_W U JM E 72 NUMBER 49 THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1978 M IC H IG A N STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LAN SIN G , M IC H IG A N 48824 ASMSV RESULTS UNOFFICIAL Jones leads election By KIM SHANAHAN "This race is really too hard to call," designed to it so th at when it is fed through S tate News S taff W riter ASMSU S tu d en t Board P resid en t K ent Dan Jones will be th e next ASMSU the com puter the prin to u t gives a break­ Barry said. But it looks like Dan Jones is down of th e voting, D art explained. btu d en t Board president, according to going to be very hard to beat." unofficial retu rn s released by th e All-Uni­ Though the process is more time- The spoiled ballot count — a count of consuming than o th er voting methods, the versity Elections Commission W ednesday ballots which w ere unable to be tabulated night. com puter program m ed method is extrem e­ electronically because of mutilation - ly accurate, said Louis Hekhuis, ASMSU Results will not be declared official until showed Dan Jo n es leading th e race early Student Board Adviser. all recounts and spending rep o rts have been W ednesday. However, th e re w ere *:ss than verified by the commission, according to the "The biggest delay in determ ining who is 500 of these ballots. ASMSU Code of Operations. going to be the president is not the actual Good ballots a re "sense-scored," meaning procedure of counting the votes, but rath er The tabulation indicated Jones received th at they are ru n through machines th a t are 3,436 votes, over 500 more than his closest the events th a t occur afterw ard, like sensitive to m arks made by num ber two contested spending rep o rts and requests ctMnpetitor, J e ff M eyers. M eyers received pencils, said ASMSU Student Board Ad­ for recounts," Hekhuis said. 2,907 votes. Corey Binger was third in the viser Lana D art. A fter all th e good ballots tally with 1,695 votes and F red B. Jones Elections Commissioner Rob Freem an have been scored, th e machine prints the said voter turnout appeared to be consider­ g athered 1,397. resu lts on com puter tape. ably higher than last y ear — possibly up 15 Individual college race w inners were: The tap e m ust then have a program percent, though the totals w ere unofficial. •A g ricu ltu re and N atural Resources: Dan Stouffer - 863. AH Wirephoto •A rts and L etters: Julie Maki - 448. Water e r u p t s fr o m t h e r e m a in s o{ t h e w re c k e d p lo s iv e c h a r g e s in all w e r e d r o p p e d b y fiv e F r e n c h •Communication A rts: Tom Rombouts - iupertanker A m o c o C a d iz a s d e p t h c h a r g e s w e re dropped in a n e f f o r t t o r e l e a s e t h e r e m a in in g 5.88 million g a llo n s o f o il r e m a in i n g in h e r h u ll. T e n ex- N a v y h e lic o p te r s b e c a u s e o f h ig h w in d s a n d r o u g h s u r f a c e w a te r w h ic h p r e v e n t e d a n y o n e fro m g o in g a b o a r d to p la c e e x p lo s iv e s b y h a n d . 230. •Education: Diane McCarthy - 299. •Engineering: L aura C hristner - 541. •H um an Ecology: K aren Passiak - 359. Domestic abuse •N atu ral Science: K irk M essm er - 790. ielson loan query halted •Social Science: H arry Zoccoli - 394. The race for th e Communication A rts seat was the closest of th e elections, with Tom Rombouts outscoring his th ree oppo­ plan defeated nents by less than 30 votes. Nick Palaian came the closest to Rombouts by gathering By JAN ETHA LFM AN N By M N Z IO M. LU PO gation would not begin unless McLaughlin 207 votes. Sally M eyer and Elizabeth Sayed State News Staff W riter the alleged violator, his address, detail the State News Staff W rite r filed for it correctly. captured 206 and 204 votes respectively. Submission of a g rant application for a comprehensive family violence program was alleged violation and identify any evidence |f probe into the rep o rted $5,000 loan "W e re not doing anything at this point Since Palaian scored over 90 percent as in connection with th e alleged violation. ^ 3 c^ose vo*e ^ g h a m County Board of Commissioners Tuesday. Democratic Sen. E a rl Nelson until w e hear from McLaughlin," he said. many votes as th e winner, a recount is The $236,810 g ran t proposal, prepared by the Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office, will In addition, McLaughlin m ust sw ear it is Ltd from a dog racing advocate before In addition, he pointed out, news reports almost guaranteed, according to regulations now fail to m eet the April 1 deadline set by th e Law Enforcem ent A ssistance tru e to th e best of his knowledge and sign Hiding a bill to legalize th e sport was set th e date of the loan at Feb. 24. 1977 - th e complaint. in the ASMSU code. A dm inistration, th e federal agency seeking th e proposals. K«j Wednesday because of incorrect th re e m onths before th e campaign funding The elections commission had not re ­ Major objections to the Rrant application centered around failure of the prosecutor's "None of this was provided to us," ■procedures. act w ent into effect. leased th e results of th e referenda or the office to seek input from th e board o r to give m embers sufficient tim e to review th e Frangos said. "When w e get it, w e're on our | addition. Nelson successfully re- McLaughlin was out of town W ednesday open rep resen tativ e seats late W ednesday com pleted proposal. way with th e investigation." in a statem ent W ednesday th a t a and aides did not know w hether th e W ithout a complaint filed in accordance night. The information will be made Commissioner M ark G rebner, who spoke against the g ran t proposal b ut voted for it, live Joint Conflict of In te re st Com- Republican leader would refile for an with the act, "w e would be going out on available today. criticized th e prosecutor's office for putting to g eth er th e application without any input investigation be held to lay to w aste inquiry. Close observers of the race w ere con­ from th e board. some kind of witch hunt," he added. icalled "a personal, vicious attem pt McLaughlin directed his req u est to Nelson said in his statem ent W ednesday vinced by mid-afternoon W ednesday th at G rebner, a m em ber of th e Finance Comm ittee, said he didn't receive th e g ran t proposal Tfdit" him. A ttorney G eneral F rank Kelley b ut it was that McLaughlin's request was "nothing but Dan Jones would capture th e presidential until M arch 20, th e day th e com m ittee was expected to make a judgm ent on it. said news re p o rts of th e loan to referred to th e S ecretary of S tate's office in (continued on pagv Id) spot, despite rep o rts that M eyers was also A fter th re e y ears, th e project would become a county responsibility, so we b e tte r have Lansing atto rn ey John MacLellan accordance with th e law. receiving heavy voter support. the program we w ant," he said. ij that the loan w as to ‘buy* my McLaughlin requested that Nelson docu­ Two-thirds of th e money requested in the proposal was not for an abuse sh elter and its |pcr.of dog racing legislation.” staff, he said. ment th e sources and uses of th e loan to tereceived the loan 11 w eeks before G rebner questioned the need for "bio-feedback instruction" and "pre-trial diversion" and Confession by Esmail ensure it would not be im properly used for ring a bill last fall to legalize a re-election bid. accused the prosecutor's office of creating jobs. Once people are hired for these positions pound racing. The Campaign Finance Act of 1976 limits and program s are set in motion, it is difficult to discontinue them , he said. Jsquest by William M cLaughlin, Re individual contributions to $450. Daniel D. Me Leila n, Ingham County chief assistant prosecutor, said th e re was only one b State Com m ittee chairperson, to Nelson has said he will announce his county-funded position in the proposal. Bngite the details surrounding th e loan ■rejected by a S ecretary of S ta te ’s office (x-cause it was filed im properly, election plans for the 24th D istrict Senate Seat this week. He said in October he would not run for re-election but is now recon­ may become evidence D ebbie Stabenow, board chairperson, said thought the majority of a g rant would be subcontracted, those agencies would very likely ask the county for help once federal money ended if they had not found o ther ongoing funds. f ip Frangos, director of th e Office of sidering it. McLellan cited personal antagonism against the prosecutor and a lack of com mitment on As far as can be determ ined, Sami Esmail's confession has not been officially upheld. th e p a rt of some commissioners to th e problems of domestic violence as m ajor reasons for k and Legislation, said th e investi­ Frangos said th e complaint m ust name However, Ariel K erem of the Israeli Em bassy in W ashington clarified an earlier th e negative vote. statem en t to that effect by saying "w hat is clear is th a t his (Esmail’s) law yer ag reed th at He said though th e prosecutor's office was notified the g rant money w as available on his confession could be adm itted to the full trial as evidence, but not as a confession." Jan . 31, it did not decide to prepare a proposal until late in February when it became Iesearcher suspected Kerem added th at he may have been mistaken in saying th e “mini-trial," a preliminary evident th at no o th e r agency was going to develop a project. proceeding in which the defense can challenge the validity of confessions, ended March 15 and th e full trial began March 26. However, according to Edw ard Grobe, Ingham County g ran ts adm inistrator, the prosecutor's office didn't contact th e liaison committee of the board of commissioners until The latest report from Israel W ednesday indicated th a t th e mini-trial is still in tw o w eeks ago. This contact should have been the first step, he said. progress and th a t the defense will p resent its sum m ary argum ents today. poisoning incidents Bruce M aughan, MSU assistan t professor of business law and office adm inistration, has attended all but the first tw o days of the trial. He said he believed the first phase of the trial may end at noon today. Stabenow is in th e process of appointing a committee, requested by th e board Tuesday, which will rew ork th e grant application to reflect board input. That revised application will be subm itted for approval at the board meeting scheduled for April 11. McLellan said Ingham County has "throw n away any possibility" of receiving th e g rant Maughan, who consented to an interview with th e S ta te News during a call to the Hillel By DANIEL HERM AN who has worked on the case for over a year, Foundation in East Lansing, said th u s far both sides have been try in g to prove th a t its by not adhering to th e April 1 deadline. Grobe agreed th ere is now little chance th e federal State News S taff W riter said “These chemical attacks have persisted w itnesses a re th e most credible. The defense and prosecution are try in g to prove th eir agency will accept th e proposal. isundred or more cases of m ysterious over a period of three years. Over th at w itnesses’ credibility on th e basis of th e contradictions in each o th er's argum ents, he said. N s reported in th e E a st Lansing­ period the p attern of the methods and In o th er developm ents, M aughan said the allegations of to rtu re and m istreatm en t are 'Sarea over a period of th re e years chemicals used remained exactly th e same." no longer being mentioned in defense and prosecution argum ents. They are now speaking -ally have been solved, This led police to believe th e poisonings in term s of psychological pressure. pa N. Reusch, a 47-year old research w ere done by the same person, he said. He said it appears the prosecution does not have any evidence except th e confession. If in microbiology a t MSU. was Welton said the areas that have been He added he heard rum ors that th e head judge in Esm ail's case plans to base th e trial pd on March 17 carry in g an unidenti- (continued on page 16) on the confession. |>mieal when she allegedly broke into l!nt of Duane Sm ith, a Lansing School c! music teacher living in Okemos, Wire said. Changes sim plify spring registration in sid e w e a th e r jjh was arraigned in 55th D istrict Sunshine should end th e 578- f -'arch 23 on a charge of breaking and congested, said R eg istrar Horace C. King. For an analysis of federal, day gray sky record, but the P j^ 'ith intent to com mit a felony. She By M ICHELLE CHAMBERS The new system differed from the "Collectively, th e new system worked," state, local and U niversity poli­ highs still won't g et past the U!1 released on $1,000 bond on her S tate News Staff W riter traditional 50 50 morning and afternoon he said. cy tow ard South Africa, see mid-40 mark so don't don your knizance. The slow-moving registration process ran split and was designed to alleviate the usual page 10. cut-offs yet. In fact, p rep are to |D. MoLellan, Ingham County chief more quickly and smoothly spring term Newly in stitu ted this term was an alpha final day afternoon congestion, King said. don your therm als for tonight's prosecutor, said a prelim inary than usual, adm inistrators said W ednesday. betical reapportionm ent of students, under Tuesday, th e final day of regular reg istra­ tw enties. P I date has not y e t been set. Registration system changes — recom­ which 60 p ercen t w ere scheduled to go tion, was a "balanced day," King said. Only r rearp 110other suspects in th e case at mended by the R egistrar's Advisory Com through in th e m orning and 40 percent in 4,800 stu d en ts w ent through the process in K he added. m ittee — made th e process faster and less the fternoon. the afternoon, com pared to 7,000 on the last p an Shite Police S gt. Dale W elton, day of w in te r te rm registration. A n o th er change was th e addition of an ex p ress line sep aratin g the regular flow of larking lot Computers help save stu d en ts from those receiving financial aid. S tu d en ts not receiving financial aid w ere rero u ted to m ake th e process faster. U niversity C ontroller Lowell E. Levi said paring set drop-and-add footwork th e ex p ress line "didn't help the process but didn’t harm it either. " If w e had had a bulge in the process, the Proposed razing of eight A lbert ex p ress line would have done more harm P houses,• many stu d en t occupied, in than good," he added. a parking lot has prom pted th e E ast By A NN E M ARIE BIONDO Levi explained th at spring term reg istra­ S ta te News S taff W riter tion flowed well enough not to create I Council to call for a public P on the m atter. Y esterday, N atural Science. Today, American T hought and Language. Tomorrow, problem s w ith th e express lines. However, Par>ng is scheduled for April 18 at perhaps, th e entire University. in th e fu tu re th e ex p ress line will not be The process of dropping and adding classes does not have to be a back breaking used, he said. L ' a-a11 ®ast Lansing Public procedure requiring a student to ru n all o v er cam pus seeking authorized signatures "T he idea behind th e improvement was K * 950 Abbott Road. and delivering illegible, hand w ritten cards. And for stu d en ts taking courses in the g e ttin g th e stu d en ts through with an even ■ U ^ e n d atio n to th e council to raze N atural Science and ATL departm ents, it no longer is. flow and th e ex p ress line will not do this," L * 1? the 500 block of A lbert Avenue Through a cooperative effort by th e personnel in th e C om puter C enter, th e D ata he said. L 1 by the E ast Lansing Planning Processing departm ent, the reg istrar's office and U niversity College, a com puterized In addition to th e o th er changes, more r IOn°arlier th is m onth. The council, drop-and-add program was designed. staff m em bers w ere w orking in areas where \ ■ "anted “citizen in p u t." [Proposal, introduced a t last week's The program , which was used for th e first tim e at MSU d u rin g w in ter term , is in th e most slow downs occur, but the w orkers had second phase of its experim ental period, said N atu ral Science professor Donald no back-up people, King said. Meeting, “recom m ended th a t a W einshank. Last term , th e com puterized drop-and add process w as used only by the Because of this lack of replacem ent E d Y?mp constructed on Lot Nine (continued on page 18) w orkers, reg istratio n did not stay open PelVk* on ^ rove S tree t) and a through in e lunch hour as originally J v 01 be constructed a t A lbert Avenue lon S treet." (continued on page 18) W E IZ M A N S E N T T O E G Y P T Mideast peace talks to reope wold JE R U S A L E M (A P) - Israel will sen d D efen se M inister E z e r W eizman to E g y p t today Israeli radio re p o rte d th a t th e Israeli cabinet decided Sun­ d ay to send W eizman back to d ay a fte r th e d ispatch to S ad at th ro u g h U .S. diplom atic chan­ nels o f a le tte r from Begin, fifth s ta g e in Israel-E gyptian con tacts since last fall. S adat's v isit to Jeru salem in N ovem ber breakdown ol thos, talk In Jerusalem , Begin d to reo p en th e d ire c t M ideast Egypt* an d th e in vitation from u rg in g resu m p tio n of d irect Wednesday during I * , w as followed by a C hristm as French n a v y tr ies to sp e e d ta n k e r c le a n u p p eace ta lk s th a t w e re su s­ E g y p tian W ar M inister talks. D ay sum m it w ith Begin in one-half hour parliameni p ended tw o m o n th s ago, Israeli M ohamm ed Abdel G hani el- W eizm an’s im pending m is­ bate on foreign policy; Ism ailia, E g y p t; b rief political radio and E g y p tian so u rces said G am assy reached Israel on sion, which had been rep o rted BREST, F ra n ce (A P ) — F iv e F re n c h n a v y w e e k to b la s t o p e n th e w r e c k in o r d e r to and m ilitary ta lk s in Jeru salem Z , C° n r ed with d, W ednesday. Tuesday. p reviously b u t w hose d a te w as th a t could harm the mo h e lic o p te rs b o m b e d th e w r e c k o f th e s p e e d c le a n u p o p e ra tio n s o n th e p a r t o f and C airo beginning in J a n u ­ T h e re p o rts h e re an d in C airo T h e re p o rts o f W eizm an’s n o t know n until W ednesday, s u p e rta n k e r A m o c o C a d iz w ith 10 e x p lo ­ F ra n c e 's n o r t h w e s t c o a s t p o llu t e d b y th e ary ; and a period of U.S. sh u ttle noM,eStS ° f ° Ur ^ e . indicated Israel w as under- im m inent d e p a rtu re cam e o n e would re p re s e n t a t le ast th e not hesitate to say - , sive cha rg e s W e d n e s d a y in a n a t te m p t to w o rs t c o a s ta l o il s p ill in h is to r y . diplomacy th a t followed th e j ta k in g a new diplom atic in itia­ the United States- v re le a s e th e la s t o f its o il c a rg o in to th e tiv e following f r im e M in ister unable to accept sea o ff th e B r itta n y co a s t. Form er prem ier’s letter But h ig h w in d s a n d seas k e p t n a v y M enachem B e g in s te n se ta lk s T he re w a s n o im m e d ia te in d ic a tio n d e m o litio n c re w s fro m g o in g a b o a rd to w ith P re s id e n t C a r te r last Opposition Labor Pan w h e th e r th e 4 5 -m in u te o p e ra tio n suc­ p la n t tim e d c h a rg e s T u e s d a y , a n d th e $12 w eek in W ashington, w h ere th e " S h im o n Peres told tha ce e d e d in b r e a k in g o p e n th e re m a in s o f U .S. d e sire fo r new Israeli th e Ia r u li tegisUkun m illio n A m o c o C a d iz — n o w b r o k e n in th e s h ip 's ta n k s to d is p e rs e th e e s tim a te d accom m odation w ith th e A rab s tim e for decision has con th re e o n t h e P o rts a ll ro c k s — c o n tin u e d 5.88 m illio n g a llo n s o f o il s t ill o b o a rd . French a u th o r itie s d e c id e d e a r lie r th is to s p u r t o il W e d n e s d a y in to t h e g o le - b u ffe te d s e a . w as m ade m an ifest. Still, Begin vow ed in P arlia­ m en t W ednesday to continue released by kidnappers . P n m ust change hi cies. P eres and some me re sistin g A m erican p re ssu re . mem bers of Begin', r, He th e n saw h is su p p o rte rs ROME (API — “T h e re is no based coalition urged the bo d y g u ard s w ere killed. T h e le tte r w as delivered to b ea t back opposition a tte m p ts question — I have been told m inister to change cour The spokesperson said Moro, th e office o f P rem ier Giulio to soften Is ra e l's s ta n d on th e very clearly - th a t I am ag ree to cede territory 61, w ro te th a t his case m ust A n d reo tti and w as being ex ­ issue of occupied A ra b lan d s — considered a political priso n er," occupied West Bank , produce no ben efit for th e am ined in a to p level m eeting one o f th e m a jo r p o in ts of kidnapped form er P re m ie r Jo rd an River. u rb an g u errillas w ho hold him w ith Cossiga and C hristian conflict b etw e en Israel an d its Aldo Moro said in a le tte r But at debate's en, because th e ir d o ctrin e has no D em ocrat S ecretary Benigno A m erican ally, an d b etw een th e released by his M arxist k idnap­ K nesset approved Begin political basis. T he le tte r, ad ­ Zaccagnini an d police investiga­ Jew ish s ta te an d its A rab p ers W ednesday night. cies by a vote of 64-3; d ressed to In te rio r M inister to rs, th e spokesperson said. neighbors. A police spokesperson said eight abstentions, mosth F ran cesco Cossiga, w as found Cossiga, co ordinator of in­ It w as assu m ed W eizm an th e le tte r w as h an d w ritten and tion m oderates. Th to g e th e r w ith a R ed B rigades vestig atio n s into th e abduction, w ould see E g y p tian P re sid e n t signed by th e 61-year-old voted down five com m unique in a tra s h can w as ask ed by M oro to stu d y th e A n w ar S ad at b u t th e r e w as no C hristian D em ocratic leader, motions rejecting t acro ss in dow ntow n Rome. situ atio n w ith o th e r political UMW lea d ers a p p ro v e pact w ord on how long h e would who w as p rem ier five tim es and O th er copies of th e docu­ lead ers "to avoid g re a te r dam ­ m ent position, incl s ta y , m ilitary so u rces said in is considered Ita ly 's m o st in ­ from a small leftist p m en ts w e re found in several age,"a police spokesperson said. C airo. T h e d efen se m in ister last fluential politician. H e w as a b ­ on Begin to resign. W A S H IN G T O N (AP) - T he U n ite d c o n tr a c t was a p p ro v e d w ith a ll 37 Italian cities. In v estig ato rs L ike th e tw o previous com­ w as in E g y p t on F eb . 