Prior collection parties on campus illegal By R.W . ROBINSON consumption, possession and transportation MSU alcohol policy 'most lenient' copyright, 1978 of alcoholic beverages. Central's party EDITOR’S NOTE: FoDswiug U the policy, as stated in th e cu rren t Residence w coad article la a eerlea examining MSU'e Hall Handbook, perm its only BYO events. alcohol policy ax U relate* to ita te law. K eggers o r o th e r p arties which include the M SU violate* th e s ta te L iquor C ontrol A ct mass purchase of alcohol from collected university conference cen ters. V ice-President for S tu d en t A ffairs Eldon by perm ittin g prio r collection p arties, l i e “In te rm s of large parties, p rio r collection funds a re not allowed. G enerally w ith keg g ers o r p rogressive N onnam akersaid he believes MSU is "in th e U niversity also violates s ta te law by is not legal in th e sta te o f M ichigan." Consumption of alcoholic beverages will p arties, resid en ts of th e dorm itory floor m iddle with resp ect to th e alcohol policies allowing th e sale and consum ption of alcohol Sandy McClean, associate vice-president be perm itted only in stu d en t rooms and having th e p s rty and “designated g u ests" o f o th e r s ta te universities. on state-ow ned property. of stu d en t affairs a t E a ste rn Michigan some public areas on a controlled basis," the contribute money before th e p a rty to w ard s B ut, in tact, m ost o th e r u niversities in th e T he M ichigan Liquor Control A ct defines U niversity, said BYO p a rtie s a re allowed in handbook states. th e purchase of alcohol. T his co n stitu tes s ta te currently do no t allow prio r collection sale as including . . exchange, b a rte r or th e dorm itories, b u t th e y a re fo r resid en ts “Consumption will not b e perm itted in the prio r collection. p arties in th e ir dorm itories. traffic, furnishing o r giving aw ay any only and no outside g u ests a re allowed. lobby o r lounge nor shall it be perm itted “You cannot ta k e u p a collection o r you do P e te r Schock, d irecto r of th e Housing alcoholic b ev erag e." If g u ests w ere allow ed, th a t would be outside of residence hall buildings on have a violation of th e law ," U n iv ersity and Information O rientation Office a t th e In a p riv a te hom e o r dorm itory room , this selling, h e said. E a ste rn is a t a stan d ­ U niversity grounds. Michigan state law is A tto rn ey Leland C arr has said. U niversity of Michigan, said prio r collection law is not applicable. B ut in a public place still on p rio r collection e v e n ts because interp reted to mean th a t th e sale, trad e or A taB Y O p arty , if people exchange any o f ev e n ts w ere halted th e re afte r th e Liquor such a s a dorm itory hallw ay, any person officials cannot obtain licenses, McClean giving away of alcoholic beverages requires th e liquor they.have b ro u g h t instead of only C ontrol Commission stopped issuing licen­ engaging in th e sale of alcohol m u st be said. a license. Therefore, each person employing consum ing th e ir own, th is too violates th e ses in 1975. licensed. McClean added th a t E a ste rn 's alcohol th e privileges of th is policy m ust supply his Liquor Control A ct. I t s a breach of th e law when th e re is a T he s ta te will n o t license anyone to sell policy w as revised in 1977 and h as y e t to be o r h er own alcoholic beverages." “MSU is probably th e m ost lenient p rio r collection ev en t,” he said. alcohol on state-ow ned land w ith th e approved by th e board o f tru ste e s. "MONDAY: The question of who is liable u niversity in th e s ta te in te rm s of its alcohol W estern Michigan U niversity allows BYO exception of fairgrounds, arm ories, air A t C entral Michigan U niversity, stu d en ts for any illegalities, damages or injuries policy,” notes P aul Oliaro, th e U n iv ersity 's p a rtie s b u t prohibits prio r collection. R esi­ bases, naval installations and designated and th e ir designated g u ests a re req u ired to occurring at University-approved dormi­ d irecto r of th e Alcohol Education P ro jec t. dence Hall D irector Sally Pippen said. adhere to all s ta te s ta tu te s cdncerning tory parties will be examined. V O LU M E 72 NUM BER 32 FR ID A Y , FEBR U A RY 1 7 ,1978 M ICH IG A N STATE UN IVERSITY EAST LA N S IN G , M ICH IGA N 48824 COMMITTEES GRANT 21 STIPENDS ' educators to receive awards honors. in th e D ep artm en t of Pathology in th e JANET HALFMANN au th o rity on G reat L akes archeology. He College of Human M edicine, is a clinician, ute News Staff Writer •W illiam J .E . C rissy, well-known MSU has introduced several concepts im portant diagnostician, research er and teach er. She ~ulty members and six graduate m arketing professor who died M onday, will to anthropological research and is cu rato r of in itiated a Regional N eurom uscular D iag­ Iwill receive M SU 's highest be p resen ted th e aw ard posthum ously. He anthropology a t th e MSU M useum. nostic L aboratory and is cu rren tly involved teaching, research and public w as dedicated to th e concept of lifelong •F re d W. D ostal, Lake County Extension in research on m ajor diseases. * 26th annual A w ards Convoca- education. d irecto r w ith M SU's C ooperative Extension -k. inguished F aculty A w ards, olar Awards and Excellence- •E lean o r J . Boyles, head of docum ents in th e MSU L ibrary, has introduced methods of m aking th e collection m ore accessible to Service, has pioneered p rogram s to assist citizens in g en eratin g income in severely d ep ressed areas. H is achievem ents have •S tan ley K. Ries, professor of horticul­ tu r e and a w ell-known plan t scientist, is responsible for several advances in agricul­ tu re . R ecently h e identified th e naturally- S ill w J j |l | Awards will be p resen ted by th e public. H er know ledge of Am erican and included productive use of m arginal agricul­ occurring compound triacontanol, which B B Ss President E d g a r L. H arden and international governm ent publications has tu ra l land and m ore effective design of public m ay eventually increase crop yields. nee W inder a t 7:30 p.m . in helped expand resources in those areas. land for recreation. •J o h n A . Yunck, professor of E nglish, is Auditorium, •W ilbur B. Brookover, professor of urban •N o rm an E . Good, professor of botany recognized for h is contributions to medieval hed Faculty A w ard w inners are and m etropolitan studies, is a respected and plant pathology, is internationally studies. H is colleagues have called him a mmittees in th e ir colleges. The researc h er and te a c h e r in th e field of known fo r his research in plant physiology gifted te ach er who m otivates stu d en ts to th e ch include stipends of $1,000, sociology of education. He is form er m ayor and m etabolism . He focuses his in te re st in love of education. tstanding contributions to th e of E a s t Lansing and city council m em ber. fundam ental plant biochem istry on th e Teacher-Schotar A w ards, which reco g ­ evelopment of th e U niversity, •C harles E . Cleland, professor of a n th ro ­ practical needs of ag riculture. nize devotion and skill in u n d erg rad u ate acuity members will receive th e pology and racial and ethnic studies, is an •M arg aret Z. Jo n es, associate professor teaching, will be received by six junior faculty m em bers. N om inations for th ese aw ard s, which also include $1,000 checks, a re screened by a faculty-student com m ittee asles vaccination free appointed by th e provost . •Je n n y T. Bond, assistan t professor of food science and human nutritio n, has created several self-instruction k its to supplem ent h er lectures. She also uses EBORAH HEYWOOD Siddall said off-campus stu d en ts m ay go has been discovered th a t those vaccines videotape techniques in h er classes. ‘e News S tiff Writer to any residence hall giving th e vaccinations lacked lastin g im munization. •N ancy L. Bunge, assistan t professor in unization shots for Rubeola, nex t w eek. S tu d en ts w ho live in residence “Many stu d en ts don’t rem em b er if th e D ep artm en t of A m erican T hought and halls or area s not giving th e vaccine until State News/Robert Kozloff “own as 10-day m easles, red they've been vaccinated or not," Siddall Language, trie s to im prove th e w riting skills la te r in th e w eek m ay receive th e vaccine B e t t y F r ie d in , fe m in ist a u th o r an d fo u n d er o f th e N a tio n a l O rg a n iza tio n ard measles, will be given in said. “If th e re 's any doubt, it w on't h u rt to and critical th o u g h t processes of h er il s Monday through F riday earlier in an o th er hall. freshm en stu d en ts. She has nearly com plet­ o f W o m en , s p e a k in g a t t h e M S U A u d ito r iu m W e d n e s d a y a ftern o o n . get th e vaccine again." Iin response to an outbreak Olin H ealth C en ter will be giving shots all ed a book on 20th ce n tu ry A m erican literr.ry ?e than 40 students, w eek betw een 8 and 11:30 a.m . and 1 and 4 The vaccines have been provided by the im agination. h Center has been giving th e e the outbreak began tw o Holmes and A kers Halls, but p.m. All vaccinations a re free. Siddall said anyone who has never been vaccinated for Rubeola or has never had Michigan D ep artm en t of Public H ealth, but Siddall said th e re a re not enough to vaccinate th e 18,000 resid en t hall students. •N icholas A . D eM ara, assistan t proiessor in th e D ep artm en t of Romance and Classical L anguages, teach es th e “Italian ex p eri­ Women's gains taken ided to offer th e vaccine Rubeola should be vaccinated. H e added “W e do have a lim ited supply, b u t th e re ’s ence.” H e organized and directed his for granted - Friedan after 20 cases w ere tre a te d th a t those w ho have had th e vaccine prior enough to p re v e n t it from spreading," d ep a rtm en t’s first sum m er program in Italy. nd Thursday, said D r. John D. to 1968 should have another shot since it Siddall said. •M ichael L. K asavana, assistan t profes­ Health C enter director, sor in th e School of H otel, R esta u ran t and have been reported in th e In stitutional M anagem ent, has revised Jar and South Complexes but MEASLES IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM several courses to include th e la test y or W est Circle residence applications of com puter technology and By DIANE COX DAY TIME PLACE State N ew s Staff Writer sy stem s science. H e has w ritten th e first Monday, Feb. 20 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hubbard Hall 1966 Room Young people have taken for gran ted th e rig h ts of “personhood" generated by the of Rubeola include a fever, textbook relatin g m anagem ent inform ation Tuesday, Feb. 21 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Snyder Hall Lower Lounge women's movement, the founder of th e National Organization of Women said irritation, light sensitivity, sy stem s to th e hospiiality industry. Wednesday, Feb. 22 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wilson Hall Library and a runny nose, Siddall •R o b ert H . M cKinley, assistan t professor W ednesday. Thursday, Feb. 28 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Brody Building Upper N i l . Lobby "You w ere ju st learning to read when th e feminist movement began," B etty Friedan A brownish-pink rash occurs in th e D ep artm en t of A nthropology, uses a Friday, Feb. 24 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. East Landon Hall Formal Lounge told an audience filling the main floor of th e MSU A uditorium. H er talk was part of 8 after onset, appearing first v ariety of innovative techniques such as The vacdne will also be available at Olin Health Center Monday through Friday from ars and face and spreading to psycho-dram a, m odel building and folk G reat Issues “W omen's Week." d limbs. 8 to 11:80 a.m. and from 1 to 4 p.m. "You have to pay your dues. You can lose it if we lose this battle," th e author of the (continued on page 14) "Feminine M ystique" said. By “the battle," Friedan m eant th e fight to g et th re e m ore states to ratify the Equal Rights A m endm ent by March 1979, she said. Trans-Alaska pipeline Nothing "dram atic" can be promised if th e ERA is passed, she said, but the guarantee of equal tre atm en t would a t least be w ritten into th e Constitution, insuring th a t w hat has been done will not be tak en away. She said th e re is already a backlash in court decisions against women, such as shut down by sabotage denying disability benefits to p reg n an t working women and not allowing poor women to use Medicaid funds for abortion. “We need it (ERA) so we don’t have to fight things case by case, law by law," she could clam p a sleeve o v er th e jagged gash in explained. By TERI BURKHART th e 48-inch d ia m eter pipe. Friedan said she does not blame men for th e slowdown in th e ratification of the ERA. FA IR B A N K S. A laska (A P) - Sabotage in s id e produced th e b ig g est oil spill in th e short history of th e tran s-A lask a pipeline and E nvironm ental officials w ere unable to assess th e d am ag e im m ediately because the "Man is not th e enemy," she said. “Man is a whole sex." But conservative reactionary forces have suddenly begun to realize th e economic and area w as covered by th re e feet of snow. political im plications of feminism, she said. forced a day-long shutdow n, b u t oil began It is almost time to BREAK Friedan criticized outspoken ERA opponent Phyllis Schlafly and o th er anti-feminists flowing again T h u rsd ay and ta n k e r ship­ A lyeska said th e oil had not reached the AWAY, so check out today's for "tw isting th e understanding" of ERA and stirrin g up a "wave of hate and m en ts to th e low er 48 s ta te s w ere not C hena R iver, m ore th an a mile away. special edition. neo fascism." in terru p ted . T he la rg est previous spill on th e pipeline "I think w e’ve been p ut on th e defensive by Phyllis Schlafly and th e likes,” she said, A laska S ta te T roopers said th ey had no occurred d u rin g last sum m er’s startu p , (continued on page 14) su sp ects and did n o t know w h at kind of The ride to school may be more when a w o rk er accidentally drove a truck explosive h ad been u sed w hen a 2-inch hole expensive by this summer. See (continued on page 14) w as blasted in th e pipeline W ednesday PM* 3. afternoon. Jo h n R atterm an , A lyeska P ipeline Ser vice C o., said oil flow resum ed a t 10 a.m . (3 Postm aster G e n e ra l Bailor resigns p.m . ES T ), less th a n 24 h ours afte r the weather explosion w as rep o rted . W ASHINGTON (AP) — P ostm aster Gen. Benjamin F . Bailar postal reorganization of 1971. T h e re w as enough oil in holding tan k s in resigned T h u rsd ay , th re e y ears to th e day after he took ov er as “I strongly believe th a t th e process of postal reform th a t began th e pipeline p o rt of Valdez th a t no delays in head of th e financially troubled Postal Service. ju s t six sh o rt y ears ago is paying off . . . We have made solid T he g ray skies will make it a ta n k er sh ip m en ts w as an ticipated, R atter Bailar told a new s conference th a t he w as q u ittin g to become p rogress and it is continuing," he said. good w eekend to leave town m an said. In his resignation statem e n t, Bailar rep eated his opposition to executive vice p resid en t of United S tates Gypsum Co. in Chicago. and head for th e hills. He said th e effective date of his resignation will be determ ined by House legislation th a t would strip th e P o stal Service of much of the T housands o f b arrels of thick crude oil — T oday's high: mid-20s. th e P o stal S ervice's board of governors. “I expect I'll be here a few independence Congress gave it in th e postal reorganization of 1971. th e re w as no m ore specific estim ate T onight's low: n ear 10. w eeks,” he said. T he bill would resto re presidential pow er of direct appointm ent oi available T h u rsd ay — gushed from th e hole in th e half-inch thick stee l pipe. T he spilled Bailar said h e will have a higher salary th an th e $66,000 th e th e p ostm aster general and abolish th e P ostal Service Board. oil form ed pools and sp ray ed four acres of p o stm aster e a rn s, b u t did not specify his new salary. C urren tly , th e presid en t ap points th e governors, who th en name frozen tu n d ra w ith black Him before workers Bailar p raised th e perform ance of th e Postal Service since the th e po stm aster general. Labor secret,, Haldeman blames says coal w m Nixon in burglary N EW YORK ( A P ) - R i c h a r d Nixon’s to p W h ite H ouse assis­ u n d er control"; th a t th e break- in w as d elib erately sabotaged; though he h as acknow ledged th a t Nixon had so u g h t infor­ must end $00, Security force agreement reached ta n t say s th e fo rm er p resid en t w as th e d riv in g force behind and th a t th e sab o te u r m ay have been Jam eS W. M cCord, J r ., a m ation on O'Brien. H aldem an also say s th a t in W ASHINGTON (AP) - La bor S ec re ta ry Ray Marshall th e W a terg ate b u rg la ry and re tire d long-tim e CIA ag e n t 1969 th e S o v iet U nion m oved a -'■•weep o,U0Q said T h u rsd ay he hoped to gain try. th a t, a fterw a rd , N ixon may who w as am ong th e b u rg la rs m assive arsen al of nuclear m is­ w a tts oi elect SALISBURY, Rhodesia (Z im b abw e) (A P) an ag ree m en t by F riday that A p re lim in a ry accord on b lack m ajo rity have been blackm ailed by who w ere cau g h t re d handed siles n ea r its b o rd er w ith China r e ad y are b, — Black and w h ite nego tiators reached would end th e 73-day-old coal C harles W. Colson. inside D em ocratic P a r ty head­ and invited th e U n ited S ta te s u tilities in j|j broad agreqpient T hursd ay on th e future ru le w a s announced by th e n eg o tiato rs strik e b u t sources within his “I believe th e in itiativ e for q u arters. to join a p re-em ptive nuclear faced with th makeup of Rhodesia's (Z im b abw e) se cu r­ W ednesday and w a s im m e d iate ly con­ d e p a rtm e n t indicated there th e W a te rg a te break-in came H aldem an also say s, “My s trik e ag a in st th e Chinese. sh o rtag es and ity fo rce * under th e ir n e w p lan for dem ned by le a d e rs of b lack n a tio n alist w as no g re a t optim ism for such from N ixon th ro u g h Colson," own th e o ry of w ho in itiated th e "N ixon tu rn e d th e Soviets ment is st# g u e rrilla s b ased outside R h o d esia. The a quick settlem en t. m ajority rule, political sou rces sa id . The H.R. H aldem an say s in a new W a terg ate break-in: Richard in crease the ft dow n, b u t w as th e n inform ed, "W e obviously don't have p lan, m e an w h ile , won cau tious backing g u e rrilla s h ave been figh tin g a five -ye ar- book w ritte n from prison. M arshall to Nixon him self caused th o se to his h o rro r, th a t th e Soviets long,” M arshall said as he from the British governm ent. old w a r ag a in st the p red o m in an tly b lack , "Nixon lit th e m atch, handed it w ould keep hi b u rg lars to b reak in to O 'B rien's in ten d ed to go ah ead on th e ir e m erg ed from a th re e and The sources g ave no d etails on the w hite-led governm ent fo rce s . to Colson, w ho in tu rn touched office." strik in g Unit, ow n,” say s H aldem an, w ho w as one-half hour bargaining ses­ off th e fuse." an d th e soft-, proposed com position of the security T he b u rg la rs h ad p u t ta p s on N ixon's chief of sta ff until sion a t m idday. "This thing Nixon, he say s, "w as in on th e telep h o n es of L aw rence F. session throng forces. They said the ag re e m e n t cam e in A k e y item in an y fin a l se ttle m e n t w ill W a te rg a te forced his resig n a­ ca n 't go on." th e cover-up from Day One, O 'Brien, w ho w as chairm an of n ecessary to „ a 2 '/i4 iou r session in the co ntinuing talks be the m ix tu re of b la ck s, w h ite s and tion on A pril 30,1973. H ow ever, L abor D epartm ent although n e ith e r h e nor we th e D em ocratic P a rty , and an " W e re goi b etw een P iim e M iniste r Ian Sm ith and p ossibly fo rm e r g u e rrilla s in the arm ed F iv e e x c e rp ts from th e book, sources said th e bargainers considered it a cover-up at th e »«asion today forces of th e n e w n ation . a ssistan t. T he reason, H alde­ “T he E n d s o f P o w er," a re to be “had a difficult m orning." b lack m oderates based in sid e the coun­ h a v e to. Anotl tim e." m an w rite s, probably w as p ublished beginning M onday by M eanwhile, E n erg y Secre­ is a s long as i The form er p resid e n t's reac­ O 'B rien's connection to indus­ n ew sp ap ers aro u n d th e world ta ry J a m e s R. S chlesinger told o u t." Marshall tion to th e ch arg es w as con­ tria list H ow ard H ughes, w hom, th a t bo u g h t serialization rig h ts. C ongress th e adm inistration is M arshall d China promotes traditional teaching tain ed in a one-sentence s ta te ­ m en t issued by his office in San H aldem an said, N ixon h ated. N ew sw eek m agazine plans to p rep are d to o rd er coal moved w h a t steps m Colson h as den ied an y in­ publish 30,000 w ords from th e to s ta te s hard h it by th e strike C lem ente, Calif.: “F o rm er P re s ­ volvem ent in th e break-in, book in th e n ex t tw o issues. if th e w alkout isn 't ended soon. TO K YO (A P) — Ch in a is prom oting a n ew C h in e se le a d ersh ip e m e rg e s from id en t N ixon's m em oirs will be return to trad itional teaching methods n e w sp ap e r rep orts and o ffic ia l a n ­ published in M ay." afte r a so-called d ark age of education n ouncem ents g ath e re d in Tokyo. N ixon h as consistently denied any role in o r foreknow l­ brought on, the governm ent cla im s, by China's deposed radical le ad ers. A m ajo r chang e announced re c e n tly by edge of th e b u rg lary . He r e ­ signed A ug. 9, 1974, after M urder of A rabian merchant C h inese students a re being encour­ th e Education M in istry, c a lls fo r step-by- m aking public a ta p e recording aged to learn from the p ast, borro w from step im p lem en tatio n of a 10-y e ar sta n ­ th a t show ed h e o rd ered con­ foreign countries, engage in pure r e ­ search and trade th eir finding s at home d ard ize d n atio n al education system . U nd er th e p la n , stud ents w ill sta rt fiv e tain m en t of th e FBI inv estig a­ tion of th e J u n e 17, 1972, stirs fears of guerrilla strikes and abroad. y e a rs of p rim ary school at a g e 6 , b u rg lary . A picture of the shift in educationol fo llo w e d by th re e y e a rs of ju n io r high H aldem an w rite s th a t he R A M A LLA H , Occupied d er. — w h e th e r o r n ot tr u e — would em phasis instituted by the pragm atic school and tw o y e a rs of high school. b elieves th e CIA m onitored th e W est B ank (A P) — T h e assassi­ Israeli an d W e ste rn diplo­ in PLO ju d g m en t m e rit death. W a terg ate b u rg la ry th ro u g h ­ nation of one of th is tow n's m atic so u rces a g re e th a t if, as P alestin ian nationalist out "w ith 'p lan ts' to keep it m ost pow erful A ra b figures has s u sp ected , th e P alestin ian s sources say J a n h u used his Egypt signs oil agreement aro u sed fe a rs am ong Israeli have a “h it list," J a n h u 's nam e m ilitary g o v ern m en t connec­ occupation forces th a t A rab w ould h av e been n e a r th e top. tions to g e t d etain ed guerrilla g u errillas h ave decided to Som e d iplom ats see th e c u r­ su sp ects released and to obtain CA IRO , Egypt (A P) — Egypt signed a C o n tin e n ta l and M arath o n , both U .S . Southern Bell s trik e a t Israel th ro u g h suspec­ r e n t s p a te o f killings as a PLO foreign stu d y p e rm its. $27 m illion ag reem en t Thursd ay w ith firm s, a s w e ll a s Hudson B ay of C a n a d a , a te d collab o rato rs. bid to rein fo rce its influence, H e w as usually well-armed th re e North A m e rican com panies to C o n tin e n tal s u b sid ia ry , h a ve ag re e d to e xp lo re for oil in the b u ffer zone that prospect in an a re a 20 m ile s by 70 m ile s. fined for using W ealth y m e rch an t Abdel- N u r K halil J a n h u , 55. gunned d en ted b y E g y p tian P re s id e n t A n w ar S ad at’s d ram atic peace and su rro u n d ed by bodyguards, one W e stern diplom at said. se p arates Isra e li and Egyptian fo rce s in down o u tsid e his shop, w as th e o v e rtu re s to Israel la st N ovem ­ the Sinai D e se rt, Egyptian o ffic ia ls said . The land b orders the G u lf of Su ez, and false vouchers th ird A rab connected w ith th e occupying forces killed in b er. T h e PLO veh em en tly o p ­ It is the first such a g re e m e n t that has som e of the co n cession is o ffsh o re , been sig n e d ," said Coy Squyres, p re si­ S quyres sa id . He sa id th e co m p an ies C H ARLOTTE, N.C. (A P) - S o u th ern Bell T elephone Co. R am allah in th e p a st tw o m onths. poses th e • peace m oves, b u t m any W e st B ank resid e n ts Israel may keep ba. dent of the C o ntinental O il Co. of Egypt. w ould pay the $27 m illio n fo r concession w as fined $310,712 plus court H e w as know n to w ork hoped th e in itiativ e m ig h t b rin g "Essentially, w e a re g am bling that the rights in stag e s, an d fin a l p aym en ts Isra e lis w ill not hold onto the a re a for a long tim e ." w ould not be m ade u n le ss th ey get a cce ss to th e land . costs T h u rsd ay for a falsified expense voucher schem e th a t closely w ith th e m ilitary gov­ e rn m e n t, a serio u s crim e u n d er a quick en d to th e occupation. J a n h u , w ho died in a hail of to protect against F provided money for political th e u n w ritten code of th e b u llets F eb . 