Mich, snowballed mv 3 t® t© ■ M m . in storm shutdown now s Thursday’s blizzard, which paralyzed ies or none a t ail. Only emergency surgery most of Michigan and the mid-west, swept without service, while Detroit Edison is being done, spokespersons said. through the Ingham County region dump­ reported up to 50,000 homeowners in The Red Cross has set up shelters for ing more than two feet of fresh snow. southeastern Michigan without power. stranded people in Charlotte, St. Johns and MSU was officially closed Thursday, and Dewitt, disaster director Ron Cook said Of Michigan’s 13 public universities, only classes were also cancelled for today. Michigan Technological University and Thursday afternoon. A Lansing shelter may All state government agencies were also be set up, he said. Lake Superior State College — both in the VOLUME 72 NUMBER 17 FRIDAY, JANUARY 27-, 1978 closed and will remain closed until Monday More shelters may be set up a t night upper peninsula - remained open Thurs­ EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 morning. because stranded individuals often do not day. I t was uncertain whether banks or post give up hope of freeing themselves until offices would be open today. night falls, he explained. On the MSU campus, all classroom Throughout Ingham County and the rest All forms of transportation in the state buildings were closed until Monday. The of the state, roads remained clogged and came to a halt because of the drifting snow Union building Grill and Store will remain slippery with most local officials urging and near-zero visibility. open today until 5 p.m. but other Union people not to drive or go outside. facilities will be closed. All activities At Lansing’s Capitol City Airport, of­ In Jackson, some 400 motorists were ficials reported the airport was buried scheduled a t the Union have been cancelled. reported stranded. under snow and there was “no plane Late Thursday afternoon, Gov. William activity Thursday. The airport will remain Residence Hall Association president Rob G. Milliken declared Michigan in a state of closed until sometime today. D etroit Metro­ Vatter said Thursday night that all RHA emergency with only rescue vehicles per­ movies scheduled for this weekend will be politan Airport was reported closed until 6 mitted on the road. As a result of the shown at all locations. a.m. today, stranding hundreds of air Governor’s move, the state will request travellers since Thursday. Abrams Planetarium Director Lee federal aid. Amtrack officials said the Chicago to New Shapiro announced Thursday night that Campus roads are mostly blocked, DPS York run was cancelled with trains running there will be no public shows tonight and Capt. Ferman Badgley said. Brody dormi- behind schedule elsewhere. shows for Saturday’s showing have not torires, Spartan and University villages are been confirmed. Because of overworked generators and snowed-in, Badgley said. snow-sagging wires, tens of thousands of Police will still provide service to these The devastating conditions around the Michigan residents were without electricity areas with three four-wheel drive vehicles. or heat. state were caused by two storms colliding, No squad cars are in use, he said. one from the northwest and the other Consumers Power in Lansing announced DPS is still providing all emergency larger storm from the south Wednesday that some 5,000 of its customers were services, Badgley said, in addition to night, according to weather bureau officials. driving medical personnel to University Health Center and delivering medicine to snowbound people. East Lansing is a t a standstill, police said. Officers are trying to keep Hagadorn Road, Grand River, Michigan and A lbert avenues, 1-69 and Lake Lansing roads open for emergency vehicles. About five four-wheel drive vehicles and two snowmobiles are being used by East Lansing police in addition to two police cars with chains on tires. Only one serious traffic accident was reported to East Lansing Police by Thurs­ day afternoon. It occurred a t Hagadorn Road and Grand River Avenue, police said. photo by James Vihtelic Details were sketchy but a man reportedly i Detroit electrical engineering freshman bares which ended a s t $20 bet. He said it was cold suffered crushed ribs and internal bleeding. most everything early Thursday in front of West but lots of fun. East Lansing police will ticket reckless holmes Hsll for what started out as a joke bat snowmobiles in the city and will tow cars parked along emergency routes. All roads in Lansing were closed Thurs­ day, except for Logan and Saginaw streets and Mt. Hope and Grand River Avenues, brden shuts dow n University Lansing police dispatcher Monty Small said. LPD reported only a few minor accidents Thursday afternoon. Those involved were told to exchange insurance information and Jsarecancelled again today, making Eckel, manager of food stores for the dormitories supplied. call LPD another day, he said. m ilim e in the University's 123-year University, said the residence halls have “It's not as if anyone is going to starve.” Three serious emergencies in the Lansing fthai classes have been called off for enough food to get by a day or two without Conditions in dormitory cafeterias were area, including oue death were reported by Becutive days. problems. However, some substitution described as hectic Thursday. local hospital officials. I s were not held Thursday due to a might be necessary. One man died of exposure at Sparrow Because few full-time employees were Blizzard which dumped over a foot of “If the menu calls for roast beef, they able to show up for work, student workers hospital, after being found unconscious in a 1 the Lansing area and hampered might get chicken,” Eckel said. who had expected the day off were called in snow bank Thursday morning, Kay Rada- Knoval. Usually 40 employees report daily to to work. Out of 35 regular employees, only macer of Sparrow hospital admissions said. University has only been closed work a t the food stores, but Eckel said he four made their way through the snow to Another man was also found in a snow bank pies in its history. Ironically, the was the only one a t work Thursday. suffering from exposure, but Radamacer Snyder-Phillip's cafeteria. ■was exactly eleven years ago The only items th at the dormitories Fred Farkas, student personnel manager would not say what his condition is. might run out of are perishables such as for the cafeteria a t Snyder-Phillips, said One man got his fingers caught in a Acting President Edgar L. Harden milk, margarine or bread, he explained. snowmobile and lost five fingers, Elaine they have enough food to last through pd Thursday afternoon th at be- “The biggest problem will be getting the today. Smyth, emergency room spokesperson at the continued severity of the food to the dorm. I have four trucks but St. Lawrence Hospital said. “The only thing we may have a problem i which began Wednesday after- only two are running now," he said. A nother person was struck by a jeep with with is dessert," Farkas said. e University would remain closed Most of the food deliveries they would a snow plow and three persons were injured Only two of the regulars made it in to I allow for more effective snow have made Thursday were for the weekend, Shaw Hall and Harold Milliman, food in a car collision, but minor injuries were Eckel continued, so the stores will make production manager, said he had to do all suffered in both cases, Smyth said. it it was a better idea to get the extra runs on Saturday to keep the the baking himself. All other hospitals reported minor injur- lots cleared before we bring people he University," Harden said, p i Board of Trustees, scheduled to lursday and today, cancelled their for both days. Many trustees MSU from the Detroit area to Exactly 11 years ago blizzard r me«tings, and weather condi- •ughout the state made such travel lie, f ! J totl»e Board of Trustees Elliott faid he was trying to reschedule the paralyzed MSU, inspired parties By CHRIS KUCZYNSKI shifts, using snowmobiles for transporta- tion of Friday's classes for the first time in said this was "the worst snow- lad ever seen. State News Staff Writer tion. the University’s history. Eleven years ago to the day, a winter It was eight years later than Breslin, by ied everything, but we couldn't Milk, bread and frozen food disappeared storm brought MSU to a standstill for the then executive vice president, again an­ pith the snow," Harden said, from local grocery shelves and some food first time in over 1 1 0 years. nounced cancellation of classes. the decision to cancel classes on rationing was necessary in residence halls The date was Jan. 26, 1967 and two feet was made about 3 a.m. Thursday, — seconds on all items were prohibited. of snow fell to paralyze the University for On Thursday, April 3, 1975, for the 'oval efforts became futile. several days. The 1967 blizzard ended what was an second time in MSU’s history, the Univer­ I* the unusual situation, Peter J. Many students trudged to class through unusually warm January. The previous sity was closed because of snow. The the blizzard that Thursday, but classes week end, tem peratures soared into the 60s Lansing area was hit with 12.8 inches and State News Debbie Borin were officially cancelled on Friday. and students had been skateboarding and the ground crews were unable to clear the Kegs sod kegs of beer rolled from Grand River Avenue to campus But the blizzard touched off a week-end sunning themselves. The State News ran a roads for morning classes. Thursday morning as cancelled classes caused students to seek their of celebration th at rivaled the 1966 Rose photograph of two sunbathers walking by The storm was only two weeks before own diversions. Rumors circulated that Campus Corners II, one of the Bowl week-end before MSU lost to UCLA Beaumont Tower wearing sunglasses. another natural disaster, the 1975 spring few East Lansing businesses which remained open, nearly ran out 14 to 12. On Thursday night, then secretary of flood, which made the Red Cedar River look of kegs. Back in 1967, the City of East Lansing MSU, Jack Breslin, announced the cancella like Lake Lansing. was still dry and the only way to obtain alcohol was to go across Hagadorn Road into Okemos. weather About 100 people lined up outside Tom's P arty Store to buy alcoholic beverages. Snow? They've got 131 miles to plow Patrons walking home from Coral Gables strolled down the middle of Grand River Thursday arift said he didn’t expect to be "It’d be a lot easier for us if they’d just f inishing snow showers Avenue shouting, “It’s our road, cars. Up By PATRICIA UCROIX pavement — 98 miles of sidewalk and 33 home for dinner for “at least a couple of stay home." | considerable drift- with pedestrians, down with automobiles.” State News Staff Writer miles of roads — Director Gilbert Lloyd said nights." It’s bad enough that some area residents Pazitka said the crews are currently 15 t„ 30 rn.p.h. The State News reported that “roving crews would be working around the clock Cots used during the 1967 blizzard are are faced with the prospect of shoveling out working in 12 -hours shifts, compared to the r a)' s h'8h: 12 18 degrees. bands of fun-hungry females roamed for "a good many days" to clear the still in the Grounds Department Building, their driveways, but imagine the frustra­ regular eight hour ones. Lansing has 400 h 'S h t s low: 0-5 above. through north campus unsticking stuck pavement. and they will undoubtedly set up in the miles of road. tion of the MSU Grounds Department after P utting in long hours is generally cars, tossing passers-by into snow banks, lunchroom for use tonight, Lloyd said. "If it stopped right now this very minute, a major snowfall. expected in cases of heavy snowfall, Lloyd surging back and forth across Grand River Even with this crew morale has re ­ the earliest we could have everything With a mere 131 miles of campus said. He arrived a t the plant at 2 a.m. Avenue in packs of 50 or more." mained fairly high, he added. cleared would be Sunday," he said early The storm was called the worst in East “They are used to this sort of thing," he Thursday afternoon. Lansing's history, but some thoroughly said. “Besides, the cabs of the equipment MSU crews also have to be watchful of enjoyed it. are heated." students out walking around. Wit*' all the Food trays were taken from residence Today’s issue of the State News was made possible by the following staff members: Crews would not consider postponing blowing snow, it is very difficult to see very hall cafeterias to be used for sledding down Donna Bakun, Anne Marie Biondo, Debbie Borin, Kat Brown, Michelle Chambers, Diane snow removal operations until after the far ahead, Lloyd said, making it dangerous the hill by the Bogue Street Bridge. Cox, Ira Elliott, Kathy Esselman, Mark Fabian, Dana Felmly, Joy Haenlein, Janet snow and wind stopped because it would for pedestrians. Foreign students who had never seen Halfmann, Dan Herman, Dan Hilbert, Mary Hoard, Carole Leigh Hutton. Gayle only put them "way behind the game," Additional equipment was being sought snow in such quantities frolicked by Owen Jacobson, Kathy Kilbury, Rob Kozloff, Chris Kuczynski, Particia LaCroix, Nunzio Lloyd said. to help with the removal process, but Lloyd Graduate Hall ta k in g . pictures of them­ Lupo, Bunny Maison, David Misialowski, PeteOfcee, Rebecca Perry, Joe Pizzo, Richard A major problem encountered Thursday said it was difficult to obtain because the selves to send home to families. Politowski, Debbie Ryan, Tom Shanahan. Karen Sheridan, Jim Smith, Ira Strickstein, by snow removal crews in the Lansing area equipment is already committed to compan­ Ten students were treated a t the Anne Stuart, Michael Tanimura, Reginald Thomas, Fred van Hartesveldt, Maggie is people walking in the streets. ies. Lloyd said additional equipment would University Health Center for broken legs Walker, Pam W ear, Scott Wierenga, Michael W inter and Debbie Wolfe. probably be available for use from outside from jumping out dormitory windows into Ky Owen, Lois Wood and the production and distribution staffs also contributed to “All these four wheel vehicles being sources today. snow banks. Unfortunately, the snow drifts this issue. driven by ’good-time Charleys’ are screwing Top priority roads on campus include were not soft enough to cushion the impact. up the works," said Steve Pazittca J r. of the Shaw and Farm Lanes, Wilson and Red University police worked 24- to 36-hour Lansing Public Works Department. Cedar Roads and the Circle Drives. FrldaV- January 27, ^ i am m m Portugal forms 1 m m m m ^ s .'s r s r i rn r n m , - w a rn m new governmeJ LISBON, Portugal (AP) - W t Prime Minister Mario Soares announced Thursday he has Soares' streamlined csbmj 15 ministries. Two i f dents also were chosen formed a Socialist-dominated