TWO ZIMBABWEAN BASES SMASHED Smith's forces kill 1,200 By JOHN EDLIN Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African Na¬ Smith said last week that he SALISBURY, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) (AP) tional Union, agreed to country broke away from Britain on the largest of the two guerrilla the principle of one-man, one-vote elections, White-minority issue of black majority rule. — government forces armies fighting to smashed two Zimbabwean black nationalist topple Smith's white a major demand of the nationalists, in bases in Mozambique, killed at least 1,200 minority government. return for guaranteed Observers believe the three local black Officials believe Mugabe has about 9,000 safeguards for the guerrillas and destroyed large quantities of country's 268,000 whites. nationalist groups have the support of more men, more than 3,500 in Zimbabwe and the than 80 percent of Zimbabwe's 6.4 million war supplies, the government said Monday. rest in Bishop Abel Muzorewa, the Rev. Ndaba- Mozambique. If 1,200 guerrillas were ningi Sithole and Chief Jeremiah Chirau, blacks. But they do not have direct control Mozambique accused the country of a killed in the raid, it would mean he has lost over the the three non-militant nationalist leaders, guerrillas, whose leaders have "slaughter." It placed the deaths at "more nearly one-fifth of his forces. than 80" and said most of the victims were have given qualified called the Smith plan a deceit. The second guerrilla acceptance to the women and children with few army, the Zimbabwe prime minister's proposed talks. Initial guerrillas African Peoples' Union headed The government forsees a settlement slain. by Joshua discussions were expected sometime next Nkomo, is estimated to have about 3,000 that will allow properly The devastating ground and air raids week to lay the groundwork for a formal supervised elec¬ men, several hundred inside the tions to produce the country's first black across the country's eastern border came as country constitutional conference leading to elec¬ and others in government, sources said. They white Prime Minister Ian Smith was neighboring Zambia. tions. also hope the present government Sove face. blade or Those alkaline shaving products t electric razor break down your t j SAM'S STORE VALUES precious natural acid mantle. Your Iace is then su to unsightly razor burn, 4 left unprotected agalns J destructive environment. FLANNEL SHIRTS FROM GREAT Since most men shave at least once a day, c should be without greoseless, alcohol-free, RM $£98 Shove Conditioner. It provides your face wi J caliber conditioning 6 protection, which OVERALLS. WHITE. DENIM and CORDUROY FOOD! healthy skin requires. Coll Debro, our skin-core consultant, for a free c( lotion. She'll Introduce those great conditioning, | WORK BOOTS FROM balanced RK skin products you've been seeif Playboy, Esquire, Gentlemen's Quarterly. Illustrated. SIZE 2Vz thru 13 AFFORDABLE PRICES! STEEL TOES FROM 6>/2 CALL FOR A FREE to 13 Greek Specialities CONSULTATION! SWEATERS - CREW AND American, Too SIGOURNEY-JONES TURTLENECK STARTING AT Hairstyling for Men & Women Vegetarian dishes also $9.°° to *15.°° 484-1491 . DINNERS FROM $3.95 694-8101 SAM'S STOREcorner of ABBOTT & GRAND RIVER Just 10 minutes twiy 1 Block East of the Capitol 337-SAMS Free Evening parking. ^ I^.» state News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 29, 1977 7 SPARTANS BEST SINCE 1968 Heisman for Campbell? Gymnasts anticipate success By United Press International on a 60-yard pass — to help the rushing, with 1,744 yards. He Texas fullback Earl Camp¬ Longhoms to a 57-28 victory also averaged 6.9 yards a support in the all-around from bell, who has been exciting carry, •5SSS- '( have to suffer prize freshman Marvin Gibbs. The North Carolina native finished thmd among more than 75 athletes. while healthy, wasn't far off. 0n the parallel bars. point of 8.55 last season. War¬ football fans all season while over Texas A&M, the South¬ west Conference title and a trip scored 19 touchdowns, and could finish the season as the will Doug Campbell, Sturrock and Craig ner has "good potential." leading the surprising Long- to the Cotton Bowl nation's leading point producer. particularly make his presence MacLean is, in Szypula's words, horns to against No. an undefeated season, 5 Notre Dame on Jan. 2. And he felt in the floor exercise. Kudolph are a first class trio on 'J coach George Szy- e nigh bar. Rudolph and "getting it all together" and will Spartan all-arounders get saved his best for last. probably ran off with the "They are a fine bunch of 'JJthe MSU men's gym- "The key man is Gibbs, by Campbell each broke the 9.00 be well-complemented by Ru- their meir first ursi taste of ot the 1977-78 Saturday, in Texas' final Heisman Trophy as well. young men. They have over¬ UUS, the lean years are far," Szypula said. "He's got dolph, Jenkins and Charlie campaign this weekend at the come situations like losing mark last season and game of the regular season and tremendous style and, with a Sturrock, Fanta. The latter hit a high Ball State (Ind.) Invitational the last "If Earl Campbell doesn't win three quarterbacks and the top little more regular-season game of kicker in the country Russell v. finally recruited some difficulty in his Campbell's college football ca¬ the Heisman Trophy," said this is the best group routine, he'll be among the top A&M defensive end Phil Erxleben missed the Aggie reer, the amazing senior gained j men I've had in a three in the Big Ten." Bennett, "they ought to throw game with a pulled thigh a career-high 222 yards rushing muscle. "But they didn't com Szypula said. On the rings, the Spartans and scored four times — once the thing away." ^ 1968 has the well- have what Szypula calls a "great plain ... and we just went on." "He's something special," mentor had so much one-two punch" in Tom Meagt added Texas' rookie coach, Singling out senior quarter¬ har and Tom Tomkow. yhisdispose. It was 1968 Meag- Fred Akers, who took his team back Randy McEachem, Akers har scored a •Spartans last won the season-high of 8.90 from a 5-5-1 record last year to said, "Randy has gained con¬ last year, averaging more than fidence with him." McEachem 11-0 this season. "But, even captain Jeff Rudolph is 8.00 as a freshman. Kansas though he had a tremendous completed six of 13 passes for wesson for Siypula's frosh Jeff Warner could work as game, he'll be the first one to 172 yards and four touchdowns - After competing as an all-arounder but more (continued