i£j JUM PER IB M ONDAY. JANUARY 30, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 ■ lif t ■ iii S E R l V n u ji Seafarer endorsed; T O location uncertain By STATE N EW S and and also to assuage th e ir concerns about ers, the Navy offered a modified proposal L’nited P ress International possible effects of th e radio waves th a t are for 120 miles of underground cable connect- W hite House officials are denying th a t generated." P resident C arter w ants the controversial Defense S ecretary Harold Brown has S eafarer subm arine communications sys­ “I've been reminding him made his recom m endations, but th e final tem built in M ichigan's U pper Peninsula. decision is up to C arter. ( Carter) that he has made a P ress aides said C arter endorsed the The N avy's original S eafarer plan called commitment that it is not going project to a group of visiting editors on for 2.400 miles of underground cables to be to be built in Michigan if the Friday, but added th at the president buried in th e U pper Peninsula, a proposal people there don't want it . " — “stressed no p articular locality.” which raised w idespread concern about C arter did, how ever, re fer to “those two Gov. William G. Milliken health hazards from the extrem e low- states" in discussing Project Seafarer. frequency signals. ed to an existing above-ground te st station A fter opposition from Milliken and o th ­ at Clam Lake, Wis. "W e are co n cern ed . . . a b o u t th e reaction o f p eo p le . . . as fa r as e n v ir o n m e n ta l q u e s tio n s are concerned, an d also to a ssu a g e th e ir concerns a b o u t p o ssib le e ffe c ts o f th e radio w a v e s th a t Knifing suspect State News Robert Kozloff are g e n e r a te d .” - P re s id e n t lemberi of several fra tern ities band to g eth er Friday to reopen th e A b b o tt Road fire station after m ountains of snow w ere dum ped, plow ed and blow n a cross the entrances during the blizzard. C a rter Michigan and W isconsin a re th e tw o states held by police em phasized in plans for th e underground SIX M A Y BE AFFECTED BY R A D IA TIO N com munications grid. By MARK FABIAN D uring his 1976 campaign for office, S tate N ew s S taff W riter itellite crash spurs evacuation C arter prom ised. “If I am elected, P roject A suspect is being held by D epartm ent of Public Safetv officials in connection with th ree S eafarer will not be built in th e U pper area knife assaults tw o w eeks ago. Peninsula against th e w ishes of th e citi­ zens." A 17-year-old male was arreste d early W ednesday morning for carrying a concealed BnTON, Alberta (AP) - F our capital of Yellowknife accompanied by D r. R eports of his endorsem ent of th e project 7m am n n p « , Was SJeeping in 3 U niversit.v Villa?e laundry room, M ajor Adam normal radioactive reading n ear F o rt drew criticism from Gov. William G. iu ta u t. D PS police com m ander, said. Ids and two Canadians w ere evacu- S.W . C avender, a nuclear medicine special­ jday from the Baker Lake region of R eliance in th e N orthw est T e rrito ries as Milliken, w ho said, "I’ve been rem inding ist from Las Vegas, Nev. being from a piece of th e satellite. v ir H L S^ e l Wau !f7uying n knife and aPPeared 10 fit description of the man two I Northwest T erritories a fte r an The black, man-made object thought to him th a t he has m ade a com m itm ent th a t it victim s said attacked them , Z u tau t said. A n o th er ex p ert, Dr. Rich W agner of th e is not going to be built in Michigan if th e believed to be from a Soviet be from th e satellite was found S aturday lowered staellite w as found n ea r­ U niversity of California's Law rence L iver­ people th e re don’t w ant it." t hJ li2 b ° Uth r “S a,rra!g " ed on a concealed weapon charge W ednesdav and is being held in about 450 miles n o rth east of Edm onton, m ore Laboratory, said th e d ebris w as pry officials said. officials said. The sy stem is designed to sk irt enemy a ttem p ted knifings5! °" b° n d ' Th« with no enemV Columbia Penitentiary agreed Sunday to an Mounted Police spokesperson Bruce le tte r from W h ite H ouse Coun­ sel R o b ert L ip sh u tz to Coleman nections release two of them in exchange for food Northrop told reporters, who clustered outside the prison gates along w ith outlining poten tial conflict of “We realize that someel Attendant foils hijacking and drugs, authorities said. A 13th hostage, Lauri England, a heavily-armed guards in 30-degree in te re st restrictio n s on Cole­ Colemans clients hJl pregnant woman who had been visiting weather. man. revealed, but othen,.! her husband, was released late Satur­ Am ong th e clients Coleman fated, have not been,'?, personally rep re se n te d w ere tetter said. ''There!*.;, day. He said prison officials had agreed to W ILM INGTON, N .C . (AP) - An airline C uba, w as w restle d to th e g round by th e crew Com m onw ealth P etro leu m and half of myself and p J I The prisoners claimed to be armed provide each inmate 100 milligram s of flight a tte n d a n t w ho th re w a w hiskey sour in a a f te r th e plane had passed W ilm ington and H ouston N atu ral G as Corp. sen, would you urgeS T with a pistol and two grenades, but Demerol, a painkiller. hijacker's face, enab lin g o th e r crew m em bers w as headed so u th . Once he w as subdued, th e O th er m ajo r clien ts of th e dent not to consifef to o v erp o w er him , said Sunday, “It w asn’t plane tu rn e d back and landed at W ilm ington, H ouston firm w e re Occidental Coleman for the courageous. I w as ju s t scared and I w anted to w h ere FB I ag e n ts and local au th o rities seized P etro leu m , T exas E a stern general counsel poem. end th e e n tire incident. th e m an. T ransm ission Corp., Q uintana DOE until he brealubJ “You ju s t h ave to do w h at you do in tim es of The FBI said Sunday th a t Sam D aw kins P etro leu m , th e Comm onwealth silence about thw J em erg en cy ,” said S tev e A ddona, a 5-foot-6 J r ., 49, w as a rre s te d on a federal hijacking of P u e rto Rico, A m erican clients with whom t . i inch, 120-pound flight atte n d a n t for Piedm ont ch arg e and w as being held a t th e New G eneral In su ran ce' Companies, have conflicts of intempl A viation of his action aboard F light 964 H anover C ounty jail pending an arraig n m en t. Royal G lobe In su ran ce Co., S atu rd a y night. “Nobody w anted to come out In an interview, rS A u th o rities d escribed D aw kins as a d rifte r, T ra v eler’s In su ran ce, F irs t said the names of thes i a h ero .” whose last ad d ress w as a W ilm ington tra ile r M ortage Co. of T ex as an d F irs t have been supplied J Ten p assen g ers and a crew of four w ere p ark . City B ancorporation of Texas. ~ Senate Energy CmrtJ ab o ard th e flig h t, which had originated in Cincinnati and w as destin ed a fte r a series of T he d ram a b egan a s th e p ro p je t landed a t G reen w ro te to Lipshutz he assumed that theij K inston, N .C . T h e re a m an w ho A ddona said asking th a t C a rte r n o t send been made public. HeX stops to te rm in a te in W ilmington. w as ab o u t 5-foot-8 inches tall and w eighed 170 Colem an's ap p o in tm en t back to was surprised that fol S tunned by th e d rin k , th e hijacker, who pounds w alked into th e cockpit and dem anded th e S en ate for confirm ation group was making u j said he had a gun and w anted to go to H avana. to be ta k en to H avana. until h e releases th e nam es of the list. r Com m ittee opens h earin gs for FBI chief Th« Slot* News es published by the students of Michigon Stote University every class WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate Webster was Carter's second choice for doy during Fall W inter ond Spring school terms Monday Wednesday ond Fridays during Summer term ond o special Welcome Week edition is published m September Subscription rote is $20 per year Good Luck on Mldtermsl Judiciary Committee opens hearings Second class postage paid a t East loosing Mich Editorial and business offices a t 345 from the job. The first, U.S. District Judge i student Services Bldg Michigan State University East Lonsmg Mich 48824 Post Office today on President Carter's nomination of W illiam H. Webster to head the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Frank Johnson of Montgomery, A la., turned down the nomination because of publication number is 520260 Postmaster Please send form 35 9 to Stote News 345 Student Services Building in care o f MSU Messenger Service. East lansmg Mich 48823 G uys i ill health. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER The nomination of Webster, now a The Senate could begin debate late this ROSERT I. BULLARD. SALES MANAGER judge of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, week on what may be the most emotional PHONES N eses/Editorial........ i has prompted no open opposition in the issue to face Congress this year. . 355-1152 Senate. He is expected to be cleared by Classified A d s ....... Oispley Advertising . 355 1255 Wet stylin g & The Senate Foreign Relations Commit­ . 353-4400 Business O ff ic e ........ the committee a fter a three-day hearing tee plans to complete w ork today on the Photographic ............. 355-3447 B low dryin g i 35S-83H and then by the Senate. Panama Canal treaties, sending them to Webster, S3, 0 Republican whose the floor for what is expected to be a 00 courtroom reputation has been one of even-handedness, would succeed Clar­ ence M. Kelley as FBI director. lengthy fight. There actually ore two treaties, but they are considered indi­ visible. Time for i o Repairs? ! Friday and Saturday till 6 p.m. Coal contract talks collapse We specialize in the WASHINGTON (AP) - Contract talks statement saying that talks had "re ­ Big Three From Across the Sea I Call 332-2416 for appt, or Walk Ii| in the increasingly bitte r 54-day coal cessed indefinitely." Datsun Volkswagon Toyota located above Sam's Clothing, Stairw ell near Crossroads Importi strike collapsed again Sunday after the The strike by 160,000 UMW members United Mine Workers union rejected the industry's latest settlement proposal. already was close to the longest w alkout in the history o f the union's relationship The Beetle Shop Delicate efforts to put together a w ith the coal operators association. The 1400 E. CAVANAUGH Ph. 393-1590 settlement fell apart when union and longest previous strike was in 1946, and management negotiators were unable to lasted 59 days. narrow their differences over wages and other economic issues. In its statement, the industry said it e A spokesperson for the Bituminous offered the union a contract "substantial­ e Coal Operators Association, the indus­ try's major bargaining group, issued a ly better than settlements reached in any major industry in A m erica." LOCATION e e CHANGE? e Consum er agency hurt by criticism e Tired of Michigan's long winters? Relocate e to California or Florida w ith the U.S. Navy e WASHINGTON (AP) — The embattled addressing these criticisms for almost chairperson of the Consumer Product Nurse Corps. Senior B .S .N . students are tw o years and wherever justified we e Safety Commission says his agency is have made changes because of them ." eligible to apply. e being hurt by criticism of him but that he The commission is responsible for e has no intention of resigning. "protecting the public from unreasonable For further information Call Collect (313) Chairperson S. John Byington respond­ e risks of injury associated w ith consumer 226-7795/7845. ed in an interview to the criticisms that products." e e began even before he was confirmed to The most recent criticism was a Civil e his post almost two years ago. Service Commission report on Byington's "Unfortunately, damage is done to the personnel practices that alleged favo ri­ overall agency because of efforts to be tism, promotion of unqualified persons critical of me, he said. "We have been and other abuses. Let me assist you in the purchase of your next new or used car, truck or van. C IA adm its docum ent error Th# new 1971 Chevrolet* have arrived. Come down and lot m# personally show you