m VO LUM E 72 NUMBER 53 W ED NES DA Y. APRIL 5, 1978 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48824 D rin k in g age raised to 19 sta rtin g Dec. 3 By NCNZIO M. LUPO fo n tart with younger stu d en ts in school experienced "peer pressure” from their S ta te News Staff W riter than those 19 and older. friends if they w ere not drinkers. A tw o bill parkage raisin# the legal "By raising th e age of legal drinking by Some reported not being invited to drinking a#«* to 19 was signed into law by one y ear we also, for »he most part, raise p arties if they did not drink. Gov. William (j. Milliken Tuesday. the age of illegal accessibility through DeSana said some supporters of th e bills The law will ta k e effect Dec. 3 and w ere pushing for a higher age than 19 to -V persons who tu rn 18 before th a t tim e will be purchase carry-out liquor. able to continue to drink. Those turning 18 s ee related story on page 3. "The problem was in th e carry-out after th a t tim e will have to w ait another stores." DeSana said, adding th a t persons y ear to drink legally. 18 o r older often buy alcohol for minors The m easures amend the stat** Liquor w aiting outside the corner store. Control Act and Criminal Code. friends and acquaintar DeSana's study on the problem revealed «matti Millikei added. a 55 percent increase in alcohol-related Milliken said he signed th e bills because of State News Photo accidents for people under th e age of 18 problem s w ith alcohol in schools. Milliken is referring what th e bill's I iemi tr» cto r tr» ilo r w»§ u p » et T u e s d a y , spillin g a tu rn o n to 1-96 n e a r C ap ital C ity A irp o rt in from 1971 to 1973, after th e low er drinking "1 am signing this legislation prim arily sponsor calls the "trickle >wn effect." IgKoline onto th e ro«d w h e n th e trn ilo r cam e un L a n sin g . T h e re w e re no in ju rie s from th e incid en t. age had passed. ■bitched from th e tr a c to r a s th e d r iv e r w as m ak in g because of th e problem s rep o rted by school Sen. Jam es DeSana. D W yandotte, said In the 18 to 20 year-old bracket, adm inistrators," he said. "Young people at people who testified before the Senate felt drinking related accidents rose 123 percent age 18 a re much more likely to have regular the problem was with 1* year olds buying during th a t same period. alcohol for much younger peopie. The senator identified "drinking in cars" as one of the major problems of th e younger R esearch on the problem revealed age. tudents secure counsel over keg drinking by seventh students, he added. nd eighth grade DeSana said several young people te sti­ fied before the S enate that thev had He added th a t no university adm inistra to rs had testified on thebillsand th a t he did not see th e higher age causing a change in dorm itory alcohol policies. By JOY HAENLEIN The party was characterized by the not consulting th** D epartm ent of 1'ublic Ford said he looked into th e room and State Newt Staff W riter students as "a peaceable gathering" which Safety before acting on his own. spotted the keg sitting in a well lit corner of 1 help has been secured by four , Hall residents in their fight against kuate adviser they say confiscated a was supposedly in terru p ted w hen Ford and Mason Hall head adviser Tom Hadz.or en tered th e room and took th e keg. F ord said his actions w ere "less injurious to th e stu d en ts" than his a lte rn a ti\e to call in DPS. th e room. Ford said he then en tered th e room and inform ed th e resid en ts he would confiscate Possibility of floods I beer illegally last term . S tudents claim Ford gave no explanation According to Ford, an unregistered keg th e keg. A tim e w as set up for th e next day I students seek to be reim bursed for for th e action, and proceeded to lock the keg had been confiscated th e weekend before when th e keg could be retu rn ed . Ford said. L Cary Ford confiscated during a 2 party. lording to a letter printed by th e S ta te in an advisory office with th e guarantee that it could be retriev ed th e next day. According to th e students, the beer and stu d en ts w ere w arned that any kegs not reg istered would suffer the same fate. W hat followed th e announcem ent w ere physical th re a ts and h arassm en t. Ford said. not as likely as 1975 Ford said he knew about th e keg when a I ^ t e r th a t evening, he added, p arty goers , Bob Izezuch. Mike Dennis. M ark subsequently spoiled, thereby constituting resident assistan t inform ed him th e stu w ere h eard scream ing in th e hallways and n and Gary DeFauw purchased a By J ANETRA LFM A N N dam age to p riv ate property. Ford refused d en ts “ju st w anted to see if I would do kicking lobby walls "well after U niversity S tate N ew s Staff W riter kf beer celebrating th e S partans' to keep th e keg on ice. they said. som ething." quiet hours." W eather conditions which prom pted the flash flood watch in Ingham and neighboring ■ng of the Big Ten basketball title, As th e stu d en ts see it. the actions violate While m aking his rounds. Ford said he T he next day th e stu d en ts came to Ford counties Tuesday may occur again on T hursday, according to Clark H art wig. meterological leg »as not registered with th e head th e ir constitutional and U niversity rights, saw 25 people holding m ugs of b eer in th ..nd «aid someone would come by later to technician for the National W eath er Service. Vand was recognized by th e students including those of peaceable assembly, hallway of th e basem ent floor which is a pick up th e keg. Ford claim s th e keg was However. H art wig ¡.aid th e possibility of regular flooding such as occurred in April 1975 fiolation of University alcohol policy. unreasonable search and seizure and Ford's violation of U niversity alcohol policy. not retriev ed until th e following Monday or is less now than when the snow was still p resent and the ground was frozen. Tuesday, giving th e beer tim e to spoil. Federal d isaster aid was appropriated to Ingham County in 1975 w hen the Red Cedar “I thought I was being a nice guy." Ford and G rand Rivers flooded, causing about $40 million in damage to the area. [ERSPENDING STILL /V (JLE ST IO S said, adding th a t had he called th e DPS the ' A low p ressu re system in theRockies could bring w arm er w eather and some m ore snow melt in the north and bring m ore chance of intense show ers and thunderstorm s Thursday.” four probably would have been arreste d for violating th e U niversity alcohol policy. he said. [ones to be seated as president H adzor, and Abbot Hall head adviser D ebbie Price would not com ment on the m atter. H art wig described a flash flood as a “short term deal’’ with very heavy rains locally which cause rivers and stream s to rise up and out of th eir banks within one to th re e hours. One and one-half inches of intense rainfall could result in a flash flood in th e area, he said. While Resident Hall P rogram s A rea Flash flood w atches are very uncommon in Michigan, he said. Conditions which could By KIM SHANAHAN loon to file w ith th e student judiciary but for his cam paign posters. D irector R obert M inetti said some punitive result in very intense rainfall within a short tim e span are more common in mountain areas, State News SUff W riter Freem an said th e commission will probably The code dot's not specifically ad d ress the action may be taken against th e advisers, he explained. I Jones will be seated as ASMSU nave its case ready to file T hursday. Len issue of labor charges. It only refers he added th at it was doubtful th at eith er Tuesday's w atch, which began early in the morning, was cancelled at 2:45 p.m. Int Board president on A pril 11. B roberg, who was elections commissioner specifically to "m aterials." The commission would be relieved of th e ir duties. Hartw ig said th e ground is still quite satu rated and all the frost is not out of th e ground. I t a statement by th e All-U niversity before F reem an, will act as counsel for the will try to prove th a t Jo n es violated the ASMSU Legal Services Tuesday filed a If a heavy rain occurred, much of the w ater would therefore run off into stream s and rivers, Ions Commission Monday th a t his commission. F reem an said th e case will “spirit " of t he code because his labor charges petition on th e stu d en ts’ behalf for a he said. ■icy had been invalidated. probably not be heard for at least two w ere significantly low er than th e o ther hearing before the Student Faculty Judi Hartw ig said now th at the snow :s gone, w arm w eather does not cause problem s b u t ) statement posted by th e elections w eeks. candidates. F reem an said. ciary. works to get the frost out of the ground. iission on Monday listed Jones' nam e Though commission m em bers are hesitant "W e have found serious discrepancies Howard Wilson. M SI d irecto r of building services, said th e Red Cedar River w as a t 5.3 J with several other presidential and to discuss th e case. F reem an said they are betw een th e prices Jo n es had listed Lon O’Trem ba. I*ogal S ervices chief feet Tuesday afternoon. At 6.9 feet, the river starts spilling over its banks south of th e * representative candidates under th e exam ining th e possibility th a t Jones may com pared to th e prices listed by all th e other counsel, said th e stu d en ts hope th e judi Auditorium , he said. No problem exists for buildings until the river reaches 8 feet. f a of “Invalidated C andidates From have received special rates on labor t harges candidates." F reem an said. ciary will "cough up the money for the keg The D epartm ent of Public Safety continually m onitors the river. Wilson said. The Election." of b eer." U niversity's flood procedure is geared by ten th s of a foot up to 15 feet, which is th e highest ktions Commissioner Rob F reem an level ev er reached by the riv er in 1904. he said. | clarified the fact Monday th a t Jo n es' In 1947 and 1975. the riv er level reached about 12 feet, he said. had not actually been declared Id. However, he did say th e commis ■suspected Jones had overspent his Democrats clear election path W here th e rainfall is concentrated is also an im portant factor. In 1975. th e rainfall was concentrated in th e Red C edar Valley so the problem was much g reater than if it had fallen elsew here, he said. 1 limit set by the ASMSU Code of ktions, | e probably should have made it a little f Freeman said Tuesday. "But if you fictions 6.3.4. b and 6.5.4 of th e code of due to Nelson re-election move fions. it explains the situation." Owen said he would have to give up his Nelson unless tu rtn e r de\ opm enis in me Nr vr. ' ]H W<>sections state th a t Jones cannot By M 'N /.IO M. l.lT ’O [his candidacy invalidated by th e S tate N ew s S tiff W riter job to run and would ta k e a big pay cut if loan case caused Nelson t re consider his fission - a judicial body m ust hand D em ocrats in th e 24th S enate d istrict are elected. decision. T e invalidation. Yet th e commission P ose two sections as th e reason for for th e most part clearing a path for Sen. Earl Nelson, who announced Monday he Jondahi said th e re is "no way I’m desirous of challenging Nelson in the Republicans vying for Nelson's seat include AI N erdrum , an optical shop owner, inside P n g Jones’ name in th e list of would seek re election. prim ary." H e said he would, however, run if and William S ed erb u rg . Ingham County W hat country has had TV only since 1970? See page 3. PMtes already invalidated. The big th re e in the d istrict — Rep. Tom Nelson bows out. Republican P arty chairperson. f s who sign a statem ent acknow "Hoke" Holcomb, I) Lansing, Rep. David Jondahi said he plans to run for Nelson said a short tim e ago he was | g campaign overspending autom at Hollister, D-Lansing. and Rep. H. Lynn I nva‘date their own candidacy w ith Jondahi, D E ast Lansing said Tuesday they would not oppose th e 4 0 y e a ro ld re-election for his seat in th e House of R epresentatives. re considering his decision last O ttober not to run. weather I action, according to th e code. But th e announcem ent that he look a loan . E m ission decided to challenge Lansing D em ocrat in his bid for a second H ollister also said he will not run against foday we might see a little sunshine, with te m p eratu res in the from dog racing advocate John A. MacLel term . Nelson hut would consider it if Nelson does to mid 50s. Impn!" pment Monday, he reiused t0 siKn th e Ian before introducing a bill to legalize the Only Patricia N orfleet, an East Lansing not run. sport caused speculation he would stick to p ties is to be invalidated, th e elections beauty shop ow ner, has said she will run Nelson could win, he added, if he can his original decision. ldoub|nh!IfUSt prove "beyond a reason against Nelson. clear up questions about th e loan. "He’s a The loan is cu rren tly being investigated Kliftinn” ik’re * ju d ic i* r Y o t c o m p e t e n t And East Lansing City Councilmember dynamic, charism atic guy." H ollister said by th e FBI and the Legislative Joint P ih jv p ran' paiRn spending regu l^arry Owen is considering it, he said Holcomb said he would not run against Conflict of In te rest Comm ittee. I been violated, th e code states. Tuesday. T comni>ssion has until F ridsy after- Owen has been talking with area people and said he is getting "mainly positive reactions" about his candidacy. He said he has been considering it for several w eeks Carter may veto N-bomb and is looking for reactions before finally ommittee deciding in a couple of weeks. Owen said th e recent controversy over a WASHINGTON (API — P resid en t C arter has ten tativ ely decided against production of th e n eutron bomb, th e controversial nuclear w eapon designed to defeat a massive Soviet $5,000 loan Nelson took from a dog racing tank attack on W estern Europe. n selection advocate — 11 w eeks before introducing a bill to legalize th e sport — would not g reatly affect his decision. C arter conferred Tuesday w ith S ecretary of S ta te C yrus Vance and W est German Foreign M inister H ans D ietrich G enscher, w ho arriv ed earlier in th e day to press his toges meet He said he is talking to people about Nelson’s perform ance in th e S enate and governm ent’s support for production of n eutron weapons. “All th e se questions a re subject to consultation within th e alliance." G enscher told seeing if th e re is a need for im provem ent. A mong those people he has talked to is re p o rte rs after a prio r m eeting w ith Vance. T * *Bd n 1mUoo M ike F arrell, Ingham County Democratic When asked directly w h eth er C arter had made up his mind, Vance said the president pion tod«v „ ,** 11 m M t ta c lo u d "H as not decided th a t question." fit y at 1 p.m. ta X17A Union P arty chairperson. Owen said F arrell did not advise him Vance, who accompanied G enscher to s e p arate m eetings w ith C arter and his national e ith e r way on th e election bid. security adviser, Zbigniew Brzez.inski, said afterw ard th a t C arter had made no decision '»mitte!! which hbW 7'*®tta* of the Owen said he has tw o considerations to on th e n eutron bomb. i 01 ike o ï ï M cloMd P*rt* of But, Vance added, "1 should think in th e not too distan t fu tu re th at we should he able to think about before announcing his decision. Pre»»ndpubUcS tW° One, he said, is w hether he has th e political m ake a decision." support he would need to win, and th e ot her It was understood th a t C arter’s te n tativ e decision w as relayed to Bonn late last week is personal. through D eputy S ecretary of S ta te W arren C hristopher. Wednesday, A p ri| . I « |l Park says O’Neill not involvei WASHINGTON (A P) - Mil O'Neill’s alleged req u est was The unsigned document lionaire rice d ealer Tongsun tunity to hand them th e funds," it. w here ¡1 w„ seized by federal ag e n ts in stated th a t m any of th e legisla­ it said. "But should it be Park told House investigators " Wfnl out or Park's home last y ea r after tor» on th e trip had "co n trik impossible, we recom m end that control o v e r it" H Tuesday th at d esp ite th e impli Park left th e country for Korea. uted decisively" to electing you pay them in th e near cations of a rep o rt found in do know, howevp, C "H e never m ade any request O’Neill as House majority lead future." P ark ’s home, S p eak e r Thomas to make any contribution to er. Chief counsel J o h n Nields wro( Nt gi7dY''u|i*-J eillM ldh y P. O'Neill n ev er asked him for anyone, including himself," "And, therefore. Mr. O’Neill asked P ark: "Is th a t true?" campaign contributions. ed funds from Ton. J J Park said of O'Neill. P ark did specifically requested us to P ark replied: "No." 6 protesters in ju red in S. Afriea P ark angrily com plained that acknowledge th a t he paid for provide those congressmen O’Neill confirmed Tuesday "T t, nthK'ire,n*'»- I h e a lle g a tio n ih .t i someone is “try in g to zing m e.” birthday p arties for th e Massa with election campaign funds th at com m ittee investigators re w o rd . lim it* ' . JO HANNESBURG , S o uth A fr ic a (A P ) —- and said, “Who know s who chusetts D em ocrat, including and th e ir w ives w ith necessary S o uth A fr ic a 's w h it e g o v e rn m e n t a n ­ have questioned him about the h e l p e d e le c t P o lice fir e d b u c k s h o t in to a c ro w d o f placed th at docum ent in my one in 1974 which cost $4,000. expenses," th e docum ent said. note. n o u n c e d th e th re e -p h a s e r e n t in c re a s e s house?” is a b s u r d - I had „ 7“ a b o u t 1,500 b la c k d e m o n s tra to rs p r o te s t­ The docum ent found in "This will be an ideal oppor "I don’t know who authored lo s t O c to b e r fo r b la c k s liv in g in s e g re ­ w a s e le c te d u„aJ And he rep ea ted assertio n s P ark's home is hand w ritten in in g g o v e rn m e n t-im p o s e d re n t in c re a s e s g a te d to w n s h ip s o u ts id e w h it e a re a s . that while he gave h undreds of (he Korean language and p u r and in ju re d s ix p e rs o n s , o ffic ia ls re ­ C h a rg e s fo r w a te r , s e w e ra g e a n d re fu s e thousands of dollars in cam ports to be a rep o rt to K orean p o rte d T uesday. c o lle c tio n w e re to in c re a s e fr o m $ 7 .1 9 a It w a s th e secon d d a y o f u n re s t in M id d e lb u rg , a m in in g c e n te r 90 m ile s m o n th to $13 .22 o v e r s e v e n m o n th s . M e a n w h ile , th e g o v e rn m e n t r e p o r te d ­ paign contributions on req u est he never did so as an agent of the Korean g overnm ent. He officials recom m ending th a t they tak e certain actions to increase th e effectiveness of a Legislators paid twice ly p la n s to e a s e its p o lic y o f a p a r th e id b y said he n ever tried to use his visit to K orea of a U.S. con­ n o rth e a s t o f J o h a n n e s b u rg . P o lic e s a id contributions to “tw ist arm s" or gressional delegation. O’Neill WASHINGTON (AP) - The I) Calif., who d raw s $618 a le ttin g b la c k s o w n p r o p e r ty o u ts id e t h e ir ch»nge federal reur*»,« o ffic e rs a ls o tr ie d to d is p e rs e th e buy influence. federal governm ent says 18 month in m ilitary pension for t r ib a l h o m e la n d s a n d e n r o ll in w h ite headed the group of visiting tem a to limit or e|lni| 1 s to n e -th ro w in g d e m o n s tra to rs M o n d a y The docum ent m entioning legislators. m em bers of C ongress a re d is­ his 21 y ears in th e Navy. "B ut is c h u rc h sc h o o ls under c e r ta in c ir c u m ­ second checks. w ith te a r gas. abled and it sends them checks it morally right? No. We need stances. "It'» high time * , „■ ev ery m onth to com pensate for to make a change in the th e ir disabilities. gress off the Pentagon J system .” Italian prem ier receives letter from Moro Palestinians set to hang At least an o th er 14 legisla to