COMPTROLLER'S PAY INCREASED President may get paid By REGINALD THOMAS ings. She said that due to her work and class State News Staff Writer but her resignation had not been schedule, she does not have the time to officially Two bills that would accepted. Wright then resumed her seat on provide salaries for attend meetings. the board. She is the third hoard member the ASMSU comptroller and the to ASMSU Student Board president were introduced at Wright's resignation ends her controver¬ resign this term. The board also agreed to pay the ASMSU Tuesday night's board meeting. sial career with the ASMSU board. The bill to pay the parliamentarian $2.50 an hour. president was tabled She went before the The parliamentarian is and sent back to the All-University presently paid $5 budget committee until Student Judiciary on two occasions to retain representatives could discuss the matter per meeting to tell the board when it is not with their constituents, but the her board seat and following procedures and to explain what board voted nearly went before the to increase the board a third time when it was those procedures are. salary of the comptroller by questioned $360 per term. earlier this term whether her earlier The ASMSU Student Board meets at 7:30 Introduced by RHA representative Bob resignation had been accepted. every Tuesday in 4 Student Services Bldg Vatter, the bills would increase the Wright resigned at the end of spring term The meetings are open to the comp¬ public troller's pay from its present $340 a term to $700 per term and would create a NT $750 per term pay scale for the president. The president currently receives no salary. Vatter told the board the the president deserve comptroller and Gulf lawyer accused payment because of the long hours they keep. If students want a full-time president, then it will be of writing tax review necessary to pay that president, he added. ASMSU Student Board President Kent Barry said payment would make the APWirephoto president more accountable to the students Reporters, many representing Orient media, sur¬ before the House international relations subcom¬ and make the position a full-time one. PITTSBURGH (AP) — An Internal Revenue Service review round Yoo Yung Soo (seated), a Linden, N.J. su¬ from tax excusing Gulf Oil Corp. mittee Wednesday. The panel is investigating Barry added that the payment of the liability on its $10.3 million political slush fund actually was written by n Gulf permarket owner.during a break in his testimony South Korean influence president will allow less affluent students to attorney and signed by an IRS auditor, a federal prosecutor says. peddling. be president. In order for a student to Assistant U.S. Attorney Craig be McKay said the 1974 report concluded there was $200,000 in the domestic fund, when in fact it contained president, he or she has to be "independent nearly $5 million. The allegation raised new ly wealthy," Barry said. questions about Gulfs tax liability, but neither the IRS nor the Justice Department would comment I.S. supports The salary of the comptroller will be Wednesday on the charge. A Gulf spokesperson said she was unaware of allocated from the ASMSU any slush fund tax liability determined subsequent to the negotiators Special Projects auditor's report. fund. The comptroller's new pay scale w ill go into effect winter term. McKay also charged that IRS auditor Cyril J. Niederberger shared sensitive documents from the Watergate The package introduced at Special Prosecutor's Office with the lawyer Gulf had Tuesday's retained. At the time, the meeting also contained a proposal to pay special prosecutor was investigating Gulfs use of a Bv BARRY SCHWEID board representatives. However, that Rahamas-based subsidiary to dispense over $10.3 million to invitations, the United States had urged por foreign and domestic fc.tSHINGTON (AP) President tion of the package has not been released politicians during a 13-year period. McKay did not name the Gulf attorney. - Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Soviet by |ttr said Wednesday that the United down Sadat's invitation, Carter made clear Union and European countries not to the budget committee. This was "A concealment and a of Fred W. Standefer, Gulf vice coverup," McKay said at Tuesday's opening of the trial s no longer the "dominant interme- that in his view the Russians cannot - and condemn the steps taken by the Egyptian Earlier this term College of Arts and president for tax administration, on charges he provided the Middle East. But he offered free vacation trips to n should not - be excluded from Middle East leader. "In some instances we were success Letters representative Scott Schreiber Niederberger. "Our feeling right now is that we're not in a |port to all Arab countries that decide to negotiations. V he said. introduced a bill to pay board members $150 position to make any comment on statements made at the trial," the Gulf Le directly v/ith Israel. "In the past, the Soviets have not played spokesperson said. "We don't wish to say anything > far And even while Syrian President Hafez per term and the president $350 per term. that might influence the outcome of it. That wouldn't be fair." only Egypt has seized that constructive role in many instances," he a Assad has been 'most highly critical" of The bill was introduced at the board's first Among the trips Standefer allegedly arranged for Niederberger was a junket to Pebble |ative. That action was described by said. "They have espoused almost complete- Sadat's move, Carter said "there ia no doubt >inference as an "historic meeting but wis returned to the budget Beach, Calif. The IRS auditor, now retired, received the ly the more adamant Arab position." my mind that President Assad ew e-tut see, » .iei - -t wm k'lled. fund review trip the same day his 1974 slush Itlhrough." was submitted. However, he added, "in recent months peace with Israel." He said the same is true p Carter said, he was convinced all of the Soviets have moved to a much more of Jordan's King Hussein. The head of MSU student government has Niederberger, 70, was convicted in February lor accepting trie gratuities. He is Tree j Arab neighbors not received compensation since 1956-57, pending appeal. — Syria, Jordan balanced position as a prelude to the "We have no control over any nation in Gulf pleaded guilty last week to on — want peace with the Jewish Geneva conference." when the salary was $70 per term. providing trips for Niederberger, who headed an IRS the Middle East," the president said in team responsible for >n though they have not accepted In other action, the board accepted the reviewing Gulfs 1959-1964 tax returns. The company, saving it Carter began the news conference with acknowledging the limited U.S. diplomatic wanted to put the slush fund scandal behind it, in President Anwar Sadat's invita- an announcement that Alfred L. Atherton role now that Egypt and Israel have resignation of College of Education repre acknowledged for the first time that it was K participate in opened sentative illegal to give public officials gifts even when no favors were sought or expected. preliminary negotia¬ Jr., the assistant secretary of State for the direct negotiations. Kathy Wright. U.S. District Judge William Knox fined Gulf $36,000. nt mid December. Near East, will represent the United States "We don't have any inclination to Wright resigned because she had been Standefer's codefendant, Joseph F. Fitzgerald, Gulfs .C lat er date it becomes obvious at the Cairo talks. He also disclosed dominate anybody," he said. manager of tax compliance, that missing both board and committee meet¬ pleaded no contest to the charges before his trial was to begin Monday. does not want peace, that Syria they are set to begin around Dec. 13. want peace, or that Lebanon does ml peace and a settlement with Sadat, in sending out invitations, had set Dec. 3 as a deadline for responses. This led n an alternative might have to be to a general impression that the talks would Carter said. obvious inference was that the 9tart then. PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS SUPPLIES PICTURES Selection of Atherton, which foUowed States then might support a by settlement between Egypt and a day u s, acceptance of Sadat's invitation, |ends the pre9tige of the State .which some Arabs are convinced is • in the lot reached that making. Carter went on, "we certainly point yet. I think the menfs top Middle East Arab-Israel negotiations. But department officials said they were not certain about Depart. expert to the University buses decorated with art the role he would play and added that it will . !eaders do want Peace with be left to the Egyptian and Israeli By DeLINDA KARLE "I felt it was not fair to the students to review the case and draw up a policy related advertisements. State News SUH Writer to take for organizational advertising. In the position PIRGIM," he said. ' a on representatives to set the agenda. A small "We usually accept all ads related to ipblic support for the steps taken by In addition to bringing students to "Students have the 9taff is expected to accompany Atherton to right to decide for meantime, PIRGIM was allowed to campus activities, as long as they are hud Israeli Prime Minister Menahem classes, campus buses are now bringing themselves to vote yes or no to pay a advertise on the buses. cau.0. not one-sided," he said. art to students. |»u tempered with the qualification I tar exploratory effort should be Carter said that since Sadat is9ued his During the week of Nov. 20 students dollar for PIRGIM." Robert Perrin, vice president for Garrison said that until a new policy is formulated, he will continue to use his Perrin said a new policy on Univer in the sity advertisements will be issued early n overall Middle East settle- Department of Art's advanced University and federal relations, agreed informal guidelines for University- in winter term. JAndat lose least indirectly Carter urged photography class decorated 11 campus buses with selections of their work. o sight of the "Palestinian MSU student way "We thought this would be a good to get photography to people who might not go to museums," said Robert Mosher, instructor of the class. arrested on Each bus contains the work of one «ng-Range Planning on the proposal. also an option. Council meet- Matthews agreed to correct the impres¬ Another alternative is for a The debate about sion left in the more the future of Univer- faculty meeting invitation intensive, broad recruitment effort without aity CoMege preceded a that the MSU discussion of future University College proposal was particular focus. The objective here would admission policies and solely the work of CouncU members Chitra engineering problems. be to maintain MSU's enrollment Fredenci H. Home, Smith, John Cantlon and Home. position at |iV/s/on; associate the expense of other state son of the Chemistry chairper¬ Many councilmembers indicated they institutions, the was funous about attacks Department,, said he would attend the report said. and accusations University College meet¬ The retention and enrollment of a higher ing. p , ed at his committee from percentage of admitted students was anoth¬ College faculty about the University The balance of the The proposal planning council er option presented. According to the occasionally heated discussion arose meeting was spent in discussion of long- when Home raised a report MSU currently admits about 14,000 procedural question range policy regarding admissions and the new students annually, but only about 6,800 house about the problems connected with plan propriety of the release of an uncertain actually enroll. open committee documents to future supply of students. a regular Univer¬ James Butcher, sity College faculty Cantlon, MSU Vice-President for Re¬ Department of Zoology "The meeting Wednesday. search and Graduate chairperson, presented a document with the ability of this Council to move ahead Studies, said in purpose of restating the goals of MSU in an orderly way can be impeded if presenting the background to the Council Admissions policies. working documents are given that in the future competitive student beyond their status," John credence market, MSU "is not the only Discussion of the admissions issue re¬ Engineering students interested in a under the co-op program and work F. A. Taylor, player in the program which in an professor of philosophy, said. game." volved around the uncertainty of predicting they can get practical industrial firm for six months, where ir faces MSU Provost "If we sit still, will lose in the future available students and the effect on training in their fields away from they Clarence L. Winder em¬ we end," will have a chance to campus can make up to $5000 to finance their phasized that the council as Cantlon added. MSU if enrollment declined. discuss and explore an entire the program at education and gain valuable had body As possible future an open house this on-the-job not reached a point of making any options for attracting A 25 percent enrollment decrease morning. Sponsored by the College of Engineer¬ experience. students to MSU, Cantlon would recommendations and that offered several definitely mean a cut in personnel and "About 140 students go into the ments were working docu¬ suggestions to the Council. ing, the open house will be held from 9 a.m. program only proposals of Council services, but a modest enrollment decline to 11:30 a.m. in 218 every year, which we encourage, because subcommittees. University programs should be brought would probably have beneficial effects on Coffee and donuts will be Engineering Building. we feel it's a valuable to the attention of provided. experience for them," potential student many programs, Cantlon said. Frank Hatfield, director of he said. co-op educa¬ Hatfield added that the tion in the College of Engineering, said that open house was engineering students take two terms off being held so students who have participat¬ ed in the program could discuss their OSTEOPATHIC COLLEGE GETS BUILDING experiences and suggest ways the might be improved. program "We will probably also discuss other aspects of the program, such as the ee Hall will house problems the students have with enrollment and in early classrooms, offices interrupting their course work," he said. The co-op program in engineering, de¬ ByDANAFELMLY to the west wing of West Fee. By that time spite its success, is the only one of its kind I State Nc"s St*" Writer COM offices occupied all of East Fee and sophomore, is not happy about the change. enrollment should be at MSU, Hatfield continued. He said he L| ni|| be completely turned over half of West Fee. "They should give us an equal chance," If enrollment does tapering off." in a similar Fee Hall apartment $241.75 a feels such fields as business, agriculture and Kege of Osteopathic Medicine for Since the state she said, "not leave us out in the cold. I do increase, however, term. journalism would also benefit from such legislature, which funded Thorburn said that "We'd have to ^ and office space in July 1979, the COM, did not always have the money not want to of a choice." change, but I don't have much some other alternative." consider Spartan Village apartments, however, do not have air programs. i» the apartment housing it cur- for expansion and the conditioning or carpeting, "Every summer, business students college was still One possibility for apply "I feel that it's an option that's totally displaced Fee Hall while Fee Hall does. to General Motors for summer growing, it was difficult to