this beautiful now lino of Chavro- lo ft which Include the WASHINGTON (UPI) - A secret 1974 them to National Public Radio, which in Chevette, Nova, Comoro, BURGER SMEW CIA intelligence estimate that Israel turn made them available to UPI last Z-21, M allbu, Monte Carlo, Im­ already had nuclear weapons was Thursday. pale, Caprice ond Th# Now released by mistake, redfaced CIA Corvette. CIA spokesperson Herbert Hetu said officials acknowledged Saturday. the agency was still trying to discover See or call me at The CIA document, titled "Prospects for Future Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,” was in a moss of papers released by the Energy Department how the document escaped. "It was a mistaken release under the FOIA process . . . we don't know how it happened," he said. "Since some of the information in Bud Kouts Chevrolet 2801 E. Michigan 489-6533 6 BARHOPPERS under a Freedom of Information Act suit the document should have remained ■ r i —- Two Blocki West of Frandor O ur new special is BURGER & S c o t t R. S m ith filed by the Natural Resources Defense classified, we w ill have no further B R E W & B A R H O P P E R S . B eginning at Council. The environmental group gave comment." r DELIVERY AVAILABLE O 5 :0 0 p.m . on M o n d a ys y o u 'll lie able to e n jo y one o f o u r d e lic io u s quarter- Study reports on Soviet air force NO CHECKS ACCEPTED-_____ I pound burgers and ,i c o ld d ra ft beer fo r o n ly $ 1 .0 0 all n ig h t! B eginn ing a! 9 :0 0 p.m . the lo w cove r o f o n ly 50 (J WASHINGTON (AP) — Russia's devel­ first tim e to fight a modern non-nuclear i I w ill get yo u in to the A lle -E y Iree too! So on M o n d a y nigh ts s lo p on o u t to opment of on air force capable of devastating attack into western Europe suggests it may "no longer plan for way, would not be compelled to immedi­ ately escalate to nuclear w ar," it added. i F R E E ! I the BREW R a in b o w & R anch BARHOPPERS, lo r B U R G E R & and then inevitable rapid escalation to nuclear weapons," according to a Brookings W hile the study said Russia remains prepared fo r eventual use of nuclear weapons, it may choose instead to send Buy any M edium At th e regu lar p r ic e \ I h o p on over to the A lle y -E y fo r free ad m ission every M onday, fro m the Institution study. G et Id e n tic a l PIZZA i large-scale a ir strikes to destroy North R a in b o w R anch and the A lle y-E y The study released Sunday said that Soviet tactical a ir forces built in the early 1960s for a short nuclear w ar have been Atlantic Alliance air bases and nuclear storage depots. FREE ! modernized w ith a wide variety of This, it said, might deprive NATO o f its nuclear response option and assure that Little Caesars Pizza I advanced planes and weapons. Soviet ground forces could move into 1203 1 , e d . R iver I "And today the Russians, armed for the NATO territory. I H - Must hove coupon O Coupon oip lro s 2-1-71 3 3 7 -1 6 3 1 ■ 4 0 # ■ I M * One coupon par ord- ■ ■ I I sraelis asked to probe Esmail case belonging to an outlaw ed P ales­ Policy talks resum e L JEANNE BARON th e Israeli officer in charge th a t tinian te rro ris t group. see him. treatm en t. ite New. SU fl W riter th e em bassy would p ro te st any Academic Council will resum e discussion on new academic n S D epartm ent of “A fter personally investiga­ Perm ission to see Esm ail w as p artly took place in th e United unreasonable interrogation. The conflicting re p o rts from policies for MSU rem edial courses a t 3:15 p.m . Tuesday in the , has asked the Israeli tin g th e accusation (of abuse)," p a n t e d Dec. 25, h e said, “and th e S tate D ep artm en t have S tates in expression of freedom • T he em bassy again talked In ternational C enter Con Con Room. rnment to investigate the C arr said in th e statem e n t, “I as of J a n . 25 U .S. consular o f speech," m athem atics pro­ w ith th e official in charge after prom pted Abdeen Ja b a ra , legal T h e :rem edial course docum ent, which outlines five general ■Lent of Sami Esmail, U.S. can re p o rt th e following, som e officials h ave visited Esm ail fessor and com m ittee coordina­ receiving com plaints o f mis­ adviser for Esmail’s defense categories of rem edial developm ental-preparatory courses, was L b Carr, D-East U n sin g , of which has not previously five tim es." to r John M asterson said. tre a tm e n t from Esmail’s law­ com m ittee, to ask for an invest­ first p resented to Academic Council at its Jan u ary 17 meeting. rhursday. been m ade public." The em bassy did. n ot notify igation of th e d ep artm en t’s y e r and brother. The only portion of the The policy was prepared by th e U niversity Committee on press release C arr sa.d C arr listed in his findings E sm ail's family of his deten tio n handling of Esm ail's case. • S ta te D ep artm en t officials charges ag ain st Esmail not Academic Policy. I have been charges th a t th a t: because it is stan d a rd proce­ According to inform ation r e ­ have discussed th e m a tte r in dealing w ith his activities in the il was mentally and physi- • T h e A m erican em bassy in d u re n o t to unless th e detained leased by Daniel K yram , consul d etail w ith Esm ail's family and U nited S ta te s is a trip Israeli abused while under deten- Tel Aviv and th e S ta te D ep art­ person req u ests it, A rn e tt said. general from th e Israeli em bas­ friends in th e U nited S tates. authorities say he made to m ent have been following Es- H e said Esm ail did not req u est sy in Chicago, only one portion J iT a 23-year-old MSU mail’s case closely since his • The d ep artm en t concluded th e re w as sufficient reason to his a r r e s t to be m ade known of th e charges against Esm ail Libya to p articip ate in a tra in ­ ing program for terro rists. State News Newsline ate student in electrical leering and systems scl- a rrest. • A fter first receiving infor­ ask th e U.S. em bassy to re-- q u est th e Israel governm ent to until Dec. 25. H owever, S arah H orsey, a did not tak e place in th e U nited S tates. In addition, he said, th e 353-3382 | was arrested Dec. 21 at m ation th a t th e re m ay have S ta te D ep artm en t inform ation investigate and provide conclu­ F B I m aintained a file on E s­ lurion airport's passport been rough handling o f Esm ail, officer, told th e S ta te N ew s mail. sions on Esm ail’s tre atm en t. J a n . 17 th e em bassy w as n ot * 1 He has been accused of th e S ta te D epartm ent w arned K en t C artw right, a C a rr aide W hen asked how th e Israeli notified o f Esm ail’s a r r e s t until in E a st Lansing, said C a rr has governm ent’s conclusion could Dec. 23, w hen th e y im m ediate­ been in touch with th e FB I and IA fund rules be accepted as accurate if ly contacted his family. m istreatm en t already took is try in g to gain access to th e A n o th er conflicting re p o rt file on Esmail. place, Mike A rn ett, C arr’s aide from th e S ta te D ep artm en t In a steerin g com m ittee in W ashington, said th e S tate concerns Esm ail’s tre atm en t. m eeting last W ednesday, m em ­ \K'd by board D epartm en t has been following S ta te >D ep artm en t spokesper­ th e case closely. b ers of th e National Com m ittee sons told th e S ta te N ew s on for th e D efense of th e Human The S ta te D epartm ent several occasions th a t Esm ail would be able to determ in e th e R ights of Sami Esm ail dis­ w as n ot m istreated and had cussed w hether th e com m ittee By KY OWEN veracity of th e Israeli govern­ pay for course credits for th e signed a statem e n t to th a t should focus some of its a tte n ­ Aws calling for 15 percent m ent’s assessm ent," he said. effect. p resid en t and vice-president tion on Esm ail's legal activities ■Residence Halls Associa- A rn e tt also said th e em bassy w ere brought before th e board, H owever, th e d ep a rtm en t in th e United S tates. lovie fund to be set aside w as notified w ithin hours of has since adm itted Esm ail w as but w ere inconsistent w ith th e "W e m ight w an t to discuss Kernative campus movie motion passed a t th e last m eet­ Esm ail’s a r r e s t th a t authorities m ishandled and one official said had detained him, an d em bassy how it is possible for a govern­ were approved a t ing. th e statem e n t he signed w as in officials im m ediately asked to m ent to arrest, tr y and possibly ■sday night s board meet- relation to to rtu re , n ot m is­ convict a person for actions th a t (ular student organiza- nay apply for the funds I the second week of | term, and allocations ! doled out during th e leek of the term, alternative fund was the ring sale. I when other campus roups opposed th e $3 $ 6 4 .9 5 lax. Originally, the pro- I for 10 percent of i l tax to go to alternative RHA movie board save up to $19.°° Ison Heidi Bruce said Ire was increased to 15 ■in case RHA sells more lasses than anticipated, PROUD! ■in the event that few er [passes are sold, the NOW TAKING orders fo r personalized 5 days only! film fund may be Jj to five percent of th e graduatio n announcem ents. lut revenues collected. I representative George Cap and gown reservations ested th a t th e now accepted. lax guidelines be made Iws so if the program is FOR MORE INFORMATION 355-3498 then at least 10 ■of the tax money could he alternate film fund. I must be renewed fall THE UNION STORE IN THE UNION, OF COURSE the bylaws approved I call for up to 15 of the funds to be s e t I ★" ABBOTT ROAD HAIRCUTTERS or the film fund, no i amount was estab- because no one knows I1the movie tax program Successful. ■er action: I Suite 201, East Lansing Slate Ba nk Building, on Abbott I board also discussed a Relations plan presented pcks ago designed to I H a ir s ty lin g fo r M e n & W o m e n Jporc . *nts svare oi I d its function. 1 Denison, Case Hall 1 IT f > t * t v l i r ' r & B lo tn lrv in i; as lo w as Ptative, presented a have only a skating $ 6 a ° ° nd not a talent show or xchange as originally sd. lotion was amended to final form and then Call 332-4314 o tabled was a motion for appt. I *d by radio board rep- ive Rob David to have school students and make "house calls" in or walk-in mitories, since many 'W JJ° ar* sick cannot to Olin Health Center, udehnes for the plan to (BASIC OUTLINES ■C0BBOSSEE FOR BOVS ■ BEAUTIFUL MAINE Your Private Tutor fc tS .T 00at'onsind Oene ■ weedcounselors with ei Men’s traditional Siladium® rings and selected women's fashion rings SUMMARIES OF READINGS 'Ot'owmfl Swim- Canoemn Water are an unusual buy at $64.95 If you want really outstanding savings, |AND IMPORTANT CONCEPTS I to! '" " " Y Rrtelry now is the time to buy your college ring. FOR SELECTED COURSES I t r ! m:po" 5 Fmciri« Kj f * Wooflwor.ing E L'CDin0 holography B , r J i ni *tn0l,sf,l Call or ■ nru^ application Act ■ openings fin guicaiyi IMatli: 108, 109, 111, 112,113. R E P R E S E N T A T IV E r ?fFICE Oepl, 13 >■ ™71KR71RVED h a s a l a r g e c o lle c tio n o f rin g s . SOC: 201,202,203,211,212,213. NatScl &Hum:All threeterms. Ask to see them. p*i*L Client: 130,131,141. '!!!, lSAT* GREl R epresentative Jim Durham J-M T -S II [Physics: 237,238,233,287, * 1 1 ,1 , Dates: January 30-31 -Feb. 1,2,3 Place: MSU Bookstore ffW*FLEX*VQE 10:00-4:00 288,289. * K 2 w «o* D e p o sit re q u ire d . A sk a b o u t M a s te r C h a r g e o r V isa. * HO.H All Basic College Waiver Notes N ow Gibsons Book Store t e fa " * * * * - | [Available At College Book Store Student Book Store Sami Esmail: let passions cool, RUUS give justice a reasonable chance 1 X u \_ v some violent or otherwise unlaw­ does not, on balance, warrant his Who or what is Sami Esmail? ful action is committed on behalf of freedom. And what is the fairest, most th at organization. Things are. Again, things are different in equitable way to dispose his case? These questions are trouble­ understandably, much different in th e United S tates. Physical abuse some ones, and the controversy Israel. Israel is beset by enemies, of a suspect, (although it does surrounding Esmail is strew n with and terro rist organizations such as occur), no m atter how m oderate or