S. African holdings debated By D AN IEL HILBERT and JIM SMITH was board-initiated. B arry said he had S tate News Staff W riters The possible d iv estitu re of U niversity Trustees m ay act today discussed th e question with former MSU P resident Clifton R. W harton J r . and investm ents from companies w ith holdings Trustee Raymond Krolikowski, D-Birming- in South Africa will be included in a ham, several m onths ago. William Derman, associate professor in examination of academic involvements in resolution to be considered by th e MSU th e African Studies C enter and a m em ber of countries such as Uganda, Brazil o r Iran. "I raised this (South African investm ent Board of T ru stees today. the South Africa Liberation Committee, issue) some tim e ago because I didn’t w ant The proposal ended a three-hour tru ste e told the com mittee th e Sullivan principles to tu rn it into a political football," B arry T rustee John Bruff, D F raser, told the investm ent com m ittee m eeting Thursday "have no impact. added. committee he w anted more U niversity during which tru ste es heard various Trustees called on David S. Wiley, The only reasonable course is to divest." community input since the m a tte r had speakers propose ways for th e board to deal Derman said. He also responded to a director of th e African Studies C enter, to originated with the board. with the controversial South African ques­ tru ste e question regarding th e effect of offer his observations on th e issue near the tion. But ASMSU Board P resident Kent end of the meeting. corporate w ithdraw al on black employment Board Chairperson Patricia Carrigan- in South Africa. Barry disagreed with Bruff th a t th e m atter (continued on page 12} Strickland, D -Farm ington Hills, introduced “Many would be much overjoyed because a proposal which called for th e adoption of of a w eakening of th e governm ent that the Sullivan principles by companies in­ oppresses them . If it m eant lost employ vested in by the U niversity. Committee shuts rnent, then many would be willing to do Carrigan-Strickland’s motion later died that," Derm an responded. when no board m em ber seconded it. Responding to concerns th a t economic The Sullivan principles proposed by w ithdrawal of American firms might lead to Carrigan-Strickland concern corporate bloody civil war, D erm an said he did not com mitments for 54 companies doing busi­ consider th a t an adequate defense for the ness in South Africa. support of an oppressive political system . Drawn up by Leon Sullivan, a General door on public I ~ a i i . State News-Debbie Wolfe Leon H. W eaver, professor of criminal I William Derman strongly advocated divestiture of University invest- Motors Board of D irectors member, the justice, told th e board he had traveled and I Bents in companies doing business in South Africa during a meeting principles call for desegregation of eating, studied in South Africa. W eaver said he 1 0| the Board of Trustees Thursday. Derman is a member of the comfort and work facilities in South Africa. opposed blanket d ivestiture of investm ents I South Africa Liberation Committee. They also specify th e need for equal pay, in favor of a more selective policy dealing training program s directed at th e promo­ with U niversity investm ents in South Over the objections of one MSU trustee, ton Hills, and John Bruff, D -Fraser, hold tion of blacks and an im provement of life Africa on a case-by-case basis. the press and one of its own m embers, the voting positions on th e com mittee. quality off th e job. He also raised questions about University presidential search and selection committee Smydra suggested th e com m ittee should holdings in o th er oppressive countries. shut its doors to the public Thursday for the contact th e Michigan atto rn ey general for "Why is it m ore reprehensible to invest in second time in as many meetings. an opinion on th e open m eetings act and its South Africa than in Uganda, Chile or ra j referendum rejected Michael J . Smydra, D-East Lansing, told application to th e committee. Russia?" W eaver asked the committee. the com mittee they "might not be on solid Juana Gonzales, stu d en t m em ber of th e Later, T ru ste e Michael J . Smydra. legal grounds" in closing the meeting. committee, was th e lone d issenter in th e D-East Lansing, widened the scope of Smydra is not a voting m em ber of the closure vote. U nder discussion was th e U niversity involvement in foreign countries committee, but under the bylaws tru stees choice of a perm anent chairperson for th e in responding to W eaver's argum ents. are allowed a voice. Only two trustees, By KIM SHANAHAN committee. was approved by about a 5-to-l majority. "At this point, it is the U niversity's Sm ydra raised questions about a board Patricia Carrigan Strickland, D-Farming- State Newa S taff W riter A fter th e press and o th er audience move," Stouffer said. “I'd like to think th at lAarge majority of undergraduate voters A proposal for an emergency phone members, including faculty and students, we have been th e im petus for th e system , lated they do not approve of paying system was included in a report presented but it’s out of our hands now." left th e room, T rustee John Bruff, D- pMSrS tu d en t Board m em bers, according to the MSU Board of Trustees w inter term Fraser, told com m ittee m em bers th e open I results of a spring te rm registration irendum. limdents also gave overw helm ing sup- by Dan Stouffer, chairperson of the ASMSU Public Safety Committee. The system currently receiving the most con­ Stouffer explained tw o options for fund­ ing the system . E ith er th e U niversity could pay for th e system completely, o r the Carter sure of peace m eetings act was not applicable to them. Bruff said he had an opinion from U niversity A ttorney Leland C arr th a t th e D epartm ent of Public Safety could become campus-wide em ergency phone sideration would have a push-button tran s­ eligible for s ta te funding for such a system. Michigan open m eetings law does not apply m itter receiver ra th er than a conventional RIO D E JA N EIR O , Brazil (AP) — P resident C arter, stalked on his Third World tour to the search and selection committee. Estim ated costs for th e project would be |E iact t o ta ls for the referenda and the phone system , Stouffer said. by problems in th e Middle E ast, said Thursday he is confident Israeli P rim e M inister In a confusing sequence of events, th e about $200,000, Stoul'fer said. i! number of voters has not yet been Menachem Begin can negotiate peace with h i s A rab neighbors. com mittee first closed nominations for a |to e d by the A ll-University Elections At th e same time, C arter grappled with problems back home, saying price hikes posted chairperson, then reopened them after m ission. by m ajor U.S. steel producers are a serious blow to his anti inflation program . He said he several m em bers objected. !he r e f e r e n d u m on paying board mem- *as p r o m p t e d by a group of students d with board action taken last term Ford campaign funds will announce new step s to control inflation when he retu rn s to Washington. C arter spoke at a news conference in Brasilia before flying to Rio de Janeiro with his wife, dau g h ter Amy and top foreign policy advisers. It was th e third stop on his When closed, the original list of chairper­ son candidates included Milton B. D icker­ son, professor of business law and office seven-day to u r of developing countries in Latin America and Africa. adm inistration; L ester Manderscheid, asso­ pty the president $350 p er term and In Brasilia, C arter told m em bers of Brazil’s national congress th eir nation and the ciate chairperson of agricultural economics; wentatives $125. Apetition drive by th e group gathered :(i signatures to call for a campus-wide feendum asking stu d en ts w hether board ineligible or misspent United S tates can "disagree, even vigorously on occasion, w ithout b itterness o r d istru st.” C arter and E rnesto Geisel, th e president of Brazil, differ on th e im portance th e American president attaches to human rights and to curbing the spread of atomic weapons. and Myron S. Magen, dean of osteopathic medicine. The S tate News learned th a t more Before leaving Brasilia, C arter also met with officials of the Brazilian suprem e court. nominations will be considered rath er than asbers s h o u ld be paid. WASHINGTON l U P I ) -- Form er P resi­ He plugged for human rights, but balanced his call for justice for th e oppressed with an presenting a candidate before the Board of some representatives said they felt the appear before the commission next week to endorsem ent of efforts to provide social stability. Trustees at th eir meeting today. “ring of th e proposal to pay student dent Ford's campaign com mittee either explain why he should not retu rn nearly irdmembers was th e main reason for its misspent or did not qualify for nearly $50,000 th e FEC said he used for invalid are. $13,500 in federal funds and failed to report campaign expenses. D etails of his audit Scott Schreiber, College of A rts and receipt of 97 and a half cases of apples, the have not been released. tiers representative, said th e voting does Federal Election Commission reported The m ost serious problem uncovered in five th e board a clear an sw er on how to Thursday. the Ford audit was th a t the committee lie the p a y issue. The FEC’s final audit of how Ford spent received a total of $13,437.03 in federal $14 million in his 1976 primary b attle with funds it w as eith er not entitled to or th a t it The w ay the thing was w orded, the Ronald Reagan found no illegal financial may have misused. The com m ittee repaid ird could legitimately assum e th a t stu- transactions. There w ere a number of areas the governm ent the money. bs feel $350 and $125 a re not enough," where the campaign did not qualify for The money included $5,717.64 in un­ 1 fib er s a id . “The only thing th e refer- federal money; received and returned qualified campaign expenses, $3,089.73 in State News Ira Strickstein lum tells the board is th a t stu d en ts don’t illegal contributions, or did not rep o rt matching campaign funds based on checks S o m e p e o p le n e v e r le a rn ! the b o a r d should be paid exactly that contributions as required. that la ter bounced, and $3,671.82 in an A n o th e r d e a d lin e fo u n d The FEC said the Ford committee repaid overpaym ent by th e FEC. th i s g r o u p a m o n g t h e p r o ­ |Din Stouffer, College of A griculture and the Treasury when requested and that O ther problem s th a t surfaced in the Ford c ra s tin a to rs a w a itin g T'liral R esources rep resen tativ e, said he other problems w ere resolved when they audit included: th e i r c h a n c e to p u r c h a s e P fh t the b o ard had made a mistake in w ere identified by governm ent auditors — •A pproxim ately 1,200 contributions of JJf specific figures. but in some cases that was months after lic e n s e p la te ta b s . If y o u $100 or m ore w ere not reported to th e FEC d it b e e n w orded m ore generally, like election day. as required by law. But th e FEC said this h a v e n 't b e e n d o w n to d b o a rd mem bers be paid at all,’ I The report was the first audit of a was due to a com puter processing erro r y o u r lo c a l S e c r e t a r y of [be v o ti n g would have been a little presidential campaign where a substantial which was corrected by Ford Comm ittee S t a t e 's o ffic e , b e t t e r s c u r ­ JR, Stouffer said. repaym ent to th e Treasury was required. officials when it was called to their r y w h ile y o u ca n . . . Mlections Commissioner Rob Freem an Earlier reports — including one last week attention. d e a d lin e 's a t c lo sin g tim e I th ou gh official resu lts will not be on Ford's general election campaign — •S even contributions in services or goods to d a y . f^ble until next w eek, th e referendum involved only a few hundred dollars. th at exceeded $100 w ere not reported. Four ■ M a ilin g a n em ergency phone system- Gov. George Wallace of Alabama will of the seven w ere a to tal of 97 and a half cases of apples w orth $780 and a fifth item was a $540 mailing list from Richard Nixon's 1972 campaign. •Tw o co ntributors who gave more than th e $1,000 limit w ere discovered. The Co .0 1 excess funds w ere returned. HERBICIDE SPRAYING OVER MEXICAN FIELDS RESUMES inside Those cookies you munch Poisoned marijuana possible threat in state while studying late a t night By MARK FABIA N million. Putnam said. M arijuana samples contiscated last November reportedly contained may make you 50 lbs. heavier in S tate News StaH W riter an average of 177 p arts p er million. ten years. See page 5. C ontam inated Mexican m arijuana th a t may have caused herbicide poisoning recently in Putnam said Bentonite Clay is an antidote to pure P araq u at but it m ust be taken six California men p resen ts a health danger for Michigan m arijuana sm okers, Michigan im mediately before the poison reaches th e bloodstream. health officials said. There is very little information on the effects of Paraquat when inhaled, Putnam said, If you’d like to know w hat adding th at low er levels of P araq u at found in marijuana could build up in th e bloodstream It is not known how much of th e m arijuana, laced w ith th e herbicide P araq u at, is in has 32 feet, 4 wheels and 3 after a few w eeks and cause irreversible lung damage. Michigan, said Jan C hristensen, deputy adm in istrato r of th e Michigan D epartm ent of d riv ers see page 3. California health officials said th re e men showed up at a San Francisco health clinic last H ealth Office of Substance A buse Services. week with symptom s of possible P araq u at poisoning. T here is "definitely a clear health danger" to m arijuana sm okers in Michigan, he said. D r. M ervyn Silverman, San Francisco city health director, said officials may never be P araq u at poisoned m arijuana “is a relatively new phenom enon" and no Michigan absolutely certain the m en's ailm ents w ere caused by a herbicide in th e m arijuana b ut th e weather laboratories are te stin g m arijuana for th e presence of th e herbicide, C hristensen said. P araq u at was given to Mexican authorities in 1975 by th e U nited S tates governm ent to cases are cause for concern. The th ree men, who smoked at least two to th re e m arijuana cig arettes a day, complained spray o v er thousands of acres of m arijuana fields in an a tte m p t to elim inate the weed. of difficult breathing and w ere spitting up blood, according to D r. David E. Sm ith, th e G et out your shades and According to the N ational O rganization for th e Reform of M arijuana Laws, the Mexican clinic director. think spring! Today will be governm ent resum ed spraying th e herbicide tw o days ago. Doct ors said contam inated m arijuana can cause labored breathing, coughing, open sores sunny and mild w ith tem p era­ The spraying is p a rt of a program begun by form er P resid en t R ichard M. Nixon in the in th e mouth and sev ere m igraine headaches. tu re s reaching th e mid to upper early 1970s to limit th e am ount of heroin and m arijuana en terin g th e United States. Medical authorities in F resno, Calif., also reported th re e cases th a t may be linked to th e 50s. Tonight will be a little P araq u at is a toxic chemical th a t was placed on th e Environm ental Protection Agency's tainted pot. cooler, with tem peratu res in restricted list, m eaning it can only be purchased by licensed applicators, said Alan Putnam Roger W inthrop, Michigan coordinator for NORML, said many people in Michigan have th e mid-40s. of th e MSU P esticide R esearch C enter. telephoned him expressing concern th a t the poisoned pot may be in th e state, The maximum am ount of P araq u at p erm itted by th e E P A in foodstuffs is .05 p arts per t continued on page 11) Conservationists blast Cart er W A SHIN G TO N (A P) - The cribed in w h at cam e to be not even gone to th e p resid en t th e Hill," Biackwelder said C a rte r a d m in istra tio n is r e ­ known a s th e "H it L ist." C arter y e t for his consideration." P r o je c t in C o lo ra d o ,1 T he outcom e is likely to be a wm tre a tin g u n d er political p res­ said th e pro jects w ere u n w ar­ su re from its pled g e to reform th e "p o rk b a rre l” sy stem for ran ted because o f environm en­ tal, economic o r o th e r reasons. building w a te r p ro je cts, a coali­ Congress ultim ately stopped M ondale w as d escribed by D r. B ren t B iackw elder o f th e E n v ironm ental Policy C en ter w ate r policy th a t affirm s a business-as usual posture." T h ere w as no im mediate tion o f m ajo r co nservation o r­ nine projects. ganizations ch a rg e d T hu rsd ay . The coalition accused Vice as w orking “to g u t th e h e a rt of th e w a te r policy reform ." M ondale h as refu sed "to com m ent from th e vice p resi­ d en t's office. The coalition criti • ■ ‘ I - N a rro w s j a re a f o r i ctzed recen t adm inistration de “R ecen t decisions w ithin the P resid en t W a lter F. M ondale of m e et w ith co n serv atio n leaders ln N e b ra s k a , th e F o o t h i l visions to proceed on the G arri ad m in istratio n lead u s to be Troops try to h a lt rebellion in El S a lv a d o r lieve th e political p re s s u re s to fighting behind th e scen es for special in te re s t g roups and on th e w a te r policy w hile doing son P ro jec t in N orth Dakota, f P e r m i t D eavJ th e bidding of W e stern go v er­ th e N arrow s Dam on the P latte h ‘‘ J 0 w a t t' r 'a w n s I fund p et p ro je c ts m ay o v er politicians. nors an d w a te r pro p o n en ts on SAN SALVADOR, El S olvador (AP) — a re a a t m ilita r y roadblocks. R iver in Colorado, the Foothills w helm a p rev io u s m oral com A nd it said it has been told an e a r t f H eavily arm ed tro o p s Thursday sw ept Roman C atho lic Church lea d e rs w e r e m itm ent to p ro te c t o u r en viron­ th a t u n d er a national w a te r through th e central p a rt o f El S alvador to o rg a n izin g an in d e p e n d e n t com m ission m ent," said E lv is J . S tah r, policy being form ulated, federal snuff o ut pocket re b e llio n s b y peasants to in v e s tig a te a lle g e d a tro c itie s . F rictio n president o f th e N ational A udu bon Society. p rojects alread y au th o rized by L A S T C H AN C E' F O R IS R A E L > dem anding b e tte r liv in g co nd itio ns. has g ro w n in re cen t ye ars b e tw e e n El C ongress will be ex em p t from A governm ent spokesperson said 29 Salva d o r’s m ilita ry -d o m in a te d g o v e rn ­ "The C a rte r a d m in istra tio n is strin g e n t new restrictio n s to re tre a tin g from th e p rom ises it people had been k ille d and 50 w o u n d e d in m ore than a w ee k o f fig h tin g b etw e e n peasants and troops. m e n t and church o ffic ia ls d em a n d in g social re fo rm s. Sources close to th e church said th e has m ade in th e p ast," said Thom as L. K im ball, executive vice p resid e n t o f th e N ational pro tect th e en v iro n m en t, even if co n struction has not y e t s ta rte d . progress in Mideai In addition, it said, th e In ­ troops in Cuscatlan w e re a id e d by a Wildlife F ed eratio n . CAIRO, E g y p t (A P) - E zer te rio r D e p a rtm e n t plans to a le tte r today to P resident make concession* demanl A m ilita ry spokesperson said th e m a jo r g o ve rn m e nt-spo n so red p a ra m ilita ry The ad m in istra tio n h as made W eizm an’s visit could be "a last C arter outlining th e resu lts of recom m end th a t th e p ro je cts be tne Arab nations. sw eep through Cuscatlan P rovince began grou p o f civ ilia n s ca lle d th e N a tio n a l "one concession a fte r an o th er financed w ith fed eral money chance" for Israel to prove it th e talks. a t daw n and was com pleted by sundow n. w ants peace, a high E gyptian Ur- Osama el-Baz n D em ocratic O rg a n iz a tio n , fo rm e d som e on w a te r p ro je cts" to appease loaned at 3.25 p erce n t in te re st undersecretary „f He refused to give fu rth e r d e ta ils , and years a go to c o u n te r le ftis t-d o m in a te d special in te re s ts , ad d ed Jo h n instead of th e prev ailin g m ar­ official said T h u rsd ay . No pro­ C a rte r is on a seven day, foreign affairs, said in Cal reporters w ere tu rn e d a w a y fro m th e peasant unions. Burdick, co o rd in ato r of the ket ra te . T he prim e in te re st g ress w as re p o rte d in th e four-nation foreign tour. He Israeli d efen se m in ister's talks Weizman-Sadat me,.tin! Coalition for W a te r P roject ra te for bank loans is ab o u t 8 said T hursday in Brasilia, B ra­ nut mean Egypt an(j 1 Review. percent. w ith P re s id e n t A n w ar S ad at on zil, th a t he has "not given up on resum ing deadlocked negotia w ere “reopening the chaJ C a rte r w on p raise from con In te rio r S e c re ta ry Cecil D. th e possibility of a negotiated back and forth ncgotij F iresto n e to close Swiss facto ry serv atio n ists last y e a r when he A nd ru s rep lied in a s tatem e n t: tions. settlem en t in the Middle East" that ended with the sus J engaged in a b a ttle w ith Con "O ur critics seem to be crying T he lack of p ro g ress was desp ite m eetings with Israeli of direct talks 10 weeks | g ress to sto p fu rth e r w ork on before th e y a r e h u rt. My w a te r rep o rted by official C airo radio. P rim e M inister M enachem Be GENEVA, S w itzerland (AP) — A fro m Swiss c o n tro l fiv e ye a rs ago. 30 federal w a te r p ro jects, des In a la te r b ro ad ca st T hursday Speaking while Weizml policy reco m m en d atio n s have gin last w eek du rin g which With Sadat at the presil decision by Firestone, th e O h io-b a se d A b o u t o n e -q u a rte r o f th e to w n 's 12,000 night, it said S ad at w as sending Begin rep o rted ly refuseil to villa 15 miles north of CJ tire m anu facture r, to close its fa c to ry in re sid e n ts tu rn e d o u t fo r a ra lly w h e re Baz said: “We are simply J S w itzerland has ang e re d w o rk e rs and unio n a n d g o v e rn m e n t sp ea ke rs in ­ the Begin governmef aroused n ew charges th a t th e d o lla r s weakness is h u rtin g th e Swiss econom y. "A m ericans, a re they ca nn ib als? ' ve ig h e d a g a in s t th e closu re . A poster w as d isp la ye d saying: "In s te a d o f fa ith and lo y a lty , a il w h a t w e g e t fro m th e U.S. Italian authorities debate reward chance, which may be chance, to prove to us A the world at large th al asked the n ew spaper T ribune o f Lau­ is d e ce it and ly in g ." changing its attitude becJ sanne in a Thursday e d ito ria l a tta c k in g Fire sto ne announced th e m o ve last the absence of a sjgll th e plan by Firestone Tire and R ubber Co. to shut dow n its tire p la n t. The fa cto ry, which em ploys 600 w o rke rs a t P ro tte ln , w ee k — c itin g a need fo r "in cre ase d p ro d u ctio n e ffic ie n c ie s " — a lo n g w ith fo r info on Moro abduction case change in the Israeli attit progress ran be achieve? no negotiations can be t J J pla n n e d sh utdow ns o f p la n ts a t A k ro n , ful." ” near Basel, was ta ke n o v e r by Firestone ROME (A P) - Italian T h u rsd ay to be d eb a tin g said th e re a r e su g g estio n s th a t O h io, and C alg a ry, C anada. opposed by som e officials on au th o rities, w ho ex p ect to face w h e th e r to offer a $1.2 million th e p ay m en t be m ade ab ro ad grounds th a t it could sp ark a th e dilem m a of releasin g jailed re w a rd for inform ation leading an d handled by th e secret w itchhunt and because of con te rro ris ts o r allow ing kid Q ueen Elizabeth sch e d u le d fu r p a v ra ise napped fo rm er P re m ie r Aldo to th e a r r e s t of th e kidnappers. Ita ly ’s la rg e st new spaper, serv ice to p ro te c t inform ants. T h e p ap e r said th e rew ard tro v e rsy o v er w h eth e r the money should come from gov­ Correctk M oro to die, w ere rep o rted th e M ilan C o rrie re della S era, proposal, officially denied, is e rn m en t o r p riv ate sources. Police, ap p a re n tly w ithout W