rs receive a m onthly m ilitary The second checks have been »»id Sid Taylor, the J directo r of the Nlllwl severely criticized by those p»yers Union, pension check o r V eterans who say C ongress should lobbying group. ROME (AP) — A n o th e r le tte r p o rte d ly fro m k id n a p p e d fo rm e r P re m ie r p u r­ As P a rlia m e n t m e t, p o lic e in th e f o r assassinating editor A dm inistration paym ent in addition to th e ir $57,500-a y ear n o r th e r n c ity o f M ila n s a id th e y had salary, th eir trav el allowances A ld o M o ro , a s k in g his p a rty to "d o q u ic k ly w h a t is n e c e s s a ry " to g a in his fre e d o m , was re c e iv e d T ue sday as g o tte n a m e s s a g e fro m M o ro 's k id n a p ­ p e rs — th e u rb a n g u e r r illa g r o u p Red NICOSIA, C yprus (API - A court Tuesday sentenced tw o alestinians to hang for th e assassination of a prom inent Egyptian and o th e r benefits. Recipients of th e ex tra King assass B rig a d e s — o lo n g w ith a fo u r th le tt e r editor th at led to a bloody gun battle between Cypriot troops and checks include such well known P re m ie r G iu lio A n d re o tti was te llin g E gyptian commandos. and powerful m em bers as Sens. s u p p o s e d ly w r itt e n b y M o ro to p a r ty P a rlia m e n t th a t his g o v e rn m e n t s t ill d oe s n o t k n o w w h e re M o ro is. s e c re ta ry B e n ig n o Z a c c a g n in i. a p p e a le d to o th e r C h ris tia n It a ls o D e m o c ra t The th re e ju d g e tribunal convicted Sam ir Mohammed K hadar, 28, and Zayed Hussein al-AIi, 26. of p rem ed itated m u rd er and, John H. Glenn J r ., Strom Thurm ond and Bob Dole and m arked by mardi| The 61 -y e a r-o ld P re s id e n t of th e o v er th e ir p ro te statio n s of innocence, set th e ir execution for Reps. Olin Teague, John Flynt, le a d e rs , in c lu d in g I n te r io r M in is te r F ra n ­ C h ris tia n D e m o c ra t P a rty w a s a b d u c te d Ju n e 1. Jo h n Young and Al Ullman. MEMPHIS. Tenn. lA P) - Civil rights hymns from ih,« c esco C o s s ig a . a n d his fiv e b o d y g u a rd s w e re k ille d in an Defense a tto rn e y Lefcos d e r id e s announced he would appeal, The ex tra checks ran g e from rang out again in dow ntow n Memphis on Tuesday as Jiio iu A n d r e o tti s p e a k in g b e fo re w o rd a r ­ am bush M a rc h 16 in Rom e, w h e re arguing th a t th e death sentence had not been carried out on this $41 a month to $1,109 a month. marched on the 10th anniversary of th e slaying of M a rt-r ' r iv e d o f th e n e w m e ssa g e s, s a id M o ro And th e paym ents a re quite A n d re o tti s p o k e today and to ld le g is la ­ M editerranean island for 10 years and th erefo re had been King Jr. h a d w r itt e n th re e le tte r s fro m c a p tiv ity — abolished "de facto." legal. to rs th a t in v e s tig a to rs w e re fo llo w in g Led by a platoon of religious, labor and political figuretl o n e to th e in te r io r m in is te r, o n e to his The judicial process w as completed rapidly in an ap p aren t “W hen people ask if it is right " s ig n ific a n t le a d s ." march began under sunny skies at the old Clayborn Tempi,! fa m ily a n d a n o th e r to an a id e . attem p t to mollify E gyptian President A nwar Sadat. He broke th at I g et it, I say, ‘U nder ( hurch w here King made his famous "I have been diplom atic relations w ith C yprus after Feb. 18. presen t circum stances, clearly m o u n uintop" speech the night before he was slain. yes ’," s a y s Rep. Jam es Lloyd, Singing "We Shall Overcome” and "Amen," the mm, trudged first to the L o rriin e Motel, w here King was gtinn«N from a balcony by a sniper's bullet. L Europeans protest unemployment Two motorcycle police officers preceded th e parade pj guarded ev ery intersection, but th e officers w ere there o J direct traffic. "I BRUSSELS. Belgium (AP) - Millions of previous conferences of failing in th e ir aim to find The m archers, m ost of them black, num bered only abicl w orkers planned rallies, dem onstrations or rem edies to th e unem ploym ent problem, which it when they stepped off from th e old church. But as they m iJ strik es W ednesday in W estern Europe's first said was critical am ong women, te en ag ers and down the middle of the stre e ts, they w ere joined by people] coordinated p ro test against rising unemploy m igrants. th e sidewalks. ment. It denounced w hat is sees as th e "totally B.T. Banks, a city sanitation w orker who participated ^ M athias H interscheid, secretary general of the negative, inflexible and reactionary" a ttitu d e s of strik e which brought King to M emphis in 1968, said it w j European T rad e Union C onfederation, told a em ployers "who w ant to maintain th e ir privi largest m arch he has seen h ere since shortly after King's dal news conference here Tuesday th at the "action I don t care w hat you do, th e re a re ju st some people «¡1 Committee votes to recom m end tax rollback day ” w as supported in 18 countries by 31 trad e union groups rep resen tin g m ore than 40 million leges" and "will nullify even th e best political intentions." ju st th e re to be th e re, ju st th e re to be seen and to see i w orkers. th ere, said Banks. "But I think th e m ajority of them are sum The confederation also blamed th e Common and th at th e y 're th e re because they w ant to be there.’’ ■ W A S H IN G T O N (AP) - The H ouse The p ro test w as tim ed to coincide with this N. G io im o , D -C onn., o n re v e n u e s fo r th e M arket for being too cautious in tak in g step s A fter leaving th e L orraine, w here about a dozen people] B u d g e t C o m m itte e v o te d T ue sday to week s (. ommon M arket summit in Copenhagen. y e a r b e g in n in g n e x t O c t. 1. tow ard economic recovery and for providing too m aintained an all-night vigil near th e spot w here King fell re c o m m e n d a $7.5 b illio n ro llb a c k in Unem ploym ent is high on th e m eeting’s agenda. G ia im o s p ro p o s a l w a s d e s ig n e d to little money to m em bers for social and regional wounded, th e m archers walked w est to Main Street and] Social S e cu rity ta x e s as p a r t o f an o v e ra ll Tho European confederation has accused all jo b program s. s o fte n th e b lo w o f th e $227 b illio n . north to th e O rpheum T heater. $20 b illio n ta x cut. The r e d u c tio n w o u ld 10-year Social S e c u rity p a y r o ll ta x in ­ be $5 b illio n less in to x r e lie f th a n c re a s e C o n g re s s a p p ro v e d la s t y e a r. P re s id e n t C a rte r h o d p ro p o s e d . The c o m m itte e a g re e d to his o v e r a ll fig u re s b u t v o te d to le a v e ro o m fo r "W I'R I MORE THAN JUST NUTS.. T h e c o m m itte e e s s e n tia lly a d o p te d th e a lte r n a tiv e s to th e s p e c ific S o cial S e c u rity p ro p o s a l o f its c h a irp e rs o n . Rep. R o b e rt ta x c h o n g e s th a t he a d v o c a te d . A ll the succulent Fried Fish you can eat, w ith French F r ie s GERALD H. COY GENERAI MANAGER and Cole Slaw only 2.15 every Wednesday ROBERT I . B U L L A R D . SALES MANAGER D am age suit against Nixon dismissed PHONES 355-1252 W A S H IN G T O N (AP) — A d a m a g e s u it a s k in g m o re th a n $20 m illio n fro m t r ia l, f a ir to b o th s id e s , c a n n o t p ro c e e d to 355 1255 153 MOO 355 3447 PEYOTE 155 U l l a ju s t r e s u lt u n le s s p la in t if f re v e a ls th e R ichard N ix o n a n d fo rm e r to p o ffic ia ls o f 9 (3 0 -1 t3 0 n a m e s o f a ll his r e le v a n t s o u rc e s ." H e h is a d m in is tra tio n w a s d is m is s e d Tue s­ da y b e ca use th e p la in t if f , c o lu m n is t Jack s a id A n d e rs o n a lo n e is r e s p o n s ib le f o r Wednesday-Sunday th e p r e s e n t im p a s s e ." A n d e rs o n , re fu s e d to r e v e a l s o m e o f his sources. A n d e rs o n w a s n o t im m e d ia te ly a v a il­ Our reputotlon hat baan "T h e re is s u b s ta n tia l in d ic a tio n ," s aid U.S. D is tric t J u d g e G e rh a rd A . G e s e ll a b le fo r c o m m e n t. A n d e rs o n h a d c h a rg e d th a t th e N ix o n a d m in is tra tio n h a ra s s e d h im f o r p u b lis h ­ provan. Wo offer the finest Chinese cooking In this area. Toko out sorvico is The Peanut Barrel sa id , th a t p la in t if f c a n p ro v e a cts o f in g , a m o n g o th e r th in g s , a s to ry in available. 521 E. G ra n d R iv a r o ffic ia l h a ra s s m e n t a n d e ffo r ts a t h ig h D e c e m b e r 1971, s a y in g th e a d m in is tr a ­ le v e ls o f th e N ix o n a d m in is tra tio n to 351-0608 tio n p r iv a te ly s u p p o rte d P a k is ta n in a in te r fe re w ith his w o r k a s a n e w s p a p e r­ m a n ." d is p u te w ith In d ia . A t th a t tim e , th e a d m in is tra tio n 's p u b lic s ta n c e in th e But, th e ju d g e d e c id e d , " A n o r d e r ly d is p u te w a s o n e o f n e u tr a lity . KEEP EVERY WORD OF THAT IMPORTANT^ECTUtf N avajo official» seek to end sit-in RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS WITH A PORTABLE M ONTEZUM A CREEK. U tah (A P ) - a b o u t th e r e s e rv a tio n s e n v iro n m e n t. N a v a jo t r ib a l o ffic ia ls a n d o il c o m p a n y A n d th e y c o m p lo ln th a t m o n e y fro m CASSETTE RECORDER FROM HI FI BUYS. e x e c u tiv e s m e t Tuesday to see if th e y can th e le a s e s — m illio n s o f d o lla r s a y e a r __ CORNER ClIPPERT and VINE e n d a s it-in b y a b o u t 100 r e b e llio u s N a tiv e foc rot» from Soars in f rondor ) s h o u ld go to in d iv id u a l N a tiv e A m e ric a n s A m e ric a n s th a t has s h u t d o w n p r iv a te o il d r illin g in th is c o rn e r o f th e N a v a jo liv in g In th e a re a r a th e r th a n to th e trib e Phone 351-2217 MODEL C-106 as a w h o le . ' R e s e rv a tio n fo r s ix days. The p ro te s te rs h a v e g rip e s w ith fo u r o il T rib a l le a d e rs fro m N a v a jo head­ MINIATURE q u a rte rs In W in d o w Rock, A r iz . , m e t w ith c o m p a n ie s d r illin g on le a s e d re s e rv a tio n o il com pany o ffic ia ls In P h o e n ix in RECORDER la n d , a n d w ith th e A riz o n a -b a s e d trib a l p re p a r a tio n fr o n e g o tia tio n s in U ta h w ith le a d e rs h ip . They say th e o il c o m p a n ie s a re g u ilty o f th e o c c u p ie rs . A f ir s t m e e tin g b e tw e e n T e x a c o Inc. a n d th e p r o te s te r s w a s h e ld SEE FOB T0ÜRSELF I b ECAUSE OF ITS SIZE (1 -ui? x 7” x 4-yt), d is c rim in a tio n in h irin g a n d ca re le s s n e s s F rid a y in U ta h . ■W EIG H T (ONLY 1 lb . 1 4 O Z .) AND BU ILT-IN ¡CONDENSER M ICRO PHO NE THE SUPERSCOPE ¡M O D E L C 106 IS THE PER FEC T STUDY AID. Cl |A N D TH ER E’S MORE TOO ; LIKE AUTO ues sought in clustered can cer cases ■SH U T -O FF, LOCKING PA U SE CONTROL, RUTHERFORD, N .J. (AP) — S ta tis tic a l o lo n g t im e , ” s a id D r. G ly n C a ld w e ll, ■B ATTER Y STRENG TH INDICATOR, q u irk o r r e la te d cause s? O ffic ia ls w ill ta k e a ir and w a te r c h ie f o f th e c a n c e r b ra n c h o f th e C e n te r ■AUTOM ATIC RECORD LEVEL, AND EVERY f o r D is e a s e C o n tro l In A tla n ta . "W e h a v e sam p le s th is w e e k in a se a rc h f o r clu e s to lo o k e d a t it lo n g a n d h a rd a n d h a v e jO N E COMES W ITH AN AC CORD AND e x p la in why 16 p e o p le in a s m a ll g o tte n n o w h e r e ." c o m m u n ity — In c lu d in g a t le a s t s ix p u p ils 1 b a t t e r ie s . a t th e sa m e sch o o l — g o t c a n c e r o v e r a H e s a id th e R u th e rfo rd s itu a tio n c o u ld th re e -y e a r p e rio d . be a s ta tis tic a l q u ir k , b u t a d d e d : "Y o u a re [ add one to yo ur ba c kpa c k soon But if th e e x p e rie n c e o f s im ila r fo rc e d to lo o k a t it to se e if th e r e is In cid e n ts o f c a n ce r "c lu s te rs " In o th e rs a n o th e r c a u s e ." a re a s h o ld s tru e , th e o u tb r e a k In C a ld w e ll e s tim a te d th a t f o r th e a g e R u th e rfo rd m a y go u n e x p la in e d eve n a fte r a ll th e d a ta is g a th e re d . The c lu s te r p ro b le m has h u n g a ro u n d g ro u p o f 5- to lO -y e a r-o ld s , th e a v e ra g e d e a th r a te fro m c a n c e r w o u ld be se v e n to e ig h t p e r 100,000 p e o p le . Psi Upsilon fraternitp H I-FI BUYS •101 I . ORANO RIVER 810 W. GRAND RIVER E .l.P H . 337-1747 M F 10-IS. ».5 CALL FOR RIDES FREE PARKING W DAYS SAME AS CASH 351-4686 ond front pago W e d n e sd a y , A pril 5, 1978 [SU trustees and students back :ven-year extension for ERA By ANNE MARIE BIONDO Aboul 35 stu d en ts sp en t tw o days talk in g to Michigan E.S. Congressional delegates State News Stall Writer ahout th e passage of a House Jo in t Resolution which would give states seven additional nKlv In' I hr first university to have taken m ajor step s in support ol th e Equal y ears to ratify the ERA. I Ainendmrni. said B arbara Cullinane, organizer of S tudents for ERA. "W e found th a t m ost legislators a re undeeided." Cullinane said. "Eighty percent said •Miri (rum the National Organization for Women, th e stu d en t group traveled they would like le tte rs to see w here th e ir constituents stand." Ihiniti"". ■’ 1 during spring break to lobby legislators for an extension on the Cullinane said th a t h er group learned th a t the most effective way of persuading limn lii'.t’illini- of the ERA. Cullinsne said. m em bers of Congress on ERA issues is through letter w riting campaigns. Anti ERA T m ,rt. sijii s are needed to ratify the ERA by March 1979. The resolution would groups have gained much of th e ir pow er through letter w riting, she explained [ih.it dradline to 1986. "One legislator said 'opposition le tte rs a re coming in strong!' " she added. A rep o rt issued by S tu d en ts for ERA last m onth stated th a t anti ERA forces are trying to convince sta te legislators th a t if they oppose passage of the am endm ent now, the issue i rter’s aid to cities will go away in one year. A report issued by Students for ERA last month icertain f o r Lansing stated that anti-ERA forces are trying to convince state legislators that if they oppose passage o f the amendment nou\ the issue wiU go away in one By DONNA BAKUN year. State Newt Staff W riter riear how President C a rte r's $8.3 billion proposal to aid th e nation's cities will ¡Lansing, and it may be as long as a y ea r before th e city can apply for funds, The rep o rt said passage of th e extension resolution is crucial to give continued ■broadly based urban package unveiled by C a rte r 10 days ago would provide loans consideration to th e issue of constitutional equality for women. lants to distressed" cities experiencing high unem ploym ent, a shrinking ta x base, As a resu lt of th e W ashington trip . Cullinane said S tu d en ts for ERA was asked by iflining population. NOW P resid en t E leanor Sm eal to work locally on support for th e deadline extension. ■use the proposal must be considered by C ongress on a piece by-piece basis, it could Last w eek. Cullinane p resen ted such a resolution to MSU Board of T rustees, who voted State News Deborah J. Borin tree months before it is introduced, a spokesperson from th e D ep artm en t of unanimously to recom m end extension of th e deadline. A b r o k e n f r a g m e n t o f d is c a r d e d m i r r o r h o ld s a f le e tin g im a g e o f a c o m ­ g and Urban Development said Tuesday. "The board agreed to w rite le tte rs to C ongress, P resid en t C arter and th e news media p le te b u ild in g in m u t e te s tim o n y to w h e n i t , to o . s e r v e d a p u r p o s e f o r i t s cities in metropolitan and non m etropolitan area s will be able to apply to local, as p art of th e resolution,” Cullinane said. o w n e r . In tim e , th e m i r r o r w ill lo se i t s p r e c a r io u s b a la n c e ; p e r h a p s be* Ind the federal governm ent for funds, but it is too early to say how Lansing would She said S tu d en ts for ERA was organized last term as a resu lt of a speech by Betty c o m e c r u s h e d u n d e r f o o t in to c o u n tle s s s liv e r s , e a c h o f w h ic h w ill s e t t l e I," he said. Friedan, au th o r of th e “Fem inine M ystique," who spoke at MSU during G reat Issues I Bob Carr iD East Lansing) has yet to take a stance on th e proposal because he has in to i t s o w n e q u ilib r iu m a n d c a p tu r e a d if f e r e n t im a g e , u n til th e y r e t u r n W om en's Week. to th e s a n d fro m w h e n c e th e y c a m e . mpletely read it, his press secretary said. In h er speech, F riedan told stu d en ts if th e y didn't actively support ERA passage, they - Unsing officials, including th e loan and g ran t adm inistrator for residential would lose all th e cu rren t gains being m ade on women's issues. ■nation, said they had not read C a rte r's proposal and did not know how it would ■to Lansing. In 't say where the money would go if Lansing w ere eligible because those decisions first go through the planning commission and city council," M erle Peacock said, ■sing Mayor Gerald W. G raves w as unavailable T uesday for com m ent on the effect on Lansing. lether Lansing is eligible under C a rte r's criteria of shrinking tax base, declining ion. and high unemployment is y et undeterm ined. Israeli journalist visiting campus nty unemployment rate as of F eb ru ary was 5.9 percent, com pared to th e national e of 6.1 percent, according to Michigan D ep artm en t of Labor figures. By JEANNE BARON groups, has been lecturing th is week to because of th e w eakness of television." he the channels are "absolutely" independent I S Census Bureau cites a decline in th e city’s 1970 population of 131,564 to State Newt Staff W riter com munication and journalism classes told his audience. f,,om the governm ent and are publicly- as of 1977. However, system s planner G eorge M ayer disagrees, and places th e Though Israel is a dem ocracy and about th e Israeli media. Israel has seven radio stations and only owned. ion at approximately 134,000. modeled a fte r B ritish institutions, its Naor w rites a biw eekly column in Maariv. one television channel, he said. The Israel He described the basic stru ctu re of the number of applications for residential construction exceed req u est for com munication system is vastly different th e larg est circulation new spaper in Israel. B roadcasting A uthority, established by the IBA by likening its 31-member Plennum to ¡hing." he said. "The Census Bureau puts Lansing in th e sam e category as D etroit from th e A m erican sy stem , a visiting Israeli He is also th e d irecto r gen eral of ID F. a governm ent, controls th e largest num ber of a parliam ent. The Plennum m eets every Jthcr big cities with declining populations." jo u rn alist said Monday. b roadcasting station which has program radio channels and th e television channel, tw o months, he said, and its membership (continued on page 12) M ordechai N aor, w hose visit to E ast m ing aim ed at m em bers of th e arm y. he explained. reflects th e proportion of parties in Israel’s Lansing is being sponsored by local Jew ish "Radio in Israel is relatively strong Naor. a form er editor, stressed that all parliam ent. He said th e more im portant decision­ making body is the seven-m em ber Board of |( \/7/. CONSIDERS A T I SUBSTITUTE Governors, which functions like a cabinet and m eets each week. The board consists prim arily of people from th e public sector, Science writing class debated New drinking age: and is supervised by a director general, he said. "Television is very small.’’ he continued. "It was introduced only in 1970. The cost of television is so high th at until now Israel I By MICHELLE CHAMBERS Erriculum State New* Staff W riter change for th e D epartm ent they viewed th e scientific w riting sequence as liberal a rts courses. C urriculum com m ittee chairperson H ar­ plained th a t 1972 U niversity legislation defining g en eral education is cu rrently being analyzed by th e curriculum commit answer to problem , didn't find the money for it." He said it costs no less th an $50,000 to produce a program in Israel, while a Ig lish included in th e rep o rt of th e old Johnson explained th e com m ittee has tee. not y et com e to te rm s w ith w heth er the program can be im ported from th e U nited Irsity Committee on Curriculum was “T h e problem lies in th e substitution S tates for about $500. Consequently, about fenter of discussion a t Academic :il Tuesday. 1 change would allow a tw o-year sequence m eets th e general education requirem ent. Citing th e M iller re p o rt of 1972, which issue,” sh e said. “T he U niversity C urriculum Com m ittee has been fru s tra te d for th re e y e a rs o v er the or deprived rights? half of th e program s shown on television in Israel are American, he said. No commercials are run on television o r Ision of a scientific w riting course th a t defines general education, Johnson said, su b stitu tio n question," Johnson said. "The I d by some natural science stu d en ts as "T h ere is nothing to indicate (in th e Miller whole th in g h as now broken open to on some of the radio channels. Naor said. By D eLINDA K ARLE teen ag ers to drink. Broadcasts are funded by license fees of ■temative to the general education report) th e particular home b ase of w here Academic Council an d w e m u st decide what S ta te New s S taff W riter "Since I was 14 my p arents haw about $25 a year. Twnent of American T hought and g en eral education w riting is learned." th e U niversity’s gen eral education will be." ED ITO R’S N OTE: This is th e th ird in brought me drinks when we went out ti Jiage. On television, educational program s are S everal o th e r council m em bers ques­ The re p o rt of th e U niversity Com m ittee a series of article* examining the eat." said a 19 y ear old East Lansint presented in the afternoon, followed by an scientific writing sequence was tioned th e definition of general education. on Curriculum *vas passed w ithout amend Michigan L egislature's decision to raise male. "D rinking to them was just a hour of children's program s and one and Bished on a temporary basis in th e A ssistant provost D orothy A rata ex ­ m ent. th e legal drinking age to 19. social activity." one half hour of program m ing in Arabic, he ! of 1975 under a V enture Fund But Rep. Jackie Vaughn. D I V ;- • said. At the time of th e course’s An upsurge in high school drinking feels th at in spite of th e drinking in high continued on page 12* ■lishment, natural science m ajors could coupled with m ore alcohol related tra f­ schools, low ering the age would takt 1 sequence as the general education fic accidents sp u rred the Michigan away the rig h ts of the majority •>' Vement. ‘ curriculum report called for an ■jonal two years of tem porary statu s Tax criticism disputed Legislature to revoke th e 18-vear old’s drinking privilege. A "trick led o w n phenomenon" has 18 y ear olds. The Three O'Clook Lobby, a grouf Book on plants representing Michigan high schoo! stu p e course under new course num bers. been observed in junior and senior high dents, also believes raising the age :s . T he Ingham County controller took issue w ith M ayor G erald W. G raves recent ■wed l'mP se(luence k* budget statem e n t a t Monday nig h t's Lansing City Council m eeting. In his statem ent, G raves branded school d istricts and th e county as th e big "property schools, said Sen. Jam es DeSana. D -W yandotte, who introduced th e bill denial of ci\ il rights. "A very small group abuses the right bv local student J amendment was proposed by H enry to raise th e age to 19. He said said Chris M agnus, lobby spokesper tax guzzlers." Plant lovers who lack green thum bs can I n. professor of American T hought 18-year olds a re now buying alcohol for son. "It's not fair to tak e it away from P ^fliage, to delete th e section of th e The m ayor said th a t while th e city p ro p erty ta x levy decreased for th e p resen t year now get help from a new book on th e ir u n derage friends. those who don't." by alm ost $100,000 from th a t of 1971-72, th e county levy increased by m ore th an $2 houseplant care w ritten by a Lansing I um reP°rt that suggested th e "In 1971 th e Michigan Legislature Vaughn agreed. pace as an alternative to th e general million. Community College student. e rred in low ering th e drinking age." he “This (legislation) is saying we wil In a le tte r which controller F re d D. Todd read to th e council, Todd said th e county Dyann Munoz, a w riting student at LCC, R ion requirement for natural science said. "Because most 18 y ear olds are tre at 18 year olds like half adults am: operating tax ra te has dropped from 6.7 mills in 1972 to 6.65 mills in 1977. T he overall said her book. "Multiplying Your House- still in school, th e law made alcohol half children." he said. "They can vote county tax ra te has increased only if one includes th e Hospital Bond and E xten d ed Care plants." is aimed at helping the beginning p e sequence is not a general education available to ev ery 1 2 , 13- and 14 year sign contracts, make wills, but cannot Facility tax levies, he said. plant ow ner who does not have a technical lit,,, e' he ,aid' "We •houl<1 “Ot old in th e state. High school seniors are drink." To accurately com pare county ta x es w ith th e city of Lansing, one should include total knowledge of plants. education ,o r general buying liquor for th e ir younger class He believes the legislation is "elec locally raised taxes, Todd said. Houseplant propagation, or reproduction, m ates." tion year rhetoric." While city property ta x es levied d ecreased by 1.2 p ercen t since 1972, income taxes is very simple, according to Munoz, who has I Enoli / ° ? lnKsworth, chairperson of Dale Spoor, educational d irector for And p arents and teachers supporter increased by 59.7 percent or m ore th a n $3.5 million, he said. T herefore, city tax levies n u rtured houseplants for 10 years. I «tab department, and F red E. th e alcohol Highway Safety Project in the age hike. A statew id e survey of 75C have increased by 24.3 percent, he said. "All it takes is in terest." she said. I ' pro,1'ss°r of English, both said l,ansing agreed w ith D eSana. He said high school principals found that 91. In o ther action, th e council: Munoz took a horticulture class at LCC he believes low ering th e legal age to 18 percent w anted th e drinking age raisec • P assed a resolution in support o f co ntributing $125,000 to Ingham C ounty for the and w rote the book, her first, based on w hat in Michigan increased teen drinking. to 19. 20 or 21. $2.5 million Lake Lansing clean up project. A s p a rt of th a t resolution, th e city she learned in the class. A 1972 su rv ey of W ashtenaw County Michigan is not the only s ta te to raise >etry reading recom m ended a regional parks stu d y which m ight include Ingham , E aton and Clinton counties. high school seniors found widespread and ev e r increasing use of alcoholic the drinking age a fte r lowering it six years ago. A fter th e 26th Amendment “M ultiplying Your Houseplants" is "a simple, inexpensive book which is basically • Recommended th a t $25,000 of th e Lake Lansing funds be ap p ro p riated in 1978-79. for the beginner who has little money to b everages by high school students. Ten was ratified in 1971, 18 sta te s lowerec • "W e w ant to see th e idea of regionalism in th e a re a o f p ark s grow th, and th e spend." Munoz said. percent m ore stu d en ts in 1972 (the year their drinking ages. But by 1973 the jheduled later $125,000 is th e catalyst," said Councilm em ber Jam e s D. Blair. • The council als >approved resolutions authorizing th e signing of co n tracts totaling th e drinking age was lowered from 21 to trend reversed. Most books on houseplants are eith er "very expensive or technical," which is why 18) th an in 1970 drank th re e or more Since mid 1973 no s ta te has lowerec over $1.5 million in federal funds to im prove th e riv e rfro n t p ark sy stem an d B urchard she w rote the book. Munoz said. tim es a w eek. Eight percent drank five its drinking age and tw o states. Minne p w t e « h Ä b)' poet tahraael Reed P arks. The brief. 21 page book costs $1.25, while o r m ore tim es a week, the survey sot a and Maine, have raised th eir lega K c " Ä 8 p 'm- A p r ü a il» • A public hearing regarding th e establishm ent of boundaries o f a project area for most other books on th e subject cost rep o rted . age. th e Diamond Reo property a ttra c te d scores of citizens from th e surrounding between $4 and $14, she said. "S tu d en ts tell me they go home from C urrently, more than a dozen state; '•rtgtaally neighborhood. They expressed concerns about having input into any fu tu re project The hook explains six methods of plant k. p m' today in th a Union Gold school at noon and raid the refrigerator are considering raising th eir lega plans for th e property and pointed o u t blight problem s in th e neighboring residential propagation, with illustrations of each of alcohol, th en re tu rn to school." Spoor drinking age in an effort to stifle tht a rea such as tra sh and vacant or burned-out houses. method. Also included is an index of 14C said. teenage drinking and driving problem. P « e d ellwk"li0Wn bl*C ,k P°*t w ho h u The Diamond Reo property has been vacant since th e corporation's bankruptcy in houseplants. along with th e m ethod which He said many p aren ts now provide TOMORROW: How M SI student; K ira t / ,. Of black 1975. should be used for each. 1 n '"rough hia works. th e ir teen ag ers with alcohol, thus will be affected by th e increasec making it m ore socially acceptable for drinking age. The book is available at local bookstores Martin Luther King and The the ‘ten years after9 gaJ P its 'Tis the season for Ten Years After. An astute observer once noted that 1968 was "the desperate year." History is likely to record it concerns, an alliance of the neg­ lected. Things clearly immoral bothered him. He acknowledged that the real battle was just beginning. from the misinformed Theaj of the times is to praise k3 bury his words. To bury is to ignore the J We do not presume t0 J *1 as a watershed interlude in the Coal miners still shafted pageant of blunders known as the 20th century. Nineteen hundred and sixty eight was a year of The battle goes on. Blacks have won their right, but not their due. The poor still suffer. Affirmative America's i“s ° r K m g ^ J in 40 lines. Forty years i, J realistic. Things have chaJ lot in a decade, and Kingwjl Jimmy C arter’s energy program misery writ large. The Tet Offen­ action programs are under quick­ over the contract the mine work­ hardships and suffering imposed catalyst and source ofthjscJ is committed to moving the United sive. The Ke Sanh massacre. ening assault, as conservatives ers labored under until last Octo by these conditions. We need more sources and, States away from the use of oil as Turmoil on America's campuses. demagogically marshall support catalysts. ber; it provides for substantial What makes m atters worse is an energy source, and increasingly The murder of Bobby Kennedy. wage increases, and improves that, as the situation now stands, toward the use of coal in the years Tear gas and bloodshed in the pension benefits for older retired the UMW seems unable to meet ahead. By this tactic, Carter and streets of Chicago. The rise and miners. But it suffers in two main miners' needs in negotiating for his administration hope to de­ fall of Gene McCarthy. The elec respects. First, it requires miners better working conditions. The crease U.S. dependence upon tion of Richard Nixon. to pay up to $200 per family per new contract was ratified mainly foreign sources for fuels. year toward medical expenses And the assassination of Martin because 111 days out of work had However, the recent 111-day which have been free in previous left the miners broke and hungry. Luther King on April 4, 1968. coal strike underscores a need contracts. F urther, due to vague Remembrances of King, and the Now, dissatisfaction with the which must be met if coal is to language, it allows mine operators leadership of Arnold Miller has the things he stood for, frequently assume an important role in the to impose penalties upon wildcat UMW in danger of splitting apart, range from the tear-jerking maud­ national economy: namely, that its strikers. with locals deserting the union for lin to the condescendingly sober. dependability as an energy source Coal miners work in one of the other large nationals such as the These days it is even fashionable be guaranteed, and that mine most hazardous occupations in UAW or the Team sters. This loss for cigar-breathed right-wing con­ workers, whose numbers are sure America. .No coal mine is absolute of unity would be disasterous for gressional satraps — who despised to increase as the coal industry lv safe against a sudden cave-in, the miners, especially since their the slain civil rights leader while grows, get a fair shake. and black lung disease is still a position is already weakened by he lived — to grumblingly admit The contract ratified by the pervasive killer. No wage increase the fact that only about 50 percent that, yes, he had some good points. United Mine Workers rank-and can adequately compensate of coal miners belong the the Perhaps this is done in recognition I - ear­ file last week is an improvement miners and their families for the union, as opposed to 75 percent in of the fact that black voting the past. strength in the South now has real s '' Miller's leadership of the UMW muscle, a working testimony to has been challenged by dissident King’s legacy. miners seeking a recall election. We are not wont to reiterate However, this move is probably King’s good points on this 10th doomed to failure, since Miller can anniversary of his death and the W ednesday A p r il 5 1978 delay any such election for years violence with subsequently rocked E d ito ria ls o r e th e opinions o f t h e S t a t e N e w s V ie w p o in ts c o lu m n s by challenging each and every America's urban ghettos. History, signature on the recall petition. overruling the narrow provincial­ li a n d le t t e r s a r e p e r s o n a l o p in io n s E d ito ria l D e p a rtm e n t Miller’s obstinate clutching ism of contem poraries, has already Editor m chiet M-chaei Tan.mura P h o 'o E d 'c M o g g ie W alker grasp of the UMW presidency is j udged King a g reat and good man. Managing Editor K a rSro w r Entertainm ent and Book Editor Kathy Ssselmart clearly a divisive influence upon Just prior to his death, the 'O pinion Editor D ove M iyiolowsk, Sp on s Editor Special Protects Editor Ralph fram m ot n c Layout Ed 'O ' Tom Shanahan the union. He should step aside minister was undertaking a policy City Editor M -chael Winter C o p y Cn e 1 D eborah H eyw oo d Kathy Sze/bach and allow the miners to elect a new of addressing issues larger than C a m p u s Editor A n n e Stuar. fre e io n ce Ed-tor Dan Sp ickler leader, and the C arter adm inistra­ those purely germ ane to black civil Wire Editor Jocelyn la s S o w s k Stoll R e p r e s e - 'o ’ M ich e lle Ch am b ers tion should put intense pressure rights. Vietnam was on his agenda A d v e rtis in g D e p o rtm e n t upon the mine operators to im­ of sins, as was the condition of the Advertising M anager Snoron Setter A ssistan t A d v e n i n g M a na ger D e n s e Dear prove working conditions in the downtrodden poor, both black and pits. white. King forsaw a melding of K in g (c e n te r, b e h in d A n d re w Y oungl le a d s 1965 S elm a march. MSU’s D epartm ent of Public S afety bad th a t you m ust alw ays be in fear when effort lo see the election commence, I spent I sincerely re g re t this action a- tickets cars and searches for lost bicycles, you walk at night: if you can't find someone one I hursday. March 9, phoning current many voters as last y ea r were account* but the t niversity has no officers on foot. to walk w ith you, don’t go." Women A SM S l' rep resen tativ es for eight hours commend, support, and select a reprwl A pparently, a w om an's life is considered to shouldn't have to rely on an escort in o rd er pleading for a review of the business tive. Instead th e alternative motivt! be less im portant th a t illegally park ed cars to go out. W e are en titled to walk w h ere we election halt. I. being a candidate for that been chosen and I ask you to consider and unw orthy of U niversity spending. please when w e please, a rig h t men ta k e for seat, was inform ed 87 hours before the equitable consequences of a special ew Men and women who c a re about o th e r g ran ted . Why should women, th e potential disregarding words like “rape and scheduled s ta rt of the election th at none Foot patrols assault. It was bad enough to see men people m ust m ake this U niversity see th a t foot patrols, b e tte r lighting, and em ergency victim s, be forced to re stric t th e ir move m ents? They have com m itted no crim e. We would exist. with a small minority voting aftJ candidate for whom th e election was ha| shutting it all out, but women as well! I argued on behalf of myself, my eligible "in all fairness," receives daily phones a re not luxuries, b ut necessities. A a re en titled to th e protection of foot patrols. Women whose anger should swell at the opponents and my 6, KM) colleagues th at a publicity and nam e recognition. On grfll East Wednesday, several women from woman s safety cannot be ex p ressed in It is o u r right. thought of rape. rep resen tativ e is to be jusl th at, a <»f "justification and appeals" I (wsl the Women's Survival Coalition panic; te rm s of money. An em ergency medical B everly C herner One personified this indifferent attitu d e. candidate chosen by a rep resen tatio n of in terro g ato ry contemplation, "In Faml pated in a series of sketches near the unit costs money, b ut would people say it is F ast Lansing He wouidn t take a leaflet, saying, “I too expensive to employ? m ajority votes. The A SM Sl' body ol To Whom?" The m ajority is again stiM International Center to publicize the need haven’t been raped," and walked quickly electives ruled for an election to be held. Jan L. Med for emergency telephones, better lighting, The rap e victim is m ore th an a statistic. past me. His nonchalance was chilling. H ere The college of business, the largest college “Spartan and foot patrols on campus. As thev performed, I was distributing leaflets to was a man who was saying through his She is a woman. S he can be any woman. She can be me. S he can be you w alking home C ollege slighted on this campus, had been hours gearing ASMSU business collect* candl actions to me. a woman, "W hat do I care if platform s tow ards a goal, and in a malicious passersby. from th e library one night, o r on y o u r way you a re raped? So w hat? As if a woman's to your car in th e p arking ram p. Rape political battle, some stu d en ts cast votes Many people walked by me, refusing to The posters are down, the debates have agony and te rro r, her very life, are too which w ere later destroyed as one required even look at the literature, ignoring the negligible to w arrant even a single second doesn't happen alw ays to “som eone else" — th a t som eone else could be you. died; o th ers have votes polled, yet the hourly updates on term ination procedures Letter policy voice at the microphone, and completely college of business rem ains w ithout a of attention. Too often, women a re told, ‘‘Yes, it’s too headed by certain politically “related'' rep resen tativ e, much less an election. In an