOR, 3 nice. After 4 p.m., 332-8385. B per insertion. 50'per line over 3 lines. Very good condition. Extras, tional fringe benefits that include paid vacations and BARTENDER ,„,Tevenings per week, 3 hours TWYCKINGHAM WANTED- pg, night Call Monday 8 apartment - 3 man to sublet winter/ Z-3-11-22(3) call for information 349-3900 10-5 Tuesday-Friday best offer. 372-0081. tuition refunds after 1 year FEMALE TO sublease Cedar 10-2 Saturday Deadlines 3-11-1813) employment. We also offer goiITH SOUTH, R20 Miller 820 Miller Rnari Road, aJ""6 pm 484 4479 2-11-21(4) spring. Call 351 -4955. Village apartment. Call 353- 2-3-11-18(3) paid holidays, sick pay, hospi¬ Lansing. Please apply in per- 4556 ask for Cindy, after 5 Knob Hill Buds- 2p.m. • I doss day before publication. ROADRUNNER 1973, $1800. tal paid health insurance and TEMPORARY FULL and ONE BEDROOM near cam- p.m. X-3-1J-22I3) Bcoueliotion/Chonge ■ I p.m. ■ I doss doy before Call after 5:30 p.m. 393-9254. pension plan. 04BT PART-T time __ ,T„.a part-time workers for geo- pus, furnished. Sublet, winter BEDROOM Apartments publication. 8-11-22(3) ME security guard- TWO duplex |ogica| research project Ca|| & spfi $205/month, 351 5nce od is ordarad it cannot be cancelled or changed doorman for downtown retail 351.1440 ext. 240, after 5 4759. Z-3-11-1813) Waverly area. Carpeted, Salary is commensurate with basement, large backyard, WATERS EDGE 1 male fur 4 until ofterl it insertion. TOWN AND Country Station store. From November 25- _ experience. Apply to p.m. Z-3-11-22(4) man, very close, $92.50/ Wagon, 1969, well, $230/month plus utilities. No ■Thtre is o M .00 chorge for I od change plus 50' per runs Ross P. Alander December 24. 5 p.m. -9:30 NEEDED FEMALE to sublet month plus utilities. 351 -3372. $350. Call 627-4734. children or pets. Call 321- ■ additional change for maximum of 3 changes. Assistant Personnel Director p.m.-Monday-Saturday, call WANTED: BUSBOY 8 a.m.-4 from Dec.-June, in four per- X-5-11-18(3} 4889 or 339-3935. 6-11-18(6) ■The Stole News will only be responsible for the 1st 4JVZ3I3) E.W. Sparrow Hospital SHAW'S JEWELERS, 484- pm Monday-Friday. Apply spn artmen, 351_9497. day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must 1215 E. Michigan Ave. ONE BLOCK from campus. Hosses be mode within 10 days of expiration date. THUNDERBIRD, 1965. 60% restored. $2000. 645-2650, 8 Lansing, Mi. 48909 8m4,„8.,8,_____ LOUNGE, 309 N Washing^ Z"6-™ Entire two bedroom apart¬ |ills are due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not a.m.-5 p.m. 8-11-3013) WANTED-CAR stereo instal- ment available and room¬ FURNISHED 2 bedroom SUBLEASE 2 man apartment A non-discriminatory lers. Experienced only. Apply mates needed for other apart¬ paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will East Lansing. Next to cam- house, $300/month, utilities TRIUMPH TR6, 1973. Both Affirmative action in ments. Call 351-8135, 351- included near MSU. 332- be due. person at 6040 South TAX| DRIVERS wanted. $190/month. Call 37A hard and soft tops. Excellent Employer. 1957, or 351-3873. 4008.8-11-22(4) Pennsylvania Ave., Unsing, Mus, have exce||ent drivlng 9409 before 5 pm. 337-1465 conditio/!. 39,000 miles. Call Maid/Female/Handicapped between 10 am-9 pm. Mon- 0-14-11-30(6) after 1 p.m. 393-4292. 8-11-30(38) record Fu|| Timework. VAR- af,er 5 P-m- 5"11'Qlbl THREE BEDROOM, 6050 8-11-1815) dav:Friday:8-n-2J(6l___ SITY CAB, 332-3559. ""nY GRADUATE OR married stu¬ Rutherford. Clean, sharp, Ilitomotive 1f^: |_ Automotive j[i»j VW 1971 Superbeetle, auto¬ WAITRESS NO experience necessary. Apply in person occincMT MAMArcQ -nil FURN1SHED, clean 1 bedroom, $150 and dents. New luxury 2 bedroom apartment. East Lansing bus large lot. $240. 482-6281 ext. 23, or 349-3939. 8-11-22M matic. $750 or best offer. Call ALLE EY NIGHTCLUB. pie for East Lansing area. I ApaftRieiltS ^-29(3) UtiHt,eS' service. No pets. Start at C Hornet 1973. Sharp DODGE VAN, 1977 Trade- 371-1106 after 6 p.m. 5-11-23(41 Leasing, cleaning, and repair I r. $230. Call 351-9483 or 351- SPARROW NEAR 3 bed¬ duties. Phone 332-3900 or room duplex. Near bus line. Iking, automatic transmis- man 100. Metallic black, 8-12-1(3) „T„.ir n , „ 9195 after 6 p.m. L. Call alter 5 p.m. 349- NOW IS the time to put that 332-3202 9-11-30(5) ' STONE RIDGE-Brand new 1 and 2 bedroom glX MINUTES to campus, 2 0-20-11-30(6) $195. 374-7367. 8-11-30(3) economy 6, automatic. Excel¬ luxury apart- bedroom includes all utilities E. Z-3-11 22(3) VOLKSWAGEN, 1969, auto¬ special someone in your lent mileage. Clean Only matic, 75,000 miles. $395. Christmas List! Place a IT IS the policy of the STATE ments, Whtehills area, 1547 an(j parking. Available imme- EAST MICHIGAN-2 bed- FEMALE-SHARE large room $4500. 351-3823 evenings. 349-1121. 6-11-23(3) CHRISTMAS PEANUTS NEWS that the last 4 weeks N- Hagadorr.. From $195. diately. $190/month. 482- room, unfurnished, except in house. $72.50/month, fur- §CK LESABRE 1969, ex¬ 13-11-30(5) PERSONAL ad today. 347 of term all Student Classified Shown by ap^tment. 332- 9226. 8-11-30(5) appliances. $200/month. 323- nished, close to campus. 351- tent running condition, IT IS the policy of the STATE Student Services. Prepay¬ advertising must be paid for 6131 and 485-8299.8-11-22(6) 1658.8-11-28-14) 6456.8-11-23(4) [I 321-4585. 