from page 6) likely tell you he didn't get all those against A&M. -No. 1 ali-arounder will specialize on the rings, one yards by himself. I can't imag¬ attitude of any team in many Rudolph was one of of his better events. ine what else he would have to Med Sutes Gymnasts years . . . they've done a great Vaulting will provide MSU job and we're proud of them, do to convince people that he "How t the nation at the with a huge question mark, should win even the guys that have lost," the Heisman Games in Israel last written by Brian Sturrock. The said Peninger. Trophy." ge placed fourth on the Pennsylvania senior was in¬ By now, most people are lip smong athletes from jured last season, and how Thursday the squad travels to I found convinced. He has a four-year the world. soundly he has recovered is still Penn State for a nine-team career total of 4,443 yards and pommel horse was the open to debate. There have tournament and will be facing led the nation this year in went on which Rudolph been signs of encouragement Clarion State, Lehigh, Mary¬ average 8.00 or better but Szypula is reserving judge¬ land. Michigan, Penn State, inter. His improvement, with Ann Arbor senior jimmonds and freshman ment. Charlie Jenkins appears to be picking up where he left off at Pittsburgh, Syracuse and the U.S. Naval Academy. The Spar¬ tans will be going against some , for MONEY Education or "helping people. ." Job Training 36 extra Piescott, will make that season's end in April. As a stiff competition. Peninger much better for MSU. freshman, he averaged near realizes this, but isn't too may be able to HELP YOU all-around men will help 8.50 and turned in a high score concerned. find out HOW - for detailed information: send gepth in specialists is of 8.80. Competing in the days "It'll be a tough one. There's *3 TODAY Szypula said. "All I've " Midwest Open at Rolling Mea¬ jo is get 'em to hit." dows, 111., this weekend, Jen¬ no way this bunch of guys can do bad, though," he said. "It's very along with your name ond ph will get plenty of kins hit a vault of 9.10 and address to: gratifying when you get into HELPING PEOPLE... INC. last,, coaching to find guys like this. P.O. BOX 4144 Their attitude has been just INDUSTRIAL STATION tremendous." ST. PAUL, MINN. SS104 aches, seniors year" ction MSU tickets MSU SPORTS CLUBS "I used to be too athletic director Joe PRESENT uncomfortable to do much of anything when , basketball coach Jud The MSU band and cheer¬ State News. Kathy Kilbury had my menstrual and Bruce llnkefer, Spartan freshman, works out on the pommel horse in prepara¬ period. It was like losing hockey coach leaders will also be there and tion for the regular season opener at Penn State Dec. 16th. llnkefer is a former at least three days every CRNCUN Itssone will join with the WVIC disc jockey Bob Berry is class council at Dooley's the master of ci East Lansing High School gymnast and diver expected to lend support to a blue- month Then, last year, I Jay night and auction ribbon group of MSll all-arounders. switched to Tampax e money for tampons. Now I'm or class council, always on the go." council will then use the YOUR CANCUN HOLIDAY INCLUDES: Making every day to purchase the Univer- * Roundtrip airfare to Cancun via United Airlines count is what Tampax gift that the senior class ASMSU Travel DC-8 chartered jet. tampons are all about nally buys. * Complimentary meals and open bar in flight both basketball tickets for Announces ways. They eliminate 1 hating, * Roundtrip transfers airport/hotel. bulk and bulges In tact, i game, Indiana * Seven nights accommodations in Cancun, once the tampon is prop¬ the Minnesota game * Welcome Cancun cocktail upon arrival. Spring Break 78" auctioned along with erly in plate you 1 ant * Complete baggage handling and bellmen gratuities. * All tips and taxes for included features. even feel it s there autographed by the * U.S. and Mexican departure taxes. And Tampax also two * Hospitality desk service in hotel lobby to assist tampons are uniquely e hockey with booking optional tours. lor the Michigan and designed to conform to games being Anyone wearing green Cancun " WoiuM HURRY... THIS FINE SUN-N-FUN TOUR IS OPEN TO EVERYONE BUT SPACE IS individual vaginal con¬ tours. Whit h means will receive a free Mar 20-27 LTD. Reservations may be made in there's less chain e ot sticker. J(n, (f>.oG RM. #131, Mens IM. Bldg., or call leakage or In pass addition to Kearney, •and Bessone giving a from (toiti 353-5103. Last signup day, Dec. 1 With Tampax Direct From Lansing tampons you get a lot will be filmed high- dthe 1977 MSU football and 1976 basketball s38900 $429.00 Dec. 17th- Dec. 24th, 1977 more da\s out ot the year. And a lot more fun out of life. Both Trips Include Fly the y&ndly sides of United. • Round trip non-stop air transportation C/FMM $33900- 0^6 TAMPAX. • 7 nights accommodation at, \UJJ UniTGD AIRLineS i 'at' Limited Space!! sign up early for more information call 353-5255 ,— or stop by 333 Union. (Jr DON'T MISS THE GREAT CHRISTMAS TAPE SPECIAL FROM HI FI BUYS AND MAXELL CLIP AND SAVE NE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD COCKTAILS TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 3 FOR *18.00 BUFFET FREE | FREE FREE cassette | maxell belt metal take-up 0r9e assortment of Entrees $2.75 . storage case i buckle reel 'holds 12 cassettes' including Veal Parmesan "Paul Simons Greatest Hits, Etc! Slip Slidin'Away, Stranded in a Limousine, Still Crazy After All These Years, PITCHER NIGHT HI-FI BUYS Kodachrome, Duncan, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard, I Do It for Your Love, Have a Good Time. Something So 1101 E. GRAND RIVER 4810 W.SAGINAW Right, American Tune, All Beer 25% off Mother and Child Reunion, Loves Me Like a Rock, Take Me to the Mardi Gras. E.l. PH. 337-1767 LAN. PH. 321-2373 On Columbia Records and Tapes. «»««»• WINE SPECIAL M-F10-8S- 9-5 M-F 11-8 S 9-5 - - opr., H°u»® wines 20% off DISC SHOP Dorit miss Pauls TVspeeial, December8th on NBC-TVat 9 PM. up£NDA/ly, INCLUDING SUNDAY (Next to Peoples Churchj mSm 323 E.GRAND RIVER E. I. PH. 351-5380 M-TH 10-8 F 10-9 S 10-6 |)tu, PH. 337-1755 "•grand river east lansing g Michigan Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Tu«doy,Nov,mb6rJ Antiwar meeting Arkansas Sen. McClellan dies in The first local meeting of the Mobilization for Survival, an organization which opposes the arms race, will be held at 7 p.m. (continued from page 1) sine tonight at the United Ministries in Higher Education, 1118 S. 1960s, and in many other was active on