u. S. C. Li Vary Bast Lansing, His COMING r.vrvrs rniTftMAiJ Rum*hall Game Thursda WMlfrn S ate Michigan 6tate Heu» EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN, TV BSD AY, MAY 4. 19:17 •rev R. H. Shaw I Yodavi I 3 ,000 Junior Farmers Fraternities Honoraries Juniors Nominate Local Men tCainpu! p Ry Tom Nolan Nnlnn Will Meet n a Thursday ^tarJ in For 38Meet £J.an8 At Mav hms °L"e" * To ComiM'tc lor Presidency 4 \t /i * rur Annual Program As Classes IN ante Candidates l.ixini: Frnwil < cilley?' Prepare* for \ i»it ILiinr.. Rliii'k. 11.11 I l»t I .a rye Croup of ^ • • 11vti£ \prirultiiri«l*. Missionary W ill Discuss In Ti>|> Sliili' fnr I loin, ilia Senior, Burmese Farm Mel hods Kn^'iic Elliot Four Selected \|;rinilliiri*l< to Hear Rc\. Native Kniperor To He Sprakcr It. C. 1 >e TtteAfiav. (Lis Honored Him By Sopli Glass JiMluitii! I Hiilt>«l to hi* a FirM-Yi-ar (• r » u p Pirki Ki'Jitiiif of Rural I on- Kiulil.'.-n lo i ir fur Of fin-. m Rand To PU» - Conference Heads Named » II. U*«n . n r.*1it.ii.Ii 0. 11 M.t.h »«k. lurti.n*. mid I Hp tluamhl w> t; t. Oil,., Mart R..I X , i •• A,, ■ 1 Rex Braxton t String Music Is Featured fa«r I'lax Final I'r.Hir.un Forensic Meet Set for Fritluv \111111al Kngineew s" in I .III. III..nr. Meeting Planned State to Semi League Croup I lull I.I l»i~ II- *..rl.l num.: V V. \ Founder's Day V ro^ram Is Planned To Ceichratc M.S.LV Eightieth Year I urtinal Head* Planning \ andev ill*' s|IUM il( Stiidents to Sin» Mardi Cra» Solos for "Llijah" W ... .r. An,»fir* The rude Rate* \. * -d approprieteiy ~y\f% ti it- Tr. || Q„*e* • N„ Two MIClIKtAN M ATE NEWS 'luemlay, May 4, 19:17 (Me to Sftrinfi Klui'k un«l White By Arnold Hart let t Music"tt Michigan tftatc Kciu$ Birds are twittering. butterfly* flitter- - The - The ing*. the Red Cedar, out of sheer ecstasy, llihliopllile Musicians Revolving . . overflows its hank. Moon . . . June . . . Rv spoon, those aneieiit rhymes are dusted off Jarluion K. Town? attain beer . which . . and seniors, at night, dream of flows before their doors in Stage Music of composers from • centuries and chosen from i. ThU i. ihf Ar.i • By Larry Dfctcl I.-hIk, classic music, and i-■ rivers. songs were sung by the Wo IQJ7 'iWfi*. *•■•• Hbrsrtei A subtle change comes over college. Mid¬ Tl, spring at la*t. Chief Har- Glee dub at its spring o.i, ftssocidod Cbttoftiafe Prwi terms are forgotten and long terms are Forrater. Norman. nngton «« crying about dead- Inst night Miss Joseph in < Ka Distributors of Thr Am«-ric»». suie i.'ruv. r«ity I line# and generally fretting ley directed the twenty neglected. Profs grow restless and gaze gu 'KnrOiTO4c»fM»hn» VrliT' c.s? about 'he tardiness of this copy, were selected from the Mm Cnlofttnfc'DirtPsI moodily out of classroom windows during 2*7 pmm. my friends, this is spring, State college chorus. M ,:. p. m. lectures. Might o'clock* are cut and Professor Irving Babbitt, of the and in th.s term of your fourth MANA(ilN< i KDITOi: i»l .A (JKL7.KR 'J nVlocks are slept through. French department nt Harvard ***, m school, ah, laainaM it ASSCK'IATK EDITOR HARVKY IIARRINC 1T<»N Kconomics is replaced by steak roasts, university, long ago became eon- almost a virtue, BEVERLY SMITH vineed that the trouble with the Imagin. if The bos* (Har- CO-ED EDITOR philosophy by bull sessions, guy- bunt gioup of religious song.