M. 6. C. Library ?ast Lansing, Mich. cowinf. event* rrWTORUM 3Bidttptt 6tate Hews TliH Wert!*■ I u«tr Onaril Party Tonight Net Meet Tomorrow FAST I.ANSINfi, MKIIIHAN, Fit I MA Y. APRIL 2a, 19.17 t 'iWnv* (ionVltBrings In 7Vw/»r.< IU-mtil IaiI [Gen. Butler Tlwir Bofly tliul m ■ :( ani|nis : ill. "Si««> Stuff." Hrrriiri I illlr I ■•■■•iili-r.-lliiin in S lit Tom Nolun ■ For Opinions I .irlnrv lli.lrirl S lu-ri* t tin* tirml S urk», [ War Kaekel Cliini.'ly Stuff Two l.crtiirr* (iuiduncc Meet *A Success* I>11111 Mil> lioll Sit. It.lilt In In* I.i\«-n l.tkr Daiihrn Male1. < hlmf ...«mi .wlmmltia I' >'»• ;l«« - (or I li li'iMli'- ill Iti'll in I'i*ii|iIi*m rlmrcli I'tiriloiii Open* Lfnifrpriirn i.rl»lc I" iiiinil I rul Mt'i'l. 'I Lur-iLis National Home l'>. Honorary at I i»ii\o# alM»n in , I ««h. liberal art. tun i The .wimmlita iu« li ho teaching thf varsity Marks Founding 2."> ^ ears \«jo k man how »«» make music i- from the chtntrs located *1'1 1 lleail Ihf to lie Honored Advertising Is at Anniversary lea Siinifnv I5i«i Attraction' 11 n tin u in Program I'lan- to Fealiire Km- I Mil. Rand Service Fral I.roup to \ i-it Names Heads \ji I ^inference Officer* to lie Indneled at Mill Hear I.ilk o In-f.illation ^alnrdiiy viitioil of Horn i\»elf. I'urdolii (,oil\o Vtidi. n. «• Muhu Mold* KcttllUlllil'it Prof* Will Brna.traal (.nher* Hurl* to Olliriw In f.v pin ill I oiiure--i.nial ROM. I'jntol I . .nil •b% >s faced by a aeriou«. " MvuMI CMrtt : talf.'if.on M*> Th« Cup-eland rood and Drill Bill and lt»l>: Re -problem, ne ahich » destined t> •-.tie- Price Maintenance B>.' ' 'S season t* under the d make great strides on Mr Inez Mummi. w| this apring « couple of girl 'uru-t"proves it B Dun*, of the Eng- n to dlSOiS# f"T a»»i*tanl pfofessur of -! pus I llr,n|. : 3 The X< of the H i.and an (Mat T» *la» Man Wlwl* tl* g.r-.. *.r. i>Sia( niton I'mgrum >'. i.-ifi. wui preside as party, a trr Marl The co-ed* are taking up the * A*y n-i'. rrt'-re thon 'i "the Michigan chap- l a regular meeting place IF-Vhange n 1 PfW I 'I. r-ifltf' Dr H W\ ngarden a»oc.at- rr.aniy gp«>rt of baseball And. spe/tn' rn'/*tly he-men i • h;» sr .son. the giri* are dead «ur» -'Wded tn get . it the s mg Kducatran at r. • • • (p.ior of Fifiumf June 10, Grand Rapid*. Sat or- th«yll »how Michigan State thit proceeding a That ^ ;•*»» about a* ■4r«l (M p»-1; ••—«< t. E> < ■ r'b Central Area C»n- -.i) br • ! ... dine* at -1" Ta* U»* ' E A »» an cvany a* 'u;r c to ari aver- c;il play it* annual game aoth the play baseball basehfill already a;e nu. of the Ai. rwmbri> jr. awed t '-0»r ' Arctx.n'.nj J.n .ge varsity game an all-college tinui > -r .Agriculture This at Ptoplra thunh .t » ' Pn>pi««l Amrn*t>rnlJ !o Soc:al Soulhrrn Priaon f M rr..fian nir.T Ot i^j» .ty and Frat- ro and Ma; J A. Person, of . !" caw u( bad wrathrr Scc'jr t> Art. J I ruvi- a-int- at Jackmn tomorr . ■ , lw\* pll>rd ernity leagues -• .eid .ii Apr.: IMS the art department. Will discuss . »1'.. be .u.cl r •1 . ant pintcMOT o( Induatr.a! Ra:»- - Time will tell. Art Engineering." »ll< llli.AN Si.