1 to ducted in Rom e by 12 Red The prim e ministe M in e W o rk e rs ' d is tr ic t le a d e rs u n a n i­ m e m b e rs o f th e b a r g a in in g c o u n c il w h o w ere led to th e site s by Red m uniques issued by th e Red under political fire d iscuss m ilitary arra n g e m e n ts B rigades te rro ris ts in a d ay ­ B rigades, th e s ta te m e n t said m o u s ly a p p ro v e d a p ro p o s e d c o n tr a c t f o r w e re p r e s e n t W e d n e s d a y v o tin g f o r it. B rigades phone calls to local after his talks wi in th e occupied Sinai D esert. light am bush M arch 16. His five Moro w as being trie d for crim es s trik in g m in e c o n s tru c tio n w o rk e r s T w o c o u n c il- m e m b e rs w e r e n o t p r e s ­ new sp ap ers o r new s agencies. apparently failed. W e d n e sd a y a n d s e n t th e p a c t to th e ag a in st th e people and for his e n t, in c lu d in g UMW P re s id e n t A r n o ld alleged ro le in prom oting th e c o a lfie ld s fo r o r a tific a t io n v o te next M ille r w h o s u ffe r e d a m ild s tro k e , T uesday. Som e o f th e 10,000 c o n s tr u c tio n w o r k ­ a c c o rd in g to th e u n io n . M ost of th e 160,000 coal m in e rs Farm program changes announced economic predom inance m ultinational com panies in of F a ls e tip E urope. e rs h a d d is ru p te d th e r e s u m p tio n of r e tu r n e d to t h e ir jo b s o n M o n d a y to e n d a A ccording to police, th e Moro W A SHIN G TO N (A P) - Vice F u rth e rm o re , he said, th e alread y in d ee p deficit." A nd he n o rm a l co a l p r o d u c tio n th is week by th ro w in g up p ic k e ts a n d b lo c k in g th e 111-day s tr ik e . H o w e v e r, a n e s tim a te d 18,000 h a v e re fu s e d to c ro s s p ic k e t lin e s P resid en t W a lter F . M ondale announced farm program farm bill now in a conference com m ittee w ould add $2 billion said it w ould s e t off "a w age le tte r said th e tria l w as "con­ ducted in political term s, b u t it try cops price sp iral like w e ex p erienced r e tu rn to w o rk o f c o a l m in e rs w h o r a tifie d th r o w n up by c o n s tr u c tio n w o rk e r s , ch anges W ednesday which he to $3 billion "to a b u d g et th a t is is becom ing tig h te r and betw een 1972 and 1975.” t h e ir n e w c o n tra c t la s t F rid a y . p r im a r ily in Illin o is , In d ia n a a n d w e s te r n said will “help s tre n g th e n farm tig h te r.” U n io n o ffic ia ls s a id th e c o n s tru c tio n K e n tu c k y . income” an d red u ce grow ing M o ro cas su rp lu ses of w h eat and o th e r com m odities. F a r m s g e t o n e - t h ir d o f fo o d d o lla r ROME (AP) — Thousa C it y o f f i c i a l s e x a m i n e urban p la n T he changes, b eing m ade telephoned tips, false re a d m in istra tiv ely u n d er ex istin g Food p rices a re risin g w hich a com plete b reakdow n is item s like beef — w h ere pro­ and contradictory law, include: sh arp ly . B ut th e farm ers who available, a little less th an d u cers g e t a larg er-th an aver accounts are fraying the n W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) - Some c ity lik e a lo t, t h e m o n e y m u s t b e s p re a d o u t produce th e food a re strik in g on e-th ird of th e $172 billion of Italian police, •P a y m e n ts to farm ers to ag e s h a re of consum ers’ food o ffic ia ls , lo o k in g at how P re s id e n t a m o n g th e n a t io n ’s 18,500 c itie s , to w n s because, th e y say, th e y a re A m ericans s p e n t fo r food p ro ­ dollars. T he farm ers who a re clueless nearly two weeks ab o u t $18 an a c re for ta k in g an C a rte r's n e w u rb a n p o lic y a c tu a lly w ill o r v illa g e s . estim ated four million addi losing money. W hy? duced on U .S. farm s w en t to strik in g gen erally raise crops th e kidnapping of former! w o r k , say th e $8 .3 b illio n p la n m a y n o t A d m in is t r a tio n o ffic ia ls , s e n s itiv e to tional ac re s of corn an d o th e r T h e re a re tw o reaso n s for th e farm ers, th e D e p a rtm e n t of for p ro d u cts w hose retail prices m ier Aldo Moro. c a r ry e n o u g h m o n e y . c r itic is m t h a t th e u rb a n p la n in c lu d e s feed g rain from production th is a p p a re n t co n trad ictio n . F irst, A g ricu ltu re says. T he o th e r d epend m ore on m ark etin g A shocked nation has' year. m a rk etin g co sts. Second, a g ri­ tw o -th ird s w en t fo r m ark etin g costs th an on farm value. confused and the search Says a N e w Y o rk C ity o f fic ia l: "W e lik e a c tu a l s p e n d in g o f ju s t $742 m illio n n e x t •P a y m e n ts av erag in g $10.60 c u ltu ral d iv e rsity . costs. more difficult by differir w h a t w e s e e , b u t I'v e g o t t o t e ll y o u — y e a r , s tre s s t h e 150 p r o g r a m c h a n g e s A ccording to an analysis an acre to cotton farm ers for M ark etin g c o sts cover all Those figures, o f course, a re scriptions of the kidna $ 8 .3 b illio n w o u ld n 't save th e S o uth t h a t C a rte r ha s o r d e r e d . "T he re is a lo t p rep are d by th e U SDA’s Econ idling an estim ated one million th o se th in g s th a t h appen to ju s t an av e ra g e. A nd th a t's hair color, the type of wd B ro n x , le t a lo n e the re s t of u rb a n m o re h e r e th a n ju s t m o n e y ," s a ys o n e food a fte r it leaves th e farm . omic R esearch S ervice la te last acres. w h ere ag ricu ltu ra l d iv ersity and getaw ay cars used, a A m e r ic a .'' o f fic ia l. T hey include labor co sts, tr a n s ­ com es in. Today's in creases in y e a r, labor co sts alone ac­ e r th e re was a foreign c N e v e rth e le s s , th e s p o tlig h t is o n th e •A gov ern m en t loan ra te of p o rta tio n , p ackaging an d p ro ­ counted for 31.6 p ercen t of th e retail food prices a r e d u e tion, and w hether a snaps' W h ile C a rte r's p ro p o s e d n e w s p e n d in g s p e n d in g p ro p o s a ls , w h ic h w i ll g o to $4.50 a bushel for 1978 soy­ fits. In 1976, th e la te s t y e a r for food bill. T h a t’s only one per m ainly to h ig h er prices for Moro sen t by his abdueKr1 a n d ta x b re a k s f o r lo c a l b u s in e s s e s s e e m C o n g re s s s o o n . beans, up from $3.50 la st year. ce n tag e p oint less th a n th e actually a montage. am ount paid to farm ers for th e "Blonde, brunette, M ondale criticized em e r­ food in th e first place. G o v e r n m e n t cr itic iz es steel p r ic e h ik e gency farm legislation now before C ongress and said P re s i­ British press accuses Look a t th e figures an o th er cares?” said Domenico Sp' chief of the police p d en t C a rte r will veto it in its way: 32.6 ce n ts of ev e ry dollar section, referring to W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) - The C a rte r The a d m in is tr a tio n a ls o e x p re s s e d p resen t form. "T he ad m in istratio n cannot A ndrew Young o f slurs you spend on food goes to th e farm er; 31.6 cen ts pays th e accounts of the woman took p art in kidnapping M a d m in is tr a tio n a n g r ily c r itic iz e d a s in f la ­ d is a p p o in tm e n t t h a t c o m p a n y o f fic ia ls sala ries and frin g e b enefits of a daylight ambush on a tio n a r y a p r ic e in c re a s e announced and will not accep t legislation LONDON (A P) — Tw o influential co n serv ativ e B ritish s tre e t March 16. “We g a v e n o in d ic a tio n t h a t a p r ic e h ik e w a s th e m en and women w ho get W e d n e s d a y b y U .S. S te e l C o rp . a n d it which resem b les th e hastily n ew sp ap ers W ed n esd ay slam m ed A m erican U .N. A m bassador from experience that terr im m in e n t d u r in g a M o n d a y m e e tin g w ith th e food to m ark et; 8.7 cents co n stru c ted farm bill recen tly A ndrew Y oung for his criticism of London's effo rts to end th e even when wearing d is p u te d th e re a s o n s g iv e n f o r t h e p ric e g o v e rn m e n t o f fic ia ls . T h a t m e e tin g h e r e goes for tra n sp o rtatio n , 4.8 passed by th e S en ate," he said. ris e . w a s t o d is c u s s t h e C a rte r a d m in is t r a ­ Rhodesia (Zim babw e) crisis. They accused him of d elib erately cen ts for co rp o rate profits be­ camouflage their feature in su ltin g E ngland. fore ta x es and 2.7 cen ts for He also discounted T h e in c re a s e o f $ 1 0 .5 0 p e r to n , th e t io n ’s n e w a n t i- in fla tio n p r o g r a m . “T h a t bill would ru in th e One n ew sp ap er said Y oung's s ta te m e n ts on A frica w ere business ta x es. D epreciation on paper rep o rts Wednesday s e c o n d p ric e h ik e th is y e a r , lik e ly w i ll The a d m in is t r a t io n , o b v io u s ly con­ s tru c tu re of o u r farm p ro ­ prim arily desig n ed to e n d e a r black v o te rs to P re s id e n t C a rte r. eq uipm ent, etc. ta k es 2.3 cents; tioning th e authenticity fin d its w a y q u ic k ly in to p ric e s o f g o o d s c e r n e d t h a t o th e r s te e lm a k e r s w i ll a ls o gram s, su b ject farm ers to e x ­ Y oung is on an A frican to u r seek in g su p p o rt for a plan to reopen 2 cen ts goes for re n t; and 1.9 snapshot showing Moro in m ade of s te e l, such as a u to s and cess g o v ern m en t regulation, q u ic k ly ra is e p ric e s , u r g e d p r o d u c e rs to racial ta lk s in Zim babw e to include g u errillas based o u tside th e ce n ts for ad v ertisin g . The final of th e five-pointed star a p p lia n c e s . U.S. S te e l is th e n a tio n 's and o v er th e long te rm d estro y " s e r io u s ly c o n s id e r ” th e im p lic a tio n s o f co u n try . 13.4 cen ts covers m iscellaneous Red Brigades, the urban th e e x p o rt m a rk e ts on which la rg e s t s te e l p ro d u c e r a n d its a n n o u n c e ­ th e p r ic e in c re a s e f o r b o th th e in d u s try item s such a s fuel, in terest rilla group which claims t we rely for a m ajor s h are of ou r Young has apologized to B ritain in th e p a st for his rem ark s. H e m e n t c o in c id e d w ith n e w c o n c e rn t h a t a n d f o r in fla tio n g e n e r a lly , n o w ru n n in g costs, rep air an d bad debts. abducted th e 61-year-old farm income," M ondale said. s tu n g th e B ritish on th e Zim babw e issue la st month. in fla tio n in th e e c o n o m y is w o rs e n in g . b e tw e e n 6 p e rc e n t a n d 7 p e r c e n t a y e a r . Total: $1. i September M in e w o r k e r s ' p r e s i d e n t su ffers strok e 48874 Post OHit, W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) - U n ite d M in e w h e re th e u n io n p r e s id e n t w a s h o s p ita ­ se',,1 lorm (IS 9 'o Stole News 345 Student $ei W o rk e rs P re s id e n t A r n o ld M ille r s u ffe r e d liz e d . enqei Ser„ce EosUoris.nq M.cL 48823 a s lig h t s tro k e " W e d n e s d a y a n d w a s C h u rc h s a id M ille r w a s o rd e r e d by his GERALD H. COV. GENERAL MANAGER h o s p ita liz e d in M ia m i in s ta b le c o n d itio n , d o c to r to ta k e a re s t fo llo w in g th e s ig n in g ROBERT I . BULLARD. SALES MANAGER o h o s p ita l s p o k e s p e rs o n s a id . PHONES o f a n e w c o n tr a c t b e tw e e n th e U M W a n d A s p o k e s p e rs o n fo r M ount S inai Newt Editorial 355-1252 s o ft c o a l in d u s try S o tu rd a y . T he s ig n in g Clottified Ad, 355-1255 M e d ic a l C e n te r in M ia m i s a id M ille r w a s b r o u g h t in to th e in te n s iv e c a re u n it f o r m a lly ended a t h re e end o n e -h a lf Duploy Adverti, 353 6400 355 3447 O0 / s ’ m o n th n a t io n w id e s t r ik e by 160,000 3SS-I3I t s h o rtly b e fo re 10 a .m . "T h e d o c to r s a id m in e rs . he s d o in g w e ll," s a id s p o k e s p e rs o n Judy S ta n to n . E a rlie r, UM W V ic e P re s id e n t Sam M ille r , w h o w a s h o s p ita liz e d in W a s h ­ in g to n fo r s e v e ra l d a y s la s t A u g u s t fo r t r e a tm e n t o f h ig h b lo o d p re s s u re , w a s A Rainbow * ** cT" BUY C h urch d isclo se d th a t M ille r , b e e n s tric k e n but re fu s e d to 55. had d iv u lg e s t rik e n tw o d a y s a f t e r b e g in n in g his s ic k le a v e . C h u rc h s a id . O' Flavor IN EVERY BOWL OF TEXTBOOK IRISH BEEF & CAMPUS CABBAGE BOOKSTORE N in e lo c a l d o c to r s f a c e c h a r g e s SOUP O P E N W ED . & TH U RS. LA NSING (UPI) - h e N S ta te o ffic ia ls h a v e n , ' d° C,0rS' in d u d in 9 ,iv e a t th e N o rth v ille S tate H o s p ita l, w ith s ta te M e d ic a l P ra c tic e B o a rd . T he b o a rd c h a rg e d th e n in e w o r k e d in 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 W I " , 9 m 6diCine Wi' h 0 u ' a lice" se ^ e a c i itie s w ith o u t th e s u p e rv is io n o f lic e n s e d p h y s ic ia n s . It a ls o s a id t h a t a ll Art S u p p l i e s - S c h o o l S u p p l i e s * Text Boo fo u r s ta te -o p e ra te d m e n ta l f a c ilitie s Campus Book Stor b u t o n e o r tw o o f th e d o c to rs f a ile d th e m J t-8 1 ° C! ° r5, al1 9 ra d u a te s o f fo re ig n M ic h ig a n basic lic e n s in g te s t fo r d o c to rs a t t h e t SC| ' W° rk e d 05 PsTch io tr is ts Hobie’s up to e ig h t tim e s . unde^ te and h a v e b e e n p r a c tic in g s.m o • p° r a rV hcenses th a t re q u ire Since th e in v e s tig a tio n b e g a n f iv e "TH E UNDERGRADUATE BOOK STORE’ Dr J o h n °W '|V l,Cen.*ed Ph y s'c ia n s , s aid m o n t s a g o , th re e o f t h e n in e d o c to rs 930 Trow bridge, East Lansing John 1 th e p re s id e n t o f th e pa sse d th e lic e n s in g te s t. 109 E. Allegan, Lansinq i2 l 5 0 7 E. G r a n d R iv e r Soon to Open Saginaw & Waverly Mithigon 5to t* N .w », Eo»t lo n ,ino aai, ! . . ^ W in *100 Shopping Spree at tudent 8 S ^^Pook fore Two first prize *100 Shopping Sprees r NAME: will be given away to help us celebrate i ADDRESS:. the opening of our newly remodeled, i PHONE: expanded store. i DRAWINGS WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 4 p.m. | I E m p lo ye e s o f th e S tu d e n t Book S to re a n d th e ir fa m ilie s a re n o t e lig ib le . You n e e d n o t be p re s e n t to w in . Other Fantastic Prizes - One Entry B l a n k p e r P e r so n F i No p u r c h a s e r e q u i r e d 2nd and 3rd Prizes: 950 Shopping Spree at SBS Fill in t h i s e n tr y b la n k a n d dro p it off at ou r book b u y i n g c o i? fi t m ak e it a c rim e for the Sami Esmail case U.S. citizen to c o n sp ire to d e s tro y th e p ro p e r ty of o th e r s ^research, sort and evaluate i n J m . t i o n X ^ ^ v l ^ t fo re ig n la n d s ( th e n e u tr a lity act). {||( CBS®* Regarding p ress accuricey, on th e whole the Drew hao a* admirable job w ith th e limited resources and sources available to such^laws!"9 C° U" try 1,88 di'ig6ntly prosecuted its citiz« "8 under There have been inaccuracies both about the case and , £ . ition i„ the m a tte r, but generally these have been e rm rsT f iiijsion rather than commission. F or exam nl. the widespread belief am ong U.S. o f f i c i a l A T t h i r e ^ — questions about th e tre a tm e n t of prisoners in Israeli i a i l s T ^ t i a and his legislative role nfS,e™” fh; the,rle are Alternative rem edies available to th e S ta te of Israel for th e protection of her internal security short exercising th e unlimited "protective principle” against th e citizens of th e U nited States whom it views as potentially hostile The most obvious of these is denial of entry and deportation 'g sM tie to rtu re of prisoners but that isolated incidents of •improper interrogation techniques" in "Arab security ca,e " - As a resu lt of my involvement in the case I have urged th e FBI pjrticularly in th e w ake of a te rro ris t incident - could “ cur whe‘her M r' e — ■- “« « - * to confine th e trading of sensitive information about U S citizens US. officials also s ta te d th a t Israeli treatm ent of such prisoners B u tT n s o f a r ^ 0" f tb e pro8ecutinK sta t“ - I join in th e criticism, only to those countries which will exercise detention, questioning s less than totally benevolent. I pointed out that the s?!. h a n d ^ M d o f t h l e m u 'Go “ d hi8 8uppc!rterB ~ »” th e one nrotective a- " a t'° nS USe of the ' “"’"■only limited and deportation as their rem edies for offenses against them by Department R eport on Human R ig h t, i„ Israel L n lirm d equal. T ru t probaWv l ^ u” 1 ~ ° n th e 0 th e r h“ d ia ab° “ ‘ policy s h o X o p t o s e i t 19 C0" Cer" e d ' d° n'‘ U’S’ diploraatic r citizens com mitted outside those countries. A dditionally, I viewpoint as to Israel proper, w here Mr. Esmail w », held The Pro b .b iiu y no7 t r t UA " r e w e : e, in th ' mWdle- H« " * 8 » have urged th e S tate D epartm ent to press all diplomatic means report regarding th e Israeli forces in th e occupied lands was not «urt freedom . U nexpected in e t , a tte m p t t° Persuade any who will listen th at rights" case in which I will be involved. In th re e and a half years lor treasonous acts even if committed abroad). Third, while our constitutional protections cannot extend affiliation with groups who justify violence as a means is immoral t i member of Congress, I have handled dozens of cases on behalf Continental European and South American governm ents define beyond our borders, th e United S tates should resist the dubious and personally reckless. I will tell them th at they face ,1 constituents and foreigners. U.S. citizens abroad have run ins jurisdiction over security crimes to extend beyond their borders application of th e unlimited “protective principle" by Israel in a investigation a nd potential conviction under the laws of this land ,ith foreign law. They seem surprised to find that the U S to people who are not their citizens. In international legal way that reduces o r "chills" the effect of our constitutional But I will always uphold the oath of office which I took to (institution stops a t U.S. borders, and th a t it is not the job of the parlance this is referred to as the "protective principle." Though guarantees in this country. To look the o ther way is to allow a preserve and protect our constitutional freedoms, even for those [.S. State D epartm ent to bail them out of their difficulties As a more expansive than the territorial allegiance doctrines, it is subtle and unw arranted intrusion on U.S. sovereignty over rights who exercise them in a stupid, foolish, unwise or counterproduc­ result they frequently tu rn to th e ir m em ber of Congress for help in this country. * tive manner. H nonetheless limited. The H arvard Research Draft of Jurisdiction Asto the case of Mr. Sami Esmail, I have had briefings from the with Respect to Crime states th at basic limited international Fourth, Israel cannot claim th at the U.S. has not acted in the in terests of her security eith er generally o r in this case. The U.S. Corr ,s representative from M,ch.gons s.xlh d isfncl to the U S department of S ta te and th e Israeli Em bassy. I have talked with practice of protective jurisdiction concisely: House o f frepresenfofives literally hundreds of people about th e case, including a m em ber of Article 7 ■Protection - Security of the S tate it Israeli K nesset and th e U.S. S ecretary of State. I have talked A state has jurisdiction with respect to any crime com mitted nh my colleagues in th e House, who have had valuable advice. I outside its territo ry by an alien against th e security, territo rial ave been accused a t th e sam e tim e of being anti-Semitic and a integrity o r political independence of th a t S tate, provided th a t the alof the Jew ish "lobby." Political th re ats have been made to act or omission which constitutes the crime was not com mitted in To sum up, I involved myself in this case on a narrow ground teuade me from service to my constituent, to my constituency exercise of a liberty g uaranteed the alien by the law of th e place of protection of the international human rights of a constituent, iadto my oath of office. w here it was com mitted. from that base, let m e offer a few of my most im portant and in support of our U.S. Constitution, as is my duty under my Article 8 - P rotection - Counterfeiting dservations and opinions about this case. A state has jurisdiction with respect to anv crime committed oath of office. I have tried to help the community define the first, as to the tre a tm e n t of Mr. Esmail. The state of Israel outside its territo ry by an alien which consists'of a falsification or legitimate issues of the case and to learn from the experience. counterfeiting, or an u tterin g of falsified copies or counterfeits, of I have tried to spike unfounded rumors and to facilitate lei not systematically to rtu re anyone. Responsible people who I the seals, currency, instrum ents of credit, stam ps, p assports, or rat tell me th a t Israel (as well as the U.S. and m ost other public docum ents, issued by th a t state o r under its authority. understanding between groups expressing divergent view­ atitoi) has interrogators who from tim e to tim e will use points in the matter. I have not satisfied all, but I hope I have The rationale most frequently used for the expansive aproper interrogation m ethods and, notw ithstanding a contrary "protective principle" jurisdiction is th at the territorial states do brought perspective to many. imminent policy, will use them and g e t away w ith it. The not act against th eir own citizens for the protection of foreign npieion in th e case of th e Israelis is th a t if abuse occurs, it occurs security interests. ■the wake of a te rro ris t incident. T here was no such incident —Bob Carr The “protective principle" generally is often criticized because mediately prior to th e a r r e s t of Mr. Esmail. The fact is th a t we of the likelihood of unjust, politically oriented judgm ents, and By STAN KAPLOWITZ lawyer adm its th at he was in Libya. ,. ny ° f US haVe been hearing f™ " Sami Esmail's supporters •T he charges: When the word came th at Esmail was charged Sami Esmail: hat I here is no democracy in Israel. Democracv is only for foreign consumption." It was. therefore, very enlightening to •The confession: Esmail’s supporters keep referrin g to the confession as being in Hebrew, "a language he does not know.” We now know that th e first confession was w ritten in English in his with belonging to the PFLP, an organization which “takes credit" for the m urder of hundreds of civilians, many people, some of them sincere civil libertarians, argued that Esmail should not be tried hsten to Monroe Freedm an this past Thursday evening Prof own handwriting. His supporters would also have us believe th a t a for membership, as this may reflect nothing more than sympathy. Freedm an has an im pressive list of civil liberties and human rights coerced confession would be sufficient to convict Sami. In fact, the We now know th at in order to prove Esmail guilty the prosecution credentials. He is on the national Executive Board of ihe American a series Civil Liberties Union, supports affirm ative action, was active in the anti Vietnam W ar movement and believes that the First admissibility of the confession m ust be determ ined and confessions, even of people accused of terrorism , have been thrown out if obtained improperly. m ust prove intent to further terrorism . If the evidence shows that Esmail received terro rist training while in Libya, this would constitute such evidence. Amendment applies to everyone — even Nazis. •The trial: Esm ail’s supporters have been telling us th at most of The S tate Journal has already reported Prof. F reedm an's Even if Esmail is acquitted, we can expect some of his die-hard the trial is secret, and th a t tran slato rs are unavailable for if falsehoods finding that Esmail was not tortured. I would like, however, to report on some of the other falsehoods exposed by Prof. Freedman. foreigners. In fact, all that has been closed have been sections of the p re tria l, designed to determ ine the adm issibility of the supporters to argue th at the fart that he was arreste d in the first place indicates the unjust nature of Israeli law. But since Israeli authorities had reasonable grounds for suspecting him of being a confession and at these sessions both Esmail and his atto rn ey have •T he visit to Libya: Many of Esm ail’s supporters said terro rist, protecting their people demanded precautions. The been present. R egarding translators, the defense table has them unequivocally th at he never left the U.S. while he was supposed to function of a fair trial is to distinguish between those who are and American o bservers have received permission to sit with the have been in Libya. Some even said so under oath. Now Esm ail’s arrested and are innocent and those who are arreste d and are defense to hear the translation. guilty. Kop/owitz is a professor of sociology CAMP TAMARACK The Peanut Barrel SUMMER JOBS for A s u m m e r o f in te lle c tu a l s ti m u l a tio n IVIRY THURSDAY C o u n s e lo rs , S p e c ia lis ts , T h is J lin e , you c a n r o to !M tender S u p e rv is o rs , N u rs e s , Bus D riv e rs , K itc h e n S ta ff o n e of th e w o rld ’s tu p in a M e d ite r r a n e a n faed Clams u n iv e rs itie s a n d ta k e toucan eat, c o u rses in su ch fields as c lim a te . ^ e d w ith French INTERVIEWING APRIL 6 history, lite ra tu re , la n ­ F,ies. Cole S law Sign-ups begin March 30 guages, scie n c e s, m a th e ­ •tdlarter Sauce m a tic s, te c h n o lo g y , th e only * 2 . 