frustees order end to South Africa ties By JIM SM ITH Namibia and not fam m i a a to n a s te o r ftaatanafnni which h iv e been endorsed by 54 companies doing business in South Africa. State N awa S ta ll W rite r Tim MSU board action w ant rifn tito a te frlS th a r in aoop, than a resolution roeently A t a public h earing Thursday, tru s te e i heard th e Sullivan Principles called ineffective , , T rujteei voted F riday to gtoe co rp o ratio n , to which th e U nlv ertity passed by the U nheratty of M ietala» B ated at Ragouts. The regents voted to withdraw by speakers. . MSI' H'un-d 01 . » in South A frica until Doc. 1, 1978, to show evidence of Investments only if companies b l e d to a d h a n to th e Sullivan Principles. The resolution calls for “a program of p rudent divestiture" to commence after Dee. 1, ,t) end th*1 , h A!rjc, or be excluded from th e M 8U etock portfolio. Laoc 8ulllv«n. a Ganaral Mate ra eaàrntw f ^ aralapad a Bet of human right« principle« 1978, if com panies fail to m eet MSU guidelines for companies doing business in South ¿,,««1 from hw for •implementing poeitive m e u u r e i to en d o p p ren io n or Africa. mgueg« in South A frica w»e nltered by t n am endm ent m ade by T ru etee M o w in g M Me teal of a eesohaffon darting edth MSU Inveshnenfs in componi« doing butt- Roger W ilkinson, vice presid en t of business and finance, explained th a t “pru d en t icn social mj“' 11 nasi to la vfh Africa wM chpneeedW aAl vafee» W do/s MSU to a d of Trust«« meeting: div estitu re" m eant selling th e stocks at favorable m arket times to minimize losses. Stack. K h a r d e n e d th e reeolutlon w ording by calling tor companiea to lESOtVFD, Thai aller Dec. I, ffji,-lh u S srtdrtTfuatoueiho« commence o program o f prv- deni tovMHfure of Iti sfate holdings In A M doing button to Ihe republic el South Africa A t March 28 prices, W ilkuuon projected a loss in capital and brokerage fees approaching «ck'f meaaure» to w ithdraw from th e Republic of South A frica." $1.5 million if MSU simply sold its stock in affected companies. untesi Ihe loa rd o f fru tte « receives tuHktoM evidence ee ossuranc« (hat Ihe oflecied firms uicnt •posltlv>? „ j nnnreision, ao th e y m u lt w ithdrew ," Stack told th e o th er MSU holdings to affected com panies had a m ark et value of approximately $8.8 million on hove adopted andate Impfemenflng petlHve me « « « low lihdrow from Hie ««public of South „ in i« °PP Africa. M arch 28. International Buatoesa Machines, Dow Chemical. Ford M otor Co.. Exxon, U.S. IN’ p.triciaC arrigan-S triekland, D Farm ington Hills, caat th e only vote KSOtVSD further. Thof the Soord o f Trutta« raques», that the UnlvorsMy Committee on Steel and Xerox are am ong th e companiea affected by the resolution. ^ . ^ P u c T ’smendment. She «aid c h a a p e n South African policies could be Academic (mrlrenmenl In consultonon w ith Intereeled parsons or groups «lobffsh indicai ol A nother board item discussed related to th e progress of th e MSU presidential search Mtlfcf st* , , „¡her than companiea w ithdraw ing. corporate policy end occompflshmenf to «noble the loa rd ot fru ste « io reach Its decision, in. and selection com m ittee. .nerd m * “■ . |aler u j d h e r vote w as not connected w ith h er em ploym ent at pntci chiding but not limited to: T ru ste es w ere told by U niversity A ttorney Leland C arr th a t th e presidential search and irrigan SiricMa ^ o t o r f jj am ong th e com panies affected by th e board1« decision. I. He new Investment In South Africo. selection advisory com m ittee does not have to conform to the Michigan Open M eetings A rt gil Mot»«H i 0' on th e final reeolutlon. S. No reinvestment el prelilt to South Africo. Sustained from votmg and may vote to close its m eetings to th e press and public •— the Univeralty C om m ittee on Academ ic Environm ent to m eet with S. Ne eiponslonoffeclllM « end epenetlsne In Smrth Africa d ask to establish guidelines for th e tr u s te e i to uee In m aking th e ir final t No new lice o ,« a ffilia i« or suheltosrsn M South Africo In o th er action, the tru stees: r - T 1ILns 10 establish guideline« for th e tr u s te r - S. No operations In SontusIons, homelands, er Namibia. •Em ployed an architect to study and make recom m endations for a new Intram ural >erso r»1^ f‘r rompaniei e i onon th thee Dec. Dec. 11deadline. deadline. 1 No importation el technologie!, procettet or equipment S ports Building. U„ on individual ci w ere eix guidelines which th e tru ste e s req u ested the for uso by the police, military or for soctol control. •R enam ed th e D ep artm en t of Pharmacology to the D epartm ent of Pharmacology and r “' Y ironmrnt committee uee as a baae In aetttog guidelines, tlSO I VCD further, Thef the University shelf net Imwst In bonfcs granting or renewing loans Toxicology. jemic fcn'tc ^ comp*nies not to make new investm en ts in South Africa, not to to Ihe Republic of South Africa. / , •D irected the A nti-D iscrim ination Judicial Board to handle complaints of alleged tcsoinjo" ca _lnn FXpanljon Ü there, stop . of South African facilities, not to establish "RESOiVCO further. TheI the Unteentty theII vote Us prorlet in support or propesoli to end handicapper discrimination. t«i Fr \ . h >(ncJi not to engage to operations to B antustans, homelands, or epprettien or weaken the sysfem o f social topntke In the republic e l South Africa. " •A pproved a resolution of trib u te to th e Spartan basketball team . ¡diarie! V O LU M E 72 NUM BER 50 Stata la w M O N D A Y , APRIL 3, 1978 M IC H IG A N STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LA N S IN G M IC H IG A N 48824 ‘Suspicious person’ file kept indefinitely DPS information shared By D A N IE L H ILB ER T question," he said. m eeting w ith Ingham County commission­ th e officer had left the departm ent. t a d JIM SMITH C oncerning who a t th e d ep a rtm en t would e rs and E a st Lansing City Council m em bers Repas also asked th e tru ste es to look for S ta te N ew s S taff W riters be going through and pu rg in g th e cards, he who have expressed concern about the them selves into DPS files to determ ine th e Persons questioned by MSU D ep artm en t said, "I hope som eone is doing th is. I'm not." effectiveness of th e narcotics unit. ex ten t of political surveillance. of Public S afety officers m ay unknow ingly Speaking before a special MSU Board of The re s t of th e tru s te e s on th e com m ittee T ru stee P atricia C arrigan-Strickland. D- become p a rt of a file freely sh ared betw een T ru ste es A udit C om m ittee m eeting, th e said they did not ag ree w ith S m ydra about Farm ington Hills, dismissed th at idea as local, s ta te and federal law enforcem ent 28-year D PS v eteran denied his agency is th e im portance of fu rth e r investigating settin g a precedent which might open those agencies, th e D PS d ire cto r aaid F riday. involved in political surveillance. M etro Squad activities since th e Universi- files to persons seeking personal information Richard 0 . B ern itt said field interro g atio n The special m eeting w as called to answ er carda filled o u t on auspicious p ersons a t th e changes leveled a t B ern itt's agency by Bob discretion of D P S officers a re k ep t on file for R epas, professor of labor and industrial an indefinite period of tim e. " ‘ reM M M sfRepaa ch arged th a t D PS had been In response to questioning from th e S A te involved in political spying at least up to th e DPS Director Richard 0. Bernitt said informa­ N ew t, B ern itt aaid th a t to hia opinion th e ea rly 1970s. tion from DPS files is routinely exchanged without carda would not be held aa long aa te n y e a n . B ern itt said it w as hard for him to question with other state and federal agencies. Stot« News Owboroh J. Borin He ad m itted carda m ight possibly be held for distinguish clearly th e difference betw een n Rota and David H usie to o k n p re s id e n c e on th e G ra n d R iv e r tw o y e a n , b ut did not g ive d efin ite tim e so-called political action and crim inal activ i­ B in sidewalk S a tu rd a y to p la y fo r th e p n s s e rtb y . limits. ty . "I can 't give a specific an sw er to th a t R eferrin g to th e late 1960s and early 1970s ty ’s only in v estm en t in th e squad is an officer against p articular individuals, similar to the as “day s of rag e." he said dem onstrations and one vehicle. Communist "w itchhunts" of th e early 1950s. which began innocently som etim es led to S m ydra said he would ask MSU P resident The board informed Bernitt th at at a la ter violence and crim inal activity. E d g a r L. H arden for a review of MSU’s tim e he should rep o rt to them concerning HA movies sold out; T he D PS had in th e p a st ta k en photo­ g rap h s of p articip an ts in peaceful dem on­ stratio n s and sh ared th em w ith o th e r police agencies, B ern itt acknowledged. relationship w ith th e M etro Squad and a rep o rt on th e conviction and confiscation perform ance of th e squad. The use of inform ants by individual th e field interrogation cards, and w hat is done with them. T rustees also said th at if Jim Thomas, an MSU sociology student p resent at th e H e also denied accusations m ade by Repas officers for crim inal activity surveillance m eeting, would bring in his own copies of his th a t photographs ta k en by th e D PS w ere undreds denied entrance th e n fo rw arded to W ashington. D.C. B ern itt said th e sm all am ount of th e M ichigan S ta te Police Red Squad files he had seen w ere “g arb ag e ." was defended by B ernitt. The files of a form er D PS officer who had engaged an inform ant for political surveillance w ere personally d estro y ed by th e director after Red Squad files, they would like to exam ine them. No date was announced for fu tu re discussion or. DPS activities. By GERRY SKOCZYI.AS ‘T h e Spy Who Loved Me" was also o? school because hom ework isn 't a factor,” H e also said o th e r federal o r state State News Staff W rite r show n a t 7 and 9:45 p.m. in Wilson Hall, Leach explained. agencies m ay b e involved in cam pus political m l to iee Robert Redford and Paul t e n Butch Catndy and the Sun- JM 6«l I m i n d up getting The which holds ab o u t 400 people. Both shows w ere sold out. B ut "B utch Cassidy", which w as viewed "P lus th e novelty o f g e ttin g ‘som ething for free' probably d rew a lot of people who ordinarily w ouldn’t go to th e m ovies." surveillance w ith o u t D PS know ledge. B ern itt said inform ation from D PS files is routinely exchanged w ith o u t question w ith MSU cashiers’ office mind.’" in th e la rg er auditorium in 109 Anthony Leach said th e fact th a t RH A was o th e r s ta te and fed eral agencies. W hen th e FB I o r o th e r law enforcem ent agencies *r? comment by the R ather Hall ore summed up the sentim ents of students turned away from Residence H all on F riday night, played to only a half ful) house. Some stu d en ts speculate th a t th e showing th re e popular movies contributed to th e large tu rn o u t. "If th e stu d en ts really w an t to see a re q u e s t D P S inform ation, it is provided w h eth e r o r not a reason is given for th e target of $8,050 heist prim ary reason for th e difference in in te re s t, h e continued. Association movies due to crow ds particular movie, th e y should plan on B e rn itt conceded he would be u n aw are if A lone m ale robber took $8,050 late After the robber received th e money he fled f from the new RHA movie pass capacity is th a t th e auditorium s in C onrad, coming a t least a half h o u r to 45 m inutes th e re w as an y exchange of D PS inform ation Friday afternoon from the crowded cash through the back en tran ce of the Admini­ .»hich went into effect thin w eekend, Wilson, and Brody a re all in residence hail ahead of tim e,” Leach advised. provided to th e CIA th ro u g h th e FB I. He iers' office in th e Hannah A dministration stration Building carrying the money in a reds of students w ere denied com plexes, which have h igher concentra­ One stu d en t w ho did go to F riday said h e had n e v e r personally provided Building. D epartm ent of Public Safety green and w hite plastic bag. ■ to the movies as dorm itory tions of RH A stu d en ts, w hile A nthony Hall n ight's 7 p.m. show ing o f "T he Spy Who inform ation to th e CIA. officials rep o rted . We can only assum e th a t he planned out W Mocked to take advantage of th e ir is located closer to th e ce n ter of campus. Loved Me” a t Wilson Hall b u t w as tu rn ed A discussion o f M SU involvem ent in th e DPS officials said th e robbery, which the robbery in advance. His movem ents — “Since s tu d e n ts have alread y paid o u t aw ay was J e ff S co tt of S n y d er H tll. Tri-C ounty M etro N arcotics Squad w as cut occurred at 3:50 p.m., is the largest in he looked around frequently to m ake su re • 8 refundable tax, collected from th e ir $3. th e y 'v e been coming o ut in force to “It w as n ev er th is h ard to g e t into a sh o rt by tr u s te e tim e c o n stra in ts a t F rid ay 's MSU's history. It is also th e first time the no one would in terfere w ith his deed — give ■j* hall students at spring te rm g e t th e ir money’s w orth,” said Ben movie la st te rm ," S co tt com plained. “B ut I m eeting. A dm inistration Building has been robbed. this im pression." said DPS Capt. F erm an »«• Sdmits them to all RHA films S chw artz, a ju n io r who w orked th e tick et still like th e 'free e n try ' policy. I guess 1‘U T ru ste e Michael J . S m ydra, D East Police said he handed a cashier a note Badgley. !1°n Charge. Off-campus ta b les a t RHA movie locations ov er th e (continued on p age 14) Lansing, said he w anted to schedule a asking for money, implying he had a gun. The alarm , which on previous occasions . may also purchase movie passes. w eekend. had gone off during false alarm s, was - . WM >n by the RHA board “W e tu rn e d aw ay about 75 people for inoperable. to. despite protests from some F rid ay n ig h t's showing of T h e Spy Who Police described th e robber as a light­ e ctmpus film groups. New anti-cancer drug produced Loved M e' a t Brody and about 50 people th e skinned black m ale betw een the ages of 23 n ight before for ‘P ap illo n ,'" S chw artz said. bus»« *”d krland Conrad. pock m arked chin and a gold filling in one people aa w e have seats for." molecules th at w ere projected to be b e tte r front tooth. D espite th e large-capacity crow ds, RHA By W A R REN E. LEARY Individual cells have molecules on th eir 7 ntohiWh° Lr d Me"' which MirM drugs. The man w ore dark wire-rimmed glasses, Film D irecto r Tom Leach does n ot really HOUSTON (API - W ith th e help of a su rface called rece p to rs th a t have a highly iPriH n rodj' and "Papillon”, To get th e new family of drugs, th e a brown knit “big apple" hat and a expect th e tre n d to continue. com puter, scien tists have designed and selective attra c tio n for certain o th e r mole­ i y, haif"i, rad’ * ere boll> filled to researchers looked at d ru g s and chemicals three-q u arter length gray to p coat. half hour before showtime. “W e alw ays do well on th e first w eekend produced w h at th ey call th e m ost potent cules. th at used th e basic genetic m aterial of Police a re req u estin g anyone with in­ anti-cancer d ru g e v e r m ade — an agent so “T he length of tim e th e d ru g stay s bound cancer cells — th e ir so-called DNA — as formation concerning th e robbery to call lethal it kills h u n d red s of millions of cancer to a rece p to r cre a te s th e intensity of the receptors. DPS. cells in laboratory mice w ith a single dose. d ru g effect," A pple said. A common cancer R esearch ers from th e U niversity of d ru g such as adriainycin binds for about one arden nam ed president California a t S an Francisco say th e drug azetomicin is one o f a new class designed to stick to cancer cells longer th*n o th er drugs second, b u t azetom icin stay s stuck for 1,500 to 1,700 seconds, he said. Apple said th e ’ chemical stru ctu re was in o rd er to intensify its effects. designed w ith th e aid of com puter mod D r. M artin A. Apple, head of th e team eling. M oat o f th e d ru g s developed in this th a t developed th e new drug, cautioned cen tu ry have com e about through trial and « andoutstanding th a t th e re is no assu ran ce azetomicin would have th e sam e affect on hum an cancer a s it erro r, a tim e-consum ing m ethod th at pro­ duces relatively few useful ag en ts th a t do inside did in mice. No hum an te s ts have been exactly w h at doctors w ant, Apple said. Traffic totalities to Michigan made. contributed to the decision to H ow ever, A pple said, "It is probably The California researc h ers drew inform a­ raise the drinking age. See I*» it MSTJ s h ^ e x p f a ^ d ' * * ° **** * ort' «MompliahmenU made my b e tte r th a n m any d ru g s used clinically now, tion from P R O PH ET, a nationw ide compu at least according to o u r com puter pro­ te r netw ork of chemical and biological data foM Bpreclated tha confidane« the jections." A nd th e com puter model he uses sponsored by th e National In stitu tes of “alm ost n ev er m isses” in ju dging w hether a new d ru g will w ork in people, he added. Health. weather F » » t7 ike H 1 3 i i r Wlaction procedure« currantlj W ith this background, they sim ulated Speaking a t a w eekend session of th e Today w e can expect a high molecules in th re e dim ensions on television Am erican C ancer Society's annual science of 60, but d o n 't don those screen s and m anipulated them for desired ■ i »*aud u to » * » (th* w riters’ sem inar, A pple said th e secret of sunglasses. ^ ^ u v tuw tfM »" a b n tt tais ral* a t MSU. th e new d ru g 's potency la th e tim e it stay s effects. S cientists synthesized only th e sim ulated bound to th e cancer cells. Rally draws crowd o f 30,000 Israeli war vets challenge Regi, wmm T E L AVIV, Israel (AP) — A band of Israeli w ar veteran s rallying u n d er th e slogan “Peace now is not a d ream ” has Israeli mood. B ut 30,000 is a huge crow d by Israeli stan d ­ ards. and it has attra c te d atten tio n in top governm ent m ast m en a re w ar veterans." The way th e young Israeli ex-soldiers tell it, th e ir move­ m ent w as born around a coffee Begin spokesperson Shlomo Nakdimon said it is nothing special, adding: “This is a free dem ocratic country and people ment. Kadishai also disputed i police crow d estim ate, ^ y§ th e g athering drew 12,000 d circles. G overnm ent plans to fence Tokyo airport mounted a strik in g challenge to P rim e M inister M enachem Be “It would be foolish to ignore table a few w eeks ago w hen, in th e w ords o f o rganizer Omri can d em o n strate ab o u t w hat­ sons a t most. ev er th ey like." ''The d eb ate is leg itim ,J gin's M ideast policies. them ," says G eula Cohen, a Padan, "w e felt wq had a chance Begin aid Yechiel Kadishai he said. “They have The v eteran s, joined by a hawkish m em ber o f Begin’s . > peace following Egyptian charged th a t th e m ovem ent is a T O K Y O (A P ) — T h e g o v e rn m e n t p lans n o r th e a s t o f T o k y o . position and th e g o v ern ,,! group of citizens calling th em ­ ruling Likud bloc and a m em ber P resid en t A nw ar S ad at's visit front for th e opposition Labor to b u ild a n e le c tr ic fe n c e and m oat T h e p a p e r, q u o tin g u n n a m e d sources, has its position. But they r selves “Peace Now," d rew a of Parliam ent. "T h eir num ber here, and th e chance w as being P arty , which also is dem anding a ro u n d T o k y o ’s n e w in te r n a tio n a l a ir p o r t s a id th e g o v e rn m e n t h o p e d t o c o m p le te rep resen t the country." w eekend crow d estim ated at makes them ex trao rd in ary and lost." th a t Begin be m ore flexible. t o g u a rd i t a g a in s t a tta c k s b y r a d ic a ls , it th e c o n s tru c tio n b e fo r e th e a irp o rt's 30,000 by police to a Tel Aviv also dangerous." They g ath ered 300 signa­ But m any of th e young men Cohen disagreed, „ » ¡ j w a s r e p o r te d S u nday. o p e n in g , w h ic h n o w p r o b a b ly w i ll b e in M o re th a n 6 ,000 d e m o n s tra to rs m id -M a y . It h a d b e e n s c h e d u le d f o r la s t city sq u are to p ro te st th e slow pace of M ideast negotiations. Dangerous, say s Cohen, be­ cause they a re hindering Begin tu re s of fellow v eteran s on a le tte r to Begin urg in g him to on th e podium a t th e rally w ere "Some people w ant to kiss t J am ong th o se who retu rn ed off by saying th ey i r e m J m a rc h e d n e a r th e a ir p o r t, m e a n w h ile , to T h u rs d a y . They put m ost of th e blame on at a critical ju n c tu re in th e relinquish m ore ca p tu red A rab d isgruntled from th e b attle­ politicians. That would b j c e le b r a te th e a tta c k la s t w e e k e n d th a t Begin. peace process, and because "th e land and halt Jew ish settlem en t fields of th e 1973 M ideast w ar m istake. They are d e f in j w re c k e d its c o n tro l to w e r a n d d e la y e d its No one can gauge y e t how halo of w ar v eteran is dem a­ in th e occupied te rrito ries. and dem anded th e resignation A ls o u n d e r c o n s id e r a tio n , th e p a p e r and legitim ately rooted in t s c h e d u le d o p e n in g . rep resen tativ e th ey a re of the gogic in o u r country, w here The le tte r reached th e news of th e Labor P a rty govern­ re p o rte d , is a la w t h a t w o u ld a llo w p resen t atm osphere." T he new spaper Y o m iu ri s a id th e media and s tirre d a contro­ a u th o r itie s to re m o v e m o re th a n 30 versy, prim arily because many g o v e rn m e n t o f P rim e M in is te r T a k e o fo rtre s s e s b u ilt o n p r iv a te fa rm la n d Sadat denies resumption F u ku d a w o u ld p re s e n t to th e c a b in e t T u e sd a y its p ro p o s a l f o r a h ig h -v o lta g e e le c tr ic fe n c e a n d a w a te r - fille d d itc h a ro u n d th e a ir p o r t b y its fo e s . P o lic e b e lie v e th e ra d ic a ls us e th e s e b lo c k ­ of th e signatories w ere com bat officers, th e cream of Israeli youth. Congress return a ro u n d th e a ir p o r t a t N a rita , 40 m ile s house bases to p ro d u c e fire b o m b s a n d o th e r w e a p o n s . and s to re o f full-scale negotiations Then they sta rte d a petition and claimed to have g ath ered 10,000 nam es. They also G uerrillas gath er in Iraq for le ad er’s burial By T he A ssociated P ress P resid en t A nw ar S ad at said Sunday th a t Israeli D efense mounted a "Peacew atch" o u t­ side Begin's Jeru salem head­ q u arters. to tackle canai M inister E zer Weizman would re tu rn to E g y p t th is w eek for fu rth e r ex ploratory talks, b u t th e E gyptian leader ruled o u t a To counter accusations th a t B A G H D A D , Ira q — R a d ic a l P a le s tin ia n H a d d a d d ie d in a n u n id e n tifie d A r a b resum ption of full-scale negotiations “unless th e re is a clear change they w ere using th e ir military g u e r r illa s a n d le ft is t A r a b e m is s a rie s g a th e re d h e r e S u n d a y f o r th e fu n e r a l o f D r . W a d i H a d d a d , a n a rc h ite c t o f t e r r o r c a p ita l T u e s d a y a f te r u n d e rg o in g m e d i­ c a l tre a tm e n t f o r a n u n s p e c ifie d d is e a s e in East G e rm a n y , PFLP s o u rc e s s a id . in th e Israeli position." Syria, m eanwhile, accused Israel of sending “te rro rist" in filtrato rs to mine a key highway linking S yria and Jo rd an and background for political ends, th e veteran s allied w ith the tiny Peace Now m ovem ent, an post office wori f o r th e m ilit a n t P o p u la r F ro n t f o r th e S o m e P a le s tin ia n in fo r m a n ts s a id h e h a d assortm ent of leftist and liberal said 12 S yrians, including nine soldiers, w ere killed in an attem p t WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress retu rn s today from its Ea< L ib e ra tio n o f P a le s tin e . le u k e m ia . to defuse th e mines. politicians and intellectuals. To­ g eth er they m ounted S atu r­ recess w ith th e Panam a Canal tre a ty still th e pending businesi T h e P a le s tin e -b o rn p e d ia tric ia n , w h o P re s id e n t A h m e d H a ssan el B a k r's In Tel Aviv, a m ilitary spokesperson denied th a t Israel planted day’s rally, at which m any of th e S enate and a bill to reorganize th e postal service before t| e n g in e e re d som e of h is to ry 's m ost g o v e rn m e n t a g re e d to p e r m it H a d d a d to m ines in Syria. Israel's top en te rta in e rs p er­ House. f o r m id ib le t e r r o r o p e ra tio n s , w ill be b e b u r ie d in Ira q a f te r L e b a n o n re fu s e d S adat, in an interview published in Cairo's O ctober Magazine, formed free of charge. The House ethics com m ittee resum es its investigation of ailed b u r ie d to d a y . fo r "s e c u rity r e a s o n s .” said th e search for common ground betw een E g y p t and Israel G overnm ent officials a re in­ K orean influence-peddling involving Tongsun P ark, and confl H a d d a d , 50, w a s th e s e c o n d -ra n k in g H a bash. H a d d a d 's c la s s m a te a n d lo n g ­ ence com m ittees continue th e ir efforts to work out compromiT “Should continue because w e are parties to th e (M ideast) clined to brush aside th e p r a m e m b e r o f th e PFLP b e h in d D r. G e o rg e tim e c o m ra d e , w i ll le a d th e fu n e r a l on en erg y and em ergency farm legislation. problem." te st. H a b a sh u n t il h e w a s e x p e lle d in 1976 fo r p ro c e s s io n . They fo u n d e d th e PFLP in S en ate leaders already h ave an ag reem en t th a t will bring ( m o u n tin g “ u n s a n c tio n e d o p e ra tio n s ." 