PRESIDENTIAL PROCESS DELAYED Trustees plan for selection By PATRICIA UCROIX Trustee John Bruff, and JIM SMITH D-Fraser, outlined however, expressed concern that the some of the alternatives delay obtain State News Staff Writers open to the would through non-university sources, was The MSU Board of Trustees trustees in the selection of a hamper the search and selection prepared by board secretary Elliott Bal¬ assumed The U-M Board of president. procedure and drag it out too more power in the Regents, faced One alternative discussed long. lard. presidential selection Thursday was procedure Thursday afternoon recently with the same decision, opted to Repas said he was told by then-MSU by making serve as the search and selection commit¬ advertising the position before the guide¬ President John A. Hannah that plans to proceed with the process, though lines and job description were pictures Academic Council did not tee, providing almost no finalized. taken by MSU police at a present a com¬ opportunity for MSU President Clifton R. Wharton peaceful and legal pleted report. input from the university Jr. demonstration in East Lansing were said. community, he said he felt it was not prob¬ necessary to have a ably forwarded to According to a tentative schedule estab¬ "We could detailed job description when the Washington, I).C. "f lished at the outset of the unilaterally decide like they position - process, the was first posted. Advertisements Repas attributed some of the surveillance did, but we have will Academic Council was to delegated some of the appear in the Chronicle of Higher Education present its authority," Bruff said. gathering to J. Edgar Hoover's "paranoia" recommendations on the procedures to the and the education with country-wide agitation "This isn't just supplement of the New during the board of trustees at this month's playing with power," he York Times. 1%0's. This will be impossible since the meeting. added. "But the people of Michigan will hold council He also said the best did not have a us (the trustees) ultimately responsible for candidates come Also at the evening session, a quorum at their meeting the selection, not the from personal contacts with other representa¬ institu¬ tive of the Chicano Students for Wednesday, and could not approve the faculty." tions' personnel, not from Progres¬ Bruff also said he would posting the sive Action said the MSU administration State News. Robert Kozloff process. prefer the position. trustees appoint the had moved too slowly in filling ie 4 inches of her finest on in John F. A. Taylor, chairperson of the ad chairperson of the If nothing else, Bruff said, the counseling red campus Thursday afternoon, expecting but unpre- hoc committee to the committee once it is established. could "unilaterally decide" to trustees positions with Chicanos. snarling traffic and forcing pedestri- Academic Council, Gwen Norrell, member of the post the todon their warmest said he was ad hoc wraps. "acutely embarrassed" that the committee to the Academic position themselves, so the process would Laura Robles said she hoped the board committee could not present a final docu- Council, said not be delayed another "two to three would support the findings of a that "hopefully" the council grievance will get a months." quorum next week and committee which said the rights of Jesse approve the During the evening public Gonzales, a former counselor, had been document outlining the selection comment procedure. session, the "trustees heard Bob violated when he was terminated last The document would then be passed on to Repas. \all signatures collected the trustees for their professor of labor and industrial relations, spring. approval. The next call a report on MSU board meeting is scheduled for Jan. Department of Public She said promises from 26-27. Safety political surveillance "a whitewash." top MSU adminis¬ Several trustees and trators had not been honored and that MSU administrators, The report, which Repas said he had to Chicanos "feel we have been ignored." By NUNZIO M. LUPO said, "Any action that Dayton Hudson takes (in terms of State News Staff Writer dents construction) would be at their own peril and own risk."beginning against the Dayton Hudson mall property rezoning The corporation must first have a site plan approved by the Movie fund would be set aside ted Thursday that they have collected the necessary 4,800 Planning Commission before any construction can begin. No site i signatures to put the issue to a vote. plan has yet been submitted. es Anderson, coordinator of Citizens for a Livable Kallman also has another issue estimated that the request for a referendum will him. CLC has contested the act of regarding the rezoning before rezoning the property because ly be turned into the East Lansing City Clerk's Office in early i meantime, the group will be running its own check on the of the the city's comprehensive zoning plan decision. was not modified City officials have said that legislation dealing with the prior t,o the by RHA if referendum passes signatures and getting more signatures to insure the comprehensive plan and with rezoning are separate and therefore is not invalidated. The document does not have to be in until By KAREN SHERIDAN representatives of small campus film require no modification of the A $5,000 alternative movie fund would be The opponents charged that small film master plan. groups who urged the board to vote down a set aside by RHA to subsidize small film groups could not compete financially with •i er. a referendum is not guaranteed by turning the petition The whole issue began when East proposal to hold a referendum on the $3 free films. If small groups were forced out Lansing City Council voted grouos if its $3 movie tax referendum movie tax. Aug. 3 to rezone 86 acres of property owned by the firm in northwest East Lansing from agricultural to pax.v* Jan. 7, it >.as announced at The tax, which would allow commercial. The participating isel for the Dayton Hudson Corporation are prepared to file a master plan calls for the Wednesday's RHA meeting. students to view 40 films per term for no property to be used in an industrial The fund would save RHA $7,000 to 8,000 admission ish, Ihey said. for a declaratory judgement with charge, was deemed economical¬ Ingham County Circuit capacity. Leach said last week that the tax would 'udge James T. Kallman on whether a referendum is legal on per term, RHA President Bob Vatter said. ly and culturally monopolistic by repre¬ cut RHA film costs by $8 to $10,000 The mall would be a 100-acre two-level It was also announced that Beal Film sentatives of Beal per shopping center which Film Co-op and Union term because a percentage of would contain 100 stores. Only 86 acres of the land lie Co-op will challenge the proposed tax as a Classic Film Series and State News movie profits from in East ticket sales would no longer be assessed by possibility was brought into question by City Attorney Lansing, while the remaining 24 violation of University Tax Collection reviewer Byron Baker who said he was are part of Lansing Township. suppliers. McGinty who cited two Michigan Supreme Court decisions Criteria Policy this week in an appeal to the speaking on his own behalf. ule out referenda The city has requested that the Michigan (continued on page 21) on rezoning issues, Boundary Commission All-University Student Faculty Judiciary. court decisions conflict with the East Lansing charter, the annex that portion of land so the mall will not lie in two jurisdictions. The alternative movie fund would be 1 Constitution, the A city planner said at added to RHA movie board guidelines Michigan Home Rule Act and a U.S. a Planning Commission workshop ne Court decision, said CLC attorney John Pirich. s decision may not end the controversy, though. Either Wednesday night that a decision on mid- to latter part of January. annexation is expected in the passage of the referendum, Vatter said. Vatter and Movie Board Director Tom upon Students favor RHA tax Hudson Corporation or CLC could appeal the issue to the The mall, to be called 'The Cedars," would be built at a cost of $16 Leach told the board the alternative movie an Court of million and is scheduled to open in mid-1981. fund would be financed by 10 percent of the By CHRIS KUC2YNSKI Appeals or the U.S. District Court. State News Staff Writer intake from the movie tax. Total fund MSU residence hall students are said he is not worried about Opponents of the mall feel it will have serious environmental overwhelmingly in favor of viewing RHA movies for no t such as taking on a large corporate revenues would be about $5,000 per term. admission charge through payment of an Dayton Hudson Corporation. "We will be victorious impacts in terms of urban sprawl, energy costs, traffic congestion All alternative film groups, regardless of additional refundable tax at registration, nd, although it will be a and air pollution. according to a State News survey. long and difficult process we have to | the type of films they show, will be eligible Almost 85 percent of students High." to surveyed Tuesday said they favor RHA's proposal to )uld be the first referendum in the Backers of the mall have said it will be beneficial because of the petition RHA for subsidies, Vatter said. collect $3 per term from residence hall students to allow them to see all RHA films offered history of the City of East short- and long-term employment it could offer, increased This program will be totally non-discrim¬ in one term for no admission Pirich said. Because of the possibility of a referendum, he goods charge. and services to the area and tax revenues it could generate. inatory," he said. Nearly all of the 221 telephone respondents said they plan to vote on the residence About $3,000 of the total projected referendum in January. hall revenue would be earmarked for the Union Almost all those who favored the proposal said they would see more movies if the $3 tax Activity Board's Union Classic Film Series, was voted in. Trustee Smydra again Leach said. They were selected because they show "I'm usually tight for money, but I like to date," said a junior telecommunications 'The proposal would be a great major. way to take someone out and not spend too much films similar to ours, and because they "The proposal will at least money." triple the number of movies I will see," a freshman in Human would be killed without our help," Vatter Nutrition said. tops board expense list id. These reactions were typical responses from the survey, which was evenly divided The allocation is part of a "reciprocal between males and females. agreement" with the Union Activity Over 85 percent of the people who said they had not seen an RHA movie this term still Board's movie group, Vatter explained. favor the proposal, and almost allot them said "We will be able to get free use of all their they would go to RHA films if the system is implemented spring term. in monthly expenditures video equipment and video tapes," he said. "This will save us an additional $7 to RHA President Bob Vatter said he was seen an RHA movie pleased to hear that those people who had not this term would see RHA movies under the $8,000 per term." "It's real good news," Vatter said. proposed system. In return, all students holding RHA "We anticipated those students who didn't see movies last term would see the value in Movie passes would be able to view the what we are proposing. It's a By PATRICIA LaCROIX good deal." films in the Union Classic Series for no There were mixed emotions from the 13 State News Staff Writer percent who opposed the proposal. Many of the MSU Trustee Michael Smydra, D-East Lansing, again exceeded all other trustees in admission charge, he said. The decrease in dissenters reiterated claims by smaller ticket sales would enable the Union Movie on-campus film exhibitors, believing the smaller monthly expenditures, receiving University reimbursement for $949.92. groups would not be able to compete with RHA's free movies. The trustee with the next highest expenses in October was board Chairperson Patricia Board to rent films for a flat charge rather "I think the proposal is a than a percentage of ticket sales, he monopolistic move," a freshman math major said. Carrigan, D-Farmington Hills, with a total bill of $173.12. Trustee Blanche Martin, D-East Approximately one quarter of those persons who have seen at least one RHA movie per Lansing, did not file any costs for the month. explained. term also see at least one non-RHA movie on campus each term. Eighty percent of that RHA met with opposition last week from Other trustees spent an average of $81 during the month. (continued on page 21) The biggest chunks of Smydra's bill went to long-distance telephone charges, at $233, and travel at almost $457. Smydra said he "presumed" that it was the distance between South Bend, Indiana, where he is currently living while attending Notre Dame, and East Lansing that made the charges so high. "I'm not going to sacrifice my legal education just for being on the board -1 can't give up my whole life," he said. . Smydra was also the only trustee to file costs for U niversity entertainment, asking for a reimbursement of $192.15. Smydra's other October expenses were: $4.16 for lodging and subsistence, $15.32 for postage and $47.81 for other incidental items. Smydra has consistently had higher monthly charges than the seven other trustees on the board since he took his seat in November 1976: •his September 1977 expenses were $1,934 when the board average was $92; •his August 1977 expenses were $773 while the board average was $263; •his July 1977 expenses were $126 when the average was $76; •his June 1977 expenses were $763 with the board averaging $160; •his March 1977 expenses were $1,091, when the board average was $227; •his February 1977 expenses were $2,239 whUe the board averaged $140; and •his January 1977 expenses were $125, with a board average of $87. If! Last closest system. April Smydra spent $1,242, which was approximately four times as much as his competitor. Part of this bill went to the installation of a telephone answering Smydra said he reported consistently higher expenses because he wasn't an "established successful professional" who could absorb some of the costs. "I know for a fact that some trustees don't report every cent of their expenses - they simply absorb some of the costs," he said. "Some of them feel it is more trouble to fill out the expense vouchers. I can't afford not to.lfill them out)." Smydra said he has filled out reports "for 13 and 79 cents." 2 Michigon State News. East Lansing. Michigan Friday. December 9, )9) Motive sought in Oswald fill WASHINGTON (AP) - FBI Thousands of FBI documents the total FBI file on the disprove the' Warren Commis¬ examined Questions about ol agents delved into the recesses Wednesday and assassination of President John sion's conclusion that Oswald reasons for of Lee Harvey Oswald's life but Thursday add fresh details to F. Kennedy, who was shot to killed Kennedy and that he killing the nJ ail , newly released documents the once sketchy picture of death during a motorcade in acted alone. frose lingered at the time Oswald as atroubledchild and a since. Psychiaf show they could only guess Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. The port,land other mate, whether the scars of childhood lonely man. rest will be released in January The documents show that J. "* flles spawned the urge to assas¬ The 40,001 pages made avail¬ as the bureau unseals the Edgar Hoover, then the FBI truant reared portray OswJ on a sinate a president. able on Wednesday are half of material to comply with re¬ director, believed the evidence daily! television, a boy who I quests under the Freedom of proved that Oswald was the Welfare committee OKs combined program Information Act. assassin though he expressed expressed love and "ved him, a feltl A preliminary review of the concern about the possibility lacked teen-agj WASHINGTON (AP) — President Car¬ The vote went beyond the food stamp files has turned up nothing to of a conspiracy. curiosity despite! ter scored a major victory Thursday when issue to a preliminary affirmation of average intelligence. ■ a special House welfare subcommittee Carter's proposal to fundamentally re¬ voted to combine the food stamp structure and consolidate the nation's CALLS THEM 'STUPID DWARFS' program with an expanded cash-aid assistance to its poor. welfare program. The White House said it was "especial¬ The vote was 16-12 to approve Carter's ly pleased" by the vote. "The president appreciates the com¬ mittee's expeditious work on the difficult Sadat blasts detractoi proposal to "cash out" the $6 billion food CAIRO (AP) - President OU-rich Saudi Arabia is im- stamp program and instead make the issue of welfare reform, and applauds Anwar Sadat, to thunderous poverished Egypt's "Did not these stunl millions of persons now getting food today's vote," a White House statement approval from hundreds of source main of financial aid, so Sadat ignorant dwarfs hearl stamps eligible for cash aid in the future. said. thousands of his countrymen, needs at least Saudi neutrality said in Israel?" Sadat s J from balcony of Abdinl a promised peace and blasted his as he pursues his one-man Arab detractors as "stupid asked the cheering cro J peacemaking. fore him in Republic Sql 11 helicopter passengers missing dwarfs" Thursday in his bitter¬ est counterattack yet in the war of words between Arab LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) - A 19-seot helicopter loaded to capacity with off¬ shore oil workers crashed into the Gulf of a employees, said officials statement pened about noon on were preparing the crash, which 90 miles south of hap¬ hawks and doves. Shortly after the rousing, nationalistic speech to an es¬ Would-be killers targl Mexico Thursday. The Coast Guard said 11 persons were missing. There were two Morgan City, La. timated 350,000 Egyptians in the heart of Cairo, Sadat went of Panthers, police sj known survivors in a hospital here. One of the survivors was identified as into talks here with Jordan's The fate of the others aboard the Mike Peschier, 32, of Lafayette. The other King Hussein, who is trying to mediate the Arab dispute over OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Police said Thursday that involved in a shooting allegedly intended to eliminate a J copter was not known. was identified by officials at Our Lady of Sadat's direct peace initiative witness against Black Panther Huey Newton Pennzoil Producing Co., which said it Lourdes Hospital only as Robert Berry. may n< with Israel. be the target of a deadly "housecleaning" effort. believed some of the victims were its Both were listed in stable condition. The web of intrigue began Oct. 23, when three me Meanwhile, Sadat's chief an¬ attacked a woman in an apartment in nearby Richmond' in tagonist in that dispute, Syrian spray of gunfire. 