other areas. Harrison Rd. The main objectives of the national organization include many legislative fronts. He was the When aroused, was a thunderous McClellan Prosecuting attorney .J orator and elimination of nuclear driving force behind the pas¬ often made the Senate weapons, the banning of nuclear power and ring as he The sage last year of the first denounced criminals, senator's first stopping the arms race. The group also opposes Project Seafarer advocated they had two and proposed state nuclear waste complete revision of U.S. copy¬ the death hisI second child disposal sites. right law since 1909. He also penalty as a deter¬ wife died Formed in April, MFS includes members of Pirgim, the Human rent for heinous crimes, and had three aft] Rights Party and the Lansing Energy Affairs Network. won Senate passage last year of defended the use of children. All 1 by law enforcementwiretapping what was regarded as the most significant overhaul of patent law since 1836. The House, Since August 1972, he been chairperson of the officers. had WoTw^^i in accidents. 1 Documents rarely requested however, did not act on the bill. But he probably became best known as chairperson of the Appropriations Committee, coveted post because Senate of its a McClellan Norma Myers and his Clellan, celebrated t|J Cheathj control over the thai Senate permanent investiga¬ government's wedding (continued from page 3) surface. Most journalism stu¬ pursestrings. anniversary 0, dents just don't have the time tions subcommittee, a unit of said the paper will decide on McClellan's life was marked Besides his wife to do a thorough job of investi¬ the Government Operations sufl taking legal action in December by early success, but also include three following the outcome of a gating." panel. He directed headline- tragedy. He was admitted to the by brothers, daug'htej nine grand. similar challenge at Michigan "Where are all the Wood making probes of labor racket¬ Arkansas bar at age 17 after «nd 11 great wards and Bemsteins?," he eering, organized crime, the the gr,„dchil Technical University. state legislature's asked. "There apparently TFX aircraft contract, illicit passage of a Under the A check of reporters from the special bill allowing the Senate's aren't very many out there." operations in overseas military young system, Sen. i Lansing State journal, Detroit man to take the examinations. Warren He added that difficult to clubs, the rash of riots that Free Press and Detroit News duplicate what the Watergate erupted in big cities and on He served as a lieutenant in nuson, succeed D-Wash., j, 1 . indicated that none has had to duo did even with the help college campuses in the late World War I and in the early - ofthe McClellan „ J invoke the F1A on MSU or use Commenting on the small freedom of information laws. of 1930s served two terms as a Appropriate impact the FIA has had on local newspapers and the university, AP Wirephoto MSU journalism professor Cardinal Josef Slipyj, the Ukrainian prelate who spent 18 years in Soviet labor James F. Scotton said, "The camps, greets Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov's grandson, Matvey, Sunday at State Journal isn't a very the 2nd International Sakharov hearings, a mock public trial in Rome. aggressive newspaper and the State News just skims the Language studies learn foreign languages, wane tcontinued from page 3 coupled with the increasing reinstated the two-year lan¬ number of contacts made every¬ guage requirement for its day with non-English-speaking majors this fall. countries, puts the United But these are the exceptions, States at a diplomatic and not the rule, in foreign lan economic disadvantage. guage study at MSU, with the There are signs, however, result that MSU continues to that the American indifference process tens of thousands of to foreign language study may students who will join the ranks soon change. At the urging of of Americans who are com¬ many educators and govern¬ pletely illiterate in any Ian ment leaders, led by Rep. Paul guage except their own. Simon iD-111.1. President Carter So what, you say? What recently approved a commis¬ difference does it all make? sion to encourage the expanded Don't we get along well enough now with just English? study of foreign languages and IbUiotive cultures by Americans. There is. in fact, considerable If the goals of the commission evidence that we do not. The realized, perhaps are the trend traditional American refusal to of indifference to foreign The . magazine you swore "never becomes the film you can't miss. "Truly Hilarious! THE DIRTIEST. FUNNIEST MOST AGGRESSIVE PIECE OF UNABASHED PORNO GRAPHY SINCE BUCKLEY AND GOLDSTEIN REACHED PUBERTY Bruce Williamson, PLAYBOYJ RATED X TONIGHT Showtime.: 7:00, j 0:30, 10:00 Showploct: 104 0 Weill Admission: Studonts-^.SO. Staff I Faculty.-3.SO NOTICE THE STUDENT MEDIA APPROPRIATIONS BOARD IS PLANNING THE BUDGET FOR 1978. ALL YEARLY BUDGETS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE ASMSU COMPTROLLER, ROOM 307 STUDENT SERVICES, BY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1977AT 5 P.M. BUDGET REQUEST FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN ROOM307 STUDENT SERVICES. ,n Stote News, tost Lonsing, Michigan ■ Tuesday, November 29, 1977 9 Mi Classified Advertising Striaj[/J [ Entptoyiwt P [ Employment; 1 *P»rf»»ts W\ ~ Apartmeits ■ ,|a lliui isuiivn n4| A n GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- 15 inch. Mounted free. CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE School teachers for PART-TIME restaurant posi¬ ONE FEMALE sublease win¬ IT IS the > — jjjj| Also, DeWitt, tion available, male or female. policy of the STATE GRADUATE OR married stu¬ good supply of snow tires. ter, spring. 4-man apartment. FOR RENT 127 N. Hayford. 3 Bath, St. Johns, Ovid-Elsie, NEWS that the last 4 weeks ^N( jj5.|J55 W7 Student Strvlcn lldg. PENNELL SALES. 130114 Fowler, Pewamo, Westphalia Must be available for daytime $67.50/month. 351-3581. of term all Student Classified dents. New luxury 2 bedroom bedroom, furnished. $300/ hours, minimum 2 days per apartment. East Lansing bus month plus utilities. Available Eest Kalamazoo, school districts, Z-3-11-29(31 Lansing Reply to week. Perfect for part-time or advertising must be paid for service. No pets. Start at 482-5818 0-20-11-30 (5) in advance now. 485-1353 after 5 p.m. TEACHER OPPORTUNITY beginning Nov¬ $230. Call 351-9483 or 351- night student. HOBIE'S LCC SOUTH near, carpeted, 10-12-9(41 I day • 90< par lint SERVICE, 410 Antrim Street, ember 14, 1977. Bring or mail 9195 after 6 p.m. downtown. 