individuals. The Opinion Page welcomat letters and viewpoints. Rem - should follow a few rules to inn This is the week of April Fools Day, and I can't think of a more fitting tim e to take a that as many letters as possI ex trem ists are waging a campaign of look at the major conflicts and disputes violence to w in bark th eir island homeland ippear in print. rocking the world. Most, if not all of hum anity's m ajor L io n • • • A pril for Indonesia; in Italy, the social fabric ol the country is being torn by terro rists; in AU. letters and viewp* should be typed on 65-space I conflicts are caused by m ere foolishness — Southw est Africa, a guerrilla w ar is and triple-spaced. Letters either blind bigotry, prejudice, selfishness, intensifying as South Africa insists its or ju st plain buffoonery. These same problems have been vexing th e human race S ays.. Fool’s inventory troops m ust stay th e re to ensure "free” ’-lections; and then th ere is th egrand-daddy viewpoints m ust be signed - include local address, studt, for decades, and in some cases centuries. It ot them all, the A rab Israeli dispute. It faculty or sta ff standing - i/*L seem s we never learn from our m istakes, except how 10 multiply them . So here they are, som e of our species’ bleak indeed doesn't take much thinking to come up with more disputes. It seem s we have a lot to celebrate on — and phone number. No lettet viewpoint w ithout these ilemsw most intractable problems — a testim ony to be considered fo r publication. I April Fools Day. And all this foolishness our foolishness, listed in no particular doesn't seem to help anyone too much - Letters should be 25 lines o t n order. and may be edited for State M except, Of course, the soldiers, diplomats, N orthern Ireland is always a good The Horn of A frica made th e news and journalists. Conflicts give soldiers style and conciseness to f it I dispute to s ta rt with. The British province p risoners — th e governm ent frequently Quebec French sep aratists are dem anding recently as another flashpoint. It seem s something to fight about and journalists is populated with 100,000 P ro testa n ts and announces th a t inm ates have died by independence because of cultural many letters as possible on a m back last century European colonists som ething to w rite about. Well, as a 50,000 Catholics who don’t seem to g et granted Ethiopia a chunk of land — the accidently” falling out of windows, on chauvinism; in the N etherlands, Mollucan journalist, I see at least one bright spot. Viewpoints may be no lo n g e r (4 stairs or in showers. along. The Catholics leel th ey 're being O gaden D esert — populated by ethic 75 lines, and may also be e d itii tre ated as second-class citizens and th e ir Somalis. The ethnic Somalis who live in the Rhodesia is an o th er country involved in a most extrem e elem ents — m em bers of the disputed area don’t seem to like Ethiopian black w hite dispute. It seem s th e 260,000 outlawed Irish Republican A rm y — are rule. So recently they staged a full scale w hites th e re like to rule th a t nation's six waging a campaign to unite th e province with th e predom inantly Catholic Irish insurrection with th e help of now-indepen­ million blacks, and only recently have the DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau d ent Somalia. w hites agreed to relinquish some of their Republic in th e south. Instead of trying to The Ethiopian regim e, with Soviet and power. Hut black guerillas and neighboring S O MUCH FOR. WELL, OF COURSE, solve th e grievances of th e Catholic vouH intK LOOK A T THE CURVE ON THIS Cuban aid, put down th e revolt and ousted nations claim th e w hites haven't gone far MR. CARTER'S PHRED! HE HAS o h , h ay , m a i s b e l ie v e tr t minority, P ro testa n t extem ists have fought NOD TO THE CHART W E PREPARED! THE IN ­ regular Somali troops — leaving untold enough and a lull scale w ar appears likely. TO HOST THE H1ÓH1! YOU WITH AL I THIS back — with bloody w ar the result. i THIRD WORLD! ANNUAL HUMAN CIDENCE O F CURTAILED L IB E R ­ thousands of casualties and th e ominous ~>ENT IN YOUR Nl.W IN IT R E S I WOUP WHATA COMPIETELI Cyprus is another place w here people E thnic hatred and te rrito rial disputes Did you kn o w R i m s AWARD'. NOM/N/Wu n TIES H AS DROPPED OFF SIG N IFI­ D IFFERENCE! UNREPKJCHLÇ th re a t of m ore w ar to come. IN M I C A , BENIN CANTLY! a n d c h e c k o u t t h e s e don't seem to get along. The island is betw een Vietnam and Cambodia have also HE'S ALREADY BANQUET THIS FORM YE I -' AND W E 60T S outhern Africa also is em broiled in U N A LLY H A S A b efo re -A n o -a f t e r p h o t o s o f populated by ethnic G reeks and T urks with led to fireworks. Vietnam and Cambodia are • H 0MET W EEK ! / AFFIDAVITS, TOO: th e G reeks in th e majority. The T urks felt conflict. charging each o th e r with atrocities. And in '/c 1 REAL CHANCE i TYPICAL POLITICAL PRISONERS' \ they w ere getting a raw deal. So when a In South Africa itself four million w hites Cambodia, rep o rts say th e K hm er Rouge zealous Greek junta staged an abortive rule over 18 million blacks and pursue a Comm unist leaders have killed tw o million ' k g , coup aimed a t eventually uniting th e policy of giving th e blacks "independence" people in an effort to create a ''new " society. independent island nation with Greece, in only 13 percent of th e land. A ctually this list can go on for pages. I do Turkey invaded to protect th e T urkish A vicious police s ta te has been esta have a word limit, you know. So let me Cypriots. Now th e island is divided into tw o blished and racism has been formally briefly list some of th e o th er disputes. ethnic sections and th e re is a stand off - institutionalized. South Africa recently has In the Spanish S ahara, guerrillas are while thousands rem ain displaced. become known for its clumsy political fighting for a nation of th e ir own; in h r n «¡inte New», E o tt lo m in g , M ichigon Return to Nam Going A fte r Caceiato O’Brien n ever focuses in on Caceiato and by Tim O’Brien his thoughts. He is alw ays som ew here up D elacorte P ress ahead, being relentlessly pursued some­ $8.95 tim es, and alm ost forgotten a t o th ers. He Sergeant Getufine By Jo h n Kojmnder I t has taken a good bit of tim e, but Americans are finally beginning to discuss becomes a siren, a m ythical pied piper, enticing and luring o th ers aw ay from th e w ar to a prom ise of peace, personified by th e Vietnam conflict. The w ithdraw al of P aris. The chase is overshadow ed by th e American ground and air support in 1973, relationships and experience of th e small L ,„ |( ir lu lk > and the subsequent tak eo v er by th e Viet band who follow Caceiato o u t of th e monsoon low I l«ld<> Cong forces a couple of y ea rs later, left the season jungle aw ay from a senseless w ar. | Kh!on Mifflin ( ’». American people stunned, unwilling even to think about th e y ea rs spent in Southeast Paul Berlin is th e cen tral figure in Asia. O’Brien's tale. I t is through him w e learn of 2' r *j and with the ta m e dagger he had been tcratching the atr with. with th e d eaths of Billy Boy W atkins and ' J m f ¿¡¡gqer he had been iw u h in g , I cut h it neck back and fo rth , it being ‘ 'li l t r Given tim e, one can gain a perspective on this sore spot on th e nation's conscience. Frenchie Tucker, as well as several o th er I 'j o l f (/!"». 11 ,■ i u m :! u p t i ' i H i i. m m il V ui m i \ 11 : : ■ iv x h km 1 Hll! ¡ ll.ll' till ¡ v i l l i : l u l l i n ' . , u li - I 'In 'H ,ii I llli I " " " i i . m u ,i h i m I n t h m i . low. V u i i n i i ¡ I n ig i! \ i hi h . i u n ' k i i i ’w i i ' u t u l u v m t o n e SPRING SHORT COURSES \ J V ie th .ii' w in 11 ¡ht K i " i n " ' I I k i u p - . it iii Hi '«!:■ T h e C o m p u t e r L d v r . i t o r v will o f fe r a s e rie s of I U It1' i .111 ll.m .1 ]l "I I. >li «ili! I , i H1H ' m n o n - c r e d it short onuses in com puting during M HI [V I li '1 111 111 -[ V I I". I; it Ik w h : wn il ' h i " ! I n t h n i s m- S p r i n g 1'erm. R e g i s t r a t i o n m u s t b e m a d e b y A p r il II u h i lim i ;h,i! j iiuii 'i. iu i l u l i ' i l u . i l n u m o m l et s w m 7 in t h e U s e r I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r . 3 1 3 C o m ­ ivlit'M n H i'iiii : ili.a a nu: 11 i m p .ii i u u n h i . '! h u h n " t o m i r puter C enter A if? fee c o v e r i n g m aterials is m u In ' n il i i ' i i i i . i'ic : I n i . '[ ' [ x ' in u i ' S ' ii ! u ' ' u p .m il w ' l i r i tiferory speech in the o ld days seem s to hove been fre e r in the ■ii i w i : vi ' i i li k m 'W M'li l i . n e t o pl.n c h a rg e d for e a t h dioi! c o u rs e C o m p u t e r t i m e is w ni'k "U i II .m in ie -i lu ill.: syntactical sense, a llo w in g turns o f phrase w hich tie d together i !h It n i i 'i i m u m I g i i . m i i i \ m i i! w h i m c m t h e u p p e r n o t i m l u d e d in t h e h w* . f ee b u t is a v a i l a b l e t o r a n as it were, different currents a n d layers o f bein g The p rin c ip le d in n i ; i ' i i .n ; |'i ! Il HI' u. t'.i h .ti ul h i m I n t h n i u ell w o m a n feel a d d i t i o n a l c os t a! t h e s t u d e n t s o p t i o n . A s t e r i s k s involved in com bin in g le tte rs and w ords is perhaps best re p re ­ i n it in ;l'ii'i!n:; m m i n 'lilulen! about u u ir (*! ne xt t o co urs e' n u m b e r s i n d i c a t e c o u r s e s t h a t sented by book o rn a m e n ta tio n H ere w e h ove a ll hinds o f m p lu m iu ie IIn :: in n i i | " 'l.n : : i m [xrtoriiuni e have prerequisites tor m ore inform ation, call em bellishm ents and tra ce ry: beasts w ith in te rlo c k in g ta ils a n d m en I'l.iu I ' u 11" .n i u p Hu n In iliu m a:i\ \ e m ' i i n p l i i h e k i " t m " 1 1' t h e 3 5 3 -1 8 0 0 . leaning on sw ords, o r a sing le unb ro ke n lin e d ro w n to fo rm a l >h\ u n i ' l l i ’ n u h u l l i n ' i l l ' l l ! i n i ' i i I v ' t m i " ! i o m p l e t t h a n d h e l d bio - moze-like p a tte rn o f infe rfw in ing p la n ts w hich invites us to fo llo w I n tr o d u c ti o n to C o m p u ti n g ( 1 0 0 ' .i i h .im p ii'ii 'l u p iilili li m i" ,in .m u r h v t h t i H o m p u t e i n u d e A s well a s •t w ith the eye th ro u gh o il its tw ists and turns. In this m anner, v . ; -\¡ • t a i l O l M il U T '.l \m l il VI H ilt’ ill 'W 11 Ix m e a n e . v v l l e n t f o u r - f u n c t i o n be means o f a k in d o f sa cram e n ta l kn ot, the headpiece joins the i alt i i l a l o r in itia l w ord o f the ch ap ter to th e book's title o r ta b le o f contents, I h e K o sm o s I w o n t replace w u r I n tr o d u c ti o n to th e M S I) t*500 ( 101 * 1 making the w h o le in to one large, com m on le tte r w ith num erous l . n o n t e r.u ke t o r p u l l e r B u t u s t h e scrolls and rebuses n e e d in g to b e deciphered, i.e ., re a d In e a rlie r o n e p ie e e o f s p o r t s e q u i p m e n t that c o u l d h e l p u n i u s e all t h e o t h e r s a times p eople w e re hence alw a ys much m ore m in d fu l o f the fact GRADI K i lit tle b i t b e t t e r that os w e re a d w e jo in th e le tte rs o f the a lp h a be t in to co herent \ ;• . - speech, and because th e y d e lig h te d in seeing them w ove n to gefher, the ve ry designs o f th e le tte rs in e v ita b ly le d them to KO SM O S 1 B a sic S P S S «1 5 5 * 1 B u m I n t h in C o m p u t e r .u id C a lc u la t o r ©xpress themselves in a h ig h -flo w n m anner n a tu ra l to lite ra ry For a lim ited time when w u buy a Kosmos I ¡language — alw a ys m o re e la b o ra te and m easured than spoken Biorhythm Computer and la k u la to r at partic­ language, as was p o in te d up and illu s tra te d in a book's o rn a m e n ta ­ ipating dealers, you get a free copy o f Bernard I n t r o d u c t i o n t o In ter.w l iv e U s a g e (1 7 5 * ) ('•ittrlsons new book. Biorhythm Sport» Fore­ tion. I alw ays used to th in k th a t these deco ra tive m o tifs w e re m eant casting. If you have trouble finding Kosmos I t° convey ve rb a l im ages, b u t n o w I und ersfon d fhaf fheir m ain ! April I " !>' > . Ill S n II m . » ; ( O 11 A 5 p m in your area.call (800) 241-5827. affect w as fo d em on strate the intrica cy o f the process b y w hich Mr. G e o r g e C liffo r d w ill B A S IC (2 2 0 * ) words ore strung to g e th er. ■ Nt.iv 3 A" Op i be h e r e to d a y . A p ril 5 th A d v a n c e d S P S S (255 *' ABRAM TERTZ « rs s M.1V 1 3 !» from 1 0 A.M. to 4 P .M . to (ANDREI SINYAVSKY) I n t r o d u c t i o n Is* M a g n e tic T a p e s (3 1 0 * ) e x p la in a n d d e m o n s tr a te TRANSLATED BY V M - ..I magnet.1 '.!!•*■ toi .ivi.-ü ijlm n stoiagr .1fiii f.'If ii'V.il KYRIL FITZLYON M.u .'-J »; i -„ th e K o sm o s I M A X HAYWARD I n tr o d u c ti o n I«* D e b u g g in g (3 8 0 * ) sin»; s v O n 111 s ' I Mi v F O K IK A N .«ij- with K iU h O R lK A N p i.W jm > \(" ■ - -V .’ s .1 S I-m seven nays io-to-io R e c o r d M a n a g e r 1 420* ) -i.il l\r v i ’ I vI M . ig .i i ;« - - I i r I.HIOHS .«ml th r u - r o t I R M M thi.n iH n rs C W ? KttMikw liurnutkwul iU S A '. Iik 2IOm ac avenue » Im u ig h K I R I R A \ M .iv 1 ! 5 8 1 0 3 5 ,,,,, Addita. U («M YHS» K132 W # d n » id o y Apr| Stole 115, |c h ig ° n av L aVE DiMARl 6Annie lH a 9wins Oscar star wars S NOTE: Tkl T , « rlM »I th record • god Its e prK,n record i By STATE NEWS j i compeniee hi and WIRE SERVICES I th e th re a ts o f a sm all bunch of cerem onies as an a rtis t and not Star Wars, expected to cap L go to extrem« The 50th annual aw ards cere I Zionist hoodlums w hose behav- a propagandist. Toy Sayegh, tu re m any of th e technical f t o sell their « mony of th e Academy of Motion I ior (collective gasps and boos spokesperson for th e P alestine aw ards, took six: Best A rt Kotionsi giroim* P ictu re A rts and Science held I in terru p ted her), w hose behav- A rab Fund, th e organization D irection, B est Costum e I)e L m ) end eites. M onday evening in Los Angeles I ior is an insult to th e s ta tu r e of sponsoring th e dem onstration, sign, Best Sound, Best Visual f dirt boerds. « proved a curious blend of the I Jew s all o v er th e w orld . . said of R edgrave’s speech, Effects, B est Original Score (by t,k inflatable pi| usual bourgeois trappings and I She ended h er speech by “This is a g re a t victory for us: John Williams) and Best Film inda to radio some unexpectedly unconven I asserting, "I will continue to today R edgrave, tom orrow Editing. Ironically, w riter- its and reçoit tional winners. I fight against an ti sem itism and Palestine." directo r G eorge Lucas, credited hope that sui The aw ards ceremony was I fascism.” Julia, based on th e Lillian by m ost of th e O scared techni herate ite «ome ap th e m ost star-studded and L a ter in th e evening, screen Heilman sto ry o f rem em bered cians for th e success of th e film, whatever physically ooulent Academy w rite r P addy C hayefsky, on friendship, won th re e Oscars, failed to g arn er a single aw ard. event in some years — partly in stag e to p resen t th e w riting including Best A dapted S creen ­ However. Lucas' wife Marcia honor of Oscar’s golden anni aw ards, deplored R edgrave’s play. S cenarist Alvin S arg en t won an aw ard as one of the versary, and partly to help | actions. H e said he w as "sick dedicated his aw ard to th e film’s editors. The film also won eradicate th e memory of the and tired o f people exploiting memory of H eilm an's late an honorary sound effects stripped-down, unpopular 1977 th e occasion of th e Academy friend, whose courage inspired aw ard. affair. A w ards for th e propagation of both her m emoir and th e film. The y ear's o th e r big space The winning films and art th e ir own political propagan­ The Turning Point, an odds- picture. S teven Spielberg’s ists, however, tended to go da." ap p aren tly mindful of on favorite for many o f the Close Encounters of the Third against the grain of th e great M arlon Brando’s dispatching of aw ards, was com pletely sh u t Kind, snared only one aw ard; populist Academy tradition. N ative A m erican Sacheen out. It is believed th e first tim e for Vilmos Zsigm ond's superb D espite the supposedly ‘sm art L ittlefeath er to refu se his 1972 a film w ith so many nomina­ R ich ard D r e y f u u w on an O ocar cinem atography. T he picture money" riding on the critical Oscar, and of Hearts and Minds tions (11) had failed to win a did win a special sound editing M onday n ig h t for hie p e rfo rm an c e in “ T h , Go and commercial hit The Turn- producer B ert Schneider's single aw ard. aw ard, however. G irl." Mg Point and on th e top-gross reading of a m essage from th e l y hopes to push ing picture of all tim e — Star N orth V ietnam ese when ac­ Wars — the Best P icture Oscar cepting his 1974 aw ard. For the look of Iparticualr pron Deems to be If To* MisMd O w Campi» Interview« was dealt to Woody Allen s semi-autobiographical romantic .Meanwhile, outside the SATURDAY NIGHT FEYl u these days, sor Cord collectors I comedy. Annie Hall. The strength of Annie (which earlier captured th e best film D iane K eato n in h e r A cad em y A w ard w inning per* form ance in th e title ro le of W oody A llen ’s “A nnie H all.” ! D orothy C handler Pavilion, more th an a hundred m em bers of th e J D L chanted "th e people PRODUCT ENGINEERING catch Disco dance trying to ca he items are "F Only” LPs, albui of Israel live," a s th ey burned W e n e e d 1978 g r a d u a te s w ith d e g re e s in M e c h a n ic a l accolades of both th e New York fun/ Learn - an effigy of P alestine L ibera­ ver be sold at Film Critics and th e National o r E le c tric a l E n g in e e rin g o n e n tr y ty p e p o s itio n s in to Richard Drey fuss for his fense League due to her in tion O rganization chief Y assir ad are given onl; Society of Film Critics) helped th e D e s ig n , D e v e lo p m e n t a n d L a b o ra to ry T e stin g o t i of the music bi performance in The Goodbye volvement with a pro-Palestine A rafat. While th e efigy burned, propel its co-star Diane Keaton Girl. Drey fuss, expected to V e h ic le , P o w e r tr a in , T ra n s m is s io n , A x le . C hassis, ¡ivies” can be del at DeMellio’s docum entary film, began her a sim ilar group of A rabs, sepa to a win in th e Best A ctress figure significantly in th e bal Body a n d E le c tric a l c o m p o n e n ts a n d syste m s. idio station pe< acceptance speech in a time- ra te d from th e Jew ish group by category (over such favorites as lot ing. but not favored to win, fd few journalist honored m anner, by thanking police, changed "Long live th e Shirley MacLaine and Jan e appeared surprised a t his victo­ v of especially c her director. PLO." Fonda), and secured the Best P o s itio n s a re a ls o a v a ila b le fo r g ra d u a te s w ith i ry. Jason Robards. who won S he then paused, and said. "I ord stores, Direction aw arded for Allen R edgrave m et last w eek with d e g re e s in C o m p u te r Sciences. promotion LPs last year's S upporting Actor think you should be very proud officials of T w entieth C entury and th e Best Original Screen aw ard for his work in All The «s. First, there th at in th e last few weeks play aw ard for Allen and collab Fox, th e d istrib u to r of Julia, Bootleg album, President's Men, became the you’ve stood firm and you've o rator M arshall Brickman. first perform er to win in the and rep o rted ly had given a ssu r­ These p o s itio n s o f fe r e x c e lle n t c a re e r p o te n tia l it began in the 7 refused to be intim idated by Allen, predictably, was ab ances th a t she would atten d th e c o u p le d w ith g o o d s ta rtin g s a la rie s a n d fr in g e b e n e ­ e Oyster Cult’s category in tw o successive sen t from th e ceremony. Fans years. R obards was honored for fits They a r e lo c a te d in L iv o n ia , S te rlin g H e ig h ts bed several montl of Annie Hall will rem em ber a his portrayal of w rite r Dashiell a n d th e D e a rb o rn a re a . scene in which Allen, as comic Alvy Singer, develops severe H am m ett in Julia. R obards was unable to personally accept his E U R O P E *1500 psychosomatic pains when INCLUDES AIR FAREI faced with having to appear on aw ard, being on-stage in New York in th e Broadway revival F a b u lo u s 2 8 D a y to u r o f W e s te r n E u r o p e a n c o u n DeMellio school of dance a televised aw ard ceremony. At of A Touch of th e Poet. th e tim e of the aw ards. Allen tr ie s , E x p e r ie n c e t h e ir h i s t o r y a n d life ! PHONE 482-2259 The recipient of the Best was playing clarinet with his Supporting A ctress aw ard, V isit, the major eitiet, and enjoy the picturesque country side, N V. ‘ Tton jazz band in a M anhattan night however, touched off some Bilingual American Guide* ss escorts. 