M. S. C. Library -Bast Lansing, Mioh. roMwn mvn Michigan 6tatc Keros rnrromiff Interfraternity Contention KAST LANSINC;. MICHIGAN, Tl'KSDAV, APRIL 27. 1927 I ~m 9 ■•■■■■ ■ m Today'* Lowry (Hark \n Ex-Marine, lie ^ ill Tell The Evili : (lampus Band Signed W"r """-iWittPrcKhsee T() ^/fe/rf ,fpr Indent*. Officials Iilre i Inli. I• irl Sittirrr*. • i«. Month to offer aid in makinc the 19.1? their talents car¬ Convention Program Front Onl-oMoHil Will nival a rinami.il «urrrm. The \lletid \leel. , ..mmitler hope* to make monev thin year to jpph to- aids the Music Shell which Loiivo is First is to be dedicated hv senior ihe cimpn*. It musicians In Middle West eiMfs ran be avoided. tli.it lev ran to for the shell, I'r.mra.u a ill l-.-l Tlir.-f tiloali who wivli to (imper¬ ll.ij.i lo (.iiitniWf ii Waid Van\tta or llnpr riii.r-.lu>. \pril 2*1. ltr. cn,I Tulle l.ukrell Optimistic 1037 n. ItiHO l.eneral *medlev |» Holler Peace Farley (iommittee ;* Names Bulie Chairman ,snii-dl«\ BntUr. Kelireil Oltrrul. lo *|m .ik Vtfiiiiltl W.ir; l air iyriiii**ion (.runted W omen ^lm r \ltrii«l Venml I eelurr ■*' May Mormiieuk I I,ll'k Viinetl lie;ol I If Stiite I II I loli knoirledge f'Hf/ Uomanee urr keynotes OJ Summer School. Say Those II ho knoir Hob Kaldortf ROH Rifle Team Warded Habile departmrni in the •I 1*29. think* rao" of In.liti.li.ul M.-.lul. In hr r a* a rquvii un than he ••f hk future «• an ath f.iM ii in June I'umile <»reer la one of the U»! College Riilletin \n» person interested bfa* mvrtr tn the Stale h«»TC baud behind a n«- Collet* Phone G-9I18. Editorial Eat. 176. Itiiainna Walter Senior. je WHO :•■> LNRDLlfcD AS A FRl-SHMAN "" " i UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSM»P£ Stage (Beauty Editors) A prominent dispenser of beauty , must indeed c to risk life and achieve beauts But i ANSWER? THE QUESTION By tarry Biolel Abstract • • • aids for milady fills the mails1 1016 Member |Q1? Symptoms Abornt: Student Council 1 tiie;.e days with her lastest stream- 1 Aisotriod Go*C'6tfc fVeit Michigan State will du its part lined. triple-Mireat exploitation cn That many fraternities are drifting into Distributers of in the peace movement Thursday just what is the latest in skin' t will glow like the ha seriou.H. difficulties simply because their lobar watch at mid-nit Cbtoede Diried members fail to realize* the symptoms of scheduled to speak Peoples We do hope you have i in ion.'' Oh, so you want that kind Editor* decay, is the contention of Michigan State' {church twice, so that all may be of complexion' Then just lean il beauty problem on v MANAGING EDITOK OLA OF.LZER accomodated back and relax—a little Dean of Men, Fred T. Mitchell more, ASSOCIATK EDITOR HARVEY HARRINGTON The committee working on this ! that's What these destructive forces fine Now open the book CO-ED EDITOR BEVERLY SMITH are. speci project met first late in the fall there Fred, and we'll proceed SPORTS EDITOR AL THKILER lically. or what decaying symptoms might term A minimum platform was There * so much to be done EDITORIAL ADVISER LARRY DISTGL be gnawing at fraternal vitals the In an drafted as presented last week t.. give the skin that lovely glow KniTOIMAI .HOAHU R..h.rt|» |l.irh>.»~. I r.nl H!n fails to mention. 1 ^ee on some girls—to give i' mi«ting of the Freshman and ' ( of finding h speaker whose mos- sits Fencing team at r, This does not hinder him, however, from sage would fit into 'hat platform begin'* What , Wednesday indicating a ready solution for the^e seem Majoi General Butler has submit¬ ingly abstract dangers. ted his own platform which h« urges ,n his talks and For the ousting oi corruption from with in the campus brotherhoods Dean Mitchell would set up a serif.