VOLUME 72 NUMBER 44 State New TUESDAY, MARCH 7. 197B M ICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN 48B24 Harden may order further energy cuts By SCOTT WIERENGA Power Plant 65 and the inoperative Shaw normal level of 50,000 tons until the end of State News Staff W riter Lane Power Plant, totaled 59,000 tons when summer, Simon said. Further energy conservation measures the strike began Dec. 6. According to figures released by a Power may be ordered today by Acting President Under ideal conditions, it normally takes Plant 65 supervisor, the plant consumes Edgar L. Harden as MSU coal reserves 10 to 14 days to ship coal from eastern nearly 700 tons of coal daily when the continue to dwindle. Kentucky, Simon said. Because everyone temperature stays below 15 degrees. Simon V will be “clamoring" for coal as soon as the said daily consumption will soon fall below Harden will release a prepared statement strike ends, the University will not receive 500 tons. concerning the effect of the 90-day-old coal strike on MSU and how the University will regular coal shipments until a t least three In the spring, the daily coal consumption react to it, according to Robert Perrin, vice weeks after the miners go back to work, he is typically 300 to 350 tons and in the president of University and federal rela­ added. summer, the power plant burns less than tions. The coal reserve may not return to the 300 tons per day. Perrin made the comment Monday fol­ lowing an afternoon strategy meeting which included himself, Roger E. Wilkin­ , 1 1947 p h o to , R ep . F r e d A . H a rtle y J r ., R -N .J. A P W ire p h o to b ill th e y sp o n so re d . O n M onday, P r e s id e n t C a r te r son, vice president for business and finance, Theodore B. Simon, assistant vice president of physical plant, and Lyle A. Thorburn, assistant vice president for housing and Israelis divided L ft|, and S e n . R o b e r t A . T a ft, R-Ohio, pose in a in v o k ed th e T a ft-H a rtle y A c t to force s trik in g coal food services. Capitol c o rrid o r in W ash in g to n a lte r th e H ouse m in e rs b ack to w o rk , th e 35 th tim e th e a c t h as over settlements Discussed at the meeting were proposals Kverrode a p re s id e n tia l v e to o l th e T a it-H a rtle y b e e n in voked. to lower temperatures in University build­ ings to 66 degrees and further cut down on the use of fresh air ventilating fans in buildings, according to Perrin and Simon. By MARCUS EL1ASON offending the Arabs. These steps would be in addition to ift-Hartley Act invoked TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - The Israeli energy-saving measures implemented Feb. The Israeli media accuses Begin of government, which tried to please all 16, when Harden requested thermostats in confusing the public. The Labor Party Israelis in its drive to settle Jews on campus buildings to be set no higher than which Likud vanquished in the May 1977 occupied Arab land but offended many, now 68 degrees and circulation fans in the election is back on its feet and hoping Begin seems likely to halt the settlement cam­ buildings to be started one hour later each will make a big mistake that would bring swiftly from the Bituminous Coal Operators paign while Middle East peace talks are Bv DAVID ESPO Washington lawyer, said about 5,000 Mail- morning and turned off one hour earlier down his government. HINGTON (AP) — President Car- grams had been sent to union and industry Association, the industry-wide bargaining under way. each afternoon. “Today the majority in Likud favors B aring th e country “cannot afford to officials as well as other interested parties group. This assessment comes from Israeli The coal reserve totaled 25,000 tons freezing the settlement campaign," says a b lo n g er" for a coal strike settle- inviting them to appear a t the hearing. “We are extremely disappointed that the political sources, one week before Prime source close to the cabinet. “They’re saying, hvoked t h e Taft-Hartley Act on Gentry noted th at under the law the Monday night, according to Simon. This is Minister Menachem Begin is to travel to UMW members have rejected the contract nearly a 50-day supply, he said. Though the let’s not mess up peace talks by building J i n a firs t step aimed a t forcing the board must prepare a report for the their bargaining council had agreed to and Washington for talks with President Car­ new settlements right now." h a c k to work. president before the government can go to mines which supply the University are ter. that the government also considered favor­ non-union, striking miners and bad weather I r a s s e rte d that negotiations be- court. Carter said he expected the board to This camp is led by Defense Minister able to the miners," the BCOA said. combined to nearly halt all coal deliveries to Begin's ruling Likud bloc is in disarray Ezer Weizman, who has already blocked I h e s trik in g United Mine Workers issue its report quickly, and one administra­ over the settlement issue, and his cabinet is “We hope the imposition of Taft-Hartley Power Plant 65, which supplies heat and plans for at least three settlements in the |na th e coal industry were at an tion official said the president expected it split under the weight of American protests will be as contemplated by the statute so electricity to almost all campus buildings. Sinai Desert and one in the West Bank of . And t h e president said he was within three days. that the settlements hinder peace by (continued on page 10) The MSU coal reserve, stockpiled next to the Jordan River. | g A tto rn e y General Griffin Bell to Besides Gentry, the panel includes Eva • re p a ra tio n s for seeking an 80-day Robins, a New York arbitrator, and Carl Weizman halted construction of the West |w o rk o r d e r under terms of the Warns, a professor a t the University of Bank outpost just before flying to Wash­ rtley Act. | strike by some 160,000 UMW rs. w hich enters its fourth month Louisville. The Taft-Hartley Act was passed in 1947 State employment outlook good ington on Sunday for an arms procurement visit, Israel Radio said. The Defense Ministry denied the report, but witnesses ias fo rce d power curtailments and over a veto by President Harry Truman and at the scene said Monday that work had it job layoffs in the Midwest and is has been used by presidents on 34 other indeed ceased. The radio said Weizman also Ining to inflict further harm on the occasions. Truman himself used it seven iy. times in 1948 when a series of industrial R r a n n o u n ce d creation of a three- strikes threatened the economy. despite drop in automobile sales cut off army rations to a group of settlers waiting for new homes elsewhere in the zone. lrb o a rd o f inquiry, as required under In resorting to Taft-Hartley, Carter said LANSING (UPI) - Despite a dip in car sales, state officials say State Budget Director Gerald Miller said that if the federal tax A halt to settlements, the Likud majority I t H artley Act, and the panel made he wanted to make sure the country did not believes, would clear the air for fresh peace more people will be working in Michigan this year and they’ll be cut is not forthcoming, ‘‘we could see some fairly serious problems I hold a p u b lic hearing on the strike fall victim to "total breakdown of the bargaining with Egypt. But it would not May. collective bargaining" process. making more money than they did in 1977. for 1979.” Miller told reporters the nationwide coal strike has had solve the problem of some 100 settlements p Chairperson John N. Gentry, a Reaction to Carter's announcement came Gov. William G. Milliken, in his annual economic report to the practically no effect on Michigan’s economy so far, but it could put built on occupied land since the 1967 war — Legislature, said Michigan’s economy will continue its expansion a severe crimp in business and industry if it continues for longer land the Arabs insist on getting back. — but a t a slower rate. than another month. [eck admits murders; “I expect Michigan’s overall economy to continue to grow during 1978,” Milliken said. Miller said he is “a little bit concerned" about auto sales, which are expected to suffer a 5 percent decline from last year. Egypt and Jordan also demand the settlements be disbanded and if anyone in Likud agrees to that, he has yet to speak He attributed lower sales to an unusually harsh January and out. “Personal income is expected to increase by 9.6 percent. February and to consumer dissatisfaction with the 1978 models. iroin, whiskey involved Employment is expected to increase by over 100,000, with the majority of new jobs coming in the nonmanufacturing sector. "There has been some negative reaction about the down sized intermediate models," Miller said. A decision could come Thursday when Herut, Begins own movement within Likud, meets to discuss settlements. The The jobless rate, which is expected to average 7.2 percent for hawks will demand a clearcut commitment “The underlying factors in the automobile industry continue to JcAGO i A P ) - Richard Speck has admitted for the first time that he killed seven ol the year, is a full percentage point lower than 1977. to build more villages. Some moderates will be good. I think you’re going to see an upturn — but we’ve got to n u rs e s slain 12 years ago, and said they would be alive if one of them had not want a flat promise to stop them. The rate of inflation is expected to slow to 6.4 percent in 1978, watch it." ■ his face, t h e Chicago Sun-Times reported Monday. compared with 6.8 percent last year. I k also s a id in a copyrighted interview with the newspaper’s Bob Greene that the 1 nurse w a s killed by another person — an “effeminate homosexual Spec e The largest price increase will be reflected in transportation costs, which will jump by 8.5 percent. Food prices, which raced up p a u s e h e “would’ve turned state’s evidence.” (ago p olice immediately disputed Speck’s claim that there was an accomp ice. by 5.4 percent in 1977 because of bad weather, will climb by only 4 I s a liar,” said Joseph DiLeonardi, city wide homicide commander. Only one man percent this year and housing costs will increase 6.8 percent. ll te d th is c r im e .” . ,, , . Q Milliken’s economic forecast was based on the assumption that |fo n ard i, w h o was a homicide detective at the time, noted that youve g Congress will approve a $25 billion tax cut, effective Oct. 1. (continued on page 10) Representatives walk out tag§dl<§iy in protest of amendments inside By KAREN SHERIDAN State News Staff W riter Do you have any idea how much money Several ASMSU representatives successfully broke quorum Sunday by walking out of a can be saved by staying healthy? See page specially-scheduled ASMSU Student Board meeting. 3. The walkout was an effort to stall board approval of proposed amendments to the ASMSU constitution, representatives said. Weather "I strongly think this was a political maneuver to destroy quorum and to prevent passage of the legislation,” Agriculture and Natural Resources representative Dan Stouffer The barometer is on the upswing so commented after the meeting. __ maybe we will see the sun today. Debate was spurred by a provision in the four-part amendment bill that would allow the Today's high: low 30s. board to amend the ASMSU constitution without student ratification. Tonight’s low: low teens. The board would be able to make constitutional changes in all cases except those involving student petitioning of a board decision. ___ “I don't think by any stretch of the imagination that it s appropriate for the board to make changes in the constitution,” Barry said. “We should not delegate to any future board the power to make changes in the constitution without student approval. That would defeat the whole purpose of having a C°ASMSU Legislative Relations Cabinet member Dan Black agreed with Barry. “I can see where this would facilitate the operations of the board, but the U.S. government does not have such power,” he '.id . However, engineering representative Jim Randall disagreed. , „ . “I don't agree that everything we vote on should go before a referendum, he pnotooy John Calandro °Another provision in the bill calls for the establishment of an ASMSU vice president to A fte r 22 h o u rs of s tan d in g , s ittin g a n d slee p in g in lin e , L o ri C ro ss (left) a n d C aro l B r ie rin s k i chair all meetings. Under the bill, the vice president would be elected on a joint ticket buy th e fir s t tic k e ts to see th e M SU b a sk e tb a ll te a m in first-ro u n d N C A A plnyoH s th is w eekend in Indianapolis. H u n d re d s o l hopeful fa n s w a ite d in Je m s o n F ie ld h o u se o v e rn ig h t with the ASMSU president. While Barry supported the second pro-ision, saying il would delegate less power to the Sunday to b uy tic k e ts. president and more to the board itself, he remained opposed to the bill as a whole, (continued on page 101 Jf Tuesday, MQrch? Ur" 7' % III 11 La rry Flynt critically wounded l a w h e n c e v n .1.P LAWRENCEVILLE, n_ g «. .•______ A ______J ______________ . . . jumped into a car and aped off courthouse from a cafeteria. (AP) - L srry P |y Bt, th e 34- ever, kept ownership of the after the attack in this town 30 They had eaten lunch there Press, Fivnt . yesr-old hesd of * pornography magazine. miles northeast of Atlanta. during the noon recess after empire who recently declared The Georgia State Patrol Flynt testified in his own In his testimony, Flynt called out God' i w ^ J N tlm magazine a “big put-on. P rin cip le s th a t | * I he had found God. was shot In said it was looking for two defense. W e're as much a humor maga­ w ,th C od it’s ao m ? * ' l the stomach and critically white males in a silver Camaro The judge ordered a mistrial, s a v e d ." “'I 1ha k wounded Monday outaide a with a black top. zine dealing with satire as we and dismissed the six-member are a sexual magazine." courthouse where he was being Gene Reeves Jr., a local jury. F ly n t's H Curfew imposed on Salisbury suburb tried on obscenity charges. attorney who was representing Flynt had “a terrible, ugly Flynt has also been appealing a conviction for pandering ob­ '.. rc,i» u s c a m e w hile i i ^ L t u m Herald Fahringer, an atto r­ Flynt in the case here, was shot hole in his stomach,” said scenity in Ohio. h 's p iik je t, h e l ' S j ney for the owner of H ustler and wounded in the arm as he Fahringer. SALISBURY Rhodesia (Zim b ab w e) (AP) eastern suburbs have been a tta c k e d magazine, said th e assailant and Flyntstrolled back to the In an interview earlier this A t midafternoon, a special — A dusk-to-daw n c u rfe w w as im posed since th e s ta rt o f th e y e a r, a n d o n e w h ite year with The Associated delivery of blood for Flynt was C a ro lin a home. ” 1 | M onday in 225 square m ile s o f w h ite - youth has been k ille d . A b o u t 50 p ro p e rty flown by helicopter from Atlan­ owned fa rm la n d on th e o u ts k irts o f ow ners, m o st o f them w h ite fa rm e rs , and ta, authorities said. Salisbury's n o rth ea ste rn suburbs. V io la ­ tors can be shot on sigh t. Police im posed th e cu rfe w , a lre a d y in hundreds o f blacks w o rk in g a n d liv in g on th e fa rm s w ill b e a ffe c te d b y th e cu rfe w . M o to rists a re e x e m p t. O il tanker size Police Capt. Dan Meeks said, “There had been no indication of any violence against Flynt.” P e o p le con/inec force in many o th e r areas o f th e co un try, Flynt, who was charged in in an e ffo rt to p re ve n t b la ck n a tio n a lis t g u e rrilla s fro m sprea d ing v io le n ce in to the capital. The city o f S alisbury w as n ot M e a n w h ile , tw