9 5 C a m p T a m a ra c k is th e J e w is h r e s id e n tia l c a m p s p o n ­ social scie n c e s, and s o re d b y th e Fresh A ir S o c ie ty , 6600 W e s t M a p le Road, 8 1 E. G ran d R iver W e s t B lo o m fie ld , M l. 48033, 661-0600. C a ll o r w r ite us e d u c a tio n . 351-060* fo r a p p lic a tio n o r a d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n . B etw een classes y o u ’ll hnd yourself in o n e ot (lie w o rld ’s to p re c re a tio n are as — n e a r lu lls to r h ik in g , o c e a n b e ac h e s, L®a t t e r i e s are S a n F rancisco Bay, an d ch ar g e a b le S a n F ran c isco itself - - in ! T° 1,000 TIMES... som e o t th e w o rld ’s to p ™ROWlNa BATTERIES AWAY. . . BUY GE AND SAVEI w e ath e r. S e n d to r yo u r co p y ot Ultimate Spring Savings o u r N 7 8 S u m m e r S essio n B u lle tin a n d an a p p lic a ­ on Jackets and Parkas tio n to r a d m issio n hv m a ilin g th e c o u p o n up to 40% OFF below . Charger snaps onto module with batteries available in AA, C, D and 9 Volt sizes. lF n n A R G E R "cGULAR P RICE $5.98* Now Only 2.00 GREAT LAKES y I°Ur Cost Plus 2.00 Rebate from GE $0.00 MOUNTAIN SUPPLY **' S“W Retail P drop by upstairs above Paramount News 1 J u n e 2 6 - A u g u s t 19 1 lMONII Kl t M.S.U. Book Store 541 Bid., across fro m Berkey H all 351-2060 . S ta n fo r d S u m m e r S e s s io n U ARMHI. • S tanford, C a lifo rn ia 94^05 (415) 4 9 7 -M O ) ■ TP Surprisingly, despite the warnings at registration, many students attem pt to buy their textbooks without a w rit­ ten copy of their class schedule in hand. Not so surprising are the fre­ quent referrals to the latest course schedule book to make sure. Once the right books are located, finding the cash registers among the mass of patrons is another adventure. Then come long lines and a telltale toll from a ringing machine. If nothing else has, the grand total should put the icing on the day. P h o to g ra p h s h> D e b o ra h J. B o rin S to r y bv D e b b ie W o lfe liOOk BLYIM; CREATES HEADACHES Lines, crowds, shortages, prices G rab yourself some bucks, a pen, a list of your classes and a copy for g arb ag e sacks, b u t not m any s tu d e n ts h av e noticed. N ot m any of th e playing rules if you don't already know them — if you’re w ho m ake it th ro u g h th e r e g is te rs c a re — th e y 're in shock.* lucky, th e loss won t be too bad. The stakes’’ Oh, ju s t a little of your R um or: one bank account w as re p o rte d in cardiac a r r e s t late sanity and a lot of dough. W ed n esd ay . It belonged to a m ed te ch stu d e n t. The great MSI labyrinth gam e. It s ta rts at reg istratio n then T im e o ut : a fresh m an called th e n ew sp ap er new sline and advances you into TH E BOOKSTORES. re p o rte d his ro o m m ate m issing. A ccording to th e phone ca ller, th e That s rig h t. Thum b through th e pages real careful like to make s tu d e n t w as w earin g co rd u ro y p a n ts, a Banlon sh irt and a V-neck sure th e whole book isn’t highlighted. Then, double check it to make p ullover s w e a te r. H e w as la st seen in a local bookstore. T he cam pus sure th e re s not a cheaper one hidden behind all th e re s t — a police, according to ru m o r, la te r found th e m issing perso n in a daze favorite t N ext, decide if th e re isn’t really som e way to do n e a r th e national g eo g rap h ic section o f th e s to re ’s m agazine rack . It without it ou know th e old library or room m ate trick — see if w as also ru m o re d th a t th e bo o k sto re o ffered him a jo b a s a you can b ■' it irom one of them . If all else fails y ou're stuck. m annequin for its s p irit b o utique because of his S p artan -lik e T hat’s rig! B'k with a ta b th a t w ill probably set you back at least a ttitu d e . 50 greenb ff'1- a 15-credit load. There i , 'r.pathy. T here is no out. YOU M UST PAY. Y our m oney an d y o u r m ind is w h at you forfeit in th e g a m e . . . and Thev re making cheap bags now, so you can't recycle them th e r e 's no escape. T he gam e b o ard is shaped like a cii * circle. Large Bean Bags for Fun Sitting Tonight Thru Saturday PUT YOUR SCIENTIFIC OR Now ‘ 17.95 A sso rte d ENGINEERING DEGREE Colors R e g . ‘24.95 CHOOCH TO WORK If you're a degree candidate w ho w ould like Pillow Talk a n d th e to em bark on a future oriented scientific or Furniture engineering career, then consider the United States Air Force. It’s one of the finest oppor t o s t-W e s t M a ll, F ro n d o r S h o p p in g 351-1787 ENCHANTERS tunities in the nation. C om pletion of our three-month Officer T raining Sch o o l nets you an officer’s com m ission and launches you into a career V o d k a N ig h t that's geared for tomorrow. O ur equipment is a m o n g the finest, our w orking con di­ tions are excellent, and our benefits pack Restaurant Special age unm atched. BBQ C h ic k e n , F re n ch Fries, M ajor Ray Hunter, your A ir Force Repre­ Salad Bar sentative w ill be at M.S.U. on A pril 15, A ll Y ou C an Eat ^ 3 . 95 1978, irom 9am to 5 pm. See the placement 3 5 1 -8 8 8 0 service director io r an appointm ent, o r call 1 1 3 9 E G ra nd R ive r M ajor Hunter collect at: 313-463-1338. Past, Free 3 5 1 -7 1 0 0 2 izai°d& Delivery 966 Trow bridge * d o n 't fo rg e t to ask ®ndei°qi°ound . . . IC I 'lo o r for fre e cups o f Pepsi! 224 A bbott 351-2285 W o k ® ' A great wayo*1’** i n r L K g t n ] ^ ‘ T rek’ flick firm ed By S ta te News an d W ire Services The starship E n terp rise, M r. Spock has rejoined th e nam esake of America’s first crew o f th e U.S.S. E n terp rise. space sh u ttle, is now being lhe F u r y ; fla sh a n d blood P aram ount P ictu re announced assembled under guard on four this week th a t th e en tire origi­ sound stages a t Param ount. nal crew of th e starsh ip would Param ount publicist John appear in th e new S ta r T rek Rothwell told th e S tate News theatrical film. T heir impos­ W ednesday th a t screenw riter sible mission: to outgross S ta r Dennis Lynton Clark was cu r­ „ BYRON BAKER unearthed a valid idea and j^ e News Review er son, and through his lover Wars! rently revising a scrip t by them e the subjective response constantly roving cam era and producer R oddenberry and ■ tt, first four fifths o r so of H ester (Carrie Snodgress, te r­ hugely effective score by John Michael D. E isner, president to constant abuse and tyranny) and frenetic cutting. Harold Livingston based on an Tpfff thriller The F ury is rific in her first film in eight Williams. Williams' score is o f Param ount P ictures, said and with it crafted a uniquely original story by science fiction L „jth some trem endously personal fifm amid ^ ^ years) has located another somewhat derivative, re­ Tuesday dem ands from S tar psychically endowed youth, Gil- U nfortunately, th e story is T rek fans around th e w orld had author Alan Dean F o ster and Rueful and compelling flecting past scores by such m orir!"® ^ ° f a " exPlo>Cation ban (Amy Irving, last seen as not really about a fath er’s caused th e studio to reach Roddenberry. “ making primarily due to movie, F arris material is composers as Herrm ann, Wax- the survivor in Carrie) who search for his son. The script agreem ent with everyone for Louise S tange, p resident of ironsiderable cinematic gifts man, Rosza and J e rry Fielding, Thn,, t, r “ ndeveloPvd junk. may have an unusual psychic tow ard the end sells out th a t th e movie. He said it would be a Leonard Nimoy's national fan K< director, Brian De Palm a. Though De p a|ma tre ats The but the effect is th a t of a bond with Robin. plot detail to m ore fully exploit m ajor motion picture — with club said; "Nimoy’s working TL| pe Palma’s creativity, Fury less as a formal story than confluence of eerie them es and the film's op eran t gimmick, the extensive special effects — very closely with them on the Cjtiveness and near instinc- as a kind of flamboyant direc­ unsettling motifs, some of them ambiguous psychic pow er — all costing more than all th e origi­ script of the film." t flair for honest edge-of- However, her powers are rem aining with th e view er long torial opportunity to create eight, “the fury," for which nal 79 TV episodes. T he film Stange said th a t th e S tar Lsrit suspense has alm ost sporadic in nature and largely after th e film has passed into some dazzling pieces and most of Hollywood’s top make­ will be budgeted a t around $15 Trek film will be set ten y ears Lpktely transform ed a uncontrolled, and have some memory. Leenard Nimoy scenes, all of his imaginative — up and technical effects ex perts million. la ter than th e series. The new C l, confused and disorgan- even memorable - touches serious drawbacks beside — discharge of her psychic energy w ere summoned (along with Now th a t The F ury is com­ T he S ta r Trek series, which to see a S ta r Trek movie E nterp rise will reflect th e tech ­ Lj screenplay (by John Far- c a n t save the picture from many, many gallons of artificial nological advances th a t have causes a kind of stran g e in ter­ pleted and in release — and aired on NBC from 1966 to without him." , adapted freely from his eventually collapsing in the blood). The n arrativ e then 1969, has been one of th e most taken place in th a t period of nal organic polarization — those seem s to be a hit - and De According to local S ta r Trek ^best seller) into a giddy. excesses of its narrative The sinks. profitable ev er placed into syn­ time. around her begin to bleed; old “ alma has solidified his position fans, Nimoy’s signing was de­ Ijilop rollercoaster rid e of a director tries to make it ex­ dication. It is currently shown Crew m em bers will have been wounds start to open. as a m aker of commercial films layed by problem s arising from L* which often moves so citing and worthwhile while it On the plus side, De Palma on 160 American stations and in upgraded in rank com mensur­ in th a t rath er rarefied a t­ his long-standing suit against Tjyind forcefully over and lasts. has draw n very good and 51 foreign countries. ate with the period of E arth So long as De Palma is m osphere of Hollywood suc­ Param ount to gain marketing JJjipM I***1* ,n<*curve5 as Kirk Douglas iwho, in his convincing work from Douglas, Leonard Nimoy denied th a t rights to his character, Mr. time th a t has passed. F or following P ete r’s search for his cess, perhaps he can go on to Imep the viewer irresistibly 60s, seem s to have more m atur­ Irving, Snodgress, Cassavetes he was a holdout from th e instance, N urse C hristine son (the paternal instinct r e ­ make th e films he really is Spock, since n eith er th e actors Xmquestioningly along. ity and energy than many and Charles D urning (as a movie cast, saying it had been Chapel will be a doctor in the in terested in making. Signi­ o r series creato r G ene Rodden- Hjlmost. contem porary actorsl plays mains a powerful motion pic corrupt psychiatrist), and he new version. ficantly, De Palm a has already a complicated relationship berry have sh ared in Para- If],beafterglow of his world- P e te r Sandza, a driven firm er tu re theme — rem em ber Uttle has effectively utilized Chicago in developm ent for producer w ith Param ount for th e last mount's m erchandising profits. Publicist Rothwell added 1 , bit Carrie, De Palm a in governm ent agent obsessively Boy Lost? the film maintains a locations, a city not seen much th a t all special effects for the Yablans a project reportedly several years. The main reason The film will be directed by Lfay is for the first tim e in searching for his kidnapped son more or less even keel despite in modern movies. D irector of film will be created and engi­ long close to his h ea rt — the was th a t th e mail service two time Academy A w ard win­ Farter working with a Robin (Andrew Stevensl. Robin plotting problems. His search, photography Richard H. Kline neered by Hollywood's Robert film version of Alfred B ester’s betw een here and Vulcan is ning director R obert Wise Lie budget (some $8.5 mil a ’'psychically gifted" youth, is for a tim e a t least, involves the has, in turn, imbued the film slow.” Abel A ssociates, a company viewer sufficiently so th at the science fiction novel The Demo­ (whose fantasy and science II'j name cast (Kirk Doug being held captive by the with a vivid urban feel and lished Man. Nimoy said he did not object which includes among its em­ director can craft some bravura fiction credits include Curse of ,r one), and a big tim e m ysterious agency P eter used color. De Palm a's usual editor, to being identified with Mr. ployees Con Pederson, a princi­ the C at People, T he Day the l^geer Frank Yablans, to work for, which is re ­ set pieces. A long chase Paul Hirsch (likely to win an Spock. "I look forw ard to pal special effects supervisor The Tw entieth Century-Fox E arth Stood Still and The jir president of P aram ount through the night and fog on Oscar next week for his work playing him for tw o reasons. I on 2001: A S p u e Odyssey. searching his powers in term s picture is at the Meridian Eight Andromeda S train) and will be L lately the successful pro- of possible national security the Chicago expressway; Gil­ on Lucas’ S tar Wars) has Theatre. wouldn’t w ant any one else to Rothwell said th e production produced by Gene Rodden- nr of Silver Streak and The applications. lian s strange, almost prescient assembled the footage tautly. play Spock and I wouldn’t want should get underw ay sometime berry. Lf Side of Midnight.) Unfor visions which accompany the in July of this year. The agency’s chief, Childress Lely, the project a t hand release of her powers; a half- Practically contributing as (John Cassavetes, so menacing ralv deserves such eiabo- mad Robin causing carnage at much to the film as all the as a man so evil and devious, he an indoor am usement park, and J, treatment. ■•like Stephen King's novel la, from which the director w ears a black sling) has various assassins on P ete r’s trail, but P e te r is determ ined to find his more, are highlighted by a aforem entioned a rtists and craftsm en is the bold, loud, L afayette M onth End D eals! CELEBRA TE Cl D WCELD CAE WASH ■ n r )> % M f f c w pw m r i to r m x tm ilM a ia j ISRAEL’S 30TH A N N IV E R S A R Y s’Q ' M g Q d i i l C S i l ' g y DOLBY 7 I FM Noise < >Reductionf - V / 'J ,r W IT H A H IS T A D R U T T O U R Premium EXPERIMENT IN K IBBUTZ LIVING ( A g « 1 5 % . 17 ) - |l[test pressure Itfiittil hot wax To ur Israel, live and w o rk on a Kibbutz. SHOMWON INTERNATIO NAL ENCOUNTER (Ages 14- Lafayette LR9090 "Powerhouse" 4-Hour Strongest miter detergent 16) —To ur Israel and S inai - Camp a ctivities and work on a Moshav. HIGH SCHOOL DISCOVERY ( A g n 1 5 -1 8 )-In -d e p th 180 Watt AM/FM Stereo Receiver Panasonic GRAND RIVER AND NORTHWIND DR. NEXTTORQUERWORLD to u r o f Israel, 8 days JNF cam p a ctivities, 9 days M oshav work. • the top-of-the line LR9090 powerhouse receiver features provisions tor 3 pairs of speakers • built-in FM dolby • built-in mike mixing • two phono Video Cassette Recorder • recc-d your tnvontp TV program Irom any channel while away or while COLLEGE PROGRAMS (A ges 18-23) —To uring Israel. inputs • P lL • dual meters • dual tape monitors • detented bass treble and watching an.;,.her dhow1 • 100"'o solid state • automatic threading • K ibbutz w ork, A rch e o lo g ica l Digs. midrange controls • 90 watts per channel, both chan nels driven into 8 ohms swr ten able 4 nour ! h o u r record play back • built-in digital clock tim e r* from 20-20.000 Hz at no more than 0.1% total harmonic distortion built n all channel VHP UHF tuner includes remote pause control, dust FAMILY EXPERIMENT IN K IBBUTZ LIVING - You and your fam ily tou r Israel. P articipate in all aspect cocer l ■I - O u r lape • automatic shut-off • all needed accessories lor easy of K ibbutz life hook up • supply limited i:T SEND FOR FREE BROCHURES HISTADRUT TOURS 830 3 rd AVE., N.Y.C. 10017 (312) 697-6822 t: 349“ \V- 849“ \V. 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I CUP AND SAVE I HURRY! I s s. FOR THE SPRING!! expires A p ril 15, 1978 § > is 5 5 %3 MOTOR CITY ADIDAS SALE ITEMS T FACTORY SECONDS A N D DISCONTINUED MODELS L) - v r r p O o c 0 0 O r\ U a ° q 9 > O y° T -S H IR T S $ 2 0 0 T E N N IS S H IR T S $ g 00 V -° CO m PUTER T E N N IS S H O R T S $ 9 0 0 0° OO L A B O R A TO R Y 0° CO O °0 0 O0 o dO ° o o0 )Q 0 b °o S--P °oO „ OTHER SALE ITEMS o ’O r ° 00° : A d id a s S w im S u its T ube Socks tours o .q T he C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry staff w ill c o n d u c t to u rs ol the C o m p u te r C e n te r fo r new users of th e M SU $ 1 2 .0 0 R « g . $ 2 2 .0 0 3 Pairs for $3.00 co m p u tin g facility. Each to u r co n sists of a slide v U y /S T A D IU M MOTOCROSS G ym S h o r ts p resen tatio n , a d iscu ssio n of the fu n c tio n a n d $33,000 PURSE o p eratio n of th e C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry , a n d a And Much Much More! w alking to u r of th e b u ild in g . T h e to u rs s ta rt in Room 215 at th e fo llo w in g tim es. PONTIAC SHVERDOME M.50 April 3 1:00 p.m . APR.1 8 PM APR.2 2 PM SALE HOURS - THURS 4 FRIDAY 9:30 - 9:00 TICKETS: M GENERAL A DM ISSIO N, SS RESERVED IN April 4 9 :0 0 a .m . ADVANCE. $7 GENERAL A DM ISSIO N, $9 RESERVED DAY OF SAT till 5:30 April 5 7 :0 0 p.m . EVENT CHILDREN 12 & UNDER: S1 ON SUNDAY, APRIL 2. April 6 3 :0 0 p .m . T IC K F T S A V A IL A B I F A I H U D S O N THf SHVERDOM E April 7 1 1 :0 0 a .m . A N D A R E A M O T O R ' r ■: 1 f- D E A L E R S THE ATH LETES SH O P PRESENTED BY THE D ETR O IT FREE PRESS 233 E. CRAMP RIVER E. LANSIN6 16 BATTLE FOR TOP SPOT Baseball races when a couple of rookie infielders, S teve Boros and Jak e Wood |ffoinen eye national title helped transform a sixth place 1960 team all th e way to second, should have good reason for renew ed optimism this year based on the m erits of catcher Lance Parrish, second baseman Lou W hitaker and shortstop Alan Trammell. fith» f t T" n H * * " * under its belt, the MSU women' pmna^><: I kjhisI i" team is in , S ieattle. ............ , ..Wash., this weekend i® l5 „iher schools for the Association ol Intercolleiriate to comnet compete S o ^ J T m 'C Vs Z ta l n addf ,n t0 Southern Illinois are may be juggled Through th e first half of th e G rapefruit League schedule. P arrish , expected to share th e catching duties with veteran incumbent Milt May, was hitting .381, while W hitaker was at . for Women (AIAW) Gymnastics Championships Louisville , Louisiana Louisiana SS tate, tate Arizona a S0 SUtate te ' and C a lS ta te F u llert» "' Georgia. .360 with 9 RBI and Trammell, .292 with 5 RBI. The la tte r two I X V n qualified for the meet by srorinK 138,15 points in are making th e big jum p tog eth er from A A ball to form the new r l S ri J jn lA W Championships held March 10 11 in (;0|umhus o h jo Cahfn'rnl! MKe t ? mS besides MSU ™ mpeting a re Southern By BILL MADDEN Tigers’ keystone combo. f i n i s h e d second in the m eet behind Southern Illinois (138 95 Dieen Stai asaa' U8e,tts >Utal1, K ent S tatc' New H am pshire, San UPI Sports W riter hut was selected as an at large team for this weekend's p*" aad two-time defending champion Clarion S tate. TAMPA, Fla. (UPI) When it comes to predicting Similarly, Twins fans should not yet be too disheartened over 143 95 ** Clarion S tate in the east regional, 146.6 to Septem ber pennant races in April, th ere are th re e unforeseen th e defections of free agent outfielders Lyman Bostock and [Jlit regional w inners and eight at large teams make up the elements th at can d eterm ine the final outcomes - injuries, L arry Hisle last winter. Willie Norwood, who ju st barely misses “o f f seasons and rookies. qualification as a rookie, was h ittin g over .400 into th e late ovm" Wa_V ° “^,wesC MSU stopped in U tah to p articipate in a It is, of course, impossible to predict which players will fall March exhibitions and will replace Hisle. Hosken Powell, a gymnastics exhibition with a number of other schools W ednesday as a last minute warm up for this weekend. victim to injury or the sudden dim inishment of th e ir skills, but 22-year-old sp eed ster with only th re e years of professional in regard to th a t third unforeseen factor — rookies — spring experience, w as hitting ,323 after th e first 10 spring gam es and training has already provided a line on which team s to keep an was certain of winning Bostock's vacated spot. s e n io r 'p a n fso ^ ®partans in tlle all-around com petition are R , „ Steckroat. junior Amy Thompson and freshm en Lori early eye on. Boes and Mary Beth Eigel. The Twins have also come up with a hard-hitting utility infielder in Sam Perlozzo and if last year's rookie pitching There is evidence th a t rookies, above all else, can play havoc The specialists for MSU include Pam H arris, Sara Skillman, surprise, Paul Thormodsgard, wasn’t enough, this year Roger with the pennant races. Rem em ber th e 1975 Red Sox? I t is hard Erickson, a 21-year-old non-roster right-hander showed great Bellaire at° ’ JOan" Mangiapane' Laural L a7 |in and Cheryl to envision them ever winning the American League pennant promise in G rapefruit League competition. w ithout the aid of a couple of first-year outfielders nam ed Fred Team and all-around titles will be decided F riday. The finals for Lynn and Jim Rice. the tour individual events will be held Saturday. As for the Royals, who last year again lost out to th e New Or how about the 1958 San Francisco Giants, who cleaned York Yankees in the final game of th e AL championship series, house of a dismal club th a t finished sixth in New York th e year they are hoping th a t Clint Hurdle, a strapping 20-year-old before and added such rookies as Orlando Cepeda, Willie outfielder-first baseman, and Willie Wilson, a whippet like center fielder, can make the difference. Griffin takes third Kirkland and Jim D avenport to make a surprising rush a t the pennant before finishing third? A fter compiling a .333 average with 8 RBI for his first 12 spring games, H urdle was assured by Royals m anager W hitey Keeping those examples in mind, it will well serv e this Herzog of a spot in th e opening day lineup. Wilson, who also had year's American League forecasters not to w rite off the D etroit at swimming finals Tigers or M innesota Twins too soon while also keeping a wary watch on the doings in K ansas City. All th ree of those clubs 8 RBI and 10 stolen bases, was ticketed for a s ta rte r's role as well. A third Royal freshman, U.L. Washington, hit nearly ,400 to secure a utility infield spot. have a trio of rookies who could make a significant impact on the divisional races. The Toronto Blue Jay s aiso plan to s ta rt th re e rookies in MSU All American diver Jesse Griffin finished third in both the their opening day lineup. C enter fielder Willie Upshaw, drafted one-m eter and three-m eter diving events at the NCAA National League observers, meanwhile, should keep tabs on from th e Yankee organization, hit over .300 all spring, while championships. the progress of Dale Murphy, th e A tlanta Braves' slugging first Rick Bosetti, obtained in a trad e with the Cardinals, won the Also placing for MSU w ere Kevin M achem er with a 7th in the baseman catcher, who ju s t may be the best rookie of them all, right field job. In addition, Garth Iorg won the second base three-m eter and 16th in th e one-m eter. G reg Moran was 28th in D etroit Tigers boosters, many of whom may rem em ber 1961 battle with holdover veterans Steve Staggs and Dave McKay. th e three-m eter and 36th in th e one-m eter. is th re e more expert Shawn Elkins was th e only MSU sw im m er to place for th e s competition. He’l l S partans in th e 200-freestyle. Hot, followed by M l MSU placed 14th and th e m eet was won easily by Tennessee. aurth is freshman \ men M att Sandler, I i spot on the team h irte r. Another freshl Plans proposed for IM building MSU s long talked-about strictly a prelim inary stage, additional intram ural facilities a new building will be very need for a new intram ural according to MSU vice-presi­ for students a re badly needed," im portant." facility may finally leave the dent for U niversity and federal Harden said. “However, before An IM building would not talking stage as preliminary relations R obert P errin. we can make a final recom­ receive s ta te financial assis­ step s will be proposed to the MSU Acting P resident E d­ mendation to the Board, we tance because only academic MSU Board of T rustees a t its gar L. H arden said in an MSU m ust explore all th e options stru ctu res qualify. monthly meeting Friday. news release W ednesday th a t available to us. The MSU Rugby Club will interm ediate and advanced, P errin added it is far from The board will be asked to th e exploratory process was practice Tuesdays and T hurs­ "In th e past, athletic facilities th e building stage, and a choice tournam ents, and discounts at approve Eberly M. Sm ith Asso­ necessary to develop specific possession of second! days a t 5 p.m. on th e field usually have been financed by between an IM building and a local sporting good stores. For ciates of D etroit as architects information on which th e uni­ 1N orris Division, ahL behind the Vet Clinic. The first borrow ing and repaid by stu ­ . new all-events sports arena was more information call th e Club for a new IM building on the versity could base its plannings. ^08 Angeles, 73 p o l home gam es will be Saturday at dent fees,’’ H arden said. not considered in draw ing up S ports office at 353-5108. east p art of th e campus. It is “There is no question th a t rith seven games r l 1 p.m. against Kalamazoo Col­ “Therefore, stu d en t support for th e proposal. he Red Wings are 1 lege a t th e same location. There points of clinching! will be both an A and a B game. playoff spot sincT MSU is also hosting th e Big r0 season. I Ten m eet this season April i Low recorded Del 15-16 w ith 10 A team s, 9 B When the booking ihutout since Eddi| team s and 10 women’s teams held the Atlanta 1 participating. ess Nov. 7,1976. *• * There will be a m eeting behindvou... Monday at 7:30 p.m. in 208 of the Men’s IM Building for the rejuvenated MSU Tennis Club. For a $10 fee, m em bers g et use of nine courts. T here will be tree instruction for beginners, D M f e t e L. Because th e IM softball State N ew t Robert KosloH league is limited to 675 team s, Junior A m y Thompson will be one o f 10 gym nasts Residence Hall team s a re not performing for th e S partans this weekend at the guaranteed a spot in the league w ithout atten d in g the m ana­ Association of Intercollegiate A thletics for Women ger's m eetings Monday or ! -National Championships in S eattle, W ash. Thomp­ Tuesday a t 6 p.m. in the Men's son w ill compete in the all-around competition for IM Building S p o rts Arena. COMPARE Computer Tax Service Co. convenience The IRS w ill check your return by computer. Beat them to the punch! Call Knapps now fo r an a p ­ pointment. quality Computer prepared neatness Computer accurate moth price Federal 1040 and state 1040 *8 Income a vera gin g 12.50 Michigan Property Tax Credit done free of charge. call Knapp's 372-0200, Downtown e x t. 628, B u d w e i s e r Lansing Mall e x t . 366, Meridian M all e x t . 420. M N G O F U l t H S - • A N M IU S L R H U S C South A frica: 4U,’ others getting out. • § By DIANE COX Bantustans. T h e re a re th re e view s on U .S . co rp o rate proxies. U niversity policy is to su p p o rt finance, has said th e prim ary goal of State N ew s Staff Writer The num erical inequalities b etw een involvem ent in South A frica. O ne school of m anagem ent on ev ery stockholder reso lu ­ long-term in v estm en t is pro fit, so o th e r The Soviet Union. Brazil. Chile. South blacks and w hites a re also evidenced in th e th o u g h t holds th a t th e co rp o ratio n s a re tion unless th a t position is challenged before resoluUon todtiieW 0“ e Eut Lri"' * ' considerations m u st be secondary. Korea. Uganda. A t least one hundred educational and medical fields. Education is su p p o rtin g th e sy stem o f a p a rth e id by th e v ote by a m em b er of th e MSU Mangoauthu G. Buthelezi eh1? 8 P O th e r u n iv ersities h ave tak en th e oppo others. both com pulsory and free for w hite children fueling its economy and ahould pull o u t. com m unity, including s tu d e n ts. councilor of the Kwazulu R . . *** s ite sta n d . T h e U niversity of M assachusetts And South Africa. aged seven to 16. T hese law s do not apply to A n o th er say s th a t b ecause a co rp o ratio n ’s If a challenge occurs, th e d isp u te is th e mayor to urge the m» .St,n' has com pletely div ested itself of its holdings What do the above nations have in black children. A ccording to th e South goal is to m ake a p rofit, it h as no obligation to resolved by th e co m m ittee on academ ic According to C h « r B “ r > de' in South Africa, which m ade up ab o u t half of common? AU o f them, according to A m nesty African journal "Financial M ail," th e gov­ ta k e m oral issues u n d er consideration. environm ent. This situ atio n h as n ever of th e South A f r ic a „ ? n ! °"' * m th e in stitu tio n 's in v estm en ts. International and other independent ern m en t sp en t $517.50 for each w hite T he th ird view holds th a t corp o ratio n s arisen. and MSU a s s i Z j „ t f '0n ^ T he U niversity of W isconsin and th e sources, systematically violate the human stu d en t's education in 1975. It sp en t $46 on p rom ote g radual social, economic and MSU ta k es recom m endations on financial studies. Buthelezi holds a 'u h i °! f U niversity of Michigan governing boards rights o f their citizens. each black stu d en t. political change by se ttin g a s ta n d a rd of tran sactio n s from a C incinnati in v estm en t position in Kwazulu’s tribal govern' h ave tak en sim ilar, though less strin g e n t, But, fairly or unfairly, people say th a t In th e medical field, th e re is one d octor for p ro g ressiv e labor practices. S u p p o rte rs of counseling firm — S cudder, S tev en s and s tan d s. Any poritlon held by » d South Africa should be p u t in a class by ev ery 44,000 blacks, w ith one d octor for th is view also contend th a t co rp o rate C lark. The ad m in istratio n in v estm en t com ­ K w ^ w o o M b e p w e iy ;^ T he U niversity of M innesota Board of «da Baotuatao ha. „o p o ^ ’ itself. ev ery 455 w hites. T h re e o u t of ev e ry five in v estm en t lessens ap a rth eid b y p rom oting m itte e rev iew s th e se recom m endations and R eg e n ts voted to ap p ro v e sh areholder The E ast Lansing City Council says so. On children die in th e B an tu stan s befo re th e y an expansion in th e economy w hich b enefits th en forw ard s them to th e M SU Board of the white regime," he mid resolutions th a t p rohibit expansion of Aug. 3,1977, it passed a resolution to seek reach th e ag e of five, m ost of th e se from all South A fricans. T ru ste e's In v estm en t C om m ittee. This D espite th e le tte r from Buth. A m erican co rp o rate involvem ent in South goods and services from suppliers w ho do starvation. Both th e E a st Lansing C ity Council and com m ittee m akes a final recom m endation to Africa. G ary City Council passed its reso not have stakes in South Africa. B ut th e fath ers of m any of th e se children th e Michigan L eg islatu re su b scrib e to th e th e full board .w hich m akes th e final decision The Michigan Legislature says so. In a re not around to see th e ir offspring die, for Lansing C om m unity College has no & . corpor,tions with 5 first view . On A ug. 3, 1977, th e council on all financial tran sactio n s. common stock in corp o ratio n s w ith holdings th e P reto ria regim e h as induced a n o th e r March 1978, th e S enate concurred w ith a House resolution urging th e U .S. C ongress form of separation. passed a resolution pledging to "seek w hen and w here possible and in accordance w ith B ut, according to M SU econom ics p ro fes­ so r and F aculty G rievance O fficer C. P atric in South Africa. LCC B usiness M anager A f L my, r ,ple h,ve to rema'n Africa, th ey m ust eat, thev m B ruce N ew m an said th e college h as no and th e president to im pose im m ediate Since th e N ationalist P a rty ’s rise to p o w er applicable law, com petitive su p p liers of “L ash" L a rro w e, th e U n iv ersity has effec­ clothes, th ey m ust educate their c common stock, a ttrib u tin g th a t to th e young tne councillor wrote. sanctions against th e South African go v ern ­ in 1948, South A frica has become one o f th e goods and services w ho do n ot have tively tu rn e d ov er its responsibility to th e ag e of LCC. LCC w as form ed as p a r t of th e ment. m ost highly industrialized sta te s in th e in v estm en ts, licenses, o r o p eratio n s in th e Cincinnati firm . He said b o ard m em bers "They need w o r k . . . any drying Lansing school sy stem in 1957. Both P resident C a rte r and U .S. A m bas­ w orld. The g o vernm en t needs black m an ­ R epublic of South A frica." alw ays accept th e firm ’s recom m endations. s ream of foreign investm ent, in , pow er. T hus, black m ales o v e r 16 have T he th ird view , th a t U .S. corporations are still so dependent on them would sador to th e U nited N ations A ndrew Young "I think m ost people realize th is is a This has been confirm ed by T ru s te e P atricia aiding black A fricans as well as m aking a economic grow th of the country ge have blasted South Africa. Scores of become a m ig rato ry w orkforce, leaving symbolic m easu re," City M an ag er J e r r y C arrigan S trickland. profit, is held by m ost corporations and some Buthelezi continued. governm ent leaders and millions of A m eri­ Coffman said six m onths a fte r th e resolution L arro w e said ad m in istra to rs "o u g h t to be black lead ers. cans echo these sentim ents. w as p assed . “It seem s p re tty clear th a t E a st asham ed of th e m selv e s." B ut R o g er Wilkin H ow ever, Steven Biko. consid O thers — MSU and corporate leaders, for Lansing ca n 't b rin g South A frica to its son, MSU vice p resid e n t of bu sin ess and A fter learning th ro u g h th e In ternational B usiness M achines Corp. (IBM) th a t th e city m any th e m ost articulate leader of 1 example, may agree, b u t norm ally do n o t act k n ee s.” (continued on page 11) on that philosophy. B ut th e city has been actin g in good faith. A report on MSlTs holdings in corpora­ tions which do business in South Africa will be given today at 3 p.m. in the Board Room It has had bids on tw o item s from corporations involved in South A frica since High Flying^ th e resolution w as p assed . O ne involved on the fourth floor of the Administration Building. g arb ag e bag s, in which th e city took th e second-low est b id d er because th e low est Hobbies FEATURING: / J J A j . Originally scheduled o v er sp rin g break, had holdings in P reto ria. th e date for th e rep o rt to th e Board of T he o th e r involved th e p u rch asin g of INSIDE RACQUETBALL T rustees Investm ent C om m ittee w as r e ­ seven new police cars. The city took th e bid The firs t instru ction al p ic­ portedly changed due to stu d en t in te re s t on from S aw y er's Pontiac,, which does have tu re book on Racquetball th e topic. Why has South Africa been singled o u t for such tre atm en t? A Ja n u a ry 1978 Subcom ­ m ittee on African A ffairs rep o rt to th e U .S. holdings in South Africa. B ut b ecau se all of th e bidders had holdings in South A frica, th e city had no choice b u t to ta k e th e low est bidder. FROM: RQIBS fo r w om en players. , ‘*.95 Senate Comnfittee on F oreign Relations RADIO CONTROL PLANES • ROCKETS No o th e r cities su rro u n d in g E a st Lansing ELECTRIC TRAINS • MODELS explains it this way: “W hat sets South A frica a p a rt from o th e r have considered sim ilar resolutions. The M ichigan L eg islatu re p assed a 1U 4 IM tANSELFBGDKSTOF countries which have equally oppressive *2 0 Tro w b rid g e (N e xt to H o b le t) 220 MAC A v e . , io t t Lansing Univer resolution in M arch 1978 u rg in g "the and, in some cases, quantitatively w orse C ongress of th e U nited S ta te s and th e records of human rights violations is th a t (1) P resid en t of th e U nited S ta te s to im pose South A frica's policies a re based on race as th e sole criterion of discrim ination, (2) its human rig h ts violations have been m ade im m ediate sanctions ag a in st th e South A frican g o v ern m en t in response to th a t co u n try 's d isre g a rd for hum an rig h ts and CAMPUS o r i g i n a l & i m p o r t e d w o r PIZZA 2 ‘legal’ through legislative and regulatory d ig nity." i n w o o d s & j e w e l r y actions th a t have institutionalized racism A n o th er local in stitu tio n which h as been into th e fabric of society, and (3) its policies asked to b rin g som e lev erag e to b e a r on g i f t s a n d g a l l e r y are justified in th e nam e of defending the South A frica is M SU. But th e U niversity F re e World of which South A frica claims to W e ’r e o p e n f o r l u n c h be a m em ber." th e ir fam ilies in th e B an tu stan s to ea rn subscribes to th e second view — th a t profit is param o u n t. expert Today in South Africa, a governm ent Try o u r “ B u i l d y o u r o w n ” income offered by th e cities. MSU holds common stock in 20 corpora­ jew elry elected by 4.3 million w hites rules o v er 18.6 In th e cities, num erical in equalities again million blacks and 2.4 million coloreds arise. In th e m anufacturin g secto r, blacks tions which have inveatmenta in Sooth Salad Bar the ( ' n repair (mixed black and w hite) who do not have th e ea rn an av erag e of $134.55 a m onth, while rig h t to vote, to buy o r sell land, to own th e av erag e income of w h ites is $632.50 a Africa. Of th ese firm s, lour pay th e low est standard of w ages am ong over 300 U .S . corporations in th at country. They are the 310 W. Grand River on the North Harrison CATA bus route firstV J 220 M AC A i factories, to join re g iste re d tra d e unions or to move freely w ithin South A frica's cities. Black m ales 16 o r older m ust show m onth. S tatistic s show th a t a t le ast 63.5 percent of black households live below the American E xpress Co., Borden Inc., F ire­ stone Tire and Rubber Co. and Ford Motor F M ID IU V M Y 137- 1*19 endeavor 2nd Floor University /I poverty line. Co. passbooks on dem and or face a rre s t. Few will deny the distastefulness of such D uring th e sp rin g of 1977, a co n tro v ersy T hat is th e law. The law su p p o rts South conditions — not even U .S . corporations. aro se ov er M SU 's holdings in Ford M otor BRUCE C0CKBURN A frica's system of governm ent: ap arth eid , Yet U .S . holdings in South Africa constitute Co. w hen a resolution sponsored by one of or “sep arate developm ent." The go v ern ­ about 16 percent of the total foreign F o rd 's stockholders called for th e com pany’s m ent has “sep arated " th e blacks from th e investm ent there. The United S tates has w ith d raw al from South Africa. w hites by assigning them to nine "hom e­ increased its holdings in Pretoria more than F o rd 's m an ag em en t opposed th e reso lu ­ lands" or B antustans which a re able to 300 percent betw een 1960 and 1975. tion and it w as d efeated . MSU ca st its proxy ‘CIRCLES IN THE STREAM’ co ntribute 2 percent of South A frica’s total Because of th is involvem ent in an vote to su p p o rt m an ag em en t's position. Ann agricultural production. T hese B antustans adm ittedly racist society, U .S . corporations A rbor T ru s t handles th e m echanics of are run by tribal governm ents answ erable to have been th e ta rg e t of in ten se and often M SU 's financial tra n sa ctio n s and v otes its th e w hite regim e. b itte r criticism . s The Bantustans comprise 13 percent of o 0 0 0 n 2 ALBUM SET th e total area of South Africa, with the Now*5.99 o °C p remaining 87 percent reserved for w hites. This means there are an average of 235 > f-C1 persons per square mile living in the COmPUTER RETAIL *11.98 LABORATORY KARATE CO 0° o WHEREHOUSERECORDSII ’Q O O >0 °o o0 D IM O N S T R A T IO N Available at: 0 0 ° o ° o O „ The MSU Karate Club w ill give a dem onstra­ ° G ° o o ° o Q ? 0 220 MAC E.L. 332-3525 tion at its first m eeting of the spring term , tonite, 7 pm, Sports Arena Men's IM. Come SPRING SHORT COURSES " ( V and see dynamic Karate in action. Everyone T h e C o m p u te r L a b o r a to r y w ill o ffe r a series of n o n -c re d it s h o rt c o u rs e s in c o m p u tin g d u rin g welcomed. S p rin g T e rm . R e g istra tio n m u st b e m a d e b y A p ril 7, 1978 in th e U ser I n fo rm a tio n C e n te r, 313 C o m ­ BRUCE COCKBURN p u te r C en tel1. A $2 fee c o v e rin g m a te ria ls is Circles hThe Stream For more information call 351-4471 c h a rg e d lo r e a c h s h o rt c o u rs e . C o m p u te r tim e is or 351-8225. n o t in c lu d ed in th e b asic fee, b u t is a v a ila b le fo r an a d d itio n a l c o st at th e s tu d e n t's o p tio n . A sterisk s ( ' I next to c o u rs e n u m b e rs in d ic a te co u rses th a t Iv h a v e p re re q u isite s ; fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n , call & Read... And Watch 353-1800. yt h E * Your World Grow! In tr o d u c tio n to C o m p u tin g (100) Fcr prrM ins w ith little o r n o com p u tin g experience. Sec. I 12 13. 14 3-5 p.m. Sec. II: A p r il 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 7 -O p m A p ril 10. I I . - T itled - In tro d u c tio n to th e M S U 6500 (101*) I nr p.'rsuns w ith t’tp tr ie n t e .it .irm th tv c o m p u tin g t.n i lit v A p r il 10 11 ISLAND ISLAND Another Roadside 12 H i p m Attraction G R A D E R (115) A p r.'K r.im p . relieve I v i u l l y m em bers n f m m h i.l th e d e n t a l w n r k in J * v <<4H ^. t n m h m in y si ores .m il js s in n m y x m de s A p r il 12 3 5 p m Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Basic S PS S ( 1 5 5 't In lr o ilu e lio n to th e S l.it ist it a] I ’vt 1 ,iy r lo r the S o r t jl Sclent es Set I A p r il 17 in 7.4 2 6 7 5 p m Set It A p r il 18. 