rhetorical and theoretical land­ the PLFP and the PLO are subtle, is not tolerated if brought mines that make a dispassionate pledged to Israel’s destruction. to the attention of responsible analysis of his situation difficult, if Countless innocent persons, Is­ officials, and would be grounds for raeli and otherwise, have been dismassal of charges. I t would be not impossible. Fact: Esmail was arrested upon killed by Arab terrorists. refreshing if th e sam e standards his arrival in Israel on Dec. 21. Esmail is not accused of having existed everyw here. R egrettably, Fact: He had gone to Israel to see participated in, or even having they do not. his dying father, and was allowed acquiesced to, acts of violence and to attend his father’s funeral. Fact: subversion against the S tate of But again, Israel’s legal system Israeli officials waited two days to Israel. That is quite beside th e — however flawed — should be inform the U.S. Embassy that point. Israel is, by W estern respected for w hat it is and w hat it Esmail was in custody. Fact: After standards, a democracy. Certainly has been established to do. J e ru ­ salem’s overall civic philosophy LLWRWRENlV rweolNST&WVKRSIhANTIKr- a lengthy delay, Esmail has been it subscribes more nearly to the indicted on two counts — belong­ ideals of W estern-style democracy and global vision — however INS T&TURN NtU IMTO dee CALIFANO!' ing to an outlawed terrorist than any of its Arab neighbors. misguided and rigid a t tim es — organization called the Popular should be respected in th e context Front for the Liberation of Pales­ One may disagree with any law of Israel’s position in th e world. tine and having contact with two prohibiting membership in any group, but one must respect From Israel’s standpoint, what foreign agents. Israel’s motivation in having such benefit would there be in releasing A fter that, facts blur into a regulation as a m atter of Esmail — who, if in fact a member opinion; logic dissolves into emo­ enlightened self-interest. Israel’s of the PFLP, might go on to N u clea r p ow er ca lled mussen re p o rt does n o t deal w ith th e O ffer best problem s of w aste disposal and low-level tion. Even the discourse on the legal system is rooted in English commit an act of violence against radiation. I th in k if th e a u th o r re a d m ore, In reg ard to the article “QJ State News Opinion Page has jurisprudence, and Esmail has innocent people — merely because in efficien t, d a n g ero u s he m ight find th a t en erg y "ex p e rts" have Classes U nder New Scrutiny" i | tended to degenerate into snide been promised a fair, speedy and several prison officials roughed widely d iv e rg en t opinions as to the Tuesday's edition, I wish to shn name-calling and hot-tempered open trial. All of us will be him up? This le tte r is a reply to th e le tte r effectiveness of o u r p resen t technology in feelings tow ards “valueless" S argum ents about who is anti- dealing w ith th e se problem. which one learns little watching closely to see th at this is published la st W ednesday en titled "N uclear Perhaps it is tru e th a t Israel atten d ed th e University of Bril Semitic and who is not. done. Pow er N eeded." The a u th o r’s arg u m en t L astly, th e au th o r's point ab o u t nuclear reste d on th r e e item s which he obviously w h ere th e Ilene Ianiello court c u | should allow a represen tativ e of plants g en e ra tin g en erg y which is 40 believes to b e "facts." U n fo rtu n ately , th e nated . This court case was buetl Much of this is understandable. the International Red Cross to percent ch eap er th an th a t of fossil fuel course w here Ms. Ianiello learnedX issue is not th a t simple. Esmail, by all accounts, was a In addition to everything else, visit Esmail. However, under the The E nviro n m en tal P ro tectio n Agency plants w as, qu ite frankly, off th e wall. I w ork an opaque projector and a f n | popular and outgoing student. He articles of the Geneva Convention, know of sev eral cases w h ere r a te s have the Esmail case has raised the and sp okespersons for th e nuclear in d u stry insignificant operations. Thirteen oil had cultivated many friends specter of human rights violations. a nation is required to do this only have estim ated c u rre n t "norm al" pow er gone up considerably a fte r th e sw itch to stu d e n ts in th e class received As- f nuclear; p erh ap s th e au th o r can give us S tu d en ts should not be allowedfl among MSU's faculty and student The U.S. State D epartm ent has in tim es of war. Esmail is not a plant rad iatio n levels to be below th e “safe some exam ples of r a te drops. T h e re a re tw o mark. H ow ever, D r. Jo h n Gofman, profes­ th e ir schools for these wasteful if. community. Of course, th at fact in investigated the m atter and denies prisoner of w ar. Would th e United m ajor factors which account for th e se rate T he co u rts are already jammcdl sor of Medical P hysics a t B erkeley, has itself does not mean Esmail is th at Esmail was tortu red , but States, upon request, throw wide increases; ex trem ely high construction com plaints. The problem course shT pointed o u t th a t in a “fully developed innocent of the charges against admits th at he was treated in a its prison doors to allow Red Cross nuclear society," th e norm al dose p er costs and generally inefficient operation. bro u g h t to th e attnetion of the chii| him. rough manner. representatives access to ag­ person would be well above “safe” levels. I don't feel th a t nuclear pow er alone is o r dean of th e department. Tlitx| P erh ap s th e a u th o r is also u n aw are of th e persons should not tolerate "vilT Moreover, Esmail’s detention grieved inmates? We think not. th e an sw er to our en e rg y problem s. courses, for they represent a 1 By most independent accounts, high incidence of "m inor" nuclear accidents (Incidentally, n eith er do th e insurance has thrust his name into the (tw o ex am p les which com e to mind are stu d en t’s tim e and money. Israel’s record on human rights is a Each case, of course, has its own com panies). H ow ever, 1 hope you continue T he U n iv efiity of Bridgeport ill crucible of Mideast and big-power unique set of circumstances. In an H anford. W ashington an d Shippingport. to b e concerned ab o u t th is issue. P lease good one. If it can be conclusively school, b u t th e publicity of this cc politics. All in all, it is the stuff of effort to dampen controversy and P ennsylvania) which have released far read all you can. and if you think you have a shown that Esmail was tortured, g re a te r than "norm al” doses of radio­ has h u rt its reputation. School which controversy is made. reply to th e qu estio n s I raised , please let me dismissal of charges against him to show its good faith, Israel might activity into th e environm ent. see it. W e need to g et som e of th e se “facts" enrollm ent through a good reputd each school’s administration shoulil In the United States, allegiance should be advocated as a matter of be well-advised to perm it Esmail The R a s s m u s se n re p o rt may be r e ­ aired out. assu rin g to th o se w ho believe th a t death to have th e b est offering of classes^ to a terrorist organization is not a principle. If it turns out that he contact with an independent, dis­ Robert A.Si from core m elt dow ns is th e m ajor d anger D ave Roitm an crime in the strict sense, unless was handled roughly, that in itself interested party for an exam ina­ of nuclear technology. H ow ever, th e R ass­ 35 B aker Hall 421 Westfl tion and interview. Certainly any guards found guilty of abusing The Great Whiteout Esmail should be severely rep ri­ manded and denied further con­ tact with him. MICHAEL CRO FOO T It was more than a blizzard. It survivors hauling supplies in a Israel’s long delay in formally was a Whiteout. ruined city. charging Esmail is disturbing and Caught in the middle of an Antarctic ice storm, someone once The road crews, police, fire fighters, hospital w orkers and still needs clarification. The pres­ sure brought to bear on Israel by Looking ‘Beyond the C risij said the experience was “like being other public servants who battled Esmail’s supporters has been trapped inside a ping pong ball.” the snow and helped restore E ast worthwhile in th a t it has com­ On Thursday, Friday, and even Lansing and MSU to a semblance pelled Israel to be more forthcom­ W an t to join an in tern atio n al study The sixth Club of Rome book, whidfl Saturday, people all over mid- of normality deserve the highest ing on details of the case. That group? R ead Beyond The Crisis, ed ited by in th e making, is entitled Report IT Michigan could identify with that praise. Congratulations are also pressure should continue. N orm an Birnbaum , which w as published in S ta te Of The Planet. I wonder feeling. due to the Lecture Concert Series 1977 by th e O xford U niversity P re ss. I t is a about. All I know is that they h i and the cast of “My F air Lady,” As to the original question of som e outrageously important thinpi w hale of a book. The Great Whiteout of '78 which put on a superb perform ­ this editorial: Who or what is Sami . W hen I firs t g o t wind of B irnbaum 's P erh ap s th e most notable crisil struck silently, deviously, in the ance, for free, to a packed house Esmail? No one can say with w ork, I called a professor w ho w as up on published since Limits To GwnT th is s o rt of th in g an d said, “L isten , I've ou r planet’s “lim its to grow th" before th e dead of night while everyone slept. Thursday night. certainty. And w hat is the fairest, Willis H arm an’s Incomplete Guide! been read in g th e crisis books lately like th e middle of th e 21st cen tu ry if w e d id n o t On Thursday morning, E ast Lan­ It was a strange and exhiler- most equitable way to dispose his F u tu re. Once an associate of j C lub of R om e series, H erm an K ahn’s The change o u r ways. H uxley’s and an experimenter 1 sing awoke to find itself buried. ating experience. The G reat case? T hat is for Israel to decide, N ex t 200 Y ears, and Willis H arm an ’s T he second Club of Rome book, M ankind psychedelic alternative realities. >1 Perhaps we had all become charac­ Whiteout of '78 transform ed re ­ and for the re st of us to closely Incom plete G uide To T he F u tu re . Now, A t T he Turning Point, moved closer to a d irecto r of the prestigious Mi®! ters in a K urt Vonnegut novel — ality into a cartoon th a t will not monitor. For now, let passions cool th e se w e re in stru c tiv e books, b u t Beyond sy nthesis as it showed th a t worldw ide search In stitu te’s Social W f th e C risis is positively enlightening. I t cooperation as opposed to com petition m u st Ice Nine, so cool to the touch and £oon be forgotten. and let justice go forward. H arm an w rote in his guide. . ■ _ seem s like a qu alitativ ely differen t book. Js be th e o rd er of th e day if w e a re to have a yet deadly enough to spray East un d erstan d th e historical forces P I it?” I asked. He agreed. quality future. Lansing into paralysis. to be bringing about a profound twj Beyond th e C risis is th e product of th re e The th ird in th e series, R eshaping The tion of industrialized society. **'1 y e a rs of discussion betw een six leading International O rd er, attem p ted an analysis For the first time in history classes were cancelled for two Koch’s bold directive sociologists from W est G erm any, F rance, th e U n ited S ta te s and Y ugoslavia. This "of th e principles and th e m easu res th a t m ust be adopted if a m ore ju s t and equitable w orld society is to be evolved." b e tte r able to deal with theffl.Il»J| a re there. a transformation beyond our power to stop, ifI consecutive days. Parties broke book picks u p w here th e “doom sday th e re and we understand them. I p ro p h ets” left off and it goes much, much The fourth, Beyond The Age O f W aste, out spontaneously all across cam­ In an era when gays are Koch is so encouraging. fu rth e r th an m o st people have e v e r th o u g h t showed th e options open to an