8-11-23(3) DODGE CHALLENGER 1971. NEWS that the last 4 weeks ment required. Sp-5-11-23161 in advance beginning Nov- EAST LANSING 1 bedroom AM/FM stereo, tachometer, of term all Student Advertis¬ ember 14, 1977. Bring in or FEMALE NEEDED for gor- furnished apartment. Close to CAPITOL LCC 2 bedroom LARGE UNFURNISHED SEDAN ET Mags, 318 headers, body ing must be paid for in WANTED COCKTAIL wait¬ mail to 347 Student Sen/ices. geous Americana apartment, campus, bus stop. Call CE semi-furnished. Utilities paid, house near Meridian Mall, JtLE, 1968 loaded, new very good, air. $950. 339-2205 advance beginning Novem¬ ress nights 5-12 p.m. Apply in Sp-23-12-9(8) Winter term and/or spring. DAR GREENS APART- kbattery, tires. Needs days. 8-12-115) ber 14,1977. Bring or mail to $95/month. Call 351-5643 MENTS, 351-8631. deposit required. $225. 651- $275 per month. 655-2457. person. No experience nec¬ ■«rk. $400. 6944)633. NURSES AIDES, male atten- after 6 p.m. Z-3-11-18(51 0-1-11-18(5) 6540.8-11-23(4) 4-11-18 (3) 347 Student Services. essary. HUDDLE NORTH FIAT 124 SPORT COUPE, Sp-23-12-9181 LOUNGE. 309 N. Washing¬ dants, experience needed. 1974, tan/black interior ton, downtown Lansing. Part time and full time, set 1967 DeVille, undercoated, Micheiin XAS, 5-11-2316) own schedule. Call Knell. 2-door, $360. Call AM/FM. An elegant sporty lit Semi / your MEDICAL HELP OF LAN¬ H. 4 11-23(3) machine, well-maintained. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, 337-2648 mornings and eve¬ SING, 321-7241. 8-11-2316) GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- cashiers and bookstore keep¬ 101976, AM/FM ster- nings. 9-11-1816) 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, ers. Full, part time. Must be BUSBOYS PART-TIME. Ap¬ Ittsof other options. Ellen good supply of snow tires. neat in appearance and like FIAT 128, 1972; AM/FM, ply in person. WALNUT or 313-336-3019. PENNELL SALES. 1301% working with people. Good HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. steel radials, great condition, East Kalamazoo, Lansing. pay and benefits. CINEMA X. 8-11-18(31 $875, 882-1941; 355-1814. 482 5818 C-20-11-30-15) 0-5-11-23(61 ) LT 350, 1976. STORE DETECTIVES-call BUSBOYS WANTED st proofed. 23,000 1975 350 IMPORT AUTO parts and meals a day plus small gratu¬ k 393-9406. 3-11-22(3) FIREBIRD auto¬ 641-6734 between 10 a.m. matic. 39,000 excellent condi¬ repair. 20% discount to stu¬ and 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. ity. 332-6531 or 332-5318. dents and faculty on cash/ 8-11 18(3) tion. Best offer. 723-7901 0-16-11-30(3) carry service parts in stock. after 6 p.m. Z-8-11 -21(3) Check our prices and reputa¬ SMALL CHURCH needs CANCER INSURANCE - The tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at pianist Sundays. Call Rev. National Cancer Success FORD, 1971 Maverick. 81.000 Cedar, 485-2047, 485-9229. Hughes for more information, story has come to Michigan, miles, 6 cylinder engine. $425 393 5588. 2-11-18(3) or best offer. For more infor¬ West campus shop. 485 help is needed to enroll group 0409. Free wrecker service endorsed members 5 individ¬ mation call 353-2280, 9 a.m. PART-TIME positions for with repairs with mention of to 5 p.m. 8-11-2215) uals; top commissions & this ad. Local areas. MSU students. 15-20 hours/ week. Automobile required. renewals, licensed or non- FORD ELITE 1976. Loaded, C-20-11-30-111) licensed. 351-1494 or 351- Phone 339-9600, 339-3400. excellent, 8000 miles, $5100. C-20-11-30-14) 1617. 8-11-21(8) 323-3709 or 485 9552. MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. 6-11-23131 Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto UNIFORMED SECURITY Of¬ AVON-DEVELOP sales abil¬ painting-collision service. ficers call 641-6734 between MAVERICK, 1971, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday- ity and make excellent FORD American-foreign cars. 485-0256 C-20-11-30-14) Friday. Or-16-11-30(3) ings! No experience green, 51,000 miles, automat¬ sary. 482-6893. C-5-11-21(3) ic, 6-cylinder, good condition. REFILLABLE WINDSHIELD CHEMISTRY SUPERVISOR- Priced right. 655-4343. 10 1972 350 wiper blade for your foreign Full time opening presently LT, vinyl 8-11-21(41 car in stock at CHEQUERED available in ultra-modern hos¬ f Mnsole, air, new shocks, FLAG FOREIGN CAR « and pital laboratory. Day shift, brakes. 64,000 FORD LTD, 69 rebuilt engine, PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ rotating weekends and holi¬ *11600 phone 666-1173. runs excellent. $400 or best zoo St., one mile west of days. Applicant must be 11-23I5I offer. 351-4676. Z-4-11-1843) 487-5055. Medical campus. Technologist, C-8-11-30(6) A.S.C.P. registered or regis¬ JJGHIA "" power 1976, 13,000, 4 FIREBIRD 1970. 70,000 miles, try-eligible, or degreed indi¬ steering/ AM/FM stereo 8 track, new JUNK CARS wanted. Also vidual with clinical chemistry Modern growing 466 bed tires, $1000, 355-9749 eve¬ selling used parts. Phone experience. Individual will Lansing hospital has im¬ anytime 351-3651. work in genera! and special mediate openings for full ning. Z-512-1I3I Key Punch Operators C-16-11-30(3) chemistry, and will be re¬ ►11-23(4) l expanding data pro¬ HONDA CIVIC, 1974. orange, sponsible to quality control BATTERY SALE. $7 for your and instrumentation under cessing center. »ELIE 1968, 327 V8, 53,000 miles, 4-speed manual old battery in exchange for a the leadership of a clinical *. power steering, hatchback. transmission, new one. WESTERN AUTO chemist. Liberal benefits, ex¬ V*®: R"ns good. 6554343.8-11-21(4) STORE. Williamston. cellent salary commensurate Ideal candidote for this $325 or best offer. '8. OR-1-11-18I4I with experience. Apply Per¬ sponsible position will hove Z-3-11-18(4) KARMANN GIHA-1974. sonnel Director, LEILA HOS¬ experience on the IBM 3742. Runs excellent, 1 owner. Position offers opportunities ICHto,r;r Its ! 