ASHING TON tAI’ i J LONDON (AP) — Q ueen Elizabeth II, tro ve rsy in re cen t w ee ks o v e r th e a m ou n t leads tw o w eeks a fte r the Associated Press incol one o f th e w o rld s richest w om e n , is about to g et a ra ise in her ta x -fre e $3,524 m illio n a nnual pay. of m oney p aid to som e m e m be rs o f th e ro ya l fa m ily , p a rtic u la rly to th e queen's yo un g e r siste r, Princess M a rg a re t, and Califano schedules Rome visit kidnap, have braced for a d em and to sw ap Moro for 15 R ed B rigade te rro ris ts on trial reported Wednesday I f der the C arter administr] proposed farm plan, O th e r — and less p o p u la r — m em bers in T urin. On W ednesday a farm ers would he compel d a u g h te r, Princess A n n e. if they grazed livestock| o f B ritain's ro yal fa m ily a re also scheduled fo r increases. The tre a su ry said Thursday it w ill The queen — m ost o f w ho se c iv il list to emphasize anti-Communism le tte r w as circulated in which th e 61-year-old politician ap p eared to plead for his life. percent of their 1978 | acreage up to a maximuif a llo ca tio n goes o n s ta ff w ages a nd h e r The le tte r, found in a tra sh acres. increase paym ents in th e c iv il list, w hich e ld e st son and h e ir to th e th ro n e , Prince Instead, the story W A SHIN G TO N (A P) — H EW S ecretary can a fte r a telephone call to a allocates state m oney to th e ro yal fa m ily . m em b er of Italian d escen t w as p a rt of an have said that farmers] Charles, seem as p o p u la r as e ver. R om e new spaper, m ade no firm The a ctual raises, e xpe cted to be a rou n d Jo sep h A. Califano J r . is re tu rn in g to Rom e in ad m in istra tio n a tte m p t to shpw su p p o rt for But som e new sp a pe rs and a n ti-ro y a lis t proposal for a tra d e. B ut it be compensated if they I May to d em o n strate th e C a rte r ad m in istra tio n 's Ita ly s fragile C h ristian D em ocratic g overnm ent. 10 percent, and w ho w ill get them have p o litic ia n s a rgu e th a t th e $101,750 a y e a r re fe rre d to previous exchanges up to 40 percent of their 1 hard en in g resistan ce to a d irect C om m unist role One so u rce said th e "ad m in istratio n th inks not yet been disclosed. of p riso n ers betw een opposing planted for 197N or 50 | to M a rg a re t and A n n e's $92,500 a nnual in th e Italian g overnm ent. som e public a tte n tio n is helpful" to P rim e There has been renew ed p u b lic con­ political factions o r countries. whichever is greater. p a ym e n t should be cut o r a b o lishe d . The official p u rp o se of Califano's visit, his second w ithin six m onths, is to sign an education M inister Giulio A n d reo tti, w hose co u n try is a key The government then L m em b er o f NATO ’s so u th ern flank. The ex tre m e leftist organiza make payments to farml ag ree m en t and continue discussions w ith Italian A m erican officials a r e known to be concerned tion has claim ed responsibility help compensate them [ f officials on in tern atio n al health m a tte rs. ab o u t sh a rin g NATO s e crets w ith any new for th e M arch 16 daylight grab amount o f wheat they But U.S. g o v ern m en t so u rces, w ho ask ed not Italian g o v ern m en t in which th e C om m unists in a Rome s tre e t in which have produced from the L to be identified, said th e visit by th e only C abinet would play a d ire ct role. te rro ris ts shot dead Moro’s five acres if the wheat had| bodyguards. allowed to mature intoc ■ F - , - ", ,-irt, GERALD H. COY GENERAL M A N A G E R ROBERT I BULLARD, SALES M A N A G E R PHONES Econom ic tre n d in d ic a to rs u n c h a n g e d 355-1252 PREPARE FOR [ Z 355 1255 353 4400 355-3417 MCAT • DAT • LSAT• GRE WASHINGTON (AP) — The g o v e rn ­ tors to rise g ia a u a lly if th e econom y is to Phoioqrophir 355-1311 GMAT • OCAT • VAT • SAT m ent s m easure o f fu tu re econom ic re m a in h e a lth y . H o w e ve r, th e y a re , V | trends show ed no im p ro ve m e n t in jV • $ w e xp e ctin g a w e a k fir s t q u a rte r because o f NMB 1 , 1 , 1 , February a fte r re cord in g its ste e p est declin e in th re e years th e m onth b e fo re, the Commerce D ep a rtm e n t said Thurs­ se vere w in te r w e a th e r and th e coal s trik e . OADES PARTY STORE ECFMG-FLEX-VQE NAT L DENTAL BOARDS Ss o • • • n ® e • • e The d e p a rtm e n t o rig in a lly th o u g h t th e NURSING BOARDS day. Flexible Programs A Hours HnlHm'i (PUHft January d e clin e w as 1.9 p erce n t, b u t it Welcomes you back fo r the Spring term w ith lots of UtttHHiii ijit|||[)|p T h e r e I S t d iffe re n c e !!! The index o f leading ind ica to rs was changed th e fig u re to 1.3 p e rc e n t to d a y specials. Save your dollars a t Oades. FRID A Y because o f an im p ro v e d o u tlo o k fo r unchanged in February a fte r d e clin in g 1.3 percent in January, th e la rg e st drop bus iness spending. • Low, lo w p rice s on Kegs, W in e, a nd 12 packs. # SUPER TG 3-6 iH a lf Price Be e r, M artin is, Six o f th e 10 in d ic a to rs a v a ila b le fo r , EDUCATIONAL M a n ha tten s • since a 3 percent d ecline in January 1975. • Large v a rie tie s o f liq u o r, b e e r, loca l and im p o rte d [ CENTER February, in clu d in g som e o f th e m ost 1 5 ? HOT D O G S Economists usually e xpect th e in d ica ­ w in e , m ix e s and a ll D a r t y needs. im p o rta n t, sh ow ed increases. Test P re p irifto n Specialists Since 1938 O P E N :M -T 1 0 a m -1 1 p m For Inform atio n ^ A t the A lle We J F r i. f t S a t . 1 0 a m -1 2 p m w r it, or coll: 29216 Orchord Loko Rood Suit* 205 Farmington w G ive A w a y Fun 8 B oard to p ro b e a irlin e tactics Sun 10am - 8pm W A S H IN G T O N (AP) — The h e a d o f th e A ir lin e s p o in t o u t th a t t h e ir a d v e rtis in g 314 S. Clippert corner Kalamazoo 332-4551 Hill*. Ml 48018 (313) SSI-0313 I pCf"lf|| nMi'°' USCl,'M | • • • • m ir e C iv il A e ro n a u tic s B o a rd says his a g e n c y u s u a lly c a u tio n s c o n s u m e rs th a t th e p lans to in v e s tig a te w h e th e r th e n a tio n 's r . n u m b e r o f s e a ts a v a ila b le a t th e b a r g a in a irlin e s a re u s in g b a it and s w itc h ' ra te a r e lim ite d . ta c tic s in lu rin g c u s to m e rs w ith h e a v ily LANSING p ro m o te d b a rg a in fa re s fo r w h ic h fe w K a hn s a id th a t as p a r t o f its in v e s tig a ­ se a ts a r e a v a ila b le . tio n , th e CA B m a y h a v e e m p lo y e e s p o s e Som e a ir tra v e le r s h a v e c o m p la in e d SPRINGSAVINGS! as c u s to m e rs s e e k in g lo w a d v e rtis e d th a t w h e n th e y s o u g h t to buy tic k e ts a t fa re s . th e b a rg a in ra te , th e y w e re to ld th a t no T h e re s a g r e a t te c h n iq u e r e g u la to rs m o re seats w e re a v a ila b le b u t th a t s eats s h o u ld use m o re , a n d th a t is to p r e te n d w e re a v a ila b le a t th e r e g u la r, h ig h e r y o u a r e a c u s to m e r a n d m a k e h u n d re d s fa re . CAB r h a ir p e r s o n A lfr e d to ld re p o rte rs . E, Kahn o f p h o n e c a lls , '1K a h n s a id . "T h a t w a y y o u fin d o u t w h a t's r e a lly h a p p e n in g ." LEVI C O R D U R O Y S $11.” M a n s u rv iv e s 2 7 - s to r v p lu n g e SHORT SLEEVE SAN FRANCISCO (A P ) - M e d ic a l H o s p ita l s p o k e s p e rs o n L in d a J o h n s s a id M E N 'S SHIRTS $8 “ Post a u th o r itie s e x p re s s e d a m a z e m e n t T h u rs ­ day th a t a m an s u rv iv e d a 2 7 -s to ry p lu n g e T h u rs d a y . PURIM FESTIVITIES T h a t s a ll. I m n o t k id d in g y o u . It a b o u t d o w n a v e n tila tio n s h a ft o f th e Trans- SHORT SLEEVE SUNDAY 7:30 PM b le w m y m in d , " s a id M s. J o h n s . She s a id am erica B u ild in g ,h ittin g a ce m e n t flo o r at a speed a p p ro a c h in g 100 m p h . h e w a s in s ta b le c o n d itio n a fte r s u rg e ry SU M M E R TOPS to r e p a ir th e fra c tu re s a n d w a s e x p e c te d Election o f 4 s tu d e n t m em b e rs o f th e H ille l Board The m an, id e n tifie d by p o lic e as to liv e . FOR WOMEN 22 y e a r-o ld H a ro ld B ro w n o f T acom a, W ash., s u ffe re d tw o s e v e re ly fra c tu re d th ig h b o n e s , tw o fra c tu re d k n e e c a p s a n d " A b s o lu te ly ," s h e s a id . "T h e w o rd I g e t STARTING A T $4.50 LATKE V S. HAMANTASCHEN DEBATE ta lk in g to th e d o c to rs is th e g u y is n o t a fra c tu re d h e e lb o n e , b u t a p p a re n tly no Cheer on your favorite food in te rn a l in ju rie s in th e 3 2 4 -fo o t f a ll la te v e ry sick c o n s id e rin g w h a t h a p p e n e d to 529 E. G ra n d R ive r, E. Lansing W edne sday n ig h t. M is s io n E m ergency m HOURS: M o n - Fri 1 0 - 9 ____ shTck /S m SOr' ° f ° S ,a,e o f v isa Sat 10-6 Sun 12-5 fflm Ballroom of the Union N e x t to BAGEL-FRAGEL FREE - A ll Welcome anian students on hunger strike _ a i ' A M M r BARON Bv JEANNE R A R O M prison conditions and better treatm ent of gtite New* S taff W rite r inmates by officials. Chapters of the ISA throughout the United - l5 MSI! Iranian stu d e n ts began a Local strik ers are being advised by a Iranian students in the United States are M ates and world wide are also waging strike at th e Plaza H otel in doctor and will stop th e strik e when the also demanding that a “news blackout" of hunger strikes to publicize and show t in , Lansing W ednesday to express Iranian prisoners end th eirs, the spokesper­ support for the strike in Iran, he said. son continued. a similar strike being waged by the hunger strike in Iran be lifted, and that gt for a a team of international observers be He said th re e Iranian prisoners are in He emphasized th a t th e ISA considers ke concessions demanl jl prisomits in Iran. severe condition as a result of the strike allowed to inspect Iran's prison conditions th e strikes less im portant than th e recent ' A rab nations. , of the MSU Iranian Students which began March 15. Two o thers partici­ A spokesperson for the ISA on campus m ass dem onstrations held in Iran and >r. Osama t»] Baz Ljtion reported th a t prisoners initi pating in a strik e in Washington, D.C., th at said news of the prisoners' strike is being worldwide against th e Shah of Iran ’s Iw w cretary of sta* fir strike lo demand im provem ents in began six days ago, have been hospitalized, censored by the Iranian government governm ent. P'Kn affairs, said in C al he said. ISA literatu re m aintains th a t th e demon­ izman-Sadat meciinl strations in Iran reflect a popular move­ mean Egypt and I rt‘(,I1(,ning the chal k and forth negotia I cndfd With the susp] State rep to meet with m ent against “repression and injustice of th e shah s fascist dictatorship,” and a fight for th e basic necessities of life. _ The international human rig h ts organiza­ lirect talks 1 0 weeks J tion A mnesty International has reported ByGERRYSKOCZYLAS peaking while W eiziJ speak, they may address the RHA body on th a t th ere are between 40,000 and 100.000 Sute News S U ff W riter M ideast Regional basketball gam es w ere h Sadat at the presil any questions or needs regarding minority political prisoners in Iran, and th a t the L Representative Jackie Vaughn III, nghls that they may have,” she said. videotaped and are available for viewing on > 15 miles norlh of CJ country has the w orst human rig h ts record will be the featured speaker at a elosed-circuit televisions in residence halls. said: “We are simply J RHA Film Program D irector Tom Leach of any country in th e world. State News Debbie Wolfe L i minority concerns forum preceding also announced at the meeting that RHA's Leach explained th a t th e reason the Benin governmef popular movie “Harold and Maude’’ will not S upporters of the shah's regim e claim G o tc h a , y a littl e b u g g e r ! A c­ f r o n t o f th e A d m in is tr a tio n nee. which may be Ifljular Residence H alls Association new movie pass policy will go into effect this be shown this weekend is th a t the school th a t allegations of human rights violations tu a lly , th i s g u y t h a t b e a r s a B u ild in g t h a t w e r e m y s te r io u s ly nee, to prove to us 1 L ,?at Wilson Hall A pril 12. weekend. that had previously rented th e film acci­ and to rtu re in Iran are unfounded. They s tr o n g r e s e m b la n c e to a n e x t e r ­ p la n te d th e r e in th e m id d le of world at large th al Especial forum featuring V aughn, who The process is very simple. The student also contend th at th e governm ent has dentally destroyed it. m in a to r is o n e . H e ’s e x t e r m i n a ­ th e n ig h t. H m m m m m . . . s o u n d s n«ing its attitude becJ ^person of the Colleges and Universi- just presents his or her ID at the ticket suabstantiallv aided th e people bv initiating ICommiuee for th e S ta te Legislature, table, where they’ll receive a free ticket and tin g w o r d s fro m a s id e w a lk in lik e a ca se fo r C o lu m b o ! absence of a sjglJ massive social reforms. ige in the Israeli attitJ T announced at W ednesday’s board then they use the ticket at the door," Leach fress ran be achievj Ljjff by former RHA rep resen tativ e said. KPhillips. Also, off-campus students may buy a 5. who is involved in organizing the term movie pass for $3 eith er at the movie |pima«a part of her Education 415 class, I ' ' , ' ' 1 l“bk' s during the movies or at the {that black caucus presidents from RHA office, hopefully beginning Monday “ Sami Esmail case riddled with ambiguities lofthe residence halls have been invited he said. By JE A N N E BARON tran slated into Hebrew. Maughan, whose trip to Israel is being ptend the forum. Leach also told the board th e MSU-West- S ta te News Staff W riter •While th e defense claims Esmail waged Currently, th e court, presided by three funded by the local Jew ish community, After they hear R epresentative Vaughn ern Kentucky and MSU Kentucky NCAA The case of Sami Esmail is still far from a hunger strik e in protest of his treatm ent, judges, is in the process of conducting a reported th a t in the portion of Langer’s aver. he never mentioned it to the American WASHINGTON iAPiJ prelim inary hearing or ‘ mini trial." in summation presented Thursday, no m en­ Esmail’s attorney. Felicia Langer, asked consular officials who visited him, and ociated Press incoj which Langer is challenging the admissibil­ tion was made about allegations th at Esmail the court Thursday for additional tim e to testimony from his guards indicated he was irted Wednesday ||j| the C arter administrj Corrections Board President Kent Barry had filed a petition to have Student Faculty Ju d i­ make her summation concerning Esmail’s ity of th e confessions. On April 10, the court will reconvene and was to rtu red into signing a confession. Maughan told the S tate N ew s in a eating. ciary m em ber Kevin Kelly removed confessions. a decision will be handed down concerning •Though Esmail claimed he was not told nosed farm plan, telephone interview from Israel W ednesday I: was incorrectly rep o rted in Thurs from office because of a conflict of Esmail, 23, is an MSU g raduate teaching th e admissibility of the confessions into the of the charges against him, he said in a Dec. tiers would be compel th at the defense and prosecution were interest in the Kathy Lamb case. assistant in Electrical Engineering and full trial. 23 hearing he understood the charges. lev grazed livestock! ys State News story about the attem pting to prove the credibility of their No petitions w ere filed. However System s Science. He was arreste d in Israel According to the U.S. S tate D epartm ent witnesses by bringing out the contra Maughan said the defense countered with ■ent of their 1978 [ ster Seals telethon th a t J e rry Lewis three bills w ere introduced at the last Dec. 21 and has been charged with and Bruce Maughan, an assistant professor dictions in each o th er’s argum ents. several opposing points: age up to a maximua s hosting the nationally televised s. student board m eeting of w inter term membership in an outlaw ed te rro rist group of business law and office adm inistration Maughan reported th at the contradic nil Actor Jack Klugman will host •The prosecution claims Esmail was not directing the board to examine the and contact with foreign agents. who is observing th e trial, Langer fc^egan tions th e prosecution pointed to included: istead, the story telethon. abused by interrogators. However, th at possibility of removing Kelly. The S upporters of Esmail contend th e re are her summary argum ent Thursday „but •Though th e defense claims Esmail is not * said that farmers I testimony conflicts on how long in any ASMSU Legal Services cabinet is two sep arate English confessions and one in requested additional time to com plete it. fluent in Arabic, he communicated with ompensated if they I particular day he was subjected to question­ twas incorrectly reported in Thurs currently looking into the precedents Hebrew, which is not a direct translation. Langer reportedly asked th e court to guards and interrogators in Arabic and his i) -1(1 percent of their1 ing. s State News that ASMSU Student and procedures for such board aetion. Israeli authorities m aintain th e re is one throw out th e English confession because it sister testified Arabic is commonly spoken ted for 197k or 50 I •One in terrogator testified he knew of English confession and it has been directly was obtained under duress. in th eir home. hever is greater, Esmail's hunger strike. le government then I e paym ents to farml compensate them f( int of wheat they pudweiser Clydesdales to perform in local show produced from the j s if the wheat ed to mature intos When you say Budweiser Clydesdales, you’ve said it all -- plus stops each night to provide a spacious stable w here the ibout eight tons of horse and wagon. Clydesdales rest. The Budw eiser Clydesdale hitch, a symbol of th e world s “King It takes about five hours to prepare the horses for a of Beers", paraded through East Lansing and the MSU campus performance, the company spokesperson said. They are washed, Thursday afternoon to promote its performance in the 30th Annual their manes are braided and the tails dressed, before they are put Block and Bridle Club H orse Show this weekend. The eight horse into their custom made harness ware. Cost of the harnesses totals team will perform at all th ree shows Friday and S aturday at the 530,000. Livestock Pavilion. The hitch will he on display at the horse barns on 3233 Collins The MSU performance will be one of about 300 appearances by Road until Monday from b a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. the Clydesdales this year. But the Anheuser-Busch company Clydesdale show tim es will he tonigh* at 7 p.m. and S aturday at receives more than 5,000 requests anually for Clydesdale noon and 7 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the block and Bridle Club performances. Previous com m itm ents, budgets and logistics are Office, inside the Livestock Pavilion on Shaw Lane. considered when deciding which requests are to be filled, Tickets lor tonight's show and the S aturday noon show are $1.50 according to a company spokesperson. general admission. S tu d en ts with ID cards may purchase tickets The eight horse team has been performing since 1933, w hen the for $ 1 for tonight’s show. Groups of 10 or more will be adm itted for Anheuser-Busch Company acquired the horses to celebrate the i $1 each for the S aturday noon show only. repeal of Prohibition. In the early days of American brewing. Clydesdales w ere used Admission tor the Saturday night show will be $2. to pull wagons delivering beer to th e m arket. After World W ar I, O ther special performances to be featured at the show will be Clydesdales w ere no longer used and w ere replaced by George Goods' Border Collies, a trick dog troupe, and pony tractor trailers. ’oadsters, which are costum ed ponies and d rivers in carts. The C lydesdales travel across the country in vans designed to Riding events will include hunt seat classes, saddle seat classes, ensure the horses’ comfort. Three vans are used, and th e caravan western horsem anship classes, barrel racing and goat tying. About stops every 100 miles to attend to the horses. The caravan also i'5 Block and Bridle Club members will com pete in the events. IV x t by N am v K o < jir r a n d O w en l* li« ( ( » f jr a | ) lis by H n b e rl K o z lo ff E s m a f l’s t r i a l No real a r tis t o r stu d e n t can tak e com petition an d re w a rd s serio u sly , but it before. ^ w hen th e Tonys, E m m ys, G ram m ys o r O scars roll around, w e w atch w ith anxious Ira at the Oscars s e e m s ju s t if ie d sobriety. I'll be up for th e A cadem y A w ard s M onday night, hanging on until th e last w hen th e b e st p ictu re o f 1977 is announced. out of Oscars, u n d erstan d th e politics in ten t, th ro w ev e ry th in g to g e th e r like a W a r," h „ t h ? ^ r „ S derful|y | A lm ost ev ery y ea r my m o th er w ould go involved and th e ab su rd ity of judging tra sh can punch, simply ca n 't be done. A t the m ost dram a and “T h e C * 1' ' "Jl Controversial and complicated, thought-provoking and emotion-stir­ th e only dance. Turning p | to bed saying, “I can 't keep my ey es open "b ests" in any art. th e v ery least, it defies common sense. ring. These are the motifs which predom inate, and frequently clash, in anym ore. You'll h ave to tell m e in th e I know especially, th e im possibility of B eethoven s N inth Sym phony can no Who am I rooting for n • I the protracted case of Sami Esmail. m orning w ho won." honestly and fairly com paring m ovies like m ore be com pared to Bob D ylan’s "Like a reluctance a n d r e p u ls io n to uP' le I J u s t like all th e o th ; r y ea rs, I'll be glued "Star W ars" to “Annie H all," o r "The Well, let's ju st s“v “'l„ , .?Uch The State News is neither judge nor jury, and we have no means by Rolling S tone," th an th is season's five best to th e s e t n ex t w eek until th e invariably Turning Point" to "Ju lia" to "T he Goodbye nom inees can be com pared ag ain st each Turning Point'' are se n s it iv e f a ? I which to determine Esmail’s guilt or innocence. However, we are long-winded cerem onies a re com pleted and hut we may never see a n o t h e r '“S t a r w l G irl." It's feasible, p erhaps, to ju d g e tw o oth er. D efenders of O scar ty p e aw ard s say obliged to note that Israel's decision to indict Esmail seem s more and Jo hnny C arson — o r w hoever is h o stin g — comedies ag ain st each o th e r, like “A nnie w e m u st ju d g e how well th e w ork succeeds more justified with each new revelation, and th a t the catch-all phrase signs off, apologizing for th e aw ard s Hall" and "The G oodbye G irl," o r tw o in accom plishing w hat it s e ts o u t to do. “human rights" appears an increasingly flimsy basis for Esmail’s ru n n in g late. dram as like “Ju lia" o r “The T u rn in g P oint." If th e in te n t behind “S ta r W ars" w as, as Ideologically I’m opposed to th e handing But to d isreg a rd g en re, form and a rtis tic defense. d ire c to r G eorge Lucas contends, to e n te r­ Esmail was arrested upon his arrival in Israel Dec. 21 to pay a visit to ta in , th e n w e m u st decide how well th e film reach ed th a t objective. O r, to u se an o th er his dying father. He was charged with belonging to a Palestinian exam ple, if th e In te n t of “T h e Turning terrorist organization and having contact with tw o foreign agents — P o in t” w as to d ram atize th e conflicts both crimes in Israel, but not in th e United States. Israel alleged th a t b etw een p a s t choices and p re s e n t dream s, Esmail had traveled to Libya in A ugust 1976 to receive te rro rist training th e n w e m u st d eterm in e to w h at d e g ree th e and instruction in the use of explosives. m ovie m e t its goal — to rev eal th e inner psychology of th e ch a ra cte rs. Those who believed Esmail was getting a raw deal rallied to his side, But su rely " S ta r W ars" is m ore th an fun establishing an organization called the National Committee to Defend the Human Rights of