}■:. S. c. Libriry^__ Sa3t Lansing, Miah. roMwr, rvrvT* Michigan 6tate Heius EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL :in. 1937 '■ Timtax "a Pro-Election Rfilly Young Host piona„b Razz Butler Clites Eight Colleges Send Is Will Present Program for Delegates to Launch ; ( ain pus Outlined; Class ■ lly T»m Nolan Annual Fete L Warless U. S. Meetings Monday session held by the Gi-lling H l,;i«n *.Ii.h.I Chil.lrrn in Third Annual In Appear (if Hor. club Tuesday night proved to Ax- the most successful meeting K«-Marinr IKIi'r- llir.-c Fraternity Meeting lonliliulit I'rotfmm i* May cording to the cm I'uinl* In Umliali Twenly loiiie llerc Seek- ScImmIiiIimI In I lit r«»«l Fnlival. V- » Ourdm r, fa, hirnyn W ar. IFC Prcxv Holds 4:;he group. Studer inn Snlulinits in Prol»- • amliikile* In i 41 ill mem tier* attended pit«. lent* nf IflnitM* I liaplrr*. usand children fr By Jerry Krieger tJiiiir at tlonvo ('.lass Oilier*. Shan, MrCiiiie Will Bo Issue Talk In Oroiip Minimi ( nuiiril ami I iiinii Bnaril I nnperali* irt firm* •Elijah' l» Br Minimum llaiiiamt I \prrN Mill (irralcr Number* fnr Mmleiil liit# r« -l. Sung May 10 In ( nine Friday. Norman tlollsrn. I'ltliti* Mit.tr Srnior. Will >ing Israel. I'h-m - In llif I'riif. \n unhid i provided we .il,I Afford onr > to Prof iH-rt S l.inion. of the rdu One folk Dunce Forestry Cabin Nou for Iteiil **• i f ,n ('.IlililmiiM* mi Kiirr Bprn- ftl In I aistpu* Croup*. rather nebulous per '1' •• «t a! th up outstanding ; «eekv It s imid prda kmite's Irt-lt ree Plane Bitlo to (!apito| \«aili.l K tl I Net* Millie National Seoop i«l I aii-1i»tt Vmimw Hninn "Utirt'Urr of \rul»iaV ' I iipiililfln d Ik h ik ami \tlemU Pre»» (.ntiferenee Picture of tiliilil Nine Mure Senior* W inn First Place t loutrael In I eaeli I'dhi I uinrm l.lnli I" J r. *lr...-l deal Ktltiealioii I « I'll..I... Vxt. l»\ I'lai tiitf l our I i ta WuhmitM .iied at >nd only I auiH-ing Season Oih-iih Thursday ! Present l'*« Neu V* HimmIk I-over j /.oology Courses Oilier CunrM-a Pre pure 11 for ( i»niiti|C Ymr. .. Sabronk v Given 1 u.',i Research Funds Mlb hell TrIK tlisl.x —*• * urtis W Sat'fMky instructor at '"s ^ ' 7*.i* . ntamok*gy, has received a graiit f a I'"",''!" -r.cn Gr¬ owth-* m a«l at research from the per- m*' "*** <«n rnanrnt Srieore fund of the Arner- ' re- rf-in Academy of Arts and Sciences ^fltdrnt* \ I lend I M" Mutt In *|M-uk tzr fur the purpw "t study at various "«<• '. turopean museums this Rummer Thirty membft* < the Student rt . *•» SabMpRky n .U devote hi* re- doted It deal which fi' .nge and 4-H attended the starch to the classification era Rmal Idle- raofereoce Mt tier 6,* .-used tr»e pri . ( hkxopidae. a kind of small fly .not dupll< ate 1 P r tsant Saturday rwfiitll WW certain spec tea of which arc knowr fered in the * :«e flrhul! led a d.s< us«ion fxtl to transmit various tropical sorei Both course* * * »re exarr .net » .rnal «nd eye gj ,ip on bridging the Gap With baetet M diseases Classifies! ton ol H K Fennel I II :<»*> AM it ie* ja years ago usea to iuoa t i Yf"Jth " George Bud a.'s*> acted received his d'*ctorate at John! Wall f tier ni' askance at f>aternitias Then Imp By s* * group chairman The topic it;rxi« traced the the past that it has been diArult t hve to development of more was "Land and lit* L'ves With Hopkins inr.er.it> n exactly which pecu The iwv. 'arse, planned fori Mexico eokig;. d favorable faculty attitudes to the !Y Jth Jobs and Relief the diicwsa csrner next year are r. in\ertibrate an- portions The 'aik present where educators and fra- at/jmy and will a.lsr« be instructed "• to h* i»i :id«» , ternitiea cooperate well ;tt most — by Dr Fenru- Michigan S I ATE NEWS such with of its members a war some one Campus Camera Student Value JUdibjan 6tatc News constantly reminding that hotly of the (treat, unpaid debt. If the country learned The Respectfully yours. -C G M and profited nothing from I he last war. April 28. 