let residents residents is moving to Spartan Village, he jobs," he Xaticipated some day they would be know when more of Fee Hall would be missing anywhere else on campus," said Chris Riddle, Fee Hall adviser. There's said. "However, there are never two years said. "GM tells them they'd be glad to hire Efee Hall." said Lyle Thorburn, needed for classrooms and offices, Thor¬ no "The number of married students is that are the same in the housing depart¬ them for six months, but just can't do it for other place where going ment," Thorburn said. ice president of housing and food burn said. people can constantly run down," Thorburn said, adding that only three." into each other under one roof." single Thorburn said COM spokespersons have students will be needed to take osteopathic school was moved "It would be kind of neat if there could up the slack. e said that by 1980, the be Thorburn also said that it was a List 10 MSU in 1970 Fee was Kr classroom and office space Id the close location to the College be needed. "The space will definitely college has grown," said Dr. Myron Magen, dean of the School of Medicine. "We have Osteopathic another place modeled after this added. Despite the fact one," she that the residence halls that Cherry Lane and possibility University Villages might be open for single students in a Action on child abuse an entering have been overcrowded for the couple of years. Currently they Ti Medicine and the low rate of college class of 110 with past several married student housing. are only for expanding re years, Thorburn does not see A forum on "Child Abuse — Time I; students. search, budgets and grants," he said. any of the The cost of living in Spartan Village is be held tonight at 7:15 at for Action," sponsored by the Coalition of Justice will present freshmen or sophomores Jl COM occupied the East half of Kind the kitchen and At the present time there are approxi¬ move off campus. having to also less than in Fee Hall, Thorburn said. Road in East Lansing. the United Ministries in Higher Education, 1118 S. Harrison dining room, mately 82 freshmen and sophomores living He estimated a o, COM offices were moved "If it happened next year, we would have four-person apartment The forum will discuss the medical, social, and legal aspects of child abuse. in Fee Hall. One of them, would cost each person in The Sydney Simpson, had a problem," Thorburn said. Spartan Village panelists will included Probate Court "By 1980, $237 a term, while it would cost each Judge Donald Owens and Barbara Anderson, person special education consultant for the Ingham Intermediate School District VMTM innA QUIETER Serving Mid-Michigan Since 1912 the OLYMPUS the 35mm i of the hear "GET A VIVITAR" OM-1 CAMERA the beginning of a 280-piece sys¬ tem which includes a spectacular 70-210 f3.5 MACRO meter drive group and 30 lenses Irom 8mm to 1000mm. sale 299" ust515°° ONLY ... ) factory • 603 GIFT KIT LIGHTER 239 88 rebates • 600 GIFT KIT • NORMAL-TELEPHOTO with 50mm 1.8 lens • BUILT IN FLASH LENS • BUILT IN FLASH • FLASH 5'-10' WITHOUT • FLASH 5 -10' WITHOUT ADJUSTMENTS • UP TO 150 FLASHES ADJUSTMENTS • UP TO 150 FLASHES PER SET OF BATTERIES PER SET OF BATTERIES ONLY ... ONLY . . . I ICT iVl 31,e W 4988 Five reasons to get into looting 35mm photography.... Now. 75-2053.8 CLOSE FOCUSING ZOOM Vivitar 283 flash system • FOUR AUTOMATIC MODELS • OPERATING RANGE 3-43' ■ «i personal opinions. example, FBI abuses wl The move to reconsider failed, and the bill now sits on Gov. Milliken's Editorial Department perfect harmony with the fortress mentality that permeated! desk, waiting to be signed into law. Milliken should veto the bill, which Editor-in-chief Michael Ton/muro Photo editor Richard Polifowslci particular era. And these abuses did not cease with Hoover's def undermines the spirit of the With Frank Johnson as director, the FBI would Kelley's ruling. Open Meetings Act and the intent of Managing Editor Opinion Editor Kat Brown Dave Misiolowski Entertainment and Book Editor Sports Editor . Kathy Esselman Tom Shonohon enforcement at-any-cost strongarm of the Justice not have be] Special Projects Editor Debbie Wolfe Layout Editor Rebecca A Perry he would have rightly perceived the Department. Ral Ultimately, the only way to short-circuit the legislature's clever City Editor Joe Scales Copy Chief Renaldo Migaldl necessity for restraint! attempts to amend, in a self-serving manner, the Open Meetings Act, is Compus Editor Anne Stuart Freelance Editor Michael Winter redefinition of the agency's role in American life. I for the public to take an active interest in the matter. Judging Wire Editor Jocelyn Laskovvski Staff Representative President Carter should act quickly to find a by the NunxioM. Lupo replacement for out J director Clarence Kelley. The time is long way most people have demurred from taking advantage of the FIA, that Advertising Department past for an overhaul 1 hope appears to be a forlorn one. Advertising Manager Sharon Seiler agency that has systematically abdicated its responsibility to the Assistant Advertising Manager Denise Dear pf1 - good. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau VIEWPOINT: ENERGY sams as last tTllbba celebration of ucrbhaw6 thatsri6ht! uhajs im-fbox mors carefree cms, war MARKS Been lt doing to costiimbs, acid TUB SAMS T1MB, A REMEMBRANCE ives revival cfomaim m Be like? rock. sranota, Profits and the public interest Of TUB A60NY OF VIETNAM, TUB nm? hostility rmos RACIAL HAIRS* IN OUR CTTIES, AND TUB CLASH BETWEEN 6BN- By JUDITH TRANSUE their quest for profit? Is their profit worth Next, we want to build suppoi The North Wind doth blow, bringing with more than peoples' lives? Though they lifeline measures presently in t| it another bitter winter. For would never phrase it that way, the utilities many Michigan residents there are also bitter memories of legislature, with some revisions. 1 companies' answer is yes. lifeline means the provision of I heating bills, threats of shutoffs, and, for What can be done? Individual consumers amount of some 40,000 customers of Consumers utility serv can't do much. There are procedures for Power, the bitter experience of living in an provide basic heating needs, fori hearings and settlements, though little unheated home in a record-breaking cold publicized by Consumers Power. These small price. This would probably industrial users, who use far moi nj winter. should be used whenever possible. But only than home consumers, and pay lo< Last winter many elderly people heated through working together < would have to pay higher rates. I only one room in their houses, unable to afford to heat more. The cost of home tive. By dint of talking to Israel, Sadat has been labeled a "traitor to God," and cries heating went up; Consumers Power's Should privately ownod utilities, have been raised from these quarters profits went up as users dialed down and already government J down. Nine elderly people froze to death in nopolies, have life-and-death rights over human life in til demanding his murder. a single parish near Tiger Stadium in quest for profit? Interesting, but not remarkable, is the Detroit last winter. A week ago television fact that the Palestinian Arabs of the West news showed a widow and seven children in Art V. vandalism having led to the destruction of a putative Bank, apparently adopting a wait-and-see Detroit burning the bedroom furniture in create any Palestinian Arab state, the creation of lasting changes in the policies of Finally, we hope to bring al an attitude, utterly ignored the PLO call for a the fireplace in her unheated home. She had Consumers Power. changes in the complaint proceduH On behalf of the "boys" of Alpha Tau ib ,refugee prob!e,ra' and ultimately a general strike during the visit. The PLO is been unable to pay her gas bill. Rising Lansing Energy Action Project (LEAP) Board of Water and Light. EveJ Omega, I would like to extend my apologies feWlsh refkugee Proble1m); tbat th°*> wh° devoted by its only charter to the destruc¬ heating costs affect almost everyone, but is an organization of Lansing area people publicly owned, the Board of w to Mr. Raphael Sabatini. Being very have ,sougbt a great deal extra from.the tion of Israel and subsequent deportation of hit the poor and elderly especially hard. who want to do something about energy Light is really unresponsive to m narrow minded and insensitive to the fecen' meet'ng are simply not in a position Jews. Totally at odds with peace, and Is it necessary for heating bills to be so issues. We have decided to focus on three of its consumers, and has » pressing social issues of our times, our understand its significance, ignored by its supposed wards at this high? The utilities companies argue yes; main areas right now. First, we are mechanisms to deal with disputes* chapter inadvertently erased what ap- crucial moment, it is time to they say that the cost of coal and other fuels circulating petitions .. .. .. ... place this to gain support for If you're worried about heating ■ peared (to our simple minds) to be just an overt act of vandalism c . the same time' the, 'n.tent«>ns of the Syrlan government and its client, the terror organization in its proper perspec¬ used in heat production have increased, requesting that the Public Service Commis¬ you're concerned about shutoffs, 7 better of the two. They are ol mathematics TZZZvr (it system, rather than increase in odd-numbered years (courts, where a case for his/her entire career, and (constitutional grounds |U s locus. The Mon- the university could and would claim it was acting in accord¬ T HIDE-AWAY Shop Use now while selections are plentiful. V. our Hide-Away Plan. J Vis decided finally by ance with AAUP guidelines. (noc Court of Montana, So, what about bringing a cure of course lateral case? I went into it. My For as long as fashion matters, 14 karat »the other states of attorney told me that in fight¬ yellow gold chains will kcision. be important in any jewelry collection. We have them in ing any agency of the govern¬ many "indeed passing out ment like the University, one patterns, styles, weights, and lengths. Among them these: leases below cost-of- must realize these bodies feel A. 18" serpentine, $40.16", $35. B.18" box links, Inlhas been doing so for $45.16", $40. they have a bottomless pocket C.16" cobra, $85. D.18" foxtail, $55. 16", $50. E. 16" (ere may arise from for legal funds. They fight rectangular links, $75. F. 18" rectangular links, $100. (t idministration feels tooth-and-nail every inch of the (c pressing priorities, way, and one would have to Something Beautiful for Everyone.® J new buildings, new answer in court every motion to (sor whatever, or as a quash, every move that your (• 1« punish professors case has no merit and so on, Christmas Peanuts Personal Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday. || Place wishes your best seasonal ' and tell someone you really care. Your |kspecial Christmas greeting , pirill appear the last day of ^ p| Hed classes in a Special Classi-; Section. So place your ' < ad today! MORGAN'S l ine lenders Since I87<> 121 S. Washington, Lansing Meridian Mall, Okemos Use one of Morgan's convenient charge plans or State News Classified American Kxpress, HankAmericard, Master Charge. 3*7 Student Services Mail and I'hone Inquiries Invited: (517) 482-5021/S-11M1H20 ■jHPAYMimr MQUIMD Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, Decemb EVERYTHING YOU NEVER EXPECTED FROM AN APPLIANCE STORE. Name Brand Audio At Highland's Discount Prices Makes Christmas Shopping Easier This year, give the very best in audio equipment. At Highland you'll find a large selection of the finest brand names to choose from at unbeatable discount prices. We guarantee that in writing. If you see the same item for less in the area within 30 days of your purchase at Highland we'll refund the difference, plus 10% of the difference. At Highland professional audio personnel help you put together a component system that fits your budget. And you get service from our own service department. Christmas audio shopping made easy. You'd never expect it from an appliance store. RECEIVERS CASSETTE DECKS SPEAKERS TURNTABLES BRAND NEW MODEL 2500 THE MOST POWERFUL RECEIVER MARANTZ HAS EVER BUILT! MARANTZ 2216 AM FM 16-WATT SANKYO STO 1700 00LBY B.I.C. VENTURI FORMULA 4 FRONT LOAD CASSETTE DECK B.I.C. 920 BELT DRIVE RECEIVER DISCOUNT PRICED 100 WATT SPEAKER BUY 16 watts per channel, min. 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PIONEER & ULTRAUNEAR IN SYSTEM fnnnn21 »1.,eeei''e,; 13 wa»«*/channel. min. RMS at Bohms. 20to Pioneer SX-550 receiver; 20 watts/channel, min. RMS at 8 ohma. 20 to Santul G-3000 receiver; 26 watts/channal, min. RMS at 8 ohma. 20 to TP MR h.» h" turntable £ hell-drive r° Tk? 'han 0 5"',0,al ha,monic distortion Sanyo has base, hinged cover 20.000 hertz with no more than 0 3% total harmonic distortion. Marantz 20,000 hertz with no more than .15% total harmonic dlatortlon. Pioneer and Shure mpqof 6100 bell-drive turntable has cartridge. Twin Wald 053 speakers. M290E hinged cover and Shure M291ED cartridge PL-1170 belt-drive turntable with hinged cover end Shure M295ED plus 2 Acoustics II speakers cartridge. Plus 2 Ultrallnear 100B apeakera. HIGHLAND PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER FOR ONLY: HIGHLAND PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER FOR ONLY: HIGHLAND PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER FOR ONLY: 5744 $. PENNSYLVANIA JUST NORTH OF 1-96 FREEWAY fXSY TERMS FREE SERVICE taiLv' INSTANT CREDIT PHORE 393-9100 wirhigon Stole News, Eo»t Lonsing, Michioon _2hu^day^DecembeM;J97^7 AREA PRESENTLY UNSAFE FOR CHILDREN idening Hogadorn Road considered By DEBORAH HEVWOOD State New. Staff Writer agencies by Jan. 30. area is very unsafe for this kind of activity." lresentatives from several governmental agencies met ««^j-East lansin& City Council, East lansing Board of Education, Meridian Charter Residents in the area discussed improvements with Ingham L night to review construction plans for Hagadorn Road. Township Board, Board of Ingham County Road County Commissioner William Sederburg last April. He presented Commissioners and the Ingham „lans include widening the road and constructing a pedestrian are County Board of Commissioners a resolution to the board, who then asked the road commission to ' considering the plans. at Hagadorn Road over Saginaw Street (temporary 1-69). The alternatives presented coordinate a feasibility study for the projects. are directed at the widening project Jiolthe plans presented by Capitol Consultants Incorporated for Saginaw Street. They cite different widths for the road and Seventy-two percent of the money for the widening project has been received from the federal a Lansing consulting firm, must be approved by the discuss whether a bike path should be built on government, Cook said. Of the one or both sides of the road. Before a definite plan can be formulated for the remaining 28 percent, one half will be provided by the City of East Lansing and the other half by Ingham County, he added. ie union gallery pedestrian overpass, the widening project must be "Since the construction of the These construction projects have come about in approved. overpass depends upon decisions response to made now about the road widening project, funds have not yet taff nominees homeowners' requests that J. Cook, improvements be made," said Kenneth been made available for the overpass," he said. "After these secretary to the Board of Ingham County Road various agencies come to a decision about the Commissioners. "School