15 arrested in child homosexual ring AP Wirephoto President Hafez Assad, was in Police claim the assault was a botched assassination atte| U.S. Marine Corps Master Sgt. Jim Genevese Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, meeting Panthers on a key prosecution witness in a pre trial hea with King Khaled and other murder charges against Newton, co-founder of the Panthe BOSTON imitates a jack-in-the-box during ceremonies at Chi¬ (AP) - At least IS men - . . . People patronizing it came from all Saudi leaders in an effort to win Newton, who has been ordered to stand trail here eai including a mechanic, a psychiatrist ond a over the country." cago's Daley Center Tuesday, kicking off the Marine their backing in his campaign year in the shooting of a prostitute and the beating of hi. former assistant headmaster of an He said the ring, operating out of a Corps' annual Toys for Tots drive. against the Egyptians. says the accusations are part of a government frame up p| exclusive boys' school — were arrested home in Revere, just north of Boston, Thursday in what authorities called a ring came to the attention of police earlier where homosexuals from around the this year when a school bus driver was nation staged sordid parties with boys as convicted of raping young boys. In the young as 9. ensuing investigation, 17 men were "This is a bunch of guys who liked to get labeled as members of the ring and seven Open evenings 'till 9:00 Monday together and party with little boys," said others were named as engaging in child Assistant Suffolk County District Attor¬ sex in incidents not thru Friday now until Christmas directly tied to the ney Thomas E. Peisch. "This is sex for hire ring. Dlsploy Advertising gifts you can count on to please Coal strike talks resume Photographic . . .calculators by Sharp Union and industry negotiators re¬ Operators Association met late Thursday sumed talks in Washington on Thursday afternoon with federal mediators for the in effort to settle a three-day-old first time since the strike began at 12:01 nationwide coal strike. a.m. Tuesday to bargain on a new Meanwhile, gunfire rang out before contract. dawn Thursday at an Ohio cool mine in aparently isolated violence. There were UMW President Arnold Miller wos injuries in the incident and calm present, but left the negotiating room prevailed at other mines throughout the when the opening of the session was country. delayed for an hour. Union sources Negotiators for the United Mine attached no significance to Miller's Workers union and the Bituminous Coal absence. Farmers begin tractorcade Farmers from across the country began they threaten a nationwide strike next steering tractors from farms onto inter¬ Wednesday in which they will simply state highways Thursday, rumbling refuse to plant crops. toward state capitals where they plan The protests are organized by a group rallies Saturday to press demands for called American Agriculture, which for their products. ★★★★★★★★ more claims money one million members. The farmers, who say they expect thousands of tractors on city streets over "We're trying to get people to listen to the weekend, are seeking guarantees our problems," said Bill Schroeder, one of from the federal government thot receive as they much for grains, livestock and the organizers of the tractorcade in Colorado. "If anyone has enough interest * IT'S YOUR JOB * super-thin rechargeable 8-digit calculator other food products as it costs to produce them. If the rallies don't bring results, to come out, we'll try to them. explain it to ^ TO TRAVEL v San Diego, Jacksonville, and if with memory and liquid crystal display. For maximum efficiency, there are double function Charleston ^ clear, square root and one-touch percentage are only a few of the a places where the Navy Nurse Corps keys. Just 7mm high, it fits easily into a purse ^ or pocket. Leatherette case and an adaptor has openings. Call the Nurse Pro- grams Officer Collect at j are included. $35 « (313)226-7795/7845. Need another idea for your Christmas shopping list? Kelley files suit against Marysville firm The Hair Loft is reducing the price of their LANSING (UPI) — Attorney General DACA manufactures metal Curl Master Curling Iron for the month of castings at Frank J. Kelley has filed suit against a a plant located about one-half mile from December. Marysville firm for allegedly dumping the river, Kelley said. It currently PCB into the St. Clair River. This iron is teflon coated with two heat set¬ employs fewer than 20 persons. The suit, filed Thursday in St. Clair Kelley's suit was based upon investiga¬ tings and a swivel cord. County Circuit Court, accuses DACA Inc. tions conducted by the state Department of illegally using materials If someone on PCB and containing of Natural Resources. DNR Director your shopping list needs a discharging PCB-laden waste¬ Howard Tanner requested the action be curling iron, this is an offer you can't refuse. water into the St. Clair River. taken against DACA. pocket-clip calculator. . .a gift you can .. Merry Christmas from the please everyone with from busy homemaker Pay hike package approved to executive professional. Easy-to-read LANSING (UPI) - liquid crystal 8-digij display, one-touch The state Civil increase recommendation of the three- percentage and square root keys, overflow Service Commission member Thursday unani¬ Compensation Hearings Panel, check and minus sign mously approved pay increases of 6 error indicators. percent, plus seven cents per hour on of that, for the state's top 60,000-plus on independent committee which re¬ views state employee salary levels. The pay hike, which can be vetoed by THE HflfR Hinged magnetic closure, carrying case with classified employees. space for pen and pencil set. Open: the legislature, is substantially larger The pay hike 1 -5/32"W*5V2"L. $35 LEFT, ltd. package, which takes than the one proposed by state e'fect next October, is budget expected to cost Director Gerald Miller, but well under the state $62.5 million. what state employee groups had re¬ The commission JacobBonB adopted the pay quested. 220 MAC (UPSTAIRS), EAST LANSING In the University Mall - for appointment ph. 517-332-8600 )rkyn State News, Eo»t Lonsing, Michigon Friday, December 9, 1977 3 SUNY INCREASES FUNDING lalary to be raised across-the-board pay raise. teSSS I President Clifton R. pays position currently 167,660, compared to the been "severely underfunded" in past years compared to other that SUNY should adequately funded, and be more we ■ rill *65.000 Wharton received institutions. The budget cur- have gotten several informal ,sn probably will not be an rently being processed calls for assurances that an increase is i salary cut when he nually from MSU. increases. likely," Moore said. wia the chancellorship of • SUNY Board However, she would not say "But I don't think I'd better fn,le University of New Elizabeth Moore said Chairperson how much of an increase is mention any figures." XL(SUNY), as that system's that the SUNY Thursday expected. SUNY student trustee John d budget calls for an system had "There is general agreement Dugan said the final budget would be approved in late March. Controlled energy "There is something in the works for everyone, but I'm not sure how much of an increase they can expect," he said. A New York newspaper re¬ ported last week that Wharton tethods proposed had requested the salary hike. Wharton, however, denied that he had asked for a pay increase. When Wharton an¬ nounced in late October that he would accept the SUNY posi- JkRACPH FRAMMOLINO the electricity." Load control tests are mod- tion, he said he was not a 1 Sum News Staff Writer That "better way" meant eled after existing systems, person who looked only at the Ijle electric bills were so buying a microwave oven and such as the one in Detroit. financial ends of prospects. T down in Hamburg, Ark. thinking twice about using the "I know that this (the under- Efred LaGrone turned off stove to make a cup of coffee. The company can turn off funding of the SUNY system) Slote News Iro Strickstein (tot water heater each Hamburg's high time-of-day Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity members sing to mem¬ jog after his wife and two rate continued between Feb. 200,000 water heaters up to has been a persistent problem bers of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority in their annual cause they secured a city fire permit for the event. _„ors showered. 1976 and Jan., 1977 because the four hours a day — a system f°r ^e system," Wharton said, Last year, East Lansing police responded to calls (continued on page 16) formal flaming serenarde Wednesday night. The from citizens who said they saw a burning cross. ■tHichigan. some people let state's public service commis¬ (continued on page 15) «jt Edison do it for them, sion and the Department- of fraternity was much better prepared this year be- (ooly risk: a flood of cold Energy were conducting an „ in the tub because the experiment in consumer be¬ hasn't yet turned on havior. School board to vote ». Enter heater. It can control Jill inch neaters. Kegovernment and utilities Government and industry launched a flurry of experi¬ ments like the one in Hamburg on athletic discrimination Iter; interested in these because electricity costs sky¬ ids of conservation called rocketed. The Arab uil embargo pushed By ANNE S. CROWLEY reasons "didn't seem to be in accordance" with the law. y rates" and "load State News Staff Writer She had drawn comparisions between girls' Softball and boys' the price of fuels up 400 He reacted with surprise to Dunnings' second reason, and said of baseball, saying the programs should be nearly identical and the Lansing school board members are to vote next week on charges the first, "anyone covered by the law may file a Kjether. industry and gov- percent, said Robert Uhler the athletic department at Eastern High School is ir. violation of complaint." A school spokesperson said the district's attorney agreed girls should have a junior varsity team because the boys do. T»«t have spent nearly $22 from the Electric Power Re¬ federal law requiring sexual equality. Volleyball, the most popular girls' sport in Lansing, should be for 34 experiments in search Institute and director of Robinson raised points the board should look at before the funded similarly to boys' basketball, which also has a ho The district's attorney Wednesday July sophomore national time-of-day rate night advised the board to 1978 deadline for compliance. team, because the seasons are nearly the same length, she said. (bit three years to stddy a deny the grievance of volleyball and Softball coach Jean Robinson jmaethods. study. that the girl's program is inferior to the boys'. Sophomore girls at Lansing's four high schools do not get a "Rather than cut a promising 10th grader, I'm forced to keep chance to play in most sports, because the school district sponsors Jfceofday pricing raises "In a two-year period, 1974 The board will probably decide to take the recommended action only freshman and varsity teams, the coach argued. more players on varsity than I really should," she said. "They get is to discourage use and 1976, the price of electricity discouraged and probably won't come back out if they're cut once." anyway after Thursday's meeting, Robinson said. a; "peak" demand periods went up 30 to 35 percent," he The coach said she was not disappointed, though, because I hep expensive production said. "And in some cases a lot members seem to agree some changes were necessary. jobrutilties down. "If they're sincere. I'm V willing to drop the case." she said. "If I Ilitoogh each area of the The National Association of take it to court, the girls will be denied in the meantime. We want * OUR CHRISTMAS & try might have a particular Utility Regulatory Commission¬ them to have the coaches as soon as possible. NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL! in the most common is ers, a group of state regulatory "I'm concerned that we show the greatest confidence in what we hagthe summer afternoons, officials, anticipated the jump believe they're about to do." Facial Cleansing & Complete to i three days after a heat and in Dec., 1974 called for She had called for pay increases for the girls' Softball and It! IlilS. more tests throughout the na¬ volleyball coaches, and addition of junior varsity teams and Make-up Application ■ lad shedding allows the tion in trimming demand. coaches in both sports. through radio- The energy department also Reg. $16.50 NOW $8.50 Lansing school attorney Stuart Dunnings, Jr. advised the board Redken pH plus res or telephone mobilized, getting involved in. Make-up Collection Is. to turn certain appliances 16 time-of-day pricing experi¬ to deny the grievance because it was filed by a coach rather than a student and he did not believe Title IX of the 1972 federal very special savings — 14.95 iind off. ments and about eight load Wmethods encourage peo- education amendments dealt with coaching salaries. Includes (in full sizes): shedding projects, three in Hiscut their electricity use But an official at the Office of Civil Rights in Chicago said those conjunction with EPRI. •4 eyeshadows Most activity surrounds pj times of high demand, •3creme blushers i a change in time-of-day experiments. Tests SOCIAL WORKERS • TEACHERS • PSYCHOLOGISTS •2 dual-color pencils like the one in Hamburg are TIRED OF HEARING ADOUT NO JODS •plus even morel f tiny Hamburg (pop. 3,102), being done in 23 areas, includ¬ Maka... o( mfmnl.. Beautiful leaded Disc Shop 323 E. GRAND RIVER crystal 5ur\catch«T5. E. L. PH. 351-5380 FromH50 MON.-THUR. 10-8 FRIDAY 10-9 |5j2. frandor 33z-t>m v SATURDAY 10-6 ©fpOinfein) Movie tax should be carefully considered An open letter All that can be consumed in be carefully weighed. last-minute attempt by RHA to Board's Classic Film Series. The cinematic fare for only $3.00 per The most obvious argument defuse charges of monopolistic group was selected, Vatter said, holiday rest, the Shah of Iran beats his people bloody in the cities nf t J term seems an unbeatable bar¬ against implementing the movie competition by creating an Alter¬ because the films shown are demonstrations which followed the Shah's reception by President Carter in m tax is that RHA would gain a native Movie Fund to subsidize similar to RHA the streets in Tehran to protest the gain, according to a State News offerings. repression and poverty in which thev li'vl r they received - the oft-repeated response of the glorious survey conducted this week. An monopolistic advantage over area such groups. This leaves groups that offer Empire - was a savage attack by SAVAK and the Shah's leader of th.V overwhelming majority of dormi¬ cinema. truly alternative fare at a distinct police, leaving scores 1 tory residents favor the proposed Although RHA president Bob disadvantage. It is bad enough that as a matter of course we close RHA movie tax. It is conceivable that small Vatter took great pains to call the In the course of gearing up for of Iran. It is worse when we do so as our eyes to the suffering of willing accomplices of the source of their ml J groups showing "classical films" or proposal "non-discriminatory" and Not only is our government an active ally of this brutal megalomaniac However, to borrow a phrase films made by lesser-known direc¬ note that any the winter term movie tax referen¬ the arms to oppress his own and other nrovidin.l people; this university is an active ally of th J group may petition dum, a resident of Beal from Gilbert and Sullivan, "Things tors, writers and actors could be for part of the estimated $5,000 to Co-op well, providing him with the propaganda he needs to cover his tracks And as l J are seldom what they seem ..." starved out of existence through be available each charged the group with violating continues to provide the "stability" which maintains profits for term, he an¬ multi national petrolium and other Amerirl All implications present in the tax declining attendance caused by nounced an arrangement between tax University policy on criteria for corporate monopolies, this support will J collection because the RHA continue. • proposal should be thoughtfully potential ticket-buyers attending RHA and the Union Activity constitution did not We give our full support, then, to the hunger strike of the students of tha considered by every residence hall RHA movies "for free." Board that causes us to question provide for Student Association and stand ready to assist them in student before voting on the the sincerity of RHA's commit¬ amendment by referendum to indebted to them for showing us the human any way possible price which Americans pay for m J Indeed Exhibiting the works of a broad ment to alternative increase the tax, as clearly re¬ the affluence so visible during this referendum next term. holiday season. Their spectrum of artists is consistent films on quired by the policy. which people can live decent human lives in Iran is our struggle to create a struggle to create a ri The manner in which the movie with the idea of a University campus. On Wednesday, Eldon Nonna- society here. They will win. We must also. tax was originally proposed and community ostensibly committed Under the arrangement, $3,000 maker, vice president for student John MI actions since taken by RHA and to artistic growth. of the "alternative movie" fund is affairs, promptly ruled that RHA Associate professor, matll University administrators should Even more disturbing is the already earmarked for the Union was not in violation, but the group Professor, matll P.] changed its constitution later that day nonetheless. . . Assistant professor, matll Sheldl Nonnamaker's decision should Grieda J have been rendered with scrupu¬ Professor, Romanrelal □ > I The State News lous adherence to the University policy as written and approved by the MSU Board of Trustees on Professor, labor and industrial! C. Patricl Friday, December 9, 1977 Feb. 15,1974 instead of with broad Miltoj Editorials or the opinions of the State News Viewpoints, columns interpretation. and letters a 1 personal opinions. James H The prospect of a plethora of Editorial Department Professor, si "flicks for free" sounds appealing, Editor-in-chief Michdel Tanimuro Campus Editor Anne Stuart Sports Editor. Tom Shanahan but there is far more involved in Ke| Associate professor, i .. .... Managing Editor Kot Brown Wire Editor Jocelyn Loskowski Layout Editor Rebecca A Perry Opinion Editor Dave Mlsialowski Photo Editor Richard Politowsk i the proposed RHA movie tax. All William il . Copy Chief Renaldo Mlgaldi Associate professor, si Special Projects Editor Debbie Wolfe Entertainment and Book Edii jr Kathy Esselmon Freelance Editor Michael Winter facets of the proposal should be City Editor Joe Scales Staff Representative . . Nunzlo M. Lupo considered carefully, keeping fore¬ Da| Advertising Department most in mind the still-valid truism, 8a Advertising Manager.. Assistant Advertising Manager Denise Dear "There ain't no such thing as free Associate professor, si lunch." Joseleyne Sll Associate professor, American thought and if This is itl This is the last time I will write about the folks who run our illustrious accepted by the University. This one was student government, ASMSU. And you REGINALD THOMAS not supposed to be their fault, although their 'LASH' LARROWE know, I wish I had a bottle of Kaopectate. name appeared on the letter head. But For 10 weeks I sat on the sidelines and regardless of that, they are a group of nice watched these amateur bureaucrats — people. This has been, believe it or not, one of nothing personal — discuss things they often know very little about. For 10 weeks 1 heard different people on ASMSU follies ASMSU's best years, according to ASMSU Student Board resident Rent Rarry. I mean President Kent Barry. Since I made that Santa-Lash? the board put their feet in their mouths and then expect someone to pull them out mistake, you can call me Reginald Thompson all you want. Just smile when without charging for dental extractions. you say it. For 10 weeks I heard I was talking to a friend of mine the other personal retorts such as: "If he day, and she made some comments about "None of your damn business." — Dan (Barry) says Lee Carr he is talking then come back to you asking if you could ASMSU and the lousy job it was out of his hat." doing. She I'm over on Grand River, of it, too. Stands for Classical Stouffer answering Scott Schreiber's re¬ Stuart — former ICC representative hear what they said and whether it can be asked who does that "Kent Barry joker" alongside my Salvation Army pot standing i'fl Carter on the Legal Services tivity Law." quest for point of information. changed. think he