2 tours leaving D etroit spot. "I’m irreplacable.” he said significant controversy. June 14 A July 12. Send for details, complete itinerary A reser­ th e other day of his participa vations. \ anessa R edgrave, whose nom­ tion in th e band. "Not good, but ination for th e title role of Julia irreplacable." had earlier sparked dissent and The Best A ctor aw ard w ent pro test from th e Jew ish De­ h v e ves F IV E G re a t A m e ric a n P r in tm a k e r s F r o m th e East L a n s in g area M e e t o n th e u ltim a t e b a t tle g r o u n d N o t th e W h itn e y o r th e M e t B u t in M S I) ’s o w n U n io n G a lle ry c u » N . w i , Eost L o n tin g , M ic h ig o n IchigoH W e d n e sd a y . April 5. 1978 7 1CUP AND SAVE Good Driving Record? awking counterfeit promo discs Bad Driving Record? L vE D iM A R T W O th a t group's debut slbum . A gren and Southside Johnny LPs trie Light O rch estra and Be very small quantities - GREAT RATES 12 inch single by Suzi and the f Nt..S U « W r iU r X s n o tE : TW* •* “ • 12 inch disc, th e record could well be th e cult's best re being bootlegged, and even th e British promo-only L P by Bop Deluxe also utilize color sucker Blues." taken from the Red S trip es (actually Linda FOR BOTH .« ii JEFF vinyl, probably to enhance th e ir controversial Stones film of the M cCartney & Wings, going C , «He* •< V t k l** cording, b u t it unfortunstely G raham P ark er, Live A t The appeal to bored radio station same name, has never been under th e pseudonym for con E m rK crd «»4 **P® has gone m ostly unheard by the Marble Arch, is m aking th e music directors. officially released. If it was tractu al reasons! on Epic Re 1 ’ U d It* *«•“ • " J E u , rK ord todnrtry- m ajority of th e group's fans, th a t is, until it was illegally rounds as th e real thing. Plainly A nother a tten tio n g ettin g released, it would certainly not be issued by the S tones’ pre cords is also going for collec to rs prices. U nfortunately, WILLIAMS MSU ’68 dimpaniM have b « n bootlegged. device by record com panies is sen t label. th ese colored vinyl bootlegs are to «1 to extreme length* T hat E P waa ju s t th e s ta rt of q u ite expensive b u t of g re a t A similar bootlegging of a red of horrendous quality -- few f t* sell their records, several "official bootlegs." Two in te re st to collectors. P rom o­ can stan d m ore than 10 o r 15 lotion*! gimmicks come r „ sM diix**; »ticker*. of th e ra re s t prom o LPs of this so rt a re th e fam ous Back I t Up!! tional L P s are being m ade th a t playings before w earing out. 332-1838 actually bear th e cover pictu re This, how ever, is of little con I dirt bo*rd». *nd even NOs Lolgren Live album , issued 4 0 ! W G R A N D RIVEI IN SID E th e vinyl, created by a cern to bootleggers, who are L infUUble pig* m*ke by A&M Records, and Tom EAST LA N SIN G very expensive so rt of photo- sm art enough to realize th a t T jj, to radio «Utions, P e tty sn d th e H eartb reak ers sandwiching m ethod. R ecent most collectors, after buying « rs *nd record »tores, Official Live ‘Leg, issued by S h elter Records. O th er such L P s by Bob W elch, P e te r such records, rarely play them GENTRY iT hope that such item* Aerate aome special in- ■in whatever artist a releases h iv e included i live Crack T h e Sky LP, released by Lifesong Records, and a whole F ram pton, M eatloaf, C raw ler and th e Jacksons have utilized th is process. T he L P s a re even more than once. Most collectors just like to OWN them , ra th er than play them - which pleases tPl CUP A N D S A V E , more scarce th a t “Official Boot­ the bootleggers g reatly. strin g of live prom o L P s from legs" due to th e ir m anufac­ NEXT: AN INTERVIEW CBS Records, including such it’s not. tu rin g expense, th u s a re much- WITH A LOCAL TA PE a rtis ts as Rick D erringer, W hat happens is simple. An less widely circulated. Such BOOTLEGGER C raw ler, Billy Joel, Southside obvious case of th e dem and rarities are sold by and to Johnny, and M eatloaf. Most greatly exceeding th e supply, collectors for enorm ous sum s. recently. Four Song* From bootleggers say they a re doing Reualdo and Clara was released collectors a favor by re G enerally, one of th e failings by CBS, a 12-inch E P th a t may pressing these collectors' item s of color vinyl has been its very well be th e only place and increasing th e ir circulation. physical consistency. It simply Dylan fans can hear th e music U nfortunately, several of th ese w ears dow n much fa ste r th an black vinyl, which is black due 1 c " l, Ä ttr c f r t t l n “ from his film, since Dylan bootlegs are being sold as th e him self tu rn e d thum bs down on legitim ate item s — "official-of­ to th e inclusion of g rap h ite, an releasing a soundtrack album. ficial bootlegs" of a so rt — and, ingredient th a t considerably N aturally, record collectors w orst of all, at collectors’ cuts down record w ear. R e­ I B hopes to push, particualr promotion»! consider th e se prom otional LPs prices. cently, technological im prove­ eema to be on th e all b u t unobtainable, unless, of The second type of promo m ents have made colored vinyl [th e se days, something course, they pay exorbitant tional gimmick com panies are slightly more practical, but, eord collectors *re des- prices to th o se lucky few music involved in is vinyl related . The unfortunately, th e grow ing people w ho a re willing to p art practice of using colored vinyl, num ber of bootlegged colored [ t trying to c*tch up he items are For Pro- with such item s. Typically, th e like th a t used for th e little red discs now circulating a re not Only" l.Ps. albums that ,er be »old at record LPs by Lofgren, P e tty and Southside Johnny are th e most and yellow kiddie singles of th e 50s, is now flourishing. incorporating this sam e te c h ­ nology. ‘LhM Cwvi sought by collectors; asking prices of 140 or $50 for each L P Iggy Pop's new K ill City LP. is d istributed by Jem Records, A prim e exam ple: th e 12 inch, blue vinyl “Hot S t u f f 45 ¡sr^ß nd are given only to the of the music business, uvies" can be defined *s a re n 't uncommon. T hus, th e illegal bootlegging of such L P s m ight be con an im port company th a t is extrem ely collector-conscious. It bears a stick er which says by th e Rolling Stones. Both th a t, and a sim ilar 12-inch pressing of th e infamous "C- £ vA @tjk$ Is i dio station people, • sidered especially distasteful th e first 10,000 pressings of th e sucker Blues" a re cu rren tly ed few journalists and * by those collectors who pay album will be on green vinyl. being bootlegged and being y of especially cooper« such large sum s for w hat they This, Jem hopes, will speed up sold to a few gullible collectors M jw m ¡ord stores. assum e to be th e actual ra re sales as anxious collectors snap as official releases on th e promotion LPs fall into item s. U nfortunately, th e prac up tw o or th re e copies of th e LP Rolling Stones records label. pea. First, there is the tice is now thriving. for fu tu re tra d in g and selling While th e "H ot S tu ff' 12-incher Bootleg album, some Take th e th re e L P s men purposes. Similarly. D J only was actually released — though nt began in the 70s with tioned ea rlier. T he P e tty , Lof copies of reco rd s by th e Elec again to in d u rstry people in e Oyster Cult's Bootleg wd severs! month* after C ho o se fro m the ar ecs NEW FROM ARIOLA RECORDS la r g e s t s e le c h o n ‘ n o n Shop 9:30-5:30 Daily JUG; 319 E. G ra n d R iver 1 ’•Ire JEWELRY " East Lansing • ito *, GENE COTTON Save The D ancer * ind Doubla Stock Up Now! rttlraak, arti 5 5 S !^ ^ 5 5 9 Reg. T ONLY maxell AVAILABLE AT Y o u r choice of these fine WHERE HOUSE RECORDS II 220 MAC, UNIVERSITY MALL; HRS: MON-SAT 9AM-9PM, SUN 12-5; PHONE 332-3525 quality 90 m inute blank cassettes Anyone ofour shrimp willbejoined by 13fordinner.When you order our shrimp dinner, you net no less than 14 delicious shrimp, each one deep tried and served w ith our Reg »2340 elaborate salad bar, Hearthstone toast, and hutter. After all, we don't skimp on our shrimp. ONLY * 1479 Buy 6 LNC 9 0 c a sse tte s STET PX. R eceive sturdy p la stic ta p e storage ca se FREE!! «1BEET BEEF " J F BURGERS ./M O R E THAN J U S T A R ECO RD ST O R E 2 2 0 University Mall Hrs: Mon-Sat 9-9 Sun 12*5 600 N. Homer near Frandor Shopping Center, Lansing 332-3525 5001W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall, Lansing S p a r t a n ( '.a g e r s L a u i h n l TOM SHANAHAN MSI tickets Record turnout at bash Before a sellout banquet th e media. w ere co w inners of th e s p o rts­ crow d at Long’s M onday night. Ju n io r G regory K elser r e ­ manship aw ard. in demand MSU freshm an E arvin ’’Magic" Johnson w as p resented with ceived th e Chicago T ribune The banquet, em ceed by aw ard as M SU’s MVP, voted by Terry B raverm an, d ire cto r of Basketball W eekly’s annual his team m ates. He is now the Ralph Young Fund, w as th e aw ard as college basketball's eligible for th e Big Ten P lay er largest ev e r held by an MSU Tickets, tickets, tickets. Basketball, basketball, basketball. freshm an of th e year. of the Y ear A ward. basketball team . The 1,622 You couldn’t even buy tickets to M onday’s team banquet (sold Johnson retu rn ed from prac Kelser and senior Bob C hap people in attendance w as th e out to 1,622) let alone already w orrying about basketball tickets ticing w ith th e U ntied S tates man received th e captain's largest group Long’s h as e v e r for next season. team , which will play Cuba. award. Chapman was also hon­ had to accommodate, for any Last fall no one who w anted a season ticket was tu rn e d down Yugoslavia and th e Soviet o red a s th e te am ’s b est d efen ­ e v en t. when they w ent on sale before the season. Union, so he could atten d the siv e p lay e r. C ontributors to th e athletic departm ent of $1,000 o r m ore w ere banquet. He was also honored F re sh m a n Mike Brkovich limited to tw o season tickets and fu rth e r restrictions w ere made of w ith th e Charles S. Phillips w as v o ted th e team 's m ost students, faculty and staff. Season tickets w ere split into A and K A w ard as the team ’s most im p ro v ed player and seniors series. The “A” series sold out. but 150 to 200 unsold B tickets valuable player, voted on by D an R iew ald a n d A lfred Brown w ent on sale for each B gam e for students. ,il . t’Y ■iràs The only exceptions w ere to those who already held four tickets and had contributed $1.000 in MSU’s hard basketball tim es. They i— i) could renew all four. An organizational m eeting But any new contributors of $1,000 desiring season tickets will have to be turned down, MSU A ssistant A thletic D irector in Meet scores close for anyone in terested in try in g out for th e MSU cheerleading charge of Business Bill Beardsley said. The only way th e ticket squad will be held 4 p.m. today office can offer more season tickets is if those cu rren tly holding on the main basketball co u rt of season tickets do not renew. “The prospects of us selling any m ore season tickets are nil,” for MSU gymnasts Jenison Fieldhouse. R equirem ents for a ch e e r­ f p i Beardsley said. "W e anticipate people who bought last y ear will leader a re at least 24 cred its renew .” He also said th e re will be no cutting into th e student F o o tb all m ay be th e g am e of C h a rlie J e n k in s fin ish ed following w inter te rm w ith at tickets for the benefit of new alumni. in ch es but looking at M SU 's six th in v a lu tin g .275 o f a point least 2.0 overall g rad e point No waiting list exists, but it would be th e only alternative. sc o re s in th e Big T en cham pion out of t h e th ir d p lac e h e n e e d ed average. P articip an ts m ust also As for NCAA tournam ent tickets, you’ll have to predict M SI’ sh ip s, g y m n a stic s m ig h t be to q u a lify for th e N C A A m ee t. be enrolled in at least 12 cred its Sto le N e w . (to makes th e post season tourney to have a b e tte r chance of gettin g this spring. F re s h m e n E a rv in "M agic" Jo h n so n called th e g am e o f te n th s of F re sh m a n M a rv in G ib b s w as e r . Jo h n so n re c eiv ed M V P rccogjl tickets than fans had this year. points. Those in terested in try in g and R ick K a y e ta k e tim e o u t M onday th e th ir d S p a r ta n to g e t e d g e d tion from th e m edia along »ml Kentucky fans had the most tickets. They predicted th e ir team ou t in th e sc o re . G ib b s fin ish ed out are asked to ta k e a copy of n ig h t to sign a u to g ra p h s for S p a rta n “ F re s h m a n of th e Y e ar" honors Irosl would be in th e M ideast Regionals and ordered tickets from the A t th e Big Ten G y m n a stic s s e v e n th in th e floor e x e rc ise . .2 th e ir w inter term g rad es and Ia n s a t M S U 's b a sk e tb a ll b a n q u e t a t Dayton A rena that w ent on sale D ecem ber 22. C h am p io n sh ip s h eld over medical insurance inform ation B ask e tb a ll W eek ly , w hile Kelser. J o f a point ou t o f th ird . L o n g 's B a n q u e t an d C on v en tio n C en­ NCAA rules say each school only has to be given 750 tickets for s p rin g b rea k , t h r e e d iffe re n t to C larence U nderw ood's office * D e tro it n a tiv e w ho had a specU nlel M SU fin ish ed fifth o v e ra ll in te r . Jo h n so n , alo n g w ith ju n io r the second round. It is only 250 for a first round and 1.200 for the S p a r ta n s m issed h ig h e r fin ish es th e Big T en. in room 220 of Jenison Field NCAA to u rn a m e n t, w as selectdf finals. by less th a n .3 of a point. house. G re g o ry K e lse r, each re c eiv ed th e M V P b y his te a m m a te s . MSU had a total of 770 tickets at Dayton. S tudents (171) and faculty had 211. th e general public had 110. the alumni office had D oug C am p b ell fin ish ed sec­ 50. the development fund office 50. the basketball team and office U.S.A.-RUSSIAN ond in th e h o riz o n tal b a r by (for their families) 200, the adm inistration and tru ste es 70 and the .175 of a point a n d it qualified athletic departm ent 44. O thers w ent to the band and a few him fo r th e N C A A m ee t in stu dents on a w aiting list after the first 750 ran out. OLYMPIC STYLE E u g e n e . O re.. th is w ee k e n d . WRESTLING MEET Interested in American Olympic Soviet National Contenders Team Modeling? W EIG H T I0S.S 114.5 REPRESENTATIVE Hugh Bates Randy M illa r • • W EIGHT 105.5 114.5 REPRESENTATltf Korniloev Ivanov 125.5 Nick Gallo 125.5 Bagdastrin 135.5 Pat Milkovich 136.5 Apsaldov 149.5 Mark Churolla 149.5 Gaidarbekov 163.0 Wad# Schalles 163.0 Abdul* Muslima THE STATE NEWS IS ONCE Tonight thro Saturday 180.5 191.0 Tom M uir la u ra n t Soucia 100.5 190.0 Lalokcaav Trokopchuk Brian Lee Blues Band 220.0 Hwt. Harold Smith Jimmy Jackson 220.0 Mate AGAIN RECRUITING MODELS C o a ch e s: G a b le , D zie d zic Hw«. Andlav C o a ch : Y u ri Restaurant Special Shakm urodov BBQ Ribs, French Fries, FOR THEIR SPRING FASHION Salad Bar East Lansing, Mich. All You Can Eat! * 3 # * * TAB, “FOR FASHION'S SAKE '. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 7:00 p.m. ADMISSION: Reserved section '6.00 TO APPLY. SIMPLY FILL OUT u ? lzapdS . General Public *5.00, Students *3.00 (a n a e p q p o u n d A D V A N C E TICKETS A V A ILA B LE A T JENISON FIELD HOUSE, LION S DEN, 224 Abbott 351-2205 A N D DOOLEYS THE APPLICATION BELOW SPONSORED BY THE TAKE D O W N CLUB A N D A A U AND RETURN (WITH AN ATTACHED PHOTO) TO 344 STUDENT SERVICES. • BEFORE YOU ATTN: DISPLAY ADV.-FASHION SIGN THAT A P P L I C A T I O N S W I L L BK A C C L P T K I ) APARTMENT LEASE THROUGH THIS WKKk. l o o k INTO MODEL INFO ON-CAMPUS HOUSING N A M E___ X HERE X * Laundry Facilities * No U tility Bills * . . ... . 1 ft Study Facilities ADDRESS. ft Snack Shops & G rills * M , . PHONE _ * No T e le p h o n e In sto llo tio n #C|„ . .............. A G E ______ STUDENT# ft TV Rooms HONEST ANSWERS PLEASE: ft So close to campus, WE’RE ON CAMPUS! W EIGHT______ HEIGHT______ Single & Double Rooms available In HAIR CO LO R. CASE (room & board) and WILLIAMS MEN: SHIRT SIZE. WOMEN: BLOUSE SIZE. (room only with kitchenettes) TROUSERS. BUST_________ W A IST_____ at half and full term rates. LENGTH _ W AIST- SUMMER TERM SIGN UP BEGINS HIPS___ SHOES_____ SUIT SIZE__ SHOES. DRESS- MONDAY, APRIL 10 SIG N A TU R E:_______ For M ore In fo rm a tio n : Students on campus - contact y o u T h a l 1 manager's o f f i c i Students o f f campus - contact Residence H a lls Assignments O ffic e JÌLjj^olme^tall Phonp , c .n i . N ew «. Eo»l L o n iin g , M ichigon BRMKH u o ° : ° r4 0 °o° ” o oÜo 0°o° r £ ) °(V ^ O ° WEDNESDAY SPECIAL COmPUTER 5 0 ( ° ,F ^ 0 °o ° any large tub o0 LABORATORY with coupon 0 « °° r °0 O ^ °V Cr O o Galley Sub Shop O o r, iO °r 2590 E. G r a n d River jf* •0 °. OUR COMPIETE STOCK OF o < E ast L a n sin g " O -y -j plNlM B ILL BOTTOMS o 3 5 1 -0 3 0 4 oM*f good 4-S-7I <42 DINIM BIO B ILLS TOURS AND T h e C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry staff w ill co n d u c t lo u rs o l th e C o m p u te r C e n te r lo r new users o | th e M SU c o m p u tin g facility . Each to u r co n sists ol a slide p re se n ta tio n , a d iscu ssio n ol the lu n c tio n a n d Haircut & Styling o p e ra tio n ol th e C o m p u te r L a b o ra to ry , a n d a w alk in g lo u r ol th e b u ild in g T h e lo u rs start in for Men & Women sale $ 1 4 ” R oom 215 at the fo llo w in g lim es. April 3 April 4 1 :00 p.m. 9 :0 0 a.m . $7.00 April 5 TheB R tfK H e April 6 7:00 p.m . 3 :0 0 p .m . GARYs 3516511 University Mall P li 351-4820 April 7 11:00 a.m . Campus Beauty Salon _ _ 5 4 9 j^ G r o n d R iv e r - o cross fro m B e rk e y H a ll DOUBLE COUPON« HALF 50^ MORE WVf N ON WUWfACntRf R c o u po n s Sit £,*1000CASHBONANZAC COUPON 3301 £ . M IC H . ^ 2 0 7 0 W . 6 R A N P R IV E R , la t AV Home, lo v e Money ! O K E M O S m u s to n j* m .9 w .fiP K .z tfu * u s « a p r .& ENRS APR-8 TICKETS/ exch ang e JUST BRING IN AU Or YOUR MANUFACTURER'S COUPONS An 0 AT OUR SPECIAL TA Rli ELCMANGE TMt ONES Y8u DON'T WANT m g ONES YOU 00 IT'S A t SIMPLE . i ü AS THAT / YOU LI PINO A ? B ig *1.00 S A LE T H IS W C E K /i COUPON EtCHAMOe TA0LE AT EVERY EHKMARO fT D C t' I S w LIMIT 3, PLEASE/ FRESH WILSON'S CERTIFIE? WHOLE FRYERS Ï 4 3 * F R E E Z E R S P E C IA L / FR ES H -LEA K I pi t e #| P ì l WESTERN BEEF 8 u y 3 -S o v ô 3 y W/STÖRE F IR S T C U T S SIZZLER B on E IN-CCOU0WW6RAOE auemcmip PORK C o jr T fe sc h k e L e a n SLICED B u /8 * S o w e 3 2 /v V /f c o u p . B A N Q U E T F R ® .- 3 w l r . STEAKS STEAKS CHOPS BACOM p o rp ie s II.» w « i w .IP 9S White $ $i © 12 vur g p H pa L 6 ._ , a t. \D L 8 .tiO * H 9 9 SAVE UPTO 4 0 / W/STÜRE COUP P IO N E E R . 8 W 3 - S M E U P T O ilS O W /C .C o u itih / F re s h M L . A — BEETSUSftg S&79* 2% U M / R B C rM IU C l!? w : K R i SAVE 18/ W/SlORE COUP. A LL PURPOSE B u y ^ -S A V E d & v J t c - ü x i n t n j F r e s h j , 7 ^ 7 ^ U n Ä.FUJUR 5&59« BU/2-SAVEUP1Ü8 4 / W /t-« W IP T 'N IW & A m m m Lit e ice miik.