iovember 29, J VOLUME 71 NUMBER 167 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 (eport says Korea ilanned spy ring By JIM ADAMS Intelligence Agency in this country were "The action jjNGTON (AP) — The South exposed. taken by the KCIA to ^intelligence agency planned to implement the plans must be recognized for Rep. Donald what it is |T| spy network in the White House M. Fraser, D-Minn., who released copies of the — outright subversion," Fraser said. He said that about $750,000 was layoff aides to top U.S. leaders last report during a earmarked for the KCIA operations, not subcommittee hearing ■■ hopes of winning United States Tuesday, said the . [or South Korea, a document 1978 plan and an earlier KCIA plan, including money that was to be contributed to congressional campaigns. 5 Tuesday alleged. apparently in 1973, "revealed a calculated attempt by the KCIA to use clandestine The alleged KCIA plan released by mhi' •rr-eently was dropped when means to sway American public opinion and Fraser's House International Relations mi activities by the Korean Central official policy... subcommittee envisioned $100-a-month payoffs to 14 aides in the White House, State Department, Defense Department and intelligence agencies. It envisioned payments of $53,000 in ISSf? refuses campaign contributions to at least four congressmen and "special manipulation" payments to selected congressional aides. The plan also called for efforts to win over and manipulate reporters in major U.S. news organizations and to manipulate university people to promote support for South Korea. meet in Cairo was The elaborate plan to influence U.S. foreign policy and public opinion allegedly distributed to KCIA station chiefs in the United States in early 1978 — . bulls sun „ on , . „ Lake Erie catch the . glow of against the backdrop of a dull, stormy day as an evening State the turbulence. Old Man Winter will soon put an Nawi/Kathy Kilbury end to such easy feasting, by freezing up the lake's shortly (continued from page 1) they compete for fish attracted to the surface by perimeter. JNGTON (AP) — The Soviet See related story on page 2. Kiu informed the United States that —————— ■so! send a delegation to a preliminary \ East conference in Cairo, U.S. £ laid late Tuesday .. ould not . . „ , 9° t0 Cliro either' Th,t left DIRECTOR REPLACEMENT SOUGHT ■ Russian rejection means the talks * J'™". America and the United Nations as d with only one of the two co- ^p0"13' p*rt!e?to ""P' S'dit« "wiUtwi. [so rsons of the Geneva conference Of the so-called confrontation far only Israel has agreed to . Gromyko did not name Egypt directly in his comments about the Mideast, according Tass dispatch. FBI nominee Johnson bows out It reported Gromyko expressed hopes for Kidministration had urged Moscow to WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. District At the White House, Press Secretary a reconvened Geneva conference but said - bling junkets to Las Vegas. p constructive role" in trying to find Judge Frank M. Johnson bowed out as the Monday he felt Johnson would not be well a solution of the Arab-Israeli recent events made prospects more diffi¬ Jody Powell called the withdrawal "A loss The president and Bell also seriously enough to plan on January hearinga. cult. president's nominee for FBI director Tues¬ to the administration, to the FBI and to the considered John Mintz, an assistant FBI t But it has moderated Its own day, and Attorney General Griffin Bell said country - and we regret it very much." director and legal counsel who was strongly The prospect of still another delay it for Sadat's initiative, Tass quoted him the search for a replacement will last into calling the as saying, "If one Bell announced Johnson's decision at a supported by some members of the search convinced Johnaon he should bow out, Bell I talks "useful" while stressing the country demonstratively departs from the the new year. news conference and called it "unfortunate committee but failed to make the final list. said. P>r a comprehensive settlement in- common Arab front and sacrifices the Still in poor health after surgery last for the president, the FBI and the nation. Carter announced the nomination in ■all the parties, interests of the Arab states as a whole August, Johnson said, "it will be several Johnson also would have suffered finan¬ ... Judge Johnson wopld have made an ideal August and it was greeted with enthu¬ pd the scenes, the United States was this, then, is quite another matter. How can more months before I will regain my leader for the FBI/' siastic support from a broad range of cially from taking the FBI job, and Bell said ■R with the Soviet Union and with one approve such actions. One cannot." strength and stamina. It will not be fair to The attorney general said he and Presi¬ he believes "that had to be a factor" in the interest groups. » to try to the Federal Bureau of Investigation or to repair the divisions dent Carter won't rush into a decision about Johnson then underwent a routine phys¬ decision even though Johnson never men¬ | by Sadat's bold moves to start a It said Khaddam replied, "Only after a me to keep this matter pending any longer." a new nominee to succeed Clarence M. ical examination and doctors discovered an tioned it to him. xesj with Israel. careful analysis of the present situation will In a statement issued at his office in Kelley and become the third director in the aneurism, or ballooning, in a section of a As a federal judge, Johnson is paid Soviet Foreign Minister we be able to say whether the door of the Montgomery, Ala., Johnson said he regrets FBI's 53-year history. main abdominal artery. The condition $54,500 and can retire in seven years at full li. Gromyko, referring Tuesday to Geneva conference remains as open as that "conditions over which I have no "My plan is to do nothing for two weeks required immediate surgery. salary for life. The FBI director's annual I planned Mideast peace talks in 'd, "recent actions are directed at before." control" have forced him to step aside. to let the dust settle and rethink the After the relapse, he was ordered to bed salary is $3,000 higher, but the quirks of the selection process," Bell said. "Hopefully and hearings were postponed until January. w Geneva conference, federal pension system would have forced a during that time, names will occur to me. I His physician. Dr. J.J. Kirschenfeld, said substantial reduction in retirement income. ill Soviet news agency Tass said think it would be a wise course not to rush." li f Abdul made the remarks during a ■ with visiting Syrian Halim Khaddam Foreign the State House OKs bill Bell indicated that he would like Kelley to remain in office for at least a short time Services scheduled on beyond his scheduled retirement date Jan. ut conflict. 1. Kelley has said he could stay until the end of January but he has made other profes¬ ltd Gromyko as telling Khaddam: P)the situation in that area is rather . One can say it is more to ban eavesdropping sional commitments after that time. Johnson's decision leaves the administra¬ tion with the task of filling two top Justice td today than it was yesterday." in President Anwar Sadat called By DAN SPICKLER State News Staff Writer campus phone operators, including MSU. Department jobs. Deputy Attorney Gener¬ al Peter Flaherty has announced he will leave soon to make plans for a possible for former director R meeting in Cairo to open this Currently, MSU does not use a beep tone Hto prepare Reconsideration of a bill that would during monitoring of MSU operators. gubernatorial campagin in his native for reconvening of the A memorial service will be held today for career at MSU. k conference. He invited Israel, prohibit undetectable eavesdropping re¬ The bill's sponsor, Mark Clodfelter, Pennsylvania. Frank B. Martin, retired director of MSU sulted in its passage Tuesday by the Bell said he has in mind for that During his time as director, Martin was | Jordan, Lebanon and the D-Flint, said the bill always had enough someone Data Processing. The service will begin at responsible for computerized handling of s, plus America and the Soviet Michigan House. votes to pass, but getting all supporters in job but he is not ready to announce a 1:30 p.m. at St. Thomas House Bill 4372 had been defeated Nov. 1 decision. Aquinas Church, student records, MSU business office data a to chairpersons of the Geneva attendance was a problem. 955 Alton Rd. and University records *e that met by the lower chamber. It would ban Tuesday's tally provided the minimum The attorney general said he was willing involving alumni, briefly in 1973. to wait for Johnson to take over the FBI Martin, 62, died Saturday at a local student housing and the library systems. eavesdropping by all firms and institutions, number of supporting votes with a 58-46 hospital. He retired in 1975, after a 37-year Martin organized the College of Univer¬ «tadvised Washington on Tuesday except telephone companies, which would total. Clodfelter said three other lawmakers after a full recuperation although that [wild not attend the Cairo talks. It be allowed to use a beep tone when behind the measure were not present. might have meant a delay until late spring sity Machine Records Conference, which *d Syria and the Palestine Libera- has met annually for 18 years. He helped monitoring employee customer service The bill was immediately sent to the or early summer. found the College and University Systems kpnization, which denounced the calls. Senate for approval. Clodfelter speculated "I would wait," he said. "But Judge Rind said they would stay away. Companies that often secretly monitor that it would first be sent to the Senate Johnson has made his own decision that it Exchange (CAUSE) and was a member of Pud Lebanon, would not be fair to the FBI or to himself." other computer-oriented organizations. trying to remain employees include various newspaper ad¬ Judiciary Committee. Before graduating from MSU in 1938 Plbetween Egypt and hard-line Arab vertising departments, Michigan Bell Tele¬ Clodfelter said one legislator told him he Bell said he hopes a new candidate can be with a degree in business administration. |»tious at Sadat, suggested they phone Co. and major universities with originally supported the bill, but was chosen and nominated by Jan. 17 when Congress returns from a recess, but he Martin organized the MSU tabulating heavily pressured by Michigan Bell Tele¬ department. During the 1940s he was on cannot promise to meet that target. phone CJo. lobbyists to oppose the bill. leave from MSU for military service and to Other opponents of the measure include He dropped few clues about who might be enter a master's degree program at the in the running for the nomination, except to Michigan Press Association and other Harvard. utility groups. say, "We still have the list" of four men He was a charter member and past "I understand the utilities really united recommended by a presidentially appointed search committee last June. president of the East Lansing Kiwanis against this bill," Clodfelter said. Club, and belonged to the MSU Men's Club inside Opponents of the bill say it will cut down on their ability to effectively They are John Van de Kamp, district monitor attorney of Los Angeles County; Neil and the MSU Alumni Association. Martin is survived by his wife Ruth, 635 A bill before the Michigan House of Representatives may outlaw customer service calls. They claim customer Welch, a career FBI man and head of the Division Street, East Lansing; two daugh¬ romplex language in contracts. See page 3. service calls are not actually in the private bureau's Philadelphia field office: Judge ters, Colleen, East Lansing and Carolyn realm. John J. Irwin of the Massachusetts Edwards of Haslett; four sons, Richard, weather Clodfelter said he received support from various labor groups including UAW locals, Superior Court, and Sheriff William Lucas Henryville, Pa., Dennis, Holt, and Gregory of Detroit. and Gary of East Lansing; one sister, Today we will have a good shot of searing the Michigan Education Association and Lucas' chances were damaged by dis¬ Marge Waner, St. Joseph, Mich.; and two Sahara weather to open yer nostrils. Mostly Communication Workers of America locals. closures that he had participated in gam¬ Frank B. Martin grandchildren, Scott and Nicole. cloudy, chance of afternoon showers. Hoo Hahl Earlier this year the Michigan Public High: upper 30s. Service Commission ordered Michigan Bell Tonight's low: mld-30s. to release a list of all companies and institutions monitoring employees. Clodfelter offered other suggestions for quality control of Michigan Bell employees. Roving supervisors, planted customer calls ASMSU loan ceiling to increase or surveying of customers following service calls were alternatives, he said. "The advancement of and availability of The top amount available for ASMSU short-term loans will be the comptroller's office does not have the personnel necessary to monitoring equipment poses just too big of raised from $80 to $35 beginning winter term, according to handle bad checks, Lehrter said. However, since the ASMSU a threat to civil rights," Clodfelter said. "By ASMSU Comptroller Rick Lehrter. comptroller's office is one of the few loan organizations on campus its opposition to this legislation we can see Due to an increase in student taxes collected at registration this which does not allow students to repay with checks, the policy may that the phone company is jealous of its year, the comptroller's office can now afford the higher loans, change, he added. Lehrter said. ASMSU allocates a portion of its annual budget to be prerogatives and has tremendous power." Students interested in receiving short-term loans may apply in In other action the House approved a bill used for the special loan fund. 307 Student Services Bldg. Loans are available ASMSU loans are not connected with the short-term loans only to that creates a $47.5 million program to help undergraduate students and must be repaid within three weeks. If the elderly and other low-income groups available from the MSU Financial Aids Office. students do not repay the loan within the time limit, a hold card is Lehrter said the comptroller's office will also explore the pay heating bills this winter by a 102-2 vote. sent to the registrar's office. Students with hold cards will not be The governor had requested that a $32 possibility of changing the loan repayment system to allow allowed to register for classes until loans are repaid. million program using federal grants in¬ students to repay loans with checks. The ASMSU comptroller will not be issuing new loans until stead be approved, but amendments which Currently, students are required to repay loans in cash because winter term. would have concurred were defeated. The bill is now in the Senate. Wednesday, November 30, I Cairo delegate selection begim CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - "We didn't initiate it, we for a full-scale peace conference arrests, torture and displace¬ Geneva. Waldheim said "all ment of Arab civilians in occu¬ Libya has called Egypt, Israel, the United States didn't suggest it; we were at conference a to bevin 1 and the United Nations began informed about it after the those invited to the Cairo pied areas. ti selecting their delegates Tues¬ day for President Anwar Sa¬ fact," said one knowledgeable U.S. official. meeting" would be asked to the U.N. talks, also designed to Only America and Israel voted against the resolution, '"Tripoli, and whether it will 5^ha:j ,tten" 0 The Iraqi dat's preparatory Middle East Among the possible U.S. make progress towards which passed 84-2 with 80 announcement peace conference in Cairo. representatives to Cairo are Geneva. abstentions. government Radio Baghi,J Syria and the Palestine Lib¬ eration Organization denounced Philip C. Habib, undersecretary The U.N. General Assembly took another swipe Tuesday at Meanwhile, Iraq said it had sent emissaries mated mention Egypt working hard of Sycia wl of state for political affairs, and Tuesday to the f0J Muzorewa condemns government raids the Cairo meeting and said they Alfred L. Atherton Jr., assis¬ Israeli occupation of Arab terri¬ radical Arab regimes in Libya, Peaceful settiententwith J Syria is the would not attend. tant secretary for the Near tory. A resolution passed by the Algeria and South Yemen, in¬ three main only one of I massacres," said Muzorewa, president of Also Tuesday, Secretary Gen. Kurt Waldheim called for still East. assembly's special political com¬ mittee accused Israel of viting them to a summit some¬ Israeli blocking resumption 0fl adveraj SALISBURY, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) (AP) Egypt is trying to decide the mass time next week in Baghdad. scale peace — A moderate nationalist leader with the African National Council, one of another Mideast meeting, to be number and rank of its repre¬ talks. ' three nationalist groups operoting inside held in about two weeks either sentatives to its own summit, whom the white minority government is at U.N. headquarters in New which Sadat said could begin as condemned the the country. He said the victims were "for trying to negotiote has York another neutral site. early as Saturday. The meeting TROOPERS TO PAY FOR government's raids into Mozambique, the most part men, women and children or Waldheim's proposal, made will be held in the historic Mena MEALS which the government says destroyed who fled from the land of their birth to while he designated Gen. Encio House hotel, in the shadow of two guerrilla bases and killed 1,200 black insurgents. Bishop Abel Muzorewa claimed Tues¬ seek asylum in Mozambique." British Foreign Secretary David Owen said in London: "This latest attack with its Siilasvuo of Finland to repre¬ sent the United Nations at Cairo, could serve to blunt the the pyramids. Officials were seen checking the building for security hazards Tuesday. Allowances to be taxejJ day most of the victims were black challenge to the territorial integrity of Sadat initiative which already Israel plans to send sub- WASHINGTON (AP) - A worker's regularly made for meals and Mozambique underlines the need for an has produced direct negotia¬ cabinet officials to Cairo. paid meal allowances are taxable income, the lodging for a worker refugees and called for a week of travels on company business, tions between Egypt and Israel Supreme Court said Tuesday in a decision that nor does it u mourning for those slain during the internationally