rest were Socialist," " " ' ) cabinet that brings Conserva­ tives into the government for In return f0r I the first time since the 1974 Ransom demanded for Belgian heir revolution. the government, the I Soares' all-Socialist minority person, did not reveal the amount of the cabinet was ousted seven PARIS (AP) — Kidnappers of wealthy industrialist Baron Edouard-Jean Empain have contacted the family and demanded ransom demanded for the safe return of the handsome heir to the Empain- Daniel GUck w aits on the roof of hie home near Laneaater, Pa., while reaenera try APwirephoto weeks ago and Portugal has been without a government since then. KSSS ed by the International M, U ry Fund to u„b|«k* a ransom, French authorities announced Schneider group, one of Europe's largest to manuver their boat around rushing waters. “I have constituted a govern­ million in Western e l l industrial empires. But he said their loans. ™ Thursday. ment," Soares said on a nation­ An Interior Ministry spokesmon said demands did not appear to be political in wide radio broadcast. He de­ The Socialists have no the kidnappers provided proof they are nature. clared that his cabinet's first in the 263-seat Parliament™ holding the 40-year-old Belgian noble­ The ransom demanded was said to be Tunisians strike mission was to take urgent Conservatives, Portunr.i man. Sources said they sent a letter several billion old French francs, which action to solve the country's gest party, would written and signed by him. would put it in the range of $5 million to economic crisis. votes strengthening ' Gerard Berger, the ministry spokes­ $10 million, sources said. government to 143, , The Social Democratic Cen­ majority. TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) - The Gunfire was still cracking in away and injured demonstra­ ter, party of the right-wing Tunisian government declared some neighborhoods as dark­ tors running from police. The Conservatives, was named to The new ministers Inquest demanded in publisher's death a state of emergency Thursday ness fell, but security forces appeared to have regained con­ soldiers and police officers were pelted with bricks, stones and head three ministries, including the foreign affairs post, in sworn in next Monday ' said. ‘ after a general strike erupted into bloody riots, the first trol of most of the city. sticks by the angry mobs, MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) — Busi­ President Anastasio Somozas dictator­ serious challenge to President Authorities gave no casualty which sacked a number of ness and labor joined in a general strike ship, was shot to death by four gunmen Habib Bourguiba in his 22 years estimate. Newsmen in Tunis stores and burned an office of Jan. 10 as he drove to his office. of rule. saw one body being carried the ruling Neo-Destour Party. Wednesday that paralyzed this Central American capital. The strikers demand a Four arrested suspects have named as At least one person was LIGHTNING FAST SERVICE accomplices the speaker of the legisla­ killed and a number of others guaranteed repairs full investigation of the murder of on newspaper publisher Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, a leading government critic. ture, a leading businessman and a former civil servant. Opponents of the government say higher-placed persons were injured in this normally placid capital. The ailing 73- year-old president's govern­ Mideast negotiators T.V.'s, Stereos, CBs ment imposed a 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. Cameras and Guitar Amps. Radio and television stations, acting on are implicated. curfew. Rtpairs at low-low Prices government orders, made no mention of the strike, estimated by its leaders to The strike, which started Tuesday, is backed by leaders of organized com­ Violent demonstrations also were reported in Sousse, to talk next w eek involve more than half the country s merce, industry and construction, and by Gabes, Kasserine and the Mos­ BUY - SELL - TRADE customs brokers and advertising agents. lem holy city of Kairouan. But (AP) — Israel opened the East and W est Europe, Asia Nbw Hours: 9 :3 0 - 6 P.M. Monday • Saturday 600,000 workers. and Arab brethren. Most banks also have shut down. the second largest Tunisian door Thursday for the resump­ Chamorro, 53, longtime opponent of city, Sfax, was reported calm. tion next week of Israeli- Meanwhile, Israeli Prime WILCOX TRADING POST Egyptian military negotiations Minister Menachem Begin told The clashes appeared to be a as Egypt launched a four-conti­ reporters he is concerned about show of political force by the nent diplomatic offensive seek­ a proposal by Sen. Frank General Union of Tunisian Price of crude oil may not increase ing world support for its Middle Church, D-Idaho, for the United Workers and its 65-year-old leader, Habib Achour. The East stand. Assistant Secretary of State States to freeze arms shipments to the Mideast. 4 Excellent Reasons VIENNA, Austria (AP) — The price of possible but not certain. However, Zaheri union, Tunisia's largest, has sponsored anti-government Alfred Atherton, acting as go- “I hope our dear friend to suggested in an interview the oil price between for the two countries, crude oil, currently fixed at $12.70 a barrel, is unlikely to be raised prior to the would "in all probability" remain un­ agitation since last fall in a broad campaign that began to announced he has made "good Senator Church will not pro­ mote this proposal,” Begin said EXPERIENCE next full ministerial conference of the changed. The chief advocate of a price freeze, protest a wage hold-down and progress" with the Israelis on drawing up a draft declaration in Jerusalem . “Israel has a long­ standing commitment from the CUT LABEL Organization of Petroleum Exporting expanded into a challenge to of principles and will fly to Cairo Saudi Oil Minister Sheik Ahmed Zaki United States about supply of FIRST* w e buy from brand maker* — and only the best theyin Countries, Hamid Zaheri, OPEC press the government. next week. Yamani, said in December a continued planes.” We get their superior clothing at a fraction of normal tradepnJ department chief, said Thursday. Soldiers combined with po­ Egyptian Minister of State These ore name* you know. freeze was imposed by the glut of oil on lice took over the streets of for Foreign Affairs Boutros The United States is Israel's The conference is scheduled for June the market. But the situation has been Tunis. The government radio Ghali summoned 26 African chief supplier of military hard­ SECOND: our store is always well stocked—our selection*p 15, but the site is still undecided. At the changing somewhat in the meantime. broadcast appeals for blood ambassadors to Cairo and ware and Egyptian President More shirts, jackets, jeans ond slack* in more sizes thou • last ministerial meeting in Venezuela in While prior to the conference in donations for the victims. Even pressed for “African solidarity" Anwar Sadat has asked the others hove in their entire store I Yet you'll find Cut Lobel d with their northern neighbor. Carter administration to supply immaculately neat and orderly, with everything clearly marked! December, the 13-member oil cartel Venezuela, consumer countries were before the curfew the radio Also being asked for support are Cairo with equal amounts of easy self-selection. failed to agree on fixing prices for 1978. reported stockpiling crude oil in anticipa­ exhorted the city’s residents to tion of a price rise, the market has remain indoors. envoys from Latin America. weapons. At that time the ministers said a freeze THIRD: you ore always welcome to come in and browse toft during the coming six months was stabilized as demand for oil decreased. heart's content. No one will urge you to buy. But skilled, knowla The S'o'e News is published by 'h e students of Mi during Foil Winter ond Spring school terms Monday Wednesday ond Fridays to see that you're satisfied. during Summer term ond a speviol Welcome Week edition is published m September Subscription rate is $70 per year W H A T IT S R E A L L Y Second class postoge paid at East loosing Mich Editor ml and business offices a t 345 ABOUT AND FOURTH: w e give cash refunds or we exchange for to Student Services Bldg Michigan State University Eos' lansm g Mich 48874 Post Office thing else. You can buy quality with confidency! publication number is 570760 T u c t d a y i u t th e Postmaster Please send form 35 9 to State News 345 Student Services Building .n core of MSU Messenger Service Eastlonsing Mich 48833 R a in b o w R a n c h We well only 1st quality merchandise, "NO SECONDS” SHOflf There's a lot more to like than great savings. GERALD H. COY. GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER Eric S. Berkley Experience "US" today PHONCS News/Editor i o l ............................................................................................................. 355 1252 A ttorn ey & Cut Classified A d i .................................................................................................................3S5 B25S Counselor Display A d v e rtis in g .......................................................................... 353-6400 Business O ff ic e ................................................................................ 355-3447 Initial Consultation by Photographic................................................................................... 3SSS311 Appointment Minimal Fee 2925 E . G rand Tornado kills boy, 3 in trailer court r* DELIVERY AVAILABLE NO CHECKS ACCEPTED * 24 Hour A vailability 349-5652 R ivar E. Lansing /aid 414 Elm Lansing 1 II M iM U l 1 QUANTICO, Va. (AP) — A tornado ripped through a trailer court early Thursday, killing a 3-year-old boy and injuring two members of his family. The twister then whirled into a housing area of the Quantico Marine Base where it demolished 10 duplexes and damaged four others. Court, was torn apart in the tornado, which Officer James Truslow of the Stafford County Sheriff's Office said hit about 2:30 a.m. Three other trailers in the mobile home court were crushed and many more suffered lesser damage, Truslow said. The boy's mother, Mrs. Thelma Arthur, 1 1 FREE! ■ B u y any M edium A t th e re g u la r p ric e "X J* Jl 1 £ Z 3 lo o t e y s r a jjj 1 Stafford County authorities identified and her son, Travis Arthur, 2, were G et Id e n tic a l P IZ Z A FREE ji| 1 the dead child as Johnny Arthur, whose hospitalized, Mrs. Arthur with multiple body was found in a grove of trees 250 cuts and bruises on the head and the feet from the spot where his family's youngster with a fractured leg. The Little Caesars Pizza I ■§ 1- SN trailer had stood. father, Vernon, and two other children in The trailer, parked at Boswell's Trailer the trailer escaped serious injury. 12031, ©d. River ■ ■■ J ® 337-1631 ! :* C~ K « l . p l - . l S 7 i O n . toupon per ■ ■ ' Mayor's wife found dead in swamp Ism Bi-Mini and ParaAj DAVIS, W.Va. (AP) — The wife of the Virginia’s eastern panhandle. mayor of this mountain town was found Caldwell said David Bruce Mills, 19, of shot to death Thursday, 12 hours after Davis, was arrested Wednesday night in § CAST LANSING KALAMAZOO * she was abducted by a gunman demand- connection with her disappearance. ng $750,OCX) and the release of an inmate from the county jail. Mills had been freed on auto theft JANUARY CLEARANCE charges only hours earlier from the State Trooper Don Caldwell said the Tucker County jail where he shared a cell SALE! I body of Ida Mae Cooper, 63, was found with Frederick D. Hamilton, charged with in a rather swampy, watery area" 14 murder in the October shooting of a state Western Cut Cords niles south of this town near West trooper. -straight leg & flare Dress & Casual Jeans Womens Jeans Byrd urges treaty approved * 5 a * ° each: i for M 0 I Men's &Women's Sweaters WASHINGTON (UPI) — Taking a rare amend the treaties and send them to the variety of styles ft colors turn in the witness chair, Senate floor. $8 » ° ° each: 2 for * 1 5 Democratic Leader Robert Byrd Thursday urged Senate approval of the Panama Canal treaties and rejected claims Byrd testified he wants two things spelled out clearly in the pacts: U.S. rights to defend the canal after the year Men's Shirts I Women's Blouses Panama might go communist if it gains 2000 and priority passage for American control of the canal. Navy vessels in time of war. ♦ S .^ e a c h The West Virginia Democrat repeated It was been claimed by some that support of the controversial treaties Plus many m o re approval of the treaties would give rise to which would turn the canal over to increased communist influence in Pan­ in-store sp e c ia ls l Panama in the year 2000. He urged the ama and the region," the West Virginia Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democrat testified. 529 E. GRAND RV. 220M .A.C. University Mail ACROSS FROM BERKEY HALL 332-2212 STORE HOURS: 10-9 M o n .