109 East Allegan. two bedroom. Laundry, pat¬ J dayi • I0< par lint Charlevoix, 49720. to 347 Student Services. 3-11-29(8) 0 20 11-30(6) 2 BEDROOM house in coun¬ r Z-8-11-30(7) io, close to bus, prefer Sp 23-12-9(8) « days - 75« p«r Una We Deliver try for rent. Phone 339-9521 8 employed couple, good refer¬ ONE BLOCK from campus. REGISTERED NURSES- a.m. to 5 p.m. 1-11-29-13) I days • 70C p«r Una Service! MEDICAL immediate ences, no pets, $185 includes tWkINGHAM two bed- Entire two bedroom apart¬ openings for utilities. Deposit. 372-9488. Take your American TECHNOLOGISTS R.N.'s. All areas and shifts., room apartments available ment available and room¬ FEMALE - ONE big room in llna rata par Inwrtlon 8-12-6(7) Expanding modern 488 bed full and part-time. Hospital now or in January. Call 351- mates needed for other apart¬ 4-man house- 'A block-$100/ compact or subcompact hospital has immediate open¬ FEMALE TO sublease winter 7166. OR-6-11-30(3) ments. Call 351-8135, 351- month Laura, 332-4010 paid Bluecross, 10 holidays ings for both full and part plus vacation, tuition refund and/or Spring. 2-bedroom, 1957, or 351-3873. Z-3-12-1-I3I |■ . 3 linn ■ '4.00 ■ 5 days. 80' par lina over time Medical Technologists ASCP on the 11 pm-7:30 am and many more benefits. 4-man Americana Apart¬ ment. Call 332-0607 Pine Lake 0 14-11-30(6) MALE ROOMMATE needed ] lines. No odjustment in rate when cancelled. shift. Salary range $6.07 to $6.48 LANSING per hour plus shift differ¬ Z 4-12-2 (4) FURNISHED, Price of item(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum Apartments clean 1 bedroom, $150 and to share room in house 2 ■ ential. Wll credit for experi- blocks from campus begin¬ eale price of 'SO. E.W. Sparrow 6080 Marsh Rd. $165 with utilities. 485-8615. Hospital is Contact Personnel, htMALE Jr™?6!3 "ln,er ning winter I isewlt 7ers°n0' ' 3 lin,s " '225 ' P" msertion. located near a Big Ten Uni¬ ence. LANSING GENERAL HOSPI- ,erm onl.v' 0ld Cedar Vlll?3?; Meridian Mall Area 8 11-29(3) term. 351-7241 I «• per line over 3 lines (prepayment). versity which offers numer¬ ask for Kevin. Z-8-12-6I4I TAL, 2800 Devonshire. ac'oaa l,tc ApaniMniS lffift] 8-12-8(31 quent youth. Send resume to (days) or 332-4514 learly a.m. J.^i STARR COMMONWEALTH * 1200 1972. 34-36 or evenings). FOR BOYS Personal Depart¬ FURNISHED 1 bedroom ■1633823. 3-12-1(4) totally rebuilt engine. New PART TIME Christmas help. Z-7-12-213) paint job 4 months ago. Good PART-TIME cook for day¬ Afternoon, Saturdays. Sales ' P CHALLENGER 1971. tires. Excellent condition experience preferred. UNION QUIET FEMALE, own room care center. Must have basic pl stereo, tachometer, overall. $1750. 4853193 after DISCOUNT 321-8515. in two bedroom apartment, V 318 headers, body knowledge of preparation of 6 p.m. 4-12-2(7) health foods. Experience in 2-11-30(4) $l10/month. 393-4375 or 393- JW,iir. $950. 339-2205 quantity cooking desired. Call 6377. Z-7-12-213) 1912-1(51 VW 1958. Good condition, WANTED PART time help. runs good. Call 393-6933 after 353-5154. 3-11-30(7) SEVEN-ELEVEN STORE in ONE OR two males needed CHRISTMAS PEANUTS PERSONALS VAN, 1977 Trade- 5 p.m. Holt. 5-11 p.m.; 11-7 a.m. i* Metallic black, Z-3-12-1I3I HANDBILLERS WANTED- 694-9823. 4-12-2(41 for 4 man apartment. 1 block Published: Friday, Dec. 9,1977 from campus. 351-7274. part time, $2.75/hour. UNION Ji6,automatic. Excel- VW 1971 Superbeetle, auto¬ DISCOUNT SALES, 351- Z-812-6I3I Deadline: Friday, Dec. 2, 1977 5 p.m. ■«age. Clean Only matic. $750 or best otter. Call 6152. 2-11-29(3) IT IS the policy of the STATE ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ W81-3823 evenings. 371-1106 atter 6 p.m. NEWS that the last 4 weeks SUBLET NICE one bedroorn- 8-12-tt3)__ WANTED COCKTAIL wait¬ of term all Student Classified clo,se ,0 camp"s,„Fu'n,'S^ The Christmas Season is jusf around the corner. Now is the time to VW DASHER, 1974. Red; ress nights 512 p.m. Apply in advertising must be paid for udll,ias pald "'5,.f,"6989 *01970.70,000 miles, mint person. No experience neces¬ in advance beginning Nov- 5 p.m. jJMM) place your Christmas Peanuts Personal. Your special Christmas greeting J*«»eo 8 track, new condition; 4-speed, ^ will appear the last day of classes in a HUDDLE NORTH Special Classified Christmas IJJOO, 355-9749 eve- stereo. Call 351-0184. sary. LOUNGE, 309 N. Washing¬ maiho 347 StudemServlcw' '"bEDROOM available for Section. So place your greeting for thai special someone today. Mail ■*12-113) 8-12-7(3) ton, downtown Lansing. An 99 19 gifll Sp-23-12-9181 sublet Whitehall Manor Park- or ,ng $210/month Ca|| 351. bring to State News Classified, 347 Student Services. VW 1973 412 station wagon 512-2161 COCKTAIL WAITRESS 4091 ,rom ^.T.?32"4863 no rust, good engine, AM/ FM 8 track. $999, 484-4915, MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST- needed for nights. HUDDLE aflar 5 Pm 2 9 ,2 9,41 ; 3 Lines - '2.00 SOUTH, 820 West Miller Rd„ after 5 p.m. 7-12-6(3) MT (AS.CP) preferred. ";" " " " " n 67C Each extra line Immediate part time midnight Lansing.882-7579. Please ap- ',6 S0UTH HAYF0RD. 2 ' "NO '73, automat* shift opening. Must have ply in person. 10-11-29(51 bedr00m- a,dva + ra,noe,ra- ■ PREPAYMENT REQUIRED IT IS the policy of the STATE tor only $170/month, plus Power, low mileage, clinical experience in all NEWS that the last 4 weeks areas. Excellent starting rate ENERGETIC INSTRUCTORS utilities. Phone 485-1353 after fcot,er'332" of term all Student Advertis¬ ing must be paid for in and benefit package. Contact needed to teach part time in 5 P-m- 8-12-8(4) ADDRESS advance beginning Novem¬ Personnel, UNSING GEN¬ ERAL HOSPITAL, 2800 rapidly growSngTead'ing com' ONE MALE to sublease ber 14,1977. Bring or mail to Devonshire, 372-8220. EOE. pany Teaching certificate Ceda' ,v^9a winter/spring, 347 Student Services. 512-71101 preferred but no? required, no Call 351-7384 ask for Kevin, Sp-23-12-9(8) experience necessary. Send " " LEGAL SECRETARY wanted for advocacy service of IwnTmIC^EADINcTsYS0 ACROSS FROM MSU Fur- 4. orange, MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION TEMS INC. P.O. Box 36177 ™shed ' bfd,?om' |°™ -4 speed manual ; MoSmict j!/j FOR RETARDED CITIZENS. ^Z3PlT»e|13.MiChi9an CLAUCHERTY REALTY hatchback. $7000-$8000 to start. Excel¬ ITl 351-5300. 0-3 12 1141 *2-11-29(41 ___ IMPORT AUTO parts and lent benefit package, all paid FEMALE masseuse wanted. repair. 20% discount to stu¬ by agency, E.O.E. Call Judy $8/hour. We will train. 