1937 it has this lesson. Revolving Dear Miss Gelzer: Referring to yotir editorial, A learned phool i; Butler's proposition thai wars might In- "Ag Pulchritude," appearing in has read everything, investigated liefore their inception rather than after their finish was a fine if general Stage the State News of April 27. 1937. I w ish to state that, in my ly remembered it. suggestion. His means nf portraying the By Larry Dfcrtel opinion, your objection may 1017 very well be justified; perhaps figures was most effective—sarcasm and Wake Vp and Hin«! there are.no good reasons why taockfedGoleekfetott ridicule. The committee is to la* con¬ Tra-Ia-Ia-I i-la! It's the merry SPORT COATS liberal arts beauties should be Distributor* of gratulated on its program ami speaker. month of May. and tomorrow 'hminated as candidates for M. Bright check* anil pkti.i Gblefticfe Digest -SN- the chorus and men's alee club s c "v "Queen of Agriculture." rnuRhish woolen* — y. , reptat their annual cry to all I am not commending your edi¬ ami brown*—with new. MANAGINC5 EDITOR^"*** OLA GEEZER and sundry to rise and'awake torial. however. I'm afraid it sport back. Very sua ASSOCIATE EDITOR HARVEY HARRINGTON Todav'w Tis the time for the annual May smacks right smartly of that when worn with contra CO-ED EDITOR BEVERLY SMITH Morning Sing, held here each proverbial feminine weapon, yen! early in the morning on simple sarcasm There probably • iiiK slacks or trousi r-. SPORTS EDITOR AL THEII.ER GUEST EDITORIAL EDITORIAL ADVISER LARRY DISTEL $10,511 Kmnr 'J'liy Seiphhor Hv l)r. Fred T. Mitchell. Dean or Men One of the saddest chapters in college OCEAN-TON Ej and university life today is the. failin. of A new *hirt. l,v |;. young men anil young women on 'he col¬ scouts nt ai 1 thatV a beauty! Fine .; lege eampnse- l> become acquainted, that ity madras in - is, for them to know names and faces of 285" POUND 6UARD/ stripes with dabh\ ; BUSYNESS MANAGER ROBERT I REFIOR tdm /Wd '' • •} ,RJW* • TFXA5 i by Morta: large numbers of fellow students. This, (A///F' CHT/L > BtMT-.MOIH.fUf*-; r-UAUD ' —the "off" shades will ASST BUSINESS MANAGER M ILLARD WHITE HA ifyfT -. r on w. sr toAm iiwasrM prise and please according to observation, is true on |^4Cp * y, BUSINESS ADVISER DONALD C O'HARA nn OV fiVN W0NI0) F.vt J President Boar.I. . Michigan State college campus, and i- tar $2 write favorable cdiU likewise true, I am told, at a dozen inid- Other I Weatern and southern colleges visited in in*. B..h Bunsrv recent months. At times, 1 am appalled In The Kougli djaiion ff the earni\ and FACULTY ADVISER LLOYD II GEIL by this spectacle. In classrooms, in stu¬ dent organizations, in social fraternitie ! *.*»****** rrM'Ih llarvcv Harrington, and sororities, where every opportunity IimIuv - IM.ilo-ophv - . . MAY Hftit exists for becoming acquainted, too many *nn ll.it store i ' t1 students utterly fail t<> pay attention to this important aspect of life. Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "By going t<> i.omclli the II tHHIfii Mailt ! college, I shall get a more universal Flection* on thr- ijimpus are tradition acquaintance, which hereafter may he ally apathetic exhibitions in hallo! ch>i- serviceable to me, and I suppose I • an pur Pipe Smokers! nir Th»* ma.|orii\ -American dictator- sue my studies as well there as elsewhere." knows little and cares less about tin* can¬ didates, their qualifications, their aspira¬ What was true in the time of Jefferson II c t mh'rstiimf ■ Please Don't tions of office, and the respomqbilit> en¬ two splendid tailed in i he jpmmI functioning of those offices. I he ad- dm. Michigan Si and Believe The whole elective system is inopera¬ field, and both prepared themsHwo !