1967. second of th e tw o canal tre a tie s to a final vote no la ter than Ag 26. B ut both proponents and foes of th e pact anticipate it coj Pope appeals for Moro’s release U.S., Britain attempting come sooner. S en ate M ajority Leader R obert C. Byrd , D-W.Va., is anxious! dispose of th e tre a ty issue th a t h a ' occupied th e S en ate since eJ F eb ru ary , because deadlines a re approaching for action on budl __dman said he read legislation. bmentsand had the th V A T IC A N CITY (A P ) - Pope P a ul VI The p a p a l a p p e a l w a s th e s e c o n d sin c e is s u e d a n e w a p p e a l Sunday f o r A ld o M o ro 's re le a s e b y “ u n k n o w n a u th o rs o f M o ro , a fr ie n d o f th e p o p e , w o s k id n a p p e d b y th e u rb a n g u e r r illa Red to aid Zimbabwe peace T he S en ate already has approved one of th e canal tre at! guaran teein g th e w aterw ay 's n eu trality . The rem aining tr e l would give control of th e canal to P anam a by th e y ea r 2000. ■firs? statement, he sait ■vent to Libya where prs stayed in a hot« th e t e r r if y in g o p e r a t io n " w h o k id n a p p e d B rig a d e s o n M a rc h 16 in a R o m e s tre e t The m ajor issue on th e House floor this w eek is likely to be i Itieal issues. t h e f o r m e r p r e m ie r la s t m o n th . a m b u s h . M o ro 's f iv e b o d y g u a rd s w e re proposal to rein state som e governm ent control ov er th e P« statement said tl LAGOS, N igeria (AP) — P resid en t C arter said The presid en t m et w ith Obasanjo for more T h e p o n tiff s a id h e c o u ld n o t “ is o la te " s la in in th e a tta c k . Service, specifically by giving C ongress veto pow er over lit two weeks, until a le Sunday th e U nited S ta te s and G reat Britain are than an hour a fte r th e tw o leaders atten d ed h im s e lf fr o m th e case, b u t th a t h e h a d no proposed change in mail service, and by allowing th e president| J them they would hav calling all sides in Rhodesia's (Zimbabwe) church a t a B aptist mission founded here in 1853. “ p a r tic u la r in d ic a tio n " a b o u t th e in v e s ti­ The g o v e rn m e n t announced th a t choose th e po stm aster general. Iths if they wanted guerrilla w ar to g e th er with rep resen tativ es of Both m en a re Baptists. g a tio n in to th e a b d u c tio n . C h ris tia n D e m o c ra t P re m ie r G iu lio A n - Since 1970, th e Postal S ervice has been a semi-independl Ledstruggle. he said. A th e U nited N ations in a new effort to bring peace Following th e talks, th e A m erican p resident H is s ta te m e n t u n d e rlin e d th e V a tic a n 's agency. The plan to resto re governm ent control ov er it is expect J statement continued, d r e o tti w o u ld m e e t to d a y w ith th e h e a d s and black m ajority ru le to th e strife-torn nation. and his wife toured a new $325 million p o rt to pass th e House. |he United States an< p r o c la im e d a v a ila b ility to h e lp a rra n g e of f iv e p a rtie s , in c lu d in g th e Com ­ The p resident made th e announcem ent a t th e facility on Tin Can Island, once a g arb ag e dum p t h e re le a s e o f th e 61- y e a r-o ld p re s id e n t conclusion of talks w ith Nigerian chief of s ta te D iffering versions of plans to dereg u late natu ral gas pricing a dies. m u n is ts , and is s u e a d e c la r a tio n in in Lagos harbor. The C arters boarded an O lesegun Obasanjo. C arter said th e m eeting on b efore a H ouse-Senate conference com m ittee, and som e lafl dman added that th o f th e C h ris tia n D e m o c ra t P a rty . P a rlia m e n t T u e s d a y o n th e M o ro a f fa ir . A m erican freig h ter tied up a t th e island and Zimbabwe will be held as soon as possible. m akers have indicated they a r e close to a final ag reem en t on tty 1 not well organized shook hands w ith its captain and crew. He said invitations to th e new talk s will go to issue. I use of arms and militi w hite Rhodesian P rim e M inister Ian Sm ith, B ut still to be resolved is th e d isp u te o v er P resid en t C art e l |oodmar. said the He C arter wound up his sta y in N igeria w ith a proposed cru d e oil tax , which th e House approved and th e S e n / i Israeli officials ma: m oderate black leaders of Zimbabw e and s ta te d inner Sunday night. He leaves today for guerrilla chieftains fighting from bases in rejected . illation of what th Liberia and a stopover for lunch w ith P resid en t P resid en t C a rte r has prom ised to veto th e farm subsidy bill nty e-page English confess neighboring countries for political control of th e William Tolbert. T he C arters, w ith d au g h ter breakaw ay British colony. in conference. I t would boost price su p p o rts for m ajor crops. | fwritten by one of Esr Amy and top U.S. foreign policy ad v isers re tu rn R ep resen tativ es of th e five neighboring "front­ farm ers to idle additional acres and en su re producers of w hef pr testified he s| to W ashington la te r today a fte r seven days in feed grain s and cotton higher federal g u aran tees if th ey redu line" sta te s also will be invited. C a rte r said. ibk and wrote dowr Latin A m erican and W est Africa. acreag es u p to 50 percent. T he last is called "flexible parity." dman said. Then the It he had written d< fh# $>01» New* 14 published h» 'h» studenti of Mirhiqon S'oro Urn»» ,,y »«#'» ciott dov dunnq Foil W>nt*( o'*d Spring »rhool i»imt Mondo» Wpdnesno» ond Friday« fu'inq Summpr iqrm ond a ‘-penal V.elr o,ne Meek ed1' 4 publ'tHed m Sopiembot <0 'e 4 *20per year Louis Eduards Soco-d <1044 pos'oge do d oi lost la^m q M.e of MSu Menenger Service Eo4'lanimq Mich 48823 W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) - S to rtin g to d o y , a c c o rd in g to th e F ood o n d D ru g A d m in is ­ GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER w o m e n w h o use b ir t h c o n tr o l p ills w ill g e t tra tio n . ROBERT t. BULLARD, SALESMANAGER a s p e c ia l w a rn in g o r s tro k e if th e y s m o k e . th a t th e y d ra m a tic a lly h ig h e r r is k o f h e a rt a tta c k The g o v e rn m e n t is a d d in g a s m o k in g run o The FD A soys th a t ta k in g th e p ill a lo n e d o u b le s o w o m a n 's c h a n c e o f s u ffe r in g a h e a rt a tta c k . P ill u s e rs w h o s m o k e o re th re e tim e s m o re lik e ly to d ie o f o h e a rt Newt Editorial . . Clatiified Ada Duplo» Advertiiing Bufinoti Offico . . Photographic ....... PMONIS 155 1252 355 1255 153 4400 355 1447 355 1311 Haircutters T W O L O C A T IO N S T O S U V I Y O U ! w a rn in g to o th e r p re c a u tio n s on a a tta c k th a n n o n -s m o k e rs o n th e p ill, a n d re v is e d p a tie n t b r o c h u re t h a t d o c to rs o r 10 tim e s m o re lik e ly th a n n o n -s m o k e rs ..¿MORE T H A N JUST A RECORD STORE Full Service Salons with 3 Nail Technicians, p h a rm a c is ts m u s t g iv e w o m e n w h e n th e y w h o d o n o t us e th e p ill. 11 Stylists and -1 Aestititions re c e iv e th e p ill. A n e s tim a te d 8 m illio n to 10 m illio n T w o s c ie n tific s tu d ie s lo s t y e a r e s ta b ­ M M I . Orcmd River A m e ric a n w o m e n t a k e th e p ill, o n d 2.4 lis h e d th e lin k b e tw e e n h e a rt d is e a s e , (Groesbeck area) m illio n t o 4 m illio n o f th e m a re s m o k e rs , s m o k in g a n d th e p ill, th e FD A soys. 484-8423 220 MJLC^ UNIVERSITY MALL HRS.: M O N .-SAT. 9-9, 1417K I . Michigan Avo. TV violence declining, AMA study says WOVE ALLE'EY SU N. 12-5 (Lansing) Owners: Above Bancroft Flowers PH. 332 3525 Carole and Don Satterfield C H IC A G O (AP) — T he in c id e n c e o f S u nday, c o v e re d a t w o - w e e k p e rio d in 487-6655 v io le n c e o n te le v is io n d ro p p e d s h a rp ly in th e f o il o f 1977 a n d c o v e re d p r im e tim e 1977 to a p o in t w e ll b e lo w its p e a k o f th e o n d w e e k e n d d a y tim e p ro g ra m s . p re v io u s y e a r, a c c o rd in g to a s tu d y It fo u n d th a t of th e th re e m a jo r s p o n s o re d by th e A m e ric a n M e d ic a l A s s o c ia tio n a n d th e N o tio n a l In s titu te s o f H e a lth . n e tw o rk s , NBC c o n ta in e d th e v io le n c e , f o llo w e d in o r d e r b y CBS a n d A BC, But th e re s e a rc h e rs s a id th e m a rg in m ost M A X I L L U D X a .1 C -90't ITS SHURE STYLUS month AT HIFI BUYS T he stu d y b y th e U n iv e rs ity o f P e n n s y l­ o f d iffe r e n c e a m o n g th e n e tw o rk s w o s m a x i l l u d x l i i v a n ia 's A n n e n b e rg School o f C o m m u n i­ s lig h t. C-90't c a tio n s sa id , h o w e v e r, th a t TV s till m o ld s v ie w e r c o n c e p tio n s o f d a n g e r, m is tru s t *3.25 .a c h JU ST BRING YO U R SH U R E STY LU S IN NBC ha s b e e n r a te d as th e m o s t v io le n t a n d a lie n a tio n ." o f th e n e tw o rk s in n in e o f th e 11 y e a rs th e AND W E W ILL CHECK IT W IT H OUR T he s tu d y , issu ed b y th e AM A on s tu d y has b e e n c o n d u c te d . p a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ $ 3 ,2 0 0 W ILD HEERBRUGG M IC R O SC O PE, (D elivery A vailable ) M _____ (No chocks chocM occoptod) W H ICH A LLO W S US TO. RECOM M END i S uperm arket bills increasing STY LU S R E -PLA C EM E N T LONG BEFO R E SER IO U S DAM AGE H AS BEEN DO N E T O YOUR V A LU ABLE RECORD COLLECTION T he m o n th o f M a rc h b r o u g h t a n o th e r ro u n d o f s u p e rm a rk e t p ric e in c re a s e s , w ith g ro c e ry b ills ris in g a lm o s t 1.5 p e rc e n t, a n A s s o c ia te d Press m a rk e t- b a s k e t s u rv e y s h o w s. A s in o th e r re c e n t m o n th s , th e b ig g e s t in cre a se s c a m e a t th e m e a t c o u n te r. O n e s ta rt o f e a c h succee O ing m o n th . O n e ite m , c h o c o la te c h ip d r o p p e d fro m th e lis t c o o k ie s , a t th e e n d o f N o v e m b e r 1977 b e c a u s e th e m a n u fa c ­ t u r e r d is c o n tin u e d th e p a c k a g e s iz e use d in th e s u rv e y . T he la te s t s u rv e y show ed was t h a t th e FREE! Buy any M tdium At th e regular (trice Jl I ^ Z R and for the month for april.... $2 T H IS C O U PO N G O O D FO R O F F ON ANY H OFFER EXPIRESAPRIL 30,1978 S t— I C _J ( = ! E Z STY LU S o f th e o n ly b r ig h t sp o ts w o s th a t c o ffe e G et Identical PIZZA m a rk e tb a s k e t b ill in c re a s e d lo s t m o n th AVOID INFERIOR IMITATIONS. LOOK FORTHE SHüm UN THE STYLUS GEH». p ric e s c o n tin u e d th e ir ste a d y — if s lo w — d e c lin e . a t th e c h e c k lis t s to re in 11 c itie s , u p a n a v e ra g e o f 2 p e rc e n t, a n d d e c re a s e d in FREE The A P d r e w u p a ra n d o m lis t o f 15 tw o , w ith th e d e c lin e a v e ra g in g 2 Little Caesars Pizza H I - F I B U Y S c o m m o n ly p u rc h a s e d fo o d o n d n o n -fo o d p e rc e n t. O n on o v e r a ll b a s is , th e a v e ra g e 11011. GRAND RIVER 4110 W. SAGINAW ite m s a n d c h e c k e d th e p ric e a t o n e m a rk e tb a s k e t b ill a t th e c h e c k lis t s to re s 12031.04. River E.L. PH 337-1767 LAN. PH 321-2373 s u p e rm a rk e t in ea ch o f 13 c itie s o n M a rc h w a s 1.4 p e rc e n t h ig h e r a t th e s ta r t o f M-F 10-3 $9-5 M -F 11-1 $9-5 1, 1973, a n d re c h e c k e d o n o r a b o u t th e „ * 3 3 2 -1 6 3 1 FREE PARKING - LAYAWAY - FINANCING b A p r il th o n it w a s a m o n th e a r lie r . ill Coupon oapjrot 4-13-71 One coupon per order ^ m m m m m m m th e FBI investigating loan second front pago as Nelson ponders bid M o n d a y , A p r il 3, 1978 By NUNZIO M. LUPO S ta te New« S taff W riter McLaughlin requested a probe into the details of th e loan to The FBI is now probing a loan Sen. E arl Nelson, D-Lansing, ensure th a t the money would not be used for a possible re-election bid. took from a dog racing advocate 11 w eeks before he introduced a bill to legalize the sport. Phillip Frangos, director of the S ecretary of S tate's Office of on,j'(>ssion validity under fire In addition, Nelson said he will announce today w h at his election plans are for th e «Senate seat he cu rren tly holds. Hearing and Legislation said the probe will not get underw ay unless McLaughlin files for it correctly. The FBI is looking into a $5,000 loan Nelson took from Lansing McLaughlin im properly filed the req u est with the A tto rn ey atto rn ey John A. MacLellan which th e senator said he is oavine G eneral last Monday and it was then turned over to th e S ecretary back. K3 * of S ta te s office, which handles such cases. Group defends Esmail An kBI agent questioned D etroit News capitol bureau re p o rte rs Thursday about th e loan. Nelson’s atto rn ey , Jam es S ta rr, said th e senator had not been contacted by th e ag en t and criticized the FBI for going to rep o rters. McLaughlin will have to sign a complaint and give some evidence th a t the transaction betw een Nelson and M cLaughlin actually took place. Nelson blasted McLaughlin last week for filing th e req u est Besides th e FBI, another investigation of th e Nelson MacLellan incorrectly, calling it a "political sm ear" on the eve of th e signed th e statem e n t. announcem ent of th e election pains. Bj JKANNK b a r o n He also stated he w anted Felicia Langer loan is being conducted by the le g is la tiv e Jo in t Conflict of suit, N rM SM lf W riter H e said all th e prosecution w itnesses In te rest Comm ittee. The senator said McLaughlin knew co rrec t procedures for filing for his atto rn ey and th a t he did not know ,h, seniantir gym nastics sur testified Esm ail w as questioned a few hours Nelson requested th e inquiry W ednesday, asking the com mit­ for an investigation, but used a le tte r and a press release instead the charges against him, Goodman recalled. each day and w as not th re aten e d or forced te e to d eterm ine if his taking th e loan constituted a conflict of of a signed, docum ented statem en t alleging some wrongdoing. In th e affidavit, Davidson said he told d■m ct,,r ■"th" t of(s,m: ¡ a s n o k fsp e rso n t o the national to signing th e confessions. prison officials if m istreatm en t continued a interest. McLaughlin was unavailable for comment Friday on w h eth e r he will correctly refile for th e investigation. U te e organized in h is behalf told a A ccording to Esm ail's testim ony, he was protest m ight be made. The probe is expected to begin when legislators retu rn today audience T h u rs d a y . The group was arre s te d w hen he got off his plane at 6 p.m. from E a ster recess. But th e C onsulate G eneral of Israel N elsons atto rn ey said Friday th e senator is paying back th e L to reaffirm its com mittment to the and not at passport control. Goodman A nother investigation, req u ested by William McLaughlin. rep o rted a fte r an Israeli governm ent in loan to MacLellan and not th e Bank of Lansing from which th e L e d MSI’ student. continued. The prosecution w itnesses said Republican S ta te Com m ittee chairperson, is cu rrently stalled vestigation of m istreatm en t allegations th a t dog-racing advocate reportedly got th e money before giving it to e c o m m itte e sponsored the appearance he w as a rre s te d because his passport, because he incorrectly filed for it. Nelson. nest Goodman, member of the Na which w as issued tw o days earlier, aroused (continued on page 13) I Lawyers Guild w h o a t t e n d e d th e first suspicion, indicating he w ent through passport control. davs* „f th*' lrial as an im Pa rtia l " It’s clear Esm ail was interrogated for a Hunger strikers mark sixth day ^ a il-year-oW graduate teaching long period," he said, because he got to the ant in Electrical Engineering and police station, which is nearby, at 1:30 in ms Science, was arrested Dec. 21 th e m orning." he went to Israel to visit his dying H e added Esm ail asked for a lawyer, but 1 He has been charged with m em ber under Israeli law a suspect can be n the outlawed Popular Front for th e Today m arks th e sixth day of a hunger a news blackout on the strik e in Iran and H unger strik es are being w aged in six in terro g ate d w ithout one for up to 60 days. The spokesperson said all 15 initial ition of Palestine and contact with strik e by 15 MSU Iranian stu d en ts at the the sending of a team of international European countries and throughout the strik ers will continue to strike. One of th e points th e prosecution is using >reign agents. Olds Plaza H otel in dow ntow n l*ansing. observers to assess prison conditions in th a t U nited S tates in solidarity with th e Iranian "Since th e re is no limit to it, people are to show Esm ail is not a credible w itness is .minitrial began March 14 and was A spokesperson for th e group said the country. prisoners, he said. prepared for a longer strike," he said. that he never told anyone he was being ¡ed March 30. It will reconvene April local strik e is designed to publicize and The prisoners are waging the hunger "To some ex ten t w e've been able to "They get m ore stren g th because of m istreated until after w riting th e conies d a ruling will he made on the show support for a similiar strik e by strik e in th e hopes of receiving additional spread the news of th e strik e in Iran, and being in solidarity with the prisoners and sions. ¡bilitv of two of Esmail's confessions, political p riso n ers in Iran, which began changes, he said. w e've handed out 12.500 leaflets on cam knowing th a t, com pared to th eir conditions, ¡he defense claims were coerced, H ow ever. M ark Davidson. American vice March 15. The dem ands include: an end to har pus." he said. our strik e is comfortable." irenlly, the validity of th e first consul in Tel Aviv, signed an affidavit He added all 15 strik e rs a re in good assm ent and assault of prisoners by police [ion. a seven page handw ritten s ta te outlining Esm ail's com plaints during a Dec. condition, desp ite th e fact th re e prisoners commandos and SAVAK 'Iran ian secret n English, is not being challenged, 25 visit. have been rep o rted in sev ere condition in police) agents; governm ent allowance of er. a two page handw ritten s ta te In th e affidavit. Davidson said Esmail Iran as a resu lt of the strik e. Two o th e r visits to prisoners by family and friends: nd a four page Hebrew translation com plained of being questioned for long strik e rs in W ashington have been hospital im provem ent of prison conditions and ng contested. man said he read th e tw o English periods of tim e w ithout being allowed more than tw o consecutive hours of sleep, being forced to take his sh irt off and hold a chair ized. The local strik e will continue until th e Iranian p risoners sto p th e irs or when tw o release of political prisoners when th e ir term s are com pleted. The spokesperson said the national Council student rep >nts and had the third translated. In above his head, having his face pushed , basic dem ands a re m et. th e spokesperson chap ter of th e Iranian Student Association : statement, he said Esmail adm itted having his hair pulled ¿.nd being punched in said. is trying to get a team of o bservers to go to it to Libya where he and several stayed in a hotel and discussed I issues. statement said the group w aited th e stomach. The s trik e r s have called for th e lifting of Iran but has been unsuccessful so far. election finals given vo weeks, until a leader of th e P F L P Aim is to limit booze to those over 21 m they would have to train for six .After an extended delay a ttrib u ted female students. Elected w ere Howard if they wanted to p articipate in to com puter back-up, election resu lts Green, an 18-year-old political science struggle, he said. A fter learning this, have been tabulated for Academic m ajor, Beverly Cole, a 20-year-old statement continued, Esmail retu rn ed he United States and to continue his ?s. Accidents p ro m p t new legal age Council stu d en t representatives-at- large. Chuck Goeke. stu d en t m em ber of the zoology m ajor and Aaron Williams, a 19 year old no preference major. ximan added that the statem ent was U niversity C om m ittee of Academic Cole was the top vote-getter with EDITOR'S NOTE: T U t ie the (fret in a A bill which would make it illegal for involvem ent in youths before 1972." 