8 in ce n tra l R am al­ contributions in th e early P alestin ian L ib eratio n O rgani­ lah, w as an ou tsp o k en PLO W ASHINGTON (A P) - Is told a news conferr 1970s. T he prosecution, disap­ zation. o p p o n en t w ho w as w arn ed by rael m ight h ave to hold onto half-hour session : pointed, appealed. The PLO com m ands th e sup­ th e P L O -operated rad io in Cai­ airfields in Sinai to p ro tect d e n t C arter. S u p erio r C o u rt J u d g e Lacy p o rt of m ost public fig u res on ro to s ev er his ties w ith th e itself ag ain st th e F-15 je ts th e D ayan's hint T h o rn b u rg levied th e fine with th e W est Bank, hom e of 700,000 Isralis. U nited S ta te s p lans to sell to m ig ht stiffen its out explanation. H e said th e P alestin ian s and now in its 11th A rab sources say he was Saudi A rabia, F o reig n M inister stan ce came during i' s ta te U tilities Commission y ea r of Israeli occupation. su sp ected of bu y in g u p W est M oshe D yan said T hursday. d ay ’s visit in which t m u st decide w h eth e r sh are­ R ep o rts from B eiru t said B ank land and selling it to “They (th e F-15s) would be m in ister reaffirmed!, holders or consum ers will bear P alestin ian g u errillas claim ed Je w s. T h e land issu e is p artic­ able to cover th e e n tire Israeli p endence on the Ua th e costs of th e fine. responsibility for J a n h u 's mur- u larly sen sitiv e and th a t re p o rt sky w ith o u t refueling," D ayan to b e “m ore than i t Th* Slat# Newt it published by Ih * students of Michigan S la t* Unive ity *v *ry c lo u doy during Foil Wintor and Spring school terms Monday. W odnauwy and Friday* B .C . during Summer term and o special Welcome Week edition it published in September Subscription rate is S30 per y e a r. it Second doss postage paid at lo s t Lonting Mich Editoriol and business offices a t 34$ Student Services Bldg Michigan State University. East Lansing. Mich 48834. Post Office coming! Banks levying new credit finance charges publication number is S20360 Postmaster Please send form 3S 9 to State N ew t. 345 Student Services Building in S m Comic P ag * on care of MSU Messenger Service East Lansing. Mich 48833 Monday. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER W ASH IN G TO N (A P ) — M any banks The m em o cited th is section of one ROBERT L. BULLARD. SALES MANAGER th at issu e cred it card s a r e le vyin g new d isclo su re state m e n t a s an e x a m p le of PHONES Eric S. Berkley News/Editorial .......................................................................................................................................... 355-8352 fin a n c e charg es but fe w co n sum e rs can the co nfusing lan g u ag e co n sum e rs so m e ­ Classified Ads ............................................................................................................................................. 35S-I3SS Attorney & w a d e through the le g a listic lang u age Display A d ve rtisin g .................................................................................................................... 353-4400 Counselor tim e s co nfront: "The Fin an ce C h arg e at Business Office .......................................................................................................................................... 355-3447 that te lls them th ey're p aying higher p erio d ic ra te fo r p u rch ase s is com puted Photographic ............................................................................................................................................... 355-8311 Initial Consultation by Appointm ent■Minimal Fee ra te s, the sta ff of a House p an el sa y s . by i) m ultip lying each portion of the The b an ks a re d evisin g "new sche m e s P u rch ase s F in a n ce C h arg e B alan ce to reap m ore re v e n u e from cre d it card show n on th e fa ce of the state m e n t by the H ER M B 24 Hour A variability ”349-5652 u s e rs ," the staff of th e House b anking subcom m ittee on co nsum ers said in a n u m b er of D ays in B illin g C y c le , ii) ap plying to the resu ltin g products the K J T O B O D V .X : m emo to C h airm an F ra n k A n n u n zio , D -lll. A copy of th e m em o w a s obtained a p p lic a b le d a ily p eriod ic ra te of .04109 American & Foreign Cars OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 p erce n t, iii) adding th e se products by The A sso ciate d P re ss. to g e th e r." Quality Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Court reverses charges in sex suit ITlon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. SANTE FE, N .M . (A P ) — The N ew in terco u rse en gag ed in by a young m an is Sot. 8 :0 0 a.m. -12 Noon M e xico Suprem e Co urt h as re v e rse d a nothing m o re th an s e x education e s s e n ­ Corner Larch i Michigan Ave. lo w e r court d ecision in w h ich o n e judge tia l and n e c e s s a ry in h is gro w th to w ard Lansing 489-6577 said in terco u rse b etw ee n a 23-year-old m a tu rity a n d su b se q u en t d om estic fa m ily w om an and a 15-year-old boy w a s p art of lif e .” th e boy’s e sse n tia l " s e x e d u c a tio n ." F a v e la had b een indicted by a C u rry Specializing in The high court's ru ling W e d ne sd ay C o unty g ran d ju ry fo r h avin g se x u a l re v e rse d a state A p p e a ls C o u rt d ecisio n in te rc o u rse w ith th e youth la st F e b . 12. MEXICAN STYLE FOOD d ism issin g an indictm ent a g a in s t E rn e s­ featuring these specials T h e indictm ent ch arg e d h e r w ith tin e F a v e la fo r co ntrib u tin g to the co n trib u tin g to the d eliq u e n cy o f a m inor d eliq uen cy of a m ino r. by com m itting an act w h ich " ca u se s o r Mon. TACOS Tuos. TOST ADAS COUNTBY@ ) Thurs. 8URRITOS Fri. Comb. PLATE W riting a co ncurring opinion fo r a tend s to ca u se o r e n co u rag e th e d e lin ­ Wed. ENCHILADAS Thurs., Fri., t Sat. d ivided A p p e als C o u rt, Ju d g e le w is Sutin q u en cy of a n y person u n der th e a g e o f 18 nights at 9:00 had said "a co nsensu al act of s e x u a l y e a r s .” complete menu available daily along with beer, wine &your favorite cocktails Kltchon Open HEW to track down student defaulters AAon*Sat 10a.m. • 1 1 j FRENCHIE’S BAR Sun. 1 p.m. - 8 p.n I 400 Baker Street, Lans. W ASH IN G TO N (A P) — HEW S e cretary announced p lan to tu rn th e fo rm e r I one block wost of South Codor St. 482*0733 Joseph A . C a lifa n o J r . announced Th u rs­ students' bad debts o v e r to p riv a te take a little hom e com fort on your d ay that his d ep artm ent w ill rely co lle cto rs. p rim arily on fe d e ra l e m p lo ye e s rath e r C a lifa n o a lso announced a program to travels. . .the Time Traveler electronic than p rivate b ill co lle cto rs to tra c k dow n tighten co n trols o v e r fe d e ra l aid p ro ­ I Try Our 13" m ore than $400 m illio n in d efau lted g ram s for students and said that HEW w ill j TUNA SU BM ARIN IS! mini-clock radio by Randix. It wakes student loans g u aran te ed by the g o ve rn ­ se e k legisla tio n e n ab lin g th e In tern a l I (oven baked) you gently to A M /FM music, with an m ent. R evenu e S e rvice to h e lp tra c k dow n I ProtontThisCouponFor The s e cre ta ry of h e a lth , education and d e fa u lte rs. alarm buzzer if you prefer. Luminous clock w e lfa re said p riv ate co llection a g en cie s w ill be used "on a n e xp e rim e n ta l b a sis in A section of th e 1976 t a x la w prohibits i 50* OFF dial, sw eep second hand, earphone for | On Any Pisza tw o re g io n s." He said concern fo r the the IRS from pro vid ing in form ation about S m i d u iv u y i private listening. 7'/b"Wx2%"H, $45 p rivacy and civ il rights of student in d ivid u al ta x p a y e rs to an yo n e o u tsid e b orro w ers has slow ed the d ep artm ent's the g overn m en t. j •* r ] Campus Pizza ^ 1312 MICH. AVE. 3 3 f-1 3 7 7 | J a c o b B o n '0 CATA bus rates may increase Bv N UN ZIO M .LU PO State N ew , S taff W riter appeal w ith a s ta te transportatio n bureau. F ares in E a st Lansing would be raised n x V ? 1? increase proposal approved by the LATA board Ja n . 17. census-figure accounting. This would enable RHA Judiciary says res will probably be raised this from 10 to 25 cents and other routes would LA I A to get back the $72,000, he said. unless CATA officials can win an be increased from 25 to 35 cents, according Arnold S tieb er, assistan t directo r of th e John Czarnecki. an E ast Lansing CATA Capitol A rea T ransportation Association, said Thursday if CATA wins an appeal to the Bureau of U rban and Public T ran sp o rt board representative, said th e possible 150 percent increase would also allow tran sfers tax does not violate oley Law School concerning allocation methods, it would stop the increase. D ifferent accounting m ethods used by routes. for 1 LanSi" g r ° Utes t0 Wi" ‘7 t0 hold th a t P r o s e d rate the next th ree of four y ears,” he added, U " sing s ta te mass tra n sit groups caused CATA to Z a,o ° U e $t 2'000 in s ta te f” " * 'o r fiscal the appeal is not successful and th e rate increase is necessary, Czarnecki said, the document's preamble ts full accreditation i “ tk e RHA constitution, according to an RHA Judiciary doled out both on the basis of census area w School in Lansing finally gained comment Thursday. T he inspectors, who a re ex p e rts in the population and mileage covered to all Citation from th e American Bar Michigan mass tra n sit groups. U nits using In addition, Czarnecki said he would like field of Legal Education, also offer advice 'on last week. for im provem ent. service area populations, which in most more routes extended onto MSU's campus, lool had previously been provision- cases are larg er than census figures, r a t I* A P'ckin3 UP th « en tire tab. dited by the ABA. LATA routes on MSU's campus are T he ABA stan d a rd s apply to th e school’s S tieb er said, had higher percentages of currently subsidized by a special g ran t the sstatas th atR ta te s tn H A 'ds, objective a t RHA 1 * r * Tis to " encourage Pr0gram campus Violate th e provision activities The mm/i®^ pream ble, which4 ccreditation is g ran ted when a library and education program s, faculty total available funds. prom ote cam pus activity and is th erefo re eets the standards for accredits- tra n sit group received. salaries, adm ission policies, and physical “T here was an adm inistrative m istake y the ABA. Cooley has been trying made," he said. „ 1 J 0 n !. !hlnk E asl Lansing by itself can th I ^ J ,'Clary, rull" g held th a t a Pream ble cannot be violated because it is a statem en t of plant specifications, said Cooley professor alford it, Czarnecki said. the group s goals and purposes. The "body of th e constitution provides o r th e s“ e1 ill accreditation since its founding of adm inistrative law R obert Krinock. Though no decision has been officially en d /o r procedures for th e ir achievem ent," the ruling stated stru ctu res y, 1973. Municipalities also m embers of the CATA Cooley gained provisional accreditation in reached, S tieb er said unofficial rep o rts say ndards are s e t by th e accredita- group include the city of Lansing and Delhi, a r v ie T th ^ t t h » m d th e pr0gra,m as an amer,dment to th e constitution, "it cannot be F ebruary, 1975, tw o y ea rs after former th e bureau may force o th er groups to use littee of the ABA Council on Legal Delta. M eridian and Lansing townships. T e rln P™gram violates th e pream ble," the ruling continued Michigan S uprem e C ourt Justice and i. Each year, inspectors from the th ^ h a b in ^ o T th e program 3** m em f E H A ' w r° t e a d issen tin g opinion recom m ending (continued on page 14) A co-director resigns; Mall site plan OK'd "The outcome will be th e eventual dem ise of the RHA's com petitors leaving the n ric in v filled tem porarily stru ctu re and the content of cam pus movie program s to th e descretion of a monopolist ” HnnV m - T J6 judiciary to sit idly by until irrep arab le dam age h a^ b een y REGINALD THOMAS State News Staff Writer but his duties have been divided among o ther office m em bers. Staffers Rosalyn with traffic changes groups are sU pec2ir t‘invereSPOnSe The judiciary voted 5-1 in favor of RHA. RHA th e etfeCts “ th e alte™ata ; Greene, Office of Black Affairs G o n teran d Gwen H ubbard will tem porarily By DANA FELMLY filed suit alleging th a t th e petition w as not pDarthofR a rt of ththeAc ^ « u fr 1S ■trRHA e constitution, a f HA " !fde th p resident R eobert rightVdecision atter said.A PreamWe :s not a binding since May 1976, has resigned, take over as co-directors. S ta te N ew s Staff W riter to an OBA spokesperson, filed o r circulated correctly and th a t the I t s th e first judiciary case we’ve won and w e’re very pleased,” he added. The D ayton Hudson mall moved another said he gave up th e position to G o n tersaid she is not sure how the office city clerk did not canvass th e petitions step tow ard construction W ednesday night properly. respons?bleSt , ^ ' „ S " ; eerysa1 r PP0'n ted '' W‘th " " deC,Si0,’■ 'T h e y A M m o m v m 6 , r r seem s by Garry Trudeau 0H.A8S0U/TELH Dr e a r n s ,, good a 'm w m w K an m a s m HE HAS SUf!EIMPRESSED WITH a m e o w NEWS. V M B M E W M E fO R . m .) AND CUPPINGS M i OETAHED KNOWLEDGE OF MANAGER THINK TG HAD m m M i sp a as THE m o m . THAT'S BEING NEEOSTO TOLETGEOR6E MSU and Taft-Hartley I UNCLE THE REDSKINS MAN- 1 c m * a g e r p o sitio n ! u r !- m m (Pus.. done u r n HI6H-PERF0RMANCE m u ALLEN GO ? / THAT? E ast U n sin g than ' ! ? 1* severe effect on the nation as a D etroit. But somehow i b " r* The coal strike is now in its 74th S te v e stops the car “ day. President C arter has sum­ whole. walk to the edge of the road* 5 moned to the White House officials Here at MSU, Acting President over a vast, green landsume of the coal industry and rep re­ Edgar L. Harden has ordered We are looking for I*' cutbacks in University heating and Jim m y Hoffa p u ^ ' P1* sentatives of the United Mine swamp. We are not |J T W" Workers in an attem pt to hash out, has stressed the need for volun­ Hoffa, but the spot * f t undoubtedly over brandy, cigars tary conservation measures. H ar­ ev en t took place. I have the so and some man-to-man jawing, a den’s requests were prompted by my mind; it is cloudy , nd J* settlement to this increasingly the fact th at shipments of coal to lies on the riverbed. Holla ftte MSU from Kentucky were sabo­ shpping the body (who,,,,™ grave situation. g ray w ater. In attempting to negotiate a taged by pistol-wielding strikers. TTte car remains on the roadi settlement satisfactory to union One can only speculate about the up th e hill. As we , 7 consequences if the strike lasts S ociety has conditioned its m em ory to members, UMW President Arnold fo rg et u n p leasan t occurrences. A pparently, transform s itself in to ,,Uil Miller has spent vast reserves of much longer. th e ACLU an d m em bers of th e co u rt who transform s himself into „ . u junior high. his authority and esteem. Miller The UMW is presently a divided o v e rtu rn e d th e ru lin g to le t th e Nazis Allan and I emerge on, negotiated a contract th at was an and dispirited organization. For m arch in Skokie, 111. also have sh o rt sunny and people are lying insult to the mine workers and was years it suffered under the corrupt m em ories. T h e re a re reaso n s th e Jew ish roof. A river separates o, fm leadership of Tony Boyle, and now people do not w an t th e N azis to m arch factory. rejected as such. th e re . P erh ap s th e y a re not speaking loud The vetoed pact would have it is enduring the disorganized d e n ts w ho a re o th e rw ise preoccupied w ith The river rises so its wat hiked miners’ average pay from timidity of Arnold Miller. The coal NPHC vote la u d e d th e ir jo b an d stu d ie s. F ro m th e standpoint enough. th e rooftop. Allan jump, I think th e S ta te N ew s m ade an un ju st tow ard the other side, ne, of ex p anding th e n u m b e r o f potential $7.80 to $10.00 an hour over three industry evidently feels th at it has The Office of Black A ffairs ex ten d s its analogy w hen th e y com pared th e Nazia again. condidates, I applaud th e action o f th e years, guaranteed medical bene­ the mineworkers under its soot- g ra titu d e to th e m any s tu d e n ts who A SM SU Board in its re c e n t decision to offer m arching in a predom inantly J ew ish com­ Alone, I look out over smudged thum b. When C arter m unity w ith blacks m arching in a predom ­ fits cut off during the strike and su p p o rted th e referen d u m w hich will enable m o n etary com pensation fo r p articipation in factory and think, T il bet Hi th e N ational Pan-H ellenic Council to vote on inantly w hite com m unity. A t no tim e in into the swamp not in the i restructured the union's pension stu d e n t go v ern m en t. th e ASMSU S tu d en t B oard. T h e voice of the A m erican History has th e re been a black suburb. After all, he was ri N ev erth eless, th e bo ard has e rre d te r ­ fund. black G reeks is one long ov erd u e. holocaust equal to th a t to which th e Jew s But it’s almost night and ribly in th e p ro ced u re i t em ployed for th is The problems with the pact, The new sta tu s of N PH C re p re s e n ts a p urpose. I t w as n o t so m any m onths ago fell victim. motel w here an old man sell however, are fundamental. Under step p in g stone, as well as a p rogressive I think w e a re dealing w ith survival h ere. of Florida. I buy it because th a t th e U .S. C o n g ress receiv ed national its provisions, cost-of-living in­ outlook for black s tu d e n ts a t M SU. How­ T he survival of a group of people th a t was last one. But he sells ano scorn and condem nation fo r dem o n stratin g ev e r, th e black G reek s by no m eans should alm ost en tirely w iped o ut by th e d escen­ woman with glasses hangi creases would have been eliminat­ th e sam e lack o f good ju d g m en t and d a n ts of th e people w ho w an t to m arch b e held responsible for th e m any needs responsibility by v o tin g th em selv es a raise. around her neck. ed and wildcat strikers would have dow n th e ir s tre e ts . W hy should th e y even affecting black s tu d e n ts. I t would be N atu rally , th e ir p ro ced u res w e re modified been subject to fines of up to $20 a inconceivable for one e n tity to ad h e re to to p re v e n t th is from occuring again. have to be rem inded? I am asham ed to think day. No union should have to put such a diversifaction of n eed s and provide Y et, o u r s tu d e n t re p re s e n ta tiv e s have th a t th o se N azis still ex ist in o u r w orld. B ut up with such restrictions, particu­ a d eq u ate services. W e need m ore g roups to even m ore asham ed th a t th e y do n ot feel d em o n strated a v e ry myopic a ttitu d e and w ork to w ard s b e tte rin g th e relationship of th ey h u rt th e Je w s enough. W hen will it larly the UMW. lack of h in d sig h t b y v o ting to give stop? Mine workers are in a position black and w h ite s tu d e n ts a t M SU. F u rth e r, th em selv es a sala ry fo r th e ir w ork. I rep ea t, Ira Combs, P re sid e n