20 25, 27 7 V |> m The Book of Lists ^ I n tro d u c tio n to In te ra c tiv e U sage (175*) In tr titiu ttn .n It. th e use n t th e in le ra ttiv e c n m p u tin tt f a u l i l y at M S I) T - Set I A p r il 17. 16, 24, 26 7-9 p m Sec [I M a y 2, 4, S. 11.7-5 p m B A SIC (220*) In strut lin n in the B A SIC p ro g ra m m in g language M a y 3, 4 7 O p m A b s o lu te ly h u n d r e d s o f » n ^ e v e ry th in g f r o m “ How to " title s l o r s p r in g a f g h a n s t o z in n ia s a re h e re n o w . JU t b u r s t i n g t h e i r c o v e r s t o h e l p y o u r w o r l d g r o w A d v an ced S PS S (255*) In stru t lin n m th e use nt ad van ced lea ture s til SPSS M a y 1 . 2 ,8 , 10.7 s p tn SEE COCKBURN, IN CONCERT AT BLACK SHEEP REPERTORY THEATER, I n tro d u c tio n to M a g n e tic T a p e s (310*) il ’rra0Z n m " 'N aramount >PCn V° Ur mind' Newscenters soon. 0pen a b()ok al ( .e n r r v l use u l m agnetic ta pes I t ir in lo rm a tm n sto ra ge and re trie v a l M a y 22, 24 11 .1 5 p m Paramount Newscenters I n tro d u c tio n to D eb u g g in g (380*) MANCHESTER, Ml - MARCH 31 and APRIL 1 l.u n s ln g : 102 S . W a s h in g to n Ave. U sing S C O I’ h H tJSTI.HR a n d F O R T R A N de bu g g in g aids w ith b a tth 2 0 1 0 W . S a g in a w • b a s t L a n s in g F O R T R A N pro g ra m s A p r il 18, 20. 25 1 5 p m , 532 K. t.ran d River Ave. varamouni Newscenters O pen 7 days a week R eco rd M a n a g e r (420*) C.eneral R e tn rtl M an ag er a p p h ta litrn s a n d th e use t il C R M subrou tine s In serve you th ro u g h F O R T R A N M a y 1, .1, 5, 8, 1 0 3 - 5 p .m ________________ t... |„.or is the tie tight as a Gordian knot? r&s c o n s id e r ,,.. .M . (continued (continued from page d m im j 0) LilrigM» movement in S °u‘li Africa, whose death while in „ „ r its corporations out of*South*Af U f ' g0v8n,m 8nt would ord er without reference to head office guidelines o r to public p ressu re at U nited Nations n t *• A frica unless it was txf accord w ith a percent w orker representation, th e subcom m ittee rep o rt stated , b ro th e r G . ^ gr ^ ^ d l^ e ^ [h e pT u a aj,?r inC8ntive for Promoting black advancem ent was N ot a single U .S. firm recognizes o r negotiates w ith an African introduced and tt a U n t o T s t a t M ‘ S ' Uti° n bas already been en ightened self-interest - th e need to raise productivity and to arm s embargo. V® ll' °Ptin g in8tead for an obtain trained m anpower which is in short supply.” tra d e u n io n . . . On balance, American business support of African tra d e unions appears to be little more th an lip service.” The report also noted th a t, while th e South African governm ent r jjjin l on a governm ent platform ." u“ bF tioiu from the £ a„r tf r ! d ™ ni8tration has received recommenda- encourages black training program s through provision of tax The subcommittee report concluded: “The net effect of American II“ m the M onitor ........... , * he w as umpnt is often nuiHe th.» l T against ? r . foreign Kn investment investment J , ,nyesim ent. entives which U .S. firms can draw upon for improved labor investment has been to strengthen the economic and military I -fiif argument is often m ade th a t loss of foreign investment program s, only one third of th e firms had the formalized training self-sufficiency of South Africa's apartheid regime, undermining ■«uld hurt blacks th e m oat, he said. "It would undoubtedly hurt program s needed to qualify for th e tax credit. Ipeksinthe short run because m any of them would standTo lo,* the fundamental goals and objectives of U .S. foreign policy.” Evir jobs. With regard to equal pay for equal work, the obstacle cited by the The Senate Subcomm ittee on African Affairs made th e following I -Bytitshould be understood in E urope and N orth America that recom mendations with regard to U .S. corporations in South Africa: corporations i s subc»ramit‘ee fou" d ‘ h at while half the lireipi investment supports th e present economic system and th .„ policy specificallv ™ *y e ° F qual. EmPloyment O pportunity •D eny tax credits to those U.S. corporations paying ta x es to th e IS S dly the P™»e"t » y « em of political injustice " b“9 l\. in t«atim nnv m v«- *- *' a ■ the firms commn ' T a ' t o South Africa, a substantial num ber of South African governm ent which fail to act in ways consistent with However, ................b '" = " ™ m e auDcommittee on A frican In regards to the promotion of black workers, American foreign policy. "teavinT o m e T t'C k u through v8rbal m8ans. liKlirs. Gilber Jones, v.cechairperson of IBM , said: "W ithdrawal j" im plem entation/ 0,1 C° nsistency and thoroughness of the subcommittee found that firms identified to have any effect of racial d o m i n a t i o n or its econom •Cancel tax benefits allowed to U .S. corporations which extend South African law, white worker and customer ■aderpinn.ng. All of U.S. corporations together have only about 15 loans to , o r have investm ents in, projects of th e Preto ria regim e, its L - n t o foreign investm ents in South A frica R ,» :.k . 0 mahitafiied'Thaf si* aon‘ j adicto|'y responses, while still others resistance and lack of suitable housing as the agencies, o r any o th er institutions which fu rth e r th e im plem enta­ percent, a re m ajor investors. mam obstacles. tion of sep arate development policies, including b o rd er industries th e ir EEO policies!* ” '1W “ P18" 8" of and th e homelands. JIlUfonsideringthenum ,or even a U.S. w ithdraw berofcom petitorsin the com puter field al from South Africa is unlikely to an «„unf " erally,’-‘horefore, American firms indicated a lax and hiehlv •Disallow tax credits for any U.S. corporations investing in |«ult in anything m ore than th e substitution of the system s of ljhtrmanufacturers for those rem oved," Jones added strateg ic p rojects involving South Africa’s m ilitary, security o r firms was inexperience of black w orkers. Corporations said this was defense needs. 1 Many argue th a t th is view evades responsibility th a t U S largely due to apartheid laws which have limited black access to t / t h V T ? Sa' d ° nly. 11 firm9 re8tri'te d th e sale of th eir products training program s and job experience and to the poor and limited •Cancel tax benefits for U.S. corporations which fail to enforce w o v e rn l . including 8a' 88 ‘0 th e military and education available to w hites. fair labor practices. government-owned industries. n a w T i T ', V b®r P° r t Sb° Wed a substantial "um ber of firms which To en su re proper im plementation of these recom m endations, th e . “The argument is often made that loss of f i™ ^ £ 7 “ “ P0?"8- ‘here was Uttle evidence that U.S. Africa Possible wage standard allowed in South subcomm ittee advocated th a t the U.S. governm ent develop a s e t of aefiberately adopted a socially conscious policy of avoiding I foreigninvestment would hurt blacks the most. investm ent guidelines and fair em ployment principles. I t said a S S ' 5 £ r h AHe*n ®0V®r,,,n*nt or iU apartheid policies,” system atic and periodic monitoring of th e corporations would be I It would undoubtedly hurt blacks in the short One of t he major complaints by black w orkers is th a t they have no necessary to en su re compliance. I runbecause many of them would stand to lose control over th eir conditions of work and w ages. If they aggressively try to unionize they can be arreste d for disruption I theirjobs." — Steven Biko J n d T a M 51° th a P“ " ° f black w orkers’ tb e subcomm ittee under several South African laws. The rep o rt said th e American The proceae of disentangling from South Africa is obviously goinc M stom e, m,S 18 South African law, w hite w orker and i v a, ° ? a”d torturoU8 0B8- '" u g h t with heated debate and firms have done little to encourage o r support the blacks because political infighting. One thinks of a Gordian knot - it can only be o b s ta d e s e 8 Ck ° f 9Uitabl® b0U9ing 39 th e m ain they may ultimately diminish corporate profits. broken b y the slash of a political sword, or it must be left alone r I Z T ' ' r ®Sp° n9®9 t0 o th e r inquiri88 al>out b lack pro m o tio n A fter noting statem en ts by firm s th a t they would like to Loosening it is almost impossible. Today, the United S ta te, mid ■apontions are responsible for th e ir own actions, not those of cau sed th e su b c o m m itte e to conclude: "U.S. firm s te n d to o p e ra te South Africa are bound b y the knot - and the sword, some would recognize black unions, with stipulations th a t the unions have 100 ■lht countries, contend, is a rusted one. 1 Mother school of th o u g h t holds th a t the possibility of other |w n s and corporations m oving in to fill the vacuum left by liithdrawing corporations m ay only be tru e on paper. It has been Hudthat if U.S. corporations w ere to leave South Africa there Imild be unpredictable symbolic and psychological effects on the *iicrcountries, perhaps inducing them to pull out as well. Ads SELL Call 355-8255 YOU TOO CAN BEA DEAN OFBEER Or, There's a Little Sigfinda Stemftiller in All of Us. youheard? Fellow Beer Persons. Have you ever th o ug h t o f becom ing a Dean o f Beer like me. Siglinda The PanTree now serves wine and draft bwr. Try* S te in fiiile r J It m ay he easier than you think. Just answer these tw o easy questions: flbtt with your brunch o r . 1. Have you fo u nd that if you d on't have pizza once a week, you lose yo u r appreciation for Italian a rt7 2 . If you d on t have tim e to party, does studying clog your b ra in ' If you answered "Y E S " to either of these questions, you have the m akings o f a great Dean o f Beer. Now. to fu rth e r yo u r education, take one average beer m ug and add the great taste o f Gusto. W hich we Deans know can o n ly be found in Schlitz. W hich can o n ly be found at the best pubs in town. B u t then, w here else w ould we Deans hang o u t7 mm Now serving wine IF YOU DON’T HAVE SCHUTZ, with hatch ami ’ from 11 am to 10 pm. YOU DON’T HAVE GUSTO. mm wm ' A fi ■ . . d The PanTree i* a restaurant on Abbott hoed open 24 hours m .* s m EAST LANSING THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY March 30 & 31, April 1 Or Until They're Gone No Rain Checks ^ Corduroys '/ 99 * 1st Quality *300 Pair Waist from 28 to 38 Inseam from 30 to 36 Colors: Black • Navy - Tan - Brown Straight Legs & Bells 529 E. Grand River, E. Lansing HOURS: Mon • Fri 10-9 Sat 10-6 Sun 12-5 Next to BAGEL-FRAGEL P lanning council tu rn s in proposals Plate date nea, By JIM SMITH g arding the proposal. would be tra n sfe rre d in tact to com m itm ent to g en eral educa­ The rep o rt said th e U niversity th a t increased so u rces of finan­ State New, Staff Writer P roponents of th e council's th e core colleges o f N atu ral tion. should aim a t m aintaining an cial aid be explored w ere also A fter a one-year existence, recom m endation said general Science, Social Science, and T he proposal will now be u n dergraduate population of included in council's proposal. MSU’s Long-Range Planning education would be enhanced A rts and L e tte rs. forw arded sim ultaneously to 33,500. In Fall te rm 1977. Also included in th e rep o rt, Council ended its final m eeting by th e integration of U niversity U niversity College faculty th e p ro v o st's office an d th e u n d erg rad u ate enrollm ent was scheduled for release la te r th is Tuesday by subm itting nine College faculty into degree- w ho objected to th e proposal C om m ittee on A cadem ic Policy 35.880. term , a re sev en o th e r propo­ gran tin g MSU colleges. said th a t ra th e r th an im proving for open h earin g s an d consider­ th e la st m inute. The problem is th a t they Ml 2 * proposals for change to the P rio rity would be given to sals: The four teaching d e p a rt­ general education, th e plan ation. com petitive academic p rogram s A spokesperson for th e S ecretary of S ,? ™ « one academic governance system •A cadem ic A dvising. The m ents of U niversity College would dilute th e U niversity A n o th er council recom m end­ in addition to vigorous re Lansing said th a t th e m any last-minute l i ~ „ „ ’ of,lce and adm inistrators. council recom m ends th e ap ­ "th e w o rst tim e o f th e y ea r." renew*ls mall ation concerned th e prospects cru itm en t program s to a ttr a c t p ointm ent of a d ire cto r of The most controversial issue for m aintaining fu tu re u n d er­ A ccording to th e Ingham Countv S h e r iff* ««■ I stu d en ts to M S U . concerned the general educa­ tion proposal, which suggested Correction g rad u ate enro llm en t levels in th e face of p red icted declines. A provision th a t stu d en t academ ic ad v isem en t in th e Office of th e A ssista n t P ro v o st renew al ta b s by m idnight A pril l *51 receive a summons costs be k ept com petitive and as one possible im provem ent f t t m incorrectly stated In It was incorrectly stated In (continued on page 16) the disbanding of U niversity Wednesday's State Newt that Wednesday's State Newt that College. Kent Barry was the tanner late registration ended this H eated debates erupted in prwMhat of the ASltSU Stu­ Friday. Students can lata regis­ both the planning council dent Board. Barry will continue ter untO next Tuesday. meetings and in m eetings of ta .M t.tt president Wtfl the University College faculty re ­ new legislative session begtaa. O M R A T I O N Clearance Sale 3 Days Only Thurs - 3/30 Fri - 3/31 Sat -4 /1 At 220 MAC University Mall E.L. BEAT THE PRICE INCREASE OF DOWN ALL Vests 24” COLORADO COMFORT Values to 4 2 " Men’s sizes only Mountain Cloth Parkas with Hood Yellow Only Reg. 8 5 " 49” COLORADO COMFORT Ski Jackets COLORADO COMFORT ALL Colors Reg. 6 0 " 34” Down Taffeta Jacket Yellow Only MOUNTAIN CLOTH Reg 5 5 " 34” Smooth Shell Down Parka 2 lb. SLEEPING BAGS Yellow ONLY REG. 9 5 " 59” Reg. 145" 99" ‘‘Down Creations" Jackets WOOL HATS Reg. 9 " 2” Blue Only ALL REM AINING W OOL SW EATERS REG 4 5 " 24” 14” Values to 3 6 " Ladies Polyester Jackets Reg. 4 5 " 19” O f A N - lD 1/2 OFF Frostline Kit Ski Wear 20% OFF Selected Kits (Parkas & Jackets) Save 20% on Down 0BERM EYER T-Necks Reg. 10” 6" Comforters & Feather Beds SALE 1/2 OFF “Kombi” Down Mitts Many ODDS & ENDS ^ Reg. 1 4 " Starting at 7 " at Kock Bottom Prices ^ | rs^ d ° w n _ W E’RE MOVING TO 127 E. GR. R IVER E.L. Next to Kay Baums *255,000 IN AUDIO EQUIPMENT FOR HOME, CAR AND ACCESSORIES WILL B E . . . . 5% TO 55% OFF 10 A.M . 10 A.M . A _ 10A.M . A 12noon Thwrs. to 9 P.M. Fri. to 9 P.M. Sato 9P*.M *. S u n . 5 P.M. ** RECEIVERS TURNTABLES SPEAKERS TAPE DECKS PIONEER SX-450 15 W atts RMS BIC-940 Belt drive, m ulti- JBL L100 TEACA 105 p e r channel. Dual s peaker £ p lay. Base, cover and 12" 3 w a y system selector. (5 o n ly )........................ 129 ca rtrid g e . (8 o n ly )..................... *97 Ducted p ort. (4 o n ly ) ... *239 Front load cassette Dolby N.R. (4 only).................. *2H BIC FORMULA 5 PIONEER CT-F8282 PIONEER SX-550 20 W atts RMS BIC-980 Belt d riv e e lectronic 10" 3 w a y system Solenoid controls p er channel . 2 tape t speed co ntro l. W ith base 1144 Bisonoex h orn (4 o n ly ) .. *135 *2 4 5 m onitors. (8 o n ly )........................ 143 and cover. (3 o n ly )................... PIONEER HPM-60 Peak response lights. (6 only). TECHNICS RS-615 PIONEER PL-117D Belt d rive 10 " 4 w a y system . W ith $ 1 OO Peak check switch SHERWOOD S-7110 20 W atts RMS p e r channel. O utstanding FM j auto m a tic sin gle & repeat. W ith HPM tw e e te r. (6 o n ly )........... ea. I JL w D olby noise reduction.(5 only). *1 6 5 se n sitivity. (2 o n ly )..................... 139 base & cover. (7 o n ly)................... *89 AMERICAN MONITOR 10 )0 ” 2 w ay system . $ 1 O O TE AC A-100 FrontloO d TECHNICS SA 170 25 W atts RMS PIONEER P I 5 )0 Direct drive, O ur best se lle r. (10 only), .e o . I w # Bias 8 E.Q. sw itching.(4 only). *1 3 9 KLH-354 A K IA CS-709D stro be lig h t 8 pitch contro l. j per chonnel. O u r best s e llin g £ receiver. (5 o n ly )........................ 168 W ith base 8 cover. (5 only) 119 10” 3 w ay system. Clean fu ll base. (6 o n ly ) .. m *149 X tal fe r riti head Dolby 8 lim ite r. (3 o n ly ).. *2 9 9 ULTRALINEAR 25 TEACA-420 TECHNICS SL-23 Belt drive, TECHNICS SA-5270 35 W otts RMS 8 " 2 w ay system. $ 0 0 V ertical transport p e r channel. Super FM sem i auto m a tic. W ith base, £ 129 Highly e ffic ie n t (18 o n ly) eg. t J / *2 4 9 reception. (7 o n ly )......... *194 cover 8 Empire cart. (9 o n ly ) .. AMERICAN MONITOR 14 M em ory counter. (I only). 12" 4 w ay to w e r .Circuit b re o k e r* « a a PIONEER SX-750 50 W atts RMS TECHNICS SL-2000 D irect drive, per channel. Dual tun in g m eters. (2 o n ly )................. *249 carbon fib e r tone arm . W ith base 8 cover. (5 o n ly )............... £ 129 protected. (6 o n ly ).................. ea. I w f ACOUSTIC RESEARCH MST-1 ACCESSORIES one 8 ", three SOO P tw eeters (4 o n ly).................. ea. O # MAXELL LIDC-90 90 minute TECHNICS SA-5370 48 W atts RMS DUAL -502 Belt drive, EPI-200 cassette tape. G et 4 tapes £ i A fl p e r channel .Circuit p ro te ctio n sem i auto m a tic. Base sw itch in g. (5 o n ly )..................... *238 and cover e x tra . (2 o n ly)............. *69 Inverted dom e tw e e te r. 8 " passive ra d iato r. (4 o n ly ) .. eo. j m A I / # fo r o n ly....................................... ■ SANYO TP-825 D irect d rive FUJI FX-I C-909 0 minute SHERWOOD 8 9)0 60 W atts RMS cossette tape. Extended range, DC servo m o tor. Semi p e r channel. C e rtifie d p e r­ form a nce series. (4 o nly) . . . *349 auto m a tic. (5 o n ly )................. *159 CAR STEREOS h igh o utput, lo w noise. G e t cose o f 10o nly.................. TECHNICS 5470 65 W atts RMS GARRARD GF-55 D eluxe, b e lt drive JENSEN 6X9 W IA X IA L STANTON 681 EEE Hand calibrated p e r channel. Tape to tope w ith base, cover and Shure j 3” m idrange. «■ * dubbing. (5 o n ly )....................... *319 ca rtrid ge . (4 o n ly )..................... 169 2 " tw e e te r (39 pr. o n ly ) pr. 0 4 cartrid ge . Individually spec'ed (6 o n ly).......................... PIONEER SX-980 80 W atts RMS PIONEER PL 516 N ew est b e lt 80 WATT POWER AMP. TDK 7 " M etal take up per channel. Twin p ow e r * j a a d rive . W ith base and 40 W atts per channel. O ver load re e l w ith storage m eters. (5 o n ly )......................... 4 Z # cover (5 o n ly ).............................. *144 protection circ u it (4 o n ly)............. *88 box. (1 6 only).............................. PIONEER SX-950 85 W atts RMS TECHNICS SL-1700 D irect drive, 3 BAND GRAFIC EQUALIZER SOUND GUARD p e r channel. Rated "o u r sem i auto m a tic. W ith base. £ best b u y ." (3 o n ly ).......... *324 cover 8 ca rtrid ge . (3 o n ly ) .. . . 199 Put up to !2d b o f sound back in to yo ur music. (4 o n ly)........... *59 Record preservation com plete k it. (13 only). ■ PIONEER SX-650 35 W atts RMS PIONEER PL-112D Belt d rive IN-DASH A M /F M Cassette FIDLELITONE Record care p e r channel. W ith no m ore £ sin gle play. W ith base stereo. Fast fo rw a rd k it. C leaning brush, 185 and cover (4 o n ly )......................... *59 super FM reception. (5 only). *69 a ntista tic flu id . (24 only). • ■ - ■-<. 11b r^Z Leonard's Audio W E S TL A N D S H O P P IN G CENTER « ft’I Wmrir /-- A I^nasief^clTaf§ OUHCOWM MSU \ W est S a g in a w (a t W a v e rly ) mm 321-8111 T h u rsd a y, M a rch 30. 1978 1 3 A GEM OF AN ALBUM SALE!! . CORDON ughttoot MICHAEL FRANKS Endless Burchfield Nines m a r u m ju a u r Wire Includes WYestle A Live Nude Girl Vivaldi's Song SouthernWinds Irx ItMlt-s In Search 01 The Perfect Shampoo Includes I Got A Mon (Xiylpflst K .ify Thots TheMfey Love b/Cojun Moon A ■m LARRY CORYKLI. I'll I LI I* CATIIKR INK mckidM CtdM/CaMoinia Chicago Inatttuta Martha* Madman Guitar Duos T W IN -H O U S F ABBA THE ALBUM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL V * LIFE _ eauos THENAMEOFTHEGAME T O A CHANCEOft ME lime FIAT QUEEN ua -. . live watting For Columbus ■ WM)STEWART toot LoomAFuicyFrve ALL THESE — * Includes Y b u'relnM yH eart Includes Willm Sailm S h o e s I I f LovuigYou Is W o n g ] /I Tfipe Face B oogie Spanish M oon I Don't W ant To Be Right Hot L e g s /B o rn Loose $7.98 AVERAGE WHITE BAND SINGLE ALBUMS warmer communications SALE PRICED \ FRANK ZAPM Zappa In New York Includes PunkyaWhtps Soto Btg Lag Emma The Purple Lagoon 1j a c k s o m B r o w n e ENG LAND DAN & R U N N IN G O N E M P T Y JO H N FO R D C O L E Y , SO M E THINGS DO N T ~ ,CO M E EASY 1 ^ e frii----------------J i M M Q WHO S 10NELY Iton WE I L NEVER HAVE 10 SAY GOODBYE AGAIN RICHARD TORRANCE | STARZ Violation *| HERE HOUSI SWEET Double Take Level Headed RECORDS II 220 M.A.C. AVENUE Ml UNIVERSITY MALL 332-3525 SUN NATALIE COLE »l Sunburn Thankful HOURS: CALDERA Sky Islands t M0N.SAT. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. SUN. 12-5 p.m. \ uttle river band BE BOP DELUXE V WILD LIFE Drastic Plastic Paul A Linda McCartney PEABO BRYSON tamantina Cocktail Reaching For The Sky 1 / LONDON TOWN HOC \ , w WINGS M cC artne y Venus and Mars m . ^ L M cCARTNEY -AND WINfiS ASMSU mixes old, new Fraternity-backed By KIM SHANAHAN State New s SU B Writer ' fication by th e A ll-U niversity E lections Commission because tim e w ith o u t Lam b’s nam e on th e ballot. he an d H ard en a g re e d th a t th e U n iv ersity w ould finance th e raisers ASMSU board m em bers had the unique distinction Tuesday night of settin g up business for she was dually-enrolled in J a m e s Madison College and th e College of Business. Lam b was B arry also inform ed th e board th a t h e had filed a peititon to h av e K evin K elly, a recep tio n and A SM SU would handle th e prom otion an d o r ­ ganization. fo r Easter Seals in fu ll swing a new legislative session while ruled ineligible to run for the m em b er o f th e S tu d en t-F acu lty No b o ard action w as ta k en , L a st y e a r th e Lanaing a re a cover ch a rg e will g o to E a s te r finishing the business of th e ir business s e a t because h er offi­ Ju d iciary , recalled fo r show ing b u t sev eral bills w e re in tro ­ raised $98,000 fo r th e Mid- S eals along w ith m oney raised out, Eaater Seals Mid-Michigan bias and a conflict o f in te r e s t in Telethon C oordinator. She stations win K u J own term s in office. cial records a re kept a t Jam es duced and s e n t to com m ittees Michigan E a ste r Seals Society from th e auction o f — am ong th e Lam b case. Added m o st o f th e money goes P resident K ent B arry opened Madison. for s tu d y . T h e b o ard v o ted to w ith alm ost all of th e m oney o th e r th in g s — tw o b ask etb alls th e meeting by filling in board Two U niversity judiciaries Kelly is a room m ate o f J e ff fo r tra n sp o rta tio n , free equip­ use $250 from th e Special stay in g in th e mid-Michigan au to g rap h ed b y th e M SU b as­ members on his involvement upheld th e commission's ruling M eyers, an A SM SU p re si­ m en t loans, an d referra l serv ­ P ro jec ts F u n d fo r p atch in g and area. k etb all te a m an d a p air of he at th e Civic rv „, d en tial can d id ate w ho r a n th e ices fo r 30,000 people, m ost of with the Kath Lamb case and to suspend th e election pending cleaning th e w alls in room 328 T onight cam pus fund-raising M SU -N otre D am e football th e m nandicappers. the statu s of elections for the Lam b's appeal, despite a t­ sam e slate a s Lam b. M eyers S tu d en t S erv ices B ldg., an effo rts leading up to th is w eek ­ gam e ticketa. «^Wesat s ± r* TI,n^ l w as Lam b’s fo rm er counsel Locally, th e teleth o n will be College of Business. tem p ts by th e student board to ASM SU conference room . end's fo u rth annual J e r r y On F rid ay th e fra te rn ity will “***4 a t th e Lansing Civic be «t M ey eT taW'o kW,IM1 Lamb had been refused c e rti­ hold th e election at th e reg u lar d u rin g h e r appeals process. Bob V a tte r, R esidence H alls Lewis Telethon will alread y be h o st a fund-raising dance s ta r t­ WITL w T ^ S H Some s tu d e n t b o ard m em ­ C en ter an d b ro ad cast on A ssociation p re sid e n t, an ­ in full aw ing with th e help o f an ing a t 8 p.m . in th e m u lti­ volunteer group b e rs questioned th e p ro p rie ty W ILX-TV, C hannel 10 sta rtin g nounced th a t th e $3 movie MSU fra te rn ity . p urpose room o f B rody H ill. Democratic Hall, T o f th e s tu d e n t b o ard ta k in g any a t 11 p .m . S atu rd ay . L a st y ea r p asses for R H A m ovies th is T h e ta Chi fra te rn ity , 453 AU pro ceed s will go to E a s te r Film series set action in th e Lam b case. S cott S chreiber, College o f A r ts and L e tte rs re p re s e n ta tiv e said th e te rm could b e p u rch ased in th e RH A office o r an y location w h ere RH A m ovies a r e show n. A b b o tt Road, will hold an auction a t D ooley's s ta r tin g a t 8:30 p.m . O ne dollar from th e Seals. "O v er 90 p e rc e n t o f th e money m ore th a n $5.6 million w as raise d nationally. AU E a a te r S eals funding com es from con­ WILS wiU sponsor a 17 .J sta y s local,” la id Sydell Teach- trib u tio n s. The spring term D irector’s Choice film series will feature films e n tire m a tte r should be by new directors of th e '70s — film m akers who have em erged on handled by th e ju d iciaries and the international film scene over th e p a st decade. The series opens th e appeals process. tonight with Nicolas Roeg's 1973 suspense-filled Don't Look Now. “A fter m uch consideration Here’s Your Chance Roeg, an award-winning cam eram an tu rn e d director, has m ade o v er th e b reak , I ’m convinced To Pick-up Some Of three other films: Performance (1969, co-directed with Donald th a t w e (th e board) should sta y The Best Brand Names / F L Cammed), Walkabout (1971) and The Man who Fell to Earth aw ay from th is one.’’ he said. Of The Year! (1976). Jay Cocks of Time magazine has w ritten th a t Roeg's films “W e a re alread y o v e r o u r head possess "a disquieting beauty, a dream like sense of dislocation and . . . a reliance on the visual vocabulary of th e cinem a . . . Roeg's is on a m a tte r w hich is clearly outlined to be d e a lt w ith b y th e -PIHVIOUS MOMLSTl one of those rare talents th a t can effect a new way of seeing." judiciaries." Adapted from the D aphne du M aurier novel (script by Allan B arry also told th e board Scott and Chris Bryant) and sta rrin g Julie C hristie and Donald A cting M SU P re s id e n t E d g a r Sutherland, Don’t Look Now will be shown tonight a t 7 and 9:30 in L. H arden h ad con tacted him Fairchild Theater. Admission is $1.50 a t th e door: series tickets about h aving a co n g ratu lato ry are on sale a t the Union Ticket Office - $5 for five adm issions. The reception fo r th e Big Ten next film in the series, R ainer W erner F assb in d er’s Effie Briest. is champion bask etb all te am in scheduled for April 5. th e Kellogg ce n ter. B arry said Discount T ire Discount T ire Discount T ire JOIN US \H OUR APRIL I t f .0 T ffJ I I JT i & 1 11 1 j ' R | T * 1 I F T i . 1 1 1 E O n ly t h e D a t e ia A A , FOOLIR! DISCOUNT T IM "FITS T M M ALL" A ik A bout O ur F ro . Replacement C ertificate. Y e i. We Still H o v . O ur Rood H o io rd W arranty I Compacts to Cadillacs Compacts to Cadillacs POLYISTIR S T IIL RADIALS Black walls (W hitewalls Slightly More) W hitewalls 4 for 4 9 A78xl3 4 far 9 9 E H ! 4 for 6 9 ^ , 1 4 for 1 1 9 ™ 4 for I I S£!2 4 for 1 * 8 S K IS 4 for 8 0 4 for 9 5 H7Sxl5 1.78x15 4 for 1 3 6 HR78xM-15 4 fo r 1 ■•TOr IW 6 6 JR 78xl5 LR78xl5 Receivers Tape Decks P A T . 1.71-3.11 P -i-T . 1.B4- 3.44 14 M 9 M TV LiM ITR a W A R R A N T Y 4« , aaa m u m w a m a o t y Fast Service - Free Mounting - No Blems • No Retops • No Trode In Required < 0 >: □ P sc C ) I T R-357 AMfFM Receiver1 AMC M odal 12 M onitor S ytta m S 1 6 .A •With 3 year warranty! 3 way with 1 2 " woofer Wood veneer finish. AMC M odal 12XP Daluxa System % lO V TEAC Top-Rated A-170S MM •60 watts/ch. RMS at 0.2% THD! Dolby Cassette Deck! IR E C O .IN C , •Includes cabinet, 2 meters, more! 3-way with 12” woofer, 2 tweeters Fo«n grille AMC M odal 8 Bookahalf Systam IT ? The critics and reviewers agree, the A-170S is the Hour,: O K IM O t L A N S IN O S .L A N S I N O 2-way with 8 " woofer. High efficiency........ *13 "Best Buy" performer With mic'line inputs slider controls and tape bias and EO switch 193 2 0 M i . G r a n d R iv e r 8:30-6:00 DAILY . . --------- ----- 4M0 w. Saginaw 5700 S. Pannsylvania I Technics Linear Phase SB-5000A a aa c M r A j JUST WIST OF MERIDIAN M A U RESIDE FRANK'S NURSMV N e a r H ! a h l« in < l I CLEARANCE PRICE! $ Unique enclosure for more natural sound *109 8 :3 0 -5 :0 0 S a tu rd a y P H . 3 4 9 -1 B IB P H .3 a B .a iB T m ' Technics Linear Phase SB-6000A CLEARANCE Discount T ire Discount T ir e Discount T ire T e ch n ic, SA-5170 Receiver- Top of the hne system Two-way operation *137 PRICE! 25 watts RMS'ch at 0 5% THD 63 to sell *157 Ze nith A lle gro J-2000* * Technics SA-S270 Receiver- 35 watts R M Sch at 0 3% THD 79 to sell *177 Popular bookshelf system 88 pr to sell *47 Sonic 3-Way Speaker S ystem ** Technics SA-5370 Receiver- 48 watts RMS/ch at 0 t % THD 48 to sell *229 P-500 w 'al drivers by Pioneer 107pr to se t *89 B.I.C. V enturi Formula 1 * Technics SA-5S73 R eceiver' 86 watts RMS cn at 0 1% THD 32 to sell *327 Two way bookshelf speaker 18 pr. to sell.. *37 B.I.C. V enturi Formula 2* Technics ST-SS00 AMfFM T u n e r' Two lu rin g meters, cabinet 19 to sell *197 Two way bookshelf speaker 2 3 pr to sell.. *54 AK AI I AkalQXC-7400 Deluxe B.I.C. V enturi Formula 6* Sansul 8080DB Receiver W fD o lb y " 85 watts RMS/ch al 0 1% THD 3 8 to sell *343 Monitor series speaker. 9 9 pr to sell *137 Frontload Cassette Deck ** SAVE 2 5 % ON MEAL COSTS Jansen Lifestyle M odal 4* Deluxe tape deck with Akai's exclusive Auto Distortion Sansul 9090DB Receiver WfDolby 3-way system with 1 0 " woofer 87 p r to sell *89 Reduction system, memory rewind. MPX filter, mic line WITH THE NEW 125 watts RMS ch at 0 I % THD 35 to sell *395 Jansen Lifestyle M odal 6* mixing and more *157 297 A ksl AA-1115 Receiver 3-way with 15" woofer 50 pr to s e ll. 15 watts RMS/ch al 0 5% THD (40 20.000 Hz) *127 Carwin Vega R-12 CLEARANCE A k ti AA-1150 Receiver High efficiency, high accuracy monitor..... *129 PRICE! STU DEN 50 waits RMS/ch at 0 I % THD Akel AA-1175 Receiver 75 watts RMS'ch at 0 08% THD *247 *329 Scott S-197 Speaker* Two way with 1 5" woofer 53 pr to sell *127 Sankyo STD-2000 C eeiette Deck- Top of line frontload w/Dolby 49 to sell *179 Speakers priced each Akel QXC-730D C aieetfe Deck- WHAT IS THE UNION CAFETERIA MEAL PLAN? .... I H L „, Akel AA-1200 Receiver *379 I t is a f u l l - t i m e a g r e e m e n t 120 warts RMS/ch al 0 08% THD *397 with auto-reverse, Dolby 29 lo sell Turntables Technics RS-S15 C eeiette Deck b e t w e e n t h e U n io n C a f e t e r i a a n d p a r t i c i p a t i n g i t u d e n t s t o b u y m e a ls a t d i s c o u n t r a t e s If y o u d e c i d e to | o in y o u w i l l b e a b l e to b u y u p to S3 w o r t h o l l o a d l o r $ 2 2 5 . Y o u m a y c h o o s e Note All power ratings are given into 8 ohm loads from 20 2 0 .0 0 0 Hz, except where noted More specs Fronlload Dolby deck w/ timer stand-by switch *153 f r o m o l a r g e s e l e c t i o n o l lu n c h o n d d i n n e r e n t r e e s p o ta to e s s a la d s v e g e t a b le s d e s s e r ts m the sfores Technics RS-030 C eeiette Deck r o lls a n d b e v e r a g e s . Frontload Dolby deck With cabinet Hurry *187 T h o re n t TD-180 B altdriva* SAV Teac Model A-100 Cessette Deck *7 HOW DOES THE PLAN WORK? te r r a m e n u d e r m a t a la c a r t e p r i c e s „ g ,v e s y o u , h . 0 P „ M a , b u y i n g o n y U n . o n C a te - t o a l i m i t o l S3 p e r m e a l. A n y c r e d i t n o t u s e d l o t a Auto Sound Manual model with base, cover4 5 to sell Dual Modal 1237 A utom atic Beltdrive Excellent tonearm BAA 0 9 Fronttoad Dolby deck Wide range response Teac Model A-103 C eeiette Deck- Frontload Dolby deck 33 lo sell *99 *148 m e a l m a y n o t b e t r a n s l e r t e d to t h e n e x t m e a l II y o u r p u r c h a s e s a r e m o r e t h a n S3 f a r a n y Undardash Stereo Cassette* Technics SL-1500 Mk II D irect Drive SA A V Teac Model A-2300SD Open Reel- o n e m e a l ( lo r t h o s e o l y o u w i t h h e a r t y a p p e t i t e s ! y o u w i l l p a y t h e a d d i t i o n a l a m o u n t A u d io vox C-987 with fast forward 147 !o sell *27 Quartz-locked control Base, cover mwm Seml-pro deck with Dolby NR 19 Jo sell *477 Technics SL-1800 Direct Drive 4- _ _ WHERE IS THE PLAN VALID? T h e p l a n m a y b n u s e d S u n d a y s t h r o u g h F r id a y s Pioneer Supertuner Pushbutton Cassette* KP 8 00 5 indash AM/FM unit 61 to sell *147 Manual model with base and cover 147 Teac Model A-850 Cassette Deck Frontload deluxe deck w'Dolby *399 M a rc h 27 to J u n e 9 T h e lo s t d a y to ,o i Sanyo TP-826 B altdriva * * - . _ is M o n d a y M a y 22 A m in i m u m p u r c h a s e o f te n Ptonaar Underdash Supertuner 8-Track* Pioneer Model RH-80 8-Track‘ m e a ls is r e q u i r e d . Model TP-900 with Iasi lorward 6 7 to sell *119 Semi-automatic w/base, cover 123 to sell w O Plays and records Fronlload 82 lo sell *133 J.I.L. 862 Indash Pushbutton 8-Track* B.I.C. Modal 920 B altdriva* | M AM/FM stereo 131 to sell *77 Single or multi-play 58 to sell 27 HOURS THE UNION CAFETERIA IS OPEN - B.I.C. Modal 840 B altdriva* 4 _ PRODUCT CODE 1.0.1 40 W att Powar Boos tar* Model PB-66 with bass boost 15 7 5 to sell *27 Full-sized platter 73 to sell B.I.C. Modal 060 Baltdriva* _ v O No A sterisk m eans dem os and floor models. O ne A sterisk (*) m eans new in carton or open Lunch: M onday th ro u g h Friday, 11:15a.m . — 1:1 5 p.m . Jensen 09740 Coaxial Spaakars* * D in n er: M onday th rou g h Friday, 5 p .m . ■7 p.m . 6 by 9 inch, 20 oz magnets 6 9 5 pr to sell *29 Top rated model 97 to sell BSR Graphic Equalizer . ^9S llo o r sam ples. Tw o A sterisks (* *) m eans new In carton, sold at flo o r sam ple prices Sundoy D in n er: 12 noon - 2 p.m . (Closed Saturdays) All quantities listed are chainwide Model FEW III 4 9 to sell 109 w h ile q u a n titie s last. WHERE MAY I JOIN? Ves you can • a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a # a a a a a a a a • * o r Financing use y o u r. . . I is available! e n t r a n c e ! S ! ° ,^ L !’ t U" T B u ' ld ln 9 b u 5 ' n e 5 i er to BRODY AUDITORIUM ENTRANCE reposition to the s tn k e by th e Michigan Farm Bureau. But t o t i Z t e s e e m e d to ag ree w ith th e method of protest individually," Smith said Ca" gS to g eth er th ey “ n 't do W s!" o n eo f thf. ,ar.m e” ad/nonished the egg-thrower. e e l l f r r r C t ; iagisiativr duca, tionai' inf° ™ a t o a "<* I extension services d irecto r Gordon Guyer, chairperson of the organization federated with .T ™ 1? ” ' , 11 is « independent Thursday Only b irr, r e m in d e d the audience. "W e're here to discuss and share ■ ' i , a rational manner. ■Of course, it (the egg-throw ing incidentl w asn't over the American Farm Bureau FedereUon h^ aid™ bUreaUS l ° f° rm th e Classic Films situation," Sm ith said later, presents pile egg was throw n because of past farm bureau policies. They eal Alfred Hitchcock's L'ttome with the egg to throw in relation to w hat was going to L g jf commented L a rry Ew ing, a public relations adm inistra L j, the bureau. Itefarmers, w earing hats sim ilar to baseball caps and buttons Rrtflioting the agricultural strike, sat in front rows of the fctorium throughout th e lectures given by professors and Spring ’78 Schedule Y \k ■ S h ir a n s . ■ ibev'rean unorganized group of agricultural striking farm ers ■i Ig li'v r been active throughout th e state," Smith said. THE *>- VASSAR CLEMENTS [ ^ A \ JO N FINCH BAND lJ BARRY FOSTER A N N A MASSEY April 14,15 BARBARA LEIGH-HUNT S ta rring - D onald S u th e rla n d and Julie C h ristie 8 & 10:30 p m /$ 3 in advance, $3.50 at the door D ire cte d b y N icholas Roeg « * i ROGER McGUINN FRENZV a shattering tale of psychological terror Based on a s to ry by D aphne du M a urie r "Roeg, a masterly technician, builds up an AND (TECHNICOLOR) Y o u r s k in w i ll c ra w l, y o u r h a ir atmosphere o f dread you can taste in your throat. Sutherland, his eyebrows arched in GENE CLARK b r is tle a s o n e a f te r a n o th e r , b e a u tifu l w o m e n in th e p r im e o f fif e b e c o m e life le s s v ic tim s o f Lon don's skepticism at his own inexplicable inner visions, and Christie, never more beautiful April 20 "N e c k tie M u rd e rs ." H itc h c o c k has o u td o n e h im s e lf or poingnant, give the story substance. Finally, Roeg succeeds in creating a dark 7:30 & 10 pm /$ 3.50 in advance. $4 at the door in th is s u s p e n s e fu l t h r ille r , s e t in th e a u th e n tic and frightening experience unlike anything lo c a tio n s o f C o n v e n t G a rd e n , H e n rie tta S tre e t, B ow ever film e d ." JOHN LEE HOOKER S tre e t, O ld P ris o n . B a ile y C o u rt H o u se and N e w g a te Paul D. Zim m erm an, Newsweek May 5,6 U n b tfe v ® ^ 10.30 pm /$ 3 in advance, $3.50 at the door Thurs: 7:309:30 108B Wells TONIGHT k •o n e i from Only >1.25-N o RHA Passes g tfiif world A L L SHOWS IN M cD O N EL K IV A N o t Accessible Id's may be checked Thursday, M arch 30th d Q d in it t w o TICK ETS: In fo rm a tio n can be found in upcom ing issues o f ip ate Ira td e n from m other! the State N ew s and The I Coming This Weekend 7and 9:30pm Fri & Sun in Fairchild Theatre WN'ltom S 1.50 at the d o o r or D ire c to r's | MIT DISNEY Chloe in the Afternoon C hoice Series T ic k e t Production! S5 fo r 5 adm issions D ir. b y Eric R o hm e r available at the I f f l w m H M m fA Q im ii/ Sat The Hustler U n io n T ic k e t O ffic e : 15 4 :3 0 I W t e B n i i , C h r h f o p l K i I r e , H im im .i> .< k P a u l N e w m a n , J a c k ie G le a s o n I le Hm - w m m a i c o i m marmohstfin " RONMILLER Jf J.V1ECOURTi AND ■ JOHN HOUGH See F rid a y 's S ta te N e w s f o r tim e s & pla ce s ' v TfCHNlCOlOR* g Daily 2:003:505:35 7:30 9:15 STEPUPTO A HEWLETT-PACKARD PROGRAMMABLE NOW. PCS = T h ..F . 7:15.9:30 Sot., Sun. 3:00,5:10,7:30.9:45 YOU'LL SAVE UPTO$105: H e w le tt-P a c k a r d a n n o u n c e s b etw een le b ru a rv I a n d M arch 31. a n o th e r e re ,if re a so n t o r h im n u 19, S. I h e n ta k e \ o u r p ick o l a m an a d v a n c e d H e w le tt-P a c k a rd five M A Y H P - |9 f 2%' S o lu tio n s AHA p r o g r a m m a b le O ile r. A Free S o llu a t e b o o k s I lu \ re w o rth SAT 50* — hm ih e y 'r e y o u r s Iree PRESINTS T H E H P - 6 7 /9 7 O F F E R . S E E FO R YOURSELF. P u r c h a s e a n l l l ’-h? o r H P-97 t o m e in a m i t r y each b e fo re |WEGREATEST ADVENTURE b e tw e e n F e b ru a ry I a n d M arch -II. 1978. I h en c h o o s e a n \ li \e y*»u h m Y o u'll notice e v e n 1 featu re o l ih e s c c a lc u la to r s is d e s ig n e d OFESCAPE IS BACK! U se rs' L ib ra ry S o lu tio n s H onks l i ' h e lp get y o u r jo b d o n e . F o r a $50* v a lu e : in n o n e A p p lic a ­ e x a m p le , a ll use p a re n th e s is -fre e tio n s P ac — a $55* v a lu e : p lu s 40 R P \ lo g ic li>r lo g ic .il p ro b le m b la n k m a g n e tic c a r d s - . i SJll s o lvin g w ith fe w e r kevstro kes The v a lu e . T h a t's $105* w o r th ol I IP -P H - M ha ve a " c o n tin u o u s s o l t w a r e - all tre e. m e m .- , svsie m th a t rem e m be rs v o u r p ro g ra m s even v\ lie n liin ie d o il A n d th e 11 P-h7 have a " s in a 11 m a g -e a rd le a d e r th a t le ts \ 1 .i : it ta il p io g r a 11 is a n d go a u lo m a !ie a ll\ In m . thex re in n m u i ALLIED ARTISTS presents AC T N OW . You !i n e v e r lin d a b e tte r r e a s o n UEVEMcHEEH N SIW H F H H N to s te p u p lo a I le u let t- P.u Y ard mm fc ^ i in a FRANKLIN J SCHAFFNER film a d v .m e e d p r o g r a m m a b le S o s to p m n » d a\ a n d s a v e u p t i > SI 1)5* »allied artists....... OD lll 'a : i : 1 vftv I .1*1.1, v S ia litilitm ik s Wilson 7:00 & 9:45 Brody 8:30 ROGER MOORE , T H E H P -1 9 C /2 9 C O F F E R . O r p u rc h a se .1 k e y s tro k e pr< JAMES BOND 007T g r a m m a b l e H P - W o t H P -2 9 ( THE SPY Who lo ved m e 1 p*N*VISI0N* U m tidfctiiti Conrad 7:00, 9:00 ____ ^0r Complete Times and Locations Phone 355-0313 Students, faculty & staff welcome. Persons entering RHA movies must show Airbags to replace h an g m an ? Planning council submits p ro p o j ANN ARBOR (UPI) - A device he says offers a “hum ane pounds can be in stan tly " I t is a know n fact th a t if an shoulders of th e perso n to be (continued from page 12) colleges. retired auto safety engineer is altern ativ e” to th e electric b rought to b ea r w hich will sn ap individual's head is m oved into executed to th a t th e full force of to o v ersee U niversity-w ide s tu ­ •C rite ria for D efining Col­ seeking a patent for a death chair, th e firing squad and th e neck o f th e p erso n to be co n tact w ith th e a irb a g a p e r­ th e released a irb a g will ac t d e n t advisem ent. leges. A lso recom m ended in o th e r m ethods of capital pun­ executed far m ore effectively tu r e a t th e in s ta n t of activ atio n directly upon th e head only," he eA cadem ic C alendar. Council th e r e p o rt i t a review of the ish m e n t th an th e hangm an's noose w ith b y th e in e rtia l tr ig g e r a t th e said. m em b ers s u g g e st an A cadem ic p re s e n t organization o f colleges ^ “ E d u c a t a 'e t l 'j an action so in stan tan eo u s as to tim e o f im pact, th a t th e p e r­ T he effect, G ren ier said, is Council discussion of a lte rn a ­ an d th e se ttin g o f guidelines to i - * — » a Poisoning “This invention consists of a stan d a rd commercial airb ag as p reclude any pain." G renier, a sa fe ty co n su ltan t son's head w ill b e rapidly accelerated to th e r e a r re s u lt­ nearly identical to w h a t would happen to a child stan d in g in tiv es to th e c u rre n t q u a rte r sy stem and academ ic calendar. be used in fu tu re college e sta ­ b lishm ent considerations. •Im p ro v in g G raduate E l p resen tly used in ca rs now on w ho recen tly re tire d from F ord ing in a fractu red neck," G ren ­ fro n t o f th e in stru m en t panel of cA d m iniatration o f S h ared o r tion. Council members (continued from page 1 ) •L ifelong Education. The th e road," Em ile P. G ren ier of M otor Co., is a long-tim e oppo­ ie r said in th e p a te n t applica­ an airbag-equipped car. Jo in tly A d m in istered D e­ council proposes th a t a D ean of th e establishment of an J contaminated with th e chemi­ A nn A rb o r said W ednesday in n e n t of m an d ato ry a irb a g sys­ tion. "This is much like stan d in g in p artm en ts and M ultidisciplin­ Lifelong E ducation be ap “ tion program to prov| cals included a practice room in an application to th e U.S. te m s in autom obiles. In 1975, he "This in vention ta k e s ad v an ­ fro n t o f a cannon, and in one a ry p ro g ram s. T h e re p o rt calls constant overview of „ 1 1 the MSU Music Practice pointed to o v ersee th e general p a te n t office. testified ag ain st such sy stem s ta g e of th is p o ten tially leth al ex p erim en t using a child du m ­ for th e nam ing o f an a ssista n t Programs at MSU. Building. By inflating an airb ag d ire ct­ b efore a congressional com m it­ c h aracteristic of th e a irb a g and my, o n e o f its arm s w as broken pro v o st to co o rd in ate d e "In this case, a chemical was ly u n d er a subject’s head, te e considering fed eral safety reinforces it by provision o f a off a n d throw n ac ro ss o u r p a rtm e n ts and u n its which a re put into the air which created an unbearable smell," he said. G renier said, "a force of 12,000 standards^ re s tra in t to be ap p lied to th e lab o rato ry ," he said. sh ared am ong tw o o r m ore TkTen Pound Fiddle Police believe th a t th e con­ necting link in th e chemical PRESENTS J|^ attacks is "music." All reported M A R C IA T U C K E R LARRYap; incidents of poisoning involved either children studying music a rt c u ra to r or music teachers. 