4.337 votes. .. not well organized and em phasized G overnance, said th e back up was due eerie« of article« examining the Michigan te en ag ers born on o r a fte r Dec. 3, 1960, to On April 2, 1977 a 16-year-old girl was use of arms and military training, to th e use of th e com puter for dropping The second section called for the Legislature'« deciifoa to rniee the legal buy liquor until they tu rn 19. was passed by crushed to death a fte r th e car she w as riding oodman said the Hebrew confession, drinking age to 19. and adding courses in some d e p a rt­ election of tw o non-white females. both houses last m onth. G overnor William in o v ertu rn ed in E a st Lansing. The 10-year- h Israeli officials maintain is a direct m ents. Elected w ere Dawn W hite, an 18-year- B y DcLINDA KARLE G. Milliken. w ho has alread y voiced stro n g old d riv e r had allegedly been drinking. Nation of what they consider the "D rops and adds tied up th e com puter old psychology major and D arlene Stote New« Staff W riter approval of th e m easure, is ex p ected to sign This is th e type of accident th a t th e .page English confession, is four pages for tw o days," he said. House, a 19-year-old communications M ichigan legislators took a hard look at th e bill April 6. "Coalition for 21" w an ts to stop. The written by one of Esmail’s jailers. Of th e rep resen tativ es elected at major. th e effects of low ering th e legal drinking age M ichigan w as one of th e first s ta te s to coalition w as form ed by th e Michigan ler testified he spoke to Esm ail in spring term reg istratio n , at least five to 18 in 1972 and have decided to increase it low er th e age of m ajority afte r th e 26th Council on Alcohol P roblem s and its goal is bk and wrote down what he said, had to be non-white stu d en ts and at W hite led the race by more than 500 again — mainly because of th e rise of am endm ent to th e U .S. C onstitution was to g et an am endm ent to th e s ta te co n stitu ­ ¿man said. Then the jailer read back least tw o had to be women, according to votes. alcohol related traffic accidents am ong teen passed in 1971 allow ing 18-year-olds to vote. tion which would re tu rn th e legal drinking t he had written down and Esmail agers. th e Bylaws for Academic Governance. T he 1972 s ta te law p erm itted 18-year-olds to age to 21. T he coalition believes th e law The third section called for the The new rep resen tativ es will serve as e n te r into co n tracts, make w ills, adm it approved by th e L eg islatu re would not solve election of an undesignated stu d en t. stu d en t council rep resen tativ es to them selves to m en tal in stitu tio n s and th e problem . J a n e t Laughlin. a 34-year-old Jam es Academic Council. purchase liquor. Local electric rates up “T h e re w as heated d eb a te on low ering th e d rinking age," said Rep. Jackie V aughn, "W e w an t an am endm ent to th e (state) constitution so th e legislature w on't b e able to low er th e age ag ain ," said th e R ev. Paul The ballot divided th e candidates into th re e categories. Madison College major, was th e top vote-get ter. D -D etroit, one of th e a u th o rs of th e bill. "But The first section called for the She had more than 300 votes m ore F. Bailey, coalition d irector. election of th re e non-white male or than any of the o ther nine candidates. iverage Board of W ater and Light w e had M illiken's backing and th e necessary V aughn said an am endm ent to the suppliers which kept th e costs d o w n .' er will be paying about $1.50 m ore votes to p ass it." constitution would be "outrageous." C asteele said. "W hen th e cost of fuel goes electricity each month once th e full A fter th e bill p assed, d eb a te w as renew ed 'T h is is only showing w ho can p u t on the up, th e ra te s go up also." it of the recent coal strike is felt, by factions w ho favored raisin g th e age of b est cam paign and appeal to em otions. The T h e B oard’s r a te increases a re sm aller e rate hike is a result of th e utility m ajority to 19 o r 21, mainly d ue to issue should be handled th ro u g h th e The lobby rep resen ts high school students S tate's office which stated th a t for ev ery 100 than th o se g ra n te d by th e Public Service Jigalong this winter's higher fuel costs increasing alcohol-related traffic fatalities. leg islatu re w h ere it can be discussed in Michigan and opposes raising th e drinking accidents among 18-to-20-year-olds, 11 are Comm ission to C onsum ers P ow er and *customers. A to tal of four traffic d ea th s w ere in telligently," he said. age because th e incidence of alcohol-related alcohol-related. This is only one m ore p er D etroit Edison. -i the increased fuel bills are low er than recorded in E a st Lansing for 1977 and all A to tal of 265,000 valid sig n atu res are accidents involving young people is roughly hundred than th e averag e for all ages, he E dison custom ers can expect to see April njght have been because th e utility w ere a ttrib u te d to d rinking d riv e rs. T hree n eeded to place th e issue on th e N ovem ber. th e sam e as for all ages, M agnus said. said. electric bills th a t a re alm ost $2.50 above T 10 Purchase its fuel from reg u lar of th e p ersons killed w ere u n d er 20. 1978 ballot. The coalition has collected "Of course, th e re is m ore drinking among Magnus said it was not relev an t th a t th e M arch bills w hile Consum ers custom ers will «. according to Board of W ater and "Low ering th e legal age to 18 caused a lot 117,000 sig n atu res so far and hopes to y o u th s since th e age was lowered, but percentage may have been low er in th e be seeing th is m onth's bill about $4.60 . J ™ Information A dm inistrator, of problem s,” said E a st Lansing Police Chief g a th e r a to tal of 400,000 for a "safety accidents involving alcohol is th e same for all younger age group before 1972. h igher th a n M arch. LMteele. Stephen N aert. ‘T h e 16- and 17-year-olds cushion," Bailey said. ages now," he said. TOMORROW: D rinking, driving and T hose increases a re for purchased pow er ‘le said the hike is th e first since a re now problem s." E v en th e coalition's m ajor opponent, th e M agnus cited d ata from th e S ecretary of raising th e legal age. and do not reflect th e higher price of coal In 1976, 182 d riv e rs u n d er 21 w ere T h re e O’Clock Lobby, feels th a t if the because of th e four-m onth strik e. Cus­ Me said the increases would be a rre s te d for being u n d er th e influence of p etition g e ts on th e ballot it will be to m ers of both com panies can expect even alcohol. Only five w ere a rre s te d in 1971. approved. ‘ E i• ? ] ? June fustom er bills will be * utal.aO a month. coal from our reg u lar h igher bills in May and J u n e w hen utility officials p red ict th e full im pact of th e strik e will be felt. "Even 15-year-olds a re now d rinking and d riving," N aert said. "P reviously it w as the "W ith th e mood of th e people rig h t now. it will p ass," said C hris M agnus, spokesperson AFSCME bids fo r vote 19- and 20-year-olds. W e didn’t have this for th e lobby. By NUNZIO M. LUPO exclusive representation. S tate News Staff W riter Petitioning req u ires at least 30 p ercen t of th e em ployees to sign cards requesting th e The American Federation of S tate. election. .AFSCME spokespersons an­ County and Municipal Employees nounced F riday th a t 50 percent of in stitu ­ announced Friday its first bid for the right tional w orkers signed cards requesting an to represent Michigan civil service employ­ election w ith AFSCM E on the ballot. ees. MSEA gained its spot and intervening AFSCME filed a petition Friday with th e s ta tu s on th e institutional w orkers ballot Michigan Civil Service D epartm ent for an when 10 percent of th e em ployees signed election to decide who, if anyone, will cards req u estin g inclusion of its name. exclusively rep resen t institutional em ployees of th e S tate D epartm ent of A bargaining agent may gain intervening Mental Health. s ta tu s in a union election successfully petitioned for by an o th er agent by g ath er­ Winning the election would give ing sig n atu res of 10 percent of th e workers. AFSCME only rep resen tatio n al rig h ts since state civil service policy forbids em ployees Michigan AFSCM E leaders a re confident from collective bargaining. th e ir A FL CIO-backed union will win the The election is one of several which will election, which they expect within 60 days. help d eterm ine w h eth e r AFSCM E o r th e "W e're in an excellent position to win Michigan S ta te Em ployees Association will this," spokesperson Linda C raig said. rep resen t m ore th an 58,000 s ta te civil service em ployees. But John Doyle, director of M SEA said AFSCM E may not win th e election because The 9,800 in stitutiona w orkers will have it may not have the institutional w orker th e option o f voting for AFSCM E, M SE A or support it claims. no union. In addition, Doyle said, MSEA has filed Institu tio n al w o rk ers m ake up one of 12 for an election in th re e o th er occupational occupational un its of civil service employ units — labor and trad e, human services ees. T he u n its a re a relatively new concept and safety and regulatory. and em ployees w ere previously classified C raig said AFSCM E has plans to file for by d ep artm en t. o th er occupational u nits b u t would not say The s ta te h as ju s t recen tly allowed each w hether th e M SEA-petitioned election unit to elect e ith e r AFSCM E o r MSEA for was included. ©pffùDOlJÌ) A striking historical par­ allel exists between the case of Andrew Johnson, T o h a n d ic a p ) 17th U.S. president, and the present debate over the Panama Canal treaties. Johnson was impeached by a b u s s y s te i the House of Representa­ tives on outrageously tenu­ Mass transportation is frequently a misnomer fJ ous grounds and the Senate public transit systems like those which exist J voted to convict him by 35- Michigan. Why? Because all the public is often nd 19 — one vote shy of the re­ served. Michigan's public buses are not accessible J quired two-thirds majority. handicappers, despite a long battle aimed at givit Between the time of the this minority group the right to ride the buses. first vote and the tally on The state Legislature is again being faced with tM the second article of im­ fight over whether ail buses should be mail peachment, heavy-handed accessible to handicappers and the elderly, commitment the lawmakers do not seem able i pressure was exerted on make. But this time the constraints are great* Johnson's supporters in an because without a firm commitment to purchase dm effort to obtain the one ex­ vehicles by May 1, Michigan stands to lose tra vote required to toss million in federal funds. Johnson out of office. For Last week the Senate voted to turn thm the Panama parallel, read troublesome decision over to the state highwj on . . . director, washing its own hands of the accessibilit] issue. Fortunately, the state House is expected tf put up a greater fight for handicapper rights. TlJ C a n a l t r e a t y b a c k e rs sh o u ld h a n g to u g h house has, in the past, endorsed accessibility — bi3 the Senate has never backed such a measure. Li year Gov. William G. Milliken vetoed a legislative Andrew Johnson, 17th president of the United Panama by the year 2000. compromise calling for separate but equal accommJ directly broadcast to the Panamanians — are dations for handicappers and elderly on the ground States, was, history tells us, unjustly impeached by And, like Johnson's opposition, Carter's opposi­ increasing freedom of speech in that country, but at the plan did not go far enough. the U.S. House of Representatives, but then escaped tion is using the tactics of political heavy handedness the same time drumming up sympathy for the conviction in the Senate on the first article of to wrench away two votes to scuttle the whole pact. Now the disagreement between these tw| respected leader. impeachment by just one vote. A lengthy period of Some of the tactics serve only to embarrass the legislative houses may cost the state 80 percent of it] Carter, pressing for even more support, apparent­ transportation expenditures, or $100,000 per busl time lapsed between the first vote and the second. treaty dissenters. Most notable is the “crippling" ly is willing to tone down some controversial points of The vote to convict on the second article was an amendment offered by Malcolm Wallop, a Republi­ The short-sightedness of the Senate is discriminJ the treaty, if it means gaining votes from more tory. By turning the problem over to an administri identical 35-19, one short of the required two-thirds can from Wyoming. It calls for return of the canal to senators, so he could rack up an even better lead than tor, these lawmakers are attempting to avoil majority. It was one vote that could not be gained by the United States if either nation violates the the 68-32 two-thirds major y he now has. Johnson's enemies despite threats of recall, lunatic treaties. The absurdity of this proposal hardly needs making a decision that voters, handicappers anf The canal treaty is necest iry if the United States temporarily able-bodied persons alike can hold then pressure and intense political heavy-handedness. explanation. is to repeal the rampant imperialism it has directed accountable for. The historical parallel to the Panama Canal But even Sen. Robert Griffin, R-Mich., admitted toward Latin America in the past. We point to treaties is striking. Just one vote to spare was that the one vote will probably never go to the other Michigan cannot afford to lose its feden, Russian tanks in Czechoslovakia, while Moscow extracted by the pact's supporters in order to pass side. Griffin was quoted as saying senators rarely transportation subsidy any more than state legisla denounces U.S. theft of the canal zone. the first treaty — the neutrality act, which gives the change a vote to support the first part of a piece of tors can afford to deny significant minority group) United States the right to defend the canal zone's legislation to oppose the second part. the right to utilize these public facilities. We had Further opposition to the treaty is simply a neutrality after it is ceded to Panama. The final vote Most thoughtful conservatives have expressed learned that riding in the back of the bus is not thL disservice to the nation and the world. Wavering was 68-32, with 67 votes required. support for the treaties. Advocate William F. same as the front but we have yet to apply this sounl Senators should note that history regards as Now the second treaty is up for debate. This is the Buckley commented that denunciations of Panama logic to the handicapper situation. We urge the statl statesmen those who remained steadfast in refusing crucial vote, the vote that will turn the canal over to and its dictator Omar Torrijos — which are being to mandate total accessibility for ail buses and trull to convict Andrew Johnson. offer mass transportation to the masses. correct. “You can’t have guns and b u tter." someone speak out on this subject with for them . W hy not enact one simple law, Medicine by th e ASM SU S tu d en t Boi But bread to go w ith th e b u tte r can be a logic and clear u n derstanding of the "put th e Bible laws in effect, nation-wide," necessity. problem. during th e rece n t election. I t seem s tl and th u s solve both th e crim e problem and ASMSU does not recognize th e existence Susan Mitcheh th e economic woes of th e nation a t th e same th e v eterin ary college, as evidenced 1130 Beech Lion m entions P akistan and Saudia tim e? early reg istratio n . Both colleges of hum E a st Lansing A rabia retu rn in g to Koranic law with and osteopathic medicine w« r e represent SM on coal saying, "L et’s get m ore for ourselves and rem arkable resu lts. W hen will this country w ake u p and re tu rn to th e codes of the R ichard H. Francis J r . a t th e election tables, b u t th e college A fter reading th e le tte r from Tom Vertin let th e public pay." I h ear th e m iners saying th a t they a re people too. They have real and ‘Lion Says . . .* Bible.* The laws of th e Bible a re much v eterin ary m edicine w as not. Instei vet med stu d en ts could find themselv about th e supposedly incongruous way the urgent needs. These needs a re not being b e tte r and m ore hum ane th an those of th e Mo recogn ition listed un d er "G raduate-N atural Resource S tate News com m ented on th e UMW m et. Above all, they have rights: human sa y s it a ll K oran. If they w ere p u t into effect, I predict that in a sh o rt tim e th e re would be no Not only a re we a college un to ourselvi within this U niversity, b u t w e are ¿j contract ratification proceedings. I felt a rights. The S ta te News endorses the juvenile delinquency, little crim e, and no oldest of th e th re e medical colleges. Hufl real need to com m ent. The 37 percent w age increase may seem like a m olestation of the student and questions th e adm inistration when tuition goes up. It endorses th e needs I w ant to co n gratulate th e S ta te News for printing th e column "Lion Says," by Ed need for jails and prisons. The cities would be safe and th e ta x p ay ers would be relieved by ASMSl! and osteopathic m edicine received eq recognition, why didn’t we? coal consuming public to you. W hen lis­ of mine w orkers who feel th e ir rig h ts have Lion. The column of M arch 29 on th e of a trem endous burden. The p resen t Linda Parai tening to any of th e “coal” debates, it been stripped. Both of these viewpoints criminal justice sy stem in th e U.S. was projections call for m ore and m ore prisons I w as extrem ely p ertu rb ed by th e lack of 587 Lexingt becomes evident th a t th e m iners are not seem quite congruous to me. You are outstanding! It is encouraging to see to be built, w ith m ore and m ore tax es to pay recognition given th e College of V eterinary E a st Lana By MARGARET JACOBSON furor. The m ost recen t Com m ittee new s­ mation m ust su b stan tiate a statem en t raa The National Com m ittee to defend th e Human Rights of Sami Esm ail has recently suffered a potentially serious attack on its credibility. M ost significantly, w e have C h a rg e s a g a in s t E sm a il le tte r, of March 21,1978, contends: Israel charged th a t Sami w ent to Libya for sev eral (four a t one point — S ta te News, in th e confesaion. Incredibly. Israeli I considers it irre lev an t w h eth er th e stal m ent which ia su b stan tiated has anything! J an u ary 19) w eeks in A ugust, 1976. W e did do w ith th e alleged crim e Itself! 1 | been accused of “lying" to th e people of not believe this charge. S everal of Sami's exam ple which one atto rn ey gives Michigan w ith reg ard to Sami Esm ail’s friends rep o rted seeing him throughout th e activities in Libya, th e allegations of to rtu re, and th e deficiencies ip th e Israeli judicial process. These accusations of C o m m itte e d e e m e d u n ju st month: R ep resen tativ e Bob C arr's investi­ gation tu rn ed up a house lease signed by Sami in Columbus, Ohio, on A ugust 31. illu strate th is point is particularly lightening. Suppose an individual w charged w ith robbery. In hia confession, I dishonesty are fundam entally untrue. sta te s th a t h e stopped and bought an I The issue of Libya, for example, has been From th ese re p o rts w e concluded th a t it cream cone on th e w ay home fra Israeli governm ent has charged t^ a t Sami would have been im possible for Sami to be conveniently championed by those who com m itting th e crim e. If th e prosecutj Esm ail “d istrib u ted copies of th e F ro n t in Libya for th e length of tim e originally wish to discredit th e work of th e Com­ new spaper am ong A rab stu d en ts of the To presume that someone connected only indirectly or cir­ brought in th e ice cream vendor cumstantially with an organization is a member, and then to claimed by Israel. Inform ation from our su b stan tiate th is statem e n t, then m ittee. C ontrary to th e individuals who U niversity,” and th a t he "made a donation office to the p ress slluded to signed contend th a t “Libya is th e acid te s t of th e to th e F ront." Do th ese activities make him state that all members are criminals or conspirators Is an in­ confession would be "corroborated" statem e n ts th a t Sam i says he was in Libya cording to Israeli law. Esmail case,” it is im portant to realize th a t a m em ber of th e P F L P ? P rofessor B arr has sidious form of evil. Most importantly, membership should not for tw o w eeks in A ugust, 1976. To w hatever th e “crim es” Sami Esm ail is charged with, succintly sta te d th a t, “The difficulties of the be a crime; the law should focus on actual acts of terrorism, d egree w e published th e certainty of Sami's In Sami Esm ail's ease, th e implications! m em bership in th e P opular F ront for th e words a re obvious: 'belonging to’ m ight commitments and conspiracies to commit such acts." w hereabouts in A ugust, 1976, we w ere this questionable definition of co rroboratij Liberation of P alestine and contact with a m ean nothing m ore th a n p u ttin g y o u r nam e w rong. However, as we s tated in our first evidence a re p articularly frightening, P F L P agent, can be “proved" by th e Israeli on a list. To presume th at someone n ew sletter, “th e key issue has nothing to do fact th a t Sam i's confessions w ere obtain governm ent w ithout mention of Sami’s connected only indirectly or circum­ with th e 'facts' su rrounding th e charges. It through physical and psychological p urp o rted “libyan connection.” stantially with an organization is a member, Not only is a law which prohibits m em ber­ specific cases is likely to m ake for highly has to do w ith th e charges them selves." cion, how ever, is even m ore horrifyud I t is not necessary to verify th a t Sami and then to state th at all members are ship in an organization fundam entally u n ju st decision. This resu lt cannot be The Committee should have realized that D espite th e sem antic gym nastics w hij Esm ail w ent to Libya to prove ’’m em ber­ criminals o r conspirators is an insidious illegitim ate, b u t any law which perm its an reasonably doubted since th e exercise of the entire discussion of the “facts” sur­ have cen tered around th e C om m ittee'! I ship,” which is, in fact, an extrem ely form of evil. Most importantly, membership individual to be a rre s te d for w hat he m ight protective jurisdiction has been seen to rounding the charge. Is not only essentially of th e w ord “to rtu re ,” th e fact th a t Sli nebulous charge by any legal standard. As should oot be a crime; the law should focus do, o r for w hat he th in k s or believes is operate in an a re a peculiarly exposed to the unimportant; hut that it la most certainly Esmail w as abused by hia interrogators | P rofessor R obert B arr has em phasized in a on actual acts of terrorism , commitments unjust. In a sen se, th e stru g g le to defend vicissitudes of political dem ands.” academic, because the only evidence which indisputable. le tte r to th e S ta te News, it is possible for and conspiracies to commit such acts." Sami Esm ail's civil and hum an rig h ts is as The furor ov er Sami Esm ail’s activities in the prosecutor has to support the Israeli “m em bership” to m ean a loose connection to P rofessor B arr’s le tte r underscores th e old a s dem ocracy. Lim itations on a govern­ Libya has been g en e ra ted to obfuscate Jocobion is a member oI Ihe National or an association w ith an organization. The government's case against Sami are Sami real issues in h eren t in Sami Esmail’s case. m ent’s rig h t to p rosecute individuals for th ese im portant issues in Sam i's case. I t th e Committee to Defend Ihe Human Rights ol Email's own “confessions." U nder Israeli crim es of th o u g h t and belief w ere forged in National C om m ittee is guilty of anything, it Soml Esmail. but her views do not neces­ law, this evidence req u ires corroboration, th e fight to elim inate th e English S tar is responsible for helping to escalate this sarily represent Ihe views ol the commit- i.e., the independent corroborating infor­ tee os o whole. C ham ber and to d estro y th e Spanish Inquistion; in th e afterm ath of th e Salem W itch Trials, and in th e national disgrace of M cCarthyism. DOONESBURY The S ta te N ew s In sp ite of claims to th e contrary, arg u m en ts such as th e se a re inherent in by Garry Trudeau peacock, i repeat: ALSO, TOL NEW c u rren t legal discussion concerning the B i li . .BIP! CAILIN6 GOAHEAD, VBOI- M o n d a y , A p r il 3, 1978 WE'VE LANDED LA60S. YORK WE'RE BOUNC­ R06ER, right of p rotective jurisdiction (defined as REQUEST MINI-CAMS s m quality! m s * STAR CAL K m DOUE ING EVENING NEWS WILCO! IS VERTICAL HOLD! the application of a s ta te 's laws to punish FOR J-C'S MOTORCADE QUALITY’ * M IB A R 06B t. Editorials ore the opinions o f the State N ew s. View points, columns FEED OFF THE BM> OUT! COME IN, s m ' « n u une ond letters are personol opinions. politically hostile ac ts com mitted by for­ POOL! \ eigners w ithin th e jurisdiction of another Editorial Department state) which Israel claims in Sami Esmail’s Editor-in-chief........... Michael Tonimura Phototditor....................... Moggie Walker Managing Editor case. In ternational law concerning pro­ ..............Kat Brown entertainment and Book Editor Kathy Esselman Opinion Editor......... Davo MI$lolo¥vskl Sports Editor............................. Tom Shanahan tective jurisdiction, according to Professor Special Projects Editor . Ralph t'rammolino Layout Editor Manuel R. Garcia-Mora. is "singularly free City Editor............... Deborah He/wood Michool Winter Copy Chief............................ Kofhy Sre/boch of any au th o ritativ e guidance." Mr. Garcia Compus Editor......... Ann* Stuort freelance Editor..........................Don Splckler Mora, associate professor of law and author, Wire Editor.............. . Jocelyn Loskowski Stall Representative advocates su b stan tial restrictions on the Michelle Chambers Advertising Department exercise of p rotective jurisdiction because Advertising Manager.................. Sharon Seiler Assistant AdvertisingManager...... Denise Dear ‘‘being essentially a political doctrine, it is singularly exem pted from any legal regula tion and consequently, its application to i Male New». Eo»t lo n tin g , Mtchigon O n e . two three f á - . five b liter in the blue velvet tru n ks staggers u p fr o m one knee. respect only am ateu r prom oters can earn. uW mto a jungle snarl - a vengeful anim al instinct Besides organizing and prom oting th e AAU finals held last I His bps F / to the blow that knocked him to th e canvas. The crowd w eek. E v ery is personally responsible for ita r tin g th e one-credit \retpii lim n/ of the killer has suddenly flo w n fr o m the heart o f boxing class offered each term a t LCC aa well as sponsoring and I testes th* r artii m tered the other's. In an instant, the snarl o f the r f kt coaching th e ir boxing club. ^ ■(j is on t hr bps o f e v e ry spectator and a vicious roar fills the As if th a t w eren 't enough, E very said he ia w illing to s ta r t a ■ m It oil* lb* eart ° f *be fighter-m -blue and sends him boxing program a t MSU, eith er a class o r a club, b ut no one has y j m w j a flurry o f punches. H is opponent's flu rr y approached him about it yet. Considering th e resu rg en ce in th e le n rm him a shot at w ide-open tem ples. The popularity of th e sp o rt, E v ery added, th a t possibility is not so I TfC,t *' ^¡Ul iunges m and ha tters th e bobbing, braided head fo r farfetch ed . Ifighterm ~ inutes but is actually seconds. The bell rings If crow d reactions a re any m easure of success, th en th e re is a •I exhausted bodies fa ll to g e th er in a sw ea ty good chance th e AAU championships will n ever be held in D etro it again. lit- ever, Lansing fight fans got a ta ste of th e (im pttitiveness th a t accom panies th e s ta te |( Union boxing championships. I finals h a v e been held in D etroit in th e p ast and, u rv year t h e tournam ent pits D etroit against th e . This year w a s no exception, s in th e o p e n class finals (fighters w ith a t least tw o Lrience) h a d a t least one fighter en te re d from th e h of ( h e D e t r o i t fighters w ere from th e infamous I n , ,.|uh and m ost w ere cock su re about w inning even kmK under t h e r o p e s . Lai eh w a s t h e fin a l bout o f t h e night — th e heavyw eight on featuring J a m e s (H enry) Nelson from Lansing fiilK 'e against o n e of th e KRONK machines. Nelson Lined (he D etroit fighter w ith com binations from his Lulders and biceps. ;1> Iri sh fro m com peting as a finalist in th e N ational L Championshipa held in A lbuquerque. New Mexico. - Michigan G o ld e n Gloves crow n in F eb ru ary . : at U ’G ami s ta r fighter for th e ir boxing club, Nelson of hi*» s u c c e s s t o th e ring w ise savvy of his coach, Bob o p e n T h u r s d a y a n d f r id a y e v e n in g s u n t il 9 oo When positive print meets negative, the results are superlative! Cherri Lynn j r by Craftex creates pretty provincial calico prints in red and white Beguiling eyelet trim and flirty ribbons decorate both pieces In easy care polyester cotton 5 13 sizes Old fashioned-girl coat with flutter sleeves $27 . . . Dainty camisole gown with embroidered bodice $21 PIZZA C MEW INTRODUCTORY MEETING CBARHOPPERS O u i n r * s p c tu l is I* I/ / A A M K I W A Wednesday, April 5, 7:30 p.m. BARHOPPI.RS Begmmm; .n y 00 |, m M'irnlivs vou'll In- p, . v in Room 331 Union Bldg. super Nine |,u li l'iz / jv | k ,|M i¡ beet f ill Hills s i (X) j l l Ml.;', : ..n n iii., •Privota Pilot Ground School fo r M om bari and 9 00 p.m tin* I n * i ,ivi , ,,i s im m. ; Non-Mambart fjel sih j in i» | h r K A IN H O W K \ N t I! lo» ! S» »n M o n d .n m gbts sfn|> <>i> d o w n •A ircra ft fo r training and cron-country use the A lle Io r P t / / A A HR I SS A H \K •Door Priios fo r th o io in attondonco HOPPERS, 4ntf ili,h h,,,, K jin h u * R in c ii fm tr ( ( - ,,,|inis.i.>n , w , r \ For moro inform ation, coll Garry of 694-4916 or M o n d jy , 11m u H»* Ml,- j , , , i | | „ H .»» b o * R jn th Goorgo at 332-0431 • ••A 'fe E j Tho W in g e d S p a r ta * » .. . .Teaching the MSU community to fly for over 30 years. ALLURE... ( i f ! ¡n e d b v D io r . I lie . i l i u m o l ,i w o r n i n s 11 -m i n i in* n i y s - È t h (in ■ l u s l i c t ' i i r a p fr t i l le d I n D io r ,ind W u n l e a s h e d in ,i sensn t " » new l i m i l e c pt\ I ” t r . i m e n i. it e til.ikes th e ( o m t o r t . i b l e fl i t lercm e îor IS I ••3 1 0 Mon. I Ihutt IIAM 4PM 5PM 8 30PM J a c o b so n s Tuoi Wed Fri 9AM IPM Î SPM Ignoring mainstream By JANET HALFMANN than ten y ea rs old. I t focuses show, sh e recommended. $d State News Staff Writer upon th e w ork of living a rtists phcnson said she often J The b est th in g to do w ith th e who have not had w ide public en te rs a show if she is ¡„J idea of "m ainstream ” in a r t is to exposure o r critical acceptance. ested in th a t particular p e r J ignore it, according to M arcia T ucker said she constantly opinion o r evaluation. tries to avoid h er own taste. 4O w l a n d P u s s y c a t 9 l o s t a t s e a Tucker, cu rato r o f The New M useum in N ew York City. Tucker, along w ith D etroit “I t seem s th e re 's alw ays tom e kind of m ainstream ,” she said. "You have to be vigilant Tucker said a show juried J one person tells you more abj th e ju ro r th an anything else! a r t d ealer S usanne Hilberry one show which she cojUrJ and Ann A rb o r ceram ist S us­ ill th e tim e o r th e m ainstream h er prizew inners weren't eJ By STEV E SZILAGYI anne S tephenson, talked about may be around you, and you included on th e other jurj S tate New s Review er aesth etic and political issues in wouldn't know it.” list, she said. 1 Some plays go well w ith dessert, no m a tte r how well they’re th e a r t world today a t K resge And how do a rtis ts g et th eir In c o n t r u t to femJ done. A rt C en ter G allery on T h u rs­ Such was th e case w ith The Owl and th e P ussycat F riday night day. as the U niversity kicked off its Big Ten D inner T h e ater in the “M ainstream is an artificial Kellogg Center. Though th e play was carelessly directed term m ade by a group of and limply perform ed, it cam e as an entertaining climax to a good extrem ely in terested p arties,” There it no way you cm deliberately get I meal. A little spicey, not too sw eet, and not too flat, T he Owl and said Tucker, form er associate known, Tucker told the audience. The ben th e P ussycat was fine served up w ith pastry and after-dinner / - i cu rato r of th e W hitney Mu thing you c m do fo r your art it to persistently drinks. seum of A m erican A rt. "You and courageously make it and show it to other | The Owl and th e Pussycat is a vaguely titilating, light comedy can't really say th is is th e about a foul-mouthed actress turned hooker and a would-be w riter artist friends, she said. m ainstream until 100 o r 150 who end up sharing an apartm ent. The w rite r Felix (played by y ea rs have passed,” she said. Stephen Jones, a 1977 MSU graduate) ra ts on hooker Doris H ilberry ag reed saying th e re (played by Anne Cardone, also a 1977 MSU graduate) after a re "m any by stream s in a r t.” A work shown? p ain ter M iriam Schapiro, ttf w atching her tu rn some tricks w ith th e shades open. The landlord continuous co ntroversy o r dia­ Tucker said th e re is defin­ first sp eak er in th e Womenl throw s Doris out, and she ends up for the night in Felix’s logue goes on b etw een artists, itely a system in th e a r t world Contem porary A rt Series a fJ apartm ent. said th e form er assistan t direc­ composed of friendships, af­ w eeks ago, none of the paj A clumsy sort of love and m utual adm iration develops betw een to r of th e D etro it In stitu te of fairs, guilt and using o ther m em bers a r e currently th e two, springing from th e ir common w eaknesses. Felix has A rts and c u rre n t d irecto r of th e people. But sh e said, “The volved in a specific progrJ visions of literary greatness, although he can’t w rite; D oris thinks Susanne H ilberry G allery in people who end up being res­ tow ard women’s art. she's a fine actress, even though she’s only been in one TV Birmingham. pected in th e very long range T ucker said th e most serial commercial and does m ost of her acting in bed. S tephenson said clay a rtis ts are th e people who a re inde­ issue o f discrimination in i have alm ost alw ays been eli­ pendent and who a re not riding exists on th e faculties of univi m inated from th e m ainstream . on som eone else’s back.” sities. A lmost all women facul Though the play was carelessly directed and Both T ucker and H ilberry T h ere is no way you can a re in a r t history, and womj limply performed, it came as an entertaining founded alte rn a te places to deliberately g et known, Tucker are usually part-tim e and n climax to a good meal. A little spicey, not too exhibit a r t because they felt told th e audience. The best ten u red , she said. sweety and not too flat. T h e O w l a n d th e th e re w as so much w orthw hile thing you can do for your a r t is "W omen prototypes i work th a t w asn’t being shown. to p ersisten tly and cour­ needed, both for male i P u s s y c a t was fine served up with pastry and The New M useum, ju s t a ageously m ake it and show it to female stu d en ts," she said. F e lix (S tep h e n Jo n es) a n d D o ris logg C e n te r 's p ro d u c tio n of MT h e O w l after-dinner drinks. an d T h e P u s sy c a t." little ov er a y ea r old, proposes oth er a rtis t friends, sh e said. The m ethods one uses ai (A nne C ardone) s h a re an a p a r tm e n t an d e x p lo re a re la tio n sh ip in th e Kel* never to exhibit an y th in g more “It seem s th a t good work feminist m ust change n< A fter an affair th a t goes from loathing to lust to a botched, doesn't stay hidden all th a t T ucker said. half-hearted suicide pact (which they call off because they can't long," she said. The program , which j figure out how to fit both their heads in their tiny gas oven), they All th re e women agreed th a t included films and an even! realize how they have been deceiving them selves. They fall into each o thers arm s and, of course, live happilly ever after. T here’s enough hum or incorporated into th e play to make it Activists will demonstrate at Oscars rejection o r acceptance in a juried show says little ab o u t an a rtis t’s work. "E n terin g shows lecture by M arcia Tucker, i sponsored by th e D epartiJ of A rt, VOX, women’s Studl delightful, even with this production’s shortcom ings. Anne HOLLYWOOD (API — C ontroversy again surrounds th e Motion th reaten ed if th e dem ands a re n 't m et. is like th e lo ttery ," Stephenson Women’s Council, A S M S l'l Cardone was believable as Doris, adding a touch of naive innocence P icture Academ y as Jew ish and A rab activists plan to But th e film com pany refused to accede, statin g it would not said. Find o u t som ething about th e Michigan Council for j to the venom-tnngoed whore. Stephen Jones, how ever, was dem onstrate a t th e 50th annual aw ards Monday night ov er the th e person who is ju ry in g the A rts. 1 sponsor a re tu rn of a movie blacklist. Hollywood craft guilds listless as Felix. He never seem ed to have a firm grip on the appearance of nominee Vanessa Redgrave. supported th e studio's stand. character; Felix came across as a one-dimensional paper cut-out — An estim ated 500 Los Angeles police officers and sh eriffs A Fox official spoke to R edgrave in London last week, flat and formless, with no shadows to hide fine shades of character. deputies, as well th e academy’s own security staff, will be on du ty Arthur ankles‘Maud suggesting th a t sh e come here as an a rtis t and not a propagandist. There was also som ething lacking in Glenn S tern's direction. outside th e downtown Music Center, with o th ers stationed inside. She reportedly gave assurances th a t sh e would ap p e ar as an artist. S tern m ust have been more concerned with keeping the actors on The Jew ish D efense League said 400 persons will p articip ate in C ontroversy is nothing new to th e A cadem y A w ards. In recen t spots w here they could be seen by th e en tire audience than with a ‘peaceful but innovative" dem onstration at th e cerem ony. The y ears th e ev e n t has been picketed by V ietnam W ar p ro te sters, as directing their interaction. The suicide scene, for example, should actress is nominated for supporting ac tress for h er role of well as blacks and M exican-Am ericans seeking b e tte r re p re s e n ta ­ have been spiked with ironic black humor; instead it d e u .io ra te d HOLLYWOOD (UPI) — B eatrice A rth u r, a fte r six years underground fighter against the Nazis in Julia. The League is tion in th e film in dustry. In 1973 M arlon Brando used th e aw ard s into a laughing match between Cardone and Jones. Why w ere title role of television's M a d e , announced she will not retu rn pro testin g th e British actress's financing and narration of a to p ro test tre a tm e n t of A m erican Indians in films, sending a N orm an L e ar series n ext season. these people laughing? Why w ere they trying to commit suicide? docum entary. The Palestinians. p art Indian ac tress to refu se his O scar for The Godfather. S tern should have answ ered those questions before th e first A rth u r, who won an Em m y for h er perform ance in th e rol S upporters of th e Palestine Liberation Organization, whose Two y ea rs ago. producer B ert Schneider accepted a docum en­ performance. y ea r, said. “One can only live w ith th e sam e ch aracter for s< leader Y asser A rafat appears in th e docum entary, plans to counter ta ry aw ard w ith praise for th e V iet Cong. His com m ents riled Bob and it is tim e for both of us to ta k e a r e s t.“ But all in all, th e play and th e dinner made for an enjoyable with its own dem onstration, with 200 people expected. Hope, who w ro te a disclaim er for F ran k S in atra to deliv er la te r in evening. As for th e dinner, 1 expected th e w orst; happily, it didn’t P ro d u cer A aron Spelling is loading his tw o hour TV mo R edgrave’s film has clouded h er candidacy for th e Oscar. The th e show. live down to my expectations. Any food I’ve eaten before at the Mailyn Beck's sex seUer The U s e r, w ith as m any nam e sti JD L is dem anding th at 20th Century-Fox, producer of Julia, W h atev er happens ou tsid e th e Music C en ter, th e aw ards Kellogg C enter has been just a cut above dorm food, so I was possible. Jaclyn Sm ith, w ho sta rs for Spelling in Charlie’s Ai promise never to hire the actress again and rep u d iate her alleged telecast will begin a t 7 p.m. P ST ov er th e ABC n etw ork and is naturally w ary. But th e dinner F riday night was first-class. heads a ca st th a t already includes Michelle Phillips and G anti Israel statem ents. Picketing of th e a te rs playing Ju lia was scheduled to conclude a t 10 p.m. Hamilton. T im e fo r R e p a ir s ? J i |J P r o d u c e r In S to r e C o u p o n s We specialize in the Red Ripe California Strawberries 98* qt. Shedd't Koyko Oleo Big Three From Across the Sea Florida Grapefruit 5 lb. bag lib . pkg. 28" save 25- 99* Datsun Volkswagen Toyota Red or white indive - Escorole ■Romaine 49* ea. Del Monto Catsup Quart jug 64* save 35* LJUtRYS On east side o f MSU at 1109 The Beetle Shop East Grand River. 1400 E. CAVANAUGH Ph. 393-1590 ■G e n e r a l M e r c h a n d is e . Spartan Lawn Bags 59* save 40' Open Mon.«Thur. 9 ant-10 pm Fri. A Sat. 9 am -10 pm loyal Maid Doluao Sponge Mapa Spartan Hot Dogs-1 lb. pkg. 88* Swoop If Cleon . 100*, Corn Broom Festivo! Ploaticwore Spou* Foil , save 27' ■Meat■ iWe-ncschsr’s Utility Tub Dlih Fon Fruit of loom Glovot I Limit 1 please with *5°° Food Purchase. A l l B e e f H a m b u r g e r — A n y s iz e 8 8 ’ .b NEW LOCATION ■ B a k e r y 213 ANN ST. - EAST LANSING B o s t o n B u t t S e m i- B o n e le s s Oven Fresh Lumberjack Bread 2 / * 10 P o rk R o a st PHONE 332-0361 Both Goodrich's ft Larry's 8 8 ’ ». hava Packaga Liquor ft Schafer's Less Bread OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. full selection of your H o lly F a rm s F r y e r C o m b in a tio n P a c k White or dark 59* SATURDAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Favorite Boor ft Wine " P ic k o f t h e C h ic k " 8 8 ’ ib . SUNDAYS NOON TO 5:00 F a rm e r P e e t G r o c e r y . B r a u n s c h w e ig e r - B y C h u n k 88’ Whole Kernal Corn 303 Croam Stylo Corn Sweat Peas CANS 4 /M 00 S lic e d L u n c h M e a t s - A l l Green Beans V a r ie t ie s e x c e p t B o ile d H a m 12 o z . p k g . 8 8 ’ TUESDAYS Cut French Style Spinach Tomatoes — whole or stewed - 303 CANS 3 / sl 00 2 /8 8 ’ U .S .D .A . G r a d e A D u c k s 3 - 5 I b . a v g . 8 8 ’ lb. Fruit Cocktail 303 Peaches Peors CANS 2/79* Blueörass Bands Pineapple • crushed-tliced or chunks • 15V. ox. cons 2 /8 8 ’ F r e s h B u lk P o r k S a u s a g e M a rk e t M a d e 88< lb . 8c "F r o z e n & D a ir y Cheap Beer Heatherwood Round Natural Flavored Ice Cream All Flavors except Butter Pecan 1.44 por Vi gallon m AT Country Fresh Milk-% % Low Fat 1 gallon carton 1.08 HOBIE'S 9 3 0 T r o w b r id g e Yoplait Yogurt - All Flavors 6 oz. container 3/M 00 on wast sida of MSU at 910 Trowbridge Rd. | Opan Monday • Thursday 9 am-9 pm 9 am-10 pm Friday S Saturday 11 am-S pm Sunday 351.5740 c.M . Now». East lo n tln g , Michigan earniBig Sleep’: snoring failure I J „ I BrBVBON BAKER q J tc N c w .B e v le w e r one doesnt cherish „< of B sy m o n d C hand- te r d e v e lo p m en ts. . . b u t th e se are m ostly th ro w n ew ey by w riter-d irecto r W inner, who Candidates h u filmed The B|g Sleep with V * M Hewhs movie with 1 °* o r o f th e 1* « a R ic sll the new Dim th e slow, dull efficiency o f a life-long ta x -sh e lter accountant. FOR W inner isn 't very in terested l erS: the U n sin * Mali in developing atm osphere, fe r c ^ n s .p e r tic u U r ly milieu, ch aracterization, su s­ P tu b le .n d o n d U tin g u le h e d pense o r involving th e audience IN TER V IEW S — he seem s m ore attu n e d to th e f C lilm . the tenlh mov? (° t u k , u befits his rep u tatio n , of I ¿ rive d from C h an jU e re g e ttin g th e film in th e can. of novels fe a tu rin g d etec- l v , Philip M srlowe, hss been Accordingly, th e cast h u n 't I f o t l y adapted and d ire cte d b y received much su p p o rt from its & Michael WinnerlWs directo r. M itchum isn 't a bad L , i t picture» include D e e th M arlowe, though hie p erfo r­ J S . Wee Toe Ten end la st m ance lacks th e in teneity of his B r ir s I V Sestieel). 