\IK NEWS Friday. April 23. lfcs; own prindpleN that long ago hecanu Amateur* to Play «Ju cemented tf> change. Their minds are closed CampiM Camera ' Boil®*, fcoiwrnici testructo JHidtijatT State New* M The t. at Monday Tea Da nee attend the third annual Detr- Many adults enter the classes as gradu¬ gionol confer «*nc* of *oe*ai ates or special students, and Next Monday will see another Saturday April 24 Dr H-m* what the course affords, taking tin- profes¬ sor's word for It. Their questions are short. Revolving i tea dance in the Union ballroom secretary of the state I from 4 to 5:45, with the Rhythm of social work cor'-.- : Rascals furnishing the Stage | an. amateur cont«*st featuring mu-1 sical instruments. Contestants i l bring any type of niuaical instru- ! ' ; *' / SPECIAL 1,1 FT BOXES CUT FLOWERS I'HfiKR Tlfl.M FROM !1 .. 4m \i > . < It m Gene Aver ill Florist 211 \btool Road ritM. 11, Of Hittlllg a lack "i planning I peanuts while he watcher Aui -»;lml I spctiy. ihi week - conference at leu slops. He have lurotnr tainili. nun rrS ~ CLOTHES FOR THE '/ Ulan Moid lom%! J" y IreWoi cf>U«l i*to •tocti*. MM m4 t«nat| d 11111111111' the ••••♦ sO-MMi ttorkl PM., thai* «k« tottof *• iwi an Ctotoisg WHHNf wioii « Mi ••• »»••» Tlrt l» m WMImo t Such st ml IrtdAA -Part) list \i \ i n| hit -.t-.l *24*® . i RKHMAN BROS. (0. ' !W S«ttlli KtihirulM X - JaM 0nr kJ'hjwao B/w M.*< Yr ' . t, I In It*nl Sliuli'iil Whether it It* A May breakfast or A Sunday Night Supper —(lollegiate ^orhl — I or Joull 111II11lii- /%.:<* 11*11 Ki»murk: A Blur Plate S|ieeial The best plan- to «o i> lilff - : % Mxnrt 3[oob J&jnp the t- IX'jbir U». u, Aiv; > 1 a ti K«r.t.i»■. t ,i-: Ro««r.- Y itc: L-j-avH L.cntenant,-; Robe.' Madill and Homer Pag, . charg. Th.* iactcwmu. the * up.-. bet of actives 10 U3 awoinciv; 7 THK ANM At Frosh Frolic Semi-Formal couple Unto* BaUroom fridM.v, April 23, 19:iV MICHIGAN STATE NEWs Week End Ahead Co-ed Fencers Win usjc 4|Umni ( olor '* Matured H. E. Sorority Braiidstatter is aiysi Of the sewnd main point, aB- Schavey Will Yodel of Leone Till With Prtn.il personality defects, the elnb llrilrl- Exhibition 1'0]^|ee,J|ere Green 'n Water Pageant Jq Celebrate Splauh I'ugranl Will 11 lltr I If > l*e Officer-' (lull Hra.l -peak, ■ r -aid causes Probably fear of more unhappiness, for Tower Guard Tonight Parly in ' 111 In ; i .jj_. -a d even suicide than any- Meet Willi Win Frnri-m. Manv of ^ ^ ^ .jj l«- Given Wiilni.iliiy. f)em»n»iratinn Hull i y : the second time this year | General Bunt|uel Sal- - • *1 N I lie tram drfiwt 'I , Bniutlful pa»ntitry. an* TwenlySflh 4nni\er*ary uriliiy \ifhl. "■ |i!in« nrr Urn key lit Local Olllitrttll Xu ■ and Joan College won't have ,•■■■ Prtn.il Sai.ii- •" «'••"> Spl»h «»«"' any time to re t i?..r»; n Oceurtr.n. Tea of conferences and meeting, according to ttn.s week-end's » s the speaker tin. which shows eleven patties on schedule Apr. •" l) individual thia his individual :t was founded here li.it any stu- in On- . i me (i. .r and 25 ^ tuiman hlucbird, diving from £>on* Schavey vn. |, f! (, ; , K \ was started i'"P'hnst tower straight into a and Mi F. N Hairett i i crai graduates ' Mi,,w fountain, will he one of -m - : . i, , [ • Hirhards and • Kastwood. past piesident d Lo-eds to Open bames.Moniluy l he newest 11111 -marlel-l n Willi Baseball Milliners O IM MlMiH M^T La Mode Hat w. \. \. Shoppe Clip W inner —The— FREE FACIAL It* l-.xperlencrd ( ;ir» Nome Ptit'try binab REEL April 2ti to May I limited. College Will Be Reail Mr Coy >ur Kewall Dealer xer MtiW r.rand I'lourum lei be- Ib id l iiew i«la>. >|nnda\ and lunda> flat, ill l.illle I'bealre* 1*1 KHOtt-%1. rReil'hKTV SWALl/S ii.r Siumit ilfilia l./Hhthm Vrliir or Leisure SI'OIMSW KAK MiiHiciaim Plan "*»|iriii» Kceilals Kir«t I'rnnriiin VX ill l.r I,it. ♦Ml NlflllilA III | || lull. N M.<. . \. I il-r l|»«r >ocial Prolileni K iiftfHI KuftfHi 1'iim nm Mlllllll-r In 'speak ■ . ■ _ 11 film Tuai/nn I'i I n I hem N.eielx KKKSES II Wan V, ,|| \,|.|ri >n|> Vxl W..I...-.I.. -In.I. I lull XI I CLASSIFIED If hi i • ifc.inM.Yje • I uaaM ik. nil r ' wr >av«h. r. I I.hl - ■ Vm.kjl.nl i ... i " Il.r4li.kurf -m.Miih >' X.rr.u k.n.1, W< Ii.it>, U.9j-*.YUN VXOOI -I \« K HOM. Vlt and Sl.UU , H. hOMTCIIKh *tw* RLWAItLi I-■ & UK ON r^KHLD ? T" 9 Mj„ \ rawi lok*of«»i» pan H : : - Name, Cali.i ^ *md' i Kveryone Kccph That I n'clock Date at SMALL'S ' I* Y<- J... . Ncnrm - ' " 3N| . _ pouik Jut l;j« W>5T-^Udtiad Sclutffcj SANDY'S GRILL ... hK.\OX* Maiiha »Lx-.- » •* "t 1- • ' <• i'.er ! MCOU'A41J. Pliouc %710§ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, April 22, 1927 Blaine Henkel Named to Even Series With Wisconsin Today Ernie Bremer may develop into ni I Errors (lost i»rf rn «iitm Stair Sends KihiIIIIIII Hen the best discus and jove- e Press Box school's history. Spartan *9 Strong Tram ipractice 124 etindi- J jj KIBFTZINGS Ralph Young, letics. says he • Mat.. S:M, (Set TODAY A ftATI'RDAY Night*. First Gantr | To Iowa Meet prised if the bin WARNER Of.AM) == Bv Al Tlieiler E a 91 Lansing IIORIS KARl.OKI- Prnni Mule- *iv Error- •ipnrlnn- !<• 1 ionrrnlrali- product comes a heave Hllllprr- l«. Ml Groru.' inn. .%•:». Korrr- in R«-lny« ill Cln- )ad. Hill The worst you deserved in that game yesterday CHARLIE CHAN SIHIHT F AI.F.MtMt »if ill Or- Xiiiin-. It should huve been a tie game going into the Michigan Man- was VARSITY TENNIS evdrr break. hi' that's just one of those things. That old infielditis gripped AT THE OPERA again and bad errors paved the way to the first defeat <>f One record that will st and some for rrvrnir on ONI t »» s field I«m!a% whrn !»••• i It's tough to lose ball games that way. but look at it from more pounding over hei SIN.MON.