M 5. C. Library ran?, l.hr ^ i rut Huh. IBichtcjaiT 6tate Keuis i ovnr; rvrvT* n% 1*+*n R. I Anthnnv •*f«ti»*i«»n Hall Taolthl ^ I.A-T I.AN.HINr,. MICHIGAN, I i'lDAV, MAY it i- Sfrikpsters Hash Ag Carnival l iiltire Frowh Plan Course Carpenter and Markrell Set For Fiii On Cinders Here I« Mature On llw (aimpiiK it rI- /w sml:(ni In MIS Tilltale Working Inhilnf- I'laiim-fl »'*»"«"<• '•ry I |i|M*r-«'la>- I o um PoIfc Us Three Lotlegf Ik - f>l« Lhanee l«» \i«l tfirliiiratl Stale. W.ivrte I |lii«!|ey Trail, Hare for Home Ces .. in Today'* ami Vloli rn hivafrifn, Slate «re |iirf iiM-ril- F>#hi»i Women Play llo*le*s J Minor Pre*\ : *« rihrter To High Sehool Croup %fler Markrell Campus Ry Tim Nolan I Huh I'ninl Sfvn Until I.Iff linn* In SImrl Sfirinl* RooWa ami llun* In In• Tliiirmlav Mnnv Hfrnril« nri- titprri- lirnkmia ami Kttrxar*! lo !•••• I *tmletil Brarirh lo Vi.il Imlu.trial Plant In in t li.ijilrr VI,. r.ngineer* T.lert l.o 10 ^ finii||l« (iampti* Hnilrlin<£« Ke.oiind to the Labor. Of 1 L> 'Shirt.Iee\e* T o11•• oStiidrnt. Fouinlr) Student* Pour Iron to Make ( amptb \eee**itie. Tcaphfr* to V i*it I pjnhn I.Ih-iii Lult Loral \.«oriatio»i lo II11M ^|irnm Wrrl in kjum. k men Mr p. .-n-.ed . the need ' - - •*t !'• 'ialr* »r.,rm oh .. * More teclad *t4r r.,w# f >i> .w) Pr,r 'I vu«.r. TV K-".- , v«ar* .i ^«rarw*i. .Irv >taf* -omjt.Kj f .(,.•» ■,» U« temm T L Can.ft P r Maumanr H fa: , ftaodM. -fa ir-.-rp j H G QuU...r,,' f -. ■rd in ltl4. whten andacap* •> -.v. wan ■>:«. burn, Haaruh "prai. y Carty W Caruun. C ' *w»ve estimated ** w->rtw » >n « Other futures in different Lantfuif- R M War ran A A< «*> to 500.OIK' To the rtu- oudd.ng* *r» rnade here The art. j c-rpurdav. and M .. y 1 of the roUegr th«*«e trae. :***> f • rve work ?ab*e* ?r, the There w U be a general A. W. L Auar '* .a add attand noJd a Mtinmem f-r grea'er mar.iiae *n«p was one of the b»g- aweiaag Thursday. Ma> 28. a' these figure* and - beaut' . . ■ ha •#•*<. • - * Ram M ma ti -i- '• will never be forgotten ng Uoie* in Okb Hell , b;., , ■ml FrMaya iturin* i tillKST EDITORIAL prgrfuee intellect* taller than the she Jdentlfy hers by the . laroe tallest and all that tail They tents'* r ■i Wichifitm Slnlv 1 nllcL'r- PKDANTfC OPT1.MIRM y% fdln MnMhrr 1917 Thv Pioneer Patronize the advertiser ftssocidcd Gottoflkio Preti Ih Mean Iv I„ Anthony, Agriculture Distributors of hounded as an Agricultural collage Fnediot-rity -world without end, CnloftialnDilSojl . I855 and dedicated in 1857 t he first e» Editor* lege teaching agriculture in any part as •h from u t)i Ralph B hut rtwHV still they have faith and our pedagogue.. Whal ...LITEST! MANA<*IN(; K.niTOK «»f.A tJKI.ZKIt the world, this institution as a pione 'ollogr of t!»«• City "f ASSOCIATE EDTTOH If ARVF.Y If ATtHlNfJTON should be a source of pride lo ie CO-Kh EDITOR HEVKKI.Y SMITH Not only may tbi institution be call SPOUTS EDITOR Al. THFII.KK EDITORIAL lin.MUi HnKKItT l» I I IMl\\" a pioneer in blazing the new and nniri Kit KIM ol.HS trail in the education of farmers, but also rightfully can be honored a > birthplace of scientific agriculture. 'I IH -l|IIH •aching at agi Rimlnrni. Department llfrsiM SS MANAOHl ROIIKR'I I MFFlOll Ass I III' d\'Fl". MANAfiEK W11 I A l< I» WIIITI a-" ^ - itftgi - in| fruind^limcVo '. 