Spartans bounce Bagers 89-75; Big Ten Champions # H o w _ y O E U M E 7 ^ N U M B E R 42 FR ID AY. M A R C H 3 ,1 9 7 8 M IC H IG A N STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LA N S IN G , M IC H IG A N 48824 ubbard illness tied 'W in te r 1syndrom e By DONNA BAKUN formerly afflicted students, said Richard SuteN ew i SUM Writer Michigan, or the C enter for D isease Control Ives, D epartm ent of Public Safety Environ­ I fjrely publicized v iru s called the in A tlanta, Ga. m ental H ealth Officer. Vomiting Syndrome is w hat health The results may tak e several m onths Final results will be determ ined by a jjjjy caused the m ysterious epidemic because tw o or th re e w eeks m ust pass further series of te sts in research labora­ fitntck Hubbard Hall residents early before antibodies build up in th e afflicted tories a t either MSU, th e U niversity of stu d en ts’ blood, H ayner said. Xpek- Igorann Hayner. chief epidemiologist e Michigan D epartm ent of H ealth. Itursday that all litera tu re on the IlisU symptoms th a t match th e nausea, Kg, and diarrhea experienced by over ItJe residents. Student houses may I , know the syndrom e is caused by a be razed for parking 1 but we can’t stu d y th a t virus," jr explained. "W e don’t know if the ■is transmitted from person-to-person, Borne, or is from some type of juinant.’’ BvDANAFELM LY b asis,” he added. Ijg also possible th a t m ore than one State N ew s Staff Writer j the symptom s, he added. Councilmember John Czarnecki is also A bout 40 people, nearly all students, may Jsyndrome rarely receives public against te arin g down housing, and added be out of a home if th e E a st Planning ItioD because it does not require th a t it was not fair th a t CELBA did not pay Commission decides parking lots are need­ for a parking d istrict. Uliration. School children and college ed m ore than houses. |ns seem most susceptible to the AP Wirepht “The city should not have to support them A h o rse-d ra w n c a iss o n c a r r ie s th e fla g -d ra p ed Thursday. James, the nation's highest ranking i and once they have had it, they Fam ilies and an elderly citizen, as well as in g eneral,” he said. "CELBA n ever had to coffin o f G en . D a n ie l “C h a p p ie” J a n ie s from F t. black military officer, died Saturday of a heart jthave it again, H ayner said, stu d en ts in th e 500 south block of A lbert ta k e any risks in financing a lot." M y er ch a p el In W a sh in g to n , D .C ., to it s fin a l r e s t ­ attack. t syndrome was classified as a bona S tre e t, m ay have to make room for a Wemic at MSU, he said. surface parking lot proposed in an updated in g p la ce in n ea rb y A r lin g to n N a tio n a l C e m e te r y A nother proposed solution was building a |i epidemic is an unusual statistical p arking study by th e E a st Lansing Plan­ four-level parking s tru ctu re on lot one, on of infectious disease th a t is ning Housing and Community Development A lb ert S tree t betw een A bbott Road and ictiv different and ought to be under D epartm ent. M .A.C. Avenue, o r on lot nine, on th e corner i" lie explained. of Linden and G rove stree ts. The commission will vote to accept or J Hubbard residents' sym ptom s had reject th e proposal in th e ir m eeting next ■aame 24-to-48 hour duration and W ednesday. If accepted, th e City Council Downtown m erchants criticized th e lot one location, on th e grounds th a t its ZIMBABW E ACCORD REACHED led the syndrome's epidemic curve, will then review it. construction would disru p t business too 1 peaks abruptly and ta p ers off, he much. Lot nine w as m ore favorably received Ibctors indicate th a t th e illness has Usided, Hayner added, noting th a t jiptoms are only apparent from Those favoring th e idea included some com missioners and m em bers of th e E a st Lansing C entral Business Association (CELBA). O pponents w ere commissioners as a possible site. No determ ination will be made about th e lot selection until a stu d y from th e traffic consultant is presen ted to city planners in M in o rity rule w ill end who th ought housing needs w ere m ore mid-March. ■her to March. im portant. By JOHN ED LIN through compromise on th e composition of C om m uter lots had been considered, b u t will be faced w ith th e tw o mammoth tasks not included in th e study. SALISBURY, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) (AP) an interim governm ent, which is to be set Bil the Winter Vomiting Syndrom e is of winning W estern recognition for the “The city will be b e tte r served with a lot — P rim e M iniate.' I&<. Smith and th ree up immediately. lied as the cause of th e students' internal settlem en t and finding a way to th a t would be esthetically pleasing," said C om m uter lots would be located n ea r the m oderate black leaders announced ag ree­ U nder th e agreem ent, th e four leaders puns, Hayner said he and MSU health end th e increasingly costly w ar against D an Chappelle, a planning commissioner. city lim its and would allow for em ployees to m ent Thursday to end w hite m inority rule who sign th e agreem ent will form an Is will be alert for th e possibility of externally-based guerrillas who have park th e re and ta k e a bus into tow n. The in Rhodesia by the end of this year. “executive council" to ta k e over th e pow ers Rerflareup. P rotecting A lbert S tre e t houses simply vowed to crush th e internal agreem ent. idea w as dropped when no way could be In a b rief statem en t afte r tw o and PL-1I2DBEIT- I' senior medical stu d en t Brian Kost- because th e re is a housing sho rtag e does of the prim e m inister. The council chair­ The constitutional agreem ent is the found to enforce th is plan, said Paul Quinn, one-half hours of talks, Smith, Bishop Abel URNTABLE BUY I his volunteered to study th e epide not make any sense, Comm issioner K athryn manship will ro ta te am ong them. resu lt of th re e m onths of talks initiated by ro motor. Anli-ikili. I E a st Lansing planner. M uzorewa, th e Rev. N dabaningi Sithole and The next level will be a council of Sm ith after a British-American peace plan i and hinged dual covir I pdconduct second interview s with the Boucher said. The commission’s n ext m eeting will be at Chief Jerem iah Chirau announced they will m inisters with a w hite and a black sharing — with provisions to include the guerrillas r; 0.07% (WRMS) 7:30 p.m . W ednesday, March 8 in 54 B sign a constitutional settlem en t today. each portfolio. She added th a t th e students who live in a settlem ent — failed to make headway. D istrict C ourt. The announcem ent cam e after a break­ From th e s ta rt, th e interim governm ent th e re could move to a nearby city if the Joshua Nkomo and R obert Mugabe, housing shortage k ep t them from finding leaders of th e guerrilla Patriotic fro n t, another residence in E ast Lansing. Those which has battled th e w hite governm ent for 'L-550 PRECISION | RIVE TURNTABLE irvo ayatam. Htgh-torqut I i. Bata and hinged dust I (0 01 who did not have cars could use the bus system , she said. TROOPS DROPPED INTO BATTLE ZONE the last five y ears from neighboring Mozambique and Zambia, have rejected the Smith proposals Cubans on Ethiopian front lines 105 last chainwide! Commissioner L arry K estenbaum dis­ The guerrilla leaders said th e ir p ressure agreed with Boucher. is th e only thing to move Sm ith into turning inside “I’ve gone out and talked to people in the area," he said. "T here is unanimous over ruling pow er from th e 268,000 w hites to th e country’s 6.4 million blacks. disapproval from everyone." By The Associated Press S ecretary of S tate Cyrus R. Vance said Thursday in W ashington T here was not im m ediate forecast of th e 1-570 PRECISION | E thiopia confirmed for th e first tim e Thursday th a t Cuban troops Two more groups hove th a t tw o Soviet generals are helping d irect th e Cuban-Ethiopian role and lifespan of th e interim governm ent. RIVE TURNTABLE I wing their support behind K estenbaum said E a st Lansing already are m anning fro n t lines alongside Ethiopians in th e African w o . High-torque motor I counteroffensive against th e Somalis. Support from th e W est — and especially I Sami Esmail. See p egs 3. faces a shortage of 10,000 living units. country’s w ar against secessionist rebels. A rebel lead er claimed ro b e. 2 m o tor system. | The M engistu regim e is heavily dependent on Soviet arm s B ritain, the country’s form er colonial ru ler e a rm . Base and cover. I Cuban p aratro o p ers and women tank crew m em bers h ave been supplies and has acknowledged th e presence of Cubans and — is considered essential to th e four "People a re being forced to live where dropped into th e b attle zone. Russians in Ethiopia. But previously it had not confirmed th a t n egotiators to counterbalance th e over­ they do not w ant to," he said. weather G uerrillas fighting in southernm ost Ethiopia, m eanw hile, Cuban troops w ere a t th e fro n t lines. whelm ing support of black African and Though moving may be an altern ativ e, it rep o rted killing tw o Cuban officers. If th e rep o rt is tru e , it A senior Somali rebel leader, Abdi N asir Sheikh, said in Communist governm ents for th e guerrilla We should w ake up under a would also give people m ore incentive to rep resen ts th e fa rth e st th a t H avana's troops have ran g ed M ogadishu, Somalia, th a t airborne Cuban troops parachuted into front. I blanket of new snow th is g et cars th u s adding to traffic and parking southw ard in th e w ar. th e front lines last w eek at th e village of Biyo-Kulule, 62 miles north In related developm ents, th e British I morning with m ore falling problems, K estenbaum said. Buses a re nice “Cubans, who a re renow ned for shedding th eir blood anyw here of Dire Dawa, and at an o th er village ea st of th e strateg ic walled city president of th e U.N. Security Council j throughout the day. but not alw ays available when needed, he and a t all tim es in genuine stru g g le and for th e sake of principles, of H arar. consulted o ther m em bers Thursday on an Today’s high: low 20s. added. a re standing alongside th e Ethiopian people’s defense forces on th e He said most of th e combined Cuban-Ethiopian forces dropped African request to consider the “deterior­ Tonight's low: n ear 0. fro n tlin e," Ethiopian head of s ta te Lt. Col. M engistu Haile M ariam into the area w ere “com pletely destroyed." atin g situation" in Zimbabwe. City Councilmember Alan Fox sided with was quoted as saying in a speech in th e capital city of A ddis A baba. The Cubans included crew s for Soviet-built arm or th a t had been Dimbon Volta of U pper Volta, made the K estenbaum . T he speech w as rep o rted by th e British B roadcasting C orp., parachuted down a t th e sam e tim e by Soviet tra n sp o rt planes, req u est citing "cynical m anuevering of the "There are tw o shortages — parking and m onitored from E thiopian s ta te radio. N asir said, and am ong th e tank crew s w ere Cuban women. racist minority of th e Ian Smith regime” as housing,” he said. “I t seem s to m e th a t D irect C uban m ilitary involvem ent has long been rep o rted in th e He gave no figures on th e num ber of women o r th e num ber of a reason. housing is m ore critical. w ar ag ain st Somalia-backed rebels in the Ogaden region of e a ste rn paratroopers. In D ar es Salaam, Tanzania, a group of E thiopia. T he reb els, ethnic Somalis, w ant to s ep arate th e ir “The Ethiopians have used paratroops before, but th is tim e th ere American citizens working in th.v„ country "Businesses have known all along th e re O gaden homeland from Ethiopia and join it to neighboring Somalia. w ere Cubans," he said. p resented U.S. A m bassador Jam es Spain w as no parking space. M aybe th e re is some The C a rte r adm inistration, expressing increasing concern about H e said th e Cubans also w ere using air drops to supply th e ir own w ith a petition expressing concern over HPM-40 3-WAY way to operate a parking lot to discourage th e Soviet-Cuban role in th e conflict, says more th an 11,000 Cuban and Ethiopian troops. N asir is assistant secretary-general of the "the vacillation of U.S. policy toward 40-WATT SYSTEMI people from parking th e re on a long-term soldiers and 1,000 Soviet advisers are helping th e Ethiopians. W estern Somali Liberation Front, the main Ogaden rebel force. Rhodesia." r WencW com wow.f . tw e ete r p lu l W P * ! rellew e n d o iu re Florida travelers: Sun, sand, suds, sex more $$$, less rowdy By MARK FABIAN 150,000 la st year. sm aller neighboring tow ns. omy than on raising hell. Occasionally a few pranks g et o ut of and JOE SCALES People m ay be dissillusioned, though, E v en K ey W e st, th e la st of a strin g of "S tudents coming here today are hand and cause problem s, Sgt. Frank State N ew s Staff Writers as th e y find th a t th e ir p riv ate r e tre a t is islands off th e tip of Florida, which damn well-behaved," said a D aytona Shueier of th e F t. Lauderdale police Like lemmings flocking instinctively n ot so p riv a te. ra rely a ttr a c ts th e num bers o th er Cham ber of Comm erce official. "And said. to th e sea, m ore college studen ts th an M otel room s intended for tw o are to u rist tow ns do, is "packed." they have m ore money." People have hijacked boats to go ev e r will jam Florida’s beaches this packed w ith a s m any as 10 stu d en ts in an T he island's C ham ber of Commerce But th e college crow ds a re not fishing for a day, he said, retu rn in g with spring break. effo rt to sav e money. The unlucky ones m ay have to place vacationers in private without some row dy mom ents. small sharks which th ey have throw n in “Sun, sand, suds and sex,” is why they w ho ca n 't find a room may spend hom es if th e nu m b ers increase. Last y ear one D aytona Beach motel, swimming pools. m ake th e migration, one Florida Cham­ sleepless n ig h ts in th e ir cars, often 50 to One alm ost ex p ects to find residents which normally holds 500 people, had Beach concerts, held four to five ber of Commerce official reasoned. 100 miles aw ay from th e beach — sim ply abandoning th e ir homes as if 5,000 tu rn out for a dance and free beer. y ears ago, often g ot o ut of control, he 'T h e y 'v e found a place. This is th e kind w aiting fo r th e m orning race to find r e tre a tin g before an invading arm y. "When cut-off tim e cam e and the said. D rugs w ere commonplace and of thing th e y w ant." closer p ark in g and a spot in th e sand. P erh ap s th e h ard y ones will throw sand band stopped playing,” a police officer "some people overdosed.” Going to Florida for spring break has In som e places, sleeping bags dot the bags aro u n d th e ir houses and stick it related, "people got upset. Things w ere W ith beer drinking being th e biggest become an accepted tradition of college beaches d u rin g th e n ight until a cruising out. thrown off th e balcony." pastim e today, stu d en ts pack into local life for m any. Movies like “W here The patrol ca r forces th e ir inhabitants to A t le a st one long-time Florida resi "It started w ith frisbees and toilet bars to w atch w et T-shirt and erotic Boys A re" have made feeble a tte m p ts to m ove on. d e n t said his se c re t w as to d rive the paper and then w hen police arriv ed (the banana-eating contests. The crow ds capitalize on th e trend and rum ors and D uring th e day, sun-burned no rthern­ back ro ad s and sta y aw ay from the students) sta rte d throw ing beer cans — often force local resid en ts to stay at expectations of sex and wild p arties have e rs cram in to hospital em ergency rooms beaches. O th ers d riv e only during em pty and full,” h e said. home. propagated th e Florida mystique. w ith th e ir nausea, swollen eyelids, and em ergencies. Although an increase in automobile One E a st Lansing trav el ag en t laugh­ H ow ever erroneous th e m yth m ay be skin th e color o f boiled lobster. T h e beaches and tow ns may be accidents may be th e biggest w orry, ingly said, "I th in k th e whole s ta te is people apparently a re still buying it. O ver half a million people, fleeing crow ded, b u t th e locust-like swarm s of overzealous thrill-seekers keep city gonna sink rig h t into th e ocean.” T he crow d of 30,000 college stu d en ts w in ter's icy g rip , a re expected to s tu d e n ts a re fo r th e m ost p art subdued. police busy w ith th e kinds of antics one Many Florida natives ag ree as vaca­ M W th a t graced th e sands of F t. Lauderdale squeeze along a 23-mile-long coast T he college to u rist of today may be usually associates w ith college stu ­ tio n ers a re increasingly being g reeted th re e y ea rs ago swelled to well ov er running th ro u g h D aytona Beach and m ore b en t on boosting Florida’s econ­ den ts v enting a te rm of frustrations. by cries of "T ourist go home!" PLEDGES A C T IO N IF NECESSARY C a rte r tries to prop up dolli rnrnm WASHINGTON President Carter tried to prop up the crashing dollar Thurs­ (A P) - statem ents and start realizing the dollar's actual worth. The president spoke at a th e N itio n il P r e is Club in an unusual session w here ques­ tions w ere subm itted in writing Cyrus Vance said Thursday the Russians now have tw o gener­ als directing operations in Afri W ork ^ 1 1 done I day by touting investm ents in news conference as the dollar to conform w ith club tradition. ca. incompetent or i „ Pi r the United S tates, promising encountered renewed pressure The questions w ere selected by Carter’» Psckave *' F This, Carter aaid, “would be a Tass reports two-nation space shot less consumption o f foreign oil after plunging to a record low the president o f th e club. cause of concern to me and »te a specili ,8e *wWJ and predicting that U .S. trad­ on foreign exchanges. T he drop Usually, a t n ew s conferences, would lessen the confidence of ing partners w ill be able to buy means imported products such reporters g et the president's M OSCO W (AP) — T he S o v ie t U n io n has The a g e n c y id e n t if ie d th e c r e w o f th e the American people in the more American goods. as automobiles and television nod, stand and ask their ques­ la u n c h e d a sp a c e s h ip m anned by a ' n e w sp a c e c a p s u le , S oyuz 28, a s A le x e i word and peaceful intentions of He pledged to tak e direct sets are likely to cost more in tions personally. the Soviet Union.'' R ussian a n d a C z e c h o s lo v a k ia n , th e Tass G u b a re v , th e S o v ie t c o m m a n d e r , a n d action to support th e dollar if the United States. The questioning at the Press Replying to a Soviet charge n e w s a g e n c y re p o r te d T h u rs d a y . C z e c h o s lo v a k "c o s m o n a u t re s e a rc h e r" necessary but said it would It also means Americans Club covered a w ide range of pledges t o T e e p ^ U that he is blackmailing the secrets. P ^vernnJ It w a s th e w o rld 's f ir s t tw o - n a tio n V la d im ir R e m e k . It s a id b o th r e p o r te d stabilize and “remain in good overseas will g et less for the issues, and Carter made th ese Russians by linking Africa and s p a ce la u n c h . f e e lin g w e ll a n d w e r e c a r r y in g o u t th e ir shape” w ithout help once Euro­ dollars they spend. main points: SALT, the president declared: Tass s a id th e Soyuz 28 s p a c e c ra ft w o r k p r o g ra m . pean money m arkets w eigh his Carter m et with reporters at •Ratification o f a new Strate­ “T he tw o are linked because of w o u ld lin k u p w ith th e S a ly u t 6 sp a c e gic A rm s Limitation Treaty S n e p p .w h o w m f t/l action by the Soviet#. W e don't la b o ra to ry , in w h ic h S o v ie t c o s m o n a u ts with the Soviet Union would be initiate th e linkage." ^ hook critic, " W ith th e la u n c h in g o f th e S o yuz 28," jeopardized by the action Rus­ action during the T J T Y u ri R o m a n e n k o a n d G e o r g y G re n c h k o Tass s a id , " a n e w s ta g e is o p e n e d in th e •H e is asking Congress to Vietnam, the niw j 1 th is S a tu rd a y w ill b re a k th e 8 4 -d a y w o r ld re c o rd f o r th e lo n g e s t s in g le f lig h t in space. They h a v e b e e n in o r b it s in c e Dec. e x p lo r a tio n a n d us e o f o u t e r s p a c e f o r p e a c e fu l p u rp o s e s jo in t ly b y t h e s o c ia lis t c o u n trie s u n d e r th e T n te rc o s m o s ' co­ Committee picks sia ia taking to arm Ethiopia' and help direct its war against Somalia. Secretary o f State restore flexibility to civil ser­ vice by basing raises for top governm ent em ployees on Glared: ”1don't Snepp as one of the whistle-blowers’o f i S j 10 . o p e ra tio n p r o g r a m ." n e w Fed head r Chaplin's body stolen from grave W ASHINGTON (A P) — With only its chairperson voting no, the Senate. Banking Com m ittee recommended Thursday that the Senate confirm G. William Miller as head o f the Federal R eserve LA U S A N N E , S w itz e rla n d (AP) — The p o lic e h a d n o t fo u n d a n y c lu e s . T h e re w a s Board. body of C h a rlie C h a p lin , th e B ritis h no in d ic a tio n th e b o d y m ig h t h a v e b e e n Formal confirmation o f th e nomination o f the 52-year-old board c o m e d ia n w h o d ie d Dec. 25, w a s s to le n s to le n fo r ra n s o m , th e s p o k e s p e rs o n chairperson o f T extron Inc. to replace Arthur F. Burns a s the f ro m his g ra v e in th e v illa g e o f C o rs ie r- said. nation's central banker is expected in the full Senate on Friday. S u r-V e v e y , p o lic e re p o r te d T h u rs d a y . A b r ie f p o lic e s ta te m e n t s a id th e c o ffin The 14-1 vo te by which the Banking Com m ittee endorsed the A C o rs ie r m u n ic ip a l o f fic ia l d e s c rib e d nomination cam e at the end of a five-week