-TCES. tans battled I'nlvrrsitv Hack is the two-mile st andard at V*s. If- I .ON K. '.uehl* brothers were pretty fair pitchers throughout the game back 9 24 2 several Spartans Face «et up y1. Netters . igm was 9-7. and that alone entitled them to their win. Then, iebo's hit hadn't glanced off Gerlach's glove, there would only record in mind this spi i shouldn't be so long 1 fore he Badgers look art van • Tltr fane ol. errors to rnWilirr III ■re Saturday lat mark. npetune c*mc lit Iftr lor a I sim Slate Vi'k. In Keep Slate glrli T .O •ithc t lean: llollt Spunl* l.isl I Min Y«*teran» opened here u itli w hen the ump got mixed up on his t-A s r usual run of argu- rails and gave Harp Scott a free the Badgrrx and the trip to lirxl base on three balk r willing to argue at What a din arose then! Srott tin- (r anv provocation, and verbal lirti- ally had to coiro cuffs broke out at regular inter- to havr Zunhls issue the pass vais Especially in the lifth frame, rlallv. The nexl pilch was a Not listed in the error column In the box score was Beadle's m# Why, m' l*)N lapse in the fltlh frame After Bader's hit had gone h> Banda |{l silMAN 11 ' first tilsoii. on lirst at the you haven't 1really picked up the hall Beadlc -In second or lirst—so lived if you haven't hr held on to it In the meantime. Olson went all the wav around third and scored standing up seen the April Spartan R' the As the inlerfrat league into the basetiall and tennis sched¬ moves ,,,w. • ules. there are six fraternities stilt vent in the running for thr All-Sports <•! title this year In order they are The phi Hells who hold down , the leader's position with a total ol IT points against two them They have titles already in swimming and FINE Thr * A »:'» »*lh l« |M**nl. FOODS They haye one title in basrhall Sigma Nu's. winner of the in door track • fiampionsliip next in line with 11 lectins. 13 liHdhali title holders FOUNTAIN iS points. SERVICE with Hesperian- with '!! points and * iliamps of the haskethilt league llermians still pAMoihlr hut no! mera. next with 41 tlial said will lieal us Ibis year t he Badger players smiled he lis liable I stretch driyr I ng and the BASEBALL! right Cloves, Mills, lints. Kit-. Mai l»r they were pointing in to should tie lot* rest < day's game down to the h Best Quality and Prices Spurt Itoods Kxclusiw l) Larrabee's Sport Shop NEWSFLASH • II AKRYM AN S . Smart Slxl<> (,rav APPLE GREEN Pahnitc d Fa line i SUEDE JACKETS Kadke . Kain Drowns Opening Meet Willi M Golfer* Irani In Play Michigan at \nn \rl»«»r Next i'.i. m«- i M Seis Kaudat. K an.) M w-v Halt leliatl. OUon. i ■ • er--ba.se h»tr Kovacich t Stolen ba*r Kuhne EXvuble play > W iuehU 1. Hill 3 Bane* »n bails off W Zuchi HiU 0 Hit by pitcher Ol—n by Hill Left II t'mjureo-—Cute and Ma honey Winn-.ng ptUhei ir—2 11 town, has been unfit for play moat Spartan* will journey to M.lwau- o( the time so far ttuc'yeax kee for a meet' with Marquette 1250 - 15oo tin tlmrli Following thr meet Tuesday, the university Friday afternoon F. T. TREADWELL i k v « Red Crda; SHOES an.) KEI'AIKIM. h*?™N Us Ad level stage Tut 230 M. A. C. Avenue East tanning. Mich. Wednesday II. KOSITCIIKK h iK BKOS. n- and 'hese were handi- ', SoWn 74c to (2.00. Rwl Leather SIMM D>*0 Back. 34c . ct Home and I by the soft turt under- 113 N Wixhinglna Ave. ■> • Detroit Tech or The local course. the Lan- AI.L WORK Gl'ARANTEED Kapda High School CiMintry club layout down-