-S o t. East Lansing DESPITE EMERGENCY, RECORD SNOWFALL t was a ’normal' workday for some ■ « . DONNA B A K U N MSU Physical Plant and Department of Public Safety “When I came to work, I w u I ButeN«»i St*® Writ*' Grounda Department workers Area police and fire depart­ from Brody Hall cafeteria said. Building, four of MSU’s usual sent here," Pierre Zshoni, 1 * 1 „ no m ow . m im battled the white stuff around ments, which received the full Area medical facilities were eight telephone operators ar­ whose normsl job with the T j , hid to work Uxtoy. the clock, with about 40 or 60 rived for work. brunt of work from the storm, operating with “adequate" Physical Plant employees out of Physical Plant to roofing and reported turnout was close to E x t o r t , police, nur»e*, Pour Physical Plant employ­ staffs, and employees of Ing­ a staff of 560 arriving for work masonry, said between calls. normal. Z r i t employe** dioc jodt- ees were recruited to help the ham Medical Center were given , the list of thooe who Thursday, according to Jim operators answer a barrage of "Everything to working just rides to work on four-wheel Sneathen of the Physical Plant. DPS Capt. Ferman Badgley Lhow got to work to end- calls from students asking if beautifully,” Cheryl M uner, drives. Across the street a t the said a few officers could not get there were classes today. telephone service supervisor work but added that many And a t least one person said, “but I can’t talk now, were working overtime and found a unique way to get to we’re just swamped.” staying on from night shifts. work. Michigan Bell Telephone op­ iomen's opportunities erators could not be reached long enough to determine how many came to work. While residence hall dwellers were lining up for lunch and dinner as usual, student staffs A fter attempting to push his car out of the snow, John Giese, morning disc jockey for WILS A spokesperson for the Lan­ supplemented regular staffs in 101-FM waxed his skis and sing Board of W ater and Light some cafeterias. arrived a t work a t 6 :1 0 a.m. yeater says educator said an emergency crew was formed to return power to some “We had a very low turnout of regular employees who were Y homes. snowed in,” a student worker guilt." L oan BEHRINGER Leo have a greater op- Increased opportunities for women ages 16 to 64 will be in the job market,” she said, EiV A Y Utv today than ever he­ i r successfully combining women are the result of consid­ erable change in the world, quoting economist Paul Sam- uelson. She noted these statis­ ALLEY careers and children, Uaiant dean for lifelong Erickson said. "Change has become as inev­ tics were^ comparable to the E legan t . . . . GOLF AND SKI CLUB numbers of men in the work - Eoo at Michigan State itable as the proverbial death place today. :: 676-5366 Tjity said Wednesday. and taxes," she added, citing as She added, again crediting to Wen today can have any examples the shrinkage of com­ Is how y o u w ill look Samuelson, th at women have Jthree choices — mar- ■ career or children — mercial flight time, the rise in international correspondence always worked, but that their JOIN US FOR (continued on page 91 in this long sheer and an increase in telephone I alone or in combination I the others," Mildred communication. CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING l o said at an adult lead- Erickson said one of the most gow n b y Glydons. Tconference at Longs Ition Center. significant changes to the grow­ ing number of women in the PREPARE FOR: | & | SIX DAYS & NIGHTS A WEEK I ft important thing is that working market. MCA! • DAT • (SAT • 6RE E m pire bust o f puckered • Groomed and patrolled trails • Free use of trails holces be made without "By 1990, some 70 percent of BMAT * OCAT • ¥AT • SAI • Complete equipment rentals • Certified Instruction m 1 ,1 ,1 , bub b le cloth laced with ECFMS*FLEX*VQE NATL DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS g litterin g m etallic thread A fter skiing . . . Relax in the nm tto Programs AHoars Vftfftitlad and fre e flo w in g skirt lounge and restaurant, featuring Nt warm & spicy wine I ^ Trowbr.dg. m ake yo u look yo u r best • • , EDUCATIONAL [ CENTIS . Ili’i University Hall 2nd Level V iiv a y V a lley J Teke 127souttoto T n t Rrtpiretien Sptcuirtit Stect u j i For Information 220 MAC. East Lansing _ i I the Kipp Rd. eiH. : : 15 m i n u t . , fr o m C a m p u s a t 2 4 02 T o m lin io n R d . C a ll 674-5346 ;l— i right end writ, or call: 2VU4 Orchard « m a. wetehlor thesign. ****-4h<1*.10»Nnnl«l )*, MMt.MI 44011(111) lll-MI) '’Bottoms 1 tM N tf<>( ^ N H il*tNf iN»f4|)'i» » H H m W H ,tfW » H W ri,tN'<',H W H I«lHII>H iW t W H,|i, ltf«'f|ir»<; C u lm * M»iet us C iiA 10*6 Mon-Sat laiqclu Fu-'lc *K8 t*4 tuync SeitiriuaO 10-8 Thurs. I? . ? . - , f . t f .f f l •? • • t • • t * ? • • ? • • • • • • • Have A Meal On Us! :• n / d a y /s <5 a y ^ :• W e’ve all m a d e it h a lfw a y to sp rin g a n d w e’re celebratin g! Js /IDafa HOCKIY 3 Meals given a w a y 1 5 times daily lllifon os the Spartans taka on s H sctn a, s u z v A 3 :» In c e le b r a tio n , B r ea d P u d d in g with rum s a u ce Colorado Colloga at 7:30 p.m. to- [night and 7:30 p.m. tomorrow on :• ^ 9 ^ 4 , yS z, :• H obie’s H alfw ay MOAM, WBRS, WMCD and WMSN. •: collection o f rare, oils a n / 3 ° H oliday Mon - Thur. :• 3 J a n 3 0 - F .b 2 J:•: jr a o r o /ic e s m a d e , e o i/h n c r /v r a ! THI MICHIGAN STA TI :» RADIO NITWORK rrxffec/cnfa /o 4/te sc/jsifs 3 Hobie’s J: /fa te je ) C r tW , a /o f/o u g j /ja n c u :• d u /d S ) /x b a s u r e d a .( /n ^ c/ot/e sa s y o 3 930 Trowbridge, East Lansing 109 E. Allegan, Lansing :• Soon to Open • Saginaw Si Waverly S i m p l e P l e a s u r e s r e :• 129 E. GRAND RIVER (DOWNSTAIRS) WINGS • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10-5:30 M o n .S a t. across from the Union • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3• C h o o se her solitaire diam on d from o n e of th e largest collections in th is p a rt of th e co u n try : w e offer a n im p ressiv e selectio n of sizes, sh a p e s, a n d prices. Five id eas in 14 karat Soolco ★ ★ ★ ★ VALUABLE COUPON * * * * I g o ld to start y ou th in k in g : A. B rilliant-cut, $550. B. P e a r-s h a p e d $850. C .O v a l $650. D. H e a rt-sh a p e d $75(1. E. M arq u ise, $950. F. E m erald -cu t, $450. O th e rs from $250. ■LOO OFT!1I S o m e th in g B e a u tifu l fo r E v e n /o n e . „ I Mr. Tony's delicious 14" or 16" PIZZAI Model D-1 I I , Water Pile® SMOKE a l a r m *19.88 Protect Your Homo ""d Loved Ones I I I 50* OFF! Mr. Tony's delicious 9" or 12" PIZZAI | 1 6 00 rebate coupon ava ilab le I I n store. Rebate directly from W ater P ik * , I MORGANS Fine Jewelers Since 187b WOQUQ PIZZA & SUBMARINES i 121 S. W ashington, Lansing meridian MALL IfiO Grand Rivar I 515 W. GRAND RIVER (just West of Greyhound Station) M eridian Mall, O kem os Use one of Morgan's convenient charge plans or American Express, BankAmericard, Master Charge. Pick-Up or Dine In in i Mail and Phone Inquiries Invited: (517) 482-5021 349-0320 I Oktmot, Michigan PHONEs 949-2111 I * D*llV ,0 ’ :30 p.m. SUNDAY 11 -6 p.m. 332-8611 E xp ire s 2-2-78 seatedonetthersidetoeni„».v i sa t—■Jssd a little com m onro^y1’^ ^ * S e le c t in g th e n e x t afairopportunitytoviewthfj^ TimothyL.Htnau., doors a t a certain time, remove all Ore IU oSm S Appalled escapea so the windows supposedly l e f t . Etttit open cannot be reached and place huge p r e s id e n t -- p a r t I After reading the article — "Students watchdogs on our balconies to attack the unwanted visitor you have just invited. fear break-ins” — in Monday's State News, Karen S. Marshall I am just appalled. This article does nothing but invite intruders into our homes. If (05M.A.C. But for the Great Blizzard of ’78 committee submit to them, with­ never realized or thought of before, the idea E ast Lansing ? that has buried the best laid plans out comment, a list of persons now has been put into people's minds on under a mountain of snow, the qualified to serve as president, how to enter houses. The fear of the girls in my sorority house has made us take special Show courtesy MSU Board of Trustees would whether five or 15 names are precautions on our own. have met yesterday and today to submitted to the board. The board This article, however, only strenghtens No one denies that the spirit block is discuss approving a method for would then take this information our fear. Rather than the State Newa enthusiastic, hard working, and an asset to selecting the next president of the and examine the qualifications of printing an article on how easy it is to break the University. The hanging of signs in the University. Needless to say these these nominees. into sorority houses, an article on precau­ Oeidhouse, and the donation of tickets to the tions that University co-eds should take Big Brother Association, though both very plans have been cancelled^ Even­ However, this limits the search would be much better. Perhaps you have admirable, are irrelevant to the m atter. tually the snow will Clear, of left us with only one alternative — we could When large portions of the spirit block course, and the trustees will get and selection committee far too board up our beautiful windows, bolt our rise, it becomes extremely difficult for fans down to business. They will much. The advisory committee consider a 16-page document sub­ should actively recommend per­ mitted by the Academic Council sons it believes the board should outlining the “Procedure for Se­ choose from, rather than just lecting the President of the Uni­ impartially submit names of per­ MICHAEL CROFOOT versity.” sons who may be qualified. Other­ wise University input is almost A six-person special committee non-existent. of the Academic Council, chaired S lic e s o f y o u n e e d e d The present document the board by Professor of Philosophy John will vote on provides that at least F. A. Taylor, devised the proposals three and no more than five names for the selection of MSU's next will be given to the trustees, just president. The full council ap­ When we first sent this column out all over Barbara, California 93103). The; put as the last com mittee operated in proved the document earlier this the country to be shared in other college the dialoguic “Center Magazine'' * u | 1970. W e believe this clause should positively invigorating. month. newspapers we included a cover le tte r which stand as written. read, in part: "Dear Editor, these are On a more nationalistic level, the Fn However, there are some seri­ overwhelming times. Change is in the air, Policy Association, a national educ. ous flaws within the report and the Similarly, the board should and it is becoming unmanageable. The organization (346 East 46 Street, NevjJ show its good faith in the Univer­ beginnings of a major cultural transforma­ New York 10017), hss committed itigl board oi trustees must either But we have not made much progress. stimulating “constructive citizen pi sity community by publicly an­ tion are rapidly overwhelming even the revise the proposals or, despite most adept of us. Many feel a limited nuclear w ar is imminent tion in world affairs” via its Greet D the urgency of the selection nouncing that it will m ake every and inevitable. A fter a long decline, briefing and discussion program. "The result is something like apathy. We process, delay approving the effort to select from the recom­ ignore the rush of knowledge and news — hunger-inducod deaths began to rise early And up from the grassroots hu p search and selection guidelines mended list. Currently what and consciously make ourselves ignorant. this decade in many poorer countries, the New Common Good (Station A, jj amounts to a “veto clause” is This is unacceptable. Because change is according to Lester Brown's Worldwatch 2836, Champaign, Illinois 61820), i p until its next meeting. Institute. A fter centuries of forcing our will which produces a magazine ndvocitinjli contained within the proposed here. I t is coming to a head and we had best be prepared for it. on N ature, the degradation of organism establishment of a new institution vhid] The major reservations we have document, stating that the trus­ “Slices is a newspaper column devoted to E arth's ecological processes is forcing are calling the citizen assembly regarding the current procedure tees could ignore the recommenda­ N ature's will back upon us. The ecological would come together on a regular bue'l fostering a community dialogue. To taking involves the role the trustees will tions entirely and choose a presi­ lowed to air their view s before the the shock out of the future. To giving people imperative is coming home in the form of discuss local, state, and national ism f play in the selection of the new dent not on the recommended list. committee and, indeed, qualified on campuses across the country the chance rising cancer and insanity rates and well as initiate local projects." president. Although we recognize Though this is unlikely, the trus­ to have a voice in making transformational reduced, more inconsistent production of Many other dialogue movemenU ( persons must be encouraged to policy. And we, as aspiring students like human goods. Catastrophic environmental gaining momentum — the sprightly] the board’s ultimate authority on tees should announce that in fact attend; as currently proposed only you, feel academe should be a t the forefront upsets, such as ozone depletion and Evolution Quarterly, for example, i campus as defined by the state the finalized list will contain the m embers of the board of tru stees human-induced climatic shifta, loom darkly Willem OKmans' two On Growth 1 of this momentous change.” End of quote. constitution, the trustees must name of the n ext president of the are allowed to participate in the We call the “Slices” idea participatory on the horizon. But time is running out. Opportunity^ also realize that suggestions from University. committee's ^discussions; and, to journalism. It will only work if you do. Major policy decisions, such as going soon cease knocking on our door, h | the University community as a reiterate the key points: Similar experiments in fostering participa­ nuclear or solar, will have to be made — words of the lovely Janis Joplin, it's ti whole are necessary to insure the Another likely point of debate tory democracy are sprouting up all over the either for us or by us. We can make no choice “GET IT WHILE YOU CAN." •th e search and selection com­ Slices is ju st one more opportunity. 0| best possible selection. will arise over who shall chair the world. Three years ago, U Thant, secretary- if we have no alternatives to choose from. m ittee should provide a list of no general of the United Nations from 1962 to Our alternatives are found by imagination it. Send letters to your editors inrespo search and selection committee. less than three and no more than 1970, made this dire prediction: " . . . if the and clarified by dialogue. Shared imagining w hat you see here. Or send us news dy] At present, the 17-member The proposal submitted by the five nam es that the board of international community does not concen­ can work wonders. thoughts, master plans, research, uni search and selection committee is Academic Council states that the The spirit of dialogue, “as the method of ments, feelings, to the State I trustees will assure the University tra te its attention on the global problems, composed of two trustees, seven chairperson of the com mittee will including of course the economic problems, clarifying fundamental questions and ex­ Michigan State University (Moo I faculty members, four students, be chosen by the com mittee itself. it will pick from; Student Services Bldg., East Lansisg.1 then the human community has only ten ploring alternative answ ers,” has long been one administrator with the rank of Again, certain trustees have •th e com m ittee must choose its more years left.” This spirit of urgency has championed by the Center for the Study of 48824. We will assimilate your inputq dean or above, one alumnus or voiced opposition to this plan, own chairperson; and helped foster a global dialogue. Democratic Institutions (Box 4068, Ssnts send it back to you via Slices. alumna, one non-faculty full­ saying the board should pick the •th e seats on the committee time employee, and the chairper­ committee's chair. reserved for tw o trustees must be son of the steering committee of dropped entirely from the compo­ the Academic Council. sition of the com mittee. Such a move would be ill- IRA ELLIOTT But since the trustees will make advised. Standard operating pro­ W e recognize that the MSU the final decision, they really have cedure for most committees pro­ Board of T rustees are the govern­ no place on the search and vides that the committee or group