97°- ciean' no . YCl"res- $900. Call Koran 882-6307, after 5 p.m. 4-11-21(31 Employment (flj PITAL, 300 North Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan for individual growth. 49016; 615962-8551, ext. It ii ® P-m- FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. 272. Z-511-22125) 1.- 8(3) ^ ^ MONTE CARLO. 1976, Lan- $6/hour. No training neces¬ The hospital offers excel¬ lent fringe benefits that in¬ »£."Vr" sary. Call 489-2278. 20-12-9(3) LIASI-A-VOLVO clude paid vacation and reimbursement after ■ftsyas tuition TEMPORARY MAIL-ROOM year employment. We also _ ,4' _ MUSTANG I11974 Ghia, low help-34 week period. Two as low as offer paid holidays, sick pay, ft ifc" ,0-,,~T. mileage, many extras, 882- shifts available: 8:30 a.m.- hospital paid health insur- and pension plan. * Good rn nv Xffl' °007' evenings. 351-2122 4-30 p.m. and 5 p.m.- p^-ZnT ^.511-29(3) midnight. Apply 3308 South Cedar, Suite *9, Lansing. ♦119 per month Salary is commensorate with experience. Apply to: T* VaTi^ 1976 15 000 MUSTANG, 1965. 289 en- 8-11 18171 ..'«"■converted slmnlZn gine' dark blue' n0 rus'' ask about our free drive bo, slaeps two' 332-3712. Best offer. COUPLE OR experienced rain warranty and loaner ROSS P. ALANDER * Z-5-'1-22131 women to live in and care for ar for the full term of the ASSISTANT PERSONNEL I:---1. NEED CASH? We buy im- infant over Christmas vaca¬ tion. References, Okemos DIRECTOR E.W. SPARROW HOSPITAL IfUSS n^ -.!l974' li'..%FM SUPREME 1974 P°rts and sharp late model area. 655-4132.8-11-28(5) COOK NfMIMAN 1215 E. MICHIGAN compacts. Cell John De LANSING, MICH. 46110 Young, WILLIAMS V.W. POSITIONS OPEN for North¬ ■MI23I3, ooz o-M. 484.,34, o, 484-2661, ern Michigan resort. Employ¬ ■UlsY— C-20-11-30-I5I ee housing on site. Contact; 311-4900 A non discriminatory I^smV976air'ha,ch~ new OLDS CUSTOM Cruiser, Mark Sulak, BOYNE MOUN¬ TAIN LODGE, Boyne Falls, MtTh til ♦(closed Sat.) affirmative action Male/Female Handicap employei ■811-28(41 35,"3348. 1977. Air, power, stereo-plus. Mich. 49713. 615549-2441. Call 4824414.3-11-22(3) 511-22(81 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Frid°y. November it Houses ;S] [ *>" ra f,rsii! * ;is i ««* SINGLE, MALE student; SKI EQUIPMENT BY Head, IT IS the policy of the STATE WATERBED - PEDESTAL MISSING: FEMALE Great IT IS the policy of the STATE TWELVE YEARS experience II DUPLEX-3 bedrooms plus Dane. Color: Brindle. Name: NEWS that the last 4 weeks Block Union, cooking, park¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks frame and heater only call typing theses, manuscripts, study, brand new; 2 full Hexcel, Nordica, and Look. Dutchess. Broken ear. Lost of term all Student Classified of term all Student Classified J.P. at 332 2563 or 332-2564 term papers. baths. 9 month lease, $400. ing. 314 Evergreen, 332-3839 Call 355-6254. S-3-11-22131 Evenings, 675 Wore 5 Call 339-2600. 8-11-18(41 evenings. 8-11-28(3) Advertising must be paid for after 5:30 p.m. Z-2-11-211131 Okemos vicinity, Reward. Advertising must be paid for 7544. C-20-11-30-131 p,™if- 353«l _ ENGAGEMENT RING, per¬ in advance beginning Nov¬ Callj349 1330. 4-11-23J5[ _ in advance beginning Nuv- 2-3-11-2213) * MENS SKI boots size 101$, ember 14,1977. Bring or mail MALE TO share quiet farm¬ house. 9 miles campus, $105/ FEMALES, OPENINGS in Ul- Co-Op, $315/term, call fect stone with band size 5, cost $570, sacrifice $395. ember 14, 1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. swim mask, snorkel, fins. FOUND: BLACK kitten. to 347 Student Services. TYPING TERM papers" Tnd WE BUY rey Brandywine Apartments. thesis, IBM experienced, fast month, '/> utilities. 676-5822 evenings. Z-10-12-213) 332-5095 or visit 505 MAC. 351-3786. Z-3-11-22(3) Sp-23-12-9(8) 337-9430. 1-11-18(3) Hind paws de-clawed. 373- Sp-23-12-9181 service. Call 351-8923. W MonXCJ Z-5JT21I3) FEEL SLUGGISH? Your eat¬ ELECTRIC STOVE-4 burners, 0713, 351-2179. 4-11-18-131 SQUINTING CAUSES wrin¬ 0-20-11-30-13) f m '6 P-m- « 916 FiDav V ROOMMATE NEEDED to THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 2 ovens; excellent condition; Lansmg. 323-7476.8.,"J 2 BEDROOM off campus- ing habits are to blame. kles, help prevent with pre¬ |looking for a share large farmhouse 15 best offer. 372-3891. Lansing. $200 month + de¬ posit. Utilities not included, minutes from campus. $70 plus utilities. Pets o.k. 655- 15% off inventory. on our entire Bicycle Bronds include Raleigh. Schwinn. Free Spirit Restore vitality, energy with food supplements-made from organically grown fruits and 7-11-30(3) [ Personal J/J scription ground sunglasses. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 GREAT JOB?-get a start on that lion by having your first head] impreij contempo^rT-:] 9'oup looking 393-1184. Z-3-11-21I3I NEED A Lawyer? Low fees. er, gratis call 62F-7MH 3691 after 3 p.m. Z-3-1M8I4' vegetables. No obligation, INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ E. Michigan, Lansing, Mi. resume 'S Huffy and many others. 