bomber 22 „ [election plan ok'd; factions dissent The ad hoc committee also discussed the By PATRICIA UCROIX members. The resolution passed unani¬ and JIM SMITH procedure to be used in the actual mously. presidential search and selection, but | State News Staff Writers members would not release their recom¬ Carrigan, however, said the proposed ■e ad hoc committee of the Academic composition "sounds very much in line with mendations until after a meeting today in fc Monday approved a tentative plan Howell with the trustee representatives. what was discussed" at a previous meeting ■the composition of the presidential between the ad hoc committee and trustee L and selection committee, but it has Taylor said he felt it was important that representatives. the items discussed Monday be viewed as R, met with opposition from various She said she did not view the inclusion of recommendations to be discussed with the Easily factions. trustees rather than final decisions. four trustees on the committee as "either ■ plan, presented by committee Chair- The recommendations, desirable or necessary," since the commit¬ E John F- A. Taylor, called for the following dis¬ tee would be too large to function effec¬ cussion with the trustees, will be passed on t composition. members of the MSU Board of to the Academic Council for consideration. tively. She also said few trustees have the Taylor said he hopes they will then be time to serve on "such a time-consuming" presented to the Board of Trustees by the project. Pculty members, to be elected by board's next meetings on Dec. 8-9. ty Council. students, one to be elected from Board of Trustees representative John Bruff, D-Fraser, said he thought the he three major student groups: number of trustees included should be FUTURE OF '911' UNCERTAIN "open-ended," allowing for as many trustees as wanted to serve. He said that he would be interested in going to insist that [ten and minorities are elec- through the students and faculty." - Trustee John serving, along with Trustees Michael Smydra, D-East Lansing, and Chairperson Patricia Carrigan, D-Farmington Hills. Bruff also said he disagreed with an ad hoc committee provision that minorities Emergency phone system delayed would be added to the final selection By MICHAEL ROUSE needing emergency police, fire or ambu¬ Lansing City Council members. They are '.he naming of a politician to represent East State New. Staff Writer lance service may comittee if they were not elected through be able to dial the leery of a police-run agency in the Lansing on the 911 policy making board. The county-wide 911 emergency tele¬ UStieber, Faculty Council the bodies included. three-digit number and have emergency aftermath of problems with Tri-County The present 911 board of directors "I'm going to insist that women and phone system may be just around the vehicles dispatched to the scene from a Metro Squad's handling of drug investiga¬ consists of the chiefs of local police and fire mber, proposed the resolu- minorities are elected through the students corner, but numerous snags in the plan sophisticated computerized central dispatch tions. departments. \ stating that the majority of threaten to keep it roadblocked for several office. Calls will be free from pay phones. To have more control over the operation "If the board is not politically account and the faculty," he said. He explained that committee should be faculty months. The 911 plan, in the works for over 10 ov the 911 agency, East Lansing's contract able, they could leave East Lansing out," he felt this waa "a natural thing," since mbers. Theresolutionpassed these bodies had more than one representa¬ By next spring, anyone in Ingham County years, has come under fire from some East for emergency service is conditional upon Mayor George Griffiths said. tive. A threatened pullout is an ace up East Bruff said he did not "understand the Lansing's sleeve, because the only way the rationale" used in the inclusion of the 911 system can qualify for needed state and chairperson of the Steering Committee. Currently, Gwen Norrell, who is also Cities across country develop plan federal funding is if every municipality in the metropolitan Lansing area participates. However, East Lansing's contract gives a pu, COGS and the Student Council, serving on the ad hoc committee, holds this By MICHAEL ROUSE said the number 911 was available for emergency use. ■e academic administrator at or above position. State News Staff Writer The actual numbers 911 were chosen because go-ahead for a one-year trial, so the system telephone Ivel of dean. In addition to trustee opposition, the Numerous cities across the country have adopted the 911 can get started. equipment could be adapted to accept the number easily and "I would like to see 911 come in," Griffiths in-faculty, full-time employee to Faculty Council passed a resolution emergency phone number, but in the case of the Lansing area, the cheaply. Also, the short number was favored because it would be said. "It would be great for a stranger in \ffted fey the Executive Board of the Tuesday calling for more (acuity repre¬ going has not been smoothi easily remembered in emergency situations and the chances of oistrative Professional Association of sentation on the final search and selection town who had an accident to be able to get The concept of a nationwide telephone number started in Great miadialing with a dial or pushbutton telephone would be remote. committee. Britain about 38 years ago, using the number 999. In the United Guidance on how to set up a 911 system at the local level and an help to any location and not have to put two chairperson of the Academic Coun- dimes in the telephone. States, the official impetus came in 1967 with a recommendation official endorsement of a national emergency telephone number Jack Stieber, Faculty Council member, "But representatives from Lansing, East ering Committee. by the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and came in 1973. At that time, the Office of Telecommunications I alumnus to be selected from among proposed the resolution stating that the Administration of Justice. Lansing and the county Board of Commis¬ Policy in the Executive Office of the President urged the national sioners shoud be responsible for the actions i groups. majority of the committee should be faculty In January 1968 the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. (continued on page 71 of the administrative board." Griffiths refused to speculate on what the city might do if the 911 board is not changed to include political representatives, but East Lansing Police Chief Stephen Naert said the city "probably won't pull out." Councilmember John Czarnecki sug¬ gested combining the Metro Squad and 911 direction undeiv one board of elected officials. Councilmembers also balked at the jump in East Lansing's share of the telephone and organization costs for the system. "The proposal two years ago had a figure of about $10,000," Czarnecki said. "Last year, with the computer time and the automatic data recordng system, the price went up to $40,000." "I think the earlier low figure was to entice municipalities into going along with the system." he said. Sgt. Mike Carpenter of the Ingham (continued on page 7) inside The Christmas spirit is still going strong in East Lansing. See page 3. Who are plinkers and pop¬ pers? See page 16. Have a happy Turkey day. weather Today will be mostly cloudy with a chance of showers. The Slot# Newt Photos/Robsrt Koilolt high will be near 40. Sigma Alpha Mu brothers Dennis Rosen and window of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority house Tonight, rain and a low in the Howard Karse carefully remove the remaining Tuesday in the cooperative cleanup effort follow¬ lower 30s. 'tegmenta of glass from a second-floor bedroom ing Monday night's fire. Greeks unite to help sorority By DeLINDA KARLE "The spirit is really good," Allen said. "Most of the members that lost stuff went home. But we have had so much help it is I - „ State News Staff Writer incredible." ■ hn!', I fry tecover from community has united to help Zeta Tau Alpha Barbara Goodrich, who lived next door to the room that was its recent fire and prevent more fires in ■ "»<»% and destroyed, said about half of her clothes were ruined. fraternity houses. "But what really bummed me out was that the girls next door I »», , neliu». pre'ldent of the Panhellenic CouncU.said the everything," she said. "Fortunately it happened when they I u-l, " 'Ting to raise money and find places for some Zeta Tau lost I J 10r°rity members to stay In until repairs are completed. could all go home. It would have been worse if it happened around I iam,!!CJ0.nd'floor bodroom was destroyed and other rooms midterms." • Dennis Rosen, president of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, said his II Av( v a fire Monday night at Zeta Tau Alpha, 839 M.A.C. fraternity sent about ten members over to cleah up. WL ,°,one w*a injured, but Fire Marshall Berman Prether "We threw out the rug, moved furniture and carried the d, at $38,000. luggage of the members who were going home," he said. "We also I CdVi ' Pre,'dent of Zeta Tau Alpha, said the damage offered our assistance for the future." (continued Zeta Tau Alpha member Barb Goodrich helps in the cleanup of her soror¬ « break. on page 7) ity sister's room after the fire. 2 Michigon Stole News. Eost Lansing, Michigan W^ay,Novem Arabs divided over Sadat visj CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Divi¬ ... We must be proud in all Badran, sent by King Hussein butchered their honor." sion deepened in the Arab ramp Arab countries over this vic¬ with a special message for . An official statement by the ln?theAr.bMli„„, Assad regarding Syria's and South Yemen Foreign Tuesday in the aftermath of tory," he was quoted by Cairo Ministry Egyptian President Anwar Radio as saying. Warmly em¬ Jordan's position on the Sadat declared Sadat's trip was "a Sadat's journey to Jerusalem. braced on arrival and depar¬ visit. stab against Arab Neither Badran nor the king solidarity that brought immense harm At the United Nations in ture, Numairi spent one and New York, the Egyptian am¬ one-half hours with Sadat at the has commented on the contro¬ both to the Palestinian cause bassador walked out when the Kubeh Palace. versial trip, but Information Syrian ambassador attacked Bitter critics met in Damas¬ Minister Adnan Abu Odeh in¬ Indians burn bodies of j?'-*""!>' cyclone victims the Sadat peace effort It was cus and Baghdad, meanwhile, dicated some support for Sadat the first such walkout by one and denounced Sadat as a by saying the trip "broke the NEW DELHI, India (AP) — Indians swallowed by an 18-foot tidal wave. Arab on another in the memory "traitor" who had destroyed psychological barrier and pro¬ The minister, who traveled the area on on U.N. observers. Arab unity, and threatened to vided fresh hopes for the recon¬ burned the bodies of cyclone victims on foot, said roads were blocked by masses The Syrian, Mowaffak Allaf, assassinate him. vening of the Geneva Confer- huge funeral pyres in southeastern India told the U.N. General Assem¬ On the Persian Gulf, Saudi of uprooted trees and debris mixed with Tuesday as the death toll from the bly, "As a result of this diver¬ Arabia and other conservative, Sadat has also received sup¬ weekend storm and tidal waves was the bodies of cattle and human beings. sionary tragicomedy, the Mid¬ oil-rich regimes, whose wealth port from Morocco and Oman. reported as at least 10,000. dle East has become a theater has in the past settled many One of his sharpest critics, "Overnight, villages have been turned J. VengalRao, chief minister of Andhra of the absurd. We are so Arab arguments, were silent. Libyan Prime Minister Abdul into burial grounds," said Khrishna Rao, Pradesh, said after a helicopter tour of confused that we are no longer Palestinian guerrilla chief¬ Salam Jalloud, conferred with minister of education in Andhro Pradesh the stricken area that he saw hundreds of able to tell an ally from an tain Yasir Arafat met in Da¬ Iraqi leaders in Baghdad, state which bore the brunt of the storm. bodies floating in the flood waters. He enemy. We don't know whether mascus with Syrian President where he arrived Monday from He estimated as many as 8,00 persons said the bodies that could not be to weep or laugh, feel shame or Hafez Assad who a week ago Damascus. may have perished in 20 villages in the identified immediately were being de¬ pity." refused to give Sadat endorse¬ Sources said Jalloud is trying Sadat won a demonstration ment for his Jerusalem jour¬ to reconcile the feuding re¬ coastal district of Divi Taluk when it was stroyed to prevent the spread of disease. of support from allied Sudan A Palestinian statement ney. gimes in Syria and Iraq in order when Sudanese President said the purpose was to "coor¬ to form a wide front against Jaafar el Numairi flew to Cairo dinate the Palestinian and Syr¬ Vance exchanges views with Brazilians and was quoted as calling ian positions in order to counter Sadat. Libya's state-run Tripoli Sadat's trip a victory and the major plot against the Radio called on all Arabs to BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Secretary of He was in Argentina Monday and earlier appealing for support from Palestinian cause and the Arab "blow up this crime from its State Cyrus R. Vance exchanged views Tuesday and reported "good progress" other Arabs. nation." roots and let it fall upon the with Brazilian officials Tuesday on on nuclear issues but no major success on "On this mission and this trip Another visitor in Damascus head of this man Sadat who sold we scored another nuclear and human rights issues that human rights. big victory. was Jordanian Premier Mudar the dignity of the Arabs and have become major points of contention Vance met with Brazilian President in U.S.