489- NICE ONE bedroom apart¬ BENZ-1974 240 dents and faculty on cash/ Koss for consideration of ment near Frandor. $140. 2278. Z-X-20-12-9(3) |7» equipped, Ex- carry service parts in stock. interview. 487-5426. Utilities included. No lease. ■S■"Ani- 16500 676- Check our prices and reputa¬ 512-21101 332-1891. 4 12-2(41 weekdays. tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at WAITERS AND WAIT- STORE DETECTIVES-call RESSES-full or part time. ONE MAN needed immedi¬ Cedar, 4852047, 4859229. 641-6734 between 10 a.m. Must be dependable. Apply ately for Old Cedar Village blue, under 5000 West campus shop. 485 and 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. in BONNIE & $90. 337-0787. U«». call between 0409. Free wrecker service with repairs with mention of 0-16-11-30(3) person. CLYDE'S, 316 East Michigan. apartment. Z-4-12-2(31 3-11-30(51 this ad. Local areas. BARTENDER WANTED- NEEDED FEMALE to sublet C-2Q-11-30-111) Days and nights. HUDDLE DISCO D.J.-part time. Must winter, 4-man apartment. ^ '374, excellent SOUTH, 820 Miller Road, have experience. Apply in $77.50/month. Good location C2L •«"». REFILLABLE WINDSHIELD Lansing. Please apply in per person, BONNIE AND to campus, Grand River, wiper blade for your foreign son. 8-12-114) CLYDE'S, 316 East Michigan. Lansing. Call 337-0611. car in stock at CHEQUERED 3-11-30(4) Z-6 12 6(4) FUG FOREIGN CAR RESIDENT MANAGER cou¬ i""* anv974exvas.Ghia'low 882- PARTS, 2605 East Kalama- ple for East Lansing area. WE NEED some very special BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom/2 zoo St., one mile west of Leasing, cleaning, and repair people. MICHIGAN NATION¬ bath apartment for rent win¬ |Q|' 3512122 campus. 487-5055. C-511-30I6I duties. Phone 332-3900 332-3202. 9-11 30(51 or AL GUARD, 373 2883. "10 12-9(3) ter, spring Excellent location. 332 8328. Z 9 12 9(4) 1 0 Michigon Mote News. Eost Lansing, Michigon Tuesday, November 29, , nSnOl [ ' I For Sale |5] PFor SaiT~||^| [TkU FoiiJ M IB [Teal Estate 1 Tffmsirnct!!^ I Nut* [j§| ' - IT IS the policy of the STATE BOOKS, MAGAZINES, IT IS the policy of the STATE PASTELS, OILS, CHAR- • URGE GOLDEN Retriever all ii„.. M th. STATE IT IS the policy of the STATE IUKE VICTORIA Modern 3 AKF VICTORIA: ANN BROWN comics and more! CURIOUS NEWS that the last 4 weeks PRINTING NEWS that the last 4 weeks COALS-give something per¬ blond $20 reward, 349-9170. NEWS that the last 4 weeks bedroom ranch. About 20 AND TYPING. of term all Student Classified BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand of term all Student Classified sonal at Christmas. Portraits of term all Student Classified minutes north of East Lan¬ Dissertations, River. 332-0112. Advertising must be paid for reasonable, 353-3812. y 2-2(3) resumes, general printing. Advertising must be paid for Advertising must be paid for sing. Peaceful wooded set¬ in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail C-20-11-30-13) SOLIGOR 35-105 in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. S-5-12-213) ton USED VACUUM clean¬ LOST CLASS ring Jefferson High, initials BB. Reward offered. 353-2638 after 5 p.m. in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail ting overlooking the lake. Tastefully decorated, well in¬ Serving MSU for 27 years with complete theses 349-0850. C-30-11-30-(5) service. maximum. 394-, ^ to 347 Student Services. zoom lens to 347 Student Services. sulated customized home. Senior Sp-23-12-918) for Nikon, $200; Honeywell Sp-23-12-918) ers. Tanks cannistets, and *542-2(3) woman Sp-23-12-918) Large family room with de¬ pro strobe, full accessories, up rights. Guaranteed on full LOST; AT or around lightful view, beamed ceiling COPYGRAPH SERVICE SINGLE ROOMS close to $160. 487-5671. 5-12-5-141 KIRBY UPRIGHT sweeper year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS and glass front fireplace with Complete dissertation and (classic) with attachments. Dooley's. Women's watch. SKI FOR less: Colorado on a campus pleasant atmo¬ DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. Silver band with a blue face. heatilator. Built-in appliances, resume service. Comer sphere, friendly people, S25 MEN'S LEATHER sheep Excellent condition, $95. 323- 316 North Cedar, opposite Reward. 349-4327 after 5 budget. Complete listing of 1 % baths. Most rooms car¬ M.A.C. and Grand River, 8:30 4013. 5-12-5(41 inexpensive lodgine, restaur¬ Find a deposit, lease by the term. lined jacket. Waist length. City Market. C-20-11-30-16) p.m. 3-11-29(5) ants £f bars at ski areas. Pays peted. Plenty of storage. -5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- winter-ready car in J today's Classified 215 Lewis street. 351-4495. Size 42. $100. 332-6765 after 1666. C-20-11-30-I5I Finished basement with field- section J 11 12-9(5) 4 p.m. 3-12-1-131 PLACE YOUR Peanuts Personal ad today. Christmas REVOX A-77 MK IV Open reel. 15 hours use. Absolute Q Persoial J[7] for itself the first night. Sent $3.95: CDS, Box 2870, Vail, stone fireplace. Electronic air cleaner, attached 2 car gar¬ ^t first cold •w 9'ad you morning didf / DOWNHILL SKIS: CM giant Deadline, Friday Dec. 2 Only Colo. 81667. Z-8-12-5(8) PROFESSIONAL EDITING ROOM FOR male, close to mint condition, $725. Don, age, large redwood deck, dog slalom Hope Murker bindings four days left! 347 Student IT IS the policy of the STATE papers, thesis, dissertations. Union $14/week. 332-0205 205-8529 $50; ski poles, $10. Services. SP-1-11-2915) 337-9625. 8-12-1(3) NEWS that the last 4 weeks pen. Nearby private beach, Minor corrections to rewrite. contemporary" gos1 443 Grove Street. 3-11-30(3) ball diamond, boat launch, group looking for piano pj Foreign students welcome. 321 6598 5-12-3-13) KING SIZE waterbed-just got of term all Student Classified [ Service children's playground. Also 332-5991. C-2-11-30(5) er, gratis call 625-7239 J J ^ ONE BLOCK off campus - 415 Albert. Live with 3 others married, must sell. Frame, [ Awm's.JH Advertising must be paid for in advance beginning Nov¬ BRING YOUR prescription to about 2 miles from Sleepy Hollow State Park. $49,900. 5013.8-11-29(3) - good benefits. $90. Fur¬ This weeks special heater, liner. Asking $100. Dave, p.m. 351-0905. ember 14, 1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2617 By owner; family relocating. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dissertations, typing. K nished. Z-3-12-113) Z 1-11-29(3) FREE KITTENS. Born Oct. 30th will make someone Sp-23-12-918) E. Michigan, Lansing, 372- Phone 651-6374. 5-12-5 (29) FAY ANN 4R9-m«l (pica-elite) ifOliND V> Tou 7409. C-6-11-30(3) NICE ROOM in nice house in happy for Xmas. 2 white with 180 SLALOM skis, bindings, Lansing. 