V O IU M E 72 NUMBER 51 TUESDAY, A P R II 4. 1978 M IC H IG A N STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LA N S IN G M IC H IG A N 48824 « a I & I n v a l i d a t i o n s p la g u e S r' sy [H w p r e s i d e n t i a l e l e c t i o n y / A. « ■ P P m m m By KIM SHANAHAN •0 »f'-d at th a t meeting hat i h*- new - ’à ry *r •*r—«r— S ta te N ew s Staff W riter I b**<*n figured correctly, spent $85 of his slate’s alloted limit of $171. According to the elections commission, Dan Jones, president elect of the ASMSU f '’umm issioners w ere not 1 iisfied Meyers should have spent only $65 of the Student Board, was invalidated by th* io -.f the costs Jones had r orded total. H v , Si m » All U niversity Elections Commission Mon ngr. expenses. The rommis: »n will M eyers said ho was stunned" by his day. The reason for th e decision was the possibility that Jor. , may invalidation but added he understood how fir suspected overspending in his election <1spen, 1rates on labor charges the commission had arrived at its decision, campaign, according to elections Commis ft sioner Rob Freem an. aign p.. iters. ely not out to get "If anybody should know about spending reports and w hat can and cannot be done, I Four o th er presidential candidates - Jeff said. should," M eyers said, fie was chief justice M eyers. Diane A shm ore, Ted Huesing and k also the criteria for of the All U niversity Student Judiciary last Michael Tindall — w ere also invalidated by the commission. His spring when Kor.t Barry, the current Monday. Only M eyers and Jones w ere am pi rep o rt stated he had continued on page 10' invalidated for overspending th eir fixed limits. The o th er candidates failed to file any spending rep o rts at all, F reem an said. Jones officially refused to acknowledge the invalidation, which m eans that the commission m ust file for a hearing with the All U niversity Student Judiciary. Nelson to make He said th a t according to th e ASMSU second-term bid elections code, th e commission cannot technically invalidate him until they have proved to a higher judiciary th a t he did go A State News Debbie W olfe over his spending limit. "If th e invalidation is upheld by the By N l'N Z IO M. LLPO personal checking account. Media sources to w e d on c am p u s a r e ta k e n to Y L o t, lo c a ted a t judiciaries, th en th e re are going to be 3,436 A io» tru c k o p e ra to r p r e p o r c i to re m o v e o G re m ­ S ta te News Staff W riter could not account for th e rem aining $2,500. angry people. They a re going to want to lin from (■ Lot M onday m o rn in g aa p a r t of th e M ount H ope R oad an d F a rm L an e, w h e re a n a tte n ­ S tate Sen. E arl Nelson announced Mon­ Nelson said he ¡s personally repaying the know w hat th e hell is going on," Jones said, D epartm ent of P u b lic S a fe ty 'a la te s t crack d o w n d a n t now c o lle cts fe e s an d re le a s e s c a rs to th e day he will seek re-election to the 24th loan with in terest to MacLellan instead of referrin g to th e num ber of undergraduates on illegally p ark ed c ara. T h ia c a r ao d all o th e rs o w n e rs. D istrict Senate seat. th e bank, but did vnot furnish records who voted for him at th e spring term Nelson stepped into th e race despite the verifying th e action. reg istratio n election. much-publicized $5.000 loan th e 40-year old Nelson has said he will discuss details of Of th e invalidated candidates, only Jones th e loan when a probe he requested by th e Lansing Democrat took from a dog-racing has said he will appeal th e elections Legislative Joint Conflict of In te rest Com­ lobbyist 11 w eeks before introducing a bill commission’s decision if a judiciary upholds m ittee is completed. to legalize th e sport. arter warns 8. Africa th e ruling. Jo n es will be seated as ASMSU In addition. William M cLaughlin. Repub­ The investigation is expected to begin S tudent Board presid en t at th e April 11 lican S tate Com m ittee chairperson, said he soon since legislators have ju st returned board m eeting and will rem ain seated will not re-file for an investigation into the from E a ster break. during all appeals processes. loan by th e S ecretary of S tate's office. McLaughlin said Monday he will not The commission has until th e 10th class FBI officials, who began an investigation refile for a probe but urged the S ecretary of day after th e elections to file for an T hursday, said Monday they are still S tate's Office and the A ttorney G eneral’s accept black rule plan invalidation h earing before th e student looking into th e loan. Office to investigate th e ¡oan. judiciary. The commission m ust prove to Before a crow d of su p p o rters at the Olds He had previously sent a le tte r req u est­ the judiciary th a t Jo n es was guilty of Plaza Hotel in Lansing. Nelson said he ing th at A ttorney General Frank J . Kelley v .-■ 'ytrding, as stip u lated in th e ASMSU would ru n , going back on on announcement :.::ves*.igaie loan. I? was »ubsoquently code of operations. last O ctober th a t he would not. turned over to the Secretary of S tate’s The code of operations says every Nelson discussed th e loan from Lansing Office w here it was rejected for being By J AMES GERSTENZANG serious difference betw een us and South m ilitary involvem ent" by non African na candidate not running on a slate is allowed A ttorney John A. MacLellan for the first incomplete. MONROVIA, Liberia i AP) — P resident Africa." tions. spend a m axim um of $100. Jo n es' rep>ort In ord er to file for a S ecretary of State's tim e since it w as rep o rted last Monday. \ winning a wild welcome M onday at The U nited S ta te s and four o th er That was an o th er point of disagreem ent was audited last T hursday, when the Office investigation, the com plaintant must He said th e money was obtained by d his history making Third World w estern pow ers a re try in g to negotiate with O basanjo, who. C arter said, w as less elections commission found th at Jo n es had. name the alleged violator, his address, the long tim e friend MacLellan from th e Bank warned South Africa that refusing peaceful South African w ithdraw al from concerned about Cuban and Soviet activi in fact, o v ersp en t th e total he had recorded violation and furnish evidence th a t it of Lansing because Nelson was behind loan Hsonabic proposals to end w hite rule of Namibia, th e black nationalist nam e for ties in E thopia than th e U nited S tates. on his spending report. occurred. paym ents to th e same bank. Ik Namibia could mean serious trouble South W est Africa, w here th e black m ajor C arter said O basanjo's prim e concern However, even in th e revised report. News rep o rts said $500 of th e loan was Mr Secretary. I do not know if a (lithe Cnited States. ity is held under w hite South African rule in was th a t existing b o rd ers in Africa be Jo n es’ to tal ex p en d itu res w ere still 3 cents applied to a loan Nelson had with th e bank violation of Act No. 388 has occurred or not. headed home from Lagos, N igeria, open defiance of th e U nited Nations. rigidly respected. under th e $100 limit. The commission and $2.000 was deposited in Nelson's It was because of this lack of knowledge |h a four hour stopover in Liberia. His The president, in his w arning to South that I asked the A ttorney General for an was the first official visit by an African P rim e M inister John Y orster. did investigation in the First place." McLaughlin rican president to black Africa, not say w hat action th e U nited S tates m ight garter, who left Washington sevendays take. S. AFRICA TO EASE RICID S T A M ) •«aid in his le tte r to Secretary of S tate Richard Austin. went to Venezuela and Brazil. V orster said in Cape Town. South Africa, I I thought it was a great trip," he said. that he would stu d y th e full te x t of C arter’s Several points of the loan McLaughlin Tnming up the 14.575 mile journey w ith J wife Rosalynn. and their 10-year-old lighter. Amy, "Much b etter than we had speech before com m enting. U.S. rejection of a to tal economic em bar go against South A frica was one of th e key Blacks may gain property rights said still needed to be investigated includ- • "Does it not exceed the limitation ($4501 linpated in every way." differences th a t developed during th e »fated sc ho* p riv a te on the amount th at an individual can JOH A N N ESB U R G . South Africa is concerned." personal account, the office holder’s account th a t a re keystones of South Africa’s backbone of South A frica’s work force. The |stern garb, youngsters in dashikis and m ore aggressive in a total em bargo against Some Catholic sohoo or the campaign account? elaborate sy stem of racial segregation — hom elands policy is central to th e govern >en in colorful skirts — cheered, w aved South Africa.” C a rte r said. non w hites in large nun bers last year, and • "If it was deposited in the personal land and schools. m en t's goal of racial "sep arate develop (m fronds and danced in th e stree ts. O basanjo told C a rte r late Sunday in an it was rep o rted last we k that about 1,000 account and is in excess of th e legal limit, The Jo h an n esb u rg S ta r new spaper said m ent." ■ The crowd has gone wild,” shouted an can any personal funds now be spent on th e exchange of to a sts at a s ta te dinner in th e w hite m inority adm inistration plans for The S ta r said P rim e M inister John w ere atten d in g private schools throughout piouncer on Liberian radio. “T h e re is Lagos th a t he w as deeply concerned about South Africa. campaign as it is impossible to sep arate the first tim e to g ran t p ro p erty rig h ts to V o rster disclosed th e new property rights wlutely no control. This is impossible.” “foreign collaboration w ith th e South to $1.000 a year, personal funds from th e loan contribution?" blacks outside th e ir ru ra l trib al homelands, plan to a group of businessm en who called But tuition can range ppeaking about the Namibia situation, He also urged A ustin and Kelley to look A frican regim e, particularly in economic and th e national education m inister said on him. and i of the non whit« pupils are from p er told reporters on his flight to minoritv among into w hether the campaign laws have and m ilitary m atters." "w hites only” church schools will be allowed T he pap er quoted one of th e businessmen 1 to do fa pnrovia that if the South Africans “reject This w as seen as a direct reference, with loopholes. to enroll non-w hites in certain cases. as saying th e plan would grant blacks the ■reasonable proposal and move unilater- C arter at his side, to th e American The change in p ro p erty laws would be rig h t to buy and sell property in their |y . it would be a serious indication of th e ir unw illingness to support a tougher interna much m ore far-reaching, rep resen tin g the tow nships and to bequeath it to th eir heirs. •willingness to comply" with th e views tional arm s and economic em bargo against first recognition of th e rig h t of blacks to Blacks would be able to negotiate directly P decisions of the world community. South Africa. establish ro o ts in u rb an areas. But it would w ith lending institutions to build or remodel ■w h action by South Africa, C arter said, S everal tim es in Lagos and in Monrovia, not give them th e absolute freehold rig h ts th e ir homes. me thing that can precipitate a m ore th e president called for "an Africa free from to p ro p erty th a t w h ites have. T he plan would need th e approval of fe ( i§ i2 J © y The new schools policy legitimizes a P arliam ent. p ractice followed by som e Roman Catholic The new schools policy was revealed by ik e t c h of robber released ed u cato rs since last year. The go v ern m en t’s ap a rth eid policy holds th a t South A frica’s 19 million blacks are N ational Education M inister P iet Koornhof, w ho said in a n ew spaper interview that the Cabinet had reaffirm ed its belief in segre ill side weather C J! ' f p a r m ,' m o f , , u h l i c s » f r ‘ y r e l e a s e d occurred at 3:50 p.m ., as th e la rg est in M SU 's history. It w as also th e first tim e th e Ethical questions surround- A high m the mid 70s today! E tb u °r m a n s u s p e c te d o f the Hânn»h Adminii- A dm inistration Building had been robbed. March, vigil scheduled tng fetal research have led to legislation and controversy. t nfo rtu n at' iy, thunderstorm s and cloudy skies will also Ternoon ''aShl<,rs’ offic® ltte ^ » 7 See page 7. prevail. f e t r ? b,,d 'h e suspect a s a Id * m mall‘ between th e a g e s lig h t- o f 23 to m ark death o f King L d s anVh?11™' ? teet tall. w elgha 200 • a husky build. By The A ssociated P ress Thousands of persona a re to march in dow ntow n M emphis, Tenn., today in what is pin beard n o ? P, k m » r k e d c h i n w i t h a expected to be th e la rg est observance in th e country of th e 10th anniversary of the dealh Keel, L , ’ ' flat' b r o a d , p r o m i n e n t of I)r. M artin L u th er K ing J r. " "es .in il a gold f r o n t t o o t h w i t h a The m arch, sponsored by th e American F ederation of S tate, County and Municipal r3p. Em ployees Local 1733. is one of several activities in M emphis and o th e r cities marking brown" *nT d Lrk Wlre;r ™ m « i g la s s e s , th e d s te th e civil rig h ts leader was shot on t m otel balcony while in Memphis in support of ire t q u a r t,., i ? ,p p bat and a a sanitation s trik e , The P i " ! ; ^ W o p c o a t . Jam e s E a rl Ray pleaded guilty to killing K ing and is serv in g a 99-year sentence at B rushy M ountain S ta te P rison a t P etro s. H e la te r recan ted his confession. r p,,|¡i'u m ? i ffl(hc ■ Hotel where the students w aged th e the spokesperson said th a t th e additional demand had been met. t demand was tor an international ■ of observers to inspect prison condi- Local FM stations urge stalling o f campus FM plan lin Iran, he said. Irordmg to the spokesperson, tw o By DANIEL HILBERT not have sufficient inform ation," Stafford When the board approved th e resolution U niversity cu rren tly o p erates both WKAR- the station. Ihttees in Washington and one in State News Stall W riter said. allowing th e netw ork to apply for th e new AM and FM. A referendum will be held to decide w hat Ind have been formed by legal and Local com m ercial FM station s have He p resen ted a list of questions concern FM license last month, local radio station form the radio tax on stu d en ts will take, In responding to Stafford's questions, Bn rights organizations, including Am req u ested th e MSU Board of T ru ste es to ing th e p rospective statio n ’s frequency, rep resen tativ es reportedly said they might and exactly how much money will be MSU P resid en t E d g ar L. H arden said the 1 International, to support and spread ta k e no fu rth e r action on th e proposed pow er, to w er locaton, en gineering and try to block netw ork attem p ts to obtain the answ ers would be forthcoming and added requested. Eft said. I of the prisoners' strike and seek cam pus FM station until specific technical program m ing service. license bv subm itting com plaints to the th at th e new station is a long way from p to prisons in Iran. questions a re answ ered. Brad E ft. chairperson of th e MSU Radio FCC. going on th e air. "They it he commercial FM stations) hope Iranian prisoners' strike began T he tru s te e s approved a resolution last Board, said th e statio n s' questions concern we n ever come on th e air. Logically, th e T ru ste e Michael J . Sm ydra, D-East m onth to allow th e Michigan S ta te Radio inform ation which th e board is req u ired to Iiansing. defended th e proposed station, Eft said th e ta rg et audience of the new more stations, the m ore com petition," he N etw ork to apply to th e F ederal Communi provide to th e F ed eral Comm unications station will be stu d en ts, since they will fund said. saying one cam p u sw id e station would unify Correction cations Commission for a non-commercial FM license. Commission. E ft said th e specific aspects of th e new th e U niversity in th e same way the S tate N ew s does as th e cam p u sw id e new spaper. was incorrectly reported in M onday's J News story about overcrow ding a t E. M ichael Stafford, of th e law firm F a rh a t, B urns and S tory is rep resen tin g th e statio n h ave not yet been finalized, but probably will b e w ithin th e next few weeks. Stafford said th e stations he rep resen ted New counselor appointed P*nce Halls Association movies th a t radio stations. Last w eek he asked th e w ere in terested in determ ining w h eth er the tr u s te e s for clarification on several technical He said th e com mercial statio n s might tru s te e s would have any control over the prtH 1W | 8S S° ^ ° U* *n ju st be try in g "scare tactics" on the A new Chicano counselor has been Chicano counselor would be hired, b ut no issues surrounding th e proposed station. new station. tru s te e s , b ut acknowledged th a t th eir appointed to fill th e spot vacated by Jesse action w as taken before W harton's d ep ar­ D? eclor T°m Leach said th a t * "A t th is tim e our clients iW FM K, WVIC. action is m otivated by concerns about the He also ex p ressed concern over the Gonzales, MSU P resid en t E gdar L. Harden tu re in Jan u ary to assum e th e chancellor­ i Papillon sold out Thursday night in W ITL. W JIM , and WVIC FM) have not preserv atio n of th e ir audiences, which he possibility of m ultiple ow nership by MSU announced last week. ship of th e S tate U niversity of New York. »and Wilson Halls, the Friday Conrad collectively formed an opinion relativ e to m ade possible by the fact th at the D orothy Gonzales, who is no relation to Harden said earlier th is y ea r th a t another |i®g was not a sell-out. th e MSU Radio Board's proposal, as th ey do called "logical and expected." the form er counselor, will begin her job counselor would be hired, though A ssistant April 10. She w as hired afte r m em bers of Provost for Special P rogram s Jam es B. the Chicano S tu d en ts for P rogressive Hamilton said th a t specific position would Action p ro te sted th a t Jesse Gonzales had not be offered. not been re-appointed. At th a t tim e, Hamilton said th e office The form er counselor, th e only Chicano would not seek a replacem ent because the counselor at MSU, was not rehired last year office’s decentralization program called for because ad m in istrato