-Brazilian relations. Ernesto Geisel and other top officials. On nuclear non-proliferation, officials Reporters were told that the United MINISTRY DECLINES COMMENT aboard the Air Force jet that brought States was no longer inflexibly opposed Vance here from Argentina said they to Brazil's plans to purchase uranium Plymouth, Mass., resident Troy Creane nren^tl Plimoth LI were area hopeful of of progress disagreement. in at least one enrichment facilities from West Ger¬ many. They said safeguards exist which Iranian police injure 65 stuffed haddock, which experts at ti°n wy was probably the food of the this time of year. They claim that Pilgrim, ul Vance was at the half-way mai k of a could be used to prevent the diversion of turkey wis est.,I earlier in the season. ' four-day South American trip that will enriched uranium for the construction of WASHINGTON A group Mahmoud Baharzin. But the gates were locked - of dissidents take him to Venezuela on Wednesday. nuclear weapons. and a notice said the lecture had been canceled gathered at a Tehran, Iran university were attacked by a mob of 100 wielding wooden clubs, for the second consecutive day. Nordic nations demand freighter protection chains and brass knuckles, the reported Tuesday. Washington Post The newspaper said the obviously orches¬ The dissidents had been calmly milling around the front of the university and were in the process of dispersing when they were attacked. Rate of inflation s/owsl trated attack was the latest in a new crackdown Some of the dissidents were cornered in alleys, COPENHAGEN, Denmark (APJ — The governments of the five Nordic countries bers canoes. seriously and got away in three The pirates took all valuables on started when the Shah of Iran visited President Carter here last week. the Post said, while others were kicked, clubbed and punched on the sidewalk. buying power increase demanded on Tuesday that Nigeria the ship, including stocks of liquor and Some 4,00 anti-shah protesters demonstrated institute immediate measures to protect cigarettes. against the shah's visit here. The newspaper said observers to the attack reported the use of a plain-clothed mob, instead WASHINGTON (AP) - The government had good for Americans on Tuesday, holiday nJ reporting a moderate rise in inilitii foreign freighters against pirates in the The Post said victims of this latest attack of uniformed police, was a shift in government October and the biggest monthly gain in workers' congested port of Lagos. The Danish Embassy and other Danish identified the attackers as members of the feared tactics. It is expected that the government will buying m since June. The move followed reports by the Iranian secret potic, SAVAK. dismiss the incident as a brawl between unruly ships in the port reported that Copt. It said consumer prices increased a moderate 0.3 percent, ■ Danish Embassy in Lagos of a raid Sonnich Kromann Frederiksen, 44, was The newspaper's reporter and two other extremists and patriotic pro-shah citizens. How¬ same as in August and September. Grocery prices n Western journalists were physically prevented the paper noted, no bystanders joined with Monday on the 4,000-ton Danish freighter shot, knifed and thrown overboard. ever, slightly for the fourth consecutive month. Lindinger Ivory by about two dozen by the attackers from following the dissidents, the attackers or participated in their pro-shah Workers benefitted from an increase of 1.1 Searchers were unable to find his body, who were scattering from Aryamehr University. percent in J pirates who shot and presumably killed and Danish officials said he must be sloganeering following the attack. purchasing power of their paychecks in October, raising the lei Two of the reporters were pushed by the At least a dozen dissidents were injured and of their real earnings — take home pay adjusted (or taxes the captain, injured several crew mem- considered dead. attackers into a taxi which was ordered to take several were arrested after truckloads of riot J inflation — to a level 4.6 percent above that of a them away from the scene of the demonstration. year ago. T police arrived. Prices have increased at a 3.8 percent annual rate over the pi Both SAVAK and the Iranian Information About 65 persons, Ministry declined comment including four professors three months, in sharp contrast with the 10 percent rite it 1 on Monday's in¬ were injured in another incident three days beginning of the year. F cident. earlier when than 350 Iranian riot police The victims of the attack were about 400 more At the White House, Deputy Press Secretary Res GrantimnJ wearing U.S.-made helmets and armed with a statement saying; people who had gathered at the university to wooden truncheons invaded Tehran University "We are of course extremely pleased to see that ct hear a lecture on freedom by Iranian writer and battered students, the Post reported. rose at a moderate rate for the fourth month in a ro HEW starts Social Security task force WASHINGTON (AP) - The Depart¬ Califano instructed the task force to ment of Health, Education and Welfare address these issues: said Tuesday it is setting up a task force •The treatment of married women who study whether women receive fair do not work in paid employment: treatment under the Social Security •Treatment of single workers; system. •Protection for divorced women; Outgoing Social Security Commis¬ •The effect of remarriage on widows' sioner James B. Cardwell was named to benefits; head the panel of five women and four •Equity for individual workers versus by HEW Secretary Joseph A. protection for families. Califano Jr., who said in a statement: The panel was told to "The roles of women and complete its our society's report by Feb. 1. Cardwell retires as recognition of those roles have changed Social Security commissioner next dramatically in recent years." month. Concorde jets land at Kennedy NEW YORK (AP) French and British — scheduled flights on the lucrative New Concorde jets each corrying 100 pas¬ York run. sengers landed at Kennedy Airport Both jets flew at a cruising speed of Tuesday, bringing commercial aviation 1,340 mph across the 3,500 miles of here into the supersonic age and ocean, beating the sun across the signaling another defeat for those who Atlantic. had vowed to bar the fost but noisy plane. "This means Concorde has made its Under gray skies, the swept-wing jets biggest breakthrough yet," said Normon carrying crews of nine and capacity loads Lornie, spokeperson for British Airways. set down on runway 31 Right just three "This is a prime airline business market. and one-half hours after leaving Paris London and New York are the two and London on their first regularly business capitals of the Western world." Cleveland school employees to go payless CLEVELAND (AP) — Ten thousand geliiny paid Dul said they were not too employees of the Cleveland public school worried. Some questioned how system — victims of a three-way long the dispute delay would be. among the school board and state and federal courts will go "They soy you'll be paid next week or — payless Wednes¬ eventually, but you can't tell that to your day, the day before Thanksgiving. creditors," said Ed Knotek, who has School officials have asked taught business education at South High employees to stay on the since it opened in 1968. job in the meantime and keep open the city's school system — the English teacher Sophie Zebrowski at largest in Ohio with 113,000 students. Union Elementary School said she also Largest selection Representatives of major employee or¬ did not like the of precious and uncertainty, "especially ganizations said Tuesday with the holiday season they believed coming along." semi-precious stone their members would continue The Cleveland board, short on cash and rings working. faced with Most teachers interviewed at two conflicting court orders, had onnounced Monday that the $5 million schools groused about the delay in payroll could not be met. "USEOUR 319 E.Grand Rlvar I convenient layawayplan East Lansing, Mich. 4N23 Xmas bulbs funds raised ByDANAFELMLY Wednesday, November 23, 1977 SUte News Stall Writer At the beginning of this week, it seemed to some East Lansing residents that Christmas was a long way off - $1,200 away to be exact. That is how much it was cost to pay the city to put up Christmas decorations. The city council voted last week going to MULTI-USE FACILITY INCLUDED to fund the project themselves. However Robert M. Perry, Okemos resident, felt the decoratons were a good way to not brighten up a weary world. He started a campaign to raise the funds for the project, and appealed to East Lansing residents to contribute. And the residents responded. Iroposa/ The East Lansing Police Department made the biggest contribution by volunteering benefit MSU their free time on Dec. 3 and 4 to put up the trimmings. may "We posted a sign-up sheet yesterday and have already gotten 13 or 14 people already," Capt. Charles Wibert said. With police help, only the cost of The contributions recieved machinery was left, which amounted to about $300. by Perry so far have nearly reached that goal. By NUNZIO M. LUPO "We have about $200 guaranteed," he said, adding that he expected to see $100 more State News Stall Writer budget at a cost of $227,150. The CNRA is bounded by Burcham dollars in unopened letters and contributions Gunson Street and Beech Street. Drive, Hagadom Road, yet to come. "It was L Lansing's current Community Development fund proposal has something for The staff has also interesting to recieve some money from two retired city employees who said proposed funding for citizen participation, elimination of they really couldn't afford it, but wanted to revive the Christman barriers to handicappers, mobility spirit," he said. public services, community development program Perry was a little discouraged, however, to only hear from about 15 • three-year plan, submitted by the planning staff, was considered by the Planning administration. planning and people. He was also surprised that MSU students had not contributed. Ejjjion Tuesday night. The proposal calls for the expenditure of about $2,040,000 for Several new features were added to this year's proposal. gration of the program. One aspect of the proposal He felt good about the police involvement, however. provides for the approval by the Department of Housing and Iiided in the proposal are several items of potential benefit to the MSU community. Urban development, which must "It's a pretty good feeling," he admitted. "That's really what it's all about. approve the entire East Lansing package, of several Even better ^ include a multi-use facility in the Spartan Village area, and funds to help alternate projects in the event that any are deemed unfeasible. than getting the money." Ljtive housing rehabilitate new buildings they may purchase. Planning Commission members were basically pleased with the staff Perry also appreciated Sigma Chi Fraternity, 729 E. Grand River, who also [proposal is broken into several areas including housing, Community Development exception of a proposal to fund neighborhood newsletters. proposal, with the volunteered their time to put up decorations. Their efforts, however, were turned away , Areas and Comprehensive Neighborhood Revitalization Areas, citizen Commissioner Edward Church objected to the use of since the police had already said they would help out, and city insurance will not cover ition. elimination of mobility barriers to handicappers and community community development funds for non-city employees. private editorial comment. The commissioners resolved the conflict ment program planning. by changing the The East Lansing Bank, not to be left out of the celebration, donated a box of proposal to say that the city would purchase space in [included in the plan is a provision for unanticipated costs and special alternate about community development. community newsletters to talk decorations they had been holding. lies, in the event one of the proposed projects is unfeasable. Copies of the staff recommendation are available today at the city hall, 410 Abbott Rd. After the bank had bought the trimmings several years ago, the energy crunch hit, so [sing is being allocated $220,000 of the funding and will include such new provisions The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposal Nov. 30 at the 54-B they decided not to put them up. Since that time, they have been sitting around the bank. YoOO for rehabilitation to new co-ops and $1,000 grants to make privately owned District Court located in the P-K "Quite frankly, 1 don't even know what's in the boxes," Stuart Barlett, spokeperson for Building, 301 M.A.C. Ave. «'j units accessible to handicappers. The Planning Commission will most likely act on final recommendation Dec.14 before the bank, said. "We thought 'Why should all that stuff go to waste?' Addition, the emphasis of the program will be placed on rehabilitation of existing sending the final proposal to the East Lansing City Council for Thanks to concerned East Lansing employees and residents, none of the Christmas Eg stock rather than new housing. approval. spirit will have to go to waste this year. Ivice Areas will constitute 39.5 percent of the total budget, and expenditures are [ted to be about $805,500. The four Service Areas are identified in the report as the L Village area, the Red Cedar area, the Pebble Creek and Wolf Court area and the II city area. addition to the multi-use facility planned for the Spartan Village area, the Red Cedar [cbblc Creek and Wolf Court areas may receive playground equipment and the area may receive recreational i equipment and housing consulting services, p work of several kinds will be used to beef up the Comprehensive Jborhood I Revitalization Area (CNRA). use of housing code enforcement, housing rehabilitation programs, other housing Kcs, possible clearance and demolition, physical public improvements and small ■will be methods to improve conditions in this area. ■ CNRA which needs intensive improvement, will command 11 percent of the total [ote delayed on fhletic bylaws By CHRIS KUCZYNSKI SUte News Staff Writer Ival of the Athletic Council bylaws was again deferred Tuesday when the Faculty Joted■mber to refer the bylaws back to the Athletic Council for further consideration, Robert Maddex introduced the measure at the request of the Athletic h« said the request was made because there were questions about the language in ins relating to the inclusion of minorities in inter collegiate sports, flilaws were written last February and since then there has been a federal law e alteration of some of the language in the proposed bylaws, Maddex said. Only a loon would go out on the Red Cedar River in the recent weather State News/Maggie Walker ., approval of the bylaws was delegated to the Academic Council, but under an and that's the type of craft Mark signed by Verlen Kruger of Bath. McCorkle is in the area to purchase a in by Councilmember Zolton Ferency, the Academic Council voted to refer the McCorkle, Pembine, Wis. resident, is loon for a 14,000-mile trip next summer, hi to the Faculty Council. maneuvering. After running in the 10,000 meter marathon Saturday, he beginning in the Northwest and and a companion "looned" their following the river system to the Gulf of Mexico and up the Atlantic coast jitition,responsibility of the Athletic Council to rule, on the eligibility of students for make budgetary recommendations, approve athletic awards policies, way from Potter Park to the Administra¬ tion Building. A loon is roughly a cross between a to the Great Lakes. kayak and a canoe, de- ine the price of tickets, and allocate complimentary tickets. 4C0me 10 r#c,h™ more 01H" IF YOU'D LIKE TO BE 22 TO 30 POUNDS LIGHTER AT iratetut Is so Important, It's THIS TIME NEXT MONTH CALL NOW FOR A FREE part ol our church . . . h..K "eople share their gratitude In testimonies ot CONSULTATION - THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO care?or the"1 'e" Wh<1 lh*y" lMrnln9 'ft0"1 Q 4 FRI & SAT: art attack plays from 8pm-2am SUN: double bubble your favorite cocktail doubled . .for the price of a single Now it's easier to learn about the I OFTAYLOR 22509 ECORSE '/. mile weather, thanks to the Michigan I East of Telegraph 313 295-2200 National Bank new 24-hour W/eafher/iweather telephone ne®a|I service. Weather Forecasts are! available by calling 349-95601 Blood EXTRA anytime, day or night. You will be connected tol Drive WEATHER the Vivitar 90mm f2.8 specially designed electronic! equipment that is built to hand el Automatic Fixed Mount thousands of calls per day "I PROTECTION Macro Lens — weather! Faculty ■ 100% Goose Down Jackets Vivitar's 90mm (2.8 Auto Macro Lens with 1:1 magnification lets you photograph subjects the way they image addition to daily reports and temperature, y°ul reaf/y are — life-size! will be warned when emergency! Staff *55°° Focusing as close as 14 inches from the film plane with true flatness of field, the 90mm Auto Macro is the ideal weather conditions are in effec J lens lor super close-up nature work, or photocopying. The recordings are update I Time: Tuesday Down filled collars, pockets and zipper flaps help fight a chill the way Not only is it a great macro lens, the Vivitar 90mm f2.8 is fast, light (17 ounces), and superb for portrait regularly by radio station Wr I fiber fill can't. Adjustable wrist photography. The lens elements are multicoaled to 99 announcers, using information! November 29,1977 waist drawstring and snaps for a down straps, minimize lens flare. The Vivitar 90mm f2.8 Auto Macro is here, 81 OA» from the U.S. Weather Service ! hood are included. Many colors and Weatherline*is another service! 