o b lo ck v e g e ta b le d e a l­ ers a p p e a re d b rie fly in a loca l c o u rt­ room o n charges o f p la n tin g fiv e bom bs limit disallow ed Gwinnett County State Court with distributing obscene ma­ terials — specifically the for com plaint included in the c u rfe w o rd e r, w hich A ugust 1977 issue of H ustler — th a t e x p lo d e d S aturday in d o w n to w n WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said Monday that includes a pop u lar picnic re so rt. testified shortly before he was Salisbury and its suburbs. N o o n e w as states may not limit the size of oil tankers plying th eir w aters, and shot th at the magazine in many A t least tw o w h ite hom es in th e n o rth - h u rt in th e blasts. also ruled th a t Indian tribes have no legal power to prosecute non-Indians for crimes committed on tribal lands. respects contradicted his own beliefs as a Christian. However, in Soviet Uni0, Deciding a pair of legal controversies from the state of he defended his right to publish Washington, the justices handed separate, serious setbacks to LONDON (AP) — Fourteen Three killed in South Africa clash proponents of state rights and Indian self-government. the magazine, saying it was not w orkers who complained about w o rk su perio rs. illegal and he had “decided in . T h e S o v iet employ,*, In other m atters, the court: the beginning I was not going their bosses have been confined ' “ H on. form ed by •L et stand a ruling in a Tennessee case th a t white employees to be a censor unless it violated to psychiatric hospitals in the WINDHOEK, South-W est A fric a (AP) — n e a r th is c a p ita l city. u n em p lo y ed may sue an employer for alleged discrimination against blacks. the law.” Soviet Union since January Police using te a r gas sca tte re d m obs o f Police d escrib e d th e O w a m b o s as o rg a n iz e d to p r o t w ^ J The justices now have given tacit approval to such legal A fter his recent announce­ 1977, Amnesty International blacks M onday m orning a fte r a n ig h t o f supp o rte rs o f th e anti-S o u th A fric a n said Monday. | j r.g h ts ,„d J f l precedent for Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, California, ment th a t he had been con­ bloody dashes betw een trib e s s u p p o rt­ g rou p SWAPO — th e South-W est A fric a n ^ The London-based human fre e d o m of e x p r e s s ^ 11 Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, verted by Presdlent C arter's ing and opposing th e South A fric a n te e d u n d e r the Soviet, People's O rg a n iz a tio n — a n d th e H ereros Guam and Hawaii. rights organization said it made tio n . ” sister, evangelist Ruth Carter a d m in istra tion here, a u th o ritie s as fo llo w e rs o f th e pro-S outh A fric a n •A greed to decide w hether states may impoae requirem ents on the estim ate after receiving Stapleton, Flynt turned over to reported. They said th re e b la cks w e re D em ocratic T u rn ha lle A llia n c e . doctors performing abortions aimed at saving the fetus after it is new material from two major Paul K rassner the title of k ille d and 40 others w e re in ju re d . Police used te a r gas on se vera l removed from the woman — to abort the fetus “alive.” H ustler publisher. Flynt, how­ Soviet sources in recent months. Taiwan co/fedl The violence erupted Sunday a fte r ­ occasions to d isp e rse th e rio te rs , w it­ noon w hen about 350 O w a m b o trib e s- Last year the World Psychi nesses said. Police said th e m a in fig h t atric Association condemned ch ief block J m embers a rm ed w ith sticks, a xes, kn ives and clubs converged on th e H ere ro trib e 's w as b ro k e n up b y 10 p .m . b u t s m a lle r groups clashed s p o ra d ic a lly u n til a bo u t Yugoslavian leader in U.S.; the practice and singled out the Soviet Union for using hospital- section o f th e black K a tu tu ra to w n sh ip m id n ig h t. zation as a method of containing China relation! dissidents. The agency also U.S. price rates slow er than Europe's military sales may increase criticized the persecution ol Soviet citizens trying to expose T 0 Y K 0 (API _ H u, L lo n g , new ly the abuses. l In n s s suprem e leader, )■ to ld th e national puliinmjl WASHINGTON (AP) — President Tito of Amnesty International won BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) — Prices o re and reciprocates trips to Belgrade made by k m g th a t the A m eriuaJ p erce n t in D ecem ber 1977 w h ile th e I Yugoslavia, the longest-serving head of govern­ the Nobel Peace Prize last year former Presidents Richard M. Nixon and Gerald t 't u d e on the Taiwan j j risin g fa ste r in W estern Europe than in ment in the world, flew here Monday for a for its work in helping political A m e ric a n ra te has stayed a ro u n d 6.7 fo r | R. Ford. re m a in s th e chief obsUdH th e U nited States, b u t th e ra te o f increase th e p a st th re e m onths. three-day official visit. prisoners around the world. Apparently concerned about a possible Soviet e s ta b lis h in g full U .S.flnn is slow ing dow n, a ccording to fig u re s He is the first communist leader to be received One of the two Soviet sources effort to retu rn Yugoslavia to Moscow’s camp, d ip lo m a tic relations. released M onday by th e C om m on M a r­ W est G e rm a n y c o n tin u e d to k e e p th e by President Carter. cited was the unofficial Assoc­ the C arter administration has been discussing a H sin h u a, th e official C M ket. tig h te s t g rip o n ris in g p rice s a t 3.2 Secretary of State Cyrus Vance was to greet iation of Free Trade Unions, "modest expansion” of U.S. military sales with n e w s ag en cy , said in a dispiJ p e rce n t. Ita ly re g is te re d th e h ig h e s t Tito Monday evening on his arrival a t Andrews which sent Amnesty about 40 The s ta tistica l o ffic e Eurostat e s ti­ Yugoslav officials. Air Force base. pages of documents, some of re c e iv e d h ere Monday th atl m ated th a t fto m January 1977 to January incre a se o f th e n in e m e m be rs a t 13.8 Sources said C arter and Tito, in meetings them from early 1977. Amnesty a ls o o u tlin e d to the fifth Nafr 1978 prices rose 8.3 perce n t in th e n in e p e rce n t, b ut it w as d ow n fro m 15 p e rc e n t | Six American presidents have come and gone today and Thursday, probably will concentrate said one of these documents, an a l P e o p le s Congress an inti last N ove m b e r. since Tito’s dramatic break with the Soviet on such global issues as detente, the Middle East Common M a rk e t co un trie s com pared open letter signed by 43 s iv e 1 0-y ear plan for modew Union in 1948, and all have considered preserv­ and the Horn of Africa. w ith 6.6 p e rce n t in th e U nite d States. A ll th e C om m on M a rk e t c o un trie s workers, detailed 14 cases since in g C h in a 's "backw ard”b id i| ation of Yugoslavia's independence and te rrito ­ C arter will welcome Tito during a ceremony on d u s trie s , The European ra te o f increase slow ed show ed drops in th e ra te o f incre a se [ rial inegrity to be a vital American interest. January 1977 in which Soviet the White House South Lawn this morning at fro m 9.5 perce n t in N ove m b e r 1977 to 9.1 e xce p t France and D en m a rk. C arter’s invitation to the 85-year-old leader dissidents known to the group H u a m ad e his three and a which military honors will be rendered. represented a continuity of th a t 30-year U.S. A black tie dinner a t the White House has been were confined to psychiatric hospitals as penalty for lodging h a lf h o u r re p o rt last week .1 policy. This is Tito’s first visit here since 1971 set for tonight. o n ly b rie f excerpts hsd b formal complaints against their re le a s e d previously. (be Stole N ew ) ■* published *w> the llu d tn ls o f Michigon S'ot* U m vt try every does doy during Foil Winter and Spr.ng school forms Monday W ednotaoy ond Frsdoyt during Summer term and o special W okom o Week edition i t published in September Subscription r flt* n $20 p«r year 1 Second clast postoge potd at Cost Lonttng Mich editorial 0 nd b u ttn o tt offices a t 345 S'wlent Services Bldg Michigan Stot* Univai tity to s t Lansing M ich 48824 Post O ff to publication number is 520360 Postmoster Plaasa sand fo rm 35 9 to Slot# N ew t 345 Studant Serv l Building ir THE HflfR LOFT LTr cor# of MSU M astangar Sarvica la s t Lansing Mich 48823 P R E C IS IO N H A IR C U T T IN G FO R GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER mEN & W Om EN ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER PHONIS Nows 'idlteriel ... Classified Ads__ 9S5-B2S2 i We are a complete hair £ skin 355-82SS Display Advertising Business pushes for earlier tax reductions BusinessOffice ... Photographic..... 353-4400 955-3447 care center. 355-1311 WASHINGTON (AP) — R epresenta­ R oundtable, w hich re p re se n ts 185 b u s i­ We use 4 recommend tives o f b ig business to ld Congress ness and fin a n c ia l firm s , to ld th e House M onday th a t P resident C arter's proposed ta x reductions should be a llo w e d to ta ke Ways and M eans C o m m itte e th a t th e fS f i # R E D K E N & R K p r o c k fs | increase in th e fe d e ra l d e fic it th a t w o u ld e ffe c t th re e m onths e a rlie r in o rd e r to keep th e econom y g ro w in g . re su lt fro m m a k in g th e ta x cuts e ffe c tiv e Mon. - Sat: 9-5 on July 1 w o u ld be a re aso n a ble p ric e to For a p p o in tm e n t To m e et th a t tim e ta b le , said Reginald pay. 220 M.A.C., East Lansing H. Jones, ch airp e rson and ch ie f e xe cu ­ tiv e o ffic e r o f G e n e ra l Electric Co., Congress should shelve C arter's proposal S lipping back in to s lo w e r econom ic g ro w th o r even a recession w o u ld , o f 332-8660 Upstairs University Mall to end som e ta x b rea ks fo r many course, m o ke it m uch h a rd e r to c o ntro l businesses and ind ivid u a ls. th e d e fic it and a chie ve o th e r n a tio n a l Jones, speaking fo r th e Business econom ic and social g o a ls ," Jones said. Marston to run for governor seat PHILADELPHIA (AP) - D avid W. A rle n Specter, R obert B utera and s ta te M arston, th e Republican U.S. a tto rn e y Sen. H enry H ager. T h ro nb u rg h, a fo rm e r w hose o u ste r by the C arter a d m in is tra ­ U.S. A tto rn e y in P itts b u rg h , and Specter, tio n becam e a notio n a l issue, announced fo rm e r d is tric t a tto rn e y in P h ila d elp hia ! M onday he is a candidate fo r g o ve rn o r o f also have re p u ta tio n s as crim e -b u s tin g Pennsylvania. prosecutors. The 35-year-old la w ye r said he w o u ld M a rsto n re s ig n e d Jon. 20 a fte r U.S. seek th e Republican n o m in a tio n in th e a tto rn e y G e n e ra l G r iffin Bell re fu se d to M ay 16 p rim a ry. a llo w him to fin is h o u t his te rm , w hich TUESDAY'S He is th e fifth R epublican to e n te r th e w o u ld h ave e x p ire d in 1980. Bell soid th e race to succeed D em ocratic G ov. M ilto n CALENDAR OF EVENTS a d m in is tra tio n w a n te d a D em ocrat in th e Shapp, w ho is b arre d by th e state job and accused M a rs to n , w ho lost races MARCH 2 thru 11 constitu tion fro m seeking a th ird te rm . fo r th e sta te L e g is la tu re in 1972 and 1973, THURSDAY thru SATURDAY The others o re Richard T hornburgh, o f p o litic iz in g his o ffic e . Sea turtles in danger of extinction iBIuefirass Bands THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS Si SATURDAYS . .M A N N E Q U IN M O D E L IN G S O R T L O O K S 12:0(7 10 4 :0 0 IN MlSS OF RE­ & G ia n t sea tu rtle s th a t once num bered JS H O P th a t in h a b it th e P acific coast o f N orth in the m illion s a lo n g N o rth A m e rica 's A m e rica , th e p o p u la tio n s o f th re e spe­ Pacific Coast face e stinctio n unless WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 . .. ."WATER WORKS" cies, th e h a w k s b ill, log g e rh e a d and Cheap Beer prom pt action is ta ke n to save th e W ET H A IR LO O K S FOR AFTER- e ath erb a ck — a lre a d y a re p e rilo u s ly o cean-dw elling repitle s, co n se rva tio n ­ ists w arn. low , a ccording to th e W o rld W ild life S W IM ; P L U S W A S H & D R Y CUTS FOR Fund. THE A C T IV E Y O U . PRESENTED BY Im m ediate action is v ita l to prote ct nesting beaches and stop th e slau g h te r THE T R IM M E R S - B E A U T Y SALON ¥ AT As fo r th e o th e r tw o , m o re populous 12:00 to 4:00 IN M ISS JSH O P by fish erm e n ," says V ivia n S ilverstein of species, th e gree n tu rtle " w ill be e x tin c t th e W orld W ild life Fund. w ith in th re e years unless im m ed iate "W e need im m ed iate action on an THROUGHOUT THE 10 DAYS. . .SIGN UP FOR OUR "SUN DIREC­ a ction is ta ke n , a fu n d study concluded. intern a tio na l basis to so ve these tu rtle s ," TIONS ESSENTIALS" DRAW ING. The Pacific R idley tu r tle p o p u latio n , odds Toby Cooper o f Defenders of once th e la rg e st in th e W estern H em is­ M R , J, M IS S J, A N D MISS J SHOES. HOBIE’S W ild life . "They're in serious tro u b le ." p here. w ill fo llo w in less than e ig h t "SUN DIRECTIONS ESSENTIALS O f the liv e species of m a rin e tu rtle s ye a rs." D R A W IN G .. S A T U R D A Y , MARCH 11, ...M IS S J SH O P . W IN A TOTE BA 930 T row bridge F I L L E D W I T H A L L T H E ESSENTIALS F O R Y O U R S U N S H IN E T R IP H ising health care costs Student organizations resent issue for young join to encourage poll ■y PETE BRONSON jgl Lott thought bankrupt- plan absorbing the cost, pa­ tients often pay little attention Since 1967, the costs of health care have climbed from $30 entire nation $450 million. Now “However, for consumers in to comply with Title IX ■financial ruin were things to their hospital bills. Blue Cross costs GM alone $1 general, rising medical care billion per year to over $90 billion per year, and officials costs are reflected in Consumer By ANNE MARIE BIONDO students do with what they have." j only happened to small But to the uncovered and billion in 1975. In the same estimate that cost goes up a t a Price Index comparisons. A State News Staff W riter The resolution calls for a survey to Ljs owners. unprotected, the impact of spi- period, government expendi­ rate of $100 million annually. Harvard University study by The three largest student governing determine student interests in several was before her husband raling medical care costs can be tures for health care increased “Almost $1 out of every $8 Martin Feldstein and Amy organizations at MSU have joined forces to intramural facilities, the hours the facilities Effered brain damage in a a crippling blow. 800 percent. General Motors spends on what Taylor found, “while the gen­ urge University administrators to conduct a would be used, the competition level desired Lycle accident. A t 23. Though uninsured families This year, it is estimated the are often mistakenly referred to eral level of consumer prices has survey on student needs in physical recrea­ in each sport and willingness to provide L jobs and uncovered by are a minority — 90 percent nation will spend as much as as fringe benefits goes for risen 125 percent since 1950, the tion. economic support for construction of a multi­ rears insurance. Bill Lott have some kind of insurance — $181 billion. That amount repre­ health care coverage," GM’s cost of a day in the hospital has ASMSU, the Council of Graduate Stu­ purpose sports arena. Ltrol of his new Honda, they illustrate a problem which sents enough money to run Director of Employee Benefits climbed more than 1,000 per­ dents, and Student Council have collaborated ASMSU President Kent Barry said there i roadside concrete em- and Services Victor M. Zink said cent." • on a resolution