3. Itypeset. TypecutteJ IT IS the policy of the STATE 5 and 10 speeds. money back guarantee. 485- ing $1-2 for albums in good First consultation free. Call 372 7409. C-5-11-18(5) can The make your 5013.8-11-29*1 NEWS that the last 4 weeks OWN ROOM in Lansing house $85/month plus utili¬ 8982. 2-11-18(6) shape. WAZOO RECORDS, 337-9381 after 5 p.m. Z-5-11-22(3) DO YOUR own divorce. We |ltand out in credential^ any stack of of term all Student Classified ties. We have a wide selection of 223 Abbott, E. Lansing. 337- will show you how. Approxi¬ jmei. Looks much bet-l PETITIONING OPEN IoJ Winter/Spring, 372- ladies leather coats and SONY STEREO, $175 plus 0974. X-0-2-n-21® lege of Social Sciena 1 advertising must be paid for 8257. Z-6-11-18(31 LOST-WILL girl with pink ski then typing. GivJ mately $75. Phone Mr. Clark, in advance beginning Nov¬ jackets in many styles and records. 676-2504, call before jacket and light brown hair, cell on ASMSU SEWING MACHINES. Guar¬ 339-2670. 8-11-22(3) a -we're very) Student Bo ember 14,1977. Bring or mail ROOM IN house for winter 6 p.m. 3-11-1813) who was in Union last Friday I very reasonable. Apply at Room 334, $, to 347 Student Services. anteed reconditioned ma¬ at 2:30 call Marty, 339-2129 487-929s| Services. Deadline i, term. 5 minute walk to cam¬ ALTERATIONS LADIES INSTANT REPAIR service on chines from $39.95. New between 10-3 p.m., you left TYPING 754/page, call Con¬ ya pus. Call Randi. 351-7326. from. $69.50, clothes. Experienced, reason¬ nesday, Nov. 23 at 5. J stereo, CB and TV. One day machines something. 5-n-22l6l nie, days 484-1491, nights, 3 BEDROOM house, Ann St. Z-4-11-2213) service on most repairs. WIL¬ EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING able prices. 485-2763. e 11-2K6I 1 IT IS the policy of the STATE 5-11-22(3) 372-2620. 5-11-18(3) COX TRADING POST 485- To] Unfurnished, $300/month. We repair all brands of tele- CO. 1115 N. Washington, Stove and refrigerator and COMPLETELY REFINISHED attic, 12' x 36', carpeted, ment. is and electronic equip¬ 4391. C-14-11-3014) 489-6448. C 20-11-3117) NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified FREE LESSON in complexion COPYGRAPH SERVICE I^OUND garage included. 349-2624, furnished, T.V., 3 blocks from VIDEOTAPE-SONY model Advertising must be paid for care. MERLE NORMAN Complete dissertation and 8-11-23(51 MARRIED __ COUPLE needs campus. Room and board in exchange for assistance with Dicker and Dnal, Second Hand Store V0I6OO player recorder, tuner, $1000. 321-4150. 8-11-23(3) I Animals j(g in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14, 1977. Bring or COSMETIC STUDIO 5543. C-20-11-30-131 321- resume service. M.A.C. and Grand River, 8:30 Corner three boys, ages 2, 3 and 5, -5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- 1701 South Cedor FREE TO GOOD home 7- mail to 347 Student Services. one to share large farmhouse from 4:30 p.m. until bedtime. 407-3$$$ Sp-23-12-9181 FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ 1666. C-20-11-30-15) 351-4795 or 372-2960. DINETTE SET 4 chairs 30x48 month Shepard, spayed, in Bath. $100/month, 1$ utili¬ vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE 3 11-18(8) table, $79. 3 full floors of shots. Friendly, 353-2019. ties. 200+ acres, garden, FENDER BASSMAN 100 pets. 339-8448. 8-11-21(4) DOUBLE ROOM large nice watt head 3 yrs. old, nice furniture to select BERKS FURNITURE in the from Z-5-11-2213) 1 Parts hnrtfil 555 East Grand River. C-20-11-30-13) EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dissertations, (pica-elite) SHAAREY zedek closed until furth„ , sound, $200 or best offer, PLACE YOUR special Christ¬ FAY ANN, 489-0358. EAST LANSING near MSU co-ed house, MSU close. "Old Schoolhouse" 4801 N. FREE: 8 week old kittens to C 9-11-30(3) 332-2701, Mike. 4-11-18-13) mas Peanuts Personals to¬ FREE NEEDLE check. Bring C-20-11 -30-13) furnished house for rent, up Winter maybe sooner. 332- U.S. 27 at State Rd. Call 482- good home. Paper trained. 3712. Z-3-11-1813) day. Bring your ad and in your record player needle to 5 students renting, good WE PAY up to 6241. 8-11-23(8) Call 351-8195 after 5 p.m. $2 for LP's Et payment to State News Clas¬ for free check at anytime. condition. 1216 E. Michigan. 5-5-11-23141 TYPING FAST and reason¬ cassettes-also buying/selling sified, 347 Student Services. For further details 351-5937. NORTH CLEMENS, fur¬ SKI BOOTS Garmond size Special prices on new need¬ able. Electric typewriter; Pica. 45's, songbooks, magazines. SP-6-11-18(5) les. MARSHALL MUSIC. 8-11-28(61 nished, female. All house 11, $20. Lange size 91$, $30. QUALITY DOG/CAT board¬ FLAT, BLACK & CIRCULAR East privileges. Near bus. Drive¬ Ski poles, $5. 332-8316. ing 10 feet run, dogs' walked Lansing. C-1-11-18I5I upstairs 541 E. Grand River. ANN BROWN PRINTING HAGADORN ROAD - 10 way, parking. 487-6390. E-5-11-23(3) 3 times daily. Licensed vet on Open 11 a.m., 351-0838. EQUITY LOAN-if AND TYPING. Dissertations, miles south of campus farm 8-12-1(41 you are C-4-11-23(6) duty. COUNTRY LANE home, 4 bedroom, barns, 10 WINTER WEDDING gown buying your home on a resumes, general printing. KENNELS, Haslett. 655-2791. mortgage or own your home acres, $350/month. 351-7497. Serving MSU for 27 years 0-8-11-18(51 For Sale ^ SKI BOOTS size 12, never used, $50. Solomon 555's excellent condition. Candle light color taffeta with lace 6-11-21(41 free and clear, ask about our with complete theses service. equity loan. Borrow against 349-0850. C-30-11-30-15] APPLES, CIDER, BLOSSOM bindings, set, $50. 