json suspected as cause )f fire in East Shaw Hall By MARK FABIAN A woman broke her State Newi SUA Writer leg jumping out of awoke at about 5 a.m. after her loft after hearing the Wehner said. hearing the fire alarm, but no alarm and found flames .on may have been the cause of a fire injuries were the direct result of the fire. shooting through Resident Assistant Joaquin Affonso and Churned an East Shaw Hall door and According to a floor resident, the fire their door and their room filled with smoke, another floor resident put the fire out with Xt sent the first-floor dormitory room marshal said the occupants of the room Don Wehner, one of the residents, said. a fire hose and fire extinguisher. K flames early Friday morning, Depart- could have died from smoke inhalation. The residents opened the The fire left a hole in the door of Public Safety officials said. The four residents of 135 East door, which about one Shaw Hall foot in diameter. There was also was burning at the top, and left the room, some damage to the carpet and walls around the door and the hallway ceiling. FORMER LEGISLATOR 'NOT "If it would have burned for BITTER' minutes, it would have caught the loft five more on fire," Wehner said. Gayle Jacobson, 232 East Shaw Hall, was farrier's case dismissed studying outside her room when she smelled smoke. Jacobson said that waking up her resident assistant they discovered smoke and flames after one of the doors on shooting out By KAT BROWN the floor below. defendant for over four years had One reason Warner said he was SUte News Stall Writer any looking resemblance to justice." forward to the trial was to show that he was They pulled the fire alarm and bum County Prosecutor Peter Houk began "genuinely innocent and would be acquit¬ waking people up, she said. ■ lie will announce a decision today on Warner said he will bring to the attention ted." "I don't think they would have tr to appeal a Circuit Court of the Ingham ruling County Commissioners three discovered it if I hadn't been g drug charges against former major instances of perjury that he said Warner charged that Prosecutor Houk up," Jacobson said. in Rep. Dale Warner. occurred during his case and the had lied to the news media last expenses spring when Carl Eigenauer, head of the DPS involved, which he estimated at about Houk stated there had been no fire James T. Kallman dismissed "official $100,000. misconduct" during the trial safety department, said it was quite obvious [es against Warner Friday on grounds proceedings by someone had witnesses or public officials. deliberately set the door on is denied a speedy trial. fire. Samples of the door have been sent Kallman compared Warner's to lengthy trial "On April 1, 1977, the chief assistant the state police crime lab, he said. Kimer, who represented Eaton County proceedings to Ulysses' journey home from prosecutor (Daniel McLellan) told me 'It's the Trojan Wars, stating that "defendant's DPS officials said they have a f 1966 to 1974, was arrested on charges absolutely clear Mrs. Auslander committed suspect, in and use of heroin on Aug. 15, passage through the Scylla and Charybdis of who had been involved in a similar incident a the higher courts had perjury,'" Warner said. I, it the Motel 6 in Lansing. brought him in sight of few weeks ago, in mind. Ithaca, only to be blown by the four winds, Louise Auslander, then co-manager and Wehner said * 36 year-old former representative back to Aeolus to begin his journey anew." switchboard operator of the Motel 6, was the there had been some | contacted in San Francisco Sunday. prosecution's key witness. torchings of paper signs in the dorm earlier this term and Jacobson said some ig to the court proceedings, which Kallman also stated that: Houk said Sunday he would stand signs on "Congested by his resident assistant's doors had been burned Jed four years and three months, Warner dockets or internal differences are no excuse earlier statement that no official misconduct I "I'm not bitter I feel that this when constitutional occurred. as pranks. Stale News - Debbie Borin ... rights are involved. n has been met with dignity and This court does not pass on the Many hands make light work for East Lansing police Sgt. guilt or "Warner has made repeated comments Wehner said he had no idea who Gregory innocence of Dale Warner. might McDonald as he anchors a Christmas decoration atop a Grand River Nevertheless, about coverups," Houk said. "We found that have set the fire. weighing the totality of facts, defendant's Avenue lamppost Saturday. East Lansing police officers volunteered off- Warner said he wanted to use his situation they were without any grounds." requests for a speedy trial, the length of the "That's baffled l i,"he said. "I don't think duty time to hang the decorations after CityCouncil denied funds on the In example to "assist in demolishing the Houk added that the prosecution had been delay in the appellate process, the potential t was a joke. It w is pretty dangerous if it grounds that Christmas is a religious holiday. [sent method of application to the criminal prejudice to the defendant and unavailabil¬ prepared to go to trial on Tuesday. vas a joke." e system on problems of substance ity of a witness, mandates the conclusion that defendant's right to a speedy trial has trhad been instrumental in reduc- been violated." allies for narcotic crimes and jienting drug education programs in Warner said he agreed with Kallman's Crime victims' compensation fund allows | while he was in the legislature. decision that he was denied a speedy trial, but added that "the effect of his ruling is that I not particularly interested in there is a coverup of information which the reimbursement for claims up to $15,000 re¬ ft" Warner said. "However, I don\ news media and I, as a defendant, can not 1 the treatment I received as a get." By ANNE S.CROWLEY Woods said Michigan's $15,000 maximum The crime must be reported within two SUte News Staff Writer Peter Houk pledged his staffs cooperation. iko decision spurs lower than that of most other states was Victims of crimes in Michigan can now because there are many other days, and police or the county prosecutor Emergency payments of up to $500 could collect SUte funds to pay for medical places here will help victims file claims in most cases, be made within 24 hours if the claim is where victims can turn for assistance. Woods said. The deadline is 30 likely treatment — and income they may have lost days after to result in an award, and "undue hardship" — as a result of injury due to a crime. While other states have similar public the crime. will be suffered if the victim does not assistance get Controlling what its director calls a setups, Michigan's "actiye "We want to identify potential claimants the money quickly, Woods said. llrong U.S. reaction "last-resort" fund, the Michigan Crime Victims Compensation Board will pay up to $15,000 to injured persons whose medical treatment costs and lost income exceed private sector" made the difference, he said. But it's , "always possible" a victim's early, and you can do it no earlier than at the police or sheriff station," he said. Existing departments will handle claims rather than adding to the "bureaucratic Normally, investigating claims ing awards would take 30 said. to 45 and mak¬ days, he I By WIRE SERVICES reimbursement they could get from other "out-of-pocket loss" might exceed $15,000, Ingham County Prosecutor Peter Houk empire," he added. Crime victims who disagree with the JlSHINGTON The U.S. State Department said it was "shocked" that South — said. In decision can appeal to the full board — Ingham County, sheriffs deputies and pn police had been cleared Friday of criminal responsibility in the prison death of H leader In most cases, private insurance, Social Lansing police officers will watch for Woods, Pontiac attorney Lynn Hooe and Stephen Biko. The State Department said it was "inconceivable ... that no Security, workers' compensation and other In New York, which has no limit, a victims who might not know they are Washtenaw County Commissioner Kath¬ state and county programs will cover lost 4-year-old boy has received more than leen Fojtik — and then to the State Court of ft1' shocked by the verdict in the face of compelling evidence at the least that $100,000 after being blinded and disfigured eligible, Sheriff Preadmore and Police Chief wages and medical expenses, Director Richard Gleason said at the press con¬ Appeals. « Biko was the victim of flagrant Thomas E. Woods said at in an attack. Doctors say the total claim neglect and official irresponsibility," The New a press con¬ ference. f Times quoted a state department spokesperson as saying. might reach $350,000. To avoid fraud, the state can prosecute ference Friday. Gleason said his crime prevention unit It'en if individual responsibility was not established, Mr. Biko's death clearly resulted The state board has processed about 26 persons who receive more than they should. In Michigan, persons suffering physical would be responsible to help ease investi¬ Tj system that Ik" the permits gross mistreatment in violation of the most basic human claims since it began doling out payments gating officers' workloads. The crime victims' fund is "not just quote continued. from the $750,000 available in October, injury as a result of crime or while aiding a victim are eligible for aid. The survivors of another program for the poor," Woods Vkitish member of parliament called the verdict Woods said. "They'll provide whatever he (Woods) "outrageous" and said the Biko victims would also be eligible. emphasized. T? should fear for their lives. needs," Gleason said. "We're going to make About half of those were from Wayne IkMsgistrate M.J. Prins gave his three-minute verdict at the end of the two-week One cannot be repaid for lost property, sure people are compensated if they Payment criteria allow victims to main¬ IM wailing blacks outside the courtroom chanted, County, but according to Ingham County tain their standard of living by exempting "They have killed Steve Biko." Sheriff Kenneth Preadmore, more than half but pregnancy in rape cases and psychiatric qualify." from consideration housing costs, a year's P'w kours before the verdict, Biko's brother Khaya and his cousin Solomon were the state's serious crimes occur there. treatment needed because of the crime All county prosecutors have the proper income, clothing, an automobile and tools of a security police raid in Johannesburg's Soweto township, Biko's widow Most claims will average $1,800 to $2,200, could be covered, Woods said. forms, Woods said, and Ingham County's the victim's trade, he said. Woods said. The guidelines for making P»magistrate accepted a medical report that Biko died from extensive brain injuries, awards were drawn up with the help of resulted in kidney failure. He said the injuries "probably sustained" during the Ingham County and Lansing authorities, he »f Sept. 7, while Biko was being interrogated by five members of the security said. DRILLING RULES APPROVED P policemen said Biko went "berserk" and had to be subdued forcibly. Though 22 other states have similar (continued on page 14) compensation funds for crime victims, each allows a different amount of aid. Shell clears Pigeon River site LANSING (UPI) - The Shell Oil Co. began clearing an explora¬ denial of an injunction. tory oil well site in the Pigeon River Country State Forest early After driving to Lansing from Grand Rapids. Conner filed the Friday, nearly 18 months after ground rules for drilling were request just before appeals court offices closed. The judges did not approved by the state. say when they would render a decision. Environmentalists, who have fought hydrocarbon development The state Natural Resources Commission, on June 11, 1976, in the northern Lower Michigan forest for more than four yeairs, approved a consent order negotiated with the oil companies kept up the struggle in court but admitted it looked increasingly futile. permitting drilling in the southern one-third of the forest. inside A lawsuit aimed at halting oil development ended late Thursday, The Pigeon River Country is home to the state's only elk herd well as bear, bobcat and other wildlife, and the state Department as and Circuit Judge Thomas L. Brown of Ingham County denied of Natural Resources concluded that those animals would be Happy Hanukahl environmentalists' request for a preliminary injunction banning somewhat disrupted by drilling. Underground art surfaces. drilling. But state officials believe the consent order contains sufficient See page 6. According to Shell attorney Theodore Pfister, ground-clearing safeguards to prevent widespread environmental harm. equipment moved east out of Gaylord and into the forest at 7:30 Environmentalists disagreed, charging in court that the state a.m. Friday. did not make the required determination under the Michigan weather Pfister said Shell crews would start work on one of six Environmental Protection Act of whether drilling would result in exploratory drilling sites, clearing and leveling a two-acre pad for "pollution, impairment and destruction." Today, lock your socks, pull up a drilling rig. Shell and attorneys for the commission contended during the your pants, and brace yourself The state has issued permits for 10 exploratory wells, but trial that pollution was unlikely, while Conner tried to convince for an honest-to-Betsy bonafide Brown, at the close of the seven-week trial, said he had Brown that it was inevitable. WINTER STORM!!! At least, reservations about beginning operations at four of the sites and Brown's refusal to issue an injunction led both sides to believe that's what the Weather Shell promised not to touch them. his final order would be favorable to the oil companies at least for Bureau is callin' it. Several Brown said he would issue a final ruling in the case Monday. six of the drilling sites, and Conner said he expected an adverse inches of snow are scheduled. Meanwhile, attorney Roger Conner of the West Michigan ruling on the other four as well. High: in the 30s. Environmental Action Council spent much of Friday frantically "I'm sure whichever side is aggrieved by the judge will appeal," writing a request to the Court of Appeals to reconsider Brown's said Pfister. 2 Michigan Stole News, East Looting. Michigoi Bermuda calm; troops arrive HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP) dispatched from their Oaking- gas grenades in a drenching mid-winter. mains in effect. - A company of British troops ton, England, base to the Brize rain Saturday broke up a crowd On the advice of Bermuda The riots flared Thursday (lew Sunday to this tense Norton airfield 60 miles north of 300 black youths massed in Prime Minister David of London, where they boarded Gibbons, night after the government Atlantic island where police Court Street, which is in down¬ the island's Hercules transport planes for British-appointed refused to stay the executions reported calm after three town Hamilton near Parliament governor, Sir Peter Ramsbot of Erskine Burrows, 33, and nights of rioting and fire- the seven-hour flight to this and about two blocks from the ham, had asked London to send Larry Tacklyn, 25, both con¬ bombings triggered by the self-governing British colony. waterfront. The area is a mile troops to help end the violence. victed of murder in politically hanging of two black extrem¬ Bermudian officials had from two of Hamilton's luxury A government spokesperson motivated slayings. ists convicted of murder. asked for the military backup. hotels, the Princess and the said the British force was a The only major incident re¬ Althought police said the Bermudiana. They were hanged at dawn "precautionary measure... to ported Saturday night was the bakery blaze was the most Sunshine returned Sunday, ensure that the security forces Friday. Burrows was convicted firebombing of a bakery on damaging attack Saturday bringing out some tourists of Bermuda are not over¬ of murdering Gov. Sir Richard Court Street, the focal point of night, gangs of black youths toting cameras and tennis extended." Sharpies and four other per clashes between riot police and conducted several other hit-run rackets. Under a government sons in 1972-1973, and Tacklyn emer¬ black youths. firebombings in Hamilton, cap¬ It is the off-peak tourist convicted of two 1973 gency decree declared by was "I think the steam has gone ital of this cluster of islands. season for the island, a popular Ramsbotham, 900 policemen killings. Burrows and Tacklyn out of it," said Police Inspector Damage from the three days vacation spot for Americans. and members of the Bermuda were members of the anti- Allan Lister. of disturbances across Bermuda Only an estimated 2,000 to British Black Beret Cadre. Regiment were placed on alert The company of British sol¬ was estimated at more that $5 3,000 tourists are here, com¬ or deployed around the island. diers, 150 men from the Royal million. pared with 12,000 or more per The governor also British troops were last Jean-Bedel Bokassa, an ex-sergeant in France's colonial Regiment of Fusiliers, was Police and troops firing riot week during the high season of dusk-to-dawn curfew that imposed a called here in 1968 during racial of his throne after crowning himself Emperor Bokassa armv stand • ,eph°'l re¬ rioting. Bermuda, 670 miles capital of the Central African Empire. I Sundav i„ u*onll southeast of New York, has a V B,n«uh the I population of 55,000 - 33,000 blacks and 22,000 whites. PLO may not African ruler crowned By the ASSOCIATED PRESS The coronation took place in nation's entire attend Geneva Jean-Bedel Bokassa, an ex- Bangui's indoor sports stadium France gives the annual incoa sergeant in France's colonial in the presence of the members annual count,J army, placed a diamond- budget subsidy ofahP of the $36 million, but peace gathering studded, $5 million crown on his own head Sunday and pro¬ imperial family, the diplomatic corps, distinguished a refused to special contribution gl tol claimed cost of the himself Emperor guests and thousands of invited coronation. ■ TRIPOLI. Libya (AP) The The French Palestine Liberation Organiza¬ - Bokassa I of the Central citizens. been press, which I African Empire. A 101-gun imperial salute following tion, in an apparent reversal of boomed as Bokassa, the coronationpreparations! in i1" ■ ' its softening stand in the Mid¬ The coronation in standing in French Bangui, front of his two-ton bronze colony, lcw. dle East, on Sunday rejected Bokassa "invited" Geneva capital of the impoverished, throne — shaped like an eagle from all his contribut] any peace talks based landlocked former French col¬ with outspread wings — swore subjects. (L on current U.N. resolutions. a solemn oath to estimates put the annual 1 ony, was inspired by the 1804 uphold the The announcement, if carried Paris coronation of Bokassa's capita income here empire's constitution. at al out, would bring to an end a idol, Napoleon Bonaparte, who The stocky, bearded $160. _ emperor French sculptor and year long process of conciliation by the Palestinian leadership crowned himself emperor of donned his diamond-encrusted Olivier Birce desij after the guerrilla defeat in the France. Unlike the French em¬ sword, an ermine-trimmed designed* throne, crowns and carriaa peror, Bokassa was unable to scarlet mantle and Lebanese civil war. solemnly and stage get the pope to hand him the placed the imperial crown on managed virtJ The PLO announcement was his head. every detail of the coronatiJ made in connection with a accordance with He then turned to a smaller by Napoleon in Notre ceremony J "Resistance Summit" meeting. Tens of thousands of cheer¬ Da throne on one side of the red Cathedral on Dec. 2.1801.1 ing citizens lined the flag be¬ velvet dais and placed Yasir Arafat, over-all PLO another Bokassa, who served I decked streets of Bangui as leader, crown on the head of the was negotiating with Bokassa, 56, his No. 1 wife, years in the French army J APWirephoto Libyan women carry a portrait of Egypt's late the final session of the radical Arab summit con¬ delegations from five Arab Empress Catherine. 28, and kneeling empress, also wearing described Napoleon as President Gamal Nasser nations trying to form a "stead¬ a velvet mantle. "guide and inspiration." _ during a demonstration ference called to counter Egyptian President Anwar 2 year-old Crown Prince Jean fastness front" against Sadat's Sunday outside the People Palace in Tripoli before Sadat's Middle East peace initiative. drove to the ceremony in a Diplomatic sources estimated new emperor seized power 1 apparent willingness to make procession of carriages drawn Bokassa spent $30 million on virtually bloodless militl concessions unacceptable to bv white horses imported from coup on Dee. 31,1905, and I the ceremonies and the other Arabs. France. trap¬ ruled this nation of tv pings, about one fourth of his with an iron hand eve Want 0LDE a gift for lfofp your roommate? JAX COPYING IS THE Try an Olde World gift certificate!) Congress still stalled on energy plan LOWEST IN TOWN FOR QUALITY XEROX 9200 ■in amounts of your choice* WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress is still stalled on energy and abortion ments, but hopes to oct this week on pay¬ production of the plane. Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill said count showed the House would have a whip 3.75C COPIES. 3.75C To 2.0C Per Copy legislation to cancel the B-l bomber and agreed to that arrangement by only a specialists for resumes I dissertations to provide Christmas-shopping pay¬ 5-vote margin if it had come up on JAX COPYING checks for 240,000 federal workers. schedule last week. 54! e. grand river upper level There is some possibility of across from berkey above paramount becoming The longuage to cancel the final two news stalled on the B-l bomber as well if the B-l bombers is included in a $7.6 billion east lansing CALL 332-5500 House refuses to go BLOCK 1 M.A.C. along with an catch-all supplemental bill that also arrangement to cancel the last two B-l s. includes money for the Clinch River whose construction had been approved nuclear breeder reactor that President before Congress agreed to scrap future Carter wants scrapped. BASIC OUTLINES Your Private Tatar SUMMARIES OF READINGS AND IMPORTANT CONCEPTS FOR SELECTED COURSES UAW Josten's College Math: 108,109,111,112,113. hopes to pressure non-ERA states Jewelry Representative Will Be Here For DETROIT (UPI) — United Auto Workers non-ERA states will Statistics: 315 President Douglas A. Fraser help them examine has an¬ the issue fully and nounced that the UAW will not quickly and that it will conventions or major meetings in states hold lead to ERA passage," Fraser said. So far, 35 states have voted to Chem: 130,131,141. where the Equal Rights Amendment ratify has ERA. Three more are needed for the not been ratified. amendment to become part of the U.S. It is our hope that the additional pressure that this action places on the constitution. Physics: 237,238,239,287, 288,289. Milliken urges funds for communities Soc: 281,202,283,211,212,213. ASHLAND, G. Milliken Wis. (URI) — Gov. William sion, which provides economic devel¬ Nat Sci & Hum.- All three terms. urged the federal govern¬ opment grants for ment Friday to beef up funding to Michigan's 45 north¬ ernmost counties. Michigan s smaller Dec. 1, 2, 5 Milliken joined the communities. Minnesota and Wisconsin in governors of asking for Grants for Michigan totaling $339,752 community job-related projects at Clare, Crystal Falls, Quinnesec, Ros¬ TIME 10:00-4:00 All Basic College Waiver Notes Congress and the Carter administration PLACE to increase the annual appropriations of common and Glennie were approved MSI Bookstore the Upper Great during the commission's winter meeting Deluxe features available Now Available At Lakes Regional Commis¬ Friday. at no extra charge Student Book Storo •White Gold •Sunburst stones College Book Storo •Entrlistings .full Name Engraving And Gibsons took Storo (he Tenant act pending second front page By LAUREN BEALE Michigan tenants' rights may be more fully protected in the future under a House bill designed to questionable and unfair lease clauses. The problem with current lease according to a recent study by the Public laws, are," he stressed. According to statistics compiled by the center, and may not clarify what a landlord may Interest Research Group in Michigan 26^calls about lease questions were received in the last three months. legally include in a lease. (PIRGIM), is that The Truth and Fairness in they are scattered "When people call us," Ipcar explained, Monday. December 5, 1977 Renting Act, throughout different state statutes and "we tell them what their sponsored by State Rep. Mark Clodfelter, laws. Abusive lease clauses have options are D-Flint, outlaws over a dozen illegal, become a following up on it. We also call the attorney significant problem because there are few general for his judgment on the matter." legal deterrents. The Truth and Fairness in 72 PERCENT OF To determine how Renting Act WHITES UNCOMFORTABLE' widespread the prob¬ lem is in Michigan, PIRGIM 200 leases from 19 cities in search examined over will clarify many lease questions, according to bill sponsor Clodfelter. The bill got its of illegal, name because it relates to truth on the part unenforceable or abusive clauses. Out of 101 of the landlord and fairness of those leases examined concerning )etroit for Ingham clauses for which no rights integration County, only one lease was found which did currently exist. "The bill deals with three !y 8Unds types of lease slight '1 front not contain an progress lay objectionable clause. The clauses," Clodfelter explained. ln B»ngui, the remainder of the leases averaged 5.4 clauses are those which court would "Illegal a rule objectionable clauses per lease. illegal. By JANET HALFMANN their homes, while Some clauses found which would be many of the blacks who computers, he added. For the second State News Staff Writer desire to enter mixed areas been black in 1970, not prohibited under the bill, include: tenants type, questionable claus¬ move in — a just 11 families, he es, there is no final test but ,nd United Press International process which is said. waiving their right to a jury trial; the they would probably abetted by real Finally, legislation must also be enacted probably not be enforceable in court. The vned (Iy little progress has been made in trating neighborhoods in the Detroit during the past 10 years, according to estate practices." According to MSU associate professor in the Department of Urban and which would contingent on ensure where that loans were not a person planned to Darden agreed that neighborhood inte¬ gration is a racial rather than a class tenant having to assume all legal costs and attorney fees of the landlord in a dispute between the two parties; acceleration of third type includes legal clauses which are enforceable but which are considered Metropolitan move, he said. abusive or unfair." rental payment if a breach of lease s entire annual iniofl Icent survey by the University of Studies Joe T. Darden, manipulation by problem. and altering a term of the rental occurs; Rives the «,untr inn Population Study Center. real estate agents may be the primary The Director of the U-M Population agreement The fine for landlords convicted of budget subsidy ol at [survey showed that the majority of reason why stable racial Center, Reynolds Farley, said economics The survey's conclusions seem to be without consent of the tenant. integration in violating the act will be that they must pay lion, but refused respondents would prefer to live in housing does not take place. has little to do with neighborhood supported by U.S. Census Bureau figures The Tenants Resource Center for the tenants' court costs or three months to,, integra¬ (TRC), 855 ml contribution t„ [borhoods split evenly along racial "Real estate brokers still tend to have tion. which show Detroit's black population has Grove St.. East Lansing, tries to help rent, whichever is greater, the hill states. the coronation, However, 72 percent of whites said two separate house grown from 44 to 55 percent since 1970, inform tenants of their "We tried to pick a reasonable amount to market listings for If integration based rights, center b'rench press, which would be uncomfortable in such a whites and non-whites," Darden said. were solely on family while the black population in its surround¬ director Charles Ipcar explained. be implemented," Clodfelter said. "But we income, 12 percent of the population of the llowing preparation: iborhood and 40 percent said they Brokers exploit the myth still held border suburb of Southfield would have ing suburbs has remained stable at about "If people can bargain freely for rental wanted the sum large enough so that it ronation in this f0, d move out. by four percent. conditions they should know what the limits many whites that property values will (continued on page 91 colony, repot ough a majority of whites indicated decline if non whites move into an area, he » invited" rontribut would tolerate a small degree of continued. In a closed market 'II his subjects. ) system, real ration, the survey concluded that such estate brokers can charge both groups fs put the annual sil mixture was hard to accomplish, higher prices, he said. By CHRIS KUCZYNSKI you have a legal document that's spelled Zolton Ferency, associate professor of income here at ah itea few blacks enter a largely white Darden recommended a State News Staff Writer out." four-point plan to criminal justice, said it is important to look il becomes defined as a neighborhood create The virtues and vices of collective Fred Home, professor and associate an open housing market which he at the economic realities of a crisis rgoing transition," the report said, said would lead to an even distribution of bargaining were discussed at Thursday chairperson of the chemistry department, situation. uy whites feel uncomfortable and sell non-whites in all areas. night's meeting of the MSU chapter of the questioned the need for a collective "If you have economic retraints and if the American Association of University Profes¬ bargain¬ "In an open housing market, there ing unit at MSU. budget must be cut, then ultimatelv, sors (AAUP). wouldn't be any places for whites to Home said MSU already has escape David Shantz, national AAUP vice-presi¬ good someone has to be let out. It's a mathema tate News to, so they would stay where explained. they are," he First, open housing legislation must be Collective dent, summarized his experiences with the the seven local AAUP members procedures and it is clear who has tenure. tical fact," Ferency said. "Ultimately, "Why should we adopt collective bargain someone has to suffer." bargaining unit at Oakland University to ing procedures if they are not any better Shantz said that if a department tollapses enacted which would revoke the licenses of attending than the ones we already have?" Home provisions in a previously agreed upon the meeting. asked. real estate agents found contract will help soften the blow on guilty of discrim¬ Shantz said one of the benefits of cks officers bargaining Shantz said that in a crisis situation, affected faculty members. ination. Darden said. collective bargaining is that the faculty has "Affected faculty members ran be given a Then, white real estate brokers must be a legal arrangement with the University procedures that are not legally binding may made to stop discriminating against non- regarding relations between administrators break down. He cited a hypothetical year's notice before they are severed, or and faculty members. situation in which a department of a those faculty members can be reassigned * State News Board of Directors white brokers, he said. In the past, into other deparments," Shantz said. Frank Blatt, local AAUP president, university collapses. With a legal document, discussed w officers for 1978 at its monthly non-whites have been kept out of the real Shantz said, faculty members in the defunct Ferency asked what role the student ig Friday in the Union. estate brokers' multi-listing organization by questioned whether the rules currently in hand the requirement that new members must the faculty handbook are not department would have to be absorbed in body would have in bargaining negoti >n ever sine lin D. Molloy, a professor in the already legally another area of the ations. irtment of Social Science, named be recommended by three binding. univeristy. was people already in Shantz replied that at Oakland Univer ident. the organization, he said. "Speaking from experience, I think the "I'm not saying that in a non-collective sity, students are faculty over rates how binding the rules are bargaining situation you would not be able are not as involved primarily commuters and rol A. Lorah, a sophomore in tele- An information system should be avail¬ with the university munication, was elected vice-president, in the faculty rule book," Shantz said. to deal with able through which the availability of a crisis," Shantz said. "But if government as at MSU. "The legal safeguards in faculty rule Cheryl A. Kilborn, a journalism housing would be made known to everyone you have a legal document, it forces you to "If students had a specific proposal at books are ambiguous. One feature of a mior, is the ) new secretary- in the area, Darden said. Such a system grapple with issues in detail before a crisis Oakland University, they could present collective bargaining arrangement is that situation happens." could easily be set up by means of (continued on page 91 ate? v- ificatel Story by Pete Bronson Photos by Lyn A. Hawes Slew milker invented _ii students at registration, they stand patiently in computer-numbered lines twice a K." 4 a.m. and 3 p.m. are pushed, prodded and cajoled to take their turn on a rubber and steel suction as known as an "automatic take-off milking machine." days a week, for eight months of every year, bovine number 65 and all her friends at the MSU Teaching and Research Center Dairy Barns are milked by its and staff milking parlor veterans like Walt Flamme. — ■ "•en 1 started, we milked'em three times a day and carried all of the milk by hand. We different breeds of cows then, and the dairy bar was on campus where Shaw Hall is •lute haired, ™ years ruddy-cheeked Flamme said. at MSU, Flamme has milked more than 27,000 cows. With the relocation of I®'!' hams to College Road south of campus, he has seen many improvements in the operation. • latest advance is a new milking machine which knows when a cow is finished being ■b Jn(J automatically removes itself from the cow's udders. tv.eloM at MSU. the patented machine is a labor saver in the milking process. The Tb,rns have installed 16 of the units at a cost of $1,200 each, manager Doug Lindsey purpose here is totally research and teaching, but we still produce about 600 gallons Per day. We have about 40 research projects going each year and the new milking is a big help," Lindsey said. Dtes . use the unit measures the amount of milk said he can given by each cow each time it is milked, study the effects of various feed additives on milk production, fcn du'"K al1 kinds of different studies. In one barn, the lights are left on 16 hours a K l0»l Ihe cows into thinking it is spring or summer. We have found the cows from this llil»,e hten Producing 10 percent more milk," Linsey said. L o'rasthcBOs, Lindsey said, all of the milk consumed on campus came from his dairy it °,!t.cins- "But the campus got a hell of a lot bigger and we didn't," he said. Il""'asionally give milk to the dairy store on campus, but we sell most of our milk ■JlIul' ™ Lansing which retails it to the public," he said, PlE! llairy Burn owns more than 300 head of cattle, Lindsey said only about 100 trt?0 "nmonths any given day since many of the cattle are calves or are "on vacation. of the year, each cow goes on vacation. They just sleep and eat, he VIEWPOINT: LEGAL SERVICES Vindicating Warner Ken Smith unqualified, student board In dismissing the case against Dale Warner, Ingham County Circuit Court Judge James T. Kallman likened the four and one-quarter years of legal maneuvering to "Ulysses'journey home from the Trojan Wars." In this case, Ulysses is Dale Warner, former state representative By SCOTT SCHREIBER At the ASMSU meeting of Nov. 22, I voted against the ASMSU. unfal from Eaton County; his war, the battle to be proven innocent on charges A rough draft of this program was introduced to the student of alleged heroin possession and use. appointment of Ken Smith as senior attorney for the legal services board last spring. The day after its introduction I talked with Ken program. My reasons were none that emerged out of any Today Ingham County prosecutor Peter Houk will announce whether conspiracy Smith has falsely linked me with, but resulted from Smith and he informed me that he felt the program "was he intends to appeal Kallman's decision to the state Court of Appeals. personal experiences I've had aa a legal services staff member and unnecessary," and he had no desire to serve as senior attorney if offered the position. Smith did not dispute these facts when I We urge him to reject this option because the facts of the case do not as an ASMSU Student Board member with Ken Smith. reiterated them at the ASMSU meeting at which he was hired. merit Warner's further harassment. First of all, this expanded legal services program was a response to the inadequate legal aid ASMSU was In an article in the State News, Smith was quoted as In August 1973 police entered a room at Lansing's Motel 6 and providing through legal saying he services while Ken Smith was our would not attempt to sue the University on behalf of students. arrested the then-Republican representative, without a warrant, for visiting attorney one afternoon a week. Under the old plan, students paid Smith $3.60 for 16 Two days later he denied ever saying this. Smith felt there was possession and use of heroin. But a raft of evidence — including minutes of consultation to discuss the student's legal problems. need for the program last spring, but strangely enough the no testimony and sworn affidavits obtained by the State News — indicate Smith would represent the student in court if the student asked designed the new expanded program that woSdT eliminate the that Warner was the apparent target of a concerted effort at harassment him to, and Smith recently acknowledged that 30 percent of his consultation and replace Smith with a full time pre-paid lawyer present practice was derived from this type of arrangement. who would represent students in court when by the Tri County Metro Narcotics Squad, the Michigan State Police and Needless to say, Smith felt the old necessary. Funding plan was sufficient for 45,000 for this program was provided through the ASMSU tax the former administration of the Ingham County prosecutor's office. students. Student cabinet directors thought otherwise and assessed on each student. The reason Warner was singled out by certain vigilantes of the law enforcement community seems obvious. As a representative from 1966 to 1974, Warner was instrumental in liberalizing Michigan drug laws. ... I think it's a disgrace . . . that tha student board inter¬ But Warner's four-year struggle with the law seems over. Judge viewed Ken Smith and no one else. Kallman dismissed the case against Warner Friday on grounds that a speedy trial was denied him. The judge concluded that Warner "has been forced to endure an inexplicable delay... this delay has resulted in student hoard hired him as senior attorney. I opposed his I agree wholeheartedly with the State News editorial calling the unavailability of a witness and has caused the defendant irreparable appointment because I felt Smith's established relationships with many members of the student board Kent local lawyers and the University would inhibit him from Berry's "pawns," snd as filing suit a board member I am often harm to his public career and private life." Indeed, Warner did not seek ashamed of the decisions we resch. I i behalf of students reelection in 1974 due, at least in part, to the unfavorable publicity against these individuals. think students are being ripped off by this narrow-minded student government and I think it's a disgrace to the 99 other surrounding the case; he now lives in San Francisco. Furthermore, I felt the program called for an aggressive, applicants, The circumstances surrounding Warner's arrest and the legal enthusiastic, trustworthy lawyer who felt there was a real need for the type of progressive program I envisioned. Ken Smith was a as well as the students of interviewed Ken Smith and no one else. MSU, that the student board DGUSIOtf proceedings which followed were, at best, shady and shaky examples of far cry from this type of individual in I urge students to follow my lead and withdraw support of this American jurisprudence. No need exists for carrying out this years-long my eyes, and I felt the unfair government by students deserved someone better qualified. And now, one week requesting a refund on their $2.60 ASMSU tax Winter Term. charade further by tying up more time and funds in a clearly after he was hired, Smith hasn't even moved into his new office in unnecessary appeal, one which would surely prove fruitless. Student Services. As of November 30, all students got is another Schrelber Is the ASMSU Student Board representative from Ihe 15 minutes — but yet Smith's salary is $20,000 a year through Arts and Letters. College of Wiretap bill unjust The Narcotic Investigate Assistance Act, approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, has opened the door to a flood of civil liberties violations through broadening circumstances under which wiretapping may be used to gather evidence in narcotics investigations. The measure would permit wiretapping by law enforcement excusing tragic deaths. Laws and hunting thgir parents