calling for a survey to help is "no doubt" that the University needs to bent, and plunged his in recent congressional testi­ determine University compliance to Title IX. conduct the survey. T w i t e into financial disas- mony. To patients, this means the The survey idea originally came from Mary “The two key words are 'needs' and hospital room which cost $15 a Pollock, MSU director of women’s programs. ‘interests’," Barry said. Jol Lott was to discover Another major national cor­ day in 1950 now costs $175. Pollock, also title IX coordinator for MSU, |many Americans are un- poration, Eastern Airlines, re ­ Student leaders agreed that the survey According to Michigan Insur­ presented the idea to the MSU Board of could be conducted most easily a t registra­ of until it suddenly ported since 1973 — the year of ance Commissioner Tom Jones, Trustees Affirmative Action committee. I them — the soaring cost the OPEC oil price increase — tion. However, action has not yet been taken major reasons for high auto Title IX of the Federal Education Amend­ to do a survey at spring registration. Uth care. After 30 days in health care costs have rise 25 insurance costs in the state in ment of 1972 states that no one may be bnsive care unit undergo- percent annually. This increase The University faces a July 21 deadline to not the 'no-fault' plan as some denied benefits of any education program or urrage of elaborate tests, has only been surpassed by be incompliance with Title IX regulations. At critics claim, but soaring medi­ activity receiving federal financial assistance Eastern's bills for je t fuel. this time, the Department of Health, Educa­ k t had run up a hospital affects everyone. From the cal care costs which result in on the basis of sex. MSU for 633 years a t the These and similar industries tion and Welfare will review the University’s ■almost $15,000. Climbing biggest businesses to the indi­ larger settlements. current budget level. often' pass the burden of higher "Title IX says sports programs must athletic policies. The resolution states that He of more than $400 per vidual consumer, the bill for High medical care costs affect reflect the skills and interests of students. Or. as one researcher has health care premiums on to the survey is designed to provide information lebill could take years for health care is eventually paid by the economy a t every level from The only way to know this is through a estimated, $181 billion would the public through higher prices that could be used at the HEW review in ■to pay. all. the vast machinations of the survey." James Carr, COGS representative, buy almost 20,000 Panama Can­ for their goods and services, and July. ■tered by intermediary For the Lotts and others like federal budget to the individual said. als a t the original purchase on to the employees through Student Council and COGS have not yet groups like Blue them, the cost of medical care price. family. "No one in the University really knows wages which do not increase. voted to approve the co-sponsored survey [ most families may not can be crushing in an emergen­ what the students want," he continued. Costs of government health The inflated prices affect Next: A look a t the reasons resolution, and it is currently being con­ , how health care costs cy. For others, the bill is passed "They (administrators) know what the care programs have also gone everyone, but perhaps the behind climbing health care sidered in the policy committee of ASMSU. yrocketed. Medical care on through consumer products, up in recent years. For instance, costs. worst victims are people like the i covered by employer- increased insurance premiums Medicare costs have quadrupled Lotts. led health care insurance. and even reduced wages. since 1967. And when such cost “Young marrieds are most 7 people may not even On a national scale, cost increases occur, the expense susceptible to financial ruin due (the price of their insur- increases have been staggering. often reverts to the consumer in ■remiums, much less the (care actually provided, i Cross and similar in- Ten years ago, the health industry took up only about six percent of the gross national the form of higher prices, economists point out. to health care costs," an Ameri­ can Public Health Association Study said. Couples like the Robber flees with money, beer Health care costs in industry Lotts, who are just entering the t plans pay the hospital product. Now, at eight percent, affect consumers as well. The An armed robber escaped 7:30 p.m. while the driver was Tucker said. stolen car were put on another job market are often either not ^ most families' emergen- medical care accounts for a most expensive part of a new with about $70 from an East inside the restaurant and left Police believe the stolen car car used during the robbery, insured or not insured with ■ i treatment or surgery. larger portion of the GNP than car is not the steel, the rubber Lansing food store Sunday the car running. was used in the robbery but and then replaced. sufficient coverage to meet a Ihe third-party insurance the defense industry. or the glass, but health care for evening after alledgedly steal­ The stolen car was found were not certain even though The alleged robber was crisis, the study said. the people who construct it. Also, after marriage, the ing a pizza delivery car, East abandoned in the Frandor the license plate numbers described as a heavyset, 5-foot- According to industry figures, Lotts began to accumulate pos­ Lansing police said. shopping center about 10 matched. Tucker said it is pos­ 8-inch white male with reddish the biggest supplier of General sessions. By taking out loans to The man walked into the 7-11 minutes after the robbery. sible the license plates from the brown hair. Motors last year was Blue pay for a new motorcycle which store on Lake Lansing and Iarijuana bill Cross-Blue Shield, and the was overpriced partially be­ Harrison Roads at about 8:30 second largest was Metropoli­ cause of health care costs, the p.m., Lt. Dean Tucker said, and tan Life Insurance. U.S. Steel came in third. GM spends about $1700 a year Lotts were in the worst possible position to meet their own medical care costs. told the cashier to hand over all money in the cash register. The man pointed to his FM radio permit asked Iupport sought on each employee's health in­ surance. Comparison of figures over the last few decades indicate just how much these For young marrieds, the most vulnerable of three generations studied, “at a time of greatest need, resources are a t their pocket and told the cashier he had a gun, Tucker said. The woman said she saw a “wooden handle" sticking out of the The Michigan State Radic A carrier current system on Network has been granted the AM band now enables only permission by the MSU Board on-campus residents in build­ of trustees to apply to the ings to pick up the signal. a chance to convince the FCC to deny a license in the normal course of application for licens­ man’s pants but could not see ing. The FCC waits 30 days to premiums have risen. In 1950, lowest levels," the report con­ Federal Communications Com Tentative plans call for act on an application, giving |A le tte r writing campaign posession of less than an Blue Cross-Blue Shield cost the cluded. the rest of the alleged gun. mission for a low-power non­ changing WMSN headquarters other parites time to object. 1 show support for the ounce of marijuana. Posses­ The woman told police the commercial FM radio station. in the Student Services Objections that can force Icriminalization of mari- sion of more than an ounce man escaped with the money But local radio stations said Building into the FM station. denial of the license include kna will be sponsored by would bring $100 fine and 90 and a quart of beer. He then they may block the network’s WMCD in McDonel Hall and those of a technical, legal or days imprisonment under iRGIM on campus this Ml the proposed bill. A similar bill was defeated E. Lansing Council drove west on Lake Lansing Road, Tucker said, in either a blue Oldsmobile or Plymouth. bid for an FM station by WBRS in Brody complex would complaining to the FCC. evenly split broadcasting on the Off-campus students will older AM carrier current. financial nature. The owners of radio stations WVIC and WILS, Joe Buys and (Information tables will be by two votes last year in the Police said the license plate hear MSU student radio for the Local radio stations are given (continued on page 10) t up today and Thursday House of Representatives, number reported by the woman first time if the proposed FM (th e International Center, | d on Wednesday in the fro m 11:30 a.m. to according to PIRGIM cam­ pus coordinator Rick Gam- meeting canceled matched that of a 1976 Oldsmo­ bile Cutlass stolen earlier from station is licensed by the FCC. Two years of planning preceded 0 p.m. District maps and |mple letters will be avail- to **• d e n t s t o h e lp ber. Some senators have said they need to hear constituent support before t h e y . ’n Ae afl r m a t iv e ly There isn't much to do in East Lansing these days. The regularly-scheduled City Council meeting for tonight was canceled f o r 1. ’k of agenda items. Campus Pizza, 1312 Michigan Ave. The car was stolen about the presentaiton made to the trustees. Jax’s Copying (swer an> questions about on the bill, he added. The next council meeting will be held March a t 7:30 p.m. 21 in Super Quality Xerox 9200 copies litinjf th e ir senators. |F u tu re decriminalization "More people are arrested for (possession of) marijuana the East Lansing publich library, 950 Abbott Rd. The council is scheduled to take action on the site plan for the UNIVERSITY STUDY Specialists for dissertations & resumes m paigns will include a than are arrested for mur­ Dayton .Hudson mall at that time in addition to regular agenda Interested in earning university credits kor to d o o r distribution o f der, robbery, rape, and as­ items. while exploring a new land in a l its Jerature in the residence Ills. sault," Gamber said. PIRGIM’s role as a "stu­ aspects? Why not consider a summer, semester, year, or degree program at 3.75 * 8'/i x 11 copy one of Israel's seven leading (T h e campaign was de- |lo p ed to pressure senators passing a bill which dent funded and controlled consumer organization" will try to help stimulate support THE L NG universities. Religious studies, humanities, the social sciences and a host of other courses are offered In 541 E. Grand River ACROSS FROM BERKEY HALL UPPER LEVEL Id re d u c e the penalty to for the Senate bill among 332-5500 (m ax im u m fine of $100 for students, he said. AND THE either English or Hebrew with special emphasis on helping you get a grasp of Israel. Whether It be in Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv or the Negev, a study ABOVE PARAMOUNT NEWS SH-RT OF IT program at an Israeli unlvenlty will give you a new feeling about Israel and yourself as well. Write for a ► /// *« THE LONG) If y o u are b e t w een 17 • a n d 3 2 years o ld brochure gving information about all *11 the universities and the programs they and w o u ld lik e to e x p e rie n c e Israel fo r 6 m o nth s, a offer. sem ester o r ye ar, w e 'v e g o t th e p ro g ra m s l Learn C ornell lo r Advancement H eb re w , v o lu n te e r in a d e v e lo p m e n t to w n , d ig in to of Study Programs a k ib b u tz , liv e th e la n d a n d th e p e o p le in these at Israeli Universities, Rm 25 h is to ric tim e s . M o s t p ro g ra m s c o s t l it t le m o re than 515 Park Avenue, Nov York, a irfa re a lo n e . R oom a nd b o a rd are in c lu d e d . C o l­ N o * York 10022, (212) 751-5070 ♦ lege c re d its are a v a ila b le w h e re a p p lic a b le . * and a high school graduate THE SHORTt If yo u a re In h ig h s c h o o l, c o lle g e , o r f/ jt # - o ld e r y o u sh o u ld spend th is sum m er In Isra e l. There .0 c?>V O <£ are doze n s o f p ro g ra m s to ch o o s e fro m — m any o f­ fe rin g c o lle g e c re d its . Be a n a rc h a e o lo g is t, w o rk jr # o n a k ib b u tz , lea rn H e b re w , d an ce , to u r, d is c o v e r y o u r (e w ls h r o o ts . A ll p ro g ra m s o f f e r . ra re ch a lle n g e s and in -d e p th Is ra e li e xperiences. So w h e th e r y o u 're in te re s te d in th e lo n g o r th e s h o rt • • • • • A TUESDAY NIGHT o f it c a ll to d a y o r w r ite fo r th e fre e d e s c rip tiv e DELIGHT! b o o k le t. a • • • O I B E D A m e ric a n Z io n is t Y o u th F o u n d a tio n 25 IH I BLUE G RAM Isra e l P rogram C e n te r S 15 Park A venue, EXTENSION N ew Y o rk, N.Y. 10 0 2 2 ( 2 12) 7 5 1-6 0 7 0 fIR V IC I Nam e ■■- < s . Bner 7 lp 111 Sill1 is DIME NITE TONIGHT FROM 9:00 PM TIL CLOSE A g e ------------ T e le p h o n e MICHIGAN'S#! BLUE GRASS (a re * code) > 4 11*11 lle lS I * e l GROUP! I a m I n te r e s te d in □ l o n g t e r m □ s h o r t t e r m p r o g r a m s I im r t m l lim e. No Cover! No Minimum! iB S55T Si 1 lie! I returned to find the car gone. Someone in WELCOME TOOUR. The significance of al! this? Consider the MAIN VACANT cowm! the parking lot told me that the DPS had following: been towing away cars that day. ^ FOR 10N6! •The signs prohibiting parking in the I w a s i n f u r i a te d . T h e D P S h a d to l d m e a t aforementioned area are facing north. t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e t e r m t h a t I c o u ld , if t h e Therefore, a person entering from the n e e d a r o s e w h ile w o r k in g on c a m p u s , d r i v e south, in the dark, could not read them. a n d p a r k m y b r o t h e r 's c a r t h e r e . " I f y o u g e t Furthermore, my classmates and I have a t i c k e t ," t h e y s a id , “j u s t w r i t e a n o te been parking there for evening exams since s t a t i n g t h a t y o u w e r e w o r k in g a t t h e tim e , last summer, and some of us did not realize w h ic h y o u r b r o t h e r c o u ld u s e t o a r g u e t h e we were illegally parked, nor were we ever St*vrt from I m ean anything, she seemed to be very "Listen,” I said, “I actually planned on 1924 jazz band version. strings, and was a rather Wendy Herbener was the foremost contemporary com­ balanced, with a good sampling ich blacks* intelligent. Sarah was punctual, and she playing some backgammon and drinking a O'Brien's technique was am­ moving work with an anti- flautist for two works. S h e posers. Performances of such of the familiar and the novel. su g g e s te d thnt we drive to a women's few Cokes tonight, really.” ple but there were several b oo kstore in a nearby city where a renowned I sat in the corner the rest of the evening flawed passages, though she feminist poet was scheduled to give a feeling extremely guilty, guilty, GUILTY! never lost her composure. At reading. I was a little apprehensive since I To be continued times, the piece lacked coher- WIN A FREE T R IP EARN 0 V Bl$650 A MONTH TO DISN EY WORLD FIRST PRIZE IN THE STUDENT BOOK STORE'S FABULOUS GIVEAWAY AS RIGHTTHROUGHYOUR •rating the m oil itonia Martinet I la te of an ambui iemonstration i WE CELEBRATE THE OPENING OF OUR REMODELED STORE I It* M tlZI 4 DAYS, S NIOHTS SEMORYEAR. a n Nationalist Pi • T H U FANTASTIC PRIZES so ns were killed! 