-. .> SPORTS EDITOR Al. 'I'll FILER \) even cutely suggested that I.ARMY DISTKI. avidly for dates "ntul- en-eds ride bicycles ing "Ave Maria.'' b> P EDITORIAL ADVISKR might have slaved away on Hear My Prayer, m i around the village in abbreviated costumes. > Sunday afternoon He ju*t Mendelssohn, and Win EDITORIAL lltiARI) RmIIFI lii'Kii \n*. While Mr. Real's Pinetum, though not n't know from nothing, or intended for such purposes, suddenly be¬ comes the center of campus nocturnal activities. rnei s of A me Across the river cattle bawl• lustily in •Children of M'OMI A N STAFI rig into thi* < Warren All « I he in*, respective pasture lots and W. P. A 'ers lean |isllessl\ on rakes and shovels. group were o And . •tin •alb i lio waving pines of Arden rorest, love be- ntfJu'.s rampant on a ere i of frat pins. All Hu«lnr*i kinds and type^i of love can be discovered llt'SLVKSS M AN MiH! ROBERT I. REE I OR ASS 1' IU'SINFSS M AN AHKH WILI.AHD WI12TE fi#rr, ranging froni the cinema style prac¬ Rl'SlNKSS AHV'ISKK DON ALD (. M ilARA ticed by Chirk Cable and Myrna boy at the local movie house, to the Butch and (ivr- trude method of the working classes. Canoes and Cien. Kmedh-v l» Itutlrr ami raits any thing that floats are paddled eastward up the Cedar «1ed ^ri«t fol'-. FACt'LTY ADVISER Ihal indicate, II What's the of this National Advertising Service, Inc -Merely spring. cause It's come agai uphe, lit The Rough 4to MalillON A v on hadn't heard. j Willi Harvey llnrrinKlnn l'll,M,lo»,|lllif - ■ - Th» lm»t group TihIuv'h houii Bv lb* Bibber GUEST EDITORIAL and The Elfin M I lloiimlnl hlurtilion - B> Prvaidenl Kohcrt S. Shaw 7/«' llhns \omiimlr Some people, cMpceially thoae of more Forty juniors attended their class meet- mature year-, look for the morning -ipliei paper* with i|ullc a-> much expectancy a* for break last, which cater to the appe tite and the needs of the physical bodv- lillg t• * one illilainilmI with < alTIJHI; poli- In hue manner the morning paper may tils - mule tut and dried than |>h I't v eau- satisfv tlie desires of tin mind, ami add material^ !•• it- fullness in an mforrua- 1 u anyone who ha* evei attended a t la*- meeting. the small attendance i- coniprc As a rule students do ii<»i read tin pre* hertsible, No doubt the freshmen had the as diligentIv a the;, should The taul: lugged rrow11 ami the sophomore- a larger i often not entirely theirs, hut is rather group than the junior*. Hut In the time due to lack of opportunuv and utismtald, nin has seen thre* v ear* of , |H*.« meeting. environmental condition* An individual that proees e| polit i, k my helorcluiltd not feel abb to spare the fund- f.o - may (minus the smoke tilled hotel rooms!