10:00- 12:00 and 3:00 -5:00 McLellan com mented th a t F ilm s - s h o w n c o n tin u o u s ly . W o m e n in A r t . L a n y H anks HANKS the case "is alm ost too bizarre to believe" and com pared it to i s a s p le n d id an Alfred Hitchcock film. 1 :3 0 fo lk s in g e i from H I "The enormous d anger of this Panul discussion. "A usthutic and Political Issues in o u t W est who s in g s a ll k in d s o f A m erican has not been fully related. thu A rt World Today." • M . Tucker; to lk m u s ic . H e 's a ls o th e p rin c ip a l Potentially lethal chemicals Susanne Hilberry, o rt dealer; and Susanna Stephen­ je w ’s h a rp is t w ith th e F re s n o have been put in close proxi­ son, ceramist. P h ilh arm o n ic! mity of both children and 7 :3 0 adults," McLellan said. Police said none of th e poi­ locture. "Non-Mainstream A rt and the New $2.50 Museum." - M. Tucker sonings w ere fatal. OH College Hall in the MSUnion G r ill The elem ents used in th e Kresge Art CNtw Gallery, MSU poisonings included pow dered SPONSORED BY ASMUS WOMEN S STUDIES. DEPT. OF ART and liquid m ercury, lead, zinc, WOMEN S COUNCIL, VOX. MICHIGAN COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS. arsenic and sulfuric acid. “Several of th e people su b ­ O pen to the public r h a b esr h NAMESHUTmil SHUT t /' —I INFORMATION I U H M jected to these chemicals have had positive heavy m etal OPEN I PM Show. tests," McLellan added. a, iSrnnflBBnBwwr 1 :M 3:20 S:20 7:20 9:20 •m c i a l * The chemicals w ere intro­ duced in several ways, McLel- ♦ land explained. "These chemicals w ere put Wj lift M E L B RIn O O K S ♦ 4- A M N O U N C IM IN T into food, painted on lockers, spread through dusting and put Mid HIGH A N X IE T Y ♦ 4- into automobiles," he said. PGCMNBUtt A P » y o tio - C o m e d y / ^ \ m j: * ♦ RHA's New MCA! LATE SHOW FRI. t SAT. NIGHTS AT 11:40 PM * pffiPXMitm Now you to n Nave th * tamo m ottriol “ClNnNMIMK"*A DM *2.50 ♦ * Movie Program we provide the highly succeittul ttudents OPEN AT 12:45 PM * m ou' WCAT Preparation Course FEATURE AT 1:00 3:05 5:157:159:20 i A ll Courte M otenal (25 (include* Practice MCAT Proctice T ettt Pact Sheet* Beginning Spring Term 1978, RHA is imple-l MATINEESDAILY!! m enting a new film and video program ! P.'odice MCAT alone (10 * W n'e tor information Da NlyIM b ■sMtag which w ill result in a new admittance pro-1 MCAT Preparation Course ooKwwn uoja Muram ---------------- 4- cedure fo r a ll RHA film s. Residence Halls! Dept A 9600 Napoleon Way Gaithersburg Md 20760 (301)869-5171 r M d a M f lta Mi 9 yiar oMson. lucks It * * students -- if you have not received a re-1 * fund on RHA's *3.00 movie tax, sim ply! EUROPE ">CAR CASEY'S 4- present your U niversity ID to the cashier] RENT or BUY SHADOW * * and receive a tic k e t good fo r admission in-J to the film . OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS asl LOWEST PRICES v e-r W alter M atthau n * w e ll as facu lty and staff may purchase i n i FOR S TU D E N TS ,TE A C H E R S 4- d ivid u a l adm ission fo r *1.50 each, or EU RO PE B Y CAR E A e r i m f s s a n i 'i a * term pass good fo r a ll RHA film s during 45 Rockefeller Plaza INPQNMATION112Ml7 4- New York, N Y. 10020 Today open a* 7:00 PM ♦ Spring Term fo r ‘ 3.00. You must present 1 Phone (212) 581-3040 Feature a t 7:20 9:30 >'>«M 0TTI0 OOMNTOMi * U niversity ID to purchase the term pass] Mail this ad lor Special and also to en ter RHA film s. Term passes! Student/Teacher Tariff. □ RENTAL 3 LEASE □ PURCHASE I Academy Award ♦ * a re a va ila ble a t the RHA office, 338 Stu-] Nomination * * de nt Services, w eekdays from 1-4 p.m. and a t a ll RHA movies. JOHN TRAVOLTA * 4- The Black Sheep Best Actor Repertory of The Year Theatre CHEVR0L feed ka PRESENTS "to-$9$ 54-7(3) Bruce 071 Last Day . . . open A t 1:20 3:20 5:20 7:20 9 :2 * PM Cockbum Starts GRAYLADYOOWN 'pc With Special Guests The Fabulous Silvertones FRIDAY ••■MATINEE DAILY OPEN A T I 0 0 PM FEATURE A T 1 30 3:30 5 :3 0 7 :3 0 9:30 Fri.&Sat. . • . the film makes no compromises . . . Mar. 31-Apr. 1 happily, it has balance, sense & sen sitivity" SU SAN STARK FREE PRESS Shows at 8:15 & 10:30pm Friday shows: $5.00 Saturday shows: $5.50 Tickets available at Elderly Instruments o f call “ A HERO AIN’T NOTHIN’ 13330660 (313) 428-9287 fo r mail order details. Starring CICELY TYSON and Directions: Take 127 south PAUL WINFIELD to 1-94 east to 52 south, EARLY BIRD 5 to 5:30 PM *1.50 to 138 E. Main Street, Man­ ■gremlin chester, Michigan L o t* Show Fri 4 Sat 11:40 PM “CLOCKWOMORAKE't a d m >2.50 ^ FREE NEEDLE CHECK •n y i ’n f ) ( ) 1 1 ( : i 1 i j n 1; p in ■; { n Keep your new records sounding new: get your needle checked today! C H A K A KHAN/RUFUS Como in fo r a P N I I noo d le ch ock! N orm al n oo d le life i , plus e x t r a special p e s t s , HEATWAVE 500-1,000 hours of use. By v ie w in g yo u r stylus th ro u g h our new ‘ 2,000 m icroscope, o u r tra in e d audio specialists can te ll you w h a t condition yo ur n eedle is in. m e n t'n y° j . r S,ylUS d, ° ! S need roplacing. w e have hundreds of re p la c e ­ m ent needles in stock fro m »S .*5 . p MONDAY 17; A P R I L 8pm.MUNN I C E A R E N A 5 % 4/bU b as 245 ANN ST. 1.1. T I C K E T S "7 & 6 A V AILABLE : 6 (o n . bih. N. o f MSU) MSUnion Campus Corners II Sounds S D i v e r s i o n s Busy Bee Market U THE STATE iTE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS pH0W 355-8255 MON. IHRlTfRI. 8:00-5:00 Classified Advertising tS T J ! g r o w in g in s u r a n c e L ® « ](V ] Hoists I»s* SECRETARY, FULL TIME SPECIALTY COUNSELORS OFFICE NEEDS A SKILLED SUBLET SUMMER-Female mature and stable person. CAMP WAYNE-CO-ED, Ju­ TAKE OVER, June to June ROOM-CLOSE to campus. PHONE 155-tJM M T S h rfsn tS u re ic iy j SECRETARY ON a part-time to share one bedroom, fur­ PLAY GUITAR, banjo, fiddle, Shorthand, 90; typing, 65; ly/August. Penn. On campus lease for quiet 1-bedroom Nice house. Washer/dryer. posts. Advancement possibil­ nished $84/month. 139 mandolin, dulcimer, auto­ excellent English. Work with interviews April 4th for stu- apartment. Air, cable, utilities Deb, 353-0882. M-4(3> ities and fringe benefits. Send Woodmere. 332-2687. harp, harmonica-over 20 SATIS figures. Benefits. Apply 3303 ents and faculty who love included. $180/month 351- resume to: THE BANKERS S-&-4-4I3) group classes offered every South Cedar, Suite 11 working with children. Spe­ 5696. 3-3-31(5) EAST LANSING - Large DAYS I day - 90C p«r |tn# UFE 5030 Northwind Suite term by'ELDERLY INSTRU­ 393-0250. 7-4-617) cialists: all team sports, ten­ home on Grand River. Avail­ 3d o y .. toe per |(n. 206, East Lansing, 48823 FEMALE FOR 4 person, 2 3 331191 ' nis, gymnastics, swimming SUBLET NOW through Sept­ able immediately. No pets. MENTS SCHOOL OF FOLK bedroom. Spring. $90/ tM J IN * d o y i. 7SC p . , |)n# TENNIS PROS and Assistant IW.S.I.I small craft, water ski. ember, 1 bedroom apart­ Phone CLAUCHERTY MUSIC. Spring term clasees month. 351-3174. 2-3-30(31 Idoys*70Cp«rMn« Pros-Seasonal and year- fine arts, guitar, yoga, camp­ ment. Utilities included $200/ REALTY 351-5300. 18 weeks) start April 10. I1.SS B M ittt STUDENT HUSBAND/wife round clubs; good playing month. Evenings 351-3881. 0-3-3-31(5) Register now at ELDERLY ing and nature. Sign up for lin e rot* per Initrllon team to manage Et maintain 30 unit sutdent apartment and teaching background. interview at Placement Office CHALET APARTMENTS 8-4-7(4) INSTRUMENTS 541 Grand River. Call 332-4331. E. IM S N ext to compus, spacious building. One bedroom apart­ Call 1-301-654-3770, or send 2 complete resumes and 2 pic­ in Student Services Bldg. Can write for application, 12 tw o bedroom apartments, 2 BEDROOM, furnished Rooms M -3 - 3 ln 3 ) _ ment living quarters. Main­ furnished, a ir conditioned $69.50/month. 2 roommates tures to: COL. R, Reade, Allevard St., Lido Beach NY SPECTRO ACOUSTICS EtonoUnos ■ 3 l i n « - '4,00 • 5 doys. 80' per line over tenance experience required. wanted. Available immediate­ W.T.S., 8401 Connecticut 11561. X1-3-30I15I S u m m e r fro m *165 MALE NEEDED, four bed­ P-101 Preamp/Equalizer, 3 lin n . No odjustm ont in role when concelled 351-221T, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon­ ly 349-1948. 3-3-31(3) Avenue, Suite 1011, Chevy room house, furnished, $90/ $170. Sennheiser 424 head­ day through Friday. 8-4-7181 Fall fro m *384 Price of ltom (l) m u lt bo stated in ad Maximum Chase, MO, 20015. month plus utilities. $50 de­ phones, $45. Both like new. sole price of *50. WAITRESSES AND Waiters 2-2-3-30(10) For Root N o w re n tin g . O p e n 3-6 NOW LEASING posit. 2 miles from campus. Mark 332-1437. X3-4-3I4I * rsoiwl ads • 3 linos . *2.25 ■ per insertion. M o n d a y th ru F rid a y . 351-9269 evenings, days 355- 75' per line ovor 3 lines (prepayment). needed between 10 a.m.-2 PART-TIME light delivery Water* Edge 0192, 8-4-716) CUSTOM SANDALS. Hand­ ■emmafo/Garofo Sole eds ■ 4 lines *2.50 a.m. Different shifts available. help wanted. Must have de­ 3 3 2 *6 1 9 7 made from a drawing of your 63' per lino ovor 4 l in n ■p er insertion Floormen, 4-8 p.m., 2 days a pendable car. $3/hour plus REFRIGERATOR, STEREO, EFFICIENCY TO Sublet. On Apts. MALE, OWN room, cooking, feet. $2 off with this ad. 220 week or 7-2:30 a.m. Short- TV rentals. Free delivery on/ C3f expense. Phone between laundry. Close to campus. Albert Street Monday-Satur- found Town ads • 4 l in n • '2.50 - per insertion order cook- afternoons and off campus. 372-1795. busline in East Lansing, call 332-4432 9 a.m. & 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. Et 5 676-1822 or 676-4560. Call 351-7119 after 6 p.m. day, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 12-4-14(61 63'per lino ovor 4 lines, nights. We are an Equal 0-3-31 (3)_ p.m. for an appointment. 84-7(3) tost I Pounds ods/Tronsportotion ods ■3 lines • ‘ 1.5 0 . Opportunity Employer. Apply 8-4-7(31 124 CEDAR ST. East Lan­ 694-7947. 8-4-10(7) PILLOW TALK has furniture sing. 2-man 1 bedroom, fur­ "JIM M Y BUFFETT" record per Insertion. 30* p er line over 3 lines after 2 p.m. - SILVER DOL­ 417 GROVE, 2 furnished for rent, w ith option to buy. nished apartments. Heat in­ special of the week. LAR SALOON. 3411 East 3 STORY, tw o bedroom de­ rooms, 70 & 79 plus, nice PART-TIME positions for Frandor. 351-1767. cluded $195/month. Year MARSHALL MUSIC, East Michigan, Lansing. 8-4-7(10) luxe townhouses available house, 1 block to campus MSU students. 15-20 hours/ 0-2-3-31(3) leases only. June 15 or Lansing. C-1 -3-10(3) fall, year lease, $295. Deadlines week. Automobile required. 351-0359, leave message. September 1. 129 Burcham 353-4848. X3-4-3I4) GAME ROOM personnel. ATTENTION SKIERS. End of Ms 2 p.m. - 1 class doy before publication Phone 339-9500. C-3-3-3K4) 5-4-4(4) Dr. Efficiency. $160/month. Young ladies preferred. Good SUNNY ROOM in house, 3 season special - AREO REN­ Concellotion/Chongo ■ I p.m. . 1 class day before publication. pay, benefits, and pleasant GIRL WANTED with hospital FOR HINT CEDAR V IL L A O I Damage deposit required. 6 p m. - 10 p.m. 882-2316. blocks to MSU on Abbott TALS is selling its rental skis. working conditions. Excellent •Sterns, M ilib ita s , TV’s Road, parking available, fur­ Cross-country package positions for students. Full experience in private home, 8 0-3-3 31(9) Once od is o rdered it connot bo concelled or chonqed a.m.-noon. No weekends or •FrttiilinfTNfillnqn A P A R TM E N TS nished, available immediate­ $89.95. Downhill package until offer 1st insertion. 3rd part time. Apply in ly, $98/month, worth every $99.95. 339-9523. 7-4-716) holidays. One patient. Now leasing EAST LANSING - Now leas­ There is o '1.00 ch arg e for 1 ad change p| us 50' pef person only. CINEMA X, 1000 cent, early evening 353-4815 odditionol chonge lo r moximum ol 3 changes W. Jolly Road. 0-3-3-31(71 332-5176. X I-3-30(4) 372-17951 fo r fa ll and summer ing. Houses, duplexes and 5-4-5(6) BOOKS VISIT mid-Michi­ rooms. Available for summer The Stole News will only b e responsible lor the 1st BOCUE of RED CEDAR and/or fall. Call STE-MAR gan's largest used bookshop. TAXI DRIVERS wanted. BUSPERSONS NEEDED: 351-5180 MANAGEMENT 351-5510. ROOM IN house near cam­ CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 doy s incorrect insertion. Adjustmenl claims must Must have excellent driving meals in exchange for light OWN ROOM in 2 bedroom 8-4-716) pus. Prefer graduate or pro­ E. Grand River. East Lansing. be mode within to d a y s ol expiration dole record. Apply VARSITY fessional. Call after 6 p.m bus duties. Call 332-5039, ask (ills ore due 7 doys from ad expiration dote If not CAB. 332-3559. 8-4-7141 for Jay Williams. Z-5-4-5{4) [ Apartments j l f ^ j apartment. Call 337-0237. 8-4-7(31 337-1495. 3-4-3(51 332-0112. 2-3-31(5) paid by due dote, 0 50' late service chorge will Now leasing INSTANT CASH. We're pay­ be due. ACCOUNTANT • LOCAL NORTH CLEMENS, fur­ FULL AND part-time jobs 605 S. HAYFORD 3 bedroom NEEDED IMMEDIATELY - for summer and ing $1-2 for albums in good company with multi-branch available. Excellent earnings. female, non-smoker to share nished, female, all house shape WAZOO RECORDS, locations has immediate Call 374-6328 between 4-6 apartment. Women student spacious one bedroom at 731 fall privileges Near bus. Drive­ 233 Abbott, 337-0947 want to share apartment. way parking. 487 6390. openings for shirt sleeve p.m. 8 4 10(4) C 3 31(4) accountant in fast-moving Utilities paid. Call 393-8541 Burcham. Rent nego*iab!e. Capitol Villa 8-4 10(4) Aitomotive [ Automotive lit # environment. Opportunity for WANTED TUTOR Stat 969B after 3 p.m. 5-4-414) Phone 337-0419. 5-4-5(41 Apartments 100 USED VACUUM clean­ advancement. Primary re­ Gentle Patient, flexible ar­ ROOM WITH cooking privi­ ers. Tanks cannisters, and SUBLEASE 2 bedroom apart­ 1*5 O ffic e h o u rs leges. Phone and TV Non­ | AUDI FOX Wagon 1975. PONTIAC LEMANS Sport quirements are knowledge of rangements, 353 9361. ment. Close to Union Spring uprights. Guaranteed on full I Automatic. AM/FM, 31,000 Coup, 1974. Power/steering/ accounting & collection pro­ 3-4 3(3) UNIVERSITY VILLA & summer 351-4371. 3 3 2 -5 3 3 0 smoking male. evenings. 3-3-31(3) 332-4076 year $7.88 and up DENNIS vies, excellent, $3700. brakes, air, AM /FM stereo. cedures. ability to handle SUMMERS FALL 8-4-10(3) DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. <84-5056. 8-4-10(3) $2300 or best offer. 339-3003 detail work and follow up and LEGAL SECRETARY- East FEMALE NEEDED TO 316 North Cedar, opposite 5-4-4-14) willingness to give an extra Lansing; experience neces­ LEASIN6 NEW APARTMENT close to SHARE apartment. Pleasant FEMALE NEEDED to share City Market. C-2-3-3117) house with three others. BMW 2002, 1970. Excellent effort to get the job done. BA degree preferred but not sary. Good benefits, available immediately. Call 351-6200. 3 5 1 -3 8 7 3 campus. Must rent 351-7654 anytime. 7-4-6(3) location, convenient, bus ser­ vice. 349-1669. 3-3-31(31 Close to campus. Own bed­ SEWING MACHINES, slight­ condition throughout. Must TRIUMPH TR-7 1977 5 speed ted. $1500, negotiable. 355- 20,000 miles, $5500 firm, call necessary. Salary and bene­ 8-4-10(5) 3 5 1 -8 1 3 5 room, laundry, garage. Pets ly used. Re-conditioned, 3739 3-3-31(4) Marie, 323-7334; after 6 p.m. fits commensurate with ex­ Beechwood Houses £ okay. 655-3417. 5-4-4(51 $87 50/month. guaranteed $39.96 and up. 373-0177. 3-4-313) perience. 321-8000. TRAVEL! FOREIGN SHIPS! OWN ROOM in duplex. Close EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING CADILLAC SEDAN DeVille Very good running, VW SUPER Beetle 1975. 3 3-31(15) GOOD PAY! No experience. Men/women. Stamped long to campus. $62 plus utilities. Call Dianne 351-5377. Apartments OWN ROOM in brand new duplex. Near campus. Grad­ TOTALLY RENOVATED CO. 115 N. Washington. 489- 6446. C-.i t-31(5l 5 blocks to MSU house. Rooms $80 to $115. dean, full power. $695. Radial tires, sunroof, AM /FM DENTAL RECEPTIONIST-ex- envelope. GLOBETROTTER, 3-3-31(3) uate student or professional Kitchen, fireplace, screened stereo, rear window defog- perienced or assisting back­ Box 1266-C4, Kansas City, L a rg e 2 b e d ro o m - WE PAY up to $2 for LPs Et €2 5818 or 482-9916. person preferred. Sublease porch. 1 block from campus. NEED PERSON to share 2 cassettes - also buying 45s, C-3-3-3K4) ger, fuel injection. After 6 ground preferred. 485-7123 MO 64161. B-1-3-30(5) fu rn is h e d through September 15. 355- 351-4484 or 332-8175. 5-4-4(41 bedroom apartment, own songbooks, magazines. FLAT p.m. 339-8382. 8-4-10(6) S p e c ia l s u m m e r ra te s 0200.^-3-30(5) 54-4/4 >_ _ CAPRI 2000 1972. 4-speed. BUSBOY WANTED. Mon­ room, phone, TV, $135 cov­ BLACK & CIRCULAR. Up­ ' 8-track, radial tires. Good HALL SUPERVISORS-East day-Friday. Apply in person, ers all. 351-7646. 3-3-31(3) 2 bedroom units *160 MSU FIVE blocks Furnished EAST LANSING, share du­ stairs 541 E. Grand River. VOLKSWAGEN 1969. De­ condition. 337-7191. 8-4-7(3) Lansing High School. Full HUDDLE NORTH LOUNGE, house for five males. Avail­ plex. Furnished room. Park­ Open 11 a.m., 351-0838 pendable city car. Asking N o w le a s in g fo r time and part time. Apply in 309 N. Washington, Lansing. NEAR LCC-2 bedrooms able June 15th. 12 month ing, bus. $110. 374-6366. C-2-3-3K6) $495. Call before 11 a.m. f a ll as lo w as CHEAP TRANSPORTA- person, Personnel Office 8-4-10(4) $200/month including utili­ lease. Dial 332-4076 after 6 0-84-7(3) O W ( 3 l _ --------------------- SOLEX MOTOR 627-6767. 4 4-3(3) bike Model ; DON. $200 or best offer. EAST LANSING PUBLIC ties. 487-5624 after 5 p.m.; *260 p.m. 3-3-31(5) OWN ROOM in house. Cam­ 3800. 100 mpg. In excellent ’966 Dodge Monaco. Power steering/brakes. 332-1842. VOLKSWAGEN 1965, Fast- SCHOOLS 509 Burcham Drive 8-4-717) STUDENTS-$2.65 an hour, 372-8165 anytime. 8-4-7(41 3 3 2 -0 0 5 2 GARDEN COTTAGES, cute pus 1 % blocks. Great room­ shape, $200. Phone 482-5818 back. Automatic. Overhauled part-time evenings at our mates. $90/month plus util­ or 482-9916. C-3-3-3K3) 54414) MALE FOR 2 man apartment. furnished one-bedroom cot­ 1977. $300/best offer. West Mount Hope branch ities. 337-2286. 3-3-3114) CHEVROLET 1974 Monte 332-1465. 8 4-7(3) BABYSITTER-5 days weekly 5 hours daily. One toddler. ticket sales - call 485-8820. HASLETTARMS Across street from campus. $60 month. Al 355-2446. tage on wide lawns. 4 blocks MSU. $200 including utilities. DISCO SYSTEMS rented Carlo. Tan with black vinyl Phone 355-8007. 5-4 4(3) 3 4 3(5) SUMMER & FALL Z 3-3-31(3) 337-7111 5-9 p.m. Today's best buys are in the and sold. Super sound. Rea­ sonable prices. 332-8050. wf and interior, air, AM /FM , power steering/brakes, low [ Motorcycles l condition. $2500. 15 inch. Mounted free. Also 3 3-31(12) 351-7299 after 4 p.m. ONE BLOCK north of Beal 2 BEDROOM duplex, sum guitars, banjos, mandolins, 182-3567 before 4 p .m . good supply o f snow tires. 1 3 30(5) entrance. BEAL STREET LEGAL SECRETARY. Full mer or 12 month lease. Mile etc. Dulcimers and kits, re­ APPLE CRATES - ideal for 847(31 PENNELL SALES. 1301% APARTMENTS, 208 Beal St. time. Legal and dictaphone NEED PERSONS to sublease to campus. After 5 p.m. corders, strings, accessories, album storage, books, etc. East Kalamazoo, Lansing, TYPIST- CLERICAL • noon-2 Furnished 2 bedroom, 2 per­ 3 person apartment in June. $2.75 each. WAZOO experience a must. Call 374- 337 0240. X8 4 10(3) books, thousands of hard- ^80 LTD 1974. Excellent 482-5818. C3-3-31I5) p.m. $2.65/hour. 337-7234. son apartments, $220/heat 8890. 8-4-714) Furnished, close to campus, to find albums, (all at very RECORDS 223 Abbott. -NIP*, sunroof, air, rear do­ 2-3-31(3) included. Year lease, no pets, TEN MINUTES to campus. 3 $ 180/month. 332-1312. low prices). Private and 84-7(4) te*. power everything, must MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. one parking space. Call 6 or 4 students. $400/month 84-7(4) group lessons on guitar, ban­ (2800. Days 353-8608, Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto BABYSITTER: PART TIME TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, p.m.-9 p.m. or leave message utilities paid. Call Pat days. Near Hagadorn, 351- jo, mandolin, all styles. Gift ¥ 8 393-9768. 3-3-31151 painting-collision service part time 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Salary before 6 p.m. 669-3654. FEMALE ROOMMATE need­ 371-2800. Evenings 484-6403. 4740. Reliable. 5-4-413) certificates. Expert repairs American-foreign cars. 485 plus bonus. EASTLAWN 5-4-5(10) ed spring term. Capitol Villa 8 4 7 (5 ) free estimates ELDERLY A T T IN T IO N fOND LTD WAGON, 1974. 0256. C-3-3 31(4) MEMORY GARDENS. Apartments. Immediate oc ^pow e t, air, automatic, CHILD CARE worker - Part- NEEDED 4 to share 5 man INSTRUMENTS 541 East OOLPIRS 349-9156. 8-4-10(5) FURNISHED, 2 man, 2 bed­ cupancy. Call 332-8801 after Grand River. 332-4331. S j j way door. $2,000. time. Duties include recrea­ 4 p.m. S-5-4 4(4) house. Fenced backyard. TIN N IS PLAYIRSj JUNK CARS wanted. Also room. Sublease Summer. 03-3-31(13) *1-3823 evenings. tion supervision and tutoring Pets. 332-8700. 84-7(3) selling used parts. Phone MESSENGER NEEDED im­ $183/month. Call after 6 p.m. •■10+11151 emotionally impaired child­ mediately. Must be student 6r 351-7388. Beal St. 8-4-10(3) EFFICIENCY IMMEDIATE anytime. 321-3651. NEW DUPLEX 3 bedrooms, ren. Hours per week to be occupancy, $185. BUR­ TEN SPEED bike-23 inch, 27 C-3-3-3113) have excellent running car. fireplace, bath & % No pets. arranged. Send resume to pounds. Sun Tour GT com­ 6REMLIN '77 Automatic Hours 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. NEEDED - FEMALE room­ CHAM WOODS 745 Bur­ box A-1 State News. 7-4-6(81 Lease $450. 669-3719: ponents. $75. Steve, 351- M s. I"*?<)n. AM radio, radi- GUARANTEED REBUILT Monday-Friday. Call Sharon mate for summer term in cham. 351-3118. 0-3-3-31(3) 484-2700. 54-4(3) 5377. E-5-/l 4(4) I . 35 Great mileage, excel- starters generators and alter­ at State News, Display Adv. TWYCKINGHAM apart­ ROOM AND board given in 353-6400. 2-3-3116) ments. Own room. 332-4777. MALE ROOMMATE wanted “ ndition $2900, Call nators for your foreign car. 7' 68. 8-4-715) exchange for 20 hours a week for 4 man apartment. $79/ CHEQUERED FLAG FOR 8-4-10(4) EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East of secretarial duties. Hours are 5-9 p.m., Monday-Friday, SPARE TIME management people needed immediately 1 OR 2 males needed, 4 man. month. 349-5930. 84-7(3) NOW LEASING FOR |® PICKUP 1962. Com- Kalamazoo St. 487-5055, one ' rebuilt, good shape. mile west of campus. ST. VINCENT HOME FOR CHILDREN, 2800 West W il­ for super exciting, fast grow­ ing business, DAY & ASSO­ Spring. $67.50. Dishwasher, swimming pool. 349-2609. EAST LANSING. Spacious 3 bedroom apartment. Campus SUMMER AND FALL C-2-3-3116) close. April-August. 332*5482 *+7^ eveninga. low. Call 323-4734 for partic­ CIATES, 323-4084. 7-4-6(5) 2 3-31(3) ulars. 5-4-418) after 5 p.m. 3-3-31(4) )®TANG 1969 runs well. Employment jf WANTED. BUSBOYS, dish­ condition. $500. Must washers Part-time, full time. New Lea*lag D o n 't s ig n a le a s e u n til Across from "■ (•all 353-4136. 8-4-7131 Apply in person, MR. y o u ’ve se e n W illiams Hall RELIABLE BABYSITTER to care for 1 year old and do STEAK, Okemos, 2287 Grand for Summer 197$ G «lf Rule S ooki 50' River, no experience neces­ JOIN the gong at j^A 1972 $940 w ith snow light housekeeping. Week­ sary. 8-4-7I6) and Fall MARIGOLD APARTMENTS —2 bedroom units THEY W ENT NEW AND USED “ "d fio n . Please ■356-6344. 54-4131 days 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Near MSU. 353-4364. 3-3-31(5) FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. 1 8 2 b e d ro o m —various flo o r p la n t Burcham Woods T H A T -A -W A Y . . .TO GOLF CLUBS AVAILASIE M arigold and Harrison —a ir conditioned Now leasing fo r Fall C O L L IN G W O O D A ll tennis $6/hour. No training neces- fu rn is h e d a p a rtm e n ts —furnished * Heated pool RESIDENT MANAGER M rv. Call 489 2278. (opposita Shaw Lana) A P T S !! rockets — ^ CUTLASS 1969. Ex- —carpeted * A ir conditioning I miles, 1 own- couple for East Lansing prop Z 23 4 28I3) CEDARVIEW —best location in tow n ‘ Tennis courts 11% off 1* 332-0739 after 5 erty. Duties include main­ * A ir co n d itio n ed NORWOOD •Largo on# bedroom ‘ A m ple parking t P* 8-4-10(3) tenance of building and leas­ Top grade FEMALE MASSEUSE want­ apartm ent as lo w as ‘ Nicoly furnished * d is h w a s h e r ing. Work schedule is flexible ed $8/hour. We will train. RIVERSIDE •C om plotoly furnished ‘ 5 Blks. to campus * s h a g c a r p e tin g tennis bolls around most classes. Inquire 489 2278. Z 23 4-28(3) 'Shag Carpatlng *160 p e r m o n th 9 months 1 bedroom '1 .4 * | l 0 RUNABOUT, 1973. at 332-3900 days. 0-3-3-31(71 * u n lim ite d p a rk in g Appliances and A ir Cond. Well; ec°nomical. call 351-5647 UN IVM SITY *230 * p lu sh fu rn itu re H 1Wl- 6552080. 3-3-31(31 •W a pay w a ter and hoot COUNSELORS, MICHIGAN Summer UNIFORMED SECURITY of fo r rates and TIR R A C E * m o d el o p en d a ily LARRY CUSHION ficers. C.J. majors. Call Boys' Camp, June 20-August 2 bedroom 'ISO 641-4562. 0 3 3-31(3) 12. Positions open: archery, leases For appointment call 1 bedroom *190 SPORTING GOODS I CONVERTIBLE 414 Michigan rillery, crafts, waterfront. 351-8764 3 3 7 -7 3 2 8 studios *199 Call 351-6282 3020 VINE STREET Hoi wiles, cruise SECRETARY, BOOKKEEP­ Write, giving background/ 1390 E. Grand River 332-5420 745 Bure horn (behind Rollerworld 1 block N. o f Mich. Avo Power windows, J/FM. experience, Flying Eagle, R rV, Showroom condi- ER, for a small consulting 1401 N. Eairview, Lansing 1*5 p.m . Office hours Call 3-6 p.m. 351-3118 on the river I) JUST WEST OF SEARS S ir* 0-4-4-316) v^ER FE LT s ta ir firm. Experience preferred. 332-0841. 5 4-4(5] 48912. 8 4 7(91 Summer Leases *150 Coll fro m I -4 p.m . PH. 332*1467 Fir S ill List t F ill!