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Fort Wlldomoss Campground and Magic Kingdom Fork 4th POIZI 'SO SHOPMNO It’s called the Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate- U .S. citizens i ‘Two admissions to "The Magic Kingdom Park" nan rights shs ‘ Eighteen admissions to tho thomo park attraction. t r a u AT M S Collegiate Program (NUPOC-C for short) and if you qualify, onsider the M ‘Choice of tho following: SMi POIZI 'SO SHOPPINO an people, whoM Sightseeing tour o f Capo Kennedy and NASA Space Center • r a i l AT SOS you can earn as much as $650 a month right through your law in the list I Cypress Gordons Water Ski Show reed on them b jl Evonlng Tour to Ratio O'Grody's Good Time Emporium In Orlando. Admission only no wools or bovorogo. tth end 7th POIZIS n i l UM senior year. Then after 16 weeks of Officer Candidate School, OP ALL H OUIOID I IT S SPOINO ‘All state and local taxes. c o u n t! BOOKS you’ll receive an additional year of advanced technical ftUS ROUND TIHF AIRFARE FROM LANSING TO ORLANDO. FLORIDA. Basod on tingle occupancy and tpoce available basis. •H i POIZI - SOS T'SHIHTS TO education. This would cost you thousands in a civilian school, IO OPIOPU but in the Navy, we pay you. And at the end of the year of ENTRY BLANK (one per person) | training, you’ll receive a $3,000 cash bonus. NAME:___ I It isn’t easy. There are fewer than 400 openings and only I ADDRESS: I one of every six applicants will be selected. But if you make PHONE: _ it, you’ll have qualified for an elite engineering training I FLORIDA TRIP DRAWING TO BE HELD O N THURSDAY MARCH 16, AT 4 p.m . I program. With unequaled hands-on responsibility, a $24,000 iok IdHor TomSW KimSlw (FINALS WEEK) DRAWING FOR THE REST OF THE PRIZES HELD ON FRIDAY. MARCH 3 1 ,4 p.m . Employees o f th e Student Book Store and th e ir fa m ilie s a re n o t e lig ib le . You I salary in four years, and gilt-edged qualifications for jobs in private industry should you decide to leave the Navy ganoldo^ DonSp Chris W need n ot be present to w in . I later. (But we don’t think you’ll want to.) .1 Ask your placement officer to set up an interview with a (no purchase required) Navy representative when he visits the campus on March 9, THE STUDENT BOOK STORE IS BUYING YOUR BOOKS BACK or contact your Navy representative at 313-226-7795 (collect). EVERYDAY. SPRING TERM BOOKS ARE SET UP NOW FOR EARLY PURCHASES. If you prefer, send your resume to the Navy Nuclear Officer MORE MONEY FOR YOUR BOOKS... Program, Code 312-B468,4015 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, MORE BOOKS FOR YOUR MONEY Va. 22203, and a Navy representative will contact you directly. DROP YOUR ENTRY BLANK OFF AT OUR BOOKBUYING COUNTER The NUPOC-Collegiate Program. It can do more than help you finish college: it can lead to an exciting career opportunity. Student ACROSS FROM OLIN. OPEN 8:30 • 5:30 DAILY s s ITSNOTJUSTAJOB,ITSANADVENTURE. NJOTOFFKBt. Heathcote wary of Providence By MICHAEL KLOCKE Providence lost to Rhode have had 20 o r more wins. S tate N ew t Sparta W riter Island In the East Coast A thlet­ “In most of those years they The way things look, MSU ic Conference post-season have had a tournam ent bid — has a mighty good chance to tournament, but the Friars either the NCAA o r more often make it to the finals of the Mideast Regional in the NCAA have knocked off some formid­ the NIT. So they've had tourn­ s s s js - a able opponents this year, ament exposure." -1sss:sd basketball tournam ent including North Carolina and But, remember, th at’s only Louisville. MSU is seeded No. 1 in the on paper. But. says Heathcote, there's Mideaat Regional by virtue of it Obstacle number one will be more to it than that. Big Ten title — and th a t has its Providence, a 24-7 team which 'In the last 20 years it would advantages. “ nter and tw0 is deeply rooted in basketball be hard to find anyone who " " tin g lineup' ^ The Spartans are opposite tradition. The Friars of hesd could match Providence,'' said. Heathcote then te* both No. 1 Kentucky and No. 2 coach Dave G avitt have a club Heathcote said a t his weakly M arquette, and if they beat statement* Wh° < that worries Ju d Heathcote, news conference Monday. “I Providence, they will play the and understandably so. think in 17 of those years, they winner of the Syracuae-West- ern Kentucky game. Not a bad draw, considering how other Jnd H eathcote Detroit, said Heathcote? team s fared. ta g the 103.74 win h £ M arquette not The other game of Saturday's doubleheader a t Indianapolis' Hooisers have a good shot at getting into the final four. taf- But the most p i Of the seaaon wu « i M arket Square Arena will “We helped Indiana get the •gainst Indiana." feature M u-quette against the bid and Indiana helped ua win But the regularseaaoniaJ happy with bids Mid-American Conference champion, which is still to be determined. the conference by defeating both Purdue and Minnesota late in the eeason,” Heathcote t h e N r 4 i Si’, r t , u - ° « I n ] •nil J w ch HeitlitaJj said. aptly describe, u "x J I A fter some speculation, It Roulette." MILWAUKEE (U P I )-M a r- concerned about their selection. waa decided Monday afternoon I quette Coach Hank Raymonds "I think a lot of people around that the MSU-Providence game Sunday expressed concern at the country are concerned about will be played a t 2 p.m. and will the possibility of playing Ken­ this," he said. He said NCAA be shown on NBC (Channel 10). tucky in the Mideaat Regional of officials started seeding teams M arquette will play the MAC the NCAA basketball tourna­ when M arquette lost to Indiana, winner at 11 a.m. in what ment. Raymonds said the NCAA but he said officials aren't seeding enough teams. Heathcote dubbed “the break­ fast game.” M o re tickets possible defending champion W arriors "I think you've got to seed 32 will play the Mid-American teams and let the chips fall The uncertainty stemmed Conference champion Saturday where they may," Raymonds from the hockey game the in Indianapolis with the winner said. "I'm happy to be in the Indianapolis Racers have sched­ ofbuain *as° eirdsfry, assistant ath'etic directs Ldu5p I of that game facing the winner tournament, but if they're try ­ uled a t M arket Square Arena of the Kentucky-Floridi State ing to get some equity, they Saturday night. It has forced A nother 1,000 ticketa were used for comnlim.,i I game. the basketball games to be purposes, Beardsley said. complimentary| have to seed all team s.” Kentucky, 24-2, is ranked "If we’re going to seed — the played earlier. Beardsley left for Indianapolis Monday afternoon to see a J first, and M arquette, 24-3, is purpose of seeding is to have the “I'm amazed they moved the could get more tickets. If he is able to, the ticket, will J m ranked third. NCAA gamea to a place th at tele to students, faculty, staff and the general public later totS I team considered number one in C h i w n’V ^ M * 1* iB th e W 0® * 11’* IMST o r a 7 t o ^ S i e ^ e 'Tm just pleased as can be to the nation playing the teem can't accommodate them,” C h am p io n sh ip . M aso n -A b b o tt d e fe a te d th e S U v er B u lle ts of S h a w H all, 25-22 be in the tournam ent," said considered number two in the Heathcote said. The double- T«. F? ° f 1 brelk on the other schools because n I Raymonds, an assistant to Al nation in the finals,'' Raymonds header was originally sched­ qualified for the tournament earlier," Beardsley said "W tikl McGuire last year when the said. uled for Purdue's Mackey h a v ea good relationship with the people in Indianapolis. We re hoping we can get more ticketa, but as of right not 11 IM titles up for grabs W arriors beat North Carolina Miami leads Bowling Green, Arena, but was moved beciuae ju st can t say. ‘s“‘ »» ii 67-59 in the NCAA finals. Central Michigan and Toledo in of the energy crunch in that "It’s happening again," Ray­ the Mid American Conference area. An announcement will be made today if more tickets m l available. ■ monds said, however, compar­ by one game and could win the Ironically enough, the Indi­ MSU's best IM basketball teams, both ing this year's Mideast bids to conference and a shot at M ar­ ana Hooiaers, who finished down to the finals. The Dormitory champion­ men s and women's, have been involved with those tw o years ago when quette Monday night with a win behind MSU in the Big Ten, ship was concluded late Monday night and have an easier draw in the tournaments to determine All-University Indiana beat M arquette 65-56. over Eastern Michigan. the Fraternity titles will be decided tonight champions over the past two weeks. "They w ere number one, and we "I don’t care who we play," Eksterii Regional Indiana in the Men's IM Building Sports Arena. The w erf number two." The women's league tourney concluded said Raymonds, looking for­ plays FurmaU in' the first finalists were also determined Monday night last week with Mason-Abbott defeating the Greg Sbaraglia, M arquette ward to the opening game. He round, and it looks like the in semifinal games. The small fraternity Silver Bullets (from Shaw Hall), 25-22. In the spokesman, said Raymond told declined to make any predic­ championship will be played a t 6 p.m. and the Independent league, Shooting Stars beat NCAA officials he was dis­ tions about winning the title large fraternity championship game is sched- Mother Ruggers, 27-18. The Sorority title uled for 8 p.m. pleased with the bids, but again. "Hell, I’m just pleased went to Delta Zeta, who defeated Alpha Phi 12-11. The men's tournaments are still winding The Independent A league title will play its championship game Wednesday a t 6:30 p.m. Raymonds said he was only to be in the tournam ent.” god in the Sports Arena. Respectfully State News Tired off your own cooking? Bell's has Requests The Same Consideration You Might Give.. , enters Newsline great pizza A g rin d e rs . . . IBM tlie laser 353-3382 225M.A.C. . . . Exxon 332 - 5027 1135 E. Gd. River . . . Law 332 - 0853 . . . M edicine CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS CAMP COBBOSSEE FOR BOYS nobody Open from 11:00 a.m. Before You Decide INBEAUTIFUL MAINE lop salary accommodations andoene Ms lo eiperienced counselors with n pertise in any ol the following Swim asked! CONGRATULATIONS Whnt You Want To Do With Your Life You’re undoubtedly t t a mrng iWSll Sailing Canoeing Water Skiing Scuba Owing Archery ftrfeiry - MSU SPA RTANS — point where you are icrioutly Tennis Got* Teamsporls f**nnnq considering what you should do Gymnastics Cralls & Woodwoflung Dramatics Tripping Photography He was in his twenties. BIG TEN CHAMPS with your life—after college. Ham Radio Riding ifnghshj Can or So was she. Do, include the Catholic writelor intormation&application Ad GOOD LUCK in NCAs priesthood in your options. “At now our openings hll quickly' Both were Catholic, unmarried, least, check out what this Minimum Age Required 20 prayerful, creative. THE M EM BERS of specialized work for God C A M M O P P IC I, N p t . 1 3 Both cared about people LAMBDA CHI ALPHA involves. You can do so on a test-it, and cared for them. no-rislc, live-in basis—in the Bill Jenk ins Rick Cardoze Kieth Stinson Crosier Residency Program. Bob Berry Rob Nonce Here's a way to help you How come he never thought Steve M oyhew Pete Betrus make up your mind—i t your Dave Green of the priesthood? M ike Vegis Todd Rosin own pace—about whether the Randy Smith Glen Carlson How come she never thought M ark Schoppe Fred Evans Crosier priesthood is for you— while continuing your education. of being a nun? Fred Shorey Corey Binger John Van Acker (The Crosiers, known formally as the Tim Williams Order of the Holy Cross, one of the J o e Hildebrand Scott Gillespy oldest religious orders of men in the Rick F racassa "No one ever asked me)' Ed Wood Mark Chmeil Catholic Church, date back to the I200Y) Randy Semmler they said. Len Lewandowski Bruce Tuttle As a Crosier resident, you'd Steve Carter Pete Owens Tom Je rg e r live in an unrestricted JC 35019 M ike Spongberg atmosphere conducive to Is this your story? Bob Ffreuich Mark Butziek making the most important “Spectres” is an Ralph Pulcholski Dave Lydy No one ever asked you? H owie Schwartz Bryan Pulte decision of your life. In the albumful of visions brought to life Chris Scott by Blue Oyster Cult. Well, we're asking. Howord Jo n e s Ed Tashjian warm, congenial, stimulating See the Cult when they’re in Steve Witen environment of Crosier House, Darryll Losey Jim Cox town. Experience “Spectres” Tom Stelter you'll learn how the priests and Harry Zoccoll brothers live and work. Youll otherwise. J a y K irksey — Mail Coupon Today!---------------- Tom Payne Dave Schulte Michael Michael have every opportunity to give I M B LU E O YSTER CULT in 1-23 M att McColl Dave Byer thoughtful and prayerful Please sen d inform ation on : Steve Tepper Bryan Lane consideration to working for ceucert T0NI6HT al tht Buzz Schragge Kevin Clarke God as a Crosier priest or U D iocesan P riests □ R e lig io u s P rie s ts Andy Pixley Jim McIntyre Tim Riley brother. L A N S I N G C IV IC C EN TER B r° th e rs □ N uns □ Lay M in is trie s Jeff Teets .................. Clip and Mail Today!........... Ja y Hunter Glenn Cochrane Falher James Vsdro, O.S.C. Rick Smith N a m e ______ Rich Wierzbicki ( rosier House Tom W olfe C liff Deremo 2*2* E. Wallen Rood Bob Deziel Fort Wayne, IN. 4*125 Don Andrews Todd Gibbs A d d ress . M ark Yearn Tell me more about the C rosier J a y Williams Gary Volentine Residency Program . Joh n Stelter Tom Lewandowski C i t y ____ Skip O'Neill N e»e . - S t a te . -Z IP . Bo Puffer W ally Winkle Chuck Bretz Roger Simon College _ Mark Koufmann VOCATIONS C O M M IT TE E /S U P R E M E C O U N C IL Mik e Pougnet Leigh Savage M ilt BLUE OYSTER CULT ii p w * K nicH Ts of c o L u m e u s M a r t Schadler DickHemmer Phone _ N ew H aven, CT 0 6 5 0 7 Address . D iscn it Ricinls at 4:00 P-»- W * * CHy------ -S ta te _ »"COLUMBIA,’" MARCA RIO Ir h io o n S to tt News. f a rt looting, Michlonn Tuesday, March 7, 1978 7 THREE MAKE FINALS Women thinclads finish second rapplers place third MSU loses to Badgers though, and that's what killed started in outdoor track, we us in the meets. Otherwise, should have some. MSU wrestlers weren't expected to do there would've been a five-point Cory Kneuer of Wisconsin ran ByGAYLEJACOBSON L[ well in the Big Ten meet, but came difference. Wisconsin had three off with the first-place finish in State News Sports W riter with a third-place finish. entered. By the time we get the pentathalon. It wasn't quite what MSU S p a r ta n s had a few individual stars women’s track coach Cheryl w a s a team effort which allowed them to Flanagan had hoped for, but the bird in Ann Arbor Sunday, Spartans' second-place finish in e did the maximum we could have done the first indoor Big Ten track am.” MSU head coach Grady Peninger meet Saturday is definitely “This is really gratifying to go from something she can live w ith . . . tb p la c e a year ago, all the way up to at least until next year’s re ­ place. match. e had some super performances from our but we only qualified three of them for Wisconsin took five first- 3 A finals. We should have been able to place finishes on its won track The MSU women's swimming season is Whitcomb is one of three Spartans who > five. Our 118- and 160-pounders lost on its way to winning the Big fast drawing to a close but New York senior have qualified for the national finals and the e s they should have won." Ten track and field title with 168 Melinda Whitcomb is just warming up. other two, divers Annette Kubiske and Pat a won the conference m eet for the fifth points. The Spartans, defending After a record-setting performance in the McDonnell, also fared well last weekend. ht year. The heavily-favored, No. 1 outdoor champions, followed Big Ten meet the weekend previous, Whit­ Kubiske was third on the one-meter board ally ranked Hawkeyes were able to with 146 points, wrapping up comb paced the Spartans to a fourth-place and fourth on the three-meter while McDon- ithe title by taking the first three weight their final indoor meet of the finish among 28 teams in last weekend's nel