ethical be able to move with them w pus. The local stores th at re ­ becoming increasingly assertive in th a t th e transformation become On his first working day as of going. science and a technology com m itted to ratin g ride instead of a eras i mained open were quickly vocalizing their demands for equal mayor, Koch issued an executive T he Club of R om e's first book, T he Lim its answ ering o u r hum an needs. stripped of beer and liquor. E rst­ rights and civil liberties, the o rd er banning municipal discrim­ To G row th, w as not th e first “crisis" book The fifth, Goals F o r Mankind, provides an Beyond The Crisis app«« “ while serious students, bundled up response has ranged from the b u t it w as th e m ost popular. I ts au th o rs overview of national goals, offers an ju st such an historical under ination on the basis of “sexual p ro jected th e change, w ith th e la te s t in assessm ent of a v ariety of global goals and in heavy fur coats, trudged the tepid to the outright hostile. That orientation or affectional prefer­ So why don't you read it >nl) 1,1 sy stem s an d co m p u ters, in five m ajor world review s “th e relevance of th e g re a t reli­ empty, ice-slick streets, trailing is why a policy implemented last ence." g ro w th tre n d s — such a s population grow th gions, as well as of th e m odern w orld views, you think? . .l. kegs of beer behind them like week by New York Mayor Edward and reso u rce availability — into a th e o reti­ to th e issue of inner lim its vs. world Coming u p ; The death of * The order applies to the police cal fu tu re and found th a t w e would reach solidarity" in th re e distin ct p arts. and fire departm ents and contract­ ors doing business with the city. DOONESBURY by Garry Tru Koch’s edict is the first of its kind / n o ih e r news, th e The S t a t e N e w s in the nation. Not unexpectedly, this directive SHAH OF IR AN HAS THE FIRSTPiNTER IN HER HONOR UALL BE IN THE DINNERS INVITED SPEAKER S DR. HENRY X TAKES DISPATCHED HIS W IFE, NEW TORK CTTY, WHERE KISSIN6ER, BUTKISSIN- NONEOFVOl has raised some heated opposition I THE SHAHBANOU FARRAH, MAYOR KOCHIS EXPECTED 6ERS 6EOR6E10WN UNI­ HASO O NEf - Monday, January 30, 1978 Koch himself has been called a i ON YETANOTHER PU B- TO EARMARK *1 M ILLION VERSITY SWPENTS ARE Editorials ore the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns .U C RELAHONSWUR TO PAY FOR POUCE PRO­ SAID TOBE 0R6ANI2IN6 / homosexual, as if personal attacks j OF THE UNiTEP £ ' TECTIONRDR THE (£ and letters are personal opinions. A FORMAL PROTESTO F ,i are linked to issues. Brushing / STATES. — EMPRESS.. HIS PARTICIPATION. Editorial Department aside criticism, the mayor sum­ J Edllor-ln-chief Michael Tonimuro Photo Editor .............................. Richard Polilowski M a naging Ed,lor .......................... Kat Brown Entertainment and Book Editor.. Kalhy Esselman marized the feelings of millions Opinion Editor ' Dave M islolowski Sports Editor 7om Shanahan when he said, “I personally believe Special Pro/eds E d ito r...................... Debbie Watte City Editor.................................................. Joe Scales Layout E ditor...................................... Kim Shanahan th a t you should not discriminate, Copy Chi e l ....................................... Renaldo Mlgaldl Campus Editor........................................ Anne Sluort Freelance E d i t o r .............................Michael Winter th a t discrimination is immoral." Wire Editor ..............................Jocelyn taskow shi Stall Representative................... Chris Kuczynshi Sound thinking — the kind of Advertising Department thinking so foreign to so many. We Advertising Manager Shoron Seiler Assistant A dvertising M a n ag er........ Denise Dear hope Koch’s action sets worth while precedents. Jlen Ginsberg adrift in Sodom WANTED By BILL HOLDSHIP State Newi Reviewer transcend S E L F and reveal th e c u rren t sta te of th e san e head, Record Reviewers 1 Mind end live our bBad Hvee oat is blindness. Poetiere r i c o r d u v i i w u t ' hronologf> |. o rd er of G insberg's reading offered th e led bnt they ere not blind, they eee with the eye* of the . , „ a, sJ™bolic jo urney from birth/innocence th ro u g h pain/suffering life and death, and finally to self-realization. One We wan* to know what you like or dislike. William Carlos W illiams Introduction to Howl 7 0 s to N o w "* * * J0Ur" ey fr° m th e PSyChe ° f th * 608 th ro u * h th e We w ill send you a minimum of six albums in G insberg, a member and co-founder of th e Jack K erouac the next 12 months... A fter opening with a musical adaptation of William B lake's "The a y [i E l f Disembodied Poetics, once graphically described him self k P , ro p h et-frien d on th e side of love & th e Wild Good." The ty g e r from Songs 01 Innocence and a n atu re poem for G ary New, current, and old releases. Snyder, G insberg read a collection of poems depicting th e ugly pJU L o n h e t frien d brought his celebration of th e W ord-m ind/ realities of o u r modern “real” world. “Mugging” depicts a ro b b ery B f e or w h at Gary S nyder has te rm ed "Alien G insberg's he experienced in New York City. B ut G insberg still holds to his It s important for us to know what makes hits Dance” to the U niversity of M ichigan's Rackham belief in self-salvation in all situations; in this case, th e m ugger or misses. In every album you receive a n ? lorium Tuesday Jan. 24. forgets to ta k e his “shoulder bag w ith 10,000 dollars full of p o etry , ,o the early stages of his career, G insberg’s ability to left on th e broken floor." Detailed questionnaire to be filled out and r ' Ion and survive in th e fu tu re “real" w orld w as a m ajor returned. His political poetry proved to be th e m ost exciting and Ln even to William B urroughs, who, himself, n ever showed ™ ° “ s read ‘np , of ‘ he night: “CIA Dope Calypso,” which w as L h concern for existence in th e “real" w orld. Williams w rote f t? s o rt of H arry Belafonte m eets John Sinclair; “H adda Be Playing Isberg over tw enty y ea rs ago: “H e w as . . . m entally much Send: On The Jukebox, which encapsulates th e political clim ate o f th e (bed by the life which he had encountered about him . . . I $9.00 70s - Hadda be CIA and Mafia and FB I together/bigger than (thought he'd live to grow up and w rite a book of noem s.” L a survived and learned to sav e his own life through th e ^ u W" /Hadda » gorged throat full of munler/Hadda be mouth and aas a solid m an of rage/a Red hot name, address, age, sex, and education. Lutic technique of “naked” w riting. H e originally s e t out in Preference: ktry to deny ail neurotic guilt and sham e, but took it m ore k 8? ’,o'KT,eT in th* ^ #l the throat/Hadda be in Kissinger's Rock, Jaxx. M.O.R. brain/Haddt be in RockefeUer'a mouth - and, finaUy, an ode in ■ step further by attem pting to lib erate th e rep ressed naked support of Punk Rock - Punk Rock! You’re my big crybidbyl/III lusness of America. G insberg called Howl his “original blow ■dom," and it helped to open th e m ental b arriers for a whole teUmy deaf mother on youi/Eat up the FBI with your big mouthe! A tla n tic M a rke t Retearch But even m ore than th ese, G insberg's a r t for su rv iv al is btion, a generation which G insberg led from th e bleakness of revealed in his rolebrations of love. In “I Lay Love On My Knee,” Suite 1,1100 Fountain Northeast s into the anti-Vietnam crusades and q u ests for societal and Love Replied," G insberg reveals a conception of and capacity jny of the 60s. And, alas, back into th e bleakness of th e 70s Grand Rapids. Michigan 49503 for love th a t tran scen d s even rom anticism - Put your lipe to my (he number changed). heart/That is my public part/Hold me dose and reeeive/AU the I , Fall Of America (the 1974 w inner of a N ational Book love I can give. I ) , G insberg chronicled th e dem ise of youthful hope a t th e And this, o u r Poet-prophet-friend seem s to be saying, is I of a symbolic disease pervading th e m ental landscape of ultjm ately w hat it's all about. |ca. ) does Allen Ginsberg fit into 19787 Though it would be I for an au d ien ce to expect a poet to read through his tmrigfct thrv Saturday L m lest Hits," o n e could alm ost anticipate a reading of Howl (“I ( best m inds of my generation destroyed by m adness") to First time at Uiardsl! (th e Kafkian atm osphere of our own tim es. ANNOUNCES AN EXHIBITION (berg chose to introduce new poems, th e m ajority from his l y published Mind Breaths (Poems 1972-1977). G insberg's I of the poems gave one th e feeling of being p resen t a t a Chooch — « Enchanters fin the bulk of the 88 poem s G insberg says, ‘T h is is w here Id is at." But, as has been th e case in his past, th e poems Restaurant Special All the Pith, Prist, and Salad Friday February 3,1978 you can eat £ -J” ■Mondays I Union Billiard Room nember I I ILLEYSUBS 50°OFF I I any large sub ’• ! 224 Abbott 351-2285 over $2.00 w ith coupon ’• ■ Two Shows D ally 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. •• I GALLIY SUB SHOP I RESUME • Winner of more tournaments in the Last five years than any other player. 2580 E. Grand River - N ext to Coral Gables |l-0 3 0 4 Otter geed Mee. 1-se-TS I | TIP OF THE ARTHUR TREACHER'S WEEK Discover the exciting world >THE ORIGINAL T ijr f ) Your resum e should speak of sound at The Stereo Shoppe Onlyon for you even a fte r the in terview . In tty P rints can help w ith: Alllloolt uuss aatt The A Stereo The S te re o Shoppe thank Shoppe th a n k ypu interest in music and quality audio products. Tc find another person who appreciates fine music reproduction is forr your vou to vo ur n u iia r like guitar h i» a . _____ voice. All » guitar, a female voice like a. female the products we carry must be able to accurately recreate the actual performance. To recreate just sound is easy, but liesday • paper in various colors a real joy to each of us. to recreate music accurately is a real challenge. • colored ink Our shoppe is interested in representing only top Finally, all products at The Stereo Shopqe must quality audio equipment. Each component brought to us • various type styles for evaluation by a manufacturer must meet our rigid represent a fair value to you. Our pricing structure is such that the price asked bears a solid relationship to the value • printing photos on your resume requirements of reliability, performance and value and esteem of the product itself. BEFORE we will put it on our shelves. When we have found a product which meets our OUR BUDGET BANQUET For a product to be deemed reliable by us, it must exacting criteria of reliability, performance and value, we yeswe can! have intelligent engineering, imaginative design and are pleased to recommend it to you. To this end. we stock construction, and utilize quality component parts. Our a tremendous variety of brands and offer a wide price range FCOLE SLAV\ service department examines all of these factors in I 79 BEVERAGE in s ty - p r in ts determining a product’s reliability. Since music really is what our industry is all about, in our audio systems a piano must sound like a piano, a so that we can find the proper system or component to best suit your needs and budget. We invite you to visit us soon at The Stereo Shoppe, where audio is our only business. ARTHUR'S FISH & CHIPS |. the w iz of the p rin tin g biz! (ring the Family 489-3303 1456 £. Mlctrigw 8821104 3J1B S. CKir 3217091 4389 W. StfiteW 489-3511 173 S.fsH ifta 7 - 'f t eat here 1. GRAND RIVER and DURAND Is it sick I An all-Yamaha system for $679 ACItOSS FROM CAMPUS to love Traditionally, stereo buyers have prided themselves AT-12s with its Shibata diamond for better stylus-to-record on their ability to get the system they need by mixing and contact. SALE A T S A M ’S matching components from various manufacturers. This generally results in a system of exceptional value and It's all from Yamaha. When you hear it you'll think it's going to cost a lot more than the $679 that will put it in performance. your home! a pen? This all-Yamaha system destroys