is, advocating "those advisory committee. And numerous more It can only happen at ASMSU. people" get ringing my bell, this squirrelly-looking "You know I'm in the ed school, l| "F— it, I won't tell ya." — Scott Schreiber paid. You know what I said to her? Nothing. not worth mentioning. This column is not a last dying prof I know spots me and cracks up. he says. "I never could learn e< after trying to explain a bill to Dan Stouffer cheap shot Because I was shocked that I almost found "I've seen you in some weird outfits, with Stouffer not Finally I can say, "So long ASMSU. at ASMSU - although it might seem that "What CPL says," I explainl wanting explanation. Goodbye amateur bureaucrats. Adios Tues¬ myself defending him. Lash," he chortles. "But a Santa Claus "You are fools not to." Schreiber to the way or it might not be a bad idea. It is I cannot understand that. I do not like worker who produces 100 pairs of I - day night meetings. Enough with the suit, with your scraggly beardl Anyway, entire student board instead my observation of a little elflnmagic a dayTsfWorth more than one w' concerning the accep¬ "invoking" of racism and "misquoting" orange juice. I know you expected that — oh I have to give you credit for doing your tance of at work. well, what the heck. I am learning how to be produces 10, OK?" Kathy Wright's resignation. people. Liberation time is here and it came bit for a worthy cause, 'specially in this "What's that got to do with » "Get the hell out." This elfinmagic almost eliminated Peo¬ — anonymous board at no better time. I American. weather." was about to go nuts. ple's Choice newsmagazine and slapped the Wharton's leaving?" he wants to I member on whether candidates for It was an interesting and hectic term. College Heck Kent, I don't invoke racism. I'm black student population in the face with its "Worthy cause, hell," I says. "I'm "Simple," I says. "State's got # of Social Science seat should leave the board ASMSU has proven to me, beyond the dreaming of a white Christmas. lack of information on what the doing it for the bread. Salary the 'U' pays students, right? The spread he's go meeting. Can you imagine sitting in a circus-like paper was shadow of a doubt, that it has potential. me, it's do this or my kid's Christmas "I think it _ about. ramrod in New York's got 360,00 was sentimentalism on Kent Potential to do what, I don't know. In fact it stocking's only-going to have a tangerine atmosphere with a group of "student It also almost eliminated the "I get it!" he exclaims i' Barry's part." — another anonymous board leaders" taking cheap shots at you? It Gay Council is the same potential I observed last year. and a whistle in it, like last year." member on closed session called and tried to make a judgment on whether a worked out the arithmetic on his cd by Barry. So to the ASMSU Follies 'The 'U' pays us what we're worth," becomes ratherhumorous but after awhile it homosexual is Incorporated, I napkin. "His salary there is goingl "I haven't looked at theirs because I am a predetermined or a chosen say, "Goodbye" and end my last, only and he says, "so I can see why you have to a gets ridiculous. little p -ed." — anonymous person con¬ It gets really strange when the board minority. It uncomprehensive cheap shot. I enjoyed the moonlight, Lash. But the Salvation nine times what State pays that's some pay boost!" him.| cerning Legal Services Program structures. was this magic that led thousands of insults. members put their feet in their mouths and rejected students to believe they were Army can't be paying your more than a "You still don't catch on," I says J It can only happen in America. couple bucks an hour for this job. How actually taking a cut of 10,000 ^ come you didn't get something better, when he goes to New York." pays more?" "Isn't that kind of stupid?" he as JIM DUFRESNE "I didn't take this job for what they pay me," I what I skim off the top before I turn in my explains.J collection, end o shift." Tricky Dicky may make the Top 40 "I didn't take this job for what they he's going to be more productive t| pay me," I explains. "It's what I skim off why's he taking a pay cut?" the top before I turn in my collection, 'That's where his principles c( "This is Casey Case, Uve end of my shift." I says. "It isn't generally knowii from Chicago, the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that his released because the public has never heard with America's top 50 hits. CUmmg up seven client has the right to have the Watergate books faster than Nancy Drew mysteries, ever since Clif came to State, II the ex-president's voice "Doesn't that bother your conscience?' big rungs in the hit parade ladder this week tapes kept from "every disc jockey, every discussing the scandal that drove him out of office. Nixon knows there is a bundle to be made on working on him to make CPL the! is a tune from an old group those tapes. Wait a year or two and they "Doesn't that bother your con¬ for the 'U's salaries, starting witT staging an television performer to be played To this I say incredible comeback. ... bleep-bleep. Nixon has cried could rake in twice as much as the Dave science?" he asks. "People throw money own. L relentlessly." wolf too often with his in your pot there for the "Jumping from number 26 last week to 19 pleas of executive Frost interviews. poor." "I finally convinced him he ■ Despite the tapes being publicized during privilege and invasion of privacy for me to "Look, buster," I snarls. "You must've today is the great Uve taping 'What Do You the trials of John Mitchell, H.R. Haldeman take him seriously. He's not overpaid a couple years back, bi# Mean, Johnny Dean?' by that straight-sing¬ and John Ehrlichman and hiding anything I'm not the only one who really knows stopped for some reason. You gonna free-spending Democrats on P printed tran¬ from me this time. throw some coin into that pot, or you just ing group, Tricky Dicky Nixon and the what Nixon is up to. Filing suit last year to Trustees wouldn't hear of cuttinL White House Plumbers." scripts available from the National Ar¬ This is not a case about want to lip off?" individual's pay. That's when Clif started look;if an have 22 hours of the tapes released were all chives, Jeffress said Nixon will suffer A little far-fetched? Ex-president Richard right of privacy or even one concerning the three major television networks, the Public "I another position, so he can live w "mental anguish" if the public see you're shivering, Lash," he M. Nixon doesn't think so. Neither does his actually hears public's right to know. This is Nixon's effort conscience." them." to form a monopoly around a Broadcasting Service and Warner Com¬ says. "Come on over to the bar, have a attorney William H. Jeffress. The lawyer contended the gold mine he munications. Public Broadcasting and the couple brandies, warm you up. Don't A few weeks ago Jeffress tapes, unlike created in office — the Watergate "Now I see why he passed « appeared before the written transcripts, should not be tapes. TV networks were planning to air some of worry," he adds quickly when I hesitate. Harvard and Cal jobs," he says, Like his former aides who are turning out them, and Warner wanted to sell part of the "I'm buyin'l" offered him more money, didn tapes as records and cassettes. "Now you got it," I says. Hel ttj I knock back a double Courvoisier, Before you know it, there will be the order another, begin to feel kind of economist, too, you know, and he sp DOONESBURY Watergate Family Viewing Hour sponsored friendly towards the creep. real worried about the way we by Garry Trudeau "You got pals topside," he losing the fight against inflation. I by Hallmark Cards; the live "Nixon On Tour begins, staring at my empty glass. "What's the sold him on-CPL, he knew hedh; COSTUME? WHAT -3^= In Japan" album and the John Ehrlichman COSTUME? YOU'RE SUPPOSW TO COME w~ Its YEAY Wl.BE- umnoR doll which speaks out of mouth. both sides of its real story on why Dr. leaving?" Wharton's set an example. "So when this new job opened iL AS SOMETHING OUT I DID1 /MAE/NATrVF ^ OR THE SIKTIES! TOMX! "X*6*! IT AimOF "You may not believe this," I New York, and they offered him tenj I mm. It's the old American idea of free confides, less for a heap more work, Clif enterprise — you make a buck on whatever "but it's because he's a man of He's into CPL, he's gotta leave State." principle. to grab it." jusij is selling. Last year it was 'The Fonz," this "Gosh," he gasps. "I didn't know the "You being the father of CPU. year "Star Wars" and next year maybe "The Wonderful World of Watergate." No, Mr. prexy's into drugs. So that's why we smirks, "what I know of your produj haven't seen him around here, last ty, Lash, I suppose you put in m President, you're not fooling this little old couple years." salary cut yourself. You gonna teU taxpayer, no siree. You just can't have the the Trustees turned you down, ton whole market to yourself. "I can see why you still don't have "I could answer that if I bad turi Nixon has approached the Supreme Court tenure," I says 3ternly, waving for a says, putting on my Santa s cap an four times in the controversy over the refill. "CPL, for your information, is an mittens, "but I gotta get back t" r.i. H ~7T economic theory I dreamed The lunch crowdTU be hitting th up in my . control of the tapes. And for the fourth time, L_J.\ the nine justices should tell not-so-tricky spare time. Got a lot of publications out any minute now. Dicky to go hum another tune. |(1 stole News, Eost Lonsing, Michigan msu fociis; battered women Wife-beating' crosses social lines proper The By DIANE COX State News StaH Writer battering of women, a common problem often termed "wife beating" is a social Battering also prevalent "Upper and middle class women are more conditioned to keep their mouths shut because of their husbands' positions," said type of assault which crosses all social lines, Margaret Cooke, chairperson of the Domes¬ including marriage. tic Assault Task Force of the Michigan Of the 631 assault and battery cases reported to the Lansing Police Department in unmarried relations Women's Commission. Yet, in Fairfax County, Va„ one of the in 1976, 50 to 75 percent were man-woman wealthiest counties in the United States, Battered spouse bills domestic complaints, said a Betty Johengen, clerk in LPD central records. She was quick to point out that these figures included just as many react. I was me afraid of what he would do to if I told him it was over." The last time Amy was beaten was over County Women's Commission and Sisters for Human Equality (SHE),it was estimated that there were 1,361 incidents in Ingham there were 4,000 family disturbance calls in 1973 and 30 domestic warrants per week. Those who are financially dependent on their husbands are in a catch 22 situation, boyfriend-girlfriend two years ago when she and her boyfriend situations as husband-wife situations. County in 1976. The researchers also said Renee Swanson, a counselor of bat¬ |fo face In other words, an assaulted were coming home from a party. Not only concluded that "the figures hearing woman isn't reported here tered women for SHE. open was it her worst beating but he also necessarily the nagging wife of a bitter, raped are probably a gross under estimate of the "In order to get on ADC (Aid for unfulfilled man. She may be a her, she said. real extent of the problem. If the ratio of young, "Honest to God, I can't remember what Dependent Children) the woman must have unmarried student at MSU. She is. unreported cases is really 10 to 1, as some a separate address before she can started it," she said, tears coming to her get the "The first time it happened we were police officials and lawyers in Ingham money," Swanson said. "She must get there By PEGGY HAYES with his spouse. eyes. "It was always triggered by picky County estimate, then there may be as •ud »HB 5351 and HB 5352 would going to a meeting and he wanted to stop at early in the morning, take a number and require that stand and get some apples," said things that no one in their right mind would many as 13,000 incidents in a year." MICHAEL ROUSE each law enforcement a Amy, a react to hope she will be seen that day. Then it may agency in the wife's senior in horticulture at MSU. "I said we violently." It is assumed by many that these assaults be four weeks before she will see the State News Stall Writer jurisdiction be sent a copy of the injunction Such violent abuse between a man and a were going to be late. I'm the kind of person happen only to the poor. This is because money. It's a real bind." A public hearing in Lansing is the next woman is not uncommon in the United and require that records be kept showing who likes to be punctual. So we statistics on the poor are more easily Unless legislation for shelters is passed, L toward passage of state legislation where the injunction was filed. argued States. How often such abuse occurs is hard about the validity of being late. Then he available since these women may seek aid these women often have no place to go. Liedat protecting battered spouses. «HB 5353 would require each city, village beat me. He just kept driving and kept on to tell because, as Detroit Police Chief at social service and legal aid agencies. Another important aspect concerning i package of eight spouse abuse bills, James Bannon said, "Wife and township police chief and each county slugging me. beating is the Middle and upper class women can move battered women is that they accept abuse [induced in the^House Sept. 22 by Rep. sheriff to report the number of domestic "I really didn't know what to say. It takes most under-reported crime in the U.S." Some estimates can be made, however. In out easily or afford motels to get away from over a long period of time. The police have ■Oanie Binsfeld, R-Maple City, is currently (continued on page 16) you by such force you don't know how to their abusers and doctors and lawyers who been criticized by many feminists because lidore the House Judiciary Committee. a report on battered women by the Ingham will keep the problem confidential. their records show that calls about domestic J He Lansing public hearing, to be held violence are repeated, yet they take no mn 16 in the Law Building, follows one action. ■Mil Detroit Dec. 2. A third hearing may The police counter that there is nothing Ikitld in Grand Rapids in January. COUNSELOR SAYS SERVICES NEEDED they can do but get one of the parties out of J Support for the legislation has come from the house. Unless the police actually see the ■itMithigan Women's Commission, which incident they cannot make an arrest for ■ciders domestic assault a priority issue. assault which is a felony. 1 la Ingham County, 1,361 cases of women Fear is one reason women do not take ■dig battered were reported in a study by Ik county |ktcrs for Human Women's Commission and Equality. Few centers for abused women action against their abusers. Often the man will threaten to hurt their children if the woman leaves him or presses charges n the study, estimated that as against him. Even more often, the man will I say as ten cases go unreported for every tell the already bruised woman he will beat Hatthat is reported. By JOY L. HAENLEIN her more severely if she takes action, • A larger network of counseling centers for Lansing's battered "The woman has been told quite often J These women are trapped due to ■now and emotional dependence on women should be created, said a spokesperson for the Sisters that she will be killed if she goes," said for Human Equality (SHE). ■kr husbands," Binsfeld said. "Support Renee Swanson, a counselor of battered ■to society has been nil." The Lansing group is currently the only center which women for SHE. "That's often not an actually empty counsels battered women, said Renee Swanson, counselor with threat." | Weld's package of bills, H.B. 5349-56, SHE. In addition, the abused woman often 1 to strengthen law enforce- gets ■ >:: powers in the SHE, a division of the Open Door Crisis Center, is funded by the a feeling of hopelessness from this fear, area of domestic ■tit. Office of Substance Abuse and Ingham County. evolving from the fact that she never knows Founded three years ago. SHE has offered assistance to when she will be beaten. Men beat women J Todate, the Judiciary ■lit to discuss the Committee has not and domestic assault victims, as well as women with rape problem over broken eggs and keys that he lost but legislation. Because of ■lit controversial nature of the bills, the pregnancies. she can't find. Cooke said testimony has Itmnittee has asked for public response Although SHE is not a part of a larger affiliation, counselors try shown that many women find themselves iv deliberation to keep in touch with what other centers are doing. being beaten in their sleep. begins. If different centers were created, "we could keep more in touch Is can be summarized as follows: "The women are living in holy terror all with each other, and share our ideas, and of their lives," Cooke said. "When | ill)5349 would allow a law enforcement knowledge," she said. they are arrest When a woman -os SHE, she usually does so out of loneliness. living in that kind of fear, they don't think r to an alleged assailant, warrant, if the officer had "Often, these women have no one to talk to," Swanson said. rationally about alternatives. They just try "What we try to do is build up their trust in us, so they can to get through the ause to believe that an assault express day." the feeling's which have been inside of them for so long." In addition, the often has lu occurred, Binsfeld said. woman guilt After this, the counselor tries to establish a set of feelings. She feels that she must have done (Presently, mot for an officer must either have a action with the victim. priorities for something to provoke such abuse. an alleged assailant or must "Guilt is a real biggie," Swanson said. is the crime to make "There are option., — there are things she can do," Swanson an arrest, ■to begin the arrest procedure if an officer stressed. The sense oi helplessness is one of the biggest problems "Even if intellectually she realizes the man of abused women." has no right to hit her, she feels some ■ not witness the assault, the wife must If a woman decides to leave, the counselors would suggest she responsibility to try harder. ptIh sign a complaint against her husband stay with friends, Swanson said. Temporary shelters are available "Everyone of these cases is a study of the prosecutor, who then decides for women, and SHE also has connections with a few how to keep a private homes marriage together," Cooke Jkther to issue the warrant. ■There are taking in battered women, she said. said. "If he didn't like something, she many delays in this process," If the woman decides to prosecute her abuser, SHE can refer her changed. We don't have expectations of pleld said, "and many women drop the to the Domestic Abuse Coordinator, who works as a go-between men in marriage like we do of women. It's luges because of the delay." with the Prosecuting Attorney's office, Swanson explained. This been taught that women are to ■Belinda Remer, administrative assistant keep it gives the woman an opportunity to talk to someone who is familiar together." ■hp. Binsfeld predicted HB 5349 will be with her problem, she said. Donna, 20, freshman a at MSU, has a f most controversial one of the packap-. Above all, SHE encourages long term counseling, Swanson said. e it allows the officers a lot of hearing problem in one ear because of the "We ask if we can call the woman again, to see how she's battering she took from her boyfriend for doing. The mistake most women make is thinking it won't happen again or four years. He "wailed" her across rooms (Some people of may argue that this bill is an it won't get worse," she said. "This