acceptable settlement Egypt also invited the Soviet sporadic meal reimbursements" and emphasizes the grave dangers of after three decades of icy Union, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan will mean millions to the Internal Revenue that five-day operotion by ground and air workers receive when distance. and the Palestinians, to prepare Service. working overtime oi forces. enlarging the conflict to embrace the temporary assignment. The court's 7-2 vote is a legal and financial The justices drew a . . I vehemently condemn these whole of southern Africo." distinction horn setback to some 10,000 state police troopers between cash allowances for meals'snd Carter news conference across the country who face income taxes on such allowances. paying federal food given to premises. The an employee on in cost of the food is emnli a The decision also will affect any other workers not tua Philippine president reopens trial routinely reimbursed for meals eaten while on income under federal law, the court said. I to take place in Poland duty. cash allowances for food are. The decision came in the case F In studying the case of a New Jersey state trooper Robert J. Kowalski, of New JeJ MANILA, Philippines (AP) — President statement by the U.S. State Department policeman, the justices were told by government paid a base salary of $8,739.38 and who in 19101 Ferdinand E. Marcos on Tuesday ordered that it disturbed by the death WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter will become the first a was lawyers that their decision would affect some $1,697.54 in meal allowances. sentence. The department withheld fur¬ U.S. president to hold a wide-open news conference in a military court to reopen the trial of his Communist country when he visits Warsaw late next month, it 10,000 troopers in 15 states who collect meal chief political foe, former Sen. Benigno S. ther comment, however, pending appeal allowances totaling $10 million a year. Under New Jersey law, state police o was learned Tuesday. of the The individual states are given up to $1,704 a year for meal allow Aquino Jr., whose death sentence case. Poland will be the first stop on a curtailed version of Carter's were not named in There In papers filed with the court and a list was not are no restrictions on use of the prompted wide foreign criticism. ordering Defense Secretary Juan once-postponed world trip, now set to begin Dec. 29. A formal cub immediately available from IRS officials. troopers may eat at home if they live withinl Aquino, 44, and two olleged Com¬ Ponce Enrile to reopen the case "in the announcement of the journey is expected later this week. Those states, aside from New Jersey, are assigned duty areas, may eat at a munist leaders were sentenced Friday to interest of justice." Marcos cited a letter When Carter meets the press in Warsaw, Polish journalists will p« restaurant or bring their meals from be executed by a firing squad for from Aquino to the Supreme Court in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Ida¬ home to be invited to join their Western colleagues in questioning the in their police cruisers. ho, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North subversion and other crimes. which he called the military commission president. It was not known whether Poland's state-owned Dakota, South Dakota. Texas, Wisconsin and Kowalski's tax return for 1970 did not Among criticism from obroad was a that convicted him "a kangaroo court." networks will broadcast the session live. However, the Voice of lit, America is expected to beam the conference to Communist Wyoming. meal allowances as income, and he wu e Without a specific exemption by Congress for countries, including the Soviet Union. lenged by the IRS. The U.S. Tax Court ri cash meal allowances, the court said in an White House officials declined to confirm plans for the news opinion favor of the IRS but the 3rd U.S. Circuit 0 by Justice William J. Brennan Jr., such Appeals decided that Kowalski did not owe conference. However, they acknowledged that another highlight of S. Africa expected to retain ruling party Carter's six nation trip will be the first visit by an incumbent allowances are income as defined by federal tax on his allowance money. . laws. The president to France's Normandy beachheads where American and "While the issue centered on states paying Supreme Court decision reversed I other Allied troops landed more than 32 years ago during World appeals court ruling. JOHANNESBURG. South Africa (AP) their police officers, the same rationale theoreti¬ - hannesburg Star predicted, however, War II. Carter also will lay a wreath at a U.S. cemetery for White South Africans will vote todoy in that only about one million of the 2.2 cally could have been used for all employers," a Justice Harry A. Blackmun, joined American war dead. Justice by C nationol elections expected to give Prime million registered voters will vote. And Besides Poland and France, the Department tax lawyer said after Justice Warren E. Burger, dissented [ trip will take Carter to Iran, learning of the court's action. "The gates might Tuesday's decision. Minister John Vorster's ruling National the country's 19 million blocks, whose India, Saudi Arabia and Belgium. He is expected to return to have been opened if the court had decided the '1 fear that state Party a landslide victory. future is a key issue in the election, will Washington on Jan. 6 or Jan. 7. troopers the country m other way." not handsomely paid to begin with, will ne Opinion polls have indicated the have no say. The decision does not affect reimbursements understand today's decision," Blackmun said.1 63-year-old Vorster moy increase the 116 Contesting the National Party are the seats he now holds in the 165-seat liberal Progressive Federal Party, the parliament by between 10 and 20 in o centrist New Republic Party, the South major sweep of constituencies now held African Party, the Democratic National by splintered opposition parties. Party and the extreme right-wing The anti-government newspoper Jo¬ Herstigte Party. £Beautifu£ (zezjjtrv at Ditploy Advocating ^aca&Aarv's Phl.og"^" Here is where the bride's dreams become a reality beginning with her first visit with our Bridal DELIVERY AVAILABLE . Consultant. . then the selection of her Bridal stationery, listing of FREE! her preferences in our Gift Registry, and choosing memor¬ Dock ballot returns favor new pacts able gifts for the wedding party from our Fine Jewelry collection. Buy any Medium NEW YORK (AP) - The two-month agreements being approved aetter than p- strike by 50,000 dockworkers against two-to-one." At the regular price \ \£jijCi ■ container ships appeared to be an end coming to Tuesday in most ports from Maine Container shipping, developed over Get Identical PIZZA I JacobBon's the past decade, uses pre-loaded, through Texas. Although ratification of new contracts semi-trailer-sized containers. The con¬ tainers are transferred by crane between FREE , in several big 24 hours, Thomas W. ports was delayed for up to ship, railway cor and truck. Little Caesars Pizza I "Teddy" Gleason, The automation reduced the need for president of the Internation Longshore¬ 1203B.Od.Mv«r I ORDER NOW I longshoremen by more than a third in ALL BALFOUR PROFESSIONAL ! ... men's Association, announced after eight hours of secret ballot voting that ports such as New York and became the principal target of the strike for greater ® 337-1631 AND Far Christmas] Delivery partial returns showed new three-year job and income protection. | SN 0™>co*po.p« <„<(., TRADITIONAL SERIES RINGS (Men's and Ladies'! Cleveland teachers refuse to work CLEVELAND (AP) - About 1,000 of MSU SPORTS CLUBS be very close, in contrast to a similar vote Cleveland's 5,000 teachers refused to work Tuesday because the financially a month ago when the teachers agreed to work for a week without PRESENT troubled district plans to withhold knowing if they their would be paid. paychecks for a second straight week. The district is caught in the middle of a Fourteen schools were closed and CflNCUN about legal dispute over whether it can 11,000 pupils were sent home. use borrowed funds to pay salaries. Officials The Cleveland Teachers Union, mean¬ have said that when the while, was winding up a citywide vote of matter is resolved, all employees will get any back teachers to determine whether it would pay due them. Other employees, like call a strike unless teachers YOUR CANCUN HOLIDAY INCLUDES: get their janitors and secretaries, have also gone weekly paychecks Wednesday. unpaid, but have been showing up for * RoundtriD airfare to Cancun via United Airlines A union official predicted DC-8 chartered jet. results would work in normal numbers. * Complimentary meals and open bar In flight both ways. * Roundtrip transfers airport/hotel. * Seven nights accommodations in Cancun. * Welcome Cancun cocktail upon arrival. Mediators take charge of coal talks * Complete baggage handling and bellmen gratuities. * All tips and taxes lor included features. * U.S. and Mexican departure taxes. WASHINGTON (A) — Federal media¬ * Hospitality desk service in hotel lobby to assist assurances Horn uuin >iu« III tors took h,b with booking optional tours. charge of the coal industry's stalemated contract talks Tuesday and disputes to resume negotiations "with the aim of reaching an agreement." BALFOUR RING DAY - won swift agreement for "concentrated HURRY...THIS FINE SUN-N-FUN TOUR IS OPEN TO and continuous negotiations" to try to However, United Mine Workers Presi¬ dent Arnold Miller wos non-committal EVERYONE BUT SPACE IS LTD. Reservotlons may be November 30 avert a nationwide strike threatened made in RM. #131, Men's IM. for when asked about the Bldg., or call 353-5108. next week. possibility of last signup day, Dec. I. avoiding a strike. "I couldn't say Last Day Before right now," he told Direct From Chief federal mediator Lansing Horvitz said he expressed the ment s concern about the Wayne I. govern¬ reporters. Miller later briefed the union's SB- Dec. 17th - Dec. 24th, 1977 1978 Price Increase impact of a member bargaining council on the status strike on the nation's needs. He reported that he long-term energy received of the talks with the Bituminous Operators Association. Coal Fly the/tendjy skies ofUnited. Rep. Fred "s33900' White jVunn^Amun^l'^ HOT 10:30-3:30 I News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon Wednesdoy, November 30, 1977 3 OPPOSITION VOICED BY FERENCY ole of trustees in selection questioned at the a „paMWEAR — Academic Council proposal, which the ad hoc I Still Writer meeting Tuesday. selection committee approve the proposal is sched¬ voiced in Tuesday's meeting by tee) is an invasion of the right fce oltheMSU Board of Kfi, the presidential Debate was part of on the trustee's role general reaction to to the council for presented discussion. uled for the December 6 council meeting. criminal justice Zolton Ferency. professor of the academic community to selected by the board of trus¬ tees. The speakers said the the presence of two trustees on the current ad hoc committee Academic Council took no Possible amendments will al¬ reach its own decision unim¬ chairperson should be chosen was not i-tinn Drocess provisions in the MSU presi- formal action on the Though criticizing the philos¬ an attempt to manipu¬ be considered at the next peded by the board of trus¬ by committee members and late the dential search and selection proposal so ophy of the entire search-and- presidential selection Tuesday, but a vote whether to tees," Ferency said. that the chairperson should be meeting. selection proposal, he process in favor of the board of specifi¬ "It's a deliberate effort on the a faculty member. trustees. Academic Council plans to cally opposed the provisions part of the board in shaping this In the Taylor Report I, the "In present its decision on the which gave the board seats on document in advance of our delegating two members proposal to the MSU Board of the selection committee and guidelines under which MSU to the ad hoc committee, the Trustees at the board's Decem¬ deliberations, and I frankly President Clifton R. Wharton, board of trustees was operating allowed the trustees to resent that." ber 8 and 9 appoint Jr. was selected, no in the greatest sense of good meeting. a chairperson from Other specific Opposition to the board of among com¬ faculty members voic¬ provision was made to include faith and good will," he said. mittee members. trustees' role in the ing opinions also disapproved of trustees on the presidential Another major issue raised presiden¬ "(Allowing the board of trus¬ the provision calling for the tial selection process was first tees on the selection commit¬ search-and-selection committee. was whether the board of committee chairperson to be Wharton told the council that (continued on page 9) WOULD BE CLEAR TO HIGH—SCHOOLERS imt'' Legal jargon may be simplified ft ' By DANIEL HERMAN State News Staff Writer From this; A person shall not fore make, publish, national origin, sex, or marital status. This actl a consumer signs it, and it Most consumers usually disseminate, circulate, or place before the public, shall not authorize the attorney general to assume I will cut down on consumer frus¬ share a common fear of the an advertisement tration with contracts, such as concerning the buying, selling, facts not in evidence. The attorney general shall I often confusing legal language exchanging, or trading of a real property if that at all times bear the burden of proof to all charges housing contracts, where the found in the majority of legal advertising contains language expressing dis- made against a party. This act shall not diminish I consumer feels the landlord has contracts. crimination on the part of the seller a stacked deck against him," concerning the right of a party to direct and immediate legal prospective buyers because of race, creed, color, or equitable remedies in the courts of this state. Joy added. Rep. Jackie Vaughn. D- * Detroit, and Sen. Joseph M. To this; A person shall not circulate Representative Lucille H. an national origin, sex or marital Snyder, D-Macomb, are trying status, advertisement concerning the sale of real The attorney general shall bear the burden of McCollough, D-Dearborn, a co- to remedy this situation with property if that advertising contains language (on proof if such sponsor of Vaughn's bill, com¬ bills which would simplify legal the part of the seller) which charges are made. This act shall not mented, "the consumer should discriminates against impede the institution of language, so that anyone with a buyers on the grounds of race, creed, color. legal remedies, not be forced to try to un¬ high school education can un¬ scramble legal jargon or have derstand it. it to hire a lawyer to fill out then- will stop a lot of heart usually encountered with con- business or governmental breaks," he said. tracts, the burden of proof in a Snyder's bill — a duplicate of "It will make the contracts forms, there is nothing wrong Vaughn's proposal — will be dispute will still be on the much more understandable be¬ with plain English." Synder pointed out that a put on the Senate calendar for similiar act has "been in effect consideration within "one or in New York state for a while," Stole Nowt; Pete Oboe two days," said David Development fund distribution and has done "fairly well." hniin-born cheat grandmaster Leonid Shamkovich LaLumia, Snyder's aide. competes in one of 16 si- ■ultaneous chess matches with MSU Chess Club members at Vaughn said both bills have Brody Complex The bills will cover the legal "a very Monday night. Shamkovich won 14 of the matches, losing and good chance for pas- two. It was Shamkovich's second visit to MSU. drawing the other language found in consumer credit, insurance, property pur¬ chases, leases and other con¬ tracts including government documents to be used by the "My bill will make all con¬ tracts readable. It will require opens hearing to citizen input ymposium will focus everything to be stated sim¬ public. ply," he said. A public hearing on the distribution of The recommendations will then go to City Council Community Development funds will be held for approval. Snyder said the primary Vaughn explained that tonight at the 54-B District Court located in the purpose of the bill, "is to "much of the language in most P-K Building, 301 M.A.C. Ave., East Copies of the staff recommendation are Lansing. protect the average person who contracts is unneccesary ver- available in the planning department at City Hall, and society usually signs anything put in East Lansing residents will be able to give energy front of him." "The average consumer will bage which adds little to the overall meaning of the con¬ tract." on the recommendations of the ment staff, which formulated the input Planning Depart¬ proposal 410 Abbott Rd. The recommendations were already modified currently before the planning commission. by the planning commission in a works session and its impact now be able to go into a Linda Joy, Executive Direc¬ Final recommendations how to distribute held last week. Commissioners were y on Will," for which he won the The symposium is sponsored on basically rill be the focus of a free contract situation with prior tor of the Michigan Consumers the $2,040,000 in Ralph Waldo Emerson award by Gov. William G. Milliken, in Housing and Urban Develop¬ pleased with the staff recommendation, but | and Society" sympo- for humane literature; Kenneth cooperation with MSU. knowledge that he can under¬ Council, said, "I don't think it ment Funding for the next three years will suggested a few minor changes which are now le held Wednesday at 7 B. Clark, psychologist and pres¬ stand the contract, and I think will cure all of the problems probably be acted on Dec. 14 by the i included in the report. ie MSU Auditorium. ident of Clark, Phipps, Clark |r Adams, MSU protes¬ and Harris, Inc., a personnel ts and president- k till moderate a panel consulting firm specializing in human and race relations and 7th Week State News lotions! authorities to affirmative action programs; p the impact of future ■t and availability on and Amitai Etzioni, professor of sociology at Columbia Univer¬ Football Contest Winners The Red Cross wishes to thank nan people. sity, director of the Center for p panel will be Barry Marcia Hoexter b,director of the Cen- Policy Research Inc. He wrote "The Act of Society" and "Ge¬ 1st Prize $20 all those |fc Biology of wWashington Univer- Natural netic Fix." 243 Burcham faculty and staff members ISt. Louis and environ- •lind author of several Colloquium 2nd Prise $15 Cindy Clark who ■theenergy crisis; Rollo " 616 MAC participated in the Blood Drive agist and author of Prof. Jay W. Forrester ■hi including "Love and Germeshausen Prof, of Bruce Jacobs Mgt. atM.l.T. 3rd Prize M0 570 N. Hubbard on Tues., November 29, 1977. A Systems Dynamics Approach to National Policy Formation f CAFETERIA SERVICE Thur. Dec. 1,3-Spm food at its best... Hillel Jewish Student Center Cold Room |koml6Menl.M. 2nd floor Union and fantastic | Nov. 28-Dec. 1 Open to all students selection! Dear Grad Students: 1-7 p.m. and IUNCH 11:15 to 1:15 p.m. A Jewish Grod faculty. «.m. CLOSED SATURDAYS Group is new to MSU Hillel this term. The goal to provide fun and DiNNW 5.