351-5186. bodice. Size 9.351-2257 after MALE NEEDED for room in X-E-5-11123) 4 p.m. 2-11-18161 GERMAN SHEPARD pups, your equity to consolidate ORCHARDS, The Wadow- AKC, Libestraum blood line. your bills, make major home house. 1 block from campus, ski's 2 miles N. of Leslie, 3597 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ Solid black, black and silver, improvement, take that long EXPERT TYPING by MSU totally furnished, 351-6301. CHRISTMAS GIFT ideas get¬ Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours. ers. Tanks cannisters, weaned, $150. Female 1V$ awaited vacation, or for any grad. 17 years sxparience. S-5-11-21 -(3) and ting you down? Place a 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays. other good purpose. Call Near Gables. Call 337-0205. up-rights. Guaranteed on full Christmas Peanuts Personal years old, solid black, AKC, 1-589-8251 Gift packages obedience trained, $250. 337- FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OR-13-11-30(3) year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS Ad today, and surprise that OWN ROOM in nice house EAST LANSING, 351-2660 shipped by UPS. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. special someone in your life. 2504. 1-11-18(61 for grad student or Ofl-20-11-30-181 and ask for Mr. McDonald. working 316 North Cedar, opposite State News Classified, 347 BLOCK TO CAMPUS. Fast, person. Very near campus. 0-11-181121 City Market. C-20-11-30-161 Student Services. Prepay¬ EG) reasonable, experienced. Avoid the hanleoflini $100/month & utilities. Free thru 12-15 332-0038, 4:30- lUMMfttaOSA*. ment required. Sp-5-11-23(7) [ Mobile Homes rz — Term papers, editing. JJ. 332- a place to ttore those 1 still-good items you'll I 7 p.m. 2-4-11-18 (5) POOe tCIINCI IALI USED BICYCLES. All sizes. PRE AMPLIFIER Bose with IT IS the policy of the ST ATE Traisportatim gJg_ 351-1711. 8-11-3013) Mae.jKi^jTe-n-jo^ never ute again. Turn I $20-970. Also parts. CHAR¬ decoders. New in box, guar¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks UNIGRAPHICS those items into cash DUPLEX-3 bedrooms plus M.S.U. Dairy Store LIES BIKE SHOP. 393-2484. of term all Student Classified NEED RIDE to New York City OFFERS f study, brand nsw; 2 full November 21-23 5-11-18(3) antee. $600 (least $8501. or Philadelphia for Thanks¬ COMPLETE DISSERTATION with a low-cost ad m | Amplified Fisher 26 W- advertising must be paid for AND RESUME SERVICE: Classified. It's eaty.. baths. 9 month lease, $400. Noon-4p.m. in advance beginning Nov¬ giving. Call Dan at 356-8743. channel, $50. 351-9299 even¬ Z-3-11-18(3) typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ just call and we'll Call 339-2600. 8-12-2(4) $2.70/lb. MUST SELL-big Sony SSU ember 14,1977. Bring or mail ings. 3-11-21151 set printing and binding. For put your ad in prim. 1600 speakers 75 watts. 1/2 to 347 Student Services. estimate stop in at 2843 Eaat BOOKS, MAGAZINES, year old, $250 355-5436, after Sp-23-12-9181 WANTED: 1 or 2 persona to Rooms comica and morel CURIOUS YAMAHA SKIS, 95c; Hu- BIG CHEESE: INov. 201 Hap¬ share expenses to Grand Rlvar or phone, 332- 3 p.m. 3-11-21131 manic boots, size 10; even¬ py, Happy Anniversaryl I love San Diego, 8414. C-12-11-30(71 IT IS the policy of the STATE BOOK SHOP. 307 E. Grand ings 489-0866. 5-11-23131 you more than yeaterday, but leaving Nov. 25. 634-5601, River. 332-0112. AKAI 1730D/SS reel ONE AND two bedroom NEWS that the last 4 weeks Delmar. Z-5-11-18I3I much as tomorrow, Instruction^^ State not as of term all Student Classified C-20-11-30-13) four channel deck, $250. 882- TWO everything furnished except and it goes.-Dynk. MICHELIN radial on 1812.8-11-29131 electric. 10 minutes from E. Advertising must be paid for snows, 175R-14. Like new. Z-1-11-18(5) NEEDED: RIDE to Florida in advance beginning Nov¬ Lansing, no pets. 641-6601. GUITAR LESSONS. Private ember 14,1977. Bring or mail JEEPS-059.3O! 200,000 items. Government surplus, direc¬ REVOX A-77 MK IV Open Best offer, 351-6119. 3-11-18131 0-16-11-22-151 ri during X-mas break. Call Carl at 332-6219 after 6 p.m. $3/half hour. NELSON Newi 347 Student Services. reel. 15 hours use. Absolute MUSIC STUDIO. 882-4896. to tory tells where and how to Z-4-11-23(31 Sp-23-12-9(8) buy, Michigan Area, money mint condition, $725. Don, WATER BEDS are bedder at FOR SALE: Great Lakes 12 x CUSTOM BUILT duplexes on 0-1-11-1814) Classil back guarantee, send $2.25. 337-9625. 8-12-1(3) 2 WOMEN needei winter & SOUNDS AND DIVER- 50 ft. two bedroom. New 400 block of Spartan St. SURPLUS INFORMATION SIONS. Open till 9 p.m. spring. 2 blocks campus. No fence, carpeting, and storage Build yourself some excellent SERVICE, P.O. Box 95638, pets. Call 351-3529. Cleveland, Ohio 44101. 2 MALE bikes 26" and 3 speeds. $20, $30. Call 355- weeknights. across from Kanpps. Downtown 484- shed. Close to MSU, many extras. Best offer, call 351- tax shelter. Call Paul Coady at MUSSELMAN REALTY at TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and reasonable. 371 - WANTED: KEYBOARD, Sax, and 355-8251 S-5-11-18(3) Z-8-11-29(8) 0870 anytime. Z-E-5-11-21 (3) 3855. 0-1-11-18(5) Trumpet players. Call 1331. 