children who live in the subdivision north project, we can then of Saginaw Street have to cross it to proceed to apply for funds from the federal government for the go to school and presently the arrowed down GRADUATE STUDENTS Winter Term Referenda y subcommittee Proposed Constitution Changes: A. Article IV part B shall be repealed. Article IV part B currently reads: jrtr 200 nominations were nominations from the other "The classes of representative membership defined in Section A of this ei this term for the six staff categories. article shall be mutually exclusive. No member of COGS may belong to m.jished Staff Awards to "A lot of the comments from more than one of these classes, except in such ex officio capacity as the labor groups said 'I don't presented in February by .Non-Academic Women's want to nominate anyone be¬ may be specified in the Bylaws." ry Committee, selection cause an AP (administrative- ^rson Marilyn Bria said. professional) will get it (the Explanation: Change would allow department representatives or officers He selection subcommittee award) anyway," she said. to serve on University committees. ilready narrowed the nom- "I think many people were »to 24 candidates, Bria unaware we had already allot¬ B. Article VI part B #1 shall read as follows: ted an equal number of awards "The elections shall be held during the second to the last jn members from three to each group." regularly J--s of MSU staff will each This is the first such award sceduled Spring Term meeting." (1,000 and their choice given to non-academic employ u engraved mug or bowl in ees, Bria said. Explanation: The change would put time of elections in agreement with -ition of outstanding ser- The names of the staff mem¬ other organizations. lo the University. bers who will receive the He awards will go to Cleri- Distinguished Staff Award will Technical and the Admin- be announced in C. Article X part C shall read as follows: mid-February, ~«e-Professional employ- with final presentation sched¬ "Officers of COGS, department representatives and committee repre¬ lid labor union members of uled for late March, she contin¬ American Federation of sentatives shall receive compensation only if authorized by unanimous ued.' County and Municipal 'The award is vote of the Council during a regularly scheduled meeting." primarily a loyees. moral builder. We hope it will fs been a horrendous unify the university and show nt of work," Bria said. the support group they are a Explanation: Changes allow Council to consider compensation for officers. •Making the selections has necessary part of the univer¬ n easy chore, but sity," she said. D. An additional fifty cents |50c| per term refundable tax shall be Ve been very impressed collected the kind of nominations beginning Spring 1978. te gotten." was light in Explanation: Funds will be used to increase services to graduate labor category, Bria said, students (ie., copy service will be open all day). committee received many State News E. A fifty cents |50c) per term refundable tax shall be collected Newsline wpizzS diliviry 353-3382 beginning Spring 1978 for Legal Services Subsidy. Explanation: Graduate students would receive legal services without 337*1377 charge at the time of use. ♦Vote During Registration - December 12th thru 16th and January 3 rd and 4th. BERMANN'S= For more informotion Office Hours Stop by or call: Gift for your V.I.P. 316 Student Services Monday-Friday 8-12 phone 353-9189 Tuesday & Thursday 7-9:30 p.r AT LAST, THAT REALLY DIFFERENT CHRISTMAS GIFT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR FROM HI Fl BUYS AND FM/AM/PSB Radio with Built in 34nch 3050 (measured diagonally) (3.9 aq. in.) B/W TV » Real hi-fi sound * good-looking, efficient brief °P®n proudly telection of attache every case is a gift they'll day. Choose from our complete cases, portfolios, brief bags in TCB-001 Carrying c (optional) ■ Independent bass tone controls Four-way arrangement batteries, power car - and treble supply AC, "D" battery and JVC optional BP401 rechargeable tylesfor men and women. Ni-Cd battery pack 95 Spend Your Holiday with '279 Audio output: 1.5 watts MODEL 3060 ATTACHE CASES IN STURDY VINYL a Young Edwardian . . . 3" size, 38.00 4" size, 39.00 A pretty new dress is a necessary 5" size, 40.00 pleasure for the holiday season - IN SADDLE LEATHER something soft and a bit sensational. 3" tlze, 45.00 Our collection by Young Edwardian 4" size, 52.00 5" size, 56.00 offers many great possibilities, and here is one example. We'll emboss their Soft cream jersey with the new on- name or in monogram gold at no extra charge. MODEL 30S0 199 3-1 n-1 Radio-TV-Casntte Recorder ■ 3-Inch (measured diagonally) (3.9 sq. in.) B/W TV ■ FM/AM radio tuner i Cassette mechanism with au to -stop/cue/review/pause facilities and mixing capability or-off-the-shoulder neckline, red ■ Picture flipper switch Audio output power: 3 watts satin trim and beautiful inserts of ■ Independent bass and treble Dimensions: 15-5/8" x 12" x ABLE e tone controls Four way power supply 5" (WHD) Weight: 11.31b. print challis. The price is s38 for arrangement (without batteries) sizes 3 to 13. HI-FI BUYS@ 1101 E.GRAND RIVER 4810 W. SAGINAW E.L. PH. 337-1767 LANS. PH. 321-2373 mmm MON.—FRI. 10-8 SAT. 9-5 MON.—FRI. 11-8, SAT. 9-5 DOWNTOWN - 107 S. Washington FREE PARKING East Lansing Store AST LANSING - 209 E. Grand River directly across from the I nion 8 Michigon Stote News, Eost Lonsing. Michigon Thursday, December 1, 1977 Lelouch's \Another tepid wide western expanses and loose, frothy and affecting love turmoil of the 1870 west. The By BYRON BAKER State News Reviewer vistas he had seen in films stories in the past (notably his tale encompasses the violent There are some nice scenes before the war. "Even when I immensely successful A Man deatha of both David's and fen, Francis Huster and able working on other film and A Woman), but they have Jeanne's original spouses, I. r performances in was siege been set in less complex milieu. and unrest in France, the Barroom Claude Lelouch's western ro¬ projects," the director has said, rigors Boogtvabazh mance Another Man, Another "I kept thinking about someday His quirky on-again, off-again of emigration to a. new home¬ Chance. The Film at times making a film set in the real love story — with clear ties in land, and the usual tough times achieves an endearingly warm locales of America's frontier structure and narrative tone to and days of the frontier. By FRED vn HARTESVELDT movies in Stile News Reviewer and offbeat tone. For the most days." most of his other features — is There are momenta when years). e,fd > Another Man, Another lost and obscured behind Art Lelouch brings off just the The only thing French about Frenchie's Bar is its name. part, however, the picture right Chance, bankrolled at no small Director Robert Clatworthy's tone distilling the appropri¬ Outside, a Mexican food/Coca Cola sign contradicts a blinking merely trails on amiably — - red neon Frenchie's Bar sign. Is it French or is it Mexican? Is it a scenes follow scenes, actors expense by United Artists, and impressive period evocation. ate emotion for a scene or a starring James Caan and Gene¬ He has tried to do rather tender moment - but more bar or a pop machine? What is the meaning of life? give lines, life goes by — with a Elsewhere outside, Frenchie's is drab. building, grey-blue at times, its two entrances In a square face each other: brick one modicum of dramatic focus or audience involvement. vieve Bujold, is Lelouch's crack at that film. He seems out of his more here than he seems able to readily accomplish. His story often he misses the mark. There sometimes seems too 1 in the front, one in the back. French writer-director Le- element in the West somehow concerns the eventual coming much going on to properly Walk through either entrance, and Frenchie's metamorphizes louch has long been attracted to his usually simple and together of rough and ready capture on film, and the direc¬ "Ssassaj — inside its cocoon of drabness. the idea of mounting a picture humanistic narrative style is but sweet-natured frontier vet¬ tor's penchant for extended The bar is not easily categorized. Easily, it could be a erinarian David Williams (nice¬ hand-held takes, in which Le¬ advisor Lelouch', in the period American West. complicated and compromised - neighborhood haunt - but also hauntingly unhostile to strangers. As a young cineaste in a by the details and logistics of ly played by James Caan) and louch walks aimlessly about his sty'e enabled the wrap after only f„ur production^ Fairly well lighted, Frenchie's is bisected by a red, white, and crowded Nazi-occupied Paris, the period environment. French emigre Jeanne Leroy actors with the camera as they blue, maybe two feet wide, waist high wall. Lelouch has made (Genevieve Bujold) in the slow half weeks of he would often dream of the some perform the scene, doesn't facil- shooting. Reds, whites, and blues appear in other places. Above, the litate the situation. | ceiling is mostly blue; large red and blue checkerboard over the Caan and Bujold are The United Artist, mleu, I bar and over a pinball machine. fine «t the Meridian 8 Thest^P Below, the floor is red carpeting underneath the pinball. A foot or so below that, beige linoleum matches the beige table tops. Chess game for art's sake Tables and chairs are plain: chairs stark wood surrounding a couple dozen tables. Big deal. By JANET HALFMANN others wondered what was them and were reflected in how Ten backless bar stools line the full-length bar. Well, almost full State News Staff Writer going on; some became furious they played the game. length. The bar collides into a small kitchen at the front quarter of Two women sat at a table — one man got very close and Creating an environment as Frenchie's. No injuries. covered with a red-and-white shouted twice — "No matter an artistic form was an attempt A sizzling grill in the kitchen sings a late-night hamburger checked tablecloth beside a sign what you do, you can't make to show art not only as experi¬ symphony. Billiard balls at the single pool table in front of the listing Kresge Art Center's this place feel like a home" — ence, but to show how it is front door provide percussion. Empty echoes: telltale short pops. office hours and others merely glanced or didn't played chess experienced not only by the The cueball plunks woodenly in a corner pocket. Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. notice at all, and a few under¬ maker but also the viewer, she Frenchie's interior walls can't make up their inanimate and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The stood and either chuckled or players said. brick headed minds as to what they want to be. One is dirty white smoked and drank coffee — frowned. "I hope this opens people's paint. One is brick lor perhaps "brick" panelingl. Part of another is the older one from a clear glass By 5:01 p.m. the performance eyes to their white plastic "stone" paneling. Most of those remaining are wood own experience cup. the younger from an piece created by senior art and to their own reaction to paneling. One side wall is disguised by a 20 foot bullfighter mural. opaque one — and spoke only to what they see," she said. (Mexico once more.l iN'o French accent, sorry.) major Linda A. Witkowski and each other. On the dusty round Arlene Sheer, an assistant pro¬ Sheer said the performance More than anything. Frenchie's is tons of trivia: two unlighted table near them stood a tex¬ fessor in the Art Department, display coolers of beer and wine to go. A Coca Cola clock. piece violated all acceptable tured white lamp! and on the had become, in their words, art rules of what constitutes art. Side-by side pay telephones in, of all places, the center of the bar. Miller. PBR. and Lite cases of returnables in front of the grill. A game table lay a copy of the history. Art is not just for artists and "New Larousse Encyclopedia of But from 8 to 5 p.m., the not color TV on top of one of the coolers. Monday night football with a.m. just something hanging on Wondrous Howard. An air conditioner on top of one of the doors. A Mythology" with pink and carefully set up environment, the wall, she said. white ribbon bookmarks. with the women and what they "Art is all around and people patron wearing a glittering Disco Sucks t shirt. And Some passers-by asked to were doing as vital elements, just have to be awake to be a ever always, exit signs. join the women's chess club, was on public display. All who part of it and to view it," she viewed the created environ¬ said. "If you're perceptive, art ment and especially those who is there." reacted to it, became a part of The artists played strictly by Waring ladles out American oatmeal the performance piece. "We were moving men on the board but we were also playing the office hours as a comment on the things that institutions can do to art and the creative By KIM SHANAHAN thought Pat Boone and Anita false hope in these people that stands in five months. Real with people," Witkowski said. process. State News Reviewer Bryant were one-of-a kind maybe kids aren't so bad after missionary zeal there Fred, but "But they didn't know they They chose the game of chess Honestly Fred. I really did people, but somehow, among all all. They probably went home I'm afraid you are either a false were part of the art." because it involved intense try to enjoy your show Tuesday- the normal young people in this actually feeling good about prophet or I'm beyond redemp¬ At times it was hard not to be thought processes and the same night. but I must confess. I country, you managed to find young people today. tion. able to respond because you emotions creating a work of art have failed you miserably. But where will you and the could sense that you had hurt does. Chess is also generally Whatever the case may be, The ads and posters said that Somehow, somewhere, you Young Pennsylvanians be when someone's feelings, Witkowski the fact remains that we didn't thought of as a man's game, you, Fred Waring, were going were able to find a group of these local oldsters come crash¬ relate to one another. Believe said. And you couldn't say shut they said. to appear in person on our young people who are as ing down from their jubilant me, I am more than ready to up at other times, she added. "Women are now breaking humble campus and that the wholesome and fresh as skim optimism. Probably off in Des "Now we can sense what a the male-dominated rules of shoulder the blame, since I show would be "all about love". milk and straight teeth. Did Moines or Omaha, continuing to know in my heart that you painting feels like when being what art should do," Sheer said. How could I lose? I love love. Oscar Goldman manufacture spread your insidious propo- viewed," she said. stand for everything that is It is what makes things happen, them? The performance piece is ganda to a gullible generation. right and good in our fair land. Sheer said and as you pointed out. probab¬ I realize your show was not The program said you have although they now but a memory and a static Tomorrow, the photographers of Stevens' Studios The only thing is Fred, I'm couldn't ly 75 percent of all songs are geared to me and my kind, been in show biz for 62 years respond to outside image in colored slides taken to leave MSU. You've only 'til then to have your pictun afraid you stand alone. events, those events did affect written about love. There was expecially after I almost came now. That really is remarkable document its creation. taken for the yearbook. Call now. It's FREE. real potential for an excellent down with snow blindness from Fred, but maybe somewhere show there Fred, but I am looking at all the heads in the along the line somebody should afraid I let you down. audience. have turned off your spotlight SENIORS: CALL 353-52911 You see, Fred, nobody said But seriously, Fred, don't and turned the house on lights. anything about the Young you understand what you are Your program also said that Pennsylvanians. Where did you doing to all those poor old you and your Pennsylvanians ever find them? I always codgers? You-have built up the travel 40,000 miles of one-night DOCTORS TRADE-IN SALE! WEIGHT LOSS When the ^1 MEDICAL CLINIC meat's real juicy, The Easiest Most Effective Weight Loss Program Ever) the more you add the better it tastes. PANTS-JEANS-BIBS we'll glvo you YOU CAN IOSE UP TO JO t SS. IN JUST JO DAYS AND STAY THAT WAY D~1^i W«4ffc4 lMf clink U*,U ,™Wn """""" . H iMHRHtM you will l«M 7 to 14 pound* *,fc# tttoMpoundo tftoflrtt mofttfi. us-JlUvMM Th. U,uW Protofn lo simply rtwt you cMsom. Your My i»«« stored tot tor onf,y. Don't fry tfse muki Protol" Not r~ To S. U., an. 4M iwnt U rnWknHr OUR PROGRAM IS A MSDICAt TRIATMCNT — NOT A DIET llviM^MMSM • »• *««• -— • •UtKkr Doctor* itrkfwporvMon •NoHvttfOf-*o • tokovfor ModMcotto* profrwn J IF YOU'D LIKE TO BE 22 TO JO POUNDS LIGHTER 8 THIS TIME NEXT MONTH . . . CALL NOW FOR A CONSULTATION - THERE IS ABSOLUTELY HURRY I SALE ENDS DEC. 3RD. OBLIGATION. HOLDEN REID THE CAU351-9801 ATTIC FRANDOR LANSING MAU DOCTORS WEIGHT LOSS MEDICAL CLINIC | 714 ABBOTT, EAST LANSING OPEN SUNDAY 12-6/MON.