placed seventh in one-meter competition. , in Sunday’s competition. The Hawk- season. Ohio State took third regional meet at the University of Michigan. The most pleasant surprise was the 11th- went on to win six of the 10 weight place in the championship com­ Whitcomb took a pair of second places, in place showing of Sue Fredley on the petition with a score of 55. the 50-yard breaststroke and 100-yard indi­ one-meter board. “I’m not really disappointed," vidual medley, and had a hand in the 200-yard Flanagan said of the thinclads' freestyle relay performance that posted an Vicki LeFevre swam on the fast-paced second-place finish. “All the MSU season-best time of 1:40.70. The 200-yard freestyle relay team and tacked on ankers falter in kids did really well. Their efforts were super. The total Spartans were third in the event. Michigan won the team title, rolling up an llth-place effort in the 200-yard freestyle. Whitcomb was sixth in the 100-yard breast­ stroke, Colleen O'Malia fifth in the 200-yard team performance was really 840.5 points to runner-up Eastern Michigan's SU men's swimming “This was a real good meet," good. I don't see how you can be 381. Bowling Green was next with 238 and breaststroke, Karen Waite seventh in the The divers placing in the 50-yard butterfly and diver Jeannie Mikel 1s dismal ending to a MSU head coach Dick Fetters disappointed with anybody the Spartans finished with 194. regionals will advance to the grabbed ninth in the three-meter competi­ r this past weekend in said. “It was a close meet; in nationals. Machemer gets to when they're all giving their The 400-yard medley relay quartet best like that." tion. fen meet. fact, it was a closer meet than advance to the regionals with churned to a iourth-place showing, sparked partans finished the normal. his third-place finish in the by the clutch performance of Marilyn Early The national finals are set for March 16-18 MSU's Sue Latter, the na- in the backstroke leg. ith a 61 dual record, "Indiana took the meet, but one-meter diving event. in Durham, N.C. do no better than they weren't leading after first No other Spartan tanker was t in the meet. As was day, Ohio State was. We had able to place, although there Indiana won the meet some guys hwo had some real were some who broke school 8th consecutive year good swims, but we happened and personal records. Dan tal of 349 points. Ohio to run up against some guys Warnshuis, a senior, broke jshed in serond place who had better swims than us. school records in both the isconsin took third- Shawn and Jesse did a good job 100- and 200-yard breaststroke. Lrs. for us and we're real proud of Even though Warnshuis broke I the news about the them." MSU records, his times were is bad, though. MSU With his showing in jhe not good enough to place in the bright spots in Shawn meet, Elkins will be able to // X v meet. Dave Seobold, another JMtWifWm/Wl \ ld Jesse Griffin. Elkins advance on to the NCAA finals. senior, also swam well. He I 200-yard butterfly Griffin, along with teammate swam the best he ever has in [ the second year ir. a Kevin Machemer, will advance the 200-yard butterfly event, !Griffin took first place to the diving regionals at but was unable to come away eemeter diving. Cleveland State next weekend. with a placing. / / m \ \ N PAPER AIRPLANE CONTEST recent performances at the Mariah ffeehouse, Raven Gallery, and other concerts have estab- ied her as an up and coming new artist. DOA H C O M M wpresents Kitty in her first recorded release. Join with N A welcoming Kitty to her 1st record. D G A Productions, Inc. P .O . Box 3 0 4 1 . Lansing o Win a Cessna Airplane ^ 10W OPEN Plus Free Flying Lessons C ' Natural presents this up-in-the-air contest just for the fun of it. H ere's all you do: Fold, Crimp, p Lick and Tape this ad or other paper into any- I thing that flies in accordance with the Official V AMPUS Rules. Then, send it to us. T he G rand Prize is a Cessna 1 5 2 II Airplane plus free flying lessons (Up to 40 hours). Our runner up prize of a IZZA 2 / free flying lesson will be aw arded to all finalists. And, the first 5000 entries will receive an official contest patch. G et flying, you could win. A . ^ j / / O ffic ia l R u le s -j' / No Purchase Necessary 7b Enter Here’s All Ton Do... 1 C onstruct a fixed w ing pap e r airplane which su stain s ME D IN E IN A Greatest Distance g lj fliRht solely by use of aerodynam ic forces, w ith a total length an d wing span of no m ore th an 60". clearly p rint y our E RE O PEN FO R LUNCH QB | | r Wins The Cessna m nam e and ad d ress on a visible part of it, and mail (please w rap J securely >in a folded, ready to fly condition to: \ S p ecial A w a rd s To M o st O rig in a l, M ost 1 T he A nheuser-Busch N atural Light ' plenty of free p ark in g! V IA r J A ttra c tiv e , A n d M axim um T im e A loft I P a p e r A irplane C ontest \ A t T h e N a tio n a l Fly-O ff | P.O. Box 84C‘» PICTURE COLOR* WHITES ALLOWED TO SUE FOR BLACKS Court upholds discrim ination suit TONICmwifffH. MEl BROOKSC0l WASHINGTON (API - The binding on courts in the judicial the Bailey Co. of Nashville had persons. Supreme Court Monday let circuit th at includes California, discriminated against her be­ An EEOC investigation stand a lower court's ruling Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Mon­ cause of her sex and they fired showed th at the firm was not that white employees may sue tana, Nevada, Oregon, Wash­ her when she told of plans to guilty of sex discrimination an employer for alleged dis­ crimination against blacks. ington, Guam and Hawaii. In 1972, the Supreme Court file a discrimination complaint. against Wade, but the EEOC Fifteen months later, Wade decided th a t the firm had ANIMAL FARM The justices refused to re­ view an appeal from a Nash­ handed the minority civil rights movement a significant victory amended her complaint to in­ discriminated against blacks. clude the statem ent th a t “the While Nashville's population RATIO XX X WALT ville, Tenn., company contend­ when it ruled that white ten­ company fails to recruit and was about 20 percent black, DISNEY ing that Congress never in­ AN IAAAl FARAA d ea ls w ith o n a re a o f s e x u a lity th a t ants alleging the loss of benefits hire Negro females because of only 4 percent of Bailey's PRODUCTIONS tended the Civil Rights of 1964 has n e v e r b oo n sh ow n p u b lic ly b e fo re . This is the from interracial associations their race." Nashville workforce was black, to allow lawsuits by persons not directly affected by the alleged have "legal stranding” to sue Bailey, which sells, services and those tw o persons w ere in (ANDLESH0E m o s t e x p lic it film co n c e rn in g th is su b je ct m a tte r e v e r m o de . A N IM A L FARM is th e m o st darin g , under one section of the Civil and rents forklifts and other low-paying utility or shop jobs. bias. Rights Act. material-handling equipment, b iz a rre film w e h ave e v e r e x h ib ite d . While the court’s action sets no national legal precedent, it The court now has twice sidestepped the quesiton of employed fewer than 60 work­ ers at its Nashville head­ Hu M ar Showtfmes: 7:30,1:45,10:00 does settle the m atter, a t least for now, within the judicial w hether sections of the 1964 quarters a t the time. movieprogTM Showpiece: 0102 Wells law dealing with employment With branches in Chatta­ Admission: '2.50 students *3.50 faculty • staff circuit th at encompasses Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Ten­ assure the same broad right to nooga and Johnson City, Tenn., line an antartainmant service of boat films, sue. and Dalton, GA., Bailey em­ nessee. Cecile W. Wade, a white ployed a total of about 100 355-0313 students, faculty I staff walcoma, ID's checked. Last June, the justices let woman, complained to the fed­ stand also a similar decision in a California case that now is eral Equal Employment Oppor­ tunity Commission in 1970 that FOR ADULTS ONLY EUROPE ">CAR Mllew FareHwre RENT o r B U Y ebony productions p re se n ts: 349 2700 MERIDIAN MAIL Rated X LOWEST PRICES FAJHMYINTR M i M O W l l w FOR STUDENTS, TEACHERS fo r X -tra co m fo rt! & H m Im h i h r I1 A codsmyA wordm h h t Mmm IwdudhtfI n "IT _ Jane Fonda Vanessa Redgrave Ptcturo s o ft and sexy fu rn itu re on Sale N ow P illow T alk F u rn itu re EUROPE BY CAR 4$ R o c k e fe lle r P la z a N ew Y o rk , N Y . 10020 Ph o ne ( 212 ) 561-3040 Mtil this ed for Special Studsnt/Toschor Tariff. RUFUS/ CHAKA KHAN Eost""West Moll. Frondor □ RENTAL □ LEASE □ PUPCHASS Tuesday 4:00-1:30 h r i Academy Award* including I m I Picture and Richard Droyfess h r I plus sp ecial guest RICHARD DREYFUSS MARSHA MASON HEAT W AVE F airchild Theatre A P R IL 17 a t In 1 8 4 8 he rode across MUNN ICE ARENA " the great plains -~ tne I cJM LLlflR B Q G R W E jak d Tickets $6.50 and $7.50 J p g j T u e t d o y 5:45-0:00 STRING on sale tomorrow, thursday & fridoy I I Acodomy Award nominations Including Anna toner oft t Shirley Maclaine hr Rost Actress. tpflRTET at the The Robert Mann & Earl Carlyss, violins Samuel Rhodes, viola MSU AUDITORIUM from 12-4 p.m. Turning Joel Krosnick, cello \ \ lif point T o X K ty r | 0 T u e td o . 6:00-S: 1 5 ______________________________ A T 8:15 P.M. f Tickets also a v a ila b le to m o r ro w Nominated for 3 academ y a w a rd , including "B IST A CTOIt" P ro gra m : RICHARD BURTON M OZART Q u a r te t in G , K . 3 8 7 at CAMPUS CORNERS S E S S IO N S Q u a rte t in E m in o r 3 Tuatdoy 5:30-8:15_____________ DEBUSSY Q u a rte t in G m in o r the BUSY BEE MARKET PLEASE NOTE: A ll reserved seats for this S th Hilarious w eak. . . . . . T H E 0 N E perlormancc have been sold. Lim ited stage sealing w ill be sold at the door at 7:30 p.m. and w iN K lffi AND o n ly PUBLIC: *6.50 MSU Students: *3.25 FBjlju»sdoyM5-8j30 SOUNDS AND DIVERSIONS A Nk HUMY LAST WUKI BURT REMOLDS “ S E M I- k / U is IRIITOFFBRSON J Q {J Q J |" 0 Tuatdoy 5:45-8:00 THE STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00-5:00 MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto EXCELLENT STUDENT Job 86/hour. No training neces­ KOSHER APARTMENT. SUBLEASE-OWN room- painting-collision service. opportunity. Start Immedi­ FEMALE NEEDED for nice FEMALE SUBLET own room sary. Call 489-2278. Male needed. Spring term. female- Capitol Villa- 8121- American-foreign cars. 48S- ately, work own hours. No 4-man. Spring term. 3 blocks furnished. Now till 5 8 332- Z-8-3-1013) 885/month, close. 337-2327 351-0850, pool, air. 0256. C-8-3-1015) transportation needed. Con­ campus. 890 month. Lu, 332- 6970/351-2672. Nicel Z-SP-3-3-713) Z-4-3-10(31 tact Joe at 393-3955. 1348. Z-53-10I3I X-Z-SP-4-3-8I3) ATTENDANT FOR BOOK- Z-4-3-KX5) GOOD USED TIRES, 1304- I d e y 'U K per line 15 inch. Mounted free. Also STORE. Full and part-time CAPITOL VILLA TWO NON-SMOKING fe­ MALE NEEDED, spring term. 3 BLOCKS FROM campus positions open. Neatness a TWO BUSBOYS needed A PA RTM U m males- own rooms and bath. Cedar Village, parking space. 1 d a y s-U K per line 9«od supply of snow tires. 4-6 bedroom homes. Furnish­ must, good positions for spring term, free meals. Phi Close to MSU. 489-6970. $65/month. 351-7979. i days-7SC per line PENNELL SALES. 130116 starts loosing ed, fireplaces, and in excel­ college studetns. Apply Kappa Psi Fraternity. 332- 4-3-10(3) 2-3-3-8(31 I d a y s-U K per line East Kalamazoo, Lansing lent condition. Renting for weekdays only in person. 5039. Z-4-3-1014) 482-5818. C-8-3-1015) MARCH 28 fall. 351-8135, for showing. 1000 West Jolly Road CINE­ APARTMENT NEEDED, sub­ NICE LARGE furnished one 0-6-3-10(5) Une rate per insertion MA X THEATER. 0-8-3-10171 stop by 1464 E. Grand Rlvor SUMMER CAMP JOBS. let summer term, female bedroom available spring, or call 882-5830 graduate. After 5:30 p.m. Camp Tamarack interviewing $180/month, air conditioned, CLEAN 3 bedroom, near to FEMALE MASSEUSE want­ 485-0774. 4-3-10(3) March 9 Placement Services on bus line, 351-4799 or MSU, ideal for single family [ EconoUnes • 3 lines ■‘4.00 • S days. 80' per line over ed. 88/hour. We will train. 351-7623 after 6 p.m. 2-3-713) 1 BEDROOM, 2 man apart­ or 3 to 4 persons. 332-8288 489-2278. 2-8-3-10(3) 3 linos. No adjustment in rate when concelled. IT IS the policy of the State ment to sublease spring and/ GROVE STREET Apartment- 2-5-37(5) after 5 p.m. or weekends. Price of ltem(s) must be stated in ad. Maximum News that the last 4 weeks of WAITRESSES- EXPER­ THE POURHOUSE RESTAU­ or summer. Close to MSU. 2-bedrooms. For Spring sub­ 3-3-7(4) M l* price of *50. term all Student Classified IENCE preferred. Apply in RANT and Wheelroom 351-8054 evenings. Z-3-3-8I5I lease with option. Call 332- MALE WANTED spring term Lounge are now accepting 4156. 2-4-3-10(31 Cedar Village Apartments. OKEMOS, 4 bedroom bi-level muts Personal ads ■3 lines • >3.35 - per insertion. Advertising must be paid for person between 1 and 3 p.m 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). full or part-time positions for FEMALE SPRING, share fur­ Call John 6-7 p.m., 351-2540 2 blocks from elementary in advance beginning Febru­ to RON'S COUNTRY KET­ evening service personnel 2-8-3-10(3) | Rummoje/Gerefe Sale ads • 4 lines - *3.50. 63' per line over 4 lines ■per insertion. ary 13,1978. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. TLE, 2321 W. Michigan. 4-3-10(6) with experience in formal nished apartment. Close. Nice roommate. 351-3813. HASLETTARMS MALE, FOUR man 2 bed­ school. Magnificent 23 foot master bedroom, beam ceil­ Hound Town ads • 4 lines • *3.50 • per insertion. S-20-3-1018) dining. Good wages, located 15 miles west of campus. 25-3-10131 SUMMER ft FALL room furnished. Spring term ing over spacious family room, 2 fireplaces, $57,500. 63' per line over 4 lines. POSITIONS OPEN for spring ATTENTION- CRAFTER. Put your talents HANDI- Applications reviewed 3-5 OKEMOS FURNISHED 1 LEASING or sooner. 332-4165. 349-0935; 349-0754. 6-3-10(7) 2-8-3-10(3) WfOAM:lNjr [ lost I Founds eds/Transportation ads ■3 lines ■*1.50 - per insertion. 50* per line over 3 lines. and summer employment for to work for you, earn extra Monday through Friday. 53-10(11) bedroom, starting spring term. Call 349-9217 or 351- SUMMER RATES CLOSE. OWN room in new Northern Michigan resort. Employee housing on site. money. 394-0139. 53-7(41 8135. 0-6-3-10(3) W 185 GROVE STREET. 2 bedroom house. Cooking, parking, Contact: Mark Sulak, BOYNE NEEDED 8 people to help in HOBIE'S ON Trowbridge in Contact Charlie furnished for spring term. $85/month. 351-0765 after 6 Deadlines FEMALE, NON-SMOKER $291/option. 337-9566. p.m. 5-3-9(3) MOUNTAIN LODGE, Boyne Falls, Mich. 48713. 616-549- communications research, 1 E. Lansing is now accepting job applications for general needed for spring term. Spa­ Apt 3 2-6p.in. 2-5-3-10(3) I Ads - 3 p.m. - 1 d o ss day before publication. hour during week of March service personnel. Apply after cious, one bedroom, Call WOMAN TO SUB-lease lo m n o m i n Concellation/Chango • I p.m . - I doss day before 2441. 14-3-9(8) 20, 85 per person, opportun­ ity for additional pay. 353- 1 p.m. 2-2-7(51 337-0419. Z-SP-5-3 9(3) 351-1957 SUB LET APARTMENT, 1 or spring/summer. Own room in I publication. M 2 males needed, $55-$70. large, friendly house near PART-TIME janitorial- must 8826 or 353-0857. 8-3-10(6) MEL BROOKS COM Once ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed TEACHER AID bilingual Move in immediately. 351- campus. Phone: 351-5164. have car, experience pre­ until after 1st Insertion. ferred. Call 482-6232.8-3-7(31 NEEDED: 8 couples, married Spanish 27'A hours per IM M IDIATI 351-8135 5774. 