ing body of the U niversity and are selection committee. If two board select its own presiding officer. directly responsible to the taxpay­ ‘H i s r o o t s a r e members have seats on the com­ We see no reason for deviation ers of Michigan. Therefore, it is mittee, it would prove pointless from this accepted practice. The the board that Michigan's voters for other committee members to board should therefore refrain will hold responsible for the choice m y r o o ts . . recommend persons who the two from choosing a chairperson from of MSU's next president. trustees may ultimately vote within or outside the committee, against in the final selection. W e also recognize that the board and leave the task of appointing a We were all going to Ann Arbor but of When he says, “going," with a hard G at some Hebrew and know a handful ol has dem onstrated its intent to chair to those who serve on Hie course we were not all going to Ann Arbor. the end; when he says Brooklyn, Bronx, words. Surely hundreds of persons will include more input from the MSU committee. We w ere all going to see Allen Ginsberg but Newark, Kaddish, and Shabbis, he is my I do not care for religion, but ovwfi be nominated for the coveted community than other presiding of course we were not all going to see Allen father speaking and my father's father generations my heritage h u been«JI position of MSU president and These are all likely points of bodies have asked of their stu­ Ginsberg. speaking. down like the wine my parents sem i from there the list will be nar­ controversy, but other item s are dents, faculty, staff and alumni. W hat I mean is this: yes, we were in the I saw not so much Alien Ginsberg, poet; I children on holidays. P rowed to less than a hundred. contained within the present re­ But this is how it should be. same car and yes the car was headed for Ann heard not so much Allen Ginsberg's poems. I Ginsberg rekindled a flame that hud Arbor; yes, we sat together in Raekham Hall Then the real work begins. port that must be altered or saw Hungary, Poland, Russia, all of Eastern MSU has reached a crucial point and yes we listened and watched Allen out for far too long. Knowing my changed. To assure maximum Europe. I saw my grandfather a t 13 With two trustees on the search in its history. The direction and Ginsberg read and chant from his poetry. way I do, quite probably IH have W input from the U niversity family traveling alone across the Atlantic. I saw my But no, we were not essentially in the about roots by next week. #< and selection committee, that growth of the U niversity depends, mother and father in the ghettos of sometimes to remember things tns on this most crucial decision, we same room hearing the same meanings. group would essentially serve as in large part, on the choice of its Brooklyn. I heard the trembling chants of strongly urge the following: Each person always brings his or her own deal directly with the daily Pr*‘* l nothing more than an information- next president, and since we all many scared bar-mitzvah boys. meanings to a poem, but this is particularly survival. My religious period w ise*"! gathering organization. This must •th e search and selection com­ have a vested interest in the future true in the case of Allen Ginsberg. I felt an overwhelming sense of loss. I no grade (once at a Seder I even ate I not happen. The search and mother of blasphemy for drinking[ J m ittee should announce well in of Michigan State we must all longer go to temple and neither do my parents; I no longer attend Seders, and my incorrectly) and I doubt another n selection committee must operate advance when and why its m eet­ share in that decision. We strongly parents no longer host them; I no longer a t least for a long time. independently of the board of ings will be closed to the public, urge that the MSU Board of remember the whole Shma, my parents no trustees and find its own candi­ but must avoid closing m eetings T rustees accept our suggestions TRANSFORMATIONS longer care. But a sense of where you’re coming1" as important as a sense of w dates. unless absolutely necessary; for revision in the procedure for All my grandparents read and spoke going. No m atter how many or I Certain MSU board members •all responsible members of the selecting a new University presi­ Hebrew and Yiddish; my parents read some your transformations may have said they prefer that the MSU community should be al- dent. Hebrew and understand Yiddish; I read remain the same. Picture him now: large, darting head; bearded, graying, balding; eyes moving Uke small, diamond ping-pong balls behind oval wire-rims; crumpled white shirt and a loose DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau beige corduroy suit; a multi-colored diagon­ LISTEN TO W IS IT 'S SON-OF- AURI6H T, HOW u N u m m '. ally striped tie and a medallion hanging over it; stocking feet; racking in his seat, Tl“ State News Z84S6Y. I'v e : ONE. '‘QUID PRO O EIB/7E, S K ! ABOUT THISONE? ANACHRON- YOU REALLY IT'S NOT pointing, fuming, hollering, crooning, jok­ SWDIED STATE'S HEW QUO: A POUCT u m ALL DUE 1NEO-ISOUmONISM is n d N o r HAVE YOUR HEART THATMUCH ing, milling: energy and serenity. Friday, J an u a ry 27, 1978 cm eo& ie p r etty clo sely, o f lin ea g e w m RESPECT, me H RST PIONEERED RESPONSIVE SET ONA 6L0BAL MORE EX­ W ith flowers in a vase to one side, incense coli/mw I AND I'M BEGINNING TO m s u m union. NEED SOME- DURIN6THE HARD­ TO WENEW VISION, PONT PENSIVE, and red cushion to the other, he chanted Editorials are the opinions o f the State News. Viewpoints, FAVOR W EIR TRADITION- - A PROVEN VOTE- THIN6 MORE ING TEARS, THIS m w noN - YOU, ZBIG 6Y? S IR .. and letters o re personal opinions. musical adaptations of William Blake’s A L OFFERINGS.. GETTER, TH IS..* CRED IBLE! FIN E POUCTIS .." AL ORDER! / \ / \ / Songs of Innocence before presenting — Ed ito rial Departm ent tlfltie performing — from his own works. An then E d ilo rln ch le l................................... Michael Tanlmura Photo Editor................... _ g0fhyf *^1 he asked th at we join in a five-minute Managing Editor.............................................. Kot Brown Entertainment and Book lanor ^ meditation break which the audience, erect Opinion Editor....................................Davo Mlslalowskl Sports Editor.................. KimS' and quiet now, honored. Special Pro/octs Ed itor...........................Debbie Wolle Layout Editor City Editor............................................................J „ Scot a copy c h ie f....................... WtWhJ What could my companions be seeing? For Campus Editor................................................ Anne Stuart freelance Editor Chen*® me, Ginsberg seemed a member of the Wire Editor.........................................Jocelyn Loskowskl S l a H Representative. ■ family. He looks, he acts, he talks like a member of the family. Because he is. He is a A dvertising Departm ent p**1] Advertising M anager............................. Shoron Seller Assistant Advertising Man°0 " ^ member of the family. His roots are my roots and that is an unchanging truth. Giant pet bird takes to skies GALLATIN, Tenn. (AP) - Several neighbors have Buzzy's adopted family is heart­ joined the family in search for broken. Buzzy, but to no avail. The bird, which has a six-foot “It might sound ridiculous wingspan, became something of getting this upset about a bird, a celebrity in the neighborhood but I’m just heartbroken," when playing with adults and Sarah Butler said of the disap­ children. He lived on chicken pearance of her family's 1 -year- livers. old pet buzzard. “We've got a Butler said it is unlikely $50 reward out for him, but I Buzzy flew off with other don't expect to hear from him vultures. "He didn't really care again." for them that much," she said. Court records found in landfill SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - headed by Court Clerk Ben It’s stained by a little turnip Axson. juice and rain, but the record of Axson said he, eight court­ all money paid into Superior house employees and some Court in Chatham County since trustees from the jail “armed 1939 is back where it belongs. with hip boots, potato rakes and anything else we could get The book, which disappeared our hands on" found the miss­ last month, was found after an ing book in a heap of turnip expedition to the city landfill greens. w ••••* w .... w a V g V - ^ HmmwH M BPBBr ^ ^ B8B8B5 Stale News/Robert Koiloff State News Deborah Borin O A rfBfa ■w rfnmtuk ie w orld is white, the w orld is w hi... world is white. The campus. Other trucks haven't F R ID A Y 0 SUPER TG 3-6 f t ® | s white, and the G reater breakfast. Nothing serious; don’t walk. Don’t don’t don’t. Hal# P rice B e e r, M a rtin is even survived the printer’s It is still snowing. Dire M a n h a tte n s Area has been can- parking lot. Some 40,000 copies most of the subjects don’t make Yes, it’s a day off! Do: party, consequences could derive, con­ • 1 5 ^ HOT D O G S it in on time anyway. build snowmen, ski, study, J lost my car, it’s in my of the State News are snow­ sequences of no food. Also a t Olin, a student strug­ sleep, snuggle, make love. Text by ■ay somewhere; I can see ftenna. bound and slippery. At 9:30 gles in for treatm ent. He says WITL says th a t 25 y ea rs ago ^ A t the A lle W e J a.m., the next day’s issue he has a cough. The doctor later Facts. At Lansing Metro, Hank Williams died. Super. I'm Burse, the University has Ireempted like every- seemed unlikely to materialize. says he’s had the cough since 10:20 a.m., 15 inches of snow, going back to sleep. Fred van Hartesveldt W G iv e A w a y Fun 9 Two human blobs trek down November. A fter over two 30- to 40-foot drifts reported. Kse. Yet at the Women’s the middle of Grand River . . . And it's still snowing. months, the student finally Connotations of tall tales. ■ding at 7:00 a.m., eight Avenue. The edges of their ■made it in for the Early decides he needs treatment. bodies fade and dissolve. Be­ Life is white today, white and j Bird swim. F our of Great choice of days, fella. tween them they carry four quiet. But ringing telephones Bore no clothes. Blizzard. TOO much snow. In six-packs of beer. Soon their indicate that a bustle is pend­ JRGENCY, the radio 1967, an Olin nurse says it minds will also become fuzzy ing. This is a newspaper after III roads are closed. All snowed so much that students and dissolve and they will all. It may yet publish. jre white. Snow people thought they could jump from appreciate the snow even more. bridges into drifts on the Red Bws replace cars. The The National Guard is a t­ State News freelance editor 1ms through the s tre e ts Cedar and not be hurt. They Michael Winter walks in the tempting to rescue the entire couldn’t but they tried any­ Is-you can hear it for state of Ohio. Good luck, folks. newsroom. How appropriate. ways. Great fun. The student Looking like a snow cone, he is At Olin Health Center, a intelligencia brings new mean­ I.S. 127, snow clogs th e living up to his name. cholesterol st*dy program is ing to the word “drift” — ftors of the lone truck The Associated Press, De placed in jeopardy when some mental, not physical. the State News to troit, calls for local snow pho of the subjects don’t get fed Don’t. Don’t drive, don't call, tos. They'll take anything. (Lansing Prem iere larshall’s Sound Shop is p le a sed to introduce tw o e x c itin g n ew products. 1 The B&W DM7 sp e a k e r is th e first-born jof B&W’s new com pu ter la b .^ ^ ^ o d u c t of the w orld’s m o st advar^ ^ ^ k ^ ^ e r design facility, t h e J ^ C % ^ f t ) become an a u d j^ ^ ^ A |o u t d o n e ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ t h e u ltim a te power^^K ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f o n d l y referred to | asf J I ^ O ^ ^ h e B ru te u tiliz e s ®dv^ J ^ ^ ^ S A tech n o lo g y to d eliver p er^S o w a tts per ch a n n el of the [cleanest sound th is sid e of life! pactory Personnel ^ill be on hand. John R ou se and n Tucker of B&W S p ea k ers, [nd Jay C leim an of A n alog E n g in ee r in g B&W DM7 associates w ill be on hand P° discuss the revolu - tionary tech n ology n - c°rporated in th eir respective d e sig n s. FREE Door Prizes riVe Prizes to be A.E.A. 620 (The B ru te) arded, in clu d in g S tax dphones and c a se s of tape. FRL, J a n 27 2*8 p.m. 245 ANN ST. 351-7830 ( ) Michigan Stole News. East Lansing. Michigan — ____________________________ » . m pretent this coupon lor HOCKEY N O W S A T U R D A Y -S U N D A Y SE R IE S 50* OFF on any p iu a Fierce storm halts Big Ten cagers; any night •xc « p tfrM lt« m night p m im u v d iy i other MSU teams have meets altered Campus P in , 1312 MICH. AVI. Schmitter said he will not make already said it will not make the men’s swimming coach Dick 1962. By TOM SHANAHAN at Purdue and Northwestern at Wisconsin. Fetters. “I don’t know what it’ll do to a cancellation decision until Friday. trip. The only other meet sched­ SALE SU te News Sports Writer Langeland’s team was sched­ us," he said. “We may lose our Big Ten Basketball may be in MSU’s hockey team had its The men’s and women's uled for the weekend involved coats 2 m iff uled to meet Grand Valley edge because meets keep us one of its hottest seasons ever, two game series with Colorado State, at the Men's IM Thurs­ gymnastics meet with Indiana MSU's men's track team a t the all sweaters 21% Iff sharp and progressing.” but a fierce winter storm that College altered because of the day night, for the women at Jenison Saturday is still Michigan Relays in Ann Arbor. Last year’s m eet a t MSU selected jeans '9.