8-11-29(5) 332-3582. C-2-11-2116) 4635. C-20-11-30-13) 489-1088. Z-6-11-18(3) —km Office of Young Children spon¬ Bring out your dead, I sors a free child care seminar: and everything in b "Classroom Behavior Manage¬ Tolkien Fellowship at 8:3 ment" from 9:15 a.m. to noon, Union Tower Room. Edgewood Village Children's Cen- Announcements for It's What's Orchidsl The Saginaw Valley Statewide Gathering of Les¬ The European Association of Happening must be received in the Orchid Society Annual Orchid bians held at 8 p.m. Saturday. State News office, 343 Student MSU offers live music and a slide Flower Show is November 26 and Dinner and dance. Rides leave show at 8 tonight, E-2 Owen Hall. Services Bldg., by noon at least 27, Jordan Hall, Northwood Insti¬ Union, Abbott Entrance at 7:45 Free coffee and cake served. two class days before publication. tute, Midland, Mich. p.m. For information call No announcements will be accept¬ Women's Center. ed by phone. Volunteer Programs is having a seminar for students seeking MSU College of Veterinary Kendo Club of MSU holds entrance into special education Medicine, class of 1980, Road practice from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Erikson Rally is held 12:30 p.m. Saturday, in the Japanese martial art of Kiva. campus Commuter Lot. sword fencing, 118 Women's IM JMC Experimental Theatre University Apartments Adultsl Group presents "The Bacchae" by Co-rec informal recreation is from The MSU Simulation Society Euripides at 8:15 p.m. Saturday savings 7 fo 9:30 tonight, Spartan Village meets from 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday, and 2 and 8:15 p.m. Sunday, and Red Cedar Schools. Ping 331 Union. McDonel Kiva. Pong, basketball and volleyball available. Yellowstone for Christmas! Join us for a fantastic Cross-Country Observatory Open House held Ski Trip. Eleven days long, cheap from 7 to 9 p.m. *y\oolco Saturday. rate, make reservations by Mon¬ Weather permitting, the 24-inch Attend the Gay Poetry Reading day. Call Allison Bostick. at 3 p.m. Sunday, Union Tower reflecting telescope will be used for observing current objects of Room. Everyone welcome, Gay Instructional Developers' interest. Council meeting immediately fol¬ Luncheon at noon today, 1961 lowing. Room, North Case Hall. Gerald The Russian and East Miller discusses research findings European Studies Program presents Russian High technology and low com¬ on using videotaped evidence in edy prevail as the Science Fiction Society meets at 7:30 tonight, 334 legal court proceedings. film adaptation of "Twelfth Night" at 7:30 Shakespeare's tonight, 8 Pock 106 S. Kedzie Hall. Union. "David Rockerfeller's Trilateral English dia¬ "Work or Employment?" an Commission: Its Role in Carter's Administration" is subject of talk logue dubbed. PEPSI COLA 18-hour experience beginning at 6 at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Edgewood Learn how to share your faith tonight to help discover one's Church, Hagadorn Road. more effectively and consistently. vocation held at University Luther¬ MSU Mennonite Fellowship Intervarsity Christian Fellowship an, 1020 S. Harrison Road. meets at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, 338 Evangelism Workshop meeta from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hear a member of the Francine Union. Join us for informal wor¬ Saturday, Union Gold Room. Hughes Committee speak on ship and fellowahip. "Battered Women" at 7 p.m. Zata Phi Beta announces the All Geographers: Come to the Sunday, Abrahamic Community, opening of the WIZ Club (Women Peanut Barrel Social from 4 to 6 320 M.A.C. Avenue, East Lansing. Interested in Zeta) at 4 p.m. p.m. today for a rabble-rousing Sunday, 342 Union. Seniors. Interested In Peace time. Eight 16 ei. returnable bottles. A Ccrpa programs In Africa? Talk to great savings I returned volunteers at African Diet or Regular Studies Canter, 106 International Canter. FAMILY of MAN LP Tournay sponsored by the Soci¬ ety for Creative Anachronism, 541 Edit Saturday afternoon In the Turf Arena, Man's IM Building. (Sa 'W Grand Rlvtr Science Fiction magazine meeta unique at 6:30 tonight, 334 Union. New wtitera and artists walcoma. Dead¬ '"internationalAS line is Tuesday. shopping experience. Come to the Armstrong Hall W00LC0 Coffee House at 9 p.m. South Dining Room, Brody Hall. Saturday, Cheeses, Teas, Coffees, Herbs , MERIDIAN MALL Spices & Middle Eastern foods IMOOrondklver Former Son Diego Vice Mayor Vinee "Monteaaori: A Way to Grow," Okemo., Michigan Godfrey ehows what he can do with his leg Look for our coupon once crippled by degenerative arthritis in hi* hip. With a special diet, he ii now a a film ahowing Monteaaori teach¬ ing matnods. material and theory specials ' PHONI: J4t-$1I1 national champion runner and defending champion of the Senior Olympics. presented at 7:30 tonight, East in this paper OPEN DAILY 10-»iJ0p.m. SUNDAY 11-6P m j Lansing Public Library. I j| note News, Eost lonsing, Michigon Friday, November 18, 1977 17 professor phumble dlDoly tv Mf by Bill Yates ebony productions presents TNI DRAMATICS TICKETS ON SALE TUESDAY (t)WJIMTV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (1 l)WELM-TV(Coblo) (12)WJRT-T V(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) SO I UEV A0ODT 0PIM6IN& THf ^009 rio/vi? friday (10) Emergency On* I (10) CPO Sharkey FOF PlHH^P- X (23) Millar Rogari' Neigh¬ (23) I, Claudius afternoon borhood (11) Wlngipan 10:00 JUS-T fTLT UKF (12) Danny R Marie a 1:30 L ft, World Turn« FRIDAY (23) Waihinglon Week in (10) Quincy f£al (23) Forsyte Saga EVENING Review 11:00 /H^AT POP A 8:30 Lotlno Comortium 5:30 (6-10-12) News (10) Chlco and the Man (23) Dick Cavett 2:00 (11) Cable 11 Newi (12) Rooklei (23) Wall Street Week 11:15 H'/Y aaa pyramid MOrVV^'' 9:00 (23) Electric Company (11) After Hours With Tom lOverEasy (6) Movie 6:00 "The Three Musketeers" Hocking 2:30 Soldlnfl H9ht (6-10-12) Nawi (11) VTNPraianti (10) Rockford Files (6) Boxing 11:30 PEANUTS " sponsored by: Doctor! (23) Dick CavaH (11)MSU Hockey (10) Johnny Carson by Schulz 0n» life To Live 6:30 (12) Movie (12) Forever Fernwood "Mary White" 332-3537 French Chef (6) CBS Nawi (23) ABC News (10) NBCNewi 3:00 BA/j —1 / I'M 50RRV..UJE \ HOWEVER IF WD CARE Another World (12) ABC Nawi (23) Over Eaiy msu shadows ® 1m —1 DON'T ACCEPT TO TAkE A SEAT IN THE petal Puiher 3:15 7:00 by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: -1 r-O^k —4_^ RESERVATIONSJ BAR, I'M SURE WE'LL HAVE A TABLE FOR H0U IN A (6) My Thraa Soni Central Hoipllal (10) Mary Tyler Moore PZKBALL PETE'S FEW MINUTES... 4:00 (11) Orange lake Drive Present this really ^ 7 if> |#w Mickey Mouia Club (12) Mary Tylar Moora funny comic for 25c worth of free play! Green Acre! (23) Off Tha Record 1 Brady Bunch 7:30 THE LA IT twincs ^ RSM£/V\6IM£> CfiASW SPACE. Teday't Special: orii Day (10) Family Faud ... Enchilada! Jocoque (llllgon'i liland (12) Hollywood Squarai Emergency Onel (23) MacNail/lahrtr Report FRANK & ERNEST 1 l.» 5:00 8:00 unimoke (6) Wonder Woman by Bob Thaves EL AZTECO RESTAURANT 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 THE RESUME ACE hN SOLVE ALL Y°U MAY CflLU IT X |0UR PRINTING MY *(2AP 5ME£T ' IROBLEMS! rCl IP You LiKfc, Bur S PREFER ro THIMK op it ns my * Resume '. TnA«k it.,g 547 Hast Grand River. East Lansing ®,l,vv ,©97?6*oeACAR«.r«0. the dropouts by Post sponsored by: / EUPHORIA, HOW PO YOU )7 DEFINITELY ■/THEN YOUR ^-YES ANP) lAVELS with FARLEY ' F>vBcB'°-UJrJ^JSSUE? A HflTUMPBCIPERf/ i ANSWER IS...?.A -Nor / pit Frank U7, WIS IS TRt LIFE, FARLEY i: hardly feel like a wrkahoi §wm0re.. i feel i've left my CARES MIP WORRIES BEHIND.. HOWARD THE DUCK!® by Steve Gerber and Gene Colan sponsored by: i am wont to point out that my MSTAL BOOteS will obviate marriage Imbleweeds ■ CAMPUS PIZZA 1112 Mkh. Am. (next to Silver Dol M'''" or Mon'^FREE Tu<> ^ ^ QT.OF COKE every relationship will be that of Ttmve to ottoove. in K.Ryan sponsored by: Wod. - WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on roquott) fit: IT'S SEEN 2 WEEKS JtEVOO SECEPEP FROM ^WHAWK TRIPE "TO |W VOUR OWN TKI0EJ.. SAM and SILO sponsored by: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker I0SSWORD causa raaaas [PUZZLE anraaa HmananngagBa annsia sponsored by: bhepofdi 24 Lamb nsran aaa >2^2 compos 26 Gnawing away □an raaa nana 30 Soothe ao 3H0 ana 32 Three in Bonn aan aaa on 333S? I - - '""•"■is 33 lake ssas ass sun "*W|! 34 Acknowledge bsh aoa aaas 3S Japanese girdle 38 Criminal charge "•TtiBnaaaaanas] 40 Along aiaaa aaaoa 41 Artery aaaaci oarna 43 41 Gully Discourse on ...THiS BUSiflesSnt gSXig 48 Knob 49 Obstruct 90 Amalgamation mr DWI8HT TWIUIY BAND BEETLE BAILEY •UNDAT AT DOOLIY'S 9:00 p.m. by Mort Walker TSuv 18 Michigon Stota Newt, Eo»t lanting, Michigan FrldaV. Noy.mb,r ,B Midwife holds sessions on homebirth practices The Thii ie the eecond of a at home. By DANA FELMY State Newe Staff Writer three part eeriee dealing with firing birth Today'i itory looki at the way a local midwife handlee the reiponilbilltiei ol home birth. The young, curly blond woman wai buiy letting up uterine diagrami, drawing a three-month-old fetua on the blackboard and getting out refreahmenti for a roomful of expectant mothera and their companions. Marcia Russell, a 30-year-old lay midwife, was getting women and boiling water diaappear. ready to teach baaic obstetrics, and suddenly, all thoughta of little old A midlife is a woman who assists at childbirth. Russell has practiced midwifery in the Lansing area five yeara. Recently ahe started teaching classes outlined by the Association for Childbirth at Home International in St. Johns Student Center, 327 M.A.C. challenge. Construct the mystery word In the Doses be- low. To do this you must till In the correot miss- Ing letter In each ot the words listed In the columns.Then transfer the mlsslno i.h... the corresponding an eraser numbered bo... « handy-It's not as easy as It loo'l . Avenue. "Because couples are having home birth, they have to take more responsibility at home than in the hospital," Russell said, explaining the purpose of her classes. Women to hold It's important for a mother to always be In control and not panic during a home delivery she maintains. "You're only in control with education. No education, no control. It especially helps to have someone learn with the mother," she said. Thia Is especially true for men. Besides being s comfort to the national forum mother, a man could be helpful in the actual delivery, ahe said. "A lot of fathers come up to me at the last minute and say they want to catch their baby," Russell said. It helps if they have some knowledge of how to handle the baby if that caae should arise, she By SABA FRITZ said. HOUSTON (UPI) - The National Women's Conference, in The classes are now in their third week of a six week period. So unprecedented