11am-5pm sizes available. Big as Lffaf Factory Rebate *20** to you from Michigan National] Effective Cost altar rebate/ *169l»s Bank. Place: Room A-117 10W. Michigan Mall Call Anytime lettla Crook. Ml 41014 220 MAC Clinical Center University Mall nmra co Phono (414) 965-7215 Sankcords occoptod 349-9560 SSed Bcder CgecteltsH Stote News, Eost tansing. Michigan Wednesday, November 23, 1977 7 uture of 91 T phone system utiaued I™" P«e 11 members. get money." Naert to a "figurehead," as system on MSU students will who would take down unsure I Sheriffs Department, Organizers of the 911 system One Lansing police official Griffiths said. be minimal. such the Lansing office. In other sponding to the call by pushing felt it would be best to have the information locations, lite inier'm director of said having politicians on the But Lansing Police Depart¬ The MSU Department of as names areas, calls would be limited to a button in the car. Intern, »ii the early directors be involved in the board is like calling an electri¬ ment Captain Allan Yauch said Public Safety has contracted and telephone numbers. This information would be emergencies. Carpenter said he met with I mir htve resulted from operation of the system — the cian to your house and telling the 911 system "is a joint effort for 911 service to MSU on a fed into a geographical base file The computer would be able the director of the Detroit 911 jv estimates and were police and fire chiefs - because him to put certain wires to¬ for mutual aid, not a takeover." to inform the operator what system and that safeguards will one-year trial basis, said DPS they would have more exper¬ to verify if the location actually cars are available to handle an be built into the Ingham ■ np before computer as tise and day-to-day contact with gether because you like the To compromise, all emer¬ Director Richard Bernitt. exists. Then, the calls would be County 911 system through extensive (, ,i» deemed necea- the operations. color combinations. gency dispatches from the cen- From on-campus phones, the listed according to importance emergency and where they are. The operator would also know A final concern by East tral office will come through the present 123 emergency number training of the operators. said the board "The essence of a politician is by the operator or by the what additional equipment to "There will be a screening Lansing councilmembers was local police and fire department will be replaced by 911. The good computer. Each call would then send, if the officer in the car was Je to accept additional a conversationalist," the possibility that the central dispatch rooms simultaneously, additional nine is unavoidable appear on a television screen to process to see if the people are natives, as East Lan- Carpenter said. "Whether the dispatch office would have com- so the local units can counter- because the dispatch office will responding to the call and the capable of handling the job," board members be sent out to the locations of back-up vehicles. U ssked, but the size of are elected or plete control over East mand the order when they feel be outside the appropriate Carpenter said. "We are also become unwiel¬ appointed they still have to go campus phone police, fire or emergency med¬ The operator would then trying to cut the work load j mav Lansing's police and fire de- it is necessary, system. ical agency. direct the appropriate vehicle back to the political bodies to down for the operators." dy, the board has 13 partments, reducing Chief The impact of the emergency MSU will not be paying any In Lansing to the emergency scene and the additional money to be covered Township, all About four weeks of special¬ dispatches — even non-emer¬ officers in the field would tell ized training is envisioned for by 911. The phone charges DPS gency ones — would go the operator they are re¬ through each operator, Carpenter said. [ities presently pays for the 123 across country develop plan begun in England system will go instead to the 911 system. The proposed central dis¬ Student media board selects .sued from page II the setup, Carpenter said. The 911 board of directors without information on the patch office for 911 would be Jenlztion of 911. L the Capital Council After several months of stag¬ is still waiting for funding from availability of the 911 number. located in the communications nation, hope came from the three state and federal grant center on the fifth floor of the "We may have to rely on JjnJnients in the Lansing tup a technical advisory (tee in 1972 to study the state Office of Criminal Justice Programs in Lansing, which offered to provide funding if a programs to get a pilot pro¬ gram started in Ingham County with the potential for public information to make people aware of the number Lansing Police building. There has been Department temporary co-chairpersons spreading after the directories are is¬ some contro¬ It, of having a county or county-wide area agreed to it to the tri-county area in the sued," Carpenter said. versy over who will be in After being without a chair¬ bilities. The two returning get, though," she added. "We tan 911 system. participate. future. person most of fall term, the board members would be able set aside Another snag surfaced when charge of the central dispatch a certain amount of p were held involving The Lansing Police Depart¬ Problems have cropped up the room. Both LPD and the Student Media Appropriations to do so more effectively until a money for special projects and Shiawassee Telephone ■ police agencies, and 911 ment drew up a preliminary because of the delay. For Company asked for an exorbi¬ Ingham County Sheriffs De¬ Board elected Richard Harney permanent chairperson is se¬ for groups that need a term to L in other areas were plan in 1975 to present to the instance, telephone rates have and Debbie Schmidt temporary lected, she said. tant subsidy to provide 911 partment have claimed respon¬ get on their feet." h However, the system Lansing City Council. Soon increased since the 911 con¬ co-chairs Monday. The two will At Monday's meeting, SMAB service to its customers. sibility. Ltd to more than what after, Lansing Township, East tracts were signed, and the However, Carpenter said the serve until the end of fall term. also extended the funding con¬ An allocations hearing will be Canned originally and Lansing and other municipali¬ price each municipality will About 240 people in Ingham job of director of the dispatch Paula Fochtman, assistant sideration deadline until 5 p.m. held at 6 p.m. Dec. 5 in 307 |,u some difficulty get- ties jumped on the bandwagon have to pay must be re-negoti¬ County are covered by the office is being advertised in director of student governance Nov. 29. Student Services. Each group ie different agencies in and wanted to be covered by ated. Shiawasse company. Rather and activities, said the co-chair- SMAB has $30,000 remaining national police publications. applying before the Nov. 29 ounty area to agree on 911. Computer equipment than close out the 240 people The board of directors will persons were chosen to help to allocate this term to quali¬ deadline will be notified by mail sup¬ pliers say the storage and from 911 entirely, they were choose among the qualified acquaint new SMAB members fying publications about what time to appear with procedures and responsi¬ "This is not the entire bud before SMAB at the hearing. relaying machinery for the given the option of having a applicants. eks help sorority house central office and the terminals toll-free seven-digit number A call received at the cental in the remote police and fire that would be a direct line to dispatch office would be taken departments can be in place in the central dispatch office. CAFETERIA SERVICE by a complaint board operator, the spring, if the money is there food at its best... lutinucd from page 1) a fire inspector in and tell 10 W f" »• However, next years tele¬ , , THE ALTERNATIVE: I, Muterson, president us the best fire routes," she phone directories have to be and fantastic u Sigma Phi fraternity, said. MEDICAL SCHOOL ABROAD issued in the |heir house also sent over spring, with or (C) Copyright 1977 in U.S.A. by Intornotlonol Doto Int. selection! rs to help clean up and LUNCH 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. [ffered rides and meals to LAST 3 DAYS! ClOHD SATURDAYS DINNH 5:00 p m. to 7:00 p.m. iu Alpha. ... • must book for prospective medical students. It SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 2 p.m. n said Delta Sigma details admission requirements and procedures, CWN WOTSAU SATURDAYS Id already been on a "fire costs, language requirements - dozens use English i kick." They have in the classroom - and living accommodations for td smoke alarms and have (correcting minor faults AN EXHIBITION & SALE OF WORKS medical schools in 35 countries. It also tells of the steps a foreign graduate should take to practice The Union ^d out after a recent fire BY STUDENT ARTISTS medicine in the U.S. i Chi fraternity also ■ meals to the sorority. OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 8 Some medical schools are free; others charge nomi¬ Cafeteria LOWH itVR OF MSU UNION CORNER ABBOTT 4 0. BVfll SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12-5 nal tuition. Some require only a high school educa¬ „ - i Xi Delta sorority's (Closed Thursday & Friday of this week.) tion; others two or four years of college. For your |ent, Pat Pearce, said copy of this authoritative work, send '9.95 to: id called Zeta Tau Alpha ■e told that they "were the union ✓ FREE NEEDLE CHECK I wed set." INTERNATIONAL DATA INC. P.O. BOX 817 (lire has made Alpha re, she said, Xi gallery in the old Browsing Room at The Union * LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 lire planning on more \ and are going to have dy worker «nusE\ 0IFT-IHOP FOR THI [eives clock YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO HOLIDAYS!! MISS A SAL! AT IWBURY, England (AP) MR. D's WIARHOUSII! '« government bought Choose from our MSU Joyed laborer Anthony LAST DAY! sweatshirts, jackets, K m alarm clock after hir Jt] told magistrates he jerseys, T-shirts and JIANSACORDS ^ Duke losing jobs becuase he (slight irregulars) jogging suits up in the morning. Rpliy has cost the govern- ■1898 pounds — $5,216 — 5#° oach Vue over the last two See our children's dept., 2 for 10" (prosecutor Mwbury court. Basil Corcos with MSU stocking caps, •phy was accused of per- SHIRTS FOR MIN A WOMIN scarves, mittens and more! otly neglecting to maintain t his wife and his two Casual & Dress to. ages 2 and 4. _t»> said, "He has a prob- 500 & 6°° . . .and don't forget our I of getting up in the huge selection of books!! V and added that the •HOP AT MR. R'l FIRST iment of Health and I" Security was ready to OR YOU'LL RAY THIDIFFIRINCI J® an alarm clock "to help ■•ike up." CAMPUS BOOK STORE * department kept its 529 E. GRAND RV. tfer" 507 E. GRAND RIVER ** ACROSS FROM BERKEY HALL and 21-year-old J'Jtaid Sunday hell be up (Across from Berkey Hall) STORE HOURS: 10-9 Mon.-Sot. Jkiud early Monday morn- (tok for a new job thanks * "ock, which cost $6.30. We've sheeted eer NeeMl Dhseeet (department spokesperson ■Jnted: "If the clock does DISCOUNT CALCULATORS f;Moks, and get, Mr. Murphy it will be money AND OFFICEILICTRONICS (pent." Thjnagistrates decided to We're growing, and now MAIN NOW ADEN OPEN / JJ" sentencing Murphy (? *e«ks to see how he carry photocopy machines, telephone answering sys¬ Parkas, Sleeping Bags & Tents tems, and electronic type¬ from Snow Lion writers. ' Book Packs & Frame Packs amsat-gre we've J'"CAT-VAT-SAT AND, of course, our usual external & internal frOffl i® i.n.1, large selection of calculators. Wilderness Experience JjNKlEMIlE Cross Country & Mountaineering |1 Ci. J G B°ABDS BOARDS MANY CHEAT GIFT IDEAS Skis from Trucker 1 Complete selection of backpacking, ski touring, climbing & mountaineering equipment K CEKlfu °NW ONE THING WE HAVENT CHANGED: "GUARAN1EED LOWEST PRICES in WWII" The Great Lakes ■•ginning Friday mountain Supply Co. 220M.A.C. Wed.-Open 10-6 Unlv. Mall Clos.d 10-9Mon-Frl drop by upitalri til 6 on Sat. Ml Building. across from Borlroy Hall 351-2060 351-6470 Thanksgiving 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Motors turn on f ByDAVEDiMARTINO State News Reviewer East Lansing got its taste of British punk rock Monday night when the Motors first brought fans with black spiked- heels and pogo-dancing urges to the Silver Dollar Salloon, to witness the club's first "new guitarist Bram Tschaiovsky and drummer Rick Slaughter, have the potential to break the American market wide open. Unlike many new-wave bands, the group's compositions are in fact quite melodic: the strong, pulsating beat, an essential to punk, is certainly present but is sure were those at the concert un¬ familiar with the Motors' sound loud set not - disappointed night's end. Not only did the band play a tight and I haven't many Marshall amps since I saw at the extremely seen the Blue Cheer almost ten years ago - they thoroughly that bend alum needed SMsV' ' N "t punk rock 'or words and to , wave" concert. tempered with a lyrical baae roused the audience, even to Those who missri,il Virgin Records, the label few groups can match. The the point of spontaneous pogo- ore advised to for the keep '^1 which finally signed the Sex band's American single, "Dan¬ dancing. Pogo-dancing, to the ** Motor,. CSl Pistols in England, are pro¬ cing the Night Away," is actu¬ uninitiated, is a dance style - tha" guitar guitar ,1^1 lines moting the Motors in a fashion ally reminiscent of Eno during originated by Sid Vicious (of the each truly befitting the punk ethic: his "Warm Jets" period, repre¬ Sex Pistols) in which the dancer song, 1 three controversial advertise¬ ments that British rock jour¬ senting a maturity that is jumps up and down, like a 9ee™ to be prevalent as th — morsel ■ extremely welcome to what pogo-atick, while flailing both and havee an ",,u u nals have refused to run include unfortunatly is becoming an arms in every direction. In appeal mi, J ap ^ ,«5 a photo of Jayne Mansfield increasingly simplistic style. other words, any dummy can do s,™ h¥JT\ photo by Bill Holaship saying "I lost my head over the Motors," a shot of Adolph Hitler claiming "The Motors are a gas," and a picture of John F. Kennedy saying "I need the Certainly the $1.01 admission price had a lot to do with bringing in the crowds, but I'm it. Since the Motors are the first British new-wave band to take crerij" America needs the Mc The Motors' Andy McMoster and Rick Slaughter release powerful raw energy on Motors like I need a hole in the an unsuspecting audience Mon¬ day