<• all Smoking Tobacco tive to its core. Wide notice of class nom¬ teach. These two young men had hewn bit«a f Ac Tongue inations at designated times and places in classes together at different times nut bring out more than a few hun¬ their the tampfls. Both <>f * fail to nig years on he has t<' fight dred for any clas- A number of names them were in my classes two mnsceutiw are put up—name-, nothing more. The terms. In due course <11 events, both went t.. teach in the same high school. The primary weeds out all hot a specified num- l*li Im i of competitors. Who gets weeded M !»• III out ; Anybody know? Who is left? John I»4i>. t 'nion hoard head, put int• • •I. ihr superintend*' words recently the evil of student election hers who were new t in- Day advocates an all-college convocation He said to these that the candidates might lie presented State student . "Von young men need no Ut ii . I >)M introduction " They replied almost m uni he taken and have the primary nominee noii. "And wh\ not ?" The superiuteudeiit :<%«■>! th ixnwteei that frt* m- introduced to the, student IhmIv. It is in replied. "You are both graduates ot Mn hi Aft fraents Toafa* Bit. deed a truism that one must have some gan State i-ollege. in tin- same class, and academic division." "Now basis ..n which I•> compare this candidate in the same Tin \ 1*. * HI • ... and dat< All tovornnwiital Utishinglv admitted that thc\ were sremv • each other for the hist tinir. Thi iliu I can propoM- i le. to ! hi trates my point. all I please" I h. >oiir student days should do an> number thing- loi a voting man or a young r*j ot wotnau. Meeting and hi vommg a<'quaint cd with other students from dftTricrd pail- of the state and other stales um! . oitnti i, . with varied viewpoints and ways t t living, presents an atmosphere of walk and broadened interests whnh should provide for you, rich ami helpful greatest v • ■ I'arl, \ tie dcvrloi I r?,1.;: nt and logi Ix't us prepare a !-»v: *A.k mv bfot hrt FJ h< t married i toid nw about Special Picnic Lunch :K. , ;rc Sanioruh I tried > pj.* Next r^ht Ma> Breakfast I prr^wxvd ic*»n 1 Arc* an- .'Thtf? rrjcxJ-on dip, but at U-4M 1 fdt (wntwuMt. IHeaw *rtxd rm thrcv moie ;;E__ jiaar* ot Arrow dx*rt» J ctptxi to do plenty of pro- (ur > r»u and ponng (xii .month. * Vuli.cra' lt ! : r.e jw-.s■<,,& , • >«ur friends foreign war II p:« '..t» - thr* . -ni.t of h mind -.miUr '•> that of 19 Hi. i:i < and Itrrndlituss nmci CuriouM.v. the Ameranu -u-pu i dibtnisttul -H>f a mati win* o.we* ni ntaii> ncighhvtrmg state ttioncs. 1 Li^ . ouuir> '■» war del" >ta MH^t; c > t --*!•> tor wit niouoturx and mental l»arn» r agani- «nu t;g .he students of Ml 1 ®lux Sunt Juob • ther punitiw wamlering ftx»ni ahoii* He : aiquauilcii with the in the undertaking. That UkV ' Will jvu accept t! the, auly declare » haileuge ' friday, April HO, 1y.11 MICHIGAN STA'i H NEWS Pad TluM Busy Week-end of Parties Frosli Will Honor Church (group Merrill, Hamilton Modern Works Physicists Meet Rctilal in PImbmI Planned by Social Orders liOiig Conip List Will Present Win Firsl p,ate* of Art Exhibit Washington The next student recital will be given by the department of music tVim-Gur In Play for Inlei-Fratrrnity llop Ti.ni*ht: - rim* for Spring Party. Pal. Pollock Play ; To Rrprraent Stj.tr in Draws Crowds PrnfeiMirx ' Sunday afternoon, May 2, at 4 o'clock, in the Union ballroom. Ad¬ Slnib-nl Club lo Hold Ilanrc in Gym. | Pm-lry.Ri'Hiiing. vanced students in applied music With the announcement that ffce tammy' mill MjMfW