- of round table dis¬ Look Your Best cussions at the «oming regional eonvc ntion their respective chapters. the For the Parlies It I SINESS MANAGER Rt >BERT L REFIOR This idealistic program m the dealing ASST BUSINESS MANAGER WILI.ARI) WHITE BUSINESS ADVISER DONALD (' O'HARA with the vi-iting fraternities and their MOWRU label Shop shortcomings is commendable program it doesn't ring a 213 M. A. I'. Ave. j vet quite- true for the rorrec I'hone 5-2603 tion of chapter lil - FACULTY ADVISER LLOYD II 1 It is difficult to M- uali/e the Greek letter In The Rough liov ervihg into their individual salad- and confessing, over* the discussion table, tli'' With tlarvf) Harrington...... National Advertising Service, Inc respective ills and decadency of their frats. I «#/ iir/nihln ohm Only ( til hro of you) - - - COLLEGE And it wii1 not he done if those ill an difficulties and symptoms of decay. RESTAURANT Itullrr S/H'iiliinji A retired marine maim- gnu nil, • inirt MEALS .25 .31 .35 .10 .45 (it'lHTJil 1111 w I < .lolllMtUI I I'' I r 11 ■ 11 f I i I ereiitr in Mii-"dim back m IM'.'.J. u upoke then fto'in the public platform Qifh... \\ Ntill .i marine «»t!h > i. .strain, d Itnl- Am So Tliev Sav for MOTHER'S DAY late «d thill SI.(HI 1.4 $7.50 f III I'lilrln ilmh Yuvftday. April 27. lft:; MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Student Quli Semi-Formal "April Showers'* Omieron Nu Receives Guests HiJk'n Wine-gar to Play *'«■«« Give To Feature May Day Theme To Reign at Pool At Silver Anniversary Teas Interfrat Party The annual spring concert by the Women's Glee club, under the Bv Rubrrta Appln.tr Fijcht Members of Orrhesis Vi ill V're-eut Floor Show at Cnnrv Uluiiil Bemli in of Fonmlinp of Nalionul tlniiornr. m Slain re- Hex Umer-oi. i. Chairman v.ii or given Mi» *«■*<»• *«*- .. . Monday evening, Ma nee Friday in Gyms Porter Will Furnish Mnsie. of llanre May 3. in the Union ballroom. Im- Spln.li Pupi'mit tirweti for Many Rrliirninp Lewis Richards, head of the music department and interna? mn- [This Will be the Glee club's last ap- Did you ever bum a ride around '.his 'erro. Tickets rnav be pur- Vmi gotta • r.iti before the public on ived .130 ally famous harpsichordist gave a > May pole? Maybe the eight chased at tl Union de>k. from •n (><• able :<• \.k»- ampus this season, although it is :.ueets at the honor tea commemora' rj, from recital of sixteenth. .10 the Intel 'i .'i rtii?> ipr.nu appearing several times this spring .i clock Sunday afternoon. ' and eighteenth century music ■ i t,d number entitled "College ifhorn Spl.i.h prrM.nl. :ls ann •i Heading the receiving line was M ;c Michigan State chapter, follow, Bardon. retiring preside that instrument in the Union fe room Sunday afternoon. The r. • " day night. April :i«* F.ank W no-'"... i rgani/ations, having just presented a recital as well ri • .1 won't do just that Fruli.. , . -re sident of Omieron Nu. Others crowded with students, a :i :mng~r.j- .,i the Muskegon high school and Mr. 1 nt n were Mm.de r.,;. .v.iK thorn bid will bo i' •• • • M: w cs division when Onv- ulty members, and residents nolr. and the.- arc- nr • I \| s Nu .. . M. x M i w a founded: Mary Mettetal cled presidcn* <.f Alpha hnnsmg and East Lansing . their interpretations , - . Agnes Hunt Cade, one obtained only at f rat¬ t effective ways of thumbing sot lety magazine: Mrs t r. Richards again. Probably t of her group. »nd Mi "The r.neim" lo he luld such a performance h Dramatic ( .lull Play Hie Receives tle-1 from 3 the gymnasium. Alth. th t „■ \l Honor Tea • •he first tune u.