investigation which c o n ta in in g t h e r e m a in s d is a p p e a r e d la te clearly tried the patience o f some senators and led to an open t h e th e ft as a n "act o f v a n d a lis m ." But W e d n e s d a y o r e a r ly T h u rs d a y f r o m th e revolt against th e leadership o f Sen. William Proxm ire, D-W is., o ffic ia ls re fu s e d to discuss th e m a tte r g r a v e y a r d a t C o rs ie r. th e v illa g e o n L a k e the com m ittee chairperson. fu rth e r . G eneva 15 m ile s e a s t o f h e r e w h e re There w ere complaints that the nomination w as being delayed The m o tiv e f o r th e t h e ft w a s n o t c le a r. C h a p lin s p e n t th e la s t 20 y e a rs o f h is life . unduly at a tim e when leadership is needed a t the Federal R eserve V a u d c a n to n a l s ta te p o lic e w e r e lo o k in g C h a p lin s w if e O o n a r e fu s e d to t a lk to to m eet the problem s o f interest rates, economic expansion, f o r w itn e s s e s , b u t a s p o k e s p e rs o n s aid r e p o rte rs . unemployment, inflation and the declining value of the dollar overseas. Proxm ire replied that th e investigation had been thorough and com plete, that Miller had been interrogated for parts o f ju st tw o days and that the investigation had been com pleted as quickly as possible. He said som e senators apparently felt Miller w as being subjected to “an inquisition." “A s the immediate successor in the S enate to Sen. Joseph McCarthy, a disgrace to this body, I know w hat can happen," he said. Perhaps I v e done that. I hope n o t . . . Nobody can say the hearings w ere sta ck ed . . . I don’t think in any sen se Mr. Miller was browbeaten. I can’t find one single personal attack in th e record." Sen. Adlai E. Stevenson III, D-IU., one senator who had pressed N ew York City native Charles Marine, who now lives in Buffalo, d isp b m nrel for an immediate decision Monday on Miller, told Proxm ire that travel gam e which he predict, will sell 50,000 cep ie. in the Detroit L I Z I senators w ere only expressing fears o f more delay and fears o f a possible "inquisition.” company has already grossed more than $200,000 on a very aimilar game b . J Proxm ire said he still believes Miller's business background on the BoHelo blizzard e i 1977. A ll the blg-name companies brushed him ofi, ml does not qualify him to head th e Federal R eserve. he formed his own company, producing and marketing the game Coal strike leads to jump in oil demand fhw S*o*. N ew , pobl.ihwd by th e student# 0< Mtchigan Slot* Urwve ,,y every c lo u day during Sail W inter and K hool ondthe concern of th e Residence Hails Association, th e board Following an emotional debate over th e human rie h ts of resolutions backing th e imprisoned MSU student at Unesday night's m eeting. S fo M C o m m if “d en t Sam‘ Esmail’ th e E a st LansinS Human ■The Resolutions encourage th e U.S. S tate D epartm ent to defe1 s?Wed“ T ig M an,m0USly ^ 1 re8° IUti° n to lureEsmail's safety and provide th e U.S. am bassador to Israel III diplomatic immunity. evidence th a t any U S ’ I»“ el having defense >"»treated be allowed to testify in his [some board m em bers said they believe th e EsmailI case is a Leal one ne outside the area of RHA concern. R *Vm! l S m a i U .2 3 r r0 ld MSU stu dent, was a rre ste d a t th e EmmonsS Hall **«*• rep resen tativ e Lane A very said »-«cth e w board o ra was I etting involved w ith politics. W e should find out how our Palestinian t a X i s U r ° " SUSPiCi° n ° f bel° nging 10 4 ■dents feel. jjndon Hail representative Heidi Bruce urged o th e r m embers a |-,t least wait a w eek." She added th a t th e ex tra tim e would b u s e d . b e e n to rtu re d 'o J RHA members a chance to find out w hat dorm itory residents Xlrabout the issue. r i I ^ i Srn H5° . T nment may n0t be «rantin8 Esmail the same W0Uld g ran t' Fink said’ “But 1 “ n 't see it Other board m em bers said RHA should support Esmail because tue involves m istreatm en t of an MSU student. th a t country hasn,t got t h e — Afters Hall representative G eorge Shovlin argued th a t the case 11has not been proven th a t Esmail was to rtu red in Israel, not a political issue, b u t a “question of basic human rights." his defense mem 8 dlsaKreed on w hat action should be taken in ja il's brother, Basim, came to th e m eeting to ask RHA for pport. to rtu re d 8?ld i,!h.e58 i S n° faC. “ al evidence Prov' ng Esmail was ■|t! very im portant for RHA to take a stand," he said. "W e’re to rtu red to justify the commission taking action. it defending the rig h ts of an MSU student." B ut th e re's enough indication (of m istreatm ent) to a t least laother RHA action, th e board approved several constitutional Thom as ” 8 A shattered window at Pittsburgh Forgings Co. argued anotl>er commission m em ber, Jim | lunchroom in Jackson resulted from a shooting quietly surrendered to police in the plant p « ld n g Ph0'° ^jons which had been tabled a t th e Feb. 1 meeting. lot and was jailed pending arraignment. Police Die changes state: spree by a gun-wielding laborer, Leslie Torrey, Com m ittee m em ber T erry Redford concluded th a t the U.S. could not determine to y immediate motive for the iflie members of th e RHA executive board include the officers, which wounded 18 persons Thursday. Torrey snooting. D epartm ent is doing as much as possible for Esmail I icutive assistants, radio board representative, and All-U niver A nythm g th at can be done, is being done," she said. "Any I Traffic Council rep resen tativ e. action we (the commission) take is m eaningless.” f |Ihe RHA president m ay act on behalf of th e board in an Thom as strongly disagreed, suggesting th e commission ask the Urgency after m eeting w ith tw o m em bers of th e executive ltd. » u p p o r S E s gmai!ty C° Undl ‘° Pa" 4 ''8tr° " g" FURBUSH DECISION APPEALED iVacancies in unexpired te rm s of office will be filled by the ltd. . , _ " d ^ a t / ? SUlte.d T 4 resolutio" statin g th a t officials with I direct, relevant and m aterial evidence" be allowed to testify. I Students may petition any RHA decision by obtaining a ftjonwith signatures of IS percent of th e dorm itory residents. . ’ S tate D epartm ent policy, an am bassador has access I RHA cannot rescind th e m andate of a residence hail (. n l ? e ? ( 4" ,c ltlze" held in a foreign prison, but he or she cannot testify for th e prisoner, explained Joan Hunault, Judiciary to debate Jurisdiction sendum. commission member. Bylaw*must now be approved by a tw o-thirds m sjority of the The Student-Faculty Judiciary will m eet Aboard, and guidelines m ay be approved by a m ajority vote, i J f i f e ! S1‘\ te l,De,p ,rtm e n t asks th o ,e countries to let officials Tuesday to decide w hether it will hear the testify on behalf of an im prisoned American, th a t country may be case of suspended Williams Hall resident f t last RHA m eeting of w inter te rm will be next Wednesday reluctant to let officials see the prisoners in the future, Fink said. assistan t John F urbush. |:J0 p.m. in H ubbard Hall. W e r e asking for an exception to th e ru le in this case,” Fink said. The meeting will begin at 7:15 p.m. in 150 Student S e n ices Building, and is open to WOULD AFFECT NON-ERA STATES the public. Furbush was suspended last fall for adm itting he had smoked m arijuana in his Noted linguist to talk room on one occasion. The suspension decision made by Wil­ w u li4 m L4bov wil1 le4d 4n open d“ cus,ion from 10:00 *> liams Hall head advisor Eric P ark s was His work, “The Social S tratification of Engliah in New York City," chanaed the Board considers boycott issue upheld by a Residence Hall Program s Office appeals board earlier th is term . F urbush has asked th e judiciary to hear a professor of English gU“ ti' 8tUdy' 4CC0rding t0 Nancjr A ’ John50n- MSU assistant EalT ‘s a l“ th e au,!kf of a atudy o f Slack English, "Language in th e In n er City," and fu rth e r appeal on grounds th a t his constitu­ recently co-authored T herapeutic Discourse*” By DIANE COX ERA. The group said th e am endm ent needs tional rig h ts w ere violated during his only southern s ta te th a t has ratified the He is a professor of linguistics a t th e U niversity of Pennsylvania. His visit to MSU is State News Staff Writer stu d en t support for an economic boycott Equal R ights A m endm ent.” suspension. H e also contends th a t th e fiing on spending b reak in th e sun initiated by th e N ational O rganization of RHPO appeals board w as biased in favor of r „ " a n L a n ^ a g e asr tm en t ° f ^ ^ D ep4rtm ent ° f Ungui8tica a ”d ° ™ " ta > In of Florida? Some people think you Cuilinane said a lot of people care about Women a s p a rt of its stra te g y to win m anagem ent. i refrain because it is an anti-ERA ERA b u t will not g e t involved in fighting ratification of ER A by M arch, 1979. for its ratification unless someone else does F u rb u sh said Tuesday’s hearing will give I open forum to g e t input on w hether ISU Student Board should pass a bill NOW has pledged to not hold meetings, conferences o r conventions in sta te s which have not ratified ERA . Cuilinane said she th e organizing. “I feel we’ve been reaping th e benefits of th e equal rig h ts m ovem ent,” she said. “But each p arty an opportunity to argue w hether th e judiciary should assum e jurisdiction over th e case. Lost nominations today arting an economic boycott of states hopes stu d en t groups will follow th a t for senior Club Award I have not ratified th e Equal Rights we h av en 't been p u ttin g much input into it. Judiciary m em bers have asked Furbush example. In her resolution, she also asks the I think it's tim e we s ta r t paying out dues.” and m anagem ent rep resen tativ es to p re­ Wment will be held from 3 to 4:15 p.m. stu d en t board to encourage all U niversity I in328 Student Services Bldg. Cuilinane emphasized th a t men sliould be pare statem en ts on w h eth er they consider departm ents to hold conferences, conven­ involved in th e fight for ERA along with th e case to be a m a tte r of disciplinary or oposal was p resen ted a t the tions and vacations only in ratified states. women. adm inistrative action. . student board m eeting by She said th e group is suggesting th at J °S dr Ci:.ia Codanyc,T5; t T t e n™ inati0nS f0r the 78 C,Ub Award 10 preaented * “The point of th e women’s rights move­ They have also asked th e parties to an Cuilinane, a g rad u ate stu d en t in students refrain from spending spring m ent is not women's rights, b ut equal address questions of w h eth er justices may award.^ouncH “ k K S ‘ eleCted n°rain4ti°"8 ^ ‘ka ill and organizer of ‘‘S tu d en ts for the break in Florida, an unratified state, though rig h ts,” she explained. o verturn a ruling by a d epartm ental review | TheASMSU Board will consider the she acknowledged it w as probably too late Award w inners will be honored a t a banquet in May at the U niversity Club and will be ring the March 7 m eeting, Cuilinane said th e ultim ate goal of board, and w hether it has jurisdiction over recognized a t spring commencement. for many to change th e ir plans. As an S tu d en ts for th e ERA is th e encouragement adm inistrative actions on th e em ployment inane said a goal of th e bill is to alternative, Cuilinane said, stud en ts could Aii nominees will be sent further information and an application which m ust be of a national stu d en t m ovem ent supporting statu s of a student. retu rn ed by M arch 17. the student population about th e plan to spend th e ir vacation in Texas, “the ERA. Both parties w ere asked to s ta te th eir Nomination forms may be picked up and returned at 101 S tu d en t Services Building. LABOR R E L A T IO N S t • • T h e P e o p le W h o B r o u g h t Y o u I f SNOW D A Y " P A Y W IL L H E L P Y O U ! WE'RE AT 313 STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING phono 353-8857 Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY LABOR RELATIONS IS A DIVISION OF THE ASMSU CABINET Porn bill undermines free “I know but one freedom and decide these standards? One man’s speed that is freedom of the mind," pornography may be another Publication should be CeBte. Antoine De Saint Exupery wrote man’s daily reading matter. There in 1950. is something intrinsically unfair Freedom of the mind, free and, we believe, unconstitutional speech, free expression of ideas about government imposing cen­ are all intertwined. Chip away at sorship over publications, even if a m*ning of free SDeerh 11 one, no matter how noble the majority of people agree that the purpose might seem, and you chip away at all. Gov. Milliken, the State Legislature and state courts are chipping away at free expres­ sion under the guise of morality and nobility. Wiretaps whipsawej That is the message we read into a law signed by Milliken Tuesday In his I which will ban distribution of in recent his ever-present zeal to protect us from ourselves Ri.n , :ent years years,Jincreasingly Bi ov attempted WIUJ(Hill to lo poke m his eW. tI - MR ther pornography to minors. Support­ ears into into our our nr vate lives. private lives In In his most Jrecent ? ! * nis electronic eve. attempt ers of the legislation freely admit that it constitutes the opening ploy X t o S “ * “ * fortuna,ely * Nm S I E J ] in a bid to control dissemination of The Senate, by a 25 to 12 vote Tuesday, sent back , pornography to adults as well. Committee two bills which would have permitted s t a t e , udil In signing the bill, Milliken the telephones of people suspected of drug dealinc h • ’t issued this chilling declaration: though, that the committee will hold any further h e a r i n g H 'I W W H0« WE USED To WJ6H WffiN a ' OSIW R *D WUU> 6 0 /RQUNt> “This law . . . can help govern­ Instead it will simply allow them to wither away and die h l j ment deal with one particularly well-deserved. a,e- It is adi EKHWS HIS HE® * B R f lW N G ? ' offensive aspect of pornography — The sponsor of the legislation, Sen. Paul Rosenbaum D-Battl. r its effect on children — while we maintained that wiretapping was necessary to launch an eff«! ! search for a more sweeping solu­ on big-time drug dealers. There is no goodreason h o m f Z ! tion to the larger problem of cannot continue their pursuit of drug kingpins by relyingnnV . pornography and its existence in constitutional investigative tactics without resorting to S f f l society in general.” Rosenbaum and his backers also argued that there we ‘ It is grand of the governor and provisions m the bills to safeguard people’s privacy. The bill w J state lawmakers to define for the allowed the state police to wiretap if all other tactics failedth F rid a y , M a r c h 3 , 1978 public what, it terms of publica­ attorney general petitioned for a warrant, and if a panel of threX E d ito ria ls a re th e o p in ion s o f th e State N ew s. V ie w p o in ts , colum ns tion, is a problem and what is not. Appeals judges approved. a n d le tte rs a re p e rs o n a l o p in io n s. reew However, we believe, as do most But it would still be too risky. The widespread abuse to Ediforial Deportment civil liberatarians, that it is not wiretaps and other surveillance equipment has been subjected inn E d ito r - in - c h ie f.............. . M ic h a e l T a n im u r a Compos E d ito r ........................................ A n n e S tu a r t S p o rts E d ito r ............. . Tom S h o n a h o n M a n a g in g E d i t o r . . K a t B ro w n W ir e E d ito r ................................... J o c e ly n L a s k o w s k i L a y o u t E d ito r ............ possible to find any legal problems years argues strongly against any further extension of their use b' K im S h o n a h o n O p in io n E d ito r .............. D a v e M is la lo w s k i P h o to E d ito r R ic h a rd P o lit o w s k i C o p y C h ie f ................. . R e n a I d o M i g o Id i with publications in general, ex­ police. It is bad enough that federal authorities have such widest S p e c ia l P ro je c ts E d ito r . . . D e b b ie W o lfe E n t e r to in m e n t a n d B o o k E d ito r K a th y E s s e lm a n S ta ff R e p r e s e n ta tiv e cept in cases of libel. The beauty of powers to wiretap. To extend this power to state authorities ■C h ris K u c z y n s k i C ity E d ito r ....................... M ic h a e l W in t e r Free/once E d ito r D o n S p ic k le r constitutionally-sanctioned free under the pretense of catching drug dealers, is a dangerous A d v ertisin g D ep a rtm en t A d v e r tis in g M a n a g e r . speech is that it protects free unneeded step. S h a ro n S e ile r A s s is t a n t A d v e r t is in g M a n a g e r Denise D e a r expression that is arguably ob­ As Sen. Robert VanderLaan, R-Grand Rapids, said of the scene, grotesque, or immoral. people’s rights to privacy and other liberties have been fought too After all, who should ultimately to give them away piece by piece. N ot so v ery long ago I learned th a t Rim sky-K orsakov is not a city of old R ussia and th a t R avel isn’t w hat w e do on New Y ear’s E ve. IRA ELLIOTT only be pointed in any given direction and not pushed. . O ver th e p ast tw o term s, Lecture-Concert has broughtl F o r a long tim e I s h u t myself off from alm ost all ty p e s of classical a r tis ts as pianist Vladim ir Horowitz, classical guitarist Chf music, simply because it seem ed inaccessible, its m eaning (or p h er P ark en in g , m im e M arcel Marceau; dance companies lit] em otional im port) unreachable. Sim ilarly, m any people close th e San F rancisco B allet an d L ar Lubovitch Dance Company; tl doors on p oetry because it seem s too difficult; on dance because it seem s too snobbish; on th e th e a te r because it seem s too elitist. W hatever a r t m ay be, it’s not tw o eggs over easy and th e On Lecture-Concert a n d art sym phony; plays (including a free snow-night performance! F a ir Lady), tra v e l logs; an d five films by Stanley Kubrick. 1 I som etim es seem to associate Lecture-Concert events sill morning new spaper. W e, therefore, can’t expect it to be serv ed up U n iv ersity A uditorium , an ugly, post-war pit of a hall thatl like an egg McMuffin and be tru ly experienced while glancing over suited for a rodeo o r greased-pig contest, much less an opt th e front page. play. So how do you convince people th a t “a r t” isn’t a red flag for None o f th e se s tra n g e feelings ever stops me from attend! appreciation of classical music - I w as co nstantly exposed to it by me. L e ctu re C oncert is probably th e b e st g ro u p on cam pus for boredom or snobbishness? Lecture-C oncert ev en t, b ut I can see how others who aren’tl -a friend w ho lives in my house. exposing s tu d e n ts to th e w ide v ariety of th e p erform ing a rts . Exposure. T hat’s how I cam e to a t least a superficial in te re s te d in th e p erform ing a rts to begin with would be turnl The L ecture-C oncert S eries is to M SU w h at my friend w as to B ut as its able d ire cto r, K enneth C. B eachler, said, people can by L ecture-C oncert's staid, non-student oriented image. VIEWPOINT: WOMEN’S RIGHTS today’s economy doesn’t pay th e re n t, shoe International Working W om en’s D ay honorel Treaty supported th e feet and feed th e m outh. I t does buy a lot of new reco rd s each te rm though. T he ByRACHELDIEM "dow n to only" 180 percent) andl Your editorial support of th e passage of arg u m en t th a t th e board is com posed of Maria S tela , a yo u n g Chilean wom an who th e Panam a Canal tre a tie s is to be reg ressiv e ideas on the role of worf ’’upperclass, conservativ e s tu d e n ts and lives in exile in this country, lived and applauded. The tre a tie s a re an affirm ation The new Family Code makes an attack on the male society; for example, close to 50 percj m aybe it’s because com pensation is not w o rked in Chile d u rin g the Popular U nity of our nation’s w illingness to deal fairly th e medical students were women a"any1Zacrime according The IsraelitoConsulate fu rthLaw United S tates e r stated .'' fically, it is needed to en sh rin e in the mat. r hearings on th e l (nme is Sheldon A xler. I'm a resident of E a st Lansing and as Constitution the moral value judgm ent th at ~ s : : r ethelegalpeacetu'***** eo v e rn m ^ n f ^ d‘reCt ° ° nCern of this ^ council wt>en a foreign ^ a nd die. It is »dl lot professor of m athem atics a t Michigan S tate U niversity, sex discrimination is w rong, and to ensure anting the National Com m ittee to Defend the Human Rights th a t all sta te s and th e federal governm ent ji i Esmail. The C om m ittee wishea to strongly em phasize to Foretgn governm ents should be told th a t it is im proper to review and revise th e ir laws and official baum , D-BattleCrl (who may be m otivated to join th e Comm ittee for reasons of interfere with the legitim ate activities of resid en ts of E a st Lansing. practices to eliminate discrim ination based inch an effective atfl ysor racial prejudice th a t such support is neither needed nor r , f , r e g a r ’/ em arks made on J a n - 24 E a st Lansing by th e on sex. Israeli Consulate are particularly im portant. He stated th a t “if it is n, however, thatp proven by the court th a t he did belong to th e organization then it Opponents of the ERA have overstated by relying on prej- li Esmail was born in th e U nited S tates and is an American th e ERA s ramifications in ord er to create a li. He has an excellent academ ic record as a graduate student may open the eyes of some people in th e community as to th e 'rtin g to wiretap ! general activities, extracurricular activities, of the large Arab m onster w orthy of attack. W hile credible Ltliing assistant in M SU 's electrical engineering departm ent. sources support th e ERA and th e need for it it th ere were e n l Vend of the last q u a rte r, Sami travelled to Israel to visit his community in this tow n and this is w hat we w ant." The Israeli is clear, many people have been confused by cy. The bill would! I lather who lived in th e W est Bank a rea of Palestine governm ent should be told th at it is inappropriate to prosecute unfounded claims about its presum ed actics failed, the ’ litly under Israeli occupation. Sami was arre ste d as he got off bami Esmail for alleged political offenses in o rd er to expose the effects. Stop ERA, a national organization line in Tel Aviv. H e w as not allowed contact w ith a lawyer for activities of the large A rab community in this tow n." i panel of three Co] A t your voting session scheduled for la te r this evening, we ask opposing the am endm ent, has proposed h days. During th e se seven days he was subjected to almost t i t interrogation, in w hat can only be described as conditions you to send letters to th e American S tate D epartm ent and the th a t the ERA will destroy th e American E H f u A L -J U S T 1 C E -U M D E R -L A W -j family, legalize rape, send m others into •read abuse to > lire physically and psychologically terrifying. Israeli governm ent requesting the stric t observance of Sami combat, require unisex bathrooms, and sen subjected in rc, Ms father died on Ja n . 