that traditon by ►eaters $6 . $9 combining a great receiver value with a “giant" in small bookshelf speakers and a super value in a quiet belt-drive turntable. psorted w estern fla n n e l & plaids The Yamaha CR-620 stereo receiver incorporates experience and knowledge gained in developing ultra-high performance components, such as the B-1, C-1, B-2. C-2 $ 6 • $8 Is it crazy to love marker pens that give you the smoothest, thinnest line in and CT-7000. The CR-620 design goal was to provide distortion-free natural sound in your home under real |*ys long sleeve shirts fro m $5 town...and feel soright in your hand?Is it mad toworship penswith clever little metal "collars” to keep their plastic points fromgetting squishy? Not if the pen is a Pilot marker pen. > listening conditions. Rarely does a company which produces high-quality Our Razor Point, at only 69c, gives j electronics also have the capability to design great the kind of extra-fine delicate line you’ll flip I speakers. Again, Yamaha defies the usual with the Model l Wn 8 Tiber fille d vest over. And for thosetimes you want a little less I NS-5, a speaker of superior performance at an line, have a fling with our fine point j astonishingly low price. Yamaha’s thorough understanding 59c Fineliner. It has the will and fortitude to | of the traditional compromises in speaker design and up 0 50% off actually write through carbons. So. don’t settle for a casual relationship. construction has enabled them to develop a significant new speaker without compromising quality. Get yourself a lasting one. or two. to have The third component in this all-Yamaha system is a and to hold.. .at your college book store. | eovy woven fla n n e ls $£ 6 8 Pilot Corp. of America, 30 Midland Ave.. new turntable, the Model YP-211. It’s a belt-drive, semi-automatic table that can track nearly any cartridge. In Port Chester, New Vbrk 10573. fact, the system includes the famous Audio-Technica ©YAMAHA Q YAMAHA ©YAMAHA |oats up to $20 off | SSOrted P°nts up to 5 9 0 ^ 0|| fineSne m arker pens 10 to 9 Mon. thru Frl. 10 to 5 Saturdays the* 555 E. Grand River Ave. in East Lansing Complate In-Store Service (Next toTaco Bell) 0,her STOREWIDE SPECIALS VU tor Everything We Sell Phone 337-1300 Free Customer Parking Five Ways to Charge or Next to Store Finance Ybur Purchase S A M ’S S T O R E AVAILABLE AT . . . 337-SA M S corner o f A bbott & MSU BOOKSTORE where audio is our only business THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER _ Grand R iver ON CAMPUS Layoff doesn't hurt cagers in 70-60 win Have A Meal On Ust B y M IC H A E L K L O C K E a ste p closer to th e conference 72.7 p erce n t from th e floor a fte r top for good. of th e gam e clinched th e win. S U t* \ p w * S p o r t* W r ite r championship w ith an im pres­ th e interm ission. Usually calm E a rv in Johnson Johnson, who had 16 points, hit We’ve a ll made it halfway to Rival coaches have said MSU sive 70-60 road win over Ohio T h e Buckeyes had gained a made a couple of careless passes six consecutive ch arity shots S ta te S aturday. T he gam e had 26-24 ad v an tag e at th e half by in th e final m inutes of th e gam e, when th e B uckeyes w ere forced spring and we’re celebrating) will s ta rt losing once th e ir been scheduled for la st T h u rs­ utilizing th e ir slowdown tactics. but th e S p arta n s g o t a rep riev e to foul him. Meals given away 15 tines daily schedule gets tougher, b u t if someone doesn't knock off th e day- G uard Kelvin Ransey popped in when Ohio S ta te tu rn e d th e ball The sev en th -ran k ed S p artan s Spartans p retty soon, it's going G regory K elser scored 17 of eig h t o f his 16 points in th e first over im m ediately following are now 7-0 in Big Ten play and his gam e-high 21 points in th e half and 6-11 ce n ter H erb Johnson's goofs. 15-1 overall going into to n ig h t's to be too late. In c e le b r a tio n , B r e a d Pudding Jud H eathcote's team moved second half as MSU hit a sizzling W illiams was intim idating on As has been th e case in manv televised (7:30 p.m . on Channel defense. MSU wins, th e S p a rta n s' foul Six) co n test a t Indiana. M SU's w ith r u m g a u c e B ut in th e second half th e shooting in th e la st tw o m inutes closest p u rsu ers, P u rd u e and Spartans continue S p arta n s sta rte d w orking th e ball inside to K elser, and th e Michigan, a re tw o gam es back and will sq u are off to n ig h t in Hobie’s Halfway Buckeyes couldn't stop him. The Ann A rbor. junior forw ard had plenty of The S p arta n s a re faced w ith >0 H oliday Mon - Thar, playin g g iv e -a w a y help in th e scoring column as all five s ta rte rs w ere in double th e ordeal of having to play four conference gam es in only eig h t J u 30-Fob 2 figures for MSU. days, including tw o gam es MSU hockey coach Amo Bessone only had one thing to say after T e rry Donnelly had six quick against th e H oosiers in six days. Saturday night's 8-6 loss to Colorado College. points at th e o u tset of the But they w on't be alone in th a t “W e've got no defense," and th a t's all Bessone would say. second half as th e S partans predicam ent since th e o th e r Big The S partans blew a th ird period 6-3 lead before finally bowing to th e T igers in th e first gam e of th e w eekend series. MSU w ent into th e gam e in last place in th e W estern Collegiate bolted ahead 32-26. Donnelly's statistics read 12 points and six assists, but the statistics didn't Ten te am s h ave also had th e ir gam es moved to to n ig h t. MSU (70) Hobie’s Hockey Association (WCHA), but th e S partans w ere only four indicate t hat most of his buckets K elser, 21; Jo hnson. 16; V in­ 930 Trowbridge, East Lansing points out of sixth place. MSU could have turned its season around came in very key situations. cent, 10; D onnelly, 12; C hap­ 109 E. Allegan, Lansing w ith a sw eep, b u t it w as th e same old sto ry . Ohio S tate tied th e gam e at man, 11. Soon to Open Saginaw & Waverly A fter a scoreless first period, Kevin Coughlin popped in tw o 49-49 on a driving layup by Ohio State (60) second stanza goals, with D ave Gandini and Joey Campbell tallies scrappy forw ard Mike Cline. Sm ith. 4; P ag e, 12; W illiams, sandw iched in betw een, to give th e S partans a 4-3 lead w ith 20 But a strin g of eight un 12; R ansey, 16; Cline, 13; S cott, m inutes to play. . answ ered points p u t MSU on G re g K e ls e r 2; Ellinghausen, 1. Leo L y n ett gave MSU a 5-3 lead with only 34 seconds gone in the final period, and Russ Welch came rig h t back only 10 seconds later to up th e lead to 6-3. But then it happened, five unansw ered T iger goals and M bb , , TONIGHT! The Best of the New dropped farth er aw ay from a playoff spot with Sunday night s York Erotic Film Festival - A MONDAY 10 to 9 ENDS TUESDAY second game of th e series still to p lay. Fantastic 11 Unit Show!! TUESDAY 10 to 9 NIGHT AT 9 pm B u sy w e e k e n d ha lte d It w as th e busiest weekend of th e w inter for MSU sp o rts, but everything o th e r than basketball and hockey, w hether it w as at MSU or on th e road, was cancelled. Home gam es cancelled w ere women’s swimming (2), women’s basketball (11, w restling (3), women’s track (1) and women’s and m en’s gym nastics (1). Away gam es cancelled w ere w om ens basketball (1), m e n s track (1) and m en's swimming (1). on incredible eleven unit show Hundreds of films wort submitted, ranging lu n j ^ B e n from the sublimely erotic to the raunchiest hardcore. Thesa ore the winners. Eleven of the vary best, wildest, raunchiest film* ever mode. These fllmt an- plore every facet of human sexuality. 1). FUNKY MATTRESS • a mattress od fe a tu rin g you won t believe 2). BUPKIS erotic view of the fifties 3). REHEARSAL 4). LADY and her GROCERIES 5). LIFE WITH VIDEO T.V. and sex 6). SPENCER H a ir s ty l in g for SUPER SPERM ■animated raunchiness 7). ORANGE - a very new view of the navel orange. 8). TUESDAY - another view of erotica 9). BURIED TREASURE ■ M en dossier early erotica 10). HOLDING - two women discover o new side of love* mokmg 11) DIRTY OLDMAN ■they need love too. and Women Conveniently located at the corner of SHOWTIMES: 7:00, B:4S. 10:30.12:00 M.A.C. and Grand River SHOWPLACE: 1021 Wells ADMISSION: '2.S0 students, *3.50Faculty I stoff C all for y o u r ap p o in tm e n t today . 208M.A.C. below Jones Stationer.- Ph. 332-8191 J an service of *h* beet film co-op Student*. tecvHy A stall welcome. Vjjjg Ms checked. M t a u u D a m n i o s PRHNVHTORY OURANCE. W E 'L L B E O O S D W ED N ES D A Y F O R M VEHTODY W E’D RATHER S ELL IT THAN COUNT IT. AT THESE PRICES WE EXPECT 5000 DEALS TO BE SWEPT AWAY BY TUESDAY NIGHT! FOLLOWING ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS RECEIVERS TURNTABLES SPEAKERS C A S SE T T E DECKS MARANTZ 221SB; While floor tomplM Im ( ........... >98 BSR 4800; While floor templet le t!.............. >32 WALO S7S; While 187 latl chelnwlde •1 2 ” p. SANYO RD4S50; While floor aomplet led •77 MARANTZ 2238; While 7S6 loot chelnwlde >215 B.I.C. 920; Bate, cover, cart, extra. 325 to go chelnwlde >39 MARANTZ 12M high perfor­ mance tpeakert o n ly ........ •2 6 « MARANTZ S120; While floor tempter ltd <187 MARANTZ 22S2; While floor eomplM leaf.......... >258 PIONEER PL-112D belt-drlve Bote A cover Included . >59 MARANTZ HD-44: While lloor templet la t l........ •4 3 » MARANTZ 5220; While 96 latt chelnwlde •218 MARANTZ 22BS; While PIONEER PL-1170; While MARANTZ HD-SS; While PIONEER CT-F2121; While , 1 1j 1S6 l i f t cholnwlde........ •298 308 lo ti chelnwlde...... •108 floor templet l t d .......... •5 6 « 435 leal chelnwlde SAN8UI 2020; While 14S leaf chelnwlde.......... •106 PIONEER PL-510; While 82 l i t ! chelnwlde >117 MARANTZ HD-77 4-woy with 12" woofer •1 3 7 » SANSUI SC-1110: While 125 lest chelnwlde >146 SANSUI SOSO; White 10 loft cholnwlde........... >166 PIONEER PL-550; While 82 latl chelnwlde •194 B.I.C. Formula 2, While 278 led chelnwlde .. • 6 7 ia. TEAC A-400: While floor templet led <188 SANSUI SOSOOB; super­ B.I.C. 1000G. While PIONEER HPM-60 4-way |A TEAC A-380 IronHoad jO flJ power receiver b u y ........ >366 floor templet latt •227 60-watt, 10" wooler I I SJ IA. Dolby with cebinet SANSUI 90900B; most MARANTZ 6200 belt- ALTEC 19 BS-watta. . J in n PIONEER CT-F4242 DoBr j | j 6 powerful Ssneul meket . >396 drive. Bate 8 cover Ind. *127 Hand-rubbed oak tinlah . H e f *PEA. fronl-loed. Wllh cebinet PIONEER SX-8S0; While GARRARD GT3S; While JBL L28 2-WAY 35-wdta. , A A AKAI 0XC-390; While 119 488 l i l t cholnwlde.......... >286 87 la tl chtlnwlde >142 Natural Oak lln lth .............* e fe l IA. S2 led chelnwlde PIONEER SX-1050; While SANSUI SR222 bell- ACCESSORIES 752 lo ti cholnwlde >377 drive. Bate 8 cover Incl. •59s2 AMPS & PRE-AMPS MAXELL 90-mln. PIONEER SX-1250; most UDC-90 ceeeeflejb powerful Pioneer makes •476 CAR STEREOS MARANTZ 1030 Amp.; While s 7 f l lloor templet la tl.............. Wllh dorege cewnei 3 f . r ‘ 945 BOMAN AP-16 6-track; REEL-T0-REELS While 312 lt d chelnwlde 1 7 55 MARANTZ 1040 Amp.; While , A i floor templet la tt............... a lH 60-minute blenk ceeeetlM priced el 3 w67* I AKAI1722W; While JENSEN C98S3 5 Coax 142 last cholnwlde...... tpeakert, grlllt *2885p.