night at The Silver Dollar Saloon. head!" Accepted fully in Britain as a 'John I'Enfer' wins Prix Goncourt part of the new wave, the Motors are actually a little PARIS (AP) - John I'Enfer, (John of Hell), a older then their punk contem¬ of films. Several of his Dimitri to clown dreamlike novel set in a disintegrating earlier book, tonight l American or British poraries, and are uniquely Manhattan inferno, narrowly won the Prix background. being marketed in America as a Goncourt, France's most prestigious annual His novel Abraham oi heavy-metal band, due to literary award, Monday. Goncourt Prize by one vote in Brooklyn miieJ radio's reluctance to program 1972. French clown Maisse. In John I'Enfer three By SUSAN L.LOCKHART Grock Prize—an international between the American and any punk material. Interesting¬ The award brings 32-year-old author Didier character, am through their lives in a dying New Critics call him "genius", Dimitri calls Marceau "the "Oscar" for circus comedians. European audiences? He smiles ly, while the band doesn't quite Decoin a symbolic cash prize of 50 francs ($10.45) where public services and V«kl "fresh, clear water", "a great genius of mime," and they Dimitri finally debuted in the and says, "Children are the have heavy-metal roots, the but assures the novel months on the French security are h remain "very good friends." United States in 1974 at the Motors include two members of down, fire stations no longer answer talent." Dimitri, "un clown same everywhere—the same best-seller list and sales of around 500,000 emei copies. calls and even stray extraordinaire", whose child¬ Marceau is godfather to one of International Mime Festival. smile, the same laugh." Ducks Deluxe, a late and very dog, leave ton! Dimitri's children. The Goncourt Academy, meeting as usual in a character sells his body for medical like smile stretches from ear to He so captivated the audience American audiences "like to lamented pub rock band that re "I touch the child in every¬ fashionable Paris restaurant, was split evenly then commits suicide. ear brings his world-acclaimed that they not only threw roses clap, and they like to laugh," he indirectly had much to do in 5-to-5 between Decoin's novel and Antoine one-man performance to MSU. body," says Dimitri, who First and bouquets of flowers, but says. "They are spontaneous in spawning the British punk Alphonse Boudard, a convicted Born in Ascona, Switzerland presented his one-man show in cheered him back for seven their reaction." movement. Maillet's Cordes de Bois (Ropes of Wood). The spent two years in prison, won the ft ei-burgkrl in 1935 to artistic parents, 1962 before a major atldience at One of the greatest moments The Motors, consisting of deciding vote of the chairman, veteran novelist Prize, second in prestige only to the G< 1 the Pantomime Festival in Herve Bazin, gave the award to Decoin. Dimitri decided at age seven 1977 marks his third North in his life, he says, was meeting lead guitarist Nick Garvey, for his autobiographic novel Lei that he had the talent to make Berlin. It was his splendid American tour. Charlie Chaplin, who he calls bassist Andy McMaster (both John I'Enfer is Decoin's tenth novel. He has Petit Bonheur (The Conbatuai others laugh, he said in an television film called "Dimitri Does he Find any difference "the greatest clown of all time." formerly of Ducks Deluxe), also written plays and the scenarios of a number Fighter, (or Modal the Clown of Ascona" that piness). interview Tuesday at MSU. "It was a satisfaction to see a smile made him a household word. in another face," he says. "So, I In 1970 he became the entire decided to become a clown." clown act in the Knie Circus— The Hair Loft would like to welcome Turkey's good... Moving to Paris, he studied an unprecedented move. His under Etienne Decroux while "straight man" was a black-and- you to their newly remodeled salon. supporting himself as a potter. white Freiburger cow. If you were ever in the old salon Through colleagues in the pot¬ He toured with the Knie ter's trade he met Marcel circus, enjoying great when it was busy you know how Marceau and became a student, during the 1970 and 1973 crowded it could get. then a member of Marceau's sons, and opened his performing company. In the theater in 1971—a long-awaited Now we have added a larger wait¬ late 1950s he left Marceau and dream. teamed up with the great In 1973 he was awarded the ing area to better serve you. You already know about the good haircuts and friendly service. Now HI6H PERFORMANCE SKI PACKAGES' come see our spacious and beautiful HART PACKAGE K2PACKAGE salon. You made it possible. BUT... BELL'S IS I Look GT Bindings (instolied) It's all yours. MSB" •17V Hovo a nico Thanksgiving weekend..,i| drink, and got merry...but be sure ton ^ HART PACKAGE Vi OFF ANY HAT room for your Boll's pizza or grinder *' with purchase of you got back I •175- any coat in slock. THE HRIR BELL'S PIZZAI 225M.A.C. 1135 E. Grand ll| LOFT, LTD. 332-5027 open from 11 a.m. 332-0851 220 MAC (UPSTAIRS), EAST LANSING free dellverlei from 4:30 p.m. BOOKS WANTED! In the Univeraity Mall - for appointment ph. J17-U2-8M0 cloaod for Thankaglving We are interested in buying: •Science Fiction •Old Books •Conic Books •Polos •Beatle Items •Magazines •Naacy Drew •Big little Books The table, son. is laid •Hysterias •Baseball Cards with the quiet whiteness of Beet it cream, and on four walls ceramics Curious Book Shop gleam blue, glint light Here is the salt, here the oil. 307 East Grand River East Lansing in the center, bread that almost speaks. Cold more lovely thon (517)332-0112 gold of bread is not in broom plant or fruit. and its scent of wheat and oven gives unfailing joy. We break bread, little son. together with our hard fingers, our soft palms. IheBRMKH while you store in ostonishment that block earth brings forth a white flower Our elaborate new salad bar now includes nine ingredients Lower your hand that reaches for not found in most restaurant salads. Beets, for instance. And green food as your mother also lowers hers. onions. Carrot sticks. Garbanzo beans. Cucumbers. Coleslaw. Mixed Wheat, my son, is of air. green salad. And four savory of sunlight and hoe; dressings. It's all part of our exciting but this bread, called "the face of new menu. God. "* is not set on every table. There are a lot of ordinary dinner salads out there. And then OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF And if other children do not have it. better that you do not take it there's ours. Since we didn't join 'em. We beat 'em. DENIM BILL BOTTOMS with ashamed hands DENIM BIO BELLS My son. Hunger with his grimaced face AND in eddies circles the unthrashed wheat. They search and never find each other. BASIC CORDUROYS Bread and hunchbacked Hunger. So that he find it if he should enter now. we ll leave the bread until tomorrow Let the blaiing fire mark the door thot the Ouechuon Indian never closed, M3M and we will watch Hunger eat SALl to sleep with body and soul. Gabriela Mistral Translated By Doris Dana •TheBRAIKH • 220 MAC. University Mall ph. 351-4620 I seoen 210 mac auenue nays loto-jo 600 N. Homer near 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing Lansing Mall, Lansing I nirhiqgn Slate News, Eo»t Lamina, Michigon Wednesday, November 23, 1977 9 James Caan visits NBC offers an evening of animation I jyBVWN BARER a good actor, you have to rid Of the pictures he has By KATHY ESSELMAN yourself of the thought process, made, (laced with tear gas), Joanie Jules Bass are the producer-di¬ and learn to have Caan said his favorites included Bute News Reviewer Caucus (Barbara Harris) raises a two-toned blue froglike crea¬ jOEPIZZO confidence in The Rain People, The rectors. The animation was ture, the parody of an intelli¬ your instincts." Gambler, Ex-hippies and a hobbit co¬ consciousness at Walden Day ^New. SOU Writers The Godfather ("It was habit the space-time continuum executed in Japan and incor¬ gent being. r*jUr James Caan, who While allowing that "breaks" fun"), Care Center and the Rev. Sloan Cinderella Liberty and his new Sunday, Nov. 27 on NBC-TV. porated the original characters The Rankin/Baas were hard to come (Rev. William Sloane Coffin) adaptation ed MSU briefly in 1966, by, he film. At 8 p.m., J.R.R. Tolkien's designed by Lester Abrams. succeeds in Monday insisted that if an The organizes his Christmas Rock maintaining an d to campus aspiring actor "The rest," he Hobbit will quest after a dra¬ admirable fidelity to the text. was sufficiently persistent, an sighed, "is all Pageant with music played by won foe * vi,it lnd * garbage." gon-hoard. At 9:30 p.m. the The meeting with Elrond (Cyril L.I screening of hia latest opportunity would eventually jazz headliners, including He described his character in Walden communards will look Ritchard) has a delicacy and an arise. Benny Carter, Ray Brown, [je, Another Man, Another "Once you get it (the break)", Another Man, Another Chance for the meaning of life on A Kenny Burrell, Herb Ellis and art nouveau grace which com¬ Caan hastened to add, as "different" from the tough, Doonesbury Special pliments Ritchard's elegant - SI, was greeted fol¬ "you Shelly Manne. n macho characters he often A Doonesbury Special, The premise for the retro¬ reading of the character. The ic'the screening at Fair- sure have to have the tions and the Ulent to qualifica¬ portrays. "I don't clang my ated by Garry Trudeau who cre¬ spective introspection about only other times that the voice l Theatre by an appre- show gonads together and beat up does the comic and visualization overflow crowd, and that you're qualified to strip, is a life at Walden is triggered by complement go on." fifteen or sixteen people," he one another in such Under the watchful fui. looney, loving look at life as it Zonker's after dinner speech — satisfying ^jedto field the usual eye of asserted. was and is for fashion are Bilbo's encounter ly of questions regarding Theater Department chair¬ Concerning pictures he has Doonesbury, delivered in red swimming with Gollum But Caan denied all of his Zonker, Joanie Caucus and B.D. (Brother Lor, the business, and his person Frank Rutledge, under turned down for one reason or trunks, topped with tux. He roles projected a so-called Theodore) and Bilbo'a (Orson whose auspices Caan's visit was another, Caan admitted he had suggests that: "Unless you're [habits-answered reporters arranged, the actor spoke of the "macho" image, stressing that refused such pictures as One from Vermont, the commune is Bean) kenning match with limitations of college theater two of his favorite parts - the Flew Over The Cuckoo's Neat finito. He proposes that: "We Smaug (Richard Boone). ns at a news conference brain-damaged football player ("I liked the project, but I all disband, intermarry and Romeo Muller's adaptation turning. , training. "You have to go out in The Rain People, and the into condominiums." avoids and play with your instrument asked, 'What kind of movie is move disemboweling The ■ell, I spent a lot of time existentialist college professor T Caan said of his visit to tune it, see what this? it's just four walls"), The special has been in Hobbit. He straightens out plot — — you can and in The Gambler — were outside twists (as in the goblin's cave), I "They (United Artists) you can't do," he said. M*A*S*H and a number of production for a year and half. this vein. and compresses the whole into "Unfortunately," he added, "I others. John and Faith Hubley colla¬ Asked me to show it (the Of his "tough Bilbo guy" roles, Baggins smooth sequential series of lit a couple of universities, find too many young actors who just want to sit around and talk Caan explained that they were Asked about his favorite directors, the actor named borated with Trudeau in pro¬ ducing and directing it, until a encounters, culminating in the ■ thought that rather than not The characterizations will about it. They all want to always a matter of clear Francis Coppola, Karel Reisz John Hubley died February 21, Battle of the Five Armies. ■ it st a university I had no play choice on his part. strike viewers as appealing or ■ledge of, I'd come back to Hamlet." (who directed The Gambler), 1977, before production was appalling according to their "Since I am asked to This version is characterized Caan was go to and Claude Lelouch, the writer- completed. taste. The color is intense and philosophical about work, I have to choose from one by striking photographic ef¬ I commented on changes his own success. "You become a of these so-called macho roles," director of Another Man, An¬ Trudeau has written the keyed to shading entire se¬ fects, such as the burning of the id taken place since he good actor because, un¬ other Chance. special with wit, intelligence he said. He noted the kind of quences in reds, golds or blues men's town (a la Tene _oed classes here twenty- fortunately, your pictures make "Coppola is probably Amer¬ and integrity. It reflects the and is extraodinarily effective village — pictures being made are largely faithful to Tolkien's blueprint), Kears ago. "It's very da¬ money," he said. "It's not right, up to "those so-called great ica's number-one director — he spirit of the strip. The delicate on television. The riddle con¬ the dragon's deathflight, and ft. very different. A lot of but those are the facts." does so much so well. He's watercolor wash, voices and test in Gollum's cavern when executives they have out there the first frightful apparition of ■buildings ... I don't like "I became a star," he con¬ really familiar with all the music invest the film with Bilbo acquires the ring of the goblins defined against the (in Hollywood)." B.D. added dimension. ■buildings," he joked. tinued, "because I did Brian's ingredients its takes to make a film," he said. invisibility is graceful, well darkness, like gargoyles. en asked if he had been Song (the popular TV movie "Their imagination lacks as they explore their alterna¬ Tolkien's classic fantasy, The served by the eerie cold blue . . . The Hobbit is an enjoyable, if in theater work at MSU, about the late football imagination. If you see God¬ Caan, a long-time fan of the tive lifestyle at Walden Com¬ Hobbit, was designed by tone of the — player underground cavern marred, adaptation of Tolkien's I remarked, "I did a lot of Brian Piccolo) and The God¬ father I, you'll see Godfather II, Spartan football team, was mune. The film was produced Arthur Rankin Jr. Rankin and as Gollum himself skulks about, classic. Ton the football field - I father in the same year." you'll see Godfather in, Exor¬ presented with an honorary and directed by John and Ed hurt." The actor, it will Yet, the actor feels he gave cist 7 and Airport "96," he said. membership in the Varsity Faith Hubley and Garry Alumni club Jmembered, quarterbacked performances in those projects by C. F. Trudeau. It is a John and Faith Finally, NBC places first "The heads of the studios are McCaffree, the organization's ■freshman football team that were no better than his Hubley Films, LTD., Produc¬ 1 in work in other, more obscure concerned with money, and executive secretary. tion in association with Univer¬ 1956, while living in don't really care." Caan was asked his reasons Lfield Hall in the Brody pictures, like Francis Coppola's sal Press Syndicate. The Rain People, which Caan for coming to MSU, and what All the main characters take He said his current studio, describes as one