4. Two days la te r Felicia Langer, an Esmail s human rights. Your le tte r should stre ss th at the legal force contented housewives into jobs they ion of their use bjl Uattorney who had agreed to re p re se n t Sami, was placed activities of an American citizen in E ast Lansing are no concern of don't want. jrigsg order for tw o w eeks by th e Israeli court, any foreign governm ent. You should em phasize th a t by prosecuting h av e such widespl Sami Esmail for exercising his rights of free speech and association The ERA will not alter the family discharged with being a m em ber of th e P FL P , th e Popular stru ctu re, as ERA opponents fear, because ta te authorities, I ■for the Liberation of P alestine, and w ith having contact with in h a s t Lansing, the Israeli governm ent will negatively affect the the family is based on private relationships is a dangerous] Vigents. The evidence to su b stan tiate these charges has not free flow of dialogue necessary to an open political atm osphere in and custom. The ERA specifically refers to our community. [red. The im portant point is th a t Sami is not charged with public institutions and not social institu­ Because the Israeli governm ent claims to possess knowledge of ids, said of the I kting any crime while in Israeli te rrito ry . The Israeli tions or private relationships. The Women's ■went alleges th a t Sami d istributed new spapers and solicited alleged political activities in E ast Lansing, this case also raises s been fought tool Law Project of Philadelphia, under contract I in East Lansing for organizations which are illegal under serious questions about political surveillance which may have taken with the National Commission on the place here and is perhaps still continuing. Thus w e also ask you to I law. The Israeli governm ent also alleges th a t Sami was O bservance of International Women's Year id in East Lansing by an MSU graduate student to undergo make inquiries to th e A m erican and Israeli governm ents has collected the judicial interpretations concerning intelligence operations w ithin E a st Lansing. |mg at a PFLP training camp in Lybia. Sami Esmail is not from 15 states whose constitutions include id with committing any act of violence against Israel. He is A rgum ents m ight be made th a t th e city council should take no provisions explicitly prohibiting sex dis­ and not pushed. id with crimes of thought, crim es of belief, crim es of speech, action until Sami s trial is over and all th e evidence on both sides is crimination in the law, and found the fears Concert has brought | I ol political activity. available. H ow ever, we are not asking th e city council to make a of the ERA opponents to be unrealized. classical guitarist Chj judgm ent of w hether Sami is innocent o r guilty of th e charges. I t is Also, le tte rs w ere w ritten to th e governors ■ Israeli Consulate from Chicago held a press conference in i; dance companies oil th e charges them selves which we find offensive; charges of political of th e states th a t have ERA s. The letters kon Jan. 24 to discuss th e case. He stated th a t “Sami Esmail :h Dance Company; i activities which are legal w here they allegedly took place here and asked w hether women had lost any rights k charged with any act of terro rism or intention of terrorism elsew here outside of Israel. v-night performance J under the state ERA s, w hether the public by Stanley Kubrick. I re-Concert events will war pit of a hall thst| est. much less an ope second was aimed a t D ave Mason’s L et it Guild. He will arg u e against th e ACLU freedom of th e press in operation. The State Go, L et It Flow. Generally, m ost stu d en ts find th e ir lunch position. The m eeting will be S at. evening, News is a t least attem p tin g to be fair, stops me from attend! It appears th a t each tim e an artist hour to be th e only accessible hour of the April 15 a t 7:45 p.m. and will be held in presenting both sides of an issue, which ow others who aren't! releases a new album th a t is different from day. The im plem entation of shift scheduling Valley C ourt P ark Community Center, cannot be said for a publication such as in with would be turaf p ast perform ances your rev iew ers label it would serv e to quell th a t pre- and post-class which is ju s t north of th e G reyhound Bus Today's S tudent, which in a recent issue t oriented image. a s commercial. How Mason’s album fits into rush which unfailingly plagues financial aid station betw een Valley C ourt and Oakhill. printed a b arrag e of pro-A nita irrationality th is category is beyond me. and counseling dep artm en ts a t about 9 a.m. All in terested public a re welcome. without a word from th e "other side." G ranted, th e new album isn’t his best, but and 3 p.m. each day. This would avail the reactions w ere much as Mr. M aylen’s S tan Kaplowitz Men’s views reaction to the uppity women of today. th e music is fresh and original; it is A ssistant professor of sociology In th e face of such torm entors (and many of them exist on this campus) a person in stu d en t as well as th e employees. The som ething new and differen t from Mason form er would simply benefit from th e added Although he assures us he is “totally S ecretary , Lansing Branch Dan’s position m u st be given th e chance to and shows his talents are expanding and not availability of appointm ents; th e la tte r from convinced of th e ir equality" (which ju st ACLU stand up and say, “I am a human being." an unevenly d istrib u ted work load resulting archaic, boring tickles me to death) he feels they should fading aw ay as your w rite r would lead us to believe. Jean S. P y jar from a balanced distribution of student rem em ber w here they cam e from (I wish he 315 Phillips Hall traffic. A s far as rev iew er Bruce Babiarz's would) and use patience and a rational to com m ent on David approach. But Mr. Maylen is patient with opinion of M ason's perform ance a t the ‘I am hum an’ I’m sure this situation has been made J I I U I V l e t t e r of Feb. 28. Lansing Civic C enter, I can only say he them ; after all, it took his sex thousands of light of many tim es before. U nfortunately, I F n°t impressed if a m an calls me a m ust have seen a d ifferent concert than I In response to L arry Melton’s Viewpoint years to reach th e cool plane of logic we see cannot fathom th e ir failure to comply. I; Ireally don’t care w h at an insecure did. Concerning “th e g u itarist's acid-rockish of Feb. 28: P o sters of Dan Jones have been ’’dthinks about me. exhibited all around us in th e world today. riffs," I heard none. I t is tr u e th a t he wasn’t sm eared w ith obscene graffiti, with "fag­ Mutually exclusive John P. Fayad We I do not scream “sexist" when a Women deserve a little tim e to reach the 208 Mayo Hall able to fill Jim K ru eg er's position, but after got," " p e rv e rt," o r “ -sucker" scraw led same altitude. *nsa door for me, it does adm ittedly all a person is an a rtis t because of his own across his picture. His column was in T here is one inescapable dilemma th a t nes annoy me, particularly when •I was going to close with a womanly style and ta len ts and not because th e re is a response to th e anonym ous homophobic has nabbed me far too many tim es to allow Intention is perform ed by strangers, you, sw eetheart" — and I do think Mr. vacant position in a band. who refu ses to acknowledge Dan’s human­ it to pass inm entioned prior to my Maylen is too glib in assigning men the “ amrequired (even w hen I don't feel victory in any shouting match — but I Jam es D. Kennedy ness. d eparting this home of the Spartan. Thanks extended IItosmile graciously and thank him for A411 A rm strong Hall In th e sam e vein, th e S tate News might A t 12 p.m. ev ery day of the week, every thingI am quite capable of perform ing realize I should exercise th e feminine virtue p rint an o th er candidate’s reply to anti- week of the term , th e A dministration of compassion. Views like Mr. M aylen's are During th e w eek of Feb. 20-26, Omega Greek sen tim en t, o r prejudice against Building and S tu d en t Services close for archaic and unfair; w orse, they a re boring. Psi Phi F rate rn ity , Delta Tau Delta dentists now m ake th e interesting blacks. Dan needs no defense for his article. lunch. At 12 p.m. every day, o r roughly r ‘on ^at the exciting b ru te stren g th Being patient, a t this point I only ask Mr. D ebate scheduled It w as a stro n g piece of journalism thereabouts, th e m ajority of classes break, F ratern ity , and D elta Sigma Theta Sorority Maylen and his ilk to stop exhibiting their sponsored various humanitarian projects. Jman male — inferior to th a t of com m enting on an emotional issue usually enabling the stu d en t to eat lunch, study, stupidity in public. Omega Psi Phi sponsored a benefit basket­ ®™er mammals — w as only up to The S ta te N ew s has p rinted several covered in th e press by persons with less drink o r visit Student Services or the Ad. Kim Soden points of view as to w h eth er th e Nazis and ball gam e and dance for sickle cell anemia; pig game every w eek or so, and most than first-hand experience. Dan presented a building before classes resum e for the day. 323 Mason Hall th e KKK should have th e rig h t to demon­ D elta Tau D elta sponsored a fund raising 'tune the family lived off th e n u ts and deep er glim pse into a reality that few ev er T here is an obvious conflict here; service to f gathered by th e women. s tra te and w h eth er th e American Civil see. M arathon Dance for multiple sclerosis and stu d en ts and S tu d en t Services seem to be Liberties Union should have defended th at Delta Sigma T h eta sponsored a breast L /le n s attitu d e rem inds me of the L arry M elton sta te s th a t he would be tw o mutually exclusive events. right. Because th is is such an im portant cancer testin g program for the American I 0' certain abolitionists before the ,ar' These sincere, kindhearted Review criticized issue, th e Lansing Branch of th e ACLU has objective in w eighing qualifications of a candidate — u n fortunately many people do Consider o ther institutions outside of a U niversity setting in th e real world. There Cancer Society. devoted much tim e and energy scheduled a d eb ate on it. We will have two not look beyond a label to see th e real exists, and I understand in good working I d personally like to commend these ■an Mr. Maylen, I suspect) tow ards I am w riting in reg ard s to your recent excellent sp eak ers. One is David Gold- person. form, a concept called shift. Our library organizations as well as MSU faculty, and ration of the blacks, b u t alas! after review on th e new D ave Mason album. berg er, th e Legal D irector of th e Illinois M elton’s attack on th e S tate News was employs it. This concept enables an in stitu ­ the E ast Lansing community for the #ar these irrational, ungrateful Twice I have read review s in your paper ACLU, and th e one who personally handled unnecessary; View points appear on the tion to continue to function even during positive service they have rendered to £ < * • f°rgot th e hand th a t freed th a t made claims of an artist going th e Nazi case for th e ACLU. The o ther is Opinion P ag e and should be read with th a t lunch breaks. Time is maximized through a these various causes. I started to im agine they w ere as commercial. The first w as a review of Bill Goodman, a D etro it atto rn ey who is in mind. T he new s provides an outlet for lagged work schedule. Ira Combs J r. 13 anyone else. T h e abolitionists' Gordon Lightfoot’s la test Endless W ire, th e p ast p resid en t of th e N ational Lawyers expression of th e read e rs’ views — this is Why can't MSU employ this concept? President MSU-NPHC W ithout so much as a w hisper of w arning th e cartoon strip assu red ly include a t least tw o of th e ir own members on th e fuzzy-headed anarchist who would allow discussions to go on into "Howard th e Duck" resigned from th e pages of th e S tate News. selection com m ittee to ensure a t least one acceptable board infinity. The faculty will object, but in th e end th e directors will Actually (betw een you and me) “D uck" was canned quietly to can d id ate w as listed. win out. Garry Trudea avoid a m essy public confrontation. F acu lty rep resen tatio n : Give them nine seats because th e M inorities, of course, m ust be included on th e final com mittee. W hat is really a t issue h ere is who will tak e "Howard's" place. faculty sim ply w on't be satisfied w ith less than total com m ittee The directo rs would specifically req u ire stu d en ts to elect Searching W ith th e sim ilar recen t ev e n ts a t MSU I suggest th a t the S tate News employ dem ocratic m ethods in th e choice of a successor comic. control. S tu d en t rep resen tativ es: Four token students, who don’t mind being talk ed down to, should be included on the final com m ittee minorities am ong th e ir four positions, while only suggesting th e faculty should. (This is a political point, some faculty ju s t hate to be told w hat to do.) H ere’s my plan. A 17-member com m ittee (not counting for reaso n s th a t d ate back to th e late '60s. In th e m eantim e, since it would look unprofessional to leave a alternates) would be s e t up to solicit and review possible A dm inistration: Since they have th e day-to-day dealings with blank hole in th e paper, the directors have appointed B.C. as th e / fo r a new replacem ents to th e "D uck." A pro p er nam e for such a committee would be, “The Search and Selection C om m ittee Advisory to the S tate News Board of D irectors on th e appointm ent of a new th e n ew sp ap er a t least one should be included. Alumni: I t is necessary to include a t least one of th ese since ev ery o n e from th e Board of T rustees on down seem to fear them . "acting cartoon.” The directors have made a wise choice in th e ir "acting cartoon" as B.C. is a tim e-tested comic, who many a re saying is quite an cartoon.” A dm inistrative-Professional: One should do. im provem ent ov er old “Howard" already. Various factions of S ta te N ew s read e rs would be included to F irs t th in g th e com m ittee m ust do is s e t criteria for a new U nfortunately, B.C. has been a t this spot before and he longs to ensure rep resen tativ en ess an d th e fu tu re acceptability of a 'toon comic. A S ta te N ew s cartoon needs to appeal to a w ide-ranging go back to th e larg er new spaper w orld outside MSU as soon as SM IT H cartoon to the U niversity com munity. A note of caution a t th is point, th e S ta te News Board of D irectors, who ultim ately control th e new spaper, will most likely and ev e r changing audience in terest, for example. The cartoon should have appeal both th e the academic com m unity a s well as th e real world outside. possible so he is not a candidate for th e perm anent spot. For su re finding a new comic strip will tak e a g reat deal of time, good cartoons a re hard to find th ese days. F or th e p resen t B.C. insist on th e rig h t to accept o r re je c t th e com m ittee's final choices B efore you g e t sta rte d on your search, though, it will be seem s to be doing a credible job, som e wish we’d keep him not m a tte r how laboriously arriv ed at. necessary to choose a chairperson to run th e show. The board forever. Don’t panic though, because th e Board of D irectors would most w an ts a role in choosing this person to avoid th e election of some .Smith reports on odm inistrotion a ff a ir s f o r th e S ta te News. Frl<*°y. Mofch, Galumphing R e v ie w in g M S U 's graffiti By KIT CARLSON such humor, how ever. T he “N o th in g m uch.” ''W o rries,” A s fa r a s funny g raffiti goes, S tate New* R eview er walls of th e stalls s e rv e s s a o th e r w om en rep ly . “V irgin is th a t scraw led in th e bathroom s P°Mible 8« , _ Gourmet T h e re a re places to g o at MSU to rece iv e confidential advice, ex ercise fre e speech, clearinghouse of inform ation on b irth control, th e w om en's m ovem ent sn d provide s n op­ spelled w ith tw o i's," an o th er ad d s dryly. of th e lib rary is th e best. “A n ita B ry a n t is a citrusexual." “Beep, beep, boop, tw eet- representative * 'r e ^ “ e n s johna in B e n e - S ^ Lesbianism is a n o th e r favo­ ^ e U S A is V ^ J exchange know ledge an d v en t po rtunity fo r w om en to ex p ress whixsyl (signed R2D2)." “Life is rite topic o f graffiti. Tw o in te r­ P°t* the scum M unchie city. fru stratio n s, a rtis tic , sex u al o r th e ir feelings of love, d esp air, a b asta rd .” “O how ihate ohio- locking fem ale sym bols a re w d what’a l e f u ! \ £ H W e've all been th e re. You g e t th a t ta ste , th a t crav in g . You've oth erw ise. W h e re a r e such etc. s t a t e “Love is like film - it havens? T h e s ta lls in th e r e s t­ g reeted w ith m ix tu res of v eh e­ gets burnt," »— h“ been drinking, sm oking, and heaven know s w h a t all n ig h t, and develops in th e d ark ." "I love som ebody b u t h e m e n t su p p o rt an d an ti-g ay in- Phized. you've g o t to go som ew here and g e t th a t ta s te — lik e B ruce room s of th e classroom build­ doesn't love me. W hat should I sults. “W hy did God cre a te Som e o f th e m o st e n tertain ­ J e n n e r ju s t w alked through y o u r m outh in his s w e a t socks a fte r ings w h ere g raffiti is king. “Chaatity U iU _ do?" scraw led one w om an in th e O NE m an and O N E w oman?” in g g raffiti item s occur when th e decathalon — o u t of y o u r m outh. G raffiti has been an an cient Com puter C en ter restro o m . one g raffiti w rite r dem ands. A ad d itions a r e m ade to already- I t d o esn 't m a tte r w hat you ingest, a s long a s it's edible, tra d itio n since Biblical days, The unanim ous a n sw e r sh e stall in a B erkey b athroom has w ritte n com m ents. F o r exam ­ passingly w arm , and you can buy it any tim e o f th e night. w hen M ene, Mene, Tekel received w as “fo rg et him." a tally o f g ay s v ersu s stra ig h ts ple: “W hy does th e “U " rep ress H ere’s w h ere you can g e t it. Upharsln ap p e ared on th e wall Peychutric advice. w ith stra ig h ts ahead, 26 to 18. us by pain tin g o v er all th e g re a t in N ebuchadnezzar’s palace. Al­ The search for help and fiti like t h e , S J S ? th o u g h th e M SU jo h n a a re advice p erv ad es th e w om en'a graffiti? - B ecause half o f us INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES (2800 E ast Grand B ut th e w om en’s bathroom s h ardly palaces, an d th e s tu ­ bathroom s. An 18-year-old ca n 't spell.” “W e m u st em ploy River) — T h e IH O P is one of th o se r a r e places w h ere, n o m a tte r a r e not to tally hum orless. w h at tim e o f day it is o r how y o u 're d ressed , you alw ays e n te r th e d e n ts a re n o t th e L ord, som e­ woman d atin g a 30-year old P e a rls like “F re u d h as a b e tte r b rev ity - D oes h e need a job?” ‘S C t S - a th in g ab o u t a blank w all seem s man w an ts to know w h eth e r “J e s u s sav es — and E sposito place feeling like a truck driver. idea,” “Q ueen V ictoria sm oked to in sp ire m any people to everyone else th in k s th e re la ­ scores on th e rebound." “God is T h e e g g s a r e greasy. T he floor is greasy. Y our ta b le is g reasy . If m ariju an a to cu re cram p s (and you w eren ’t hungry w hen you w en t it, th e o ran g e an d b lue decor literfcfy efforts. G raffiti in w om en's b ath ­ tionship has a chance. A 20-year old “virgen" w an ts to know it w orked!)," an d “coprophilia dead — no, sh e d o esn 't w an t to g e t involved." “n otstatisticalb«s J “ to"™ ." "Tie, — w hich has th e quality of reflectin g th e o m nipresent g re a se lives!" p rovoke sm iles, if not room s does n ot usually display w hat sh e is m issing. "N othing.” h**e le elim u l will m ake you even less hungry b y th e tim e you leave. o u trig h t guffaw s. T he m en's bathroom s are very d ifferen t from th e wo­ thmk the CDC 6500 K | M aybe th e re 's som e s o rt of pyram id pow er in IH O P 's peaked roof th a t accounts for th e popularity o f th e place, because th e re ’s m en's. A lthough, ow ing to th e One woman had onljtJ# sex of th is re p o rte r, it w as not «y= Don't it n u k e y ^ f not m uch else th a t's appealing. to go homer “ E v e ry ta b le has its own unique coffee stain. E v e ry sy ru p b o ttle has an evening’s w orth of goo stu ck to th e outside. A nd th e re ’s alw ays som eone w ith a d irty m op and bucket re a rra n g in g th e C a m p u s m o vie m a n ia g re a s e on th e floor. E v e n if th e food w ere good, it would still b e an u n settlin g experience. H ighlighting th e w eek en d 's selection of on-cam pus films is from Beal is P e rry H enzell's p orno g rap h ic film, Animal *EL SOMBREW T h e only real advantage to th e IH O P is th a t it's open all th e tim e popular Jam aican film The Farm, which ap p a re n tly ow es H o m e m a d e O riginal Mexican th e form al w orld p re m ie re of Harder They Come (1973) w ith n o thing to G eo rg e O rw ell's an d conveniently accom m odates th e flow of re v e le rs th a t fall in MSU fresh m an S am Raim i's reg g ae s ta r Jim m y Cliff. The food from th e G ables and th e Rainbow Ranch around 3 a.m. novel of th e sam e nam e. com edy - rom ance - w estern - film g ro u p 's m ore dom estic RH A is show ing r a th e r m ore ad v e n tu re, The Happy Valley offerings include Ode to BOly conventional fare. F irs t off, Our SPECIAL COMBINATION PLATE1 * DENNY'S (2702 E a st G rand River) — D enny’s is a little less Appetizers: Nochos '1 doz. AvocadoSalad'1 - ’ Kid <1978). T he local production Joe (197S) w ith R obby Benson th e re 's R o b e rt W ise's o v er­ forbidding th a n IHOP, b u t th e o v erly com mercial atm o sp h ere still is b eing show n F rid a y and gives it an u nsettling air. S atu rd a y by Beal film group. and G lynnis O 'C onnor, and w helm ingly p o p u lar production MON-THURS SPECIAL PLATE* 1." Mandingo (1975). Beal of R odgers an d H am m erstein 's T he place is im peccably clean, and d o esn 't seem like th e place to A lso on ta p th is w eekend 2 Enchiladas or 2 Tacos or 2 lu rrltn also is show ing a new D anish The Sound o l Music (1965) w ith go a fte r an all-night beer b la st. T he m anagem ent likes to keep it WITH RICE OR SCANS th a t w ay. T hey’re not p articularly polite to d ru n k s — can you J u lie A n d rew s, C h risto p h er P lu m m er an d lo ts of hum m able OPEN SEVEN DAYS blam e them ? — b u t if you play it cool and don’t m ake a giggly fool Moe-Thurt IIe .m .