'inLotion'lhet wi.mt Die "'To Z«Vt »o.. 7»r WL SWAGCEB-JAC * With llarvcv Harrington, rei M '' <; 1 RLS- mued . a 1 abort v II . d. IbiikY Kugcin Dawn • U.. V... , ,1. MKH«b for trial National Advertising Service, I world Ianion lb. 1 p- Msm rrwdmllon- iiaw you mwii Mm 19.95 conic mill down It is doubtful thai any of those former \iyiyyy,".'.? wr>- Re . n« of ttw At t # • , hi. ; the Int.'"'. could haw lorseen thai they taking \o Morr "lhnlo" Itinl were *1.^5 and *1 VII MAY IIHDK o||r LA MODE HAT SHOPPE nrhi M. i M,„r cf U . » i»| toil I 'I'd i .la—.',I along Willi tin- **| It m|< of the.\\orld.aml bung dav and yr:; ' or a new a rr> k u»*hinsi even count until last Tuesda.v evening EARN REALMONEYTHIS SUMMER when H appeared one more. using an all t in culm college political rally a? it which . more in the Inst lltreeipuir'l Ea*y • Pleaianl - Curtain Th. ihllv. while a decided success from fury than during all of Ihe rULL-TIME or SPARE-TIME the standpoint of politics, becomes tin torv of civilization. no investment important when compared in the outlet for class spint it afforded the student bodv k« I.I lo Write Today for Details of muse were all tn evidence that evening. (pl«.M includ. your bom* addrau) D R. OOURLEY. PrMtid.nl they also marked a display of enthusiasm W bk h Nit • i mdly I at kin at Ram l«an AUSTIN LIME C0BP01ATI0N 68 South Water Market, Chicago, 111. tin v.i M m. s SW AGGKK BAGS I lilil- and I .lid- • • • No IHsitiiniiiiilioit Jusl for I lie ('iris llerr Wr %rr X J .011 eaeli State Coekele Rook. Stoke a i.... * ...I, JokII Itilliiio^ If You Are Driving— Hi94** Ten Hemork : Or (ranoriii^— A PICNIC LUNCH Is ji.!>t the thing ttrvo Til- A i Ih. .We specialize in them tion solci after the ennun..' i' • of the r.i plied bt fore th< lit and n. a.On Che Sunt 3Fuob ■■ i other ignon ■ >•,.r.iuv They Si]op May 11, I!i:i7 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS hp Thm WORKIM; kxhirith ARK )orothy llahsclhringtlomepartment of \r. hl,i-li<,|>' m.h» In IVr- F«rBan.|..h 'i" Th. .put on an exhibit trm R«l«* of rrti^rier tttt • 1 f n> . ' • ^ of quality milk I.ar.sir.g Home Dairy -will fcSir* Mill IVirtcr ,,n ■ Aan and foreign Mil Wen's (troop* .. . irH • • Mi I loltI \lii V Ihinrt's II .i i K' ii'il»ii" Will 1m- rott rnl Itv *Coo Voir II i' (tin l,ii fleer lit— \tt«'inl- Ll'U^IK' i» sin Ms r \i i i Stai'- ^ «*ll Ri prieanti ii at SANDY S GRILL!' \nn' \rtior. Ml K'l1 \ TONGUE BITE N nior Honorary $7.50 lllililil» « I * » l\ r GONE.' M„n..r Ito.ir.l Vim.-- Mfli iH.I M\ HixIKHt or- for 1 onting % »-itr. BURTON'S HI {Sz)d£4*(SI&t SOUTH WASHKCTOH Mb A Ijf ^^ai^conoiti0niojy«««attga pJQSHjVTT? Mclutive Edgeworth Method —.. .. „ ARB Mil" i>«e ,i >«n»atn»n PROCESS-AGING :Um.S DAVU W/iuams _ _ /« (hanging Smokerg' Ideas CAMPUS BARBER SHOP WHITES ^ ■ V • ^ y v^ V . v , «—" ^ i S* N fi\ .* ' \Y iiiiii'ii'. Iluiior.iry l'lri|»r» I or 111 litis 2 91 and 3.9S •V! 1/ St • / u III CLASSIFIED tut tl.M M VACATIONEERS.. I a*t War* lit/Mi DGEWORTH pandob'e *3 »ai noma t*p'#o Too ipeed lo* cot' row bogjaje ». • too' economy , P.;« • »' EDGEWORTH - ♦-♦how' e*"o cheque —>« ol' «»*»•» o«<3 p»-n<.ooi to»r o> *»«• oo*#v» to. Portia Hat., I.I Nl.N kVMk VIUH 1 _ MfUJOKH I O* .OAtt»'*dh *n yOuf I AllllOT ROAI) ii. K(»ncHt:K SWD VL^ m BK(». !< / ttttan ii . \ .rift Haa0.ut«Ui< Satketb KA1 IAVA^EXPRESS V?« tHAr,OH.