527 Clifford. $75/ spots, 1 tiger. 393-5527 after month + utilities. 374-6029. 1(M 2-9(3) boots. Only $55. 9086. 1-11-29(3) Call 489- 3 p.m. S-$0-12-9(4) PRE VET CLUB presents a meeting FREE LESSON in complexion care. MERLE NORMAN [ IraisflrtitiH ||^] TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast and reasonable. ZEBRA FINCHES make great COSMETIC STUDIO 321 371- at DOOLEY's RELAX-RIDE AMTRAK. 4635. C-20-11-30-(3) NORTH CLEMENS, fur¬ FURNISHED ROOMS avail¬ 5543. C-20-11-30-I3I apartment pets. $10 each, Leaves Trowbridge station downstairs nished, female. All house able in large house, all uti¬ $17/pair. 487-2166. 8:20 a.m. daily. Group rates, privileges. Near bus. Drive¬ lities included, from $85 E-5-12-5I3I 8 p.m. Nov. 30 FOR QUALITY stereo ser¬ discount tickets. 332-5051; EXPERT TYPING "b^Miu cu..BCV ~Z way, parking. 487-6390 grad. 17 years experience. 8-12-1141 month. Call EQUITY VEST at 351-1500. 0-6-11-30(4) MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE toll free 800-621-0353. Near Gables. Call 337-0205. C|05ed ... *E°EK DO YOUR own divorce. We 555 East Grand River. 2-11-30(51 C-9 11-3013) 10-12 lbs when full grown. C 20-11-30 (31 OR-13-11-30131 214 CHARLES ST. 526 Sun¬ will show you how. Approxi¬ MOST LP'S priced $1.75- Red, 6 weeks, AKC, $125. FLORIDA BOUND bus for set Lane. $20-$25 week Dicker and Deal Can hold until Christmas. mately $75. Mi. Clark, 339- $2.50. Cassettes $3.00 quality 2670. 11-12-9(3) X-mas break, Dec. 17-30. If BLOCK TO campus. including utilities. Lease to Second Hond Store guaranteed plus 45's, song- 882-6615 or 349-9486. Fast, you want to come call Paul June 10. 351-5847. 12-12-9141 1701 South Cedar books and more. FLAT, 9-12-914) Instructions 374-7153. X 11-12-9(3) reasonable, Term papers, experienced. editing. 332- OWN ROOM in Lansing house $85/month plus utili¬ 487-3886 BLACK AND CIRCULAR up¬ stairs 541 E. Grand River. Open 11 a.m. 351-0838. NEWFOUNDLAND PIES, 6-weeks. PUP¬ AKC. [PMMtSfrSBBlIil WRITING CONSULTANT 9 8498, 351-1711. 8-12-6(4) ties. Winter/Spring, 8257. X-25-12-2I3I 372- APPLES, CIDER. BLOSSOM C 3 11-30(71 ORCHARDS, The Wadow- Championship sired. Shots, wormed, $300. 676-2089. years sional experience in profes¬ editing. 337-1591. I Tfli»£Sarcicr[jft] TERM sertation PAPERS, thesis, dis¬ typing; IBM pica or ski's 2 miles N. of Leslie, 3597 BEAN BAGS great for the 8-12-7(4) 2-11-29(3) elite, call 332-2078. Hull Rd. Old US 127 Hours, dorm or TWELVE YEARS experience 0-11-12-9131 family room-Queen MALE-CLEAN, furnished, 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays, size with handle $29.95. typing theses, manuscripts, share modern kitchen, bath. $88 per month. 485-1436. 1 589-8261 shipped by UPS. Gift packages BERKS FURNITURE in "THE OLD SCHOOLHOUSE" 4801 [Mobile Homes Real Estate i« term papers. Evenings, 675- 7544. C-20-11-30-13) UNIGRAPHICS COMPLETE DISSERTATION OFFERS OR-6-11-30(3) OR-20-11-30(81 N. US 27 at State Rd. AND RESUME SERVICE: FOR SALE: Great Lakes 12 x 482-6241 10-12-9181 60 ft. two bedroom. New EAST UNSING immediate LOOKING FOR A typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ GIRL NEEDED for own room, set printing and Avoid the hassle of find ELECTRIC STOVE-4 burners. fence, carpeting, and storage occupancy, spacious four GREAT JOB?-get a head- binding. For $130. Call 339-9360 after 4 2 ovens; excellent condition; bedroom on large lot, 214 on that first estimate stop in at 2843 East a place to store those WOOD STOVES, antiques, shed. Close to MSU, many impres- best offer 372-3891 baths, finished basement, by having your resume Grand River or phone, 332- still-good items you'll p.m. 8 12-2(31 flour mills. Come see the new extras. Best offer, call 351- 7-11-30131 two car typeset. Tba 8414. C-12-11-30I7I never use "OLD" store in Grand Ledge. 1331. 8-11-29151 garage, owners Typecutter again. Turn | Wood, wind and sun store, anxious. Call Paul Coady, make your credentials those items into cash ROOMMATE NEEDED for INSTANT REPAIR service on with a low-cost ad in 209 N. Bridge, Grand Ledge. AMERICAN EAGLE Deluxe MUSSELMAN REALTY, 332- stand out in any stack of TYPING TERM papers and house four blocks from cam¬ stereo, CB and TV. One day 3582 C-3-11-29I7I Classified. It's easy., 627-5944. 5-12-5(6) 1972. 12x60, outdoor shed. ■esumes. Looks much bet- thesis, IBM experienced, fast pus. 351-0977 or 351-8135. service on most repairs. WIL¬ :er then typing. Give service. Call 351-8923. just call and we'll Washer, bay window, appli¬ OR-6-11-30(31 COX TRADING POST 485- put your ad in BASF TAPE special still in ances, shag carpeting. Day¬ js a call -we're very, 0-20-11-30-13) print. 4391. C-14-11-30(4) EAST LANSING, walk to time call 374-1168; after 5 rery reasonable. 487-9295. effect. Supplies limited. MSU from this fully insulated MARSHALL MUSIC, East p.m. 489-7463. 3-12-1171 3-bedroom ranch. Special For Sale SEWING MACHINES. Guar¬ YOU NEVER SOUNDED SO TYPING FAST and reason¬ ^ anteed reconditioned ma¬ Lansing. B-C-1 -11-29(4) features included heated GOODI Superb professional able, 394-4729, electric type¬ JEEPS-S59.301200.000 items, chines from $39.95. New Lost & fowl |fq| workshop, large fenced yard and possible land contract editor energizes your paper or article at substantial scholar- writer: pica. C-6-11-30(3) State machines from $69.50, SNOW TIRES-pair, G-78-14 Government surplus, direc¬ terms priced in low 30's. For discount. Cure those disser¬ EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Firestone Town and Country tory tells where and how to CO. 1115 N. Washington, $20. 349-3263. E 5-12-5(3) IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks HAPPY BIRTHDAY Debbie, appointment call Coleen Kras tation blues: Call the Dr. at Newi buy, Michigan Area, money back guarantee, send $2.25, 489-6448. C-20-11-31(7) BUMPER POOL table-cue of term all Student Classified advertising must be paid for may the next year bring you all the love, joy, and happi¬ ness the world has to offer. 337-1482 or TOMIE RAINES, INC., 351-3617. B-1-11 29(10) CUSTOM TION CONSULTING. 372- COMMUNICA¬ Waited TSl Classified! SURPLUS INFORMATION BEDROOM SET, white mod¬ sticks and balls. Good condi¬ 4135. 10-12-9(81 in advance beginning Nov¬ Remember that you can SERVICE. PO. Box 95638, ern furniture. Mattress in¬ tion, $50. 110 pound barbell LOVING CHILDCARE in our ember 14,1977. Bring or mail NEW HOME, 3 bedrooms, 1 Cleveland, Ohio 44101. cluded. Best offer. Call 351 - set. $10. Call 349-4027 after 5 always count on me. PROMPT TYPING Service, licensed home. $25 weekly. to 347 Student Services. Z-8-11-29(8) 5754. Z-4-12 2(3) Love, Bill story, 2 car attached garage. Term papers, resumes. I.B.M. Near campus, 482-5447. p.m. 5-12-5(6! Sp-23-12-918) 337 2226. 