rs in th e Office of the elimination of th e specialized counseling Supportive Services said his job would no position. longer be offered through th a t departm ent. Hamilton said Monday he would not His term ination sparked sharp reaction comment on th e hiring of D orothy Gonzales from th e Chicano com munity. The issue o r her duties, but would release a statem ent first became public when CHISPA mem­ Tuesday. bers spoke to th e MSU Board of T rustees ¿‘ ■ P a and form er M SI’ president Clifton R. D orothy Gonzales and m em bers of the W harton, J r .. last year. Chicano stu d en t group could not be reached W harton and th e board said a new for comment Monday. B oard OKs extension f A resolution to approve th e extension of the deadline for sta te s to ratify th e Equal Rights Amendm ent was passed F riday by the MSU Board of T ru stees. C urrently, th re e more s ta te s are needed to ratify th e am endm ent. The board will send out le tte rs affirm ing The am endm ent would ex ten d th e dead its support for th e ERA to Congress, line from March 1979 to M arch 1986. P resident C arter and th e news media. I h % iSl loa itee rNtee vwvsi iI irga j S Ht R r icMk si t«e in iro a n V .ii **1' M *ke-up m ay b eco m e a p a r t o l t h e g ro o m in g h e b ite o f m en l i t in n i' Wor'd' e H o ld r e p r e s e n ta tiv e fo r R ed k e n L e b o ra to rie e K n Bullion .k ' , i* * * ’* U cial Pr ° d e e t ( on S ta te N ew » S ta ff W r ite r R .W . Rob- w or't w ee d o n e a t th e a n n u a l s p rin g fecial en d h a ir Logo contest upcoming Pttl-lo«iti Plere# B w k e r S u p p ly Co. in L a n sin g M ondsy. T h e n st- lolors B,»k®-«P '» R ed k e n ’e r e g u la r P h i» H lin e, w hich com e In The MSU W om en's S tu d ies group will E n tries should be subm itted to the pfove« J j Y * b, **e u*®d #B m e n o r w o m en . D is tric t M e n sg e r W illiam hold a logo contest in search of a symbol W om en's Studies office, 237 Bessey or ItKopI,,,.. i"*ns to ta lk to c o m p a n y e x ec u tiv e * soon a b o u t c re a tin g a to rep resen t th e ir academ ic program s. W om en's Resource C enter, 162 Student It tfe . l #‘ m ak e-u p . E a c h o l th e R e d k e n m ale s ta ff m e m b e rs C ontest w inners will receive up to $20 in Services Bldg., by April 14. k the t u , »k** ’,M rin « th # m a k e -u p . M o st sa id th e y a r e n o t b o th e re d gift certificates at th e W om anself Book Logos should be d raw n in ink and be P "« v eit »iii k » re n o t a c c e p te d b y m e n now b e ca u se th e y S tore. no la rg er than 8 by 10 inches and be Logos will be displayed at th e mounted for display. W inners will be I Aboy, . « j ! w ide|y a c c e p te d w ith in th e n e x t t lx to 10 y e a rs, E very w om an's W eekend A rt Festival to announced at th e Willie Tyson Concert m s ,, ’ . cn k»ir s p e c ia lis t g iv e s a b e a u tic ia n fro m th e au d ie n ce a lie held April 22 in Erickson Hall. on April 22 in Erickson Hall. D u rta * th e facial a n d h a irc u ttin g sh o w in g o th e r s'—11 ^ jjj^ s e u te d p ro d u c ts on m odel» » e le cte d fro m th e audience^ L a m b m is tre a te i Out at v a s i? ‘I /5 Trustees in election fiase! The MSU College of Business is a bustling, full-blown academic to South A production line. More and more students gravitate into this Hall of Money Making, forsaking liberal arts for a more practical back­ At long last the MSU Board oi ground in buck-bagging. Perhaps Truste has laid down the law. On this is because the powers that be Friday they voted to show South at MSU encourage this kind of Africa the gate. absolute decision-making, par­ Maybe. Hopefully. Evidently. ticularly when students majoring “Companies can’t end oppres­ outside their colleges are denied sion, so they must withdraw,” rights enjoyed by their counter­ Trustee Jack Stack told his fellow parts who pursue more conven­ trustees. Truer words — albeit tional academic careers. tardy ones — were never spoken. Kathy Lamb is enrolled in Astonishingly, Stack’s fellow stockholder initiatives to weaken James Madison College but majors board members agreed. They apartheid. in economics in the College of voted seven to one to junk a All that is well and good, and Business. She was denied the K e n t B a rry , s tu d e n t board thwJ proposal by board Chairperson long overdue, but the keystone — opportunity to be a candidate for Patricia Carrigan-Strickland and potential loophole — lies in the the business seat in the ASMSU seat. But a higher judiciaryl which would have called qpon following language: The trustees Student Board elections this since remanded the case bi firms with holdings in South Africa say they will begin divesting on spring even though she was the early decision was to implement “positive measures Dec. 1 unless they receive “suffi­ seeking to represent the students without solid evidence. to end oppression or weaken social cient evidence or assurances that in her major. It is unfortunate and Whether or not Lamb w iu | injustice” in the Pretoria regime. the affected firms have adopted ironic that the ASMSU Elections appeal and is validated as a L Instead the trustees voted for and are implementing positive Code and Commission would dis­ of Business candidate, the l much stronger wording, diametri­ measures to withdraw from the qualify a student from running for students hoping to vie for thcl cally reversing a long-standing Republic of South Africa." office simply because she has will have that opportunity. | and amoral policy. Under terms of chosen to take advantage of the student board sought to inte the resolution, MSU will begin to multitude of opportunities this in this chronology but was, L divest itself of stock in firms doing University offers its more indus­ nately, thwarted by election! business with South Africa on Dec. trious members. misioners wise enough to ■ 1,1978, unless these companies — Further, we have here a dan­ that to hold the business col including some of the biggest and gerous situation which allows the election before Lamb's wealthiest in the nation — abide student board to attempt, as it did, process would have been a I by the following terms, quoted to intervene in this election prob­ violation of her rights. verbatim: lem. Lamb was invalidated as a The ASMSU Student Bow •No new investment in South candidate before the election and a very specific constitution! Africa. immediately appealed the election code of operations which contL •No reinvestment of profits in commission's decision. Because detailed elections code. The! South Africa. the issue was unresolved the provides for an elections con •No expansion of facilities and “Positive measures" can be election has been postponed until sion to be appointed by the I operations in South Africa. interpreted in a purely subjective Lamb's appeals are exhausted. and to have full control o v e rl •No new licenses, affiliates or manner. And who is to determine This was a subjective but wise election including validation,! subsidiariesTn South Africa. what “sufficient evidence” is? So move by the election commission­ qualification and all initial appi •No operations in Bantustans, the trustees have left themselves ers. This system was instituto homelands,-or Namibia. an escape hatch if they decide that Lamb is now, for the second avoid the kind of political •No importation of technolo­ divestiture would be economically time, pleading her case to the scratching that can easily pnj gies, processes or equipment for imprudent. All-University Student Judiciary, in a situation like Kathy Lu use by the police, military or for Having said this, we do believe where she hopes to prove she is a social control. that the University community student in the College of Business Now it remains for the judii In addition, the trustees or­ should rejoice in what it has won. and gain approval to be a candidate to correct a ridiculous doj dered an end to investments in The resolution is a strong and in the delayed college seat elec­ standard that denies dual m| banks granting or renewing loans almost unprecedented endorse­ tion. In her first student judiciary their rights and to allow to South Africa, and endorsed ment of human rights. It's past hearing, the justices ruled against Lamb to compete with ... voting MSU proxies in support of time. Lamb, saying she is not a business business students for that colkj student and cannot run for the seat on the student board. B ear disp lay a ttitu d e s a re being formed. T he w ording of th e b ea r’s plaque, and its failure to mention Jam e s M arquardt Suzanne Dice constant encouragem ent kept me : through th e long campaign. th a t polar b ea rs a re now an endangered 1325 W. G rand R iver Why is the N atural Resources D ep art­ I would appreciate everyone's heL species, im plies th a t th e N atu ral R esources E a st Lansing ment displaying a polar bear th a t w as lulled cleaning u p th is cam pus. I didn't L D ep artm en t su p p o rts tro p h y hunting. Is 21 y ea rs ago for a trophy? The exhibit in the p u ttin g p o sters all over. Your helpinfl this w h at th e d ep a rtm en t w ants? g et them down and disposed of pro lobby of th e N atural R esources Building Jone§: thanks would be appreciated. If everyone i Red Cedar MSU cam pus and th e se slicks have been observed regularly since la st summer. seem s incongruous with a dep artm en t th at professes "dedication to help humankind W ashburne T ravel Agency in Lansing has a sim ilar, b u t iesa objectionable diaplay ta k e down one . . . I assum e the i B lueprints of th e sto rm sew er show th a t th e cope w ith h is/h e r environm ent, and to help candidates would like th e sam e help. of a tig er. Its plaque te lls o f th e tig er's My first th a n k s go to everyone who voted following area s a re drained b y th e system : seek efficient m eans of using, conserving, death from d isease a t a zoo and goes on to In tw o w eeks my w ork officially begi pollution hit th e F ee residence hall com plex, th e bio­ chem istry and botany buildings, th e vet and replenishing its resources". W hat's done is done. The b ear was shot strongly u rg e th a t you help conserve and in th e ASM SU elections d u rin g re g istra ­ tion. I'd love to list everyone who assisted look forw ard to doing everything p« to m ake ASM SU an organization you e p ro te ct th e se animals. This plaque is in my cam paign b u t I don’t w an t to occupy clinic, and life sciences com plex. One of 21 y ea rs ago. H owever, because of actions proud o f and tru s t. helping to fo ster an a ttitu d e of concern. The th is e n tire page. It would* be im possible to If you have been w ondering w here th e oil th ese sources is probably responsible for and attitu d es like those of 21 y ea rs ago, the N atu ral R esources D ep artm en t, by ignor­ L et’s keep com munications open. Con slick on th e Red C edar River is coming th is pollution. polar bears are now an endangered species. compile a list w ithout overlooking someone ing th e influence of its diaplay, ia not. me w ith y o u r ideas. from, you may need to look no fu rth e r than Each term , thousands of stu d en ts see this im portant. So, I’m b e tte r off w ith a genuine L e t's keep th e polar b ea r, b u t change th e Thanks again. T here a re several parking lots serviced thank you for all w ho helped. Michigan S tate U niversity. F o r a t least a polar b ear (which is, incidentally, portrayed plaque to reflect MSU'a concern for DanJ«J by th e sam e storm sew er and oil from Je a n n e P y ja r d eserv es v ery special week now, oil has covered th e Red C edar in a very unnatural pose). L et's face it, th e ir vanishing wildlife. ASM SU Student E autom obiles is a possibility. H ow ever, these thanks. H er optim ism , confidence and from H agadorn Road through th e campus. President^ lots have been d ry for th e past few d ay s and T he source of th e slick is a storm sew er oil continued to drain from th e sew er on em ptying into th e riv e r a t H agadorn Road. T hursday. This oil slick is only one of a series of spills into th e Red C edar over th e last year, T he R ed C edar R iver has m ade a DAN STICKLER according to th e Michigan United Conserva­ significant recovery from p a st abuses and I tion Clubs. L ast sum m er, MUCC reported oil spills to th e D epartm ent of N atural R esources Pollution Em ergency A lert Sys­ tem . B ut th e D NR attrib u ted th e spills to hope will continue to recover. B ut th e recen t oil slick show s w e have a long w ay to go. Since no w a te r quality analysis has been conducted of th e th e discharge a t H agadorn Dear non-point pollution from w aste m otor oil Rd., it is not known w hat o th e r pollutants dumped down a storm sew er and took no fu rth e r action. The DNR also said th e sew ers serviced a residential area and th a t these w ere isolated cases of pollution. may be associated w ith th e visible oil slick. It rem ains to be seen if MSU will ta k e step s to elim inate th e source of th is pollution. M ark. W. S tephens K athy . . . In fact, th e storm sew er serves only th e P ortland, Mi. D ear K athy Lamb. I am a "dual m ajor" stu d en t in M adiaon College, too. W hile you a re tak in g th e d eg ree req u irem en t for business, I'm tak in g th e req u irem en ts for journalism . Amazing th e w ay w e g e t shafted by th e Big U, isn 't it? F irst, we have to adm it, it is really nice being ab le to g et tw o m ajors in one college You and I are by virtue of the extra credits we pay. like two studenU. I li l The S ta te N ew s career, b ut w e do have to generally pay for 45 cred its m ore th an aingle d eg ree students. w h a » » if w ^ i T l P int Aj l MSU betwee" Madiaon and the school of busine*| Tot^fcr the Madison side? Could the business school trust you? Or would 7°*J Isn’t it too bad th e MSU com puter insists th a t we a re only Madiaon stu d en ts? T ue sday, A p r il 4, 1978 T he Journalism School, even in my fifth y e a r h ere an d ju s t tw o classes sh o rt of Kath.y ' tlu,t “ y°ur only problem and it would seem to me the probW l Editorials are the opinions o f th e State News graduation, knocked m e o u t of a crow ded lab section “because you a re not a journalism deveLeH V« Z n ! „ ‘n “ “ ASMSU representative. If such coaflidj V iew points, c o lu m n s major." perhap7 ° , u could ¿»qualify yourself from voting on the taaue. Of coursal a n d lette rs are perso n a l opinions. According to th e com puter, th e adm in istrato rs a r e rig h t. I am no m ore a journalism realising business students elected you, would th e n really ba a problem? | Editorial Department stu d en t than th e man in th e moon. Editor in chief........... 0Aichoef Tanimura Photo Editor ocnuTed lin m v ik a lT maJ°ra ^ y,ou' they would’ i( >ny kind of Intelligent votWl Managing Editor....... Moggie Walker Isn t it am azing th a t with ail th a t new-fangied com puter technology, th e reg istratio n F n n k l v T L S S u T " V dUil maj° r ' So 8hould the Pm ple decide o rth e courts I Kat Brown Entertoinment and Book Editor Kathy Essefmon 'Opinion Editor........... • Dove Misialowski program m ing cannot be keyed to le t ad m in istrato rs know we a re M adiaon-Journalism, dpnflrim.nl r ahame to * * ASM8U supporting tha fragmentation aodf Sports Editor........... tom Shanahan Special Projects Editor . Ralph Frammof/no Madison-Business? layouf Editor........... p ro U r/p re ^ rx ^ siv e ’ *" * U " “" ‘" P " ™ to l- r n in * U< I City Editor ................ . .. Michael Winter Deborah Heywood I used to v ent my an g er on th e journalism school, b u t now I can tell you. th e idiots Copy Chief............... . . . Kafhy Sze/'boch Campus Editor... Anne Stuart Freelance Editor ... Don Spickler behind th e whole thing are in th e A dm inistration Building, aa ia usually th e case. nf ^ f a“’ * * a™,ba?iCaUy here for B A - lnd B s - degree. , nd t h e n ia not t h a r t * I Wire Editor Jocelyn Laskowski * -------- ----- Staff m Representative u ii n e p iv iv rli And how about you? You a re a fine, upstanding stu d en t of business and a Madiaon hifr d f ^ " / * » i." J tW° categ°rie9' Half of ua do a lot of reading and w r ith f ® I ■Michelle Chambers half do a lot of math and precipitating. 