-00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. fellowship for Jewish Graduate students began in September with a Wine and SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 2 p.m. Cheese Party at Hillel. A Halloween Om FOOTBALL SATURDAYS get-together provided October fun. HAIRCUTS 11:35 A.M. te 1:15 P.M. What's next? Meet on us at JIM'S TIFFANY PLACE, 116 Michigan Avenue, Saturday evening, December 3. Cocktails and Hor d'oeuvres, compliments Lansing, s7j00 The Union of Hillel. will be served at 7:30 p.m. Dinner, on your own, is at 8:00. A special dessert is Hillel's treat. Please make reservations by December 1. Call Lori Kahn (332-0437) or Neil Golden (337-2327) or leave a message at the Hillel office. Do <*> 1 BOTH MEN & WOMEN 351-6511 Cafeteria LOWB LEVEL Of MSU UMON - COHNB U90TT t G. BVB you need a ride or can you provide transportation for other students? Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Allen Free T-Shirt with Permanent Executive Director GARYs "WE'RE MORE THAN JUST NUTS.. js Beauty Salon All the succulent Fried Fish you can eat, with French Fries You'll need help to stay warm this Mr. B's, £^££iver^icro5sTromjlerke^H^I^__ and Cole Slaw only 2.15 every Wednesday you'll get that help! WIDNISDAYSMCIAL SWEATERS *12.00-21.50 TRY OUR ORANGE LAKE DRIVE Shetland wool I acrylic blends Men's wool and wool-blend slacks ' 16.50 J'AL WHEAT FIATURI 9:30-1*30 ACCESSORIES CRUST PIZZA Wednesday-Sunday Scorves '3.50-5.00 Leather Driving Gloves '9.50 Suede Gloves '6.50 'REE DELI VIRY! Down Filled Mittens '11.50 Mill The Peanut Barrel Campus Pizza S21E. Grand River 351-0608 WEARHOUSE 529 E OR RIVER EAST LANSING I telM/E. 337* 1317 Store Hours: Won. • Sot. 10-1 @fp)ton©ini Punishment does not fit crime At a time when the use of serves as a role model for stu¬ signed a petition presented to marijuana is gaining acceptance dents. Gary North, "orth, cooicoordinator of Resi¬ among increasing numbers of However, to suspend Furbush dence Halls Programs Office, people, and when the Michigan — or any RA — for admitting to asking that Furbush be reinstated. House is considering legislation having smoked marijuana once in The question of the role of the which would decriminalize it, here his room is punishment that a University in the personal lives of at MSU a backward attitude clearly does not fit the crime, its student employees is prevails. fraught especially in light of society's with inconsistent answers. John Furbush, a resident assis¬ currently more relaxed attitude As usual, student tant at Williams Hall, has been toward marijuana use. employees are suspended for admitting that he Moreover, the action taken provided with none of the safe¬ once smoked marijuana in his against Furbush presumes that guards available to other Univer¬ room. the University controls virtually sity employees, and it seems RAs are especially Furbush has appealed his sus¬ every moment of an RA's life. An subject to arbitrary pension to the regular depart¬ RA is not on duty for 24 hours, as practices. mental grievance committee, a A similar action could not have the penalty imposed on Furbush been taken against any other panel composed in such a way that would indicate. type a fair hearing seems unlikely. In of University employee. Non- If Furbush had been appre¬ addition, Furbush has appealed to hended smoking marijuana in East academic, clerical-technical and Vice President for Student Affairs Lansing, he would have been administrative-professional em¬ Eldon Nonnamaker for a ruling on issued a $5 summons. ployees have grievance proce¬ Surely no dures provided by contractual the equity of the panel's composi¬ one was endangered by Furbush's tion. action, and it is clear he did not agreement. The faculty also has a Smoking marijuana is illegal. In neglect his responsibilities grievance procedure that is far as an from perfect, but essentially dem¬ addition, it is true that using the drug violates an RA's terms of RA. Furbush seems to be a compe¬ ocratic. The committee reviewing Fur- Cairo talks raise difficulties employment. It must also be tent RA in the view of residents of conceded that, ostensibly, an RA bush's case will consist of four The situation in the Mideast is his floor. A majority of them becoming representatives from North's of¬ Egypt and the United States both reject I fice increasingly complex and imponderable. allegation. ■ — who can hardly be expected to disagree with him — and one Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, basking in the However, diplomats in these and other afterglow of his summit extravaganza with Israeli concerned nonetheless. In nat,UUI The student chosen by North. Prime Minister Menahem Begin, now seeks to politics, whether | State News ] If the University administration wanted the faculty to unionize convene a peace conference in Cairo, Egypt's capital. national or international level, style often precedence over substance, and the f The purpose of the meeting — which Sadat envisions reality is often more important than the appearand Wednesday, November 30, 1977 overnight, it could provide no as including the principles in the Mideast conflict, as If nothing of major significance reality if Editorials are the opinions of the better impetus to that action than comes from the State News. Viewpoints, columns well as the United States — would be to establish a summit, critics will maintain that the f and letters are personal opinions. the imposition of a similarly rigged working foundation for the long-delayed Geneva were engaging in a meaningless charade. If the particij Editorial Department grievance procedure. peace conference. . (J Editor-in-chief Michael Tanlmuro Photo Editor Richard Pollfowskl Nonnamaker should promptly meeting does produce a breakthrough, critic/ Managing Editor Thus far, Israel and the United States have agreed contend that it Kot Brown Entertainment and Book Editor . Kathy Esselman rule in Furbush's favor and take to Sadat's was achieved without pro Opinion Editor Dave Mlsialowski Sports Editor proposal. Unfortunately, The Palestine Special Profects Editor Debbie Wolfe Loyout Editor Tom Shanahan Rebecca A Perry steps toward establishing proce¬ Liberation Organization and other Arab states have acknowledging the views of other Arab states It appears that City Editor Campus Editor Joe Scales Anne Sfuorf Copy Chief Renaldo Mlgaldl dures for a grievance appeal in rejected Sadat's invitation. Egypt, the United Israel are in a no-win situation. States! Wire Editor Jocelyn Laskowski Freelance Editor Staff Representative Michael Winter NuniioM. Lupo conformity with the basic tenets of The planned Cairo talks raise the possibility that meeting should take place. It represents a Nevertheless! fairness. More importantly, the the Arab world will be Advertising Department further alienated from Egypt, University should re-evaluate the fearing as it does the possibility that Sadat move, designed to break a simmering 1 Advertising Manager Sharon Seller Assistant is Advertising Manager Denlse Dear position it takes against those who attempting to make a logjam that has proved impervious to cc__ use a socially separate peace with initiatives launched over the years by conce acceptable drug. Jerusalem. parties. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau VIEWPOINT: RATE HIKES somrs i mm FAR. tim,IFW DONE! UH/TT BEEN60IH6 mnCUI,l! FREARIM' HAVE NO 06- SUDULDI UM..I ammie utfemrn amum Jtax*6,m GET? SAME .HE HERE REACH TOR OUR DUNNO-. l,cahido oonrmme AS LAST Utilities ■ i /m. 1/m.sixnes S MARK? nem. Mm! S WHEW? CHAASEOFTHE REFRESHMENTS? ' YEAR? LMTVUE SERVE? act in public 1 By PAUL M. GARDNER over half of Consumers Power Com¬ Your paper's recent editorial, "Utility ly affect the utility's capacity to I pany's total electric operating expenses, the requirements of its customers! Reform Urgently Needed; House Bills excluding income taxes. Looking at this Your editorial said the cost of J A Positive First Step," wrongfully another way, for every dollar which the bills for residential customers if criticized Michigan utilities and the Company spends for its daily bills, 59 high. Yet, you back the legist organization that oversees their opera¬ cents goes to pay the cost of fuel and proposal to tack an additional chart tions, the State Public Service Commis¬ purchased power. sion (PSC). monthy bills to fund a "residl Fluctuations either up or down in utility consumer action group, j Your support of legislation, intro¬ such a significant expense can add contention is that we need yet aP up to duced by representative Lynn Jondahl, a considerable sum of money. A fuel and agency to protect the rights a D-East Lansing, and Francis Spaniola, purchased power clause is a PSC - consumer. L these animals D-Corunna, to our way of thinking approved method of reflecting, on a This, despite the fact the PSCi are slaughtered. The reason deserves is to satisfy the ego. to become the some reevaluation. current basis, any increases or de¬ large and well-equipped staff to P "King of Among the proposals advanced by creases in this sent the public interest in rat* the Beasts." Hunting is an expense in the custom¬ unnecessary, the two lawmakers is one brutal sport. calling for a ers' bills. To deny an electric utility's ceedings, despite the fact the Attl ban on utilities passing along increased residential customers an opportunity to General of the state of Michigai Cynthia L. Thompson fuel costs to users. One may wonder receive automatic decreases if costs been extremely active in virtually I Gregory go how such expenses will be paid. down is unfair to them. To deny the major utility rate proceeding in th 1 Fuel and purchased power expenses utility the opportunity to recoup, in a 10 years, and despite the fact! Bike Regulations inconvenience the respon¬ danger " sible majority as well as offending minority. Dynasty ends are the largest items of an electric expense which utility incurs in serving its timely manner, increases in such a significant expense, upon which it does virtually anyone can intervene in P case, at almost any stage o However, the common good is being customers. For example, they not make one cent profit, could serious- proceeding. In the past, for exan, ^ The recent State News article entitled neglected at present. Foresighted action On Nov. 17, a dynasty ended. One of represent number of groups have intervened "Biking Fast..." has been long overdue. now will prevent a worsening situation in As an occasional cyclist myself I Michigan State's greatest I.M. football Public Interest Research Groii see the the future. . teams lost for the first time in three advantages and necessity of bike transpor¬ Bob Belletzkie Michigan, several cities, the Mi tation. On the other seasons. Mighty Jai Hai lost in the Farm Bureau and numerous indi# hand, as the dazed semifinals of the University pedestrian "survivor" of an accident with a Jai Hai has been University championships. customers from major industrial 1 bike I also know the danger it poses. With champs since to individual homeowners. personal injuries increasing from bikes, it is 1975, and this University probably has not Your editorial criticized i time for DPS Capt. Badgtly to do more than Hunting brutal seen a better team. Jai Hai has record in four years of 46-2. compiled a-; monopolies whose profits i encourage his officers to ticket offenders. Every single regulated in a manner with ct Hunting is not a means of providing member of the Jai Hai team should be t Indeed, more drastic measures are in interests. We feel we are regulat nourishment any longer; it is considered a proud of their accomplishment. order, for offenses that are manner consistent with the dangerous and sport. Hunters carry shiny new guns, wear But credit should go where it is due. J commonly seen on campus: excessive interest. The bill of an average el speed, "no hands," riding double, bright orange clothes, and shoot at any¬ Abbot Abreast deserves a lot of credit for customer served by Consumers H carrying thing that moves. In the past, hunters shot their victory. Take note however; like the oversized objects, no warning devices (horn is lower than the residential elect only what was required for food. Seldom mythological bird "Phoenix," JAI HAI shall or light), wrong-way use and non-use of bike were the of 61.5 percent of residential cur lanes. Though physical problems of hunting that exist rise again! injury is less likely served by other electric utilities ■ for the motorist than the today apparent. pedestrian, the As compared with last year's death toll of A417 Emmons (Jai Hai) country. f bike is a hazard to him as well. The two legislators say often riding several abreast in Cyclists are three hunters, this year's toll has more than iwj roads, riding tripled. So far this hunting season, nine needed to prohibit utilities WL against traffic, not observing traffic eluding the cost of advertising mj signs or hunters have been killed by I. M. signals but then demanding the same of right gunshots, 12 hunters died from heart attacks, and 10 alternative customers' bills. A substantial p* way as other vehicles. hunters wounded by gunshots. One of our advertisements are, in fan : The solution called for is 16-year- For the majority of the students on this solely by the company's shareho simple: handle old boy shot his father in the stomach and : bicycles on the Variety football team is In addition, the m campus like automobiles. This watched him die. This boy will live with this campus not customers. .means registering them at (minimal) fees hunting expedition the rest of his life. Other something to be watched, possibly wor¬ the majority of our advertisings which would be used toward strong men will have to live with the shipped, but certainly not something they inform the public about *«■ .enforcement of some picture of a could be a part of. As an alternative and, in tui needed regulations. This existing and some wounded hunter being rushed to the to conserve energy mandatory system hospital. Varsity sports most athletically inclined their monthly utility bills. could serve as students turn to intramural a better theft deterrent than It is hard to understand what kind sports. You say the Public Service 0 the present of Since I.M. sports have become voluntary one, and as a safety entertainment is derived from sitting in the such a sion and the utilities have lau examination of the bike as well. growing part of normal MSU life, we don't funds could go toward Surplus cold woods, searching for movement, recognize consumer interests. understand why the State News offers Consumers Power Company " system of bike routes on improving the aiming a rifle, and in a cold-blooded, no should be a designated bike campus. There premeditated fashion, murdering a deer. more than a single paragraph of "l.M. disagree more. We're here to sere notes" every two weeks to these route, even if Even more unbelievable is that a activities. public with gas and electaaty. J just a striped area of the sidewalk, to physically These teams work hard to thing we intend to do at the every unfit person would attempt to carry this keep their teams building on campus. These should be kept dead animal out of the woods. winning and getting the all University possible cost to the customer. clear in all seasons and bikes use them. required to Hunting is a contemptible sport. Hunters Championship means as much to them as The cost of energy, how,ev<*' usually are insensitive brutes unable to any Varsity victory. So why not give these inflation and the expense of raw « In short, it is time to athletes and their games some stop treating the read "Posted No recognition? resources, will continue to rise. >.