did. Denying them birth Free speech personnel upon application by the attorney general's office to a panel of classes should be stronger. In almost sport there are a few who ruin it with every control information will not stop them from having sex. I inferred from the viewpoint Barry owes monel appeal court judges provided that vague conditions are met. These Last abuse. Hunters are not as barbaric as the that the writer believes that Francine include showing "probable cause" to believe major Wednesday evening I attended the writer makes them out to be. drug violations are symposium "Energy and Society" pre¬ Hughes' husband was only acting according Re: the proposal to reimburxl being committed and the determination that normal investigative sented at the MSU Auditorium. During Dr. Deborah Carron to his upbringing — a convenient excuse for ASMSU president for services n procedures will not be fruitful. Barry Commoner's formal comments an 242 Cedar Street #7 an overblown and violent male ego. Abor¬ Rather than paying the ASMSU individual in the audience stood up to take East Lansing tion is a touchy subject — does the writer pi Opposition to government wiretapping is not synonymous with offer her home to all those children not flat rate of $750 a term, as issue with Commoner's view. This action favoring trafficking in heroin and other hard narcotics. The benefits of met immediately with harsh, intimi¬ wanted by their parents or who were proposed, I would suggest a more .T permitting eavesdropping must be weighed against the risk of civil of salary determination. A liberties in evaluating such a drastic step to combat it. dating actions from Commoner and Dr. Walter Adams, the moderator. These Illogical fears conceived as a result of rape or incest? manner formula would be devised making co, Further, if the writer thinks I best be amount paid to the president each terj In our opinion, the idea of comments ranged from "You will not can eavesdropping by government directly With respect to last Tuesday's viewpoint fulfilled by removing myself from the on the good he has done for students J violates the guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure interrupt me!" to "Sit down! Just sit down!" by Eileen F. Leite: Just what is the writer the term. I calculate than on that basil mainstream of society and limiting myself provided by the Fourth Amendment, and is antithetical to the concept of Although I didn't feel this was an trying to say? to the sterile confines of the home, she can Barry now owes ASMSU approxil a fundamental I think the writer is equating the ERA $2,000. right to privacy in a free society. appropriate time to raise questions, this with the dissolution of the traditional family BAG IT. There are better things for me to We strongly oppose any erosion of such person was treated rashly and without due do in life. rights, by statute or court structure. This is inaccurate and based on Barbara Grabowski decision. respect. It appears to me that Dr. Commoner, illogical fears, not fact. 203 Cedar St. The act also raises the spector of conflict of interest a distinguished author and Teenagers have sex for the by providing for a expert on energy issues, could have dealt same reasons East Lansing panel of appellate judges who would rule on wiretapping requests. If a with this individual in an objective and defendant was convicted on the basis of evidence thus obtained and mature manner. Dr. Walter Adams, the the conviction could conceivably bring his or her case before the moderator for this symposium and an Court of Appeals for review, it would be the height of impropriety for the same nomics professor at MSU disappointed DOONESBURY with his emotional and unprofessional by Garry Tru judges who approved the wiretapping in the first place to rule on such a conviction. subsequently reaction to the situation. take it easy net, we wtjHimsm, cajwHow mi,weti sermr It is certain that information not dismayed and ashamed of the HK£l THISISffT OUR BOOZE , DM6! SOW/WD FORME, Will pertinent to the investigation in j and lack of creativity I A FIFTIES REV! - progress will be forever recorded, thus furthering displayed by INVeSIX- D0M6! OUT! YOU, PLEASE, The best interests of the "big brotherism." these men in dealing with this situation. VALfMrfi 7125,750, iOU people of the state of Michigan lies in \ WOW! safeguarding their constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties. If these prominent individuals cannot facilitate constructive interaction of ideas, politely channel questions to a more appropriate time, they are stifling the same Pretoria's stonewall freedom of speech which enables them to express their views. How can our society begin to tackle the multiple problems we ire faced with if an individual expressing a South Africa's inquest into the death of black civil 'iewpoint is not allowed to be heard? Biko has been rights leader Steve Susan Lynn Mitchell proven,predictably, a charade. The stonewall which the Lansing Pretoria government - in collaboration with the African judicial system — erected to absolve itself of police and the South any guilt in the Biko matter is as transparent as it is tragic. Biko died of a massive head injury while in police custody. Until Hunting defended irrefutable medical evidence surfaced to prove otherwise, the Pretoria IRA ELLIOTT regime insisted that Biko died of a hunger strike. Under The image I was left with after reading pressure of the letter "Hunting brutal" in last world opinion and Biko's widow, South Africa Monday's commenced an State News was of a person who allows her investigation into circumstances surrounding Biko's death. emotions to override reality. After weeks of testimony clear that was a by doctors and security officers, it became Biko — who was shackled and victim of physical violence and received attention once his injury occurred. Yet the kept naked while in custody — only minimal medical I agree wholeheartedly with some of what was said. The deaths that because of the sport occur Mercy Mercy Mercy me unnecessary, sad and over the magistrate who presided gruesome. The loss of life in any inquest has decided, in effect, that no one is responsible for particularly by a gun, is agonizing to live way, Bikos death. with. However, the writer got off the track Here I am, Lash, and see where they put you when This shabby verdict will after leaving the subject of human you've been from harrassing columnists, is deciding what goes on give South Africa's security forces the green deaths. away for awhile? How soon they forget. And, believe it or not, I've light to detain and murder black citizens on any pretext they choose to been away on a self-assigned project. Yes, I have been page — made it the lead story in the paper. She always a is Let's acknowledge the large number of fine sense of humor. concoct. The portents are ominous: Prior to the verdict, police arrested , ,J conscientious hunters who, contrary to the researching a topic, the results of which will appear either The top story of Thursday past reported that the — without comment Biko's brother, cousin, and 13 others. Thursday or the first thing next term. 1 — writer's placement of them in the Student Board president (at present a thoroughly of "insensitive brutes," are category So here I am, the last week of publication for fall term, out of unhkabiej very sensitive to the closet - in some ways I wish those SN editors would have man named Kent Barry) and comptroller be paid. W nature and life. With my money. With your money. With all our money. >0 thrown the key away. (Do you remember the movie, Go Ask large joke considering the ASMSU Student Board is, a'"! Not only do these hunters engage in the Alice, where Alice was babysitting and unknowingly had her soda mish mash of trivial laced with acid? She became frightened that she'd do politics in a circus-like atmosphere, g sport to shoot deer, but many more do so something by for the pure enjoyment of to the baby, so she locked herself in the closet which, in her state some of the biggest nurds and clowns you could ev sitting in the cold set eyes on. ,. „J to enjoy a of highness, soon becaine an ugly coffin.) God-given country. There the RHA representative Bob Vatter, who proposed this ■ Monday. December hunter can feast his eyes on the The other day I was interviewed over the phone Editorials 5, 1977 wooded land beauty of a not a piece of meat, as some telecommunications student who, at one point, asked me if I was by a said if students want a full-time president, then they II have* the opinions of the State News. for one. Well, in God's name, who the hell wants J — ore and letters Viewpoints, columns like to believe. for real. I said that was for him — the reader to decide, adding are personal opinions. — president? In my mind, he causes quite enough ■ that what comes out of this typewriter often is as foreign to Ira Editorial Department There seems to be a pre-conceived part-time president. iu_ image Elliott Person as it would be to the average Chinaman in China. The idea of PAYING the ASMSU president to dew' , . Editor-in-chief Michoel Tonimura Photo Editor of hunters. Not all of them are wealthy, The relation of Person to Columnist Man to Author \ Managing Edifor Richord Politowski is a time to screwing-up everything in his path is lu — Opinion Editor Kot Brown Entertainment and Booh Edit ' suburban dwellers with new guns, killing subject for analysis far too weighty for my mind. - J Dove Misiolowski Kothy Esselman for blood. They're from refuse to believe it can happen here. Please, show m ■ Special Projects Editor Sports Editor Tom Shanahon every walk of life. Am I for real? A good question; the best my interviewer asked. HAPPEN HERE! Can it? ■... Debbie Wolfe City Editor Layout Editor Rebecca A Perry Perhaps we should be more aware of the In fact, a pretty good question when my mother used to pose it on Joe Scales Copy Chief Show some mercy. Mercy mercy mercy mercy Campus Editor RenoldoMigoldi many who shoot a deer and use it for their a regular basis. She rarely asks me anymore, so either she Wire Editor Ann© Stuart Freelance Editor Michael Winter meat has mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy Jocelyn Laskowski Staff Representative supply, hoping to save money. Many answered it herself or decided that my responses — whatever NunzioM. Lupo of these people — families on low-level mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy they may have been - were entirely unsatisfactory. mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy Advertising Department income or even college students — find I read a very funny item in last Thursday's paper. It wa so Adv.rH.tng Monog»r meat very expensive. mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy merc? ^horon Seller Mmlon, Adverting Manager funny. In fact, that the managing editor - whose main job, aside mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy I'm not defending careless hunters or Monday, December 5, 1977 5 'YOU'VE GOT TO BE CRAZY' — CHAMPION Rosco Clown' the likes «'i gy KY OWEN just great, making peo- known as "Rosco the He is one of Clown." seventy-five pro¬ full-time job - it's more or less "I believe comedy or clown¬ making people lough However, he is better accept¬ fessional clowns in the a hobby." "Some college kids and older a.Dy.I»uldn,t«owithout Lansing Parades, banquets, conven¬ ing is something that can be ed when he does funny things in features painted on. colorful, Champion said. .Zi MSU student Ross and has been in the people are hard to clown for The tramp or hobo clown, the area, tions, day care centers and funny without hurting anybody make-up. When he is not in because Champion is serious about his business for two years. they're afraid to open Upion in explanation of birthday parties are a few of physically or mentally," Cham¬ makeup, "people think I'm up and laugh and enjoy them¬ type portrayed by Champion, is clowning, but doesn't take his ly he e»j°y» clownm« "I've always wanted to clown — I've been be a the places Champion's painted pion said. For instance, he said, he has done stunts such as crazy," he explained. selves for fear that their peers the sad clown, who never has anything work out for him. This clowning seriously. clowning as Roscoe face can be found. He "I'm a firm believer that you will look down on them and "Clowning is just a helluva ipion, a second-year long said. as I can remember," he also does "impromptu clown¬ pouring a glass of water over don't put on a costume to hide think they're being childiah." clown usually has a three-day old beard and is not very lot of fun," "Rosco the Clown" Vjpe architecture student ing" around campus. his head while talking to some¬ behind. That's phony," he con¬ A graduate of a said. ™7Mt. Clemens, is also "But I am not a clown for a Champion often one. However, he added, this tinued. class at Lansing clowning travels in would not be funny if he did it Community costume sometimes stopping to someone else. Contrary to what some peo¬ College last year, Champion traffic in uncongested residen¬ ple may believe, clowning is not plans on enrolling in another There is more to Council to vote tial areas. In restaurants, he performs "spoof clowning", us¬ ing balloon magic, juggling, wearing a clowning than painting your face and costume, he added. "You can't be a clown if easy work, he said. Clowning is very hard, "be¬ cause you're entertaining peo¬ this year. After course. taking the second Champion said he will sight gags, generally making can't have fun without make¬ you ple, and they do not always apply for admission to the want to be fun out of whatever is available. Ringling Brothers Clown Col¬ alteration of up," he said. entertained," he explained. >n lege in Florida. Competition is stiff - only 45 of the 4,000 applicants annually are accept¬ ed. He said he wants to go "just iearch process for the experience." The first course teaches stu¬ dents how to be a good clown, the history of clowning, clown JVC builds in make-up and costume, juggling, |Presentation and discussion ByPAMWEAR State New. Staff Writer of amendments to the MSU magic, and balloon tricks, said Champion. The advanced what the others idential search and selection proposal are scheduled for the tmic Council meeting Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the International »'s Con Con Room. course, year, which he will take this teaches students how to perform complete clown shows. leave out. Kie document, prepared by a special ad hoc committee of the Both classes are taught by Kuril, was introduced and discussed at last week's meeting. "Circles", alias Bob Lockwood, Etademic council members were instructed to submit sugges- a well-known Lansing clown. (or amendments in writing to the ad hoc committee members There are two categories of JlJre Tuesday's meeting. Proposals will also be accepted during clowning, Champion said street and circus. — I meeting Tuesday. jd hoc committee members plan to move that the Academic Street clowning, which is jicil adopt the document Tuesday, according to Gwen Norrell, Champion's specialty, involves the audience in the act. tirperson of the council's steering committee and a member of Circus clowning is a "show JVC's three new top-of-the-line ers feature the exclusive S E A. rece Cad hoc committee. 5-zo graphic equalizer system to give y seen from a distance," he JVC S300 II AM/FM Stereo Receive Jllthe council votes to accept the document, it will be submitted llhe MSU Board of Trustees at its monthly meeting Thursday explained, with clowns riding Id Friday. elephants and doing skits. JVC S600 II AM/FM Stereo Receiver. ■Norrell said the ad hoc committee had received few proposed According to Champion, JVC's best 120 watts/ch. mm RMS odments in writing from academic council members, there are also three basic types 8 ohms. 20-20,000 Hz. with no more JVC S200 II AM/FM Stereo Receiver. .ae amendment suggested that the chairperson of the search of clowns: white-faced, than 0 08°o total harmonic distortion august, Exclusive SE A. graphic equalizer 5 |j selection committee be a faculty member chosen by other and tramp. /on the committee. The document currently states that the White-faced clowns have a JVC S400 II AM/FM Stereo Receiver. JVC S100 II AM/FM Stereo Receiver es will choose the committee's chairperson, white face with facial features Everything you want in a receiver. Ex¬ stipulating only clusive SEA. 20 watts/ch mm RMS 8 onms -Jfi t the chairperson must be a committee member. painted on, he explained. This graphic equalizer 80 20,000 Hz. with nn rt - ft r 0 5 watts/ch mm. RMS. 8 ohms. 20-20.000 is usually the main character of Jfitulty members who commented on the document at the Nov. ADD ANY OF THESE GREAT JVC COMPONENTS f meeting were in favor of such an amendment, contending that T irustees should not have the amount of control over the a show, who bosses other clowns around and throws TO A JVC RECEIVER FOR AN UNBEATABLE SYSTEM pies. lesidential search and selection process suggested in the The "august" clown usually iiment. gets the pie and is a bumbling releasor of labor and industrial relations, Jack Stieber, one of character who is always in ik speaking out on the issue at the Nov. 29 meeting, submitted trouble, Champion continued. t amendment and others in writing to the ad hoc committee. He has a flesh face with ■Stieber said Sunday he did not suggest the change because he JVC KD-35 Cassette Deck with Dolby. JVC KD-S200 II Cassette Deck lough the Board of Trustees would not choose a faculty member Exclusive Sen-Alloy head. 5 LED peak I the committee chairperson. He said he just felt it was more CANCUN level indicators. Bias/EQ switches Auto-stop. Connect Roper for a committee's chairperson to be chosen by its members. ■Another amendment suggested by Stieber was that the final list Direct From ■recomended presidential candidates submitted to the Board of photo by Ky Owen Hubbard Hall clown Ross Champion brushes his Lansing Tustees contain no more than three names. The document up - technique while Is that the list must consist of at least five relaxing at his dormitory. DM. 17-M,1*77 names. lllege course A Soup You Can't Refuse house of wong SERVED Oriental Grocery pches basics HOT AND DELICIOUS and Frozen Food JVC JL-F50 Fully Automatic Direct- Drive Turntable. Up front controls for operation with dust cover closed. Au pORRS, Conn. (AP) - The Jewelry & Art tomatic lead-in. return and shutoff sity of Connecticut is SICILIAN Pre-Christmas One thru six replays, or continuous Speed control. Anti-skate 2 speeds jrse in how to Gift Sale Base & dust cover it a simple English sen¬ 10-40% off JVC SK 1000 3-Way Speaker System. SUNDAY Dec. 1-31 st. New Phase ile can't continue to award Moire technology Solid bass blend with smooth midrange and 519 W. Grand River qe credit to functional illit- i," said Herbert Lederer, 332-9451 fcfessor of German, after | three-credit course was id by the Faculty Senate, k professor objected that SOUP MONEY for Education or Job Training jvc Your resume should suit your profession. "HELPING PEOPLE. Is shouldn't get college i lor material they should Whether you're in Business Management may be able to HELP YOU ki kiraed ir grade school, or Liberal Arts, Insty-Prints can help you find out HOW like course will concentrate Available al the:ie lor detailed information: send design the right resume. JVC Spotlight dealers f eliminating Is, sentence frag- (to •3 TODAY cover cotti of moiling I handling) HI Fl BUYS4810 W. Saginaw, run-on sentences, incor- Lansing • 613 S. Main ! along with your name and Street, Ann Arbor • 1101 E. Grandnver, East Lans¬ verb-subject agreements address to: II other basic problems. ing • 929 Northwest Avenue. Jackson * DISC SHOP HELPING PEOPLE... INC. Wihool officials determined 323 E. GRAND RIVER AVE., EAST LANSING. P.O. BOX 4144 we can! p 225 of the university's yes ' INDUSTRIAL STATION in have trouble writing ST. PAUL, MINN. 55104 ijuple sentence. The course f be mandatory for those i whose test scores insty-prints Hobie's to they cannot pass the Groucho ih department's 489-3303 3217051 409-3511 990 Trowbridqa E. Lansing required 882-1104 109 E Allegan L.nsmg| " in English course. 