8 1 Advertising Department refined politician to boot. Y et th e election! commission ju dges you ineligible to Sharon Seller Assistant Advertising Manager Denise Dear re p resen t th e College of B usiness because "you a re n o t a business m ajor.” T h at is bunk. to fight th“ thing ai1 tha ^ w* “duai ^ An old adage in journaliam »ays th a t when a dog b ites t man it is have budded and will soon leaf. Men are w earing cut offs and C r o n k it e ’s e n d o f (h e w o r ld r e p o r t not new s, b u t when a man bites a dog it ia new s. women a re w earin g h alter tops. EA ST LANSING — An E a st Lansing man ia being sought by T h ese a re n o t unusual pheonm ena for A pril, said MSU Professor The g re a t gray American prophet Cronkite police a fte r reportedly biting his neighbor's Siberian H usky. of S pring V ernal Equinox. Tells millions each evening the nation’s delight. John Jones, 45, of A lbert S t., slipped his leash and attacked “S p rin g happens ev ery y ear this tim e of y ear," Equinox said. Like ru b b er band cellos his vocal cords vibrate his neighbor's dog, police said. A ccording to Y usef Ben Chaim, well known H ebrew scholar, C hords from a CBS music sh eet maim: T he dog will have to undergo a aeries of painful rabies sh o ts if sp rin g will b e followed by sum m er. New words each night b ut th e tune is th e same. Jones is not spprehended soon. Fabrication of new s is not necessarily bad. A fter all. new spaper Now, w hat does this stupid episode show? pages and TV new s p rogram s have to say som ething, even if it’s Walt will light up on the night th e world ends F irs t, it shows th s t people are in terested in th e exceptional nothing. Tim e an d apace for news item s is limited, and gives rise to On millions of screens and they'll g et th e ad s in: ra th e r than th e average. This is common know ledge and not th e concepts of g o o d n ew sd ay s, on which legitim ate new s events “Buy up this dog food, you’ll never re g re t ’er; controversial. fill pages an d pro g ram s; and ‘bad news days," on which fro n t pages Ix*>ks ju st like ground beef and ta ste s even b etter!” Second, it shows th a t m edia wiU rep o rt th e exceptional before and th e N ightly N ew s ru n "tim eless featu res." Then back to C ronkite who aches to unfurl FRED VAN they re p o rt th e average. F o r exam ple, a week and a half o r so ago, new spapers p rinted Since politicos and governm ents usually don't work on Sundsys His next rep o rt on the death of th e world. la pessim ist m ight say they don't work any o th e r day either). pictures and TV broadcasters ran film of tig h tro p e w alker Karl Sunday night* and Monday m ornings h iv e more than th e ir sh are of Cronk pauses a moment; flash-thoughts he's inspecting Ia bt esv eld t W allenda's gruesom e fatal fall from a high-w ire. In dying color, th e non-news. While slimy TV dinners steam unsuspecting cam era followed W alienda's fall, his head-first bounce off a ca r, his I tru ly enjoy tim eless featu res. I enjoy w riting them . But some Of CBS unscheduled specials still pending — death. n ight I'd like to tu rn on th e CBS news to hear th e g re a t g rsy W ith help from the Sponsor. P rim e tim e for an ending. Showing th e film waa totally tasteless. But it w as N ew t. It A m erican p ro p h et W alter Cronkite say, "Nothing happened today. And so without further delay W alt prepares iffan proves th a t media will not hesitate to produce ogres if ogres a re w hat people w ant to te e . U nlike th e vulgarity of w atching a real w ar with real soldiers, not actors, bleeding and dying on TV news, th e not s& great snvm ore W allenda's fall wag pointlessly aired. As And th a t's th e way it i s . " Finally, non-new s ta k es one o th er form. It is known in broadcast m edia as is ad lib, and in p rint media as th e filler. To finish the world land his own long career). With m easured concern, W'alt confides to th e world That life as we know it will soon be curtailed. dying soldiers bring home th e ho rro r of w ar, dying W allendas Fillers are ev ery w h ere. T h e y are sh o rt blotchy blurbs which fill Right after, of course, this one last vital ad: bites bring home th e horror of media. Yet m em bers of th e media do not spend til th e ir tim e chasing am bulances. T here are tim es when th e re a re no am bulances to chase. W allenda does not die every day. little em p ty sp o ts in th e "new s hole." In the S tate N e w s they are usually cutesy and alw ays dumb. They derive from th e Associated P ress. H ere is a n exam ple of a filler: The D etroit Tigers' a n n u a l Bat Day Get baking soda as a cologne gift for Dad!” The CBS eye will then cancel all shows Due to technical difficulties it can’t control. On days when W allenda does not die, media And o th e r new s. That* i how it will be. the end of all tim e - last - was a sm acking s u c ce ss. O v e r 8,000 b a ts w ere a d m itte d free EA ST LANSING — Snow hss m elted and lawna are greening in w ithout ch arg e. t r ie f. to th e point, like W alt s paradigm. dog this m ega-university com m unity, according to authorities. In an exclusive investigation, a gran d ju ry has verified the spreading fertilizer rum or th a t S pring has Come. Blossoms are blooming profusely, according to th e rep o rt. T rees Fillers a re disgusting. • 0• T he accom panying poem is n o t eloquent in a technical sense, b u t it g e ts th e point across. A - to d d le rs ;n h ig h rh a irs ch oke dow n th e ir s tra in e d c a rr o ts ! he T V b lin k s o ff and ta ke s e v e ry th in g w ith it. C h o rd - fro m an a lm ig h ty m usic s h e e t show A do id w o rld to n ig h t — g u e ss th e r a tin g s w e re low. j D r THE IRANIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION ■ the Iranian peopl* w ere welcoming leginning of i l » Iranian New Year, Hunger striking for human rights * The new s blackout of th is action be lifted im m ediately to let th e w orld know w hat is going on in the prisons of Iran. • A team of international o b serv ers be to gain th e ir rights and fighting new s m edia has not rep o rted th is heroic su p p o rt to " th e m ost dictatorial regim e on allowed to inspect Iran 's prison conditions. acisi regim e of the shah, Iranian Iranian revolutionary organizations, th e London. Stokholm. Opeala, Mila . . . ■ prisoners w ere on a massive action by thousands of vigilant prisoners. th e face o f th e e a rth (A m nesty In te rn atio n ­ O IPFG and th e OMPI, is a reflection of our In support of the dem ands of the 10.000 The stru g g le of th e political prisoners in l r strike to protest prison conditions T he dem ands of th e prisoner* i r e i s al).’’ people's determ ination to fight for th e ir ju st political prisoners and in solidarity with Iran is a ju s t stru g g le and n eeds to be I t treatment of prison officials tow ard follows: It is th e U.S. g o v ern m en t's intelligence rights. th e ir heroic resistance and struggle in the supported by all who are tru ly concerned Irisoners. As of today, th e hunger • T he harassm ent of and th e a s s iu lt on th a t tra in s th e Iranian secret police shah’s prison cham bers, we in the Iranian about human rig h ts. We urge all dem ocratic J « in its 20th day (since March 15). th e prisoners by police com m andos and (SAVAK) how to to rtu re . I t w as u n d er In su p p o rt and solidarity w ith th e recent S tu d en ts Association in East Lansing have and p rogressive people in th e U.S. to join us ■shah's regim e has m aintained a SAVAK a g e n ts be com pletely stopped. C a rte r’s adm inistration, and m ore because "h u n g er strik e s" in Iran, th e Confederation staged a hunger strik e for an indefinite in o u r stru g g le in support of th e Iranian le t» news blackout and th e W estern • T he prisoners be allowed to com m uni­ of his personal req u est to th e S en ate th a t of Iranian S tu d en ts has stag ed many period of tim e and or until the dem ands of political prisoners. L e tte rs of p ro te st and ca te w ith th e outside world. $1.2 billion of th e m ost sophisticated h u n g er strik e s th roughout th e U.S. and th e political prisoners in Iran are m et. In inquiry should be sen t to: T he Em bassy of • Fam ilies and friends of political prison­ weapons w ere sold to th e sh ah 's regim e. E urope, such as th e ones in W ashington, addition to th e political prisoners ju st Iran, 3005 Mase. Ave. N.W., W ashington, e rs be allow ed to visit. M r. C a rte r has sen t th e Indo-China w ar D .C ., O klahom a, Ann A rbor, F ran k fu rt, dem ands we also dem and th at: D.C. • P rison conditions be im proved. crim inal William Sullivan as his re p re s e n ta ­ T he fact th a t political prisoners have tiv e to Iran . In Iran M r. C a rte r’s hum an DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau w aged th is hu n g er strik e for such basic rig h ts have m ean t su p p o rtin g and arm ing rig h ts show s th e degree to which th e shah's th e ahah's regim e. WELL, rrs BEES A Oh Ç jô r' uhPH AVEm PU Pie Se t m 6m s propaganda campaign about th e “b e tte r ­ N ev erth eless, th e Iranian people's s tru g ­ PLEASURE R1Q1N6 JAS* Vr SEEN UP TO SINCE MtSSIHEHBCK m ent of prison conditions,” “R elase of th e gle ag ain st rep ressio n and injustice by th e tUfTH YOU, REPFEPS! 7HE ¿CS" 0 ■x c v E z n t a u m O UTOFTHE political prisoners" and "not using to rtu re " shah’s fascist dictato rsh ip and hia im perial­ 6/VE MY BEST TO 1POS* PAPER 7 SC IE M M E N T, AN V- TOOSWR.HUH? is devoid of any real substance. ist su p p o rte rs is grow ing rapidly. T he EVERYONE 47 juA y? \ T he recent nation-w ide hu n g er s trik e in rece n t m ilitan t m ass d em o n stratio n in THE 'TIM ES'1Ç Iran also show s th a t political p riso n ers in T eh ran , T abriz, Ghom and o th e r cities have t V * ",in Iran do not sit quiet b u t r a th e r have w aged shown th e grow ing p a tte rn of dissatisfac this heroic stru g g le to expose th e shah’s tion am ong th e people. The people, w hose p ropaganda cam paign and M r. C a rte r's basic dem ands h ave not been m et. cam e to false "concern" for hum an rig h ts. J u s t like th e s tre e ts of Iran ian cities and attack ed o th e r U.S. adm inistrations which g iv e full go v ern m en t estab lish m en ts to show th e ir support to th e shah’s d ictatorial regim e, anger. M r. C a rte r e v e r since his inauguration has T he w o rk ers’ strik e s, th e stu d en ts' not only neglected th e conditions of to tal d em o n stratio n s and th e stru g g le of p ro g res­ repression in Iran, but has also given its full sive clergy, along w ith th e stru g g le of irge Bean Bags tr Fun Sitting |N.w *17.93 t z : ” 1 R,g.'24.45 Pillow Talk Furniture 5 F IV E Y E S F IV E TUESDAYS lost Wast Moll. Frundor Moll 551-1747 Great American Printmakers From the East Lansing area CAMP OAKLAND Meet on the ultimate battleground Not the Whitney or the Met But in M S U 's own (Slide Presentation Union Gallery “Summer Camp Job Opportunities" Kim Bauer Douglas Mayhe* Nancy / ohnsen Blueerass Bands C hris lru esd ell Wednesday, April 5 C hristine C ulhns 2:30 p.m. In P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s The Union Gallery Cheap Beer ■C M v o O o OO 0 ° oo° .O c P °nO O ' 9 > °o COmPUTER LABORATORY OO 00 n =o 0 ° n °0 o 0 o O o° o qO .0 °o oO o O ° ° o°0°o 0oO 0° o ° l •°o : " TOURS o O lii t A d . i v S it u is T h e C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry s ta ll w ill c o n d u c t to u rs ■mi mu of th e C o m p u te r C e n te r lo r n ew u sers o f th e M SU HOBIE’S c o m p u tin g facility . E ach to u r co n sists o f a slide p re s e n ta tio n , a d iscu ssio n o f th e fu n c tio n a n d o p e ra tio n o f th e C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry , a n d a 11*11 l i . i s e ,i w a lk in g to u r o f th e b u ild in g . T h e to u rs s ta rt in I n il« ' ( < m I I i m r . R o o m 215 a t th e fo llo w in g tim es. * I •«‘»in I I . I l l s V April 3 1:00 p.m. t <1 I i n n s ' • n i l f . i l ih t> V lh April 4 April 5 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 930 Trowbridge April 6 3:00 p.m. April 7 11:00a.m . When rock was king By BILL HOLDSHIP prom oted m ore ahowa soon A m erica* H at w „ State News Reporter after. T he point ia th a t 1959 jr a r k . to finally vjJ ‘Hot Wax’ luminizes rock “ROCK 74 ROLLI!” is th e wouldn't have boon th e “F irst F reed. F o r years, he h „ u prim al scream h eard a t every A nniversary Rock 7 f Roll ^ « a p a y o U c r iJ concert today from Fleetwood Show" as th e movie m akes it. reality, th e “criminal.," Mac to Iggy Pop, and y e t ask those w ho signed list, wd* any given m em ber of th e audi­ If th e movie was correct. essence, w ere like the I ' ence who A lan F reed was and Teenage Louise (loosely based and w rite rs who finked on 3 By BYRON BAKER do-wah, do-wah-bee in a prim i­ is F reed , w arm im perturbable, of expression. anym ore. Indeed, M utrux has th e ir reply would probably be on Carole King) would h iv e Commies” during SU te News Reporter tiv e recording studio, o r th e and u tterly excited by ev ery ­ It is a p o rtra it o f th a t kind of effectively paced th e p ictu re in A s e r i e u Hot Wax — th e rhythm of a Buddy Holly tu n e thing having to do w ith rock *n “Alan who?" P erh ap s th e g re a t­ w ritten alm ost half o f th e '50a M cCarthy era. As Freed', larger-than -life influence which term s o f th e rh y th m s and bop being spun by deejay F reed, roll. H e cares ab o u t th e music, e s t achievem ent of American RAB songs. H owever, none of stated in a recent inter** first hour of it, a t le ast — is M utrux an d his scen arist have o f th e tu n e s featu red in his film likely th e g re a te s t rock 'n roll th e use of music in th e film is and th e kids sense it; they tru s t Hot W as ia th a t it finally th is really m a tte rs. The point is “T he reason my father determ ined h ere to p ain t, and (very few of which, by th e way, movie ev e r to come o u t of extraordinarily affecting and him, look up to him. W hether im m ortalizes and pays trib u te th a t people like Teenage Louise b u sted w as not th at he th e d ire cto r has tu rn e d to a a re actually h eard all th e way Hollywood. im m ediate (in V ariety's review , listening to a suddenly assem ­ to (arguably) th e first “king ol really did ex ist. G roups like th e up. I t’« because he w a, M | , traditional sty le o f m ovie­ through — see Bill Holdahip'a T he film concerns a few key a w rite r noted, "Exhibitors bled ensem ble of voices eag er rock 'n roll“ and th e m an who fictional C hesterfielda (baaed love w ith th e music and he , 1 m aking w ith which to d o it. accompanying sto ry fo r th e indisputably coined th e term . on F rankie Lymon A The blind. N othing else matteMl days in th e ca re er of legendary should play th e film a t very to try o u t for him, o r perhaps American H ot Wax resem b les straig h t poop). Teenagers) really did g e t th e ir D efinitely n o t a criminal disc jockey-im presario Alan high sound volume for m axi­ brushing a te a r aw ay as a nothing so much as an "A" U nfortunately, desp ite th e F reed d id n 't really invent th e s ta rt singing “Do W op" h ar­ th e movie conveys this F reed in 1959. T he plot is mum audience im p a c t. . . ”). moved fan (Moosie D rier) de­ program p ictu re m ade at big build-up. th e big A nniver­ p h rase “rock 'n roll.” In fact, an monies on streetco rn o rs. A fter adm ittedly thin, and th e sto ry ­ American Hot Wax deals scribes w h at th e la te Buddy W arner B ro th ers in th e *30*s; it sary Concert which en d s th e early 19th cen tu ry sea song all, th e real s ta r of A m ericas line's a ttitu d e tow ard specific w ith th e last days of th e rapidly Holly m eant to him, o r cheering has been d irected w ith v erv e film — and F re e d 's reign — is W hat stru ck me m o st, included th e line, “Oh do me H ot W a s ia pu re roek 'n roll, facts o r history of rock is crum bling hierarchy of WABC along w ith th e crow d a t his big and breakneck speed, and not as effective a s th e begin­ Am erican H ot Wax i, Johnny B ow ker, come rock 'n and rock has always been baaed cavalier a t best. B ut th e people (New York) disc jockey Alan A nniversary Concert, th e man sp o rts th e kind o f en erg etic ning tw o-thirds. T h e re is some­ sim ilar th e music industry roll w ith m e,“ and a lyric found on m yths to an ex ten t. The rock who m ade th e film — director F reed (brilliantly portrayed by is th e prim e m over, th e pio­ perform ances contem porary thing left undeveloped and tics of t h i t e ra are to our ( in th e fire dance of Florida's portrayed is rock before big Floyd M utrux and musical su ­ Tim M clntire), and th e events neer, as it w ere, of a new form m ovies rarely seem to featu re unexploited in th e scene; p e r­ I t d em o n strates that the obeah w orshippers w as “Bimini business — when it was a p ervisor K enny Vance in p arti­ leading up to F reed 's big, haps it has som ething to do re n t New W ave music i, g tl is a rocker and a roller." religion — and perhapa th e cular — have infused th e controversial "F irst A nniversa­ w ith th e fact th a t up until th en , p u re s t form of rock n W hat F reed did invent, how­ m ost touching mom enta in th e screenplay w ith enough en e r­ ry Rock 'n Roll Show" to be th e audience h as been p a r t of today. Like early rock, » ev er, w as a te rm to describe a film are th e scenes which depict gy, good n atu re and, above all, held a t th e cavernous Brooklyn th e music, an d suddenly w e a re blacklisted by most ,tat new youthful lifestyle and Freed escaping th e harsh realit­ music to overfill six o r seven Param ount. F reed, th e man sh u t out, left simply to w atch m anagers and damned by m ovem ent reflected by a r e ­ ies of his life with th e magic in movies. usually credited w ith coining and listen. I t d o esn 't help th a t media. CA SE IN P o in t volutionary new music. th e music. American Hot W ax is a th e p h rase (or is it a word?) J e r r y Lee Lew is looks incredi­ scene in th e movie show celebration of th e roots of rock "rock ‘n roll," is less th e focus of bly old, and ia n o t a t all in top In 1952, F reed w as a 29-year - station m an ag er arguing The m ost factual aspects 'n roll. A homage to a tim e K aye's scrip t than th e ce n ter of form (though th e ap p aren tly old m ild-m annered disc jockey F reed ov er playing Liu] involve th e vicious attack s when rock w as less a highly it; th e driving personality ageless Chuck B erry does v ery broadcasting from W JW in R ichard's “T u tti F nitti" 0r against th e music during th a t m erchandised and synthesized around which or because of well in a b rie f set). G eveland, a “good music" s ta ­ air. F reed replies, “The era. A rticles from th e period big business than a kind of raw , which th e action revolves. From M cln tire, M utrux has tion. A local record dealer th in g you'll have me plavii cite rock as a source of “Brain passionate form of harm onic T here's Sheryl (Fran draw n a su p erb perform ance. P a t Boone!" One could il; hipped F reed to how much dam age, Communism, and joy. W hen th e music, th e n in its D rescher) and Mookie (Jay T here a re a lot of holes in visualize th e sam e scene to, w hite kids liked th e non­ prom iscuity." It w as an anti- infancy, w as th e new guiding Leno), tw o aides to F reed who K aye’s conception o f th e ch ar­ commercial black rhythm b esis to T h e ir" A m erica, and A deejay ia acolded for play force for a nation of teenagers; are continually sizing each ac te r (i.e., w h at is F reed 's blues records, snd when he eventually even th e U.S. gov­ Elvis (Costello). He replk and th e thing w as to sing it, other; Lennis Richfield (Jeff priv ate life like, is he o r is he devoted a whole radio show to ern m en t got involved. T heir “T he n ex t th in g you'll have listen to it, be a p a rt of it. Those Altm an), an am bitious record not tak in g payola) b ut it, he used th e p hrase “rock 'n strateg y w as th e payola scandal pity in g Boone (Debby! a re th e kind of feelings which prom oter; T eenage Louise M clntire’s p o rtra y al ia suffi­ roll" to elim inate th e racial hearings of 1960 which brought Vu strik e s again! M utrux and scenarist John (Laraine Newman, of NBC's ciently charism atic and all- stigm a attach ed to rhythm th e d estru ctin of F reed. K aye have sought to revive, Saturday N ight), a young song­ encom passing th a t th e acto r & bluea. H ow ever, it m ight be and