| bicycle like an innocent form of recreation Hunting" signs, who As friends of the 1977 and start trample on other's land shooting rifles near University I.M. an unfortunate fact of We. | regulating it as an integral part of campus transportation and a homes. They ignore laws stating no hunting Football Champs (Akhilles), we know how Additional needless laws, red! inv^emeW will potential much credit they deserve and threat to the public on Sundays in certain counties. how much and bureaucratic safety. I realize that that title means to them! Hunters, why do you not admit that Congratulations result in higher, not lower increasing an already formidable bureau¬ Akhilles, from those of who appreciate cracy at M8U will hunting is the only way to kill something us customers. not be popular with all. legally? Food is generally not the reason intramural sports! Gardner Is 0 spokesperson lor C Name withheld by request Power Company ^■I^n State Naws, Eost Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 30, 1977 5 tlorado River rapids offers trip in (zona's Grand Canyon wilderness DM Cutyo": A River Journey an account of the by John Blaustein journey equal to Blaustein's photographs, Abbey kept a journal while taking the trip. ■pdwsrd Abbey Intermingling facts about the area with his own impressions of the adventure, Abbey succeeds in of producing a fast-paced account an incredible vacation. "The temperature of the water j, adventure. Ah yes, the familiar institution that here is 47 degrees (I place a SIX JTwch red blooded American with a desire to become wJ. Michelob in the new? This river is not the water for quick chilling.) And brand Colorado we knew and loved. The real iDtfiel Boone. Whether the excitement of the frontier be Colorado died in 1964 when the Etc starting the fireplace with only one match or goes so far engineers of the Bureau of Reclamation closed the gates at Glen rag » backpack around the living room stuffed with books Colorado from Canyon Dam, changing the 1All you a wild and free lu most armchair nature freaks dream of fantastic trips river into the domesticated, Wtf someday get around to taking. Intisy the dreams of ooiwcted city 0tampers too broke to venture far from a heated dweller Jjviter, Penguin Books has published a fascinating account, or steadfast home with well-regulated conveyor belt for boloney boats that it is Probably no man-made artifact in all of human hated so much, by so 'And the boatmen, many, for so long as Glen Canyon Dam they look even worse than the boats Time to back out of this deal. I knew today. history has been ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE need is love' fails there was something queer Strip down a river which meanders through the bottom of about the whole setup, this supposedly free ride on the new Grand by Tony Palmer certainly, and it's encouraging that Palmer himself manages to ^,'s Grand Canyon. Canyon subway Our destination, 277 miles downstream." Penguin Books make it. Once made, however, the point quickly is obscured by a Ctkis is no ordinary book, for it consists of nearly 100 color .... Realistically petrified of the trip in the beginning, Abbey's $8.95 series of "philosophically important" conjectures by Palmer that lis intermingled with an insightful journal of the 18-day mire his already limited insatiable thirst for the unknown By DAVE DI MARTINO viewpoint and rarely let up. parallels that of Major John Palmer spends most of his time in ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE Wesley Powell's who traveled the same river course Tony Palmer is asking for trouble in writing this book. What LHidden Canyon: A River Journey was photographed by century ago and whose journal the author frequently quotes in his nearly a ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE purports to be is "the story of popular congratulating himself for his "extensive research." After what (gliustein who has had his work printed in several own account. c." No more, and no less. undoubtedly became a harrowing series of experiences out in the * Unfortunately, as Palmer himself field, Palmer has turned up the following including Time Life Books' American Wilderness ' is "August 13,1869 — We are now ready to start on our admits in the book's preface, such a documentation can in no way fascinating data: 1) the Great Unknown. We have but a way down be complete unless it were to contain several thousand Popular music did NOT originate from West Africa. 2) The month's rations remaining. We pages. Edition to being an excellent photographer, Blaustein also have an unknown distance yet to run, an unknown river to explore. Keeping that in mind. Palmer has managed to successfully gloss Storyville club in New Orleans during the early 1900's was NOT i as a boatman and guide on the Colorado River, having With some eagerness and some over every aspect of jazz headquarters (in case you thought it was). 3) When anxiety and some misgiving we popular music — from ragtime to jazz, blues Storyville was shut down, jazz was NOT booted out of New ndover 35 dory trips through the Grand Canyon. enter the canyon below and rock — in slightly more than just three hundred. With lots of Kiehieve the unusual cloae-up pictures of wooden boats being And, further on in the text, Abbey's pictures, ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE is fun to look through Orleans, and musicians did NOT steam up the river to Chicago. 4) Ej about in frenzied waves Blaustein actually used his camera writing talent and editing but little more than a laugh to read. The blues is NOT the cornerstone of all modern popular music. becomes more evident as the reader can almost feel the Eseated in the rear of a dory as it plummeted through a rapid. which grips the panic As it happens, Palmer is an Englishman.That And finally, 5) The Delta, home of "American Negro music," is passengers in the boat when the helmsman yells, might not seem to NOT located in and around the Mississippi River at New Orleans. Jhphotograph the rapids from inside the boat," he explained " 'And one morel'. .. One more indeed. The dory drops into the make much of a difference, but the popular music that he (note at the end of the book, "I place the motor-drive (35mm) deepest hole yet. I think I can almost see bedrock bottom. The attempts to document is almost exclusively American. As a More of these shattering NEED IS LOVE, but I won't revelations abound in ALL YOU in ammo can, with large holes cut out of two opposite third wave towers above us. Far above. The Great Wave. result, the distance between both countries has never seemed tip Palmer's hand. The curious can Heavily pick up Palmer's book. But if they're smart, they'll promptly put it (Both holes are covered with Plexiglas, and sealed with our water-loaded boat, askew, climbs up its face. Never makes it. greater. back down again, because ultimately the book carries worth on ■arubber. One affords the front of the lens a clear view and As the wave hits us from the portside our dory turns over with the Other allows me to see through the viewfinder in order to grave, solemn, inevitable certainty of disaster. No one Originally, Palmer's book came about as a supplement to a only two levels: the art — including some fascinating says a word ne-week musical series he reproductions of sheet music covers produced during the early Xproper framing when I attach the rig to the boat.... When as we go under." produced on the BBC. Aired in Cat is in the middle of the roughest water, I start the camera, Yes, they survived the Horn Creek Rapid at mile 90 which is England several months ago, the series was much criticized on '20s, and several previously unpublished photos of British rock several counts (including its breadth of stars and the exclusively British music coverage. Under¬ (will automatically expose an entire roll of film — thirty-six rated between 7 and 9 for difficulty, 10 being the most challenging. coverage) and was — res—within nine to eighteen seconds, depending on how I set On the 13th day, Abbey describes the regarded by more than one critic as a lame attempt, by Palmer, at standably, Palmer comes across much more authorat itively when rapid which even the demystifying a bewilderingly American music scene. According writing about current British pop, undoubtedly because it IS boatman fear: Lava Falls. This rapid with a he result of all this extensive preparation is rating of 10 plus to a Penguin Books press release, Americans will have their own current, and British. an exciting becomes the climax of the text at mile 179. List essay on the river boat trip by a photographer who has chance to see Palmer's series in January, when it will be aired on The remaining five days of the journey were described in brief However, when Palmer's documentary shows up on PBS next most PBS stations. Until then, ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE will (received any formal instruction in photography, - perhaps because the notebook which Abbey was using became have to do. January, I'll be watching. Supposedly some very rare film footage iough the book consists primarily of pictures, there is a text soaked with river water and nearly indecipherable. of saxophonist Charlie Parker has been unearthed — Parker Mby Edward Abbey. He has been a park ranger, fire lookout Quoting Palmer's own words: "Critics of popular music are previously was assumed to have never been filmed in action — However, if only just for a few leisurely hours, the escape from obsessed hll-time wilderness poet. Well qualified for the task of writing by the need to load the music and its development with a and, if nothing else, that part of Palmer's project should be city life to wilderness adventure is well worth the time. philosophical importance that is alien to it." A valid point, worthwhile. 541 E.Grand River ■cross from Berkey Hall) TAKK A BREAK WITH US HOLIDAY SHOPPING HOURS BOOKS WANTED! Tired off your We are interested in buying: own Mon. ■ Sat. 10 a.m. • 9:30 Sunday Noon - 6 p.m. p.m. •SCIMCt Fiction .Old Books cooking? •Conic Books .p,|pS Bell's has •Boalle Items -Magazines great pizza & •KaocyDnw -Big Little Books grinders •Mysteries •Baseball Cents 225M.A.C. Curious Book Shop 332 - 5027 1135 E.Gd. River 307 East Grand River East Aocipede Peddler •Nautilus Lansing 332 • Of rly lnitn»mant» (antiques ft crafts) (517)332-0112 Oponfroi.i 11:00 >41 Garnet ft Gifts lit, llock 4 Circular • Jax Copying • Kitchen Cupboard ^ East Grand River and Marsh RcJ.Okemos. Michigan I (md records ft tapes) • Family of Man Bitot Lakes Ml Supply • Broster's Ice Cream 1 M Women outfitters) • Paramount News | NATERBEDS, HEATERS, If you are a value oriented person ACCESSORIES •St price in town •SB" any size mattress who wants a good listenable music dutiful hand crafted custom frames iSe,ese' flature's system, plus service after the sale, Imattress, liner, frame [jJq^ 351-5550 Uater&eds see us first. I'pnt •» pm dally THE MAJESTIC SYSTEM Flexibility and performance et a modest price. .« JVC JDS-100 RICH vie * — .Imllflrl. ,*«. N.. 11" GT IS CHAHOIR i™, i JVC *w<.i eiNltlS I LOVDSDIAKIRS AUDIOTICHHICAAVIIICADTHID«I tvrntoble incorporates everything Garrard considers es $449 A Memory Advancing Inlo the Future fidelity perfermence. Utilising e incredibly low-mess high torque meter for steedy speed, end e heevy di quiet, smooth end dependehle operation the GT-10 Is a JVC Garrard high perfermence et osfonlshingly lew cost. The Am cartridge requires a relitively low tracking force which on recordings. GENESIS (glaudio-technica MAJESTIC SYSTEM y happiness "as of their neor distance unbearable. We sold what a ™V we don't hove more t|m., "If we CHRISTMAS Come here ne»l time, we'll go there." 'm there. 'hove lime 'm the next enough. lime. HI-FI BUYS Disc Shop 323 E. GRAND RIVER E.L. PH. 351-5380 YEHUDA AMICHAI 1101 E.GRAND RIVER 4810 W. SAGINAW MON.-THUR. 10-8 E. LANSING PH. 337-1767 LANSING PH. 321-2373 FRIDAY 10-9 MON.-FRI. 10-8/SAT. 9-5 MON.-FRI. 11-8/SAT.9-5 seoen oqys 10-to-10 SATURDAY 10-6 2io mac avenue £ Michigon Stote News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 30, „ ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Full Surplus wood, he said, cur¬ Lansing approves utilization of wood energy could rently has no commercial value, save Michigan $8.4 billion and 600 million barrels of oil over the next 30 years, based on but can be used for fuel. "It is difficult to to other forms of equate wood energy in new current market prices, accord¬ terms of heat content because ing to Gov. William G. Milliken. burning wood efficiently is public basketball leagui "I don't think anvone here somewhat of a lost art," the today would suggest that wood governor said. "But a conserva¬ Wood offers energy our is the single solution to energy problem," Milliken told a wood energy conference Tuesday. "But it can play an tive estimate equates this 600 million tons of surplus wood to 600 million barrels of oil. There will be more basketballs bounced in Lansing this season In other City Council action: Milliken said increased har as a result of a resolution sponsored by Lansing city eThe council agreed to have important role as a renewable Councilmember Terry McKane. beat patrolmen of vesting of wood fuel in Michi¬ downtown. Frandor and Michigan Ave. , source energy — as a shoppingK Ji ■to alternative gan would create additional In Monday night's city council meeting McKane asked for the Christmas shopping season. eas ""nun reliable, ongoing resource jobs - particularly' in the immediate passage of a resolution granting $600 for an additional which fills part of the gap left traditionally high Lansing young adult basketball league. •Accepted an offer by Vector Construction by shrinking fossil fuel sup¬ ment areas of the unemploy The resolution, prompted by the inability of three basketball and redevelopment of land on the ?„ . plies. It holds the potential to north. Shiawasee St. corner of'ml1"1" rner of - be a clear part of the solution "It is estimated that more teams to join the regular Lansing league,^was unanimously passed w«hington by the council. The additional league will give six to 12 teams the fuel to our energy problems, a part than 250 jobs would bq stimu¬ opportunity to compete. source of an overall approach which lated per each million tone of includes a number of alterna- wood fuel harvested within the After much debate, the council also finally passed a resolution Senior tivess shaped by regional needs and resources." Milliken said Michigan has state," he said. "Thus, wood fuel deliveries totalling four million tons could generate -for funding the reconstruction of the Kalamazoo St. Bridge. The resolution was tabled at last week's meeting to let city attorney Timothy W. Sanderson review the council's policy on transferring photos fake more than 19 million acres of more than 1,000 funds. jobs." The forest land which would pro¬ duce 500 million tons of surplus governor said wood energy he is hopeful a The first vote on the resolution resulted in a tie and, after Cedar U?lhM^n extendi Seniors can schedule an tough ^ '°'the demonstration appointment bv Miiin. « wood fiber over the next 30 project will soon be started in debate, was passed by a 6-2 vote. Students who have already had their The Lansing Board of Water and Light will be allotted $140,000 to return the proofs to the pictures taken we r years. Michigan. photographer as soon as of a Federal grant for the electrical work on the bridge po, it reconstruction, expected to start in late February. or <£*>" °r yearbooks can be placed in 30 Student Servt 337 Union. The cost is $12. e High schoolers' COUPON, HALF 3301E. MICH. £ 2020 W. SRANP attitudes toward RIVER- OKEMOS C next to k-maft) 507 MORE OWEN ON MANUFACTURER AC? PRICES QyOOV THROUGrH PEPEEM COUPONS FOR CIGARETTES AW COUPONS drugs shift Ctfm AT EMEU? REGULAR FACE sex, SATURPAY, PECEMSER 3 VAIUE INCIUPE IN STORE OR FREE (TIM BUT- POfi MOT COUTONS NORTHBROOK, 111. (AP) - Seventy-seven percent favor Seventy percent of the nearly maintaining the defense budget 24,000 high school juniors and at the current level or in¬ seniors who answered a ques¬ creasing it, a contrast to four tionnaire say they have never years ago when only 8 percent had sexual intercourse, and 56 urged greater defense spend¬ percent say they would prefer ing. their husband or wife to be a In 1971, only 30 percent virgin when they marry. advocated capital punishment. The nationwide poU is con¬ Now 66 percent favor rein¬ ducted annually by "Who's Who stating the death penalty. Also, Among American High School 64 percent believe in censoring Students" among juniors and certain movies, television pro¬ seniors chosen by their princi¬ grams. books and magazines pals, guidance counselors and whereas almost the same per¬ national youth groups. centage opposed any censor¬ This year's poll - the eighth ship in 1971. — produced substantial evi¬ Nearly half the students, 49 dence which seems to show the percent, said they never had teen-agers have reversed liber¬ beer, 46 percent never drank a al trends of 10 years ago and glass of wine, and 61 percent are becoming more politically never tried hard liquor. In 1972, and morally conservative. 85 percent said they had tried ^ Seven out of 10 of the leaders some alcoholic beverage. surveyed say they do not About 88 percent said they condemn couples living togeth¬ never have used drugs and only er without marriage, but only 9 percent said they have two of those seven say they smoked marijuana. Also, 85 would seriously consider such a percent reported never having relationship for themselves. smoked cigarettes and 8 per¬ However, 37 percent said cent have quit. they approved of premarital sex if there was mutual con¬ sent, and 5 percent approved if the couple is going steady and PREPARE FOB: |£| another 18 percent said it was MCAT • DAI • LSAT • GRE OK tf the couple plans to marry. ■Fifty-four percent listed na¬ fiMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT tional defense as a priority in NUB 1,1,1, spending tax dollars. That was the first time a majority had ECFMB'FLEWQE picked defense as a priority. MSU Ski Club Annual Swap CENTER And tale U$t P'rMfilion Spec until Sir Room li Men's I.M. Nov. 28- wcH» or coll: 2S214 Orchard Dec. 1 lafct load Sulta MS Farmlnatwi 1-7 P.M. *«.. Ml 4NII (113) IS HO!) CcMm .n Ma.oEUSC.lA CROSS COUHTRY SKI PACKA6ES Packate #1 Pactyetf Jola Ski Fischer Europa Glass Oovre Bindings Oovre 3-pin Binding Jofa Pole Leather Boot 79* Jofa Pole Leather Boot 'IIS* BUY2-SAVE UPTO 88F W/C- COUNTRY FRESH Package #3 Package#* * 2* LOW RAT Fischer Step Dovre 3-pin Binding Fischer Skin Oovre 3-pin Binding * MILK, Jofo Pole Leather Boot I™ Jofo Pole Leather Boot 13i • CHOCOLATE LOW PAT * LOW PAT MILK &AU.ON ' Michigon stote News, Eost tonslng, Michigan Copyright 1177. Tht KroMr Co. Wo Rotoivo Tho Right To Wednesday, November 30, 1977 7 Limit Quontitioo. Prlcot And Coupono Good Mon.. Nov. 28 PBB COVERUP ALLEGED charges may signal new probe ago but opted not to file become known," chvges because the alleged Brady said Officials of the two com¬ year ago, and they didn't violations were Brady said his task force will panies refused comment on the it merited figure only misde¬ continue to investigate any further action." meanors. that the two firms charges accusations, saying they had "It hasn't been until and some not seen the specific recent government officials failed to charges. Mclntyre said the formal months that the serious conse¬ charges name the companies quences of PBB contamination, aCtL„pr,0perly public from PBB t0 Protect the Farm Bureau attorney but not the officers as defen¬ as tar as Its destructiveness and contamination Kenneth after the Mclntyre said the dants. "I don't know how they potential harm to mlxup was dis¬ charges "appear to be the same humans, have covered. are going to arraign a corporate thing the grand iurv looked at a charter." aalH Ivory «**h, Mart than a millita Michigan shopgirl ehatst Kragar! Why?... ...laeauta Kragar mains better Matt. Kragar givss yea a batter meat raise. Tear meaty buys mora aatiag maat at Kragar... ...lacaasa yaa'll tied frasbar frait sad ragatablas ia tba Kragar gardaas. lav attar K,tly said the task force row at frishaess at deaa-te-earth prices. Tjj include members of his Kragar alaays attars tba bast available... bind the FBI. tdy filed a four-count infor- ...lacaasa yaa'll tied everyday laa prices ■rtn Monday against Mlchl- throughout the start, aitb laa aaakly ipaeials Kirm Bureau Services Inc., on items you aaad and buy ragalariy. With Evelsicol Chemical Co., ac- unadvertisad spteials that giva yaa im¬ Lfthem of violating federal pacted savings. Cud drug laws by making 'r Celling livestock feeds that r w V contaminated with toxic Ki charge is a misdemeanor ) carries a maximum j fine for each count, ij uid. Arraignment was ■gnled for Dec. 12. Kg made by Velslcol's cor- lt predecessor, Michigan jitil Co., was sent to a n Bureau mill in 1973 s mistaken for a Ef additive and mixed with Col livestock feed. Kidy said the misdemeanor » were the result of past ligations by the U.S. at-» jeys' offices in Grand Rapids K| Detroit, federal grand jur- ftHiehigan Attorney General nk J. Kelley, the U.S. artment of Justice and the lidind Drug Administration, lit said those authorities had I information "some time iuthor will read African poetry |ilh African author Sheila Africa and teaches literature at Is will read and discuss MSU. Her collection of short borks of South African stories, "Outside Life's Feast," 111 12:16 p.m. Thursday in won the Olive Shreiner Prize kternational Center, for prose in 1976. Her latest ■s About Time" will be the novel, "He's My Brother," has Idler presentation at the been banned in South Africa ■ Bag luncheon sponsored because of its description of |h African Studies Center, social and political problems in a native of South that country. THE ALTERNATIVE: | MEDICAL SCHOOL ABROAD (C) Copyright 1V77 In U.S.A. by International Onto Inc. I. I must book for prospective medical students. It Iktaila admisaion requirement! and procedures, ■Mi. language requirement! - dozens use English ■■the classroom - and living accommodations for ■aedkal schools in 35 countries. It alto telle of the ■fcP» • foreign graduate ahould take to practice ine in the U.S. ■e medical schools are free; others charge nomi- !nl tuition. Some require only a high school educa- Ithi; others two or four years of college. For your |"W ol this authoritative work, send *9.95 to: INTERNATIONAL DATA INC. P.O. BOX 817 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 Lansing ^ottefts' QuiCd Ml holiday sale Docombor 1-3 AH Saints Episcopal Church 1100 Abbott ltd., East Lansing jhirs: Alius., Dec. 1,7-10 p.m. fii., Dec. 2,1D e.m.