-SAT. 9 to 9 NEAR SAGINAW HOURS: MON-WID t-7 THUR. »•» FRI.S4-SAT.I0-4 )1iri.yn Slote News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1977 9 T By DAVE Dl MARTINO SUte News Staff Writer STILL SPREADS GOSPEL OF GRAMMAR credit for such changes, fi . Edwin Newman spent a very though, hectic day in East he says, he wouldn't mind Lansing His qualifications? In the morning, the NBC Correspondent taped an view, and narration at the MSU inter¬ Edwin Newman visits MSU "I've acted in the honorable tradition: if you have some¬ thing to say, say it. I don't claim College of Human Medicine for to haved academic credentials." an upcoming three-hour special Journalists, says Newman, to be shown Newman pointed out that the unusual have January 4,1978. words As a result, Newman endures a particular responsibility he criticizes seem to be "I'm encouraged by the to keep the language clear and Towards receiving an increasing more than his share of flak. larity of the books," Newman popu¬ noon, he signed amount of ridicule. A return to clear, One customer walked into easy to understand. understandable English, he says, could be infully said. "I get the impression that autographs for his two books, Paramount News while New¬ Newman constantly receiver Strictly Speaking and A Civil the there are millions of people letters from readers wind. man was there and loudly concerned with the telling of Tongue at the South asked, "Hey, ain't that that language." various "atrocities" they've run Washington St. "One sign of improvement is Newman pointed out that the into. Some of the "atrocities" he Paramount the people and famous newscaster?" News. government's concern that a unusual words he criticizes mentioned include: the coach plain English law Yet Newman continues to seem to be be passed. Banks and receiveing an in¬ who is asked "what happened?" For lunch, he managed to insurance companies are correct other people's English. creasing amount of ridicule. A after a game and squeeze in a bite to eat while advertising that they now use plain English." Nancy Davis, Warner Brothers return to clear, fully under replies "I prefer not to externalize that Books Representative, being interviewed at his table. says standable English, he situation": the person who has Newman does it because says, people could be in the wind. one or two courses of action left Soon after, he rushed down expect him to, and, she adds, "One sign of improvement is to WILX-TV to tape a "View¬ because people are always open saying "we are in a he sat at a table signing them, try¬ the people and points For Action" spot to be porating the suffix are simply government's multiple-option situation": and are concerned with ing to correct his. concern that a aired an the con¬ not a part of the Newman plain English law finally, that situation of the upcoming Saturday tinual invention of new words English himself hardly be passed. Banks and insurance afternoon. language, Newman says, and seems the type to make young clergyman who began a that aren't actually a any companies part of the their constant usage and ac¬ mistakes with his language and, are advertising that recent sermon with "Lord, And English language. A very popu¬ ceptance bothers him. they now use plain English. we're just super-thankful to be following another book lar example, which Newman he says, he's not alone. Newman hardly claims all the signing session at Frandor's here today!" cites in Strictly Community Newscenter, dur Speaking, is that of the suffix "wise," ing which he managed to hold off long lines of fans to presently being added to vir¬ tape a tually every word imaginable. television interview, he left with his book Sports-wise, news-wise and company repre¬ almost every other expression sentative in hopes of catching — usually popularized by tele¬ an 8 p.m. flight from Detroit. vision, interestingly — incor¬ Newman, the very eloquent . . . State News Linda Bray newscaster, is becoming some¬ u>C correspondent Edwin Newman autographs thing of a cult figure epics of his books at the Frandor Community those many among people anxious to State News ■ieescenter Wednesday. Newman is in the area clean up the to ambiguities of the la narration at the MSU Medical School for an current American language. Newsline |C special three-hour report on U.S. medical Sihuired Jan. 4. care His two books, which both moving very were 353-3382 briskly while CHEAP TRICK LIVE AND IN COLOR SUNDAY DEC. 4 8:00 AT THE MICHIGAN THEATRE All Tickets *6.50 General Admission. Available at: Where House Records, Recordland at Meridian Mall, Auto Entertainment Center Lansing. FKEE CAT A bus ride to theatre leaving at 7:30 p.m. from front of the Peanut Barrel and returns to East Lansing after the show. A Jay Stapleton Production 1 0 Michigon Stote News. Eost Lonsing. Michigan Thursdoy, December | | CITY MONEY SAVED BY NEW APPROACH Jurists' inconvenience J By PETE BRONSON two-week period. Now 15 Lansing jurors did not find people have a "responsible atti¬ SUte Newe Sufi Writer people are called for every trial. their jury experience totally tude toward jury service." In many communities, negative, according to Ruth The one-day, one trial a While calling more people for system summons to jury Suter, an MSU Criminology has saved the City of can mean at each trial is more time-consum¬ East do least two weeks of inconve¬ student who recently complet¬ Lansing more than $100 per serve for nience. But in East jury duty means Lansing, ing for the court staff, the full day of orientation and explana¬ ed a year-long study of the East case, .McCarthy said, and also 9"ve. Thi, two weeks'10 one day or one Lansing jury system. provides fairer trials. trial. tion of the jurors' duties which Because of the shorter cross-section of the ™ duty, a'nee more 7 The shortened length of ser¬ was necessary under the old Suter found that of people fewer people ask to be excused, peol 0H StiWsJ system has been replaced by a who responded to her vice has meant more work for question providing a better cross-section the sUff at the 54B District short film. naire, more than 60 percent had Court, but according to varying amounts of positive Judge Matter said the new program Daniel Tschirhart, area jurors feelings about serving on a requires more jurors, increas¬ jury. and court personnel, the year- ing an East Lansing resident's SAM'S STORE old system is working well. Tschirhart, who decided to chances of being called to serve. But the shorter time period "This was surprising," said. "I had figured most Suter VALUE go to the shorter term people of involved makes the duty less of would be reluctant to serve on servjce in an effort to "try to make the system as fair as a chore, he said. jury duty." FIBER FILLED VESTS possible for all concerned," said so far he sees no ill effects from During the last year of the Though almost half of the respondents said they would be $jg old system, Matter said, his the one-day one-trial inconvenienced by jury duty, approach. court requested the names of Under the old method of service, jurors had to jury serve two 900 prospective jurors from the 99.9 percent said they felt that the role of jury in a trial is DOWN VESTS from state jury selection board. This weeks. Two weeks to a student crucial or at least year, 3,500 names were re¬ important. means forfeiture of a term in quested under the new system. most cases," he said. "Only one person said a jury Before the new jury "In East Lansing there is is nonessential," Suter said. system was introduced, Tschirhart said one chance in ten a person will "Most of those who said they DOWN COATS from< 90 percent of his be asked to serve. This is prospective were reluctant to serve weren't jurors asked to be excused. almost four times as much aware of the Now people are much more chance a under conventional one-day one-trial system," she added. cooperative, he said. systems," he said. "The troducing the primary one reason for in¬ day one trial A majority of former East Suter said the results of her survey indicate that most PEA COATS MENS$4j requirement was to cut down boys the imposition to jurors," he said. PEACE ON EARTH Court Administrator Brian Matter said that though the GOOD WILL TO SAM'S STORE new method of corner of Abbott & Grand means more calling jurors work to court PEOPLE Riverl personnel, the move has saved the city money in the long run. 337-SAMS Court Clerk Bridget McCarthy added that the 'mm. amount of money saved by the program outweighs the incon¬ Considering a Career venience to the staff. in the Wayne SUte University is having difficulties with speeding motorists on a AP Wirephoto city Under the old system, Legal Profession street which passes through the campus. To warn motorists of radar use, WSU public safety officials dressed one of their own in a bear costume Tuesday and McCarthy explained, the city called 25 people to serve for a ANSELF BOOKSTORE rlf you are seeking a career opportunity - WSU oilers several | had him patrol the street to 220 MAC Ave.,East Lansing ways in which you can enter the legal profession Full-Tiat give motorists the message. I Students: Can earnaJ.0. Degre and be eligible to lake the California State Bar Examination in 2% or 3 CAMPUS PIZZA The Peanut Barrel Students Can graduate in 3% or 4 years Pirt-Tim years ot study with the same degree as a full-time student by attending class an I average of 31 mi DILIVIRY Abused wife found times per week. 3 hours per class. There are schedules to lit 337-1377 MONEY for Educotion or Job Training ■VIRY MONDAY: All the Golden Fried Chicken you I many needs—classes are offered days, evenings and weekends Witlorn Stiti University College il Lew has a WMe Person Admissions Policy - applicants are screened for academic background, personal aptitude, general experience, maturity | "HELPING PEOPLE.." innocent of murder I and motivation. Applications are now being ac epted tor Spring J can ept, served Semester from men and women with two or more years ol may be able to HELP YOU college credits To obtain catalog fill out and mail with French Fries advertisemeif find out HOW to either ot our two for detailed information: send and Cole Slaw. campuses. *3 TODAY Only *2.95 MARQUETTE (UPI) less than a — For the second time in month, a battered wife accused of killing her husband has been found innocent of murder in a Michigan courtroom. children. Gauthier said McNearney's husband had been arrested for felonious assault a year-and-a-half ago for firing a gun at his wife. along with your name and address to: HELPING PEOPLE... INC. P.O. BOX 4144 521 E. Grand River IWnstnrn Stil Unlvnrilty Col ege ol Lew.Dig). C25 111111. Still Phone College 8lvd. Fullirton. CA 92631 (714| 993-7600 1333 Front Stmt Sin Ditgn. CA 921011 Phil (714) 231-03 In the latest case, Sharon McNearney, 42, was Judge McDonald, reached at his home after INDUSTRIAL STATION 351-0608 cleared of murder charges Tuesday following a the trial ended, refused to discuss the basis of his ST. PAUL, MINN. SS104 ■ Street two-day nonjury trial before Marquette County ruling in detail. Circuit Judge John E. McDonald. "The issue was whether the killing was in City State Z The judge said the prosecution failed to prove self-defense," he said. "The prosecution did not *' FREE NEEDLE CHECK I APPLY NOW FOR SPRING SEMESTER. CLASSES STARTJANUAI she had not acted in self defense. prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was not McNearney had been charged with murder in self defense." Although the cost of professional education continues to spiral. I tuition at WSU remains among the most moderate in the nation Feb. 12 after she killed her husband, George. 45, The decision in the McNearney case came less | by firing a 20-guage shotgun at him as he walked than a month after a jury in Ingham County through the front door of their home. Circuit Court Lansing found Francine Hughes Christmas Sounds Western State University Her defense was a tape-recorded statement innocent by reason of temporary insanity in the given to Marquette police detectives immediate¬ ly following the shooting. In it, she told of argument with her husband earlier in the an day slaying of her ex-husband. Hughes, 30, of Dansville, testified during the Shouldn't be distorted! College of Law and her fear that she would face widely-publicized trial that her former husband, physical violence James, had subjected her to 13 years of Come in for a PHI needle check! Normol needle life is upon his return. abuse. physical 500-1.000 hours of use. By McNearney, in the statement presented at the viewing your stylus through our new *2,000 trial, also told of past beatings at the hands of her She told how she set fire to her husband's microscope, our trained audio specialists can husband. tell you what condition bedroom and then your needle is In. to immediately turned herself in Capt. Marvin Gauthier, head of the depart police. Hughes' husband died of smoke And If your stylus does need replacing, we have hundreds of ment's detective division, told a inhalation, according to medical reports. ment needles in stock from '3.VS. replace¬ reporter after The Hughes trial had become a the trial that there had been a rallying point history of wife for feminists, who had beatings involving the couple, who had teen age hoped for outright acquittal. mSm ACAREER IN LAW (on* blk. N. of MSU) without law school Afte- ,s' three months of ASMSU Travel study at The Institute for The institute 'or Paralegal Training, is Paralegal Training Announces you'll ha.e a career in law—without recognized by the legal community as the finest school of its kind. law school. You II be Since performing 1970, The Institute has "Spring Break 78" many of the duties traditionally handled by placed more than 2,500 graduates in over attorneys. You'll be well paid, and 85 cities nationwide. working in the city of your choice in If you're a a bank, major corporation or private graduating senior with law above average grades and firm. You can even choose interested a