1456 E MicM|H 3205 S. Cedar 4300 8, Saginaw 123 S. Wsshiittai Soon toOpen Saginaw A WaverTy- THE 'GOODBYE ^ on BLUES' SALE Groucho. Who else could do him justice.' Sunday thru Wednesday The one and only Groucho SELECT JEANS from $15-22' has brought you 86 years of his fondest memories—in hundreds ow $Q ^ 95 « of photos and drawings. In post¬ ers and Si SELECT CORDS' playbills. In his zaniest writings and routines. And in 95 THE H0TMUD FAMILY o*8. and *10.", hilarious scenes with Chico, Harpo and Zeppo. OLOHME. BUIEGRflSS AND COUNTRY MUSIC For Groucho, this was a per¬ sonal collection. For Groucho oil other jeons 10% oil the c lovers, it's a collector's item. Now in paperback from Underground 224 Abbott 351-2285 403 E. GRAND RIVER mate box SciKET BOOKS i W _• . v -1 i t « - ^JVSpji - W mtV m : f ,,:w JjBi 1 ^ 3 'jLat 1 * .v jni rww&t* I'llr- Perhaps folk artist Charlie Hewes continues to Hewes painted at the Cedar Street Pumping Stl paint rainbows (left), but at least memories of him tion during the live on. A goose and a rooster are the best- graveyard shift, using little bottl« of enamel from the preserved remains (above) of the elaborate mural five-and-dime. Midnight artistry captures life The works of Charlie ^ewes, this area's in the class. By that time his own style had into someone who had remembered rei only true "underground" artist, are finally been developed and he found the course too achieving the recognition they deserve. something about a guy who had pai modernistic with not enough attention on Lansing s sewers. ™ detailed work. Hewes' canvases the MacDowell found the were concrete It is ironic that Charlie couldn't find story had pillars and walls in the basement of the changed a little in the retelling, but aha Cedar Street anything of value at MSU, and now, 20 able to learn about Charlie Pumping Station, a place as years later, MSU is finding value in was in the nick of and his worl dank and foul as anyone could imagine. Charlie's work. time, too, since the n Charlie spent so Marsha MacDowell, a researcher on many lonely nil Hewes, born in 1894, worked for the working on had to be destroyed Cedar Street Pumping Station from 1932 Michigan folk art for the MSU museum, has summer when the station installed a until 1961. Eighteen of those years were been documenting Charlie's work and pump. events in his life for over a spent on a swing shift, a shift that included year now. Luckily, MacDowell was able to two midnight-to-morning watches a week. MacDowell and the museum learned of many pictures of the mural before Charlie's work almost by accident. In her demise, so his work is gone but It was on this graveyard shift, when he travels around the state, MacDowell ran forgotten. was the sole person in the station, that Charlie's creativity surfaced. Alone in the (Tntcc a painttr.pwiausapsmt clanging, dripping, musty basement, he would paint for 45 minutes, then 15 to make his rounds and check the meters. pause for It takes a special kind of man to volunteer Until fb. .* for the solitude of the graveyard shift and then turn those lonely hours into for the enjoyment of his fellow Charlie Hewes was that something workers, and ^IimtftcghaUB a 10%, special kind of man. "He was a real nut. He would do any darn thing to get people to look his way and laugh," according to Fred Krause, Charlie's fellow worker for 20 years. lip gouber, painting. "He was a great practical joker, the best I've ever known. But he was the kind of guy that no matter what he said or did you just couldn't stay mad at him," Krause said. fainting, tautmu^ Charlie's paintings were done with little bottles of enamel paint that he would pick up at the five-and-dime on his way to work. His work was very colorful, somewhat like circus posters yet with religious overtones. |nM%. His greatest feat was the mural he painted on a wall about 10 feet by 30 feet. The mural was a collection of images that seemed to be done to provide his co-work¬ ers a little delight. One scene was of Popeye sitting on a throne with a squirrel perched on his arm and a turkey sitting at his feet. Two naked, smiling dancing girls perform to Popeye's obvious enjoyment. t Cash Charlie would sometimes use his creativ¬ ity for elaborate practical jokes. Fred Krause told a story about a time Charlie wanted to scare the "daylights" out of his foreman. Charlie spent all one night wrapping strips of asbestos around some pipes in the pumphouse basement until the shape of a man's head took form. He then painted the face so it took on a garish Mardi Gras-type look. "That foreman got the hell scared out of him when he came walking down the stairs the next morning," Krause laughingly remembered. A slice of life at the pumping Charlie's work was not limited to base¬ station ment walls. He also would paint on blank ^ (right) was drawn by Hewes in the official pumphouse pages in the official station logbook. Charlie logbook that Hewes dubbed the called them the Cedar Street Archives and Cedar Street Archives. would paint scenes in them commemorating special people and events of the station. The drawings were always very colorful with much attention to detail. Most of the pictures were full of action, giving a chaotic impression of the station, and most were accompanied by humorous little poems. Charlie would also illustrate envelopes that he used for sending letters to his daughter in Arizona. The detailed pictures and gothic script were done with painstak¬ ing care and are a good example of the joy Text by Kim Shanah an Charlie got in bringing joy to others. SfA/Ct/ Charlie enrolled in an art class at MSU ~7}'rr,£-//tT M/lff T, Photos by Kay McKeever J, //>vt£- 7i once back in the 50s but only last six weeks /?*'/>rtX mtp-To Qo/vvto-sr, Morn/We H, 7+"*r f?our/Wr /> ntri/frrsE ja,, ^^flonStoteNtws, gotf Lansing, Michigan Monday, December 5, 1977 7 lumanities professor traces » AMERICA'S CUP family - IS MORE THAN GREAT FOOD AND BEAUTIFUL jack 1500 years to royalty, DECOR rogues The atmosphere is vibrant and alive, like the excitement "> of yacht racing, reminiscent kitcablson tanica," he said. „ Ln Gilbert and Sullivan Kibout "tbe sisters and the When Druse discovered his aunt was a member of the that tury counterfeiter and who married a woman a man who later murdered him. The rogues are he said. To help others trace their size from 10 members at inception to over 200 amateur its lack of participation. - 4 i of lingering palm-filled sun¬ sets. It's bright and contemp¬ T, who were reckoned up Daughters of the American more than balanced family trees, Druse founded a genealogists. An on campus "Students hesitate to commit orary, and yet warm and aged, Jans," Ibey were probably Revolution, which requires a ever, by three or four out, how¬ local genealogical society 10 genealogical club formed during themselves to formal groups like a Bombay steamer's I,, about someone like printed lineage of all its mem¬ royal lines years ago, which has grown in the mid-60s has died out binnacle. For a quick lunch, traced back nearly 1500 due to because of the time commitment 2 Druse, MSU professor bers, he began to investigate his years. or a leisurely drink over a own family ties. involved," Druse said. He said •unities, Though his research has tak¬ he has helped individual stu¬ game of backgammon, you'll |,e first became inter- His research over the en him from the Arts, crafts „ G,ith genealogy over 50 C ieo, Druse has tracked years has yielded a wealth information and an past 50 of Newberry Library in Chicago to English parish churches, a lot of genea¬ on sale dents with genealogical re¬ search in the past and a number find it all at America's Cup. astonishing of students attend the local „ between 700 and 800 number of relatives. Druse logical research can be done in society's meetings as well. -tors and family members. ■J', been fun because I've publishes a letter on the Ball quarterly news¬ family for the Lansing, Druse said. The MSU Library has a wealth of relevant to aid world peace "I enjoy helping people re¬ J, friends out of all these relations on his mother's side. information in the east stacks search their pasts almost as Bud sixth cousins," Druse Genealogical work can be and in Special and Historical Third World craft itema and art done much as I enjoy researching my by artiftafor tedious, Druse said. He spent Collections. International will offered thli week at the second annual Amneaty own," he said. Kant goto Europe anymore one summer in London trying to Gifts for Peace and Justice Sale in the Union Vggt stopping in Ireland to trace his English Druse also recommended the The sale, which is Building concouree. ancestry. sponsored by the East Jjr someone will be of- During that time, he examined Michigan State Library in Education Center and the Lansing Star, will takeLansing Peace 200 wills and 150 downtown Lansing. place from 10 BIIONO APPETITO administra¬ a.m. to 4 p.m. today through Friday. ring the furor over Alex tions, but none yielded Some 15 peace and justice-oriented any "It's one of the best in the groups are expected to L'i "Roots", a writer from information. He said he hopes to participate in the sale, offering gifts from Iran and the jveek magazine inter- continue the search on a future country and particularly the Peoples' Midwest," he Republic of China, baskets, pewter, jewelry, „j Druse about genealogi- trip, by searching out county commented. It cards and toys and non-sexist children's stationary, UNICEF has a varied selection of refer¬ books. Authentic Italian aearch. depositories and reading their The proceeds will go to activities wills. ence materials in the Michigan The sponsors said promoting "peace on earth." Sandwiches & Dinners »"s interest in genealogy Section and a well-trained staff, they hope the gifts themselves will speak to others about the obstacles to true Eat Hera ar Take Oil U when he was a small The trip through his peace and justice in the world. lineage turned up a few skeletons in the ■became enthralled with the in the Encyclopedia Brit- family closet Druse ancestors include an said. His 18th cen SPECIAL THIS WEEK A CAREER IN LAW LASAGNE DINNER with Salad ie for without law school Regular $2.45 lepairs? 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We'll send you our new When Life goes to the movies,you'll see Employee Benefit Plans, Litigation. course catalog and everything you Let me assist you in the purchase of Real Estate, Estates and Trusts or Gen¬ need to know about an exciting career eral Practice. I your next new or used car, truck or van. as a lawyer's assistant. The new 1971 Chevrolet! hove arrived. Come down and let me personally thow thli pictures that were never on the screen. you beautiful new line of Chevro¬ let! which Include the Chevette. Novo. Comoro, Z-2I.Mallbu. Monte Carlo, Im- pala. Caprice and The New Corvette. See or coll mo at Bud Kouts Chevrolet 2801 E. Michigan 489-6533 Two Blocks Wost of Frandor \e Peanut Barrel Stuck for a Christmas idea? Try This ... I (VERY MONDAYS I All the Golden I Fried Chicken you neat, served I with French Fries NOW PLAYING AT YOUR LOCAL BOOKSTORE. IN I and Cole Slaw. PAPERBACK. I Only *2.95 CKET BOOKS 1521E. Grand Rlvar WELCOME GIFT 351-0608 ... anytime! 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"ospitality desk service in hotel lobby to assist ln booking optional tours. 155 who have the ability to respond to chal¬ lenge and think for themselves, those with the initiative and desire to seek al¬ ternatives. the skill and courage to con¬ f"|e» white beaches, 80° Down filled collars, pock¬ W, deep-sea temperatures, tennis, vince others that there are better ways fishing, unlimited sunshine. Only a ets and zipper flaps help and who aren't afraid to express their ** writs left, ideas fight a chill the way fiber Wihmodotlons Aristos, Camlno Real Hotels. fill can't. At Scott, we admire an aggressive Adjustable wrist stance because we are an aggressive Jrect From Lansing straps, waist and snaps for a drawstring down hood company You c« in make your own op- portunities with u s and we'll prove it. 17UL- Dec. 24th, 1977 ■ are included. 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Don attempts lo free himselt from his past 00 00 governance, O u<& e have had T 9.95 voluo longstanding tut participation in aca- governance at this Uni- i y," Ferency said, all those provisions for it participation go out the p>, the students and the ROSE itration would resist, APPIAN rnkly. if there is going to MILK [collective bargaining unit SKIN CARE CREAM WAY In University, Td rather PIZIA MIX Iitudents with us rather against us." $ | 88 3^$ | 00 Hoi i. 50 value IMPMFOII •MI'BAT'BE • OCAT • VAT • SAT 1MB 1,1,1, LE PACE S J ECfMG-FLEMQE IUH DENTAL BOARDS CELLOPHANE CHRISTMAS TAPE WRAP 25' 25'.°u LIMIT 3 EXPIRES 1 J 11 77 LIMITS EXPIRES 12-1 BONGS & PIPES 20% OFF SWEAT SHIRTS or SWEAT PANTS $488 S M L XL STATE COUPON REVLON OLD SPICE CHARLIE AFTER SHAVE COLOGNE SPRAY c ■ 99 1 $369 4 l« 01. 2.7 5 value i oi. 4.00 value L.M.T1 EXPIRES.2-1.17 THE BOSS , nverse 1250 WATT r'hletic show STYLER-DRYER $1399 ^ Q Michigon State News. Eost lonzing, Michigan M0nd°Y' ^.mb.r5,„ 'First Love' fizzles By BYRON BAKER Lester's planned "prequel" to female roles. Dey's character in State News Staff Reviewer Butch Cuaidy and the Sun¬ particular is hard, strident and Produce ,nd dil. ., dance Kid). altogether difficult to accept aa First l/ove a for the most SHOWCASE JAZZ ENDS FALL SEASON — But Firat Love, considered part resolutely downbeat deserving of Katt's devotion (it these rn Me of the n account of a young man's first by itself rather than in terms of is interesting to reflect the future promise of its cre¬ upon encounter with true romance — the clearly misogynist aspects ative elements, is fairly incon¬ has two attributes worthy of of Dey's role in this, a film ridr,Uhi rJm with not-i Towner-Moore gig boring some note. First, the picture marks the sequential fare. From story by a short New Yorker Howard Brodkey, directed and partly women). • scripted by It isn't a question, «««*£ Bv DAVE DiMARTINO er suffered from underex¬ most capable of the four musi¬ much n n the purer feature Joan directorial debut Darling, known heretofore as an actress, of principally scenarists Jane Stanton Hitch¬ cock and David Freeman (the latter was responsible lor much her hardness interferes her femininity, — isn't the issue here; say, that with femininity tSV-KB The "8 Paramount projected pict "jazz" humanity <* 'he upo State News Reviewer posure in who enjoy this area, and those cians who comprise Oregon, it acting instructor and director of of the celebrated of the querulous situational is. Dey is capable enough as a Theatre and LansiJ Ralph Towner and Glen Oregon or its respec¬ seems that their capabilities Moore and Oregon's percus¬ some more irony and dialogue in the also performer, it is simply very - dimly. There has Moore presented a series of tive members have had several slowly are being obscured by sionist Colin Walcott have also episodes of Mary Hartman, current Heroes) have written a difficult to bring charm and for film-goers long been , chances to witness the band's the group's OWN fusion style, Marv Hartman. Her work here sketchy study of a brief affair warmth to a character that at the duets Friday and Saturday released their own efforts on continuing evolution. the fusion of "classical" forms reflects a confident sensitivity between two college students regarding the night, at Erickson Kiva as part the same label; their work, apparently isn't supposed to amount of One slight problem, how¬ with jazz. Whatever jazz ele¬ and a steady hand with actors, at an unnamed university in an have any. light of the final Fall term Showcase ever: Oregon has never really again quite distinguished and and indirates that Darling may he screen. It 1, which Jazz concert. ments were present in the unspecified part of the country. In the supporting roles, John suspec evolved. slightly different in approach well be a welcome addition to the theatre group's initial sound are slowly than Oregon, matches up to Light on location, mileu or Heard (of Between the Line*) is utilizes eq One half of the Vanguard the slowly growing ranks of which lasts The very uniqueness of the being submerged into a kind of Towner's in its own way, lead period, the Hitchcock and Free¬ breezy as a dormitory neighbor lower longer ifp Records recording group Ore¬ women feature filmmakers. quartet's sound was what ini¬ "contemporary" quagmire that ing those sufficiently astute lo man script is rather heavy on of Katt's, and Beverly D'Angelo the output-ergo, 1, gon, the pair performed music the group will probably never Second, the film may in Freudian reasoning (the apple is sharp as Heard's Lansing Mall', very similar to that which tially set them apart from other suggest that perhaps now's as future years be remembered as of Katt's eye, Susan somewhat traction is Steven from. Dey — late Cfoee Encounter, Sp jazz groups. A guitar, bass, emerge promiscuous bedmate. Robert Oregon has made famous. good a time as any for Oregon the key stepping stone to star¬ of The Partridge Towner played mainly guitar oboe, tablas and, at times, a to call it a day. Family — is Loggia has a good moment as KW. of which of q Once a staunch fan of the dom for the career of William helplessly involved with an Nen and piano, while Moore played sitar doesn't comprise your Dey's older interest. Jack Kroll a few band, I found myself losing As Towner and Moore Katt. the film's lead. Katt, seen older man: it has something to It was rumored (or a while we bass, violin and. occasionally, standard bop format certainly, clearly wrote, "never has interest in Oregon's albums at displayed in concert, their tele last limpressively so) as Sissy do with her father's suicide) and is miles away from the that First Love was to be an « piano. While the duo's instru¬ the time of their collaboration pathic relationship allows for Spacek's unlucky prom escort and produced such John McLaughlin/Chick Corea a pervading sense of di¬ American major studio's first mental prowess seems virtually with Elvin Jones. My interest few surprises in their playing. in Carrie, has the looks, cool saster, which occupies the tone whelming, ever-cl faultless particularly in the jazz-rock fusion popular at the plunge into the realm of the aody of light — Have they played together too persona and strong actorish of the picture from the - time of Oregon's emergence. has yet to be rekindled by very "hard X" feature. so case of bassist Moore — the long? I don't know, the Modern credibility to make it big in beginning. Scandalously you realize that Their difference immediately anything Oregon has produced explicit goings-on were sup¬ a style they pursue seems more Jazz Quartet played pictures I he will soon be seen in The main failing of the fact, nothing but li made them listenable, and a together since then — and together script posedly to be included in the wearing with each exposure. probably won't be. for 20 years or and John Milius' Big Wednesday, and film, however, is seated in upon a surface." If In the past three years, viable alternative to either bop so they release print, as an industry the case, it would managed to retain and may star in Richard the negative conception of the or fusion. Thus, their critical a freshness major was finally going to try Oregon has appeared either at Yet apart from one another, that seems to have deserted light were dim. MSU (or, once, at the pre-Rain- popularity could easily have the members of Oregon manage both Towner and Moore's bow Ranch Stables), the Uni¬ been predicted: in fact, it play to produce fine LPs. Usually in ing. versity of Michigan, EMU or generally was. collaboration with other musi A friend of mine later oh 'Last of the Red Hot Lovers' Detroit roughly TEN times. Ten times in three years is obviously no small number. I But after viewing the band so often, I'm beginning to doubt that the group or its members cians and on the ECM label. Towner's albums — particular ly his latest with Jan Garberek, served: "What does it matter if they're good musicians if they're always so boring?" By ANA BISHOP lovable have seen the group for one are capable of Thomsen did an excellent job on the playing in any¬ Eberhard Weber and John While I don't totally agree with State News Reviewer other reason or another about seven thing other than their own little Christiansen called Solstice: the statement, perhaps it's one Poor misinterpreted Elaine's character. Chilsoncostumes, but to of those ten times. musical niche. While Towner Barney will never make it. He is a nice, middle-aged breasted oversized fake fur coat. sports , , Sound and Shadows have all Towner and Moore should Therefore, the band has nev¬ and Moore are, to my mind, the been — nev reslaurant owner who wants a nice extramarital affair to spice up polyester off-white blouse, plaid skirt Underneath, she weui quite interesting and ertheless keep in mind. his monotonously nice life. He wants adventure, and white shoes' excitement. December? For a rendezvous? 