if only according to press w rite r (evidently based upon seem s to fill an y gaps in th e role W ith Elvis in th e arm y, th a t big business ha, HI rep o rts, th e y have succeeded in th e young Carole King) who on his ow n. H e is u tte rly G ev elan d w as still largely a Chuck B erry in prison, L ittle invaded F reed 's tribute A r a t least one respect: th e a te r seem s to have w ritten two- believable, even when h e ad­ seg reg ated tow n, b u t th e new Richard in th e sem inary, and cent ad for th e movie had ti operators are rep o rtin g th a t a thirds of th e fifties' rock clas­ m its to th e D .A. (in an alm ost te rm d id n 't m ake F reed o r th e both J e r r y Lee Lewis and following statem en t: "PAR large num ber of th e film's sics; an equally young q u artet music any m ore acceptable to corny line practically g u aran ­ Freed blacklisted, “th ey " had MOUNT STARTED audiences a re singing along of singers (The Chesterfields) th e tow n's elders. “Roek n roll" teed to b rin g cheers from a succeeded in virtually d estro y ­ W HOLE DISCO CRAd w ith th e film. who are always w aiting outside had been a common expression sizable audience) n ea r th e end, ing rock 'n roll, although S urf WITH IT S SA T U R N l M utrux and K aye obviously F reed's office for an im prom ptu on “race" records (w hat the "You m ight atop m e, b u t you’ll music helped keep th in g s lively NIGHT FEVER. WE NO? love rock ‘n roU; no o th e r audition, and finally, th e m enac­ never sto p rock 'n roll." non-believers called it) for until th e first New W ave A RE PR OU D TO TAKE YOL pictu re has ev e r evoked th e ing D istrict A ttorney (John D irector o f photography y ea rs — as a m etaphor (or arrived from B ritian in 1964. BACK TO IT S ROCK 'N ROil kind of intoxicating feel th a t Lehne), who leads a decency William A. F rak er, a freq u en t (gasp!) sexual intercourse. Be­ Alan F reed died penniless in ROOTS." Good God! Poor L th e music m u st have created group determ ined to p u t a lid collaborator w ith M utrux, has fore long, F reed has gained Jan u ary 1965. He was 43. is probably rolling in his grid when it w as new. W hether th e on th e whole "rock 'n roll done a splendid jo b . local n otoriety as a “nigger simple harm onization of pick-up perversion," before it corrupts The P aram ount p ictu re is a t lover” and legal harassm ent» groups on a s tre e t corner, o r a a whole generation. T im M c ln tire •§ A lan F r e e d in P n ra m o u n t’s " A m e r­ th e M eridian E ig h t T h eatres. ensued. sudden im provisation of a Throughout th e movie th e re ican H o t W ax ." N onetheless, th e kids LOVED it. It was finally some­ thing could call th e ir own, and Collectors conned by pirated discs th e m ore th e ir p aren ts com­ plained, th e louder th ey cran k ­ ed it up. A lan F reed and his nightly “M oondog's Rock 71 Roil P a rty " becam e a national By DAVE DiMARTINO fied for giving th e A m erican m aining stock of Ampex re­ institution. W hen Elvis, and The live Y ardbirds album — w ith cut-out records. From State News Staff W riter record-buying public re ­ cords w ere sold to cut out rock 'n roll by w hites broke, he originally released in th e early th e re, th e L P s a re sold to E ditor's note: This is th e fir s t cordings th e “big" com panies dealers, and eventually the played th e b est o f it w ith discs 70s until a law suit by Jim m y individual sto res, and, a t th a t in a series o f articles dealing w ouldn't allow to be released. en tire stock of R undgren LPs by his favorite black artists. P age pulled it off th e m ark et — level, thorough inventory pro­ w ith record and tape bootleg­ Of course, th e "big" companies was sold out th ro u g h various W hen th e record industry could suddenly be found in tw o cedures a ren ’t usually kept. ging and its effect on the and th e actual a rtis ts (who saw record sto res' cut-out bins. seized control of th e music and versions: one w ith a black and Thus, bootleggers can sell th e ir Am erican record industry. no royalties w hatsoever from Hence, to record collectors, tried to ta m e it w ith w hite w hite cover, and an o th er w ares directly to such com­ You’re a record collector. any of th e bootlegs) w ere th e R unt LP rem ained unavail “cover” versions (i.e., P at "legal” version, released by panies w ithout w orrying about You w ent to a record conven­ particularly displeased w ith th e able for y ears. U ntil, m y steri­ Boone recorded F a ts Domino's I I . S u tto n Records, a cut-out com­ interference from record com­ tion, looking for ra re records, situation and instructed th e ir ously, th e album resurfaced in “A in't T h a t A Shame"), Freed pany, which again was panies. The cut-out dealers and you’d thought you’d found legal staffs to deal w ith th e cut out bins in 1976. refused to play them . By 1954, prom ptly w ith d raw n a fte r ano­ generally don’t c a re ab o u t th e ir one. R ight th e re in th e racks, problem accordingly. This tim e around, how ever, F reed w as so popular, h e was th e r law suit th re a t by Page. supply sources; th e y are, typi­ behind th e soundtrack to BOdai However, because of a few th e LP looked slightly differ­ asked to come to New York's The u ltim ate violation came cally, in it for th e money. Beach, you found a copy of th e vital omissions in th e national ent. T he cover looked hazy, as W IN S for th e unheard of sum of with th e reap p earan ce of th e record you thought you'd never B ut th e tale of th e Runt 975,0C0 a year. There Are But Four Smalliacea find. G raham P a rk e r and the bootleg has an in terestin g LP, which not only had the R umour's Live a t the Marble ending. Todd R undgren, who American Hot W ax is very Arch. What s happening now in the bootleg world is usual black-and-w hite cover, inaccurate historically. The bu t accidentally included th e has been planning for y ea rs to So you bring it home. I t cost considerably stranger and slightly more insidi­ re-release th e Runt and Ballad movie is s e t in 1959. Freed photograph of th e hole punched you $15, but you're happy. As ous than those relatively innocent days o f the in th e original LP to den o te its L P 's on his c u rre n t label, saw actually stag ed his first concert you've been told, th e L P is a Rubber Dubber. In brief people are paying for cut o ut statu s. th e deluge of Runt bootlegs on in G eveland du rin g M arch of real find, a ra rity th a t w as records that they aren*t actually getting. th e m a rk et an d prom ptly, no 1952. On th e n ight of th e show, A p a tte rn em erged. M ost of released only to British disc doubt w ith visions o f winged betw een 20,000 and 30,000 kids jockeys and press people. How Bootlegging has moved on to greener pastures: th e se co u n terfeit discs eith er showed up a t an aren a th a t had w ere originally released on dollars flying aw ay from him, th e L P found its way in th e record conterfeiting. sued w h at w as left o f Ampex a capacity o f 10,000. The kids now-defunct reco rd labels — racks o f th e D etroit dealer you R ecords for th e ir inability to sm ashed th e doors open and such as A m pex (which provided bought it from is som ething you thoroughly account for th e r e ­ overw helm ed th e police. The th e Runt bootleg and th e first a ren 't especially in terested in. copyright laws, several of these if it had been photocopied. It surfaced L Ps. A m pex, quite show w as cancelled (“ everybody Steeleye Span L P , which was Maybe you should be. bootlegs couldn’t actually be had. T he p ressin g w as poor, as natu rally d istu rb e d th a t th e had such a gran d tim e breaking also counterfeited) and Ode The P a rk e r L P cost you $15, considered illegal. The law if it w as a low-priority ru sh job, volume of Ront bootlegs actu­ into th e aren a," F reed la ter Records, affiliated w ith CBS at b u t it only cost th e dealer $3 or didn't extend to sound r e ­ which, in fact, it was. And ally exceeded th e ru n of th e said, “th a t th ey d id n 't u k for th e tim e o f The C ity's release. $4 a t m ost. T he reason? The cordings in th e sam e m anner it finally, th e lyric sh eet sleeve, original, called in a few investi­ th e ir money back.”) b ut he C o u n terfeiters th en becam e a C huck B e rry la c o n c e rt in “A m e ric a n H o t W e*.’ album you bought ISN 'T Bri­ did to printed m a tte r and, as a included in all of th e original gators. F inally, an u nfortunate little m ore daring, and pro­ tish, ISN 'T ra re , and isn't even result, those odd little 8-tracks R unt L Ps, ju s t w asn 't th ere. cut-out com pany b ased in P en n ­ ceeded to produce bootlegs of legal. by m ajor a rtis ts being sold a t S to res found th a t th e y could sylvania w as visited by th e FBI L P s deleted by still-functioning You’ve ju s t sp en t $15 on a truck stops, bootlegs them ­ ord er "unlim ited qu an tities” of and w as found to be holding companies. bootleg LP. A little background, first: Bootlegs a re nothing new in th e music industry. They’ve selves, couldn't be halted. The only recourse record com panies has w as an in te r­ this supposedly very r a r e al­ bum and, typically, th e y did. Suddenly, s tra n g e things Y et co u n terfeiters knew th a t th ey w ere on relativ ely safe ground by w orking w ith d e­ ab o u t 40,000 Runt L P s, which w ere p rom ptly seized along w ith an equally larg e volume of Cockburn: Canadian higl esting one — salesm en told w ere ap p earin g in th e cu t out Dylan bootlegs, bought by the leted album s. M ost com panies By STEVE SZILAGYI been around in several forms, record sto res th a t th e ir com­ bins. Copies of The City, Carole com pany from an obscure Ita ­ death; y e t C ockburn san g ab o u t death witto keep com plete reco rd s on th e State Newt Reporter from 78s and early sheet music pany's product wouldn’t be King’s rock g ro u p w ith Danny lian reco rd com pany. B ut th a t's being depressing. volume o f album s th e y produce, One ju s t can’t say enough good things about in th e '30s to th e m ore cu rren t available to them if they con­ Kootch, popped u p w ith a an o th er sto ry . b u t once any reco rd is cu t from Bruce Cockburn. album s and 45s now being tinued carry in g bootlegs. In black-and-w hite cover, which As his music showed no h int of ssdnesaj a com pany's catalogue, th e The elusive singer and g u itarist made one of produced. In th e ir earliest 1975, a bill passed which pro­ w as particularly odd since th e NEXT; A LOOK AT “PRO­ showed no t r u e o f scorn. Even his songs of sodi rem aining supply is usually sold his ra re v en tu res out of Canada th is w eekend for form, m ost bootlegs contained tected m usic by a sim ilar copy­ original L P had a color cover. MOTIONAL BOOTLEGGING- p ro te st displayed no an g e r — ju s t bewildennd to com panies specially dealing four shows a t th e Black Sheep R epertory th e a te r music and jazz; rock right sta tu te , and finally th e sn d pity. Songs like “L a u g h ter,” which litersl bootlegs en tered th e m ark et­ industry had caught up with T h e ater in M anchester. S atu rd ay night he m akes one laugh a t th e ignorance of the worm place w ith th e advent of Sun th e bootleggers, a t least tem ­ displayed th e sam e musical perfection he problem s, o r “F re e To Bo," whieh Cocktor Records' Elvis, J e rry Lee Lewis and Carl P erkins 78s. Significantly, they have never porarily. W hat’s happening now in th e bootleg w orld is considerably Oscars have tight security brought w ith him la st fall when he appeared with R andy Newman in Fairchild T h e ater here on campus. dedicated to th e W estern G uard — th e Cana equivalent of th e John Birch Society - * sung w ith optim ism , n o t malice. left. stra n g e r and slightly m ore No doubt about it; Cockburn ia one of th e b e; It's too b sd h w re people in th is neck of t HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Amid tig h t security, h er to leave h e r Broadw ay play, Golds. gu itar fingerpickers in th e business. He’s the The first relevant m ention -- insidious than those relatively woods can’t h ear th e music o f Bruce Cockbw the leading figures of th e film world g ath ered at All th e su pporting ac tress nominees w ere and unspoken approval - of innocent days of th e R ubber 0* ™ r ° f tw o m arvelously synchronized hands, Ho to u rs th e U nited S ta te s infrequently and k th e Los A ngeles Music C enter on Monday for the expected to atten d th e O scarcast: Leslie Browne, rock bootlegs occurred in Dubber. In brief, people a re which make his music flow o ut alm ost effortless­ records a re often h ard to find. Thus, he’s 1 50th p resen tatio n of Motion P ictu re Academ y Quinn Cummings, M elinda Dillon, R edgrave and Rolling Stone magazine soon paying for records th e y aren ’t ly. Brandishing a custom -built, slightly tinny- very well-known on th is p a r t of th e cont A wards. Tuesday Weld. Only P e te r F irth am ong support­ afte r th e Stones 1969 A m erican actually getting. Bootlegging sounding cutaw ay six strin g , he can produce ing actor nom inee, accepted th e Academ y's evidenced b y th e m onger audience that tour. R ecordings of th a t tour, has moved on to g reen e r pas­ A 50-foot inflated replica of O scar ro se above some of th e m ost eth ereal sounds ev e r to come up a t th e B lu k Sheep S atu rd a y night. ■ invitation. o ut of a wooden box. released under such nam es as tu res: record counterfeiting. th e dow ntow n pavilion, and 500 police, sh eriffs On a d ifferent note, opening th e show -*1 Liver Than You'll Ever Be, A case in point: Todd Rund- deputies and p riv a te officers guarded th e event. Cockburn', music ia not lyrically th a t im pres­ Cockburn w ere th e Silvertoncs, a half-Wl R edgrave’s appearance a t th e Oscar ceremony opened th e door for th e mass gren’s first L P Runt, released Jew ish and A rab d em o n strato rs w ere expected sive. As he said Saturday, his music ia mostly half-good blues and awing band who sounded libl came in connection w ith her nomination for best distribution of bootlegs. Soon in 1970. T h a t L P , which con­ to ap p e ar to p ro te st and to support, respectively, instrum ental, w ith verbal accom panim ent.” His th ey ’r e uned to playing th e high-volume M l su pporting actresa as a N azi-fighter in JuHa. But available w ere bootlegs of th e tains R undgren's first AM hit, nominee V anessa R edgrave, producer of a talen t lies in his instrum entation. circuit. I it w as her n arration and financing of The Stones, Dylan and his en tire “W e G otta G et You A Woman," pro-Palestinian docum entary film. He sticks to th e high positions on th e guitar, The Silvertonoa used dru m s, n strin g bass, toil Palestinians th a t drew th e w rath of th e Jew ish Basem ent Tapes series, and, w as th e first release on th e basing much of his music on th e m ore haunting D efense League. Meanwhile, th e Palestinian tw o m tssivo, electric, f-hoie Gibsons to recres«| eventually, CSN&Y’s famous newly-formed A m pex record A mong th e b est perform er nominees, only minor keys. It is th e type of music th a t evokes L iberation Organization planned a counter- th e music of n tim e w hen blues w as evolving into! Wooden Nickel session. label. U nfortunately, w hen th a t Woody Allen and Anne B ancroft w ere ap p aren t heavenly im ages; one can sit back, w ith eyes dem onstration in support of th e actress. rock and roll. Like I said, th e y w ere half g0**! label w ent under, Runt, its no-shows. Allen, nom inated as acto r, w rite r and closed, and le t th e mind soar. W ith th e rapid rise of boot­ One g u itarist w u genius sn d one w as a d r " successor The Ballad of Todd director of Annie Hall has repeatedly s tated his Songs like “A rrow s of Light" w ere m eant to be one song w as g re a t, sn d th e n e x t dreadful- ,. legs, various bootleg manu­ Bob Hope retu rn ed to th e aw ards as sole Rundgren and even J e s se Win­ disfavor of com petition for artistic endeavor. felt, not listened to. “Joy Will Find a W a y " facturers such as th e R ubber em cee for th e first tim e since 1968. He started T h eir choice o f old tu n e s like “Money Honefi L chester's first L P w ent along Bancroft, nominated for The Turning Paint, was which he played on g u itar with a sot of tinkling Dubber w ere tem porarily glori- with O scar in 1939, and th is y ea r m arked his 23rd "FUp, Flop, F |y ," sn d stu ff by Chuck Berry » » I with it. Boon after, th e re- rep o rted recovering from an illness th a t forced wind chim es dangling from his arm , hand th a t appearance. en tertain in g . B u t it d id n 't g e t me ready t* ! sam e spiritual quality. It was a song about Cockburn, w ho's in s d ifferent musical univers* ! . KI«W». Eoat lo n t ln g , M ich ig an lome fetal research prohibited any lnveatigationa on embryon­ \gSSSP ic tiaaues." Amniocentesis, a six-year-old te sta should b e legal. A la ter revision specifically s ta te d they would not be prohibited. However, a M arch of D imes official who ask ed n o t to be nam ed said th e phase-out is 4 A spokesperson for th e com­ m itte e likened th e foundation’s screening and te stin g program s medical procedure, involves In­ “T he rationale behind th e designed in p a rt to p ressu re to "search and d estro y o p era­ serting e hollow needle through original bill waa such th a t it C ongress into funding a federal tions" th a t seek o u t handi­ would prohibit 'l o n t t a r a women's abdomen into the w as slanted to th e pro-life program on genetic diseases. capped children before th ey a re womb, extracting tome amnio groups,“ W yckoff said. “The T h e re a re 83 p ro je cts th a t frtal r c » u 'eh “ lh* ' born in o rd er to d estro y them I ‘ h -,ul»t*ntUlly jeopw- tic fluid surrounding the fetus pro-abortion groups w anted to stan d to lose ab o u t $2 million in by abortion. f t l,(o or h « Jth of the and analyxing cast-off fetal cells open it up because, politically, foundation g ran ts. " It’s ridiculous," a spokesper­ found in the fluid. it w aa aim ed to discourage T he d isp u te b etw een th e son for th e M arch of Dimes | v„. f,im or neonat* K’j , this section, nontner abortion.“ foundation and th e anti-abor said. "This (am niocentesis) is a I n a r c h rould not be M ore questions about fetal tion g roup is ce n tered around medical service th a t has to be L , „ on .n embryo or research and diagnostic proce th e use of am niocentesis. offered to people." 