t of N PH C should be I h ave no qualm s w ith th e principle of Blacks m arched in w h ite neighborhoods, unique from other members of the com m ended on th e show m anship he has salaried positions, b u t it is q u ite arro g a n t to and although th e re w as tension and labor force. They must work under provided in advancing th e council to assu m e th a t th e stu d e n t constituency would violence, none can com pare to th e tensions conditions that, by any standard, governing sta tu s. also concur w ith th is concept. betw een Nazis and Jew s. are unsafe, unsanitary and fre­ The rep resen tatio n of N PH C on th e I resp ectfu lly su b m it th a t K e n t B arry and I g rew up in a tow n neighboring Skokie. I quently degrading. In 1960, John ASMSU Board will provide a g re a te r scope his colleagues re v e rs e th e ir decision and h ave h eard th e sen tim en ts of th e J e w s and A rn o ld M ille r of in te re s t and concern for th e black place th e q u estion b efo re th e s tu d e n t body felt it myself. I have also seen th e N azis and F. Kennedy toured the coal mines stu d en t body at large. L et'a hope th a t th e in th e form of a refere n d u m . Only w ith th e th e Jew ish D efense League in a n um ber of of W est Virginia during that invited industry officials to the N ational Pan-hellenic Council will provide consent of th e s tu d e n ts can th e g o vernm ent clashes th ro u g h o u t th e y ears. T he h atred state’s presidential primary and W hite House, he was almost sound ju d g m en t reg ard in g th e concerns of rightfully spend o u r ta x e s for th e ir own th a t ex ists is alm ost indescribable. expressed astonishment and dis­ ignored. MSU stu d en ts as a whole. salaries. T h e irre p a ra b le h arm done to th e I can only tell you th a t too much blood has IRA ELLI0I G wendolyn H ubbard p restig e an d in te g rity of th e c u rren t been shed. On A pril 20, H itler's birth d ay tress over what he saw. It is a sad situation indeed when Office of Black A ffairs adm in istratio n can n o t b e re v ersed , b u t a t (yet an o th er disgrace) w hen th e Nazis Political observers still believe any industry can rebuff the presi­ least B arry and th e bo ard can d em o n strate S tev e returns and we at: m arch, not only th e J D L b u t su rv iv o rs of th at much of the concern Kennedy dent and thum b its nose at the a w illingness to acknow ledge an e rro r in th e holocaust and resid e n ts of Skokie will clothes for the morning - a ski evinced for social issues during his consequences such intransigence V oting to pay ju d g m en t and a c t quickly to co rrect any be th e re to m e et them . s h irt and brown leather jacket ■ time in office was colored by the could impose on the re st of the injustices in cu rred by th e stu d en ts a t I cannot condone th e actions of th e JD L , In th e morning we wake tofill Michigan S ta te U n iv ersity . b u t th en again can you blam e th em ? standing on a bridge over theC1 perceptions he drew from the nation. self called w ro n g P au l N ew m an and decide it's too far to walkandc rugged dark hills of Appalachia. Now both industry and labor are P.O. Box 1804 I t is obvious th a t th e N azis will m arch. o u r search. But even today, conditions in sitting at the same table, and th at A fter suffering th ro u g h five d ifferent E a s t Lansing H ow ever, th e re is so m ething th a t th e M l th at area of the country are still table is in the W hite House. If ASM SU S tu d en t Board p resid e n ts and Jew ish people can do to help allev iate th e Second Dream: The Meetiaf C arter ultimately feels it is his th e ir adm inistrations, I have become an situ atio n , They should s ta y home. W e I am quite angry. Steve andA about the same as they were in 1960. Perhaps worse. duty to invoke the Taft-Hartley, avid p roponent of finanicial rem uneration N ever a g a in should recognize th e rig h ts of individuals but also set lim itations. If w e close o u r eyes have been here by now. We wen: to m eet at 1:00 a.m. at the for th e se offices. I t h as alw ays been my The president has issued omi­ neither he nor the public should contention th a t p articipation in th e stu d en t to th e dem onstration, and n o t to th e past, it bridge. No one else is around. Ti- nous rumblings about invoking the expect enthusiastic service from L ast F rid ay n ight I w en t to see th e will be ea sier for th e J e w s and th e Nazis The river below me is still f g overnm ent is re s tric te d to persons w ho do movie, Julia. I t is a tru e sto ry based on an Taft-Hartley Act, a law passed in miners working under dismal not have to e a rn money to su p p o rt will not have g o tten w hat th e y cam e for. a re empty. A m erican w om an's stru g g le in E u ro p e as N EV ER AGAIN . . . NOT EV EN IN From the other side of theif the late 1940s th at empowers the conditions and without a contract. them selves and th e ir education, th e reb y sh e w orks to wipe o u t th e rapid sp read of SKOKIE. m an approaches. I prepare ij- We fervently hope a just resolu­ enabling them to dev o te th e necessary tim e president to force striking work­ fascism th e re . Ju lia w as killed by th e Nazis mugging. He draws closer. My. to perform an ad e q u ate job. U nfortunately, J am ie C easer ers back to th eir jobs. R egret­ tion to the fractious coal strike can th e sy stem h as precluded th e involvem ent for h er effo rts to sav e Jew s, Catholics, and 446 G rove St. fast as a machine gun. tably, C arter should carefully be reached quickly, not only in the of m any co m p eten t and responsible stu- political prisoners. E a st Lansing “I'm sorry,” he says. ‘TUhaveHj weigh this possibility. The coal interests of the nation but for the bridge now." strike, longest of its kind in well-being of mineworkers all Greatly relieved, I walk down, tow ard the Tribune Tower. A- history, is beginning to have a across the country. gathered at the foot of the braf disappointed that the bridce is^ MICHAEL C R O FO O T Farewell (?) Bella Bella Abzug has lost, perhaps for th e last time. National Improvidence ’ I move toward« phone to call the On Tuesday Abzug was defeated in a special congressional election by Republican William S. Green. The defeat was her third electoral setback when, before our. in 18 months, and might spell the end of her career in politics. That Among th e many questions of national issue of th e Scientific A m erican is published transforms into o would be a loss, not only for New York but for the rest of the nation as significance which have recently been in th e hope th a t it m ay p u t this whole bro u g h t to th e public attention, th e re are question in its tr u e lig h t.” bleeding from Hist* well. few which com pare in im portance with th a t •T h e title an d th e preceding essay are In a press conference following her defeat, Abzug lashed out at of conservation. the floor. quoted v erb atim from an editorial in th e newsmen, asserting th at a “male-dominated press has not allowed a fair “N ot many thoughtful Americans will Aug. 12, 1911 issue of Scientific A m erican, reporting of women like myself." She declared th at her opponent used deny th a t extravagance is one of our ab o u t th e sam e tim e th a t L ib erty Hyde “scurrilous literature” against her and th a t he conducted a “terrible distrin ctiv e national faults. At th e first Bailey was w ritin g The Holy E a rth . P a rts of campaign." th o u g h t, it may seem stran g e th a t th e which led th e A m erican people to squander th e editorial have since been used v ery nation which has sprung from the th rifty reso u rces which th ey have come to reg ard recently to su p p o rt th e proposition th a t th e Abzug’s assault on the press smells of sour grapes, and it is s e ttle rs who founded Plymouth and Jam e s­ an d speak of as 'practically inexhaustible.' U nited S ta te s should im plem ent a perm a­ unfortunate she could not go out with the decorum befitting those very tow n, and w ere schooled in th e rough “U n fo rtu n ately , th e habits learned on the Steve and Amy e m e rg e ^ n ent oil ratio n in g sy stem in which rig h ts to real contributions she has made to progressive public policy. However, ad v ersities of an unusually strenuous farm have been carried into those g reat am s t ill a n g r y th e y are oil consum ption a re bought and sold in a it should be noted th a t another prominent politician threw a tantrum pioneer life, should have developed th a t in d u strial activities, whose m agnitude is “w hite m ark et" as an in teg ral fe a tu re of se e them. very im providence which the circum stances We h u r r y off to get after losing the California gubernatorial race in 1962, only to make a one of th e w onders of our m odern life. If the P resid en t C a rte r’s “moral eq u iv alen t of surrounding th e life of the early se ttle rs riches of th e soil w ere 'inexhaustible,' so w ar" on en erg y use. bars close. ((( resounding political comeback. stric tly forbade. N ot alone in the beginnings also seem to be th o se of the forest, of the This essay raises m any questions, some Maybe Bella Abzug can duplicate th at feat. If she does, we tru st the of th e nation, b u t for many a decade of its m ine, an d of th e riv e rs and lakes and seas Third Dream: A Wn®*^ of which are: w hy didn’t th e conservation end result will be far more appealing. early existence, th e conditions of life w ere w ith th e ir teem in g millions. Hence it has ethic tak e hold in 1911 (or since th e The girl’s Catholhe ^ exceedingly hard. N ever, surely, did a race com e ab o u t th a t in o u r effort to g ath er only beginning of reco rd ed history for th a t where far into the co • of men so literally earn its bread by th e th e riches which a re im m ediately and easily m atter) and how does its failure reflect as salt. There have bee sw eat of its brow as those resolute accessible, w e have been using up n atu re’s I must find th e murderer. upon o u r p re se n t predicam ent? W hat are pioneers, who had to coax the means of life sto reh o u se of raw m aterial, ruthlessly Sisters guard the m l th e relationships betw een public opinion students sleep. Its e»r I The s t a t e N e w s from th e rock-encumbered hills and valleys d estro y in g o r le ttin g go to w aste thousands and resource availability? W hat lessons are -------11It 1 - of New England, o r endure the prodigious of sq u are miles of fo rest and millions of tons thing draws me to th »"* to be learned? dark, placid and c a v e r» » — " ----------- Frid oy, F eb ru ary 17, 1978 toil of clearing aw ay prim eval forests before they could lay bare a patch of arable land of coal and precious m inerals. Y ear after y e a r crops have been sown upon th e once Second q uote of th e W eek from a Book of th e C entury, Beyond th e C risis, ed ited by Someone comes run « 0 from which to raise the food and feed for virgin lands, until, in sh eer exhaustion, they N orm an Birnbaum , Oxford U niversity followed by a ?“n;^ er him, t man and beast. have refused to re n d e r the plenteous yield E ditorials a re the opinions o f the State N e w s. V ie w p o in ts , c o lu m n s P ress, 1977; “An eclipse has covered P001' I /down. mnP He " It w as in la te r years, when the van of of fo rm er y ea rs, o r even to yield any crops down, He s w a i«jyr, W a n d le tters a re p e rso n al o p in io n s. modern society; its horizon is dark en ed , and pioneer conquest had been pushed o u t into w h atso ev er — a t least until th e husband­ its shadow s a re m ore visible than its light. bottom. We strugg ■ til Editorial Department top. The sister hands J th e rich and unobstructed prairie lands of m an shall have resto red some portion of By d int of b urrow ing as if it w ere n ot th ere, Editor-in-chief..............................Michael Tanimura Photo Editor Richard Poll towskf swing it across his neck- H1 th e W est, th a t th e American people began th o se n u tritiv e elem en ts which are neces we have reached th e bedrock of n ature. Managing Editor ........................................ Kof Brown Entertainment ond Booh Editor. . Kothy Essefman Opinion Editor DoveMisioiowshi Sports Editor Tom Shanahan to realize w ith w hat lavish abundance sary to germ ination, grow th and full And we ask; 'Is it tr u e th a t n atu re is not we pull him to the „eil* n atu re stood ready to pour forth h er O t h e r s come to heiP ^ Special Projects Editor....................... Oebbie Wolfe Layout Editor Kim Shonohon fruitation. unlim ited?' 'Is th e re really a hum an na­ City Editor...........................................Michael Winter Copy Chief . Renoldo Migaidi tre asu re s. W hen th e cattle multiplied upon “W e have all h eard and read a g re a t deal tu re ?' " the Urge halll«W pl«, Campus Editor..........................................Anne Stuart Freelance Editor ................. Don Spichler a thousand hills and th e crops burst forth in d u rin g th e p a st few y ea rs about this subject Coming up: The Mobilization for Survi­ Wire Editor................................... Jocelyn Loskowski Staff Representative Chris Kuczynski luxurious abundance from the virgin soil, of conservation; b u t it is a question val, the farmer's strike (watch out Farmer Advertising Department th e p ressin g need for careful husbandry of w h eth e r m any people have any ju st Jim), a defense of smoking, a Slice of Davis Advertising Manager......................... Sharon Seiler Assistant Advertising Manager......... Denise Dear resources w as no longer felt. Hence it has conception of how g re a t has been the life in California, the People’s Movement come ab o u t th a t natu re herself is largely w icked w aste of th e p ast and how pressing Toward a Sticky Spot Halfway Up the Wall, responsible for th a t later extravagance, is th e need for fu tu re economy. The p resen t and other assorted drivel. ASMSII Studenf Board Election ryman wants to * Meyers strives to be m in communications significant to students lyman, a 19-year-old Bailey Hall |rved on the Bailey Hall council Im itory president last year. He I chairperson of th e Brody ence, Berrym an said he is seeking the ASMSU presidency to help gain experience for a possible political ca reer and because he thinks ASM SU has g re a t potential for p r top The form er Chief Ju stice of th e All-Uni­ versity S tu d en t Judiciary, 21-year-old, Jeff these individuals, ASMSU will not have the power th a t it needs to invoke any substan­ M eyers, is now an altern ate m em ber of the tial change," he added. Lim unity Council. developm ent. jPMttfons dosed Feb. 10 with nine MSU A nti-Discrimination Judicial board. Lore majoring in political sci- “I see a lot of potential for ASMSU to M eyers, a junior majoring in Economics, and tap vote-getters will begin M eyers political experience includes an said th a t if elected he will devote a t least 35 become a very powerful governing body," term s o t o O M k t ^ i j internship last y ear for Sen. P atrick hours p er week to the position. that*" I d like t0 continue working on i«ed*. petitions for repreaentative teats McCullough, D earborn. He is also a reg is­ , ~ J by i t students f o n t J M .lM tii the college the candidate is te red m em ber of th e Democratic party. ■ I in .P n ii d m t U » t it M * « . I1 >y 18 undergraduates. His prim ary goal as ASM SU president M eyers said he is seeking th e ASMSU Students w ere *Uow«dtoaifny th e commission may appeal to the F irs t of all, I would open up communica­ AB-Unlversity Student JwMdxrjr a t M l# w l g j j f t o th e etection. according to the "I think negativism had perm eated tions to let th e stu d en t know w h at th e president is, possibly by issuing a bi­ ASMSU for a long time. S tu d en ts don’t see m onthly president’s report," he said. ’ whfl* rB? ” commo11 ‘“ keta caUed “elates ASMSU as doing anything for them ," he said. B errym an, w ho has been a t MSU for tw o "As president. I am only going to expend years, said he will also rebuild th e ASMSU •HwaMv iw o n nun™ my energy on issues th a t stu d en ts a re truly cabinet system if elected. By clarifying th e concerned about." positions and duties of cabinet officials, th e E xpenses allowed tor studeota on d a tee are determined by a sliding scale efficiency of th e en tire ASMSU governm ent y ■ ! ? % of persons running o o the M eyers said if elected, he will tr y to make would be im proved, he said. ASMSU significant to th e students. ^ A il students are expected to document aooreea mid uses of their campaign funds and m y B errym an said if elected, he would "I'd like to see ASMSU mean something W / **■ * y t tfo r i t o j ^ a h a ^ rw am ltafan pdlMn three days after th e election. devote 8 to 10 hours a day to ASMSU next y ear to th e general person, w h eth er he business. ^ S e d o m « * K l M i r S lS lB S L r ^ ' ^ i I>^b^uti0I, o# tim e has lives in Brody Complex, Shaw Hall, S partan Village, o r on Bailey S tree t," he said. “I hope to spend a lot of tim e on gettin g a in th e college (rf their good w orking relationship w ith th e board," M a r , according to th e c o d e , 8e«Mtdti7 edtK atei:m ajort may vote in th e College of W ithout th e preception of pow er by J e tf M eyers I Don Berrym an he added. ; p ^ a t l o n o r w a » a ^ a < ^ w ^ d p ) n H p | p | p t i n both. No-preference students M y v o t e to tifc U n ie o r s K y eol|ag« n d m l M b S a . ASM 8U ;*t«Ient B o a r d M |f i|.||^ h j f f lp d i H || 8U undergraduate government. t .M * Student Board it. c o m H M o r 10 r» p r* * c U tiv e s from UnWersity colleges and |gers concerns ■the presidents or designees o f aix m ajorgoverning groups. Tindall sees need to lude public safety take positive action ■ger, a 20-year-old junior major- commission’s suggestions into considera­ lunting, is serving as ASMSU Wider representation tion. hit in charge of cabinet services Mike Tindall, 20-year-old Holden Hall “ASM SU is alw ays changing, th e stu- dents are alw ays changing and we are resid en t, w as a rep resen tativ e to th e A rm stro n g Hall S tu d en t governm ent last Tindall is seeking th e position of presi­ j appointment to th e position, alw ays looking for innovation," he said. year. H e w as also involved in high school den t because he said he feels th e c u rren t Ian assistant to ASMSU Presi- on Dan Jones' list If he becomes president, Binger said he stu d en t governm ent, though he held no stu d en t board tak es actions th a t are Barry. He said he has w orked would spend an average of 60 hours a week office. totally negative and th a t crea te apathy |*ith the c u rren t p resid en t on on A SM SU-related w ork and would tak e am ong th e students. vts. Binger w as also am ong th e only one class. A political science m ajor, Tindall said his mbers who accompanied B arry adacemic field helps qualify him for th e Tindall said ASMSU is try in g to elimi­ ton, D.C., last month to testify Binger is running on th e S p arta n Spirit D aniel P. Jo n es, a 21-year-old landscape search er for tw o y ea rs. His d u ties include position because it is th e stu d y of politics. nate things instead of taking positive slate. horticu ltu re m ajor, is cu rren tly an u sh er action. fie Packwood-Moynihan Tuition offering consultation services and sensitiv­ H e has made sev eral trip s to W ashington Act. sup erv iso r for th e MSU Lecture-C oncert ity tra in in g to residence hall staffs, he said. D.C. through a federal in ternship program He cited as exam ples ASM SU’s fail term S eries and d ire cto r of th e ASM SU Gay While Jo n es is not ru n n in g on a prim arily called Close-Up. In W ashington, he said, he suggestion to revoke Gay Council’s statu s |Khool, he was senior class Council. gay rig h ts platform , he said he is seeking m et and talked to th e presid en t and and funding and deny office space to the d served on the stu d en t board T he MSU ju n io r has also been a th e ASM SU presidency because he does not C ongressional leaders. black new spaper, People's Choice. is. Residence Hall P ro g ram s Office sta ff re- think ASM SU is cu rren tly rep resen tativ e of m ost stu d en ts. f t I have a certain expertise, ‘‘I think ASMSU as it is now composed is "ASM SU now appeals to a very small d leadership qualities th a t are a total w aste of tim e," he said. group. F o r instance, to look a t th e stu d en t P by a person running for a boad o r th e office allocations you would pis type," he said. An MSU stu d en t for two y ears, Tindall think th e en tire stu d en t body was G reek," said he would like to see th e stu d en t board he said. establishing new projects ra th e r than Bntioned several stu d en t con- Jo n es explained th a t as ASMSU p resi­ acting in negative ways. ■Id focus upon if elected. d en t he would propose, through a stu d en t I d e campus public safety pro- referendum , to change th e c u rren t stu d en t H e w ould a lso lik e to t r y a n d m ak e I continuation of a program board composition. A SM SU m ore a c co u n ta b le to th e s tu d e n ts , 1th the state High School He said stu d en ts would be b e tte r w ith a possible c re a tio n of a rev ie w b o ard to association to re-evaluate cur- rep resen ted u n d er a system of re p re se n ta ­ e v a lu a te th e a c tio n s of th e s tu d e n t board. Bhool college prepatory curri- tion by geographic location r a th e r than by lid he will also continue to college. U n d er his proposal th e stu d en t A ction m u st be ta k e n to sto p th e ■tuition tax credit act. board would consist of six on-campus and a tte m p te d violence on cam p u s, he said. He six off-campus rep resen tativ es, he added. su g g e ste d a rec o o rd in a tio n w ith th e D PS. I a member of a special review "ASM SU does not deal with academics — ►xamining possible changes in Academic Council does," he stated in a A S M S U has g o t to becom e th e voice of ■of ASMSU. He said th a t if th e s tu d e n ts ," he said. prepared position paper. pould take some of th e review “R ep re sen tativ es by living location would If e le c te d , T indall said he will d e v o te a s provide s tu d e n ts w ith an easily recognized m uch of his tim e to A SM SU a s is needed, rep resen tativ e," h e said. d e p e n d in g on th e n e e d s of th e s tu d e n ts . H e Jones, an M SU stu d e n t for th re e years, will p ro b ab ly ta k e only one c la ss and •homore Huesing D a n ie l P . J o n e s said he ex p e cts to devote about 40 hours per w eek to ASM SU business if elected. M ik e T in d a ll possibly a n ight class, he said. 