-M O p .m . F r l.S J * .II of yo u rself w hen you drop in a t 5 a.m ., th e y tr e a t you w ith som e tu n e s. T h en th e r e 's la st sum ­ deg ree of respect. J o s e p h J a rm a n c o m in g m e r's big- m o n ey -earn er, The D eep (1977) s ta rrin g R o b ert 751 N, LARCH m —a , iwh. •i,,. oeiw, Lontifn| T he food isn’t too bad, actually. I t’s a little o verpriced for th e small q u an tities you get, b u t th e re 's a nice v ariety for th o se n ights Shaw , Jacq u elin e B isset. a S axophonist Jo se p h J a rm a n A n thony B rax to n . H is associa­ g re a t deal o f fine u n d erw ate r when you don’t give a rip about yo u r pocketbook and w an t to o rd er an d d an c er E v e Jo rjo ria n will tion w ith d an c er E v e J o rjo ria n p ho to g rap h y , a h u g e m oray eel ev e ry th in g on th e menu. perfo rm h ere S a tu rd a y n ight is an ex ten sio n o f his ow n an d Nick N olte. RIIMMIR JOBS AT an d com plete Show case Jazz's ex p e rim en ts in co rp o ratin g im- QUALITY DAIRY (1201 East Grand R iver, 808 Michigan, and 947 W in ter co n cert season. p rovisational dan ce and music. CAMP TAMARACK Brighton and Ortonville, Michigon Trowbridge) — W hy m ention Q uality D airy in a review like this? T he co n cert will ta k e place in THE FIMST Because you can’t g e t aw ay w ith talk in g ab o u t m unchies w ith o u t J a rm a n is know n fo r his m entioning th e ir doughnuts. T he places h ave th e ir ow n bakeries, E rik so n K iva begin n in g a t 8 111QUALITY C o u n s a lo rs , S p e c ia lis ts , Supervisors, kitchen Stoll p articip atio n in th e A r t E n ­ and 10:30 p.m ., an d a w orkshop which m ake th e b e st doughnuts in tow n. sem ble of Chicago an d h as in w ith J a rm a n is scheduled a t 4 IIMTCRBCDS N u rs e s , a n d m o ra Quality D airy doughnuts, how ever, a re only good in th e la te re c e n t y e a rs em erg ed a s a solo p.m ., and a n o th e r w ith J o r ­ IN T IR V IIW IN O MARCH 9 hours of th e early m orning around 7 a.m., w hen E a s t L ansing still hasn’t seen th e light of day and th e re ’s nobody on th e s tr e e t b u t p erfo rm er. H e w as a founding m em b er of th e A ssociation for jo rian a t 6 p.m. P LA C IM IN T SERVICE! T ick ets for bo th p erfo rm ­ yourself. th e A d vancem ent of C reativ e ances a r e $3 and a r e available Sign ups bagin March 2 M usic and h as w orked w ith a t th e M SU Union T ick et Office NEXT WEEK: T he G ourm et com es o u t of his stu p o r, and goes to a M uhal R ichard A b ram s, Leroy and W azoo R ecords. T hey will Camp Tam arack it the Jewish Residential canJ real re s ta u ra n t for a change. Jen k in s, Roscoe M itchell, and also be sold a t th e door. eponsored b y the F resh A ir Society 6600 7 | S L E E P S H O Pp ITHEHHBT I t OURUTTWnUMMJ ) M aple R r a r ^ ^ ^ S p ecia lizin g in BERM ’S ,tudents try conserving MEXICAN ST Y L E FOOD featuring these specials txrro B O D y .ii Mon.TACOS T w . TOSTADAS C O U N T R Y ^ Wwrt. SUMITOS American & Foreign Cars fr i. Comb. Ft ATE By LINDA BRAY I t s okay to lower heating, ju s t so it doesn’t go to ex trem es,” Wad. ENCHILADAS Thurs., Fri., A Sat. nights ot 9:00 Quality Work Guaranteed I residi'i't® b»H stu d en ts seem to be complying w ith energy one Holden Hall resident said. Lt tion requests made F eb. 16 by A cting MSI) P resident F o r instance, a t my high school kids would g e t sick because it complete menu available daily Free Estimates |L . Har'len- would g e t so cold. I t would go down to 64. T h a t is too cold,” she along w ith beer, w ine & your fa v o rite cocktails n t check telephone survey of more than 30 stu d en ts in said. (Ron. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 a.m. h ity living units indicated many students a re try in g to Kitchen Open ( heat and use few er lights, A woman from McDonel Hall said th a t though sh e would Mon-Sat 10 a.m. • 1 a.ri Sat. 8:00 a.m. -12 Noon hen requested voluntary energy cutbacks w ithin th e probably tu rn th e heat up if she had a choice, sh e is "happy to play FRENCHIE’S BAR along if th e re really is a/i en erg y problem.” Sun. 1 p.m. • 8p.m. Cornar Larch S Michigan Ava. _ity because of th e nearly three-month-old U nited Mine 400 Baker Street, Lons. k* strike. A Wilson Hall man said he did not know how th e U niversity could one block west of South Cedar St. 482-0733 Lansing 489-6577 decrease energy use any fu rth e r. ■ has received one-eighth of its normal coal supply in the last I think they v e been using less energy all y e a r. T he cafeteria, la n d currently has about a 50-60 day supply, utility services hallways and classrooms are always cold,” he said. l r J o e Cavanaugh said. | n’t good. W e're losing ground all th e tim e,” he said. "P re tty M any studen ts questioned complained th a t th e ir rooms w ere over heated ra th e r th an cold. BOOKS WAMTED! Try Our 12" TUNA SUBMARINES! la'll be like the re s t of th e state.” “I t s hot — really hot — in th is room,” an A rm stro n g Hall We are interested in buying: (o v en baked) [stu d e n ts questioned about H arden's req u ests said they felt |t a r to ration energy now, even if it means sacrificing, than resident said. •Science Fiction •OH looks Present This Coupon For W e have all th e v ents shut. W e open th e window to sleep. A ll we •Conic Books ■out later. can control is th e ven t,” he said. •Flips isume it’s necessary to use less energy for th e coal I t s always h ot in h ere. W e always have to have o u r window •Beetle Ittns •Magazines 50' OFF ■n ” said a third-floor South Owen re s id e n t On Any Piua I can always put som ething on to g e t w arm and you can open, said Debbie R ettk e, 470 N orth Case Hall. •H u e? Drew •Bit Little Books ■take something off if it's too hot. B ut if w e run o u t of coal, “I sleep on th e to p bed and it’s really h ot up th e re . A lot of kids •Mysteries •Bestkall Cants complain about th e h e a t,” she said. ( ■ i ii Y t have any choice." Lrbach, 266 Holmes Hall, said he thinks it is a good idea to A Holden Hall resident said she also has to open th e windows to sleep. Curious Book Shop bn on energy use and noted m ost stu d en ts are complying, bw on our floor, w e've been cu ttin g off half th e lights on th e I control th e heat only by opening o r closing th e window,” she com mented. 307 East Grand River East Lansing Hours Mon- Sot 11:30- 8p.m. C a m p u s P iz z a Everyone's been trying to help a little bit," he said. iB a ra n sk i, A328 Em m ons Hall, said th e re a re certain things G enerally, it s too w arm if you leave all th e doors and windows (517)332-0112 Open Fri til 9 p.m. 1312 MICH. AVE. 3 3 7 -1 3 7 7 closed,” a Bailey Hall stu d en t agreed. L to conserve energy. Some of th e rooms ten d to g e t very hot. Only th e stu d y seem s to in 't leave the windows open and I try not to use th e lights g e t cold,” he added. [d o n 't need them ," he said. Hbbot Hall resident approves of decreasing individual [consum ption. S he said she and h er room m ate rarely use A W onders Hall resident said v ents have nothing to do w ith th e te m p eratu re in th e room. O ne stu d en t from Wilson Hall said most of th e people on his floor NOW, OEI YOUR CAR I t s or the heating. felt “com fortable to w arm .” He said he is freezing, though. ■turn the heat off during th e day and don't use th e lights too lecause we don't study here," she said. , pjrton, 306 Campbell Hall, pointed out th a t often people energy by leaving appliances on when they a re not being “I t s te rrib le — I’ve g ot th e w orst room in th e dorm . I live a t th e end of th e hall, near th e side doors,” he complained. R esidence Halls m anager R obert Underwood said heating in I dorm itories is irregular because of th e design of th e o lder buddings. “O ur buildings are no m ore, no less en erg y deficient th an m ost Jbnserve energy, P arto n said she and her room m ate, “got Bankets and w e try not to keep th e h ea t up too high." buildings th a t w ere built w hen th ese w ere,” he said. “One of th e difficult th ings about heating is we have to h ea t th e Classic Car Wash has been remodeled, we now have wands t no one questioned was negative about energy cutbacks, a building to th e coldest room. W e have to think of th e individual," he Idents were less enthusiastic than others. added. w ith 1,000 lbs. of pressure. “W e may very well w aste a lot of en erg y . I’d have to say it w astes Great for: —engines fe in Chile topic a lot of energy ,” he continued. "H eating is a very im precise kind of science. W e really a re try in g to tune our controls as b e st as w e can. ” —wire wheels pan who experienced life in Chile before and after the —sail & dirt build-up a, \ Government of S alvador Allende was elected will speak at ting International Women’s Day. u Stela, an active m em ber of th e resistance movement l]he military ju n ta now ruling Chile, will speak a t 8:30 p.m. Classic Car Wash n the third floor of th e Union. The room num ber will be 2152 W. Grand River, Okemos I will speak on th e lifestyle and problem s of women in Latin (across from Bill Knapps) alk on terrorism M A C 'S ... jorism will be th e topic of a lecture by Carlos Rizoway, a Jal candidate from th e U niversity of Chicago, a t 1:30 HAT NIGHT! la y in the Union Gold Room. Fantastic Pitcher A D rink ■way will discuss th e techniques and origins of terrorism , specials all night long to hat ■plain the effects it hah on world peace as w ell as th e wearers. 2700f.M lch.Ave. Wear the most unique hat and llogical effects on people. West of Frondor get your photo in this ad! 'UN FASHIONS OR HEADING SOUTH G ran d D oor P r iz e : 1978 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme B R IN G T H E W H O L E F A M IL Y ! ireens is ready to let you play in all the exciting new Annual Meeting fashions for Spring Break. One M onday, M a rch 6 th txample, is this 2 piece Jogging MSU Auditorium DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 P.M. )uit from Joy See, made o f You must be registered by 7:30 p.m. p% cotton and priced at *26. to be eligible for door prize drawing / A n n u a l b u s in e s s m e e tin g / C o n su m e r In fo r m a tio n / F a m ily e n t e r t a i n m e n t WVIC w ill broadcast live this E le c tio n r e s u lt s / D o o r p r i z e d r a w in g [Saturday from Greens ast Lansing to celebrate YOU’RE NOT YET A CREDIT UNION MEMBER? Stop by and join by noon Monday — then join the festivities Monday evening! pus great HEADING SO U TH W EE K E N D The credit union will close at 3 p.m. Monday so the staff can make final preparations for the Annual Meeting. ttl MSU EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION EAST U N S im ; 600 E. Crescent • 9 to 5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 H'KOSS F R O M T H E S T U D E N T V N I O S 0 M ic h ig o n S to te .N e w s , Eost lo u s in g . M ic h ig o n Frid<>y. March I IN le e rs c o u ld s p o il U -M p la y o ff h o p e s eighth spot in th e league and it last five w eek s w ith a leg H O P IN G FOR TELEVISION EXPOSURE By JOE CENTERS will probably be one of th ese injury. D iPace h as h ad sw elling State News Sports Writer 16tl tw o te am s th a t will pack up its in his rig h t knee, th e sam e knee M S U c h e e rle a d e rs rated “I t would be nice to knock season a fte r th is w eekend. th a t w as o p erated o n la st y ea r them off." MSU assistan t hock­ “Michigan has practically got and forced him to m iss all o f la st ey coach Bill Sipola said about to win tw o gam es from us to season. Michigan. “It would be a g re a t m ake th e playoffs," Bessone T he second half o f M ichigan’s way to end our season." By CHERYL FISH said. “W hatever happens th is season h as been com parable to Head coach Amo Bessone M SU 's interco lleg iate te am s a r e n 't th e only ones conscious of w eekend will determ ine th e th e S p arta n s’. A t o n e point th is ju s t nodded his head in ag ree­ y ear, th e W olverines w ere 9-3 b e a tin g tra d itio n al riv a ls and break in g in to th e n atio n 's to p 20. ment. last four playoff spots." in th e WCHA an d now th e y 're T h e ch e e rle a d e rs also look for new s tu n ts an d s tra te g ie s to The MSU hockey team will Tonight will be th e la st hom e appearance for six of th is 1119. o u td o th e ir o p p o n en ts on th e sidelines. w rap up its season tonight a t One of th e b ig g e st disap­ T h e S p a rta n c h e erlea d ers a r e ran k ed 16th in th e nation th is Munn Ice A rena and S aturday y ea r’s seven seniors. Jim John ­ pointm ents fo r M ichigan has y e a r b y th e In te rn atio n a l C heerleading Foundation. T he sq u ad , in Ann A rbor against th e son had his college c a re e r cu t been sen io r D av e D ebol from co n sisting o f tw elv e an d four a lte rn a te m em bers, h as been W olverines. Even though th e sh o rt tw o w eeks ago w hen his St. C lair S hores. L a st season ra te d in th e to p 20 th r e e of th e p a st four y ears. S partans will finish in th e cellar appendix flared up and had to Debol led th e W CHA in scoring T h e c h e erlea d ers d ra w th e ir m o st atte n tio n w hen th e y build of th e W estern Collegiate Hock­ be rem oved. (34 goals and 37 assists), and he a pyram id w ith th e final m em b er perch in g h erself high ato p ey Association (WCHA) and out D ave Versical will be in th e w as selected to th e WCHA th e ir hum an tow er. of th e playoffs, they could keep n e ts for both gam es — thanks all-star team . H e w as also “W e g e t g r e a t satisfaction from b eing in fro n t o f such sp irited Michigan from any post-season to sophom ore M ark Mazzoleni nam ed to th e A ll-American crow ds," sen io r S u e S tim son said o f th e M SU fans. play. (who usually splits th e goal- T h ey m o st en jo y cheering fo r w inning te am s w ith team . E ight of th e top 10 WCHA te n d in g d u ty w ith Versical), Debol s ta r te d off stro n g this en th u siastic crow ds. T he b ask etb all te am ’s possibility o f an team s m ake th e playoffs and who’s giving up his chance to y ea r, b u t since C h ristm as, like NCAA b e rth an d regional and national television ex p o su re has going into th e last regular play so th a t th e senior can play th e r e s t o f th e te am , h as been in also g e n e ra te d ex c item en t am ong th e squad. w eekend of play, Michigan is in in his last tw o gam es. a slum p. Debol ran k s 10th in “You can be s u re w e'll be cheerin g a t o u r b est," S tim so n said. ninth place. A Spartan sweep league scoring w ith 18 goals M SU bask etb all w as on television fo r 10 local gam es an d tw o would definitely keep th e Wol­ The o th e r seniors who will an d 29 assists. regional NBC gam es. T h e football te a m h as been on p robation verines out of th e playoffs. wind up th e ir c a re ers a re P a t I t's been a long, to u g h season th e la st tw o y e a rs, w hich has k e p t it o ff television. A nything else, and who knows B etterly, Joey Campbell, M ark for MSU, and a sw eep ov er B u t th e w inning season did g e n e ra te in te re s t and increased w hat will happen? DeCenzo, Tim M cDonald and M arty M cLaughlin. Michigan could b e ju s t th e way atte n d a n c e a t S p a rta n S tadium . Jen iso n F ield h o u se w as a There is only a four-point to ta k e som e of th e s tin g o u t of sellout o f 9,886 for each o f th e 13 hom e b ask etb all gam es. spread sep aratin g fifth place Besides Johnson, Paul Kla- th e pain. A problem fo r th e squad a t th e m o m en t is lack o f available and ninth place. Minnesota- sinski and D arryl D iPace will “M ichigan is fig h tin g for funds to en ab le th e m to tra v e l to aw ay gam es. D uluth holds a slim one-point also m iss this w eekend's series. th e ir lives," B essone said. “W e h ave to pay o u r ow n w ay," S tim so n explained. “W e w an t lead over Michigan for th e Klasinski has been out th e But he’s s u re n o t going to go to go to th e M innesota gam e th is w eekend, b u t w e feel out of his w ay to g ive th em a discouraged b ecause th e r e isn’t enough money. W e w ould like helping hand. m ore financial su p p o rt.” Women swim m ers MSUINGS: J im Cunning­ ham, w ho s ta rte d off th e season w ith th e S p arta n s, is now To k eep th e sq u ad co nsistently ex cellen t, try o u ts a r e held each sp rin g for th e n ex t y e a r's team . Old m em b ers d o n ot autom atically m ake it again, and a re re q u ired to tr y o u t w ith playing w ith th e Philadelphia ev e ry o n e else. A s a resu lt, each new y e a r b rin g s m any fresh face regional field F ly ers o f th e N ational H ockey League. C unnignham had been playing in M aine in th e A m eri­ faces. “I t’s e ssen tial to h ave new ideas an d en th u siasm each y ea r," S tim son said. “I t k eep s th e g ro u p to g e th e r and on th e ir to es." A nother three-day m eet is in and having a d ea rth of ta len t. can League, b u t now he's This sp rin g , try o u ts will begin A p rin 5 a t 4 p.m . in Jen iso n sto re for th e MSU w om en’s The W olverines had six of th e g e ttin g his chance w ith th e big Fieldhouse. swimming team this w eekend eight finalists in many e v e n ts at club. A ccording to B essone, he The re q u ire m e n ts fo r joining a re a t le a st a 2.0 g rade-point and head coach Joel Feldm ann th e Big Ten Meet. had som e action ag a in st th e av erag e, 24 e a rn e d cred its an d e n ro llm e n t a s a full-tim e m ust be hoping for b e tte r luck W est Virginia, E a ste rn Mich­ Boston B ruins and p rom ptly stu d e n t. A physical exam ination is also req u ired . than th e S p arta n s had th e last igan and Bowling G reen also got into a scrap an d picked E d R u th e rfo rd , ad v ise r to th e c h e erlea d ers an d a s s is ta n t to tim e they en tered one of these ra te stro n g consideration, so up tw o m inor pen alties. B ut th e ath letic d ire cto r, s e ts up th e s tr u c tu r e o f th e try o u ts an d things. w here does this leave th e ag ain st th e Toronto M apleleafs m akes s u re it is fair to ev ery o n e. H e is w illing to ta k e Two w eeks ago, a t th e Big S partans? W ednesday, h e did n ’t see any s u g g estio n s from fans and c h e erlea d ers concerning m odifica­ Ten Cham pionships at th e U ni­ I t's safe to say som ew here in action. tions. v ersity of Illinois, illness th e top half of th e 28-team field. “W hen w e g e t so m eth in g w e th in k is good, w e'll u se it," he ■ 4 9 said. iRik- decim ated MSU’s ran k s and th e MSU will be paced by M elinda WCHA STANDINGS T h e re are th re e cu ts in th e try o u ts. T h e first o ne is ju d g e d by S partans struggled to an W hitcom b, Big Ten champion 7 'm i I IB W Pts. sen io rs w ho a r e no longer eligible to ch eer. T h e o th e r tw o a re i f eighth-place finish as th e Uni­ and record s e tte r in th e 50-yard D enver 25 50 ju d g ed by local gy m n astic an d physical education te ach ers. ■ i^ k sc i s V versity of M ichigan won easily. freestyle. T he N ew Y ork senior W isconsin 19 40 R eq u irem en ts in th e ro u tin es v ary slig h tly for m en an d w om en. T he W olverines a re hosting is seeded second in both th e Mich. Tech 20 10 40 Som e of th e m a r e sh o u ld er sta n d s, cartw h eels, pom-pom th is w eekend’s M idw est R e­ 100-yard b reaststro k e and 200- M innesota J7 17 12 35 ro u tin es, s tra d d le p resses, splits, ju m p s an d chants. Specific f j gional which winds up S aturday y ard individual medley. C olorado Coll. 13 17 26 qualities to be w atched fo r a r e given to th e ju d g e s, an d th e y evening a fte r th re e days of F re e sty le r Vicki L e F e v re is I N o tre D am e 12 15 25 ususally req u ire g race, e re c t body, en th u siasm , precision, and com petition. seeded in both th e 50- and v l N o rth D akota 12 18 24 in som e cases originality. S cores a re calculated num erically on Michigan m ust rule a s a solid 100-yard races. F reshm an J M inn.