1 known by the r e s e m h .r “People were a- d u res a re now being raised by In J u n e 1976, th e N ational The foundation recom m ends I the suhjt'Ct of * p ro lifers. T heir m ost recen t R ight to Life C om m ittee ad o p t­ th e te s t for th re e categories of fraid that doctors efforts have been aim ed a t th e ed a resolution ask in g th e lion being performed for women: those who have given C o r reason than to pro- might be suggesting N ational Foundation M arch of b irth previously to an infant (he life of the mother. abortions to pregnant Dimes which provides p rac­ w ith a h ered itary defect, those I Wus would be presumed women so that they tically th e only su p p o rt for w ho have reason to believe — | „ he the subject of an would be able to con­ p renatal diagnostic te s ts in th e through screening o r family L n i f . b e mother signed » U nited S tates. “The rationale be­ history — th a t th ey o r th e ir duct research. " —Dr. The M arch of Dimes, pioneer hind the original bill L e n t at the time of the husbands a re carry in g a defec­ I r r h stating she was not James Higgins, MSU organization in genetic counsel was such that it was tiv e gene and women o v er 35 line an abortion. Genetic Clinic • ing and research, is cu rren tly slanted to the pro-life who a re p reg n an t for th e first ] James Higgins, of the phasing out its su p p o rt of groups. The pro­ tim e. Women in th e ir la tte r L e n e tir Cimie. said non- program s to diagnose m ajor child bearing y ea rs ru n a d r a ­ b irth defects. abortion groups Ipeutic research would m atically increased risk of giv­ | | r he ronducted if an A spokesperson for th e wanted to open it up ing birth to Mongoloid children. ,, (orthcoming, since T he te s t enables a physician March of D imes denied th a t because, politically, Virtually all of th e cases in ■ r e s e a r r h may substantial- to tell w h eth e r th e baby will be pressu re from th e National it was aimed to dis­ which defects w ere discovered born w ith any of several birth Right to Life Com m ittee, Inc. wagf a fet us. defects, including Down’s courage abortion. " — 2.8 percen t of all th o se te sted „ample of nontherapeu- w as responsible for th e deci — resulted in abortions, accord­ syndrom e, commonly called sion. -B ill Wyckoff, pub­ s e a r c h might be when a ing to th e M arch of Dimes. 1 . IS jrjven certain drugs mongolism. Tay-Sachs disease, lic health code assis­ The March of D imes, how­ ■lermine their effect on the a h e red itary diso rd er th a t A March of D imes field tant ev er, has a policy th a t th e ir s trik e s eth n ic Je w s of ea stern rep resen tativ e said th e decision to. Higgins said. doctors o r research ers cannot Lgplr were afraid th a t European an c estry ; and sickle follows a long standing policy of discuss abortion w ith p atients. L , might be suggesting cell anem ia, an incurable blood lim iting foundation support to “We have nothing to do w ith ailm ept am ong blacks. five years. lio n ' O' pregnant women M arch of D imes "to discontinue th e advocation of abortion." th e i aI ihev would be able to A lthough th e cu rre n t bill "W e a re n 't backing off gene spokesperson said. "W e don't th a t portion of its activ ities th a t li r t researrh." Higgins would not prohibit diagnostic or tic researc h ,” he said. "T h at’s do any advising in th is area; we screens for b irth defects unless tre a tm e n t procedures th a t one of ou r main functions. the purpose is to enhance and m ust ta k e a neutral stand. hill would prohibit a could determ in e th e life statu s W e're ju st looking for new continue th e well being of th e "The problem arises when a • ,,r researcher from per o r im prove th e health of the groups to fund." (continued on page 12) unborn child." | ne or offering to perform fetus o r m other, such proce­ fcortion where all or part of d u res a re u n d er heavy attack lum en! is that the fetal by anti-abortion groups th a t ■i to be used for Indentation or other kind say p a re n ts have no rig h t to decide w h eth e r a deform ed Hearings on Lansing budget begin Ejearch or study. child should be born. J l" s tienetic Clinic does Bill W yckoff, a public health (continued from page 3) m ajor service for which th e city cy, and we provide th e build­ lomiuci any type of fetal code assistan t researching and "W e’ve been arguing for a ings for th a t a t a minimal cost," of l>ansing is tax ed th a t it does Irr-h \ clinic social w orker analyzing th e bill, said several long tim e th at area s of th e W egenke said. “W e also open not use. l „ : that prenatal diagnoa- am endm ents have been in tro ­ county should pay for th e o u r buildings for com m unity G raves also criticized th e procedures and genetic duced in th e S enate which services ren d ered to them ," he school d istric ts and th e county m eetings," h e said. seling are the sole func- would prohibit diagnostic te s t said. D espite th e 6.9 p ercen t prop­ for not funding a n um ber of i[ the clinic. ing u n d er th e fetal research H ow ever, he te rm ed G raves’ e rty tax ra te decrease recom ­ hum an service agencies which r diagnostic procedures section. support for a constitutional he said a re prim arily education­ m ended by G raves, Lansing r amniocentesis," she O riginally, th e section w as am endm ent to solve th e prob resid e n ts would still pay m ore al o r provide public health I "hut we have never done unclear as to w h eth e r such lem as a "d rastic solution." services. p ro p erty ta x e s in 1978-79 d ue G reb n er said some com mis­ W egenke said he did not to a recom m ended 8 percen t sioners have been pushing for a know which additional agencies increase in assessed p ro p erty m ethod by which tow nships th e Lansing School D istrict values in th e city. Hood drive today would pay th e co st of police road p atrol, which he said is th e should fund. "City recreatio n is his agen- The o w n er o f a house valued a t $30,000 in 1977-78 would pay about $60 m ore in p ro p erty ■Red Cross blood drive will drive. ta x e s . |eld from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. An A rm y ROTC rapelijng in the South Brody log Hall u part of ROTC dem onstration will be given a t 6:90 to n ig h t in D em onstration Drinking age decision New Books Arriving Daily! |k in Michigan. Hall. S p ectato rs will be able to (continued from page 3) th e d rin k in g age raised. Ac­ glide dow n th e side of D em on­ "I usually have th re e o r four cording to a stu d y conducted by William G. Milliken stratio n Hall a fte r ca d ets dem drinks, and can still d riv e." said th e ASM SU Legislative R ela­ 1 April 2-8 ROTC Week o n atrate rapelling techniques. an M SU sophom ore. tions C abinet of ev e ry Michigan MSU’S Army ROTC cadets C adets will provide instruction college, nearly 50 percent Ibe sponsoring several ac and assistance to those who A 19-year-old said h e also felt favored a 19 year-old lim it, and lies in addition to the blood wish to participate. confident driving afle r drinking 23 p ercen t w anted a raise to 21. th re e o r four beers. The m ajority of stu d en ts at "B ut if I know I am going to MSU su p p o rted a one-year drink too much I give my keys kholar to ap p ea r to a friend." In spite of som e stu d en ts increase, th e studv said. TOMORROW: How legisla­ tors and citizens hope raising I Classical wholar Phillip series and hia books on confidence in m ixing drinking the drinking age will hah the pfllicott will speak on G reek d ram a and culture and driving, a m ajority of “trickle down" effect of alcohol The Sophoclean Hero" at have been published by Mac- M ichigan college stu d e n ts w ant in high schools. p:30 tonight in the Union millian, C am bridge and preen Room. H arvard. Vellacott's translations of |Greek plays have appeared H is ta lk is sponsored by th e D ep artm en t of H um ani­ A vailab le M PW VH PR the Penguin Classics ties and is open to th e public. At M il) In 1 waak to 10 days Available At JOIN A COLONY in I week to 10 days sü f Ksiä Si ii i n e t IN OUTER SFACE th a n \ o n th in k \ o n H h o a il s w o t m g a ils lik e th is and s h u ttlin g th ro u g h s p .i t o a fe w Are you ready for life days iatiM M e a n w h ile p to p a io F i n d o u t .¡Il a h o u t Irto ri s p a n o to i th o to d a v trip a n il after graduation? t . i i 'i u i n m si th t-s o tw o a m a ,n n g h o o k s IP ASTEP-BY-STEP GUIDE UP THE LADDER OF SUCCESS By Charles Guy Moore, Ph.D. Executive D ire c to r. National Institute of Career Planning Let c areer w izard C harles M oore the rinht°U eWry step 01 ,he w ay - tr o m how to choose tu d e n t tore w hen nno h "38' a n d sel1 y o u r s e lf In today's jo b market to level n ■ m 10 move up *° (he big-m oney executive Thf r i o r r ltle handbook that show s you how to play c a r e e r GAME - a n d win. $5 95 wherever Papeibncks a r e s o ld < § ) B A L L A N T I N E B O O K S 421 I. Grand Rivor H o u r s : Across from Olin 8:30 - 5:30 AVAILABLE AT: 351-4210 421 E. G ran d Rlvar •tvd m t lo o k Star* ENJOYING AMERICAN ICE CREAM Wrestlers visit from Moscow ByBETHTUSCHAK part. And R ussian coins do not Miller at 114.5 pounds, tw o tional com petition since 1971, said. S u te News Staff W riter work in pop machines. tim e NCAA champion P a t Mil and has n ever lost to the P a rt of this year's | i s u D uring b rief m om ents when In E ast Lansing as p a rt of a kovich at 136.5, and Big Ten Americans. include« twoirni,- £ they a re not training, th e four city to u r of th e U.S., the titlist Tom Muir, at 180. "It will be a very close Champion Mark ('huret visiting top-ranked Soviet Soviet g rapplers will match up Russian head coach Yuri com petition now and at the C M, w restling at 149,51 w restling team has found th a t against a lineup of cu rren t and Shakhm uradov called th e odds 1980 Olympics in Moscow," said he is working i„wu4 Baskin B obbin's ice cream is far former collegiate champions. It slightly in favor of his team, Shakhm uradov said, ' although 1980 Olympics. ^ b e tte r th an its Russian counter­ includes MSU alumni Randy which has not lost in interna it’s also possible th a t tw o or I saw my opponent wiw th ree of th e men m atched in Toledo (the first uf the a during this to u r will m eet again meets) last weekend and I* Women’s tennis suffers then." He said th e R ussians began p reparations for th e Moscow w e're going to have , w even m atch,'' Churell, "My energies are being 4 Olympics by building new sta neled tow ards the Olj- diums and facilities, and are trials in May of 1980, but j anxious to have th e ir foreign are also a lot of other thin, through weekend losses guests visit. MSU assistan t w restling coach S tan Dziedzic said he have to concentrate on between." Three-tim e N('A..\ thinks th e A m ericans have a w eight w inner Jimmy Jack, By JERRY BRAUDE against Wood and played much Indiana and Ohio S tate. chance to win W ednesday in at of G rand Rapids and Oklafc State New« Sports W riter b etter than th e o tn e r m atches M ascarin will not m ake th e least five w eight groups, and S tate, will tangle with | W om en's ten n is coach E arl during th e w eekend,” Rutz trip because of th e flu and a cited inexperience in interna Olympic gold medalist Sd Rutz ex p ected stiff com petition said. continuing problem w ith a tional com petition as th e ir big Andiev. Andiev, a dong from Michigan du rin g th e last pulled muscle in h er up p er leg. gest draw back. economics, comes to MSL'k w eekend's trip to Madison, ‘‘We g o t b e tte r at th e en d of "W e need to recover from "W e are com peting against a his second career loss suftn W is., and lost 8-1, b ut he also the w eekend, b u t it w asn't good ou r physical and health prob nationally organized team as in Toledo last week. received a couple of su rp rises enough," R utz said. lems and s ta r t w inning the opposed to our fragm ented, Also w restling (or the r from N o rth w estern and W is­ MSU will tra v el to Blooming­ m atches th a t w e should win," locally trained one," Dziedzic will be Dan Severn of Art consin, losing both m atches 7-2. ton, Ind., S atu rd ay , to face Rutz said. said. "O ur boys each have th eir S ta te at 198. junior “It w as a v ery disappointing own coach and th e ir own course tournam ent placer: Nick I w eekend,” R utz said. ‘T h e of training. The Russians train last y ea r's outstanding Ni team s w ere fairly good, and I to g eth er under one man. which meet perform er out of Hi think th a t them having a b e tte r recru itin g y e a r m ade a big difference, b u t w e still should Kelser, Earvin gives th e team a high degree of unity." Dziedzic said th e U.S. w res at 125: Bill Rosado of A S tate, at 105 pounds; Schalles, form er Clarion have been com petitive w ith tling s tru ctu re may change due champ who won in last y eager MVP’s them ." to a $225.000 g rant from Sun world university games, at MSU began th e w eekend Oil. which will be used to and Harold Smith, at AP W irephoto with singles m atches against develop a national team with Tickets for th e 7 p m. V A ngus M offat 1121, m id field er (or th e E x p re s s ' n e x t g am e w ill b e S u n d a y N o rth w estern , and th ey not one coach. nesday m eet in Jenison Fi D e tro it E x p re s s , b a ttle s w ith Billy only lost all of th e m atches, b ut Who w as th e m ost valuable player on M SU's 25 5 basketball a g a in st th e F t. L a u d e rd a le S tr ik e rs . "W e have so far to go to raise house a re on sale at $6 G a zo n is of th e T u lsa R oughnecks. It R utz sp eculates th a t his team team th is y ear? Well, th a t depends on w hether you ask the D e tro it's f ir s t hom e g a m e w ill b e on players o t th e media. our technical level to th at of the reserv ed seats. $5 for w as th e o p ening g am e for b o th team s picked up th e W ildcats’ flu S u n d ay , A p ril 16, i t 6 p.m . in P o n ­ Soviets." Dziedzic said. "W e general public and $.1 for which ham pered th e m for th e Before a sellout banquet crow d at Long’s M onday night, in th e N o rth A m erican Soccer tia c 's S ilv erd o m e. have th e facilities and the dents. re s t of th e w eekend. junior G regory K elser w as nam ed th e team ’s MVP by his fellow L eag u e, w hich D e tro it w on 2-1. The players. F reshm an E arvin Johnson got th e nod from th e media. talent. Now all we need is the The play er th a t th e team least needed to see sick — organization." K elser, who led th e team in scoring and rebounding, won th e D ebbie M ascarin, th e team 's Soviet team organizer Bashir Chicago T ribune aw ard as MVP voted by his team m ates. Gasarov said th e Russian w res ■ 7 T il; ft, ' u Ì ■ ;| top singles and doubles player K elser is now eligible for th e T ribune's Big Ten player-of-the- V ISC E R T A IM Y KEEPS t.AME A T MSI — w as h it th e w o rst by th e flu. y ear aw ard. tiers are organized into national v U - M ascarin m issed th e m eet groups beginning at age seven. Johnson, who w as named th ird team All A m erican in both against W isconsin and was The boys are tau g h t basic D espite ankle deep mud I A P and U PI, won th e Charles S. Phillips aw ard as MVP pulled o ut of h e r final m atch in internatinal com petition laws gust ing w inds. MSU's f selected by p ress, radio and television rep resen tativ es. The Silverdome plans nixed th e second set against Michi­ as well as th e basics of w res rugby team defeated Kak aw ard was won by K elser last year. gan’s K athy K arzan because tling. zoo, 12-0, in th e 'A' gamfj T here w ere several o th er aw ards given o ut including best “she w as extrem ely ill on the "From th e age «if 12 on up, 8 4 in th e ‘B’ game. 1 defensive player, m ost im proved player and sportsm anship. co u rt.” our w restlers move from the The team 's next games J The w inners of th ese will be rep o rted in W ednesday’s S ta te By MICHAEL KLOCKE would be b e tte r to keep the their final y ea r of probation. The only m atches won youth com petition to th e junior S atu rd ay against the DeJ News. S u te News S ports W riter game here in E ast Lansing," tournam ents up to interna Tradesm en on th e field eai T here was also talk of an against N o rth w estern w ere in Plans of moving MSU's final K earney said. "T here would tional com petition," Gasarov the V eterinary Clinic at 1p “extravaganza" w eekend at the th e doubles dep artm en t. 1978 football gam e against Iowa have had to been a sizable jum p Silverdome. The D etroit Lions Jen n ife r B rielm aier and to the Pontiac Silverdome have in the gate sales down th e re to will play th e ir annual Thanks­ H eath er M acTaggart defeated been discarded. MSU athletic offset the o ther costs." giving gam e on Thursday and B arbara E ton and Amy Conlan director Joe K earney said Mon A nother factor considered th e Michigan High School A th ­ a fte r th ey re tire d after one day. was that M SU's final gam e has letic Association will hold its gam e because of th e Hu. Diane HOWTO TAPA KEG K earney brought up the idea S elke and Cindy Bogdonas d e­ of changing th e gam e to Pontiac to com pete directly with the four championship gam es S at­ Michigan Ohio S ta te game, urday. feated D onna L ies and Stacy at last S eptem ber's MSU Board Miller 6-4, 6-3. which is televised. By moving of T rustees meeting. Since the The idea of a "package“ T he p air o f m atches won over the gam e to F riday night, a gam e w as scheduled for the ticket for th e four days of action W isconsin w ere by Jen n ifer bigger crowd may have turned S aturday of Thanksgiving w as also tossed around B rielm aier 2-6, 6-2 and 6-2 and Few things in life are as rewarding or as easy as tapping a keg ol cold out. it was reasoned. w eekend, most of th e students D ebbie M ascarin paired with Schlitz draught beer, providing you follow a few simple rules would not be in E ast Lansing. In an interview with the "The A thletic Council recom ­ Diane Selke in a doubles victo­ 1. Do not roll the keg down a hill before attempting to tap it Since Septem ber, K earney, S tate News last November, mended th at we keep th e gam e ry 6-1, 6-2. along with the A thletic Council, K earney adm itted part of the in E ast Lansing." K earney said,* 2 . Do not pump in too much pressure after tapping This can force T he lone victory against has studied the feasibility of reason for w anting to change adding th at th e re w ere too the natural carbonation out of the beer and make it foamy. Michigan w as by Cindy Bog­ changing the game. K earney the gam e to Pontiac dealt with many uncertainties involved in donas o v er Lisa Wood 6-4, 64). 