is not true. It will get worse, and it will continue to happen." for no reason at all, she realizes now. But she didn't then. She always took the blame. on privacy, but people should have "The plight of the battered woman is not that there are no "One time we were just goofing around fume protection inside the home as they in the street, Binsfeld said. resources available to them," a SHE counselor said, "but that they and joking," she said. "I was in the car and B 5350 would make it cannot find those resources." he wanted to drive. I rolled the window possible to up je a husband with contempt One of SHE's 20 volunteers is to his arm, just joking, you know how you of court if usually available totalkto24hours ^violates an injunction to keep a day at 484-5467, Swanson said. do? I didn't cut his circulation off or the peace anything. But he got in the car and just kept banging my head against the window. "He sent me a dozen roses to make me Common characterisitcs found in abusers of feel better. I always went back and said I women was sorry for making him mad. Isn't that crazy? But, I felt like I was failing. I thought we would get married and live happily ever after." him back. He just stood there in utter person with "Olympic dreams." Pendency of violence continues shock. I said, 'It hurts doesn't it?' "He said he was going to kill me," he While not true for all abusers, taking out one's own frustrations, insecurities and "He was beginning to realize that good and that he would meet people he wasn't Another reason for the women staying is because they have ambivalent feelings about the men. While the bad times are more intelligent than he," she said. "I never continued. "He beat my head against the unfulfillments is a common cause in the bad, the good times often [through generations of families tried to compete with him. very are very wall until I blacked out. My mother battering of women. "He was a big fish in a little pond during good. The man will beg the woman to stay. intervened for the first time because she "After the violence most men are saw he was going to kill me. "Besides an immediate precipitating high school and all of a sudden in college he By DIANE COX that he knew would hurt her to the bone. cause, the underlying one is impotence: I wasn't," she explained. "I think he was apologetic," said Imogen Bowers of the Now 26 years old, Bill said be blocked this MSU Counseling Center. "There will be a _ State News Staff Writer "He would promise to go somewhere with can't make things happen as I want them to afraid of failing and that I might lose experience out of his memory for 16 years. painful yet warm reconciliation. We all 1.1 there « '""d of a man would hit a woman? her and then a half hour before they were to He finally remembered it when he was happen," Bowers said. "It may be a slop-over of what happens at work or respect for him and find someone else." respond to being needed." As Donna said: are no typical abusers of go he would change his mind with no Alcohol is another common characteristic "I loved him. Love is insane. You don't think *«. some common characteristics have counseled three years ago because "I didn't classes with explanation. or found. like the violence I was prone to. associated with abuse of women, though not rationally when you are in love." Bill described his father as a stock clerk a universal one. During hearings for its If a woman begins to see the contradic¬ "My mother used to make incredible I Bio use of alcohol and taking personal Sunday dinners," he added. "She'd ask him "I would get angry and it would turn to who was dissatisified with his job. He said report on domestic assault in Michigan, the tory pattern of violence and love, she often Thfations out on a woman is often evident what he wanted for Sunday dinner. Then violence," he said. "I began to realize I was his father always wanted to be a doctor, but Michigan Women's Commission found that finds no one wants to get involved in '*assailant. The battering of women also he'd go out and get smashed Saturday night about 60 percent of the assailants in a private disputes or that no one will believe "Sto run from and be too sick to eat — or didn't want to Washtenaw County study has used alcohol. her. generation to generation. "We need a change of attitude in society," eat. He knew how much trouble she went to The Washtenaw study was compiled for the Ijou T™ often from "as find tjiat the man was beaten, a family where stress is and sometimes he would actually throw it National Organization of Women. Swanson said. "There is a veil of privacy over a house. The home is is the man's castle. out." "When my father was drinking the reasons for hitting Mom could be pwoiit These figures show that 40 percent of physically rather than verbally," anything. It could be for switching the TV station to 'You're not listening these men were sober when they beat We must begin to i : assault against Jjj TOogen Bowers of the MSU Counseling Bill said his father never apologized for to me.' It could be because the bills were not being paid to 'You 're usurp¬ women. But alcohol is often a part of the anyone as a crime." the physical and mental abuse he imposed ing my authority by paying the bills.— an MSU senior in International problem because it lowers people's control, "Socially there is a real stigma on on his mother. "He would make up for it in J; is,ansaidMSU senior in international little ways," he said. "He would show Relations said Margaret Cooke, chairperson of the violence," Bowers added. "The fact that you his grandfather used to "beat Domestic Assault Task Force of the have a husband who beats you — you don't affection or say 'I still love you.' He might out of his father for playing commission. want anyone to know." do little things around the house, buy her a on Sundays. Bill said this ten- little extra something." "He used to drink a lot," Bill said of his "They said 'I fell', 'I hit my head on the 9 towards violence has run through doing what my father was doing - had to leave school during the depression in father. "In his past his father beat him for door', 'I slipped on the ice.' " Bowers said. waive generations of his family, inclu- "Anger" is the only emotion Bill remem¬ throwing my problems on others rather order to feed seven starving children. no reason at all. In World War II, In addition, the man may be a very 18 fa'her. his brother and himself. bers feeling when he saw his father beat his my father than dealing with them. Mostly I hurt the "1 know he always felt like' he was saw his best friends blown to bits for no popular and amiable person, adding to the U*(n'wa7 'or my father to settle an mother. ones I loved. unfulfilled," he said. "Mother was more reason at all. His way to deal with it was to disbelief the woman may encounter when "as to fight," he said. "You didn't "I wanted it to stop," he said. "When I "I would break things they liked or educated a teacher. My father was she. finally trys to get some support from ® — proud drink. differences you yelled them." - was eight years old I smashed a vase on his her friends. deliberately say cruel things to them that I of her education, but there was a competi¬ I®1 said his father hit and slapped his head to keep him from hurting my mother." knew would hurt them to get back. I would tiveness, an anger that he couldn't be as "When he was drinking the reasons for "David was a gentle person." Amy said. ■Ij'aad threw things like beer bottles Bill said he also was abused by his father. get back — to the extreme. I yelled a lot. fulfilled in his life." hitting Mom could be anything," he contin¬ "Everyone thought the world of him. ■hi j sai<1 his mother also suffered a When he was three years old his father My voice would just thunder." ued. "It could be for switching the TV Everyone thought it would take a lot for I ,7',°f mental abuse. . started hitting him in the face with an army Bill said he was constantly trying to Amy, an MSU senior in horticulture, said station to 'You're not listening to me.' It him to step on a spider. l.ot of it her beatings began when she and her could be because the bills were not being "I finally talked to a good friend in the wa> symbolic act,," he said. belt, he said. prove himself — "to the point of being L |j°ul dogs Planning commissioners Red Cedar Community Asso¬ They voiced concerns of ties as opposed to owner-occu¬ agreed at a work session Wed¬ ciation representatives but was whether the center would tually be what is ac¬ needed, pied properties. student graduating between h and the end of Summer MM RAM) s 2-5 rAl nesday to include the possible not included in the staff propo¬ VanRavensway said the pro¬ m 1978 should call no% sal. whether one center was needed NO ( OVI R expansion of Emerson Park as and whether one center would gram was structured to dis¬ appointment at 353-5291. It an alternate project. Area residents were con¬ courage such activity. ,ts absolutely NOTHING and serve the entire geographical Residents of the Red Cedar cerned about a lack of what The community development will take only a few minutes. area. TODAY'S THE LAST DAY, SO Area have been trying to get they called "public parkland" funds are part of a three-year because recreation within The proposal now discusses CALL US NOW. city officials to purchase a areas Department of Housing and parcel of land adjacent to the the neighborhood are owned by "neighborhood facilities for Urban Development grant to the East Lansing School Dis¬ human services" as opposed to Red Cedar School to expand the improve conditiona for low- and park since 1968. But the property owner, trict. James DeWitt, former presi¬ one community center. The staff also said the study would moderate-income families. 353-5291 Stuck for a Christmas idea? Newton Click, has in the past dent of the Red Cedar Com¬ explore the needs of the people in addition to the feasibility of Try This.... been disinterested in selling the munity Association, said he was parcel and quoted prices the also concerned because the building some kind of facility or city was unwilling to pay. The parkland and forest might block facilities. THITRIJI ITALIAN last price quoted by Glick to the school children from traveling The commission also dis¬ Try our special combination pizza: Red Cedar Community Associa¬ to the Red Cedar School from cussed the request from a popporoni, ham, mushrooms. tion in 1975 was $111,500 for a the Lilac Farms subdivision. non-profit organization for eco¬ onion, groan poppar and bacon. Commissioner Robert Rowe nomic development assistance. Present This Coupee Fee 2.2 acre parcel. The commission noted the suggested the staff look into the Staff member James Van- existence of other open areas possibility of gaining pedestri¬ Ravensway said it had not yet On Any Pine in the vicinity of the Glick an access through the property been determined what kind of alternative should the Economic Development Assist¬ property, but identified the as ;n nuiMuvam land as the key land not be purchased. ance could be offered. That parcel in terms The rommission also re¬ possibility would be examined, of access to the park. WELCOME GIFT Campus Pizza viewed a change in the descrip¬ he added, when the yearly Chairperson Ralp Monsma said he had spoken to Glick in tion of a community facility for evaluation of the program is the past week and Glick showed the residents of the University complete. anytime! interest in selling the property. Apartments and Red Cedar Another topic of discussion | 1312 MICH. AVE. 337-1377 Jf SI I THE DEAN OF BEER'S — 9 i MUSIC CO. 245 Anns, A| Planning Your FMALEXAM. (Otwas yeast really responsible for the fall of the Roman Empbel) Wedding Reception? It's easier than you think! Let-the Union Catering Service As your Dean of Beer, it is my scholarly Q: 3. Hops are notorious for: Q: 5. The biggest misconception about yeast opinion that just knowing the one word for a) Their lack of intelligence. put it all together for you... beer is not enough. You must also know the b) Always getting to work late. a) Carrying some in your pocket is good reasons why. Because only then will 1, c) Losing their keys. luck. Whether you're planning a large or small reception, Siglinda Steinfiiller, be satisfied that you have d) Being difficult to keep fresh. b) It is good for hernias. the Union has facilities to create the perfect graduated from Remedial Beer Drinking. A: (d) The freshest c) It was responsible for the fall of the hops make the best beer. Roman atmosphere. QUESTIONS: That's why Schlitz Empire. Q: 1. The best water for beer comes from: vacuum-packs and d) To ferment beer, all you have Jo do is We serve formal or informal dinners, buffets, refrigerates their hops. So they're as fresh a) Big Duck Mountain. at brewing time as they are at harvest time. drop it in the vat. rehearsal dinners and other special functions. b) Underground from Tijuana. A: (d) To make beer taste right consistently, c) A small store in Macon. Ga. Q: 4. The best adjunct to beer is: Schlitz believes the yeast has to be evenly Our service provides all the planning for all those d) None of the above a) Rice. distributed during fermentation. That's details you don't have time for. A: (d) No matter what you hear about b) Corn. c) Either rice or corn. why Schlitz gently stirs in their yeast. It's Call the Union Catering Service and let us "naturally pure" waters, virtually all part of their Balanced Fermentation help d) What's an adjunct? brewers filter and further purify their process. And they're the only American you uncomplicate your Wedding reception. water. But Schlitz doesn't stop there. They A: (c) Every American brewer uses rice or brewer who does it. filter their water and then filter it again. corn to lighten the flavor of their beer. This is called an adjunct. But Schlitz Q: 6. Chill-Lagering is: So when they're through, it's purer than a) A popular German country and western the purest springwater. Q: 2. Klages and Firlbeck III are: a) Composers of famous beer drinking knows how to use either grain inter¬ changeably. So they're never at the mercy of an unfavorable crop. And neither is the singer. b) A Scandinavian winter sport played without clothes. M.S.U. UNION songs like "I Left My Shoes in Heidelberg? taste of their beer. c) A new ethnic TV comedy about the CATERING SERVICE b) Ownerss of the world's largest unknown owner of an ice cube factory. At the corner of Abbott and Grand River Ave. brewery. d) The right way to age beer. Call 355-3465 for more information. c) Serving time in Sonoma, Calif., for A: (d) When Schlitz ages beer, they age it impersonating Arnold the Wonder Seal. cold-very cold-down to 29.5 degrees. d) More expensive barleys. It's called Chill-Lagering. And it's what A: (d) Schlitz blends Klages and Firlbeck III makes Schlitz crisp, clean and bright. barleys with the standard variety most Q: 7. A mini-brewery is: brewers use because they believe it gives their beer superior a) Hidden in a basement somewhere in flavor. Greektown. b) The result of trying to make Broken Toe, Idaho, the beer capital of the world. »9 loosing, Michiggi Friday, December 9. 1977 New movies for Christmas By BYRON BAKER Richard Pryor plays three is Shake Tiller in Semi-Tough, Saturday Night Fever. State News Reviewer n' 0«Uw roles (an on-the-make citrus but aside from the characters Another, if entirely different J0M w<1 The December holiday sea¬ picker, the picker's wise old dad and the basic football setting, dance "tape the murderous picture is The Turning western s„ son has become a highly com¬ and a lecherous preacher) in word is the the only similarity Point, starring Anne Bancroft, underworld. Dramatics shake well petitive period for the film industry in recent years, and 1977 — to go down in the books Which Way is Up?, adapted loosely from Lina Wertmuller's The Seduction of Mimi. between the film and Dan Jenkins' bestseller of a few years ago is the title. Director Shirley MacLaine, dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov and mem¬ bers of the American Ballet The veteran has guideds fine Robert Aid, cast (Loll as one of the highest grossing Richard Dreyfuss and Michael Ritchie (The Candi¬ Theatre.- It's a story of friend¬ V* Ting'fi|m Burt Young) i„ a Lou Cost years in Hollywood history — Marsha Mason play on again, date, Smile, The Bad Newa vers| By REGINALD THOMAS Inside," the audience was under the influence of ship and love told in the context Joseph Wambaugh's The promises to be no exception. off again lovers in The Goodbye Bears) and scenarist Walter of the world of dance, written CI State News Reviewer these five harmonic virtuosos. Their intricate boya. Author The big ballyhoo of the Girl, written by Neil Simon and Bernstein have concocted a by Arthur Larents and directed Wambaugh , It was a perfect setting for Wednesday night's Dramatics-Brainstorm concert. Everyone was harmonies and well-rehearsed choregraphy brought back memories of the time when season is being directed at Steven Spielberg's suspenser directed by Herbert Ross. It's a narrative which deals less with by former choreographer Her¬ satutfied with the dependent Aldrich's fiercely romantic comedy about a brash, football than with screwball bert Ross. to hut ,ppre Detroit's Fox Theater was the spot to go for preparing for finals and anticipating the mind Motown's best. involving the landing of a UFO, aspiring actor who sublets a forms of consciousness-raising. work, has sued to J boggling week ahead. The emcee came out and told the crowd that the Dramatics were ready to Their routines reminded this reviewer of the Close Encounters of the Third Kind. With a production cost of Manhattan apartment from a John Travolta (doubtlessly Clint Eastwood directs and credits"" rem°Ved f™» struggling dancer and her hoping for a popular success on stars in Gauntlet, a electrify them. The audience went crazy. But before the Dramatics could put on their perfectly timed steps of the Temptations when Eddie Kendricks, David Ruffin and the like were nearly (20 million (and an young daughter. the line of fellow vid star Henry story dealing with the efforts of a cop If you don't like films. Star Wars is any oil J demonstrating to the world that the Detroit enormous promotional budget), Burt Reynolds is Billy Clyde Winkler's hit Heroes stars in and a sometime Vegas callgirl bound! polished act, the audience would be sent through a the film is the high roller of the Puckett and Kris Kristofferson the first of the disco pictures, continue playing in most a J Brainstorm - a rather ironic situation to be in a sound was the sound. (Sondra Locke, of Eastwood's year (indeed, it is rumored that through the holidays. Cheeil week before finals. But a great one, if it is the The response that was given to them on their the fate of Columbia Pictures same Brainstorm that has stormed the disco hit "Be My Girl" was unbelievable. But not only did the group show it has great choreography and may hang in the balance). Written and directed by Spiel¬ The Marquise of O' here SHOP CUT LABEL H Brainstorm, a relatively new group made up of musical talents, but it also showed its ability to hold an audience. berg (who scared the bejesus nine musicians from the northwest part of out of the nation with Jaws in Eric Rohmer's little-seen 1976 film of Heinrich Detroit, came onstage with the crowd waiting for The Dramatics borrowed an old Richard Pryor 1975), the picture stars Richard nineteenth century von Kleist's and take the number by telling the audience what celebrities short story The Marquise of O is being shown a great concert from the Dramatics and a chance Dreyfuss, Melinda Dillon, Fran¬ on campus this weekend by Beat Films. to see Squirrel shake it well. were among them. The only difference was that cois Truffaut and reportedly the Dramatics had a bad source' of