-D uluth 11 10 23 favorite, being in its ow n pool A udrey Flood is still battling illness and will join th e team Michigan MSU u 7 22 19 22 15 a one-to-ten point basis for each item . Once a te am is chosen, th e y a re ex p e cted to a tte n d a re g u la r schedule of p ractice s and gam es. A v a rs ity le tte r will n o t be Ml \f » I K M w I S aturday, swim m ing in th e F GAM ES TH IS W E EK EN D : aw ard ed unless th e y ch eer for football and basketball. Varsity Club 100-yard freestyle, 50-yard b u t­ Michigan at MSU tonight “W e w an t com m itted people th a t will w ork an d g et H i ! terfly and 400-yard freestyle MSU a t Michigan Saturday involved," S tim son said. The MSU Men’s V arsity Club relay. Colorado College a t D en v er T he effo rts a re self-satisfying, a s w ell a s recognized by will m eet in th e V arsity Club D ivers Jean n e M ikle, P a t tonight o th e rs. R u th erfo rd said th a t he feels, “th e fans realize how good room Sunday a t 6:30 p.m. McDonnell, A n n ette K ubiske D en v er a t Colorado College th e ch eerlead ers are. J u d H eath co te (b ask etb all coach) h as also T h e re will be a chicken dinner and S ue F redley and sw im m ers S atu rd a y gone o ut of his w ay to show his ap p reciatio n .” State Nows/Kathy KR w ith th e initiation and discus­ Colleen O’Malia, K aren W aite M ichigan Tech a t M inn.-Duluth M ost of all, Stim son said ch e erlea d in g is a fun sp o rt. MSU's cheerleading squad builds its gigantic human pyramid with last memlx sion of a spring te rm celebrity and D ebbie A lberts round out M innesota a t N orth D akota " It’s a balance of fun, w ork an d friendships." perched high atop it before the student section at a recent basketball guu.| softball game. MSU’s tra v elin g squad. N o tre D am e a t Wisconsin r DELIVERY AVAILABLE 1 NO CHECKS ACCEPTED I ■Transmission Strike - it Lucky 1 I ■Maintenance Special 1 F R EPizza B u y an y M e d iu m E! I > Change transm ission fluid ■ A djust bands. ■ Clean screen. $095 fo r an afternoon or evening of 1 At t h e r e g u la r p r ic e • Replace pan-gasket. ■ C om plete road test. ^ plus fluid entertainm ent .I G e t I d e n tic a l PI Z Z A FREE 6026S.Cedar 393-7540 •40Lanes 1 Little Caesars Pizza I 1203 E.Gd. River I Cat Miller) •Automatic Specials 1 1 jjjjj M utt have coupon SN 337 -1631 S Coupon Expire, O ne coupon p er order Scorers R e n t - a - la n e Games I0 t Add 70C Children PAYLESS TIRE INC. •Cocktail Bar •Restaurant Bowl as many games as you want Weekdays t # | 5:10P| g after II :3d I-j COM! IN AND CELEBRATE S u n d a y n ig h ts 11:0 0 p . m . - 1:0 0 a .m . Sat. < Sun. 9:0FN The grand opening of East Lansing's newest and most complete •n (u p to s ix p e rs o n s p e r la n fl) 2:00 (T Tire Center. *6 . 0 0 per lane VW's, Toyota, and oth er imports Full 4 Ply Polyester N o w F e a tu rin g R e n t-a -L a n e 4 f o r *S S 600-12 i-Thurs: 12:00 o.m. ■2:00 o .™ /* 4 fa r *5 9 5 6 0 -1 5 4 fa r *6 3 6 0 0 -1 5 £ B FET 1.53 1.81 Li ** 1 fjjSJ! S S ti J® FAST ^B• O U A ^B W...... rn m n r SERVICE BjjjHBj PERFORMANCE O pen Bowling TIRES ON SALE FREE _ F R ID A Y layaw ay N ow ft Save Big $ MOUNTING Holiday 70-60-50 Series except s p lit rims G S U P E R TG 3 -6 G H a lf Price B eer, M a rtin is , Raised W hite Letter ALL BRAND • M a n h a tte n t NEW TIRES 1 5 C HOT DOGS ^ A t the A lle W e J w G ive A w a y Fun b Payless Tire Inc. 332-6545 Open 8:30-6:00 Dai 8:30-5:00 Sat. Lanes Just N orth of Frandor 1054 East Grand Rivar G G G t « 7 G Just 1 Blk. E. MSU Campus 3101 E. GRAND RIVER 337-9T75 FOUR HAVE SHOT AT INDIVIDUAL TITLES ankers look for seniors to win Buses carry fans Give to greet cagers blood. By LARKY LILLIS MSU head swimming coach Dick Fetters said. 1 think, though, S U te N ew s Sports Writer that if w e work hard we should do all right.” ■t will takc superhuman individual efforts for th e MSU men's MSU seniors Mike Rado and Shawn Elkins have the b est KLmine team to break into the top three in th e Big Ten meet chances of taking Big Ten titles. Elkins is the defending conference lin t placein Champaign, IU., thfa weekend. The MSU Student Foundation is sponsoring four buses to Ihe 200-yard butterfly. Rado will be trying to defend his take fans to Lansing Capitol Airport Sunday afternoon to greet * ‘ t year the Spartan swimmers overcame great odds to end up 1977 200-yard individual medley crown. •hird Place' w‘" *lave basically the same team as last year, I will need b etter performances if they are going to repeat last Other Spartans who have a chance of winning individual titles the basketball team when it arrives home from its two-game road trip. SPRING FACULTY-STAFF are seniors Jim Dauw and Jesse Griffin. Griffin is an All-American Ur's finish. .L tearo favored to take the m eet is Indiana. The Hoosiera have in the three meter diving e v e n t but he will have stiff competition Buses will leave from Jeniaon Fieldhouse at noon carrying the first 200 fans. The team ia expected to arrive at the airport RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE in the meet. Most of his competition will come from Matt Chellich L ch depth th a t it is highly unlikely they will be beaten. of Michigan and Kent Vossler of Ohio State. at 12:45 p.m. after playing a t Minnesota Saturday. P itt Rooms 247-248, Olin Health Center j L competition of the m eet will be for the next tw o spots. MSU’s game with the second-place Gophers will begin at 4:90 T itt 10 a.m. • 4 p.m. In an earlier meet held at Ann Arbor, Chellich beat Griffin in the p.m. and is televised on Channels 8 and 10. L e should be quite a battle between Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio three-meter diving. t , anlj Michigan State for second and third place. Mfc Tuesday, March 28,1978 Dauw will be swimming in the freestyle events for the Spartans. [SU lost to both Wisconsin and Michigan this year in earlier So far this year Dauw has gotten better tim es in each m eet. He Clifc Lorraine Damorest • 5-5055 I meets. The scores in both of thdse m eets w ere large. The needs to continue improving to have a good chance of placing. ians beat Ohio State, but it w as only by three points. Irene M ain -5-6550 All those that place in the top three in the Big Ten will be We will be hard pressed to repeat our showing of last year," eligible to advance to the NCAA tournament or Elaine W all-5-0290 to m oke an appointment to Tracksters full strength for Big Ten donata blood during the sch- odu lin g period, Morch 6*13,1978. RedCross If It i t n ot possible fo r you to m oke an appointment, walk-ins counting on you. A e first indoor women's Big ■track championship will be 1 in Madison, Wis. over the Rend, bringing th e indoor MSU coach Cheryl Flanagan aaid she will have the team in full strength at Madison. The invitational begins today across the nation. It's going to be really tough, and strong in the next couple of years,” she said. we're going to g et from the other team s to split up Wiscon­ sin's points. W e have a fighting chance if we can just click." The MSU ski club team took first place last weekend at the w ill bo occoptod. Employees are given release tim e fo r the pur­ pose o f donating blood. f to a close. And the with time trials, many semi­ Regional Collegiate Race held at Crystal Mountain in Thompaon- “I don't think Minnesota has .tans, 3-2 this year, and the ville. It was the team's final race this season. finals and the 3,000-meter much on tesm strength, and lading Big Ten outdoor finals. we've already met and beaten The men's team took home the first-place trophy with a total of Eps, are out to win indoors. “W e hope to win,” Flanagan Illinois, Purdue and Ohio M 101 points for both the slalom and giant slalom events. Head 1 # women, who had been said. “There's going to be good, State,” Flanagan said. coach Don MacKenzie took first place in the slalom and John Hach Erious in their first few stiff competition and it's going The team to beat, Flanagan placed second. iationals, finished off the to take some fine performances believes, is Wisconsin. The Clem's Clams, Independent Itw o regular season invita- to do well. It's going to be really The women took third place overall with a total of 24 points. Badgers handed MSU ita first Inner-tube IM Water Polo | l s in Illinois and Eastern tight.” Michigan won with 45 points. Sheri Greenawalt placed third in the loss of the season two weeks champions the past three years, E p n with second-place fin- slalom for MSU. Flanagan isn't too concerned ago in the Illinois Invitational. will attem pt a fourth straight with most of th e schools in the “I really think it's going to be championship in the finals MSU men's and women's bowling club team s placed third in the hwever. many of the more m eet although she said the between us and Wisconsin,” against Stooges II Sunday a t 4 recent Region VII Association of College Unions Tournament. Tom Jtanding team members, calibre of competition is stead­ Flanagan said. "Our winning p.m. in the Women's IM Build­ Reaume placed second in all events and will advance to the ■distance runner Sue Lat- ily improving. will depend on how much help ing Upper pool. national finals in St. Louis. were away at competitive “Teams are getting better, hnal meets. not just in the Big Ten, but SPAGHETTI Our roputaflon hot boon VIA!I provon. Wo offor tho fln o tf EAST LANSING I V I I KALAMAZOO SPECIAL ALL Y O U C A N R A T IY IK Y Chlnoio cooking In this oroa. Toko out torvlco It available. M u s lin , SU N D A Y FROM 4 P M . a n d Lace . . . Our own home made mealy spaghetti served w ith hot rolls Beautiful new plus a help yourself salad bar. ♦ 2 .2 5 KiTeS spring sundresses Affe FuN ! P A F e^ C udT H , * 1 5 .0 0 - ^ £lLK" DECoffaTiVE * 1 8 .0 0 CORNER CLIPPER! and VINE AND FUNCTIONAL" ta p Sleeve T-Shirts . . . . * 8 .5 0 (across from Sears in Frondor) Phone 351-2217 ^ TAKE TD THE AIR.1. Peasant S k irts .....................*12.50 I 532 FflWoR W i-oV\T Coordinated T o p s * 9 .5 0 P R O M * 4 6 9 M O ICT PROM LANSINO HU 529 E. Grand River E. Lansing Contact MSU Ski Club 353-5199 HELP WELCOME YOUR 240 Mens I.M. BIG TEN CHAMPIONS HOME! M-T-W-Sat. 9-6 Thur.-Fri. 9-9 or MSU Sports Club Office 230 Men's I.M. INCLUSIVE FEATURES: • Roundtrip Hawaii flights via Northwest Orient • Flower lei greeting • Special Tour — Island of Oahu AtSpartan • Handling and tips tor two pieces ot luggage • • • Special orientation briefing Pre-registration of your rooms at hotel Transportation between airport and hotel Basketball it • Travel Arrangements local Tour Directors • Tax and service Appreciation' Rally 12:45 SU N DAY, M A RCH 5th W RESTAURANT LA N SIN G CAPITAL A IRPO RT COCKTAILS, BEER & WINE 23 Complete Italian and -AJoin the band, cheerleaders, and the people of Lan­ American Dinners including: sing in welcoming home the Big Ten Basketball Champ­ Prim* Ribs Chicken Cacciatota Sirloin Shlsh Kabob Lasagne ion Spartans. Barbequed Spare Ribs Veal Scalloppini Fantail Shrimp Perch Milanese from 2.95 Let's show them how much we appreciate the thrills If you're hungry a fte r our co m p le te d in n e r w e 'll b rin g you o il th e sp a g h e tti yo u can eat tree. they gave us all season long, and give them a giant SUNDAY SPECIALS boost as they prepare for post-season play. BRUNCH BUFFET 1 0:00-2:00 2.75 FREE BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM THE AIRPORT FOR THE FIRST 200 STUDENTS TO ARRIVE. BUSES WILL BE Roots SPAGHETTI DINNER All you can eat 5-10 1.59 LEAVING JENISON FIELDHOUSE PARKING LOT AT 12 NOON SUNDAY. DINNER BUFFET 220M .A .C . 5:00-10:00 3.95 (The University Mall) (N e x t to P eoples C hurch) Sponsored by MSU Student Foundation Spartan Spirits and the East Lansing, Michigan PH. 337-1755 ASMSU Student Board. 332-2212 130 W. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING 1 0 M ic h ig o n Stoto N ew t, Eoat Lonaing. Michigan I lf fi* 15« f i' ill' \ t 541 E. Grand River ,j l: (across from Baritay Hall) 'f i 'i i rP I "VottTl never 1*15. -jt I' $ It 1 fI K njox the sun in a fresh leave utUlffl nungyy 1009c cotton “B o rd e rlin e " on Friday' sundress. T he e la sticize d bodice p ices fo r m - fittin g ALL YOU CAN EAT ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS shape, the flo u n c e is • Valaclpada Paddlar G Nautilus $2« • ; Elderly Instruments (awtlgues A crafts) so m eth in g to d ance • Jo-El Gomes A Gifts 9 J o i Copying 4 Pw- 1p in F ry ^ • F lo t Block A Circular § Kitchen Cupboard Tortor Sauce, rye bread, Iri*,, about. (used records A tapes) # Family of Man dam chow Acole slow. 0 Great la kes AM Supply G i rei ler's tea Cream Comes w ith m a tc h in g (wilderness outfitters) . Paramount News International Hoik, scarf. B y K avser. $ 2 0 . I m • m iM io u i 3 5 1 .7 7 8 4 MOOt.Crwd ☆ Daily Happy Hours Read... And Watch ☆ Nightly Drink Specials Your Worid Grow! ^ B o tto m s ^ p r W h n University Mall ■2nd Laval 10-6 Mon-Sat ☆ Sunday Nite r ^ f c . ‘ 220 M. A.C. East Lansing 10-0 Thun. M r t Mjnt Spaghetti AH you topi* kit prod r can Eat M n h p fry Acareer in law- ☆ Large Screen TV Folk Entertainment M v ’sMpstfii-it without law scbom. Footlong Chili Dogs 80e yentifwol W hat can you d o w ith only a ba c h e lo r's degree? 2 - 5 F riday N ow there is a way to bridge th e gap Detween an undergraduate education and a ch allen ging , responsible career. The Law yer's A s s is ta n t Is able to d o w ork tra d i­ tio n a lly done by lawyers. Three m onths of Intensive tra in in g can give you the VACHTy INN Absolutely hundreds of "How to” titles for snrim on everythin* from afghani to zinnias are here no* GOOD FOOD • PIZZA • DRINKS just burstin* their covers to help your world grow ' s k ills — th e courses are ta u g h t by lawyers. You choose So com e on, open your mind. Open a book at one of th e seven courses o ffe re d — choo se the c ity In aOpen M-F: 11 e.m. Sat.-Sun.: Noon Paramount Newscenters soon. w hich you w a nt to work. S ince 1970, The In s titu te fo r Paralegal Training has 1227 E. Grand Rivor Paramount placed m ore than 2,000 gradua tes In law firm s, banks, jH H k . Wont of Hagadorn \ Newscenters and corporations in over 80 citie s. 332-6S17 Laaalaa: 102 S.WnUigtoi Avt. If you are a senior o f high acad em ic sta n d in g and are 2819 W . Saglaaw .East Lanin interested in a career as a Law yer's A ssista n t, w e 'd like 537 E. Graad River Ave. to m eet you. Open 7 days a wttk to serve you C ontact your placem ent o ffic e fo r an in te rv ie w w ith our representative. Wb w ill visit your c am pus on: Tuesday, March 7 Wednesday, Match 8 We H ave The Complete The Institute for Bass Story For Your Paralegal Training 235 South 17th Street. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 19103 (215) 732-6600 Operated by Para-Legal, Inc Every Need Shoes for Now For Women JVC BUILDS IN WHAT THE OTHERS LEAVE OUT JVC’S EXCLUSIVE Squeejuns JR-S600 MK. II AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER $659. 9 5 S E A. GRAPHIC EQUALIZER in s te a d o f ju s t th e tw o o r th re e to n e c o n ­ tro ls o ffe re d o n m o s t re c e iv e rs , th e JVC m o d e ls JR -S 6 00 t h ro u g h SOOmarkO fe a tu re th e p o p u la r JV C e x c lu s iv e S E A. G ra p h ic E q u a liz e r. It b rin g s tru e s tu d io - q u a lity s o u n d e q u a liz a tio n in to y o u r lis ­ te n in g ro o m a t n o e x tra co s t. E a ch S E A. u n it ha s fiv e s e p a ra te “ to n e z o n e " c o n ­ tro ls . The se have c e n te r fre q u e n c ie s o f 40H z, 250H z, 1kH z, 5 k H z a n d 15kH z. JVC's most powerful receiver. S.E.A./S.E.A. Recording, sensitive stereo FM tuner section, toroida l power transform er fo r dynamic high power. Sophisticated knobless design. S in c e ea ch c o n tr o l m ay be a d ju s te d u p to ± 1 2 d B at its fre q u e n c y , in 2 d B in c re ­ m e n ts . y o u c a n c r e a te a s m a n y as Shoes for Men JR-S400 MK. II 3 7 1 ,2 9 3 d iff e r e n t s o u n d e q u a liz a tio n c o m b in a tio n s . S .E .A . ha s w o n m any, BASSWEEJUNS Men’s lQO’s AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER $549. m a n y frie n d s fo r JV C o v e r th e years. It w a s and is th e m o s t e ffe c tiv e , e c o n o m i­ ca l tru e g ra p h ic e q u a liz a tio n system on th e m a rk e t, and a d d s in fin ite v e rs a tility to y o u r m u s ic -lis te n in g p leasure. Y o u 'll fin d e n d le s s p ra c tic a l uses fo r S.E .A It le ts y o u c o m p e n s a te fo r d e ­ fic ie n c ie s in s p e a k e r system s, p h o n o c a r­ trid g e re s p o n s e , ro o m a c o u s tic s o r old, ___________ p o o r-q u a lity re c o rd in g s , fo r in stan ce. A new d e v e lo p m e n t c a lle d SCL Lower price and power b ut the same high-quality c irc u itry as in (S e m ic o n d u c to r-L ) in th e JV C receive rs the JR-S600. S.E.Ar./S.E.A. Recording, Tape 1 to 2 dubbing, w ith S.E.A. has re p la c e d th e in d u c tiv e pushbutton source selection, low-noise FE T RF amp in FM, much mors. c o ils , c o m m o n ly used in c o n v e n tio n a l g ra p h ic e q u a liz e rs . S C L s g re a tly re d u c e in d u c tio n hu m n o is e and d is to rtio n . For Sandals for Spring Vacation JR-S300 MK. II $429.9 5 m aking tap e re co rd in g s w ith cus- AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER . tomized S.E.A. equalization, JVC has equipped the JR-S600 throug h 300 markII receivers with an S.E.A. record­ High Wood Sandals SUN JUNS ing facility. \ ge\ H i9 h p e r f o r m a n c e / p r ic e r a t io , c le a n ' k n o b l e s s '' r e c e iv e r w it h s o p h is t i c a t e d OCL l u ll c o m p , p o w e r a m p , la r g e t r a n s i s t o r s a n d c a p a c i t o r s (o r c le a n m u s ic a l r e p r o d u c t i o n S . E . A ; s E .A . R e c o r d i n g , s u p e r io r t u n e r a n d m o r e . S.E.A. Graphic Equalizer H I-F I B U Y S 7 VISA 1101 E. GRAND RIVER E- L. PH. 337-1767 M-F 10-8 S- 9-5 FREE PARKING - 4810 W. SAGINAW LAN. PH. 321-2373 FINA N CING - M-F 11-8 S9-S LAYAWAY M S IIB O O T E R Y 225 E. Grand Rivor Opan tonight til 9 \ mSm Sat. til 6 Michigan S lot* N«w», Eo$t Lonting. Michlgon G as tax faces House Students attend blockade Two MSU stu d e n ts p artici­ M arquardt a re m em bers of to leave port, said Mike Manol- TSTen Pound Fiddle PRESENTS B y C H R IS P A R K S pated in a blockade of seal-hunt­ th e average family $20 p er car per year Greenpeace, a worldwide o r­ son, director of th e G reenpeace LANSING (UPI) — T he H om e Taxation supporters said. ’ ing ships M onday in th e harb o r ganization attem pting to stop M ontreal office. A s one of th e km m ittee Thuraday narrow ly approved a 2 A fter well over a y ear of exhaustive of Halifax, Nova Scotia, th e all hunting of whales and seals. seal ships attem p ted to back ents .per-gallon gasoline ta x hike beginning a S ta te N ew s has learned. negotiations, th e often contentious mass The Greenpeace boats su r­ up, one of th e small, inflatable F I , w a i t e d package of bills to upgrade th e tra n sit and road lobbies have joined forces to Environm ental education rounded th e tw o 170-foot seal boats nudged ag ain st th e s te rn L ,j* 's transportation system . support th e package which is also backed by m ajors L aura Brock and Jim hunting ships as they prepared of th e ship, he said. Two Republicans joined seven D em ocrats Gov. William G. Milliken and key lawm akers. The crew on th e deck th rew iriving the controversial m easure th e ininimum nine votes it needed to clear th e B ut th e plan faces a tough fight in the garbage and o th e r debris into $2.50 legislature because of politicians' reluctance th e small boat, Manoison said. B7 member com m ittee and reach th e House Boor. Two minor p a rts of th e package w ere Lproved by another panel. to raise taxes in an election year and the suspicions of o u tsta ters th a t it will mostly Art sale scheduled G reenpeace m em ber Jo h n Ben­ n e tt was throw n from th e For old-tim ey fiddling and lonesome mountain ballad singing, Tracy Schwarz can't be benefit D etroit-area mass tra n sit systems. inflatable as it re treate d beat. Both as a soloist and as one of the New ' The gas tax bill, which a ls a provides for a 2 An a r t sale featuring w orks from selected Michigan a rtists through th e ship's w ake, but L ost City Ramblers, he’s built a reputation as L t s - p e r gallon diesel tax increase, will raise Legislation approved Thursday by the including MSU faculty m em bers and students will be held House U rban Affairs Comm ittee renam es the Sunday, M arch S, through S atu rd ay . March 11. The sale will be w as rescued, Manoison said. one of America’s finest old-tim ey musicians. EL million of the $147/ million in new Both ships successfully left Evenue. The package would improve the D epartm ent of S ta te H ighw ays and T ran s­ held a t th e Hope-Borbas-Okemos branch of th e Ingham County jute's local roads and liighways. build up portation as th e Transportation D epartm ent. Public Library. po rt disregarding th e a tte m p t­ Old College Hall in the MSUnion Grill I t also gives th e governor th e pow er to ed blockade, he said. l L s transit system s and subsidize railroads. The public is invited to m e et th e a rtists and open th e sale on I The rest of the money will come from a 30 appoint th e departm ent director. Sunday, from 2 to 4 p.m . T he sale will also be held n ext Monday jercent increase in license plate fees — a A constitutional am endm ent