Ton V* Painter- lia\r are presented by the department State-goers have attended everything from peace . they , v . , „ each spring in i series of recitals paileys to pageants will honor the long comp list at 7 l.'IO Slinftuv this week, and several parties await them this week-end. 1.1 : \,. A(t- • ■ ' • I yrmm Print- in Fmiiih Mirhimin is to which the publfc is invited. . their party, the committeemSl in si, ate collet* Tonight in the Union ballroom we find the Interfratcrnity formal \rti*t Serif*. represented at J he American Phy- K .rnk Wine-Gar is mming over fn-rn the Rowe hotel ,n Grand I charge of the Frosh Frolic have Rapid | solved at least one of the' many play for the affair. Patrons will be Prof. and. Mrs. C H. CLASSIFIED • t and Mrs t T Nuki-. : problems that face those who are j The enemy is hate, the real , . uri in Jackson Towne. •mbers of the Mitchell, and Pt 1 and Mrs J T Caswell enemy." declared Carl rtment. Prof Ovei n the gym. the Student . lub will put on a serin--formal ;new at sponsoring parties. Decor¬ Behrfnd,y VDri ■id "Night Let- exhibit-of 12 prints with the ations. invitations, with reference to war. in Channing j. . O L Snow. i of "Bill" Porter and an music, patrons . , j ow S | artists now on dis- r i:ons will be Mr. and Mrs W L Blair. eight-piece floor show given by Orchesis all these matters are now in the J Pollocks play. -The Enemy." |v F< plav on the |., Ha^AN SHOES IIS «•. WASHINGTON AVL LANSING /flu Tan il/ihn CLOSING OUT \ Tine (.roup of f*i K nmm I'lli TOPCOATS • it... t - i l»e_ f't; ri.-hed by G •-»... .. . . . ..e«- Hfilin t il to Kt'ilinnl to A 19 W FKII6AY, M \) : ; Mii.'trl lia.inacMiin, ln-ltitl and ia^i.i'! modfl.-; jfrtrys, tan- and Damirrg in bruwn They're ta ored by Hart. LOWRV CLARK'S SchafFner & Marx and Sem- -heimer. You'll vf.-t a jfood coat Sweet Swing at very worth while savings. MUSIC 1/ flu sill, , III Sawbi h'l,.. aMLUw m.UU - m SMALL'S luuplr S Wmhtnytau Ave —Strand Arcade ;i6 IVeM Allegan St MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday. April 30, 1937 obsmen Face Notre Dame; Lose To Western State Three State Teams See linnilll! Inli'Pvlcw* Delta Sigs, tolled Only Vess lto\ — Jack Dr.. II. R. Hunt recently .. E Heppinsta dressed the Jackson Prison Agr '3 Safe Hils Art ion With Marquette Alderton will and Goo be the feature Sigma Nus Club on "The Genet; Milk Production " There ate KIBITZING* Are Victors the late afternoon (In 11-3 Loss Bv XI Theilei University This Week will Mm in Gulf. Teiini*. anil Trark Spiail- Jnnrncy In Milwaiikee F'rutcrnily la-aci"' Ope Patronize the adve 'topper* I'lMiml N«'»nli« Kiir Meet- Out Friday. Saturday: Thii 'I rani* «illi Thii l <>|>-iilfil State Journal, will be on Tues¬ ami l.ilt>M-r< llanl in Fare W ilili ul* in I hiruifo. day's program, with Mask in. \k imiiiia Family. campus reporter for the Detroit 10.17 A ti-rf' * f. i' in\.r ion xftmr elarllication of the standi r.f.i- -quad faced • STARTS «sl N|» A A - V end After battling t Although football is the I the most important fine < ahoilt the letters. II the t< V.and Dahlberg I foot»MII w ill l>e among tli« orts slashed. And .» letter wi atvo5 program, a distribution of behind them, we » i 5 ith advartn dope on the M pers was available as the. the lirst and Spartans .lust lt.»i * ail thr Anril 1 'Swing Mich Most of their Swing low — Added Treata— "HVOY fi.VDl: I OMI DV KRA/t KA1 I AKHhiN BASEBALL! *7 filmed, Mitts, hats. Lie. first QualiO and Prices NfM»rt (hmkIs Kxclusiv»-I> Tarrabee's Sport Shop | One Block 'south of Strand Softball Skctl Is I inter \\ a> Alivilrr's. \l|»lia I lit >i|i* FINK FOODS :H*'S FOUNTAIN SERVICE Mow State Lost To \\ cstcrn V TOPCOAT SPECIAL l o Stunt Net* Film SATt ltDAY ONLY