-9 p.m. Sat., Dec. 3,10 a.m.-4 p.m. Drawing for a froo pot . on Doc. 3 l r,#l accoptod during tho salo 8 Michigan State News. East laming, Michlgon Wednesday, November 30, )977 | 'Sarah' illuminates legend By KATHY ESSELMAN portray Racine's Andromache about Bernhardt's life and ca- State News Reviewer dressed in mourning, rather one did not do it in the ,t, and frighten the horses. Zoe Caldwell creates a glitter¬ than in the conventional white. It is this perverse, brilliant ing, brittle portrait of the Her performances in the French artist that Grossman The work was portrays direct. legendary Sarah Bernhardt in classics were original and incan¬ in her script. However, the Wans Hussein, who did N, the CBC production of Sarah, descent. Like Ellen Terry, she drama has a mechanical oua Womu, the life 0f State News/DebbieBorte invested her readings with quality. ©and, for Ge| airing tonight on WKAR TV Seams show here and there BBC-TV. Hal LoretU Lynn, "the'* (channel 23). Glorious, evanes¬ naturalism and stripped them of elicited queen of country mu¬ cent, a woman of ephemeral the mannered style where scenes are patched in to stunning from all the performJl dictated by communicate a bit of informa¬ player,, sic," peforms Sunday passions and monumental abil¬ French Classicism. composed this night at the Civic ity, Bernhardt was of the first tion or set a mood. The over-all national diverse IT Zoe Caldwell gives a brilliant structure is a shade too intellec¬ company into a 1 Center in generation of international The popular Lansing. stage stars and shared the evocation of the mercurial tual. First, it recounts the establishment of her career, jftnedgrand ine unit with, manner, uniform J country adulation of the Western world Sarah Bernhardt, reminding theatrical folk at the favorj and western star one that there are far too few second, her stormy, tragic mar¬ turni ap¬ with Eleanor Duse and EUen peared with Conway riage to Jacques Damala (Jeane century, poses problem,! great roles written for women. cause it Terry. Her reading of a speech from Leclerc) a roue twenty years can veer danger! Twitty, pleasuring Nothing was too extravagant toward their fans with down- Andromache is electrifying. She her junior, and then it concen¬ parody. To Huai or outrageous for Bernhardt to trates upon credit, all the home sound. has won two Tony awards, for A her lifelong love performs! adopt as a habit or fetish if it affair with France. This struc¬ succeed in Slapstick Tragedy and The maintainm,! furthered her career. She as¬ requisite balance between cended into the skies in bal¬ Prime ef Mill Jean Bredle. This ture allows for the inclusion of a deur and ! performance should earn her an great deal of biographical ma¬ humanity. His orf loons, wore trousers and kept a zation of the terial, but breaks the flow of the technical asp« Emmy. meticulous. pet ocelot. She let it be known drama, allowing the viewer to < that she slept in a coffin and In Sarah, Suzanne Grossman be too distanced from emotional This original CBC carried a skull with her on her has kaleidoscoped Bernhardt's involvement with the work. is mounted with prodnfl travels. Bernhardt openly ac¬ lavuh ■ career, using her make-up ses¬ gance. No detail is knowledged her illegitimate son sion before her only film appear¬ Grossman's dialogue is tinged omitted! stunningly beautiful, withR — a clear act of defiance against ance in La Reine Elizabeth in with the salty accents of the and costumes that the Victorian double-standard. leave do* 1912, at 68, as a frame for her Parisian demi-monde. Gross¬ to be desired. Bernhardt's taste for the reminiscence. Grossman has man has done an admirable unconventional extended to her job Sarah offers an constructed a complex work of communicating the mores of a appet| theatrical performances. She alternative to the bland 1 which communicates an enor¬ leisure class who considered any was the first performer to mous amount of information behavior acceptable, as long as being ladled out by the I Kreative Kampus Klubs IVIRY WIDNIf DAY works this season. ■ Every day By MARK WEST on campus we are bombarded with massive amounts of information on this organization or that. Most of this goes in one during a 57-hour acid trip. Ever since that weekend John gets sick at the sight of paint, thus ending a promising artistic career. He's A WHOPPER so burnt out now he's cut his hair and taken There will be up business eye and trickles out a nostril. Not only is this messy, but we may administration at MSU. r be missing something worthwhile. For of Christmas SURPRISES^ example, you may have lived in a closet for years, eating onion soup and not talking to anyone, afraid of ridicule and actual physical abuse because you But there's still hope for John. Every time he hears "Wooden Ships" his eyes get misty, his hands tremble, and starts beautiful sketches that he just can't finish. a special! galore on Dec. 9 in the thought you were the only person who appreciated Hugo John is only one of many such people in our community. These 5 pm till dose Christmas Pages. Winehard's embroidery stitching on stuffed frogs. Then you get on men and women need our help. Please donate your battered Will there be one campus and see a poster announcing the Fifteenth Annual Hugo regalia of yesteryear. We need your old Army jackets, headbands, Winehard Collector's Convention and Swap Meet. With this for you? Say Merry Sf blacklight posters, old albums by Blue Cheer,-Stooges, Hendrix, 59c thought in mind, I read quite a few of those mimeographed, Jefferson Airplane, etc., etc. misspelled posters and flyers. I will now present, verbatim, a Christmas with a Peanuts Your donations will be used in monthly meetings to help these couple of the more interesting ones. poor wretches relieve their youth. Personal Ad Today! KJNv COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENT EATING VIRGINS ANONYMOUS Why mil tiin'llw In*!? During past holiday breaks many Hubbard Hall residents their friends overindulging in holiday saw feasting. Alarmed by these This group had only its name and phone number on its notice. I decided to call and find out what they are about. whoppers kPRIPAYMINT MOUIMDj displays of gastronomic gorging, concerned residents have formed "We have a rapid turnover in members," said no Stat* News Classified the Committee on Intelligent Mary (859-3401), coupons no limit Eating. the member who answered the phone. She told me that VA 347 Student Services Be sure you know the warning signs of problem eating. Ask members use only their first names and yourself the following questions: phone numbers. Offers Qood at Bath "People join up to get rid of their virginity. The ratio of men to 1) When you put on a yellow coat do people mistake taxi? you for a women is about even. Usually after the first meeting everybody 11411. Orand River goes home with somebody. Of course, then there is no need for 2) Does the weekend elevator make everyone else leave when them to come and 30121. Saginaw back." you get on? 3) When young children visit you do they use one of your shirts as a tent? 4) Did you throw away your diabetic roommate's insulin so could have more room for munchies? you CUSTOM T-SHIRTS 5) Is the only reason you smoke marijuana because it is socially acceptable as an excuse to have the munchies? If you answered yes to any of the above VTC per shirt includes o quality T-shirt, your questions, you need dorm name clubs help. You are welcome to attend the CIE meeting next week. teams fraternity or sor¬ Refreshments will not be served. ority ensignio and picture any amount of letters whatever you wont. THE EX-FREAK CONGREGATION John Doe (not his real name) was a typical high school student 'Colored T Shirt with a not-so-typical talent for art. John's life took a dramatic turn for the worse when he painted the ceiling of his high school gym Jerseys Sweatshirts & toalght tfcrv Saturday Nylon Jackets Also 1/3 $700 Call BILL LEE at New Earth Rhythm C & 0 T-SHIRT CO. Band 371-2694 Pitcher High* All yow <•■ Ml. Texas Beef Ribs, Frlas,«aladRar 1,93 ^ Bedaced Bar Rrlses Dally I I-Bpai tizapdi ®rxfei°gpoune /A 1/2 carat $1500 1/2 carat $800 tariff 1/2 carat $1000 224 Abbott 351-2285 IheDRMKH ^50 This Areas Only Multi-Media Discotheque 2843 E Gd. River. E. Lans. 351-1201 5/8 carat $1600 5/8 carat $1300 OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF DENIM BELL BOTTOMS Wednesday Special DENIM BIO BELLS Boozers Bazaar AND BASIC CORDUROYS 35c Thursday Special SALS M3" y Suds 'n Subs j Greek Night •IhcBRMKH* Rings shown are the Americas Junior Miss Collection Prices represent retail quotations for these (enlarged for detail). specific rings. 220 MAC. De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. University Mall Ph. 351-4620 m^gnjlote N«wi, Eo»t laming, Michigan Wednesday, November 30, 1977 9 STATE EMPLOYEES TRAVEL TOGETHER ocal pools van saving gas, money By ANNE MARIE HONDO State New* Staff Writer starting ride-sharing programs. OPEN Vans travel daily from One enthusiastic rider, Bob state employees have conserved some 22,000 many areas including Grand Rapids. Ann Reynolds, a highway department MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9-9 Arbor, Ionia and St. John's to employee from Ionia, said he saves between (126 to $130 a month wline since April through a new form of mass Lansing Roach said. by van pooling. SAT 9-6 SUN 11-5 on called van pooling, i „e to the Michigan Bureau of Transportation Planning nsncNNa Ste employees are presently participating in van pools, vans operate daily to transport 10 to 12 people tune and work- Euiling » »" attractive way of reducing peak hour traffic CIGARETTES Iffysid Steve Vertalka, mass transportation planner for JJJ, Department of State Highways and Transportation Kit the vans are traveling about 2,000 total miles day. a a/89e K, noolers were still driving separately, they would be LIMIT X PACKS ■XMIII12-4-T7 Et 14,700 miles a day. Xusce and operational costs - determined by the number (T ATI COUPON Kevin travels daily - are covered by a van pool expense C Vertalka said. He said the vans are leased through a local OUR DISCOUNT Cj|e dealer. 10% OFF RRICION ijnense account is funded by participating employees l-mll deductions, he explained. Kblic subsidy is involved," Vertalka said. "The program PHOTO FINISHING ■C(d to break even, and so far this has been the case." J, noted that the driver is not charged a share of the cost IXPIMI12-4-77 (sponsible for contacting riders in his or her area, \ the route and maintaining the van at the program's (TATS COUPON STATICOUPON Ljgpool was started to demonstrate that similar programs KODAK lluefieial to other Michigan employees. "We hope to use CREST dae to serve as a guide for other potential van pool COLOR i," Vertalka explained. TOOTHPASTE FILM Unas overwhelming success," he added. "In April the Lbegan with three vans; today 28 vans are operating. We h Ivans) by the end of the year," Vertalka said. Faculty and students of Cleveland's Case Western bers explore storm sewers. Club $146 99' Lpgith, manager of Mass Transportation Planning, said as f-TTk8.0 Un gT°,Und1.t0 members say their" Tux. In the 8tudy"ve exploration, Ln forecast - projecting 10 years into the future —10,000 1.60 valuo and with few caves activities are within the law as long as they don't eno, m Lou be expected to provide home-to-work transportation area Outing Club mem- enter through manholes. so up. Llhio 100,000 Michigan resident*. LIMIT I IXPIMI 12-4-77 LIMIT I IXPWlt 11-4-77 Lin lot of activity at the federal level as well as the state Encourage van pooling," Roach said. "Within a year we [uieea lot of organizations starting programs." introduced into the legislature Trustee's role questioned *7*71 COUPON •7471 COUPON j were six bills IARTH jng such employees concerns as workmen's compensation (continued from page 3) tial selection procedure. MAGICUBES BORN rnnce. Roach said. "These bills are designed to reduce the trustees would have to choose a One provision which would rie sharing to the user." SHAMPOO president from $|58 a recommended encourage the board to choose a rJjng to Roach, the bills will exempt vans from the state list of candidates submitted t Ui and establish an income tax credit for private by president from the list, Taylor the se'arch-and-selection com¬ *1 29 said, is one which states that the ia using van pools. He added that the bills call for the mittee. recommended list must have 12 flasbos 2.50 valuo i if i division of ride sharing within the Department ol While the proposal does not the common consent of. the Highways and Transportaion. He said the division will stt ill ride-sharing programs in the state, create van specifically state that the board committee and the board of 1.95 V«IM ' pool must choose a president from trustees before it is passed on to LIMIT 1 SXPIM112-4-77 ts, and provide guidelines for local agencies interested in the committee's list, it does ■XPIRSft 12*4*77 the board of trustees for selec¬ state "It is the frank tion of a president. spirit of this instrument that the Board Wharton said he believed it •TATSCOUPON shall appoint a person from the COLUMBIA food offered "highly unlikely" that a was ee Recommended List." majority of the board of trustees John F. A. Taylor, chair¬ would choose a person not on CASSETTE TAPES omaeh's person of both the ad hoc the advisory committee's rec¬ empty and you're tired of your own cooking, committee which formed this ommended list. Co-op* ft«e Pood 66 Dg, Dec. 8 from 10 a.m. to proposal and of the committee 3/$4 Another topic of discussion which formed Taylor Report I, was the proposal's statement 7.50 valuo be'mrkflAle Saturday at emphasized that the board of that the search-and-selection LIMIT* IXPIMI 124-77 is, 2013 E. MieMgaaAra., Leash*. trustees is not legally bound to committee should include wom¬ bars wft also talk about nutrition, nee of barb. and solicit the academic commu¬ en and minorities in its member¬ x: of a food 17*71 COUPON cooperative. nity's opinion the presiden¬ on ship. JOHNSON'S BABY OIL On Friday, December 2nd, POOD BATH OIL A the photographers of Stevens Studios leave MSU. You've At any price FREE. only 'til then to get your picture taken for the yearbook. Call now It's MOISTURIZM 1R«i. LIMIT 1 J.15 valu. $ 1 73 IXPIMI 12-4-77 you can afford to be choosy. SENIORS: CALL 353-5291 ST ATI COUPON 17*71 COUPON VICKS VITAMIN Because the value of every diamond is DAYCARE 'C determined by four characteristics (cut, color, $ clarity and carat weight), you can always use $|69 | 58 these qualities to your best advantage. •x. 3.35 valu. SOO ng. 100'* Perhaps you're attracted by the grandeur MIT I IXPIMS 12-4.77 LIMIT I IXPIMO 12-4-77 of a large diamond. Well, sometimes a large •7ATI COUPON IT ATI COUPON stone can cost the same as a smaller one. Michigan National Bank BATON'S TAB A DAY Simply because it has a little more color. Or a TYPE PAPER + IRON delicate'birthmark hidden inside. Now it's easier to learn about the CORRASIBLE MULTI-VITAMINS On the other hand, you may feel size isn't weather, thanks to the Michigan the most important quality. Then you could National Bank Weatherline? a 77* 99' new 24-hour telephone weather 1.IS valu# £34-416-10 lOO's 3.00 valuo choose a diamond that's small, but perfectly service. Weather Forecasts are LIMIT I IXPIMI 12-4-77 LIMIT I EXPIRES 12.4-77 cut to sparkle with an icy-white elegance. available by calling 349-9560 STATE COUPON In any case, you'll be able to find one to anytime, day or night. WOODLAND suit your personality. Because each one You will be connected to FLANNEL SHIRTS is an individual, with its own combination of specially designed electronic equipment that is built to handle I.M.L.OXL a 89 characteristics. And you can use these 7.50 valu. thousands of calls per day. In LIMIT 2 IXPIMI 12-4-77 qualities anyway you wish, to help you decide addition to daily weather what's precisely right for you. reports and temperature, you ITATt COUPON ORLON CABLE But the important thing to remember is to will be warned when emergency KNEE SOCKS weather conditions are in effect. buy a diamond engagement ring you'll be The recordings are updated happiest with. You'll be sharing it for a lifetime regularly by radio station WFMK SOLID COLORS 1.35 valuo 99« with someone you love. 99 announcers, using information