will be re ­ from 10 a.m . to 9 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday from noon to 9 (eparate measure still in committee. p.m. and F rid ay and S a tu rd a y from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Another Jewish Singles quired to make th e appointm ent change Together, the two tax measures will cost effective. The library is located on Clinton S tre e t in Okemos. Information and directions can b e obtained by calling 349-0250. Dance Saturday, March 4 9 p.m. -1 a.m. Free beer - wine - refreshments Trivia prizes • discjockey $2.M covercharge Transportation provided •call 485-2397 Congregation Shaary Zedek 1924 Coolidge Rd. E. Lansing, Mi. M ow iH ow m a the last question a science fiction classic by isaac asimov narrated by leonard nimoy fri. & sat. 8 & 10 pm sun. 2 & 4 pm OUTDOOR OBSERVING AFTER 8PM SHOWS ALBUM & LIGHTSHOW AFTER 10PM SHOWS THIS WEEK FEATURING: G reat Music Moments from Science Fiction 0 ^ P L A N E T A R IU M 355*4672 NOBODY BEEFS ABOUT OUR STEAKS. The most admired and best-liked film at Cannes | i s year, Werner Herzog's film w ill surely signal P ' director's breakthrough from cult favorite to ptversally recognized master film m a k e r. In this Pdaptation of the Kaspar Hauser legend (about the Pdden appearance in !820's Germany of a young Pan with no memory and no knowledge ot the out- P t world). Kaspar is seen as another of Herzog's Paginal characters in extremis Every Man for its e lf" is the director's most accessible and most p in g film And Bruno S does more than ' play” p a r ; he m ysteriously embodies the spirit of a p c h ild m a threatening land Grand Special Jury r ® . Cannes Festival lEHERYMANFMHMSELF GREAT TASTING STEAKS AT A PRICE THAT’S EASY TO SWALLOW. ANDGODAGAINSTALL T H E g r e a t ALE b re w e d in c a n a d * At Ponderosa Steakhouse. you gel a steak that's broiled the w ay you (The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser) order it A b a k e d potato A large buttered roll And s a l a d - a s m uch as len ami Directed by Werner H er/og Starring Bruno S you want ■■trom our salad b ar The only cuts w e sell a re Sirloins. T-Bones a n d Rib-Eyes. All USDA inspected an d ap p ro v ed Soil isn't just the low prices that m ake our meals *'• &SAT. 7:30 8 9:30 100 ENGINEERING A so great, its the steaks | SUN. 8:00 UNION PARLORS 1A s q u M « i)tW ‘ 25 Chances are, you rush through a lot of your life. Stop. Relax. Take your time. lY ’1■• STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY WELCOME Enjoy the hearty happy flavor of O'Keefe Canadian Ale. One sip at a time. A little ID'S MAY BE CHECKED. goes a long way to satisfy your thirst, to satisfy your taste. It’s that good. 6E«MAN WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, 1975. Printed in U.S.A. Imported by Century Importers, Inc. New York, N.Y. 10022 T 12 M ic h ig o n S to le N e w s . Eost lo n s in g , M ic h ig a n ■IB f : >■ify te fp fp X ^ ln lD lfD ^ ) if* 4 Anti-Rape Group meets at 4 TONIOHT AND SATURDAY Announcements for It's W hat Happening must be received in the p.m. Sunday 320 Student Services Bldg. Open to all women interest­ Department of The«tre State News office, 343 Student Presents Services Bldg., by noon at least two class days before publication. No announcements w ill be accept­ ed by phone. ed in helping stop rape on campus. The European Association of STEVE OH, DAD, POOR DAD "More Than A Million Years" a film by Amnesty International shown at 1:30 today, ConCon Room. Sponsored by Asian Stud­ MSU has a meeting at 7 p.m. Sunday, Study Lounge, second floor. West Owen Hall. All wel­ come. (continued on page 13) GCXXMW M AM M A'S HUNG YOU IN THE CLOSET AND I'M FEELING g o s i n ies Center. All interested persons come rap FOR ADULTS ONLY Feb. 28-Mar. 4; Mar. 8-11 on sexist violence and rape with Pillow Furniture ARENA THEATRE 8:15 pOn June 3.1953 Billy Joe McAllister ' jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge. 8 & 10:30 pm Tallahatchie River give* up its secret* . within the haunting ballad Erickson Kiva that swept America. Filmed in color and personally narrated by T IC K E T S : 3.00 at MSUnion Ticket Office and Wazoo Records lWhatthe song didn’t tedyou A divisio n j f the ASM SU Program m ing Board. This conce rt made possible, in part, b y a grant fro m the N a tional E n dow m ent fo r the the movie wfiL STMJWDfjLEI' A rts , in W ashington, D.C.. a federal agency. N o t accessible. Come along fo r some tun in the sun as Stan Midgley conducts a “ chucklelogue” tour o f one o f our most sccnically breathtaking states. The Grand Canyon, Opan A t 7:00 P.M. mam mfomuicr * m OPEN A t 7:00 P.M. Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, the cities of Phoenix, Scottsdale, Flagstaff and Feature 7:15-9:20 Sot-Sun A t 5:15 ICHIGAN TODAY . . . A f 7:20-9:20 Sat-Sun A t 1:20-3:20 others. You’ll visit with Hopi and Apache Thfat-c lanv’q indians. Marble Canyon, the new National 7:20-9:25 P.M. MSMINGI0N ■OONNIMN 5:20-7:20-9:20P.M. Monument. Three seasons of delightful 7)3 H. HASHING10* ■DOWNTOWN FROMIKE #1 BESTSELLINGTHRILLER! sightseeing for the entire family. Harold Robbins Imagine your people. life hangs by a thread. What you Imagine your M fd l3 & 4 dream body hangs a! 8 :0 0 P .M . in th e U n iv e rs ity A uditorium byawire. Imagine you're T ic k e ts $ 2 .0 0 a t th e d o o r o nly. One child u n d e r 12 a d m itte d free w ith each paid not imagining. HAROLD a d u lt a d m issio n . H a lf-p ric e fo r additional c h ild re n u n d e r 12 years. M f TR0 GOlOWYN MAYER presents M S U s tu d e n ts : F R E E w ith valid I D. ROBBINS’ J n TONIOHT AND SATURDAY l ij kanavwun M tiHocotoR United Artists SHOWTIMES: 7:30 ONLY m SAT SUN EARLY BIRD SPECIAL SHOWPLACE: 111 OLDS 4:50-5:20 P.M. • ADULTS *1 An Allied Artists/Harold Robbins International Production An Allied Artists Release ADMISSION: ’ I . 90 t I9TH A llie d A n .s i. P icture* C*>rp Sat-Sun Early Bird Spacial 4:50-5:20 P.M. • * 1 ." rnn 1 NOQUi WOMuriON ]»m TOIICKT orai m s on •n torta in m o nt service o l beat U m t. Student* faculty A staff welcome Id s checked. C om ing A p ril 1: John Roberts PUERTO RICO_______ J W J i O U N O .W I. 0 O W II0 M SHOWS720920 Today O pan 7:00 P.M. Faotura A t 7:20-9:30 Sat £ Sun A t 5:25-7:25-9:30 SAT & SUN 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:20 America’s No. 1 Comedy Hit! EBONY PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS Academy Award MEL BROOKS Nomination JOHN TRAVOLTA RUFUS/CHAKA KHAN Best Actor plus extra special guest of The Year HEATWAVE APRIL 17 — Munn Ice Arena mum MADELINE KAHN-CLORIS LEAdlAH ARVEV KORMAN Addad - Pink P onthar C artoon I Novalty TICKETS ON SALE WEDNESDAY WATCH FOR TICKET INFORMATION ■Michigan S ta te N e w s. £ a» t l a m i n a . M lehtam . Fridoy, March 3, 1978 13 ltepfp)@m)S(n)@ F€€D !■ c i i c i r l H I at the Union Acth/Met p ag e 12) [out about MSU'i electric ■office on the eecond floor I union. Intermediary; the y^bdjbtowandSpeech Science Mjkws- Dont forget the T.G. at 3.30 p.m. at 521 E. Grand River, (continued on p age 14) JERRY LEWIS f cl I0H2AY MARCH 19 V v organization. ' ••• J im ’S TIFFANY PLACE - , Lori Clpperone, Ingham L Enorgy Office, epaak on MCAT • DAT • LSAT • 6RE IWB SHOWS at 4:30 A 9:30 I Energy Coneenretion at 7 G O O D F O O D AT A H Sunday at Abrahamic Com- BMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT E 320 M.A.C. ¥ ' to o MSU public hearing. Discuss ■ # 1 ,1 ,1 , ECFMG*FLEX*VQE LANSIN6°(ATH0U( REASONABLE PRICE! boycott of unratifiad states |to vote on resolution to It at 3 p.m. today in room 4 NATL DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS CENTRAL 5 F ltiiblt Programs a Hoars e .« .r .1 M a r s h a ll A S .g i . . « I . . , , . , mt Services Bldg. • ** Thtrg S *A fpnnM {(r „ Parents meeting will be • a 6 p m. Monday in the AIL TICKETS $7*° on salt at all n Village Daycare Center. iN M tf MIN-A-MART STORES © . EDUCATIONAL O f e I cCENTER StaleNews Ttsl Preparation Specialist! Sinco I t t t For Information Newsline jvrlfo o r call: 29224 Orchard 355-3382 *o o d Suite 206 fa rm in g ! M l 4 IQ ig {J i2 ) 1514113 . m**•"as cititt e * j j w t a > i c a M 4 lu g w o . S w itw ia a d Box O ffice OpsntAt 6:30 P.M. lj V S » — © I Show Starts I If you’ve always thought of Jim's T iffa n y P la ce I A t 7:00 P.M. I ■Ml ■Aim as a restaurant that was too expensive, or too [ formal, then think again! Yes, even a student T D O O EY S budget can afford the good food served a t Jim’s T iffa n y P la c e . Located one block east of the Capitol on (Tlichigan Avenue, Jim’s T iffa n y P la c e has MOREAU been famous since 1914 for their good food, reasonable BUR ! LANCASTER prices ond excellent service. M IC H A E L YORK BARBARA CARRERA Sure, you COULD spend twenty dollars on a dinner ■ ™ E G R E A T E S T A F R tC A N ■ - a dinner for two that is - a special offered every A D V E N T U R E E V E R F IL M E D . evening. The ’’Dinner for Two” special allows your choice of the “ Athenian Fore” or the “ Beefeater’s Fare to satisfy a toste for Greek or American food. SUNDAY, MARCH 5- 8s 10:30pm These dinners include o gloss of wine, Sogonoki appetizer, solod, choice of beverage ond homemode dessert. |jjEJMRVINwROGffi^dRE |STAR OF 'MAKE A WISH' TICKETS 4.50 IN ADVANCE Jim’s T iffa n y P la ce offers o “ Roost Prime Rib” ■ f c s w , special on fTlondoy ond Tuesday ond their “ Greek I SOSM/SON-CmUSHFPHEW 1 [ s p e c ia l w ADVANCE TICKETS FOR ALL SHOWS Feast on Wednesday and Thursday. So. almost every AVAILABLE NOW AT [d e liv e r y :: noun nr® at day brings something different in dining to meet even the student’s wallet. MERIDIAN 8 ai— '— - I I - ■( j*|r , 4l m i“ I W s A H n a " ti including beet Picture RECORDLAND IANSNG ARC MEIOTAH MAI IS A l\, Next time, think of Jim’s T iffa n y P la ce . There’s plenty of free parking every evening ofter five. They’re lit Jane Fonda open 11 om - 10 pm fTlondoy through Saturday, Vanessa cocktails ’til fllidnight. Closed Sundays ond major Redgrave holidays. Phone 3 7 2 -4 3 0 0 . Treat yourself to good frlday 5:l5-7:45.|0tl5 American ond Greek food a t a reasonable price!! _Twlllta4i45-5il5 Aduhc ■!.“ . RICHARD DREYFUSS MARSHA MASON SPO N SO R ED o r : Fridtty 4:45-5:45-7:00«40f:M I0:J0 RAM0M* 8 t #3 RISTAURANT JSL TvrilWa 4:15^:45-5:15-5:45 Adults ‘I In1848 h e rod e across the great plains me plains- - jja I !> LOUNOI AND m ™ Sunday Buffet '4.95 I oil 900 con oof: rooot boot chicken. shrimp 718 E. GRAND RIVER-LANSING Qgrme XgleI ■•O moatbollt. vegetables potatoes relish, salad bar. bread • butter, dessert. The Finest in Mexican Cuisine Friday 5:30-7:45-9:55 217 S. Bridge St. Crand Ledge _TwllH» 5:02.5:20 Adults ' I .»■ I including A n n * I m w H A Shirley M n c ls lM to r | The Good Food Turning R E S TA U R A N T and Drink point F IE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD Downtown Lansing L U N C H S D IN N C B D A IL Y A T SCNSIBLC PRICES 116 E. Mich. Ave. 134 W. Grand River PH. 337-1755 372-4300 a Friday 5:30-2:00.10:15 (mSSj^WgOAdubs^______ PEKING RESTAURANT Nomlnatad for 9 acadamy awards GREAT _ including "0EST ACTOR" FO O D JCHARD 24 | burton f Friday 5:00-7:45-10:30 l I g l||t»4:30-5!0 0 A d u lt i, 1.2* Hours e Day 1 27 A b b o tt lid . Spectslliing in Mandarin Cutim e ■ cocktails c a r r y o u t f o o d s E a s f L an sin g B t k NN e H m s w h Ii . LANSINQ 489-2445 I H EM THE ONE 1 WINKLER AND ONLY steak Friday 5:00-7:0«-«:M-10:45 The most exciting J w lllta W fr W O Adults *1 & idea in eating « W t Y LABTI seafood sincethe sandwich! o m r tr iy r o ld s “ S E M I- In sid e B onnie & Clyde u u n u T o m n o i TOUOH" :)!(> K. M ichigan Ave. Friday 5:15-7:30-9:55 h t e t u r f 1 3 3 E .G ra n d R ive t L a n sin g 371-4500 Twlllla 4:45-5:15 Adults M ." TONIGHT AND SATURDAY TO N IO N T A N B i m ^ FROM DINMARK Expect all that the The most daring film Beal has ever 'notion picture »cr*«n shown. (continued from page 13) Cheerleading try-outs coming MSU Simulations Society MSU Mennonite Fellowship M IN D B O G G LIN G RAUNCH Spartan Village Singlesl Meet spring term l First organizational meets from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. meets at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, 336 THIS XXX-RATED FILM IS N O T BASED O N THE GEORGE your neighbors. A TG w ill be held meeting w ill be held April 5, Saturday 341 Union. A il board Union. Join us for informal wor­ ORWELL BOOK. Now you are ready for today, check bulletin boards or call Jenison Fieldhouse. See you gamers a n d ’ miniatures players ship and fellowship. your community aides for informs- there. invited. This week: modern .micro- ••• armor. Instructional Development and Learn about Hebrew Caligraphy Techonology luncheon held at Jim Loudon w ill describe Saturn with Jane Kronheim on Shofar, Terrorism!! Speaker Carlos noon today, 1961 N. Case Hall. and the planets beyond Jupiter plus news and Hebrew music at 4 Rizway w ill discuss aspects of "Approaching a Critical Mass in including the Voyager missions at p.m. Sunday, 870 am. terrorism at 1:30 p.m Saturday, Health Education" presented by 7:30 p.m. Thursday March 9, 109 Union Gold Room. For informa­ Mary le D uc Anthony Hall. The Science Fiction Society tion call 355-9873. discusses "Appropriate Technol­ Important I Agriculture and Nat­ Is Mary the Queen o f Heaven ogy Doomsday Machines" at 7:30 University Lutheran's students ural Resources Education officer mentioned in Isaiah 47 and Jer. tonight, 334 Union. Also Moops- join MSU's Episcopal Community elections held at 7:30 Monday, 312 44? Join us at 10 a.m., Sunday, ball, fanzine money, and digital for folk Eucharist and sermon at 5 Agriculture Hall. 335 Union. corkscrews present. p.m. Sunday in the Alumni ••• •«• Chapel. Dinner follows. Die Deutsche und Schweize Energy Internship! Earn credit Baha'i Faith! An informal dis­ Ecke trifft sich diesen Freitag urn working with innovative statewide cussion on the Baha'i faith w ill be 16 Uhr im Erdnussfass. Komm energy information/education pro­ held at 8 tonight, Mason Hall The Society for Creative Anach­ doch vorbei, sonst gibt es etwasl gram. Contact Dave Persell, Col­ Library. All welcome. ronism w ill meet at 8:30 p.m. lege o f Urban Development. Saturday, Union Tower Room. Be an informed voter. Check The MSU Bible Study meets at Fighting Practice held at 1 p.m. out the Spartan Spirit Position Natural Resources Environ­ 7:30 tonight, 145 Natural Science Sunday, Turf Arena, Men's IM Paper at your dorm desk for the mental Education Club meets at 7 Bldg. Bldg. ASMSU Student Board. p.m. Monday, 148 Natural Re­ sources Bldg. A N IM A L F A R M RATED X X X Beal Film has been showing X-rated films GORDON fo r 5 years, yet we have never shown a film like this. LIGHTFOOT ANIMAL FARM deals w ith an area of sexual­ ity that has never been shown publicly be­ Plus the Good B ro th ers" fore. This Is the most explicit film concerning this subject m atter ever made. ANIMAL S u n d a y , A p r il 9 FARM is the most daring, bizarre film we 8 pm in th e Lansing Civic C enter have ever exhibited. •eesm ai LA JIA A H AYMAN koa«4 m ifcai m ky .ICYU w OfOTOTT w n w * Reserved seats: *650 & *7“ TONIONT A SATU RDAY -w e . \ x a ila b lt* h i : R e r o r d la m lM in i h r M e r i d i a n a n d L a n s in g M a lls ; B A T I B X X X A L L P U S O M S T H A T W IS H TO m nm ncT n* nomcauaa AautAuounuiuaJ H h rre H o u s e R e c o r d s II in i h e l i m e r * it> M a ll a n d th e Ml A N I M A L F A B M W ILL BB CHBCK 8 D FO B FILMS INCORPORATED L a n s i n g ( . i i i c ( e n t e r B o x O ff ic e t I ib. r u Bell P roduction r a o o r OF A M M C A I M I T H IS FIL M It to ■ IZ A R R I TH SR I C A N HI N O S X C IF T IO N I. TONIONT AND SATURDAY SHOWTIMES: 9:30 Only SHOWTIME: 6 : 0 0 .7 : 1 5 ,4 :3 0 .9 :4 5 , 1 1 : 0 0 , 1 2 :1 5 SHOWPLACE: 111 OLDS SHOWPLACE: 104 B WELLS ADMISSION: *1.1 ADMISSION: >2 s f u d a n t s , *3 .** f a c u l t y I staff an entertainm ent s Students faculty C ita B welcome MS on entertainment service of beal films. Students, faculty | nil becked. welcome. Id's checked. ■ R B A H ifT ia B W x ra m a B w x iiim fa B iix ra in ia M w x 1 P B ISIN T S “THE Is anything worth the terror of Nationally ranked FpNNiEST m U.S.TA. NEW COMEDY pjayers say OF THE YEAR.” -Vernon Scott. UNITED PRESS “ ID ifo o n ” PAUL NEW M AN A GEORGE ROY HILL FILfT) Naturally f r o m the p r o s a t . . . SLAP SHOT A C o lu m b ia [M l Presentation a rtfim H a tF r The C a sa b la n ca F ilm W o rks Production A Peter Yates Film C o-starring m iC H A E l ONTKEAN •U N D S fiY CROUSE R O B E R T S H AW ■ JAC Q U ELIN E BISSET • NICK NOLTE JENNIFER WARREN • JERRY HOUSER a n d STROTHER BlflR TIN "T H E D E E P ” L O U IS GOSSETT and ELI WALLACH Meadowlark W ritten b y NANCY DOWD .E d ite d b y DCDE ALLEN music S upervision b y EUTIER BERNSTEIN • D ire c te d b y GEORGE ROY HILL B a s e d on th e n o ve l by Peter Benchley P ro d u ce d b y ROBERT J. WUNSCH a n d STEPHEN FRIEDfTIAN S c re e n p la y b y P eter B e n c h le y and Tracy Keenan Wynn A PAN ARTSPRESENTATION • A FRKDOTUN WUNSCHPtfOOUCTION [ r T N S T M C T t D ^ l A UNIVERSAL PICTURE •TECHNICOLOR* \z .,T ,--------—T i ----- P ro d u c e d b y P eter G u b e r ■ D irected by Peter Yales TBu n riiiu H r m iA M M u s ic b y John Barry fQ CERTAIN LANGUAGE (P A Y BE T O O S T R O N G F O R CHILDREN Fri. Conrad 7:30 & 9:45 Fri. Wilson 7:30 4 9:45, * |. ¥ Sot. 109 Anthony 7:30 & 9:45 SO 118 Psyhics Astronomy 8:30 • 1 . Sat. 106 B Wells. 7:30 & 9:45, Brody 8:30 n Sun. Conrad 7:00 Sun. Conrad 9 : 0 0 J * _________________________________ ¥ THE SCIENCE-FICTION FANTASIES The wait is over! THAT STARTED IT ALL! £ %u can thrill again to the happiest sound W h e re it b e g a n ! Uniqueness marks the beauty of "Meadowlark. in all the world. THE WAR OF THE WORLDS. - a look that's different to express the difference you want for a lifetime In white or yellow gold ® riS 14K or 18K With an exquisite matching band. See it in our store today! " m 1 v i Due to RHA newly implemented Movie Program Spring W h e re i f w llt ,« n A Y _ HH JI \R I »Ml X H;F.H'n I OSCAR HAVIMFRSTFIN II Term this w ill be your last chance to see the Midnight WHEN WORLDS COLLI H A M l H IM AN (M X * « HUM IS * .rii.MigAlCHAAODIPA#»«•***"«*M Frondor Shoppng Center, Movie Orgy in its present format. r, ■ " f . -IS- O pposite Jones HOURS: M on.'Fri. 10 AM to Fri. 109 Anthony 8:30 Fri. 106 B Wells Sot. Wilson 9 P.M.; Sot. 10 A .M .-5:30 Phono 351-8213 Sat. Conrad 8:30 $1 50 Students, faculty, and staff welcome. War at 8:00 and When Worlds Collide ^ Sun. Wilson 8:00 VISA.MASTERCHARGE. BOWEN CHARGE TV Jun. vvnsono:uu • ID's may be checked at all movies. AiiN m ht* A ll Nights ’ * THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS RHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 C lw lf U d R D w r t W i r ie p H y H t If B l ffp l» f» « n i I t o p h p t [f i l l Apartents U p arfM ts |f y | BATTERY SALE. $7 for your SENIOR KEY Punch opera­ FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT. KOSHER APARTMENT. SUNNY DUPLEX Needs 3 for ONE BEDROOM TO Sub­ old battery in exchange for a tor. Operates IBM 129 Key­ $6/hour. No training neces­ 847 ttudwrt Sw v Ic m lid ) Part-time to assist w ith ac­ Male needed. Spring term. spring term. 2 blocks from lease in tw o bedroom apart­ P H O N IM J I3 S 5 new one. WESTERN AUTO punch machine to record sary. Call 489-2278. counting and financial anal­ $85/month, close. 337-2327. campus. 2 bedrooms, new ment. Call 351-7997. STORE, Williamston. alphabetic-numeric data on Z-8-3-10(3) ysis projects. Must be ac-. Z-SP-3-3-7(3) kitchen, $100/month. 351- 25-3-3(3) 0-1-3-314) tabulating cards. Performs counting major w ith 3.0 4615.^5-3-6(3)_________ RATH related clerical work. Salary PART TIME waitress, cook. G.P.A.E. Lansing Location. 109 N. Clemens. 2 man DAYS I day-900porlino GUARANTEED REBUILT $6100-$8400. Send applica­ Apply BACKSTAGE REST­ MALE NEEDED Spring term. ***■ Uem t M . l - TT To 3 days • KK per Him starters generators and alter­ tion to: Ms. Marilyn Cady, AURANT, Meridian Mall. Start $3.10/hour. Call Mark Wahl. 337-1373. 3-3-6(91 IM M ID IA T I Outstanding amenities for furnished includes apartment. $210, utilities. 485-6513 y ilQ B IIIE lC n 4 days • 75C per line nators for your Foreign car. Ch e q u e r e d f l a g f o r ­ MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGI­ 9-3-10(3) OCCUPANCY $75/month. 337-2115. evenings. 5-3-3(3) f i m m n n E a I days • 70< per line CAL UNIVERSITY. Lansing 26-3 7 (3 )_______________ n r a n n r t i m e ig n CAR PARTS, 2605 East Office, P.O. Box 18008, Lan­ PART TIME sales clerk possi­ 2 bedroom* C T n riu ju m m Lino rote pur Insertion Kalamazoo St. 487-5055, one sing Mi., 48901. Equal Oppor­ ble full time for nights and For U til [[ $ ] *250 NEAR SPARROW Hospital clean, 2 bedroom unfurnish­ T n i m r a n m mile west of campus. tunity Educational Institution- weekends. Apply CAPITOL C-8-3-10I6I ed upper duplex. Couple Equal Opportunity Employer. NEWS, 532 E. Michigan, 10 IT IS the policy o f the State 1 bedroom only, no children or pets. 7-3-3(15) a.m.-5 p.m. Monday - Friday. • fu lly carpeted EconoUnos • 3 linos • *4.00 • Sdays. 80* por lino ovor MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. News that the last 4 weeks of $150^4847513:9-3-10(5) _ 6-3-10(6) *1 * 8 t g o i haot and centre! air Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto term all Student Classified 3 linos. No adjustment in roto when cancelled. HOBIE INC. w ill be accepting MALE NEEDED. Cedar Vil­ conditioning Price of itom(s) must be stated in od. Maximum painting-collision service. American-foreign cars. 485- applications for its new Waverly and Saginaw loca­ DENTAL RECEPTIONIST- for busy East side practice. Advertising must be paid for in advance beginning Febru­ BURCHAM WOODS lage, 50' from campus. Fur­ • swim ming pool sale price of *50. ary 13,1978. Bring or mail to nished, rent negotiable. 