* MARANTZ 3200 Pre-Amp; BASF 90LN B-lreck While lloor templet latl •1 0 8 90-mln. low-nolee AKAI OX-26SD; While PIONEER AD312 12-well cerfrldgei 180 Im I cholnwlde power amplifier •53as SANSUI AU217 Amp.; Whih, 77 la tl chelnwlde 11 2 8 BASF c m p f A ,ar*‘ PIONEER RT-1011L; While BOMAN BM-111S 8-track; 90-mlnule hlenke 190 lt d chelnwlde While lloor templet latl >49 PIONEER SA-S500II Amp.; 210 chelnwlde > 82 PIONEER SE-2W PIONEER TP7006 AM/FM PIONEER SA-7500II amp. g mm heeded- While IIS ■10" 9-track. Puthbullont >146 3-tltge circuit. Hl-powert * I DD leet chelnwlde 5744 S. PENNSYLVANIA J U S T N O R T H OF 1-96 FREEWA' u s r mms • F»n sa1! e}iM Ik> INSTANT CREDIT • « f « « D A Y T O N HU D S O N PROVOKES EXPANSIO NS j b ocal malls gearing up for competition Bv» PAULA DYKE mall, said th mall, said about 65 th aa tt about 65 percent p ercen t fitst. enclosed I Lniiic FHmawfc. enclosed mall mall to to house house 12 12 . I I M H i I Q I U a L ,rea malls Have recently of th e new space has been shoppers if th e new mall is com petition of th e D ayton H ud­ additional sto res. The new con­ built. L e d their retail apace in ren ted already. H e declined son project. s tru ctio n , costing more than nam ing an y of th e new business Benjamin, w hose com pany is I m su re we'll experience a Attempt to cushion th e *1-6 million, will open this year, Haircutters rL competitive blow until m ore leases have been head q u artered in Cleveland, decline in sales for th e first F ran d o r general m anager signed. said he knew all ab o u t th e y ea r o r two,” A lexander said. ^ t h e proposed D ayton V erne A lexander said last “W e’re im proving our te n an t proposed mall, b u t refu sed to A lexander said th a t F ran d o r ■on mall* . . week. mix," Benjam in said. “W e’ve com m ent on th e p ro jected sales experienced a decline in cus­ L additional w ing being A S ep tem b er 1976 Retail decline. TWO LOCATIONS TO S H V I YOU! Eructed onto the M eridian had a w aiting list for many tom ers when both th e M eridian Im pact Study, prepared by a A lexander, how ever, said | a Okemos will house 25 to y ea rs of potential businesses Mall and the Lansing Mall first F ull S ervice Salons w ith .3 N a il Technicians. Chicago consulting firm for the th a t o ne o f th e reaso n s F ran d o r “ stores and is scheduW which will not com pete w ith th e opened, b ut soon th e ir sales 14 S ty lis ts and 4 A estititio n s D ayton Hudson Corporation, decided to expand th e ir c e n te r , by September 1978, sto res w e have a t present." came back stro n g er than projected a 15 p ercen t decline w as to m e et th e j ^ e n i ^ d ev e r.” Uisa Mall Promotion M eanwhile, F ran d o r L r Barbara Ivankovich shopping ce n ter has expanded in M eridian Mall custom ers and a 35 p ercen t decline in F ran d o r SMS I . Grand R iver (Groesbeck area) m s w psion, costing between U d $3 million, stretches toward Grand R iver SOt iii fre e p in b a ll ^ — o a — 1417% I. Michigan Ave. |ue off the former mam w ith any ice cream Owners: (Lansing) ice. The new wing was i November. er e. Benjamin, part- purchase and th is ad Mon. thru Thurs. 0 NORMAN BLAKE Carole and Don Satterfield Above Bancroft Flowers 487-6655 „ of the Meridian Mall and [president of th e M.H. Now featuring froxtn yogurt and organic :i Co., which leases th e flavor,. MICHIGAN STATE a c r o i , from Borkoy Hall 337-1133 UNIVERSITY DEPARTM ENT OF THEATRE PRESENTS r 9o •« OSCAR W I L DE S DELIGHTFUL COMEDY . j r • • THE IMPORTANCE • VtV OF BEING EARNEST NOW PLAYING e JANUARY 24-28 FEBRUARY 1-4 PIZZA C MEW C BARHOPPERS 8:15 p.m. O u t m-w s fu -tu l is C I / / A A BKI W A B A K tlO P P l RS. Bt’H innint; ,n S 0 0 p.m on M o tlll.n v v u u II In .1111< |U ffljllV IIIK o f m il m i|h i N id i Iih Ii P i//,is .m il ,i m l, I <|t.ift I '11' 1 I " 1 " " K S I 0 0 .ill i n f i l l 1 Hi '-linm nj; ,il FridayA Saturday February3 1*1*1 RS. <1111] l l l i ’fl Im p m i m , i |n (In R .iiiilm w R .ifti h lo r free d ilftiis s io ti fv o ry M o tn l.iv . li m n th e A lle -I y .in ,I ihe R .iin NativeSons Tickets: 35.00iaadraac* at tkcMSUeiaa, Elderly Instruments Tickets from last week's cancelled predectiens M l ® ■ Mon.-Thurs. 7:15 tad Canpus Comers 11. 35.50 at the doer. Ifrl.tilS ■Sat. 7:15,9:30 ■fc> I Sun. 5:45,4:15,1:80 . ASMSU Programming Board. * will be henored a* tMs week's skews. IHURRYII A MUSIC B O X O F F IC E P H O N E THE 3 5 5 -0 1 4 8 leadline PROGRAMMING is fEXT EEK EXPERIMENT!!!!!! ‘Valentine s IPeanuts personals. Come to 1347 Student Pop Entertainment is trying to bring a series of M ajor Rock pices, State Concerts to the MSU campus at affordable prices. On February ws Classified. 1, the Dream Weaver, GARY WRIGHT. w ill touch down in the MSU A uditorium at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are only ‘ 4.00 and *5.00 Let us (in contrast to *8.50 in Detroit). help you say The special guests fo r the evening w ill be STARCASTiE, who Rolling Stone recently penned as the next YES. To continue pro­ gramming m ajor concerts at economy prices, we need your support. Plenty of good seats are still available! G A R Y W R IG H T/ STAR C ASTLE Feb 1st MSU Auditorium Tickets only $4°° and $5°° First In a Series of Economy Concerts THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355*8255 M ON. THRU FR I. 8:00*5:00 _ Employment : i m i i Apartments ||y ] | loans ‘'jfjn j | for Sale |J5 ] [ Typln i Service |f^ j] I R - *- fS l ^ O U N D T q w> L. Clasiiftal Achrcrtlflug AUDIO TECHNICIAN exper-, NEWLY FURNISHED, im­ NORTHWEST ON busline. NEW, USED and vintage TYPING EXPERIENCED fast ARTISTS, SCULPTORS, Photographers-erbtic art mediate occupancy. BUR- Quiet girl. Light cooking. guitars, banjos, mandolins, and reasonable. 371-4635. Information ience preferred. Inquire at the CHAM WOODS, 746 Bur- Phone 321-2670.7-2-1(31 _ etc. Dulcimer* and kits, re­ XC-19-1-3113) wanted for sale on consign­ STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East ment. Reply to Box D-4, The cham. $250. 351-3118. corders, strings, accessories, PHONEJ5M2S5 347 Student Service* Dldg. Grand River, East Lansing. OFFERS State News or phone 616- 0-4-1-31(3) CM DESPERATE!! Have split books, thousands of hart-to- UNIGRAPHICS C-7-2-314) find albums. (All at very low COMPLETE DISSERTATION 947-0235. Z-8-1-3117) town and must ieave my EAST LANSING, 1 bedroom, dreamhouse behind. Nbw prices). Private and group AND RESUME SERVICE- dance AND tnm)orm I RATES PART-TIME positions for lessons on guitar, banjo, typesetting, IBM typing, off­ NANCY DREW, Hardy Boys adults. Day and night furnished apartment. Close to you can share my lovely 3 1 N» PAYS Uoeil » I 3 [ I E E I S I 2.711 7.20 113.10114.10 I day • 90C por lino 3doyi*M Kporlino 4 day* -75C per line MSU students. 15-20 hours/ week. Automobile required. Phone 339-9500. campus. Quiet, no pets. 332- 2495. 8-2-3(41 bedroom home with two beautiful women, live close to campus, and do it for real mandolin, all styles. Gift cer­ set printing and binding. For and Oz books wanted. CUR­ tificates. Expert repairs - free estimate stop in at 2843 East IOUS BOOKS, 307 E. Grand estimates. ELDERLY IN­ Grand River or phone 332- River, East Lansing, 332- sa la ts* K £ " « s a l lE n m n n ix i • day* • 70< per line C-19-1-3114) ___ APARTMENT FOR sublease, cheap. $80 per month, plus STRUMENTS, 541 East 8414. C-19-1-31-17) 0112. C-8-1-3115) ■ m im m n n J one bedroom furnished, very utilities, but willing to negoti­ Grand River. 332-4331. ■ m im ra rm lino rat* p*r ln*ert)on UNIFORM SECURITY offi­ close to campus, spring term. C-10-1-3H13I LOOKING FOR A BASKETBALL TICKETS. R ake in th e extra m o n ^ ' I cers part time. Call 641-6734. ate. Call today 371-2328, or I 7 | 4.30118.80131.80130.201 351-1485. Z-5-1-3113) GREAT JOB7-gst s head- Michigan, February 2 or any c a n make by seJ * | OR-12-1-3113) 313-338-9100. After 7 p.m., USED 19 inch black and itart on that first impree- other game. Minimum 2, Call longer-needed items L I collect 313-373-1079, Steve. white portable Zenith TV's ROOMMATE NEEDED own lion by having your resume collect 1-313-234-9192; after l o w - c o s t fast-acting ( W EcoiMliiMt * 3 lints - *4.00 - 5 days. 80' per line over FEMALE masseuse wanted. room 2 person house, $75/ Z-3-1-30113) $50. Used portable VM ste­ 6 p.m. call 234-8383. tie d A d . Phone 355-8255 $8/hour. We will train. 489- typeset. Tb* Typecutter 3 lines. No adjustment in rot* when cancelled. month plus utilities. Call Carla reos $25. Inquire at STEREO can make your credentials JB-3-1;30l6)_ Price of it*m(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum 2278. Z-19-1-3113) after 5 p.m., 482-9668. FEMALE- OWN room in SHOPPE 565 East Grand stand out in any stack of A pet can warm your heart on DANCE .B L O C K -B alla t J sale price of *50. 8-2-2(51 beautiful, clean house, 1142 River, East Lansing. resumes. Looks much bet­ KEY PUNCH operator. Sec­ Albert. $82. 351-7069. C-7-2-316) a cold winter evening. Look |azz for adults-men, Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lines • *2.25 • per insertion. ter than typing. Give ond shift. 3942 experience S-5-2-113) to the Pets classification of call 321-3*2 for r e g ^ l 75* per line over 3 lines (prepayment). required. Good working con­ PENN MANOR apartments. us a call -we’re very, 100 USED VACUUM clean­ today's newspaper. Studio in Frandor. CARCSkI Rummage/Garage Sal* ads • 4 lines • *2.50. ditions. Apply in person 485- Spacious one or two bed­ very reasonable. 487*9295. ers. Tanks, cannisters, and DANCE STUDIO. 202155 1 63* per line over 4 lines • per insertion. 8900. 8-2-115) rooms. Storage and laundry 'Round Town ads • 4 lines • *2.50 • per insertion. facilities, heat and water fur­ f ir S ill ^ uprights. Guaranteed on full BABYSITTING WANTED by year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS COPYGRAPH SERVICE boy 14 in Everett area. Call ASMSU PREPAIDLegaiLI 63' per line over 4 lines, BABYSITTER WANTED. nished. Adult and family DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. complete dissertation and 882-2672. 3-1-30(3) units. No pets. Deposit. 882- vices plan, now m a k e x ,! lest CFounds ads/Trensportation ads • 3 lines - *1.50 - Couple days/week and some SEWING MACHINE CLEAR­ 316 North Cedar, opposite resume service. Comer 2566. 5-1-30(7) services availablewithout|!l per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. evenings. Mornings 349- ANCE SALE. All floor sam­ City Market. C-19-1-31-17) M.A.C. and Grand River, Check today’s Classified to undergraduate MSUt j 1620. 8-2-113) ples and demonstrators used 8:30-5:30 p.m., Monday-Fri- columns for the parts and dents. Office open 9 t J during our X-mas buying ELECTRONIC REPAIR on day, 337-1666. C-19-1-31-16) supplies you need to getyour 12 pm, 1:30 pm-5 pm jw l D a o d lin a i GAME ROOM personnel. Young ladies preferred. Good NEWLY FURNISHED season. Up to 50% discount. Guaranteed used machines stereo, T.V., C.B., camera, car ready for the cold day-Friday. For informathl guitars and amps. All repairs PROFESSIONAL EDITING, weather ahead. Ads • 2 p.m. • I class day before publication Cancellation/Change • I p.m. • I class day before pay, benefits, and pleasant working conditions. Excellent APARTMENT from, $39.95. KEN ED- WArfDS DISTRIBUTING CO guaranteed. WILCOX TRAD­ papers, dissertations. Minor PROFESSIONAL PHOTO­ or appointment call3T 10 1-30(9) publication. at ING POST. 486-4391. corrections to re-write. 332- positions for students. Full 1115 N. Washington, 489- C-19-1-3H6) 5991. C-5-1-31I3I GRAPHER needs models, no CHILDREN, CLASSESav. Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed until after 1st insertion. and part-time. Apply in per­ son only. CINEMA X, 1000 Burcham Woods 6448 C-19-1-31-110) CB ANTENNA 5 element pR0MPT jypiNG service. experience necessary. Call for able in acrobatics.bah,) appointment 332-3026. and baton twirling. Form There is a *1.00 charge for 1 od change plus 50' per W. Jolly Road. OR-16-1-3118) DISCOUNT NEW, used DOUBLAS ELBINGER tration call CAROkjL additional change for maximum of 3 chonges. *250 desk, chairs, files. BUSINESS 1° ™ . 543-7366. 8-1-30(3) C0,,<' Tem Papa*. ™*umes, I B M. 694-1541. 2-1-31 (3) PHOTOGRAPHY, 220 Albert, DANCE STUDIO in Frsnftl The State News will only be responsible for the 1st FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. immediate occupancy EQUIPMENT CO., 215 E. East Lansing. 3-2-116) 321-3862. 20-2-10(61 $6/hour. No training neces­ Kalamazoo, 485-5600. day's incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must be mode within 10days of expiration dote. sary. Call 489-2278. 351*3118 0-2-1-30 (4) Animals TERM PAPERS, first-draft Z-19-1-3113) 745 Burcham these/dissertations. Judith, Dills are due 7 days from od expiration date. If not paid by due date, a 50* late service charge will HARRY CHAPIN tickets, BEDLINGTON TERRIER. 