«• s* id. • n. Several of Ila«* Gust urr Mi A ta V' Farullv Mi-iiiImt* i n poured at the first tea. Thomas Gunson. a charter- B| Om.rroii Nu. was at ■ PALMER ..PARK Mil Plii Miiiimae Plan to Organize air. conoirionto i»vaeoMOAKjt, m mam row PLAYirt ^ Honorary \ln-ic Group- Haw Dinner I'arly ?nFl33S D^vrcir C ftiCHTLY £xeer>t fticmdoii Dean Matf »11 lullt itiOvcxCuxiny, tful vutur rurit cn ctaAictdtirt£j... Ihllu I'hi SURP k kel -riw- X CLUB t/c f bv GABS - I \ I i lilt t I HI idav .iiul Matuulav u> os iii i on ih in ( -U SWIIWM II Paul l.rad\ Heeled SHOP Ol K SI'EC HI. IV Head of Mu.ie < lull MALTED Mil KS I es i« KirliariG IuiiikI* HAM HI KI.S Viiiunn Group. Dean t our.ul I nierta nil.I. I'OKTKIt • i 211 M. A. ( . V., | <»Kl 111 >1 K \ V CARBURETOR 1 YELL0-B0LE T|2S V. MOTHER'S DAY il/fllil humIHll Kim MAY 9 SPARTANS £sjt Lsnanf *htJL Gabbing dboui gabardines "Campi s cottons" And -i) arc we. V- , .m i . i • . .. . t\ when we H,,ha hum mm I him 2.95 - 5.95 - 5.95 "Tei . : '.i ... i.! ;i. are these llfthu flu "<«al)n." in i. "Var*it> Town" and Aim priced at Angora Gardi^ans ami onto ib'nei.M ',U - ;a. Luc HtM't* Bct?> Burn*. J-/, But'ks Slipo>ri> lower. New airf' „• ' Phyllis Kurtz m<.-..e M»r»#n Bl, We have cause to "Cab." ...o d M,», . Lu< .> 'Obfum, iziiu I 'tarry I >i'o|) in and see them. Pourire \urlh Hall 1 Li '.'.a! ted tjpfjfig U : . id.::) ami A -i.d M C -.-rt-fcfc. MV/RI7S Marie OTCHTOAW STATE NEWS Tiiewhy. April 27. 1M7 Dudley Hurt Rain or Shiiw, Warm or ( old. Kol)s Sights Monicker Diebold. the .books i a balk in the third AsTraeksters Stair bootIhiliars Won't (arc (^^)(| Season Sl,,niP* Pnlynyllnhir % u in r >»« 'Irani Priflim in All kind- »f Wrntlirr lliirliiinii Fail in West OriliTo ;i- l'.*lrn»ivr drill I trill-. For Spartans JiikI I'lain "Riili-h' * II on the WK t bolh»-r«. Kniv mod ;• Urn- Rainbow RewwriiM from I hp ordinary Billiard room Sj»ort* News S«- failure of Milton Lehnhardt, Steve Star Qtinrlrr • milrr Kr- •\\ •!! Snap Out «f It." Says r.oaeli After Double .hist a minute, *!"'"« boy!" football I Sebo and Kohnny Kuk, among othei to hit The fa lure of the Bowllaj at Ifi Bosl latter two, especially Sebo. to meet rfhr« -|iik«' Injury in l o- to liiiiliipr* ■ '/ijan State fot . fhe ball h;;s been most noticeable. llnrilli' Run-. S"h« Having Trouble PNllNr. UIN WMl tST DtV uMM | Sebo. who has hit better than I fKBMNAL PHOmiTY" I I Jean Robert I B.v Vlr Spaniolo Bark f ball- t-ini and time again against State s t I'll-* k ' gnn to pupa:' ... Hill w SI pitch th< West* Thfit stopped the Spartan • a -eennd or two then — the 440 | the sesa< } Claudette Dudlt > C01BEIT JFr*d MacMDBIftf i.nun- <» i iimhiv Students Niirthwpxti'rn FOR VOIR CONVENIENCE Anil >lari|iielle BUSES RUN EVERY 5 MINUTES on Tennis Card I or Heller W ork Try BETWEEN LANSING AND EAST LANSING Itali llrotller- tlnck From M. S. C. SHOE REPAIR FOR ECONOMY FOR SAFETY RIDE THE RI SES I Mills till! I I'll I tlMlllpMMI* -ki|i Outfit. Special for Thursday Only CITY TRANSPORT I .iidie-' Rubber or Heather Top Lifts 15c Rhone 211SS ... men 'em ... women like 'em In the Big Town, you see lots of empty packages. That means that pack after I rnsl' tin hi it pack of refreshingly mild, good tasting Chesterfields have satisfied hundreds . . . maybe thousands. Il'i/) out in (,oose Creik Junction, yon meet up with nun uho tell yon th.it Chi steijie/ds an milch r... yon see ladies who tell you bote goodthey taste and u hat a pleasing aroma the) hate. Jhtesn'l l.ooli Like loot holler llul Intruder Destined to Star lie'* JoIiiiiia l'nitft-1 Who Oru|»« Vioiind at Grid Drill* After Workm* Out Vk tilt 11.11 k I. a III ;»* Hurdler liiillrrx In I akr lbi.nl I In- \\ i rk M» « I Vk till lilt' gr**\ .t Tot the i - had the » held m : It wdl bet".', j " t fi( h>i Going East... or going West practice lie.d Spring i i: . . . Chesterfield satisfies 'em.