meetings on American women, opens a new far, Russell has taught the advantages of a home birth and what to battleground in the escalating war between feminists and the expect during a normal birth. In the following weeks she will cover conservative opponents of equal rights. how to deal with fear, or difficulties that may arise during birth, An estimated 20,000 women - representing views as diverse as and massaging techniques given during labor. lesbianism and the Ku Klux Klan — are expected in Houston to Russell stressed, however, that the class was not adequate to witness the four-day conference opening today. About 2,000 of train someone to become a midwife. "People are always coming up them are official delegates. to me and saying they want to become midwivea. To me, it's not The National Women's Conference, the first such meeting of its easy." she said. kind in American history, was funded by a $5 million congressional Nor is it over. Since the time she attended a home birth with a appropriation with a mandate to answer the question: "What do local doctor five years ago, she has observed many birtha, read all women want?" the articles and books she could find on obstetrics and new infants, Feminista and conservatives both seized upon the conference as and caught 19 babies on her own within the past year. a new public forum for the battle they already have been waging in "The first time I ever caught a baby," Russell said, "I thought state legislations for the last six years over the proposed Equal 'Boy, that's easier than I thought it would bq' It's one of the Rights Amendment. neatest feelings I've ever had. Almost as good as having your own The conference is being dominated by feminists, who have baby. It's really something to hold a brand new, slippery baby in drafted a long platform to be enacted by the delegates including support for ERA, abortion and lesbian rights. The final document your hands," she said. Russell sometimes brings her three-year-old When there's a challenge, daughter, Amy, will be submitted to Congress and the president. Followers of ERA opponent Phyllis Schlafly, who viewed the along as an observer. Amy started watching births when she was a month old," quality makes the difference. feminists' proposals as "anti-family," promised to offer an Russell said. "I'd love it if she became a midwife, but ahe'U We hope you have some fun with the challenge alternative platform condemning ERA, abortion, sex education, probably be bored to tears with it by then." Pabst Blue Ribbon is the Number 1 beer in Milwaukee, homosexuality and pornography. By the time Amy is old enough to catch babies, some issues beer capital of the world The conservatives admit their proposals likely will be defested surrounding home births may be gone. Until that time, Russell is by s 4-1 margin, but they hope to win stature in the public eye. That s why we d like to offer you another challenge trying to correct the negative images of the practice. Both sides already are jockeying for the attention of some 1,000 "Because we are at home, have to be —the Pabst challenge. Taste and compare Pabst Blue we more careful. For reporters covering the conference. example, we cannot put them on medication or lay them on their Ribbon to any other premium beer You'll like Pabst Schlafly, a potential Senate candidate, is not a delegate to the back," she said. "Besides, there are very few things that happen because Blue Ribbon quality means the best-tasting beer convention. She nonetheless has set up her own headquarters, and where you only have a few minutes to do she will be the featured speaker at a big something about them." you can get Since 1844 it always has counter-rally Saturday. She added that in those cases, like hemorrhages, the trained The Klan, the John Birch Society and other conservative gToups midwife will know how to handle the emergency and then take the have promised to support Schlafly. Imperial Wlaard Robert mother to the hospital if necessary. Shelton told a reporter recently the Klan's Women's Auxiliary Russell also stressed that home birth Is not for PABST Since 1844.The quality has always come may disrupt the meeting. everyone. Emotionally, they may not be able to take It. Others are just trying PABST BREWING COMPANY, K through. Security will be tight during the conference, much of It provided to be cool and "that's not a good enough reason," the said. 31 Angalaa, Calif, Pabat. Qtorgii by the Secret Service. First Lady Rosalyn Carter is a scheduled But for women who are ready for home birth, Russell speaker along with two of her predecessors, Betty Ford and Lady recommends it. "I think babies are better off for it," the said. Bird Johnson. Pat Nixon was not invited. "There's no separation from the mother immediately after birth. Conference leaders decided Wednesday that the issues of And who can take care of a baby better than it's mother?" abortion and lesbian righu will not be debated until the final hours "It's not going to solve the problems of the world, but I think it of the meeting next Monday. helps," she added. i . Silky Smooth... TViaf'g what Maidenform's ".Yo Show Silkies" are! Seamless plunge bra in a AN fustrous. all-stretch Antron1 and 7 "v. Lycra1 with scalloped \ floral lace trim. \ Adjustable AMERICAN lingerie V k straps. 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