1 Winner is known m th e Dim w ork in F arew ell, M y Levely. To Fill th e Positions of Miles, Fox and C andy Clark a re Id u Jtry »» * fellow w h ? , e in ell e ith e r w asted o r poorly L ,e « p ic tu re ra p id ly, and fo r a directed . It is adm ittedly good & budget. That hia film . to see Jim m y S te w a rt and •EDITOR E!o generally crudely m ade and Richard Boone doing featu re Eve little feel fo r style a n d /o r films again, b ut th e ir work here fcbjunce »eems o f little con- is nothing to w rite hom e about. C m to th ' producers and R o b e rtM IU h u m a s R s y m o n d C h s n d lc r^ d e te c tiv c audios which em ploy him regu- P h ili p M t r i o w e s b o e ts t o k ill in M ic h a e l W i n n e r 'e Speaking of T he Big S leep, by V ly . ■ a w film v e r e i o a o f t h e B ig S le e p . th e way, th e l u t surviving J •AD SAANACER scenarist of th e 194B H aw ks in T V Big Sleep, Winner has M triow e (played again by film, Leigh B rack ett, died l u t Lund it expedient (and cheaper) Charlotte (Sarah Milea), who R o b ert M itchum, m ore or leas w eek. A long tim e sc re e n w rit­ 1 change the story'» milieu tn d hangs out at time« with local rep risin g his role from Dick e r, w ith cred its including Lriod from the d ir k , shadowy mobster Eddie Mars (well R ichard«' in terestin g 1975 H aw ks' Rio Bravo, H ataril, and osAngeles of the forties to th e played by old Winner crony adaptation of F arew ell, My El D orado and th e scrip t for Imny London of the seventies Oliver Reed), a pair of black­ t|,is is ostensibly e xp la in e d Levely), aa In th e 1946 H aw ks R o b ert A ltm an's film of C hand­ mailers (Edward Fox and Joan trough a new Msrlowe line, “I pro, over during the w ar and Dim, is h ere in v e stig itin g a blackmail case for th e aged, Collins) tn d hired killer L u h ler's The Long G oodbye, she also w rote both science Dction (All Positions Paid) Cinino (Richard Boone). infirm G eneral Sternw ood and w estern novels (she w u th e Ever found my way home." (J u n e s S tew art). T h e c u e widow of sf w rite r Edm ond h it the L A environment w ss Through the course of the involves him w ith th e G eneral's Hamilton). J u s t p rio r to h er Lrl and parcel of both the atory, msny potentially exciting death, B rack ett had com pleted f a md the Mirlowe chtrac- tw o curious d au g h ters, Camilla events come to fore: several L leeros not to have worried Winner (Candy C lark), a kind of psycho­ pathic nym phom aniac, and murders, complicated, intrigu­ th e first-d raft screenplay for th e sequel to S ta r W ars. She FOR THE LARGEST CAMPUS ing plot twists, abrupt charac­ w u 60 y ea rs old. NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD IVpic Music' mainstream o f the future? THE STATE NEWS Anthony Braxton redefines jazz By RENALDO MIG ALDI The album ia an eclectic sw eetie. In e tc h of th e five pieces S tate Newa Review er perform ed, B r u to n functions in one of five musical contexts: te r six years in t 1.) A solo im provisation on e o n tr a b a u clarinet. Anthony Bruton: T h . C e a p ie te B r a i te a 1971 (A rista) ill not retu rn tot Then Charlie Parker tn d o th e r ea rly bop innovators w ere 2.) Tw o d u e tt w ith C o n e : t sh o rt one in f u t ja b b erin g rh y th m , owing on 52nd S treet New York early 1940s, many »corned th e and a long, slow, sensitive mood jo u rn ey . B raxton plays sopranino tnce in th e role It laracter for s tuir u antimusical, obscure, confuting and esoteric. B ut today, sax. File your petition at the office of the hears bop-based solos every night on th e Johnny C arton TV 3.) B r u t o n conducting a com position for five t u b u . The -hour TV movie rum bling, ro arin g effect ia incredible on headphones. General Manager, Room 346 Student In the year 2000, Anthony B raxton's 1970« recordings will an y nam e stars n CharRa's Angle ■obablysound u mainstream u P a rk e r's do now . In a decade w ith 4.) T h re e q u a rte t pieces w ith Holland, W heeler and Altachul. One h o t tem p o piece, one slow ab a tract exploration, and a th ird Services Building for either of these h.llips and Geoi) dearth ol exciting jaxx perform ers, B raxton la p erh ap s th e ‘most practitioner of w hat m ight be called, for lack of a b e tte r piece som ew here in betw een th e o th e r tw o. B r u to n plays alto and aopranino s u e t , d a r ie n t, e o n tr a b a u clarinet, flute and reco rd er. jobs. M, New Music. This iathe same Anthony B raxton w ho w u a rtie t in-reeidence a t 5.) T he U ltim ate: four A nthony B raxtons on sopranino saxes BU lor four days in F ebruary (and w ho will b e beck la te r this (thanks to th e m iracle o f overdubbing). T he ex citem en t and »th with his quartet). He is an inventive im proviser on a v ariety em otional in ten sity o f th e f o u r - s u in terp lay is m atched only by th e viid instruments, and a fertile com poeer-arranger to boot. Such pieces on B r u to n 's aw ard-w inning C reativ e O rch estra M u sk 1976. Please pick up your petition form and Is as B ru to n , Roacoe Mitchell end Sam R ivera a re His playing beapeaks to tal rh y th m ic and harm onic freedom , yel fining the world's conception of "jass" music. th e re is an alm ost m athem atical aense of stru c tu re and discipline job descriptions at Room 346 Student The performances on h it neWly releeaed tw o-record s e t w ere rded in February 1971 shortly before th e dem iee of th e which seem s to rise organically from w ithin th e music, ra th e r than being im posed upon it from w ithout. It is m agnificent. Services Building. ntive quartet Circle, in which B raxton w orked w ith pianist This album catch es B r u t o n ’s music a t an ea rlier and som ew hat W Corea, bassist Dave Holland, and dru m m er B a n y A ltachul. leu-develo p ed stag e th en w h ere it is now. B ut while it m ay not be xie three all appear on T he C e a p ie te B rax to o 1971, along w ith u good an introduction to hie music u C rea tiv e O rch estra M ask oi «ton, trumpeter Kenny W heeler, end th e S ve-m em ber London Ensemble. F ive Pieces 1975, it is definitely a m ust-have for seasoned B raxtor fans. Finalists w ill be assigned a time for Friday, May 5 or Saturday, May 6 for interviews with the State News Board of T— I g h t t f c r a t a f c d a y Directors. Brian Lh M aas Band i A ll fulltim e students, in good GPA Dipped Cod, French Fries and salad bar. standings, are eligible to file a petition. All You Can Eat I * 2 M 351-8880 'A 1139 E Grand River Deadline for submitting applications. . . F a st, Free 351-7100 Friday, April 21. 966 Trow bridge ä rx E ie p q io o u n d D elivery * d o n 't forg et to ask 274 A bbott ^ J351-2215 f< - * for fre e cups o f Pepsi! RRTHURTREACHER’S > o O ° Oo0 9 t h e o r ig in a l T id ) 0 q>°< p ^ COmPUTER Onlyon iç P ° ° °0 o o° 0 °0 0o o O °o O o 0 Q °0 Q O . 0 0 - o 0 5 0 •. o State OUR BUDGET B A N Q U E T ”a o ° • O t 0U TOU«S 0 <3 $1” Bring the Fam ily A ARTHUR'S COLE SLAVA BEVERAGE R Thw ,, w iFISH'wu i w & CHIPS NM h» u i| T h e C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry sta ff w ill c o n d u c t to u rs o f th e C o m p u te r C e n te r fo r n ew u se rs o f th e M SU co m p u tin g facility . E ach to u r c o n sists of a slide p re s e n ta tio n , a d isc u ssio n o f th e fu n c tio n a n d o p e ra tio n o f th e C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry , a n d a th e w a lk in g to u r o f th e b u ild in g . T h e to u rs s ta rt in R o o m 215 a t th e fo llo w in g tim es. H S N t eat here April 3 1:00p .m . "»’i. M ano «VI, April 4 9:00a.m . *4 ««ANO AciosinoM April 5 7:00 p.m. ouvus 3:00p .m . April 6 TAKi HOME April 7 11:00 a.m. , Stole I m in » tâ te m ¡ f il il Clydesdales steal show u S s at area horse exhibition H orse lovers and beer lovers welcomed th e B udw eiser C lydesdales to th e horse show a t th e MSU Livestock Pavilion this weekend. A s th e three-and-one-halT ton wagon and eight horses thu n d ered into th e arena, cheering students, p aren ts and children jum ped to th e ir feet and added wild applause to th e sound of pounding hooves. Budw eiser them e music boomed over th e heads o f th e spectators gaping a t th e alm ost 9-foot-high horses. The C lydesdale mascot, a Dalm atian named Bud, w agged his tail nervously and 3 Û appeared dazed at th e audience’s reaction. 2 .C Bud w as probably overw helm ed all w eekend because th e Clydesdales drew th e same enthusiastic reception a t each of th e ir th re e perform ances. A fter th e horses galloped out, children escaped from th e ir parents and raced to th e hitch and crow ded up to th e animals. Some even got close enough to p a t them , much to th e rag e of a w atching stablehand. P aren ts snapped pictu res and picked up toddlers so they could g e t an eye-to-eye view w ith th e horses. Though many spectators left th e pavilion a fte r th e Clydesdales' perform ances, th e overall spirit of th e show rem ained undam p­ ened. Block and Bridle Club m em bers said th e show w as th e m ost successful one in y ea rs with capacity crow ds a t each show. A bout 75 Block and Bridle Club m em bers w ere en tered in th e show, organized by freshm en D eborah Rooker and Ginny Tomlinson. W inners of to p events w ere freshm an T e rri K osbar in w estern horsem anship com petition, sophom ore K arla C arakostus in th e hunt se a t pleasure event and freshm an T e rri D elbridge in saddle se a t equitation. F reshm an B arbara S tevens won th e h u n t se a t equitation event and first place in th e reining class w ent to freshm an Kim W ickert. W ickert also took first in th e uSimon Says” event, in which horse and rid e r m ust obey a series of com mands given out by th e judges. O th er special perform ances a t th e show included an exhibition of sheep herding by shephard G eorge Good and his bord er collies. Good, a g rad u ate of MSU now em ployed in th e sheep barns, showed th e audience a t th e S aturday noon show how collies are used to herd sheep and o th e r animals. Money raised by th e club will be used to cover tra v el expenses for club livestock judging team s. P h o t o g r a p h s b y R o b e r t K o z lo f f and L y n A . H aw es S t o r y b y N a n c y R o g ie r u ! 2 ’ sl i 8 , 1 tr. - M.WS. Eo»t lo n t ln g . M 'th ig o n M C 3 z 3 0 «* • (/» TJ O ft • o 3 Z o 0 © u > * (A in A Sï s 2 B fi S ■ i *0 0 C ID ■ « H » 3 ; i ; » 5 0 * 2 ¡t J: i■ n ■ ID i f ia M I1 2. o V 'Q 3 • •S l i f « H j w ¿ íf Me or a-'c ? s ? • c n 5‘ w^? f t ~* 8 F 3-5 *(/>1o (5 • « M* M 4 1 ü* I©* 1- 9n — « W -2 TJ « w ? 2. 5 3! q ? r o3 ' S2 A /i ^ »(O'? /» 3 q •» O **< 3 -o 0 *0 2 i-e f t will . 1$ 3 it 2- 3 o and "O m s -® 1 CL 0 cr r? 7 f 0 » * • *<(* c> M 0V « 2 o ■ lì r i f l e Z © o -• 7 § © a o i « :r K Z* N fÄ Q «• 2. • 2 n • 3 3 © o •* 3 na W l oiría 3 = = 2. 3 3 I V» *o o o®5 » ** >5 2 B esO 5. « Oo u og- ír.s» o —a * 3 3 S3 .i . i I rs « -’ ! ! ° 0 ¡ í í 0; z * *í 2 í Î C < a •< 4 ' p- s 5 p ó 1 < r * no, 2 c î f H o» 3 j¡¡ ^ ? - ft i ■< S v í S f XXL BH «3 i “ î ' î f ©ven a* wel »actúa t » ! f Se 5£ *3 • 2 o. íS J *i ö r J í 5 C/3 (O — / 1 ¡H Mi ■ -• «A 3 £ 5 3 TJ 6 ( 0 2. 3 ? Ï ï i l î m M te a 9 • (i 8> a¡a A *. C 5 .7 u v> — ■» ID « P “ * ¿1i»! M 3 . f r - í tt « " a S o c o i. p m r X m Wc n » ? > m I93 DI i 0 til 4 «o sf -* w M Ò < m a < 5 • * w 0 -> H l S * " 1» o * ?s e 5 0 o a OH -< m çq « /» li (TI 1 ■“ TOM SHANAHAN Injured lacrossers B e in g a k id îJm and b a se b a ll Only th re e more days until it comes in th e mail. The annual pour on goals, 21 By JE R R Y B R A U D E goals in th e first five minutes, M«rk Purcell was S ports Illustrated baseball issue. State News Sports W riter tw o of them coming from Tim goals scored with three | Sure, opening day at Tiger Stadium is only th re e days aw ay, but MSU’s lacrosse team scored Flanagan. By th e end of th e Shawn Grady, Gary Gild,] when I was a kid, my friends and I w aited for th a t first issue with its most goals ev e r in a single opening period, th e lead was up Jo e Politowicz had two ¡ J the colorful baseball cover picture. Opening day wasn’t on gam e with a 2 1 2 pounding over to 7 0. Indiana didn’t score its "Our passing locked r l television and we lived in outer Michigan — a place called Big Indiana Sunday a t S partan first goal until th e re was 7:26 good, and we were settjJI Rapids — so we couldn't make a five-hour drive to D etroit. We Stadium . MSU raised its record left in th e first half. the goals p retty well w h„J w ere m ore interested in the color pictures and w here our teams to 3 2. w ere picked to finish this year. Coming o u t of th e locker will have to do when w ,j "W e p retty much controlled room at halftim e with a 10-1 I say "team s" because the Tigers w eren't th e only club we some stro n g er teams," Kn w hatever w e w anted to," coach lead, th e S p arta n s outscored rooted for. We each had our own favorite players and team s in the said. " It w as also nice tol Nevin K enner said. "I am really Indiana 5 1 in th e th ird q u arter other league. There isn't a b etter season of the y ear for a kid than everybody into the gantt| proud of th e way w e have and 6-0 in th e final q u arter. being able to follow his favorite players and team s all summer. cause it gave our bench pJ sta rte d off in scoring th is year Tim F lanagan led th e S p ar­ Especially the night you went to the ballpark. valuable experience that j because we really had a prob tans in goals w ith five and his We moved from Cleveland to Michigan when I was in third can't get in practice." lem with this at th e early part third goal, w ith 8:15 left in the grade and I stuck by the Indians loyally for the longest time. I D espite the 37 deg re,, of last year." gam e, erased th e school's old probably gave up on them in 1968. th er, K anner was imprtj The S p arta n s broke th e re ­ record of 16 for m ost goals But when we lived in Cleveland I got to see tw o or th re e gam es a and surprised at the largertl cord without junior Kevin Wil scored in a single game. year at Municipal Stadium and my heart was with the Indians. normal tu rnout fur the g u j lifts, second on MSU’s all tim e Co-captain Ken D avis had to And to me, Leon W agner was the best player in baseball. He MSU will open up MidJ career scoring list, who is out tw o goals and four assists to tie played left field after the Indians got him from th e Los Angeles Lacrosse Association pi,,I Angels and he hit a home run everytim e my dad took me to the for th e y ear because of a broken leg. MSU also played w ithout him w ith F lanagan for most points du rin g th e gam e. Both home against Oberlin nett J stadium. day a t 2 p.m. i i f l j j j f l Once in a twi night doubleheader on my birthday he hit homers Stote News Deborah J Borir Jo e Berlin who w as injured had six points. Stadium. before th e w eekend. in both games. The second one came in th e first inning after Vic M S lI’s lacro sse p la y e rs p u t p re s s u re S u n d a y a t S p a rta n S ta d iu m a s th e y MSU began its scoring par- Davillio was picked off trying to steal second base. Cleveland lost by one run to get swept by Baltimore and I was mad at Davillio for on In d ia n a 's g o a lte n d e r all a fte rn o o n scored 21 goals, a n ew M SU re c o rd . rade early by scoring th re e spoiling a tying two-run homer by my favorite player. I knew and could recite everything about Leon. His season and career averages and how many career home runs he was behind Willie Mays and Hank Aaron. But I never got his autograph. All I ever got w ere autographs of wives of two players just up from the minors sitting behind us. MSU pool champ not a ‘sh ark’ I never got a m ajor league baseball from a foul ball either. By C A SS IE L . W H EELER I brought a mitt with me to every game but only once did a foul fourth b est of th e 15 women com petitors. A local pool champ will trav el Tuesday to Tallahassee, Fla., for More m en than women com pete in pool contests, Dooley said. In ball como close enough to try and catch it. And then a girl's dad three days of national pool competition. sitting in front of us knocked the ball down and she grabbed it the F eb ru ary Ohio regionals th e p ercen tag e was five-to-one. She Sylvia Dooley. 25, a junior in horticulture, won an MSU pool said she feels it is fru stratin g to see so few women com pete. underneath the chairs before I could. I was so disappointed tournam ent in Jan u ary and Ohio regionals in F eb ru ary sponsored because I didn’t understand back then why a girl would w ant a ball When Dooley began playing tw o y ea rs ago sh e practiced six to more than a boy. Why didn’t she let me have it? by th e Association of College Unions International (ACUI). Dooley, a native of D etroit, said she taught herself to play by eight hours a day on w eekends. Now prio r to a to u rn am en t she P R O G R E S S IV E L Y plays at least one to one and one-half hours a day. The only other thing I rem em ber about those nights sitting behind the Indians' dugout w ere th e fireworks. Cleveland hit a lot watching and practicing. S he has only been playing tw o years. Dooley said she plays som etim es a t dorm tab les if th e y a re not B E T T E R The nationals in Tallahassee will be judged on double too beat up. M ostly she practices a t th e MSU Union billiards room. of home runs which meant firework explosions from the elimination until each player loses twice. The w inner m ust be first “A lot of men on cam pus used to challenge m e,” sh e said. "B ut scoreboard for each homer. Those fireworks would light up the sky ju st like seeing the gods to reach fifty points. Dooley says prestige, not a high score, is th e overall rew ard. now th at they know how I play, not too many challenge me OPEN RUSH: Mon. Tues. Wed] IAnericanOlvmi on the field would light up a young boy’s heart. anym ore." Fifteen men will also com pete in Florida b ut Dooley said in this A fter liv ing in Michigan a few years I grew out of grade school type of am ateu r com petition women do not play against men. She Though some of her friends call her a "Shark" she said she cannot ag ree with th a t. S he n ever plays for money o r hustles h er April 3,4,5 Contenders and became an established Tiger fan. And those Detroit-Cleveland said she feels th a t pool is not really a physical sp o rt but ra th e r one games took on a special meaning . . . especially when Denny game, but plays for th e com petition, Dooley said. of technique and concentration and women and men should EIGHT REPRESENT McLain and ‘Sudden Sam McDowell faced each other. com pete equally. Before a to u rn am en t Dooley gets lots of re s t, dresses com fortably and goes into th e gam e psyched-up w ith th e 8-11 pm 15.5 Hugh Bob (continued on page 11) In a national breakdow n by th e ACUI. Dooley is rated expectancy of winning. 4.5 Randy Mil 5.5 Nick Gall 5.5 Pat Milko OUR DOORS ARE OPEN ________ V is it a F ra te rn ity This W eek, M o n ,, Tues., W e d ._________ 128 C o llin g w o o d call 337-111 1 for rides 9,5 5.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 Mark Chu Wade Sch Tom Muir Laurant St Harold Sn Jimmy Jac whes Goble. Dzie INTRODUCING SAE DELTA TAU DELTA Phi Kappa Psi 522 Abbott C all 332-5039 Am erica s Largest C ollege F rate rn ity fo r a rid e is seeking to rebuild its MSU chapter w ith w e ll rounded undergraduate PHI DELTA THETA males. Men interested should visit Open House April 3,4,5 7pm the S.A.E. house. 626 Cowley Ave. OPEN I tf 4950 S. Hagadorn (near Brody) House across trom Shaw Lane Mon, Tues, & Thurs. 8-1 1 p.m. call us tor a ride Call fo r rides Where Involvement is a Tradition! A p r il 3-5 330 N . H a rris o n 351-551 5. 332-3568 C a ll 337-1721 f o r rid e s a n d in fo r m a tio n . OPEN HOUSE UNCLE SAMMY /< ;.■ A/p/lQ Diversity April 3&5 7-10pm WANTS YOU Qamma '- w e f e z i PIZZA DINNER Hospitality Oi!t.i *•.!»« i-li" jfi.ilrimlii Rho 5 o c ia / - 'Professione*/ April 4 6pm Integrity Sigma ■ /iq r ic v /fv m l fra te rn ity Give Yourself a Chance Alpha Pride Mn Rush D elta S igm a P h i for more information F iji/P hi G am m a Delta call Leo Pasch tw o g re a t names - One g reat F raternity 1218 East Grand River 239 O a k h ill. East Lansing Open House Tues. Wed. Thursj or Call 332-5035 Rich Wilson Open house A p ril 3,4,5 7-9pm for further information for rides For in fo rm a tio n call call Mark 332-0834 332-5053 351-0305 33-SAMMYl , c i . Newa. Eost Lanalng. Michigan ïiflht Suture foreca8t for women [SU 1 1 t h in A IA W g y m n a s t ic s Sfíí DÏStoUjJÎ ? H E G r a n d J îlv c r Ph 3 3 7 I S? I ,| V ..- RHA (AIAW ) thia w eekend in Seat ■ B« JOK C'KNTEBS goal is to finish aa one of th e top I “ ¿ » . S p o r t . Writer tie. Waah. waa paced by aenior qualifiers for th e m eet next perform . T h at'a w hy K a u v a n a is hoping th e S p a rta n s can O P IN Pam S teckroat'a 12th place in i “ 1. piare hi* * « 1 season. qualify h igher n ex t y e a r for a M O N D A Y thru F R I D A Y 9-9 dividual finiah on th e uneven * "If th e recru itin g goes well b e tte r draw . r ¡ MSI' women', gym- bar. Laat y e a r th e Spartana * S A T 9-6 SUN 11-3 we hope to be in th e top one, According to th e first y ear f c mark Mike K .M vana placed 12th a t th e national two, th re e or four team s." coach, th e to p four fin ieh ert all ! jt niuin be the beginning m eet. "W e had a lot of freahmen Individually for th e S p a rta n s , perform ed in th e la st ro u n d of com petition. CIO A RITTIS I s r o iiM a e e t e a m f in t a h and new com era thia year," Kaa S teckroat and S ara Sklllman. Penn S ta te won th e m e et for 2/99* ih Ass.«-.alion of intercol avana aaid. "N eat year we who finished 16th in th e uneven th e firat tim e in th e school's I ; Athlelir» for Women ahould be rig h t up there. Our bars, w ere th e only tw o who history. C al-State F u llerto n fin­ finished in th e top 20. S teck ro at ished second followed by S outh­ scored a 9.05 in th e ev e n t while w est M issouri S ta te an d two- (L io n s open with Bills skillman followed elosly with a 8.95. tim e defending A IAW cham p­ ion Clarion S tate. t a x kn ta d a d Ip a A a — k m a * Svpl r ta S M I D iane Ixjvalo w as th e next T h ree te am s o ut of M SlTs Iv T IA C a T ll- T h e D e t - The Lions have tw o road highest finisher for MSU with region qualified for th e m eet exhibition gam es in betw een, 10% OFF r , | „ „ s arc bringing Chuck ■17th place on th e balance beam. and th e S p arta n s, w ho finished I , »ho nearly became th e ir playing a t C incinnati on S atu r second in th e regionala behind B 'm Im II coach, and hia day. A ug. 12 and in Cleveland K asavana Mid th a t a problem S outhern Illinois, finished th e on M onday, A ug. 21. The for th e S p artan s w as th e fact ft ;,W $ j 1 ,1,1 Hills minus O-J- Simp highest out of th e th ree. ■„lotheS ilverdom etoopen expanded reg u lar season be­ that they had to perform in an S o u th ern Illinois ended up in o v e d is c o u n t p b ic i o n gins on th e firat Sunday in early round. He said th e judges ■1978 exhibition season, ¡étroit s other home oppo S eptem ber. seem ed m ore conservative in 12th place while K en t S ta te finished 16th. 1, W P • PHOTO FINISHING | » i] | hr Baltimore, alao of th e earlier rounds and it may The season may be over, b ut ■ m i- ¡American Conference, aa Knox waa hired to coach the have hurt M Slf'g scores a little. The team s w ith th e best the way it looks for th e w o /*»-.- ", $ IpÄ Ü kU ak a ia b w M . i l L » SKI, scheduling format Ciks the exhibition season to Ip m c s before the 16 game Bills this season a fte r spending five y ea rs w inning division titles w ith th e Los Angelea Rams. qualifying scores coming into the m eet get th e la ter rounds to men’s gym nastics program , th e season m ight ju s t b e g ettin g started . IVä % 4 TICKLE ULTRA- liar season starts. ROLLON BRITE DEODORANT TOOTHPASTI iseball best for young Forte nam ed assistant S e s . I . I S v e le s continued from page 101 M SI' head football coached D arry l R ogers baa filled one of 79 I,,» I am i M-n older hut each spring and sum m er m akes me feel l ( j again. Ami instead of little league baseball I play IM tw o vacancies on hia staff w ith th e appointm ent of Mo F o rte aa th e receiv ers coach. $l F o rte is a fo rm er M innesota and D uke assistan t coach an d L H 6 6 e L , i ! i„ a game each year. But now th e y 're ju s t baseball •ers instead of gods, though I did see Hank A aron play for played one y ea r (1970) in th e N F L w ith th e S t. Louis C ardim Js. He has been a t Duke for th e last tw o y ea rs and is 31 y ea rs Welles Coiien v e le e UaeH I B xptoes W S es. l W O ) SwpUea old. l-iukee three years ago. Mon. Conrad 7:30 S 9:30 * R ogers still m u st find a replacem ent for defensive then 1get older. I want to take my girl or boy to ball gam es. 1 I t to sec their lugger thin-life heroes light up in th e ir eyes coordinator Bob Padilla, who took th e head jo b a t F resn o S tate. Tuos. Wilson 9:30 * * •CRIPTO NATURE S pring drills open in tw o w eeks. L , rt. voung and ran enjoy it th e moat. Lender who their favorites will be? ^ Students, foculty and staff welcome ji •CENTS ^ A ll persons entering RHA movies must show University 1.0. ^ RaiSUTY MATCH SOAP BUTA N I LieN TH U.S.A.