'ires experience Fred Jones wants Vatter says ASMSU f y has not y e t declared a I the twenty year-old s tu d e n t “I have done no e x tra special w ork th a t qualifies me for th e position I seek, b u t I 'accountable' council i ‘n the communications f has n°t been involved in MSU don’t think anyone else has a t th is point, eith er," he said. H uesing, a sophom ore, is seeking th e F red B. Jo n es, a 24-year-old political “The firs t an d p rim ary responsibility of needs 'more input' science m ajor, h as been involved with an ASM SU p resid e n t is to rep resen t th e pernment, Huesing w as vice- position of ASM SU S tu d en t Board p resi­ s tu d e n t gov ern m en t since his freshm an ■his high school senior class. His d e n t prim arily to w ork w ith stu d en ts. He stu d en ts," h e said. y ea r in 1975 w hen h e w as a rep resen tativ e C urrently p resident of MSU’s Residence L ASMSU comes prim arily said he w ants “things to g e t back to th e way them , he said. “They should have more to th e H olmes H all s tu d e n t governm ent. Jo n es, ru n n in g on th e S tu d en ts for a Halls Association, Bob V atter, a 20-year- p a t e involved w ith stu d en t it should be." In te re ste d in politics, he input." He is cu rren tly social science rep resen ta­ Dem ocratic Society slate, said he plans to old junior, has been involved in dorm itory [ and from reading th e S ta te would like to g e t th e necessary experience devote all o f his tim e if elected as president. tiv e on th e ASM SU s tu d e n t board and a stu d en t governm ent since his freshm an V atter, m ajoring in political science, said in th e political field. He said h e would ta k e only a single voting m em ber o f th e A SM SU P ro ­ year. th a t if elected he would devote 50 o r 60 a reRistered D em ocrat. gram m ing Board. H e also ra n for p resident one-credit class each term . “I would ju s t like to see w hat happens," hours p er w eek to th e position. he said. in 1976. V atter was elected floor rep resen tativ e C u rren tly th e d ire cto r o f G reat Issues, he to Bryan Hall stu d en t governm ent during ASM SU s tu d e n t for tw o years, H uesing has been a sta ff m em b er of th e program for his second term a t MSU. In rapid succes said he would like to see a change in th e th re e y ears. sion, he became Bryan Hall’s rep resen tativ e way ASM SU is organized. T he p resen t Jo n es, a sophom ore, is seeking the to RHA, Bryan Hall president, and was form of governm ent is too far aw ay from position o f p resid e n t to form w h at he elected to his cu rren t position during th e stu d en ts, he said. H e said th e re should considers a m ore accountable stu d en t w inter term , 1977. be m ore concern for students. go vernm ent a t M SU. H e said he does not V atter said his p ast experience fully H uesing criticized ASMSU’s position of believe th e c u rre n t ASM SU organization qualifies him for th e ASMSU presidency. not taking a stan d on th e case of suspended co n stitu te s a “real” s tu d e n t governm ent “I think I’ve proven th a t I can handle Williams H all resid e n t assistan t Jo h n because it is n o t rep resen tativ e. alm ost any situation th a t can arise," he said. F urbush. He said by not taking a stan d J o n e s said h e w an ts s tu d e n t governm ent to re p re s e n t M SU s tu d e n ts and n o t merely Among th e changes V a tte r proposes for board m em bers w ere acting like federal o p erate as a forum for p o tential law yers to ASMSU is for th e organization to become officials. practice d ealin g w ith people. more involved in Academic Council, he said. “ASM SU is not a federal governm ent and "I w a n t to c re a te a g ro u p th a t can take "ASMSU should be m ore involved in ^ c r™ iPr ■ should not be ru n like one," he said. stan d s on th e stu d en t’s sid e in argum ents issues th a t will have a d ire ct im pact on H uesing said he would spend as much o v er issues w ith th e ad m inistration,” he stu d en ts — for instance, in w h at classes will said. tim e a s he could if elected ASMSU S tu d en t be offered," he said. Board president. Though much of his tim e is Jo n es, w ho h as been a t M SU th re e years, said he would like to see th e ASMSU V atter added he would also like to see presently sp en t w ith th e MSU hockey team , m ost of his evenings a re free, he said. s tru c tu re changed to resem b le congression­ m inority councils become m ore involved in al d istricts w h ere geography, ra th e r than ASMSU’s decision m aking process. "P re­ “I w ould spend a s much tim e a s is academ ic in te re s t, d eterm in es rep resen ta­ sently councils only an sw er w hen called sufficient," he said. tion. F red B. Jon es upon — rarely do you h ea r an y th in g from B o b V a tte r Galumphing Brooks afflicted b y 'High Anxiet By BYRON BAKER y S tate N ew s Reviewer Gourmet T h e re a re , alas, only a handful of genuinely funny m om ents in Mel B rooks' new com edy, High in v e stig a te the case of \ (A lb ert W hitlock), who ' A nxiety (T w entieth C entury-Fox; a t th e Cam pus sim ple re s t cure years ago anh k ^ T h eatre). T h e film n ev e r really redeem s th e from since, Abruptly th i„ l “ "‘‘L prom ise of its basic comic th ru s t — th e spoofing A bald sage T horndyke is framed on j ^1*** of A lfred H itchcock's classic m anner of su sp en se Is f a r w iser than North by Northwest), a l t a c S " , 4! film m aking — and is Brooks' w eak est effo rt in U ru b m d la n d nearly A bearded fo o l som e tim e. P ro v erb found in fo rtu n e cookie. All, eventually, is resolved. T C irca 1978. In th e p ic tu re, w riter-p ro d u cer-d irecto r-star A prim ary flaw of Hirii a . . THE HOUSE OF ING <4113 S. Cedar) B rooks clearly in ten d s to sim ultaneously honor initially evident in Sfl,M and parody H itchcock's w ork, b u t he seem s inability to smoothly direct ht Som e of th e strongest mem ories of my dorm d ay s a re about rem ark ab ly ill-equipped for e ith e r task . The movie a t the same time. The , 2 , 1 Sunday nights, w hen th e dorm cafeterias w ere closed and whole essence of H itchcock's genius is his ability to and directing the film seems to 2 J gangs of dorm dem ons would scrounge all o v er E a s t Lansing intelligently u se th e language an d dynam ics of Perform ance — which, u the J ' * try in g to dig up a cheap bite to eat. And like th e proverbial th e motion p ic tu re m edium to crea te mood, success of the picture. And 1 bearded fools, w e'd end up e ith e r in some cheap-jack ju n k food tension and su sp en se. T h e essence of Brooks' concentration used in actingand e« hole, spending our paren ts' hard earned money on C oke and genius is his ability to m ake people laugh. ch a ra cte r clearly takes tts to ll.a carbohydrates and never really enjoying ou r s u b stitu te din n er, or D esp ite his obvious g ro w th as a film m aker ov er asp ects of th e film. The film suffersinj j in som e too-loud, too-crowded b a r w here th e “S unday n ight th e m aking of h is prev io u s p ictu res. Brooks has Brooks performance often t o , .,1 special" didn’t ta ste all th a t good &nd w e w ashed it dow n w ith y e t to achieve significant m a stery of his chosen tim ing and expert delivery neceismJ m ore q u a rts of beer than we, o u r p aren ts/fin an ciers, o r o u r m edium — ev en his b e s t p ictu res have a rough, m aterial over, and the same h j L l academic ca re ers could afford. alm ost cru d e feel to th em . cinem atic sense — of his direction (bjf significantly, of his The P ro d w m J W e led ju s t such a life of sin and u n certainty un til one Sunday Frankenstein - films in which Bnxbl night a buddy and I decided w e didn't w a n t to e a t g arb ag e appear). anym ore. W e decided on finding someplace nice w ithin d riving distance, and tu rn e d to th e re s ta u ra n t section of th e Yellow P ages. The re s t of the players seem ont | J In the picture, writer-produ- ta len ted Madeline Kahn i, o b v iJ J Holiday Inn. Holly's Steak and Four. Hong K ong H arry 's. H ouse of Ing. H ouse of Ing? cer-director-etar Brooks clearly parody th e icily feminine p r e J l intends to simultaneously honor Hitchcockian heroines as Grace Kellvf l A fte r due deliberation, w e took th e tre k to X Lot, w arm ed up my vintage Vega, and left for th e hith erto unknow n w orld of South and parody Hitchcock’s work, but S aint and Tippi Hedren; oftenshew he seem s rem arkably ill- over-dressed and foolish. Harvey Kg C edar S tree t. Cloris Leachman are sporadically k equipped fo r either task. th e ir ch aracters and motivations sever! To m ake a long sto ry sh o rt, we k ept going back to th e H ouse of Ing long a f te r th a t one Sunday evening. While th e o th e r g u y s a te M e l B r o o k i m N o b e l P r iz e -w in n in g p s y c h ia t r is t focus. M ost of the supporting cast 1 th e ir d inner a t McDonald’s a t 7 p.m. and w ere arg u in g b y 8:30 R ich a rd H a r n o T h o r n d ik e in H ig h A n x i e t y . atrocious - composed mainly o| [_ about w h eth e r o r not to ord er a pizza, my buddy and I would spend w rite rs and comedian-buddies, In 4 1 a lot of tim e and v ery little money a t th e H ouse of In g m aking ju stice to th e ir roles. Brooks may T h a t rough feel is fine for som ething like The ourselves fat and satisfied. th a t th e funniest scene he has evsr J Producers o r Young Frankenstein (and d o n 't g e t T he H ouse of Ing looks like any o th e r typical Chinese re s ta u ra n t. M aybe it's ju s t a tad bigger, o r a little fancier, b u t it M ov/n' to the music me w rong — I am v ery fond of th o se tw o p ictures), b u t all w ro n g for an in ten d ed elab o rate p arody of an a r tis t w hose b e st w ork reflects an th e sequence with the monster IPste* th e blind herm it (Gene Hackman) ■ Frankenstein — was played by resin looks like any oth e r. T h e re are paintings of d rag o n s hanging stan d up comics foreign to motion p . The South A frican jazz band Ja b u la will be ap p earin g alm ost com plete u n d ersta n d in g of th e com plex around, golden shields on th e walls, and red la n te rn s — probably T h e re are, nonetheless, some funojil S atu rd a y , F eb. 1 8 a t8 p .m . at th e Kellogg C en ter A uditorium , in g ram m ar of film. Brooks d o esn 't seem to h ave cam e from a supply house in Chicage — hanging from th e ceiling. th e objective camera suddenly crashes! a co n cert spo n so red by th e A frican S tu d ies C en ter and th e sufficient gro u n d in g in H itchcock's cinem atic window, g reatly perplexing the a* A s for th e food — well, I'm no ju d g e of a u th en ticity , b u t it College of U rban D evelopm ent. sty le lor in th e basic lan g u ag e of film) to b e able cam era, peering up at the actors I certainly is good. A fter ea tin g a t th e H ouse of In g freq u en tly for The concert, billed as "M usicof Sow eto" should prove to be an to w ork w ithin its bo unds to parody it effectively. glass-topped table, abruptly (M ai th e p ast th re e years, I can say I've tried ju s t ab o u t ev e ry th in g on extrem ely in terestin g one. Jab u la, w ho have released at least Som ew here along th e screen w ritin g tra il B rooks blocked by cups, saucers and a tray ofl th e m enu and th e re ’s not one bad dish in th e house. one L P th a t's available in th is country — though it's a V irgin and his co llaborators (Ron C lark, Rudy D eLuca m em orable scene in which Thorndyke,! T he eg g rolls have got to be th e b est in Lansing, an d am ong th e R ecords im port — play an ex citing A frican b ran d of jazz much and B arry Levinson) ap p a re n tly realized this, before a psychiatric convention lift b e st anyw here. They’re alw ays crisp, b u t not g reasy , and a re filled along th e lines of South A frican e x p a tria te s D udu Pukw ana and and shifted som e of th e film 's focus to a plot photos of F reud, Jung and Dr. Joyce! w ith little b its and pieces of m eat and shrim p as w ell a s th e usual th e la te M ongezi F eza. w hich seem s an un easy pastich e of Hitchcockian looming behind him), becomes conscio Chinese vegetables. T ickets for J abula's perform ance a re only $1 and a re available n arrativ e lines blended w ith som e satiric sh o ts a t p resence of children in the audience i_ at th e MSU Union, th e African S tu d ies C en ter and at th e door. psychiatry, a su b ject which rep o rted ly holds A person n ever has to w orry about going aw ay h ungry a t th e discussing “pee-pee envy;” Thorndyksl ... much in te re s t for Brooks. H ouse of Ing, because it seem s they n ev er sto p feeding you. T here ing th e title song (music and lyrics by#1 J u liu s H emphill and O liver L ake, tw o ex trem ely ta len ted in a piano bar, and a clever, if teiql is no such thing as a sm all portion a t th a t place. A n o rd e r of chow Brooks plays Nobel P rize winning(l) H arv ard m odern saxophonists, will be ap p earin g a t th e U n iv ersity of re-w orking of the classic Psycho shovel mein is alw ays enough for tw o people; a p late of sw e et and sour p sy ch iatrist R ichard H arpo Thorndyke (his M ichigan's R esidential College A uditorium in E a st Quad T he film is mostly undistingtiishT w onton covers up m ost of your end of th e table. m other, it seem s, loved th e M arx b ro th e rs), who to n ig h t, as p a r t of Eclipse Jazz's "B right M om ents" series. technical level: P eter Wooley's predudi has becom e th e new d ire c to r of th e world A nd all of it is not th a t expensive. F o r a d in n e r th a t included a A side from sev eral excellent solo reco rd in g s on sm all labels, and Paul Lohmann's camerawork srep renow ned Psycho-N eurotic In stitu te for th e relish tra y , an egg roll, a main course, a fo rtu n e cookie, and all th e th e tw o m usicians have produced a serie s of rem ark ab le album s Jo h n H ow ard's editing fails to set snip V ery, V ery N ervous (akin to th e hospital in te a we could drink, my buddy and I would each go aw ay ab o u t five for th e A rtista -F re ed o m label. A ssociated w ith S t. Louis' Black pace for th e comedy. Composer John# Spellbound). H e su ffers from "high an x iety ” — dollars poorer. T h a t's about as much as we used to spend on A rtis ts Group (BAG) and Chicago's fam ous AACM, th e p air have w ritte n an adequate score, though sim ilar, to be su re, to Jim m y S te w a rt's ailm ent in b u rg ers, pop, and pizza on a Sunday night, and we w ouldn't be been p raised as tw o of th e finest A m erican saxophonists now curiously failed to parody the great i V ertigo. T he previous In s titu te head died nearly as satisfied. recording. Hitchcock scores by the late Bernard 111 "m y sterio u sly ,” an d th e villainous assistan t Shows a re scheduled a t 8 p.m . and 10:30 p.m . T ickets cost Ace m atte-painter Albert Whitlock I d ire cto r (H arvey K orm an) and nefarious head N EX T W E EK : T h e G ourm et laughs at you for try in g to m ake {2.50 and will be sold a t th e door. association with Alfred Hitchcock g a | . . . n u rse D iesel la m ustachioed Cloris Leachm an) sense out of th e stupid proverb at th e beginning of th is piece. th e 1930s) has contributed some f> view T horndyke as a th r e a t to th e ir unsavory Sha Na N a brings th e ir special bran d of g reasy 1950s nostalgia effects. W hitlock was also drafted by1 plans. to th e Lansing Civic C en ter to n ig h t at 8 p.m . T ickets a re $6.50 p o rtra y Victoria Brisbane's father, ft and $7.50, and will be available at th e door. L a te r on, at a San Francisco convention, th e en acts in a credible, if bemused, fsshial Last Two Ni«kta New Earth Rhythm Band P— fc • I n k f r — l f t l n | i Sunday - M ainsail CAMPUS M M lT tN M . n t l l .SAVINGS Sharon Archamboaa r ■ ■ $2.00 OFF an SA M 'S STORM If HAVINO j en d th ro u g h o u t of th e w in te r s to re . s a le on B uy now i 00 A A L L .n 224 Abbott jifft aaa, 351-2285 ‘ ■ s a v e o n t h e s e BARGAIN D A Y ! ■ fP S C IA lf._________________ ■ i Any L.P. Album in stock ■ W ra n g le r Corduroy I i $6.37 and over i i i *8 00 u W hite Bib Overall* $0 OO “ I I I Sw eaters $2.00 OFF I I February 24, 25, 26 $0 OOb $ 9 <>O I I MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Flannel Shirts Any 8-track tape in stock I DANCE FOR STRENGTH I t$ ® ® 50 hours of music and entertainment I $6.00 and over I I M IM DIAN MALL O KIM OS Coats up to S0^ ® I I ■■J WIN A TRIP TO JAMAICA (courtasy of Traval by Harrington) Assorted Levi Pants Men’s and Boy’s Shirts 50% 0 I a n d o th e r storewide W00LC0 S C H O L A R S H I P S (courtesyof Miller BrewingCo.) u n a d v e rtise d specials MERIDIANMALL PRIZES SAM'S ST0» IVM Grand Rhrar Okonws, Michigan sponsored by D e l t a T a u D e l t a PHONE: 349-2111 OPEN DAILY 10-9:30 p.m . SUNDAY 11 -6 p.m. SION UP NOW 330 N. Harrison or coll comer o#Alibe** * ®r* ad I 1* * ' | ^ _ ^ _ 337«1721 for moro information 3374AM* MS DANCE EASTMlNSTER~“RESBYTErTanI MARATHON CHURCH j ■noj Martyn explore space for information coll 337-1791 Worship: 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. C E N T K A I, Thame for the Day — IvEDiMARTINO Warm J ets shows up on Sci­ a re now being sold for $50 or U N IT E D ence's “K ing's Lead H at" and from th e progressivism of Eno's uite approach M artyn's two f r o m G a l a t i a n s 2 :1 9 -2 0 more, so one can only question lassies — Solid Air and Bless lN e»»R*vl*w<’r u "B ackw ater," and th e quiet, crowd. Originally a B ritish folk M E T H O D IS T Titish musicians who th e value of th e prin ts included Weather — it comes consid­ melodic re se rv e of Another guitarist, M artyn has gradually Arrn« from the Capitoi U ir t the boundaries with Science now Shat Polydor Paul W .W .G re e n Tim othy Q uist evolved into a progressive, e ra b ly closer than anything he's Second Sunday In Lenf JL-garde are Brian Green World is back and much has discontinued th eir distribu­ 337-0893 337-0183 jazz-based a r tis t w ith a silky- (produced since. The title cut, fjohn Marty", tw o im proved w ith "E nergy Fools tion w ith th e LP. "looking Cross­ smooth voice and some simply (“D ancing” and “C ertain S u r­ ■ couldnt be th e M agician" and “Through eyed A t Life I " stunning g u itar technique. His prise,” all featuring double­ Hollow Lands (for Harold The b est m om ents of Science Lies. , more divergent Budd).” a re th e instrum ental pieces newest LP, One World (Island j tracked, cream y vocals a la Im port ILPS 9492), continues in I Solid Air, sound the best here W orship S e r v ic e s South Baptist Church with bassist Percy Jones, of 9:45 a.m. and 11:00a.m. Eno rose to fame as Roxy the Fine tradition of his m o s t! and confirm M artyn's consis­ 1518 S. Washington Lansing rtainly the better Brand X. T h ere's an unearthly Nursery Available M usic's “non-musician" mem­ recent work and, again, ex- j ten tly stro n g songw riting abili­ the two, has ju st ber, and since his independence air about them , a so rt of plores musical te rrito ries few/ ties. 485-9477 SUN. 8:30 & 11:00 lilore And A lter Sci- presence th a t can also be found from th e group form at, through other a rtists find th e tim e td 5 * Deluxe 2302 on th e instru m en tal sides of the If y ou're a fan of th e late his collaborations w ith R obert Bow ie/Eno Low Heroes al­ appreciate. j MSU SKI CLUB U very long in the B ritish folksinger Nick D rake pel very much worth Fripp, David Bowie and, now, bums, th a t is not qu ite jazz, and One particularly fine cut oi — and a grow ing num ber of SPRING Maa (ithEno is a d iverse C luster, th a t s ta tu s has become not rock. M ost rem iniscent of the LP, “Small H ours," features listeners are, thanks to his CARNIVAL M r,) u i, MbpMlNslipaU Itinguished musicians increasingly inappropriate. Contained w ithin Science are th e B ritish band H enry Cow at a quiet throbbing bass, some recen t Antilles reissues — than Ctashti nfnsMs SJpa. i Phil Collins, Can's its q u ie test, to me a t least, th e you should be suitably familiar (M B I n extremely tastefu l g u ita rw o i L eit, Fred Frith, several gorgeous melodies such as "Julie w ith . . "H ere He pieces re p re s e n t a musical te r ­ by M artyn and some appropri­ w ith John M artyn's work. If *49** incledeai L , phil Manaanera, rito ry Eno, Bowie and all the not, be advised: John M artyn's Comes" and “By This River," ately spacey synthesizer plar L (r and both mem- people involved h ere should ab o u t th e b est th e re is. •2 nights lodging at th e la tte r tu n e this LP 's only ing by longtime M artyn assthi Sun. 7:00 p.m. Ijhe German group continue to explore. W ith re­ Petoskey Holiday Inn Cluster-Eno collaboration, a ate, Steve Winwood. M artyp's Achim Roedelius and peated listenings, Before and -lift tickets at Nub's Nob obsession w ith th e echo ^ _ a band that beautifully subtle piece of mu­ After Science becomes a -2 buffet breakfasts Mr. Sid Buzzell sic. machine continues on elaborated with to stronger, m ore solid musical C h ristian Fam ily Conference Speaker World, y et M artyn has ad -Sat. night buffet dinner k recent Cluster and Several of th e first editions of statem e n t th a n any of Eno's ably tam ed its usage to (the -picnic on hill Science contained a set of four o ther projects. Hopefully, he'll point w here it would be/ no -special wine races offset p rints from w atercolors continue in th is p resen t direc­ exageration to say he’s pmba- ■and A lter Science by P e te r Schm idt, an a rtis t who tion. bly the most-skilled guitarist FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening | a synthesis of the previously w orked w ith Eno on John M artyn, to th e casual presently using it. 353*5199 Coll 482 - 0754 for information Vts of Eno’s th re e his limited edition “Oblique Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor o bserver seem s w orlds away While One World d 240 Men's IM Jjbums and stands as S trategies" card set. S ets of th e Kenn Hecht, College Minister Effort to date. The "S trategies” cards w ere Ef Here Comes th e snapped up by collectors and POSITIONS OPEN ON ALL­ UNIVERSITY ELECTIONS SPAGHETTI COMMISSION. SPECIAL PETITIONING CLOSES FRIDAY ALL YOU CAN IA T IV M Y FEBRUARY 24 th AT 5 P.M. SUNDAY PROM 4 P.M . O ur own hom e m ade m eaty APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE IN spaghetti se rve d w ith hot rolls k plus a h elp yo u rse lf salad bar ROOM 334 STUDENT SERVICES *2.25 IF YOU HAVE AN^f QUESTIONS CONCERNING T «E POSITIONS CONTACT SUE LALK - ASMSU STUDENT BOARi). CONCERT: BUONO APPETITO Come in and Authentic Italian Sandwiches & Dinners MUSIC EHHma TataOil help us SPECIAL THIS WEEK OF MEATBALL SANDWICH celebrate with ParRMton C h . . s . t Special Sauce. ,99‘ SUNDAY OWNER: Spaghetti & Garlic Bread RIJ G eorge’s birthday! All you can eat ‘ M en.