IXPIII* 12-4-77 And for that reason alone, you should from the U.S. Weather Service. STATE COUPON be choosy. Weatherline'is another service CHRISTMAS SILVER to you from Michigan National LITE SET Adiamond is forever. ICICLES Bank. Call Anytime $2 49 33c 349-9560 IXPIMS 11-4-77 EXPIRES 12-4-77 ] 0 Michigan Stole News, Eo»t Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 30, MICHAEL KLOCKE Women cagers reach JOHN SINGLER Jitters will r'P the hat disappear for national prominence for spikers ByGAYLEJACOBSON This year's group of cagers handler znd passer and alio a There can be no doubt MSU rather tense in their State News Sports Writer consists of nine returning play¬ — was opening good defenalve player. game Monday, a 68-81 win over Central Michigan. Though the basketball season ers and three sophomore trans¬ Dawn Bryant la a aophomore Something has to be said about Annalies head volleyball coach. She Knopperj But it is understandable. doesn't officially get under way fers. Langeland plans on going from St. Joseph'i College In fall's squad and, recognized the talent she th. There was an incredible amount of pressure on the athletes, and until December 20 when MSU's with last season's starters for Indiana. A forward, Bryant deiplte absolutely horrid had women against the 1977-78 opener with Grand everyone that sooner or later her results, i especially on Earvin "Magic" Johnson. A lot is expected of the cagers go up transferred back to MSU for the and work a few charges would jump k, Spartans, and they must prove themselves. Grand Valley in Allendale, the Valley. She will be using senior school's track and basketball surprises. ' 1 While averaging one win a The slim victory margin over CMU was definitely not expected Spartans have been busy train¬ co-captain Jill Prudden at cen¬ program. month through by most people, especially after seeing MSU dominate Windsor by ing for a number of weeks. ter, senior co-captain Kathy October, the Spartan aplkera did Septembe In between the successful women's sports nothing but give a a 114-66 score in an exhibition game. More of the same was "We've spent a lot of time DeBoer and junior Lori Hyman Spartan sea¬ program one big, black than one case, they evoked eye. Ii expected against the Chippewas. working on our offense," head at forward, and senior guards son opener December 20 and chuckles, not cheers. The team didn't play well, but in many ways the game against coach Karen Langeland said. Karen Santoni and Diane Spoel- their home opener January 3, Through it all, Knoppera insisted that her team the record showed. I didn't was betta CMU was a beneficial one. "That's going to be one of our stra. against Wayne State, the ca¬ believe her and she The third-place finish in the state knew it. For one thing, the young freshmen got some game exposure. biggest assets this year." "The starters have the play¬ gers will be making an appear¬ ance in Flushing, New York for of the season, came as a tournament, the final wi Late in the game you could sense that "Magic" was over the The Spartan women finished ing experience and have played aurprise Indeed, and a pleasant the Queens College Holiday team la to be ot nervousness he had displayed earlier. their 1976-77 season looking together on a winning team," congratulated, albeit a little late, for One thing the fans must not do is underestimate Johnson's vastly improved from when said Langeland. Tournament. The tournament Strolling through the hallway at the Women's IM sticking I noticed Knopperi the othi ability after his rather mediocre showing Monday. All great they began it. They wound up The three transfer players games will be played December sitting in her office with the door athletes have bad days — and Earvin is a great athlete. the year by capturing a second- have already proved them¬ 27-29 and will consist of seven invited me inside to eat some crow. open, i other teams: Old Dominion, Karen Langeland She told me that Td been At Lansing Everett last year, he had a very bad game in a place finish in the Big Ten selves to be much-needed assets wrong. mid-season loss to Jay Vincent's Lansing Eastern Quakers. But in tournament, and were victori¬ to the Spartan squad. Providence College, Fordham, The women's gymnastics seaaon is mas tournament, depending on in the blocks quite a collection ofready the district tournament opener against Eastern, he was ous in the state of Michigan and Oral Roberta, Concordia, USC, Mike Kasavana has aaaembled Mary Kay Itnyre, a sopho¬ how we do." dominating. Region Five championships. more transfer from Arizona and Queens College. Spartans should be much better than lut winter's tale: So, the Christmas games are The schedule la the difference. good csi Another positive aspect of the game was the emergence of Langeland is hoping to im¬ State, is a six-footer — the MSU has Vincent, who had 25 points. Quite simply, Vincent won the game prove the team's record for this tallest member of the MSU Old Dominion is ranked sixth certainly very important ones State, Southern Illinois and Clarion State Massachusetti and has to its credit All-Ameri- for MSU. The Spartana will be four are national powers and have (Pa.) on the ci for the Spartans. It's been a long time since coming year and to repeat as team. Itnyre, a center, should been for many anyone from MSU has up against some of the top teams years. C taken the ball to the hoop with the state of Michigan and Region be able to provide the size and can Mary Lieberman. The tour¬ the defending national champ. authority and strength that in the country only a week into Vincent did Monday. Five champs. ney host, Queens College, is Athletic director Joe strength needed for the posi¬ ranked eleventh. regular season action. And Kearney made an interesting Coach Jud Heathcote had maintained earlier the victory "We're a much more experi¬ tion. halftime of Monday's Central | margin there is definitely going to be a said that in order to Michigan-MSU basketball g; did not matter — MSU simply needed a win Monday. enced team... and we have a lot "She's a strong individual and "We're not ranked in the top compete on a regular basis great deal of pressure on them - and They got the win, and they got game exposure for the freshmen. more balance, so we should do should give us a lot of rebound¬ represenUtive showing - against national ten right now," said Langeland. to win despite how young the have quality and depth. powers, you This will be sorely needed when the better than last year," Lange¬ ing and scoring from the inside," "We could be after the Christ- Spartans travel to Syracuse season may be. this weekend for the Carrier Classic. It is land said. "I'm hoping for a Langeland said. "This is some¬ (continued possible they will play an page 11) eleventh-ranked Syracuse Saturday - and they'll have to first-place finish in the Big thing we were lacking last play quite a bit better to even come close. Ten." year." "Magic" did not play well. Bob Chapman did not play well. But Right now there is every Pam Rendine is a sophomore MSU has too many talented players for reason to believe the team of transfer from Southern Illinois everyone to have a good game every time. twelve women can accomplish and at five-foot-five she is the these pre season goals Lange¬ shortest player on the squad. (continued on page 11) land has set. Rendine is an excellent ball take the freeze: MSU the Union Building Whole Marty's has very handsome ways to keep Wide World the chill out of winter. For winter warmth '.Christmas try these goose down jackets and Awaits vests. Arts and Crafts You! Everything For the Man Saturday and Sunday I Show MfiRTYS 305 E. Grand Rlvar EAST LANSING December 3rd and 4th V Open WED. THIIR. 4 FRI till 8:30 9am - 6pm See what Santa has for you! Incredibly Beautiful Vivitar Series 1 Opal r 28mm M.9VMC Wide Angle Lens Fashion Kaleidoscope-colored sunsets. Rings It ain't no Eye-catching fields of flowers. Majestic panoramas. Capture them with the Vivitar Series 1 28mm wide angle lens. Razor-sharp optics, together with a rear corrector element, produce superb photographs throughout the entire focusing range. Vivitar Multicoating skinny dip^ (VMC) assures clear, sharp photos in situations where conventionally coated lenses fail. One of the fastest wide angle lenses available, the Series 1 28mm (1.9 is excellent for use in those delicate, available light situations. The Whole Wide World awaits Commemorate yon! The Vivitar Series 1 28mm this Christmas with your love] 5021 Our roast beef sandwich isn't f1.9 VMC wide angle lensbrinqs site an exqui-j thrown onto a piece of bread. It's a just a couple of thin slices of meat it all home. Orange Blossom dla-t Fire is the sparkle that savory combination of U.S.D.A. mond engagement ring crafted just for you. . . .] ignites the rare beauty of Choice roast beef, cut in thick slices, on our Hearthstone toast, Orange Blossom All] our stylish new collection of I enhanced with a tasty au jus sauce. '169.95 diamond] OPALS by ORANGE BLOSSOM. From the veiy In fact, the only thing skinny about our beef sandwich engagement rings are warranted for fully] simple to the simply is the price. roast Foctory Robot* 15.00 one year. Visit] beautifiJ — designs that are Effective Cost us and we'll help you your dreams make] pierced, antiqued, delicately come true at; hterwown — white and Christmas! yellow gold — styles that *154.95 are stunningly today. Opals have a whole new meaning when they are created by NORMAN make us Moll Ordor SpocialltH your gift 10W. Michigan Mall JEWELRY Bottl* Creak, Ml. 49014 headquarters JEWELRY j 319 E. Grand ^-TTrRlv*r 600 N. Homer near Frandor Phon* 616-965-7215 B " 319 E. Grand Rlv*rAv*. ._ BonkCards Acc*pt»d Eozt Lansing. Mich. 4M23 ] East East Laming. 488231B Lansing, Mich. 41(23 5001 W. Saginaw across from Shopping Center, Laming y ♦ fl the Lansing Mall, Laming ember». ,, H 0^'a,e NeW*' U"','ng' MlehiQOn November , 30^ 1977 ] pr MB U-D's Vitale retires DETROIT (UPI) - A bawling Dick Vitale retired from because of internal bleeding Tuesday on the eve of the University of Detroit's best basketball door open for a possible return to the pro season — coaching what could be but left the job he admittedly covets. Vitale, who lifted a tattered Titan program from the dissolution four years ago, remains as athletic director to edge of preside P over a season full of sold-out games. Assistant Dave Gaines was elevated to become the school's first black head coach. FRANDOR Spartans will crack top 10 SHOPPING CENTER PHONE: 337-1681 STORE HOURS (continued from page 10) 3180 MALL COURT 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. It doesn't matter what sport you're talking about. What he said is the truth. The women's gym team had LANSING MICH Monday thru Saturday I quality last year, but no outstanding depth. They have both this season and if things go smoothly between now and April, MSU will push its way into the Next to Kroger' ,0AMTO7Pm$unday| golden circle of teams mentioned above. Pam Steckroat is an All-American and you might expect a coach to leave her alone, not change a whole lot of her performance. But not Kasavana. He has Steckroat trying a few new tricks on the uneven parallel bars and never been done — polishing two moves which he says have to his knowledge — in the 18 years he's been TIMEX associated with the sport. FLAT That says something about how much this want to succeed. Wins and losses aren't man, and his staff, as important in this WATCHES WRAP as how you sport play the game, and who you play it against. Men's and women's styles in Continuous Fold,1 r, Michigan State University sports and dress models, each with matching band. 20 Square Foot, Many Designs To Choose From. GreenSplash Presents 'Q OFF Annual Synchronized Rag.59' pock REGULAR LOW DISCOUNT PRICE m ■bdiint State All-American candidate Larry Bird (left) puts in two of his 26 AP Wirephoto Swimming Show Ipiitaover Purdue's Walter Jordan. Bird led his team to a 91-63 upset in Terre I Bute, Ind. Monday over Purdue, ranked No. 7 in the nation and favored to win IIke Big Ten championship this year. Indiana State is tied with Utah for 16th. The ■feu evened Purdue's record at 1-1 while Minesota, another Big Ten favorite, ■inied its record at 1-1 by defeating Eastern Kentucky 61-59. BRUT 33 CHARLIE 3-'/> fl. GIFT SET CONCENTRATED oi. splash on lotion, 5-oi. will overcome jitters [ '/i-Ox. Cologne Spray toap-on-a-rope. (continued from page 10) Hours for the Women's IM fey didn't play well, but they won. kt was truly amazing were the fans' reactions. There had to pool will be altered this week because of the Green Dec. 1-4 Women's I.M. le disappointment over the poor Splash showing, but the spectators performance Dec. 1-4. ^really' show it. They cheered just as loud when the team was ig early in the contest as they did when the Spartans Today, the Women's IM pool hours will be 5 p.m. to 7:60 p.m. Thurs., Fri., Sat. 8:00 P.M. jd unbeatable in the final five minutes. in the lower pool, and 8 p.m. to Sun. 2:00 P.M. 9:50 p.m. in the upper pool. | crowd id just might have been the difference in the game. If Thursday and Friday there will General admission $1.50 played as they did Monday in the Chippewas' crackerbox be lower pool hours from 5 p.m. in tbey might have lost. to 6:50 p.m. Saturday hours will be noon to 6:50 p.m. and Students $1.25 tdly most of the blame for the game's close score would It go to MSU's poor showing. But CMU head coach Dick Sunday from 4 p.m. to 5:60 p.m. Funded by ASMSU Programming Board. Not accessible ■feas to be credited-for one heck of a coaching job. ere ready for MSU and they played extremely L although the talent disparity between the teams was NERF Our reputation hat boon proven. Wo offer the finest FOOTBALL Chinese cooking In this Tough, foam and area. Take out service It available. easy to grip. Great KS for indoors or out. *16" BABY ^COMEBACK DOLL ie gift buying season is here once more . . . 177 k Toddles f turns, off. comas back make your gift one to be remembered. | and holds up her Hie Union Gallery is the place to find P arms to bo picked up 4 all by herself that special gift. . gallery hours: Tuesday & Friday 11-5 Saturday & Sunday 12-5 Wednesday & Thursday 11-8 closed Monday . HOURS - 7 OAYS CORNER CUPPERTond VINE located in the old Browsing Room III00AM to 10:00P.M. . (ocrou Irom Soars In Frondor) f I and SAT til 11:00 P M I Phono 351-2217 ie union gallery ROBERTS 23 CHANNEL CITIZENS BAND C.B. MOBILE TRANSCEIVER .n^'i GRAND AWARD DELUXE large Lighted S/RF Meter CHRISTMAS CARDS > Automatic Noise limiter Converts To P.A. (And) [wm}M fa*- ifTH [_ 147 Student Services V®nif^r- ,!972- butt at 60 000 miles. "e- New FEMALE ESCORTS wanted, CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE BABYSITTER FOR Holy BABYSITTER FOR 1 Bldg, $6/hour. No .training neces- School teachers for DeWitt, year NOW TAKING applications RUnS Cross school area. IT IS the policy of the STATE Bath. St. Johns, Ovid-Elsie, Mornings ok). Winter term 8:30 a.m.- for full-time breakfast cook. (ATIS 3-12-2141 ^n",^2278' ____ Fowler, Pewamo, Westphalia and afternoons. Two chil¬ dren, own transportation. 1:45 p.m. Monday-Friday. my home. $2.30/hour. Call In Apply at Costa's in Frandor. NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified school districts, Reply to 612-7(41 References. 372-5754. 4860916 after 1 p.m. advertising must be paid for VW BEETLE-79757 Good PARTTIME positions for TEACHER OPPORTUNITY 4-12-5(5) Z-3-12-2I5I in advance beginning Nov¬ condition, 16000 miles students. 1620 hours/ SERVICE, 410 Antrim Street, PART-TIME and full time ember 14,1977. Bring or mail $2250, $600 down 337-3398' W8ek' Au,omobile required. Charlevoix, 49720. MESSENGER NEEDED win¬ waitresses, cook, bartender, to 347 Student Services. A FEW good territories avail¬ 8-12-8(3) Phone 339-9500, 339-3400. Z-611-3(X7) ter Er day and night hours. Apply in spring terms. Must have able now. Sell AVON pro¬ Sp-23-12-9(8) C;»jij»-(4) good running car & be MSU ducts in East Lansing. 482- person. 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. MEDICAL ABDO'S LOUNGE, 3600 S. line rife per Insertion BEETLE' KEY PUNCH MAG~card student. Call Sharon at The 6893. C-611 -30-13) 1973. Only 17,000 miles on TECHNOLOGISTS State News Display Advertis¬ Logan. 2-12-1(6) TWICKINGHAM TWO bed¬ operators and typist. Full or Expanding modern 488 bed room paintJLIx ing. 353-6400. S-3-12-216) apartments available iota14 months ®nfline- -New part-time, competitive hospital has immediate open¬ JOB OPENINGS-full WEEKEND HELP now or in January. Call 381- ago. Good wages. Please call MEDICAL part- wanted, II b»sU»«» • 3 lines • '4.00 • 5 days. 80' per line over ',. r"?lenL cottd'tion HELP, 321-6878. 8-12-1(51 ings for both full and part DELIVERY HELP wanted. time. Excellent pay, advance¬ stocking and cashiering. 7166. OR-611-3013) j lints. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. overall. $1750. 4863193 after time Medical Technologists ment opportunities for the Inquire at LOUIE'S PARTY Must have own car. Apply at Price ol item(t) mutt be stated in ad. Maximum 6pm 4-12-2171 ASCP on the 11 pm-7:30 am LITTLE CAESAR'S today right person. Call 374-6328 STORE. 1931 S. Washington. UNIFORMED SECURITY Of- shift. QUIET FEMALE, own room after 4 p.m. 612-9(4) between 4-6 p.m. 612-7(41 612-9(41 „ sale price of *30. VW 1958. Good in two bedroom apartment, I Plants Personel eds • 3 lines • '3.25 ■ per insertion. I runs good. Call 393-6933 condition, ? JET EW. Sparrow Hospital is FEMALE masseuse wanted. WANTED A girl for light 9110/month. 3934375 or 393- 75' psr line over 3 lines (prepayment), 5 p.m. Z-3-12-K3) after ,P, Friday. OM611-30W located near a Big Ten Uni¬ PART TIME restaurant posi¬ tions available, male or fe¬ $8/hour. We will train. 489- housekeeping. Experience 6377. Z-7-12-213) III hemege/Oerete Sale eds ■ 4 lines - *3.50. ^ versity which offers numer¬ male. Must be available for 2278. Z-X-2612-9I3I and references required. S3' psr line over 4 lines ■ per insertion. ONE OR two males needed VW 1971 "slrlrWi! 1,1a. PART TIME Position 120 ous undergraduate and grad¬ daytime hours, minimum 2 From noon to 4 p.m. Holidays | land Town ads ■ 4 lines - *3.50 ■ per insertion. Zi tMoffol c,ll ^°ursl wPhting Saturday and uate programs as well as days per week. Perfect for DANCERS WANTED for and weekends are free. 332- for 4 man apartment. 1 block I 43' per line over 4 lines. OT 1106 after 6?m Sund8y co ordinating week- other cultural activities. part time or night student. show bar. Must have own 5176. Close to campus. from campus. 