-RUSSIAN ^Abbott OPEN: 2 /59 c Mon>Sat 10-6 6 6 c OLYMPIC STYLE 1.19 veeee Qoad tw ti liF lr M 4 4 > 7 S ■aakw S M l WRESTLING MEET 9iatAcuttete DR. SCHOLLS I Anerican Olympic Soviet National EXERCISE SANDALS Contenders Team EIGHT REPRESENTATIVE WEIGHT REPRESENTATIVE only 5.5 4.5 5.5 Hugh Batat Rondy M illar Nick Galio D D 105.5 114.5 125.5 Karnllaav Ivanov Bagdaaarln f o r professional styling $leOO OFF DISCOUNT PONI 5.5 Pat Mllkovlch 136.5 Apealdov 9,5 3.0 Mark Churalla Wadt Scholia. 149.5 163.0 Gaidarbokov Abdul- Muallmov Call 332-4314 liy é r w M - 7 1 0.5 1.0 Tom Muir lauronf Souda 110.5 19B.0 lalakceev Trokapchuk fo r appt. o r walk-in VANITY AFRIN 0.0 Harold SmIH, 220.0 Mato FAIR Jimmy Jackaon Hwt. A n d ltv Suite 201, East Lansing State Bank Building, on Abbott NASAL SPBAT aches: Gable. Dziedzic Coaches Yuri, FACIAL Shakmurodov TIMUI 69 Jenison Field House Mich. State Univ. $l East Lansing, Mich. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5 7:00 p.m. A CLOG FOR 33e IB s * . 1.3 S v e le a IM I ■spire« L 9 . 7 I Siphwa * o » ft ADMISSION: Reserved section *6.00 General Public *5.00, Students *3.00 ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT JENISON FIELD HOUSE. LIONS DEN, ALL REASONS KOTEX STONE AND DOOLEYS TAMPONS ASHTNAY SPONSORED BY THE TAKE DOWN CLUB AND AAU 40 Styles & Colors to Choose BO't JOIN US IN OUR APRIL 1st From $ |2 9 99* I.SO v e le e SPECIAL OTTER! JkmH 1 Ixjoiree 4-9-Tt a U rn e M m w s ( H CLAIROL O n l y t h e D a t e Is A M IBBAi ISSINCI SHAMPOO ro o t— t DISCOUNT TIKI "FITS THUS! ALL" About Our Free Replecement Certificete. Ve», We SUMNeve Our Rood Hoierd Warranty I *1.33 T e x . 1.95 v e le e Expiree A^-TS Compacts to Cadillacs Compacts to Cadillacs UNICURB POLYISTIR STI1L R A D IA L I WuckwolU (Whltewalla Slightly M ere) W hi,»w alla CONMTIONn *2.49 ■ « lo r 4 » A it.,, lia i. S.Oe valaa « f o r é « 171* ' 4 I x f lm W I - ÍÍ2 L ÍZ S 14 RKVLON _ « fo r 8 0 H7Bx15 SPIRAL « lo r 9 5 L7lx1S NOTIBOOK M ILK ------ J tx v tx u M m .— PLUS 6 49* M MSU Bootory* Shoes 'N' Stuff M t t . T S 1v e le # It, Soplree a*e.?S $3 29»«- S e S O v o lo o b p n iC M I 2 3 S E. C ro u d R iv o r 3 1 7 I . C ru u d R lv o r Haur,: o p e n T h u rs a E u s t L o u s in g F r l t i l 9 , o th e r n ig h ts t i l 4 E e s t L o u s in g 25* OFF s ¡ J H oooahy L 2 h 5i0®S«*urdoy ■ee M 's «ed P m ty Hese priced ever u across from tho MSU Union Emergency phones, more lights Bidders raise bucks — an d mml for campus, Harden announces By NANCE ROGIER S tate News Staff Writer T he second m ost-popular item a Were tw o tickets to MSB v j Dame football gam es, which w en t for $42. ‘ A pair of ten n is shoes w en t for $15, T -shirts and shorts w l T h eta Chi fratern ity , 453 A bbott Road, appealed to th e sp artan $10 and a one y ear m em bership to th e Lansing Tennis rii.f sp irit o f MSU stu d en ts Thursday night at an auction to raise By ANNE MARIE BIONDO night is "totally ridiculous” as a The coalition collected 2,500 c rea te a foot patro l squad. for $55. u,,i money for th e E a ste r S eals Telet hon. In response to dem ands made solution to the problem. signatures in four days de Schell said th e coalition w ants T ickets for th e J e r r y L ee Lewis concert w ere auctioned offJ manding th a t th e U niversity th e D ep artm en t of Public Safe­ A $610 haul w as th e combined resu lt of th e auction held at by th e Women’s Survival Coali­ “We are tired of being told $11 and A rt G arfunkel tick ets w ent for $15. Tickets for theg th a t we m ust pay for abuse acts install em ergency phones, ex ­ ty to co n cen trate m ore on crim e Dooley’s and th e cover ch arg e donated to th e telethon. tion, MSU P resident E dgar L. F itzge rald Count Basie perform ance a t th e Lansing Civic ( pand outdoor lighting and control th an traffic problem s. The fratern ity ’s to tal contribution to th e telethon fund w as $877, H arden suggested to th e MSU by men,” she said. w ere grab b ed up for $15. an am ount increased from th e profits of a dance held Friday night Board of T ru ste es Friday m e­ thods of tightening security to in Brody Hall. The crow d g en erated th e m ost excitem ent over the Sdi make th e cam pus safer for F rate rn ity m em bers presen ted th e donation to S tev e Garagiola, item s an d rep ea ted renditions of th e S p artan fight songd students. WILX TV sp o rtsra ste r, Sunday at th e telethon. stu d en ts joining in w ith sp irited , if slightly off-key singing H arden said em erge ,cy A uctioneer Bob B erry of WVIC radio played up to an active phones will be installed at 40 heavily-traveled cam pus loca­ tions. Im proved outdopr light­ Trustees confront rights audience which quickly jum ped into th e .sp irit of bidding. The potential b u y ers rem ained in th eir seats, but usually shot an arm up o r yelled o u t bids. To catch th e atten tio n of th e auctioneer, who Tickets for th e U.S. USSR w restling m atch w ent for a b u t $12. M em bers of th e band playing a t Dooley’s closed bidding i t | for an au tographed basketball. They said th ey would donate] ing on cam pus can be expected D uring th e MSU Board of Defense of th e Human Rights of som etim es had trouble locating th e origin of a bid. they often basketball to th e E a ste r S eals to give to a child. professor of crim inal justice, by the end of spring term , he T rustees public com m ent ses­ Sami Esm ail renew ed th eir shouted sev eral times. p resen ted a d issen tin g opinion According to pledge o p erato rs a t th e telethon, the unofla added. sion Thursday night, th e board pledges of allegiance to Esmail on quesions arisin g from the Halfway th ro u g h th e auction, dow nstairs Dooley’s began to am ount raised for E a ste r Seals w as $110,473. The leU In addition, a program intro­ heard m em bers of th e U niver­ before th e tru stees. Esmail situation. resem ble a scene from th e M arx B rothers’ "Coconuts.” officially closed Sunday a t 7 p.m. ducing a foot patrol squad to sity com munity express con A ssociate professor of math B arbara Cullinane, a m em ber The top m oney-grabbers of th e night w ere a S p arta n flag and a campus areas inaccessible by cern for hum an rights and em atics, John M asterson, and of th e MSU S tu d en ts for th e basketball auto g rap h ed by th e S p artan team. The item s w ent for ear will be presented for ap­ women’s safety. professor of chem istry. A shraf ERA. spoke on th e need for an $65. proval at th e next tru ste es m eeting, H arden said. Three presentations w ere made on th e case of Sami el Bayoumi asked th a t tru ste es take fu rth e r action to preserve ratification of th e Equal R ight’s Amendm ent. EUROPE - *1500 He also suggested th a t orien­ Esmail, a 23-year-old graduate th e rights of stu d en ts to ex ­ INCLUDES AIR FAR! I She asked th a t th e tru ste e s tation program s for incoming student being held in Israel on press opinions on cam pus w ith­ support a resolution which freshm en and tra n sfer students Fabulous 28 Day (o u r of Western European c o o l include a special session inform­ charges of being a m em ber of the outlaw ed P opular F ront for out th re a t of retrib u tio n else­ where. would ex ten d th e deadline for sta te s to ratify th e am endm ent &njS$2ten tries, Experience tkeir history and life! ing them about cam pus safety. the Liberation of P alestine and M arvin I. Zalman, assistant to March 1986. fe a tu rin g Viril, ÜM major titln , ta d tujoy tho pktoreaqoo nuatry ■ The Women’s Survival Coal­ of having contact w ith foreign Bfliagoal Amrrirao Goidoa aa «acorta. 2 tour, loovtag Dat ition was formed a fte r a series agents. H airsty lin g for Juno 14 A July 12. Seud fur detalla, complete Itinerary a , of knife attack s n ear cam pus in Two rep resen tativ es for the vatiooa. January, said coalition m em ber National Com m ittee for the M en Son Souci Trovol. |* Ellen Schell. M embers agreed and W om en WRITE: f. O. Box 12249 th a t something m ust be done CALL3217897 T h e re ’s No B u sin ess Like th e e x c itin g w o rld of looting, Ml 41901 for women's safety on campus, Conveniently located at the corner of she explained. p ro fe s s io n a l S h o w B u sin ess in o u r T h e m e P ark s: Schell told th e MSU Board of M.A.C. and Grand River K ING S ISLAND C in c in n a ti. O h io O il! fur y o u r appointm ent today T rustees Thursday night that advising women to stay in at K ING S D O M IN IO N R ic h m o n d . V a Now open Saturdavs _ C A R O W IN D S C h a rlo tte . N C 208 M.A.C w* w Ph. 332-8191 T h e re a r e o p e n in g s for SIN G ER D AN CERS, AND If Vo« Missed Our Campos Interview s m s tm w J M USICIA NS SPECIAL 1 S a la r ie s r a n g e from $ ! 5 S to $200 p e r w e e k - P ius ro u n d trip a irf a re to th e p a rk . PRODUCT ENGINEERING U H W i mst& TODAY W e n e e d 1978 g ra d u a te s w ith d e g re e s in M e c h a n ic a l « tí* o r E le c tric a l E n g in e e rin g o n e n tr y ty p e p o s itio n s in th e D e s ig n . D e v e lo p m e n t a n d L a b o ra to ry T e s tin g o f «se1 DOOLEY BURGER «co; V e h ic le , P o w e r tr a in . T ra n s m is s io n A x le . C h assis, UNIVERSITY O F M ICHIGAN M INSKOFF REHEARSAL STUDIOS B ody a n d E le c tric a l c o m p o n e n ts a n d syste m s. « R iti and N ew York. N Y H OB! W U Ì IS IS B ro ad w ay Thur» & F n . A pril 6 a n d 7 P o s itio n s a re a ls o a v a ila b le fo r g r a d u a te s w ith U B O SA LA D 11 AM to 4 PM d e g re e s in C o m p u te r S ciences. ■ • I l For m ore inform ation p le a s e writ KINGS PRODUCTIONS m uti $ |9 5 19C6 H ig h la n d A ve C incinnati. Oh 145219. The se p o s itio n s o f fe r e x c e lle n t c a re e r p o te n tia l c o u p le d w ith g o o d s ta r tin g s a la rie s a n d f r in g e b e n e ­ asei fra n ik silio r t c r s|p o rts _ fits . T h e y a r e lo c a te d in L iv o n ia . S te r lin g H e ig h ts , a n d th e D e a rb o rn a re a . seel 1 1 :3 0 -2 :0 0 ^ J ti ■sei N O W P I A Y IN G , Send re s u m e to tose In trod u cin g s e e A IR CONDO * S T R E E T F IG H T E R . V A L U A B L E C O U PO N I Cor Engineering P.O Box 2053 Free A d m issio n Dearborn Michigan 48121 I coupon good Mon. A pril 3 and A n Equol O pp o rtun ity Employer Tuo*. April 4,1978 Every time your foot hits the hard rood you oxporionco forcos up to 3 timos your body woight. So, obviously the moro forcos your shoos con absorb, tho loss you must contond w ith. Bring on tho stroot fightor. O °0 o0 o c* ° . o SPRING SHORT COURSES o ° °< !J- T h e C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry w ill offer a series of frank shorter sports n o n -cred it sh o rt co u rses in c o m p u tin g d u rin g 217 Ann St. S p rin g T e rm . R eg istratio n m u st b e m a d e b y A p ril 7, 1978 in th e U ser In fo rm a tio n C en ter, 313 C o m ­ p u te r C e n te /. A $2 fee co v e rin g m a terials is c h a rg e d fo r ea ch sh o rt co u rse. C o m p u te r tim e is n o t in cluded in th e basic fee, b u t is a v a ila b le fo r an a d d itio n a l cost at th e s tu d e n t's o p tio n . A sterisk s (*) nex t to co u rse n u m b e rs in d icate co u rses th a t h a v e p rereq u isites; fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n , call 353-1800. In tro d u c tio n to C o m p u tin g (100) Pitcher Night For persons with little or no computing experience Sec I April 10. 11, 12,13,14 3-5 p.m. Sec. II: April 10.11,12. 13. 14 7-9 p m , Reduced Prices on ALL In tro d u c tio n to th e M SU 6500 (101 *) For persons with experience at another computing facility. April 10 11 12.13 3-5 p.m. Pitchers G R A D ER (115) A program to relieve faculty members of much of the clerical work in combining scores and assigning grades. April 13 3-5 p.m Tue iis Basic SPSS (155*) Introduction to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Sec I April 17.19, 24. 263-5 p.m. Sec. II: April 18. 20. 25. 27 7-9 p m In tro d u c tio n to In te ra c tiv e U sage (175*) Tequila Night Introduction to the use of the interactive computing facility at MSU Sec. I: April 17.19, 24. 267-9p.m. Sec. II May 2.4.9. 11 3-5 p.m. BA SIC (220*) 1/2 off Instruction in the BASIC programming language. May 3,4 7 9 p.m. A d v an ced SPS S (255*) Instruction in the use of advanced features of SPSS. May I. 3, 8. 10 3-5 p.m. In tro d u c tio n to M agnetic T a p e s (310*) VACSITy INN General use ol magnetic tapes for information storage and retrieval. GOOD FOOD # PIZZA • DRINKS May 22.24.31 3-5 p.m. gOpen M-F: 11 a.m. Sat.-Sun.: Noon In tro d u c tio n to D eb u g g in g (380*) 1227 E. Grand Rivor Using SCOPE/HUSTLER and FORTRAN debugging aids with batch FORTRAN programs. April 18.20.253-5 p.m. jjB lk . West of Hagadorn R ecord M an ag er (420*) 332-6517 General Record Manager applications and the use of CRM subroutines Jhrough FORTRAN. May 1. 3,5.8.103-5 p.m. , cinta New». Eotl Laming, Michigon COYOTE advocates prostitution Group defends Esmail (continued from page 3) Use of this jurisdiction is By ANNE MARIE HONDO Esmail was n ever abused common internationally, lectures and panel discussions by S t. Jam e s in A nn A rb o r and SU t* N ew , S ta ll W riter D etroit. and never complained of Goodman said, b u t is ambi costum e' K p ro slllu li"K’" ,h e » « . explaining her ... ,\hjh)R - Hooker* a re h ere to ita y " m th e b u ic m istreatm en t until Dec. 30. guous in political cases. COYOTE favors decriminalization of pro stitu tio n , ra th e r /delivered by f« p r o e tltu te M argo S t. Jam e* a t a Certified calling cards, p rinted with th e code symbol of He said th e significant than legalization. If legalized, p rostitution would be licensed Esmail's trial is based on K ! * L , n education project held thia w eekend. and controlled by th e state. golden keys, are issued by the hotel dealing in th e transaction as factor in Esm ail's case is a way of being discreetly recognized by pro stitu tes and th eir th e use of e x traterrito ria l th a t he retu rn ed to the T iling I«»» wil1 " o l wip* out Pro* titu tlo n - th*y merely “In effect, th e s ta te would replace th e pim p.“ said S a ra Paul, costum ers. jurisdiction, because the nil the criminal act of buying and M lling sex, said the spokesperson for Alley Cat. D ecrim inalization would simply United S tates w here he , nI COYOTE - a national p ro stitu te advocate Two D etroit women, one dressed as a p ro stitu te and the charges against him main mean rem oving th e laws surrounding pro stitu tio n , she continued his studies for a o th er as an undercover agent, said the idea of decriminalizing tain he was recru ited into year and a half, and did rg»n'»""n ( ()Y0TE ‘ Un<,, tor C*11 0 f f Your Old Tired Because it costs local governm ents betw een $800 p rostitution is "long overdue." the P F L P in th e United and 12,500 to a rre s t one p ro stitu te, it would be beneficial to nothing to fu rth e r th e aims -t"1James said t h a t prostitution laws a re hypocritical to the Alley Cat was organized in N ovem ber after police raids on S tates and m et w ith foreign of th e P F L P o r act in its each s ta te to decriminalize p rostitution, Paul added. agents outside of Israel. I u n ity , d e g r a d in g to women and excessively w asteful of tw o Ann A rbor m assage parlors. behalf. ...Th* w« d ten d project, including th e M asquerade, w as T hayers' money. P rostitution laws should be changed, she 1 hose arrests have no impact on prostitution." Paul said incredibly smooth and auccesaful," Paul said. I rost.tiition th r i v e . I f , a fact of life. They a re token arrest* "By the end of th e week ov er 1,000 people will have heard th a t harm the women." H sentiments were shared by som e 500 su p p o rters of th e M argo," she ssid. The Women's Legal D efense Com m ittee and Alley Cat D o le may run for presidency who turned up in full d ra g a t th e F irat A nnual April Educational projects and social e v e n ts such as th e g Ts H o o k e r 's Masquerade in A nn A rbor S aturday night. contend that the arreste d women w ere innocent and have M asquerade allow th e com munity to become fam iliar w ith the KANSAS CITY. K in. (AP) 1 The M a s q u e ra d e was sponsored by Alley C at and the attem p ted to provide them with economical and emotional m ate on th e GOP tick et when prostitution issue, S t. Jam e s explained. — Sen. Bob Dole says th e only m en s l. e g a i Defense Com m ittee, tw o A nn A rbor organize- support. Paul explained. Ford sought election to a full It ithe M asquerade! in teg rates p ro stitu te s into society," Republicans he would not chal­ term in 1976. 0 lorim» , rn,.,,j to carry out COYOTE’S 'L egislators as a rule don't want to touch the iasue," Paul ■ on* , efforts , a t th e local level. she said. lenge for th e 1980 GOP presi­ i- .» lu r in g >t- James as guest of honor, th e M asquerade was said, [hey say th e ir constituents won't buy it - th ey 're afraid One Ann A rbor feminist atten d ed th e M asquerade dressed as dential nomination if they seek The K ansas Republican said 1 tuchlighi 'n a “ f'c* of ev e n ts in Alley C at’s prostitution a hotel, w earing a red carp et and th e word 'hotel' across her they will he exposed as tricks (the p ro stitu te's costum er!" it a re form er president Gerald he hasn't y et decided when he'll Id ra tm n p ro je c t . The w eekend included public appearances, face in a mask shaped like eyeglasses. Paul said she hoped to get s ta te legislation on decriminaliza Ford and Ronald Reagan. declare himself a candidate, if tion introduced at th e sta te level next year. Ford and Reagan decide not to Dole was the running run. i IM U A L O F I W I B K I I thrifty acres *4.99 LIST$7.91 VLAD IM IR HOROWITZ GOLDEN JUBILEE CONCERT I ipoctal Ith n o fd l« ^4 RECORd shop SURE ANTI-PERSPIRANT MEN'S WARM UP SUITS Styled with striped sleeves ond legs 100% 145 A n n St. SPRAY Creslor* Acrylic for eosy core! Sold os • 8 oi. net wt. Sep0ra,M TOPS WITH _ I0TT0M S BEG. COLLAR HOODED TOP 97?WTTW? * Limit 2 per family, please! ipnrlammtpr HeMth It ItM ty AM* Dept- Mei'* Dept- FAMOUS BRAND ARM OUR tEAN WHOLE OR PORTION SHIRT SALEI ^ V K R IB K S T our la b e ls a r e u n c u t . . . our la b e ls a r e u n p u n c h e d . . . PO R K «* PORK BUTT ROAST our labels a r e N O T u n lo v e d . ANEYE OPENER- RICH INVHMM C PINK ORUNITE • Creighton S VARIETIES (SOFT DRINKS) • Levi THIS WEEK S MINER 1 STOP SHOPPING SUN-610 • Coming GUIDE HAS AT LEAST H f l W O R T H OF F000CUI8 Attractions COUPONS...GET OO LARGE ORSMAUCORO • Cross Roads YOUR FREE COPT IN THE STORE! COTTAGE CHEESE 4 VARIETIESTOPFROST jm & UP TO FROZEN DINNERS % OFF Special: N o w th r u A p r i l 8 , buV Qny s h ir t a n d g e t 2- off per s h ir t o n a n y same d a y s w e a t e r p u r c h a s e ! %urtHmmipr 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA M O W M O H B A T THRU M T W M T ■ A .M . TO lO ilO W .M . - BOMBAY * A .M . TO T P .M . Interested in land use planning Michigan Botanical Club pre­ Student» For Equal a in Michigan? Meet w ith Sierra sents Mike Scott speaking about Amendment I Important 0,^3 RHA movies sold out 0‘Ê'tj W t e Î 1! Club at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in 340 Union, to discuss issues with legislative aide. Manitou Island at 7:30 p.m. Tues­ day. 168 Plant Biology Bldg. ttonei meeting will be J f ! tonight, 332 Union. yU (co n tin u e d fro m p ag e I ) Ms Morley and Zehner speak Participate in the A l„C3n, ju s t have to come earlier nex t time." Anyone interested in joining the on “ Consumer Marketing Infor­ el Hetitage Program lo t, However, other students expressed m ore anger a t being turned MSU Tennis Club should attend mation and Agricultural Ecomon- tv achooi kids. Training h * | aw ay a t th e door. Some said they would like th e “no admission Announcements for It’s What's the organizational meeting at 7:30 ics” at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, 16 week o t April 10. Com?1 Campus Activity calendar is Come play GO! MSU GO Club charge" policy retu rn ed to th e ticket system . Happening must be received in the tonight. 206 Men's IM Bldg. Agriculture Hall. Student Services Bldg kept in Union Activities office. meets at 8:30 tonight. Call Mike or State News office. 343 Student B ut th e classic case of frustration from not being able to g et into Plan ahead and avoid conflicts. Ken at 332-6353 for details. Abused and neglect«) Services Bldg., by noon at least Council o f Graduate Students Cheedeading try-outs are here! an RHA movie happened to W est A kers Hall sophom ore Tom two class days before publication. will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 Check it out at 4 p.m. Wednesday, need you. Volunteer at the Folk dancing will be held at 8 Breastfeeding your baby or Home. Orientation held at) 1 R yder. No announcements will be accept­ today in the ConCon Room of the Jenison Fieldhouse Basketball tonight, Bailey Street Elmentary considering it? Laleche League ed by phone. International Center. Court. Come and try. Wednesday, 328 Student R yder and a friend rushed across campus on F riday night in School, corner of Ann and Bailey meets at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. 5189 Bldg. o rd er to catch th e popular 8:30 p.m. showing of “The Spy Who Spring organizational meeting Streets. Everyone welcome. Greenfield Parkway, o ff Roseland Paddlebail or Racquetball play­ Want to “ Adopt-A Grand­ Medical Records need Loved Me" in Brody. They w ere unaw are th a t th e show had been of Intercollegiate Studies Insti­ Street. er? Join the MSU Paddlebail parent?” We need volunteers, Volunteer in MSU's Clime, J sold out since 8 p.m. tute/Young Americans for Free­ Veneral disease: free and con Racquetball club at 7 tonight, 203 especially males. Contact Office of ter. Orientation is at 4 J A D epartm ent of Public S afety officer noted Ryder’s haste and dom will be held at 8:30 tonight, fidential treatment available from 1 Registration for Spring pre­ Men’s IM Bldg. Everyone wel Volunteer Programs, 26 Student Wednesday, 4 S t u d e n t ¡ Union Sunporch, second floor. to 4 p.m. Monday, Thursday, and school storyhour at Spartan Vil­ pulled him over for speeding and aw arded him a $30 ticket for his come. Services Bldg. Bldg. Friday and 8:30 a.m. to noon lage School begins today. Call alleged offense. MSU Young Democrats is Wednesday at Community Health 332 2636 to register. Offered free Iceotlm ied on p tg , ¡ J t They arrived a t Brody and learned they could not g et in to see about people and issues that Services. 