1 What he gets are three abortive attempts at lovemaking with Chilson's lack of sensuality is accentuated three neurotic women. What the audience by the gets is a lot of laughs. which she delivers monotooo John Peakes plays Barney Cashman. the incredibly funny lines. It takes the audiena protagonist of Neil while to realize that what Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richard she is saying is Simon's The Last of the Red Hot Lovers. The play opens the funny. eighth season for the Boarshead Theatre at the Lansing Center for Luckily, the play goes on to better things: Bobbi Michele, in particular. She is Kerry Sli.nHin the Performing Arts. It is an adorable comedy about an adorable she leaves both funny, exhilarating, crazv, a would-be cheater. The performance last week was Barney and the audience breathless. Playipi entertaining psychopathic pseudo-entertainer picked and funny. up by Barney in a must stand trial for trafficking in drugs John Peakes makes a lovable Barney. At times, he is bungling and even silly. Yet at other times he is sensitive, kind and nervous, Shanklin picks up the pace for the something to react to, which he does very well. Carmen Decker, as the last of the play and gives F profound. Much of the action of the play takes place in Peakes' pick-ups, Jesnnette Fisher TORONTO (UPI) - Rolling face, which, like modeling clay, alters with the touch of the artist's compelling. She exploits the role of the depressed, I sat silently during the six-hour However, Judge Rice said friend-of-the-wife to perfection. Decker is Stone guitarist Keith Richard They seized a plastic bag hand. uptight yet vulner. hearing in a neat, navy-blue there was enough evidence to She tenaciously hugs a was ordered to stand trial seat and a gold earring through containing 22 grams of heroin Peakes as Barney grows on you. The more purse as protection against a world convince a jury that Richard from you see him stumble mistrusts. When Barney tears Friday on heroin and cocaine his left earigbe. a dresser drawer, a small and choke on his whiskey, the more away the purse and the distn may have given away some of you sympathize with him. His the audience is relieved. charges that could send him to bag containing about five audience rapport grows as the play Despite her pessimism and bitterm The charges stemmed from a the heroin to progresses, perhaps because Decker is lovable and prison for life. Pallenberg. In grams of cocaine and a brass the actresses he has to react to worthy of compassion. raid by the Royal Canadian Canadian, trafficking includes get better as the play goes on. So is Barney Cashman, The Last of the Red cigarette lighter and switch¬ The play starts off slowly because Hot Lovers. 11 Judge H.A. Rice rejected Mounted Police on the hotel gifts as well as sales. blade knife, on which traces of Kathryn Chilson does not fit want to see a man go through male menopause and the role of Elaine Navazio. Elaine is emerge a Richard's arguments that he room occupied by Richard, his heroin also were found. supposed to be a blase sensitive person, go see this had no intention of Richard denied that Pallen hedonist who cheats on her husband all the time a sensualist, a play and laugh - a lot. trafficking common-law wife, Anita Pallen- Austin Cooper, the guitar — The Last of the Red Hot Levers will in heroin, which carries a berg knew about the heroin, woman of the world. Chilson comes on as a be playing Thurs> berg, and their son, Marlon, 8. atid told ist's lawyer, told bossy college coed with Friday and Sunday, Dee. 8,9, and 11 at 8 p.m. and maximum life sentence. He police, 'This is sup the court a bad cough. This is partially the fault of costumer, Barbara 10 at 6 and 9 p.m. at the Center for Saturday, I posed to be daddy's little se¬ Richard was "an Thomsen. the Performing Arb continued Richard's $25,000 Pallenberg, 34, was charged extremely at Toronto Airport several days cret." successful, internationally re Lansing. cash bail and ordered him to earlier with possession of hash¬ nowned and fabulously wealthy reappear Feb. 6 to have a date ish. She later pleaded RCMP officers William Se¬ rock star," who did not need to Save - Save - Save Save Save set for trial. possession of hashish and a guilty to ward and Andrew Hascinsci deal in heroin, but who had a - - - Save - Save ■ testified they searched Rich¬ Richard, 33, a founding mem¬ small quantity of heroin and heavy habit for which he had S ber of the British rock ard's hotel room while the group, was fined $400. been receiving treatment since musician lay sleeping. 1972. END OF TERM SALE Vi FRUIT BASKET WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II 220 MJLC., UNIVERSITY MALL ABOVE SALE HRS.: MON.-SAT. 9-9, SUN. 12-5 ALLE'EY December 14,15,16 10 to 5 p.m. at the PH. 332 3525 > Mens and Womens 08 ALLPW*^ HORTICULTUMBLDO.A •he INTIRNATIONAL CINTIR Vi peck $4.50 ■/ EVERYDAY Special Group of Shoes peck $6.00 SOUNDGUARD TOTAL RECORD > phone orders Dec. 5-9 8-5 p.m. 355-0314 Reg. $14.99 Expires 1211-77 CARE SYSTEM NOW $995 8 ft 15.##.*24.97 originally to *45.0# Bass, Dexter, Zodiac, Freeman GRAH^OPINI 1st: 2nd: $35°° $100°° gift certificate from Sam's Clothing Special Grouping of Boots gift certificate from Sam's 3rd: Clothing Mens and Womens Dinner for two at the Cork & Cleaver 4th: (10 winners) Free hairstyling atAbbottRd.Haircutters „ at the NEW *39.##.*54.®s originally to *78.00 |j ABBOTT ROAD HfllRCUTTERS !■ Suite 201, 201. East Lansina Stain Rank Rnil>li>n Lansing State Bank Building Frye, Zodiac, Dingo, Bort Carleton at Rbbott and Grand River where styling starts at only *5.00 Call 332-4314 MSU Bootery SHOES 'N' STUFF for appointment or walk-in 225 E. Grand River K Register through Dec. 9, 1977 !■ 217 E. Grand River (Services required to register) across from the MSU Union Save - Save - Save - Save - Save - Save - S®1 n Mot* N*w», Eon Looting, Mlchlaon DK#mb»'5,i977 I Monday, December 5, 1977 J J ■mi 'Victim of Romance' perishes !S By STEVE SZILAGYI woodwinds, and synthesizer, along with some State News Reviewer Michelle imaginative percussion and the usual electric Phillips: Victim of Romance (A & rfst M guitars fits well with this theme. — the release SP-4651) Too bad Phillips doesn't have the voice to do of th. The cover of Michelle Phillips' Victim of the songs the justice ihey deserve. Her voice is T TJ7in First Romance has to be the sexiest, most provocative too weak, too inconsistent, to hold up to the task. UV( ^ album jacket since Carly Simon's Playing In the songs , rUn> w'th not-i Possum. With Mama Michelle in a slinky body "Baby As You Turn Away" and "Where's Mine?," Philips' voice is at its worst, suit on the front and coyly it "atrar'bUt unzipping it on the back, it's even sexier than the last few Linda though it retains a breathy, sensuous quality that is almost e-outato'fsve^1, Ronstadt jackets. Unfortunately, Michelle Phillips' resemblance appealing in itself. "Let the Music Begin", however, isn't a bad P^ont'X Projected 2* to Simon or Ronstadt talented female vocalists or any of the other — truly ends with the cover. — song. Phillips' voice is layered and overdubbed enough on the tapes to give it class, and the smooth, soothing melody line gives her a chance * 'he Lansing ,. ■»$ The record itself is a collection of generally to let her voice work and dimly, at spiritless vocals from Mamas and the Papas freely. The song isn't too "K been a pro complex to mess up her voice, and the effect is alumnus Phillips. There's nothing really wrong «°e« «t the Ui with the songs; the problem with the record is Not so the songs egarding the that Phillips can't do much with the music she "Trashy Rumors" or "Lady of 0f hght which re, has. One can't help but listen to Victim of Fantasy". The first is a gutsy torch song, en. It is Romance and think how great these demanding a strong, husky voice like that of suspected songs would Bette Midler. The second is "re utilizes be if they were sung by someone else. a lazy, strip-joint eta equip, tempo song that Phillips doesn't spoil, but one longerif used Thematically and instrumentally, the album can't help "Put tmnxing it would have been a great | Free Admissionl -ergo, les, hi holds up well. As the title suggests, the album is song if sung by Phillips' old partner, the late Cass "naing Mail's ne« a woman's look at the ramifications of love and Elliot. Phillips' voice strays too much, » Steven Spiel romance, and the dangers of mixing one with the far away from the getting so ■counters of the other. The lavish orchestrations — lots of melody at times one can f which News»( News/Moggie Wolker Stole strings, almost hear her searching for it. g Good on Mon., Dec. 5th and Tue., Dec. 6th ® oU a few Hall realdent Thomas Blike instructs week, six-and-one-half-year-old Jason 'never has such a *L!^Bdiar<''011 in t'le art colored-sand landscapes in a shot glass of the many display booths in the Union an Board's annual Christmas g. ever-changing rhai fl.nd Crafts Show this past weekend. [gut — so much so Hj DON'T MISS THE GREAT CHRISTMAS TAPE "e that a movie a, ling but light SPECIAL FROM HI FI BUYS AND MAXELL project^E> "•face." If this is e it would be dim. sad if thi Ihristmas found myself Carol' flat CLIP AND SAVE |j ANA BISHOP smiling as Tarr's Both Johnson and News Reviewer exultation grew onstage. Keyes over¬ )vable uamateur performance, linos Barn Theatre's of Charles Dickens' A Charles Cassel as Marley was spooky. His anical movements, cadaverous J^cob mech¬ acted their parts and moved like first graders poetry. The Ghost of Christmas reciting FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD| MAXELL UDC90 MAXELL UDXLC90 ! | MAXELL UD 35-90 , I ' costumes, but tom^r* Ctro1 wasn t b4d' face Future fared better, parti¬ COCKTAILS CASSETTE CASSETTE sports a doublj only thatvis and sententious contributed — the speech all to eerie atmos¬ cularly because and theme of his costume 5 FOR *20.00 J 7" REEL j neath, she wear, phere of the scene. In contrast, music, both of which MONDAY NIGHT 3 FOR *10.50 | dn white shoes! 1 principals grouchy - Paul Tarr Ebenezer Guy Sanville playing Fred, were eerie and forceful, vaguely reminiscent of Darth PLUS | 3 FOR *18.00 | Scrooge's SPAGHETTI DINNER nephew, WITH PURCHASE | was Vader. PLUS I by the monotone. takes the audience , William Helder Charles Cassel as aa Bob bubbling and joyous. And William Helder Bob Cratchit as Sound proved a major prob¬ OF 10 CASSETTES | PLUS j lem. It was obtrusive. The I larley. and Guy Sanville with glass of Chianti j nny. was mild-mannered and meek a Wine s: Kerry Shanklin - tried their best to — a worthy subject for pity. narrator had to static-ridden compete with a recording. or frosted schooner of Beer } FREE | FREE FREE I I hilarating, crazy, an The shadow-screen effects I CASSETTE | MAXELL BELT | METAL TAKE-UP ■reathless. Playing | I , . on the positive side, Tarr made a used to change setting were ALL YOU CAN EAT STORAGE CASE I BUCKLE I REEL I IHOLDS cassettes! ', yud V® PeakJ and gives 'ciently crabby Scrooge. He urn bossy, subtle and effective. The grave¬ yard scene was visually 12 ■ "i, and generally disgusting. , e 'el. Jean nette Fisher, depressed, bitte striking. This lighting technique, in $1.99 tight yet vulnerabk performance. They are Janet Lockwood, William combination with the few ac¬ PITCHER NIGHT HI-FI BUYS ™t performers, but the complished actors, helped pre¬ against world sh a Montgomery, Robert Pearson vent the play from All Beer 25% off 1101 E.GRAND RIVER rae and the distnu ere against them. The and Elise Dugan seemed out of being mis¬ 4810 W. SAGINAW taken for a junior high school E.L. PH. 337-1767 nism and bitternea luded over twenty-five LAN. PH. 321-2373 who eyed the audi- place as minor characters be- cause they were too production. WINE SPECIAL M-F 10-8 S-9-5 M-F 11-8 S 9-5 good, as A Christmas Carol will con¬ House wines 20% off dHot Lovers. If yoj ipiciously and delivered they haggled over the price of tinue to play at the Okemos eand emerge a men peeches by rote like goods stolen off Scrooge's still- DISC SHOP lildren reciting Barn Theatre from December 8 (Next to Peoples Church) -slot. the warm 323 E.GRAND RIVER corpse. through 11 at 8 p.m. with a )f allegiance. There were a fgw children E.L. PH. 351-5380 i playing Thi (he positive side, special performance at 2 p.m. PH. 337-1755 and Saturday, who' were also delightful to M-TH 10-8 F 10-9 S 10-6 Sunday. . ide a sufficiently crabby watch because they overcame 136 W. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Performing Arts He was bossy, irri- the tendency to sound and look generally disgusting, like they were reciting. Kiersta who sensitive to the Burke made a cute Tiny Tim. Save -1 I of the audience that Tom Scarlett and Tim Daniel as ling an exit, he errand boys were relaxed -In Store Coupons- ilittle boy in the front I quickly "humbugged" enough to seem realistic when they quarrelled and made up. 'Produce' aE Scrooge finally gets Tarr becomes a Sorry I cannot give the same kind of praise to the Ghosts of Christmas Past (Mary Johnson) Fresh Florida While Grapefruit (54 bag) 67' Betty Crocker Cake Mixes Yellow, White. Devil's Food Ale and 18Vi oz. box 29' Sove 30F joyous man. I and Present (Stephen Keyes). Pink 77' Fresh Carrots Cheer laundry Detergent (2# cello bag) 44' WFMK99 Snow White Cauliflower Giant Size (49 oz. box) 99* Save 56C (med. size) 88' On east side of MSU at 1109 Spartan Sliced Bacon (l#pkg.) East Grand River. Reg. or Thick Sliced 98' Save 31« Open Mon.-Thur. 9 am-10 pm -General Merchandise - Fri. 8 Sat. 9 am-10pm Limit 1 Please >34^95601 Holiday Disposable Glasses Santa On-Rock* • 9 oz. •w I Your Choice Upton Cup-A-Soup —Meat Santa Tumblar • 10 oz. All Flavors 7*100 Save 22« _ Holiday On-Rock* - 9 oz. Holiday Tumblori • 10 oz. J 79* Limit 2 with '500 Food Purchase USDA Choice Grand Prize Beef Round Steak ' 1 25 ib. jjichigan National Bank USDA Choice Grand Prize Beef Boneless - Bakery- Rump or Sirloin Tip Roast $l5'ib Spartan Buns (8 ct. pkg.) Now it's easier to learn about the 3/1,00 Both Goodrich's & Larry's USDA Choice Grand Prize Sirloin Steak Hamburg or Hot Dog Oven Fresh Bavarian have Package Liquor & M77, weather, thanks to the Michigan Black Rye Bread 59" full selection of your National Bank Weatherlinef a USDA Choice Grand Prize T-Bone Steak Golden Hearth Bakers Doxen Rolls 79'ea. Favorite Beer & Wine $219>b. new 24-hour telephone weather USDA Choice Grand Prize Beef service. Weather Forecasts are Porterhouse Steak $22,ib available by calling 349-9560 'Frozen & Dairy Hygrade Ball Park Franks anytime, day or night. Regular or All Beef (1# pkg.) S] 19 You will be connected to Scotch Pak Ice Cream — All Flavors (% gallon carton) 99* Eckrich Smorgas Pac Lunch Meat specially designed electronic 99* 12 oz. All Beef equipment that is built to handle Heatherwood Low Fat Holiday Nog('/i gallon carton) 1# 5J29 Regular thousands of calls per day. In Country Fresh low Fat 2% Blue Cap Chocolate Milk (1 gallon) * 1 37 addition to daily weather Shop Rite Fresh Italian Sausage $14Y reports and temperature, you Ballard Biscuits — Sweet or Buttermilk (8 oz. container) 12* ^11 be warned when emergency Vanden-Brink Ham-Flavored Loaf (2# pkg.) $239 weather conditions are in effect, jGrocery. ^e recordings are updated Freshlike Vegetables — Corn or Peas (12 to l4'/> oz. cans) vr regularly by radio station WFMK Breast-O-Chicken Tuna — Oil or Water Pack (6% oz. can) 59' ^announcers, using information Dole Pineapple in Syrup — Sliced, Crushed or Chunk (20 oz. can) 44'ea. horn the U.S. Weather Service. Hawaiian Punch Red Only (46 oz. 48' — can) ^eatherline*is another service Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup (10V. oz. can) 22'ea. * to you Bank. from Michigan National Hunts Tomato Sauce (8 ox. can) 788' GOODRICH'S Nabisco Snack Crackers — All Varieties (5 to 10 oz. box) 69' on west side of MSU at 910 Trowbridge Rd. Call Anytime Coca Cola or Sprit* — 8 Pack (12 oz. cans) •1" Open Monday • Thursday 9 om-9 pm 9 am-10 pm Friday t Saturday 349-9560 11 am-5pm Sunday 351-5760 Sav 1 2 Michigon Stote News, East loming, Michigon CAGERS SECOND IN CARRIER CLASSIC Syracuse drops MSU in finals, 75-6; By MICHAEL KLOCKE "We got off to such a good start against Rhode Island that the the All-Tournament team State News Sports Writer game was actually won in the first few minutes," Heathcote said. Jene Grey c, from along with Chapman R/>, „ LeMoyne tiOUege. iium Liemoyne College B>rntsJ e'' "Jmesa I MSU battled 12th ranked Syracuse (4-1) on near-even terms "We coasted for the win in the second half." "I was very surprised that Saturday, before finally bowing 75-67 in the finals of the Carrier Chapman put on quite a shooting exhibition for the Syracuse said. "It usually goes to a Earvin got got the the awn-it» „„.. 11 Classic in Syracuse, N.Y. crowd Friday as he hit all 11 of his shots from the floor and eight of "I think there were, lot of player on the winni' He,tl|J The Spartans, now 2-1, had hit an amazing 66 percent from the nine from the line for a career-high 30 points. Chapman hit 15 more floor Friday as they downed Rhode Island 92-64 to get into the points Friday and was named to the All-Tournament team. finals. "Bob had just a super shooting night and he definitely deserved "We played well in the tournament, although of course we his place on the All-Tournament team," Heathcote said. wanted to win it," said coach Jud Heathcote, whose young team Greg Kelser scored 24 points against Rhode Island, and Johnson was playing its first road games of the year. "Syracuse is 81-4 at against Central Michigan. " the first g, chipped in with 17. home over the last few years, so they're very tough to beat Along with his 17 points, Johnson also had a game high 11 The Spartans are home twice this week "This was a good learning experience for us. Although we won't assists. He was named the Carrier Classic's Most Valuable Player Thursday at 8:05 p.m. and Western against w l- I the rest of know play with oatruda,U,tHgj Michigfn SallCh' overpower our oponents, we we can after scoring 12 more points Saturday. Johnson was also named on P-m. Tickets are stUl available. anyone." MSU trailed almost the whole game against Syracuse, but they pulled to a 68-63 tie with about four minutes left, on a layup by Bob Chapman. But after getting the ball back, freshman Earvin Johnson was called for jump-ball. a five-second violation and then lost control of the Spartans' losing streak hits And a rebounding lapse that followed proved to be the Spartans' downfall. Syracuse guard Hal Cohen missed a free throw, but Marty Byrnes got the rebound and was fouled. Byrnes missed his free throw and 6-11 center Roosevelt Bouie tipped it in icers give up J 8 goals to to make the score 6563. Several key turnovers by MSU and some hot shooting from the By JOE CENTERS Mitch Corbin and line by Syracuse iced the game for the Orangemen. State News Sports Writer Barry McCulock Bulldogs Curt Giles tied a Duluth each senwrf . , I "After we tied the score, we made some mistakes which caused them to win the game," Heathcote said. For the second weekend in a row, there was a big Thanksgiving Day meal—and for the second weekend in a row, the MSU hockey five assists. scoring record wit "oneon,^| Freshman Jay Vincent started both games and led MSU against The MSU tallies Syracuse with 23 points. Vincent scored only two points Friday. team was the main course. again came from different different Spartans turned on the red light player. „ I I The Spartans dropped their second series in a row to a last-place Byrnes led Syracuse with 18 points. Lynett Campbell, Mark DeCenzo, Friday the Spartans were awesome as they jumped out to a team in the Western Collegiate time Hockey Association (WCHA), this McDonald each scored for MSU. Johnson, Heaslip ,nJI by losing to Minnesota-Duluth 8-5 Friday, and 106 Saturday. MSU, who only three weeks ago quick 226 lead in the first ten minutes of the game. From there on, it was simply a question of what the final score would be. The sweep was the first of the season for the Bulldogs and it ended a six-game losing streak for them. Duluth is now 3 9, tied split with four of the best teams in the was tied for fifth WCHA, now place and J deep trouble after dropping back-to-back with Notre Dame for ninth place and only one game behind MSU, weaker teams of the series to the WCHA, Notre Dame and Duluth 3 46. If the Spartans want to turn the season Coaches may act; up The loss was the fifth in a row 28 goals in their last three as MSU hosts Wisconsin, for the games. Spartans, who have given Things won't get any easier to have records. to get around thev are« stingy and stop "fattening up" their or- 1 defending national champions, who are 8-4 and in third place in the WCHA this weekend. MSU and Duluth played even up for two periods Friday as the - MONDAY IMCIAL- AP Wirtphoto Hayes reprimanded two teams were tied at 4-4 going into the final stanza. That's when the roof caved in. The Bulldogs got two goals from Mark Pavelich, and friiqt.ofcoki WITH RVIRY PIZZA New Orleans' Pete Maravieh, the single leading NBA COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI) two football games. tallies from John Harrington and Carmen Haakstad in the third scorer, adds two points to his total over San Anton¬ - The ethics committee of the Dooley said the ethics period to defeat the Spartans for the first time since 1975. PRII DILI VIRY! io's George Gervin. The Detroit Pistons, who have com¬ Five different players scored for MSU as Leo Lynett, Joe American Football Coaches mittee looks into any possibility lost seven of their last nine games, can take a lesson Campbell (his first of the season), Ken Pareskevin, Ron Heaslip Association will discuss possi¬ that its codes of ethics may from New Orleans on and Jim Johnson all beat Bulldog goalie Rich Heinz, who had 32 generating basketball interest in a city before they make a move from their home in Cobo Hall to the Pontiac Silverdome next present ble action against Ohio State Football Coach Woody Hayes for trying to hit a photographer have been violated. Dooley said the committee will "be looking at this along saves on the Duluth shots. night. Spartan goalie Dave Versical stopped 41 CAMPUS year. New Orleans plays its games in the Super- dome, and recently drew an all-time NBA atten¬ dance record of over 35,000. at the OSU-Michigan game Nov. 19, according to ethics with other possible violations." He said the committee will Saturday, Duluth used five power-play goals and a shorthanded goal wrap up their sweep. The game was close throughout the first period but this time it was the second period, when Duluth scored PIZZA committee chairman Vince Doo- decide in January whether to fire .times, that did the Spartans in. 1312 Mich. Ave. ley. ask Hayes to appear before it. Jdhn Rothstein scored his first three-goal hat trick ever, and In PRII DILIVIRY JJMJ77 a report broadcast Satur¬ day by WCMH-TV, Dooley Minnesota drops court battle football coach at Georgia, said the committee will discuss the MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) - An attorney for the univer¬ incident at a January meeting. The University of Minnesota sity said the appeal was Hayes was publicly repri¬ has ended its court battle with ie Perfect dropped because the differ¬ manded by Big Ten Commis¬ the National Collegiate Athletic ences with the NCAA had been sioner Wayne Duke Association over the eligibility settled. Saturday and put on "probation" by the of basketball players Mychal conference. Duke said any Thompson and Dave Winey. Winey was able to further violation of the con¬ rejoin the ♦"Stocking An appeal to the U.S. Su¬ team for preme Court Wednesday night's ference code on sportsmanship was dropped 7066 loss to Loyola. Thompson at any time in the next year Tuesday at the request of will be able to play again Dec. will mean Hayes' suspension attorneys for both sides. from coaching for the following INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES PRESENTS Stuffer THE INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF CREPES Full Course Dinner Includes F0R THE PERFECT FRIEND AT A PERFECT PRICE Green Garden Salad Choice of Dressing All national name brands Crepes Monte Cristo Two paper thin crepes spread with swiss cheese souce. then rolled with slices of hom and white meat of turkey, topped with hot swiss chefese sauce and served with worm blueberry compote. 