353- • 24-hour maintenance 0256. C-8-3-10(51 tion to open soon. Apply Experience as chair side 351*31 IS Peanuts Personal eds • 3 lines • *3.25 • per insertion. 347 Student Services. 4523. Z-8-3-8I3) • ploy ground for chlldran HOBIE'S downtown -109 East assistant helpful. Call 485- 75* par lino over 3 lines (prepayment). S-20-3-10(8) 7S5 B urchom • no patt GOOD USED TIRES, 13-14- Allegan, Monday March 6 or 7123 8-5 p.m. 3-3-6(6) Rummage/Garage Sale ads • 4 lines • *2.50. 15 inch. Also SPACIOUS ONE bedroom Tuesday March 7, 9am-11am 63* par line over 4 lines • per insertion. HORSES BOARDED $50 sublet spring, air condition­ coll for information 349-3100 good supply o f snow tires. or 2pm-4pm.AII positions are W ANTED BARTENDERS. FEMALE FOR Americana, Hound Town ads • 4 lines * *2.50 • per insertion. month includes hay and grain ing, shag carpet, next to 10-5 TuesdoyFriday PENNELL SALES. 1301% for general service personnel, Experienced, neat, person­ spring term, no June rent, 63* par line over 4 lines. box stalls, riding ring and MSU. Call 351-0856 or 351- 10-2 Saturday East Kalamazoo, Lansing, male or female, 18 years able, good references a must. furnished. 351-6142. trails. 4 miles south of MSU. 8347. Z-3-3-3(4) Lest t Founds eds/Transportation ads • 3 lines • *1.50 • 482-5818. C-8-3-10151 preferred. 5-3*7(12) Apply in person AMERICA'S Z-1-3-313) per insertion. 50* per line over 3 lines. CUP 2-4 p.m. Horse trailer fo r rent $10 per Knob Hill OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer/ day. 882-8779 or 882-7410. FEMALE ROOMMATE need­ B-1-3-3(7) CAPITOL VILLA year-round. Europe, S. Amer­ W ANTED BARTENDERS. ed. Own room, Spring term A PA R T M IN T S D M dlln ai ica, Australia, Asia, etc. All Experienced, neat, person­ only. $110 plus utilities. 351- fields, $500-$1200 monthly, able, good references a must. •tarts leasing 9490. Z-3-3-3(3) ONE MALE needed. Spring. Ads • 2 p.m. - 1doss doy before publication. Cancellotion/Change • 1 p.m. • 1 class doy before IT IS the policy of the State expenses paid, sightseeing. Apply in person ALLE-EY Apartments MARCH 21 First 20 days rent free. Free News that the last 4 weeks of Free information-write BHP NIGHTCLUB 2-4 p.m. ONE FEMALE for 4-man. heat + water. $92. Charlie publication. Co., Box 4490, Dept. ME, 2-3-3(5) stop by 1444 E, G rand ttlvor Spring (summer optional) term all Student Classified 332-5669. Z-8-3-1014) Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed Advertising must be paid for Berkeley, Ca. 94704. FEMALE NEEDED spring o r ca ll 332-5330 $78.75/month, Michele 332- until after 1st insertion. in advance beginning Febru­ Z-15-3-6(8) RELIABLE, FRIENDLY, term. Very close, nice room­ 1127. Z-8-3-7(3) MALE, FOUR man 2 bed­ There is o *1.00 charge for I ad change plus 50' per ary 13,1978. Bring or mail to people to sell refreshments mate. 1 bedroom, $100. 332- CAPITAL AREA-clean, base­ room furnished. Spring term additional change for maximum of 3 changes. 347 Student Services. COMPUTER OPERATOR, part time. Meridian Mall. 351- 0363. 28-3-3(3) ment apartment. Utilities ONE MALE, spring term. or sooner. 332-4165. The Stote News will only be responsible for the 1st S-20-3-1018) full time second shift-IBM 2315. 7-3-10(4) paid. $100 call 489-3824. Across street from campus, Z-8-3-1013) system 3 model 12. Good Z-SP-3-3-7(3) doy s incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must be mode within 10days of expirotion date. ATTENDANT - WOMAN pay, excellent benefits, op­ portunities for quick ad­ $3.50 PER hour to start. UNIVERSITY VILLA 2 FEMALES needed. Own rate negotiable, 351-8498. Z-5-3-3(3) FEMALE TO share 1 bed­ Rills ore due 7 days from od expiration dote. If not preferred, 3-11, domestic work and supervising mental­ vancement. Some data pro­ National Company expanding in Lansing area. Need people SUMMER A FALL rooms, large apartment, $95/ room apartment spring term. Close, nice roommate. 332- paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will be due. ly retarded and mentally ill cessing education or exper­ to help represent and install LEASING month, bus line, pool. 349- HASLETTARMS 4954. Z-3-3-3(3) ience preferred but not re­ 4714. 3-3-7(3) adults. 339-3265. 7-3-6151 quired. Call 371-5550 for ap­ early warning fire detection equipment. Excellent incen­ SUMMER RATES SUMMER t FULL 2 BEDROOM, modern, car­ POSITIONS OPEN for spring pointment. AMERICAN tive program available. Will *150 *155 1 FEMALE needed to share LEASING peted, furnished. 1 block and summer employment for EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. 5-3-3(11) train for full or part time Contact Rob spring-summer. River Glen. SUMMER RATES MSU. Available immediately. Aitoixotive A Aitomotive Asi Northern Michigan resort. Employee housing on site. positions. Call Mr. Green, Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m.- Apt 320 3-7 p.m. 351-9474. SP-Z-6-3-1013) ‘15*115 $225. 372-1800 or 332-1800. 0-8-3-10(4) WANTED STUDENT hus­ 1 VACANCY at Owen Grad Contact: Mark Sulak, BOYNE MOUNTAIN LODGE Boyne band and wife team to man­ 5 p.m. 349-5453. 2-3-3(13) 351-3873 Hall, sublease or exchange Contact Charlie TWO BEDROOM - includes IT IS the policy o f the State News that the last 4 weeks of MUSTANG 1969, 351 horse power. Good condition, $500 Falls, Mich. 48713. 616-549- age and maintain 30 unit student apartment building. SHELTER HOME parents re­ on with Own room with cooking A p ts 2-6M l stove, refrigerator, parking 2441. 14-3-918) quires a married couple to live facilities. $375 spring. 355- and all utilities. 5 minutes to Advertising must be paid for in advance beginning Febru­ or best offer. 353-4147. Z-8-3-10(31 Maintenance experience re­ quired. Call 351-2211.5-3-3(6) in and provide care for a short 351-8135 3832. Z-3-3-7(4) 351-1957 campus. $215. Available PART-TIME janitorial- must term residential unit. Ask for March 15, 482-9226. ary 13.1978. Bring or mail to have car, experience pre­ 00 shelter home Coordinator, FEMALE TO share bedroom NEED MALE to sublease 0-8-3-10(6) 347 Student Services. NOVA 1971, V-8, 350 3- ferred. Call 482-6232.8-3-7(31 RN'S, LPN'S needed for Howell, 1-517-546-1500. River Balcony apartment, S-20-3-J0(8)_____________ speed, with headers and oncology and general medi­ 0-3-3-3(71 in 4-man, Spring. Good close to MSU. 353-0738. 351-8135 CLOSE-LARGE furnished 2 roommates, location, $80. chrome rims. Large tires. 372- COOK-PART time experience cal surgical floors of local SP-Z-3-3-713) bedroom $280 includes utili­ AUSTIN MINI. 1000, 1976. 351-3174. Z-9-3-10(3) 5333. 2-3-6(31 preferred must be flexible. hospital. Positions available REGISTERED PROFESSION­ TWO BEDROOM furnished, ties, very nice. 363-3108. 15.000 miles. AM /FM . C.B. on all shifts. Competative AL NURSES • Excellent op­ Abbott, close to campus. 23-3-3(3) 50 miles per gallon. $1800. Nights. Call for appointment. 442,1971, excellent through­ SEAHAWK RESTAURANT, wages and fringe benefits. portunities available in FEMALE SPRING term. Has- CIDAR VILLAOR Spring term, balcony. 351- 355^ . Z-5-34M ___ out, AM /FM stereo cassette Williamston, 655-2175. Contact Personnel Director, VETERANS ADMINISTRA­ lett Arms, $89.50/month. APARTMINT* 9513. Z-6-3-3(3) ONE PERSON needed to BUICK LESABRE, 1968. all stock. Best offer. 332- 8-3-7(51 485-3271. 4-3-3(8) TION HOSPITAL, Battle 351-2876. Z-4-3-3(3) Now leasing share spacious one bedroom Power brakes, power steer­ 5875. S-5-3-7I3I Creek, Michigan, a 900 bed apartment. $85/month, good fo r fa ll and summer FEMALE NEEDED spring WE NOW have spring and facility, midway between FEMALE NEEDED spring location. 353-3946. Z-5-3-314) ing. Needs work. $200. 351- 6702. Z-SP-5-3-913) PINTO STATION wagon Wacky Ads!! summer openings. Excellent Chicago and Detroit. Affilia­ term. 3 man apartment, close BOGUE at RED CEDAR term, very close, furnished, nice people only $78/month. 1972, AM /FM cassette, 4- speed, air, privacy glass, Wonted: O ne spider. Must earnings. Ext. 5 weekdays. 374-6328, 4 pm-6 pm, week­ tion w ith three schools of nursing. Four major univer­ to campus. 332-8801 after 5 p.m. Z-8-3-9(3) m-sm 351-4193. Z-4-3-6(3) SUBLET-OWN room in 2 bedroom apartment for CATALINA 1966-58,000, su­ $475, 485-9510 mornings. be fie rce enough to score days. Z-8-3-6(5) sities within commuting dis­ FEMALE NEEDED, 4-man spring term. $105/month. per interior, air, more than NICE LARGE furnished one transportation, $400. 372- 8-3-9131 young g irl o ff her choir. tance. Opportunities available apartment, spring, $82.50, on 332-3426. Z-3-3-614) FEMALE NEEDED spring- river, 349-1669. Z-3-3-7(3) bedroom available spring, 5062. Z-Sp-3-3-613) Contact Miss M u ffe ts little COUNSELORS, MICHIGAN in Psychiatry, Medicine and PINTO 1971, 4 speed, good quiet, non-smoker, $70/ $180/month, air conditioned, 1-2 WOMEN spring, share boys camp, 23 miles NW of Geriatrics. Clinical Special­ transportation, $650. 332- brother. month. Close to campus. Call MALE NEEDED Spring term. on bus line, 351-4799 or room in 4-man apartment, 1 Grayling, June 20 to August ists also needed in these CHEVY LUV 1975 pickup. 351-5988. Z-3-3-6<3) 351-7623 after 6 p.m. 1677. 6-3-10(3) Wanted: One very large can 12. Positions open; judo, specialty areas. Excellent Cedar Village Apartment block from campus, $90, no Excellent gas mileage. $2295. 25-3-7(5) of lysol disinfectant - Con­ waterfront, crafts, biking, fringe benefits, 26 vacation rent negotiable. 351-7545. deposit. 332-4056. 25-3-8(3) 627-2559. 5-3-613) PLYMOUTH SATELLITE MALE NEEDED to sublease BL-1-3-3(3) nature/pioneering. W rite giv­ days, 15 sick days, nine paid tact Noah #1 A rk Lone. Spring term. Pool, air, close MALE WANTED spring term MALE NEEDED spring term, 1972 Custom. Runs good, ing experience, background. holidays annually. CEU's CHEVY 1957, $800, complete to campus. Call Doug, 332- FEMALE NEEDED to share Cedar Village Apartments. Cedar Village Apartments! $650. 321-0984. 6-3-1013) FLYING EAGLE, 1401 North available through Inservice or parts in. 327-500hp, 4 8290. Z-SP-6-3-1013) Call John 6-7 p.m., 351-2540. 353-5665 after 3 p.m. LUNCHROOM SUBSTI­ Fairview, Lansing 48912. Education. Salary from apartment with 3 nice girls, speed, 400 automatic, + Z-8-3-1013) Z-5-3-313) PLYMOUTH STATION wag­ TUTES needed and lunch 8-3-3(9) _ $11,101 to $28,444 per spring term, $82.50 Campus other goodies. Call 332-2564 ONE BLOCK from campus Hill 349-1362. Z-10-3-1014) on 1971, power steering. server position at Spartan annum, commensurate with ask for Will. Z-4-3-315) PART-TIME positions in nice, furnished, efficiency Runs well, clean. 676-1993. Village Elementary School. 3 hours daily, 332-5075, call interview training program, qualifications. Contact Ann apartment. Call 351-8135. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT 3 Spring and Summer CHEVY VAN 1974. Great 5-3-7(31 McClendon, Personnel Ser­ mornings. 4-3-3(5) approximately 4 hours a 0-6-3-10(3) bedrooms, $360/month. Ideal vice, VA Hospital, Battle body and tires, runs perfectly. Must sacrifice. 351-9037 TOYOTA CORONA, 1970, week. Must have young Creek, Michigan 49016. location. Phone 351-2852. Flights to luropa COOK NEAT appearing per­ children under five. Call Mary ONE BLOCK from campus, 6-3-10(3) mornings or evenings. automatic, 49,000 miles, new Phone (616) 965-3281, Ext. Z-3-3-714) redials, good engine, $500. son for cooking w ith know­ Black at 353-4583.3-3-3(6) 305. AN EQUAL OPPOR­ spacious 2-bedroom apart­ ment available. Haslett Arms from *319 332-2431 after 4 p.m. ledge of grills and food TUNITY EMPLOYER. MALE ROOMMATE spring preparation. Flexible hours. COOKS TO work lunch hours or University Villa. 351-1957, term, % block from campus. CHEVROLET CAPRICE 1974, 6-3-1014) 5-3-3(27) Apply in person MARVEL or nights. Apply in person 351-3873 or 351-8135. Haslett Arms. 135 Colling- FRANKFURT from *339 to *399 good condition, air, heater, 0-6-3-10(6) TOYOTA COROLLA Deluxe LANES 2120 East M69 See COREY'S LOUNGE, 1511 S. NEEDED 8 people to help in wood. Call Craig 332-0053. A ir only O N A DC-10 Charter Jot. Departs Thursdays & best offer. 355-2769 after 5 Cedar 7-3-8J4)_________ 1976. Excellent condition. Mr. Bertrand 8-37(7) communications research, 1 2-1-3-3(31 Fridays fo r tw o-w ooks May 11 -June 30. t h r * * through ton « n i> p.m. Z-3-3-613) SUMMER-SUBLEASE. 2 fe­ $2600. 351-6630 or 394-3867 hour during week o f March trip * a lto available1 TEACHER FOR synagogue FEMALE FITNESS and exer­ males wanted 3 person apart­ CUTLASS 1972. Vinyl top, after 6 p.m. Ask for Ralph. 20, $5 per person, opportun­ CLOSE TO CAMPUS and school. Proficiency in He­ cise instructors for ladies ment, 1 block to campus. AMSTERDAM from '359 to *419 automatic, power steering, 6-3-10(4) ity for additional pay. 353- bus, immediate occupancy- brew preferred. 349-5122 or exercise programs. Exper­ 351-7962. Z-1-3-313) A ir only MARTINAIR DC-10 Charter Jot. Deports Fridays radio. One owner. After 5 8826 or 353-0857. 8-3-10(6) tw o bedroom, unfurnished VEGA, 1976. One owner. No 351-3221. 6-3 8(4) ience necessary. INTER­ p.m. 332-4738. 6-3-10(3) apartment. $240. One bed­ fo r two-weeks May 5-June 30. Thraa or four wook trip* alto rust. Like new. $1900. Call NATIONAL ATHLETIC CHRISTIAN GUY needs room unfurnished apartment NEEDED: 8 couples, married ovoilobla June 16-30' 339-2888. 3-3-6(31 NEED EMPLOYMENT? Like CLUB, Okemos. 349-5312. roommate for country apar- $220. CUTLASS 1974, power steer­ 5-10 years to help in com ­ CAPITOL VILLA to clean house? 351-1205 Call for appointment. roommate for country apart­ APARTMENTS ZURICH ’429 ing, brakes, automatic, air, munications research, 1 hour 332-5330. after 4:30 p.m. 8-3*10(3) 6-3-10(6) ment, $95 month. 655-1200 2-3-316) A ir only TIA DC-8 Charter Jet. Departs Monday fo r tw o or vinyl top, good condition. VEGA HATCHBACK 1974, during week o f March 20, $5 clean, good body, motor, per person, opportunity for call late. Z-2-3-613) four-weeks June 19. Weekdays call Rex at 373- ORGANIST PART-time, Lan­ 50,000 miles. New brakes. PUT YOURSELF THROUGH additional pay. 353-8826 or 5620 evenings 393-5248. sing area church. 646-6892 o k e m o s " f u r n i s h e d ; 1 ™ ALESp™ X L ATHENS from *449 to *549 Asking $1,000.00. 373-7880. COLLEGE THE EASY WAY. 353-0857. 8-3-10(7) 5-3-715) after 5:30 p.m. 5-3-9(3) bedroom, starting spring /T. „ ____ A ir only TIA DC-8 Charter Jet. Departs every Sunday for After 5 call 351-4976. Become an Avon Represen­ Z-7-3-10151 tative and make the money FEMALE MASSEUSE want­ term. Call 349-9217 or 351- £ ,7 ^ 7 7T 1 era tw o-w eek duration May 21 — June 25. CUTLASS SUPREME 1976, you need selling quality pro­ SECRETARY - EXCELLENT 8135. 0-6-3-10(31 337 2397 Z 3 3‘6131 ed. $8/hour. We will train. ROME from *409 to *469 loaded. Green and white with VOLVO 122S 1967. ‘sale for ducts on your own time. typing and shorthand skills 489-2278. Z-8-3-10(3) air and power, Paut G. 339- necessary fo r this responsible FEMALE, NON-SMOKER FEMALE NEEDED, own A ir only World Airways DC-8 Charter Jet. Departs every parts." Four door, radials and 482-6893. C-3-3-3(7) 8226 or 349-1898. Asking radial snows. 353-7138 before secretarial position. Previous needed for spring term. Spa- room, close to MSU. large, o th e r Friday fo r two-weeks May 12-June 23. 53960. Z-6-3-8I4) ATTENDANT FOR BOOK­ secretarial experience re­ IF YOU Have your own car cious, one bedroom. Call furnished, pets allowed. $110. 5 p.m. or 355-7844. X1-3-2 LONDON from *329 to *379 quired. Salary plus liberal and you like to drive, do it for 337-0419. Z-SP-5-3-913) 351-3173. Z-5-3-8(3) STORE. Full and part-time A ir only O N A DC-10 Charter Jet. Departs Sunday fo r two- FORD VAN, 27.000 miles. VOLKSWAGEN 1975 Sciroc- benefits. Call DELTA DEN­ DOMINO'S. Starting pay, positions open. Neatness a Standard, good shape, ex­ co, AM /FM 8-track, Tuff- TAL PLAN OF MICHIGAN $3.00 per hour. Apply at 966 weeks May 7-June 30. Thraa and four wook trip* ovoilobla Juno 101231 tras. $950. 355-8029 nights. must, good positions for for appointment, 321-1600. Trowbridge or 1139 East NOW LKASINC koted body & engine, excel­ college studetns. Apply FOR SIIMMIR SPAIN from *419 to *439 Z-SP-3-3-713) Equal Opportunity Employer. Grand River. 3-3-6(6) lent, $3475., 484-4065 after 5 p.m. 1-3-3(41 weekdays only in person. 1000 West Jolly Road CINE­ 6 3-10(11)___ COUNTRY AND FALL A ir only TIA DC-8 Chorter Jet. Departs Saturdays fo r two- weeks May 20-June 24 FORD LTD 1973 Brougham M A X THEATER. 0-8-3-10(7) 32.000 miles, Florida car. VW SUPER Beetle, 1974. Red; excellent condition. WAITRESS W ANTED Boom Boom Room, Frandor, 851- Foil and Summar MUSIC PORTUGAL *439 A ir only TIA DC-8 Charter Jet. Departs Saturdays fo r two- *1795. 627-2559. 6-3-6131 PART-TIME bookkeeping for leasing w ill begin FORD VAN, 1973, 6 cylinder $1995. Call 355-4016 after 3. 2-3-3(31 accounting student; Grad­ uate student or experience 7132. Z-6-3-3(3) SHOW weeks A rrive in Lisbon, depart fro m Faro. standard transmission, eco­ NEED CASH? W e buy im­ preferred. Nancy, 339-9500. W a te r * A R iv e r* MARCH 27 C o m in g soon to y o u r t r a v e l o g e n t E lk in 's E u ro p e a n T ra v e l nomical. 351-6557. Z-5-3-313) C-3-3-3(4) D o n 't m iss Pee W e e P la n n e r. It's g o t e v e r y th in g y o u n e e d to p la n a g r e a t v a c a ­ ports and sharp late models For leasing applications and tio n . . . and it's FREEI I d g e A p ts . K in g , T h e C o llin s Sis­ compacts. Call John De CRIMINAL JUSTICE majors, WPALA STATION wagon in form ation stop by 1128 Young. W ILLIAMS V.W. informed security officer 641- te rs , a n d Redd S te w ­ ■ABLY BIND B A V IN M I 1872 V-8, automatic, power WIN b e l e e d e * to r Victor Street o r call 332-8488 484-1341 or 484-2551. 6734. 0-3 3-3(3) a r t, s ta rr in g in The Save *30 per person on a ir fare steering, brakes, excellent n e x t fe ll A t e n n e r C-8-3-1015) 332-5322. C o u n try M u sic Show by booking and paying in fu ll a t " “ PS. $695.00. FLUMER- h e g l e e l e * M o eN e y FELT-STAIR CHEVROLET. ATTENTION- HANDI- least 75 days in advance on S a tu rd a y , M a rc h 11, CRAFTER. Put your talents M er c k 6 th . Cmon over departures between May 1 4-3-8(41 M oSm rice / to work for you, earn extra AMERICANA APTS. 2 s h o w s 4 p .m . and through June 14,1978. money. 394-0139. 5-3-7(4) FE ATU R IN G : 2 johm pei 8 p .m . at P o tte rv ille AND CHECK OUT MONZA 1977 Towne Coupe, 1126 V ictor Street Advance booking of 45 day* required fo r Europoon a * 'motion* IT IS THE policy of the State apt., balconies, walk to | J speed, radio, 12,500 miles, H ig h S chool. Spon­ COLLINGWOOD APTS! except for I'tbon ond Spain which hove o 30-day News that the last 4 weeks of campus, furnished, air con­ EDEN ROC i *188 and take over payment. term all Student Classified h o s t - a s s is t a n t m an­ s o re d by th e P o tte r ­ * air conditioned odvanco booking. ditioned, on site main­ 252 River Street *26-9705 after 6 p.m. 4-3-3(51 Advertising must be paid for a g e r . Permanent, full time v ille A r e a C h a m b e r o f a dishwasher ASK ANY TRAVEL AGENT ABOUT: tenance man, friendly NORWOOD APTS. in advance beginning Febru­ position. Excellent opportun­ * shag carpeting management. 'C o m m e rc e . R e serve d mustang 1973, automatic, ary 13,1978. Bring or mail to ity for advancement. 5 even­ 1330 E. G rand River * unlimited parking ings, HRI majors, must have s e a t *5, G e n e ra l A d - Michelin tires. 349- 347 Student Services. Greg o r Trish CEDARVIEW APTS. * plush furniture minimum of 2 years restau­ m is s io n *3. For ad­ a model open daily evenings. 7-3-10(3) S-20-3-1018) A pt. 214 1390 E. G ra nd River rant experience. Call JIM 'S vanced tic k e ts c a ll TIFFANY P U C E . 372-4300 1050 Watersedge Dr. RIVERSIDE APTS. Call 351-8282 313-358-5900 JUNK CARS wanted. Also 645-7689, 627-3010, j USTANG II 1974 Mech I, for appointment. Ask for selling used parts. Phone (next to Cedar Village) 1310 E. G ra nd River o r 645-7680. (behind Old World 4M FM, automatic, power Michael, Angie or Ann. awing, excellent condition, anytime. 321-3651. 332*4439 Moll on the river I) C-8-3-1013) 8-3-3(11) ” 8"8817 after 5 p.m. 8-3-3(41 A p x tiH ts y rooms ...., M i' F 9 ill! J B M J B FEMALEIS) NEEDED to lease. OWN ROOM in new epart­ MCINTOSH MODEL- ML1C SKIS KASTLE Slamon FREE LESSON in complex­ Get people to come to your ASMSU PREPAID Legal Ser­ StaUHaws Knrsiint 2 bedroom Rivers Edge ment, air, pool, sauna, no stereo speakers mint condi­ 195cm, Salomon 502 bind­ ion car*. MERLE NORMAN happening or super function. vices available without fee to epartment spring term/close (ease, $77.50/month. 882- tion! WILCOX TRADING ings, $95. Lange Flo Boots, COSMETIC STUDIO • 351- Announce anything you have Undergraduate MSU stu- 353-3312 to campusti 351-1966. 7066. POST. 485-4391. C-8-3-1014) 5-9, $45. Dan, 332-1160. 5643. C-8-3-1013) going (specials, classes, dents. Office op6n 9 a.m.-12 Z-4-3-3I3) E-Z-5-3-713) openings, performances, p.m.; 1:30 p.m.-S p.m. Mon.- NIGERIAN STUDENT seeks PIONEER PL117D turntable, r FOR QUALITY stereo ser­ etc.) w ith ROUND TOWN Fri. For information or ap­ 1 MALE roommate needed to American or foreign room- Dynaco amp, Design Acous­ vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, ADS. pointment call 365-8266. share 3 man apartment, Cam­ mete, $65. 371-2699 even­ tics speakers. $500. A fte r 5 4 lines-$2.60-per day B-1-3-3(91 566 E. Grand River. pus Hill, 349-3636. Z-2-3-3I3I ings. B-1-3-3i3) p.m., 337-9933. S-5-3-713) CALL MARY at 365-8266 C-8-3-10(3) SP-10-3-1018) IT IS the policy o f the State EAST LANSING area 1-bed­ OPENINGS FOR Spring WATER BED frame, king News that the last 4 weeks of IT IS the policy o f the State PINBALL MACHINES repair­ room unfurnished. Modestly Bower Co-op. 351-4490. size, 6 drawer base, book­ News that the last 4 weeks o f ed and overhauled. Greg LANSING ART Gallery, 425 term all Student Classified priced. Some pets allowed. $125/month, iroom, board, case, head board, excellent 332-3900 or 337-0742 after 5 6 utilities.) 