8-12-7(3) 1-11-28(8) 694-1541. 3-11-30(3) 5-12-213) Announcements for It's What's There's a Brown Bag Lunch Free lecture on Transcendental We've moved to Happening must be received in the held Wednesday from noon to 1 bigger, bright¬ State News office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least p.m., Room C Crossroads Cafete¬ Meditation, "Freedom, Evolution, Fulfillment, Higher States of Con¬ er, nicer quarters! Come to 6 Student Services Bldg. for the ... ALL BALFOUR PROFESSIONAL #B"E" 1N#", ria, International Center. Elayne sciousness" held at 3 p.m. Wed¬ two class days before publication. Schroder presents music and dis¬ new Career Resources Center. For Christina nesday. C215 Wells Hall, 7:30 p.m. No announcements will be cussion AND f accept¬ on "Contemporary at C314 Wells Hall. ed by phone. Women's Music." Spare time between classes? Visit the Union Lounge and watch Delivery Asian-American Student Cau¬ Attention Air Force ROTC: End the means to our nuclear obliteration. Join the Mobilization Video Tape Network. Interesting shows daily from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. TRADITIONAL SERIES RINGS cus dinner meeting held at 5 There will be a dining-out on For Survival at 7 tonight, Mayo Hall 30's dining tonight, 1118 S. (Men's and Ladies') Friday. For more information con¬ Harrison Road. room. Guest speakers will be tact Carol Alwort or Phill Zatler. United Students for discussing Japanese Interment. Christ, which sponsors gospel Sigma Gamma Rho is having a Women In Communications concerts, An presents Sue Fleming from the Christian icebreakers, welcomes organization meeting of clothing drive all week. Drop all to attend Bible MSU India Association (staff, boxes are in designated dorms in Detroit News and Day On The Job study at 7 teaching, and research employ¬ review at 8:30 tonight, 210 Bessey Hall. each complex. Please support us. tonight, 341 Union. ees) will be held at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, 332 Union. Pi Mu Epsilon will meet at 7:30 The MSU Block and Bridle Club Campus Al-Anon Group meets p.m. Wednesday, A204 Wells Hall. at 8 tonight, 253 Student Services The Brain Organization will Mike will hold Slattery will speak on "The a meeting at 7:30 tonight, meet at 8:30 224 Anthony Hall. tonight, Union Tower Checkerboard World of Cellular Room. There will be a discussion Automata." on precognition. Food and Nutrition Association Journalists: The society of "Lansing Collects" an art show professional journalists, Sigma On-Campus students: You can will be having a potluck at 6 p.m. see Dan Fogelburg free! Contact featuring works by Picasso, Delta Chi, meets at 8:30 Wednesday. Sign up in Human Chagall, Dali, and others at the tonight, WMSN, 8 Student Services Bldg. 334 Union. Convention Ecology Building, check for more Lansing Art Gallery until Sunday. wrap-up for information. and refreshments are slated. information there. Attention Sierra Clubbers: A Agriculture and Natural Re¬ slide presentation concerning the sources students: An informal proposed Thunder Bay under¬ water park will be shown at 8:30 meeting concerning women will be held at 3:30 p.m. today, 16 She's built tonight, 334 Union. Discussion afterwards. Agriculture Hall. Dr. Moser is guest speaker. like a mm $100 first prize awarded to the lady - with the most BALFOUR RING DAYS distinctive AGRK total look NOV. 29,X) every Tuesday Introducing the new Shank series in both round and square top rings. night at FULL NAME ENGRAVING FREE DURING RING DAYS I Hext Week ^oq/iie $ LAST 2 DAYS LOST WORLD STRING BAND Clyde D BEFORE 1978 PRICE INCREASE In the big white building REP Fred White 316 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing 371-4500 930 TROWBRIDGE, EAST LANSING tree parking in the rear 10-00 XX) I [ News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 29, 1977 1 1 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (July tfv lhiif)(hiD5®lh«S§ by Bill Yafes SDANFOtlUIH |»g If DICIM8IR 5th MSU AUDITORIUM [ ^»W«l (.0|WILX-TV(N,C| (ll}WELM-lV[Cobla) 4:30 . 11BW' Tune (6) Doris Day (23) Merry Widow AFTERNOON (10) Gilligan's Island (6) Michigan Replay with 12:00 Bo (11) VR Presents (12) Emergency One I Schembechler 8:30 In)"'*" (12) New Truth or Conse¬ 5:00 (12) laverneB Shirley TiroSoyThe L"fl,t (6) Gunsmoke quences (11) The Electric Way " 12:20 (10) Emergency One! (11)Talkin'Sports 9:00 (23) WKAR Membership- 7:40 (6) M*A*S*H in°l2:30 Pledge Drive (23) WKAR Membership- (12) Three's Company 5:10 Pledge Drive (11) Tuesday Night rt|, for Tomorrow Kkoond th» Man (23) Mister Rogers 9:30 Ilyon'i Hop® (12) Rookies 5:30 B:00 (10) America Salutes the (6) One Day of a Time (12) Soap PEANUTS SPONSORED BY: cle:aners Down 1:00 (11) News Queen 10:00 by Schulz LA"™Y J el Show (6) Bravo Julie 5:40 (6) lou Grant Cleaned „g and the Re»tle«« (12) Happy Days (12) Family 332-3537 ,a7|My Children (23) WKAR Membership- 1t Sago Pledge Drive THE TEACHER GIVES HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN ' 1:30 5:50 MSU SHADOWS @ GOLD STARS FOR SPELLING A GOLD STAR.MARCIE? I 60T ONE FOR. SPELLING, ONE F0P6ET Lg,, World Turni (23) Electric Company FOR ATTENDANCE. FOR . by Gordon Carleton FOR ATTENDANCE) IT |Lol our live. " 5:00 sponsored by; DRINKING MILK AND FOR 0NEF0RPRINKIN6 MARCIE1 W (6-10-12) News EVERYTHING, BUT I NEVER m 000 2:00 Pyramid (11) Shintowa: Hearts in PXNBALL PETE'S GET A GOLDSTAR! MILK, ONE FOR. Harmony Present this rar Easy really funny comic for 25' 2:30 6:20 worth of free (23) WKAR Membership- play! Not »oiid Frt. t sot. Nights. tiding light Pledge Drive .in. Life to Live 6:30 Bfood for Life (6) CBS News Today's speclali lasMlodat 3:00 (10) NBC News Another World (12) ABC News Ihnnt Effectiveness (23) Dick Cavett FRANK & ERNEST ■ 3:15 (11) Woman Wise by Bob Thaves EL AZTECO RESTAURANT neral Hospital 7:00 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 3:30 (6) My Three Sons (10-12) Mary Tyler Moore III in ill# Family (23) WKAR Membership- MISSING PERSONS BUREAU illo Alegre Pledge Drive 4:00 (II) Christ's Teachings in Do Me A FflvOft, Mickey Mouse our Violent World 7:10 ERisllE -- STOP in Acres (23) High School Qui, Bowl dy Bunch 7:30 Saying," wntpe it Street (10) $100,000 Name that 15 EvfRYgOoY?" ADVERTISE »'!"!>,««.! •"■»! i"'.