information, Rohmer, the noted director of My Night at Maud's, Claire's Brainstorm immediately broke into an elab¬ orate guitar-and-piano set that led into "Wake up and Be Somebody" off their first album. They then went into their other famous disco hit, and their surprise guest, Isaac Hayes, was not there. Instead it was just some lady whose wig had fallen off. according to L.J. Reynolds. startling special effects by Douglas Trumbull (in charge of much of the visual wizardry of Knee and Chloe in the Afternoon, received the Special at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival for his film. State News film reviewer Byron Baker has written of The Jury Prize BITE 2001). "Lovin' is Really My Game." Marquise of O, "(it) is a soft and exquisite film of honor, subtlety, Shouts of "sing 'Shake it Well' " rang through Gene Wilder returns to boha humor and grace .. . Rohmer's film is a classicist's Then to this listener's surprise and delight they the auditorium. When the Dramatics finally went fide zaniness in The World's portrait of an aura and sensibility of a long vanished broke out with a tune entitled "On My Way period." into this tune, they were given a standing ovation Greatest Lover. Set by writer The film stars Edith Clever and Bruno Ganz, and was Home." which is on their new album to be released by their sparse but energetic crowd. This tune did director star Wilder in the Hol¬ photographed by award-winning French cameraman Nestor at the first of the year. This tune sent Brainstorm into a meditative stimulate enough response to get students lywood of the mid-1920s, the Almendros. It is in German with English sub-titles. dancing in the aisle and on stage with the story concerns a search for a position that led them into — what else but — Dramatics. new romantic lead on the order "This Must Be Heaven." of Valentino — and Gene, The saxophone introduction and good vocals by The overall quality of the concert was band leader Chuck Oberton made this one of their electrifying, fast paced and professional. The apparently, is determined to be FOR THOSK LATE NIGHT it. better numbers. His movements and mellowly Dramatics and Brainstorm gave the students of MUNCHIES out of heavy voice sent the ladies wild. MSU one of the best concerts seen in this town in cow LOUDON They finished their act with the title cut from quite a while. their new album, Journey to the Light. After this, It is sad that few students attended such WAINRIGHT II Yes! There IS someplace Holiday Spendim so a they broke into a dance routine like something devastating show. It is disheartening that the Dec. 9 & 10 you would see at a Detroit disco. efforts of Ebony Productions to provide the By this time, anticipation had risen to a point students of MSU with good musical talent have OPEN EVERY FRIDAY AND where the audience was shouting, "Shake It not been supported by the general student Well." Cat populace. Then it happened. The emcee announced that If students chose not to come because they were Ron Banks and the Dramatics worriedabout finals, they should have been made * were ready to electrify the audience. And electrify them they aware of what Willie Ford of the Dramatics said: 2825 E.Grand did. From the beginning of their first tune, "Come "We're like a love potion — we make people forget their problems." And that is what they did. 313 428 9280 426 9287 3121 E.SAGINAW and 1141 E. GRAND RIVER E. Rivar Lansing Mel 414Elmwoc Lansing FRUIT BASKET SALE 'cAlbums maxell cJvrBxpk withG§pedal clastes in cMusic DECEMBER 14 thru 16therwise drab holiday decoupees" made by the cele was an inevit¬ seems that nothing on the walls preliminary cut-outs made for able result of his the stained-glass windows of While the Motor City is brated painter in the last painting style. is holding still. 17 His paintings show a fascina¬ the Chapelle du Rosaire at The best tion example of this Vence. © with flat surfaces and calculated movement is "The bright, raw colors, and it seems Matisse's cut-outs are a con¬ Swimming Pool", a room-sized canning Christmas sky only natural for him to go from painting solid spaces of flat color on canvas to gluing pre- mural from the artist's home at Nice. There's something half- tinuous celebration of life. There are no still forms in his work; dancers are always human, half-fish about the blue © cut, leap B, JIM RANSOM determined, A comet, a super¬ water color forms onto shapes that leap, flop and ing, clouds are always billow¬ w)( Wonder, the current nova, and a meteor are all paper. splash about in this white poo). ing, flowers are always bloom The result is a transferral of j, the Sky Theatre of rejected as candidates for ex¬ The forms move with the ing. It is a constant vitality that Planetarium, explores the three-dimensional forms of plaining the star in favor of a animation of flying fish, yet a is more than welcome at this life onto a two-dimensional origins of many of our spectacular conjunction of the clearly distinguishable human dismal time of the year. symbols and tradi- particularly the Star of major planets. Using the plane¬ tarium projector to the motions and illustrate configurations surface without losing the vital ity and animation of the forms. Matisse's world was one of head pops up in one place, or a human arm water at flips out of the another. "Henri Matisse Paper Cut- Outs" will be at the Detroit Institute of Arts until Jan. 8. © r"a slide show of greet- involved, the program clearly © d covers and appropriate explains the phenomenon. ... music, the show The special effects are effec 'Design in Michigan' with a brief explanation tive and spectacular, especially casons we celebrate the during the dramatization of the Christ on December 25. tc roughly corresponds song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." The clouds and opens © Commercial design, more than ever before, has vinter solstice, which is snowflakes are very realistic. billowing over the Twin City skyline. It is entered the realm of art. a jest night of the year, Only the simulated supernova is Such is the theme of prime example of how architectural practicality "hristian leaders prob- disappointing. "Design in Michigan," the can be combined with current exhibit at Kresge Art Gallery. The show imagination and beauty. Se the arbitrary date of Some of the other consists of over 150 pieces are even more tr 25 to Christianize The music is well-integrated jury selected designs made obviously practical, though they with the visual portion of the by Michigan firms in the past ten years, ranging contain the pagan celebrations of from architecture to same amount of imaginative genius. An artificial er solstice. shoyv. The voicework is under¬ graphic design to commer¬ knee joint, designed following a hundred implant cial packaging. e unfamiliar with the standable and the script is experiments, shows how The designs are personal and all ind practices of pre- excellent. Star of H onder is the depicted in scale models, encompassing modern design can become. working prototypes and photographs, and are as A wall religions will be sur- best assembled and chart most much works of art in the showing picture-writing symbols for the As the old the origins of some of smoothly presented planetari¬ practical sense as the deaf - chosen because it was "suberbly clear saying goes, everyone's home is their "Chateau. And where aesthetic. All are winners in a else do you find the best food in tional Christmas sym um show 1 have seen here at design competition graphically" — shows the great strides made in town than in your own Chateau? MSU, perhaps because it is sponsored by the Michigan Council for the Arts Ed Rouillard, owner of the Old Ice Box ergreens, holly, and and the Cranbrook using design to enhance human welfare. in Grand Ledge, now introduces all borrowed cele- presented every year. Academy of Arts. One piece is his new restaurant and are The pieces were judged on whether surprisingly whimsical in its lounge, the "Chateau Rouiilards", located off 1-27, The bonfires which Children will enjoy the show's they were practicality. Attractively packaged as a "Non two miles north of Charlotte. Famous for crepes, novel effects, while adults will informative, efficient, compatible, or responsive electric Ice Crusher," the device turns out crablegs, cocktails ond peoples used to has- what the selection to be a Chateaubriand, the Chateau offers you an exciting menu at affordable prices. — ■turn of shorter nights find the explanation of the Star jury called "the four major very utilitarian wooden mallet and canvas The swiss styled Chateau welcomes of Bethlehem characteristics of good design." The exhibit Like folk bag. you warmly with their lounge-around m weather are now fascinating. art, the pieces in "Design in fireplace as you first enter, a warmth which is extended in their shows how superior design ran save time and personable :ed by our yule logs Star of Wonder will be pre Michigan" transcend the usual "museum pieces" service and excellence in sented every weekend resources and still keep in step with the conception of art. They are meant to be used, not culinary care. ^ i. through environment. The Chateau features exciting appetizers to begin your evening sup; oysters gtra short presentation of December 25. Friday and Satur just to be looked at. The organizers of the exhibit on the half "l: the Reindeer and an day shows are at 8 and 10 p.m. kept this in mind as they prepared a small shell(in season), stuHed mushroom caps Aux Belle, (stuffed with crab- Some ol the pieces are meat, Yuml), or escargots, a true itjon of how to locate Afterthefi p.m. shows, outdoor pleasing to the eye as display comparing the recent designs to designs delicacy, to name a few. Select your ' well as being practical. A set of entree from bythe stars, the remain- observing sessions are held modular in the past. Included is a full sized Indian bark sizzling steaks, to Gourmet delights such as Chicken Teri furniture on display is not only useful; its Yakl or Beef Tenderloin Ill! of the program dis- (weather permitting). After the futuristic canoe; stunning in its simplicity, but in useful stroganoff, to fresh seafoods; Boy scallops, scampi the Christmas star. Ar- 10 p.m. shape is also great to look at, and would ness not far removed from the rest of the (a real rarity in the area) Alaskan king crab legs, ond more. shows, a current album be a welcome addition to pieces. any living room. More A romantic favorite at the Chateau is from historical, biblical release is played over the "Design in Michigan" opened last month as the Chateaubriand striking is a scale model of the soaring Federal part of a three-day Design in Michigan a center cut of prime tenderloin served with Bouquetierrc; atronomical evidence, a planetarium's excellent sound Assembly Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, designed by a firm held at MSU, and as imported Belgian carrots, tiny peas, explanation of the Star system with accompanying from Birmingham. The steel and part of government-pro¬ new potatoes and bernaise sauce, all flamed at your table. To compli¬ Bethlehem and a probable special visual effects. Sunday glass structure, claimed "Design Michigan Year." ment your dinner for supported by curving ribs and two massive two, may we suggest a selection from our fine forthe birth of Christ are shows The display will be at wines, are at 2 and 4 p.m. pedestals, looks almost like a wind-filled sail Kresge Art Gallery until Chateau Du Thyl "Boujolais Villages", from the cellars of Bernard Monnet, Dec. 19. is one of France's most popular red wines. On the lighter side, the Chateau serves delicious quiches and crepes. All Chateau dinners include their deluxe relish salod bar, house special poppyseed featuring the dressing, your choice of baked potato, potato Every vet's completed pancakes, buttered rice and vegetable of the day. Compliments of the you will also receive cheese and crackers and fresh baked bread. "For those merry souls who make contentedness long before capacity; and who, whenever drinking a pleasure: who achieve Chateau, they drink, prove halfof Army ROTC. able to carry it, enjoy it, and remain ladies and gentlemen," the Chateau bar creations and confections will surely please you. Experience the Chateau quarter pounder drinks (4 ounces of liquor!) In the same tradition of the Old Ice Box, the Chateau holds fabulous Sunday buffets for only $5.25 and Nowconsider the last half. a tremendous hot luncheon buffet for 2.95. Come on out to the Chateau for a pleasurable evening reminiscent of the atmosphere of "up north". Just 20 minutes outside of East Lansing off 1-27. Come to the Chateau and make yourself at home 1 It's a better deal! 2491 Lansing Road Charlotte, Michigan (1)-543-4130 Your time in any of the services counts enjoy the prestige, and challenge of LMtAKttl ILV:J pay an as constructive credit for the first 2 years officer. (Your time in the service counts for of Army ROTC. That makes you eligible longevity and retirement for either active for the Advanced Course. There are several or the Reserve.) Or, you can put the reasons why that For openers, you get $100 a can be a good deal. month (for leadership skills learned in ROTC to work for you in civilian life. fast® W> ,°C up to 10 months a year) while you take Army ROTC's got a lot going for it. p]rMitM#8 hiyjuM J lllllll Good Food Advanced ROTC. This is in addition to all Particularly for veterans. It's worth Sunday Buffet *4.25 FrflFTI and Drink your Veteran's benefits. checking into! It keeps more options open. You earn Armv ROTC. Downtown Lansing your degree and a commission at the same Learn what it takes to lead. 217 S. Bridge St, Grand Ledge UUUmLJ BwwNwW 116 E.Mich. Ave. time. You can apply for Active Duty to 372-4300 J GREAT (vcvS# F°0D Hours t Day PHnltree U R ANT 1 327 Abbott ltd. FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD U East Lansing LUNCH S DINNER DAILY AT SENSIBLE PRICES 136 W.Grand River PH. 337-1755 PEKING RESTAURANT im&j AND fUA LOUNGE 718 E. GRAND RIVER-LANSING s ?STm COCkt8llS The Finest in Mexican Cuisine CARRY OUT FOODS Why not try us today! 489-2445 BEFORE YOU SI6N UP FOR COURSES AT WINTER {;^^^RAPEVINE 2758 East Grand River 337-1701 349-2698 2080 W. Gr. Rv. Okemos TERM REGISTRATION, STOP IN AND SEE CAPTAIN HUfiH DINE OITTEMORE AT DEMONSTRATION HAU OUT GR CALL 355-1913. TONIGHT! ' ll rising 371-4500 ] 4 Michigon Slote News, East loosing. Michigon Frld°y' December 9, 1977I WATCH YOUR STEP «T SMART! ^*S5S—" Ice can be tricky-DNR ur —wiaiwili W. kv, „ „■*). 0|| ^p.. eight inches thick, the DNR wtaw,lt. The old ire will not. thick ice apparent* presence of on a lake or river does Besides currents and water says. JINe*» lyJEANNr If a car is parked on ice, move not necessarily mean it is safe depth, the strength of ice to walk on, warns Department of Natural Re the state depends on the surfa-e size of the body of water, chemistry of it occasionally to allow the ice to recover its original shape. BUY NSWHOUH: 9:30 — SELL — TRAIH' l^dC* -6 K M u„ the water and local climatic Also, cars often establish y ■ — "It could be six feet thick in factors, the DNR says. roadways from shore to favor¬ A good place to start check¬ ite fishing grounds on the ice one spot and a few feet away only inches thick," said Eric ing conditions on a lake is right which are weakened by repeat¬ ed use. These routes should be bedding Olsen of the DNR marine safety around shore. If ice is slushy or section. broken up. it's a pretty good avoided the DNR says. Stay clear of dark spots in bet the whole lake is unsafe. On cold days or still eve¬ 1 strong the ice or areas where the snow As a general rule, don't walk nings, lake ice may be heard to cover looks discolored, he said. The thin ice patches arc on ice that is less than two inches thick, don't ride a snow¬ crack continuously. This does not mean the ice is dangerous. Keep a look oi& mobile on ice that is less than The ice is merely changing its caused by currents, said Ed Dorie of the DNR marine safety five inches thick and don't drive shape as the temperature for the section. This is a greater dan a car on ice that is less that changes, the DNR says. ger in rivers where strong current erodes the the ice. underside of Ihappy holidays from us to yi Wacky Ad In lakes, ice erosion can occur in deep water areas where You 1 i too h your busy during the holidoy hoir. si m to spend o lot of e: ja Contest currents are created in cold weather by ascending warm water and descending cold in and hove one 3ur busy life. of our stylists shape your hair in a stylo ] Details will be published water, Dorie said. It also occurs at lake inlets and outlets, he said. And remember R. K. products make nice stocking staffers I the beginning of It takes prolonged freezing temperatures to produce solid ice, says the DNR. Look for Winter term 78. Hairstyling for bluish ice as a ice is safety sign. Clear MEN & WOMEN lave - new generally stronger than ice clouded with air bub¬ Corner of M.A.C. t bles. A couple of inches of new Gd. (Ivor ice may be strong enough to support a person while a foot of Phono 332-1191 State News Classified Stote News Robert Kozioff Pedestrians in downtown Lansing march to a silent but powerful rhythm as they cross deep tracks left in the snow by the heavy traffic, Thursday. 100% WOOL +100% DOWN 200% WARfTlTH! The answer to fighting winter chills . .. 100% wool turtle necks, ski sweaters and hats ... 100% down mittens, booties, bibs, vests, jackets and parkas. A large selection of styles, colors and sizes available. 