-Thurt.: 11:30-9:00, Frl.-Sa». 11:30-10:00 We must reduce certain parts of our Audio Dept. Check Mon­ Sundoy: 5:00*10:00 day's paper for specifics or stop in and see for yourself. 1045 E. GRAND RIVER at CUNSON PH. 337-9549 Sale starts 10:00 a.m . Mon. Feb. 20 thru Sat., Feb. 25 by JABULA r MABTY'B... Com Batch Treat with fhair third m b w I... DUTCH AUCTION | African Jazz Rock Combo pay, Feb. 18 8 p.m. pg Center Auditorium m ‘ mb* burnbut mmnmbt naars BUKNIRM t taO M naIM aaAnt pm aanaa nawniaoiibbri w miain ioeibmt bu mka narsat b im launkm minars at 'R f 245 ANN ST. (ts1).00at Union, * 39 *79 •95 \7S/ '55 *45 OPEN M-F 10-5 SAT. 10-* *188 iS •109 • 89 ‘ 90 ‘W ' *9 ‘ 49 pn Studies Center & door •lit • 99 •110 *W *»9 *79 *49 •189 *119 •125 *J0F V99 * 59 * 79 blED IY AFRICAN STUDIES CENTER AND COLLEGE OF •189 *175 •166 /1491 M L '125 *109 ■development .•in /w \ •811 *195 •200 /*179\ /'1S9\ '149 '139 J V a lu a b le Coupon Worth $1.00 ' Stkcnd M U M SLACKS 1 4 U VIBia BILLS LBVICOBDS LEATHER COATS j/ J I WILUANT! CASUAL SLACKS fW7fitodwewfrom OFF (ff.l.rl.d fcrguy*, B DStC 2USOD M top e yHM* ctriSoW B M oae ee ah SPORT SHIRTS *f aU frN e a) if)ia om ■iM ■■ W CA62 M LEATHER JACKETS / 2 50tochoosefrom WOOL OFF I ‘ •'•""'SWIATttS „ M ^ -h q » V V I •OUWiVWOttOlHBJ V l O FF Ovar150M ctoowhorn S TOPCOATS SUBURBANCOATS 35tochoowfrom 1/C OffJ I OwiMt.Mr**..- lOT/to,Ihmrity, IWMmHm 1 JQJ L OgANORIVER IASTLANSING opentwurs I W.hMMf.aniwlw*t»W»u ■m ■ ■ for mmM te Muiryi perk mrtieMen ■WWrOllFW* 1V Ig M M ^ R P w s a s s x ' s r - ’" - . MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY I OFFICE O F THE REGISTRAR CU RM N ILY F IU ID OR CAN CILLID SICTIO N S I ^STUDENTS ARE ADVISED TO AVOID ENROLLING IN THESE SECTIONS BECAUSE THEY Sa RE CURRENTLY F ILLE D OR CANCELLED. I CRSE SECTION tEP CRSE SECTION DEP CRSE SECTION 003 PSY 311 003 BUY TWO DELICIOUS 306 001 HPR 110C 001 359 001 335 003 MR. TONY SUBMARINE SANDWICHES (reg) ifirV 154 131 4 0 1 .4 0 2 .4 0 3 HRT 809 499 001 001 R D 491 480 002 001 FOR ONLY *1.50 (awl this coupon) SAVE *1.00 153 0 0 3 ,0 0 4 ,0 0 5 .HR1 183 3 0 1 ,3 0 2 .3 0 3 HED 476 001 RUS 427 T01 430 002 ,H M 590 008 S W 442 eontempoferij -::EC 200 006 I DC 345 001 003 482 00. *ED 869 001 ( L A 241 % cau/ab t cMrmt, 301 302 999 999 ! MGT 890 ! MTH 201 002 999 002 SOC SPN 821 150 102 001 001 006 I lamps bjj W iK e w o m . 306 999 490 I 001 F I I 1 A a S H B M A B IN IS 307 999 N S 135 0 0 1 ,0 0 2 ,0 0 3 STA 428 515 W. Grand River (|us! w est of Greyhound Station) Frtwi*lb?° 490 940 001 001 0ST 533 PHY 430 001 002 SYS 312 313 999 999 NO M L IV IR Y I . 208 611 PSY 139 001 V M 534 001 Expires Feb. 23,1978 840 001 161 0 0 4 ,0 0 5 ,0 0 6 Pick-Up or Dine In Only 332-8611 1SL2- FRANPOR #>Z-o817 Q M ichigon Stote N e w s, Eost Loosing. Michigon F rida^ f e b ,w r y ] ■1978 Father Time a ge d A li against Spinks By STEVE W ILSTEIN LAS VEGAS (UPI) — Muhammad Ali grew old in th e ring at the age of 36 and in a split decision reluctantly bequeathed his heavyweight championship to 24-year old u p sta rt Leon Spinks. Relentless F ath er Time was in Spinks* corner. Every punch Spinks threw . F ather Time w as th e re to double it. Every dance Ali began. F ather Time was th e re to stop the music: Spartans host Purdue guns down MSI Ali aged 10 years in an hour. P urdue kept itself in th e Big conference reco rd and 14-8 tiently cut th e lead down to 12 "I really felt my age holding me back," Ali said m om ents afte r Ten basketball race T hursday overall record. M innesota (38-26) late in th e first half. But the fight, the blood still fresh on his lower lip and his brow swollen. Spinks, virtually unmarked, fought an inspired 15-round bout, attacking Ali with unleashed fury, completing his rise from a S t. dangerous lllini vhen th e B oilerm akers g ave rationally seventh ranked MSU its w orst defeat of th e y ea r, played at Illinois T hursday night and a win would p u t the G ophers in a tie for first with a su rg e in th e final m inute of th e half p ut P u rd u e back in control w hen W alter Jo rd an hit ’ S IS '* ' | Louis ghetto to sport's richest prize. 91-80. MSU. a last-second jum p shot to make Only 18 and one half months ago Spinks won thp Olympic By JOHN SINGLER MSU falls to 10 3 in th e Big The S p arta n s scored th e first it 44-28 a t halttim e. 178 pound gold medal and now, 20 pounds heavier, he scored one of State N ew s Sports W riter T«n and 18-4 overall. P u rd u e b ask et of th e gam e but quickly F resh m an E arv in Johnson the greatest upsets in ring history. The world is his playpen and he w ants to frolic. “I want to relax, enjoy myself and blow a few dollars," Spinks said as he hugged his friends and relatives in th e tum ultuous MSU w om en's gym nastics coach M ike K asav an a is h aving his cake and ea tin g it too th e se days. Before th e season he "w as m ore in te re s te d in ex p o su re to national level com petition th a n w ins an d losses." T h e S p arta n s trrils th e league leading Spar- ta is by one gam e w ith a 9-4 fell behind. P u rd u e led at one point 321 0 . before MSU pa and Jo rd an led all sco rers with 26 points apiece. G regory Kel saSl after fight scene. have since fared well ag a in st national pow erhouses M assa­ SENIORS STAR IN H OM E FINALE “I've had two dream s — to be th e Olympic champion and to be ch u setts and P en n S ta te and cu rren tly b o ast a 6-2 reco rd to the world heavyweight champion. I've got them both now. I've got boot heading into S a tu rd a y aftern o o n 's hom e finale a t 1:30 on everything.” Ali didn't argue with the narrow decision. He didn’t claim he'd been robbed. Instead, he sat som berly w ith his wife and close th e main floor of Jen iso n Fieldhouse. The MSU w om en's te am will join th e m en in ho stin g Big Ten foe Illinois in w h at will be th e final hom e ap p earan ce of S p arta n Men gymnasts entertain hot friends and spoke in w hispers with an almost vacant expression on All A m erican Pam S teck ro at. By JOHN SINGLER little u n d er th e w eath er rig h t and is also six th on th e high his face. la s t tim e before the i j "I guess th e re 's a little riv alry h e re betw een Illinois and S tite N ew s Sports Writer now," p resen tly to p s th e Big b ar, w ith team m ate Brian "I don't know if I can come back again," he said softly. "I'm tired. cro w d include Rudolpki MSU," K asavana said. "They b ea t us in th e Big T en M eet last Th< Big Ten m en's gy m n as­ Ten in floor ex ercise w ith a S tu rro ck a notch behind. Very tired. I w ant to have a rem atch. I w ant to be th e first man to M acL ean . S t u m A y ear and we beat th em tw ice in d ual m eets," . . . and once again tics n e e t is tw o w eeks aw ay season-high of 9.30. T eam m ate "B rian's com e back to w here win the title th re e tim es. in last w eekend's Big Ten title m eet, a s th e S p a rta n s won and C am pb ell, M eajW J b u t if you're looking fo r a h in t C harlie J e n k in s is tied w ith h e w as in th e m iddle of last "People said to me, ‘You w ere robbed.' I w asn’t robbed. The man left Illinois in th ird place. lo o m b s . ■ of hovt MSU will do, d ro p by A ntonilli for second in vaulting, y ear, w hen he w as doing so was agressive. He landed some of the best punches. I was on the Jen iso i Fieldhouse S atu rd a y each h ittin g a 9.50. MSU is fresh from a pair of w ins ea rlie r th is w eek a t E a ste rn well," Szypula said. "This is the defense, he was on th e offense." afternoon. T h e S partans wereiSJ Michigan, beating th e H urons an d W e stern M ichigan handily I t’s alw ays nice w hen an last hom e m eet of th e season An estim ated 70 million view ers across th e U nited S tates saw Illin o is last year u j l while to taling 133.70 points. T he S p arta n s e n te rta in Illi­ all-arounder h its co nsistently for th e sen io rs so th ey ’ll w ant the fight and countless millions m ore w atched it throughout managed just three w ial nois in th e final hom e m eet of on th e rin g s and R udolph h as th is one p re tty bad. Illinois is S teckroat, clearly one of th e nation's to p ail-arounders, will life tim e tries a g iiM tjJ Europe, the Middle E ast. Latin America and Africa. th e seaion a t 1:30 on th e main com e on so well th a t h e c u r r e n t­ going to be tough." cap a g litterin g c a re er by com peting in all e v e n ts ag ain st th e S zy pu la figures i i 'n J The shock w aves of Ali’s decline w ere felt around the world. floor of Jenison. ly stan d s six th in th e Big Ten S p a rta n s su itin g up for th e lllini. S he won th e Big T en's uneven parallel b ars crow n and change. 1 Ali was not m erely another heavyweight champion — he was a "We've had som e injuries b ut won th e all around, floor exercise and un ev en s ag a in st EMU for th is m eet w e have ev e ry ­ symbol of black pride, an unofficial am bassador to the Third and WMU. body ba effort, p articularly balance beam p erfo rm er L aura! Laylin and ru n n ers-u p in th e Big Ten last Spinks. 197. gave aw ay 27 pounds to the 224-pound Ali, plus tw o v au lter Cheryl Bellaire. y e a r and cirre n tly boast a team m ^ |§L inches in total height and four Inches in reach. Ali seem ed to dw arf th a t is ran ied eig h th nationally him as they stood next to each other, but Ali’s 12 e x tra y ea rs and F resh m an Lori Boes is fully recovered from a mid-season while carrying th e Big T en’s hundreds of ex tra rounds w ere too much for him to carry, back injury and has been a p leasan t su rp rise both in v aulting c a to p tw o rin ; m en an d p rem ier especially tow ard th e end of th e fight. and on th e balance beam. v a all-arounder S tev e Y asukaw a. Spinks won th e final th re e rounds on all th re e official cards to S pecialists on tn e uneven b a rs include P am H arris and S zypula siid th e lllini have become th e first challenger to capture the heavyw eight title on a captain S ara Skillman, w ho round o u t th e S p arta n line-up for d one nothing b u t im prove since decision since Jim Braddock defeated Max Baer in 1935. Illinois. last y e a r an f he'll th ro w a 6-4 f. |i |' |jgg^ Ju d g e A rt Lurie gave Al: a 143-142 edge, but Lou T abat had The s ta te m eet a t C en tral M ichigan is rig h t around th e dual-m eet retord into th e m eet. Spinks com fortably ahead, 145 140, and H arold Buck scored it corner as th e S p arta n s defend th e ir title F eb. 23. A fter la st weekend’s loss a t 144 141 for Spinks. Ali needed to win tw o of th e last th re e rounds Ohio S ta te , MSU’s b rief sta y in or knock Spinks out to gain th e victory and th is tim e, he ju st didn’t have it in him. Ali received $3.6 million before expenses and taxes, while Spinks earned less than one-tenth of that at $320,000. If th e re is a th e nation's tip 20 ended. T he all-arojnd should be a real scrap w iti S p arta n captain J e ff R udolph and G ibbs chal­ H H K -: JrnmL rem atch, th e ir purses will be a lot closer together. lenging Y asutaw a and C arl Antonilli. T he lllini duo is tied [ DM ] for th ird in the Big Ten, at 53.00, and R udtlph has to taled K S ''- Vs I Five choose M S U a 52.90 season ligh. Illinois’ g r e a t one-two punch pk * " - on th e still rin g s will offer a stiff i f * ; ■' 4 ' . %W'' Four other high school football players in Michigan have made te s t for th e rapidly im proving their intent to atten d MSU public a fte r W ednesday’s initial day for The W om en’s IM team swim m e et will be M arch 2 a t th e MSU trio of T o n s — Tomkow, signing letters-of-intent. Women’s IM. E n tries and additional inform ation a re available in M orris an d Meagher. All s ta te linebacker S teve Blank of G rand Rapids N orth view, 121 of th e W om en’s IM Building. E v e n ts a re th e 100-yard m edley "O ur rin g tesm has been , • defensive end G eorge Cooper of D etroit N orthern and wide relay. 25 y ard butterfly , 25-yard freesty le, 25-yard b reaststro k e, doing a g re a t job for us and receiver Mike Jones of South H aven all chose MSU. Tom P ietee of State News KothyKib 50-yard freesty le, 25-yard back stro k e and 100-yard freesty le relay. scoring close to 9.00 apiece," Redford Union also signed w ith th e S partans. E n try deadline is noon M arch 1. Szypula said. Sp artan sophom ore g y m n a st C hsrlie Jen k in s sh ow s perfect form working oilJ All-state linebacker S tev e Maidlow of E a st Lansing had already The MSU m en’s v arsity club will m e et in th e V arsity C lubroom F resh m an M arvin G ibbs, "a parallel bars in preparation (or S aturday's 1978 hom e finale against Illinoii. announced his decision to atten d MSU. at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. SUNDAY, AT M A C 'S ... HAT NIGHT! A M a s t e r s D e g r e e in ■Transmission RADIATION PROTECTION ■Maintenance Special Fantastic Pitcher & Drink at Th e U n iv e rsity o f M ich ig a n specials all night long to hat wearers. O pportunities A v a ila b le for: I ■ Change transmission fluid. Wear the most unique hat and get your photo in this ad! -Financial support for qualified graduate students -Research in radiation dosimetry and radiation biology -High-paying, interesting jobs in a growing profession in which the ■ ■ ■ Adjust bands. • Clean screen. • Replace pan-gasket. $095 plus fluid ■ • Complete road test. demand for graduates far exceeds the supply. I Monday • Pitcher Night all night Tuesday • Peanut Night Wednesday t Thursday -8-10 Pitcher Specials APPLICATION DIADLINK FALL T IR M tlS A p ril 19T8 Interested students in engineering, physics, biology, chem istry, pro>mod, or any of the other physical or biological sciences should w rite: I ■ 6026S.Cedar 393-7540 I Dr. G . Hoyt W hipple, Departm ent of Environmental and Industrial Health, School CatMiller) 2700 E. Mich. Ave, West of Frandor £ of Public Health, Ann Arbor, M ichigan, 48109. a . / W EAST LANSING w m M M .m O * V£7\ I I KALAMAZOO \ P u rp le shadow s in the sn ow : amethyst, the February birthstone. Fashion Jeans By D ISC O & A.K.A. 1 0 % o ff Presented here with d ia m o n d s and 14 Gut yellow gold. A. Rind' B. Pendant, $100. $ 1 3 #5 ° a ll w a te r b e d s & a c c e s s o rie s C. Earrings, $150- SimicthiiiS Biviinl1" for Everyone, MEN'S FANCY PRINT SHIRTS By Campus, Impact, Hutsphah$9 , M - 1 0 . ” iSimple WOMEN'S DRESS A CASUAL TOPS p le a s u ir e s By Hukapoo, Dibs, Miss Ingenue $8 . 5#- I O .‘° 129 E. Gn Open 10-5:30 (Mon.-Sat.) Grand River (across from the he Union) MORGAN'S I mi It’tM'li'is S im v IS7h jf i Ch. Ml S W ashington, Lansing *3 OFF RETAIL EVERYDAY! Check out our display attth the e J I M t'thlian Mall, O ki'inos Lansing Mall • Feb. 22-26 I s m m rnunt ih.u^i pi,ms or A tm li t .I II I. p»rs\ H.mkAmi', Master Charge -Visa 5 2 9 E. G R A N D RV. M.Hl ..,1,1 I'll • Invited (517) 482-5(121 .W-U32D Mon.Tuot.Wod.Sot 9.6 Thurt, F ri.................................... 9.9 'isconsin toughest test M EET OSU AND IRISH A lso p inball, a ir hockey, TV tennis, table te n n is .... icing women thinclads Fencers host champs UNION BILLIARDS lower level Union Bldg. phone: 355-3358 Lr.AVlK JACOBSON avoid a possible injury. squad will be able to hold their It's going to be a b ig w eekend for th e MSU quite stro n g also." Mon. thru Thur. 11:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. N ews Sports W riter "W isconsin and Illinois will own against th e o ther competi­ fencing team as th e S p arta n s m eet two Fri. 10:00 o.m.-H :00 p.m. j toughest indoor track be th e re and outdoors they tion. defending champions. The S p artan s will see Ohio S tate again in Sot. A Sun. 12 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. | o date is in store for ‘ he w ere num ber one and tw o in tw o w eekends (March 3-41 when th e Buckeyes "I think as a team strength, The fencers will host N o tre D am e, defend­ j MSU tl>'s w eekend th e Big Ten,” Flanagan said. host th e Big Ten championships. And if any Wisconsin's th e one," she said! ing NCAA cham pions, and Ohio S tate, ■ th ey travel to Illinois for "W isconsin’s really stro n g in MSU fencers m ake it to the NCAA meet "The re s t of the team s I don't defending Big Ten cham pions, S atu rd ay at 10 Iht-tpatn invitational. th e distances . . . Wisconsin is M arch 23-25, th ey will be sure to see the think we'll have to w orry about. a.m . in gym th re e of th e M en’s IM Building. ■ r 3 0 on their season, will Iar'ainst Big Ten competi- th e one to beat and rig h t now I d on't think we’re as stro n g as P urdu e has some decent indi viduals, but nothing as a team." Coach Charlie S ch m itter said his only Fighting Irish th ere. Going into this weekend's action, the COUPON SAVINGS laturday lor a preview o f concern before this w eekend's m eet is the flu S p artan s are still g ettin g strong perform an­ 6 they are. A few kids w on't be The S p artan s en ter this L e y can expect to face at able to go w ith us because of w eekend's invitational planning bug th a t is going around. O th er than th a t, the ces out of tw o fencers in each competition. T, Ten Championships in te sts. It's unfortunate, b u t I'd to do th e b est th ey can under coach is hoping for tw o fine m eets. Scott Ray (16-11) and Bryan P eterm an L Wis. March 3. ra th e r have them g e t every­ th e presen t circum stances and "N otre Dame has alw ays been a pow er­ (38-7) are on tops in th e epee. While Chris | Spartan wom en w ill be thing squared aw ay so th a t hoping by th e tim e th e Big Ten house,” S chm itter said. “I think everyone Thomas (21-3) and Jon Thomas (15-111 are FREE DONUTS I I Wisconsin. Illinois, Indi- they can go with us for th e Big Championship rolls around, they have on th e ir team w as a fencer in high one tw o in th e ja b r e and F red Price (15-111 I tate, Blinois S tate, and Ten. Wisconsin has really good they'll have a com plete team to school. And Ohio S tate, th e y ’re perennially and M ark K rusac (19-5) lead th e way in foil. ( n s i n Milwaukee. depth and th a t's w hat scares work with. When you buy a dozen l pite its unbeaten record, me. They can ju s t sw eep the THIS COUPON NOT VALID IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFER l o a c h Cheryl Flanagan is events. We’ll ju s t see if the Tjncerned about th e m eet. o th e r kids can come through for COUPON GOOD Rocky road lies ahead for icers L h S u e Batter, one o f the us.” r „ s' to p runners will be Frid ay, February 17 thru Sunday, Feb ru ary 26 F lanagan still hopes for a lin g the m eet, th e re are PUNKIN'Q, I few needed m em bers of good showing for th e S partans L a d who are unable to in spite of th e ir obvious disad­ vantage. B y JOE CENTERS while P e rry S chnarr is tied for Thursday. DONUTSM | f i t due to a backlog in E S T and will be carried by S tate N ew s Sports Writer eighth w ith 19 goals an d 21 Bessone said th a t th e season WKAR-FM. Tonight's gam e I work. Freshman runner ‘‘Illinois has a really good W hen talk in g ab o u t Denver, assists. was probably over for both will be live w hile S atu rd ay ’s ledw ick will not com p ete half miler," Flanagan said. “Sue th is w eekend's opponent for the D enver e n te rs th e series K lasinski and Johnson because will be broadcast afte r the M i l W O M A N A V I. 3 1 6 9 1. M A W I t v n H . ■ ■ preventive m easure to (L atter) seem s to think th a t the t o w n ie w w H MSU hockey team , coach Amo with a nine-game w inning of th e seriousness of both cases. MSU-Ohio S ta te basketball Bessone had a lot to say, b u t he streak . T he last four w ins have MSU will have th re e new game. didn’t know w h ere to s ta rt. come ov er third-place Michigan faces on th e road in D enver. lippewas' depth F irs t th e re ’s th e offense, but then th e re 's th e defense, and how ab o u t th e goaltending? Tech and second-place Wiscon­ sin and th e P ioneers have lost only once a t hom e this season. D ean M iller and Brad Wilkin­ son, who both have seen limited action a t home, and Brad The P io n eers a re tied for A fter last w eekend's tw o D redge, who has y e t to see first place in th e nation with losses to th e P ioneers, Wiscon­ v arsity action, will all be suited ifeats tracksters Boston U niversity for th e sec­ ond w eekend in a row in the sin coach Bob Johnson con­ ceded th e WCHA championship up for th e S partans. M ark Mazzoleni, who has college coach’s hockey stan d ­ in D enver. been voted MSU’s player of th e Itral Michigan cam e on a 49.2 in th e 440-yard dash; Tim ings. D enver also lead the “W e w en t o ut like champs week in th e WCHA for th e last in the late events Klein w ith a 1:11.4 in the W estern Collegiate Hockey A s­ (the B adgers a re th e defending tw o w eekends, will s ta rt to ­ Isday to hand th e MSU 600-yard run; and th e MSU sociation (WCHA) w ith 22-4 WCHA and NCAA champi­ night's gam e and possibly S at­ (rack team a 70-61 defeat mile relay team with a 3:18.4. record and won’t b e gracious ons),” Johnson said. “W e are urday's gam e also if he has "the meet at Jenison Field T he relay team w as composed hosts tonight and S aturday to now going for second place.” hot hand” tonight, according to The loss drops th e of Flow ers, S teve Young, Ty th e last-place S p arta n s, who go “You n ev er know w hat’s Bessone. |ns’ dual m eet record to W illiams and Klein. into th e gam e w ith a one game going to happen,” Bessone said Both gam es will s ta rt a t 9:30 The m eet proved w hat Bibbs w inning stre a k (which is a of MSU’s chances. "W e’ll ju st h Jim Bibbs’ tra c k ste rs has been saying. The S partan ra rity th is season). do o u r best." Igain paced by sophomore coach claims MSU has a strong D en v er leads th e WCHA in The S p artan s will be w ithout WCHA STANDINGS r Randy Sm ith. Sm ith team w hen it comes to m eets goals scored (153), and in goals the- services of Ted Huesing, relatively easy tim e w ith a lot of team s involved. allowed (87). Goalie Ernie Paul K lasinski and Jim Jo h n ­ w L T PTS. | g both the 60-yard dash But w hen it comes to dual G landville leads th e WCHA son. D enver 22 4 0 44 ■nd the 300-yard dash in m eets, th e S p arta n s lack th e w ith a reco rd of 11-1 and a goals H uesing bruised his knee in Wisconsin 17 7 2 36 necessary depth. ag a in st p er gam e averag e of last S atu rd ay 's gam e with Michigan Tech 16 10 0 32 fthman high jum per Den- T he tra c k s te rs will com pete 2.41. N orth D akota and skated this M innesota 15 10 1 31 Kwis cleared 7-1 for th e in tw o s ep arate m eets this G landville is recovering from week, but according to Bes­ Colorado Coll. 11 15 0 22 I consecutive m eet, de- w eekend. M ost of th e field a ham strin g pull and probably sone, couldn’t stop and push off N o tre Dame 10 13 1 21 ; CMU’s prem ier high event particip an ts as well as a w on't play th is w eekend, but with th e knee. K lasinski is still Michigan 10 16 0 20 fr, Mike Winsor. few ru n n ers will participate in his replacem ent, Jim Bales, recovering from a leg injury UM-Duluth 9 16 1 19 ■Spartans also dom inated th e C entral Collegiate M eet at sp o rts a l l - 3 reco rd with a 3.86 th a t he received in Wisconsin N orth D akota 9 15 0 18 * vault event as Bruce Ypsilanti. goals ag a in st average. four w eeks ago, and Johnson, MSU 6 19 1 13 \ finished first and Jim Bibbs will also ta k e his mile T he P io n eers have th re e of who skated W ednesday, was This weekend's games: second. They both relay team and distance ru n ­ th e to p te n WCHA scorers. tak en to Olin H ealth C enter MSU at Denver El 15 feet, b u t Tem by had n ers Ted Unold and K eith D oug B erry is fifth in the after th e practice because of Colorado Coll. a t Michigan ■misses. Moore to th e H am ilton H igh­ league w ith 20 goals and 31 stom ach pains. The senior from N orth D akota a t Michigan Tech « r winners for th e Spar- landers m eet in H am ilton, On­ assists. M ark D avidson is sixth Bloomfield Hills w as scheduled UM-Duluth a t N o tre Dame pere: Ricky Flowers, w ith tario. w ith 18 goals and 27 assists to have his appendix rem oved Wisconsin at M innesota After the Came or After the Show Notice: Try a Lata Night Snack at Last Week for Winter Term Books A International House of Pancakes o. Beginning next week, we will begin setting O PIN 24 HOURS S S 1 -7 7 2 6 up books fo r Spring quarter, 1978. We 7/ still 2800 E. G rand Rivor try to help you fin d yo u r winter term book, Strike - it Lucky WEATHER?? but we suggest you don 7 delay. Thanks. for an afternoon or Call evening of 3 4 9 -9 5 6 0 entertainment Temperature and Complete Forecast BOOK ITOlil •40 Lanes y V. Specials! •Automatic . . . A F ro m Scorers Rent - a - lane Gam es 80C Adults lichi^anNational Hank w f m k 99 ► ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 70C Children SIGOURNEY’S HAIRSTYLING, INC. •Cocktail Bar Bowl os many gam es as you want Weekdays 9:00- 5:00 p.m. ANNOUNCES •Restaurant Sunday nights 11:0 0 p .m .