2 CREPES MONTE CRISTO DINNERS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 only ^ OS • for two dinners with coupon 43.05 voluw i 2800E.Grand 2 fori i River BUY 1 CREPE MONTE CRISTO dinner and get one free Offer good Mon., Dec. 5, 1977 j The International 4-10p.m. jHouse * stgte News' Eo>> l"oniin9' Michigan Monday, December 5, 19771 3 WOMEN TANKERS NOW 1-1 Bibbs praises BUF tournament; reshmen shine in loss Mrosko and Annette •.JOHN SINGLER V«Sport» Writer Joel women's swimming Feldmann knows another Kubiske, freshman, also won The Spartans' 200-yard free¬ style relay squad of three-meter competition. Flood's victory in the 500- yard freestyle was nearly three second races places in the next three to take a lead. Solie won the commanding 100-yard Highriser, Holmes grab titles Flood, seconds faster than her jw'i talking about Becky Hastings, Waite and last freestyle with Mrosko third. By REGINALD THOMAS race and, in not Kathy Kolon and Vicki Mrosko were also victorious. winning the 200- The Spartans' Lynn Lagerkvist State News Staff Writer hurting his track franchise. Bibbs added that many of his "We did well and I yard freestyle, she came track members were part of the Feldmann fully ex- can't be very managed third in the 50 yard Look out Jud Heathcote! Here come the BUF, including sprinter Rickey close to a Spartan record. Black United Front basketball champions of the Flowers and 7 foot-2 high jumper Dennis Lewis. M beat Wisconsin this displeased with them at all," backstroke, and the 50-yard league. Many of their players The speech by Bibbs followed two However, both swim- Feldmann said. "Most of them Whitcomb swam to victory at breaststroke put the Badgers in have the ability to exciting games by play for the Spartans, according to MSU Highrisers, who defeated independent team Zoom 51-47 and the y Friday exams, want- swam what they're capable of 100 yards in both the the driver's seat. Track Coach James Bibbs. and breastroke. Solie's butterfly Bibbs, the keynote speaker at Holmes (Hall) Players who trounced Wonders Hall, 59-38. jj, them early but were swimming at this time of the :25.31 in Lagerkvist added third in the Friday night's BUF Highrisers had entered the second half down by 14 points but ■md couldn't make the season." the 50-yard freestyle narrowly 100-yard backstroke and Hast¬ Championship banquet, told listeners he had seen many of them came back behind the hot Madison, Wis- bested Whitcomb's :25.53. play one on-one and knows that they have both the shooting of guard Wilson Wheeler. Diver Jeanne Mikle's ings, in addition to swimming talent and Wheeler also sparked Highrisers to its 1976 • absence, just as Feld- perfor Waite won the 50-yard butter¬ on the ability to play for MSU. championship. Highrisers has been independent champions for the last three mance on the one-meter board winning freestyle relay He added because of their oredicted, made it a much earned second fly by .44 seconds and Mrosko team, took third in the 500 yard motivation and confidence many of years. them have the basic Let, The fast work of place, which she followed with a fifth churned a 1:04.56 in the 100- freestyle. characteristics needed to be good ball The Holmes Players, defeated Wonders Hall in a runaway place on players and good students. sprinter Sue Solie the three-meter board. yard individual medley, edging "It takes.confidence, heart, victory. Holmes took a 12-6 lead in the make it too close, for Kubiske Wisconsin's Jeannie Usher The next meet for MSU is attitude motivation, practice and never let up. Holmes led opening minutes and won the three-meter competi¬ by Jan. 7, at Columbus, self discipline to make a by as many as 20 points, and Wisconsin won, 78-53. .03 seconds. Ohio, champ," said Bibbs, "and by playing in « tion and finished fourth the BUF you have eventually won by 21. also suspected on the against the Buckeyes and proven it." The BUF, which has been in one-meter board. The Badgers won the Bibbs said he came to the existence for more than four ,a might be a little first Wright State (of Ohio). The banquet to congratulate event, the medley years, had 12 dorm teams and 20 relay, and home debut is Highrisers, the winners of the BUF's independent independent teams participate [or the Spartans, com- Pat McDonnell, a late addi¬ MSU grabbed the second be¬ one week later champion¬ this year. The BUF employs 4 scorekeepers, 7 officials and is with the ship, and the Holmes Players, winners of the dorm a mighty upset at the tion to the University of Pitts run by Anita Moncrease, director, and Aaron traveling squad in fore Wisconsin swept first and championship. Bibbs said he also wanted to thank the teams for Collins, 'of a little-heralded Iowa, the absence of Kolon and Le- burgh. supervisor. i that she was right. Fevre, was fifth on the one- s loss was not that meter board and fourth in the ! , blow, considering the Spartans who did •he trip swam. Early- freshman phenomenon Flood won twice. Whitcomb was a dou- and missed a third by less than one-half Karen Waite, Linda | 4 Mlchigon Stote News, East lonslng, Michigan Have your auto Health Center insurance rates to hear gripes msMBh increased? Sentry has held the line 1 By KY OWEN tempts will be made to get back In an effort to establish to the student who complained better contact with students, the Olin Health Center Student he said. The education committee "will JEFF WILLIAMS Advisory board is setting up hopefully make students aware grievance, education, and policy and procedure com¬ of what the center has to offer," Gendemalik said. The com¬ MSU '68 mittees. All three committees will mittee will publish a book about Olin's facilities and services, i| 332-1838 begin organizing during winter term, board chairperson and a committee spokesperson will speak to freshmen at | 401 W. Grand River Bernadette Gendernalili said. orientation next year. I RNA'S HOLIDAY POSTIR SAL! Any student may volunteer to Siddall said clinics, "health work on a committee, she fairs," and speakers will be | TONIGHT 7:30-10:00 Conrad Aud. added. A meeting for all inter¬ ested will be held in early January at the Health Center. Gendefnalik said the griev¬ coordinated by the education committee. Staff members will go to dormitory complexes or individual dorms to present PORNO TONIGHT RHA® committee will handle ance student complaints about the programs on subjects such as birth control and nutrition, he LAST 6 DAYS health center, physicians and treatment received. A call-in said. The policy and procedures LEFTALOHE and walk-in service will be provided two days a week, and committee will eventually work with Olin on policy providing OUT IN THE a room has been set aside at the student input, Gendernalik magazine \w pi health center for committee use. said. "If they don't know what the you swore vv C0LD.BE Students on the committee will process complaints and students want, change," she added. they can't you'd never SURE TO VISE send them to the Health Center Siddall said he thinks the read- director, Dr. John Siddall, who will then pass them to the committees will help, and "will show students we do care what becomes the RHA'S HOLIE appropriate department. At¬ they think." film you POSTIR SHE cant miss; U.S. 'shocked' by verdict I continued Irom page 1) Most blacks outside the '"The available evidence does courtroom refused to make any not prove the death was public comment on the verdict. brought about by any act or "If one spoke his own "Truly Hilarious!' ommission involving offense by thoughts out, (it) would in¬ THE DIRTIEST. FINNIEST MOST AGGRESSIVE PIECE any person," the magistrate criminate me," said one teen- OF INABASHED PORNO said. aged African girl. GRAPHY SINCE BICKLEY The 30-year-old Biko, a Stunned by the AND GOLDSTEIN verdict, moderate who advocated non¬ Biko's widow left the court REACHED PIBERTY violent opposition to the white declining comment, saying, government's apartheid racial "I'm too depressed." policies, was the 21st black to RATIO X die in prison in 18 months. His TONIGHT death Sept. 12 sparked world¬ wide protest and new restric¬ -UxJi J 24-keut Showtime*: 7:00, 1:30. 10:00 tions against blacks in South Africa. motif prgtom fine Showplace: 121 NotSci Biko died in the Preotria jail 355-0213 after 24 days of detention. He Admission: Studants'2.50, Staff t faculty" J.50 had been kept stripped naked, shackled and handcuffed :iu)\v I'HonrcTK>\s through interrogations in Port Elizabeth. He was later driven naked and manacled 750 miles to Pretoria during the only hours before his death. night, THE DRAMATICS BRAINSTORM WEDNESDAY December 7 at the MSU AUDITORIUM 8:00 pan W 0.0' I ... at these shewcnse ANNOUNCING OPEN -88 PETITIONING FOR A SEAT ON THE TONIGHT ASMSU STUDENT DAN BOARD, COLLEGE OF FOGELBERG EDUCATION. plenty of good seats available APPLY AT 334 Monday, December 5 STUDENT SERVICES. Today 7:00 P.M. DEADLINE IS 5 P.M. HAZING ANIGHT OF FUN'N GAMES THAT WENT TOO FAR I DECEMBER 16, 1977 fFOj Mirhiaon Stole News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, December 5, 1977 ]5 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED A PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 _ Classified Advertising Jrtwltojg | Ewptoymgrt |[^|] Eqloynt |f[j] | Employment "][jj| f Rprtwrt |[y] [■Ina^wllnM IWWVlMVillwIV IT IS the policy of the STATE WANTED TRUMPET player BABYSITTER FOR | Rpartmts ||W| ( Ham ;>| NEWS that the last 4 weeks Holy DELIVERY HELP wanted. IT IS the policy of the STATE interested in playing in Polka Cross school area. Mornings FEMALE NEEDED winter of term all Student Advertis¬ Must have own car. Apply at OWN ROOM in furnished PHONE Mi-MM 147 Student Sarvlcti band. Phone 482-4905. NEWS that the last 4 weeks Bldg. ing must be paid for in and afternoons. Two chil¬ LITTLE CAESAR'S today of term all Student Classified term only, Old Cedar Village, house. $56.25/month plus 1/4 advance beginning Novem¬ Z-7-12-913) dren, own transportation. after 4 p.m. 8-12-914) across from campus. $90/ utilities. 489-2775. Z-1-12-513) References. 372-5754. advertising must be paid for month, 4-man. Call 332-2284. ber t4,1977. Bring or mail to in advance ■AXES beginning Nov¬ Z-6-12-7-14) 347 Student Services. A FEW 4-12-5(5) OWN ROOM 1624 Haslett, I good territories avail¬ MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST- ember 14,1977. Bring or mail PAYS day -NCper line able now. Sell AVON $76/month plus utilities, 351- 1 days IOC Sp-23-12-918) pro¬ STUDENTS EARN while you MT IA.S.C.P) preferred. to 347 Student Services. per line ducts in East Lansing. 482- Immediate part time midnight 2223.Z-5-12S13) learn. Part time contact work Sp-23-12-9(8) A days • 75t per lint Check today's Classified 6893. C-7-12-9I3I affords extra income. For shift opening. Must have 1,2,3 bedroom 1 days ■ 704 214 CHARLES ST. 526 Sun¬ per lint columns for the parts and clinical experience in all GRADUATE OR married stu¬ appointment 723-6055. set Lane. $20-$25/week supplies you need to get your SCHAKLEE DISTRIBUTORS Z-9-12-914) areas. Excellent starting rate dents. New luxury 2 bedroom TTSTEe Una rote per insertion car ready for the cold wanted. Part time. Call and benefit package. Contact • fully including utilities. Lease to Jerry, apartment. East Lansing bus carpeted June 10. 361-5847.12-12 9(4) weather ahead. 323-4954 for details. 7-12-913) Personnel, LANSING GEN¬ • gat RELIABLE GIRL needed to service. No pets. Start at hoof and central air ERAL HOSPITAL, 2800 stay part time with young $230. Call 351-9483 or 351- conditioning FURNISHED ROOMS avail¬ VOLKSWAGEN SQUARE FULL AND part time game Devonshire, 372-8220. EOE. • ftonollnei • 3 linei ■ '4.00 ■ 5 doyi. 80' per line over woman confined to bed. 9195 after 6 p.m. swimming pool able in large house, all utili¬ BACK, 1973. Most reason¬ room girls. Excellent Some cooking and chores. 8-12-7110) • 24-hour maintenance 3 lines. No adjustment in rate when cancelled. pay and OR-7-12-916) ties included, from $85/ able offer. Call 627-4469 • Price of ltem(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum eve¬ work conditions. Must be Must have car. Call 351-5592. play ground for children month. Call EQUITY VEST nings. 6-12-9131 neat and FEMALE WANTED for 4- • no pets at sale price of "SO. enjoy playing pool,f X-7J2-9I6) 351-1500. 0-7-12-9(5) NIGHT MANAGERS Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines • '2.25 per insertion. pinball, etc. Apply in person' woman 2-bedroom apart¬ • Today's best buys are in the COUPLE NEEDED to manage Ideal opportunity for employ¬ ment. Winter, call for Information 349-3S00 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). Classified section. Find what only, weekdays between 10 2 houses spring. Close. ROOM FOR mala, close to in East Lansing. Fee ment while completing your 351-5002. Z-512-913) 10-5 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Tuesday-Friday Ivntmoge/Garege Sale ads ■ 4 lines • '2.50. you're looking for! CINEMA X ADULT ENTER¬ negotiable. Call collect. 1- education. Requirements: 10-2 Saturday Union $14/week. 332-0205 63' per line oves 4 lines ■ per insertion. 313-531-0060. 512-914) previous retail experience, TWO 443 Grove Street. 7-12-913) TAINMENT, 1000 West Jolly PERSONS to share Pound Town ads • 4 lines ■ '2.50 per insertion.< VW DASHER, 1974. Red; Road. 0-7-12-9(9) must have transportation. room in Collingwood Apart¬ Knob Hill 63' per line over 4 lines, mint condition; CHILD CARE. My E. Lansing Openings for night managers NICE ROOM in nice house in 4-speed, ments, for winter term. 332- home. Tuesday and Thurs¬ and part time lost! Founds ads/Transportation ads • 3 lines M .50 - - stereo. Call 8-12-7131 351-0184. RESIDENT MANAGER day. 12-5 p.m. Winter term. employees in both Lansing and East Lan¬ 6926. Z-5-12-9I3I Apartments Lansing. 527 Clifford. $75/ month + utilities. 374-6029. per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. couple for East Lansing area. 332-8061. 5-12-9(3) sing areas. Hours flexible, ROOMMATE NEEDED now- 1512-913) VW 1973 412 station wagon Leasing, cleaning and repair starting wage based on one bedroom near campus. no rust, good engine, AM/ duties. Phone 332-3900 or CAMPUS PIZZA needs part- experience and hours avail¬ OWN ROOM 1 block to Ads • 2 p.m. ■ I Deadlines class day before publication. FM 8 track. $999, after 5 p.m. 7-12-6(3) 484-4915, 332-3202. 0-7-12-9(5) time, inside help, and drivers for Winter term. Apply after 4 able: See Mr. Vint or Mr. Ryan at MIN-A-MART *10, $110/month, 332-6744 10 am- 12 pm. Z-3-12-713) I Hoists ifc| campus around $95/month. Call Matt 8 p.m.-12 p.m., Cancellation/Change • I p.m. • 1 class doy before RECEPTIONIST NEEDED- p.m. 1312 Michigan (Next to 2168 West Grand River, Oke¬ FEMALE TO share 4 man FOR RENT 127 N. Hayford. 3 351-5722. X-Z 8-12-9(3) publication. VW BUG 1970. Good running part time evenings and Satur¬ Silver Dollar). 3-12-816) mos (across from Bill apartment winter/spring. bedroom, furnished. $300/ Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled condition. $425, best offer. days. Would like Spanish as Knapps) Monday, December Rent month plus utilities. Available MALE WANTED TO sublet in or changed negotiable. Colling¬ until alter 1st insertion. 351-6871. S-512-6I3I second language, young, MESSENGER NEEDED win¬ 5,1977, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. wood. 351-0583. Z-3-12-7 14) now. 4851353 after 5 p.m. 3 bedroom townhouse. $95. Here is a '1.00 charge lor t ad well-groomed, outgoing, vi¬ ter & spring terms. Must have 4-12-5(201 10-12-9(4) Call 393-8622 after 6 p.m. chonge plus 50' per VW BEETLE 1975. Good vacious. Applications good running car Er be MSU Z-3-12-6I3I additional change lor maximum ol 3 being FEMALE WANTED. $76 changes. condition, 16,000 miles, taken during regular business student. Call Sharon at The WAITRESSES PART time month for Old Cedar Village. FEMALE NEEDED winter The State News will only be responsible lor the 1st $2250, $600 down. 332-3398. hours. OKEMOS CHIRO¬ State News Display Advertis¬ nights available, must be No deposit/heat paid. 351- OWN ROOM in 3 bedroom day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims term only. Furnished house- must X-8-12-9I3I PRACTIC LIFE ing. 353-6400. S-1-12-5I6I neat. house. 15 minute walk from be made within 10 days ol CENTER, Apply in person 7650. Z-3-12-7(3) own room. Close campus. expiration date. 2109 Hamilton Road. COREY'S, 1511 S. Cedar, Call 337-1443. Z-512-7I3I campus. Near bus, $80/ I are due 7 days Irom ad expiration dale. II not VOLVO 1972 wagon $1995. 512-919) NURSING ATTENDANT Lansing. 512-7(5) FEMALE NEEDED winter month, 337-0291. Z-6-12 9(3) paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will Just tuned, must sell. 694- OPENINGS on the 3-11:30 term in 4-woman apartment. TWO BEDROOM house on be due. 3497. 5-12-9(31 PEACE CORPS Africa has p.m. shift for part time. Two TAXI-DRIVERS $67.50 a month. 351-1706. OWN ROOM house/female. wanted. east side of week paid training class be¬ Lansing. $140/ 531 Ann, winter, $95/month. positions open in many fields- Must have excellent driving Z-3-12-713) month plus utilities, deposit. Math and Science, Teaching, gins 12-12-77 at $2.74/hour record. Full time work. Apply 4857593. 512-914) Including utilities, 332-4429. Auto Service jj / \ Engineering, Agricluture, Vo¬ cational Education, and Lib¬ during training, $2.80/hour upon completion. INGHAM VARSITY CAB 332-3559. 8-12-915) 1 FEMALE to sublease in 4 Z-2-12-513) [ Automotive |[»' I Automotive jfcj GOOD USED TIRES. 13-14- eral Arts-The time to look into these opportunities is COUNTY MEDICAL CARE FACILITY, 3882 Dobie Road, JOB OPENINGS-full part- person apartment Twycking¬ ham. 351-4679 after 5 p.m. 512-913) CLOSE, NEW building, fire¬ place, 2 full baths, 3 bed¬ rooms, large study and large MALE OR female needed to rent own room, furnished in now! Come to the AFRICAN Okemos. 349-1050. time. Excellent pay, advance¬ house. Winter term only IUICK SKYLARK 1972, V8, FORD MAVERICK, 1971. 15 inch. Mounted free. Also, den, $420 plus. 315 Stoddard. STUDIES CENTER, Inter¬ X-3-12-6110) ment opportunities for the NEED $96.25 +■ utilities. Debbie, automatic, power, red with Very dependable. $500. After good supply of snow tires. FEMALE for winter 351-0765 after 6 p.m. national Center, 353-1700. right person. Call 374-6328 332-2457. Z 3-12 6(4) k vinyl. Sharp, $1900. 6p.m. call 489-9352.8-12-913) PENNELL SALES. 1301)4 sublease, 4-woman apart¬ 512-9(6) w 321-5045. 