  • ena of the world "J one black, one black/white. 3 C-2-3-3K3) X r „ nceds° t t M ANN BROWN TY P IF 3 Dis­ visited on his firs t tr ip to Latin lim itations and to speak to each males 2 tigers b one black/ white. Also orange/white EUROPE sertations - resumes - term KARUBONOPF A m erica a s p resid en t. o th e r frankly and w ith under- male, 7 months old, affec­ Instructions papers. 601 Abbott Road, North entrance, 351-7221. TOIMAY, AMIL 111 Brazil h as canceled m ilitary stan d in g .” Tl>e president tionate. Call 393-1794 any­ '1 1 ag ree m en ts w ith th e U nited C-3-3-3K4) Then, re ferrin g to th e danger statem ent in a major a'd3 time. S-3-3-3116) (8 0 0 ) 3 2 5 -4 8 6 7 Jenison Field House JUMPING AND DRESSAGE S ta te s because o f C a rte r's h u ­ Venezuela's nations, j TYPING TERM Papers and of nuclear w eaponry, th e p resi­ There's som sih in g fo r every­ lessons. Hunt seat equitation m an rig h ts cru sad e. A nd th e transportation available for theses, I.B.M. experienced, Plenty o f good seats s till d en t declared: “Both our na­ one in today's Classified Ads. Brazilian m ilitary g o v ern m en t t e n !,°r a » « Thursday evening classes. fast service. Call 351-8923. a v o ilo b le a t Sounds and tions a re tu rn in g to nuclear Check them o u t fo r super has said it will go ah ead w ith Perez re Th visiting re z . The -Carlosm BORED ADULTS • There is WILLOWPOND STABLES C-8-3-10(3) p ow er as one of th e an sw ers to buys. Diversions and the MSU | th e p u rch ase o f a nuclear no such thing as no one for 3301 Harper, Mason. o u r en e rg y problem s, and we w ants Perez to hold d3 you. Thousands found happi­ 676-9799. 8-4-7(5) PROMPT TYPING twelve Union. processing p la n t from W est Pnces. Venezuela i s th1 both believe th a t peaceful use Mobile Homes w ness through computer dat­ years experience. Evenings - G erm any d e sp ite A m erican ex­ of atom ic pow er is not incom- largest suppher „f oil* ing. Call 393-7000 and Sandy 675-7544. C-8-3-1013) U nited States. KING ARTHUR'S COURT- w ill show you how to start [ Typin Servict | | ^ j COPYGRAPH SERVICE. THE LANSING CIVIC PLAY- price reduced - 2 bedroom enjoying life. 10-4-11(7) Complete dissertation and ERS presents William Inge's mobile home in mint condi­ tion. Call Gloria Pocock, 349- 3118 MOORE/JENSEN EXPERIENCED. IBM typing. Dissertations, (pica-elite) resume service. Corner MAC and Grand River. 8:30 am- "T he Dark at the Top o f the Stairs," curtain 8 p.m., March Sen. Nelson’s loan inquiry cancel! ASSOCIATES, INC. 351- Recreation j j | j FAYANN, 489-0358. 5:20 pm Monday-Friday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. 337- 31, April 1,7, and 8. Reserved seats $3, students and Senior (continued from page 1) 3900. 2-3-30(6) C-3-3-3K3) would p ro b e w h e th e r N elson's 1666. C-3-3-3K6) Citizens $2. Partington Cen­ a political sm e a r” b ecause th e eventually convinced h j actions reg ard in g th e dog- Today's best buys are in the LOW COST flights to Europe FEMALE NEEDS female ter Auditorium, corner of Republican knew th e law b e t­ racin g bill w ere a conflict of racing legislation was til and Israel. Call Aviva, 9 am to roommate, preferably medi­ TYPING, EXPERIENCED, Chestnut and Kalamazoo, tion to the slump a fte ] te r. Classified section. Find what 7 p.m. N.Y. time. 1-800- cal student. Immediate. Call fast and reasonable, 371- Lansing. Reservations 484- in te re s t. ' you're looking fori “A s ch airm an of th e Michigan alternatives proved w o rl 223-7676. Z-3-3-3H3) days 394-5210. 8-4-10(4) 4635. C-3-3-3113) 9115 or 484-9191. 1-3-30(12) Nelson said he would not R epublican P a r ty , M r. Mc­ com m ent on th e d etails su r­ News reports, from a_ Laughlin know s th e cam paign ro unding th e loan until th e finance act an d its provisions," ymous “friend" who pee] com m ittee m akes its rep o rt. loan at $5,000, claim] he said. Also in his s ta te m e n t. Nelson The State News Yellow Page “If he serio u sly believed th a t I am gu ilty o f a violation o f th e cam paign finance act, why said economic conditions in the s ta te for th e p a st few y ea rs Nelson associate said tH was unrelated to the do legislation. J d id n 't he file a com plaint w ith a BUSINESS - SERVICEl signed verification statem e n t? W hy did he choose a p re ss release?" N elson asked. Bill Handler,' ad m in istra tiv e Drop-and-adds a s s is ta n t to S en ate M ajority (continued from page 1) L e ad er W illiam F a u st, w ho ia N atu ral Science d ep artm en t. B ut this term , the simplified I DIRECTORY ch airp erso n of th e L egislative is being ex ten d ed to drops and adds in the ATL deturtm J o in t Conflict of I n te re s t Com­ said. m itte e, said his boss told him Some 22,000 stu d e n ts a re expected to go through the 1 W ednesday m orning th e com ­ Science and A TL drop-and-add process, Weinshank said. l | m itte e would convene some- to accom odate th e se stu d en ts, six term inals will be set i C om puter C en ter from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and from 8 tim e a f te r th e le g islatu re r e ­ p.m. F rid ay , M onday and Tuesday. TMVEI CHILDREII’S SHOES OPTOMETRIST JEWELRY tu rn s M onday. H andler said th e com m ittee U n d er th e new system , a stu d e n t wishing to drop, add or I th e section of a class in th e N atu ral Science o r ATL depart I DI RN CO-OPTICAL THE COMPLETE goes directly to th e d ep a rtm en t. W ithin seconds an operate! th e stu d e n t’s d esired change into a com puter, and the cl] WEDDING SERVICE Changes simplify A IR - R A IL lOWTH SERVICES flashed on th e term in al screen. S tu d e n ts a r e ask ed to reco rd th e specific information tm T O U R * - C R U IS E S ( l a a t l a w b f ' i Only JEWELRY: Diam ond* & by th e com p u ter on a form. T he form is th e only piece ol h o t e l r e s e r v a t io n s YOUR CHILDREN’S SHOE STORE Com parative Optical) W edding r in g t b y spring registration involved in th e tran sactio n and is k ep t by the students i C0UECE TRAVEL IN FRANDOR Or J R N ixon O p to m o tn tt p I rv p o U irilb . O range B lo tto m A r t C arved reco rd of th e change. Infanu and ChMftr’i SHOES (continued from page 1) OFFICE * W id th s B - E E E • m s EXAMINED planned. K ing said. B ut th e In addition ,to providing a quicker, m ore accurate service! s tu d e n ts, th e sy stem is able to supply the instructor m 130 W. Grand River * O r th o p e d ic S h u n • GLASSES sy stem did reo p en a t 12:40 p.m. up-to-date class list by th e six th d ay of classes, Weinshank! East Lansing * T a p a n d B a lle t • CONTACT LENS on both d ay s of re g u la r reg is­ * P .F . F ly e r * JEWELRY "In th e p ast, it’s ta k en up to six w eeks (to get a class lif 351-6010 * C o w bo y B o o ts 13) 1 1. G ran d R iv a r 337-1314 tra tio n and th e usual conges­ said. Tim G o ttleb er, g rad u ate stu d en t in computer-aj * H o u ie S lip p e r s I r a a k fW d M a x* 3 )9 E. G ra nd River tion w as cleared in 10 m inutes, in stru ctio n an d a u th o r of th e program , said spring] THE TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS ________ 361-4247 351 - S 330 E. Loosing, M ichigan he said. drop-and-add process i9 a p articularly critical phase BARBER TOBACCOHIST HEALTH FOOD F u r th e r im p ro v em en ts will be im plem ented in th e future, program . T h e pro g ram h as been im proved from last term, Gottleba. K ing said, including a s tre n g th ­ " Its been sp eed ed up, cleaned up and made more efficiefl N O W H IA R T H IS F R O M T H I T O P UNION H IN O I A T T N I S T O R I W IT H T N I 19% DISCOUNT ened reg istratio n -b y -m ail p ro ­ said. f cess for various " s tu d e n t sub­ G o ttleb er has been w orking on th e computerized drop-al to o il MSU BUILDING R ID DOOR! students s e ts .” T he process is alread y program for ab o u t 15 m onths, he said. He has devoted the 1 BARBER •C igaretU bV W * h*v* ta • * " * ’ on purchoaea o f $2 used by som e g ra d u a te s tu ­ w eeks w orking on th e changes for sp rin g term registratiol d en ts and education m ajors. SHOP S herm an - D u n h ill • Sobraine o r m ore, yogurfs “This tim e will m ake it o r break it. But like any! •P ip es b y SavineU i "T he process is going ex p erim en t, if it breaks, w e will re-evaluate," he said. | RK Products ond b reads excluded th ro u g h an evolution, n o t a " It (th e com puterized system ) is so much better. If it WARNING *21 Red Door pipe tobacco blends Donnon Yogurt 31' revolution," K ing said. •Layer Cuts tim e, a lot o f people will be clam oring for it,” he said. Tbo 8w|«m Goaorol k u 4aUraia«d tkat cigarette Making ia daagcraaa ta r u r * Latest Styling 'Woman's Haircuts haahk. RANDALL HEALTH FOOD 8 - 5:30 Mon. - Fri. | P ^ ^ | Brookllold Plaza 355-3359 332-4269 CertnjcieLL a' 1S h o t 1361 E. Grand Rivar 332-6692 CATERING SERVICE DICYCLE SHOP FURNITURE AUTO SERVICE MSUUNION ACMI BMeiMe CO. SPARTAN Announcements for It's W hat's The Renaissance Dance Associ- Student counselors i IB K Y C U a M W / M ottresse* 6 Box Springs Happening must be received in the CATERING MUFFLER CENTER ation holds its first class o f the help students adjust to collegl aaruuHHual! mode here in Loosing State News office, 343 Student new term at 8:30 tonight, Union if interested and have a 2.51 wo Location* Now! 'BRAKES Services Bldg., by noon at least Tower Room. COme to 26 Student Services! “Catering S p e c ia lists’ TWIN •5 4 .e s OVER 4 QUALITY BIKES Buy now 4 tova on oil m odoli 4 11 ’ SHOCKS tw o class days before publication. No announcements w ill be accept­ *W edding Reception* Fort* 6 A c c o u o rio t (tir#«. tuba* a)'.), DOUBLE • M . t S 'FRONT EDO WORK ed by phone. ‘ Breakfasts, Lunch­ Guaranteed Reparing g Storage Feminist Self Defense/K eons, Dinners M AlilG H • COLUMBIA 30% "Five Great American Printers Association announces 10 | MOT O i l CAN! • FUCM Odd sizai to order ‘ Bor Set-ups Agronomy Club meets at 7 from East Lansing" is now show- women's self defense class b ‘ Take-out Service "Quality 10 tp e e d i o f raoionokla STUDENT DISCOUNT ing at the Union Gallery this week njng from jq a.m. to price*" (oil oaiomMod t checked out) tonight in 301 Agriculture Hall. 'M e e tin g Rooms and 4972Nortliwifld Dr. ON ALL WORK Crop and Soil Science majors be and next. Saturday, 336 Union. Equipment sure to be there. ( l i t lig h t E. at Hog adorn e tf Or. River)' WITH I.D. J o i f : 337-0341 S. l a m : 404-0363 405 Cherry 6 Kalamazoo 35S-3465 717 S. PENNSYLVANIA Petitions! If you have thenj Phone 487-499S Sadako Ogata, minister. Per­ ________ 467-9332 manent Mission o f Japan to the Find out what dynamic karate is ne®d them (Public Safety) J HAIR SALON INTERIORS STUDENT FURNITURE PHOTOGRAPHY U.N. w ill speak on "Japanese- American Relations" at 4 today in all about at a demonstration at 7 R e t u r n to Women s C°urM tonight, Men's IM Building. today, 340 Student ervi ^ Reiidentlol 201 International Center. Show your support for J 6 Commercial Come join the Single People for men's safety on campus. Cor! v il ia m : □ Human Community at 8 p.m. Friday in the Bailey Pump House, MSU Paddleball/Racquetball open session, Board of Trustee Club meets at 7 p.m. Monday, 203 7:30 tonight, fourth floor, Aq 300 block o f Orchard Street. Men's IM Bldg. istration Bldg. iC t f Photography In s ta n t C o lo r a n d B la c k Spring is a great time to volunteer at Michigan School for TF FURNITURE FOR RENT a n d W h ite : the Blind. New volunteer orienta­ Phone 349-0430 CUSTOM MADE PILLOWS IN ALL tion w ill he held at 7 p.m. on April 7 in 10f A Berkey Hall. UNIVERSITY STUDY 4663 Ardm ore COLORS A N D SIZES 351-1747 2 f o r *9.50 Interested in earning university credits Okemos, Michigan 48864 1616 E. Mich. Ave., Uniing Frandor B prtiits Volunteer opportunities avail­ while exploring a new land In e l Hi PH (517) 469-2508 able v/orking in inpatient psychia­ aspects? Why not coiuidcr e summer, _ o c ro tt fro m Jones G ifts 220 A lb e rt St. 332-3025 tric facility. Contact 26 Student semester, year, or degree projpam at w s r a m r Sen ices Bldg. for details. one of Israel's seven leading universities. Retljpous studies, East Lansing Are you patient, dependable A rts W orkshop THE YELLOW PAGES ZOOM IN ON r,nd interested in working with humanities, the social sciences and a host ol other courses arc offered In Dance W orkshop ARE THE PLACE TO BUSINESS emotionally impaired children and adolescents? Opportunities avail­ either English or Hebrew with special able at 26 Student Services Bldg. emphasis on helping you get a grasp SPRING | hi to Be a big brother to elementary of Israel. Whether If be in Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv or the Negev, a study | 1 advertise kids in the REACH program. Find program at an Israel unlvenlty wll _ _ 351-3617 REGISTRATION March 1 3 -April 13 III weekly call out more in 26 Student Services Bldg. give you a new feeing about Israel and yourself as well Write fore brochure giving Information about a! Volunteers w ho wish to work as the universities and the programs they ( ^ f e a l E s b t e P la c e J° 0 0 s hagcOorn, east fcnsng 693 N. Hagadorn C A LL J E N N IF E R A T I1' Legislative Aides should meet at 4 today in 150 Student Services offer. 332-2565 3S5-823S 355-8255 Bldg. Council lo r Advancem ent of Study Proarame Want to " Adopt-A-Grandpar- at leraell Unlvereltlee, Rm 25 ent?" W e need volunteers, es­ 515 Paris Avenue, New Yosh. New York 10022, (212) 761-4070 l i s t y o u r business. Call Jennifer 355-8255 pecially males. Contact Office of Volunteer Programs in 26 Student Services Bldg. T hu rsda y, M a rch 30, 1978 19 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE by Bill Yates S P O N S O R E D BV: Ce Jackson Browne w/Karla Bonoff A pril 11 H)WJIM-TV(CSS) (lO)WILX-TV(NBCl (H)W ELMTVir l i \ ^ ^ PLENTY OF GOOD — 1 ^ M -T V tC b ..) (12)WJ8T.TV(ABC) (23)>VKAR.TV(PBS) SEATS AVAILABLE P O Y O lj h a v f THURSDAY (10) G re e n A cres T O /M A K F G O O P afternoon (12) B onanza (23) M a c N e il / u h r e r Re . (11) C h ris t's T e a c h in g s in 13:00 (23) Sesam e S tre e t port o u r V io le n t W o rld FP EUP1 6 PUT ( " ) Ral,y w ith th e Peace 9 :30 O P & F C U P IT Y 4:30 f c l K ' h e Leas. P e o p le (6) D o ris Day (12) A.E.S. H u d so n S tre e t y /M P M T P p Y L n n a K are n m a 8:00 (10) G illig a n s Island (11) S o u n d -O ff f f o p p o v J O t*E (6) Waltons 5:00 10:00 (10) CHIPs o f Yo u r (6) G u n s m o k e (6) CBS: O n T he A ir l > Alm° na?2:30 (12) W e lc o m e Back, K o tte r P R E C IO U S £ (10) E m ergency O n e ! (10) P o lic e W o m a n I i « r c h fo r T o m o rro w 23) O n c e U pon a C lassic P O O Y O ? 1 ^ (12) R ookies (12) B a re tta (11) W o m a n W ise (23) M e e tin g o f M in d s I ,; . Gong Show (23) M is te r R ogers' N e ig h - 8:30 | | ! R y an 's Hope b o rh o o d (11) E d -ito rio l W eiss- (12) FISH 1 1 1:00 C racks (23) C rossroads 1,1 For Richer, F o r P o o re r 5:30 11:00 Ijiyoung and th e R e stless (23) E j e c t s 0 , , , ^ (I I ) N e w s (I I ) Tem po 9:00 (6-10-12) N e w s PEANUTS CLEANERS LAUNDRY your spring | i A|| My C h ild re n (6) H a w a ii F iv e -0 (23) D ick C a v e tt by Schulz ID ( MUfl Ilya LjA nyone fo r T e n n y s o n ? 6:00 11:30 SPONSORED BY: 1 cleaning begins (6-10-12) N e w s ( 12) B a rney M ille r 332-3537 here (6 )M * A * S * H (23) D ick C a v e tt (10) Black Sheep S q uad­ L As the W o rld Turns (10) Jo h n n y C a rson ron 111 Days of ou r liv e s (11) TNT True A d v e n tu re (12) F o re v e r F e rn w o o d A n RIGHT. LET'S SEE I 2:00 T ra ils (23) A d v o c a te s (23) ABC N e w s I BROUGHT THE CONRAD BROUGHT THE A N D OLIVIER BR0U6HT WHAT WE HAVE HERE JujOne Life to Live HOT DOGS... WOODSTOCK MU5TARP...0ILL BROUGHT TH E TV 6 U IP E ! FOR OUR EVENING MEAL.. f t ) ) Over Easy 1 2:30 (6) CBS N e w s 6:30 MSU SHADOWS 0ROU6HT THE 0UN5... THE CATSUP... (10) NBC N ew s by Gordon Carleton L)Cuiding tig h t l| | | Doctors (12) AB C N e w s PINBALL PETE'S (23) O v e r Easy S P O N S O R E D BY: Present this really funny comtt for 25' Ijifo o d for Life (11) R ic h a rd th e F orth ■ntually convinced hi] 1 3:00 In& legislation was t9 l i Another W o rld 7:00 1 th e slump afteil JlljG enerol H o s p ita l (6) M y T h re e Sons ’rnatives proved worl | j; C r o c k e t t's V ic to ry (10) M a ry T y le r M o o re Borden (12) B ra d y Bunch |4 Today's SpKial: 3:30 L A ll in the F am ily ( 2 3 ) T u rn a b o u t (1 1 )T e e v e e T riv ia FRANK & ERNEST ■ lin iT O K A T I | j ) Villa A legre 7:30 by Bob Thaves 1.00 S P O N S O R E D BY: IL A Z T IC O U tT A IM A O O T I 4:00 (10) M ic h ig a m e New Mickey M o u s e (6) W ild K in g d o m 203 M.A.C. 151-9111 (12) M a ry T y le r M o o re Hub NOW YOU du5T R E tflx, AND tRNiB, OU t* A N £5T H £T I5T , WILL TALK- T o Y O u UNTIL You fALL INTO A STvpoff. ishing to drop, add or I Science o r ATL depart in seconds an operate! om puter, and the c h | THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS fj™. by Post pecific information r n is th e only piece ofl S P O N S O R E D BY: PIZZA 2 310 W Grondftivi pt by the students a X 1H m o p y a , a s ^ iri/NKOF ME7 1 { A S M A il nore accurate service! M A N ,* * *o y . ply the instructor i f classes, Weinshank| eks (to get a class li ident in computerai gram , said spring I irly critical phase [ m last term, Gottlebe d made more efficiefl ~ - 3-30 A tr S 7 ~ PILLO W TALK B.C. F I , Pf W~Moll. I.T ‘,R E Frondor — by Johnny Hart S P O N S O R E D BY: Shopping Center » • * » p H 'O W f u r n it u r e CAMPUS IUMBLEWEEDS PIZZA Free Delivery: pom K. Ryan S P O N S O R E D BY: 1312 M i c h . A v e . 337-1377 I T A I Z S T O R Y YOU W ROTE A B = U T PUE TO AN INCREASE IN OVERHEAD, WHYWOULP THE A R S O N I S T THAT'S 0URNIN6> I'M 60NNA NEEPA PAY RAISE, 0O5S. A6RAVE THERE'S A W0USANP 1 O O W N C A M B S .Y P IG G E R UNENTOMEEP SEPTIC I C lA U V B C L A Y NEEPAN ■TANKS OUT THERE.1 u h pbr ta k bk totiPiu&'eM-ifUNrEm lent counselors needfl jdents adjust to collegT ssted and have a 2.51 o 26 Student Services! SAM and SILO " Hair Styling for Mon and Woman 7i r j j - Coll for appointment today ms! If you have thenj p A L RAS c H 1T .mg*Urn em (Public Safety! J o Women's Council d ftOSSWORD AWE U R 1 L O N E bhepord'j by Jerry Dumas and M ort W alker S P O N S O R E D BY: Now opart Saturdays 40 Student Services I PUZZLE r A V P U L ■ |e L E M 1 M E E T 1L E X SPONSORED BY: campus ACROSS / K eep B e L 1E CAB it b OP up , Alg Y! 24 Shrill 1 c E D CIO T w&s? |¥ * e structure 28 Sleeping D u 0 DON T 1 DE Y ou'R e d o in g B'd'en [ SU PER- fra m e w o rk S IO N B O L Aji? I]* o(a zenana 30 Can) game f L A V A 1e 0 N E 31 Oolong and hyson A L A N c 0 w S U s _ 9 ____ fictent. poetic 32. Batiste Ian N O s E Ap E 1P K 33. Thread J m t mulberry 36 Footlike part O E E P L E c] A N Y r M Scottish 3/. Five,mneoreleven |<%t pnee 38 Senseless 46 Gypsy gentleman 2. Agitation P* Pencil 42. Nurse's helper 47 Refuse wool 3 B an te red Nauns 43. Gull 4 Bargain |»fthing DOWN 5 Peer Gynt's mother Ijtodiary 44. Mount Psiloriti 6 Mirages h ave£ IT 7. Quaternion V 5 6 0 9 IO 8. Biblical giant PO R1V4SRO AD 9 Drug Live A t Oooley's lb 12 13 16 10. Smart blow 15. Gnaw BEETLE BAILEY ■J| A p r. 10 The Stranglers A pr. 9 Bill Evans Trio 19. Withered HAS by M o rt W alker 20 Backwater IS 19 21. Color A F F e c re p e veR YTH i N G ! 22 22 Sturdier 24. British gun 24 15 26 21 25. Resilient p 9 Jo 26 Today 27. Vogue 111 31 29. Pollen-bearing organ 96 32. Constellation 33. Hart id w <.ampu*. book fro n t