5-3-10(3) 2-2-3-814) There it a *1.00 charge for I ad change plus 50' per week. Apply in person, Per­ 510 years to help in com­ MALE NEEDED spring term 2 ROOMS in 4-man house, additional change for maximum of 3 changes. COOK-PART time experience munications research, 1 hour sonnel Office 509 Burcham. 53-10(5) OCCUPANCY EFFICIENCY APARTMENT 3 in nicely furnished 2-man washer/dryer, close to cam­ The State Newt will only be responsible for the 1st preferred must be flexible. during week of March 20, 85 doy s incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must per person, opportunity for 2 bedrooms bedrooms, $360/month. Ideal apartment. 351-7856. pus, friendly people, spring/ Nights. Call for appointment. location. Phone 351-2852 2-5-3-10(3) summer. $96/month. 351- I bemodewithin lOdays ol expiration dote. SEAHAWK RESTAURANT, additional pay. 353-8826 or 353-0857. 8-3-10(7) *250 6-3-10(3) 1789, 5 to 8 p.m. 2-4-3-10(5) wioonNir.M..tt, I fills ore due 7 days from od expiration date. If not Williamston, 655-2175 2 BEDROOM apartment, paid by due date, a 50' late service charge will 8-3-7(51 1 bedroom TWYCKINGHAM SPRING I PART TIME waitress, cook Lansing, yh mile to campus TWO PERSONS to share be due. IT IS the policy of the State *198 term, one or two females on bus route, $170/month. nice house, own rooms, cam­ COOK NEAT appearing per­ Apply BACKSTAGE REST­ News that the last 4 weeks of needed, pool, air, 351-9178, AURANT, Meridian Mall 489-2995 after 6 p.m. pus close, friendly people, son for cooking with know­ ledge of grills and food 9-3-10(3) term all Student Classified Advertising must be paid for BURCHAM WOODS 332-8365. SP-2-6-3-9<3) 5-3-10(3) laundromat. Spring/summer. Rent negotiable. 351-3191. TODAY TTATUU7W18R. I n,to.ot*T][§ | Mowitin preparation. Flexible hours. Apply in person MARVEL PART TIME sales clerk possi­ in advance beginning Febru­ ary 13, 1978. Bring or mail to 351*31 IS EAST LANSING area. 1-bed­ room unfurnished. Modestly MALE NEEDED. In Spring. 4-3-10(4) Share room in spacious 3- LANES 2120 East M69 See ble full time for nights and 347 Student Services. 755 Burcham priced. Some pets allowed. man. Close to MSU. $90/ EAST SIDE Duplex, 2 bed­ I |IS the policy of the State Mr. Bertrand 8-3-7(71 weekends. Apply CAPITOL S-20-3-1018) 332-3900 or 337-0742 after 5 acadimy awaio TOYOTA CORONA, 1970, month + electric. 351-3050. room, basement. $210/month NOMINK WST isthat the last 4 weeks of NEWS, 532 E. Michigan, 10 p.m. 0-8-3-10(5) X-5-3-10(3> automatic, 49,000 miles, new plus utilities, 337-1133 or a.m.-5 p.m. Monday - Friday •croejowiTuvflml dising must be paid for radials, good engine, 8500. TEACHER FOR synagogue 53-10(6) FEMALE NEEDED spring 485-6035. 4-3-10(3) jvance beginning Febru- school. Proficiency in He­ 1 ROOM in 2 bedroom apart­ 332-2431 after 4 p.m. A p a rtie its jf^ i term. Excellent location, fur­ NO SMOKING. Female, own |13,1978. Bring or mail to brew preferred. 349-5122 or ment, singles/couple. Walk 6-3-10(41 nished. 351-1842. 2-4-3-10(3) to MSU. Pool, Pets. Hans, room. Furnished, 2-person. E. LANSING 2 bedroom, I Student Services. 351-3221. 6-3-814) THE INSTRUCTIONAL Med­ 353-9710 days or 482-6373. basement, garage, walking 03-10181 TOYOTA COROLLA Deluxe ia Center is currently taking 351-8230. 2-6-3-913) FEMALE TO share bedroom LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS Z -S p-3-3-813) distanct to campus. Residen­ 1976, Excellent condition. COOK SHORT order, full applications for Student pro­ in 4-man, Spring. Good •Summer and fall. One and 2 2 FEMALES needed. Own tial neighborhood, marrieds (STIN MINI, 1000, 1976. 82600. 351-6630 or 394-3867 time, experience preferred. jectionists starting spring roommates, location, $80. bedroom. Expensive, but rooms, large apartment, $95/ ONE BEDROOM furnished. only, no pets. Available June I miles. AM/FM. C.B. after 6 p.m. Ask for Ralph. Apply at 4722 N. Grand River, term. Must have more than 2 35^3174^ 9^ 0(3)__ nicest in .town. Call late month, bus line, pool. 349- Close to campus, 353-7876 1, $235/month. 332-2673. ttiles per gallon. 81800. 6-3-10(4) no phone calls please. term remaining and blocks of evenings, 655-1717, Rick. 3 4714. 3-3-713) before 6 p.m. 3-3-813) 4-3-10(7) “T6.Z-5-M®__ 53-10(6) morning hours open. Apply in FEMALE NEEDED spring person only. See Fred Moore blocks to campus. 4-3-10(6) TOYOTA COROLLA 1977, ---------------------- term.*3 man apartment, closi FR AN O O R , N E A R -2 bed­ ICK LESABRE, 1968. SR5. Wine colored, 11,000 . EMPLOYEES lead excit- Room 28 IMC. 53-10(10) 645 EVERGREEN, own room. to campus. 332-8801 after 5 MT. H O P E , C e d a r S t. ne a r. 1 F E M A L E n e e d e d to sh a re ro o m lu x u ry a p a rtm e n t (all i brakes, power steer- miles. 5 speed, AM/FM ster- ln® liv“ ' Waitresses, c00k, p.m. 2-8-3-9(3) s p rin g -s u m m e r. R iv e r G len $70 plus. 485-7307 or 332- One b e d ro o m , 1st flo o r. n e w ) F ire p la c e a n d s tu d y , 6622. 4-3-10(3) I Needs work. 8200. 351- eo, radial tires, sport wheels, maintenance. Apply in BASE PLAYERS (prefer elec­ 351-9474. S P -Z -6-3-1013) p riv a te e n tra n c e . N o n - s m o k ­ 6 1 4 0 /m o n th . 484-0981. i Z-SP-5-3-943) trim package, reclining seats! c RAINBOW tric) for June 17 and 24 jobs in g a d u lts o n ly , n o p e ts , $250. 4 -3 -1 0 (3 ) OWN ROOM, furnished mod­ One owner. 83895. 485-1181 ? A - _ ' 2843 E. Grand River. with all-style band. Must (n e g o tia b le ) in c lu d e s u tilitie s . VAN 1974. Great lyied tires, runs perfectly. days. Ask for Mr. Mayes. 3 3 ‘8,5) 53-10(7) ----------------------------------- read. Call Ray Kay days: 373-5200 after 4:15 p.m. and UNIVERSITY VILLA N E E D 2 o r 3 m e n t o s u b le a s e Pine Lake C all 3 71-4191. 5 -3-1 0(6 ) ern house, Okemos. Spring/ summer, $112 plus, 349-2429 sacrifice. 351-9037 ----------------------------------- ACCOUNTANT, TRAINEE weekends: 321-1094. 3-3-8(51 SUMMER & FALL C e d a r V illa g e A p a r tm e n t. $ 60 or $70 a m o n th , p a rk in g Apartments F E M A L E S P R IN G term. Has­ Z-4-3-1013) mings or evenings. 3-7(41 1976 TRIUMPH TR7 - AM/ 8A 2 years experience, inven- FM stereo, excellent condi- ,orY control, raw materials, BABYSITTER FOR toddler, LEASING sp a ce . 351-2435. Z-4-3-1014) 6080 M arsh Kd. lett Arms, $89.50/month. FEMALE SUBLET own room, tion, 84,300 or best offer. Call 612,000. Fee paid. CAREERS Tuesday/Thursday 8:30 a.m.- SUMMER RATES M ALE ROOM M ATE 1 or 2 M e rid ian M a ll A rea 351-2876. Z-S p -5-3 -1 0 13 ) Very near campus. $80 + utilities. 351-4639. Z-4-3-1014) VR0LET 1967. Two hardtop. V-8. New 337-7748. Z-3-3-813) SERVICES 323-1199. 2-3-7151 3:30 p.m. My E. Lansing home. May bring own child. ’150 ‘155 sp rin g . H a s le tt A rm s A p t. 23. * 1 8 5 plus u tilitie s F E M A L E -O W N room. Town­ fcs, muffler, transmission. VOLVO 1975, 244 GL fuel CLERICAL, PROPERTY man- 351-4718 after 4 p.m. Contact Roll 'A b lo c k fr o m C a m p u s . C a ll house. $72.50 month plus ’/* Utilities. C all after 5 p.m 349- 217 S. HOMER, Lansing. 332-0053. Z -4 -3 -10(3) ‘ o n e b e d ro o m u n fu rn is h e d Four bedrooms, $65 each. II Firm. 694-0216. 110141 injection, overdrive, leather agement leases, rentals. Must 53-1014) ApL 320 $7 p.m. *G .E . a p p lia n c e s 4131. S -5 -3 10(31 Evenings 371-2699 or 332- seats, sunroof, AM/FM ster- 1* good communicator, TREEHOUSE APART­ ‘ f u lly c a rp e te d 6622. X-2-3-7I3) ao, 8track with Jensen 67000, benefits, fee paid PART-TIME positions for 381*3873 M ENTS on C e n te r S tre e t. ‘ A ir , d ra p e s N E W A P A R T M E N T ne e d s iTLASS 1972. Vinyl top, speakers. 84100. 482-1078. CAREERS SERVICES 323- MSU students. 1520 hours/ fe m a le s p rin g te rm . R iver itic, power steering, 4-3-10(5) ^ 1199. 2-3-715) week. Automobile required. OR F em ale w a n te d f o r s p r in g / ‘ a d ja c e n t to n e w c o u n ty N IC E L Y F U R N IS H E D , 1-2 su m m e r. O w n ro o m . 351- p a rk G len A p a rtm e n ts . $85 m o n th p e o p le s p rin g -s u m m e r. C lose Phone 339-9500. C-5-3-10(41 L332-4738. owner. 53-10(3) After 5 VEGA HAfcH BAC K^974, PROGRAMMER.Tb M~370 381*8138 7191. Z-4-3-1013) a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r 351-7134. Z 3 3 8(3) to c a m p u s . C all B ill 3 3 2-1 39 8 ---------------------------------------------- Z -4 -3 -10(3} W in te r re n to l miles. brakes! ^ n,™ ,h ^ ' e e a P'us. GET BACK on budget with MALE M A L E N E E D E D s p rin g t e r m , ---------------------------------------------- BLASS 1974, power stear- NEEDED furnished, Asking $1,000.00. 373-7880. company, salary, money to spare. Sell quality 2 BEDROOM, modern, car­ across from campus. $90 one 339*8192 C ed ar V illa g e A p a rtm e n ts . FOR R E N T h o u s e n e a r M S U 1 brakes, automatic, air, «3C1 a n -ie benefits. Fee ppaid. ------------*«. o iu . CAREER on nccn products in your own area 3 53 -65 65 a fte r 3 p .m . Fem ales. 33 7-2 12 7 a fte r 6 After 5 call peted, furnished. 1 block months rent free. Steve 351- Iv m in g s F top, good condition. 351-4976. SERVICES 323-1199.2-3-7(6) and earn extra $$$. 482-6893. 2-7-3-10(5) MSU. Available immediately. 8951. ^*1-3-7(3) Z -5 -3 -10(31 p .m . 4 -3 -10 (3) call Rex at 373- C-5-3-10(5) Bevenings 393-5248. HOUSEKEEPER, BABYSIT- ----------------------------------- ^ 3? j,,;800 ° r 332‘ 1800- T W Y C K IN G H A M , M ALE. 1 ROOM IN 3 bedroom 0-8-3-10(41 M A L E S N EED ED , 1, 2, o r 3. 2 -3 MAN, fu rn is h e d a p a r t­ TEMPORARY MAIL-room S p rin g , $ 7 0 /m o n th . N o D e ­ m e n t a v a ila b le o n le ase u n til S p rin g te rm . D is h w a s h e r, a ir Okemos home beginning break. Atn Kroaoi, ccoA c5-3-10(3) 487-6534. o 1/uoi Pm e Pm- Pr« w someone help. 2-3 weeks, shifts avail­ p o s it. 332-2327. June 15. 15 m in u te s fro m p o o l, s h a g . $90. 351 -12 89 ! spring term, access to entire fTLASS SUPREME 1976, with car. 351-8458 after 6 able. Hours 8:30 a.m.-4:30 T W O B E D R O O M - in c lu d e s Z -B 3-3 8(31 house, $100 plus utilities. X -Z -S p -5 -3 -1 0 1 3 ) c a m p u s , plea se c a ll 351 7212. kl. Green and white with p.m. 5-3-10(3) p.m. and 5:00 p.m.-midnight. s to v e , re frig e ra to r, p a rk in g Male-Female, 349-1238 or 1 power. Paul G. 339- VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1966. a n d all u tilitie s . 5 m in u te s to 731 A p a rtm e n ts , 731 B u r ­ Apply 3308 S. Cedar, Suite 353-9119. 5-3-10(6) or 349-1898. Asking Needs new brakes, runs well. BABYSITTER FOR 1% year #6. 5-3-10151 cam pus. $215. A v a ila b le O N E M A L E nee d e d . S p rin g . c h a m D riv e . 0 -5 3-10(6) CIDAR VILLAOE $200. 337-2717. 2-3-3 9(3) old. Spring term. 11am-3pm. O ne m o n th re n t fre e . Free 60.2-6-3-8(41 M a rc h 15, 482-9226. NEED: ONE person for own Must be reliable, like kids. 0-8-3-10(61 heat + w a te r. $92. C h arlie N E A R C A M P U S , 1 b e d ro o m apartm ents room in nice E. Lansing TSUN, 1972, Station wag- VW BUS, 1971. New engine, $2.20/hour. In my home. Call PEACE CORPS Africa has 332-5669. X -Z -8 3-10(4) fu rn is h e d a p a rtm e n ts ne ar N o w le a s in g house. Spring-Summer. 353- New muffler system, good shape. 332-5650. 485-0915 after 2 p.m. positions open in many fields- ONE FEM ALE fo r 4 -m a n . B ro d y , b u s s to p . C all C e da r fo r fa ll a n d su m m e r 1768. Z-Sp-5-3-10(3) nibcarburetor, snow tires. 2-4-3-10(3) 2-3-3-916) Math and Science, teaching, S p rin g (s u m m e r o p tio n a l) FEM ALE, 4 -p e rs o n 2 bed­ G re e ns A p a r tm e n ts 351 -8631 engineering, agriculture, vo­ ro o m , fu rn is h e d . A ir c o n d i­ 0 -5 -3 -1 0 (5 ) BOGUE at RED CEDAR -MOOor 484-0061. $ 7 8 .7 5 /m o n th , M ic h e le 332- FEMALE WANTED to share 10(41 cational education and liberal tio n in g , p o o l. S p rin g , $80. 351-5160 NEED CASH? We buy im­ PAINTER-NEED experienced 1127. Z -8-3 7(3) country home. Non-smoking, ports and sharp late models person with own tools. Part arts, the time to look into 337 2603. X -Z -5 -3 10(31 N EED M A L E t o s u b le a s e prefer grad. Ride to campus. 0GE VAN 1969. $200. compacts. Call John De time only. Call 332-6741 and these opportunities is now. F E M A L E N EED ED t o sha re R ive r B a lc o n y a p a rtm e n t, O N E M A L E ne e d e d . S p rin g . F irs t 2 0 d a y s re n t fre e . Free 349-0486 after 11 p.m. i before 9 a.m. or Young. WILLIAMS V.W. leave message. C-4-3-10{4) Come to the AFRICAN a p a rtm e n t w ith 3 n ic e g irls , : c lo s e t o M S U , 3 53 0738. 5-3-10(4^ _ |»3p.m. 3-3-8(31 484-1341 or 484-2551. STUDIES CENTER, Inter­ s p rin g te rm , $82.50 C a m p u s 3 BEDROOM D E L U X E S P -Z -3-3-713) h e a t + w a te r. $92. C h a rlie C-8-3-10(5) FEMALE FITNESS and exer­ national Center, 353-1700. H ill 349-1362. Z-10-3-1014) APARTM ENT. L e a s in g fo r — -------------------------- ---- 3 32-5669. Z-8-3-1014) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY GRAN Torino cise instructors for ladies BL-1 3-6(10) s u m m e r /fa ll. N e x t to c a m p u s . M A L E N E E D E D S p rin g te rm . 4 bedroom house adjacent to kigham 1973. Power steer- exercise programs. Exper­ M ust se e to b e lie v e . C a ll O u ts ta n d in g a m e n itie s fo r 12 W OMEN s p rin g , sh a re campus includes fireplace FWkes, air, AM/FM, ster- ience necessary. INTER­ n o w ! 3 51-7255. S P Z-3-3-914) $ 7 5 /m o n th . 337-2115. ro o m in 4 -m a n a p a rtm e n t, 1 and garage with studio. Re­ ’ ** a r p ! $ 1 4 9 5 fjm , 575. Mrtrcydts Sn NATIONAL ATHLETIC SORORITY HOUSE busing NOW LEASING 2-6^3-7(31 b lo c k fr o m c a m p u s , $ 9 0 n o duced to $395/month. Call &W-10MI_____ CLUB, Okemos. 349-5312. position-Spring, ideal for off d e p o s it. 332-4056. Z -5-3-813) EOUITY VEST, 351-1500. 450 HONDA 1971 low mile­ Call for appointment. campus student-receive din­ W aters Edge S U B L E A S E M A R C H 12, n ic e NEAR SPARROW a p a rtm e n t, fu rn is h e d , a ll u tili- c le a n , 2 b e d ro o m u n fu rn is h - H o s p ita l 0-7-3-10(6) BD VAN, 27,000 miles, ner only-332-2785. age, engine, electric start. 6-3-10(6) I'M G R A D U A T IN G !! N e e d idard, good shape, ex- Runs well. $400. 487-5395. Z-4-3-1014) Apts. ties, $145.95. Call In n Ameri­ e d u p p e r d u p le x . C o u p le fe m a le t o s u b le t 4 -m a n . $ 80 / ca. Z-4-3-10(3) m . 355-9029 nights. SF-3-3-7I3I 2-4-3-10(3) ORGANIST PART-time, Lan­ sing area church. 64&6892 WANTED COOKS, must 332-4432 o n ly , n o c h ild re n o r p e ts . $150. 48 4-3 51 3. 9 3-10(5) m o n th . C all 353-3121 a fte r 5 p .m . Z -S p -3 -3 -8 (3 ) NOW LEASING FOR ® ^TIO N wagon after 5:30 p.m. 5-3-913) have neat appearance. No 1 M A N N E E D E D s p rin g , n e w 4-man across from M S U , free SUMMER AND FALL T f ” ■*». automatic, power Ml Strict !'/ SECRETARY - EXCELLENT experience necessary. Apply in person between 2-4 p.m. FEM ALE NEEDED, apartment, spring, $82.50, on 4-man laundry, $75/month. 332- Fall and Summer brakes, excellent typing and shorthand skills 8207. Z-4-3-10(3) s3.50 per hour to only. AMERICA'S CUP river, 3 4 9 1669. Z -3 -3 -7 (3 ) F * *695.00. FLUMER- IT IS THE policy of the State necessary for this responsible start- National loosing w ill begin RESTAURANT 220 MAC. , I ' STAIR CHEVROLET. News that the last 4 weeks of secretarial position. Previous 4-3-10(51 FEMALE NEEDED, own company expand term all Student Classified secretarial experience re­ room, close to MSU, large, MARCH 27 p-tfAN.G 1378- automatic, Advertising must be paid for in advance beginning Febru­ quired. Salary plus liberal benefits. Call DELTA DEN­ WANTED PIZZA cooks. furnished, pets allowed. $110 351-3173. Z 5 3-8(3) Waters & Rivers ing in Lansing area Need people to E> ™chelin -tires. 