- inmping up t" noinlnate the fralcrmt; loo >lul>. dormitorv. or rooming house ma\ till I wortln the oiRaiu/.atioi I.. Iiirtr< l> oc« ipiod witj a* ignmt n SPECIAL n quired in connection with class work. In have been developed. "Heading nraketh a lull man." and Jin to Seniors dailv presv uia.v cotilribut• an iniportan! its liatetmt) hloi- run polities Should par' t" the siudenl's education, h mav the time I V. r loine when lijoi * gi\c Wa.v to genuine class nonuuation Hmri it will In Slmleill I'ulsr (Purine May i national, national, ami local, relating to well to atleml «l.» meeting* I ntil that 11 he nMel logy, religion, liuance, etc. In addition, spend his time more profitably in the there is much to be gamed h> the selec¬ library or drinking a iokc in the I uion irulernil\ Iiii/hoi rnifiil tive reading of current publications, in¬ cluding the popular sclent lib and tech¬ nical mugav.ines and. especial!;, those prtMN ntiitg briefi on topic i" rtinant to NAME tin- problems id the dav. t nl»•*.•> reading I., wasted topi, - I.. VI.i, W, -l Xliiff CARDS for your 1 .oiiiiiit iktiih'IiI IIIv ilalion- So I lie V Sa\ l Itv \--»c»ated t ollegiate I*i UH) ^1 lliMik and I.me I tub tin ! ;ng> i .nimat* U lwcei. the ventral voic ot 50 75r an«i in, - >o i ouiuhng irimmiiig i'u - Pat i a k .Mahal,. ,s. J., of Creigh- aide rat a ou universitv gives iiwoming fiwshmet a sd eniplov solv ing i initk l<*vk at the .Hcoreiavard. I or deli i\ ; < .--.SN "Football must be taken from the awaken I oil unit a „i rafliblris ami the -rah-rah boy a.' It is of , 4 It * I well-being of t hen >••» .• t mil sign,t,that it deserve* t" U far l!» Uft- fp4d h»it ; the Humanist a tendrr. , the uj\t; .back lut'' tlu , olleges ami univt i - •v.s V It l>. vvnul 1 l.t. w : ,-toags of the (ix mts p, , -aienl . !•*> W'et>t Grand River A - > direction. dent of Washington and Jeffer-Hou cpl- .ge. heln v, a great Pn thall teiiin . , ielriment to a college. • ndec- d Dirtxioi Foti I i,o«ilay, May 4, iV.il MICHIGAN STAIr. NKW5 two f OFill HO\OKARIF:s Y. W. to Entertain b.,»,u,i Tea ami Toast j Liberal Arts IAI- on MAY MORNING r itILeaa» RnlUftiB DUllClia Set for May 18 I.iinurd ;r.,m Wg. __ By Ma firnirfy i ' rmMiaihor : Girls t«» Visit Th, s#mru. y. *, c.. A. will At May Breakfast; «>r. H,nhrr. Clothes Clinie A ' A an open rneetinf a- The er. ng. Rev al 7 15. W«d- in People's „ TirkrtS«lr«- ' Rrayton C ' cultural m.vsionary to Expect 2o() Guests,,/;;,"^; new officer* truck club, the Home Economics clob ban- M «.» j Kr-;,. ch.ffori r.a ■d f y fRar "The f tH-il lie a* llr/ude Seck.nge. ;• ' Thi I K , ; Eighty Von erale«l CLASSIFIED by Father* anil Son*. *rof. lit*'ll.l M>. I - The¬ Ihlta Si it ma I'hi ■»Ut# \ *m»r'»t# OAVU ORXM'.fU'^ WILtrlAMl mvneire mcnu\ LEE RACKETS ?j#ib pianra.-i f -• v r.* a<* « Hw. :■' »». r u tik- r . '• ' • i ESr£r5 >Hoi:s • -<»\ ami SHOK1S W L.; • "W I.R» %T I.I Y look Your Best r y Larabcc'i Sport Shop . For Ike Parties MOWUEU Barber Shop -IT M. A. t . \»e. , :* Ik. ; J. ; l louer* far Mtdher I'hone *» JM»T I .tv;/. .. a < K SANDW ICH ORDER E\KLV SHtll' <)l K KI'fcUAl.TA MALTtU Mll.k> Gene V\erill Florist II A Mill KG IS • •K* *LIO It L 211 M. A. < . A»e. Sim hails MOTHER'S DAY FOR VOIR CONVENIENCE HANKY BISESRIN EVERY 5 MINITES V ( NIGHTIE OTTON DRF. BETWEEN LANSING AND EAST LANSING 45 Toer. rkapht : FL< »\YERS «;* »■' * FOR M O.NOMY FOR SAFETY RIDE THE Bl SES *k».A« dee* to ua a -.4# . v*» • -• ■ TC>* had jurt t*AB cOMplM 4 ■*«»■ « JWpoSi :i.