'nJ 220 MAC -first University Mall $ EAST LANSING S MOST COMPLETE LEVI'S STORE WITH LEVI'S FOR LESS SaW HAS JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER 1000 BASIC CORDUROYS STIU AT THE LOW PRICE OF $1450 Now comes Miller time. 13s M 22 s IheBRQIKH « I Save J ^hiaon Stot. N«w», Eo.t Lonsing, Mkhjggn ^Fridoj^ecembe^^97^^5 DOCTOR ADVISES ON 72 HOUR FAST He Iiros of unger strikers in wpc good spirits good health ENJOY THE HOLIDAY SEASON ON MACKINAC ISLAND ..JEANNE BARON Thursday night, Iran, what we're going through tie New' SUff Writer safd*0 f°r the group is almost nothing," he added. the past year have been sup¬ ported by the community, other cities and passing out Spwts in the Iranian Group morale has remained especially the MSU campus." leaflets," he said. % Association hunger Sixteen MSU students high because of the dedication He said the Committee to The strike will end at 7 Package Rataa: $30.00 per person per day plus 4% lax (Includes the following) were in good health and staging the strike to protest are of the strikers and the tonight, after 72 hours of fast¬ Family accommodations — $25 support Stop the MSU-Iran Film Pro¬ per person — adults what they call, the brutal from friends and sympathizers, ject is the best example of ing. The strikers will hold an 12 or older. $20 per person — children under 12. supression of Iranian demon he continued. outside support. Such international night afterward, Lake front rooms with king size or twin beds moral- edding takes strators and to express their "We have received messages support, as well as financial in which several MSU will present cultural groups 9} Breakfast, lunch and dinner displeasure over President of support from cities as far support, was crucial in organi¬ programs. Dancing nightly (from Dec. 23 to Jan. 1) Jimmy Carter's Dec. strange twist Iran. 29 visit to away as Washington, Balti¬ more, Oklahoma, and the West zing the hunger strike, he said.. "We don't have many people The group will also hold a press conference at 3 p.m. Volleyball, basketball, billiards and ping pong Cross country skiing (bring your own equipment) Coast," he said. participating in the strike be¬ today in the Capitol Room C ol Tobogganing HJBBERTON. Ohio (AP) - "Thursday morning, some of cause most of our sympathizers the Olds Plaza Hotel, the across Hot chocolate and doughnuts nightly Ml man couldn't, get to people experienced dizzi¬ "And most of our activities in are contacting the press in from the Capitol. wdding, SO the wedding ness, but after Fireside singalongs exercising and lo the best man. drinking salt water they were •Sleigh rides totel Sims was Rat on his fine," the spokesperson said. New Years eve party ($16.00 per person it purchased with package \_in traction at Barberton - Hospital - because a Members strike are of the hunger following a doctor's SUNY to increase salary for Wharton ! — $25.00 per person without package) will be posted in main lobby problem had flared up. advice on how to fast for 72 Sd instead of exchanging hours without ill affects. announced „,ii the groom's apartment, (continued from page they would not be "I guess this is the best time New Years Eve Party ($25.00 per person without package) "Each morning we have a 3) ,y been planned, James cup of living in the house traditionally for a new everything," Moore ' Buffet dinner including salad bar, prime tea. The first "But 1 honestly didn't ask for provided for the chancellor of Ld, 21, and Fran Riffle, water every day we drank any hike. I don't know anything the SUNY system because it said. "A better salary and a Set ups and mixes eight hours, and on J°were married at Sims' the second and third days we're about it." was "too large" for them. new house." Party favors The Whartons Dancing to live music also wait¬ 9 best man carried out his jinking a glass every six are ing until March to find out how Dugan described the chancel¬ lor's house as "just too damn Moore said, there are "all kinds Special post midnight buffet ■Ul duties, passing hours," he said, of different ideas and possibili¬ much money will be allocated fchtll the rings without any However, we think com- big and old." ties" of where the Whartons id information regarding transportation write for the purchase of a new home. Until the money is allocated Pared to the situation inside may live, including an apart¬ Last month, the Whartons for the purchase of a new home, ment in the Albany area. jave - Save — Save — Save - Save - Save — Save OTWMhllMhMMWMMMManiMMMUM End of the Term I GREAT GIFTS GALORE AT THE Boot and Shoe Sale CO-ED BOOKSTORE Special Grouping V PAPERBACKS Best Sellers - many in New York Times NEWSPAPERS 9 stock Mens & Womens v. Literature Science fiction Wall Street Journal Detroit Free Press Si State Journal Children's Books Boots < 9 Comics And many more. Variety of Tabloids from . across the nation. $OUk 95 $JA 95 V Si We have books that will titillate your sensibilities! (m%W + tO TKCFO origin. originally 9 i Some Winter & Fashion Boots Bass, to '72.00 MAGAZINES VI Si Your favorites - Zodiacs, Frye. Bort Carleton, etc. over 90 feet of wall space 9 devoted for your pleasure. New Markdowns have just been Vl Si TEXT BOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES taken for more savings for you. «! We will order specially at Discount Prices 9 for You ON REQUEST Shoes VI Si PARAPHERNALIA POTS 'N PLANTS for your dorm, apartment Mens & Womens VI or home various assortments & varieties of house plants Si 2.00 on antartoinmant sarvice of tho baal film co-op. Students, fan! & staff wolcomo. Id's chockod. The _ Jazz Catalog magazine C^| now showing you swore VM On Sale through December 13 you'd never read... the filmyouT can't miss^ JIM Bl'CKI.KY & Al. (iOLDSTEIN pnsr 7.98 series 4.99 /star of 6.98 series 3.99 "THE DIRTIEST, FUNNIEST,MOST AGGRESSIVE PIECE OF UN- J wonder ABASHED PORNOGRAPHY A CHRISTMAS TRADITION SINCE BUCKLEY AND SHOWTIMES FRI. * SAT. 8 810 p.m. GOLDSTEIN REACHED Sun. 2 8 4 p.m. . PUBERTY." OUTDOOR OBSERVING AFTER 8 p.m. SHOWS ■ Bruce Williamsun/PLAYBOY ALBUMS LIGHTSHOW AFTER 10 p.m. SHOWS | RATIDX TONIOHT AND pmt ■ SATURDAY SHOWTIMES: 7:30.9:00.10:90. Ill SHOWPIACE: 104ft WELLS Admission: 2.SO Student "~ . PLANETARIUM 3.SO StoH/Faculty Eait Lansing ' S1UDINI HAKttACUlTY WUCOWlOCHiCMO 401 E. Grand Rivar Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-9 P.M. 355-4672 351-8440 Sun. 12-6 P.M. I St°" N*W*' E°" l°n>irU1' M'chionn Friday, December 9, 1977 17 ffen Pound Piddle preset Today open 7:00 P.M. Faatvra 7:20 0:10 Sat. (Sun. Foatura 1:20 Tired off your Shirley MacLaine loves Audrey Hepburn?? ... • own cooking? '^Residents' 3:20- 5:20-7:20 0:20 "THE CHILDREN'S HOW" MARLO CHARLES ■oll'» has (1962) Based on the play by Lillian THOMAS' GRODIN Hellman. great pizza & EjjfXt Night> „ _ fall tenn with our usual Residents' Night grinders 225 M.A.C. 332 - 5027 I Lfoimal songswap between Fiddle staffers who 1135E. Gd. Rlv.r J" L, local fblksingers and old tiraey musicians. m $1.50 332 0858 ■Sogers, Sh°la Ri""- Stan Werbin, John - Open from 11:00 a.m. 130 90* Ku. Bob Blackman, Stan Bartilson, Karrie Potter TnU, Wends ) Lots of chorus songs, all kinds of Fr»» Deliveries From 4:30 p.m. SIMMON SUNDAY, DIC. 11th, 10:30 aaw. Kpjnts and much good cheer! Help us ring in Anita Bryant is a Homo sapien 'y raising your voice in song. Stats TODAY OPEN crt 7:00 P.M. MSUnion Grill $2 THIEVES IEyl FEATURE at 7:15 ■ SAT. S SUN. at 1:15 9:20 P.M. - 3:1$ - 5:20 - 7:20 ■ 9:25 P.m7 A rMMantlc e«nt4y abwut Idys, Marriage, r.««X ndllatlMl TONIOHT AND SATURDAY other Mil ef caarag I ■rs«s. e. FINAL TWO DAYS ICONTRADANCE PARAMOUNT PICTURE* PRESENT* MARLO CHARLES "DAZZLING! Once you see it, you'll never again picture THOMAS GRODIN 'Romeo & Juliet' quite the way you did before!" -life |'Saturday DEC. 10 8pm "THIEVES" Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo ond Juliet is a love story ond one of the screens most wonderful, living, exciting successful motion pic¬ IRWIN COREY MawlOrntUeAUIRI tures. MSUnion Parlors >& prMMM^eioaciSAaaii n,«iM>tjoaNluiT Because these kids are outhenfic teenagers just os Shokespeore had envisaged them they take on o vitality and poignance that no middle-age actor could project. This Romeo ond Juliet sumptuously mounted excitingly imagined lives on the truth of its characters rather than on simply the splendor of its lines. Somehow I think Shakespeare would hove B|hetti^ preferred it that way " — Arthur Knight Saturday Review Franco * -Shi , Zeffirelli [j7H752 Tree' Starts TODAY OPEN at 7:00 P.M. Romeo FEATURE 7:25 9:25 P.M. • SAT.SUN. at 5:25-7:25-»:25P.M. America's 1 Comedy Hit! ■ njESDAYS & ]I tail THURSDAYS Beer Speciol I ri item pizza and o 1 ilthef. After 4 p.m. MM HOCKEY ■SUNDAYS & mondays III the spaghetti you Listen as the Spartans take on $1.50 Wisconsin tonight and tomorrow ■ Boon-8p.m. Sun. at 7:30 p.m. on 640 AM, WBRS, [pj^fMoraawEtnBgmg WMCD and WMSN. 1 wflUM autRarae matt ENDS SOON! THE MICHIGAN STATE TONIGHT OPEN 5:40 Shows 7:00-9:30 ROMEO AND JUUET TONIGHT and SATURDAY RADIO NETWORK EAT. t SUN. 2:00 - 4:30 - 7:00 • 9:30 SHOWTIMES: 7:00 8 9:30 SHOWPLACE: 108 8 WELLS ADMISSION: $1.SO The Godfather, Serpico, An entertainment service ol Beal Films. Students, faculty 4 staff RHASaSSHHlEEaSHS" Do • Uh,tt',Blu«» I Afhsna. The T.A. rfflt AFAM2 Studente sect. » - GgdSkick on fin* - Novo a , NR^V VTj '/ i# *»,:•; ssrj| Bwnne, CMp, Barb Many X-moo - Your TA Lffl WTCHWITCH" and" d kOO SICKER, Phooh, ^aaaa ' mRY, . ., Nufhfn ot olp Thanks far 4 " / lV^' owy yooro at MSU, XtoaOo Krackort. Low & / \ X V:j lO Km FACE'-baby"^] Any Hnd of J CAROLINE, SC^sd -:1 |N fool cm wro wrong. And I juct] Thank you far baing you. TO MY CM Omega Siotort- , 'i SaC «w without you." R.s.j Leva, Sabrobi Laachkn. AS hoy tow and boot wiahee DAVID,. • ,5*S ?V?* Xitm SchnugglN 1 CRAZY Dfl, thenke far tha too a baautltol holiday oaa- Nobody ttoee It better. *#a MOONBABY-THANKS for averythingl Tm watching boat term and Inapkation tor "Roontoal" Many X-maal tori. - Lore AlmytowLBhe " IWPI-roB® ■ ' "WOLEY-IF your G_ morall Love, Craay RA MJTQ happy"H^AYsVV' thoaa atapal Love, Sua. A-MADE It through four, KATHE, THUMPER, Have tha happiaat hokday Lax. TOM. THANKS tor baing an Jennifer, Janat, Dava Itha waMft & of oouraa the In- suya at AQB-evan Dabran- akyl Tha Rho Mataa mE-- • E,BUCKY,O wont to go for three mora? ever. We'll mWt you guya. extra apodal Wand. Good faraoua 2nd MkkSe Maaon. .< 1, BudWy-l lovt y< Merry Crippual Love -R D.H. Treace. S-1-12-80) kick to youl IH mlaa ya Lo May tha majto of Abortion FUZlYNQBErhyupiqgetothf .' Many xmasl Kris Ma toravar ft tha aptrft of who I tow. In you +.fltogf> Chriatmaa IN ua all... With Mocking may happkww ft mm DONT SHOOT low, Xathy paaca ba. Broncho Boar , until you call... TO B2AT 20, Many Chrtet- ±3i . maa, Watch that viol 1M, Jg» PHBA DOUG ELBINGER PHOTOGRAPHY RA*®Y my We. lyaa, youll V. TthWp • for being youl low, The Chrfaimaa Mooee ... for your team pkturos. passports, mum*, group __—m—_ I love youl W or dub photographs. RBH-MERRY Xdnaa kwa.' Donn). BOBBIE, You're the beet T/ Seaoone ^aadnga Mark ft -—rr—TV—*-f- ' waavarooufdhauaaakadtor Chuck. Your ltda atf, M. HASTINGS 6IRL: Each From Tim and W*. 1 . . . somotimftt w* can ovtn photograph your Idaas. Xmaa la better than fha Wat call tor an appointmont: ! v 017) 002-3026 SMZTt pan yoursyaa, youl ba THf MERRY CHMBTMASI a BK3 aurprfaa low, 220ALBERT STREET-EAST LAN5WG, MICHGAN 40023 ^ Xathy MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM MNl LAKI AftARTMINTS MM Marsh Road (Nacr Morldlan Mall) * mm Country skiing on wookonds vary qyiot *drapM A Rontai Equipment Available * laundry facilities 'disposals & *shag carpot *air ^ VW •Cocktail Lour Country otmoaphere is oxcollant loca¬ tion. Clots to MSU and shopping focili- flea. Great for grod students and couples I 339-8192 or 1.4M-3R57 AVTMMMUSnMOACrt tAUIS - tnvici • INSTALLATION ★ AUTO RADIOS * STEREO S YSTIMS * IKAKitS ★TAPE DECKS • CASSETTE ft 8 TRACK ★ Ci*S featuring Femou* brands Including ft CRAIG ft JET SOUND • PIONEER • SANYO • JENSEN ft SPARKOMATIC LET US TELL YOU ABOUT OUR 2 YEAR CONDITIONAL GUARANTEE FOR YOUR PROTECTION d MM AUTO t* v/.' CENTER ^ ■ -¥1 OflMJDAYS DAILY NAUMPM ;4kH| ... - v t/ $AT tOAMATM SUN NOOSMPM l» — ,»s. ;>?«*« -; <>%*$$| THE MOST COMPLETE SELEi Mlchigon Stote Newa, Eost Lonalnq. Michionn Friday, December 9, 1977 19 Iks for beingJ "of spring on*. fcf.C. LONG undarwsar and DAN: WHERE love la, there it !<*• «*-. electric bfankate juat won't «ght to outahine tha aun. do, to kaap my tote warm I Marry Chriatmaa Honl Love, rmdyoul Happy B-Day and Carol 1— ; SNUGGLES IS the best gift a SCHMUCKO-a toaty fba s,nt» M ddivarl Love •parking wlnt-X-maa Eva. Qobs&bunchee-Buttlea' Mom Time 2 B with thai I luv Ilova . you-Mtny X-Maalll MARILYN:MERRY Chrtot- mat To en angel I hope to see MERRY CHRISTMAS and a ^ MSU Sookatore-Mike ETpLBL^eTtHANKSforaiTyour 7W,_— help. Lata stay together HOME-LEE, when"the"aun ^Chrtanwr Mark^ 'Z UDIES 0F Sunw,: H«W anwratdl Marry X-maa, B. joyous New Yearl Love, Patt HON-BUN: Hope your heir * XMAS b |„,. ! growe beck quick. I hate bare —r GOMEZ- our love this Xidm boukal Love Babar BECKY-I bat I know what MAY our Chrirtmaaea always W-TesmolMik, Y°u want to dol Thanka for be as happy and warm as 2 being there whan I naad ^~wis7bai~J You-Sua pigs tnug in an electric blanket! Love Swim pee hoUdayi andaktiaytluvQali ThETAS-MERRY X-mas~to HE, YOU'RE buhl Dm vou l^bumou rhowhl *® "T Haters. I love each and *Chre»,M J you- Daayn^lay loumou chowhi ewy one of you. Anne | kabetYiBktce CMB~OF_al tfta ^hrtatmat STACKED: HAM dki ft for ua. Carola, you're the battl Miss id, Balcony. Call after 5:30 Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto 882-8139. 4-12-9(31 Must have car. Call 351-5592. Z-1-12-9I4I FEMALE ROOMMATES >.m„ 351-3196. Z-7-12-913) painting-collision service. TWYCKINGHAM-ENTIRE 3 American-Foreign cars. 485- WAITERS OR waitresses X-7;12-9|6I needed. Own large rooms, man apartment to sublet MALE ROOMMATE needed, $80/month plus utilities. On 4-man winter term, Cedar Automotive i[» [ Automotive j[»j 0256. C-7-12-9(4) part-time call after 6 p.m., 484-6795. 3-12-9(31 BABYSITTER FOR infant in our home only. Located near CATA, 337 2236. X-612-913) winter/spring. Call 351-4955. Z-2-12-913) Village apartments, month. 332-0240. Z-1-12-9(3I $70/ WOMAN NEEDED apartment winter and spring to share JUNK CARS wanted. Also campus. 15 hours per week, ONE MALE needed for 4-man terms, close to campus, 332- BUICK SKYLARK 1972, V8, selling used parts. Phone salary negotiable. 351-1762. FEMALE NEEDED-Cedar Vil¬ FORD MAVERICK, 1971. ARTIST-COMMERCIAL, to 612-914) apartment winter/spring. FEMALE TO share luxury 3757. Z-4-12-9131 anytime 321-3651. lage winter, spring. $90/ automatic, power, red with Very dependable. $500. After work free lance for in house Capitol Villa. 351-4167. month 351-6671. Z-2-12-913) apartment, close to campus, C-7-12-913) Z-612-913) black vinyl. Sharp, $1800. 6p.m. call 489-9352.8-12-9(3) advertising agency. Will pro¬ WEEKEND HELP wanted, winter, spring. $75. 351-9535. SUBLEASE WINTER only. Phone 321;5046._X;6-J2J1i4) vide working space. Call for stocking and cashiering. WANTED 1 male for Rivers- Z-1-12-913) Own room, two bedroom IMPORT AUTO parts and FORD VAN 1970 V-8 stand¬ Inquire at LOUIE'S PARTY LARGE, MODERN, furnish¬ CAMARO 1967, convertible repair. 20% discount to stu¬ appointment, PLYWOOD edge for winter/spring. apartment $130/month, utili¬ ard. E20G. $800 353-3965 STORE. 1931 S. Washington. ed, 2 bedroom, utilities paid. $92.50/month. 351-2889 from LARGE ONE bedroom, fur¬ ties included. Free bus ser¬ SALES CORPORATION, 327, V-8, 4-speed, $400 or days. 2-12-9(31 dents and faculty on cash/ 8-12-914) nished one block east of 882-0276. Ask for Jim Campus 1 block. 4861436. 67 p.m. Z-2-12-9I3I vice, 349-9237 Z-4-12-9-141 best offer. 488-3580 or 373- carry service parts in stock. campus. 208 Cedar St. Call Check our prices and reputa¬ Signorelli. 3-12-9171 IT IS the policy of the STATE 0-612-9(31 1289. 3-12-913) FEMALE TO share 2 person 332-0952. Z-1-12-913) EAST LANSING, two bed¬ MERCEDES BENZ-1974 240 tion. 500 E. NEWS that the last 4 weeks Kalamazoo at diesel. Power equipped. Ex¬ WE NEED some very special GRADUATE OR married stu¬ apartment winter term, close room duplex, with garage. All CAPR11973. V-6, no rust, FM Cedar, 485-2047; 4869229. of term all Student Classified 1 BEDROOM furnished apart¬ cellent condition. $6500. 676 people. MICHIGAN NATION¬ dents. New luxury 2 bedroom to campus. 351 1889 after 5 Heat and utilities paid. $275 a tape player, snow tires and West campus shop 485-0409. advertising must be paid for ment must sublet for winter 9363, 8-4:30 p.m. weekdays. AL GUARD, 373-2883. apartment. East Lansing bus p.m. Z-2-12-9(31 month. Days 349-1340, night wheels, best offer over $1500, Free wrecker service with in advance beginning Nov¬ and spring terms. Close to 349-1266. 4-12-9-161 323-2438. 5-12-9141 6-12-9(5) X4-12-9I3) ember 14, 1977. Bring in or service. No pets. Start at repairs with mention of this STUDIOUS FEMALE for own campus, $205 end deposit. MGB, 1976, AM-FM wire mail to 347 Student Services. $230. Call 351-9483 or 351- ad. Local areas. C-7-12-9I7I room in Treehouse Apart¬ 351-4759. Z-1-12-914) LARGE 3 bedroom, available CAPRI, 1973. v-6., Ziebart, WANTED CHURCH organist 9195 after 6 p.m. wheels, 17,000 miles. Call Sp-23-12-9(8) ments. 332-3825. S-2-12-9I3I Dec. 18. Appliances, dish¬ for East Lansing area. Call radials, excellent condition. 3720267. 4-12-9(31 OR-7-12-9I6I EUREKA NEAR Employment Paul Scheibner, 339-8880. Sparrow washer, yard, garage. 2 bath Call Steve 882-6788 after 5 PROJECTIONISTS: THE SUBLET NICE one bedroom Hospital. 1 bedroom upstairs MUSTANG 1972. Runs 2-12-9(4) NEEDED ONE male for 2 rooms, dining room, living p.m. 3-12-9(31 Instructional Media Center is close to campus. Furnished, $125, deposit. 351-7497. room and porch. Fully car- excellent. Some body work bedroom, UNIFORMED SECURITY of¬ now hiring student pro¬ near campus, very 0-1-12-9(31 needed. Evenings 393-4211. COUPLE NEEDED to manage nice. 332-8385. Z-1-12-913) utilities paid. $210. 351-6989 peted and panelled. 3 minute CHEVY 1964 six, automatic, ficers call 641-6734 between 2 houses in East Lansing. jectionists for winter term. drive to campus. Ideal for 612-9(3) after 5 p.m. 3-12-9(4) power steering, runs well. 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday- Must have more than 1 term MALE, SUBLEASE 4 man Should be able to do minor FEMALE WANTED- winter/ professional couple. $310/ Covered holes infloor, ugly, NEED CASH? We buy im¬ Friday. OR-7-12-913) left and have large blocks of apartment, Evergreen Street. month. 482-9226. 4-12-9-191 household repairs and have FEMALE TO share luxury but roomy warm basic idio- .hours from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. free. spring. Campus Hill, $77.50/ $90/month, 351-0666. ports and sharp late models own car and tools. Must be month. Call Connie at 349- apartment. $120/month. Own snycratic transportation. $150 compacts. Call John De PART-TIME positions for Apply in person only to Fred Room. 372-3574 Z-1-12-913) MALE ROOMMATE needed- staying in East Lansing mini¬ 0762. Z-BL-1-12-913) or 487-3789. firm. 355-6212. 1-12-916) MSU students. 1620 hours/ Moore, Room 28 Instruction¬ 4 man apartment '/> block Young. WILLIAMS V.W. mum of 1 year. Fee negotia¬ al Media Center between the 612-913) 484-1341 or 484-2551. week. Automobile required. ble. Call Collect: 1-316531- MALE TO sublet 2-man from campus. $92/month, CHEVETTE 1976 AM-FM hours of 612 and 1-5 LARGE 3 bedroom, available C7-12-9I5) Phone 339-9500; 339-3400. 0060. Z-2-12-916) a.m. Cedar view apartment. Win- 332-0053. Z-4-12-9131 stereo, new radial tiros, Dec. 18. Appliances, dish¬ NEED 2 female to share C 7-12-9(4) p.m. Monday-Friday. . ter only at $90/month. 332- 4-speed, trailer hitch, 612-9(13) washer, yard, garage. 2 bath¬ beautiful condominium on 0626. Z-1 -12-9(3) 35 mpg., 1.4 liter engine has OLDS TORONADO 1974, PART TIME, C^OKS, bus- MSU NEAR-mobile home. 1 I rooms, dining room, living Lake. Appliances, conve¬ loaded, trailer package, Zie- HOUSEKEEPER. AFTER¬ boys, nights. ; >y BACK¬ and porch. Fully car¬ bedroom furnished. $145 I 28,000 miles. 663-1233. COUPLE NEEDED to manage room niences, $100. 339-3056. NEED 2 or 4 females for 2 barted. Sacrifice $3200. 351- NOONS Free. Room. Winter STAGE, Meridian Mall, after 6-12-9151 and spring terms. 337-2274 2 houses in East Lansing. Fee peted and paneled. 3 minute X-3-12-9I4I bedroom apartment in Cedar month. $145 deposit. Call I 5 p.m. 349-3220. 2-12-9(4) CHEVY SUBURBAN 8058_C-5J2-9(4I 1-12-9(31 negotiable. Call collect. 1- drive to campus. Ideal for Village, $88/month; 351-4809. . 612-9141 1973, professional couple. $310/ PINTO HATCHBACK, 1975. 313-531-0060. 612-9(4) MALE NEEDED for 3 Z-1-12-913) auto power steering, power JOB OPENINGS-full part month. 482-9226. 1-12-9191 man FEMALE NEEDED to sublet 4 speed AM/FM, under- PEACE CORPS Africa has time. Excellent pay, advance¬ brakes air. 663-4622. coated, 20,000 miles, $2400. positions open in many fields- CHILD CARE. My E. Lansing apartment. Super close to TWO BEDROOM apartments beautiful 4 man. One block to ' ment opportunities for the 3-12-9131 487-5571 after 4 p.m. Math and Science, teaching, home. Tuesday and Thurs¬ 2 BEDROOM sublet-call campus, winter, spring. 351 - from $196. UNIVERSITY campus. $82.50 Jane, 353- right person. Call 374-6328 Dennis Ford in grocery at 1726. Z-3-12-913) 5661. 612-9-77131 2-12-914) engineering, agriculture, vo¬ between 4-6 p.m. 2-12-914) day. 12-5 p.m. Winter term. VILLA APARTMENTS. 635 1977 3/4 ton CHEVY win¬ 322-9240 after 3:30 p.m. on cational education, and liber¬ 332-8061. 612-913) Abbott. 351-3873; 361-8135 dow van. Beauville package. 12-7 or 12-10. BL-1-12-913) FEMALE NEEDED for 4 m PONTIAC ASTRE 1975. 2 al arts, the time to look into FEMALE ROOMMATE need¬ or Steel belted radials. 