1-3-3(31 condition. Must sell. 482- term all Student Classified Berger, 361-7547. 8-3-313) South Grand, Lansing pre­ Advertising must be paid for Y M lT h a r a lt a a m e p h J Advertising must be paid for sents Children's art exhibi­ in advance beginning Febru­ p.m. 0-8-3-10(51 4731. 6-3-10(31 in advance beginning Febru* tion. February 28-April 2. ary 13,1978. Bring or mail to SEEKING WORKING female Tired of being broke? Get to share house in East Lan­ 2 MATCHING end tables, ary 13,1978. Bring or mail to T r m p tr tillH | | & Opening reception March 5, 347 Student Sen/ices. S-20-3-1018) OPEN EVERY FRIDAY AND fast cash by selling things mediterranean, $20 each. 347 Student Services. Sun. 1-4 p.m. 1-3-3(61 sing. Please call 351-8349. S-20-3-10(8) SATURDAY TILL you no longer use with a B-2-3-613) Grey interlock plastic wall tile, NEED RIDE TO Rochester fast-action Classified Ad. Call 355-8255 HAYFORD ST. Own room in E 5-3-914) 3 boxes, $20. 484-8265. NOW BOARDING horses. New York, Leaving March 9, Diana 3 A.M. Excellent facilities. Box and 10 fo r 2 girls. W ill pay gas. house, on busline, $87 plus, 356-2118. Z-4-3-313) TWYCKINGHAM SPRING tie stalls available. Indoor and 485-1408. Must see to appre­ 20" TAPPAN electric stove, term, one or two females see through door, excellent outdoor arena. Exercise pad­ 3121 E. SAGINAW ond ciate. SP-2-3-3-7I3I NEED RIDE to Northern Jer­ needed, pool, air, 351-9178, 332-8365. SP-Z-6 3-9(3) shape. $75. 484-8265. dock. Located in Mason area. Call 663-2073 or 1-726-1372 sey finals week. Need van, Ift 1141 E. GRAND RIVER COUNTRY LIVING, 80 acres, E-5-3-9I3I w ill pay good money. 356- before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. MALE NEEDED, spring term Cedar Village, $85/month, need roommate, own bed­ room, $83 + utilities. 675- JEWELER'S SAMPLE from 8-3-318) 6448 evenings. B-1-3-313) Ift parking space, 332-2607. Z-SP-3-3-6I3I 7391. Z-1-3-313) Brazil, 24 rings all 18K gold, aquamarines, 3 ROOMS in 5 bedroom others. $1350. Sold as set. amethysts, This Spring Breok le g y vo ur cot o r dog ot CQMTRY LANE SIX CHARMING girls need ride to Florida. W ill go separ­ ately and share driving and N ROOMY, MODERN apart­ ment, furnished. 1 block to campus. Pantree, Beggars, house. Z-5-3-813) Spring/summer Call Esther at 351-3039. terms. 551 Virginia. 332-4898. Z-3-3-715) n as • d aft wotfcod 3 Mm#tdall)r • 10 ft. run* expenses, 355-6699 or 355- 7374. X-5-3-813) 99 I HEIRLING, SKI boots, men's • Ikon to d Vat m A lly shopping. Only $90/month. 3 NEED RIDE from Perry M l to males needed spring term. OWN ROOM for male. size 8, used 1 year, flow, MMWI____ 337-2669. Z-3-3-615) Spring, Summer term, walk­ good condition, just $50. 355- ing distance from Union. 7024. Z-5-3-9I3I E. Lansing Afternoons. 625* 3520. S-14-3-1014) Ifl 1 ROOM in 2 bedroom apart­ ment, singles/couple. Walk Quiet. $83, water included. 332-8035. Z-3-3-614) WATER BEDS are bedder at SOUNDS AND DIVER­ FOR SALE: AKC Afghan hounds, show quality, Call 313-239-2395. Z-3-3-613) j Typief Service jf^B us Sim plicity inspires this rare beauty . to be w o rn (or a to MSU. Pool, Pets. Hans, 351-8230. Z-6-3-9(31 SPRING/SUMMER, female SIONS. Open till 9 p.m. own room in modern com for­ weeknights. table rural home. Room and across from Knapps. 484- Downtown GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups. AKC OFA. $125. 676-3718. EXPERIENCED TYPING ser­ vice, dissertations, term 99 lifetime. Elegant in white o r yellow gold. The diamond In your choice o f size. board in exchange for helping 3855. 0-1-3-3151 Good in field, water, and papers. Call Carolyn, 332- In 14K or 18K gold with N o is e s jjflb l wife w ith light housework. home. 3-3-313) 5574. 8-3-10(41 m atching wedding band Call Dean Franklin 363-9338. MOVING SALE. Furniture, dishes, typewriter, records, See it In our store today 2 ROOMS in 4-man house, 7_-3J0(6)________________ miscellaneous. 2738 W ood­ Mobile Hones w ANN BROWN TYPING Dis- sertations-Resumes-term pa­ * washer/dryer, close to cam FURNISHED SLEEPING ruff Apartment 2. 374-7289. pers. 601 A bbott Road, North pus. friendly people, spring rooms in private home with Z-1-3-3(41 summer, $96/month. 351 - laundry and kitchen priv­ MOBILE HOME for rent, tw o Entrance. 351-7221 f c bedroom 12x66 in Perry. $175 C-B-SJOM) _ 0 1789. 5 to 8 p.m. Z-5-3-6I5I ileges. Near Capital City Air­ MOVING MUST sell. Royal a month plus deposit. 625- port. Call after 5 p.m. $85 per Electric typewriter $86, EXPERT TYPING by MSU 3618 7-3-10(3) a ROOMMATE WANTED for month. 321-2552. 7-3- 10(7) Commador adding machine grad. 16 years axperianca. large house close to campus. $40, Schwinn Suburban girls Near Gables, call 337-0206. Available spring term. 351- YOUR OWN room in large $35, Motabecane boys bike C-8-3-1013) 7519. Z-4-3-3I3) house. 170 Stoddard. Call $80, 8-track stereo com pon­ tosl t f l l l l [ | ^ j f render Shepanf Center. 332-2274. Furnished, parking, ent $35, exercise bike $100. TYPING, QUICK, reasonable, OWN ROOM in 3 bedroom OyyeeHeJenee kitchen. Z-7-3-1013) 349-4962. E-Z-5-3-918) near campus. 332-6042. house. East side Lansing, $70. 485-6983. Z-5-3-3I3) 1-2 FEMALES. Own rooms in DISCOUNT, 5 room house. Campus 1 desks, chairs, files. BUSI­ NEW, used IT IS the policy o f the State News that the last 4 weeks o f term all Student Classified 5-3-3131___________________ UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS a HOURSt Men.-Frf. ISAMte- $P.M.;$«t. 10 A .M .-M l 3 BEDROOM HOME-located block, 351-2825. Z-2-3-313) Advertising must be paid for COMPLETE DISSERTATION Phene M 1 4 III NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 215 in Okemos on Hamilton Rd. in advance beginning Febru­ AND RESUME SERVICE - V K A .M A in tQ M M I. 1 E. Kalamazoo, 486-5600. W ith appliances, carpeting ELSWORTH CO-OP. open­ 0-2-3-614) ary 13, 1978. Bring or mail to type setting, IBM typing, 347 Student Services. offset printing and binding. ■OWPIOIABOd and garage. $250/month + ings spring, room/board utilities. Call 371-1900 days. $320/term. Near MSU, ex- FRIED MODEL H speakers S-20*3-10(8) For estimate stop in at 2843 8-3-6I6) trasl 332-3574. Z-7-3-10(3) $1100. Luxman LlOO.amplifier East Grand River or phone, A pet can warm your heart on 332-8414. C-8-3-10(71 $700, 6 months. Negotiable a cold winter evening. Look H OWN ROOM in nice house, SOUTH ROOM, large yard, 351-6891. SP-3-3-6(3) A diamond is round. A diamond is many shapes, of course. rent negotiable. 337-0821, to the Pets classification of TYPING EXPERIENCED. Fast close to campus. $83/month. 4-10 p.m. Z-3-3-613) Person or couple. Reply to QUALITY, USED equipment, today's newspaper. and reasonable 351-4635. But for some ladies, the diamond is a brilliant-cut round FEMALE OWN room in house, campus close, 351 - SN Box A-1. Z-3-3-4(3) HOWLAND HOUSE Co-Op at a fair price w ith a service warranty. Dual 1219 turntable $125 LOST-TEXAS Instrument calculator. Reward if return­ ed. 356-7089. Z-5-3-9(3) C-8-3-1013) THESIS EDITING, papers, articles, resumes, letters, IBM wi diamond. We have a very large selection of diamonds of all shapes and sizes. Come find the one for the lady you love. Something Beautiful for Everyone .* 2123 or 351-4944. Z-7-3-1013) needs tw o women fo r spring Advent Dolby System $125 typing arranged, 332-8060. term. $135 per term. 332- McIntosh C24 Pre-amp $180 LOST: DIAMOND engage­ 3J3-3I3I__________ ROOM IN farmhouse. Ani­ 6621. Z-3-3-6(3) Nikko 6060 Receiver $140 ment ring w ith rubies. Near mals, lake, resourcesl Now) Tandberg 310 Cassette $275 COPYGRAPH SERVICE. NICE BEDROOM in clean W ells Hall. Sally 355-1984 or Responsible people. 351-8231 HI-FI BUYS. 337-1767. Complete dissertation and quiet Lansing house. Share 355-1961. SP-Z-2-3-314) evenings. SP-2-3-3I3) 8-3-10(9) resume service Corner MAC kitchen. On bus route. $50/ and Grand River. 8:30 am- month. 484-8252. Z-5-3-8(4) LOST-SILVER necklace w ith AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY TWO STUDIO beds, box 5:20 p.m Monday-Friday. 10 tree pendent, near Union. 4 bedroom house adjacent to springs, mattress, $30 each or a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. 337- campus includes fireplace FEMALE, OWN room in Call 353-4400. Z-2-3-6(3) tw o for $55.485-5285 after 5. 1666. C-8-3 10(6) and garage w ith studio. Re­ house, spring term, $95 util­ E-5-3-813) duced to $395/month. Call ities included, call 332-4429. QUALITY THESIS prepara­ EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. 0-7-3-10(6) Z-SP-2-3-3(3) SKI BOOTS. Lange Swinger. Size 8 %, new. $52. Call 339- Ptrsoial / tion, term papers, call before 6 p.m. at 332-2078. * ROOM TO let in nice house FEMALE SUBLET own room furnished. Now till 9-8 332- 6970/351-2672 Nice! close to campus, $95 + utilities furnished, no rent til March 15. Call Peter at 351- 2888. E-5-3-813) OHM-H SPEAKERS brand IT IS the policy o f the State News that the last 4 weeks of 0-6-3-10(3) TYPING THESES term pa­ K pers, form er college admin­ X-Z-SP-4-3-813) 2612 nights. Z-SP-3-3-6(4> new unopened, $500 or best offer. Ask for Rob 353-7660. SP-Z-3-3-6(3) term all Student Classified Advertising must be paid for in advance beginning Febru­ istrative secretary. 332-2616. 6-3-10(3) Gft 3 BLOCKS FROM campus SPRING/SUMMER/female 4-6 bedroom homes. Furnish­ own room in modern com­ ary 13, 1978. Bring or mail to SANSUI 1000X receiver, 347 Student Services. PROFESSIONAL EDITING ed, fireplaces, and in excel­ fortable rural home, Room lent condition. Renting for and board in exchange for OHM E speakers, very good S-20-3-1018) and TYPING. Papers, dissera- % M O R G A N S a condition, $225. 372-5062. tions. M inor corrections to fall. 351-8135, for showing. helping w ife w ith light house­ Fin i’ Icw t’liT s S h u t IH7b Z-SP-3-3-6(3) ADULT SINGLES. Still look­ rewrite. Foreign students 0-6-3-10(5) work. Call Dean Franklin ing for that certain someone? welcome. 332-I&91. 121 S. W ash in g to n , L ansing 353-9338. 7-3-10(6) TEAC-4 channel reel to reel, W e can help you. W rite: C-6-3-10(5) CLEAN 3 bedroom, near to M eridian M all, O k em o s MSU, ideal for single family TWO MAN vacancy in 4 man $275 or make offer. 332-3435. Starlite Club, P.O. Box 27186, EXPERIENCED. IBM typing. I V one of M organ’s convenient ihar^e pi,ins air or 3 to 4 persons. 332-8288 house. Own rooms, $100/ M -6 (3 )_ _ Lansing, 48909 Membership Dissertetions, (pica-elite) American Express, Bank American), Master Charge after 5 p.m. or weekends. month plus utilities. 373- Free. 9-3-10(6) Mail and Phone Inquiries Invited (5171 482-^021 34*M)320 QUEEN SIZE waterbed, liner FAYANN, 489-0358. 3-3-7(4) 7486. Z 8-3-8(3) and stained frame. $75 or ROOM W ITH cooking and best offer. Jim 351-6418. MEDICAL SCHOOLS Mexico start fall 4 year WHO- in C-8-3-1013) M OKEMOS, 4 bedroom bi-level 2 blocks from elementary house privileges. % block Z-5-3-6(3) Hew recognized. 219-996- There's something for every­ school. Magnificent 23 foot from CATA bus. $60/month. COLOR TV, G.E. table, $89. 4210. Z-8-3-3I3) one in today's Classified Ads. - master bedroom, beam ceil­ 484-0994. 4-3-313) Check them out tor super r- Good Picture, 882-0520. ing over spacious family room, 2 fireplaces, $57,500. ROOM FOR rent in very nice E-5-3-713) PREGNANT? NEED help? 372-1560. PREGNANCY buys. H house. Shag carpet. Cable TYPING TERM Papers and 349-0935; 349-0754. 6-3-10(7) TV. Near Sparrow. $75. 484- 8532. Z-2-3-6(3) INSTANT CASH W e're pay­ ing $1-2 fo r albums in good SERVICES. Tuesday, W ed­ nesday, and Thursday, 1-4 theses, I.B.M. experienced, % * * ★ * VALUABLE COUPON * * * * OS 217 S. HOSMER, Lansing. p.m. 5^3-3(4) fast service. Call 351-8923. shape. WAZOO RECORDS, C 8-3-10(3) LOO OFT! Four bedrooms, $65 each. TWO BEDROOMS For rent, 233 Abbott, 337-0947. Evenings 371-2699 or 332- $ one big enough for tw o C-8-3-10(4) 5625. 2-3-613) people, share w ith 40 year old Real Estate A PROMPT TYPING twelve years experience. Evenings - landlord, females preferred. CLOSE. OWN room in new SEWING MACHINES, slight­ 675-7544. C-8-3-10I3I Call 485-3428 after 6 p.m. house. Cooking, parking, ly used. Re-conditioned, 3-3-7(4) BY OWNER, Lansing North $85/month. 351-0765 after 6 p.m. 5-3-9(3> ROOM IN house, male pre­ guaranteed $39.95 and up. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING side. FHA, 7% , 3 bedrooms, 2-car garage, $160 per Wanted - W CO. 115 N. Washington. 489 ferred, $75 a month plus month, Call after 6 p.m LARGE HOME near Union. 6446. C-8-3-10(5) utilities. 484-2136. 6-3-10(3) 489-0097. X-5-3-9I5I ACROSS 4-bedrooms, fireplace, sun GOING HOME? cream 35. Wit porch. 351-2448. 8-3-10(3) ROOM FOR male. Close to Union, $14/week. 443 Grove 10-SPEED bike, excellent condition, $60. Cell 332-8953. W e buy Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, comics, science fiction M r. Tony's delicious 14" or 16" PIZZAI 37. Kna 39. God Service 50*OFF! SHARE THIRD of house, and much morel CURIOUS sample St. 332-0206. 3-3-3(31 Z-E-5-3-7I3I rec Okemos, woods, furnished, nonsmoker, $150/month. MALE NEEDED spring term WE PAY up to $2 fo r LP's & BOOKSHOP, 307 E. Grand River, East Lansing, 332- % fcPOffif 40. Gia 42. Ois Phone 332-6342, 6-10 p.m. Riverside. Close to campus. AT OUR prices get that 0112. C-8-3-10(7) cassettes - also buying 45's, 44. Abo Z 2-3-6(41 SPRING TERM - Need 1 for house close to campus. $68/ $60/month. 393-3654. Z-3-3-3(3) songbooks, magazines. FLAT BLACK & CIRCULAR. Up­ stairs 541 E. Grand River. emergency pair o f glasses. OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2167 E. Michigan, Lansing. 372- NEEDED AN Y kind o f pickup truck for one day usage. W ill £ nd com 45. Froti 47. Ear mori CLOSE TO C8mpus. Female 7409. C-3-3-3(4) pay 355 3586. Z-3-3-713) syllable 49. Cree month plus utilities. 332-8953. Open 11 a.m., 351-0836. only, kitchen privileges. $80. 51. Tenr Z-9-3-3I3) C-8-3-1016) 332-5988. 0-8-3-10(3) 53. Yale COMPLETE REPAIR service Today’s best buys are in the lant 55. Deta for stereo's, TV's, tapes, Classified section. Find what labrador NEW, USED and vintage [_ Rooms j l> I For Solo ! guitars, banjos, mandolins, guitars, banjos, band instru­ ments. M ARSHALL MUSIC, you're looking fo ri f c M r. Tony's delicious 9" or 12" PE**1 arrow 56. Poiir 59. Nitre etc. Dulcimers and kits, re­ form 351-7830. C-1-3-3(5) corders, strings, accessories, H n s " IT IS the policy of the State WOMENS SMALL snow­ PLAYBOY MAGAZINES, books, thousands o f hard- News that the last 4 weeks of mobile suit, worn once, $55. EQUITY LOAN- If you are 1976-78 to-find albums, (all at very term all Student Classified Phone 394-2734 evenings or buying your home on a 332-0112. days phone 373-7584. low prices). Private and Advertising must be paid for mortgage or ow n your home C-3-3-313) gfoup lessons on guitar, ban­ in advance beginning Febru­ ary 13, 1978. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. E-5-3-3(3) APPLE CRATES new. Ideal for album storage, book­ jo, mandolin, all styles. Gift certificates. Expert repairs- free estimates. ELDERLY free and clear, ask about your equity loan. Borrow against your equity to consolidate p toindTo^lf i H S-20-3-10<8) your bills, make major home ROOM FOR rent, walking distance to MSU, $86/plus cases, etc. $2.25 each. 351- 6662. 5-3-3(3) INSTRUMENTS 541 East Grand River. 332-4331. C-8-3-10113) improvements, take that long awaited vacation, or fo r any ATTENTION-AG Ef NR stu­ dents, All are invited to < PIZZA A SUBMARINES H MINK PAW coat, size 15, other good purpose. Call SHINDIG Friday March 3rd, yd Station) utilities. Z-8-3-613) John 353-5537. raglan sleeves, Appraised at FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF for square dancing, drinkin', 515 W. GRAND RIVER ( j u s t W e s t of Greyhound $795, w ill sacrifice $350. 655- 100 USED VACUUM clean­ EAST LANSING, 351-2660 eatin', & fun. Hoe down 2600 after 4 p.m. 5-3-3(4) ers. Tanks cannisters, and and ask fo r Mr. McDonald. ROOMS AVAILABLE spring term. 3 bedroom house prights. Guaranteed on full 0-1-3-3(12) starts 8 p.m., lower lounge St. Johns Student Center, F R E E D E L IV E R Y BROWN CASHMERE coat, year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS ($107); 2 bedroom condomin­ ium ($91). Call 332-6815/482- 2309 after 6 p.m. X-Z-8-3-314) mink collar, size 10-12, cost $150, sell $25. 655-2600 4 p.m. 5-3-3(3) DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, opposite City Market. C-8-3-10(7) RESEARCH SERVICE: Reli­ able, quick, expert. Free esti­ mates. 332-1311. 6-3-10(3) 327 MAC. Tickets $3 avail­ able at door. Sponsored by MSU Forestry Club, 332-8611 Z 3-3 3(10) PROFESSOR PHUMBLE by Bill Yates FRIDAY 4:0 0 (10) F a m ily Fued AFTERNOON (6) N e w M ic k e y M o u s e (12) M o v ie (11) Past a n d P resen t 12:20 C lub 9:30 Tense Almanac (10) G re e n A c re s (11 ( W o m e n ’s P o e try (12) P ric e is R ight (12) M o v ie 10:00 12:30 (23) C o lle g e H o ckey (23) S e sam e S tre e t (10) Q u in c y Kirch For T o m o rro w 8:00 (23) Scenes fro m a pong Show 4 :30 (6) W o n d e r W o m a n M a rria g e lyon's H ope (6) D o ris D ay (10) Q u a rk 11:00 (lO ) G illig a n 's Is la n d (11 (F ifte e n w ith Spira 1:00 (6-10-12) N e w s 5:0 0 (12) D o n n y 8 M a rie King and th e R estless (23) D ic k C a v e tt (6) G u n s m o k e 8:30 br Richer, F o r P o o re r 11:30 (10) E m e rg e n c y O n e ! (10) CPO S h a rk e y III My C h ild re n (6) M * A * S * H * (23) M is te r R o g e rs' (1 1 ) M a r ia h C o n c e rt: (10) J o h n n y C a rson Pusic 1:30 N e ig h b o rh o o d 5:30 N o rm a n B la k e 9:00 (12) F o re v e r F e rn w o o d PEANUTS ( the W o rld Turns (11) N e w s (6) M o v ie (23) AB C N e w s by Schulz roTTiro 12:00 SPONSORED BY: « U m » ,™ m lm n lays of O u r Lives (23) E le c tric C o m p a n y (10) R o c k fo rd Files (12) M o v ie 332-3537 A" le le -re vista 6:00 2:00 (6-10-12) N e w s I THINK YOU SHOULD bne li f e to L ive (11) V id e o w a v e s (23) D ic k C a v e tt MSU SHADOWS TRV EATIN6 A COUPLE OF , YOU THINK THAT , MIGHT HELP ME STAY YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A pver Easy by Gordon Carleton £665 FOR BREAKFAST; SIR CHICKEN FALL A5LEEP 6:3 0 AWAKE, MARCIE? IN CLA5S, HAVE YOU-7 2:30 (6-10-12) N e w s SPONSORED BY: P W B A L l P E T E 'S Juiding Light (23) O v e r Easy P r « !» n l th is r o i l y to m it f „ j 5 . boctors w o r th o f fr e e p lo y ! « T r T |h tl 7:00 (rench Chef (6) M y T h re e Sons 3:00 (10) M a ry T y le r M o o re Ino th e r W o rld (11) W o n C h uen beneral H o s p ita l (12) B ra d y Bunch 1-3 I rT \ briginals (23) O ff th e R ecord 3:30 7:30 | | in the F am ily (6) W ild , W ild W o rld o f T « d e y 'i l |M ( M lillo A le g re A n im a ls FRANK & ERNEST E n ch ila d a s Jocoq ue 171 by Bob Thaves SPONSORED BY: * **YlCO PISTAURAMT JTERVIEWING? 203 M .A.C. 351-9111 ?tter see the resume ace! your best foot forward! Bring us the basic T -rVY* lormation for your resume and we'll do the rest! 5! I the problem-solvers today at: I--- “t®*! Abbey Press aae 547 East Grand River Across from Berkcy Hall 332-8667 3 /3 I — ©177? . lVELS WITH FARLEY Low g a s prices Plus Service THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS C O M IN G I Frank by Post SPONSORED BY: ■ewhi's U tile Freeway ^ fen rk e ttatiea PIZZA 2 S00N1 SPONSORED BY: 13011. Gr. River No«t to Varsity Inn a n n a o n e -a n n a J BOCf-AM t INfiOOD €gL We Appreciate Your Busineit S H A P E /-! CAN UCK. m ACE YOU AWARE THAT OH YES, R T I'V E ANY FR06 ONT71E M3GERS AND PURSESNATTMERS 1BEEN WALKING FR iTZY IN L A N D ./ HANG OUT IN THIS PARK'1, HER E FO R TWELVE YEARS A N D N E V E R HAD A PR O BLEM T bsr, PILLO W TALK B.C. • by Johnny Hart FU“ N J,LURE“ .« thoppiny C .n t.r fu m ltu r . 1BLEWEEDS' ^ P I Z 7 A S F r o e D e liv « r y : SPONSORED BY: M l- 17.7 t K- Ryan s ro w o im y y , 1312 Mich. A ve. 337-1377 FEAUTV, BEAUTY 2 TEETH, 2 EYES, ANP WHAT ARE Yo u D c x h & ? KAUTYi-THATS I A/As OUSTQ7NSD6R1N& READIN& KNEES ALL SOME MEN RIGHT? 7 Ri r ur ?\) '------ - ^ " v V A M0R£< NOSE ~ \r LOOK FOR IN A WOMAMI fu r JSSWORD BlaBBa 000HG3E ■ ■ ■ 1 3 0000111s SAM and SILO • ^ flf Hoir Styling for Man and Woman Coll for appointment today (PUZZLE D B D 0 0 GQ0SI00I1 SPONSORED BY; by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker s p o n s o r e d b y .- imrs&en A -m M it! 1 pwem ACROSS 35 Within: comb, form 0 B 0 fB B lia B B H B IS S 0011 SH E 5Repof3S 201 M AC Bolowr Jones Stationary Now opon Saturdays 37. Knapsack 39. Goddess of h i B 0D H compus recklessness D 0 0 0 0 B 0 B 40. Giant ogre D 0 0 0 D 0 0 0E30 42. Distant 000 0 0 0 D 0 44. About 00301311 0 E 0 B 0 45. From n B H ia n a 0 0 0 110 47. Early English ir iA M iis r Ixm money ■ syllable 49. Creed 4. Radio band 60. Unintelligent 51. Tennis serve 5. Mince 61. Jujube 53. Yale 6. Cleopatra's maid ■ Plant 55. Detainer DOWN 7. Magistrate ■ ador 56 pointed 1. Awns 8- Anent T af,cw 59. Nitrogen: comb. 2. Reading desk 9. Biblical lion 10. Cheek 5 6 ¥ 8 4 10 II 11. Cupid 15. Sinbad's bird r 19. Inflate 21. One addressed BEETLE BAILEY TOM CHAPIN 16 SUNDAY AT DOOLEY'S I 25. Convulsive ay by Mort Walker 5:00 AND 10:30 io 27. Belgian commune 25 H T 1 29. Excitement 31. Carefree I'V E SENT W fB THANKS. 33. Spray IF O R HELP I SHOULD HAVE TOLD { W BUDDY. HIM IT WASN'T 1 h 94 34. Byrd is one I 'L L NEVER NECESSARY TO 36. Mouth: comb, form i7 FOKbfcl you 39 38. Deity rT 41 41 43 44 41. Fishing basket i h 1 / / A A v FOR THIS. WHO ARE YO U ? 49 50 bi 54 95 W r- 4>/ adjective Low Dutch: abl 1 \ tl / 11 / / I. Plural ending v, 3 -3 l 1 8 Michigan State Naws, Eo»t Lansing, Michigan Frl