Sami Esmail. Committee m em bers asserted th a t Throw aw ay s tu d en t w ho m u st deal w ith th e D PS should be aw are of th e use o f intim idation and and “The T u rn in g Point" is m ore th an a psychological stu d y . Suppose, how ever, for the imprisoned MSU graduate student had been subjected to intense illegal qu estio n in g and should be legally th e sak e of arg u m en t, th a t " S ta r W ars" is mental and physical to rtu re while incarcerated, and obtained affidavits those cans p rep ared to resp o n d to th e se cheap tactics. T hrough th e u se of a " se c re t ag e n t," D PS th e m ost p urely fun, en tertain in g movie of th e y ea r. Now suppose th a t H e rb e rt Ross swearing that Esmail was in th e United S tates during the time he did a r r e s t a w om an who, although she also achieved his aim, m aking "The Turning supposedly went to Libya. H ave you noticed th a t ce rtain sm ell in th e received h e r life's su sten an c e from MSU, Point" th e m ost profound psychological At a pre-trial hearing closed to th e public, Esmail adm itted th at, yes, air? T he one th a t tells you th a t sp rin g is w as fired for th e p altry am ount of $50. d ram a of th e year. beginning to slow ly e x tric a te th e land from he had gone to Libya in August 1976, but denied charges th a t he was th e g rip of w in ter. T he p ath s a r e becom ing Michelle V anderlip Which film, then, is b est? Should the trained in terrorist activities while overseas. Esmail’s admission casts m uddy and th e hu g e snow piles a re 204 Beal O scar go to "The T urning Point" on the the defense committee in a bad light. E ither th e com m ittee practiced d eterio ratin g . A s th e snow d e p a rts , w e a re E a s t Lansing g rounds th a t th is ty p e of dram a is intrinsically su p erio r to a purely fu turistic intentional deception in public — prom oting untruthful affidavits — or left w aiting in an ticipation fo r th e fresh fantasy? O r should th e O scar be aw ard ed to the committee was inexcusably lax in scrutinizing th e credibility of their w arm w indy d ay s ahead. "Star W ars" because, m easured by intent, H ow ever, snow ’s d e p a rtu re also leaves own contentions. it w as probably m ore fun than "The behind evidence o f th e actions of m any lazy, Allegations that Esmail was to rtu red also appear unfounded. Esmail selfish people w ho decided th e snow w as a L e t t e r p o lic y T urning Point" w as profound? and his defenders have been unable to prove th a t he was harassed good place to hide th e ir tra sh . T he No firm ru le s ex ist for m easu rin g artistic w o rth ; an y such guidelines a re filled with beyond the actions — admittedly deplorable ones — of a few guards. No p reserv ed legacy o f th e ir d eeds will pop o u t ex cep tio n s, contradictions and loopholes. systematic or meaningful to rtu re has been proved, and apparently his as us in all its shiny glory as th e snow which The Opinion Page welcomes all hid th e b o ttles will begin th e ir slow ugly Since w e know th a t choosing a “b e s t" in any defense, according to one observer, has now taken th e fallback position descen t back into th e e a rth . A nd w e, in an letters and view points. R eaders a r t is so a rb itra ry anyw ay, we d o n 't even that he was subjected to “psychological” harassm ent. should follow a fe w rules to insure ca re w h at so rts of c rite ria th e ju d g e s — in effo rt to p re v e n t th e ir in tru d in g into o u r The question of Esmail’s purported confessions is still m urky. It has peace o f m ind, will tr y to ig n o re th em , o r that as m any letters as possible th is case th e A cadem y of M otion P ictu re ippear in print. A rts an d Sciences — use to m easu re th e ir not yet been clearly established w hether Sami was coerced into signing hasten th e ir d isin teg ratio n by g rin d in g decisions. It's only a gam e: w e know it, we these documents — one of which was in H ebrew, a language he th em u n d er o u r heels. T hey will becom e th e AU. letters and viewpoints arg u e ab o u t it, w e w atch it, w e love to hate ugly dy in g rem ain s of people's lack of should be typ ed on 65-space lines supposedly does not understand — o r w hether, as was reported he consideration. it (especially if o u r choices lose outl. freely dictated his admissions, including the one in H ebrew. This still Isn’t it a sham e. O ur joy in exp erien cin g and triple-spaced. L e tte rs and W hy? Because th e aw ard s cerem onies must be cleared up. th e r e tu rn of life will be hin d ered by th e view points m u st be signed and a re a dram a, a national spectacle. Some On balance, though, we believe Israel has a right to continue th e trial, dying ju n k of o u r th ro w aw ay society. include local address, student, o b serv ers even believe th a t m ovies are which must be open to th e press and public. TJie euphemistically term ed H ow ever, w e can do so m ething ab o u t it. W e fa cu lty or s ta ff standing — i f any tru ly o u r national th e ater. each need only to pick u p a few cans h e re — and phone num ber. No le tte r or I will not h e re particip ate in th e favorite “mini-trial" has been largely closed. The conflicting rep o rts m ust be and a few b o ttles th e re . W hen you see one viewpoint w ithout these item s will pastim e of th e season — picking the cleared up. Fairness m ust prevail. Up until now we believe, for th e most try in g to peek o u t of a snow bank, g ra b it w inners. I alm ost alw ays say, "I'm not for p art, it has. before it becom es g ro ss and untouchable. be considered fo r publication. anyone and d on't really care who wins." But Do th is once a trip , o r ju s t once a day. W e'll L e tte rs should be 25 lines or less when it com es dow n to it, I often secretly all benefit. and m ay be edited fo r Sta te N ew s pull for favorite actors, d irecto rs, movies. D u an e Koons style and conciseness to fi t as "A nnie Hall" is Woody A llen's best ASM SU agenda Inequity hit 208 E. A k e rs Hall m any letters as p ossibli on a page. Viewpoints m ay be no longer than 75 lines, and m ay also be edited. p icture, but I'm not wild about Allen and "A nnie Hall" slid s tra ig h t downhill a fte r the first half. "The G oodbye Girl" was funny enough, but I had th e feeling I'd seen a lot of For the fifth consecutive year a pathetic minority of th e student body I believe som ething should be done to has voted in the ASMSU Student Board presidential elections. This make th e sale of Pop E n te rta in m e n t tick ets year, despite the fact th at those 3,400 students who voted made an m ore equitable. On F rid ay , M arch 3, an intelligent choice — form er Gay Council D irector Dan Jones — the problems inherent in the office still exist and th e present ASMSU structure remains unfeasible. ad v ertisem en t in th e S ta te N ew s announc­ ed th a t Jackson B row ne would ap p e a r on cam pus A pril 11. The ad v e rtisem e n t s ta te d tickets would go on sale M onday, M arch 6. On tuition-free educatioi Jones, along with the newly-elected board representatives, is in the F rid ay afternoon I w en t o v er to th e A fter a h ard and confining w in te r and position to change th a t faulty stru ctu re — if he has the initiative to Union T icket Office to find o u t w h at the $42,000 m ore in ta x es th an a non-college th e legislators in Washington, bearinl sp rin g ju s t aro u n d th e co rn er, restless ed u cated person. pro ced u re for tick et sales would be. I w as eliminate the very position he worked to be elected to. The ASMSU stu d e n ts on th e cam puses will be searching mind th a t 1978 is an election year in w l told th e b est th in g to do would be to come to all of th e congressm en and one-third o fl Student Board presidency should be abolished in favor of a chairperson th e Union when th e tick et office opened at for th a t elu siv e so m eth in g th a t will a ttr a c t Can such a goal be achieved? Well, th e re and d elig h t th e ir atten tio n . In th e past, they about 6 million stu d e n ts on th e college sen ate is up for election, every signa| to be appointed by the board on a rotating basis each term . This would 8:15 a.m . M onday. I w as told nothing ab o u t would re p re s e n t a vote. h ave en g ag ed in such frivolous antics as cam puses in th e U nited S tates. Each place what traditionally becomes an unfulfillable task upon the a “list.” I a rriv e d a t th e Union a t 7:45 a.m. seein g how m any s tu d e n ts could fit in a studc-nt has a m oth er, father, and a t least shoulders of several people ra th e r than on an individual. on M onday. Talking to som e of th e The big question is: A re there end telep h o n e booth, strea k in g , etc. This year, one au n t and uncle. This would re p resen t 30 h u n d red s of people w aitin g th e re, I learned idealists and activists on the camp! Overlapping representation on th e board should also be eliminated so w hy n o t tr y so m eth in g th a t is challenging million sig n atu res th a t could be g o tten on th e re w as a list of ov er 400 people who had today w ho would be willing to accept f each student is represented once, through college or living district. signed up ea rly to buy tick ets. Som e had as w ell a s en joyable, such as achieving petitions req u estin g leg islatu res to provide challenge as being w orthy of their leaf Currently the system allows a Greek dorm itory dweller to be tu ition-free ed u catio n th ro u g h th e college tuition free education th ro u g h th e college ship and organizational abilities? signed up as early as tw o days before th e level. S tu d e n ts w ould n ot only have an level. If you could g et th e high school represented three times, by the Residence Halls Association, th e Greek an nouncem ent had ap p eared in th e paper. o u tlet for th e ir p ent-up en erg ies b u t th ey stu d en ts to join you in this crusade, you organizations and the college of his or her m ajor. These overlapping W hen I w en t to th e tick et office I should Joseph Pasincl would also b e ab le to d em o n strate th e ir would h ave an o th e r 20 million sig n atu res on have been given an op p o rtu n ity to g et on W est Virginia Univerl jurisdictions serve only to muddle an already complicated, and too often m a stery o v er th e in tellectual tools th a t they your petitions. If you se n t th e se petitions to th e list. I should n ot h ave been misled about useless, system of student service. h ave acquired. th e tick et selling process. I cannot conceive ASMSU elections officials have said voter turn o u t this y ear was up, of any ju stification for th e w ay I w as but a look at the real figures shows how insignificant such an increase is tre a te d . In th e fu tu re th e se step s should be This idea could be defended from ev ery in the face of vote totals. Jones was elected by little more than 8 percent ta k en to en su re th a t no one is tre a te d po int of view, (a) I t would be easy to show th a t tuitio n -free education th ro u g h th e stlJdents. While th a t may look good in contract to th e 5 percent • u !i°^e garnered by 1977 President K ent B arry, the new president unfairly, as I w as: T) no one should be allow ed on th e list until th e concert is made college level is a n a tu ra l exten tio n of th e The State News public: 2) th e list pro ced u re should be d em ocratic p ro cess u n d er th e equality of is hardly entering office with a m andate. This degree of apathy can only d escribed in th e ad v e rtisem e n t announcing o p p o rtu n ity clause; (b) it would reduce Friday, M a rch 31, 1978 support a movement for changing the present student board stru ctu re. th e concert; and 3) no one should be denied u n em ploym ent by keep in g young people th e o p p o rtu n ity to g e t on th e list. en g ag ed in academ ic p u rsu its for longer E d ito ria ls a r e th e o p in io n s o f th e S ta te N e w s. V iew p o in ts, columns I awarpnpcc 8f/i?' w e b f lij ,ve’.genuinely concerned. He has shown an periods of tim e in ste ad of flooding th e job A n d rea S tu d eb a k er a n d le tte r s a r e p e r s o n a l o p in io n s. 2 0 t e real student issues and the willingness to work against 367 N. Case Hall m a rk et w ith unskilled labor; (c) it could be Editorial Department M nnit ~ " g bef° re the campaigns were launched. B ut Jones show n th a t tu itio n -free education through Editor-in-chief......... Michael Tanimura Photo Editor............................... Moggie th e college level is not only self-supporting Managing Editor....... Entertainment and Book Editor.. Kathy Fssem uree D a n Z n p 6h n stru ct“ re he is try ing to work within. We Koi Brown r m em bers of the student board to examine DPS: ‘degrading b u t th a t it is th e m o st profitable business 'Opinion Editor........... Dave Misialowski Sports Editor Tom Shonf i U f b S K t t 0,th“r'“sitio”!w■*“»>b' treatm ent9 th a t an y natio n could involve itse lf in. F o r exam ple, a college-educated person will e a rn ab o u t $5,000 a y e a r m ore d u rin g his Special Projects Editor City Editor................... Campus Editor........... Wire Editor................. Ralph Frammolino . Michael Winter Anne Sfuarf Jocelyn Laskowski Layout Editor Copy Chief Freelance Editor. . . . Staff Represen fa five Deborah Hef* ... KathySze/M DanSpicW Michelle Choml lifetim e th a n a non-college ed u cated person. A fter read in g M ary A llm an's le tte r in If th is ex cess earn in g s is tax ed a t only 20 A dvertising Department F o r th e c o u rts I T u esd ay 's pap er, I realize th a t th e illegal Den/sei p erce n t, an d th e p roductive life of th e Advertising Monoger. Sharon Seiler Assisfonf Advertising Manager q u estioning and d eg rad in g tre a tm e n t th a t I s tu d e n t is 42 y e a rs, he will co n trib u te received from th e D PS is all too frequent. L ast D ecem ber I w as called in to be | questioned as a su sp ect in a ro b b ery th a t I had tak en place a t th e M SU museum . sel7 ,ion th« The q u estioning th a t ensued w as humili- I atin g and condescending. Sim ilar to Ms. A lim an 's‘exp erien ce, I w as told "O f course DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeaj w e all m ake m istakes and don’t you think it would m ake you feel b e tte r if you told the “each board T a l S nStltUti° n S,U teS th a t- in the case of universities M U ,50MUCH NO, I'MA m i? WILL, ITWASN'T YEAHlESPE- UH.. YEAH! I | tr u th .” Com pletely and rep eated ly they WE'RE PLAY/N6 FORLAGOS! DID IMISSEPIT, BAD! CANABEAT CIAUYWI1HA WHATWERB IJUSTHOPE\ d isreg a rd e d my s ta te m e n t of know ledge of IT RAGE ONE! IT YOUCATCHMY RICK. ANOTHER, THE IMMEDIACY STOR/UKECAR- HIS EXACT SADATU & r this th e ft. I t ap p eared to me th a t th e D PS HASTOBETHE i STAND-UP WAY, UeCTRiCPeR- OF TELEVISION, TERTS LATEST WORDS A6AIN? OVERREACT, officer had pored o v er th e psychological BI66EST 6AFFE L_ / RICK ? FORMANCE? YOUKNOW, RICK’ OPEN-MIKE Y0UKN0W? section of C J m anual on “how b est to HE'S EVER MADE, BLUNDER' WOULDN'T YOU | m anipulate y o u r subject." 5 S s k ssffi The final indignity occurred w hen the I D PS officer w ho g ave m e a ride back to cen tral cam pus quipped, "So you ripped off SAY? I au?hti?y0^ x p ne n S e S0 h f i ner?l. and in s titu tio n a l th e money from th e m useum — y o u r life untrained legal eyes id lo ^ u n iw r" '! P r0j n’ through our own will be ruined by th is incident if you don't tell th e tr u th .” I guess this "rip-off" was The Open A rt J ■ f. ^ t0 ^ a" d even break th e law - exciting new s aro u n d th e D PS office. (Thus government with all iK autnn W aa the executive branch of | violating any privacy rig h ts th a t I had.) it- So too must MSU. This T he D PS is n ot concerned ab o u t the 1 rig h ts of m ere stu d e n ts. T herefore, any oods as source / f can cer debated irDeiJNDA K ARLE But G ilbert A. Leveille chairperson of the MSU De “Researchers need to control „ pwple argue with th e P artm ent of Food Science and other variables th a t could also lism that w hat you e a t is affect health," she said. Human N utrition, disagreed 'em are. The problem now w ith McGovern's estimates. For example, Johnson cited the current report th a t people who consume large amounts of 111 l i e following hig h -g rtln m e n u la one of a series compiled by sugar tend to have a higher E g . D epsrtraent of A p ic u ltu re from auggestions by the rate of coronary h eart disease - t, Subcommittee on N utrition. I t contains th e daily meal than those who eat less. enta to r m en 80 to 54 y ea rs old: m to 3 cups of cereal • ^Sslieen of bread le tu p s vegetables, fru it “A confounding factor - one which was not considered se­ parately - was th a t the people with coronary heart disease % also had high triglyceride levels J * lean meat, poultry, fish (fats) in their diet," she said. 0 cups skim milk "These could have had more influence on th e disease than determine w h at is sugar did.” State News Lyn A. Hawes bo* to “Cancers probably do result Wh»t do ducks have in common with A nother controversy over Stanford, an MSU senior, enjoys ■ j- from something in the environ­ Dennis Stanford? Well, both of them American diet. uhas the relationship of fats and wistfully whisping down the wavy m ent, but to say th a t diet is at hke to paddle, and they like to do that d [or the w o rst in th e fault is totally incorrect," he sugar to health concerns obesi­ waters in his kayak. Here, Stanford is paddling down the good ol’ Red Cedar century, the U.S. S enate said. ty. About 20 percent of U.S. pictured in action, and resting after a ijmpiltee on N utrition r e ­ children and up to 50 percent of River. When the spirit moves him, rough bout with the rapids. I t is difficult to determ ine al recently- Sen. G eorge cause and effect relationships adults are obese, nutritionists t-ern. D.-S.D. and chair- betw een food and disease, said at the University of Minnesota d(the committee, s tated report. Brenda Johnson, public health diet would be desirable," Le- j5 percent of all cancers in ecologist a t the University of For the treatm en t and p re­ veille said. of Minnesota reported th a t su g ar is th e main cause of country are diet related. M innesota. vention of obesity a reduction in the fat content of the American But th e In stitu te of Food Technologists a t th e U niversity obesity. (continued on page 13) M Coal strike forces higher electric bills April Fool's fASHINGTON (AP) - ^'s coal strike seem ed a -way from Poolesville, M d.t i Nancy Fost got h er The ;jl electricity bill for Janu- ind February. sta te s ran short of coal to produce pow er and w ere forced to buy m ore expensive electrici­ ty from o ther power companies o r use higher-priced oil to continue operation. utility spokespersons indicate th a t consumers in several states can expect th e ir electric bill to b e 15 to 20 percent higher per month during th e n ext four to six months. are expected to stay a t a higher level because of increased coal prices. M iners won a wage hike during th e ir recently-ended 111-day walkout. Inc., estim ated th e new con­ tra c t plus a 6 percent inflation ra te will increase th e cost of coal 10 percent to 13 percent w ithin th e year. He predicted SALE 10% Off All Waterbeds jk was not alone in her an overall increase of 25 p er­ And even after coal produc­ Joel Price of th e brokerage , And homeowners in In m ost cases, charges for the cent in coal prices during th e tion is back to normal and th e jaav as 12 states m ay soon m ore expensive electricity have short-term charges are gone, firm of Dean W itter Reynolds three-year m iners’ contract. & A ccessories jsimilar - if not so d rastic not y e t been imposed. But electricity costs in m any states irprises in their utility bills. Another Poolesville resident, -k Summers, had an $818 Child week set i for the January-F ebruary d on her three-bedroom jctric frame home in th e Art awards ready The seventh annual national Week of th e Young Child, dor Shopping C enter on S atu r­ day. April 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 Simple Pleasures nhiogton suburb, com pared 1298 the previous tw o which begins Sunday, will focus on th e needs of young children p.m. The MSU Spartan N ursery 129 E. Grand River rths. Awards of up to $500 will be given for original works of video, and th e ir families. School, th e M arried S tudents Otherresidents of Poolesville •neighboring tow ns in west- photography, dance, poetry, fiction and dram a describing w hat energy use will be like in the year 2001, Elaine Williams, president of th e C entral Michigan Associa­ A ctivities Unit Day Care Cen­ Downstairs te r and its infant/toddler unit Maryland, who also have Entry blanks are available to everyone at local books'-ores tion for th e Education of Young will be among th e 19 local Uric homes, also received and at the East Lansing Board of Education office, 509 Burcham Children, said area activities children’s centers providing hundreds of dollars higher Drive. E ntry deadline is April 9. will striv e prim arily to stim u­ booths at the fair. they had expected, A total of $2,500 will be aw arded in the contest. Winning late community aw areness. A ctivities will include music p plight of th e Poolesville works will be displayed May 6 at th e Energy Fair in Hannah This m arks th e second year fun, dram atic dress-up play, ^ts was unusual only in Middle School. th a t th e local area will partici­ quail hatching, parachute play amount of the total cost and The competition is sponsored by the E ast Lansing Forum in pate in the event. and tumbling. speed in which it came. The Energy & Society, the East Lansing Public Schools and the The week will culminate in a F or fu rth e r information con ‘jtment of Energy said Michigan Council for the Humanities. Fun F air for children under 7 tact Elaine Williams at 339 | t companies in a dozen and th eir families at th e Fran- 2026. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 After the Game or After the Show T rv a LATE NIGHT SNACK at lube Sex's international House of Pancakes 6/$5.0# r x m b i > . r e g u l a r v a l u e $ 2 . 00 e a c h L Track Shorts 351-7716 2800 E. G rand Rivsr $3.90each S-M-LXL 3/S 10“ V. \ THEATER V M EN'S AND W OM EN'S Crew Neck Shirts A FIRST! M IR A C U LO U S NOW 4 fo r $20.” N EW TISSUE CULTURE, REPRO DUCTION OF P U N T 2 /$ 1 2 or $ 6 .