349- is. 7-3-10(3) ary 13,1978. Bring or mail to 347 Student Services. TAL PLAN OF MICHIGAN for appointment, 321-1600. Must have neat appearance, experience helpful. Apply in MALE NEEDED to sublease Edge Apts. help represent and F o r le a s in g a p p lic a tio n s a n d in fo r m a tio n s to p by 1128 TH E Y W E N T person between 2-4 p.m. Spring term. Pool, air, close S-2p-?-10(8) Equal Opportunity Employer. install early warn- V ic to r S tre e t o r c o ll 332-8488 T H A T -A -W A Y . . .TO ^ ,969! 351 horse 6 only. ALLE-EY NIGHTCLUB, to campus. Call Doug, 332- ■ o w a r e l o o tin g f o r 332-5322. JUNK CARS wanted. Also 6 3- - 1- ----------------------- 220 MAC. 4-3-10(51 8290. Z-SP-6-3-1013) M x t fa ll ( M a n o r ng fire detection C O LLIN G W O O D Good condition, $500 selling used parts. Phone COOKS TO work lunch hours A PTS!! f e r 353-4147' or nights. Apply in person F E A T U R IN G : 2 johns equipment. Excel­ anytime. 321-3651. SPARE TIME management ONE BLOCK from campus lent incentive pro­ AMERICANA APTS. C-8-3-10(3) COREY'S LOUNGE, 1511 S. people needed immediately nice, furnished, . efficiency per a p t. balconies 1128 V ic to r S tree t * A ir c onditioned Cedar. 7-3-8(4^ _ for super-exciting, fast grow­ apartment. Call 351-8135 w alk to cam pus, fu r­ gram available. & K SSS: GUARANTEED REBUILT starters generators and alter­ HOBIE INC. will be accepting ing business, DAY & ASSO­ 0-6-3-10(3) n ish ed , a ir condition­ W ill train for full EDEN ROC * d ish w a sh e r * sh ag c a rp e tin g j g j m offer. 332- applications for its new CIATES 323-4084. 5-3-10(4) 252 R iv e r S tre e t nators for your Foreign car. e d , on site m aintenace CHEQUERED F U G FOR­ Waverly and Saginaw loca­ ONE BLOCK from campus, or part-tim e posi­ NORWOOD APTS. * u n lim ited p a rk in g m an, frien d ly m an ag e­ ^ m o u th s a t e llite EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East tion to open soon. Apply RN'S, LPN'S needed for spacious 2 bedroom apart­ tions. * plu sh f u rn itu re HOBIE'S downtown 109 East oncology and general medi­ ment available. Haslett Arms m e n t. 1330 E. G ra n d R iver Kalamazoo St. 487-5055, one * m odel o pen daily 550 Run8 flood. Allegan, Monday March 6 or cal surgical floors of local or University Villa. 351-1957 G rog o r Trish Call Mr. Green, CEDARVIEW APTS. ^321-0984.6-3-10(3) mile west of campus. C ^ -IO M Tuesday March 7, 9am-11am hospital. Positions available 351-3873 or 351-8135. A p t. 214 Monday thru Fri­ 1390 E. G ra n d R iver 0-6-3-10(6) Call 351-8282 or 2pm-4pm.AII positions are on all shifts. Competative 1050 W otersedge Dr. M9H ™ STATI0N «»9- Today's best buys are in the for general service personnel, wages and fringe benefits. FEMALE ROOMMATE Need­ day, 9:30 a.m. to RIVERSIDE APTS. (behind R ollerw orld v„. „ ; Power steering. (n e x t to Cedar V illage) 1$® Clean' 676-1993' Classified section. Find what male or female, 18 years Contact Personnel Director, ed, own room. Call 349-1029. 5 p.m. 349-5453. 1310 E. G ra n d R iver on th e riv e r!) you're looking fori preferred. 5-3-7(12) 485-3271.4-3-10(8) Z-5-3-10(3) 332*4432 10 M ich ig o n Stotg N ew s, East lo o s in g , M ichigan Tuesdi * * • March; >978 Nm s k m | Rwas Fir S ill §] Fir M i " ] g j ,Q _ ft r _ M i P irsm l |f / l [T r iis p ir tit liiJ ^ I w«rtH 1 CSna. NEWER HOME in the coun­ try, coed house with fire­ place. 12 minutes to campus. 1-2 FEMALES FOR large sunny room in four bedroom SUPER LOW PRICES on down and polarguard parks MCINTOSH MODEL- ML1C stereo speakers mint condi­ NEW, USED and vintage IT IS the policy of tha State NEED RIDE from Parry Ml to guitars, banjos, mandolins. News that the last 4 weeks of E. Lansing Afternoons. 625- "USi house. Spring with summer from $29,95. GREAT LAKES tion! WILCOX TRADING Me. Dulcimers and kits, re­ term all Studentt Classified Wa buy Narrey*Drew^ Hard ASMS^ P Aln Pets okay. Call late evenings, option. Very close to campus. MOUNTAIN SUPPLY 541 E. POST. 485-4391. C-8-3-KX4) Classified 3520. S-14-3-KX4I Bovs ooml c.’ I ’" 0* 666-1717, Rick. 4-3-10(6) corders, strings, accessories, Advertising muat be paid for ~ ~ ~ ----------------------- «B°V».MM**, 3l scienceficMon w Plan 337-0402.2-4-3-10(4) Grand River. 351-2060. books, thousands of hard- in advance beginning Febru- ' HAZELTON, PA area. Home- •nd much morel CURiouq ? 3-3-9(51 PIONEER PL117D turntable. to-find albums, (all at very ary “13,1978. Bring M or mall to wrard for Easter? Need a ride? AVAILABLE MARCH 15. ROOM AND board at Tri­ Dynaco amp, Design Acous­ low prices). Private and 347 Student Services. Call 666-2472.4-3-10(3) Room in large coed house. angle Fraternity. $470/term. APPLE CRATES, new. Ideal tics speakers. $500. After 6 o m 0-8^0171 *■ group lessons on guitar, ban­ S-20-3-KX8I Two blocks from campus. Close to campus. 332-3563. p.m., 337-9933. S-5-3-713) 332-3712. 2-5-3-10(3) for album storage, book­ jo, mandolin, all styles. Gift dav'Frid^ S s i 2-4-3-10(3) cases, etc. $2.25 each. 351- 6662. Delivery available. WATER BED frame, king certificates. Expert■ repairsw a d u l t SINGLES. Still look* free estimates. ELDERLY ing for that certain someone? Tjphi Stnrici M Wsdnylujl NICE ROOM in house. Good WOMEN'S DOUBLE-Men's E-5-3-10I4I size, 6 drawer base, book­ INSTRUMENTS 541 East We can help you. Write: Wonted: 1) lon, . people! $75/month + utili­ singles. Includes utilities, EXPERIENCED TYPING ser­ case, head board, excellent Grand River. 332-4331. Starlrte Club, P.O. Box 27186, ties. 484-7254 morning or kitchen facilities, Christian QUAD OF England stereo, vice, dissertations, term duty klriy litter. Pockoglng condition. Must sell. 482- C-8-3-10113) Lansing, 48909 Membership evening. S-5-3-10(3) atmosphere. Call Meg, 9-5 four electrostatic speakers, papers. Call Carolyn, 332- must be woter-proof. I neer 4731. 6-3-1013) Free. 9-3-10(6) M°?K EXcH A N G f3 l p.m. at 669-3400 5pm-8pm at $2,100 firm. 332-6417. 6674.8-3-10(41____ __ It, you won't. Contact Noah. M ^gan, , FEMALE OWN room , , house, campus close, 351- ' ln 323-7811.4-3-10(6) Z-Sp-3-3-813) _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 MATCHING end tables, mediterranean, $20 each. | M ills S IM Estate ANN BROWN TYPING Dis- Brody. p.m. 2123 or 351-4944. Z 7-3-10(3) OWN ROOM in house, close eertations-Resumes-term pa­ COOLING FAN $12, space Grey interlock plastic wall tile, pers. 601 Abbott Road, North to campus. Reasonable. 332- heater $5, carved Meerschum IT IS the policy of the State LARGE HOME near Union. 3 boxes. $20. 484-8265. Entrance. 361-7221, 2 5 5 01 PW wp 5650. Z4-3-10I3) pipe $25. 353-7876. News that the last 4 weeks of BY OWNER, Lansing North truck for one day usage. Will 4-bedrooms, fireplace, sun E-5-3-914) C-8-3-10I4I AnP „Wninfl0' C ' t"*l E 5-3-10(3) term all Student Classified side. FHA, 7%, 3 bedrooms, pay. 366-3686. Z-3-3-7(3) porch. 351-2448. 6-3-1013) ROOM FOR RENT, close to Advertising must be paid for 2-car garage, $160 per 20" TAPPAN electric stove, EXPERT TYPING by MSU campus share with 4. $90 MOVING MUST sell. Royal in advance beginning Febru* month. Call after 6 p.m. openings I see through door, excellent grad. 16 years experience. month plus utilities. Call Tom, Electric typewriter $85, shape. $75. 484-8265. •*Y 13,1978. Bring or mail to 489-0097. X-5-3-9I5I Near Gables, cell 337-0206 Si wcfiyfflF after 5 p.m. 332-6441. Commador adding machine 347 Student Services. Situation "Wanted: Swinging E-5-3-9I3I £8-3-10(31_____ Z^4-3J0(3^_____________ $40, Schwinn Suburban girls _______________________ S-20-3-KX8) GIVE-UP RENTINGI Cozy 2 guy looking f o r , winging job IT IS the policy of the State bedroom condominium with TYPING EXPERIENCED. Fast Strong, quoelhondwme. Sure CALrMARy0' ? ^ HAYFORD ST. Own room in ^ 1 Motabecaneboys bike JEWELER'S SAMPLE from fireplace, unsurpassed view and reasonable 371-4635. to ring your bell. Have t News that the last 4 weeks of $80, 8-track stereo compon­ Brazil, 24 rings all 18K gold, sp 10 3-10(8) I house, on busline, $87 plus, This Spring Break leave yo ur of lake and a 14 ft jetwind C-B-3-10I3I hunch thot | m your man term all Student Classified ent $35, exercise bike $100. aquamarines, amethysts, 485-1406. Must see to appre­ cat o T dog a t COURTVT U V sailboat. Owner packing. Call Confect Q. Modo Advertising must be paid for 349-4982. E Z-5-3-918) others. $1350. Sold as set. N otre ciate. SP-Z-3-3-7I3I (EMU Martha Mertz. MAYHOOD Er UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS Dome in advance beginning Febru* Call Esther at 351-3039. ary 13,1978. Bring or mail to 10-SPEED bike, excellent * 4 * f« wdfcvd 1 tlm *t daily MERTZ 349-5450 or 349- COMPLETE DISSERTATION ELSWORTH CO-OP, open­ Z 3 3 7(5) 9641. 4-3-10(7) 347 Student Services. condition, $60. Call 332-8963 • lift, rwns AND RESUME SERVICE - S-20-3-1018) ings spring, room/board $320/term. Near MSU, e x - LARGE PANELED room, pri- *Ia?! 2 3£?®Z4L.Zl 7' i ' l 0i 3L Z-E-5-3-7(3} __ QUALITY^ USED equipment HEIRLING, SKI boots, men's size 8, used 1 year, flow, » H tH —4 Vet omdvty Sinfici type setting, IBM typing, offset printing and binding. For estimate stop in at 2343 FEMALE W ANTS own room m house or epartment for fall ^ W l s h ? " expenses ICE TIME good condition, just $50.356- East Grand River or phone, 356-9364. S-4-3-1013) vate bath, 1 or 2 girls. Family N|CE BEDROOM in clean at a fair price with warranty, 7024. Z-5-3-9(3) AFFECTIONATE, BEAUTI­ 332-8414. C-8-3-10I7I home 2 blocks from campus. quiet Lansing house. Share Dual 1219 turntable $125 FUL, female cat needs a good RESEARCH SERVICE: Reli­ Rent adjustable in exchange kitchen. On bus route. $50/ Advent Dolby System $80 for childcare, housework. month. 484-8252. Z-5-3-814) Integral Systems Pre Amp W xktyM !! permanent home. Is spayed, quiet and loves people. Free. able, quick, expert. Free esti­ QUALITY THESIS prepara* mates. WxkqJU!! 351-2300 or 332-0101. $125 H I 332-1311. 6-3-1013) _________________ to n , term papers, call before N onted: Fa ithfu l companion 4-3-10(5) Call 332*1033 for details. ROOM IN house, male pre­ Marantz 115 B tuner $155 For Sole- O ne sid e 143. MID MICHIGAN cerpet cere, i f e ^ - f 32’2078 to h elp o p e ra te silve r mine Z-1-3-7(5) ferred, $75 a month plus Tandberg 310 Cassette $275 C hildren gone, m oving to steem cleaning, free esti- and mo into in la w and order, 526 SUNSET Lane, 2 single utilities. 484-2136. 6-3-10(3) HI-FI BUYS. 337-1767. sandal condom inium . Con metes. 349-5849. 5-3-10(31 Wu*t have ow e horse. Con rooms, available March 19, 351-5847. 4-3-10(3) SPRING/SUMMER/female 0-4-3-1018) tact O ld Lady. 1215 Shoelace Lane. ■Milt Hums LARGE SELECTION EXPERIENCED. IBM typing. of Dissertations, loct The Lone Ranger (an »quol opportun ity employer) (pice-elite) own room in modern comfor­ CANDLELIGHT SALE-starts frames glasses for everyone. FAYANN, 489-0358. TWO MAN vacancy in 4 man MOBILE HOME for rent, two table rural home, Room and Thursday, March 9. MAR­ OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 C-8-3-1013) house. Own rooms, $100/ SKIS KASTLE Slamon bedroom 12x65 in Perry. $175 NEEO SOMEONE ,o rttsre board in exchange for helping SHALL MUSIC. East Lan­ E. Michigan, Lansing, Mich, _________ totel exDenw. expenses ' .. month plus utilities. 373- 195cm, Salomon 502 bind­ a month plus deposit. 625- wife with light housework. sing. C-1-3-714) 372.V409.C-63.10I6I COPYGRAPH SERVICE. % £ * * * * » M 7486. Z-8-3-8I3) ings, $95. Lange Flo Boots, 3618. 7-3-10(3) Call Dean Franklin 353-9338. 7-3J0(6) _ OAK DESK, $35, Library 5-9, $45. Dan. 332-1160. FREE LESSON in complexion Complete dissertation and 3 ® 0£ £ 3 -1 0 (3 ) SPRING/SUMMER/female E-Z-5-3-7(3) resume service. Comer MAC M own room in modern com­ fortable rural home, Room FURNISHED table $50, draftsman's desk SLEEPING $25. 655-1698. E-4-3 10(3) rooms in private home with List t Find )|<^ cere. MERLE COSMETIC STUDIO. 321- NORMAN end Grand River. 8:30 am- 5:20 p.m Monday-Friday. 10 CASH FOR FURNITURE Always buying good used INSTANT CASH We're pay­ 5643. C-5-3-1013) furniture and appliances. Call and board in exchange for laundry and kitchen priv­ 10 SPEED PUCH, 1 year old a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. 337- ing $1-2 for albums in good IT IS the policy of the State BENNIES FURNITURE 484- There are people helping wife with light house­ ileges. Near Capital City Air­ hardly used. Cheap. 332- FOR QUALITY stereo ser­ 1666. C-8-3-1016) around town who shape. WAZOO RECORDS News that the last 4 weeks of 3837, 9-5.30. 64-10(5) ’ work. Call Dean Franklin port. Call after 5 p.m. $85 per 2881. Z-3-3913) vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, 233 Abbott, 337-0947. term all Student Classified w ill celebrate 353-9338. 7-3-10(6) month. 321-2552. 7-3-10(7) C-8-3-10(4) 565 E. Grand River. the coming of Advertising must be paid for TYPING TERM Papers and Tired of being broke? Get KOSS HEADPHONES: the in advance beginning Febru­ C-8-3-1013) theses, I.B.M. experienced, w in ter by taking 3 ROOMS in 5 bedroom fast cash by selling things house, Spring/summer TWO BEDROOMS For rent, best! 30-18,000 Hz, less than ary 13, 1978. Bring or mail to fast service. Call 351-8923 you no longer use with a UP skating. terms. 551 Virginia. 332-4898. Z-5-3-8(3) one big enough for two 1.0% dist. $35. 355-5431. people, share with 40 year old Sp-Z 3 3-9(3) SEWING MACHINES, slight­ ly used. Re-conditioned, 347 Student Services. S-20-3-1018) T m sp trtatin j & C-8-3-1013) fast-action Classified Ad Call 355-8255 If you have skates. . . or any landlord, females preferred. guaranteed $39.95 and up type o f winter EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING RIDE NEEDED to Chicago PROMPT TYPING twelve OWN ROOM. Close. Furnish­ Call 485-3428 after 6 p.m. PROJECT 1 turntable. New LOST ONE dog. German sports equipment 3-3-7(4) CO. 115 N. Washington. 489- area Wednesday, March 15, years experience. Evenings - ed. $120. 332-8805. cartridge. 351-7191. Excellent Shepard. Husky. Brown/tan you no longer use, 6446. C-8-3-10(51 after 7:46 p.m. Will share gas 675-7544. C-8-3-1013) Z-Sp-5-3-10(3) condition. SP-Z-3-3-9I3) mixed. "Grizzly". Call 332- sell them quickly' 6650. Z-4-3-10(4) Ef driving. 353-1342. ------------------------------------ and easily. Use a CLOSE TO campus. Female EAST LANSING-Rooms for S 5-3 10(3) TYPING THESES term pa- IT IS the policy of the State Classified ad to only, kitchen privileges. $80. 10-SPEED BIKE. 23" frame, TWO STUDIO beds, box attract buyers rent. Available now. Close to 27 lbs, suntour components, springs, mattress, $30 each or LOST LADIES Seiko watch. u c c ri , ___ “ . ~ P9™- former college admin- News that the last 4 weeks of 332-5988. 0-8-3-10(3) fo r the things you campus. Call STE-MAR good condition, $75. Steve two for $55.485-5285 after 5. Silver with brown face. If NtfcD 3 people to share gas istrative secretary. 332-2616 term all Student Classified MANAGEMENT. 351-5510. 351-5377. E-Z-4-3-10(31 found please call Mary 353- + lodging. 5 days on Palm 6-3-10(31 Advertising must be paid for no longer need E-5-3-813) 5-3-10(4) Fir Sale SKI BOOTS. Lange Swinger. 1920. This watch has great COLOR TV, G.E. table, $89. sentimental value to me. $50 Beech. Low cost. Don, 351- 1323. Z-Sp-3-3-813) PROFESSIONAL in advance beginning Febru­ ary 13, 1978. Bring or mail to FEMALE ROOMMATE need­ reward. Z4-3-10I5) EDITING 347 Student Services. Size8 'A, new. $52. Call 339- Good Picture, 882-0520 ed in 3 person Okemos NEED RIDE to U-WVa. or and TYPING. Papers, dlssera- S-20-3-1018) 2888. E-5-3-813) E-5-3 7(31 Pittsburg March 17 or 18. tions. Minor corrections to house. Own bedroom + KITCHEN TABLE and four chairs. Small size. $45. 332- WE PAY up to $2 for LP’s Er LOST-TEXAS Instrument calculator. Reward if return­ Share $, driving. Pete 351- rewrite. Foreign students A pet can warm your heart on Stato Newi bath. Close to bus and cam­ 100 USED VACUUM clean­ pus. 349-0904. Z-3-3-8(4) 2357 evenings. E-5-3-1013) cassettes - also buying 45's, ers. Tanks cannisters, and ed. 356-7089. Z-5-3-913) 8067. Z-Sp-3-3-813) welcome. 