of his favorite his major was while he was a NEW YORK (AP) - NBC, and n addressed himself to United Artists, seemed in¬ part in this special which whiz¬ Shirley, were the week's for the week, the Monday night student. thanks in part to a stiff one-two most-watched enially asked query of pictures, even though as he terested in making movies as zes through life at the commune programs, as regular Little Houae on the "The answer to both those punch from The Godfather, they have been much of the jto break into the business. puts it, "it made about a buck well as money — they want to questions — is football," he (accidental indigestion caused knocked ABC from first place in Prairie, and three specials. Ihink," he said, "to become forty-eight." make things that are by Zonker (Richard Cox)), season. But the last two install¬ And NBC finished the week meaning- replied with a smile. memories of campus the networks' battle for the ments in NBC's four-part novel- with a rating of 21.2, which activism prime-time television audience for-TV finished close behind in Nielsen says means in an aver¬ for the first time this season, the ratings for the week ending age prime-time minute during A.C. Nielsen ratings show. Nov. 20. the week, 21.2 percent of all the Rock artists release solo LPs ABC's Tuesday night comedy hits, Happy Daya and Laverne NBC, in addition listed four other programs in the first 15 homes in the country with television were tuned to NBC. |y DAVE DiMARTINO the very talented Danny airplay - it already has, in fact tion isn't half as important as style, voicings, and structure. te News Reviewer in old rock and roller, Kirwan was still a prime mem¬ ber — two LPs which are my — and will put Welch back in the minds of current Fleetwood the actual performance in the In other words, Helm's new "DRESS FOR SUCCESS" ir band poots away, grooves here. Considering how album is impeccably put to¬ personal favorites of the band's. fans. FRENCH KISS is a lat do you do? After incredible (and very prominent Helm was as the gether and probably the closest an strong LP, and if it draws just a Band's vocalist, the LP indeed ■ily answered, at least in well-documented) series of per¬ fraction of that audience, then thing we'll have to a Band LP in Whether it's time for that important inter- b of Bob Welch and bears a very great resemblance a long while. Pick it up, if you sonnel changes and the release good for Welch. With this LP, to MOONDOG MATINEE, in ,/view or graduation, let the staff at D Helm, both who have of the relatively stale HEROES he deserves it. Marty's Jtly released solo LPs a- ARE HARD TO FIND, the A quick word about Levon answer your big question of what to wear. ■n the confines of their band soon lost Welch as a Helm and the RCO All-Stars Today's look is both conservative and color¬ It groups. member and came very close to The department of German Ich, former lead guitarist (ABC AA-1017), the new solo ful, all in the right proportions. At Marty's, breaking up. Of course, they LP by the ex-Band drummer and Russian will offer 1978 Itwood Mac during that didn't. we can help you balance your clothes to fit and vocalist. Helm is featured WINTER TERM: the occasion. Face it, sometimes it | pre-big-bucks era, has here with a high-class studio pays to ilj released French Kiss FRENCH KISS is the first cast UKRANIAN for BEGINNERS dress like your Dad. tl ST-11663) after two featuring mostly ly stale LPs with his effort by Welch that ap¬ Woodstock-based sessionmen, (no knowledge of other Slavic proaches any of the work he did and has put together an LP that languages is necessary) |ledPuis. of Great things were with Fleetwood Mac in terms of is virtually indistinguishable Everything For the Man Paris; things which quality, style and, most impor¬ from Band album. No small finitely never came to tantly, taste. Paris, in short, a 3 Credits, time arranged MfiiUYS '( to Welch's intense feat, certainly, particularly con¬ stunk, and merit no further in with the hard rock discussion. sidering the fact that not even one Robbie Robertson tune can Wells Hall, 7th Floor Jormat. lie Fleetwood Mac has of The LP features a redone be found on the LP. Most of the 305 E. Grand River EAST LANSING fc seen an uncomfortable version of "Sentimental Lady" songs are covers of famous Vof facelifts until reach- (originally from Fleetwood's traditional tunes or else com¬ HERM'S Op*n Thurs. ( Fri. HI 8:30 Is present configuration, BARE TREES) that is per¬ positions by Mac Rebennack, who figures luto J" which contained Welch formed by Welch with the prominently throughout the proceedings. | with McVie, McVie & current band (minus Stevie Helm himself is responsible for American & Foreign Cars at time Nicks and John McVie). While was one this version is slightly weaker composing only one song. The Sine Qua Son atui English Import line a favorite by many, p released Future than its predecessor, it's almost After several listenings, it Quality Work Guaranteed of CMS Oryx Saga & Desto fa and Bare Trees when guaranteed to bring in strong becomes obvious that composi¬ Free Estimates fTlon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m Our special purchase... Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 12 Noon Corner Larch & Michigan Ave. Laming 489-6577 Your Special Savings! OLDE The staff at ttap' the Olde World DIAEVAL SOUNDll rid Munrow V "f'] * """ ■ial purchase of in: iijilt- || ' I'1"1'." "I1' tl"ii- .in 11 w woul ilI like to pas.- alone fortune to \oil I lie entire selection of Sine Una Non and Kne|,,li line of CMS I irv\ Sap'a I)e-lo are now on .ale! . and . Import . Hundreds to choose from! would like to wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING BUFFET TONIGHT 1299 * 698 per disc Series. I Weekend Hours $2.75 Thurs: CLOSED Large assortment of Entrees including Veal Parmesan Fri: 11 AM - 2 AM DRINK SPECIAL TONIGHT Sat: 11 AM - 2 AM All Beer 25% off House Wines 20% off Sun: 12 noon - 12:30 AM - (free entertainment nightly!) THANKSGIVING BUFFET T PM to 7 PM ADULTS s5*5 SENIOR CITIZENS '2'5 CHILDREN $2" SIX ENTREES WITH SALADS, RELISHES AND ALL THE TRADITIONAL THANKSGIVING TRIMMINGS YOU CAN EAT (Next to Peoples Church) BLOCK 1 M.A.C. PH. 337-1755 136 W.GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING ] Q Michigon Stote News, Eosf lonsing, Michigon Wednesday, N'vembrjj Spartans aim for sweet in ND weekend series Dame to be where they are," By JOE CENTERS lettermen to graduation last State News Sports Writer Bessone said. "They've played year and three of their top four While most people get a four of the top teams. Dan scorers. The two main losses chance to relax and enjoy their Ferral (Michigan coach) said were Brian Walsh, team that they have a good team." scoring leader and Most Valu¬ long Thanksgiving weekend, it will be nothing but business as Michigan beat the Irish twice able Player of the WCHA, and usual for the MSU hockey team in their first meeting earlier Jack Brownschidle, an All- as coach Amo Bessone and his this season but the Wolverines American defenseman. had to battle from behind in The two players that Bessone •Spartans travel to South Bend to meet the Fighting Irish of both games. feels the Spartans will have to Notre Dame. The main thing that Bessone watch out for are goalie John is worried about is that he feels Peterson, and winger Terry The Spartans go into the weekend series tied with Mich¬ Notre Dame has got to win Fairholm, who Bessone con¬ sooner or later. siders to be one of the best igan Tech and Colorado College "I was hoping they would players in the league. for fifth place in the Western have split with Denver last The Spartans will still Collegiate Hockey Association be (WCHA) with 4-4 records, weekend." Bessone said. without the services of Ted while Notre Dame sits at the "They're going to have to break Huesing this weekend and bottom of the league with an 0-8 the ice sometime." possibly Mitch Horsch, who is record. The Irish finished second in still having problems with his Bessone feels that if the the WCHA last season with a shoulder. Kevin Coughlin and 19-10-3 league record. They Paul Klasinski, who both Spartans are ever going to take charge in the WCHA, it has go defeated the Spartans in three missed last Saturday's game to come against the weaker of the four meetings between with Michigan Tech, are WCHA STAND sup¬ '"S£3_ teams. Notre Dame, along with the two teams last season, posed to be in uniform this State News Ira Strickstein Minnesota-Duluth, who the winning once at South Bend, weekend. Two new Women's IM swim meet records were set .-29.9. and sweeping MSU at Munn Ice Russ Welch, Spartans play next weekend, who led the in the Women's IM individual meet Thursday. Lisa Other winners were Rebecca Plummer, who took have win and 15 losses Arena. Bessone said that it was Spartans in scoring one as a fresh¬ Cornelius, Janet Lundquest, Jeannie Kendrich, and lirsts in the 25-yard freestyle, 25-yard backstroke between them and MSU could the first time that Notre Dame man last year, is starting to Polly Miller set a record ol :57.8 in the 100-yard and 25-yard butterfly. Janet take a big jump in the standings ever swept the Spartans at pick up his scoring pace this Lundquest won the if they home. season and was named medley relay. The team also won the 100-yard free- 25-yard breaststroke and Lisa Johnson won the could sweep both teams. "Spar¬ But Bessone isn't looking for a Notre Dame's main problem tan of the week" for his play style relay. The second new record was set by diving event. free ride against Notre Dame. this season is the lack of against Michigan Tech. Gretchen Grothe in the 50-yard Ireestyle with a "No one expected Notre experience. The Irish lost seven Welch got three goals against Tech. including the game winner in overtime Friday, and he leads the team in scoring Wrestlers meet U-M Payton breaks record; with five goals and 10 assists. His goal production may be down a little from last season, but Bessone isn't worrying at all about that. By LARRY LILLIS MSU's wrestling team will take to the road "This year's team will be strong in the middle and weak in the ends," Peninger said. Bears talk about Lions this Sunday where they will face their first "Our 126-pound to 190-pound classes are all CHICAGO UPI - Walter review the films some of the on their jobs. But he was conference game against the University of solid. We will have a lot of experience at Payton sometimes amazes him¬ things I do." gratified that one star, defen¬ Michigan. these positions, which always helps. self. Payton said he had "a touch" sive lineman Carl Eller, told The Spartan grapplers will have a little "Right now, our 118-pound weight class is The Chicago Bears running of flu last week but it "didn't him before the game "I was the momentum going for them after open for grabs. We have three wrestlers: back carried the ball 40 times having won get a good hold on me, and with greatest running back he'd ever the Michigan State Invitational Tony Elmon, Shawn White and Terry Sunday — one short of tying the help Wrestling Etchison, who are all vying for that position. of physicians I fought seen. After the game, he said Tournament this past weekend. the league record — and pro¬ it off." the On the other end in the heavyweight division same thing. It meant a lot to Grady Peninger, MSU wrestling coach, duced 275 yards to break the Payton said he had "no me because he's been playing said that the Spartans may be we don't even have a wrestler. up a little bit "It is hard to believe that out of the 44,000 previous National Football second thoughts" about break¬ 17 years and I was a 5 year-old more competition, because of their win over League mark of 273 set by O.J. ing the season rushing record at the time he started." the weekend. people enrolled here, there isn't one person Simpson of the Buffalo Bills and that he is not that came out in the heavyweight class. thinking Payton, who boosted his "Both Michigan State and Michigan have against the Detroit Lions last about beating Simpson's mark league leading rushing total to "Michigan is a tough team and they always been down over the past couple of years," seem tougher when we Thanksgiving Day. of 2,003 yards set in the 1973 1,404 yards, said he "always play them. They will "It didn't seem like I carried season. was the smallest Peninger said. "We're both on the way back have a national champion returning this year guy in high 40 times," Payton said Monday. "1 got that out of my mind," school and I had to be fast or now, and the team that comes up with an in Mark Churella. He will wrestle in the "I felt very tired, but it was a he said. "It would take away edge could have an advantage over the other 158-pound weight class. All we have in that get beat up." team. great feeling. It didn't dawn on from my game if I was thinking Because the Bears play the weight division is a freshman. It is hard to me until I got home. I was about that and not on our team "Our win in the Michigan State Invitational send someone with no battle action Detroit Lions on Thanksgiving up exhausted. I went straight to effort. I think about winning, Wrestling Tournament could be the edge we against a person who has proven himself (continued on page 11) need to beat Michigan." bed. not setting a record." many times." The Spartans will be going into this meet "It amazes me to see some of Payton said Sunday's op¬ MSU's wrestling team is in a rebuilding with a fairly well-balanced team. the things I do. I don't realize ponent, the Minnesota Vikings, They have stage right now, and this has hurt them when until after the game when I nine returning lettermen on this were quiet and year's team. recruiting time comes around. concentrating KMs r SUM wilMCertr Bostock baseball's richest? ANAHEIM, Calif. (UPI) — Lyman Bostock signed a five-year contract estimated to be worth $3 million, with the California Angels Monday, turned down a belter money offer from the Yankees, but signed with the Angels to be close to his mother, Annie, 60, who lives in "Oh,God!" Inglewood, | Denver |g jf making him possibly baseball's highest-paid Calif. FUttHy! player. Reggie Jackson of the New York Yankees But a spokesperson for Yankees' anWMwOay6J0M510:15 has a reported S2.9 million pact. George Steinbrenner denied the Bostock owner claim in WjjjtttMMBM* Funnier than Bostock, who is 27 today, played out his option candid terms. "The Groove Tube"! with the Minnesota Twins last "If he (Bostock) said that our offer was season and was higher ■ More outrageous P picked by 13 of the 26 major league clubs in the than the,Angels, then he's a liar. We offered him than "Tunnel second re entry draft. nowhere near what was paid Larry Hisle by the Vision" Milwaukee Brewers or Richie Zisk by the Texas Runner-up to Twins' teammate Rod Carew in Rangers. There's no way he would have been the DiaWiMQy 515 B1131 Twill* 545*15 Wtt '1* the American League batting race with a .336 highest paid player in baseball if he'd have taken Burt average last season, Bostock contended he our offer." __ I Reynolds & Jackie I Gleason In Fine a stunning film- Country-French Dining THE GRAPE VINE Make your Thanksgiving reservations with us at the "AMOTHERMAM, Jom"Coan Grapevine. Dinner will be AMOTHER CHANCE" | served from J|p& WMslzt 5.30 MB 1MB Twill* MHJ Milts '1* FRED WARING is alive and well and making young music with his noon to 6 pm. THE BAD NEWS DRC AIM lift WARING BLENDORS and YOUNG PENNSYLVANIANS, his singing some VFW's (Veterans of Fred Waring Shows), including POLEY MC CLINTOCK. Along with elegant dining, In his new'show, IT'S ALL ABOUT LOVE!, Fred blends the best of Broadway with popular we offer you 20% off dinners 'foaWMifaiMOHtilUS Willi MM* Mtt'r.iT love songs of yesterday and today. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 at 8:15 P.M. from 4:30-6:00 on Monday thru UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM Lively Arts Series Attraction Thursday. Single tickets on sale NOWI Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30 p.m., weekdays. |Of0| IfMl) mil-Hi ASS Twillta 4:^50 Miltt'r PUBLIC: $7.50, 6.50, 5.00 It!, a movie you'll never forge I ^ MSU STUDENTS: 50% discount, all locations^ Presented by the Lecture-Concert Series 2758 East Grand River, East at MSU Lansing 837-1701 aWMtjgjjlTjlMI twill* HH* Mb1'' B^.hinnn Slote News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 23, 1977] ] CALLED BEST FORWARD BIG TEN Cagers open year [elser: Spartan slam-dunk specialist By MICHAEL KLOCKE summer." with Sunday rally State News Sports Writer depth or personnel. Anyone who follows MSU basketball'knows there is a lot more "This year our running game is one of great quality, and now L Kelscr said there are two purposes of dunking the to Reiser's game than just slam dunks. we've got the horses to run with The basketball season doesn't anyone." open until Monday, but Spartan ,11 - and he should know, since he is MSU's slam dunk The junior forward from Detroit was the Spartan's top scorer But fans will have a chance to get and rebounder a year emphasizing the fast-break can often get you in trouble primed for it a day early. ago averaging 21.7 points and 10.8 rebounds defensively, and Reiser said defense is one of the team's main her listed the two purposes of dunking in reverse order, a game. The effort was enough to earn him second-team All-Big concerns. Sunday at 8 p.m. in Jenison Fieldhouse, a basketball pep rally will be held with MSU head g; second most important aspect is it adds an extra Ten honors from both AP and UPI. "We have a very potent offense, and consequently it may set us Spartan basketball squad on hand. coach Jud Heathcote and the •pleasing dimension to my game," Reiser said. "Dunking can It was also enough to gain the praise of Indiana coach Bobby back defensively at times," the junior co-captain said. "Defense is ■vet the erowd pumped up (as it did with Reiser's three jams Rnight, who recently called Reiser the best forward in the Big something you just have to concentrate on to do well." If Windsor recently). Heathcote and several players will address the Ten. Rebounding is another aspect of Reiser's game he said he rally in an effort to get spirit up (if it can [the most important part of dunking is that it makes me. "That's a great compliment coming from a great coach," Reiser especially enjoys. In fact, many of the points he scores come after against Central Michigan. possibly get any higher) for the Effective as a player," the 6-7 Reiser added. "A dunk is awful said. "It means a lot, because if you look at the Big Ten, there are a offensive rebounds. opener [defense. lot of real good forwards." A major difference this year is that Reiser will have some extra Last year Central beat MSU in basketball for the first time in Eking is» lot of ,un and 1 Praclice a w'de variety of dunks. The Spartans have some promising newcomers in Earvin help under the boards from Johnson (6-8), Vincent (6-8) and their history, 81-76, in Mt. Pleasant. ~fy are mostly for show at camps I work in over the "Magic" Johnson, Jay Vincent and Sten Feldreich. But coach Jud Feldreich (7-0). Heathcote still expects Reiser to be the team leader in most "Rebounding is something I've always had to do, and I pride statistical categories. myself on the job I do," Reiser said. "Just knowing there are other "Greg will probably be our leading scorer and rebounder again guys on the team who can rebound will help." this year," Heathcote said. "Earvin won't lead us in Reiser said he is optimistic going into the season because the scoring, but he IPI's top twenty will account for a lot of points." Heathcote has always emphasized a fast-break offense, and Spartans have a good balance of returning players and new recruits. now showing Reiser thinks the Spartans will have a team that can run with "Last year no one expected anything out of us and this year ■ YORR (UPI) anyone this year. - ligament shortly after the "Last year we had a fast-breaking club, but there were teams we they expect a lot," Reiser said. "But I'd rather have it that way ... Ajgan, even without cen- start of practice. were scared to run with," Reiser said, "We didn't have enough it's a much more gratifying feeling." ■ph,l Hubbard, is rated NEW YORR (UPI) - The | in the country in the United Press International ■ preseason college bas Board of Coaches' preseason Tall poll- Jj,e University of Detroit Kot draw sufficient sup- college basketball ratings. Team Points Payton after season mark 1 from the coaches who 1. TieRentucky 351 I Up the UPI board to (continued from page game this year, but we're still 2. Tie North Carolina 10) not playing like we should. t the top 20. 3. Marquette Day, he said, he hasn't had time We're much better than our Kpjy two Big Ten teams 4. Notre Dame to consider his record. record indicates," he said. "Cer¬ |e ranked, Purdue and 5. San Francisco "All we've done is talk about tain plays Sunday, I should pn. The Boiler- 6. UCLA Detroit," he said. "If our next have got more yardage. I could lers, returning a veteran 7. Purdue game was Sunday, maybe we have been more productive." t, placed seventh in the 8. Cincinnati could talk more about it. But But that comment represen¬ pp while Michigan 9. Arkansas it's over with and we've got to ted Payton's constant conten¬ ply beat out Maryland for 10. Louisville concentrate on Detroit." tion that he can play better. He 11. Syracuse Payton said the Bears should said his drive might stem from he presence of Hubbard 12. Michigan have scored more points Sun¬ his upbringing. "My parents al¬ Burt Reynolds ubtedly would have 13. Maryland day, but "certain things hap¬ ways taught me why shoot for d Michigan higher in "SmokeyaNDTHE Bandit" ■ratings, but the Wolver- 14. Tie Wake Forest 14. Tie St. John's pened to prevent it. "It was our most error-free the clouds when you can shoot for a star," he said. Sally Field Jerry Reed « star of J will be without their 16. Tie Indiana State lational junior all season, 16. Tie Utah Jackie Gleason l I [underwent ■ e surgery to damaged cartilage repair a strained knee 18. Ransas State 19. Alabama 20. Holy Cross Popular recording artists MATINEES THURS. THANKSGIVING FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY wonder England Dan & A CHRISTMAS TRADITION 5HOWTIMES FRI. & SAT. 8 810 D.m. WIBNHDATtNCIAL John Ford Coleu Sun. 2 8 4 p.m. discuss THE BRHfll FAITH and OUTDOOR OBSERVING AFTER 8 p.m. SHOWS ALBUMS LIGHTSHOW AFTER 10 p.m. SHOWS TRY OUR Isinq their songs inspired by the faithl PECIAL FIATURE Tomorrow night, 6:30, Channel 11 HOLE WHEAT CRUST PIZZA FREf DELIVERY! PLANETARIUM (Oil! 355-4672 Campus Pizza 337-1377 A AL PACINO MARTHE KELLER gggy* $199* ALTERNATIVE FILM SOCIH Y MEETS LATE THURSDAY-FRIDAY 8 SATURDAY NIGHTS "THE BEATLES AS THEY WERE" A)&t Shown 11:55 p.m. • ALL SEATS '2.50 J Tournament Quality -Steel Rods ) This Area's Only Multi- Media Discotheque | —Tournament men » BILLIARD MART >n sale at A 2843 E. Gd. River, E. Lans. 351-1201 5616 W. Saginaw (in front of Lansing Mall) 321-4171 ************* Wednesday Special Boozers Bazaar 35c Thursday Special AMERICA'S PACIFIC PARADISE ^ Suds 'n Subs j so..., RUTH BUZ2I KINKY FRIEDMAN TED LANGE - ■ • MICHAEL CALLAN • JACK CARTER - RICK DEES ALICE GH0STLEY • FRANK G0RSHIN . JOE HIGGINS LARRY ST0RCH. AMffilCAN INH RNAIIONAI RILf AS! and Filmed in color personally narrated by I *Vwlocip«ds Psddlwr ft Nautilus Greek Night CHRIS BORDEN I UWsrly Initrumants (antiques t crafts) MATINEES THURS. THANKSGIVING A quarter I ;WIOom..tOHH of a century ago, when war • Jax Copying DAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUHOAY I •Not.llock I Circular raged in the Pacific, the islands of • Kitchen Cupboard Micronesia were well known to the world I (vwd records 3 tapas) • Family of Man Today Opon 7:00 p.m. Factum 7:30 9:30 I "Gfngt Lokm Ml Supply • Broiler's Ice Cream THANKSGIVING DAY perhaps too well known. Eniwetok, Pcleliu, Mldgrnaii ouHlttars) • Paramount News Open 1:00 p.m. Feature at Saipan. Today things have changed. The 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 invasion is by tourists. Here is a new world that welcomes visitors lured by the islands' unspoiled beauty. Chris Borden explores them in native fashion, sightseeing, skin- diving, reef-fishing with the people. He also Showcasejazz presents realizes a lifelong dream of being left alone on a small, deserted isle, to live otf the land and become a part of it. Here is a truly RALPH TOWNER exciting, different film adventure. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 at 8:00 P.M. in the University Auditorium GLEN MOORE DUETS^ Tickets: $2.00 at the door only One . child under 12 admitted free with each paid adult admission. Half-price for additional children under 12 years. MSU students: FREE with valid I.D. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 AND 3 8:00PM AND 10:30PM, ERICKSON KIVA SPECIAL QUEST: SHOO BEE TA NEE ARK TICKETS: 3.00 ADVANCE, 3.50 AT THE DOOR AVAILABLE AT THE MSU UNION. WAZOO RECORDS AND IN ANN ARBOR AT SCHOOLKIDS' RECORDS ..A Night of Fun 'n Games Thi. concert aM soluble, in P-ri. by • gianl Iron th. N.t.on.1 Endowmnt lor ll» Am in lUehington DC, fad.,.I mne. Shoeecnwjii, i, a di union ol Ihn ASMSU Pfogrimtng Bond Our allien! lie that went too far! u. Blnnin, no Hooking, lood ot drink in Eiickeon Kivn. ACCESSIBLE 12 Michigan Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesday N0ve By JANET HALFMANN Marilyn Frye, assistant professor in the Department of State New. Staff Writer Philosophy, said that if she could be positive that significant The symposium was billed as Allan Bakke vs. the Regents of political action for social change would be stirred up if Bakke won the University of California, but Bakke didn't appear to have any his case, she would root for him. supporters on the panel in Olds Hall Monday night. However, affirmative action programs are not an effective In a case now being considered by the U.S. Supreme Court, strategy for social change because the ultimate responsibility for Allan Bakke, a 37-year-old white male, contends that he was their administration lies in the hands of highly-placed white unconstitutionally excluded from the University of California- males in established institutions, she said. The programs are Davis medical school because 16 of the 100 class slots were administered in ways that will not undermine the power of that reserved for minorities. class, she said. Zolton Ferency, an attorney and an associate professor in the Judith Krupka, associate dean and assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Justice, told the large crowd it is College of Human Medicine, said she couldn't say whether Bakke possible the U.S. Supreme Court will render no definitive should have been admitted to medical school because she didn't answer on the case. The know much about his merits in terms of his potential for medical justices may send it back to the California courts for a hearing on the merits of the school's school. particular affirmative action program. Non-cognitive areas of strength also need to be taken into If a lower court had actually found the University of California account, especially if medical schools are to get students who will PHONE: 337-168, I guilty of discrimination and ordered an affirmative action elect to work in the medical areas where there is the greatest program, the U.S. Supreme Court would uphold it unanimously, need, such as in primary care, in rural and inner city areas, and STORE HOURS I Ferency said. with low-income and minority patients, she said. 3180 MALL COURT LANSING, MICH. 9A.M. TOl0 "ondaythJ 2:1 „ L NexttoKroger ,oa m t°'p«2 I Sfg wtai Announcements for It's What's Women in Communications Alpha Lambda Delta applica¬ Helping others less fortunate Salvation Army needs volun- Happening must be received in the presents Sue Fleming from the tions for graduate study are than ourselves is what Circle K is ers to help with collection kettles State News office, 343 Student Detroit News and Day On The Job available in 161 Student Services all about. Check us out at 6 p.m. in area malls. Contact Volunteer Services Bldg., by noon at least review at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. 341 Bldg. Deadline for application is next Wednesday, Union Sun- Programs, 26 Student Services two class days before publication. Union. January 6. porch. Bldg.. Special Request. No announcements will be accept¬ ed by phone. Brown Bag Lunch held from Blood, Water, Spirit, Forty! Volunteers are greatly needed in noon to 1 p.m. today. Room C Come square dance with the Death. Burial, Resurrection taught All It's What's working with elderly by teaching Happening for Crossroads Cafeteria, Internation¬ MSU Promenaders at 7 tonight. as the Apostles taught, right from classes and/or being companions. Nov. 28 are due at the State News al Center. Music and discussion on Union Building. No experience the Scriptures from 6 to 8 Come to 26 Student Services 4 p.m. office by noon this Tuesday. IWHs for Nov. 29 are due at noon Wednesday. Women in Folk Music History by Sheila Ritter. necessary. tonight, 335 Union. In 19 words or less say why you Area nursery schools need vol¬ pack Dr. Jewish students meet for morn¬ George Borgstrom will want to see Fogelberg and drop it unteers for variety of jobs. Check Photographers needed for speak on "Our Responsibilities ing Minyan at 7 a.m. every off at WMSN. You might go free! ASMSU University Relations Cab¬ Monday and Thursday at Hillel. our special request folder at Facing the World Food Issues at Volunteer Programs, 590 Volunteer 26 Student inet. Please contact 312 Student 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Unitarian Programs has special Services Bldg. Services Bldg. Church, 855 Grove Street. request and need for a driver Rape prevention: "No Pat assistant to a male handicapper. Work is Answers, Rape Culture, and Contact 26 Student Services Bldg Med-tech majors: Gain practical now being accepted for There's a rap session for all the "Arts For the Men's Lives" are three films experience! Volunteers needed to Holidays" show interested lesbians and gay men at at the Union Gallery today and 7:30 tonight. Call Gay Council for presented by Kitty Genovese Anti- Black Student Psychological work in lab. Contact Volunteer November 28. more information. Rape Collective from 7 to 10 p.m. Association meets at 7:30 p.m. Programs, 26 Student Services December 2, 107 S. Kedne Hall. Monday in 455 Baker Hall. Bldg. for information. Your "THANKS, I NEEDED THAT!" slap, could be ruining your face. HOLD TONI 4-HOUR Home Perm COUGH SUPPRESSANT Save face Those alkaline shoving products S your blade or electric razor breok down your skin's Hei.'2B precious natural acid mantle. Your face is then subject to unsightly razor burn, S left unprotected against our destructive environment. Since most men shave at least once a day. no man should be without greaseless, alcohol-tree, RK After Shave Conditioner It provides your face with high caliber conditioning & protection, healthy skin requires which great, SUPER X Call Debro, tation. our skin-core consultant, for a free consul¬ She'll introduce those great conditioning, acid- NASAL SPRAY balanced RK skin products you've been seeing in Playboy, Esquire, Gentlemen's Quarterly, S Sports Illustrated CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! SIGOURNEY-JONES Hairstyling for Men & Women 484-1491 694-8101 Trowbridge Road Just North of Harrison Also Lansing: Saginaw at Waverly S. Cedar at 1-96 r GMNO AWARD STRETCH TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT CHRISTMAS CARDS ARMSTRONG IS designs! OR WEDNESDAY IS Box of 20 cards, il rriif j S&issapSm one design and envelopes MONSTER i:l ! iilMMW mm iiiiiiiiiiri'tfiii!! f'Mturwl (Itniii NOW| • ,vi 11 In; admitted HIDE AWAY I No interest This week featured dorn WEST Small deposl s CIRCLE charge. hides your gift until] Dec. 19th! Wednesdov, November 23, 19771 3 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 Closiifta! Advartisiog i frffi inn laforMOtloa IT IS tha policy of the STATE CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE PART-TIME restaurant posi¬ [^35 r *** w c^^dsi i NEWS that tha last 4 weeks TAXI DRIVERS wanted. FOUR MILES off campus. 