™ e a c h LIFE IN A TEST TUBE R e g u l a r v a l u e to S I 2 Watch a real live green plant grow from plant tissue - an intriguing breakthrough in horticultural research! The tissue, planted in an organic substance compounded with all the nutrients and hormones needed to sustain it for up to 8 months or more, is sealed into the test B r i n g a b u d d y - B u y a lot- tube and requires no watering or fertilizing during this Split the s a v i n g s ! _______ come-to-life period in a sterile environment. When plant reaches the top of the sealed tube, it's time to remove it and plant in potting soil where it will continue to grow into a mature plant. The process is facinating, a chance to actually witness another life. It's a natural gift idea to delight a plant fancier, $7. •EAST* •WEST* 2625 E. G rand River Ave. 414 Elmwood St. East Lansing, M ich. 48823 Lansing, M ich. 48917 JacobBoriB Ph. 351-3931 Ph. 321-3707 H ours: M -W 1 0 to 6 ,T h u r s ./F r i. 10-9, Sot. 10-6, Sun. 12-5 Frid»y.March3, 1978 By RIC H A R D L. SHOOK Wings no longer U P I S p o rts W rite r D ETR O IT (U PI) - A y e a r ago th e D etro it R ed W ings could be laughed off th e ice — on th o se r a r e occasions an y ­ body show ed up to chortle. SKS-TSi Laughing a t th e D etro it Red W ings th is season can g e t you a punch in th e face — and laughed off ice I ^ e m * hockJ hat hustle, for t C f ? probably a loss in th e N ational he 2 w^ C Russians are coming! Hockey L eague stan d in g s. “I can honestly say I d id n 't think w e'd do th is good,” said rookie defensem an R eed L a r­ playoffs. T h ey b e tte re d th e m ­ selves by 37 p oints, a fig u re th e R ed W ings could su rp ass. T he tw in , arch itec ts o f th is in th e ir liquid sta te s b u t which com bine v ery well as w ater. T hey g e t along because of .H irin g Kromm W. J even t * h; L i n d s a J even know Kromm w i l son, one o f sev eral reasons m u tu al resp ect for one an u n h erald ed accom plishm ent, h» coach. That , U 1 o th e r s abilities, they think D etro it will com e close to which h as paid off w ith th e Chios work, which 1 MSU champion Milkovich to compete doubling th e miniscule to ta l of 41 p o ints it had last y e a r when r e tu rn o f capacity crow ds, a re G eneral M an ag er T ed Lindsay alike and th e y com m unicate well. Lindsay also d o esn 't tell K rom m how to coach and couple of other moves a j Delvecchio for heavy co J th e R ed W ings w e re easily th e and Coach B obby K rom m . w o rst club in th e 18-team NHL. K rom m doesn’t in tru d e on th e “ o»aeex-G M ofthe“eJ The MSU w restling team wound up its season nearly a m onth T he tw o strong-w illed, h a rd ­ fmmnd,Say .quickly fou? MSU, will w restle 1977 Ju n io r W orld cham pion Saiapulla H eading into th e la st tw o form er R ed W ing g re a t’s te rri ago, but th e m ats will be unrolled for an o th er w restling m eet on w orking individuals a re a s like­ to ry . •com his lawyers - Apsaidov in th e 138.5-weight class. Tw o o th e r fo rm er S p a rta n s - w eeks o f th e re g u la r season, the MSU campus — th is one w ith an international flavor. ly a com bination a s oxygen and »hom, John Zieg|er 1 Tom Miller in th e 114.5-weight class and Tom M uir in th e D etro it w as fighting Los A n­ O w ner B ruce A. N orris fired Ten American w restlers, including th re e form er M SU stan d ­ hydrogel, which you w ouldn't of ‘he league J 180.5 w eight class — will also com pete in th e m eet. geles for second place behind A lex D elvecchio and nam ed outs, will take on th e Soviet Union's national team in a dual m eet w an t to m ess w ith individually Delvecchio had si^ed « P erh ap s th e highlight of th e m e et will be th e heavyw eight M ontreal — which som e say is Lindsay to succeed him March April 5 at 7 p.m. in Jenison Fieldhouse. T he Russian team , which is m atch betw een three-tim e NCAA cham pion Jim m y Jack so n and (continued on page | alread y in a d iffe re n t league — on a four-city tour of th e U nited S tates, won a sim ilar m eet a t th e Russians' Soslan A ndiev. Jack so n , a n ativ e of G rand Rapids, in th e N o rris Division. Jenison tw o years ago. Mich., won th e national cham pionship th e la st th re e y e a rs for T he Red W ings h ave not P at Milkovich, a two-time NCAA champion w hile com peting a t Oklahoma S tate. A ndiev was th e w in n er of th e Gold M edal in the finished th a t high since ex p a n ­ 1976 Olympics a t M ontreal and is a d octor of economics. sion began in 1967-68. T h eir Also com peting for th e U nited S ta te s team will be M ichigan's b e st finish since w inding up M ark C hurella, a NCAA champion th e la st tw o y e a rs. H e will Stickers come home tangle w ith E u ro p ean Gold M edalist Ikhaku G aidarbekov in th e 149.5 w eight class. first in 1964-65 w as a th ird place in 1969-70, th e la st y e a r D etro it even m ade th e playoffs. The Soviets have an o th er form er Olympic p erfo rm er, A lex an d er T he club's publicity sta ff has Ivanov, who will w restle Miller. Ivanov won th e Olympic Silver done its hom ew ork an d found after 6M 9 trouncing Medal in 1976. The A m erican contingent will be coached by D an G able, head th a t in th e la st 20 y e a rs only one te a m — th e Buffalo S ab res coach of NCAA cham pion Iowa, and MSU a s s is ta n t w restlin g in 1974-75 — h as m ade a coach S tan Dziedzic. Lacrosse coach Nevin Kan- day," K anner said. g r e a te r one-season p o int im ­ The ev en t, which is sponsored by th e MSU T ake Down Club, p ro v em en t th a n D etro it. ner isn't sure what to expect Jo e Berlin has joined M SU's figures to be a key te s t for the U nited S ta te s ’ w restle rs, m any of T from Indiana when the S p ar­ T h a t y e a r th e S ab res, w ho all-time leading sco rer Kevin whom a re co n ten d ers for the 1980 Olympics. tans play their first home gam e had finished fifth th e y e a r « W illittso n the injury list with a Tickets for th e dual m eet a re $6 for reserv ed seats, $5 for th e at 1 p.m. Sunday but if the bruised muscle and will miss before, ju m p ed to firs t in th e general public and $3 for stu d en ts. They may be p u rch ased from 8 A dam s D ivision and m ade it to competition is like the U niver­ th e Indiana game. a.m. to 5 p.m. w eekdays at th e Jenison tick et office. sity of Michigan's W ednesday, th e finals o f th e S tan ley Cup it may be a long afternoon. Since Michigan's lacrosse is a club sport, they can have • « . players th a t aren't students. Some of the non students are former All Americans, and it Women lack adequate practice showed as MSU was trounced. By JE R R Y BRA UD E T he S p arta n s w ere 2 3 on th e ir sp rin g tr ip a fte r d efea tin g 12-3. S ta te N ew s S p o rts W riter I’urd u e 9 0 to tip off th e season in F eb ru ary . "Michigan is the best club A lthough first y ear coach E a rl R utz doesn't feel his p layers have "The P u rd u e victory w as h ard to ju d g e b ecause th e y a r e n 't th a t team in th e Midwest, and it was reached th e ir top form, and practice conditions have been less than tough. It was a nice victory, though, and w e w ere ab le to g e t a hard hitting and tough game," favorable, the w om en's tennis team will trav el to Madison, Wis.. ev eryone into th e m eet," R utz said. K anner said. this w eekend for its first th re e key m eets to qualify for the T he sp rin g trip victories w ere ag a in st V an d erb ilt, 5-4, and "We tre ated th e game not as regionals. a loss but a good gam e to get E a ste rn K entucky, 6-3. T he losses w e re to U n iv ersity of MSU will face Wisconsin and N o rth w estern S atu rd a y and T en n essee at C hattanooga, th e defen d in g national sm all collegiate experience from. Since our Michigan, s ta te cham p and Big Ten runner-up last year. Sunday. cham pion, 8-1; W estern K entucky, 6-3; and A u b u rn , 7-2. team has so little experience in "M ichigan is our strongest com petition h ere in th e s tate," Rutz So far, m ost of th e points h ave been produced by sophom ore lacrosse, preparing for this said. “If w e do beat them , it would be an upset. If we get some Jen n ife r B rielm aier, who is 8-4 overall (3 3 in singles and 5-1 in gam e is like teaching someone m ental toughness from S aturday and com bine th at w ith physical doubles), and freshm an H e a th e r M acT ag g art, w ho is 7-4 overall how to dribble and shoot in toughness, w e can be extrem ely com petitive with them ." 14-2 in singles and 3 2 in doubles). basketball and then im m ediate­ When th e team has to practice indoors on cam pus, it sh ares two But th e team will live and die w ith th e ir to p singles and doubles ly go up against Indiana." wooden courts w ith th e m en's team a t th e M en's IM Building player, D ebbie M ascarin, w ho has m issed four m atch es because of M SU's goals w ere scored by There have also been conflicts with IM basketball and reg istratio n . a pulled muscle in th e u p p er leg and is c u rre n tly 5-3 o v e ra ll. M ark Pinto, Dwayne A nderson The team usually practices at th e Lansing R acquet Club w here and G reg Brinkman. "W e a re by far a stro n g e r te am w ith h er in th e lineup," R utz Rutz still has difficulty gettin g court tim e. This week, th ey have "Indiana, a club team , has to said. "We look at her to g et us tw o points, one in sin g les an d one in not had a chance to practice on campus. play Michigan on S aturday, so "We could get m ore practice in if we could g et an indoor tennis doubles. Also, when she d o esn 't play, w e h av e to m ove ev ery b o d y Hockey knmortd Gordie Howe (9) celebrated hia 50th birthday Tuesday (it reallJ they will probably be tired up th e ladder, and w e th en lose m atch es th a t w e norm ally would when we play them on Sun facility. W ithout it, we are limited to a sh o rt season and have to do Jkr * i " u WHA NeW ED*,Md U u a h«d ceremonies before the (and more traveling." Rutz said. win. Because of th e injury sh e is m ore aw ay th a n an y o n e else at with Cincinnati. Howe entered the NHL with Detroit in 1946 and still holds NHL being at h er top form, and we need her to be." records for most goals, assists and games. He is ninth this year in WHA scoring. c i: \ t k u i m t i ;d S o u th B a p tist C h u rc h t f F T IIO I) IS T 1518$. W ashington Across from fhe Caoiinl Rev. Paul Hartman, preaching S U N D A Y , 7:00 p . m . Lansing DRESS FOR SUCCESS “tow ers I Questions” Caught in a Conflict: UNIVERSITY REFORMED Worship Services 9 45 o m and 11 00 a m W hat is God A ttem pting to do w ith us? Does he always succeed? TOMORROW A T Nursery Available CHURCH 485-9477 M u 4930 S. Hagadorn C M tfllM Cadcfi ftllowslijpaod Spring is the season fo r (across From Akers) UNIVERSITY eta** rtfnslMits UOml 9:30 Study G roups frtsdtlm job interviews and fo r 10:30 C offee Hour BAPTIST Worship: CHURCH S U N D A Y , 11:00 a . m . g ettin g ready to fa c e the 11:00 a.m. and 6 p.m. For Rides Coll 351-6810 4608 S. H agadorn Eost Lansing GOD IS LAVISH professional world. Tomorrow a fte r 9 a.m . Sunday Worship 10; SS 11:15 Tom Stark, Pastor Student Foundation Chaplain Bailoy FREE BUS SERVICE M orning and Evening is a special d a y at our Gayle Barnes, BuiSchadula Call 482 ■0754 fo r inform ation Staff Associate Richard L. Schulthais Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor East Lansing store. We w ill Pastor. Kenn Hecht, College M inister _ » i-« i« 4 im -s n i be devoted to helping you m ake the best appearance and a EASTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN! CHURCH 1315 Abbott Rd. (North of Saginaw) successful first impression. A * East Lansing I A ll o f the follow ing w ill happen Sunday A p ril 2 nd Worihip: 8:304 10:45 a.m. Church School through Adult: 9:30 o.m. T H E M E ; “T H E W E E K O F T H E Y O U N G C H I L D " | 4 . . . If I l(. w ill b r o a d c a s t a m Paul W .G re e n T im o th y Q u ist D ress fa r S u c c e s s " s e m in a r 337-0893 337-0183 lir e fr o m o a r H ast L a n s in g UNIVERSITY STUDY interested in earning university credits Mgaitcli s to r e . . . . O a r e x p e r t s a le s p e o p le w ill while exploring a new land In all Its aspects? Why not consider a summer, h e lp y o u p u t to g e th e r a n d semester, year, or degree program at This Areo's Only M ult;-M edia Discotheque one of Israel's seven leading a e e e s s o r iz e p r o fe s s io n a l o u tfits 2843 F. Gd River, E Ians 351-1201 universities. Religious studies, in th e p r i c e r a n g e a p p r o p r i a t e humanities, the social sciences and a host of other courses are offered in Enjoy Your Weekend at the Rainbow Ranch ^ to y o u r s p e c i f i c needs. either English or Hebrew with special emphasis on helping you get a grasp . . . A m a k e - u p c lin ic a t o u r of Israel. Whether it be in Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv or the Negev, a study program at an Israeli unlvenity will MARATHON u n ii/u e “F a r e F a c t o r y " w i l l 9>ve you a new feeling about Israel and yourself as well. Write for a brochure giving information about all HOUSE PARTY h e lp to o k . v o n a c h ie v e th e r ig h t fin is h e d ^ u n iv ersities and * « program, they ) FRIDAY C SATURDAY DRESS FOR SUCCESS C ouncil for A dvance m oot of Study P ro fn m o B e e r S p e c ia l til 8 :0 0 * • '• '• • 1 ' Unlvorolttoo,Rm 25 815 Pork Avonuo. Now York. D an cing a t 8 :3 0 B o th N itcs TO M O RRO W A T Now York 10022, (212) 751-6070 H a st L a n s in g i uirhiaon State Naws, Eost Lon,inQ u m ., ^ Friday, March 31, 1978 7 L in d s a y changes Wings in a year Valuable Coupon Worth $1.00 IrtiBtinurd Irom p«ge 6) ■ ii inrc^v three-y«»r contract to hr firy WCHA honors Welch 22/ 2, a “ t a - 1 and trading Bill t o 'b u f lH * 11196 "i t 8 th e o n lJr w c y ■ ' the downtrodden Red J? an or8anization.” .I ,)gl* u was to ta k e effect w ente nafter t ' T l^leftn ewing d th a Dan tw h eMa- '> it rK?aswta 15 , the contract he wee ' "line under as coach of th e olavTrs r (h !,ali Star team ’ M embers w ere selected by th^nol ^ aplc Leafs wanted Players, coaches, media rep resen tativ es and sports information *1 5 0 J e ts of th e W HA ran lo o k a t the re su lts o f the ir w ork the policeman but Lindsay kept directors associated w ith th e 10 WCHA teams. sk a t in g in D e tro it uniform s. refusing - unti] th Welch, who finished th e season with 17 goals and 23 assists 1 ‘L r D e lv e c c h io moves th s t J ^ te n e d with firs tro ^ H e a nnounced that anyone o r hts second straig h t MSU scoring championship ece ed I jpiyin? dividends for Lind- honorable mention in th e voting. P received r nnted 4 * hot w ould Ret it Errol T k "'63' He «ot ‘wo plus I ind Krowm are th e signing Denver, which finished first in the WCHA regular season I n . f r o m th e U niversity e ^ r ^ - P ^ n w h ^ h L r ? 50" ’ a l,i8l' scorer “ started stgnmg rejects and who had fallen into disfavor, in placed five players on th e first two team s while second-place M s 2 it ■ ^ V u in 1976 a fte r th'e any. hockey p |,y er who couW for Maloney and a Wisconsin captured th re e spots. P I (istern Collegiate Hockey As- w rite hig name. second round choice msuspended him for an U ndsay has hUJed himself u ... - - ‘ i----j|» y er , I jtrrntion witn anovner h ttle Sam PoUack" after draft- IJSSng d e fe n s e m a n G reg choice hungry CM of the Cana- MlMWitmUMt (r m iw m w m frW iM S i l& jm M ■ r i BUY TWO DELICIOUS ^ HOI H M M « | f t mm MR. TONY SUBMARINE SANDWICHES (ree) B a « | IS H IN J | Ellr, deadlines for IM c o re c one pitch softball i, at noon April 5 a v a l s p e c i a l s laiut FOR ONLY ‘1.50 (and this coupon) SAVE *1.00 Isne M DOGS I ,i t ! Womens IM BIdg. The deadline for Women's IM softball ■ m l I id hr Aprl16 in the ssrae room - o b o I | i i i 1 Team e n t ry cards for co-rec will be a t a manager's meeting 6 ■ ■ ■ I I’ lK H I H S P E C IA L k e * L . . April 3 m 137 of th e Women’s IM. M anager’s meetings for K m 's softball a re A pril 3 and 4 in 137 of the Women's IM at 7 IBfiBI A no th er meeting H■eAnuure. o will be April . . j « . - 5n iini gyin l i ai gym .127 at 7i p.m. L IV I (L A N D f f j f t 2 - 5 ' ... infarmtlifl in ItAinir i n Affieinl .aa... a I Anyone interested in being an official should attend a meeting at N O COVE R > ■ ‘p.m. .26 of the Women’s IM for th e co-rec league and at 7 p m ' IONic1111: F O X X Ri.uu . P i l l * 4 •UBMABINIt H137of the Women's IM for th e Women’s League. W’ Grond River (iust west of Greyhound Station) J ne Early Bird swim will be held from 6.30 a.m. until 9:30 a m NO D ILIV IR T |dondav through F riday a t th e Women’s IM. Pick-Up or Dine In Only 332-8611 Expire! 4-6-78 I Women's IM Building hours a re 8 a.m. to 7:50 p.m. Monday I bough Friday. S aturday hours a re noon to 5:50 p.m. and Sunday ITS SHURE STYLUS ■poll! a.m. to 3:50 p.m. J Women's IM pool hours a re 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7:50 p.m Igondiv through Friday. S atu rd a y hours are noon to 5:50 p.m MONTH a t h i f i b u y s C le a ra n c e S a le |Sadiy is an IM children’s swim from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The pool is JUST BRING YOUR SHURE STYLUS IN n from 1 until 3:60 p.m. J He Men’s IM pool will have an Early Bird swim also from 6:30 AND WE WILL CHECK IT WITH OUR 3 Days Only | , i 3c a.m. Monday through Friday. $3,200 WILD HEERBRUGG MICROSCOPE, J deadline (or entry in independent volleyball is April 7 at noon in H H H ^ H w h i c h ALLOWS US TO RECOMMEND Thurs - 3/30 Fri - 3/31 S a t -4/1 I Igtfihe Men s IM. The en try deadline for bowling is Anri! 7 at ■ w in 208 of the Men’s IM. STYLUS RE-PLACEMENT LONG BEFORE SERIOUS DAMAGE HAS I He Men's IM indoor pool hours a re 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday At 220 MAC University Mall E.L. ■trough Friday and 6 to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Friday BEEN DONE TO YOUR VALUABLE RECORD COLLECTION ■sifimily swim from 6 to 8 p.m. S aturday’s hours are 11 a.m. to BEAT THE PRICE INCREASE OF DOWN ■ISOp.m. and Sunday is family swim from 1 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. and for the month for april.... I Building hours at th e M en’s IM are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday ALL Vests 24<,s COLORADO COMFORT Ifcnigh THIS COUPON GOOD FOR Friday. Saturday hours a re from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Values to 4250 Men's sizes onlv M ountain Cloth P a rk a s with Hood I s i to 4 p.m. Sunday. H Yellow Only Reg. 85” 49” I Because the IM softball league is limited to 675 teams, llsdenre Hall team s a re not guaranteed a spot in the league Iriiut attending the m anager's m eetings Monday or Tuesday at ppm. in the Men's IM Building S ports Arena, $2 OFF ON ANA STYI US OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30 197S COLORADO COMFORT Ski Jackets ALL Colors Reg. 60““ 3 4 '' COLORADO COMFORT A V O ID INFERIOR IM ITATIO NS IO O K FOR THE SHURE O N THE STVtUS GRIP Down Taffeta Jacket Yellow Only MOUNTAIN CLOTH Reg 55°° S t ’5 SUNDAY, AT fAAC'S . . . H I- F I B U Y S S m ooth Shell Down P a rk a 2 lb . SLEEPING BAGS HAT NIGHT! 1101 E. GRAND RIVER 4810 W. SAGINAW Yellow ONLY REG. 95"" 59” Fantastic Pltchar « Drink specials all night E.L. PH 337-1767 IA N . PH 321 -2373 Reg. 145°° 99” long to hat wearers. M-F 10-8 S 9-5 M-F 11-8 S 9-5 "Down C reation s" Jackets flflONDflY- Pitcher Special FREE PARKING - LAY AWAY - FINANCING W OOL HATS Reg. 9” 2” Blue Onlv all day ft night ALL REMAINING WOOL SWEATERS TUESDAY- Free Peanuti REG 45°° 24” 14” Values to 36” I oil day ft night Ladies Polyester Jackets Rea. 45°° 19* lACs WEDNESDAY. Pitcher 1/2 OFF Frostline Kit Ski W ear jar | WOE. Mich. Av#. ^THURSDAY Special s - i o pm FIND OF THE WEEK., .1 T is sham rock after St. P at’s ow n heart! In green 20% OFF Selected Kits (P a r k a s & Jackets) Save 20% on Down W»it of Frondor OBERMEYER T-Necks Reg. Ill” 6 o n v v the color of the au ld C om forters & F e a th e r Beds sod, w ith 14 k arat yellow gold rim a n d chain, for th e 1/2 OFF " K o m b i " Down Mills Many ODDS & ENDS su n n v sm ile of th e Irish, an d at a price you just ca n ’t Reg. 141"' Starting at 7'"' at Rock B ottom Prices resist! $37.50 " 7 ^ Sim it'thing B eautiful Z first i t . . lown. M E R E MOVING TO 127 E. GR. RIVER E.L. tor Hm yont'., N e x t to Kav B aum s (Jo iH CREDIT UNION •. w h e re loan s a re in sta n t M ORGANS Fine Jewelers Since 18/b 121 S. W a sh in g to n . L a n sin g W j CREDIT MSU EMPLOYEES, UNION I M erid ian M all, O k e m o s SAVE 2 5 % ON MEAL COSTS Use one of Morgan s convenient vh.tiy;t ; , 800 E Crescent American Express, BankAmericard, Ma-t« r (. har^o WITH THE NEW Ph 363-2280 J Mail and Phone Inquiries Invited i '!71 4s? st?l A. STU D EN "* £ C iH !k N _ UUeuucrt _ WHATISTHEUNIONCAFETERIAMEAL PLAN? between the Union Cafeteria and f you decide to join you w ill be able to r It is a full-tim e agreement q students to buy meals at discount rates. If j S3 worth of food for $2.25. You may choose to be creatMS- from o lorge selection of lunch and dm; rolls and beverages toes potatoes, salads, vegetables, desserts, HOWDOESTHEPLANWORK? uuith VOUI It gives you the option of buying any Union Cafe­ teria menu items at a la carte prices to o l.mit of $3 per meal. Any credit not used for a meal may not be transferred to the next meal ll your purchases are more than $3 for any one meal (for those of you with hearty appetites' you w ill pay the additional amount. April 6 - Hair Clinic WHEREIS THEPLANVALID? The plan may be used Sundays through Fridays, One Day Only March 27 to June 9. The last day to |Oi is Monday May 22 A minimum purchase of ten meals is required. M ake y o u r a p p ointm ent today, there a re a lim ite d num ber o f openings. HOURS THE UNION CAFETERIA IS OPEN - fuls crim ps & c u rls — the newest, NOW loo k in hair. fume UP lo th e H a irlo ft - fo r a lon g e r app o intm en t, Lunch: Monday through Friday. 11:15 a.m. — 1:15p.m. And w e 'll design a loo k fo r you and y o u r hair. Dinner: Monday through Friday, 5 p.m. • 7 p.m. Sunday Dinner: 12 noon • 2 p.m. (Closed Saturdays) S ty le t fo r m en a n d w om en 2 2 0 M A C , U n iv e rs ity M all MSU PANORAMA WHEREMAYI JOIN? Sat. April 1 ,6<00 P.M. WJIM TV-6 The meal plan is sold at the Union Building business office, on the second floor (east entrance) of the union Mondays through Fridays 8 30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. A minimum pur­ m m m m am m m m i t -’ R G uests: chase of ten meals is required. Jack Shingleton, MSU Placement Bureau Dr. Charles McKee "Alum ni Summer U niversity" For More Information Call Earvin Johnson Interview Union Food Service M ike Doyle and Dorothy Doene, Co Hosts 3 5 5 -3 4 6 5 Going for gold: the Osca] By BYRON BA KER of th e G eorge Lucas space T urning Point) each having , Sffisttr- S ta te New* S taff W ritar fantasy (which to d ate as ac­ good shot a t th e s ta tu e tte . But Each y ea r a t th is tim e, cum ulated $134 million in re n t B ancroft and Fonda have both friends, acquaintances, hang­ sis in th e U.S. and Canada W 7 films the also dir.,, alr? " £ O scars (Bancroft, ers-on and cynics pelt m e w ith alone) cannot be discounted as a Goodbye Girl). J , 1 . in 1962 for T he M iracle W ork­ questions concerning th e cu r­ factor h ere. I t is w orth rem em ­ er; Fonda, for K lute in 1971) £ h » w o n t heN .Y. Fiiy Galumphing Gourmet re n t O scar race. I am asked to assess th e chances of th e nom­ inees in th e m ajor categories bering, how ever, th a t th e larg e­ ly equally spectacu lar num bers ru n g up by J a w s in 1975 failed and th e A cadem y doesn't gen­ erally p roffer a second aw ard when th e ru n n in g is extrem ely Best d ir e c tio n re c e iv e d c ita ti.T T M (frequently for situ atio n s in­ to pull much w eight in th e nnT^to^s Gb'H award I close. K eaton is still regarded volving th e ev en tu al circulation balloting (it lost to O ne Flew D P A ' " ? ' " its h ^ r y d as a relativ ely new and un­ M A s choice differed [r» i By S tev e Sziisgyi th e menu boasts - and th e place doesn’t serv e of m o d erate sum s of money), O ver th e Cuckoo's N est). Academy's. Other p o s i l known ta len t (though h er work n c rsc o u ld b e tw „ ^ b l e l and am som etim es coerced into T he T u rn in g P ain t is an r. ■ t. . W# Wer , . an-v m<,at- That WHuld scare m ost people off in Looking F or M r. Good b ar It isn t often a re sta u ra n t review is prefaced by im m ediately, b u t not rightfully so. S n a il P lan et picking som e “s u re w inners." unusually resp ected film within m ay win her votes), and the a book review . B ut one recen t book, T he T a ste of d eserv es a tr y from anyone w ho is serio u s ab o u t R eaders of my column on this th e p ictu re in d u stry , and its Odds seem to favor MacLaine. America, comes so close to w h at this mish-mash eating. su b ject la st y e a r m ay recall my te rrific d ram atic perform ances T he B est S upporting Actor of a column is all about, it would be unthinkable A t no o th e r re s ta u ra n t in tow n can one g e t hot last “su re w inner” — A0 The by Hollywood v eteran s A nne G eo ™ 1?Lucas George Kl,,d, and' (for Star \ aw ard is likely to go to Alec " “l i 0 ™ " / '0" ' 1' . . . . . whole w heat biscuits, freshly baked and not ju s t P resid en t's Men — fell to Rocky B ancroft an d Shirley M acLaine G uinness for his perform ance T he T a ste of A m erica (a $2.95 paperback from w arm ed up a fte r being pulled from a plastic bag. afte r th e O scar n ight tinsel had a re much, adm ired in T insel­ a s Ben (Obi Wan) Kenobi in One of the writing cate P enguin Books) by John L. and K aren Hess has N ow here else can you g et a choice of half a dozen cleared. tow n. JuU a and A nnie Hall, is also wide open J-. S ta r W ars (G uinness won the been kicking around th e bookshelves for about a different