£79 * ' I S M . '] B u y g - S O M C &Oj\U(C - C ount*/ F tesh jm , ¿ g * SJ40RTEMIM6Ì.17 ÏS» Y0GURT£.%T BuV3-SAVEi2.IOW/CCXJR7N-l6cw..RßtBH5. ¿ Ä A /lk 0 U Y 4 * S A V E 52 / W / C w P O m - KRAFT QUASZT&2EP PEPSI COUkSteü?9 MARGARINE" p a B U Y 3 -S A V E W /W /t-* W M < U ^ « le W a » U ra l t 8 U V 3 - S A V E < I 2? - W / S T » R E COUPON- K R A F T ^ 9^43 W lD B ; ' WmM POTATOCMIPS&7 9 * ‘ B u y Z -S A V E U P T 0 2 ^ w / C 0U R 3U - 7 F L A V O R S jb | ¿ m AMERICANI CHEESE “ SINGLES F I BUY 4-5AVE UPT& 52/W /fc - FROZEN HAWMIAHPUMCHsjfL K* AWAKE- 2(^1 P pai MË B u y 2 - $ A i/ E 4 V v q * 9T P R « C O u R PoUyAnna. RAISINbreap~ 6 9 « . 6 U Y 3 " S A I / E U P l t > 6 5 / V ^ C 'R B ? S W H r i E F R c 7 2 X U l M WIHPPE010PPIN6# rl / I BUY2-SAVE38/ W/S70RE COUP0W- U S . NO-1 , | m h h H m a APPLES 3&/^|g CALIFORNIUM JU M R 7 5 6 SIZE NAVEL CRAN6ES p e ssw / COKU 7 00 M B I % COB Got your dorm T fU¿3 3 «61 Ml ¿2M Ml IQt floor shirt yet? 12 -4 8 s h irts . ‘ 3 .IO « a . 49-96 t h ir ls , ‘ 3 .0 0 e o . 9 7 -1 5 6 s h irts . ‘ 2 .7 5 ea SPORTS FRAHDOR LETTERING 2227 W. Grand River, Okemos SHOPPING 349-5184 CENTER PHONE: 337-1681 3180MALL COURT ST 0 W H ° u « LANSING, MICH. ’ A .M .T O lO p ,M . Next 1° Kroger I SUPER X I Buy any Medium Vizza At the regular price ASPIRIN I Get Identical PIZZA FREE 100’s I Little Caesars Pizza 1 2 0 3 E .S d . R iv e r I SN ” ® 337-1631 COVJi.lt • Ip ir .l 4-15- 71 O'-.teuponp.r 0 b early bird bike tune special ’juulüiiu'iüírr I* Adjust brakes, dérailleurs (•Tighten all cables »Adjust every nut land screw *Check tire pressure »Light ■true on wheels »Adjust bearings, |bottom bracket, hubs and headset. REG. »15. SPECIAL s] l " * CHECK OUT THE NEW T FUJIS A N D A Z U K IS 1 All three locations: " 9 : 0 T o 3 HURRY! H § 5 5 O CL •K O ^ e x p ire s A p r il 15, 1978 < 1 (0 The compact, automatic 35mm SLR you’ll fall for! If y o u 'v e s e e n th e M inolta XG-7 sky-r: . - - g a n T , c o m e in a n d s e e its e-c.-us .e l e a t u ' f , 'o - y o u r, self This e le c tr o n ic . v r - t e - - a m - , ■•jelr.-rs p e rfe c t e x p o s u r e s w ith n t-to c u s -• -ot sim­ plicity It h a s a fe a th e r - to u c " s '- u t t e - : ," o n -r e ­ Goodmusic cheap: A lb u m a rt.' In c is q u ie tly re v o lu tio n iz in g th e re c o r d d is tr ib u tio n b u s in e s s : F ir s t. A lb u m a r t 1 tu rn s on a n LED v ie w fm d — s p !a , t* m-f, b u y s s e te c . a lb u m s by th e tru c k lo a d T h e se a re th e s a m e fa c to ry -s e a le d s te re o a lb u m s y o u fin d to u c h of y o u r fm ger L , . «H?,e c p.n s ^ u e n t i y A ib u m a r i ■ re a liz e s g re a t s a v in g s b y p u rc h a s e v o lu m e d is c o u n ts T h e o p tio n a l A uto W inder g ,.,s t , , JK( ,! d is tr ib u te s th e s e a lb u m s d ir e c tly to m u s ic lo v e rs lik e y o u o n c o lle g e c a m p u s e s ,ih re f l,z e s m o re s a v in g s by e lim in a tin g r e ta il o v e rh e a d c o s ts . F in a lly , A ib u m a r i' s e n d s a b ° u t 2 fra m e s p e r s e c o n d .s h b u tV -- s CLJS. i0 m e rs in a n e w ' D a ,e n !e [t m a ilin g c o n la in e r w h ic h is c h e a p , lig h t- w e ig h t a n d e a s e A nd th e o p tio n a l A uto E - •- - dS > ?t -jx in n « ,» e r e ° re A |h u m a r t' s a ve s a fo rtu n e in S h ip p in g c h a rg e s P u t th e s e A lb u m a r t ' s a v in g s to g e ih e a n d yo u save b ig W e d o n i h ave e v e ry a lb u m a re c o rd s to re m ig h t s to c k b u t s y n c h r o n iz e s with th e w inder t-- ; , -, -- ., c h e c k o u t th e p ric e s o n o u r o ffe r in g s N o te S u p p lie s a re lim ite d f la s h s e q u e n r .e s O th e r e x c lu s iv e f e a tu r e s rr,elude . s - q - a m th e vie w fin d er to tell you w h en th e flash -s read y to fire a s h u tte r lock lo p re v e n t e -p o su re a n d a fla sh in g The Water (MCA, Armatrading. J ?au lUCA, - *3 09 S .eet Baby James Warneri - *3 09 e le c tro n ic self-tim e r ft* Bf'Ch Road MCA In The Pocket ■Warner *3 09 H $3 09 J T iColumb'il *3 29 Beach Boys S e e it to d a y Wonder. Sitvie Music O 'M , Mmd. Tamia- - *3 09 Talking Book i Tamia *3 09 King. Carole innervisions • fam/a. *3 09 Tapes!-, Ode S.mp.e Th.ngs ( Mangione Chuck STAR Beiiav-a AAV New Releases: •I »3 09 Altante Rhythm Section A Rock And Roll Alternative iPolyúori Champagne Jam «Poivdon - *3 39 PAPER PLATES COFFEE ’ *3 09 13 09 Blue Oyster Cult Boston *3 09 *3 09 i i 49 75 COUNT FILTERS *3 09 Boaaie David Newman Randy Nugent, Tad Dnutr'e 1 .re G w Oldti.ld Mike ~ 0 ] Tubular Bells 1 V11Sub'1." SHOWCASEJAZZ PRESENTS Anthony ip. Braxton SUNR4 solo piano quartet FBI 4 SAT, APR 21 & 22 FRI, APR 28 8/1030 PM 8/10:30 PM McDONEL KIYA ERICKSON KIVA TICKETS 4.00 TICKETS 3.50 LOOK FOR MORE TICKET INFORMATION IN UPCOMING ISSUES OF THE LANSING STAR A N D THE STATE NEWS ____________ Wednesday, April 5 i MSU Repertory Dance Company presents a Journalist Effect of urban package unclear ■ V ER Y W EDN ESDAY (continued from page 3) (continued from page 3) “From 8 p.m. to midnight is general television, so news, features, films, discussions and talk shows are presented for And the city tax base, which is scheduled for a te n tativ e 8 percent increase n ext y ear, is healthy, according to city assessor Paul Creevy. Inflation is th e prim ary cause of th e increase, Creevy said, because older homes in the A WHOPPci only four hours," he added. city do not benefit from rising construction and real esta te costs. The tax base for this Most of th e seven radio year was slightly below th e 50 percent assessed cash value because of this, Creevy stations are designed for spe­ continued. Though th e C arter proposal is in part aimed at providing a 15 percent investm ent tax of a special! cialized audiences, he said. One features foreign languages, one for businessm en who locate in downtown areas, Creevy said Lansing is not experiencing 5 pm till done is especially for Russian Jew s, a dem ise in th e central business district. one is for A rabs, one broadcasts "It's no great exodus, but many businesses are running scared on Dayton H udson," he only classical music and one is said. aimed at sailors. Overall, th e C arter proposal would provide money to cities w ith budget deficits, A nother station is "middle-of- the road with its music and news and only one station transfer some housing loans from th e su b u rb s to cities, provide soft public w orks and social services program s and g u aran tee loans for urban and rural developm ent. Most officials agree th at no portion of th e proposal will be passed w ithout a fight in DAN CE CONCERT for 59* broadcasts popular music. He Congress. Criticism from legislators rep resen tin g suburbs and th e Sunbelt s ta te s has railed the last a "pirate s ta ­ been raised against th e package because most feel it is aimed at N o rth ern cities with W lioppen tion,” and said it is located on a hard core unemployment. YO U N G PEOPLE no coupons boat outside Israel's territorial _L w aters. Lansing Center (or the Arts Tñ T h e go v ern m en t g iv es p e r­ I H I I N 'r 1 ‘i I i . i n . 1 ¡1 ! N ' I 'M | >[ N I ’ • M a r * • a a d a t Both m ission only to public o rg a n iz a ­ 425 S. Grand Ave. 1 1 4 1 1 . O r a a d R iv a r tio n s to s ta r t sta tio n s , but does not r e s tric t th e p ro g ra m m in g except to re q u ire th a t it be "good, in te re s tin g a n d m o r.I." CHAKA KHAN/ Saturday, April 8th. 1978 Performances at 11 am, 1 & 3 pm $ 1 .SO fo r Y o u n g P o o p lo $2.00 f o r A d u lt t _______________ « » < 3 0 1 1 1 , tag!« 7* TS 14M N aor *a:d | Tickets A vailable at D uring elections, he said, sta tio n s art r e q u ire d to g ive 10 m in u tts of a ir tim e to each RUFUS • • A rts Box O ffice Tel No 372 INFO • hrs 10om-6pm M-F 12om-5pm Sot. £ Sun. • M ail orders-send self addressed envelope & check o r money order to A tts Box O ffice 425 S G rand A ve Lonsing Ml p artv and four m in u te s to merr.Pt > M th e p a rliam e n t. plus e x t r a special g u e s ts, • • M arshall Music Co Eost Loosing • Beaux N Belles Frondor • J.W Knapp C.O., Uowntown lo n sin g • M eridian £ Lonsing M olls Kt -.i h* has w itn e sse d HEATWAVE • lo n sin g Center fo r the A rts • Remaining Tickets at the D o o r* -ey e r.i. s«v,ai c h a n g es since th e introduction of telev isio n in Isra- pa rticu la rly a m ark e d dechm " m ovie a tte n d a n c e .\\<> n -r e a d u lts a re s ta v in g MONDAY 17; APRIL 8pm. MOHN ICE ARENA TICKETS " 7 - J 6" AVAILABLE ■' iynöötihiitcro MSOnion Campus Corners II Sounds 8 D iversions Busy Bee Market @ffi «ricot 140 min., B & W, 35mm lAitomotlve in German with English s u b title s I "MAGNIFICENT! EFFI BRIEST' isl I FASSBINDER’S MASTERPIECE! A s fine I I a film as we have seen in a long time f J One stands amazed by the (anatic talent! I of Fassbinder's faithful acting t r o u p e ! I the moving elegance of the photography I I the beauty of the art direction. ” f I —Penelope Q illn t l. TheN ew rone ["BEAUTIFUL, IRONIC, VISUALLY | BEGUILING. EACH MEMBER O F T H e| | CAST IS SUPERB." | I — V in ce n t Cenby, N e w York TimrsI [ "WONDERFULLY RICH AND STRANGE' —Archer Winsten New York Pos'| T O N IG H T |Wednesday, April 5^| 7and 9:30pm inFairchild Theatre $1.50 at the door or Director's Choice Series Ticket $5 for 5 admissions available at the Union Ticket Office 8:15-4:30 |0Z 1973 lie 351 5 BOB JAMES featuring MARK COLCY Special guest NO€L POINTER is a fifty - m in u te mu I t i ­ SATURDAY APRIL 2 2 -GOO FM med ia commentary on our c u lt u r e 's ch a ra c te r d ire c tio n . Through a LANSING'S CIVIC CENTER AUDITORIUM b a tte ry o f I k p ro je c to rs , a 6 5-foot s c re e n , 1500 id e s, s p e c ia l e f f e c t s , and a ste re o fo lk /ro c k soundtrack, the audience experiences a w orld of R£S£RVED S€ATMG: $6 and $7 d e sp a ir. Confronted w ith the a lie n a t ion TICKETS: CIVIC CEN TER BOX O FFIC E, DISCOUNT RECORDS much o f man's e x is te n c e , L A F A Y E T T E RADIO IN JACKSON you are c r e a t iv e ly pre­ sented w ith a B ib li c a l BOOGIE RECORDS IN MT. PLEASANT. a I tern at i ve. ROCK-A-ROLA RECORDS IN FLINT,SAGINAW.OWOSSO. .. . ^ „ „ n S tate N e w », E o it L o n s in g , M ic h ig o n m S s S fm s® m W m p É ^Ê A xtaaw tin j '^ , Emptoyment if | Employxent if EMploymeat jf C la iiffie d A d v 8 r t i» i» g Employment jf Apartments ^ Apartments ? Information VW SUPER B eetle 1973, excellent co n d itio n, $1700. COUNSELORS, M IC H IG A N M O R N IN G M A INTE NA NCE , SPARE TIME managem ent A M E R IC A N YOUTH A ctivi NEED PERSONS to sublease B oys’ Camp. Ju ne 20 A ug u st lunch co ok, p a rt tim e A pply ONE BLOCK north o f Beal people needed im m ediately ties a new educational- 3 person apartm ent in June. L hONIJMW“ M 7 S h K f« .U n ,l« ..lid , Call 356 4525 o r 339 9116 12 P ositions open: archery, in person a t PEANUT BAR entrance. BEAL STREET for super exciting, fast gro w recreation center w ill be in te r­ Furnished, close to campus, 34613) riflery. cra fts, w a terfron t. REL 521 East Grand River, APA R TM EN TS, 208 Beal St. mq business, D A Y 8 A SSO view ing fo r sum m er in stru c­ $180 m onth. 332-1312. W rite, g ivin g backg ro un d / anytim e. 2-4-6(51 Furnished 2 bedroom , 2 per­ D A T E S . 323 4084 7 4 6<5) tors fo r classes O ur center 8-4-714) VW SUPER Beetle 1975 experience, Flying Eagle, son apartm ents, $220/heat RATES offers 160 d iffe re n t kinds o f I day * W par lina Radial tires, su nroo f A M FM 1401 N Fairview, Lansing C A M P CO UNSELO RS Boy included. Year lease, no pets, O A tt FULL OR part tim e em ploy program s If interested, stop S Mi ft I9.M 1 IfM 3 days • KK par lina é days * 75* par lina stereo, rear w in d o w defog ger, fu e l injection. A fte r 6 48912 8 4 7(9) Girl in M ichig a n A ll land & w ater sports, riflery, gym ment fo r clerk typist A pp ly at 1605 E Kalamazoo. Lan b y the center fro m 9 a.m. p.m at 5220 S outh Logan or 5 Beechwood one parking space. Call 6 p m. 9 p.m. or leave message in Mi M i UN »M 22 40 S A I days ■74K par lina p.m 339 8382 8 4 10(6) TA X I DRIVERS M u st have excellent drivin g w anted. nast. L. Seeger, 1765 Maple, N o rth field , III. 60093 smg 482 6237 8 4 11*5' call 484 7254 8 4-13 HO) Apartments before 6 p.m. 5-4 5110) 669-3654. IN UM record. A p p ly V A R S ITY Z B 1 4 5(5) 5 b lo c k s t o MSU 17.N MM A TTE NTIO N MATURE A VO N EVEN if you can only lina rata par insarfion 18 4M 14.49 ti.M JIM MM | Mstorqttos Sn C A B 332 3559 8 4 7(4) B AB Y SITTE R NEEDED for YOUNG ADULTS GlO work a fe w hours a week, you Large 2 bedroom - FURNISHED, 2 man, 2 bed­ room Sublease Summer. V A N N I S PIZZA is n ow tak­ can make them profitable furnished LIBERTARIANS FULL n ew born. 3 m ornings per ing applications A pp ly m $183 m onth Call after 6 p.m. MO TO RCYCLE INSUR and part tim e tem po ra ry em selling w o rld fam ous AVO N Special sum m er rotes 351 7388 Beal St. 8-4-10(3) w eek O ur house W alking person at 2301 N Larch or t iO M li* ' ’ 3 M 00 5 d° y ‘ 80 P* ' l l 0 * 0 V * ' PRODUCTS. Cali 482-6893. 3 ImM No odiuilmenl in rele when toncollod ANCE. N e w lo w rates fo r p loym en t 355 1166 evenings. distance fro m cam pus 332 514 E M ichig a n 6 4 7‘5 1 2 bedroom units *160 C 4 4 7 151 1978. C A LL A LD ER AGENCY 3 4 6 (3) 2229 8 4 14(4) Pries ol item(t) murl be sloled in od Maximum N o w la a iin g fo r NEW LY REMODELED spa­ 351 8620 0 1 4 5(3) W AREHO USE HELP 4 0 hour cious one bedroom apart­ I laltprkoof'SO. CHILD CARE in m y home. 3 *270 PAR T TIME Ja nito ria l M ust ROOM A N D board given in f a ll a t lo w as wepfr $3 00 hour M ust be boys, 12 to 7 Tuesday and ments. Close to Cooley and «4» • 3 lin,‘ *2 25 ■P*' ™ ,,,l0n have auto Call M r Grossi C oll o ffe r 1 pm NORTON 1975, 850 cc. exchange fo r 20 hours a week interested in perm anent em bus line N o w leasing. Call I 75’ per lino over 3 linos (prepayment) 482 6232 8 4 13 (3) Thursday. 3 7:30 p.m. Own V°„, o f extras, like new. ■ommoyo/Garogo Sele odo • 4 lina. ‘J 50 $1650. 323 4145 8 4 14(3) o f secretarial duties Hours are 5-9 p.m ., M onday Friday, p ioym ent to learn interesting phase o f co nstru ctio n tec.h transp o rtatio n Experience 332-OOS2 485-0638 21-5-1 14) preferred Haslett area 339- 1 63' por lino over 4 line» ■par insertion. N EAT, EXPERIENCED Part ST. VIN C E N T HOME FOR TW O FEMALES needed to rioiogy A p p ly at 1605 E 2476 after 8 p m 5-4-10 <6) JlM od Town ado • 4 lino. '2 50 per inw riion. S U ZU K I 1974 GT 380, 3 tim e waitress Days N ew W A N TE D IM M EDIATELY - CHILDREN, 2800 W est W il Kalamazoo Lansing share four-m an W a ter's Edge restaurant and lounge A pply fem ale room m ate to share 2 I 63' por lina over 4 line*. cylinder N ew in 1975. Under lo w Call 323 4734 for particu 8 f 11191 BAN QU ET COOK, 25-30 bedroom furnished -a p a rt­ A partm ent fall term Cheap. L e t t i faundi odo/Tronoportetion ads • 3 linos M 50 6000 miles. Dual quartz lights, in person betw een 2-4 p.m. lars 7 4 13(8) 353-6302 3-4-6 (4) hours week Call Y M C A . 489 ment near campus. S w im ­ por Imorlion 50' per line ovor 3 linos crash bar, h igh w a y pegs. 400 S ou th W a sh ing ton . Lan SAFETY ENGINEER for 6501 ext 50 Ask fo r Mrs A lw a ys garaged. M in t condi sing. 2 4 5 (5) m ing pool, no lease Rent PEACE CORPS A frica has trainee p ositio n . A ETN A LIFE Gunnell A pp ly in person tion 393 2574 8 4 14(6) $90. 351 8497 after 4:30 p.m Summer Leasing positions o pen in m any fields A N D C A S U A LT Y A m uit , betw een 10 a m 2 p.m S W IM INSTRUCTOR S 7-4 13‘ 6- Deadlines M ath and Science, teaching, ime insurance co m p an y seeks 3-4 6 '5 ' for H O N D A 350 Rebuilt engine, W ednesday and Friday e ngineering, agriculture, v o ­ engineer for career position L d, , 7 pm I class day before publication evenings. W .S .I. needed, M U ST SUBLEASE - luxury Americano n ew chain, battery, tire and ca tion al e du catio n and liberal W o 'k involves surveying p*o toncolloiion Chang# ■ I p.m. - I class day before B ABYSITTER NEEDED Fri­ 2 bedroom furnished plus lig h t $225. 351-9003, early 489 6501 2 4 5 (3 ) I publication arts, the tim e to look into sp ortive com m ercial and m days, 7 30 a m - 10:30 a.m special extras Call n ow - and afte rn oo n . 8 4 14(4) these o p p o rtu n itie s is n ow d iv d u a i accou nts m aking fire O wn transportation 332 lOnc* od is ordarod it connot be cancelled or changed S TUDENT H U S B A N D w ife C om e to th e AFR IC A N Stu appraisals and assisting exist 3812 8 4 13 '3 ' 332-4843 1 4-5(3» Eden Roc J until olfer 1st insarfion 74 H O N D A CB360 electric team to m anage b m aintain dies Center. International mg accounts w ith loss con call 332*0111 30 unit sutd e nt apartm ent 3rd PERSON needed $86 66 ■There is o *1 00 charge for I od chonge plus 50‘ per start, luggage rack, helm et, Center 353 1700 1 4 5<10i tro i Qua1( cations technical W AITRESSES LUNCH b uildin g One bedroom apart Owr. room S plit level. Classy 1128 V ic to r St. I additional change for maximum ol 3changes cover 3000 m iles $600 371 4 year ( piipge degree, some hours and part tim e nights, m ent living quarters M a in ­ neighborhood. Balcony, ■The Stote News w ill only be responsible lor the 1st 2585 3 4 5(3» D R U M M E R - W h o can do w c rk experience helpful. Ex no Sundays A p p ly m person. tenance experience required. parking 351-9163 3 -4 - 7(41 doy s incorrect insertion Adjustment claims must all lead vocals, all fun ky re iie n t com pany benefits. DODGE HOUSE, 415 E Sag* 350 CL H O N D A , 7700 miles, 351 2211, 9 a .m .-4 p m. M o n ­ m usic 372 3860 or 313 659 - om pany car furnished Job EFFICIENCY TO Sublet. On be mode within lOdoys ol axpirotion dote naw at Cedar 8-4-13 *5) LARGE 1 bedroom apa rt­ burglar alarm, helm et, excel day throu g h Friday 8 4 7(8) 7336 Z3 4 7(3) to start May 30. 1978 Send busline in East Lansing, call Rills ore due 7 doys from od axpirotion dote If not m ent summer Furnished, lent, $399 484 5187 resume to Personnel Co KEYPUNCH OPERATOR 1 676-1822 or 676-4560. paid by due date, a 50' lota service charge w ill e venings 1 4 7 (31 W A ITR E S SE S A N D W aiters W ANTED B ABYSITTER, close $160 353-4822 o rd ina tor AETN A LIFE A N D year experience on 3742 or 8 4-7*3) be due needed betw een 10 a .m .-2 8 4 14 3- M onday. Tuesday. Thursday. C A S U A LTY 5800 G ratiot 129 necessary A fte rn oo n a rn D iffe re nt sh ifts available 8 a.m. 5 p .m . Some light Road. Sagmaw M l 48603 EAST LANSING • Now leas­ sh ift S PA R TA N D A TA . 393 2 BEDROOM. 8 m inutes to Floorm en, 4 8 p.m . 2 days a housekeeping, near M S U ing. Houses, duplexes and A ik Savin / week o r 7 2:30 a m S hort- 351 8082 3-4 7 (4) 5 4 6 '2 1 ! 8630 8 4 13 >4» campus in cludes all utilities, rooms. Available for summer order cook- a fte rn oo n s and stove refrigerator and gar­ LEGAL SECRETARY East and or fall. Call STE-MAR lAitoaotive A Automotive •* n igh ts W e are an Equal M O THERS HELPER for su m ­ Lansing experience neces age Available A pril 15. $215 MANAGEMENT 351-5510. GOOD USED TIRES. 13 14 15 inch M o u n te d free Also O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer A p p ly mer Responsible, able to sary Good benefits, available For R eit m onth Phone 482-9226. 