30(3) 393-4672. Keep this ad. B-1-1 It's time to write that be due. MANAGER TRAINEE- 2-3 MAN furnished apart­ terrific seats, balcony, near Male 1 % years old, un­ Degreed individual to work in theatre management of large national theatre chain. Must ment available on lease until June 15, 15 minutes from campus, please call 351-7212, stage. Civic Center. $10 each. 371-1011. E-5-2-3 (3)_____ claimed. Very affectionate ANN BROWN TYPING Dis­ and good family dog, 484- sertations - resumes —term 8617. 3-1-30(4) papers. 601 Abbott Road, % o\fec'Lette/I MOST LP'S prices $1.75- be mechanically minded. 731 Apartments, 731 Bur­ North entrance 351-7221 Automotive ] [ « [ | AntomoUveJ i Good starting salary, benefits cham Drive. 0-11-1-3116) $2.50 Cassettes, $3.00, qual­ C-9-1-3114) ity guaranteed. Plus 45’s, Room for advancbment. song books and more FLAT Mobile Homes lf * e j Make you r love letter very AMC JAVELIN, 1973,6, floor VOLKSWAGON BEETLE Contact Mr. Quear at 349- GRADUATE OR married stu­ BLACK AND CIRCULAR up­ EXPERT TYPING by MSU shift, console, stereo with 1969, newly rebuilt engine, 5202 after 2pm. 5-2-3 (10) grad. 17 years experience. special this year. Put it in print dents. New East Lansing, two stairs 541 E. Grand River. tape deck, vinyl roof. Immac­ good body, runs great, auto­ bedroom apartments with KING ARTHUR'S Court Near Gables, call 337-0205. on Valentine's Day for your Open 11 a.m. 351-0838. ulate condition. $1,750. 636 matic stick shift, $900. Please PEACE CORPS Africa has carport, on bus route. No close to campus super two- 0-17-1-31(3) loved one . . . and a host of C-11-1-31(7) East Saginaw Street, East call 351-1771 after 4 p.m. positions open in many fields- pets. Start at $250. Call bedroom mobile home in other fo lks as well . . . to Lansing. 351-3210 evenings 7-2-316) Math and Science, teaching, 351-9483 or 351-9195 after 6 great condition. Price to sell EXPERIENCED IBM typing. KIRBY SWEEPER, late model read. He'll be pleased engineering, agriculture, p.m. 0-9-1-31(6) $8900. Call Gloria Pocock Dissertations, (pica-elite). and weekends. 8-2-717) classic, in good condition, w ith your thoughtful­ VOLKSWAGON BUG 1972. vocational education, and $95, 323-4013. E-5-1-3113) 349-3118, MOORE/JENSEN FAYANN, 489-0358. BUICK SPECIAL, 1969 - 22 Delux with radio, 4 speed. liber-arts, the time to look TWO BEDROOM unfurnish­ ASSOCIATES INC. 351-3900 C-19-1-31-13) ness and also be a bit mpg; rebuilt engine; AM/FM Like new, very, very nivel into these oppurtumities is ed - close to campus. Imme­ MANUAL TYPEWRITER, ex­ 1-1-30(81 pleased and proud cassette. $500.882-7115 after FLUMERFELT-STAIR now Come to the AFRICAN diate occupancy. 332-0111. cellent condition. $50. Call EXPERIENCED TYPING ser­ CHEVROLET. 655-4343. STUDES CENTER, Interna­ MSU NEAR. 8X36 plus shed, vice- dissertations, term o f himself. Give 6 p.m. 6-2-114) 0-7-1-31(3) evenings, 655-3692. 4-2-2 15) tional Center, 353-17001-1-30 $1000.482-2329 evenings and papers, Call Carolyn 332- us a call today E-5-1-3013} BUYING 1965 and 1966 ( 10 ) . weekends. 8-2-313) 5574. Elite and Pica. 11-2-3(3) . . . it's tim e 1 Mustangs, any condition, NEED CASH? We buy im­ 1,2,3 even parts of cars. 371-2476. ports and sharp late models KEYPUNCH BOOKS- VISIT Mid-Mich- OPERATOR, 8-2-113) _ compacts. Call John De $econd shift, full time, exper­ apartments igans largest used bookshop. Lost t Fmmd || Q TYPING TERM papers and CHEVELLE SUPER Sport 484-1341 or 484-2551 Young. WILLIAMS V.W. ience on 3741 needed, call 485-8900. 10-2-10 (4) e fully carpeted CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 E. Grand River, East Lansing. LOST WALLET in Spartan theses, I.B.M. experienced, fast service. Call 351-8923. STATE NEWS 332-0112. C-19-1-3115) 1970,396, automatic, power C-19-1-3115) steering and brakes, 2 door, AVON MAKE top money egos heat and central air conditioning SNOWMOBLIE BOOTS Village Laundrymat. Reward. Gary, 355-9928. 5-1-30(3) 0-17-1-3113) CLASSIFIED red with black vinyl top. Call selling world famous AVON • swimming pool THESIS TERM papers typed- 372JB034. 3-V30I5)______ • 24-hour maintenance LADIES - 8-9 $& Drapes .50£ per page. Call 485-4658. Motorcycles ! I 6893 products. Flexible hours. 482- LOST-PUPPY, black with 2-1-31 (4) • ploy ground for children blue-green 144 X 84, $15. 64 white chest, thin tail. Last 10-2-2(3) 355*8255 CHEVY PICK-UP 1965, body • no pets piece stainless - $12. Persian in rough shape, runs good, YAMAHA ENDURO 1973, GIRL WANTED with some lamb coat $50.16-18. Magno- seen at Haslett-Hagadorn $200, 676-4989. 5-2-3 (3) 250cc. 543-7366, 8 1 30(31 vox stereo console $100. Roads. 351-9246. 6-1-3114} Shop the super Duys in your hospital experience, in private coll fo r Information 349*3400 Classified section today. home. 8 a.m. to noon. No 10*5 Tuesday-Friday 339-9191. E-5-2-115) CHEVY BISCAYNE, 1972. Tomorrow you'll be pleased Needs work. 72,000 miles. Auto Service / weekends or holidays. One 10*2 Saturday HEAD SKIS - STD. 190's P u n ts Personal with the money you've patient. 332-5176. 1-1-3015) saved. Good engine. Best offer 337- L 9933. 3-2-11J3T______ __ Knob H ill $45.00. 349-4236 after 3:30 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Loriel BRAKE SHOES and brake SERVICE STATION ATTEN­ p.m. E-5-2-113) I’ll soon join you at the CUTLASS SPORT coup pads at reasonable prices for DANTS; Neat and courteous. Apartm ents nursing home. JM L1-1-30 (3) 1973, very sharp, zodiac blue, your imported car. Full or part time. $2.65/hour ENCYCLOPEDIA SET - P.F. many extras. 41,000 miles. CHEQUERED FLAG FOR­ 484-2308. 5-2-J14) Collier - never used; excep­ $2095. 332-6108. 2-1-31 (4) EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 E. WANTED-FOOD and cock­ NEAR CAMPUS. 1 bedroom tional buy. $400 value for Real Estate iA Kalamazoo St., One mile furnished apartment near $150. 393-1500 or 339-3070, DATSUN Z 2 + 2 1974%, west of campus. C-5-1-31(6) tail waitress. Lunch hour 11 Brody, bus stop. Call Cedar L. Denfield. 8-2-615) excellent condition, many ex­ a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday Greens Apartments, 351- tras, $3800/best offer. 394- GOOD USED TIRES, 13-14- through Friday. Apply in per­ 8631. 0-8-1-31(5) PATIO TABLE and chair set- OKEMOS IMMEDIATE occu­ 2653^X^8-1-30______ son. HUDDLE NORTH. 309 pancy. Maintenance free 15 inch. Mounted free. Also North Washington, Lansing, yellow with glass top. Like ranch. Fireplace, basement, FORD VAN 1971, 6 automat­ good supply of snow tires. Next to LCC. 8-2-618) MALE WANTED for four- new. $80. 393-1500 or 339- garage. $33,900. PAUL ic, radio, $1000 or best offer. PENNELL SALES, 1301 Vi man apartment. $88 a month. 3070, L. Denfield. E-5-2-115) COADY, 332-3582 MUSSEL- 351JSM.6-1-3013)______ East Kalamazoo, Lansing. OFFICE HELP - Part-time. 349-5930. 8-1-31(3) MAN REALITY. C-3 1-30(61 Must have car. Typing-60 ENGLISH JUMP saddle $200, GRAN TORINO 1973, air, 482-5818. C-19-1-3115) TWO BEDROOM furnished wpm; shorthand preferred. Western saddle $185, both Your engagement on Valentines Day automatic, AM/FM tape MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. Duties-everything. For inter­ duplex for 2 to 3 people. deck, vinyl top, 49,000 miles, 669-9939. 8-1-31(3) with fittings, 355-8592. P S . ™ Is the perfect way Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto view, call 482-6232. 8-2-217) 5-2-113) power steering. 332-4738. to announce your love to the world. 8-2-614) painting-collision service. FREE NEEDLE check. Bring CASHIERS WANTED. Fill out the coupon below and m all or American-Foreign cars, Weekend work. Full time in your record player needle 485-0256. C-19-1-3115) Houses £ ; This W ork's Special for free check at anytime. bring to: 3 lin e s — ‘2 OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE, openings. Must be 18. 349- Hatchback, 1976, 6-cylinder, 9369. 8-2-213) Special prices on new Engagement Ad e a c h line over- 4 speed, steelbelts, air condi­ JUNK CARS wanted. We ROOMMATE NEEDED. Plea­ Avanti 2.5 cubic foot refrig­ needles. MARSHALL 67' State News Classified tioning, Ziebart, 25 mpg. pay more if they run. Also SEX THERAPIST needs sub­ sant 3 bedroom house, $75/ erator. new $100. MUSIC,East Lansing. C1-30- 347 Student Services 485-5746. 8-2-8 15) buy used cars and trucks. Call jects to assist in production month plus utilities. 372-1087. 1J6)_______ 321-3651 anytime. of video tape programs for 8-2-313) This week only $60. MSU therapy. Reply to Box E-5, HIRE A professional D.J. C-19-1-3114) Perfect for dorm room or for your dance or your wed­ ■ across PINTO 1977, 3 door, limited The State News. Z-8-1-3116) apartment. ding reception. Book early. Your announcement w ill appear in the Valentine s edition, power steering and NEAR MSU — 3 bedroom ARTHUR ALVARADO. Sales 371-1657. 8-1-3014) section of the State News on February 14. brakes, AM/FM stereo, sun PART-TIME-Delivery persons ranch, fireplace, family room, roof, excellent condition. 351- representative at ANDRES needed. Good transportation large kitchen, large fenced See us for any of your house­ Positive pole 1680. 8-2-115) OLDS. Here to serve you in hold needs. CHILD CARE in my licensed yard, full basement, Red Pullytree your automotive needs. Sale necessary. Good hourly rate If you want it, we have it. Holt home, ages 2 up. 694- Nam* ------ Cedar School, By owner — In d ecorou s prices on new and used plus car expense. Phone for 3122. 4-1-31(3) ■Subsided 332-3771.1-1-30 (6) PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 1971, everyday. 8400 W. Saginaw. an appointment between 9 Address a.m.-12 a.m. or 4 p.m.-5:30 ■Russiancity 47,000 miles. Excellent condi- 627-8411. 8-2-617) DUPLEX - SHARP $260 a FOR QUALITY stereo service ------ - ljy p.m. 694-7947. 8-2-318) D IC K II i m I M A L Day Phon* No. tion. Must see to appreciate. month. Call 332-2968. BI-1-1- THE STEREO SHOPPE* 555 1701 South Cedar port-napped 355-2549 ask for Dave. CmnlMimaitt ■■ E. Grand River. C-19-1-31-13) 8225 --(i Employment | f [ Apartments ii 30(3) * 7M “ 20 characters including spaces & punctuation per line fa b ric B lo ck ad e FREE LESSON in complexion FEMALE TO share nice care. MERLE NORMAN Print Ad exactly as it js to appear in paper p c h sight of SAAB 961970, fair condition. COCKTAIL WAITRESS; house. Own carpeted room. WOMENS SKI boots, Lange |mh TWO FEMALES needed COSMETIC STUDIO, 351- See to appreciate. Near Pro size 7, $30. Raichle size ' in vine 8477 0^3 ^937 2^1 31(3)1 weekends. Apply in person. Spring-Summer. New beauti­ 5543. _ C-19-1-31-13) 8477 or 353-9372. 5-1-3113) COVENTRY INN, 676-1021 campus. 351-7779. 3-2-1 13) 6'/!, $15. 332-0249. E-5-2-K3) for appointment. 8-1-31(4) fully furnished. Real close to MATURE MOTHER has im­ SAAB 1971 99E, 4-door, fuel campus. 351-9474. 3-2-1 13) ROOM IN house near cam­ TWO PAIRS.of bookshelf mediate opening in my home injection, AM/FM. $1100. ~7.Z. pus. Prefer grad or profes­ speakers RTR-EXP-8U. Stu­ for child care. 394-5391. David Ayres, 882-5731 days BABYSITTER AND house- ONE OR TWO FEMALES sional. Call 337-1495 after 6 dio design-36. $240 for both. 8-2-314) 484-9562 nights. 5-2-3 (5) keePer Professional couple- needed Spring - Summer. p.m. 8-1-30(3) Call off campus, evenings _____________________ 3 blocks from MSU campus New, beautifully furnished. 353-3105. 8-2-3(41 SAVE FUEL. Toyota Corolla wi,h 3 sons' Reliable car and Real close to campus. 351- FEMALE ROOMMATE need­ [in stru c tio n | i^ | 9474. XB-3-1-2513) 1974. Two-door. Good con- references required. Prefer ed to share townhouse. Own room. $75/month. 349-5880 "LOVE CAREFULLY" Valen­ •repaym ent required dition, 65,000 miles. Must wi,e of student. Excellent tines. 50C each with red sell. $1650/best offer. 676- salary. Call 351-4795 or 372- PRIVATE ROOM for 1 male. evenings. 4-1-31(4) WRITING CONSULTANT 9 condom, 40$ without, plus years experience in profes­ Winter/Spring Terms, $93/ 4092 after 5pm. Monday-Fri 4092 after 5pm. Monday-Fri- 2960 ask for Heidi. 8-1-31(9) ------------------------------- month, utilities included 355- ONE ROOMMATE needed 50$ postage each order. MICHIGAN ZPG, Box 16231, sional editing. 337-1591. C-1-1-30 13) Deadline day, anytime on weekends. DEAF SIGN language tutor 5 3757 or 349-5404. 8-2-614) for 8 bedroom duplex. Must 8-2-816) -10 hours per week. Call see to appreciate. Call 351- 6498 or 351-2194. 