soups - all well spiced and w ithout One th in g is clear: th e re a r e d esp ite critical acclaim and 1957 B est A ctor O scar for i ? u Sargent's JalUscrinl year, and was released in paperback a few m eat including a m in estro n e th a t would p u t to few “su re w inners" th is y ea r. financial success, a r e not men Bridge on th e R iver Kwal), l^ b e t fo r th e B e s U d J m onths ago. As of now, not enough people have The 1977 A cadem y A w ard s (to tioned much for th e to p aw ard, sham e th a t of any p asta pit around. T h e re a r e I though P e te r F irth (Equus) Screenp ay award, the Orif read it: if they would, the sale of junk food, dishes w ith cheese, so u r crearr,, cu rry , g reen be p resen ted M onday, A pril 3 and a re considered d ark horses could possibly rid e on his Screenplay Oscar ispr, c J frozen “convenience" foods and microwave p eppers, and lots of vegetables — including in a cerem ony to be bro ad cast a t best. c o s ta r 's coattails if B urton l , a grabS' Pr°minently J ovens would plum m et. V zucchini H i u aand lentils - th a t you can’t g et on ABC-TV) seem m ore diffi­ T he B est A cto r sw a rd would w ins for B est A ctor. scripts for A This som etim es w itty, som etim es frightening elsew here, cult to second-guess th a n ev er. seem to b e a race betw een Hall, The Turning Pei.. book by tw o die-hard food lovers lone of them a V anessa R ed g rav e (Julia) For one thing, alm ost all o f th e R ichard B urton (Equus) and Since the place d oesn't have to w orry about will prove hard to beat in the Girl and f t , - form er re sta u ra n t critic for th e New York Times) p ictures nom inated in th e p ri­ R ichard D rey fu ss (The Good­ B est S u p p o rtin g A ctress cate­ TV watchers may find I has a clear m essage — our food has become so the high price of m eat, th e prices a re fairly m ary categ o ries a re both c riti­ b ye Girl). T hough E q u u s was gory. H er perform ance has m et winner of this award g ^ l tasteless, and our p alates so deadened, th at we reasonable. T here is an eth n ic special ev e ry night cal an d com m ercial h its (the n e ith e r critically nor financially w ith near-unanim ous acclaim, to cop the Best Picture tro | no longer know the ta ste of good food. of th e week for $3.50, including lasagna with film business, for once, is in well received, B urton g arn ere d and h er sev eral previous nomi­ Face it; when was the last tim e you had a slice zucchini, cheese and spinach noodles on F riday, som ething resem b lin g ro b u st excellent notices - and th is is To briefly cover some 0 : of freth bread, that was made w ithout sugar? and all the sp ag h etti you can ea t on Sunday. health). nations will count for som e­ his sev en th nom ination. D rey less publicized awards- Vi Had an orange or an ap p i-> th a t w asn't tre ated F o r those who like to get a caffeine high, , thing. H ow ever, h er recent T h ere is som e m arkedly d i­ fuss, on th e o th e r hand, is Zsigmond is likely to w ith a chemical to enhance its color and d estro y th e re's also th e biggest tea list in tow n. Their political activities (R edgrave v erse talk an d gossip com ing riding an im p ressiv e c re s t of recen tly n arrated a film for the Best Cinematography th e ta ste? O r fish th a t had never seen the inside Pelican Punch and M orning T h u n d er te as will fine w ork in popular films, and for his lensing of Ck, out of th e in d u stry mill concern­ P alestin e Liberation O rganiza­ of a deep freeze? Tea that w asn't shrouded in a knock you on y o u r can faste r than Jack Daniels has th e h it Close E n co u n ters of counters of the Third ■ ing th e chances of th e pro m ­ tion, raising th e ire of the tea bag? If y ou're an average American, you G reen — and will leave you feeling much b e tte r in I th e T h ird Kind ru n n in g concur­ John Barry will probably inent p ictu res, especially S ta r Jew ish D efense League) may probably never have. A ccording to the Hesses, th e morning. ren tly w ith T h e G oodbye Girl. he Best A rt Direction ,: th a t's a crime W ars, Ju lia and T he T u rn in g cost h er m any votes, possibly . . . . viim G ranted, iicu. uthe u cinSmall au tP lanet nas has its faults faults. The A d ark horse is S a tu rd a y N ight for his S tar W ar, produi P o in t (the th re e films, each opening th e way for T uesday It is in terestin g that while oth ers rant and p ro p rieto rs go out of th e ir wav to make th e place F ev er's Jo h n T rav o lta - re design, and the popular s produced by T w en tieth Cen- Weld ILooking F o r M r. Good- rav e about how our food ia garbage, the H esses look "n atu ral ' in a hokev so rt of way - with m em b er fellow TV s ta r Goldie picture should also win o' tury-F ox, have, collectively, bar) and Leslie Brow ne (The a re upset because our food tastes like garbage. To macram e. driftw ood, st'ained glass, knobby 32 nom inations). H aw n's win in 1969? for editors Marcia Lucs* T u rn in g Point). th e H esses, eatin g and cooking should be a wooden booths and th e like. I'd also feel a lot The com petition is unusually Hirsch and Richard Cl F o r B est P ictu re th is y e a r, I F o r B est D irector, I can see s tro n g in th e B est A ctress composer John William, t k 'u " 0! o n-1!0" ? f nefessi,-v and » m ore com fortable if th e honey w asn 't serv ed in eith er H erb ert Ross (The T u rn ­ household drudge. They feel one good meal those silly squeezable plastic bears see th e rs c e as a practical categ o ry , w ith J a n e Fonda (for costume designer John 1 toss up b etw een S ta r W a rs and ing Point) o r Woody Allen cooked at home w ith fresh produce, fresh m eat A nd it was at the Small P lanet that I had one Julia), D iane K eaton (A nnie Best Song, I fear, wjj| The T u rn in g P oint. T he en o r­ (A nnie Hall) w inning in a race and a generous garnish of joy and love is w orth a of the most h ea rtless pieces of apple pie ev er Hall), Shirley M acLaine and Joseph Brooks' "You Light mous u n p reced en ted popularity really too close to accurately My Life." thousand trip s to M cDonaldland. Even though the bak ers w ere sm art enough to A nne B ancroft (both for The call. Ross has th e ad v an tag e of Cheers. agree. But since the purpose of this column is leav e th e peels on th e apples, they ignored the to look at re s ta u ra n ts and not home-cooked food fact that apple pie is best when serv ed h o t Mine — and since my wife would kill me if 1 s ta rte d came crunchy w ith ice crystals, and I ended up broadcasting our daily menus to 40,000 o thers - eating it d renched w ith honev (from the III stick to review ing the resta u ra n ts. These a re a few in E ast Lansing th at would stand up to the H ess ideal. H ere's one the convenient plastic hear I to get anv flavor out of it. But all in all. it's a pleasing re sta u ra n t. In most Folk music viable alternative G ourm et particularly likes, and would recom cases, the cooks seem to care more about how the mend over burgers and bubbles any day. food ta ste s than how it looks. By S T E V E SZILA G YI and an y one of them can g et th e S U te N ew s S taff W riter Lizard In The S pring Coffee­ Lansing bring blues, folk, I It's not ev ery b o d y 's cup of tea - herbal tea at whole audience to sing along. — I SMALL P L A N E T N ATURA L FOODS (225 Ann Folk m usic is big stu ff around house in suburban D etro it and bluegrass in generous qui T he Fiddle schedule for this E a st Lansing. H anging aro u n d th e B lacksheep R epertory ties. The Olde World, HoJ S tree t) - I guess the most T ig 'n to n " , featu res T o'thT G o u r m e t th e b e * th m g ^ h i f ' t o w ’ te rm featu res L a rry H anks on here, you'd s w e ar th e re w as a T h e ater in M anchester, ju s t a an d th e Varsity Inn h “natu ral"3' 1 “ T eVerytM ng serv ed 15 " nc,‘ Wnlf Moon sta rte d delivering whole w heat M arch 31, Irish m usic w ith the natural — no chemical p reserv ativ es added," pizza. full-fledged folk boom going on; few miles off 1-94 w est of Ann wide ran g e of singers t.._, Potsill B and on A pril 9, old tim e A rbor. one seem s to find a dulcim er, a co untry w ith th e Highwoods from justifiably unheralded banjo, o r a tw elv e-strin g g u itar The Lizard Co-Op is try in g excellent. S trin g Band an d dancing by the hard to keep on firm financial u n d er ev ery rock, and th e G reen G rass C loggers on April Hobies has a bluegrass n hard co re folkies sw arm like ground, and th e ir April 1 on Tuesdays with the 14, a children’s concert with concert w ith th e Boys of the T h e R u tle s: A p r i l ! b eetles around E ld erly I n s tru ­ m ents, haven. th e ir un d erg ro u n d F o r th o se w ho a re sick of Gemini on A pril 16, F red Hol­ Lough ju s t m ight pull them out stein on A pril 28, Bill S taines on M ay 12, A rt Thiem e on May 19, S ta n R ogers on May 28 and of th e mud. The concert is a t 8 p.m. a t th e N orth Farm ington High School, 32900 W. 13 Mile World S trin g Band and] Dutch Elm Boys (not bluegi bands a t all, but old-time try strin g bands) alterna| concert tic k e ts th a t cost eig h t R esid en t's N ight on Ju n e 2, every o th e r week. Road in F arm ington. M oon's also has biuegrasJ By BILL HOLDSHIP bucks, an d a re tire d o f being The Fiddle also h as concerts for an o th er eight years, and a nonetheless, som ew hat d ep res The Blacksheep in Manches S tate N ew s Review er B eetles iCapitol ST 2047). “en te rta in e d " in a sw eaty room on A pril 21 and M ay 5 w ith Tuesday nights, featuring! slightly deaf journalist m is­ sing. As Mick J a g g e r s tated in te r, a p re vaudeville th e a te r A t long last! W arner B roth­ This album w as recen tly with 5,000 o th e rs, th e folk B luegrass Extension Sen quoted “Rod" as “God"? O r the a recen t interview , I hope The perfo rm ers to be announced. built in th e 1800s and now run e rs has finally given us th ia b rought to th e atten tio n of our scene is a viable altern ativ e. Lizard's features folk, blui “Sum m er of Love" and Sgt. Most concerts are held in th e by th e M anchester Association R utles n ev er get back to g eth er. siaff. and, d esp ite som e of its T h ere is folk music available bluegrass, bringing in one record set which com prises R u tte r's D arts Club Band when Old College Hall of th e Union This record proves th a t it can for th e Perform ing A rts, also nationally-known and The R utles' "G reatest H its," "bubblegum " qualities, it is a w ithin d riv in g d istan ce — and Grill, w ith adm ission usually the boys turned a whole g en ­ nev er be th e sam e again. Be­ has a heavy folk schedule. The and w hat a g ear and fab qu ite fun LP. often w ithin w alking distance gionally-known perform! eration on to English tea? Do $2.50. T h ey 're intim ate, en te r sides, if the resu lt w asn't anv The B eetles are a g ro u p of ticket prices a re a little stee p er from o u t of town. collection it is! The album you forget how aloof we all — ju s t ab o u t ev e ry n ight in tain in g and a musical bargain; b e tte r th an D irk M cQuicklv’s I from $5 to $6), but th e sm all­ p resents a fine cross selection m usicians from E ngland, w ith E a st Lansing. M usic pro­ th e concerts usually last from w ere when w e thought Stig new band. T he Punk Floyd tow n atm o sp h ere and th e q ual­ The Spaghetti Tree resl of songs from those R utlem ania the exception of th e ir d ru m m er m o ters, coffeehouses and b ars tw o to th re e hours, and the was dead afte r N asty m u r­ Ith e ir W hite D opes On P unk is ity of th e perfo rm ers make up ra n t also has bluegrass I y ea rs 1962-70, when The R utles who b o asts th e nam e Ringo a re helping to brin g th e music Fiddle sta ff is m ore concerned m ured “I Buried Stig" on "1 Am w orth at least one listen), it for it. Monday nights with the I ta u g h t us w hat it m eant to be The W aitress"? S ta rr, and th e refo re n atu rally of th e m asses back to th e w ith booking real ta len t than would be ex trem ely em b arras The B lacksheep brings Cana Canyon Ramblers, and young, beautiful, and "free," if hails from D allas, T exas. The m asses. A nd if th e size of th e big nam es. The music here sentim entally sing for ev ery o n e involved. dian sin g er and g u itarist B ruce music w ith East Lansing I only for a lunchtime. o th e r b an d m em b ers include crow ds a r e any indication, they A n o th er big folk booster is C ockburn on M arch 31 and recalls all those things w e Still, we m u st try to n ever tu re Jack Hamilton Wednes( If this record and th e recent Paul M cC artney. G eorge H a r­ seem to be doing it well. M ariah C offethouse. A division forgot like th e goosebum ps we rem em b er The R utles and keep A pril 1, Jim P o st on April 14 through Sunday. NBC television docum entary rison and Jo h n Lennon (who T he b ig g est p ro m o ter of folk of Pop E n tertain m en t, M ariah didn't g e t th e first tim e we them ir th e p ro p er perspective. and 15, and p ro te st sin g er Tom And finally, there's prove anything, it is how little previously published a book music in tow n, in te rm s of th e brings th e b est in blues, blue heard th e brass "Battle Hymn The R utles? They once tau g h t P ax to n on May 15 and 16. W heatland Reunion on Apri| the semi-legendary P re-F ab w ith K arl M arx). n u m b er of concerts, if th e Ten g rass and pop-folk, along with Of The Republic" intro on us th at "All You Need Is Cash." If y o u 're in terested in a t Finch Fieldhouse in Four had to do with creating Love Life." And if this isn’t Best cut on th e record is th e Pound Fiddle Coffeehouse. The p erfo rm e rs like Tom W aits and In this decade of F ram pton, playing as well as listening, th e P leasant. Sponsored by our archetypal images of the enough, th e album also comes sexually su g g estiv e “1 W ant To F iddle, a division of the R andy N ew m an who a re im ­ Lansing C en ter for th e A rts Is Kiss, and Don K irshner, we W heatland Co-op, the reunl swinging '60s. A fter all. who Hold Your G land" o r "It W on’t ASM SU P ro g ram m in g Board possible to fit into any musical com plete w ith an eighteen page now know th a t they w ere rig h t. holding th e ir last scheduled is so rt of th e mid-season folll could ever rem em ber th e ir first book from th e TV special which Be Ixtng." H ow ever, th is band and ru n by th e M SU Folksong categ o ry . Some of th e best Good Tim es Music P arlo r on If you e v e r loved th a t o th e r up to the popular Wheatlfl American appearance on Ed isn't heavy enough and th e y Society, b rin g s w eekly concerts co n certs on cam pus come from (seriously) was th e g reatest 60s band from Liverpool, you April 15, at th e ce n ter a t 425 S. Festival held every Septeml Sullivan, the historic concert at need som e im provem ent in to th e Union Building. M ariah, which brings quality rock special in television his will g et plenty of enjoym ent G rand in Lansing. n ear Remus. I Che Stadium, or those tw o (heir heavy m etal licks if th e y T he F id d le is m ore involved p erfo rm ers to th e intim ate and tory. In addition, th e re is a from T h e R utles. And if you The g et to g e th ers usually Lots of E ast Lansing fafl hilarious Richard L eicester­ hope to m ake it. P erh ap s th ey w ith trad itio n al folk music — acoustically fine residence hail featu re a jam session from discography of records cu rren t w ere u n fo rtu n a te enough to rites a re scheduled for ■ shire feature-length films, A m ight ta k e som e p o in ters from th e ty p e of m usic th a t used to kivas a t fairly low prices. ly available on th e R utle banana miss th e TV special lit finished about noon to 2 p.m., followed en tire day of music includfl H ard D sy’s R ut and OUCH!? Black Oak A rk an sas, A ngel, or be played in th e fro n t parlor This term M ariah is bringing label including Crosby, Stills, 65th in th e ratings!?!), tr y not by a concert by local bluegrass th e Lost World String Bal Who could rem em ber when Rush. and on th e back porch of one's fiddler V assar C lem ents on and old tim e country bands. Nash, & Young's G ifted And to m iss it w hen rep eat season Jo el Mabus and Brian Bisi Ron N asty upset our p aren ts by Still, th e B eetles a re at least hom e — th an w ith b lu eg rass or A pril 14 and 15, Roger Me Black and The Bigamy S isters' rolls around. The R utles are The jam sessions a re casual and (who make up half of the Nat| stating th a t “The R utles are as good as T he Bay City folk music d ilu ted w ith pop. Quinn on April 20 and blues u n p ressu red , so it's a good Nobody D oes It W etter. b e tte r th an K laatu, W ings, and Sons, another local band) | now bigger than Rod" since Rollers, and they do b ea r an The a r tis ts ra n g e from the g u ita rist John Lee H ooker on place to tak e y o u r in stru m en t if While this record brings back The M onkees combined. K itty Donohoe. Rod S tew art w ouldn't be big uncanny resem b lan ce to both w ell-known to th e unknown, May 5 and 6. fond things we forgot, it is, M EET T H E B E E TLE S: The you wan! to play w ith others. K laatu an d T he R utles b ut th ey all have so m eth in g in Tickets are $3 at Elderly | O utside of tow n (but within common. T h ey 're really good, Some of th e b ars in E a st strum ents. easy d riving distance) are the early bird bike tune special ft Rainbow 10 °0 • 0 00 o ■HT7 o T Bara Facts... O’ Flavor IN EVERY BOWL OF O 0 0 0 “ 9> °o °o gO o °C > £ a s t r a p l e s s s lip t h a t s m o o th CO m PUTER on u n d er b a re f a s h i o n s in li >° Adjust brakes, derailleurs o° Oo LABORATORY lo v e lie s t w a y p o s s ib le . •Tighten all cables *Adjust every n u tl and screw 'Check tire pressure •Light! IRISH ° O o° 0 ° .o° 9D 3 < 0 °o O o T h e r e 's n o t a w ir e o r s ta y i| I™ ! ° " wheels 'A d ju s t bearings,’ BEEF& > 0 ? ° 0 b ° 0 o O °o 0oO oO s ig h t. The seam fre e cups bottom bracket, hubs and headset. CABBAGl •°0 • - ° 0 0 O' 0 O s ta y in p l a c e lik e m a g i c . T h e s k ir t is l u x u r i o u s cling- REG.‘ 15. SPECIAL SOUP (j TOURS U 0.Q ' T h e C o m p u t e r L a b o r a t o r y s ta f f w ill c o n d u c t t o u r s fre e Q a y o n a ra b y K ayse X CHECK OUT THE NEW o f t h e C o m p u t e r C e n t e r f o r n e w u s e rs o f t h e M S U FUJISAND AZUKIS! c o m p u t i n g f a c i li t y . E a c h t o u r c o n s is t s o f a s lid e W h ite o r N e a rly N ude. p re s e n ta tio n , a d i s c u s s io n o f th e fu n c tio n and o p e ra tio n o f th e C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry , and a 32-34-36 All three locations: w a l k in g t o u r o f t h e b u i ld i n g . T h e t o u r s s t a r t in O R o o m 2 1 5 a t t h e f o ll o w i n g tim e s . HURRY! A p r il 3 A p r il 4 1 :0 0 p .m . 9 :0 0 a .m . expires A pril I 5 i 1973 Hobie’s 930 Trowbridqe. East Lansing A p r il 5 A p r il 6 7 :0 0 p .m . 3 :0 0 p .m . ^ B o t t o m s GlJpm 109 E, Allegan, Lansing _ A p r il 7 1 1 :0 0 a .m . University M all ■2nd le vel )0-5:5u Mon. • S0,| Soon to Open Saginaw & Waverly 220 M.A.C. East Lansing 10-8 Thurs. |fhe Duke hospitalized Transmission jOSTON IAP’ _ " ” u r. / , u" n has checked achusetts G eneral H ospital for w hat officials say are tests into d e c k e d into Maintenance Special lited to respiratory problem s. ’ lesls Change transmission fluid , $095 'The 70 year-old movie s ta r, who arrived here W ednesday has Adjust bands. ■Ken|Underw- tre' Zatm en t for chest pains auu and ■ a respiratoi respiratory condition Clean screen. Igehas11Sspent the th e past p ast few nights in Hogue Hospital H osnit.l fn N™ “ r t Ldi, Calif*,ii., and auu w days a t his iiumv / i ■* home a lew few miles away Replace pan-gasket. 1 Wayne - nP is is staying staying aa tt the th e hosm'ur* p u u u *' House for hospital's Phillip, Complete road test. plus fluid ■(„s. Hospital |.iiininations* s officials a did ynot say noi how serious W ayne" Ldition is nor »r how long Iona he would be h* staying. 1 I ffayne.in a telephone interview earlier this u Lio station, had said he w as not being tre ated lancer, which cost him m ost of a “No. pneumonia," he said. "Hell, I got -No, lung„ years „ ------ ago. got rid 6026S.Cedar 393-7541 rid of of ththaa t cancer 14 years ■ - Cat M iller) Iff-t hospital L i, „eedd for cancer. spokesm an h ere also said Wayne was not beinv » 2 2 £ £ 5 5 £ 5 H m u m i i 1 Hi Wayne, yne, wli who has sta rre d m more than 200 movies in 50 years Loked five ive [packs of cig arettes a day before his bout with cancer' Strike-itLucky k .l . A r ts W o r k s h o p o p e n fo r a n a f te r n o o n o r J The East Lansing A rts Work aerobic dance, disco and tap ■idd its open house T hursday, e v e n in g o f dancing, basic th e atre lighting, L b 7 to 9 p.m., w here people decorative design, sculpture for Interested in taking classes e n te r ta in m e n t adults, and various crafts das- tiring term could see displays ses. y demonstrations of p ottery, k i t i n g , painting, dance and Also featured are a variety of children's classes, including af­ E |er work by teachers at the ter-school a rt classes for chil­ •40 Lanes Workshop. I Before the open house, C har dren ages 5 to 15, and classes Lie Freeman, Inform ation for preschoolers aged 3 to 5. •Automatic S p e c ia ls ! Cecialist at th e w orkshop, Registration continues until ®med up the purpose o f th e April 3, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Scorers R e n t - a - la n e Games 80 CAdults o house. “It's like an orien w eekdays at the workshop, 693 70C Children on. only more fun. O rienta N. H agadorn, 332 2565. Classes •Cocktail Bar in', too stiff a word. This open begin th e week of April 3. Bowl as m any gam es as you w a n t Weekdays 9:00* hue gives people a chance to 5:00 p.m. jeet the teachers, ju s t get •Restaurant S u n d ay n ig h ts « after 11:30 p.m. quainted, learn w hat to ex- 11:00 p .m .- l :00 a .m . Sat. & Sun. 9:00- " she said, FOR ADULTS ONLY •Billiards (up to s ix p e rs o n - p e r la n e ) f The East Lansing A rts Pillow Furniture 2:00 p.m. porkshop will be offering a jnber of new classes this i, including dance exercise, Rated X * 6 .0 0 p e r la n e & Now Featuring Rent-a-Lane fo r X -tro co m fo rt! Mon-Thurs: 12:00 a.m. ■2:00 a.m. > BEAN BAGS now’17.'1 * • 9 - l24.