- 1:0 0 a .m . & after 11:30 p.m. the expansion of our make-up department. Sat. 8 Sun. 9:00- Debra w ill introduce you to an exciting new •Billiards (up to s ix persons p er lane) 2:00 p.m. dimension in facial design through d’iAntbiage *6.00 per lone cosm etics. Call her today! 5JB Wm aSgBS 9% m O' O A •m tHBHBt mam Xmbiaqe s / •\ m FREE Open Bowling pg m ^ 40 BP usSm*. ^ R niHlllUt CONSULTATIONS * FRIDAY * SUPER TG 3-6 # • H o lf P ric e B e e r, M a rtin is . M a n h o tle n s Holiday 484-1491 1 5 V HOT D O G S a At the Alle We J * Give A w a y Fun 9 Sigourneys Hairstyling, Inc. Debra Setter )^ Lanes Just North of Frandor _________ 1712 E. Michigan Ave. M ake-up F a c ia l D esig ner 3101 E. GRAND RIVER 337-9775 RHA president elected on first ballot Prison A lternatives By KY OW EN presid en t a re M ason-Abbot rep ­ “m ust be ap p ro v ed by a sim ple R H A p re sid e n t Bob V atter be cleared up by W ednesday, or c°alitior Holden Hall representative Tim V anA ntw erp w as elected resen tativ e Mike Zim m er and form er RHA representative m ajority v ote of th e stu d e n ts living in u n d erg rad u a te re s i­ said if th e am en d m en t is not passed b y n e x t W ednesday, the the ta x w ill not b e collected. “I have told Bob V atter the to hold conference Saturday C ynthia W ashington. dence halls in an all residence R H A ta x , including th e new $3 th e new Residence Halls Asso­ thing has to b e resolved by In o th e r RHA board action: hall referendum ." m ovie ta x , w ill n o t be collected T he M ichigan Coalition for T he conference, which opens ciation president a t W ednesday F ebruary 22. If not, th e tax The board voted to amend its F or a constitutional am en d ­ a t s p rin g re g istra tio n . If it does P riso n A lte rn ativ es, a s ta te ­ a t 9 a.m ., will f u t u r e R obert night’s board m eeting. won't be collected," Nonna- V anA ntw erp will take office constitution to comply w ith the m ent to ta k e effect, it m u st be n ot p u s , R H A will tr y to find w ide o rganization concerned E vans, a fo rm e r D etro it Re­ m aker said. a t th e beginning of spring term . U niversity’s T ax Collection Cri­ approved by tw o -th ird s of th e an o th e r w ay to collect th e tax, w ith th e g ro w th of prison co rd er's C o u rt J u d g e , u the teria. T he decision came after residence hall g o v ern m en ts. h e added. N onnam aker is responsible He received a m ajority vote of facilitiea, will hold a conference keynote sp eak er. E vans, who th e S tudent-Faculty Judiciary Each d orm itory g o v ern m en t M SU V ice-P resid en t for S tu ­ for notifying th e MSU B usiness eq titlbd " In stea d o f Priso n s" on th e board m em bers on th e first will sp eak on "W h at a r e 't h e upheld a ruling earlier this president will sen d a le tte r to d e n t A S a irs E ldon Nonna- Office to collect m ajor stu d en t S atu rd a y a t L ansing Catholic ballot. The election was the A lte rn ativ es to Prison?" w eek . by th e All-University RHA ex p ressin g ap proval o r m ak er said la st w eek th e q u es­ governing g rh u p s tax monies fender Rehabiliut'; 1 “I j first tim e in over th re e years an C en tral H igh School, 601 M ar­ w orked on sev eral altern ativ e S tu d en t Judiciary, which said disapproval of th e am e n d m e n t tions su rro u n d in g th e tax m ust each term . shall. RHA president has been voted pro g ram s f o r ' p re-trial diver- in on th e first ballot. th e R H A ta x collection proce­ O ther presidential candi­ d u res w e re n q t consistent with OPEN At 7: THE ONE BILLY |AND ONLY b a ff lR iW w iw im ii iu jt s a **aits m - ANNE S H IR L E Y C O B H A M BANCROFT M acL A IN E J T h e T u m in g p o in t MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27- 8:30 & 11® Pm iQwa Frifan Iwililt4365fl frfo ij» r TICKETS 5.50 IN A D V A N C E “(Hi,God!” |i^ii>^els it Funny! ADVANCE TICKETS FOR A LL SHOWS AVAILABLE NOW AT [y j 1^ FriBay&15*1S1IF.15 Twilit, 546*15 ItU sM* DOOLEY’S BDHT REYNOLDS “S E M I’ AND AT ms lU S T O rF E lS O lf Q U Q II" L A M frifai545M H M 5 Twilitt MSM5 u .u , >t « REC0RDLAND La n s in g a n d m e r id ia n m a l l s BIOGRAPHER TO SPEAK TODAY ■ .c . Iritish activist subject of lecture coming! is MS DANCE MARATHON Sea Comic Paga on for information work of British social F eaver, professor of political political leaders from 1905 Monday. trice W ebb as a B iographer.” l-nst and activist Beatrice science a t th e U niversity of through th e early 1930s, said coll 337 1721 Banks said th e lectu re will F wi|| be examined by B ritish Columbia, has studied R obert F. Banks, dean of Jam es em phasize th a t W ebb was OPEN At 7:00 P.M. L nher George F eaver in a th e extensive diaries kep t by Fu IsIC H IG A N Madison College. equally as prom inent as her FEATURE At 7:15-9:20 Jinbag lectiire a t noon today W ebb. The activist had close W ebb was a founding mem­ husband. contacts w ith m any British Sat. (S u n . At 1:00-3:05 J4A Case Hall. ber of th e British Labor P arty F eaver received his Ph.D . in 5:15-7:20-9:25 P.M. and of th e Fabian Society. political philosophy from th e She and her husband, Sidney, London School of Economics The Harold Robbins people. w ere in stru m en tal in establish­ and Political Science. The 19th Whatyoudream...tbeydoi iuthor's taends ing th e London School of Eco­ century British th eo rist, Sir nomics and Political Science and w ere m em bers of the H enry Maine, is th e su b ject of his m ost recently published HAROLD ROBBINS’ iSMSU series intellectual Bloomsbury group, which included Virginia Woolf, economist M aynard Keynes and biography. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored E.M. F o rster. by Women's Studies-Colloquia Lbara A. Pletcher, au th o r of th e book "SALESWOMAN: F eav er’s lecture is entitled series and Jam es Madison Col- L t0 Success,'' will speak a t 7 tonight in 109 A nthony Hall. She “O vercoming His-Story: Bea­ [be [he last speaker in th e G reat Issues “W om en's Week," letcher is completing h er second book, “Surviving the [(Career M arriage.” G reat Issues director F red B. Jo n es said B a t - s w a t t in g n e w e s t p a s s t im e (rher will speak tonight on how a couple can have sep arate L rs and still keep a m arriage together, SAVANNAH, Ga. (API - janitors recently patched up hies said she has held faculty positions a t several universities, S tud en ts a t Beach High School some holes in th e attic w here [has resigned to devote herself full-time to w riting and have tak en to bat-sw atting in th e b ats usually stay ed , the No Advance Ticket, iking- ■be has published num erous papers in th e field of m arketing, L | | as on human behavior topics such as positive personal th e classroom to fend off hun­ d red s of th e fu rry flying mam­ mals th a t have invaded the building. b ats congregated in th e to p tw o floors of th e three-story build­ ing. I m a ll theatre M i l W. SMDMW—UNIMG Showtime, Mon. thru Frl. 7 :0 0 1 9:30 Available L r practices and capitalizing on personal creativity,” Jones An Allied Artists / Harold Robbins international Production An Allied Artists Release The school has had a bat Wed. matinee at 1:00 adm. * 1 3 2 1 - 2 6 0 4 The situation got so bad this £ I97B Allied Arti, i >fVturrv iw p problem alm ost since it was Sot, t Sun. 2:00,4:30,7:00 ( 9:30 ■hr is particularly interested in th e area of equal opportuni- w eek th a t teach ers and stu ­ opened in 1950, b u t when SAT-SUN EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 1" he added. d en ts declared w ar. letcher will chair a national conference sponsored by th e 4:50-5:20P.M . •!.•* trican Marketing Association focused on “Women and MICHIGAN STATE feting: Role Changes and O pportunities," to be held in jago in March. UNIVERSITY .MocMMfomoroinm, Today Open 7:00 P.M. Feature 7:20-9:30 D O U BLIFIA TIH II B Y UNA W1RTM UUM PERFORMING S ett Sun At 1:20-3:20 ARTS COMPANY The Fever is Spreading 5:25-7:25-9:30 “A BRILLIANT MOVIE ttiat must be seen several times!' RexReea If ROLLICKING FUN! PRESENTS P ONE O F TH E FU N N IEST SED U C TIO N L S E Q U E N C E S ON R E C O R D .” W illiam Saroyan's IfflR I — J u d it h C r is t . N e w Y o rk M a g a z in e U S “ A WONDERFULLY FUNNY SEXUAL FARCE!” The Time of \M f — G illia tt, N ew Y o r k e r M a g a z in e UNA WERTMULLERS Your Life 'VV’-.V ALL SCREWED UP M il TONIGHT A SATURDAY SHOWTIMES: SEDUCTION OF MIMI ALL SCREWED UP 7:15,10:45 ONCE ONLY AT 9:00 LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 9:00 [pul DIRECTED BY UNA WERTMULLER It, COLOR ■NEW UNE CINEMA Fairchild Theatre February 1 4 - 1 8 8:15 p.m. NOW FLAYING SHOW PLACE: 100 B W allt m §m M szr ADMISSION TO THE DOUBLE FEATURE ‘ l . “ an e n te rta in m e n t se rv ice of b eal film s. Students, facu lty & sta ff w elco m e. ID s checked . ...Catch it BOX OFFICE PHONE RHA RHASDGSRHA M HAM USs } 355-0148 c7/e gave tys soulto t/je sea aijdtys Ijeart to a womaq. 'Tffeirbve willatOuse you. cTtje story will disturb you W ILS 101 FM presents cTfje eqding will startle you. I l l MOVIE M U S IC A L K J'JJJJ’g J J J T f f cMileg aKrfstoffei$ori V ie Xm ./ e t c - m. 4 u S t- A V C O E M B A S S Y PIC T U R ES BE I EASE C l H . 'H R DAVE MASON Frl. 106 B Wells 7:30,9:45 118 Physics-Astronomy 8:30 BOB WELCH Sat. Conrad 7:30,9:30 SO Sun. Wilson 8:00 * 1 . T h e y e a r is 2 0 2 4 . a future you'll probably live to see. e*l m AND CLOVER Ioxoy/ 811 nICO; 11n ll B 5WICqXq I Friday, February 24 an R rated) rather kinky tale of survival LQ/Jaf . ABOYANDHISDOG 8 p.m. Lansing Civic Center ......DONJOHNSONSUSANNEBENTON„ALVYMOORE ITT______ ..JASONROBARBsI T echnic olor ■ R T icke ts *6 !" and ‘7 ’° — a ll seats reserved — Fri. Wilson 8:30 W r itte n by H a rla n E llis e n a v a ila b le at the C ivic C en ter Box O tfice , Cam pus C o rn ers in East Lansing: Sounds & D iversions, Sat. Brody 8:30 Fri. Brody 7:30,9:30 Dow ntow n; Boogie Records in Mt. Pleasan t. Sun. Conrad 7:00 K alam azo o & Po rtag e; B e lie v e in Music in G ran d Sat. Wilson 7:30,9:30 50 Rapids; Lafayette Radio in Ja ck so n ; Choker Sun. Conrad 9:15 * 1 . Records in Battle C re e k Me* Chicago Productions and Balkin Productions Students, Faculty A S ta ff Welcome. ID's may be checked. Mason Photo by Mlchaol N. Marks / CREEM Friday. February ,7 'h i Women's seminar slated FOCUS ON CHANGING ROLES Mildred B. Erickson, assis­ ciate professor of sociology. A Fashions for th e working ☆ D a ily H appy H o u rs FOOD i f ta n t dean of MSU lifelong education program s, will be the featured speaker a t a program on th e changing world and role sim ilar w orkshop in th e a fte r­ noon will be conducted by Jan e Sm ith, D irector of th e MSU Office V olunteer Program s. women will be p resented by M ary M ertz of S tretch and Sew. The conference is sponsored ☆ N ig h tly D r in k S p e c ia ls FROM SOUTH OF THE fl of women Saturday a t Kellogg Effective speaking will be the by the MSU Business Women's ☆ S unday N ile C enter. topic of a w orkshop led by Club. border W orkshops held throughout G erald D. J u h r, research assis­ the day will focus on family and ta n t in th e MSU D epartm ent of D etails on fees, scheduling S p a g h e tti An y° u ca reer roles, and personal and International Rehabilitation- and registration can be ob­ r ® c a n Eat COMES. . . c a reer development. Special Education Network. tained from th e Kellogg Center. Identifying and handling habits which limit career and personal development will be ☆ L a rg e S c re e n TV examined by participants in a 'EmTen Pound Fiddle Folk Entertainment workshop conducted by David PRESEN TS Novicki, assistant professor in TO N ITE! the MSU Counseling Center. O DM Footlong Chili Dogs 80° A discussion on family and working parents will be led by L eo Kretzner is one of the M idw est's outstanding dulcimer p layers and has 2 - 5 Fri day RAMON’S Mary A ndrew s, assistant pro­ ju st released h is first album. H e 'll be joined by E llen Ja c o b s , a fine Ir is h - s t y le re s ta u ra n t n fessor of human ecology. C reating time for recrea­ tional activities will be dis­ fiddler, and together th e y 'll play a wide variety of instrumental tunes, traditional VACHTy INN cussed by Barrie Thorne, asso­ fo lk so n gs, and some G O O D FOOD • PIZZA • DRINKS AND LOUNGE j&| V contemporary m aterial. |O penM -F: 11 o.m. Sot.-Sun.; Noon Come and en jo y!! 12271. Grand Rivor L l l k . West of Hagadorn: |2 .5 0 _ Kretzner 332-6517 OH College Hall in the MSUnion G rill ^ C LA SSIC FILM S PRESENTS F R E D ZIN N EM A N N ’S m UoterBads R A M O N 'S ...y o u m ay h a v e kn o w n it b efo re a s "B ill's Restaurant and Louno. located a t 718 E . G ra n d R iv e r, in Lansin g fo r th e p ast 54 y e o rs . But since September R A M O N 'S h as b een th e "hot sp o t" fo r yo u r south of the border favorites R A M O N 'S o ffe rs sp e c ia ls e v e ry d a y , M onday thru Frid ay o n th e ir Mexican fa v o rite s , e a ch fo r on ly $ 1.9 5 , co m p lete w ith rice and b eans. M onday's e s p e c ia lid a d : Tocos. T h re e sub-shell corn to rtillas heaped w ith ju ic y ground b e e f, to m ato e s, o n io n s an d sh red d ed ch e e se and lettuce. T u e sd a y is b ee f e n ch ila d a d a y : Y o u r ch o ice of ch icke n , m eat or cheese, wrapped STARRIN G in o frie d corn to rtilla , topped w ith a m ild m outh w a te rin g sau ce, diced onions and EDW ARD F O X , A L A N B A D E l sh red d ed ch e e s e ; 3 p e r s e rv in g . W e d n e sd a y ’s fa v o rite is B u rrito s : T w o flo o r to rtilla s filled with expertly FRED Z IN N EM AN N , O F THE G R E A T DIRECTORS s e a so n e d ground b e e f, topped w ith d e licio u s hom e-m ode chili con carne, diced O F W ORLD C IN EM A . M O V E S THE FILM A L O N G s w e e t S p an ish o n io n s an d sh red d ed ch e e se . IN SHORT BOLTS O F ELECTRICAL CURRENT T h u rsd a y s RAM O N 'S s e rv e s T o sta d a s; T h re e c risp frie d corn tortillas served K EEPIN G US ON OUR TOES SO WE DO N'T DARE For the Rest of Your Life open fa ce d w ith yo u r ch o ice o f se a so n e d ground b ee f o r refrie d beans, (frijoles), MISS A THIN G topped w ith c risp fre s h le ttu ce , d iced to m ato e s, onions an d shredded cheese. A n d b ock by p o p u la r d em an d , F rid a y 's sp e cia l s e rv e s Tocos again, so you con — REX REED . e n jo y R A M O N 'S fa v o rite tw ic e o w e e k a t a v e ry re a so n a b le price. "TIG H TLY D R A W N . IN TRIC ATELY W RO UG H T Waterbeds provide the optimal sleeping So you con sa m p le a v a rie ty of M e x ica n "co m id o ," RAM O N 'S offers combination POLITICAL THRILLER CO N C ERN IN G EFFO RTS TO temperature — whether your room is a p la te s fo r a n y size a p p e tite . The fe a tu re co m b in atio n p la te is complete with a toco, A SS A S SIN A T E CHARLES DE G A U L L E 1 draftv icebox or a stuffy shoebox. to sta d a , m e at e n c h ila d a , ch e e s e e n ch ila d a a n d ca rn e guisada, and like all - F I L M NEW SLETTER R A M O N S south o f th e b o rd e r s p e c ia ltie s , is se rv e d w ith Spanish rice and refried b e a n s, a ll fo r o n ly $ 3 .9 5 . R A M O N 'S a ls o s e r v e s a v a rie ty o f m ini combination plates Our waterbeds provide total support over fo r $ 2.9 5 , a ll d e licio u s ly se a so n e d an d tem pting to th e taste . ArtCarved the entire length of your body — the wedding FRI. m 19:00 100 ENGINEERING A natural way to sleep. A lig h t d in n e r su g g estio n fro m RAM O N 'S is “ El P e p ito .” From Guadalo )o ra co m es th is v e rsio n o f th e steo k sa n d w ic h , th in ly sliced and served with avo cad o s p re a d an d frijo le s on a m in i fre n ch r o ll. C h ili o r toco sauce takes the place rings. SAT. 7:00 & 9:00109 ANTHONY A We design our frames with the student of ca tsu p o r s te a k sa u c e . A c risp s a la d an d fre n ch frie s completes this exciting sa n d w ic h , a ll fo r o n ly $ 3.50. in mind — call 351-5650 between 9 am - R A M O N S h a s im p orted b e e r an d M e xica n sp irits to complement your meal. 9 pm and ask about our prices — they’re C o m e an d try a Toro B ra v o (K a h lu a , fre s h lim e an d teq u ila) or a Margorito, 25 STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF WELCOME the absolute lowest in town. w e lco m e a n y tim e in th e e ve n in g . ID'S MAY BE CHECKED. RA M O N S is open from 11 am to 11 pm on w e e k e n d s and from 11 am to 3:30 pm on F rid a y s an d S a tu rd a ys, 12 noon till 11:0 0 on Su n days. B ar stays open till 2 on w e e k d a y s . C o m e an d e n jo y th e fla v o rs fro m south of the border here in Lansing. No re s e rv a tio n s n e c e s s a ry . Ju s t co m e a s you a re and bring o friend, a n y d a y ...! O L E ! * USA ROMAN PO LA N SKI A F IL M B Y SP O N SO R ED BT: STEVE GOODMAN , | I RAM ON'S RISTAU RA N T 6272106 AND LOUNOI Sunday • II you cm m t: * * * ***** iso meatballs vegetables p« 718 E. G R AN D RIVER-LANSING t i M b w . bceed I btiMar. dene**- The Finest in M exican Cuisine 717 s Hririfte SL GrandLedge — I ___Wth£noHr^jsTodajr!^^^ For those who believe THE TENANT in lasting THE TENANT (1976) with a loose grip on himself and the Producer:Andrew Braunsberg need for an apartment. Concierge RESTAURANT love. Director: Roman Polanski Shelley Winters (The Poseidon Ad * ventureI and landlord Melvyn FINE NORTHERN ITM.UUI FOOD | Downtown LancinS Cart: Roman Polanski, Isabelle LUNCH t DINNER OA/t V AT SENSIBLE PRICES 116 E. Mlclt..A** Douglas (Hud) have just the place for 372-4300 Adjani, Shelley Winters, 13* W . G rand Rivar PH. 337-1755 If you believe in lasting love, him: a barren,decaying apartment Melvin Douglas, Jo Van select your wedding ring whose previous occupant, a young Fleet, Lila Kedrova girl, leaped from the window to the from our ArtCarved collec­ ALSO courtyard below. When the girl dies PEKING RESTAU RANT tion today. at the hospital, Trelkovsky gets the GREAT KITTY DONQHOE Once again, internationally-acclaimed director Roman Polanski (Chinatown, apartment and a chance at a mean­ ingful physical relationship with FOOD /TO7IRVED D)AMONOSX WEOOING BIN GS Fri.& Sat. March 3,4 Rosemary's Baby) leads his audience* on a journey through ihe distorted realm of a human mind. As in his award-winner Isabelle Adjani (The Story o f Adele H.), the dead girl's best friend. Unfortunately, Trelkov­ H o u rs 24 4 Day •FAM ILYSTYLEDlNIIEK j* classic Repulsion, the theme here is sky develops a sneaking suspicion B •BUSIRISSlUNCHfOhS a obsessive paranoia. However, this that his fellow tenants are conspiring 327 Abbott Rd. i;i| u r n |. \ v \ i v 8pm and 10:30pm time Polanski observes histparanoid 'victim" through a slyly wicked sense of humor. Polanski himself against him. Are they trying to drive him to suicide? Paranoia strikes deep and Polanski twists the knife with loft Lonalng Frondor Shsppng C .n l.r, McDonel Kiva plays Trelkovsky, a nebbish file clerk an accommodating smile. s te a k Jon*. HOURS: Mon.-Frl. 10 AM to— crv v TICKETS: 3.00ADVANCE/ TONMNT A SATWWAY & The most excitingi idea ineating ’ P.M.; Sot. 10 A.M..S:}o Phon. 951-1213 3.50AT THE DOOR SHOWTIMES: 7:30,9:45 SHOWPLACE: 104 B Walls se a fo o d sinoethe sandwich Q) VISA, MASTERCHARGE, Available at MSUnion, Elderly Instruments Inside Bonnie & Clyde ADMISSION: M.