1 School teachers for DeWitt, tion available, male or female. IT IS the policy of the STATE of term all Student Must have excellent driving GRADUATE OR married stu¬ 355-1255 347 Student Service! Ildg. Advertis¬ Bath, St. Johns, Ovid-Elsie, Must be available for daytime bedroom. No pets or child¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks dents. New luxury 2 bedroom ing must be paid for in record. Full Time work. VAR¬ of term all Student Classified Fowler, Pewamo, Westphalia hours, minimum 2 days ren. Utilities paid. Semi-furn¬ advance per SITY CAB, 332-3559. apartment. East Lansing but beginning Novem¬ school districts, Reply to week. Perfect for part-time or ished. Security deposit re¬ advertising must be paid for service. No pets. Start at ber 14,1977. Bring or mail to TEACHER 8-12-1(4) in advance OPPORTUNITY night student. HOBIE'S quired. $145 per month. 349- beginning Nov¬ $230. Call 351-9483 or SSI- 347 Student Services. ember 14,1977. Bring or mail SERVICE, 410 Antrim Street, downtown. 109 East Allegan. 4907. 3-11-23(6) BIBB after 6 p.m. Sp-23-12-9(8> HOUSEKEEPER BABYSIT¬ 4-103 Charlevoix, 49720. - to 347 Student Services. 3-11-29(8) 0-20-11-30(61 2-8-11-30(7) TER needed Sp-23-12-9(8) immediately, NEED FEMALE to sublease REGISTERED NURSES- Tuesday-Friday, Noon-5:30 winter across from campus. Pino Lak* 1 2.50. dents and faculty on cash/ ous undergraduate end grad¬ 2800 Devonshire. Phone 372-8220. 8-12-6(13) 1521 ext. 131.2-11-23-18) • fully carpeted desires, lease 3 blocks cam¬ 'adjacent to new county park rjy'ptr lint ovtr 4 lints • ptr instrtion. carry service parts in stock. uate programs as well as DATA PROCESSING supply • gat hoot and cantral air pus, Call 351-0366 Evenings. L,d Town tds • 4 lints • '2.50 • ptr instrtion. Check our prices and reputa¬ other cultural activities. BEAUTICIAN-FULL time. sales. Are you looking for an conditioning 8-11-30(4) accepting applications for Winter rental |53'pir lint ovtr 4 lints. tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at Experience necessary. Call • swimming pool L | Foundi odi/Transportation ads • 3 lints opportunity to control your 9 24-hour - M .50 - Cedar, 485-2047, 485-9229. The hospital offers excep¬ for appointment. 339-2253. earnings through your capac¬ maintananca One person for 2 bedroom iiMin tional fringe benefits that • play ground for children apartment. Across from cam¬ J par instrtion. 50" ptr lint ovtr 3 lints. West campus shop. 485- include paid vacations end 8-12-6131 ity to work and grow? Salary • no pots pus. Friendly roommates. $92 ■vuiagt 0409. Free wrecker service tuition refunds after 1 year plus commission if you have a month. 332-5669, ask for with repairs with mention of BUSBOYS 5 nights per week a business related FURNISHED 1 bedroom Dtadlints employment. We also offer degree or coll for information 349-3800 Jeff. Z-8-11-30(4) 5:15-11:00 p.m. Permanent, comparable apartment. Close to campus. this ad. Local areas. paid holidays, sick pay, hospi¬ experience in 10-5 Tuosday-Friday L. 2p.m. • I class day btlort publication. C-20-11-30-(11) tal paid health insurance and neat, hardworking individuals data processing. Send your Reasonable. 332-6262. only. Good pay and working 10-2 Saturday FURNISHED DUPLEX apart¬ Z-7-12-2I3I illation/Chongt ■ I p.m. ■ I class day btlort resume to RUSSELL BUSI¬ pension plan. conditions. Call Mr. Solomon ment, 2 bedrooms, near cam¬ I publication. NESS FORMS, INC. P.O. Atad is ordtrtd it cannot bt canctlltd or changed r We Deliver 372-4300, JIM'S TIFFANY Box 15010 Lansing, Michigan Knob Hill pus. Call anytime, 669-9939. QUIET FEMALE, own room Salary is commensurate with PLACE, downtown Lansing. 48901. 12-12-9(151 7-11-23(3) in two bedroom apartment, | until altar I it instrtion. Service! experience. Apply to 6-12-218) Apartments $110/month. 393-4375 or 393- ■1.00 chargt lor I ad changt plus 50'ptr Ross P. Alander 1 BEDROOM apartment cor¬ 6377. Z-7-12-213) Take your American A FEW good territories avail¬ of Haslett and Hagadorn, I additional changt for maximum of 3 changts. Assistant Personnel Director NEW CAR clean up. Part able now. Sell AVON pro¬ ONE FEMALE sublease win¬ ner I Slots Nows will only bt rtsponsiblt for tht 1st compact or subcompact E.W. Sparrow Hospital time students needed morn¬ ducts in East Lansing. 482- ter, spring. 4-man apartment. available Jan. 1., on bus line, EAST MICHIGAN—2 bed¬ I day's incorrtct instrtion. Adjuslmtnl claims must 1215 E. Michigan Ave. ings or afternoons. No experi¬ 6893. C-5-11-30-13) $67.50/month. 351-3581. pets allowed, 351-3342. room, unfurnished, except | btmodt within 10 days oltxpirotian data. Lansing, Mi. 48909 ence necessary, will train. Z-3-11-29(31 2-8^2-5:141 appliances. $200/month. 323- rt duo 7 days from ad BUD KOUTS CHEVROLET. I paid by dut datt. a 50' lata strvict txpiration datt. If not A non-discriminatory 489-6533 ask for Mike Early. ENERGETIC INSTRUCTORS LCC SOUTH r SPACIOUS THREE bed¬ !_658_8J T28-(4)_ chargt will Affirmative action 8-12-6181 needed to teach part time in two bedroom. Laundry, room, modern kitchen with FEMALE NEEDED to sub¬ I bo duo. the East Lansing area for a pat¬ dining Employer. io, close to bus, prefer area, carpeting lease Americana apartment Male/Female/Handicapped DANCERS WANTED for rapidly growing reading com¬ through-out, air conditioning, employed couple, good refer¬ winter term. $80/month. 351- 8-11-30(381 show bar. Must have own pany. Teaching certificate laundry facilities included. ences, no pets, $185 includes transportation. Phone 351- preferred but not required, no utilities. Deposit. 372-9488. I. 3-11-23(6) 9480_Z_3"_^.t- WAITRESS NO experience experience necessary. Send 8-12-6(7) olive ](«j MoiitiveHfci necessary. Apply in person ALLE EY NIGHTCLUB. 7533 Wed., Sat., or Sunday. 8-12-2(4) resume by 11/30/77 to DYNAMIC READING SYS¬ EAST LANSING 1 bedroom EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, furnished, reasonable, one TWYCKINGHAM - apartment to sublet winter/ 3 man 5-11-23(41 TEMS INC. P.O. Box 36177 block from campus, 351- spring. Call 351-4955. In marina 1974. FORD ELITE 1976. Loaded, DENTAL ASSISTANT. Neat, furnished apartment. Close to Grosse | miles, rear defrost, excellent, 8000 miles, $5100. personable, intelligent. Mod¬ Points 48236. Z-3-11-29(13) Michigan campus, bus stop. Call CE¬ 8135. OR-6-11-3013) X^IUM! NOW IS the time to put that DAR GREENS APART- M, 23 mpg. $1900. 337- 323-3709 or 485-9652. ern facilities, excellent pay. MALE ROOMMATE Needed IZ-3-11 28(3) special someone in your MENST, 351-8631. OKEMOS: SPACIOUS, inex¬ 6-11-23131 Enclose recent photo. State FEMALE masseuse wanted. for winter/spring. Close to THE SMALL CAR PEOPLE Christmas Listl Place a pensive one bedroom apart¬ CHRISTMAS PEANUTS News Box F-6. 8-12-2(51 $8/hour. We will train. 489- O-MJ-2315) campus. $70/month. 361- I LESABRE 1969, ex- FORD MAVERICK 1973. ment. Call 351-8135 or 349- PERSONAL ad today. 347 2278. Z-X-20-12-913) NEEDED FEMALE to sublet 2317. 2-8-12-2(3) 1 running condition, Black. 46,000 miles. Nice MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. STORE DETECTIVES-calt from Dec.-June, in four per¬ 9217. 6-11-30(3) condition. 655-4343. Student Services. Prepay¬ Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto 641-6734 between 10 a.m. P21-4585.8-11-23(3) painting-collision service. ment required. Sp-5-11-23(6) and 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. 1 Upartmts V son apartment. 351-9497. Z-6-11-2313) ONE BLOCK from campus. TWICKINGHAM TWO bed¬ room apartments available SEDAN FORD TORINO, 1974. 302 American-foreign care. WANTED COCKTAIL wait¬ 0-16-11-30(3) Entire two bedroom apart¬ now or in January. Call 351- 485-0256. C-20-11-30-14) ment available and room¬ IlE, 1968 loaded, new V-8, automatic, power steer¬ ress nights 5-12 p.m. Apply in MSU-FRANDOR large 1 bed- ROOMMATE NEEDED, 4- mates needed for other apart- 7m_OR-6-11^W3l_ I battery, tires. Needs COCKTAIL WAITRESS ing and brakes. $1350. 627- person. No experience nec¬ room, air conditioning, car- man apartment, 'A block $400. 694-0533. REFILIABLE WINDSHIELD needed for nights. HUDDLE ments. Call 351-8135, 351- SPARROW NEAR 3 bed¬ < 9315.^126-141 wiper blade for your foreign essary. HUDDLE NORTH SOUTH, 820 West Miller Rd., peting, balcony, call 339-9522 from campus, $92/month. 1957, or 351-3873. room duplex. Near bus line. LOUNGE, 309 N. Washing¬ or 332-3116. 5-11-30(3) 332-0053. 3-11-23(3) IMPALA 1973, low mileage, car in stock at CHEQUERED Lansing. 882-7579. Please ap- 0-14-11-3016) $195. 374-7367. 6-11-3013) ton, downtown Lansing. FLAG FOREIGN CAR 1967 DeVille, excellent condition. Call 321- 5-11-23(6) plyjn^tson. J IT IS the policy of the STATE BOOKS, MAGAZINES, YAMAHA SKIS, 95c; Hu- MISSING: FEMALE Great IT IS the policy of the STATE PRINTING SUB-LEASE one bedroom Leaves Trowbridge station AND TYPING. NEWS that the last 4 weeks comics and morel CURIOUS manic boots, size 10; even¬ Dane. Color; Brindle. Name: NEWS that the last 4 weeks Olaertatlons, Dec.-Sept. $210/per month Dutchess. Broken ear. Lost of term all Student Classified 8:20 a.m. daily. Group rates, resumes, general of term all Student Classified BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand ings 489-0866. 5-11-23(3) printing furnished, dishwasher. Call Okemos vicinity, Reward. Advertising must be paid for discount tickets. 332-5061; Serving MSU for 27 years 5. Z-3-11-23(3) Advertising must be paid for River. 332-0112. toll free 809621-0353. in advance SKI BOOTS Garmond size Call 349-1330.4-11-23(5) In advance beginning Nov¬ with complete theses service beginning Nov¬ C-20-11-30-13) 2-11-23(51 11. $20. Lange size 9%, $30. ember 14,1977. Bring or mail 3490850. ember 14,1977. Bring or mail C-3911-39(5) to 347 Student Services. j Hoists {t to 347 Student Services. FURNISHED ROOMS avail¬ Ski poles, E-5-11-23I3I $5. 332-8316. LOST: AT or around Sp-23-12-9(8) FLORIDA BOUND bus for SMALL HOUSE for rent. Sp-23-12-9(8) able in large house, all uti¬ lities included, from $85/ Dooley's. Women's watch. Silver band with a blue face. X-mas break, Dec. 17-28. If SHAAREY s!08* «■ ZFDrr si L NORTH CLEMENS, fur¬ 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ SKI FOR less: Colorado on a you want to come call Paul Suitable for one couple.East side of Lansing. No children, nished, female. All house month. Call EQUITY 351-1500. 0-6-11-3014) VEST at ers. Tanks cannisters, end Rewerd. 349-4327 after 6 p.m. 3-11-29(5) budget. Complete listing of 374-7153. X-11-12-913) C-?;1J-30I3|_ h,r "ofics-l pets. $150 and utilities. Pat, 371-2800 days, after 5 p.m. privileges. Near bus. Drive¬ way, parking. 487-6390, PRE HOLIDAY Antique Sale- up-rights. Guaranteed on full year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS inexpensive lodgine, restaur¬ ants Er bars at ski areas. Pays WE BUY newspapers, any all ne»-- r 8-12-1(41 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. for itself the first night. Sent quantity Monday-Friday, 8 chandise jus,"'!*1 "* l 484 6403.2-11-23(6) 3 BEDROOM house, Ann St. 214 CHARLES ST. 526 Sun¬ Up to 20% discount. Good variety. 2 days only, Friday and Saturday, 316 North Cedar, opposite City Market. C-20-11-30-16) [ Personalf/) $3.95: CDS, Box 2870, Vail, Colo. 81657. Z-8-12-518) a.m.-5 p.m. at 916 Filley Lansing. 323-7476. 911-2314) St., Christmas. 6:30 „J? !»l set Lane. $20-$25/week 10am-6pm. Unfurnished, $300/month. including utilities. Lease to MEAN MULE SHOP, Dimon- dale, 646 0312. 2-11-23 (7) VIDEOTAPE-SONY model IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks TWELVE YEARS experience typing theses, manuscripts, CONTEMPORARY GOSPEL Elementary Road a< Mt. Scho^Sl Hoca'p? "N Stove and refrigerator and June 10. 351-6847. 12-12-9(41 garage included. 8-11-23(5) 349-2624. MALE-CLEAN, furnished, SIGNATURE SEWING ma- V0I6OO player recorder, tuner, $1000. 321-4150. 8-11-23(3) of term all Student Classified Advertising must be paid for [ SinriM ||j§ term papers. Evenings, 679 7544. C-20-11-30-131 group looking for piano play¬ er, gratis call 625-7239 or 394- 90 to red cfnao** EAST LANSING near MSU share modern $88 per month. kitchen, bath, 485-1436. chine, excellent condition, like new. $100, 489-6062. REVOX A-77 mktv Open in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14, 1977. Bring or BRING YOUR prescription to OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2617 COPYGRAPH SERVICE 6013. 911-29(3) SmXT-'V*1 furnished house for rent, up mail to 347 Student Services. Complete dissertation and OR-6-11-3013) reel. 15 hours use. Absolute to 5 students renting, good 3-11-23(3) Sp-23-12-9181 E. Michigan, Lansing, 372- ' resume service. Corner mint condition, $725. Don, 7409. 0-6-11-30(31 condition. 1216 E. Michigan. M.A.C. end Grand River, 8:30 girl needed for own room, WATER BEDS are bedder at 337-9625. 8-12-1(31 For further details 361-5937. -5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- SOUNDS AND DIVER¬ FREE LESSON in complexion 8-11-28(6) $130. Call 339-9360 after 4 SIONS. Open till 9 p.m. MARANTZ POWER amp 140 25 Years Together 1666. C-2911-39(51 p.m. 8-12-2(3) care. MERLE NORMAN weeknights. Downtown with 75 watts per channel. A COSMETIC STUDIO 321- EXPERIENCED IBM MALE ROOMMATE needed to share re om in house 2 blocks from campus begin¬ ROOMMATE NEEDED house four blocks from cam¬ for across from Knapps. 484- 3855.0-1-11-23(5) new 350, ask $175., tuner- 125 new $340. Ask $170. Both new. Ricardo. 349-9614. tlYr\ 5543. C-20-11-30-13) FOR QUALITY stereo Dissertations, FAY ANN, 489-0358. typing. (pica-elite) ning winter term. 351-7241 pus. 351-0977 or 351-8135. INSTANT CASH. We're pay¬ ser¬ C-20-11-30-13) ask for Kevin. Z-812-614) Z-3-11-2315) vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE OR-6-11-3013) ing $1-2 for albums in good 555 East Grand River. EXPERT TYPING by MSU LARGE OLDER home, close LARGE SINGLE-block from shape. WAZOO RECORDS, IT IS the policy of the STATE 223 Abbott, E. Lansing. 337- C-20-11-39(3) grad. 17 years experience. to campus, five bedroom, campus for male. Clean, NEWS that the lest 4 weeks Near Gables. Call 337-0205. large dining room, living quiet furnished, $65 month. 