“ Pillow Talk Furniture East-West M all, Frandor Open Bowling & ig bring blues, folk,, ■ass in generous qui FOR THOSE LATE NIGHT rhe Olde World, Hon he Varsity Inn brinj range of singers th aj MUNCHIES Holiday justifiably unheralded fes! There IS someplace Sam ’s Store int. ies has a bluegrass n l lesdays with the S trin g Band and] OPEN EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY TILL AND Lanes Ju st N o rth o f F ra n d o r corner Abbott & Grand River 337-SAM’S Elm Boys (not bluegj a t all, but old-time c 3 A .M . BURGER 3)01 E. GRAND RIVER ring bands) alterna| 337-9775 other week, n's also has biuegrasl 3121 E. SAGINAW and KING STEPPING ly nights, featuring! I HI E. GRAND RIVER ass Extension Sen s features folk, blues | iss, bringing in §SA N Y O COMPLETE Ml SIC SYSTEMS FOR illy-known /-known it of town. and perform A LOT LESS THAN Y01 MIGHT THINK JXT4404 — AM/FM Stereo Recelver/Bullt-ln Stereo Cassette Deck/Automatic Record Changer/Two SX-600 Speaker Systems. A fully equipped home entertainment system OUT featuring a sensitive AM FM stereo receiver PLL circuitry. Backlit tuning scale Loudness and contour control Cassette deck records from any source Digital tape counter Locking pause control Auto-stop mechanism Record changer has low mass tubular tone arm adjustable tracking force gauge, anti-skate Give your guitar control and ceramic cartridge Each dual cone speaker system has a 6 V full range driver to provide faithful low, mid, and high frequency its spring tuneup! response. (21 "H x 11"W x 8"D) I ‘" i f - — ~j o T / *AII major brands strings 0 M .V $199 00 ('/.off list p ric e s ) *Picks *Polish DXT5204 — AM FM Stereo Receiver/8-Track Deck, Automatic Record Changer/Two Matched SX-600 Speaker Systems. A total *Capos *Tuners HANGING | home music center featuring an AM/FM stereo receiver PLL circuitry Back-lit tuning dial. *Straps & | 4-channel speaker matrix 8-track deck records from any source Fast forward and I pause controls Record-ON indicator LED Cases 245 A N N ST. 351-7830 record level level indicator. Left and right I channel level controls Changer has low mass ■ tubular tone arm, adjustable tracking force gauge, anti-skate control and ceramic cartridge Each SX-600 dual cone speaker system has a 6' full range driver to provide faithful low OUT to high frequency response (21 "H x 11"W x 8"D) *199 00 O M .l DXT5004 - AM/FM Stereo Receiver/8-Track Tape Player/Automatic Record Changer/Two SX-600 Speaker Systems. An enjoyable music center. Sensitive AM/FM receiver Phase Whether it's locked loop circuitry Bass and treble controls. a night on the town Left-right channel volume controls Aux. in/ record out jacks. Tape deck has ultra reliable with someone special Sanyo tape transport Lighted channel or just stopping by for indicators. Manual and automatic program selector. Record changer has anti-skate, a drink, Jim 's is the adjustable tracking force, and ceramic place. We've been cartridge. Each SX-600 high fidelity speaker system has a dual-cone 6Vs?" full range driver making peo­ to provide faithful low to high frequency p le h a p p y response (21 "H x 11'W x 8"D) since 1914 e Classic M occasin ' Men& W om en o M .t $ 1 6 9 00 ,,perbly S tyled in dhing to stop it." ^ id e n tific a tio n number consisting of five digits and one ! letter , be included if a person wishes to remain anonymous. De p a rtm e n t,th e D ra rE n fM ™ aShifnf l ? n S? ain^ th e U S' S t,te •fot results can be obtained IM M M M 7«tresults obU ined about seven to lo 10'ddays ay s after the f° rIn te rn a tio n a lD e ^ e lo p m e n rN O R M L ila s ^ n ^ fn rs juplehas been mailed in by calling the laboratory at 415-322-9941 uuplehs. been mailed in by calling th e laboratory at 415-322-9941, « w in ii!IS u j, f a S S ^ ^ P a ra ,U lt Spraying a" d an W Farnham, assistant to the director of NORML, said about ^ ....................... * [lined Paraquat!* "* ,ted 11 PhlrmChem La^ e * the sute Levis H■ m m \ V I I f m S EAST LANSING'S MOST COMPLETE LEVIS STORE WELCOMES Y}// SPRING TH E DISTIN C TIVE C //// 'w /f / f / / / AND YOU Sip into something $400 HUH NEW SPRIHS FASIIMS $450 FOR GUYS AND GALS! So s m o o th . E a sy to sip . D elicio u s! (duifort*’s u n lik e a n v o th e r liquor. V So Come In with THIS4 It ta s te s g o o d ju s t p o u re d o v e r ice. T h at's why it m a k e s m ix e d d r in k s t h e d e s ir a b l e taste much L etter, too. /h ) Southern Comfort $500 l2 f O T 7«DUAINTEf2 l y rea l with: Cola* Bitter Lemon c • orange juice HOURS: Mon.*Frl. lOAMIe ■ M F T CERTIFICATEJ i b Squirt... even milk Froeder Stwypng Center, VISA, MASTERCHARCE, Opposite Jm m BOWtNCHAROt * p a , Sol I0A «-S -M ’ PtaeeM ldBII ’ o Toward any new purchase in our store. f e 2 °' Sorry, this certificate may n ot be used fo r a refund or as a credit to ­ SOUIHffMCOMfOfl! CORPORATION. 100 PROOHlOUlUR S I 10UIS MO 63137 / ward an existing charge or layaway balance or sale merchandise. ENJOY SPRING! Expires April 30. 1978 Limit of on certificate per customer D ryness and oiliness are common com plexion problem s. Revive your precious skin fo r spring! O u r skin specialist w ill analyze and tre a t your SORRY, THIS COUPON NOT G O O D ON THE FOLLOWING:- problem s w ith deep cleansing and stim u la tin g fa cial treatm ents. DENIM BELLS & BI6 BELLS M a ke-u p a pplication included w ith com plete skin analysis and fa cial tre a tm e n ts. Use & enjoy our products by: Christine Valmy CORDUROY BELL BOTTOMS Bonnie S igou rn ey tonified E sthetician L ^ m fa io g c CORDUROY STRAIGHT LEGS Redken ph plus CALL NOW! 484-1491 1 I iW.tPiWbi HAIR 'C INC. 1^12 E. Michigan STILL $14 50 30th ANNUAL FRIDAY , MARCH 31 7:00 P.M. 31.50 ($1.00 with student 1.0.) COME IN AND SAVE! MSU BLOCK A BRIDLE HORSE SHOW SATURDAY, APRIL1 12:00 NOON 51.50 (51.00 with 10 or more) SATURDAY, APRIL 1 7:00 P.M. 52.00 IheBMIKH University Mall 220M.A.C. East Lansing Phone 351-4620 FEATURING Mon., Tues., Wed. 10-6 tickets available at Thurs., Friday 10-9 THE BUDWEISER CLYDESDALE HITCH Saturday 10-6 the door or <;eor<;e c o o n s 1 b o r d e r ooei.ies call 355-8400 AND MORE EUROPE - *1500 S. African holdings debated INCLUDES AIR FARE I Fabulous 28 Day tour of Western European coun­ tries, Experience their history and life! (continued from page 1) Wiley told th e board he also felt th e Sullivan principles w ere ineffective. To solve b e tte r chance of effecting policy change if w e give a deadline." C arrigan-S trickland said th e U niversity Visit, the major cities, and enjoy the picturesque country side, Bilingual American Guides as escorts. 2 tours leaving Detroit June 14 A July 12. Send for details, complete itinerary A reser­ Baby vourfeet with B A S S IDA! the oppression in South Africa, th e re needed stands to lose $1.5 million from an im m ediate vations. to be “as rapid a change as is possible." d iv e stitu re o f So u th A frican holdings. Son Souci Travel, Im A hastily-established com m ittee composed WRITE: Heated exchanges flashed betw een board of R oger W ilkinson, vice p resid en t of MIL 321-7897 P. 0 . Box 12269 Lansing, Ml 4190! members during the closing m inutes of th e business an d finance, W iley, Radcliffe and committee meeting. Krolikowski, a g ree d to d ra ft a resolution for Krolikowski suggested putting affected presentatio n a t today’s board m eeting. A rough recom m endation m ade by K roli­ k i / f j hey're b u il,,o u 9 h , o 'ake it, vet companies “under the gun" of a certain date. 4 r r they re tender to your feet. Sturdy < Under his proposal, th e U niversity would kowski called fo r MSU d iv e stitu re o f stock in com panies doing business in S outh A frica by A # , leather uppers and a bouncy sole of divest its holdings in th e corporations if certain guidelines w ere not met. Dec. 1, 1978. ■ A genuine rubber deliver incredible com- K rolikow ski also proposed a U niversity ■>J M fort every step of your busy way. T rustee A ubrey Radcliffe, D -East Lansing, com m ittee to s e t up th e guidelines to which Durability, casual good looks and tra- snapped back “why don’t we divest, and then com panies w ishing to rem ain in th e MSU if they m eet th e guidelines we’ll put them portfolio w ould have to adhere. - nal craflsm anshiP are built into back into th e portfolio?" A long b u rst of The board will consider th e proposed > every pair by the fam ous Bass applause broke out from th e 80 audience resolution a t today's m eeting, which begins shoem akers^.^^------ members following his suggestion. at 10 a.m . in th e Board Room on th e fourth Krolikowski said he believed "w e have a floor of th e A d m inistration Building. Rathskeller SU N D A Y: / J K E R M ’S BEER AND PIZZA SPECIAL AT THE RATHSKELLER L U T O B O D V .I WS4 A PITCHER OF BEER AND 1 ITEM PIZZA American & Foreign Cars for only $3.00 Quality Work Guaranteed The R athskeller has warm atm osphere with live folk-rock m usic on w eekends Featuring the Dutch Elm Boys NO COVER ALL WEEK Free Estimates MSU BOOTERY LONG 225 E. (rand Rivor We re located u nder the Coral G ab les 2838 E G ra n d River ITIon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. across from the MSU Union Sat. 8 :0 0 a.m. - 12 Nnnn opon tonight til 9 Corner Larch t Michigan A v t. Lantlng 489-6577 Interested in Modeling? Pitchin!Clean up! THE STATE NEWS IS ONCE ^(M aybe evenwin some cash) AGAIN RECRUITING MODELS FOR THEIR SPRING FASHION TAB, “FOR FASHION’S SAKE”. TO APPLY, SIMPLY FILL OUT THE APPLICATION BELOW AND RETURN (WITH AN ATTACHED PHOTO) TO 3 4 4 STUDENT SERVICES. ATTN: DISPLAY ADV.-FASHION M ’ PLIC A T IO N s W IL L ItK A C C E P T E D THROUGH NEXT WEEK. MODEL INFO a tta c h p h o to N A M E _________________________ _ X HERE X A D D R E S S _______________________________ ________________ P H O N E _________________________ _____________ A G E _____________ — STUDENT# Budweiser Announces 1978 National College “Pitch In!” Week H O N E S T A N S W E R S PLEASE: (April 10-16) W E IG H T ______________ H E IG H T _________ G e t up a g ro u p an d Pitch In! You can h e lp im p ro ve the ^^^Pitch this in the mail! H A IR C O L O R . e n v iro n m e n t a ro u n d yo u r co lle g e and hove a shot a t i i|t- IM, M E N : SHIRT S IZ E . W O M E N : B LO U S E S IZ E . one of fiv e $1,000 firs t place, fiv e $500 second place, o r fiv e $250 th ird place e d u ca tio n a l a w a rd s, cou rtesy o f B udw eise r and ABC Radio. I (; N.iciit! ■ ■■ " " ™7 police investigator Usts a tele­ refused to comment on the NOBODY I .heard on a w iretap ordered investigation. H ow ever he r e ­ phone call allegedly involving In v e s tig a te a B ufW o-are. Barney, th e newspaper said. portedly was u p set about w hat ■* operation, th e Buffalo Barney’s attorney, L ester D k ! ? ns! f red tfsntsging leaks Jjer-Express said. by local law enforcem ent of- A ll Curlim plus Five Cartoons Hudson of D etroit, told the Bifliey's voice w w as as P,cltea picked up Beers to th e media. luniey'sv0ice UP C ourier Express Barnev BEEFS ,he court-ordered w iretap “knows nothing about th e alle The Courier-Express said it MarchJ, Ap,ill 137Ak.ruHall I DUiiatu L in the Buffalo su b u rb vofi o uu u iu gallons being brought . p i . , , warned from its sources th a t [jierst tot0 investigate invest'g * te th th ee him. Barney had not appeared be Six hours ofMoe, Larry & Curly J u s e of cocaine and amphe- E rie County D istrict At- lore th e grand ju ry and is not a CONTINUOUS SHOWINGS BEGIN ABOUT OUR ta rg e t of th e investigation. 7 :0 0 ,0 :0 0 ,11:00 PM ADMISSION *1.00 lor STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF t GUEST with 1.0 Effects of diet on diseases debated * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¥ * * * ¥ (continued from page 5) I nv eating about 50 e x tra calories a day (the y vtleat of one chocolate cookie) a person will La) pounds overw eight in 10 years, it said. f-Sugar iJ a concentrated source of calories, as a source of repeated stress on th e insulin-pro­ ducing mechanism of th e body. J o h n lT ’" V ? ’ h f " lil,ked t0 he« rt disease, Johnson said, but her colleagues a t th e Uni 'EmTen Pound Fiddle PRESENTS ^ STEAKS. LARRY > versuy of Minnesota refuted this idea. L^h tan lead to obesity, or it can replace foods jiet which provide o th e r needed nutri- Research professor Ancel Keys found th a t while sugar c°u|d not escape son)e blame U ’ the institute stated , nutritionists also point o u t th a t sugar may be L t d to diabetes — by prom oting obesity and c?sirhthedeve,opm . j "10- i " g cWas ,ound 10 ent°f aignificantly Larry Hanks is a splendid folksinger from HANKS out West who sings a ll kinds of American folk m usic. He’s also the principal now showing lew s harpist with the Fresno Philharmonic! $ 2 . 5 0 ______ REFLECTIONS OM College Hall in the MSUnion Grill WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN TWO CIVILIZATIONS MAKE CONTACT IN SPACE? OUTDOOR OBSERVING AFTER 8 PM r - ■- ______ (Delivery Available) !No checks accepted) (No FREE! SHOWS ALBUM 8 LIGHTSHOW AFTER 10 PM SHOWS. THIS WEEKS ALBUM: A R A S T IM I SPECIAL GREAT TASTING STEAKS AT A PRICE abram s THAT’S EASY TO SWALLOW. Buy any Medium At Ponderosa Steakhouse. you get a steak that's broiled the w a y you planetarium At the regular price \ order it A b a k e d potato A la rg e buttered roll And sa la d —as much as you w an t—from our salad bar Show Info. Get Identical PIZZA The only cuts w e sell a re Sirloins T-Bone' an d Rib-Eyes. All USDA 3 5 5 -4 6 7 2 inspected an d ap p roved So it isr.'t jus: the low prices that m ake our m eals FREE so great, it s the steaks Little Caesars Pizza 120$ I. Od. Rivsr squ«>EMEW‘ * 337-1631 FIND THE NEWQuality Pinball — r—■--ww» *Coupon w.w-.e expires 4-10-73 Onecoupon per order returns to PINBALL downtown East Lansing! Use th is PETE’S map and coupon to play free! ICONTEST Over 6 0 m achines! open daily IOam • Sam 0 Everybody W i n s FREE I 'vegot Pahst Blue Ribbon on mvmind” ICOUPON sot Play Limit 1 PLAN ON CATCHING SOME RAYS THIS TERM? WITH A PORTABLE CASSETTE RECORDER FROM HIFI BUYS YOU CAN TAKE YOUR T IN E S ALONG THE ' - n a a a i T f " M0DEL C' I9# SUPERSCOPE CASSETTE RECORDER GREAT FOR THE SUN DECK OR THE POOL THE S IP E R S C 0 P E C190 HAS ALL THE FEATURES YOU NEED LIKE A BUILT-IN FULL RANGE SPEAKER, HEADPHONE JACK, VARI- SPEED CONTROL, CUE AND REVIEW BUTTON. TONE CONTROL AND MUCH MUCH MORE $79,s Hi-Fi BUYS 1101 E. GRAND RIVER VISA E.l. PH 337-1767 M-F 10-8 S 9-5 I-AltsI HHI WiNt.COMi'ANY FREE PARKING • 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH Milft.iiiht-i’ IViwi.i HnjthK. Ncw.iih In s A itw te v I 1 JAM ES DEAN & JULIE HARRIS State rep coming (continued from page 3) “Because of this, we replaced ‘H arold and M aude' with 'Butch ☆ Daily Happy Hours Cassidy and th e Sundance K id,’ which had originally been scheduled for the w eekend of April 21st. By th a t tim e, we should have another copy of ‘H arold and M aude’ to show in place of ☆ Nightly Drink Specials 'Butch Cassidy'," he said. In o ther board business, Residence Hall P rogram s Office EAST OF EDEN representative Sharon Pope announced th a t selections for resident assistants for next y ea r a re underw ay in most residence ☆ Sunday Nite FREE - RHA ta x p a y e rs (ID's ch e cke d ) halls and th a t applications for both sum m er RA and conference •1 - FACULTY, STAFF, o th e r s tu d e n ts ELI0 PETRrg I aide positions are also being accepted. Spaghetti AM you FRIDAY, 8 HOLDEN, 7:30, 9:30 Newly-elected RHA V ice-President Michael Zimmer re q u e s t­ r 0 can Eat Tho Holden—Student Life Lota Show ed residence hall stu dents to volunteer for th e Williams Hall te st kitchen “ta ste te sts" held on W ednesdays a t 3 p.m. M W t t . RHA T reasurer P a t M cGarry announced th a t refunds for both ☆ Large Screen TV 349 2100 MERIDIAN MAIL f e t t H - M M M lM C M HM-CMfcw llft- T w i*t Show Adrit I IM m *1 the 31.75 RHA fee and 33 movie ta x would be available from dormitory tre asu re rs a t the beginning of th e second full week of Folk Entertainment bWdid ) s& Esrp school. The next RHA m eeting will be in th e w est lounge of F ee Hall at ®*i , 79*0 Q IA N M ARIA VOLOhu :30 p.m . W ednesday. Footlong Chili D ogs « M A X IA N O tU M l u J 2 - 5 Friday DUSTIN _ Nth, SAT., 7:15 and 9:15 ' ■ ' NtWUMc— " HOFFMAN B 106 WELLS CB film scheduled J | | | ^ K $ lY y INN P I7 7 A • DRINIKC ADM ISSION M.” I I GO G OO OD D FFOOD OOD • PIZZA DRINKS RHA p o s ta l honored F rid a y o n ly Jonathan Demm e's 1977 film to a CB radio. The residents tre a t each o th e r in a m ore or less OpenM-F: I I a.m. Sat.-Sun.: Noon s t r a ig h t ! Spamarad by COPS. partially | undad by RHA. TIME” Citixens Band, described by S tate News film review er Byron cursory, ordinary fashion — 1227 E. Grand Rivor until they pick up th e m ikes of I Blk. West of Hagadorn, Baker as “one of th e freshest and most original American th e ir CBs. r 332-6517 Friday 5:15-7:30-9:45 SATURDAY ONLY comedies of th e last few years," I Twlllla iiXX.X; IX Ad ■ FREAKS will be shown tonight on campus D espite extrem ely favorable by Beal Film Group. review s, th e P aram ount picture S tarring Paul Le M at and n ev e r found an extensive th e a ­ Zo Candy Clark (both alumni of trical audience (it has n ev e r A FILM American Graffiti), Citixens played locally before). Beal is “ -c° o09 FURY Band is th e quirky story of a show ing it tonight in 104-B TED BROW NING'S MASTERPIECE sleepy little California town W ells Hall. Show tim es a re 7, °n C O O F THE MACABRE w here practically every re s i­ 8:45 and 10:30 p .m .: adm ission dent eith er owns or has access is 31.50. COmPUTER | KIRK DOUGLAS LABORATORY JOHN C A S S A V E T E S An experience in t e r r o r Friday 5:J0I;0010:30 R A Twlllra 5:00-5:30 Adult*1 J a- #3 nominated fo r 11 acadomy awardx Jane Fonda Vanessa Redgrave Friday S: 15-7:dS-10:15 I Twlllla4:44-5:15 A d u lt.‘ I.■■ SPRING SHORT COURSES ° Q T h e C o m p u t e r L a b o r a t o r y w ill o f f e r a s e rie s o f n o n - c r e d it sh o rt c o u rse s in c o m p u tin g d u r in g ^GOODt>yP S p r in g T e r m . R e g i s tr a ti o n m u s t b e m a d e b y A p r i l 7, 1078 in t h e U s e r I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r , 3 1 3 C o m ­ p u te r C e n te r. A 52 fee c o v e rin g m a t e r i a ls is wmm ew r Friday 5:00-7:15-9:30 pg^JwHltadjJM jOOAdubrM J^ c h a r g e d f o r e a c h s h o r t c o u r s e . C o m p u t e r t im e is m n o t in c l u d e d in th e b a s ic fe e , b u t is a v a i l a b l e f o r a n a d d i t i o n a l c o s t a t t h e s t u d e n t 's o p t io n . A s t e r i s k s WALTER N w M i m l M t M r M if r M iW M k o GLENDA [0 km C l n e x t t o c o u r s e n u m b e r s i n d ic a te c o u r s e s t h a t have p r e r e q u is i te s : to r m o re in fo rm a tio n , c a ll I MATTHAU JACKSON 3 5 3 -1 8 0 0 . SIR LEW G RA DE m seivrs By FRANK FOX of the film leaves one with mfl ah ELLIOTT KASTNER JERRY BICK proolktkw Stata News Reviewer ambiguous feelings toward I H O BER 1 I n tr o d u c t i o n t o C o m p u t i n g (1 0 0 ) For persons with little or no computing experience Sec I April 10 l i " H o u s e C a lls ” 3 t e r Like the sight of slimy toads "freaks, ' who display both 4 treme tenderness and ext MITCHCM 13 14 3-5 p m Set II April 10 I I 12 13 14 7-0 p m I crawling over the body of a cruelty. SARAH ■ drowned swimmer, the motion Freaks is an uncomprom In tro d u c tio n to th e M S U 6 5 0 0 (101 *) Friday 5:00-7:00-9:00-10:45 MILES For persons with pxperienif at another computing tauliiv April 10 11. 4:30-5:00 I picture "Freaks" inspires a | special, clammy horror. ly shocking movie that feahJ R IC H A R D C AND Y JO A N I. 13 3-5 p m one of the most disturbinjl For the film does not deal with memorable endings ever hlmJ BOONE CLARK COLLINS GRADER <115) I imoginary vampires, monsters For many viewers the climoxB TO W AR D JO H N JAMES A program to relieve lacultv members ot much of the clerical work in I constructed in humming lobora- the film coupled with the g FOX MILLS-STEWART-?s^ combining scores and assigning grades April 13 3-5 p m I lories or undead ghosts. Insteod tesque deformities of many! 1959. I it studies a community of quite the "actors' must be extr a MICHAEL WINNER mu, B a sic S P S S (1 5 5 * i I real, substantially deformed unsettling. THE BIG SLEEP" * r/,O I IY ER R E E D " « 5 m j e r r y f Ie l d in g Introduction to the Stall* ical Package lor the Social Sciences Sec 1 April 17 10 24 26 3-5 p Sec II April 18. 20 25. 277-0p m Fridoy 4:00-1:00-9:55 SoT lOax- I circus "freaks" and the ghastly I revenge they take upon a beau I tiful but cruel woman who humil- The extreme nature of I physical handicaps ol "freaks' range from SiamA SCREFNPL AY BY FRO M THC NOVEL BY In tr o d u c tio n to In te ra c tiv e U sa g e (175*) B8 TwilH. 5:30-4:00 Adult. I iates and threatens one of them. twins to a hermaphrodite a Ifl MICHAEL WINNER RAYMOND CHANDLER foduction to the use ot the interactive computing facility at MSU. "Freaks" is without a doubt a Nominated fo r 11 acadomy awards including Bast Picture A less man who walks on his haf PRO D UC ED BY Sec I April 17 10 24 2t>7-Qpm SeC || May 2 4.0. 11 3-5 p m ELLIOTT KASTNER and MICHAEL WINNER Best Actress. Shirley Maclaine I one-of-a-kind movie, one that is to an armless woman who e D4RECTED BY B A SIC (220*) I not easily forgotten. with her feet an armless t| MICHAEL WINNER Though director Browning may legless human torso Instruction in the BASIC programming language May 3 47-Op m I well have intended to present a "human skeleton with arms q SHOWTIMES A d v a n c e d S P S S (255*) I sympathetic portrait, the ending legs the width ol twigs Monday thru Friday 7:00 & 9:00 lion in the use ot advanced features of SPSS May 1.3 8 10 3-5 Saturday and Sunday 1 :0 0 ,3 :00 , 5:00 7:00 & 9:00 I n tr o d u c tio n to M a g n e tic T a p e s (310*) Friday 5:15-7:45-10:15 SATURDAY ONLY al use ot magnetic tapes for information storage and retrieval 1 Twilit# 4:45-5:15 Adults * I . 1 W ednesday M atinee 1:00 Adults *1.” May 22. 24 31 3-5 pm SHOWTIMES: T United Artists ATransamenca Company I n tr o d u c tio n to D e b u g g in g (380*) HKNKV T H E O N E SHOWPLACE: 7:00,8:15,9:30,10:45,12:0 104B W ells iing SCOPE HUSTLER and FORTRAN debugging aids with batch FORTRAN programs April 18. 20 25 3-5 p.m. W IN KUiR A N D O N L Y l ADMISSION: ‘ 1.50 R ec o rd M a n a g e r (420*) Friday 4:30-1:30-10:30 an entertainment service of the Beal Film Cooperative. Studenfl 9th Hilarious Week faculty & staff welcome. ral Record Manager applications and the use of CRM subroutines Twlllta 4:00-4:30 Adult* M.tB through FORTRAN May 1.3 5. 8, 10 3-5p.n IDs w ill be checked. ■*”' featuring IlOB MJAMCS ARKCOLBY, <-ja £ * x . i Special guest T . NO€L POINTER HI )N Y I '[ j 'I II If i I I I t N ' . I 'H I . '• i I N CHAKA KHAN/RUFUS LAN^fcMCA& € R ’AuS^IUM plus e x t r a special g u e s t s , ReSCRVCD 5CATING: $6 and $7 MONDAY HEATWAVE 17, APRIL 8pm. MUNN I C E A REN A t ic k e t s , c iv ic c e n t e r b o x o f f ic e , d is c o u n t r e c o r d s . L A F A Y E T T E R A D IO IN J A C K S O N T I C I E T S - V ' i 6'" A V A I L A B L E = . » R n r v ' / v d ^ ? R D S IN M T ' P E A S A N T . K O U G A - R O L A R E C O R D S IN F L IN T ,S A G IN A W ,O W O S S O . MSUnion Campus Corners II Sounds 8 D iv e r s i o n s Busy Bee Market L 6to8m „ I 3hShua meet from Professor William Cooper, zool­ b to 8 tonight, 335 Union. Topic is ogy, Chairman o f Michigan En­ the name of Yahweh. P mnouncsmenH for It s W hat s vironmental Review Board, speaks ' ins must be received in the office, 343 Student s p o ^ e d Pr nU n i , e d ° r 9,OUP on "Toxic Materials in Human Ecosystems: PBB," at 10:30 a.m. TONIGHT AND SATURDAY [e lecting telescop/ will be ^ Sunday, Unitarian Church, 855 S e s Bldg , bv noon e, leas, staning bum's m " lo V m " '^ ? class days before publication. ^ o b s e r v in g CUfren, objec nesdays. by interview only Call for Grove. ^PVSSEX is a trip in t o every c o n ­ appointment. v' a f0r ^announcements will be accept­ Women's Studies brown „*.« c e iv a b le EXCITEMENT OF SEX" o r Phor,e . . . ' ~ d in land use planning Planning on being a teacher? lunch at 11 a.m. today, 201 Don L e w is W H BI R a d io in Michigan? Meet with Sierra hternational Center. Talk by Unit­ jm Loudon, Abrams Planetar- , l T T by,u lo rin li a child Club at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday 340 in math and reading. Vo'unteer in ed Nations delegate Ogata on. „ill describe those strange Union, to discuss issues with Student Services Bldg. Women in Japanese Politics, ELECTRIFYING - A PROFOUND AND Jnatinq Black Holes at 7:30 legislative aide. „ April 13. 109 Anthony Hall. (more IWH on page 18) r5pE^ N C E SUAL AN° EM0T,0NAL Aloha Kappa Psi Business Frat MCi|ThheEU r° Pean Association of j Z is having open rush April 3 j y through Wednesday. Call M SU has a meeting at 7 pm Sunday, second floor study lounge, W. Owen Graduate Hall EL SOMBRERO J "THE - - J e r r y S c h n e id e rm a n - P L E A S U R E BEST EROTIC FILM TO COME posse for information. Everyone welcome. Homemade O riginal Mexican food ALONG THIS YEAR. One of the most AMPUS Our SPECIAL COMBINATION PLATE ‘3 Appetizers: Machos •! '• do*. Avocado Solod >1 •' optically pleasing porn films I've ever seen. A film well worthy of HUSTLER's highest rating." P IZ Z A MONTHURS SPECIAL PLATE’ 1“ 2 Enchiladas or 2 Tacos or 2 Burrifos J - L o rry W ich m a n H U STLER WITH RICE OR BEANS A LAVISH, LUSH, EXCURSION INTO THE present th is coupon for OPEN SEVEN DAYS REALM OF THE SENSES. A stunningly * O FF Moe.thvr, 11 a.m. • 9:30 p.m. F ri.lS o ,. G.m. . , ;)0 o .m. 50 ON YOUR NEXT P I Z Z A 751 N. LARCH i“"™rrh«ts.,i„.» bri0r. O0n „, Lansing visual masterpiece a satyricon of I felliniesque couplings that w ill hypno­ tize the viewer with its exquisite erotic (except fre e item night) I beauty. Damiano proves once again 1312 Mich. Ave. 310 w CRAN TONIGHT & SATURDAY that he’s the king and master craftsman A ORIAT DOUBLI NATURE I of erotica. 