- 7HWfy IN THIS SPACE 11-19 CALL 353-6400 THE DROPOUTS by Post SPONSORED BY: lAVELS WITH FARLEY ■pRcvineAoFCBuorc, ^ fhil Frank sponsored by: the BA"TH9fcS L IRELY SEEN ON THE TOW A Tf?EE DWELLER BY ITS MUGWrRF WITH Ierican courmtfT i5 am NATURE AND AN AN" r "AND WE ARE NOT I Ml PLUMED BIRR ENDANGERED SPECIES, ENCANSERER. WE'RE IT IS KNOWN COMMONLY TE(HM|CALLY EXT/AJCT! AS A BIG-BEAKED MOGWORT. ■fp^NOQW b J r&sr utfcies HOWARD THE DUCK!® by Steve GerberandVal Mayerik sponsored by WBLEWEEDS - CAMPUS Stv Sal00n)1 ^QT.OFCOKB Tu„. • FREE ITEM m K.Ryan sponsored by: PIZZA WE, GUYS,TO YFTANOTHER 0WJ— FIRST, A PRIEF P( W THE OLD ACTIVITIES CALBNPARi.... SAM and SILO sponsored by: by Jerry Dumas and Morf Walker mam bhhsbb OSSWORD aw, all that's WHAT's wrong oh... (njzzie annam behshh satsraa aiSHDHH sponsored by: Ohepatd's YerY quiet on is cop with that? that's campus T0HI6UT. LETS shows we're cops, right 25. Formality 28. Stratum 29 Japanese |j3j|B^00^Sj|BB BBSDIS1 BBE3 watch tv v YOIJ know admiral 30 Afghan, lor one M 31. Replying in kind "mslnbe 33. Successful Eaai BS E3HSB 9ms putcond bldder SBBDQB QBDBB 36. Fitted with shoes BHanaB HBSBB 37 Metallic element Booma mam a AO. town on the 2. Gourmet Thames 46. Smalt draught 3 42 Wiong lodged 47. Maple genus 4. 43 Period ol time Negotiate DOWN 5 Close bwh.! M High silk hat 6 West Indian nhlotce 45 Pensive 1. sorcery 7. Regulating SOMITHINU'S devices HAPPININO 8. Rodent 9. "—.theRed" BEETLE BAILEY SPONSORED BY: SOON. WATCH THIS SPACI. 10 Belitting 16. town in Nevada by Mort Walker 18. Games ot chance 20. Shoit legged horse 21. Debatable 22 Jason's ship 25. fatuous 26. Commiserate 27 Urge 31. Glowing 32. Greek lettei 33. Escape 34. Bell Song is one. 35. Sort 38. Site otlell legend 39. Diagram 41. Saul's giandlathei ] 2 Michigon Stole News. Eost Lonsing, Michigon Tuesday, November 2,., *3 Women:' dreamlike struction 3 -Women is By BYRON BAKER — con¬ stages of a lengthy and difficult State News Reviewer 3 Women is based on a sciously (or perhaps un¬ consciously, as Altman is the pregnancy. Her husband is usually in the Edgar throes of fehriii-eactors: 18 brill,ant as theShell J ridic!P dream which Robert Altman, most actively instinctive of emulating the TV cowboy he sympathetic Mi|li™T Hall-Oates 'can't stop the music' its writer-producer-director, had one night in June of 1976 The dream was about the contemporary American direc¬ tors) structured in terms of dream logic and dream reality. used to stunt double for Robert Fortier, the actor (just as who ' fnd 8 Purpose implausible ,s role. to Siss J J plays him, used to stunt for remarkable a, I meeting and gradual meta¬ As might a dream, the film television shows of the showing yet another I 60's). her By DAVE DiMARTINO SUte News Reviewer outside, an unusually diverse floor space where fans can diverse output. morphosis of three women of disparate backgrounds in a begins with seductive tone and stress on detail; Pinky Rose At the end, the threads begin to knit character apparently J diverse| After a four-hour drive from audience was piling up inside, to witness the progenitors of either sit or stand as the band As evidenced on Beauty on desert setting. (Sissy Spacek) a gaping-eyed the struggle between together; Meridian 8 Women is P Backstreet, a change of direc After awakening from his blank check of Pinky Theatre,. Detroit, through some of the "blue-eyed soul" turn out their tion seems to be a young woman and Millie comes to taking place in peak just as worst weather imaginable, hits and quite a bit more. Such problems eventually the band's musical format. Un¬ dream, Altman wrote down as eager to feel and be part of Willie's pregnancy reaches Daryl Hall and John Oates The Metro Arena, by any¬ worked themselves out — like Hall and Oates' two many of its images and ideas as something, arrives to work at a onset of labor. It is a the time of ABC pins Nl pre¬ he could remember, and within class nursing home in the emerged onstage intact and 90 one's standards, is not exactly everybody, as it happened, was vious LP's, which tension, a point where the minutes late at Metro Stadium forced to stand in order to emphasized weeks had firmed a deal with California Desert. Amidst the the ideal concert hall; bleach¬ see the pair's "soulful personas of each of the women in Sunday night. While the snow was piling up ers, the set up against the walls of arena, surround a huge clearly — and a got underway. very fine show new album — material performed sound," the and much of the Twentieth Century Fox to film his dream as part of his slowly dying elderly, Pinky encounters Millie Lammoreaux start to blur, change and develop according to the emo¬ re¬ planning onstage - three-picture contract with the (played by Altman Opening Change," from their with "Don't newest LP marks a return to basic rock and roll, a move that will studio (the second film deriving Shelley Duvall, who regular won the tional under pinnings of their lives. newsmagazjJ from that pact, the much pub¬ Best Actress award at Cannes The aura of the film is Beauty on Backstreet, the pair quickly set a groove that was probably prove healthier in the long run. War Babies, the licized A Wedding, will appear for her work here), a media- unlike any picture within the quite NEW YORK announced (API I maintained excellent and unjustly over¬ in the spring). created woman — an audio- grasp of easy memory. Its story wiii join the Monday thl throughout the The director is fairly close- animatronic, programmed by is less a story than an upcoming! looked LP produced by Todd organic, if Ibe TV night. Many of the songs per¬ mouthed regarding the success the pages of Better Homes and network "r,i Rundgren, seems to be the sometimes obscure zine" formed were taken from the of his film in realizing the progression programs to reference point to which the Gardens. of the pieces of events. In „ new LP, yet a surprising and details of his the lucrative ratings amount of older, distinctly non- band continually returns; if nuances Pinky is fairly awed by manner of dreams which I can CBS' 60 Minutes. , dream, but he has indicated — Millie, whose organized but i hit material surfaced that was their current and forthcoming remember, the picture's strings "Good luck to material can match up to that somewhat obliquely, mayhap — almost completely empty life stitch tenuously, yet firmly — everj quite welcome. "Abandoned that his picture feels like his stands as a beacon of possibility wants to try it" Luncheonette," "Is it a Star (Or high point, they'll be coming leaving much to reflect upon. Hewitt, executive pr