8-2-3(41 Lansing, Ml, 48901 Z-E-5-1-3116)__________ Monday, February 6 ' mornings 482-4464. 8-2-314) WEST SAGINAW-LCC 3 TOYOTA WAGON 1974, ex­ cellent condition, radial tires, bedroom apartment ideal for WAITRESS; NIGHTS. Apply single working girls or stu­ NIKKO, NA-850, 62W $200 speakers: Yamaha NS-670 Typii t Service 1M 5 p.m. There's something for every $300, new OHM C2's $400, $1950. Just tuned, 332-0679 in person. COVENTRY INN dents. Stove, refrigerator, one in today's. Classified Ads. PROMPT TYPING. Twelve Fisher 28 stereo $100, Mar- mornings. Evenings 482- 676-1021 for appointment. washer and dryer. $275/ Check them out for super years experience. Evenings, 8081.6-2-2(4) month. Lease + deposit, call antz 7's $139. 353-6129. 8-1-31(31 buys. 675-7544. C-19-1-31-13) • T A T I N IW S CLASSIFIED DIPT. 627-9765. 8-2-217) X5-1-31I5) WWW. U m tln a , M lchigon Monday, January 30, 1978 9 i % l \ j L lW J IM -T V (C M ) t 'w (IO )W liX -T V (N » C J (H ) W ilM .T V ( C b l.) ( U IW J ^ T V f A B C ' (23)W K A R -TV(PB S) PROFESSOR PHUMBLE & " m u in im i DiscovertRecord* 1. Feb. l i t M B 'S MONDAY 4:00 (6) New Mickey Mouse (12) Mary Tyler Moore Votapek in Recital a fte rn o o n Club (23) MacNell / le h re r Re­ 9:30 — . 12:00 port (10) Green Acres (6) One Day a t a Time Ll2)N*w« h ) To Say TN « L « a » t (12) Bonanza (23) Sesame Street (11) Handicoppers, Unlimi­ ted (lO)Columbo (23) Anyone fo r Tennyson? • You f )AdvOT 2 0 4:30 8:00 10:00 A ( i) Doris Day (6) Good Times (6) Lou Grant I A lm anac (10) little House on the f & A lr * 12:30 (10) G illigan's Island (12) ABC News 5:00 Prairie P IG i ggarch for Tomorrow (23) Onedln lin e (6) Gunsmoke (12) Six M illion Dollar Man | ) Gong Show 11:00 /-3 0 (10) Emergency One I (23) Dialog (6-10-12) News Y A K ? llRvan'iHopo (12) Rookies (11)MSU Hockey (23) Dick Cavett V 1:00 (23) M ister Rogers' Neigh­ 6*90 11:30 - ^ 1 C L EANERS ri) for Richer, For Poorer (6) Baby, I'm Back ■ Young and tho Re*tle*f K) All My Children borhood 5:30 9:00 (6) Movie (10) Johnny Carson PEANUTS e t^ s X C C tQ , l a u n d r y in i turn u rn u jt u n n c dow nsa sums (6) M*A*S*H by Schulz IlGattin'Ovor (23) Electric Company (12) Forever Fernwood SPONSORED BY: 332-3537 CUANID (11) News (23) Ralph and A lbertlne (23) ABC News T 1:30 J as Th* World Turn* 6:00 I ) Days of Our Livot I ) Ralph and Albertina (6-10-12) News (23) Dick Cavett MSU SHADOWS ® HANDS ARE A ^MARVELOUS lUORK / 1 , h a n d s c a n p a in t H A N D 5 CAN DO A WHILE UIE'RE AT IT lopok In Recital (11) TNT True Adventure b y G o r d o n C a r le to n PICTURES, PlAV MUSIC MILLION THINGS... LET'S ALSO HEAR IT FOR I 2:00 Trails AN D BARE P IE S 1 CLAWS A N D PAWS! I ) On# life to liv e (6) CBS News 6:30 P O V B A Z iL P E T E 'S 'X3~Z I ) Over Easy Present this really funny comic for 25' I 2:30 (10) NBC News \ ^ worth of free play I Nat »otidm . «sot. Nights ■Guiding Light (12) ABC News hy h, ■ Doctors (23) Over Easy I ) Cooking with Contln- (11) The Bible's View I H ave, y o u f o u a j d a a j v t r a c e , o f 1,1 Flavor 7:00 K m l- m i. ^ T I M r R uss /a a i J 3:00 (6) My Three Sons TODAY S SPECIAL I) Another World (10) Mary Tyler Moore -i??' < *y& S - SH O R T H A rO P E -0 C H IU aU XBM OS K General Hospital (12) Brady Bunch T H E - T E C H A ) |c /A f^ S K Z -t p J truly a gourmat traa tl | Antiques T 3:30 (23) Spartan Sportllte (11) Past and Present A IU T A T /A ie.. . - ----------- x FRANK & ERNEST ---------- „_v , H 3.SO k|| in the Family Tense by Bob Thaves f t AZTICO RESTAURANT K Villa Alegre 7:30 SPONSORED BY: i . 203 M.A.C. 351-9111 (6) Gong Show H©W flgOOT TH A T ^ 0 0 NEED D O C D fZ ! A BACHELOR* DECREE Tb ADVIRTIM te a c h SE% E d u c a tio n . W anted: SEX- IN THIS SPACI EDUCATI0N instructor CALL 3 5 3 -6 4 0 0 JD C D C D Watch fo r our Grand Oponing I to w gos prices Plus THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS Dine In at Service by Post SPONSORED BY: 310 W. Grand River RAVELS WITH FARLEY I w A * ! U tfto N t w y l i nrlw H a ll— PIZZA 2 OR CALI 337-1639 1901 C. O r. River iP h il F r a n k Next to Varsity Inn W H t/b lD \ \ / n d MAtt/Aff We Appreciate Your Business VO U G 6T m tm C H IE F ? HOWARD THE DUCK!® PILLOW TALK Soft and FURNITURE s«xy furniture by Steve Gerber and Val Mayerik s p o n s o re d by: E.W. Mall Frandor Shopping Center JMBLEWEEDS ® campus 1312 Mich. Ave. (next to Silver Dollar Saloon) Mon.-FREE QT. OF COKE Tuos.-FREE ITEM 351-1747 Tom K . R y a n sponsored by: PIZZA 337-1377 Wad. - WHOLE WHEAT CRUST (on request) H OW ARD A N D B E Y S FLIGHT FROM CLEVELAND TOUCHES DOWN SOFTLY F T M M Y O R K 'S J F. K. AIRPO RT. IT S THE LAST CUSHIONED SENSATION T H E Y 'R E LIK E LY TO E XPER IEN C E IN TH IS R E LE N T LE SSLY HARD- ED G ED A P P LE. SAM and SILO ® SPONSORED BY: Holr Styling for Men and Women Coll for appointment today n h m iiH t t i [WSSWORD m a BHD 0H H E by Jerry Dumas and M ort Walker 201 MAC Below « n e t Stationary Now open Saturday*- fflo a n a n ii hobh PUZZLE naanooa san a SPONSORED BY: bheporcft ■ across 30. Measure of yam Baa onnaa 31-1*18000pea 0001313 BD0Q0 aauin 11013 aiin compus 32. Bristle 33. Spike n a n B a a ■h b ih j s positivepole 34. Prohibitionists 36. Rest B O O B Il SB H P R decorous 37. Seabird (Subsided sanra a a a a sB ti ■Kiancity 38. Thoroughfare: abbr. 10 0 a a a a a B o s P iaca d a s aam wnapped 40. Boutique fabric 42. Blue dyestuff 4. German rivor plockade Fchsightof 46 Eaglestone 49. Qualify DOWN 5. Altar screen i TrtiNK iUDOSOMeTHiNG 6. Camel hair robe Pnh 50. Japaneseoutcast 1. Fortify 7. Polish cake itftfcllCCfijAlW STiHUiATiNS N Indianvine 51 lessee 2. Cuckoo Safecrackers 3. Humorously 8. Winged 9. 6-footed tripod TODAV... LiKe STANDON Tfte 11 r li 10. Indian CORNeR AND RfiAD TH6 11. Deplorable 17. Packscario P A S S iN ^ T -S H iP T S !! 19 "Lome Doom" character 20. Hebrew month 22. Person ol mixed ancestry 24. Resting 25. Bergamot 29 Swaatcr material 29. Foamy 35. Ballroom dance 39. Wound in Heraldry <1. Indian 42. Iannis term 43. Chemical anding 44. Color 45. Harden T & v » tO ffe rs 47. Tamper 48. Abstract being Monday, January 3p 1 Q M ic h ig a n S to le N e w s , Eos) L an sing, M ic h ig a n SKILL NECESSARY IB (* * 111 D e b a te te a m w in s g m JC A T lO N S 1 TA K E N fto m e N 001* 1. 1i ff Uj;11 By KIT CARLSON makes you look a t th ings w ith a critical mind." T ryouts for th e team a re held each fall term , wm r S tate News SUM W riter While not as faithfully followed as the Spartan with approxim ately 60 people try in g to m ake th e basketball squad, MSU’s debate team has been four person team , L ark in g said. A pplicants research and speak on a topic. L arkin th en • STATScmMU setting its own records. The team has consistently placed in the top ten questions each applicant to tr y to re c re a te some in its tournam ents, including a first place at the of the pressure experienced in actual d ebate, he L .P . S P E C IA LS !! U niversity of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Tournam ent explained. BSO RS1RHSQ N iu J "The team is very hard to pick. I t ’s usually th e earlier this month. MSU was represented by tw o team s at the questioning th a t s ep arates them , since you've W IS K IN D IN L .A . Wisconsin tournam ent. Sophomore journalism got to be able to think v ery quickly w hen you're m ajor M ark Fellows and law sophomore Paul put on the spot," L arkin said. MW VS T.MUtT ’ H um m er took first place. The cu rren t team has o p erated well under s t b u t p l a y ib Finding A Job ? “I t would have been unusual to have had two pressure. Larkin said. team s make it," Forensic D irector T.J. Larkin “'They perform b e tte r and b e tte r as the pressure gets higher," he said. A B B A -T IN ALBUM said. "So much depends on the team s you draw to “We thrive on th e com petition," Fellows r.w u n ’ •« compete agains. T here's always an elem ent of luck involved." Between tw enty and fifty universities com pete added. Team m em bership ta k es a g re a t deal of tim e BREAKTHRU *78 Can help you - U M IIM i at each th re e day tournam ent. The topic to be because of th e tim e sp en t in tra v elin g to m eets Breakthru is a women’s career conference held February 9 m n iH n n ^ debated for the entire 1977-78 school year is and researching topics. C onflicting class sche­ and 10. But the workshops for Breakthru are just as impor­ w hether U.S. law enforcement agencies should dules take up a lot of p ractice tim e, b u t the tant. be given g reater freedom in investigating and prosecuting felonies. Each team sw itches sides on th e topic, giving activity seem s to give th e d eb a ters inspiration for their schoolwork, team m em bers said. "I get m ore fired up about school if I debate," * January 31, 6:00, McDonel Kiva 10% OFF •"■ a s affirm ative argum ents during the first round of Paul H um m er said. A program devoted to interviewing skills and hints. PHOTO FINIM IM debate and negative during th e second round. The team 's next m eet will be F eb ru ary 11 and ★ February 2, 6:00, Eppley Teak Room Each m em ber gives a construction speech and a 12 a t S outheastern Louisiana U niversity, w here A panel discussion on what employers look for in applicants. rebuttal speech, and then is cross-examined. they expect to have an o th er good showing, mumn um m J "I think it's good for a person to talk in front of Larkin said. These workshops lead to the Job Fair w ith 75 + employers other people and then be criticized," Fellows “I think w e're going to place high — a t least in the top 10," he predicted. on Feb. 9 and interviews on Feb. 10. said. "D ebating is a very analytic activity that ■ ■ - ■ " ■ “ ■C U P AND SAVE CIGARETTES Have your auto insurance rates AS Tax fcschpdlsdl 2 /1 19* ] UMIT1PACKS **P4Wt/l| increased? Sentry has held the line! XTA W IIIIIW I nmwHmg] CALL C H LO B A S E P TIC CRI9T JEFF W ILLIAMS LO ZEN G ES TOOTHPAR 332-1838 1 .0 7 88' IS’I 1.4* VALUS in. MIVIUS 401 W. Grand River i UMIT 1 B H W I/l/n UMrri m an East Lansing | (TATIMCOMT fTATIMKMX (L-SENTRY i R G B IT U S S IN INSURANCE I DM SPUD COUBH POBMULA CUP AND S A V E i a — ■ — ■ ■ — — J STICK TH IS K IN D O F EYE 1 .6 7 1.13 CO NTACT K E E P S YOU 4 ox. S.10VAIM L IU . 1.19VAIM LO O K IN G 0 0 ° ™ UMIT 1 O M H I/l/n UMIT 1 IAMWM XTAT1lU IIM I PABBIBIO BO AN IC S W H IA T G E R M A H O N IY SHAM PO O ■ M -A B B r 1401. U IV A U N 1■ 38 tw M F or the best in op tieal care, um it i ummum HAW IIIH 1 see us. We’re sp ecialists in BIVLO N fitting contacts an d also have FLIX BALSAM a wide selection o f fram es CONDITIONIR and lenses. Stop by C o-optical soon and see what we have to IS M . M S V A LH UMIT 1 1|66 U M M lt offer. 351-5330 ■TAWMSCOONT ■TATHMCM* TIDI SOUND m Dr. James Nixon Registered Optometrist LAIHMMT Bam O INT fa b r ic sons Brookfield Plaza 1 .4 9 55' The Buck 4 *M . I.1JV A LIH UMIT I B M H I/l/n IS 't SS'VAUR | Stops ARTCARVED's new fashion rings are very different from traditional college rings. Each is a unique, contemporary design, and very much your college. Whichever style you choose in our (TAWXMCOOMT (TATIlU lX * S P IC A l’ * 1 large collection can be personalized by the custom features you select. Z lS f Here THE /W Q 1RVED REPRESENTATIVE DIODOB ANT SO AO B ig Job ClN* will be here to help you select your ring. 2/69* 2r Bath S ix. SS'VALUI ICO*. UMIT 1 HMMS1/I/TI UMITI Dates Jan. 30-31-Feb. 1,2,3 MSU Bookstore . Place. XTAWXNCMMT Representative Jim Durham w ill help you from 10:00-4:00 Deposit required. Ask about Master Charge or Visa. KNIT SKI CAPS BOB'S MINI CHEESE STEAK 1.S0VAUM • jg o ffl AND SMALL COKE UMITa good from Mon-Weds CTAWXIXCCX*1 1 Expires 2/1 N I H A L A S K A N IT | (4 i Bob’s Philadelphia B O O K IT O K I W A R M K N II SO C KS 1 Steak Sandwiches 1040 E. G R AN D RIVER 3.3S VALUR m NW 337-0195 u n it . v 3 0 . 1978 C M IT c M l V AUM m n M H l SPUD STICK 1.131 u l.M V A U N I NIC! MONIT 18 I'V A lM llhtiiilm K jn f O u W R[ « [ t » i s lil p u riin U if E iiii a l u i i CO V 0> X 1 * 1 —* S ** Ih 1!! 3 8 * 8 » b S if O S) 73 |111H « Q, U ] | l i l l - s l ill 00 3 Q CO H 9 CO M O «■ W s m CD v