< capta>r. * o .• . t . ,u. »qu u. . * CITY TRANSPORT Marie i - ».-♦ a(Ka Phot* 21 IKS tusKaw -a- Umk« a* 'i>« ao^ pa* Ikuou^toaiM . Tuewtay, Mny 4, 1W7 MTrmr.AN ST A TP! NP!WS —^ Kru.h liny T»n Fate Shifts ' Traek Squad'hoh Terlaak Partiripatrs Frat Hurler As Spartans m Pre* lti»\ Opens Drills In ,rish < !•»"«> < «m<"t Fans 14 Men MirhiKfin Sljt'i- ■ f... i Defeat Irish KlBITZINfiS L\|M |t|4r M|»pl in (inmc Rrlwern Alumni nml In Fpilll11|)l1 m t*1 ' \ur»ily: lliii'limwn S«>. Tenm Omit* I.immI I L Mini* Frrpiirr* for ^ Thiir«itii» M ill. llrinlil ■ By Al Theiler (hire urrk* I rum 1llo*< I'lixrr ■ |i I'lirmnli-r Hurl* Tlii-ln |in Nil In trO Phi Ihrr I Mia rhU. Kup- gi* ,|" l,l»' w»i» i-luil> ill lllinl Meet. rrn- which fmii»irod tin* wt r|*j|y. Sklnl M|> iKal f«r«< win p.-.irnrlef of the ThH# II |Kr *. l>ri|»tr Mi ll f ill Ihf leeleiM- h"W Inf »«r HuwiiimI Kenl*'* j W'ti. n T"t, inr -hi Selnu'tt Point Km**' ill" f>ll» ' uln thrre hH«miI4h'I In- ifi N. I r«»m I h>- vlrt»f«r> thai nmptiitii .o« mi ... « an I w»- «n< writ Utnt Ihr rmint «•«• ttf*irtn Hlflr iriMiu In mm even !MMI murk fnt 4nr lirir Thursday. will Iw ln|t lirilVI || i . .1 To Trip South 3 f «■'» Monday night "Z',l "T''. TliisU rok-i'iul .7/ ( ••lit Mai 1 M. IW Sail* ,rh if nil \ lot wrft n«i ihr feather* err date lm a Irl iIiihii. l.tKT II Ml • TIIIMI ipri l-iii> »flcr farint ih< Vm Ve»rk Vanker* In i.i.iimI It"•• ' 1 AKoi.t: niMinim Marketeer* •«» Tare lii«liaiia. I 1(1.II M AI Ml Kil'X \ kniliirkv iiimI I Jiiriiinali S|l:lll Ills ll <111 I.una 'lour.— 'SWING HIGH SWING low TWO IIUI ONI * A Till R*l) N \ 4-. k«mmI reserve tnalrrlul Mr Imm Minnie the Wmwhn rni Marled leal fall, nod In hrlmhrH * «err»u«t. Kputl.ttf »A . WftrrUl irtl mil In I In- middle- nl I lie SIh-'h Trr-r-nifii . tl/ihn l.fHilun I'i GRACE MOORE i!" V. ■ • 1 "Whtn You're in Lot*" •with CART GRANT h Irl Jamr*. ( «i«r> Orrti «. t mkt rnh lt«nr *« itli Wilt' » h(«h hn« *• « ml ,«ntl Ihrr-M Ihr W I'll. In - IhutMl.i Rainbow Recreation iiilliani room Revelation » Bowline al it's Best A I layer ft*»«i fan V CARBURETOR JV YELLO-BOLE N#w we. of burning t<•■ better .--.let (teener Cer (oolfrrs \\ in. efts a Lost- imi lirsl Trip til War *|M»rt Inlrrliitli•*■ JEAN'S KEWPEE BARMAN JACKET u*ui Hamburg TUOSIAOCS Mnrc|urt»v IH-O; l ot' In M ililml. in All-Steak Bar Hari- I Maii li Hollyw.MKl llot Dok Miami • Mother's l)a> trifts Seattle HAM) BAGS Cafeteria or Set1 our New Whites Last Lan-irf Fountain Service MGGAGK SPORT C0A1S I.KATHKK GOODS Large Special and SLACKS Malted Milk 10c Waxhinikin are TOPS Ave. Coca Cola 5c Hit* in ' hrrr ' I uciefr — mm'# »»nrr» ' ^ of Mftrq.«•! r will find i-.mtuSi"- BW In Ihr HB cartiinK < aiuMirtmrTit.- a r ™ ununual «t>lmg- Ta>;. • last cAij.:: SEMI-FORMAL rr»*nn«bly pr;' > m ?•* • For 9-12 •'Jk M4 ». r vii- Hi $ do.,.. ■ (J eoure* U In« S|>..rt-T and Ta>', 1 « rda v tt>il ju*l -.''.art < ■ r FROSH HOP : LOWRY CLARK AVRI7S ing the matci out ot the tire a:> their te-ii.'r.matef had won but va-,. FRIDAY, MAY 7 nine !>.■ i. >umi t.i g..e the Wild¬ cat* an *; -r.-age 2 « Neiaor. Limited Tickets Tax—^OO^^upl^