701 N. Logan Street. by the East Lansing Public Library. th e movie because it had already been sold out for a half an hour, involve you. Get involved at 9:15 R yder said he resorted to a $5 bribe which w as also to no avail. R yder’s savior came in th e form of Em mons Hall freshm an Hugh Vandegriff. A fter hearing of Ryder’s dilemma when he stepped out tonight, 340 Case Hall. Learn Karate! Co-ed classes for all students, beginning, intermedi­ ate, and advanced, start at 7 p.m. April 2 through 9 is the Week of the Young Child. Many local groups w ill be sponsoring activi­ The Union Cafeteria Video Workshop invites people of th e Brody A uditorium for a drink of w ater, V andegriff came up Tuesday, Men’s IM Bldg. Every ties Call 339-9791 or 339 2026 for interested in City Council proceed­ one welcome. information. food at its b a st. . . and fantastic salaction I with tw o tickets for th e show which friends had given him. ings to participate. Meetings are A fter a brief negotiation with Vandegriff, R yder and his friend finally got to see th e show 15 minutes a fte r it sta rte d for an overall cablecast live. Contact Union Ac­ tivities for details. SALAD RAR cost of $39: $30 for th e traffic ticket; th e $3 RHA movie tax paid by PORNO TONIGHT! Monday . Wednesday and Friday Lunch both of them a t registration; and another $3 to buy th e tickets Learn why Bent Larsen is from Vandegriff. ODYSSEX IS A TRIP INTO EVERY CON- and what’s rotten in Denmark w ith the ’’Boy,’’ Ryder complained as he finally got in to see th e movie, MSU Chess Club at 7 tonight, 205 CEIVABLE EXCITEMENT OF SEX” SANDWICH BAR/SOUP and SALAD “these ‘free’ movies a re p retty dam n expensive!" Horticulture Bldg. — Don Lewis WHBI Radio Tuesday and Thursday Lunch ONLY »1.75 "ELECTRIFYING - A PROFOUND AND oik about LUNCH 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. EROTIC VISUAL AND EMOTIONAL CATERING CLOSED SATURDAYS DINNER 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EXPERIENCE.” PHONE SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 2 p.m. —J e rry Schneiderm an • PLEASURE 355-3445 10W H LEVR O f MSU JN KJN - C O M B ftN O TT * G. WYH 6ERARD D AM IAN O S EAST SIDE - WEST SIDE M “B EST EROTIC FILM l ... Where our Lunch is better than burner OF THE YEAR!”-Hustier PREPARE FOR MCAT • DAT • ISAT • GRE GMAT • OCAT • HAT • SAT “SUSAN McBAIN- 1977 s NEW FIRST LADY OF HARD- LUNCH SPECIAL THIS WEEK CORE!” -Playboy (x) H ill 1 , 1 , 1 ECFMG-FLEX-VQE NAT L DENTAL BOARDS , ASM SU Presents RATED X SHOWTIMES: 7:30,9:00,10:30 C H IC K EN C A C C IA TO R NURSING BOARDS SHOWPLACE: 100 Eng. Flexible P rogram A Hour« an with Salad & G arlic B read $U 7 ADMISSION:: *2.50 students. *3.50 staff T h e r e IS i d iffe ren ce !!! EX HIBITION AND (Regular 2.89) SALE EAST SIDE WEST SIDE O F F I N E A RT P R IN T S Test Prepjration Specialists Since 193« For Information w rit* or coll: 2H 2* Orchard fe a tu r in g th e w o rk s o f C h a g a ll, D a li, M a tis s e , BUONO APPETITO A u th e n tic Ita lia n Lok# Rood Sullo 205 Farmington G a u g u in , Van G ogh, B re u g h e l, Cezanne, W ill, MICIO 11 (313) ISI .0313 Sandwiches él Dinners C»Rtii< in Wj|0r USCltltt * F ra n k e n th a le r, H o m e r, K le e , M ir o , M o n e t, restaurant! M a g r itte , P icasso, R e m b ra n d t, R e n o ir, T o u lo u s e - EAT HERE O R TAKEOUT IT A l l A N -A M E R IC A N FOOO-COCKTAILS | L a u tre c , W y e th , a n d o th e rs . PH. 337-9549 ( N e x t to P e o p le s C h u rch ) 1045 E. GRAND RIVER iIC iis n IS W.GRANDRtVEC Mon.-Wed. A pril 3-5 9a.m .-5p.m . TWO SALES LOCATIONS: U N IO N BLDG. LOBBY a n d MM it A U D ITO R IU M F R O N T LAW N (weother permitting) MSMU PRICES ARE: OWN AT 7:00 p.m. * 3 00 EACH 2 FOR * 6 00 FEATURt AT 7:11*9:30 WALTER MATTHAU New Selection Every Day! “World’s FunniestWoman” IN ASMSU Student Board —London Times, Christian Science Monitor mro«»?«* «nun HPGi RHAÍME£\RHA THURSDAY, APRIL 6 -8 :1 5 P.M. University Auditorium For those who have never seen her perform, ANNA RUSSELL is a multi-faceted wonder who tells stories at the piano, plays bagpipes, Ï7TT SPECIAL French horn. She sings, writes, composes and arranges her own music for her shows. She’s a madcap musical institution who has charmed audiences around the world for several decades with her OPEN AT 7:00 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENT parodies o f every musical cliche. At MSU, her concert will feature old ANNA RUSSELL favorites, plus some hilarious new musical parodies. FEATURE 7:30-9:30 p.m. RHA's New PUBLIC: $6.50, 5 .5 0 ,4 .0 0 . 50% discount to full-tim e MSU “ A HERO AIN’T students. Tickets on sale NOW at the Union T icket Office, NOTHIN’ OUT weekdays. For group rale:, :?»l 355-6686. A SANDWICH” STARRING CICELY TYSON PG PAUL WINFIELD Movie Program 1 NOCH« «SOM«-»* Ui r f n r iT i *ONIGHT OWN 7 p.m. Shaw« 7:20-9:30 Beginning Spring Term 1978, RHA is imple­ A P «yc h o«C o m e d y menting a new film and video program MEL BROOKS which will result in a new admittance pro­ cedure for all RHA films. Residence Halls HIGH students -- if you have not received a re­ fund on RHA s ‘3.00 movie tax, simply i,i\ 1 AN XIETY PG ! present your University ID to the cashier and receive a ticket good for admission in­ to the film. OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS as well as faculty and staff may purchase in­ TODAY OPEN 7:00 p.m. dividual admission for ‘ 1.50 each, or a FEATURE 7:20-9:30 term pass good for all RHA films during ACADEMY AWARD Spring Term for ‘3.00. You must present a NOMINEE BEST ACTOR JOHN TRAVOLTA University ID to purchase the term pass S A T U R D A Y N IG H T and also to enter RHA films. Term passes FEVER are available at the RHA office, 338 Stu­ dent Services, weekdays from 1-4 p.m. and w at all RHA movies. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ THE SIATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 355-8255 MON. INNO FRI. 8: 00-5:00 < flffa d fto N A A v r tb l— Um ; Bxptoymst j | | } j f Eafisyssat j ( l f j b p ta p M t ff ' ERploynent f| [_ Apartieits ^ I Apartsnts q PONTIAC LEMANS Sport SECRETARY, BOOKKEEP­ COUNSELORS, MICHIGAN DICTAPHONE TYPIST for ORGANIST Part-time. Lan­ Coup, 1974. Power/steering/ ER, lo r e smell coneulting SUBLET SUMMER-Female EFFICIENCY. IMMEDIATE Boys' Camp, June 20-August busy insurance office. Must sing area church. 646-6892 brakes, air, A M /FM stereo. firm. Experience preferred. to share one bedroom, fur­ occupancy $185. BUR­ 147 Muf t i* tonde»« IMg, 12. Positions open: archery, type at least 56 wpm steady after 5:30 p m . 8-4 1113) fHONf JM W M 82300 or best offer. 339-3003. 332-0841. 5-44(5) nished $84/month. 139 CHAM WOODS. 745 Bur­ riflery, crafts, waterfront. and accurate. Salary com­ 5-4-4-14) Woodmere. 332 2687 Write, giving background/ mensurate w ith experience. cham 351 3118 0-20 4-28(3) STUDENT HUSBAND/wife SAFETY ENGINEER for S-£44(3) experience. Flying Eagle, Also n«Hl FILE SUPERVI SCHOOL BUS 50 passenger (earn to menage & maintain trainee position, AETNA LIFE I day • 90* par Him 1401 N. Fairview, Lansing SOR who is energetic. Some 3 dap-M X par lina 1965 International. Good con dition. 484 1451 day9 or 627 30 unit sutdent apartment building. One bedroom apart­ 48912. 84-7(9) typing helpful but not neces­ sary. Fully paid company AND CASUALTY. A multi line insurance company seeks 124 CEDAR ST East Lan­ sing. 2-man, 1 bedroom, fur­ Beechwood Edap -7I< par Ik» 6261 evenings and weekends ment living quartets. Main- engineer for career position. nished apartments Heat in­ HALL SUPERVISORS East benefits. An affirmative ac $1500. 1-4-314) tenance experience required. Work involves surveying pro­ cluded $195-month. Year U q i'W p a lh t Lansing High School. Full tion employer. Call M. King 351-2211,9 a.m.-4 p.m. M on­ time and part time. Apply in spective commercial and in­ leases only. June 15 or 5 blocks to MSU TRIUMPH TR 7 1977 5 speed 482 5666 for appointment. dividual accounts making fire Lkw rata par Insartlan 20,000 miles, $5500 firm, call day through Friday. 8-4-7(8) person. Personnel Office September 1. 129 Burcham Large 2 bedroom - 8 4 11(14) appraisals and assisting exist EAST LANSING PUBLIC Dr Efficiency $160'month. furnished Marie, 323-7334; after 6 p.m. ing accounts with loss con­ WAITRESSES AND Waiters SCHOOLS 509 Burcham Damage deposit required. 6 373 0177. 3 4 313) NURSERY/LANDSCAPE trol. Qualifications- technical Special summer rates needed between 10 a.m 2 Drive 84-7(7) p.m.-10 p.m. 882-2316. . 1 lin « • '4.00 • 5 day». W par lina ovar a.m. Different shifts available. with mechanical and some 4 year college degree, some 0204-28(9) 2 bedroom units *19 31 lin** No odjuitmonf In rota whan concallad VW 1971, new brakes, FM, Floormen, 4-8 p.m., 2 days a sales experience. Send re work experience helpful. Ex­ runs well, $350, reliable tran­ BABYSITTER-5 days weekly sume to GIANT LAND Now leasing for fric» ol itami») mW» bo notad In od. Maximum week or 7 2;30 a.m. Short- 5 hours daily. One toddler cellent company benefits, NOW LEASING for Summer sportation. 351 2762. 4-4-513) order cook- afternoons and SCAPE COMPANY, P.O company car furnished. Job foil os low os 771 lobpricaof 10. Phone 356-R007. 5 4 4 (3 ) and Fall. 1, 2. and 3 bedroom Box 13, Holt. Ml 48824 to start May 30, 1978. Send Coll after I pm f| April 15.109 N. Clemens. Call BABYSITTER FOR tw o year I Ones od is ordorod it connot bo concollod or changod FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. old. 30 hours/week. Prefer FULL AND part time jobs 3 3 3 *5 3 3 0 485-6613. 5-4-7(41 until oftor 1st insertion. $6/hour. No training neces­ my home. Phone 332-2254. available. Excellent earnings. I Thor« II o '1 00 chorgo for t od chongo plus 50* por N M ty C N S sary Call 489-2278. 54-5(3) Call 374 6328 between 4-6 ONE OR two people for three odditionol chongo for maximum of 3 chongos. Z 2 3 4 28(3) p.m. 84-10(4) NEED PERSONS to sublease story townhouse, immediate SHORT-TERM secretarial 3 person apartment in June. occupancy, across from I Th« Stott Nows will only b# responsible for the 1st SUZUKI ENDURO 250, 1972 FEMALE MASSEUSE w ant­ assistance. Approxim ately 10 LEGAL SECRETARY- East Furnished, close to campus, MSU. 351-6663. 34-514) doy $ incorrect insertion. Adjustment claims must Must sell. Dan 355-0743. ed. $8/hour. W e w ill train. hours per week. Near cam­ Lansing; experience neces­ $180 month. 332-1312. bo mode within 10days of expiration doto. 8-4-10(3) sary. Good benefits, available 8-4 7(41 489 2278. Z 234-28(3) pus. $2.70/hour. Call 355- ACROSS FROM campus, I |ills ors duo 7 days from od expiration doto. H not immediately. Call 351-6200 9702 or 332-6817 April 4th or spacious apartment, available poid by duo doto, o SO* loto service chorgo w ill 74 HONDA CB360 electric 8 4 10(5) NEEDED IMMEDIATELY LEGAL SECRETARY. Full after. 3 4 4 (7 ) spring term Reduced rent. bo duo start, luggage rack, helmet, female, non-smoker to share time. Legal and dictaphone REFRIGERATOR, STEREO Call 351-8135 or 351-1957. cover, 3000 miles. $600. 371 BUSBOY WANTED. M on­ T V., rentals Free delivery spacious one bedroom at 731 experience a must. Call 374- GANTOS - RESPONSIBLE 0-8-4-1214) 2685 34-5(3) day-Friday. Apply in person, on off campus 372 1795 Burcham Rent negotiable 8890 84-7(4) individual to perform light HUDDLE NORTH LOUNGE, 0-54-7(3) Phone 337 0419 54-5(4) maintenance work and mis­ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, CHILD CARE worker Part- 309 N. Washington, Lansing. h t H it in Ä AitMStin 1*1 I AM S v d a / time. Duties include recrea­ tion supervision and tutoring cellaneous duties. Monday-Saturday, 9 a m -1 p.m., Sunday 12 p.m.-1 p m. Hours 84-10(4) PILLOW TALK has furniture for rent, with option to buy. SUBLEASE 2 bedroom apart­ ment. Close to Union Spring female needed for furnished apartment. Close to campus. 351-1842. 54-7(3) emotionally impaired child­ STUDENTS-$2.65 an hour, Frandor 351 1767. 0 14-3(3) & summer 351-4371. |DI FOX Wagon 1975. DODGE VAN 1974, carpeted, GOOD USED TIRES. 13 14- Apply in person at Lansing ren. Hours per week to be part-time evenings at our 8 4 10(31 liomatc AM FM. 31,000 perteied, megs, built in stove, 15 inch. Mounted free Also Mall or Meridian Mall excellent. 83700. sink. 82400. 353-8244 good supply o f snow tires. arranged. Send resume to 8 4 11(8) West Mount Hope branch Summer Leasing k-5066.84 10131 3-4-413) PENNELL SALES 1301W box A-1 State News. 74-6(8) ticket sales - call 485-8820 Apartsnts $) CEDAB V ILLA SI for 34-3(5) East Kalamazoo, Lansing. MAIDS TO work for profes­ IlSTiN 1971 AM radio, DODGE VAN Camper '69 482-5818. C 2 0 4 28(5) ROOM AND board given in sional cleaning company APARTMENTS Americana Newly painted Good condi exchange for 20 hours a week TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, 605 S. HAYFORD 3 bedroom pt gas mileage. »395/beat part-time. Residential clean­ Now leosmg and tion. 81300. 484-1451 days or of secretarial duties. Hours part time 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Salary apartment. Women student 332 2287 after 5 p.m MASON BODY SHOP 812 E ing experience necessary. for foil and summer 1 113 627-8261 evenings and week Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto are 5-9 p.m., Monday-Friday, plus bonus. EASTLAWN want to share apartment. Eden Roc Call 484-3501 44-5(5) MEMORY GARDENS BOGUE at RED CEDAR ends 1-4-3141 ST. VINCENT HOME FOR Utilities paid. Call 393-8541 painting-collision service CHILDREN. 2800 W est W il­ 349-9156. 84-10(5) after 3 p.m. 5 4 4 (4 ) ____ c a ll 331*0111 |ICK SKYHAWK 1975, American-foreign cars 485 1128 Victor St. FIAT 124 Sport Coupe, 75. low. Call 323-4734 for partic­ RESIDENT MANAGER cou­ with extras 13,000 0256. C 20-4 29(5) SPARE TIME management 31,000 mile«. Good pert Of ulars. 5 4 4 (8 ) ple for East Lansing property. FEMALE ROOMMATE need­ mini condition. 323- i 84 I2i3l mance. Yellow: alloy wheels. JUNK CARS wanted. Also Duties include maintenance of building and leasing. Work people needed immediately for super exciting, fast grow ­ HASLETTARMS ed spring term. Capitol Villa WOMAN WANTED to share Excellent conditon; proof. 393-7430. 5 4-6(5) rust selling used parts. Phone WANTED, BUSBOYS, dish­ washers. Part-time, full time. schedule is flexible around ing business, DAY & ASSO­ SUMMER & FALL Apartments. Immediate oc­ cupancy. Call 332-8801 after room in spacious apartment anytime. 321-2651. CIATES. 323-4084. 74-6(51 IPRI 2000 1972. 4-speod. race radial tires. Good C20-4-28I3) Apply in person, MR. most classes. Inquire at 332- LEASING 4 p.m. S -544 I4I spring term. Call Rhoda 351- 9474. 34 4 (3 ) FIAT X19 1974, very good STEAK, Okemos, 2287 Grand 3900 days 0-204-28(7) Mtion. 337 7191, 84-7131 FULL OR part-tim e employ­ 3 5 1 *1 *5 7 condition. Konis, Michielins. BRAKE PARTS including River, no experience neces­ EUREKA. NEAR Sparrow ment for clerk typist. Apply MALE ROOMMATE wanted AM /FM cassette. 83000. brake pads, shoes and hy­ sary. 84-7(6) PART-TIME positions for 3 5 1 *8 1 3 5 Hospital, 1 bedroom, upstairs lEAP TRANSPORTA- at 1605 E. Kalamazoo, Lan­ for 4 man apartment. $79/ 351-4665. 8-4-10(41 draulic components in stock MSU students. 15-20 hours/ apartment, furnished Park­ pN 5200 or best offer. sing 482-6237. 8-4-11151 month 349-5930. 84-7(3) UNIFORMED SECURITY o f­ week. Autom otive required. ing. $130 351 7497 6 Dodge Monaco. Power at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR OWN ROOM in 2 bedroom FORD ELITE 1974. Auto ficers. C.J. majors. Call 641 Phone 339-9500. C-20-4-2814) 0-7-4-11(4' OWN ROOM in beautiful mg, brakes. 332-1842. EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East apartment. Call 337-0237. metic, ait, low mileage, ex­ 4562. 0 5-4-713) ATTENTION MATURE apartment No utilities. 4.41 Kalamazoo St. 487-5055, one 84-7(3) cellent condition. 82500. YOUNG ADULTS. GIO­ SOUTH HOLMES, near $100 month. 351-9286. mile West o f campus. GAME ROOM personnel. 882-3567 before 4 p.m. OUTGOING ATTRACTIVE VANNI’S PIZZA is now tak­ Sparrow Hospital Upper 1 3 44 (3) lEVELLE 1972, two door. C-204-2817) Young ladies preferred. Good 8-4-7(3l_ _ coed for part time retail sales ing applications. Apply in SUBLET TO June, 1 bed­ room efficiency Includes 1 automatic power, head- 9:30-1 p.m. Monday-Friday. pay, benefits and pleasant person at 2301 N. Larch or room. $135/ month, 1 block to Kitchen, utilities, parking. l Reel sharp »1200. 323 working positions. Excellent 7 1 1 B o rd M M R d . f 44-5(31 FORD GRANADA Ghia 76. V-8 302, power brake/steer A d iti« Apply in person. PILLOW TALK. Frandor Mall, 351- positions for students, full 514 E. Michigan. 6-4-715) union. Phone 3514576 or 332-0733. 54-7(3) Share bath $75 351 7497 0-7-4-11(5) I evROLET 1971 ■ impale, ing. Low mileage. Good con­ dition. 83800. 356-2497. WORK IN exchange for flying 1767 Also, coed interested in doing LAWN WORK for Lan­ and part-time. Apply in per­ son only. CINEMA X. 1000 WAREHOUSE HELP. 40 hour week. $3.00/hour. Must be NOW RENTING -1 condition, all powet, W. Jolly Road 0-204-28(71 interested in permanent em­ For Summar and Fall Ctupifunijfjam 3-4-615) time. Call Ken 676-4860. sing Lawn Service. Apply P 356-1188. 5-4-6131 ployment to learn interesting 3-4-513) same as above. 0-34-5(9) Extra large one bedroom FORD LTD WAGON. 1974. WANTED W OM AN tutor to phase o f construction tech |EVR01ET 1974 Monte Apartments suitable for 2 or Red, power, air, automatic, AVON. EVEN if you can only help foreign student with nology. Apply at 1605 E. Tin with black vinyl 3 students radial«. 2 way door. 82,000. work a few hours a week, you English. Evenings 355-3892 pf andinterior, air, AM/FM, 361-3823 evening!. Espioysext jj can make them profitable 84-12(41 Kalamazoo. Lansing. 84-11(9) Now leasing for summer and fall # completely furnished 1 »eering/btakes, low S 10-4-11(5) selling world famous AVON Fall from ♦ 8 5 . 0 0 par parson # carpeted-oir ■ .e, good condition. 349- I« 847(8) SECRETARY, FULL TIME PRODUCTS Call 422-6893. conditioning Summar from ♦ 0 0 . 3 5 par person GMPUSHU GREMLIN 77. Automatic mature and stable person. C-5-4 715) a 3 large double closets |EVR0LET VEGA 1974 4 transmission, A M radio, radi­ Shorthand, 90; typing, 65; ‘ L uxu ry apartment.- etanpleiely lurm .-iuxi w ith # We pay heat and water al tiree. Greet mileage, excel­ excellent English. W ork w ith BABYSITTER FOR weekday kammback, 40 000 d istin ctive Spanish Mediterranean fu rn itu re and lent condition 12900. Ceil figures. Benefits. Apply 3303 mornings. $1.75 per hour Save 3 students to on as. «995 349-3606. |7(3) 363-7760.84-7(51 South Cedar, Suite 11. 3559962 or 355 7877. AM RTM M TS shag carpeting throughout. apartment as low as *80°' each per month. 393-0250. 7-4-6(71 3-4 5(31 now taking applications ’ Each u n it has dishwasher, garbage di.-pcstl. cen­ PET '67. Only 67.000 JEEP PICKUP 1982. Com­ tra l a ir conditioning and heating For Appointment Call ^ Newpans, good body. pletely rebuilt, good shape. Fall from f l J I par parson ‘ S w im m ing Pool and private Iwicotnc.- 337-7328 351-8764 5 or best otter. 3934687 Cell 082-1036 evenings. Pi"9s. 5 4 7141 84-7(31 Now Lto iiag Acres* frem Summar from par parson ‘ I person units for Summer Wllllaa Call Summar Loasas ♦150 IjSUN 510 Spons Sedan, MGB 1973, 38,000 miles, ” ' AM/FM Stereo, 4 good condition. 627-6356 after 5 p.m. Z-64-10OI ««4 Pall —2 bedroom units •2 Free Bus Service 3 5 1 *7 1 0 « ATTENTION ■ton c G00d condition. •S w iM ilf P u l Free Bus Service 1 " Steve, 351 5377, —various floor plans located Hagadorn Rood just south of Service Rood. ■•414) PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE I & 2 bedroom —o ir conditioned •Finishes •OLFIRS 1969. 48,000 miles, cruise furnished apartments —furnished t e n n is k a t i r s •Dishwashers 3 4 9 -3 5 3 0 I 18* ' » 1973 auto- control, power windows, —carpeted AM /FM . Showroom condi­ CEDARVIEW —best location In town •Cwtral Air Free Roommate Service I t f t i y » ° mi|es,»»Calient, * " * ^ 2 1 8 6 after 6 p.m. tion. FLUMERFELT STAIR NORWOOD M p n a n its Free Roommate Service SUMMIR EMPLOYMENT GOLF SUPPLIES 8a.m.-5 p.m. CHEVROLET. 0-14-3161 as lovx as RIVERSIDE *160 per month SPECIAL PONTIAC LEMANS 1971- OPPORTUNITIES lw t e d | — t e H C r — S S h r a r , < fc a tsETRADESM ANVan good condition, 81096 or best coll 351-5647 IMIVWMTT | , f u T , sl« lrin9/brakes, offer. 348-2860.84-12(3) SHAG BALLS for rates and THRACE NOW LIASINO I Roadrophonic, I JWow swivel chatrs, PONTIAC, 1970, 4 door, leases FON SUMMER Timber Shores Camping Resort has 1 .S O ■Deled' 'Ce • insulated power steering/brakes, A M / 414 Michigan AND FA U ADOZEN 1 , . ■ snow. 1 224 fUfit FM. «400. 064-6163 sftar 6 13901. Grand River 332-3420 many areas for you to choose from 1 Johns). 4-4-618) p m. and weekends. 54-0(4) 1-Sp.m. Office hours Coll 2*4 p.m. for summer employment. PLASTIC PRACTICE BALLS r ^ 1« « LOCATION NOW L I A t INO These areas include accounting, bar­ » ro N 'i: tenders, waitresses, cooks, dish­ 1971 Coif Rul* Sooltt SO' ‘ Close to campus ‘ luxurious furnishings JOIN ftio gang at washers, custodial, maintenance, NEW AND USED C R IIN S ‘ A ir conditioned *3 person units ‘ Shag carpeting *On*slte management Buchan! Woods security guards, life guards, activities, secretarial, cash register clerk, and COIF CLUSS AVAILABLE *All appliances ‘ Private balconies Now loosing for Foil A ll tennis Including dishwasher tennis instructor. rockets LOSINGFORSUMO a ri FAU ‘ Hooted pool ‘ A ir conditioning «SWIMMING POOL C'mon over 15% o ff t ‘ Tennis courts AND CHECK OUT S n w rt m SUMMER FROM ♦SOpor po rtoti ‘ Ample perking Top grade COLIINGWOOD APTS I ‘ Nicely furnished For an application and additional tennis balls 91pepai fa ll from ♦ T S . 3 3 por po rtoti *5 Blks. to campus I l f cm *«ir conditioned information w rite to: 0 5 5 7 * 731 U M tftw «dishwasher Nowlooting tor * shag carpeting Imnmov on4 Foil ItM y x p v M i «unlimited parking Summer LARRY CUSHION a plash faraitare 2 bedroom '180 Timber Shore Resort SPORTING GOODS ^ 51-8631 APARTMENTS a model opea daily Coll 351-8212 I bedroom studios 748 Burcham *18# *188 P.O. Box 215 Northport, Ml 49670 3020 VINI STKIT 1 block N. of Mkh. Avo SSf SSSSS 731 Burchiiin Drivi! 351 7212 (bohlnd Old World ^ M o ll o n jJ ia r W a r ^ »11*31 IS JUSTWEST OF SCARS PH. 332*1M7 1 c Hoists n»»s [ Rooms ][>j [ j i r S ilt 7 $ [ 3 P irs tiil J / ] S tr» ic iJ § TELI MORE ONE BLOCK north of Beal AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. FURNISHED ROOMS for ROOMS CAMPUS near, RECEIVERS BY Marantz, FOR QUALITY stereo ser­ COGS SPRING term Day PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, entrance. BEAL STREET 4 bedroom house adjacent to rent. Close to campus. $70- Furnished, cooking. From Kenwood, Advent, Speakers vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE. Care scholarship applications typing. Evenings. 675-7644. APARTMENTS, 208 Beal St. campus. Includes fireplace, $95. 676-3780. 