*'. hit the Big Ten campuses weather. The Friday and Satur­ cagers’ second home game out with Indiana was also cancelled tentatively scheduled. The Coach Jim Bibbs said a decision Wednesday night has put a halt day 7:30 p.m. games will be meet is not until Saturday night would be made Friday after­ because Indiana could not make to the fourth weekend of play. played Saturday and Sunday at of 11 games. at 7:30 p.m. and Indiana offi­ noon w hether the meet hosting If conditions improve, the it north. Four of Thursday night's five 2 p.m. at Munn Ice Arena. cials are still hoping to make 15 Midwest teams would be game will be played a t 5:30 p.m. The wrestling meet with Big Ten games, including MSU Friday tickets will be good at Ohio State, have been re­ the Sunday game and the the squad is back on the road scheduled until Saturday. The Saturday tickets will still be for today at the Men’s IM. If not, for the 10 th time in 11 games at Illinois a t MSU was cancelled for Friday and Purdue has already said it will not make it the trip. The only other home meet was the women's track team run. The weekend storm causes problems for the minor sports TIIC games originally scheduled for good for Saturday. busting the MSU Invitation that only have its meets on the Michigan Saturday for an 11:30 for Saturday’s meet. Illinois Saturday will be played Mon day night. The Ohio State game will still Colorado College now in Minneapolis. It will try team changed its flight plans and are a.m. game. Fetters is disappointed be­ State was also scheduled for Saturday but had not officially Relays. The meet schedpled for Saturday at I p.m. a t Jenison Field House also hinges on the weekends. Most will be unable to make up the meets because each weekend is booked up m a ic 7B o x 4 091. G R AN O RIVER I . LANSING. M IC H IG A N 4 M 29 RHONE: 997.n 09 cause his two duals a t home last cancelled by Thursday. MSU Ne«»fo fheCompus fheofre M W 10 6 T u e s.tF ri 10 8 30 Sol 10 6 be televised by WKAR, Chan­ to fly into Detroit today before weekend were cancelled when coach Grady Peninger does not weather. But Pittsburgh has until the end of the season. nel 23 at 7:35 p.m. taking another flight to Lan­ Purdue and Illinois couldn’t get expect the meet to be held but The decision to switch the sing. said with a laugh, “If they want Everything else at MSU was to East Lansing because of games was made Thursday afternoon by a conference wide either cancelled or pending can­ storms south of Michigan. The Spartans were to go to to come, we’ll fight them.’’ The Women's swimming and SALE AT SAM'S telephone hook-up of ail 10 cellation. MSU Sports Informa­ diving meet with Central Michi­ athletic directors. tion Director Fred Stabley said Bloomington, Ind. for a meet gan Thursday a t MSU was MSU's game at Indiana, orig­ it was the busiest weekend of inally scheduled for, Saturday with Indiana Saturday. A final the winter for Spartan sports. decision will be made today postponed and Saturday's 2 Sw eaters $6 - $9 p.m. meet with Indiana and will be played Monday and will Seven men’s teams and five whether to make the trip or Bowling Green depends on how women's teams were scheduled not. MSU has now been without still be televised by WJIM, for action. a meet since traveling to Wis­ much worse the storm gets Assorted w estern flannel & plaids Channel 6 . Friday. Only the Illinois at Iowa Only the Men's IM Building consin Jan. 14. The MSU fencing team's game was played as scheduled was open Thursday and it will “I’m very much disappoint­ meet with the Alumni a t the $6 - $8 also be open today, despite an ed," said F etters, who has only Thursday. Coach Jud Heathcote and the unprecedented second day in a had two other meets before this Men's IM Saturday is also dependent on how much longer Boys long sleeve shirts from $5 basketball team arrived in Col­ row the University has been year (both with Indiana) can the storm lasts. Coach Charlie closed. celled since coming to MSU in umbus Wednesday afternoon, beating the Michigan storm, The Men's IM will be open Down & fiber filled vest but there found a storm called from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and the Women’s IM will be open OADES . . . the worst blizzard "in the history of Ohio." The team’s from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Two of the coaches most SEE PAGE vp *° 50% off hotel was also without heat early in the morning. disappointed by the cancella­ 8 Other games postponed were tions were women's basketball coach Karen Langeland and Heavy woven flannels $6" Indiana at Michigan, Minnesota This Areas Only Multi-Media Discothequ W EA T H ER ?? B E R M ' S Coats up to $20 off 284? E Gd River E Ions 351-1201 Emov Your W eekend at the Rainbow Rn t ir r o b o d v ,x C a ll American & Foreign Cars Assorted pants up to 50% off MARATHON 349*9560 Quality Work Guaranteed Other STOREWIDE SPECIALS T e m p e r a t u r e a n d Free Estimates (Tlon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. SAM'S STORE C o m p l e t e F o r e c a s t Sat. , j&OQ*£ x,m. -12 Nnon 337-SA M S Cornar larch ft Michigan Ave. c o r n e r of A b b o tt & a F ro m Laming 489-6577 Michigan Vilionailkink w fm k 9 9 G ra n d R iv e r 541 E . G rand R iver CAMP TAMARACK (across from Berkey H all) Brighton and Ortonville, Michigan INTERVIEWING rOHt ITHIS WEEKEND OIV11 Counselors, Specialists, Supervisors SPECTACULAR and many other camp positions January 30, 9 a.m . - 5 p.m .; PRE • INVENTORY SAI call Placement Services 355-9510 FOR Returning staff of Hillel Foundation: at East Lansing 6:30-9:30 p.m . Call 332-1916 9 Velocipede Peddler eNautilus 9 Elderly Instruments (antiques ft crafts) C a m p T a m a r a c k is th e r e s id e n tia l s u m m e r c a m p 9 Jo-El Games ft Gifts ^ Ja x Copying s p o n s o r e d b y th e J e w is h F r e s h A ir S o c ie ty . 9 Flat, Block ft Circular 0 Kitchen Cupboard T h e sto re will be closed (usod records ft tapes) 9 Family of Man 9 Groat Lakes Mt Supply 9 Bresler's Ice Cream 6600 W. Maple Rd., W. Bloomfield, Mich. (wildarnass outfitters) . Paramount News next M o n d a y m o r n in g , J a n u a r y 3 0 t h for Inventory. Sweaters Skirts 1 0 t o *11 R eg. 1 7 to 36 Pants Better '1 5 t o * 2| Dresses R e g . 2 6 to 58 Orange Blossom has something E ntire stock of Ski Jackets % o ff! special (or you a diamond engage ment pendant absolutely FREE when you select Ebb Tide for your Bridal set Ebb Tide and your free diamond engagement pendant an exciting new way to commemorate your love with Orange B lo ssom 's best wishes that your dreams come true D e s i g n e r D resses, Orange Blossom diamond engage ment rings are fully warranted for one year after purchase Suits *5 off JONES on en tire NEW YORK stoek o f Frandor Shopping Conta Oppotit* JOAM S PO R T SW E A R Cowl Neck East L a n s i n g HOURS: M o n .-M . 10 A M to , . _ H J 9A.M., |«f. 19A.M .-Sill M a n « W M 3 ll VISA. M AST IR C HAR G i, S O W IN CHARGE Y 50% OFF Sw eaters A c ro s s fro m the S tu d e n t U nion lizzard hits,snow-bound students frolic I have a party I" was the moat commonly-heard cry in M8 U Keggeie seemed to be the most popular pastime for students in A t 3 p.m. Quality Dairy, 1201 East Grand River, had not yet residence halls following the announcement of cancellation of dormitories. Williams Hall residents reported a kegger with an limited anything people could buy as long as they had the correct classes due to Thursday’s blizzard. expected turnout of 50 to 80 people. Armstrong Hall students change. The store clerk, Jim Thomas, walked five blocks to open Many students left their dormitory rooms to frolic in the planned a kegger Thursday involving six floors. Quality Dairy's doors on time at 7 a.m. snowbanks across campus after eighteen inches of snow fell "There were people drunk a t 8:30 and 7 this morning,” said West Wednesday night. Larry's Shoprite, 1109 East Grand River, was not worried about Wilson Hall receptionist John Bocek. rationing. “This is the best thing that has happened this year,” commented u Almost 300 students from Shaw Hall and Snyder-PhiUips had a pre-veterinary sophomore Sydney Simpson. Bars in the area were open and prepared for a booming business "free-for-all" snowball battle along the Red Cedar River. last night. Coral Gables expected a bigger than usual crowd, but did "Thu is a once-in-a-lifetime deal. You might as well enjoy ft- ft’® Not everyone was partying, however. Some residence hall not expect to run out of liquor, a bar employee said. like the return of the glacial age," another student said. receptionists reported that most people were doing their laundry or Campus Corners II, 551 East Grand River, did a lot of check Several women from Alpha Chi Omega sorority decided to cleaning their rooms. cashing business since the banks were also closed. However, with celebrate the cancellation of classes with a romp in the snow — far Food and drink seemed to be the biggest concern of MSU bathing suits. no cash-flow from the banks coming in, the store was running short students, who did not know how long they would be locked away of money, employee Mark Pettulo said. “We hrere just being crazy," one sorority member commented. from their favorite restaurant or bar. Snowdrifts up to five feet made it difficult to walk, so many used “They’re buying six packs like they were going out of style,” said cross-country skis as a mode of transportation. JoAnne Boettcher, a neighbor to the Quality Dairy Shoprite 947 “It’s the quickest way around, and besides it's a hell of a lot of Trowbridge. She mentioned that bread and other essentials were fun," one skier explained. Some students held cross-country races the most common groceries. Boettcher said customers were taking while others, after buying a keg of beer, had a party in the middle of all they could carry in a backpack. a street. Goodrich's Spartan Shoprite, 940 Trowbridge, decided to ration The few snowplows that made it out dodged skiers and their customers' milk supply to one gallon per person. Assistant snowmobilers on the streets. One plow met some Mason-Abbot men manager Dianne Hall said she figured she would have to do the same rolling a keg of beer down Grand River Avenue. thing with bread as well. The store was unable to make deliveries. w 4®aRft| Stoto News'Kathy Kilbury State Newi/lro Stridute'n Beer drinking students cheer t semi on Grand River Avenue Thursday after the closing of 1-96 forced heavy through-traffic in downtown East Lansing. Stole News/Pete Obee Discover the exciting world of sound at The Stereo Shoppe All of us at The Stereo Shoppe thank you for your guitar like a guitar, a female voice like a female voice. All interest in music and quality audio products. To find the products we carry must be able to accurately recreate another person who appreciates fine music reproduction is the actual performance. To recreate just sound is easy, but a real joy to each of us. to recreate music accurately is a real challenge. JOUK Our shoppe is interested in representing only top Finally, all products at The Stereo Shoppe must quality audio equipment. Each component brought to us represent a fair value to you. Our pricing structure is such 'CREOT UNION -.where student for evaluation by a manufacturer must meet our rigid requirements of reliability, performance and value BEFORE we will put it on our shelves. that the price asked bears a solid relationship to the value and esteem of the product itself. When we have found a product which meets our employees are For a product to be deemed reliable by us. it must exacting criteria of reliability, performance and value, we welcome have intelligent engineering, imaginative design and are pleased to recommend it to you To this end, we stock construction, and utilize quality component parts. Our a tremendous variety of brands and offer a wide price range I MSU EMPLOYEES service department examines all of these factors in so that we can find the proper system or component to 1 CREDIT UNION I determining a product's reliability. best suit your needs and budget eooE.CnHsm Since music really is what our industry is all about, We invite you to visit us soon at The Stereo Shoppe, Ph. 35 3 -2 2 S 0 . in our audio systems a piano must sound like a piano, a where audio is our only business SUNDAY, AT M A C 'S... HAT NIGHT! u F a n U itk Pitcher 4 D rink special! all night long to hat Look what just $459 buys wearer!. Wear the Moot aniqne hat and MAK6 get your phete in thia adl Probably no manufacturer of stereo gear is better system is within your investment range, we suggest you C o F F e C f> M lL g ... known than Sony. With the recent price reduction of stop by and let us turn up the volume for a truly enjoyable listening experience. Sony’s popular Model 2800 stereo receiver, we are able to .» — W ‘ Pitcher Night ■allnight i C Wednesday I W HAT A W A V T t> offer this well-balanced system at a cost even lower than before. Sony’s products have long been known for fine Thursday-M O quality. The 2800 continues this tradition. Of special p •Peanut Night Pitcher S|Mcial! 5TAtf THg p&7 I interest is the particularly good FM section which makes it possible to pull in more stations with greater clarity. For speakers we've selected the very accurate Avid 100s Despite their small size and modest price, these 2700E. Mich. Avo. 532 Fl& W O R units offer the same tonal balance, exceptional accuracy, and low distortion that characterize all Avid loudspeakers. The Avid 100 is a two-way air suspension design featuring HURRY! LAST DAY TO SION UP! an exceptionally long excursion eight-inch woofer and a perfectly matched 13/i-inch cone tweeter. To complete this system, our choice is the BIC 920. S p rin g B r e a k a turntable which incorporates automatic and multiple play features without sacrificing performance. With its UNITED STATES belt-drive design you get quiet, wow-free music reproduction. M a r c h 2 0 -2 7 Included with this system is the fine-sounding Audio-Technica AT-77E cartridge. Its unique dual-magnet design provides greater stereo separation while treating your records very gently. fro m *3 8 9 ° ° Of course, our five-year parts and labor Security SO N Y M ' S'- 00® Agreement is included and costs you nothing extra. If this non-stop from Detroit c««« j Cancan is an island of 14 miles of unspoiled beaches 10 to 9 Mon. thru Frl. 10 to 5 Saturdays the* 5S5 E. Grand River Ave. in East Lansing (Next toTaco Bell) Complete In-Store Service Phone 337-1300 | in the Mexican Caribbean. 1,000 years ago, Mayan for Everything We Sell kings vacationed here. Today you can swim and surf Five Ways to Charge or Free Customer Perking Finance Your Purchase PBADIVING. on these same unspoiled beaches. Next to Store N keung TODAY IS TM LAST RAY TO SION UP! * P _K ,V where audio is our only business A IM M IT U V H U M U ! 307 Stottee* Services )£ \ V ' 1 IM 2 M _____________________________________ ___ Late to school? K U P OUT THI COLD! ONLY 4 MOKE DAYS____ Take a kayak BREMERTON, Wash. (AP) — Pave Young and Brain Johnson don't want to battle traffic to get to classes at Olympic Community College — n r — - so they paddle a kayak every EASTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN I I h e p a rd ’s will be closed for day across the Puget Sound I between Bainbridge Island and I CHURCH the mainland. “It sure beats driving the I Worship: 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. inventory on Weds. Feb. 1. For highway,” says Young, 23. "We WITH BEER. W IN E. KEG S. save gas, time and money. I Theme for the D a y — AND SPIRITS FROM O A N I PARTY STOM Besides, we'd rather fight the elements than fight traffic.” I U n i t y in M is s io n Check o u r W eekly Specials I Open Sundays l2-7pm fo u r m ore days they still have Their drive would be 40 miles c o tn tt o r KAiAM Aioo t a m n N M H l long, across the only bridge I connecting the island and the I Paul W.W.Green Timothy Q uist trem endous b arg ain s on their Washington shore. The kayak ^ 337-0893 ___ 337-0183 trip takes 2 0 minutes, plus time to hitch a ride from a marina to campus, seven miles away. W here does the science fictio n end ... special group of F all a n d “We can really zip along and the ghost story begin? when we put out the effort,” Young said. Only Finland gives you both; “We don’t notice getting W inter shoes a n d boots. . . and tired of rowing when there is a TIME Of (OSES challenge.” They’ve run into rough weather, white caps and tern* W inner of the T rie ste Science when you buy a p a ir a t the peratures down to 2 0 degrees. Fiction Film Fe stiv a l, 1969. Once they had to paddle twice the distance because a strong re g u la r price, you get a second pair wind kept pushing them back. Tonite, F ri. Ja n . 