“ and Campus Corners II. did K. Michigan Ave. i ’ l3 3 E .G r a n d R W y »OWEN CHARGE on onlorloinfnont M rvk o ol tho bool Him co-op. StudonM, faculty 6 ttoff wolcoma Ids chockod. latnsing 37M5(X) IP l ft C la s s if ie d A d v i r t i t i i g L Employment j| i Ewployweet | Apartweets ||y ] [jpart*M tsJ(§Pi Hwsts £ L_for_Sale |[§ ) Q jo rja le j f ^ iH f f o m a t iM NEW GROWTH Company TWO BEDROOM unfurnish­ TYPIST FULL time immedi­ FEMALE ROOMMATE need­ ROOMMATE-OWN room in 100 USED VACUUM clean­ INSTANT CASH We're pay­ has openings for secretaries, ate. Minimum 60 words per ed • close to campus. Immed­ ed for spring term, 2-bed­ house near Frandor spring/ PHONE JS5-I2SS 347 Student Service* Udg, ers. Tank6 cannisters, and ing $1-2 for albums in good key punch operators, mag minute. Two years office iate occupancy. 332-0111. room, 3-man Eden Roc; adja­ summer. $100/month. 485- uprights. Guaranteed on full shape. WAZOO RECORDS, card operators, general office experience. Send resume to 0-20-2-28(3) cent to campus; $90/month, 7028 evenings. Z-X-3-2-17<4) 233 Abbott, 337-0947. year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS clerks. Professional attitude Ethel Cassel, CATHOLIC 351-1645. 6-2-17(4) C-20-2-28(4) RATES 1 BLOCK from campus. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. in your skill a must. For SOCIAL SERVICES, 300 N. EAST LANSING, 4 bedroom. DAYS ldey-9QCperline Large furnished apartments. 316 North Cedar, opposite N>. interview, phone Florie, 321- Wasington, Room 301, Lan­ MALE ROOMMATE needed, Clean and close to campus. AM/FM STEREO receiver 9 days • MK per Him Renting for summer and fall. City Market. C-20-2-28(7) Lift** T 0 1 6878.8-2-17(8) sing, 48933. E.O.E. 7-2-22(8) large apartment, % block Available June 15. Phone amp with turntable and 1.70 7.20 I8.M 10.00 4 d a y s -75C per line Better hurry. Call 351-8135, from campus. Haslett Arms, 321-1607 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE - waterbed ele­ speakers. Good condition. 110 0.00 00.00 22.40 I doyi • 70C p«r Him WANT AN exciting job? SOCIAL WORKER. Foster 351-1957 or 351-3873. Call Craig, 332-0053. Spring 6-2-22(4) vated frame and headboard. $50. 355-3595. Z-E-5-2-2K3) M0 12.00 2M0 Storer Camps needs summer care. Full time. Immediate. 0-8-2-21(6) term. Z-X-5-2-17(3) Sofa-bed, several chairs, 627- (g lE ID D E n E Z Il counselors, male and female. Duties include placement and TWO BEDROOM furnished 3378. Weekdays after 6. BLIZZARD OF '78 Survivor Uim rot# por into rtioii Call 332-4875. X-3-2(3) supervision in foster homes, SPRING TERM - 1 bedroom. MALE, NEEDED to sublease duplex for 2 to 3 people. 5-2-17(5) T-Shirt. $5.95 including tax family counseling, co-ordi­ Furnished. On bus route. 337- spring term. Furnished, very 669-9939.19-2-28(3) and shipping. Please state TELEPHONE WORK for con­ nating resources, requires 0873 after 11 p.m. $230 close to campus. Call Bill, DISCOUNT, NEW, used size. Make checks or money Etonolin** • 3 lints • *4.00 • 5 days. 80' ptr lint ovtr struction company. 5 p.m.-9 8 SW, 2 years child welfare + Utilities. Z-3-2-20(3) 332-2311. S-5-2-2113) BY OWNER, Lansing North desks, chairs, files. BUSI­ orders payable to "Blizzard", 3 lints. No adjustment in rott when canctlltd. p.m. evenings $3/hour plus experience, knowledge of side. FHA, 790, 3 bedrooms, NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 215 Box 1978, Napoleon, Ohio Price of ittm(s) must bt stated in od. Maximum commission. Apply in parson child and family, own trans­ EAST LANSING. East Knolls FEMALE NEEDED spring 2-car garage, $160 per E. Kalamazoo, 485-5500. 43545. Z-10-2-22(7) ■ sole prict of *50. only. 2600 S. Cedar, Suite C. portation. Send resume to Apartments, two bedroom, term 3-man apartment-own month. Call after 6 p.m. 0-2-2-20(4) Peanuts Personal ads • 3 lints • *3.25 • ptr instrtion. RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION Barbara McKnight, CATHO­ two bath, luxury, over 1000 room. 3 miles from campus. 489_-0097. 5-2-22(5)________ SPEAK ERS-2 way, hand 75' per line ovtr 3 lints (prtpaymtnt). COMPANY. 8-2-20(7) LIC SOCIAL SERVICES, 300 square feet. Central air, bal­ 393-2866 after 5 p.m. 3 PAIRS of skis with bindings built, under warranty and 3 LARGE UNFURNISHED ftummogt/Gorogt Salt ads • 4 lints • *2.50. N. Washington, Room 301, cony, security system and Z-5-2-2013) house on Grand River. and poles. 198 cm, 187 cm, way Sound Research. $100 AIDS NEEDED East Lansing pool. Adult community- no 183 cm. $40-$100. Boots; per pair, 355-5435. 63' per lint ovtr 4 lints • ptr instrtion. Lansing 48933. E.O.E. ‘ Public Schools. Music aid 8 7-2-22(16) pets. From $320. 351-4726. WILLIAMSTON. FURNISH­ $275/month. 655-2457. men's 10, women's 8 %. Z-E-5-2-1713) Round Town ads • 4 lines - *2.50 • ptr instrtion. hours a week. Pool aid 30 0-5-2-23(7) ED large studio type, excel­ 3-2-20(3)__________________ Equipment in excellent condi­ I 63* per lint ovtr 4 lints, hours a weak. Male, must lent condition, carpeting, ap­ PRIVATE ROOM in nice 3 tion. 676-2924. E-5-2-23I6) DOG CENSUS - Persons 2 WOOD Lacrosse sticks lost I Founds ods/Transportation ads • 3 lints • *1.50 • supervise boys locker room. wanted to take dog census. ONE BEDROOM nicely fur­ pliances, central heat/air. bedroom. Close to campus. defense man, and mid field- per insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. Call Personal Offic 337-1781. Piece work - 50C per dog. nished, pool, air, low utilities. Very comfortable and private. 533 Spartan, 351-9122. MID WINTER Sewing Ma­ man. Both $35. 353-5123. 6-2-20(8 ) Own transportation. Call 676- Near MSU. $99/person. 337- $175 plus deposit includes all 8-2-23(3) chine Clearance Sale on all e-wm™ ___ 2431, ext. 270. 9-5 Monday - 0018. 2-2-20(3) utilities. No lease. Phone 655- floor samples, demonstra­ Deadlines W AITRESSES - 11:30 a.m.- Friday. 7-2-21(7) 3333 10am-5pm. 8-2-24(8) WALK TO campus. 4 bed­ tors, up to 50% discount. TOP DOLLAR paid for cam­ Ads - 2 p.m. -1 class day before publication. 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.-2 a.m. room house with fireplace. Guaranteed used machines, era, stereo and guitar equip­ CIDAB VILLA O I FEMALE ROOMMATE start­ | Concellotion/Change • 1 p.m. • 1 class day before Apply at SIR PIZZA after 7 MALE COMPANION- per­ Discounted to $395/month, $39.95. EDWARDS DISTRI­ ment. Phone WILCOX ing Spring term. River Glenn publication. p.m. 122 N. Harrison. sonal aide-roommate, want­ APARTMKNTS includes garage with studio. BUTING CO. 1115 N. Wash­ TRADING POST, 485-4391. 8-2-20(3) Apartments. Across from ington, 489-6448. C-8-2-2818) C-12-2-28(4) ed for young wheel-chair starts leasing for summer: Call EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. I Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Holmes. Call 351-7134 after 6 person. Downtown Lansing. 0-13-2-28(7) until after 1st instrtion. MAKE GOOD money selling ondfa" m a r c h u t p.m. 5-2-22(4) MIDLAND 23 channel CB Large high rise apartment. I There is o *1.00 charge for 1 od chonge plus 50* per quality AVON Products. Call Automobile necessary. Sala­ with Kricket floor mount Animals 482-6893. C-5-2-1713) ONE BEDROOM furnished 3 BLOCKS from campus-4-6 additional change for maximum of 3 changes. ry plus complete living quart­ 351-5180 apartment, enough room for bedroom homes. Furnished, speaker -u make offer 332- I The State News will only b t responsible for the 1st WANTED PERSON for car ers. Well built and healthy. 3. $210 + utilities. 731 Bur­ fireplaces, and in excellent 4659 after 6 p.m. Z-1-2-17(3) BRITINY SPANIEL Male day s incorrect instrtion. Adjustment claims must route in East Lansing. Should Call 485-2122 or 482-2221. FEMALE FOR 1-bedroom. cham Dr. Immediate occu­ condition. 351-8135 for show­ Born Oct, 77. Call after be mode within 10 days of expiration date. have small car. 7 days/week, 8-2-21(9) Spring term. Across from pancy or start of spring term. ing. 0-8-2-21(5) WATER BEDS are bedder at midnight, before 8 a.m. Joe | Bills are due 7 days from od expiration date. If not , about 1 % hours/day. Call Williams Hall. 337-2397 351-3775. 6-2-24(6) SOUNDS AND DIVER­ Wright 353-9338. 5-2-17(3) 489-2322 after 4 p.m. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Z-3-2-20<3) SIONS. Open till 9 p.m. paid by due date, o 50' late service charge will be due. 3-2-17(5)__________________ FOR qualified, motivated NEED 1 or 2 female to share Rooms weeknights. Downtown FULFILLMENT MANAGER, people. Training provided. Prior experience not essen­ NEED FEMALE to lease a- partment spring term. River­ apartment. Close, electric across from Knapps. 484- 3855. 0-1-2-17(5) Mobile Homes only. Call 332-3912 or 355- IT IS the policy of the State great opportunity with young tial. Strictly commission. side East 353-5558. Jennifer 0063. Z-6-2-2414) fast growing direct marketing Part-time and full time people Z-X 8-2-27(3) News that the last 4 weeks of ALPINE DESIGN tent, like IT IS the policy of the State company. You will have full needed. Call MICHIGAN term all Student Classified new, $140 firm, Mike 351 - Automotive !f« ! responsibility for 15 person 2 WOMEN needed to sub­ Advertising must be paid for 8503, evenings. X-2-2-17(3) News that the last 4 weeks of FIRE ALARMS, 349-5453. SUBLEASE-SPRING term. 2- lease new apartment, Adja­ term all Student Classified staff, handling order process­ 8-2-17(8) 3 man apartment $240/ in advance beginning Febru­ cent to campus spring term. Advertising must be paid for I IS the policy of the State ing, computer data entry, and month. 731 Burcham. 332- ary 13, 1978. Bring or mail to UPRIGHT PIANO $100, OLDS CUTLASS 1967. 332-0579. Z-3-2-2214) in advance beginning Febru­ iwsthat the last 4 weeks of customer service. While a 347 Student Services. commercial mixer $400, Clean. $450. 675-7563 after 5 COMPUTER OPERATOR, 4816. Z-3-2-20(3) ary 13, 1978. Bring or mail to Jlvertising must be paid for college degree is preferred, S-20-3-10(8) commercial electric slicer system 3-15. One year exper­ 347 Student Services. ■advance beginning Febru- p.m. 4-2-17(3) the basic requirements are ience. Supervisory position. Houses £ EAST LANSING. $100/ $150. Evenings 393-7719. S-20-3-10(8)_ _ (r 13,1978. Bring or mail to intelligence and managerial Great challenge. 485-8900. 4-2-22(4) _ PINTO RUNABOUT 1976 NEWLY FURNISHED month plus utilities. Close to P Student Services. ability. Send current resume 8-2-23(4) FEMALE TO share duplex. 10x50 2 bedroom, close to auto, radials, $1950 or best 8-3-10(8) offer 482-3396 evenings. to President, AMERICAN 2 BEDROOM Own room. Close to campus campus. Call STE-MAR MANAGEMENT 351-5510. SHARP STEREO system, campus, skirted, partly fur­ BSR turntable, AM/FM ste­ nished, $2000. 351-5531. TAXI DRIVERS wanted Must KDi 100 LS, 1974. Sunroof, Z-3-2-2K3) EDUCATIONAL SERVICES INC., 419 Lentz Court, Lan­ have excellent driving record. APARTMENT or bus. $92/month. 694-4728 8-2-23(4) or 394-5545. 5-2-21(4) reo, tape deck, cabinet. $250. 5-2-17(3) Afternoon and midnight to 394-3136. 5-2-22(3) Ireo, 30 mpg. $2300 or best sing, 48917. 10-2-17(19) Jer. 339-8086. 3-2-21(3) PONTIAC GRAND Villa 1972. start Apply VARSITY CAB as low as *250 ROOM, FURNISHED, live 3 ROONIS for rent in nice 5 4-door-power, air, cruise and with students, pets, 484- bedroom house for spring NEW, USED and vintage Rummage Sale WANTED - FOOD and cock­ 332-3559 X-3-2-17(6) VIC JAVELIN, 1973,0, floor more. $1500. 332-6776. 6-2-22(3) tail waitress. Lunch hour 11 BURCHAM WOODS 4311 Z-6-2-24(3) term. 551 Virginia. 332-4898. Z-5-2-23(3) guitars, banjos, mandolins, etc. Dulcimers and kits, re­ lift, console, stereo with a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/ corders, strings, accessories, Immediate occupancy 5-FAMILY basement and lpe deck, vinyl roof. Immac- RABBIT 1977. Champagne through Friday. Apply in per­ WATER RESOURCES MSU NEAR. Carpeted 2-bed­ PRIVATE, COOKING, park­ books, thousands of hard-to- PLANNER-education or ex­ 351-3118 moving sale. Lots of good pte condition $1750. 636 E. Edition, rustproofed. FM ste­ son. HUDDLE NORTH. 309 room bungalow. Basement, ing. Spring. $105/month 425 find albums. (All at very low clothes, books, ten-speed iginaw, E. Lansing. 351- reo optional. $4500 or best North Washington, Lansing. perience in water resources, garage, and garden spot. Ann Street #4. Stop by prices). Private and group 755 Burcham ladies, miscellanous. 1467 110 Evenings and week- offer, 655-1640 after 5 p.m. Next to LCC. 8-2-21(7) natural resources, public $195. 482-9103 evenings. lessons on guitar, banjo, 4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Farwood corner of Coolidge Ids. 8-2-27(7) 8-2-20(4) policy, etc. MA desirable. 4-2-22(4) mandolin, all styles. Gift cer­ CRAFTERS AND artists Z-8-2-2814) Rd. February 18-21 10 a.m. -5 Send resume to HURON tificates. Expert repairs- free p.m. 2-2-17(7) BTRE 1976, manual, rust TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1976, needed for spring show in RIVER WATERSHED COUN­ FURNISHED 2 bedroom du­ estimates. ELDERLY IN­ MALE WANTED, own room, ROOMS AVAILABLE for |oofed, 11,500 miles. $2500, white, black top, beige boot Civic Center. More informa­ CIL, 415 W. Washington St., bath, in a spacious 2 man plex with fireplace. Working men and women. Utilities STRUMENTS, 541 East HOME RUMMAGE Sale Sat­ 3-7821 after 6 p.m. and interior. AM-FM radio, tion 882-9048. 8-2-23(3) Ann Arbor, Mi 48103. couple, no pets or children. paid, no deposits. $72 and Grand River. 332-4331. apartment until June. Near urday February 18, 9 a.m. - 5 2-27(3) excellent condition, $4100. 5-2-22(9) 339-8968. 3-2-21(3) C-20-2-28113) OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer/ campus. $90. 882-3218. $82/month. 351-4731. p.m. 723 Forest Street East Call 323-3038 after 7 p.m. 8-2-28(4) 8-2-28(3) JkPR11973. V6, rustproofed. year-round. Europe, S. Amer­ Lansing. Back of Hannah 8-2-24(6) SALES GORGEOUS HOUSE, room NEW AND used children's |pe, rear window defroster, ica, Australia, Asia, etc. All Middle School. Household TWO people needed who are MSU CLOSE-Modern, fur­ with V2 bath. Female medita­ ROOMMATES, OWN room downhill ski boots and new Tom 484-9300 or 372- VOLVO 1975. 242D1 Cloth fields, $500 $1200 monthly, goods, clothing, books, color looking for a future in sales. tor preferred, 332-5666 even­ $75 plus utilities available and used adult's downhill skis I. 8-2-27(3) interior, Nice! FLUMERFELT- expenses paid, sightseeing. nished, 2 bedroom. Spacious, TV. 2-2-17(5) We are a national company laundry, March 1.332-8823 or ings. 6-2-24(4) April 1, May 1 Lansing - clearance sale, phone AERO STAIR CHEVROLET 655- Free information-write BHP and furnish you with appoint­ lAPRl 1973. V-6. Ziebart, 353-3108. 8-1-2-17(4) NORTHEAST OF Campus 16 372-1840. 7-2-27(4) RENTALS, 339-9523. LARGE RUMMAGE Sale, Fri- 4343. 4-2-17(4) Co., Box 4490, Dept. ME, ments. We offer you a great jtyl top, 4-speed. Excellent miles near Laingsburg. Two 5-2-21(5) day-February 17, 7-9 p.m. Berkeley, Ca. 94704. opportunity for management. Indition. 882-6788.5-2-20(3) bedroom farm home, carpet­ ROOMMATE TO share two February 18, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Z-15-3-618) Call Art Jacobs, 349-9156. 1,3,3 bedroom bedroom apartment own Masonic Temple 314 MAC ing, large yard $160. 349- SKI BOOTS: Dynafit Hot size jkPR11974, 6 cylinder, cus- Auto Service / COUNSELORS: CAMP 8-2-27(11) apartm ents 4127. 8-2-28(5) room, $100 per month. Call 10 $95, Trappeur Elite size East Lansing. 4-2-22(1) ■ interior, AM/FM, auto- WAZIYATAH FOR GIRLS, 371-3161; 489-2653. Close to 10% $50. 355-9295. jBtic, $2000.349-1405 after 6 CONSTRUCTION INSPEC­ LCC. Z-3-2-1715) Harrison, Maine OPENINGS: a fully carpeted TWO ROOMS in 5-bedroom Z-5-2-2K3) TORS needed by consulting |m. 8-2-20(4) GOOD USED TIRES, 13-14- Tennis (varsity or skilled play­ engineering firm. Full time • gas hoot and cantral air house. Available spring, sum­ SPRING-SUMMER $85 L Lost & Found 15 inch. Mounted free. Also ers); Swimming (WSI) Boat­ conditioning mer or fall. $90/month. 221 FRESH FRUITS, vegetables, pEVY VEGA 1973, four and summer for large sewer month very large private nuts, and plants. Also wild good supply of snow tires. ing, Canoeing, Sailing; • swimming pool Collingwood. 1 % blocks from sed standard AM radio, project in Bay County area. room in nice house close to bird feed, 10 cents a pound LOST: BLACK male cat near PENNELL SALES. 1301% Waterskiing: Gymnastics; • 24-hour mointononco campus. Dave, 332-0241. 1st offer 349-5364 after 6 Send resume with qualifica­ MSU. 351-9141. Z-10-2-2813) and Peerless dog food. No Abbott Street area. Call 332- East Kalamazoo, Lansing. Archery: Team Sports: Arts • ploy ground for childron Z-7-2-24<6) |m. 8-2-22(3) tions and salary requirements limit at LANSING GAR­ 5167. 3-2-17(3) 48^5818. C-20j2-28(52 & Crafts; Pioneering & Trips; • no pots in writing >P.OX. Box 580 Bay ROOMMATE NEEDED nice DENS, 1434 E. Jolly Road. Photography for Yearbook; City, Mich., 48707. An equal SUB-LEASE duplex, 3 bed­ JUTLASS SUPREME 1973 - CAMERO 1973 LT automatic country house - 10 minutes 9-2-24(6) Idoor, air conditioning, Secretary; Registered Nurse. opportunity employer. call for information 349-3100 rooms. $300 per month. new BFG-T/A’s and brakes, from campus. Call 394-0884 Juckets. steering/brakes, headers, more. 323-7564. Season: June 26 to August 21. Write (enclose details as Z-4-2-2K10) 10-5 Tuosdoy-Fridoy 10-2 Saturday Spartan Ave., East Lansing. 351-6495. 8-2-23(3) 3-2-20(3) FOR $92 you can get every­ Personal / lint condition $1895. 353- 8-2-27(3) thing for a $300 speaker c to your skills, interests, etc.) BABYSITTER, ONE child, |193LS-5-2-17(3) system at the SPEAKER JUNK CARS wanted. Also Director, Box 153, Great light housekeeping, refer­ Knob Hill EAST LANSING. Three Bed­ For Sale j|q> SHOP 351-8724. X 8 2-23(3) IT IS the policy of the State lATSUN B210 1977. Hatch- Neck, N.Y. 11022. Telephone: room Duplex. New, carpeting News that the last 4 weeks of selling used parts. Phone ences, own transportation. pek, AM FM, undercoated, anytime 321-3651. 516-482-4323. 8-1-2-17120) No smoking. Weekdays 8:45 Apartm ents throughout, stove and re­ BENTWOOD ROCKER, ex­ WE PAY up to $2 for LP's b term all Student Classified k rto m a tic . 7300 miles. $3800. C-4-2-2814) a.m. - 5:15 p.m. 371-3627. frigerator, close to campus. cellent condition. $90. 489- Advertising must be paid for WORK STUDY Students cassetts - also buying 45's, 3351 8 2 22(4) 7-2-24(6) Call STE-MAR MANAGE­ 0513 after 4 p.m. E-5-2-22I3) in advance beginning Febru­ needed to code wildlife sur­ CLOSE. 3 bedroom apart­ songbooks, magazines. FLAT BATTERY SALE. $7 for your MENT. 351-5510 8-2-22(5) ary 13, 1978. Bring or mail to ■USTER 1970, yellow. V-8 veys. Transportation neces­ ment needs 1 male to share BLACK b CIRCULAR. Up­ old battery in exchange for a NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. 347 Student Sen/ices. Pgine. Good condition. winter and spring terms. $85. BOOKS-VISIT Mid-Michi- stairs 541 E. Grand River. new one. WESTERN AUTO sary. 373-9358 8-5 p.m. week­ Part time afternoon and ROOM FOR rent, $75/month S 20 3 10(8) 351-2528. Z-4-2-17<3) gans largest used bookshop. Open 11 a.m., 351-0838. days. 3-2-21(4) evening phone work. Flexible + utilities. Good people,, 6-2 24l'3)90t'alble' 353 0882- STORE, Williamston. CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 C-20-2-28(6) O R J -2-27(4)_______________ hours nfiar campus. Call for MALE NEEDED for 4-man. some pets. 484-7294 before 9 E. Grand River, East Lansing. PART TIME job for account­ interview, 351-8554, Mr. WANTED PAIR of nonstu­ Furnished. $75/month. 332- a.m., after 9 p.m. S-5-2-22(3) 332-0112. C-11-2-28(5) fORD GRANADA 1977. Six Today's best buys are in the dent tickets to West Side MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. ing major, freshmen preferred Kingery. Z-3-2-1716) fc lin d e r , 4 door, air, power 4165. 2-5-2-20(3) Classified section. Find what Story. 349-0345 early even­ Kalamazoo since 1940. Auto 351-6416, after 6 p.m. 100 WATT linear amplifier. P e e r in g /b ra k e s . Automatic, 2 WOMAN. Own rooms in you're looking for! ings. Z-3-2-2K3) painting-collision service. 3-2-20(3)__________________ 353-4083. $100. Z-E-5-2-2213I BM/FM stereo, rust-proofed, FEMALE NEEDED Spring E der warranty. $4800/best American-foreign cars. 485- 0256. C-20-2-2815) TELEPHONING for Rwt ] [ $ ] term- Cedar Village apart­ great house 1 block to cam­ pus. Spring, summer, fall R er 349-1405 after 6 p.m. PART-TIME. Dependable, ments. Great Roommates. option. 351-0628. Z-6-2-2K4) $2-20(61 LANSING'S LARGEST sup­ good phone voice are neces­ Today's best buys are in the Call Cindy. 353-4548. ply of foreign car' workshop sity. 5 days, 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 Classified section. Find what Z-6-2-2213) CLOSE ROOM for rent for PANADA 1976, 2 "door, manual in stock. CHEQUE­ p.m. Per minute job. Good you're looking for! single or couple. $50 plus C « z ^ ewin9' ait, ft vinyl working conditions. Call Art FEMALE NEEDED to sub­ fP $3000, 394-5582 RED FLAG FOREIGN CAR utilities. 371-4127, evenings. Jacobs 349-9156. 7-2-24(6) lease spring term. Americana F-2-21I3I PARTS, 2605 East Kalama­ 6-2-17(3) zoo St., one mile west of PART-TIME position in delin­ Apartments ] [ ^ j $80/month. 337-0412. Z-3-2 17(3) l fiAND LE Mans 1976, all campus. C-12-2-28(7) quent accounts collection. J. Ross Browne Whaling Station is now Hiring Restaurant f c f - 26,500 miles. Flexible hours. Experience re­ FEMALE NEEDED spring Employment j | quired. 339-9500. 0-3-2-20(4) term. Very close, nice room­ mate. 1 bedroom, $100. 332- CLOSE MSU- need male roommate immediately $90/ NIGHT MANAGERS Personnel. Full or Part Time; Lunch or Dinner. We will train. Waitresses month. Call Jim, 351-6156- Food Waiters EDITOR OF environmental 0363. Z-8-2-22(3) Good deal. Z-3-2-17(3) Ideal opportunity for em­ FEMALE MASSEUSE want­ publication Contact E.A.M., Cocktail Waitresses Hostesses ployment while completing 12^000 19|75, R° ,ida car' ed. $8/hour. We will train. 409 Seymour, Lansing, Mich­ FEMALE NEEDED to sub­ Busboys/Busgirls Dishwashers ONE FEMALE to sublet own your education. Require­ IK 5^ 3^ $,70°- 337' 489-2278. Z-19-2-2813) igan 48933- 484-7421. lease 1 block from campus, room in Capitol Villa, Spring ments: previous retail ex­ Cashiers Secretaries 8-2-24(4) furnished. $90/month + term. 332 5527. Z-3-2-17(3) perience, must hove trans­ FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. electric. 351-8628. 5-2-17(4) portation. Openings for Broiler Cooks Food Prep. f c uN X 1976. Good $6/hour. No training neces­ PART TIME EVENINGS Own transportation. Dependable, night managers and part Bartenders Maintenance Men *2800 K 35'°°°' 1 owner- sary. Call 489-2278. time employees in both or best otter. 