8-4-716) a fte r 2 p m SILVER D O l 0-1 4-5(6« |$TTN 1971. A M radio, FORD GRANADA Ghia 76 g oo d supply o f sn ow tires care fo r tw o children & light im m ediate'v Call 351 6200 LAR S A LO O N 3411 East housekeeping. Prefer g irl 16 8 4 10i5 t gas mileage, $395 best V 8 302, power brake steer PENNELL SALE S 1301'> M ichigan. Lansing 8 4-7(10) or older. R oom b board plus PILLOVw TA LK has fu rnitu re JE W IS H FEMALE student CIDAR V ILLA ai - 332 2287 after 5 p m * ing. Low mileage Good con East Kalam azoo. Lansing. fo r rent, w ith optio n to buy looking fo r fem ale room m ate 113' dition. $3800 355 2497 482 5818 C 20 4 2815» g oo d pay w ith loving fam ily TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Frandor 351 1767 0-1-4-5(31 O ff cam pus fall throu g h APARTM M TS FEMALE ESCORTS w a nte d Call M rs Berger (312) 882 p a r tt im e 5 p m 9 p m Salary 3 4 5(5) spnng W rite to The State Now leasing JRI 2000 1972 4 speed, M A S O N BOD Y SHOP 812 E $6 hour. No tra in in g neces­ 4392 co lle ct 5-4 11 18 ) plus b onus E A S TL A W N News Box B 2 East Lansing, for fo il and summer pck. radial tires Good sary Call 4 89 22 7 8 MEMORY GARDENS REFRIGERATOR STEREO FORD LTD WAGON, 1974 Kalamazoo, since 1940 A uto M l 48824 8-4 14 7 dition 337 7191 8 4-7(3) Z 23 4 28(3) DE NTA L RECEPTIONIST 349 9156 8 4 10> 5 t \ re rta 's Free de'ivery BOGUE a t RED CEDAR Red, power, air, automatic, p ain tin g collisio n service e xperienced or assisting on o ff cam pus 372 ’ 795 3 5 IS IB 0 radials 2 way door $2,000 A m erican foreign cars 485 FEMALE M A S SE U S E w ant EFFICIENCY IM M EDIATE backg ro un d preferred. 485 BUSBO Y W A N T E D M on 0 5 4 7'2 IM AR0 1975, V 8, auto- 351 3823 evenings 0256 C 20 4 29<5) ed. $8 hour W e w ill train occupancy $185 BUR­ 7123. 5 4 11 (3 day Friday A pply m person SUBLET NOW through S ept­ fhc. stereo W hite letter S 10-4 11(51 489 2278 Z 23 4 28(3) CH A M W O O D S 745 Bur- JU N K C A R S w a n te d Also HUDDLE NO RTH LOUNGE ember 1 bedroom apart­ i Excellent shape, 44,000 Lham 351-3118 0-20-4-28(4' 309 N W a sh ing ton . Lansing FlUMERFELT STAIR GREMLIN '71. Automatic selling used parts Phone C H ILD CARE w o rke r - Part W ANTED AFTER school 8 4 10<4i Apartments ment U tilities included $200 transmission, AM radio, radi anytim e 321 2 65 1 babysitter fo r tw o children In month Evenings 351-3881. ■EVR0LET 655 4343. tim e D uties include recrea C 20 4 28(3' M S U area. Hours M onday 8-4 7 4. M-1015) al tires. Great mileage, excel tio n supervision and tu to rin g G AM E ROOM personnel lent condition $2900 Call em o tion ally im paired child Friday. 3 p m to 6:30 p m Y oung ladies p re fe rred Good O W N ROOM in 2 bedroom Now leasing BRAKE P AR TS including M ay start im m ediately Light apartm ent Call 337 0237 NEAR LCC-2 bedroom s ■EVELLE 1972 tw o door, 353 7768 8 4 7(5) brake pads, shoes and h y ­ ren H ours per w eek to be housekeeping and o w n trans pay benefits and pleasant for summer and 8 4 7 i3» $200 m o n th including u tili­ arranged Send resum e to w o rkin g p ositions Excellent p automatic power, head JEEP PICKUP 1962. Com draulic co m p o n e n ts in stock p orta tio n desirable C ontact fall ties. 487-5624 after 5 p.m.; . Rea' sharp $1200 323 b ox A 1 S ta te News. 7-4 6(8) positions fo r students full ONE BLOCK fro m cam pus at CHEQUERED FLAG FOR Mrs. W ilson , 9 30 a m to 5 372-8165 anytim e 8-4-7(41 i 4 4 5131 pletely rebuilt, good shape Call 882 1036 evenings EIGN CAR P AR TS 2605 East p m 349 5453 and p art-tim e A pp ly in per­ sublet spring and sum m er Capitol Villa G A N TO S RESPONSIBLE son only C IN E M A X. 1000 One bedroom , furnished, air lEVROLET, 1971 Impala. 8 4 7(3) Kalamazoo St *187 5055 one mile W est o f cam pus individual to p e rfo rm light S W IM COACH im m ediate W J o lly Road G-20 4 28'7- U tilities paid except e lectri­ Apartments MALE RO O M M ATE needed pd condition, all power, m aintenance w o rk and mis 1*5 O ffic e h o u rs rc share 4 man apartm ent C 20 4 28(7) o pe ning fo r year round. A A U city $175 m o n th Call 332 sor.rig ferrn fgear campus. 1 355 1188 5 4 6(3) MGB 1973, 38.000 miles, celianeous d u tie s Hours TELEPHONE SOLICITOR good condition 627 6356 M o n da y S aturday. 9 a.m 1 age g ro u p sw im c lu b in preferably male 3 evenings 3900 8-4-14 (5' 332*5330 $8C m onth 351-0986 JEVR0LET 1974 M onte after 5 p.m. Z 6 4 10(3) Lansing area C ontact Don 5 *4 6*3 p m . S unday 12 p .m 1 p.m week 3 hours nigh t Call Tan with black vinyl Aviation A p p ly in person at Lansing LeDac. 371 5140. 5 2 10 l6> Thursday 8 a m 5 p.m. ONE FEMALE needed for Cedar Village Next school Jfandinterior, air, A M FM, PINTO RUNABOUT 1971. 4 M all or M eridian Mall. 484 4479 2 4-5 <4> NEEDED IM M EDIATELY . ver steering brakes, lo w Jeage, good condition. 349 speed, radials $660 Call 485 3776 evenings. 3-4-7(31 W O RK IN exchange fo r flyin g 8 4 11(8) DICTAPHO NE TY P IS T for busy insurance o ffic e M ust year Peggy 355 0681 8-4-13 (3> fem ale non smoker to Share spacious one bedroom at 731 HASLETT ARMS |I8 8 4 7(8) tim e Call Ken 676 4860 M A ID S TO w o rk fo r profes type at least 55 w p m steady W A ITR E S SE S PART tim e. Apply m person at A M E R I­ Burcham Ren: negotiable SUMMERS FALL and accurate S alary com NEEDED ONE mate to sublet PINTO 1974, air, 2300 cc. 3 4 5(3) sional cleaning co m p an y m ensurate w ith experience CA S CUP R E S TAU R A N T S pring term $70 m o n th 351- Phone 337 0419 5-4-5 4- LEASING 4 speed, 33,000 miles, excel JEVB0LET VEGA 1974, 4 kammback, 48,000 lent condition. $1450. 351 p art tim e Residential clean mg experience necessary Also need FILE SUPERVI 2 4 p m W ednesday, A pril 5 2-4 5 ¡4' 7843 8 4 13 i3> SUBLEASE 2 bedroom apart­ 391*1957 SOR w h o is energetic. Som e »7131 i *996. 349 3608 4960. 5-4 10(3) Employment if Call 484 3501 4 4 5(5) typ in g help ful hut n ot neces 3 BEDROOM tow nhouse. m ent C'ose to Union Spring 351*8135 DELIVERY PEOPLE wanted, b summe* 351-4371* sary. Fully paid com pany A vailable im m ediately, or be­ PONTIAC. 1970. 4 door, RESIDENT M A N A G E R co u ­ m ust have o w n car A pply 8-4-10*3« NEED ONE Person to share benefits A n a ffirm a tive ac ginn in g Ju n e $285 m onth. |MET 67 Only 57,000 power steering brakes. AM ple for East Lansing pro pe rty LITTLE CA E SA RS today a f­ tw o bedroom apartment, SECRETARY, FULL TIME tion em ployer Call M. King 353 7737 9 a m 5 p.m or i. New pans, good body FM, $400 694 6163 after 6 D uties include m aintenance ter 4 p.m. 7 4 12 (3) mature and stable person. ow n furnished room, parking, B O' best offer 393 4687 Inings. 5-4 7r4l p m and weekends 5 4 6(41 Shorthand, 90; typing. 65; o f b uilding and leasing W o rk schedule is fle xible around 482 5566 for a p p ointm e n t 8 4 11(14) FULL TIME sum m er recrea 355 7549 9 a m 5 p.m 2 4 5 -6' UNIVERSITY VILLA $87 month 351-6427.3-4 5(41 PONTIAC LEMANS 1971 excellent English. W ork with m ost classes Inq u ire at 332 NURSERV LAN D SC AP E tio n d irector, M ay 1st SUMMER & FAIL IM M EDIATE OCCUPANCY, figures. Benefits. Apply 3303 MALE RO O M M ATE w a nte d [EAP TRANSPORTA- good condition, $1095 or best South Cedar, Suite 11. 3900 days 0 20 4 28(71 w ith mechanical and some Septem ber 30th M ust have fo r 4 man apartm ent $79 LEASING female needed fo r furnished PN. »200/best offer 1966 offer. 349 2650 8 4 12(3! sales experience. S end re W S l and tennis experience apartm ent Close to campus. 393 0250 7 4 6(7) m o n th 349-5930 8-4 7(3» a S M tS T »go Monaco. 332-1842 PART TIME p o sitio n s for sume to G IA N T LAN D along w ith p ool maintenance 351-1842. 5-4-7i3' X-7i3l SCHOOL BUS 50 passenger LOOKING FOR a career ex M S U students. 15-20 hours SCAPE COMPANY. P.O. and supervision A pply in 124 CEDAR ST East Lan 3SI-8135 ONE OR tw o people fo r three 1966 International. Good con­ perience and not just a job? w eek A u to m o tiv e required. Box 13. Holt. M l 48824 person only. HO S PITA LITY sing 2 man. 1 bedroom fur IfRYSLER NEWPORT Phone 339 9500 C 20 4 28(4) INN. 3600 D unckel 5-4 10(8) story tow nhouse im mediate dition. 484-1451 days or 627 W e are looking for a bright 8 4 1215) nished apartm ents Heat in ­ po. good condition. $796. 4-M A N apartm ent available occupancy across fro m 6261 evenings and weekends. creative young woman with cluded $195 m o n th . Year ” 9-3844, 8 4 14131 PAR T TIME lig h t delivery FOOD PRO DUCTIO N: Full fall term CM Cedar Village. •MSU. 351 6663 3 4-5(4) $1500. 1-4-514) basic office skills to assist in B AB Y SITTE R FOR tw o year leases only. Ju ne 15 or help w a nte d M u st have de tim e assistant. HRI students. Top floor 353 1446 8-4-13 the development of a small o ld 30 h ours week. Prefer S eptem ber 1 129 Burcham J 03 1973 Best offer. Call m y h om e P hone 332 2254. pendable car $ 3/h ou r plus Please send resume to 3600 8-4 13 .3 television production studio. ■ "35 1 5204. 4 4 7 (31 VEGA HATCHBACK, 1974 5 4 513) car expense Phone between Dunckel. a tte ntio n P Me Dt Efficiency $160 m onth. ATTCNTION Air conditioning, automatic, Long hours and low pay Damage deposit required 6 9 a.m. & 10 a m. o r 4 p .m . & 5 Carthy 5 4 10 (5) NEED 2 roommates starting OOLFIRS radials, 39,000 miles, $1200. while learning, but a poten p m 10 p m 882 2316 Ju ne 17 Capitol Villa. Allison. J ° K E c o r o n e t cu sio m H A L L SUPER VISOR S East p.m . for an a p p ointm e n t 72,000 miles. 5575. 355- 372 9728. 3 4-7(3) tially rewarding position if we Lansing High S chool. Full 694 7947 8 4 10(7) W A ITR E S S PAR T tim e tw o 0 20 4 28*9' 332 6881 5-4 10 «3» TINNÌ« PLATIRS make it. Call 374-6210 for ^ 2 4 5 (3 ) tim e and part tim e. A p p ly in n ights a w eek M u st have VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Beetle interview TRI STATE NO W LEASING for Sum m er C E N TR A IL> LOCATED, 2 person, P ersonnel O ffice B USPERSO NS NEEDED neat appearance and be de GOLF SUPPLIES Runs great, extra clean, Cali VIDEO, Lansing. 3 4 6 (14) and Fall 1 2 and 3 bedroom bedroom carpeted. A p p li­ Jj® G E T R A D E S M A N V a n . E AST L A N S IN G PUBLIC meals in exchange fo r light pendable. A p p ly in person fornia car, $560. 332-1177 or apartm ents, W alking dis ances. parking, pets, $175 WANTED DELIVERY men, S CHO O LS 509 B urcham bus duties. Call 332 5039. ask after 6 p.m . COREY S 1511 ■m cP0Wer s,eer'n9 /b rakes. tancp Call 351 4107 between ■M FM tape, quadrophonic, 485-0027. 8 4-13 (4) fo r Ja y W illiam s. Z 5-4 5(4) S Cedar St. Lansing utilities included 482-6677. SPECIAL part time, either mornings or D rive 8 4-7(7) 5 9 p m and Saturdays • v window, swivel chairs, afternoons. Must be reliable 7 4 12 (5' 8 4 13 141 VW 1973. Excellent inside 8 4 12(5' ■ bed' 'ce box, insulated! and have good driving LEGAL SECRETARY. Full FULL A N D part tim e jobs and out. AM /FM , good tires. available Excellent earnings SHO RT ORDER cook to SH AG BALLS P'peted, snow 1 224 8461 record. Call Bob Aldrich 882 tim e. Legal and d icta p h o n e f l Johns). 4 4 618) $2,000. 627 6384 after 3:30 Call 374 6328 b etw e en 4 6 w o rk 4 or 5 n ights per week SOUTH HOLMES near 0208. 3 4 6 (6) experience a m ust. Call 374 * 2 .0 0 p.m. or weekends. 8-4-14(4) p .m . 8 4 10(4i M u st have neat appearance Sparrow Hospita Upper 1 8890. 8 4 7(4) Includes |00GE VAN Camper *69., PART TIME counter repre a nd be dependable A pply »1 roo e tfii parking. A BOHN VW 1971, new brakes. FM, sentative to work in car rental U NIFO RM ED S EC URITY o f O R G AN IS T P art-tim e. Lan person after 6. CO R E Y S Kitchen utilities Panted. Good condi* office Weekends, 7 a.m. ficers. C.J. m ajors. Call 641 sing area church. 646 6892 LOUNGE. 1511 S. Cedar Share bath. $75 351 7497. runs well, $350, reliable tran­ PLASTIC K ? 0 484-M51. days or sportation. 351 2762. 4-4-5(3) 3 p.m. 489 1484 5-4 10 (3) 4562. 0 5 4 7(3) after 5:30 p m 8 4 11(3) Lansing 7 4 12 (6) 0 7 4 11i5' PRACTICE BALLS p - ^ in9Sandweek' Aero«* from 711 BarchaaiRd. 6 FORM. | A1 ’ 24 ,Spo,t Cuupe. -75. Now Leasing I ' - 1" miles Good perfor W illiams Hall NOW RENTING far Summer 197» Golf Rul. BooJtt 50' JO IN th e g a n g a t For Summer and Fall f c ell0W:allnVwhMl8- and Fall NEW AND USED i r ,e2 conditon; I ' 00' » 7 4 3 6 . 5 4 ¿(51 rust —2 bad room units —various floor plans Extra large one bedroom 1 S 2 bedroom Burcham Woods Now loosing fo r Fall GOLF CLUBS AVAILABLE M o c G re g o i —air conditlonad Apartm ents suitable fo r 2 or ro c k e ts 3 students. furn ish e d a p a rtm e n ts 'Naatad pool |°"d ilion 9 J 974' Ve' v 9°od —furnlshod / T se % ® ft * Air conditioning R m FM r ' M lch'olins, —carpotod x Mk All other brands —bast location In town • completely fu rn is h e d CEDARVIEW ‘ Tennis courts 25% o ff • carpeted-air ‘ Ample parking $3000' NORWOOD ‘ Nicely furnished Top grade a s low a s conditioning tennis balls • 3 large double closets RIVERSIDE ‘ SBlks. to campus a » 1» 19; l974, must ,e|1- *160 p e r m o n th m * 1 .” C a n o n • We poy Heat and woter K » ,7M • U N IVIM ITY Save . . 3 *tudents to an oportm ent as low as 'SO01 call 351-5647 fo r roles and Summer Now leasing for Summer and Foil 2 bedroom *1M LARRY CUSHION lim it 2 Bring This Ad. T IM A C I each pei month. SPORTING GOODS leases 1 bedroom *1S* P o t 1' ! ' |e«eni C0° Y milea9«. ex- ,974’ Au.0- 414 Michigan For Appointment Colt COOK - HERRIMAN V.W. INC. studios 745 Burcham *1M 3020 VINE STREET 337 7328 351-8764 1390 E. G ra n d R iv e r 6135 W . S A G IN A W 1 block N. of Mich. Av# P 23567 T , l" on »2600. 1+7® b6,0,e » pm. 1 -S p .m . O ffic e h o u rs WEST OF LA N S IN G M ALL 351*31 i s JUST WEST OF SEARS Coll 9-4 p.m. Summer leases *150 Coil from t-4p.m. PH. 332-1447 f ApfftMRtS Rooms ][> ! L fo r Sale f ^ ] [ For Sale ]($ ] For Salo ! 'V [ Porsoial ¡ |/¡ |]]p ii| Sonico |(*|) ¡ ACROSS FROM campus, EAST LANSING, share du J.V.C. STEREO Receiver full 100 USED vacuum cleaners. WANTED W OMAN to help 6x8x6 pine loft. Brand new, BORED ADULTS There is PROMPT, EXPERIENCED, spacious apartment, available plex. Furnished room. feature, $150 or best. 353 Tanks, cannisters, and up­ foreign student w ith English. perfect condition 332 1312. no such thing as no one for typing Evenings 675 7544 spring term. Reduced rent. Parking, bus. $100. 374 6366. 6917. 3 4-7(3) rights. Guaranteed one full Evenings 355 3892. 8-4-7(31 you. Thousands found happi C 20 4 2813) Call 351-8135 or 351-1957. 0 3-4 7(3)' year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS X 8 4 12(4) Announcement' for |. ness through computer dat­ Happening must - 0-8-4-1214) SLEEP WITH the best. The DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. COPYGRAPH SERVICE ing. Call 393-7000 and Sandy Slate News 0lt,re ¿ fi* * OWN FURNISHED room, finest in quality waterbeds at 316 N. Cedar, opposite City Complete dissertation and TUTOR WANTED FOR Phys w ill show you how to start board, laundry in familys the Sleep Shop in SOUND Mark«'!. C 20 4 28(7) Animals n enjoying life. 10-4-11(7) resume service. Corner MAC ics 310 Calculus concepts in Services Bldg., by n o « ,* tw o class days bef0,(^ * Hoists £ home. Campus close. 332- AND DIVERSION. 484 9300. and Grand River 8 30 am Physics Call Lisa 332 0513 N o a n n o u n c e ir e m s J * 0474. 8-4-14(3) Across from Knapp's down RECEIVERS BY Marantz, 530 pm Monday Friday. 10 4 4 513) WEIMARANER PUPS Show ed by phone w town. 0-1 4-5(6) Kenwood, Advent, Speakers quality. Pedigree. Loaded EUROPE. am 5 pm Saturday 337 1366 CHOICE OF 2 furnished ROOM FOR rent spring or by Advent, KLH, EPI. Tape with champions. $125. 339- I4 1 / ^ t l W W IIM I C 20 4 28(6) Joshua the Sun rooms 2 blocks from MSU. summer, $90 per month, no MAYTAG AUTOMATIC machines by TEAK, Advent, 8964. 8-4-14(3) l,i - n B/2 fa re Round Town $ Yahahua the Messiah'stY Parking. 332 0460. 6-4-713) deposit, no lease. 351-2773 or Washer and dryer; Nikon F Tanberg. Large selection of (800) 325-4867 TYPING. EXPERIENCED, Yahahua meet (lu,,, 6 ■* 351 1500. 8 4-14(4) camera and accessories. 351 HI FI gear We buy audio FREE PUPPIES. Mother pure fast and reasonable 371 ANTIQUE FAIR AND SALE 104 Bessey Hull ONE OR two roommates, 8125. 5 4 11(3) equipment. WILCOX TRAD­ bred English Setter. Father 4635 C 20 4 28(3) East Rotary 5th annual. West own room in house. $75 a SINGLE ROOM In large ING POST 485 4391. black Labrador. Call 646 Michigan’s best Quality deal Women s Brown B month plus utilities. 372-1840. INSTANT CASH We're pay­ house. Kitchen laundry, C 20 4 28(8) 8451 before noon or after 10 TYPING TERM Papers and ers from all parts of the held from noun io i 5-4-7(31 parking, excellent location. ing $1 $2 for albums in good shape. WAZOO RECORDS. p.m. 8-4 10(4) [PM NtstaM l I® theses, I B M experienced, country April 6 Ft 7, noon to Union Oak Room Ju $90/month. 332 1918. CUSTOM SANDALS. Hand­ fast service Call 351 8923 10 p.m., April 8, noon to 6 discusses ’ M e n s lr i,0.1( 233 Abbott. 337 0947 FOUR BEDROOMS, Summer 3-4-7(41 made from a drawing of your BEAUTIFUL FRIENDLY part HELP WANTED: Pat Ingram 0 20 4 28(3) p m Lectures daily 11 a.m. m Contemporary Lit,, C 20 4 28(4) sublet. Supreme location. 1 feet $2 off with this ad. 220 Persian cat for sale. 1 year and Diane Shelton desper East Grand Rapids High Phi Gamma fyl( block from campus. Fur­ LOW RENT, male needed Albert Street Monday Satur­ old. Must sell. For more ately need help in learning EXPERIENCED IBM typing School. 2211 Lake Drive PIRANHAS (2) 6 " long pira­ business soronty mMl nished. Clean. 351-0618. Spring only. $50 month. No day. 1 1 am . 5 p.m. 12 4 14i6) information call Barb at 393 how to play pinocle because Dissertations, (pica elite) 5 E , East Grand Rapids, nhas with 1 40 gallon tank tonight, 103 Epp|ev r „ 1 8-4-14(3) lease, no deposit. 332-2327. 3743. 7 4 11(4) they lost nine games to their FAYANN, 489 0358 Michigan Z 8 4 7(11) and 1 ten gallon feeder tank, members must » Z-5-4-1113) complete with stand and all APPLE CRATES ideal for husbands. The last one of C 20 4 28(3) SEVERAL 5 person houses nonary Rush meet»,, ^ accessories, plus extras. album storage, books, etc. which their husbands started for rent starting fall. 1 year CUT EXPENSES ft.M O NTIE $150 694 4468 after 6 pm . $2 75 each. WAZOO Rump Sill A out 200 points in the hole. EXPERT TYPING by MSU JACKSON M O W N ! Seniors' Numero,;, lease required, no pets. Rents HOUSE CO-OP. $270. Room grad 16 years experience 34-5(7) RECORDS 223 Abbott. 1-4-5(11) Corps opportunities a.'e , vary from $85-$ 100. per per­ and board-immediate Near Gables Call 337 0205 and 8 4 7(4) MOVING SALE-stereo, furni for positions thro,iota, son plus utilities. 772-4209 openings, close-good food. NEW. USED and vintage C 20 4 28(3) K A R L A RONOFF WOMEN'S FREE form 14 ture, plants, books, house­ world If interested aont*; after 5 p.m. 0-18-4-28(6) 332-8641 Z-3-4-7(4) guitars, banios, mandolins, Ptc Dulcimers and kits, re­ carat yellow gold ring, $60 hold good, clothes. April 7 & I Service ^ ANN BROWN TYPING dis TW ISDAT, A P R IL 1 1 International Programs originally, will sell for $30. 8.10 a.m.-7 p.m. 1312 Haslett sedations resumes term 2 W IMMIN needed for huge LARGE SINGLE, block cam­ corders, strings, accessories, Jonison Field Houso 353 6923 after 10 p.m, or Rd. #4. E Lansing. RESTORATION HARD papers. 601 Abbott Road, SQUARE DANCING old house near MSU. $95 a pus. Man. Quiet. $65. 332 books, thousands of hard to weekends. E 5 4 10 (5) Z 3 4-7(4) WOOD floor refinishing North entrance, 351 7221 month. Call 332-1798. 8498. 2-4-6(31 find albums, (all at very low 7 t 0 8 : 3 0 k n i g h t m fh e Un* * Quality work is my goal. Call C 20 4 28(4) Plenty of good seats still experience necessary 3-4-7(31 prices). Private and group MALE, OWN room furnished, lessons on guitar, banjo, BEAUTIFUL SHAG rug, 351 2087 8 1 11(4) ovailable at Sounds ond 8x11, olive green. Like new. THESES TYPING, term pa The Irish Music Society * HOUSE FOR rent, furnished, across from campus. Call mandolin, all styles Gift cer 351-8554. 2-4-6 (2) Will sacrifice for $55. 355- Lost t Found FOR QUALITY stereo ser pers. reasonable and expert Diversions and the MSU an organizational meeting *>: finished basement, garage, tificates Expert repairs free enced, call 332 2078 Union tonight. Union Oak Root* 1669. S 5-4-10 (3) vice, THE STEREO SHOPPE, close MSU, evenings. 351- estimates. ELDERLY IN 0 18 4 28(31 your instrument EAST LANSING Close in STRUMENTS 8-TRACK tapes, Burcham Ef 555 E. Grand River. 7064. 