27th Another time they were almost U-U Church, A cross from FR EE! lost in thick fog, but never have they been swamped. the E .L . Lib rary. "It’s fun when it's rugged,” Johnson insisted. “When it is mundane you tend to just think IF PRICED DIFFERENTLY, YOU PAY FOR THE HIGHER PAIR about getting to the destination and the water gets sticky.” 7:30...*1.50 9:30...90* 317 C E N T R A I. U N IT E D South Baptist Church 'OheporcTs E. Grand River campus M E TH O D IST 1518 S. Washington Lansing Across from the Copitoi 332-2815 SUN. 8:30 A 11:00 “We Have What It Takes!” eooosvs, TiS* Rev. Lloyd Von lente Worship Services The Sod Who Comforts COLUMBUS 9 :4 5 a .m . a n d 11 :0 0 a .m . M SU L Nursery Available MkfiMlNnMpal M m Mb 485-9477 C te s b fc n fm ln fa 1 8 ml FM DM UNIVERSITY to n . 7t00 p.m . BAPTIST CHURCH Demons Are Loose! 4608 S. Hogodorn Eost Lansing Worship 10; S S I 1:15 Student Foundation FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Chaplain Bailey Coll 482 • 0754 for information But Schedule Richard L. Schulthels Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor Postor, Kenn Hecht, College Minister JET E X P R ES S to Ft. Lauderdale Includes: $ 164* 0 0 •Round trip air fare Detroit/F.Laud/Det. •Standard in-flight catering •All you can drink •Sunday morning departure Corporate Travel Service, Inc. 1 P a rk la n e Blvd. C all to ll fr e e 1 •8 0 0 .4 8 2 * 5 3 2 2 OPEN AT 4:45 TODAY State News Women’s opportunities greater SHOWS AT 7:00-9:10 P.M. Sot.-Sun. at 12:30-2:40 IC H IG A N Newsline 4:50-7:05-9: N IG H T F E V E R ? GUMERTHEATRE TOOAY SHOWS 7*0-8:00 P.M. (continued from page J) people in coping with change each student realize his or her 353-3382 W H A T IT S R E A L L Y ABOUT “ ACROSS THE contributions were not always was one of the rewarding own potential and the ways to measured in the Gross National aspects of her work at MSU. use it," she said. But that T u o id a y t a t the R a in b o w R an ch GREAT DIVIDE” c Set-Swn A91-3-S- Product. “Of the thousands of students women often present a particu­ 7-tP M ■Women do hold up their half who are returning to the Uni­ lar problem, she added. 0( (he world - and then some," versity, it is inspiring to see nr E rickson told about 60 women a t the conference, whjch w as sponsored by the DIRECTOR’S CHOICE FILM SERIES Michigan Capitol Girl Scout T M i g lr t tfc n s fc r t w r t fa y _ - _ presents. Council- Nowt and H» Salamanders “But today more and more N n lR N k women do not work in th e home but on som e kind of a contract­ ^ _ Chooch and tha Bmhafars ual basis," she added. “T h ere is less time spent on family c a re - and more on sum ■ H n n S O t H a M II.W it x Iim iM a in w . M * 4 tS H Ir v W S It lt MMM.I- I . I U M M U M IU in leisure time, such as reading or ScwwavOvliAlunMKAAW MSIFMSnMv aiiw, biSi'OHI WlIAmOSSKlO PASSES m o r n m •HMcS^wlMaadCwnwtMOvMMIAOSUl watching television," said C<*M0'**»>k, OMUAMtl-ftoOuCOd0>A0NMlEAsn.AMMCOUAUANO•D»0CtNm OOPCHASMv MACO M MOSA MIfM M)TP AA MS wMsrtCO AtP sIIO TMtuA O HM tNOCOOISM «*«Waferm,aSKVO»ttm. ft.« r*. Sterling Hayden, Keenan Wynn, he Equal Rights Amendment. Slim Pickens, Peter Bull and "Time is especially critical, here m ust be ratification in JOE HICKERSON * James Earl Jones ree m ore states in the next 16mm Black and White - 93 min. o years fo r the ERA to take 1 2 .5 0 # Folksinger and folklorist Joe Hickerson NOMINATED FOR 4 ACADEMY AWARDS fleet," sh e explained. knows hundreds of great songs — ballads, No Advance Tickets Outrageous, daring, inventive, "It took 150 years for women drinking songs, funny songs, shanties — Mon.-Thurt. 7:00 t m all theatre Available devilish, macabre and gain the right to vote — but and he sings them with a true "living room" Frl.-Sat., 7:00-9:30 U » W. M O IN M V — U N S IN G scintillating com ed y. . . ere still not recognized as warmth and spirit. His knowledge of folk .2 :0 0 ,4 :1 0 ,6 :2 5 ,' Showtim es M on. thru F ri. 7:00 ( 9:00 S A T U R D A Y R E V IE W -rsons in the Constitution, music is without equal an d his relaxed stage W ad. m atin aaat l:0 0 a d m . ‘ 1.25 3212604 hat's w hat the ERA is all bout." sh e sa id , applauding the presence invites the audience to join in. Sot, t Sun. 2 :0 0 ,4 :3 0 .7 :0 0 8 9 :3 0 F R I D A Y , J A N U A R Y 27 th He’s one of our favorite singers ichigan Capitol Girl Scout -uncil for its support of ERA. Erickson added that assisting 0M C ollege Hall in the MSUnion Grill MOWSNOWINO 7and 9:30pm iw jw Tia iiiait H IL A R IC X JS ...A D E LIC IC X iS L Y the last question TONIGHT IH B B i ^ g g g s a ^ “Ro« ^ KATHLEEN CARROLL-NEW YORK DAILY NEWS a science fiction classic by isaac asimov Today narrated by leonard nimoy 0p»n 7:00 P.M . Futuro fri. & sat. 8 & 10 pm At sun. 2 & 4 pm 7:30 9:1 SAT 4 SUN OUTDOOR OBSERVING AFTER 8PM SHOWS SHOWS Opan 7:00 P.M . Faatura ALBUM & LIGHTSHOW AFTER 10PM s h o w s ^ Wm At SOUND TRACK FROM STAR WARS 1:30 3:30 ^ B % icl0SEENC0UNTERS 5:30 7:30 9:30 P L flN E T flB JlilH 3554672 M I C H I G A N STATE P G -JJ- UNIVERSITY A TW A ifc * W Elf»SE DEPARTM EN T OF THEATRE PRESENTS oAnother G§unday at cDooleys OSCAR WILDE’S D E L IC H T F l L COMEDY . the THIS SUNDAY NIGHT THE IMPORTANCE Hal Galper Quintet OF BEING EARNEST fe a t u rin g : IVOW PLAYING ‘Randy & M ichael JA N UA R Y 2 4 -2 8 FE B R U A R Y 1 CBRECKER^ 8:15 p.m. SUNDAY JANUARY 29 800pm 10:30pm ARENA THEATRE ALBUM C R ED IT S: HAL G A LP ER - NOW HEAR THIS RANDY AND M ICHAEL B R E C K ER - BACK TO BACK, B R EC K ER BRO TH ERS, DON’T STOP THE MUSIC A foxhunt is the pursuit of the uneatable by the unsp eakab le..." —O scar W ilde THIS SUNDAY NIGHT ^ lckgts:. 4.50 advan ce ± BOX OFFICE PHONE 5.00 sh o w d a te AVAILABLE: DOOLEY'S- RECORDLAND AT LANSING & MERIDIAN MALLS 355-0148 Clinic workshop offered By TERRI LEE TAMLYX So you think he never really listens to you? 10 w eeks. V eenstra said the first m eeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday. work closely w ith J o h n R. H urley, MSU professor of psychology. H urley said he has been in favor of such a program Jewish Student Appeal APPRECIATION DINNER for Contributors FREE FOOD, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ^ rccD You don't think she’ll ever Cheryl Steindel, an intern at 6:00, Sunday at 3l9Hillcrast, the Clinic and another of the for several years. understand your side of the w orkshop’s ordinators, said the The w orkshop will be limited Hillol IE story? ’>h These, and other communica­ program will involve participa­ to five couples. S teindel said a * • 5 ." m inim um pledge (C all 332-1916) tion problems are th e focal tion from couples. larg er g roup becomes too diffi­ J fm m m points of the new "Couples “We w ant th e couples to cult to work w ith. The couples Communication W orkshop bring in and share th e ir home do not have to be m arried, she offered through MSU’s Psy­ experiences, so they can be added, b u t th ey m u st be ’replayed’ and th e problem “com m itted to each o th er” and chology Clinic. "This is not a therapy group,” areas im proved," she said. should plan to com plete the See Jimmy Rompo in o pocket billiard exhibition held said Glen V eenstra, assistant She added th a t while the en tire 10 w eeks of th e program . Friday, February 3,1971. director of the clinic and coor­ w orkshop's form at will rem ain One additional requirem ent, dinator of the workshop. "It’s not intended as pre­ flexible to accommodate the needs of each couple, th e re are S teindel added, is th a t neith er p arty can be a full-time MSU UNION BILLIARDS m arital counseling, or for rela­ several specific areas coordina­ stu d en t, because none of th e lo w ar le ve l Union Bld g. phono: 355*3358 tionships in serious types of tors hope to cover, including Psychology Clinic's services are available to full-time stu d en ts. M on.thruThur. 11:30a.m.* 11:00p.m . trouble." how to express needs, saying Identical services for stu d en ts Frl. 10:00 a.m .-11:00 p.m. The main idea, he explained, no to each o ther and communi­ Sat. t Sun. 12p.m. to 11:00 p.m. is to assist couples who are cating anger. are available through th e U ni­ committed to each other but The w orkshop will also versity Counseling C enter. find th a t communication break­ include homework assignm ents downs prevent them from fully designed by coordinators to enjoying the relationship. The workshop will m eet about two hours each week for help the couple understand basic communication. Steindel and V eenstra will TONIGHT! The Best of the New York Erotic Film Festival — A 349-2700 MERIDIAN MALI Fantastic 11 Unit Show!! ^ A d u lts ‘2"AMC *1” Twilite M jH ajM W M tA jM H trM I " I h W h tH • " a e. ih e . . r gimL, 1 RATED iQ EBfrid ayLttid M AM M JH m Tallin »PR W R | l _ tt«V X IS i f ? rM ooci From the outrageous Try M atteo’s and experience real Italian cooking at prices you can afford-with I an incredible eleven unit show. Hundreds oF films were submitted, ranging an atmosphere that's relaxing and friendly. I t ’s located at 136 West Grand R im , | No.1 Best-Seller from the sublimely erotic to the raunchiest hardcore. These ore the winners. next to People’s Church. THE CHOIRBOYS Eleven of the very best, wildest, raunchiest films ever mode. These films ex- plore every facet of human sexuality. 1). FUNKY MATTRESS - a mattress ad M atteo’s offers real Italian food—so if you're expecting some ",spicy Aot," Aeaiy I you won’t believe 2). BUPKIS - erotic view of the fifties 3). REHEARSAL sauces, you'll be disappointed. The food is made fresh daily in their kitchen Sj I 4). LADY ond her GROCERIES 5). LIFE WITH VIDEO T.V. and sex 6). SPENCER chef Matteo Caprario and his assistant, Jim. E ven the atmosphere is Italian- [ FrttnfcfeUMUl TwIHW&1S&65 Mltb '1.* SUPER SPERM - animated raunchiness 7). ORANGE - a very new view of the friendly and informal—yet you still get candlelight and tablecloths. Three differ navel orange. 8). TUESDAY - another view of erotica 9). BURIED TREASURE * ent menus offer variety for lunch, dinner and late night eating. Marl Wee loaf aar aaa t n m W o olf classier early erotica 10). HOLDING - two women discover a new side of love- making 11). DIRTY OLD MAN - they need love too. Perhaps on your visit there you'll notice the pastry cart floating around wit) I homemade A ustrian and German pastries that will tantalize any tastebuds. h I TONIGHT AND SATURDAY eluded also are Italian favorites like cannoli and spumoni ice cream... I A moving story A romantic story A story of mm mmmmm...surely worth a splurge. M atteo’s beverages are unique and special I env$ hatred, friendship, triumph, and love. SHOW TIMES: 7:00, 8 :4 5 ,1 0 :3 0 ,1 2 :0 0 to the East Lansing area...ever tried Italian Beer? A Leaning Tower of Pm! | SHOW PLACE: 102 B W ells Nero's Nectar? Or how about a Bellini Cocktail? ADM ISSION: '2.50 students, '3 .5 0 Faculty 8 staff The surprisingly extensive wine list has reasonable prices that any student cmI an .n t.rto in m .n t l . r v k . of tho bool film co-op. Studantt, faculty 4 staff wolcom .. afford. Their excellent house wines, Sebastiani of California and Folonari ofltalj I •Iff - Id's chscksd. come from fam ily owned stock which is unusual in itself. A n even bigger surpnu I i s that at Matteo's you can buy a bottle o f champagne fo r under five dollars-thu [ includes Asti-Spumanti! They now offer draft beer! Sundays are very special at M atteo's with their breakfast buffet from 10 am(ti I 2 pm and their dinner buffet from 5-10pm. The Sunday breakfast buffet includti I such things as four different kinds o f eggs, bagels, smoked fish and more for otil/1 $2.75. A fte r five the Sunday dinner buffet serves roast pig, barbequed spun | ribs and fow l for $ 3.95. Such a feast! Matteo's is open weekdays at 11:30 am. until 12:00 pm., Saturdays from Soon liii I Midnight and Sundays from 10 am. ■2 pm. and 5 pm. ■10pm. SHIRLEY ANNE MacLAINE BANCROFT TheTumingpoint S P O N S O R E D BT! TWENTIETH CENTURY-F0X m m , A HERBERT ROSS H IM Open ANNE BANCROFT SHIRlfY MaclAINE THETURNINGPOINT TOM SKERRITT 6dayn ~....... MmOwng- ----- - , Good Food uosamno MIKHAIL MARTHA -------BARYSHNIKOV* LESLIE BROWNE Ji scon • MARSHALL THOMPSON n AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE f**ut«vt Piaducer NORA KAYE Oh m , ANTHONY 2ERBE WrtMnby ARTHUR LAURENTS ‘ GRCMER 627 2106 Sunday Buffet *4.95 •II you con M t: rocil b e d , thicken, ehrlmp, BtQ meertbolli vegeloble* pototoen rellth, an d Drink I HERBERT ROSS ARTHUR LAURENTS HERBERT ROSS PRINTS BY 0 E L U X 1' WASHINGTON JR aolad bar. breed I buffet, deeiert Downtown Lana* NOW IN PAPERBACK FROM SIGNET MUSIC FROM THE MOTION PICTURE 217 S. Bridge SL, Grand Ledge 116 E. Mich. A » ON 20TH CENTURY RECORDS AND TAPES FridayHMA1MI Twilito&ML&30Mitts M- 372-4300 J US i don’t do miracles. , SPECIAL GUEST STAR They’re too flashy.” / GREAT “Oh, 15th SMASH WllffCt RAMSCY LEWIS FOOD 24 _ R ES TAURANT| • Semite Hours I Day God!” Q lro l FridayMUAMHMi Twilite4:3S-5J8MaltsM* I MONDAY FED. 10-0PM LANSING'S CIVIC CENTER AUDITORIUM RiSLRV! ‘JA1ING 4600 G woo 327 Abbott Rd. East Lansing FIH NORTHERN ITALIAN LU N C H t DIN N ER D M 136 W . G rand R iver Y AT SENSIBLE L H’ fS * TICKE1S AT CIVIC CENTER BOX 01 FIG DISCOUNT RECORDS BOOGli l>,K ! >W>MN Ml i'll AbANT PEKING RESTAURANT tiENEWllHIL LAFAYETTE RADIO IN 1ACKSON POCK A (TOLA RECORDS IN FLINT SAGINAW JW iWi RAMON'S MSTAURANT 1G §unday at GDooleys AND V fe M K LOUNOI v - IO pg ktao B T Lover Friday 5:45-7:45-9-^5 TwiliteM5^fc45MaltsM* ‘Randy & M ichael 716 E. GRAND RIVER-LANSING The Finest in M exican C u iiin e ^^Wh^jToHr^us^odaW!^^ 1*11 CENTER ST. C O C k t a i l S c a n n r o ut fooM . . . . 4 8 9 -2 4 4 5 . ‘BRECKERj, THE steak & S E M I - SUNDAY JA N U A R Y 29 8oopm io:3nPm sy GRAPEVINE s e a fo o d 7 ^lckgts: 4.50 advance 5.oo showdate In s id e B o n n i e f j f I m T O U G H ” |> imed,rucks'C»ll FridayfcttMHM Teillli StttlS MattsM.“ AVAILABLE: DOOLEY’S ; RECORDLAND AT LANSING & MERIDIAN MALLS 2758 East Grand River 337-1701 316E.«ic Lansing hr A THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 MSffkl / E a p lo y u it Apartm b BP Fir S ill 5) _T5l r jm _ m 1TffHfSmtoS ia i/ELIN 1973,6, ftooi ARTHUR ALVARADO. Sele* MEDICAL LANSING 121 NO pets or UNFURNISHED, lower-level TECHNOLOGISTS 100 USED VACUUM clean­ NEW, USED end vintage COCKER SPANIEL AKC EXPERT TYPING by MSU insole «t«*> with H R— * * « ANDRES children. 