351-7274. Z-612-6I3I | ualPoundi odt/Transportation eds • 3 lines • M.50 - 612 113) end programming at resident- HOBIES DOWNTOWN. 109 transportation. Phone 351- 92.75/hour. 1-11-30(81 ial treatment center for The hospital offers excep¬ psr insertion. 50* per line over 3 lines. deiin- East Allegan. 3-12-2(71 7533 Wed., Sat., or Sunday. 116 SOUTH vw riAQucD urn quent youth. Send resume to tional fringe benefits that 612-2(4) EXPERIENCED COOKS. Full HAYFORD, 2 STARR COMMONWEALTH include paid vacations and or part time. Apply in person bedroom, stove + refrigera¬ ™"' GROCERY CASHIER experi¬ tor only 9170/month, plus ™xuim ^ F0R B0YS Pereonal ^P8"" tuition refunds after 1 year enced, dependable girl. Tues¬ 166 p.m. LIZARD'S I (tit 2p m. • I dots day before publication. 612^131 *12-™ 351"0184' ment, Albion, Mi. 49224. employment. We also offer days, Thursdays and Satur¬ NIGHT MANAGERS UNDERGROUND. 3-12-2(4) utilities. Phone 4861353after 5 p.m. 612-814) Z-612-2I11I paid holidays, sick pay, hospi¬ Ideal opportunity for days 3 p.m.-8 p.m. and | [Willation/lhonge ■ 1 p.m. ■ I class day before tal paid health insurance and alternating Sundays 12 p.m.- ment while employ¬ WAITRESSES PART time publication. PART-TIME" cook"for"day- completing your ONE MALE to sublease pension plan. 6 p.m. Must be experienced education. nights available, must be Requirements: | Ones od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed FM 8 tracts $999 484-4915 08,0 Cen,er' Must h8ve b8sic in handling food previous retail experience, neat. Apply in person Cedar Village winter/spring. until offer 1st Insertion. Iks it a '1.00 charge for I ad change plus 50' after 5 p m 74^6(3?^ ' kno^8dRe °' P'8"8'8'™ °» health foods. Experience in Salary is commensurate with experience. Apply to stamps. Apply in person only to Mrs. must have transportation. COREY'S. 1511 S. Cedar. Lansing. 612-7(51 Call 351-7384 ask for Kevin. Z-312-113) per „ Gavin, GAVIN'S FOOD Openings for night managers additional change for maximum of 3 Ross P. Alander changes. VW BUG 1970. Good Tunning ^ Ca" Assistant Personnel Director CENTER, 618 East Kalama¬ and part time employees in ACROSS FROM MSU. Fur¬ | lis Stole News will only be responsible for the 1st condition. $425, beat offer. 351-6871. S-612-613) 3-11-30(7) E.W. Sparrow Hospital zoo between 10 a.m. and both Lansing and East Lan¬ sing areas. Hours flexible, TAXI-DRIVERS wanted. Must have excellent driving nished 1 bedroom. Some day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must 1215 E. Michigan Ave. noon. BL-1-11-30112) utilities. 9210. Phone starting wage based on record. Full time work. Apply bo mode within 10 days of expiration dote. -----r WANTED COCKTAIL wait- CLAUCHERTY VW 1973 Square Lansing. Mi. 48909 VARSITY CAB 332-3559. REALTY. Hi ore due 7 days from ad expiration date. If - back, low experience and hours avail¬ 351-5300. 6312-1(4) not ress nights 612 p.m. Apply in STUDENTS EARN while you 612-9(5) mileage, radial tires, AM/FM No experience neces- able: See Mr. Vint or Mr. paid by due dote, a 50' late service chorge will person. A learn. Part time contact work be due. xa?!,0;:,£8St 0,f8r' 393"4974- sary. HUDDLE non-discriminatory Ryan at MIN-A-MART 010, NICE ONE bedroom apart¬ 4-,2-6,3) NORTH Affirmative action affords extra income. For 2168 West Grand River, Oke- LOUNGE, 309 N. Washing- appointment 723-6055. ment near Frandor. $140. Employer. IT IS the policy of the STATE ton, downtown Lansing. 5-12-2(6) Male/Female/Handicapped Z-612-914) mos (across from Knappsl Monday, December Bill [ Upartiiits ||y' Utilities included. No lease. 332-1891. 4-12-2(4) 611-30138) 5, 1977, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. NEWS that the last 4 weeks HOUSECLEANING GRADUATE OR married PLUS 4-12-5(201 stu¬ [Wirotive J(^j j of term all Student Advertis- MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST- dents. New ONE MAN needed immedi¬ some babysitting wanted, 3 luxury 2 bedroom Moiaotiw ing must be peid for in advance beginning Novem- MT IA.S.C.PI preferred, WAilHb p.m.-5:30 p.m., 3 days; Tues¬ epartment. East Lansing bus ately for Old Cedar Village Immediate part time midnight PART-TIMI day, Thursday, Friday desir¬ GRANTS WRITER service. No pets. Start at apartment. 990. 337-0787. KAR0 LT, 1977. V-8, 4- MGB 1977, blue, under 5000 ber 14,1977. Bring or mail to shift opening. Must have able. 92.75/hour, 353-6396 HEALTH 9230. Call 351-9483 or 351- Z4-12-2I3) 347 Student Services. CENTRAL IN¬ i cell Janet, 373-9801 or clinical experience in all P-7289.8-12-5-13) miles, must sell, call between 8 am-8 pm, 489-2433. Sp-23-12-9(8) areas- Excellent starting rate and benefit package. Contact By member untte^S?faculty with 22 (days) or 332-4514 (early a.m. CORPORATED a health or evenings). maintenance organization 9195 after 6 p.m. 62611-3016) NEEDED FEMALE to sublet winter, 4-man apartment. 612-8(7) (HMO) in Lansing, wants to Y K ton pickup *1976, Personnel, LANSING GEN¬ ERAL HOSPITAL, 2800 years experience in PART TIME Christmas help. hire a skilled proposal writer ONE BLOCK from campus. Entire two bedroom apart¬ 977.50/month. Good location to campus. Grand River, t Z IrSv MG MIDGET 1974, excellent conditions many extras, Art Sibf/] Devonshire, 372-8220. EOE. 612-7110) teaching. work, research assis¬ Paper Afternoon, Saturdays. Sales experience preferred. UNION to identify and solicit grants and contracts for the HMO. Part time work for ment available and mates needed for other room¬ Lansing. Call 337-0611. Z-612-614) apart¬ $3100.372-0328 before noon. tance, library-type DISCOUNT 321-8515. college ments. Call 351-8135, SSI- IMPORT AUTO parts and graduate (or equivalent) LEGAL SECRETARY wanted work, routine drudg¬ 2-11-30(4) IBS?, or 351-3873. LCC SOUTH near, carpeted, IYVAN1971. New paint t!?"!'?! repair. 20% discount to stu¬ dents and faculty on cash/ for advocacy service of ery acceptable. interested in health services work. Immediate °-14-J!l30(6) two bedroom. Laundry, pat¬ MUSTANG II 1874. Stereo, MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION WANTED PART time help. Call or write opening. io, close to bus, prefer e.«2-7096 after 4 p.m. Reply State News HEALTH CEN¬ SUBLET NICE one bedroom- carry service parts in stock. FOR RETARDED CITIZENS. SEVEN-ELEVEN STORE in TRAL employed couple, good refer¬ ■M31 ^ #0dition ^ mileage. $2196.6664343. Check our prices and reputa¬ 97000-98000 to start. Excel¬ Box E-S Holt. 611 p.m.; 11-7 a.m. 2316 INCORPORATED, close to campus. Furnished, ences, no pets, 9186 includes tion. 500 E. Kalamazoo at S. Cedar, Lansing. utilities paid. 9210. 351-6989 lent benefit package, all paid 694-9823. 4-12-2(4) utilities. Oeposit. 372-9488. rE77,tan,4-speed ***»_ Cedar. 4862047, 4869229. by agency, E.O.E. Call Judy TAXI DRIVERS wanted. Must have excellent driving 48910. 374-6600. 3-12-2(16) after 5 p.m. 612-2(41 612-6171 West campus shop. 486 Koss for consideration of Mustang II, 1976, 10,000 record. Full Time work. VAR¬ iM-naSmSP | Call 374-2776. miles, AM/FM stereo, $2800. 0409. Free wrecker service interview. 487-5426. SITY CAB, 332-3559. ^ ^ 2 p m ggj-Tgn. with repairs with mention of 612-21101 this ad. Local 612-1(4) 3-12-2131 areas. STORE DETECTIVES-call TTE1977 low mileage C-2611-36111) 641-6734 between 10 a.m. IT IS the policy of the STATE R Kith red leather interi- NEED CASH? We buy im¬ REFILLABLE WINDSHIELD and 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. NEWS that the last 4 weeks ip. 372-9439. 612-9(31 ports and sharp late model 0-1611-30(31 of term all Student Classified wiper blade for your foreign compacts. Call John De car in stock at CHEQUERED advertising must be paid for JKSS S, 1977. Air and Young, WILLIAMS V.W. BARTENDER WANTED- in advance beginning Nov¬ FLAG FOREIGN CAR It 13,000 miles, $4960 or 484-1341 or 484-2551, Days and nights. HUDDLE ember 14, 1977. Bring in or PARTS. 2605 East Kalama¬ ». Phone 6765746. C-20-11-30-I6I zoo St., one mile west of SOUTH, 820 Miller Road, mail to 347 Student Services. Lansing. Please apply in per¬ Sp-23-12-9181 campus. 487-5055. son. 8-12-1(4) OLDSMOBILE 1977 Starfire C-611-30(6) SX. Firethom red, white inte¬ DENTAL ASSISTANT. Neat, RESIDENT MANAGER cou¬ rior 9000 miles, best offer. For JUNK CARS wanted. Also ple for East Lansing area. personable, intelligent. Mod¬ more information call 351- em facilities, excellent pay. selling used parts. Phone Leasing, cleaning, and repair 5754. Z-4-12-214) duties. Phone 332-3900 or Enclose recent photo. State anytime, 321-3651. 332-3202. 611-30151 News Box F-6. 8-12-2(5) •I 1200 1972. PLYMOUTH FURY four C-2-1_l-30(3) 34-36 door, 1975. Air conditioning, MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. WAITERS REGISTERED NURSES- §>ipg. Good body and Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto AND WAIT- immediate i 353-8777 Jo- power steering, power RESSES-full or part time. openings for brakes. V-8 automatic. Must Must be dependable. Apply R.N.'s. All areas and shifts., §tr 663-3823. 612-1(4) sell. $1200 or best offer. 372- painting-collision service. in full and part-time. Hospital American-foreign cars. person. BONNIE 6 HI CHALLENGER 1971. 5035. 612-5(5) 4860256. C-20-11-30-14) CLYDE'S, 316 East Michigan. paid Bluecross, 10 holidays fk itereo, tachometer, 611-30(51 plus vacation, tuition refund PONTIAC SUNBIRD, 1976. and many more benefits. "9,318 headers, body GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- AM/FM stereo, power steer¬ 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, DISCO D.J.-part time. Must Salary range 96.07 to 96.48 _.xxf.air. $950.339-2206 per hour plus shift differ¬ ing/brakes, 4-speed, rear de- have experience. Apply in §912-1(5) froet. Nancy, 487-8388. good supply of snow tires. person. BONNIE AND ential. Will credit for experi¬ PENNELL SALES. 1301% 612-2(41 CLYDE'S, 316 East Michigan. ence. Contact Personnel, d VAN, 1977 Trede- East Kalamazoo, Lansing. 61630(4) LANSING GENERAL HOSPI¬ Y100. Metallic black, THUNDERBIRD. 1965. 60% 482-5818 C-20-11-30-15) TAL, 2800 Devonshire. ■"y6, automatic. Excel- WAITRESSES WANTED, Phone 372-8220. 8-12-6(13) restored. $2000. 6462650, 8 |«*age. Clean Only l* 361-3823 evenings. a.m.-5 p.m. 611-30(31 M*nixi neat, dependable, experience preferred. Hours flexible, ap¬ BEAUTICIAN-FULL time. ply in person at MILO'S Experience necessary. Call TORONADO, 1973. Excellent TAVERNA 301 E. Jolly just for appointment. 3362253. condition. Loaded. $2100. LEARN TO fly. Flying lessons »VAN 1973. Finished west of S. Cedar. 612-2(61 612-6(31 43,000 miles. 482-6978. in exchange for work. 676 J, Power steering and 612-9(3) 4860.612-2(31 Must sell. 351-5722. VEGA WAGON, 1974.45,000 Don't store things you can't miles, 4 speed. Excellent con- use Sell them fast with a WE *131970.70,000 miles, J*J ttsreo 8 track, new dition, $1150. 321-4699. 612-9(4) hard working Classified Ad! Phone 355 8255 «>40,V f WOO, §1*12-1131 3569749 eve- LOVE 'TORINO, 1974. 302 ■INT PEOPLE JMomatic, power steer- brakes. $1350. 627- And people must love us. This is *612-6(41 1978Thunderbird the 56th Cork'n Cleaver restaur- ah! to be opened from Florida (JTOMno 73, automat- to Colorado. It will serve steaks $999 Per Day r power, low mileaga, the way they should be...thick oH6r'332 tender, charcoal-broiled steaks served with a smile. & Maverick, "1971. Mileage in excess of 50 miles per day charged $500. After of 104 a mile. 4869352.612-9(3) Inconvertible empower brakes, power WORLDS WE NEED LOVELY PEOPLE Oood new running 61375. 351-4418. F A I S LARGEST LEASING FORD MITNORIZEO LEASING SYSTEM Hostesft, maitre'd, bookkeeper, cocktoil waitress, bartenders, cocks, waiters, waitresses, EX Gra« transpor¬ ter* »«• 332-8008. SUPER SAVINGS! CALL DICK ACKER AT CURTIS FORD, 351-1830, bussers. dishwoshers ... to help make dining fun. Flexible FOR ANY AND ALL OF YOUR RENTAL OR ,LEASING NEEDS. schedule. Especially need peo¬ ple for lunch. N6 experience GORK'tf BENZ 1974 240 We require one ol Die following credit cords 0. a mean, necessary ... We train all new CLEAVER Sto?- pipped. Ex- el deposit! Master Charge. lonkAtnerlcerd. Carle employees. Potion. 96500 676 Handle. American Express. Diners Club. You must be 21 years el age. 1 4 Michiflpn Stole Newa, Eo»t looting. Michrgon Wednesday, November 30, „ □jS5T|S LjsdatlSI Rooms !?J l ** ft! OmJS towtetotowmliiiig MALE ROOMMATE needed MALE-CLEAN, furnished, IT IS the policy of the STATE relax-ride amtrak. efficiency apartment, for one bedroom apartment share modern kitchen, bath, NEWS that the last 4 weeks Leaves Trowbridge station Announcements for It's What's furnished, reasonable, one of term all Student Classified PRE-VET CLUB 8:20 a.m. daily. Group rates, p«pai block from campus, 351- close to campus.' 332-6744, 188 per month. 485-1436. presents meeting Happening must be received in the Corporation ,B„,J after 1 p.m. Z-4-12-1I3I Advertising must be paid for a discount tickets. 332-5061; State News office, 343 Student SS.^51 OR-6-11-3W3) 8135. OR-6-11-3W3I in sdvance beginning Nov¬ ot DOOlEY's toll free 800-621-0353. Services Bldg., ember 14,1977. Bring or mail 2-11-30(6) by noon at least lun* CPACIOUS 0NE FEMALE. subkiaa® "!n" GIRL NEEDED for own room, downstairs two class days before publication. OKEMOS. SPACIOUS, inex-inex . 4-man. Utilrtres to 347 Student Services. No announcements wiK be • Mk Mo*. . 30 accept¬ .. ™ ™ «. . pensive one bedroom .pad- glock „om campus. »'»' «Jf'9360 after 4 Sp-23-12-918) ed by phone. Alpha Lambda Dsn. ■ ment. Call 351-8135 or 349- Available Dec. 12. 179/ P m- 8-12 a31 RELAX-RIDE MOST LP'S priced 41.75 ??1_7'_6"J-3?- rnonth._351.0312.Z-2-12.1l4) -—---u CO SIGNER for loan-reward University Apartments adultsl AMTRAK 42.50. Cassettes 43.00 quality for signing-free default insur¬ Informal half-court basketball held 1 BEDROOM to sublease, =»« LANSING 1 bedroom campus pleasant atmo- guaranteed plus 46's, song- ance. Call 351-2820 after 4 from 7 to 9 tonight. Red Cedar January 6. 4 close to campus (2 miles). fumished apartment. Close to sphere, friendly peopte, 125 books and more. FLAT, p.m. 2-6-12-6(4) School. Relaxed but active play is Call 371-1782 or 393-9230. BLACK AND CIRCULAR up¬ Rap session for a 8, bu9 stop. Call CE- dep°»t. ' leave E. Lansing stressed. X-Z 12-12(3) DAR GREENS APART- 215 Lewis street. 351-4495. stairs 541 E. Grand River. SINGLE MALE, 30, 5'8" lesbians and gav menVITJ daily 8:20 a.m. One prerson for 2 bedroom MENTS, 351-9631. q-1-1 1-30(5) 11-12-9(5) Open 11 a.m. 351-0638. C-3-11-30I7I Caucasian, good wide interests. PhD., M.D. looking, Group rates—discount MSU Forestry Club meets at 7 more CaH Gay CouncSofj] Jbhight.information. apartment. Across from cam¬ ONE BLOCK off campus - tickets tonight, 226 Natural Resources seeks mid 20's compatible pus. Friendly roommates. 192 415 Albert. Live with 3 others Bldg. Randy Swick speaks on BEAN BAGS great for the female, intelligent, creative, Come square a month. 332-5669, ask for Noises jjt] - good benefits. 190. Fur¬ dorm or family room-Queen cultural, unmaterialistic, liber¬ 332-5051 summer opportunities. esters welcome. All for¬ MSU dance wit Promenaders at 7 ,! Jefi.Z-8-11/3014^ nished. Z-3-12-113) size with handle 429.96. al, affectionate, dignified, Union. No experience nt NEEDED-MALE to share 4- FOR RENT 127 BERKS FURNITURE in "THE attractive to explore lasting (800)611*0353 MSU Cycling Club will meet at 7 man Campus Hill apartment, N^ayford 3 --- — furnished. 4300/ bedroom, turnisnea. - spn.S7.s/wBok sTd-SbS/weok OLD SCHOOLHOUSE" 4801 relationship. Call anytime tonight, 208 Men's IM Bldg. Women's Studies Group J Winter and spring. 349-5648. month plus utilities. Available N. US 27 at State Rd. 348-3664. Z-6-12-6111) RIDER TO Florida approxi¬ at4 p.m. today. Union Oak Z-8-12-7I4I now. 485-1353 after 5 p.m. June 10. utilities including utilities. Leasejo Lease to 351-5847.12-12-9(41 482-6241. 10-12-9(8) mately Dec. 20. Share gas and driving in an LTD. Call Interested in Spanish/Social rJ_ NEED FEMALE to sublease 10-12-9(4) SNOW TIRES-pair, G-78-14 hMfttaml 627-9691. Z-512-9I4I Science program in Mexico winter MSU Polo Club tonight, Livestock practicx! winter across from campus. FEMALE - ONE big n OWN ROOM in Lansing Firestone Town and Country term? Attend an informational Pavilion F Call 337-7081, Cheapl 4-man house- % block-4100/ 420. 349-3263. E-5-12-513) meeting at 4 today, 204 Interna¬ house 485/month plus utili- Z-3-11-30I3I month Laura, 332-4010 Z-3-12-1-13) Winter/Spring, 8257. X-25-12-2I3I 372- BUMPER POOL table-cue NOW IS the time to put that special nsijgB tional Center. . PN Mu Alpha Sinfonia n atonal music fraternity pr;» Chnstmas concert at 8:15 FURNISHED, 2 bedroom sticks and balls. Good condi¬ Christmas someone on your The MSU Dairy Club will meet be' 7, MSU Alumni nil apartment PHD, employed MALE ROOMMATE needed List - Place a ANN BROWN PRINTING at 7:30 tonight, 110 Anthony Hall. Chanel H tion, 450. 110 pound barbell CHRISTMAS PEANUTS AND TYPING. Dissertations, Dr. Roche will speak about one welcome. ° desires, lease 3 blocks cam- to share room in house 2 pus. Call 351-0366 Evenings. blocks from campus begin- For Sale ^ set, 410. Cell 3494027 after 5 p.m. 5-12-5(6) PERSONAL ad today. 347 Student Services. Pre¬ resumes, general printing. ing in Ireland." "Dairy¬ Tau Sigma Scholastic St 8-11-30(41 ning winter term. 351-7241 Serving MSU for 27 years will hold a payment required. with complete theses service. Join the nutrition class at 7:30 meeting at 7:30m Too 1 OR 1 I 2 females winter 4- A ask for Kevin. Z-8-12-6I4I BOOKS, uuuna, MAGAZINES, 221 Natural Ri WOOD STOVES, antiques, SP-3-12-2I7I tonight, 106B Berkey Hall for a Half biock from cam- COmics and morel CURIOUS 3450860^530-11-30-15) man. FURN,SHED 5 person, close flour mills. Come see the new _ brief discussion about members. B00K SHOp, 307 E. Grand "OLD" store in Grand Ledge. develop¬ 5UrS',t^?,m Z-812-213) ,0 campus.Women grads Rivor. 332-0112. PLACEYOUR COPYGRAPH SERVICE ments to upgrade your campua There's "- preferred. Call Marilyn, r 90-11..70-131 Wood, wind and sun store, 209 N. Bridge, Grand Ledge. CHRISTMAS Complete dissertation and level of health and nutrition. a from noon to 1p.m. Brown Bag [1 EAST LANSING REALTY ______ resume service. Comer today i DELUXE APARTMENT for 627-5944. 5-12-516) C Crossroads W0RLD 349.9603, evenings UNIVERSITY OF Chicago PEANUTS M.A.C. and Grand River, 8:30 A case study of the Hebrew law Cafeteria I, bachelor person. Private bonal Center. 332.3402.9-12-9151 doctoral gown, small. Plus PERSONALS -5:30 Monday-Friday. 337- will be presented from 6 to 8 Elayne '< entrance and parking. 