5-4-10 (3) 541 East ATTENTION SKIERS. End of Unfurnished with cooking Grand River 332 4331 Bailey Saturday p.m. Identify C 20-4-28(3) season special AREO REN PROFESSIONAL EDITING Natural Science Studer - privileges. Female only. Util C 20 4 28(13) * cost of ad. 332 4001 GARAGE WANTED to park TALS is selling its rental skis. FREE LESSON in complexion and typing. Papers, disserta sory Council meets at 7 30^ ities furnished. Phone 332 4 4 7 (3) LOSE INCHES Free trial car near campus, spring term. Cross-country package care. MERLE NORMAN tions. Minor corrections to 104 Natural Science BkJg Will pay reasonable price. 5988. 0-5-4-7(51 MINOLTA 202 camera, 10% off on protein powder $89.95 Downhill package COSMETIC STUDIO 321 rewrite. 332-5991 353-1490. 4-4-7 (3) 35mm, 1 7 lens, including LOST DOG; white with and vitamins MAX M's $99 95 339 9523 7 4 7(6) 5543. C 20 4 28(3) C 18-4 28 (4) Packaging Society *!!■ n WALKING TO MSU Female. case and hood $190 355 brown spots. Dalmation. SLENDRE SALON 351 6884 business meeting at 7 tor.vjr $70 month. Call 351-2731 6742 3 4 5i3> Please call 332-1275. 4-4-7 (3) B 1 4 5i4) NOW LEASING. 4 and 5 QUALITY USED equipment MID MICHIGAN Carpet care, UNIGRAPHICS OFFERS Natural Science Bldg \e* bedroom houses. Most w ith­ after 5:30 p.m. 5-4-7(31 at a fair price with warranty. steam extraction. Free esti­ COMPLETE DISSERTATION cers will be elected in walking distance to cam­ WEDDING GOWN with lace PE 3060 turntable $89 FOUND: RING in field by mates. 349-5849. 6-4-12 (3) AND RESUME SERVICE pus. Call 351-4107 between OWN ROOM in house. Fur­ Demonstration Hall. Call 355- coat, matching head piece, Advent Dolby System $80 type setting. IBM typing, Finding a cash buyer for Headstart needs students 5-9 p.m. or Saturday. nished, campus close. $100. 6941 X -4-4-10(3) size 10. $75 372 2647 Scott 20 watt receiver $175 offset printing and binding. s till good fu rn itu re , ested m helping kids grow ■ 337-9246. 6-4-10(3) 8-4-12(6) E 5-4 7i3i Intergral Systems Pre-Amp FOUND: ONE pair of contact Instructions For estimate stop in at 2843 appliances or musical entation meeting at 4 p $125 East Grand River or phone, instrum ents can be 150 Student Services Bidg NEEDED 4 to share 5 man MALE NEEDED, four bed­ lenses. For information call MOST LP’S priced $ 1.75- Akai cassette tape deck $149. 332 8414 C 20 4 28 (8 ) w ork . . or it can be house. Fenced backyard. room house, furnished, $90 Rich 337 1861 evenings. JUMPING AND DRESSAGE ACT meeting at 5 to $2.50. Cassettes $3. quality HI FI BUYS 337-1767 easy' When yo u have Pets. 332-8700. 8-4-7(3) month plus utilities. $50 de­ 5 4 7(3) lessons. Hunt seat equitation Agriculture Hall Field i guaranteed Plus 45 s, song 0 20 4 28i8< such items to sell, posit. Between MSU & LCC. term's activities will be n 351 -9269 evenings. X-8-4-7(6) books, and more. FLAT LOST DURING HEC 401 transportation available for Waited do it the easy way SINGLE ROOM for female in Thursday evening classes. BLACK AND CIRCULAR, w ith a lo w cost ad in nice coed house. Close to LARGE SELECTION of final. Lavender grey scarf. WILLOWPOND STABLES MSU Cycling Club m«.;,,.- campus. $80/month + utili­ EAST LANSING male stu­ upstairs, 541 E. Grand River frames, glasses for everyone. Has sentimental value. Re­ 3301 Harper, Mason. ATTORNEY DESIRES to rent Classified. Call today. tonight, 215 Men s IM 9^ Open 11 a.m. 351 0838 W e'll help you w o rd and ties. Rent paid till April 15th. dent single room, 332-5791 OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2617 ward Call 337-0135 3-4-5(41 676 9799. 8 4-7(5) an attractive. 3 to 5 bedroom discuss upcoming race C 20 4-28(7) place yo u r ad. Call 332-3336 or 355-0084 after 5:30 p.m., weekends E Michigan 372 7409 fully furnished home in Oke 3-4-6 (6) anytime X-3-4-514) C 20-4 28(4) mos School District, for 9 to Council for Exceptional Ox SEWING MACHINES, slight T-red of being broke? Get (C E C I meets at 7 30 torm- NEAR FRAN DOR, 129 South ROOM IN log cabin on Lake ly used. Reconditioned BOOKS - VISIT mid Michi­ fast cash by selling things 12 months beginning 9 1 78 GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and Financial and personal refer •TA TI NIWS Bessey Hall • ,. guaranteed. $39 98 and up drum lessons. Private instruc­ ences available upon request Homer. 3 bedroom, newly decorated, remodeled, new Lansing. Pets welcome. $88 month. 339-3556. 8-4 13 (6) EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING gan's largest used bookshop. CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 307 you no longer use with a fast action Classified Ad Call tion available. MARSHALL Call 3514191 evenings, 7 9 CLASSIFIEDS Horticulture Club meets r r tonight in 204 Horticulture 8 carpeting, partly furnished, 4-car garage. $385 + deposit. ROOM. PRIVATE CO 1115 N. Washington bath. 489-6446 C-20-4 28(61 E. Grand River. East Lansing. C 20-4-28(4) 355 8255 MUSIC. 351-7830. C-1-3-114) p.m Z 7 4-7(8) 353*8255 All interested are we(co^ attend 351-7497. 5-4-10 (7) Union close. $95 + utilities. 351-4597 or 332-8671. HDtdogs FARM HOME. 8 miles south, 8-4-13 (4) Hagadorn Road. 10 acres. 4 bedrooms, barns. $375 + deposit. Available now. 351- TEN MINUTES to campus. 3 or 4 students. $400 month Cool Share the Fun with 7497. 0-4-4-7 (6) BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX. One utilities paid. Call 371-2800. Evenings 484-6403 Pat Knit A p r il 7 & 8 t h Sports, 8-4-715) female needed to share room. $82.50/month. 351-0829. a ROOMS - CAMPUS near. 8-4-13 (3) Furnished, cooking. From $80 person, 485-1436. OKEMOS - 4 bedroom, 214 0-7-4-11(3) Every Monday and Wednesday bath furnished home. Fire­ from 3 p m g rille c dogs plus a ton. place, with air, all appliances. larqe selection of drought beer For Sale Available June 1-December 31. $400/month plus utilities. Call 349-4802. 5-4-10 (7) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. BRAND NEW Azuki 10- speed 23” frame, many alloy parts, new $190, sell for $140. L o st Guind Rii I M u rsli R d O k c m o s . M k ,wm O' 1> 1r;<— v ce rs w rM .A .C . 6 A lb e r t 4 bedroom house adjacent to Also used Azuki 10-speed campus. Includes fireplace, 23” frame, many special 541 E. Grand River and garage with studio Re­ parts, best offer, (1 season For leisure days (across from Berkey Hall) duced to $395/month. Call old.) Both bikes with 25 year EQUITY VEST, 351-1500. guarantee. John 337-0313. care-free cotton 0-20-4-28(6) 2-4-5 (8) or polyester SHARP DUPLEX. room. Close to Forest Akers. Call days 482-6232, nights Own PLAY GUITAR, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, dulcimer, auto­ harp, harmonica - over 20 r i 7 knit shirts in top styles, colors. MflirryS 882-1267. 8-4-14 (4) group classes offered every term by ELDERLY INSTRU­ 2 BEDROOM duplex, sum­ mer or 12 month lease. Mile to campus. After 5 p.m MENTS SCHOOL OF FOLK MUSIC. Spring term classes (8 weeks) start April 10. INI Lfl 337-0240. X8-4-10(3) Register now at ELDERLY 351-8880 INSTRUMENTS. 541 East EVERYTHING FOR THE MAN 1139 E Grand River F U ryp Grand River. Call 332-4331. • Velocipede Peddler C-1-4-5 (11) 305 EAST GRAND RIVER, EAST LANSING, Ml. Open Thurs. ft Fri. til 8;30 Fast, Free 351-7100 • Elderly Instruments 0 Nautilus (ontiquos ft crofts) WOMEN NEEDED to fill co­ Delivery 966 Trowbridge • Jo-EI Gomes ft Gifts 0 Jox Copying (desksn op, $135/term, utilities in­ 9 Flat, Block ft Circular 9 Kitchen Cupboard cluded. Call 332-6522. * don 't forget to ask (us<*d record* ft topes) Z-3-4-7 (3) • Family of Mon for fre e cups of Pepsi 0 Groat Lakes Mt Supply O Broslor's Ico Cream (wilderness outfitters) Paramount Nows BEAL COOP has one opening for spring term. $240 includes room, board, air conditioning, color cable TV, washer and dryer, lighted parking. 525 SIGN UP FOR Mother's Day Gift MAC Avenue or phone 332- 5555 Z 7-4 13 (7) SORORITY RUSH 1~*& 'Y CLOSE TO campus. Furnish­ Tonight in Dorms and the International Center ed rooms available. Utilities included. $105/month. Call EQUITY VEST 353-4831 or Rush begins A p ril 9th 351-1500. 0-20-4-28(5) For More Information Call: FEMALE OWN room in co-ed house, $80 plus utilities, no deposit and no lease, washer. 3 5 3 -2 9 6 5 r V ielt 351-5170. 309 Beal St. 8-4-13 (4) 329 er 101 Student Services Bldg. MSU NEAR, female, own room, nice house, $100/ month plus utilities. ¿2-3623. 8-4-13 (3) is Areas Only M ulti—Media Discotheque MALE, OWN room, laundry, 2843 E Gd. River, E Ians 351-1201 close to campus. Call 351- 3226 after 7 p.m. 2-4-5 (3) Wednesday Special NORTH CLEMENS, nished, female, all house privileges. Near bus. Drive­ fur­ Boozers Bazaar 35c way parking. 487-6390. 8-4-10(4) FEMALF TO share apart­ r O r d e r Now for MOTHER S DAY Send your Mother ih beautiful m eitage w n lte c ^ l ment. Own room. Nice. Close to campus. 351-2197. 6-4-5(3) e»pectoly lo r hot th e Scroll Wall Hanging •mbo»ted leather groined parchment »lock i t printed n 2 color» on heovy beige » Thursday Special genuine leather hanging »trap and real wood frame» »tamed to a w olnut h n ith (i.._ OWN ROOM In four bed­ room house off Michigan Sond I Scroll......... »3.00 + .*5 shppg. Sond 2 Scrolls......... »5.00 t .95 shppg. Suds 'n Subs Avenue. $70/month + util­ NAME ________ _________ ities. 484 8532. 3-4 5(3) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. ADDRESS CITY________________________STATE —— — —— —— ----- ' ,r I Greek Night Quiet for student. Nea' bus . Chock or monoyordor toM.C., 1732ft Juliana Avo. i line. $75 plus deposit, 489 mx 5574 after 5 p.m. 0 3 4-5(4) If you wish tha copy mallod ta your mothor. include a card with har noma, address and ilp . L |ru;r n State N e w », Eost L a n s in g . M ic h ig a n W e d n e s d a y , A p r il 5, 1978 1 5 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE [ n J a ckso n B ro w n e [0 (5. f Í V Ihfe by Bill Yates SPONSORED BY: S B PI w/Korla lonoff A p ril 11 « PLENTY OF GOOD I <12>WJIITTV(A *C) (23)WKAR-TV(PBS) I. SEATS AVAILABLE (JH'OH ! TH F PALI- EVEfJ IN S S U C IA S O i/F P AfAKE BiELlEV^ [WEDNESDAY (12) G e n e r a l H o s p ita l (10) M a ry T y le r M o o re (10) W o rld 's L a rg e s t In d o o r THF F i W F AfJP I ¿Ah>T m o r n in g (23) P a in t A lo n g w ith N a n c y (11) F ifte e n W ith S p iro OUT OFFOUfJpS/ L i l y f eud K o m in s k y C o u n try M u s ic S h o w (MAKE A (12) B ra d y B unch (11) W o n C h u e n ¡as Yoga and You 3:30 (23) T e le -R e v is ta à &OOV g h o t 11 55 (6) A ll in th e F a m ily (12) C h a rlie 's A n g e ls 730 9 :3 0 k News (23) V illa A le g r e \ ^ afterno o n (6) P ric e is R ight (11) S h in to w a . H e a rts in ' \ J 4:0 0 (10) H o lly w o o d S q u a re s H a rm o n y 1200 (6) N e w M ic k e y M o u s e C lub . T p f "C) Æ///tyifes (11) Im p re s s io n s 10:00 Hews (10) G re e n A c re s (12) M a ry T y le r M o o re (11) V id e o w a v e s ( $0y the le a s t (12) B o n a n z a (23) M a c N e il/L e h r e r R e p o rt revin and th e Pitts* (23) S e s a m e S tre e t (12) S ta rs k y A H u tc h H -r c ^ 3 - T ^ ê ß 8:00 11:00 4:30 (6) A m a z in g S p id e r-m a n (6-10-12) N e w s 12:20 (6) D o ris D a y (10) G riz z ly A d a m s nanoc 12:30 (10) G lllig a n s Is la n d 5 :0 0 (11) S o u n d -o ff 23 D ic k C a v e tt 11:30 PEANUTS ^ + CLEANERS « C .W C 4 L A U N D R Y EXPERT CARE (12) E ig h t is E n ough b y S ch u lz FOR A l l YOUR (6) H a w a ii F iv e - 0 u ij « ih ma usuusik irch For T o m o rro w (6) G u n s m o k e SPONSOREO BY: WEAR (23) L iv e F ro m th e M e t (10) J o h n n y C a rs o n 332-3537 jng Show (10) E m e rg e n c y O n e l 8 :3 0 (12) F o re v e r F e rn w o o d on sH o pe (12) A fte rs c h o o l S p ecial (11) C lo s in g C irc le (23) ABC N e w s 1:00 (23) M is te r R o g e rs ' N e ig h ­ 9 :00 12:00 ,ng and th e R estless b o rh o o d (6) M o v ie (12) M o v ie r Richer, For P o o re r 5 :3 0 | My C hildren as- ie Poso, USA? (11) W E IM N e w s (23) E le c tric C o m p a n y MSU SHADOWS n il MAT 1:30 E V EN IN G bv Gordon Carleton w ith this co m ic1 the W orld Turns 6:0 0 Pete s 1 A lb e rt at MAC SPONSORED BY: ys ol O ur Lives under Moon s (6 1 0 1 2 ) News rnabout (11) TNT T ru e A d v e n tu re ra V B A L k P E T E ’S 2:00 T ro ils e Lite to liv e (23) D ic k C a v e tt er Easy 6 :3 0 2 30 (6*10*12) N e w s T M h iy 't I s m M i ding lig h t (11) B la c k N o te s T qw yie h i cfors 3:00 (23) O v e r Easy FRANK & ERNEST I N A Gourmet Ireot ! 7 :0 0 by Bob Thaves other W orld (6) M y T h re e Sons SPONSORED BY: I U A ZT IC O M S T A H M N T H Ö M .A C . M M I I 1 ADVBRTISI duty P o ít e r S) OftATÎ I ’M ASSIGNED PA M - iu û L o a W Ä P T H TO E nvY A o A |N | - É f tN lf i tN v Y - Fr a n k dU íT ONCE I'D LIKE IN THIS SP A C I GtUTTOKiy - SKuPf ' Lufir - FuiW v To « T ASS ICVM&D TO ñ N O tR oovEtino- c i G u j TTOiuY Of? SLOTH, CALL 353-6400 LIKE T H E Risr Of ¿ L Ü jiliiU J i Y»U & UYSÎ ? 4 .5 * Low gas pnces THE DROPOUTS ’ < m s WITH FARLEY ‘ Plus by Post “ »PU S S I Frank Service B m N ’i LH tto P rM w ey SPONSORED BY: PIZZA 2 *»•!•*« 310 W G'ond Ri>«> le re k * » ■ ♦ !•■ 130’ s G> River SPONSORED BY: I HÇARTH6CHICF We Appreciate Your Businett W0WT 1ST TOU WAT a t h is d iv e r lcOüLD 0 U s a v t o a t w sin c e N C M c e in c iz ö IW6BVISTS FDR W 5 SPECIAL C.EAM TO THE Hisnooe.AiK. fl interest groups are uecv RIGHT |0RSAM(2EP,CöNGCESÖ’«AW? DONT ROOK fofiso«i2eD?i THE BOAT! PILLOW TALK B.C. 1 FURNITURE I* w u , Soft and SPONSORED BY: by Johnny Hart u » w *t cm*. *•«» pHle» Ivm ltur* IMBLEWEEDS CAMPUS Free Delivery: 35117*7 uni K. Ryan PIZZA |« n IJI2M lch. Aw . I 'D L IK E I D 9C Ÿ A W HÄT H M T B N B C 1 I “ 1 u ■ lr t f c v N y w ie k anl> O F F a l = £ TcETH T O TiHE PAIR Y ^ U WHEN I 1\C7KE l)P iT W tó r L u_ O f ¿JU A R IS R S . 0 D J6 H T Y e ^ r e f z c f Y ' Y L -D  T V 7 fâ 11 ^ W / FET&Zs W / DRU& % \ / SZKB \ Noir Styling for Mm and Woman SAM and SILO A . S ly Call lap appointment today p k M W im ifl Î0SSWORD HQ □ a SCSi a s Ohepords by Jerry Dumas and M ort Walker SPONSORED BY Q S sinngsfirn gs TO* MAC Malawi Jana« Stationary No** opon Saturday« PUZZLI ttdoss s s s s SPONSORED BY: campus plant S00S T T w lé í L R V E Y Nil cwtury welt sofa Division of time 27 Dowry 29 Ihrows a lasso s s a am asta 0 0 S A Y ? M OST MEM AR E F R I? fJt e NE P r ttfwtiofl mark 33 Mihis friend a n s a Jutmwts H 0 S H H BY BEAUTIFUL _ii. 36 hooey buzzard freed s a WOMEN 38 Sayings Vndti 39 Beserii S S B S S i Pesiaste 41 Accordingly asa asm piTaton ydner <2 Appendage 43 Small jungle lN l§ a assi P M P lA lS l animal 48. Took five 2 Mental condition _ ~duDiable 45 Pppiar pidy 49 Baker's shovels 3. Imitation pearl 46 Absolute 4 Mislay s poetic towage 47 Epithet of /eus "savw" 5 Compass point g g O T O K I. Mite 6 Wate bottle è 9 IO " 7 Burrows or Beame 8. Memo 3 9. Admire S U N D AY AT DOOLEY'S |l5 10. MmUq m I capsule 11. Compound ether BEETLE BAILEY SPONSORED BY: JA Z Z W ITH THE IB g g ij B i l l EVAN S TRIO •8 17. Pronoun jy M ort W alker 20. Plummet 21 'nr 21. Shattad 24. Verbal ending p5“ 28. Denial 28. Experimented 5T“ 30 Aesthetic teste 31. Cosmetic fa 32. flavors 33. Mom ashen 34. Ammonia w compound 35. Blows a horn HI 37. Artificial language 40. Consokdate T © U y u J ^ j© -» ^ > hT 42. Ice mass 44. taviousJy 45 Snake ^W«dn#»day Aprj| G r a n d R iv e r a t H a g a d o rn i n I ___th e B r o o k f ie ld P l a z a , — — ' I- • O P E N IN G Î 1 Î MHJ : I W. 1 : T ï 1 | ^ SONY 4-Hour AM/FM Stereo Receiver Panasonic Lafayette’s Famous “ Powerhouse” Receivers Video Cassette Recorder • features separate bass, treble and balance c o n tro ls « tape m o nitor • signal strength meter • re co rd y o u r fa v o rite TV p ro g ra m fro m any c h a n n e l w h ile away or * 99s8 w a tc h in g a no the r sh ow ' • 100% so lid s ta te » a u to m a tic th re a d in g • switchabll I 180 Watt AM/FM Stereo Receiver w/DOLBY 4 h ou r 2 h o u r re co rd p lay back • b u ilt-in d ig ita l clock, tim e r • b u ilt-m chann* | VHF UHF tu n e r • in clu d e s re m o te pause c o n tro l d u s t c o ve r 1-2 hour tar • the L a fa y e tte LR 9090 p o w e rh o u se re ce iver fea tures p ro visio n s tor 3 p a irs o f m a u to m a tic s h u t-o ff • eded a ccesso rie s fo r easy h o o k up speakers • b u ilt-in FM d o lb y • b u ilt-in m ike m ix in g • tw o p h o n o in p u ts» PLL • d ual m eters • d ual tape m o n ito rs • d e te n t bass, tre b le and m id ra n g e c o n tro ls • 90 w a tts per ch a n n e l d riv e n in to 0 ohm s fro m 20-20 00 0 H z at no m o re th a n 0 1% to ta l h a rm o n ic d is to rtio n ^ F M m 79988 AM/FM/8-Track 110 Watt AM/FM Stereo Receiver • the L a fa y e tte p o w e rh o u se LR 5555 fea tu re s p ro v is io n s for 3 p a irs of Stereo System speakers • PLL • a u d io m u te sw itch • d ua l m e ters • d u a l tape m o n ito rs • v a ria b le m ike m ix in g • d e te n te d bass treble, a nd m id ra n g e co n tro ls • 55 w a tts p e r ch an ne l, b o th c h a n n e ls d rive n in to 8 o h m s fro m 20-20 00 0 Hz • 24988 Police/Fire Scanner w o o d ca bin e t Programmable Special Purchase! 14988 • b e a u tifu lly d esig n ed to m a tch any deco r • p o w e rfu l so lid state • covers an p u b lic se rvice b an ds • easy to p ro q ra m a u to m a tic Irequ a m p lifie r p ro d u ce s fa n tastic so un d • b u ilt-in AFC n o d rift tu n in g • auto c o m b s take the p lace o f cry s ta ls • co m e s c o m p le te w ith 20 fre qu e ncy co o r m a n ua l 8 -tra ck pro gra m ch a n g e r • p air o f w .de range speakers w ith a nte nn a and p ow e r c o rd • AC DC o p e ra tio n • A C T -W 10 foam g rille s • m o d el 2066 Dual 502 Single Play Hr Recency Touch 16 Channel Scanner ACT-16K 249. 88 Rock w h ile you Roll Semi-Automatic Turntable Electro-Voice EV16B H ig h w a y H i -F i • sy n c h ro n o u s m o to r • 1 2 " p re cis io n -m a c h in e d p la tte r • tru e, fo u r-p o in t g y ro s c o p ic g im b a l s u spe nsion • ton e arm lifts and m o to r sh uts off • big, p o w e rfu l 12" a co u stic suspe nsion w oofer w ith full, re so u n d in g bass re sp o n se » 5 m id ra n g e a u to m a tic a lly at e nd o f p lay speaker • co n e tw e ete r fo r clean w e ll dispe rse d h igh s • w a ln u t fin ish ca bin e t 6 9 s8 Miscellaneous Buys! Canadian DOC approval »1 m v ÛDP I O N E E R ’ Deluxe 40 Channel Digital CB ==BB Tools and Hardware f A O O * a lea<*er in ,he m d u s try • r f gam • nc 13 pc. Hi Speed D rill Set in , SAE o f M etric 11 pc. Com bination b la n ke r • d e lta fu n e • b rig h tn e s s switc carry case ................................ 3.88 wrench s e t ....................................g.gg J m u c h m o re Block & Tackle H oist. 2000 lb. c a p a c ity .......................................3 . SAE 40 pc. V socket set. In-Dash AM/FM/Cassette Stereo System Vacuum Vice. Double Jaw , . 4. carry case ....................................9 88 World's Greatest CB Base- P io n e e r K P 8005 S u p e rtu n e r In-D ash p la y e r w ith fast fo rw a rd • re w in d • SAE 21 pc. V ," socket set. carry case .................................. 6.88 M etric National 40 pc Tap & Die Set 40 Channel Radiotelephone p u s h b u tto n tu n in g • a d ju sta b le shafts to fit m o st c a rs • P io ne er p o w e rb o o ste r CB Accessories d e live rs u p to 12 w a tts p e r ch a n n e l» m o d el Lock M ount fo r car stereo o r CB. t neutron be A D -3 12 • tw o P io n e e r TS690 6 x9 sp ea kers w ith g rille s in clu d e d 1 9988 9-2061 ........................................................... 2.88 Underdash In Line Power M eter, C B 3 4 A ............................................................. 3 gg Jtion while lin vied for use a pan be fired Trunk M ount Antenna. Base Loaded 40 ch style may v a ry .............................................. g.gg Je l.S. militai Royce Field Strength M ater ....................9.88 s * ri° u s I attack in ci Magnetic Antenna base loaded 40 ch. • space aqe features Iptage. 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