6160 unfurnished, of 3 bedroom duplex. 692 a ers. Tank*, cennletera, and guittra, banjos, mandolins, Champion Sire, papers. 1 OLDS. Hera to Mtve you in MTIASCP) preferred. Imme­ 6220 furnished, Inane, month. 882-7061. 51-2713) grad. 17 years experience. .W lc vinyl roof. Immac- uprights. Guaranteed on full etc. Dulcimers and kits, re­ year old. Black. 6180. Even­ Near Gables, csll 337-0206. your (utomotlv* needs. Sal* diate openings; pert-time dishes. 4856479; 4859438. I Edition. 41,750. 638 year, 67.88 and up. DENNIS corders, strings, accessories, ing* 3353066.51-2713) 517-1-31(3) price* on new end ueed midnight shift. Must have 51-27(61 1 MALE roommate to there 2 Saginaw Street, East DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. books, thousands of hart-to- everyday. 8400 W. Saginaw. clinical experience In all bedroom fumiehed apart­ «no. 351-3210 evening* area*. Excellent stilting rate 316 North Cedar, opposite find albums. (All at very low CUSTOM COMMUNICA­ 627-8411.8-2-617) EAST LANSING, 1 bedroom, ment, 6 minutes walk from 0 weekends. 8-2-717) and benefit program. Contact furnished apartment. Close to campus, quiet place to study. City Market. C-151-31-17) _ ! ______________________ prices). r .' Private and group M i l l H ues TION edits walll Consult with Personnel LANSING GENER­ campus. Quiet, no pete. 332- on guitar, banjo, the Dr.; 372-4135.51-1-26(3) OTB phrautiHtiee. 332-1447. MOST LP'S prices 61.75 |lCK SPECIAL, 1988 - ^ L : ^uilt engine; AM/FM js AL HOSPITAL. 2800 Devon­ shire. Phone 372-8220. 2486.52-314) 5527(61 mandolin, ell styles. Gift cer­ MSU NEAR. 8X36 plus shed, ( 2.50 Cassettes. 6100, qual­ tificates. Expert repairs - free 61000.482-2329 evenings and ity guaranteed. Plus 45's, estimates. ELDERLY IN­ weekends. 52-3(3) UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS *500.882-7116 after 51-27(11) APARTMENT FOR sublease, COMPLETE DISSERTATION ONE ROOMMATE needed song books and more FLAT STRUMENTS, 541 East |.m. 5-2-1(41 COCKTAIL WAITRESS,- one bedroom furnished, very tar 8 bedroom duplex. Must AND RESUME SERVICE- BLACK AND CIRCULAR up­ Grand River. 332-4331. IYinG 1965 end 1988 weekend*. Apply In perton. UNIFORM SECURITY offi­ COVENTRY INN, 678-1021 cer* part dm*. Call 641-8734. close to campus, spring term. 361-1486. Z-51-3113) see to appreciate. Call 361- 6486 or 361-2194.52-3(41 stairs 841 E. Grand River. C-151-3K13) list t r—i |1q lJ typesetting, IBM typing, off­ set printing and binding. FOr etangs. any OR-12-1-3113) Open 11 a.m. 381-0838. estimate stop in at 2843 East for appointment 51-31(41 C-11-1-3117) npeits of car*. 371-2476. 1 BEDROOM, furnished, STEREO COMPONENTS - LOST-PUPPY, black with Grand River or phone 332- OWN ROOM in house close 1-1(31 FEMALE maaeeuee wanted. modem, dose, 6220 negotl- Sansui AU806 Integrated white chest, thin tail. Last 8414. Cr19-1-31-(7) BABYSITTER AND house­ to campus. On busline. 698 MANUAL TYPEWRITER, ex­ amplifier, 6100. Marantz IMP- seen at Haslett-Hagadom keeper. Professional couple- M/hour. We will train. 485 «M*. Call 332-6744.51-27(3) plus utilities. 6853(81. VELLE SUPER Sport cellent condition. 450. Call 5 speakers 690. Technics Roads. 361-9246.6-1-31(4) 3 blocks from MSU campus 2278. Z-151-31I3I 51-27(3) evenings, 8653892. LOOKING FO R A| j 396, automatic, power i,a ,3 SL23 turntable 680. Package G R E A T JO B?—get • head- Xing and brakea, 2 door, with 3 sons. Reliable car and E-51-30I3I 6220. Call evenings. 337- LOST WALLET in Spartan PART-TIME-Delivery persons ROOM IN house near cam­ itart on that first impret- 1 with black vinyl top. Cell reference* required. Prefer 1896. 3-1-27(6) Village laundrymat. Reward. needed. Good transportation pus. Prefer grad or profes­ BOOKS- VISIT Mid-Mlch- lion by having your resume wife of Student. Excellent [. 3-1-30161 salary. Call 361-4796 or 372- necessary. Good hourly rate •ta H y carpeted sional. Cell 337-1496 after 6 igens largest used bookshop. CB ANTENNA 5 element Gary, 356-9928.5-1-30(3) typeset. The Typeeuttsr phis car expense. Phone for p.m. 51-30(3) CURIOUS BOOKSHOP. 307 beams with or without coax. can make your credentials 2980 ask for Heidi. 51-31(9) • * * * best end control sir tioCg huN Z 2"+ 2 1974)4. •n appointment between 9 E. Grand River, East Lansing. 5457366.51-30(3) m s u n h m •tend out in any stack of bent condition, many *x- conditioning resumes. Looks much bet­ a.m.-12 a.m. or 4 p.m.-6:30 SEPARATE ENTRANCE - 332-0112. C-151-31ISI I (3800/best offer. 394- MECHANIC, MONDAY-Fri- • swimming pool ter than typing. Give p.m. 6857947. 52-3(81 male. Fumiehed, sheets, LX-8-1-30__________ day 4 p.m.-mldnight. Liberal • 14-hour molntononco towels. Near MSU. 332-0322. ELECTRONIC REPAIR on K.W. WANTED for moon- us a cell -we're very, commission with weekly UNIVERSITY STUDENT • p le y ground for children 51-27(31 Thl* W eek's Special stereo, T.V ., C .B ., camera, dance, phone T 6t J Sports very reasonable. 487-9295. |o VAN 1971,6 automet- guarantee. Employment ref­ WITH experience or serious • no pole guitars and amp*. AH repairs and Recreation. Z-6-1-27(3) Ktio $1009 or best offer. erences required. UNIVER­ guaranteed. WILCOX TRAD­ TYPING EXPERIENCED fast interests in public relations, ROOM IN nice 3 bedroom and reasonable. 371-4635. 3539.6-1-3013)_______ SITY STANDARD. East Lan- communications for tempo­ sell tar information 146-6600 house. Prefer non-smoking Avonti 2.5 cubic foot refrig­ ING POST. 486-4381. erator. now 6100. 0-19-1-33(6) Real Estate [ a XC-151-3K3I sing. 51-27(7) rary employment. Conduct 10-5 Tuosdoy-Friday grad or professional. Call TORINO 1973. air. 151 Saturday Me, AM/FM tape customer surveys at a grow­ 351-4812.51-27(4) This week only $50. USEO 19 inch black and OKEMOS IMMEDIATE occu­ TYPING TERM papers and i vinyl top, 49,000 miles, STIPENDS AVAILABLE ing restaurant. Hours flexible. FEMALE ROOMMATE need­ Porfoct for dorm room or white portable Zenith TV’s pancy. Maintenance free theses, I.B.M . experienced, steering. 332-4738. FOR JOS TRAINING Pay 63/hour plus mileage. K n o b H ill apartment. 650. Used portable VM ste­ ranch. Fireplace, basement, fast service. Cell 381-8923. Contact Ann Braun at (3131 ed to share townhouee. Own reos 625. Inquire at STEREO garage. 633,900. PAUL K4I MEN and WOMEN 9651212.51-27(10) Apartments room. 678/month. 3458880 SHOPPE 566 East Grand COADY, 332-3582 MUSSEL- 517-1-3113) evenings. 51-3114) So# ut for any of your house­ River, East Lansing. MAN REALITY. C-51-30I6I ||BU CLASSIC- 1876 Paid personal assistants ANN BROWN TYPING Dia- EXPERIENCED ESL teacher 2-3 MAN furnished apart­ hold naodt. C-7-2-3I6I senations — resumes - term frolet, loaded, 2 door, like with handicappors naxt needed for pert-time. Call ment available on lease until If you want it, wo have It. Service ||^ J bandout. 6759011. school year. Training Thurs­ 361-3816 after 9 p.m. or June 15, IS minutes from I n is papers. 801 Abbott Road, "LOVE CAREFULLY" Valen­ Nonh entrance 351-7221 8141 day nights spring torm. weekends. 51-2714) campus, please call 351-7212, tines. SOP each with red HIRE A professional D .J. C-51-3114) Apply to John Bankson. 731 Apartments, 731 Bur- condom, 406 without, plus for your dance or your wed­ |BU CLASSIC 1974. KEY PUNCH operator. Sec­ cham Drive. 511-1-3116) NORTHWEST ON busline. Me, power steering Quiet girt. Light cooking. 1701 South Codor SOP postage each order. ding reception. Book early. PROMPT TYPING. Twelve Program for Heedlcoppors ond shift 3942 experience MICHIGAN ZPG, Box 16231, 371-1667. 51-30(41 rakes. $2200. 694-1325 years experience. Evenings, W4M lib rary by required. Good working con­ PENN MANOR apartments. Phone 321-2670.7-2-1(31 A,7M“ Lansing, Ml, 48901 6757544. C-151-31-13) |>p.m. 3-1-27141 February 1. ditions. Apply in person 485 Spacious one or two bed­ Z-E-51-3K6) SQUINTING CAUSES wrink­ 8900.52-1(5) rooms. Storage and laundry OWN ROOM In house close SNOWMOBL1E 800TS les. Help prevent with pre­ EXPERIENCED IBM typing. [URY MONTIGO 1970. facilities, heat and water tar­ to campus. Immediately. 361- LADIES — 5 9 55. Drapes SKIS-VOLKL and ST-660 scription ground sunglasses, Dissertations, (pica-elite). nitic. power steering. AUDIO TECHNICIAN exper­ BABYSITTER WANTED. nished. Adult and family 7113. 2-1-27(3) blue-green 144 X 84, 618. 64 1 694-1325 after 5 p.m. 206cm, Nordics boots 8, OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2617 FAYANN, 4890358. ience preferred. Inquire at the Couple days/week and some units. No pets. Deposit 882- piece stainless - 412. Persian Look Nevada and Marker ■131 E. Michigan, Lansing, Ml C-151-31-13) STEREO SHOPPE, 565 East evenings. Mornings 345 2866. 51-30(71 I'M DESPERATED Have split lamb cost 680.1518. Magno- bindinge, cheap, 332-0696. C-51-2715) Grand River, East Lansing. 1620.52-1(3) town end must leave my vox stereo console 6100. 51-27(4) EXPERIENCED TYPING ser­ FANG 2 plus 2, 1977. C-7-2-3141 dreamhouse behind. Now 3359191. E-52-115) CHILD CARE in my licensed vice- dissertations, term n brown, new steei belt 1600 miles, under SECRETARY GAME ROOM personnel. NEWLY FURNISHED you can share my lovely 3 SMALL ADVENTS new, Holt home, ages 2 up. 694- papers, Cell Carolyn 332- PART-time, Young ladies preferred. Good bedroom home with two HEAD SKIS • STD. 190’s 6150 pair; Smith-Corons 3122.4-1-31(3) |ity, 4 speed. 7 year general office work 50 wpm. ofed, negotiable. Must be on work study. Ask pay, benefits, and pleasant APARTMENT beautiful women, live close to 645.00. 3454236 after 3:30 manual, 650. Call Laura 332- 5674. Elite end Pice. 11-2-3(3) working conditions. Excellent of campus, and do it for reel p.m. E-52-113) 2170. 51-27(3) FOR QUALITY stereo service THESIS TERM papers typed- 49 X51-27(8) for Maureen Room 8 Student positions for student*. FuH cheap. 680 per month, plus THE STEREO SHOPPE* 566 .506 per page. Call 4864668. ) It 1970. Four door, Services. 51-27(61 « • and part-time. Apply In per- ’ Btrcham Woods utilities, but willing to negoti­ ENCYCLOPEDIA SET - P.P. NIKKO, NA-860, 62W 4200 E. Grand River. C-151-31-13) 10-2-2(3) J snow tires, good run- eon only. CINEMA X , 1000 ate. Cell today 371-2328, or Collier - never used; excep­ speakers: Yamaha NS-670 ■condition. $450. 627- PART TIME maintenance end janitorial positions. W. Jody Road. 0R-151-3H8I ’250 3153359100. After 7 p.m., collect 313-3751079, Steve. tional buy. 6400 value for 6300, new OHM C2’t 6400, 6150. 393-1500 or 3353070, Fisher 28 stereo $100, Mar­ FREE LESSON in complexion PROFESSIONAL EDITING , care. MERLE NORMAN papers, dissertations. Minor ■X2-1-27I4I im m ediate occupancy Weekend and night positions FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. Z-5f-30(13l L. Denfieid. 52-6151 antz 7's 4139. 3556129. COSMETIC STUDIO, 361- corrections to re-write. 332- jl 1977. 3 door, limitod available. Janitorial experi­ 66/hour. No training neces­ U M 1 II X51-31I5) 5643. C-151-31-13) 6991. C-6-1-3K3) p. power steering end ence necessary. Apply Melt sary. Call 4852278. 745 durcham FEMALE- OWN room in PATIO TABLE and chair aet- , AM/FM stereo, sun Office, MERIDIAN MALL, Z-151-3113) beautiful, clean house, 1142 yellow with glass top. Like NEW AND used down hill MATURE MOTHER has im­ | W a t te ijfi pcellent condition. 351- Okemoe. 51-27(6) GRADUATE OR married stu­ Albert. 682. 351-7069. new. 680. 393-1500 or 335 skis and boots. Clearance mediate opening in my home 521151 W a n ts m dents. New East Lansing, two S-52-113) sale 65 and up. AERO REAL­ for child care. 394-5391. DEAF SIGN language tutor 6 3070, L. Denfieid. E-52-115) 52-314) bedroom apartments with TY AND DISTRIBUTING, ARTISTS, SCULPTORS, IDUTH DUSTER, 1971, -10 hours per week. Call carport, on bus route. No F ir Salt ^ ENGLISH JUMP eaddle 6200, 3359523. 51-27(5) Photographers-erotic art mil* Cv,.allant nnnrfl numraiu#mornings 482-4464.52-3(4) T 'N 0 FEMALES to Sublet wanted for sale on consign­ miles. Excellent c o n d i- * ----------------- fumiehed apartment for win- pets. Start at 4260. Cell 351-9483 or 361-9195 after 6 Western saddle $185, both k stric tiii ment. Reply to Box D-4, The |lust see to appreciate, k for Dave. W AITRESSES FULL or part- ter and spring. Close to campus. 381-2814.51-2714) p.m. 0-51-31(8) SEWING MACHINE CLEAR­ with fittings, 52-10^__________ 3558532. Animals J ' ENGLISH AS a second lan­ State News or phone 815 time. Apply in person at the ANCE SALE. All floor sam­ 947-0235. Z-51-31I7I RAINBOW RANCH 2843 FEMALE NEEDED for 4 per­ ples end demonstrators used guage, tutoring; Call 351- ONE OR TWO FEMALES son Campus Hill Apartment. during our X-mas buying WOMENS SKI boots. Lange BEDUNGTON TERRIER. 9020 between 511 a.m. or 61970, fair condition. East Grand River. 2-1-27(3) needed Spring - Summer. 682 s month, free bus service. season. Up to 50% discount. Pro size 7, 430. Raichle size Male 1M years old, un­ 351-3815 after 9:30 p.m. NANCY DREW, Hardy Boyt |r best offer. 1-861- New, beautifully fumiehed. 6%, 415.332-0249. E-52-113) claimed. Very affectionate and Oz books wanted. CUR­ W AITRESS; NIGHTS. Apply Spring. 3452072. 51-27(4) Guaranteed used machines 51-2714) >353-9372. 51-31(31 Real close to campus. 351- and good family dog, 484- IOUS BOOKS. 307 E. Grand in person. COVENTRY INN from 639.96. KEN ED­ KIRBY SWEEPER, late model 8617.3-1-3014) River, East Lansing, 332- 9474. XB-51-2513) TWO BEDROOM unfurnish­ WARDS DISTRIBUTING CO RADO BROUGHAM 6751021 for appointment. ed - close to campus. Imme­ 1115 N. Washington, 485 classic, in good condition, j TyplH Strvict & 0112. C-51-3K5) J Loaded, like new, 51-3113) SHARE FURNISHED mobile diate occupancy. 332-0111. 496,323-4013. E-51-31I3I (miles. $(300.353-8756 home. Own room, 687.80. 6448 C-151-31-110) REGISTERED QUARTER COPYGRAPH SERVICE BASKETBALL TICKETS. WRITER-SPECULATIVE pro­ 57-1-31(3) 3 evenings. Rich 381-4036 evenings. TWO PAIRS of bookshelf horse. Good trail horse. complete dissertation and Michigan, February 2 or any ject in industrial history. Re­ other game. Minimum 2, Call X51-27I3I NEAR CAMPUS.. 1 bedroom NEW TOYO quad auto 4/2 speakers RTR-EXP-8U. Stu­ Needs gentle but firm rider. resume service. Comer search completed. Publishers collect 1-315234-9192; after furnished apartment near channel cartridge stereo tape dio design-36. 4240 for both. Must sell. Some tack includ­ M.A.C. and Grand River, AWAGON 1974, ex- interested. Experienced only. NEWLY FURNISHED, im­ Brody, bus stop. Call Ceder player, 20 watts R.M .S. 686. Cell off campus, evenings ed. 6600. 332-3364. 8:90-5:30 p.m., Monday-Fri- 6 p.m. call 234-8383. :or>dition, radial tires, Phone 386-3706.2-1-27(6) mediate occupancy. BUR- 3451861. 51-27141 3553105.52-3(41 S-51-2715) day, 337-1666. C-19-1-3H6) Z53-1-30I6) Greens Apartment!, 361- 1 t tuned. 332-0679 CHAM WOODS, 746 Bur- SERVICE STATION ATTEN­ 8631. 551-31(6) Evenings 482- cham. 4260. 