spe¬ in a challenging career in law, send in cialty—Criminal Law. Corporate Law. Employee Benefit Plans. Litigation. the coupon. We'll send course you our new Cancun Hawaii Real Estate, Estates and Trusts catalog and everything you eral Practice. or Gen¬ need to know about an exciting career Mar. 20-27 Mar. 18-25 as a lawyer's assistant. from from Eka Send an me your new catalog and Information exciting career as a lawyer's assistant. about | *38900 $429 | Both Trips Indndt Classes begin so< • Round trip nvn-itop air transportati • 7 nights accommodation Limited Space! I lign up oarly Tombrrow, the photographers of Stevens ^P "L1 leave MSU. You've only 'III then to have you for more information call 353-5255 taken for the yearbook. Call now. It o F" • I 3S3-M*] •r Hop by 333 Union. SINIORSl CALL A YR EM jilsetbC* e ★ :BM1 ★ rof «W ruoy ruoY esilacp gnihtyrevE lacisum nu5 ot ahseM 542 ecaps ekat f atS ehT sa tsirC etatS mD .taS .irF-noM sanitrhC .cisum ni nnA SAMTIRHC stiH ni ot s'raT .tS hsiw siht dluow 5-01 tfig gnipohS setacifr .sretauqdh CISUM I yal stfarC 8-01 uoy sweN ekil .lM wolS la 0357-13 .OC 62 91 OTOHP .MM lf sdnuoS stekcit thginoT NAD NA 101 POP etoN .sdroceR elbaiv 00:8 HGNTIIWEV MA * * :ecapS ti M yol aV nar yadirF ytraE A SPOHS iyaF aitnsifb 0 .6* .snoirevD USM TGREBL OF NEMIAR noH pa .cnI iatksaW I 8 ta USM STNE RP tnuocsiD .noinU muirotdA slaH 0 .7> . il(inU . . & 396 0 21 tseB s'boB ©2 21 .N ehT tsaE * . tritcil etoN * 52yad*irF NRODAGH .ceD retniW nredoM gnisnaL :ecapS raHChloSU pohS snug syatS 42-173 .kcots secirp nuG 61-5 trecnoC eht euf llit ht31 dna ni 8 ecnaD strA noitarsgeRpohskroW pohskroW caasI si no ruo sa tsirC sa .naJ tnetS yadnaT 9-2 siht 562-3 tsaE 12 S2 * F ESALP UOY etoN gnisnaL ecapS teser YB ,gafmeM pWP* deW RUO SHlstpoaC saitrnaC EZINORTAP 1 .C1DE naHhU elatS kcaR .MEHT,SREIT VDA THGUORB ADNEL CL AW YDNAH SIHTP knaB ,k ats csaS „ OT SI S okieS PO EVAS 51 ,toH & dnomaiD egnarO evisulcxE * SRITAUODH * TIL SL EB dkncaiht senigoL ,mos lB 'sjal t sa tsirB iuhI * * SU .sehctaw gn.sidgnierW ,delrvouanC sitrraoulqrdieh A syal awoI yudaN ONaSITKVALUFKCAS ttrrA HB USM tratS stra P dein aF SIHT RUOY .n csit eC 7191 slawsar rof wtsal agal AZ IP .ysehc wn aT .E,I3 413-73 dnarG srelwJ . >■ . SAMX TFIG ©2 61 * egnahc MA * \C .etsat cniVrf/pW :jakcaH * fg lateM * a tsol AZ IP I SM A III troF ylisanhI 1M-23 aeT 2t .n ytraP "" -r ( !artni OaselC 3771 aiecsiW atca .7291 tsoC .S83S .*"' " 1L s orcA( SI 12 42 71 poT ©1 NOINU morf .yodmel^i hsac -* SIB r | * _ yilnauP tsaftW )nl O I I diap r final three contests By RICHARD L. SHOOK whenever they have a moment before the end of UPI Sports Writer the season." rriAC (UPI) - The Detroit Lions will be Hudspeth caused at least one heart to speed up through a "gut check" in their final three when he said he would "be ■a of the National Football gone right after the League season to last game." He said he was returning to ■hith players want to play football and which Oklahoma because of an illness in the family. The Lions' coach, on the first (Itwill evaluate the character of our football leg of a three-year contract but rumored to be through a its performance over the last three after this season, said a" humorless Coach Tommy firmly "I don't have any Hudspeth said comment" about one writer's assertation Detroit toy at his weekly press briefing, is known throughout the htoit, 5-6, is at Green Bay this Sunday, at league for folding. "We've got three games to go," the tight- lore next week, then comes home to host lipped Hudspeth said. "We've got to try to get toota in its last game of the season. some wins instead of pointing the Hare will be no drastic finger at lineup shakeup for the somebody or analyzing what went wrong. id the final three games, the coach said. "I don't want to create a situation where a guy (Landry, relieved midway through the third can say, 'They're pointing the finger at me; tor against Chicago, will start at quarter¬ they're blaming me for the season.' ed fumble-plagued Rick Kane will open at "I'm disappointed," Hudspeth said of the 31-14 lack. I "ill be a Thanksgiving Day loss to the Chicago Bears, in gut check," Hudspeth said. which the Lions blew a 7-0 halftime lead. "I it's the pride factor. Every player should thought we had a good chance to get in position tot he lives up to his commitment as a to go right down to the wire." «1 Player. Detroit now has an eight-game ley should get losing streak themselves up the last three away from its Silverdome home. The Lions will try another change in routine in l»u a grim Hudspeth who said "I will go I to; se if they can't get us thre more wins." an effort to break the streak. Detroit will 'ny evaluations and recommendations for practice outside at home on Friday and Saturday 'Jtar with Russ Thomas, general manager, and not leave for Green Bay until the evening 'Mr. William Clay Ford, club owner — before Sunday's game. Vt/ •• • •• #• • • ••: % . THURSDAY . | ' DOUBLE DIGIT MITT I CHANGE BACK FROM YOUR DOLLAR™ ON PITCHERS & PIZZA Mil 14 Michigon State News, Eost lonsing, Michigan Thursday, December | Tech Hifi's Moneyback Offer: You can buy yourself a good more power and useful features hifl system at Tech Hifi. At no than any other in its class), a pair risk. of KLH100 Monitor Series loud¬ When you buy any of our speakers, and the BSR 2260A components or complete systems automatic turntable (with ADC (even those on sale now for the magnetic cartridge). holidays), we'll give you a This $399 system delivers Moneyback Guarantee in writing, greater range and clarity still, right on your sales slip. plus a more refined turntable that Here's what it says: will help prolong the life of your If there's anything you don't records. It's built around Studio like about how your components Design 36 loudspeakers, with fine sound bass response and excellent effi¬ (or look) in your home, you can return them within seven ciency. They're powered to per¬ days and get your money back. $KENWOOD ESS fection by Pioneer's SX550 No questions asked. you back the difference. stereo receiver, which has superb With moneyback offers like FM and extra control flexibility. ours, how can you And Philips' GA427 belt-driven go wrong? We now present some of the "Christmas Packages" you'll find this week at your nearest Tech Hifi. Come play them in our soundrooms, and compare. Our $199 starter system is an excellent introduction to stereo. And since it's a true compo¬ nent system (not a "compact"), you can expect better sound, more useful controls, and a stronger warranty. The system combines the ERC 1405 AM/FM stereo receiver, efficient Studio Design 26 two-way loudspeakers, and BSR's fully-equipped 2260A Philips PIONEER ©PICKERING Which means that for a week automatic turntable. semi-automatic turntable (with after your purchase, you can still When you move up to our Pickering 440 cartridge) gives change your mind! $320 system, you get greater precise, noise-free record repro¬ Not only that, but we'll also "reach" into the bass and treble duction. guarantee your price. If any authorized dealer advertises frequencies, as well as higher vol¬ lower price within after you buy from thirty days us, a we'll give ume capability and more sensitive FM. This system has the Kenwood KR2600 stereo receiver (with tech hifi Come play. 619 East Grand River ln Ave., East Lansing 337-9710 ^J^igan: Ann Art>or. flA! Dearborn, Detroit, East Detroit, Royal Oak, Mt. Clemens, Rochester, Southgate and Livonia. Stores also in Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New England. mm bankamiricmd n tlnfa News, Eaat Lansing, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1977 15 forty percent fail test Teens lacking math skills TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) In contrast, on the communi¬ State officials reluctant were the failure rate for blacks would think First cations skills portion, from 86 we can make some good - scores from the 117- to speculate as to reasons for run 2 times to two and one-half question literacy test that Flo¬ percent to 97 percent of the the high math failure rate, but progress as far as those stu¬ times the rate for whites. At rida youngsters must pass to students passed in half a dozen dents are concerned," he said. they said math may not have Miami's predominantly black "You can get rusty in math." get high school diplomas show counties. received enough emphasis in Jackson High School, 74 per¬ that a vast majority can read — Early returns showed the Florida schools. cent failed math and 31 failed But ones said the tests are but about 40 percent can't do failure rate on both parts was "Many of the students in communications skills. Some supposed to measure know li the simple math required to highest in predominantly black recent times haven't had math blacks have charged that the ledge gained over years of compare prices of goods on sale. schools. courses," said state Education test is culturally biased. schooling and said he ques¬ Results of the two-part basic One math question asked Commissioner Ralph Turling¬ Turlington said the remedial tioned "whether you can teach literacy test administered to students to calculate the best ton. program should cut the failure a dog new tricks. I'm just not 120,000 high school juniors in buy if one store offered one- J.L. Jones of Miami, Dade rate to less than 10 percent. "I certain." October were being released third off and another had 30 a County school superintendent, around the state Wednesday. percent markdown on an item said the scores indicate teen¬ This year's juniors are the first selling for the same base price. students who will be denied diplomas unless they pass the Another question asked how many cans of paint it would agers haven't learned how to figure out a problem. He says many youngsters have been Penalties stiffer test, which covers math and take to paint a wall 12 feet high able to go through high school communications skills and is and 16 feet long if a gallon of with only one math course by supposed to reflect ability to solve day-to-day problems. Those who fail either portion paint covered 10 square yards. Students will receive test scores over the next few weeks. choosing electives instead. "I'm not a traditionalist, but I've recommended that we re¬ on drunk driving will be given remedial training, Tom Fisher, head of the turn to a more traditional LANSING (UPI) - The The bill now goes to the under a special $10 million state Florida Department of Educa¬ curriculum," he said. House Judiciary Committee has House floor for action. program, and will get two more tion's assessment program, said Fisher said early results sub¬ voted to crack down, with chances. If they still fail, they he was "surprised" at the low Judiciary Committee Chair¬ stantiated his prediction that sharply increased penalties, on man Paul Rosenbaum, D-Battle get only a certificate at the end failure rate on the reading part. of their senior year saying they "With all the talk about 'kids drinking drivers. Creek, noted that drunk driv¬ attended school. can't read,' I was expecting it to Pet Taxi useful The committee Tuesday ing charges are frequently re¬ In Miami, 42 percent failed be a little worse" he said. unanimously approved legisla¬ duced to charges of impaired tion hiking the maximum fine the math portion; the math Phyllis Miller of Miami, chair¬ driving. failure rate in Jacksonville was person of the Dade County to busy owners for driving under the influence of liquor from $100 to $500. The He said drivers who get off with a $100 fine "go back to the 45 percent. School Board, said the test Payees of United Nuclear Industries, t Hsnford, Wash., Nuclear Reserva- Smaller counties reported might be "to hard," but Fisher bill would also increase from community and say 'Well, I Ltontrsctor, remove the fuel from the old Hanford Test Reactor. UNI is de¬ math failure rates ranging from said he felt it was fair. CHICAGO (AP) - You $100 to $250 the fine for the really beat this one.' " haven't got time to take your ling technology aimed at decommissioning the larger, now idled reactors at 25 percent to 36 percent, which "I'm sticking by my guns at pet to the veterinarian or out to lesser charge of impaired driv¬ Rosenbaum said the stiffer hrd, which produced plutonium for nuclear weapons when ing. fines will be "a very, very they were in their was about what state education this point," he said. "However, be groomed? Just call Pet Taxi. Both offenses also carry a officials who designed the test I've always said that every year The 24-hour service was heavy reminder to somebody we will look at the test." possible jail term of up to 90 that's going to violate the law had expected. started two months ago by days. that they're going to pay." Ellen Levine and has been averaging a dozen or so calls a HOUSE QUESTIONS PBB AWARENESS week. "With the Christmas season Touchy allergy ruining love life approaching, we expect a rush," she said. "Much of it will YORK, England (AP) - It's Tate says: "We've been mar¬ Ipecialists nothing personal, but Janette ried for over two years, but of toxicity? be taxiing dogs and cats to aware O'Hare International Airport Tate says she can't stand even now kissing can be a for extended Christmas vaca¬ people, even her husband problem for us. If it's too tions with their owners." Steve. passionate the area round my Levine has three drivers on Janette, 21, is allergic to mouth goes bright 'red — it's human beings. She said she is embarrassing to know I can't ■NG lUPIl - Members whether their employees prob¬ little about its dimensions far as James Barrett, of the depart¬ to make PBB was mentioned. duty. "Pets over 20 pounds go by van or jeep, and large dogs allergic to cats, dogs, horses, kiss my husband without my picial House committee ing worker safety at the plant toxicity is concerned" at that ment's industrial health divi¬ Reizen said his department friends knowing about it. estioned when state time. should be muzzled," she said. trees, flowers and feathers as which produced PBB were sion, said he would seek to was hampered by a lack of "Those under 20 pounds go well, but people really bother Tate works as a dressmaker H officials became aware aware that Dow Chemical Co. determine whether department funds in its efforts to determine 'deluxe' in my own car." her. Crowds make her wheezy in a large room where she can Major chemical companies had decided against making the Rep. Francis Spaniola, officials had checked these whether PBB was a threat to She said the service was and itchy, and her husband's keep her distance from her |iay from manufacturing chemical for safety reasons. D-Corunna, said both Dow and articles. worker safety at the St. Louis, handy for owners who work or embrace makes her break out colleagues, but shopping or se of its toxic nature. DuPont Chemical Co. published Mich, plant which produced the were ill. And. she pointed out, in red blotches. visiting a busy bar for an Public Health director articles in early 1972 in the Barrett said officials had chemical. He said both the local cab companies stick to "It's a difficult situation," evening drink makes her miser¬ Department of Public Maurice Reizen and his occupa¬ journal of the U.S. Society of discussed PBB with Dow offi¬ legislature and the state De¬ people. said Steve, 23. "I try to be able. | officials called to testify tional health office began study¬ Toxicologist explaining their cials during their investigation partment of Management and Cost for the taxi service is 40 understanding, but I'm only late noticed her allergies 10 the committee Tuesday ing PBB in February 1974, but reasons for not producing the but said he did not know Budget turned down requests cents a mile plus an unspecified human. As Janette says, that's years ago, but thought she ■hey were not certain said investigator's "knew very chemical. whether that firm's decision not for extra funding in 1975. the problem." would grow out of them. handling charge. WHEREHOUSE RECORDS II 220 M A C. AVE. UNIVERSITY MALL WHEREHOUSE RECORDS II - Phone: 332-3525 220 M.A.C. AVE. - UNIVERSITY MALL Phone: 332-3525 HOURS - MON. - SAT. 9A.M. - 9 P.M. SUN. 12 - 5 PM HOURS - MON. - SAT. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. SUN. 12 - 5 P.M. luush ERIC CLAPTON PAUL NICHOLAS JOHN STEWART SLOWHAND i|\I.Y\U"ll IO kllHj-i FIRE IN THE WIND Jkl £1 iieg '7.98 reg *7.98 *399 reg *7.98 reg $7.98 ft^.69 reg *7.98 $zj.69 I RUSH I FLYRYNIGHT ivl w / * I/O L. reg *7.98 reg *7.98 $3" Debut album from the youngest of music's famed Brothers Gibb: reg *7.98 RUSH IN CONCERT AT ItOBO HALL ON DEC. 15. I crEAT selection of jazz, imports, rock, classicals great selection of albums & record care products let us help I^RECORD care products. gift certificates available! you with your holiday shopping - gift certificates available 1 (f Mlchlgon State News, Eoat Looting, Michigan Thursday Dewmbe, | Computer system lets viewers choose shows attached to an 18-button console. The button let viewers choose night he would have the console, the next night I would get COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - When the Henry Eckhnrt family "One didn't like the rock show they were watching on television channels and make responses to the shows. Officials will not discuss subscriber numbers, but before the it. One night, he was out and I took a aports quiz. I didn't get one evolution," aaysPQUBE P^ident? televisi°n's soph' Hilford said the recently, they pushed a button attached to a computer in their right," she said. living room. So many other viewers did the same that the emcee advent of QUBE, Warner Cable claimed 26,500 subacribers. Russell said she also took part in an auction, "but I only bid once chosen name QUBE doesn'Tsu"h ?' Hilford- Claudine Eckhart recalled the night she, her husband and their before I chickened out." signed the program off the air. children Anne, 9, and Robert, 8, were watching one of the 30 cable Starting Thursday, cable television subscribers all over "They would show an article and ask how many people would bid channels that had "a rock show on, playing records. Columbus will be able to talk back to their TV sets - voting shows $5 for it. Then the bidding agent went up until there was only one off the air, answering quiz questions, bidding in auctions, and even "They asked the audience whether they should continue the show or cut it off." she said. "We didn't like it and voted 'no.' The person left," she said. second-guessing coaches in sporting events. Like other cable systems, QUBE's 30 channels include some that emcee said, 'The majority rules. Thank you and good night.' and The Eckharts were among 200 families who tested the computer offer nothing but stock market listings, consumer information or the show signed off. Our vote counted." device called QUBE, which was designed by Warner Communica¬ programs for pre-school children. Others — which cost from $1 to the computers tions Corp., whose largest cable outlet is the 100.000-home Susie Russell, who took part in the test with her husband John, $3.50 per program extra — offer movies, sports events and college merely record the overall wr®1"1 inits J said they especially enjoyed the Columbus market. For a $19.95 installation fee and $10.95 a month, quiz shows and would "compete to for credit. see who got the most courses mTm.' ay,!em can reiPster how a suerif ile\HUfordl subscribers can get cable service plus the black computer box questions right." "Television was the very first step in home viewing and QUBE course!" *1 'tUdent Uk"* « I DITTOS Feel the Fit! Sale Lett's brings you sensational savings in time for your Christmas shopping! Suits, dresses, jumpers, jump-suits, and sweaters all at savings up to 50% off We're having included in this Ditto-Days Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to show sale are many you the best fitting casual pants made in America. And prestige lines with every pair sold pick out a Free t-shirt or such as: sweatshirt. We have seven styles in every¬ Pant-Her, Huk A Pu, thing from Navy Denim, to corduroy. Roncelli, College Town From$17tos21 Lett's specializes From sizes 3 to 13. in sizes 3 & 5 JLIvt* 203 E. Grand River USE HOSLER'S FREE LAY-AWAY When Lett's dresses you you'll be stunningly clothed ... across from the PUN 4Blocks we8t of Student Union Capitol on Ottawa ______ 484-5359 It|.|^rii"'te NeW*' E"St lonsin9' M'chiaon Thursday December 1, 1977 1 7 WOULD SET SPECIFIC STANDARDS OLD WCELD CAR WASH Ijghway noise reduction sought HE WAS MOVING UP Highest pressare PrMim hot wax u (UPI) - The bill's sponsor, Sen. Richard J different circumstances. excess of 100 decibels. He went Unlimited Strongest [Lis and Bridges Com- Allen. For example, a standard Allen said the proposed law Allen said. baaarrrroooom,' " hot water detergent fednesday unanimous- passenger 2.00 LEARN TO fly. Flying lessons FORD 1975 Elite, automatic operators and typist. Full or TAXI-DRIVERS wanted. per gallon. Best offer. 482- in exchange for work. 676- part-time, competitive Must have excellent driving , 67C Each extra line air, FM stereo, rust proof, excellent condition, 30,000 7179.^3-12-5(3) 4860. 8-12-2(31 wages. Please call MEDICAL record. Full time work. Apply -f PREPAYMENT REQUIRED HELP, 321-6878. 8-12-1(5) VARSITY CAB 332-3559. miles, $2960. 882-1012. TORONADO, 1973. Excellent condition. Loaded. $2100. Don't store things you can't 8-12-9(5) 5-12-7(4) use. Sell them last with a 43,000 miles. 482-6978 RELIABLE GIRL needed to FORD TORINO, 1974. 302 9-12-9(3) hard working Classified Ad! PART-TIME and full time stay part time with young V-8, automatic, power steer¬ Phone 355 8255 woman confined to bed. waitresses, cook, bartender, VEGA 1971. Automatic, day and night hours. Apply in ing and brakes. $1350. 627- Some cooking and chores. 9315. 8-12-5-14) 54,000 miles, runs well. Call person. 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Must have car. Call 351- 351-7131 after 5 p.m. Employment 5592. 7-12-9(6) ABDO'S LOUNGE, 3600 S. FORD TORINO 73, automat- Z-3-12-513) Logan. 2-12-1(6) ic, air, power, low mileage, VEGA FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. WANTED TRUMPET player WEEKEND HELP wanted, $1350, or best offer. 332- WAGON, 1974.45,000 miles, 4 speed. Excellent $6/hour. No training neces interested in playing in Polka stocking and cashiering. 4561.612-213) con¬ dition, $1150. 321-4699 sary. Call 489-2278. band. Phone 482-4905. Inquire at LOUIE'S PARTY FORD MAVERICK, 1971. 8-12-9(41 20-12-9(3) Z-7-12-9I3I STORE. 1931 S. Washington. Very dependable. $500. After 8-12-914) 6 p.m. call 489-9352.8-12-9(31 VW Van camper. REGISTERED niircec IT IS the policy of the STATE 1972. Re¬ built at 60,000 miles. New immediate openings R.N's All areas anH shirts for Sa s,ud<'nt Classified f* °RENINGS-full time. Excellent part- pay, advance- FORD THUNDERBIRD '67. tires, recent overhaul. Runs Starts right up, no rust, good. $2000. 676 2055. full and part-time. Hospital adwe"isin9 Ta|.ba. P®'8 ,or ment opportunities for the stereo, power. Best offer] 3-12-2(4) paid Bluecross 10 Svs ! ,n,Ce,„b?ln„n'n8 -N°V" ri8h' <*"*>" Call 374-6328 355-0757. Z-2-12-213) VW BEETLE 19757 Good ana TmTr? SS&SSJRK; many more benefits. Salary range $6.07 to $6.48 c« rj 10 q/di J DELIVERY HELP wanted. condition, 16,000 miles, GT01969, convertible power per hour plus shift differ- DENTAL ASSISTANT Near have own car APPI" at $2250, $500 down. 337-3398. ™ steering, power brakes, new tires, battery, good running 8-12-8(3) ential. Will credit for ence. Contact Personnel experi- ne™nab|f .n ™b' ln,8ll|fl8nl-ellinl'mZMod" LFLE CAESAR'S today after 4 p.m. 8-12-9(4) condition. $1375. 351-4418. VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE LANSING GENERAL HOSPF ern facilities, excellent pay. 5-12-2(5) 1973. Only 17,000 miles on TAL. 2800 Devonshire Enclose r«u8nt photo. State PART TIME restaurant posi- Phone 372-8220. 8-12-6(13) News Bo* E"6. 8-12-2(51 tions available, male ot fe- totally rebuilt engine. New male. Must be available for JEEP CJ5 1971 V-6, low paint job 4 months ago. Good mileage, 7 tires, 22 mpg, tires. Excellent condition BEAUTICIAN-FULL time. DANCERS WANTED for daytime hours, minimum 2 Experience necessary. Call w bar^ Must have own days per week. Perfect for safari top, original owner. overall. $1750. 485-3193 after for appointment. 332-6329. Z-2-12-213) 6 p.m. 4-12-2(71 339-2253 ^asportation. Phone 351- part tinte or night student. 8-12-6(3) 7533 Wed., Sat., or Sunday. HOBIES DOWNTOWN! 109 8 12 2<4) East Allegan. 3-12-2(7) fl.;,hin■ IUUIII in - v» minute campus pleasant atmo¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail 4-man house-% LENS PRECISION ground in I block from campus. block-$100/ bus t0 campus. $90/month sphere, friendly people, $25 to 347 Student Services. THREE-M model 107 copier. SINGLE MALE, 30, 5'8" month Laura, 332-4010 lab OPTICAL DIS¬ I lahte Dec- 12. $79/ Z-3-12-1-I3I plus 1/3 utilities. 489-3206 deposit, lease by the term. Sp-23-12-9(8) Excellent shape - perfect Caucasian, good looking, our COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, I 5 361-0312. Z-2-12-114) MALE ROOMMATE needed 5-12-7(3) 215 Lewis street. 351-4495. CLARINET Bb Noblet in ex¬ working condition. Substan¬ tial savings over and above | Mobile Howes wide interests. PhD., M.D. seeks mid 20's compatible Lansing, Mi. 372-7409. C-7-12-913) I; BEDROOM to sublease, to share room in house 2 FEMALE NEEDED for own ONE BLOCK off campus - cellent condition. $150 or what a new one would cost. AMERICAN EAGLE Deluxe female, intelligent, creative, I is campus 12 miles). blocks from campus begin¬ room in house. Great loca¬ best offer. 353-3418. 484-5115. 3-12-217) cultural, unmaterialistic, liber¬ I . tion. 415 Albert. Live with 3 others 1972. 12x60, outdoor shed. 393-9230. $90/month. 351-7790. Z-7-12-913) al, affectionate, dignified, 371-1782 or ■ ?Z-12-12(3I_ ning winter ask for Kevin. term. 351-7241 Z-8-12-614) Z-2-12-2I3I - good benefits. $90. Fur¬ nished. Z-3-12-113) TOMORROW IS the last day HANSEN EXHIBITION ski boots size 3 shell, $30. 355- Washer, bay window, appli¬ ances, shag carpeting. Day¬ attractive to explore lasting relationship. Call anytime !l Real Estate * time, call 374-1168; after 5 person for 2 bedroom FURNISHED 5 person, close FEMALE NEEDED winter OWN ROOM in Lansing to place your Christmas Pea¬ 6756 after 6 p.m. p.m. 489-7463. 3-12-1(7) 349-3664.2-5-12-6(111 EAST LANSING - reduced to SpafFriendly irnent- Across from cam- roommates. $92 to campus.Women grads term only. Furnished house- house $85/month plus utili¬ nuts Personal. Place your ad Z-E-6-12-713) $59,500, four bedroom colo¬ nial. 2 ft baths, close to MSU. c preferred. Call Marilyn, own room. Close at 347 Student Services now. AIRSTREAM ftonth 332-5669, ask for EAST LANSING REALTY Call 337-1443. Z-5-12-7I3I campus. ties. Winter/Spring, 8257. X-25-12-213) 372- Sp-1-12-1(5) ROSSI ROC 550,205 cm with TRAILER, 1962.19 foot, self-contained, PtMts Person!'! Call Paul Coady at MUSSLE- MAN REALTY, 332-3580. WORLD 349-9603, evenings Look Grand Prix bindings, 4-piece bath. Sleeps 4. $2600. C-2-12-2I5I 332-3402. 9-12-9(61 $70. 355-6756 after 6 p.m. I I tfEOEO-MALE to share 4- f . Rooms APPLES, CIDER, BLOSSOM ORCHARDS. The Wadow- Z-6-12-7I3I Good 3-12-2(41 condition. 882-3922. NOW IS the time to put that Campus Hill apartment. I £e, and spring. 349-5648. ROOMISI ROOM(S) INI resources. IN farm farm Kniwa house with " ~ | For Sale ^ ski's 2 miles North of Leslie. WOOD STOVES, antiques, special someone on your Christmas List - Place a LAKE VICTORIA: Modern 3 bedroom ranch. About 20 ■ 2-812-7(42 Responsible 3597 Hull Rd. Old US 127, I u'ffo" FEMALE to sublease people, near campus. 351-8231 9-11 p.m. Pat IT IS the policy of the STATE NEWS that the last 4 weeks UNIVERSITY OF Chicago Hours, 9-5 p.m. Closed Mon¬ flour mills. Come see the new "OLD" store in Grand Ledge. jlttttM fq] CHRISTMAS PERSONAL ad today. 347 PEANUTS minutes north of East Lan¬ sing. Peaceful wooded set¬ days, 1-589-8251. Gift pack¬ Wood, wind and sun store, Student Services. I Inter across from campus. Z-4-12-213) of term all Student Classified doctoral gown, small. Plus ages shipped by UPS. 209 N. Bridge, Grand Ledge. Pre¬ ting overlooking the lake. I J, 337-7081, Cheapl Advertising must be paid for beret, size 7 1/8, $40. 349- URGE GOLDEN Retriever all payment required. Tastefully decorated, well in¬ 2753. E-5-12-5I3I OR-7-12-9I7I 627-5944. 5-12-5(6) SP-3-12-2I7I sulated customized 12-3-11-30(3) NONSMOKING GRAD stu¬ dent needed to share house in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail blond $20 reward, 349-9170. 5-12-213) Large family room with de¬ home. I | FURNISHED. 2 bedroom in Okemos with 2 women. to 347 Student Services. ACOUSTICS VII tower BOOKS, MAGAZINES, ics and morel CURIOUS com¬ KIRBY UPRIGHT sweeper (classic) with attachments. lightful view, beamed ceiling and glass front fireplace with apartment PHD, employed Pets-horses ok. Call 349- Sp-23-12-9181 speakers $300/pair, asking Excellent condition, $95. 323- LOST M Deck soprano re¬ I ntsies. lease 3 blocks cam- 1238. Home evenings. $170. 349-3682 after 5 p.m. BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand corder with case. Albert- heatilator. Built-in appliances, 4013. 5-12-5(4) 10 Call 351-0366 Evenings. Z-8-12 815) OWN ROOM 1624 Haslett, Z-3-12-2I3I River. 332-0112. C-7-12-9I3I Bailey Sts. area. Reward, call 1 ft baths. Most rooms car¬ ■ 8-113014) $76/month plus utilities, 351- REVOX A-77 MK IV Open 351-8345. Z-2-12-213) peted. Plenty of storage. DESIRE FACULTY rental. KING SIZE SIERRA waterbed 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ Finished basement with field- 2223. Z-5-12-6I3I II OR 2 females winter 4- Grossbeck area $395. Four frame on a pedestal with six ers., Tanks, cannisters, and reel. 15 hours use. Absolute LOST NOV. 29 vicinity Nat¬ stone fireplace. Electronic air I man Half block from cam- bedrooms, central air, family OWN ROOM in nice _E. drawers. Excellent condition, uprights. Guaranteed one full mint condition, $725. Don, ural Science. Large fiery opal. cleaner, attached 2 car gar¬ Imis $79/month. 332-1127. room, dishwasher. Call Lansing house. Winter/ almost new. $350 or best year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS 337-9625. 8-12-1(3) C. Smith - 355-8270.3-12-5(3) age, large redwood deck, dog 17912-2131 ings, 484-3432. 13-12-9(41 even¬ spring. $90 plus utilities. 353- offer. 482-4731. 8-12-9(5) DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. pen. Nearby private beach, PASTELS, OILS, CHAR- ball diamond, boat launch, I DELUXE APARTMENT for IT IS the policy of theliTATE 5550. Z-12-513) 316 North Cedar, opposite City Market. C-7-12-916) COALS-give something per¬ LOST FEMALE Irish Setter. 6 months old. Ann-Albert children's playground. Also jr person. Private sonal at Christmas. Portraits about 2 miles from Sleepy NEWS that the last 4 weeks OWN ROOM 1 block to Street area. 332-0686. Re¬ _ „„.,..'e and parking. $160/ of term all Student Classified reasonable. 353-3812. ward. 8-12-913) Hollow State Park. $49,900. I rnonth utilities included. 351 - campus around $90/month. SEWING MACHINE SALE Call Matt 8 p.m.