9 pass¬ RECEPTIONIST NEEDED- WAITRESSES-FULL or part ed winter 351J957. OJ-12j9(5)_ _ Cedar Village. Winter/Spring I door, 27,000 miles, excellent these opportunities is nowl part time evenings and Satur¬ 4-person apart¬ enger, air conditioning, etc. Call 6272351. condition. Blue, snow tires, Come to the AFRICAN days. Would like Spanish as time nights. Located in NONSMOKING SERIOUS fe¬ ment, 1 block from campus, TWO PEOPLE to take over $90. Excellent roommates, f Call Tina Or Lisa, 351-9338. 5-22"9t61 $1900 or best offer. 355-1023. STUDIES CENTER, Inter¬ second language, young, Waverly Plaza. MR. K'S. 321- male student to share 2-man $89/month. 332-8379. lease January-September. Z-612-914) 1199. 612-9(4) apartment. Close 351-1069. Comfortable 2 bedroom CORVETTE 1977 low mileage Z-4-12-9I4I national Center, 353-1700. well-groomed, outgoing, vi¬ 7-3-12-9(3) Z-1-12-913) apartment. Okemos. $200, white with red leather interi¬ BL-1-12-9I12I vacious. Applications being ENGINEERING OR Industrial plus electricity. 349-0183. FEMALE NEEDED to sub¬ or, sharp. 372-9439. 9-12-9131 PONTIAC ASTRE, 1975. 3- taken during regular business Management grads. Intensive SUPER 2 bedroom house. 2, MALE(s) SHARE 2 bed¬ 4-12-9-16) lease in Cedar Village. Wn- i speed, rustproofed; 15,300 SALESPEOPLE FOR The hours. OKEMOS CHIRO¬ CUTLASS SUPREME, 1973. State News Classified De¬ PRACTIC LIFE two-year training program, 3, or 4 man. 4 blocks from room. $110 Heat paid, non- ter, $88/month. 351-4887, miles, excellent condition. CENTER, campus, newly remodeled, smoker. TWO PERSONS to share after 5:30 p.m. Z-612-913) Excellent shape. Air, AM/FM, partment for Winter term. 2109 Hamilton Road. then to assistant plant mana¬ King's Pointe East, 882-7335 after 5 pm. 7-12-9(4) fenced yard, garage, all appli¬ room in Collingwood Apart¬ blue with white vinyl Must be able to work a 612-9(91 ger. Salary to $15,000. Com¬ 351-6117. Z-3-12-9(3) top. ances. Next to bus stop, ments, for winter term. 332- $1900. 349-1340, 9-5 p.m PORSCHE 914, 1972. Orange consecutive 2-hour minimum pany pays fee. Send resume 2-12-9(6) to DUNHILL PERSONNEL excellent rent. Call 323-2029. 6926.Z-5-12-9(3) OWN ROOM/bath, quiet AM/FM radio. 5 speed, only Monday-Friday between REGISTERED NURSES- 1/2 FEMALES for winter/ OF LANSING, 920 North 1-12-9(61 apartment sublease for win¬ 40,000 miles. $3100, 349-2763 hours of 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Appli¬ Immediate spring 4-person. 3 minute FEMALE NEEDED to sub¬ DATSUN 2402,1972,4 speed 4-12-9-131 cations at 347 Student Ser¬ openings for Fairview, Lansing 48912. lease Cedar Village apart¬ ter/spring. $110/month. Pets R.N.'s. All areas and shifts, walk to main campus. AM/FM stereo, sportwheels, 612-9(11) 1 BEDROOM apartment ok. 393-9575. Z-4-12-9131 vices, students only apply. full and part-time. Hospital Watersedge. 1st come, 1st ment. Winter $90/month, radials, 36,000 miles, excel¬ SHARP, 1972 Buick Skylark 1-12-9(8) $150, with garage privileges. lent condition. $3,300, after 5 V-8 automatic, AM-FM, 8- paid Bluecross, 10 holidays served. 351-1966. Z-3-12-914) 351-9359. Z-3-12-913) SALES ENGINEER-sell to in¬ p.m. 351-4960. Z-4-12-9-I4I plus vacation, tuition refund 482-5104. Z-612-913) NEAR PENNSYLVANIA. 2 I track stereo, $1400, 353-8182. dustry and distributors. One TAXI-DRIVERS wanted. MALE ROOMMATE needed. NEED FEMALE Winter and bedroom, furnished utilities. and many more benefits. year training program. Engi¬ Z-3J2-9I3I Must have excellent driving 2-BEDROOM in Lansing. Huge Spring, 1-bedroom 351-9256. $165/month. 371-3627 after | DATSUN 280 Z, 1975 - air, Salary range $6.07 to $6.48 neering degree required. Sal¬ new townhouse, TORONADO, 1973. Excellent record. Full time work. Apply $140/month, includes heat, 5:30 p.m. 4-12-913) low mileage, excellent condi¬ per hour plus shift differen¬ ary plus car. Company pays $144.50, has it all-indoor pool Z-3-12-913) condition. Loaded. $2100. VARSITY CAB 332-3559. on bus line. Call 484-9586. tion. 351-1733 or 351-3538. tial. Will cred for experience. fee. Send resume to DUN- and more. 394-0782.3-12-9(41 43,000 miles. 482-6978. 612-9(51 HILL PERSONNEL OF LAN¬ Z-3-12-913) 8-12-9(31 Contact Personnel, LAN¬ 9-12-9(31 PIZZA DELIVERY-part time SING GENERAL HOSPITAL, SING, 920 North Fairview. Lansing 48912. 612-9(11) 1 MALE to sublease 4 man MATURE WOMAN to share Details for DODGE VAN 1973. Finished TOYOTA, 1971 Mark II. Air, 2800 Devonshire. Phone 372- bottom of house. 539 M.A.C. and full time 18 years of age. Cedar Village apartment AM/FM, snow tires, excellent Win¬ Own room, fireplace. $100/ interior, power steering and brakes. Must sell. 351-5722. condition. 353-2243,351-5938 Apply MY COUSIN'S PIZZA. 8220. 3-12-9(14) SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: Free 150) state summer em¬ ter/spring terms. Call 355- month and utilities. 332-8361. The 3-12-9-131 921 Armstrong or 3715 W. 8-12-9(3) PIZZA MAKERS-part time or 9416. 2-3-12-9(31 Z-3-12-914) Jolly, after 4 p.m. 612-9(5) ployer information. Send a VEGA WAGON, 1974. 45,000 full time 18 years of age. stamped, self-addressed, la- FEMALE TO sublease apart¬ Wacky DODGE VAN 1967 $350. miles, 4 speed. Excellent con¬ SERVICE STATION attend¬ Apply MY COUSIN'S PIZZA. gal size envelope to: Motor recently rebuilt and dition, $1150. 321-4699. ant, part-time. RUSSELL'S 921 Armstrong or 3715 W. SUMCHOICE Box 645, State ment winter across campus, CHRISTMAS Ad body in good condition. 663- 8-12-914) UNION 76, 4867884. Jolly after 4 p.m. 612-9(5) College, Pa. 16801. $68. 337-7081 - Phyllis. CHEESE SALE 8658 after 6 p.m. 2-12-9131 2-12-9(3) RECEPTIONIST, P.B.X., typ¬ Z-1-12-915) Z-612-9<3) sponsored by Contest VISTA CRUISER station ing 50 WPM 8 a.m.-5 p.m. PART-TIME WORK. Must be the M.S.U. Dairy Club FIREBIRD 19694 speed, steel wagon. 1970. Great car. $800, CLERK TYPIST position with FEMALE TO sublease 2-man radial snows, 'low Sacrifice $700. 332-8445 mileage. 321-7992. 1-12-9(3) Meridian Township. Funded through Title VI of CETA. weekdays excellent fringe package. For appointment available noons. mornings or after¬ Call COPYGRAPH apartment. 731 Burcham. 332-5179. Z-2-12-9I3I NOV. 21-DEC. 16 are just over the horizon. VOLKSWAGEN SQUARE- call Mr. Hodges, 372-8100. SERVICES, 337-1666. Must be resident of Ingham 9am-5pm weekdays 412-9(31 BACK, 1973. Most able offer. Call 627-4469 reason¬ eve¬ County and meet Title VI Equal Opportunity Employer. 612-9(7) C-1-12-9(4) FEMALE SUBLEASE nice Rm. 122 Anthony Hall Keep a sharp eye open criteria, including 15 week apartment winter term. FORD TORINO 1970. 69,000 nings. 612-9(3) unemployment. Apply at 1 and find out how to miles, AM/FM radio. good condition. VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK Michigan Employment Se¬ GAME ROOM personnel. Young ladies preferred. Good For Beat J[f| Close, $114/month. 351-2640. Z-2-12-9(3l 353*758 tires. $700 or New snow best offer. 1973 excellent condition AM/ curity Commission, 3215 S. Pennsylvania, Lansing. pay, benefits and pleasant STORAGE OVER break. cheese may be win cash. More details working conditions. Full and Heated, safe. Bicycles wel¬ NEEDED-MALE to share 4 351-8984 or 355-8194. FM radio 52,000 miles best Duties include typing police picked up or part-time. Apply in person come, cost depends on size. man Campus Hill apartment mailed throughout 612-9(41 offer. Mary, 349-2711 after 6 reports, answering phone, only CINEMA X, 1000 Jolly 332-8467 4-12-9(3) winter and spring. 349-5648. the continental U.S. the beginning of Winter P-m. 3-12-9(51 and some public contact Road.OR-4-12-615) 2-12-9(3) FORD 1976 4' by 4' half ton. activity. Must be able to STORE YOUR BIKE OR be¬ includes a Low mileage with deluxe VW 1973 412 station wagon handle confidential material longings for the Winter. Stu¬ ONE FEMALE to sublet in Old 4 box selection term 78. no rust, good camper shell 339-1506. engine, AM/ and type 50 w.p.m. Meridian FEMALE masseuse wanted. dent Special 6 X 12, $15/ Cedar Village for Winter and/ ranging from State Hews Classified FM 8 track. $999, 484-4915, $8/hour. We will train. 489- 2-12-9(41 Township is an Equal Oppor¬ mont. STATE or Spring $90. Call Cheryl, *3.75-M1.00 after 5 p.m. 2-12-9(3) 2278. Z-X-20-12-913) STORAGE, tunity Employer. 2-12-9(171 641-6743.2-12-9(6) 381-6121. Z-612-9I4I Michlgon Stole News, East Lonslng, Michigan ]ffi ' *** IB I 'wis 1[7| 1 Iws 1(71 Friday, December 9, 1977 21 for RENT 127 N. Haytod. 3 FEMALE NEEDED own room For Sale Iffr] | for Sale |f^j Personal )(/; [jostricliiT Transportation gJL 2-4 ROOMS in house $83/ NEW LARGE 12 X 26 ^TlsSi^AvS '\h0UM'blOCk- niomtcFully carX cL^ Light cooking. Private, quiet. room. FULL SET of hockey equip- SEWING MACHINE SALE DO YOUR own divorce 10-12-9(4) iZnm** 351-7889 5-12-9(3) Dishwasher. 332-1122. $150, 641-6743. 2-12-9(41 nwn. medium stze $50. 353- White sleeve arm machine $119.50. Others from « show you how. Appro? We GUITAR LESSONS. Private M/haf hour. NELSON RIDER TO Florida approxi- mately Dec. 20 Share gas __ _ $89 mate,V $75. Mf. Clark, 339- CT.,n,n FEMALE <£, no, NEEDED, own DELUXE BACKGAMMON ldeal Chbstmas gift guaran- 2670 "-12-9(31 and drjving |n an LTD DESIRE FACULTY rental. DUPLEX-3 bedrooms plus GV™ R°°" in, 3 b^'°°m room, two blocks to campus. sets-'arge model. Wholesale teed usad machines from 627-9691. Z-8-12-914) Grossbeck area $395. Four ««|V. brand new; 2 full houS8' 15 minu,e walk ,rom campus. Near bus, $80/ Heat paid, call Karen. 332- 8057 after 6 p.m. Z-2-12-914) prices. $30.351-7663. J39 »- EDWARDS DIS- WANT TO GO TO CHURCH bedrooms, central air, family room, dishwasher. Call even- ^I'6400' Cal1 339-2600. month, 337-OS I^Z^I 2-9131 Z-3-2-12-9131 TRIBUTING CO. 1115 N. FOR CHRISTMAS? Join us I Typin S«mc»toj RIDER(S) WANTED Angeles. to Leaving 12-16-77 Los Washington 489-6448. at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SORORITY IS taking board- share R°0M ;"h™«34 TRADE FOR Christmas on COPYGRAPH SERVICE costs. 351-2374 or ings,484-34»J3-1j-9(4l^ 2 BEDR00M er, ft* winter and spring $87 337 0364 TV's, stereos's, CB's, iewelrv C-Z-J2-9J8) OF EAST South Harrison. LANSING, 940 Morning, 10 Complete dissertation and 1-313478-2052. 2 12-9(4) IT IS the policy of the STATE J"*""; Bu«; L°" guns, tools, guitars plus IND,AN RIVER Citrus-deli- a m.; evening, 7 p.m. For resume service. Corner NEWS that the last 4 weeks of term all Student Classified 4^381 WWa8' 4170 Z-1-12-914)L, ^ - - OWN ROOM in nice house. ». All merchandise tested vered hours from of Florida within more information and trans¬ M.A.C. and Grand River, 8:30-5:30 Wanted X arivertisino must be oaid for CHARLES S L 526 Sun- Close. $85, own and guaranteed. WILCOX picking. Navel portation, call Bob Pugh, Monday-Friday. parking. oranges $8.50/case, grape¬ Pastor, 3942122. 2-12-9(111 337-1666. C-7-12-9(5) in advance beginning Nov- ?£,MPUS. NEA,R,', lar8e 3 861 Lane- $20-$25/week Clean & quiet. Call 353-0885. TRADING POST. 4854391 C-7-12-9(71 fruit $7.50/case. Call by Dec. „ „ __"j9(5i_ WE BUY newspapers, any ember 14,1977. Bring or mail bedro°m house. Women pre- including utilities. Lease Z-2-12-9I3I to 12 Days, 4854)783. CONGRATULATIONS PROFESSIONAL EDITING m 347 Student Services. fa,rad Beginning Winter June 10.351-5847.12-12-9(4) GRAD/PROF. Female nor 371-3996 or 627-2844. Evenings, the new brothers of TO Alpha papers, thesis, dissertations. ffle'V C„ 23-12-9(8) ,arm' Ca" 349-9603, even- SEWING MACHINE, Wa7er- 2-12-9(7) Tau Omega- I. Palmer, P. Lansing. 323-7476 6-'l2^9(4)" iPJ_ J _ '"OS. 332-3402. X-3-12SH5I NOW OR winter term. Mod- smoker. Own room nic mobile home. $74 + bed. Dining set and mn,. McKitrick, D Radler, J. Minor corrections to rewrite. 332-5991 Foreign students J Call after 4 p.i TWO GIRLS to sublease OWN ROOM in 3 bedroom ern, furnished room, campus utilities. 351-1145. 1-12-9(3) - INSTANT CASH. We're pay- Makrias, W. Nahikian, C. welcome. X-C-5-12-9I4I 6-12-9(3} winter term in Cedar Duplex Winter, $110. Spring, FEMALE GRAD student to near, from $80/month. 485- mg $1-2 for albums in good Frye, B. Westerhof, S. Nick- Village $75. No lease, 351-8315. sh8,e bouse in country 5 1436. 0-3-12-9(3) SINGLE ROOMS available- 100 USED VACUUM clean¬ shape. WAZOO RECORDS, erson, D. Wray, C. Hozer, LOOKING FOR 223 Abbott. 337-0947 "WERE ALL STARS NOW". 4-12-9(3) m'lea ,rom campus. 2 bed- Bower House Co-op, $360/ ers. Tanks, cannisters, and GREAT JOB?-get a hesd-j term. Call 351-4490. uprights. Guaranteed one full Z-1-12-916) t that tint i NEED 7" ^rtriMMATc" ROOMMATE for iftr" 2o r00ms' f"aplace *125' 351 • LARGE R00M in bouse for on NEED CASH? We pay up to 3160. Z-3-12-9(4) rent. Z-1-12-913) year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS by having your i Very close to campus. DELICATE MACRAME Y°UR SON or daughter $2 for Lp's Er cassettes. Also DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. typeset. The Typecutti Winter term. 1 mile •VX1 „ Tie N„rth r-orfa, watchbands, necklaces and could live free while attend- make buying 45's songbooks, mus¬ 2-3-12-9(3) your credentials! campus. Close to bus line ROOMMATE NEEDED for stand out in any ic magazines. FLAT BLACK *7-W3"'L?#V,0rd 1408. Z-5-12-915) ^ bouse four blocks from < EAST-NEED one, own room, mes. than Looks much bet-| AND CIRCULAR. Upstairs WOVEN WALL hanging- typing, 541 E. Grand River. Open 11 pus. 351-0977 c 351-8135. EQUITY VEST, 1500 Kendale nice house. $90 +. ROOM AVAILABLE in fine a call -we're OR-3-12-913) Campus 18x40. Orange and brown a.m. 351-0838 C-2-12-917) DUPLEX AVAILABLE now. 3 NEED CASH? We io 4 people. Furnished. Near close on busline. 4841978. four bedroom house. $56/ month. 489-2775. Z-1-12-913) tones. $20. 332-8716. ""-1' "« pay Miy up 10 $2 for Lp's 6 cassettes. Also to ^ 200' fas< La™"9 jpopo n 1 19 W823 an29l7> 0171 very reasonable. 487-9295.1 WOMAN-OWN 3-12-9(31 campus. 669-9939. 8-12-9(3) person house: room winter-spring, in 4 OWN ROOM in 2 bedroom WARM ROOM in rooming buying 45's songbooks, ic magazines. FLAT BLACK mus¬ Peamrts Persanalii resumes, TYPING^Dissertations, AND TYPING. PRINTING laaya or dutog^toe?Sbparing! Summer termlsl? Married TWO BEDROOM house c c«n +-7 5362. Z-1-12-913) osal 351' house. Winter term. Rent house. Always hot showers, MEN'S OVERCOAT-navy AND CIRCULAR upstairs 541 general printing, couple wishes to house-sit east side of Lansing. $140/. negotiable. 15 minutes to paneled. Now-June, $88/ blue, 46 long, excellent. $15. Serving MSU for 27 years Husband at E. Grand River Open 11 a.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cooley Law ~ includes all utilities. Ron 351- 332-8716. 3-12-9131 month plus utilities, 486 7593. 6-12-9(4) deposit. . 1 FEMALE for 3 person campus. 3514175. 2-5-12-9(31 4608. Z-1-12-9I4I 351-0838. C-412-9(71 Darcee. Love, your Roommates 349 C^0.PC-7B 12B9I5S) Sch°°-1 Wi'-e in MA pr0flram bouse, own large room with MAGNIFICENT 8 piece bed¬ EXTRA FIRM Z-1-12-913) TYPING, CLOSE, NEW building, fire- Ca,h7351" SINGLE ROOMS close to OWN ROOM house/female room outfit. $800. 882-8971, Simmons EXPERIENCED, Fast and reasonable. place, 2 full baths, 3 bed- B970-1-12-9(3) campus pleasant atmo- 531 Ann. winter only, $95/ dresser, $85. 412-9-13) 4635. C-7-12-9I3I 371- ^OUND T()VV\ rooms, large study and large sphere, friendly people, $25 ™n,h' including utilities. 2878. Z-412-9-I3I den. $420 plus. 315 Stoddard. Rooms deposit, lease by the t ^ii23: i L'ii'l! CHRISTMAS SUPER stereo- EXPERIENCED TYPIST will 361 0765 after 6 p. 215 Lewis street. 3514495. accept term papers 12/8- 6-12 9(5) TWO ROOMS for males. 11-12-9(51 MODERN 6 bedroom, 2 bath, dishwasher, family room, fur- " iui- _pbf» '™ar «» snip. 250 ns: Harmon Kardon Citation Animals f Service J(^j 12/15. Judith 393-4672. 2-12-9(3) 15 MILES Northeast Renin winter. mi Nm, i. 0WN ROOM. 5 minute bus nished, campus r ak. e'®Yen per-amp with equal¬ manvn ucoe house, t0 _ us $9o/month p,us 1436. 0-3-12-9131 izer; OHM F speakers; Tech- crpc yi-rrciuc FREE 9 KITTENS, 2 males, 1 , 1 LENS lab PREClsil0N 9r°und in Laingsburg. Older country our OPTICAL . c K_. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. house, with option to buy 3 many^pluses^4ffi-1405 after 5 urilit£Y^3206.'TY's-tfT SL1200 direct-drive turn- "bite, blue eyes, 1 black and COUNT, 2617 E. Michigan, DIS- Dissertations, (pica, elite) table; warranty-private audi- tan ''Oer, 394-4853. 2-12-9(3) bedrooms, large yard needs ROOM IN family house $80/ FEMALE-SHARE room in tion. 349-2673. Z-512-917) Lansing, Mi. 372-7409 FAY ANN. 489-0358. SHAAREY ZEDtK " C-7-12-9I3I X-C-12-9I10I closed until Bingo handymans attention. $160. house, $72.50/month, fur¬ MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS further notice. room IN rountrv country m0nth> CaM after 5 P m 351* C-7 12-9(3) 351 7497. 3-12-9(6) house $75 per month, 12 9043,2-12-9,3) nished, close to campus. 351- HOLLYWOOD SINGLE bed, minutes to campus, fireplace, 6456" S-S-lI^T $40. Heathkit amp and tuner, tod'2 fjZr Red, 6 weeks ik'r AKC,9T,T $125. FREE LESS0N care. MERLE in complexion BLOCK TO CAMPUS. Fast, reasonable, experienced. OWN room in nice 4-bed- NORMAN FflANDOR AREA female. Rick 6551307. Z-2-,2-9(41 R°™ 4 $15. 349-9554. E-3-12-9I3I 882-6615 eet'1 Chnstmas. COSMETIC STUDIO - 321- Term papers, editing. 332- Own room/share house. Grad FEMALE SUB-LEASE r or 349-9486. 5543. C-7-12 9(3) 8498; 351-1711. 2-12-9(4) preferred rent reasonable, r"00m1n iarge"three"bed- ^^ J-I-IZWI room in house. Winter THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 9-12-9(4) 4843674. Z-3-12-9(31 apartment $77 month- . .. ... male mmlc wanted whwicu to share snare through Summer, close. 351- READY FOR Christmas or FOR~QUAUTY-ste7eo ser¬ PROFESSIONAL EDITOR n7ci 79190/91 vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, NOW BOOKING WINTER MALE ROOMMATE needed _ house. Furnished, available in January. $110/month. Grad 0761^2«3I now, Labrador black, $25; gold $50. 521- puppies, 555 East Grand River, JOBS. Your Paper invites the __ ___ ROOM IN large co-ed house. C-7-12-9(31 • Best Reception with Pre¬ share room in house 2 OWN ROOM in 3-bedroom 3391. Z-4-12-9(3) cision Editing. Call the Dr. at Near campus, nice people in blocks from campus begin¬ apartment, furnished, ex¬ CUSTOM COMMUNICA¬ ning winter term. 361-7241 tremely close. Steve. 351- neighborhood. 351-2829 or ENGLISH SPRINGER pup EQUITY LOAN-lf you are TION CONSULTING: 372- OWN ROOM in house. $75 or 337-0592. 3-12-9(4) ask for Kevin. Z-3-12-9I4I 2528. Z-512-913) registered, black and white buyln9 your home on a 4135. X5-12-916) negotiable. Reference, de¬ male, hunting strain 641- mort9age or own your home posit. 371-2539. Evenings. 6034. 1-12-9(31 bee and clear, ask about our 1701 WEST Grand River, Okemos. 2 bedroom house. FURNISHED ROOMS avail¬ able in large house, all utili- 1-12-9(3) P'to 1151 equity loan. Borrow against FREE-6 puppies, 6 weeks old, your equity to consolidate UNIGRAPHICS complete dissertation and service: OFFERS re¬ ties sume Typesetting, $200, utilities not included. '"eluded^ fromi $85/ R00Ms At 631 Stod- WATER BEDS are bedder at weaned, intelligent, cute, your bills, make major home IBM typing, offset printing M9-0330 weekdays, 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m. ^"'500 °57°2 9(51 d8rd 485 P'US u,ili,ias' wash' SOUNDS AND SIONS. Open till 9 p.m. DIVER¬ Dicksr and D*al 882-8504, anytime. 5-12-9(3) improvement, take that long ; awaited vacation, or for any and binding. For estimate to 3-12-9(51 GOLDEN RETRIEVER-male other good stop in at 2843 East Grand ROOM FOR male, close weeknights. Downtown Second Hand Store purpose. River or phone, 332-8414. across from Knapps. 484- pup, AKC registered, v FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF C-7-12-9I7I Union $14/week. 332-0206 1701 South Cedar FEMALE GRAD - Own rr NON-SMOKING grad for 2 3855. 0-1 12-915) nated, $150. 337-7640. EAST LANSING, 351-2660 407-3104 house near campus $100/ 443 Gr0ve S,f88t' 7-,2-9,3, J°e' Z-2-12-9I3I and ask for Mr. McDonald. EXPERT TYPING service by MSU grad. 17 years experi¬ nnth ni„« 933 w«a 351-3896,10 a.m.