351-3111 12-2141 DANTS; Neat and courteous. WAGON Full or part time. 62.66/hour 551-31(3) MALE WANTED for four- man apartment. $88 a month. FISHER CONTROLS CO. IS LOOKING BEETLE ^23CB'_5-Z-D4I________ PRIVATE ROOM for 1 male. 4lv rebuilt engine, ■ /, runs great, auto- WANTED-FOOD and cock­ Winter/Spring Term*, 693/ 3455830. 51-31(31 FOR ENGINEERS WITH POTENTIAL tail waitress. Lunch hour 11 month, utilities included 3S5 TWO BEDROOM furnished pek shift, 6900. Please a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday 3757 or 3456404.52-6(4) ^ ^ 2 to 3 people. -1771 after 4 p.m. through Friday. Apply in per­ Introducing Fisher’s “individual growth” concept son. HUDDLE NORTH. 309 FEM ALE "n e e d e d ” to _ sub- — ______ North Washington, Lansing, lease spacious 1 bedroom gCASH? We buy im- apartment one block from MSU NEAR 4 bedroom un­ Next to LCC. 52-618) $ sharp late modela campus. 351-4660 after 10 furnished, $225/month 349- Dali John De OFFICE HELP • Part-time. p.m. - ask for Robin. 0394, after 5 pm. 6-1-27(3) Some companies put their own goals ahead of the career goals of _ WILLIAMS V.W Must have car. Typing-60 4-1-27(5) ttwir employees. It seems like the right idea for company growth, P or 484-2561 wpm; shorthand prefaced. AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 1- 13115) ~ ~ Upper 2 bedroom. Stove, right? Wrong. Duties-everything. For inter­ WOMAN TO sublet, own refrigerator, carpeted, dis­ view, call 482-6232. 52-2(7) room, untarnished. 695, posal, garage. $160 + depos­ At Fisher, we want you to realize your full potential. We want to help close. 3453120 or 363-0748. it and lease. Adults only. you achieve your career goals. CASHIERS WANTED. -J l* ! Weekend work. Full time 51-27(3) 372-3714. 8-1-27(6) Why? Because when you grow, we grow too. It’s that simple. openings. Must be IS . 345 FEMALE TO sublease, win- It's ideas like our "individual growth" concept and our continuing ENDURO 1973, 73* - 51-3013) 9369.52-2(3) ter/ipring, Capitol Villa. HU* ~ If f i education program that have made Fisher one of the world's leading 66626/month. 351-7189. suppliers of automatic control equipment. It is engineers with vision \€ SEX THERAPIST needs sub- ,. ..r c c r . 1Service jecteto assist in production t ™ _________________ and potential who have made Fisher one of the world's largest sant 3 bedroom house, 675/ of video tape programs for w e s t SAGINAW-LCC 3 month plus utilities. 372-1087. manufacturers of automatic control valves, regulators, control room P ® ■TIRES, ■ 13-14- . I " 5 * to Box K , badl00m gpprtment ideal for 52-3(3) and field instrumentation, and process control computers. [Mounted free Also l single working girls or etu- Fisher equipment is used worldwide in industries such as I of snow tires. DUPLEX-NORTHWEST of LCC, 3 bedroom. Basement, petroleum, natural gas, power, chemical, steel, mining, pulp and ' SALES, 1301)4 ' il c u 243 bed acute care = * > ^ ^ - ”5 5 inmstoo, U r month. Lease + deposit, call clean, freshly painted. No paper, food, heating and air conditioning, and dozens more. And we hospital has immediate full 627-9786.52-2(7) pets. 323-2857 or 487-3722 owe it all to putting our people first. f 6-151-3115) and part time, night ihift evenings. 51-2716) intensive care, coronary cars ROOMMATE NEEDED own We'll be visiting the Michigan State University on January 31st and brake positions. Salary range 6607 - room 2 person house, 476/ HOUSEMATE WANTED - looking for Seniors in: " “ "able prices for 6848 plus .668 per hour shift month plus utilities. Call Carla own room, 675/month, % iJPoned . . . differential and an excellent after 5 p.m., 482-9668. block from bus. Pets, good e Mechanicl Engineering E f ? FWG FOR-' benefit program. Contact 52-215) people. 484-7254. S-51-2713) • Chemical Engineering , .ARTS, 2605 Personnel, UN SING GEN­ ERAL HOSPITAL 2800 • Engineering Menagement s<-, One JRA C-5-)-3i(g)0 Devonshire. Phone 372-8220. e Engineering Mechanics 51-27(14) YOU NEED TO BE ACTIVE IN A e Metallurgy [ body SHOP 812 E BIBLE-BELIEVING CHURCH • Aerospace “ lines 1940. Auto AMAZE YOURSELFI Even if Check with your placement office for the time and location. Sb you’ve never told before, just wrvic* a few hours a week can bring HARRISON ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH i? n cars, you excellent earning* when 940 South H arrison f-c-15l-3i(5) you ted AVON Products. Call At Fisher, whet’s good for you is good for us 482-6883. C-51-27I6I East Lansing SUNDAY SCHOOL............................ 10 a.m. (ARS "anted. We PART-TIME positions for CHURCH............................................11 a.m. (*$m ■ **iey r«n. Also MSU student*. 1520 houre/ f t a endi evenings.........................................................7 p .m . rucka. Call week. Automobile required. FOR MORE INFORMATION 6 TRANSPORTATION CALL F ish e r C o n tro ls C om oeny, M a rsh a lltow n , Iow a I?** Phone 3359600. 14M 112. I O I PUGH, PASTOR. An equal opportunity em ployer M /F 0-151-31(4) "I Love Lucy" Waited $ ! H.OUND T o y * HffliND T?W N HUMM M T M M rm AMPUS w in outer space WE BUY Newipapera, any M SU quantity. Monday-Friday, 8 SEATTLE (AP) - In the depths of a far-off galaxy, many a.m.-S p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. TIMELY IN­ SULATION MANUFACTUR­ l K J Ij Shows 7:20-9:36 at I. SIMM evM. oommtom NORMAN BLAKE light years away, are intelligent SAT. I SUN 1:00-3:10-5:1{-7:20-9:36 ING. 916 Flllay Street, Lan­ beings tuning in to sitcoms of sing. 8-1-27(5) DANCE AND trim for young DANCE BLOCK-Badat, tap, t h e '80s? At least one Univer­ adults. Day and night classes jazz tar edulte-men, woman, sity of Washington astronomer RETIRED WOMEN would like available. Studio in Frandor. call 321-3862 tar registration. thinks it’s possible. position as homecare or Call 321-3862 for registration. Studio in Frandor. CARON'S Dr. Woodruss T. Sullivan and babysitter. Steady or tempo­ CARON’S DANCE STUDIO. DANCE STUDIO. 20-2-10(6) two colleagues have studied the rary, would be willing to 20-2-10(6) W han ha com as on leakage of signals into space travel. 333-8665. 4-1-27(41 ASMSU PREPAID Legal Ser­ scraan . You know ha's and concluded television signals vices plan, now make legal BABYSITTING WANTED by services available without foe got It. are the most likely to leak in boy 14 in Everett area. Call CHILDREN, CLASSES avail­ to undergraduate MSU stu­ the largest numbers. 882-2672.3-1-30(3) able in acrobatics, ballet, tap, dents. Office open 9 am- CBS-TV a a y i that saaing If an off-earth civilization and baton twirling. For regis­ 12 pm, 1:30 pm-6 pm, Mon- him It Ilk a teeing matched our signal-receiving QUIT SMOKING? Psycholog­ tration call CARON'S day-Friday. For information DANCE STUDIO in Frandor. Brando o r Newm an or skill, it could pick up TV signals ical study. 45 fee. Call imme­ or appointment call 356-8266. about two light years away. diately 353-8608.2-1-26(3) 321-3862.20-2-10(6) 10-1-30(9) ' Stallone fo r the firs t Assuming such a civilization tim e .” had equipment now technologi­ cally possible on earth but not CLASSIC FILM SERIES yet built, extraterrestrial be­ ings could overhear us 25 light PRESENTS years away. O nce you’ve seen him As Sullivan points out, a lot you'll n ever forget him . of comedies from the early days of TV would be arriving at that ALFRED HITCHCOCK’S range today, including “I Ix>ve Lucy,” and “Mr. Peepers”. THE LADY to m m ta m sa tv m a y VANISHES BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR WINNER N.Y.FILM CRITICS AWARDS MARGARET LOCKWOOD 'A Clockwork Orange’ It one of the MICHAEL REDGRAVE low porfOet movioo I hsvo soon In my PAUL LUKAS Friday& Saturday Rhrury3A4 Ufotkno. -Rax Read, MY. Sundty Newt DAME MAY WHITTY 8:00& 10:30pm Wonders Km, MSI) phn V •EXTRAO RD INARILY EXCITING" NativeSons Tickm: ll.NiaidnicsittbiM SDaiia.EUwb bstnerm -N E W YORK HERALD TRIBUNE ladCaaMsCttwnn. U H itthi4sw . VP i ,i ASMSU Programming Board. 111. I '- M w a— l "DEVILISHL Y CLEVER, A B R IL L IA N T M E LO D R A M A ..." —NEW YORK TIMES PRESENTS RHJ\ PRESENTS FRI. & SAT. 7:30 A 9:30 109 ANTHONY A IT S THE MOST D U B IO U S SUN. 8:00 UNION PARLORS IA SUSPENSE BIDE OF YOUR LIFE! Science Fiction . TOMMY A M I ATOM AT SMWIKS:7:15,M5 ONLY *1.25 ADM ISSION Series ammuLiMiwiiis STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF WELCOME ID s MAY BE CHECKED MMSSIR’UI OO OOfOffOfeMWAf BOfVkO of Ifck fcool f lifoW wlcow. tfidodw i ■' m M W . Silent mm lornI Running & This Island, Pop Entertainment is trying to bring a series of Major Rock Concerts to the MSU campus at affordable prices. On February E ah h 1, the Dream-Weaver, GARY WRIGHT, will touch down in the MSU Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are only *4.00 and *5.00 (in contrast to $8.50 in Detroit). and now the film ... Universal Pictures ■>* Rubcrl Sugwund The special guests for the evening will be STARCASTLE, who A NORMAN JEWISON Film A l l THREE NIGHTS Rolling Stone recently penned as the next YES. To continue pro­ gramming major concerts at economy prices, we need your "JESUS CHRIST Fri. 108B Walls Sat. Brody Sun. Conrod| support. Plenty of good seats are still available! SUPERSTAR Silant Running at 7:00 A 10:00 This liland Earth at 8:30 $ 1 .5 0 GARY WRIGHTf STARCASTLE ) ► TED NEELEY CARL ANDERSON Y\ONNE ELLIMAN BARRY DENNEN vwrnpu, k Melvyn Bragg NormanJewison J * nm •M""*ei»kOMta"JesusChrisi Superstar’ e«ah»Tim Rice Feb 1st MSU Auditorium % p * h»AndrewLloydVWbber i,r«>h>Tim Rice AlmaI a d byAlkW Pltvin ■A«mho. . . PATRICK PALMER . tkmrt h, NORMAN JEWISON rmdw^taNORMAN JEWISON ROBERT STICWOOD a u*wtwrmw, imumP t-mou [o.»—ten*T»aa*Awwamlaqaaavaaaw aanM CAnatam| |Qj 1 Tickets only $4°° end S5°° ) “ Fri. Wilson 7:3089:45 Sot. Conrad 7:308 9:45 g | an ) “ Sun. W llion 7:00 Fri. Brody 7:30 9:458 $|,50 Sat. 108B Wall* 7:30 8 9:45 w 1 First in a Series of Economy Concerts U Students Faculty and Staff Welcome ID's May Be Checked ¥ ¥ * * ■ ¥ • ¥ y y y $ * * * * * f.:Mnan state News. Eoet lam ing. Michigon Frid ay, January 27, 1978 13 nacm aN M u PROFESSOR PHUMBLE - Ck at Discount Records M 3U Union an^ Sound* 1 f t i v M f M f e t e by Bill Yates p8 Diversions foe SPONSORED BV: ■ — Gory Wright and Starcastle Fab. let *41 ‘5 <4)WJ1M-TV(C«S) (10)W llX-Ty(N»C) (H)WELM-TV(CobU) (I2)W J»T-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) n n i a t FRIDAY (10) Gilligan's Island (10) CPO Sharkey ftp. M & p E Report AFTERNOON (12) Donny S M arie' (10) Quincy 5:00 (23) Washington Week in (23) Scenes from a (6)Gunsmoke Review 1:00 Marriage ')I0) Emergency Onel 8:30 L i Yougn ond R M tlm 11:00 A fM tf (12) Rookies (10) Chico and the Man llO) For Richer. For Poorer (6-10-12) News ] | 2) All My C h ild re n (23) Mister Rogers' (23) Wall Street Week (23) Dick Cavett poAt* . i Neighborhood 8:40 13) Music 11:15 e u T T °P - 1:30 5:30 (11) In Search of Paradise After Hours with Tom L A , the World Turns (11) News 9:00 Hocking (6) Pilot j 77 (23) Electric Company 11:30 10) Doys of Our Lives 6 : 01) (10) Rockford Files (6) M*A*S*H* mi to be announced (6-10-12) News (11)MSU Hockey + CLEANERS j 2:00 (10) Johnny Carson DOWNS A K ) One Life to Live (11) To be announced (23) Dick Cavett (12) Movie (23) I, Claudius (12) Forever Fernwood PEANUTS® in i. mw nvo LAUNDRY asr imim su m s 13) Over Easy (23) ABC News J 2:30 6:30 10:00 12:00 by Schulz spo n so red b y : 332-3537 CLIANID (6-10-12) News (6) CBS News Special I ) Guiding Light _J 1 2 ^M oviei_ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ p) Doctors (23) Over Easy 7:00 WELL, I HOPE VOU'RE 6000 FOR YOU... AND J h) French Chef 3:00 (6) My Three Sons MSU SHADOWS SATISFIED, 816 BROTHER.. I HOPE YOU LEARNED A ( i SURE DIDJ ~ 1 |0 ) Another World (10) Mary Tyler Moore b y G o rd o n C a rle to n spo n so red b y = I 80U6HT THAT STUPID (12) Brady Bunch LE550N ABOUT RETURNIN6 B) General Hospitol KID A NEW RULER... MAT YOU'VE BORROWED | ) Look at Me I (11) Capital Punsihment Debate P I N B A L L P E T E 'S I 3:30 Present this really funny comic for 25* ■All In the Famity (23) Off the Record worth of free play! Nat n u fh. i sat. Night, k) Villa Alegre 7:30 I 4:00 (6) Wild, Wild World of ■New Mickey Mouse Animals (10) Family Feud lb I ) Green Acres (12) Price is Right pBonanza (23) MacNeil '/>Lehrer Report T o d a y 's S p e c ia l: I Sesame Street Enchiladas Jocaqua lOoris Day 4:30 (6) Wonder Woman 8:00 FRANK & ERNEST® MS by Bob Thaves spo n so red b v; ■AZTICO RESTAURANT 203 M .A .C . 351-9111 In t e r v ie w in g ? letter see the resume ace! FRANK end ERNEST Of c O rf5 E IT'S L your best foot forward! Bring us the basic ■formation for your resume and we'll do the rest! i a m Ex p e n s iv e lcth e problem-solvers today at: 1 l it t l e c a r , sir - - M ifc m THE ERA OF THE Abbey Press m 547 East Grand River ■ ftfi Ex p En S iv E c a r Across from Berkey Hall 1$ OVER. 332-8667 3 1-27 1/27 •*1178 asttwOiGU?U.T6 iO . Watch for our Grand Opening! lo w gas prices Plus THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS Dina In at Service by Post 310 W . Grand River AVELS WITH FARLEY. ■ M d e 'l Unto Freew ay ■fPVHB IflT W B SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 2 OR CALL 337-1639 1901 E. Or River fhil Frank Nest to Varsity Inn lP*TH 6 POPULATION SPONSORED BY: We Appreciate Your Business E x p lo s io n con tin u es , \ w ? li b e ro c k e d a s U lK W e PROBLEM AROSE TIG H T as SARW N Er/ M l (MB If] TO 6 e r A , ym carp and m cle rk p o o r m DEATH CERn- CATE m m ? - B L A a j) COUNTY [r e c o r d s j r a .^ HOWARD THE DUCK!® PILLOW TALK Soft ond FURNITURE ••xy furniture by Steve Gerber and Val Mayerik SPONSORED B Y: t.W. Mall. Frander Shopping Center 391-1757 IMBLEWEEDS* CAMPUS r m 9m a 131] Mich. A m . (noirt to Silvor Dollar Saloon) Mon. • FREE QT. O f COKE Turn.-FREE ITEM A JUM BO J E T SURGES INTO THE SMOG- CHOKED CLEVELAND SKY, BOUND FOR f w ask't a / w a r e ‘H um PH i i SHE'S R t B H T . 8EV-- ITS D & G R A C & U L ! THEY At LOWED A H U M l t IN |om K. Ryan spo n so red by r l £ £ A 337-1377 Wnd. • WHOLE WHEAT CRUST N EW Y O R K .., M COMPART- (on roquost) FT time vDu s e t pesponpekit F WR love life , I ftn p you it errs iins m m into the ap vss... GRAVEL IN YER EELLY J PUTfON J ...A H O CARRYING HOWARD THE DUCK AND BEVERLY S w rr zL E R . r SW W R MAYMiK Hair Styling for Men and Women SA M and SILO ® SPONSORED BY: Cell for appointment today pk l l U M I t l fOSSWORD 0 (2 3 0 0 0 0 (2 ! 0 0 0 by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker 201 M A C Bolaw ones Stationary 0 0 0 01100 nan Now open Saturdays mzziE 23. listen 00000000 se a a n a O 0O SPONSORED BY: 24. Siamesecoin a00oaia aaaaa 26. Desire 0 D 0 0 0 (3 0 0 27. Samovar 0 I1 O 0 I3 0 (3 (3 pet plant 28. Gun P 8 ofmaples 29. Implements 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 Rflalfish 31 Treasury 010 000 sian 32. Viceroy □ 0 0 0 (3 0 0 1 0 0 1 fvenlion 33. Palmleaf 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I3 1 Q note 34 Habitat plant n a a a n sa ® E 3i Nwofk form 35 Advance 39. Former Againsttbemist DOWN ZK3