-12 S-5-12-2131 By owner; family relocating. ■ 0946. B12 7(5) advertising must be paid for in advance beginning Nov¬ 351-5722. Z-8-12-9I3I p.m White sleeve arm machine LOST: SIAMESE cat. If Phone 651-6374. 5-12-5 (29) $119.50. Others from $89 I FEMALE NEEDED- to share ember 14,1977. Bring or mail Ideal Christmas gift guaran¬ found phone 351 -4683. I tuse. own room. $85 per I month, plus utilities. House is to 347 Student Services. Sp-23-1°-9(8) SINGLE ROOM, furnished, 5 person house with kitchen. teed used machines from $39.95. EDWARDS DIS¬ [ Animals jjiy Z-8-12-9I3I NEW HOME, 3 bedrooms, 1 story, 2 car attached garage, 337-2226. 8-12-7131 I completely furnished. Call 9297/quarter + utilities. 2 TRIBUTING CO. 115 N. IT IS the policy of the STATE DUPLEX-3 bedrooms plus FREE KITTENS. Born Oct. 1,3)43118-127(51 blocks campus. 337-2401. Washington 489-6448 30th will make someone NEWS that the last 4 weeks EAST LANSING-reduced to study, brand new; 2 full Z-3-12-2I4I $59,500. Four I FEMALE TO sublease winter baths. 9 month lease. $400. C 7-12-9(8) happy for Xmas. 2 white with of term all Student Classified Colonial 2ft baths, close to bedroom I rut or Spring. 2-bedroom, spots, 1 tiger. 393-5527 after advertising must be paid for Call 339 2600. 8-12-2(41 ROOM IN fine house, in advance beginning Nov¬ MSU. Call Paul Coady at Americana near Apart- MOST LP'S prices $1.75- 3 p.m. S-IO-12-9I4I MUSSELMAN REALTY, 332- I ment. campus. Prefer graduate or ember 14,1977. Bring or mail Call 332-0607 DUPLEX AVAILABLE now. 3 $2.50 Cassettes. $3.00, qual¬ professional. Call after 6 p.m. to 347 Student Services. 3582. C-3-12-2(5) 124-12-2-14) to 4 people. Furnished. Near 337-1495. 3-12-2(4) Dicker and Deal ity guaranteed. Plus 45's, NEEDED. PLACE to keep Sp-23-12-9181 campus. 669-9939. 8-12-9131 song books andmore FLAT Doberman Pincher for stu¬ | FEMALE NEEDED winter ONE BLOCK off campus-180 Second Hand Store BLACK AND CIRCULAR up¬ dent. Good watchdog for a | TriispprUtloi |f&] only, Old Cedar Village, 2 BEDROOM house unfur¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE j!/] jm I across from campus. $90/ I month. 4-man. Call 332-2284. nished. East side Lansing. Bus. Low utilities. $170 + Kedzie. Female needed in 4-woman house, o stairs 541 E. Grand Open 11 a.m. 351-0838. River. rented house. Mark 351-3138. Z-6 12-8(41 j Personal NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified FLORIDA BOUND bus for Katie, 351-3725. Z-2-12-1I4I C-7-12-917) 1 2 6 12 7 (4) dBDOSit. 485 6381. Z 3-12-2(31 SOLIGOR 35-105 zoom lens BEAGLE AKC registered fe- Advertising must be paid for X-mas break, Dec. 17-30. If CO SIGNER for loan-reward you want to come call Paul for Nikon, $200; Honeywell BASF TAPE special still in male. Moving, must sell. $40/ in advance beginning Nov¬ FARM HOUSE-15 miles west LIKE A huge room, not a tiny for signing-free default insur- 374-7153. X-11-12-9(3) IOKEMOS: SPACIOUS, inex- near Potterville. 4 bedroom, one? Friendly Co-ed house, pro strobe, full accessories, effect. Supplies limited. best offer. 694-5306. ance. Call 351-2820 after 4 ember 14, 1977. Bring or mail ■ pensive one $150. 487 5671. 5-12-5(4) to 347 Student Services. bedroom apart- barns, acreage. $225/month. MARSHALL MUSIC. East Z-E-5-12-713) P-m. Z-5-12-614) RIDER TO Florida approxi¬ pets, 332-3712 Marg. Sp-23-12-9181 it. Call 351-8135 or 349- 351-7497. 0-8-12-9(41 Lansing. C-12-1I4I Z-3-12-513) MEN'S LEATHER mately Dec. 20. Share gas sheep ENGLISH SPRINGER Span¬ 19217. 6-11-30131 HOUSE BETWEEN Sparrow lined jacket. Waist length. SKI PACKAGE. Rossignol iel pups. AKC registered. ONLY ONE DAY SKI FOR less: Colorado on a and driving in an LTD. Call 627-9691. Z-8-12-914) FURNISHED ROOMS avail¬ Size 42. $100. 332-6765 after | FEMALE NEEDED to sub- and MSU. Roommates need¬ able in large house, all utili¬ 4 p.m. 3-12-1-131 skis, women's boots 7-8 in¬ Champion blood line. Liver and white. $50. 349-5494. LEFT FOR YEARBOOK PORTRAITS budget. Complete listing of inexpensive lodgine, restaur¬ le 1 bedroom apartment, ed, own rooms, $87.50/ cludes iter term. Close, furnished month, utilities paid. Avail¬ ties included, from $85/ DOWNHILL SKIS: CM giant White stag bindings, poles. $100 ski coat, $15.351- Z-E-5-12-7I4I All atudenti receiving ants Er bars at ski areas. Pays Typisg Service ^ month. Call EQUITY VEST at for itself the first night. Sent heat bill. $107/month. able Dec. 3. 484-5966. 8557 S-5-12-7I3I degree between nor and 351-1500. 0-7-12-9(51 slalom Hope Murker bindings ZEBRA FINCHES make great $3.95: CDS, Box 2870, Vail, 1337-0672. after 5 p.m. Z 5-12-6(4) 205-8529 $50; ski poles, $10. the end of summer term, TYPING-THESIS, term apartment pets. $10 each, Colo. 81657. Z-8-12-5(8) IZ-5-12-2I5I 321-6598 5-12-3-13) TRADE FOR Christmas 1978 should make an ap¬ papers. Former college ad¬ FEMALE-SHARE room in ROOM FOR male, close to on $17/pair. 487-2166. ministrative secretary. 332- TV's, stereos's, CB's, jewelry, E-5-12-513) pointment now for FREE Union $14/week. 332-0205 | FEMALE NEED ED house, $72.50/month, fur¬ BEAN BAGS great yearbook portraits. Call 2616. 3-12-2(3) r luxury apartment, 2 ■blocks from campus. Call TO share nished, close to campus. 351 6456. S-5-12-6(4) 443 Grove Street. 7-12-913) NICE ROOM in nice house in dorm size or with for the family room-Queen handle $29.95. guns, tools, guitars more. and All merchandise tested plus MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS 10-12 lbs when full grown. 353-5291 TODAY! Semite ][^ BLOCK TO campus. Fast, guaranteed. WILCOX FOR QUALITY stereo 1)51-3397 after 5 p.m. HASLETT Lansing. 527 Clifford. $75/ BERKS FURNITURE in "THE TRADING POST. 485-4391. Red. 6 weeks, AKC, $125. IT IS the ser¬ reasonable, experienced. policy of the STATE vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, |5I2-2I4) RENT or buy this fabulous month + utilities. 374-6029. OLD SCHOOLHOUSE" 4801 C 7 12-9(7) Can hold until Christmas. NEWS that the last 4 weeks 555 East Grand River. Term papers, editing. 332- N. US 27 at State Rd. 882-6615 or 349-9486. 8498, 351 1711. 8-12-6(4) townhouse. Air conditioning, 10-12-9(3) of term all Student Classified 0-7-12-9(3) JmaLE NEEDED to sub- all appliances, carport, club¬ 482 624_1._10-!2-9(8l CANNED BEEF chunks. By 9-12-914) Advertising must be paid for bedroom apart- 214 CHARLES ST. 526 Sun¬ house, full basement. Call BEDROOM SET, white mod¬ can or case. Quick sand¬ PUPPY LOVERS only. Free in advance beginning Nov¬ FREE LESSON in complexion ii winter, spring. Non- set Lane. $20-$25/week TYPING TERM papers and Mark Bond 655-3444 or VAN- furniture. Mattress in¬ wiches (barbeque), stew, or ember 14, 1977. Bring or MERLE foker,$85/month. 337-2429 KO REALTY 321-7500. including utilities. Lease to ern cluded. Best offer. Call 351- with noodles. Great X-mas Beagle/Cocker to good mail to 347 Student Sen/ices. care. COSMETIC STUDIO - 321- NORMAN thesis, IBM experienced, fast Iw 5 p.m. Z-5-12-214) June 10. 351-5847. 12-12-9(41 home. 351-0917 after 6 p.m. service. Call 351-8923 3-12-2(81 5754. Z-4-12-213) Sp-23-12-9181 5543. C-7-12-9I3I gift. 355-8221. Z-2-12-2I4I Z-E-5-12-6I3I .0-20-11-30-13) THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★ Save Time ★ Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you L STEREO REPAIR AUTO SERVICE PROMOTION BAKERY TRAVEL PROMOTION HAIR SALON SPARTAN People Read Our BIRTHDAY CAKKS MUFFLER CENTER UNION FT PAYS Baking is our Business I •BRAKES BUILDING BUSINESS ' Hond decorated cakes TO READ •SHOCKS BARBER * All occasion cakes the SESSIONAL AUDIO * SHOP SERVICE ' HOTEL RESERVAT ONS FRONT END WORK Cookies, donuts, and other REPAIR 20% goodies * COLLEGE TRAVEL FINE RK Products DIRECTORY * Cakes delivered to your dorm STUDENT DISCOUNT •Layer Cuts or apartment (payment due OFFICE PRINT! •Latest Styling when delivered) 130 W. Grand River ON ALL WORK You Just Did! •Women's Haircuts East and WITH I.D. KWABT B AKIRII* Lansing Phone 349-0430 8 - 5:30 Mon. • Fri. CALLDARYL 351-6010 the State News 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA 355-3359 484-1317 4663 Ardmore 355-8255 Mon,-Fri. 7:00-5:3. is the finest 487-9332 THE TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS Okemos, Michigan 48864 PROMOTION • CATERING SERVICE CHILDREN'S SHOES JEWELRY OPTOMETRIST JSTABLES COUNSELING THE COMPLETE W'l ■kycl* Shop BE M.S.U. WEDDING SERVICE CO-OPTICAL HAY RIDES (PARTY ROW PROBLEM PREGNANCY Union Catering SERVICES * in Boots, Bolts 372-1560 24 Hours "Catsring Specialists" JEWELRY: Diamondt & •Down Filled Jackets RJrit400QUALITY BIKES 'Wedding Receptions ^HYOUR CHILDREN'S Wedding ringt by I tost laastaf's (Wy •Horses Boarded MARITAL SHOE STORE Caopentha Optical) '•^"•poinng UlUGH-COLUMOIA PLACE 'Breakfasts, Luncheons, Dinners IN FRANOOR Infants and ChWrar'i SHOES Pierre blMb Orange Blotiom & Art Carved WMITI nincH IIMLISH PROBLEMS? NEED TO TALK? 'Bar Set-ups • (YES EXAMINED ANO WIITUN MOP ^'OIECANI - PUCH • Widths B-EEE y,Vv%V^' y •Take-out Service 'Meeting Rooms pnd • Orthopedic Shoes • CLASSES CATHOLIC A •Tapand Battel • CONTACT LENS 1935 S. Meridian ltd. SOCIAL JtattwiHDr. Equipment • P.F. Flyers JEWELRY # SERVICES ^HRfedoriiollOr. Rlyar) ADVERTISE • • Cuwtmy Boots House Slippers 337 1314 319 E.Grand River 13311. GnoS River IraakfiaM PNia Mason, Mich. 676-9119 'Can Help' with Doryl • dial 355-8255 355-3465 E. Lansing, Michigan 361-4247 111 -113$ Call 372-4020 PHOTOGRAPHY HEALTH FOOD PROMOTION FURNITURE TOBACCONIST ACAARIBNUM CO. instant passport photos 10% DISCOUNT NOW HIAB THIS PROM TNI TON Color 2 for'7.50 odd.'5.50 to all MSU NINO! AT TNI STOBI WITH TNI BAW 2 for >7.50 odd.'4.50 students NIDDOONI TWIN "49" , risumi portraits on purchases of $2 'Cigarette by: W. have I. .took - COLOR PORTRAIT SETTING or moro, yogurts Sherman - Dunhill • Sobrsioe and broods oxcluded DOUBLE *59" rpipet by Savitulli Including 8 wollofs'12.50 additional printing at time of order .60 ea. Dannon Yogurt 31* Odd sites to order •21 Red Door pipe tobicco blends Smart shoppers know the best selection RANDALL HEALTH FOOD stores early. CoMril kn dele raited Uut eiftretto eeeekltf '• danftrew to yenr DOUGLAS ELBINGER PHOTOGRAPHT Brookfield Plaia appears in our area find a bright array of . gift ideas in our special . You'll 220 Albert St. East Lansing CoLTn^iielLs^I'^sSfei® Shop 13B1 E. Grand River Christmas Page. Look for it Dec. 9. 405 t Cherry 8 Kalomaioo 3 31-8016 332-6892 Phone 487 - 4995 Advertise the Yellow Page Way - Call Daryl 355-8ZB 90 Michigon Stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigon ThUrSday' Member,, )97? TERM PAPERS, thesis, dis¬ sertation typing; IBM pice or elite, call 332-2078. Senate blamed foi OR-7-12-913) abortion stalemat< TYPING TERM papers and thesis, I.B.M. experienced, fast sen-ice. Call 351-8923. OR-7-12-913! PROMPT TYPING Service. Term papers, resumes. I.B.M. WASHINGTON (AP) - and social services, two pro¬ 694-1541. OR-5-12-7I3I House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill blamed the Senate grams through which the feder¬ al government pays for women's abortions. poor O'Neill said funding measure, known as a a third inter} forma: EXPERT TYPING service by Wednesday for four-month- Only proce¬ tion, would becontinuing resol a MSU grad. 17 years experi¬ long congressional stalemate dures paid for through these House considered by t ence Near Gables, call 337- on 0205. OR-7-12-9I4I over government abortion pay¬ programs would be affected. The funding measure was for Thursday or eul next week. Such ments, saying it has been inflex¬ ible. fiscal year 1978 and thus would known to have a resolution! TWELVE YEARS experience "There has to be some give on expire on Sept. 30, 1978. Senate, where opposition in tf typing theses, manuscripts, want the many memhJ the part of the Senate," he told The emotional abortion question term papers. Evenings, 675- 7544. C-7-12-9131 reporters. "There hasn't been ments debate has strained rela¬ pay¬ If Congress fails resolved?! to any give in the Senate." tions between the House and employees of the affected i PRINTING Senate. The House has held out cies won't feel ag« ANN BROWN O'Neill's criticisms came as a the impact ui AND TYPING. Dissertations, third self-imposed deadline for for a narrow, restrictive abor¬ at least next week. The resumes, general printing. ury needs some trei settling the dispute ap¬ tion clause which would author¬ kind of ci Serving MSU for 27 years ize payments when a gressional proached. The paychecks of preg¬ authorization 1 with complete theses service. about 240,000 federal Dec. 8 in order 349-0850. C-7-12-9I5I employ¬ nancy threatened a woman's to process t| life. checks for the ees are tied to the disagree¬ affected cmplo TYPING, EXPERIENCED, ment. The Senate, taking a more liberal stance, has insisted that O'Neill Fast and reasonable. 371- An interim funding resolu¬ some acknowledged House members thl 4635. C-7-12-9131 tion, the second of its kind the mental and physical health been havetj passed while the abortion de¬ of the woman and of the fetus be willing to thl COPYGRAPH SERVICE bate continued, was due to taken into account and that hard-line positionsmodify Complete dissertation and rape fear retaliation at because thl expire at midnight Wednesday. and incest victims be covered. the polls. resume service. Corner The resolution insured regular The latest of numerous con¬ "1 would have to say | M.A.C. and Grand River, some of them see th 8:30-5:30 A three-month-old Cadillac rests at the bottom of into pay periods for employees of the frontations on the issue oc¬ down the rot Monday-Friday. a garage. It crashed through the rear wall and a viciousness in the next 337-1666. C-7-12-9151 departments of Labor and curred Tuesday when the Sen¬ elJ Don Ayala's pool near Los Angeles, Tuesday, after sank without injury to Mrs. Ayala and her child. tion they would ate made a new offer of abor¬ like to PROFESSIONAL EDITING the accelerator stuck while his wife was driving it Health, Education and Welfare and about 10 smaller tion language only to have it re¬ he said in response to a avoi! agencies. tion. papers, thesis, dissertations. HEW administers Medicaid jected by the House. 1 Minor corrections to rewrite. Meanwhile, other Houl Foreign students welcome. members were echoing O'Neill C-5-12-914) OPPONENTS CLAIM INCURSIONS CAN FOLLOW sentiments. Rep. Elford Cederberg, 1 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Mich., suggested in a DoM Dissertations, (pica, elite) speech that the House continuing resolution untilpass| FAY ANN. 489-0358. Drug proposal approves wiretapping C-7-12-9131 so: time in January. 1 TYPING FAST and reasona¬ "If the Senate wants to til the ble, 394-4729, electric type¬ responsibility lor the ed writer: pica. C-7-12-9131 ployees' not being paid, let take it," he said. the( UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS LANSING (UPII The Sen¬ cognizant of people's civil "You just can't deal with this giving responsibility for issuing during pro^^hat DemtJa?' - complete dissertation and re¬ a trial. "I quite frankly do not know ate Judiciary Committee has rights." complex problem in three warrants to that court, saying Sen. Patrick H. sume service: Typesetting, McCollough, whether these bills are going to IBM typing, offset printing approved a crackdown on big Opponents, however, said hours," he said. an appeals court panel easily D-Dearborn, said he would work," Rosenbaum said. "But I encourage the Judicia and narcotics dealers that includes that merely to open the door to could be placed in the position offer amendments Committee to take action on binding. For estimate on the Sen¬ do know that nothing else has stop in at 2843 East Grand authority "to use telephone wiretapping does damage to Mandatory penalties would of reviewing its own decision of constitutional amendment n ate flgor taking the appeals been done. We should give it a River or phone, 332-8414. wiretaps in drug investigations. the principle of personal pri¬ be levied against persons pos¬ the warrant was challenged court out of the legislation. tricting abortions as a way C-7-12-9I7I The legislation died in the try." preventing future stalemate' I vacy and could lead to future sessing more than 50 grams of Senate panel last year but was incursions by police and gov¬ heroin. Anyone caught with LOOKING FOR passed again by the House, sets ernment into people's private more than 650 grams — valued |GREAT tn JOB?