4160/ FURNISHED ROOMS avail¬ presents music and month utilities included. 351- 7 ,/8 $4fl 349, 1666. C-20-11-35(51 tonight, 104 Bessey Hall. Lawyers, discussrta RooM(SI IN farm house with 2753. E-5-12-513) able in large house, all uti¬ law-abiders, lawbreakers, law¬ "Contemporary Women's Ml resources. Responsible lities included, from 486/ makers are welcome. FEMALE NEEDED- to share people, near campus. Pat ACOUSTICS VII tower month. Call EQUITY VEST at PROFESSIONAL EDITING papers, thesis, dissertations. Midweek Advent ServiceL house own room. 485 per 351-8231 9-11 p.m. speakers 4300/pair, asking 351-1500. 0-6-11-30(4) God does really care about youl soup supper held. Supper atl Minor corrections to rewrite. sen/ice at 7 month, plus utilities. House is Z-4-12-2I3I 4170. 349-3682 after 5 p.m. Join Campus Action, a Christian tonight, Univf Foreign students welcome. Lutheran Church, 1020S Hal completely furnished. Call Z-3-12-213) KIRBY UPRIGHT sweeper fellowship, and experience God's Road. _ 332-6991. C-2-11-30(51 NONSMOKING GRAD stu- love 8:30 tonight, 335 Union. 484-4311 8-12-715) ' FEMALE TO sublease winter dent needed to share house KING SIZE SIERRA waterbed (classic) with attachments. Excellent condition, 495. 323- [ ONLY 1 WSIs: Keep your ci and/or Spring. 2-bedroom, in Okemos with 2 women. Pets-horses ok. Call 349- frame on a pedestal with six drawers. Excellent condition, 4013. 5-12-514) 11 DAYS 1 EXPERIENCED IBM Dissertations, typing. (pica-elite) MSU Volunteer Income Tax Project is recruiting volunteers and while performing a worn 4-man Americana Apart¬ service. Michigan School 1238. Home evenings. ' FAY ANN, 4850358. student coordinators for winter la a|most new. 4360 or best LEFT Blind ment. Call 332-0607 Z-512-8I5I REVOX A-77 MK IV Open C-20-11-30-I3I term. swimming program ■ Z-4-12-2-14) offer. 482-4731. 8-12-915) reel. 15 hours use. Absolute Sign up now, 26 Student volunteers. Contact 26 sJ Services Bldg. Services B'' FEMALE NEEDED winter DESIREFACULTY rental Grossbeck area two. urossoeck 4395. ruu, Four _ ~ p'„ mint condition, 4725. Don, 337-9625. 8-12-113) •«- mJ1 TYPING EXPERIENCED. reasonable. 371- Pinetarring Clinicl Bring . Fast and . Ch.stmM peanuts persona| your PN Gemmu Nu, term only, Old Cedar Village, bedrooms, central air, family skis or profess across from campus. 490/ M Hurry ,Q w 5,udent SMhwtCllsslfMs 4636. C-20-11-35(31 just come to talk at 8 business sorority, meets r00m, dishwasr,. Call even- Services now. SP-11130 PASTELS, OILS, CHAR- tonight, Men's IM Building. Spon¬ | month, 4-man. Cell 332-2284. 347 SMNt Sfflricti tonight in Eppley Center / Z-512-7-14) ings 434.3432. 13-12-9(4) COALS-give something per¬ LOOKING FOR sored by the MSU Cross-Country rooms. WAT-R BEDS are bedder at sonal at Christmas. Portraits GREAT JOB7-get a heed- Ski Club. FEMALE NEEDED to sub- IT IS the policy of the STATE SOUNDS AND DIVER- reasonable, 353-3812. ■tart on that first impret- Minority Pre-Med t lease efficiency in E. Lansing. NEWS L'h» taf4T?*! SIONS. Open till 9 p.m. S-612-213) lion by having your rt Jewish studentsl Meet for will meet at 7 tonight, 335 lL Call 332-3268 after 5 p. of term all Student Classified morning Mlnyan at 7 a.m. Monday yyeeknights. Downtown typeset. Tba Typecutter Contact Carol Crouch Z-4-12-2(31 advertising must be paid for and Thursday at Hillal. fori fr0m Knapps. 484- IT IS the policy of the STATE can maka your credentials information. in advance beginning Nov- SUBLET ment for TWO-man apart¬ winter and spring ember 14,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. 3855.0-1-11-30151 INSTANT CASH. We're pay- QMnOS NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified Advertising must be paid for itand out in any stack resumes. Looks much bet ter than typing, terms. Call John 8. at 337- 50-23-12-9(8, log 91-2 for albums in good FREE KITTENS. Born Oct. us a call -we're in advance beginning Nov¬ 0718. Z-2-11-3W3) DUPLEX-3 bedrncms plus I!*?""' 30th will make someone happy for Xmas. 2 white with ember 14,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. vary reasonable. 487-9295. ENGINEERS MALE ROOMMATE Needed for winter/spring. Close to study, brand new; 2 full baths. 9 month lease, 4400. 0974. 0-1-11-30(51 ^n'infl'337' spots, 1 tiger. 393-5527 after Sp-23-12-9(81 TWELVE YEARS experience typing theses, manuscripts, APPLY YOUR EXPERTISE TO 3 p.m. S-l0-12-9(4) campus. 470/month. 7*1 term papers. Evenings, 675 2317. Z-8-12-213) This weeks special SKI FOR less: Colorado on a 7544. C-2511-3513) THE FIELD OF MEDICINE DUPLEX AVAILABLE now. 3 ZEBRA FINCHES make great budget. Complete listing of to 4 people. Furnished. Near apartment pets. 410 each, SPARROW NEAR 3 bed¬ inexpensive todgine, restaur¬ EXPERT TYPING by MSU campus. 669-9939. 8-12-9(3) 417/pair. 487-2166. room duplex. Near bus line. E-5-12-513) ants & bars at aki areas. Pays for itself the first night. Sent grad. 17 years experience. CLINICAL ENGINEERING] 4J»_37_4-7367_8-n-30(3l_ 2-BEDROOM house unfur¬ 43.96: CDS, Box 2870, Vail, Near Gables. Call 337-0205. FEMALE NEEDED to sub- nished. East side Lansing. MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS OR-13-11-30(31 Bus. Low utilities. 4170 10-12 lbs when full grown. Colo. 81657. Z-8-12-518) MASTERS DEGREE PROGRAM lease 1 bedroom apartment, winter term. Close, furnished ,„™, ^P08" 485^381 • Z'3-,2"2(31 7 , ,,,, Red, 6 weeks, AKC, 4125. TYPING-THESIS, term Can hold until Christmas. papers. Former college ad¬ no heat bill. 4107/month. FARM HOUSE-15 miles west near Potterville. 4 bedroom, 882-6615 or 349-9486. 9-12-9(4) [ Sirrici ||^ ministrative secretary. 332- 2616. 3-12-2(31 # COURSE OF STUDY DESIGNED FOR APPLIED ENGINEERING WORK IN MEDICINE | barns, acreage. 4225/month. BRING YOUR prescription to EAST LANSING close in, 3 BLOCK TO campus. Fast, * SEVEN MONTH PAID INTERNSHIP IN ONE 351-7497. 0-8-12-9(41 NEWFOUNDLAND PUP¬ OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2617 rooms and bath. Unfur¬ reasonable, experienced. OF 12 CLEVELAND AREA HOSPITALS PIES, 6-weeks. AKC. E. Michigan, Lansing, 372- nished, 4185. Phone 332- HOUSE BETWEEN Sparrow Dicker and Deal Term papers, editing. 332- Championship sired. Shots, 7409. C-6-11-30(3) SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE 5988. 0-8-12-9(4) and MSU. Roommates need¬ Second Hand Store wormed. 4300. 676-2089. 8498, 351-1711. 8-12-6(4) • ed, own rooms, 487.50/ 1701 South Cedar 8-12-7(4) EAST LANSING, sublet/ LOVING CHILDCARE in our TERM PAPERS, thesis, dis¬ • GOOD EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES month, utilities paid. Avail¬ 447 MM manage 1 bedroom furnished able Dec. 3. 484-5966. licensed home. 425 weekly. sertation typing; IBM pica or PUPPY LOVERS only. Free with utilities. 4180/month, Z-512-614) Near campus. 482-5447. elite, call 332-2078. 351-0809. 5-12-6(3) APPLES, CIDER. BLOSSOM Beagle/Cocker to good home. 351-0917 after 6 p.m. X-5-12-213) 511-12-9(3) FOR MORE INFORMATION: ORCHARDS, The Wedow- FEMALE-SHARE ski's 2 miles N. of Leslie, 3597 Z-E-5-12-613) 2 FEMALES Cedar Village house, 472.50/month, COMPLETE REPAIR service UNIGRAPHICS CLINICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM fur- Hull Rd. Old US-127. Hours, OFFERS for stereo's, TV's, tapes, COMPLETE DISSERTATION Z1 month. Call Sii SmltSt rill 351-3186 after b S™C^!L?amPUS- 351-6456. S-5-12-614) 9-5 P m- Cl°«>d Mondays, I u t i ii IfT^l guitars, banjos, band instru- AND RESUME SERVICE: WICKENDEN 507 1-589-8251 Gift MODIIe Hones w p.m. Z-3-12-213) packages ' 11 ' ments. marshall music, 351-7830. c-1-11-30(4) typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY | HASLETT set printing and binding. For ROOMMATE OR *L11 3/VIRI CLEVELAND, OHIO 44106 NEEDED-own RENT or buy this fabulous OR-20-11-30-18) AMERICAN EAGLE Deluxe estimate stop in at 2843 East bedroom, no lease, fumished, townhouse. Air conditioning, 1972. 12x60, outdoor shed. 7nR"nilAnT"v^Bo" F0R °GAUTY Wereo ser Mr- Grand River or phone, 332- PHONE (216) 368-4064 4117.50 monthly. Judy, 345 5814 after 3 p.m. Z-3-12-213) all appliances, carport, club- ,S04£°R 3^™? Zu°°m S Washer, bay window, appli- vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE 8414. C-12-11-30(7) house, full basement. Call *>' Nlkon- $20°l Honeywell ances, shag carpeting. Day- 566 East Grand River, Mark Bond 655-3444 or VAN- P'°_s'r°be, full time, call 374-1168; after 5 C-20-11-30-13) TYPING TERM papers and A SPECIAL PROGRAM IN 1 FEMALE for 2 person KO REALTY 321-7500. 4150. 487-5671. 5-12-5-14) p.m. 4857463. 3-12-1(7) thesis, IBM experienced, fast THE DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERll apartment, own room, 4113/ 3-12-2(8) service. Call 351-8923. FREE LESSON in complexion month, close. 351-5062. Z-6-12-7I3I MEN'S LEATHER lined jacket. Waist length. sheep AIRSTREAM TRAILER, care. MERLE NORMAN 0-2511-35131 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING / SCHOOL OF MEDIC^ | Rooms Size 42. 4100. 332-6765 after 1962.19 foot, self-contained, 4-piece bath. Sleeps 4. 42600. COSMETIC STUDIO 321- 5643. c-20-11-30-13) TYPING FAST and reason¬ CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom/ 2 bath apartment for rent t 4 p.m. 3-12-1-131 Good condition. 882-3922. able, 394-4729, electric type¬ winter snrino Excellent lore- .Ti?,2,e1P° ^ °! ,T NEWS that the last 4 weeks nnwwHii i DOWNHILL SKIS. rkir-CM oiant CM giant 512-2(4) , writer: pica. C-511-30131 Don 332-8328 351-4240 of term all Student Classified slalom Hope Murker bindings Real Estate A Z9124M4) ____1 Advertising in advance must be paid for beginning Nov- 205-8529 450; ski poles, 410. 321-6598 5-12-3-13) LostiFwilq ——Jl—V) L LAKE VICTORIA: Modern 3 JLJ YOU NEVER SOUNDED SO GOODI Superb professional NEED 1 female to sublease editor energizes your paper or embf' 1377' Bring or mail ------ - - - - - T URGE GOLDEN Retriever all bedroom ranch. About 20 article at substantial scholar- winter term only. New Cedar 10 347 Student Servic8a- THREE-M model 107 copier. blond 420 reward, 3459170. mmu,aa n0™ ot Ea9' Lan" discount. Cure those disser¬ DISCOUNT CALCULATOR! j Village. 475/month. 332-2092. Sp-23-12-918) Excellent shape - perfect 1=12 2(31 »ng. Peaceful wooded set¬ 2-6-12-7(3) working condition. Substan- ting overlooking the lake. tation blues: Call the Dr. at and office electronics OWN ROOM 1624 Haslett, bal savings over and above CUSTOM COMMUNICA¬ MALE NEEDED for 7 hsd 476/month plus utilities, 351- what a new one would cost. LOST FEMALE Irish Setter. 6 ^'a'ul'7 dac„0ra'8d' TION CONSULTING. 372- is your roT Near campus Z months old. Ann-Albert 4135. 10-12-9(8) Christman Gift Headquarters nice. Furnished. 332-8385. Street area. 332-0686. Re- Ea'0a^ | Z-B-1-11-3013) ROOMMATE NEEDED for house four blocks from cam- HANSEN EXHIBITION ski boots size 3 shell, $30. 355- andg^TonScethh PROMPT TYPING Service. Term papers, resumes. I.B.M. Digital Smith Corona FEMALE WANTED To sublet LOST: SIAMESE cat. If heatilator. Built-in appliances, 694-1541. 3-11-30(3) watches Coronamotic pus. 351-0977 or 351-8135. 6756 after 6 p.m. winter term in 4-man apart¬ OR-6-1I-30I3I Z-E-6-12-7I3I found phone 351-4683. 1 h ba,ha; Mos' '°°m' c,r' from Electric ment. Rent negotiable. 332- 2-512-9(3) Pe,ed- Plenty of storage. Texas 2489. Z-3-12-213) OWN ROOM 1 block to campus around 490/month. ROSSI ROC 550,205 cm with Lool< Grand Prix bindings, LOST CUSS ring Jefferson Finished basement with field- stone fireplace. Electronic air I. *»w Instruments from •9eTi Typewriters with snap-in Call Matt 8 p.m.-12 p.m.. High, initials BB. Reward cUraruu. attached 2 caf gar- FEMALE NEEDED to sub¬ 470 355-6756 after 6 p.r offered. 353-2638 after 5 p.m. a9e. large redwood deck, dog HOUSE WANTED near ribbon cartridges lease one bedroom apart¬ 351-5722. Z-8-12-913) Z-6-12-713) Z-512-213) pen. Nearby private beach, Bailey or Glencairn school. ment winter, spring. Non- ball diamond, boat launch, 446,000 maximum. 394-1937. from 'IM-* OWN FURNISHED room in INSTANT REPAIR service on smoker, 485/month. 337-2429 after 5 p.m. Z-5-12-2I4I house two blocks from cam¬ stereo, CB and TV. One day service on most repairs. WIL¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE children's playground. Also about 2 miles from Sleepy 512-5(3) And from your ■ biola! pus. 470/month plus utilities. NEWS that the last 4 weeks Hollow State Park. 449,900. SENIOR WOMAN easy chair, yetl Read COX TRADING POST 485 wants Call 353-4848 anytime. of term all Student Classified the Classified ads FEMALE NEEDED TO share 4391. C-14-11-30(41 By owner; family relocating, own room, East Lansing or Z-3-12-2I4I advertising must be paid for regularly. That's where new luxury apartment, 2 ph0ne 651-6374. 512-51291 Lansing area. Connie, 393- in advance beginning Nov¬ the bargains are 6141 after 6 p.m. S-511-213) ,r°T Ccampus' Ca" SINGLE ROOM, furnished, 6 SEWING MACHINES. Guar- ember 14,1977. Bring or mail found. Clock, Stopwatch, Alarm fxvT,,,, Z"5"1Z'2'41 pm' person house with kitchen, anteed reconditioned ma- to 347 Student Services. NEW HOME, 3 bedrooms. 1 FEMALE GRAD Student 4297/quarter + utilities. 2 chines from 439.95. New Sp-23-12-9(8) story, 2 car attached garage, wishes to sublease in house perpetual calendar FEMALE ROOMMATE, win- blocks campus. 337-2401. machines from 469.50, 337-2226. 8-12-7(3) winter term. Own room under and calculator. *46.** ter and spring Cedar Z-3-12-214) EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING 480/month. Leave message Village. TIX AS INSTRUMINTf air,™ cl0se; 485/month. room in fine house, near c0 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. c-20-11-3u7) r PTSOIII 11/1 EAST UNSING-reduced to 459,600. Four bedroom at 3651131. Will be in town 12/3/77. Z-3-12-215) fe'iT?.™8 z'3'11'30131 P'm' campus. Prefer graduate or Colonial 2 'A baths, close to Including professional. Call after 6 BEDROOM SET. white mod¬ IT IS the policy ot the STA ft Pocket Calculatol NEED MALE to sublet winter 337-1496.3-12-2(4) p.n ern furniture. Mattress in¬ NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified MSU. Call Paul Coady at MUSSELMAN REALTY, 332- I^ound Town MBA from Sharp and r cluded. Best offer. Call 351- 3582. C-3-12-215) ftato News and term, Twyckingham. Call ONE BLOCK off campus-180 5754. Z-4-12-2I3I Advertising must be paid for Casio. Very thin I [TIG 332-8290, ask for Stan. Kedzie. Female needed in in advance beginning Nov¬ Classified TI-5S 3-12-2(3) 4-woman house, own room. . 100 USED VACUUM clean- ember 14, 1977. Bring or come with notap^ (and morel) FEMALE NEEDED to share Katie, 351-3726. Z-2-12-K4) ers. Tanks cannisters, and up-rights. Guaranteed on full mail to 347 Student Services. Sp-23-12-918) rrT^rtniHjSI 355*8155 folding cases, one bedroom apartment, NICE ROOM in nice house in year, 47.88 and up. DENNIS from*!*"** close. DO YOUR Winter/Spring option. Lansing. 527 Clifford. 475/ DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. own divorce. We FLORIDA BOUND bus for will show you how. :~':®2?.after5P-m- Z-3-12-2I4I mon,h + Utilities. 374-6029. 316 North Cedar, opposite Approxi¬ X-mas break, Dec. 17-30. If SHAAREY ZEDEK Bingo Mon.-f'l- 10-12-9(3) mately 475. Mi. Clark, 335 you want to come call Paul closed until further notice. 220 M.A.C. City Market. C-20-11-30-16) 'til ion! 2670. 11 12-913) 374-7153. X-11-12-9(3) C-911-30(3) Univ. Mall 351-6470 |n crnte News. Eoit Lansing, Michiqoi Wednesday, November 30, 1977 15 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE *ly flv MfhBfte by Bill Yates ebony productions presents THI DRAMATICS TICKETS ON SALE NOW 11^*" ""''l "'WUM»|t.M.| BW, (i3)WKAR>TV(PBS) F syEDNESDAY (10) Cllllgan's Island Pledge Drive (11) Sound-Off (12) Emergency One! I afternoon 5:00 (11) Who Shot vice Buster Ser¬ 8:10 1:00 (4) Gunsmoke (23) WKAR Membership- 7:10 mjShow (10) Emergency One I Pledge Drive (23) Good Old Days ol JJjndthe Restless (23) WKAR Membership- Radio (23) Nova 8:15 (Jl5f Children Pledge Drive 7:30 ^jlUn»r,a,n,T 5:10 (4) Collage 8:30 (11) Sights ond Sounds 1:31 (23) Mister Rogers (10) Hollywood Squares 9:00 lllu World Turns 5:30 (U) Impressions (4) Bing Crosby -,01 our Lives (12) Rookies 8:00 2:00 (11) News (12) Charlie's Angels (4) Rudolph the Red-Nosed (10) Oregon Trail 00 Pyramid 5:40 Reindeer erEcsy (23) WKAR Membership- (11) Won Chuen (10) Grliily Adorns 10:00 2:30 Pledge Drive (12) Eight is Enough (4) Johnny Cash ng Light 5:50 ort (23) Electric Company Midi lo LI** 4:00 MSU SHADOWS 3:00 (4-10-12) News •r World (11) Rally with the . by GordonCarleton spopbopsd iy, Peace do Real People 3:1! 4:20 PIWHAIiL PETE'S al Hospital (23) WKAR Membership- 3:30 Pledge Drive llgtbe Family 4:30 (oAltgre (4) CBS News 4:00 (10) NBC News ^Mickey Mouse (12) ABC News (23) Dick Cavett in Acres (11) Black Notes drlunch 7:00 ■e Street (4) My Three Sons 4:30 (10-12) Mary Tyler Moore rtOoy (23) WKAR Membership- 3.9" EA. Iprinit-in-Q-mlnlt (COPYING'DUPLICATING IS OUR BUSINESS Corner of AAAC ond ANN ST. Open 8:30-6:00 M-F; 10:00-5:00 Sot. WELSWITH FARLEY lil Frank [»"MGWlRT IS UAL IN THAT IT HAS LITTLE Iof MAN THUS ACCOUNTING |WR EXTINCTION OSSWORD aatan □Baa aaa caasa Has Baa lUZZLE nnaa asaa aanaana aaaaa 28 Accessories sBanaaaan 30 Signal aaa usaci ass 31 Egyptian deity t 33 aas oaaa saa Italian coin 34 Armpit aaoaaansia 37. Fetish ujaraas anas 39 Sea naasnsci sqsei fcll 40. Region in ancient saui asa ansa Israel aas ana assu 42 Deny 44 Harden 3. Death notice 48 Giomng out -r-aev CL Ai M THAT Peof>L£ 4. Corolla leaf 16 City in England 1. Subterfuge 5. Contingencies 47 Veiled 2. Layer ol tennis 6. Aries T 7. Wood-wind instrument Threshold uwe^eRTHANTBey WATCH HBRI FOR A 9. Spindle BEETLE BAILEY triSPBSs NIWSHOW 10. Longvinded ANNOUNCIMBNT 12. Covet by Mort Walker 16. Doublecrosser 19. Antitoxins 21. Man's name you WANT 7 yES,iFirsNor| 23. Original TO SEE THE I ASKIN6 TOO MUCH inhabitants 6ENERAL?/ 25. Archbishop r 26. Cylindrical 27. Entangle 1 Llli ■29. Divot ,32. SeventhofMarch 34. Indigo '35. Unaspirated 36. Malaria 38. Light cotton fabric 141. Plowed Held 43. Needlefish ih_ PRESENTS: m CBS records Sophisticated SpeoKMHib! A &M RECORDS Also... ON SALE NOW! A & M RECORDS Our Whole ELO Catalog THEIR NEWEST 2-RECORD SET ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA Your Choicel A New World Record ELECTHC UGHT ORCHESTRA Inclurtn^ Livin Thins DoYa Telephone Line any or all niELo NCUJONG: STRANGE MAGC EVL WOMAN/SHOWDOWN *r:\ 1 5 elo cataloo lp's HOU. OVER BEETHOVEN ' % ,! v:> 7.98 MFC. LIST ONLY ELECTRIC LIGHT OROKSTRA ELDORADO ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA IndudosrCanlGatROutOfMyHoad FaceThe Music BoyBluo/PoofBoy