0974.JJ-1-11-23(5) of term all Student Classified OR-13-11-3013) 332-8498. 3-11-29(3) BUDGET REQUEST forms room with fireplace. Available CHRISTMAS GIFT ideas get¬ Advertising must be paid for for 1978 funding from SMAB winter, 351-8154 after 3 p.m. in advance beginning Nov¬ ting you down? Place a are available in Room 307 LOOKING FOR A OWN ROOM in Lansing Christmas Peanuts Personal ember 14,1977. Bring or mail 4JV28I6) house $85 month plus utili¬ Ad to 347 Student Sen/ices. CONGRATULATIONS Student Services. Rsturn by GREAT JOB?-get a head today, and surprise that Nov. 28,5 p.m. B-1-11-2315) that first impre. FEMALE-SHARE large room ties. Winter Spring, 372- You made it Mom Er Dadl t on special someone in your life. Sp-23-12-9(81 Here's to 25 more. Cheersl by having your resume in house. $72.50/month, fur¬ 8257 X-25-12-2(3)' State News Classified, 347 COMPLETE REPAIR service The Typecutter Student Services. Prepay¬ SMITH-CORONA typewriter, Love, Dean. S-1-11-23(3) typeset. nished, close to campus. 351- for stereo's, TV's, tapes, make your credentials ment required. Sp-5-11-23(7) cartridge 2200. Brand new. ^._9_1923(4) 351-4203 after 5 p.m. guitars, banjos, band instru¬ stand out in any stack of THREE MINUTES to cam- ments. MARSHALL MUSIC, mes. Looks much bet- pus-3 bedroom, 2 bath town- For Sale ^ SEWING MACHINES. Guar¬ anteed reconditioned ma¬ 2 11-28131 DO YOUR own divorce. We will show you how. Approxi¬ 351-7830. C-1-11-23(4) than typing. Give house. Includes appliances __ a call -we're very, chines from $39.95. New HAGAN 300 fiberglass skis. 6 mately $75. Mi. Clark, 339 and dishwasher, yard and JEEPS-$59.30' 200,000 items, 2670. 11-12-9131 very reasonable. 487-9295 machines from $69.50, ft. long. Tyrolia bindings, garage. Fully carpeted and drapes. Available Dec. 18- Government surplus, direc¬ tory tells where and how to EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CO. 1115 N. Washington, poles, and woman's 8 Vail [ Real Estate j|«, TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Couple preferred. $310/ boots. $125 never used. Ann Fast and reasonable. 371- buy, Michigan Area, money 489-6448. C-20-11-31(7) EAST LANSING immediate month. 482-9226. 2-11-2319) back guarantee, send $2.25, SURPLUS INFORMATION Early, 487-9319. 3-11-23(5) ; PmbPirsMd SI1 occupancy, bedroom on spacious four large lot, 2'A 4635. C-20-11-39(3) TWO females own room in SERVICE, P.O. Box 95638, INSTANT REPAIR service on BLOCK TO campus. Fast, 4 baths, finished basement, man house, January-June. Cleveland, Ohio 44101. stereo, CB and TV. One day Amnals reasonable, experienced. $93/month + deposit. 351 - 5362_Z_2 11:23(3) Z-8-11-29(8) service on most repairs. WIL¬ COX TRADING POST 485- two car garage, owners anxious. Call Paul Coady, Term papers, editing. 332- VWve got your numbst. MUSSELMAN REALTY, 332- 8498, 351-1711. 912-6(4) 4391. C-14-11-30(4) FREE: 8 week old kittens to DESIRE FACULTY rental. This Week's Special good home. Paper trained. 3582. C-3-11-29(7) Grossbeck area $395. Four TERM PAPERS, thesis, dis¬ WE PAY up to Call 351-8195 after 5 p.m. bedrooms, central air, family $2 for LP's b sertation typing; IBM pica or 5-5-11-23(4) room, dishwasher. Call even¬ cassettes-also buying/selling elite, call 332-2078. 45's, songbooks, magazines. 0 11 12-9(3) ings. 484-3432 13 12-9(41 DUPLEX-3 bedrooms plus FLAT, BLACK b CIRCULAR upstairs 541 E. Grand River. Homes I* [Traisportatiei [[&] TYPING FAST and reason¬ study, brand new; 2 full Open 11 a.m., 351-0838. NEEDED: RIDE to Florida able, 394-4729, electric type baths. 9 month lease, $400. C-4-11-23(6) IT IS the policy of the STATE during X-mas break. Call Carl writer: pica. C-911-3013) NEWS that the last 4 weeks 332-6219 after 6 C_al!_339-2600. 8-12-2(41 SKI BOOTS size 12, never of term all Student Classified at Z-4-11-23131 p.m. Do You Havo Our's IT IS the policy of the STATE TYPING TERM papers and used, $50. Solomon 555's advertising must be paid for thesis, IBM experienced, fast NEWS that the last 4 weeks in advance of term all Student Classified bindings, set, $50. 351-5186. beginning Nov¬ service. Call 351-8923. X-E-5-11 (23) ember 14,1977. Bring or mail advertising must be paid for in advance beginning Nov¬ to 347 Student Services. RELAX-RIDE ..0-20-11-39(31 Stat* Nowj Sp-23-12-9(8l UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS ember 14,1977. Bring or mail DINETTE SET 4 chairs 30x48 to 347 Student Services Sp-23-12-918) table, $79. 3 full floors of furniture to BERKS FURNITURE in the select from 8"X35" MOBILE home. One bedroom, extras galore! Semi AMTRAK Leave E. COMPLETE DISSERTATION AND RESUME SERVICE: typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ Classified Advertising furnished, 351-2220. Lansing set printing and binding. For Rtons APPLES, CIDER. BLOSSOM "Old Schoolhouse" 4801 N. Z-7-12-2-13) daily 8:20 a.m. estimate stop in at 2843 East ORCHARDS, The Wadow- U.S. 27 at State Rd. Call 482- Grand River or phone, 332- Group rates—discount ROOM IN farmhouse unfur¬ nished, 10 miles from cam¬ ski's 2 miles N. of Leslie, 3597 6241. 8-11-23(8) Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours, FOR SALE: Great Lakes 12 x 50 ft. two bedroom. New Smart apartment owners tickets 8414. C-12-11-30171 355-8255 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays, ELECTRIC STOVE-4 burners, pus. $65 'month * 1/4 utili¬ 1-589-8251 Gift packages 2 ovens; excellent condition; fence, carpeting, and storage know-the best way to find 332-5051 Find a winter-ready car in the ties. Call 332-2191. shed. Close to MSU, many the need is with a today's Classified section. On shipped by UPS. best offer. 372-3891. extras. Best offer, call 351- Classified Ad Try one. Phone that first cold morning, you'll Z-3-11-23131 OR-20-11-30-18) 7 11-30(3) (800)621-0353 1331.911-29(51 355 8255 be glad you did! THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★ Save Time ★Save Money Dependable Films and Individuals Ready and Eager tn serve you STEREO REPAIR AUTO SERVICE BARBER BAKERY PROMOTION TRAVEL HAIRSALOM i nwww i ivn MUSIC SPARTAN BIRTHDAY CAMS People Read Our MUFFLER CENTER UNION Baking is our Business I 'BRAKES BUILDING ' Hand decorated cakes PROFESSIONAL AUDIO 'SHOCKS BARBER * All occasion cakes BUSINESS * HOTEL RESERVATIONS • Buff aft 'FRONT END WORK SHOP Cookies, donuts. and other REPAIR goodies SERVICE • DoFord eMarlgaux * Three full - time professionally 20% RK Products ' Cokes delivered to your dorm COLLESi TRAVEL • Sllngerland • King * Complete Test facilities STUDENT DISCOUNT •Layer Cuts or apartment (payment due DIRECTORY OFFICE Stop Where the ON ALL WORK •Latest Styling when delivered) Pnfeinmale Gather 130 W. Grand Rhrtr 'Women's Haircuts You Just Did! 24B-IMB WITH I.D. KWAST BAKIRIES East Laming 8 - 5:30 Mon. - Fri. ■time Borrow 717 s. pennsylvania 3593359 484-1317 CALLDARYL 351-0010 487-9332 Mon.-Frt, 7:00 5:3 355-8255 THE TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS" BICYCLE SHOP PROMOTION ARTS & CRAFTS CATERING SERVICE CHILDREN'S SHOES JEWELRY OPTOMETRIST IT PAYS M.S.U. THE COMPLETE CO-OPTICAL TO READ WEDDING SERVICE Union Catering the old town arts t crafts Antiques, gifts "Catering Specialists" JEWELRY: Diamonds & SERVICES Custom mode jewelry. 'Wedding Receptions CHILDREN'S Wedding rings by Itorttaaahf'.Oali FINE _ , SHOE STORE 'Breakfasts, Luncheons, Cllpiratkr. Opthati Croft Classes IN PR AN DOR Dinners PRINT! Or. 1. R Nixon, ■ ~ a/in uarveo Complete line ef mocrame t Optomrtrltt 'Bar (■farts m4 CNMrer'i SHOES bead .upplie. Setups 'Take-out Service •WMHMB-KEE • EYES EXAMINED Always accepting original art * • GLASSES work on 'Meeting Rooms and Orthopedic Shoes consignment. * Tap and BsNti the State News 241s n. Cedar. Holt Equipment * JtWIUtY • • CONTACT LENS P.F. Flyers 494-3102 * Cowboy Boots 337-1314 is the finest Jek— OritoM (OwtMf • Arttit) * 319 E.Grand Rlvar 13111. OraadMnr r»e«. Set. IM tvw. 11-4 dated Men. 355-3465 Ho u* Slippers E. Lansing, Michigan IraakfWdHaa PHOTOGRAPHY -8LS1L. 3H-5339 HEALTH FOOD FURNITURE COUNSELIHC PROMOTION TOBACCONIST instant passport photos 10% discount ACAAR MBBIlie CO. PROBLEM mar this «omth« Color 2 lor'7 50 add.'5 50 B»W2for'7.50odd.'4.50 to all msu students I Box mado hart tn Spring, Laming PREGNANCY BE at tim otom wl«| rltumi portraits 372-1560 24 Hours on of $2 TWIN '49" in W.hiveH'" COLOR PORTRAIT SETTING or mare, MARITAL Including B wallets '12.50 yogurt, and broad, oxdudad DOUBLE "59" PROBLEMS? •^"'^^.Duuns odditionol printing at timo of order .60 eo. Dannon Yogurt 31" Odd sizes to order NEED TO TALK? PLACE •Pipet bySavintUi DOUGLAS aBIMGER PHOTOGRAPHY RANDALL HEALTH FOOD CATHOLIC •21 Red Door pipe tobMC°N SOCIAL •I ku determlart U* rHW to ' Brookfield Plaza Acme Bedding Co. SERVICES 1381 i. Grand Rlvar Evening, by oppf. 222-3028 332-6192 40s Cherry a Kalamazoo Phono 487 -4995 'CanHelp' ADVERTISE 332-4269 CMIi] Call 372-4020 with Oaryl-dial 3S5-S253 Advertise the Yellow Page way - Call Daml 355-8255 Stote News, East lonsing, Michigan Wednesday, November 23. 19771 5 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE di®siy M§Mii§ta by Bill Yates sponsored by: h T. DAN POMLBIRC DBCIMHRSth MtU AUDITORIUM j (6)WJIM-TV(CBS) (lO)WUX-TV(NBC) (ll)WElM-TV(Coble) (I2)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) ftCWF A eWETSHt- COURTA FOOT PEEP (N OF 6alt. THAT (12) Emergency Onal ZEF&W& THE *TAKS ClJ (II) Impressions (12) Eight is Enough our /u/lkyway galaxy/ 5:00 7:10 • (6) Guntmoke (23) Nova AHLT OHE TITTTE GRAIN ' (23) Big Bill: Story of a (11) Sights and Sounds •PWARP THEEHFlfi OUt (10) Emergency One I Heron (23) WKAR Membership- 7:30 8:55 40EAt SY5TE/M UHEtE -= Pledge Drive (23) WKAR Membership- u>E THotHtoiU / (6-12) Price is Right Pledge Drive _^= 5:10 (10) Hollywood Squares 9:00 (23) Milter Rogers (11)Teevee Trivia (10) Movie 5:30 7:45 (12) Rookies (12) Charlie's Angels (23) WKAR Membership- (11) Won Chuen (11) News Pledge Drive 5:40 8:00 9:10 (23) Lure of the Dolphins PEANUTS ® sponsored by: cleaners tUIDIS (23) wkar Membership- Pledge Drive (6) Once Upon o Brothers 10:00 by Schulz ",n laundry U!U"R"" AND Grimm 5:50 (6) George Burns LEATHERS (10) Grixily Adams (12) Baretta 332-3537 CLIANID (23) Electric Company 6:00 COULDN'T FIND ANY (6-10-12) News MSU SHADOWS @ POLAR BEARS, HUH? (11) Baha'l: New World TV Series by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: =3" 6:20 (23) wkar Membership- PXKB ALL PETE'S Pledge Drive Present this really 6:30 tunny comic for 25' worth of free play! Not valid Fri. t Sot. Night,, (6) CBS News (10) NBC News (12) ABC News (23) Dick Cavett (11) Block Notes Today'! Special: 7:00 Topopo Salad (6) My Three Sons FRANK & ERNEST •2.00 A Gourmet Treat! (10-12) Mary Tyler Moore by Bob Thaves EL AZTECO RESTAURANT (23) WKAR Membership- 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 Pledge Drive a Bondage feti^hot, eh? untie him and let him go ... 3.9" EA. it'll $efv£ him Right. Iprinit-In-Q-mlnlt I COPYING/DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS 1 " "" " Tha4£> Fonda won't return group allegedly received at Friday's show. •Council received notices from the Lansing Board of Realtors and the Waterfront Development Board for support of the proposed where loans When her group of 15 arrived at the Civic Center, they were R.E. Olds Museum. ... informed that their tickets, purchased two months earlier, had areinstant •Also received was a request by Courtesy and Yellow Cabs for for free CMU talk been sold, Teachout said. They were asked to leave and return Saturday for a matinee performance. The members refused to increased rate fares. The cab companies are asking for a 20-cent increase for the first one-seventh of a mile, and a ten-cent ii i msu employees^ leave and were given some seats, but the remainder stood near the in the standing taxi fare. f CREDIT UNION , MOUNT PLEASANT (UPI) grant program and ending fire exit. Actress Jane Fonda has Dow's program of giving equip¬ •Council also passed a resolution to name the police heliport and — announced that she won't be ment to the university. "I wish you could have been there," she said, "We were treated like second-class citizens." pistol range after Lansing police officer Mac Donnelly, Jr., who able to return to Central The university's sociology de¬ was killed by a bank robbery suspect last June. The council assured the group that it would not happen again. Michigan University and re¬ partment asked Miss Fonda to answer Oreffice's charges Dec. In other business, council: spond to Dow Chemical Co. President Paul Oreffice's char 5. However, her agent told •Received formal notice of the City Club's plan to buy the that she was an "avowed Poxson Building. ges university officials Monday that Communist sympathizer." the actress' schedule did not •Tabled for another week a resolution on funding for the Fonda spoke at Central Oct. allow her to take on any reconstruction of the Kalamazoo St. bridge. Council member 10 in a speech attacking big additional commitments. Baker said he is still concerned with the Board of Water and Light business and Dow, whose After the Oct. 10 speech. American receiving Federal funds for work on the project. If funded by the headquarters are in Miss Fonda had said she would federal grant, the Board of Water and Light will gain $140,000. Midland, Mich. Oreffice re return to the school and speak The resolution was referred to City Attorney Timothy W. sponded by cutting off a $3,500 for free. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS an SERVICE INC. 4980 PARK LAKI RD.r IAST LANSING (FORMERLY ROBERTS AUTOMOTIVE) Sfee utomotli/e w'M be closed £flmbsgmg ^Dag. 'Sffie new management thanks you Jo/t you/t pat/ionage • we app/ieciate it! ^aufcsguTngf! GRADUATE STUDENTS Winter Term Referenda Proposed Constitution Changes: Article IV part B shall be repealed. Article IV part B currently reads: "The classes of representative membership defined in Section A of this article shall be mutually exclusive. No member of COGS may belong to more than one of these classes, except in such ex officio capacity as may be specified in the Bylaws." Explanation: ( hange would allow department representatives or officers to serve <>n University committees. B. Article VI part B #1 shall read as follows: "The elections shall be held during the second to the last regularly sceduled Spring Term meeting." Explanation: The change would put time of elections in agreement with other organizations. C. Article X part C shall read as follows: "< Iffieers of C<)(IS, department representatives and committee repre¬ sentatives shall receive compensation only if authorized by unanimous vote of the Council during a regularly scheduled meeting." Explanation: Changes allow Council to consider compensation for officers. I). An additional fifty cents |50c| per term refundable tax shall be collected beginning Spring 1978. Explanation: Funds will be used to increase services to graduate students (ie„ copy service will be open all day). E. A fifty cents |50c| per term refundable tax shall be collected beginning Spring 1978 for Legal Services Subsidy. Explanation: Graduate students would receive legal services without charge at the time of use. *Vote During Registration — December 12th thru 16th and January 3 rd and 4th. For more information Stop by or call: 1 Office Hours 316 Student Services phone 353-9189 i AnHS^L Monday-Friday 8-12 Q Tuesday ft Thursday 7-9:30 p.m.