5-4-4(3) $80/person. 485-1436. by Advent, KLH, EPI, Tape 555 E. Grand River. are available in 316 Student C 20 4-28(3) Furnished 2 bedroom, 2 per­ son apartments, $220/heat and garage w ith studio. Re­ duced to $395/month. Call _______ machines by TEAK, Advent, Tanberg, Large selection of C 20-4-28(3) Services from March 27-April 7. Last day for applications is COPYGRAPH SERVICE. PEOPLE included. Year tease, no pets, one parking space. Call 6 EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. 0-20-4-28(6) ™ T L l o o mSt c e . a o i to campus. 351 2197. 6-4-5(31 £ • HI-FI gear. W e buy audio equipment. WILCOX TRAD ING POST. 485 4391. INSTANT CASH. W e're pay­ ing $1-$2 for albums in good shape. WAZOO RECORDS, April 7. 353-9189^5-4-4(8)^ FRIENDS OF THE LANSING Complete dissertation and resume service. Corner MAC and Grand River. 8:30 am* WHAT p.m.-9 p.m. or leave message before 6 p.m. 669-3654. 5-4-5(10) GARDEN COTTAGES- Cute furnished one-bedroom cot­ CLOSE TO campus. Furnish- ed rooms available. Utilities 0-8-4-713) —_ C-20-4 28(8) 233 Abbott. 337-0947. C 20-4 28(4) PUBLIC LIBRARY are spon­ soring a used book sale April 5:30 pm Monday-Friday. 10 am-5pm Saturday. 337-1666. YOU HAVE included. $105/month. Call 1 Cm - i£ v DISCOUNT, NEW, used 4 ,5 & 6. 9 a.m.- 8 p.m. in the C-20-4-28(6) tage on wide lawns. 4 blocks EQUITY VEST 353-4831 or [ «»R 4B1G H 'V TEN SPEED bicycle, best gallerys of the main library, FURNISHED, 2 man, 2 bed­ MSU. $200 including utilities. desks, chairs, files. BUSI 351-1500. 0-20-4-28(5) NESS EQUIPMENT CO., 215 offer. 332 8260. Good condi­ Capital Avenue, Kalamazoo. TYPING, EXPERIENCED, 337 7111 5-9 p.m. 0-1-4-3(5) TO room. Sublease Summer. ________________________ LARGE SELECTION of tion. 1 4 3(3) 34-4(7) fast and reasonable, 371- $ 183/month. Call after 6 p.m. E. Kalamazoo, 485 5500. OWN FARMHOUSE Room. frames, glasses for everyone. 4635. C 20 4 28(3) 351-7388. Beal St. 8-4-10(3) NOW LEASING. 4 and 5 0 1-4-3(4) Lake, animals, greenhouse. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2617 "JIM M Y BUFFETT" record NEAR LCC-2 bedrooms $200/month including utili­ bedroom houses. Most w ith­ in walking distance to cam­ pus. Call 351-4107 between Now. Responsible people. 351-8231 evenings. 3-4-5<4) E. Michigan, 372-7409. C-20-4-28(5> MINOLTA 202 35mm, 1.7 lens, including camera, special of MARSHALL MUSIC, East the week. SmriM WaaM SELL ties. 487-5624 after 5 p.m.; 372-8165 anytime. 8-4-7(4) 5-9 p.m. or Saturday. 8-4-12(6) EAST LANSING. Close in. Unfurnished with cooking BOOKS - VISIT mid Michi- gan's largest used bookshop, case and hood. $190. 355 6742. 3 4 513) Lansing. C 1-3-10(3) 6x8x6 pine loft. Brand ,new, RESTORATION WOOD floor HARD refinishing. ATTORNEY DESIRES to rent WITH privileges. Female only. Util- CURIOUS BOOKSHOP. 307 perfect condition 332-1312. Quality work is my goal. Call NEEDED 4 to share 5 man WEDDING GOWN with lace an attractive, 3 to 5 bedroom, ities furnished. Phone 332- E. Grand River, East Lansing. 84-7(3) 351-2087. 8-1-11(4) UNIVERSITY VILLA house. Fenced backyard. Pets. 332-8700. 8-4-7(3> 5988. 0-5-4 7(5) C-20-4 28(5) coat, matching head piece, size 10, $75. 372 2647 fully furnished home in Oke- mos School District, for 9 to SUMMER & FALL FALL '78 - 8 bedroom house WALKING TO MSU. Female. PLAY GUITAR, banjo, fiddle, E-5-4-7<3> [ Animals V FREE LESSON in complexion care. MERLE NORMAN 12 months beginning 9/1/78. Financial and personal refer­ LEASING for 8 student group. Kitchen, $70/month. Call 351-2731 mandolin, dulcimer, auto MOST LP'S priced $1.75- COSMETIC STUDIO - 321 ences available upon request. 3 5 1 -1 tS 7 laundry, parking. Excellent after 5:30 p.m. 5-4-713) harp, harmonica - over 20 NEED HOME for good na- 5543 C 20 4 28(3) Call 351-4191 evenings, 7 9 $2.50. Cassettes, $3, quality location. $90/month plus util­ ____________________ group classes offered every tured dog, Lab/Shepard mix, guaranteed. Plus 45 s, song p.m. Z 7-4 7(8) 3S1-«135 ities. 12 month lease. 332- OWN ROOM in house. Fur- term by ELDERLY INSTRU books, and more FLAT 7 months. Call Zina 332-0163; nished, campus close. $100. MENTS SCHOOL OF FOLK 337 1741. E-5-4-413 [ COMPLETE REPAIR service 1918. 3 4-4(7) BLACK AND CIRCULAR, 337-9246. 6-4-10(3) MUSIC. Spring term classes for stereo's, TV's, tapes, TUTOR WANTED FOR Phys­ EFFICIENCY TO Sublet. On upstairs. 541 E. Grand River. FREE PUPPIES. Mother pure guitars, banjos, band instru­ ics 310: Calculus concepts in 551 VIRGINIA, nice room in -------------------------------------- (8 weeks) start April 10. busline in East Lansing, call Open 11 a.m. 351 0838 bred English Setter. Father ments. MARSHALL MUSIC, coed house, $115. Call Sue 1 OR 2 female(2) needed to Register now at ELDERLY Physics. Call Lisa 332-0513. 676-1822 or 676-4560. C-20 4 28(7» black Labrador. Call 646- 351 7830. C l 4-3(5) 332-4898 after 6 p.m. sublet own room Spring INSTRUMENTS. 541 East 4 4 5(3) 8-4-7(31 8451 before noon or after 10 3-4-3(31 term. 351-2823 call after 5 Grand River. Call 332 4331. SEWING MACHINES, slight p.m. 8 4 10(4) p.m. 5-4-713) C-1-4-3(13) ly used. Re conditioned, FEMALE NEEDS female 3 STORY, tw o bedroom de­ luxe townhouses available 2 BEDROOM duplex, sum­ mer or 12 month lease. Mile 318 N. HAYFORD ST. 2 QUALITY USED equipment guaranteed. $39.98 and up. 2 YEAR old female Dober­ listnretioK 3 roommate, preferably medi­ fall, year lease, $295. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING cal student. Immediate. Call to campus. After 5 p.m. bedroom house. $87/month, at a fair price with warranty, man needs a good home. 351-0359, leave message. CO. 1115 N. Washington. days 394 5210. X-8-4 11(4) 337 0240. X8-4-10<3> near busline. 485-1408. PE 3060 turntable $89 351 8102 after 10 a.m. 5-4-414) 489 6446. C 20 4 28(6) JUMPING AND DRESSAGE 3-4-4(3) Advent Dolby System $80 5 4 6 (3 ) __________ TEN MINUTES to campus. 3 lessons. Hunt seat equitation MALE ROOMMATE needed ---------------------------------- Scott 20 watt receiver $175 BEAUTIFUL FRIENDLY part transportation available for RESPONSIBLE, NEAT. RN or 4 students. $400/month 100 USED vacuum cleaners. to share 4 man apartment WOMENS DOUBLES, mens Intergral Systems Pre-Amp Persian cat for sate. 1 year Thursday evening classes. will house-sit. 372-1178. Re­ utilities paid. Call Pat Tanks, cannisters, and up­ spring term. Near campus. single includes utilities, kitch- $125 old. Must sell. For more ferences. 8-4-7(3) 371-2800. Evenings 484-6403. rights. Guaranteed one full WILLOWPOND STABLES $80/month. 351-0986. en facilities. Christian atmo- Akai cassette tape deck $149 information call Barb at 393 3301 Harper, Mason. 84-7(5) _ year. $7 88 and up. DENNIS sphere. Call Meg 9 a.m. to 5 HI FI BUYS 337 1767. 3743. 7-4 11(4) 5'4'6! 3L _ p.m. 669-3400. 5 p.m. to 11 0-20-4-28(8) DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 676 9799. 8-4-7(5) NEW DUPLEX 3 bedrooms, 316 N. Cedar, opposite City SUBLET NOW through Sept­ p.m. 337-0343. 8-4-11(5) -------------------------------------- Rm n U m i i n fireplace, bath & f t . No pets, Market. C 20-4 28(7) ember, 1 bedroom apart­ Lease $450. 669-3719: ~ran\/c 750HCARROUSEL-slidepro lost l Foni ] f ^ j ment. Utilities included $200/ month. Evenings 351-3881. 484-2700. 5-4-413) G i rooms, 70 6 79 plus, nice ,u' rashad lector with zoom lens $90. Ca|| 372.8932, 8 a m 5 p m. Typiif S in ic i y | ANTIQUE FAIR AND SALE STEREO CLEARANCE HOUSE East Rotary 5th annual. West 8-47(4)_________________ house, I block to campus. offi„ p.c , 7, ,, Today's best buys are in the HAS LOWEST STEREO 353-4848. X3 4 3(4) _ _ _ __________ Michigan's best. Quality deal­ EAST LANS'NG - Now leas­ L Rooms! [ A PRICES, Classified section. Find what you're looking fori UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS ers from all parts of the ing. Houses, duplexes and ROOM IN house near cam- PIRANHAS 12) 6 long plra- COMPLETE DISSERTATION country. April 6 & 7, noon to rooms. Available for summer pus. Prefer graduate or pro- nbas Wlth 1 40 gallon tank AND RESUME SERVICE HURRY, ROOM & board, 3 LOST DURING HEC 401 10 p.m., April 8, noon to 6 and/or fall. Call STE-MAR fesslonal. Call after 6 p.m. and 1 OhM> SX980 R«»,.»r 1369 ward. Call 337 0135. 3-4-5I4) MALE, OWN room, laundry, Technics SL1900 Turntebre *120 East Grand River or phone, S.E., East Grand Rapids, close to campus. Call 351- nished, female, all house 3-4-517) Ake< C S7020 C i im i u «126 WALLET FOUND March 9, 332 8414 C 20-4-28(7) Michigan. Z-8-4-7(11) Houses £ 3226 after 6 p.m. 2-4-3(31 privileges. way Near parking. bus. Drive- 487-6390. ~ ~ ~ T .7 ~ - “ NEW- USED and vin,a9a near Computer Center. Own­ er must identify. 353-0485. ONE ROOM available in large 8-4- 10(4) guitars, banjos, mandolins, EXPERT TYPING by MSU r B \ ____________________ etc. Dulcimers and kits, re- 3 4 4(3) CHOICE OF 2 furnished well kept house on Grove St. grad. 16 years experience. JA C K S O N H M M rooms 2 blocks from MSU. $75, must share household MALE NEEDED, four bed- corders, strings accessories, FOUND: ONE pair of contact Near Gables. Call 337-0205. ■Ml Parking. 332-0460. 6-4-7<3) responsibilities. Female pre­ room house, furnished, $90/ books thousands ° f h a rd !°- lenses. For information call C-20-4-28(3) K A M A O O N O fF ferred. 351-7362. 3-4-4(51 month plus utilities. $50 de- ,lnd a bu™ lal1 a* uerV low SPECTRO ACOUSTICS Rich 337-1861 evenings. T 1 IIS O A Y , A M M L I I ONE OR tw o roommates, posit. Between MSU Et LCC. Pr,cesl P,lva,e ,and 9 '0up P-101 Preamp Equalizer, 5-47(3) 351-9269 evenings. X-8-4-7I6I lesaona on guitar, banjo, EXPERIENCED. IBM typing. own room in house, $75 a 645 EVERGREEN. Room, $170. Sennheiser 424 head­ ________________________ mandolin, all styles. Gift cer- Dissertations, (pica-elite) Jv n iio n Fi»td Ho w m month plus utilities. 372-1840. $75. Beautiful. 351-7113,332- phones, $45. Both like new. FAYANN, 489-0358. 5-4-7(31 5622, 351-9445. 3-4-4(31 EAST LANSING male stu- dent single room, 332-5791 ,ifica,es Expart„ i S ’t ! r , -, [f® u ' N, Mark 332-1437. X3-4-3I4) L Persoiil f/j C-20-4-28(3) Plonty of good soots Still ROOM IN house til June. FEMALE NEEDED to share after 5:30 p.m., weekends STRUMENTS 541 East CUSTOM SANDALS Hand­ ovoiloblo of Sounds and Option on whole house in house w ith three others. anytime. X-3 45(4) » BORED ADULTS - There is made from a drawing of your Diversions and tho MSU June. W ill negotiate. Close to campus. Own bed­ C-20-4-28<13) no such thing as no one for TYPING TERM Papers and feet. $2 off w ith this ad. 220 3614640. 7-4-7(4)_ _ room, laundry, garage. Pets theses, I.B.M. experienced, Union. Albert Street Monday Satur­ you. Thousands found happi­ okay. $87 50/month. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. HP 25C Calculator used very fast service. Call 351-8923. DUPLEX - 1510 6 1512 665-3417. 5-4-4(5) Quiet for student. Near bus little. Phone 351 -2591. day, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 12-4- 14i6) ness through computer dat­ ing. Call 393-7000 and Sandy 0-20-4-28(3) CALL Burcham - 3 and 4 bedroom, line. $75 plus deposit. 489- 5-4-4(3) carpeted, dishwasher, wash­ TOTALLY RENOVATED 5574 after 5 p.m. 0-3-4-514) ATTENTION SKIERS. End of will show you how to start enjoying life. 10-4-11(7) STATO NOWS er, dryer, air conditioning, season special - AREO REN­ garage, balcony, backyard. house. Rooms $80 to $115. Kitchen, fireplace, screened OWN ROOM In four bed­ APPLE CRATES - ideal for album storage, books, etc. TALS is selling its rental skis. ANN BROWN TYPING dis­ sertations- resumes- term Tired of being broke? Get fast cash by selling things CLASSIFIED« $405 and $415. Available June 15. Call 351-6764 or porch. 1 block from campus. room house o ff Michigan $2.75 each. WAZOO Cross-country $89.95. Downhill package package Today's best buys are in the papers. 601 Abbott Road, you no longer use w ith a 353-8155 351-4484 or 332-8175. Avenue. $70/month + util­ RECORDS 223 Abbott. Classified section. Find what North entrance, 351-7221. fast action Classified Ad. Call 351-8287 after 5 p.m. 5-4-718) 5-4-414) ities. 484-8532. 3-4-5(3) 8-4-7(41 $99.95. 339-9523. 7-4 7(6) you're looking for! C-20 4-28(4) 355-8255 Excellent experiences for child û f § WLtjD Ê I development and social work ma­ jors. Pre-school children need extra care, attention and guidance MONDAY SPE C IA L ........... A only you can give. Contact 26 (continued from page 14) Open meeting! Women's Studi- ies Program at 2:30 today. Union Student Services Bldg. FREE LITER OF COKE! Oak Room. Learn sign language while work­ ing with deaf children. Volunteer for Deaf Friends. Orientation held The Volunteer Action Corps Attention Med. Tech., Nursing, Health, Pre-Med Majors! Positions w ith every p iz z a needs YOU to help fulfill short­ at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, 105A Berkey term community people power available in labs, E.R., P.T., patient / ■ : ■ ■ Hall. needs. Inquire in 26 Student care, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgi­ Services Bldg. cal, pharmacy. These apply in now (you d o n't even have to a s k !) Recreation therapy, pre-med, in 26 Student Services Bldg. education majors and others! Volunteers needed to teach Work with children at MSU's afterschool activities, K-4, any Clinical Center. Volunteer Orienta­ Horticulture Majors: Share your CAMPUS area in which you're interested tion held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, and knowledgeable. Contact 26 skills and talents with elderly, A112 Clinical Center. Student Services Bldg. mentally impaired children or hos­ pitalized patients for 2-3 hours per Miss your brother/sister or Tropical Studies Group hosts w6ek. Apply in 26 Student Ser­ vices Bldg. PIZZA haven't got one? Local teenager Dr. Sykvan W ittw er at 12:30 today needs you to be a role model/ friend. Contact 26 Student Ser­ in 201 International Center. Re­ view o f Innovative Food Systems BURGER C BREW vices Bldg. in the Tropics w ill be presented. Deaf education students: Vol­ Volunteer opportunities are C B A R H O P KR S unteer experiences open at Michi­ gan School of the Deaf, Monday available for valuable hospital experience: Surgical/clerical, Ped­ Out now -special is B U R (.I R & 1312 Mich. Ave. 310 W. Grand River U R I W & B A R H O I ’ IM RS, B e g i n n i n g ,n through Wednesday afternoons iatrics, Patient Services, Pharmacy (tutorial). Inquire in 26 Student Services Bldg. at IMC. Inquire in 26 Student Services Bldg. m lily S:()() p . m . In e n j o y pound tin M o n d a y s y n i l ’II lie able one of o u t tl e l it io ns ler- b ur ge rs and a cold tira li beer 337-1377 337-1639 r — ^ N fo r only $ 1 . 0 0 all n i g h t ! B e g i n n i n g al fre e d e liv e ry JUeuuont CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS 9 0(1 p. m . th e lo w cover o l o n l y SO (j CAMP COBBOSSEE FOR BOVS w i l l get y o u i n t o li te A l l e I v free l o o ! to be creative - IN BEAUTIFUL MAINE Top salary iciom m o dilto ns jn d Dene Ms to experienced counselors with «■ So o n th e M onday R a in b o w nights stop on out Ranch for BURCd R to & !■ ■ Introductory Offer at the newest pedtse m jn y of the following Swim mtng ittS U Sjtkog Cenoemg W ife' BRI W & B A R H O I ’ I’ I RS, an d then , Skiing Stub* Diving Archery Rrfelry I hop on ov er to th e A l l e y - L y (or fre e I I uithVOU! Tennis GoH Teamspods Fencing v a d m is s i o n every Monday, from the ' ■ restaurant in East Lansing Gymnastics Crafts & Woodworking Dramatics Tnppmg Photography R a in b o w Ranch and the A l le y I.y Ham Radio Riding |(n gksh i Call or write for information & appkcahon Act April 6 - - Hair Clinic 5 Buy One Olga,Get One FREE! ■ ’>iiw our upenngs till quickly1 2843 E. Gd. River, E. Lar Minimum Age Required 20 One Day Only C A M P O m a . B ^ t . IB SMI. 17St.. NV. NV1001J 351-1201 [SIS) 7S2-SW3 M a k e y o u r a p p o in t m e n t t o d a y , th e r e a re a lim it e d n u m b e r o f o p e n in g s . ■ Themostexciting idea in eating since the sandwich! ! i■ •Transmission C u ts , c rim p s & c u r ls - th e n e w e s t, N O W lo o k in h a ir C o m e u p to th e H a ir lo ft - ( o r a lo n g e r a p p o in tm e n t. It s the most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich, | A n d w e ll d e s ig n a lo o k fo r y o u a n d y o u r h a ir. ■ Styles tor men and women 220 MAC, University Mall ■Maintenance Special ■ and this coupon makes it twice as exciting! We II give you an Olga, any Olga, absolutely free when ■ ■ • Change transmission fluid. ( ■ you present this coupon and buy a second Olga of equal I or greater value. ■ • Adjust bands. $ ■ ■ 4 w fin ttÉ « i ■ ■ • • • Clean screen. Replace pan-gasket. Complete road test. ■ ■ ■ ■ I Coupon good Monday, April 3 thru Wednesday, April 5. JL ■ ■ I Limit one coupon per customer. ■ ■ 6026S.Cedar 393-7541 ■ ■ | Olga's Kitchen 133 E. Grand River Olg* 1 ■ CatMiller) East Lansing 2 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ G O O D W IT H T H I S C O U P O N 0 N L Y I I I B h r „ emu N»wi, Eoit Lantlng, Michigan M o n d a y , A p r il 3, 1978 17 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE L n Ja c k s o n B ro w n e by Bill Yates H E w /Kerle Sonett f í v M < g y o @ t e SPO N SO RED B Y : P H A pril 11 IWI PlINTY OS GOOD (6 )W J lM -T V (C g S )_ _ ^ £ )^ 2 ^ ^ < ^ f5 )_ _ (» J jW ^ tM :rV(CobU) (I2)WJRT-TV(ABC) (23)WKAR.TV(PBS) I . SEATS A V A k A iU MONDAY (23) V illa Alegre (12) B ro d y B unch ( 11) The B e s t o t S lo u c h o »3 a fte rn o o n 4:0 0 (23) S p a rta n S p o rtlite 9 :00 12:00 (6) N e w M ic k e y M o u s e (11) Post a n d P re s e n t (6) M * A * S * H C lu b Tense | ) 2 | N ew* (12) C h e r I ) lo Soy The leo»t (10) G re e n A c re s 7:30 (23) G re a t C o m p o s e rs K ] A dvo có les (1 2 )B o n o n z o (6) G o n g S h ow 9:3 0 I 12:20 (2 3 ) S e s a m e S tre e t (10) H o lly w o o d S q u a re s (6) O n e D a y o t a T im e I Afmanac 4 :30 (12) M a ry T y le r M o o re (23) A n y o n e fo r T e n n y s o n ? 1 12:30 (6) D o ris D a y (23) M a c N e il / L e h re r Re­ (11) D e v ils ' D re a m e rs I Seorch lo r T o m o rro w (10) G illig a n 's Is la n d p o rt 10:00 I ) Gong Show 5:0 0 (1 1) H o n d ic a p p e rs . U n ­ (6) CBS R e p o rts 1 ) Ryan's Hope ( i) G unsm oke lim ite d (12) O s c a r A w a r d s T 1:00 (10) E m e rg e n c y O n e ! 8:00 (23) O n e d in L in e J )Fo r Richter, F o r P o ore r I Young ond th e Restless (12) R o o k ie s (23) M is te r R o g e rs ' N e ig h ­ (6) G o o d Tim es 11:00 PEANUTS CLEANERS LAUN DRY EXPERT C ARE (10) B a s e b a ll I ) All My C h ild re n b o rh o o d (6-10) N e w s by Schulz in j u h m o u ;tu w « FO R A LL YO U R (12) C o p ta in & T e n n ille (23) D ick C a v e tt SPO N SO RED B Y : W EAR | | Gettin O v e r 5:3 0 (23) D ia lo g 332-3537 11:30 130 (23) E le c tric C o m p a n y (11 ) A r t in J u d o ic a (6) M o v ie 15 THÉ 6A M E OVER As the W orld Turns (11) N e w s 8 :30 (10) J o h n n y C a rs o n J ) Days ol O u r L iv e s 6:00 (6) Boby, I m Back M AN A 6ER ? U)H0 U/0 N ? (23) AB C N e w s I ) G reat C o m p o se rs (6-10-12) N e w s 20 0 — — V \ I |)O n e Life 'o liv e (23) D ic k C a v e tt (11) TNT T u re A d v e n tu re MSU SHADOWS i p r a i l P LA Y 7 •' I Over E asy T ra ils bv Gordon Carleton w ith this co m ic ! 2:30 6 :3 0 SPO N SO RED B Y : N ,w Alb* r l 01M AC _____ undar Moon s y *S> vE IN THIS f PA CI iP y o u i n s v l h t B , M I$ T § p P u c / c E T f, i u T X ’ tA H P R fi| D LO N G » CALL 353-6400 U M P E R ttr iflR D O E ÿ fv ’r Q U « L IP Y . «AVELS WITH FARLEY * lo w gos prices Plus THE DROPOUTS * ÇA,M /US -5« Service by Post I Frank i — W« *» U ftto P m v e y SPO N SO RED B Y : PIZZA 2 »«•««** B e eSi iT i sni e A A M tlA a HOW G rand tivar eV SPO N SO RED B Y : ISO I I Or Riv#< fflfr/T APeHSCMTt w t 1 MV^But womid yexi Miwb not TT^itfMFÌ^iy Nest So Varsity Inn We Appreciate Your Businet» ® Im pej reocwjaTHe hammocksu ha» . Results of tue latest RORTY FIVE PER CEMT FORTY PER CENT OF AND FIFTEEN TERCENT POLL ON ACCEPTANCE OR OF THE RÆ IIC FAVORS THE PUBLIC OPPOSES of rue p u b l ic d o n t REJECTION OF THE CAMAL ra tifica tio n o f the RATI FTCATION OF THE KNOUI WHAT DAV OF T^EATV have ju st b e e n TREATS TREATY THE CUBBF IT 15. RELEASED PILLO W TA LK B.C. * FU R N IT U R E Soft and I W Mali Fondor by Johnny Hart SPO N SO RED BY : ShoppingCant*' •axy pillow fornitura JMBLEWEEDS CA M PU S Froa Dalivary M l 17*7 Tom K . R y a n SPO N SO RED B Y : P IZ Z A en» 13l3M kh. Ave. M I M J I f W A IT T I u l . t h e T2ÖTH E N P Y WHATTA A s e e s t h is , ó OTTH e r e , ^ (EN TER 10T5A i /^ JO R T H X T opei i v ?T '\ D A D -' éO UP / AMERICA'S ) i \ I 1/ 1 ^ ^ N IE S T ^ / ^ — —j Nan Styling Far Man and Woman SAM and SILO * Call Far appoinhwanr today WSSIVORD a a a s i i s m p [ i |t [H Q S J s m g s C rn p b iM im ifi SBHEH3EI D u aansaa @T JL_ m o r ÓhepordV by Jerry Dumas and Mort Walker SPO N SO RED B Y : 2M MAC W o « Jona« I ta Hanoi y B ftB i I »M0S 20 Hospce U B IS BSSEl A PlP H Q 0 SPO N SO RED B Y : compos fW 22 Phenomenon i s i s H 0 0 Mary 26 Italian corns S I1 S D S SS abbr ¡fi1»» sister 21 Sun disk 28 Foment „ sm s i wtra's 30 lacked s s s n s s Bant 32 That is Latin SS ESSE jitf W ■antf 33 land measure i s n s a n 34 Shield □ a s E i s a »Point 36 Commercials s s a a H Q 39 Craws YOUR HOROSCOPE 41 Honorable 45 Minnesota town »3 State French 46 Momean 1 Descendants T O D A Y PROMISES G O O D 44 Bridge card infantryman 2 Arrow poison FORTUNE, HAPPINESS, A N D 3 Masterpiece TOTAL F U L F IL L M E N T ... 4. Sardonic 5 Occupation 6 Haughtiness 7 llano Bob Jam es 8. Prototype 9. Oxygen BEETLE BAILEY SPO N SO RED B Y : N o e l P o in te r 10. Taxed jy M ort W alker T ic k e ts o n s a le to d a y 12. So-lined starua 17. Mommg *hbr 19. Puff HUT TWO HREE FOUR 21. Egyptian dancer HUT TWO HREE FOUR 22 Woman's title 23. Recapitulate 24. Extension 25. Board« 29. Ramekins 31. Cofcge degree abbr 35. WMow 36. Legal deeds 37. Black tern ^ 1 978 Universo! Press Syndicate 38. Shrewd 40. Nn 42. Blacken M ONEY MAN D O ES IT AGAIN! 99 M oney M an has returned after the beginning of classes, but before finals. R e s u lt : He's bought more used books than we have ever had. S o W h a t? By J AMES ( lONROYIA. hi We have a special staff marking these books for resale. :er, winning a v end nf his hist,, . warned Sout ■sonable proposa Ick Namibia roul Ik the Cnited St; ter head»-d ho |h a four hour s was the firs rican presiden farter, who left o went to ■I thought it wa Tnmmg up the 1 J wife Rosalynr You Can lighter. Amy, ‘A iinpated in e\er farter's most en JLibena. where t Boliday and tens •stern garb, yoi •men in colorful •m fronds and d, ■ The crowd has pouncer on \A\ solutely no cunt •peaking about frer told repo Now buy these used books this late in the term. Inrovia that if tf ¡reasonable prop They are all in the proper course sections. I)', it would be a « •willingness to , decisions of th ■Such action by f* °ne thing thi S to p In For this last chance to buy used books for the spring term. STORE HOURS 7 :3 0 AM-5:30PM N I I H “In the center of campus. " STORE HOURS BOOH «O D E 7:30AM -5:30PM bi 1 PS officials labeled