3 . If the person tapping the keg makes either of these mistakes, said they looked at th e costs, public relations. He said the changing th e game. politely point out the error of his ways. Unless, of course, he weighs “Cindy found her game the w eather and o ther factors exposure given to MSU football 265. plays tackle, and goes by the nickname of Moose In th is ease in making th e decision. by the gam e would help re you should simply say, "Nice goin' Moose" “We took a survey, looked at cruiting, especially since the W M m M M W » To get a keg for your next party, call Siglinda's Beer Person on some estim ates then decided it S partans would be coming off ome People Campus, or look in the yellow pages under "Beer" Class dismissed. Siflinda SltMUHcr CAMPUS |Are Searching IF YOU DON’T HAVI SCHUTZ, YOU DON’T HAVE GUSTO. D ta n o flttr PIZZA has I for a Group ¡ SUB MAR IN ES • ITALIAN S H A M «VEGETARIAN w Like Ours... Today people experiment with their lives—sometimes they find • ROASTBEEF «SALAMI • TUNA something valuable, sometimes they just waste time Free D e l i v e r y Some people have trouble finding what they want because they have a very special set ot needs . .They want to give their lives for 1312 Mich. Ave. 310 W. GRAND RIVER the greatest cause they can think of They are involved with God. with other people, with life Money, prestige, or power mean little to 337-1377 337-1639 them They know they want to live for God by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ But they are searching lor fresh and vibrant ways to proclaim this Gospel They are looking for a variety of opportunities in different LEARN parts of the country to serve with a group of men who share a holy vision and live that vision m a tree and friendly way They are looking for THE PAULISTS. a group of Catholic priests spread through the United States and Canada, working in a wide KARATE range of mmistenes that include parishes, campus centers, mass communications, publication, preaching, adult education centers, social services, and new approaches to inviting people to know Jesus Christ. It you are searching to share what we do. why not write THE PAULISTS for more information The MSU Karate Club w ill hold co-ed IT H E M U U S T S classes for beginning, intermediate L OUT Th C COUPON BELOW F OH MORE INFORMATION and advanced students, tonite 7 pm, Rev Frank De Siano. C S P D'rector ol Vocations PAULIST FATHERS Sports Arena, Men's IM. Instruction 415 West 59th Street New York. N Y 10019 provided by mid-Michigan's largest Dear Father DeSiano and oldest karate club with 6 men and Please send me more informaiion on the work of THE PAULISTS and the Paulisi PRIESTHOOD 3 women black belts. Beginners and NAMF different styles welcomed. ADORE FOR MORI INFORMATION CALL 351-4471 or 351-8225 u w » . Eat* la m in g , Michigan TIGERS PICKED DARKHORSE CONTENDER Cincinnati only new division winner By MILTON RICHMAN N ational L eague and an even longer one for the M ariners. U PI S p o rts E ditor E a st W est O ver in th e National League, having Tom S eaver all season long NEW YORK (UPI) — You know how much you w an t to catch 1. Philadelphia Cincinnati will make all th e difference in the world to th e Reds. Enough your n ex t breath ? 2. S t. Louis Los A ngeles difference to beat the D odgers in th e W estern Division. T h a t’s how much Don Zim m er w anted an o th er pitcher. H e's got 3. P ittsb u rg h H ouston Bill Virdon feels his A stros could finish ahead of eith er th e Reds one now, a real blue chipper, in D ennis E ckersley who won 14 4. M ontreal S sn Francisco o r th e Dodgers, but I don't think so. gam es w ith Cleveland last y ea r and should win m ore th is y ea r with 5. Chicago San Diego W hen and if Vida Blue finally g ets situated, th e G iants will be th a t Boston firepow er behind him. 6. New York I# i A tlanta n iu rn u i stronger, but still not stro n g enough to crash th e first th re e spots E ckersley throw s bullets. Only 23, he’ll tig h ten th e race in th e II th e re s any such thing as a dark horse in both leaguei, th e in th e division. A m erican League E ast b u t he won’t decide it. T igers could be it. I like th e kids they have. Tim Corcoran, Jason R oger Craig, th eir new m anager, may be able to move his T he Y ankees still look like a m orU l lock to me. Thompson and S tev e Kemp, and th e ir pitching should be much P ad res up, but I'm inclined to doubt it. Today th e bullpen is everything. b e tte r with Mark F idrych back to tak e his reg u lar tu rn with Dave T he Braves will prove they can finish last with a lot of m odest Beyond question, th e Y ankees have far and aw ay th e best Rozema and Jim Slaton. salaried players ju st as well as they can with a bunch of bullpen in baseball rig h t now and th a t's mainly why I see them D etroit could move p ast Baltim ore into th ird piace in th e AL, millionaires. going all th e way, w inning th e ir division, th e pennant and you can E ast. The Orioles did as well aa they postibly could last y ear and J e r r y Morales and Mark L itteli make the Cardinals stro n g er in throw in th e World S eries, too. may slip back. my book, and if Kent Tekulve and Elias Sosa don’t perform up to T exas has im proved itself appreciably in th e AL W est b ut lacks N either Milwaukee nor C leveland'! pitching is g eared for the expectations with the P irates, the Expos m ight steal third place noticeably in th e bullpen. The Royals are much stro n g er in th a t long haul and Toronto m ay be hard p u t to win as m any gam es as aw ay from them. dep a rtm en t and I think they'll lead th e ir division again. last year when it m anaged only 54 victories. In th e National le a g u e , I see th e Phillies w inning in th e E a st by In the AL W est, it should be atrictly betw een th e Royals and the alm ost as much as they w ant to and th e Reds finishing first in th e R angers. The A ngels still i r e searching for someone to back up W est, with th e Phils finally m aking it through th e playoffs and into th e ir first World S eries in 28 years. Looking at all th e team s, h ere's how I see them w inding up: F rank Tanana and Nolan R yan. Jo e Rudi and Bobby Grich both have to stay healthy for California to be any kind of th re at. The loss of Lym an Bostock and L arry Hisle can’t possibly make rhas A m erican League the Twins any stro n g er. F o u rth place is as high as I can see the E ast Tw ins finishing. W est It should be a long, long season for Charlie Finley and th e A'«. 1. New York K ansas City 2. Boston Texas 3. D etroit California 4. Baltim ore M innesota 5. M ilwaukee Chicago 6. Cleveland O akland 7. Toronto S eattle AP Wirephoto jdri Peat is all sm iles a f te r (in k in g h e r p n t t on liecood hole of th e su d d e n d e a th p la y o ff w ith ‘Cheer’ tryouts set E n try deadlines for IM co-rec one pitch softball is a t noon A pril 5 in 121 W om en's IM Bldg. T he deadline for Women’s IM softball Inv Pulz. Post won $36,000 fo r h e r first-p la c e will be April 6 in th e same room. An organizational m eeting average. P articip an ts m ust also lh . Sunday in th e C o lg ate D in a h S h o re W in n er* M anager's m eetings for W om en's softball a re April 3 and 4 in for anyone in te re ste d in try in g be enrolled in a t least 12 cred its |le LPGA to u rn a m e n t a t M ission H illa in R an ch o this spring. 137 of th e W om en's IM a t 7 p.m. A n o th er m eeting will be April 5 in out for th e MSU cheerleading . Calif. squad will be held 4 p.m. gym 127 a t 7 p.m. W ednesday on th e main basket Those in terested in try in g A nyone in terested in being an official should a tte n d a m eeting at ball court of Jenison Field out are asked to ta k e a copy of 7 p.m. in 126 of th e W om en's IM for th e co-rec league and a t 7 p.m. house. th e ir w inter te rm g rad es and in 137 of th e W om en's IM for th e W om en’s League. R equirem ents for a cheer medical insurance inform ation The E arly Bird swim will be held from 6:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. ilfing fees raised leader a re at least 24 cred its following w in te r te rm w ith at to Clarence U nderw ood's office in room 220 of Jenison Field- Monday th ro u g h F rid ay a t th e W om en’s IM. W om en’s IM Building hours a re 8 a.m. to 7:50 p.m. Monday least 2.0 overall g rad e point house. through F riday. S atu rd ay hours a re noon to 5:50 p.m. and Sunday ht M S I' course* will public will be $7.50 and $10. from 11 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. its, faculty and staff respectively. W om en's IM pool hours a re 11 a.m . to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7:50 p.m. round m ore for the A faculty o r sta ff season pass will be $130 for each golfer, an Two Spartans move on Monday through F riday. S atu rd a y h ours a re noon to 5:50 p.m. Sunday is an IM children's swim from 11 a.m . to 1 p.m. The pool is [Hrpsiin. MSI' executive increase of $10. The season rate also open from 1 until 3 :50 p.m. said it was for re tire d faculty and staff will Doug Cam pbell, who finished on th e w om en's swimming The M en's IM pool will have an E arly B ird swim also from 6:30 i charge the modest be $65 for each golfer. second in th e Big Ten G ym nas team , finished 12th at th e a.m . to 8:30 a.m . M onday th ro u g h F riday. ; order to meet Breslin said labor ra te s for tics M eet held M arch 10-11, will A ssociation of Intercollegiate pienance and labor D eadline for en try in in dependent volleyball is A pril 7 a t noon in m aintenance em ployees had in­ participate in th e NCAA Gym A thletics for Women Chapion- |H< ["tinted out that the creased 7 p ercen t in th e past 208 of th e M en’s IM. T he en try deadline for bowling is A pril 7 at nastic C ham pionships this ships in th e th re e-m eter diving year. He said it also was event. noon in 208 of th e M en's IM. ['■ self s u p p o rtin g . w eekend in E ugene. Ore. * rate fo r the nine necessary to replace th e old Cam pbell finished w ith a Following th a t m eet, The M en's IM indoor pool h ours a re 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday 1st Akers east course golf-cart house a t a cost of com bined score of 18.55 in th e K ubiske qualified for th e Na th ro u g h F rid ay and 6 to 8 p.m . M onday th ro u g h T hursday. F riday 4- Tues. Wilson 9:30 ♦ | I 2 a round fo r students, $53,000, and to m ake minor horizontal b ars. tional AAU Swimming and • is a family swim from 6 to 8 p.m. S atu rd ay ’s h ours a re 11 a.m. to tl. if Student« toculty and s»oH welcome ^ iculty and staff, $3.75 im provem ents in th e club A n n ette K ubiske. freshm an diving M e e t. 3:50 p.m. and S unday is family swim from 1 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. ^ All persons enter ing RHA movies must show University I.D. ^ u and $4.25 for the house. il public. "T he courses m ust pay th e ir the 18 hole west own w ay,” B reslin said. "T here ) will he $11.50 for stu fore, it w as necessary to in J $4.75 for faculty and crease th e ra te s . H ow ever, we CHAKA KHAN/ |$6.30 for alumni and $8 believe th e ra te s still a re very public. Weekend a ttra c tiv e w hen com pared with ' alumni and the other courses in th e area." A TUESDAY NIGHT DELIGHT! RUFUS plus extra special guests, TN I BU M M A S S IX TIN S IO N S IN V IC I TONIGHT FROM 9:00 PM HEATWAVE Til CLOSE MONDAY 17. A P R I L 8pm.MUNN ICE A R E N A MICHIGAN'S#) BLUE GRASS T I C K E T S 1 7 8 6 AVAILABLE : GROUP! No Cover! No Minimum I MSUnion Campus Corners II Sounds 8 Diversions Busy Bee Market [ j A *351*6344 CORNER OF M.A.C. t ALBERT U.S.A.-RUSSIAN OLYMPIC STYLE UUewont TAKE OFF WITH THE WRESTLING MEET to be creative- American Olympic Soviet National ujfchVQU! Contenders WEIGHT REPRESENTATIVE Team WEIGHT REPRESENTATIVE April 6 - Hair Clinic 105.5 114.5 Hugh Botes Randy M illar ee 105.5 114.5 125.5 Komiloov Ivanov Bagdaserin I One Day Only 125.5 Nick Gallo 134.S Apsaldov 134.5 Pat Milkovlch Make \ «y* w rc,yi; Galdarbakov ■ your appointment today, there 149.5 Mark Churella 149.5 are a limited number of opening»._______ Abdul- Musllmov jdjjjuesiaspaw.v'.“. -• WINGED SPARTANS 143.0 1B0.S Wado Scholia» Tom M uir 143.0 180.5 lalokcoov I cnnips & cu r|s - the newest, NOW look in hair. 198.0 Trokapchuk 190.0 Laurent Soucie UP to the H a rrio tt - f o r a longer appointment. 220.0 Harold Smith 220.0 Mate d we H design a look for you and your hair. INI riNG Hwt. Jimmy Jockion Hwt. Andiov Coaches: Gable. Diiedzic C o ach: Yuri Style« for men end women Shakmuradov 220 MAC, Unlverelty Mad Wednesday, A pril 5,7:30 p.m. in Room 331 Union Bldg. •Private Pilot Ground School fo r M om ben and East Lansing, Mich. N on-Mom bori •A irc ra ft fo r training and croai-country u to WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 7:00 p.m. •Door P rlio i fo r th o ic In attendance ADMISSION: Reserved section ‘6.00 For moro inform ation, coll Garry at 494-4915 or General Public '5.00, Students s3.00 George ot 332-0431 ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE A T JENISON FIE10 HOUSE. LIONS DEN, A N D DOOLEYS The Winged Spartana.. . .Teaching the MSU SPONSORED BY THE TAKE D O W N CLUB A N D A A U community to fly (or over 30 years. 10 M ic h ig o n S la te N e w s , t o s t la n s in g . M ic h ig a n Tuesday. A m u , Government funds S lgs Qou/tmet C U Invalidations plague board election of H otel R estaurant dept. Tickets fo r annual Sprinq dinn. I Icontinued from page 1) dent-Faculty Judiciary. If unsa­ would be invalidated as p resi­ have no chance of ru n n in g a to be council topic to be held A p ril 9th at Longs ASMSU board president, was tisfied with th e S F J ruling, th e d en t and a special presidential second tim e. The only qualified investigated by th e judiciary aggrieved p a rty m ay appeal to election would have to be held, Banquet Center are now availabl l can d id ates would b e thoee who for alleged overspending. N onnam aker, who has final according to th e code o f op era­ E ast Lansing City Council will m eet tonight a t 7:30 at the E a st w ere not invalidated — Corey U n rin g Public L ibrary, 960A bbott Road. 4th flo o r Eppley $ 1 2 .0 0 / PerSOn| M eyers said he is uncertain authority in th e appeals pro­ tions. Binger. R o b ert V atter, Don cess. The m eeting will include a public input session on the use of an w hat his next move will be in B errym an and F re d B. Jo n es. If th e case goes as far as T he new election would only expected (465,000 in federal G eneral R evenue S haring funds for appealing th e decision, but Of th o se four qualified candi­ include those candidates who 1978 79. added he is "examining all the N onnam aker’s office, and he dates, Corey B inger w as th e possibilities open to me." should happen to ru le in the had not been invalidated by th e fro n t-ru n n er in th e election The funds a re allocated on a yearly basis, and c u rren t funds are I P— thrmteAMSfcews'vM Jones has said th a t, if neces­ commission’s favor, then Jones commission, so Jo n es would held a t reg istratio n . used to pay for city governm ent o perating expenses and to hold sary, he will definitely appeal “I t is really a sham e th a t down p ro p erty tax rates. his case to th e highest author­ th e re is so m uch m isunder­ Approval of a 1978-81 Comm unity D evelopm ent application and ity - Vice P resident for Stu­ Bulldozing firm works for free standing am ong candidates and dent Affairs Eldon Nonna- maker. how much th e y can sp en d ,“ F reem an said. the introduction of a proposed Tri County Bicycle O rdinance will also be discussed. DUSTIN "I have all my sales receipts plus th e testim ony of my VANCOUVER, British Co lumbia (API — Richard and W alker's company to re down half of the W illiams' house “I’m su re th a t all th e m is­ ta k es w ere ho n est m istak es and hoffmaH printer to back me up," Jones Betty Williams will get their Thursday before em ployees d is­ I'm so rry ab o u t any invalida­ said. house demolished and Johnny covered it w as th e w rong house. tion w e m ight h ave to m ake, "If they w ant to play games, W alker Bulldozing is getting W alker said then he hoped th e b ut th a t's ju s t th e w ay it goes.'' then I'll play along with the some publicity — both without Williams w ere reasonable gam e, but I really doubt that charge. people. they will prove th a t I have violated th e ‘spirit’ of the code.” A ppeals of student judiciary PORNO TONIGHT! rulings are made to th e Stu- "ODYSSEX IS A TRIP INTO EVERY CON­ CEIVABLE EXCITEMENT OF SEX" —Don Lewis WHBI Radio "ELECTRIFYING • A PROFOUND AND EROTIC VISUAL AND EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE." —Je rry Schneiderman - PLEASURE GERARD 0‘ î f i d r ie s t « E ll “BEST EROTIC FILM TOMORROW OF THE YEARr-Hus,ier Wednesday “ S U S A N M c B A IN - April 5® 197 7 s N E W F IR S T 7and9:30pm L A D Y O F H A R D ­ inFiirthiMTlMtn C O R E ! ” -piayb oy 0 «ATID X SHOWTIMES: 7:30,9:00,10:30 SHOWPlACE:!2t NAT. SCI. ADMISSION:: *2.50 students, >3.50 staff Student» tocultyond»toffwitom« IP tth tfc« d Introductory Offer at the newest restaurant in East Lansinq Buy One Olga,Get One FREEI The most exciting idea In eating since the sandwich I It's the most exciting idea in eating since the sandwich, and this coupon makes it twice as exciting! We II give you an Olga, any Olga, absolutely free when you present this coupon and buy a second Olga of equal i|TheTuming| or greater value. usiti Coupon good Tuesday, April 4 thru Wednesday, April 5. Limit one coupon per customer. THE ONEl Olga's Kitchen 133 E. Grand River HK WINKLERAND ONL\ 9th Hilarious Week East Lansing _______________ Tues. 4:15-1:1$ ■■■GOOD WITH THIS COUPOH OHLYRIlJ c o m m u n ic a t in g t h r0 ^ * BEFORE YOU Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Presents SIGN THAT APARTMENT LEASE LOOK INTO ON-CAMPUS HOUSING V Laundry F a c fliti., , No u t „ „ y , s, ud , # Snack Shops & G rills « w_ i . ■■ * No Telephone In sta llo tlo n # C |ose to m Facj|me$ # TV Rooms » S o close fo campus, WE’RE ON CAMPUS I TUUEnTyOflEHUnDRED 1 0 9 A n th o n y H a ll is a f i f t y - m i n u t e m u lt i- media commentary on o u r Single & Double Rooms available In c u l t u r e 's c h a r a c te r and d ir e c t io n . Through a CASE (room & board) and WILLIAMS b a t t e r y o f lk p r o je c to r s , a 6 5 - fo o t s c re e n , 1500 (room only with kitchenettes) 8 & 10 p m s i ides , s p e c ia l e f f e c t s , and a s te re o f o lk / r o c k s o u n d tra c k , th e audience ot half and full term rates. e x p e rie n c e s a w o rld o f SUM M ER TER M SIGN UP BEG IN S d e s p a ir . C o n fro n te d $ 1 .0 0 w ith th e a lie n a t ion o f much o f man's e x is te n c e , MONDAY, APRIL ¿ 0 you a re c r e a t iv e ly p re ­ sented w ith a B i b li c a l For M ore In fo rm a tio n : Students on campus - contact yo u 7 haU p a g e r ' s o ffice a l t e r n a t iv e . Students o ff campus - contact Residence H alls Assignments O ffice W-190 Holmes Hall Rhone 355. 