*>Di tAU-Alt SiiV it I MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Track Carnival Opens Today With 170 Athletes Entered Main Threals Take Third in Raw; Real , 8-3 TOIT INI FOR H-.f mi\ Are Wayne, (iolleel Ten Net S«|ii:i«l Sifkn Early Drills S|M»rt Interludes kazoo f earns Prr»N Ro\ Wn.h Win in { ^ Km| tiwirr Mnkit Toltttirli I rail* Tnrliir* and Hits to Set I • "1 M«"h f g, ,,r Trie- f«» Hrfetid Four KIH1TZIN0S ln(rrianie Season llifsh Rv XI Thcilei I n'"kl'irhilt'/n. 1in«ln|» of Sprin* I'rnrlire Pilrhen Kf- .. M;»* lleitkel • <; -a ii journey to South Bend to « lo hr IVp.ir, „f 19.17 frrtivr Mall a* Kuk " ""<*"<»•<*»"<■ Slntr Klrvrn *liir- ^ i«li Bal j?."i!0".v jifternoon It.-s Huns J w '' George Mailrtn 11% / '*' h*|' prnrtU« \ »t hand foi tt •• IM . ' ... ' '' '' ' V. m •• at it* t nrrii • i tnt tbal i picked tcorns wi Tlieta INu Drop* \ , I lt> '•! M.< l.aMn tMlt.l.v.iv ll**d Th«. tar . full .Mil. and « ... First Battle to I ». r*M F.ihnnv Pinf.l nana ami in D..d- frne.1 h..,r, a da> hn.de. Se\mai hi«h . > I . nnniinv. It arid tluil we Mil. Other l.ii.iie.: >......i , «... 1'arn.ulee llealen A Wide Variety at Gaily Patterned "lie li.ul m«rr natural stuli than am rnUrirr SPORT COATS y in I It's |*im| of flu- I nlventti ol Illinois ' i Irs SI 3.50 Tlnn sdav n.Kht the He >i Ihr lirsl .ill .ironnil distance miners in this section of Ihr FIRST AID Sliilr Irosli Niur \\ in- Third \ ir|or% V—ault t»ii Beeortls 0|H'iis AA itli Few Slatetl to Stand I olmiel»4.r»MT Fetid F.\|WM*ted to lw lliifldiglit of Reel: Two Mtlr Record Safe. FINE FOODS Re...rdn thou Id go off th* Uiard* t»*e tra<* With wtmi- cr.ui* i igh FOUNTAIN jumpers entered v*h«- have betu r 11 err i> our rw»r»t -urnmrr Unlh-r - SERVICE *i* thu feet-three and one half in< he*, one seem* certai'i t" fall O.'tiuw Whit, Hufilo- Udkward In *h.irter dash Bill Hawthorne ot Normal is tOIHl mitt ihe into Jkmd Frirtidl. Wat are aimI SXriRllAV back to break his own mark in preMMi' record 1 egistei e. Imoi tin. I.K loin Mini distributing |mint*. both the brmtd Jump made last year nbcrntr n- . , tnanv Sing He A love Sons' 192 which stands at 23 feet and 7 4* rormt \ou go and with Sta i il rushed |eli"|di<•iii**malt rial- of every kind into the tiood The rc%md f.-: the 44c .s it» inchm In practice Hawthorne whatever >1 Ml \> M.lVOO JVMKS *0:1 TON you wear, -top in and made by Gum in 1927. who was has jumped 24 feet consistently ANII Tl KXDAA I'ATKII IA KI.I.IS • Work***! t<> maintain ami rwluri* communication. I member of the strongest .squad, Unless an unknown comes up Mil I llll \lit» \> III. m.MKI .III M That year the record in the javelin throw by > i in the Spartar\< history Drama!<• a- this emergency Service Of Supply, it i* III III. I' .ulrrr.I lo\ . .|..f I ,it w Cxfch Youn* had tour men who Lee Bartlet- who was on the re¬ real I* no more important than Western Electric** nrrv HIM. IS I J \MI.S I CNHjid travel 100 \ard> in iess tivan cent Olympic team seems certain cfciv work. For year*, it ha* harked up the Bell System SIMON STEWART 10 aecvmft of Michigan heave .of 200 feet, made in 1929 ft Abe RoAen:rant? w ith an end ire* of quality equipment. A major factor in ! Normal who holds the record m still IS tops making your t« h-phoiic m» far reaching, mi dependable! >ET i 'his the half mile will try u* shatter own mark of 1 54 In the The 146 feet. 9 inches made Paul Troy in 1934 for Central by V