512-9(4) East Kalamazoo, 8-1-12-5(12) WAITRESSES-FULL or part between 4-6 p.m. 8-12-7(41 ment Cedar Village. $90/ Lansing. time nights. Located in month. 351-7428. FARM HOUSE-15 miles west 2 ROOMS for rent, starting MERCEDES BENZ-1974 240 482-5818. C-7-12-915) PIZZA DELIVERY-part time Waverly Plaza. MR. K'S. 321- near Potterville. 4 bedroom, winter term. No lease. Call kMARO IT, 1977. V-8, 4- diesel. Power equipped. Ex¬ Z-B-1-12-513) 351-2405 between 5 7 p.m. ,d, call Janet, 373-9601 or 674-7289.812-5-131 cellent condition. $6500. 676- 9363, 8-4:30 p.m. weexdays. Rake in the extra money you can make by selling no- and full time 18 years of age. Apply MY COUSIN'S PIZZA. 1199. 5-12-9(4) | Apartments W\ FEMALE TO share luxury barns, acreage. $225/month, 351-7497. 0-8-12-9(4) S-512-9(31 921 Armstrong or 3715 W. ENGINEERING OR Industrial 6-12-9(5) longer-needed items with a apartment. $120/month. Own PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE- Jolly, after 4 p.m. 512-9(51 Management grads. Intensive ONE AND two bedroom fur- FEMALE-SHARE room in low-cost, -fast-acting Classi¬ Room. 372-3574 or 487 3789. Quiet for student $70 per pPR11973, V-6, no rust, FM MUSTANG II 1974. Stereo, fied Ad. Phone 355-8255 two-year training* program,, -xushed. Near campus. J61- 5T 2-9(31 house, $72.S0/month, fur¬ inow tires and FEMALE masseuse wanted. then to assistant plant mana¬ 3118. 7-12-9(3) nished, close to campus montn plus deposit- -Phone. ■ very good condition. Great is, best offer over 61500. $8/hour. We will train. 489- ger. Salary to $15,000. Com¬ 351-6456. S-512-6I4I 489-6674 after 5 p.m. B-2438. mileage. $2195. 655-4343. REFILLABLE WINDSHIELD MALE ROOMMATE needed. 0-3-12-7(5) S-UJMI 4-12-6131 wiper blade for your foreign 2278. Z-X-20-12-913) pany pays fee. Send resume NEEDED FEMALE to sublet Huge new townhouse ROOM to DUNHILL PERSONNEL SHARE house. RPDI AUTOMATIC '2600 car in stock at CHEQUERED EAST LANSING ARTS OF LANSING, 920 North winter, 4-man apartment. $144.50, has it all, indoor pool Abbott and Grove Street. OWN ROOM in 2 bedroom Excellent condition. MUSTANG II 1975, 4 speed. FUG FOREIGN CAR $77.50/month. Good location and morel 394-0782. house. Winter term. Rent $50.351-2212 or 882-2106,12 . WORKSHOP now accepting Fairview, Lansing 48912 60 firm, 371-1899. 6, rust proofed, good mpg, PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ to campus. Grand River, 512-914) application/resumes for poss- 512-9(11) a.m.-9 p.m. 4-12-8(31 negotiable. 15 minutes to §12-6(3) excellent condition, best zoo St., one mile west of application/resumes for pos¬ Lansing. Call 337-0611. campus. 351-4175 offer. 394-0552. 7-12-9(4) campus. 487-5055. Z-512-6I4I NEED ROOMMATE for 2 Z-512-913) (PRICE CLASSIC-1977 sible openings in the child- SALES ENGINEER-sell to in¬ TREEHOUSE APART¬ X-C-7-12-9127) rens' arts program. Must dustry and distributors. One bedroom house, starting d, valour interior Er will- MUSTANG ONE OR two males needed MENTS, Center street. Fe¬ 1972. Runs have elementary or art educa¬ Winter term. 1 mile from SINGLE ROOMS close to ■ to deal, 882-5692. year training program, Engi¬ for 4 man apartment. 1 block male needed, own room, excellent. Some body work Tired of being broke? Get tion background. E.L.A.W., campus. Close to bus line campus pleasant atmo¬ 0-8(3) neering degree required. Sal¬ from campus. 351-7274. December 15. $130, 351- needed. Evenings 393-4211. fast cash by selling things 693 N. Hagadorn, E. $87.50 318 N. Hayford 485- sphere, friendly people, $25 Lansing, ary plus car. Company pays Z-8-12-6I3I 7191. X-Z-512-7I3I tVETTE 1976 AM-FM 6-12-9131 you no longer use with a Mi. 48823 2-12-6(81 fee. Send resume to DUN- 1406. Z-512-9I5I deposit, lease by the term. aw radial tires, fast-action Classified Ad. Call HILL PERSONNEL OF LAN¬ 215 Lewis street. 351-4495. NEED CASH? We buy im¬ 116 SOUTH HAYFORD, 2 trailer hitch, 355-8255 PIZZA MAKERS-part time or SING, 920 North Fairview. ONE MALE needed for 4-man FEMALE ROOMMATE-own 11-12-9(51 ports and sharp late models bedroom, stove + refrigera¬ room in spacious, well kept ■itipg., 1.4 liter engine has full time 18 years of age. Lansing 48912. 512-9111) tor only $170/month, plus apartment winter/spring. "DO miles. 663-1233. compacts. Call John Da IMPORT AUTO parts and house with four other people PRIVATE ROOM in boarding Apply MY COUSIN'S PIZZA. utilities. Phone 4851353 after Capitol Villa. 351-4167. house §12-9(5) Young. WILLIAMS V.W. repair. 20% discount to stu¬ 921 on Kalamazoo St. Call 487- parking, kitchen, co¬ Armstrong or 3715 W. COOKS WANTED. Apply in 5 p.m. 512-814) Z-512-9I3I ed, utility paid, 332-0797 after 484-1341 or 484-2551. dents and faculty on cash/ 0363. Z-512-914) Jolly after 4 p.m. 512-9151 6 p.m. Z-1-12-5I4I C7-12-9I5I carry service parts in stock. person. Must be neat. 220 NEED 1 female to sublease Y '4 ton pickup 1976, LCC SOUTH near, carpeted, Check our prices and reputa¬ MAC. AMERICA'S CUP winter term only. New Cedar FEMALE ROOMMATES * cap, performance ex- . OLDSMOBILE, 1969 Delta 88 tion. RECEPTIONIST, P.B.X., typ¬ RESTAURANT. X-4-12-6I4I two bedroom. Laundry, pat¬ 2-4 ROOMS in house. $83/ i Best offer. 372-0081. 500 E. Kalamazoo at Village. $75/month. 332-2092. needed. Own large rooms, 4 door, power, air, good ing 50 WPM 8 a.m.-5 p.m. io, close to bus, prefer month. Fully carpeted. Close Cedar, 485-2047; Z-512-713) $80/month plus utilities. On §17-9131 mechanical condition, $400. 485-9229. weekdays excellent fringe WANTED WAITERS and employed couple, good refer¬ CATA, 337-2236. X-512-913) Dishwasher. 332-1122. West campus shop 485-0409. package. For appointment ences, no pets, $185 includes 97 3/4 ton CHEVY win- 337-7320. 3-12-6(4) waitresses. Apply at THE FEMALE TO sub-lease winter 512-9(3) Free wrecker service with call Mr. Hodges, 372-8100. utilities. Deposit. 372-9488. RAINBOW RANCH, 2843 term. One block to campus. MALE ROOMMATE needed it. Beauville repairs with mention of this Equal Opportunity Employer. package. OLDSMOBILE. 1975, Delta East Grand River. 4-12-7(3) 8-12-6(71 to share room in house 2 2 BEDROOMS for rent in 4 M belted radials. 9 pass- ad. Local areas. C-7-12-917) 512-9(71 Spacious. 332-1078. 88. 4-door, power, air cruise, blocks from campus begin¬ person house, girts preferred. ir conditioning, etc. 1 FEMALE for 2 person 2-3-12-5(3) low mileage, very good con¬ BABYSITTER FOR infant in Furnished $60/month, 482- ning winter term. 351-7241 p 627-2351. 5-12-9(61 dition. $2950. 337-7320. MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. PART TIME job on campus. our home only. Located near apartment, own room, $113/ LARGE-3 bedroom, available ask for Kevin. Z-8-12-614) 6131. Z-3-12 7(31 Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto $2.75 an hour. Call for more month, close, 351-5062. 3-12-6(5) campus. 15 hours per week, Dec. 18. Appliances, dish¬ KVR0LET 1976 window painting-collision sen/ice. information, 355-0982 2-512-7(3) FURNISHED 5 person, close OWN ROOM in 3-bedroom salary negotiable. 351-1762. __ washer, yard, garage. 2 bath Carpeted, rear sofa bed, OLDSMOBILE ROYALE 1976 American-Foreign 485 Z-3-12-713) 512-9(4) to apartment, furnished, ex¬ cars. MSU NEAR-mobile home. 1 rooms, dining room, living campus.Women grads «ty extras. $4196, call 589 Holiday. Air, 4-door, AM-FM, 0256. C-7-12-9I4I room and porch. Fully car¬ preferred. Call tremely close. Steve. 351- ATTENTION PRE-MEDS! A bedroom furnished. $145 Marilyn, "9 or 393-7300. 3-12-5(41 31,000 miles, $4595. 321- TEACHER SEEKING reliable peted and panelled. 3 minute EAST LANSING REALTY 2528. Z-512-913) chance to learn about medi¬ month. $145 deposit. Call 1219.2-12-5(3) JUNK CARS wanted. Also sitter in our E. Lansing home 694-0088. 512-914) drive to campus. Ideal for WORLD 3459603, evenings *VETTE 1977 low mileage cal school interviews and get 332-3402. 512-9(51 selling used parts. Phone for 10 month baby until June professional couple. $310/ to with red leather Interi- OLDS TORONADO 1974, anytime 321-3651. paid at the same time. Friday 9, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Must enjoy month. 482-9226. 2-12-5(9) Ifttorp. 372-9439. 9-12-9(31 loaded, trailer package, Zie- C-7-12-913) Decmeber 16th and Saturday child care, be healthy, own FEMALE NEEDED to sublet NONSMOKING GRAD stu¬ For Sale December 17th. Sign up in beautiful 4 man. One block to barted. Sacrifice $3200. 351 FEMALE TO share 2 man dent needed to share house transportation. References. campus. $82.50 Jane, 353- ITSUN 280 Z, 1975 Office of Student Affairs and in Okemos with 2 women. air, 8058. C-512-9I4I 351-2076 after 2:30 p.m. 5661. 512-9-77(3) apartment winter term, close - Admissions. A234 Life Sci¬ Pets-horses ok. Call UNIVERSITY OF Chicago 345 iffi P mileage, excellent condi- 3-12-6(71 to campus. 351-1889 after 5 >.361-1733 or 351-3538. PLYMOUTH FURY four , Employment ences building, or call 353- FEMALE NEEDED for 4 man p.m. Z-3-12-6I3I 1238. Home evenings. doctoral gown, small. Plus 7140 and ask for Cheryl. Z-8-12-8I5I beret, size 7 1/8, $40. 345 door, 1975. Air conditioning, PROJECTIONISTS: THE Cedar Village. Winter/Spring 512-9(11) 2753. E-512-5I3I power steering, power FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. Instructional Media Center is $90. Excellent roommates. ONE FEMALE non-smoker DESIRE FACULTY rental. "SUN 240Z 1971. Me- brakes. V-8 automatic. Must now hiring student pro¬ for Cedar Village. Available $6/hour. No training neces¬ Call Tina Or Lisa, 351-9338. Grossbeck area $395. Four KING SIZE SIERRA waterbed toeslly excellent. $2000 or sell. $1200 or best offer. 372- WANTED-COMMISSION jectionists for winter term. now or for winter, spring. sary. Call 489-2278. sales people. New, exciting Z-512-914) bedrooms, central air, family frame on a pedestal with six * offer. Must sell, 623- 5035. 6-12-515) Must have more than 1 term $88/month. 351-635C. drawers. Excellent condition, W 2-5-12-8(3) 20-12-9131 safety product sold to all left and have large blocks of Z-3-12-6I4I room, dishwasher. Call even¬ FEMALE NEEDED to sub¬ almost new. $350 or best PONTIAC TEMPEST, 1970. types of accounts. Excellent hours from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. free. ings, 484-3432. 13-12-9(41 REGISTERED NURSES- lease in Cedar Village. Win¬ offer. 482-4731. 8-12-9(51 WE VAN 1973. Finished Good body, power steering, commission. Car necessary. MALE ROOMMATE needed- immediate openings for Apply in person only to Fred ter, $88/month. 351-4887, must sell. Call 337-2343. Interviews Thursdays, Dec¬ IT IS the policy of the STATE power steering and R.N.'s. All areas and shifts., Moore, Room 28 Instruction¬ after 5:30 p.m. Z-512-913) starting winter. 731 Burcham BEAN BAGS great for the • Must Z-2-12-5I3I ember 8, 1-5 p.m. SPECT¬ al Apartments. Furnished, 332- NEWS that the last 4 weeks sell. 351-5722. full and part-time. Hospital Media Center between the dorm or family room-Queen RUM MANUFACTURING 2724.Z-5159I3I of term all Student Classified hours of 8-12 a.m. and 1-5 size with paid Bluecross, 10 holidays handle $29.95. PONTIAC ASTRE, 1975. 3- CORPORATION, 1818 Bas¬ p.m. Monday-Friday. FEMALE NEEDED to sublet advertising must be paid for IIRD 70 with 1974 350 plus vacation, tuition refund set! Street, Lansing. for winter and spring terms FEMALE NEEDED to sub¬ in advance beginning Nov¬ BERKS FURNITURE in "THE speed, rustproofed: 15,300 512-9(131 OLD SCHOOLHOUSE" 4801 » Asking $960. Call 353- and many more benefits. 512-7110) (or just winter). Old Cedar lease winter term. Excellent ember 14,1977. Bring or mail miles, excellent condition. N. US 27 at State Rd. Jtokfor Steve. 882-7335 after 5 pm. 7-12-914) Salary range $6.07 to $6.48 CLERK TYPIST position with Village. $90/month. 351-7817. location and roommates. Cin¬ to 347 Student Services. 482-6241. 10-12-9(81 1-112-6(3) per hour plus shift differ¬ CHURCH ORGANIST-begin- Meridian township. Funded Z-3-12-514) dy, 332-0456. Z-3-12-614) Sp-23-12-9(8) ential. Will credit for experi¬ ning January, year-round through Title VI of CETA. SEWING MACHINE SALE SUBARU 1972. 30 + miles ence. Contact Personnel, position. Call 332-0778 Must be resident of Ingham THREE BEDROOM, modern FARM HOUSE-15 miles west FEMALE NEEDED Winter, UNSING GENERAL HOSPI¬ between 10 a.m.-2 p.m. kitchen with dining, carpeted, near Potterville. 4 bedroom White sleeve arm machine per gallon. Best offer. 482- county and meet Title VI Spring. 1 bedroom, furnish¬ TAL, 2800 Devonshire. 3-12-6(4) and air. Laundry facilities. Bams acreage. $255/month $119.50. Others from $89 7179.3-12-5(3) criteria, including 15 week ed, Balcony. Call after 5:30 Phone 372-8220. 8-12-6(131 4856358. 512-9(3) 351-7497. OR-7-12-914) Ideal Christmas gift guaran¬ unemployment. Apply at p.m., 351-3196. Z-7-12-913) HELP WANTED-truck driv¬ teed used machines from TORONADO, 1973. Excellent Michigan Employment BEAUTICIAN-FULL time. els. Part time, morning or ROOMMATE NEEDED-large DUPLEX AVAILABLE now. 3 $39.95. EDWARDS DIS¬ condition. Loaded. $2100. Security Commission, 3215 Experience necessary. Call afternoon, Monday-Satur¬ FEMALE-SUBLEASE Winter 2 bedroom, Lake of the Hills. to 4 people. Furnished. Near TRIBUTING CO. 115 N. S. Pennsylvania, Lansing. 43,000 miles. 482-6978. for appointment. 3352253. day. Must be good driver and Duties include typing police term only. Own furnished Grad student or working. campus. 6659939. 512-9131 Washington 489-6448. In."6 "' M Eli,e' automatic 9-12-9(3) 512-6(32 reliable. Call Bob Aldrich for reports, answering phone, room in two bedroom apart¬ Connie, 4853200; 3353566. C 7 12-9(8) s,ere«. rust proof, appointment, 882-0208. ment. Great roommate. $95 4-12-7(41 W and some public contact condition, 30,000 STORE DETECTIVES-call 512-916) includes all. 5906 Marsh Rd. VEGA 1971. Automatic, activity. Must be able to NEEDED-MALE to share 4- Rooms MOST LP'S prices $1.75 ^f50 882-1012. 54,000 miles, runs well. Call 351-7131 after 5 p.m. 641-6734 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR handle confidential material and type 60 w.p.m. Meridian on bus line 339-1560, 394- 3982, beautiful. Z-512-7I7I man Campus Hill apartment. Winter and spring. 3455648. IT IS the policy of the STATE $2.50 Cassettes, $3.00, qual¬ ity guaranteed. Plus 45's, OR-7-12-9I3I needed. Call DAYTIME CEN¬ to Z-3-12-513) Township is an EOE. Z-512-714) NEWS that the last 4 weeks song books andmore FLAT TORINO, 1974. 302 TER FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. 3-12-61171 EAST LANSING close in. 3 of term all Student Classified BLACK AND CIRCULAR up¬ Recreational therapy helpful. Jjwcmauc, power steer- UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ rooms and bath. Unfurnish¬ FEMALE NEEDED- to share Advertising must be paid for stairs 541 E. Grand River. l^r1350-827- VEGA WAGON, 1974.45,000 miles, 4 speed. Excellent con¬ ficers call 10 a.m. 641-6734 between and 3 p.m., Monday- 371-2298. 3 12-6141 IT IS the policy of the STATE WEEKEND HELP stocking and cashiering. Inquire at LOUIE'S PARTY wanted, ed. $185. Phone 332 5988. OR-7-12-9141 house, own room. $86 per month, plus utilities. House is in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail Open 11 C-7-12-917) a.m. 351-0838. dition. $1150. 321-4699. Friday. OR-7-12-913) NEWS that the last 4 weeks completely furnished. Call to 347 Student Services. 512-9(4) STORE. 1931 S. Washington. 484 4311. 8-12-7(5) of term all Student Classified NEED ONE for Sp-23-12-9(8l 8 12-9(41 woman 3-per- WOOD STOVES, antiques, PART-TIME positions for advertising must be paid for son Twyckingham apart¬ flour mills. Come see the new VEGA 1974 Estate Wagon. MSU students. 15-20 hours/ in advance beginning Nov¬ NOW TAKING applications ment. 2 med students now NEED MALE to share 4-man OWN ROOM in nice E. "OLD" store in Grand Ledge. Low mileage, Ziebarted, week. Automobile required. ember 14, 1977. Bring in or for full-time breakfast cook. residing $75/electric. Janu¬ furnished apartment close to Lansing house. Winter/ Wood, wind and sun store, AM/FM cassette stereo. Phone 339-9500; 339-3400. mail to 347 Student Services. Apply at Costa's in Frandor. ary-June. Call Pat 351-6182. campus. Cheap! 351-3695. spring. $90 plus utilities. 353- 209 N. Bridge, Grand Ledge. $960 332-0866. Z-512-9I3I C-7-12-914) Sp-23-12-9(8l 8 12-7(41 512-9(51 Z-3 12-6(3) 5660. Z-12-5I3I 627-5944. 512-516) J ] £ Michigon Stole Newt, Eost Loosing, Michigan ForSMb ](§) [ ftrSilt 1(51 I ^ Sail 1(5] Qleiiafs JfVi] [^ Personal (/] [ R«CfialiOB7]ffl L Swvice ]|^| | IfrhHwheJg [Transportation SOLIGOR 35-105 zoom lens KIRBY UPRIGHT sweeper CHRISTMAS SUPER stereo- NEEDED, PLACE to keep DO YOUR own divorce. We SKI FOR less: Colorado FOR QUALITY stereo ANN BROWN for Nikon, $200; Honeywell (classic) with attachments. Phase linear 400 amp. 250 vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, AND TYPING. PRINTING RIDER to Florin* Doberman Pincher for stu¬ will show you how. Approxi¬ budget. Complete listing of Dissertations Excellent condition, $95. 323- rms; Harmon Kardon Citation 556 East Grand River. pro strobe, full accessories, dent. Good watchdog for a mately $75. Mr. Clark, 339- inexpensive lodgine, restaur¬ $150. 487-5671. 5-12-5-14) 4013. 5-12-5(4) eleven per-amp with equal¬ ants & bars at ski areas. Pays izer; OHM F speakers; Tech¬ rented house. Mark 351-3138. 2670. 11-12-9(3) for itself the first night. Sent CJJ2-9W 627569V Z-6-12-8I4I 2-8-129(4( C CLARINET Bb Noblet in ex¬ cellent condition. $150 HEAD MACH II skis. bindings, Scott poles, Henke Tyrolia nics SL1200 direct-drive turn¬ table; warranty-private audi¬ BEAGLE AKC registered fe¬ CO SIGNER for loan-reward for signing-free default insur¬ $3.95: CDS, Box 2870, Vail, Colo. 81657. Z-8-12-5(8) FREE LESSON in complexion care. MERLE NORMAN EES.*55—. WANTED boots size 9. Used only twice tion. 349-2673. Z-5-12-917) ance. Call 351 2820 after 4 COSMETIC STUDIO - 321- best offer. 353-3418. TYPING, Z 7-12-9(3) $225. 1-584 6464. Z-3-12-614) male. Moving, must sell. $40/ 2-512-6(4) 5543. C-7-12-9I3I EXPERIENCED, Fast and reasonable. area^^^ej PANASONIC STEREO AM- best offer. 694-5306. Z-E512-7I3I p.m. [ Real Estate I A! 46K.C-7-12-9I3) 37V RIDERS - - WHITE RABBIT fur jacket, full sleeves, dress coat like FM, cassette. Excellent con¬ dition, $175. 355-4118. SINGLE MALE, 30, 5'8" Caucasian, good looking, LAKE VICTORIA: Modern 3 [mm srvict [6>| PROFESSIONAL NEEDED,OA, Phoenix-Tuscon ar * THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL PUPPY LOVERS only. Free bedroom rench. About 20 EDITOR new size 7, $70. 332-0512. Z-3-12-613) Z-3-12-713) Beagle/Cocker to good wide interests. PhD., M.D. seeks mid 20's compatible minutes north of East Lan¬ COPYGRAPH SERVICE NOW BOOKING JOBS. You're Paper WINTER ^January 2. ^ home. 351-0917 after 6 p.m. Complete dissertation and invites PAIR LARGE Advent speak¬ female, intelligent, creative, sing. Peaceful wooded set¬ the Best Reception with Pre¬ Z-E-512-6(31 resume service. Corner SONY STEREOS and ting overlooking the lake. sette recorders, plus entire cas¬ ers, walnut, $155. 351-1804. 5-12-9(3) Phone cultural, unmaterialistic, liber¬ al, affectionate, dignified, Tastefully decorated, well in¬ M.A.C. and Grand River, cision Editing. Call the Dr CUSTOM at Instructions sulated customized home. 8:30-5:30 Monday-Friday. COMMUNICA Sony line now available at FREE-6 puppies, 6 weeks old, attractive to explore lasting TION CONSULTING: WRITiNG expe,ie„ceU, NT|I 337J666.C-7-125(5) 372- VOSS SALES AND SER¬ SEWING MACHINE, Water- weaned, intelligent, cute, relationship Call anytime Large family room with de¬ 4135 5125(6) Wars CONSULTANT VICE, Grand River (between bed, Dining set and more. 882-8504, anytime. 512-913) 3453664. Z 5 12 6( 111 lightful view, beamed ceiling TERM PAPERS, thesis, dis¬ sronal er' TYPING FAST and reasons OR-2-12 6,3) 337-159, Okemos and Marsh Rds.) Call after 4 p.m.. 485-4992. and glass front fireplace with sertation typing; IBM pica or Open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.- 6-12-913) IT IS the policy of the STATE heatilator. Built-in appliances, ble, 394-4729, electric elite, call 332-2078. type¬ GERMAN SHEPARD pups NEWS that the last 4 weeks writer: pica. 9 p.m. till Christmas. 349- 1 '/i baths. Most rooms car¬ OR-7-12-913) C-7-12-9I3I 1210. 6-12-9(91 rristhe poiic7oT Instate AKC registered. Deposit will of term all Student Classified peted. Plenty of storage. NEWS that the last 4 weeks hold for Xmas. 1-782-7515. advertising must be paid for UNIGRAPHICS Finished basement with field- TYPING TERM papers and OFFERS DYNASTAR ACRAGLASS of term all Student Classified Z-512-8I3I in advance beginning Nov¬ Dicker and Deal skis, 195cm. Look Nevada Advertising must be paid for bindings, tuned and adjusted in advance beginning Nov¬ ember 14,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. stone fireplace. Electronic air cleaner, attached 2 car gar¬ age, large redwood deck, dog thesis, I.B.M. experienced, fast service. Call 351-8923. OR-7-12-913) complete dissertation and re¬ sume IBM service: Typesetting, typing, offset printing aswajj Second Hand Store (701 South Codor to new boot. $200, 337-9371. 3-12-9(41 ember 14,1977. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. | Mllilo Hwis IB Sp-23-12-9(8) pen. ball Nearby private beach, diamond, boat launch, PROMPT TYPING Service. and binding. For estimate stop in at 2843 East Grand Wanted 487-3806 Sp-23-12-9(8) River or phone, 332-8414 TUTOR OF children's playground. Also Term papers, resumes. I.B.M. elementary Zm DOWNHILL SKIS: CM giant 1968 DETROITER, 12 x 60 furnished, 2 bedroom, wash¬ i PoMrts PbtsomI i about 2 miles from Sleepy 694-1541. OR-512-713) C-V12-9(7) needed. Call 372 3050 i BUMPER POOL table-cue sticks and balls. Good condi¬ slalom Hope Murker bindings 205-8529 $50; ski poles, $10. i *$■" S er/dryer, air conditioner. See to appreciate. 274 Del Hi HEY: BOO BOO, Happy An¬ Hollow State Park. $49,900. By owner; family relocating. EXPERT TYPING service by YOU NEVER SOUNDED SO GOODI Superb professional ^wFeene^J Phone tion, $50. 110 pound barbell 321-6598. X-5-12-513) Manor, Holt. 694-8271. niversary It's been a great 8 months. Love and kisses, 651-6374^5-12-5(291 MSU grad. 17 years experi¬ ence. Near Gables, call 337- editor energizes your paper or WE BUY newspapers^ L set $10. Call 349-4027 after 5 NEWFOUNDLAND PUP¬ article at substantial scholar- 512-9(4) NEW HOME, '3 bedrooms, 1 p.m. 5 12-5(61 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ PIES, 6-weeks. AKC. Little Boo. Z 1-12-5(4) 0205. OR-7-12-9I4I discount. Cure those disser¬ quantity, a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Fri! story, 2 car attached garage, at 916 Fie, # ers. Tanks, cannisters, and Championship sired. Shots, , 337-2226. o- 8-12-7(3) iz- tation blues: Call the Dr. at Lansing. 323 7476.6129(7 wormed. $300. 676-2089. TWELVE YEARS experience SKI PACKAGE. Rossignol skis, women's boots 7-8 in¬ cludes bindings, poles. $100 uprights. Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 8-12-7(4) L Lost ft Foari jiq ( Recreation ]§] Service typing theses, manuscripts, term papers. Evenings, 675 CUSTOM COMMUNICA¬ TION CONSULTING. 372- GARAGE TO keep car I 316 North Cedar, opposite 7544. C-7-12-9I3I 4135J0-12518) during the winter- p,J White stag ski coat, $15.351 - IT IS the policy gf the STATE close 8557. S 5-12 7(3) City Market. X-C-7-12-917) ZEBRA FINCHES make great apartment pets. $10 each, NEWS that the last 4 weeks EQUITY LOAN-if you are EXPERIENCED IBM typing. to campus 3515406. Z-5-12-8I3I local of term all Student Classified LOOKING FOR A Dissertations, (pica, elite) $17/pair. 487-2166. buying your home on a TRADE FOR Christmas on BOOKS, MAGAZINES, com¬ E-512-5131 Advertising must be paid for ABDO'S LOUNGE mortgage or own your home |OREAT JOB?-get a head FAY ANN. 489-0358. HOUSE WANTED ~ TV's, stereos's, CB's, jewelry, ics and more! CURIOUS in advance beginning Nov¬ featuring free and clear, ask about our sion by that first impres¬ having X-C-12-9I10L Bailey or Glencairn sd» $45,000 maximum 394.101 BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS ember 14, 1977. Bring or your resume guns, tools, guitars plus equity loan. Borrow against BLOCK TO campus. Fast, more. All River. 332-0112. 10-12 lbs when full grown. mail to 347 Student Services. the your equity to consolidate |typeset. The Typecutter 512-513) * merchandise tested make your credentials reasonable, experienced. X-C-7-12-9I4I and guaranteed. WILCOX Red, 6 weeks, AKC, $125. Sp-23-12-918) Dick Ott Trio your bills, make major home Id out in any stack of Term papers, editing. 332- TRADING POST 485-4391 Can hold until Christmas. improvement, take that long 8498, 351-1711. 8-12-6(4) Looks much bet- C 7 12-9(7) APPLES, CIDER, BLOSSOM 882-6615 or 349-9486. LOST: SIAMESE cat. If Progressive awaited vacation, or for any imes. than typing. Give 9-12-9141 found phone 351-4683. Jazz other good purpose. Call ORCHAROS. The Wadow- call -we're 1 Trmpirtitiw [ffl[ a very, FAIRCHILD VIDEO entertain¬ ski's 2 miles North of Leslie. Z-8-12-9I3I Monday nights only Ivery reasonable. 487-9295. ment system complete with 9 3597 Hull Rd. Old US 127, 9 p.m.-I p.m. ENGLISH SPRINGER Span¬ LENS PRECISION ground in PROFESSIONAL cartridges, only 5 months old, Hours, 9-5 p.m. Closed Mon¬ EDITING iel pups. AKC registered. LOST FEMALE Irish Setter. 6 3600 S.Logan lab OPTICAL DIS¬ $350 new. sell for $200; call our papers, thesis, dissertations. FLORIDA BOUND bus for days, 1-589-8251. Gift pack¬ Champion blood line. Liver months old. Ann-Albert 349-3720 or 351-0432. Ask for ages shipped by UPS, Lansing, Mi COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, Minor corrections to rewrite. X-mas break, Dec. 17-30. If and white. $50. 349-5494. Street area. 332-0686. Re¬ SHAAREY7rw Lansing, Mi. 372-7409. Foreign students welcome. Don. 6-12-9151 OR-7-12-917) Z-E-5I2-7I4I ward. 512-9(3) C-7-12-9(31 C-512-914) you want to come call Paul .... .. 374-7153. X-11-12-9(3) f° closed until further 1 C-7-12-913) Adults may accept or disallow Announcements for It's What's Alpha Lambda Delta applica¬ Council of Graduate SI Happening must be received in the tions for graduate study available will have their regular mt State News office, 343 Student treatment under proposed bill in 161 Student Services Bldg. 6:30 today in the Con-Col Services Bldg., by noon aj least Deadline for application is Jan. 6, of the International Cental two class days before publicstion. 1978. No announcements will be ac¬ cepted by phone. Come play GOI MSU Go Club Single Parents meeting I By KATHY SZEJBACH exceptional means of life sup¬ Video Workshop invites people meets at 8:30 tonight. Call Ken or held at 6 tonight in Spananl State News Stail Writer studying similar legislation in "Lives are prolonged for Mike at 332-6353 for details. Day Cate. Child ca port. other states and working out However, she said, "Up until interested in City Council proceed¬ A bill extending the rights months — and it's painful, this point we have not liked of Michigan's act would allow an problems in the Michigan bill. ings to participate. Meetings are Do you have three fa Michigan adults to accept or adult the costly and inhuman," he said. what we saw. We cablecast live. For details contact NREE Club meets at 7 tonight in right to appoint an Hollister said he became The act outlines a thought it week, during wir discontinue medical treatment agent — whether a relative interested in developing such specific was very unnecessary legi¬ Union Activities. 22 Natural Resources Bldg. Learn Otto Jr. High students? I form an infividual must fill out about Michigan United Conserva¬ 26 Student Services 6 prolonging life is expected to be friend, doctor or clergy — to act legislation because of a per¬ slation." to appoint an Pre-Law Association is planning tion Clubs. introduced to the state House on the appointer's behalf if he agent and an Martin Benjamin, associate volunteer. sonal experience. alternate agent. Two witnesses trips to Detroit law schools Jan. of Representatives tonight. or she should become professor of philosophy at ••••••••••••••a •••••••••$$$$$! incapable "I had a grandfather who had must sign the document, which 20: UM on Jan. 27. Call Andy at Entitled the "Medical Treat¬ of making the decision to con¬ MSU, is a member of the task a heart attack, institu¬ 353-1570 for details. ment Decision Act," the legisla¬ tinue or discontinue medical was may be nullified if the indivi¬ force. He said that the bill tionalized, sent home, had dual changes his or her mind. tion is based on a similar treatment. would another attack and was protect all adults, Christian Science Organization, philosophy as the "living will," The legislation was drafted re- Although the appointer may including those who wish to East Campus, meets from 7 to 8 institutionalized," Hollister write a statement which has been adopted in by a special task force or¬ said. "He wanted to die, but advising the prolong their lives as long as tonight in 221 Baker Hall. ^ THE ORIGINAL Tisl) California. A living will is a ganized by the bill's sponsor, agent or doctor, it is not legally they (the doctors) decided they possible. legally binding document Rep. David Hollister, D- binding. The agent makes the Currently. Michigan hos- Folk dancing is held at 8:30 wouldn't let him." final decision. written by an individual in¬ every Monday night in the Bailey Lansing. The task force in¬ Hollister said that over the pitaia operate under a code/no- School gym, three blocks from structing doctors whether or cluded doctors, nurses, Doctors and other medical code system. A person who is clergy, last several years, he has seen not the individual wants his or her life prolonged with medi- lawyers, philosophers and other citizens. The task force cases where modern medicine personnel are also not required to participate in the treatment approaching death may be Berkey Hall. FISH SANDWICH, worked against the wishes of of a patient if they designated as a "no-code," Political Science Advisory cines, machinery or some other object on spent the last 18 months the individual. moral grounds. In such a the objecting medical case, which means that if the per¬ son's life signs fail, the medical Council will meet at 2:45 today in 103 S. Kedzie Hall. CHIPS, AND A person personnel would not try to BACKPACKING FEATURED must find a carry out replacement to the revive him or her. AIKIDO, MARTIAL ART FOR SELF-DEFENSE AND PERSONAL DRINK agents in¬ The criteria making a person structions. GROWTH meets from 9 to 10:30 a "no-code" varies from hospital The act offers protection for doctors and other medical per¬ to hospital. A hospital commit¬ tee, or the family and doctor p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 1 to 3 p.m. Sundays in the <1.25 Nat Sci goes Rockies sonnel who act states that according to the agent's instructions. The bill make the decision. The patient may or may not be consulted. Judo Room of the Men's IM MSU Bible Study meets Bldg. at Any day from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. physicians are not Benjamin asked, "What if 11:30 a.m. Monday in C304 Wells civilly or criminally Coupon expires Dec. 11,1977 liable "for (the patient) is a right to lifer? Hall, Wednesday in C312 Wells By JEANNE BARON the act of Eat Here ■ Take Home State News Staff Writer Canadian Rockies. fees. administering, with¬ Don't they have a right to it? Hall, and Tuesday and Thursday in The schedule will include holding, or withdrawing the What if the hospital committee R220 Natural Resources Bldg. Three parks in the Canadian medical treatment" if the re¬ Rockies will serve as the labor¬ one day trips and backpacking Students must provide their makes a no-code on them?" quests of the agent are legal. Venereal disease: Free and con¬ trips along trails to observe own transportation to Banff as According to Hollister, eight atory for Natural Science 142A, The bill fidential treatment from 1 to 4 a field study course to be geological and ecological fea¬ well as camping and back¬ specifically states: states have enacted legislation p.m. Monday, Thursday and Fri¬ Offer va!M tures of the region. "This act shall not be construed offered sumer term. packing equipment. to since last January, guaran¬ day; and 8:30 a.m. to noon on witk this cnpon "There is academic condone, authorize, or Enrollments for the four an reason ap¬ teeing the rights of terminally Wednesday at Community Health Financial assistance is avail¬ prove mercy killing or suicide." credit course will be limited, for hiking along these trails and, to a certain degree, a able but enrollment is It also says that a person who ill patients. He said that 32 Services, 701 N. Logan St. Mlyattke limited, other states are considering and applications are now being psychological reason. Some program co-ordinators empha¬ "falsely represents himself or such legislation. Agriculture and Natural Re¬ East Laesiof store t accepted at the Overseas Study sized. Interested students are herself Office, 108 International (trails) are quite challenging," as an agent... and who One task force member, sources Education Club meets at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 310 Agricul¬ MILtrtf liver " Besaw said. urged to enroll soon. A $50 gives instructions for the re¬ Sister Betty Gaiss, said she Center. fusal of medical treatment with ture Hall. All welcome. For this reason, he deposit is required. The money For more than three weeks, said, the intent of thought there were better students must submit a medical applies to the total course cost hastening the students will be able to back- ways of confronting the prob¬ but cannot be refunded if person's death, is liable for Microbiology Undergraduate ALL DEGREE . . «1. rur. 1 in a lem of hospital care than with Club presents "Opportunities in national parks, j.,r ,,d ™„ studying a wide good physical condition before student cancels. prosecution for unlawful homi¬ cide." legislation. She said that while the Field of Environmental Health" variety of flora, fauna and they will be admitted to the Besaw said MSU offers few the Catholic Church of Mich¬ featuring Mr. Richard Hatfield at 7 environmental conditions. mrunmeniat conditions. Lawrence Besaw, instructor forr one section of the class. c..j. , cienceinZ . , field study ' programs «"u "P" to develop two more for and nehe Despite provisions, members these protective memcers of the task force expect opposition from igan has not made on a statement the bill yet, the general tonight in 101 Giltner Hall. CANDIDATES! said the response he has re¬ course, ,hTirL"!^e r"„a"y. °"e.?f natural science department, various groups, particularly the position in other areas of the HRI Majors: General business country is that people already ceived from students' partici¬ have the right to refuse medical meeting will be held at 7 tonight in 114 Eppley Center. Bring your Caps and Gowns may ideasl pating in last year's been positive. course has iaraacar-s care. "The legislation is about a picked up in Room 445 Unil "This course is the situation to learn natural sci¬ optimum right the people already have," she said, "and making it look Mensa Game in 4503 Night at 8 tonight Seaway, Lansing. Many Building according to Aug. 13toS«pt.3and the other ence," Besaw said. "It is a will run from Aug. 20 to Sept. h» ...h . like (life) is in the hands of the computer games. Bring your own schedule: course in nature where the statement then. physician when it is not." favorites. For details call Bob Dye. classroom is the great out doors." All msu students The course will focus on the are eligi¬ Akers Hall presents TRIVIA environment and geology, and ble, regardless of experience, Besaw said. He backpacking Dog is problem for N.Y. office NIGHT with Jeff Smith of WVIC at 9 tonight in the Akers Grill. Wednesday, Dec. 7 l-R 12:00 noon-3:00 p.m. the ecological effects of change, encouraged juniors and seniors NEW YORK (AP) - An he added. who have cion. not fulfilled their attack-trained German "Moreover, he won't eat food "One of my shep primary goals is natural setence requirement to herd that understands But King turned out to be a put on the floor. He has to have The Extant Madrigal Singers Thursday, Dec. I to instill in the students an e only problem, according to a spokes¬ convene at 6:59:31 tonight in 332 S-Z 12:00 noon-3:00 course. a table. p.m. appreciation and interest in French words is a problem for Union. Please be promptl person for the ASPCA. The program costs nature, so this is something which includes $560, the °"'ce of the Queens district "First, all commands must be "And he won't associate with they can carry on with," he transportation at'orney. given in French. other dogs. WOMEN'S STUDIES GROUP is Friday, Dec. 9 from Banff to various A-H 12:00 noon-3:00 p.m. said. points in "We dont want to release the "Second, the dog will attack expanding the Women's Studies Students wishing to take the Jasper and Yoho, all park do8 to Just anyone," said a "Considering his training, be¬ Program at MSU. Everyone is anyone approaching with an course must enroll in Natural camping fees and lodging for spokesperson for District At lieve me, everyone is treating welcome to join us at 3:30 arm raised or a metal p.m. Science 300, a four credit two weekends in chalets. torney John Santucci. object in that dog with the greatest Wednesday in the Union Sun- All Others super¬ the hand. vised individual The dog, King, respect." porch. 3-5:30 p.m. study course. Also included . . . was taken Third, Santucci's spokesman . The course format are eight hours into custody after two men allows stu¬ of off-campus said, "That dog won't urinate The spokesperson added, dents to pursue tuition, enroll allegedly used him in an at topics of indi¬ indoors. Discover check with the MSU vidual interest while in ment fees, overseas adminis Someone at the "He's really a very sweet dog. tempt to recover a debt The ASPCAhas to walk him at least Chess Club at 7 tonight in 205 For Information the tration fees and class field trip men were He just fell in with bad com¬ Horticulture Bldg. Bring your charged with coer three times a day. own Call 355-7676 pany." and board. uirhiaon State News, Eost Lansing, Michigan Monday, December 5, 1977 17 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE DAN roaiLBBM by Bill Yates TONIGHT MM AUDITONIUM (t)WJIM TV(CBS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBC) (H)WELM-TV(Coble) (12)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) £l)/f£F/U YoO 5A(P MY PlMBP Wfr oti monday 3:15 Sidney Lens -tyeimZ/t afternoon (12) General Hoipltal (10) Llttlq House on the AfrSOtfitQ IT>? BE 12:00 7:00 3:30 (4) My Three Sons Prairie iu A ppatb! lli-12) N«w» (4) All In the Family (10-12) Mary Tyler Moore (12) Rookies llO)ToSayTh.l.a.» (23) Villa Alegre (23) Spartan Sportlite (23) National Geographic Ijj]} Beit of Familial 4:00 (4) New Mickey Mouie (l I) Past and Present (10) Movie 9:00 Tense Li Almanac Club (12) NFL Football J1 12:30 (10) Special Treat 7:30 9:10 (4) Gong Show J||) Search for Tomorrow (12) Brady Bunch (10) Hollywood Squares (23) Snow Goose Ijl)) Cong Show (23) Sesame Street (12) Hollywood Squares 10:00 PEANUTS 8UID1S lWyan'iHope V 1:00 L young and the Restless (4) Doris Day 4:30 (11)TheC.I.A.atMSU 8:00 (4) Switch (23) WKAR Membership- by Schulz sponsored by: AiS I eaners DRY AMD (12) Emergency Onel Pledge Drive LEATHIRS (4) Circus of the Stars l|2)All BAy Chlldron 5:00 (11) The Sign-Off Show 332-3537 CIIAM1P V|0) Green Acroa (4) Gunsmoke I PIDN'T STEAL THAT it]) Getlin' Ovor (10) Emergency One I WHILE «E DOING THAT ■' 1:30 (23) Mister Rogers' Neigh¬ MSU SHADOWS BOX OF SOLO STARS SNOOPY, BUT I'M G0IN6' I'LL SNEAK AROUND. AND 9 LjAi the World Turne borhood . by Gordon Carleton sponsored by; TO FIND OUT WHO DID... FIND OUT WHO TOOK THE SOLD STARS! |D) Days of our Livos 5:30 ijj) Artistry of Horlon (12) Rookies PXNB ALL PETE'S 'innings (23) Electric Company Present this really 2:00 (11) News funny comic for 25' worth of free play! Notvoiid »i.t sat. ,I j) $20,000 Pyramid 4:00 Nights. 123) Over Eaiy 'iSM'T THIS I 2:30 (4-10-12) News SOPPOSSLP TO LOO«K Tut OTMtfiA (11) The Bible's View ARnnniri'P L Guiding Light ^LOAV AROQtOD *• > . — ■10) Doctors 4:30 TODAY'S SPICIAL ■l2)0ne Lift to llwa (4) CBS News Chile Rollonos I;]) 1 Romognoli'i Table (10) NBC News FRANK & ERNEST truly a gourmet treat! 3:00 (12) ABC News 3.SO 10) Another World (23) Dick Cavett by Bob Thaves sponsored by: EL AZTECO RESTAURANT Ijj) Antique! (11) An Interview with 203M.A.C. 351-9111 A-l AUTO REPAIR X MARvtL Per fiOoD, PARTS DEPARTMENT OLD, AMERICAN /CNOW-HOiA/, 6/?MlE... I'LL MEvEf? UMDCA5TAND HOVU THEY CAM TAKE $18,ooo vuoRTH Op part* amd BuiLD r t $S,ooo CAP! -©WIT GwRWhCWRO-TlXO TRAVELS WITH FARLEY' fcy Phil Frank sponsored by: ITS M THE KETCHUP. /M W POP.. BAKED GOODS, CEREALS PICKUES- P FRUIT HOWARD THE DUCK!® by Steve Gerber and Vol Mayerik sponsored by: IUMBLEWEEDS ■ CAMPUS ("...St'u.rs.ioon) r;:,:F4ii^0FC0KE pTom K. Ryan sponsored by: PIZZA "" Wed. • WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on requeit) I GOT THOSE LOST OP IN THE MOUNTAIN 0LU-UES; THOSE WHERE-THE-HECK-AM-1 INPUCED POOHOOS! THO I PI&THIS MOUNTAIN AIR, I MISS THE GREAT DOWNSTAIRS, ANPI HOPE THEY FIND "THE rt GUY WHO WEARS MY SHOES! * BB@ QBE BBSS I CROSSWORD ESSBEIIIBQOIISEI PUZZLE 0HQQB DSS SB emhb bss ana sponsored by: ACROSS IDS HM3 BBSS Sd BBDBSBS II Ihtotue 26 Australian bud BBBnaQB an I' frperienced 27 Quagmire J "lights out" HI13CS BBD BBB 28 Silent ■1 incident 29 Scrapbqok ESS BBS SBJB1 III Rings 31 Subdued bb sraui asaaa I 32 Commonpiace asraaasauiHaBH Greedy person Eissa ana una ALL MY PR6AMS AR€ iN (PIPR [5L, I Widow monkey 5 Esau Minor deity DOWN 6. — Downing IJ Oiscouise P Gioundwork 39. Indians 40 Gastronome 1 Masterpiece Street ...MYeVeRYPAYLiFe i5 I® Cordageliber 7. Anklebone iM BLACK anp \^H 12 Appointed lime 41. Army meal 42. Signify 2. Anthropoid 3. Trap 8. Lightweight metallic element ife. M If>" 43. Gull 4. Watered silk 9. Sycophant 10. Distinguished 12 Brand 17 Fencer'scry Mr 18. Article 19. Principal ore ol 20 Rivals 21. Portmanteau 23 Blockade 25. Foundation 27 Vietnam seaport 28. 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