332-5991 C-8-3-10(5) a cold winter evening. Look ■ ■ Classified to the Pets classification of songbooks, magazines. FLAT pdghts. Guaranteed on full CAMPUS NEAR. Furnished FREEZER, 6 cubic feet. Up­ BLACK Er CIRCULAR. Up­ SIX CHARMING girls n e e d ------------------------------------ today's newspaper. year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS No place to store your bi­ room, modern house. From right, front load, Apartment stairs 541 E, Grand River. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. cycle? Sell it for extra cash ride to Florida. Will go separ- TERM PAPERS thMA. h;. ------------------- 355*8153 $80/month. 485-1436. size. $150 371-1464. Open 11 a.m., 351-0838. ately and share driving and sertations. Experience ’ tea- a V M A 316 North Cedar, opposite with a low cost Classified Ad. 0-5-3-10(3) 4-3-10(3) C-8-3-1016) expenses, 355-6699 or 355- sonable rates Judith w ahU ~ beginning City Market. C-8-3-10(71 Call 355-8255 7374. X-5-3-813) 4672 53-T m i ' 4’ 378' Cal1339-1098 after 6 Z 10,31 p.m., $26. 5-3-1014) Carter invokes Taft-Hartley Act Announcements for It's What’s AI*Anon meets at 8 p.m. to­ East Lansing LaLeche League will meet at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, 166 Orchard St. Topic will be Communications want to improve your rB See how your work measun continued from page II Happening must be received in the "Nutrition and Weaning." Women Across coal-rich Appalachia, night, 253 Student Services Bldg. in the professional world, ( However, Kenneth Carter of State News office, 343 Student and babies welcome. that the nation may regain however, most miners who tect the health and safety of the Media 5! Havaco, W.Va„ said he would Services Bldg., by noon at least Lima, Baldwin and Alco were badly needed production of coal gathered in local headquarters American public, and I intend two class days before publication. great steam locomotive buildersl honor a back-to-work order as to do so,” the president said in a for the American people," it to watch C arter's announce­ No announcements will be accept­ Meet the Railroad Club at 7 long as he did not have to cross MSU Young Democrats is added. ment on television indicated statem ent delivered from the ed by phone. tonight, Union Oak Room. a picket line. about people and issues that White House. UMW President Arnold Mil­ ler had said in advance of they would not go back to work under Taft-Hartley. The miners As one reason for their He said as many as one United Students lor Christ, MSU Astronomy Club meets at involve you. Find out more at 6 tonight, 339 Case Hall. State News rejection, miners cited a con­ million people could be laid off Carter’s nationally broadcast indicated they would have fa­ which sponsors gospel concerts 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Abrams tract provision requiring them a t the end of another month if Planetarium. Bob Miller will dis­ announcement that he would vored government seizure of and icebreakers, welcomes all to comply with Taft-Hartley even the mines instead of a back-to- to pay deductibles of up to $700 for health care that has been the strike were allowed to weekly Bible study held at 7 tonight. 210 Bessey Hall. cuss "Telescope Making Tech­ niques." St. Lawrence Hospital needs volunteers spring term in psychiat­ Newsline though he does not like it. He work order. continue. C arter also an­ ••• free. Opponents also did not nounced that the Department ric in-patient, alcoholism, activities said that if a back-to-work The likelihood that miners Women's Lunch held from like a provision giving coal Bored with TV? Videowaves is therapy, reception and day center injunction is issued, he will observe it. would return to work was "a companies the authority to fire of Energy would use its alloca­ tion powers “to minimize ef­ the answer! See all new programs noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Room units. Contact 26 Student Ser­ 353-31 damn slim possibility," said wildcat strike leaders and daily on the Union TV from 11 C Crossroads Cafeteria. Kate vices Bldg. Carter made the announce­ Patrick Burke, a local official fects of fuel shortages" in a.m. to 4 p.m. Young, coordinator of CASA, pickets. ment after the striking miners near Taylorville, III. coal-dependent areas. discusses "Battered Women: Carter, however, said it was The president expressed con­ What's Being Done Locally." voted overwhelmingly in week­ James Taranto, an official clear that the negotiating pro­ fidence the law would be heed­ Health Majors! Academic credit end balloting against a pro­ with the 2,200-member Local cess could not be counted on to in Chicago community develop­ WELM will air each ASMSU posed three-year contract that 1269 in Pennsylvania, said Car ed and said he was asking the end the strike and resume ment program available. Contact candidate’s proposals throughout would have settled the pro­ ter "doesn’t know what the hell attorney general and governors Dave Persell, College of Urban the production oi coal. this week. Stay tuned to Channel tracted strike. he's talking about. of the coal states to “make sure Development. "My responsibility is to pro- 11 Cable TV. the law is obeyed." Normally under a Taft- Speck admits murder of seven nurses Hartley injunction, strikers re ­ turn to work under the term s of their expired contract. But Car- (continued from page 1) surviving member of the nurses tive 50-year to 150-year prison terms, was interviewed at Speck refused to identify the man he said he killed, Greene te r said he would "seek permit any company” to offer the wages contained in ENGINEERING who says there was just one Stateville Penitentiary. Speck said. man" and that there is no unsolved murder from that originally was sentenced to death, but that sentence was Speck said that only a few hours before the killings he and rejected contract. GRADUATES night to account for the accom­ overturned in 1971 by the his alleged accomplice met for plice's disappearance. Yeah, I killed them," Speck said of the nurses. "I stabbed Illinois Supreme Court. “It was just one of them the first time on a bridge on Chicago’s South Side. Amendments DidYouMissSpem/?\ Speck said he and the other and choked them. If that one weird coincidences," Speck (continued from page 1) man a t first intended only a girl wouldn't have spit in my said, "I was high on heroin and Are you an electrical or m e c h a n ic a l engineer Are y robbery. Barry and several board face, they’d all be alive today." whiskey. I’d never shot heroin Interacted In participating in a s s ig n m e n ts such as ■ “We didn’t pick no house. We members said it was unwise to electronic detign, m e c h a n ic a l system s designi The slayings occurred in July before. So eight people got present specific provisions to 1966. just knocked. When people analysis, control systems, o r e le c tro n ic develop killed. Eight girls and that answered the door, we asked the student body for ratifica­ Speck, serving eight consecu­ Then conaidar Sperry. effeminate homosexual.” for phony names and left. tion. They suggested that constitutional convention Sperry Flight Systems is a g r o w in g div is io n of Sperry Band "We knocked on the girls’ Corporation. We are a high te c h n o lo g y leade door. No one answered. It called to rew rite the entire development ot automatic flig h t c o n tro l sys fo! WMSN seeks FM permit wasn’t planned or nothing. constitution, which would then be presented to students for commercial aircraft and space veh icle s, attituo When we got upstairs we seen as well as airborne electronics approval. them all in the bedrooms asleep. There were three or If you have a BS or MS in Eleclricai/Eiectronic^or (continued from page 3) lin said the network has yet to four bedrooms, I don’t know I think it would be better to Mechanical Engineering, write to us, knowthe Edwin “Red" Byrd both said decide exactly what space to how many. wait until we can propose a and a copy of your transcript so we can let yo the new MSU FM station could apply on the FM band and variety of exciting assignments available to yo divert enough listeners from “Some girls woke up. We whole new constitution rather exactly how much power to than to propose an amendment their audiences to cause a drop said, ‘Stick up. We want your request. in advertising due to a decline money.' I told one of them to get saying 'do you think Article 7, College Relations Coordinator in listener ratings. They said the money. She spit in my face section 1, part B of the constitu­ Officials a t the FCC said they and said she’d pick me out of a tion should be changed?'" Social they will file complaints with the FCC. would not comment on the lineup. Science representative Fred upcoming license application. Jones said. in addition, engineering re­ ports show that if the network broadcasts a signal near the Brad Eft, chairperson of the MSU Radio Board, said funding "I can’t tell you if the girls put up any resistance or not," Speck said. "I killed seven of -A -S P E R S V of the new station will switch in Board members also criti­ if FLIGHT SYSTEM S jower edge of the FM band them, the other guy killed one. cized efforts by the bill's propo­ some way to more equitable interference with Gross Tele­ We left. He was frantic. He nents to push the bill through in casting Co.'s WJIM-Tv signal is taxing of off-campus and on- says he doesn’t want any of the the last week of classes and P.O. Box 21111 Phoenl*. Arizona I possible. campus students. The network money a t all. He’s dead now. urged that the issue be taken up currently taxes only on-campus MSN manager Marc S. Con- “I know he’s dead, because I during the next legislative term Mlf students. An Equal Opportunity Employ6' shot him six times.’’ which begins spring term. Lichigon State N»w», Eoat Umglng. M lth iyWn """O | | Tuesday, March 7, 1978 1 1 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE • Jackson Browne by Bill Yates April 11,1971 SPONSORED BY: Joniion Fialdhoute Tickets *8.50 A *7.SO TUESDAY iV atcH out 4:30 [a fte rn o o n 7:55 (6) Doris Day 9:45 F o K -W A T M A IF , 12:00 (23) Membership-Pledge 5:00 Drive . „ (23) WKAR Membership- P H /M e a $ . r r % News (6) Gunsmoke 8:00 Pledge Drive | Say the Least (6) CBS Reports 10:00 b T A £ T /H & TO M°?K EXcH (10) Emergency One! Michigan, i 2A Nam G f3 t |l BrodTOpened * n | iVO (12) Rookies (10) Chuck Barris (12) Having Babies &FT A L -0 0 $ ^ 12:20 (12) Happy Days (23) Song by Song by Ira Itanoc bwhood*er Ro8®r* Neiflh- (23) Evening at Pops 5 P P I V & (H Gershwin 12:30 5:30 (11)Handicappers, Un­ 11:00 the ! Jorch lor Tomorrow (23) Electric Company limited (6-10-12) News EngShow (11) News 8:30 (23) Membership-Pledge « T !S ? § I °Penings dn^ I jons Hope 6:00 ( I I ) The Electric Way Drive 2-7 1:00 9:00 11:10 (6-10-12) News fl° ^ l |ng and the Restless | M y Children (23) Dick Cavett (6) Movie (10) Movie (23) Dick Cavett PEANUTS (11) Shintowa: Hearts in 11:30 Do yoorSpring jenAcres (11) Tuesday Night Hormony (6) Columbo by Schulz O V U v L L v LAUNDRY C leaning la rly sp 10 3-10(81 lams Chronicles 9:30 (10) Johnny Carson SPONSORED BY: h i J. m e lir a u iu m n t 1:30 6:30 (12) Three's Company (12) Forever Fernwood 332-3537 the World Turns (6) CBS News (10) NBC News I'VE BEEN THINKING MAYBE YOU FALL |ys of Our Lives OH, SUREVOU'D LOVE TO 2:00 (12) ABC News MSU SHADOWS ABOUTYOURPROBLEM,SIR Asleep in c la s s see me Wearing glasses SOME OF US THINK (1)E ICE LOOK KINO OF CUTE I s Life to Live (23) Over Easy by Gordon Carleton 0ECAU5E OFONCORRECTED uioulpn 't you m a r c ie 71 WITH OUR6LA55E5 SIR' lerEasy (11) Woman Wise Astism atism ... 2:30 7:00 SPONSORED BY: px xb all p e t t s TIME ding Light ktors d for Life (6) My Three Sons (10) Mary Tyler Moore (12) Brady Bunch Y fcU WAA7T T O GO I t ) Present this r ta lly fu n n y comic fo r 25' w o rth o f fr a a p lo y ! fc o R lO A PoA B R M K T /A lo r N 3:00 (23) High School Quiz Bowl o t m IMM M R SfWkak. o n ly h a s m 't F lo r id a R a tifie d tw i e .r \ k jollier World (11) The Czarnecki Files sex nr ■ b u t Y cm , c a m - t M W IT L o m w rr c L ,l k jnerol Hospital 7:25 th ro u g h g g o r & i^ jA la b a m a .M is tie s t pm (gniel Foster, M.D. (23) Membership-Pledge 3:30 nWoftTH C A R ouaJA . r * Todsy’s spedeli « • » 7:30 In the Family (10) $100,000 Name that Cho„ „ , |la Alegre Tune FRANK & ERNEST U 5 k In n .iu . „fef ° r . 9 " * n chl,# W uc# spread either chtcker •t ground beef and 4:00 (6) Carol Burnett and by Bob Thaves with honey Ho and a sopapilla |vMickey Mouse Friends SPONSORED BY: (12) Mary Tyler Moore 1 " I I AXTBCO RICTAIHIANT Kial Treat (23) MacNeil / Lehrer Re­ tianza port There are people kome Street (11) Talkin' Sports around town who RoP N E f l v E t S A K E ! w ill celebrate the coming of IP I T ’i G O in G T O w in ter by taking UP skating. ^ you have A D V IR TItl <»fiT You a l l m ik e d skates. . . or any Up A n d C O N P u S tD , type o f winter sports equipment IN THIS SPACI you no longer use, FD SK ETTp «3u 5T sell them quickly * IG N O R E IT * end easily. Use a Classified ad to CALL 353-6400 »(© |* 1 9 \ rju ? _____ THAVth a ttract buyers fo r the things you no longer need (VELS WITH FARLEY Low gas prices £ lm THE DROPOUTS CAM PUS Service I Frank ■eede's UWe Preewey by Post SPONSORED BY: P IZ Z A 2 >»•>.>* I srvlseBteWse 310 W Grand River State Newt SPONSORED BY: 11011. Cr. River ? WILL Y a < Nest to Varsity Inn Classified Wr Appreciate Your Business T A L fc T D M y -S p o W AW T W HILE THIS C U R I O S I T Y O f /H /a ie ..W HAT EFFECT A NUCLEAR V H G oH i, A lt-? 355*8153 W IL L P E M P E A T H O F 4€ T SATELLITE f a l l i n g o n a I JU 6T C A N T H E L P W IL D E R N E S S AR EA HAS ' p y r W9 NDEL? . O N TH E l o c a l s communications nt to improve your f. b how your work measun the professional world, a dia 5! P IL L O W T A L K B.C. • fu r n it u r e ^ State News by Johnny Hart SPONSORED BY: « V*. Moll Frandor Shopping Cenfer , , * * V TUrniturO MBLEWEEDS SPONSORED BY: ^ n w S s ^ PIZZA . . . Free D#Hvery: 35117*7 Newsline 1312 M ic h . A v » . < * 4 5 7 - 1 3 7 7 What a guy does when, h e g e ts d ru n k and doesnt wake up fo r ch u rch .. 353-31 p u r ■RING SAM and SILO ® B H WI Q UU lP Half » ™ Styling T ,n| w for Man ana r - n i . . __. . . and Woman Coll for appointmant today worn 0SSWORD 1 pI H I BE) SPONSORED BY: by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker s p o n s o re d by: ®EingsI(rnlin a iD fn ■ ------------- 30* MAC Balow Jonat Stationary \T ES ■ttmss PUZZLE P u n ■ DS SB bheporcR Now opan Saturdays And others: Latin 0 SJB0 BO D (23 cdmpus I*»$tiiper 27. Jules ■ ■ K a n s s p Latin Veme chancier BBIH (B B Q l Sperry? ■ Ofiacket Nrtional 28 Vapidly 30. Cite of pipe line B ? AB■ MA R DE23S @ 0 [tang 32. Japanese drama 33. Peruse A T 1 011 b s s a l e n g i n e e r ? A re you N ' wife 34. Fetid L 1b N cassEin a ■above m e n t s s u c h a s R S D- 36. Bombyx L Os E 1 3 9 1 D 0 I y s t e m s d e s ig n and I r o n ic d e v e lo p m e n t? ^ ■ n n i 39. Cheese 5 NE E E P B D E i a 41. Ian/ « T o r T P £ °F L E 43. Location 46. Winter storms 2. Constellation 3. Inlet J i -Q 4. Voiced i 4 I7 6 5. Use i blue pencil ■ 6. Snake mackerel it 7. Join 8. Repeat 9. Garland clrical/Electromc of s, sending a resume 16 17 h |& 10. Taro paste 12. Smartly BEETLE BAILEY can let yo u w o * # » IV 26 17. Hebrew letter Um u I by M ort W alker * able to you r* 19. Biblical name 21. Overrule 22. The Dioscuri (D Q ird in a to r 23. Tuneful 24. Radiate 3| 25. Sloped type & v 34