71,60 cinta New», Eost lonsing, Mlchiflon . Ä "R A N K LY S P E A K IN G ... b y p h il fra n k Employment fi Employment Apartments ^ Classified AdvartMag KAW ASAKI 350 Big Horn 1972. 2000 miles. Mint condi­ SPARE TIME management AMERICAN YOUTH Activi­ SUBLET SUMMER-Female tion. 8675. 349-9287 morn­ people needed immediately ties - a new educational- 347 Student Service« Bldg to share one bedroom, fur­ PHONE 355-1255 ings. 1 4 4 (31 for super exciting, fast grow­ recreation center w ill be inter­ nished $84/month. 139 ing business, DAY & ASSO­ viewing for summer instruc Woodmere. 332 2687 CIATES, 323 4084 7 4 6(5) tors for classes. Our center S-5-4-4(3) RATES I dey*90*perline M iS s v ia / ! offers 160 different kinds of 3dey»•10*perline FULL OR part time employ­ ment for clerk/typist. Apply programs. If interested, stop 124 CEDAR ST East Lan­ édays-79*parlino GOOD USED TIRES, 13 14 at 1605 E. Kalamazoo, Lan­ by the center from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at 5220 South Logan or sing. 2-man, 1 bedroom, fur­ 0dey*«70*perline 15 inch. Mounted free. Also good supply of snow tires. sing 482 6237. 8 4-11(5) call 484 7254 8 4-13 (10) nished apartments Heat in­ cluded $195 month. Year Unereteperinsertion PENNELL SALES. 1301% East Kalamazoo. Lansing, ATTENTION YOUNG ADULTS MATURE GIO­ AVON EVEN if you can only work a few hours a week, you leases only June 15 or September 1 129 Burcham 482 6818 C 20 4 28(51 Dr. Efficiency. $160 month. VANNI'S PIZZA is now tak­ can make them profitable Damage deposit required. 6 ing applications. Apply in selling world famous AVON p m 1 0 p m 882 2316. M M liM f ■ 3 I '" « *< ® ' 5 f " lin* ¡¡* » MASON BODY SHOP 812 E person at 2301 N. Larch or PRODUCTS Call 4826893 0-20 4 28*9; i lines. No odjuilment "> rate when conceited. Kalamazoo, since 1940. Auto 514 E. Michigan. 6 4-7(5) C-4 4-7 (5) Prue ol itomi«! mu* ' *» ,,a1* 4 |n ••oolmum painting collision service. American-foreign cars. 485- NOW LEASING for Summer vale pnco of '50. WAREHOUSE HELP 40 hour CHILD CARE in my home. 3 and Fall 1 2. and 3 bedroom p,onut. Poiionol ods ■3 linos • *2.» • per insertion, 0256 CJ20-4-29I5) week. $3.00 hour. Must be boys, 12 to 7 Tuesday and apartments. Walking dis­ 75' por Imo over 3 lines (propoymont). JUNK CARS wanted. Also interested in permanent em­ Thursday, 3-7:30 p.m. Own tance. Call 351-4107 between »um m ojo Coropo Solo o di - 4 lines • *2 50. ployment to learn interesting transportation. Experience 5 9 p.m. and Saturdays. soiling used parts. Phone 43' per Imo ovor 4 linos • por insertion. phase of construction tech preferred Hasiett area 339- 8-4-12(5) anytime. 321 2651. nology. Apply at 1605 E 2476 after 8 pm . 5-4-10 (6) Houli Town odi • 4 Imo» ■ ^ 50 • por insortion. C-20-4-2813) Kalamazoo, Lansing 43' por lino ovor 4 linos, teil 1 Found« odi 7ron«portoHon odi • ■ - 3 linos M 50 BRAKE PARTS including brake pads, shoes and hy­ 8-4-11(9) For Root Beechwood » , mtortion. 50' por lino Ovor 3 linos. WAITRESSES DOOLEY'S is draulic components in stock at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR now hiring waitresses, exper Apartments EIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East ience preferred. Apply in '^;rn :;hmq d by due dote o 50* late service chorge will Em ployneit jj mensurate w ith experience SAFETY ENGINEER for 605 S. HAYFORD 3 bedroom 3 person apartment in June. be due STUDENT HUSBAND/wife Also need FILE SUPERVI­ trainee position, AETNA LIFE apartment. Women student Furnished, close to campus, AND CASUALTY A multi- WAITRESSES. LUNCH want to share apartment. team to manage £r maintain SOR who is energetic. Some $180 month 332-1312. SECRETARY, FULL TIME line insurance company seeks hours and part-time nights, Uti'ities paid Call 393-8541 8-4-714' 30 unit sutdent apartment typing helpful but not neces­ mature and stable person. engineer for career position. no Sundays. Apply in person. after 3 p m 5-4-4(4i building. One bedroom apart sary Fully paid company Shorthand, 90; typing, 65; Work involves surveying pro­ DODGE HOUSE, 415 E Sagi NEEDED IMMEDIATELY - ment living quarters. Main benefits An affirmative ac­ Automotive ä j Automotive |Ä excellent English. Work w ith tenance experience required. tion employer. Call M. King spective commercial and in­ naw at Cedar. 8-4-13 15) female non-smoker to share figures. Benefits. Apply 3303 351-2211,9 a.m.-4 p.m. M on­ 482-5566 for appointment. dividual accounts making fire CIBAR VILLAGI spacious one bedroom at 731 South Cedar, Suite 11. appraisals and assisting exist­ KEYPUNCH OPERATOR, 1 Burcham Rent negotiable. AUSTIN T97T. AM radio. GREMLIN '77. Automatic day through Friday. 8-4-7(8) 8-4-11(14) APARTMENTS 393-0250. 7-4-6(71 ing accounts with loss con­ year experience on 3742 or Phone 337-0419 5-4-5(4i Ireat gas mileage, $395 best transmission, A M radio, radi­ 129 necessary Afternoon Now leasing Bffer 332 2287 after 5 p.m al tires. Great mileage, excel­ WAITRESSES AND Waiters NURSERY LANDSCAPE trol. Qualifications- technical shift. SPARTAN OATA, 393 fo r fo il and summer SUBLEASE 2 bedroom apart­ |4 H '3 ! lent condition $2900. Call GIRL W ITH hospital experi­ needed between 10 a.m.-2 with mechanical and some 4 year college degree, some 8630. 8-4-13(4) ment. Close to Union Spring 353 7768. 8-4-715) ence to assist invalid lady. 8 a.m. Different shifts available. sales experience. Send re­ work experience helpful. Ex­ BOGUE at RED CEDAR APRI 2000 1972. 4 speed. a.m. to noon. No weekends cellent company benefits, & summer. 351-4371. Floormen, 4-8 p.m., 2 days a sume to GIANT LAND­ 351-5180 |tracK radial tires Good TOT WATCHER - Monday. 8-4 10(3l JEEP PICKUP 1962. Com or holidays. 332-5176. 1-4-4 week or 7-2:30 a.m. Short- SCAPE COMPANY, P.O. company car furnished. Job londition 337-7191. 8-4 713) (4) Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m. - pletely rebuilt, good shape. order cook- afternoons and Box 13, Holt. M l 48824 to start May 30, 1978. Send 12 noon. PARKWOOD OWN ROOM in 2 bedroom resume to Personnel Co­ Aheap tran spo r ta ilON $200 or best offer. Call 882 1036 evenings. 8-4-713) LOOKING FOR a career ex­ nights. W e are an Equal 8 4 12(5) O pportunity Employer. Apply ordinator, AETNA LIFE AND YMCA. Contact Linda Farley, 332-8657. 1-4-4 (4) apartment. Call 337-0237 8-4-7{3) HASLETI ARMS ■966 Dodge Monaco. Power MGB 1973, 38,000 miles, perience and not just a job? W e are looking for a bright after 2 p.m. • SILVER DOL­ UNIFORMED SECURITY o f­ LAR SALOON. 3411 East ficers. C J . majors. Call 641- CASUALTY. 5800 Gratiot Road, Saginaw, M l 48603. SUMMER 6 FALL leering'brakes. 332-1842. good condition. 627-8356 creative young woman with Miohigan, Lansing. 8-4-7(10) 4562. O S-4 713» * 5-4 6(21) TELEPHONE SOLICITOR, preferably male 3 evenings ONE FEMALE needed for Cedar Village. Next school LEASING p-4(4i after 5 p.m. Z-6 4-10(3) basic office skills to assist in the development of a small LEGAL SECRETARY. Full BUSBOY WANTED M on­ week. 3 hours/night. Call year. Peggv 356-0681 8-4 13 351 1957 Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (3) AhEVELLE 1972 two door, PONTIAC LEMANS 1971 television production studio. time. Legal and dictaphone day-Friday. Apply in person, 351-8135 lf-8 automatic power, head good condition, $1095 or best Long hours and low pay SUMMER JOBS experience a must. Call 374- HUDDLE NORTH LOUNGE, 484-4479. 2-4-5 (4) NEEDED ONE male to sublet frs Real sharp $1200 323 offer. 349-2650. 8-4-1213) while learning, but a poten­ 8890. 8-4-714) 309 N. Washington. Lansing. WAITRESSES, PART time. Spring term $70. month .351- i 4 4 5i3' tially rewarding position if we C M p Im n d i HALL SUPERVISORS-East 8-4-10(41 Apply in person at AMERI­ 7843 8-4-13 (3) EUREKA NEAR Sparrow PONTIAC LEMANS Sport make it. Call 374-6210 for IHEVROIET 1971 impala. interview. TRI-STATE iitemiewinj Lansing High School. Full GAME ROOM personnel. CA'S CUP RESTAURANT Hespía* 1 bedroom upstairs X)d condition all power, Coup, 1974. Power/steering/ 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, April 5. 3 BEDROOM townhouse 3paHf"en: furnished Park- VIDEO. Lansing. 3-4-6 (14) time and pan time. Apply in Young ladies preferred. Good brakes, air, AM^FM stereo. ) 355 1188 5 4 6(31 $2300 or best offer. 339 3003 April 6 person, Personnel Office pay, benefits and pleasant 2-4-5 (4) Available immediately or be ginning June $285 month nq $13C 351 7497 WANTED DELIVERY men, EAST LANSING PUBLIC working positions. Excellent C hevrolet 1974 Monte 5-4-4-14) DELIVERY PEOPLE wanted, 353-7737 9 a m.-5 p.m O' ^arto Tan with black vinyl part-time, either mornings or sipa* SCHOOLS 509 Burcham positions for students, full must have own car. Apply 355-7549 9 a m.-5 p.m SOUTH HOLMES near »f and interior, air, AM FM, PONTIAC. 1970, 4 door, afternoons. Must be reliable F ix**! Serias Drive 8-4-717) and part-time. Apply in per­ son only. CINEMA X. 1000 LITTLE CAESARS today af­ 2-4-5 16» Sparrcvs Hospital Upper 1 tower steering brakes, low power steering brakes, A M / and have good driving 'com efficiency includes BABYSITTER-5 days weekly W Jolly Road. 0-20-4-28(7) ter 4 p.m 7-4-12 (3) kniieage. good condition. 349- FM, $400. 694 6163 after 6 record. Call Bob Aldrich 882- COUNSELORS, MICHIGAN 5 hours daily. One toddler. MALE ROOMMATE wanted Kitchen, utilities, parking 1218 84 7(8' p.m. and weekends. 5-4-6(4) 0208. 3-4-6 (6) for 4 man apartment $79 Sna'e bath $75 351 7497. Boys' Camp, June 20-August Phone 355-8007. 5-4-4(31 WANTED W OMAN tutor to FULL-TIME summer recrea­ 12. Positions open: archery, tion director, May 1st - month 349-5930 8-4-7 3» 0-7 4-11 ¡5 PINTO 1974, air, 2300 cc. PART-TIME counter repre­ help foreign student with Chevrolet ve g a 1974.4 September 30th Must have 4-speed, 33,000 miles, excel­ riflery, crafts, waterfront. SHORT-TERM secretarial English. Evenings 355-3892. kammback, 48,000 sentative to work in car rental BUILD lent condition. $1450. 351- Write, giving background assistance. Approximately 10 84-12(4) WSI and tennis experience Mes $995 349 3608 office. Weekends, 7 a.m.- along w ith pool maintenance 4960. 54-10 (3) experience, Flying Eagle, hours per week. Near cam­ 4-7(3) 3 p.m. 489-1484. 5-4-10 (3) and supervision. Apply in 1401 N. Fairview, Lansing pus. $2.70. hour. Call 355- PART-TIME light delivery fcOMET ’67 Only 57,000 48912. 8-4 7(9) 9702 or 332 6817 April 4th or help wanted. Must have de­ person only. HOSPITALITY VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Beetle LIBERTARIANS - FULL after 3-4-4(71 INN, 3600 Ounckel. 5-4-10 (8) YOUR Jrniles New parts, good body Runs great, extra clean, Cali­ pendable car. $3'hour plus and part-tim e temporary em­ TAXI DRIVERS wanted. |$325 or best offer 393 4687 fornia car, $560. 332-1177 or car expense. Phone between ployment. 356-1166 evenings. Must have excellent driving FOOD PRODUCTION: Full Bvenmgs 54-7(4' 4850027 8-4-13 (4) GANTOS RESPONSIBLE 9 a m & lO a.m o r4 p .m i f 5 3 4-6 (3) record. Apply VARSITY time assistant. HRI students. individual to perform light p.m. for an appointment. CAB. 332 3559. 8-4-7(41 maintenance work and mis­ Please send resume to 3600 FUTURE lOATSUN 510 Sports Sedan. VW 1971, new brakes, FM, 694 7947. 8-4-10(7) BABYSITTER 1-3 p.m. cellaneous duties. Hours Dunckel, attention P. Mc­ 11971 AM FM Stereo, 4 runs well, $350, reliable tran­ $2.75. 2 year old. Whitehall DENTAL RECEPTIONIST-ex- Carthy. 5-4-10 (5) ■speed Good condition. sportation. 351 2762. 4 4-5(3) Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-1 BUSPERSONS NEEDED: Manor near Hagadom. 351 perienced or assisting back­ ■41100 Steve. 351 5377. p.m., Sunday 12 p.m .-l p.m. meals in exchange for light D o yo u fe e l s to g n a n t in y o u r p re s e n t jo b ’ If 7511.3-4-6 (3) ground preferred. 485-7123. WAITRESS PART-time, tw o 13-4 4i4i VW SUPER Beetle 1975. Apply in person at Lansing bus duties. Call 332-5039, ask so c o n s id e r an u n lim ite d o p p o rtu n ity w ith 5-4-414) Mall or Meridian Mall. nights a week. Must have Radial tires, sunroof, AM /FM PART-TIME Janitorial. Must for Jay Williams. Z-5-4-5(4) o u r a g g re s s iv e o n d g r o w in g c o m p a n y . W e a re stereo, rear w indow defog- 8-4-11(8) neat appearance and be de­ A<0Z 1973 Best offer Call have auto. Call Mr. Grossi FEMALE ESCORTS wanted. pendable. Apply in person lo o k in g fo r s e v e ra l su ccessful p e o p le w h o ■Pete 351 5204 4 4 7 13) ger, fuel injection. After 6 482-6232. 8-4-13 (3) $6/hour. No training neces­ FULL AND part-time jobs MAIDS TO work for profes­ available. Excellent earnings. after 6 p.m. COREY'S. 1511 h o v e th e d e s ire to w o rk w ith o th e r successful p.m. 339-8382. 8 4-10(6) sary Call 489-2278. sional cleaning company S. Cedar St., Lansing. PODGE CORONET Custom Z-23-4 28(3) Call 374-6328 between 4-6 p e o p le . NEAT, EXPERIENCED Part 7-4-12 (5) I ! 971 72 000 nules $575 355- V W SUPER Beetle 1973, part-time. Residential clean­ p.m. 8-4-10(4) P O S IT IO N O F F E R S : time waitress. Days New ■’ “ l 745.31 excellent condition, $1700. FEMALE MASSEUSE want ing experience necessary. restaurant and lounge. Apply SHORT ORDER cook to •N E W C A R -A n e w c a r is fu rn is h e d ea ch y e a r Call 355-4525 or 339-9116. ed. $8/hour. W e w ill train. Call 484-3501. 4-4-5I5) LEGAL SECRETARY East in person between 2-4 p.m. work 4 or 5 nights per week. h o w e v e r n o o v e r n ig h t tra v e lin g is re q u ire d . PODGE TRADESMAN Van. 3-4-6 (3) 489 22m Z 23 -4-28(3) Lansing; experience neces­ 400 South Washington, Lan­ RESIDENT MANAGER cou Must have neat appearance •COMPLETE T R A IN IN G -A fo u r w e e k in te n s iv e sary. Good benefits, available ■ am t u " 1' s,'',,,infl brakes. sing. 2-4-5 (5) CHILD CARE worker - Part- pie for East Lansing property. and be dependable. Apply in ■ ™ fY . . immediately. Call 351 6200. tra in in g class h e ld lo c a lly . time. Duties include recrea­ Duties include maintenance 8-4 10(5) person after 6. COREY’S I “ » | ” s bed swivel chairs he> insulated I MoMrcytlu ][*0j SW IM INSTRUCTORS tion supervision and tutoring o f building and leasing. Work LOUNGE, 1511 S. Cedar. •IN SU R AN C E P R O G R A M -G ro u p life c o m p le te m a jo r m e d ic a l in s u ra n c e p ro g ra m plus Wednesday and Friday emotionally impaired child­ schedule is flexible around TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, Lansing. 7-4-12 (6) ■carpeted snuw 1224-8461 evenings, W .S.I. needed, ren. Hours per week to be most classes. Inquire at 332- part time 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Salary fo r th e e n tir e fa m ily . I A' Ji.hnsl 4 4 5181 SUZUKI ENDURO 250. 1972. 489-6501.2-4-5 (3) arranged. Send resume to 3900 days. 0-20 4-28(7) plus bonus. EASTLAWN Today’s best buys are in the • P A ID V A C A T IO N T w o w e e k s annual p a id M utt sell. Dan 355-0743 box A-1 State News. 7 - 4 - 6 ( 8 ) _________________________ MEMORY GARDENS. Classified section. Find what v a c a tio n a f te r o n e y e a r. 84-10131 OUTGOING ATTRACTIVE ------------------------- PART TIME positions for 349-9156. 8-4 10(5) you’re looking fori te S r « 74 HONDA CB360 electric start, luggage rack, helmet, cover, 3000 miles, 8600. 371 coed for part-time retail sales 9:30-1 p.m. Monday-Friday. Apply in person, PILLOW ROOM AND board given in MSU students. 15-20 hours/ exchange for 20 hours a week week. Automotive required, o f secretarial duties. Hours Phone339 9500. 0-20-4-28(4) NOW L I ASINO •P E N S IO N P R O G R A M -A g r e a t p e n s io n p r o ­ g ra m th a t is se t u p w ith a n a tio n a l c o m p a n y . •M A N A G E M E N T O P P O R T U N IT Y -A d vance in to TALK, Frandor Mall, 351- are 5-9 p.m., Monday-Friday, _________________________ ro n suM M ie a m a n a g e m e n t p o s itio n in 2-5 y e a rs . A s th e 2581 1 1 ?.3! _ 1767. Also, coed interested in ST. VINCENT HOME FOR BABYSITTER FOR tw o year AND PAU I 3 » ™ si" ’" Coupe, '75. c o m p a n y g ro w s : th e r e is a ls o a c h a n c e to I "-i-'s Good perfor 350 CL HONDA, 7700 miles, doing LAWN WORK for Lan CHILDREN, 2800 W est W il- old. 30 hours/week. Prefer burglar alarm, helmet, excel­ sing Lawn Service. Apply o w n y o u r o w n fra n c h is e . low. Call 323-4734 for partic- my home. Phone 332-2254. I E>i"»e Vell" w- " llnv wheels. lent, 8399. 484-5197 Y o u m u s t b e w illin g to w o rk e x c e p tio n a lly same as above. 0-3-4-519) ulars. 5-4-4(81 5-4 5(3) I „ oo 'd'ton; rust 1 Po,„- ^3 743« 54 6151 evenings. 14-7 131 h a rd in o r d e r to b e a success, a n d h a v e a th o ro u g h u n d e rs ta n d in g o f p e o p le . If y o u a re 711 a a rc h a i M . I PlAT XIQ laid Across fr«M Now Looting Bike Tune-Ups lo o k in g f o r a g r e a t o p p o rtu n ity to e a rn g o o d b : s c W illiam Hall NOW RENTING for Summer m o n e y , a n d f o r a d v a n c e m e n t y o u s h o u ld JOIN tha gong of c o n s id e r th is o p p o rtu n ity . , $3000' For Summit and Fall and Fall * IS .W —2 bedroom units —various floor plans Extra large one bedroom 1 S 2 bedroom [« w it o w n » Burcham Woods Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : —o lr conditioned Apartments suitable for 2 or Now leasing for Fall •E D U C A T IO N -Y o u m u s t h o v e a t le a s t a h ig h | 5 * m E ’974' a « ° - furnished apartments 3 students. ‘ Hoofed pool IcMtn', c„naW," '" ea86' e*- l®2-3567 ? , )n *2500. —furnished —carpeted CEDARVIEW ♦ a * .* * ‘ Air conditioning C'mon over sch o o l e d u c a tio n . A c o lle g e d e g re e o r som e c o lle g e b a c k g ro u n d is d e s ira b le . 