-mrdnrght. PUT WARM weather dreams EPIPHONE 12 string guitar, 0-1-12-9112) 9 19 0/9, 5609 NICE ROOM in nice house in 2-12-9(3) under someones Christmas mint condition with AKC DOBERMAN Wormed and shots. Pedigree pups. ence. Near Gables, call 337- Lansing. 527 Clifford. $75/ Tree. Metal Detector TR/BFO 0205. OR-7-12-9(4) $85. Jim, 372-7596, month + utilities. 374-6029. ROOM IN quaint country modes, two heads unused, evenings. available. Blacks and Reds. EQUITY LOAN-if you are NEW. CLOSE, 5 bedrooms 2 4-12-9-14) Phone 543-3441.1-12-914) buyin9 V°ur home on a 10-12-9(3) house adjacent to Akers golf $210 new, will sell for $170. TWELVE YEARS experience full baths, $400. 351-0765 $125/month, utilities mortgage or own your home typing theses, manuscripts, after 6 p.m. 1-12-9(31 course. Call Rich 1-543-0634 even- BEAN BAGS great for the I Finding a cash buyer for QUIET NONSMOKING grad/ included. 353-4394 before 6 ings. Z-1-12-9I6I dorm or family room-Queen u-Ltu un_,t ijtK free and clear, ask about our term papers. Evenings, 675- still-good furniture, working woman - own room p.m. 2-12-9(5) | HUIBBS equity loan. Borrow against 7544. C-7-12-9I3I appliances or musical 2 ROOMS for rent, starting with handle $29.96. house, residential lnM „ your equity to consolidate instruments can be FAIRCHILD VIDEO entertain- ir term. No lease. Call block from c8m $90' ROOMMATE NEEDED for BERKS FURNITURE in "THE OLD SCHOOLHOUSE" 4801 9®,hDETR0^ER' "«bad'2 „ '2 your bills, make major home TYPING FAST and reasona¬ work ... or it can be AftC Hnhimon PL7 r» m . __ 351- mnm in niramne Okemos Hi duplex. mm v system complete with 9 cartridges, dges, only 5 months old, old. N. US 27 at State Rd. ^nom. wash- rmprovement, take that long awaited vacation, or for any ble, 394-4729, electric type¬ easy! When you have Busline, 349-5246. 2-12-9(31 io writer: pica. C-7-12-913) such items to sell, $350 new, sell for $200; call appreciate, z/4 $82-6241.10-12-9(81 uei mi other good purpose. do it the easy way 349-3720 or 351 -0432. Ask for FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF .. . ROOMMATE NEEDED. Own OWN ROOM ir TERM PAPERS, thesis, dis¬ with a low-cost ad in Don. 6-12-9(5) KING SIZE SIERRA waterbed EAST LANSING, 351-2660 Classified. Call today. house, $75 + utilities. Call bedroom Toom dup[ex', Ytoi bath"s, " M allies. " ^ ^ , 2 ncntrnnu BEDROOM i .• large Irving • and ask for Mr. McDonald. sertation typing; IBM pica or elite, call 332-2078. We'll help you word and parking walk/bus MSu' 7 BOOKS. MAGAZINES, drawers. Excellent condition, 01-12-9(121 ^o» ^ Z 2 12-MI ' , r with OR-7-12-9I3I place your ad. Rafter 6 p.m. Z2 12-9(3) ics and morel CURIOUS almost new. $350 or best room fireplace. Call Linda 353-5415 or 351-2092 BOOK SHOP, 307 E. Grand offer. 4824731. 8-12-9(51 after 5 p.m. Z-12-9I3I FREE NEEDLE check. TYPING TERM papers and FEMALE NEEDED to sub- River. 332-0112. Bring EAST LANSING. Furnished 1 FEMALE DOUBLE in Co-op. in your record player needle thesis, I.B.M. experienced, lease own room in spacious 3 X-C-7-12-914) DYNASTAR .. bedroom, with garage. $165 4280 winter. All food, bills ACRAGLASS MARLETTE-1968 12 X 60 for free check at fast service. Call 351-8923. bedroom apartment. Great skis, 195cm. Look Nevada Two bedroom, living room anytime, plus utilities. Immediate oc- included. 332-3574. Special prices on new nee- OR-7-12-9I3I location, complex and room- Z-2-12-913) APPLES, CIDER, BLOSSOM Lrndings, tuned and adjusted expando, excellent. Call 694- dies. MARSHALL MUSIC, cupancy. 351-7272.3-12-915) mates. Winter and ORCHARDS. The Wadow- to new boot. $200, 337-9371. Spring 8209, must sell. 2-12-9(4) East 10R 2 FEMALES-own room term, summer option $112 a month plus utilities. Call 332- ROOM AVAILABLE winter term in nice house, close to ski's 2 miles North of Leslie. 3597 Hull Rd. Old US 127, Lansing. C-1-1219) |7rnsytftatiii Ifjift] ,i_c. j 0944 before 10 a.m. and after campus, on bus line. $80 Hours, 9-5 p.m. Closed Mon¬ "aposrt, unfurnished, SONY STEREOS and FLORIDA BOUND bus for cas¬ parking, 351-2751. 7p.m. AskforJil|. 2-2-12-9(7) month plus utilities. 372- days. 1-589-8251. Gift pack¬ sette X-mas break, Dec. 17-30. If recorders, plus entire LOST: SIAMtov State News 2-3-12-9(3) 6052.4-12-9(41 ages shipped by UPS. Sony line now available at found phone 351-4683. you want to come call Paul OR-7-12-9(71 CALIFORNIAN MUSICIAN ROOM ONE or two fe¬ VOSS SALES AND SER¬ 374-7153. X-11-12-9(3) - Z-8-12-9I3I willing to teach guitar to Classified NEEDED: ROOMMATE 533 males needed to sublet OWN ROOM male/female VICE, Grand River (between CLARINET Bb Noblet in ex¬ beginners-advanced. Guaran¬ Spartan-own bedroom, term n two bedroom chris- a block to campus. $90/ cellent condition. $150 or Okemos and Marsh Rds.) LOST-MALE Golden Retriev¬ teed to learn faster from my RIDERS NEEDED to Arizona, 355-8255 negotiable. Call 351-9122, ban apartment. 351-0477. month. 355-6757 or 695-7505. best offer. 353 3418. Open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.- er, dark orange, name-Fred. method, than anywhere else. Phoenix-Tuscon area. Leav¬ Jamie or Dan. Z-1-12-913) ' 9 p.m. till Christmas. 349- Hagadorn area. 353-5572. 485-6513. A great Christmas Z-4-12-9(4l Z-3-12-9I3I Z-7-12-9I3I ing January 2. Call 355-5901. 1210. 6-12-9(91 Z-2-12-913) gift. 2-12-9(7) Z-6-12-913) RHA movie referendum to be voted on I witinued from page 1) the Student-Faculty Judiciary, ident of Student Affairs Eldon 1™ film Co-op will chal- tion does not specifically em¬ dents for approval. Vatter also announced. Nonnamaker. He asked Nonn- F (he constitutionality of power RHA to assess the tax, The amendment, to be incor¬ Announcements for It's What's MSU Mennonite Fellowship Tours to People's Republic of Robert McKay, spokesperson amaker to rule on RHA's com¬ r1 Proposed $3 movie tax Nonnamaker ruled Wednesday porated in the tax referendum, 9:30 a.m. Sunday, 336 for Beal Film Co-op, filed an pliance with sections of Univer¬ Happening must be received in the meets at China, information, slides and r'tek in an appeal before that the "RHA constitution is would empower RHA to collect State News office, 343 Student Union. Come join us for informal refreshments presented at 3 p.m. appeal Tuesday with Vice Pres- sity policy which deal with tax sufficiently specific so as to 34.75 per term from undergrad¬ Services Bldg., by noon at least worship and fellowship. Sunday, Christo Rey Community "collection criteria. The policy, conform with two class ... the Tax uate residence hall students. days before publication. Center, Ballard Street, Lansing. adopted by the board of trus¬ Collection Criteria Policy." In other business, RHA No announcements will be dillac burns; customer sues tees in 1974, states that "a Beal is expected to appeal proved Dave Duessel as the tax ap¬ cepted by phone. ac¬ University Apartments Adults! Informal recreation held from 7 to Jesus people, Zen realists, beat- governing group must have' Nonnamaker's decision to the referendum elections commis¬ 9:30 tonight, Spartan Village and nicks and establishment types! 1 PEEKSKILL, N.Y. tice Charles specific constitutional provi¬ judiciary before the end of the sioner and Kendo Club of MSU holds Red Cedar Schools. Final night. „ Tierney overruled sions for amendment by refer¬ Audrey Slaven was practice from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday Teach to Free University winter fL- Joseph Oddo's new him last month, saying Oddo term, Vatter said. appointed interim RHA vice term. Contact Box 103, East endum of its constituency to in the Japanese art of sword of r Bdorado burst into "had every right to expect his In anticipation of the president, following Gerard Lesbian Lotions and Potions at Lansing, 48823 provide for a change or removal fencing, 118 Women's IM Bldg. J*!,s ke drove it home from luxury car, with expensive charges, RHA voted Wednes¬ Glinsky's resignation. 7 tonight, Women's Center. Play ■ '•room, so Oddo sued of the tax and/or assessment." additions, to perform at the day to present an amendment The MSU Simulation Society pool, watch movies, get mas¬ « dealer In response to Beal's allega¬ to the constitution to under¬ saged. For information call Wo¬ "Star Of Wonder" will be . allegedly very least, safely." tion that the board's constitu¬ Mascot saved meets 331 Union. from 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday, men's Center. presented at MSU Astronomy „ W al replacing the or graduate residence hall stu- Club meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wed¬ with a new one. nesday, Abrams Planetarium. -'■after a judge ordered from pound The MSU Bible Study meets at 7:30 tonight, 145 Natural Science Star Trek Club's nomination Ej either to refund meeting is Thursday, Jan. 12 at 'Wo 'money or replace the decided he'd had Hall residents favor RHA movie tax MIAMI (AP) mascot of a - Happy, the bankrupt firm, will If you would like to work with 6:30 p.m., 334 Union. Call Kim Blekis to further information. The MSU Handbell choir has an opening next term. If interested ■uia uth his refund. his (continued from page 1) not have to go to the dog pound the Student Jewish Appeal, call and experienced leave name and crowded and they would be phone number in Music Building WBMw 60118,11 a German- quarter said they would defin¬ worse if this passes," a junior in The figures obtained telephone survey are subject to from the after all. "You might as well say gas Hillel. Important meeting held at 7 p.m., Jan. 5. December's Statewide Gather¬ ing of Lesbians is held at 9 p,m. office. itely see more RHA movies if math education said. an approximate five percent Saturday. Come dance and meet 6 chamber," said security guard jays he bought the the proposal were to pass. But Tom Leach, RHA movie sampling error, which means University Lutheran Church's other lesbians. For information call The Zen Druids of MSU will 'or J12.000 fr0m board George Schierenbeck a. few annual Advent dinner will be held Women's Center tonight. the The survey also indicated director, said that the results are within five sacrifice a vestigal virgin at 7 rwcy in days ago. at 5 p.m. Sunday, with singing and Ossining in July that 65 percent of the respon¬ presently RHA accommodates percentage points of figures But since Happy's plight was a program, 1020 S. Harrison Rd. tonight. Union Tower Room. Tfher the fire, evidently dents view between one and five about 3,000 viewers every week. He said facilities are that would be obtained if every¬ reported, Aerodex and the Die Deutsche Ecke e.V.: Wire l J7 a defect in the RHA movies every term. Of one living in the undergraduate Humane Society say they have Tonight is the last Shabbat treffen uns Freitag, 9 December, Episcopalians! End of term Iinjdea'er 'Oddo repaired the that number, 80 percent said available to accommodate three times that many. dormitories were surveyed. been flooded with calls from dinner of the term held at 6 p.m. at von 3 bis 5 in Erdnuss Fass. DGDEFI heisst TGIF. Eucharist and Agape is at 5 p.m. refused to take it they would go to more films. A systematic random sample Hillel. Dinners resume Jan. 6. Sunday, All Saints Church, 800 people who want to adopt the rating on return of his T0ranewcar. However, many of the Of the 25 percent who did not of 237 undergraduate resident dog, Abbott Road. Join usl respondents expressed concern see any RHA movies this term, hall telephone numbers were A secretary at the company Mensa TGIF held at 5:30 to¬ Hear Jacqui Brown, recently fcaler said he that if there free movies, 80 percent said they would not night, Beggar's. Look for the large returned from China, present, "A The Tolkien Fellowship goes was are selected from the current stu¬ office said she has narrowed IK ■ e oupreme 10 repair the "f- Court they will be overcrowded. "The movies are already ask for their 33 refund provided under the proposal. dent directory with 221 success¬ down the list of would-be yellow map-pin! Curiosity seekers welcome. Learn what Mensa's China Slide Show" at 7 p.m. Sunday, Abrahamic Community, atrocity caroling at 8 tonight. Union Tower Room. Bring song¬ Jus¬ ful interviews. owners to five. about. 320 MAC Avenue. books if you can. 22 Michigon State News, East lonsing, Michigan yottll never Friday It N hy Afternoor Hospices care for leave hungry on Friday" ALL YOU CAN EAT Foot long Chill Dog 80' Happy Hour daily terminal patients ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS "Ifhtly Intertainment Mallow Folk & Big Screen TV ByKATHYSZEJBACH State New. SUM Writer St. Luke's is not like most medical institutions. Although St. Christopher's has capacity for 54 in-patients, most of the patients go back and forth between the hospice and home. A book by British physician Richard Lamerton, entitled "Care of $1" 4-10 p.m. Open M-F: 11 a.m. It has wall-to-ceiling windows, offers art classes, musical the Dying," explored the idea of the hospice. Lamerton said that International House of Pancakes in-patients are taken by ambulance to the hospice, where they are Sat.-Sun.: Noon entertainment, a beauty salon, a vegetable garden and a daily welcomed and escorted to their ward by their staff nurse or "ward 1227 E. Grand River cocktail hour. But what makes St. Luke really special are the sister." Lamerton explains that there is at least one nurse to each patients. 1 Blk. Watt of patient both day and night. Hagadorn They are all dying. 332-6517 The hospice staff is very concerned with St. Luke's, located in Britain, is a hospice - a special health care alleviating pain, facility devoted to terminally ill patients. Although the idea of a Lamerton notes. Pain-killing medicine often includes "Brompton OPIN 24 Honrs cocktails," a drink made with gin, heroin, cocaine and Oood food kWmn hospice was established overseas, the United States has a few 351 >7726 2000 E. Grand River Aooia similar facilities. tranquilizers. A special legislative task force, under the guidance of state Rep. This type of pain treatment may be difficult to establish in David Hollister, D-Lansing, is now preparing to research and Michigan, since some of the drugs used are illegal. "It should be noted," Lamerton said, "that for a dying man develop a plan for a hospice in Michigan. ... The task force was organized 18 months ago to gather there is no maximum dose of pain killer." He said the hospices stress family involvement by providing information for improvements in the care of the dying. Participants rooms for visitors to stay all day if they wish, and include nurses, doctors, lawyers, hospital administrators, senior allowing family and friends to help care for the patient. citizens, clergy, teachers, philosophers, students and interested citizens. "There's a distinction between caring and curing," Benjamin Earlier this week, Hollister introduced the first piece of said. "A hospital is designed to cure. With the rise of scientific legislation drafted by the task force. The bill, entitled the "Medical Treatment Decision Act," would give adults the right to appoint an medication, they don't know how to do anything else. They used to be made to care. Now, if they can't cure you, they want to kick you agent to decide whether to continue medical treatment when the out. Hospices aim at caring for people." appointer is incapable of making his or her own decison. The final draft of the bill was written by three MSU faculty Hollister said there are insurance and medical problems A NATURAL FOOD STORE members: Martin Benjamin and Bruce Miller, associate professors involved in establishing a hospice. of philosophy, and Dan English, associate professor of surgery. All "The task force is identifying the problems, researching the 541 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING, MICH. 48823 issues," he said. three are members of the task force. The group's next project is the establishment of a hospice. The subject of death and the terminally ill, although WHERE M> YOB (0 YOUR CMRtSTMAS SNOfflM... traditionally a taboo topic, is becoming an issue throughout the "A hospital is no place for sick people," Hollister education is too important to be left to teachers . . said. "Just as . dying; is too country. Hollister said that since last January, eight states have NfflORMlYt Kt THE FMKLY OF MM... important to be left to hospitals. It should be left to institutions to comfort and care for the dying. passed legislation guaranteeing the rights of terminally ill patients and 32 other states are considering bills. YOUR ONE-STOP 6ENERN. STORE On the public discussion of death, Benjamin said, "I think that's "The hospice takes the idea that terminally ill people need care, * support and encouragment. It tries to make the final days as important — ir. part because of the way we live is ... a rejection of MTURAUYi pleasant and non-terrifying as possible," he explained. mortality. If we thought we were mortal, we would act The term "hospice" dates back to the Middle Ages as a place for differently." C*ffw t tfMm, TN t TMMH, Suit, travelers to rest. The word took on a new meaning in 1967 when Benjamin said people do not fear being dead as much as they Dr. Cicely Saunders opened St. Christopher's Hospice in London. fear the idea of not being alive. n*li5 , ta>w»U, IMml a bate. ojogwro, CoowoHot, Toobplh i Mtral WE PAY GRAB'EM WHILE THEY'RE HOT! CASH CITGO MOTOR OIL FOR YOUR BOOKS! A QT. Bring your undergraduate textbooks to CAMPUS BOOK STORE 507 E. Grand River (Across from Berkey Hall) GRADUATE STUDENTS Winter Term Referenda Proposed Constitution Changes: A. Article IV part B shall be repealed. Article IV part B currently reads: "The classes of representative membership defined in Section A of this article shall be mutually exclusive. No member of COGS may belong to more than one of these classes, except in such ex officio capacity as may be specified in the Bylaws." Explanation: Change would allow department representatives or officers to serve on University committees. B. Article VI part B #1 shall read as follows: "The elections shall be held during the second to the last regularly, sceduled Spring Term meeting." Explanation: The change would put time of elections in agreement with other organizations. C. Article X part C shall read as follows: . "Officers of COGS, department representatives and committee repre¬ sentatives shall receive compensation only if authorized by unanimous vote of the Council during a regularly scheduled meeting." Explanation: Changes allow Council to consider compensation for officers. WILLOW PLAZA STORE OPENS SOON! s' D. An additional fifty cents (50c) per term refundable tax shall be I Sale prices limited to quantitie^rnTancT collected beginning Spring 1978. Sale ends Sun., Dec. 18, 1977 Explanation: Funds will be used to increase services to graduate WAVERLY PLAZA | students (ie„ copy service will be open all day). 321-7399 E. A fifty cents 150') per term refundable tax shall be collected Hours: beginning Spring 1978 for Legal Services Subsidy. Mon.-Frl. 9-8 Explanation: Graduate students would receive legal services without charge at the time of use. Saturday 9-6 ♦Vote During Registration - December 12th thru 16th and January 3 rd and 4th. Sunday 10-6 ' For more information Stop by or call: Office Hours 316 Student Services Monday-Friday 8-12 phone 353-9189 Tuesday 8 Thursday 7-9:30 p.m. giant savings at giant discount Michigon Stole Newt, Eos) Lon»ing, MIcHioon Friday, December 9, 1977 23 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE HAPPY HOLIDAYS by Bill Yates from pop entertainment, ebony, mariah and show case jazz. OA Michigan State N«ws, Eos) LonslngJAichjgon 9, ■ The Money Man is on his way to the MSUBookstore,and he's bringing extra help! So if you no longer need your Fall term books, sell them during Finals Week (Dec 12-16) Special Book Buying Personnel will be ready to buy your old ones (books) with new uncirculated one (dollar bills) from 7:30 to 5:00 daily. Closed 23-26-30-Jan 2 MOST WINTER TERM ROOKS ARE READY