484-4311. responsible hard worker uuApi n WIDE Management Trainees r s<'ar Tom. 8-2-21(3) Z-19-2-2813) Lansing and East Lansing needed, Phone 655-3931 A p ply in Person b etw een 8:00 a .m . and 6:00 p .m ., between 3pm-5pm. 3 2-17(5) areos. Hours flexible, start­ PART-TIME positions for ing wage based on ex­ M onday thru Saturday. See: A lle n D illey jh)pC plc,(UP, 1976, Camper MSU students. 15-20 hours/ BARTENDER PART or full S i . (> > * & S A L E perience and hours avail­ J . Ross W haling Station is Located A t: | P- P o w e r, 18,500 miles. week. Automobile required. time. No experience neces­ LANSING, MICHIGAN able. See Mr. Vint at MIN- Phone 339-9500. C:20-2-28(4) 1939 G ran d R ive r, sary. Apply HUDDLE A MARTNo. 10. 2168 West 8n2 23“ ,ndi,i° n’ “ WANTED-PART time cook. SOUTH. 8-2-24(3) CIVIC CENTER - February 24, 25 ft 26 Grand River, Okemos O kem o s, M ichigan. No experience necessary. 1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 P M C l o s i n g 6 0 0 P M b . i - ' J - i ' • ' ' ‘" " ,SMOn 51 '■ {across from Bill Knapp's), I^ e ric k 1970 Qood I Thn ad ftdmtU you ft mcd p*r*o*> ■" ,0' Monday, February 20. 1978, (A cro ss from M erid ian M all on the Apply in person. HUDDLE ORGANIST PART-TIME lor t l 50 EACH) Good *11J | your bills, make major home Dyfcltra Ford FREE LESSON in Complex­ UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS term paper typing, IBM-II Call SEEKING WORKING female EEE AUXIURySl^ » »-| warmly attractive home. Two Tickets available improvements, take that long ion care. MERLE NORMAN COMPLETE DISSERTATION 332-2078. 0-14-2-28131 or graduate student to share February 23, 6:30 . L S I fireplaces, country kitchen, plus a sweeping view of awaited vacation, or for any COSMETIC STUDIO 361- AND RESUME SERVICE- house in East Lansing. Call at Cam pus Corners II 'Bons bV J a c o b i other good purpose. Call Shop the super buys in your 6643. C-20-2-2813) typesetting, I.B.M. typing, ------------------------------ 361-8349. BL-1-2-I7I4I Banquet Cent* ^1* rolling open land. Excellent FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Classified section today. offset printing and binding. EXPERIENCED I.B.M. typing. ----- A pet can warm your bean on • ’ MO. Call ^ , . W « l area. Low 50's. Call Martha Mertz, MAYHOOD AND EAST LANSING, 351-2660 Tomorrow you'll be pleased TYPING, EXPtrtlENCtLr, For estimate stopin at 2843 Dissertations, (pica-elite). LIVE IN housekeeper wanted a cold winter evening. Look d° ° r sales. Proceed, * 1 MERTZ REALTY 349-5450 or and ask for Mr. McDonald. with the money you've fast and reasonable, 371- East Grand River or phone, FAY ANN, 489-0358. immediately. 332-6341 after 5 to the Peta classification of L Michigan Assoc 349-9641 evenings. 3-2-21(11) 0-1-2-17(12) saved. 4635. C-15-2-28(31 332-6414. C-20-2-2817) C-20-2-2813) p . m . 5-2-23(3) today's newspaper. Emotionally D hm .J.'tN ra n 7 ■) v m , Teaching awards, stipends granted to 21 Announcements for It's What's internships for spring/summer Happening must be received in the available in Chicago in a variety of Intermediary, the i (continued from page 1) screened by th e faculty-student for Physics 239, his section is •G ary T. S eng, D ep artm en t involved in his d e p a rtm e n t's State News office, 343 Student areas. Contact Dave Persell, Col­ organization, explore*nukj songs to involve his students in com m ittee appointed by the extrem ely popular. of C h em istry , com pletely r e ­ long-range p ro je ct o f develop­ information processing. Services Bldg., by noon at least lege of Urban Development. class m aterial. He has also provost. Six g rad u ate assis­ •C h ris H. N ew house, Lym an organized th e ad m in istratio n of ing learn in g m odules and in­ ••• information contact Unfair two class days before publication. developed new courses to ta n ts will be honored. B riggs College, co n trib u ted sig­ th e fresh m an laboratory stru ctio n al m a terials for th e No announcements will be accept­ Applications now being accept­ •T e rra n ce L. A lbrecht, De­ nificantly to his college's bi­ course, p u ttin g it on a sound intro d u cto ry ad v ertisin g u i „ Boa,d office' * 4 strengthen th e departm ent’s ed by phone. ed for Student Council Under­ curriculum. p artm en t of Communication, ology pro g ram by developing organizational b asis. H e is also graduate seat on Presidential •Michael G. Schechter, assis­ contributed to th e revision of an in d ep en d en t s tu d y p ro ject doing research in analytical Selection Committee in 10 Linton Women! Prepare t, M T he aw ard s p ro g ram r e ­ Hall. Due Monday. yourselves! Knife defer,' ta n t professor in Jam es Madi­ th e basic com munications on anim al b ehavior which u ti­ chem istry. Sam Keen of Psychology Today son College, has developed four course sequence and developed lizes television cam eras for ceives su p p o rt from MSU alum ­ shop held from 3 lo 5 speaks at 7:30 tonight on "Ameri­ Women's IM Bldg. ■ new courses in international an honors section of Communi­ recording ev e n ts in anim als' •J o h n C. S u th erlan d , D e p a rt­ ni th ro u g h th e M SU develop­ can Mythology and Christian Auditions for the Lansing m en t of A d vertising, has been m ent fund. Faith,” 1118 S. Harrison Road. Community College production of relations and several senior cation A rts 100. lives. Episcopalians celebm | "Cosi Fan Tutte" held from 2 to 5 sem inars. H e is international •M arilyn J . A tlas, D ep art­ Eucharist at 5 pm 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Old organization editor of the "Poli­ m ent of English, teaches stu ­ M SU's Black Orpheus Gospel Alumni Chapel. Father' ife, Central Lecture Hall, corner of Choir presented in concert at 5 homilist. Join us fordmiwu Friedan: women’s gains taken for granted tical Handbook of World Af­ d en ts to express them selves Shiawassee and Seymour Streets. fairs.” clearly w ithout giving up her p.m. Sunday, Shaw East Lower ing the service. Lounge. Everyone Welcome. ASM SU Great Issues presents E xcellence in - T eaching role as a critical teacher. H er ANRE Club w A w ards are p resen ted to grad­ poetry has been published in Barbara Pletcher at 7 tonight, 109 p.m. Monday, 312 ] uate teaching a ssista n ts in rec­ th re e litera ry journals. in te re s t to w om en an d men." th e p assag e of E R A . S he de­ Seeing that the whole world has Anthony Hall. Freel (continued from page 1) Hall. Remember Alfflj ognition of skill in m eetin g •Jo se p h E. Finck, D ep art­ One change n ecessary for both clared h er "call to arm s” an been deceived, can you find the Banquet. economic b oycott of sta te s truth anywhere. Join us from 6 to Oremus, informal worship ser­ classroom resp onsibilities and m ent of Physics, has dem on­ "H ere is a woman, p reten d ­ sexes is th e dev elo p m en t of a 8 tonight, 335 Union. vice, held at 5 p.m. Sunday, carry stipends o f $500. Nom ina­ stra te d teaching research ing to speak for th e poor m ore flexible w o rk w eek so a which have not ratified the Anti-Rape Group n (| followed by a pancake supper skills. A s a recitation in stru cto r dow ntrodden housewife, who couple can ah a re th e job of ERA. p.m. Sunday, 320 Stud*] tion s for th e se aw ards are also sponsored by the Lutheran Lea­ goes to a law school which p aren tin g . H ow ever, for th o se stu d en ts The Schola Canorum of Luke gue, University Lutheran. vices Bldg. Open to 4J w ouldn't have accepted h er if “u n fo rtu n a te enough" to live in Powers High School, Flint, will interested in Helpingstopin Too m any w om en decided not campus. Alaskan pipeline sabotaged not for th e fem inist movem ent. to have a c a re e r a t th e expense a s ta te th a t h as n o t ratified the perform at 7:30 p.m. Monday, St. Family film presented at 7:30 S he is a hypocrite." of not h aving children, sh e said. ER A , F ried a n encouraged Mary’s Cathedral, 219 Seymour tonight, Red Cedar School. Street, Lansing. The European F ried an also blasted P re s i­ "If you have to m ake the them to go hom e o v er spring "Melody Time" a Walt Disney MSU has meets at 7p.m.$« d en t C arter, calling his prom ise break to offer th e ir services to classic shown. Adults must ac­ Study Lounge, secondtoil choice betw een a c a re e r and (continued from page 1) children, th e n th e re is no equal­ company children. Owen Hall. shut down shortly afte r th e spUl for su p p o rt of th e m ovem ent th e cause. S h e u rg ed stu d en ts into a valve on th e 800-mile line. w as rep o rted W ednesday a fte r­ "ceremonial." ity," sh e d eclared. going to F lo rid a for vacation tc Indonesian seminar from 1:30 to Attention Black psychology ma­ Kendo Club of MSUJ T hat had spilled less than 1,000 noon. “I h av en 't seen P resid en t In closing, F ried a n told the do th e sam e thing, since th at 3:00 p.m. today in 507 Erickson jors: Black Students Psychological practice in the JapaneseJ barrels. B ut by the tim e w orkers C arter use any political muscle audience s h e ia “not kidding s ta te -h a s not y e t ratified the Hall on Non-Format Education Association meets at 6:30 p.m. art of sword fencing fromll arrived on th e scene, th e crude ab o u t my sen se of urgency" in ERA. project and alternative approaches T hree m en w ere charged with in any s ta te to g e t ER A passed. Monday in 208 Olds Hall. p.m. Sunday, 118 Won in community development. • ## attem pting to blow up th e Une oil “was hittin g th e ground and M aybe he th in k s w om en don't Bldg. last sum m er, b u t th e explosive bouncing about 20 feet into the have enough political savy to Natural Resources Environ­ Campus Scouts meet at 7 p.m. DBA official resigns post device they set didn't even den t air,” said Cal N iver, a spokes­ know how it's done, b u t we do. mental Education Club meets at 7 The MSU Simulation S Sunday, Union Oak Room. Spring person for th e federal A laska p.m. Monday in 148 Natural meets from 1 to 6 p.m. S th e pipe. A nd w e know w hen w e've been trip deposit due. Resources Bldg. 331 Union. T rooper L t. G eorge P ollitt P ipeline Office. betray ed ," sh e said. said th e smaU hole caused by the "Life will n ot be fair to Hear John Hart, former resident (continued from page 3) "Instead of Prisons" workshop The MSU Bible Studym la test explosion indicates th a t T anker trucks w ere dis­ P resid en t C a rte r if he goes O nce th e com m unications of Zaire's rain forests, describe the on alternatives with speakers and 7:30 tonight, 145 Natural So those responsible had "a knowl­ down in h isto ry a s b etray in g H ubbard h as been atten d in g links a r e estab lish ed , th e office "Pigmies of Zaire" at 7 p.m. patched to ta k e aw ay th e oil th a t discussions from 9 a.m. to 3:30 Bldg. A SM SU S tu d en t Board m eet­ will b e b e tte r able to s e rv e th e Sunday, Abrahamic Community, edge of how to do it.” w orkers siphoned from large women,” sh e said in referen ce p.m. Saturday, Lansing Catholic ings in place of G reen e. P ro b ­ n eed s o f th e black com m unity. 320 M.A.C. Troopers found a 20-foot pools around th e elevated p o r­ to C a rte r's re m a rk th a t “life High School, corner Saginaw and JMC Experimental Theffil length of slow -burning fuse near tion of th e line. By la te W ednes­ isn 't fair," w hen poor women lem s d ire cted to th e office have G o n ter said th e office will Marshall. sents “The Architect r t f MSU Mennonite Fellowship th e site of W ednesday’s blast, day, nearly 1,000 b arrels of w ere denied th e r ig h t to M edi­ been handled by te le­ co n tin u e to m e et w ith residence Emperor of Assyria" at (Hi meets at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, 336 about six miles ea st of F a ir­ phone, G reene said. hall black caucuses to develop Advertising Club meets at 7 Saturday, 2 p.m. and &ll| spilled oil — clean enough for caid funds for abortion. Union. Come join us for informal “I still help o u t w hen p ro b ­ new p ro g ram s. S he will also be p.m. Thursday, 1020 Trowbridge Sunday, McDonel Kiva. fall banks. use — had already been loaded F ried an said th a t a fte r th e worship and fellowship. lem s com e up. I t's kind of hard Road. Speaker and refreshments The pipeUne had been c a rry ­ into tru c k s and ta k e n to th e ERA is passed, "th e n ex t s e t of w orking w ith th e M inority A d­ and New York trip discussed. Listen to Rabbi Daniel AM ing 740,000 barrels daily. I t was nearby N orth Pole refinery. in terests m u st be of m utual to ta k e o v er in m id-stream ," visory Council and C en ter for MSU Simulations Society1 G reen e added. meets from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. about the Hillel HouseptoC U rb an Affairs. Ya! Cthulhu ftagn, nfglui ftagnl Saturday, 341 Union. Multi-player and music on Shofarat1| T he office is cu rren tly try in g Introduce yourself to the crawling Sunday, 870 am, WKAfl. to im prove com m unicatibns T h e office plans to m e et w ith napoleonics miniatures will be Cooley Law earns full accreditation chaos Nyarlothotep at Zen Druids th e N ational Pan-H ellenic played. All interested gamers w ith stu d e n ts in th e com m unity at 7 tonight, Union Tower Room. Next Council for Excep invited. by re sto rin g its n e w sletter Council, th e m in o rity G reek Children meeting is at 7 l i “D ru m b eat." Council rece n tly ad d ed to Yes folks, Tolkien Fellowship Monday, 104 Bessey Die Deutsche Ecke e. V. trifft T he office also offers slide A SM SU board, sh e said. holds the second semi-annual members and interestedj r m et th e accred itatio n stan d a rd s sich diesen Freitag um 15 Uhr (3 (continued from page 3) All Cooley g rad u ates have OBA w as form ed in 1969 and song contest at 8:30 tonight, please attend. p resen tatio n s to explain its p.m.) im Erdnussfass (P.B.) Alle received th e rig h ts of accredita­ v ery quickly, claim ing m ost Union Tower Room. c u rren t dean of th e law school functions and d u ties, G reene holds a non-voting m inority (einschl. Schweizer) sind herzlich tion. schools ta k e longer th an five Thom as E. Brennan established said. S taffe rs will go to resi­ s e a t on th e ASM SU board. eingeiaden. y e a rs to gain full accreditation. Cooley as a private, non dence halls to p resen t th e The B ar voted to give th e T he school cu rren tly h as an affiliated law school. Provisional accreditation school accreditation a t its w in­ te r m eeting in New O rleans, enrollm ent of 1,050 stu d en ts, K rinock said. W hile th e ac­ slides. FOR THOSE LATE NIOHT DIADLINE FOR m eans th a t a school has "sub­ stantially complied" w ith the standards, Krinock said. When after receiving th e recom ­ m endation to do so from th e cred itatio n a b ig ste p for th e school, it is doubtful th a t PREPARE fOR MUNCHIES APPLYING TO TNI| Council on Legal Education and Cooley's en rollm ent will rise, he MGAT • DAT• LSAT this is achieved, th e school's graduates have the sam e rights as graduates from fully ac­ Admissions to th e Bar. added. "W e can ta k e a m axim um of (HAT* OUT* VAT SAT Y es! There IS someplace SCHOOL OF NURSII K rinock said full accredita­ 1,100 stu d en ts," K rinock said. credited schools. T hese rights NUB 1,1,1 include th e ability to take the bar examination in any s ta te as tion is im portant because, “W e a re now recognized as p a rt of the club and a m em ber of th e "W e have m ore applicants th an w e can handle rig h t now." ECFM6-FLEX-VQE OPEN EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY TILL AND IS MARCH 1,71 well as be eligible for federal fratern ity of law schools." NATL DENTAL BOARDS B .C . IF INTERESTED, PLUSE CONTACT funds. H e also said th a t th e school is NUR8ING BOARDS n » I M | Programs I Hoars 3 A.M . BURGER A SCHOOL OF NURSING ADVISOR KING m arl JS a iifftr tn tt'.'.'. c o s n ln g l 3121 E. SAGIN AW and 35K523 See Comic Page on 1141 E. GRAN D RIVER lUnjj$Ben Monday. . EDUCATIONAL [ CENTES featuring MS DANCE Teit CitaaraliMle t , ,1, , ],}, SHOP CUT LABEL OPPORTUNITIES For Information H airstyling for MARATHON writ* or call: 2V22AOrchard in HIGH TECHNOLOGY w;* M en lako«o«ISoH.J0, f. r m l l or1 a n d ta k e th e an d W om en for inform ation 48a, Ml 40011 (31)) MI-0313 GTE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC call 337-1721 CMftt ■ «Manxus CMA IjftAlli y-'1"8,l high speed eninputer controlled * 1 com m unical ions systems. Now open Saturdays M.D. In FO REIG N M EDICAL SCH O O LS 208 M.A.C. below Jones Stationery Pu# 332-8191 We respond lo an individuals oir< The Institute of Infemaliontl Medical Education olfera objectives in the following ways. total medical education leading lo practice In the U.S. 541 E. Grand River • W ork environment encouiugf^ 1 M S in cooperation with recognized colleges and (across from Berkey Hall) universities in the United States leading to a d v a n c e d ideas; placement in Span ish . Italian or other foreign medical • E a rly career accountability f(,r v sch o ols or veterinary medical echooli. ow n w o rk; . 2 W hile in attendance at the medical school, the • Com pensation und advanto111 Institute will provide a supplem ental B asic Medical based on individual achievemn S cie n ce s Cu rricu lu m w hich prepares students lor trans­ fer into an Am erican medical, school (C O T R A N S ) o u t of O ur representatives will be o ii ( ‘Unlul 3 Fo r those students who do not transfer, the Institute T l l l ' ! { S . identity w ithin a culture, based tively w ith people today is one and societal m yths. T itles of his m any cu ltu ral m yths. Sponsored by th e MSU Epis­ lead a session teach in g p artici­ th e ringa b u t now believes they also h‘d in th e “roots” phenomenon, goal of conference organizers, books include: Beginnings with­ T he fee for th e conference, copal M inistry and United p a n ts to identify personal D PS officials said th e re w a , „ 0 »PS^ may be an o th er indication of IWa|bl th e need A m ericans have for a D r. Samuel K een, of the Telling Your Own Story, Voices be $5.00. T ick ets a re available the conference will be held at e n te re d th e ap a rtm e n t while she was a w a v ’e,,it,l|b story in which they can identify H um anistic Psychology In sti­ and Visions, and A pology for S a tu rd a y aftern o o n , MSU at All S ain ts Episcopal C hurch, UMHE, 1118 S. Harrison Road. D PS officers a re investigating the incident them selves, Lacey said. tu te of San Francisco, will be Wonder. A rec u rrin g th em e in facu lty m em bers and -others 800 A bbot Road, and UM HE. “Some people w ent to see Star Wars as many as 25 "T here is a lack of ethnic th e keynote s p eak er for th e K een's w orks is th a t th e story will lead tw elv e w orkshops times," said Jon Lacey, campus stru c tu re in A m erica," he said. conference. people tell about w ho th e y are d e a lin g w ith A m erican m yths, minister at UMHE. ' When “People are beginning to look people are going back that many times, it indicates some­ thing more than ju s t a fascina­ for th is stru ctu re." T he conference will offer p articipants an opportunity to ALL DEGREE tion with the movie." exam ine a variety of prevalent Lacey said he believes people enjoy a mythological stru ctu re cultural m yths for individual significance, Lacey said. The ca n d id a tes ! and FACULTY Make your reservations NOW (or academic apparel for Winter Tem, ^COUMT DOWN SALI^ Commencement. Deadline is Feb 21 a* the UnioVi Store in the Union. ITALIAN-AMERICAN RESTAURANT ^ 2 DAYS LEFT! Donations for the Senior PERSONALIZED clast gift will be accepted. g r ad u at io n SUNDAY 5-10 P.M. IN TIR I STOCK anno uncem ents BEING ORDEREDAT f Noil FRIDAY 40-50% OFF SPAGHETTI DINNER $1.59 FACULTY! Hoods fromothor universities must UNION STORE. For Informationn|| 355-3498 rh.^ SATURDAY 50% O F F ALL YOU CAN EAT bo ordered i a r l y i ruur*rM tN T«i . accompany m a w m l ALl SALES FINAL i f SU N D A Y B RU N CH B U F F E T 1 0 :0 0 -2 :0 0 $2.75 tiic maic box 337-1109 403 E. GRAND RIVES, NEXT TO THE CAMPUS THEATRE *W IM IW . s m . i m * _____________________________________________________ SW. IM SU N D A Y D IN N E R B U F F E T 5:00-10:00 *3.95 MSII Bootery M O N .— SAT. NITES Bargain Day Specials 23 OF THE GREATEST ITALIAN & Thursday, Friday, [ A AMERICAN DINNERS YOU EVER TASTED FROM *3.95 Saturday Only In accordance with the Procedures for Selecting the President of the Univer­ If y o u 're still h u n g ry a fte r o u r c o m p le t e d in n e r w e 'll b rin g y o u all th e s p a g h e tti y o u ca n e a t f re e . FRYE, DiNGO, sity, approved by the Academic Coun- HAPPY HOUR 4-6 W EEKD A YS - DISCOUNTS cifo n January 10, 1978, and approved ZODIAC BOOTS by the Board of Trustees on February 3, 1978, the Council of Graduate Stu­ PH 337-1755 (Next to Peoples Church) dents is now accepting letters of application for the graduate student 136 W. BRAND RIVER EAST LANSINB SELECTED STYLES position on The Search and Selection Committee Advisory to the Board of Women's Men's 76 pairs 279 pairs Trustees on the Appointment President. Letters o t application with curriculum vita are requested by 5 PM on Monday, February 20, 1978, at the COGS office, 316 Student Services Building. ALL REMAINING MEN'S & WOMEN'S Any MSU graduate student (class level 6,7,8, and 9) winter boots is eligible. (excluding hiking bools) For more information phono 353-9189 !4 1 * V j oh W ide C alf B o o ts P ant B ools D iess B o o ts D e x te r, Bass, Sandler. S p o rt B o o ts Z o d ia c , m any moif * * 538 pair of 161 pair of women's boots men's boots MEN'S & WOMEN'S FALL SHOES This A re a s Only M u ll,-M e d ia Discotheque *15°° - *19’T- *24” B A S S , D E X T E R , Z O D IA C , M A N Y , M A N Y , MORE 2843 F G d River E Ia n s 3.SI-1201 Enioy Your Weekend at the Rainbow Ranch 445 pairs of 322 pairs of women's men's MARATHON HOUSE PARTY A L L M IT T E N S i Chances are, you rush through a lot of your life. Stop. Relax. Take your time. V3m Enjoy the hearty, happy flavor of O'Keefe Canadian Ale. One sip at a time. A little goes a long way to satisfy your thirst, to satisfy your taste. It’s that good. Open tonight til 9 SAT 9:30 to 6 Printed in U.S.A. Imported by Century Importers, Inc. New York, N.Y. 10022 .j g s 00 2 2 (/> cc flO K O) V Z Z Id SON IIM O Q *c *n! 3 * >N a o o « o 0 ) M Q.7S 3e . 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