—get a head that first impres- by having your rl forth tough, mandatory penal¬ ties up to mandatory life im¬ prisonment for major drug lives. The six-bill package of legis¬ lation was approved by a 5-2 at would more be than $1 million — sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Daniels' reappointment rejected Tba Typecuttarj dealers. vote. Judiciary Chairperson n make your credential! More controversial, however, The proposal would not affect Basil Brown. D-Highland Park, (stand out in any stack oi l. Looks much bet- was the wiretap provision — though the sponsor of the and Sen. Anthony Derezinski, D-Muskegon, voted no. the average addict, whom Ro¬ senbaum said should be treated to curtail 'Republican domination as a medical legislation, Rep. Paul Rosen- The committee discussed but problem. baum, D-Battle Creek, said did not act upon Rosenbaum's there was no danger of eroding Currently, Michigan police LANSING (UPII — Senate Democrats have proposed constitutional amend¬ officials are forbidden to use rejected the reappointed because of political considerations. UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS personal liberties. ment denying bail to persons reappointment of Clare C. Daniels to the Michigan Women's Davis, meanwhile, said he believes Republicans donot COMPLETE DISSERTATION "I've taken a lot of abuse in who commit more than three wiretaps as investigative tools, but they would be allowed to Commission, making good their threat to curtail what they called dominate the commission. The current breakdown, he said, resllIj AND RESUME SERVICE: terms of people in this state Republican domination of the 15-member panel. violent felonies in a 15-year seven Republicans, five independents and three Democrats, "soj typesetting, IBM typing, off¬ who have not read this bill," tap a suspected drug dealer's Daniels, a Muskegon grandmother, was removed from the set printing and period — a measure opponents political party controls the Michigan Womens' Commission." I binding. For Rosenbaum told the committee. telephone if conventional inves¬ commission on a 23-10 vote in the culmination of a estimate stop in at 2843 East believe is unconstitutional. dispute between tigative methods failed, and if a ruling Democrats and Gov. William G. Milliken that first erupted Grand River or phone, 332- "Everybody's antenna goes up when you mention Derezinski said he could have Michigan Court of Appeals in August. 8414. C-12-11-30I7I wiretap¬ ping. panel issued a warrant based on At that time Democrats, who rule the Senate 24-14, did not EXTRA supported some portions of the YOU NEVER SOUNDED SO "It is the most restrictive narcotics legislation, but was probably cause. contest the appointment of Mary E. Low to the women's GOODI Superb professional wiretapping bill I have even distressed that the committee Appeals court Chief Judge commission, but said they would not tolerate the nomination of any WEATHER editor energizes your paper or seen," he said. "We are indeed acted after only one hearing. Robert J. Danhof objected to more "typical Republicans." article at substantial scholar- In both cases, the qualifications or PROTECTION discount. Cure those disser¬ competence of the nominees tation blues: Call the Dr. at was not in question, and some Democrats said they regretted that CUSTOM COMMUNICA¬ Daniels had to suffer personal embarassment as a result of the TION CONSULTING. 372- TAFFITA SUPIR dispute. 4135.10-12-918) ' SWIATIR She has served on the commission for two years and is a former 100% GOOSI chairwoman of the panel. Announcements for It's What's "There is only one reason, I'm convinced, that she is DOWN JACKIT Midwestern Asian American being Happening must be received in the Observatory Open House will be turned down . because she is a Republican," said Senate Conference will be held from 7:30 . . HOUSE WANTED near State News office, 343 Student Services Bldg., by noon at least to 9:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9, in 101 held from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday. Weather permitting, the 24-inch Republican Leader Robert W. Davis of Gaylord. $55 Bailey or Glencairn school. S. Kedzie Hall. But Senate Business Committee Chairman Michael two class days before publication. reflecting telescope will be used O'Brien, $45,000 maximum. 394-1937 for observing current objects of 5-12-5131 No announcements will be accept¬ D-Detroit, said he wants the commission to represent a larger Down filled collars, pock¬ ed by phone. Introduction meeting of Stu¬ cross-section of Michigan women, and accused Milliken of dent Nurses Association will be ets and zipper flaps help SENIOR WOMAN wants persistently failing to appoint more Democrats, women from own room, Pepsi Corporation representa¬ held at 7 tonight in the Life Attention all hams! W8SH, low-income groups and ethnic minorities. fight a chill the way liber East Lansing or Science Auditorium. All tives will Nursing, MSU Amateur Radio Club, meets fill can't. Adjustable wrist Lansing area. Connie, 393- speak to the MSU Pre-nursing and interested stu¬ at 8 tonight in 339 O'Brien said that if it were a simple matter of 6141 after 6 p.m. S-5-11-213) Marketing Club at 7:30 tonight, dents invited. Engineering partisanship, he straps, waist drawstring Eppley Teak Room. Bldg. would have gone after a much more important pending nomination and snaps for a down hood FEMALE now before the Senate that of state Labor Director Keith GRAD Student — Molin, are included. Coalition for Justice sponsors wishes to sublease in house Jim Loudon will talk about a top Milliken henchman, as director of the Department of winter term. Own room under On-campus students: YOU can panel discussion of medical, so¬ Venus and its recent space probes Commerce. see DAN FOGELBERG. FREE! cial, legal actions to prevent child Many colors & sizes $80/month. Leave message at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 8, in 109 Write in 19 words or less abuse at 7:15 tonight at 1118 S. available. at 355-1131. Will be in town why you Anthony Hall. Milliken recently named four women to the commission, and 12/3/77. Z-3-12-2I5I want to see him and drop it off at Harrison Rd. three of them were Democrats. Senate Democratic Floor Leader WMSN in 8 Student Services "Energy in Michigan's Future," Daniel S. Cooper of Oak Park said he would have been content TUTOR OF elementary Polish Pre-Vet Club Members: Come World Future Society presenta¬ with that, had he not learned that Milliken declined to needed. Call 372-3050 for get our club picture taken for the reappoint tion, by Dr. Herman Koenig will be Democrat Ann Shafer of Battle Creek. interview. Fee negotiable. yearbook at 9 tonight in 100 Vet held at 7:30 tonight in 109 S. Volleyball Club meets from 9 to Shafer, a long-time activist for organized labor, had testified Z-3-12-5I3I Clinic. 11 p.m. every Monday and Thurs¬ Kedzie Hall. before the business committee that she believed she was not day in Gym III of the Men's IM Students I^olnd Town Bldg. Everyone is welcome. coming a interested in Legislative Aide should be¬ Free class in calligraphy and illumination at 7 tonight in 340 attend orientation session at 4 A Soup you Can't Refuse! an Union. Sponsored by Bronze Are your plants ill? MSU Horti¬ today in 105B Berkey Hall. Last Dragon Calligraphy. culture Club plant doctors will help session for this term. >V dorm groups, fraternities, etc. Call Renaissance Dance Association SERVED the Horticulture Department. Impressions 5, a dynamic sci¬ offers free classes in ence museum, needs beginning HOT AND DELICIOUS guides and Renaissance Dance at 8:30 tonight demonstrators for winter term. in the Union Tower Room. SHAAREY Have a question? Need some Contact 26 Student Services Bldg. SICILIAN ZEDEK Bingo closed until further notice information? Call TAP, The An¬ Seek and you shall find Leader¬ C-7-12-9131 swer Place. Provide reference information ship Training Class. Campus Cru¬ on energy, weatherization. Volun¬ sade for Christ meets from 7 to 9 teers needed to SUNDAY manage telephone p.m. tonight in Engineering Bldg. Try something hotline for four hours new in your life. a week. Attend the Christian Science or¬ Contact 26 Student Services Bldg. Agronomy Club meets at 7:30 ganizational meeting, South Cam¬ Inter tonight in 213 Agriculture Hall. pus, from 6:30 to 7:30 tonight in Varsity Christian Fellow¬ 331 Case Hall. The Work of Christ sponsors an ship Christmas parties: 536 Cedar Village at 7 p.m. Friday; West: Holden Hall tonight. Save the Seals and Whales! Greenpeace presentation with films, discussion will be held at 8 SOUP ecumenical charismatic prayer Business students: Learn more tonight in Wonders Kiva. meeting at 8:15 tonight in St. about your college by writing John's lower lounge, 327 M.A.C. MSU India Association articles for On Stream newsletters. organi¬ zational meeting (Staff, teaching Meeting will be held at 7 tonight in and research the lobby of Eppley Hall. employees) will be held at 8:30 tonight in 332 Union. New International Economic Or¬ Rape prevention: Three films will be presented Lansing Energy Action Project der Task Force meets at 7:30 by Kitty Geno- presents Steven Shumacher from vese Anti tonight at 1118 S. Harrison. We Rape Collective, from 7 Miami Valley Power project. Slide- to 10 p.m. will discuss chapters 6-10 of Food Friday in 107 S. Kedzie show presentation and discussion Hall. First! of Utility Organizing will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday in 336 Union. Feminists: We need your talents Informal talk and slides about Russia presented at 7:30 Bryan Hall. tonight in for Women's Voice, the Feminist radio production. Organizational meeting will be held at 4 today in Forum on revolution at 7:30 Ethiopian people's tonight in 441 Bote's 930 Trowbrldqa E. Lansing the Union Oak Room. Union. 109 E < Alltgan Soon Lansingfc^ toOpon Saginaw A Wawrlyl wi.i.igin State News, East tonsinq, Michigan Thursday, December 1, 1977 21 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Uv Mflhife Ejus by Bill Yates BAN POeiLBIM DICIMBM 5th MSU AUBITMIUM ,„WJ,M-TV(C.S) (.0)W,U.TV(NBC) (.l)WElM-TV(C,b,.) (,2)WJRT-TV,ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS> (11) Benson Goffner, thursday Pledge Drive Primate Eye 10:00 afternoon 8:45 4:30 (6) Bornaby Jones 3:15 (23) Best of Families (12) Billy Graham Crusade (6) CBS News 9:00 Ll)General Ho.pltal I" (10) NBC News (6) All-Star Tribute to (23) Best of Families 3:30 (tl)Baha'i: New World TV 11:00 Elizabeth Taylor LiAll InThe Family Series (10) Hall of Fame (6-10-12) News tiyllloAlagr* (12) ABC News (11) Christ's Teachings in (23) WKAR Membership- f 4:00 (23) Dick CaveH Our Violent World Pledge Drive L|Hw Mickey M°ui» Club 7:00 (12) Barney Miller 11:15 T||0r«n Acrai (7) My Three Sons 9:30 (23) Dick Cavett Ljj Rrady Dunch (10) Mary Tyler Moore (12) Carter Country 11:30 Ljiiome Street m • (12) Mary Tyler Moore 9:45 (6) Movie 4:30 "The Firechasers" (11)TeeVee Trivia (23) WKAR Membership- lD.rl.Doy (23) WKAR Membership- (10) Johnny Carson Pledge Drive (12) Forever Fernwood Ti)0iii'gan# |,'an° Pledge Drive lil Emergeney One I 7:10 5:00 (23) Silent Night MSU SHADOWS @ ■Oufismoke 7:30 |)Emergency One t (6) Wild Kingdom by Gordon Carleton sponsored by: [,|WKAR Membership- (10) Michlgame PXNBALL PETE'S dg. Drive (11) Ed-ltorial Weiss-Cracks 5:10 (12) $100,000 Name That Present this really funny comic for 25' lllMliter Rogsrs Tune worth of f ree plav! Not valid fh. t Sot. thursday Night., 7:40 EVENING (23) WKAR Membership- 5:30 Pledge Drive Jj) ■ Rookies 8:00 Coble II News (6) Waltons T 5:40 (10) Billy Graham Crusade pjWKAR Membership- (11) Woman Wise ga Drive (12) Santo Clous is Coming 5:50 To Town Electric Company 8:30 6:00 (ll)Talkin' Sports |ig.|2) News (23) WKAR Membership. The snow is here! Protect your leathers, suedes, & vinyls! WATERPROOFING, IT S A MUST FOR WINTER Beneath Campus Drugs I CAMPUS COBBLER SHOE REPAIR 01V. E. GRAND RIVER M-F 9-5, Sat 9-3 332-3619 UUguUllonnnnimtlBBBBBBBCBBDBBDBBPBaaCBCBIl low gos prices Plus Service Little Proa way JRAVELS WITH FARLEY By Phil Frank SPONSORED BY: tsrvlcs Station let's get one Hlltw TK4M/CALLV ) I ACTUtai THEV ril&T 7h/nk^ thiajg straight we V^EXf/AJCr. J J ARE mOHZCFVUR OlB'RE extinct, were J Vbasic endangered species] tflwon eki7mct (FWORE kxjbe^i REALLY vjl&t m1pingc. J Stamping here J/ 1 1 m) Km d HOWARD THE DUCK!® sponsored by: - by Steve Gerber and Val Mayerik UNORATEPUL nuts*.' I GAVE CHARIT fpecielu THE pmr FEMALE FEEMX RO-BOO' y GCOi WITH THEIR SUMK- W WHAT ^ JUMBLEWEEDS CAMPUS 1312 Mich. Ava. AND SHE TUHMtO ON ME **A*»7IV. TMEW BATTLE WILL NAME YOU Won.. FREE QT. OF COKE • / e. C I r» ii ri x ,0 LtvtL Cleveland.' JL OOHIT llom K. PIZZA s,';v n"0r S0,00n) W/-W7 Tu.s. - FREE ITEM Ryan sponsored by: Wad. .WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on raquast) I CHEEP! LOOKATHE COWfrUY VHAT I PONE SEEZEP! SAM and SILO sponsored by: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker k^rjjw lllg £ Df H Call for oppointment today 331-9191 208 MAC Below Jones Stationery JOSSWORD ssHH mm® Einana aasaa PUZZLE aanansi arasaa SPONSORED BY: 27 Particulars HHH 31E 29. Blushing Hisaa HHH9 30 Noah'sfirstson nanam nanans 32 Smtl sbdbbs aoaaca 34. Hence esqsu anan 35. 37 Handle Hazardous Has aaaa aaa 3332E? f«»"le,n weather saaaiiQ maaHoa I Wjtk 39 Particle maaaa annaa Ift,tonus ■ one 41. 44 Leash Esters aaasa asaa 3. Oil of roses i DON'T WANT TO ALARM VOU, BUT 46. Turkish 53. Upshot 4. Halts government 5. Burma chiel -.. WHeN YttU PILL OUT "THAT LiTTLC 47 48. Energetic person Canticle DOWN 6. 7. twitching Anthracite and ReNeWAL CARP THAT FALLS OUT OF YOUR TiKfi 50. Eternity 51. Strays 1. football formations 8. bitumen Horn MASATiNe... 52. Thrice: preti* 2. Declaim 9 Gladdens NeXT TiN\e, CHecK TH£ Lime BOX •OMITHIIM't I B- 10 Light unit W SAYS "ANNUAL RATCTNOTTHe HAPPINIHO 15. Reticule BEETLE BAILEY P5" 17. 19. Anent Withstands "LiFCTTMeSUBS(RiprioN> " by Mort Walker sponsored by: WATCH THIS SPACI. 22. Silversides 24 Esperanto 25. Quiz 26. Byrd is one 28. Pullman 31 Parent 33. Mother of Apollo 36 Dutch South Africans 38 Cardinal number 40 Man's title 42 English school 43. Rip 44. Dutch commune /a// 45 Habitual drunkard ©1977 Universal Press Syndicate 49. College degree: abbr Get a piece of the action! Minolta Pocket Autopakl470 with Special Price super-fast electronic shutter plus flash. On Minolta Lens] During Demol Leonard's Audio We WantTo Be YQUR StereoStorp • automatic, electronically programmed ex¬ .um WESTLAND SHOPPING CENTER • posure control action-stopping electronically timed shutter West Saginaw (at Waverly) speeds up to 1 /1000th of a second Storo Hours: Mon. thru Sot. 10 A.M.-9 P.M., Sun. 11 A.M.-6 P.M.' Phono: 321-8111 • • • built-in close-up lens full information viewfinder hot shoe for cordless Pocket Flash 110 $79"with flaih