1 8-4 7131 * p.m. —best location In town • completely fum isM d • carpeted*oir NORWOOD ‘ Tennis courts ‘ Ample perking ANDCHECKOUT •EXPERIENCE-No e x p e rie n c e is n e e d e d . W e 1^ 13RANADA Ghia 76. as low as conditioning • 3 large double closets RIVERSIDE Includes Free Storage Until Spring ‘ Nicely furnished ‘ $ Blks. to campus COLUNGWOODAPTSI w i ll tr a in a ll a c c e p te d p e rs o n n e l. * air conditioned •DESIRE TO SUCCEED If yo u a re a d y n a m ic in ­ *160 per month • We pay beet end water b w r n ? 1" h,ake'stM ■ Won. $38oo°} | W [ For Sil» ] ( $ ] Q jt f « M ß fl [  > r * ic ,Q RECEIVERS BY Marantz, 8 TRACK tapes, Burcham b 4-MAN apartment available ONE BLOCK north of Beal SUBLET NOW through Sept­ AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. ROOMS CAMPUS near LARGE SELECTI0N of PROMPT expe Kenwood, Advent, Speakers Bailey Saturday p.m. Identify fall term. Old Cedar Village. entrance. BEAL STREET ember, 1 bedroom apart­ 4 bedroom house adjacent to Furnished, cooking. Frnni ^rame8* {Jassos f ° r everyone. typing. Evenni— - C OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2617 by Advent, KLH, EPI, Tape + cost of ad. 332-4001. " nHs 675.), Top floor. 353-1446. 8-4-13 APARTMENTS, 208 Beal St. ment. Utilities included $200/ campus. Includes fireplace, $80/person. 485 1436. C 20 4 28131 E. Michigan, 372 7409. machines by TEAK, Advent, 4 4 7 13) 8-4-13 (3) Furnished 2 bedroom, 2 per­ month. Evenings 351-3881. and garage w ith studio. Re­ 0-7-4-11(3) C 2 0 4 28(5) Tanberg, Large selection of son apartments, $220/heat 8-4-714) duced to $395/month. Call COPYGRAPH EAST LANSING, share du­ HI FI gear. W e buy audio LOST DOG; white w ith 2 BEDROOM, furnished, included. Year lease, no pets, EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. Complete d,sw„ s '' plex. Furnished room. Park­ BOOKS - VISIT mid Michi equipment. WILCOX TRAD­ brown spots. Dalmation. $69.50/month, 2 roommates one parking space. Call 6 0 20 4-28(6)_______ wanted. Available immediate­ p.m. 9 p.m. or leave message UNIVERSITY VILLA NEAR FRANDOR. 129 South ing, bus. $110. 374-6366. gan's largest used bookshop. CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 ING POST. 485 4391. C 20 4 28(8) Please call 332 1275.4-4-7 (3) and Gmnd R,w, ly. 349-1948. 2-4-5 (3) before 6 p.m. 669 3654. 5-4-5(101 SUMMER (FALL Homer. 3 bedroom, newly 0-8-42(3) E. Grand River, East Lansing. FOUND: RING in field by 5:30 pm Monday * " » 5 p m Saturday 3$ CLOSE TO campus. Furnish­ NEED 2 roommates starting LEASING decorated, remodeled, new carpeting, partly furnished, ed rooms available. Utilities C 20-4 28(5) CUSTOM SANDALS. Hand Demonstration Hall. Call 356- 9641 4 4 7(3) C 20-4-28(6) June 17. Capitol Villa. Allison, FURNISHED, 2 man, 2 bed 3 5 1 -1 9 3 7 made from a drawing o f your 4 car garage. $385 + deposit. included. $ 105/month. Call 332-6881. 5-4-10 13) room Sublease Summer. QUALITY USED equipment feet. $2 off with this ad. 220 EQUITY VEST 353 4831 or LOST DURING HEC 401 T W N t T experJ $183 month. Call after 6 p.m. 351-8133 351 7497. 5-4-10 17) 351 1500. 0-20 4 28(5) at a fair price with warranty. Albert Street Monday-Satur final. Lavender-grey scarf. CENTRALLY LOCATED, 2 351 7388. Beal St. 8-4 10(3) PE 3060 turntable $89 day, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 12 4 14(6) 4635. C-20-4 28'3i FARM HOME. 8 miles south, Has sentimental value. Re­ bedroom, carpeted. Appli­ Advent Dolby System $80 NEAR LCC-2 bedrooms Hagadorn Road. 10 acres. 4 OWN FARMHOUSE Room. ward. Call 337 0135. 3-4 5(4) ances, parking, pets, $175/ $200/month including utili­ Scott 20 watt receiver $175 HP 25C Calculator used very TYPING TERM pailm bedrooms, barns. $375 + Lake, animals, greenhouse. utilities included. 482-6677. ties. 487 5624 after 5 p.m.; Interpret Systems Pre Amp little. Phone 351 2591. WALLET FOUND March 9, Iheees, IB M 8-4-13 (4) YES we lave location! 372 8165 anytime. 8-4-7(4) deposit. Available now. 351- 7497. 0-4-4-7 (6) Now. Responsible people. 351-8231 evenings. 3 4 5(4) $125 54 4 (3 ) near Computer Center. Own­ fast service Call Akai cassette tape deck $149. er must identify. 353-0485. 0-20-4 28131 •2 minutes to campus MALE ROOMMATE needed HI FI BUYS 337 1767 APPLE CRATES ideal for 34-4(3» EAST LANSING Close in. Pin* Lake •on Red Cedar River to share 4 man apartment BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX. One female needed to share room. Unfurnished with cooking 0 20 4 28(8) album storage, books, etc. EXPERIENCED IBM . spring term. Near campus. $2.75 each. WAZOO FOUND: ONE pair of contact Dissertations Apartments • f ree canoes $80 month. 351-0986. $82.50/month. 351-0829. privileges. Female only. Util ities furnished Phone 332 750H CARROUSEL slide pro RECORDS 223 Abbott. lenses For information call FAYANN.489 0 . V - 8-4-13 (3) jector with zoom lens $90. Rich 337 1861 evenings. C 20-4-28131 5 4 6(3) 5988. 0 5-4 7(5) 8 4 7(4) 6060 Marsh Rd. Call 372-8932, 8 a m. 5 p.m. 5 4 7(3) Meridian Mall Area Water's and OKEMOS - 4 bedroom, 2% office. E 5-4 714) EXPERT Typing , River's Idge H ones £ bath furnished home. Fire­ WALKING TO MSU. Female. WOMEN'S FREE form 14 grad. 16 years ei room, nice house, $100/ month plus utilities. 332-3623. 8-4-13 (3) estimates. STRUMENTS Grand River. ELDERLY 332 541 4331 IN­ East 1669 S -5-4 10 (3) FOR QUALITY stereo ser­ vice. THE STEREO SHOPPE, PUBLIC LIBRARY are spon soring a used book sale April 4. 5 6 6 9 a m 8 p.m. in the gallerys of the main library, ences available upon reqi— Call 351 4191 evenings! p.m. Z-7-4 7(8) 337-2137. 3-4-6 (3) 351 8287 after 5 p.m. 5-4 7(8) C 20 4 28(131 555 E. Grand River Summer Leasing single rooms, male only. 337- Capital Avenue, Kalamazoo MALE, OWN room, laundry, C 20 4 28-31 TUTOR WANTED FOR TWO FEMALES needed to for NEED ONE female in clean 2381 or 351-7283. Z-3-4-4(3) close to campus. Call 351 - 3 4 417) ics 310. Calculus concept-1 share four-man Water's Edge modern home. Own bed­ MINOLTA 202 camera. Physics. Call Lisa 332«-i Apartment fall term. Cheap. Americana room. 351-7069. 1-4-4 (3) ONE ROOM available in large 3226 after 7 p.m. 2-4-5 (3) 35mm, 1.7 lens, including INSTANT CASH We're pay­ 4 4 5 (3 ) ing $1 $2 for albums in good 353-6302. 3-4-6 (4) and well kept house on Grove St. 318 N. HAYFORD ST. Room case and hood $190. 355 shape WAZOO RECORDS, Service ^ $75, must share household 6742 3 4 5(3) Eden Roc HOUSE FOR rent, furnished, 713 Abbott, 337 0947 responsibilities. Female pre­ in 2 bedroom house. $87 FEMALE NEEDED to share finished basement, garage, C 20-4 28(4) RESTORATION HARD R a id Town | apartment, unfurnished, bed, call 332*0111 close MSU, evenings. 351- ferred. 351-7362. 3-4-4(51 month, near busline. 485 1408. X3-4-4 (3) WEDDING GOWN with lace WOOD floor refinishing. Quality work is my goal. Call bus, pool, $ 115/month. Call 1128 Victor St. 7064 5-4-10 (3) coat, matching head piece ANTIQUE FAIR AND SAJ WOMENS DOUBLES, mens 351 2087 8 i 11(4) Sheri 332-4251. B-5-4-4 (3) size 10. $75. 372 2647. JIMMY BUFFETT'' record single includes utilities, kitch­ MALE, OWN room furnished, East Rotary 5th annual W; FEMALE SUBLET own room, E 5 4 7(3) special of the week. en facilities. Christian atmo­ across from campus. Call Michigan's best. Quality NEWLY REMODELED spa­ immediately, in close, fur­ MARSHALL MUSIC, East FREE LESSON in complexion NEED ONE Person to share sphere. Call Meg 9 a.m. to 5 35V8554. 2 -^ 6 (2) ers from all parts of cious one bedroom apart­ two bedroom apartment, nished, friendly house. 351- MOST LP'S priced $1 75 Lansing C 1 3 10(3) care MERLE NORMAN country. April 6 & 7 noorr p.m. 669-3400. 5 p.m. to 11 ments. Close to Cooley and 0761 1-4-4 (3) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. $2 50 Cassettes. $3, quality COSMETIC STUDIO 321 own furnished room, parking, p.m. &7-(B*3._8-4-nf5) 10 p.m., April 8. noon tc; bus line. Now leasing. Call Quiet for student. Near bus guaranteed Plus 45 s. song 6x8x6 pine loft. Brand new, 5543. C 20 4 28(3) $87 month 351-6427 3-4-5(41 p.m. Lectures daily 11 485-0638. 21-5-1 (4) GARAGE WANTED to park FEMALE NEEDED to share line. $75 plus deposit. 489- books, and more. FLAT perfect condition 332 1312 East Grand Rapids car near campus, spring term. house with three others. BLACK AND CIRCULAR, 84-7(3) COMPLETE REPAIR service 2 BEDROOM, $225. Furnish­ 5574 after 5 p.m. 0-3-4-5(41 School, 2211 Lake ed, electricity, utilities. Open W ill pay reasonable price. Close to campus. Own bed­ upstairs, 541 E. Grand River. for stereos, TVs. tapes, gui­ S.E., East Grand Rjr 35^1490.4-4-7 (3)_ _ room, laundry, garage. Pets MALE NEEDED, four bed­ Open 11 a m. 351 0838 tars, banjos, band instru­ Now leasing April 15. 109 N. Clemens. Call 485-6513. 5 4-7(41 okay. $87 50/month. room house, furnished, $90 C 20-4 28(71 Animals h ments. MARSHALL MUSIC, Michigan. Z-8-4-7U1 for summer and NOW LEASING. 4 and 5 655-3417. 5-4-4(51 month plus utilities $50 de 351 7830 C-1-4-4 (51 bedroom houses. Most w ith­ ASMSU PREPAID Legal: fall ONE OR two people for three posit. Between MSU b LCC. SEWING MACHINES, slight­ NEED HOME for good na- vices Plan now makes | in walking distance to cam­ story townhouse, immediate TOTALLY RENOVATED 351 -9269 evenings X-8-4-7I6) ly used. Re-conditioned, tured dog, Lab Shepard mix, lastnctioas Services available without' Capitol Villa occupancy, across from pus. Call 351-4107 between 5-9 p.m. or Saturday. house. Rooms $80 to $115. guaranteed. $39 98 and up. 7 months. Call Zina 332-0163 to Undergraduate MSU; Kitchen, fireplace, screened EAST LANSING male stu­ EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING 337 1741 E 5 4 4(3) Apartawats MSU. 351-6663. 3-4-5(41 84-2216)___ porch. 1 block from campus. dent single room, 332-5791 CO. 1115 N. Washington JUMPING AND DRESSAGE dents. Office open 9 a lessons. Hunt seal equitation 12 p.m.; 1:30 p m - 1*5 Office hours NEEDED 4 to share 5 man 351-4484 or 332-8175. after 5:30 p.m., weekends 489 6446. C 20 4 28(6) FREE PUPPIES. Mother pure ACROSS FROM campus, transportation available for p.m. Monday-Friday Fo' 5-4-4(42 anytime. X-3-4 5(4) bred English Setter Father 332-S 330 spacious apartment, available house. Fenced backyard. Pets. 332-8700. 8-4-7(3) 100 USED vacuum cleaners. black Labrador Call 646 Thursday evening classes. formation or appointment spring term. Reduced rent. NORTH CLEMENS, fur­ WILLOWPOND STABLES 355-8266. 0-1 4 4 191 ROOM IN log cabin on Lake Tanks, cannisters, and up 8451 before noon or after 10 Call 351-8135 or 351 1957 nished, female, all house 3301 Harper, Mason. FALL '78 - 8 bedroom house Lansing. Pets welcome. $88/ rights. Guaranteed one full p.m. 8 4 10(4) WOMAN WANTED to share 0-8-4-12(4) privileges. Near bus. Drive­ 676-9799. 0-4-7151 Tired of being broke for 8 student group. Kitchen, month. 339-3556. 8-4-13 (6) year $7.88 and up DENNIS room in spacious apartment laundry, parking. Excellent way parking. 487-6390. fast cash by selling IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 2 YEAR old female Dober vou no longer use spring t$rm. Call Rhoda 351 8-4-10(4) 9474. 3-4-4<3) female needed for furnished location. $90 month plus util­ ities. 12 month lease. 332- ROOM. PRIVATE Union close. $95 + utilities. bath. 316 N. Cedar, opposite City man needs a good home. [Typiil Sirvici fast action Classified Ad C apartment. Close to campus. FEMALE TO share apart­ Market. C 20-4-28(7) 351 8102 after 10 a m 1918_ 314-4OS • ‘#d W.th •d * ’Honey 111 -n,rh*n 0r ground Oodt o«d r.re ooons 0 »kur ' 01' Ilo ond a »opop.Ho ■ la A le g r e by Bob Thaves ■L a z t i c o r i b I A im A i a 2 0 3 M . A . C . 551 >9111 A D V IR TISI IN THIS SP A C I CALL 353-6400 lo w 90s prices THE DROPOUTS CAMPUS - • WELS WITH FARLEYT Plus Service by Post SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 2 M M M * li ttl e fre e w a y I Frank t e n t ile S te tte » HOW Grand River IM* I O ' «>»•' SPONSO RED BY: No it *0 Varsity Inn We Appreciate Your Business |HE KMMSOFTHg/WME- AND ITÜ A m Ifltf- PUBLICARE T00 OFFICE V ftA b V R ^O O U U U U Ü Ü Ö Ü Ö 1 MUCH AIE TZ9 „ r PROPtXE A WOKIE WITH N O O W tP & U J lB - I FlWRE OUT- / a l l THE ELEMENTS Or A IV NO ONE HA5> CLOSED FOR $UCC&$WL FILAI-VIOLENCE. G0N5 TO SBEJT REPAIRS' W W ?y gEX.. HPMUSIC- f u m i v i FIUI^ TITLE? PILLOW TA LK Mon and Wornon T0SSWORD SAM and SILO ' É kS & n tor oppo.ntmont toddy JOB MAC W o a Jonot S titto w f PUZZLC OhepordV by Jerry Dumas and M ort Walker SPONSORED BY: Now opon So'urdoy» 25 leaf of a manuscnpt SPONSORED BY: compus W i l l Yo u S O R R Y , IT'S I 'L L G IV E ÍO Ú A F OU A N C R E R 3 ; - r £ 26 Kind ol rebec 27 lettuce 6 IV E M E A a s a in s t B it e o f m y i 'l l t l r s o n t L e Nd 30 Chestnut clam R ID E in Yo u r REGULATIONS canpy bar S ire s rtstop 33 Cote SQ U A D CA R R I ---------- » p rt composer 3* Male party 1 s BBa D S I w e m J p ( f corn 35 Cuttlefish T H |I|C A L I \ 36 Budgengar E e In I t Iß Y I «0 loop and knot c js a E s a 41 Sett 4? Silkworm 4 Pedestal part 43 Pronoun S. Orange dnnk 44 Clear gam 1 Este of oleic Kid 6 Presidential 45 Playground 2 Vegetable nickname p # on the 46 Oriental ship 3 Erode 7 Rhea VIE - captain 8 Roman tunic SPECIALI« s 9. Court ludgment b 9 to 10. Recipient 13 16. New England nver "O * L ive P u nk a t D o o le y ’i 18 Answer the purpose ancient BEETLE BAILEY SPONSORED BY: The S tra n g le rs ÌÒ 21 Garrison GREASE by M ort W alker « n í A p r il 10 22. Agave 23 Cowr 25. Distant W Xf / I WANT A CO UPLA M E P lC S , ] 26. Norse legend U k l A i 1 SOME 0 X Y S E N , AN D T H E i 27. Arresting officer EMERGENCY ROOM 28 ' Good Queen Bess” I r 29. Salt water fish 30. Tmnbltng » 31 Degree 32. Foftuneteftngcaid 33. Exist 35. South African <*á viftige 37. Explanation H 38 Basabaltarm 39. Goddessof haaknp Adviser enjoys work at Armstrong By R.W . ROBINSON tran sferred to A rm strong Hall h er position and have become economics a t A rizona S ta te position, not a pair of m en's by showing th a t residence halls State New* Staff Writer as th e g rad u ate adviser convinced sh e can do th e job U niversity. shoes. a re m ore than ju st a place to “I w asn't su re about th e because she w anted a full-time well. D uring h er ju n io r y ea r at So far, th e re have been no eat and sleep, she continued. reaction I was going to get from position in a dorm itory, and th e "It doesn’t ta k e muscle to run A rizona S tate, Schuh decided operating changes m ade in Schuh will be th e head th e men about w hy I w anted to position in Shaw Hall w as only A rm strong Hall," she com­ to g et a m a ster's d eg ree in A rm strong Hall, and chances adviser only for spring term work in A rm strong Hall," part-tim e. mented. college stu d en t personnel are th e re will be none, Schuh because she will be getting adm itted Carol Schuh, th e first She said she received a few "The stu d en ts and men I because sh e had been a resident said. S he and form er head m arried in July. But she said woman to be nam ed head peculiar glances from th e resi­ work around daily tr e a t me as assistan t for tw o y ea rs and adviser sh are th e sam e philos­ serving even for such a short adviser of an all-male residence dents, but th e looks ended after an equal and I cannot expect enjoyed w orking w ith stu d en ts. ophy about running a residence period of tim e as head adviser hall a t MSU. th e first few w eeks on th e job anything m ore from them than "I very much like w orking hall, she explained. is well w orth it. A rm strong Hall currently as graduate adviser. When the th a t," Schuh said. around stu d en ts — so much I F irst, advisers should be an No difficulties will occur houses som e five hundred male head adviser position opened The new adviser had tw o feel as though I n ev er w an t to information resource person for while she is head adviser of residents, mostly freshm en. up w inter term , Schuh applied older b ro th ers a t home which leave th e U niversity life," she residents, ra th e r th an a police A rm strong Hall, because the Schuh approaches h er new and w as approved for the job she said has som e bearing on explained. officer, she said. Secondly, they resident assistan ts have good position with g re a t enthusiasm , by th e a rea director of Brody her choice to live in an all male The adviser said th e impor should help m ake an easy professional leadership training and said she still looks upon it Complex, R obert M inetti. dorm itory. tan t point about h er jo b is that transition from home to an and the resid en ts respect them as a serious job th a t is p a rt of "Bob (M inetti) m ust have Schuh said she enjoys watch she is filling a head adviser's independent life on th e campus, «ho «nid. running a "totally functional thought I w as prepared for this ing basketball, baseball and U niversity." type of job and therefore pro­ football gam es w ith A rm strong The new adviser said she moted me. I believe his decision residents. A diehard S partan does not w ant people to get the was based upon my job exper fan, she alw ays w ears green Tonight thru Saturday impression th a t she is “trying ience in th e past year and half and w hite to ev ery athletic to prove anything by taking the year, on th e resident staff," gam e a t MSU she atten d s. Brian Leo Bluet Band promotion, though quickly Schuh said. Schuh said she even drives a S IG N U P F O R added she believes a woman is Even after th e odd looks died green and w hite M ustang to capable of running an all-male off, Schuh said she could see show her loyalty. Restaurant Special dorm itory as well as a man. some residents would continue "I have a lot of S p artan spirit, S O R O R IT Y R U S H Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, F or th e last tw o term s, to w onder why a 23-year-old as you can tell by my car and Tonight in Dorms and the International Center Schuh was assistant adviser at woman would w ant to live in a m ost of my clothing. Most Gravy and Salad Bar A rm strong Hall before being appointed head spring term . male residence hall largely populated by freshm en and people kid me about it, b ut I feel good about my school All You Can Eat! $ 4 9 5 Rush begins A p r il 9th She was the g raduate assistant sophomores. spirit," Schuh said. in Shaw Hall from Septem ber For More Information Calls 1976 until April 1977. Then she But Schuh said she believes m ost residents have accepted Schuh is originally from Ari­ zona, and m ajored in home Sizai°di 3 5 3 -2 9 6 5 ®nd0i°gi°oand e rV M t 224 A b b o t* 351-2285 329 or 1D1 Studont Sarvlcos Bldg. oisDE World soup of month \!) 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