3 7 - 1 3 7 7 3 3 7 - 1 6 39j U v Ullman A M ax von Sydaw ■ J G o n z a le z - M A N S W O RLD "SURREAL, SUPER SENSUAL SEX AS TONIGHT & SATURDAY ONLY DAMIANO CAN PRESENT IT." -L a rry W ich m a n SC R E W M A G A Z IN E "GERARD DAMIANO'S NEWEST FILM IS A POWERHOUSE OF SEXUAL ENERGY. ’ * < \ Robust, clearly delineated character­ izations contribute to this hard-driving v / A super-pornographic epic. The Master outdoes himself." ■v ‘BEST “POWER - EROTIC HOUSE OF FILM OF SEXUAL THE ENERGY!” YEAR! - A I G o ld s te in - M u s lin ■SUSAN THE Me BAIN- MAKER A thriller 1977’s NEW THROAT1 OF FIRST & DEVIL’ aROBMT IVANS-SIDNEY BECKERMANoroflurtio-v LADY OF SCORES aJOHNSCNLESINCERin- HARD­ AGAIN!” DUSTIN HOFFMAN CORE!” - H ig h S o c ie ty LAURENCE OUVIER ROY SCHEIDER THE EMMIGRANTS - I ’ l. iiU c WILLIAM DEVANE MARTHE KEu S r MARATHON MAN and GERARD DAMIANO’S g THE NEW LAND OdvsseU uwnpur OyWILLIAM COLDMAN „„ b-mucwo, ROBERT EVANSana SIDNEY BECKERMAN avmwa, JOHN SCNLESINCER mu« lf0,WDkM.CMAfi WKi TONIGHT A SATURDAY TONIGHT & SATU RDAY Starring SUSAN McBAIN as NICOLE W ritten. Produced and Directed by GERARD DAMIANO ( jy SHOWTIMES: 7:15 9:45 SHOWTIMES: The Em m igrants 7:30 on ly SHOWPIACE: 100 E n gineering The N ew Land 10:00 on ly TONIGHT AND SATURDAY SHOWPLACE: 107 S. Kedzie ADMISSION: ’ 1.50 RATED X ADMISSION: ’ 1.50 An en te rta in m e n t s e rv ic e o f th e Beol F ilm C o o p e ra tive SHOWTIMES: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 Student fa c u lty J s ta ff w e lc o m e ID s w ill b e checked SHOWPLACE: 102 B W ells ADMISSION: s2 .so students, !3 .s” fa c u lty & sta ff RHADCRHA PRESENTS 4 Special 4 4 Announcement 4 BUTCH&THE KID 4 Escape Is Everything! Students who 4 live in Resi­ 44 dence Halls & 4 4 have not re ­ 4 ceived a re­ 4 4 f OF ESCAPE IS BACK! fund on movie 4 tax w ill be ad­ 44 ■R*"' '■'-.■••v-uvw:.... - .............. . : ' -fvf m itted by 4 4 r 3*34 r K showing Univ. 4 ID. O ff campus 44 e students, fa ­ 4 4 culty, and staff 4 4 w ill be a d m it­ 4 A l E i LO ARTISTS presents . ted by present- 4 SIEVE DUSTIN ng term pass 4 4 RAUL NEWMAN McQUEEN HOFFMAN available for 44 ROBERT BEDFORD Hi I FRANKLIN J SCHAFFNER film purchase at 4 KATHARINE ROSS. 4 RHA office and 4 PCH CASSIDYAND THE SUNDANCE KID" ALBERT R BROCCOLI presents all RHA movies £ I H Music Composed and Conducted by BURT BACHARACH C T ^ Presentation • Panavision* * Color by Deluxe* ROGER MOORE for 53°° or by J I * fBpRTRACHAffACR'S"Raindrops KeepFillin'OhMy Head"as sunj by8 ) Thomas | _ as IAN FLEMING'S fJAM ES BOND 007T purchasing in- * . a it it n ARTISTS Q O dividual ad- J THE SPY WHO LOVED ME mission tickets 4 fri' >09 A n th o n y 7:30, 9:45 q BARBARA BACH .mo CURT JURGINS as "Slrombeig' Produced by AIBER1 R BROCCOll •» LfW IS Gil BIN for S150. X ot' Conrad 7:30, 9:45 Brody 8:30 FRI. CONRAD 7:00 & 9:45 All Persons 4 Sun' Conrod 7 :3 0 .9 :3 0 FRI. WILSON 7:00 & 9:45 BRODY 8:30 SAT. WILSON 7:00 & 9:45 Entering RHA 4 SAT. 109 ANH 7:15 & 9:45 Movies Must Show T l ® ctrcumstances beyond our control. "Harold and Maude' I SUN. WILSON 7:15 & 9:45 I I U n iv e rs ity f °wn April 20-23 instead of this weekend. I I I I D 4 STUDENT DISCOUNT "H e re Com es th e S un" ...a one-day course in th e p ra ctica l use o f SOLAR O lg a s kitchen FCCD f o ENERGY to r h ea tin g ... an S aturday A p ril I , BRODY HALL Jim’S TIFFANY PLACE - Learn the technological a pp licatio n s o f m an's o ld e st source of heat. GOOD FOOD AT A 150 REASONABLE PRICE! norm al fe e $55 (inclu din g lunch) M S U S Y U D IN T S — $ 2 5 course m anual $10 M S If S T U D IN T S - $ 7 .3 0 (student ID card re q u ire d fo r reduced rate) Register 8 a.m . Saturday m o rnin g , A p ril 1 BRODY AUDITORIUM ENTRANCE WITH THIS iSKON COUPON ONLY < INFORMATION 4B5 MBS STARTS T O D A Y . . . fT OPEN A t 1 PM & FEATURE i» YS’O* DOWOTC 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 "The film makes no com prom ises . balance, sene and s e n s itiv ity ." . H ap p ily, i t has —Susan Sfork fre e Pres? Original Olga or Olga Burger "A HERO AIN'T •FreshFries • Pepsi NOTHIN BUT A SANDWICH" CICELY TYSON • PAUL WINFIELD H The Olgas are without a doubt the most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich... DAVID GROH • GLYNN TURMAN ■ N And Fresh Fries, well, most everyone agrees they're the best tasting fries around. If y o u 'v e a lw a y s th o u g h t o f Jim’s Tiffany Place as a re sta u ra n t th a t w as too expensive, or too EARLY BIRD - 5 P .M . - 5 : 3 0 - M . 50 N Coupon good Sunday, April 2, 1978 only, fo rm a l, then think a g a in ! Yes, even a student LATE SHOW TONIGHT & SAT. •1 1:4 0 P.M. g Limit one coupon per customer. "CLOCK WORK ORANGE'' R b u d g e t ca n a ffo rd the g o o d fo o d served a t Jim’s B Olga's Kitchen • 133 E. Grand River ADMISSION *2.” _ East Lansing Tiffany Place. Loca te d one block ea st o f the OPEN A t 12:4$ PM M S U S S hS C a p ito l on m ic h ig o n Avenue, Jim’s Tiffany Place has ICHIGAN FEATURE A t 1:00- 3:05-5:15-7:15-9:20 PM Ob been fam ous since 1914 fo r th e ir g o o d food. prices o n d e x ce lle n t service. re a so n c J Wyter Matthau MATINEE NFORMATiON 112 M l 7 T oday O p e n 7:00 P .M . , ' Saturday * Sunday Open 1:00 P.M. Feature Sure, you COULD spend tw enty dollars on a dinner! FRI F e a tu re 7:20-9:30 A t , -20-3:20-5:25 SA TS U N _ 7:25-9:30 - a dinner fo r tw o th a t is - a sp e cia l offered every evening. The "Dinner fo r T w o" sp e cia l allows your This crazy mixed-up (am ity doesn’t stand Academ y Award 1 a chance of w inning a m Won bucks. ch o ice o f the "A thenian Fore” or the "B eefeater’s Nomination F ore" to sa tisfy a ta ste fo r Greek or American food. JOHN TRAVOLTA These dinners include a gloss o f wine, Soganaki Best Actor a p p e tiz e r, s o lo d , ch o ice o f b e v e ra g e ond of The Year homemadj dessert, ifii WOW I H e ’s g o t it ...Catchit Jim’s Tiffany Place offers o "R oost Prime Rib" D o n 't M iss sp e cia l on fTlonday o n d Tuesday ond their “ Greek It |R | \ ' e a s t” on W ednesday on d Thursday. So, alm ost everjj \ K M w enm matinees today sat & sun d o y brings som ething d iffe re n t in dining to meet even] O p e n IP m • S how * Lb- WALTER MATTHAU CASEY’S SHADOW Wanna bet? *07 ( GJUNO *V (R DOWNTOWN A m e ric a 's N o. 1 C o m ed y H it! RIEL BROOKS 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:20 V LATE the student's w a lle t. Next tim e, think o f Jim’s Tiffany Place. There’s p le n ty o f fre e parking every evening o fte r five. They! K X I.s s M M H . i d iH K R 'l \ \ K I M K I I - M l K l a l H A M IL T O N SHOW I ’ MHK K A l l i I.VMS ■ I M idi. SOW KSKI • KVl STAKK TO N IG H T open 11 am - 10 pm ITlonday through Saturday, MAI: i IN !M I I • ILANTXR d fjh & SAT. co ckta ils 'til (Tlidnight. Closed Sundays ond mojor EARLY BIRD • 4:50-5:20 PM M .so 11:40 P.M. ho lid a ys. Phone 3 7 2 - 4 3 0 0 . Treat yourself to good Classic Films “ CLOCK­ American a n d Greek fo o d a t o reaso n a b le price!! Weekend: WORK Fri. & S u n : ORANGE” Chloe in the R ADM. *2“ Afternoon M ADELINEKAHN■CLOHISLEACHMAN- (L'Amour, L'Apres'-M idi) A d d ed Pink P a n th er C artoo n S N o v e lty S P O N S O R E D BY: Directed by Pop E n terta in m en t p ro u d ly p r e s e n ts : Eric Rohmer RAMON’S O pen 6 days R ISTAURAN T 627-2101 LOUNOI Sunday Buffet *4.95 Fri: 7:30 & 9:30 108B Wells ■II y o u c a n a a t : r o a s t b a a i th ic k * " i M 718 E. G R AN D RIVER-LANSING M O m a a l b a l l s . v a g a to b la * p o ta to * i Sun: 8:00 Union Parlors s a la d b a r , b ro a d * b u tta r. d o s s trt. The Finest in M e x ic a n C uisine ^ ^ ^ V V h ^ n o n r^ s^ fo d a y M ^ ^ ^ 217 S. Oridge St, Grand Ledge Sat: Good Food I THE HUSTLER 7k R E S T A U R A N T FINE NORTHERN ITALIAN FOOD LUNCH S D IN N E R D A IL Y A T SENSIBLE PRICES and Drink Downtown Lansing | 116 E. Mich. Avs. 136 W . G ra n d R iver PH. 337-1755 372-4300 "The b e s * A m e ric a n PEKING RESTAURANT m o v ie o f 1 9 6 1 " GREAT Starring Paul N ew m an TUESDAY APRIL 11 FOOD 24 S p a c ls ililn e m M andarin C uism o l^ fiK Jackie Gleason George C. Scott 8 p.m. Jenison Fieldhouse Hours S Day 337 Abbott Rd. •FAMILYSTYLE DINNERS •BUSINESS LUNCHEONS C O C k lS llS ■ ■ I * * * cARftr o ut fooos R with s p e c ia l g u e s t East ia n tin 9 IS IS CENTER ST. 489-24451 KARLA BONOFF Tickets *7.50 and *6.50 The most exciting ADVERTISE YOUR on s a le at RESTAURANT idea in eating Sat: 7:15 & 9:30 108B W ells since the sandwich! ~ o HERE! A ll Shows M MSI) UNION, SO U N D S & DIVERSIO NS and WHEREHOUSE RECORDS 353-6400 Id ID s may be checked. hloRHApasses accepted 133 E.Grand River, P len ty o f g o o d s e a ts still a v a ila b le! CtatfHted Advortising W fM tJ ij) Ewployiwxt i| Emp|0ymenl jf Apartments Apartments PONTIAC LEMANS Sport GROWING INSURANCE SECRETARY, FULL TIME Coup, 1974, Power/steering/ COUNSELORS, MICHIGAN ORGANIST - Part time. Lan­ PHONI3554255 347 Sfudont Sorvlctt Bldg, OFFICE NEEDS A SKILLED mature and stable person. 605 S. HAYFORD 3 bedroom brakes, air, AM/FM stereo. Boys' Camp, June 20-August sing area church. 646-6892 SUBLET SUMMER-Female SECRETARY ON a part-time Shorthand, 90; typing, 65; apartment. Women student to share one bedroom, fur­ 52300 or best offer. 339-3003 12. Positions open: archery, after 5:30 p.m. 8-4-11(3) 5-4-4-141 basis. Advancement possibil­ excellent English. Work with want to share apartment. nished $84/month. 139 riflery, crafts, waterfront. RATES ities and fringe benefits. Send figures. Benefits. Apply 3303 Utilities paid. Call 393-8541 Woodmere. 332-2687. Write, giving background/ SAFETY ENGINEER for u. DAW 1 day • UK par lino resume to: THE BANKERS South Cedar, Suite 11 after 3 p.m. 5-4-4(4) S-5-4-4(3) PONTIAC, 1970, 4 door, experience. Flying Eagle, trainee position, AETNA LIFE LIFE 5030 Northwind Suite 393-0250. 7-4-6(7) 3 d o yi ■K K p «r lin « power steering/brakes, AM / 1401 N. Fairview, Lansing AND CASUALTY. A multi- 206, East Lansing, 48823. IM H Jt its® i ^ y tW C p t r lln * FM, $400. 694-6163 after 6 3-3-31(9) 48912. 8-4-719) line insurance company seeks CEDAR VILLAGE OWN ROOM in beautiful J.M 9.M 11.59 99.45 LEGAL SECRETARY. Full apartment. No utilities. 3 d ays • 70< p «r lin« p.m. and weekends. 5-4-6141 engineer for career position. APARTMENTS $100/month. 351-9286. m i H i time. Legal and dictaphone HALL SUPERVISORS-East UNIFORMED SECURITY of­ Work involves surveying pro­ iM 14.41 UM experience a must. Call 374- Lansing High School. Full Now leasing 3-4-413) lin o ro t# p « r In io rtlo n TRIUMPH TR-7 1977 5 speed ficers. C.J. majors. Call spective commercial and in­ 16.N 91J5 59.95 8890. 8-4-7(41 time and part time. Apply in for foil ond summer 20,000 miles, $5500 firm, call 641-4562. 0-3-3-31(3) dividual accounts making fire person, Personnel Office TAKE OVER, June to June Marie, 323-7334; after 6 p m appraisals and assisting exist­ BOGUE at RED CEDAR 373-0177. 3-4-3(31 BABYSITTER: PART TIME EAST LANSING PUBLIC lease for quiet 1-bedroom SECRETARY, BOOKKEEP­ ing accounts with loss con­ 351*5180 I coaoUa m • 3 lines • *4.00 - 5 days. 80* per line over days. Near Hagadorn, 351- SCHOOLS 509 Burcham apartment. Air, cable, utilities ER, for a small consulting trol. Qualifications- technical 3 lines. No adjustment in rote when conceded. 4740. Reliable. 5-4-413) Drive 8-4-7(7) included. $200/month. 351- VW 1971, new brakes, FM firm. Experience preferred. 4 year college degree, some OWN ROOM in duplex. Close Price of item(s) must be stoted in od. Maximum 5696. X-3-3-3H5) runs well, $350, reliable tran­ 332-0841. 5-4-4(5) work experience helpful. Ex­ to campus. $62 plus utilities. t o lt p rict o) '50. CHILD CARE worker - Part- BABYSITTER-5 days weekly sportation. 351-2762. 4-4-513) cellent company benefits, Call Dianne 351-5377. time. Duties include recrea­ 5 hours daily. One toddler. SUBLET TO June, 1 bed­ PMHit* Pm m w I «d» ■ 3 lin n • ‘ 2.23 • per insertion. company car furnished. Job 3-3-31(3) STUDENT HUSBAND/wife tion supervision and tutoring Phone 355-8007. 5-4-4(3) room. $135/month, 1 block to 75' per line over 3 lines (prepayment). to start May 30, 1978. Send VW SUPER Beetle 1976. team tp manage & maintain emotionally impaired child­ NEED PERSON to share 2 union. Phone 351-4576 or lummeje/Cerage Sole ode ■ 4 lin e s . *2.50. resume to Personnel Co­ Radial tires, sunroof, AM/FM 30 unit sutdent apartment ren. Hours per week to be PART-TIME light delivery bedroom apartment, own 332-0733. 5-4-713) i3 ' per line over 4 lines - per insertion, ordinator, AETNA LIFE AND stereo, rear window defog. building. One bedroom apart­ arranged. Send resume to help wanted. Must have de­ room, phone, TV, $135 cov­ itound Town odt • 4 lines • *2.50 • per insertion, CASUALTY, 5800 Gratiot 63' per line over 4 lines, ger, fuel injection. After 6 p.m. 339-8382. 8-4-10(61 ment living quarters. Main­ tenance experience required. box A-1 State News. 7-4-618) pendable car. $3/hour plus car expense. Phone between Road, Saginaw, Ml 48603. 5-4-6(21) ers all. 351-7646. 3-3-31(3) HASLETTARMS tost I Founds eds/Trensportetlon ads - 3 lines M.so. 351-2211,9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon­ ROOM AND board given in 9 a.m. & 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. & 5 NEAR LCC-2 bedrooms SUMMER & FALL per Insertion. 50' per line over 3 lines. day through Friday. 8-4-7(8) exchange for 20 hours a week VOLKSWAGEN 1969. De­ of secretarial duties. Hours p.m. for an appointment. 694-7947. 8-4-10(7) WAITRESSES-DOOLEY's is $200/month including utili­ ties. 487-5624 after 5 p.m.; LEASING pendable city car. Asking now hiring waitresses. Exper­ $495. Call before 11 a.m WAITRESSES AND Waiters are 5-9 p.m., Monday-Friday, ience preferred. Apply in 372-8165 anytime. 8-4-714) 351*1957 Deadlines needed between 10 a.m.-2 ST. VINCENT HOME FOR 627-6767. 4-4-3(31 a.m. Different shifts available. CHILDREN. 2800 West W il­ PART-TIME positions for MSU students. 15-20 hours/ person Wednesday, April 5 351*8135 Ads • 2 p.m. • I class day before publication. between 1-5 p.m. 1-3-31(5) Floormen, 4-8 p.m., 2 days a low. Call 323-4734 for partic­ week. Automobile required. Sum mer Leasing Cancellation/Change ■ I p.m. . 1 class day before VOLKSWAGEN 1969, Fast- OWN ROOM in 2 bedroom week or 7-2:30 a.m. Short- ulars. 5-4-4(81 Phone 339-9500. C-3-3-3114) publication. back. Automatic. Overhauled ATTENTION MATURE fo r apartment. Call 337-0237. order cook- afternoons and 1977. $300/best offer. YOUNG ADULTS. GIO­ 8-4-7(3) Once od is ordered it cannot be cancelled or chonged 332-1465. 8-4 7(31 nights. We are an Equal WANTED, BUSBOYS, dish­ BUSPERSONS NEEDED, VANNI’S PIZZA is now tak­ Am ericana until after 1st Insertion. Opportunity Employer. Apply washers. Part-time, full time. after 2 p.m. - SILVER DOL­ meals in exchange for light ing applications. Apply in and NEEDED IMMEDIATELY - There is a *1.00 charge tor I od change plus 50' per Apply in person, MR. person at 2301 N. Larch or bus duties. Call 332-5039, ask Eden Roc oddllionol change for maximum ol 3 changes LAR SALOON. 3411 East STEAK, Okemos, 2287 Grand female, non-smoker to share for Jay Williams. Z-5-4-5(4) 514 E. Michigan. 6-4-715) LaoSrcycte ](*ej Michigan, Lansing. 8-4-7(10) River, no experience neces­ spacious one bedroom at 731 The Stote News w ill only be responsible for the 1st sary. 8-4-7<6) call 332*0111 Burcham. Rent negotiable. day s incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must FULL AND part-time jobs WAREHOUSE HELP. 40 hour GAME ROOM personnel. 1128 V id o r St. Phone 337-0419. 5-4-5(41 be made within lOdaysof expirotion date. available. Excellent earnings. week. $3.00/hour. Must be SUZUKI ENDURO 250, 1972, Young ladies preferred. Good interested in permanent em­ Bills ore due 7 days from ad expiration date. If not TOT-WATCHER Mondays, Call 374-6328 between 4-6 Must sell. Dan 355-0743 pay, benefits, and pleasant SUBLEASE 2 bedroom apart­ Wednesday, Friday 9 a.m.- p.m. 8-4-10(4) ployment to learn interesting paid by due date, o 50' lote service charge will 8-4-10(3) working conditions. Excellent OWN ROOM-Luxury apart­ ment. Close to Union. Spring 12. Contact Linda Farley 332- phase of construction tech­ be due. positions for students. Full ment, furnished. Prefer grad/ & summer. 351-4371. 8657. 1-3-31(3) LEGAL SECRETARY- East nology. Apply at 1605 E. HONDA 450-CB, 1974, excel­ and part time. Apply in working. $130/month. 332- 8-4-10(3) Lansing; experience neces­ Kalamazoo, Lansing. lent condition plus extras person only. CINEMA X, 1000 8-4-11(9) 8657 after 5 p.m. 5-4-414) SPECIALITY COUNSELORS sary. Good benefits, available $500 firm, 332-4248. 8-4-10(3) W. Jolly Road. 0-3-3-31(7) - CAMP WAYNE - co-ed, immediately. Call 351-6200. Now leasing 1 OR 2 males needed, 4 man. Automotive A Automotive ! A l TAXI DRIVERS Wanted. July/August. Penn. On cam­ pus interviews April 4th for 8-4-10(5) For Rent Spring. $67.50. Dishwasher, for summer and [ A rt Service I f / Must have excellent driving record. Apply VARSITY students and faculty who BUSBOY WANTED. Mon­ swimming pool. 349-2609. 2-3-3113) fall AUDI FOX Wagon 1975. FIAT 124 Sport Coupe, 75. love working with children. day-Friday. Apply in person, Automatic. AM /FM , 31,000 31,000 miles. Good perfor­ GOOD USED TIRES, 13-14- CAB. 332-3559. 8-4-7(4) Specialists: all team sports, HUDDLE NORTH LOUNGE, REFRIGERATOR, STEREO, Capitol Villa miles, excellent, $3700. tennis, gymnastics, swim­ TV rentals. Free delivery on/ WOMAN WANTED to share 484-5056. 8 4-10(3) mance. Yellow; alloy wheels. Excellent conditon; rust 15 inch. Mounted free. Also ACCOUNTANT - LOCAL ming (W.S.I.) small craft, 309 N. Washington, Lansing. 8-4-10(4) off campus. 372-1795. room in spacious apartment Apartments good supply of snow tires. company with multi-branch 0-3-31(3) spring term. Call Rhoda 351- 1*5 Office hours proof. 393-7436. 5-4-615) water ski, fine arts, guitar, PENNELL SALES. 1301 Vs locations has immediate 9474. 3-4-413) AUSTIN 1971, A M radio, East Kalamazoo, Lansing, openings for shirt sleeve yoga, camping and nature. Sign up for interview at STUDENTS-$2.65 an hour, 332*5330 great gas mileage, $395/best FIAT X19 1974, very good 482-5818. C3-3-3K5) part-time evenings at our accountant in fast-moving offer. 332-2287 after 5 p.m. 8-4 11(3) condition. Konis, Michielins, AM /FM cassette, $3000. MASON BODY SHOP 812 E. environment. Opportunity for advancement. Primary re­ Placement Office in Student Services Bldg. Can write for West Mount Hope branch ticket sales - call 485-8820. UNIVERSITY VILLA NEED PERSONS to sublease 351-4665. 8-4-10(4) Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto quirements are knowledge of application, 12 Allevard St., 3-4-3(5) SUMMER & FALL 3 person apartment in June. Lido Beach, NY 11561. BMW 2002, 1970. Excellent painting-collision service accounting & collection pro­ B-1-3-3K15) GET BACK on budget with LEASING Furnished, close to campus, $ 180/month. 332-1312. condition throughout. Must American-foreign cars. 485- cedures, ability to handle sell. $1500, negotiable. 355- FORD ELITE 1974. Auto­ matic, air, low mileage, ex­ 0256. C-3-3-3K4) detail work and follow-up and money to spare. Sell quality 351*3873 8-4-7(41 SHORT-TERM secretarial products in your own area 0739.3-3-31(4) cellent condition. $2500. willingness to give an extra assistance. Approximately 10 and earn extra $$$. 482-6893. 351*8135 EAST LANSING. Spacious 3 882-3567 before 4 p.m. JUNK CARS wanted. Also effort to get the job done. BA PILLOW TALK has furniture hours per week. Near cam­ C-2-3-3115) bedroom apartment. Campus CADILLAC SEDAN DeVille 8-4-713) selling used parts. Phone degree preferred but not for rent, with option to buy. MALE FOR 2 man apartment. pus. $2.70/hour. Call 355- close. April-August. 332-5482 1969. Very good running, anytime. 321-3651. necessary. Salary and bene­ Frandor. 351-1767. Across street from campus. 9702 or 332-6817 April 4th or TYPIST- CLERICAL - noon 2 after 5 p.m. 3-3-31(4) clean, full power. $695. C-3-3-3K3) fits commensurate with ex­ 0-2-3-31(3) $60 month. Al 355-2446. FORD LTD 1974. Excellent after. 3-4-4(7) p.m. $2.65/hour. 337-7234 4825818 or 482-9916. perience. 321-8000. Z-3-3-3K3) shape, sunroof, air, rear de­ 2-3-31(3) ONE GIRL needed. Close to C-3-3-3114) GUARANTEED REBUILT 3-3-31(15) frost, power everything, must EAST LANSING male stu­ campus. Reduced rates. 351- ONE BEDROOM $185. Two sell. $2800. Days 353-8608, starters generators and alter­ DENTAL RECEPTIONIST-ex- dent single room, 332-5791 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, TV Rental bedroom $225. Furnished. 7654 anytime. 5-4-613) CAPRI 2000 1972. 4-speed, nights 393-9768. 3-3-31(5) nators for your foreign car. after 5:30 p.m., weekends perienced or assisting back­ part time 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Salary Reserve N o w !! Electricity, utilities. Open 8-track, radial tires. Good CHEQUERED FLAG FOR­ anytime. 3-4-4(41 condition. 337-7191. 8-4-7(3) EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East ground preferred. 485-7123. plus bonus. EASTLAWN April 15.109 N. Clemens. Call NOW LIASINO FORD LTD WAGON, 1974. Kalamazoo St. 487-5055, one 5-4-4(41 MEMORY GARDENS. *15" deposit now 485-6513. 8-4-7(51 FOR SUMMER GANTOS - RESPONSIBLE 349-9156. 8-4-1015) • B W-Color Discounts CHEAP TRANSPORTA­ Red, power, air, automatic, mile west of campus. individual to perform light AND FALL radials. 2 way door. $2,000. C-2 3 31(6) FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. maintenance work and mis­ MALE ROOMMATE wanted TION. $200 or best offer. 351-3823 evenings. $6/hour. No training neces­ MESSENGER NEEDED im­ CHiMMMjcallms Ink for 4 man apartment. $79. 1966 Dodge Monaco. Power cellaneous duties. Hours mediately. Must be student & S-10-4-11(5) sary. Call 489-2278. Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-1 3325554 month. 349-5930. 8-4-7(3) steering/brakes. 332-1842. have excellent running car. 544(4) Employment j( 2 23-4-28(3) p.m., Sunday 12 p.m.-1 p.m. Hours 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FORD, 1968 - Excellent run­ Apply in person at Lansing Monday-Friday. Call Sharon 711 Burcham Rd. ning condition. $100. 372- FEMALE MASSEUSE want­ Mall or Meridian Mall. at State News, Display Adv. CHEVELLE 1972, tw o door, RELIABLE BABYSITTER to ed. $8/hour. We w ill train. There's son:: thing fo r every V 8 automatic power, head­ 2586. 1 3-31(3) care for 1 year old and do 489-2278. Z-23 4-28(3) 8-4-11(8) 353-6400. 2-3-31(6) one in today’s Classified Ads. NOW RENTING ers Real sharp $1200. 323- light housekeeping. Week ------------------------------------- M/1IDS TO work for profes- SPARE TIME management Check them o ut for super For Summer and Fall FORD PINTO, 1972. Radial days 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Near 3465. 44-5(3) CLERK TYPIST-lmmediate sional cleaning company huys tires. 4 speed, new battery. people needed immediately E xtra la rg e o ne b ed ro o m MSU. 353-4364. 3-3-31(5) opening in the parts depart­ part-time. Residential clean­ $475. Call 355-6090. 1-3-31(3) for super exciting, fast grow­ A p a rtm e n ts s u ita b le fo r 2 o r CHEVROLET, 1971 - Impala, ment of local firm. Accurate ing experience necessary. ing business, DAY & ASSO­ 3 students typing and filing required. good condition, all power, 5850 355-1188. 5-4-6(31 RESIDENT GREMLIN '77. Automatic couple for East Lansing prop­ MANAGER Knowledge of inventory con­ Call 484-3501. 4-4-5<5) CIATES, 323-4084 7-4-6(5) Enjoy this • completely furnished C'mon over transmission, AM radio, radi­ erty. Duties include main­ trol helpful. Must have good TYPIST-FOR medical billing CHEVROLET 1974 Monte al tires. Great mileage, excel­ tenance of building and leas­ phone personality. Excellent office, 60 wpm, accuracy a FULL OR part-time employ­ Summer and Gcorpeted-air conditioning AND CHECK OUT COLLINGWOOD APTS! lent condition $2900. Call ing. Work schedule is flexible opportunity for growth po­ must, 40 hour work week on ment for clerk/'typist. Apply Carlo. Tan w ith black vinyl roof and interior, air, AM /FM , 353-7768. 8-4-715) around most classes. Inquire tential. Call Sandra 485-9493. east side; fringe benefits, at 1605 E. Kalamazoo, Lan­ Fall at 6 3 large double closets 6 We pay heat ond water * a ir conditioned at 332-3900 days. 0-3-3-31(7) 3-3-31(12) 487-2572. 3-3-31(6) sing. 482-6237. 8-4-11(5) o dishw asher Wwer steering/brakes, low mileage, good condition. 349- JEEP PICKUP 1962. Com­ Waters Kdge Save 3 s tu d en ts to an * shag carpeting 9218.8-4-718) pletely rebuilt, good shape. Across from NOW LEASING & a p a rtm e n t as lo w as '8 0 * unlimited parking Call 882-1036 evenings. Now Leasing each p e r m o n th * plush furniture 8-4-7(3) Williams Hall Summer & Fall Rivers Edge For A ppointm ent Call * model open daily CHEVROLET VEGA - 1974, 4 for Summer speed kammback, 48,000 ‘ Close to compus ‘ Luxurious furnishings Apartments 3377328 351-8764 Call 351*8282 miles. $995. 349-3608. MUSTANG 1969 runs well. Good condition. $500. Must —2 bedroom units and Fall ‘ Air conditioned ‘ Shag corpoting (behind Old World 84-7(3) sell. Call 353-4136. 8-4-713) -—various floor plans —air conditioned 1 & 2 bedroom ‘ 3 person units ‘ All oppliancos *On*sito management ‘ Private balconies NOW LEASING Summer Leases '150 Mall on the river!) DATSUN 510 Sports Sedan, furnished apartm ents including dishwasher Greg or Trish —furnishod ■921 - AM /FM Stereo, 4 OLDS CUTLASS 1969. Ex­ *SWIMMING POOL —carpotod Apt. 214 speed. Good condition. cellent, 44,000 miles, 1 own­ —bast location in town CEDARVIEW 1050 Watersedge Dr. 51100. Steve, 351-5377. er. $1000, 332-0739 after 5 NORWOOD SUMMER FROM per person SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 3-44(4) p.m. 8-4-10(3) (next fo Cedar Village) as lo w as RIVERSIDE fa ll from *78.33 per person PINTO RUNABOUT, 1973. s160 p er m onth 332-4432 OPPORTUNITIES 731 MTSUN 1200 1973 auto­ matic. 17,000 miles, excellent, Clean, runs well, economical. call 351-5647 $1,600. 339-2186 after 6 p.m. Must sell. 655-2080. 3-3-31(3) UNIVERSITY for rates and 355-0260 8 a.m.-5 p.m. TIRRACE 24 3(4) PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE leases Timber Shores Camping Resort has 1969. 48,000 miles, cruise 414 Michigan 0ODGE VAN 1974, carpeted, control, power windows, APARTM EN TS many areas for you to choose from 332*5420 1390 E. Grand River Paneled, mags, built in stove, AM/FM. Showroom condi­ 1-5 p.m. Office hours 3517212 for summer employment. sink, $2400. 353-8244. tion, FLUMERFELT STAIR Call 3-4 p.m. 731 Burchitm Drive 34-4(3! CHEVROLET. 0-3-3 31 LOCATION LOCATION These areas include accounting, bar­ CbjpcHtngfjam GflMPUS HILL APARTMENTS JOIN the gang at tenders, waitresses, cooks, dish­ washers, custodial, maintenance, Now leasing for summer and fall now taking applications CEDAR GREENS Burcham Woods Now leasing for Fall security guards, life guards, activities, secretarial, cash register clerk, and Fall from *83.00 per person ‘ Heated pool tennis instructor. Summer from * 6 6 . 2 3 par parson Fall from *73.75 per person mw iu s ik f n sism n and n u ‘ Air conditioning Summer from *48.75 per person ‘ Tennis courts ixury apartments completely furnished with ‘ Ample parking ftinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture and Summer Iran ‘ Nicely furnished For an application and additional -2lwdnxNRs Free Bus Service 2 M M O N UNITS ‘ 5 Blks. to compus 4(4 carpeting throughout. '70 per person inform ation w rite to: K'h unit has dishwasher, garbage disposal, cen- •Swimming Pool Free Bus Service ONI S IM O O M UNITS Now loosing for A M CONMTIONINO 12 montfi from Summar ond Foil lJ air conditioning and heating. SW1MMINO POOL :!m 349-3530 <97.50 per person Summer 'im m ing Pool and private balconies. 2 bedroom *190 Timber Shore Resort 351-86)1 4‘rson units. ’ Cftltril l i t ^ pre e R oom m ate Service 1 bedroom *190 studios *139 P.O. Box 215 Call •4 person units fr e e R oom m ate Service 745 Burcham Northport, Ml 49670 331*7166 1135Michigan A rc. Right next to the 3 S 1 -3 U 8 located Hagadorn Read just south of Sarvica Road. Uwittd |wt off t f d Rlytr, Oko—o« E. Lansing, ML Brody Complex Coll from 1-4 p.m. □ e — J B | bpartuwts |fy ) f Heists I Owns If j ] [ For Sale "for Sale )(§ | Parsatal ][/ Service ACROSS FROM campus, FEMALE WANTED, own GARDEN COTTAGES, cute MALE NEEDED, tour bed­ spacious apartment, available QUALITY USED equipment SEWING MACHINES, slight BORED ADULTS - There Is ELECTRONIC REPAIR on bedroom, private bath, furnished one-bedroom cot­ room house, furnished, $90/ spring term. Reduced rent. at a fair price w ith warranty. ly used. Reconditioned, no such thing as no one for stereo, T.V., CB, camera, RESPONSIBLE n e a t „ ■ $98.33. Four miles from cam­ tage on wide lawns. 4 blocks month plus utilities. $50 de­ Call 351-8135 or 351-1957. PE 3060 turntable $89 guaranteed $39.95 and up. you. Thousands found happi­ guitars and amps. All repairs will house-sit. 372-1178 pN| pus. Evenings, 882-1036. MSU. $200 including utilities. posit. 2 miles from campus. 0-8-4-11(5) Advent Dolby System $80 EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING ness through computer dat­ ferences. 8-4.7131 ■ ■4-4-4(41 337-7111 5-9 p.m. 351-9269 evenings, days 355- guaranteed. WILCOX TRAD­ S cott 20 w att receiver $ 175 CO. 115 N. Washington. 489- ing. Call 393-7000 and Sandy ING POST. 485-4391 0-2-3-31(51 0192. 8-4-7(61 EUREKA, Near Sparrow Hos­ Integral Systems Pre Amp 6446. C 2 3 31(5) w ill show you how to start C-2-3 31(5) I Beechwood t u t o r w a n t e d fob pital, 1 bedroom, upstairs $125 ----------------- enjoying life.10-4-1117) H R ___________ ! ? 310: Calculus concepts'?! 551 VIRGINIA, nice room in MALE, OWN room, cooking, Akai cassette tape deck $149 WE PAY up to $2 for LPs 6 --------------------------------------- , ARGE SE, F r r in lu ~ , apartment, furnished. Park­ ing, $130. 351-7497. Apartments coed house. $115. Call Sue 332-4898 after 6 p.m. laundry. Close to campus. Call 351-7119 after 6 p.m. HI FI 0-3-3-31(8) BUYS 337-1763. cassettes also buymg 45s. songbooks, magazines. FLAT FRIENDS OF THE LANSING PUBLIC LIBRARY are spon- frames, glasses for everyone 4-4 5KB Ca" Lisa 3845, j 0-1-3-31(4) S blocks to MSU 3-4-3(31 8-4-7(31 OPTICAL aDISCOUNT, -------------- 2617 BLACK & CIRCULAR. Up­ soring a used book sale April Large 2 bedroom - E. Michigan, Lansing, Mich FEMALE NEEDS 1 SOUTH HOLMES, near FURNISHED ROOMS tor SOLEX MOTOR bike Model stairs 541 E. Grand River. 4 ,5 & 6. 9 a.m.- 8 p.m. in the 2 BEDROOM duplex, sum­ 372 7409. C 2-3 31(5) -oommate. preferably 2 Sparrow Hospital. Upper 1 fu rn ish e d rent. Close to campus. $70- 3800. 100 mpg. In excellent Open 11 351-0838 gall^rys o f the main library, mer or 12 month lease. Mile « l student. Immediate CJ|1 room efficiency. Includes Special sum m er rates $95. 676-3780. 5-4-413) shape, $200. Phone 482-5818 C-2-3-3K6) Capital Avenue, Kalamazoo. to campus. After 5 p.m FOR QUALITY stereo ser­ days 394-5210. X-8-4 lT|4? " kitchen, utilities, parking. or 482-9916. C-3-3-3113) 3-4-4(71 vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE, 2 bedroom units M60 337-0240. X8-4-10I3I Share bath, $75. 351-7497. FEMALE TO share apart­ 555 E. Grand Rivbr. 0-1-3-3H5) Now leasing for TEN MINUTES to campus. 3 ment. Own room. Nice. Close DISCO SYSTEMS rented Animals MIXICAN MIDICAL C 2 3 31(3) ! Round Town j[]$ ! fall a s low a s *270 and sold. Super sound. Rea- SCHOOLS o r 4 students, $400/m onth ment, and 3 large bedrooms East Grand River or phone, NORTH CLEMENS, fur­ ‘ adjacent to new county Rooms ][j* ] nished, female, all house lest IFoeed j ! q : on second floor. Quality 332-8414. C-3-3-31(7) park BOOKS - VISIT m id-M ichi­ • fully carpatad home. 3 baths, 2 kitchens, 2 privileges. Near bus. Drive­ gan's largest used bookshop. • got haat and cantral air fireplaces. Call Katie Brown EXPERT TYPING by MSU HURRY, ROOM Er board, 3 way parking. 487-6390. CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 LOST: W OM EN'S diamond conditioning 339*8192 351-8560. MOORE-JENSEN grad. 16 years experience. single rooms, male only. 337- 8-4-10(4) E. Grand River. East Lansing. engagement and wedding • swimming pool ASSOCIATES, INC. 351- Near Gables, call 337-0205 • 24-hour maintonanco Ivnnings 2381 or 351-7283. Z-3-4-413) 332-0112. 2-3-31(5) band (soldered together), in 3900. 2-4-3(14) C-3-3-3113) EAST LANSING, share du­ parking lot in front o f Adm in­ • play ground for childran MALE. OWN room, laundry, plex. Furnished room. Park­ INSTANT CASH. W e're pay­ istration Building on Friday, • no pati 124 CEDAR ST. East Lan­ close to campus. Call 351- ing, bus. $110. 374-6366. ing $1-2 for 8lbums in good March 24. Great sentimental Recreation (Q ANN BROWN TYPING Dis­ sertations - resumes - term sing. 2-man 1 bedroom, fur­ 3226 after 6 p.m. 2-4-3I3) 0-8-4-7J_3)_ _ shape. W AZOO RECORDS, value. Reward. Please call call for information 349*3400 322-0419 anytime. 3-3-31(9) papers. 601 Abbott Road, nished apartments. Heat i n - --------------------------------------- 233 Abbott, 337-0947. LOW COST flights to Europe 10-5 OWN ROOM in house. Cam­ North entrance, 351-7221. eluded $195/month. Year ONE ROOM available in large C-3-3K4) and Israel. Call Aviva, 9 am to Monday thru Soturdoy pus 1 V2 blocks. Great room ­ C-3-3-3K4) leases only. June 15 or well kept house on Grove St. 7 p.m. N.Y. time. 1-800- September 1. 129 Burcham $75, must share household mates. $90/month plus u til­ Today's best buys are in the PLAY GUITAR, banjo, fiddle, 223-7676. Z-3-3-3K3) Knob Hill Dr. Efficiency. $160/month. responsibilities. Female pre­ ities. 337-2286. 3-3-31(4) mandolin, dulcimer, auto­ Classified section. Find what TYPING TERM Papers and Damage deposit required. 6 ferred. 351-7362. 3-4-4(5) you're looking for! theses, I.B.M. experienced, Apartments p.m. • 10 p.m. 882-2316. ROOM W ITH cooking privi­ harp, harmonica-over group classes offered every 20 I Service ^ fast service. Call 351-8923. 0-3-3-31191 645 EVERGREEN. Room, leges. Phone and TV. Non­ term by'ECOERLY INSTRU­ C 8-3-10(3) W ALLET FOUND March 9, FREE LESSON in complexion $75. Beautiful. 351-7113,332- smoking male. 332-4076 MENTS SCHOOL OF FOLK care. MERLE NORMAN FEMALE ROOMMATE need­ near Computer Center. Own­ 5622, 351-9445. 3-4-4(3) evenings. 3-3-31(3) MUSIC. Spring term classes COSMETIC STUDIO - 321- er must identify. 353-0485. ed spring term. Capitol Villa Houses £ (8 weeks) start April 10. 3-4-4(31 5543. C-3-3-3113) PROMPT TYPING twelve years experience. Evenings - Apartments. Immediate oc­ 318 N. HAYFORD ST. 2 Register now at ELDERLY 675-7544. C 8-3 10(3) cupancy. Call 332-8801 after 4 p.m. S-5-4-4I4I CHOICE OF 2 furnished bedroom house. $87/month, For Sale INSTRUMENTS 541 E. RESTORATION HARD­ Grand River. Call 332-4331. rooms 2 blocks from MSU. near busline. 485-1408. 3-4-4(3) C-3-3-3K13) Persoiil / WOOD floor refinishing. Quality work is my goal. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICE. EFFICIENCY IMMEDIATE Parking. 332-0460. 6-4-7I3) NEW, USED and vintage Complete dissertation and occupancy. $185. BUR 351-2087. 8-4-11(4) resume service. Corner MAC guitars, banjos, mandolins, CHAM WOODS 745 Bur­ WOMENS DOUBLES, mens HP 25C Calculator used very BIORHYTHEM CHARTS and Grand River. 8:30 am- TWO BEDROOM partially single includes utilities, kitch­ etc. Dulcimers and kits, re­ FREE NEEDLE check, Bring cham, 351-3118. 0-3-3-31(31 little. Phone 351-2591. computed, concept devel­ 5:20 pm Mcnday-Friday. 10 furnished. Carpet and panel­ en facilities. Christian atmo­ corders, strings, accessories, in your record player needle 5-4-4(31 oped by Freud, certified by a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. 337- ing. Call after 11 a.m. 536 S. sphere. Call Meg 9 a.m. to 5 books, thousands o f hard- for free check at anytime. SUBLET NOW through Sept­ Science Academy o f Am eri­ 1666. C-3-3-3K6) Magnolia 140. 485-6955. to-find albums, (all at very Special prices on new need­ ember, 1 bedroom apart­ p.m. 669-3400. 5 p.m. to 11 APPLE CRATES - ideal for ca. Color-coded daily profile 1-3-31(5) low prices). Private and les. M ARSHALL MUSIC, ment. Utilities included $200/ p.m. 337-0343. 8-4-11(5) album storage, books, etc. consists o f emotional, intel­ group lessons on guitar, ban­ East Lansing. C-1-3-31 (6) TYPING, EXPERIENCED, month. Evenings 351-3881. $2.75 each. W AZOO lectual, and physical cycles. ROOM IN house til June. jo, mandolin, all styles. Gift fast and reasonable, 371- 8-4-7<4> ROOMS - CAMPUS near. RECORDS 223 Abbott. More in-depth than a horo­ certificates. Expert repairs- 4635. C-3-3-31 (3) Option on whole house in Furnished, cooking. From 8-4-7(4) scope and easily read. Rush EQUITY LOAN- If you are June. W ill negotiate. free estimates. ELDERLY buying your home on a EAST LANSING - Now leas­ $80/person. 485-1436. $6 plus 501 postage in money INSTRUMENTS 541 East ing. Houses, duplexes and 351-6540. 7-4-714) 0-1-3-31(3) Grand River. 332-4331. 6x8x6 pine loft. Brand new, order or check for 9 month mortgage or ow n your home free and clear, ask about your Wilted rooms. Available for summer perfect condition 332-1312. profile, and receive free in­ C3-3-3K13) and/or fall. Call STE-MAR MSU FIVE blocks. Furnished CLOSE TO campus. Furnish­ 8-4-7(3) troductory bonus. Boe- equity loan. Borrow against your equity to consolidate ATTORNEY DESIRES to rent MANAGEMENT 351-5510. house for five males. Avail­ ed rooms available. Utilities rhythems 541 Edgewood able June 15th. 12 month included. $ 105/month. Call SLEEP W ITH the best. The Blvd. ft 1223 Lansing, M l your bills, make major home an attractive, 3 to 5 bedroom, 8-4-7(6) 100 USED VACUUM clean lease. Dial 332-4076 after 6 EQUITY VEST. 353-4831 or finest in quality waterbeds at 48910. Exact birthdate must improvements, take that long fully furnished home in Oke- p.m. 3-3-31(5) ers. Tanks cannisters, and mos School District, for 9 to 351-1500. 0-1-3-31(5) the SLEEP SHOP in be included. BL 1 3-31(15) awaited vacation, or for any 2 BEDROOM, furnished uprights. Guaranteed on full 12 m onths beginning 9/1/78. SOUNDS AN D DIVER­ other good purpose. Call $69.50/month. 2 roommates NEEDED 4 to share 5 man year, $7.88 and up. DENNIS Financial and personal refer­ ATTRACTIVE FOR graduate SIONS. 484-9300. Across Today's best buys are in the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF wanted. Available immediate­ house. Fenced backyard. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. ences available upon request. woman, near campus, refer­ from Knapp's downtown. Classified section. Find what EAST LANSING, 351-2660 ly 349-1948. 3-3-31(3) Pets. 332-8700. 8-4-7(3) 316 North Cedar, opposite Call 351-4191 evenings, 7-9 ences, 332-1746. 1-3-31(3) 0-1-3-31(6) you're looking for! and ask for Mr. McDonald. City Market. C-2-3-31 (7) p.m. Z 7 4 7(8) 0-1-3-31(12) Zot the Paranoid lives! (No ''Zen Driuds and the A rt of thanks to Olin) Come visit him at M onolith Maintenance” is the 8:30 tonight at Tolkien Fellowship, S p e c ia liz in g in topic at Zen Druids at 7 tonight. Union Tower Room. Union Tower Room. MEXICAN STYLE FOOD featuring these specials Campus Scouts meets at 7 p m (continued from page 16) Sunday, Union Oak Room, Ideas Volunteer opportunities in MSU Episcopalians w ill gather for spring activities welcome. We coaching, softball, football, dance, to celebrate the Eucharist o f the Independent investigation of Human Ecology Majors: Valu­ THCFinCST Mon. TACOS Tuot. TOSTADAS CO U N TRY® Tburt BURRITOS Erl. Comb. ELATE truth w ill be the topic o f an Will be going out afterwards. dramatics, teaching arts and crafts able professional experience and W#4. ENCHILADAS to elementary kids. Reach out, Resurrection w ith Sonrise, at 5 p.m. Sunday, Alum ni Chapel. informal discussion on the Baha'i international travel are yours with M QUALITY Thurs., Fri., ft Sat. nights at 9:00 come to 26 Student Services Bldg. Dinner follows. Faith, at 8 tonight, Mason Hall Library. the Peace Corps. Come to 121 Agriculture Hall. EUROPE » CAR IIIATERBCDS MSU Simulations Society RENT or BUY complete menu available doily W omen! Listen to Women's along with beer, wine ft your favorite cocktails meets from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 340 Union. Napoleonic Voice, feminist radio production at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, W KAR 870. LOWEST PRICES Kitchen Open miniatures will be featured. All This week's show is on the ERA. FOR STUDENTS,TEACHERS Mon-Sat 10 a.m. • 1a.m. gamers are invited. EUROPE BY CAR FRENCH IE’S BAR Sun. 1p.m. -8 p.m. Service minded people wel­ A lso p in b a ll, a ir h ocke y, TV te n n is, ta b le 45 Rockefeller Plaza 400 Baker Street. Lans. Die Deutsche und Schweizer come to state conference o f Alpha te n n is .... / New York, N Y. 10020 one block wast of South Cadar St. 482-0733 Ecke e.V. trifft sich diesen Freitag Phi Omega, national service frater­ Pf'one (212) 581-3040 im Erdnussfass. Alle, die Deutsch nity from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mail (hit ad for Special Konnen, sind herzlich eingeladen. Kendo Club of MSU holds Saturday, Case Hall. Hear Franklin Adams speak on UNION BILLIARDS? Student/Teacher Tariff. □ RENTAL □ LEASE □ PU»rt;M8E I V IN iOUND-iC. DIVCPtMONd DOWNTOWN LPNCHNG f iC P O ii rROM KNfiPPi practice from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, low er level Union Bldg. phone: 355-3358 ? one man's experience of govern­ in the Japanese marital art of ment dirty tricks on American Mon. thru Thur. 11:30 o.m.-11:00 p.m. ! sword fencing, 118 Women's IM Universities at 7 p.m. Sunday, Fri. 10:00 a.m.* 11:00 p.m. Bldg. Abrahamic Community, 320 Sat. ft Sun. 12 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. M.A.C. Michigan Botanical Club pre­ sents Mike Scott speaking about Support the Equal Rights T h e r e 's No B u s in e s s Like . th e e x c itin g w o rld of STUDY MEDICINE Manitou Island at 7:30 p.m. lues Amendment. Come to a meeting day, 168 Plant Biology Bldg. p r o f e s s i o n a l B u s i n e s s in o u r T h e m e P a rk s : at 7 p.m. Monday, 332 Union. K IN G S ISLA N D C m nnn uii Ohio AT THE QHLV ENGLISH—SPEWING K IN G S D O M IN IO N Richmond, Va SPAGHETTI FOREIGN HEDICAL SCHOOL HEAR THE U SA. The A m e ric a n U n iv e rs ity o f th e C aribbean-S chool of C A R O W IN D S Churlotle, N C T h e re a re o p e n in g s l o r 1 G iv e your guitar its spring tuneup! SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN BAT IV IR Y M e d icin e is licensed by th e G o v e rn m e n t o f M o n ­ ts e rra t and recog n ized by th e W o rld H e a lth O rg a n i­ za tion . The m a in cam pus is loca te d on M o n ts e rra t in S IN G E R /D A N C E R S , AND M U SIC IA N S S a l a r i e s r a n g e Ir o m $ 1 5 5 to $ 2 0 0 *A ll major brands strings th e B ritish W est Indies. A d m in is te re d and ta u g h t by per w eek - Plus round trip airiare (V jo ff list prices) •UNDAY FROM 4 P.M. U.S. edu ca to rs. O ffe rs M .D . p ro g ra m w ith c u rric u lu m to the park. O u r own home m ade m eaty and in s tru c tio n a l a pp ro a ch e q u iv a le n t to th a t o f U.S. *Polish spaghetti served w ith h ot rolls m edical schools. C lin ic a l stu d ie s in local and U.S. lus a help yourself salad bar h osp ita ls. Eight se m este rs o f in s tru c tio n . C om p lete in *Tuners *2.25 2’/. yeors on a tri-s e m e s te r system . No MCAT score re q u ire d . To a p p ly w rite : U N IV E R S IT Y O F M IC H I G A N Ann Arbor, Michigan M I N S K O F F R E H E A R S A L S T U D IO S New York, N.Y. *Straps ft U.S. Admissions Office School of Music 15 15 Broadway Cases C a d y R m „ S t e a r n s B ld g T h u r s . 4 F ri,. A p r il 6 and 7 X jrin k ] American University of the Caribbean W e d , A p r il 5. 4-7 P M 11 A M t o 4 PM Route 1 245 A N N ST. 231 M . A . C . - E a s t L 351-7830 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1 Clairsville, Ohio 43950 F o r m o r e in f o r m a tio n , p l e a s e 1906 Highland Ave . Cincinnati, w n le K IN G S P R O D U C T IO N S O h io 45219. PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Jackson B row n* w /K orla Bonoff by Bill Yates A p ril 11 PLENTY OF OOOO SEATS AVAILABLE FRIDAY 4:00 7:30 9:00 AFTERNOON (6) N ew M ickey Mouse (6) W ild, W ild W orld of Club (6) Incredible Hulk 12:00 A nim als (10) G reen Acres (10) Richie Brockelm an, | j . |2)News (10) Fam ily Feud P rivate Eye Ip jl To Say the Least (12) Bonanza (12) Price is Right (12) M ovie I p ) Firing Line o (23) Sesame Street (23) M acNeil / Lehrer Re­ (23) A nna Karenina 4:30 p ort (6) Doris Day 10:00 | » l Almanac (11) Past and Present (6) CBS: O n The A ir I 1 12:30 (10) G illig a n s Island Tense (10) Quincy | t ) Search fo r Tom orrow 5:00 8:00 UTIQUE FAIR AND SALE I (23) Faw lty Towers (6) G unsmoke (6) W onder Woman ■t Rotary 5th annual. West! |l0) Gong Show 10:30 :h'gansbest. Quality deal I I I I ) Ryan's Hope (10) Emergency O ne! (10) Q uark (23) Dance fo r th e Camera rom 311 Paris of th. I (12) Rookies (12) Donny & M arie 1:00 11:00 '"try. April 6 ft 7 , noon , ' P-m.. April 8, noon to 61 U) For Richer, For Poorer (23) M iste r Rogers' Neigh borhood (23) W ashington W eek in Review (6-10-12) News PEANUTS CLEANERS LAUNDRY your spring ■ Lectures daily.), am| ■u) young and th e Restless 5:30 (23) Dick C avett by Schulz un t«wii»n asnmm cleaning begins G,and Rapids Hi .1 (11) Fifteen w ith Spira SPONSORED BY: iool 2211 Lake Dfl9 J 1 , 2) All My C hildren (23) Electric Company 11:30 33 2-3537 here 8:30 (6) NBA Basketball l|J 3)Amiot!e (11) News Eas* Grand Rapids f (10) CPO Sharkey thiqan. 28 4-7(11) 1 (10) Johnny Carson 1:30 6:00 (23) W all Street Week (12) Forever Fernwood CALL ME IF YOU LIRE MAVBE A PYTHON MSU PREPAID Legal Sa l as plan now makes lenall IlO) Days of O ur Lives As the W o rld Turns (6*10-12) News (23) Dick C avett (11) Perspective on Chile (23) ABC N ews HAVE ANY TROUBLE CRAWLING INTO YOUR (11) The Bong Show DURING THE NIGHT SLEEPING BAG! « e s av a ila b le w ith o u t fe e l ■23) Tele-Revista u n d e rg ra d u a te MSU stu I I u s . O ffic e o p e n 9 a ,m, | J 2:30 6:30 MSU SHADOWS ’ | i) Guiding Light (6) CBS News by Gordon Carleton i . 1.30 p .m -5 p.m . M o tiJ (10) NBC News '•F rid a y . Fo r information! IlO) Doctors PZMBALZ. P E T E 'S a p p o in tm e n t, call 3« I (12) ABC News SPONSORED BY: Present this really lunny comic for 25' 3:00 worth of free ploy* 6 . B-1 3-31(9) 1 (23) O ve r Easy IlO) Another W orld 7:00 Spf?lA.'t 15 HCf?£ -FlAXUiKS UJILL & , SfVtoiJT/At, . LTERV CLASSES at the! ■ 12 ) General Hospital (6) M y Three Sons 'EELS WORKS. Monday! |l3) Originals S cC M .B iR cs ^0'U. Bfc CH/RPlAJfc, LOVW5 BILUMF US l (10) M ary Tyler M oore CCOlAJ(b,.. y .i» ; o,hT o ' e8|sira» J 3:30 (12) Brady Bunch •2 2 6 1 . B L 1 3 31(31 |t)A llin the Family (23) O ff the Record Today'* Spatial ■23) Villa Alegre (11) Won Chuen FRANK & ERNEST Enchiladas Jocoque 3.TS by Bob Thaves SPONSORED BY: IL AZTICO MSTAWANT 203 M.A.C. 351*9111 INTERVIEW ING ? Better see the resume re: ace! Put your best fo o t fo rw a rd ! Bring us the basic X p ft inform ation and w e 'll do it all - Typeset it, help you w rite it, and p rin t it. See the problem CvER c °M &5 Tb yo\jR solvers today at A b b ey Press, 547 East Grand P®oR AND S u & g ESTS River, East Lansing A H®mB HfllPci/T ICjT 1b $flvE M©n/&Y, ^ON'T ^ 8 U S jG H TO HIM. V 332-8668 & 9 1 9 So«tP»AOk«u>-T-CTO. Low gas prices THE DROPOUTS C A M P U S S X JRAVELS WITH FARLEY Plus Service jy Post SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 2 337*1419 o n ly e ffo rt you have |; xert to find a ft/P h il Frank Benda's L ittle Freew ay 310 W G ran d Rivar S ervice S ta tio n i buyer fo r items SPONSORED BY ITS AH OU> |1 X t R £ P fi£ s e H r iN (? ', no longer need is ng y o u r telephone1 THE 6 0 0 OF P L E N iy .-m e NA t's right. Just dial tlV S B E U E V f e D , ( F y o i i PRa m iR forth w e 'll do the rest! AN AQlAM>ANCC O f S C O O til. 5 UA]| a A N D I W 45 Mi TH E r ad w ill appear in t and is sure to W A T E R . G O IN C - C O T IN / ict some reader TH E T H IR D T IM E - ____ •ng fo r the very item | lfc a _ — "f 1 have to sell. > t PILLOW TALK B.C. FURNITURE Soft and E.W M o ll F'andor SPONSORED BY: to xy p illo w furnituro jy Johnny Hart Shopping C e n t*' 351-1767 CAMPUS JUMBLEWEEDS F r e e D e liv e ry : SPONSORED BY: P IZ Z A 33T . . . . I/Tom K. Ryan 1312 Mich. A v.. • • * 1 I J f f lV\ QUITTING TO PURSUE MY' PREAM Y